
March 18, 2018 | Author: abhidhingra | Category: File System, Computer File, Computer Data Storage, Software, Areas Of Computer Science



PSSP (Parallel Systems Support Program).PMR -> Problem Management Report CUod -> Capacity Upgrade on Demand #splitvg -y newnameofthevg -c 3 origVG #recreatevg [ -y VGname ] [ -p ] [ -f ] [ -Y Lv_Prefix | -l LvNameFile ] [ -L Label_Prefix ] [ -n ] disks.... -> This command will give newvgname to all those disks which were duplicated from a volumegroup disks, it generates new pvids and you can specify new names to lvs which exists in the pvs. #joinvg origvg #getlvodm -C command will list all the configured physical volumes in the system. inodes keeps metadata info of a file thats 1. permissions 2. no. of links 3. type of file 4. uid/gid 5. size 6. address of blocks 7. time mod/access/create 8. acl 9. reserved other /etc/netsvc.conf -> just like /etc/nsswitch.conf #mkvgdata vgname (the file like in mksysb (#mkszfile) will be created as /tmp/vgdata/vgname/ File /etc/dumpfdates Chapter -2 ODM Q how to verbosefully run administrative commands? A #sh –xv #set –xv #script Q A Q2. A2. Q3. A3. what are vgstates and lvstates? active/complete, active/partial, inactive and open/synched , closed. How many types of information is stored in ODM? SMIT, SVPD, NIM, TCP/IP, Devices, SRC, Error Log and Dump. What are the characteristics of ODM Table and what are the operations applied on them, give examples? 1. Object Class (odmcreate and odmdrop) like PdAt, CuDep. 2. Descriptors (queries are done on descriptors=value and command used is “odmshow”) like uniquetype, attribute, values, name. 3. Objects (odmget, odmadd, odmdelete and odmchange). What is the extension name of Object Class file? odmcreate file.cre What is the command to configure devices and where does it refer to configure them? “cfgmgr” command refers Config_Rules. Explain the ODM repositories. 1. /etc/objrepos (System specific ODM and cannot be exchanged with other machines) 2. /usr/lib/objrepos (AIX specific ODM and can be shared with other AIX machines) 3. /usr/share/lib/objrepos (can be shared with other UNIX machines) Q3.a A3.a Q4. A4. Q5. A5. /etc/qconfig and user information etc. odmget –q “uniquetype=tape/scsi/8mm and attribute=block_size” PdAt > file b.7 How will you change the block_size attribute of 8mm scsi tape object in ODM? a.Q6. some other configuration information is stored in files like /etc/filesystems. A. vi file . Q7. A6. Does ODM maintain all information about system? No. Another way is #odmchange –o PdAt –q “uniquetype=tape/scsi/8mm and attribute=block_size” file Q8. A8. What is the state of cleanup failure filesets? Broken. 1->Don’t Care. run “#installp –C “ to cleanup. What are the commands to show attributes of PdAt and CuAt? lsdev –PH for PdAt and lsattr –El for CuAt. 0 -> Defined. What is BLV? Kernel + Reduced ODM + rc. A15. cfgmgr.Change this value and save the file. Q15. What are the values of “chgstatus” in CuDv and their meaning? A13. base=1 means devices which are to be available at boot time and loaded when booting by restbase. A16. Q18. A10. ipl_varyon. What is the meaning of base=0 or 1 in PdDv for any device. A14. copycore. 2 -> Stopped. What are the values of “status” in CuDv and their meaning? A12. Boot Process.1” (means range of values and increment interval) ……… ……… odmdelete –o PdAt –q “uniquetype=tape/scsi/8mm and attribute=block_size” (delete an object) odmadd file c. values = “0-245760. A18.boot + boot commands (restbase. savebase. What is the command to cleanup installation and how will you find improper installation? run #lslpp –L if it lists “Committing” or “Applying” or “Rejecting” or “De-installing” for long time. that can be shown by “lscfg –v” command. A9. 1 -> Available. 3->Missing. Q10. 2->Same. Q14. serial number etc. 0->New. Q13. Chapter 3 Q17. A17.PdAt: uniquetype = “tape/scsi/8mm” attribute = “block_size” deflt = “1024” ------. Q16. Q12. Command to install BLV? bosboot –ad devicename . d. Q9. Where will you find the major and minor numbers of device in ODM? in CuDvDr. bootinfo). What is stored in CuVPD Vital Product Data stores manufacturer’s information. value1 and value2. Q23. it lists all LVs into that and gives options for 1. What are the options in “Access Root Volume Group”? It lists all volume groups and their PVs. Copy System Dump to Media. when selecting right Root VG. when doing bad block relocation. Q24. A20. Q21. Command to check/change boot devices? F5. . Q25. NIM. 3. when fixing log volume by “logform /dev/hs8” command. when changing corrupted system file and when fixing corrupt BLV through bosboot. How do you reallocate bad blocks? dd count=1 bs=4k skip=31 seek=1 if=/dev/lv00 of=/dev/lv00” Q23. A25. When will you chose “Access Volume Group and start a shell before mounting filesystem”? When repairing FileSystem through “fsck –y –V jfs2 /dev/hd4” . A22. 2. bootlist –o –m normal/service or through diag command “Display or Change bootlist” and through SMS (F1) What are the options in maintenance mode? 1. A19. A24. A21. When will you use “Access Volume Group and Start a Shell”? When changing size of filesystem.Q19. What are the ways to boot AIX into maintenance mode? CDROM. Q22.Access RootVolume Group. Install from a System Backup. Access this Volme Group and start shell before mounting filesystem. mkinsttape. 2. Q20. Access Advanced Maintenance and 4. Access this Volume Group and start Shell. boot 1 init process runs from BLV and calls rc. call rc.boot 2 is called. 3. run errdeamon.dt to start console. Q29. fsck hd9var and mount and run “copycore” to copy dump into /var/adm/ras.boot 3 run init from hd4. ipl_varyon loads rootvg. A34. 4. run /etc/inittab . Q27. Give a recovering getty. A33. run “diag –a” in that case and complete /etc/inittab. Log an error in errlog file. What are the options for Priority Problem in SHD? 1. if chgstatus=3 in CuDv means device is missing. Q33. unmount /var and swapon hd6. A29. console. What is the meaning of Option Enablement Priority Timeout (seconds) Give a recovering getty enabled 60 120 A38. Launch a command. Reboot the system. What are the parts of /etc/inittab file? id:runlevels:action:command What is the meaning if the runlevel is blank in /etc/inittab file? Run in all rulevels. A28. nim. Do all AIX servers have service mode. Q30.boot 3. Q32. cfgmgr –p3 for service mode to configure devices in ODM and save configured ODM into hd5 using savebase. A35. Q28.boot 2 then rc. bosinst. Files for Config_Rules? /etc/methods/defsys and /usr/lib/methods/deflvm What are the types of alog? boot. fsck hd3. fsck hd4 and mount. A27. go to Utilities and install firmware from floppy. remove /etc/nologin file. A37. how will you check? by bootlist command. A31. Please write steps in rc. cfgmgr –p2 for normal mode. What are the types of actions in /etc/inittab? off/once/wait/respawn/powerfail/sysinit(only when system is rebooted) How many types of shdaemon are? Priority Problem and Lost I/O detection. Q37. Q36. A36. A26. Q35. Q38. How do you upgrade firmware? In SMS. 2. fsck hd2 and mount. That means give a login console with priority 60 if system is hanged for 120 sec. A32. Display a warning message. Q31. A30. Please write steps in rc. syncvg rootvg. dumpsymp. Q34. Turn Off LEDs. . cfg. run cfgcon and rc.boot 1 that calls restbase. 5.Q26. loads reduced ODM and runs “cfgmgr –f” on base=1 devices and checks boot device from “bootinfo –b” Please write steps in rc. Q41. What is the output of #uname –m and where is the output used? 0002DAAED700 here first 8 characters are machine ID and last 4 are machine model. Q42. What are the options for Lost I/O detection in SHD? 1. 2. A39. shconf –E –l prio How to configure RMC (Resource Monitoring and Control)? through wsm. smit shd 2. Where is LVM data stored? VGDA. Display a warning message. A40. Reboot the system What is the way to configure SHD? 1. A43. lsvg rootvg -> VG IDENTIFIER: 0002daae0000d7000000010d3ae8070d # lspv hdisk0 0002daaea620d8a6 (date/time configured) rootvg hdisk1 0002daae1581f1d0 rootvg hdisk2 0002daae98166b79 rootvg #lslv hd4 LV IDENTIFIER: 0002daae0000d7000000010d3ae8070d. VGSA and LVCB (First 512 bytes of each LV) .4 (VGID minor number) Q43.Q39. A42. A41. Q40. Another way is. Q56. We can use “-f” option that will varyonvg but PV will be in removed state. A55. #exportvg homevg.Q44. A56. Q46. identifies correct PP. . A52. chvg –Qn rootvg. What is MWC (Mirror Write Consistency)? It is used when entire VG is mirrored. A47. A46. mirrorvg rootvg 4. Q55. Stores info in Outer Edge and keeps all LVs with MWC in outer edge. varyonvg fails. Q47. Can you varyonvg a VG if Quorum is disabled and VGDA is less than 51%? If VG is mirroed. minor numbers of devices? #odmget –q “value3=devicename” CuDvDr What will you do if there is any inconsistency in VG other than rootvg? #varyoffvg homevg. extendvg . chvg –Qn rootvg. bootlist. 4. Q52. Q45. 6. Q48. reboot. 1. A lvlstmajor Q A Q54. Yes else no. When system crashes. syncvg –v rootvg. Q50. A50. 7. 3. Q49. Q51. How will you create new LVCB ? lrecreatelvcb How will you mirror rootvg? 1. How do you find VGDA from ODM? #lqueryvg –p hdisk1 –At What is the command to get LVCB? #getlvcb –At hd4 How will you find VGID of rootvg from ODM? #odmget –q “name=rootvg and attribute=vgserial_id” CuAt How will you find major. 3. mklvcopy All LVs. bosboot and bootlist What happens when Quorum is lost? If VG is active. What is /etc/vg/vgVGID? Handle to VGDA in memory. A45. If VG was inactive. 5. A49.a command to get free major numbers. #importvg –y homevg hdisk9 What will you do if there is inconsistency in rootvg? run #rvgrecover What will you do when you find one copy in a disk of an LV has stale partitions. run #varyonvg VGName which calls #syncvg –v vgname and synchronize corrupt PV. Q53. A54. # cfgmgr . A53. A51. #extendvg rootvg newdisks. 2. bosboot. A48. All LVs are inaccessible and closed. 2. Command to mirror LVs? # mklvcopy LogicalVolumeName Numberofcopies Q53. A44. syncvg 5. for rootvg. replace disk which is not mirrored but working. #restore –rvqf /dev/rmt0 When non-rootvg has failed.Disk Replacement Q57. /etc/exclude. lspv –l disk1. Q60. A65.vgname What is the command to make system backup? mksysb –i –vf /dev/rmt. A64. A66. exportvg to remove vginfo from ODM. replace disk which is not working and not mirrored. Q63. restvg –f /dev/rmt0 disks… or createvg lvs and filesystem and restore from backup. reducevg vgname oldvg. mount lvs. exportvg. rmdev –ld olddisk. rmdev –dl all disks. extendvg vgname newdisk. extendvg. But for rootvg. file) . mklv. A63. umount /dev/lvx. A67. extendvg vgname newdisk. reducevg. How will you replace a disk which is mirrored? Remove all copies of all LVs from disk. If an exported vg is being imported again after making changes in LVs. varyoffvg. varyonvg –v vgname. cfgmgr. Q58. rmfs and rmlv. what option is used? #importvg –L –y myvg hdiskx (-L learning mode) What is the name of file that includes names of files not to be taken backup. A57. Q64. connect new disks. What are the steps to export VG? umount all LVs. swapoff pagingdevice. exportvg and importvg works. crfs. Q67. run rvgrecover If single LV ODM fails? synclvodm –l lvname vgname. A61. Q66.0 (-i means create new image. after adding new disk-> #migratepv -l hd5 hdisk1 hdisk2 #bosboot –ad /dev/hdisk2 #chpv –c hdisk1 (clean boot sector info) #bootlist #migratepv hdisk1 disk2 reducevg and rmdev hdisk1 Q59. rmdev –l hdiskx –d. If someone has removed disk from ODM using rmdev? #reducevg vgname pvid If ODM got corrupted for a VG? if vg is not rootvg. Q62. A58. Q65. A60. migratepv olddisk newdisk. A62. Q61. reboot. mirrorvg lvxx 2 newdisk. rmdev. #unmirrorvg lvxx 1 hdiskx #reducevg vgname diskx. importvg. How will you determine the blocksize of tape created for mksysb? #chdev –l rmt0 blocksize=512 #tctl –f /dev/rmt0 rewind #restore –s2 -xvfq /dev/rmt0/tapeblksz #cat /tapeblksz What are the two usage of Alternate Disk Installation? To install mksysb on another disk in running machine or To clone rootvg on running machine. Q70. #smit alt_clone. rootvg data. A70. 1. Q71. Boot Image for savevg command? /tmp/vgdata/vgname/vgname. A72. A68. #alt_disk_install -d /dev/rmt0 hdisk2 (Then use bootlist) #smit alt_mksysb tapeblksz. if you want to use installation media to install additional packages) How to change PP Size? #mkszfile # vi /image. Dummy TOC File 4. (First three parts are stored in 512Blocks).Q68. PROMPT = yes RECOVER_DEVICES = yes/no (To restore network information of the source machine) SWITCH_TO_PRODUCT_TAPE (To make clone. How will you verify the mksysb data? #tctl –f /dev/rmt0 rewind #restore –s4 -Tqvf /dev/rmt0 > toc-file What are the special switches in bosinst. 1. A78. Q76. Q69. A71. Q74. What is the structure of mksysb tape? It has 4 parts. Q78. A77. Command to take online backup of JFS2 #chfs -a splitcopy = /backup -a copy = 3 /usr #backup -0 -vf /dev/rmt0 /backup #unmount /backup #rmfs /backup How to take snapshot of LVs and how to restore? Q73. #alt_disk_install -C –b update_all –l /dev/cd0 hdisk1 (installing from first disk0 to disk1 and also using installation CD to upgrade). Command to backup VG? #savevg –f /dev/rmt0 VGNAME How many copies are required to take online JFS2 backup? 3 copies. maintenance files). A73. Q75. A69. How will you remove another alt_disk_install image? #alt_disk_install -X What is the name and location of similar file image. mkinsttape image (image. 3. Q77. Q72. . and change PPSIZE then take mksysb and restore. A75. there are very few devices which can be analysed.diag. Q87. Splitvg creates /fs/data filesystem for newvg. A88. smit 3. A84. Q81. Stand Alone Mode using diag CD. A83.2. restart. System Verification 2. Q83. boot in service mode. System Crash 4. Q86. reset button 5. ask for tape) Always allow dump (Can use Keyboard or Reset Button) . When rejoining the VG. Q82. Q88. A80. diag will automatically run. A85. sysdumpdev –l Primary Dump Device Secondary Dump Device Copy Directory Forced copy flag (If /var is full. #fsdb Examine or modify snapshot superblocks and map. What are the 5 ways to get system dump? 1. A86. What are three modes for diag? Concurrent Mode when device is busy. #snapshot. A81. shutdown machine. How to use Diagnostic CD? Insert CD. can take inode based backup and #joinvg SnapshotVG Q80. whenever changes are done on any side VG. How to check diagnostic reports? /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/diagrpt –r/a How to do diagnostic in old systems? In SMS mode. Keyboard 2. What are the selection options in diag? Diagnostic Routines -> 1. A87. A82. command Q85. Q84. select “Test The Computer”. #mount –v jfs2 –o snapshot /dev/mysnaplv /home/mysnaplv Copy corrupted file from mysnap to original location and unmount /home/mysnaplv How does VG snapshot work? splitvg causes mirrored VG to save snapshot. Q89.rte What is diag used for? diag is used for testing devices if they are not busy and analyzing error reports generated by errpt.A79. which fileset is required for diag? bos. other side corresponding PPs are marked stale. A89.3) -f force split even if there are stale partitions -i creates independent VG which can not be rejoined. #splitvg [ -y SnapVGnam ] [ -c copy ] [ -f ] [ -i ] VGname -c specifies which mirror to use (1. Problem Determination. #backsnap. Command to list crash dump configuration. Maintenance Mode “shutdown –m” then run diag. both are synched. large_dump: DUMPDEVICE = /dev/ls_dumplv SIZE_GB = 1 Command to estimate dump size? #sysdumpdev -e How to set compressed Dump? #sysdumpdev -C Command to integrate all sysdumpdev options? “dumpcheck” Give ways to take system dump. Q98. Q97. A98. . #sysdumpdev -P -s /dev/rmt0 Command to display last dump information sysdumpdev -L What is /dev/hd7? Machines with Real Memory > 4GB creates dedicated dump device in hd7 How will you specify dump device through mksysb? in /bosinst. #sysdumpstart –p/s or smit to enable) Q95. A91. A95. 3. A96. A90. 1. Reset button. Command to change secondary dump device permanently. A93. Command to deactivate primary dump device temporarily? #sysdumpdev –p /dev/sysdumpnull (this command will set primary dump device to /dev/sysdumpnull temporarily. A92. Keyboard (Use Ctrl + Alt + Num Pad 1/2) (use #sysdumpdev –k 2. Q91. A97. Q96. Q94. A94.Dump Compression Q90. Q92. Q100. When will you confirm your system is CPU bound? A103.Z IBM will use kdb command to analyse. #tprof -x sleep 60 This creates __prof.0.all file 100 ticks=1sec Q105. Q101. Memory usage report command A105. A106. backup /unix and /var/adm/ras/vmcore.Q99. How to check Priority? A102. It creates system dump and if in #smit chgsys “Automatically Reboot after System Crash” is set. #ps aux and #sar -u Q102. Command to analyse Filesystem and DiskIO . What happens after system crash? A99. when sys% + usr% > 80% Q104. #snap -a -o /dev/rmt0 Command used to create tape. #svmon –Pt 10 Q107. How to collect system information and crash dump for IBM analysis? A100. its block size. reboots. Command to check CPU A101. #vmstat #svmon –G (Global Report) Q106. ps –elf Q103. Command to find top 10 memory bound processes. Command to generate CPU bound processes Monitoring report A104. vi /etc/qconfig Ksh: Device = kshdev Discipline = fcfs Kshdev: Backend = /usr/bin/ksh #qadm –D ksh (make queue down) #qprt –P ksh script1 #qprt –P ksh script2 When system is free: #qadm –U ksh (make queue up) Q109. Command to configure PDT A111.g. #/usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/pdt_config Q112. How to use qconfig to schedule processes? A108. 20+15 =35)? A109. #iostat –E #filemon -o filename #trcstop (To stop tracing) #cat filename Q108. For user “adm” ***** /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/Driver_daily (Collect Information) ***** /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/Driver_daily2 (Generate Reports) ***** /usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/Driver_offweekly (Remove reports) Q113. Q111.A107. #nice –n -15 command& Q110. Command to change nice value of a command? A110. What changes PDT do in crontab when configured? A112. #renice –n -10 commandPID Nice value will change from 35 to 25. How to run a command with specific nice value (e. PDT Files? . SYSTEM. /etc/security/user auth1 = SYSTEM. add shell /usr/bin/Rsh to /etc/security/login.deputy1. /var/perf/cfg/diag_tool/.cfg Secondpassword: Program = path to script vi /etc/security/user auth1= SYSTEM. How to make double password method? A118. Q116.cfg add “herald = message”. Where to add another authentication script? A117.files /var/perf/cfg/diag_tool/. in /etc/security/login. How to restrict user to particular directory? A116.deputy2 So it will ask for login password. vi /usr/lib/security/methods.Secondpassword Q118.cfg #chuser SHELL=/usr/bin/Rsh username Q117. Write some configuration files for PDT.limits Security Q115. deputy1 and deputy2 passwords . A114. How will you change login message? A115.nodes /var/perf/cfg/diag_tool/.Q114.threashhold /var/perf/cfg/diag_tool/. cfg Q122. #acledit attributes: SUID base permissions: owner(frank): rwgroup(system): r-x others: --extended permissions: enabled deny r-. g:system specify r-. restrictions on ACL? A120. Commands to use TCB? A122. press Ctrl + x and Ctrl + r Attention Key) If login screen stays.cfg) #tcbck -a filename=classname (add file to particular class in sysck. chmod in octal format removes ACL Only backup command saves ACLs acledit requires vi editor Q121.u:chas. Options in ACL and its command? A119.cfg) #tcbck -t classname (check all files listed for a class) #tcbck -d filename Q123. How to find if file is trusted? A123. g:mail permit rw.Q119. filename filename Q124.g:account. g:finance #aclget and aclput Q120. At login prompt. #ls -le filename -rw-rw---root system #tcbck –n filename Fixed Now #ls -le filename -rw-rw----+ root system + sign indicates file is trusted. its original else it will open tsh (called SAK. Where does TCB stores rules? A121. /etc/security/sysck. g:gateway. Secure . #tcbck –t /etc/passwd #tcbck –t tree (for complete current directory) -t (check and prompt) -n only reports -p fix without report or prompt -y report and fix #tcbck –t ALL (check all files listed in sysck.u:john. How will you find Trojan horse? A124. Where does error log save report in ODM? A132. #startsrc -s inetd -a “-d” (Start with Debugging enabled) . /var/adm/ras/errlog Q130. /etc/syslog. How to configure Trusted Terminal? A125. How do you clear error reports? A131. /etc/objrepos/errnotify #odmshow errnotify Important is “err_method” Q133.conf and loghost entry in host file Q134. #errpt -a (detail report) #errpt -A (Intermediate report) #errpt –d H (Hardware Errors) #errpt –a -d S (Software Errors) #errpt -c > /dev/console (Concurrent error logging) Q127. U -> Undetermined. #smit errclear Q132. smit errdaemon Q131. How do you provide arguments to scr? A134. Pending. in /etc/security/login.cfg /dev/tty0: sak_enabled = true In /etc/security/user Root: tpath = on Now you can check if a particular command is allowed in tcb #chtcb query /usr/bin/ls tsh> ls –l Command is not trusted #chtcb on /usr/bin/ls (add into trusted path) Q126. Where does err log file stores? A129. S -> Software. T -> Temporary. Configuration file for Syslog Daemon and change in host file. Error Report Options and command A126. How do you open error report configuration through smit? A130. P -> Permanent. What are the types of error in report? A127. Performance. U -> Unknown Q128. O -> Operator. H -> Hardware. A133.Q125. What are the classes of error? A128. Q129. I->Informational. How do you redirect syslog messages to errorlog? A135. Q146.Q135.out. #smit –C #smit –x #smit –l /tmp/smit. Q147. fsck [-p|y|n] [-f] [-V filesystem(jfs or jfs2] -> first unmount the filesystem. -n dont fix. It allows users to add Informational error to errlog. Options for fsck? A149. http://hostname/cgi-bin/ds_form Q140. ed. #migratelp hd/3 hdisk1/130 Q144. Why do you specify Web Client in Documentation Server? A140.debug errlog” Q136. A143. How to open wsm for particular host? A141. How to configure Documentation Server? A138. a. -p quick fix. A146. -r means report status that would be after defrag. Q141. When we run #docsearch command . #smit web_configure Q139. nbpi Q145. Free List. Command to defragment file system? A148. What does errlogger command do? A136. core files.script Q138.log #smit –s /tmp/smit. Command to move PP of an LV to another specific disk’s PP. Q149. How will you find those logins which were not successful? /etc/security/failedlogin Which command you use to cleanup old files? skulker removes files in /tmp. Q137. What is the URL of Documentation Server? A139. How to find out LTG of a disk? A142. defragfs -[q|r] filesystem -q means report status. What is the smallest size of a file? A145. Is paging filesystems listed in /etc/filesystem . In syslog.hup Q148. dont use any option to really defrag. #lquerypv –M disk0 Q143. 4096 bytes=nbpi. #wsm –host <hostname> Q142. A147.conf “ *. without filesystem name. it automatically open web client. What information is stored in SuperBlocks? A144. different smit options A137. File System Size. -f more info. Fragment Size. it will check all which are set to be checked in /etc/filesystems Q150. What is the meaning of Admin Flag is set to True? A155. tcp/ip. #pwdadm Q160. How to use restore command? A154. online documentation. wsm. 1. Q156. no restriction. configassist or smitty assist or install_assist -> allows password change. create empty $HOME/. ! means password is encrypted * means user is locked Q158. #lsps. Q153. datetime. | backup –ivqf /dev/rmt0 Q154.A150. #rmps. installation. #swapon Q152. #chps. language selection.ADMIN. Q151. AIX standard 2. What are symbols in passwd file for password entry? A157. As a user of security group. How to use backup command? A153. No. #swapoff.hushlogin Q157. That means only root can change properties of that user or users in that group. How many Print Subsystems are there in AIX? A160. #mkps. What are the options in /etc/security/passwd file? A158. #restore –Tvf /dev/rmt0 #restore –xvf /dev/rmt0 file1 file2 file3 (-x -> restore individual file) #restore –rvqf /dev/rmt0 (-r -> recursive. restore complete filesystem) #smit backfile #smit restfile Q155. What will you do to disable motd? A156. which command you will use to change password? A159. Which screen opens just after installation of AIX on reboot? A152. john: Password = abcgef Lastupdate = 88975677 Flags = ADMCHG. #backup –ivqf /dev/rmt0 filewithlisting -i Get names of file from stdin -u Update #backup –u –1 –f /dev/rmt0 /home #find . Command on Paging Spaces. storage and ps. not Security Group members. A151. System V . its in /etc/swapspaces.NOCHECK ADMCHG Admin will change the password ADMIN Admin changed the password NOCHECK User can change any password. Q159. not dir. chfs –a freeze={ timeout | 0 | off} 0 or off means unfreeze. #lvlstmajor . changing permission will change other file also. #devdrpci. # getconf -a|grep KERN KERNEL_BITMODE: # getconf –a 64 #difference between soft and hard link softlink -> points to its destination. changing permission will not change permission of other. Hardlink will not point anything. deleting any file will not delete other. How will you freeze mounted filesystem for writing? A.Q161. clearing and setting a new PVID on the LUNs with: # chdev -l <hdisk#> -a pv=clear # chdev -l <hdisk#> -a pv=yes Q162. -a refreeze={timeout} reassign freeze time. delete sortlink will not delete destination but delete destination will delete softlink.162. only points to file. How will you give new PVID to disk without removing data? A161.
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