AISC Steel Construction Manual, 13th Edition, Second Printing

March 26, 2018 | Author: Luis Gonzales Salazar | Category: Metalworking, Steel, Mechanical Engineering, Nature



Errata ListAISC Steel Construction Manual, 13th Edition, Second Printing The following list represents corrections that have been made in the Third Printing of the 13th Edition of the Steel Construction Manual. Page(s) Item 1-34 Table 1-5: Replace “C8x18.7” with “C8x18.5.” 1-34 Table 1-5: For a C6x13, the dimension T is 4a in. 1-56 Table I-8: The WT10.5x28.5 should only have references to note “c” and not note “c, h.” 1-58 Table I-8: The WT8x20 and the WT8x18 should only have references to note “c” and not note “c, h.” Note “h” should be removed from the bottom of the table. 1-108 Table 1-16: Replace “C8x18.7” with “C8x18.5” 1-108 Table 1-16: Replace the rx values with the values given in the attached Table 1-16. 2-12 The table at the bottom of the page should be revised and is shown below: Load Ratio from Step 3 (times 1.6 for ASD, 1.0 for LRFD) Design Story 0 Drift Limit H/100 1 H/200 1 H/300 1 H/400 1 H/500 1 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 1.1 1 1 1 1 1.1 1.1 1 1 1 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 1 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.3 2-21 For the section “Steel Castings and Forgings” the “ASTM A148 grade 80-35” should read “ASTM A216 grade 80-35.” 2-47 A reference should be added alphabetically between SSPC and Tide, and should read as follows: Thornton, W.A., 1992, “Eliminating the Guesswork in Connection Design,” Proceedings of the AISC National Steel Construction Conference, pp. 24-1 – 24-21, AISC, Chicago, IL. 3-16 Table 3-2: The value of Ix for a W18x86 and a W12x120 should be switched. For a W18x86 the value should be 1530 and a W12x120 should be 1070. 3-39 Table 3-6: Replace the values for a 23 ft span with the following: 1 75)” and “Weak studs per rib” should read “Weak studs per rib (Rp=0.” 3-123 Table 3-10: The Available ASD Moment label on the vertical axis between “176” and “184” should read “180” rather than “188.” 4-48 – 4-63 Table 4-4: The units for the radius of gyration should read “in.” 3-144 Table 3-13: Replace this table with the attached Table 3-13.5. φv = 0. 117 Table 4-7: The units for the Properties.” The following note “v” should replace the note “f” at the bottom of the page: v Shape does not meet the h/tw limit for shear in Specification Section G2.” 4-129 Table 4-9: The weight per foot should read as follows: Shape Wt/ft ¾ s 2L7x4x c ½ v 52. and in the “ASD” column. replace φc with φt.W36x Shape 330 Span. should read “in. “Strong studs per rib” should read “Strong studs per rib (Rp=0. 2 .” 3-72 Table 3-6: The footnote on the W12x14 should be “v” rather than “f.7” with “C8x18. Ωv = 1. rx and ry.” 3-137 Table 3-11: Replace “C8x18. along with a space below the currently labeled L3½x3x¼.” 4-57 Table 4-4: The last value of Effective Length.” 3-139 Table 3-11: Replace “C8x18.4 44.5 c a c 27. replace Ω with Ωt.90. L3½x2½.2 5-16 Table 5-2: Insert the label.60).67.” 4-116. ft Design 23 302 282 262 247 231 ASD LRFD ASD LRFD ASD LRFD ASD LRFD ASD LRFD ASD LRFD 1220 1840 1110 1670 1030 1550 955 1430 894 1340 836 1260 3-49 Table 3-6: For a W24x370 using ASD.2 35. the Maximum Total Uniform Load should read “1410” not “11410. 3-84 Table 3-8: The title should read “C Shapes” rather than “S Shapes.1a with Fy=50 ksi.7 31.” 4-10 – 4-23 Table 4-1 and Table 4-2: Replace the Properties. “Pex(KL2)/104 ” and “Pey(KL2)/104 ” with “Pex(KL)2/104 ” and “Pey(KL)2/104. KL. 3-207 Table 3-21: For the Deck Perpendicular condition. should read “30. 6-3 In the last line of the Table: In the “LRFD” column. at 16 ft span.7” with “C8x18.5. 10-86 In the third paragraph following the heading. angle thickness should be 180 kips. 10-141 Figure 10-28(a) “SECT. “Table 10-11.1-217 The equation for Rn following Equation C-B3-4 should read “Rn=4DΩ” instead of “Rn=4D/Ω.” should include the variable “t1” instead of “tc” 16. as follows: 2 ⎛ tw ⎞ Fcr = fk ≤ Fy 2 ⎜h ⎟ 12 1 − υ ⎝ o ⎠ π2 E ( ) 2 ⎛t ⎞ = 26.” 8-16 At the end of the second paragraph a reference should be made to “Figure 8-9b” instead of “Figure 8-10b.62πE tw2 f d ≤ Fy cho 10-4 Figure 10-1 should be replaced with the attached Figure 10-1.185α s α p ⎥ α s δo ⎢1 + αp + ( 8ρ ⎣ 32 ⎦ δw = 1 − 0.” 10-124 In the second paragraph following the heading.7-85 Table 7-20: For a Heavy Hex s-in. F-F” showing the elevation view of column B2 should read “SECT.” rather than “18 in.” 16. 9-7 The equations for Fcr should both include the limit. not 80 kips. “Flexural Strength of the Cap Plate.” 16.” 8-47 Table 8-2: Replace the left-hand figure with the version in the attached Table 8-2. “with web connected with 4 or more fasteners per line in the direction of loading.” Table 8-10 should be referenced rather than Table 8-11.” both references to “Figure 10-8a” should be to “Figure 10-7a. “Table 10-5 All-Bolted Unstiffened Seated Connections. 210 ⎜ w ⎟ fk ≤ Fy ⎝ ho ⎠ 9-8 The top equation for Fcr should include ≤ Fy as follows: Fcr = 0. ≤ Fy. “with web connected with 4 or more fasteners in the direction of loading” should read.1-29 In Case 7 of Table D3.1-397 Replace Equation C-A-2-2 with the following: ⎡ π3 ⎤ π2 1 + α p ) + 0. Bolted/Welded SingleAngle Connections.1.25πα s α p 3 . E-E” 10-146 Replace Figure 10-32 with the attached Figure 10-32. 14-18 The equation for Rn appearing under the heading.-diameter bolt the value H should be “v in. 10-14 The bolt and angle ASD available strength for A490 SC Class B with OVS hole type and ¼ in. 63 4.1 9.7 7.95 0.812 0.60 0.61 0.02 0.22 3.11 6.7 ×12.76 6.2 16.32 0.74 4.0 2C8×18.81 6.41 1.6 14.2 ×5.00 10.15 18.69 4.72 2.4 ×4.8 4.86 7.37 0.43 1.49 7.40 3.56 0.6 6.3 11.728 3.4 2C12×30 ×25 ×20.10 3.81 0.05 0.46 8.66 5.43 1.56 8.27 4.78 3.914 0.7 15.18 0.78 2.68 1.83 1.07 5.05 1.95 0.0 10.3 in.2 10.30 0.591 0.62 3.3 5.876 6.98 1.60 5.37 13.0 35.8 8.820 2.47 26.637 1.51 1.94 7.75 1.57 6.12 1.94 1.3 13.95 2C4×7.29 1.20 1.07 1.75 2.2 14.10 3.20 1.2 2C10×30 ×25 ×20 ×15.5 3.12 1.82 5.7 11.78 1.08 9.912 7.746 0.43 4.13 7.55 3.86 1.72 2.25 1.764 0.6 12.2 3.84 2.5 11.682 3.45 3. 1.5 21.5 4.14 3.51 6.36 1.12 1.59 3.7 1.13 15.597 0.846 4.1 19.833 0. in.6 rx in.06 1.41 2.1 23.7 8.0 16.47 2.14 0.21 5.9 40.842 0.31 17.31 27.66 3.44 2.49 1.699 0.7 8.97 1.87 1.0 1.76 0.09 3.90 12.38 0.07 18.90 0.44 0.15 13.29 2.12 10.36 0.20 1.37 2.0 7.943 3.12 1.3 1.783 2.931 0.69 5. A in.773 4.7 8.73 0.882 6.1 11.614 0.911 6.30 1.9 17.18 7.02 15.57 9.3 in.83 8.22 1.14 2.4 5.6 26.3 2.68 1.15 0.0 15.909 0.2 ×9.9 1.63 6.52 2.734 5.19 4.6 2.76 11.5 12.67 1.24 5.86 1. in.32 1.867 5.2 13.59 2.6 5.71 1.7 17.72 0.91 0.17 1.73 3.2 10.66 0.06 1.13 0.989 3.47 2.54 1.85 2.2 7.9 1. 4 5.25 0.20 1.21 2.11 8.03 7.45 31.36 2.61 6.7 1.19 1.30 5.16 1.3 in.946 4.02 6.9 29.743 2.918 0.3 17.71 1.29 4.25 9.63 1.0 2C9×20 ×15 ×13.83 1.66 3.08 1.25 3.17 1.82 1.15 3.78 2.9 25.06 10.50 0.4 in.786 3.19 1.905 0.558 1.03 0.6 19.25 1.7 ×11.31 36.741 0.26 4.16 14.927 0.17 2.0 5.3 in.92 1.7 23.3 49.982 5.96 0.33 1.51 7. s.4 15.791 3.81 1.688 2.09 2.59 1.962 7. Area.04 4.7 1.32 3.20 19.26 1.827 0.22 4.10 0.953 15.03 2.3 9.40 0.3 12.09 8.95 1.7 8.52 3.673 1.772 0.80 8.6 12.593 2.9 1.969 0.05 11.46 41.2 Axis X-X 3/8 0 3/4 I S r Z I S r Z I S r Z in.929 4.47 0.18 30.3 in.91 8.789 0.19 2.32 1.4 29.5 32.33 2.04 8.4 11.824 4.18 8.42 3.5 ×8.39 2.19 12.0 2.02 7.80 7.75 3.5 11.2 13.1 ×3.18 22.86 4.05 14.823 8.88 1.65 1.831 3. in.84 6.82 2.59 8.63 2.20 1.52 2.39 3.05 0.93 3.881 3.20 .2 62.15 1.4 40.34 3.82 0.4 in.34 2C5×9 ×6.1 1.7 5.20 1.982 5.73 6.2 13.38 1.6 4.641 2.80 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.766 0.52 2.826 5.6 18.03 12.72 2C6×13 ×10.94 1.30 21.21 1.25 0.23 21.07 11.10 1.7 43.50 2.55 3.94 2.6 6.55 1.9 28.897 5.7 50.24 1.75 0.8 4.35 0.93 1.04 7.51 0.02 1.43 4.99 2.64 1.11 1.773 5.33 22.44 3.63 1.28 2. INC.00 11.8 8.597 0.76 1.48 5.866 8.962 10.82 2.69 20.96 5.44 5.1–108 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1–16 2C Shapes Properties 2C SHAPES Shape Axis Y-Y Separation.3 2C15×50 ×40 ×33.03 1.3 21. in.4 in.13 6.2 3.11 12.22 4.981 2.86 1.43 2.27 5.63 2C3×6 ×5 ×4.0 3.85 3.88 6.34 14.66 1.7 4.5 ×13.84 1.13 3.76 0.741 2.08 0.15 1.95 2.45 2.11 2C7×14.17 9.17 0.0 17.63 1.908 3.73 1.72 1.06 0.97 2.3 9.99 2.13 5. 2 65.5 13.6 13.4 19.3 43.8 15.8 16.0 17. kip-ft Square HSS HSS16–HSS41/2 Shape HSS16×16× 5/8 1/2f 3/8f 5/16f HSS14×14× 5/8 1/2 3/8f 5/16f HSS12×12× 5/8 1/2 3/8f 5/16f 1/4f 3/16f HSS10×10× 5/8 1/2 3/8 5/16f 1/4f 3/16f HSS9×9× 5/8 1/2 3/8 5/16 1/4f 3/16f 1/8f HSS8×8× 5/8 1/2 3/8 5/16 1/4f 3/16f 1/8f f Fy = 46 ksi Mn /Ω φMn ASD LRFD 459 352 232 181 690 529 348 272 347 285 185 145 521 428 278 219 250 206 149 113 83.6 30.0 24.3–144 DESIGN OF FLEXURAL MEMBERS Table 3–13 Available Flexural Strength.2 28.7 13.4 76.6 57.3 11.3 55.0 200 167 130 111 77.2 25.7 27.5 7.5 30.1 103 86.8 Shape HSS7×7× 5/8 1/2 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16f 1/8f HSS6×6× 5/8 1/2 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16f 1/8f HSS51/2×51/2× 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16f 1/8f HSS5×5× 1/2 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8f HSS41/2×41/2× 1/2 3/8 5/16 1/4 3/16 1/8f Shape exceeds compact limit for flexure with Fy = 46 ksi.2 45.9 21.3 24.8 51.4 8.0 36.8 73.5 154 129 102 86.0 20.3 54.67 45.8 25.7 35.4 16.2 16.3 31.1 28.98 45.5 10.0 53.7 20.6 46.1 61.9 38.9 32.6 44.1 38.2 20.6 34.5 23.0 68.3 21.9 10.6 23.4 35.8 52.0 25.9 16. INC.1 20.6 66. 5 Mn /Ω φMn ASD LRFD 75.7 43.4 252 210 163 129 92.43 35.0 67.66 .8 6.5 31.6 41.7 376 309 223 169 125 83.5 30.3 133 111 86.1 13.4 36.3 114 96.5 62.8 168 139 108 86.1 50.2 53.2 24. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.4 80.7 18.6 26.9 64.3 9. –1/8 α = +10°. 10 R = 0 to 1/8 α = 20° f = 1/8 r = 1/4 F. 5. INC. 10 R = 0 to 1/8 α = 45° f = 1/8 r = 1/4 All — 4.13. 7.1) R = +1/16.13. –0° +10°. 4. 1. 7. 4. 1. OH — 4. –0 +1/8. –5° f = ±1/16 Not Limited r = +1/8. 10 R = 0 to 1/8 α = 20° f = 1/8 r = 1/4 F. 10 U B-U6-GF U U R = 0 to 1/8 α = 20° f = 1/8 r = 1/4 All Not req.1) Base Metal Thickness (U = unlimited) T1 T2 U U SMAW C-U6 GMAW FCAW U Groove Preparation Root Opening Groove Angle Root Face Bevel Radius As Fit-Up (see 3. –0 Allowed Welding Positions Gas Shielding for FCAW Notes R = 0 to 1/8 α = 45° f = 1/8 r = 1/4 All — 4. 7. 10 C-U6-GF U U R = 0 to 1/8 α = 20° f = 1/8 r = 1/4 All Not req. –0 +1/16. 5. 6 .1 with permission from the American Welding Society (AWS) AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. 10 Reprinted from AWS D1. 5. OH — 4.DESIGN TABLES 8–47 CJP Table 8–2 (continued) Prequalified Welded Joints Complete-Joint-Penetration Groove Welds Tolerances Single-U-groove weld (6) Butt joint (B) Corner joint (C) Welding Process Joint Designation B-U6 As Detailed (see 3. 5. 2.10–4 DESIGN OF SIMPLE SHEAR CONNECTIONS SCOPE The specification requirements and other design considerations summarized in this Part apply to the design of simple shear connections. Per AISC Specification Section J1. While simple shear connections do actually possess some rotational restraint (see curve A in Figure 10–1). The case of a bare spandrel girder supporting infill beams. For the design of flexible moment connections. FORCE TRANSFER The required strength (end reaction). AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. 7 . see Part 12. see Part 11. the ends of members with simple shear connections are normally assumed to be free to rotate under load. may require consideration to verify that an acceptable level of support rotational stiffness is present. Sumner (2003) showed that a nominal interconnection between the top flange of the gider and the top flange of the framing beam is sufficient to limit support rotation.2. Illustration of typical moment rotation curve for simple shear connection. Ru or Ra. this small amount can be neglected and the connection idealized as completely flexible. is determined by analysis as indicated in AISC Specification Section B3. however. Support rotation is acceptably limited for most framing details involving simple shear connections without explicit consideration. The simple shear connections shown in this Manual are suitable to accommodate the end rotations required per AISC Specification Section J1. INC. For the design of fully restrained (FR) moment connections. Figure 10–1. 10–146 DESIGN OF SIMPLE SHEAR CONNECTIONS The detail shown in Figure 10–31c is used frequently when m is up to 6 or 7 in. However. INC. the fittings are cut from a 15-in. to provide more lateral stiffness. A stool or pedestal. A pair of connection angles and a tee will also serve a similar purpose. To provide adequate strength to Figure 10–32. channel and are detailed to overlap the beam web sufficiently to permit four shop bolts on two gage lines. 8 . Welded raised-beam connections. as shown in Figure 10–31e. The load on the shop bolts in this case is no greater than that in Figure 10–31a. can be used with or without fillers to provide for the necessary m distance. cut from a rolled shape. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. as in Figure 10–31d.
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