Airbus A350-900 Booklet
Airbus A350-900 Booklet
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@AIRBUSA350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING AC The content of this document is the property of Airbus. It is supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied, nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons. It must not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission in writing from the owners of the copyright. Requests for reproduction of any data in this document and the media authorized for it must be addressed to Airbus. © AIRBUS S.A.S. 2005. All rights reserved. AIRBUS S.A.S. Customer Services Technical Data Support and Services 31707 Blagnac Cedex FRANCE Issue: Jun 01/13 Rev: Jun 01/13 @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING LIST OF EFFECTIVE CONTENT Revision No. 0 - Jun 01/13 CONTENT CHAPTER 1 Subject 1-1-0 Introduction Subject 1-2-0 Glossary CHAPTER 2 Subject 2-1-0 General Aircraft Characteristics Subject 2-2-0 General Aircraft Dimensions FIGURE General Aircraft Dimensions Subject 2-3-0 Ground Clearances FIGURE Ground Clearances Subject 2-4-0 Interior Arrangements - Plan View FIGURE Standard Configuration Subject 2-5-0 Interior Arrangements - Cross Section FIGURE Typical Configuration Subject 2-6-0 Cargo Compartments FIGURE Cargo Compartments Subject 2-7-0 Door Clearances and Location FIGURE Door Location N N Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 N N Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 N N Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 N N Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 N N Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 N N Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 N Jun 01/13 N Jun 01/13 N Jun 01/13 CHG CODE LAST REVISION DATE L.E.C. Page 1 Jun 01/13 @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING CONTENT Subject 2-7-1 Forward Doors FIGURE Forward Doors FIGURE Forward Doors Subject 2-7-3 Aft Doors FIGURE Aft Doors FIGURE Aft Doors Subject 2-7-4 Forward Cargo Compartment Door FIGURE Forward Cargo Compartment Door Subject 2-7-5 Aft Cargo Compartment Door FIGURE Aft Cargo Compartment Door Subject 2-7-6 Bulk Cargo Compartment Door FIGURE Bulk Cargo Compartment Door Subject 2-7-7 Nose Landing Gear Doors FIGURE Nose Landing Gear Doors Subject 2-7-8 Main Landing Gear Doors FIGURE Main Landing Gear Doors Subject 2-8-0 Escape Slides FIGURE Escape Slides Subject 2-9-0 Landing Gear FIGURE Main Landing Gear CHG CODE N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N LAST REVISION DATE Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 L.E.C. Page 2 Jun 01/13 @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING CONTENT FIGURE Nose Landing Gear Subject 2-10-0 Exterior Lighting FIGURE Exterior Lighting FIGURE Exterior Lighting FIGURE Exterior Lighting FIGURE Exterior Lighting FIGURE Exterior Lighting Subject 2-11-0 Antennas and Probes Location FIGURE Antennas and Probes Location Subject 2-12-0 Engine and Nacelle FIGURE Engine and Nacelle Subject 2-12-1 APU FIGURE APU Subject 2-13-0 Levelling, Symmetry and Alignement FIGURE Location of Leveling Points Subject 2-14-1 Jacking for Maintenance FIGURE Jacking for Maintenance Subject 2-14-2 Jacking for wheel change FIGURE Nose Landing Gear Jacking Point Heights FIGURE Main Landing Gear Jacking Point Heights CHAPTER 4 Subject 4-2-0 CHG CODE N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N LAST REVISION DATE Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 L.E.C. Page 3 Jun 01/13 Runway to Taxiway FIGURE 135˚ Turn .Taxiway to Taxiway FIGURE 90˚ Turn .Taxiway to Taxiway FIGURE 135˚ Turn .E.C.Runway to Taxiway Subject 4-5-3 180˚ Turn on a Runway FIGURE 180˚ Turn on a Runway Subject 4-5-4 90˚ Turn .Runway to Taxiway FIGURE 90˚ Turn .Taxiway to Taxiway Subject 4-6-0 Runway Holding Bay (Apron) FIGURE Runway Holding Bay (Apron) Subject 4-7-0 CHG CODE N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N LAST REVISION DATE Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 L.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Page 4 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING CONTENT Turning Radii FIGURE Turning Radii Subject 4-3-0 Minimum Turning Radii FIGURE Minimum Turning Radii Subject 4-4-0 Visibility from Cockpit in Static Position FIGURE Visibility from Cockpit in Static Position Subject 4-5-0 Introduction Subject 4-5-1 90˚ Turn .Taxiway to Taxiway Subject 4-5-5 135˚ Turn .Runway to Taxiway Subject 4-5-2 135˚ Turn . Transit Turn Round Time FIGURE Transit Turn Round Time Subject 5-4-0 Ground Service Connections layout FIGURE Ground Service Connections layout Subject 5-4-1 Grounding Points FIGURE Ground Point NLG FIGURE Ground Point MLG CHG CODE N N N N N N LAST REVISION DATE Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 L.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Page 5 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING CONTENT Minimum Line-Up Distance Corrections FIGURE 90˚ Turn on Runway Entry FIGURE 180˚ Turn on Runway Turn Pad FIGURE 180˚ Turn on Runway Width Subject 4-8-0 Aircraft Mooring FIGURE Aircraft Mooring CHAPTER 5 Subject 5-1-0 Aircraft Servicing Arrangements Subject 5-1-1 Typical Ramp Layout (Open Apron) FIGURE Typical Ramp Layout (Open Apron) Subject 5-1-2 Typical Ramp Layout (Gate) FIGURE Typical Ramp Layout (Gate) Subject 5-2-0 Terminal Operations .E.C.Full Servicing Turn Round Time FIGURE Full Servicing Turn Round Time Chart Subject 5-3-0 Terminal Operations . E.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .C.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING CONTENT Subject 5-4-2 Hydraulic System FIGURE Green Ground Service Panel FIGURE Yellow Ground Service Panel Subject 5-4-3 Electrical System FIGURE Electrical Service Panel FIGURE RAT Subject 5-4-4 Oxygen System FIGURE Oxygen System Subject 5-4-5 Fuel System FIGURE Refuel/Defuel Control Panel FIGURE Ground Service Connections FIGURE NACA and Overpressure Locations Subject 5-4-6 Pneumatic System FIGURE Low Pressure Preconditioned Air FIGURE High Pressure Preconditioned Air Subject 5-4-7 Potable Water System FIGURE Potable Water Ground Service Panel FIGURE Forward Drain panel FIGURE Potable Water Tanks Location Subject 5-4-8 Oil System FIGURE Engine Oil Servicing FIGURE VFG Oil Servicing CHG CODE N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N LAST REVISION DATE Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 L. Page 6 Jun 01/13 . C. Page 7 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .E.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING CONTENT FIGURE Starter Oil Servicing FIGURE APU Oil Servicing Subject 5-4-9 Vacuum Toilet System FIGURE Ground Service Panel FIGURE Waste Tanks Location Subject 5-6-0 Ground Pneumatic Power Requirements FIGURE Ground Pneumatic Power Requirements Subject 5-7-0 Preconditioned Airflow Requirements FIGURE Preconditioned Airflow Requirements Subject 5-8-0 Towing Requirements FIGURE Towing Requirements Subject 5-9-0 De-icing and External cleaning CHAPTER 6 Subject 6-4-0 APU Exhaust Velocities and Temperatures FIGURE APU Exhaust Velocities and Temperatures CHAPTER 7 Subject 7-1-0 General Information Subject 7-2-0 Landing Gear Footprint FIGURE Landing Gear Footprint Subject 7-3-0 Maximum Pavement Loads CHG CODE N N N N N N N N N N N N LAST REVISION DATE Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 N N Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 N N N N Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 L. LCN Conversion FIGURE Flexible Pavement Requirements .E.Rigid Pavement FIGURE Aircraft Classification Number .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .Flexible Pavement FIGURE Aircraft Classification Number .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING CONTENT FIGURE Maximum Pavement Loads Subject 7-4-0 Landing Gear Loading on Pavement FIGURE Landing Gear Loading on Pavement Subject 7-5-0 Flexible Pavement Requirements .LCN Subject 7-8-1 Radius of Relative Stiffness (L) FIGURE Radius of Relative Stiffness (L) Subject 7-8-2 Radius of Relative Stiffness (Other values of E and µ) FIGURE Radius of Relative Stiffness (Effect E and µ ON ”L” values) Subject 7-9-0 Aircraft Classification Number . Page 8 Jun 01/13 .LCN Conversion FIGURE Rigid Pavement Requirements .Portland Cement Association Design Method FIGURE Rigid Pavement Requirements Subject 7-8-0 Rigid Pavement Requirements .C.LCN Subject 7-7-0 Rigid Pavement Requirements .Flexible Pavement Subject 7-9-1 Aircraft Classification Number .US Army Corps of Engineers Design Method S-77-1 FIGURE Flexible Pavement Requirements Subject 7-6-0 Flexible Pavement Requirements .Rigid Pavement CHG CODE N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N LAST REVISION DATE Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 L. AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING CONTENT CHAPTER 8 Subject 8-0-0 Scaled Drawings FIGURE Scaled Drawings CHAPTER 10 Subject 10-0-0 Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting FIGURE Front Page FIGURE Highly Flammable and Hazardous Materials and Components FIGURE Crew Rest Compartments Location FIGURE Wheel/Brake Overheat FIGURE Composite Materials Location FIGURE Ground Lock Safety Devices FIGURE Emergency Evacuation Devices FIGURE Pax/Crew Doors and Emergency Exits FIGURE Cockpit Emergency Exit FIGURE FWD and AFT Lower Deck Cargo Doors FIGURE Control Panels FIGURE APU Compartment Access FIGURE Aircraft Ground Clearances FIGURE Structural Break-in Points FIGURE Batteries Location and Access CHG CODE LAST REVISION DATE N N Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 Jun 01/13 L. Page 9 Jun 01/13 .E.C.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Page 1 Jun 01/13 .Runway to Taxiway T.O.C.Cross Section 2-6-0 Cargo Compartments 2-7-0 Door Clearances and Location 2-7-1 Forward Doors 2-7-3 Aft Doors 2-7-4 Forward Cargo Compartment Door 2-7-5 Aft Cargo Compartment Door 2-7-6 Bulk Cargo Compartment Door 2-7-7 Nose Landing Gear Doors 2-7-8 Main Landing Gear Doors 2-8-0 Escape Slides 2-9-0 Landing Gear 2-10-0 Exterior Lighting 2-11-0 Antennas and Probes Location 2-12-0 Engine and Nacelle 2-12-1 APU 2-13-0 Levelling.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1-1-0 1-2-0 SCOPE INTRODUCTION Glossary 2 AIRCRAFT DESCRIPTION 2-1-0 General Aircraft Characteristics 2-2-0 General Aircraft Dimensions 2-3-0 Ground Clearances 2-4-0 Interior Arrangements .Plan View 2-5-0 Interior Arrangements . Symmetry and Alignement 2-14-1 Jacking for Maintenance 2-14-2 Jacking for wheel change 4 4-2-0 4-3-0 4-4-0 4-5-0 4-5-1 GROUND MANEUVERING Turning Radii Minimum Turning Radii Visibility from Cockpit in Static Position Runway and Taxiway Turn Paths 90˚ Turn . Runway to Taxiway 180˚ Turn on a Runway 90˚ Turn .O.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 4-5-2 4-5-3 4-5-4 4-5-5 4-6-0 4-7-0 4-8-0 5 5-1-0 5-1-1 5-1-2 5-2-0 5-3-0 5-4-0 5-4-1 5-4-2 5-4-3 5-4-4 5-4-5 5-4-6 5-4-7 5-4-8 5-4-9 5-6-0 5-7-0 5-8-0 5-9-0 6 6-4-0 7 7-1-0 7-2-0 7-3-0 7-4-0 7-5-0 135˚ Turn .Taxiway to Taxiway Runway Holding Bay (Apron) Minimum Line-Up Distance Corrections Aircraft Mooring TERMINAL SERVICING Aircraft Servicing Arrangements Typical Ramp Layout (Open Apron) Typical Ramp Layout (Gate) Terminal Operations .C.Taxiway to Taxiway 135˚ Turn .US Army Corps of Engineers Design Method S-77-1 T. Page 2 Jun 01/13 .Transit Turn Round Time Ground Service Connections layout Grounding Points Hydraulic System Electrical System Oxygen System Fuel System Pneumatic System Potable Water System Oil System Vacuum Toilet System Ground Pneumatic Power Requirements Preconditioned Airflow Requirements Towing Requirements De-icing and External cleaning OPERATING CONDITIONS APU Exhaust Velocities and Temperatures PAVEMENT DATA General Information Landing Gear Footprint Maximum Pavement Loads Landing Gear Loading on Pavement Flexible Pavement Requirements .Full Servicing Turn Round Time Terminal Operations . C.LCN Conversion Rigid Pavement Requirements .O.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .LCN Conversion Radius of Relative Stiffness (L) Radius of Relative Stiffness (Other values of E and µ) Aircraft Classification Number .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-6-0 7-7-0 7-8-0 7-8-1 7-8-2 7-9-0 7-9-1 8 8-0-0 Flexible Pavement Requirements .Flexible Pavement Aircraft Classification Number . Page 3 Jun 01/13 .Portland Cement Association Design Method Rigid Pavement Requirements .Rigid Pavement SCALED DRAWINGS Scaled Drawings 10 AIRCRAFT RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING 10-0-0 Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting T. The aircraft is designed to offer multiple payload capabilities with a consistant range ability across the family. It is given for guidance only and does not constitute a contractual commitment. The innovative A350 XWB design increases planning flexibility to perform maintenance during the aircraft scheduled downtime. environmental characteristics and economics. This document is not customized and must not be used for training purposes.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING SCOPE 1-1-0 INTRODUCTION **ON A/C A350-900 Introduction 1. with a global market coverage. Customer Services Technical Data Support and Services 1 Rond Point Maurice BELLONTE 31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE 1-1-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . Correspondence concerning this publication should be directed to: AIRBUS S. The A350 XWB is a new family of mid-size medium to long range new technology aircraft that will deliver superior fuel efficiency. maintainability. This engine will incorporate the most advanced technologies to provide the best aircraft performance. the A350 XWB offers a high level of cargo hold capability and flexibility. Reflecting market needs. allowing interlining operations. lowest fuel consumption and environmental impact. The A350 XWB provides easy and cost effective ground handling minimizing aircraft turn round time. The A350 XWB is equipped with two Rolls-Royce Trent XWB engines. The data given in this issue of the A350 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING (AC) can be subject to change pending completion of the design and flight test phase.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . ease the loading.S. passenger comfort. General The A350 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING (AC) manual is issued for the A350-900 series aircraft to provide necessary data to airport operators and airlines for airport facilities planning.A. Two wide cargo doors and a Cargo Loading System (CLS) compatible with most lower deck cargo containers and pallet standards. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . List of Abbreviations Aircraft A/C ACN Aircraft Classification Number APU Auxiliary Power Unit Business Class B/C California Bearing Ratio CBR CC Cargo Compartment CG Center of Gravity E Young’s Modulus ESWL Equivalent Single Wheel Load FAA Federal Aviation Administration FDL Fuselage Datum Line FR Frame FSTE Full Size Trolley Equivalent FWD Forward GPU Ground Power Unit Ground Support Equipment GSE ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation International Standard Atmosphere ISA L Radius of relative stiffness LCN Load Classification Number LD Load Device LD Lower Deck LH Left Hand LP Low Pressure LPS Last Pax Seating MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord MAX Maximum MIN Minimum MLG Main Landing Gear NLG Nose Landing Gear Outside Air Temperature OAT PAX Passenger PBB Passenger Boarding Bridge 1-2-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 1-2-0 Glossary **ON A/C A350-900 Glossary 1. Portland Cement Association Pavement Classification Number Passenger with Reduced Mobility Right Hand Unit Load Device United States Variable Frequency Generator Weight Variant Economic Class Design Weight Terminology Maximum Design Ramp Weight (MRW): Maximum weight for ground maneuver (including weight of taxi and run-up fuel) as limited by aircraft strength and airworthiness requirements. Usable Fuel: Fuel available for aircraft propulsion. (This is the maximum weight at start of the take-off run). Maximum Design Landing Weight (MLW): Maximum weight for landing as limited by aircraft strength and airworthiness requirements.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING PCA PCN PRM RH ULD US VFG WV Y/C 2. Usable Volume: Usable volume available for cargo. passenger compartment and cockpit. pressurized fuselage.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Maximum Seating Capacity: Maximum number of passengers specifically certified or anticipated for certification. It is also called Maximum Design Taxi Weight (MTW). Water Volume: Maximum volume of cargo compartment. Maximum Design Takeoff Weight (MTOW): Maximum weight for takeoff as limited by aircraft strength and airworthiness requirements. Maximum Design Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW): Maximum permissible weight of the aircraft without usable fuel. 1-2-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . Bulk CC Water Volume.0 lb) 971 m3 (34291.0 ft.785 kg/l) 315 (2 class) 138000 l (36456.3) 113.4 m3 (4004.0 lb) Aircraft Characteristics Standard Seating Capacity Usable Fuel Capacity (density = 0.4 m3 (3157. FWD CC 2-1-0 .3) 9.23 m3 (291.0 lb) 268000 kg (590839.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING AIRCRAFT DESCRIPTION 2-1-0 General Aircraft Characteristics **ON A/C A350-900 General Aircraft Characteristics 1.0 ft.3) 473.07 ft.3) Page 1 Jun 01/13 Pressurized Fuselage Volume Cockpit Volume Passenger Compartment Volume Usable Volume. Aircraft Characteristics Maximum Taxi Weight (MTW) Maximum Ramp Weight (MRW) Maximum Take Off Weight (MTOW) Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) Basic Weights 268900 kg (592824.12 m3 (322.3) 71. The following table provides characteristics of the A350--900.0 ft.0 lb) 192000 kg (423288.4 USgal) 108330 kg (238827.3) 8.5 m3 (2525.7 m3 (16729.7 ft.0 lb) 205000 kg (451948.0 ft. FWD CC (Based on LD3) Usable Volume.0 ft.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . AFT CC (Based on LD3) Usable Volume.3) 89. 8 m3 (3383. AFT CC Water Volume. Bulk CC 95.59 ft.4 m3 (402.3) 11.16 ft.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING Aircraft Characteristics Water Volume.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .3) 2-1-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-2-0 General Aircraft Dimensions **ON A/C A350-900 General Aircraft Dimensions 1. This section provides general aircraft dimensions. 2-2-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 66.61 m (218.54 ft) 3.04 m (9.97 ft) 6.09 m (19.98 ft) 9.42 m (30.90 ft) 4.63 m (15.19 ft) 28.66 m (94.03 ft) 65.26 m (214.11 ft) 64.75 m (212.43 ft) 18.79 m (61.65 ft) 1.74 m (5.71 ft) 0.75 m (2.46 ft) 10.60 m (34.77 ft) 12.87 m (42.22 ft) RELATED TO AIRCRAFT ATTITUDE AND WEIGHT P_AC_020200_1_0010001_01_01 General Aircraft Dimensions (Sheet 1 of 2) FIGURE-2-2-0-991-001-A01 2-2-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 66.80 m (219.16 ft) 2.46 m (8.07 ft) 5.96 m (19.55 ft) 10.50 m (34.45 ft) 7.86 m (25.79 ft) 12.75 m (41.83 ft) 17.02 m (55.84 ft) 21.97 m (72.08 ft) 9.62 m (31.56 ft) 5.18 m (16.99 ft) 46.68 m (153.15 ft) RELATED TO AIRCRAFT ATTITUDE AND WEIGHT P_AC_020200_1_0010001_02_01 General Aircraft Dimensions (Sheet 2 of 2) FIGURE-2-2-0-991-001-A01 2-2-0 Page 3 Jun 01/13 @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-3-0 Ground Clearances **ON A/C A350-900 Ground Clearances 1. This section gives the height of various points of the aircraft, above the ground, for different aircraft configurations. Dimensions in the tables are approximate and will vary with tire type, weight and balance and other special conditions. The dimensions are given for: - A light weight, for an A/C in maintenance configuration with FWD CG and a AFT CG, - An aircraft at MRW with a FWD CG and a AFT CG, - Aircraft on jacks, FDL at 6.50 m (21.33 ft.). NOTE : Passenger and cargo door ground clearances are measured from the center of the door sill and from floor level. 2-3-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 36 16.53 8.57 8.59 10.99 5.47 23.50 27.10 30.83 20.34 17.84 6.92 5.07 2.25 3.40 9.25 3.39 9.39 4.17 56.23 2.17 ft 25.46 28.66 8.52 5.43 3.52 8.93 6.50 11.59 3.56 10.43 5.00 30.24 56.32 18.90 20.61 8.25 10.21 4.93 2.44 23.52 22.71 3.1%) FWD CG (20%) AFT CG (40%) FDL = 6.37 8.84 19.64 17.90 m 6.26 6.78 28.20 28.07 31.30 2.32 7.12 5.16 3.10 9.15 5.45 28.18 12.77 6.29 17.01 1.37 11.38 8.25 23.96 ft 21.94 34.14 3.97 23.59 3.61 8.87 4.60 15.44 8.84 m 6.72 12.33 17.40 30.70 20.87 4.85 13.79 2.71 9.77 1.05 14.70 8.18 6.53 17.98 22.68 3.41 7.41 7.72 12.39 8.32 5.71 4.90 28.61 21.07 6.26 56.58 8.37 12.05 17.56 2.74 2.94 5.55 2.10 5.34 57.17 14.57 7.22 17.79 2.10 16.20 10.86 5.22 17.69 2.45 59.09 10.43 4.56 20.43 16.38 3.41 7.06 17.68 5.04 8.43 7.13 5.50 3.45 2.41 2.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .37 6.82 8.16 5.60 0.90 20.27 25.13 3.66 5.71 3.83 16.49 17.53 14.79 2.17 10.86 2.67 25.53 14.22 3.80 NOTE: PASSENGER AND CARGO DOOR GROUND CLEARANCES ARE MEASURED FROM THE CENTER OF THE DOOR SILL AND FROM FLOOR LEVEL.37 6.54 8.27 10.68 26.93 24.16 7.49 12.84 12.33 2.97 8.08 8.17 16. P_AC_020300_1_0010001_01_02 Ground Clearances FIGURE-2-3-0-991-001-A01 2-3-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .33 2.80 9.40 14.25 10.70 15.37 16.32 4.88 0.29 11.91 8.17 32.41 27.06 10.13 7.02 27.14 ft m 6.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 VT AP D4 C3 C2 F2 F4 BF3 D3 BF2 D2 BF1 F3 C1 F1 D1 D5 RD1 CP1 N1 WL1 FT3 FT2 FT1 HT WL2 A/C (142 000 kg) (142 000 kg) A/C JACKED MRW MRW CONFIGURATION FWD CG (26%) AFT CG (33.10 m 7.75 4.72 3.40 6.46 5.05 16.5 m (21.74 6.62 17.50 8.90 20.90 5.89 8.18 7.05 7.85 7.79 10.15 31.22 5.83 2.17 16.19 3.43 3.57 5.81 27.27 3.06 17.80 16.04 17.80 3.74 22.90 5.20 19.70 8.09 24.37 6.31 2.46 1.58 4.04 ft 21.25 8.33 9.46 13.73 5.96 7.18 3.93 2.33 ft) AP BF1 BF2 BF3 C1 C2 C3 CP1 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 F1 F2 F3 F4 FT1 FT2 FT3 HT N1 RD1 VT WL1 WL2 m ft 6.93 5.53 19.47 3.33 8.17 14.98 8.93 2.45 5.21 18.75 24.86 8.93 28.35 4.15 5.59 3.66 3.27 17.21 5.49 8.27 10.71 4.29 24.45 5.21 17.73 6.90 17.56 0.16 0.00 23.17 12.51 2.37 6.33 12.98 13.73 16. AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-4-0 Interior Arrangements .Plan View **ON A/C A350-900 Interior Arrangements .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . This section gives the standard configuration. 2-4-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .Plan View 1. BUSINESS 60 in. P_AC_020400_1_0010001_01_01 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .**ON A/C A350-900 PASSENGER DOOR 1 RH PASSENGER DOOR 2 RH PASSENGER DOOR 3 RH PASSENGER DOOR 4 RH A L G G G L L A L A L A S L A L A L A G A L G G G G G G @A350-900 Standard Configuration FIGURE-2-4-0-991-001-A01 PASSENGER DOOR 1 LH PASSENGER DOOR 2 LH PASSENGER DOOR 3 LH PASSENGER DOOR 4 LH AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-4-0 ITEM G L A S DESIGNATION (12) GALLEY (9) LAVATORY ATTENDANT SEAT (8) (1) STOWAGE PASSENGER SEATS (315 TOTAL) 48 BUSINESS CLASS (6−ABREAST) 267 ECONOMY CLASS (9−ABREAST) SEAT PITCHES: ECONOMY 32 in. This section gives the typical configuration. 2-5-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .Cross Section **ON A/C A350-900 Interior Arrangements .Cross Section 1.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-5-0 Interior Arrangements .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 5 in) BASELINE ECONOMY CLASS 9 ABREAST 1.5 in) 0.18 m (7 in) 0.53 m (60.5 in) 0.11 in) 0.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .57 m (22.46 m (18 in) 0.04 m (1.50 m (59 in) 0.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 BUSINESS CLASS / FIRST CLASS 6 ABREAST 1.09 m (3.55 m (21.5 in) 0.1in) NOTE: AISLE WIDTH MAY VARY DEPENDING ON ACTUAL CABIN CONFIGURATION SELECTED BY CUSTOMER P_AC_020500_1_0010001_01_01 Typical Configuration FIGURE-2-5-0-991-001-A01 2-5-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .46 m (18. 2-6-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . This section gives cargo compartments : . .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-6-0 Cargo Compartments **ON A/C A350-900 Cargo Compartments 1.Loading combinations.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .Locations and dimensions. 95 m (37.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-6-0 16.90 m (114.57 in) 1.**ON A/C A350-900 FR19 FR44 FR61 FR85 FR82 @A350-900 Cargo Compartments Locations and Dimensions (Sheet 1 of 2) FIGURE-2-6-0-991-002-A01 LOWER DECK FORWARD CARGO COMPARTMENT LOWER DECK AFT CARGO COMPARTMENT LOWER DECK BULK CARGO COMPARTMENT 2.55 in) 2.20 in) P_AC_020600_1_0020001_01_00 0.34 in) AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .85 m (112.91 m (75.4 in) Page 2 Jun 01/13 .221 m (638.62 in) 13.578 m (535. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 P_AC_020600_1_0020001_02_00 Cargo Compartments Loading Combinations (Sheet 2 of 2) FIGURE-2-6-0-991-002-A01 STANDARD: 6 PALLETS 88 in / 96 in X 125 in STANDARD: 20 LD3 CONTAINERS STANDARD: 5 PALLETS 88 in / 96 in X 125 in STANDARD: 16 LD3 CONTAINERS 2-6-0 Page 3 Jun 01/13 . This section gives door clearances and location.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-7-0 Door Clearances and Location **ON A/C A350-900 Door Clearances and Location 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 2-7-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 PAX DOOR 1 LH PAX DOOR 2 LH PAX DOOR 3 LH PAX DOOR 4 LH BULK CARGO DOOR COCKPIT ESCAPE HATCH PAX DOOR 4 RH PAX DOOR 3 RH PAX DOOR 2 RH PAX DOOR 1 RH AFT CARGO DOOR FORWARD CARGO DOOR P_AC_020700_1_0010001_01_01 Door Location (Sheet 1 of 2) FIGURE-2-7-0-991-001-A01 2-7-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 44 ft) 18.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 52.12 m (13.47 ft) 49.18 ft) P_AC_020700_1_0010001_02_01 Door Location (Sheet 2 of 2) FIGURE-2-7-0-991-001-A01 2-7-0 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .85 m (22.30 m (155.93 m (124.52 ft) 11.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .99 m (164.55 m (172.85 m (61.69 m (38.01 ft) 4.35 ft) 47.41 ft) 37.84 ft) 6. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-7-1 Forward Doors **ON A/C A350-900 Forward Doors 1. This section gives forward door clearances. 2-7-1 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . 46 m (8.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .73 m (2.09 ft) 0.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 2.40 ft) 2.20 ft) FWD 0.16 m (7.06 m (0.69 ft) 0.82 m (2.07 ft) FWD P_AC_020701_1_0010001_01_00 Forward Doors FIGURE-2-7-1-991-001-A01 2-7-1 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . 76 ft) 0.70 m (2.06 m (0.09 ft) 0.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .30 ft) 2.84 m (2.16 m (7.46 m (8.20 ft) FWD 0.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 2.07 ft) FWD P_AC_020701_1_0020001_01_00 Forward Doors FIGURE-2-7-1-991-002-A01 2-7-1 Page 3 Jun 01/13 . 2-7-3 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . This section gives aft door clearances.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-7-3 Aft Doors **ON A/C A350-900 Aft Doors 1. 30 ft) 2.07 ft) FWD P_AC_020703_1_0010002_01_00 Aft Doors FIGURE-2-7-3-991-001-B01 2-7-3 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .70 m (2.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 2.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .11 m (6.84 m (2.92 ft) 0.20 ft) FWD 0.06 m (0.76 ft) 0.46 m (8. 80 m (2.45 m (8.04 ft) FWD P_AC_020703_1_0020001_01_00 Aft Doors FIGURE-2-7-3-991-002-A01 2-7-3 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .62 ft) 2.09 ft) 0.75 m (2.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 2.46 in) 0.16 m (7.06 m (0.20 ft) FWD 0. 2-7-4 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . This section gives forward cargo compartment door clearances.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-7-4 Forward Cargo Compartment Door **ON A/C A350-900 Forward Cargo Compartment Door 1. 23 ft) 1.08 m (0.59 m (8.23 ft) 2.26 ft) A A P_AC_020704_1_0010001_01_00 Forward Cargo Compartment Door FIGURE-2-7-4-991-001-A01 2-7-4 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .51 m (8.50 ft) SEE CHAPTER 2−3 0.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A FWD A 2.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .90 m (6. This section gives aft cargo compartment door clearances.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-7-5 Aft Cargo Compartment Door **ON A/C A350-900 Aft Cargo Compartment Door 1. 2-7-5 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 53 m (8.57 m (8.43 ft) SEE CHAPTER 2−3 0.91 m (6.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A FWD A 2.30 ft) 1.10 m (0.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .27 ft) 2.33 ft) A A P_AC_020705_1_0010001_01_00 Aft Cargo Compartment Door FIGURE-2-7-5-991-001-A01 2-7-5 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-7-6 Bulk Cargo Compartment Door **ON A/C A350-900 Bulk Cargo Compartment Door 1. 2-7-6 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . This section gives the bulk cargo compartment door clearances. 53 ft) 1.74 ft) SEE CHAPTER 2−3 A A P_AC_020706_1_0010001_01_00 Bulk Cargo Compartment Door FIGURE-2-7-6-991-001-A01 2-7-6 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .77 m (2.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A FWD A 0.75 m (5. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-7-7 Nose Landing Gear Doors **ON A/C A350-900 Nose Landing Gear Doors 1. 2-7-7 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . This section gives nose landing gear (NLG) door clearances. 77 m (2.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .8 ° R 0.93 m (9.06 m (3.48 ft) 0.56 ft) A Nose Landing Gear Doors Forward Nose Landing Gear Doors (Sheet 1 of 2) FIGURE-2-7-7-991-001-A01 P_AC_020707_1_0010001_01_00 2-7-7 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .53 ft) 2.78 m (2.48 ft) 61.06 m (3.61 ft) 2m (6.56 ft) R 1.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A 1. 66 ft) 2.15 m (7.05 ft) A P_AC_020707_1_0010001_02_00 Nose Landing Gear Doors Aft Nose Landing Gear Doors (Sheet 2 of 2) FIGURE-2-7-7-991-001-A01 2-7-7 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .36 ft) 0.03 m (6.33 ft) R 0.72 m (2.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A 0.94 ft) 69.59 m (1.71 m (2.49 ft) R 0.76 m (2.8 ° 2.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 2-7-8 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-7-8 Main Landing Gear Doors **ON A/C A350-900 Main Landing Gear Doors 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . This section gives main landing gear (MLG) door clearances. 3 ° R 2.13 m 0.75 m (9.02 ft) 1.35 ft) 81.43 m (7.63 m (5.97 ft) 0.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A 2.19 m (0.62 ft) A P_AC_020708_1_0010001_01_00 Main Landing Gear Doors FIGURE-2-7-8-991-001-A01 2-7-8 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .43 ft) (0. AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-8-0 Escape Slides **ON A/C A350-900 Escape Slides 1.One cockpit escape rope is kept in a dedicated stowage compartment adjacent to the escape hatch. 2-8-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . .One slide-raft at each passenger/crew door (total eight). 2. Location Escape facilities are provided at the following locations: .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . General This section gives location of escape facilities and related clearances. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 CABIN DUAL−LANE SLIDE/RAFT CABIN DUAL−LANE SLIDE/RAFT CABIN DUAL−LANE SLIDE/RAFT COCKPIT ESCAPE ROPE CABIN SINGLE−LANE SLIDE/RAFT P_AC_020800_1_0010001_01_01 Escape Slides Location (Sheet 1 of 2) FIGURE-2-8-0-991-001-A01 2-8-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 EMERGENCY DESCENT THROUGH THE ESCAPE HATCH WITH THE ESCAPE ROPE 33 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 P_AC_020800_1_0010001_02_00 Escape Slides Dimensions (Sheet 2 of 2) FIGURE-2-8-0-991-001-A01 GRID EQUALS 1 m (3.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .28 ft) IN REALITY 2-8-0 Page 3 Jun 01/13 . Each MLG has a gear uplock and a door uplock. The MLG doors are closed and locked to enclose the MLG bay in flight and on the ground. the MLGs are retracted and locked up. Landing Gear Extension and Retraction System The Landing Gear Extension and Retraction System is made up of three sub-systems: . NLG System Description The NLG is located in the forward lower fuselage on the aircraft centerline below the cockpit. The MLGs retract sideways into bays in the fuselage. The aft doors are mechanically driven and remain open when the NLG is extended. MLG System Description The two MLGs are mounted in the LH and RH wing just outboard of the wing root within the trailing edge. It is forward retracting and consists of a twin wheel axle mounted on a main fitting that incorporates a single stage oleo shock strut supported by a forward drag brace. In flight. to allow on ground access to the landing gear bays for maintenance purposes. The hydraulically powered Forward NLG Doors are also closed after the NLG is extended. 2-9-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . for normal extension and retraction. . The MLG has a double side stay arrangement to improve load distribution on the composite wing. When retracted. 3. In flight. containing an uplock hook for each door. Each MLG has a four wheel twin-tandem bogie.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-9-0 Landing Gear **ON A/C A350-900 Landing Gear 1. Hydraulic power for the NLG extension/retraction comes from the Yellow hydraulic system. Hydraulic power for the MLG extension/retraction is from the green hydraulic system. 2. The NLG main fitting accommodates the steering assembly for the NWS system.Normal extension and retraction system.Alternate extension system. the NLG is held by an uplock and the two main NLG doors are held by a single door uplock assembly. Each MLG leg contains a single stage oleo shock strut consisting of a sliding piston and a main fitting that is supported by the two folding side stays and pivots on the top of the main fitting for extension/retraction.Ground door opening system.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Each MLG has one associated main door operated by a single door actuator. . The two forward doors are each operated by two independent door actuators. only opening when the landing gear is extending or retracting. Each side stay has a separate lock stay assembly to provide a positive means to lock landing gear in the extended position for landing and ground manoeuvres. for extension in flight if normal system is unavailable. the NLG is retracted and locked up while the four sideways opening NLG Doors are closed and locked to enclose the NLG bay. AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 HINGE DOOR FIXED FAIRING DOOR C A A D HINGE F MAIN DOOR B A LH SHOWN RH SYMMETRICAL GUIDE MECHANICAL LINKAGE GUIDE ROLLER RAMP B C P_AC_020900_1_0010001_01_00 Main Landing Gear Doors overview (Sheet 1 of 3) FIGURE-2-9-0-991-001-A01 2-9-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 FORWARD LOCK STAY ACTUATOR FORWARD LOCK STAY RETRACTION ACTUATOR H MAIN FITTING FORWARD DOWNLOCK SPRINGS FORWARD SIDE STAY E SLIDING PISTON AFT LOCK STAY ACTUATOR AFT LOCK STAY BOGIE H D AFT SIDE STAY AFT DOWNLOCK SPRINGS UPPER TORQUE LINK LOWER TORQUE LINK BOGIE PITCH TRIMMER ACTUATOR E P_AC_020900_1_0010001_02_00 Main Landing Gear Overview (Sheet 2 of 3) FIGURE-2-9-0-991-001-A01 2-9-0 Page 3 Jun 01/13 . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 SAFETY COLLAR ACTUATOR G SAFETY PIN SAFETY PIN F HINGE G LOCK STAY SAFETY PIN H TYPICAL INSTALLATION P_AC_020900_1_0010001_03_00 Main Landing Gear Safety Devices (Sheet 3 of 3) FIGURE-2-9-0-991-001-A01 2-9-0 Page 4 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A FORWARD DOOR B AFT DOOR C E HINGE A HINGE FREE FALL RAMP NLG Z−STOP B RH SHOWN LH SYMMETRICAL DRIVEN LINKAGE ROD P_AC_020900_1_0020001_01_00 Nose Landing Gear Doors overview (Sheet 1 of 4) FIGURE-2-9-0-991-002-A01 2-9-0 Page 5 Jun 01/13 . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 RETRACTION ACTUATOR G LOCK STAY ACTUATOR FORWARD/ AFT LOCK STAYS UPPER DRAG BRACE LOWER DRAG BRACE MAIN FITTING DOWNLOCK SPRINGS H STEERING ASSEMBLY D JACKING DOME C UPPER TORQUE LINK SLIDING PISTON LOWER TORQUE LINK D P_AC_020900_1_0020001_02_00 Nose Landing Gear Overview (Sheet 2 of 4) FIGURE-2-9-0-991-002-A01 2-9-0 Page 6 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 ACTUATOR F SAFETY COLLAR SAFETY PIN SAFETY PIN E F LOCK STAY SAFETY PIN G P_AC_020900_1_0020001_03_00 Nose Landing Gear Safety Devices (Sheet 3 of 4) FIGURE-2-9-0-991-002-A01 2-9-0 Page 7 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 J K 2GN 1GN H J FWD K FWD P_AC_020900_1_0020001_04_00 Nose Landing Gear Service Panels (Sheet 4 of 4) FIGURE-2-9-0-991-002-A01 2-9-0 Page 8 Jun 01/13 . WHITE) TAXI CAMERA LIGHTS (NLG) TAXI CAMERA LIGHTS (MLG) LANDING LIGHTS RUNWAY TURN-OFF LIGHTS TAXI LIGHTS TAKE-OFF LIGHTS CARGO COMPARTMENT FLOOD LIGHTS LANDING GEAR BAY/WELL LIGHTS (DOME) 2-10-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-10-0 Exterior Lighting **ON A/C A350-900 Exterior Lighting 1. This section gives the location of the aircraft exterior lighting. WHITE) TAIL STROBE LIGHT (HIGH INTENSITY. EXTERIOR LIGHTING ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 DESCRIPTION RIGHT NAVIGATION LIGHT (GREEN) LEFT NAVIGATION LIGHT (RED) TAIL NAVIGATION LIGHT (WHITE) UPPER ANTI-COLLISION LIGHT/BEACON (RED) LOWER ANTI-COLLISION LIGHT/BEACON (RED) LOGO LIGHTS ENGINE SCAN LIGHTS WING SCAN LIGHTS WING STROBE LIGHT (HIGH INTENSITY.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 9 1 6 3 6 4 7 8 2 9 7 8 11 12 5 12 10 P_AC_021000_1_0010002_01_00 Exterior Lighting FIGURE-2-10-0-991-001-B01 2-10-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 13 13 16 15 16 14 6 6 P_AC_021000_1_0020001_01_00 Exterior Lighting FIGURE-2-10-0-991-002-A01 2-10-0 Page 3 Jun 01/13 . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 3 1 5 2 4 8 11 11 7 14 14 15 P_AC_021000_1_0030002_01_00 Exterior Lighting FIGURE-2-10-0-991-003-B01 2-10-0 Page 4 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 10 12 12 9 9 16 13 13 P_AC_021000_1_0040001_01_00 Exterior Lighting FIGURE-2-10-0-991-004-A01 2-10-0 Page 5 Jun 01/13 . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 17 18 17 18 EXAMPLE FOR LIGHT N° 17 CEILING LIGHT SPOT LIGHT P_AC_021000_1_0050001_01_00 Exterior Lighting FIGURE-2-10-0-991-005-A01 2-10-0 Page 6 Jun 01/13 . 2-11-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-11-0 Antennas and Probes Location **ON A/C A350-900 Antennas and Probes Location 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . This section gives the location of antennas and probes. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 2 4 − ICE PROBE 5 − GNSS 1 6 − GNSS 2 7 − TCAS 2 (TOP) 8 − WACS 9 − SATCOM 10 − VHF 1 11 − ADF 1 12 − ADF 2 13 − VHF 3 14 − ELT 15 − HF 16 − MARKER 17 − ISP LH 18 − DME 2 19 − RADIO ALT R2 20 − RADIO ALT E2 NOTE: LOCATION DEPENDING OF AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION 21 − DME 1 22 − TCAS 1 (BOTTOM) 23 − PITOT 24 − MFP 1 25 − AOA 26− ICE PROBE DETECTOR 27 − GLIDE 28 − WEATHER RADAR 29 − VOR 30 − ISP RH 31 − TCAS 1 (TOP) 32 − SSA 2. 3 33 − ICE PROBE PROTECTOR 34 − MFP 2. 3 35 − RADIO ALT E1 36 − RADIO ALT R1 37 − RADIO ALT R3 38 − RADIO ALT E3 39 − TCAS 2 (BOTTOM) 40 − VHF 2 P_AC_021100_1_0010001_01_00 Antennas and Probes Location FIGURE-2-11-0-991-001-A01 2-11-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 15 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 23 28 24 27 26 25 29 17 22 21 20 19 18 16 30 31 32 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 1 − LOC 2 − SSA 1 3 − TAT PROBE 1. Power Plant The A350--900 has two main power plants. Exhaust System The exhaust system consists of a primary nozzle and a center body plug. Each engine is equipped with an automatic flame-out protection. 2. one installed under each wing on a pylon.Thrust reverser. Means are provided to latch and secure a thrust reverser in the stowed position. B. . A. The thrust reverser latching system is designed so that the remote latches close only when the hooks are engaged.Air intake.Engine. The exhaust system is designed to optimize aerodynamics and acoustic performance. 2-12-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . Ignition Each engine is equipped with a dual ignition system controlled by the FADEC. Fan Cowl A power door opening system is installed to assist in opening the cowls.Nacelle. The power plant comprises the: . which form part of the translating sleeve actuated by an electrical Thrust Reverser Actuation System (TRAS). for maintenance purposes. Each power plant can be lowered for removal from its pylon. either using the TRAS powered by the aircraft or by manual drive with external Ground Support Equipment (GSE). Means are provided to permit actuation of the thrust reversers without engine operation. 3. . .Exhaust system. The cowls have access doors for fan case-mounted components. Thrust Reverser The engine thrust reverser consists primarily of a inner fixed structure and an outer translating sleeve. Engine A.Fan cowls. Nacelle The nacelle comprises the following assemblies: . A power door opening system is used to assist thrust reverser cowl opening. The fan exhaust stream is reversed by the cascades and blocker doors.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-12-0 Engine and Nacelle **ON A/C A350-900 Engine and Nacelle 1. . C. 2-12-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . or the other engine. Means are provided for gravity filling. It is possible to visually check and replenish the engine oil level without opening the fan cowl door.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Emergency Shutdown Actuation of the fire controls closes the associated LP valves. Thrust reverser control is by means of a separate lever for each engine. Magnetic chip detectors are installed in the lubrication system. Indicating Indications for each engine are displayed on the Control and Display System (CDS). Engine Master Control Engine fuel shutoff is controlled by switches installed on the center pedestal. G. C. Cooling System A nacelle cooling and ventilating system automatically provides the airflow required for cooling engine and nacelle accessories and associated structure. for all achievable conditions within the propulsion system operating envelope. or an Air Start Unit (AS). D. F. Oil The propulsion system has an independent integral oil system that is able to provide the appropriate quantity of oil. The starter can be supplied with air either from the APU. Standard types of GSE can be used. Starting The engine is equipped with a pneumatic air turbine starter. H. at the temperature necessary for continuous propulsion system operation.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING B. Power Control Forward thrust of each engine is controlled by a throttle control lever mounted on the center pedestal in the cockpit. E. 94 m (12.03 m (6.09 m (6.72 m (2.42 ft) 1.86 ft) 0.89 m (2.66 ft) 11.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .70 ft) 2.93 ft) 3.86 ft) 1.48 m (4.55 ft) 3.02 ft) 0.40 m (21 ft) 2.51 ft) 1.53 m (5.68 m (5.40 ft) 1.36 ft) 1.41 ft) 3.09 m (16.39 ft) 1.59 ft) 6.65 m (5.92 ft) REFER TO SECTION 2−3−0 NOTE: APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS DEPENDING ON AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION P_AC_021200_1_0010001_01_00 Engine and Nacelle (Sheet 1 of 3) FIGURE-2-12-0-991-001-A01 2-12-0 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .52 m (11.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 5.17 m (10.94 m (6.40 m (4.10 m (36. 28 m (4.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 C A FC TR D B A 5.50 m (18.96 ft) D 1.31 ft) C 6.39 m (20.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .01 m (3. FC: FAN COWL AND TR: THRUST REVERSER P_AC_021200_1_0010001_02_00 Engine and Nacelle (Sheet 2 of 3) FIGURE-2-12-0-991-001-A01 2-12-0 Page 4 Jun 01/13 .04 ft) B 1.20 ft) NOTE: APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS DEPENDING ON AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION. 51 m (4.42 m (21. FC: FAN COWL AND TR: THRUST REVERSER P_AC_021200_1_0010001_03_00 Engine and Nacelle (Sheet 3 of 3) FIGURE-2-12-0-991-001-A01 2-12-0 Page 5 Jun 01/13 .13 m (23.40 ft) D 1.06 ft) B 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .95 ft) FC=50° C 7.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 C A FC TR D B A TR=45° 6.94 ft) NOTE: APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS DEPENDING ON AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION.81 m (5. The APU is installed at the rear part of the fuselage in the tail cone.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . The exhaust gases pass overboard at the end of the fuselage cone. An air intake system with a flap-type door is installed in the top right area of the tail cone. 2-12-1 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-12-1 APU **ON A/C A350-900 APU 1. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 Z315. Z316 ENGINE A FR112 EXHAUST SYSTEM AIR SYSTEM B IGNITION AND STARTING SYSTEM FR104 A ENGINE FUEL AND CONTROL SYSTEM AIR SYSTEM FR104 FR109 B OIL SYSTEM P_AC_021201_1_0010001_01_00 APU FIGURE-2-12-1-991-001-A01 2-12-1 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . Quick leveling procedure with a spirit level in the FWD cargo compartment.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . adjust the jacks until the reference marks on the sighting rods are aligned in the sighting plane (aircraft level). Symmetry and Alignment Check Possible deformation of the aircraft is measured by photogrammetry. Precise Leveling For precise leveling. With the aircraft on jacks.Quick leveling procedure with Air Data/Inertial Reference System (ADIRS). Symmetry and Alignement 1.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-13-0 Levelling. it is necessary to install sighting rods in the receptacles located under the fuselage (points 10 and 17 for longitudinal leveling) and under the wings (points 1 LH and 1 RH for lateral leveling) and use a sighting tube. . 3.Quick leveling procedure with a spirit level in the passenger compartment. 2. Quick Leveling There are three alternative procedures to level the aircraft: . 2-13-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . Symmetry and Alignement **ON A/C A350-900 Levelling. . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 RIB5 RIB4 FR92 17 RIB5 1RH RIB4 10 1LH FR22 FR23 P_AC_021300_1_0010001_01_00 Location of Leveling Points FIGURE-2-13-0-991-001-A01 2-13-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . The A350-900 can be jacked: . The safety point must not be used for lifting the aircraft. 2. RIB9). Jacks and Safety Stay A. with a sufficient clearance between the aircraft jacking point and the jack upper end.95 ft. Safety Stay The stay stroke enables the aircraft tail to be supported up to the Fuselage Datum Line (FDL) positioned at 7.95 ft. Auxiliary Jacking Point (Safety Stay) When the aircraft is on jacks.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-14-1 Jacking for Maintenance **ON A/C A350-900 Jacking for Maintenance 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Jack Design The Maximum Eligible Static Load given in table FIGURE 2-14-1-991-001-A are the maximum loads applicable on jack fittings. . namely. . a safety stay is placed under the fuselage at FR98 to prevent tail tipping caused by accidental displacement of the aircraft center of gravity. 2-14-1 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . (2) The jacks stroke enables the aircraft to be jacked up so that the Fuselage Datum Line (FDL) may be positioned up to 7. B.One located on the forward lower left fuselage (FR12).) from the ground.Two located under the wings (one under each wing.At not more than 163000 kg (359354 lb).30 m (23.) from the ground to allow all required maintenance procedure and in particular. the height of the jacks is such that they may be placed beneath the aircraft under the most adverse conditions. : Primary Jacking Points The aircraft is provided with three primary jacking points: . the landing gear shock absorbers removal/installation. (1) In fully retracted position (jack stroke at minimum).30 m (23. B. tires deflated and shock absorbers depressurized and.within the limits of the permissible wind speed when the aircraft is jacked outside a closed environment. C. in addition. Aircraft Jacking Points for Maintenance A. 77 33.64 28.75 m −1.71 −8.72 8.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .71 0 Y ft −5.58 0 MAXIMUM LOAD ELIGIBLE daN 18630 76600 76600 7650 NOTE: SAFETY STAY IS NOT USED FOR JACKING.75 ft 15.22 58.99 108. P_AC_021401_1_0010001_01_00 Jacking for Maintenance Jacking Points Location (Sheet 1 of 5) FIGURE-2-14-1-991-001-A01 2-14-1 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 RIB9 WING JACKING POINT B FUSELAGE DATUM LINE SAFETY POINT FR98 FR12 A X FWD JACKING POINT B’ Y C WING JACKING POINT RIB9 X m FORWARD FUSELAGE JACKING POINT A WING JACKING POINT SAFETY STAY B B’ C 4.58 −28.99 192.65 108.22 33. 66 18.09 4. SHOCK−ABSORBER DEFLATED.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . SHOCK−ABSORBER RELAXED.91 16.45 14.29 10.58 15.70 AIRCRAFT ON WHEELS.33 ft).57 N ft 15.12 10.38 m (4.53 ft) (STANDARD TIRES *) 20 4. CLEARANCE OF NOSE GEAR WHEELS = 1.08 41 4.17 6.71 4.96 4.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 FUSELAGE DATUM LINE L M N CONFIGURATION CG POSITION (% MAC) 20 41 HEIGHT L m ft m M ft m 4.57 14.06 10.36 11.12 20. CLEARANCE OF MAIN GEAR WHEELS = 1.48 4.35 LH 4.17 m (3.11 20 AIRCRAFT ON WHEELS (STANDARD TIRES *) A/C WEIGHT = 142 000 kg (313 056 lb) 41 3.79 4.50 m (21.17 5.70 LH 15.03 5.02 A/C ON JACKS.12 RH 4. TIRES DEFLATED (RH) 3.84 ft) (STANDARD TIRES *).15 16.03 3.04 4.00 RH 13. FDL AT 6.16 5.12 RH 5.12 20.08 20 AIRCRAFT ON WHEELS (STANDARD TIRES *) MAXIMUM JACKING WEIGHT = 163 000 kg (359 353 lb) 3.24 3.66 18.00 RH 13.34 10.60 15. A/C FUSELAGE PARALLEL TO THE GROUND.62 15.32 14.14 4.93 16.32 14.09 10.42 LH 4.68 LH 15.99 4.19 17.90 41 3.18 NOTE: * STANDARD TIRES: NOSE LANDING GEAR = 1 050 x 395 R16 MAIN LANDING GEAR = 1 400 x 530 R23 P_AC_021401_1_0010001_02_00 Jacking for Maintenance Jacking Dimensions (Sheet 2 of 5) FIGURE-2-14-1-991-001-A01 2-14-1 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .57 6. AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A Z120 FR12 FR13 FR11 FR12 FR13 FR14 NOSE JACK ADAPTOR A P_AC_021401_1_0010001_03_00 Jacking for Maintenance Forward Jacking Point (Sheet 3 of 5) FIGURE-2-14-1-991-001-A01 2-14-1 Page 4 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 RIB9 REAR SPAR A 571FB (671FB) A Z571 (Z671) PLATE COVER PROTECTOR A WING JACK ADAPTOR A 4 1 2 3 A A P_AC_021401_1_0010001_04_00 Jacking for Maintenance Wing Jacking Point (Sheet 4 of 5) FIGURE-2-14-1-991-001-A01 2-14-1 Page 5 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .Safety (Sheet 5 of 5) FIGURE-2-14-1-991-001-A01 2-14-1 Page 6 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 FR98 Z310 BEAM5 FR98 A B A FR98 AFT JACK ADAPTOR 5 B FWD P_AC_021401_1_0010001_05_00 Jacking for Maintenance Auxiliary Jacking Point . NOTE : The maximum load at each MLG jacking point is 83892. a dome shaped pad is installed between the wheels.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Each pair of wheels and brake units can be replaced on the end of the bogie that is lifted. NOTE : The maximum load at NLG jacking point is 33758 daN. The landing gear can be lifted by a pillar jack or with a cantilever jack. a dome shaped pad is installed below the FWD and AFT ends of each bogie beam. 2-14-2 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . NOTE : You can lift the aircraft at Maximum Ramp Weight (MRW).AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 2-14-2 Jacking for wheel change **ON A/C A350-900 Jacking for wheel change 1. Both FWD and AFT ends of the bogie beam can be lifted together. 2. Main Landing Gear (MLG) To lift the MLG bogie with jacks. The reaction loads at the jacking position are shown in FIGURE 2-14-2-991-002-A. General To replace either the wheel or brake unit assemblies on any of the landing gears. it is necessary to lift the landing gear with a jack. but the bogie beam must be kept level during the lift to prevent damage. The reaction loads at the jacking position are shown in FIGURE 2-14-2-991-003-A. Nose Landing Gear (NLG) To lift the NLG axle with a jack.5 daN. 3. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .95 3.51 7.2 26.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A A B FWD A − A : DOME HEIGHT − B : DISTANCE BETWEEN TYRES A350−900 NLG (1 050 x 395 R16) CONFIGURATION (ASSUME ALL OTHER TYRES ON THE A/C ARE INTACT) 2 TYRES (NORMAL) 1 FLAT TYRE 2 FLAT TYRES & 50% RIM FLANGE DAMAGE 2 FLAT TYRES & NO RIM FLANGE DAMAGE WEIGHT (T) CG (% MAC) mm MRW MRW MLW MLW 26.27 8.81 mm 261 214 191 191 DIM B in 10.51 P_AC_021402_1_0020001_01_00 Nose Landing Gear Jacking Point Heights FIGURE-2-14-2-991-002-A01 2-14-2 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .42 7.93 2.2 20 20 291 227 75 97 DIM A in 11.45 8. 73 967 38.88 1 029 40.25 403 15.88 2.29 1 029 40.88 378 14.70 1.53 0.29 378 14.64 118 4.07 1 060 41.55 430 16.86 149 5.92 7 39 0.88 18 0.07 MLW NO RIM DAMAGE TYRE CHANGE FWD MAX GROWN TYRE 25 mm 33.16 MLW & 50% RIM DAMAGE 2 FLAT AFT TYRES 42 404 15.70 293 11.27 1.62 1 041 40.72 974 38.2 285 11.02 293 11.81 1 029 40.00 304 11.35 136 5.90 129 5.35 967 38.00 981 38.07 MLW & 50% RIM DAMAGE 4 FLAT TYRES & 42 136 5.2 378 14.07 967 38.88 264 10.53 18 26 48 1.53 1.86 967 38.07 967 38.88 293 11.53 7 39 0.2 118 4.72 285 11.07 MLW & NO RIM DAMAGE 4 FLAT TYRES & 42 166 6.51 MRW FROM GROUND AFT MAX GROWN 33.96 268 10.2 378 14.88 1 113 43.53 967 38.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A C A FWD − A : DOME HEIGHT − B : DISTANCE BETWEEN TYRES − C : DISTANCE BETWEEN BRAKE RODS AND GROUND B A DIM C FWD mm in DIM C AFT mm in A350−900 MLG (1 400 x 530 R23) CONFIGURATION DIM A DIM A DIM B DIM B (ASSUME ALL OTHER WEIGHT CG AFT FWD AFT FWD TYRES ON THE A/C (T) (% MAC) mm in mm in mm in mm in ARE INTACT) 4 TYRES (NORMAL) 33.25 1 059 41.2 304 11.34 1 033 40.66 MRW UNSERVICEABLE AFT INNER TYRE 33.96 1 032 40.2 374 14.53 48 55 2.16 55 431 16.69 967 38.16 293 11.53 P_AC_021402_1_0030001_01_00 Main Landing Gear Jacking Point Heights FIGURE-2-14-2-991-003-A01 2-14-2 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .07 1 071 42.81 MRW TYRE 25 mm FROM GROUND 8 FLAT TYRES & 26.55 268 10.53 166 6.51 1 036 40.07 MRW NO RIM DAMAGE 267 10.2 541 21.66 193 7.90 967 38.27 1.86 159 6.62 983 38.70 MRW UNSERVICEABLE AFT OUTER TYRE 33.96 381 15.02 26 1.78 MRW FWD INNER TYRE 33.07 1 071 42.66 175 6.51 1 113 43.16 MLW & NO RIM DAMAGE 2 FLAT AFT TYRES 42 403 15.07 404 15.38 MRW UNSERVICEABLE 2 FLAT FWD TYRES 42 129 5.22 1 025 40.07 MLW 50% RIM DAMAGE 2 FLAT FWD TYRES 42 159 6.22 374 14.59 264 10.2 381 15.07 967 38.35 975 38.64 967 38.86 967 38.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .63 271 10.39 271 10.2 149 5.88 541 21.51 194 7.98 MRW UNSERVICEABLE FWD OUTER TYRE 33.07 MRW 50% RIM DAMAGE 8 FLAT TYRES & 26.39 175 6.51 267 10.07 967 38. 4-2-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . This section gives the turning radii.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING GROUND MANEUVERING 4-2-0 Turning Radii **ON A/C A350-900 Turning Radii 1. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . REFER TO SHEET 2 P_AC_040200_1_0010001_01_00 Turning Radii (Sheet 1 of 2) FIGURE-4-2-0-991-001-A01 4-2-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 R5 R3 R1 70° 65° R2 60° R4 R6 NOTE: FOR TURNING RADII VALUES. 2 103 30.7 153 38.7 81 22.8 65 19.5 202 55.0 154 58.4 57 14.2 152 45.3 43 10.9 105 31.7 147 41.3 119 31.0 315 79.8 137 39.8 163 47.3 119 35.7 121 35.9 226 63.6 117 41.6 53.0 125 36.3 149 R5 NOSE 87.1 102 27.2 67.2 194 55.1 43.2 39.9 193 51.6 373 96.2 125 35.9 101 R4 WING 113.7 160 46.7 22 86.2 129 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 55 60 65 70 72 (MAX) 49.2 30 8.5 65.0 72 19.3 54.3 277 75. AND DIFFERENTIAL BRAKING TO INITIATE THE TURN ONLY TYPE 2 TURNS USE: SYMMETRIC THRUST DURING THE WHOLE TURN.5 169 45.1 m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft m ft R1 R2 RMLG LMLG 76.9 78 20.0 66.5 28 20.3 34 7.6 133 40.9 118 35.6 127 36.0 141 41.6 228 58.2 132 47.5 143 41.9 108 31.6 192 54.7 104 28.7 209 59.1 46 11.1 286 71.6 54 13.9 151 41.5 182 52.7 63.1 69 17.3 227 57.2 316 84.7 84 21.4 37 9.7 137 36.3 113 32.1 58.0 282 69.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .2 233 60.3 57 R3 NLG 86.8 137 38.5 159 44.6 104 38.8 199 53.0 125 31.1 148 43.7 150 43.8 157 45. AND NO DIFFERENTIAL BRAKING AT ALL IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET LOWER VALUES THAN THOSE FROM TYPE 1 BY APPLYING DIFFERENTIAL BRAKING DURING THE WHOLE TURN.9 69 18.2 NOTE: ABOVE 50°.9 285 69.1 57.2 129 37.7 117 33.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A350−900 TURNING RADII TYPE OF STEERING EFFECTIVE TURN ANGLE (deg) STEERING ANGLE (deg) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 72 (MAX) 19.1 102 25.0 226 61.2 89 23.5 69.7 248 68.5 67 16.6 130 38.7 170 48.7 193 46.9 137 40.5 29.3 116 35.5 61.7 25 6.3 250 58.3 60 17.4 34.7 176 48.4 172 49.9 183 51.0 92 24.2 135 39.4 136 39.2 119 34. AIRLINES MAY USE TYPE 1 OR TYPE 2 TURNS DEPENDING ON THE SITUATION TYPE 1 TURNS USE: ASYMMETRIC THRUST DURING THE WHOLE TURN.6 169 48.6 24.8 48.8 180 51.8 130 39.4 106 31.0 115 R6 TAIL 96.3 188 48.3 158 45. P_AC_040200_1_0010001_02_00 Turning Radii (Sheet 2 of 2) FIGURE-4-2-0-991-001-A01 4-2-0 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .8 111 32.6 123 36.6 159 41.7 262 69.7 156 47.1 63 31. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 4-3-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 4-3-0 Minimum Turning Radii **ON A/C A350-900 Minimum Turning Radii 1. This section gives the minimum turning radii. 3 149 47.7 94 Y 10. P_AC_040300_1_0010001_01_00 Minimum Turning Radii FIGURE-4-3-0-991-001-A01 4-3-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .5 159 51.6 104 R4 WING 45.6 117 R6 TAIL 39.1 m ft m ft X 28.0 154 R5 NOSE 35.9 101 31.2 129 40.2 66.2 132 NOTE: IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET LOWER VALUES THAN THOSE FROM TYPE 1 BY APPLYING DIFFERENTIAL BRAKING DURING THE WHOLE TURN. AND DIFFERENTIAL BRAKING TO INITIATE THE TURN ONLY TYPE 2 TURNS USE: SYMMETRIC THRUST DURING THE WHOLE TURN.7 94 28.7 42 A 48.9 36 12.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 R5 R3 X Y R4 A (MINIMUM TURNING WIDTH) R6 NOTE: TYPE 1 TURNS USE: ASYMMETRIC THRUST DURING THE WHOLE TURN.0 115 35. AND NO DIFFERENTIAL BRAKING AT ALL A350−900 MINIMUM TURNING RADII TYPE OF STEERING EFFECTIVE TURN ANGLE (deg) STEERING ANGLE (deg) 1 2 72 (MAX) 72 (MAX) 69.1 168 R3 NLG 30.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 4-4-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . This section gives the visibility from cockpit in static position.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 4-4-0 Visibility from Cockpit in Static Position **ON A/C A350-900 Visibility from Cockpit in Static Position 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 97 ft) 14.63 m (15. CAPTAIN FIELD OF VIEW 105. ZONE THAT CANNOT BE SEEN P_AC_040400_1_0010001_01_00 Visibility from Cockpit in Static Position FIGURE-4-4-0-991-001-A01 4-4-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .19 ft) 105. 3.5° 120° 0.5° 120° FIRST OFFICER FIELD OF VIEW MAX AFT VISION WITH HEAD TURNED AROUND SPINAL COLUMN.04 m (9.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 NOT TO BE USED FOR LANDING APPROACH VISIBILITY DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE 27° 20° VISUAL ANGLES IN VERTICAL PLANE THROUGH PILOT EYE POSITION. 32° 32° 15° 15° NOTE: PILOT EYE POSITION WHEN PILOT’S EYES ARE IN LINE WITH THE RED AND WHITE BALLS. VISUAL ANGLES IN HORIZONTAL PLANE THROUGH PILOT EYE POSITION.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .53 m (1 ft 8. WING TIP CAN BE SEEN WHEN HEAD IS MOVED TO THE SIDE.59 ft) 4.88 in) VISUAL ANGLES IN PLANE PERPENDICULAR TO LONGITUDINAL AXIS.20 m (46. 4-5-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .135˚ Turn --.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .Oversteering method.Runway to Taxiway .90˚ Turn --.135˚ Turn --. .Taxiway to Taxiway The turnpaths Runway to Taxiway and Taxiway to Taxiway are defined using 2 methods: .90˚ Turn --.U-Turn using edge of runway method.180˚ U-Turn on Runway .Taxiway to Taxiway . The 180 U-Turn on runway is defined using the following method: . This section gives the runway and taxiway turnpaths for the following configurations: .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 4-5-0 Runway and Taxiway Turn Paths **ON A/C A350-900 Introduction 1.Cockpit over centerline method.Runway to Taxiway . runway to taxiway. 4-5-1 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .Runway to Taxiway 1.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 4-5-1 90˚ Turn . This section gives the 90˚ turn .Runway to Taxiway **ON A/C A350-900 90˚ Turn .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 9 m (36 ft) 23 m (75 ft) APPROX 13.5 m (85 ft) TURN R = 45 m (150 ft) NLG PATH MLG PATH RUNWAY CENTERLINE 45 m (150 ft) P_AC_040501_1_0010001_01_02 90˚ Turn .3 m (44 ft) TAXIWAY CENTERLINE FILLET R = 25.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 FAA LEAD−IN FILLET L=75 m (250 ft) APPROX 10.Runway to Taxiway Oversteering Method (Sheet 1 of 2) FIGURE-4-5-1-991-001-A01 4-5-1 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . Runway to Taxiway Cockpit over Centerline Method (Sheet 2 of 2) FIGURE-4-5-1-991-001-A01 4-5-1 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .5 m (85 ft) TURN R = 45 m (150 ft) NLG PATH MLG PATH RUNWAY CENTERLINE 45 m (150 ft) P_AC_040501_1_0010001_02_02 90˚ Turn .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 FAA LEAD−IN FILLET L=75 m (250 ft) APPROX 5 m (16 ft) 23 m (75 ft) TAXIWAY CENTERLINE FILLET R = 25.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . This section gives the 135˚ turn .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 4-5-2 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .Runway to Taxiway 1.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 4-5-2 135˚ Turn .runway to taxiway.Runway to Taxiway **ON A/C A350-900 135˚ Turn . 5 m (85 ft) TURN R = 45 m (150 ft) TAXIWAY CENTERLINE 23 m (75 ft) NLG PATH RUNWAY CENTERLINE MLG PATH 45 m (150 ft) P_AC_040502_1_0010002_01_02 135˚ Turn .Runway to Taxiway Oversteering Method (Sheet 1 of 2) FIGURE-4-5-2-991-001-B01 4-5-2 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .8 m (19 ft) FAA LEAD−IN FILLET L=75 m (250 ft) APPROX 7.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .6 m (25 ft) FILLET R = 25.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 APPROX 5. 5 m (15 ft) EDGE CLEARANCE TAXIWAY CENTERLINE 23 m (75 ft) NLG PATH MLG PATH 45 m (150 ft) P_AC_040502_1_0010002_02_02 135˚ Turn .Runway to Taxiway Cockpit over Centerline Method (Sheet 2 of 2) FIGURE-4-5-2-991-001-B01 4-5-2 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 TURN R = 45 m (150 ft) RUNWAY CENTERLINE FAA LEAD−IN FILLET L=75 m (250 ft) APPROX 1.6 m (5 ft) FILLET R = 25.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .5 m (85 ft) ADDITIONAL FILLET TO MEET 4. AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 4-5-3 180˚ Turn on a Runway **ON A/C A350-900 180˚ Turn on a Runway 1. 4-5-3 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . This section gives the 180˚ turn on a runway. 12 ft) NLG PATH NOSE TIP PATH MLG PATH WING TIP PATH NOTE: TYPE 1 VALUES.5 m (15 ft) APPROX 48.9 m (101 ft) 4.5 m (159.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . P_AC_040503_1_0010001_01_01 180˚ Turn on a Runway FIGURE-4-5-3-991-001-A01 4-5-3 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET LOWER VALUES THAN THOSE FROM TYPE 1 BY APPLYING DIFFERENTIAL BRAKING DURING THE WHOLE TURN.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 RUNWAY CENTERLINE R4 = 45.3 m (149 ft) R3 = 30.5 m (15 ft) R5 = 35 m (115 ft) 4. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .taxiway to taxiway.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 4-5-4 90˚ Turn .Taxiway to Taxiway 1. 4-5-4 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .Taxiway to Taxiway **ON A/C A350-900 90˚ Turn . This section gives the 90˚ turn . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 FAA LEAD−IN FILLET L=75 m (250 ft) APPROX 10.5 m (34 ft) 23 m (75 ft) APPROX 12.Taxiway to Taxiway Oversteering Method (Sheet 1 of 2) FIGURE-4-5-4-991-001-A01 4-5-4 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .9 m (42 ft) TAXIWAY CENTERLINE FILLET R = 25.5 m (85 ft) TURN R = 45 m (150 ft) TAXIWAY CENTERLINE 23 m (75 ft) NLG PATH MLG PATH P_AC_040504_1_0010001_01_02 90˚ Turn . 5 m (15 ft) EDGE CLEARANCE FILLET R = 25.9 m (13 ft) 23 m (75 ft) ADDITIONAL FILLET TO MEET 4.Taxiway to Taxiway Cockpit over Centerline Method (Sheet 2 of 2) FIGURE-4-5-4-991-001-A01 4-5-4 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .5 m (85 ft) TAXIWAY CENTERLINE TURN R = 45 m (150 ft) TAXIWAY CENTERLINE 23 m (75 ft) NLG PATH MLG PATH P_AC_040504_1_0010001_02_02 90˚ Turn .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 FAA LEAD−IN FILLET L=75 m (250 ft) APPROX 3. 4-5-5 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .Taxiway to Taxiway **ON A/C A350-900 135˚ Turn .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 4-5-5 135˚ Turn .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .Taxiway to Taxiway 1.taxiway to taxiway. This section gives the 135˚ turn . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 APPROX 6.9 m (23 ft) FAA LEAD−IN FILLET L=75 m (250 ft) APPROX 8.5 m (85 ft) TURN R = 45 m (150 ft) TAXIWAY CENTERLINE 23 m (75 ft) TAXIWAY CENTERLINE 23 m (75 ft) NLG PATH MLG PATH P_AC_040505_1_0010002_01_02 135˚ Turn .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .8 m (29 ft) FILLET R = 25.Taxiway to Taxiway Oversteering Method (Sheet 1 of 2) FIGURE-4-5-5-991-001-B01 4-5-5 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . 5 m (85 ft) ADDITIONAL FILLET TO MEET 4.5 m (15 ft) EDGE CLEARANCE TAXIWAY CENTERLINE 23 m (75 ft) TAXIWAY CENTERLINE 23 m (75 ft) NLG PATH MLG PATH P_AC_040505_1_0010002_02_02 135˚ Turn .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 TURN R = 45 m (150 ft) FAA LEAD−IN FILLET L=75 m (250 ft) APPROX 2.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .5 m (8 ft) FILLET R = 25.Taxiway to Taxiway Cockpit over Centerline Method (Sheet 2 of 2) FIGURE-4-5-5-991-001-B01 4-5-5 Page 3 Jun 01/13 . This section gives the runway holding bay (Apron). 4-6-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 4-6-0 Runway Holding Bay (Apron) **ON A/C A350-900 Runway Holding Bay (Apron) 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . P_AC_040600_1_0010001_01_00 Runway Holding Bay (Apron) FIGURE-4-6-0-991-001-A01 4-6-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 6.1 m (20 ft) HOLDING POINT 190 m (625 ft) RUNWAY CENTERLINE 23 m (75 ft) 45 m (150 ft) TAXIWAY CENTERLINE NOTE: COORDINATE WITH USING AIRCRAFT FOR SPECIFIC PLANNED OPERATING PROCEDURES.2 m (40 ft) 6.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .1 m (20 ft) MAIN LANDING GEAR PATH 102 m (335 ft) 90 m (300 ft) 12. and is mentioned in the FCOM. and finishing with the aircraft aligned on the centerline of the runway. This manoeuvre consists in a 180˚ turn at minimum turn radius on a standard ICAO runway turn pad geometry. which is a frozen parameter (45 m and 60 m). all the clearances must meet the minimum value of 4. 3.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 4-7-0 Minimum Line-Up Distance Corrections **ON A/C A350-900 Minimum Line-Up Distance Corrections 1. For this manoeuvre. The ground manoeuvres were performed using asymmetric thrust and differential only braking to initiate the turn. TODA: Take-Off Available Distance ASDA: Acceleration-Stop Distance Available 90˚ Turn on Runway Entry This section gives the minimum line-up distance correction for a 90˚ turn on runway entry.5 m for this category of aircraft as recommended in ICAO Annex 14. the aircraft is initially angled with respect to runway centerline when starting the 180˚ turn. This manoeuvre consists in a 90˚ turn at minimum turn radius starting with the edge of the MLG at a distance of 4.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 4. all the clearances must meet the minimum value of 4. During the turn.5 m for this category of aircraft as recommended in ICAO Annex 14. 180˚ Turn on Runway Turn Pad This section gives the minimum line-up distance correction for a 180˚ turn on runway turn pad.5 m for this category of aircraft as recommended in ICAO Annex 14. and it finishes with the aircraft aligned on the centerline of the runway. It starts with the edge of the MLG at 4. During the turn. The value of this angle depends on the aircraft type. As per the ”180˚ turn on runway” standard operating procedures described in the Flight Crew Operating Manual. 180˚ Turn on Runway Width This section gives the minimum line-up distance correction for a 180˚ turn on runway width.5 m from pavement edge. During the turn. the pavement width is considered to be the runway width. 2.5 m from taxiway edge. all the clearances must meet the minimum value of 4. 4-7-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . 7 m 178 ft 54.3 m 60 m WIDE RUNWAY (STANDARD WIDTH) MINIMUM LINE−UP DISTANCE CORRECTION ON TODA ON ASDA 72 ft 21.5 m A350−900 NOTE: ASDA: ACCELERATION−STOP DISTANCE AVAILABLE TODA: TAKE−OFF AVAILABLE DISTANCE P_AC_040700_1_0010001_01_00 90˚ Turn on Runway Entry FIGURE-4-7-0-991-001-A01 4-7-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .8 m 166 ft 50.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .5 m (15 ft) TODA TAXIWAY CENTERLINE 4.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 4.5 m (15 ft) ASDA RUNWAY CENTERLINE 90° TURN ON RUNWAY ENTRY 45 m WIDE RUNWAY AIRCRAFT TYPE MAX STEERING ANGLE 72° (STANDARD WIDTH) MINIMUM LINE−UP DISTANCE CORRECTION ON TODA ON ASDA 84 ft 25. 2 m 216 ft 65.9 m 117 ft 35.5 m (15 ft) ASDA RUNWAY CENTERLINE 180° TURN ON RUNWAY TURNPAD 45 m WIDE RUNWAY MAX AIRCRAFT STEERING TYPE ANGLE A350−900 72° (STANDARD WIDTH) 60 m WIDE RUNWAY (STANDARD WIDTH) REQUIRED MINIMUM PAVEMENT WIDTH MINIMUM LINE−UP MINIMUM LINE−UP DISTANCE CORRECTION DISTANCE CORRECTION ON TODA ON ASDA ON TODA ON ASDA 122 ft 37.5 m (15 ft) TODA 4.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 MINIMUM PAVEMENT WIDTH 4.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .7 m 211 ft 64.4 m 206 ft 62.5 m (15 ft) 4.9 m NOTE: ASDA: ACCELERATION−STOP DISTANCE AVAILABLE TODA: TAKE−OFF AVAILABLE DISTANCE P_AC_040700_1_0020001_01_00 180˚ Turn on Runway Turn Pad FIGURE-4-7-0-991-002-A01 4-7-0 Page 3 Jun 01/13 . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .5 m (15 ft) > 4.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 4.5 m (15 ft) TODA 4.2 m A350−900 NOTE: ASDA: ACCELERATION−STOP DISTANCE AVAILABLE TODA: TAKE−OFF AVAILABLE DISTANCE P_AC_040700_1_0030001_01_00 180˚ Turn on Runway Width FIGURE-4-7-0-991-003-A01 4-7-0 Page 4 Jun 01/13 .5 m 250 ft 76.5 m (15 ft) ASDA 25° RUNWAY CENTERLINE 180° TURN ON RUNWAY WIDTH 45 m WIDE RUNWAY AIRCRAFT TYPE MAX STEERING ANGLE 72° (STANDARD WIDTH) MINIMUM LINE−UP DISTANCE CORRECTION ON TODA ON ASDA NOT POSSIBLE 60 m WIDE RUNWAY (STANDARD WIDTH) MINIMUM LINE−UP DISTANCE CORRECTION ON TODA ON ASDA 156 ft 47. This section provides information on aircraft mooring. 4-8-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 4-8-0 Aircraft Mooring **ON A/C A350-900 Aircraft Mooring 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 SLING TOWING FITTING A B TOWING FITTING HOOK MOORING POINT HOOK PIN A RE MOVABLE HT PIN LIG F E OR EF B VE MO FLAG B P_AC_040800_1_0010001_01_00 Aircraft Mooring FIGURE-4-8-0-991-001-A01 4-8-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . Ground Support Equipment AC AIR CONDITIONING UNIT AS AIR START UNIT BULK BULK TRAIN CAT CATERING TRUCK CB CONVEYOR BELT CLEAN CLEANING TRUCK FUEL FUEL HYDRANT DISPENSER or TANKER GPU GROUND POWER UNIT LDCL LOWER DECK CARGO LOADER LV LAVATORY VEHICLE PBB PASSENGER BOARDING BRIDGE PS PASSENGER STAIRS TOW TOW TRACTOR ULD ULD TRAIN WV POTABLE WATER VEHICLE 5-1-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . Each operator will have its own specific requirements/regulations for the positioning and operation on the ramp. This section provides typical ramp layouts.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING TERMINAL SERVICING 5-1-0 Aircraft Servicing Arrangements **ON A/C A350-900 Aircraft Servicing Arrangements 1. showing the various GSE items in position during typical turn round scenarios. This table gives the symbols used on servicing diagrams. These ramp layouts show typical arrangements only. No vehicle must be parked in this area before complete stop of the aircraft (wheel chocks in position on landing gears).61 ft. This section gives the typical ramp layout (open apron). 5-1-1 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .50 m (24.) from the aircraft). The Stand Safety Line delimits the Aircraft Safety Area (minimum distance of 7.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-1-1 Typical Ramp Layout (Open Apron) **ON A/C A350-900 Typical Ramp Layout (Open Apron) 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 TOW AS GPU PS CAT ULD AC LDCL PS CAT FUEL LDCL BULK CB ULD CLEAN WV CAT STAND SAFETY LINE LV FEET 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 4 8 12 16 METERS 20 P_AC_050101_1_0010001_01_01 Typical Ramp Layout (Open Apron) FIGURE-5-1-1-991-001-A01 5-1-1 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-1-2 Typical Ramp Layout (Gate) **ON A/C A350-900 Typical Ramp Layout (Gate) 1.50 m (24. 5-1-2 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .) from the aircraft). No vehicle must be parked in this area before complete stop of the aircraft (wheel chocks in position on landing gears).61 ft.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . This section gives the baseline ramp layout (gate). The Stand Safety Line delimits the Aircraft Safety Area (minimum distance of 7. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 TOW AS GPU PS CAT ULD AC LDCL PS CAT FUEL LDCL BULK CB ULD CLEAN WV CAT STAND SAFETY LINE LV FEET 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 4 8 12 16 METERS 20 P_AC_050102_1_0010001_01_01 Typical Ramp Layout (Gate) FIGURE-5-1-2-991-001-A01 5-1-2 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . 2 min/container. This section provides a typical turn round time chart showing the typical time for ramp activities during aircraft turn round. . All passengers deplane and board the aircraft. . .157 pax at door L2. B. Container unloading/loading times: . Bulk unloading/loading times: . .158 pax at door L1.158 pax at door L1.FWD cargo compartment: 8 containers / 4 pallets. resources. .AFT cargo compartment: 4 containers / 4 pallets.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-2-0 Terminal Operations .157 pax at door L2. Boarding: .Deplaning rate = 25 pax/min per door. Equipment positioning/removal + opening/closing door = +2. Equipment positioning/removal + opening/closing door = + 3 min.Loading = 1.Unloading = 2. CARGO 2 cargo loaders and 1 belt loader.Last Pax Seated Allowance (LPS) + headcounting = + 4 min. Assumptions used for full servicing turn round time chart A. .Unloading = 110 kg/min (243 lb/min). .4 min/pallet. . 100% cargo exchange: .4 min/container.Boarding rate = 15 pax/min per door.Full Servicing Turn Round Time **ON A/C A350-900 Terminal Operations . 2.Full Servicing Turn Round Time 1. 5-2-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . . PASSENGER HANDLING 315 pax: 48 B/C + 267 Y/C. 2 Passenger Boarding Bridges (PBB) used at doors L1 and L2.Bulk compartment: 1000 kg (2205 lb).@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .Unloading = 1. .5 min. Pallet unloading/loading times: . Actual times may vary due to each operator’s specific practice.Loading = 95 kg/min (210 lb/min). equipment and operating conditions. No Passenger with Reduced Mobility (PRM) on board Deplaning: .Priority deplaning for premium passengers. . F. CATERING 3 catering trucks for servicing galleys simultaneously at doors R1.8 min/pallet. 5-2-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . Dispenser positioning/removal = + 3 min.5 min per FSTE. R2 and R4. Closing door + equipment removal = + 3 min. GENERAL. E.Other equipment: t = t0 + 1 min. Ground Power Unit (GPU): up to 2 × 90 kVA. Loading = 2. GROUND HANDLING / SERVICING. Full Size Trolley Equivalent (FSTE) to unload and load: 42 FSTE: . . CLEANING Cleaning is performed in available time.45 bars-rel).AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING C.10 FSTE at door R1.7 FSTE at door R2. Time for trolley exchange = 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . . 1060 l (280 US gal). Equipment positioning + door opening = + 5 min. Toilet servicing: draining + rinsing. D.23 FSTE at door R4. Air Conditioning: up to 2 hoses. Start of operations: .Bridges/Stairs: t0=0. REFUELLING 81000 l (21398 US gal) at 50 psig (3. Potable water servicing: 100% uplift. AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 TRT : 0 DEPLANING/BOARDING AT L1 DEPLANING/BOARDING AT L2 HEADCOUNTING CATERING AT R1 CATERING AT R2 CATERING AT R4 CLEANING CARGO FWD CC CARGO AFT CC BULK REFUELLING POTABLE WATER SERVICING TOILET SERVICING 10 61 20 min 30 40 50 60 70 AVAILABLE TIME ACTIVITY CRITICAL PATH POSITIONING/REMOVAL P_AC_050200_1_0010001_01_01 Full Servicing Turn Round Time Chart FIGURE-5-2-0-991-001-A01 5-2-0 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Pallet unloading/loading times: .Boarding rate = 15 pax/min per door. . Container unloading/loading times: .Unloading = 2. . .6 min/pallet. Equipment positioning/removal + opening/closing door = + 3 min. B. 50% passengers deplane and board the aircraft. Deplaning: .2 min/container.Deplaning rate = 25 pax/min per door. . 2.4 min/pallet. CARGO 1 cargo loader + 1 belt loader.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .Loading = 2.Transit Turn Round Time **ON A/C A350-900 Terminal Operations . resources. 50% cargo exchange: . PASSENGER HANDLING 315 pax: 48 B/C + 267 Y/C. Bulk unloading/loading times: .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-3-0 Terminal Operations . 5-3-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .Loading = 1.Unloading = 110 kg/min (243 lb/min).Transit Turn Round Time 1.Loading = 95 kg/min (210 lb/min).158 pax at door L2. C. Actual times may vary due to each operator’s specific practice. Assumptions used for transit turn round time chart A.5 min. . Equipment positioning/removal + opening/closing door = + 2. Boarding: .Bulk compartment: 500 kg (1102 lb).Unloading = 1. No Passenger with Reduced Mobility (PRM) on board.4 min/container. .158 pax at door L2. This section provides a typical turn round time chart showing the typical time for ramp activities during aircraft turn round. 1 Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) used at Door L2.Last Pax Seated Allowance (LPS) + headcounting = + 4 min. REFUELLING No refuelling.AFT cargo compartment: 2 containers / 2 pallets. . equipment and operating conditions. CLEANING Cleaning is performed in available time. . No potable water servicing.Other equipment: t = t0 + 1 min.Bridges: t0 = 0. GROUND HANDLING / SERVICING. E. F. GENERAL Start of operations: . No toilet servicing.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING D. Ground Power Unit (GPU): up to 2 × 90 kVA. 5-3-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . CATERING One catering truck for servicing the galleys as required.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Air conditioning: up to 2 hoses . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 TRT : 0 DEPLANING/BOARDING AT L2 HEADCOUNTING CATERING CLEANING CARGO AFT CC BULK AVAILABLE TIME 30 15 20 min 25 30 35 5 10 AVAILABLE TIME ACTIVITY POSITIONING/REMOVAL P_AC_050300_1_0010002_01_01 Transit Turn Round Time FIGURE-5-3-0-991-001-B01 5-3-0 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . This section gives the ground service connections layout.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-4-0 Ground Service Connections layout **ON A/C A350-900 Ground Service Connections layout 1. 5-4-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 10 15 1 2 4−5 8 11 12−14 16 17 18 15 10 4 5 1 11 13 14 6 17 2 3 7 8 12 11 16 18 6 9 15 1 − GROUNDING POINT NLG 2 − GROUND ELECTRICAL POWER CONNECTORS 3 − PRE CONDITIONNED AIR CONNECTORS 4 − VFG OIL SERVICING 5 − STARTER OIL SERVICING 6 − ENGINE OIL SERVICING 7 − AIR START UNIT CONNECTORS 8 − YELLOW HYDRAULIC GROUND CONNECTOR 9 − PRESSURE REFUEL CONNECTORS (RH WING) 10 − PRESSURE REFUEL CONNECTORS (LH WING) − OPTION 11 − GROUNDING POINT MLG 12 − REFUEL/DEFUEL CONTROL PANEL 13 − HYDRAULIC SERVICING PANEL 14 − GREEN HYDRAULIC GROUND CONNECTOR 15 − NACA AND OVERPRESSURE PANEL 16 − POTABLE WATER SERVICING PANEL 17 − WASTE WATER SERVICING PANEL 18 − APU OIL SERVICING P_AC_050400_1_0010001_01_01 Ground Service Connections layout FIGURE-5-4-0-991-001-A01 5-4-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . 09 ft.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 4.95 m (108. the electrostatic discharge through the tire is sufficient.) 1.07 m (0. The grounding studs are used to connect the aircraft to approved ground connection on the ramp or in the hangar for: (1) Refuel/defuel operations (2) Maintenance operations (3) Bad weather conditions.06 m (3.) 32. Grounding (Earthing) Point Locations DISTANCE FROM AIRCRAFT CENTERLINE R SIDE L SIDE 0. B.1 ft.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-4-1 Grounding Points **ON A/C A350-900 Grounding Points 1.95 m (108.09 ft.42 m (14.5 ft. NOTE : In all other conditions.48 ft.34 ft.) The grounding (earthing) stud on each landing gear is designed for use with a clip-on connector.59 m (18.) 32.1 ft.) 5. 5-4-1 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .55 m (5.59 m (18.) 5.) AFT OF NOSE On Nose Landing Gear On Left Main Landing Gear Leg On Right Main Landing Gear Leg A.) 1.55 m (5.34 ft.) MEAN HEIGHT FROM GROUND 1.23 ft. such as an Appleton TGR. AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A B C A GROUNDING (EARTHING) POINT B C P_AC_050401_1_0010001_01_00 Ground Point NLG FIGURE-5-4-1-991-001-A01 5-4-1 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 B A A C A LH SHOWN RH SYMMETRICAL GROUNDING (EARTHING) POINT B C P_AC_050401_1_0020001_01_00 Ground Point MLG FIGURE-5-4-1-991-002-A01 5-4-1 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 61 m (2.37 m Ground (119.57 ft.) MEAN HEIGHT FROM GROUND 2.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .23 ft.) Access Door: 197 LB Yellow Hydraulic 30.35 m Ground (99. DISTANCE FROM AIRCRAFT CENTERLINE R SIDE L SIDE 0.0 ft.24 m (7.) 1.49 ft. 1/4 in.95 ft.84 ft.42 m Servicing (119.85 ft.39 m (7. B. Ground Service Panel AFT OF NOSE Green Hydraulic 36. 1/4 in.) 2.) 0.) Access Door: 194 KB Hydraulic Reservoir 36.) Access Door: 197 LB A.) 2.32 ft.51 m (8.51 m (4.) 5-4-2 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .35 ft. Reservoir pressurization (1) One connector ISO 4570. Reservoir filling (1) One connector AE96993E.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-4-2 Hydraulic System **ON A/C A350-900 Hydraulic System 1.87 m (2. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 HIGH PRESSURE CONNECTOR LOW PRESSURE CONNECTOR RESERVOIR FILLING CONNECTOR P_AC_050402_1_0010001_01_00 Green Ground Service Panel FIGURE-5-4-2-991-001-A01 5-4-2 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 HIGH PRESSURE CONNECTOR LOW PRESSURE CONNECTOR P_AC_050402_1_0020001_01_00 Yellow Ground Service Panel FIGURE-5-4-2-991-002-A01 5-4-2 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Electrical connectors for servicing : (1) AC outlets : HUBBELL 5258 (2) DC outlets : HUBBELL 7472 5-4-3 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .91 m (2.) AFT OF NOSE A/C External Power Access Door: 122 AR A.58 m (8. C.99 ft.75 ft.46 ft. Electrical System DISTANCE FROM AIRCRAFT CENTERLINE R SIDE L SIDE 0. 400 Hz.63 m (21. 115 V.90 kVA each.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-4-3 Electrical System **ON A/C A350-900 Electrical System 1. B. 6.) MEAN HEIGHT FROM GROUND 2. Power supply : (1) Three-phase.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .) External power receptacle : (1) Two standard ISO 461 Style3 --. AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 122AR A ELECTRICAL POWER RECEPTACLES 925VU A FWD P_AC_050403_1_0010001_01_01 Electrical Service Panel FIGURE-5-4-3-991-001-A01 5-4-3 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 198VR B A Z190 198QR C 198PR SAFETY PIN A B C P_AC_050403_1_0030001_01_00 RAT FIGURE-5-4-3-991-003-A01 5-4-3 Page 3 Jun 01/13 . 5-4-4 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . Oxygen system Get access to the forward lower-deck cargo-compartment. The access panel to the crew oxygen servicing point is located on the rear triangular area of the FWD cargo door.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-4-4 Oxygen System **ON A/C A350-900 Oxygen System 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 FR20 A FR30 B Z130 FR29 A FR28 CREW OXYGEN FILLING PORT CREW OXYGEN FILLING GAGE B P_AC_050404_1_0010001_01_00 Oxygen System FIGURE-5-4-4-991-001-A01 5-4-4 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . ) 15.50 m (18. 2.) MEAN HEIGHT FROM GROUND 6. pressure : 3.83 m (51.) 6.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-4-5 Fuel System **ON A/C A350-900 Fuel System 1. 2.94 ft. Refuel/Defuel Control Panel and Connectors DISTANCE FROM AIRCRAFT CENTERLINE R SIDE L SIDE on centerline MEAN HEIGHT FROM GROUND 2.69 m (126. Left (Optional) Access Door: 523 EB Refuel/Defuel Connectors.) Overpressure Protector NACA Intake for Vent Tank 5-4-5 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .57 m (106.69 ft.) 32. 2.5 in.) 15.) POSITION FROM AIRCRAFT CENTERLINE RH SIDE LH SIDE 22. 36.33 m (73. B.50 m (18.) Refuel/defuel connectors: (1) Two standard ISO 45.) 23.) (73.30 m (119. Refuel pressure: (1) Max.13 m (20.) 5.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .) 38.31 ft.86 ft.04 ft.18 m (7.45 bar (50 psi).69 ft. on right wing (2) Two standard ISO 45.07 m 23.33 m 22.26 ft.15 ft.94 ft.24 m (125.) (75. Right Access Door: 623 EB A.5 in.11 ft.86 ft.83 m (51.) 32.09 ft. Overpressure Protector and NACA Intake for Vent Tank ACCESS AFT OF NOSE 38.07 m (75.94 ft.46 ft. on left wing (optional).19 m (20.26 ft.) AFT OF NOSE Refuel/Defuel Control Panel Access Door: 197 KB Refuel/Defuel Connectors.04 ft.) 5.57 m (106. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 P_AC_050405_1_0010001_01_00 Refuel/Defuel Control Panel FIGURE-5-4-5-991-001-A01 5-4-5 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 LH SIDE SHOWN RH SIDE SYMMETRICAL REFUEL/DEFUEL COUPLINGS P_AC_050405_1_0020002_01_00 Ground Service Connections FIGURE-5-4-5-991-002-B01 5-4-5 Page 3 Jun 01/13 . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 LH SIDE SHOWN RH SIDE SYMMETRICAL NACA INTAKE NACA DUCT PANEL TANK OVER PRESSURE DISC OVER PRESSURE PANEL P_AC_050405_1_0030001_01_00 NACA and Overpressure Locations FIGURE-5-4-5-991-003-A01 5-4-5 Page 4 Jun 01/13 . ) 1. 23.44 ft. 5-4-6 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .81 m (87.) Connectors : Two standard ISO 1034.14 ft.05 m (3.87 m (9.) DISTANCE FROM AIRCRAFT CENTERLINE R SIDE L SIDE 1.58 m (77.42 ft.06 m (6. 3 in.) MEAN HEIGHT FROM GROUND 2. 8 in.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-4-6 Pneumatic System **ON A/C A350-900 Pneumatic System 1. 2. 26.) Connectors: Two standard ISO 2026.76 ft. DISTANCE FROM AIRCRAFT CENTERLINE R SIDE L SIDE on centerline High Pressure Connectors MEAN HEIGHT FROM GROUND 2.) 2.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .59 m (8.36 ft.36 ft.58 m (77.96 ft.) AFT OF NOSE High Pressure Connectors Access door: 193 KB A. Low Pressure Connectors AFT OF NOSE Low Pressure Connector Access Door: 193 CB Low Pressure Connector Access Door: 194 CR A.87 m (6.) 23.5 ft. AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 LOW PRESSURE AIR CONNECTORS P_AC_050406_1_0010001_01_00 Low Pressure Preconditioned Air FIGURE-5-4-6-991-001-A01 5-4-6 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 HIGH PRESSURE AIR CONNECTORS P_AC_050406_1_0020001_01_00 High Pressure Preconditioned Air FIGURE-5-4-6-991-002-A01 5-4-6 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 3 m (10. Capacity : (1) Standard configuration --. 3/4 in.6 m (5.) MEAN HEIGHT FROM GROUND 3.2 tanks: 1060 l (280 USgal) (2) Optional --.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-4-7 Potable Water System **ON A/C A350-900 Potable Water System 1.60 bar (125 psi) 5-4-7 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .83 ft. Filling pressure : (1) Max filling pressure: 8.) AFT OF NOSE Potable Water Ground Service Access Door: 164 AR A. 50. (2) Overflow.) Technical Specifications Connectors : (1) Fill/drain nipple.7 ft. Potable Water System DISTANCE FROM AIRCRAFT CENTERLINE R SIDE L SIDE 1.2 tanks: 1500 l (396 USgal) C.25 ft.2 m (164. ISO 17775. SAE AS5132-16 B. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 Z160 FR71 164AR A FR84 FR85 FR86 OVERFLOW NIPPLE POTABLE WATER INDICATION PANEL FILL STOP DRAIN FILL/DRAIN PORT A FWD P_AC_050407_1_0010001_01_00 Potable Water Ground Service Panel FIGURE-5-4-7-991-001-A01 5-4-7 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A Z120 FR12 FR13 DRAIN PORT A P_AC_050407_1_0020001_01_00 Forward Drain panel FIGURE-5-4-7-991-002-A01 5-4-7 Page 3 Jun 01/13 . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A Z170 FR93 POTABLE WATER TANK FR89 FR86 A P_AC_050407_1_0030001_01_00 Potable Water Tanks Location FIGURE-5-4-7-991-003-A01 5-4-7 Page 4 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 08 m (3.79 ft.6 ft.) VFG Oil Servicing DISTANCE FROM AIRCRAFT CENTERLINE R SIDE L SIDE 11.71 ft.29 m (40.) 1.68 ft.71 ft. Engine Oil Servicing DISTANCE FROM AIRCRAFT CENTERLINE R SIDE L SIDE 8.23 m (10.) AFT OF NOSE Oil Engine 1 Access Door: 415 BR Oil Engine 2 Access Door: 425 BR 2.75 m (81. 24.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-4-8 Oil System **ON A/C A350-900 Oil System 1.22 ft.6 m (28.) 9.6 ft.0 ft.32 m Fan Cowl: (79.54 ft.) 10.) 5-4-8 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .) 24.02 m (36.15 ft.97 ft.86 ft.86 m (32.32 ft.6 m (80.68 m (80.08 m (3.) 24.6 m (80.) MEAN HEIGHT FROM GROUND 3.57 m (34.2 ft. Starter Oil Servicing AFT OF NOSE Starter Engine 1 Fan Cowl: 415 AL Starter Engine 2 Fan Cowl: 425 AL 24.54 ft.) 3.) MEAN HEIGHT FROM GROUND 1.23 m (10.34 m Fan Cowl: (79.) AFT OF NOSE 2 VFG on Engine 1 24.) DISTANCE FROM AIRCRAFT CENTERLINE R SIDE L SIDE 10.31 m (33.) 425 AL 3.0 ft.83 ft.22 m (4.) 415 AL 2 VFG on Engine 2 24.35 ft.) 1.) 12.22 m (4.) MEAN HEIGHT FROM GROUND 1. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .12 ft.52 m (205.45 m (21.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 4.57 ft.) 5-4-8 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .48 m (1.) MEAN HEIGHT FROM GROUND 6.) AFT OF NOSE APU Access Door 316 BR 62. APU Oil Servicing DISTANCE FROM AIRCRAFT CENTERLINE R SIDE L SIDE 0.16 ft. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 OIL TANK OIL LEVEL SIGHT GLASS OIL FILLER CAP P_AC_050408_1_0010001_01_00 Engine Oil Servicing FIGURE-5-4-8-991-001-A01 5-4-8 Page 3 Jun 01/13 . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 FILTER BOWL PRESSURE FILL DISCONNECT RESET HANDLE DRAIN SIGHT GLASS OVERFLOW/STANDPIPE TYPICAL P_AC_050408_1_0020001_01_00 VFG Oil Servicing FIGURE-5-4-8-991-002-A01 5-4-8 Page 4 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A PRESSURE FILL PORT OIL DRAIN PLUG PRESSURE SPILL PORT A MAGNETIC CHIP DETECTOR P_AC_050408_1_0030001_01_01 Starter Oil Servicing FIGURE-5-4-8-991-003-A01 5-4-8 Page 5 Jun 01/13 . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 FILL CAP SIGHT GLASS P_AC_050408_1_0040001_01_00 APU Oil Servicing FIGURE-5-4-8-991-004-A01 5-4-8 Page 6 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-4-9 Vacuum Toilet System **ON A/C A350-900 Vacuum Toilet System 1. Waste Water System DISTANCE FROM AIRCRAFT CENTERLINE R SIDE L SIDE on centerline MEAN HEIGHT FROM GROUND 3.69 m (12.11 ft.) AFT OF NOSE Waste Water Ground Service Access Door: 171 AL A. 52.21 m (171.29 ft.) Connectors : (1) Draining, ISO 17775, 4 in (2) Flushing and Filling, ISO 17775, 1 in B. C. D. Capacity per tank (two tanks), 595 l (157.19 USgal) Waste tank --- rinsing : (1) Operating pressure, 3.45 bar (50.04 psi) Waste precharge per tank (two tanks), 23 l (6.08 USgal) 5-4-9 Page 1 Jun 01/13 @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 WASTE DRAIN CONNECTION FILL AND RINSE CONNECTION CONTROL LEVER P_AC_050409_1_0010001_01_00 Ground Service Panel FIGURE-5-4-9-991-001-A01 5-4-9 Page 2 Jun 01/13 @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 A Z170 FR93 FR89 FR86 WASTE TANK A P_AC_050409_1_0020001_01_00 Waste Tanks Location FIGURE-5-4-9-991-002-A01 5-4-9 Page 3 Jun 01/13 @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-6-0 Ground Pneumatic Power Requirements **ON A/C A350-900 Ground Pneumatic Power Requirements 1. This document describes the required performance for the ground equipment to maintain the cabin temperature at 27 deg.C (80.6 deg.F) after boarding (Section 5.7 - steady state), and provides the time needed to cool down or heat up the aircraft cabin to the required temperature (Section 5.6 dynamic cases with aircraft empty). DEFINITION Aircraft Aircraft Handling Manual Ground Connection Ground Service Equipment In-Flight Entertainment Low Pressure Outside Air Temperature Preconditioned Air The air flow rates and temperature requirements for the GSE, provided in Sections 5.6 and 5.7, are given at A/C ground connection. NOTE : The cooling capacity of the equipment (kW) is only indicative and is not sufficient by itself to ensure the performance (outlet temperature and flow rate combinations are the requirements needed for ground power). An example of cooling capacity calculation is given in Section 5.7. B. The air flow rates and temperature requirements for the GSE are given for the A/C in the configuration ”2 LP ducts connected”. NOTE : The maximum air flow is driven by the limitation on pressure at ground connection. C. For temperature below 2 deg.C (35.6 deg.F), the ground equipment shall be compliant with the Airbus document ”Subfreezing PCA Carts -- Compliance Document for Suppliers” (contact Airbus to obtain this document) defining all the requirements to which Subfreezing PreConditioning Air equipment needs to comply to allow its use on Airbus aircraft. These requirements come in addition to the functional specifications included in the IATA AHM997. ABBREVIATION A/C AHM GC GSE IFE LP OAT PCA A. 2. Ground Pneumatic Power Requirements - Heating This section provides the ground pneumatic power requirements for heating (pull up) the cabin, initially at OAT, up to 21 deg.C (69.8 deg.F) FIGURE 5-6-0-991-001-A Sheet 1. Ground Pneumatic Power Requirements - Cooling This section provides the ground pneumatic power requirements for cooling (pull down) the cabin, initially at OAT, down to 27 deg.C (80.6 deg.F) FIGURE 5-6-0-991-001-A Sheet 2. 3. 5-6-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 NO SOLAR LOAD.5 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 TIME TO HEAT CABIN TO +21°C (+69.**ON A/C A350-900 PULL UP PERFORMANCE (+70°C (+158°F) GC OUTLET) 4. IFE OFF.5 3.5 MAX AIR FLOW 4.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-6-0 PULL UP CASES: PU1 "ISA −38°C (−36.4°F). IFE OFF.9 3.1 3. LIGHTS ON.8°F) ON GROUND (min) AIR FLOW AT GC (kg/s) @A350-900 Ground Pneumatic Power Requirements Heating (Sheet 1 of 2) FIGURE-5-6-0-991-001-A01 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . LIGHTS ON. A/C EMPTY.7 3.7 2. NO SOLAR LOAD. RECIRCULATION FANS ON Page 2 Jun 01/13 . RECIRCULATION FANS ON PU2: OAT ISA −45°C (−49°F).4°F )" PU2 "ISA −45°C (−49°F )" P_AC_050600_1_0010001_01_02 PU1: OAT ISA −38°C (−36.3 4. GC OUTLET +70°C (+158°F).3 3. GC OUTLET +70°C (+158°F).1 2.9 2. A/C EMPTY. LIGHTS ON. GC OUTLET −10°C (+14°F).4°F) / GC OUTLET −10°C (+14°F)" PD3 "ISA +23°C (+73.3 4. IFE OFF. GC OUTLET + 2°C (+35.4°F). LIGHTS ON. IFE OFF. SOLAR LOAD.**ON A/C A350-900 PULL DOWN PERFORMANCE MAX AIR FLOW 4.4°F).1 2.4°F).9 3. GC OUTLET −20°C (−4°F).3 AIR FLOW AT GC (kg/s) 10 40 3.9 2.6°F) ON GROUND (min) @A350-900 Ground Pneumatic Power Requirements Cooling (Sheet 2 of 2) FIGURE-5-6-0-991-001-A01 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . RECIRCULATION FANS ON P_AC_050600_1_0010001_02_01 Page 3 Jun 01/13 .7 2.7 3.1 3. A/C EMPTY. RECIRCULATION FANS ON PD2: OAT ISA +23°C (+73.6°F)" PD2 "ISA +23°C (+73. A/C EMPTY.4°F) / GC OUTLET +2°C (+35. RECIRCULATION FANS ON PD3: OAT ISA +23°C (+73.6°F). SOLAR LOAD. SOLAR LOAD.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-6-0 PULL DOWN CASES: PD1 "ISA +23°C (+73.5 3.4°F) / GC OUTLET −20°C (−4°F)" PD1: OAT ISA +23°C (+73.5 20 30 50 60 70 80 90 TIME TO COOL CABIN TO +27°C (+80.5 4. LIGHTS ON. IFE OFF. A/C EMPTY. C (80.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . it gives the air flow rate and temperature combinations needed to maintain the cabin temperature at 27 deg. These settings are not intended to be used for operation (they don’t substitute to the settings given in the AMM): They are issued from theoretical simulations and give the picture of a real steady state. This section provides the necessary information for the design of a ground unit. For the air conditioning operation. Airlines will refer to the AMM that details the procedure and the PCA settings to maintain the cabin temperature below 27 deg.C (80.6 deg. 5-7-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .F).F) during boarding (therefore it is not a steady state).6 deg.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-7-0 Preconditioned Airflow Requirements **ON A/C A350-900 Preconditioned Airflow Requirements 1. RECIRCULATION FANS ON OAT ISA+23°C (73.4°F). A/C EMPTY. RECIRCULATION FANS ON P_AC_050700_1_0010001_01_01 EXAMPLE: COOLING CAPACITY CALCULATION: FOR THE CONDITIONS C3. IFE OFF.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-7-0 H1 40 H2 45 50 H3 55 OAT ISA+30°C (86°F).25 kg/s x 1kJ/(kg.°C) X (27−2) = 106 kW IS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN THE CABIN TEMPERATURE BELOW 27°C (86°F) (4.8 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 GC OUTLET TEMPERATURE (°C) 35 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . SOLAR LOAD. LIGHTS ON. LIGHTS ON. NO SOLAR LOAD.4°F). A/C EMPTY. LIGHTS ON.8 C2 3.25 kg/s AT GC OUTLET OF 2°C (35. LIGHTS ON. RECIRCULATION FANS ON OAT ISA−38°C (−36. NO SOLAR LOAD. IFE ON.**ON A/C A350-900 COOLING/HEATING PERFORMANCE 4.3 C1 3. THE COOLING CAPACITY OF 4. LIGHTS ON. RECIRCULATION FANS ON OAT ISA.3 C3 AIRFLOW FROM GC (kg/s) 2.6°F)). LIGHTS ON. 446 PASSENGERS AND CREW. IFE OFF. 446 PASSENGERS AND CREW. SOLAR LOAD. RECIRCULATION FANS ON OAT ISA−55°C (−67°F). NO SOLAR LOAD. IFE ON. 446 PASSENGERS AND CREW. Page 2 Jun 01/13 . IFE OFF.3 @A350-900 Preconditioned Airflow Requirements FIGURE-5-7-0-991-001-A01 1.8 MAX AIR FLOW 4.8 2. A/C EMPTY. RECIRCULATION FANS ON OAT ISA−45°C (−49°F). IFE ON. SOLAR LOAD. Slope. It is possible to tow or push the aircraft.Part 1: Main Line Aircraft”. The first part of this section shows the chart to determine the draw bar pull and tow tractor mass requirements as function of the following physical characteristics: . . using a towbar attached to the NLG.ISO 9667. ”Functional Specification for an Aircraft Towbar”. at maximum ramp weight with engines at zero or up to idle thrust. The A350 is designed with means for conventional or towbarless towing. . 5-8-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . .A traction shear pin calibrated at 28 620 daN (64 340 lbf). A conventional type towbar is required which should be equipped with a damping system to protect the NLG against jerks and with towing shear pins : .daN (27 7028 lbf.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-8-0 Towing Requirements **ON A/C A350-900 Towing Requirements 1.Towbars”.Aircraft weight. . 2.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .Interface Requirements .Towbar Attachment Fitting . The towing head is designed according to ISO 8267--1 (Aircraft Weight Category III). . One towbar fitting is installed at the front of the leg (optional towing fitting for towing from the rear of the NLG available). .IATA Airport Handling Manual AHM 958. This section provides information on aircraft towing. Towbar design guidelines The A350 towbar requirements are identical to the towbar requirements for the long range aircraft..in).ISO 8267-1. ”Aircraft Ground Support Equipment .Number of engines at idle.A torsion pin calibrated at 3 130 m. ”Aircraft . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 DRAWBAR PULL ( x 1000 kg ) 25 =0 . THE Y−COORDINATE OBTAINED IS THE NECESSARY DRAWBAR PULL FOR THE TRACTOR (17 000 kg). FROM THIS POINT DRAW A PARALLEL LINE TO THE REQUIRED SLOPE PERCENTAGE (2%). 1 ENGINE AT IDLE AND FOR WET TARMAC CONDITIONS: − − − − − − − ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE OF THE GRAPH.5 2. P_AC_050800_1_0010001_01_00 Towing Requirements FIGURE-5-8-0-991-001-A01 5-8-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .2 10 H 5 ICE 0 0 10 20 29.5 1.8 BREAKWAY RESISTANCE 4% # OF ENGINES ON FOR PB: 1 ENGINE THRUST 811 daN A/C WEIGHT ( x 1000 kg ) =0 .0 1. AT 2% SLOPE. SEARCH THE INTERSECTION WITH THE "WET CONCRETE" LINE.8 = 0. THE OBTAINED X−COORDINATE IS THE RECOMMENDED MINIMUM TRACTOR WEIGHT (29 800 kg). FROM THIS POINT DRAW A STRAIGHT HORIZONTAL LINE TO THE DRAWBAR PULL AXIS. FROM THIS POINT OBTAINED DRAW A STRAIGHT HORIZONTAL LINE UNTIL No. OF ENGINES AT IDLE SLOPE ( % ) EXAMPLE HOW TO DETERMINE THE MASS REQUIREMENT TO TOW A A350 AT 250 000 kg.57 DR YC ON CR WE ETE TC ON CR ET E 20 17.0 280 1 ENGINE ON 2% SLOPE 250 255 230 205 180 155 130 15 =0 D AR O SN W . CHOOSE THE RELEVANT AIRCRAFT WEIGHT (250 000 kg).0 TOTAL TRACTION WHEEL LOAD ( x 1000 kg ) No. OF ENGINES AT IDLE = 2.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . FROM THIS POINT DRAW A PARALLEL LINE TO THE REQUESTED NUMBER OF ENGINES (1).05 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 1 2 0 0. 2) AIRCRAFT TYPE Fuselage Top Surface (Top Third .2) (743 ft.2) HTP Lower Surface (Both Sides) A350--900 354 m2 (3810 ft.2) (24133 ft.2) Nacelle and Pylon Total Cleaned Area (All Engines) 166 m2 2242 m2 (1787 ft.2) NOTE : Dimensions are approximate 3.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 5-9-0 De-icing and External cleaning **ON A/C A350-900 De-icing and External cleaning 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . De-Icing and External Cleaning on Ground.2) NOTE : Dimensions are approximate 5-9-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . De-Icing Wing Top Surface (Both Sides) Wingtip Devices HTP Top Surface (Both Inside and (Both Sides) (Outside Surfaces) (Both Sides) 25 m2 69 m2 (269 ft.120? Arc) 357 m2 (3843 ft. External Cleaning AIRCRAFT TYPE Wing Top Surface (Both Sides) Wing Lower Wingtip Devices HTP Top Surface (Both Inside Surface (Including Flap and (Both Sides) Track Fairing) (Outside (Both Sides) Surfaces) (Both Sides) 384 m2 25 m2 69 m2 (4133 ft.2) Fuselage and Belly Fairing 1073 m2 (11550 ft.2) 69 m2 (743 ft.2) (10355 ft.2) 102 m2 (1098 ft.2) A350--900 Nacelle and Pylon Total De-Iced Area (Top Third . AIRCRAFT TYPE A350--900 354 m2 (3810 ft.2) AIRCRAFT TYPE A350--900 VTP (Both Sides) 102 m2 (1098 ft.120? Arc) (All Engines) 56 m2 962 m2 (603 ft. The mobile equipment for aircraft de-icing and external cleaning must be capable of reaching heights up to approximately 17 m (56 ft.2) (269 ft.).2) (743 ft.2) VTP (Both Sides) 2. 6-4-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING OPERATING CONDITIONS 6-4-0 APU Exhaust Velocities and Temperatures **ON A/C A350-900 APU Exhaust Velocities and Temperatures 1. This section gives APU exhaust velocities and temperatures. 5°C 10 30 FD 204°C 260°C 149°C 20 5 10 [m] 0 [ft] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 5 10 15 20 0 0 P_AC_060400_1_0010001_01_00 APU Exhaust Velocities and Temperatures FIGURE-6-4-0-991-001-A01 6-4-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 [m] [ft] 40 15 m/s 61 m/s 46 m/s 30.5 m/s 10 30 FD 20 5 10 [m] 0 [ft] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 5 10 15 20 0 0 [m] [ft] 40 93°C 427°C 315. Pavement requirements for commercial aircraft are derived from the static analysis of loads imposed on the MLG struts. Section 7-2-0 . Section 7-3-0.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . interpolating load values where necessary. . maximum ramp weights and tire sizes and pressures. A brief description of the pavement charts that follow will help in airport planning. Vicksburg.The aircraft loaded to the maximum ramp weight.Pavements. Section 7-5-0 uses procedures in Instruction Report No S-77-1 ”Procedures for Development of CBR Design Curves”. and utilizing the alpha factors approved by ICAO in October 2007. Maximum Pavement Loads. 2nd Edition. Army Corps Engineers Waterways Experiment Station. presents basic data on the landing gear footprint configuration. The line showing 10 000 coverages is used to calculate Aircraft Classification Number (ACN).AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING PAVEMENT DATA 7-1-0 General Information **ON A/C A350-900 General Information 1.The CG at its maximum permissible aft position. The report was prepared by the U.S.LCN Conversion Method. These MLG loads are used as the point of entry to the pavement design charts which follow. shows maximum vertical and horizontal pavement loads for certain critical conditions at the tire-ground interfaces. To aid in the interpolation between the discrete values shown. Landing Gear Loading on Pavement. Section 7-4-0 contains charts to find these loads throughout the stability limits of the aircraft at rest on the pavement. Landing Gear Footprint. each aircraft configuration is shown with a minimum range of five loads on the MLG. 1983. Flexible Pavement Requirements . Soils and Pavement Laboratory. Section 1.1 (The ACN-PCN Method). 7-1-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . All curves on the charts represent data at a constant specified tire pressure with: . Flexible Pavement Requirements . dated June 1977 and as modified according to the methods described in ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual. Mississippi”. Part 3.US Army Corps of Engineers Design Method. PCA (Portland Cement Association) Design Method.LCN Conversion . Second Edition. incorporating Amendments 1 to 6. 1967 both by Robert G. Part 2. 7-1-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . The rigid pavement charts show LCN in Section 7-8-2 against ESWL and ESWL against radius of relative stiffness affected by the other values of E and µ. All LCN curves shown in ’Flexible Pavement Requirements’ were developed from a computer program based on data in International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) document 7920-AN/865/2. 1973 and ”Computer Program for Airport Pavement Design”. Fourth Edition July 2004. Rigid Pavement Requirements . incorporating Amendments 1 to 6.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Section 7-7-0 gives the rigid pavement design curves that have been prepared with the use of the Westergaard Equation. Second Edition. ”Design of Concrete Airport Pavement”. ISWL. T. This is in general accordance with the procedures outlined in the Portland Cement Association publications.Radius of Relative Stiffness.LCN Conversion . All LCN curves shown in ’Rigid Pavement Requirements . The rigid pavement charts in Section 7-8-0 show LCN against ESWL. and ESWL against radius of relative stiffness. TT. ”Aerodromes”.Radius of Relative Stiffness (other values of E and µ). etc. Rigid Pavement Requirements . Numerically the ACN is two times the derived single wheel load expressed in thousands of kilograms. ACN/PCN Reporting System. Rigid Pavement Requirements .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING The flexible pavement charts in Section 7-6-0 show LCN against Equivalent Single Wheel Load (ESWL).. ACN is the Aircraft Classification Number and PCN is the corresponding Pavement Classification Number. 1965. Aerodrome manual. and ESWL against pavement thickness. Section 7-8-0 gives the rigid pavement requirements. 1965.Radius of Relative Stiffness (other values of E and µ) . ”Aerodrome Physical Characteristics”.were developed from a computer program based on data in International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) document 7920-AN/865/2. AUW. ”Aerodrome Physical Characteristics”. Packard. Section 7-9 provides ACN data prepared according to the ACN/PCN system as referenced in ICAO Annex 14. Part 2.” Fourth Edition July 2004. rating systems used throughout the world. An aircraft having an ACN equal to or less than the PCN can operate without restriction on the pavement. Rigid Pavement Requirements .LCN Conversion. (Program PDILB). Volume 1 ”Aerodrome Design and Operations. LCN. Section 7-8-1 allow to find the radius of relative stiffness based on other values of E and µ. Aerodrome manual. The ACN/PCN system provides a standardized international aircraft / pavement rating system replacing the various S. The Airport Authority must decide on the method of pavement analysis and the results of their evaluation shown as follows: PCN SUBGRADE TIRE PRESSURE EVALUATION PAVEMENT TYPE CATEGORY CATEGORY METHOD R .To 0. Low Strength CBR 6 . Low Strength Subgrade k = 40 MN/m3 (150 pci ) .Flexible B .Ultra Low Z .No Limit T .Using Aircraft X . Computationally the ACN/PCN system uses PCA program PDILB for rigid pavements and S-77-1 for flexible pavements to calculate ACN values.5 Mpa (73 psi) Section 7-9-0 shows the aircraft ACN values for flexible pavements.B .Low Y . Ultra Low Strength CBR 3 Section 7-9-1 shows the aircraft ACN values for rigid pavements. High Strength Subgrade k = 150 MN/m3 (550 pci ) . The four subgrade categories are: .Medium U .Rigid A .D .C .D . High Strength CBR 15 .To 1 Mpa (145 psi) D .5 Mpa (217 psi) C .High W .B .A .A . Medium Strength Subgrade k = 80 MN/m3 (300 pci ) .C .To 1.25 Mpa (181 psi) that would have the same pavement requirements as the aircraft. Ultra Low Strength Subgrade k = 20 MN/m3 (75 pci ) 7-1-0 Page 3 Jun 01/13 . Medium Strength CBR 10 . The four subgrade categories are: .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING The derived single wheel load is defined as the load on a single tire inflated to 1.Technical F .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . This section gives data about the landing gear footprint in relation with the aircraft MRW and tire sizes and pressures.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-2-0 Landing Gear Footprint **ON A/C A350-900 Landing Gear Footprint 1. 7-2-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 735 m (5.040 m (6.600 m (34.692 ft) 2.777 ft) 0.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 MAXIMUM RAMP WEIGHT PERCENTAGE OF WEIGHT ON MAIN GEAR GROUP NOSE GEAR TIRE SIZE NOSE GEAR TIRE PRESSURE MAIN GEAR TIRE SIZE MAIN GEAR TIRE PRESSURE 268 900 kg (592 825 lb) SEE SECTION 7−4−0 1050x395R16 28PR 12.454 ft) 1.693 ft) P_AC_070200_1_0010001_01_01 Landing Gear Footprint FIGURE-7-2-0-991-001-A01 7-2-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .2 bar (177 psi) 1400x530R23 42PR 16.748 m (2.665 m (94.6 bar (241 psi) 28.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .050 ft) 10. This section shows maximum vertical and horizontal pavement loads for some critical conditions at the tire-ground interfaces.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-3-0 Maximum Pavement Loads **ON A/C A350-900 Maximum Pavement Loads 1. 7-3-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . 8 kg lb AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .G. (1) DECELERATION 2 3 4 5 VMG (PER STRUT) 6 H (PER STRUT) STEADY BRAKING AT INSTANTANEOUS BRAKING @ 10 ft/s² @A350-900 Maximum Pavement Loads FIGURE-7-3-0-991-001-A01 MODEL STATIC LOAD AT MAX AFT C.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-3-0 V (NG) H (1) (2) MRW = MRW = 268 900 kg 268 900 kg 41 790 222 150 100 770 MAXIMUM VERTICAL NOSE GEAR GROUND LOAD AT MOST FORWARD CG V MAXIMUM VERTICAL MAIN GEAR GROUND LOAD AT MOST AFT CG (MG) MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL GROUND LOAD FROM BRAKING FWD CG = 25. (2) kg −900 592 825 268 900 51 575 23 400 85 500 38 780 277 700 125 960 92 125 DECELERATION kg lb COEFFICIENT = 0.G.**ON A/C A350-900 H V (NG) (MG) V 1 VNG MAXIMUM RAMP WEIGHT lb kg lb kg lb kg lb STATIC LOAD STATIC BRAKING AT MOST FWD @ 10 ft/s² C.5 % MAC AT A/C WEIGHT=268 900 kg AFT CG = 33 % MAC AT A/C WEIGHT=268 900 kg P_AC_070300_1_0010001_01_01 Page 2 Jun 01/13 NOTE: ALL LOADS CALCULATED USING AIRCRAFT MAXIMUM RAMP WEIGHT . 7-4-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .An aircraft with a MTOW of 268000 kg (590839 lb) . see FIGURE 7-4-0-991-001-A. The total weight on the MLG group is 178000 kg (392423 lb).68 %. This section gives data about the landing gear loading on pavement.The aircraft gross weight is 190000 kg (418879 lb) .A percentage of weight on the MLG of 93.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-4-0 Landing Gear Loading on Pavement **ON A/C A350-900 Landing Gear Loading on Pavement 1. calculation of the total weight on the MLG for: .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Example. AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 PERCENTAGE MAC 5 270 265 260 255 250 245 240 235 230 WEIGHT ON MAIN LANDING GEAR (x 1000 kg) 225 220 215 210 205 200 195 190 185 180 175 170 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 PERCENTAGE OF WEIGHT ON MAIN GEAR P_AC_070400_1_0010001_01_00 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 270 265 260 255 MTOW − 268 000 kg CG FOR ACN CALCULATION 250 245 240 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 AIRCRAFT GROSS WEIGHT (x 1000 kg) MLW − 205 000 kg 200 195 190 185 180 175 170 MZFW − 192 000 kg 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 100 TAKE OFF LANDING Landing Gear Loading on Pavement MTOW 268 000 kg FIGURE-7-4-0-991-001-A01 7-4-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . . This section gives data about the flexible pavement requirements.An annual departure level of 3 000. a random line is made to show 10 000 coverages. see FIGURE 7-5-0-991-001-A. They are calculated with the US Army Corps of Engineers Design Method. calculation of the thickness of the flexible pavement for: .The load on one MLG of 110000 kg (242509 lb).AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-5-0 Flexible Pavement Requirements . Example. The required flexible pavement thickness is 593 mm (23 in. . .).With the scale for pavement thickness at the bottom and the scale for CBR at the top. The line that shows 10 000 coverages is used to calculate the Aircraft Classification Number (ACN).An aircraft with a MTOW of 268000 kg (590839 lb). .Annual departure lines are made based on the load lines of the weight on the MLG that is shown on the graph. The procedure that follows is used to develop flexible pavement design curves: . .A CBR value of 10.A plot is then made of the incremental values of the weight on the MLG. To find a flexible pavement thickness. you must know the Subgrade Strength (CBR). the annual departure level and the weight on one MLG.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .US Army Corps of Engineers Design Method S-77-1 **ON A/C A350-900 Flexible Pavement Requirements . 7-5-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .US Army Corps of Engineers Design Method S-77-1 1. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 SUBGRADE STRENGTH − CBR 3 6 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 WEIGHT ON ONE MAIN LANDING GEAR 125 960 kg (277 700 lb) 110 000 kg (242 500 lb) 100 000 kg (220 450 lb) 90 000 kg (198 425 lb) 80 000 kg (176 375 lb) MAXIMUM POSSIBLE MAIN GEAR LOAD AT MAXIMUM RAMP WEIGHT AND AFT CG 10 000 COVERAGES USED FOR ACN CALCULATIONS ALPHA FACTOR = 0.8 ANNUAL DEPARTURES* 1 200 3 000 6 000 15 000 25 000 *20 YEAR PAVEMENT LIFE 3 6 10 15 [in] 20 30 40 60 80 10 15 20 30 40 [cm] 60 80 100 120 150 180 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT THICKNESS 1400x530R23 42PR TIRES TIRE PRESSURE CONSTANT AT 16.6 bar (241 psi) P_AC_070500_1_0010001_01_01 Flexible Pavement Requirements MTOW 268 000 kg FIGURE-7-5-0-991-001-A01 7-5-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . To find the aircraft weight that a flexible pavement can support.LCN Conversion **ON A/C A350-900 Flexible Pavement Requirements . DOD. see FIGURE 7-6-0-991-001-A.8 31 69. If the LCN for an intermediate weight between MRW and the empty weight of the aircraft is required or if the real thickness is known. etc. In order to use the system accurately you should know the total pavement thickness for flexible pavement.66 142000 kg A350--900 46. you must know the LCN of the pavement and the thickness.Edition 1977”.The flexible pavement thickness is 1397 mm (55 in. However.8 17 36. calculation of the thickness of the flexible pavement for: . They are calculated with the LCN conversion method.LCN Conversion 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . The following table provides LCN data in tabular format similar to the one used by ICAO in the ”Aerodrome Design Manual Part 3.) with a related LCN of 154. refer to charts in FIGURE 7-6-0-991-001-A.7 68 (313057 lb) 7-6-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-6-0 Flexible Pavement Requirements .4 116 (592824 lb) 1. FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT TIRE LOAD ON AIRCRAFT PRESSURE ESWL ONE MLG WEIGHT LCN TYPE (Mpa) LEG (%) x 1000 kg x 1000 lb h= 510 mm (20 in. Pavements .). the pavement thickness for a particular runway are not frequently published in the standard airport information sources (Jeppesen. Therefore it is common practice to use a standard thickness (20 inches) when determining the LCN and the ESWL of the aircraft. Example. The weight on one MLG is 110000 kg (242509 lb). AERAD.) 268900 kg A350--900 46.An aircraft with a MTOW of 268000 kg (590839 lb) . This section gives data about the flexible pavement requirements for Load Classification Number (LCN) conversion. 1.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT THICKNESS (in) P_AC_070600_1_0010001_01_00 NOTE: EQUIVALENT SINGLE WHEEL LOADS ARE DERIVED BY METHODS SHOWN IN ICAO AERODROME MANUAL PART 2 PAR 4.6 bar (241 psi) 70 WEIGHT ON ONE MAIN LANDING GEAR 125 960 kg (277 700 lb) 110 000 kg (242 500 lb) 100 000 kg (220 450 lb) 90 000 kg (198 425 lb) 80 000 kg (176 375 lb) 60 50 @A350-900 40 EQUIVALENT SINGLE WHEEL LOAD (1000 lb) Flexible Pavement Requirements .LCN MTOW 268 000 kg FIGURE-7-6-0-991-001-A01 60 50 20 40 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 70 80 100 120 150 200 230 LOAD CLASSIFICATION NUMBER (LCN) AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .3 SECOND EDITION 1965 EQUIVALENT SINGLE WHEEL LOAD (1000 kg) 30 7-6-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .**ON A/C A350-900 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT THICKNESS (mm) 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 MAXIMUM POSSIBLE MAIN GEAR LOAD AT MAXIMUM RAMP WEIGHT AND AFT CG 500 750 1000 1500 2000 2500 1400 x 530R23 42PR TIRES TIRE PRESSURE CONSTANT AT 16. 7-7-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-7-0 Rigid Pavement Requirements . . a random load line is made. .). calculation of the thickness of the flexible pavement for: . They are calculated with the PCA design method.The load on one MLG of 110000 kg (242509 lb). The procedure that follows is used to develop rigid pavement design curves: . This section gives data about the rigid pavement requirements for the PCA (Portland Cement Association) design method.Portland Cement Association Design Method **ON A/C A350-900 Rigid Pavement Requirements . the permitted working stress and the weight on MLG. This represents the MLG maximum weight to be shown.An aircraft with a MTOW of 268000 kg (590839 lb).A plot is then made of all values of the subgrade modulus (k values). you must know the Subgrade Modulus (K). .Portland Cement Association Design Method 1. . Example. . see FIGURE 7-7-0-991-001-A. The required rigid pavement thickness is 290 mm (11 in.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .A permitted working stress of 35.15 kg/cm2 (500 lb/in2). To find a rigid pavement thickness.With the scale for pavement thickness on the left and the scale for permitted working stress on the right.More load lines for the incremental values of weight on the MLG are made based on the curve for k= 80MN/m3 already shown on the graph.A k value of 80 MN/m3 (300 lbf/in3). AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 1400x530R23 42PR TIRES TIRE PRESSURE CONSTANT AT 16.6 bar (241 psi) 38 15 MAXIMUM POSSIBLE MAIN GEAR LOAD AT MAXIMUM RAMP WEIGHT AND AFT CG 36 14 K = 20 MN/m³ 34 13 32 RIGID PAVEMENT THICKNESS (cm) 12 30 45 (in) 28 11 600 (lb/in²) 40 700 50 (kg/cm²) ALLOWABLE WORKING STRESS K = 40 MN/m³ K = 80 MN/m³ K = 150 MN/m³ 800 55 60 900 1000 70 65 26 10 24 500 35 30 9 22 WEIGHT ON ONE MAIN LANDING GEAR 125 960 kg (277 700 lb) 110 000 kg (242 500 lb) 100 000 kg (220 450 lb) 90 000 kg (198 425 lb) 80 000 kg (176 375 lb) 400 25 300 20 20 8 18 7 NOTES: THE VALUES OBTAINED BY USING THE MAXIMUM LOAD REFERENCE LINE AND ANY VALUES FOR K ARE EXACT.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . THE CURVES ARE EXACT FOR K = 80 MN/m³ BUT DEVIATE SLIGHTLY FOR ANY OTHER VALUES OF K 200 REFERENCE: "DESIGN OF CONCRETE AIRPORT PAVEMENTS" AND "COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR AIRPORT PAVEMENT DESIGN − PROGRAM PDILB" PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 15 P_AC_070700_1_0010001_01_00 Rigid Pavement Requirements MTOW 268 000 kg FIGURE-7-7-0-991-001-A01 7-7-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 . FOR LOADS LESS THAN MAXIMUM. 8 15 33 59 62 107 LCN A350--900 A350--900 268900 kg (592824 lb) 142000 kg (313057 lb) 46. In order to use the system accurately you should know the total pavement radius of relative stiffness (L-value) for rigid pavement. Therefore it is common practice to use a standard radius of relative stiffness (30 inches) when determining the LCN and the ESWL of the aircraft.66 46.LCN Conversion **ON A/C A350-900 Rigid Pavement Requirements . see Section 7--8--1. Pavements .) 28 1. see Section 7--8--2. refer to charts FIGURE 7-8-0-991-001-A.) with a related LCN of 119. This section gives data about the rigid pavement requirements for the Load Classification Number (LCN) conversion (radius of relative stiffness). If the LCN for an intermediate weight between maximum ramp weight and the empty weight of the aircraft is required or if the real thickness is known.Edition 1977”.LCN Conversion 1. DOD. calculation of the aircraft weight with the thickness of the rigid pavement for: .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . see FIGURE 7-8-0-991-001-A.).An aircraft with a MTOW of 268000 kg (590839 lb). However. the pavement radius of relative stiffness for a particular runway are not frequently published in the standard airport information sources (Jeppesen.For the radius of relative stiffness (other values of E and µ). etc. Example. .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-8-0 Rigid Pavement Requirements . The weight on one MLG is 110000 kg (242509 lb). . AERAD.For the radius of relative stiffness.8 7-8-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . AIRCRAFT TYPE WEIGHT LOAD ON ONE MLG LEG (%) TIRE PRESSURE (Mpa) RIGID PAVEMENT ESWL x 1000 kg x 1000 lb L= 760 mm (30 in. . The following table provides LCN data in tabular format similar to the one used by ICAO in the ”Aerodrome Design Manual Part 3.The radius of relative stiffness is shown at1143 mm (45 in. 3 SECOND EDITION 1965 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .6 bar (241 psi) 54 49 44 39 34 WEIGHT ON ONE MAIN LANDING GEAR 125 960 kg (277 700 lb) 110 000 kg (242 500 lb) 100 000 kg (220 450 lb) 90 000 kg (198 425 lb) 80 000 kg (176 375 lb) 70 60 50 40 30 20 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 RADIUS OF RELATIVE STIFFNESS (inches) 40 50 60 70 29 24 19 14 5 80 90 100 120 150 190 LOAD CLASSIFICATION NUMBER (LCN) @A350-900 Rigid Pavement Requirements .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-8-0 P_AC_070800_1_0010001_01_00 NOTE: EQUIVALENT SINGLE WHEEL LOADS ARE DERIVED BY METHODS SHOWN IN ICAO AERODROME MANUAL PART 2 PAR 4.**ON A/C A350-900 RADIUS OF RELATIVE STIFFNESS (mm) 120 110 100 90 80 MAXIMUM POSSIBLE MAIN GEAR LOAD AT MAXIMUM RAMP WEIGHT AND AFT CG 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 1400 x 530R23 42PR TIRES TIRE PRESSURE CONSTANT AT 16.LCN MTOW 268 000 kg FIGURE-7-8-0-991-001-A01 EQUIVALENT SINGLE WHEEL LOAD (1000 lb) EQUIVALENT SINGLE WHEEL LOAD (1000 kg) AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .1. 7-8-1 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-8-1 Radius of Relative Stiffness (L) **ON A/C A350-900 Radius of Relative Stiffness (L) 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . This section gives the radius of relative stiffness. 84 25.91 56.11 29.83 65.15 41.62 28.78 42.47 48.52 45.28 41.16 47.94 54.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 RADIUS OF RELATIVE STIFFNESS (L) VALUES IN INCHES L= 4 Ed 12 (1 − = 24.5 15.5 11.34 37.62 49.12 44.16 32.95 39.51 47.89 36.25 39.32 53.92 40.38 66.37 35.32 26.45 47.26 82.80 48.07 36.00 23.11 55.94 55.89 34.96 58.56 63.02 43.47 59.96 77.48 60.0 k=75 31.15 27.0 19.14 36.83 59.35 38.74 24.58 27.41 k=550 19.14 37.76 74.23 31.35 42.00 28.97 44.49 69.96 64.63 36.41 47.68 50.98 50.00 53.23 47.24 56.43 46.89 56.74 26.87 77.31 21.13 20.64 33.98 51.73 63.78 58.17 31.72 49.46 k=400 20.58 32.5 14.42 32.60 39.15 d 6.61 49.18 47.5 13.65 29.70 45.01 54.43 35.02 62.26 71.0 6.78 69.82 55.75 48.30 31.77 63.53 57.98 60. lb/in d = RIGID PAVEMENT THICKNESS.47 22.47 28.92 36.43 42.70 43.0 13.84 54.63 49.36 38.74 24.64 24.81 40.91 30.20 51.45 36.72 22.12 30.04 25.08 60.17 33.36 46.81 29.16 46.31 56.66 80.98 56.64 44.72 31.19 42.26 46.39 31.74 46.74 34.04 91.0 7.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .75 34.5 17.59 33.11 40.87 35.42 22.58 62.16 35.30 24.0 12.24 46.0 9.27 48.13 41.0 17.85 41.90 28.18 40.32 27.32 47.58 43.55 83.0 25.24 30.15 44.5 9.44 41.28 52.25 31.90 49.75 40.03 38.93 27.1652 4 )k d k WHERE E = YOUNG’S MODULUS = 4 x 10 psi k = SUBGRADE MODULUS.25 24.98 62.52 32.02 37.5 18.19 48.63 53.52 74.16 27.54 72.39 34.48 33.88 52.75 70.61 23.84 52.30 67.06 39.06 40.71 41.35 40.84 35.23 44.95 50.65 33.41 86.68 71.63 26.17 51.81 59.44 38.80 43.62 61.13 62.0 21.0 20.24 89.04 65.79 REFERENCE: PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION P_AC_070801_1_0010001_01_00 Radius of Relative Stiffness (L) FIGURE-7-8-1-991-001-A01 7-8-1 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .77 36.67 44.80 54.68 60.99 33.31 57.70 26.14 72.08 29.06 29.90 47.88 37.0 11.99 45.04 39.0 15.81 k=100 29.10 53.74 52.82 50.48 38.72 43.88 42.28 67.27 74.27 50.17 35.40 41.54 48.24 45.61 53.99 38.23 68.91 30.0 10.74 70.20 k=200 24.57 46.59 56.98 65. (in) = POISSON’S RATIO = 0.43 61.22 49.21 43.11 55.0 14.70 61.26 23.17 34.0 16.5 8.89 34.51 42.90 67.22 57.81 56.5 10.98 45.12 37.61 42.11 30.5 7.26 45.15 65.73 77.14 38.25 59.29 32.83 40.0 8.59 60.22 39.85 34.5 12.95 k=300 22.75 58.63 80.84 65.69 52.92 k=350 21.57 31.71 43.98 39.44 k=150 26.69 67.84 54.75 50.08 38.99 26.71 37.84 k=250 23.75 58.54 28.86 85.61 45.34 62.0 24.26 37.03 30.80 52.15 58.77 47.0 22.89 42.49 25.5 16.42 32.59 64.31 52.60 51.41 54.11 32.14 31.41 52.0 23. For example. presents L values based on young’s modulus (E) of 4 000 000 psi and poisson’s ratio (µ) of 0. see FIGURE 7-8-2-991-001-B. The effect of variations of µ on the L value is treated in a similar manner. The table of Section 7--8--1 radius of relative stiffness. the ”E” factor of 0.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-8-2 Radius of Relative Stiffness (Other values of E and µ) **ON A/C A350-900 Radius of Relative Stiffness (Other values of E and µ) 1.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . To find L values based on other values of E and µ.931 is multiplied by the L value found in the table of Section 7-8-1 radius of relative stiffness. to find an L value based on an E of 3 000 000 psi. 7-8-2 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .15. 85 0.010 FACTOR 1.05 0.10 0.005 1. YOUNG’S MODULUS (10 psi) EFFECT OF 1.25 .000 0.15 0.10 1.05 1.20 0.015 ON L VALUES 1.00 0. POISSON’S RATIO NOTE: BOTH CURVES ON THIS PAGE ARE USED TO ADJUST THE L VALUES OF TABLE 7−8−1 P_AC_070802_1_0010002_01_00 Radius of Relative Stiffness (Effect E and µ ON ”L” values) FIGURE-7-8-2-991-001-B01 7-8-2 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .00 E FACTOR 0.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 EFFECT OF E ON L VALUES 1.80 0 1 2 3 4 5 E.995 0.90 0.95 0.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . If the ACN for an intermediate weight between maximum ramp weight and the empty weight of the aircraft is required. calculation of the ACN for flexible pavement for: .8 31 32 34 41 lb) 7-9-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .An aircraft gross weight of 210000 kg (462971 lb). 2. see FIGURE 7-9-0-991-001-A. Aircraft Classification Number .Flexible Pavement **ON A/C A350-900 Aircraft Classification Number .Flexible Pavement 1. .An aircraft with a MTOW of 268000 kg (590839 lb).Edition 1983”.8 66 70 80 110 lb) 1. you must know the aircraft gross weight and the subgrade strength.ACN Table The following table provides ACN data in tabular format similar to the one used by ICAO in the ”Aerodrome Design Manual Part 3. Example. subject to any limitation on the tire pressure (Ref: ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual Part 3 Chapter 1 Second Edition 1983). To find the ACN of an aircraft on flexible pavement. . The ACN for flexible pavement is 51.A medium subgrade strength (code B). This section gives data about the Aircraft Classification Number (ACN) for flexible pavement for an aircraft gross weight in relation with a subgrade strength value. NOTE : An aircraft with an ACN equal to or less than the reported PCN can operate on that pavement.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-9-0 Aircraft Classification Number . refer to chart FIGURE 7-9-0-991-001-A.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .66 142000 kg (313057 A350--900 46. Pavements . ACN FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT SUBGRADES TIRE LOAD ON CBR AIRCRAFT WEIGHT ONE MLG PRESSURE High Medium Low Ultral-low TYPE (Mpa) LEG (%) 15 10 6 3 268900 kg (592824 A350--900 46. 6 bar (241 psi) ( x1000 lb) 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 120 140 160 SUBGRADE STRENGTH D − CBR 3 (ULTRA LOW) C − CBR 6 (LOW) B − CBR 10 (MEDIUM) A − CBR 15 (HIGH) ALPHA FACTOR = 0. SECOND EDITION 1983.8 280 310 340 370 400 430 460 490 520 550 ACN WAS DETERMINED AS REFERENCED IN ICAO AERODROME DESIGN MANUAL PART 3 CHAPTER 1. CG USED FOR ACN CALCULATIONS: 33% MAC SEE SECTION 7−4−0 580 610 @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CLASSIFICATION NUMBER (ACN) AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .Flexible Pavement MTOW 268 000 kg FIGURE-7-9-0-991-001-A01 7-9-0 180 200 ( x1000 kg) AIRCRAFT GROSS WEIGHT P_AC_070900_1_0010001_01_00 220 240 260 280 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .**ON A/C A350-900 1400x530R23 42PR TIRES TIRE PRESSURE CONSTANT AT 16.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING Aircraft Classification Number . The ACN for rigid pavement is 52. subject to any limitation on the tire pressure.An aircraft gross weight of 210000 kg (462971 lb). This section gives data about the Aircraft Classification Number (ACN) for rigid pavement for an aircraft gross weight in relation with a subgrade strength value. To find the ACN of an aircraft on rigid pavement. refer to chart FIGURE 7-9-1-991-001-A. Aircraft Classification Number .Rigid Pavement **ON A/C A350-900 Aircraft Classification Number . you must know the aircraft gross weight and the subgrade strength. ACN FOR RIGID PAVEMENT SUBGRADES TIRE LOAD ON MN/m3 AIRCRAFT WEIGHT ONE MLG PRESSURE TYPE High Medium Low Ultral-low (Mpa) LEG (%) 150 80 40 20 268900 kg (592824 A350--900 46. If the ACN for an intermediate weight between maximum ramp weight and the empty weight of the aircraft is required. Example. see FIGURE 7-9-1-991-001-A. .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 7-9-1 Aircraft Classification Number . .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .66 142000 kg (313057 A350--900 46. Pavements .Rigid Pavement 1. (Ref: ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual Part 3 Chapter 1 Second Edition 1983).Edition 1983”. 2.8 64 83 96 71 lb) 1. An aircraft with an ACN equal to or less than the reported PCN can operate on that pavement. calculation of the ACN for rigid pavement for: .A medium subgrade strength (code B).8 32 33 36 41 lb) NOTE : 7-9-1 Page 1 Jun 01/13 .An aircraft with a MTOW of 268000 kg (590839 lb).ACN Table The following table provides ACN data in tabular format similar to the one used by ICAO in the ”Aerodrome Design Manual Part 3. SECOND EDITION 1983.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING Aircraft Classification Number .**ON A/C A350-900 1400x530R23 42PR TIRES TIRE PRESSURE CONSTANT AT 16. CG USED FOR ACN CALCULATIONS: 33% MAC SEE SECTION 7−4−0 580 610 @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CLASSIFICATION NUMBER (ACN) AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .Rigid Pavement MTOW 268 000 kg FIGURE-7-9-1-991-001-A01 7-9-1 180 200 ( x1000 kg) AIRCRAFT GROSS WEIGHT P_AC_070901_1_0010001_01_00 220 240 260 280 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .6 bar (241 psi) ( x1000 lb) 120 110 SUBGRADE STRENGTH 100 D − K = 20 MN/m³(ULTRA LOW) C − K = 40 MN/m³ (LOW) 90 B − K = 80 MN/m³ (MEDIUM) A − K = 150 MN/m³ (HIGH) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 120 140 160 280 310 340 370 400 430 460 490 520 550 ACN WAS DETERMINED AS REFERENCED IN ICAO AERODROME DESIGN MANUAL PART 3 CHAPTER 1. 8-0-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . This section provides the scaled drawings.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING SCALED DRAWINGS 8-0-0 Scaled Drawings **ON A/C A350-900 Scaled Drawings 1. NOTE : When printing this drawing. make sure to adjust for proper scaling.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . MAKE SURE TO ADJUST FOR PROPER SCALING P_AC_080000_1_0010001_01_00 50 60 50 16 60 20 Scaled Drawings FIGURE-8-0-0-991-001-A01 8-0-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 0 10 20 FEET 30 40 0 4 8 12 METERS 16 20 0 0 10 4 20 FEET 30 40 8 12 METERS NOTE: WHEN PRINTING THIS DRAWING. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . The figures contained in this section are the figures that are in the Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Charts poster available for download on AIRBUSWorld and the Airbus website. 10-0-0 Page 1 Jun 01/13 . This sections gives data related to aircraft rescue and fire fighting.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING AIRCRAFT RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING 10-0-0 Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting **ON A/C A350-900 Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting 1. JUNE 2013 P_AC_100000_1_0010001_01_01 Front Page FIGURE-10-0-0-991-001-A01 REFERENCE : 10-0-0 Page 2 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 THIS CHART GIVES THE GENERAL LAYOUT OF THE A350−900 STANDARD VERSION.@A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 P_AC_100000_1_0030001_01_01 Highly Flammable and Hazardous Materials and Components FIGURE-10-0-0-991-003-A01 10-0-0 Page 3 Jun 01/13 **ON A/C A350-900 CABIN CREW REST COMPARTMENT ACCESS DOOR FLIGHT CREW REST COMPARTMENT EMERGENCY EXIT @A350-900 Crew Rest Compartments Location FIGURE-10-0-0-991-004-A01 EMERGENCY EXIT AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 10-0-0 ACCESS DOOR P_AC_100000_1_0040001_01_01 Page 4 Jun 01/13 NOTE: THE CREW REST COMPARTMENT INSTALLATION IS OPTIONAL AND RELATED TO AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 P_AC_100000_1_0050001_01_00 Wheel/Brake Overheat Wheel Safety Area (Sheet 1 of 2) FIGURE-10-0-0-991-005-A01 10-0-0 Page 5 Jun 01/13 @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 P_AC_100000_1_0050001_02_00 Wheel/Brake Overheat Recommendations (Sheet 2 of 2) FIGURE-10-0-0-991-005-A01 10-0-0 Page 6 Jun 01/13 @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 CFRP MONOLITHIC CFRP SANDWICH ALU ALLOY QUARTZ, GLASS COMPOSITE MATERIALS P_AC_100000_1_0060001_01_00 Composite Materials Location FIGURE-10-0-0-991-006-A01 10-0-0 Page 7 Jun 01/13 TITANIUM @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 NOSE LANDING GEAR MAIN LANDING GEAR P_AC_100000_1_0070001_01_00 Ground Lock Safety Devices FIGURE-10-0-0-991-007-A01 10-0-0 TYPICAL INSTALLATION Page 8 Jun 01/13 25 m (33.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 10-0-0 COCKPIT ESCAPE ROPE P_AC_100000_1_0080001_01_01 EMERGENCY DESCENT THROUGH THE ESCAPE HATCH WITH THE ESCAPE ROPE NOTE: DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE Page 9 Jun 01/13 .63 ft) AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .43 m (30.35 m (30.38 m (30.94 ft) CABIN DUAL−LANE SLIDE/RAFT 9.77 ft) 15 12 9 6 3 0 CABIN SINGLE−LANE SLIDE/RAFT 10.68 ft) @A350-900 Emergency Evacuation Devices FIGURE-10-0-0-991-008-A01 CABIN DUAL−LANE SLIDE/RAFT 9.**ON A/C A350-900 CABIN DUAL−LANE SLIDE/RAFT 9. 2 − PUSH FLAP TO GRASP HANDLE. 4 − PULL THE DOOR OUT AND MOVE IT FORWARD.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 10-0-0 MECHANICAL DOOR−LOCKING INDICATORS P_AC_100000_1_0090001_01_00 TO OPEN: 1 − MAKE SURE THAT RESIDUAL CABIN−PRESSURE WARNING LIGHTS DOES NOT FLASH.**ON A/C A350-900 PASSENGER/CREW DOORS AND EMERGENCY EXITS EXTERIOR CONTROL HANDLES RESIDUAL CABIN−PRESSURE WARNING−LIGHT @A350-900 SLIDE ARMED WARNING−LIGHT AND BUZZER (SLIDE WILL BE DISARMED AUTOMATICALLY IF DOOR IS OPEN FROM OUTSIDE) OUTER HANDLE Pax/Crew Doors and Emergency Exits FIGURE-10-0-0-991-009-A01 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 3 − LIFT HANDLE FULLY UP TO HORIZONTAL POSITION (GREEN LINE). Page 10 Jun 01/13 . 2 − TURN THE HANDLE COUNTERCLOCKWISE TO DESENGAGE THE LATCHES. P_AC_100000_1_0100001_01_00 Page 11 Jun 01/13 .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 10-0-0 NOTE: THE ESCAPE HATCH IS THE COCKPIT EMERGENCY EXIT. TO OPEN: 1 − PUSH ON THE HANDLE. IT OPENS INSIDE THE COCKPIT. THE HANDLE IS EJECTED FROM ITS HOUSING. MAKE SURE THAT NO PERSON IN THE COCKPIT IS BELOW THE ESCAPE HATCH.**ON A/C A350-900 @A350-900 Cockpit Emergency Exit FIGURE-10-0-0-991-010-A01 ESCAPE ROPE AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . 3 − PUSH ON THE ESCAPE HATCH. NOTE: TWO OPERATORS ARE REQUIRED FOR THIS OPERATION. P_AC_100000_1_0110001_01_00 Page 12 Jun 01/13 . 3 − PUSH THE TOGGLE SWITCH ON THE DOOR OPERATION PANEL TO THE "OPEN" POSITION AND HOLD IT UNTIL THE GREEN INDICATOR LIGHT COMES ON (CARGO DOOR FULLY OPEN AND LOCKED). MAKE SURE THAT YOU SEE ALL THE INDICATOR FLAGS (EIGHT FLAGS). ELECTRIC OR PNEUMATIC) OR THE HANDLE (ON THE YELLOW GROUND−SERVICE PANEL) IS REQUIRED FOR THIS OPERATION. 3 − ON THE YELLOW GROUND−SERVICE PANEL. 2 − QUICKLY AND FULLY PULL THE LATCHING HANDLE DOWN WITH A CONTINUOUS MOVEMENT (OUT AND DOWN). FWD and AFT Lower Deck Cargo Doors FIGURE-10-0-0-991-011-A01 NORMAL OPERATION 1− PUSH THE LOCKING HANDLE FLAP IN AND PULL THE LOCKING HANDLE TO THE "UNLOCKED" POSITION (OUTWARD AND UPWARD). WARNING: MAKE SURE THAT THE RESIDUAL PRESSURE WARNING−LIGHT DOES NOT FLASH.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 10-0-0 YELLOW GROUND−SERVICE PANEL 2 − TURN THE MANUAL OPERATING DEVICE CLOCKWISE TO THE "OPEN" POSITION AND HOLD IT. A POWER HAND TOOL (MINIMUM 600 RPM. 1− DO THE OPERATIONS 1 AND 2 AS FOR "NORMAL OPERATION". 4 − CONNECT A POWER HAND TOOL OR THE HANDLE TO OPERATE THE HYDRAULIC AUXILIARY−PUMP UNTIL THE GREEN INDICATOR LIGHT COMES ON (CARGO DOOR FULLY OPEN AND LOCKED). AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . PUT THE HYDRAULIC AUXILIARY−PUMP GEARBOX IN THE POSITION ON THE HYDRAULIC AUXILIARY−PUMP AND TIGHTEN THE BOLTS.**ON A/C A350-900 FWD AND AFT CARGO COMPARTMENT DOOR CONTROLS LOCKING HANDLE TOGGLE SWITCH GREEN INDICATOR LIGHT PRESSURE WARNING LIGHT 194KB LATCHING HANDLE MANUAL OPERATING DEVICE HYDRAULIC AUXILIARY− PUMP HANDLE HYDRAULIC AUXILIARY− PUMP GEARBOX @A350-900 MANUAL OPERATION WARNING: ENSURE THAT ALL PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT ARE CLEAR OF CARGO DOOR AREA. 4 − RELEASE THE TOGGLE SWITCH. 5 − RELEASE THE MANUAL OPERATING DEVICE. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 INSTALLED ON NLG P_AC_100000_1_0120001_01_00 Control Panels FIGURE-10-0-0-991-012-A01 10-0-0 Page 13 Jun 01/13 . AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 10-0-0 OPERATION: PIN LATCHES P_AC_100000_1_0150001_01_00 1 − OPEN THE OVERPRESSURE DOOR 316BR TO RELEASE UNWANTED AIR PRESSURE. 3 − RELEASE THE HOOK LATCHES ON RIGHT ACCESS DOOR 316AR.**ON A/C A350-900 APU ACCESS DOORS 316AL PIN LATCHES @A350-900 APU Compartment Access FIGURE-10-0-0-991-015-A01 316BR 316AR HOOK LATCHES AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS . Page 14 Jun 01/13 . 6 − OPERATE PIN LATCHES (FORWARD AND AFT) ON LEFT ACCESS DOOR 315AL. 2 − TURN THE MECHANISM LEVER AND BLOCK IT. 5 − OPEN RIGHT ACCESS DOOR 316AR AND LOCK MANUALLY THE FIXED ROD WHEN DOOR IS FULLY OPEN. 4 − OPERATE PIN LATCHES (FORWARD AND AFT). 7 − OPEN LEFT ACCESS DOOR 315AL AND LOCK MANUALLY THE FIXED ROD WHEN DOOR IS FULLY OPEN. 79 10.81 27.73 6.25 4.61 ft 21.00 30.78 8.80 3.45 3.05 4.33 5.52 2.06 10.04 ft 8.08 2.60 15.AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING 10-0-0 P_AC_100000_1_0160001_01_01 Page 15 Jun 01/13 NOTE: PASSENGER AND CARGO DOOR GROUND CLEARANCES ARE MEASURED FROM THE CENTER OF THE DOOR SILL AND FROM FLOOR LEVEL.34 17. .58 8.72 12.07 9.37 3.62 17.86 8.97 23.29 24.10 14.39 8.59 3.21 7.37 5.64 5.84 4.93 1.46 28.27 7.24 56.20 5.70 20.**ON A/C A350-900 VT BF2 BF1 AP D4 C3 C2 F2 F4 D3 BF3 D2 F3 C1 D1 D5 F1 RD1 CP1 WL1 FT3 RAT FT2 FT1 HT N1 WL2 @A350-900 Aircraft Ground Clearances FIGURE-10-0-0-991-016-A01 A/C (142 000 kg) CONFIGURATION AFT CG (40%) AP BF1 BF2 BF3 C1 C2 C3 CP1 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 m 6.66 2.44 7.10 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .70 2.29 3.50 11.56 0.82 8.09 24.34 17.22 17.49 17.27 5.97 DIMENSIONS ARE RELATED TO AIRCRAFT WEIGHT AND CG CONFIGURATION A/C (142 000 kg) CONFIGURATION AFT CG (40%) F1 F2 F3 F4 FT1 FT2 FT3 HT N1 RAT RD1 VT WL1 WL2 m 2.26 6.29 17. @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 COLORED CUT HERE IN EMERGENCY NOT MARKED ON ALL AIRCRAFT = = P_AC_100000_1_0170001_01_01 Structural Break-in Points FIGURE-10-0-0-991-017-A01 = = 10-0-0 Page 16 Jun 01/13 . @A350-900 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS .AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A350-900 ACCESS VIA ACCESS DOOR 811 811 ACCESS VIA FWD CARGO COMPARTMENT DOOR BAT EMER 1 P_AC_100000_1_0180001_01_00 BAT EMER 2 Batteries Location and Access FIGURE-10-0-0-991-018-A01 BAT 2 BAT 1 10-0-0 Page 17 Jun 01/13 .
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