AISC Section Table.pdf
AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC.1-1 PART 1 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1-3 SCOPE STRUCTURAL PRODUCTS 1-3 W-, M-, S-, and HP-Shapes 1-4 Channels 1-4 Angles 1-4 Structural Tees (WT-, MT-, and ST-Shapes) 1-4 Hallaw Structural Sections (HSS) 1-5 Pipe 1-6 Double Angles 1-6 Double Channels 1-7 W-Shapes and S-Shapes with Cap Channels 1-7 .. 1-8 Plate Products Raised-Pattem Haar Plates 1-8 Crane Rails .1-8 Other Structural Products 1-9 STANDARD MILL PRACTICES 1-9 Hot-Rolled Structural Shapes 1-9 Hollaw Structural Sections 1-9 Pipe 1-9 .1-9 Plate Products TABLES OF DESIGN DIMENSIONS, DETAILING DIMENSIONS, AND AXIAL, STRONG-AXIS FLEXURAL, AND WEAK-AXIS FLEXURAL PROPERTIES 1-10 Table 1-1. W-Shapes 1-10 Table 1-2. M-Shapes 1-28 Table 1-3. S-Shapes 1-30 Table 1-4. HP-Shapes 1-32 Table 1-5. C-Shapes 1-34 Table 1-6. MC-Shapes 1-36 Table 1-7. Angles 1-40 Table 1-8. WT-Shapes 1-48 AMERTCAN INSTlTUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1-2 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-9. MT-Shapes 1-68 Table 1-10. ST-Shapes 1-70 Table 1-11. Rectangular HSS 1-72 Table 1-12. Square HSS 1-90 Table 1-13. Round HSS 1-94 Table 1-14. Pipe 1-99 Table 1-15. Double Angles 1-100 Table 1-16. 2C-Shapes 1-108 Table 1-17. 2MC-Shapes 1-109 Table 1-18. Weights of Raised-Pattern Hoor Plates .1-111 Table 1-19. W-Shapes with Cap Channels 1-112 Table 1-20. S-Shapes with Cap Channels 1-114 Table 1-21. Crane Rails 1-116 Table 1-22. ASTM A6 Tolerances for W-Shapes and HP-Shapes 1-117 Table 1-23. ASTM A6 Tolerances for S-Shapes, M-Shapes, and Channels 1-119 Table 1-24. ASTM A6 Tolerances for WT-, MT-, and ST-Shapes 1-120 Table 1-25. ASTM A6 Tolerances for Angles, Structural Size 1-121 Table 1-26. ASTM A6 Tolerances for Angles, Bar Size 1-122 Table 1-27. Tolerances for Rectangular and Square HSS 1-123 Table 1-28. Tolerances for Round HSS and Steel Pipe 1-124 Table 1-29. Rectangular Sheared Plates 1-125 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. refer to the Nomenclature section at the back of this Manual. except their webs and f1anges are of equal thickness and the depth and flange width are nominally equal for a given designation. M-shapes may have a sloped inside flange face or other cross-section features that do not meet the criteria for W-. and HP-shapes. and HP-Shapes Four types of H-shaped (or I-shaped) members are covered in this Manual: • W-shapes. and HP-shapes covered in ASTM A6: • Design dimensions. a W24x55 is. INC. and f1exural properties are given in Tables 1-1. see Part 2. For torsional and flexural-torsional properties ofrolled shapes see AISe Design Guide 9. Torsional Analysis afStructural Steel Members. kdes ' is conservatively presented based on the smallest fillet used in production. The term Workable Gage refers to the gage for fasteners in the flange that provides for entering and tightening clearances and edge distance and spacing requirements. see Parts 7 through 15. When appropriate.) and nominal weight (lb/ft). For the design of members. or HP-shapes.a W-shape that is nominally 24 in. • HP-shapes (also known as bearing piles). WID ratios and AID ratios. For the definitions of the tabulated variables. M-. S-. 1-3. S-. detailing dimensions. and the fractional value. this Manual presents tabulated values for the Workable Gage of a section. M. S-. respectively. see Parts 3 through 6. and 1--4 for W-. STRUCTURALPRODUCTS W-. Fire Resistance afStructural Steel Framing. or HP-shapes. as well as general specification requirements and other design considerations. the actual size. When the listed value is footnoted. Tabulated decimal values are appropriate for use in design calculations. see Part 17. 1-2. S-. see Part 16. For availability and proper material specifications for these products. which have a slope of approximately 16 213 percent (2 on 12) on the inner f1ange surfaces. axial properties. whereas fractional values are appropriate for use in detailing. For the design of connections. • SI-equivalent designations are given in Table 17-1 for W-shapes and in Table 17-2 for M-. For example. • M-shapes. For other miscellaneous information. and HP-shapes. see AISe Design Guide 19.STRUCTURALPRODUCTS 1-3 SCOPE The dimensions and properties for structural products commonly used in steel building design and construction are given in this Part. S-. All decimal and fractional values are similar with one exception: Because of the variation in fillet sizes used in shape production. combination. For surface areas. M-. box perimeters and areas. . M-. and orientation of fastener components AMERICAN INSTlTUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. S or HP. deep and weighs 55 lb/ft. S-. The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manual for the W-. nominal depth (in. the decimal value. which have essentially parallel inner and outer flange surfaces. is conservatively presented based on the largest fillet used in production. For AISe Specifications and Codes. kdet . which are similar to W-shapes. These shapes are designated by the mark W. which are H-shaped members that are not classified in ASTM A6 as W-. • S-shapes (also known as American standard beams). which have a slope other than 16 213 percent (2 on 12) on the inner flange surfaces. respectively. flexural. For the definitions of the tabulated variables.) and thickness (in. • SI-equivalent designations are given in Table 17-3. which are made from W-shapes. These shapes are designated by the mark C or MC. Angles are designated by the mark L. and axial. The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manual for the channels covered in ASTM A6: • Design dimensions.1-4 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility. leg. Angles Angles (also known as L-shapes) have legs of equal thickness and either equal or unequal leg sizes. Other gages that provide for entering and tightening clearances and edge distance and spacing requirements can also be used. Workable gages on angle legs are tabulated at the end of Table 1-7. a Cl2x25 is aC-shape that is nominally 12 in. detailing dimensions. thickness. refer to the Nomenclature section at the back of this Manual. which have a slope of approximately 16 213 percent (2 on 12) on the inner flange surfaces. The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manual for the angles covered in ASTM A6: • Design dimensions.and MC-shapes. • ST-shapes. • MC-shapes (also known as miscellaneous channels). leg sizes (in. flexural. Structural Tees (WT-. and flexural-torsional properties are given in Table 1-7. For the definitions of the tabulated variables. nominal depth (in. The effects of leg-to-leg and toe fillet radii have been considered in the determination of these section properties. • SI-equivalent designations are given in Table 17-4. For example. MT-. and axial. and 112-in. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. and ST-Shapes) Three types of structural tees are covered in this Manual: • WT-shapes. deep and weighs 25 lb/ft. . detailing dimensions. one 3-in. which are made from S-shapes.) and nominal weight (lb/ft). an L4x3x l12 is an angle with one 4-in. Channels Two types of channels are covered in this Manual: • C-shapes (also known as American standard channels). For exampIe. refer to the Nomenclature section at the back of this Manual. and torsional properties are given in Tables 1-5 and 1-6 for C. l~g. • MT-shapes. INe.). which are made from M-shapes. except for rounded corners. M-. MT. except at the weld seam(s).93 times the nominal wall thickness. . the outside corner radii are taken as 2. In cakulating the tabulated bit and hlt ratios. except at the weld seam(s). For the definitions of the tabulated variables. which have an essentially square cross-section. MT-. The term Workable Flat refers to a reasonable fiat width or depth of material for use in making connections to HSS. is nominally 12 in. For example. a WT12x27. Although off-center splitting or splitting on two hnes can be obtained by special order. ASTM A500 covers only electric-resistance-welded (ERW) HSS with a maximum periphery of 64 in.000x0. The coverage of HSS in this Manual is similarly limited. and uniform wall thickness.5 lb/ft. and have half the nominal depth and weight of that shape.) and nominal weight (lb/ft). • Square HSS. Round HSS are designated by the term "HSS. The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manual for the structural tees cut from the W-. respectively. refer to the Nomenclature section at the back of this Manua\. nominal wall thickness. 1-9. and ST-shapes. M-. Rectangular HSS are designated by the mark "HSS. which have an essentially round cross-section and uniform wall thickness. WT-. tdes' is taken as 0. and ST-shapes are split (sheared or thermal-eut) from W-. except for rounded corners. and wall thickness (in. The workable fiat dimension is provided as a reflection of CUITent industry practice. respectively. with aIl dimensions expressed as fractional numbers.25tnom . and torsional properties are given in Tables 1-8. INc. and uniform wall thickness.5tdes for rectangular and square HSS. and axial. the resulting nonstandard shape is not covered in this Manua\. and 1-10 for WT-. • SI-equivalent designations are given in Table 17-5 for WT-shapes and in Table 17-6 for MT. flexural. by 10 in. detailing dimensions. tnom ' The rationale for this requirement is explained in the cOITesponding Commentary Section B3. For example. MT-." overall outside dimensions (in. deep and weighs 27. Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) Three types of HSS are covered in this Manual: • Rectangular HSS. or ST. and S-shapes. In each case. which have an essentially rectangular cross-section.500 is nominally 10 in.12. except at the weld seam(s)." nominal outside diameter (in. Per AISC Specification Section B3. wall thickness.5 is a structural tee split from a W-shape (W24x55).12. per AISC Specification Section B4.). the corner radii are taken as 2tdes' In the tabulated workable fiat dimensions of rectangular (and square) HSS. • Round HSS. and S-shapes covered in ASTM A6: • Design dimensions. although the tolerances of ASTM A500 allow a greater maximum corner radius of 3tdes ' AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. in diameter with a Ij2-in. an HSSlOx1Ox 112 is nominally 10 in.STRUCTURALPRODUCTS 1-5 These shapes are designated by the mark WT. the outside corner radii are taken as 1. For example.) and wall thickness (in. In other tabulated design dimensions.and ST-shapes.) with both dimensions expressed to three decimal places. with a 112-in.). the wall thickness used in design.2. nominal depth (in. an HSS 1O. thick. torsional and flexural-torsional properties are given in Tables 1-11 and 1-12 for rectangular and square HSS. flexural. and wall thickness (in. a 2L4x3x l12 SLBB is similar. SLBB stands for short legs back-to-back. xx-strong).500 are proper designations.375 and Pipe 5.93 times the nominal wall thickness. and torsional properties are given in Table 1-14." For example. AMERICAN INSTlTUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. INC. square. A50 l. nominal diameter and a 0. detailing dimensions. which stand for long legs vertical and short legs vertical. detailing dimensions. • SI-equivalent designations are given in Table 17-10. and 17-9 for rectangular. legs are back-to-back. tnom ' The rationale for this requirement is explained in the corresponding Commentary Section B3. refer to the Nomenclature section at the back of this Manua!.). . 17-8. These shapes are designated by the mark 2L. leg and one 3-in. x-strong. Double Angles Double angles (also known as 2L-shapes) are made with two angles that are interconnected through their back-to-back legs along the length of the member.1-6 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manual for the HSS covered in ASTM A500. • Design dimensions. flexural. 1 LLBB stands for long legs back-to-back. except the 3-in.563xO. the sizes and thickness of their legs (in. respectively. Per AISC Specification Section B3. leg and the 4-in. can be used. A618 or A847: • Design dimensions. For the definitions of the tabulated variables. Pipe 5 Std. NPS stands for "nominal pipe size. weak-axis flexural. Pipe 14. Aitematively.) with both expressed to three decimal places.000xO.I For exampIe. and axial." outside diameter (in. wall thickness. a 2L4x3x 112 LLBB has two angles with one 4-in.).12. In both cases. respectively. and axial. which corresponds to the standard weight series. respectively. For example.258-in.) and weight class (Std. the wall thickness used in design. Pipes up to and including NPS 12 are designated by the term "Pipe. Pipes with wall thicknesses that do not correspond to the foregoing weight classes are designated by the term "Pipe. the orientations LLV and SLV. Pipe Pipes have an essentially round cross-section and uniform thickness. refer to the Nomenclature section at the back of this Manua!. For the definitions of the tabulated variables. strong-axis flexural. and torsional properties are given in Table 1-13 for round HSS. detailing dimensions. except at the weld seam(s) for welded pipe. denotes a pipe with a 5-in. the legs are 112 in." nominal diameter (in. either in contact for the full length or separated by spacers at the points of interconnection. legs are back-to-back.. and their orientation when the angle legs are not of equal size (LLBB or SLBB). and axial.12. The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manual for the pipes covered in ASTM A53: • Design dimensions. • SI-equivalent designations are given in Tables 17-7. and round HSS. !des' is taken as 0. when applicable. W-Shapes and S-Shapes with Cap Channels Common combined sections made with W. and 3/4 in. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. a 2C 12x25 is a double channel that consists of two channels that are each nominally 12 in. The effects of leg-to-leg and toe fillet radii have been considered in the determination of these section properties. detailing dimensions. nominal depth (in.. In either case. In each case. q. see Table 1-7. LLBB and SLBB angles. For example. weak-axis flexural. In each case. refer to the Nomenclature section at the back of this Manual. . where VQ q=1 where q V = horizontal shear. in.and 2MC-shapes) are made with two channels that are interconnected through their back-to-back webs along the length of the member. are covered. strong-axis flexural. 4 The effects of other forces. are covered. 3/8 in. angle separations of zero in. kips/in. INC. 3 1 = moment of inertia of the combined cross-section. The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manual for the double channels built-up from the channels covered in ASTM A6: • Design dimensions.. and nominal weight per channel (lb/ft). torsional. respectively.or S-shapes and channels (C. and 3/4 in. and axial. and axial.STRUCTURAL PRODUCTS 1-7 The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manual for the double angles built-up from the angles covered in ASTM A6: • Design dimensions. 3/8 in. For the definitions of the tabulated variables.and 2MC-shapes. the channel web is interconnected to the W-shape or S-shape top flange. The interconnection of the two elements must be designed for the horizontal shear. For workable gages on legs of angles. Q = first moment of the channel area about the neutral axis of the combined cross section.or MC-shapes) are tabulated in this Manual. kips. refer to the Nomenclature section at the back of this Manual. channel separations of zero. either in contact for the fulllength or separated by spacers at the points of interconnection.). in. For the definitions of the tabulated variables. may also require consideration. such as crane horizontal and lateral forces.. and flexural-torsional properties are given in Table 1-15 for equal-leg. These shapes are designated by the mark 2C or 2MC. and weakaxis flexural properties are given in Tables 1-16 and 1-17 for 2C. respectively. with the flange toes down. deep and each weigh 25 lb/ft. Double Channels Double channels (also known as 2C. = vertical shear. detailing dimensions. strong-axis flexural. For the definitions of the tabulated variables. increments over 3/s-in. wide. Crane Rails Although crane rails are not listed as structural steel in Code of Standard Practice Section 2. Sheet and strip are distinguished from structural bars and plates by their dimensional characteristics. Raised-pattern floor plates are commonly available in widths up to 120 in. For structural plates. thickness. thickness. In raw form. strong-axis flexural and weak-axis flexural properties of S-shapes with cap channels are given in Table 1-20. individual mills should be consulted to determine preferences. and axial. and axial.1-8 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES The following dimensional and property information is given in this Manual for combined sections. this information is provided because sorne fabricators may choose to provide crane rails. Sheared plates are rolled between horizontal rolls and trimmed to width and length by shearing or thermal cutting on the edges and ends. The current extreme widths for sheared plates is 200 in. Raised-Pattern Floor Plates Weights of raised-pattern floor plates are given in Table 1-18. INC. see Part 15. AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of STEEL CONSTRUCTION. the preferred practice is to specify width in 1/4-in. detailing dimensions. increments. S-shapes. • Design dimensions. . thickness. For bars. wide and as a plate if it is greater than 8 in. Bars are rolled between horizontal and vertical rolls and trimmed to length by shearing or thermal cutting on the ends only. and thickness and diameter in Ils-in. Ils-in.1. flat stock has historically been classified as a bar if it is less than or equal to 8 in. to l-in. refer to the Nomenclature section at the back of this Manual. strong-axis flexural and weak-axis flexural properties ofW-shapes with cap channels are given in Table 1-19. Dimensions and properties for the crane rails shown are given in Table 1-21. the preferred practice is to specify thickness in 1/i6-in. structural difference between plates and bars. Stripped plates are sheared or thermal cut from wider sheared plates. and 1/4-in. Plate Products Plate products may be ordered as sheet. and cap channels covered in ASTM A6: • Design dimensions. Because miU practice regarding plate widths vary. increments up to 3/s-in. the term "plate" is becoming a universally applied term today and a PL l l2x4 1I2xl'-3". as outlined in Table 2-2. Crane rails are designated by unit weight in lb/yard. detailing dimensions. Crane rails can be either heat treated or end hardened to reduce wear. Consequently. The historical classification system for structural bars and plates suggests that there is only a physical difference between them based upon size and production procedure. might be fabricated from plate or bar stock. built-up from the W-shapes. For additional information or for profiles and properties of crane rails not listed. or 2. if any. For crane-rail connections. Plates are generally produced using one of two methods: 1. increments over l-in. For larger plate widths. strip. see literature available from floor plate producers. There is very little. manufacturer's catalogs should be consulted. increments. for example. or bar material. and direct-tension-indicator washers are covered in Part 7. Supplementary information can also be found in literature from pipe producers. Hollow Structural Sections Acceptable dimensional tolerances for HSS are given in ASTM A500 Section 10. Note that plate thickness can be specified in inches or by weight per square foot. A501 Section II. recessed-pin nuts. and HPshapes). . including permissible variations for sheet and strip and for other grades of steel. Supplementary information. S-. STANDARD MILL PRACTICES The production of structural products is subject to unavoidable variations relative to the theoretical dimensions and profiles. as applicable. A618 Section 8. Such variations are Iimited by the dimensional and profile tolerances as summarized below. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. M-. INC. can also be found in literature from steel plate producers and the Association of Iron and Steel Technology. Supplementary information. such as Recommended Methods to Check Dimensional Tolerances on Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) Made to ASTM A500. due to many factors. or A847 Section 10. washers. respectively. Hot-Rolled Structural Shapes Acceptable dimensional tolerances for hot-rolled structural shapes (W-. can also be found in Iiterature from steel plate producers and the Association of Iron and Steel Technology. such as clevises. nuts. sleeve nuts. o Forged steel structural hardware items. Plate Products Acceptable dimensional tolerances for plate products are given in ASTM A6 Section 13 and summarized in Table 1-29. and cotter pins are covered in Part 15. Supplementary information can also be found in literature from HSS producers and the Steel Tube Institute. Pipe Acceptable dimensional tolerances for pipes are given in ASTM A53 Section 12 and summarized in Table 1-28. No decimal edge thickness can be assured for plate specified by the latter method. turnbuckles.STANDARD MILL PRACTICES 1-9 Other Structural Products The following other structural products are covered in this Manual as indicated: • High-strength bolts. for rectangular and round HSS. common bolts. • Welding filler metals and fluxes are covered in Part 8. including permissible variations for sheet and strip and for other grades of steel.and MC-shapes). and summarized in Tables 1-27 and 1-28. o Anchor rods and threaded rods are covered in Part 14. and separate tolerances apply to each method. roll dressing practices. and angles are given in ASTM A6 Section 13 and summarized in Tables 1-22 through 1-26. channels (C. and temperature effects. including roll wear. 01 1.07 31f4 23/4 23/s 23116 21116 2 113116 15Is 4.56 2.830 0.22 1114 174 148 127 117 109 107 95.23 3.31 3.19 2.0 40.2 98.60 2.0 44 43.73 1.0 39.0 38.8 15 3/4 sI16 15.8 153/4 sI16 15.9 42 7/s Thickness.94 3.6 43 s/s 43.76 2. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.4 58.960 0.4 16 3/s 11116 16. INC.8 1l3f4 5116 11.6 40.2 4151s 40 3/4 40 3/4 40 3/a 40 1/s 40 393/4 393/s 39 385/a 38 1/4 W40x593 x503 h x431 h x397 h x372 h x362 h x324 x297 c x277 c x249 c x215 c x199 c Distance 2 43 1.58 19116 1.52 2. tw Width.81 1.03 1 0.0 x264 77.42 1.5 x327 h 96.2 39.38 2.11 2.1 W/s 9116 16.8 39. 1f2 7116 7116 3/S in.9 16 15.3 63.7 39.4 40. 1.76 FI16 2.0 12 lfz 12.2 161/4 S/s 16.3 43 1/4 42. 2s/s 27116 21/4 21116 kl T Workable Gage in.31 3.1 121fa 9116 12.99 2.4 76.8 1l3f4 2.0 x211 c 62.930 1SI16 393/4 0.1-]0 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES tîJ: Table 1-1 W Shapes Dimensions Wlt bt Web Depth.8 1l3f4 5116 11.54 19116 4W4 1.3 x167 c 49.0 12 112 11. 15. b.8 41. 44. in.16 l3f16 40112 1.05 2.0 16 112 15.06 1.8 11 3/4 5116 11.8 157/s 7116 15.5 85.2 x149 c.1 41.650 0.1 161/s s/s 16.785 13116 0.79 113116 42 1.710 11116 in.65 1.8 153/4 3.7 W40x392 h 115 x331 h 97.4 39.830 2112 21/s 21/s 115116 113116 l3f4 19116 FI16 13116 1 13116 313116 33/a 33/a 33116 31f16 3 27/a 211116 2112 25116 21/a 11SI16 34 113116 113116 l3f4 13/4 111116 15/a 19116 19116 1911s W2 7lf2 3.20 2.650 s/s h Flange tw 1.41 3.22 1114 40 s/a 1.21 2.4 81.8 15 3/4 15. h Flange thickness greater than 2 in.750 0.58 1.750 3/4 39 0.7 163/4 13116 16.6 38.93 1.18 1.7 in.6 40.v 43.3 41.36 2.865 7/S 0.2 40. 5112 ~ ~ 1SI16 16.76 2.830 13116 393/a 0.83 19116 2.13 1.650 0.42 1.9 1F/a 3/a 11.99 2.8 153/4 in.4 73.5 43. 1. Shape Area.40 11116 2.36 2.25 41f2 4 3s/s 3112 3SI16 31/4 31116 21SI16 27/a 211116 2112 2SI16 21fs 2 34 ?1J2 17116 11/4 l3f16 11116 1 15116 13116 3/4 s/a 5/a 5/a 3/4 12.4 123/s S/a 12~2 121/a 5/S 12.13 2.01 c Shape is siender for compression with Fr =50 ksi. Special requirements may apply per AiSe Specification Section A3.34 1SI16 41 1.77 13/4 1.3 x278 82.42 17116 1.9 67.650 s/a 38s/s 0.9 1F/s 7116 11.0 x294 86. W44x335 c x290 c x262 c x230 c. k kdes in.9 157/s 1/2 15. A d Thickness.38 3.8 157/s 3/a 15.1 a with Fy = 50 ksi.42 1.8 40. in. 1SI16 383/4 11/4 l3f16 13116 in.630 t. 2.03 0.60 11/4 2.01 kdet in.v in.0 42.0 38.1 c.91 2.58 1. vShape does not meet the h/tw limît for shear in Specification Section G2.12 Ws 40 1/a lOO 1 397/s 0.22 1.20 1.8 40.22 1.20 2.4 39.81 1.3 87.70 3.0 x183 c 53.8 157/s 15.7 39.23 2.03 0.6 40.6 x235 c 69. Ha 113116 113116 13/4 111116 111116 1s/a 19116 19116 19116 .54 3. 1-11 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES l Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Properties W44-W40 Nom- inal Wt. Compact Section Criteria f---- .!!L h lb/ft 2ft fw 335 4.50 38.0 290 5.02 45.0 262 5.57 49.6 230 6.45 54.8 Axis x-x Axis y-y ris r Z in. 3.49 3.49 3.47 3.43 in.3 1620 1410 1270 1100 S in.3 150 132 117 101 236 205 182 157 in. 4.24 4.21 4.17 4.13 2520 2040 1690 1540 1420 1380 1220 1090 1040 926 796 695 302 249 208 191 177 173 153 138 132 118 101 88.2 3.80 3.72 3.65 3.64 3.60 3.60 3.58 3.54 3.58 3.55 3.54 3.45 481 394 328 300 277 270 239 215 204 182 156 137 803 130 644 . 106 640 105 562 93.5 521 87.1 493 82.6 444 74.6 390 66.1 331 56.0 283 47.9 229 38.8 2.64 2.57 2.58 2.55 2.52 2.52 2.54 2.51 2.49 2.40 2.29 212 172 170 150 140 132 118 105 88.3 76.0 62.2 r Z in. 17.8 17.8 17.7 17.5 in. 3 593 503 431 397 372 362 324 297 277 249 215 199 2.58 2.98 3.44 3.66 3.93 3.99 4.40 4.80 5.03 5.55 6.45 7.39 19.1 22.3 25.5 28.0 29.5 30.5 34.2 36.8 41.2 45.6 52.6 52.6 50400 41600 34800 32000 29600 28900 25600 23200 21900 19600 16700 14900 2340 1980 1690 1560 1460 1420 1280 1170 1100 993 859 770 17.0 16.8 16.6 16.6 16.5 16.5 16.4 16.3 16.4 16.3 16.2 16.0 2760 2310 1960 1800 1680 1640 1460 1330 1250 1120 964 869 392 331 327 294 278 264 235 211 183 167 149 2.45 2.86 2.85 3.11 3.31 3.45 3.77 4.17 4.92 5.76 7.11 24.1 28.0 29.0 32.2 33.3 35.6 41.2 45.6 52.6 52.6 54.3 29900 24700 24500 21900 20500 19400 17400 15500 13200 11600 9800 1440 1210 1200 1080 1020 971 875 786 675 600 513 16.1 15.9 16.0 15.9 15.8 15.8 15.9 15.8 15.7 15.3 15.0 1710 1430 1410 1270 1190 1130 1010 906 774 693 598 Torsional Properties Cw J 1 in. 4 1200 1040 923 796 1 S in. 4 in.3 31100 1410 27000 1240 24100 1110 20800 971 h. in. 42.3 42.0 41.9 41.7 4 in. 74.7 50.9 37.3 24.9 in.6 535000 461000 405000 346000 4.63 4.50 4.41 4.37 4:34 4.33 4.28 4.23 4.25 4.21 4.18 4.12 39.8 39.3 38.9 38.8 38.6 38.5 38.4 38.2 38.1 38.0 37.8 37.6 445 277 177 142 116 109 79.4 61.2 51.5 38.1 24.8 18.3 997000 789000 638000 579000 528000 513000 448000 399000 379000 334000 284000 246000 3.30 3.21 3.21 3.16 3.13 3.12 3.11 3.07 3.04 2.98 2.89 39.1 38.7 38.7 38.5 38.4 38.3 38.1 38.0 37.8 37.6 37.4 172 105 103 76.6 65.0 56.1 41.3 30.4 19.3 14.0 9.36 306000 241000 239000 208000 192000 181000 161000 141000 118000 99700 80000 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1-12 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES tt1: Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Dimensions Wlt Web Shape Area, A Depth, d tw fw 2 W36x800 h x652 h x529 h x487 h x441 h x395 h x361 h x330 x302 x282 c x262 C x247 c x231 , in. 2 236 192 156 143 130 116 106 97.0 88.8 82.9 77.0 72.5 68.1 W36x256 x232' x210' x194' x182' x170' x160' x150' x135"v 75.4 68.1 61.8 57.0 53.6 50.1 47.0 44.2 39.7 37.4 37.1 36.7 36.5 36.3 36.2 36.0 35.9 35.6 37 3/8 3711s 36 3/4 36'12 363/s 36'/8 36 357/s 35'12 0.960 0.870 0.830 0.765 0.725 0.680 0.650 0.625 0.600 '5116 7/8 '3116 3/4 3/4 11116 5/8 5/8 5/8 W33x387 h x354 h x318 x291 x263 x241' x221 , x201' 114 104 93.6 85.7 77.5 71.0 65.2 59.2 36.0 35.6 35.2 34.8 34.5 34.2 33.9 33.7 36 35112 35'/8 347/8 1.26 1.16 1.04 0.960 0.870 0.830 0.775 0.715 1114 13116 11J16 15116 7/8 13116 3/4 "116 in. 42.6 42'/2 41.1 41 39.8 393/4 39.3 393/s 38.9 387/s 38.4 383/8 38.0 38 37.7 375/8 37.3 373/s 37.1 371/8 36.9 367/8 36.7 36 5/8 36.5 36'12 WI2 34'/8 33 7/8 33 5/8 337/8 33'12 331/4 33'/8 327/8 in. 2.38 23/s 1.97 2 1.61 1518 1.50 l1f2 1.36 1318 1.22 11J4 1.12 11J8 1.02 1 0.945 '5116 0.885 7/8 0.840 '3116 0.800 '3116 0.760 3/4 0.670 "116 0.635 5/8 0.605 5fs 0.580 9116 0.550 9116 , Shape is siender for compression with Fy = 50 ksi. W33x169' x152' x141' x130 c xl18 c.v h Flange 49.5 44.8 41.6 38.3 34.7 33.8 33.5 33.3 33.1 32.9 Flange Thickness, Width, b, Distance Thickness, f, k kl Workable Gage in. in. 3Hs 7112 T kdes in. 5.24 4.49 3.86 3.63 3.39 3.15 2.96 2.80 2.63 2.52 2.39 2.30 2.21 in. 59116 4'3116 43116 4 33/4 37116 35116 3'/8 3 27/8 23/4 25/8 29116 in. 23/8 23116 2 1'5116 17/8 1'3116 1314 13/4 1'1116 15/8 15/s 15/s 19116 2.48 2.32 2.11 2.01 1.93 1.85 1.77 1.69 1.54 25/s 27116 25116 23116 2'/8 2 1'5116 17/s 1'1116 151,6 32118 1114 11J4 13/'6 13116 131,6 11J8 1'/8 11/8 5'12 16.2 16'/4 2.28 2114 3.07 33116 16.1 16'/8 2.09 21116 2.88 215116 16.0 16 1.89 17/8 2.68 23/4 7 15.9 15 /8 1.73 J314 2.52 25/8 15.8 153/4 1.57 19116 2.36 27116 15.9 157/8 1.40 1318 2.19 2'/4 3fs 15.8 153/4 1.28 1114 2.06 21/8 3/8 15.7 153/4 1.15 1118 1.94 2 17116 29% Hs 15116 15116 1'/4 1lJ4 131,6 131,6 5112 3/8 5116 5116 5116 5116 13116 295/8 11J8 11J8 11J8 11Js 5'12 in. in. 18 17 5/8 17'/4 17'/8 17 167/8 163/4 16 5/8 16 5/s 165/8 16112 16112 16112 '3116 3/4 "116 5/S 9116 '12 '12 7116 7116 7116 3/8 18.0 17.6 17.2 17.1 17.0 16.8 16.7 16.6 16.7 16.6 16.6 16.5 16.5 '12 7116 7116 3/8 3/8 3/8 5116 5116 5116 12.2 12114 12.1 12'/s 12.2 12'/8 12.1 12'/8 12,1 12 1/8 12.0 12 12.0 12 12.0 12 12.0 12 J3116 1 4.29 3.54 2.91 2.68 2.44 2.20 2.01 1.85 1.68 1.57 1.44 1.35 1.26 in. 45116 39116 2'5116 2"116 27116 23116 2 F/8 1'1116 19116 17116 1318 11J4 1.73 1.57 1.36 1.26 1.18 1.10 1.02 0.940 0.790 13/4 19116 1318 11J4 13116 11Js 1 '5116 13116 kde/ 5/s 5/s 9116 '/2 7116 7116 11.5 11112 1.22 1'/4 11.6 11% 1.06 11J'6 11.5 11'12 0.960 15116 11.5 11'12 0.855 7/8 11.5 11'12 0.740 3/4 1.92 1.76 1.66 1.56 1.44 2'/8 115116 113116 13/4 15/8 thickness greater than 2 in. Special requirements may apply per AiSe Specification Section A3.1 c. vShape does not meet the h/tw Iimit for shear in Specification Section G2.1 a with Fy = 50 ksi. AMERICAN INSTlTUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. !! DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1-13 l Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Properties W36-W33 Nominal Wl. Compact Section Criteria Axis y-y Axis X-X 5 in.3 3040 2460 1990 1830 1650 1490 1350 1240 1130 1050 972 913 854 r Z in. 16.6 16.2 16.0 15.8 15.7 15.7 15.6 15.5 15.4 15.4 15.3 15.2 15.1 in.3 800 652 529 487 441 395 361 330 302 282 262 247 231 2t, 2.10 2.48 2.96 3.19 3.48 3.83 4.16 4.49 4.96 5.29 5.75 6.11 6.54 t.. 13.5 16.3 19.9 21.4 23.6 26.3 28.6 31.4 33.9 36.2 38.2 40.1 42.2 1 in.4 64700 50600 39600 36000 32100 28500 25700 23300 21100 19600 17900 16700 15600 256 232 210 194 182 170 160 150 135 3.53 3.86 4.48 4.81 5.12 5.47 5.88 6.37 7.56 33.8 37.3 39.1 42.4 44.8 47.7 49.9 51.9 54.1 16800 15000 13200 12100 11300 10500 9760 9040 7800 895 809 719 664 623 581 542 504 439 387 354 318 291 263 241 221 201 3.55 3.85 4.23 4.60 5.03 5.66 6.20 6.85 23.7 25.7 28.7 31.0 34.3 35.9 38.5 41.7 24300 22000 19500 17700 15900 14200 12900 11600 1350 1240 1110 1020 919 831 759 686 14.6 14.5 14.5 14.4 14.3 14.1 14.1 14.0 1560 1420 1270 1160 1040 940 857 773 1620 1460 1290 1160 1040 933 840 749 169 152 141 130 118 4.71 5.48 6.01 6.73 7.76 44.7 47.2 49.6 51.7 54.5 9290 8160 7450 6710 5900 549 487 448 406 359 13.7 13.5 13.4 13.2 13.0 629 559 514 467 415 310 273 246 218 187 'ïïïffl .PL !! 3650 2910 2330 2130 1910 1710 1550 1410 1280 1190 1100 1030 963 1 in. 4 4200 3230 2490 2250 1990 1750 1570 1420 1300 1200 1090 1010 940 5 in.3 467 367 289 263 235 208 188 171 156 144 132 123 114 14.9 1040 14.8 936 14.6 833 14.6 767 14.5 718 14.5 668 14.4 624 14.3 581 14.0 509 528 468 411 375 347. 320 295 270 225 86.5 77.2 67.5 61.9 57.6 53.2 49.1 45.1 37.7 rts r Z in. 4.22 4.10 4.00 3.96 3.92 3.88 3.85 3.83 3.82 3.80 3.76 3.74 3.71 in.3 ho Torsional Properties Cw J 4 in. 5.14 4.96 4.80 4.74 4.69 4.61 4.58 4.53 4.53 4.50 4.46 4.42 4.40 in. in. 38.3 1060 37.5 593 36.9 327 36.7 258 36.4 194 36.2 142 36.0 109 35.8 84.3 35.7 64.3 35.5 52.7 35.4 41.6 34.7 35.3 28.7 35.2 2.65 137 2.62 122 2.58 107 2.56 97.7 2.55 90.7 2.53 83.8 2.50 77.3 2.47 70.9 2.38 59.7 3.25 3.21 3.18 3.15 3.13 3.11 3.08 3.06 2.99 35.7 35.6 35.3 35.2 35.2 35.1 35.0 34.9 34.8 200 181 161 146 131 118 106 95.2 3.77 3.74 3.71 3.68 3.66 3.62 3.59 3.56 4.49 4.44 4.39 4.35 4.31 4.29 4.25 4.21 33.7 33.5 33.3 33.1 33.0 32.8 32.7 32.5 53.9 47.2 42.7 37.9 32.6 2.50 2.47 2.43 2.39 2.32 3.03 3.01 2.98 2.94 2.89 32.6 32.4 32.3 32.2 32.1 743 581 454 412 368 325 293 265 241 223 204 190 176 312 282 250 226 202 182 164 147 84.4 73.9 66.9 59.5 51.3 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 52.9 39.6 28.0 22.2 18.5 15.1 12.4 10.1 7.00 148 115 84.4 65.1 48.7 36.2 27.8 20.8 17.7 12.4 9.70 7.37 5.30 in.6 1540000 1130000 846000 754000 661000 575000 509000 456000 412000 378000 342000 316000 292000 168000 148000 128000 116000 107000 98500 90200 82200 68100 459000 408000 357000 319000 281000 251000 224000 198000 82400 71700 64400 56600 48300 4 10'12 10112 10'12 WI2 10'12 10112 15114 14s/8 WI2 WI2 3.585 9/16 30 0.515 0.4 15.750 273/4 0.2 in.07 27/16 21/4 2'/16 17/8 15/8 IV2 15/16 13/16 1'/16 k.5 30s/8 0. 3.40 2.08 14 0.5 10.520 1/2 29 112 0.5 10.2 14. A Depth.87 1.29 151.9 30.0 14.84 2'5/16 1318 2.9 76.2 15.1 15.77 WI4 1.460 1318 1114 lV8 1 '5/16 '3/16 3/4 11/16 S/8 tw Width. d Thickness.9 69.4 14. Speciai requirements may apply per AiSe Specification Section A3.93 WI4 1. 1. Thickness.930 0.65 F/8 1'/8 0.0 29.5 xl16 c 34.85 2 kd6s in.0 57. v Shape does not meet the h/tw limit for shear in Specification Section G2.6 10318 0.10 2'/4 13116 1.725 275/8 0.1 a with Fr =50 ksi.0 28.0 10.3 30.6 29.32 1.980 28 5/8 0.16 29 1/4 1.5 10.4 82.36 1.9 90.v 26.6 1 15/16 '3/16 3/4 3/4 11/16 5/8 5fs 5/8 9/16 '12 V2 7/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 5/16 15.3 27.9 26.5 15.23 33/8 1112 26 1/2 3.9 x124 C 36.8 27.4 14.930 15/16 0.19 1. in.09 14 3/8 1. in.34 1.65 1.0 14.4 33'/4 323/4 323/8 32 315/8 31114 31 305/8 30112 43.8 85.56 2. .660 273/8 0.610 0.24 Workable Gage in.33 3.3 15.4 28.7 x99 c 29.27 3.7 30.48 2.5 47. h Flange thickness greater than 2 in.9 76.0 15.85 1.02 0.70 1.50 1.2 32.6 43.06 29 0.83 21/16 1'/8 26112 1.7 27 5/8 271/4 271/8 267/8 26 3/4 1. 5'/2 5112 ll 47/16 3% 33/16 3 213/16 2"/16 2'12 23/8 2'/4 2'/16 2 17/8 1'3/16 23S/8 5'/2 g 5'/2 1'/2 17/16 17/16 1318 15/16 15/16 11/4 13116 13/16 13116 1118 2 1'3/16 1314 15/8 19/16 1118 23S/8 1118 11/16 11/16 11/16 5112 ll c Shape is slender for compression with Fr = 50 ksi.61 14V8 1.6 14.6 27.830 28 1/8 0.850 7/8 1.6 2. and orientation of fastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.8 32.97 30 3/8 1. bf tf in.6 15.2 56.50 1314 1'/8 0.7 29.13 P/16 1.8 33.58 113/16 1'/8 0.4 30.05 1. g The actual size.0 10.565 9/16 297/8 0.710 0.0 15 5/8 JS112 153/8 15V4 JS1/8 15 JS1/8 15 15 5/16 S/16 S/16 S/16 5/16 1/4 1/4 10.0 69.8 29.4 32. W30x391 h x357 h x326 h x292 x261 x235 x211 x191 c x173 c W30x148 c x132 c 115 105 95.88 2.1 15.1 14.43 1.910 28 3/8 0.650 s/8 30114 0.76 1 1.640 5/8 P/8 "/16 1114 P/16 111.03 3'/8 17/16 2.3 14.26 1112 1'/16 4.775 0.1 27.6 27.7 28.2 62.28 2.760 3/4 1. combination.1 14.0 31.615 s/8 30 1/8 0.5 10.6 31.18 13116 1.0 33. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.1 32.5 38.0 2 Distance 1 k 2.5 10.490 0.4 64.0 27.1 10. in.745 3/4 0.34 14V8 1.470 1/2 W27x539 h x368 h x336 h x307 h x281 x258 x235 x217 x194 x178 x161 c x146 c 159 108 98.2 xl08 c 31.5 30.7 14.8 27.545 9/16 29s/8 0.98 11/16 1.54 2.570 0.24 2.655 0.4 32112 1.24 1.605 W27x129 c x114 c x102 c x94 c x84 c 37.29 23/8 1114 2.DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTTES 1-14 t1j: Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Dimensions Wlk bf Web Shape Flange Area.14 1. tw 2 in.07 2.44 29/16 15/16 2.3 29.610 5/8 1.2 30.830 0.1 26.44 2.50 14 1.3 30.10 1118 0.64 23/4 15/16 2.5 10. T kdet in.5 30.3 51.1 c. in.670 "/16 1.7 30.7 24.19 14 1.930 '5/16 1. "/18 5/8 9/16 V2 '12 7/16 3/8 3/8 S/16 15.53 1.38 30 1.72 2.975 39/16 2112 21/4 21/16 11s/16 13/4 1518 1112 10 10V8 10 10 10 1.4 30.26 29s/8 1. in. INC.0 29.32 19/16 111.0 10.97 21/16 13116 \ 1118 1.830 13/16 0.00 1 1.3 14.2 52.0 5/8 9/16 112 1/2 7/16 5/16 5/16 V4 V4 V4 10.1 x90 c.41 I 1V16 1'/8 0. 03 2.5 47.2 6.28 4.1 12.2 12.70 7.2 29.53 3.79 3.4 26.1-15 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES l Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Properties W30-W27 Nom- inal WI.04 40.32 3.45 21.7 12.3 27.9 11.49 7.6 34.1 11.6 3.77 2.99 6.67 3.43 4.2 11.5 61.66 2.66 2.54 26.27 43.8 in.1 49.27 4.4 2. 173 134 103 75.1 13.7 5.1 17.2 27.37 4.55 5.4 31.5 29.2 2.7 Axis y-y Axis X-X fis 1 in.5 26.25 2.3 43.5 345 299 267 243 213 11.4 21.2 5.6 30.15 2.83 3.80 51.5 22.41 3.5 79.8 11.65 46.23 3.39 3.16 4.0 49.0 58. 198 179 162 144 127 114 100 89.6 49.1 29.2 54.5 539 368 336 307 281 258 235 217 194 178 161 146 2.1 2.0 11.8 32.41 6.0 29.15 2.45 3.75 23.2 26.4 12.99 3.07 4.4 54.32 4.4 68.3 18.8 12.41 4.58 3.09 25600 1570 16200 1060 14600 972 13100 887 11900 814 10800 745 9700 677 8910 627 7860 559 7020 505 6310 458 5660 414 12.8 148 132 124 116 108 99 90 4.9 20.65 3.59 2.8 6.6 47.0 11.1 39.10 4.2 30.72 7.62 2.5 26. 4.16 12.70 2.7 395 343 305 278 244 6680 5770 5360 4930 4470 3990 3610 4760 4080 3620 3270 2850 184 159 139 124 106 36.7 3.03 6.7 4.2 34.1 12.19 3. 277 1310 179 1180 162 1050 146 953 133 859 120 769 108 704 100 619 88.12 26.7 42.0 27.13 4.5 27.92 3. 3 h.6 22.7 7.96 3.4 30.85 3.7 31.9 24.5 9.5 29.33 3. 4 5 3 f in.35 37.6 27.1 15.6 5. 391 357 326 292 261 235 211 191 173 tw 3.14 4.89 49.6 11.17 47.8 29.7 11.0 28.9 26.72 4.6 14..51 3.19 2.0 37.5 1890 1240 1130 1030 936 852 772 711 631 570 515 464 2110 .9 3.9 11.24 5.60 3.4 38.81 in.8 21.8 30.4 13.9 5.10 2.48 3.20 437 279 252 227 206 187 168 154 136 122 109 97.9 8.1 7.12 2.4 129 114 102 94 84 4.0 15. f--- Compact Section Criteria .9 27.22 4.89 3.25 3.6 26.2 13. 20700 1250 18700 1140 16800 1040 14900 930 13100 829 11700 748 10300 665 9200 600 8230 541 f 3 Z in.8 497 70.52 57. 4 in.1 555 78.5 6.04 4. J in.21 2.3 26.44 41.3 37. C.03 4.09 4.64 2.36 3.4 27.73 2. 30.8 31.7 27.9 12.2 Z in.02 32.3 28.76 29.4 4.2 29.46 3.96 3.71 5.49 3.2 28.1 26.33 5.4 26.74 34.03 in.9 36.1 310 279 252 223 196 175 155 138 123 Torsional Properties AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.15 2.7 500 437 408 378 346 312 283 227 196 181 164 146 128 115 43.9 443 63. INC.5 11.59 28.78 39.28 2.8 26.0 11.3 1 in.9 38.77 2.8 11.5 24.8 33.41 4.23 2.1 20.18 2.0 12.46 3.2 4.4 5 in.6 366000 324000 287000 250000 215000 190000 166000 146000 129000 49400 42100 38600 34900 30900 26800 24000 443000 255000 226000 199000 178000 159000 141000 128000 111000 98400 87300 77200 32500 27600 24000 21300 17900 .0 10.5 27.7 2.!!L h lb/ft 2t.3 29.0 12.6 29.7 11. 13.9 10.8 24.2 12.2 43.6 7.62 2.64 3.2 13.92 6.3 13.60 29.00 3.84 496 170 131 101 79.5 52.3 11.29 3.42 436 380 355 329 299 269 245 12.75 2.07 57. 3.19 19.7 1450 1320 1190 1060 943 847 751 675 607 1550 1390 1240 1100 959 855 757 673 598 in.1 40. 7 x192 56. tIN tIN 2 in.4 21318 0.5 241/2 24.98 1.28 21/4 2.07 1.7 243/4 24. in.46 17116 1. 3.0 25 24.810 13116 0.09 11f16 0.2 22.1 c.6 125/8 12. h Flange AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.7 223/4 0.72 1.960 15116 0.5 xl17 C 34.1 22 0.97 1/4 3116 7.23 2.720 3/4 38.1 241/8 23.38 1.02 8099 8.2 25 1/4 25.0 13 12. 28. in.00 9.18 1.830 13116 48.48 l1f2 1.5 13112 13.3 26 3/s 26.7 215/8 0.84 1.7 x162 47.04 11/16 0.1 W24x62 c 18.1 27 1/s 26.650 5/8 35.910 15116 53.04 7 7.3 121f4 1 7/8 3/4 11116 9116 0.7 x146 43.8 21 7/8 0.4 12112 12.38 Hs 1.4 133fs 13.59 2.09 21116 1.705 11116 0.46 1.9 23 7/8 23.7 22.27 1.36 H8 1.770 0.01 17116 1 20 3/4 31/29 2.7 21.3 131f4 13.57 19116 1.1 24 24.46 1.1-16 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES ttJ: Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Dimensions Wlt bt Flange Web Shape Area.0 13 12.2 131fs 13.750 3/4 in.550 9116 0.8 123/4 in.3 x176 51.96 1.750 3/4 43.9 127/8 12.680 0.875 7/8 0. and orientation of fastener components should be compared witih the geometry of tihe cross-section to ensure compatibility. combination.5 241fz 24.3 27.0 26 25.30 2112 23/8 21f4 2 115/16 113116 13/4 111116 15/16 11f4 13116 13116 11/6 11f8 l1f8 l1f16 18 5112 1 c Shape is slender for compression with Fy = 50 ksi.800 13116 Workable kdef Gage in.39 2.875 0.850 7/8 0.98 2.13 1.22 2.4 xl04 c 30. d in.440 0. T tt 1.5 251fz 25.25 0.4 x306 h 89.960 15116 0.550 0.5 x229 67.09 5116 1f4 1/4 1f4 1f4 9. 35/s 19116 203/4 51/z 33/s 11fz 33116 17116 3 17116 213116 Hs 25/s 15/16 2112 11f4 23/s 11f4 21f4 13116 21fs 13116 2 11f8 FIs 11fs 13/4 11/8 15/8 11116 17/8 11/6 203/4 51fz 13/4 11f16 111116 11116 19116 11f16 11fz l1f16 k Thickness.6 22. bf tf kilos in.0 13 13. in.6 235/8 0. 2.8 22.5 211f2 0.4 20.1 131fs 13.2 23.48 21/2 2.9 21.605 5/8 0. 1. thickness greater than 2 in.415 9116 112 1/2 7116 7116 in.35 1.9 127/8 13.505 1f2 1.72 23/4 2.86 1.54 1.500 1/2 x55 c. 3/4 11116 5/s 5/s 9116 112 7116 7116 3/s 3/S 5116 5116 5116 1/4 Width.980 0.7 23 3/4 0.8 x279 h 82.16 13116 1.01 7 112 7116 3/8 3/8 5/16 5116 5116 1f4 Distance 9 91f8 9 9 9 12.7 23 3/4 Thickness.470 0.2 23.22 11/4 1.38 1. .v W21x201 x182 x166 x147 x132 x122 xll1 xl0l c 0.515 0.2 x207 60.73 13/4 1.59 1.1 a with Fy = 50 ksi.52 11f2 1.09 11f2 11f16 203/4 3112 9 1.6 Depth.2 h W24x370 109 x335 h 98.590 9116 0.750 3/4 0.65 1.9 127/s 12.650 5/8 0.500 1/2 W24x103 c x94 c x84 c x76 c x68 c 30. v Shape does not meetthe h/tw limit for shear in Specification Section 62.4 123/8 12.960 15116 0.04 11116 0. k.870 718 0.7 135/s 13. Special requirements may apply per AiSe Specification Section A3.4 123/s 12.600 5/8 32. A in.430 7116 16.3 241/4 24. 13.0 28 27.15 11f8 1.0 x250 73.26 11f4 1.7 24.8 123/4 12.8 21.7 263/4 26.89 17/s 1.550 9116 29.2 23.63 1518 1.7 25 3/4 25.5 121fz 12.3 241/4 24.07 9.5 27112 27.395 3/8 59.5 12 112 12.48 1. INC.5 22 112 0.3 123/s 12.0 23 0.8 21.0 x131 38.78 2. 9The actual size.34 15116 1.585 1. 2 23.18 3.71 1.0 3000 2700 2370 2100 1830 245 222 196 176 154 62 5.3 443 68.5 559 10. INC.2 41.3 25.4 11.0 20.1 28.4 131 114 9.91 26.05 9.05 7.3 1.8 23.30 23.21 62000 54400 48500 41100 36000 32700 29200 26200 86.9 922 10.7 675 10.8 479 74.97 50.20 3.5 29. 4 in.3 38.9 30.70 2.02 133 3.4 23.8 835 10.7 22.80 1.86 4. 3 in.68 20.45 7.40 2.43 4.90 68.57 3.35 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.5 23.45 3.6 2.6 24.0 1020 10.0 297 46.7 280 254 224 200 177 119 109 94.44 6.68 1.46 3.1 24.95 92.23 153 9.0 52.5 13.1-17 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES l Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Properties W24-W21 NomInal Wl.6 .07 5.79 4.7 542 483 435 376 333 305 274 248 'Is ho Cw J Z in.6 15.55 in.1 103 94 84 76 68 4.04 3. 11.40 9.1 77.1 461 417 380 329 295 273 249 227 9.3 in.87 16600 15000 12800 11100 9430 9.5 49.5 .7 13.4 21. 370 335 306 279 250 229 207 192 176 162 146 131 117 104 2.5 70.49 3.6 51.5 24.2 43.1 55 6.6 23.55 3.94 3.93 82.0 9.30 1. 3 Torsional Properties 4 267 238 214 193 171 154 137 126 115 105 93.49 3.53 8.6 20.2 1.12 9.9 20.6 24.4 651 578 88.2 21. 957 864 789 718 644 588 531 491 450 414 371 329 291 258 3 Z in.98 1. 3.2 81.11 3.81 5.5 259 40.17 3.00 119 2.92 6.0 23.1 327 10.01 2.3 34.6 25.51 3.61 7.0 60.6 2.5 24.72 In.95 1.89 61.71 23.3 2.5 2.6 22.87 41.4 468 10.42 3.31 5.3 418 10.18 4620 3870 40.01 6.40 3.18 5.22 4.4 in.7 3.02 530 476 432 373 333 307 279 253 . 25.2 15.2 2.6 39. 5 1 in. 201 152 117 90.57 3.51 2.86 3.0 24.6 28.4 15.4 62.6 606 10.5 37.97 2.81 3.3 8.75 23.17 9.9 18.27 3.48 3.2 44.2 35.73 2.50 14.6 1550 1350 5310 4730 4280 3630 3220 2960 2670 2420 1-- 201 182 166 147 132 122 111 101 .87 9.8 530 81.98 6.11 134 34.4 82.2 370 10. 3.26 3.69 9.59 5.92 3.1 7. 6 186000 161000 142000 125000 108000 96100 84100 76300 68400 62600 54600 47100 40800 35200 1.14 3.34 15.1 289 10.1 1130 11.23 3.86 6.1 18.50 6.6 17.70 7.34 2.47 9.9 49.!!L 3.6 20.5 66.9 24.42 in.5 40.5 71.1 53.9 31.67 3.38 8.79 9.6 28.3 3.60 3.66 39.9 18.4 23.76 3.05 3.5 340 53.94 54.83 5. 4 13400 11900 10700 9600 8490 7650 6820 6260 5680 5170 4580 4020 3540 3100 h tw Axis y-y Axis X-X in.07 3.92 1.72 4.8 20.8 23.37 2.1 20.2 70.1 1.71 3.6 33.8 26.5 24. 1 5 in.7 30.36 9.99 108 2.37 3.94 2.1 37.62 3.92 75.4 391 60.08 3.7 23.14 4. 21.7 20.3 24.57 5.4 9. 3 1160 170 1030 152 919 137 823 124 724 110 99.99 1.9 45.53 3.7 744 10. Compact Section Criteria lb/ft 2t.3 23.09 9.9 23.7 23.5 511 10.0 26.5 32.40 2.3 30. 1 c.650 5/8 1.3 16.3 20.655 5/8 5116 11. in.3 21.355 23/4 2112 25116 21/8 115116 13/4 19116 17116 15/16 13116 11116 15116 7/8 3/4 11116 2.7 193/4 0.34 1.3 17.2 14.00 6 0.375 3/8 0.2 18114 0. f 9 The actual size.1 18. Special requirements may apply per AiSe Specification Section A3.70 2.670 11116 3/8 11.3 x106 31. h Flange thickness greater than 2 in.2 x97 28.7 20 5/8 1.14 81/8 in. .59 7. tr 0.4 213/8 21.927 13116 7116 0. d in.46 1.950 1118 tw 3/4 12.12 1.350 3/s 3116 3116 3116 6.32 1.9 x283 h 83.75 1. 2 27.2 x130 38.750 3/4 0.6 22.7 x211 62.0 18. 15/8 1112 17116 13/8 15116 13116 1118 Workable Gage in.730 3/4 3/8 11.495 0.7 183/4 0.590 9116 5116 11.24 3.27 8114 8.11 1.7 18112 183/8 18114 18118 18 15116 13116 3/4 11116 5/8 1/2 7116 12 117/8 113/4 115/8 11112 11112 11 3/8 11114 111/4 111/8 11114 11 1/4 11118 11118 11 W18x71 x65 x60 c x55 c x50 c 18.570 9116 112 7116 7116 3/8 3/8 1/4 1/4 '/4 3116 3116 7.22 81/4 8.1 in.480 112 x76 c 22.59 1.15 15/16 0.960 15116 112 11.36 83/8 8.315 5116 10.400 3/8 0.5 18.0 Thickness.34 1.5 21112 1.42 83/8 8.1 21 0.835 0.24 1.9 177/8 0.7 20.02 0.30 2.425 kdes kdBt in.6 x192 56.17 1.4 183/8 0.450 7116 0.31 2.8 203/4 20.19 1.940 0.28 1114 x234 h 68.50 61/2 0.30 8114 8.2 19.7 173/4 0.7 21.0 21 20.01 1lf4 112 0.685 0.2 18.08 37116 13/8 15112 33116 15/16 1114 3 23/4 13/16 29116 13/16 27116 1118 27116 1114 151/8 23/8 1114 23116 13116 21116 13116 115116 13/16 113116 1118 13/4 1118 15/8 11116 19116 1lf16 5112 1.2 x119 35.21 1.1 21118 21. 8.1 1/4 11. 1.06 6 6.1 18 0.04 1114 0.6 215/8 21.360 3/8 11.930 in.43 1.695 11116 0. 0.50 W18x46 c x40 c x35 c 13.4 x158 46.455 7116 0.522 0.60 1.64 7. in.7 20 5/8 0.300 5116 3116 3116 3116 6. A Depth.5 18. br W21x93 x83 c x73 C x68 c x62 c x55 c x48 C.425 7116 1/4 11.2 14.40 13/8 5/8 11.06 0. 0.5 20. 21.430 7116 0.4 20 3/8 0.605 0.972 1lf2 VI16 1318 15/16 1lf4 ~ ~ 1 5/8 1.810 13116 0.06 11116 9116 11.380 3/8 13.16 13116 5/8 11.770 0.5 x175 51.930 0.1-18 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES tri: Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Dimensions Wlk Web Shape Area.0 20.72 1.615 0.8 207/8 0.02 6 6.3 19.680 20.3 24.5 19112 0. tw 2" Width.24 81/4 8.870 0.430 W21x57 c x50 c x44 c 16.890 7/8 7116 11.1 19. and orientation of!astener components should be compared with the geomelry of the cross-section ta ensure compatibility.6 205/8 Flange Distance k Thickness.0 W18x311 h 91.15 1.1 17.53 6112 6.50 2.0 19 0.27 1. Shape exceeds compactlimij for flexure wilh F = 50 ksi.630 5/8 0.56 7.56 6112 6.8 17.8 21.00 2.74 2.53 7.20 1.f in.1 18.15 1. 15116 183/8 5112 7/8 7/8 7/8 13116 13116 13116 kl T 11 13116 183/8 13116 13116 3112 3.3 18.535 9116 5116 11.525 0.4 18.0 75/8 75/8 7112 7112 ]1/2 0.9 21.515 112 0.1 20.8 x258 h 75.580 9116 0.52 1112 11116 11.2 21114 21.390 0.10 1.827 11/8 7/8 15112 31/29 7/8 13116 13116 13116 13116 15112 3112 9 13116 3/4 ll ~ ~ c Shape is slender for compression wijh Fr = 50 ksi.405 3/8 14.03 0. INC.91 1. 5116 1/4 '/4 '/4 3116 3116 3116 in.6 16.9 217/8 1.51 2.3 21.44 1.0 20 0.4 20.1 21 1.810 13116 7116 1Ù x143 42. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.415 0.535 9116 1.3 191/4 0.740 0.84 1.450 0.5 18. combination.6 185/8 0.99 1.3 22 3/8 1.1 19.8 19.1 x86 25.350 3/8 in.3 18. 5 712 612 510 78.4 2. 8.77 7.22 0.64 8.84 7.3 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.3 ris h.0 4.1 60.67 1.12 1.3 11.22 53.13 3.96 27.0 1.65 2.90 7.0 r Z 32.2 10.83 1.5 18.2 in.8 61.25 7.7 30.74 2.1 3.83 76200 65900 57600 50100 43400 38000 33300 29000 25700 22700 20300 17400 15800 13600 11700 15.04 6.73 50.45 1.8 4.11 2.19 2.19 10.52 132 118 107 95.65 23.7 41.2 1.9 17.9 7.7 38. 20.20 3.5 49.3 20. 4 92.60 6.4 20.04 46.76 13.8 85.7 58.3 1.64 20.18 110 8.7 78.10 49.14 0.5 19.40 8.53 8.35 8.7 57.41 7. INC.27 5.4 38.4 1.25 22.7 1.77 1.38 146 133 123 112 101 46 5.7 20.8 85.21 7.1 44.35 1.08 3.506 1720 1440 1140 7.8 9.3 88.9 20.3 54.4 44 7.15 2.31 24.2 19.5 20.6 1 in.0 18.5 795 704 628 558 493 440 391 347 311 278 253 220 201 175 152 60.0 7.6 46.6 1170 984 843 111 94.5 17.02 19.98 17.3 76.5 26.5 10.1 31.3 22.32 3.5 48.6 19.6 7.03 2.2 19.4 55.3 192 171 151 140 127 110 93.5 10.3 34.41 30.2 18.53 3.4 66.9 39.92 19.6 18.7 33.6 17.85 2.05 in.47 -h tw 90.68 20.01 44.8 12.63 2.6 7.4 19.54 8.88 2.7 14.17 2.6 24.44 8.8 25.6 8.00 5.56 12.91 2.77 1.8 18.9 10.22 11.83 1.7 57 5.6 2.26 14.2 14.82 7.4 70.70 7.803 in.7 22.9 5.770 3190 2570 2110 S in.4 42.0 53.70 8.9 40.87 9.98 6.61 207 185 166 149 132 119 106 94.76 2.6 2.61 8.8 3.7 18.69 1.06 5.05 3.9 81. 6 9940 8630 7410 6760 5960 4980 3950 9.02 2.7 2.69 2.9 in. Compact Section Criteria Axis x-x Axis y-y S in.36 129 8.5 17.5 2.9 35 7.21 2.5 176 134 103 78.7 3.1 17.37 3.2 3.28 8.66 in.65 24.6 20.52 17.3 2.73 754 676 611 549 490 442 398 356 322 290 262 230 211 186 163 4.66 1.03 7.8 68.10 2. 2.4 41.38 11.84 1.06 95.60 20.0 3.02 2.4 3.8 6970 6170 5510 4900 4330 3870 3450 3060 2750 2460 2190 1910 1750 1530 1330 624 565 514 466 419 380 344 310 282 256 231 204 188 166 146 8.6 18.7 17.27 16.80 1.3 221 196 172 160 144 126 107 1 in.56 17. 4 2070 1830 1600 1480 1330 1140 959 in.05 2.29 6.4 8. 1.7 17.10 3.06 1.6 17. Torsional Properties J Cw r Z in.4 30.5 20.70 1.3 48.50 7.8 68.49 7.00 1.86 4.2 43.60 8.DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1-19 l Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Properties W21-W18 Nom- inal wt.2 1.1 22.1 15.28 3.6 40 5.7 1.6 44.4 14.5 55.73 2.3 50 6.58 17. .4 36.4 20.82 2.44 5.35 7.43 1.37 1.03 4.13 3.1 45.9 44.06 53.72 2.79 2.24 2.5 16.6 27.4 21.20 33.9 50.70 2.71 5.17 1.42 3.66 2.09 8.57 32.8 50.81 1.02 15.1 19.73 1.--- J!L lb/ft 2t.47 7.2 6.5 81.47 3.34 3.6 64.30 6.4 13.68 1.20 8.35 1.4 57.24 0.3 36.67 8.95 2.64 1.11 37.24 3.49 2. 93 83 73 68 62 55 48 311 283 258 234 211 192 175 158 143 130 119 106 97 86 76 71 65 60 55 50 4.17 3. 4 6.4 76.04 f--.2 1170 1070 984 890 800 127 117 108 98.0 11.0 15.24 in.4 8.8 17.8 14.72 8.12 8.53 5.7 69.6 24.24 4700 4240 3850 3430 3040 1.810 0.3 18.5 5.58 18.5 17.4 35.48 5. 430 7/16 1.0 15.85 2.0 18. 17/8 13/4 1S/8 19/16 0.4 16.19 1.5 161/2 16.4 17. tt kdes kd.830 0.305 0.12 7.16 1.395 3/8 W16x57 x50 c x45 c x40 c x36 c 16. 10.7 in. 1118 11116 111'6 1 T ~ ~ tt 23/4 10 3-71/2-3 9 25/8 3-71f2-3 9 3-7 112-3 21f2 23/s 25/16 21f4 21/s 21/s 21/16 2 1'5/16 17/s 113/16 1314 111/16 111116 15/s 19/16 ~ 19116 cShape is slender for compression with Fr = 50 ksi.04 2.2 17.54 1.2 15.9 157/8 0. 0.7 22.0 17 16.585 9/16 0.38 2.56 1.842 11Is 0.525 1f2 0.7 15.7 16.5 71f8 7'/8 7 7 7 17% 175/s 173/s 171/4 17 167/s 163/4 165/s W/z 163/s 161/4 161f8 16 157/s 153/4 153/4 155/8 155/8 151/2 4.875 7/S 0. and orientàtion of fastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.51 5.295 3.88 l77 1.91 13/16 1.565 9/16 0.4 83.60 2.4 103/8 10. y Shape does not meet the hlt limit for shear in Specification Section G2.6 68. bt Thickness.680 3'/16 213/16 25/s 23/8 23/16 2 H8 1314 15/8 19/16 H.18 l07 0.21 3.41 1.72 1. in.630 5/8 0. tw W16x100 x89 x77 x67 c in. combination.6 19.5 62.63 27/s 3.76 313/16 4.1 c. .505 112 0.4 16. 17.9 20.9 7/16 3/8 3/8 5/16 5/16 1f4 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 7.a.04 7.8 163/4 16.967 0.26 2.3 101/4 10.0 15.4 16.6 15.2 22. 9 The actual size.03 0.3 163/8 in.13 15.12 43/16 4.1 a with "r = 50 ksi.83 2.8 51.49 13/4 2.2 19.380 0.6 15/16 13/16 1'/16 1 7/8 13/16 3/4 1'116 Distance k Workable Gage in.5 16.99 9.04 15/16 1.0 14.53 51f2 5.4 21.7 42.7 18.07 in.79 11116 1.07 2.832 1318 1S/16 1114 13/16 11f8 7/8 135/8 13/16 13/16 13/16 3/4 31f2 9 0.12 1.980 0.3 11. w AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.19 2.6 16.~' d~:-~T Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Dimensions Wlt Flange Web Area.7 17. 1.715 1'/16 0. h Flange thickness greater than 2 in.32 19/16 2.8 163/8 W/4 W/8 16 157/s 0.31 1.430 0.0 16.345 3/8 0.440 7/16 0.455 7/16 0.1 16.0 15.10 33/16 3. 2 29.00 6. A d Thickness.5 15.7 13.16 17/16 2.44 1.4 103/8 10. 16. Depth.665 1'/16 in.66 1.8 15.47 2.39 1.0 56.02 1.8 14.9 17.50 5112 223/8 21 5/8 207/8 201/4 195/s 19 18s/8 181/4 177/s 17'12 171fs 163/4 163/8 16 153/4 15112 151f4 15 143/4 19/16 17/16 15/16 13/16 1118 1 15/16 7/8 13/16 13/16 3/4 11/16 s/8 9/16 112 7/16 7/16 3/s 3/8 Shape W16x31 c x26 c.3 16.91 4.28 1.2 101/4 in..44 211/16 3.52 4.345 0.275 1f4 7. INC.9 15.7 16. 131f4 5112 T Width.5 26.66 2.07 1.09 4'5/16 5.89 1.250 1f4 1/8 '/8 5.68 15.67 17/8 2.747 11116 3/4 135/8 3/4 135/8 3112 3112 t.v W14x730 h x665 h x605 h x550 h x500 h x455 h x426 h x398 h x370 h x342 h x311 h x283 h x257 x233 x211 x193 x176 x159 x145 215 196 178 162 147 134 125 117 109 101 91.29 1.16 3.7 153/4 0.985 1 0.7 15.1-20 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES r.6 16.6 20.5 17.81 3'/16 3.890 0. Special requirements may apply per AiSe Specification Section A3.82 3.907 0.50 3.t in. 17. 0.6 19.42 31f2 4.8 10.1 16.760 3/4 0.3 75.8 46.7 15.26 2'12 3. 5/16 1/4 1/4 3/16 in.86 21/16 2.1 16.69 4112 63/16 5'3/16 57/16 51/s 413/16 41f2 45/16 41fs 315/16 33/4 39/16 33/8 33/16 3 27/8 23/4 2s/s 2112 23/s k1 in.745 0.9 17.07 7.07 21/4 2.3 17.2 16. 55 4.39 10800 1040 2.28 51.3 222 15.38 15.4 2.57 1.66 7190 756 2.5 48.3 198 175 150 130 1 100 89 77 67 2tt 5.4 41.89 5440 607 3.48 1050 7.0 37.8 28.71 3400 415 4.00 3.26 5.5 14.71 14300 1280 1.00 1.8 S in.1 758 659 586 518 448 92.2 44. 17.55 4.5 14.8 15.34 8.45 3.0 31.1 10.82 in.88 1.7 13.1 46.6 14.09 4..43 320 6.9 24.22 1. 7.0 34.1 14.98 ho Torsional Properties Cw J 4 in.6 15.10 7.33 260 4 in.45 12.12 33.86 1.2 8.57 5.2 in.62 5.2 87.11 5.62 10.43 5.88 603 6. 16.10 6.1-21 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES l Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Properties W16-W14 Nominal Wt 'ibtft Compact Section Criteria .26 869 7.0 43.59 1.3 0.73 5.8 19.1 41. 1490 1300 1110 954 57 50 45 40 36 4.25 4.83 15. 7.- Axis y-y Axis X-X I S in.31 4.88 2.9 13.33 936 7.11 16.9 15.72 105 6.42 15.3 6.68 5.8 2400 310 5.97 56. 6 11900 10200 8590 7300 1.39 in.10 4.63 436 6.7 56.2 38.57 1.21 8210 838 2.4 669 16.17 4.25 7.13 4.57 2.59 4.2 32.0 72.98 672 6.23 9.5 12.1 35.461 0.89 1.69 4.34 4.7 104 79.7 15.4 5.79 9430 931 2.9 136 14.2 35.7 15.1 1120 16.46 5.6 331 15.4 9.2 81.11 0.43 4. 186 163 138 119 4720 4170 3680 3250 2880 25602360 2170 1990 1810 1610 1440 1290 1150 1030 931 838 748 677 35.00 4.7 3010 375 5.63 1180 7.5 1450 17.07 4.94 4.08 6600 706 2.98 1480 7.03 1.52 18.24 4.75 4.36 5.7 31.2 362000 305000 258000 219000 187000 160000 144000 129000 116000 103000 89100 77700 67800 59000 51500 45900 40500 35600 31700 .41 6. 2.51 64.54 15.0 6.794 0.80 1320 7.95 4.47 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.63 73.5 31 6.6 2660 338 5.38 4.9 16.92 6.9 23.05 4.92 2.20 4.5 9.7 10. 3 f fis Z in.92 1.81 4.03 12400 1150 2.5 13.1 37.1 178 14.3 1900 254 7.12 527 472 423 378 339 304 283 262 241 221 199 179 161 145 130 119 107 96.29 5. 3 54.5 12.23 6.8 375 301 47.50 355 6.5 6.9 in.65 82.69 4.49 1.62 4.87 4.46 Z in.47 2.17 3.96 54.8 26.09 4330 506 3.97 13.4 273 15.8 869 16.89 8.17 5.06 11.3 27.60 1.26 12.02 4.27 4.0 15.92 6.!!L l!.75 6.51 4.82 3.93 8.70 tw 24.3 14.31 7.64 4.84 3840 459 4.0 6.0 44.16 801 7.5 15.06 5.71 487 6.7 2140 281 6.61 6.00 6.98 5.59 8.3 59.51 2.1 514 15.545 2660 2270 1990 1730 1460 7.8 395 15.48 1.44 6000 656 3.9 48.4 6.6 26 7.68 92. INC.3 4.55 390 6.49 2.77 7.59 730 665 605 550 500 455 426 398 370 342 311 283 257 233 211 193 176 159 145 4 175 155 134 117 1. 2.7 in.6 15.4 26.52 1.49 1.41 4900 558 3.7 64.38 287 6.07 736 6.262 739 565 816 730 652 583 522 468 434 402 370 338 304 274 246 221 198 180 163 146 133 5.85 2. 3 f 4.05 7.49 4.17 1660 7.8 1710 232 in.79 542 6. 230 '/4 W/4 14'/8 14 137/8 Workable Gage in.5 WI2 in.56 1.370 3/8 14.450 0.2 12.2 12.515 1/2 0.900 0.515 V2 '/4 x79 23.8 16.440 7/16 in.2 14.860 7/8 0. and orientation of fastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.5 12'12 0.29 W'6 "/16 x210 61.8 12.8 14.7 133/4 0.9 137/8 0.00 1.1 12.78 13/4 '3/16 x305 h 89.40 13/8 "/16 x230 h 67.6 12.25 J1/2 1 0.4 143/8 1.305 5/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 8.73 63/4 W14x26 c x22 c 7.2 14118 14.0 12.9 Distance k Width.3 163/8 1.4 133/8 0.780 3/4 0.07 2.0 14.33 1.470 '12 '/4 21.6 145/8 14.75 63/4 6.30 3.0 14 0.550 9/16 5/16 x87 25.06 111'6 9/16 x170 50.430 7/16 '/4 x72 x65 f 19.31 in.06 8 8.4 123/8 0.00 8 11.00 5 13.5 in.8 20.785 2.390 3/8 3/16 c Shape is siender for compression with Fr = 50 ksi.870 7/8 7/16 x136 39.2 12.40 1.31 1.0 29.855 0.420 7/16 0.375 101/8 10'/8 10 10 0.1 12.285 5/16 8.2 12.85 1.38 1.20 9 The 37/8 35/8 33/8 31/8 2'5/16 2'3/16 25/8 27/16 25/16 2'/8 2 F/8 113/16 11'/16 15/8 19/16 1112 ~ 11'/16 9118 15/8 15/8 J1/z J1/2 17/16 1318 15/16 1'/4 1lI4 13/16 1118 1lI8 J1/'6 J1/'6 1'116 1 1 5'12 actual size.9 13.33 2.960 '5/16 112 x152 44.03 1 0.54 1.71 2.7 13 5/8 0.9 127/8 0.1 12'/8 0.335 5/16 0.0 15.2 13.9 15.7 133/4 0. combination.6 13.16 2.6 145/8 14.3 13.605 215/16 2"/16 2112 21/4 21116 F/8 13/4 19/16 13/8 1lJ4 1118 1 7/8 '3/16 3/4 1'/16 5/8 3.7 143/4 1.96 2.90 1.940 '5/16 0.6 16.19 F/16 1 0.3 14.41 1.0 21.4 13.1 15 1.77 63/4 6.1 12.595 5/8 1.385 3/8 0.0 14 Thickness.9 137/8 0.790 13/16 7/16 x120 35.7 123/4 0.25 1.1-22 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES tïJ: Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Dimensions Wlk bf Web Shape W14x132 x120 x109 x99 f x90 f Area.735 0.55 3.1 W/8 0.710 "/16 3/8 x106 31.3 12. bt 118 118 718 W12x336 h 98.855 7/8 0.270 1/4 3116 3/16 1/8 6.25 2.12 13/8 1 ll ~ ~ 1114 J3/'6 11/8 '3/16 1W8 31/2 9 3/4 31/2 3/4 3'12 0.820 J1/8 0.0 10.310 5/16 10. f Shape exceeds compact Iimil for flexure with F = 50 ksi.710 "/16 in.63 1.660 11/16 1. INC.1 10. 5/16 5/16 '/4 '/4 '/4 in.255 '/4 6. h Flange thickness greater than 2 in. 1. 1. Depth.8 14.7 145/8 14.510 0.915 0.9 157/8 1. Special requirements may apply per AiSe Specification Section A3.0 14.53 J1/2 x252 h 74.5 14 112 14.27 1.0 14 0.9 '12 7/16 7/16 3/8 W14x53 x48 x43 c W14x38 c x34 c x30 c 15.1 c.590 9/16 0.7 145/8 14.7 143/4 14.24 1'1/16 1'/16 107/8 W8 1'/16 19/16 1lI16 J1/2 1 5'12 107/8 5112 ~ ~ W14x82 x74 x68 x61 24.525 112 0.720 3/4 0.2 14.38 1.63 15/8 3/4 x279 h 81.5 12.785 13/16 0.735 1'/16 3/4 11 5/8 23/4 9 3/4 11 5/8 23/4 9 0. A d in.0 133/8 13'/4 13'/8 13 127/8 123/4 125/8 125/8 12112 123/8 123/8 12114 12'/8 12'/8 12'/8 12 12 k1 T in.7 15.530 112 1.74 1.50 1.810 0. 25/16 2114 23116 2'116 2 0.990 0.645 5/8 1.11 0. Flange tw kdes kde/ in. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.3 121/4 0.1 13.47 2.2 12. 19/16 1lIz 1lI2 17/16 F/16 in.03 5 5.85 13. 10 0. 14.3 32. .1 12. tt 1/4 114 114 3/16 14.70 1.50 2.07 1.49 13.7 13.645 5/8 0.67 2.4 12.1 13.46 1.415 0.69 13. 0.18 13/16 5/8 x190 55. 10.8 133/4 0.7 12.9 12.6 12.45 1.3 143/8 14.1 26.1 10.340 5/16 12.0 13.455 7/16 0.4 153/8 1.1 131/8 0.03 8 8.0 12.670 0.610 5/8 5/16 x96 28.0 17. 14.8 137/8 0. z 38.8 35.8 167/8 1. 5112 tw 2 Thickness.59 1.485 '12 0.0 5.6 13.85 2. 2 5.7 51.31 3.26 5.06 in.91 1.37 7.9 48 6.71 3.4 45.9 1530 1380 1240 1110 999 209 190 173 157 143 in.06 5.07 3.74 5.04 5.39 1.9 13.1 4.53 5.3 1.8 18.82 5.04 6.3 72.20 4.80 1.92 12.82 3.5 54.87 3.93 2.00 603 1190 537 1050 481 937 828 428 742 386 348 664 311 589 275 517 454 243 214 398 345 186 301 164 147 270 132 241 216 119 195 108 96.1-23 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES l Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Properties W14-W12 Nominal Wt .19 3.16 3.6 1.5 12.34 3.4 0.3 49.46 11.3 13.20 13.------ Compact section Criteria .09 3.1 67.4 13.11 3.6 24.17 6.5 25. 12.14 in.7 3.4 27.9 6.03 10.57 13.01 2.41 6.14 4.6 43 7.6 10.5 13.47 5.76 17.89 5.2 4.92 24.2 49.1 1.99 22.28 336 305 279 252 230 210 190 170 152 136 120 106 96 87 79 72 65 2ft 2.46 2.1 30 8.48 2.31 13.5 13.3 9.45 5. 234 212 192 173 157 82 74 68 61 5.18 57000 48600 42000 35800 31200 27200 23600 20100 17200 14700 12400 10700 9410 8270 7330 6540 5780 .58 5.5 2.3 177 159 143 127 115 104 93.94 1. 13.8 70.91 7.96 12.8 174 In.54 40.4 h Axis y-y Axis X-X 5 In.4 541 484 428 77.0 12.2 12.40 3.89 6.6 11.1 78.44 5.4 881 795 722 640 123 112 103 92.16 6.11 7.6 9.9 in. in.28 3.89 22.04 3.798 0.6 17.85 5.8 64.37 8.24 6.6 38 6.49 12.80 8.6 34 7.4 87.23 4.380 1230 1070 887 3.87 5.35 2. 4.1 22 7.1 1.6 42.4 13.98 139 126 115 102 53 6.2 2.15 7.48 18.6 in.05 3.5 13.7 35.45 44.34 5.3 19.27 13.6 7.82 2.80 13.3 44.3 29.66 6.3 1.3 2.13 6.8 32.6 47.07 3.43 3.76 113 3.8 1.4 54.76 3.41 6.8 11.6 3.2 21.65 5.61 3.92 6.85 5.80 2:78 13.11 in.208 405 314 8.97 5.25 3.70 75.0 82.91 11.46 53.28 6.3 245 199 35.7 7.6 13.87 3.17 4.8 40.8 64.3 in.55 6.82 1.89 5.3 21.74 45.1 6.0 5.54 37.9 8.74 102 3.6 5.6 48.34 10.54 1.3 2.4 5 f ho Torsional Properties Cw J Z 548 495 447 402 362 74.2 4060 3550 3110 2720 2420 2140 1890 1650 1430 1240 1070 933 833 740 662 597 533 483 435 393 353 321 292 263 235 209 186 163 145 131 118 107 97.29 6.84 2.5 60.358 0.5 61.5 8.75 22.37 4.3 26 5.7 8.66 3.88 1.7 11.6 25500 22700 20200 18000 16000 148 134 121 107 29.82 13.75 33.96 3.5 4 243 185 143 108 83.93 3.83 5.73 92.8 12.05 2540 2240 1950 26.2 13.77 13.5 0.12 5. 13.6 11.0 19.4 39.97 7. 3. 6.13 4.22 6.55 1.PL fis tw 1 in.4 25.9 1 in.7 48.6 25.51 5.22 20.4 69.57 39.4 385 340 291 54.82 87. INC.2 33.31 5.2 55.6 12.7 19.10 3.0 49.38 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.7 23.66 5.98 48.9 11.42 3.22 3.0 85.65 9.2 14.4 29.2 44.46 3.2 62.2 56.3 12.49 3.6 13.23 3.7 6.9 6.98 2.1 4.56 3.3 26.1 3.18 13.8 2.00 3.3 5.9 9.3 f Z 3 Iblft 132 120 109 99 90 7.49 9.85 2.19 6710 5990 5380 4710 57.17 15.5 67.01 5.48 2.0 5.11 30.9 32.569 0.71 83.38 3.02 3 274 244 220 196 177 159 143 126 111 98.7 23.5 12.99 1.4 13.05 6.45 1.08 2.73 61.5 4.47 3.22 13.16 4.41 43.2 17.05 4.47 2.4 75.5 30.56 3.13 3.5 36.0 11.38 5.52 3.8 35. 2 10. Width.740 W16 11116 0.640 5/8 1.97 4 4 4 4 0.335 5116 11.290 5116 3/8 in.0 3116 10.01 3.345 3/8 W12x50 x45 x40 14.49 6112 V8 V8 V8 V8 4.615 5fa 0.v 6. d Thickness.360 3/8 15.235 1/4 0.770 3/4 0.99 3.96 11116 8V4 0.530 112 1. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.0 10 k1 8.6 10.225 1/4 0.575 9116 1.1 V4 10.2 V4 10.2 4.2 121/4 0.0 10 10.4 10.f 5.18 1.99 4.75 53/4 23/4 g 1/4 V8 1/4 1/8 1/4 V8 V8 4.360 3Ja 0.935 11/8 13116 7V2 13116 3/4 5112 3116 8.1 1Q1/8 0. Flange Web Shape Area. 10.3 10.4 3/8 10.79 12.9901 0.370 0.440 7116 0.2 10.2 121/4 0.230 0.01 8 3116 W10x112 xl00 x88 x77 x68 x60 x54 x49 11116 Distance k 3116 3116 4 4 4 4 t t t t 21/4 g ~ ~ c Shape is slender for compression with Fy = 50 ksi.99 8 7. kdet in.605 0.330 5116 0.7 11. fw f.6 12.6 20.0 4.230 1/4 3116 121/4 121/8 12 117/8 0.630 7/8 9116 0.300 5116 8.300 7.0 12.57 12.8 10.18 13/8 Workable Gage in.3 12.295 5116 3116 W12x35 c x30 c x26 c 10.12 15/16 0.560 9116 1. 9V4 5112 9V4 5V2 T 0.3 103/8 0.510 3/4 9116 5116 0.6 15.1 10.435 7116 0.0 17.265 1/4 0.49 10.470 0. INC.3 5.2 in.725 1511 5/8 103/8 2V4g 0.3 V4 10. 15116 15116 9V4 W10x45 x39 x33 7116 ktt.1a with Fy = 50 ksi.0 3116 W10x30 x26 x22 c 10112 8.525 3/4 9116 103/8 103/8 10V4 10V4 10V8 101/8 10 10 1.1 10.27 1.240 1/4 W10x19 x17 c x15 c x12 c.4 5/8 112 112 in.65 12. vShape does not meellhe hltwlimit for shear in Specification Section G2.1 10.01 4.260 114 0. in.9 22. in. Thickness.250 0.1 12.575 9116 1.570 13116 9116 0.680 0.12 1.02 4.05 8 8..71 12.9 29.92 97/8 0.315 5116 9. in.1 3116 10.515 112 1.3 5116 10.24 W2 0.210 3116 0.12 11/8 0.9 12 0.680 11116 0.75 1.41 3. 0. A Depth.2 121/4 0.62 4.61 10. .71 9.02 13/8 32. combination.0 3/4 in.660 1511 5/8 0.3 123/8 0.1-24 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES [:1j: Wlk Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Dimensions b.350 3/8 0.510 112 0.810 W8 0.73 93/4 0.8 14.240 0.1 12 0.620 5/8 1.14 W2 0.54 10.37 1.565 13116 9116 0.220 1/4 0.640 5/8 1. in.200 3116 11318 1W8 107/8 105/8 103/8 101/4 10 1/8 10 0.00 3.695 1511 5/8 83/8 0.56 6V2 6. 9 The actual size. 17.02 8 7.5 9.16 11. "2 bt ft W12x58 x53 in. f Shape exceeds compactlimit for flexure with F = 50 ksi.25 1V4 1.650 7/8 9116 0.680 11116 3/4 101/8 3/4 3/4 3V2 V8 V8 6.820 13/16 0.84 10.440 7116 0.260 1/4 6.77 53/4 5.81 53/4 5.0 9.260 1/4 7.4 25.87 101/4 1Q1/8 10 97/8 5116 t t t t ~ ~ 115116 1 7V2 113116 1 111 116 15116 19116 7/8 1lI16 7/8 13/8 15116 13116 13116 W4 13116 5V2 0.740 W8 0.6 12.190 15116 15116 5112 13.52 6V2 6.270 1/4 0.395 3/8 0.08 81/8 8.5 0. 3116 3116 7/8 0.08 13/8 0.03 4..340 W12x22 c x19 c x16 c x14 c.755 0.2 101/8 0.4 11.96 8 3116 V8 V8 5.380 3/8 0.350 3/8 11.520 1/2 0.870 7/8 0.49 1.530 0.9 11.06 3116 3/8 10.48 12. and orientation of fastener components should be compared wÎth the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.370 3/8 13.420 0.5 12112 0.425 7116 0.03 13/16 0.62 1.1 12 0. 5 1.73 5.8 r tw lb/ft 2tt 58 7.62 5.9 38.85 7.9 75.33 4.6 2.23 Z 4.0 54.95 9.82 2.8 16.1 716 623 534 455 394 341 303 272 126 112 98.2 13. Compact Section Criteria 2.79 12.27 36.741 0.34 1.2 43.2 285 238 204 3 22 19 16 14 4.6 18.8 30 5.622 0.7 66.8 45 7.0 20.66 3.18 45.18 5.7 16.94 20. in.68 2.9 1.15 27.49 97.3 4.4 1.07 10.58 9.9 2. 32.95 3.28 5.1 45.84 9.88 9.233 0.05 3.26 0.66 .4 77.89 6.60 130 4.6 3570 3160 5. INC.48 1 in.0 22 7.56 34.81 0.4 5.983 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. 4 in.8 26 8.982 0.5 46.30 1.70 29.785 9.5 39 7.04 1.15 5.29 3.39 9.8 11.91 2.7 18.3 17.1 37.1-25 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES l Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Properties W12-W10 Nom- inal M.95 11.17 4.51 19.78 9.48 1.35 60.44 85.4 21.72 7.72 9.0 14.104 0.0 7.2 57.51 25.45 1.27 4.8 10.6 112 100 88 77 68 60 54 49 4.01 11.845 0.36 236 207 179 154 134 .0 44.41 9.63 3.36 3.56 1.156 0.97 1.37 4.54 69.82 2.54 6.75 11.2 14.1 68.0 1.293 0.82 4.0 4.7 11.13 391 348 307 35.7 60.26 1.24 1.99 9.69 28.848 0.1 17.51 0.0 34.8 46.5 2.19 Z 3 3.4 71.20 16.0704 164 131 96.10 1.9 4.6 4.66 147 4.4 2.0547 104 85.6 2.9 11.0 12.822 0.9 40.402 0.1 15.0 10.31 26.82 27.9 64.3 28.71 1.89 1.47 22.53 25.91 4.4 4.67 4.7 21.8 16.4 23.60 10.6 19 17 15 12 h.86 9.09 6.32 4.180 0.1 14.56 2.6 18.39 74.30 1.27 2.41 1.52 5.9 80.42 1.753 TorsionaI Properties J in. 86.3 24.11 9.98 9.0 2.65 2.56 2.103 0.4 5.6 96.31 1.0 33 9.50 1.3 17.10 1.37 66. 3 78.3 17.77 11.1 in.1 248 209 171 49.03 10.2 61.1 13.3 50.25 11.7 20.55 9.0 18.4 36.9 68.23 11.9 46.1 3.773 0.24 2.2 24.80 2.239 414 345 275 3.86 6.96 12.4 64.74 5.3 2.82 11.21 5.8 in.6 13.53 2.18 5.01 0.74 0.35 4.9 S in.79 11.1 42.6 5.75 1.7 2.58 in.84 1.7 0.3 156 130 103 88.3 19.54 2.48 9.0 31.8 0.04 1.7 51.41 8.1 35.4 27.1 J!L - Axis y-y Axis X-X 2.17 1.88 1.3 40.906 1880 1650 1440 11.6 4.9 23. 116 103 93.14 4.41 41.583 1200 992 791 8.3 50.19 54.3 1.4 1.976 0.47 1.4 54.56 2.9 53. 5.8 38.5 85.2 23.89 2.0 53 8.3 3.2 49.59 2.76 2.39 6020 5150 4330 3630 3100 2640 2320 2070 53.3 81.63 2.5 20.6 2.4 45.66 2.2 4.962 11.54 47.20 1.1 26.98 2.38 4.9 1.35 2.08 7.10 0.457 0.0 16.5 29. 21.9 170 144 118 32.300 879 720 607 0.2 57. 4 475 425 h ris 1 in.6 38.25 5.00 29.2 30 7.54 113 4.90 21.8 45.0 9.7 14.17 51.5 35 6.9 8.77 33.21 11.6 13.1 35.90 1.53 8. r S in.3 26. 9.1 11.02 0. 3 in.57 2. 4 107 95.5 26 6.874 0.58 7.0 53.99 36.4 11.93 10.31 36.0 56.810 0.78 1.14 1.0 36.43 Cw in.85 9.94 21.62 29.4 2.3 7.8 30.6 33.5 50 6.6 31.82 41.6 4.15 8.6 40 7.48 2.6 45 6.2 2. 2.0 70.06 1.9 4.60 2. 810 0. INC.400 3/8 0.16 8.00 3.75 8.255 114 0.50 8.02 8 8.170 3/16 '/8 1/8 '/8 4.08 0.94 3.530 3/4 0.270 114 4. .34 6. 15/16 53/4 5112 7/6 13/16 13/16 13/16 3/4 fw tw "2 in.505 11/16 112 W6x25 x20 x15 1 7.28 81/4 0.465 11116 0.00 8 in.445 11116 3/4 112 4'12 3112 t t 2114 9 ~ ~ 23/4 9 23/4 9 2'/4 9 Shape is slender for compression with Fr = 50 ksi.99 8 0.99 6 0.00 5 0.06 8 0. C 1 Shape AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.794 7/8 9/16 W8x21 x18 6. A Depth. 9 The actual size.315 5/16 0.400 7/16 0.54 6'12 6.50 6'/2 0.01 5 0.260 0. combination.245 114 3.87 6.595 3'12 3112 25/8 W8x67 x58 x48 x40 x35 x31' in.1 14.345 3/8 0.84 7.660 3/4 7/16 W4x13 3. in.230 114 3/16 1/8 '/8 6.94 4 6'/2 6112 0.495 0.03 5 5.99 6 0.829 in.630 W8x15 x13 X10 c. 8.25 5'/4 0.215 0.430 0.00 6.56 5.11 8118 0. kdes kdet in.700 5/16 0.16 4'/8 0.205 3/16 0.455 0. 0.89 77/8 0.245 114 3/16 1/8 6.33 1.435 15/16 13/16 "/16 9/16 1/2 7/16 W8x28 x24 8.90 5.730 13/16 7/16 3/8 0.285 5/16 7.655 7/8 0. in.24 8. 15/8 1lf2 13/8 1114 13/16 1118 k1 T 11 61/8 61/8 7/8 9/16 '3/16 9/16 4 4 23/4 9 23/4 9 21/4 9 t t 3fs 15/16 9/16 7/8 9/16 3/4 9/16 0.96 7.43 5.935 0.07 81/8 8.230 0.510 112 0.12 in.360 3/8 0.7 10.7 17.555 3/4 9/16 0.94 4 4 4 4 0.26 8.260 7/16 0.74 3.230 114 '/8 1/8 5.71 5. 9.250 114 5.38 63/8 0.360 7/16 0.83 4.3 9.00 8.83 9 83/4 8'12 8'/4 8'/8 8 6'/4 6 57/8 57/8 0.615 1/4 0.260 114 4. 5/16 1/4 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 in.365 0.1 11. 2 19.705 0. k Width.27 5'/4 5.20 6'/4 0. and orientation offastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.240 114 '/8 1/8 5.06 4 0.859 '5/11 5/8 3/8 0.510 W6x16 x12 x9 1 x8.889 0.28 81/4 8.52 1/8 1/8 '/8 '/8 4.11 81/6 8.685 0.280 114 '/8 4.280 0.15 5118 0.03 5.00 4 3.03 4.14 81/8 0.25 8. d Distance Workable Gage in.02 6 5. = 50 ksi. f.230 114 2.22 81/4 8.02 4 4.93 77/8 0. exceeds compact limit for flexure with F.44 8.310 5/16 0. 0.570 9/16 0.405 0.195 3/8 1/4 3/16 3/16 9/16 9/16 112 112 4112 W5x19 x16 5.330 3/8 0. 1.08 6118 6.285 5/16 in. Shape Thickness.68 2.20 1.465 0.12 8.1-26 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTlES [E: Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Dimensions Wlt Flange Web Area.28 6.400 0.560 0.55 2.170 114 114 3/16 3/16 Thickness.08 7.5 1 4.1 4.954 0.320 5/16 5.615 13/16 9/16 6112 0. b.170 0. 8 30.74 7.8 3.3 Axis y-y Axis X-X 4 r S in.70 0.69 1.5 16.63 1.61 1.4 2.50 3.2 23.7 2.60 2.6 29.01 7.9 22.5 19.3 9.1-27 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES l Table 1-1 (continued) W Shapes Properties W8-W4 Nom- Inal WL Compact section Criteria fis .98 7.9 40.192 50.876 1.5 18 7.1 15 11.06 0.99 2.1 13.64 0.56 18.46 4.00 2.69 5.7 15.9 18.5 48.29 9.56 1.1 60.7 24.82 0.07 5.6 53.43 11.04 2.88 7.9 10 9.00 1.35 2.0 39.22 13.57 1.37 28.0 9.43 5.67 1.26 5.53 1. INC.26 in.2 15.56 1.53 0.03 2.03 1.8 19 5.2 3.6 20.32 5.45 8.66 9.53 3.75 1.6 11.967 0.93 5.3 21.87 3.4 17.59 27.11 1.73 0.9 14.33 1.32 1.73 2.12 25.27 Torsional Properties .346 312 259 152 122 in.1 21.72 6.2 10.74 6.72 1.1 42.918 0.69 7.88 10.3 61.08 2.05 3.4 10.49 3.4 52.75 5.5 22.1 32.9 18.3 S In.30 6.8 11.01 3.6 11.05 5.0333 38.65 3.0 39.84 8.0426 51.06 2.14 9.9 75.9 3. 272 228 184 146 127 110 - 67 58 48 40 35 31 4.5 in.10 9.0 12.101 150 113 76.905 0.51 3.19 11. 3 70.90 1.!!!.1 21.39 2.21 7.13 1.50 1.43 4.12 2.5 31.4 in.08 1.9 10.71 1.45 3.1 16.80 7.28 2. 3 60.0871 0.4 15.11 1.66 1.0 4.5 16 12 9 8.82 7.17 8.7 27.81 0.61 3.843 1. 3.1 16. 8.4 41.61 40.2 29.1 ho J Cw in.1 1.890 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.04 1.2 35.68 15.81 3.39 2.6 9.16 3.3 15.1 59.72 3.31 2.7 18.88 5.4 29.2 2.316 0.1 21 6.841 2.77 7.0903 0.66 5.72 4.91 3.23 5.3 20.7 8.223 0.461 0.1 13 7.72 1.21 8.6 75.61 10.55 2.6 30.537 0.56 5.63 1.10 2.82 7.58 1.0 82.13 7.26 3.06 1.282 0.8 49.84 5.70 4.3 24 8.769 0.65 0.536 in.6 37.09 1.6 13 5.28 3.63 7.41 2..2 7.3 5.43 2.94 7.- !! 1 lb/ft 2ft fw in.45 4.99 2.8 40.41 1. 2.73 4.31 5.07 7.9 25 6.28 3.240 0.6 9.92 1. 2.4 26.16 10.47 2.72 2.9 10.63 1.2 24.4 8.20 1.151 14.97 3.60 7.15 1.03 22.4 1 in.1 r Z in.8 34. 3 32.0 43.37 0.95 29.9 98.5 21.3 21.1 14.62 5.13 11.92 7.10 2.0405 0. 0.02 28 7.172 15 6.85 13.43 20.69 0.7 17.5 20 8.63 9.94 15.4 18.51 3.86 1.43 7.4 14.43 2.1 22.2 27.6 1440 1180 931 726 619 530 6.12 0.7 30.25 19.96 1.9 49.20 1. .137 0.49 2.1 12.8 17.57 5.23 5.52 4.9 17.70 13.84 29.7 16 6.66 1. 4 88.46 1.47 Z in.42 27. - 3.8 c 3.80 '2.07 3118 3118 0.130 3116 3116 118 1/8 112 9116 112 112 3/8 3Ja 3/8 3/8 23/4 27/8 3 3 M3x2.2 1.01 1. combination.0920 1116 0.09 6.228 1/4 0.114 1Is 5.28 1116 2.141 3116 1/8 2.08 x3. =36 ksi.]. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.47 12.129 3116 1/8 3/s 5116 114 1/4 5114 5114 - M5x18.206 0.130 Ils 112 318 2 M12xll.25 33/4 2114 2114 2114 0.25 3114 0.28 2114 2114 0.92 1. and orientation orfastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.00 6 0.00 0. 1116 3. 3/s 3/s in.180 3116 '/2 3/8 11 - 0.56 5 0. 9 The actual size.225 0.25 2114 0.0980 1Is 1116 1.149 '/s M10x9 c x8 c 2.82 8.914 3.0920 1116 1116 1116 1116 1116 3/8 c Shape is slender for compression with Fy =36 ksi.155 '/s Distance in. 9116 9116 in. in.5 12'12 0.5 c x6.69 '/s 1116 2.130 '/s 1116 2.50 31/2 k kl T in.63 12.0900 '116 1116 2.25 2.130 '/s 0. 3.29 1.75 33/4 1116 3.00 4 3. Thickness.130 0.5 121/2 0. 2 in.8 c 3. tw Width.170 0.07 3.0 10 2. 0.6 c.211 3116 in.173 3116 7116 5116 87/s 87/s 91/s 1.0 12 0. f Shape exceeds compact limit for flexure with F =36 ksi.45 x3.416 7116 13116 112 33/s 23/4 9 M4x6 f x4. INC.00 5 3. .160 0.65 10.69 23/4 0. 113/s 113/s Workable Gage in.7 c 1.75 1.99 10 0.00 4 4.182 3116 3116 9116 9116 3Ja 9.316 5116 3116 5.v 2.40 12.4 c•v xll.135 0.177 3116 3116 9116 7116 3/8 114 67/8 ?Vs - M6x4. t Shape has tapered flanges white other M-shapes have parallel flange surfaces.01 5.155 '/s 3.5x12.210 114 3116 9116 9116 3/8 3/8 107/8 107/8 - 1116 3.0 12 0. v Shape does not meel the hl tw Iimit for shear in Specification Section 62.v 2.171 0.80 33/4 4.95 10 M10x7.157 0.00 8 8.84 1116 2.Flange is 100 narrow 10 establish a workable gage.00 8 0.25 2.69 23/4 23/4 0.0 12 x10.18 12.00 V/8 2 0.92 57/s 0. d Table 1-2 MShapes tw Dimensions lkjtk Shape M12.189 0. in.177 0. - - - - . d Flange Web Thickness. br tf 2 tw in.5 c.1 b(i) with F.160 3116 1Is 3116 118 M12xlO c.00 4 4.37 9.00 3 0.9 0.v Area.27 1.22 M8x6.9 t 5.95 12.115 l/S 0.4 c x3.2 c 0.129 1Is '/s 1116 2.1-28 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES tri X. A Depth. 43 1.2 1.1 6. in. in.00820 0.8 18.03 74.86 15.9 6.22 0.8 0.9 8.60 1.60 3.108 11.711 0.915 0.308 0.0500 37.33 0. Compact Section Criteria Axis X-X Axis y-y .57 12.23 2.96 16.4 39.5 6. 4 9 8 6.65 22.441 0.01 0.2 24.68 0.73 5.39 47.930 0.131 7.81 0.12 0.07 0.60 0.7 11.000283 0.7 10. in.00208 0.08 11.2 2.95 3.63 3.88 0.503 0.7 61.098 11.43 1.5 72.15 0.81 0.5 6.0493 76.00148 0.25 5.43 0. in.248 0. M SHAPES 'Is ho J Torsional Properties 12.248 0.03 53.0224 14.00790 0.00 1.930 1.56 3.44 56.0147 0.329 0.8 10.81 0. in.88 1.0187 13.0 33.47 0.221 0.6 J Cw Sxho 5 Z 1 5 Z .10 5. .3 14.1 4.2 66.11 5.000459 0.7 4.56 0.0 26.0 10 9.0156 4.68 2.96 2.2 12.0 1.8 80.22 74.28 1.000300 0.3 12.29 74.7 5.771 0.372 0.180 0.36 2.1 8.6 8.117 9.100 12.3 4.81 3.453 0.500 0.495 0.80 0.195 0.0 4.443 0.398 0.000355 0.592 1.48 1.0184 0.64 1.9 - h lb/ft 1 in.503 0.0184 4.0 34.000455 0.6 4.2 6.81 0.593 0.82 8.81 62.506 0.9 6 4.41 2.39 3.53 2.00709 0.709 0. in.5 7.000411 0.00 1.670 0.0393 35.83 9. .48 1.22 0.5 2.344 0.000707 0.496 1.000263 0.564 1.107 9.0 6.77 1.346 0.562 0.53 58.00820 5.18 0.0292 35.1 11.65 23.0314 16.8 4.8 0.72 3.220 0.51 0.53 7.000328 0.173 0.500 0.099 12.79 3.77 71.3 0.0414 57.67 2.85 1.3 0.496 0.45 18.1-29 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES l Table 1-2 (continued) MShapes Properties Nom- inal WI.352 0.5 17.2 11.4 33.864 0.346 3.01 2.809 0.529 0.75 54.8 89.20 0.2 7.38 45.325 0.70 3.88 3. in.311 0.221 0.273 0. in.56 14.00148 0.28 4.86 9.86 2. in.39 65.0 7.7 0.08 3.67 1.439 0.200 0.0 8.000240 0.000509 0.7 5.00218 0.9 33.03 0.68 1.521 0.50 1.62 8.00275 0.30 69.667 1.77 0.9 6.111 9.248 0.81 0.744 1.661 0.104 11.8 0.15 7.2 4.45 3.636 0.81 0.00530 1. in.8 6.58 13.19 0.01 11.000289 0.4 11.2 1.289 0.4 3.6 7.672 0.511 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.418 0.559 1.221 0.173 0.127 7.6 4.07 0.02 0.0 7.250 2.75 0.85 7.00990 1.313 2.137 5.5 6.09 0.200 0.65 8.01 1.37 0.376 0.3 1.152 5. INC.33 0.34 2.!!L 4 3 3 3 3 4 2tt tw in.74 2. 66 3.00 6 6.7 2.00 8 0.0 18 18 0.271 7116 1/4 1f4 l/s 4.3 201f4 0.9 12.00 6 0.7 20.0 10 10 0.0 12 12 0.544 9/16 9/16 13116 13116 95/a 9% 39 39 10.425 S6x17.25 71/4 7.870 7/s 7/s 7/s 1314 1314 1314 7116 7.293 0.620 5/a 7116 S24xl00 x90 x80 29.0 9. Web Flange Shape Area.7 2. 11f16 11f16 2 2 163/4 4 4 S8x23 x18.594 5/s 0. k T Workable Gage in.00 4 4.170 3/16 3116 1Is 3116 1Is 23/4 2. t.57 35/s 3. Thickness. A S24x121 xl06 in. and orientation of fastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.691 11/16 11/16 11f2 1112 15 15 31129 31129 0.659 11/16 11/16 17116 17/16 911s 91/s 39 39 10.625 5/s 0.7 12.660 11/16 S20x75 x66 22. - - .4 20.87 77/a 1.8 S10x35 x25.635 5/s 0. in.0 18.550 9/16 0.26 61f4 0.800 13/16 201f4 0.0 20.17 411s 4.5 x5.1 24.93 5.920 15/16 15/16 1314 1314 6.0 7.0 S12x35 x31.745 3/4 0.79 2. 0.193 3/16 S3x7.0 15.491 0.5 24.13 71fs 7. 8.06 3.350 3/s 1/4 5.26 4.425 0.76 5.Flange is too narrow to establish a workable gage.544 0.800 13/16 0.0 24.1-30 t_Ix y J DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES -lk Table 1-3 ]T S Shapes UJfk Dimensions bt Depth.00 6 0. INC.66 25/s 0.5 x7.870 0.0 18.462 7/16 3/s 5.3 20.687 1'/16 0.4 d in.33 23/s 7116 3/s 9 The aelual size.00 3 3.00 4 0.293 5116 5116 3/4 3/4 2112 2112 - 2112 0. b.40 8.00 4 0.0 12. Width.48 51/2 5.411 7/16 5/16 114 5.00 3 0.622 0.2 x12.428 7116 0.2 12.326 5116 0.66 6.359 3/s 13116 13116 6 6 43/s 43/s S5xl0 2. .50 5112 0.2 25.795 13/16 13/16 15/s 163/4 1% 163/4 3'129 31f29 114 6.00 8 8.51 2.349 3/S 0.09 1.20 71f4 7.870 0.00 3 0.465 7/16 0.08 5116 5.00 5 0.795 0.214 3/16 1Is 3.232 1/4 1/4 lis 3.6 11.31 12.20 1.6 15.505 112 S18x70 x54.3 26.691 0.500 112 S20x96 x86 28.5 16.09 3/s 5/16 1f4 7.359 0.64 55/s 5.25 5114 0.0 20 20 0.461 S15x50 x42.80 2.5 5.326 5116 3/4 31f2 - 2.4 6.9 14.0 24 24 24 0. 4 4 20112 20112 20112 163/4 4 4 4 5/16 in. combination.45 10.711 0. tw tw 2 Thickness. 20112 20112 in.25 61f4 6. 2 35.0 24.66 45/s 0.0 19. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.3 20.0 15 15 S12x50 x40.659 0.5 241f2 241f2 in.05 8 7.5 24.3 10.39 63fs 6. Distance 3/s 5/16 1/4 3/s 114 3116 in.311 5/16 5/16 4.5 23.00 5 0.441 0.491 112 l1fs 3116 112 11/s 73/4 73/4 23/4 9 23/4 9 7116 1 1 21f49 21f49 - 1'/16 7/16 in.06 7 0.260 1f4 1f4 518 5/8 1314 1314 - S4x9.33 33/s 0.920 0.94 5 4.622 5/s 13Is 5/s 13/s 121/4 121/4 31129 31f29 12 12 0.00 7 0.5 31.8 14.260 0. 67 0.7 42.83 139 29.71 0.58 0.71 198 7.80 1.67 1.980 6.25 1.2 14.838 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.69 1.114 Wl r--lb/ft J!L 2tr h tw 1 4 r Z in.1 1.38 4.4 5.1 1.0433 1.562 0.5 1.36 23.4 2940 S in.603 188 152 23 18.656 0.5 4.09 3.15 1.1 12.0 13.335 61.08 0.6 11400 10500 6.91 1.64 4.8 1.23 2.578 0.33 3.05 5.5 5.08 0.5 4.22 11.7 7.3 2.30 6.69 501 433 35 31.03 10.38 1. in.71 19.4 5.2 52.03 13.8 2380 4.1 6.97 9.3 1.77 8.7 4.05 4.89 183 49.69 2.4 24.0 1.26 19.3 6.53 36.9 15.03 1.9 64.6 3.1 2250 4.878 323 306 35 25.73 1.3 1.72 4.70 124 7.5 8.53 22.28 7.48 11.564 1.34 33.702 1.6 13.08 14.34 2.6 69.5 1190 128 119 7.1 1.21 11.91 21.84 9.53 1.28 0.94 0.5 16.13 0.8 4.4 28.71 22.30 22.35 0.93 33.19 1.76 60.16 2.4 1.99 1.51 0.5 7.65 4690 4370 75 66 4.3 10 4.3 4.61 16.0 2.6 1.9 1.67 23.4 4.16 27.3 228 217 38.1 4.676 3.71 279 in.19 1.9 17.6 1570 165 155 7.371 1. in.45 10.638 1.27 24.0 6.95 77.167 18.30 11. INc. 83.90 2.36 0.0 1.50 1.4 1.51 1.795 0.638 2.1-31 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES l Table 1-3 (continued) S Shapes Properties SSHAPES Nominal Compact Section Criteria Axis x-x Torsional Properties Axis y-y 121 106 in.64 0.748 0.2 1.02 26.4 9.8 9.7 3.2 4.9 3160 3. in.27 3.5 4.8 ris ho J r Z S 3 3 in.86 1.78 4.62 152 7.77 1.49 19.0 8.33 1800 1550 50 42.80 1.71 0.56 3.55 4.13 1.859 5.461 0.2 16.75 25.45 2.7 8.69 1.06 8.64 19.74 2.29 1.98 20.1 4.47 204 47.827 3.9 46.60 28.19 15.99 1.33 24.78 1.518 0.673 2.821 0.58 0.19 0.6 303 270 50.59 6.05 2.899 6.83 5.2 14.8 19.58 2720 2530 70 54.383 0.1 4.698 3.29 9.8 12.120 3.42 30.2 4.14 12.84 25.06 9.09 33.5 12.21 222 9.31 14.7 59.40 6.12 1.71 19.0 20.605 2.7 57.16 16.04 0.52 9.1 7.7 4.01 239 9.32 11.67 4.05 3.5 9.94 23. 4 20.5 3.550 1.43 306 9.7 4.18 0.0 76.03 5.887 0.4 485 446 64.05 0.64 0.3 4.576 0.2 14.66 23.42 17.4 8. in.83 44.0732 3.5 5.52 21.14 9.08 1.69 25.35 0. in.4 1.3 8.49 19.4 4.1 100 90 80 4.73 3.513 0.67 23.89 6350 5980 5620 96 86 3.91 14. .91 2.2 923 801 103 89.3 5.4 44.32 14. 9.985 7.07 104 24.57 33.5 27.66 1.66 23.94 1.05 0.0 15.4 2.89 0. 3.0896 1.950 4.16 13.76 6.42 17.7 4.9 4.74 0.57 7.54 14.754 4.1 1670 3.59 3.02 41.93 23.86 0.6 45.4 10.4 2100 199 187 175 9.999 7.74 0.6 41.970 0.4 12.3 5.635 0.88 0.447 0.8 4.61 33.1 36. 3 258 240 in.2 22.1 1.34 20.07 35.50 0.33 4.6 52.3 1.84 0.7 13.2 1.44 1.2 12.00 6. 3 1 4 - Cw in.4 26.795 3.54 805 737 50 40.5 1.75 5.4 3.9 13.37 0.10 2.6 147 123 29.67 0.4 1.6 1280 3.831 5. 02 8 Flange Web Thickness.4 9.9 14. b. k1 T Workable Gage in.99 10 0.565 9/16 9.2 12. 0.705 0.4 x102 f 30.565 1J4 10. k t.6 8.1-32 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES j [t'~] d fw 1 Shape x Table 1-4 HP Shapes .1 x73 c.415 7/16 HP8x36' 10. 7/16 3/8 5/16 1J4 14.9 11.445 7/16 Width. Area.435 11/16 5/e 112 7/16 He 1 15/16 15/16 7/8 W4 7/e We 9112 51/2 9/16 7/16 11/4 We 15/16 13/16 7112 7112 5112 5112 7/16 We 7/e 53/4 5112 5/16 10.1 101Je 0. 2 HP14x117' 34.605 0.805 0.8 12 1/4 121Je 12 11314 24. INC.f 21.435 HP10x57' x42' 16.4 14.445 ~ ~ C Shape is slender for compression w~h F = 50 ksi.1 12.2 14.615 0. 51/2 0. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. 0.615 5/e 0. in. 147/e 14 3/4 143/4 145/8 11/16 3/e 5/e 5/16 112 1J4 7/16 1/4 12.8 18.705 11/16 0. Shape exceeds compacllimil for flexure wilh Fy = 50 ksi.16 81/e 0.6 in.505 1/2 in.610 0.1 11.8 13.70 93/4 0.0 13..0 121J4 121J4 121Je 12 0. ~ ~ .515 0. 0.685 0. .515 0. Distance Thickness.7 14.805 13/16 0. W2 W16 1W4 He 1 15/16 15/16 13116 7/e in.8 14.3 12.420 1J4 8. y .3 12. 14 1/4 14 13 7/e 13 5/8 HP12x84 x74' x63' x53' 12.4 15.2 101J4 0. in.6 in.5 tw tw 2 in.6 21.8 12.0 x89' 26. A Dimensions I-lk Depth.505 13/16 11/16 5/e 112 in.685 0. d in. 194 169 146 118 5.53 3.00148 4.0 1 in.8 22.9 18.00276 0.52 11.01 53. 3 Z in.5 16.12 2.41 13.2 1050 150 89 11.86 650 106 569 93.29 11.00202 0.1 393 66. INC. 4.1 2.59 3.8 4.0 18.33 3.2 9.43 0.10 4.6 19900 16800 14200 11200 7140 6160 5000 4080 91.38 3.0 16.7 54.4 tw lb/ft 2tt in.92 5.3 35.95 15.4 44.6 30.13 66.7 48.35 0. 117 9.59 2.00348 0.3 21.8 2.1 63 11.00 in.2 74 10.6 38.11 0.9 294 210 58.15 4.3 71.88 2.83 1.31 13.22 13.02 5.05 13.2 46.7 57 9.88 5.28 0.84 Axis y-y Z 3 in.4 25.8 18.3 2.14 120 5.5 904 131 73 14.24 2.16 14. 4 S in.00341 0.5 51.25 14.41 3.84 2.41 21.9 42 12.36 33.49 84 8.3 ris r in.2 119 29.97 9.5 101 19.1-33 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES I Table 1-4 (continued) HP Shapes Properties Nominal wt.56 3.2 2.00345 0.88 1.39 3.2 3.05 4.98 1.11 105 5. 13.97 14.03 74. 3.06 88.43 11.6 729 107 3 Torsional x-x r S in.00202 0.7 32. - Compact Section Criteria J!L ~ Axis 1 in. 8.60 11.00207 0.2 1220 172 102 10.8 213 186 153 127 34.4 22.3 5.8 472 79.96 5.6 40.77 9.3 443 380 326 261 59.00270 0. .4 4.770 578 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.00355 1.7 14.8 3.18 43.45 30.92 2.58 0.26 7.94 2.4 78. 5.8 67.6 in.3 36 HPSHAPES ho Propertles J Sxho Cw J 4 in.813 2240 1540 9.00143 in.9 53 13. 60 7.0 7.60 1.4 3.487 112 8 0.774 7.38 4.81 7.70 0.58 4.273 0.20 1.66 0.61 611a 13/a 9 0.366 0.00 3. in.273 0.70 0.563 3.495 0. bf in.89 2. d Thickness.436 0.125 '/s 3/16 1.526 0.65 3/16 2. 0.48 10 10 10 10 10.03 lia 1.00 1.87 9.400 3/a 3/16 3.698 6.00 3.58 0. INC.56 9.925 0.379 0.59 l3fa 9 0.7 8.240 11/16 '12 3/a 1/4 Distance Thickness.17 3/16 3.76 1.73 2.296 0.13 4.5 1.00 3.37 1'12 Ha l3fa 9 The 3'12 - 2'12 19 2112 2112 15/a 15/s 15/a 15/a - 0.00 7 0.87 7.390 3/a 3/a 3/a lS/16 15/16 15/16 611a W2 9 0.73 2.8 15.63 0.0 15 0.669 5.419 7/16 7 0.00 4 0.0 6.92 21/2 23/s 21/4 21/4 21/4 21/a 21/a 2 17/a 0.366 3/a 3fa 3/a 7/a 7/S 7/a 5114 51/4 5114 11149 11149 W49 0.00 0.390 0.68 0.73 2. If k T in.00 2.1-34 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES k~j x -x T Table 1-5 d C Shapes 1 k Dimensions e~ XP.356 0.233 114 1/4 2.94 9. C15x50 14. 17/16 17/16 17/16 in.00 6 0.366 0.73 .4 x4.716 '1/16 3/S 3.47 1.41 9.387 3/a 12 0.5 13/4 9 0. A Depth.00 4.00 3.70 0.343 5/16 0.983 11.650 s/a 0.448 7/16 9 0. ~ PNA Web Shape Area. 1211a 121/a 1211a 93/4 93/4 93/4 Workable Gage in.75 Ha 13/4 0.282 S/16 C10x30 x25 x20 x15. 2.34 '/a 2.60 3 27/a 23/4 2s/a 0.1 x3.4 1.40 33/a C12x30 x25 x20.74 2.673 0.273 0.617 4.184 3/16 4 0.510 112 12 0.501 0.7 2.0 10.81 12.528 3.824 8.320 S/16 5/16 3/4 3/4 4/s l3Is 9 43/a WS9 43/a 11/a 9 3'12 11/a 9 C4x7.17 14.72 33/4 1/4 3.64 5.869 9.19 1Ia 2.53 3/16 2.00 9 0.756 7.00 1..7 5.13 14.413 0.34 5.63 C6x13 xl0.49 l/a 2.56 9.132 3fa 1/4 3/16 '/s 3/16 l/a l/a 1/16 1.00 xll. 21/4 2 2 rIs ho in.05 3/1a 2. 2 in.321 5/16 4 0. and orientation of fastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.2 x5.33 7.5 1/4 3.87 4.00 2.3 8.5 x8.7 15.437 7/16 6 0.170 0.61 C7x14.0 12 0.0 15.00 1.01 11.436 0.390 0.584 4.190 3116 3/16 1..58 11'6 1.314 5/16 6 0.43 2s/a 2112 23/a 0.0 10.413 7/16 1 7/16 1 7/16 1 C8x18.9 10.00 5 0.2 3.56 5. . 1.50 1.343 5/16 0.7 x12.519 0.0 15 0. Flange t.343 S/16 13/16 13/16 13/16 0.325 5116 5 0.5 3.501 0.63 0.524 3.210 3/16 1/4 2.00 x13.97 5.15 14.320 0.7 4.4 13I4 9 1.41 1.39 6. in.520 '12 x33.0 10.220 1/4 '/4 2.66 C5x9 x6.81 6.89 1Ia 1.436 0.455 actual size.5 2. combination.08 6.689 5.436 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 13I4 9 13I4 9 1'129 W2 9 7 7 7 1'129 0.26 0.09 3 3 3 3 13/4 15/a 15/a 15/a 0.650 s/a in. in.56 9.59 0.66 0.59 l3fa 9 0.650 s/a 0.643 5.200 3116 '/4 2.4 1.51 8.0 15 0.296 0.68 0.813 8.04 8.413 0.5 13/4 9 1.501 112 112 112 Wa Wa Wa 3/a '/4 3116 l/a 3.894 0. 2 Width.16 3/16 2.Flange Is too narrow to establish a workable gage.37 8.721 6.2 x9.800 7.00 3. in.285 S/16 9 0.61 611a l3fa9 0.738 6.469 0.0 0.52 31/2 x40 11. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.303 5/16 8 0.273 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 '1/16 '1116 11/16 11/16 C9x20 x15 x13.72 lia 1.00 11.03 2.00 3.94 311a 3 3 0.314 5/16 7 0.00 8 0.30 3/16 2.8 4. 1.296 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/4 3/4 3/4 C3x6 x5 x4.911 0.848 8.258 0.34 12.09 0.08 12. 54 0.434 13.488 0.109 7.778 6.73 0.88 0.2 9.0399 3.87 0.427 1.0725 0.10 0.31 1.19 0.862 3.666 0.392 1.457 0.1 20 0.909 4.12 1.8 13.954 0.19 2.368 0.1 19.312 0.568 0.3 10.04 l08 1.17 0. 0.2 15.697 32.318 0.209 79.65 1.0549 2.128 4.5 3.211 0.0 4.561 0.494 91.82 13.18 2.12 2.862 20 0.742 47.46 0.757 0. in.746 144 20.369 112 4.0 4.439 0.386 5.78 2.228 0.52 0.444 0.447 0. 4 3.42 3.8 24.18 0.913 0.919 4.37 0.459 0.208 1.51 9.22 6.7 0.696 0.741 0.4 0.300 0.83 4.5 42.09 0.399 0.541 1.883 0.0736 7.37 0.22 16.56 2.427 0.788 6.894 3.95 3.462 0.565 2.2 0.23 1.277 0.2 3.245 0.538 130 3.05 0.93 4.32 0.7 18.337 0.9 11.9 5 r in.75 0.531 0.598 0.309 0.34 2.861 151 4.26 0.529 0.772 0.07 2.19 5. 3 in.72 0.3 56.01 0. in.63 3. INe.48 0.367 0.484 0.42 0.94 0.5 3.5 4.799 8.14 0.486 15.17 1.797 0.478 0.586 2.870 129 27.65 1.5 2.64 0.9 15.538 24.41 0.674 3.647 21.86 0.3 in.443 0.762 0.2 0.24 68.4 15.49 0.823 0.617 0.536 0.899 3.587 4.532 1.91 1.306 0.63 0.322 0.779 0.93 2.405 0.66 3.22 2.398 0.15 2.0425 0.89 3.15 0.12 0.29 1.32 1.49 12.41 1.19 0.921 1.215 0.367 0.6 1.9 45.78 2.58 2.84 0.674 4..413 0.8 0.186 11.344 0.920 5.74 1.16 0.461 0.07 1.294 0.1 6.57 9 6.846 13 0. in.5 68.9 13.Shear inal Ctr.53 1.29 1.687 0.437 0.604 36. Wt. 5.490 2. 3.263 0.486 0.57 0.34 0.543 0.379 0.307 0.65 3.515 60.24 1.326 0.860 0.649 0.47 0.5 11.02 2.987 0.901 0.253 0.63 2.775 0.3 3.47 1.63 1.0 5.241 0.130 25.0 11.368 103 30 25 0.599 13.27 l22 0.638 0.4 5.47 2.364 0.6 3.289 0.52 3.83 1.75 0.0 2.6 0.554 1.7 23.45 1.219 0.9 15 0.05 0.500 1.75 0.52 1.48 2.524 0.512 0.73 0.205 0.711 0.80 2.912 0.674 0.900 0.875 2.698 3.14 3.767 348 33.196 0.82 0.572 1.0996 9.8 46.617 0.87 26.394 0.84 0.5 0.634 3.60 8.10 1.04 0. H in.267 13.601 1.4 0.514 1.97 1.1 19.43 29.3 0.262 0.332 1.5 9.24 0.441 0.501 4. 4 0.425 0.7 0.7 0.266 0.5 0.69 0.264 0.552 8.9 1.29 33.85 1.957 0.65 1.681 51.1 9.35 0.13 7.56 1.4 21.05 0.624 0.70 2.161 11. Torsional Properties Axis x-x 8.655 0.899 3.40 13.5 0.257 0.2 16.583 2.35 2.94 0.45 57.2 6.169 0.17 0.20 1.34 5.91 4.7 0.884 14.525 1.86 1.224 0.815 2.11 9.842 2.40 1.441 27.690 0.882 3.45 1.636 78.14 0.237 5.431 43.29 0.493 0.99 11..85 1.380 17.922 0.623 0.4 31.38 1.2 0.191 0.72 0.256 0.17 5.93 3.927 5.3 53.0269 0.710 6 5 4.5 r in.16 0.695 0.01 Cw in.46 0.875 18.0 28.858 2.92 2.04 2.8 10.61 25.0 30 0.39 0.640 0.606 0.392 0.796 67.493 1.6 492 410 358 .07 in.78 3.77 0.252 0.5 3.199 0.687 0.613 0.565 0.182 0.791 7.848 0.0322 1.937 5.668 0.231 0. 5 Axis y-y Z 1 lb/ft in.93 0.2 12.444 0.767 0.1 3.0226 0.455 0.168 39.470 0.26 0.372 0.896 315 1 in.45 3.321 0.3 in.296 AMER1CAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.1-35 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES [ Table 1-5 (continued) C Shapes Properties C SHAPES Nom.1 5.03 0.6 13.5 8.294 0.75 1.457 0.583 404 50 40 0.8 8.3 20.75 3.276 1.865 0.871 2.01 0.34 0.26 0.55 0.675 0.0 1.578 0.645 .489 0.265 0.31 0.2 7.00 0.0817 3.1 8.57 0.245 0.92 1.79 0.874 3.690 0.7 0.99 1.659 0.9 0.618 162 25 0.464 0.70 2.72 7.46 1. 'i Z xp J in.62 50.561 0. 1-36 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES k~j T x -x Table 1-6 d MC Shapes 1 Dimensions k~ ZP. 1-PNA Web Shape Area, A Depth, d Flange Thickness, tw tw 2 Width, br MC18x58 x51.9 x45.8 x42.7 in. 2 17.1 15.3 13.5 12.6 in. 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18 18 18 18 in. in. in. 0.700 11116 3/8 4.20 41f4 0.600 5/8 5116 4.10 41/8 0.500 1/2 1/4 4.00 4 0.450 7116 1/4 3.95 4 MC13x50 x40 x35 x31.8 14.7 11.8 10.3 9.35 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13 13 13 13 0.787 0.560 0.447 0.375 MC12x50 x45 x40 x35 x31 14.7 13.2 11.8 10.3 9.12 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12 12 12 12 12 0.835 0.710 0.590 0.465 0.370 13116 7116 9116 5116 7116 3/8 4.41 4.19 1/4 4.07 3116 4.00 Distance Average Thickness, k T in. in. 151f8 tf in. 0.625 5/8 0.625 % 0.625 5/8 0.625 5/8 17116 17116 17116 17116 43/6 0.610 5/8 17116 41/8 0.610 41/8 0.610 4 0.610 5/8 17116 41/8 11116 15/16 11116 15/16 11116 15116 5/8 17116 5/8 17116 Workable Gage 'Is ho in. in. 1.35 1.35 1.34 1.34 in. 17.4 17.4 17.4 17.4 1.41 1.38 1.35 1.34 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 2 1/4 ~ 1.37 1.35 1.33 1.30 1.28 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 - 0.477 11.7 2 112 ~ ~ W/8 2 1/2 ~ ~ 93/8 7/16 1/4 3/8 3/16 4.14 4.01 3.89 3.77 3.67 1J8 1.50 1112 0.309 5116 3/4 10112 4.32 43/8 0.575 4.10 41/8 0.575 3.95 4 0.575 9116 15116 15116 15116 73/8 73/8 73/8 2'/2 9 2'12 9 3.41 33/8 0.575 3.32 33/8 0.575 9116 15/16 9116 15116 '3116 7116 11116 3/8 9116 5/16 MC12x10.6 c 3.10 12.0 12 0.190 3116 MC10x41.1 x33.6 x28.5 12.1 10.0 9.87 10.0 8.37 10.0 10 0.796 10 0.575 10 0.425 13116 7116 9116 5116 7116 1/4 MC10x25 x22 7.35 10.0 6.45 10.0 10 0.380 10 0.290 3/8 3116 5116 3116 MC10x8.4 c x6.5 c 2.46 10.0 1.95 10.0 10 0.170 10 0.152 3/16 1/8 1/8 1116 MC9x25.4 x23.9 7.47 7.02 9.00 9.00 9 0.450 9 0.400 7116 1/4 3/8 3116 MC8x22.8 x21.4 6.70 6.28 8.00 8.00 8 0.427 8 0.375 7116 1/4 3/8 3116 MC8x20 x18.7 5.88 5.50 8.00 8.00 8 0.400 8 0.353 3/8 3116 3/8 MC8x8.5 2.50 8.00 8 0.179 3/16 0.700 0.700 37/8 0.700 33/4 0.700 35/8 0.700 4 1.50 1112 0.280 1.17 1118 0.202 3.50 3112 0.550 3.45 31J2 0.550 11116 15/16 11116 15/16 9116 9116 1/4 3/4 3116 9116 l 2'12 2 112 9 1.44 1.40 1.36 9.43 9.43 9.43 73/8 73/8 29 29 1.17 1.14 9.43 9.43 8112 87/8 - 0.486 9.72 0.364 9.80 61;2 29 29 1.20 1.18 8.45 8.45 1114 1114 6'12 3.50 31/2 0.525 112 3.45 3112 0.525 1f2 J3116 5518 J3116 5% 29 29 1.20 1.18 7.48 7.48 3116 3.03 3 2.98 3 0.500 1f2 0.500 112 1118 1118 53/4 53/4 29 29 1.03 1.02 7.50 7.50 1/8 1.87 0.311 F/8 9/16 9116 5116 13116 6 318 11J89 0.624 7.69 cShape is slender for compression with Fy = 36 ksi. 9 The actual size, combination, and orientation 01 lastener components should be compared with the geometry 01 the crosssection ta ensure compatibility. - Flange is too narrow to establish a workable gage. AMERICAN INSTITlJTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1-37 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES [ Table 1-6 (continued) MC Shapes Properties MC18-MCa Nom- Shear inal Ctr, e. Wt. 5 , Torsional Properties Axis v-v Axis X-X 5 , x z xp Cw J '. in. 95.4 87.3 79.2 75.1 1 in. 4 17.6 16.3 14.9 14.3 in. 5.28 5.02 4.77 4.64 in. 1.02 1.03 1.05 1.07 in. 0.862 0.858 0.866 0.877 10.7 9.86 9.14 8.82 in. 0.474 0.424 0.374 0.349 in. 2.81 2.03 1.45 1.23 in. 6 1070 985 897 852 in. 6.56 6.70 6.87 6.97 lb/ft 58 51.9 45.8 42.7 in. 0.695 0.797 0.909 0.969 1 in.4 675 627 578 554 50 40 35 31.8 0.815 1.03 1.16 1.24 314 273 252 239 48.3 4.62 60.8 41.9 4.82 51.2 38.8 4.95 46.5 36.7 5.05 43.4 16.4 13.7 12.3 11.4 4.77 4.24 3.97 3.79 1.06 1.08 1.09 1.10 0.974 0.963 0.980 1.00 10.2 8.66 8.04 7.69 0.566 0.452 0.396 0.360 2.96 1.55 1.13 0.937 558 462 412 380 5.07 5.32 5.50 5.64 50 45 40 35 31 0.741 0.845 0.952 1.07 1.17 269 251 234 216 202 44.9 4.28 56.5 41.9 4.36 52.0 39.0 4.46 47.7 36.0 4.59 43.2 33.7 4.71 39.7 17.4 15.8 14.2 12.6 11.3 5.64 5.30 4.98 4.64 4.37 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.11 1.05 10.9 1.04 10.1 1.04 9.31 1.05 8.62 1.08 8.15 0.613 0.550 0.490 0.428 0.425 3.23 2.33 1.69 1.24 1.00 411 373 336 297 267 4.77 4.88 5.01 5.18 5.34 10.6 0.284 55.3 9.22 4.22 11.6 41.1 33.6 28.5 0.864 157 1.06 139 1.21 126 31.5 3.61 39.3 27.8 3.75 33.7 25.3 3.89 30.0 25 22 1.03 110 1.12 102 22.0 20.5 8.4 6.5 0.332 31.9 0.182 22.9 3 in. 75.0 69.6 64.2 61.5 in. 6.29 6.41 6.55 6.64 Z 3 3.87 26.2 3.99 23.9 6.39 3.61 4.59 3.43 7.92 5.90 3 in. 3 4 0.378 0.307 0.349 0.269 0.635 0.129 0.0596 15.7 13.1 11.3 7.25 6.40 2.96 2.75 1.09 1.09 1.12 11.7 4.27 9.49 8.28 7.59 0.604 2.26 0.494 1.20 0.419 0.791 269 224 193 4.26 4.47 4.68 0.993 0.953 5.65 0.997 0.990 5.29 0.367 0.638 0.467 0.510 124 110 4.46 4.62 4.85 1.14 4.35 1.15 3.9g- 1.16 0.326 0.268 0.364 0.284 0.548 0.123 0.0413 0.133 0.137 0.262 0.194 0.284 0.097 0.0191 7.00 2.76 3.68 3.46 25.4 23.9 0.986 87.9 19.5 3.43 23.5 1.04 84.9 18.9 3.48 22.5 7.57 7.14 2.99 2.89 1.01 1.01 0.970 5.70 0.981 5.51 0.415 0.691 0.390 0.599 104 98.0 4.08 4.15 22.8 21.4 1.04 1.09 63.8 15.9 3.09 19.1 61.5 15.4 3.13 18.2 7.01 6.58 2.81 2.71 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.02 5.37 5.18 0.419 0.572 0.452 0.495 75.2 70.8 3.84 3.91 20 18.7 0.843 0.889 54.4 13.6 3.04 16.4 52.4 13.1 3.09 15.6 4.42 4.15 2.02 1.95 0.867 0.840 3.86 0.868 0.849 3.72 0.367 0.441 0.344 0.380 47.8 45.0 3.58 3.65 8.5 0.542 23.3 0.624 0.431 0.500 0.428 0.875 0.156 0.0587 5.82 3.05 6.95 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 8.21 3.24 1-38 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES k~j x -x T Table 1-6 (continued) d MC Shapes 1 Dimensions ~ 1.- k Xp.. PNA Web Shape Area, A Depth, d Thickness, tw Flange Iw 2 Width, b, Distance Average Thickness, T Workable Gage fis k ho in. If MC7x22.7 x19.1 in. 2 6.67 5.61 in. in. 7.00 7 0.503 112 7.00 7 0.352 3/S MC6x18 x15.3 5.29 4.49 6.00 6.00 6 0.379 6 0.340 3/s 3116 5116 3116 MC6x16.3 x15.1 4.79 4.44 6.00 6.00 6 0.375 6 0.316 3/8 3116 5116 3116 3.00 3 2.94 3 MC6x12 3.53 6.00 6 0.310 5116 3116 2.50 2112 0.375 in. in. in. 114 3.60 3% 0.500 112 3116 3.45 3112 0.500 112 11Is 11Is in. 43/4 43/4 in. 29 29 in. 1.23 1.18 in. 6.50 6.50 3.50 3112 0.475 3.50 3112 0.385 11116 7/8 37/8 41/4 29 29 1.20 1.20 5.53 5.62 11116 37/8 37/8 13149 13149 1.03 1.01 5.53 5.53 3/ S 7/8 41/4 1112 9 0.856 5.63 4112 - 4112 - 0.638 5.71 0.630 5.71 2 - 0.852 3.50 13/8 - 0.657 2.65 112 3/8 0.475 112 0.475 112 17/8 11116 MC6x7 x6.5 2.09 1.95 6.00 6.00 6 0.179 3116 6 0.155 118 5116 1116 1.88 0.291 1.85 V/8 0.291 3/4 5116 3/4 MC4x13.8 4.03 4.00 4 0.500 112 114 2.50 2112 0.500 1/2 MC3x7.1 2.11 3.00 3 0.312 5116 118 3116 1.94 2 0.351 3/8 1 13116 9 The actual size, combination, and orientation 01 lastener components should be compared with the geometry 01 the crosssection to ensure compatibility. - Flange is too narrow to establish a workable gage. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 0 3.53 3.38 4.24 0.0 0. 4 in.7 1.508 0.565 0.80 0.3 2. 0.3 1.574 2.727 0.477 0.24 2.89 2.30 7.76 .43 1.33 10.82 0.73 0. INC.72 1.513 0.83 1.08 in.85 0.562 0.34 3.66 2.84 2.982 24.5 in.29 0.48 5.97 0.40 0.191 0. 3 2.24 6.539 0.865 0.373 .3 2.47 2.4 43.37 11.63 2.83 3.653 0.4 13. 22.66 2.28 0.439 0.5 2.1 0.04 1.4 8.6 58.174 0. 3 47.603 0. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.285 22.85 xp in.3 15.666 0.68 3.85 4.01 1.77 14.7 8. 3 in. in.6 30.4 0.644 0. 1.625 0.70 lb/ft in.414 0.81 1.725 18.47 1.336 0.537 0.46 3.15 in.38 4.1 0.03 0.0412 4.53 2. 0.12 1. Axis x-x r Torsional Properties Axis y-y J r 'i Z Cw .579 0.1 12.1 1.930 26.294 0.0464 0.55 1.30 0.01 19.68 4.643 8. 4 7.75 2.:.465 0. Bo Wt.88 4.7 6.38 9.77 3.00 3.998 0.67 16.04 in.3 49.44 2.511 0.47 1.704 1. in.379 0.422 0.1 20.724 0.11 3.81 2.14 2.05 4.223 34.0928 1.16 29.583 11. 3.612 11.849 2.155 11.37 9.18 12 0.85 1.836 0.407 18 15.5 3..3 in.0 3.5 1 5 Z 1 5 1.17 1.05 13. 4 in.46 1.91 2.501 0.543 0. in.23 7 6.13 7.883 0.06 in.9 8.3 9.927 3.915 1. 3 5.30 2.41 16.8 0.1-39 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES [ Table 1-6 (continued) MC Shapes Properties MC7-MC3 Nom.940 3.05 1.5hear inal Ctr.04 2.50 4.518 0.7 25.887 0.91 5. 338 3.7 8.1 22.60 15.37 1.95 3.6 12.55 7.3 11.47 0.08 3.9 16.94 2.11 4.423 0.16 4.51 2.9 8.23 in.58 2.501 0.23 2.20 2.340 12.61 8.8 14. J Cw '.81 1.4 16.39 7.43 19.27 2.82 1.32 4.2 14.8 15.68 7.1 79.03 2.4 3.88 3.48 6.6 34.0 12.8 12.26 2.9 72.6 55.5 25.3 21.501 0.25 0.86 3.86 1.87 1.11 21.38 12.0 11.61 6.57 2.1 10.75 3.48 2.6 28.9 28.75 5.43 2.2 13.3 15.5 9.7 23.575 0.961 0.1 17.46 2.51 1.55 3.9 16.129 9.83 3.548 0.86 2.80 3.12 0.0 19.32 0.81 1.2 7.31 3.36 4.06 2.8 44.62 1.0 33.705 0.9 15.9 6.95 1.34 1.54 2.0 12. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.823 0.8 32.4 11.48 5.481 0. Iblft S Z YP Note: For campactness criteria.86 8.56 2.65 2.4 9.33 3.683 in.1 9.53 2.85 1.2 22.02 37.544 3.5 54.4 13.2 39.46 2.67 1.1 14. 1.21 1.2 5.720 0.36 7.4 63.42 4.6 2.36 in. 4.868 0.1 33.7 18.50 2.0 18.4 98.1 9.1 17.87 L7x4x3/4 11f4 X5/8 1'/8 X1f2 1 x7116 15116 718 X3/8 26.28 3.1-40 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES - y t Table 1-7 'iG} ~-~~ Angles Properties Xpj 12PNA Axis x-x Area.4 6.06 3.4 31.17 in.918 0.3 9.899 0.49 2.0 38.456 0.5 23.20 2.34 7.704 0.955 0.40 L6x6x1 x7/s X3/4 37.9 6.65 1.28 4.50 2.4 in.396 16.45 2.25 6.955 0.19 2.75 in.03 7.37 3.4 44.5 8.89 2.13 5.97 2.96 1.84 1.3 21.98 3.538 0.340 0.94 8.16 4. INC.64 5.50 2.42 2.68 2.943 0.310 0.606 0.67 35.5 10.56 2.21 2.81 1.89 5.6 20.0 47.42 2. refer ta the end of Table 1-7.27 2.41 2.87 1.99 4.4 26.38 3.34 2.0 42.1 in. 2.21 3.6 7.32 3.1 24.9 38.30 0.35 14. 2 16.61 0.6 13.4 11.34 2.79 5.0 13.22 3.9 17.2 7.4 39.7 62.85 1.25 2.06 69.56 6.0 20.2 14.80 1. .198 3.78 3.36 2.2 9.6 5.86 1.9 51.39 4.3 24.6 54.49 2.16 3.9 9.05 0.08 14.70 1.29 3.6 23.7 15. A 1 56.90 1.35 k Shape in.2 11.01 4.70 1.4 11.59 3.6 26.34 3.34 3.79 1.218 0.38 2.73 28.3 31.4 13.52 2.17 2.704 0.88 1.43 4.45 2.23 1.7 11.6 15.47 2.7 9.51 1.26 0.74 1.45 80.1 11.29 4.01 7.813 0.41 4.3 7.75 28.28 1.53 1.67 1.84 3.6 5.25 4.77 17.18 8.61 0.50 1.49 in.51 2.55 2.21 2.490 in.99 2.9 4.2 48.306 3.0 33.46 2.2 10.12 5.68 2.584 0. 4 7.27 1.5 10. 3 17.2 49.24 6.44 24.8 28.5 15.46 24.365 0.1 13.98 37.60 2.18 3.31 2.59 2. 2.9 32.832 0.20 8.81 24.7 69.40 2.80 1.43 27.40 2.55 2.594 0.41 2.9 10.48 2.75 17.26 2.86 1. L8x8x1 1/8 1314 x1 15/8 x 7/8 11f2 x 3/4 1318 x 5/8 1lf4 x 9h6 13/'6 X1f2 11f8 L8x6x1 x 7/8 x3/4 xSJa 11f2 13/8 11f4 11f8 x 9h6 1'116 X1f2 1 x 7h6 L8x4x1 x 7/8 X3/4 X5/8 x 9h6 X1f2 x 7h6 x 5/8 x 9h6 X1f2 x7116 15116 11f2 13/8 1'/4 11f8 1lf16 1 15116 11f2 13/8 1'/4 11f8 11f18 1 15h6 x 3/8 718 xSh6 13h6 Wt.24 3.55 2.55 3.20 1.94 8.6 16.22 7.12 4.92 3.7 29. y in.9 59.47 1.23 2.27 5.84 2. 6 32.93 Flexural-Torsional Properlies .3 22.0 8.55 2.2 5.851 0.0 45.77 1.13 21.31 3.69 6.62 3.41 1.5 25.45 19.9 1.59 4.1 9.7 8.75 3.7 13.64 5.72 1.1 89.33 8. 320 7.912 8.87 7.26 5.23 1.00 1.17 1.17 0.00 1.910 0.306 5.40 2.00 1.6 xShs 54.61 6.363 0.60 1.09 1.91 3.70 1.863 0.56 2.92 7.550 0.6 0.93 1.78 5.00 1.45 2.6 10.09 0.18 1.73 2.376 0.19 1.949 0.75 x7hs 6.18 1.0 18.5 10.51 1.7 11.31 2.00 1.720 0.78 1.3 22.79 6.965 0.5 14.00 1.556 0.57 1.35 1.00 1.624 0.60 15.92 5.00 1.3 18. .334 0.84 2.78 3.62 1.77 5.75 1.0 19.29 1.48 2.50 0.72 1.89 1.612 0.74 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.71 1.04 4.902 0.1 24.854 0.860 0.8 11.850 3. 1.88 3.49 2.00 1.03 1.45 1.542 0.57 1.77 1.64 5.8 32.41 2.00 1.33 8.51 3.84 0.49 2.331 0.05 1.00 0.34 4.26 3.557 0.266 0.15 1.56 1.997 0.846 0.705 11.53 3.94 2.00 0.855 0.00 1.9 10.268 1.959 0.17 31.829 7.2 4.850 0.86 4.476 0.49 in.861 5.28 1.5 25.52 8. 4 0.01 2.49 1.606 0.959 0.0 0.912 0.2 22.00 1.00 1.526 0.44 Xlf2 6.34 1.21 2. 3 L8x8x1'/B 98.867 0. AMERICAN [NSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.11 1.826 L8x6x1 x7/a X3/4 x5/a xShs X'/2 x7hs 38.39 3.43 2.04 1.79 5.64 5.15 1.3 0.1 22.9 30.6 28.22 2.04 0.7 19.1 X7/B 79.8 17.DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1-41 L Table 1-7 (continued) Angles Properties LB-L6 Axis y-y Shape / S r i Axis z xp / S z-z Os r Tan Œ Fy =36 ksi în.4 12.856 0.13 5.339 1.87 1.00 1.262 0.12 4.07 1.1 1.20 in.4 31.1 x1 89.816 0.3 9.9 28.324 0.8 14.337 0.68 1.6 15.691 0.405 0.8 15.58 1.86 1.19 1.840 8.448 0.4 13.30 1.30 1.958 0.997 0.5 24.973 0.5 9.77 1.00 1.61 1.46 2.554 0.3 L8x4x1 x7/a 11.86 1.79 4.08 1.286 5.918 15.00 1.51 2.08 0.73 6.11 xShs 7.00 1.64 4.5 15.7 X3/4 69.912 0.832 0.721 0.873 0.00 1.959 0.00 1.425 0.03 L7x4x3/4 X 5/B x'/2 x7hs x3/a L6x6x1 x7/a X3/4 X 5/B xShs X'/2 x7hs X 3/B x 5hs 9.36 2.17 1. refer ta the end of Table 1-7.52 7.9 X 5/B 59.19 2.8 34.95 3.464 0.11 1.48 5.83 0.0 12.365 6.06 1.550 0.88 5.23 6.55 7.38 2.64 2.912 0. in.264 0.1 21.31 3.31 2.12 1.50 3.813 13.31 0.58 1.6 16.67 1.546 0.2 14.548 0.90 1.84 4.997 0.77 3.00 7.36 2.5 X3/4 9.47 1.4 24.886 0.79 1.86 1.257 0.65 1.5 10.8 26.12 1.9 36.08 1.559 1.00 0.80 3.65 1.44 16. [NC.01 6. 3 Note: For Gompactness criteria.490 40.0 19.247 0.1 9.252 0.878 0.11 0.80 1.00 0.81 1.997 0.866 0.531 0.374 21.00 1.18 1.22 1.869 0.423 7.85 1.51 5. 4 in.594 9.05 0. in.859 0.481 8.943 0.56 1.17 8.10 1.06 3.88 1.17 1. în.86 1.04 0.25 6.00 1.79 4.00 1.21 1.32 2.2 10.72 1.37 x5/a 8.00 1.94 6.06 35.59 1.17 1.32 3.00 1.10 1. 3 in.844 0.13 2.24 4.28 1.47 1.82 4.42 0.46 1.0 in.2 Xlf2 48.23 1.4 13.942 0.82 1.59 4.94 0.26 2.00 1.7 7.850 3.9 17.00 0.70 1.27 3.60 4.22 7.00 0.56 1.9 16.84 1.00 1.1 12.94 3.329 0.29 1.95 1.912 0.07 2.05 1.7 28.62 2.69 3.79 1.81 1.538 8. DO 2. INC.48 1. 3 12.31 8.12 0.49 5.78 2.22 1.60 1.744 0.44 5.27 1.0 8.3 13/16 10.67 3.94 in.4 3. A r y Z YP J Cw r" in.12 4.0963 0.86 3/4 8.1-42 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES - y t Table 1-7 (continued) Angles xil4 .DO 9.33 4. AMERICAN INSTITIJTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.71 6.196 0.98 6.55 1.918 0.68 1.03 1.3 3.0990 0.242 1.53 3.22 1.94 Note: For compactness criteria.74 1.09 0. Area.62 5.60 7.7 24.97 2.69 2.84 1.53 2.50 16.74 4.92 1.50 5.1 16.5 15.9 13/16 9.41 2.162 0.3 7/B 12.89 2.20 5/B 6.32 1.75 3/4 8.57 1.365 0.28 3.22 x3/B x5/16 L6x31/2xlf2 x 3/B X5/16 L5x5x7/B x3/4 1 7/B HB 1114 x5fa llfB x1/2 1 x7/16 15/16 x 3/B x5/16 L5x3 1/2x3/4 x 5/B Xlf2 x3/B x5116 Xlf4 x 3/B x5/16 Xlf4 7.09 3.16 in.77 Iblft 27.386 0.193 2.07 2.87 1.44 8.1 9.25 1.18 1.56 1.417 0.45 2.90 2.802 0.90 in.13 1.12 2.00 1.4 27. HB x3/4 llf4 x 5/B llfB X9/16 11116 x1/2 1 X7/16 15/16 L6x4x7/B in.6 20.93 3.39 2.23 5.61 3.407 0.60 1.25 1.61 1.81 3.76 7.66 5.8 11.341 0.78 1.20 2.177 0.0438 0.65 0.38 0.82 2.6 11.31 13/16 9.94 2.74 2.38 1. refer to the end of Table 1-7.2 14.3 15.81 13.16 4.62 6.85 2.18 2.0883 0.59 1.3 10.141 0.18 3.90 2.327 0.217 0.590 0.93 1.0 18.39 2.104 in.18 0.75 3.50 1.933 0.95 1.572 0.128 0.168 0.369 0.94 2.7 3.50 1. 3 7.40 "/16 6.0 16.444 0.3 in.28 1. 4 2.04 2.41 1.775 0.0832 0.02 2.18 1.901 0.42 12.07 1.307 2.62 1.58 11116 7.31 0.44 4.65 1.576 0.92 1.201 2.41 2.86 5.284 0.10 2.42 1.23 3.88 2.49 1.40 1.03 13116 llf16 15/16 13/16 1% 1 7/B x1/2 x7116 13/16 x5/B in.31 1.88 2.468 0.40 0.00 4.55 1.85 3.23 2.150 0.03 1.33 3.09 2.3 13/16 10.651 0.0464 1.25 1.22 1.92 27.3 7/B 12.22 1.29 4.69 1.75 7/B 11.141 0.80 11116 8.69 1.94 5.6 20.19 1.98 1.08 5.5 21.610 0.491 0.8 15.220 0.94 5.07 2.6 4.75 4.32 3.47 2.43 L4x4x3/4 18.03 1 Flexural-Torsional Properlies 5.30 2.12 1. 2.14 6.2 17.366 0. 1.64 5.35 6.36 2.19 2.77 19.4 S in.86 4.217 in.56 1.42 2.4 13.3 3f4 9.575 0.13 2.93 5.0670 2.3 4.26 3.4 11.60 6.67 2.43 8.15 1.116 0.06 5.73 1.81 5.41 7.63 2.42 2.11 1.61 3.58 1.220 0.64 1.38 2.31 3.33 0.54 1.698 0.89 4.06 0.680 0.792 0.24 1.56 6.92 12.21 1.00 7.18 1.56 1.7 12.86 2.38 1.59 1.55 1.45 2.843 0.0438 1.6 11.304 0.88 1.479 0.413 0.03 2.3 17.15 1.12 0.52 0. 2.300 0.40 1.108 3.422 0.76 2.18 3.52 3.87 10.8 4.80 2.276 0.79 2.67 1.93 2.98 6.59 7.0832 0.96 1.48 L5x3xlf2 x7116 x3Ja x5/16 Xlf4 15/16 12.96 in.05 7.322 0.94 9.9 4.58 1.86 1.997 0. 2 7.26 1.0 13.96 15.252 0.51 1.81 4.24 5.50 3.10 2.35 9.93 4.679 0.2 23.508 0.21 1.16 2.7 13.28 1.64 2.91 1.357 0.0505 2.183 0.44 1.53 1.89 1.75 4.90 1.8 3.31 2.21 2.96 10.0606 2.0 19.82 0.00 2.72 1.80 2.59 1.56 2.74 1.61 1.322 0.93 1.15 2.55 7.36 4. 1.8 5.04 1.47 1.27 1.02 4.02 0.~--pPM Properties xpj f2 l'NA Axis x-x k Shape Wt.60 1.868 1.23 1.70 2.70 2.93 1.7 11.92 1.13 6.91 2.60 1.2 23.20 1.72 1.61 3. .779 0.2 14.343 0.52 1.6 4.52 4.37 1.31 4.52 1.9 16.32 2.73 2. 22 2.83 1.908 0.15 1.74 1.33 in.781 0.986 0.758 0.22 1.55 3.493 0.652 0.957 0.838 0.24 1.26 1.52 1.365 0.24 3.582 0.783 1.241 0.34 in.03 0.517 0.23 1.286 0.73 1.364 0.20 2.376 0.00 1.56 4.30 1.50 1.435 1.300 0.874 0.56 6.56 L5x3'l2x 3/4 X5/8 x'l2 X3/8 x 5h6 X'/4 5.375 0.70 Ô.575 0.38 1.76 2.00 1.10 2.00 1.52 1.31 1.12 1.854 0.55 1.777 0.86 4.66 5.59 1.76 7.52 4.804 2.774 0.488 0.00 0.371 0.94 3.419 0.449 0.00 0.19 1.46 1.503 0.438 1.17 1.912 0.305 0.14 1.413 0.44 5.59 1.485 0.00 1.442 0.01 0.70 8.440 1.85 3.35 9.854 0.20 1.750 0.826 2.609 0.853 0.10 1.19 1.73 2.DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1--43 L Table 1-7 (continued) Angles Properties L6-L4 Axis y-y Axis 1 S r x Z xp 1 in.816 L5x3xlf2 x 7h6 X3/8 x 5h6 X1f4 2.357 0.00 1.797 0.990 1.82 0.901 0.14 1.13 3.428 1.00 1.50 3.00 1.974 0.3 3.368 0.968 0.349 0.61 4.241 2.65 0.54 1.02 1.352 1.746 0.15 1.739 0.79 2.331 0.769 in.980 0.33 3.72 1.825 0.774 0.947 0.846 0.349 0. 3 6.11 1.421 1.00 0.32 3.47 1.00 1.41 2.00 0.479 0.242 3.42 1.870 0.00 0.600 0.03 0.40 1.22 1.673 0.646 0.679 0.00 1.779 0.396 0.00 1.33 2.983 0.8 15.03 1.37 2.01 4.00 1.578 0.17 in.05 0.912 0.56 4.96 1.0 8.804 1.82 5.15 0.30 8.746 0.79 2.781 0.00 1.15 1.850 0.428 0.55 2.706 0.18 1.256 0.856 0.07 1.00 1.69 3.914 0.08 4.68 2.00 1.18 1.24 2.744 0.21 1.194 1.698 0.824 0.02 1.975 0.29 2.912 0.912 0.22 5.00 0.00 0.79 2.49 1.53 1. refer to the end of Table 1-7.00 1.01 1.756 0.00 1.26 5.14 2.912 .88 2.93 4.43 2.642 0.55 1.41 L4x4x3/4 X5/8 Xlf2 x 7h6 X3/8 x5116 X1f4 7.14 1.590 0.22 1.00 1.00 0.18 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.74 2.874 0.12 1.446 0.649 0.18 1.00 1. 1.00 0.04 1. X3/4 X5/8 x9h6 X'/2 x 7h6 X3/8 x 5h6 in.52 4.69 2.714 0.463 0.472 0.644 0.08 1.32 3.829 0.443 0.867 0.27 1.25 2.42 1.84 1.13 1.80 4.698 0.00 1.95 2.912 0.82 0.13 1.861 0.804 4.984 0.13 L6x31f2x'12 X3/8 x 5h6 4.670 0.7 13.464 0.90 1.491 1.776 0.576 0.252 in.357 1.28 3.63 7.02 3.07 3.859 0.08 3.981 0.47 1.350 0.756 L5x5x 7/8 X3/4 X5/8 x'l2 x 7h6 X3/8 x5116 17.86 1.665 0.13 1.00 4.42 4.08 5.722 0.826 1.767 0.04 0.00 1.66 1.37 1.00 1.58 2.78 2.14 6.973 0.864 0.25 1.983 0.648 2. S r 0.00 1.829 0.62 5.307 7.22 1.31 in.59 5.761 0.86 6.03 1.802 0. 1.52 3.16 1.613 0.60 4. 4 9.00 0.361 1.993 0.862 0.27 1.301 0.12 1.00 1.48 6.20 1.343 0.00 0.73 1.30 1.16 4.67 3.15 2. Tan a Fy =36 ksi 1.971 0. INC.92 5.42 0.58 1.972 0.06 1.05 0.57 1.55 1.00 0.77 1.56 1.763 0.3 10.01 2.01 0.831 0. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.00 0.287 0.479 0.00 1.25 1.991 0.207 3.88 1.645 0.6 11.52 2.37 1.489 0.00 Shape L6x4x7/8 z-z a.755 0.997 0. 0.933 0.468 0.987 1.55 3.82 1. 4 5.15 2.50 1.983 0.29 2.975 0.25 2.400 0.983 0.00 Note: For compactness criteria.62 6.422 0.569 0.908 in. 3 1.00 0. in.1 8.192 0.44 1. 3 in.114 0.988 1.69 1. 6 in.93 1.09 1.72 1.0334 1.86 1.21 1.22 0.884 0.0597 0.24 2.75 1.10 2.78 1.683 0.40 1.825 0.10 2.972 0.0611 0.39 2.20 1.60 1.66 1.0419 2.78 1.0360 0.114 0.14 3.65 1.78 1.72 9.30 4.50 3.06 2.06 1.940 0.07 1.924 0.239 0.907 0.00 9.87 1.39 0.0714 0.32 1.213 0.43 2.20 1.15 1.03 0.33 1.91 1.20 6.651 0.66 1.555 0.36 2.26 1.92 1.89 1.60 1.0798 0.363 0.69 3.00 1.40 8.37 1.60 5.281 0.48 1.0680 0.874 1. 2 in.02 0.747 0.80 9.61 2.26 1.69 6.50 1.103 0. x-x Flexural-Torsional Properties Y Z YP Cw J lb/ft 11.191 0.59 1.954 10.05 1.466 0.44 1. in. in.45 1.05 1.328 0.918 0.132 0.96 1.787 1.56 3.411 0.0386 0.25 2.90 3.54 Note: For compactness criteria.86 2.81 1.07 1.596 0.00705 1.09 2.09 1.480 0.181 0.26 1.67 8.301 0.28 1.08 1. L4x3112xV2 x 3/s X5/16 x 1/4 L4x3x5/s xVz x 3/s x5/16 XV4 L3V2X3V2XV2 x7/16 x3fa X5/16 XV4 L3112x3xV2 X7/16 x 3/s X5/16 x 1/4 L3Vzx2V2XV2 x 3/s x5116 x 1/4 L3X3XV2 X7/16 x 3/s x5116 XV4 X3/16 L3x21f2X1f2 X7/16 x 3/s x5/16 x 1/4 X3/16 7/8 314 11/16 518 1 7/s 314 11/16 5/8 7/8 13/16 3/4 11/16 5/8 7/s 13/16 314 11116 5/s 7/s 314 11116 518 7/s 13/16 314 11/16 5/8 9116 7/s 13/16 314 11/16 5/s 9116 wt.17 1.67 2.51 1.260 0.351 0. 4 in.52 1.53 2.446 0.60 4.00 0.112 0.90 2.45 3.80 2.933 0.71 1.03 1.15 0.70 1.32 1.20 2.60 2.12 0.56 2.94 1.0777 0.03 2.357 0.97 1.430 0.159 0.63 3.301 0.90 1.000 0.50 2.75 2.15 3.75 2.20 1.76 1.699 0.9 9.87 8.836 0.49 1.803 0. refer to the end of Table 1-7.433 0.40 7.494 0.75 1.79 1.910 0.94 3.910 0.66 2.62 1.64 1.947 0.423 0.569 0.41 0.08 3.230 0.46 2.45 1.397 0.100 0.25 2. AMERICAN INSTlTUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.932 0.0130 0.48 1.06 1.81 0.0270 1.0676 0.178 0.146 0.0426 0.132 0.0858 0.0322 0.10 4.0296 0.123 0.0512 0.497 0.1 3.23 0.618 0.25 1.20 in.89 1. Area.06 0.27 1.929 0.0206 0. 0.77 11.48 7.0136 0.80 3.10 7.44 2.80 1.761 0.925 0.60 6.946 0.234 0.25 1.633 0.0304 0.412 0.810 0.90 2.09 0.860 0.11 1.99 2.36 0.25 9.50 7.164 0.995 0.336 0.50 2.92 1.0782 0.07 1.41 1.101 0.25 1.48 2.27 1.529 0.281 0.89 3.255 0.925 0.29 1.668 0.11 1.67 1.01 1.0225 1.20 6.157 0.144 0.25 1.71 2.22 4.302 0.10 2.736 0.09 0.895 0.20 5.899 1.19 1.774 0.0386 0.969 0.65 7.09 1. .681 0.949 0.0412 0.24 1.917 0.32 2.0507 0.106 0.0356 1.375 0.73 2. 3 in.30 6.25 1.0390 0.50 7.23 1.23 1.368 13.11 1.30 7.74 1.46 1.03 1.36 2.12 1.134 0.2 3.979 0.0652 0.24 1.123 0.405 0.6 11.10 4 '.27 1.16 0.98 1.0731 0. 3.13 1.0634 0.0560 0. in.0943 0.02 3.67 1.09 1.08 1.00899 1.903 0.996 2.753 1.24 1.773 1.07 1.65 1.98 1.08 1.75 2.09 1.41 1.462 0.81 5.433 0.948 1.0313 0.951 0.36 2. INC.50 2.12 1.44 3.87 1.02 2.812 1.472 0.91 1.92 1.243 0.48 1.09 5.01 5.31 0.0731 0.05 1.52 1.238 0.70 6.458 0.93 5.92 1.10 4.08 2.0161 0.66 2.401 0.20 1.900 0.296 0.23 1. A 1 5 .1-44 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES t Table 1-7 (continued) X~ ~--~AM xpj Angles Properties ~ PNA Axis k Shape in.87 1.926 0.921 0.48 1.10 1. 301 0.425 0.00 1.336 0.495 0.719 0.536 0.836 0.00 0.585 0.287 0.351 0. 3 in.997 0.15 1.00 1.720 0.541 0.36 2.16 0.84 1.782 0.671 0.34 1.407 0.418 0.912 0.573 0.00 1.243 L3V2X3xV2 x7hs X3/8 x5hs X'/4 2.400 0.167 0.585 0.718 0. in.725 2.845 0.926 0.329 0.755 0.458 0.846 0.153 0.00 1.397 0.00 0.712 0.603 0.329 0.892 0.860 0.618 0.284 0.873 0.583 0.734 0.787 1.822 0.00 1.592 0.736 0.99 1. in.847 0.851 0.50 1.585 0.00 1.688 1.933 L3x2'l2x '12 x7hs X3/8 x5hs XV4 x3hs 1.279 0.895 0.720 0.76 2.318 0.880 0.331 0.666 0.07 0.979 0.370 0.356 0.433 0.390 0.627 1.683 0.620 0.589 0.07 1.980 0.624 0.500 0.98 1.420 0.34 1.09 0.58 1.701 0.50 1.00 1.794 1.303 0.311 0.631 0.517 0.431 0.62 1.750 0.03 0.750 0.731 0.292 0.00 1.00 1.96 2. ksi .28 1.685 0.636 0.395 0.405 0.44 2.272 0.753 Shape Tan a Fy =36 0.357 0.28 1.40 0.825 0.70 1.887 0.00 0.823 0.965 0.244 0.608 0. 3 in.66 2.00 1. reler to the end 01 Table 1-7.607 L3x3xV2 x7hs X3/8 x5hs XV4 x3hs 2.897 2.885 0.436 0.03 1.00 1.09 0.518 0.05 1.48 1.997 0.17 1.00 1.912 1.52 2.487 0.858 0.716 0.918 0.873 0.728 0.498 0. in.551 0.724 0.20 1.586 1.32 1.723 0.724 0.485 0.591 0.03 0.687 1.410 0.06 0.303 0.4 in.638 0.34 1.761 0.321 0.655 0.633 0.382 L4x3x 5/8 XV2 x3/s x5hs X'/4 2.370 0.00 1.895 0.937 0.679 0.569 0.653 0.04 1.623 0.07 1.656 0.181 0.00 1.89 1.775 0.52 1.900 0.08 1.877 0.460 0.746 0.281 0.701 0.739 0.00 1.516 0.555 0.867 0.91 1.40 1.773 1.924 0.903 0.717 0. AMER1CAN INSTJTUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.75 1.520 0.535 0.220 0.907 0.701 0.41 0.971 0.478 0. 1 5 r x Z xp 1 5 r in.52 1.17 0.00 1.15 0.06 1.00 1.470 0.07 0.954 2.296 0.947 0.923 0.609 0.69 2.946 0.759 1.532 0.239 0.491 0.48 1.622 0.00 0.1-45 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES L Table 1-7 (continued) Angles Properties L4-L3 Axis z-z Axis y-y O.262 0.03 0.713 0.912 0.39 1.3 in.05 1.721 0.199 0.33 1.00 1.271 0.677 0.05 1.10 0.226 1.00 1.25 2.501 0.718 0.00 0.30 1.558 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.950 0.707 0.721 0.00 1.628 0.869 0.86 2.798 0.666 0.09 1.75 1.716 0.227 1. INC.80 1.00 0.00 1.746 0.334 0.85 2.812 1.757 0.679 0.989 0.683 0.04 L3'l2x2'l2x'l2 X3/8 x5hs X'/4 1.910 0.00 0.756 0.969 0.59 1.281 0.900 0.63 3.176 0.382 0. 4 in.948 1.05 1.538 0.731 0.232 0.00 1.581 0.518 0.537 0.00 1.466 0.534 0.00 1.02 0.231 0.691 L3'hx3'l2x'l2 x7hs X3/8 x5hs X'/4 3.00 1.639 0.03 0.774 0.504 1.38 1.471 0.912 Note: For compactness criteria.17 0.437 0.74 1.00 0.207 0.568 0.09 1.554 0.851 0.29 1. L4x3V2XV2 X3/8 x5hs X'/4 3.51 1.74 1.884 0.722 0.888 0.30 1.36 1.723 0.00 1.97 1.45 1.965 1.23 0.580 0.32 2.681 0.965 0.521 0.256 0.632 0.00 1.418 0.516 0.00 1.580 0.438 0.01 0.06 1.25 1.719 0.775 0.06 1.374 0.819 0.542 0.19 1.908 0.326 0.514 0.929 0.386 0.725 1.540 0.699 0.675 0.412 0.211 1.994 0.356 0.807 0. 00382 1.790 0.938 0.47 0.853 0.972 0.000789 1.01 0.50 3.25 1.26 L2112x1'l2x114 x3/16 '12 7/16 3.484 0.803 0.847 in.0270 0.123 0.43 0.0106 0.70 5.00576 1.180 0.688 0.938 0.662 0.546 0.715 0.31 1.0746 0.0413 1.00254 0.g.06 1.0209 0.03 1.290 0.237 0.07 in.25 1.716 0.g.90 5.188 0.20 5/8 4.754 0.78 1.414 0.22 0. - 5/8 9/16 '12 7/16 3/8 0.0162 0. A 1 5 r y Z YP J Iblft 7.g .73 1.620 0.19 0.766 0.271 0.774 0.474 0.961 in. 3 1.338 0.790 0. wt.05 1.953 0.33 1.809 0.00868 0.556 in.801 0..0444 0.00921 0. 3 1.695 0.36 1.46 1.596 0.922 0.782 0.381 0.180 0.00306 1.192 0.73 1.295 0.900 1.606 0.612 0.464 0.293 0.189 0.749 0.591 0.0393 0.0116 0.779 0.08 1.982 0.387 0.771 0.10 3.952 in.537 0.19 0.743 in.19 2.633 0. Axis x-x k Flexural-Torsional Properties Area.735 0.348 0.00510 1.644 0.826 0.318 0.736 0.511 0.980 0.0209 0.0658 0.55 1.00 0.656 0..92 1.914 0.23 1.01 0.425 0.0908 1.10 Workable Gages in Angle Legs.39 0.945 0.568 0.298 0.364 0.866 0.19 0.65 1.0510 0.46 1.54 1.06 0. .92 3.29 1.711 0.39 1.PMA lpj Angles Properties ~ PNA. in.0268 0.30 1.0261 0.668 0.735 0.594 0.0103 0.779 0.0218 0.497 0.629 0.25 1.605 0.529 0.07 2.38 x3/16 9/16 '12 7/16 5.280 0.0791 0. 0.70 5.803 0.46 7.839 0. 0.90 5.22 1.0235 0.586 0. 2 2.541 0.598 0. '3/16 11/16 X5/16 x114 x3/16 9/16 112 L3x2x112 5/8 L2'l2x2112x112 3/4 x 3/8 5/8 X 5/16 x114 X 3/16 9/16 112 7/16 L2'l2x2x3/8 X 5/16 x1/4 L2x2x3/8 X5/16 x114 X 3/16 x118 r.188 0.937 0.22 0.0174 0.0362 0.44 1.00 4. in.10 3.32 1.4 1.440 0.62 2.129 Cw Leg 9 91 92 4112 3 3 4 2112 3 6 3112 21/4 2112 5 4 3 2 21/2 3112 3 2112 2 13/4 13/8 2 W4 11/2 13/8 11/4 1 3/4 5/8 W8 1 718 7/8 13/4 Nole: Other gages are permitted to suil specifie requirements subject to clearances and edge distance limitations AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of STEEL CONSTRUCTION.45 0.00 4.792 2.356 0.00694 1.4 0.414 in.0833 0.347 0.969 0.687 1.837 0.0855 0.764 0.00921 0. .00293 0.0495 0.293 0.609 0.09 0.758 0.0132 1.36 1.342 0.1-46 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES .00572 0.476 0.0119 in.902 in. .236 0. 0.244 0.839 0.35 1.70 3.692 0.561 0.08 1.756 0.0114 0. INC.391 0. 1.632 0.0248 1.535 0.558 0.534 0.715 0.230 8 7 Shape x 3/8 in.450 0.15 0.346 0.529 0.19 0.6 0.42 0.30 4.75 1.465 0.09 1.y 11-- Ynr Table 1-7 (continued) x~ty. 511 0.543 0. 0.0975 0.00 0.711 0.261 0.426 0.535 0.535 0.462 in.591 0.348 0.521 0.620 0.481 0.290 0.339 0.00 0.391 1.00 1.00 L2 112x2x3/8 x 5116 x1f4 x3116 0.305 in.258 0.292 0.266 0.191 0.00 1.428 0. in.00 1.144 0.275 0.210 0.912 0.853 0.482 0.692 0.145 0.578 0.423 0.0644 0.598 0.425 0.432 1.574 0.00 1.180 0.487 0.1000 0.409 0.00 0.372 0.173 0.419 0.764 0.756 0.347 0.562 0.133 0.0751 1.00 1.189 0.667 0.271 0.346 0. 0.513 0.236 0.188 0.126 0.624 1.198 0.411 0.00 1.00 1.104 0.00 1.342 0.418 0.454 0.00 0.528 0.00 0. 0.354 0.837 0. 0.735 0.368 0.413 1.338 0.0760 0.749 0.577 in.149 0.983 .295 0.687 1.00 0.716 0.264 0.29 1.414 0.00 1.247 0.387 0.164 0.360 1.467 0.189 0. 0.612 1.122 0.271 0.534 0.555 0.291 0.476 0.192 0:156 0.351 in.657 0.173 in.195 0.440 0.318 0. INC.386 0. 4 x r S 3 Z 3 Os xp 1 S r in.149 0.203 0.420 0.771 0.377 0.558 0.431 0.119 0.555 0.446 0.DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1-47 L Table 1-7 (continued) Angles Properties L3-L2 Axis z-z Axis y-y Shape 1 in.580 0.361 0.569 0.679 0.983 L2112x1 112x1f4 x3116 0.223 0.244 0. 0.532 0.628 . 0.481 0.387 0.983 L2x2x3/8 x5116 X1f4 x3116 X1f8 0.293 0.179 0.347 0.00 1.295 0.694 0.609 0.912 L2 112x21f2x1/2 x3/8 x5116 X1/4 x3116 1.347 0.129 0.00 0.372 0.561 0.321 0.0 for ail angles.628 0.508 0. 1 7 6 5 4 3112 2112 W2 - - 8 + 6 4 3 G.00 0.180 0.0818 0.198 in.474 0.00 1.442 0.597 0.4 Tan a Fy =36 ksi L3x2x1f2 x3/8 x5116 x 1/4 x3116 0.110 0.209 0.426 0.214 0.00 1.298 0.109 0.226 0.0771 0.273 0.230 0.557 0.160 0.00 0.803 0.116 in.481 0.324 0. = 1.0531 Compactness Criteria for Angles t Compression Flexure non-slender up to compact up to non-compact up to Width of angle leg.390 0.141 0.435 0.142 0.450 0.22 0.426 1.311 0.00 1.482 1.586 0.153 0.605 0.972 0.572 0.389 0.123 0.00 0.233 0.463 0.189 0.161 0.00 0.314 0.539 0.400 0.309 0.00 1.618 1.253 0. 3 0.887 0.386 0. W8 1 7/8 3/4 5/8 9116 112 7116 3/8 5116 1/4 3116 1/8 8 8 ~ 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 1112 Note: Compactness criteria given for Fy =36 ksi. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.612 0.758 0.581 0.237 0.00 1.200 0.589 0.536 0.470 0.735 0.632 0. 0.437 1. 5 h x163.0 19.7 16.3 11116 27.1 1/2 18.5 c 43.0 % 23.20 2. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.650 5/a 0.01 4.34 1.36 2.6 x181 c.99 2.7 5116 12.v x74.76 17116 2.54 3.20 2.9 x215.5 21.5 20.3 20.73 1.1-48 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES tul br 1 y 1*T.1 c.8 15. 13/4 19116 17116 W4 16.7 x148. 51/2 41f2 4 35/a 31f2 71/2 ~ 35116 31/4 31f16 215116 27/a 211116 21f2 25116 313116 33/a 33/a 33116 31116 3 27/a 211116 2112 25116 21fa 71f2 .20 1.1 16.6 1/2 19.6 5/a 25.830 13116 0. 2.7 19.0 0.65 1.58 1.7 21.38 3.4 1/2 20.91 2.56 2.785 13116 7116 17.0 15.58 1.0 38.5 c.7 1f2 20.70 3.2 16.41 3.8 11.11 2.4 16.7 38. in.40 11/16 2.4 x186 h 54.710 11116 3/a 15.3 x162 c 47.8 19.2 20.0 26.00 0.93 1.23 2.1 16.8 15. 1.1 12.2 in.81 1.9 0.5 h x147 c x139 c x132 c x117.960 15116 0.03 1 1/2 22.8 21.01 in.36 2.6 3/4. 25/8 27116 21f4 21116 in.0 20.930 0.5 19.22 W4 1.7 x138.4 20.650 113116 19116 15/16 W4 13116 11/8 1 15 116 13116 3/4 5/a 5/a 7 1.01 1. 15.5 h 73.03 0.5 c 40.9 15.2 49.4 33.630 5/a 15116 38. b.60 11/4 2.830 0.42 1.22 in.2 21.8 15. Depth.7 19.4 12.42 1 116 1.5 in.8 11.1 41.9 19.19 2.13 2.3 19.6 21.60 2.8 22.4 20.v 57.8 15.54 1. 1. Special requirements may apply per Specification Section A3.8 15.1 20 3/4 203/8 203/8 201/4 20'/a 20 197/a 195/a 19112 191/4 191/a WT22x167.1 9116 21.23 3. A d in.05 2.2 x251.21 2.2 1.81 1.06 W16 1.38 2.5 19. f.8 5116 12.29.9 15.8 11.7 5116 12.0 11.76 2.5 c x105.865 7/a 0.9 5/8 24.8 163/4 163/8 161/4 161fa W/a 16 157/8 157/8 157/8 153/4 153/4 153/4 3.77 1. in.h 53.5 7116 16.22 1.650 0.2 7116 16.94 3. INC.99 2.42 1.5 c.6 48.v x83.18 13116 1.8 123/8 121fa 121f8 12 12 11 7/8 11 7/a 11 3/4 11314 11 3/4 11314 2.16 1.7 24.5 c x91.6 20.79 1.8 34.8 19.31 3.83 2.5 3/8 14.0) with Fr ~ 50 ksi.5 c.3 20.750 0.7 x107. h Flange thickness greater than 2 in.9 Thickness.7 48.5 31.v 31.6 7116 18.5 h 63.8 15.1 19.5 h 58.5 c. 16 157/a 153/4 153/4 Distance Thickness.22 1.0 43.9 11. v Shear strength controlled by buckling effects (Cv < 1.7 x99.9 11.~~d y Table 1-8 WT Shapes 'fw Dimensions 1 Stem Shape Area.7 x124.5 5116 12.5 h 87.12 1.5 c 36.2 42.31 3. tw tw 2 Flange Area in. 22 21314 21 5/a 211f2 WT20x296.07 31/4 23/4 23fa 23116 21116 2 113116 1% 19116 12.830 21f2 21fa 21/a 115116 113116 1314 19/16 17116 13116 1 c Shape is slender for compression with ~ ~ 50 ksi.650 5/a 0.25 13 116 Workable Gage k 3.6 9116 22.8 20.0 21.4 x198.750 3/4 0.8 5116 12.5 13116 32.8 in.0 12.v 29.13 1.03 1 0.5 3/8 14.5 c x145 c x131 c x115 c.58 1.52 2.1 20.v 20.5 c.4 5/a 24.42 1.3 2W2 21 205/a 201/2 203/a 201f4 201/a 197/a 197/a 193/4 191/2 193/8 WT20x196 h x165.0 Width.2 12.76 2. 7 6.452 221 138 88.01 5.6 50.96 5.92 5.54 6.00 1.63 1.945 0.31 1..00 0.5 91.80 5.4 9.27 6.61 1260 314 2.53 6.9 2t.53 in.16 463 398 120 1.02 5.7 46. 5.1 21.1-49 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES T Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Properties Nominal Wt.63 6.98 3.2 27.65 6. 3 118 102 90.6 69.66 5.93 3.52 2.8 30.26 5.5 41.993 0.78 5.0 29.5 186 181 162 148.0 52.7 88.5 105.7 76.97 5.40 2.2 32.8 68.95 5.3 30.6 15.822 0.445 0.29 522 140 1.9 58.98 6.918 0.0 65.55 2.825 0.65 3.5 2.17 5.7 30.00 0.6 57.454 0.5 215.0 75.43 Y ksi 21.1 20.0 12.07 Torsional Properties F=50 J Cw in.53 5.92 5.2 1.88 5.00 1.45 7.5 74.4 16.3 33.5 18.47 3.7 16.14 6. 4 600 521 462 398 in. 1.5 198.87 5.01 117 0.72 3.66 796 484 449 322 282 233 156 113 71.49 2.12 2340 1400 881 677 558 511 362 279 218 158 101 83.71 1.63 3.86 2.66 5.4 52.6 79.14 6.77 4. .13 1.3 86.2 25.00 1.38 546 157 1.51 5.16 6.7 63.2 62.9 26.9 78.22 1.5 138.0 37.81 5.9 66.00 1.38 5.66 691 192 1.7 19.45 296.50 609 176 1.35 1.4 18.8 17.9 58.4 37.45 1.0 66.9 52.3 76.75 5.7 59.5 196 165.5 251.99 4.0 29.10 1.17 4. in.00 1.6 6.49 3.9 19.0 69.29 106 85.91 4.8 50.99 4.5 25.03 5.2 70.629 0.95 843 240 1.0 13.8 77.54 1.5 6.9 51.9 88.6 20.6 438 275 200 139 1 5 r Z in.19 5.4 23.54 3.4 27.49 3.4 38.580 0.50 5.7 43.41 4.45 2.1 19.21 6.5 25.85 3.4 68.80 1.6 30.70 709 217 1.3 19.3 37.58 3.5 99.28 4.44 3.50 4.3 0.4 in.01 5.60 3.10 5.3 2270 1880 1840 1630 1550 1450 1260 1120 955 899 815 153 128 125 111 106 99.72 401 322 320 281 261 246 222 195 165 141 114 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.7 65.80 3.5 145 131 115 4.45 240 197 164 150 138 135 119 107 102 90.2 39.00 1.00 1.58 2.33 2.9 1.5 51.45 3.7 17.5 107.7 85.60 3.25 1020 266 1.9 26.4 1440 88.0 59.81 771 225 1.3 2170 131 1830 111 1640 99.699 0. 3.57 3.445 0.54 3.5 44.19 5.74 5.5 83.52 2.699 0.4 2.51 5.5 124.05 6.98 1.57 6.45 275 231 224 199 191 178 153 137 117 115 108 64.5 2.55 3.893 0.19 6.18 5.9 20.07 6.77 4.435 85.2 30.17 2.9 52.1 44.!!L h Axis x-x 1 5 WT22-WT20 Os Axis y-y r y Z in.58 2.7 3310 2730 2290 2070 1930 1870 1650 1500 1360 1210 1030 988 209 174 148 134 126 122 108 98.98 4.581 0.438 in.11 3.71 5.66 3.2 9.2 65.54 2.40 4.3 75.51 2.55 6.8 23. tw 167.03 4.4 in.1 3.5 in.08 4.11 14.855 0.5 147 139 132 117.7 15.94 5.2 85.2 in.929 347 151 124 104 95.41 5.526 0.76 7.57 2.0 28.6 30.39 12. INC.5 163.7 54. lbJft Compact Section Criteria . 3 234 196 176 157 YP in.64 2.0 23.6 12.31 3.04 6.47 379 2.71 4.11 6. 2 13.6 16.0 16. 18.1-50 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 'i tul' 1 I~~~d Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Dimensions 1 Flange Stem Shape Area. 71f2 1.86 3.0 52.5 h 77.0 x80 c 23.61 15/8 3/4 29.2 12.49 3.1 c.2 181/4 183/4 181/2 183/8 18114 18118 181/8 18 177/8 173/4 Thickness.1 16.3 21 1/4 20.2 x180.35 1.77 1.7 x220.8 x243. f.93 1.01 1.80 2. fw tw 2 in.39 2.8 x85 c 25.1 15.9 in. 59/16 413/16 43/16 4 33/4 37/16 35/16 3118 3 27/8 23/4 25/8 29/16 in.2 WT18x400 118 x326 h 96.6 18112 18.5 32.8 Area 20.40 1.9 15.2 18.5 x151 c 44.24 4.96 2.36 2.0 12.765 0.0 121f4 121f8 121/8 121/8 121f8 12 12 12 12 5fs 22. Workable Gage k in.2 14.5 h 58.2 2.3 11.6 1.5 c.1 12.0 19 18. b.38 23/8 13/16 50.1 18.6 29.9 x197.6 175/8 1.5 x123.97 2 1 40.57 1.650 0.29 3.5 h xl77 h x159 x145.1 x264. thickness greater than 2 in.5 x131 c 38.19 2.725 0.9 h WT16.5c 34.02 1 0.0 17.0 Distance Thickness.940 0.68 2.4 13/16 32.6 16.52 2.2 10. 18 175/8 171/4 171f8 17 167/8 163/4 165/8 165/8 165/8 161/2 161/2 161f2 18.8 173/4 1.4 0.57 1.8 15.1 12.22 11/4 9/16 21.30 2.0 15.7 12. 21.960 15/16 17.26 11/4 17.50 11/2 11/16 26.8 187/8 18.28 1.790 13/4 19/16 1318 11/4 13116 11/8 1 15/16 13/16 2.5 0.3 171/4 0.54 25/8 27/16 25/16 23/16 21/8 2 115/16 17/8 111/16 5112 2.7 16.4 1.15 2.94 33/16 215/16 23/4 25/8 27/16 21/4 2118 2 51f2 4.2 12.2 191/4 19.9 197/8 19.85 1.6 18.4 193/8 19.0 1.5 h 64. in.1 xl05 c 30.02 0.830 0.8 16.3 183/8 18.5 16.3 xl15.1 17.7 15.3 18.8 38.5 c xll0.9 15.32 2.800 13/16 7/16 14.5 c xl00.5 201/2 19.7 195/8 19.18 1.0 16.4 183/8 18.6 7/16 16.4 1.0 13.26 1.775 3/4 16.600 Width.28 2.16 13116 17.0 17.48 2.840 13/16 7/16 15.7 11.36 1318 5/8 23.3 1. in.8 15.870 0.4 x141 c 41.1 12.63 2.44 1.5 c x131.5 53.0 12. Depth.0 17 0.5 c x120. vShear strength controlled by buckling effects (Cv< 1.20 2.2 1.52 2.5 x91 c 26.1 46.68 1.06 1.10 1.0 x165 c 48. 45/16 39/16 215/16 211/16 27/16 23/16 2 17/8 111/16 19/16 17/16 1318 11/4 in.39 3.7 0.2 18.625 0.5 1.85 1.73 1.5 c 57.9 x97 c 28.07 2.15 2114 21/16 F/8 1314 19/16 H8 11/4 11/8 3.7 xl16 c 34.5 x75 c 22.7 18.44 2.2 17. .6 16. A d in.26 cShape is siender for compression with Fr = 50 ksi.04 11/16 17.7 161/4 W/8 16 157/8 153/4 157/8 153/4 153/4 112 7/16 7/16 3/8_ 3/8 3/8 5/16 5/16 5/16 18.7 16.7 185/8 18.09 1.88 2.63 3.57 1.12 11/8 112 19.0 14.715 11/16 5/8 9/16 112 7/16 7/16 3/8 3/8 0.54 2.7 35.885 7/8 0.870 7/8 17.4 173/8 0.36 1.6 17.89 1.68 2.6 18.21 in.01 1.680 0.2 16.6 in.11 2.0) with ~= 50 ksi.1 171/8 0.6 16. Special requirements may apply per Specification Section A3.8 167/8 0.945 15/16 112 17. h Flange AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.5x193.v 19.69 1.3 16.960 0.9 17.2 12.760 3/4 3/8 13.0 WT18x128 c 37.73 1.830 13/16 17.0 12.0 18 1.1 12.5 15/16 7/8 13/16 3/4 3/4 11/16 5/8 5/8 5/8 18. 5.5 h 71.5 c 36. INC.8 42.1 x67.91 2. 82 3.48 205 151 119 92.47 5.74 4.6 22.62 2.62 5.55 3.73 1.2 53.8 30.1 985 73.23 264 234 206 187 174 160 147 135 113 43.57 5.3 70.62 5.7 740 55.96 4.940 810 729 645 581 517 466 420 375 100 90.3 5810 3070 1600 1250 914 652 491 372 285 231 185 155 129 F =50 Y ksi Iblft 400 326 264.8 0.1 42.77 193 1.8 38.1 845 63.5 177 159 145.80 3.29 5.33 1.3 69.702 0.37 7.37 5.42 4.00 1.2 65.6 70.43 5.0 32. 5.4 in.12 5.829 0.16 4.02 3.47 5.04 3.1 42.905 0.75 6.8 26.88 6.82 4.69 4.96 4.58 2.1 1.10 1.1 73.00 1.96 4.3 15.694 525 295 163 128 96.85 3.9 53.80 5.848 0.56 156 141 125 113 101 90.9 57.65 2.38 68.65 3.5 3.36 5.8 82.54 t.00 0.8 0.9 22. 4.07 5.6 46.74 3.12 4.3 15.92 3.49 4.6 637 49.1 29. .17 5.73 4.77 3.521 0.6 35.6 786 58.84 4.35 4.11 1.0 in.62 3.53 4.5 r y Z YP 1 in.59 3.5 60.909 0.39 5.0 S in.8 45.47 2.867 0.63 5.4 29.30 4.4 19.83 3.8 20.5 243.0 13.922 0.1 26.95 4.980 0.51 6.2 47. 3.8 61.81 3.59 1.85 4.55 2.18 1.9 28.54 1.1 9.66 4.25 1.7 73.74 3.4 615 468 335 256 188 146 113 84.5 19.5 120.4 12.5 3. 1 in.93 3.60 5.9 1460 1320 1160 1060 943 872 799 725 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.8 17.40 1.96 156 140 131 120113 105 100 95.799 0.5 58.20 6.1 26.36 5.48 2.2 65.10 2.26 2.00 1.00 1.16 1.8 72.78 4.22 4.7 5.923 1.83 3.9 2.71 in.1 23.60 5.9 23.8 82. 5.00 1.88 3.6 33.23 116 1.4 48.9 10.5 110.96 5.50 2.6 63.15 4.4 21.566 0.8 78. 6 1.85 14.1 32.5 22.74 5.4 4090 3160 2440 2220 1980 1740 1570 1410 1280 1190 1110 1040 978 S in.46 140 1.61 5.0 264 208 164 150 134 119 107 97.5 197.66 5.28 2.53 3.56 2.77 4.8 85.68 3.5 100.99 4.95 4.62 5.6 80.6 77.61 5.71 3.8 28.7 54.3 193.00 1.27 1.637 0.76 174 1.3 18.3 1080 78. 8.87 4.7 698 53.486 0.1 14.65 5.1 19.5 220.7 77.974 0.76 3.48 4.8 88.9 24.5 90.03 97.16 4.717 73.0 85.89 5.801 0.10 4.8 901 67.5 73.4 13.791 0.7 17.5 5.6 107 96.0 25.04 0.0 18.3 14.7 13.8 21.3 1.8 53.46 1.1 65.3 as Axis y-y Axis X-X h WT18-WT16.3 Torsional Properties J Cw in.52 5.0 21.19 3.22 4.94 10. INe..11 6.991 0.03 5.53 2.4 57.81 5.5 1210 87.12 107 1.92 4.23 4.3 16.10 1.9 18.96 3.93 4.3 41.1-51 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES T Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Properties Nominal Wt.4 2100 1610 1240 1120 997 877 786 711 648 599 545 507 470 r Z 234 184 145 131 117 104 94.3 20.6 3.0 37.03 in.56 19.2 38.84 3.5 24.27 4.00 3.3 371 290 227 206 184 162 146 132 120 112 102 94.35 125 1.00 0.80 4.749 0.5 165 151 141 131 123.36 128 116 105 97 91 85 80 75 67.1 in.62 154 1. f------ Compact Section Criteria J!!2t.10 in.20 7.0 88.5 18.8 55.96 3.36 5.5 131.86 4.48 3.83 4.00 1.91 1.6 21.8 60.9 27.3 491 383 298 272 242 213 192 173 158 146 137 129 122 in.03 4.14 4.73 2.5 77.6 24.9 11.5 116 2.00 1.5 180.456 26.66 6. C 9 The in.7 14. br tr in.4 34.5 h x178.32 5/16 8. combination.9 Distance in.0 28.50 1.5 11.5 10.855 7/a 0.3 in.775 0.2 49.2 17.9 14.92 1.0 151/4 145/a 141/2 14112 143/a 141/4 141/4 W/a 14 141/8 14 14 3.910 0.2 17.585 9/16 0. 1.5 47.2 14.29 2.3 15.13 1.1 28.8 21.66 1.8 13.0 14.07 11f16 1.5 45.10 1.5' x65' x59"v WT15x195.2 11116 9/16 15.5' x74' x66' x62' x58' x54' x49.5 in.660 0.5 15.61 1.4 15 101f2 101f2 101f2 101f2 101f2 101f2 103/8 2 1 32.5 10.0 5/16 9. in.77 1.50 1.3 18.03 2.06 0.60 5/16 9.545 9/16 0.3 14.2 15.9 167/a 16.48 5/16 8.4 20.05 1.41 1.5 x108.1 14.8 22.740 3/4 Workable Gage k in.1 15. h Flange thickness greater than 2 in.14 1.6 20.88 2.5 h x184h x168 h x153.38 1.8 19.5 10.02 0.97 1.8 151/4 153/a 151fa 151/8 15 147/a Wla 143/4 WT13.5 13.8 14.7 165/a 16.6 14.33 3. 51f2 .98 1.8 15.1 15.8 3/4 3/8 10.5 10.07 2.3 5/16 10.27 3.48 2.2 15.93 1.0 Wa 5/a 18.5 x129 x117.9 38.72 2.850 7/a 0.58 1.0 10.0) with Fy~ 50 ksi.2 41.3 14.4 18.76 1.670 11/16 0.0 14. actual size.975 in.635 0.13 1/4 7. in.1 c.04 11.7 19.82 5/16 8.5x269.5' x45"v 25.32 1.34 1. Thickness.930 15/16 0.94 15.4 15. A Depth.32 1.5' Area.50 1.930 0.7 32.7 13.1 13.0 5/1a 10.1-52 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES k~1 • b. ~ 50 ksi.0 12.6 16.28 2.56 2.5 10.9 1114 13/16 5/8 17.29 2.19 1.5x84. 21fa 115/16 113/16 W4 3.65 1.2 23.26 2 21f16 Wa 113/16 13/4 111/16 19/16 11f2 51f2 39/16 21f2 21/4 21/16 115/16 W4 15Ia 1112 15116 W16 11f16 1 4.36 1.1 15.22 l1f4 1. 11112 115/a 11112 111/2 111/2 11/16 5/a 9/16 1f2 1/2 7/16 3/a 3/a 15.0 11/16 21.605 0. 2 24.520 112 0.06 11/16 0.56 1.65 1.2 16.980 0.00 1 0.3 14.08 0.5 1 1f2 14.5 21.5' x76' x70. and orientation of fastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.5 15.9 42.4 163/a 57.5' x95.1 11/16 3/8 9.6 5/16 10.2 15.23 3.1 15.3 14.2 15.6 15.71 1/4 6.19 5/16 10.6 31.6 14.16 1.0 34.7 163/4 16.84 2. tw tw "2 Flange Area Width.3 54. INC.725 0.605 d WT15x86.1 14.655 5/a 0.28 15.0 155/8 151f2 153/a W/4 151/8 15 151/a 15 2.6 26.830 0.550 11/16 5/a 5/a 9/16 9/16 1318 l1f4 11/8 1 15/16 13/16 3/4 11/16 22.3 15.18 13/16 1.5 x97' x89' x80.5 10.830 0.44 in.4 16.85 1.610 5fa 1.750 0. 0.470 1/2 1. 16.5 h x163 h x146 x130.670 0.1 16. v Shear strength controlled by buckling effects (Gv < 1.9 14.2 15/16 112 13.0 14.09 1.24 2.6 52.40 2.3 165/8 163/8 161/4 16 153/4 155/a 15112 153/a 1.85 1. 1.24 1.64 2.5 x117.44 2.580 0.2 3/a 11.7 161/4 151/4 15 143/4 145/a 141/2 143/a 141/4 14 137/a 133/4 133/4 Thickness.0 10.87 1. Special requirements may apply per Specification Section A3.5 3/4 3/8 10.960 15/16 0. Y 1 ~-:J Ix~--If -- PNA d Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes '/W Dimensions 1 Stem Shape WT16.650 5/a 0.97 33/8 31/a 215/16 23/4 29/16 23/a 21/4 1.7 15.2 15.5' x73' 79.0 15.6 11.5 16112 16.0 13/16 7/16 11.3 15.0 14.8 14.9 13.5 16.4 14.710 0.5 11.2 14.565 9/16 0.5 14.83 1.44 2.5 h x140.4 38.26 1.1 5/16 9.5 11.54 2.6 16.76 47/16 33/a 33/16 3 213/16 211/16 21/2 23/a 21/4 21/16 2 W8 51/29 51/2 27/16 21f4 21f16 17/a 15/8 1112 15116 13/16 5fa AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.4 14.615 5/a 0. ~ 51f2 21f16 Shape is slender for compression with F.10 5/a 5/16 8.760 3/4 0.5' x105. 61 4.54 3.0 67.2 1090 87.2 26.69 4.912 0.4 49.85 159 1.56 4.89 7.6 27.5 23.58 3.1 10.24 4. 6 55.39 3.49 1.5 21.85 3.955 0.15 5.26 4.733 0.9 649 592 552 513 469 in.98 2.65 6.8 60.97 3.04 2.5 97 89 80. 1 5 r Z Torsional Properties F =50 J Cw Y ksi Iblfl 84.2 in.70 121 1.5 28.38 2.0 27.4 57.6 13.2 1220 96.46 155 140 126 111 97.5 17.39 3.8 26.7 31.1 14.67 3. . 4 4.64 in.56 109 1.7 15.4 60.4 33.9 1.15 89.862 in.00 0.815 0. 3 90.448 in.92 6.1 73.4 29.12 5.27 3.3 18.5 108.7 23.8 1.25 2.567 0.36 3.3 83.849 55.5 45 7.04 4.08 0.62 1740 532 401 304 232 178 135 105 74.09 61. Axis y-y Axis X-X h 1 5 r y Z YP in.492 0.2 981 78.04 0.3 80.7 25.12 4.8 84.7 444 40.5 95.5 65.832 0.2 86.29 4.09 4.2 68.47 in.67 4.94 4.9 63.42 4.7 11.4 155 136 123 109 93.1-53 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES T Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Properties Nominal Wt.00 3.46 4.9 20.7 4.02 4.1 4.967 0.5 3.0 0.21 2.46 3.47 3.2 414 38.5 269.04 73.00 1.6 24.715 0.19 3.0 7.5 1.9 12.33 89.94 3.24 5.5 29.4 41.71 3.3 14.0 610 50.575 0.8 677 59.2 37.43 4.3 56.4 28.6 81.60 151 1. 5.764 247 84.5 129 117.528 0.48 3.757 0.4 13.44 5.00 1.66 4.42 4.0 30.33 3.49 7. 3 51.75 4.01 6.69 3.00 1.4 35.5 31.8 72.2 18.59 5.94 242 2.935 774 693 622 549 480 427 378 336 99.21 4.7 861 69.48 4.58 3.27 98.6 28.867 0.76 25.2 15.00 1.32 in.1 39.5 74 66 62 58 54 49.22 81.2 54.14 5.901 0.6 21.5 105.7 3.0 63.4 29.71 4.4 35.78 7.02 3.2 23.90 3.6 30.3 0.1 47.15 2.95 3.41 4.4 22.03 80.1 1.4 71.2 89.6 549 45.85 135 1.9 20.8 50.52 23.53 5.2 4.2 66.4 18.00 1.5 48.0 765 62.8 613 54.2 20.4 82. 4 8.8 63.3 10.56 125 1.8 54.1 39.7 497 466 421 396 373 349 322 290 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.23 2.3 in.50 2.921 0.95 4.7 42.8 753 66.1 36.9 14.88 1.71 5.6 0.63 4.84 3.45 3.9 21.98 3.01 4.4 12.5 178.0 35.851 0.2 11.62 3.25 3.04 4.8 1.3 57.2 1.2 27.20 218 140 126 113 103 93.492 0.932 60.34 3.5 117. 3 42.4 18.23 3.96 3.628 0.851 1.74 6.70 143 1.9 839 73.5 in.20 in.00 lOO lOO 1.31 3.-- Compact Section Criteria J1L WT16.08 4.6 70.7 18.8 0.36 4.1 502 45.35 12.64 3.7 40.3 19.405 7.66 4.1 44.4 27.3 66.7 42.8 77.7 54.19 2.18 5.41 3.6 21.9 1.3 39.3 33.4 31.534 0.6 17.00 1.6 25.1 20.00 0.73 7.9 674 55.0 37.41 53.0 17.5 39.8 15.02 5.32 3.5 636 478 361 257 184 133 96.87 3.49 3.772 1060 655 587 527 477 430 384 352 309 278 248 222 138 89.0 90.29 3.7 556 50.90 3.5 73 2.5-WT13.5 72.67 2.47 2.5 140.43 2.10 3.8 0.5 79.9 44.60 3. f.9 372 34.02 67.42 2.80 8.16 8. INC.7 0.938 0.15 2.03 4.961 0.17 6.5 184 168 153.4 195.20 3.5 77.9 19.52 4.39 4.5 76 70.44 98.602 0.8 13.3 17.6 37.76 3.4 50.16 4.25 1530 128 11.13 71.0 0.816 86.2 49.35 3.41 3.9 87. 4.9 13.6 336 31.3 23.71 5.41 112 1.8 75.4 43.65 3.28 2.6 51.662 0.0 23.96 3.9 29.9 66.5 26.72 4.00 3.19 3.0 939 81.45 3.9 16.53 3.835 299 114 98.1 60.2 14.12 4.9 57.10 2.0 3.5 163 146 130.5 65 59 2ft tw in.48 6.00 1.8 1.34 177 1. 2.41 4.16 4.0 24.0 71.6 17.27 5.9 33.81 6. 3 27.7 3.5 10.7 32.4 44.00 1.899 0.5 Q.9 1.84 3.51 3. 67 6.04 7. bt 5/a 9116 '/2 1/z 7116 in.2 13.590 0.0 10.78 6.9 12.16 1.27 1.26 5.9 13.2 10.2 44.22 11/4 1.66 5. 2 8.610 0.0 13.6 12.930 15116 0.0 12.9 12.4 28.640 5/a 2.04 7 7. h Flange AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.26 1.3 12lf4 12.60 6.00 9.9 117/a 0.0 12 11.4 11.0 12.4 12. combination.0 10.23 2.09 2'116 1.8 13.57 19116 1. 511a 5116 '/4 lf4 lf4 in.8 137/a 13.3 13.07 1.3 9.9 12.5 13'/2 13.97 Distance Thickness. thickness greater than 2 in. l ~ 5'/z9 5lf2 9 3lf2 3lf2 .10 3116 4.35 1.66 9.11 11.0 10.980 1 0.98 6.705 0.570 0.39 2. tc.73 1314 1.18 1.0 12.25 3% 33/a 33116 3 2'3116 2% 21/z 23/a 2'/4 2'/a 2 Fla 1314 15/a 5lf2 9 9lfa 9 9 9 0.5 11.960 0.72 2314 2.48 1.89 Fl8 1.5 c x58.4 in.5 x96 x88 x81 x73 c x65.41 6.5x64.5 c x57 c x51 c x47 c x42 c in.9 21.2 12'/a 12.1-54 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES tul br ï y I~~~d Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Dimensions 1 Stem Shape A Depth.1 10.5 c x47 c x42 c x38 c x34 c 14 133/4 13% 133/8 13'/8 13 12lf8 123/4 125/a 12'/z 123/a 12'/4 12'/8 12 Thickness.47 8.0) with ~ =50 ksi.43 7.2 13.02 13.10 11Ia 0.850 7/a 0.28 21/4 2. 10 10lfa 10 10 10 1112 13/a 11f4 13/'6 11f'6 '5116 7/a '3116 3/4 11116 5/a 5/a 9116 '/Z 3/4 11116 5/8 5/8 9116 lf2 7116 7116 3/a 3/8 5116 511rr 5116 1/4 21. y 9The actual size.72 1.98 2.395 3/a '/4 5.490 0.09 11f2 '/z 1.440 7116 0.0 1. d WT13.92 WT12x31 c 9. 0.81 8.830 13116 0. 2 18.2 10.09 11116 0.3 14.04 0.7 12.6 135/a 13.5 x103.48 2'/z 2.500 15.10 11.770 3/4 0.52 1.9 41.38 1.4 133/a in.v 8.6 30.34 15/16 1.8 0.5 h x125 x114.0 13. and orientation of fastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.515 0.1 12.59 1.5 12.38 1.5 c.5 h x153 h x139.870 0.1 12 12.745 3/4 0.3 19. INC.1 25.550 9116 0. WT12x185 h x167.0 in.8 12.505 9116 1.24 in.7 13.5 c x52 c WT12x51.46 1.7 12.3 17.43 1.5 19. vShear strength controlled by buckling effects (Cv < 1.5 13.34 1. 5lf2 135/8 131/2 13% 13lf4 13lfa 13lfa 13 13 127/8 13 127/a 12/a 123/4 123/4 in.8 113/4 0.99 8.8 12.8 33.22 2. 1.59 2.09 Fla 13/4 1"116 19116 1'/2 5lf2 7.875 7/a 0.460 54.6 13.810 0.750 0. Special requirements may apply per Specification Section A3.46 FI16 1.0 12.5 13.78 2.550 0.605 0. 2 113116 13/4 Wa 19116 in.84 1.650 0.14 10. f.26 4.70 1.0 17.9 16.8 23.2 15.1 13.470 '/z 0.0 13.4 49.4 13.02 8.4 13.1 13. 13. tw tw 2 Flange Area Width. Workable Gage k in.2 12.960 '5116 0.415 7116 5116 lf4 '/4 '/4 '/4 6.515 lf2 0.01 17116 C Shape is slender for compression wifh F =50 ksi.430 7116 x27.53 1. 1.8 15.75 6.9 1Fla Area.0 36.585 9116 1.5 13'/z 13.1 15.680 1'116 0.750 3/4 3.8 12.07 9.01 7 0.96 1. 91 22.5 9.1 1.96 2.6 47.945 0.21 2.70 3.28 1.5 55.08 1.6 in.0 28.00 1.850 0.86 6.94 2.5 103.793 0.82 1.3 25.541 0.00 0.6 3.84 1.9 68.66 22.3 85.65 2.6 10.5 4.4 11.489 3.22 6.51 3.53 3.6 14.7 44.90 4.05 3.78 3.66 2.5 58. 2.6 61.7 16.55 3.9 54.5 57 51 47 42 in.1 3.2 36.3 27.67 3.2 35.0 17.5 29.41 6.3 59.00 1.3 55.2 43.1 57.53 17.3 26.08 3.9 38.14 3.5 96 88 81 73 65.35 2.2 13.51 3.932 12.1 779 686 611 546 478 431 382 350 319 293 264 238 212 189 74.0 in.7 35.3 69.4 45.3 0.54 1.560 59.15 2.2 32.12 2.3 23.8 86.09 1. 'ksi .2 30.92 1.3 35.7 66. 3 31.3 9.30 4.18 in.06 39.7 18.0 68.3 14.50 3.2 20.99 1.6 14.87 20.!!L WT13.5 23.8 24.0 20.2 41.9 27.3 18.29 3.17 3.62 1.2 22.79 4.46 3.2 25.6 27. 3 28.65 3.3 3.0 20.42 3.1 16.3 20.475 in.4 92.0 52.67 1.18 7.65 2.833 0:750 0.1 50.9 in.5 30.00 0.20 3.07 3.5 125 114.37 3.58 3.97 2.48 Z in.2 28.05 2.97 27.9 37.27 3.70 4.94 3.4 16.750 0.50 28.4 323 289 258 239 216 185 167.600 581 513 460 412 362 326 289 265 240 221 195 170 149 130 85.1 75.49 3.67 3.8 43.57 6.57 3.17 1.4 39.8 22.35 553 405 305 230 165 125 91.763 0.04 3.578 0.53 2.39 1.8 21.6 3.00 1.6 24.00 1.34 0.73 2.41 3.00 3.9 23.9 49. 64.7 19.781 0.0 51.01 1.93 YP 1 S r 3.3 16.70 7.609 0.5 52 2.3 72.5 47. 0.6 58.449 0. INC.5 12. 1 Compact Section Criteria Axis x-x h 1 S r y 2f.841 0.525 0.18 5.1 27.79 3.7 54.95 1.13 4.87 2.59 5.03 6.07 Z in.4 10.14 4.01 2.55 5.51 2.69 3.8 131 117 lb/ft .921 0.6 1.2 77.1 32.2 7.62 2.6 21.8 11.53 8.7 19.70 2.43 4.15 4.00 1.3 35.00 1.0 10.946 0.59 140 123 110 98.2 24.715 0.2 14.78 22.63 2.61 7.74 3.2 34.68 3.18 3.21 10.698 0.55 3.9 0.8 15.70 7.7 31.5 12.34 7.5-WT12 a.74 2.6 1.530 0.5 57.94 29.8 13.692 100 75.40 in.2 29.99 2.7 13.4 15.9 15.1-55 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES T Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Properties Nominal Wt.81 5.80 2. 4.51 3.622 0.9 39.38 1.4 53.65 0.672 0.16 4. Axis y-y Torsional Properties F=50 J Cw 0.3 48.11 3.6 62.1 15.85 15.6 46.31 5. tw 4.6 23.3 12.99 1.97 3.764 0.00 1.3 23.00 1.18 2.6 6.0 10.8 53.23 3.1 69.6 204 186 166 151 137 31 27.4 25.3 52.01 2.2 79.9 12.98 1.67 3.8 17.00 1.73 3.6 40.42 3.2 in.50 3.588 3.28 1.2 42.61 3.3 11.885 0.9 9.5 47 42 38 34 4.8 in.52 3.6 25.621 in.832 0.18 3.1 24.5 19.0 42.3 12.80 3.685 0.5 5.79 133 119 107 96.5 153 139.39 3.9 26.6 63.15 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.4 5.90 5.92 6.4 40.14 4.85 6.50 9.692 0.92 2.7 16.4 45.5 78.3 63.8 31.1 33.2 1.3 18. 950 11fs 23/4 3. =50 ksi.350 9116 lf2 7116 7116 3/S 3fs 5116 lf4 lf4 1/4 3116 3116 3116 6.13 8.1 9.72 23116 13116 1.3 14.5 12.5 21.5xl 00.30 2.28 11/4 x117 h 34.04 l1f16 0.26 3.910 15/16 112 10. 1 tX1~~d Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Dimensions 1 Stem Shape Area.11 1. f Shape exceeds compact limit for flexure with F.22 8.59 1.34 113116 7/S 1.5 25.54 1. d Thickness.37 93/s 0.8 10.480 112 lf4 x38 c 11.4 103/s 0.60 21116 11116 1.32 1.99 7.v 13.4 17.41 3.74 2.92 7.9 16.5 31.1 11.96 3.98 1. in.30 8.90 3.3 11.1 10.92 5.61 8.87 Distance 12.400 0.1 11.27 8.15 11fs 1.810 13116 7116 x71.50 6lf2 0.600 0.720 0.9 11.5'·h x25 c x22 c.5 c x36.70 3 21fs 2.4 10.20 1.2 11.4 10.5 11.5 h 41. Shape is slender for compression with Fy =50 ksi.9 107/s 1.19 1.0) with Fy =50 ksi.16 l3/16 5/s xl05.670 11116 3/S 5116 x59.5 12.11 6.46 1.522 lf2 0.535 9116 5/16 x43 c 12.11 91fs 0.960 15116 0.350 3/s 3/4 WT9x155.20 3.0 10. combination.5 x66 x61' x55.53 4.5x28.4 12.08 19116 51f2 1.63 9% 0.9 10.21 5.8 11.34 WTl0.8 24.650 0.0 9.31 29116 13I4 2.27 5.65 1.51 23/4 115116 2.740 3/4 0.5 x91 x83 x73.86 1.56 61f2 0.9 11.50 5.13 1.2 11.450 WTl0.2 10.3 103/s 1.455 0.875 7/S 0.5 10lf2 1. 1.8 10.f .14 3}16 8.30 91/4 0.37 10. tw 2 in.835 13116 0.5 9.0 10 0.405 3fa 3116 7.380 3/S 3116 6.2 10.04 11f4 7116 0. v Shear strength controlled by buckling effects (Cv < 1.550 0.99 27116 17116 1.830 0.84 23/s W16 1.34 1. 2.06 11116 9116 x96 28.5' x41.4 11.680 9 The Workable Gage k in.3 103/s 0.750 0.655 5/S x53 15.5 17. l 3lf2 31/29 31/29 5112 .15 27116 19I16 1.75 1.3 12.7 10.425 7116 lf4 .9 10.36 13/s 1.63 Ws 1.7 103/4 1. 51f2 Ws 11f2 FI16 13/s 15116 13/16 llfs % 1.0 15.49 10.4 21.535 6. h Flange thickness greater than 2 in.5 C x34' x31 c x27.8 10. 4. 21f2 23/s 2lf4 2 115116 113116 1314 111116 in.730 3/4 3/S x65 19.45 6.v 3/S 17.53 61/2 0.38 1.6 19.375 0.590 9116 5116 x48.24 8.44 1.685 11116 0.580 0. Thickness.17 Ws 11/16 1.940 0.42 8.02 0.770 0. in.615 5/S 0.06 0.12 1.2 11.8 11.00 33116 25116 2.7 9.5' x50.52 1112 11116 x141.75 93/4 0. bf tf in.40 13/s 5/S x129 h 37.7 12.30 in.0 in.515 0.36 8.3 13.6 10.3 11.2 29.6 11.94 7. 125/s 12112 123/s 12112 12112 123/s 123/s 121/4 83/s 83/s 81f4 8lf4 8lf4 81/4 8lfs 12 l1'/s 11314 11% l11f2 11 1/2 113/s l11f4 1l1f4 l11fs 11114 11lf4 l1'/s l11fs 11 in.2 l11fs 1.49 9lf2 0.5 14.52 4.3 103/4 103/4 105/s 105/s 101/2 103/s 101f4 0.500 13116 3/4 3/4 5fa 5/S 9116 112 7116 3/S 3fa 5116 5116 5116 lf4 9.870 0.09 6.27 13/4 3/4 1.5 11.2 9.6 9.7 12.2 11.0 9.91 1.43 7.07 10.2 9.5' in.15 15116 9116 1.7 10.6 12.930 15116 0.430 7116 2.4 12.24 1. AMERleAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.6 26. Special requiremenls may apply per Specification Section A3.43 8.6 10.0 11.5' x24 c.36 10.930 actual size. tw Flange Area Width.5 h 45.650 6.86 97/s 0.7 W/z 0.1 c.430 0.2 101fs 0.24 37116 2112 3.1-56 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES tul" .6 10.0 9.50 2.10 7.20 9lf4 0.97 4.46 115116 15/16 1.5 W/z 0.48 1112 1.3 12.960 15116 1/2 7116 x87.3 9.5 10.7 11.43 1.62 6.2 11.54 4.4 12.800 13116 0.4 11.5x46. A Depth. 2 WTl 0.7 10. INe.77 8.5 113/s 11lf4 11 107/s 107/s 103/4 105/s 0.83 4.890 7/S x79 23. and orientation orfastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility. 0 26.26 2.20 3.08 5.4 37.85 2.5 23.1 39.7 13.3 31.70 7.4 30.00 0.83 1.57 5.75 10.23 1.68 3.91 2.33 2.89 4.79 2.2 59.4 1.27 3.00 1.11 383 337 298 261 229 202 181 160 142 127 119 104 93. in.919 0.2 27.34 7.8 7.5 37.74 28.8 18.505 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.34 1.44 2.570 0.08 1.8 12.1 30.30 2.62 4.780 0.78 2.02 3.4 22.724 0.8 34.662 0.2 27.5 3.3 4.4 80.60 2.91 2.47 18.2 20.80 8.9 9. 3.0 6.91 1.22 4.5 79 71.7 22.7 29.6 76.1 38.8 12.6 20.95 2.8 10.9 15.966 0.4 53.1 9.72 2.13 1.383 2.9 9.77 1.00 1.9 YP in.5 65 59.3 16.4 0.695 0.1 47.5 43.74 2.4 63.1 12.76 3.29 6.83 6.7 21.33 6.7 9.80 Os Axis y-y Axis X-X .2 0.21 3.459 0.4 42.647 0.88 2.6 80.93 3.59 2.5 25.03 1.69 2.7 24.864 0.09 2.3 24.92 4.5 41.44 6.5 59.42 3.4 55.3 398 352 314 279 246 220 196 174 156 139 126 110 100 87.01 in.73 2.04 6.80 2.22 3.2 66.30 1.4 66.08 9.728 0.5 34 31 27.4 71.778 0.8 0.75 1.23 5.50 4.58 7.58 2.26 7.73 1.82 2.22 0.6 26.85 2.18 7.00 1.5 19.4 40.3 17.21 3.4 20.64 2.S-WT9 J Cw 1.8 in.9 28.0 47. 3.6 34.65 2.01 6.00 1.2 19.856 0.07 0.5 30.0 27.8 13.61 104 92.8 82.3 15.22 29.9 42.8 28.63 2.3 32.26 2.5 10.5 141.2 71.55 2.0 30.6 1.3 71.29 2.86 1.41 .17 2.82 3.60 2.5 15.51 1. 3 66.3 11.69 5.60 in.771 17.9 10.2 22. 100.6 22.00 1.25 4.2 53.6 85.9 14.00 1.56 2.41 7.35 1.7 38.7 29.1 25.60 2.5 16.93 2.9 11.67 3.80 1.4 4 3 2.18 46.80 2.86 4.16 1.96 6.5 53.9 17.8 10.53 5.5 36.40 2.56 2.2 66.31 5.532 0.9 17.5 51.7 18.00 1.42 4.6 35.28 2.4 34.7 13. Torsional Properties 1Ne.0 15.5 50.0 30.91 1.31 2.5 24 4.4 15.7 24.59 2.92 2.4 14.72 2.4 18.9 22.50 1.5 28.2 10.63 2.570 0.1 74.23 2.39 2.74 8.7 15.08 3.68 2.3 43.23 3.38 2.34 2.97 1.2 21.97 5.0 9.6 52.913 0. 1 Compact section Criteria 1 S r y 2tt h tw in.47 3.40 6.66 2.1 46.51 7.02 0.3 32.617 0.1 1.520 0. 31.8 46.6 24.58 3.638 19.6 21.68 12.60 6.1 22.0 15.5 83.04 1.00 1.5 23.825 87.9 17.3 41.3 12.6 19.5 15.4 74.400 9.57 2.7 24.2 in.87 9.884 0.89 2.0 32.983 0.00 2.62 2.4 28.5 90.81 1.00 1.5 43 38 2.83 2.25 3.828 in.!!L WT10.04 3.65 5.0 24.00 1.728 0.00 1.8 17.48 1.70 2.39 2.10 27.18 90.4 17.9 21.07 3.58 2.3 12.459 46.3 12.03 3.4 13.1 339 251 189 140 102 75. 2.8 23.7 56.5 91 83 73.02 3.5 66 61 55.05 7.8 84.581 0.90 3.5 129 117 105.38 9.98 155.18 1.4 19.06 3.8 Z 3 1.19 2.01 2.06 15.75 2.812 0.2 9.5 96 87.666 0.10 3.04 3.5 34.52 1.1 19.30 3.2 21.1-57 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES " T Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Properties Nominal M.37 1 S r Z in.95 2.8 23.07 0.605 271 241 217 188 166 152 137 124 in.1 59.0 48.7 38.66 2.6 41.2 13.1 11.0 62.93 2.90 2.76 1.66 2.00 0.461 3.74 2.9 46.00 1.606 0.5 144 127 110 103 93.6 11.00 1.55 2.00 5.7 11.1 37.00 1.20 8.54 Iblft 7.2 13.4 47.8 18.5 9.6 38.84 1.493 0.99 2. 58.1 19.939 0.3 16.640 0.4 20.61 1.5 25 22 5.4 12.7 27.4 17.5 41.44 0.45 7.995 0.00 1.3 42.4 7.66 21.76 2.7 35.68 2.937 0.1 19.89 1.4 285 253 226 204 181 166 150 135 in.04 26.02 2.554 0.85 3.5 53 48.2 30.856 0.00 1.3 14.4 11.592 0.40 2.3 34.8 31.7 15.48 2.7 25. F =50 Y ksi 29.89 in. 85 87/8 0.5 c x13 c.24 9.7 13. d Thickness.5 c WT8x28.5 c x25 c in.395 3/8 5116 lf4 lf4 3116 4.380 3/S 0.355 Distance Thickness.56 3.315 5116 8.63 5.77 x20 c 5.19 in.00 91/4 91/s 91/s 9 9 1 8 /4 81/s 8lfs 8 77/8 in.425 5/S 1.85 77/s 0.12 9.03 9116 0. 11Iz 17116 13/s 15/16 1114 in.01 7.345 F/s 1314 15/s 19/16 5lfz 1.747 1'116 31fz 3lfz 11116 5/8 9116 lfz 7/16 cross-section to ensure compatibility.44 2.21 3/4 1.28 1.88 x17.96 Shape A WT9x35.07 C Shape is slender for compression with F =50 ksi.09 2.01 llf4 lfz 0.5 c x33.55 8.4 103/8 10.605 0.5 c x30 c x27.565 0.415 0.03 9 0.59 7% 7.78 3.99 7 WT8x15. 13116 1.04 7 7. 7.4 103/s 10.49 8112 0.25 2.56 7112 7. f.5 x38.832 13/8 15/16 1114 13116 llfs 31/29 7116 0.v 5.455 7116 8.305 5116 0.2 4.875 7/8 0.907 0.17 8lf8 0.v 4.5 c 14.06 9.12 1.440 5.630 0.07 8.760 3/4 0.842 l1fs 3/8 0.10 5/S 1.450 0.495 0.00 7 6.750 0.22 8.84 7.1 11.82 8.505 0.250 lf4 1/8 1/8 2.40 3. 9.0) with ~ =50 ksi.525 lfz 8.295 5116 lf4 3116 3116 3116 3116 3.84 8.13 8.57 4.76 3.16 1. Flange thickness greater than 2 in.94 8 0.06 6 6. combination.5 c x32.585 9116 8.967 0.18 9.26 81/4 0.93 0.23 x25' x22.2 lOlf4 7. AMERICAN IN5TITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.715 0.345 3/S 0.53 3.03 0.300 5116 3116 3116 3116 3.66 WT8x50 x44.695 0.972 in. 31/29 0.13 3.00 6 10.38 83fs 0. Workable Gage k in.570 in.3 9. 1/4 lf4 lf4 3116 3116 in.1 c.37 6.h 8.39 7.2 10. lfz 7116 7116 3/S 3/S in.12 71/s 7.430 5.95 9 0.1-58 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES k~1 br Y Table 1-8 (continued) 1 fXlj~-9d WT Shapes Dimensions 1 Stem Area.02 6 6.15 11116 1.665 11116 0. vShear strength controlied by buckling effects (Cv < 1.07 71/s 7.430 7116 0.927 13116 7116 0.275 1/4 7.827 11Is 31129 0.78 2.630 0.50 51/2 0. tw fw 2 Flange Area Width.3 101/4 10.390 0.96 4.18 1. y 9The aelual size. ~ 1. 0.360 3/S 8.985 1 0. Depth.810 0. INC.34 6.53 3.5 c.29 8.50 7lf2 WT9x23 c 6. and orientation of fastener components should be compared with the geometry of the h l ~ ~ 3lfz 3lf2 .15 9.33 in.53 5'/2 0. 0.5 c x20 c.525 0.39 1.53 1'12 7. b.64 7% 7.10 7.89 5.h x18 c.4 9. Special requirements may apply per Specification Section A3.82 2. 1-59 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES T Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Properties Nominal wt. Compact Section Criteria 1 S r y Z in.· 35.5 32.5 30 27.5 25 4.71 5.06 5.44 5.98 6.57 tw 18.7 20.4 22.0 23.2 25.3 78.2 70.7 64.7 59.5 53.5 in. 3 11.2 10.1 9.29 8.63 7.79 in. 2.74 2.72 2.71 2.71 2.70 in. 2.26 2.20 2.16 2.16 2.12 in. 3 20.0 18.0 16.5 15.3 13.8 23 20 17.5 5.01 25.1 5.73 28.4 7.06 29.5 52.1 44.8 40.1 7.77 6.73 6.21 2.77 2.76 2.79 2.33 2.29 2.39 50 44.5 38.5 33.5 5.29 5.92 6.77 7.70 14.5 16.0 18.2 20.7 76.8 67.2 56.9 48.6 11.4 10.1 8.59 7.36 28.5 25 22.5 20 18 4.98 5.61 6.23 6.93 8.12 19.1 21.4 23.4 26.2 26.9 48.7 42.3 37.8 33.1 30.6 15.5 13 6.28 28.9 7.97 31.4 27.5 23.5 Ilblft 2f, Os Axis y-y Axis X-X h J!L WT9-WT8 F =50 J Cw in. 3 12.3 11.2 10.3 9.26 8.28 0.965 0.877 0.797 0.734 0.623 in. 4 1.74 1.36 1.08 0.830 0.619 in.6 3.96 3.01 2.35 1.84 1.36 1.29 1.27 1.22 5.84 4.97 4.02 0.636 0.495 0.460 0.609 0.404 0.252 1.20 0.788 0.598 17.9 15.7 13.4 11.6 2.51 2.49 2.47 2.46 27.4 24.0 20.5 17.7 1.00 1.00 0.990 0.863 3.85 2.72 1.78 1.19 10.4 7.19 4.61 3.01 21.6 18.6 16.4 14.4 12.2 6.06 5.26 4.67 4.12 3.50 1.60 1.59 1.57 1.56 1.52 9.42 8.15 7.22 6.36 5.42 0.942 0.826 0.726 0.581 0.554 1.10 0.760 0.555 0.396 0.272 1.99 1.34 0.974 0.673 0.516 6.20 4.79 2.24 1.74 1.17 1.12 3.51 2.73 0.480 0.406 0.230 0.130 0.366 0.243 1 S r Z 0.683 0.629 0.583 0.538 0.489 in.4 30.1 27.4 25.0 22.5 20.0 in. 3 7.89 7.22 6.63 5.97 5.35 in. 1.70 1.69 1.68 1.67 1.65 13.9 0.558 12.0 0.489 11.2 0.450 11.3 9.55 7.67 3.71 3.17 2.56 2.28 1.76 2.27 1.70 2.24 1.63 2.22 1.56 20.7 18.1 15.3 13.0 0.706 0.631 0.549 0.481 93.1 81.3 69.2 59.5 7.77 6.78 6.10 5.35 5.05 2.41 2.40 2.39 2.37 2.41 1.94 1.89 1.86 1.81 1.88 13.8 12.0 10.8 9.43 8.93 0.589 0.521 0.471 0.421 0.378 4.64 4.09 2.45 2.47 2.02 2.09 8.27 0.413 7.36 0.372 YP in. Torsional Properties AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. Y kSi 1-60 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES tul" ': 1 IX1~~d Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Dimensions 1 Stem Area, Depth, A d Thickness, tw WT7x365 x332.5 h x302.5 h x275 h x250 h x227.5 h x213 h xl99 h x185 h x171 h x155.5 h x141.5 h x128.5 xl16.5 xl05.5 x96.5 x88 x79.5 x72.5 in.2 107 97.8 88.9 80.9 73.5 66.9 62.6 58.5 54.4 50.3 45.7 41.6 37.8 34.2 31.0 28.4 25.9 23.4 21.3 in. 11.2 11 1/4 10.8 107/a 10.5 10111 10.1 10118 9.80 93/4 9.51 9'/z 9.34 93/8 9.15 9118 8.96 9 8.77 83/4 8.56 8112 8.37 83/a 8.19 8114 8.02 8 7.86 77/a 7.74 73/4 7.61 75/8 7.49 7112 7.39 73/a in. 3.07 311,6 2.83 2'3116 2.60 25/a 2.38 23/a 2.19 23116 2.02 2 1.88 17/a 1.77 13/4 1.66 15/a 1.54 19116 1.41 FI16 1.29 15/'6 1.18 13/16 1.07 111,6 0.980 1 0.890 7/a 0.830 13116 0.745 3/4 0.680 11116 WT7x66 x60 x54.5 x49.5 f x45 f 19.4 17.7 16.0 14.6 13.2 Shape h 73/8 7'/4 7118 71/8 7 7.33 7.24 7.16 7.08 7.01 0.645 5/8 0.590 9116 0.525 112 0.485 111 0.440 7116 tw 2 Flange Area in. in. 2 19116 34.4 FI16 30.6 15/16 27.1 13/16 24.1 l11a 21.5 1 19.2 15116 17.5 7/a 16.2 13116 14.8 13116 13.5 3/4 12.1 11116 10.8 5/8 9.62 9116 8.58 '/2 7.70 7116 6.89 7116 6.32 3/8 5.58 3/8 5.03 5116 5116 114 114 1/4 4.73 4.27 3.76 3.43 3.08 WT7x41 x37 x34 x30.5' 12.0 10.9 9.99 8.96 7.16 7.09 7.02 6.95 0.510 112 0.450 7116 0.415 7116 0.375 3Ja 1/4 '/4 114 3116 3.65 3.19 2.91 2.60 WT7x26.5' x24 c x21.5 c 7.80 7.07 6.31 6.96 7 0.370 3/8 6.90 67/8 0.340 5116 6.83 67/8 0.305 5116 3116 3116 3116 2.58 2.34 2.08 7118 711a 7 7 Width, bt 17.9 17.7 17.4 17.2 17.0 16.8 16.7 16.6 16.5 16.4 16.2 16.1 16.0 15.9 15.8 15.7 15.7 15.6 15.5 14.7 14.7 14.6 14.6 14.5 10.1 10.1 10.0 10.0 in. 177/a 17% 173/a 17'/4 17 167/8 163/4 165/8 Distance Thickness, tt in. 415116 4112 43116 313116 3112 33116 31116 27/8 211116 211z 2114 2'116 17/a 13/4 19116 17116 15116 13116 111,6 k in. 5.51 5.12 4.76 4.42 4.10 3.81 3.63 3.44 3.26 3.07 2.86 2.67 2.49 2.32 2.16 2.04 1.91 1.79 1.69 Workable Gage l53/6 16114 1611a 16 157/a 153/4 153/4 155/8 15% 15112 4.91 4.52 4.16 3.82 3.50 3.21 3.04 2.85 2.66 2.47 2.26 2.07 1.89 1.72 1.56 1.44 1.31 1.19 1.09 143/4 145/8 145/a 145/a 14112 1.03 0.940 0.860 0.780 0.710 in. 63116 5'3116 57116 51/a 4'3116 41/2 45116 411a 315116 33/4 39116 33/a 33116 3 27/a 23/4 2% 211z 23/8 1 1.63 25116 15116 1.54 2114 7/8 1.46 23116 3/4 1.38 21116 1'116 1.31 2 0.855 0.785 0.720 0.645 7/a 1.45 11'116 13116 1.38 15/a 3/4 1.31 19116 % 1.24 1lf1 5111 0.660 0.595 0.530 1'116 1.25 1lfz 5/a 1.19 17116 112 1.12 13/8 51/z WI2 10118 10118 10 10 8.06 8 8.03 8 8.00 8 c Shape is slender for compression with Fy ; 50 ksi. f Shape exceeds compact Iimit for flexure with F. ; 50 ksi. 9 The actual size, combination, and orientation offastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibilily. h Flange thickness greater than 2 in. Special requirements may apply per Specification Section A3.1 c. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. in. 7'/29 7112 9 7112 5112 t ~ + DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1-61 T Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Properties Nominal Wt. Compact section Criteria WT7 as Axis y-y Axis X-X h / 5 r y Z / 5 r Z in.3 f---- J!L 2ft fw in. 4 1.82 1.95 2.09 2.25 2.43 2.62 2.75 2.92 3.10 3.31 3.59 3.89 4.23 4.62 5.06 5.45 5.97 6.54 7.11 3.65 3.82 4.03 4.25 4.47 4.72 4.98 5.17 5.41 5.69 6.07 6.49 6.97 7.50 8.02 8.70 9.17 10.1 10.9 739 622 524 442 375 321 287 257 229 203 176 153 133 116 102 89.8 80.5 70.2 62.5 in. 2.62 2.52 2.43 2.34 2.26 2.19 2.14 2.10 2.05 2.01 1.96 1.92 1.88 1.84 1.81 1.78 1.76 1.73 1.71 in. 3.47 3.25 3.05 2.85 2.67 2.51 2.40 2.30 2.19 2.09 1.97 1.86 1.75 1.65 1.57 1.49 1.43 1.35 1.29 in. 3 365 332.5 302.5 275 250 227.5 213 199 185 171 155.5 141.5 128.5 116.5 105.5 96.5 88 79.5 72.5 in. 3 95.4 82.1 70.6 60.9 52.7 45.9 41.4 37.6 33.9 30.4 26.7 23.5 20.7 18.2 16.2 14.4 13.0 11.4 10.2 YP in. 211 182 157 136 117 102 91.7 82.9 74.4 66.2 57.7 50.4 43.9 38.2 33.4 29.4 26.3 22.8 20.2 3.00 2.77 2.55 2.35 2.16 1.99 1.88 1.76 1.65 1.54 1.41 1.29 1.18 1.08 0.980 0.903 0.827 0.751 0.688 in. 4 2360 2080 1840 1630 1440 1280 1180 1090 994 903 807 722 645 576 513 466 419 374 338 264 236 211 189 169 152 141 131 121 110 99.4 89.7 80.7 72.5 65.0 59.3 53.5 48.1 43.7 in. 4.69 4.62 4.55 4.49 4.43 4.38 4.:14 4.31 4.27 4.24 4.20 4.17 4.13 4.10 4.07 4.05 4.02 4.00 3.98 in. 3 408 365 326 292 261 234 217 201 185 169 152 137 123 110 98.9 90.1 81.3 73.0 66.2 66 60 54.5 49.5 45 7.15 7.80 8.49 9.34 10.2 11.4 12.3 13.6 14.6 15.9 57.8 51.7 45.3 40.9 36.5 9.57 8.61 7.56 6.88 6.16 1.73 1.29 1.71 1.24 1.68 1.17 1.67 1.14 1.66 1.09 18.6 16.5 14.4 12.9 11.5 0.658 0.602 0.548 0.500 0.456 274 247 223 201 181 37.2 33.7 30.6 27.6 25.0 3.76 3.74 3.73 3.71 3.70 56.5 51.2 46.3 41.8 37.8 41 37 34 30.5 5.92 6.41 6.97 7.75 14.0 41.2 15.7 36.0 16.9 32.6 18.5 28.9 7.14 6.25 5.69 5.07 1.85 1.39 1.82 1.32 1.81 1.29 1.80 1.25 13.2 11.5 10.4 9.15 0.593 0.541 0.498 0.448 74.1 66.9 60.7 53.7 14.6 13.3 12.1 10.7 26.5 24 21.5 6.11 18.8 6.75 20.3 7.54 22.4 27.6 24.9 21.9 4.94 4.49 3.98 1.88 1.38 1.88 1.35 1.86 1.31 8.87 0.484 8.00 0.440 7.05 0.395 28.8 25.7 22.6 7.15 6.40 5.65 lb/ft F =50 Torsional Properties J Cw in.4 Y ksi 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 714 555 430 331 254 196 164 135 110 88.3 67.5 51.8 39.3 29.6 22.2 17.3 13.2 9.84 7.56 in.6 5250 3920 2930 2180 1620 1210 991 801 640 502 375 281 209 154 113 87.2 65.2 47.9 36.3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.13 4.67 3.55 2.68 2.03 26.6 20.0 15.0 11.1 8.31 2.48 2.48 2.46 2.45 22.4 1.00 20.2 1.00 18.4 1.00 16.4 0.972 2.53 1.93 1.50 1.09 5.63 4.19 3.21 2.29 1.92 1.91 1.89 11.0 0.957 9.80 0.883 8.64 0.776 0.967 0.723 0.522 1.46 1.07 0.751 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OP STEEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. - 56 6112 6.11 0.40 1.255 114 0.25 1.520 6.6 12.575 8.30 35/8 2112 3.62 6.47 2.71 2.430 0.53 7112 7.00 4.87 in.230 WT6x17. 31129 3112 3112 2 3/4 9 2 3/4 9 51/2 51/2 51/2 51/2 ~ 3112 ~ .29 1.96 5.8 41.54 6.0 37.08 8118 0.73 5.2 12.300 6.50 113116 13116 1. 2 2.4 20.07 1.33 2% 19116 2.0 12. vShear strength controlled by buckling effects (Cv< 1.20 W2 0.56 1.90 1.735 0.58 5.9 30.790 0. 9 The actual size.16 27116 1318 2.820 13116 7116 0.385 3/8 0.5 x20 c 7.74 1.0 133/8 13V4 131/8 13 127/8 123/4 125/8 125/8 121/2 12% 123/8 12114 12'/8 12118 12V8 12 12 3116 3116 2.1 10.605 7116 0.5' 49.25 WT6x168 h x152.55 37/8 211116 3.2 5.17 6'/8 0.14 1lI2 9116 1.66 3.335 6.85 3.900 0.370 6.92 WT7x13 c x11 c.85 3118 21116 2.7 12.73 63/4 0. Special requirements may apply per Specification Section A3.06 0.84 6.2 12.08 13/8 1/2 1.33 15/8 11116 1.515 0.345 3/8 WT6x25 x22.50 3.335 5.5 h x139.93 3.75 63/4 0.71 53/4 6.230 114 V8 1/8 1.67 8.8 11. bt Distance Thlckness.06 6 WT6x29 x26.1 12.360 3/8 6.36 2.420 0.8 5116 0.19 7V4 7.70 2 1 1.82 Thickness.13 61/8 6. tt k in.23 2.4 12. A WT7x19 c x17 c x15 c in.640 0.63 2.4 6.9 12.9 25.6 9.1c.735 11116 215116 3.1 12.77 63/4 0.05 6.53 1..740 W8 3/8 0. in.78 6.390 718 13116 3/4 11116 11116 5/8 9116 112 7116 7116 318 5116 5116 114 V4 1/4 3116 in.550 0. combination.855 13116 6.7 9.10 6118 0.710 0.6 15.990 0.785 11/8 0.640 0.88 1.610 0.26 2.01 8 0. 3116 3116 118 In.5 8.36 63/8 6.0 10 3116 3/16 3116 2. .5 x39.18 P/8 8. Workable Gage in. tw t.310 5116 7 0.58 5.19 10. h Flange !hickness greater !han 2 in.19 1. 6.3 12.08 10.10 6118 0.93 77/8 7.4 44.02 1.440 5/8 1.25 61/4 0.455 7116 0.18 1.19 6V4 6.27 61/4 6.9 13.515 112 0. Shape exceeds compact limit for flexure wi!h F = 50 ksi.02 13/8 13.40 1. 7.1 12.680 W16 cShape is slender for compression with Fr = 50 ksi.41 0.56 5. and orientation J fastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.41 83/8 8.03 6 0.27 19116 5/8 1.05 8 8.810 0.68 7.0) with Fy = 50 ksi. in.820 11.36 73/8 7.03 5 5.99 1.9 27.40 3.07 33/8 2114 2.0 33.5 12. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.96 7 6.17 4.96 2.515 6.25 2.0 12.11 6118 0.16 81/8 7.380 112 0.97 6 0.4 13.71 73/4 7.v 3. d Shape Area.0 22.52 61/2 0.45 6112 6.30 6.260 6.42 in.30 4.5 c x15 c x13 c 5. 2 Flange Area Width.91 2.49 6112 0.8 12.295 6.87 67/8 8.0 10 2.02 7 6.77 1.52 7.24 1lI2 9116 1.78 1. in.50 213116 P/4 2.63 1.1 13.1-62 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES k~1 • br Y 1 \x~ t~~~PNAld Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Dimensions 1 Stem Depth.270 114 J314 15/8 1V2 P/8 15/16 P/16 1lI16 15116 7/8 13116 11116 5/8 9116 V2 V2 7116 3/8 3/8 5116 5116 5/16 114 1/4 14.60 1.6 10.3 12.85 2118 W8 1.870 0.2 13. 7 0.99 6.285 5116 67/8 0.76 3116 118 '/8 1.670 0.86 67/8 6.00 5 1.470 0.5 h x126 h x115 h x105 x95 x85 x76 x68 x60 x53 x48 x43.59 17/8 7/8 1.575 5/8 1.41 111116 3/4 1.56 61/2 0.915 11.00 25116 1lI4 1.5 x36 x32. INC.67 215116 W8 2.03 6 0.0 17.960 0.6 14. 6 22.2 14.0 13 11 5.17 6.00 1.8 9.46 0.02 162 5.66 3.45 0.76 5.5 39.21 1.437 0.104 0.5 29.78 0.&ll' 0.04 3.04 2. in. f---- Compact Section Criteria ~ 2t.53 28.2 8.52 121 5.1 7.1 51.58 2.4 3.28 3.00 1.27 1.9 53.41 24.45 2.8 9.8 39.5 51.73 1.3 28.08 1.00 1.426 6.3 10.47 68.23 92.51 1.62 1.9 10.48 7.43 1.95 1.gga0.75 2.54 1.52 1.45 3.00 1.6 ô.708 4.02 0.452 3.8 25.45 2.00 1.2 10.6 10.567 a.94 8.03 4.150 0.394 4.4 32.620 0.389 53.84 1.9 16.00 1.74 190 5.09 5.54 1.42 1.49 6.76 1.96 10.75 1. INC.2 28.03 16.46 1.637 0.398 0.35 1.76 3.49 50.69 17.92 1.0 24.538 0.12 1.2 12.5 41.31 3.48 1.9 13.if7' 22.228 0.34 3.23 0:005 0.5 7.2 23.31 2.7 12.74 0.885 0.31 2.5 3.6 48.00 1.12 2.46 8.9 10.Û AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.2 25.9 44.6 22.57 22.0 19.54 4.2 14.3 11.6 32.91 2.30 1.3 20.51 5. 3 in.554 0.65 1.0 7.00 1.00 1. Axis y-y Z Yp 1 5 .2 62.2 15.5 139.3 41.20 0.1 28.02 137 122 110 97.00 1. ~ tw Axis x-x 1 5 .7 3.54 25 6.55 3.86 106 6.25 5.3 14.7 22.2 6.50 1.06 1.9 17.03 1.207 0.9 18.4 14.46 29.31 16.zr r.7 71.2 88.5 16.7 37.49 1.66 2.6 36.69 1.42 3.91 1.97 0.267 0.82 1.81 1.05 0.23 2.5 126 115 105 95 85 76 68 60 53 48 43.5 11.92 6.2 13.3 71.6 7.190 in.8 7. 4 0.50 1.5 1.758 5.34 5.16 2.4 79.54 26.86 1.88 0. WT7-WT6 Q.40 1.2 19.295 lZ.17 6. in.59 1.89 3.79 1.83 0.2 27.00 1.5 47.6 in.329 13.26 2.4 34.07 1.5 18.54 2.38 3.2 27.4 in.00 1.00 1.04 1.7 9.668 4.5 8.0 16.0 24. 4 23.400 0.5 15 13 6.0 12.5 36 32.6 57.3 11.16 3.68 1.98 27.3 63.0 1.72 1.50 1.2 36.9 46.52 1.716 0.78 79.96 5.6 11.7 9.57 6.58 Y in.41 23.97 1.OO 15.76 7.09 3.49 8.04 1.174 168 152.00 1.02 6.10 0.1 24.07 3.9 42.00 120 92.6 9.5 87.05 3.6 9.99 9.179 0.31 20.06 1.1 58.855 û.609 F =50 Torsional Properties J Cw in.580 0.2 14.25 3.62 1.48 16.337 4.05 1.7 3.24 43.97 1.1 20.452 1. 3 7.4 59.9"5 g.9 19.42 4.38 12.9 17.6 31.12 5.5 20 17.9 88.88 58.0 5. Z in.25 0.994 0.383 5.398 593 525 469 414 371 332 295 259 227 199 172 151 135 120 108 97.9 8.1 6.96 1.42 2.31 67.1 17.0 70.4 10.73 3.1---63 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES T Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Properties Nominal Wt.00 û.00 1.51 1.8 7.71 0. in.57 1.89 0.65 4.53 2.07 2.7 8.37 3.08 1.5 19.22 3.53 1.00 1.8 3.284 0.77 1.1 24.53 1.5 8.77 1.07 0.74 25.40 1.19 1.13 1. 4.7 7.5 2.5 41.76 2.9 19.60 1.325 4.21 6.480 0.985 1.73 0.365 16.14 1.94 3.400 t5.19 3. .287 'ksi Iblft 19 17 15 6.72 2.82 16.5 33.3S urs US (HG 2.10 1.22 6.92 29 26.22 8.28 1.6 2.0 13.56 1.3 7.50 1.08 0.83 3.31 1.7 13.47 3.60 5.7 T.11 3.79 3.55 1.91 1.13 3.09 481 356 267 195 148 112 82.46 4.55 2.00 1.57 1. 3 in.77 20.19 0.788 2.50 1.51 2. 3 in.90 1.7 30.9 55.11 3.67 1.855 4.8 14.439 0.43 4.3 17.412 6.75 1.805 0.896 0.6 32.369 0.49 0.18 141 5.32 0.48 8.20 0.28 0.6 0.527 0.448 0.22 3.5 20.6 79.00 1.134 4.371 6. 06 5'12 1'5116 113116 111116 ~ 19/'6 17116 Ha 15/16 1'/4 1.30 5.13 4.08 in. Depth.01 4.570 13116 0. v Shear strength controlled by buckling effects (Cv < 1.630 7/a 0.250 5 0.15 6.725 15116 0.24 51/4 0.510 0. Shape A d WT6x11 c x9.62 1. = 50 ksi.25 W4 1. 9 The actual size.21 5.5 c X6 c.190 4'/2 43/a 4lf4 4lfa 4 4 4 4 '/4 '/4 114 3116 lf4 3116 0.20 5.5 c x8.954 W4 112 0. 4.938 4.20 W2 1.28 8.f WT4x33.3 lOS/a 10.81 3.24 2.68 5. tw tw 2 Flange Area in.425 0.615 5/a 0.990 1 0.56 1.73 4.02 8.400 1'116 1.70 5116 5116 3116 3116 3116 1.7 12. 1 Shape exceeds compact limit for flexure with F.11 5.a 1.54 6lf2 0.15 1.330 0.70 1.96 8 5.16 6. 2 1.400 3/a 0.14 4.54 Thickness.680 1'116 0.77 1.00 3.81 2.22 8.5 x15.5 x16.63 5.440 0. 1 y 'X1T~d Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Dimensions 1 Stem Area.50 6'12 0.79 2. br in.12 Wa 0.510 3/4 21/4 9 0.96 5 0.28 1.495 0.650 7/a 0.99 5 5/a 0.87 1.60 1.570 9116 0.21 1.755 3/4 5112 0.620 0.285 0.81 2.4 103/a 10.57 1.99 8 7.56 4.17 5'/a 0.220 6 0.5 6.870 7/a 0.34 1.41 5.09 5lfa 0.32 1.210 3/a 5116 '/4 3116 0.270 0.5 c x8 c x7 c.21 1.49 1.935 Wa 23/4 9 3/a 0.06 5. 0.15 0.12 5. 6'/a 0.810 11Ia 0. combination.81 53/4 5.470 lf2 5lfa 0.03 3.360 '12 7116 1.5 x19.54 7.5 x29 x24 x20 x17.50 4.18 1.12 3.50 2.525 3/4 in.07 8.465 0.24 2.971 6.560 9116 5/a 0.87 47/a 0.29 3.94 '/4 '/4 l/a lIa lIa lIa 4.0 10 10.770 3/4 0.05 4.660 '5/16 0.23 1.14 8.05 5 0.230 47/a 0.3 9.315 4.530 '12 5lf4 0.42 3.03 H.420 7116 5 0.55 5.680 11116 53/a 0.44 2.08 6.42 5. l/a lIa lIa lIa in.560 0.26 1.0) with Fy = 50 ksi.00 4.38 4.99 8.00 5.27 1.85 5.1-64 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES tul b.240 5 0.1 101/a 10.300 5.43 1.12 15/.12 1.00 4.6 7116 0.9 11.01 4 3.740 111'6 0.96 2. 21/4 9 1.794 7/a c Shape is slender for compression with Fy = 50 ksi.859 3/a 0.829 llfa 15116 7116 0.935 0.2 10lf4 10.5 14. 2 3.310 5116 0.889 131.99 4 3.08 Ha 9116 0.5 16. INC. 0.37 1.1 10lfa 10.370 3/a 5 0.260 611a 0.5 x34 x30 x27 x24.340 5116 WT5x22.03 4 4.75 53/4 0.435 1.565 13116 0.82 7.200 WT5x56 x50 x44 x38.5 f WT4x14 x12 9.530 0.36 2.435 '5116 1.05 5.350 4.240 5116 lf4 lf4 3/f6 l/a l/a 5.02 4.33 15/a '3116 1.91 7.225 7116 3/a 1/4 '/4 1.v in.75 1.77 53/4 5.77 x13 c x11 c WT5x9.260 5.360 3/a 0. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.96 in.605 5/a 5lf4 0. 6.350 0.695 15116 0. and orientation of fastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compalibility.97 5lfa 0.57 2.06 4.00 4 4 4 4 8'/4 8'/4 81/a 81/a 8 8 112 7116 Workable Gage k in. • ~ 5'12 l 3lf2 3lf2 . tt in.19 3/a 3/a 5116 lf4 lf4 lf4 3116 3116 4.11 8.28 2.5 c x7. in.3 10lf4 10.02 8 7.87 5.25 4.290 3/a WT5x15 4.685 0.84 8.77 3.6 0.510 lf2 0.245 5116 lf4 5116 '/4 3116 3116 3116 3116 3116 lfa Width.235 6 0.395 0.49 1.285 5116 0.265 0.0 10 Distance Thickness.97 4 10.22 8.810 0. 146 0.47 14.836 0.28 1.25 2.137 0.356 15 13 11 5.810 0.330 3.05 2. 1.24 0.999 0.99 21.5 6.9 12.693 16.116 0.08 7.321 0.10 1.53 1.82 4.1 10.63 1.402 0.15 1.968 0.17 4.119 0.65 1.668 6.1 51.0 17.9 7.785 1.9 11.06 0.49 3.12 16.70 17.65 2.87 5.939 0.81 1. Axis y-y Axis X-X h J S r y Z in.395 0.887 0.6 30.00 0.77 4.555 0.311 0.00 1.00 1.6 20.8 17.282 8.04 2.74 5.904 0.08 5.1 1.267 3.706 0.876 3.2 11.977 0.8 10.03 14.847 0.4 15.12 6.93 7.15 8.23 0.364 0.843 0.16 8.173 0.34 2.558 0.1 8.92 1.15 0.57 1.28 1.85 5.0899 0.32 YP in.62 2.2 13.99 1.00 1.760 2.359 1.92 7. 3 1.37 1.62 1.00 2.00 1.3 76.0610 0.734 2.9 20.884 0.711 0.5 16. 6 J S r Z in.57 7.01 0.75 2.361 118 103 89.67 2.05 5.39 0.1 12.44 1.869 3.04 1.821 0.57 1.32 1.5 15.988 0.451 0.0 6.28 1.21 1.76 1.6 11.24 1.54 34.932 0.53 8.598 0.86 6.16 1.7 9. 1.735 0.969 0.52 8.7 22.36 3.480 0.688 0.56 2.594 0.616 0.291 0.00 1.4 11.5 4.837 0.5 8 7 4. 4 in.91 1.947 0.88 1.02 5.06 1.67 1.5 22.71 2.493 0.7 58.0 17.10 9.384 0.00 0.874 0.7 10.07 0.9 27.723 0. in.22 1.53 15.43 5.03 2.5 15.20 0.45 4.3 29.5 21.1 8.25 3.28 7.4 9.00 1.09 6.63 2.201 0.41 9.15 16.04 4.93 1.1 21.380 3.15 0.24 0.08 2.31 3.49 1.59 2.86 6.438 0.29 1.44 1.05 1.593 in. O.90 1.31 2.631 0. INe.36 1.05 7. 0.5 29 24 20 17.00 1.5 30.1 14.520 0.990 0.94 10.41 3.305 0.5 8.0 11.04 2.09 1.50 1.981 0.65 5.322 2.40 1.58 10.9 9.711 0.87 2.41 8.807 F =50 Torsional Properlies J Cw in. """ibtft Compact Section Criteria J!i 2t.66 0.23 3.33 1.5 26.28 2.777 0.873 0.02 0.844 0.45 1.21 8.51 6.909 0.71 2.62 5.327 7.43 20.0796 0.3 37.33 22.08 0.0776 0.3 6.35 1.6 14.60 2.97 1.5 20.24 8.5 10.58 7.72 7.73 4.39 1.0475 0.5 24.413 1.8 56 50 44 38.5 7.71 2.315 1.5 19.0255 33.83 1.90 1.99 0.31 4.90 2.7 22.67 in.62 1.78 1.98 1.305 26.1 13.63 4.56 1. 3 4.5 10.70 7.50 5.78 1.02 16.29 5.0511 0.10 2.907 4.7 25.230 0.593 0.0934 0.61 1. 3 0.4 14.43 1.64 2.56 4.00 1.18 0.94 3.64 4.01 1.272 10.00 1.6 14.47 2.52 Y ksi 11 9.85 5.68 6.5 4.0 10.37 1.82 tw 23.2 4.40 5.19 1.00 7.7 26.27 1.144 14 12 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.07 4.13 1.71 2.26 0. 0.936 0.0r 0.9 8.0272 0.61 5.173 0.00 1.791 0. 4 in.05 1.64 2.28 3.753 in.6 24.51 1.55 1.74 1.9 11.639 0.56 2.3 2.57 2.74 1.1.75 3.00 0.349 0.13 7.268 0.03 0.551 0.7 9.0518 0.98 0.96 10.38 0.-{)5 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES T Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Properties WT6-WT4 ! 1 Nominal wt.39 0.33 4.89 8.58 2.00 1.12 2.35 7.285 44.8 9.14 3.46 1.03 1.46 1.4 11.78 1.0678 0.69 1.753 0.810 0.7 28.5 18.7 46.310 0.88 2.9 11.30 0.00 1.5 34 30 27 24.273 0.18 5.28 1.13 0.487 0.539 0.0493 1 .41 3.2 9.8 66.4 7.5 6 5.00 1.107 9.4 9.3 13.72 3.3 9.60 2.1 8.65 0.874 0.10 2.28 1.19 7.56 19.435 0.0350 13.06 6.83 in.18 1.5 13.48 0.2 8.05 3.715 0.21 1.07 5.05 4.06 5.5 6.773 0.84 7.11 3.24 1.986 0.695 1.41 1.348 0.54 1.32 1.00 1.5 21.00 1.72 1.45 1.0 6.869 0.22 1.00 1.92 in.65 8.3 18. 4.94 3.27 51/4 0.02 4 0.993 4. 1.255 0.00 4 3. in.06 4 4.94 2.19 3114 0.08 211a 0.03 5 0. tw 0.919 4.37 1.280 1/4 f/IS 0.245 0.21 WT3x8 x6 x4. 9 The actual size.5 x9 in.595 3/4 21/4 13/16 ~ ~ 50 ksi.78 1.230 0.92 1.26 WT2.f 2.510 15/16 3112 7/a ~ 0.502 0.555 0. 2 3.582 4.48 4.445 3/4 "/16 3/4 7/a 3/4 11/16 11/16 J AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.5x9.505 13/16 0.270 2112 0. 1Ia Va in.14 3.5 t 3. f ~ . in. Depth. in.260 3.816 0.99 6 0.530 0.430 0.25 f 2.95 4 l/a 0.280 0.615 0.92 3118 3 3 27/a 1/4 1/4 1Ia l/a Va Va 0. Thickness.405 0.496 4 4 4 4 0.5 f x4.601 5.00 3.330 5/16 0.240 1/4 0.34 1. Shape exceeds compact limit for flexure with F ~ 50 ksi.08 2.22 1.00 4 0.260 0.5 Thickness.58 2. Shape A d WT4x10. 21/49 ~ 3/a 0.04 5.730 0.94 4 2114 9 WT3x12.215 0.360 7/16 1/4 l/a l/a 1.693 0.2 in.230 5/16 3/16 1/4 l/a 1/4 l/a 1.465 0.78 2.195 3/a 2.615 0.00 3 0.94 c Shape Is slender for compression with 3/16 3/a V4 V4 3/16 3/16 Workable Gage k 0.700 7/a 0.07 411a 0. combination.14 411a 0.695 5.455 0.5 x8 WT2x6.5 x5 c.1-66 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES k~1 br Y 1 lx~ tP~"'ld Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Dimensions 1 Flange Stem Distance Area.00 5 0.08 611a 0.365 0.400 3/a 0.5 x6.230 114 in.705 0.205 5/16 7/16 V4 3/16 Va l/a 3.655 0.630 13/16 in.671 3.06 4 0.315 0.02 2.51 25/a 0.02 6.320 3.806 6.230 0.91 2.10 3118 0. in.02 6 0. INC.345 0.250 1/4 4.689 5. bt ft 0.63 in.660 3/4 23/4 23/4 3fa 0.95 2. and orientation fastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.35 2.260 3.936 5.170 0.25 51/4 0.03 4. 23/49 23/4 9 WT4x7.5 x10 x7.170 3/16 3/16 4.67 2.170 tw 2 V4 V4 Area Width. INC.0958 0.56 8 6 4.26 6.10 0.222 1.0178 0.76 2.21 1.831 2.844 0. 0. 3 1.85 1.440 0.0426 0.623 0.321 0.843 1.66 2.801 0.970 0.88 7.00 1.68 0.236 1.28 3.302 1.28 1.797 0.12 0.856 0.0855 0.6 7.01 0.37 1.886 0.26 1.85 9.604 0.564 17.23 2.32 0.4 3.90 3.05 0.676 0.36 1. 1 5 r Z F =50 'ksi Torsional Properties J Cw in.29 0.292 1.95 17.33 1.00 1.52 1.41 7.560 1.244 1.577 0.50 1.28 1.1 0.0269 0.974 1.170 1.950 1.25 11.03 0.70 1.25 4.834 1.685 13.526 0.53 6.157 0.610 1.188 1.00 1.16 10.0916 0.0504 0.682 0.00 0.524 0.00 0.558 1. in.905 0.81 1.294 2.00 1.160 0.54 1.778 1.1 1.21 1.56 3.0 8.0679 0.141 0.720 0.235 4.15 0.0750 0.677 0.68 10.413 0.00736 0.37 16.0202 0.2 3.4 0.251 in.185 8.84 2.5 8 5.890 0.4 9.774 0.20 0. 3 4.950 0.111 0.599 0.98 1.637 1.487 0.505 0.22 0.11 0.748 0.842 0.45 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.531 0.52 1.14 9.905 0.03 1.50 0.717 1.33 0.0858 0.862 0.5 13.0114 0.61 23.693 0.7 in.07 1.6 10.229 0.0212 12.5 6.4 0.953 1.98 7.826 0.00 0. in.276 2.01 0.36 2.75 1.9 11.0233 1.00 0.23 1. 4 in.64 4.5 9 6.89 0.0775 0.5 4. 4 in.88 3.41 0. in.16 0.840 0.5 5 6.18 1.59 16.00 Iblfl 2ft w 12.28 1.07 1. 3 1.276 6.485 0.29 0.1 1.00 1. - Compact section Criteria JlL -"-f 5 in.00 0.93 0.0 2.171 0.69 0.918 1.81 2.1 9.6 7.458 0.0382 0.1-67 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES T Table 1-8 (continued) WT Shapes Properties Nominal Wt.00 1.25 1.789 0.5 6.14 0.84 17.876 1.0449 0.3 in.74 0.848 0.91 0.0453 1.5 10 7.00 4.240 2.5 5.700 1.616 0.50 1.00 0.849 0.00 1.845 0.00620 2.69 0.995 0.46 1.05 r y Os Axis y-y Axis X-X 1 WT4-WT2 Z YP in.43 0.998 1.120 0.86 0.0342 .735 0.966 1.0433 0.397 in.557 0.0562 0.10 0.27 0.76 0.408 17.94 10.0166 0. in.90 1 7/8 0.228 3'/2 0.135 0.75 c.114 0. 1.206 2 3/4 0. Shape does not meet the h/tw Iimitlor shear in Specification Section 62.32 x4 c 1.904 MT3x2.173 3116 7/16 - 4. INC.00 5 0.25 3 . in.130 '/a '/16 0.Flange is too narrow to establish a workable gage. in. shape has tapered flanges while ail other MT-shapes have parallel flange surfaces.98 5 0.46 c MT5x4. k Workable Gage 6.953 x3.701 2.149 3116 3/16 '/8 V8 1. and orientation Jfastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.171 2 0.00 1 7/8 0.643 x1.540 MT2.855 1.785 2. f Shape exceeds compact limit for flexure with F.649 2.50 2112 0.28 2 1/ 4 0.00 6 5.225 0.69 MT6x5.182 2 3/4 0.99 6 5.85 c 0.1 awith Fy =36 ksi.969 3.80 x5.211 '/4 3/16 in.v 1.9 c 1. .180 '/4 3/16 3116 9/16 9/16 V2 - 5.971 3. tw Distance Area Width.v 0.10 MT4x3.516 2.v 1.45 t Depth.790 5.v 1.160 0./a 3V8 3 '/4 0.1 c 0. Shape A in.4 c.540 2.17 MT2x3 f in.1550 6.1--68 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES tul br ï y Table 1-9 1T.69 2314 0.~d y MT Shapes tw Dimensions Stem Area.2 .50 3 3/4 0.157 0.177 3/16 3/16 9/16 7/16 - 3.v 1.72 x5. 9The actual size.416 7116 13116 2 3/49 0. 2 c v MT6.177 0.28 '116 0.129 '/a '/a '/16 0.2 in. .0980 Va Va V'6 0.342 1. combination.141 3116 '/a '/a 0.316 5116 3/16 0.892 3. d 2.189 2 '/4 0. =36 ksi.155 l/a '/a '116 0.00 4 0.00 4 4.5 1.247 3.958 3. tt in.00 5 4.76 c Shape is slender for compression with Fy =36 ksi.99 6 0.25x6.69 '/16 0. bt Thickness.210 0.84 V'6 0.07 1/8 0.5x9.8 c. Flange Thickness.129 3/16 '/a 3/a 5116 - 2.69 3116 3116 9116 9116 - 5.27 6114 0.06 3. t This AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. - - - - .80 3 3/4 0.25 6 114 0.2 c 0.130 V8 '/16 0.00 5 0.25 c.160 3/16 '/2 MT5x3.96 3 0.58 x5 c.290 2. 9/16 9/16 6.07 1116 0.75 11'6 0. tw "2 in.00 3 2. 00917 0.609 0.00 0.29 40. 0.483 0.9 5.566 0.155 0.08 0.759 0.61 1.00124 1.0206 in.00265 0. in.154 0.268 0.0897 0.174 0.967 0.208 0.0156 0.30 37.839 0.112 0. h tw r 5 / 4 3 y a.94 in.4 7.558 1.276 4.318 0.575 0.945 0.372 1.250 0.579 0.241 0.86 1.809 0.528 0.4 6.0337 0.00778 0.96 1.808 0.85 7.0249 0.493 0.91 1.000754 9. in.4 2.669 0.483 0.95 1.827 0. INC.512 1.00403 lb/ft 3. 1.594 0.441 0.13 1.397 0.509 0.9 7.89 2.47 1.188 0.446 0.133 0.92 2.25 6.746 0.633 0.2 5.53 31.45 1. Axis y-y Axis x-x Z 3 YP r 5 / 4 Z F =36 Y ksi Torsional Properties Cw J 3 in.0112 0.0250 0. 0.409 0.00494 0.165 0.8 3.00 1.0863 0.0973 0.35 1.81 33.22 40.0268 3 4 6.57 0.281 0.385 1.0863 0.247 0.0202 4.00 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.00989 0.01 3 11.472 0.497 0.190 0.51 1.62 1.536 0.334 0.89 1.226 0.66 1.374 0.63 1. in.836 1.03 29.03 in.18 1.400 0.354 0.561 0. t--- Compact Section Criteria !JL 2t.1 6.26 2.18 1.841 0. 0.0138 0.00 0.86 in.4 5 6.2 5.0145 0.502 0.732 0.62 7.6 1.63 2.61 7.62 1.617 0.0732 0.156 0.36 1.532 0.336 0.6 0.50 0.00932 0.296 0.1--{)9 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES T Table 1-9 (continued) MT Shapes Properties MTSHAPES Nominal wt.220 0.926 0.344 0.533 1.05 1.29 8. 8.8 in.03 40.403 0. 1.9 6.54 1.75 30.505 0.74 14.77 38.779 0.3 3.61 0.756 5.00792 3.29 1.0196 0.342 0.176 0.5 4 6.96 1.44 31.444 0.543 0.57 in.578 0.74 1.949 0.2 0.505 0.432 in.6 0.00463 0.517 0.39 26.330 0.91 2.340 0.341 0.3 6.61 1.894 1. 2.29 3.46 1.0 1.506 0.3 0.86 2.0284 0.45 6.39 35.84 in.0246 0.209 0.808 0.00193 1 . 2.00919 0.75 7.376 0.51 0.01 0.483 0.01 2.03 9.136 0.05 0.684 0.08 0.2 5. 0.588 1.264 0.52 1.354 0.81 1.03 0.548 0. 500 1/2 3/a 8.3 12.462 7/16 1/4.6 Depth.1 12.76 1.3 Stem Thickness.214 3116 '/8 0.622 0.659 0.39 6.5x5 ST2x4.35 8.544 9/16 9/16 13116 13116 39 39 ST5x17. b.77 5.550 9116 0.659 11/16 11/16 17/16 17/16 39 39 ST6x17.691 "116 1'116 3'/29 3'/29 14.51 '/a 0.2 10.14 3.12 0.271 '/4 l/a 1.32 5.170 3/16 3116 0.359 0.33 2'/2 23/a 0.4 7.50 '/4 6.652 2.5 x15.20 7.50 71/2 7.505 '/2 Width.800 '3/16 7/16 8.232 1/4 '/4 '/a 1.870 0.535 3.359 3/a 3/8 '3/16 13/16 - 1.30 9.0 10 10 5/16 6.00 3 3. - .00 5 0.7 10.Flange is 100 narrow ta establish a workable gage.461 7/16 '/4 Thickness.00 6 6.293 5116 5116 3/4 3/4 - 0.795 0.10 5.34 6.13 7. combination and orientation of !astener components should be compared with tIle geometry of the cross-section to ensure compatibility.48 5.349 3/8 0.60 0. Table 1-10 ST Shapes /w Dimensions y Shape Area.5 x53 in.25 7.50 11/2 0.386 2.57 3116 2.5 x12.00 4 0. 8.00 0.85 1.13 1/4 3.544 0.00 5 45/8 41/8 4 0.311 5116 5/16 2.00 6 0.50 21/2 0.26 63/a 61/4 0.920 15/16 '5116 13/4 13/4 6.691 0.13 2.830 1.870 7.635 5/8 0.25 51/2 51/4 0. in.56 4.12 1Ql/a 0.50 55/8 51/2 0.85 ST1.00 6'/4 6 0.491 0.66 0.00 7'/4 7'/a 7 0.75 x2.255 2.12 4.795 13/16 13/16 15/8 15/a 6.5x3.25 6. 8 77/a WDrkable Gage 1.08 5.97 3/16 1.425 0.2 12 12 12 101/8 0.711 1'/16 3/8 0. in.660 11116 3/a 6.15 6.80 12'/4 121/4 0.75 x3.06 71/4 7 0.260 '/4 1/4 5/a s/a - ST9x35 10.64 5.80 l/a 0. INC.50 11/2 0.66 3 23/4 25/a 0.260 0. 4 4 13/4 13/4 13/4 4 4 4 4 4 31/29 31/29 in.696 3.745 3/4 0. Distance 31/29 31/29 ST7.00 4 4. A ST12x60.65 6.465 7/16 0. d 12.425 7/16 7116 1 1 21/49 21/49 ST3x8.428 7/16 0.33 3s/a 33/8 0.594 5/a 0.45 7.08 4.2 17.1-70 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES kum fxTil(Bd y .8 15.83 0.08 5.00 5'/8 5 0.00 2 0. tw Flange tw Area in.47 3.69 10.94 5116 7.441 0. in.00 5 5.10 1.0 12.39 1.00 6 6.00 9 7.38 2.05 7.02 ST2.326 5116 0.96 6.7 5.57 0. in. = 36 ksi actual size. 2 13/16 7/16 0.09 1.87 k t.326 5116 3/4 - 1.05 0. .00 3 2. C g The AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of STEEL CONSTRUCTION.17 4.625 5/8 0.5 x9.0 ST10x48 x43 14.50 71/2 ST6x25 x20.2 3.40 3.491 1/2 '/2 1'/8 11/8 23/49 23/49 ST4x11.350 3/a '/4 2.00 in.00 9 9.2.687 11/16 3/a 4.70 4.7 12.9 5. 7/a 7/a 7/a ST12x50 x45 x40 c 0.622 5/a 5/a 1'/2 1'/2 13/8 13/8 7116 '/4 Shape is slender for compression with F.40 4.25 2.920 0.00 2 2.5x25 x21.0 10.0 12.09 11/16 7.2 11.73 5.524 2.53 1.0 9.870 0.293 0.70 ST10x37.7 13.193 3116 3116 0.00 6 0.3 x27.800 9.5 x33 11.94 4.35 1/4 5.620 5/a 5/16 7.6 x6. 11/'6 2 2 in.411 7/16 5/16 4. 230 0.758 7.398 0.57 1.00 0.48 8.5 15.553 0.795 1.00 0.58 7.638 0.22 1.5 38.8 0.633 1. .9 4.20 3.49 1.36 1.0 9.328 1.72 5.82 3.4 - Axis y-y Axis X-X O.75 16.4 3.3 6.737 10.00 1.198 0.7 4.173 11.329 0.91 9.1 20. Compact Section Criteria 1 5 r lb/ft 2tt t w 60.6 1.58 0.00 3.28 43.200 0.7 4.01000 4.00 4.444 0.J-7J T Table 1-10 (continued) ST Shapes Properties ST SHAPES Nominal WI.34 12.518 0.28 1.03 2.26 1.878 3.8 3.426 0.8 92.827 1.02 0.1 14.09 19.83 4.1 45.0 4.16 1.01 10.76 in.1 1.765 2.00 0.485 1.8 4.79 3.9 1.16 7.00 0.07 5.6 18.3 37.00 11.2 32.0568 0.00 0.0197 5.30 1.671 0.45 1.702 0.00 0.0 3.364 17.9 7.06 4.223 0.909 21.5 11.5 12.317 0.673 1.9 15.826 7.439 2.64 12.60 17.16 3.27 1.0 6.0 3.00 0.168 1.03 1.2 40.01 0. 3 30.78 7.181 0.02 15.192 0. 3 18.94 0.10 1.72 in.319 0.14 7.0 3.30 33.0 2.'!- y Z Yp in.0590 0.02 0.00496 2.76 2.0772 6.02 0.53 1.92 1.68 0. 4 41.79 2.66 1.842 1.07 28.13 36.462 0.70 0.841 13.00 0.87 2.00995 3.67 14.2 1.34 19.77 6.556 0.59 1.0 4.00 143 124 20.70 1.6 40.370 0.5 3.00 0.0 215 190 162 48.831 0.25 4.00 4.577 6.3 22.271 0.7 84.411 1..0 18.00 in.17 1.36 12.438 0.564 0.0216 0.54 1.74 2.0 4.307 0.0 3.6 0.5 4.7 0.480 4.5 12.91 12.13 3.82 0.2 3.42 22.00457 3.5 4.5 3.1 1.85 4.915 0.7 43.57 in.374 0.85 1.56 1. 1.300 0.51 5.08 1.915 1.7 ksi 3.84 2.03 1.25 14.81 23.5 2.40 1.42 18.15 3.76 3.942 2.12 1.87 1.30 0.3 26.02 Torsional Properties Cw J 4 1.19 0.07 0.17 3.83 1.12 Q.42 12.1 6.00 0.05 in.83 3.45 2.576 0.00 2.0 1.00189 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.55 3.60 4.3 17.541 0.899 3.98 13.6 3.5 4. 3 10.30 15.250 0.00 2.79 2.71 14.43 1.79 1.5 21.00 0.950 2.592 0.06 1.403 3.0 9.5 27.901 0.62 2.00 1.93 19.00 0.97 0.1 in.51 17.26 0.69 15.642 0.56 6.84 0.4 3.922 0.PL .3 9.348 0.394 1.00 10.972 23.8 12.30 1.16 4. 1 5 r Z Fy =36 in.0 17.5 4.1 16.9 35.543 4. 6.78 1.2 15.281 0.95 3.16 16.00 1.84 11. 4 259 216 in.0 4.14 0.0 0.4 0.00 1.00 9.171 0.62 2.00 0.1 24.0970 0.289 0.17 6.00 0.547 0.8 3.94 25.27 3.167 0.65 7.04 4.187 0.85 4.78 1.336 1.34 14.605 7.4 0. 27.33 1.01 2.0 4.59 1.05 1.565 1. 50.10 3.02 1.60 41.61 19.18 3.19 8.980 3.686 1. 1.75 4. in.06 5.3 53.0830 0.9 6.61 11.45 1.4 4.02 14.91 31.44 19.3 .15 1.27 1.52 12.13 2.219 0.36 1.35 25.71 0.79 3.73 25.0364 0.448 0.575 0.4 in.72 3.75 4.0642 8.05 1.7 6.0 0.78 12.44 0.597 0.650 0.0 4.00 1.673 4.513 0.0 1.99 4.16 8.94 6.59 1.725 0.204 0.381 0.1 0.39 1.570 0.15 3.930 1.26 25.85 0.271 0.0 3.7 109 33.20 4.84 1.114 0.84 47.787 17.432 0.239 0.692 1.93 6.196 0.35 2.00 0.14 1.38 5.99 2.9 1.6 1.02 24.14 0.63 54.29 2.22 1.13 1.84 2.49 1.21 4. INC.351 0.3 0.524 1.3 3.60 2.5 5.522 0.36 7.16 23.5 62.13 0.84 15.8 in.97 6.1 7.00 1.54 10.0432 0.03 8.94 0.995 25.4 0.53 13.76 1.677 0. 5 HSS18x6xs/s x'l2 x3/s XSh6 X1/4 0.0 54.48 25. INC.3 65.38 30. t in. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.2 19.77 5.9 16.2 13.349 0.4 HSS16x12xs/s x'l2 x3JB XSh6 0.18 6.2 17.7 11.29 57.45 65.465 0.8 31.2 40.1 69.0 38.96 7.9 16.1 59.4 40.8 5.465 0.0 46.7 1880 1550 1200 1010 188 155 120 101 in.5 31. 3 in.7 20.2 19.4 10.291 0.7 14.3 56.60 8.6 24.88 5.1-72 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES y Table 1-11 1 1 x -t- Rectangular HSS x 1 Dimensions and Properties 1 y HSS20x12x5fa x l l2 X3/B xShs Design Wall Thickness.6 6.349 0.3 56.9 24.465 0.581 0.0 35. 3 230 188 144 122 Iblft 127.66 21.0 65.89 6.60 8.31 30.5 31.349 0.7 89.2 20.94 58.581 0.07 185 152 117 98. 7.0 28.7 Shape Nominal Area.07 6.06 5.8 14.07 48.581 0.10 75.9 74.9 57.55 68.7 74.3 65.35 32.6 78.15 5.2 24.174 76.5 31.3 65.55 68.94 58.0 13.00 6.9 24.7 20.7 15.83 129 106 82.07 48.48 20.4 in.23 5.4 73.2 11.6 HSS20x4x l 12 x 3/a xShs X1/4 0.5 18.349 0.8 52.00 89.27 5.465 0.00 78.8 14.9 66.9 77.48 25.31 5.2 51.39 7.291 110.0 1090 904 702 595 136 113 87.2 5.33 6.0 24.0 17.0 54.8 28.7 82.8 838 657 560 458 83.4 HSS16x4xs/s x'l2 x3/s XSh6 X1/4 x3h6 0.12 6.42 6.4 42.9 45.4 6.581 0.0 13.87 39. A Axis X-X bit hlt 2 1 5 r in.3 60.7 22.35 92.0 54.2 31.349 0.4 38.5 31.10 75.465 0.7 15.6 18.3 21.76 3.5 31.50 115 89.6 18.7 815 679 531 451 368 102 84.03 7.46 10.3 24.581 0. Z .7 HSS16x8x s/s x1J2 x 3/s xShs X1/4 0.00 103.8 52.233 93.87 39.90 14.7 22.46 10.70 5.3 923 770 602 513 419 103 85.349 0.7 14.87 39.233 75.4 38.4 10.1 5. 0.64 5.291 0.6 61.5 31.4 46.7 1440 1190 926 786 144 119 92.1 8.7 56.581 0.4 10.0 13.06 6.48 Note: For compactness criteria.4 42.8 31.8 10.33 47. Wt. refer to the end of Table 1-12.46 6.8 7.07 48.09 62.4 42.7 48.0 45.0 65.6 66.82 in.8 6.3 75.8 65.80 5.291 0.7 31.15 165 135 104 87.15 6.465 0.33 7.349 0.6 58.3 24.00 89.7 10.9 16.233 93.94 58.45 7.291 HSS20x8xs/a X1J2 x3/a XSh6 0.29 57.86 40.33 9.22 135 112 86.3 24.6 22.00 6.291 0.465 0.66 24.4 40.5 6.0 539 455 360 308 253 193 67.96 6. 35.233 0.8 52.1 41.1 17.291 110.4 56. 7 39.7 3.53 4.90 3.5 25116 25/a 27/8 33116 -Flat depth or width is too smaillo establish a workable fiat.86 4.50 4.3 38.7 21.17 3.68 1.0 3.7 133116 133/4 145/16 145/a 147/8 153116 - 174 150 120 103 85.61 2.93 133/16 93116 1370 133/4 93/4 1120 145/16 105116 862 145/8 105/8 727 204 166 127 107 4.83 3.5 33.5 19.5 52.7 3.5 50.4 79.48 2.0 26.0 173/16 173/4 185116 185/a 53116 53/4 65116 65/8 58.92 3.6 45.17 5.3 153116 153/4 165/16 169116 167/8 338 283 222 189 C Surface Area in.47 96.0 133116 133/4 145/16 145/8 147/8 53/16 53/4 65116 65/8 67/8 681 563 436 369 300 132 108 83.57 4.87 3.39 3.6 21. 93/16 93/4 HSS16x12x5/8 x'f2 x3/a x5116 700 581 452 384 117 96.7 44.6 47.40 3.34 3.7 18.6 41.0 2.5 60.1 16.87 3.8 1.5 15.50 4.4 21. .28 X3/8 x5116 X1/4 HSS16x4x5/8 x1f2 X3/8 x5116 X1J4 X3/16 54.99 5.7 39.73 1.07 in.8 55.71 1.6 57.58 25116 25/8 27/8 195 156 134 111 63.3 4. 4 1890 1540 1180 997 84.7 47.0 4.23 5.83 3.1 3.8 10.8 75.92 3.91 4.73 1.76 1.8 43.9 42.8 27.25 916 757 586 496 167 137 105 88.75 1.78 34.9 69.65 1.3 64.7 3.0 35.32 3.53 2.4 3.20 3.93 27.93 33116 33/4 45116 49116 47/8 462 387 302 257 210 109 89.7 33.58 2.5 58.4 34. 173/16 173/4 185/16 185/a 105116 105/8 in.23 3.5 61.27 3.87 3. 3 142 117 91.8 49.1 77.57 4.63 61.78 32.5 27. INC.2 11.6 35.4 70.4 57. 3 162 132 102 85. 4 851 705 547 464 5 Workable Flat r Z Torsion Depth Width J in.4 25.7 47.2 65.7 173/4 185116 185/a 187/8 - 158 134 106 91. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.8 22.80 4.930 4.0 38.1-73 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES D Table 1-11 (continued) Rectangular HSS Dimensions and Properties HSS2o-HSS16 Axis y-y Shape 1 HSS20x12x5fs x1f2 x3/a x5116 HSS20x8x 5/a X1J2 X3/8 x5116 HSS20x4x 112 x3/a x5116 X'/4 HSS18x6x 5/8 x'f2 x3/a x5116 X'/4 in. 3 257 209 160 134 ft2/ft 5.3 75.0 50.53 4.37 3.8 in.7 31.27 3.5 50.5 30.6 17.2 65.3 in. 4.0 23.58 in.3 23.44 3.1 47.8 20.1 52.6 70.94 135 111 85.04 5.60 1.1 1.2 HSS16x8x 5/a x1f2 274 230 181 155 127 68.90 3.5 72.25 3.9 18.3 33.6 13.20 5.2 27.90 3.5 27.2 34.92 3.3 29.42 79. 1 51.5 66.8 40.76 10.7 31.6 30.19 22.465 0.7 31.7 42.31 4.59 55.2 48.2 19.3 38.7 37.34 4.84 4.07 48.00 19.8 9.6 52.2 18.77 4.1 37.3 in.2 13.47 4.3 11.38 68.66 21.465 0.88 5.3 48.2 81.1 31.2 20.0 47.03 6.94 58.4 in.1 61.14 52.5 4.7 73.91 4.8 57.6 22.8 31.8 38.8 14.8 63.74 73.6 57.5 31.4 39.2 17. 3 in. in.1 27.10 75.291 0.67 78.35 120 98.34 4.56 82.291 0.5 66.1 27.64 4.10 29. refer to the end of Table 1-12.1 8.5 25.17 5.33 9.4 10.233 0.5 373 317 252 216 178 137 53.4 38.82 40.32 5. .581 0.36 32.0 36.67 4.291 0.349 0.90 18.8 9.09 62.6 33.9 16.233 0.4 4.7 22.53 4.465 0.4 38.23 5.5 25.1 687 573 447 380 310 98.06 3.0 321 271 215 184 151 116 53.1 45.03 6.98 5.8 31.1 57.7 14.6 23.56 4.7 15.94 4.3 36.9 22.2 17.0 4. A bit hlt in.92 8.4 39. lb/ft HSS14x10xs/a x'l2 x3/a XSh6 X1f4 0.62 36.8 31.72 36.233 69.233 93.33 47.6 43.233 0.1 55.2 35.8 31.6 44.1 45.4 44.0 17.6 39.8 31.4 45.29 5.8 14.5 395 310 264 216 65.581 0.291 0.71 4.581 0. INC.90 14.0 17.465 0.76 7.61 4.1 57.465 0.174 67.349 0.28 4.35 32.2 19.12 18.7 25.1 53.3 64.0 14.174 67.33 9.50 4.86 40.4 45.349 0.291 0.8 HSS12x6xs/a x'l2 x3/a XSh6 X'/4 x 3h6 0.4 4.349 0.60 24.349 0.7 x'h x3/a XSh6 X1f4 Note: For compactness criteria.75 36.1 23.33 47.90 14.3 44.0 13.53 42.1 57. ness.96 6.9 54. 2 1 5 r Z in.2 48.1 77.7 31.3 43.8 61.25 22. t Shape Axis X-X Area.3 4.55 4.2 11.233 0.0 30.7 24.1 8.14 4.8 76.48 25.2 11.581 0.06 7.9 25.9 36.465 0.09 29. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.9 30.21 4.3 5.22 18.5 17.60 8.2 9.1 37.1-74 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES y Table 1-11 (continued) 1 1 x -t1 Rectangular HSS x 1 Dimensions and Properties 1 ~ Design Wall Nominal ThickWt.46 10.41 4.9 51.0 17.5 21.349 0.4 HSS14x6xs/a x'l2 x3/a XSh6 X'/4 x 3h6 0.581 0.93 44.2 25.0 44.7 15.3 11.47 4.7 22.2 48.291 0.3 HSS12xl0x1f2 x 3/s XSh6 X'/4 HSS12x8xs/a 0.96 6.66 24.1 27.63 4.5 478 402 317 271 222 170 68.7 20.4 38.0 21.6 12.1 45.3 57.1 37.92 8.1 HSS14x4xs/a X1f2 x3/a XSh6 XV4 x 3h6 0.4 30.3 45.1 68.0 397 333 262 224 184 140 66.4 19.53 42.87 39.13 62.174 76.78 21.1 77.6 27.6 22.1 X3f'6 0.9 24.01 88.174 76.62 55.2 13.9 21. 32 3.4 31.3 59. 3 95.3 14.7 HSS14x4xs/8 X1f2 X3/8 XSl16 X1f4 x3116 47.3 2.8 21.3 13.17 3.0 32.7 46.27 3.9 41.5 30.4 35.6 20.4 45.25 3.53 2. 3.9 51.0 45.4 62.87 2.3 66.7 80.1 30.5 40.74 1.2 24.6 54.27 3.98 4.6 29.83 3.61 48.39 2.6 71. 73116 53/4 -FIaI deplh or width is 100 small 10 establish a workable fiat.9 28.6 12.92 3.1 24.7 HSS12x6xs/s x112 x 3/s XSl16 X'/4 x3116 107 91. 3 81.25 3.1 28.8 77.2 33.29 3.48 2.4 41.7 93116 33116 93/4 10sl16 109116 107/s 113/16 33/4 45116 49116 47/s 53116 271 227 178 152 124 94.93 2.01 4.87 2.1 59.7 HSS12x8xs/s x112 X3/8 XSl16 X'/4 x 3h6 210 178 140 120 98.4 2.5 36.95 3.9 40.1-75 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTJES D Table 1-11 (continued) Rectangular HSS Dimensions and Properties HSS14-HSS12 Axis y-y Shape Workable Flat r 1 5 in.92 2.9 40.0 2.49 2.3 2.87 3.5 37.2 27.8 in.2 3.55 2.1 72.59 1.1 19.09 4.2 9.6 45.16 3.9 62.0 45.0 23.69 1.8 51.83 2.93 2.7 37.93 .27 3.9 22.5 3.23 3. 113116 11314 12 5116 129116 127/s HSS14x6xs/B x 112 X3/B XSl16 X'/4 x3116 124 105 84.8 38.6 ft 21ft 73/4 8sl16 89116 87/B in.8 75.43 2.4 24.6 19.52 2.90 3.21 3.8 14.1 27.2 41.9 17.54 2.04 4.04 4.3 53.28 28.58 3.92 2.17 3.5 10.20 3.58 2.60 52.1 35.4 62.4 19.0 HSS14xl0x5/s x112 x 3/s xSl16 X 1/4 HSS12xl0x1f2 x 3/s x5116 X1f4 Z Torsion Depth Width J C Surface Area in.4 42.28 35.5 24.9 3.8 31.2 in.6 16.77 298 234 200 164 59.7 45.53 3.3 11 1/4 11314 121f4 12% 127/8 131/8 21f4 25/8 27/8 31f8 148 127 102 87.5 60. 4 407 341 267 227 186 in.7 23.0 3.7 18.7 69.4 40.64 1. 3.9 15.23 3.7 72. 4 832 685 528 446 362 113116 11314 12sl16 129116 127/B 133116 33116 33/4 4Sl16 49116 47/s 53116 334 279 219 186 152 116 83.5 24.4 13.90 2.48 1.6 26.8 52.96 4.1 18.95 in.07 69.1 34.2 35. AMERICAN INSTlTUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.44 2.1 52.2 93/4 10sl16 109116 107/8 73/4 85116 89116 S7/8 545 421 356 289 102 78.1 53.6 24.6 29.1 19. 3 146 120 91.35 61.7 51.12 4.3 20.1 34.5 68.20 3.0 24.5 44.1 93116 93/4 10sl16 109116 107/s 11% 53116 6Sl16 69116 6718 7'/s 454 377 293 248 202 153 97.1 72. INC.1 78.14 in.4 55.0 16.57 3.6 44.83 2.1 16.5 32.1 53.90 2.72 1.57 42. 8 18.2 17.90 3.5 31.4 14.6 40.63 5.58 8.581 0.9 28.3 3.10 5.72 37.2 20.9 29.291 0.291 0.53 3.0 17.349 0.63 3.9 17.2 48.0 22.8 23.8 9.4 8.5 10.6 20.9 54.581 0.79 19.61 31.5 11.581 0.2 3.7 31.2 38.5 25.2 156 134 26. 3.17 6.11 48.5 10.94 3.291 0.7 31.2 3.34 30.75 3.4 39.72 36.59 6.233 0.13 55.90 14.6 19.2 13.39 17.4 28.2 24.291 0.22 18.465 0.84 25.9 22.85 3.0 8.61 31.8 14.84 25.88 62.17 6.1 19.73 3.06 29.233 0.9 24.10 7.3 43.87 5.8 17.3 HSS12x4x5fa X1f2 x3/a xShs X1f4 X'/4 x3hs HSS12x2xshs X'/4 x3hs HSS10x8xs/a X'/2 x3/a xShs X1f4 x3hs HSS1 Ox6xs/s X'/2 x3/s X5flS X'/4 x3hs HSS10x5x 3/s xShs X'/4 x3hs Note: For compactness criteria.3 43.02 11.2 48.66 3.7 31.17 4.174 67.82 3.37 3.4 23.06 4.233 0.8 in.349 0.5 120 104 85.5 46.7 36.8 66.7 17.291 0.10 29.62 55.9 54.53 42.3 .174 35.6 22.0 24.4 50.5 201 171 137 118 96.5 0. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.88 14.09 18.233 0.5 19.7 33.4 39. Iblft Shape Axis X-X Area.98 34.60 3.3 25.5 0.1 21.63 30.2 18.10 5.66 16.72 37.0 104 86.4 38.87 3.349 0.465 0.5 14.76 7.0 14.9 40.9 54.71 3.1 20.6 HSS12x3x shs 0.4 8.95 4.3 14.7 14.3 3.6 18.465 0.7 29.71 24.37 7.9 3.4 14.5 20.4 13.4 13.3 40.77 10.46 7.233 0.3 11.80 24. in.9 15.92 8.2 13.8 28.71 24.67 3.10 4.2 16.5 25.4 245 210 168 144 119 91.56 3.2 51.5 25.1-76 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1 Table 1-11 (continued) 1 1 x ~t- Rectangular HSS x 1 Dimensions and Properties 1 ~ Design Nominal Wall Wt.03 6.94 3.76 7.174 27.4 3.38 8. A bIt hlt 1 S r Z x3hs 0.06 10.79 3.2 34.57 3.0 0.174 59.2 18.3 in.69 3.5 34. reter to the end of Table 1-12.5 66.2 48.02 4.349 0.3 16.63 5.174 59.33 9.0 21.6 HSS12x3'l2x3/a xShs 0.09 18.50 3.5 66.8 34.9 74.4 17.233 0.58 22.19 22.49 38.4 38.0 23.38 9.0 33.7 22.349 0. t in.7 31.88 5.1 15.31 9.79 19.174 29.2 18.8 31.68 3.67 8.02 7.03 31.03 9.0 124 103 79.0 in.11 48.2 19.7 25.5 42. Tbickness.46 10.73 51.98 27.60 8.291 36.5 253 214 169 145 119 91.3 27.7 15.4 39.4 0.5 66. INC.66 in.291 0.8 31.4 26.9 67. 48 2.9 25.1 44.53 2.0 25.44 2.8 29.2 26.9 32.1 12.29 1.43 2.05 5. 3 24.0 8.0 25.2 18.4 2.1 72.22 3.27 2.5 21.43 2.40 2.9 2.67 1.2 21.0 13.6 14.7 56.90 2.27 1.2 19.5 12.6 12.2 16.7 HSS10x5x3/8 x 5h6 x'/4 x 3h6 40.13 18.5 34.8 18.6 2.7 2.6 16.2 14.1 29.10 4. INC.55 5.8 30.7 20.14 3.7 21.0 16.1 Torsion Depth Width in.40 HSS12x2xsh6 x'/4 x 3h6 5.62 35116 35/8 37/8 43116 100 86.8 14.820 0.4 122 105 84.49 2. 4 40.7 14.95 33116 33/4 45116 45/B 47/6 53116 209 176 139 118 96.3 26.4 35.8 25.45 -Flat depth or width is too small to establish a workable fiat.07 2.58 2.73 7.34 2.1 105116 - 10 5/B - 10 5/B 107/8 - 113/16 23116 HSS12x3xsh6 x'/4 x 3h6 13.10 4.4 51.3 28.28 53.4 in.57 2.2 26.87 2.1 8.5 21.62 53116 53/4 65116 6% 67/8 73116 346 288 224 190 155 118 80.5 2.7 54.2 29.52 35. - - 2sl16 2% 27/B 33116 - 10% - 107/8 - 113/16 73116 73/4 85116 8% 87/8 93116 73116 73/4 85116 85/8 87/8 93116 85116 85/8 87/8 93116 J in.20 in.8 2.0 11.42 2.1-77 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES D Table 1-11 (continued) Rectangular HSS Dimensions and Properties HSS12-HSS10 Axis y-y Shape 1 HSS12x4x% x'l2 x 3/B x 5h6 x'/4 x 3116 HSS12x3 112x3/B x 5h6 Workable Flat S r Z in.5 8.7 9.19 3.0 12.64 7.08 3.72 1.7 37.2 10.1 11.845 0. .5 37.1 34.53 2.2 17.3 44.6 1.4 66.28 6.2 10.09 2.3 22. 1.6 37.7 65.10 2.45 17. 93116 93/4 105116 10% 107/B 113/16 21.58 2.6 35.47 2.5 25.41 3.25 3.2 11.7 73.9 16.32 10.7 11. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.2 20.48 14.00 in.8 46.6 20. 3 20.6 17.8 58.6 10.50 2.5 35.4 15.50 2.7 16.4 76.1 11.6 24.55 0.0 70.05 2.81 1.60 2.62 1.1 31.57 1.3 18.6 48.872 6.97 HSS10x8x5/8 x'l2 x 3/8 x 5h6 x'/4 x 3h6 178 151 120 103 84.3 44.25 2.1 23.3 3.83 2.39 2.2 16.70 1.8 30.5 26.4 59.6 15.1 11.28 2.09 3.92 2.8 61.41 3.57 2.6 15.6 9.1 C Surface Area in.75 in.6 12.7 9.8 53.5 29.3 34.46 1.7 16.4 43.60 2.72 8.3 44.4 HSS10x6xs/8 x'l2 x 3/8 x 5h6 x'/4 x 3h6 89.7 f12/ft 64.93 2.38 5.50 41.42 2.5 20.49 2. 7 9.291 0.581 50.9 54.23 26.7 7.59 6.32 18.5 83.2 18.31 9.233 0.26 3.6 8.91 0.10 5.3 40.9 54.5 10.2 88.41 3.69 15.1 83.38 3.9 13.73 3.465 0.03 12.97 3.88 14.38 3.116 11.9 25.41 23.116 27.2 25.5 10.44 3.0 37.349 0.43 5.8 1 S r Z in.465 41.6 9. in.7 9.10 0.39 0.0 23.5 14.7 14.3 21.30 3. lb/ft 0.62 7.93 5.349 0.349 32.66 16.26 3.2 12.70 8.2 in.2 118 96.1 22.49 14.7 31.1 7.3 17.52 3.34 3.7 62.8 8.3 12.6 37.30 5.7 12.60 7.1 53.5 14.9 25.4 22.2 20.60 8.67 3.98 2.0 76.70 2.3 63. t in.60 0.291 0.51 0.0 11.13 11.44 3.37 HSS10x3x3/B XSh6 X'/4 x 3h6 X'/B 0.7 19.349 0.116 29.85 7.5 25.3 34.0 31.96 25.6 18.2 69.27 7.54 9.349 0.9 Note: For compactness criteria. 2 14.8 27.8 10.0 28.2 17.1 19.6 15. INC.8 20.8 18.5 83.4 8.65 HSS9x7xS/B x'h x 3/B XSh6 X'/4 x 3h6 0.54 16.72 37.99 14.21 31.0 14.6 52.9 54.46 10.9 25.4 11.7 33.7 174 149 119 102 84.17 3.87 6.174 0.8 27.80 HSS10x2x3/B XSh6 X'/4 x 3h6 X'/B 0.25 20.5 16.174 59.116 40. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.1 27.51 21.4 22.4 39.08 3.4 39.9 11.7 31.0 17.1 21.5 25.233 22.7 31.61 31. rejer to the end ofTable 1-12.19 5.5 31.6 7.5 83.04 4.233 0.95 HSS10x31f2x'h X3/B XSh6 X'/4 x 3h6 X'/B 0.34 3.76 7.93 4.9 54.87 5.58 0.291 0.174 17.6 13.55 Axis X-X Area.581 0.4 39.7 57.174 0.97 7.42 23.45 20.4 3.291 27.17 4.12 3.4 149 129 104 90.26 3.7 31. .174 0.47 48.5 41. 3 29.26 3.1 27.46 11.7 20. Thickness.4 13.45 3.41 3.41 3.83 3.48 3.53 7.01 5.3 in.34 3.03 9.70 4.233 0.16 3.0 26.1 27.465 0.7 38.1 17.37 9.21 3.32 2.2 22.24 3.82 10.5 14.7 17.32 3.5 8.8 39.70 3.84 25.1 8.79 19.58 6.40 3.9 35.05 12.2 16.0 14.3 12.2 18.50 3.1 64.5 83.233 0.58 8.4 39.2 16.0 23.49 31.7 14.55 40.88 5.3 16.2 71.291 0.38 3.11 48.1-78 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES y Table 1-11 (continued) ! x -t- Rectangular HSS x 1 Dimensions and Properties 1 ~ Shape HSS10x4xs/B x'h X3/B XSh6 X'/4 x 3h6 X'/B Design Nominal Wall Wt.6 48.4 34. A bit hlt in.1 74.6 49. 14 4.0 51.78 2.5 24.57 2. .93 1.73 2.97 62.68 2.6 17.65 in.34 2.864 0.75 in.58 2.7 13.74 8Sl16 8s/a 87/a 93116 97116 HSS10x2x3/a XSI16 X'/4 x3116 xlfa 4.8 26.787 0.9 17.25 2.99 5.48 73/4 8Sl16 8s/a 87/a 93116 97116 HSS10x3x 3/a XSl16 Xlf4 x 3116 x'/a 12.41 3.5 29.13 15.6 13.66 5.6 19.12 2.812 0.07 2.90 1.42 6. INc.2 12.28 1.28 2.9 2.0 33.26 in.27 2.31 1.5 28.0 9.18 2.1 10.7 31. 4 95.52 4.2 44.6 37.97 2. 4 in.20 2.51 5.7 -FiaI deplh or widlh is 100 small 10 establish a workable fiat. 73116 73/4 85116 8s/a 87/a Oepth Width HSS10x4x5/a x'l2 x3/a x5116 X'/4 x3116 x'/a 33.87 40.67 2.3 21.99 6.30 6.51 1.3 7.28 7.23 2.4 20.6 20.95 1.64 1.22 12.60 2.15 2.54 14.1 8. - 25116 2s/a 27/a 33116 37116 - - 211116 21Sl16 - 23116 27116 - J C Surface Area in.2 17.87 6.59 1.83 HSS10x3'/2x'l2 x 3/a x 5116 X'/4 x3116 x'/a 21.7 15.44 1.1 33.62 235 197 154 131 107 81.5 9.2 10.5 40.2 8. 3 16.4 69.92 7.1 10. 3 20.0 28.0 26.8 33. 1.4 11.0 14.1 in.9 17.33 9.7 12.9 14.8 18.7 82.0 19.06 4.70 4.44 1.10 2.1 13.90 11.22 37.8 10.3 47.4 7.16 8.12 2.19 4.30 63.22 1.25 1.8 14.17 2.67 1.72 1.5 57.5 44.33 5.2 57.75 2.17 2.9 9.4 17.22 4.5 21.1 18.74 6.8 16.46 1.6 8.0 9.76 5.7 23.0 7.20 2.53 2.92 1.14 0.7 22.81 2.33 8Sl16 8s/a 87/a 93116 97116 - 63116 63/4 7SI16 7s/a 77/a 83116 43116 43/4 5sI16 55/a 57/a 63116 HSS9x7xSJa Xlf2 x3/a XSI16 Xlf4 x3116 117 100 80.89 4.0 12.0 24. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.1-79 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES D Table 1-11 (continued) Rectangular HSS Dimensions and Properlies HSS1o-HSS9 Axis y-y Shape Workable Flat 1 S r Z in.61 2.56 7.2 51.70 4.67 2.2 12.8 15.26 3.3 12.0 27.6 14.24 3.28 7.54 1.12 1.24 3.39 1.6 21.64 6.5 25.45 6.4 36.7 14.08 2.5 34. 3 36.5 14.6 66.1 10.6 2.89 3.84 2.3 Torsion gsl16 97116 in.7 11.2 9.70 1.890 5.97 2.30 1.93 4.50 2.9 27.838 0.90 felft 2.49 1.8 11.73 8.2 8. 2 19.6 16.0 71.27 5.00 3.97 7.60 7.0 11.58 0.0 14.24 3.233 0.3 14.6 48. AMERICAN INSTlTUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.17 4.8 14.5 25.9 35.1 22.5 24.6 8.5 16.2 79.6 8.2 22.94 4.174 0.5 10.88 14.97 7.9 14.24 3. refer to the end of Table 1-12.1 20.85 2.7 51. Thickness.77 2.6 12.5 25.60 41.87 6.58 6.7 12.65 2.39 17.2 19.6 43.73 2.90 14.5 79.88 2.91 32.1 13.08 3.54 9.233 0.59 6. 29.7 48.2 7.10 Axis X-X Area.291 27.2 18. 3.3 10.07 24.46 10.3 57.78 2.88 5.51 27.116 42.7 14.0 82.99 14. A bit hlt in.4 23.0 66.10 14.85 4.349 0. t in.1 68.8 58. INC.1 10.26 9.98 3.58 22.83 2.5 17.35 2.14 3.2 19.0 66.7 12.7 9.8 17.21 3.5 24.85 2.174 17.60 7.291 0.2 17.7 133 115 92.51 0.9 14.9 14.6 8.7 11.77 3.32 18.10 35.61 7.3 56.0 42. 2 1 in.2 20.41 23.02 HSS8x3x'l2 x3/s x5hs X'/4 x3hs x'/s 0.7 14.0 31.5 17.19 17.85 21.9 13.04 3.233 0.5 8.6 18.97 3.6 48.88 5.116 31.7 8.73 2.85 11.45 5.7 80.5 32.8 16.81 6.0 18.63 2.8 66.54 9.91 2.46 3.9 11.8 27.11 27.70 3.465 0.4 35.465 0.6 19.3 43.96 3.67 7.581 0.174 0.31 9.59 6.5 20.58 2.0 10.465 41.2 10.2 37.3 14.233 22.8 27.0 11.291 0.74 7.31 9.8 66.8 14.43 5.349 32.58 6.91 0.11 27.39 0. .5 31.8 19.28 13.9 24.8 31.6 8.233 0.98 2.5 31.1 13.4 22.581 0.5 18.1 in.3 43.0 16.80 20.32 18.27 3.5 33.17 4.6 48.5 31.349 0.92 27.5 42.03 3.41 23.291 0.88 6.0 114 98.60 8.45 5.2 16.6 22.0 58.31 in.8 10. lb/ft 0.5 27.3 43.88 14.9 35.6 19.465 0.9 2.11 Note: For compactness criteria.1 13.8 HSS8x6x5fs x'l2 x3/s x5hs X'/4 x3hs 0.6 25.00 8.33 9.4 22.82 2.1 14.5 10.349 0.69 2.7 12.00 3.75 11.291 0.4 5 3 r Z 14.71 2.99 14.0 HSS8x4x5fs x'l2 x3/s x5hs X'/4 x3hs x'/s 0.43 5.1-80 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1 Table 1-11 (continued) 1 1 r-t1 x Rectangular HSS x 1 Dimensions and Properties 1 y Shape HSS9x5x5/s x'l2 x3/s x5hs X'/4 x3hs Design Nominal Wall Wt.174 50.4 in.9 24.60 0.9 20.174 35.7 22.1 51.71 24.7 28.74 7.581 50.465 0. 3 38.24 3.67 5.9 24.88 2.7 16.8 10.1 30.8 HSS9x3x'l2 x3/s x5hs X'/4 x3hs 0.349 0.64 2.06 36. 6 12.DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1-81 D Table 1-11 (continued) Rectangular HSS Dimensions and Properties HSS9-HSSa Axis y-y Shape 1 4 HSS9x5x5/8 X1f2 X3/8 X5/16 X1f4 x 3/16 HSS9x3x1f2 X3/8 x 5/16 X1/4 x 3116 HSS8x6x 5/8 S 3 Workable Flat r Z 3 Depth Width C 4 ft2/ft 23/16 40.92 1.6 20.20 7.46 29. 23/16 23/4 35116 35/8 37/8 43/16 13.0 38.17 2.6 11.9 13.59 5.39 2.2 24.7 12.93 1.80 7.6 14.07 53/4 65/16 65/8 67/8 73/16 77/16 - 65/16 65/8 67/8 73/16 J Surface Area in.59 4.84 5.61 1.8 9.4 61.71 16.3 8.81 7.20 2.28 1.4 7.9 23. 2.2 11.8 13.10 1.8 70. 128 109 86.96 2.0 33.8 36.20 6.70 1.3 11.63 1.6 10.64 8.6 17.27 1.3 11.1 49.9 -FIaI deplh or width is 100 small 10 establish a workable fiat.8 2.5 24.95 1.7 HSS8x4x 5/8 X1f2 X3/6 X5/16 X1/4 X3/16 X1/8 26.03 2.90 1. 52.0 7.8 15.91 8.0 26.87 1.92 1.5 50.17 2.28 in.33 4.40 2.08 2.6 23.4 30.90 13.78 1.10 in.0 12.9 14.92 63/4 75/16 75/8 77/8 83/16 - 72.23 2.63 6.29 10.31 9.2 9.2 14. 20.5 13.8 16.15 1.25 in.51 1.95 8.9 19.27 2.2 36.49 5.21 5.6 43.66 1.6 35.73 1.8 16.45 6.35 4.1 14.5 17.7 46.7 24.8 10.3 28.42 1.6 19.8 18. 63/16 63/4 75/16 7% 77/8 83/16 in. 1.9 20.23 1.6 12.4 14.43 3.25 2.8 in.36 53116 53/4 65/16 65/8 67/8 73116 77/16 - HSS8x3x'l2 X3/6 x5116 X1/4 X3/16 X1f8 11.99 3.23 2.3 42.87 1.3 21.80 in.7 15.87 4.58 7.38 6.9 24.80 1.5 9.1 20.94 4.68 5. 25.81 7.27 2.4 11.75 1.21 1.70 4.69 1.0 9.3 42.5 20.25 2.0 45.4 14.43 2.7 9.32 2.5 24.17 1.6 8.27 2.9 19.95 33/16 33/4 45/16 45/8 47/8 53/16 150 127 100 85.28 .1 9.66 1.38 2.1 28.05 2.1 14.5 35.3 7.9 10.83 1.3 61.20 1.25 1.63 5.8 19.56 1.2 46.6 27.3 27.2 11.81 6.7 53/16 53/4 x'l2 X3/8 x 5/16 X'/4 X3/16 Torsion 25/16 25/8 27/8 33/16 37116 23116 27/16 in.2 18.64 7.65 3.90 1. INc.80 8.9 74.92 1.3 53.2 18.8 32.7 28.28 70.3 16. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.77 1.88 6.88 8.20 2.3 62.24 1.27 1.8 16.1 10.95 1.97 2.93 1.4 19.0 25.3 17.4 28.97 34.8 8. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.9 29.45 2.5 48.2 1 in.3 14.23 2.68 7.8 31.19 17.6 9.7 40.1 21. A bit hlt in.93 HSS7x2x'/4 x3h6 xl/a 0.46 5.93 r Z in.7 28.5 22.9 17.0 37.291 0.43 7.291 0.465 0.98 8.1 21.8 11. Thickness.233 0.98 0.00 8.98 2.45 5.5 31.30 3.26 9.5 12.64 5.77 3.28 2.30 0.7 11.3 43.88 5.233 0.4 8.96 5.49 14.24 3.95 4. INe.51 5.70 7.16 2.1 17.5 43.28 13.7 14.85 4.1 9.81 6.0 37.70 7.15 Axis X-X Area.0 37.6 14.0 66.349 0.56 8.2 19.174 0. t in.58 8.349 22.88 14.6 49.116 31.73 HSS7x3x'/2 x3/a x 5h6 X'/4 x 3h6 xl/a 0.61 3.61 2.53 HSS7x4x'l2 x3/a x5h6 X'/4 x 3h6 xl/a 0.00 5.65 in.73 8.18 5.33 5.291 0.88 5.3 50.1 12.60 8.0 31.9 25.1 21.58 0.8 16.3 13. 2.8 13. 4 5 3 6.8 11.30 19.6 24.8 12.349 0.12 5.8 36.54 9.7 in.77 3.87 7.88 6.49 2.24 Note: For compactness criteria.88 10.74 7.19 5.15 7.465 0.16 2.35 7.4 15.31 2.58 6.7 34.41 23.67 4.26 4.1 17.9 19.19 17.1-82 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1 Table 1-11 (continued) 1 1 x -t- Rectangular HSS x 1 Dimensions and Properties 1 ~ Shape HSS8x2x'l/a x 5h6 X'/4 x'lh6 xl/a Design Nominal Wall Wt.291 0.46 10.43 5.90 14.06 15.233 0.1 10.25 2.2 57.7 41.1 27.65 3.116 35.71 24.1 27.52 6. 3 13.174 0.53 2.6 9.9 10.58 11.75 11.1 12.9 24.5 25.46 2.3 40.38 2.75 11.2 13.42 2.5 25.23 3.73 2.71 24.81 6.0 37.2 19.5 11.49 3.28 13.60 7.49 14.2 57.7 41.1 9.5 30.1 13.291 19.8 8.65 2.174 0.7 40.1 29.87 5.4 9.22 7. refer ta the end of Table 1-12.84 2.72 6.0 38.28 2.7 19.0 12.31 9.465 0.116 13.5 23.00 8.2 18. Iblft 0.31 2.81 4. .53 2.06 0.62 2.50 2.3 10.8 15.27 2.1 17.27 2.56 2.93 2.3 17. 9.465 0.0 35.85 4.14 4.95 2.7 11.30 3.233 15.40 2.3 14.85 21.4 11.50 2.59 18.63 2.3 14.46 7.54 7.5 15.174 0.3 9.174 11.56 2.2 18.2 17.73 3.2 7.58 8.25 6.1 27.62 5.2 57.59 2.63 2.52 2.26 4.1 33.233 0.30 22.26 9.349 0.32 18.349 0.30 3.4 13.9 9.233 0.28 2.9 27.6 22.1 5.2 27.48 2.22 2.8 11.85 9.49 15.9 12.18 5.85 8.3 60.8 15.68 21.2 57.2 20.13 HSS6x5x'l2 x'l/a x 5h6 Xl/4 x 3h6 xl/a 0.2 33.116 31.174 0.116 8.35 2.44 4.99 14.2 22.19 HSS7x5x'l2 x3/a x 5h6 X'/4 x 3h6 xl/a 0.3 19.85 21.34 17.57 2.11 27.116 28. 81 5.21 1.20 43/4 55116 55/a 57/a 63116 67116 23/4 35116 3% 37/a 43116 47116 75.78 1.68 6. 3 4. 0.871 3.48 5.03 10.92 1.24 1.7 15.8 9.3 25.45 1.64 1.40 3.6 10.95 1.58 2.5 27.1 42.6 12.75 1.0 18.65 4.48 1.76 6.2 8.58 1.38 2.60 1.94 2.73 4314 55116 55/a 57/a 6'/a 67116 43/4 28. - - 1.50 2.80 HSS6x5x1J2 x 3/a x5116 X1J4 x3116 x'/a 30.91 - 50.2 11.52 4. 3 3.02 2.58 2.6 10.5 21.70 1.2 12.24 3.8 25.9 9.4 8.5 8.90 in.60 1.2 10.77 1.73 1.66 1.61 1.95 6.8 10.95 3.70 1.1 10.32 3.92 1.4 3.98 2.97 HSS7x4x'l2 x 3/a x 5h6 x'/4 x 3h6 x1Ja 20.44 ft2/ft - in.30 in.10 1.94 2.57 6.46 6.10 1.9 32.2 8.39 1.3 10.35 4.80 5.43 1.52 0.4 29.63 23.3 18.72 6.4 11.95 6.58 6.2 8.58 1.35 4.80 HSS7x3x1J2 x 3/a xSl16 x 1/4 x3116 x1Ja 10.3 15.53 1.71 6.66 1.63 HSS7x5x1J2 x 3/a x5116 x'/4 x3116 x 1/a 35.83 7.03 15.72 in.20 1.60 5.00 1.7 14.87 1.05 5.07 17.5 13.9 17.57 5.60 1. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.47 12.2 21.75 1.52 2.39 1.7 9.99 2.68 7.38 5.38 2.63 1.07 1.2 8.4 7.48 15.5 22.79 1.70 1.8 60.36 7.853 0.95 1.827 0.9 20.14 1.62 1.90 1.2 55116 55/a 57/a 63116 67116 57/a 63116 67116 33/4 45116 45/a 47/a 53116 57116 25116 2% 27/a 3'/a 37116 - - 23116 27116 - 23/4 3Sl16 35/a 37/a 43116 47116 59.73 3.73 3.73 1.1 16. INC.7 10.16 4. .62 1.06 3.4 18.57 1.78 1.3 15.19 1.2 26.8 11.71 7.1 41.7 17.51 1.63 7.67 3.84 4.02 3.77 1.8 14.69 4.4 12.43 2.845 0.01 2.93 1.3 16.6 52.02 2.91 7.DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1-83 D Table 1-11 (continued) Rectangular HSS Dimensions and Properties HSS8-HSS6 Axis v-v Shape HSS8x2x3/a x5116 x1J4 x3116 x1Ja Workable Flat 1 5 r Z in.8 9.53 1.2 15.819 0.6 23.4 34.26 1.47 5.74 6.83 7.07 6.879 in.6 14.65 7.6 21.8 48.0 7.5 8.57 1.87 1.5 41.6 11.58 1.61 4.69 12.94 2.802 0.0 35.2 12.6 29.39 1.51 5.72 in.9 9.0 11.97 1. 3 8.777 0.05 2.0 -Flat depth or width is too smaU to establish a workable fiat.06 3.73 4.9 22.29 8.53 6.3 13.0 12.33 5.3 22. 65116 65/a 67/a 73116 77116 Torsion Depth Width J C Surface Area in.3 18.91 1.63 HSS7x2x 1/4 x3116 x1Ja 2.1 10. 43 8.6 22.45 4.9 7.93 13.46 10.49 14.88 10.59 3.174 0.233 0.18 5.60 8.60 7.58 1. t in.90 19.93 1.4 11.34 6.88 6.2 18.78 4.8 13.2 17. A bit hlt 1 5 r Z in.65 5.45 5.291 19.30 0.61 7.30 0.60 4.8 31. INC.5 25.05 3. Thickness. lb/ft 0.50 0.97 2.233 0.349 0.88 14.6 11.9 16.8 20.7 26.70 7.46 10.70 7.5 7.465 0.47 1.57 5.22 2.8 J1.2 22.26 in.06 0.349 0.29 3.1 12.1 16.7 14.6 22.0 31.37 2.75 1.50 17.11 4.53 6. .8 31.90 14.66 4.5 9.7 17.465 28.75 16.2 22.174 0.85 8.17 2.233 0.49 2.116 8.465 0.7 8.291 0.9 9.58 0.5 25.17 6.14 2.30 6.60 7.349 22.68 3.8 22.93 Note: For compactness criteria.71 5.88 14.49 7.2 14.42 5.84 2.349 0.7 14.4 34.23 5.96 7.5 7.78 1.26 4.291 0.116 17.69 5.95 5.41 1.4 0.42 8.81 in. 2 7.116 24.75 1.43 8.10 2.95 5.00 3.48 4.96 5.37 3.18 9.7 40.03 6.30 6.81 1.93 6.1 15.53 6.41 2.30 3.18 9.97 1.93 10.60 8.9 10.43 6.31 9.116 24.116 21.2 17.9 8.02 4.7 40.1 17.00 5.37 2.2 18.56 in.77 3. 2.78 4. 3 14.20 14.3 24.58 3.291 0.3 8.58 1.68 3.5 48.87 5.90 19.14 1.174 11.43 6.15 Axis X-X Area.17 12.45 5.73 3.82 1.46 3.95 5.57 6.31 9.3 9.98 0.38 4.03 4.90 14.97 2.0 13.10 3.75 16.6 10.7 20.349 0.233 0.84 2.2 20.83 7.21 2.93 2.9 15.1 9.4 9.84 1.14 2.20 14.58 8.174 0.47 3. AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of STEEL CONSTRUCTION.87 0.28 2.465 0.05 7.233 15.75 11.89 1.5 48.04 2.01 2.19 5.1 10.80 12.79 6.5 48.32 5.84 4.08 2.93 13.23 2.3 13.87 1.27 6.3 14.95 7.90 8.20 2. reler to the end of Table 1-12.10 3.07 2.19 0.6 7.48 4.0 31.88 10.45 6.6 22.1 21.3 14.2 17.42 5.80 12.7 in.77 2.291 0.65 1.93 2.1-84 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1 Table 1-11 (continued) 1 1 I-t1 x Rectangular HSS x 1 Dimensions and Properties 1 y Shape HSS6x4x'l2 x3/a x 5h6 X'/4 X3/16 xl/a HSS6x3x'l2 x3/a x 5h6 X 1/4 x 3h6 xl/a HSS6x2x318 x 5h6 X 1/4 x 3h6 xl/a HSS5x4x'/2 x3/a X5/16 X1/4 x 3h6 x'/a HSS5x3x'/2 x3/a x 5h6 X'/4 x 3h6 X'/8 Design Nominal Wall Wt.90 1.75 11.0 28.4 10.4 14.49 5.3 11.35 4.2 17.174 0.72 1.2 20. 4 17.32 6.810 0.41 4.73 3.28 1.46 3.03 5.46 45116 45/8 47/8 53116 57116 HSS5x4x l 12 X3/8 x5116 X'/4 x3116 X'/8 14.46 7.73 3.25 6. 25116 25/8 27/8 33116 37116 - - - 23116 27116 -FIai deplh or widlh is 100 small 10 establish a worllable fiat.96 2.45 1.0 8.38 3.89 7.57 1.37 1.57 1.6 in.45 5.62 9.57 1.42 7.48 6.60 4.1 7.28 1.66 14.62 1.54 1.10 4.17 1.34 3.3 8.15 in.27 7.09 1.39 1.78 4.07 2. 1.16 3.12 1.53 1.7 10.1 9.24 3.80 3.75 4.21 1.81 3.25 1.0 14.55 5.7 18.785 0.40 1.8 14.44 7.27 7.4 23. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.6 14.30 in.10 4.57 4.47 - 8.41 3.00 3.33 6.45 3.57 4.77 2.52 2.8 28.27 1.37 1.56 4.30 - 30.3 11.18 6.1 7.21 2.1-85 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES D Table 1-11 (continued) Rectangular HSS Dimensions and Properties HSS6-HSSS Axis y-y Shape Workable Flat r Z 1 S in.43 1.14 1.9 14. 1.07 1.80 1.74 2.35 7.68 2.9 13.35 5.1 19.7 10.43 1.61 1.31 2.19 1.50 1.25 5.2 12.58 4.23 1.55 1.71 3.22 1.17 1.40 33/4 45116 45/8 47/8 53116 57116 23116 27116 HSS6x2x 3/a x5116 X1f4 x3116 XI /8 2.6 18.2 11.42 1.6 11.73 3.40 1.01 23/4 35116 35/a 37/8 43116 47116 25116 2% 27/8 33116 37116 HSS5x3x l12 X3/8 x 5116 X'/4 x 3116 X'/8 7.47 6.64 6.20 1.2 10.48 5.58 1.48 3.70 4.27 4.21 1.19 1.9 13.63 1.67 5.91 7.836 0.02 10.77 2. 33/4 45116 45/8 47/8 53116 57116 X1f4 x 3116 XI /8 8.08 in.75 6.31 0.25 1.26 1.80 1.4 40.3 17.2 11.23 5.85 2.70 3.15 1.3 24.39 5.69 7.25 1.99 4.67 6.1 11.22 1.2 12.83 1.0 8.45 1.760 0.64 1.61 2.58 5.30 ft2/ft 23.58 1.27 1.57 1.66 in.10 5.9 12.861 3.77 2.9 21.67 5.60 1.30 5.47 17.03 2.43 6.3 8.46 in.46 1.23 1.28 6.73 12.3 8.52 1.0 9.74 5.1 8.94 7.79 4.60 1.1 8.63 .60 6.52 2.72 6.5 11.45 2.3 32.55 3.93 1.42 1.76 6. INC.3 16.07 23/4 35116 35/8 37/8 43116 47116 HSS6x4x'l2 X 3/8 x 511s X1f4 x 3116 X1f8 HSS6x3x1f2 X 3/8 x 5116 Torsion Depth Width J C Surface Area in.8 14. 5 6. Axis X-X Area.93 3.49 14.39 2.22 1.17 2.67 1.49 14.73 1.73 3.78 6.0 17.174 0.94 2.2 20.15 4.48 2.24 1.291 0.25 1.44 1.09 10.63 1.23 4.54 8.19 5.75 3.32 4.44 1.6 8.349 0.15 5.93 7.09 1.65 12.54 1.61 1.97 3.81 1.84 3.174 0.65 7.20 2.87 5.09 2.60 5.7 40.2 8.74 2.7 14.94 2.16 5.2 11.35 8.66 2.233 0.34 Iblft HSS5x21J2X1/4 x3ha x1fa in.291 0.0 31.174 0.27 2.25 1.93 6.59 3.39 1.59 7. 3 .7 14.40 7.7 40.83 1.9 8.174 0.174 0.65 2.233 0.46 10.77 1.09 10.116 14.80 2.28 1.66 2.59 1.94 2.14 2.60 1.14 in.88 14.44 1.67 1.65 4.87 4.73 1:1.76 3.97 3.34 3.54 HSS4x3x3/s xShs X1J4 x3ha x1Js 0.5 25.43 2.31 3.16 5.03 12.1 10.23 2.1 27.48 3.38 1.59 7.07 2.60 7.91 2.14 3.291 0. A bit t hlt 1 4 2 S r Z 18.174 0.45 1.80 in.32 2.02 in.83 3.71 1.46 10.41 1.2 20.2 12.5 7.60 9.1 27.349 0.48 8.233 0.116 14.36 1.73 11.74 3.13 4.60 HSS4x2112x3/s xSha X1f4 x3ha x1fs 0.60 4.52 2.37 2.23 1.09 3. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.29 1. 0.67 2.87 5.72 2.15 5.4 18.2 4.37 11.32 1. refer to the end of Table 1-12.20 1.2 20.13 5.78 6.18 1.03 9.58 8.00 2.88 0.08 6.116 11.7 14.73 11.52 3.233 0.51 3.67 10. 3 4.34 1.76 1.63 7.39 1.30 4.07 2.4 18.57 3.30 3.73 3.50 4.79 6.28 1.15 1.4 18.90 1.11 13.79 2.41 1.87 4.291 0.74 3.89 1.23 2.5 25.33 8.0 31.01 2.1-86 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES y Table 1-11 (continued) 1 1 x f-t1 Rectangular HSS x 1 Dimensions and Properties 1 ~ Shape Design Wall Thick- ReSS.06 1.74 5.116 12.27 3.42 1.47 1.174 0.17 3.54 HSS31J2X2x'/4 x 3he x'/s 0.75 4.58 8. 9.49 3.1 in.4 9.30 2.49 1.71 5. 3.89 1.76 1.24 1.65 12.67 10. 3.291 0.35 1.58 8.51 5.34 in.2 18. 1.81 3.09 3.54 5.56 2.6 HSS5x2x3/s xSha X1f4 x3ha x1fs 0.14 6. Nominal Wt.47 4.6 7.5 5.65 2.2 22.48 8.43 3.39 2.116 7.42 4.2 3.38 3.36 1.349 0.91 2.116 12.3 14.46 10.54 8.17 1.31 9.0 31.32 1.38 2.75 3.89 1.79 3. INC.09 3.66 HSS3'l2x21J2x3/s xShe X'/4 x 3he x'/s 0.77 6.23 2.37 4.05 4.86 1.0 17.349 0.233 0.18 1.349 0.233 0.51 5.21 1.233 0.49 1.52 5.116 HSS4x2x3/s x5ha X1/4 x 3he x'/s Note: For compactness criteria.52 2.70 1.49 14.12 4. 956 0.43 J.03 3. AMERICAN INSTITlITE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.898 0.13 7.33 2.729 0.17 4.967 6.51 1.36 HSS4x2x3/8 1.16 1.49 2.22 .78 2.61 2.67 1.78 1.84 1.88 3.6 9.20 4.28 2.82 3.33 1. Z HSS5x21f2X'/4 x 3116 x'/a in.795 0.06 1.898 1.95 5.31 2.75 3. 3 2.19 0.20 4.89 2.34 3.26 4.21 4.933 0.13 10.67 3.922 0.82 1.18 1.08 2.03 1.48 1.10 2.13 1.52 3.912 23/a 21'116 2'5116 - Shape x5116 X1f4 x3116 x'/a HSS3'l2x21f2X3/a x 5116 X'/4 x3116 x1fa HSS31f2x2x'/4 x 3116 x1fa Torsion Depth Width - in.900 0. 4 3.59 3.22 0.75 1.23 1.07 1.65 1.10 0.67 1.95 2. 3 4.999 1.16 5.26 4.12 1.09 1.75 4.57 6.83 2.15 2.78 4. - J in.64 2.46 1.1-87 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES D Table 1-11 (continued) Rectangular HSS Dimensions and Properties HSS5-HSS31f2 Axis y-y Workable Flat 1 5 .40 3.22 21fa 23/a 2"116 2'5116 - 1.983 1.96 6.10 1.02 25116 25/8 27/8 33116 37116 25116 2% 27/8 3'/8 37116 25116 25/a 27/8 33116 37116 2.48 1. 3 2.46 1.10 1.77 2.30 1.32 2.87 0.06 0.77 5.05 2.12 2.28 2.917 0.804 0.08 0.13 2.40 2.10 1.57 4. 0.41 1.89 2.797 0.85 2.93 3.983 1.88 2.10 1.16 1.792 0.02 1.59 3.02 2.53 1.47 0.57 2.84 1.20 1.07 1.19 1.933 0.79 1.08 1.27 3.950 0.40 - - C - - - - - - - -Flat depth or width is too small to establish a workable fiat.08 1.99 3.69 3.17 2.43 1.24 35116 35/8 37/8 43116 47116 - HSS4x3x3/a x5116 X'/4 x 3116 X'/8 5.55 1.67 4.10 1.82 2.830 2.818 1.779 0.20 1.850 0.99 5.08 0.16 2.74 2.18 3.54 2.01 2.51 1.93 1.70 ft2/ft 6.05 4.93 6.883 - - - - Surface Area in.59 5.999 1.27 0.867 0.13 1.69 0.30 1.05 2.917 0.03 3.900 0.61 5.72 1.64 in.823 0.52 2.91 3.08 1.754 0.12 1.53 4.59 3.03 1.11 1.950 0.904 0.80 1.748 0.20 2.930 0.46 in.947 0.83 4. 1.22 0.973 0.16 2.02 1.67 1. 37/a 43116 47116 HSS5x2x3/8 x5116 X1f4 x 3116 X1f8 2.967 3.766 0.53 2.32 4.73 - HSS4x2'l2x3fB x5116 X1f4 x 3116 X1f8 3.04 3.772 0.03 1.08 2.848 2.41 7.4 7.54 2.14 0.59 1.80 1.01 4.81 3.23 5. INe.02 1.21 2.00 1.38 6.58 1.795 1.05 in.82 in.51 1.50 2. 9 1.233 0.796 0.42 1.724 2.05 1.646 0.93 12.44 5.07 0.892 1.37 1.67 2.0 17.532 HSS21f4x2x3ha xl/a 0.728 0.915 0.671 HSS21f2X1 x 3ha xl/a 0. 1.822 0.1-88 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES y Table 1-11 (continued) 1 1 x 1 r-t- Rectangular HSS x 1 Dimensions and Properties 1 ï Y Shape HSS3 l/2X11!2X l/4 x 3ha xl/a Design Nominal Wall Wt.92 2.2 22.291 0.55 2.07 3.280 0.97 1.23 4.19 0.713 0.10 2.679 0.16 1.174 0. .93 16.116 4.12 0.19 0.28 0.31 9.11 1.233 0.503 0.64 2.95 3.47 1.47 1.517 0.174 0.37 0.9 2.882 0.350 0.03 0.706 0.04 1.63 3.174 0.898 8.23 HSS3x2x5ha X l/4 x 3ha xl/a 0.174 5.62 1.6 7.819 0.62 9.956 3.646 0.75 5.668 0.6 1.174 0.834 0.480 0.2 7.174 0.73 11.73 1.233 0.2 7.809 HSS21I2x1 l/2Xl/4 x 3ha x1fa 0.88 14.07 3.97 1.934 1. t in.366 .952 0.667 0.291 0.46 1.4 18.840 2.764 0.02 0.72 1.21 HSS3x2 l12x5ha X l/4 x 3ha xl/a 0.62 11.04 1.57 1.23 4.60 1.280 0.59 0.83 1.95 3.44 5.817 0.840 3.59 1.94 1. 3 in.06 0.77 1.41 7.35 1.19 0.116 9.31 3.233 7.59 3.475 HSS2x1x 3ha xl/a 0.12 0.75 5.608 2.693 HSS2x1 l/2X3/16 xl/a 0.08 1.47 7.59 7.62 9.15 1.845 0.12 1.116 5.49 14.545 0.74 1.826 0.874 0.73 11.38 4.639 0.6 1.9 1.174 0.896 in.2 0.07 1.947 0.48 1.06 HSS3x1 ll2x1f4 x 3ha xl/a 0.30 1. Thickness.724 5.42 1.11 1.6 0.93 9.68 1.62 8.33 1.2 2.38 2.03 1. Note: For compactness criteria.2 1 5 r Z in.08 0.174 0. A bit h/t in.895 HSS3x1x3ha x1fa l HSS2 l2x2x l/4 x 3ha xl/a 0.93 6.88 14.116 6.41 1.987 0.58 8.93 7.49 14.174 0.87 5.116 3.116 3.13 1.4 0. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. refer to the end of Table 1-12.383 0.01 1.49 14.02 1.74 1.574 0.174 0.982 1.9 2.11 1.51 1.62 9.04 1.31 9. INC.90 Axis x-x Area.54 1.2 22.116 6.19 5.18 0.17 1.2 22.62 1.05 1.956 5. lb/ft 0.54 1.14 2.403 0.88 14.08 5.233 0.174 0.116 3.860 0.12 0.4 18.116 3.867 1.233 0.904 0.49 14.945 0.73 11.1 27.11 0. 3 1.350 0.03 2.116 4.4 18.31 3.51 2.75 5.4 18.859 0.697 0.833 1.02 0.2 9.90 2.495 0.32 2.14 1. 4 in.67 2.728 0.26 1.643 0.2 0.71 1.49 14.06 1.93 8.23 4.535 0.51 1.848 0.58 8.57 2.21 1.713 0.894 0.495 0.2 22.44 5.98 1.37 0.62 14.383 0.21 0.116 8.705 0.24 0.62 9.54 1.989 0. 717 - 0.78 1.496 0.610 0.559 0.648 0.05 1.16 1.758 0.800 0.244 0.0922 0.18 1.05 0.10 1.546 0.173 0.483 0.548 0.25 0.325 23116 27116 HSS2112x2x1/4 x 3h6 X1/8 0.544 0.44 1.883 2.778 0.00 2.600 0.32 1.850 0.58 1.584 0.687 0. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.20 1.774 0.285 0.450 0.87 2.355 0.411 in.534 0.467 - -Flat depth or width is 100 small 10 eslablish a workable fiat.554 0.90 1.935 0.619 1.751 0.74 3.700 0.408 0.223 - - HSS3 1I2x11f2X1/4 x 3116 X1/8 HSS3x21J2x sh6 X1/4 x3h6 X1/8 xl/a HSS2xlx3116 X1/8 Torsion in.692 1.617 0.725 0.784 0.432 0.526 0.365 0.638 0.288 0.54 1.301 0.399 0.238 0.276 0.930 0.09 - - 23116 27h6 - - - - - - J - - C Surface Area in.300 0.34 3.572 0.3 Depth Width in.467 0.30 0.713 0.390 0.11 0.74 1.867 0.143 0.792 0.599 0.21 1.313 0.963 0.405 0.786 0.46 1.717 - 1.380 0.230 0.380 0.184 0.750 0.345 0.659 0.60 2.82 1.47 2.38 1.79 1.325 0.28 0.930 0.725 0.713 0.88 1.675 - 0.589 0. 3 1.550 0.23 1.322 0.389 - - 0.24 1.585 0.543 0.990 2.617 0.731 0.360 0.956 0.911 0.505 0.851 0.597 0.931 0.633 1. in.538 0.12 0.09 HSS3x2x sh6 X1J4 x 3116 X1/8 1.49 1.867 0.692 0.581 0.4 0.700 0.520 0.12 0.767 0.17 0.39 2.474 0.800 - 1.52 1.784 0.932 0.927 0. .24 1.534 0.664 0.785 1.93 1.822 0.803 23116 27116 - HSS3xl 1/2X 1/4 x3116 x1/s 0.27 0.683 0.3 0.399 0.752 0.683 0.747 0.374 0.115 0.13 3.08 ft2/ft 4.764 0.87 2.725 0.594 0.622 0. INC.569 0.90 1.932 0.59 0.52 2.886 0.51 1.59 1.908 0.599 0.390 0.274 - HSS21/4X2x3116 x1Ja 0.633 - 0. 23/8 211116 215116 in.449 0.27 1.412 0.636 0.833 0.521 0.55 1.694 - - - - HSS21J2X1 112x1/4 x3h6 x1Js 0.58 1.786 0.DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1-89 D Table 1-11 (continued) Rectangular HSS Dimensions and Properties HSS3V:rHSS2 Axis y-y Shape 5 1 Workable Flat r Z in.550 F/s 23116 27116 - HSS3xlx 3116 x1/s 0.138 0.417 0.04 - 1. - in.11 0.112 0.29 0. 4 1.639 - HSS2xl 1/2X 3116 xl/a 0.538 0.469 - - HSS2 1/2Xl X3/16 0.920 0.06 0.929 1.630 2.225 0.759 0.877 0.589 0.550 - 1.957 0.767 0.804 1. 1 21.0 HSS14x14x5/s X1J2 x3/s x 5116 0.1 18.5 14.8 54.2 18.4 38.233 0.5 47.34 2.62 10.37 6.0 10.11 48.9 24.5 31.61 31.6 9.60 24.7 22.53 2.58 151 124 95.06 4.5 25.2 19.49 5.61 13.53 4.174 76.291 in.10 3.1 897 743 577 490 128 106 82.5 304 256 202 172 141 108 60.87 3.581 0.0 81.3 21.465 0.inal Shape ness.8 31.54 3.1 26.15 17.5 57. 1370 1130 873 739 HSS16x16x5/s x'l2 x3/s x5116 in.92 2.92 8.5 216 16.1 21.79 25.40 29.17 5.9 24.7 54.9 21.2 13. INC.116 67.465 0.0 66.349 0.83 3.81 39.9 40.7 20.30 32.94 3.2 18.6 67.4 37.50 2.4 2. A bit 1 hlt in.37 3.3 lb/ft 127.3 2. 133116 2170 133/4 1770 145116 1350 145/s 1140 in.291 0.92 3.6 18.291 110.4 40.6 12.57 2.20 5.6 48.5 28.79 4.465 0.1 37.7 13.5 31.0 548 457 357 304 248 189 91.4 183 22.8 31.4 80.6 3.8 9.2 48.56 3.6 22.349 0.5 31.21 44.1 37.1 45.5 28.3 11.0 28.28 0.5 50.4 13.6 3.00 78.99 3.10 5.233 X3f16 0.3 14.76 4. 6.2 74.7 31.97 4.7 34.5 69.2 24.174 x 1/a 0.4 10. 0.291 0.8 145 27.1 27.31 HSS12x12x 5/a x1J2 x 3/a x5116 X1J4 x3116 0.04 3.00 89.233 0.349 0.3 43.45 65.57 4.63 35.6 69.8 51.5 25.44 5.0 66.581 0.7 22.291 0.3 43.6 79.0 36.6 47.24 57.62 58.2 4 5 Z Torsion C J in.50 4. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.79 19.7 21.55 5.5 66.40 3.1 24.19 22.581 0.90 3.25 .4 42.25 16.2 64.9 5.9 3.465 0.8 52.174 0.95 2.53 42.Area.03 6.25 6.93 3.9 54.0 in.76 14.5 4.174 HSS1 Ox1 Ox5/a x1J2 x 3/a x5116 X1J4 x3116 HSS9x9x5/a x'l2 x3/s x5116 x'/4 HSS8x8x5/a X1J2 x3/s x5116 X1J4 x3116 x'/a 0.6 102 48.7 31.2 40.1-90 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 0 fB- Table 1-12 Square HSS Dimensions and Properties .03 48.7 17.8 32.7 53116 53/4 65116 65/s 67/s 73116 77116 244 204 160 136 111 84.4 42.72 37.4 33.1 27.5 10.4 11.6 3.2 11.58 93.33 47.4 31.0 17.7 47.5 66. refer to the end of Table 1-12.5 18.581 0.15 3.2 58.8 52.90 2.5 15.97 59.9 124 35.5 113/16 1430 113/4 1170 125116 900 125/s 759 208 170 130 109 4.76 7.16 14.83 2.6 63116 63/4 75116 75/s 77/a 83116 87116 356 296 231 196 159 121 82.25 3.5 31.3 21.3 24.5 48.87 2.465 0. HSS16-HSsa Design Wall Nom.4 8.09 12.39 30.23 5.72 36.4 38.1 48.6 70.3 63.95 0.7 10.60 2.00 73.8 27.9 54.7 41.17 3.8 27.1 32.8 14.0 13.7 24.4 22.62 2.72 21.95 18.0 17.4 39.4 76.4 39.20 3. in.5 16.14 75.6 53.59 3.2 60.7 15.45 3.1 20.116 146 125 100 85.31 6.581 0.4 52.9 35.4 4 Surface Area 171 141 109 92.92 3.2 52.465 0.82 40.96 6.82 25.2 19.0 93116 93/4 105116 105/s 107/s 113/'6 885 728 561 474 384 290 151 123 94.8 14.4 34.62 55.05 29.7 64. t Wt.55 68.5 31.2 40.2 48.1 44.6 32.9 16. 5.1 8.2 27.82 3 Workable Flat in.8 73116 ]3/4 85116 85/a 87/a 93116 498 412 320 271 220 167 102 84. 3 r Note: For compactness criteria.7 78.13 3.233 0.51 3.80 3.73 4.0 13.8 8.7 37.5 29.4 25.7 74. Thlck.6 36.94 58.13 62.27 3.349 0.2 59.0 35.2 20.291 0.3 276 224 171 144 ft2/ft 24.349 0.4 17.7 15.1 45.8 44.82 109 89.68 4.349 0.18 3.86 3.62 4.581 0.4 37.58 2. 200 164 126 106 in.93 2.00 103.23 3. 96 8.9 20.2 48.1 27.58 6.1 13.1 15.10 35.0 42.1 10.47 Wall Shape D Table 1-12 (continued) 1 S r Z Note: For compactness criteria.3 9.174 0.8 Thick- Torsion Workable Flat J C in.174 0.03 6.7 18.0 56.349 0.63 18.62 1.3 10.8 HSS5x5x1h x3/s x5116 X1{4 x3116 x1{s 0.6 8.48 4.7 9.60 41.5 65.7 40.55 14.75 11.70 1.116 42.17 2.74 7.2 18.9 22.91 13.19 4.85 6.00 6.16 9.45 1.52 1.349 0.4 9.78 1.40 1.3 7.1 11.75 1.90 1.99 13.5 25.4 80.3 47.9 81.6 44.1 18.4 9.7 22.5 8.1 64.5 18.3 15.90 14.15 7.54 22.1 7.291 0.75 11.2 8.3 18.08 5. 3 33.0 13.53 1.75 16.2 57.92 14.1 46.36 7.4 158 133 105 89.18 5.1 31.30 22.11 2.77 2.8 6.1 21.85 11.95 1.42 1.67 3.5 56.349 0.28 2.2 17.17 4.174 0.28 2.73 1.30 2.54 7.7 17.5 25. 2.08 4.51 27.77 1. 4 93.3 9.30 3.30 .9 35.97 7.5 36.43 7.0 11.71 3.2 8.7 73.9 9.68 7.0 37.25 2.58 11.1 21.45 1.3 26. Surface Area 2.43 1.82 1.6 36.7 18.49 4.2 in.291 0.63 2.80 HSS6x6x 5/s x1h x3/s x5116 X1/4 x3116 x'/s 0.8 in.03 15.73 1.8 15.59 6.43 5.88 10.9 15.2 18.7 55.46 12.4 29.95 313116 41/8 43/8 411116 415116 49.17 2.2 17.116 24.05 12.27 6.7 12.3 13.58 1.72 1.03 1.291 0.6 9.68 9.75 2.89 4.30 19.8 11.2 25.6 28.77 3.5 14.53 1.2 11.8 8.4 15.03 3.35 8.116 50.233 0.1 21.97 10.27 2.15 HSS51/2x51{2X3/S x5116 X1f4 x3116 x1/s 0.1 22.96 1.9 13.01 2.9 21.9 15.72 2.9 35.00 5.62 6. INC.0 16.6 28.1 17.3 25.60 1.4 11.23 2.8 15.3 22. refer to the end of Table 1-12.174 0.83 1.44 6.2 8.7 40.3 18.80 10.92 33116 33/4 45116 45/s 47/s 53116 57116 94.93 1.0 ft2/ft 2. 43116 43/4 55116 55/s 57/s 63116 67116 in.31 2.68 7.39 23.28 13. HSS7-HSS4V2 Design NomArea.1 38.349 0.91 32.2 11.92 1.6 35. inal A bit ness.42 5.33 9.11 27.13 in.7 25.8 26.30 6.4 28.1 27.19 13.16 17.6 22.1 17.16 2.233 0.7 26.3 22.24 3.32 7.9 8.28 2.5 48.9 10.13 2.20 2.27 21{4 213116 31/8 33/8 311116 315116 31.465 0.93 2.6 16.39 17.80 26.82 1.3 39.41 23.98 2.233 0.0 21.85 4.3 in.0 12. AMERICAN INSTIlUfE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.2 19.88 5.7 7.61 5.9 20.6 22.116 24.5 11.89 12.1 HSS41{2X41/2x1{2 x3/s x5116 x'f4 x3116 x1{s 0.8 19.23 2.233 0.70 7.88 6.3 30.4 9.90 14.0 23. Wt.0 11.5 34.3 14.29 18.2 34.5 11. 2 h/t HSS7x7x5/s X1{2 x3/s x5116 X1{4 x3116 x1{s 0.16 7.61 1. lb/ft in.90 1.4 16.41 5.465 0.51 9.5 48.26 4.07 23/4 35116 35/s 37/s 43116 47116 44.95 5.7 14.57 1.465 0.33 9. t in.67 1.6 22.0 37.8 31.85 21.90 19.69 2.23 7.89 12.7 19.8 13.93 1.291 0.34 2.23 9.84 2.90 6.63 5.6 11.99 14.08 2.4 12.58 2.5 16.9 33.06 4.581 0.8 15.8 31.2 57.37 2.581 0.87 1.17 4.8 10.1 39.06 11.09 in.1-91 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES EB Square HSS Dimensions and Properties .87 1.05 12.9 12.6 44.4 45.00 6.4 8.116 28.68 9.3 14.5 16.63 2.291 0.37 1.233 0.0 18.75 1.1 18.6 55.1 27.174 0.3 28.78 10.465 0.79 6.349 0.6 8.8 9.3 16.0 24.7 23.02 6.68 3. 03 12.03 12.704 0.03 9.3 9.57 3.Area.0 17.35 1.817 0.5 in.806 1.14 0.2 14.58 7.80 6.59 4.69 3.79 2.40 0.52 1.66 1.18 9.59 7.09 3.65 12.617 0.90 5 3 J C in.58 0.3 12.35 1.880 0.5 HSS3lf2X3'hx3/B xS/16 X'/4 X3/16 x1fe 0.07 1.83 2.88 2.116 12.641 0.04 0.58 1.700 0.39 2.23 1.31 0.70 6.116 3.97 1.78 6.48 1.01 1. 5.967 3.66 6.956 16.747 0.04 XVB 0.10 3.93 9.47 1.90 3.1-92 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES D EB Table 1-12 (continued) Square HSS Dimensions and Properties HSS4-HSS2 Design Nom.74 2.02 2.84 5.233 0.174 0.30 .2 0.174 5.91 in.847 0.93 2lfB 23/B 211/1B 21S/16 3.30 5.67 2.486 0.2 20.56 5.2 9.116 14.7 14.55 1.84 4.96 1.947 - HSS21/4X2'/4X 1/4 0.61 2.796 1.60 1.51 5.92 0.60 7.01 0.291 0.47 0.29 1.30 1.291 0.57 0.08 0.03 2.71 3.77 5.60 8.89 8.88 14.37 4.3 11.233 0.73 11.78 4.233 6.90 2.933 0.13 5.69 4.747 0. in.52 2.50 2.05 0.11 1.52 2.998 1.45 3.07 5. 11.08 0.08 1.89 1.900 0.641 0.600 0.465 0.797 x1fB 0.349 0. Wt Wall Thick- Shape t 1 hlt in.90 3.908 0.94 2. 4 ft2/f1 - 21.20 2.78 3.35 1.93 0.78 12.25 1.88 1.30 2.965 1.65 10.291 0.31 9.48 8.97 1.800 1.54 1.38 1.5 15.25 1.86 1.35 0. 1.4 18. inal A bit ness.24 1.4 18.92 3.08 1.56 4.49 1.6 5.08 4.20 in.2 20.14 7. INC.05 2.835 1.755 - HSS4x4x1h HSS2'hx2lf2XS/16 X1/4 x3/16 X1/B Torsion Workable Flat r - HSS2x2x1/4 0.97 5.45 6.2 7.37 9.19 1.712 0.54 HSS3x3x3/B xS/16 X1f4 xS/16 X'/B 0.633 Z 5.82 1.34 2.17 3.10 1.28 x3/16 0.60 4.0 17.94 1.77 5. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.486 0.66 1.116 Ib/fl 21.233 5.46 10.06 1.32 0.25 2.35 6. 0.64 5.59 7.63 1.73 11.74 6.44 1.633 0.85 1.50 17.91 2.91 6.27 1.53 8.15 1.14 1.174 0.116 3.1 27.20 1.291 8.64 1.46 1.23 1.8 10.49 8.14 3.26 1.31 1.40 2.9 10.13 4.19 8.09 0.9 3.90 4.2 6.767 0.9 5.94 5.75 0.917 0.950 0.7 14.40 6.02 4.14 7.174 4.78 2.58 6.56 2S/1B 2S/B 27/B 33/16 37/16 7.799 0.683 0.863 0.39 5.46 10.21 4.41 1.88 14.584 .4 0.116 3.761 0.49 0.32 1.0 31.0 6.964 X3/16 0.0 17.40 in.Flat depth or width is too small to establish a workable fiat.349 0.65 1.840 14.31 1.174 4.37 2.0 31.30 1.2 4 X3/B xS/16 XV4 x3/16 XVB in.18 3.04 4.13 6.52 2.953 0.76 1.58 5.74 4.10 2.09 10.31 9. 3 in.03 9.20 14.937 0.1 27.233 7.349 0.233 0.48 1.750 0.49 11.60 8.49 5.2 22.46 1.2 9.6 1.2 22. - - 23/16 27/16 - - - - Surface Area 1.733 0.76 1.717 1.63 1.4 16.60 7.174 0.13 1.41 1.784 0.07 3.85 4.28 1.12 1. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.1-93 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Rectangular and Square HSS D D Compactness Criteria Compactness Criteria for Rectangular and Square HSS Nominal Wall Thickness 5/S '/2 3/s 5116 1/4 3116 1/s Compression Flexure Shear non-slender upto compact upto compact up to Cv =1. INC.0 up to Flange Width Flange Width WebWidth Web Depth 20 20 20 18 14 10 20 20 20 18 14 10 7 7 20 16 12 10 8 6 4 18 14 10 9 7 5 3112 Note: compactness criteria given for Fy = 46 ksi. . 39 4.38 3.9 f Iblft Shape exceeds compact Iimrt for flexure with Fy = 42 ksi.75 24.45 3.250 xO.2 37.250f 0.4 22.349 0.233 0.5 10.291 0.5 27.41 3.24 143 109 1970 1510 219 168 HSS16.000xO.68 3.4 11. 0.000xO.7 75.59 11.375 xO.5 78.2 53.8 42.2 1100 907 698 589 478 158 130 100 84.1 25.6 42.64 17.2 4.7 55.174 62.2 14.581 0.625 xO.407 0.79 4.581 0.64 3.5 27.1 24.58 10.465 0.9 49.000xO.2 68.7 20.7 838 685 606 526 443 359 105 85.4 38.0 57.83 4.1-94 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 0 Table 1-13 Round HSS Dimensions and Properties HSS20.3 HSS10. t Wl.9 34.3 in.375 xO.3 64.95 in.312f xO.349 104.349 93.06 7.75 4.500 xO.8 25.500 xO.500 xO.4 44. 2720 2080 5 J 4 in.233 89.6 32.375 xO.233 54.32 42.233 65.79 15.8 383 317 247 209 171 130 76.5 49.5 678 523 359 106 82.9 1680 1370 1210 1050 886 717 209 171 152 131 111 89.8 398 309 213 74.53 5.625 xO.3 32. 6.8 55.7 19.8 49.1 40.9 57.1 22. 2 1 r Z 136 104 in.65 36.66 19.9 38.43 3.16 27.64 52.20 6.750xO.72 49.16 54.0 28.0 3.000xO.6 63.1 4.250f 0.61 13.00 82. .47 51.41 9.06 7.3 41. Area.5 191 159 123 105 85.51 5.88 26.2 41.250 0.349 0.8 57.37 17.375 xO.0 41.00 28.7 24.35 4.5 19.6 70. A Torsion Olt in.9 17. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.5 71.8 65.7 HSS14.375f in.465 0.0 68.6 HSS10.36 72.000xO.4 42.49 5.7 34.349 0.8 5.85 72.465 0.9 17.85 4.7 339 262 180 53.4 28.500 xO.7 36.5 54.87 105 85.465 0.6 985 754 109 83.31 8.5 43.2 HSS12.465 0.0 28.1 30.87 62.1 48.1 60.291 0.312 xO.500 xO.500 xO.233 103.9 64.465 0.8 3. 1360 1040 HSS18.3 C 4 in.8 6.54 25.34 3.3 31.48 17.00oHSS10.0 12.349 0.438 xO.2 21.1 199 154 106 37.465 0.43 70.581 0.6 33.46 5.1 56.2 16.1 13.1 552 453 349 295 239 78.3 45.5 34.349 0.375f 0.7 51.8 38.09 28.4 36.750xO.0 85.72 5. 3 177 135 in.4 39. mc.5 28.4 39.1 54.188f 0.91 6.78 13.000 Shape Design NomWall inal Thickness.70 23.291 0.7 19.62 45.1 57.500 xO.1 34.7 44.67 21.8 46.375 xO.55 5.625 xO.250f 0. 3 272 208 HSS20.312 xO.2 65.58 138 112 99.15 19.8 15.1 30.2 50. 57 2.465 0.7 31.6 11.291 0.74 26.41 2.00 16.174 53.06 6.1 12.98 7.01 21.6 29.30 3.8 16.328 0.7 23.3 15.84 23.125' 0.349 0.4 34. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.1 54.7 HSS8.6 25.174 xO.6 119 100 77.8 37.465 0.2 40.4 239 199 156 136 108 82.3 38.1 9.875xO.59 7.59 18.9 18.59 19.1 10.8 16.3 in.55 2.3 23.9 15.5 24.34 in.50xO.38 5.7 28.97 2.349 0.7 23.0 40.88 8.8 34.4 11.0 15.4 46.42 10.2 12.85 2.4 37.188 34.16 6. 2 Torsion Olt 1 S r Z in.8 25.5 45. Area.9 14.465 xO.0 49.8 20.1 56.56 22.4 106 94.000xO.99 2.7 14.375 xO.7 26.625 0.291 0.188' 0.1 22.97 5.3 53.21 4.3 HSS7. .04 13.37 19.53 25.33 2.3 51.312 0.89 2.312 xO.06 25.02 4.9 47.53 2.85 22.465 xO.27 2.5 55.500 xO.5 24.2 36.4 20.375 0.1 14.349 xO.233 xO.625HSS6.7 43.375 xO.3 28.9 12. 3 29.500 0.55 7.305 29.6 14.2 31.38 6.349 xO.500 xO.1 41.581 xO.35 2.66 14.1 41.1 HSS7.5 in.174 HSS9.250 0.3 27.625xO.07 9.19 9.250 xO.96 4.6 10.2 32.1 21. 0.50 102 80.2 42.1 13.349 0.39 2.375 0.500 xO.71 13.51 15.8 24.116 34.7 31. A Iblft in.300 xO.1 27.28 3. t in.36 7.312 xO.4 9.250 0.5 38.233 0.7 HSS7.2 22.1 28.86 3.1 26.32 3.174 Shape exceeds compact limit for flexure with Fy = 42 ksi.2 43.8 19. 3.9 20.24 3.95 3.58 2.07 26.1-95 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 0 Table 1-13 (continued) Round HSS Dimensions and Properties Shape Nominal Wt.37 7.08 10.5 16.06 21.0 13.69 9.5 25.0 HSS9.174 37.95 2.9 12.312 xO.7 41.188 0.9 33.233 0.625xO.49 HSS6.8 68.93 2.43 19.32 14.1 24.45 14.0 25.4 281 219 186 152 115 in.322 0.7 8.35 2.0 75.13 4.6 15.465 0.9 50.5 29.4 8.32 2.89 17.233 0.3 7.9 17. INC.375 xO.349 0.31 18.0 23.81 96.17 2.5 39.0 15.0 J C 48.06 8.8 32.6 9. 3 58.25 2.7 76.8 43.500 0.81 5. 3 39.57 2.1 63.2 60.2 26.188 0.44 9.7 27.3 9.37 2.1 31.0 in.8 19.3 55.250 xO.51 7.8 12.6 28.11 6.62 14.49 2.8 12.0 17.87 18.56 7.58 7.1 19.9 15.250 xO.77 13.17 20.2 19.99 37.5 48.07 28.9 35.188f f Design Wall Thickness.9 57.59 23.9 69.4 65.875 0.4 53.8 22.6 33.14 16.8 70.29 6.6 12.3 2.291 xO.1 11.375 xO.233 xO.0 52.4 141 110 93.11 5.4 12.1 30.291 0.1 18.7 14.34 128 100 85.31 2.1 19.0 30.4 21.5 9.97 6.1 20.73 2.8 18.625xO.7 29.70 4.5 13.43 11. 1 25.7 43.5 17.60 7.500 xO.11 6.7 42.258 xO.85 2.19 1.55 18.9 36.64 13.5 19.4 19.78 10.57 7.5 21.69 5.8 13.9 11. 3 .9 23.2 10.02 2.250 xO.05 18.2 20.2 9.9 17.86 11.6 38.22 4.6 15.4 49.174 0. AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of STEEL CONSTRUCTION.28 2.45 5.7 7.59 3.51 3.75 5.563xO.5 9.188 xO.7 31.116 Iblft 32.58 8.9 12.2 20.96 7.73 20.250 xO.95 2.72 4.06 21.5 9.0 15.26 2.4 85.349 0.65 3.88 5.4 11.402 0.36 5.2 12.69 1.55 6.50 6.20 5.06 2. INC.86 6.0 20.27 6.68 7.77 7.240 0.79 1.00 2.7 24.0 22.05 3.233 0.1 9.0 44.349 0.18 2.349 0.30 in.12 3.1 20.25 14.5 10.5 17.0 28.9 38.3 19.79 in.5 14.22 3.65 1. 13.2 24.188 xO. 17.500 xO.3 11.12 15.94 8.7 10.71 1.1-96 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 0 Table 1-13 (continued) Round HSS Dimensions and Properties HSS6.28 10.0 6.92 8.280 xO.7 15.40 22.08 2.7 10.15 7.2 32.52 7.8 14.67 6.8 21.500 xO.2 52.9 15.OOO Nominal WI. HSS6.3 25.375 xO.6 in.02 62.116 29.04 12.291 0.30 3.46 5.349 0.51 6.1 7.5 51.125f in.69 4.80 14.88 5.3 17.0 37.44 5.73 9.56 6.280 xO.28 7.7 9.124 HSS5.0 18.55 4.60 25.1 17.2 9.54 3.62 5.78 7.06 20.9 24.24 2.260 0.188 xO.2 13.465 0.9 14.8 39.30 4.03 2.8 21.465 0.375 xO.174 0.7 17. 0.06 18.5 14.99 17. 4 42.125 Shape f Design Wall Thickness.5 18.116 24.91 4.8 11.88 1.64 8.53 2.31 3 Shape exceeds compact limit for flexure with Fy = 42 ksi.174 0.1 13.2 27.46 7.97 3.7 35.6 13.291 0.500 xO.4 19.24 4.7 0.80 7.08 27.22 5.8 34.8 16.0 58.54 15.258 xO.55 14.69 1.240 0.375 xO.61 1.69 9.291 0.84 5.465 0.6 14.77 34.63 10.08 3. t A Olt 1 S .15 4.20 2.349 0.3 8.80 5.5 28.85 HSS5.9 18.6 27.6 13.9 23.6 20.0 10.174 0. 2.20 4.67 1.83 1.04 2.70 5.2 16.4 12.79 5.79 4.6 23.375 xO.86 4. Torsion Z J C in.4 10.96 2.81 1.64 47.500xO.134 0.08 12.4 8.1 in.258 HSS5.2 34.000xO.8 22.1 57.250 xO.260 0.94 7. Area.5 28.7 25.2 7.0 11.233 0.0 10.82 0.01 2.95 6.625xO.1 26.12 1.12 12.312 xO.97 17.2 9.500 xO.8 9.9 23.49 2.188 xO.59 14.4 15.37 HSS6.4 38.233 0.4 27.74 28.09 6.6 13.05 2.69 in.09 1.625HSSS.1 9.9 76.10 4.8 15.4 23.02 6.240 26.92 12.375 xO.45 5.7 47.91 1.02 5.79 7.85 1.312 xO.84 8.125f 0.432 xO.14 12.0 29.67 48.3 17.68 3.97 11.00 7.312 xO.4 68.1 in.49 8.8 11.465 0.37 11.465 0.64 1.25 2.000xO.8 25.18 2.00 1.22 2. 0.250 xO.83 2.77 1.59 1.01 1.63 4.862 0.40 2.233 0.15 1.1-97 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTlES 0 Table 1-13 (continued) Round HSS Dimensions and Properties Nominal Wt.774 1.05 12.23 in.41 3.124 0.54 1.152 xO.40 3.01 0.68 in.33 HSS2.34 1.250 xO.66 3.83 2.9 15.996 1.27 0.70 1.116 HSS4.67 HSS3.2 25.000xO.7 14.116 6.41 5.20 3.92 2.84 2.31 3.58 7.63 1.41 0.59 2.250 xO.26 8.01 0.90 2.8 1.500xO.93 3.41 3.3 4.34 10.18 2.500xO.189 0.19 2.0 17.30 1.730 1.87 4.60 2.92 1.66 5.15 6.4 9.35 6.93 1.82 9.15 3.09 2.41 5.39 2.00 10.83 7. HSS4.965 3.82 2.220 0.3 6.68 4.2 3.233 0.8 in.23 12.25 3.188 xO.11 3.174 0.50 4.125 Design Wall Thickness.66 1.957 0.220 xO.45 2.976 1.4 21. t in.37 2.9 38.74 1.5 25.70 .53 4.61 2.66 10.01 3.93 2.52 1.07 1.75 11.88 2.1 30.70 1.47 1.93 2.2 16.67 1.279 0.01 12.61 7.21 1.237 xO.97 1.22 3.50 1.203 xO.226 xO.02 5.5 20. 1.81 3.51 2.67 1.18 1.00 2.174 0.45 1.77 2.73 1.000xO.18 0.2 19.844 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.216 xO.205 0.825 0.65 4.982 1.21 2.01 4.0 19. C .12 2.1 13.619 0.500 Torsion Area.116 7.141 0.174 0.2 18.5 15.20 0.02 2.6 1.125 0.46 HSS2.00 9.00 0.96 2.55 1.69 3.02 2.34 5.36 1.875xO.2 21.02 HSS3.84 2.87 9.50 4.16 1.04 4.500HSS2.313 0.667 0.85 in.37 1.38 6.0 12.4 18.01 1. INC.39 2.3 15.50 2.5 23.15 1.116 10.7 18.500xO.72 1.495 1.67 2.55 1.201 0.216 xO.17 1.66 4.291 0.203 xO.26 2.33 1.36 9.14 1.33 7.17 1.692 0.884 3.04 3.313 xO.806 0.02 0.14 1.53 9.250 xO.125 HSS4.91 4.03 5.10 2.89 2.291 0.16 1.18 3.11 1.188 xO.49 2.55 in.958 1.7 17.79 1.250 xO.54 1.55 4.5 5. A Olt 16.9 14.943 0.2 4.134 xO.660 2.188 xO.203 xO.375 xO.5 24.201 0.25 2.03 3.337 xO.66 1.67 5.42 13.313 xO.10 0.116 12.03 1.349 0.237 xO.50 4.27 1.188 xO.992 1.53 1.38 0.34 1.938 1.83 1.80 8.125 0.32 2.24 1.7 9.27 0.93 1.96 2.03 3.210 0.03 1.125 0.87 4.19 2.9 14.35 1.39 1.32 2.79 5.08 0.3 8.35 0.39 4.48 1.63 1.300 xO.32 1.31 3.0 34.9 17.68 4.48 1.34 2.52 1.34 1.869 10.69 5.43 6.990 Shape lb/ft 1 5 r Z J 0.188 xO.35 4.865 1.952 0.174 0.06 1.09 1.07 6.07 5.44 2.71 in.116 7.95 1.08 1.174 0.84 in.48 3.73 1.174 0.865 0.54 15.02 1.188 xO.44 1.6 11.91 4.12 1.233 0.55 1.76 2.34 1.233 0.1 7.06 6.30 0.125 0.17 1.3 24.01 8.9 1.189 0.189 0.4 19.09 1.54 3.58 1.65 3.37 4.46 1.220 0.233 0.69 7.21 2.4 20.88 1.89 7.82 1.03 0.16 0.941 0.78 8. 2.80 5.67 5.90 3.60 12.12 8. 1.305 0.617 0.00 0.68 5.140 Shape Area.625 r 5 Z J in.251 0.3 1.374 0.527 12.218 xO.174 0.184 0.6 16.174 0. 0.694 0.25 1. 0.116 HSS1.800 in.1 0.250 xO.501 0.520 0.613 0.145 xO.626 0.154 xO.375HSS1.528 0. 4 2 in.135 0.264 0.07 0.443 .188 xO.203 0. HSS2.44 2.586 0.8 0.39 1.375xO. t in.824 0.710 0.01 10.624 0.7 13.627 0.749 0.910 0.23 1.634 0.66 3.421 0.527 in.47 1.9 14.733 0.27 0.617 0. in.1-98 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 0 Table 1-13 (continued) Round HSS Dimensions and Properties HSS2.6 20.823 Iblft 1 3 3 C 4 0.791 0.28 0.845 0. A Torsion Olt 5.356 0.771 0.713 0.40 3.82 1.762 0. INC.766 0.120 HSS1.111 3.747 0.143 0.660xO.06 0.05 in.309 0.781 0.130 2.5 0.900xO.03 4.2 11.233 0.1 17.57 1.222 0. 1.65 1.444 AMERICAN INSllTUTE OP STEEL CONSTRUCTION.39 1.355 0.960 0. 0.53 1. 1.543 0.368 0.125 Design Wall Thickness.188 xO.293 0.20 1.943 0.660 Nominal Wt.72 2.887 in.592 10. 39 0.50 3.85 1.2 11.124 0.14 0.465 11.8 25.143 0.38 1.2 16.6 6.13 1.50 0.375 0.0190 53.8 15.166 0. Pipe 3 Std.7 5.349 13. in.88 4.201 2. Pipe 21/2 Std.0 15.01 0.309 0.64 0.130 0.465 15.0 23.12 4. Pipe 6 Std.365 0.875 0.14 3.696 0.8 4.460 0.00 3.178 0.6 18.222 0.07 2.0380 70.20 76.840 11.674 0.105 0.6 28.1 15.5 31.09 12.824 0.0671 0.8 8.1 11.) Pipe 12 Std.07 1.06 11.96 7.52 2.88 2.805 14.8 7.6 1.3 19.0 6.97 0.50 2.03 3.91 1.5 11.88 0.03 2.85 154 63.50 4.552 0.38 6.2 1.68 302 2.05 0.32 Extra Strong (x-Strong) 0.54 49.0430 0.436 0.23 7.1 18.32 1.237 0.70 1.6 14.53 4.9 20.02 4.45 0.2 38.22 0.50 5.300 27.322 0.226 0.40 0.25 52.6 8.109 Pipe 12 x-Strong Pipe 10 x-Strong Pipe 8 x-Strong Pipe 6 x-Strong Pipe 5 x-Strong Pipe 4 x-Strong Pipe 3'/2 x-Strong Pipe 3 x-Strong Pipe 2'/2 x-Strong Pipe 2 x-Strong Pipe 11/2 x-Slrong Pipe 11/4 x-Strong Pipe 1 x-Strong Pipe 3/4 x-Strong Pipe '/2X-Strong 65.27 1.0 0.241 4.56 0.0555 339 199 100 38.80 2. Pipe 31/2 Std.9 0.15 2.4 in.91 1.186 1.850 0.300 0.699 10.221 0.59 5.0 0.421 0.77 1.11 0.626 0.184 0.04 1.204 1.17 5.66 2.16 0. in.48 18.25 0.713 0.2 9.300 7.126 0.336 0.12 5.83 3.0 1.55 3.5 32.6 0.864 0.957 0.6 13. meter meter ness ness ln.543 0.4 23.854 5.392 0.65 0.63 5.337 0.4 23.7 9.166 0.143 1.38 3.6 10.6 7.38 1.4 28. Pipe 11/4 Std.88 28.393 0.147 Pipe 8 xx-Strong Pipe 6 xx-Strong Pipe 5 xx-Strong Pipe 4 xx-Strong Pipe 3 xx-Strong Pipe 21/2xx-Strong Pipe 2 xx-Strong 72.78 308 2.50 4.90 1.51 0.90 4.30 1.1 26.711 2.53 3.816 20.964 0.628 7. Pipe 4 Std.154 0.66 0. .85 39.8 10.00 2.6 1.32 1.5 54.6 8.253 0.101 0.432 0.528 0.27 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.03 2.410 0.72 1.83 4.1-99 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 0 Table 1-14 Pipe Dimensions and Properties PIPE Shape Nom.08 127 1.4 1.278 0.97 2.63 19.137 0.Thick.318 0.51 13.5 14.500 0.221 2.5 12.200 0.48 1.119 0.31 1.90 2.76 4.11 1.05 2.6 27.4 15.2 1 5 r J Z in.154 0.293 0.9 14.179 0.50 7.67 5.60 Olt Standard Weight (Std.549 0.34 6.05 0.17 6.06 3.349 5.3 in.66 1.63 3.410 0.0462 4.465 17. Pipe 5 Std.56 10.8 9.26 1.50 1.627 0.07 2. Pipe 10 Std.3 262 151 68.4 16.50 9.8 19.69 0.211 2.05 0.9 0.94 1.26 5. Pipe 1 Std.89 0.462 0.586 0.85 0.00 0.89 199 2.63 6.310 0.8 10.610 0.72 0.33 7. me.3 6.315 4.620 0.375 0.82 4.05 3.1 12.280 0.403 7.08 0.83 0.231 0.0 12.9 27.600 0.2 49.5 16.340 11.07 2.4 19.0 17.78 1.177 0.140 0.203 0.6 10.264 0.840 12.261 5.63 '1.98 6.0 10.0350 0.5 10.133 0.101 0.750 0.191 0.0 8.56 4.218 0.791 1.830 0.63 14.00 0.2 14.74 64.5 53.92 7.94 3.0860 0.66 1.0 7.0160 41.742 0.5 9.00 3.61 1. Pipe 11/2 Std.17 1.32 1.63 6.276 0.04 8.99 5.258 0.19 1.88 2.189 1.6 0.5 10.07 5.2 11.6 6.6 5.13 Double-Extra Strong (xx-Strong) 0.36 2.8 43.744 0.113 0.7 0.514 3.77 0.83 0.35 678 3.305 0.4 in.0388 4.9 1. in.37 0.827 0.257 2.95 136 2.230 36.2 37.68 1.03 0.58 5.0320 53.296 3.622 0.280 2.79 2.64 398 2.63 5.7 9.51 10.ThickWt. Pipe 8 Std.03 3.81 3.31 11.2 31.372 0.44 0.59 0.750 0.135 0.6 9.1 0.423 0.50 2. Pipe 2 Std.3 13. in.1 20.145 0. Pipe 1/2 Std.0818 0.89 2. Pipe 3/4 Std.81 0.27 0.4 1.0686 35.8 40.0942 0.Dimensions NDminal Design Wall Wall inal Outside Inside Area DiaDia.216 0.202 0.34 9.368 0.559 5.8 10.325 0.94 1.9 1.528 0.7 0.8 28.39 523 3. 49. Iblft in.14 7.90 2.05 4.500 0.75 7.39 29.28 0.771 1.63 5.930 3.500 0.600 0.154 0.6 12.47 2.952 2.546 0.0830 0.406 2.4 15.0700 0.56 4.6 1.0 28.88 2.3 7.6 20.7 36. 82 1.57 1.70 1.60 2.48 2.85 1.64 2.70 2.23 4.48 2.52 2.5 16.938 1.00 1.33 2.55 1.51 2.91 3.998 0.912 0.70 3.959 0.00 1.0 19.27 8.10 1.997 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.66 3.998 0.99 3. 3/8 3/4 0 3/8 3/4 3.76 2.31 3.87 0.78 2.47 3.89 3.52 2.58 3.54 3.58 1.50 2.63 3. 1.56 1.21 2.61 3.973 1.912 1.00 1.84 3.78 1.48 2.30 2.12 1.18 4.60 2.00 1.74 2.51 1.45 3.51 2.0 2.912 0.00 1.88 1.43 1.86 2.68 3.58 2.63 2.914 0.00 1.00 1.50 1.75 1.00 1.46 3.37 1.13 4.912 2.58 2.39 2.0 16.997 0.998 0.52 2.61 2.39 1.75 2.00 1.00 1.2 1.97 3.59 2.928 1.850 1.29 3.03 4.32 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.42 2.49 2.3 13.72 1.80 x5/a x 9h6 x'/2 x 7h6 22.0 19.938 1.00 1.00 1.86 0.00 1.00 1.87 0.34 3.56 2.08 1.15 4.74 1.45 2.08 1.912 2.79 1.850 2.0 10.50 3.72 3. refer ID the end of Table 1-7 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.59 1.54 2.31 3.81 1.58 2.42 1.959 0.998 1.49 2.00 1.6 23.74 2.2 13.39 3.00 1.61 1.57 3.912 0.46 2.6 12.38 1.55 2.59 2.84 2.66 3.61 3.00 1.72 2.43 3.998 0.86 3.850 1.73 1.00 2L8x8x1'/a x1 x7/a X3/4 x5/a x 9ha X1f2 2L8x6x1 x7/a X3/4 x5/a x 9h6 X1f2 x7h6 2L8x4x1 x7/a X3f4 X3/4 x5/a x 9ha x'/2 x7ha x3/a x 5ha lOO in.72 2.912 0.912 1.00 1.00 1.65 2.41 2.96 4.00 1.05 1.5 15.78 2.00 1.43 2.959 0.0 11.64 2.80 1. 1.55 3.00 0.34 2.00 0.00 0.77 1.60 3.40 3.00 1.50 2.69 1.75 3.94 3.00 1.49 2.00 1.00 0.6 17.86 0.70 2.10 1.43 2.1 19.81 1.41 2.82 lOO 1.03 1.79 1.63 3.75 1.840 2.83 3.00 Nole: For compaclness criteria.00 0.67 2.00 1.1 20.66 3.00 1.00 1.06 4.00 1.62 2.00 1.54 2.54 1.00 1.34 3.49 1.47 2.00 1.00 1.50 3.9 14.00 1.54 1.56 3.48 3.37 2.53 2.26 2.4 13.57 2.63 1.00 1.25 2.00 1.79 2.54 3.88 lOO 1.82 4.1 23.00 1.997 0.63 2.63 3.43 3.49 2.00 1.959 0.06 1.12 4. in.72 1.00 0.6 10.00 1.55 3.54 3.52 2.54 2.39 3.81 2.8 15.00 1.5 9.50 2.00 1.912 0.68 3.49 1.07 1.973 1. INC.840 1.43 2.65 2.31 2.91 3.6 30.62 2.00 1.00 1.45 2.00 1.00 1. S.959 0.48 2.998 0.63 3.32 3.00 1.56 2.997 0.55 2.41 3.5 10.00 .00 0.86 0.66 2.69 3.12 2L6x6x1 x7/a 22.52 3.21 4.75 2.50 2.30 3.59 2.36 3.31 3.60 1.83 3.86 3.44 3.68 3.55 2.77 3.81 2.2 26.57 3.00 0.00 1.09 2L7x4x3/4 x5/a x'/2 x7ha x3/a 15.56 3.997 0.84 2.65 1.42 1.00 1.57 3.84 1.998 1.32 2.965 0.68 1.85 3.00 1.43 3.49 26.79 1.00 0.76 2.49 2.00 1.965 0.61 3. in.81 3.28 3.00 1.34 3.959 0.00 0.36 3.997 0.46 1.26 3.00 1.00 1.79 2.45 1.75 1.42 3.914 1.30 3.62 3.38 1.00 0.48 1.3 12.00 1.912 0.44 3.58 2.56 2.58 3.1-100 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES y y T ~ -liw Table 1-15 Double Angles Properties y y SLBB LLBB Shape Area Axis y-y Radius of Gyration LLBB SLBB as LLBB Separation.00 1.00 1.56 1.52 3.41 3.67 2.44 1.44 2. s.57 3.59 3.35 2.00 0.00 0.2 0 33.47 2.11 1.72 2.4 17.67 3.76 7.45 3.08 4.00 1.85 lOO 1.00 0.7 Angles Angles in 5epaContact rated - as 'x Angles Angles 5epain Contact rated - 'x in.84 lOO 1.00 1.56 2.63 2. SLBB Separation.826 1.66 1.00 1.72 1.00 1.52 1.826 1.00 1.850 2.86 2.27 1.55 1.2 8.00 1.44 1.0 14.23 2.46 2.04 1.00 1.56 1.45 2.51 2.89 3.47 3.47 2.00 0.00 1.9 11. in.53 3.00 1.00 1.86 1. 852 0.831 0.00 0.918 4.838 0.639 0.30 4.42 x 7hB 3.582 4.29 1.923 0.75 0.851 0.926 0.863 0.56 2L8x6x1 x7/s 0.30 1.843 0.99 1.917 0.62 3.42 3.973 0.980 0.981 0.43 3.66 4.24 4.853 0.837 0.05 4.55 0.980 0.25 4.851 0.66 4.40 4.52 3.42 x3/s 3.42 x'l2 3.981 0.29 4.61 3.28 1.70 3.844 0.835 0.58 1.57 1.38 0.66 4.831 0.979 0.78 0.27 4.17 1.861 0.594 0.829 0.38 4.64 3.77 7.848 0.857 0.11 0.39 4.95 3.860 0.30 4.29 1.61 0.56 X 3/4 4.53 3.14 4.978 4.56 4.94 3.68 3.720 0.61 6.838 0.77 4.852 0.1 11.65 0.584 0.968 0.70 6.843 0.848 0.48 3.832 0.924 0.985 0.62 3.66 4.929 0.56 1.08 4.56 4.922 0.79 3.571 0.617 0.26 4.983 0.980 11.76 4.18 1.732 0.56 4.66 3.823 3.969 0.722 0.836 0.65 0.850 0.5 9.09 4.17 1.17 4.841 11.76 4.39 4.76 4.709 0.837 4.66 4.63 3.963 3.56 4. reler to the end 01 Table 1-7 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.840 0.09 3.56 1.731 0.728 0.91 2L7x4x3/4 x5/s x l l2 x7hs x3/s 2L6x6x1 x7/s 3/a Single Angle Properties 3/4 Area.710 0.621 0.618 0.840 0.834 0.62 3.728 2L8x4x1 x7/s 0.11 4.43 4.968 7.75 8.967 0.49 7.580 0.844 0.616 3. 4.69 8.829 0.42 3.99 3.99 8.41 3.64 3.853 0.848 0.90 x 7hB 3.84 3.03 4.632 0.63 4.61 3. 0.63 3.77 4.16 4.59 4.00 4.15 0.55 3.848 0.52 3.1 9.920 0.826 0.824 0.09 X1f2 4.624 0.843 0.573 0.15 4. Shape 3/a D '.608 0.16 0.56 4. H in.3 11.52 3.23 4.585 0.50 5.842 0.66 4.842 0.80 3.26 0.54 3.02 0.718 0.965 0.17 1.80 5.873 3.718 4.838 0.65 4.49 3.840 0.866 0.605 0.18 1. INC.846 0.55 3.984 0.590 0.32 4.52 0.37 4.77 4.26 4.09 x 7hB 4.53 3.53 3.49 0.77 5.561 0.742 0.75 4.16 4.1-101 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-15 (continued) l' Double Angles 2L8-2L6 Properties Flexural-Torsional Properties Long Legs vertical Short Legs Vertical Back to Back of Angles.835 0.829 0.31 4.831 4.52 3.635 0.629 3.836 0.982 0.42 4.62 3.62 3.846 0.51 3.27 4.42 x5/s 3.57 3.13 6.46 7.832 3.63 3.826 0.833 0.823 3.837 0.43 3.66 4. H '.19 1.577 0.47 3.564 0.983 0.52 3.856 0.919 0.42 X 3/4 3.56 D 3/4 H '.95 0.833 0.978 0.24 4.824 '.42 3.47 3.08 x9hs 4.98 3.66 4.18 1.42 3.827 0.836 0.38 3. 0.61 0.825 0.57 1.844 0.18 4.971 0.921 0.16 6.606 0.572 0.847 0.867 3.930 0.926 0.56 4.00 3.832 0.979 0.07 X 3/4 4.915 0.80 5.24 4.984 0.566 0.969 0.16 4.53 3.42 0.16 4.833 0.52 3.22 4.51 0.17 4.76 4.714 0.04 4.66 4.721 0.839 0.712 0.831 0.56 x5/s 4.562 0.8 15.53 3.967 0.841 0. A 'z H '.89 x 9hB 3.87 X 3/4 3.42 3.15 0.847 0.735 0.42 3.41 7.67 1.708 4.76 4.51 0.42 3.859 0.00 4.839 0.65 4.23 4.75 4.42 x 5hB 3.56 X'/2 4.94 3.62 3.849 0.919 0.725 0.77 4.844 0.611 0.28 1.824 4.964 0.99 4.42 3.844 0.49 5.913 4.07 4.928 0.981 0.981 0.42 3.826 0.922 13.24 0.839 0.79 8.17 1.58 1.833 0.51 3.55 3.835 0.924 0.605 3.52 3.66 3.966 3.729 0.84 1.980 0.933 0.15 4.924 0.562 0.739 0.843 0.52 3.970 0.0 9.75 '.92 3.15 4.845 0.44 0.831 0.56 x 9hB 4.52 3. .824 0.841 0.832 x1 x7/s 4.861 0.20 4.42 3.825 0.575 0.23 4.06 4. Back to Back of Angles.82 3.839 0.838 0.52 3.971 0.571 3.63 3.831 4.62 3.834 0.65 0.836 0. 2 in.53 3.16 4.28 4.561 3. in.56 4.630 0.62 3.56 4.857 0.719 0.86 3.844 0.39 4.18 4.30 1.45 5.91 3.829 0.1 13.980 0.826 0.841 3.916 0.66 4.88 x5/s 3. H 0.93 3. in.31 0.845 0.568 0.19 H Note: For compactness criteria.837 16.90 x'l2 3.17 4.42 x 9hB 3.969 0.42 0.835 0.849 0.14 4.5 9.07 x5/s 4.840 0.97 3.869 0.587 0.977 4.827 0.844 0.76 4.855 0.35 4.732 0.583 0.29 0.53 3.978 0. 2L8x8x1'/s 4.846 0. 35 2.73 4.52 1.987 1.49 1.00 3.43 1.00 1.00 1. s.55 1.973 0.08 2.92 3.824 0.99 9.44 in.914 1.00 1.90 1.11 1.11 3.94 2.00 0.76 1.00 1.00 1.54 2.94 2.00 1.912 0.42 2.58 1.38 1. in.88 5.912 1.50 1.81 3.00 1.804 1.90 2.13 1.37 1.61 1.83 1.912 1.58 8.00 0.30 6.85 8.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.16 2.00 1.46 1.33 2.77 2.51 1.00 1.50 2.00 0.22 2.00 1.17 1.88 1.00 1.07 1.58 1.22 1.08 3.45 2.838 0.50 2.38 2.983 0.00 1.03 2.74 2.91 2.912 0.10 1.52 1.62 2.38 1.96 2.998 1.24 1.06 3.00 1.00 1.16 2.53 1.00 1.00 1.6 9.00 1.00 1.00 0.804 1.983 0.826 0.11 1.82 2.19 2.974 0.88 2.61 1.00 1.51 6.00 2.00 1.00 1.35 1.52 1.09 1.26 2.01 6.44 1.826 1.00 0.55 1.92 1.59 1.826 1.15 1.00 0.1-102 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES y y T Table 1-15 (continued) ~ -JI'-' 1 Double Angles Properties y y SLBB LLBB Shape 2L6x4x7/B X3/4 x5fB x9h6 x 1/z x 7h6 x3fB x 5h6 2L6x31/zx 112 X3/B x 5h6 2L5x5x 7/B X3/4 X5/B x 1/z x 7h6 x3/B x 5h6 2L5x31/zX3/4 X5/B x1fz X3/B x 5h6 X1f4 2L5x3x1/z x 7h6 X3/B x 5h6 X1/4 Area Axis y-y Radius of Gyration LLBB Separation.13 1.89 2.00 1.60 1.0 11.34 2.55 1. 'x ---m.831 0.02 1. in.00 1.62 5. 1.22 6.44 7.03 3.54 1.13 2.35 2.00 1.96 2.00 0.77 1.36 2.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 1.30 2.59 1.50 1.00 0.20 2.00 1.33 2.52 1.92 0.912 0.44 2..32 1.64 1.27 1.73 2.78 1.93 1.20 2.48 1.09 2.984 0.00 0.07 2.00 1.54 1.37 1.00 1.72 2.00 1.973 0.86 2.39 1.00 1.23 2.86 1.57 2.00 1.79 1.62 1.894 1.78 2. 1.07 2.59 1.26 1. S.00 1.56 1.06 1.71 1.- m.00 1.00 0.00 1.94 'x Angles Angles Sepain Contact rated 1 .00 1. INC.32 2.64 2.60 1.36 2.52 2.55 1.53 1.00 1.80 2.983 0.75 1.02 1.35 2.39 2.00 1.56 1.00 1.74 2.58 1.41 2.28 2.49 1.46 2.912 0.00 1.88 1.93 0.00 1.89 1.8 9..53 1.30 2.983 0.39 2.00 1.68 1.32 11.846 0.998 0.39 2.41 2.65 1.826 O.56 2.32 2.86 1.08 1.21 2.50 1.00 1.49 1.34 2.00 1.06 2.57 2.50 1.53 1.48 1.16 1.40 1.2 0 16.66 1.00 1.05 SLBB LLBB O.31 1.62 1.14 1.59 2.25 2.00 1. Angles Angles in SepaContac rated 3/a 3/4 0 3/a 3/4 1.00 1.04 6.998 0.08 1.21 1.65 1.912 0.13 2.04 3.23 1.94 1.912 0.61 1. refer to the end of Table 1-7 AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of STEEL CONSTRUCTION.51 1. .00 16.998 0.30 2.76 2.19 2.06 2.00 1.00 1.11 2.998 1. 1.22 2.912 0.853 Note: For compactness criteria.35 1.91 1.82 2. SLBB separation.11 2.13 2.02 3.54 1.00 1.33 1.21 2.27 2.09 2.47 2.0 14.27 2.62 2.44 2.00 1.12 1.00 1.00 1.36 7.12 4.60 2.00 1.914 0.00 1.48 2.00 0.804 0.14 1.34 2.75 2.25 1.804 0.10 5.991 1.00 1.894 1.00 1.00 1.50 8.998 0.0 13.39 1.57 1.968 0.58 1.9 11.62 1.63 2.36 1.983 0.19 1.6 9.33 2.00 1.25 2.00 1.00 3.912 1.7 10.10 1.30 2.00 1.80 2.37 7.00 0.47 2.68 1.08 2.983 0.85 3.25 2. 693 0.95 2.866 0.861 0.856 0.81 2.965 3. A 3/4 '.694 0.05 3.959 0.624 0.04 3.684 0.700 0.02 0.667 0.826 0.673 0.19 3.44 2.07 0.950 0.50 2.77 0.962 0.22 3.736 0.59 0.65 3.94 5.944 0.870 0.854 0.847 2.659 0.05 3.85 2.851 0.678 0.56 2.942 0.966 2.848 0.959 0.935 2.45 2.07 3.864 0.945 0.65 2. 3.03 2 'z in.972 0.861 0.944 3.964 3.825 2.85 2.867 0.866 0.613 3.60 2.85 2.942 0.640 0.847 8.716 0.06 0.58 0. H 3.861 0. INe.82 4.57 2.767 2L5x5x7/a X3/4 x5/a X'/2 x7ha x3/a x5he 2.28 0.64 0.964 3.839 0.94 2.21 3.98 5.06 3.12 3.66 2.947 0.99 2.30 0.52 0.53 2.17 0.18 3.84 0.838 0.44 0.13 3.66 2.06 3.680 2.41 1.85 2.842 0.05 3.79 2.949 0.51 2.661 '.949 0. .85 2.961 0.66 2.23 3.05 3.33 3. refer to the end of Table 1-7 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.51 2.94 0.665 0.850 0. in..78 2.691 0. H 2.852 0.661 0.90 4. H '.700 0.80 0.625 3.688 0.31 3.31 2.949 0.81 2.09 3.86 5.630 3.52 2.828 0.966 0.626 0.705 0.05 3.835 0.948 0.638 2.845 0.990 2L5x3'/2X3/4 x5/a x'l2 x3/a x5he X'/4 2.682 0.00 3.952 0.61 3.84 2.698 0.19 3.94 0.956 0.54 2.45 2.98 2.851 0.969 4.14 0.66 0.964 3.674 '.51 0.04 0..954 0.84 0.664 0.676 0.31 3.986 0.845 0.957 0.710 0.763 xShs 2.825 2. 0.940 0.95 0.623 0.628 0.615 2.946 0.697 0.05 2.95 2.13 3.29 0.679 0.85 2.79 4.98 6.964 0.98 2.10 3.54 2.627 3.644 0.761 2L5x3x'l2 x7he x3/a x5he X'/4 2.961 2.31 4.941 5.937 0.940 0.05 3.06 3.758 0.96 2.86 2.859 0.00 0.84 2.642 0.49 2.07 0.85 2.59 2.717 0.967 3.51 2.31 0.952 0.51 2.67 0.714 2.57 2.68 2.81 2.965 0.07 0.850 0.846 0.953 0.642 0.830 0.755 0.933 0.969 0.04 0.699 0. Back to Back of Angles.69 2.945 0.22 3.95 0.13 0.683 0.59 2.830 0.80 2.641 3.20 3.642 3.06 3.94 2.58 2.32 3.835 0.1-103 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-15 (continued) Il Double Angles Properlies Flexural-Torsional Properties Long Legs Vertical Short Legs Vertical Back to Back of Angles.943 0.936 0.95 2.644 0.669 0.929 2.967 3.840 0.705 0.04 3.839 0.05 3.94 2.846 0.99 3.85 2.18 3.17 0.75 4.58 2.953 0.95 2. in.85 2.950 0.696 2.02 0.05 0.967 0.08 3.682 0.942 0.724 0.58 2.968 0.59 2.662 0.93 4.07 0.848 0.962 0.58 2.950 0.622 2.68 2.04 3.750 0.953 0.958 0.94 0.746 0.939 3.67 2.00 0.99 0.34 3.07 3.667 0.646 3.52 0.00 0.971 0.980 0.836 3.13 3.94 0.06 3.85 2.931 0.99 2.693 0.730 0.70 2.689 3/8 Single Angle Properties Area.86 2.94 2.857 0.949 0.94 2.840 0.96 2.55 0.89 0.646 0.96 2.85 2.836 3.37 3.957 2.857 0.35 3.718 0.744 0.856 0.12 3.13 3.83 2.56 2.838 0.13 3.46 0.938 0.73 2.711 0.52 2.94 2.943 0.646 0.06 3.975 0.688 0.678 0.02 6.612 3.828 0.06 3.51 2.75 3.948 7.652 Note: For compactness criteria.58 2.695 0.657 2.874 2L6x3V2XV2 2.07 3.97 2. H '.852 0.983 0.49 2.663 0.06 0 3/4 H 0.66 2. Shape 0 2L6x4x7/a X3/4 x5/a x9hs X'/2 x7ha x3/a x5hs 2L6-2L5 3/8 .946 0.66 2. H in.960 3.04 0.826 0.945 0. 3.56 2.71 2.06 3.52 0.07 3.856 0.15 0.756 x 3/a 2.842 0.46 2.963 0.649 0.66 2.58 2.962 3.04 3. 48 1.65 1.992 0.00 lOO 1.00 1.68 1.66 1.13 1.69 1.63 1.25 1.84 1.06 2.38 1.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.50 1. in.09 1.05 1.97 1.10 2.00 1.22 1.00 1.07 2.34 4.98 1.44 1.81 1.00 lOO 1.00 0.03 2.15 1.16 1.06 1.892 0.72 l49 l48 l47 1.00 1.88 1.81 1.20 1.997 0.11 1.00 1.07 1.965 1.50 1.60 1.22 l62 1.00 1.19 1.00 1.77 5.76 1.74 1.00 1.79 1.00 1.731 2L4x4x3/4 Angles Angles Angles Angles Sepain sepa· in '--Contact rated Contact rated 1 .960 0.997 0.69 1.41 1.52 1.35 1.05 1.85 1.17 1.78 2.25 1.00 0.71 1.90 0.00 1.908 2L31J2x2112x112 X3/B x5116 X1J4 5.73 1.93 1.85 1.716 0.997 0.24 1.09 1.51 4.61 1.00 1.99 1.98 4.89 1.00 1. s.00 1. ln.24 1.96 1.00 1. .13 2.00 1.9 9.00 1.98 6.85 1.00 0.87 1.00 1.00 1.845 0..60 1.83 2.00 1.72 l70 1.27 1.73 1.00 1.63 3.912 1.00 1.72 1.00 1.61 1.887 6.09 1.82 1.912 1.59 1.00 1.26 1.21 1.950 1.21 7.39 1.70 1.23 1.912 1. s.97 1. INC.23 1.48 1.00 1.00 1.44 1.723 0.76 1.00 1.00 1.73 1.76 1.44 1.00 1.50 3.66 1.83 1.93 1.900 0.701 0.66 1.58 2.07 1.41 1.61 5.00 1.00 1.87 1.998 1.78 1.07 1.20 1.94 1.965 1.00 1.03 2.23 1.47 1. LLBB Separation.04 1.46 1.00 1.63 1.04 5.67 1.00 1.25 2L4x3112x '12 x3/s x5116 X'/4 7.73 1.00 1.877 0.71 4.25 1.59 l58 l57 1.27 1.35 1.00 0.00 1.06 1.21 1.74 1.32 1.32 1.00 1.46 l44 1.53 4.00 1.00 1.65 1.00 1.965 1.00 1.00 1.51 1.00 1.09 6.78 1.01 5.997 0.90 2.00 1.998 1.37 1.68 1.28 1.79 1.00 1. in.53 5.00 0.51 1.00 1.05 1.00 1.09 lOO lOO lOO lOO lOO 1.08 1.21 1.77 1.00 1.59 1.00 1.67 1.00 1. in.00 1.873 0.10 lOO 1.80 3.49 1.78 2.94 1.00 0.24 1.1-104 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES y y T .72 1.69 1.18 1.11 1.12 1.69 1.29 1.73 1.07 2L4x3x5fs x'l2 X3/B x 5h6 X'/4 2L31/2x31I2x1J2 x7h6 X3/B x5116 X1/4 2L3112x3x1J2 x7h6 X3/B x5116 X1/4 7.71 1.18 1.57 1.42 1.23 1.00 1.93 1.00 1.53 1.00 1.77 1.40 1.55 1.965 1.997 0.08 1.68 1.04 1.00 1.00 1.33 1.43 1.00 4.997 0.00 0.25 3.998 1.66 1.49 1.858 0.81 1.91 1.81 1.79 1.00 1.965 0.76 1.00 0.23 1.19 1.00 1.85 1.00 1.00 1.84 1.06 1.88 1. 2 0 3/8 3/4 0 3/8 3/4 x5/s x112 x7116 x3/s x5116 X1/4 10.16 1.91 1.88 1.57 1.998 1.67 1.27 1.00 1.63 1.912 1. reter to the end ot Table 1-7 AMERICAN INSTlTUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.10 1.08 1.08 1.36 1.21 3.00 1.91 1.00 1.00 1.35 4.91 1. SLBB Separation.00 0.86 1.26 1.00 1.08 1.79 1.80 1.00 1.970 0.00 1.97 1.00 0.03 2.83 1.00 0.57 1.24 1.965 0.19 3.63 1.21 1.00 1.912 0.72 1.96 1.22 1. Table 1-15 (continued) ~ Double Angles -I~ Properties y y SLBB LLBB Shape Area Axis y-y Radius of Gyration LLBB SLBB as as 'x 'x ln.80 1.00 1.47 1.55 l54 l52 1.00 1.885 0.00 0.30 1.49 6.- Note: For compactness criteria.95 1.00 1.91 3.00 0.880 0.65 1.22 1.52 1.73 1.912 1.25 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.20 1.46 1.00 0. 80 0.910 2.751 2.39 2.99 0.38 2.94 0.03 2.09 1.48 0.790 2.38 2.85 0.892 2.99 0.28 2. 2L4x4x 3/4 x 5/B 0.924 2.92 0.730 2.51 2.810 0.905 1.851 5.944 2.868 0.814 1.20 2.49 2.829 0.777 0.859 0.861 0.:.28 X1J2 2.848 0.15 0.95 1.99 1.04 0.824 2.08 2.11 2.49 2.874 0.20 2.848 0.11 0.807 1.28 X'/4 2.532 0.861 0.10 1.76 2.28 2.750 0.883 1.93 1.732 0.32 2.679 0. H in.857 3.835 2.28 0.938 0.776 1.834 0.20 2. 1.895 2.19 0.832 0.742 1.87 0.736 0.75 x 5h6 1.790 2.:.02 2.21 2.09 X3/B 1.14 X1J4 2.16 2.06 0.92 1.854 0.894 3.50 2.85 0. INC.11 2.28 x 5h6 2.49 2.862 0.838 2.871 2.801 2.00 0.775 0.:.940 0.857 1.750 0.20 2.50 2.20 0.826 2.925 0.860 0.933 0.754 0.85 0.840 0.848 0.37 2.21 2.94 0.11 2.45 0.802 0.22 2.04 0.33 2.98 0.846 0.28 2.733 0.10 2.743 0.33 2.843 0.26 2. 2.13 0.11 2.618 x 7h6 1.628 2L3'l2x2112x'12 x 3/B 1.DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1-105 Table 1-15 (continued) Double Angles Il Properties 2L4-2L3V2 Flexural-Torsional Properties Long Legs Vertical Short Legs Vertical Back to Back of Angles.767 1.856 0.904 2.947 0.845 0.845 0.882 0.. Back 10 Back of Angles.778 0.818 1.85 0.49 2.938 0.19 0.848 0.819 0.899 0.874 0.829 0.76 0.813 0.854 0.09 2.841 0.94 0.847 0.37 0.880 1.88 0.915 2.50 2.23 2.32 0.19 2.10 x7116 1.10 0.83 1.945 0.856 0.832 0.829 0.99 0.20 2.18 0.893 0.854 0.832 2.14 2L4x3x5/8 X'/2 x 3/8 x 5h6 X'/4 2L31J2x3x'l2 2.14 x 5h6 2.843 0.939 0.933 0.28 2.901 2.51 2..780 1.09 x 5h6 1.58 0.07 2.39 2.832 0.08 0.854 0.794 2.48 0.20 2.838 2.688 .83 0.759 0.11 0.826 2.02 2.09 2.38 2.88 0.99 0.92 0.937 Note: For compactness criteria.847 0.949 0. in.926 0.846 0.541 .93 1.851 0.907 1.638 0.859 0.86 2.87 0..38 2.07 2.05 0.851 0.941 0.43 4.99 1.631 0.:.93 0.835 0.795 0.23 2.889 1.37 0.28 X3/B 2.721 0.09 2.93 1.09 2.779 0.25 2.94 0.695 0.883 2.773 0.75 1.99 0.838 2.30 2.693 1.20 2.826 0.38 2.915 3.25 1.936 0.99 1.11 0.05 0..75 3.904 0.79 1. in.28 2.92 1.698 0.716 0.683 0.633 0.824 2.98 0.869 0. 2.99 0..715 0.33 2.934 0.34 2.885 1.783 2L4x3'l2x'12 x 3/B 0.639 2L3'l2x3'l2x1J2 1.06 2.50 2.38 2.:.953 0.40 2.82 1.866 0.811 1.99 3.21 2.717 1.48 2.912 2.746 0.27 2.70 0.776 0.12 1.61 3.932 3.28 2.03 2 in.22 0.721 0. H .757 0.774 0.10 2.31 0.826 0.841 0.710 2.888 0.842 2.20 2.854 0. H '0 H .928 1.36 2.05 0.723 0.16 2.37 0.68 2.636 0.860 0.27 2.885 0.842 2.719 0.624 X1f4 1.69 0. 3/8 3/4 3/8 3/4 0 0 Shape Single Angle Properties Area.851 2.712 0.685 0.918 0.12 0.792 0.39 2.706 0.770 1.773 2.681 0.930 0.784 0.23 2.08 0.83 1.67 0.16 2.32 2.535 0.28 2.03 2.765 0.39 2.854 0.49 2.49 2.99 0.834 0.862 0.898 2.787 2.720 0.829 2.80 1.09 X'/4 1.39 2.781 0.822 1.896 0.773 1.88 0.930 0.05 0.620 x3fa 1.40 1.21 2.14 2.38 2. A 'z H .95 0.85 0.876 0.49 2.538 0.28 2.840 0.838 0.08 2.28 2.37 2.728 0.863 0.76 X1J4 1.48 2.774 0.02 0.21 2.797 2.83 1.28 x7h6 2.622 x5116 1.893 2.89 2.920 0.32 0.869 0.868 0.82 0.866 0.724 0.928 0.874 0.21 2.863 0.946 0.94 0. refer ta the end of Table 1-7 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCfION. H .99 1.99 0.26 0.807 2.81 1. 54 1.00 1.41 1.57 1.735 0.574 0.00 1.83 0.865 0.00 1.00 1. 1.00 1.00 1.23 1.00 1.943 0.19 1.00 0.00 1.1-106 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES y y T Table 1-15 (continued) 1 ~ -J~ Double Angles Properties y y SLBB LLBB Area Shape Axis y-y Radius of Gyration LLBB Separation.00 1.73 2.749 0.13 1.56 1.29 1.31 1.01 4.15 1.00 1.23 1.00 1.11 2.910 0.17 1.00 1.569 0.983 0.00 1.782 0.00 1.46 1.17 1.589 0.23 1.00 1.25 1.612 0.760 0.910 0.00 0.42 1.910 0.00 0.64 1.58 1.933 2L3x2112x112 x7hs x3/s xShs X 1/4 x3hs 5.926 0.42 1.903 0.764 0.983 0.00 1.982 0.00 1.54 1.917 0.00 1.18 1.998 1.44 0.09 1. s.739 0.00 1.43 1.967 0.731 0.982 0.831 0.- in.930 0.00 1.28 1.00 1.09 1.853 0.554 0.29 1.983 0.10 1.11 1.00 1.64 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1. 2 0 3/8 3/4 0 3/8 3/4 2L3x3x 12 x7hs x3/s xShs x114 x3hs 5.940 0.961 1.00 1.34 1.852 1.45 0.00 0.771 1.784 0.49 1.00 1.543 0.756 0.00 1.00 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.924 0.Contac1 rated f .42 1.72 1.89 1.00 1.912 0.00 1.26 1.38 1.41 1.591 0.50 2.967 0.00 1.07 1.17 1.00 1.947 1.801 1.834 1.991 0.00 1.998 0.04 1.16 1.912 1.00 0.00 1. LLBB SLBB as SLBB Separation.00 1.01 1.30 1.998 1.00 1.05 1.771 0..24 1.945 0.26 1.45 1.27 1.753 2L3x2x112 x3/s xShs X 1/4 x 3hs 4.00 0.38 1. 0.66 1.67 1.00 1.612 0.764 0.47 2.00 1.50 3.55 2.00 1.15 1.766 0.25 1.916 1.00 1.00 1.903 0.00 1.37 1.52 1.42 1.64 0.00 0.55 1.00 1.18 1.64 2. 1.03 1.00 1.96 2.411 0.80 1.36 1.52 1.00 0.749 0.00 0.591 0.24 1.45 1.03 1.33 1.581 0.10 0.25 2.43 1.03 1.87 2.00 1.953 0.10 1.790 1.22 3. S.14 1.918 0.15 1.00 0.00 1.418 2.51 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.32 1.52 1.895 0.44 1.00 1.55 1.842 0.00 1.00 1.40 1.31 1.00 0.11 1.21 1.620 in.815 0.01 0.37 1.951 1. INC.912 0.00 1.04 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.37 1.32 1.50 4.12 1.983 0.577 2L2112x2112x112 x 3/s x 5hs X 1/4 x 3hs 4.05 1.86 4.756 0.983 0.39 1.883 0.31 1.27 1.34 1.53 3.61 1.739 0.912 0.543 0.00 1.26 1.10 1.00 0.00 0.598 0.00 1.980 1.00 1.598 0.00 0.54 1..998 1.51 1.00 1.00 1.998 1.18 1.831 0.32 1.34 1.00 1.19 1.48 1.21 1.17 1.922 0.00 1.09 1.24 1.00 0.93 2.00 1.12 1.04 1.00 1..620 .842 0.38 1.25 1.00 1. in.00 1.29 1.562 0. as 'x 'x Angles Angles Angles Angles in Sepain SepaContact rated f .00 1.14 1.853 0.07 1.746 0.912 0.694 0.983 0.00 1.555 0.00 1.937 0.37 1.00 0.605 0.895 0.01 0.795 0.39 1.12 1.911 0.00 1.982 0.36 1.996 0.14 1.724 0.14 1.794 0.58 1.27 1.32 1.28 1.00 0.00 1.39 1.00 1.30 1.951 1.33 1.49 1.05 1.51 1.39 1.897 0.818 1.774 0.17 0.00 1.933 1.00 1.89 1.47 1.57 1.940 0.00 1.597 2L2'l2x1 1I2x114 x 3hs 1.18 1.07 1.27 1.679 0.57 1.00 1.39 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.69 1.35 1.918 0.00 1.58 1.00 1.718 0.932 0.64 2.605 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.818 in. refer to the end of Table 1-7 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.30 1.00 1.02 1.41 1.00 1.00 1.39 1.00 1.29 1.33 1.749 0.60 1.926 0.12 1.00 1.869 1.08 1.86 3.00 1.792 1.804 0.865 0.16 1.735 0.912 1 2L2x2x3/8 x 5hs X'/4 x 3hs x'/s 1.998 Note: For compactness criteria.771 2L2'l2x2x 3/s x 5hs x114 x 3hs 3. in.35 1.957 0.38 1.44 3.912 0.07 1.00 0.912 0.63 1.42 1.996 0.00 1. 627 1.835 1.324 2L2x2x 3/a 1.37 0.35 0.321 x 3h6 1.24 0.423 x3h6 1.85 0.845 0.24 0.09 0.42 1.36 0.897 1.51 0.839 0.67 1.386 X1f4 1.13 0.80 2L3x2'l2x112 Single Angle Properlies Short Legs Vertical 2 in.847 1.841 1.25 0.52 1.44 0.868 2.923 1. in.94 1.849 0.93 1.842 1.386 x 5h6 1.810 1.77 0.:.63 0.823 Area.877 0.66 1.52 0.706 1.962 0.82 x7he 1.431 0.425 0.49 0.55 1.63 0.82 1.59 0.963 0.64 0..891 1.48 0.54 1.54 1.769 1.838 1.86 0.774 1.939 1.29 0.23 0.969 1.49 0. H 0.64 1.973 0.78 1.517 x 5h6 1.00 0.37 0.850 0.29 0.38 0.94 1.64 0.78 0.420 X1f4 1.818 0.13 0.24 0..71 0.65 1.887 1.853 1.827 1.83 1.868 1.872 0.32 0.849 0.739 0.69 1.16 0.874 0.14 0.66 0.66 0.59 0.946 0.426 0.75 0.71 1.419 x5h6 1.920 1.43 0.23 0.94 1.707 0.42 1.32 0.76 0.874 1.65 1.862 1.859 2.65 1.918 1.862 1.917 0.781 1.491 0.93 1.61 0.868 1.947 0. .66 0.94 1.36 0.853 0.29 0.58 0.954 0.886 1.92 1.55 1.82 x3/a 1. INC.81 x5h6 1.82 0.46 1. 1.77 0.63 0.853 0.842 1.29 0.893 1.698 0.874 0.941 1.823 1.764 1.56 0.722 0.881 0. x7h6 1.914 1.812 1.48 1.957 0.71 0.31 0.890 1.387 x3h6 1.72 0.45 0.907 1.38 0.70 0.39 0.806 1.37 0.845 0.829 0. H .82 1.24 0.926 2.53 1..886 0.55 1.830 0.66 0.744 1.93 1.57 0.785 1. Back to Back of Angles.81 1.778 1.863 0.482 1.830 1.48 1.838 0.20 0.702 0.26 0.26 1.81 x3h6 1.871 0.857 0.53 0.42 0.42 1.518 X'/4 1.583 0.520 x3h6 1.93 1.724 0.11 1.40 0.835 1.71 1.580 0.890 0.901 1.967 1.586 1.852 0.43 1.:.859 1.47 1. Back to Back of Angles.827 0.481 0.874 1.852 0.800 1.43 1.57 0.65 1.933 1.25 0.43 2.839 0.753 1. in.771 1.868 1.55 0.57 0.60 0.42 1.929 0.32 0.66 1.71 0.824 1.65 1.22 0.882 1.53 1.857 1.53 1.14 0.67 1.968 0.913 1.801 1.:.25 1.71 1.876 0.76 0.847 1.781 1.48 1.861 0.734 0.426 2L2 1I2x11f2X1f4 1.830 1.57 0.38 0.775 1.927 1.842 0.857 1.35 0.91 0.891 1.81 1.950 1.829 0.38 0.748 1.38 0.669 1.93 0.872 0.878 0.861 0.83 0.786 1.959 1.71 0.52 1.14 0.49 0.49 0.72 0.905 1.80 0.826 1.38 0.428 0. A 3/4 '0 H 1.52 1.71 0.668 0.841 1.91 0.516 H 2L3x3x1f2 1.391 Note: For compactness criteria.71 1.842 'r '0 H in.65 1.38 0.949 0.866 0.25 0.92 1.870 0.936 1.671 0.58 0.825 1.48 1.56 1.22 0.585 0.435 1.911 1.834 0.389 x'/a 1.856 0.71 0.29 0.890 0.944 0.13 0.42 0.730 0.878 0.751 0.952 0.521 2L3x2x1f2 x3/a x!'h6 X1/4 x 3h6 2L2112x2 112x1f2 x3/a x5he X1/4 x3h6 2L21f2X2x3fa 1.853 1.13 0.64 1.71 1.863 0.43 0.55 0.754 1.881 0.78 0.481 0.802 1.877 1.81 X1f4 1.961 0.56 0.834 1.71 0.80 1.975 0.70 0.834 0.740 1.897 1.847 1. reter to the end ot Table 1-7 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.481 0.909 1.75 1.57 0.717 0.54 1.726 1.37 0.870 0.916 1.67 1.904 1.516 x3/a 1.876 0.957 2. 3/4 3/8 H .73 1.666 1.38 0.665 1.826 1.861 0.923 1.904 1.825 1.944 0.790 1.37 0.85 0.917 1.73 0.25 0.817 1.32 0.71 0.60 0.81 1.07 0.962 1.79 1.53 1.52 0.882 0.52 0.834 0.929 2. 0 0 3/8 .630 1.57 0.66 0.580 0.65 0.819 1.871 0.53 1.856 0.760 1.19 0.901 1.920 1.897 1.850 0.806 1.712 1.22 0.1-107 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-15 (continued) Il Double Angles Properties 2L3-2L2 Flexural-Torsional Properties Long Legs Vertical Shape .815 1.866 0.847 1.65 1.32 0.65 1.830 1.14 0.955 0.914 1.56 1.675 0.756 1.861 0.857 0.44 1..482 0.901 0.27 0.42 1.57 0.684 0.695 1.13 0.13 0.75 2.29 0.81 1.84 0.581 0.795 1.959 0.59 0.901 1.:.42 1. 11 2C7x14.4 x4.21 2.0 16.3 5.824 4.789 0.34 14.12 10.00 10.2 13.982 5.25 3.831 3.21 1.18 22.69 4.43 1.6 4.929 4.06 1.96 0.11 8.5 2C12x30 x25 x20.95 0.0 5.5 4.2 13.4 40.2 x5.3 12.95 2C4x7.66 0.80 5 in.43 1.6 19.07 18.4 11.6 1.---x Table 1-16 x-- 2C Shapes - Properties 1Iloo.931 0.15 18.75 2.0 1.41 2.40 3.52 2.52 2.51 6.84 1.72 2.1 x3.833 0.25 1.94 7.86 1.18 7.06 0.614 0.12 1.03 2.30 5.90 12.597 0.88 1..03 0.25 9.820 2.17 2.36 1.982 5.0 2.32 1.0 35.18 30.19 12.746 0.14 2.36 2.2 13.56 0.7 23.95 2.29 4.31 17.969 0.83 1.97 2.20 19.8 4.673 1.867 5.10 3.63 1.3 1 in.66 3.7 8.06 10.86 7.78 2.7 4.6 26.7 2Cl0x30 x25 x20 x15.38 1.51 7.20 1.60 5.02 6.7 x12.597 0.0 17.51 1.06 1.81 0.2 6.3 49.99 2.866 8.27 4.72 2.9 1.72 1.73 0.30 1.12 1.97 1.4 5 in.897 5.741 0.94 1.59 2.93 1.7 5.688 2.73 3.5 32.74 4.84 2.1 1.6 18.43 4.772 0.39 3.85 2.31 36.5 x8.11 12.918 0.41 1.46 41.911 6.8 8.15 13.30 21.0 7.72 2C6x13 x10.82 1.7 43.786 3.16 1.6 6.37 2.95 1.6 6.641 2.33 22.9 29.32 1.55 3.2 16.13 5.39 2.56 8.3 9.4 5.55 1.7 .20 .02 1.72 0.59 1.95 0.03 1. 2 0 1 in.20 1.67 1.6 2.943 3.842 0.20 1.17 1.81 6.75 0.13 3.773 5. -l W 2C SHAPES Shape y Axis y-y separation.78 1..9 1. 3 11.61 1.78 2.76 0.44 0.05 1.75 3.7 8.07 11. 1.591 0.927 0.9 40.52 2.02 0.69 5.953 15.5 3.47 2.15 1. Area.96 5.45 3.24 5.881 3. A in.71 1.83 1.51 0.3 21.34 2C5x9 x6.3 2.55 3.61 0.71 1.64 1.2 3.4 15.76 1.24 1.82 0.82 2.04 4.2 10.76 0.02 15.7 1.05 0.773 4.76 11.35 0.09 2.46 8.7 50.19 1.23 3.59 21.17 9.85 3.682 3.08 1.84 6.2 62.48 5.19 4.13 7.93 3.09 8.734 5.91 0.9 1.76 6.0 2C9x20 x15 x13.4 2C15x50 x40 x33.80 8.66 5. in.05 0.25 0.18 8.87 7.8 4.45 2.7 1.73 1.29 2.728 3.5 12.65 1.15 0.44 5.75 1.2 10.791 3.9 17.42 3.04 8..5 11.63 4.783 2.34 3.7 x13.03 7.11 6.49 1.2 7.741 2.22 4.43 4. Z in.699 0.68 1.32 0.90 0.07 1.28 2.876 6.07 5.09 3.846 4.7 17.12 1.2 x9.13 6.08 0.36 0.57 9.63 2C3x6 x5 x4.21 5.0 3.03 12.26 1.86 1.27 5.81 1.908 3. in. 3 .0 2C8x18.9 25.33 2. y .63 2.82 2.44 3.47 0.19 2.10 3.909 0.764 0.62 3. 3 1 in.22 1.47 2.3 13.593 2.02 7.54 1..2 14.47 26.3 9..743 2.0 10.7 15.12 1.99 2. 4 5 in. Z in.38 0.6 5.17 0. INC.7 x11.3 11. in.73 6.82 5.823 8.962 7.7 8.17 1.57 6.905 0.25 0.18 0.22 3.66 3.812 0.9 28.5 21.86 4.7 7.69 20.19 1.882 6.15 1.8 8.29 1.14 3.20 1.92 1.15 3.44 2.52 3.827 0.31 27.20 1.6 12.83 8.1 19.60 0.37 0.05 11.14 0. S.33 1. Axis x-x 3/4 Z in.20 1.22 4.50 0.3 'x in. 3 3/8 .558 1.78 3.3 1.04 7.1 23.10 1.912 7.98 1.63 1.7 11.68 1.1 11.86 1.49 7.08 9.63 8.1 9.914 0.946 4.43 2.4 29.66 1.91 8.05 14.13 0.59 8.981 2.16 14.2 3.10 0.3 17.37 13.766 0.989 3.11 1.26 4.40 0.4 15.1-108 - - DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES .80 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.6 14.30 0.25 1.962 10.45 31.00 11.0 15.13 6.637 1.50 2.32 3.63 1.94 2. 5.6 12.826 5.94 1.88 6. in. 28 4.4c x6.5 x31 18.64 1.3 58.5 16.3 1.4 13.60 3.990 0.2 34.7 9. 3 in.0 24.1 87.575 45.13 2MC8x20 11.8 23.7 7.3 13.7 10.90 0.44 16.0 x33.3 29.1 10.1 8.85 42.7 60.67 2.58 1.3 29.07 1.49 1.2 70.91 1.40 4.01 1.326 0.946 4.1 17.0 11.45 16.4 33. 4 in.596 2.25 1.97 19.1-109 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES - y .5 58.44 1.3 67.5 32.4 67.79 1.59 4.8 6.45 1.40 16.95 5.51 43.8 1.72 1.4 37.71 1.5 20.5 1.7 9.64 50.2 20..76 1.4 31.0 x19.9 59.79 1.87 3.1 x18.2 59.78 1.6 1.75 1.19 1.1 75.3 41.7 7.1 7.1 6.4 35.06 1.34 1.3 1.49 37.4 3.0 x15. S.64 18.2 25.55 0.54 3.35 1.7 1.34 1.733 50.53 5.48 2MC8x22.1 83.6 16.1 2.9 25.3 1.1 63.6 26.2 16.6 49.9 19.---x Table 1-17 x-- 2MC Shapes - .34 14.0 28.9 39.91 1.0 71.62 4.7 8.05 1.05 3.46 1. 9.441 39.2 35.40 6.1 25.8 29.0 36.0 15.52 0.99 0.9 27.3 7.77 15.8 13.2 3.47 4.41 3.5c 14.82 4.62 42.7 13.73 20.68 23.6 41.2 1.2 51.60 1.05 2MC7x22.4 14.38 c Shape is slender for compression with Fy = 36 ksi.7 11.8 3.3 35.6 18.4 42.67 1.6c 6..7 49.8 31.1 24.5 12.7 1. 3 in.23 94.6 19. INe.29 6.63 1. Z in.8 14.76 22. Z in.72 30.0 68.8 1.414 0.33 20.3 69.68 1.3 1.61 22.1 4.9 12.51 1.5 26.8 12.4 8.37 2.79 1. A in.4 12.4 12.47 1.9 25.4 13.2 15.86 33.9 15.89 28.09 2MC8x8.3 26.7 9. 4 3/4 5 r in.3 rx in. 4 in.4 62.3 11.58 18.8 11.9 4.4 12.2 15.4 13.09 3.7 30.53 0.05 0.2 1.7 49.9 29.5 x35 20.7 16.51 19.57 1.71 4.1 8.83 0.9 14.1 11. 2MC18x58 x51.7 3.1 1.7 1.2 6.6 8.6 30.7 x21.2 33.69 21.4 27.39 1.0 16. Z in.4 39.81 1.6 9.36 1.0 13.5 3.4 x40 23.18 1.11 1.2 5.8 71.4 72.6 86.47 17.39 1.71 38.0 12.65 2MC13x50 x40 x35 x31.63 1.21 0.48 12.36 1.0 33.41 16.2 1.3 7.4 14.6 25.74 1.50 16.16 1.2 x23.6 14.1 60.3 10.626 2. AMERleAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.463 1.1 61.68 1.5 35.43 2MC9x25.66 22.54 16..9 9.2 60.8 65.53 20..2 10.66 1.2 22.65 1.1 38.66 1.4 7.5 13.1 7.6 29.8 48.753 3.5 32.53 1.2 31.3 24.1 15.47 1.46 4.4 10.8 13.7 34.947 0.8 57.4 28.4 x45 26.700 0.53 1.47 1.7 13.0 16.8 x42.9 14.615 0.1 47.4 1.8 8.8 3.3 8.0 28.56 6.7 58.0 1.75 3.88 8.59 18.1 30.72 21.60 1.6 .05 18.13 1.75 25.2 17.51 1.63 1.8 13.15 0.0 1.835 0.86 1.1 11.33 1.0 9.7 56.0 50.79 1.658 2.8 10.1 2.7 28.1 72.3 6.6 33.2 5.3 15.6 8.7 10.7 30.35 13.5 2MC10x25 x22 2MC1Ox8.1 40.1 44.1 2.462 1.6 1.40 17.804 2MC10x41.70 1.5 16.3 44.38 37.4 23.4 9.8 52.4 1.1 26.5 1.07 79.0 4.21 1.61 3.61 19.98 2MCl2x50 29.9 44.61 1.9 29.83 20.61 1.54 19.6 55.6 30.36 4.0 24.69 21.2 1.7 43.7 44.7 27.9 10.0 36.23 1.2 xl0.3 1 5 r in.3 15.69 0.5 79. in.2 18.65 1.4 1.00 2.54 19.9 34.49 0.50 15.51 1.0 33.5 3.6 34.2 26.7 1. 2 0 Axis x-x 3/8 1 5 r in.7 13.58 33. Area.62 14.49 16.5 40.4 52.14 7.70 1.34 1.16 12.77 2MC6x18 10.3 1 in.5 x28.76 48.20 67.5 39.21 21.3 in.62 2.9 53.78 20.03 0.4 2.0 12.6 12.4 3.2 14.06 1.0 27.6 15.1 17.40 3.24 1.793 3.38 16.5 84.9 38.5 1.27 1.45 1.9 19.354 0.58 26.43 3.9 x45.8 17. Properties -l lJ 2MC18-2MCS y Shape ~ Axis y-y separation.68 18.21 5.3 59. 20 0..74 4. 6.1 8. INC.4 S in.89 1.24 4. in. 3 .28 11. Area.02 1.03 3.55 0.33 2.53 5.15 1.48 1. in.12 2MC3x7. S.41 1.3 in.1-110 . 3 in. in.15 1.29 11.47 1.05 1..03 1.30 8.06 10.37 2MC6x12 7.31 4.30 2MC6x7 x6.LJ Properties liIoo.2 23.03 1.68 1.46 1. 3 in.8 5.1 4.06 7.66 2.4 18. 2MC6-2MC3 Shape y Axis y-y separation. 5. DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES """"'" - Table 1-17 (continued) x-- 2MC Shapes .32 3.49 0.20 1. S in.9 1.8 ..8 8.4 19.19 3.50 1.34 2.17 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. A in.3 9.01 9.. 4 2MC6x16.1 22.14 .734 2.744 2.883 3..88 14.25 3. 4 5.89 2.9 4.15 4.16 0.34 11. Z 'x in.81 7.1 1.96 1.13 8.42 3.62 0.38 2MC4x13.10 1. 3 ..0 6.42 13.89 1.03 1.90 12.27 10.26 1. y 0 1 in.9 4.3 1 in..862 3.71 1. 2 ---x .79 2.42 11.32 1.01 5.8 x15.3 7. 3/8 Z in. Axis X-X 3/4 Z 1 in.04 4.88 2.01 6.18 2.7 2.58 15.2 S in.82 1.21 2.15 4.43 13.58 15.04 1.5 4.58 14.4 5.873 3.4 1&3 2..22 3. 9 .9 Nominal Thickness..8 16.0 26. AMERICAN INSTlTUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. Wt.50 5. 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 71a 1 Note: Thickness is measured near the edge of the plate.71 11. INC.25 Nominal Thickness.7 36.75 4.40 3. Ib/ft 2 21..DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-18 Weights of Raised-Pattern Floor Plates Gauge No. 18 16 14 13 12 Wt.8 41.3 13. Iblft 2 2.16 8.00 3. exclusive of raised pattern. in. Ib/ft 2 6..5 24. in.6 31.4 18. lia 3116 114 5116 3/a 7116 wt. 34 W14x30 C12x20.1 6900 6590 365 360 598 544 12.8 36.7 102 88.3 2000 1800 142 138 272 218 8.82 9.35 W16x36 C15x33.9 13.6 W33x118 MC18x42.7 C15x33.3 14.0 W27x84 C15x33. .0 98.51 9. 5.12 7.0 26.8 11.1 2180 1970 156 152 287 232 8.7 C15x33.96 Note: Compactness criteria not addressed in this table.6 748 670 64.3 W30x116 MC18x42.7 30.1 84.9 184 175 54.04 6.9 193 184 56.8 160 123 6.8 3340 3030 217 211 367 302 9.1 12.9 C12x20.2 24.2 44.52 8.7 4050 237 403 10.1 70.7 20.5 16.3 13.2 12000 11500 553 546 831 764 14. 3 r 2 in.7 12.61 W12x26 C12x20.7 30.7 45.7 C15x33.6 13.7 102 88.3 447 420 46.7 C15x33. Iblft Total Area Axis 1 In.9 70.3 in.7 C15x33.1 51.!=-.7 83.2 in.67 W21x62 C15x33.5 4. 4 x-x ~=-.1-112 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTlES y Table 1-19 'fI]M Tf W Shapes with Cap Channels Tp Properties y W-Shape Channel Total Wt.7 30. W36x150 MC18x42.9 C12x20.7 C10x15.5 62.9 C12x20.3 211 166 7.7 28.5 5.6 14.9 159 150 46.9 W27x94 C15x33.9 118 34.7 41.6 4530 268 435 11.3 82.81 4.9 161 152 47.7 24.1 2710 2440 173 168 321 258 9.6 20.2 W30x99 MC18x42.8 44.47 5.6 W33x141 MC18x42.5 10000 9580 490 484 750 689 13.2 13. INC.9 C12x20.9 C12x20.9 128 37.8 W24x84 C15x33.67 W21x68 C15x33.L Y in. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.7 1250 1120 100 97.6 39.92 W24x68 C15x33.0 5830 5550 304 300 533 481 11.7 46.L Y.8 54.9 C12x20.59 W18x50 C15x33.41 8.7 69.0 26.9 142 133 41.9 56.6 8280 7900 400 395 656 596 13.3 46.1 318 299 36.7 118 105 34.7 C10x15.3 50.7 95.9 82. 6 32.6 13.4 16.22 3.7 C15x33.9 824 584 91.9 18.37 114 89.1 14.3 11.3 42.9 C12x20.6 10.64 33.4 in.6 24. Y2 Z Yp 1 5 r Z in.3 544 529 27.24 48.41 89.9 800 561 88.9 21.9 C12x20.05 3.1 23.97 62.3 9.8 59.49 232 224 21.47 86.1 10.04 61.48 83.9 16.5 11.57 9.2 385 199 51.11 4.7 13.6 439 58.9 18.2 3.69 83.9 16.8 13.9 17.7 4.0 W21x62 C15x33.9 C12x20. in.3 66.77 72.9 C12x20.4 19.8 21. 3 W36x150 MC18x42.1 738 716 28.85 67.0 286 275 21.7 14.8 3.8 24.63 8.3 in.5 37.4 W27x94 C15x33.3 9.1 Note: Compactness criteria not addressed in this table.9 19.7 Cl0x15.9 652 635 27.5 15.1 13.67 5.9 12.9 12.7 24.5 10.9 420 56.0 12.76 75.43 2.5 3.1-113 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-19 (continued) T W Shapes with Cap Channels Properties Axis x-x W-Shape Channel Axis y-y Y.7 19.9 20.7 C15x33.27 2.7 11.2 W16x36 C15x33.96 3.87 4. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.6 379 194 50.8 718. 3 in.7 C15x33. in.4 357 23.76 133 127 16.8 63.6 11.2 3.79 2.0 316 23.5 24.58 2.9 74.9 W24x84 C15x33.1 W21x68 C15x33.4 18.0 4.28 146 122 W33x141 MC18x42.3 28.1 372 186 49.6 18.4 58.1 50.7 14.56 2.5 741 502 82.6 W27x84 C15x33.9 W12x26 C12x20.7 C15x33.3 W18x50 C15x33.8 83.55 34.3 12. in.5 8.3 13.35 126 102 W30xl16 MC18x42.92 3.6 4.7 12.9 10.49 207 200 19.0 60.0 24.2 47.7 15. in.3 50.2 15.4 24.29 124 100 W30x99 MC18x42.8 25.5 5.0 25.5 412 408 26.2 18.3 8.4 W14x30 C12x20.0 3.8 17.92 6.85 3.4 3.9 7.3 33.59 8.0 7.9 20.9 C12x20.3 3.63 2. INC.5 12.2 3.5 409 223 54.3 17.81 3.06 3.33 8.2 25.6 149 86.55 4.72 75.2 14.9 3.7 Cl0x15.9 11.6 31.16 2.1 3.8 3.46 9.7 20. 479 79.7 C15x33.26 189 183 19.0 11.10 10.9 3.6 339 153 45.4 14. .9 C12x20.2 W24x68 C15x33.3 146 84.5 77.5 47.1 354 169 47.4 682 442 75.30 142 118 W33xl18 MC18x42.9 3.6 36.1 492 480 26.7 15. 5 58.9 1620 1530 132 129 202 181 7.5 27.3 29.5 27.94 4.9 C10x15.7 C1Ox15.3 101 95.4 17.1-114 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES y xtTJ~~ y S-Shape Channel Table 1-20 S Shapes with Cap Channels Properties Axis x-x Total Wt.3 25. Sz=~ Iblft in.7 C1Ox15.4 in. INC.5 23. Total Area 1 ~=~ Y.2 54.67 S2ox66 C12x2o.8 185 175 27.3 13.9 11.02 Note: Compactness criteria not addressed in this table.77 4.3 C8x11. S24x8o C12x2o.84 S10x25.2 63.3 C8x11.3 C8x11.9 10.6 71.4 C1ox15.7 81.7 36.97 8.66 9.7 46.04 S12x31. 3 in.1 52.00 S15x42.2 39.3 3.3 Y2 r in.7 105 93.7 64.1 16.7 314 297 40. . AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.9 6.5 40.5 47.9 2750 2610 191 188 278 252 9.0 4.1 43.00 6.8 12.2 in.8 C10x15.0 615 583 65.3 86. 0 14.4 13.3 16.9 39.6 10.51 3.3 10.3 11. in. in. in.5 9.82 7.8 2.99 41.50 4.8 11.4 256 246 18.0 31.5 12. 3 524x80 C12x20.1 510x25.8 9.3 11.0 52.3 in.03 8.5 21. 3 in.3 76.90 20.3 515x42.u 41.3 C8x11. 4 in.99 8.42 4.8 16.4 36.3 14.37 9.7 26.6 9.36 1.1 16.71 25.3 12.90 10.5 171 109 28.1-115 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-20 (continued) T S Shapes with Cap Channels Properties Axis S-Shape Channel x-x Axis y-y Yt Y2 Z Yp 1 S r Z in.87 6.8 Cl0x15.7 Cl0x15.98 46.2 36.4 C10x15.0 18.8 520x66 C12x20.01 5.6 81. in.82 22. INC.45 3.1 18.2 14.1 73.21 87.4 10.8 7.8 15. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.48 1.9 9.9 2.81 2.5 7.6 86.7 512x31.49 1.9 Cl0x15.82 Note: Compactness criteria not addressed in this table.4 156 94.7 Cl0x15.77 37.5 46.5 6.5 2.72 54.44 180 173 16.7 2.9 14.73 6.3 C8x11.3 C8x11.18 1.41 1. . 125/64 17'/128 123/32 11151128 23/64 23116 217/64 265 1128 27116 215132 25/8 221132 31/8 3'12 37/8 41/4 45/8 5 53116 53/4 5 53116 6 6 /l~..0 29.5 Y ID - in.4 3. 17/32 11/64 111116 5/8 7/32 17/8 1'116 1/4 21/8 49/64 9/32 23/8 13116 9132 27116 7/8 19/64 2112 57/64 19/64 29116 31132 5116 23/4 1V16 '12 2112 1V16 15132 37116 5/8 4.89 1.J . 10 l'Rad. .3 13.47 16...4 2.'" S 1 "Cl :t: <Il in.05 8.4 in. 1 3 (approx. • ~ x 10 d g 1.'" . c <Il U ~ Wt.7 26.(ilpprOll.3 3.2 2.2 in. "'----t.55 3. h [2"/_ ---. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 Flat 18 t in.84 10..8 Vert 17. ~ 4·h.90 5. J-413' 1""1< Red..1 14.33 9. - 3. 21/64 123132 25/64 155/64 7116 21116 31164 217/64 33/64 215132 35/64 25/8 9116 23/4 9116 25/64 1 27116 11/4 213116 1'/4 23/4 11/2 37/64 R '" l!! ce . in.1 b m l ASCE CRANE RAILS c J--113' I-r !@: 1: 'h Rad. .-Y C 0 .. -. • h Rad.59 5.8 50.64 8.1 "--YI2 - _ .86 8.:l . w c. 1..38 12.. 30.5 23.3 1114 19/64 112 4114 Axis X-X Web r in.1 14.. 3 in.22 11.1 2. "1::1 ~ '" -'= Cl ::::. c in. --A3~ .1 4.10 6. 16.81 7.._l.1 c r "--l I::-fJ c._ _ARad.10 6.Rad.--\13' 1'-1<.• ASTM PROFILE 135 4 '-0 If w .88 7. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 3112 12 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. vI<..-. 3'/8 3'12 37/8 4'/4 45/8 5 85 53116 100 53/4 104 5 135 53/4 171 6 175 6 . 1 'h Rad..{'.. :::::::: . h in..87 2.81 24.93 6. Rad.).1 44.% Rad. Ib/yd 30 40 50 60 70 80 m '1 0 -J--\12' D.j.-tJ- t ~12" m ASTM PROFILE 171 :. INC.p!" -- ---j --' . Sa.4 in.7 17.1 11.54 10..3 Vert.68 1. • h ----'. û5 l!? ce ~ ce CI> c l:! u .:3" c ~ ll.5 2. n in. ' " Il Rad.19 10. t -r- .1 2.1 2.-- m ASTM PROFILE 104 c 1 r-.! m ASTM PROFILE 175 Head Base b> _ m in.21 18.73 13..6 19.98 .) in.6 2.01 23. of g.3 24..94 4.6 10.'" c:ll b f..00 3.12 2.l:I in..1-116 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-21 Crane Rails· Dimensions and Properties .8 73.4 70. To 12. ft) (totall~~gth. in.. If other sections are speeified on the order as columns.. C.. HP1 Ox57..ft) '/8 in.. in. 1164 in.::. the tolerance will be subjeel to negotiation with the manufacturer.4. or of flange width if it is greater than the depth. Ali columns Sizes Under 11 2 plus 1/16 for each additional 5 ft or fraction thereof Mill Straightness Tolerances" Permissible Variation trom Straight. ft) with 3/8 in.. x V8 in. + ['/a in... Length Camber Flange width equal to or greater than 6 in. E" Web Off Center. per in.. d AppUes AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. Over Under Over Under Max.. Flanges Out Depth.. incl.45) ] Other Permissible Rolling Variations Area and Weight Ends Out of Square ± 2. W14x90 and heavier. for sections over 426 Iblfl. max.::--J of Square. 3/8 in. equal to depth & specified on order as columnsd Over 30 ft Over 3/0 plus 1/16 for each additional 5 ft or fraction thereof 45 ft and under Over 45ft Sweep Va in. c c A A Permissible Cross-Sectional Variations A Depth at Web Centerline. W1 Ox49 and heavier. e The toleranees herein are taken from ASTM A6 and apply to the straightness of members reeeived from the rolling mill. in. measured as iIIustrated in Figure 1-1. in. in. x (total ~~gth.-----'-'--+---'----=--. in.::.. HP12x74 and heavier. Deplh at any Cross-Section over Theoretical Deolh. Over 12 Permissible Variations in Length Variations tram Specified Length for Lengths Given. b For shapes speeified in the order for use as bearing piles.. Ali Flange width less than 6 in. in. W12x65 and heavier. I--'-"-'-...4. a Variation of 5116 in.:----".. the permitted variations are plus 5 in.. ~/-+-_. x Itutall~~9th. and under Beams over 24 in.. Ali Certain sections wilh a flange width approx.::.. x (totaJl.1-117 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-22 ASTM A6 Tolerances for W Shapes and HP Shapes ~ ~ / T' .. x ltotall'''fo'' ft . in.c. 8 T+T' Nominal Flange Width..:. max.. HP8x36. ft) '/8 in. 30 ft and Under Over Under Beams 24 in.Max. in. . of depth.-..L.. see Code of Standard Practiee Section 6. INC. and minus 0 in.gth.5 percent theoretieal or speeified amoun!. For tolerance on indueed eamber and sweep. only to W8x31 and heavier. and HP14x1 02 and heavier. Nominal Depth b. ... 1 1 1 1 i .=BL-__ ['----~HLI_riz_o_ntal surfaLL- CHANNELS ANGLES Figure 1-1.DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES 1-118 Camber Camber... ~ 1 Sweep 1 1 . 1 1 .. INC... Positions for Measuring Straightness.l:la. 1- Sweep 1+ S SHAPES and M SHAPES W SHAPES . 1 Camber . l..... AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. 1 Camber 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _. ~ TEES .. : 1 Camber--.. !.. !Nc. Shape Sshapes and M shapes B Flange Width. M Shapes. incl. a A is measured at center line of web for beams and at back of web for channels.J. in.. measured as iIIustrated in Figure 1-1. 1Ja 3/32 Va %2 Over 14 3/16 1/a 1/a 3116 E Flanges Out of Square. . %2 '/16 1/a 1/a Over 7 to 14. incl. per in. exel. of depth. .1-119 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-23 ASTM A6 Tolerances for S Shapes. for ail lengths. 2114 Over 4010 65 ft. b T+ T' applies when flanges of channels are toed in or out.. incl. incl.4.. -Indicates that there is no requirement. MShapes and Channels 1164 in. . Shape Ali 51010 ft. incl. permitled variations for sweep are subject to negotiation between the manufacturer and purchaser for the individual sections involved. 1 10 to 20 ft. . SShapes. d The tolerances herein are taken from ASTM A6 and apply to the straightness of members received from the rolling mill.5 percent theoretical or specified amount. 13/4 Over 30 to 40 ft. T+ T'b Over Under Over Under 3 to 7. Other Permissible Rolling Variations Area and Weighl Ends Out of Square ± 2.. in.. in. . For tolerance on induced camber and sweep. There are no requirements for lengths over 65 ft. 2314 Over65 ft - Mill Straightness Tolerances d Gamber Sweep Va in. inel.. Web Off Center. ft) Due to the extreme variations in f1exibility of these shapes. 1/a 3/32 5/32 5/32 3/16 Va 3/16 3/16 Over 14 to 24. C The permitled variation under the specified length is 0 in. see Code of Standard Practice Section 6.ha-t~~ • T'n= rt. Channels Aa Depth. ~ t "f? """- T. x ~otall~~gtIl. inel. -.J. excl. in. . incl.~ *Back of square and centerline of web to be parallel when measuring "out-of-square" Permissible Cross-Sectional Variations Nominal Depth. in. T A T A . V32 311a 1/32 - Permissible Variations in Length Variations from Speelfied Lenglh for Lengths Givenc. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. lV 2 2010 30ft. %2 1116 Va '/a Over 7 to 14.4. and Channels n . 3to 7.. in. of B. per in. hL . weight.gth. area. X ~otalle. ft) Other Permissible Rolling Variations Other permissible variations in cross section as weil as permissible variations in length. see Code 01 Standard Practice Section 6. and sweep will correspond to those of the beam before splitting. as specified in the order. excl. excl. measured as iIIustrated in Figure 1-1. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. 20 ta 24.1-120 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-24 ASTM A6 Tolerances for WT. MT. For tolerance on induced camber and sweep. 24 and over 3116 V4 5116 3/s The above variations in depths of tees include the permissible variations in depth for the beams before splitting Mill Straightness Tolerances' Camber and Sweep l/S in. Vs To 6. excl. excl. in.Indicates that there is no reQuirement. 16 to 20. Depth of Shape trom which Variations in Depth A. INC.4. . ends out-of-square.4. and ST Shapes J:] laJA 11 Permissible Variations in Depth Dimension Amay be approximately one-half beam depth or any dimension resulting from off-center splitting or splitting on two lines. 6 to 16. a The tolerances herein are taken from ASTM A6 and apply to the straightness of members received from the rolling mill. . Over and Under Tee is Split. per in. .. 10 ta 20 ft.5 percent theoretical or specified amount. incl. b3/128 in. Structural Size B[L. incl. Variations based on the longer leg of unequal angle. in. incl.4. measured as iIIustrated in Figure 1-1.~pé-r- B 1 T Permissible Cross-Sectional Variations Shape Out of Square per in. a For unequalleg an~les. 2114 23/4 Tolerancesd x(total ~~' ft) . Leg Size. excl. 3 ta 4. see Cooe of Standard Practice Section 6. There are no requirements for lengths over 65 ft. in. Other Permissible Rolling Variations ± 2. C The permitled variation under the specified length is 0in. d The tolerances herein are taken tram ASTM fJij and apply 10 the straightness of members received tram the rolling mill. in. 20 to 30 ft.4. Over 40 ta 65 ft. longer leg determines classification. Over 30 to 40 ft. Angles T 8 Nominal Leg Size8 .T l'__ -. for aillengths. per in.applied ta either leg Due ta the extreme variations in flexibilily of these shapes.1-121 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-25 ASTM A6 Tolerances for Angles. permitted variations for sweep are subject ta negotiation between the manufacturer and purchaser for the individual sections involved.. of leg length. or W2 degrees. For tolerance on induced camber and sweep. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. Over 6 Over Under '/a 1/a 3/16 3/32 3/128b '/a '/a Permisslble Variations in Length Variations Over Specified Length for Lengths Givenc. incl. of 8. 1 1112 J314 Mill Straightness Gamber Sweep Area and Weight Ends Out of Square 1Ia in. 3/12a in. Over 4 ta 6.-. excl. incl. INc. in. 5 to 10 ft. = 1 /2 degrees. of leg length. per in. ln. Incl. ln. excl. longer leg determines classification. 1132 3h28 C Permissible Variations in Length Variations Over Specifled Length for Lengths Givend.4. incl. = 1112 degrees. Over and Under. for aillengths.015 0. 3/16 and Under Over 3/16 to 3fs incl. incl. Over 3/8 B Leg Slze.4.015 1h6 T Out of Square per Inch of B. measured as iIIustrated in Figure 1-1.Indicates that there is no requirement. e The tolerances herein are taken from ASTM A6 and apply to the straightness of members received from the rolling mill.D10 0. 0. d The permitted variation under the specified length is 0 in.012 0. see Code of Standard Practice Section 6. Variations based on the longer leg of unequal angle. c 3/128 in. or 1f4 in. in.012 3/64 Over 2 to 3. in any 5 fi. b For unequaJ angles. INC. For tolerance on induced camber and sweep. x (totall'.010 - Over 1 to 2. permitted variations for sweep are subject to negotiatlon between the manufacturer and purchaser for the individual sections involved. 0. Incl. in. Variations in Thlckness for Thicknesses Glven. 40 tu 65 ft.applied to either leg Due to the extreme variations in flexibility of these shapes. fn. a Bar Size Permissible Cross-Sectional Variations Speclfled Leg Sizeb. excl.9th. 20 to 30 ft. There are no requirements for lengths over 65 fi. ft) . Ali bar-size angles % 1 11/2 2 2112 Mill Straightness Tolerancese Camber Sweep Ends Out of Square 114 in. 3/ 128 Other Permissible Rolling Variations in. 10 to 20 ft. Over 30 to 40 ft. Section 5 to 10 ft. . a A member is "bar size" when ils greatest cross-sectional dimension is less than 3 inches. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OP STEEL CONSTRUCTION. Over and Under. . per in.1-122 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-26 ASTM A6 Tolerances for Angles. 1 and Under 0.010 0.008 0. excl. or 1112 degrees. The permissible variation for straightness shall be l/ain. and 6. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. measuring the height that each corner on the bottom side of the tubing extends above the surface plate near the opposite ends of the HSS.5 ta 3. incl. incl. the tolerance on the smail fiat dimesion shall be identical ta those given. Over 3112 ta 5lf2.5 limes those given. Length 22 ft and under Over 1 Over 22 ta 44 ft. ASTM A501. For HSS having a ra~o of outside large ta small fiat dimension in the range of 1. from either end. . 5. in. Under WBight Mass Straightness Squareness of Sides Radius of Corners 1 Under 114 1 1 ASTM A500 and ASTM A847 only: The tolerance for wall thickness exclusive of the weld area shall be plus and minus 10 percent of the nominal wall thickness specified. shall not vary from the specified dimensions by more than the applicable amount given in the following table: Outside Dimensions Largest Outside Dimension Across Flats. eASTM A500.030 Over 5112 1 percent" HSS are commonly produced in random lengths.0 times those given. as specified in ASTM A501 Tables 4. The tolerances for twist with respect ta axial alignment of the section shall be as shawn in the following table: Twist Specified Dimension of Longest Side. bASTM A500 and ASTM A847 HSS only: The tolerances given are for the large fiat dimension only.100 Over 8 0. Twist measurements shall not be taken within 2 in. in. and calculating the difference in the measured heights of such corners.5 percent.075 0. Over 4 ta 6. the length tolerances shall be in accordance with the following table: Length talerance for specified eut lengths. and ASTM A847 HSS only: For heavier sections it shall be permissible ta use a suitable measuring device ta determine twist. For HSS having a ratio of outside large to small fiat dimension greater than 3. incl. The radius of any outside corner of the section shall not exceed 3 ~mes the specified wall thicknessd. incl. When eut lengths are speclfied for HSS. . 2lf2 and under Over 2112 ta 31/2. the tolerance on the small fiat dimesion shall be 1. Incl. in.0 inclusive. Over 6 ta 8. Permissible Variation Over and Under Specified Dimensions"b.1-123 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES ~ Table 1-27 1 1 Tolerances for Rectangular and Square HSS xc-t- x 1 4= ASTM A5OO.0.1 times the large fiat dimension.020 0. measured across the flats at positions at least 2 in.112 Twist shall be determined by holding one end of the HSS down on a fiat surface plate. the tolerance on the small fiat dimension shall be 2. in. 0. incl. 0. INe. in multiple lengths.5. Over 21/2 ta 4.062 0. 11/2 and under Over 11/2 ta 21/2. and ASTM A847 The outside dimensions. Adjacent sides may deviate from 90 degrees by atolerance of plus or minus 2 degrees maximum. of the ends of the HSS. The wall thickness is ta be measured at the center of the fiat. ASTM A501 . in. 1/4 112 Wall 11lickness Over . cASTM A500 HSS only: This value is 0. The respective outside dimension tolerances include the allowances for convexity and concavity. ~mes the number of ft of totallength divided by 5.087 0. Maximum Twist per 3 ft and in Each Additional 3 ft. shall not be less than the specified value by more than 3. For HSS having a ratio of outside large ta small fiat dimension less than 1. d ASTM A501 HSS only: The radius of any outside corner must not exceed 3 limes the calculated nominal wall thickness.025 0. ASTM A618.050 0. incl.5 percent. ASTM A618 only: The mass shall not be less than the specified value by more than 3. 3/4 ASTM A501 only: The weight of HSS. and in definite eut lengths. 5 percent. Note that the weight toleranGe is determined from the weights of the Gustomary lifts of pipe as produGed for shipment by the mill... and over in nominal size. the outside diameter shâll not vary more than ± 1 perGent from the standard speGifled. Over 22 ta 44 ft. INC. ASTM A501. under the specified diameter. - ~ 1 1 ASTMA53 Welght The weight as speGified in ASTM A53 Table X2. from the nominal diameter specified. and under in nominal diameter. and 6. Thlckness The minimum wall thickness at any point shall not be more than 12.5 percent. from the end of the HSS. the length tolerances shall be in accordance with the following table: Length tolerance for specified eut lengths.. On pipe sizes over 4 in.2 and Table X2.. 5.000 in. times the number of ft of totallength divided by 5. incl.5 percent. the weight toleranGe is appliGable ta the individuallength. For round hot-formed HSS 2 in. rounded ta the nearest 0. shall not be less than the specifie value by more than 3.005 in.75 percent. Diameter For pipe 2 in. the outside diameter shall not vary more than ± 1 percent from the specified diameter. and under in nominal size.3 or as GalGulated from the relevant equation in ANSI/ASME B36.10M shall not vary by more than ±10 perGent. ASTM A500 and ASTM A847 Diameter" For HSS 1.005 in. in.1-124 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-28 Tolerances for Round HSS and Pipe r ~ \. where individuallengths may be weighed. as specified in ASTM A501 Tables 4. divided by the number of ft of pipe in the lift. Weight (A501only) The weight of HSS. . from the nominal diameler specified. shall not be more than la percent under or over the nominal wall thickness specified. and over in nominal diameter. Length 22 ft and under Straightness Over Under Over 1 Under 112 114 3/4 1 114 The permissible variation for straightness of HSS shall be 1/8 in. and in definile eut lengths. Thlckness The wall thickness at any point. the outside diameter shall not vary more than ± 0. and over in nominal diameter. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. ASTM A618 and ASTM A847 HSS are commonly produced in random mill lengths. ASTM ASOU. a The outside diameter measurements shall be taken at least 2 in. for HSS 4 112 in. When eut lengths are specified for HSS. The mass tolerance shall be determined from individuallengths or. the outside diameter shall not vary more than 1164 in. the outside diameter shall not vary more than ± 0. Mass (A618only) The mass of HSS shall not be less than the specified value by more than 3.900 in. in multiple lengths. excluding the weld seam of welded tubing. shall be determined from masses of customary lifts produced by the mill. ASTM A501 and ASTM A618 Outside Dimensions For HSS 1112 inches and under in nominal size.5 percent under the nominal wall thickness specified. For HSS 2. over nor more than 1132 in. rounded ta the nearest 0. in. 60 to 72. When the longer dimension Is under 36 in. Special-Cut. Ali '/s in. and over in thickness or 120 in. For plates 8 ln. x Over 30 to 60. ft) ~otalle. '/4 in. Notes: 1. excl. 5. Perrnissible Variations in camber' for Carbon steel Sheared and Gas Cut Rectangular Plates Maximum permissible eamber. When the longer dimension is Irom 36 ta 72 in. 3. excl. AMERICAN INSTlTIJTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. in. exel.gth. 72 ta 84. 6 ta 8. 3/4 ta 1. excl. excl. The Iimits in the table are increased 50 percent for plates specijjed to a higher minimum tensile strength or comparable chemistry or hardness. exel. excl. 4. The longer dimension specilied is considered the length. 3/8 7116 '12 '/2 9116 9116 5fB 3/4 114. 2. see A5TM A6 Table 13. ft) Over 2 ta 15. inel. . ft) Ta 30. in. Ta 36. exel. x (totalle. Camber for Thlcknesses and Widths Given Thickness Width Ta 2. exel. The ftatness variations across the width should not exceed the tabular amount for the specilied width. 3/8 ta '12. 36 to 48. the permissible variation shouid not exeeed '/4 in. excl. or Gas-Cut Rectangular Plates Dimension. 1/2 112 5/6 7/8 7/8 7116 1'116 3t4 exel. x (totalle. exel. 1/4 ta 3/8. 112 ta 3/4. and over in width. but in no case less than '/4 in. inel. !Nc. in. (ail thieknesses) = '/s in. inel. excl. inel. 9116 3/4 15116 1V4 13/8 1V2 15/8 W4 '12 5fa 3/4 '5116 1'/8 11/4 1% 1V2 '12 9116 5fa 5/8 3/4 7/6 1 1'/6 7116 V2 9116 5fB 5fa 3/4 1 1 7116 112 9116 5fa 5/ 6 5fB 3/4 7/6 1 ta 2. measured over the entire length of the plate in the flat position. the permissible variation sMuid no! exceed 75 percent 01 the tabular amount for the spec~ied width. exel. 3116 in. 108 to 120. Ta Variations trom Flatness for Specified Widths. 48 to 60. 5116 3/S 7116 '12 V2 '/2 '12 9116 4 ta 6. exel. aCamber as it relates ta plates is the horizontal edge curvature in the length. 96 to 108. exel. 84 ta 96. inclusive. 3/8 '12 '12 9116 9116 5fB_ 5/8 5fa 2to 4. and permissible variations in Ilatness along the length should not exceed the tabular amount lor the specilied wldth ln plates up ta 12 ft in length. ft) Perrnissible Variations in in Camber' for High-Strength Low-Alloy and Alloy Steel Sheared. excl. or in any 12 ft lor longer plates. x (total ~gth... These variations apply ta plates which have a specilied minimum tensile strength 01 not more than 60 ksi or comparable chemistry or hardness.glh.1-125 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES Table 1-29 Rectangular Sheared Plates Permissible Variations trom Flatness (Carbon Steel Only) Specified Thickness.gth. 2-12 7-80 14-10 2--41 15-·18 2-21.1-28 15-18 15-19 3-28. 16.3-3 8--4 16. see DG18 Parts. see HP-shapes Pin-connected members Pin nuts. properties of Parking structures.16.16.2-25 16.1-97 16. available strengths dimensions and properties Plastic analysis beams columns frames local buckling Plate products Plug and slot welds Ponding Pre-installation verification Preparation of material Prequalified welded joints Pretensioned joints faying surfaces in general inspection of installation in 2--43.4-5. 7-88 7-80.20 Non-destructive testing Notch toughness Nuts dimensions and weights geometry heavy-hex high strength.2-16 16. bolted Patents and copyrights Penetrant testing (PT) Piles. cotter Pipe bending members.2-16 16. 7-85. INC.1-155 16. recessed Pins. 3-148 .2--43 16.16.1-105 16.1-151 16.3-26 8-29 16.7-86. 15-17 16.1-153 16.3-30 13-13 17-34 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.2-12 16. available strength columns.4--81 1-99 16.2-53 16.1-152 1-9 16.3-16 OSHA requirements Oversize holes Owner responsibility Painting Panel-point connections Parabola.1-7 7-80.1-148.2--46 . dimensions installation on anchor rods properly specifying materia1s recessed pin sleeve specifications ~ lO-147.3-56 16.2-12 2-6 16.1-153 16. 16.1-154 16. 16. and standards . W-shapes.16.21 proper specification ofjoint type : use ofwashers in using calibrated wrench pretensioning using direct-tension-indicator pretensioning using tum-of-nut pretensioning using twist-off-type tension-control boit pretensioning Properties.) of the circle of the parabola and ellipse of various geometric sections Proportions ofbeams and girders Prying action 7-4 16. 1-112 2-9. 15-7 Raised-pattem floor plates 2-20.17-6 1-9. .1-112 3-32 16. etc. 1-8 Ratholes.2-40 16. see also DSC 8-7 Radiographie testing (RT) Rail clamp fastenings 15-6 Rail clip fastenings 15-5. codes. channels.1-93.2-49 16.1-143 16. 3-28. see also DG15 S-shapes S-shapes with cap channels Safety factors Safety protection Scheduling Seated connections Second order effects Seismic design Serviceability Shear available strengths bolts.1-104.2-50 17-35 17-34 17-36 16.3-55.1-28 AMERTCAN [NSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.2-51 16.1-61 9-10 Quality assurance and control 16. see specifie shape (e.3-41 16.1-19 ..2-48 16.3-60 10-84 2-1 0. 2-35. 16. see also DG15 Request for information (RFI) 16.1-30. 16. 16. bolts 7-16 Revisions .1-64 16. see evaluation of existing structures Reuse. 16-1. see evaluation of existing structures Renovation and retrofit of existing structures 2-31. 16. see also SDM 2-10.16. 16.2-10.1-64 16.1-11 16.2-4.1-185 Retrofit. 16.3-14.11 Responsibility for design ~ 16. INC.16.1-108 16.1-2 Rehabilitation. threaded parts and rivets connection angles Shear diagrams.3-59.1-149.3-3 Restrained and unrestrained ratings 16. see weld access holes Recessed-pin nuts 15-18 9-18 Reduction of area for holes Referenced specifications.1-10 Resistance factors 2-9. beams Shear lag 1-4.g.3-21 Required strength . S. testing to determine 16.1-145 Shop cleaning and painting 16.2-1 0 Slotted hole. Shape profiles 17-28 Simple shear connections 10--4 accessibility in column webs 10-6 bolted/welded unstiffened seated connections 10-86 canted connections 10-154 column-web supports 10-143 connections for raised beams 10-143 constructability considerations 10-5 double connections 10-5.3-30 Short-slotted holes 16.2--46 use of washers in 16.1-78. 16. see also DSC Shop and field considerations 16.2--40 Sloped connections 16. 3-':'32. INC.1-85 Shear splices 10-129 Shear stress in plate girders . use of washers with 16.3-28 Shear tabs. see also DSC faying surfaces in 16. 16.2-38 Sheet metal gages 17-22 Shims and fillers.2-34 Slip-critical joints 7-5.2--40 AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of STEEL CONSTRUCTION.2-16 general 16. 16.2-56 installation in 16.1-14 Slip coefficient for coatings. 16.1-1 05 SI equivalents of standard U. single plate connections Sheet and strip 2-20. .22 Shear stud connectors 2-20. see connections.2-59 Slip resistance 7-6.10-137 double-angle connections 10-7 HSS considerations 10-136 shear end-plate connections 10--49 shear splices 10-129 simple shear connections at stiffened column-web locations .2--40 Snug-tightened joints faying surfaces in 16.2-26 inspection of 16.10-131 simple shear connections subject to axial forces 10-131 single-angle connections 10-122 single-plate connections 10-1 01 skewed connections 10-149 sloped connections 10-152 stiffened seated connections 10-92 tee connections 10-128 unstiffened seated connections 10-84 Skewed connections 10-149 Sleeve nuts 15-17 Slender-element compression sections 16.1-81. 3-9 Structural steel.1-191 16.3-38 16. see DG 19 Surface preparation 2-43 16. net and effective areas net area AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. 16. welding 8-35 Tack welds Tees WT MT ST Tee connections Temperature.1-27 . 16. see also shear stud connectors Surface and box areas of W-shapes.1-xxix Specificationfor Structural Joints using ASTMA325 and A490 Bolts (RCSC) 16.1-114. see Hollow Structural Sections 2-26 Strut and tie connections ST-shapes Stud shear connectors 3-32. 5-5. 5-5.3-23 Straightening . coefficients of expansion Temporary support of structural steel frames Tension.1-30 5-2.1-70. 16. ~ 16.3-5 Structural tubing.2-46 16.1-xxix Symbols.2-25 inspection of .17-10 1-4.1-19 Stabi1ity bracing 2-13.2-1 Specification of welded joints 8-8 Splices . 16.1-108 16. definition 16.1-26 5-2. see also DSe ST-shapes 1-4. AISe Specification Symbols.1-1 05 Standard ho1es Standard min practices 1-9 Steel castings 2-21 Stiffeners.2-53 installation in 16.2-30. 8-20 1-4 1-4. threaded parts and rivets.17-13 1-4.2-43 5-2. 17-13 Stabi1ity 16. 16.2-40 use of washers in Spacer bars 8-19 2-39 Specification of appropriate material Specification for Structural Steel Buildings 16. 1-70.1-27 16. 16. INC. see also DSe Structural design drawings and specifications 16.1-26 6-4 16. available strengths Tension calibrator Tension members available tensile strength combined tension and flexure effective area eyebars gross.1-19.1-1. 16.1-48.23 general .1-28 16. bolts.1-68.1-9. 16. 16. see transverse stiffeners Stock materials 16.17-13 10-128 2-31 16. see also DSC bracing 13-11 camber 2-30.3-61 Testing. 7-19 threads.1-27 pin-connected members 16. see DG9 Torsional analysis 16.17-3 16.1-27 reduction of area for holes . see Hollow Structural Sections Tumbuckles 15-8. 14-21 7-4 . see also DG9 Transverse stiffeners 16.16. 1-112 AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of STEEL CONSTRUCTION.1-79.2-43 8-4 1-3. see also DSC chord splices .1-34.1-7 Terms ofpayment 16. lengths and dimensions 7-83 Through bolts 10-158 Tolerances.1-28 16. staggered. INC. 16. see also DSC erection 2-27.1-26 slendemess special requirements for heavy shapes and plates 5-3.3-27.3-42 façade 2-27 Torsion properties. 1-22 fabrication 2-27.5-3.1-115 Trigonometric formulas 17-43 Trusses. see also DG6 1-7. 16. 13-11 see also DSC connections HSS connections 13-17 panel point connections-welded trusses 13-13 Truss framing systems. 16. see also DSC \3-17. slip coefficient for coatings 16. see bolts Threaded rods 16.2-59 8-3 Thermal cutting Thermal effects 2-31 Threaded parts. Verification.24 net section 16. see also DSC Ultrasonic testing (UT) Uncoated faying surfaces Uniform force method Uniform load tables .3-42 mill 2-26. see DG 14 Tubing.1-88. 16. 15-16. pre-installation Visual testing (VT) W-shapes W-shapes encased in concrete W-shapes with cap channels Washers for anchor rods for bolts 8-6 16. 16.1-8 Threading dimensions for high-strength and non-high-strength bolts .1-10.2-16 13-3 3-33 16. 1-93 8-15. see also DSC air-arc gouging .16.1-328 8-15 16. 16.1-1 02 8-36.2-13 16. INc.2-40 16. 8-66 16. backingbars beam copes and weld access holes : clearance requirements complete-joint-penetration groove welds corner clips eccentrically loaded weld groups effective area fatigue filler metals fillet welds flare bevel groove welds groove welds in combination with bolts or rivets inspection lamellar tearing minimum shelf dimensions for fillet welds one-sided fillet welds painting welded connections partial-joint-penetration groove welds placement ofweld groups plug and slot welds : 16.1-119 9-17 16.1-93.1-93 8-15 16.1-92 8-4. 16. 16.1-97 8-15.1-117 16.1-115.16.2-40 16.1-97 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION.1-119 9-18. see DG2 Web panel-zone shear Web reinforcement of coped beams Web sidesway buckling Web local yielding Weights and measures Weights and specifie gravities Weld access holes Weld groups.1-95 8-61 16. see also DG 13 16.1-93 8-18 8-9. 16. 16.1-117 16. 16.25 general in pretensioned joints in slip-critical joints in snug-tightened joints material use of Web compression buckling Web crippling Web doubler plates Web local yielding Web openings.2-40 2.1-328 8-16 8-37.1-93 8-4 8-18 8-18.1-116 16. 16. . 16. placement of Weld metal Weld symbols Weld tabs Weld types Welded connections.2-40 16.1-150 8-21 8-17 8-15 8-23 8-52.1-95.41 16. 16.1-102 8-8 8-19 8-8. 16. see connections Welding.1-116 17-27 17-24 8-18.1-159 16. 16.3-5 . AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of STEEL CONSTRUCTION. 8-8 8-8 8-19 8-15. 1-48. see W-shapes Width-thickness limits beams and girders columns Wind applications and low-seismic applications Wire and sheet metal gages WT-shapes 8-34 8~22 .26 prequalified joints prior qualification ofwelding procedures proper specification of joint type selection of weld type spacer bars special requirements for heavy shapes and plates tack welds thermal cutting to HSS tubular connections weld tabs welding clearance Whitmore section (effective width) Wide flange shapes. 16.4-3 2-35. 16. INC.1-91 8-20 8-3 8-23 8-62 8-19 8-16 9-3 16. 17-10 .1~2 17-10 1-4.1-7.1-14 . 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