AIAG B-10 Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guidline
B-10TRADING PARTNER LABELS IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINE Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline AIAG PUBLICATIONS An AIAG publication reflects a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. An AIAG publication is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer and the general public. The existence of an AIAG publication does not in any respect preclude anyone from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the publication. CAUTIONARY NOTICE AIAG publications are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE Recognizing that this AIAG publication may not cover all circumstances, AIAG has established a maintenance procedure. Please refer to the Maintenance Request Form at the back of this document to submit a request. APPROVAL STATUS This document was approved for publication by the AIAG Board of Directors on February 8, 2000. Published by: Automotive Industry Action Group 26200 Lahser Road, Suite 200 Southfield, Michigan 48034 Phone: (248) 358-3570 • Fax: (248) 358-3253 AIAG Copyright and Trademark Notice: The contents of all published materials are copyrighted by the Automotive Industry Action Group unless otherwise indicated. Copyright is not claimed as to any part of an original work prepared by a U.S. or state government officer or employee as part of the person’s official duties. All rights are preserved by AIAG, and content may not be altered or disseminated, published, or transferred in part of such content. The information is not to be sold in part or whole to anyone within your organization or to another company. Copyright infringement is a violation of federal law subject to criminal and civil penalties. AIAG and the Automotive Industry Action Group are registered service marks of the Automotive Industry Action Group. © 2000 Automotive Industry Action Group B-10 2 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline FOREWORD The Application Workgroup of the Automatic Identification Project Team has just revised the B-10 Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline. This revision of the B-10 Guideline describes the rules for bar code labels on unit loads and transport packages to convey data between trading partners. Both label and tag marking methods are covered in the B-10 under the general term label. The B-10 outlines the requirements for printing labels for unit loads and transport packages to ensure scannability of bar code symbols and to provide consistency of label formats. The physical parameters for Code 39 bar codes and physical attributes of the labels are also provided. Far too often the purpose of a shipping label seems to get lost in the process. The purpose of a shipping label is to facilitate the movement of goods and the exchange of data among all members within a channel of distribution (suppliers, carriers, customers, and others). The amount of data (bar code as well as human readable text) needed on a label is a function of the needs of the trading partners involved. However, when a bar code shipping label is used in conjunction with computerized databases and electronic data interchange (EDI), the amount of data needed on a label may be reduced significantly. The revised B-10 Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline should be much easier to use and understand. With the inclusion of the single-page commonized specification form it will be easier for customers to convey their requirements and for users to maintain the necessary documentation. The revised B-10 describes requirements for developing the Small Container Label (SCL) to ensure scan performance of the bar code symbols while providing consistency of label formats. Again, remember the B-10 is not a "label" but rather the methodology to design, specify, and communicate shipping label requirements. B-10 3 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The following companies and individuals were actively involved in the development of this guideline: Name Company Tina Barkan Symbol Technologies, Inc. Joe Burgess Caterpillar, Inc. Joe Ciolek UPS Professional Services Brigitte Dublin PSC, Inc. R. Eric Freeburg* Intermec Technologies Corporation Larry Graham* General Motors Corporation Marsha A. Harmon QED Systems Karen Herron Computype Mark Holsbeke Boss Systems Doug Horst Electronic Data Systems Angela Parker* Future Three, Inc. Leo Roach LTV Steel John Sakulich General Motors Corporation Marilyn S. Sherry AIAG Brian St. Pierre CiMatrix LLC Richard Tervo DaimlerChrysler AG Earle Timothy United Parcel Service Tatsuya Yamamoto Denso International America, Inc. * Co-Chair of the Work Group B-10 4 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 ...2 8..............................................................................................................................3 7.......................................................................................................................................................3 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES .............................................................................34 SINGLE PACK LABEL – A SINGLE CONTAINER OF THE SAME PART NUMBER ...................................8 2.....1 5............................................................40 QUICK RECEIVE LABEL....................................................0 QUALITY ASSURANCE ...........46 RECYCLABILITY .................Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline TABLE OF CONTENTS AIAG PUBLICATIONS .......................................................................2 5........6 7..........43 7....32 SEGMENT PLACEMENT ...................................................................................................0 LABEL DATA CONTENT ...................0 DEFINITIONS ................................................................5 6................38 MIXED LOAD LABEL ...............2 6..................................................37 MASTER LOAD LABEL – MULTIPLE SINGLE PACKS OF THE SAME PART NUMBER ...................................................................................................1 6...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 7........................................6 5............................................4 7......................................................................................................................................................0 LABEL FORMAT............41 QUALITY ............51 5 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 ..1 8.................................................9 3...........................................5 7........................49 LABEL ORIENTATION ......................................................................................................................45 LABEL DURABILITY ............................................................3 5..................43 SAMPLING ...............................23 BAR CODE BUILDING BLOCK FORMAT .......17 BUILDING BLOCK SIZE ................................................................................................0 BUILDING BLOCKS ..................43 BAR CODE PRINT QUALITY..........................4 5..................................................................................................................20 TEXT DIMENSIONS ...............................................................3 6......47 LABEL PLACEMENT.........................44 OBSOLETE LABELS....................5 5................19 SUB-BLOCKS ................17 5.............................................................................................................................................19 TEXT BUILDING BLOCK FORMAT ...................4 6..............................................................................46 LABEL PLACEMENT AND ORIENTATION .................................................................0 INTRODUCTION ............................................34 6.....47 8......................................6 8...................................................................................2 FOREWORD.........................................7 6..................................................................10 4........................................41 SHIP-FROM AND SHIP-TO..................................................................................................................................................1 7..14 5..............................................................................................................................................26 LABEL CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................................................................0 NORMATIVE REFERENCES (SEE APPENDIX G) ...............................0 LABEL CONCEPT..............................................................................3 B-10 UNIQUE CONTAINER IDENTIFIER (LICENSE PLATE)...........................7 1................................................................................. ....81 APPENDIX G.......................... DATA LENGTHS...........89 B-10 6 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 ..........................72 APPENDIX D..............57 10.......1 9..........................................................................84 INDEX ......................................................................................73 APPENDIX E........................... COUNTRY CODES............................85 ABOUT AIAG .................................................................................. RECOMMENDED ORDER OF DATA ............................................ PRECISION AND ROUNDING IN MEASUREMENT ....................................................0 SPECIAL APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS .63 APPENDIX B.................... RECOMMENDED FORMAT FOR COMPLIANCE SPECIFICATIONS ..................88 MAINTENANCE REQUEST FORM ................................................................................ OBTAINING NORMATIVE REFERENCES ......... BAR CODE BLOCKS: ANSI MH10.............74 APPENDIX F...................................................0 LABEL EXAMPLES .....................56 9........................... RECOMMENDED FORMAT FOR SMALL LABELING AREA (SLA) .......................8.............................................................70 APPENDIX C..................................................56 OTHER MACHINE-READABLE TECHNOLOGIES ......................................... AND SHORT TITLES .............................................................................................................Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 9.............2 ADDITIONAL MACHINE-READABLE SYMBOLS ...............................................................58 APPENDIX A..............2 DATA IDENTIFIERS............. ........................ Bar Code Building Block (not to scale) ....................................................................................... An Example of a Description Balloon for a Text Sub-block .............41 Figure 10..............51 Figure 12a............................... Label Segments and Typical Data ........................................................................... Building Block Types and Size (not to scale) ............ Example of Side-by-Side Bar Codes (not to scale) ..............................................................................................................16 Figure 2.............................................30 Figure 8................................................................. Suggested Label Placement ..............................................................48 Figure 11..........18 Figure 3.............................................................................................................................................. A Shipment Label Example (remove PDF-417)...........................................................................75 Figure 23...........................58 Figure 15...................... A Customer Segment for a Mixed Load.........................................................................................37 Figure 9.............................................. An Example of a Label Printed According to the SLA Label Rules (not to scale)......71 ISO Country Codes..........................25 Figure 6...............52 Figure 12b.......................................................................... Table 2........................................................................... Quiet Zone Dimension (not to scale).............................................77 Figure 24......................60 Figure 19......................... A Customer Segment That Looks Like the Old B-5 .... Label Segments.................... Table 5........83 Table 1..................... A Supplier Segment for a Master Load ..................................61 Figure 20.........................................................54 Figure 13............. A Supplier Segment with the Supplier’s Part Number.............................................................................................60 Figure 18..62 Figure 22................ A Supplier Segment for a Mixed Load............................................................................................20 Figure 4....... An Example of a Blank Customer Compliance Specification Sheet......................................................... An Example of a Description Balloon for a Bar Code Sub-block.............................................. Illustration of Lines Per Block (LPB) ....................... Double Building Block License Plate (not to scale) .........59 Figure 17.............................. An Example of a Completed Customer Compliance Specification Sheet....................................58 Figure 14................ A Customer Segment That Looks Like the Old B-3 ........................................................................21 Figure 5............... Suggested Label Placement .. Text Block (not to scale) ..................................... A Customer Segment for a Master Load ...........72 7 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 ..............................78 Figure 25...... Label Orientation............................................. Table 3...........................80 Figure 26........................................33 ANSI Data Identifiers ......................................................24 Suggested Label Widths for Selected X Dimensions..............................................61 Figure 21......................................................................................29 Figure 7.. Ship-From and Ship-To Building Blocks (not to scale) .......... A Carrier Segment for a Single Pack That Is a Ship-To/Ship-From and a Unique Container Identifier .......59 Figure 16......................................... B-10 Suggested LPB Character Parameters ..........................................Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1...................................63 Rounding and Acceptable Measurements ................................................................................................. Table 4. For the automotive industry.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 1. the word “shall” indicates a requirement and the word “should” indicates a recommendation. Precision and rounding shall be in accordance with Appendix B. In this document. Precision and rounding shall be in accordance with Appendix B. This guideline does not supersede or replace any applicable safety or regulatory marking or labeling requirements. The physical parameters of the symbols and labels are provided and a bar code symbol quality level is specified.8. Label dimensions should be in accordance with the dimensions shown between arrows. Both label and tag marking methods are covered in this guideline under the general term label. B-10 8 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . The orientation and placement of AIAG B-10: Trading Partner Labels (B-10-TPL) on unit loads and transport containers are specified.0 INTRODUCTION This guideline describes the requirements for the format of bar code labels on unit loads and transport packages for conveying data between trading partners. this guideline also recommends a common shipping/transportation label template based on the ANSI MH10. except where noted. All exhibits are for illustrative purposes only and may not be to scale or bar code print quality standards. This document outlines the requirements for printing labels for unit loads and transport packages to ensure the scannability of bar code symbols and provide consistency of label formats. except where noted. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SUPPLIER TO PROVIDE BAR-CODED LABELS THAT MEET THESE SPECIFICATIONS. STRICT ADHERENCE TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE SHIPPING PARTS IDENTIFICATION LABELS WILL REDUCE IMPLEMENTATION COSTS AND INCREASE BENEFITS THROUGHOUT THE INDUSTRY. The guideline is to be applied in addition to any other mandated labeling requirements.1 -1993 cross-industry standard and as an alternate format for existing AIAG standards. AIAG B-1: Bar Code Symbology Standard AIAG B-14: Guideline for Use of Two-Dimensional Symbols with AIAG Trading Partner Labels.1-1993: Materials Handling .Code 39 ANSI X3.8. ANSI/AIM BC1: Uniform Symbology Specification .182-1990 (R1995): Guideline for Bar Code Print Quality ANSI MH10.8.2-1995: Data Application Identifier Standard ANSI MH10.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 2.0 NORMATIVE REFERENCES (SEE APPENDIX G) The following national. Information on obtaining these references is in Appendix G. and industry standards and guidelines are referenced in this document. international. Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive.Bar Code Symbols ANSI X12 Series: A Collection of All ANSI-approved X12 Standards (Note: Unit of Measure codes are found in the Data Element section. for Bar Codes and Other Markings B-10 9 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .Unit Loads and Transport Packages .) ISO 3166-1: Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries and Their Subdivisions AIM Symbology Identifier Guidelines DUNS® Number Users Guide MIL-L-61002: Labels. letters. Code 39 For the purposes of this guideline. bar code symbol An array of rectangular bars and spaces that are arranged in a predetermined pattern following specific rules to represent elements of data that are referred to as characters. numeric digits (numbers).0 Normative References.) container ID An alphanumeric field used by the shipping company to identify the shipment.0 DEFINITIONS There are many terms and definitions associated with bar code symbology that have special meaning to this industry.g. Code 39). the smallest group of elements that represents one or more numbers. container A receptacle or a flexible covering for shipping goods such as a box. carrier The party that provides freight services (freight movement and information). The following are definitions of terms specific to this document. start character. B-10 10 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . bag. character In a bar code symbol. Alphanumeric A character set that contains alphabetic characters (letters). Definitions of other related terms used in this document can be found in the documents referenced in Section 2. or other information. TERM DEFINITION 2D See Two-Dimensional Symbol. punctuation marks. and usually other characters such as punctuation marks. A bar code symbol typically contains a leading quiet zone. data character(s).Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 3. ANSI The American National Standards Institute. Code 39 (also known as Code 3 of 9) shall mean the symbology as specified by ANSI AIM BC1. and a trailing quiet zone. stop character. package or pallet.. Interleaved 2 of 5. AIM The Automatic Identification Manufacturers Association. autodiscrimination The ability of a bar code reader to distinguish automatically between two or more symbologies (e. (See also Transport Package and also Unit Load. . like parts pack A pack that contains all like items (i. Master Load Label A label used to identify and summarize the contents of a master pack. and/or distributed. assigned by Dun & Bradstreet.0 Label Concept. DUNS® Data Universal Number System. Error correction Mathematical techniques used by decoders to reconstruct missing or damaged symbol characters. customer part number The part number as defined by the customer. Data Identifier (DI) A specified character string that defines the specific data that immediately follows. dots per inch (dpi) The number of points represented on any access within a space of one inch. B-10 11 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . same part/item number). label See Section 4. EDI shall mean the computer communication of data between trading partners. manufactured.e. ID Abbreviation for Identification. the party that receives. Highlighting lines are easily distinguishable from the horizontal separator lines used to separate other building blocks. or consumes an item or service. item A single part or material purchased.8. manufacturer Actual producer or fabricator of an item. This visual difference may be the result of using a thicker line chosen by the labeler. labeler A term to identify the organization responsible for the labeling of a Unit Load/Transport Package (UL/TP).2. highlighting line A horizontal divider line(s) placed above and/or below building block or blocks. as defined by ANSI MH10. buys. not necessarily the supplier in a transaction. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) For the purposes of this document.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline TERM DEFINITION customer In a transaction. Lines Per Block (LPB) Units of measure defining the height of text characters. pallets. or load A unit (container) which provides protection and containment of items plus ease of handling by manual or mechanical means. ship from On a transport label. bags. shipping pack A pack used for shipping items from one facility to another. package. nonstandard quantity pack A pack that contains variable quantities of like items. Mixed Load Label A label used to identify and summarize the contents of a mixed item pack. mixed item pack A pack containing items with different part/item numbers. assigned by the supplier. supplier/vendor In a transaction. the address of the location where the carrier will return the shipment if the container is undeliverable. that is not repeated within 366 days to a given customer. smaller containers. cartons. pack. standard quantity pack A pack that contains the same quantity of like items.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline TERM DEFINITION master pack A unit load containing common (like parts) items. or furnishes a product or service. ship to The address of the location where a carrier will deliver the freight. for example. subpack One of the smaller packs that makes up a larger pack. articles. or bulk material. and racks. supplier/vendor ID The numeric or alphanumeric code used to identify the supplier/vendor. shipping/parts identification label A label or tag used to identify the contents of a shipping container. the party that produces. package identifier A string of numeric or alphanumeric characters. multiple pack A unit load containing smaller packages (subpacks) of items. B-10 12 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . single pack A container intended for the transportation and handling of one or more parts. quantity The number of parts. items or other units of measure in the container. bins. provides. data efficiency. making them suitable for transport. or symbology specification. glue. stacking. unique container identifier A supplier identificationand a container identification number that together uniquely identify the container to trading partners. smaller containers. articles. or both. or bulk material. and intermediaries). or net wrap. small size. carriers. interlocking. trading partners All members within the channels of distribution within an industry (suppliers. Two-dimensional symbols differ from linear bar codes in that they have the capability for high data content. customers. (Sometimes referred to as a license plate) unit load One or more transport packages or other items held together by means such as strapping. A 2D symbol may be one of two types of machine-readable symbols: a Matrix Symbol or a Stacked Symbol. two-dimensional symbol A machine-readable symbol that must be examined both vertically and horizontally to read the entire message. B-10 13 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . vendor See supplier/vendor. and storage as a unit. UL/TP Unit Load or Transport Package (container). (ISO definition) tag A label (card) that is attached to a shipping container. Each symbology specification sets out its particular rules of composition or symbol architecture.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline TERM DEFINITION symbology A standard means of representing data in bar code form. X dimension The intended width of the narrow elements required by the application. transport package A container intended for the transportation and handling of one or more parts. and error correction. shrink wrap. customers. printed and applied. LABEL CONCEPT INTERPRETATION 1. or attached to. as covered in this guideline. These segments are defined as: CARRIER CUSTOMER SUPPLIER B-10 14 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .8. with ANSI MH10. It is intended to serve as the preferred format for those developing or revising unit load and transport container bar code label standards in order to provide a universally accepted format across all industries. Labeler For the purposes of this document. 2. 5. the container that includes the text or bar code information or both (for example.2 Data Identifiers (DIs). and others). pressure-sensitive tags). or a section of the label. Segments Segments are logical groupings of information based on the data needs of the trading partners within the distribution channel. Purpose of a Bar Code Label The purpose of a bar code label is to facilitate the movement of goods and the exchange of data among all members within a channel of distribution (suppliers. The amount of data (bar code as well as human readable text) needed on a label is a function of the needs of the trading partners involved. 4. Use of two-dimensional (2D) symbols is discussed in AIAG B-14: Guideline for Use of Two-Dimensional Symbols with AIAG Trading Partner Labels. Label The general term label means the printed area on. Separate segments of the label may be applied at different stages to form the complete label.0 LABEL CONCEPT This section defines a standardized format for container labels. Symbologies Code 39. When a bar code label is used in conjunction with computerized databases and electronic data interchange (EDI).Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 4. the amount of data needed on a label may be reduced significantly. carriers. 3. the term labeler shall refer to the organization responsible for having the label. has been selected to implement the label format. customers. A recommended order of data is provided in Appendix D. Customer Segment by the customer. Label Data Content In the B-10 TPL.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline LABEL CONCEPT INTERPRETATION 6. This label concept provides flexibility by not mandating specific data to be included in any segment except as noted in Section 6. B-10 15 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . Because information is generally known at different times. 7.e. and others) may have different information needs. Information Exchange Trading partners and members within a channel of distribution (suppliers. Considerations carriers.. control of the data that appear in each segment and the layout of that data is the responsibility of the owner of that segment (i. the label concept provides for logical groupings of information based on this timing. Supplier Segment by the supplier. Examples of information that may be included on unit loads or transport container labels are shown in Figure 1. Some required information may be common among two or more trading partners. while other information may be specific to a single trading partner. These logical groupings of information are called segments. Carrier Segment by the carrier) unless otherwise identified in this guideline. Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 1. Label Segments and Typical Data Bar Code Customer carrier Unique Container Identifier Segment Serial number Supplier/vendor B-10 16 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . Building blocks should be stacked vertically. Each building block may be produced separately or in combination with other building blocks. This section includes the formatting rules for: • • • • building blocks and sub-blocks. other by a horizontal line. INTERPRETATION A modular structure is used to simplify label formatting. The building block is the basic unit of the label format. text or graphics (known as a text block). B-10 17 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . bar code in building blocks.1 Building Blocks BUILDING BLOCK RULE 1. Building blocks should be separated from each See Figure 2 .Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 5. both text and bar code. general label characteristics 5. text in building blocks.Horizontal Separator Line. a single bar code field with human readable interpretation (known as a bar code block). or may be blank. that appears on a shipping label. An individual building block or sub-block may contain: • • • 2.0 LABEL FORMAT This guideline defines rules for formatting the information. 3. See Figure 2. This provides the option of printing data as it becomes known. Building Block Types and Size (not to scale) Bar Code width B-10 18 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 2. not bar code symbols. See Figure 2.0. Vertical lines should be used between subblocks and shall be used to separate two adjacent text sub-blocks.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 5. The minimum width of a sub-block shall be determined by the amount of data that will be printed in that sub-block. 4. automated conveyor scanning or long range scanning).5 ) as determined by the printing capability of the labeler . The half-height building block may only contain text or graphics. Building block height shall be 1.0 inch +/.4 inch (51 mm +/.3 Sub-blocks SUB-BLOCKS RULE INTERPRETATION 1.0. Building blocks shall not be divided into more than four sub-blocks. 3. See Figure 2. Two half-height text building blocks may be used per segment. See Figure 2. A sub-block is a division of a building block that is full height but less than the full width. See Figure 2. 3. See Figure 2.2 Building Block Size BUILDING BLOCK SIZE RULE INTERPRETATION 1. 5. The double-height block can be used to satisfy special scanning requirements (for example. B-10 19 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . 5.2 inch (25 mm +/.10 mm). A sub-block shall be the full height of the building block. 2. A maximum of one double-height bar code block may be used per segment. The width of a building block is the width of the label. 2. Double-height bar code block s shall be 2 inches +/. 4. The exact character heights corresponding to the eight text sizes shall be chosen by the labeler based on the capabilities of the printing process. Text Height – Lines Per Block 2.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 5. within the guidelines provided. 3. A text building block or sub-block may contain text or graphics or both. rather than inches. This enables the printer of the label to determine the actual height and font of text for a given LPB. A text building block or sub-block shall not contain a bar code symbol. ranging from one to eight Lines Per Block (LPB). Text Block (not to scale) TEXT BUILDING BLOCK RULE INTERPRETATION Text Block Contents 1. millimeters. See Figure 3.4 Text Building Block Format Figure 3. The height of text characters shall be specified using a unit of measure called Lines Per Block (LPB). Eight sizes may be specified for text. See Figure 4. B-10 20 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . or points. Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 4. Illustration of Lines Per Block (LPB) 1 LPB AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS 2 LPB AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS 3 LPB AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS 4 LPB B-10 21 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . Illustration of Lines Per Block (LPB) (continued) AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS 5 LPB AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS 6 LPB AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS 7 LPB AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS AIAG1234567890PQVS B-10 8 LPB 22 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 4. A sans serif font such as Arial. the ratio of the height to width of a character should not exceed 2:1. regardless of the width of the label supplied. For maximum legibility. For example. The maximum number of text characters per line in a full width block that can be required of a labeler. Figure 4 illustrates 1 through 8 LPB printing. 3. Text Data Limits 1. B-10 23 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . 8 LPB text shall be smaller than 7 LPB text. Labelers shall choose a single text height for each of the eight sizes so that clear distinctions shall be evident between text sizes.5 Text Dimensions TEXT BUILDING BLOCK RULE INTERPRETATION 1. or Helvetica is recommended. etc. regardless of height. The ratio of the height to width is measured on an “M” character. shall be limited to those shown in the column “Maximum Characters Per Line” in Table 1. Helv. 2.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 5. The characters shall be clearly legible. Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Table 1. Suggested LPB Character Parameters LINES PER BLOCK MAXIMUM CHARACTERS PER LINE APPROXIMATE POINT HEIGHT APPROXIMATE HEIGHT IN INCHES APPROXIMATE HEIGHT IN MILLIMETERS 1 LPB 8 64 0.90 22.0 2 LPB 18 32 0.40 11.0 3 LPB 28 20 0.25 7.0 4 LPB 34 16 0.20 5.0 5 LPB 42 12 0.15 4.0 6 LPB 48 10 0.12 3.0 7 LPB 59 8 0.10 2.0 8 LPB 68 6 0.08 1.5 NOTE: Calculation of Maximum Characters Per Line is based on a block/label width of 6 inches. Calculation of approximate heights is based on a block height of 1 inch. Actual text dimensions will depend on the data, the font used, and the capability of the label provider’s printer and software. B-10 24 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline TEXT BUILDING BLOCK RULE INTERPRETATION Titles For Text Building Blocks and Subblocks 1. A title may be used in a text building block. Unlike bar code building blocks, a title is not required in a text building block. 2. When a title is used in a text building block it shall be printed in the upper left corner of the building block or sub-block. Use of a title in a text building block is illustrated in Figure 5. Sans serif fonts (such as Arial or Helvetica) are preferred, but not required. If possible, a font which clearly differentiates the letter O from the number 0 (as with a dot or line in the number 0) should be used. See Figure 5. 3. The title in a text building block shall be printed in upper case characters at a height of 6, 7, or 8 LPB, two lines maximum, left justified. Figure 5. Bar Code Building Block (not to scale) Code 39 B-10 25 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 5.6 Bar Code Building Block Format BAR CODE BUILDING BLOCKS RULE INTERPRETATION Bar Code Building Block Contents 1. Code 39, with Data Identifiers (DIs), shall be the linear symbology used in a bar code building block. Code 39 is described in ANSI/AIM BC1 Uniform Symbology Specification-Code 39. DI’s are listed in ANSI MH10.8.2 Data Application Identifier Standard. Use of two-dimensional (2D) symbols on a shipping label is discussed in AIAG B-14, Guideline for Use of Two-Dimensional Symbols with AIAG Trading Partner Labels. 2. A building block should not contain more than A bar code symbol may be specified for either a building block or a sub-block. one bar code symbol. 3. A sub-block of a building block shall not contain more than one bar code symbol. Guidelines for implementing two sub-blocks with linear bar code symbols are found later in this section under Side-by-SideBar Code Block. 4. The single bar code sub-block shall be the leftmost sub-block within a building block. 5. Data Identifiers: All Code 39 bar code symbols shall contain a Data Identifier (DI). DIs are not considered part of the data they precede. 6. The Data Identifiershall conform to the ANSI MH10.8.2. Data Application Identifier Standard. See Section 2.0, Normative References. Bar Code Data Limit 1. The total number of characters (excluding start/stop) per linear bar code in a building block or sub-block shall not exceed 19. B-10 The count of the total number of characters includes both data and DIcharacters. 26 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline BAR CODE BUILDING BLOCKS RULE INTERPRETATION Bar Code Block Title Line(s) 1. A title shall be printed in the upper left corner of the bar code building block or sub-block. See Figure 5. (Note exception discussed later in this section under Side-by-Side Bar Code Block). 2. The title shall be printed in upper case characters at a height of 6,7, or 8 LPB, two lines maximum, left justified. See Figure 5. 3. The bar code block's title should comply with the suggested Short Titles shown in Appendix A. The Data Identifier (DI) is to be shown in parentheses near the title. Bar Code Symbol Placement 1. The bar code symbol shall be placed in the lower portion of the bar code building block. See Figure 5. (Note exception discussed later in this section under Side-by-Side Bar Code Block). 2. The bar code symbol shall be left justified, allowing for the quiet zone as specified later in this section under Quiet Zones. See Figure 5. (Note exception discussed later in this section under Side-by-Side Bar Code Block). 3. Sub-block Placement: When used, a bar code sub-block shall be the leftmost sub-block within a building block. Bar Code Symbol Height 1. The minimum height of the Code 39 bar code symbol shall be 0.5 inch (13 mm). B-10 See Figure 5. 27 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 43 mm).Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline BAR CODE BUILDING BLOCKS RULE INTERPRETATION Symbology 1. 4. 2. Symbols with narrow elements below 0. The four (4) characters %. $. 2. 3. omitting these four (4) characters increases the reliability of the symbol. Code 39 bar code symbology. Narrow Element X Dimension 1.017 inch (0. The Code 39 symbology check character option shall not be used. The printing hardware and software should be set for a wide-to-narrow ratio of 3:1.017 inch (0. Because of unique symbology characteristics. The measured ratio of the wide elements to the narrow elements shall be between 2. Certain scanning applications require consistent X dimensions from one symbol to the next. hardware. The narrow element X dimension should be consistent for all linear bar code symbols contained on the label. B-10 28 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . + of the Code 39 symbology shall not be used.013 inch (33 mm) to 0. etc. 6. 5.) the bars and spaces in the resulting printed symbol(s) should be measured at between 2. Code 39 shall be printed black bars on a white background. The wide and narrow bars and spaces are termed elements.8:1 and 3.2:1. The range of the width of the narrow element (X dimension) shall be from 0.8:1 and 3.010 inch (0. 3.43 mm) as determined by the printing capability of the supplier/printer of the label. NOTE: The recommended range of the X dimension is from 0.013 inch (0.25 mm) to 0. shall be as defined by ANSI AIM BC1. The ratio of the width of the wide bars and spaces to the width of the narrow bars and spaces should be 3:1.33 mm) may require special care to meet bar code print quality and scanning requirements. /. substrate. Depending on the printing conditions (ink.2:1. Non-significant zeros and non-significant space characters shall not be encoded in a bar code. Printing individual bar codes with different X dimensions on the same label may cause scanning problems. Code 39 full ASCII option shall not be used. Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline BAR CODE BUILDING BLOCKS RULE INTERPRETATION Quiet Zones 1. ANSI MH10. 2.25 inch (6 mm) each.8. The data encoded in the bar code symbol shall be represented in human readable characters above the bar code symbol. bar code-reading equipment must have totally clear areas at both ends of the symbol with no printing or graphics. The bar code symbol shall have leading and trailing quiet zones with minimum widths of 0. See Figures 5 and 6 for examples of Human Readable Interpretation (HRI). See Figure 6. Quiet Zone Dimension (not to scale) BAR CODE BUILDING BLOCK RULE INTERPRETATION Human Readable Interpretation for Code 39 1. The Data Identifier (DI) is to be shown in parentheses near the title. See Figures 5. and 7.2 Data Identifiers and ANSI AIM BC1 symbology start and stop characters are not considered part of the data. Figure 6. 6. Data Identifiers (DIs) and symbology start and stop charactersshall not be printed in the human readable interpretation. In order to function properly. These clear areas are called quiet zones. 3. B-10 29 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . approximately 1.0 to 1. 6. See Figure 5. or Helvetica) are preferred. Example of Side-by-Side Bar Codes (not to scale) B-10 30 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . Sans serif fonts (such as Arial. Helv. Side-by-Side Bar Code Block Figure 7. The HRI is indented to leave room for the title. The human readable interpretation of the data The chosen LPB of the HRI should not interfere encoded in the bar code symbol shall be printed with the height of the bar code. 5. at either 2 or 3 LPB.5 inch (25 to 38 mm) from the left edge of the building block or sub-block. The human readable interpretation shall be upper case characters. The human readable interpretation shall be printed left justified.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline BAR CODE BUILDING BLOCK RULE INTERPRETATION 4. A font that clearly differentiates the letter O from the number 0 (as with a dot or line in the number 0) should be used. The first bar code sub-block shall be the left-most sub-block within the building block. 4. For example. This guideline for using side-byblocks in any single building block.8 standard cautions that care should be taken. If a second bar code sub-block is required within a single building block. but caution shall be exercised to prevent text from intruding on the 0.side bar codes. side bar codes provides that guidance. The ANSI MH10. The second bar code sub-block shall be the right-most sub-block within the building block. The vertical line separating the sub-blocks may be omitted between two bar code sub-blocks. including Data Identifiers. 5. There shall not be more than two bar code sub. Bar Code Data Limit: The total number of characters. The first (left-most) bar code sub-block shall conform to all specifications for Bar Code Building Blocks as stated earlier in this section under the subtitle Bar Code Building Block Contents B-10 31 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .25 inch quiet zones of each symbol. if the first bar code data field contains 7 characters (including the Data Identifierthen the second bar code data field may contain a maximum of 9 characters (including the Data Identifier). the following rules shall apply (see Figure 7): 2.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline SIDE-BY-SIDE BAR CODE RULE INTERPRETATION Previous AIAG label standards have permitted two bar code symbols side by side. but it provides no explicit guidance for printing side-by1. in the two bar codes combined shall not exceed 16 characters. 3. and other bar code specifications from Section 4. 5. The second (right-most) bar code sub-block shall conform to specifications for Bar Code Building Blocks as stated in Section 4.1.0 must still be maintained. c.0 of this document. Bar Code Symbol Placement: The bar code symbol shall be printed in the upper portion of the sub-block. Block Title Line(s): A title shall be printed in conformance with the Bar Code Building Block rules of Section 5. Quiet Zonesbar code height. Human Readable Interpretation for Code 39: The human readable interpretation of the data encoded in the bar code symbol shall be printed below the bar code symbol.7 Label Characteristics LABEL CHARACTERISTICS RULE INTERPRETATION Label Color 1. so the height of the label will be 1” x number of building blocks. The full label height will be determined by the number of building blocks included on the label. b. with black print. Label Height 1.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline SIDE-BY-SIDE BAR CODE RULE INTERPRETATION 6. Labels shall be white. 32 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . plus the following: a. except that the title shall be printed in the lower left corner of the sub-block. B-10 The intended height of a building block is 1 inch. 38 mm) 6 inches (152 mm) 0. for given X dimensions. the Suggested label widths to accommodate the maximum number of 19 data characters.010 inch (0. Table 2. if the labeler intends to print all labels at an X dimension of 0. plus two 0.013 inch (0.017 inch (0. B-10 33 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . The calculations were based on the following: 19 characters of data identifier plus data (maximum allowable) plus the two characters of a start character and a stop character. Table 2 provides guidance. the labeler can choose label stock based on the labeler’s choice of X dimension and font sizes. If the label requestor stays within the text and bar code data limits of this guideline.25-inch quiet zones.5 inches (165 mm) Note: Table 2 shows.015 inch (0. label stock of 6 inches width should work for any B-10-compliant labeling specification.25 mm) 4 inches (102 mm) 0.33 mm) 5 inches (127 mm) 0. The width of the label shall be determined by the labeler. For example. Suggested Label Widths for Selected X Dimensions X DIMENSION SUGGESTED LABEL WIDTH 0.015 inch. using a ratio of wide to narrow elements of 3:1.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline LABEL CHARACTERISTICS RULE INTERPRETATION Label Width 1.43 mm) 6. a Unique Container Identifier is highly recommended for traceability throughout the supply chain. 2. It is strongly suggested that the label use a unique container identifier so that the container can be tracked by all trading partners in all phases of shipping.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 6. The Unique Container Identifier shall not be repeated to a given customer within a minimum period of 366 days. and receiving. Although no specific data is mandated. transport.1 Unique Container Identifier (License Plate) UNIQUE CONTAINER IDENTIFIER RULE INTERPRETATION 1.0 LABEL DATA CONTENT This guideline defines label format. commonly referred to as a license plate. using a Unique Container Identifier. 6. Containers should be uniquely identified each time they are shipped. 34 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . certain information is widely needed for specific application uses of labels. B-10 Unique identification is needed for traceability throughout the channel of distribution. However. This section describes the recommended data for: • • • • • • unique identification for container content labels identifying individual containers for shipment identifying master pack containers for shipment identifying mixed load containers for shipment identifying entire shipments in conjunction with EDI ship-to and ship-from text format LABEL DATA CONTENT RULE INTERPRETATION This label concept does not mandate specific data to be included in any segment. not label conent. 2. Such identification consists of three elements: • • • A package identifier for the container. as defined in ISO/IEC 15459. When a single building block is used for the Unique Container Identifier. The purpose of highlighting lines is to assist users in visually locating the Unique Container Identifier 1. When using a single linear barcode. if used. contains only upper case alphabetic and numeric characters. shall be contained in either one or two linear bar code symbols as described in the following sections. is unique and shall not be repeated to a given customer within a minimum period of 366 days. assigned by the supplier. Highlighting lines shall be easily distinguishable from the other horizontal separator lines. 5. A means to identify the controlling authority that assigned the vendor identification number (this is identified by the DI Unique Container Identifier Using One Building Block 1. INTERPRETATION A Unique Container Identifier is a numeric or alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a container for traceability for a single shipment within the channel of distribution. A controlled number for vendor identification. A container may be uniquely identified by using a single building block containing only text or a single linear bar code.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline UNIQUE CONTAINER IDENTIFIER RULE 3. Highlighting lines shall not be used elsewhere on the label. 4. 3. Highlighting lines should be used above and below the single building block. The Unique Transport Unit Identifier. uses the appropriate Data Identifier (1J or 2J). conforms to a format specified by the issuing agency. it shall comply with the rules for a Unique Transport Unit Identifier as defined in ISO/IEC 15459 using the Data Identifier “1J” for individual packages and “2J” for master and mixed loads. B-10 35 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . 3. 2. The Unique Container Identifier. 4. the data starts with an Issuing Agency Code (IAC) assigned to the issuing agency by the Registration Authority identified by ISO. See Figures 2 and 8. and 3S. as assigned by the supplier. A brief list of some data identifiers from the ANSI MH10. The purpose of highlighting lines is to assist users in visually locating the Unique Container Identifier. 4. Highlighting lines should be used above the supplier identification block and below the container/package identification number building block.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline LABEL DATA CONTENT RULE INTERPRETATION Unique Container Identifier Using Two Building Blocks 1. 5. The combination of the two building blocks shall be unique and shall not be repeated to a given customer within a minimum period of 366 days. for the container/package identification.2 Data Identifier Standard can be found in Appendix A of this document.8. 6. 3. 4S.2 Data Identifier Standard shall be used.8. A container may be uniquely identified by using two building blocks containing an identification of the supplier and an identification of the container number of the container. When two building blocks are used for the Unique Container Identifier. or 5S. 2. When a bar code symbol is used. Highlighting lines should be easily distinguishable from the horizontal separator lines. See Figure 8. Highlighting lines shall not be used elsewhere on the label. with the supplier identificationbuilding block above the container/package identification block. the appropriate Data Identifier (DI) from the ANSI MH10. B-10 36 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . the building blocks shall be contiguous. Possible DIs for this situation might include V or 13V for the supplier identification. the contents of an individual container of a single part number for a shipment. A Unique Container Identifier should be assigned to each single pack.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 8. A unique container unit identifier or “license plate” is the key that provides access to information stored in computer files and that may be transmitted by EDI. A Single Pack Label should be used to identify See Figure 14. The identifier may be used by all of the trading partners to retrieve information about the transport unit itself or about the status of the physical movement of the transport unit along the supply chain.2 Single Pack Label – A Single Container of the Same Part Number SINGLE PACK LABEL RULE INTERPRETATION 1. B-10 37 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .1. 2. It enables systems to track and trace individual transport units. Double Building Block License Plate (not to scale) Highlighting Line 6. Refer to Section 6. 3 Master Load Label – Multiple Single Packs of the Same Part Number MASTER LOAD LABEL RULE INTERPRETATION 1. When used. 4. see Figure 17. Master Load Labels are used to identify multicontainer packaging (such as a pallet) with all containers holding the same part number. Master Labels are similar to single pack labels with the following exceptions: The Master Load Label should be easily identified with human readable text. all labels shall be identical. 5. including the package identifier. INTERPRETATION Refer to Section6.1: Unique Container Identification Rule and Label Data Content Rule. A Master Load Label should be used to identify the total contents of a multiple single pack load of the same part number. The Data Identifier for package identification for a single container shall be either: • • “1J” when a single building block is used. or “3S” when two building blocks are used. 2. For an example. 6.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline SINGLE PACK LABEL RULE 3. When multiple labels are used on a container. 38 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . the Unique Container Identifier shall not be repeated to a given same customer within a minimum period of 366 days. • B-10 A text sub-block containing the words “MASTER LABEL” in upper case shall be printed in either the Customer Segment or the Supplier Segment of the label at a minimum height of 3 LPB. the Master Load Label should be placed in such a manner that when the pack is broken apart. The Data Identifierfor a package identification Note that the 4S would also appear in parentheses in a bar code on the Master Load Label shall be in the title. Each single pack of the multiple pack should be identified with a Single Pack Label. 6. When used. as: either. PKG ID – MASTER • “2J” when a single building block is used. When multiple labels are used on a container. including the package identifier. the Unique Container Identifier shall not be repeated to a given customer in a period of less than 366 days.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline MASTER LOAD LABEL RULE INTERPRETATION 3. B-10 39 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . (4S) or • “4S” when two building blocks are used. the quantity shown on the Master Load Label may no longer be accurate and therefore should be discarded. 5. • The quantity on the Master Load Label shall be the accumulated total of all single pack quantities on the load. • All other data in the customer segment of the Master Load Label shall be specified by the customer. the Master Load Label can be discarded. all labels shall be identical. If material is partially disbursed from a master load. 4. 7. When used. B-10 40 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . A text sub-block containing the words MIXED LOAD in upper case shall be printed in either the Customer Segment or the Supplier Segment of the label at a minimum height of 3 LPB. When used. A Mixed Load Label shall be used to identify a Mixed load labels are used to identify multicontainer packaging (such as a pallet) with load of multiple single packs of different part containers holding different part numbers. 4. Refer to Figure 18. or “5S” when two building blocks are used. the Unique Container Identifier shall not be repeated to a given customer within a minimum period of 366 days. Each single pack of the mixed load pack should be identified with a Single Pack Label. 3. all labels shall be identical. numbers. 6. The Data Identifier for a package identification in bar code on the Mixed Load Label shall be either: • • • “2J” when a single building block is used. 5.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 6. The mixed load label should be easily identified with human readable text. All other data in the customer segment of the Mixed Load Label shall be specified by the customer. Mixed Load Labels shall conform to the following specifications: • • Ship-From and Ship-To addresses should be used when applicable. When multiple labels are used on a container. including the package identifier. 2.4 Mixed Load Label MIXED LOAD LABEL RULE INTERPRETATION 1. Ship-From and Ship-To Building Blocks (not to scale) SHIP-FROM AND SHIP-TO RULE INTERPRETATION Ship-From and Ship-To Text 1. a Quick Receive Label may be used to tie the shipment to the EDI transaction in the database. Ship-From and Ship-To address should be used when applicable.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 6. When trading partners use an EDI Advanced Shipment Notification.” B-10 41 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . The Ship-From sub-block shall have a title of “FROM:” and the Ship-To sub block shall have a title of “TO.6 Ship-From and Ship-To Figure 9. 6. AIAG B-12 describes a method for creating and using this label. 2.5 Quick Receive Label QUICK RECEIVE LABEL RULE INTERPRETATION 1. The difference in size makes it easier for carrier personnel to distinguish the destination from the return address. 5. When placed side by side. if the Ship-To address is printed at 5 LPB. For example. 42 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . It is recommended that the Ship-From and Ship-To addresses be placed side-by-side in a single building block. the Ship-From address shall be placed to the left of the Ship-To address. rather than using two building blocks for addressing information. then the Ship-From address should be printed at 6 or 7 LPB.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline SHIP-FROM AND SHIP-TO RULE INTERPRETATION 3. the Ship-To address should never be located above the Ship-From address. Ship-From characters shall be noticeably smaller than the Ship-To characters. When the Ship-From and Ship-To addresses are placed side by side. If the Ship-From and Ship-To addresses are placed in separate building blocks. the Ship-From address should be separated from the Ship-To address by a vertical line. the ShipFrom address shall be located above the ShipFrom address. B-10 To ensure that the package arrives at the correct destination. 4. 6. 1. describes the parameters used for the evaluation of a printed bar code symbol. either numeric (4. For this reason.3. The ANSI Guideline specifies the size of the measurement aperture and the illumination wavelength. quality needs to be considered from initial printing through to the end user.1 Quality Assurance QUALITY ASSURANCE RULE Quality testing should not be limited to label production inspection but should be followed through to the end use. When bar code print quality tests are performed.182 Guideline shall be used to determine bar code symbol print quality. The ANSI test result is a print quality grade. an appropriate verifier with a measurement aperture of 0.182 – Guideline for Bar Code Print Quality.2 Bar Code Print Quality BAR CODE PRINT QUALITY RULE 1.2. B-10 43 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 7. The ANSI X3. INTERPRETATION The ANSI X3. 7. D. INTERPRETATION It is important that the bar code be decodable throughout the system. 2. The AIAG B-8 document provides quality assurance guidance for shipping labels and other bar code applications (linear and 2D). B. C. F).010 inch and illumination wavelength of 630 – 680 nanometers shall be used.0 QUALITY 7.0) or alphabetic (A. Note: Previous AIAG Standards (B-3 and B-5) specified an inspection wavelength of 900 nanometers +/. Meeting the minimum bar code print quality requirements at the infrared wavelength generally ensures acceptable print quality levels at the visible light wavelength as well. 7. The minimum symbol grade shall be C (1. INTERPRETATION These symbol quality and measurement parameters ensure scannability over a broad range of scanning environments.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline BAR CODE PRINT QUALITY RULE 3. 44 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .10% to accommodate existing infrared scanners.5). In addition. Scanners using visible light sources (630 to 680 nanometers) are preferred for future applications and equipment replacement.3 Sampling SAMPLING RULE Appropriate statistical process control (SPC) techniques should be used. Acceptable quality levels must be established prior to quality control inspection. that is. . it is recommended that quality measurements be taken under consistent conditions. B-10 INTERPRETATION The sample size must be sufficiently large to be statistically valid within the size of the lot or batch being inspected. use the same background lighting and the same surface on which the label will be attached. B-10 If the label stock is not sufficiently opaque. the print from the label underneath can show through and decrease the print contrast.4 Obsolete Labels OBSOLETE LABELS RULE INTERPRETATION 1. The new labels must meet the ANSI bar code print quality requirements. 45 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . 2. If covering obsolete labels with new labels. beginning of a shift. after changing ink. 7. additional points in the process where verification is appropriate include: • • • • • • • when printer is first turned on. after changing ribbons. and after maintenance is performed on the printing equipment. defaced. Obsolete labels shall be rendered unusable by either being removed. any time the label stock is changed. care should be taken so that the bar code print quality of the new labels is not adversely affected. or covered. after changing toner.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline SAMPLING RULE INTERPRETATION In addition to statistical sampling. humidity. abrasion. “Labels. for Bar Codes and Other Markings” is a good source for information on environmental factors. The net effect of such changes can render the label unusable.6. Specifically. INTERPRETATION Numerous environmental effects can lead to the degradation of the bar code symbol. “ Performance Test Parameters.182 Guideline for Bar Code Print Quality provides tables. It is therefore important to consider these effects when producing and applying bar code labels. adhesive. consideration. as a reference. In this regard the ANSI X3.” 4.11. 7.2. chemical contamination and aging. 46 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . light exposure. whether they are optical or physical. Also.6 Recyclability RECYCLABILITY RULE If the label is to be attached to a material which is to be recycled. entitled Environmental Factors. “ Performance Tests.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 7. B-10 INTERPRETATION An example of a recyclable material is shrink wrap. Pressure Sensitive Adhesive. Sections 3. Military Specification MIL-L-61002. “Application Examples” are relevant sections to review. affecting its substrate. These changes may affect one or more of the quality parameters of the label.” and 6. the label material should be compatible with or removable from the substrate material to which it is attached. and testing. Some of the factors that should be considered include temperature.5 Label Durability LABEL DURABILITY RULE Labels should be sufficiently durable to remain in place and be decodable throughout the system of use. or laminate.2. 1 Segment Placement LABEL PLACEMENT AND ORIENTATION RULE 1. Information required by carriers shall be placed The Carrier Segment of the label should be the topmost (see Figures 1 and 10). INTERPRETATION Stacking vertically (see Figures 1 and 10) ensures that the bar codes do not interfere with each other when scanning. it may not be possible to stack all segments vertically. B-10 47 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . rules for placement and orientation of label segments are defined and illustrated.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 8. Label segments should be stacked vertically. 8. Parcel carriers may topmost on the label.0 LABEL PLACEMENT AND ORIENTATION As described in Section 4. Under these circumstances it is important to position the segments of the label so that bar code blocks do not appear directly adjacent. Due to physical package constraints. Placing bar code symbols side by side can interfere with accurate bar code scanning. 2. In this section. this guideline uses a concept of segments for logical grouping of information. require the placementof carrier information (such as addresses) on the top of the transport container. Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 10. Label Segments Bar Code Unique Container Identifier customer carrier Segment Serial Number B-10 48 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . Sealing tape. When multiple labels are used on a container.25 inches (32 mm) from any container edge. they shall not be applied outside the defined area. or bands shall not be placed over the label. The following considerations should be addressed when determining the most appropriate location for the label or segments of the label: • • • • • survivability of the label. These will interfere with the scanning of the label. When label locations are identified on customer containers (especially on returnable containers). label application (manual/automatic. including the package identifier. label/tag /direct marking). See or tags should be applied in an easily accessible Figures 12a and 12b for guidance on label location. packaging level (if multiple labels or bar code symbols are visible). all labels shall be identical. transportation. and receiving operations. For placement on various types of containers. Label placement toward the center of the sides of rectangular corrugated containers should be avoided. container type. placementfor various types of containers.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 8. See Figure 11. shrink-wrap. accessibility of location.2 Label Placement LABEL PLACEMENT AND ORIENTATION RULE INTERPRETATION Labels should be placed no closer than 1. B-10 49 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . The label should not be placed over a seam. labels Labels must be accessible for scanning at shipping. the label shall be placed on the upper half of the unit load. B-10 50 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . Label Placement on Master and Mixed Loads For master and mixed loads.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline LABEL PLACEMENT AND ORIENTATION RULE INTERPRETATION Each supplying location shall be responsible to ensure that bar code-marked labels and tags are sufficiently secured and protected and applied wrinkle-free so they are readable at point of final customer usage. The bottom edge of the label on a master and mixed load should not be higher than 60 inches (152 cm) from the bottom. 3 Label Orientation LABEL PLACEMENT AND ORIENTATION RULE Labels should be placed on the side of the container with the bars perpendicular to the base of the container.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 8. Label Orientation B-10 51 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . INTERPRETATION See Figure 11. Figure 11. Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 12a. BOX OR CARTON BASKET. Obsolete labels shall be rendered unusable by either being removed. Suggested Label Placement Caution: All labels on the container must be identical. WIRE MESH CONTAINER CARTONS ON PALLET OPEN METAL BIN OR TUB B-10 52 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . defaced. or covered. Suggested Label Placement (continued) PALLET BOX RACK TELESCOPE OR SET-UP CONTAINERS DRUM.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 12a. OR CYLINDRICAL CONTAINER label B-10 53 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . BARREL. defaced. ROLL SHEETS/CUT LENGTHS/BLANKS BALE SINGLE COIL B-10 54 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 12b. or covered. Suggested Label Placement Caution: All labels on the container must be identical. Obsolete labels shall be rendered unusable by either being removed. Suggested Label Placement (continued) BAG SLIT COILS TUBING AND BARS label B-10 55 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 12b. 0 Quality should apply to all such application standards.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 9. In this situation. B-10 56 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . It is strongly recommended that the bar code print quality criteria contained in Section 7. the legibility of text. machine-readable symbols. Characters or marks intended for vision systems may be used on unit loads and transport containers. it is recommended that as many as possible of the formatting and quality rules in the label concept be used.0 SPECIAL APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS SPECIAL APPLICATION RULE INTERPRETATION Any deviation from the label concepts in this guideline should be agreed to by trading partners and should not diminish the labeler’s ability to print the label. To satisfy certain special requirements (such as internal company applications or carrier or special industry needs). 9.1 Additional Machine-Readable Symbols ADDITIONAL MACHINE-READABLE RULE INTERPRETATION Other applications and industry standards may require symbologies other than Code 39 or may be designed to take advantage of special capabilities of other optically based. some modification to the defined format may be necessary. The B-10 labels will be readable by a majority of trading partners in a wide range of application environments. Two-dimensional (2D) symbols used on Trading Partner Labels shall conform to the requirements of AIAG B-14. or the bar code print quality. The use of other machine-readable symbols shall not interfere with the readability of any Code 39 bar codes on any segment of the B-10 Trading Partner Label. Additional machine-readable technologies such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) may be used in conjunction with B-10 Trading Partner Labels.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 9. they should not diminish the labeler’s ability to produce the label. B-10 57 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .2 Other Machine-Readable Technologies OTHER MACHINE-READABLE RULE INTERPRETATION If machine-readable technologies other than optically based are used in conjunction with the B10 label. or the bar code print quality. the legibility of text. Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline 10. A Carrier Segment for a Single Pack That Is a Ship-To/Ship-From and a Unique Container Identifier Figure 14. A Customer Segment That Looks Like the Old B-3 Supplier/Vendor ID B-10 58 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .0 LABEL EXAMPLES Figure 13. Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 15. A Customer Segment That Looks Like the Old B-5 Figure 16. A Supplier Segment with the Supplier’s Part Number label Serial Number Supplier/Vendor ID B-10 59 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . A Customer Segment for a Master Load PART # CUST (P) 12345678 QUANTITY (Q) XXXXXXXX XXXX (XXX) SERIAL # MASTER (4S) 654321 XXXXXXX ZZZZZZZZ DLOC 12345678 ZZZZZZZ PLT/DOCK ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ MASTER LABEL ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SUPPLIER ID: 123456789 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Figure 18. A Customer Segment for a Mixed Load XXXXXXXX XXXX (XXX) SERIAL # MASTER (5S) XXXXXXX ZZZZZZZZ DLOC 12345678 ZZZZZZZ PLT/DOCK ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ MIXED LABEL ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SUPPLIER ID: 123456789 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ label Serial Number B-10 60 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 17. 325 EA MASTER LOAD SPLR ID CUST ASGN (V) 982795 PKG ID-MASTER (4S) 987654321 DESCRIPTION LEFT-HANDED SNARK-CONTROLLING WIDGET Figure 20. A Supplier Segment for a Mixed Load label Supplier/Vendor ID B-10 61 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . INC PLANT 21 6 GRAND RIVER NOVI. MI 48000 QUANTITY LINE 7. AZ 98279 602-555-1212 12X45A789 SHIP TO XYZ CO. A Supplier Segment for a Master Load PART # CUST SHIP FROM ACME IDEAL AUTO PARTS 26 AJO WAY TUCSON.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 19.654. A Shipment Label Example (remove PDF-417) TO: FROM: ACME IDEAL AUTO PARTS 1 ROADRUNNER WAY TUCSON.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 21. 123 DREAM LANE SOUTHFIELD. LINE 5 PART DESCRIPTION 9612345 LEFT-HANDED WIDGET CONTROL label Supplier/Vendor ID B-10 62 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . 982795 DOCK 14. MI 48084 ECN CUSTOMER PART # A3 12X45A789 SPLR ID CUST ASGN (V) PKG ID-UNIT (3S) QUANTITY / WEIGHT 250 EA 210 LB DELIVERY LOC. AZ 90150 GREAT CUSTOMER CO. 2 of interest to AIAG members. In many cases the Short Title text has been split into two lines to ensure the best fit in the title area of the building block. AIAG endorses the use of these Data Identifiers. ANSI FACT-1. BAR CODE BLOCKS: ANSI MH10. ANSI MH10. (C) Continuation of a customer's Part Number D DATE YYMMDD (D) Date.2.2 DATA IDENTIFIERS. The following table includes some of the DIs in ANSI MH10.2.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline APPENDIX A. national standard for Data Identifiers. The Short Title text should be used in the bar code building block.8. AND SHORT TITLES A U. Table 3.8.1. as specified in Section 5. significance of the date mutually agreed among all trading partners B-10 10 Standard Carrier Alpha Code Trailer Identification Label 63 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .8. was published by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in December 1991.8. ANSI Data Identifiers DI SUGGESTED SHORT TITLE RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM DATA LENGTH DESCRIPTION B CONTAINER TYPE (B) Container Type 1B RETURNABLE CONTAINER # (1B) Returnable Container ID number 2B GAS CYLINDER # (2B) Gas Cylinder ID number 3B Motor Freight Transport Equipment Identification assigned by the manufacturer in conformance with International Standards Organization (ISO) standards 4B SCACTIL (4B) C PART # CONT. The ANSI standard can be purchased by calling the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) at (212) 642-4900 and requesting ANSI MH10.S.2 has more than 100 data identifiers defined for many purposes in many industries. in the format YYMMDD. It has since been revised as ANSI MH10. DATA LENGTHS.8. significance of the date mutually agreed among all trading partners 2D DATE MMDDYY (2D) Date.. ship date. Social Security Number B-10 64 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . significance of the date mutually agreed among all trading partners 5D DATE YYMMDDQQ (5D)) Date.3 Data Element Number 374 Qualifier (QQ) providing a code for type of date (e.3 Data Element Number 374 Qualifier (QQ) providing a code for type of date (e. in the format MMDDYY. in the format YYYYMMDD. in the ISO format YYYYMMDD immediately followed by an ANSI X12. in the format YYWW where WW represents week of the year. in the format DDMMYY. in the format YYDDD (Julian). significance of the date mutually agreed among all trading partners 4D DATE YYDDD (4D) Date. as agreed between customer and supplier 12D DATE YYYYMMDD (12D)) Date. as agreed between customer and supplier 11D DATE YYYYWW (11D)) Date.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline DI SUGGESTED SHORT TITLE RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM DATA LENGTH DESCRIPTION 1D DATE DDMMYY (1D) Date. significance of the date mutually agreed among all trading partners 10D DATE YYWW (10D)) Date.S. in the format YYYYWW where WW represents week of the year. manufacture date) 6D DATE YYYYMMDDQQ (6D)) Date. significance of the date mutually agreed among all trading partners 3D DATE YDDD (3D) Date. significance of the date mutually agreed among all trading partners 1H EMPLOYEE ID (1H) Employee ID as assigned by the employer 2H SSN (2H) U. ship date. manufacture date) 7D DATE MMYY (7D)) Date.g. in the ISO format YYMMDD immediately followed by an ANSI X12.g.. in the format MMYY. in the format YDDD (Julian). # (K) 18 Unique license plate number assigned to a transport unit that is the lowest level of packaging. or the unbreakable unit. Rail) 8K Contract Number 9K Generic Transaction Reference Code (internally assigned or mutually defined) 11K Packing List Number 12K SCAC (Standard Carrier Alpha Code) (Alpha Numeric.1 Purchase Order Number. as defined in ISO/IEC 15459. always four characters. Truck. Boat. a contract worker or vendor) VIN ISO PKG ID (1J) VIN .O... dash "-" filled left) and carrier-assigned progressive number B-10 65 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . customer assigned 2K Bill of Lading/Waybill/Shipment Identification Code assigned by supplier/shipper 3K Bill of Lading/Waybill/Shipment Identification Code assigned by the carrier 4K Line number of the order assigned by the customer to identify a Purchasing Transaction 5K Reference number assigned by the customer to identify a Shipment Authorization (Release) against an established Purchase Order 6K PRO# assigned by the carrier 7K Carrier Mode in Free Text format mutually defined between the customer and supplier (e. as defined in ISO/IEC 15459 18 Unique license plate number assigned to a transport unit that contains multiple packages.g.Vehicle Identification Number 2J ISO MASTER ID (2J) K P. Air.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline DI 3H I 1J SUGGESTED SHORT TITLE RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM DATA LENGTH DESCRIPTION NON-EMPLOYEE ID (3H) ID number for non-employee (e.g. g..24L Additional location numbers. BAY (21L).. SHELF (23L).. for example: BUILDING (20L). or edition) 9P Combined manufacturer identification code (9digit DUNS® number assigned by Dun & Bradstreet) and the item code/part number (assigned by the manufacturer) 10P Hazardous Material Code as defined by ANSI X12. assigned by the customer 1P PART # SPLR (1P) Part Number. BIN (24L)} P PART # CUST (P) Part Number.Kac 16K DELINS # (16K) DELINS Number: code assigned to identify a document that contains delivery information L STORAGE LOCATION (L) Storage Location 1L LOCATION (1L) Location (generic) 4L COUNTRY OF ORIGIN (4L) Country of Origin: two-character code from the ISO 3166 standard country code list 20L .nn+nn. assigned by the supplier/manufacturer 2P EC # (2P) Code assigned to specify the revision level of the part (e. AISLE (22L).n where a plus symbol (+) is used as a delimiter between the Order Number and Line Number 15K PULL SIGNAL # (15K) Pull Signal .. Engineering Change Level. revision..3 in the format Data Element 208 (1character code qualifier) followed by Data Element 209 (Hazardous Material Code) B-10 66 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . {This set of DIs could be used for a hierarchy of locations. The exact meaning of each DI is assigned internally.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline DI SUGGESTED SHORT TITLE RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM DATA LENGTH 14K DESCRIPTION Combined Order Number and Line Number in the format nn. unit of measure mutually agreed among trading partners S SERIAL # (S) Serial Number assigned by the supplier to an entity for its lifetime 2S SHIPMENT ID (2S) Shipment ID number.3 Data Element Dictionary standard 11Q TARE WT. 4S PKG ID-MASTER (4S) 9 Package Identification assigned by the supplier to packaging containing multiple containers of like items on a single customer order (Master Load) 5S PKG ID-MIXED (5S) 9 Package Identification assigned by the supplier to packaging containing multiple containers of unlike items on a single customer order (Mixed Load) B-10 67 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . as used in the 856 Shipment Notification transaction). 3S PKG ID-UNIT (3S) 9 Package Identification assigned by the supplier to the lowest level of packaging (container) that has a package ID code. (11Q) Tare Weight: weight of an empty container. If you are using EDI. as defined by the two character ANSI X12.3.3 Data Element Number 355 Unit of Measurement Code 7Q QTY + U/M (7Q) Quantity and unit of measure in the format: Quantity followed by the two-character Unit of Measure code as defined in Data Element number 355 of the ANS X12. this corresponds to the SID (Data Element 396 of ANS X12.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline DI SUGGESTED SHORT TITLE RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM DATA LENGTH DESCRIPTION Q QUANTITY (Q) Quantity (integer numeric) (Unit of measure assumed to be “each” unless otherwise agreed between the supplier and the customer) 1Q LENGTH (1Q) or THEORETICAL WEIGHT (1Q) Actual Length or Theoretical Weight (historically used in the shipment of primary metals) 2Q ACTUAL WEIGHT (2Q) Actual Weight 3Q UNIT OF MEASURE (3Q) Unit of Measure. heat. batch) by the supplier/manufacturer V VENDOR ID CUST ASGN (V) Supplier Code assigned by the customer 12V MFR ID DUNS (12V) DUNS® number of the manufacturer 13V SPLR ID DUNS (13V) DUNS® number of the supplier. or tool ID code 11S FIXED ASSET ID (11S) Fixed asset ID code 21S TIRE ID (21S) Combined U. significance mutually agreed by customer and supplier 10S MACHINE ID (10S) Machine. work cell. heat.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline DI SUGGESTED SHORT TITLE RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM DATA LENGTH DESCRIPTION 9S PKG ID MUTUAL (9S) Generic Package Identification. if other than the Manufacturer 14V CUST ID DUNS (14V) DUNS® number of the customer W WORK ORDER # (W) Work Order number assigned by the supplier Z Mutually defined between customer and supplier (title to reflect mutually agreed meaning) 1Z Mutually defined between the carrier and the supplier (title to reflect mutually agreed meaning) B-10 68 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .S. batch) by the customer 1T LOT # SPLR (1T) or HEAT # SPLR (1T) 18 Traceability number assigned to a unique batch or group of items (lot. DOT Tire Manufacturer Plant Code and unique tire identification assigned by the supplier T LOT # CUST (T) 18 Traceability number assigned to a unique batch or group of items (lot. Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline DI SUGGESTED SHORT TITLE RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM DATA LENGTH DESCRIPTION 2Z Mutually defined between the customer and the carrier (title to reflect mutually agreed meaning) 4Z Mutually defined between the carrier and the trading partner (title to reflect mutually agreed meaning) B-10 69 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . decrease the number of decimal places).Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline APPENDIX B. B-10 70 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . more decimal places) than that used in the item is stated with one decimal place. precision stated in the document. Any measurement made with greater precision (that For example. single decimal place. any measurement of that item should be rounded to a document shall be rounded. it is the number of measurement shall be used only at the level of significant digits (usually decimal places). Rounding is done in order to compare two numbers at the same level of precision. if the specification for the size of an is. ROUNDING is the process used to reduce the precision with which a number is stated (that is. the a quantity is stated. That is. PRECISION AND ROUNDING IN MEASUREMENT PRECISION & ROUNDING RULE INTERPRETATION When determining if a measurement falls within the PRECISION is the degree of exactness with which specifications of this AIAG document. 6965 yields 0.64.9500 to 1.05 = 0.6515 >> 0.005 1.6465 + 0. Rounding and Acceptable Measurements AIAG B-10 DOCUMENT STATES ROUNDING FACTOR ACCEPTABLE MEASUREMENTS ON A.65 (0.049 0.00 only 0.65).0049 1.04 0. assume the instrument used can measure to a certain number of decimal places of precision: Table 4. Assume that document states that a dimension is 0.6465) would be "out of spec" if the standard specification had stated 0.000 0. then drop (truncate) the extra digits -. Add 0.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline PRECISION & ROUNDING RULE INTERPRETATION As an example: The rule used for rounding shall be: add 5 to the digit to the immediate RIGHT of the level of precision required. 2-DIGIT READING 3-DIGIT READING 4-DIGIT READING 1 0. Drop the digits past (to the right of) the decimal required: 0.0040 B-10 71 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . If the measurement device used shows it to be 0.0 0.49 0.6 inches.499 0. the measurement shall be rounded to a single decimal place before comparing it to the standard.5000 to 1.00 0.6965) 2.004 0.6.6465 inches. As another example.000 only 0.0005 cannot be used 1.5 0.9950 to 1...05 0.0499 1. Then the required precision is one decimal place.4999 1.50 to 1.995 to 1. Note that the measurement (0. since rounding to two decimal places would have given 0. as follows: 1.05 (2 digits) to the measurement: (0.6465 + 0. which IS within specifications.9950 to 1.500 to 1.95 to 1..950 to 1.005 = 0.those beyond the required level of precision. is that measurement "in spec"? Since one (1) digit of decimal precision is stated in the AIAG document. Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline APPENDIX C. REPUBLIC OF KR YUGOSLAVIA YU B-10 72 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . COUNTRY CODES Table 5 contains some of the country codes from the ISO 3166 standard: Table 5. ISO Country Codes ARGENTINA AR LUXEMBOURG LU AUSTRALIA AU MEXICO MX AUSTRIA AT NETHERLANDS NL BELGIUM BE PHILIPPINES PH BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA POLAND PL BRAZIL BR RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU CANADA CA SINGAPORE SG CHINA CN SLOVAKIA SK CZECH REPUBLIC CZ SLOVENIA SI FRANCE FR SOUTH AFRICA ZA GERMANY DE SPAIN ES HONG KONG HK SWEDEN SE INDIA IN TAIWAN. PROVINCE OF CHINA TW IRELAND IE UNITED KINGDOM GB ITALY IT UNITED STATES US JAPAN JP VENEZUELA VE KOREA. RECOMMENDED ORDER OF DATA The following list is a recommended order of typical data contained within a B-10 label.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline APPENDIX D. It is recommended that trading partners recognize that some data may be common between segments and. ❏ Address – Ship-From/ Ship-To / For (delivery location / line feed location) ❏ Sequence Number / Broadcast Code (customer-assigned) ❏ Purchase Order Number (customer-assigned) ❏ Part Number (P) / Safety Indicator / Part Description / Engineering Change Level (customerassigned) ❏ Quantity (Q) (if the customer’s unit of measure is different from the supplier’s) ❏ Supplier’s Identification (customer-assigned) ❏ Package ID / Label Serial Number / Unique Container Identification (supplier-assigned) ❏ Part Number (1P) / Description (supplier-assigned) ❏ Quantity with ANSI Unit of Measure (7Q) (supplier-assigned) ❏ Actual Quantity (2Q) (supplier-assigned) ❏ Theoretical Quantity (1Q) (supplier-assigned) ❏ Quantity (Q) (if the customer’s unit of measure is the same as the supplier’s) ❏ Returnable Container ID Code ❏ Date of Manufacture ❏ Quality Checker ID ❏ Country of Origin ❏ Part Traceability Data: Lot Number / Heat Number / Individual Part Serial Number ❏ Work Order Number B-10 73 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . where practical. try not to duplicate data –for example: quantity (Q) could appear in both the customer segment and the supplier segment where both use the same definition of unit of measure. showing the requirements for those three layouts. In the section for any one customer should be the information about that customer's label specification(s). For example. and a mixed load label. B-10 74 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . The first thing in the binder should be a copy of the AIAG B-10 standard.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline APPENDIX E. RECOMMENDED FORMAT FOR COMPLIANCE SPECIFICATIONS COMPLIANCE SPECIFICATION RULE INTERPRETATION Customer trading partners who require their suppliers to provide labels in compliance with this guideline should use the following format to document their label compliance specification. Following that should be a divider for each customer to whom that supplier ships. Supplier trading partners should keep a file of the B-10-based customer compliance specifications for their customers. The commonized approach to B-10 specifications requires that every supplier who must comply with B-10-based customer compliance specification create a "Label Compliance" three-ring binder. a master label. The single-page documentation format described in this appendix was designed by the AIAG Bar Code Applications Work Group to provide a commonized approach to creating documentation for customer labeling standards. The commonized approach requires that every customer provide a single page specification for each specific layout of B-10 label that will be required by that customer. Each type of label required by a customer should be documented on a single page. This format has been shown to support the documentation requirements of QS9000 and ISO 9000. the customer’s compliance specification would have three pages in it. if the customer requires a single-container label. Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 22. A title block should appear on the bottom of the compliance specification sheet. Issue Date: Version . An Example of a Blank Customer Compliance Specification Sheet NOTE: NOT TO SCALE For correct measurements. Plant #21. Any dimensions that are not otherwise specified on this page SHALL be in compliance with AIAG B-10. The title block provides the information needed to properly track customer compliance specifications as required by ISO 9000 and QS-9000. Novi. Release NOTE: Illustration is NOT actual size. MI Authorization: Signature: Label Purpose/Use: Customer Segment a B-10 Label to be used for . 5/95 Specification ID Number: Name and Title of responsible party at the above location COMPLIANCE SPECIFICATION RULE INTERPRETATION The compliance specification sheet should show a sample of the B-10 label layout required by the customer. B-10 75 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . see the AIAG B-10 Guideline Customer Name: XYZ Company.” The example will probably need to be scaled down to about 60% to 80% of the planned size. In the center of the suggested specification page should be an example of the label. . Inc. printed according to the layout designed by the customer. Version 01. . A note should appear somewhere on the sheet that says “Not to Scale.00.. 2. The date on which the specification was issued. 1. 4. 5. The data that should go in the bar code. 2. the facility) for which this format is required. and its revision level. pallet label). container vs. 5. if necessary. The name of the customer (and. A note that says that all the rules not specified on this page are to be found in the AIAG B-10 document.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline COMPLIANCE SPECIFICATION RULE INTERPRETATION See Figures 22 and 25. 4. A name that can be used when referring to this sub-block. The title block should include: 1. The Data Identifier to be used as the prefix of the data in the bar code. The maximum number of characters allowed in this field (data length and Data Identifier length). B-10 76 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . The situation in which this format is to be used (for example. 3. “Balloons” around the edges of the label example should contain descriptions of the exact data needed inside each sub-block. Contact information of the person (or department) at the customer's location responsible for this label. The description balloon provided for a bar code sub-block should include: See the example of a bar code block balloon in Figure 24. The title to be printed in this block. 3. Figure 23. 2. If no title is to be printed for this text block. 3. Characters = up to 5 lines of text up to 25 char’s on a single line supplier/vendor B-10 77 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . The data that should be printed in the text. and a telephone number that cam be called in case of problems or questions Text Height = 6 LPB Max. The maximum number of characters allowed in indicate “none. 4.” this field. An Example of a Description Balloon for a Text Sub-block Supplier Contact Information Block Title = SPLR CONTACT SPLR CONTACT XYZ SUPPLIER CO. 5. A name that can be used when referring to this sub-block. DETROIT PLANT 313-555-5555 Data = Name of Supplier’s Company and shipping facility. indicate the number of lines and the maximum number of characters per line. 1. The title to be printed in this block. The text height required (stated in Lines Per Block).Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline COMPLIANCE SPECIFICATION RULE The description balloon provided for a text subblock should include: INTERPRETATION See the example of a text block balloon in Figure 23. If the text is to be printed on multiple lines (such as an address). B-10 78 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . The due date for the supplier to reply indicating their intended date of compliance. The compliance specification sheet(s) should be sent to suppliers with a cover letter explaining its purpose and its relationship to the AIAG B-10 document. The name and phone number of a contact at the customer company who could answer questions. An Example of a Description Balloon for a Bar Code Sub-block PKG ID-UNIT (3S) 1948M0925 Container Label Serial Number Block Title = PKG ID-UNIT (3S) Data = Control number. 2. The due date for submission of a sample label for evaluation. assigned by supplier. 3. not to be repeated within 365 days Data Identifier (DI) = 3S Maximum Length = 11: Max. unique for this container. Data Chars = 9 DI Chars = 2 DI Container ID Serial Number COMPLIANCE SPECIFICATION RULE INTERPRETATION Copies of this copyrighted document (AIAG B-10) can be purchased by calling AIAG’s Customer Service Representatives at (248) 358-3003. At a minimum the cover letter should state: 1.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 24. accessible to the people applying the labels. B-10 79 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . 5. the people quality-checking the labels. and the people supporting the system that produces the labels. Information about how the supplier can purchase a copy of the AIAG B-10 TPL Guideline. 6. The due date for the start of labeling.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline COMPLIANCE SPECIFICATION RULE INTERPRETATION 4. A requirement that this specification be kept in a file or binder along with a copy of the AIAG B-10 guideline. An Example of a Completed Customer Compliance Specification Sheet DI Container ID Supplier/Vendor ID B-10 80 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline Figure 25. The SLA label was developed to more closely match label size to the container and to provide a more cost-effective labeling method.8. The following describes requirements for developing the label for Small Labeling Area (SLA) to ensure scan performance of the bar code symbols while providing consistency of label formats. SLA LABEL RULE What is a Small Labeling Area (SLA)? INTERPRETATION The heights and widths of bar-coded shipping labels being used today are often larger than the packaging. Often. These conditions can drive up costs and can affect the scan performance of bar code symbols. RECOMMENDED FORMAT FOR SMALL LABELING AREA (SLA) Designers of label segments are urged to plan no more than four building blocks per label segment. Also. This appendix does not attempt to define how small is small but to offer a method for labeling containers having labeling surfaces of thirty-six (36) square inches or less. Packaging often requires a container larger than necessary to make the bar coded shipping label fit the container. information contained in this appendix is not intended to replace any existing commercial B-10 81 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . A Small Labeling Area (SLA) label shall not be used for labeling surfaces greater than thirty-six (36) square inches. normally resulting in a label segment size of four inch by six inch or smaller. the SLA label shall not be Label applications for small containers such as used when an area greater than thirty-six square those transported by commercial package carriers inches is available for labeling. The should agree on the use of the SLA Label. users wrap labels around the edges of containers to make labels fit.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline APPENDIX F. which generally fit in a label area of 36 square inches. Trading partners will benefit from using the SLA label. which could be used when the area on a container available for a label is less than 36 square inches. This section describes a variation from the rules of ANSI MH10. 0 inch +/. Doubleheight bar code blocks shall be 1.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline SLA LABEL RULE INTERPRETATION package carrier labeling used for sortation and tracking.0.5 inch +/. (13 mm +/. Due to the SCA label’s smaller physical size. B-10 82 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . One double-height bar code block per segment may be used to satisfy special printing and scanning requirements of symbols used on SCLs. See Figure 26.250 inch (6 mm). If you are including the carrier information in the SLA label you should check with your carrier for their bar code specifications. This appendix recommends that the SLA label be structured based on the current AIAG B-10 and AIAG B-14 Trading Partner Label concepts. 2.5 mm). Bar Code Symbol Quiet Zone The bar code symbol shall have leading and trailing See Figure 26. Bar Code Symbol Height The minimum height of the Code 39 bar code symbol shall be 0.1 inch See Figure 26.3 mm) as determined by the printing capability of the labeler. the major differences between the SLA label and the B-10 / B-14 labels are noted below.25 inch (6 mm). quiet zoneswith minimum widths of 0. 1. Building Block Size Building block height shall be 0. Both label and tag marking methods are covered under the general term label.0. 3.2 inch (25 mm +/. 5.25 mm). FROM: Any Good Supplier 9924 Sunshine Blvd. An Example of a Label Printed According to the SLA Label Rules (not to scale) TO: Best Customer Inc. Figure 26.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline SLA LABEL RULE 4. 39 shall not be less than 0. OH 61547 Bloomingdale. INTERPRETATION SymbologyNarrow Element X Dimension The narrow element X dimension when using Code See Figure 26. Print Quality for Code 39 The ANSI X3.010 inch (0. IL 61630 PART # CUST (P) 89247663 QTY (Q) 155 SPLR ID CUST ASG (V) PKG ID-UNIT (3S) LOT # B-342 T2904S0 127238057 label Supplier/Vendor ID B-10 83 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .182 Guideline for Bar Code Print Quality shall be used to determine the print quality of Code 39 symbols. 7. 350 West St. Mapleville. Human Readable Interpretation (HRI) for Code 39 Symbols The height of the HRI should be chosen so that it does not interfere with the minimum height of the bar code. Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline APPENDIX B-10 84 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .org AIM Documents: AIM Inc. NY 10036 Phone: (212) 642-4980 Internet website: http://www. 634 Alpha Drive Pittsburgh.ansi.usainfo. Suite 200 Southfield. OBTAINING NORMATIVE REFERENCES Contact these organizations for information on the references in this document: AIAG Documents: Automotive Industry Action Group 26200 Lahser DUNS Documents: Dun & Bradstreet One Diamond Hill Road Murray Hill. PA 15238 Phone: (412) 963-8009 Internet website: MIL Documents: USA Information Systems Phone: (800) 872-8830 Internet website: ANSI and ISO Documents: American National Standards Institute Attn: Customer Service 11 West 42nd Street New York.aimglobal. MI 48034 Customer Service: (248) 358-3003 Fax: (248) 358-9760 Internet website: http://www. NJ 07974-1218 Phone: (908) 665-5000 Fax: (908) 665-5803 Internet website: http://www. ......... 28..... 69. 56.. 58.. 11............. 41... 28........ 9...15... 29.. 30... 14. 28..... 12. 67... 76..... 23 E EDI..... 77 Width ... 30.... 13.... 29...3.. 59..... 15....... 32.. 39. 27...See EDI H Highlighting Line....... 40. 33 Label . 47..... 36... 50............ 37... 83 Human Readable Interpretation .. 38... 35... 28......... 78........ 58...... 38 Leading Spaces... 17. 81... 11. 3.... 82 Sub-Block . 16. 12.....8. 27... See Identifier Data Limits Bar Code...... 76.. 78 Text ..... 20. 31.. 27. 52...3.......... 33 Text... 10. 42........ 32. 27. 26.............. 23. 9. 37 HRI...... 11................... 10.. 30. 66... 34. 32 B-10 85 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 ... 27.................. 23.......... 17......... 33... 13.... 26.. 28.. 10 D B Data Content .......... 80 Country Codes .. 40.... 28. 19. 19.... 76....... 43. 56....... 27.. 28. 29....... 9........ 63... 18..... 31........ 30..... 25..... 67. 10.. 32........9.. 74.. 26.................... 41.. 76.....13..... 42.... 14. 40. 74.... 67 Electronic Data Interchange.... 67....... 38. 20.. 25. 18..... 20..... 75............ 14.. 31.. 32.. 27. 27. 83 Building Block .. 26.................... 47 Start and Stop Characters........ 58..... 68.... 75. 49... 83 DUNS® ............ 40......... 47...... 76...... 29......... 40.... 30. 43.... 14..... 26......... 77 Code 39 . 65.... 13...... 27.. 49..... 64. 30.... 77 Titles ..11.. 82 Size......... 12.... 15. 41.... 13.... 27.. See Identifier Dimensions Bar Code.. 27.... 47 Height.. 14. 42 X Dimension.... 23... 42.. 81... 35...... 26. 25.. 26..... 32. 63.23 DI .... 56..... 10..... 69.. 36...... 27... 32..... 66..... 56. 17............ 31.... 19.............13... 40.. 78... 19......... 33. 74.... 27. 36. 32.. 25.... 63.... 42......... 3........9........ 40. 29...... 19. 31. 73 Ship-To ... 49.... 42.......... 25.... 23... 20..... 28... 36.... 25. 39. 14.. 23.. 25.................. 84 Bar Code. 81 Container ID. 42. 8.. 19..... 15... 46.... 38..... 82 Character .... 14........................10..... 23........ 17........ 33 Symbology .. 82 Side-by-Side... 67... 68... 83 Dimensions .............. 47.. 30. 26... 48...... 31... 72 Customer .... 48. 31 Text... 68. 63. See HRI C Carrier .... 8.. 29. 35....... 12...... 41. 27. 33 Quiet Zone . 12....26... 11... 84 Autodiscrimination. 48............ 76.... 77.. 30...... 66.... 65.... 10. 9..... 18.. 16. 31.. 64.. 60....... 26.. 32..... 39.................. 33. 41. 24.. 10.. 3. 31.. 78......... 36. 45.... 37.24.... 80 A Address Ship-From .... 58... 32.... 29......... 73.......... 46..... 11.... 82.29....... 28....... 11......... 35.. 13.. 32...... 31. 26..28 Data Identifier .......... 19.. 20...... 25.. 39..... 63... 11. 54........... 26..... 35.... 24....... 41... 12.... 14..... 10.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline INDEX Container. 10...... 29.... 31........ 10. 39... 83. 24...... 41. 51...........11.. 44... 66. 31. 18. 82 Bar Code .... 16..... 29. 63..... 20...... 58.... 73 Alphanumeric.... 56 Color..... 32.... 10........ 35 ANSI.. 73. ...........See Bar Code S Segment(s) ... 38 Master Pack............. 38..... 73 Serial Number . 61..... 37..... 74.. 9........... 73.. 13..... 35.... 19. 33..........Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline I N Identifier........ 38........ 57... 14.. 60........... 8.... 39.......... 28............... 48... 42....... 28...... 16... 46.............. 36...... 35.. 53........... 14.......... 65............ 24..... 41. See Address Shipping Pack ............... 66. Label.... 39.......... 57 Like Parts Pack........ 38... 33.... 59.......... 16... 66. 40....... 39.. 43. 68... 29... 26....... 65.. 73..... 40 Package ............................ 73. 72 Data (DI) .. 55... 49. 58............ 20.......... 11... 15. 67.. 46... 23...... 35.. 12............. 11.. 32 Data Content . 13..... 53............11.... 11........... 40....... 15...... 80.......... 49.. 9.... 12..... 11..... 34........ 40....... 15... 39..... 47...... 81.. 32........ 36..... 59.. 51 Placement.......................... 25.. See LPB LPB ... 54....12 O Orientation........ 19. 24.. 76. 67.. 51... 28.......... 75.28 Standard Quantity Pack ................. 33 Labeler. 30......12 Start and Stop Characters........... 79 Quiet Zone ................ 39. 60.......... 63.. 20. 11..... 42...... 38........... 70 Nonstandard Quantity Pack . 11 Lines Per Block .... 35..16. 44...... 50 Orientation . 81...... 23.. 68....... 38............... 39...... 65.. 27............ 31. 39. 11. 36. 52. 74 Master Load Label ... 74 Multiple Pack ..... 45..See Bar Code Subpack. 51. 49........... 10.... 3..... 12..... 83 Supplier/Vendor ID..See Label Orientation P Pack....................12 Supplier.. 16. Leading ... 48.......... 65 B-10 86 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 ... 37... 83 Symbology ................. 68.. 68 Master Label ............. 47........ 23.. 21.......................................... 32....... 13. 52... 77.... 13..... 36............ 36................... 40......12 Ship-To Address ... 73 Country Codes ..... 23.... 79....... 11..... 80... 8.. 27.... 40.. 61.... 56.. 45.... 40..... 50... 78.. 48.............. 58. 83 Color ... 62... 73 Unique Container... 39....... 12. 38.......12....... 35...... 64... 26. 56... 39.. 14........... 74.. 8..... See Address Side-by-Side Bar Codes . 38. Label . 38 Height............See Bar Code M Manufacturer ....... 40.. 35................. 40...... 44......... 32. 17. See Label Placement L Label............... 47......................... 13............. 13......... 78. 35. 61... 19...See Bar Code Spaces... 34.... 12.14.... 55 Quick Receive............. 63. 63....... 58 Item.......... 78 Ship-From Address ..... 47..................10....... 49... 67 Placement.. 80 Package .... 35. 20. 67 Mixed Load Label ......... 10. 12... 9...... 66.... 11. 43.. 39.. 78.. 59... 66. 36... 40.. 54.. 62..36 Supplier/Vendor. 82 Text .......................8.. 67. 34.......... 40.... 76............................ 47.. 13...... 56.......... 68.. 12.. 23.................. 82.. 38 Width . 8........ 12.... 60.. 73.... 11............. 36......... 38...... 24..... 12.....3. 39..... 77 Q Quality ........ 14........... 40... 15.............................. 33............ 31..... 26............... 59.. 50. 41 Size.............. 57.. 56...... 68 Supplier/Vendor... 58.... 37. 25............................... 33...... 14...... 3...... 47.... 15. 11.. 64... 56 UL/TP ...... 42 Title(s).......... 15..... 38. 35...12.. 30... 35............ 19..... 23..... 13 Unique Container Identifier .. 8.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline T U Tag(s) . 9... 27.. 83 B-10 87 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 .. 12... 16. 39.. 50.............. 10..13. 33..... 20........... 8. 23 Height..... 25. 40. 56..... 56 V Vendor ........ 40.. 37.. 76. 32................ 28........11........... 74 Transport Container ... 8.... 24..... 41.... 77 Data Limits ...3..... 45 X X Dimension .... 63... 8.. 63......... 14. 17. 23....... 48.... 30....13. 69........ 75.. 12. 65 Vendor/Supplier. 77 Trading Partner(s) .......... 41........... 3. 13. 13. 13... 73.... 11.... 68........ 14....... 20. 27. 36.43......... 40. 35... 32.. 49 Text . 56....... 37... 15..... 38... 14....... See Supplier/Vendor ID Verification .... 29.. 67.. 13... See Supplier/Vendor Vendor/Supplier ID. 41.. 13.......... 39......... 34. 39.... 58 Unit Load . we drive and support the development and implementation of common. returnable containers and packaging systems. direct. and coordinate the association’s activities. frank communication as we achieve consensus on industry needs and solutions. They conduct research. Suite 200 Southfield. standard business practices. materials and project management. and transportation/customs. leading-edge solutions that provide value to the automotive industry and its customers. CAD/CAM. conventions. Excellence – We provide quality and excellence in all we do and how we do it. trust. white papers and guidelines in the areas of automatic identification. develop. associate directors. We provide an environment of integrity. publish and provide training on standards. teamwork and mutual respect to foster open. plan. AIAG Projects Member Committees focus on business processes or supporting technologies and methodologies. associate directors. MI 48034 Phone: (248) 358-3570 • Orders: (248) 358-3003 • Fax: (248) 358-3253 B-10 88 Issue: 02 Dated: 2/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . Core Values People – Our strength comes from passionate and personally committed volunteers and staff.An Association Fostering Total Supply Chain Partnering Automotive Industry Action Group 26200 Lahser Road. We do what’s right for the industry! AIAG Organization AIAG is made up of a board of directors. an executive director. Under the direction of the executive director. department managers and program managers. Our focus is to continuously improve business process and practices involving trading partners throughout the supply chain. continuous quality improvement. a full-time staff and volunteers serving on project teams. The executive and associate directors are executives on loan from member companies for varied lengths of time. along with the managing director. AIAG . Innovation – With a sense of urgency.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline ABOUT AIAG Purpose Statement To provide an open forum where members cooperate in developing and promoting solutions that enhance the prosperity of the automotive industry. EDI/electronic commerce. Automotive Industry Action Group • 26200 Lahser Road • Suite 200 • B-10 89 Issue: 02 Dated: 02/00 Replaces: 01 Dated: 05/95 . MI 48034 Telephone: (248) 358-3570 • Fax: (248) 358-3253 Web: www.Trading Partner Labels Implementation Guideline MAINTENANCE REQUEST FORM Name of Submitter: Date: Company: Company Address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: MAINTENANCE REQUEST Page Number of Change: Document Currently Reads: Recommended Changes/Should Read: Reason for Change (Use additional sheets if necessary): Signature of Submitter: DISPOSITION (AIAG USE ONLY) Manager’s Recommendation: Final Disposition: Comments: Note: Complete form and return to the AIAG Volunteer Programs Department for consideration. 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