Aisc Shapes Database v15.0



AISC Shapes Database v15.0 Readme File November 2017 DISCLAIMER The information presented in this spreadsheet has been prepared following recognized principles of construction. While it is believed to be accurate, this information should not be used or relied upon for application without competent professional examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and appl licensed engineer or architect. The publication of this information is not a representation or warranty on th American Institute of Steel Construction, its officers, agents, employees or committee members, or of any named herein, that this information is suitable for any general or particular use, or of freedom from infringe patent or patents. All representations or warranties, express or implied, other than as stated above, ar disclaimed. Anyone making use of the information presented in this publication assumes all liability arising from Caution must be exercised when relying upon standards and guidelines developed by other bodies and inc reference herein since such material may be modified or amended from time to time subsequent to the pr edition. The American Institute of Steel Construction bears no responsibility for such material other than to r incorporate it by reference at the time of the initial publication of this edition. I. Database v15.0 AISC Shapes Database v15.0 is an update to Shapes Database v14.1. This version is consistent with shape properties and dimensions tabul Steel Construction Manual, 15th Edition, 1st Printing. The database contains some additional section properties that are not included in the A. Table Instructions Dimensions and properties for each shape are listed sequentially in a single row. The data in each column is as follows: Column in Variable Descriptiona Databasea A Type Shape type: W, M, S, HP, C, MC, L, WT, MT, ST, 2L, HSS, PIPE The shape designation according to the AISC Naming Convention for Structural Steel Products for Use in Ele EDI_ STD_ Interchange (EDI), June 25, 2001. This information is intended solely for the use of software developers to fac B (CG) Nomenclature electronic labeling of shape-specific data and electronic transfer of that data. The shape designation as seen in the AISC Steel Construction Manual, 15th Edition. The exception to this is AISC_ for double angles. There is a separate listing (row) for each back-to-back spacing and configuration. Therefor C (CH) Manual_ designation reflects these two variables. The listings for double angles follow the convention specified in the A Convention for Structural Steel Products for Use in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), June 25, 2001. Label Boolean variable. A true, T, value indicates that there is a special note for that shape (see below). A false, F, v that there are no special notes for that shape. Special notes: W-shapes: a value of T for: tf > 2 in. D T_F M-shapes: a value of T indicates that the shape has sloped flanges. WT-shapes: a value of T for: tf > 2 in MT-shapes: a value of T indicates that the shape has sloped flanges. E (CI) W Nominal weight, lb/ft (kg/m) F (CJ) A Cross-sectional area, in.2 (mm2) Overall depth of member, or width of shorter leg for angles, or width of the outstanding legs of long legs back- G (CK) d angles, or the width of the back-to-back legs of short legs back-to-back double angles, in. (mm) Shapes Database v15.0 American Institute of Steel Construction (mm) Width of the flat wall of square or rectangular HSS. (mm) V (CZ) t Thickness of angle leg. in. in. in. in. or width of the longer leg for angles. in. or the width of the back-to-back legs of short legs back-to-back double angles. in. in. or width of shorter leg for angles. as defined in the AISC Steel Construction Manual. in. (mm) AQ (DU) Iy Moment of inertia about the y-axis. in.3 (mm3 /103) Shapes Database v15. (mm) Horizontal distance from designated member edge. as defined in the AISC Steel Construction Manual.3 (mm3 /103) AS (DW) Sy Elastic section modulus about the y-axis.3 (mm3 /103) AP (DT) rx Radius of gyration about the x-axis. to mem AD (DH) eo center. in. in. to mem AB (DF) x axis. in. (mm) AA (DE) k1 Detailing distance from center of web to flange toe of fillet.4 (mm4 /106) AN (DR) Zx Plastic section modulus about the x-axis. (mm) L (CP) bf Flange width. or width of the outstanding legs of short legs back-to-back double angl P (CT) ID Inside diameter of round HSS or pipe. (mm) M (CQ) bfdet Detailing value of flange width. to mem AE (DI) xp neutral axis. (mm) Y (DC) kdes Design distance from outer face of flange to web toe of fillet. (mm) S (CW) twdet/2 Detailing value of tw/2.0 American Institute of Steel Construction . in. in. to memb AC (DG) y axis. in.4 (mm4 /106) AR (DV) Zy Plastic section modulus about the y-axis. (mm) J (CN) h Depth of the flat wall of square or rectangular HSS. in. in. as defined in the AISC Steel Construction Manual. as defined in the AISC Steel Construction Manual. (mm) I (CM) Ht Overall depth of square or rectangular HSS. in. (mm) K (CO) OD Outside diameter of round HSS or pipe. in. in. (mm) H (CL) ddet Detailing value of member depth. (mm) Vertical distance from designated member edge. Overall depth of member. in. as defined in the AISC Steel Construction Manual. (mm) W (DA) tnom HSS and pipe nominal wall thickness. or tee shapes AM (DQ) Ix Moment of inertia about the x-axis. (mm) N (CR) B Overall width of square or rectangular HSS. in. (mm) Vertical distance from designated member edge. in. (mm) U (CY) tfdet Detailing value of flange thickness. to memb AF (DJ) yp axis. or width of the outstanding legs of long legs back- G (CK) d angles. (mm) T (CX) tf Flange thickness. in. in. (mm) AG (DK) bf/2tf Slenderness ratio AH (DL) b/t Slenderness ratio for angles AI (DM) b/tdes Slenderness ratio for square or rectangular HSS AJ (DN) h/tw Slenderness ratio AK (DO) h/tdes Slenderness ratio for square or rectangular HSS AL (DP) D/t Slenderness ratio for round HSS and pipe. in. in. (mm) X (DB) tdes HSS and pipe design wall thickness.3 (mm3 /103) AO (DS) Sx Elastic section modulus about the x-axis. (mm) Q (CU) tw Web thickness. (mm) Horizontal distance from designated member edge. in. in. in. (mm) Z (DD) kdet Detailing distance from outer face of flange to web toe of fillet. in. in. (mm) R (CV) twdet Detailing value of web thickness. or width of the back-t O (CS) b long legs back-to-back double angles. (mm) Horizontal distance from designated member edge. as shown in Figure 3. as used in AISC Design Guide 9 and shown in Figures 1 BB (EF) Sw1 (mm4 /106) Warping statical moment at point 2 on cross section. as shown in Figure 3. as shown in Figure 3.AT (DX) ry Radius of gyration about the y-axis (with no separation for double angles back-to-back). as shown in Figure 3. in. in. combination.0 American Institute of Steel Construction . BD (EH) Sw3 Statical moment for a point in the flange directly above the vertical edge of the web.6 (mm6 /109) AZ (ED) C HSS torsional constant.3 (mm3 /103) BT (EX) SzA Elastic section modulus about the z-axis at point A on cross section. in. as used in AISC Design Guide 19. (mm) BX (FB) ho Distance between the flange centroids. (mm) AU (DY) Iz Moment of inertia about the z-axis. in. in. in. (mm) AW (EA) Sz Elastic section modulus about the z-axis. as used in AISC Design Guide 9 and shown in Figure 2. (mm) BN (ER) wA Distance from point A to center of gravity along w-axis. See AISC Manual Part 1 for addition in. in. (mm) CA (FE) PB Shape perimeter. in. in. in.2 (mm2) Warping statical moment at point 1 on cross section. as used in AISC Design Guide 19. in. (mm) BL (EP) zB Distance from point B to center of gravity along z-axis. where a is shown in Figure 3 BJ (EN) Iw Moment of inertia about the w-axis for single angles. as used in Design Guide 19. (mm) CC (FG) PD Box perimeter. (mm) BM (EQ) zC Distance from point C to center of gravity along z-axis. in. in. as used in Design Guide 9. BC (EG) Sw2 Warping statical moment at point 3 on cross section. as used in AISC Design Guide 19.4 (mm4 /106) AV (DZ) rz Radius of gyration about the z-axis. as shown in Figure 3.3 (mm3 /103) BS (EW) SwC Elastic section modulus about the w-axis at point C on cross section. in.4 (mm4 /106) BK (EO) zA Distance from point A to center of gravity along z-axis. as shown in Figure 3. in. in. as shown in Figure 3. (mm) BP (ET) wC Distance from point C to center of gravity along w-axis. in. (mm) BQ (EU) SwA Elastic section modulus about the w-axis at point A on cross section. (mm) The workable gage for the inner fastener holes in the flange that provides for entering and tightening clearanc distance and spacing requirements. (mm) CB (FF) PC Box perimeter minus one flange surface. as shown in Figure 3.3 (mm3 /103) BU (EY) SzB Elastic section modulus about the z-axis at point B on cross section.3 (mm3 /103) BW (FA) rts Effective radius of gyration. (mm) Shapes Database v15. in. in. in. as used in AISC Design Guide 9 and shown in Figure 2. in. as shown in Figure 3. in. as used in AISC Design Guide 9. in. as shown in Figure 3.3 (mm3 /103) BA (EE) Wno Normalized warping function. in. in. in. in.3 (mm3 /103) BG (EK) ro Polar radius of gyration about the shear center. (mm) BO (ES) wB Distance from point B to center of gravity along w-axis.4 (mm4 /103) AY (EC) Cw Warping constant.3 (mm3 /103) BR (EV) SwB Elastic section modulus about the w-axis at point B on cross section. as shown in Figure 3. as used in AISC Design G BE (EI) Qf (mm3 /103) BF (EJ) Qw Statical moment for a point at mid-depth of the cross section. The actual size. (mm) BH (EL) H Flexural constant BI (EM) tan(α) Tangent of the angle between the y-y and z-z axes for single angles. (mm) Shape perimeter minus one flange surface (or short leg surface for a single angle). as used in Design Guide 1 BY (FC) PA BZ (FD) PA2 Single angle shape perimeter minus long leg surface.3 (mm3 /103) AX (EB) J Torsional moment of inertia. (mm) CD (FH) T Distance between web toes of fillets at top and bottom of web. and orientation of fastener components sho CE (FI) WGi compared with the geometry of the cross section to ensure compatibility. in. as shown in Figure 3. in. in.3 (mm3 /103) BV (EZ) SzC Elastic section modulus about the z-axis at point C on cross section. HSS16 HSS HSS16X12X3/4. 2L12X12X1-3/8X1-1/2. W36X802. Pipe24XS. WT18X426. W36X925. WT10. 2L10X10X1-1/4. Pipe24STD. 2L12X12X1-1/4. WT18X462. Pipe14STD. W14X873.5. 2L10X10X3/4X1-1/2 HSS24X12X3/4. W21X248. 2L10X10X1. 2L10X10X1-1/4X3/4. HSS14X14X3/4. 2L10X10X1X1-1/2. S. Pipe20XS. HSS10X10X3/4 Pipe26STD. B. 1. W21X223. 2L12X12X1-1/4X1-1/2. 2L12X12X1-1/8X1-1/2. moment for C. HSS24X12X5/8. L12X12X1-1/8. (mm) a Values in parentheses "()" is for metric data. 2L12X12X1X1-1/2. HSS20X20X3/4. Location of warping statical Fig. WT18X401. in. Pipe18XS. 2L10X10X1-1/4X1-1/2. HSS18X18X3/4.5. W14X808 HP HP12X89 L12X12X1-3/8. L10X10X1-1/4.W36X723. HSS20X12X3/4.0 Shape Section Size Type W W40X655. HSS20 HSS20X20X1/2. HSS12X12X3/4. 2L10X10X1-1/8X3/4. 3. 2L 2L 1/8X1-1/2. HSS20X20X7/8. M-. HSS18X18X1/2. HSS18X18X5/8. 2L10X10X1-1/8. WT18X361. New Shapes in v15. L10X10X L L10X10X3/4 WT20X327.5X124. 2L10X10X7/8X1-1/2. 2L10X10 2L10X10X3/4X3/4.and MC-shapes.5. W36X853. WT10. 2L10X10X1-3 2L10X10X1-3/8X1-1/2.0 American Institute of Steel Construction . HSS22X22X3/4. HSS24X12X1/2.5X137. Pipe18STD. 2L10X10X1-3/8. L10X10X1. HSS22X22X7/8. The bolt spacing between inner and outer fastener holes when the workable gage is compatible with four hole CF(FJ) WGo flange. 2L10X10X7/8. 2L10X10X1X3/4.5.5X111. WT7X436 WT 2L12X12X1-3/8. 2L10X10X7/8X3/4. Pipe26XS. HSS14X14X7/8. See AISC Manual Part 1 for additional information. L12X12X1. 2L12X12X1X3/4. 2L12X12X1-1/4X3/4. HSS18X18X7/8.5. 2L 2L12X12X1-1/8X3/4. Pipe10XXS Shapes Database v15. 2L12X12X1-3/8X3/4.and HP-shapes. L10X10X1-3/8. 2L12X12X1. L12X12X1-1/4. Pips12XXS. B and C for single a moment for W-. Pipe Pipe Pipe14XS.5. Pipe16STD. WT10. Location of warping statical Fig. Location of Point A. L10X10X1-1/8. Pipe20STD. Fig. W21X275. HSS16X16X7/8. 2. New Variables in v15.C.0 · PA2 · Pc · Pd ·T · Wgi · Wgo D.0 · Qs Shapes Database v15.0 American Institute of Steel Construction . Variables Removed in v15. A false. h Edition. in. are specifically umes all liability arising from such use. value indicates outstanding legs of long legs back-to-back double ble angles.0 American Institute of Steel Construction . F. Therefore. (mm) Shapes Database v15. The exception to this is the designation pacing and configuration. or of any other person or of freedom from infringement of any than as stated above. the shape w the convention specified in the AISC Naming nge (EDI). d by other bodies and incorporated by time subsequent to the printing of this ch material other than to refer to it and e properties and dimensions tabulated in the AISC perties that are not included in the Manual. recognized principles of design and e used or relied upon for any specific curacy. suitability and applicability by a entation or warranty on the part of the ittee members. 2001. June 25. at shape (see below). is as follows: tural Steel Products for Use in Electronic Data e use of software developers to facilitate the a. to member plastic eel Construction Manual. to member shear Steel Construction Manual.0 American Institute of Steel Construction . in. or width of the back-to-back legs of ort legs back-to-back double angles. to member centroidal eel Construction Manual. to member centroidal Steel Construction Manual. (mm) Steel Construction Manual.g for angles. to member plastic neutral Shapes Database v15. in. (mm) mm) or entering and tightening clearances and edge ntation of fastener components should be ee AISC Manual Part 1 for additional information. in. in.0 American Institute of Steel Construction . Shapes Database v15.4 (mm4 /106) he web. in. as used in Design Guide 19.3 (mm3 /103) own in Figure 3. in.3 (mm3 /103) wn in Figure 3.3 (mm3 /103) wn in Figure 3. in. (mm) 3.4 (mm4 /106) n Guide 9 and shown in Figure 2. (mm) own in Figure 3. as used in AISC Design Guide 9. in. in. in. (mm) gn Guide 19.ack-to-back).3 (mm3 /103) own in Figure 3. in. in. (mm) 3.3 SC Design Guide 9. in. in. (mm) 3. in. (mm) n Guide 9 and shown in Figures 1 and 2.3 (mm3 /103) wn in Figure 3. in.3 (mm3 /103) a is shown in Figure 3 . (mm) 3. in. (mm) 3. in. in.4 n Guide 9 and shown in Figure 2.3 (mm3 /103) angle). in. in. 2L10X10X1- /4. Pipe16XS. . 2L10X10X1-1/8X3/4. 2L12X12X1-1/8. W14X808 0X10X1-1/8. B and C for single angles. L10X10X1.5. Pipe18XS. 2L10X10X1-3/8. HSS20X20X3/4. WT7X404 /4X3/4. Pipe20XS. /2. HSS16X16X3/4. WT7X436. Shapes Database v15. 24XS.5X111. L10X10X7/8.0 American Institute of Steel Construction .e gage is compatible with four holes across the on of Point A.5. HSS16X16X7/8. X20X7/8. 2L10X10X1-3/8X3/4.5X124. 10X1-1/8. WT10. 2L10X10X7/8X1-1/2. 2L10X10X3/4. X18X1/2. 2L12X12X1-1/4X1-1/2. HSS20X20X5/8. 4X873. Shapes Database v15.0 American Institute of Steel Construction . 5 L10X10X1-3/8 22.3 L8X8X1-1/8 12.1 L10X10X1 17.04 L6X6X9/16 3.03 L8X4X1/2 1.82 L8X4X7/16 1.98 L8X6X7/16 3.0 L8X8X3/4 8.0 L10X10X1-1/4 20.71 L6X6X1/2 3.9 L10X10X3/4 14.70 L8X6X3/4 5.42 L6X6X7/16 3.33 L6X6X1 5.67 L6X6X7/8 5.52 L8X4X1 3.64 L6X6X5/8 4.45 L8X4X7/8 3.30 .46 L8X6X1/2 3.0 L12X12X1 26.03 L6X6X3/8 2.1 L12X12X1-1/8 29.75 L7X4X7/16 1.65 L8X4X5/8 2.17 L7X4X1/2 1.71 L6X6X5/16 2.06 L8X8X1/2 6.3 L12X12X1-1/4 31.85 L8X6X5/8 4.24 L8X4X9/16 2.61 L7X4X3/4 2.61 L8X6X7/8 6.0 L8X8X1 11.0 L8X8X7/8 10.45 L8X6X1 7.55 L7X4X3/8 1.04 L8X4X3/4 2.20 L6X6X3/4 4.91 L8X6X9/16 4.L12X12X1-3/8 33.91 L8X8X5/8 7.73 L8X8X9/16 7.56 L7X4X5/8 2.5 L10X10X1-1/8 19.4 L10X10X7/8 15. 929 L4X3X3/8 0.44 L5X5X3/4 3.13 L4X3X1/2 0.930 L4X4X1/4 0.90 L5X3-1/2X5/8 1.16 L4X3-1/2X3/8 0.826 L5X3-1/2X1/4 0.70 L5X5X1/2 2.840 L5X3X3/8 0.12 L6X4X9/16 1.50 L6X4X5/8 2.590 L4X3X1/4 0.653 L4X3X5/8 1.34 L6X3-1/2X3/8 1.699 L4X3X5/16 0.859 L5X5X7/8 3.939 L4X3-1/2X5/16 0.51 L6X4X3/8 1.778 L4X3-1/2X1/2 1.665 L5X3X1/2 0.08 L4X4X5/16 0.59 L5X3-1/2X1/2 1.05 L5X5X5/8 2.608 L5X3X1/4 0.72 L6X4X7/16 1.22 L4X4X3/8 1.09 L6X3-1/2X1/2 1.474 .91 L6X4X1/2 1.806 L4X3-1/2X1/4 0.57 L5X3-1/2X3/4 1.957 L5X3X7/16 0.91 L6X4X3/4 2.83 L5X5X5/16 1.02 L6X3-1/2X5/16 0.491 L4X4X3/4 1.983 L5X3-1/2X5/16 0.31 L6X4X5/16 1.60 L4X4X1/2 1.04 L5X5X3/8 1.30 L5X3-1/2X3/8 0. L6X4X7/8 2.81 L4X4X5/8 1.35 L4X4X7/16 1.31 L5X5X7/16 2.727 L5X3X5/16 0. 162 L2-1/2X1-1/2X1/4 0.246 L3X2X1/2 0.273 L2-1/2X2-1/2X3/16 0.463 L3X2-1/2X5/16 0.499 L3-1/2X2-1/2X5/16 0.568 L3X2-1/2X7/16 0.704 L3X3X7/16 0.773 L3-1/2X3X3/8 0.411 L3X2X3/8 0.418 L3-1/2X2-1/2X1/4 0.602 L3-1/2X3X1/4 0.163 L2-1/2X2-1/2X1/2 0.573 L3X3X5/16 0.02 L3-1/2X3-1/2X7/16 0. L3-1/2X3-1/2X1/2 1.171 .403 L3X2-1/2X1/4 0.120 L2-1/2X1-1/2X3/16 0.200 L2X2X1/4 0.594 L3-1/2X3X1/2 0.461 L2-1/2X2-1/2X3/8 0.227 L2X2X5/16 0.374 L2-1/2X2-1/2X5/16 0.521 L3X2-1/2X3/8 0.693 L3-1/2X3X5/16 0.486 L3-1/2X2-1/2X1/2 0.313 L3X2X5/16 0.497 L3X3X1/4 0.295 L2-1/2X2X5/16 0.911 L3-1/2X3-1/2X3/8 0.213 L2-1/2X2X3/16 0.415 L3X3X3/16 0.341 L3X3X1/2 0.261 L2-1/2X2X1/4 0.846 L3-1/2X3X7/16 0.830 L3-1/2X3-1/2X5/16 0.651 L3-1/2X2-1/2X3/8 0.324 L3X2-1/2X1/2 0.214 L3X2X3/16 0.325 L2-1/2X2-1/2X1/4 0.329 L3X2-1/2X3/16 0.0906 L2X2X3/8 0.713 L3-1/2X3-1/2X1/4 0.638 L3X3X3/8 0.263 L3X2X1/4 0.215 L2-1/2X2X3/8 0. L2X2X3/16 0.137 L2X2X1/8 0.100 .
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