
April 4, 2018 | Author: Rajveer Singh Sekhon | Category: Green Revolution, Agriculture, Irrigation, Coffee, Soil


Description AGRICULTURE CAPSULE FOR PATWARI 1. India is the fourth largest cotton producing country of the world after (a) Russia, China, USA (b) USA, China, Russia (c) China, USA, Russia (d) USA, Russia, China Ans. (b) 2. Growing different crops one after the other on the same field during different crop seasons is called. (a) Mixed farming (b) Strip cropping (c) Inter cropping (d) Multiple cropping Ans. (d) 3. Which of the following countries have very small agricultural land holding? (a) France (b) Japan (c) China (d) India Ans. (b) 4. The factors and geographical areas responsible for India to depend on agriculture are (a) Vast cultivable land (b) Wide climatic range (c) Long growing season (d) All the above Ans. (d) 5. Millets are called ‘coarse grains’ and constitute mainly of (a) Maize, Jowar, Pulses (b) Jowar, Bajra, Ragi (c) Bajra, Ragi, Maize (d) Maize, Jowar, Ragi Ans. (b) 6. Research Institute on dairy development is at (a) Amritsar (b) KarnaL (c) Lucknow (d) Kanpur Ans. (b) 7. Which of the following statements is incorrect? (a) The size of land holdings is small in intensive type of cultivation. (b) Mechanized farming is practiced in shifting agriculture. (c) Farming is done on a large scale resembling that of the factory production is plantation agriculture. (d) All the above. Ans. (b) 8. How much cultivated area has been brought under irrigation? (a) 20% (b) 25% (c) 26% (d) 28% Ans. (d) 9. What is the major factor responsible for degradation of environment? (a) Industrialization (b) Urbanization (c) Both a and b (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 10.India’s main rival in tea export is (a) Japan (b) Sri Lanka (c) China (d) USA Ans. (b) 11. Cell Organelle found only in plants are— (A) Mitochondria (B) Golgi complex (C) Ribosomes (D) Plastids Ans : (D) 12. Proteins are synthesized in— (A) Centrosomes Milk fever is caused due to the deficiency of— (A) P (B) Ca (C) Mg (D) K Ans : (B) 14. The chemical formula of iron pyrites is— (A) FeSO4 (B) FeS (C) FeS2 (D) Fe2(SO4)3 Ans : (C) 18. Intervenous chlorosis is caused due to the deficiency of— . Rock phosphates are used in— (A) Saline soil (B) Sodic soil (C) Acidic soil (D) Neutral soil Ans : (C) 19. Azotobacter fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the soil by— (A) Symbiotically (B) Non-symbiotically (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these Ans : (A) 17. Muriate of Potash is— (A) K2SO4 (B) KCl (C) K2HPO4 (D) KNO3 Ans : (B) 16.(B) Ribosomes (C) Mitochondria (D) Golgi bodies Ans : (B) 13.Milk sugar is a type of— (A) Glucose (B) Sucrose (C) Lactose (D) Fructose Ans : (C) 15. The permanent preservative. Motha (Grass nut) belongs to the family of— (A) Cruciferae (B) Tiliaceae (C) Cyperaceae (D) Graminaceae Ans : (C) 25.Kinnow is the hybrid variety of— (A) Citrus (B) Orange (C) Mandarin (D) Lemon Ans : (C) 21. is— (A) Sodium chloride (B) Potassium metabisulphate (C) Potassium sulphate (D) Sugar Ans : (B) 22. Mustard.(A) N (B) Mg (C) S (D) Fe Ans : (D) 20. Soybean. Soybean. which is used for preservation of fruit and vegetables. Bajra Ans : (B) . Lobia. Gram (C) Moong.Whip tail disease of cauliflower is caused by deficiency of— (A) Nitrogen (B) Boron (C) Molybdenum (D) Zinc Ans : (C) 23.The word ‘Agriculture’ is derived from— (A) Greek (B) Latin (C) Arabic (D) French Ans : (B) 24. Which of the followings are short day crops ? (A) Maize. Bajra (D) Wheat. Bajra (B) Wheat. 140 mm – 300 mm 2. What is the sequence of C4 plants ? (A) Sudangrass – Sugarcane –Paddy – Bajra (B) Sugarcane – Maize – Sudangrass – Bajra (C) Sugarcane – Cotton – Paddy– Maize (D) Cotton – Maize – Bajra –Sugarcane Ans : (B) 27. Match List-I (crops) with List-II (water requirement) and select your answer from the code given below— List-I (a) Jowar (b) Soybean (c) Cotton (d) G r o u n d n u t L i s t – I I 1. highest production and number of . 350 mm – 450 mm 3. 200 mm – 300 mm 4. In which state.26. are there biggest area. 300 mm – 350 mm Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 3 1 2 4 (B) 4 2 3 1 (C) 1 4 2 3 (D) 3 1 4 2 Ans : (C) 28. What is VAM ? (A) Virus (B) Bacteria (C) Algae (D) Fungi Ans : (D) 33. What is the main function of zinc in the plants ? (A) Synthesis of nitrogen (B) Synthesis of phosphorus (C) Required for synthesis of Tryptophos (D) To increase activity of the boron Ans : (C) 34. Uttar Pradesh is occupying which place in India. Which is not prepared by potato ? (A) Acetic Acid (B) Paper (C) Wine (D) Fanina Ans : (B) 30.Sugar Mills in relation to Sugarcane ? (A) Maharashtra (B) Bihar (C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Andhra Pradesh Ans : (A) 29. Which of the following is TPS variety of Potato ? (A) JH 222 (B) Chipsona-II (C) Anand (D) HPS-1/113 Ans : (D) 32. for Guava production ? (A) Second (B) First (C) Third (D) Fifth Ans : (A) 31. What is the area in floriculture (in 000 hectare) in India ? (A) 40 – 50 (B) 60 – 80 (C) 100 – 120 (D) None of these . Endosulphan is also known as— (A) Lindane (B) Thiodan (C) Aldrin .P. R. The credit for the success of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) goes to— (A) Dr. Paroda (B) Dr. Which of the following factors does not affect the nitrification ? (A) Air (B) Seed (C) Temperature (D) Moisture Ans : (B) 36.A.Ans : (C) 35. Which is the correct sequence of soil erosion ? (A) Rill – Sheet – Gulley (B) Gulley – Sheet – Rill (C) Sheet – Rill – Gulley (D) Sheet – Gulley – Rill Ans : (C) 37. S. Cauliflower belongs to the family— (A) Cruciferae (B) poacae (C) Malvaceae (D) Leguminaceae Ans : (A) 41. Chandrika Prasad (C) Dr. Insecticides are specific inhibitors of— (A) Excretory system (B) Digestive system (C) Nervous system (D) Blood Circulatory system Ans : (D) 39. (B) Compost fertilizer (C) Ammonium Chloride (D) Urea Ans : (A) 38. Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) should not be mixed with— (A) D. Mangla Rai Ans : (D) 40. Mohan Singh Mehta (D) Dr. H. Seed treatment with Vitavex is the main controlling method of— (A) Loose smut (B) Rust (C) Downy mildew (D) All of these Ans : (D) 45. Which of the following is systemic poison ? (A) Metasystox (B) Phosphomidan (C) Phorate (D) All of these Ans : (C) 43. Ans : (B) 42.In India.The headquarters of Indian Meteorological Department was established in 1875 at— (A) New Delhi .C. DDVP is known as— (A) Nuvan (B) Malathion (C) Thiodan (D) Sulfex Ans : (A) 44. Covered smut of barley is a disease of— (A) Externally seed-borne (B) Internally seed-borne (C) Air-borne (D) None of these Ans : (B) 46.Which of the following cakes is not edible ? (A) Castor cake (B) Mustard cake (C) Sesame cake (D) Groundnut cake Ans : (A) 47.(D) B. about 142 million hectare land is under— (A) Cultivation (B) Waste land (C) Forest (D) Eroded land Ans : (A) 48. 1950 (B) 2nd October. The Community Development Programme (CDP) was started in India on— (A) 2nd October.(B) Hyderabad (C) Pune (D) Calcutta Ans : (D) 49.Moisture condensed in small drops upon cool surface is called— (A) Hail (B) Dew (C) Snow (D) Fog Ans : (B) 50. 1952 (C) 2nd October. Pudding is done to— (A) Reduce percolation of water (B) Pulverise and levelling soil (C) Kill weeds (D) All of the above Ans : (D) 53. 1951 (D) None of these Ans : (B) 54.Element of Communication is— (A) Message . Tilt angle of a disc plough is generally— (A) 10° (B) 15° (C) 20° (D) 45° Ans : (D) 52. How many agro-climatic zones (ACZ) are found in India ? (A) 16 (B) 18 (C) 15 (D) 20 Ans : (C) 51. The main unit of Integrated Rural Development Programme is— (A) Family (B) Village (C) Block (D) District Ans : (B) 55. (c) 62. 210 Frost free days are needed for the growth of (a) jute (b) Mesta (c) Cotton (d) None of the above Ans..(B) Feedback (C) Channel (D) All of these Ans : (D) 56. Walker Ans : (D) 59.R.A.In L.Rent theory of profit was given by— (A) Hawley (B) C.P. Acid rain contains mainly— (A) PO4 (B) NO2 (C) NO3 (D) CH4 Ans : (B) 61.D.Which of the following crops is grown in India by the means dry farming? (a) Tobacco .The main function of NABARD is— (A) Farmers’ loaning (B) Agricultural research (C) Refinancing to agricultural financing institutions (D) Development of agriculture Ans : (C) 58.The first Kshetriya Gramin Bank (KGB) was opened in India is— (A) 1972 (B) 1980 (C) 1975 (D) 1969 Ans : (C) 57. Blacker (C) Tanssig (D) F. the profit will be maximum when— (A) MC = MP (B) MC > MP (C) MP = TP (D) MP > TP Ans : (D) 60. poultry.Which of the following fertilizer plant is in Bihar? (a) Mathura in U. (b) 66. Identify the right ones. raw wool. silk and milk are classified as (a) Wild life resources (b) Animal resources (c) Primary resources (d) None of the above Ans. II only c. and Vishakhapatnam. II. I only b. Kolkata.Fish. None .P. a. (b) 68. Kochi.(b) Wheat (c) Cotton (d) Millets Ans. The lack of access to land is directly correlated with incidence of poverty in rural areas. (c) 67.India tops in the world in _____ production. (b) 64. Consider the following statements. (d) 63. Both d. (c) 65. hides and skins. I. meat.India has five major ship building centers located at Mumbai. (a) Vegetables (b) Fish (c) Fruits (d) Flowers Ans. (b) Sindri fertilizer plant (c) Kota fertilizer plant (d) Gorakhpur fertilizer plant Ans. Which is the fifth ship yard? (a) Chennai (b) Mangalore (c) Marmagao (d) Kandla Ans.Growing different crops in association with each other on the same field at the same time is (a) Mixed farming (b) Intercultural (c) Strip farming (d) Contour ploughing Ans. Agriculture is a purely land based activity unlike secondary and tertiary activities. II only c. None ANSWER: c. the farming can be classified as irrigated and rain fed. I only b. Zaid —– C)June-September a. I. Identify the right ones. II. Cotton 71.IIB. Consider the following statements. Both d. Cotton ANSWER: d. II only c. The kharif season largely coincides with Southwest Monsoon.IIIC b. Rabi —— B) April-June III. IC.March II. On the basis of main source of moisture for crops. IB.IIC. These regions grow hardy and drought resistant crops. I. I only b.IIIA c. I. Both 69.IIA.IIB. I.IIA. Kharif —– A) October.IIIA ANSWER: c. Consider the following statements.Match the following crop seasons with respective months. Both 73. Identify the right ones. Both . a. II.Which of these are not rabi crop? a. Barley d.Consider the following statements about dry land farming. IA. Wheat b. rabi and zaid. The dry land farming is largely confined to the regions having annual rainfall less than 75cm. Both 70. Both d. There are three distinct crop seasons in the northern and interior parts of the country. None ANSWER: c. IC.IIIB d. Identify the right ones. While irrigated farming is dependent on irrigation facilities but rain fed farming is done with the help of rainfall received during Southwest Monsoon. II.IIIB 72. a. IC. namely kharif. ANSWER: c. Mustard c.ANSWER: c. Both 77. a. Which of these are oilseeds growing regions of the country? I. a. In wet land farming. II. II and III only . Both 76. Food grains are dominant crops in all parts of the country. None ANSWER: c. I. Identify the right ones. II.74. None ANSWER: c. Both 78. Identify the right ones. Both d.Consider the following statements about wetland farming. These areas grow various water intensive crops such as rice. Telangana III. II only c. II. Consider the following statements about the pulses. II only c. Yield level of maize is higher than other coarse cereals. Identify the right ones.Consider the following statements. II only c. II. Consider the following statements. a. I. Identify the right ones. I. These are legume crops which increase the natural fertility of soils through nitrogen fixation. Maharashtra II. II only c. None ANSWER: c. Both d. I only b. Pulses are very important ingredient of vegetarian food as these are rich sources of proteins. None ANSWER: c. Andhra Pradesh IV. Rice is a staple food for the overwhelming majority of population in India. Uttar Pradesh a. I only b. I only b. a. Both 75. the rainfall is in excess of soil moisture requirement of plants during rainy season. I. Maize is a food as well as fodder crop grown under semi-arid climatic conditions. I and III only b. jute and sugarcane. I only b. Both d. Both d. I. All ANSWER: d. Cotton is a tropical crop grown in kharif season in semi-arid areas of the country. Assam and Bihar. III. Identify the right ones. a. I. I. III. Sugarcane is a crop of tropical areas. India grows both short staple cotton as well as long staple cotton. Both 80. It is grown in the states of West Bengal. All ANSWER: d. Maharashtra and Gujarat. All ANSWER: c. II. a.Consider the following statements about the sugarcane crop. sacks and decorative items. I and III only d. I only b. II and III only . Identify the right ones. Tea is a plantation crop used as beverage. II. bags. All 81. a. II. Its cultivation is largely concentrated in Uttar Pradesh. Jute is one of the fibre crops grown in India. II and III only c. It is also cultivated in southern states where the yield of the crop is very high. It is used for making coarse cloth.II and III only d. I and II only b. Consider the following statements about tea crop. II and III only c. I.Consider the following statements about jute crop. a. I. Both d. Identify the right ones. I and II only b. I. I only d. III.II and III only 79. Tea leaves have rich content of caffeine and tannin. It is grown over undulating topography of hilly areas and well-drained soils in humid and sub-humid tropics and sub-tropics. All 82.c. I and II only b. Consider the following statements. II. II only c. None ANSWER: c. Identify the right ones. I. Identify the right ones. III only d.c. Impoverishment of the small farmers a. All ANSWER: a. Coffee is a tropical plantation crop. None ANSWER: c. IV. I and III only d. It was a “package revolution― combining HYVs seeds.II and IV only b. III only c.Consider the following statements about agricultural development in India.e. It was an energy-intensive method. It had a dismal performance in the first half of twentieth century. pesticide. I and II only b. Indian agriculture economy was largely subsistence in nature before independence. The Green Revolution was launched in the decade of 1960s to increase the agriculture production in India. Consider the following statements. I. I. II only c. I. Consider the following statements about Green Revolution in India. All ANSWER: d.II and III only 84. a. II. III. India mostly grows inferior quality coffee. Arabica. III. IV only c. water and agriculture machinery.II and III only 86. II. I only ANSWER: c. Identify the right ones. All 83. chemical fertilizer. II. a. Liberia.II and III only b. a. Both d. Identify the right ones. Its seeds are roasted. III only . There are three varieties of coffee i. Degradation of the soil II. I.II and III only d. What were the harmful effects of the strategy of the Green Revolution? I. I only b. Robusta. Loss of Biodiversity IV. I. I. Both 85. I. Lowering of the water tables III. ground and are used for preparing a beverage. Mexico and Philippines 90. All ANSWER: d. reverse soil degradation and improve soil health. Constraints of financial resources and indebtedness IV. All ANSWER: d. What are the real problems of the Indian agriculture? I. I. II. Consider the following statements. Sugarcane 89. None ANSWER: c. Dependence on Erratic Monsoon II. Organic farming can. II and IV only c. . Both d. Japan and Australia b. Identify the right ones. In which of the following group of countries of the world. Which one of the following crops is not cultivated under dry land farming? a. Small land size and fragmentation of landholdings a. II only c. All 87. Lack of land reforms V. I.c. III and V only d.III and IV only b. Mexico and Singapore d. USA and Japan ANSWER: b. Low productivity III. I only b. Mexico and Philippines c. a. All 88. Ragi b. Genetic engineering manipulates the genes in an organism to change its characteristics. HYVs of wheat and rice were developed? a. II. I.II. Both 91. Organic farming does not use chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides. I. Identify the right ones. It can move a favorable gene from one organism to another. Sugarcane ANSWER: d. Consider the following statements.II and III only d. Jowar d. Groundnut c. over a period of time. All . Bacillus Thuringiensis b.The global fisheries have nearly collapsed. a. Both d. I and II only b. Identify the right ones. None ANSWER: c. a.What is the way out to save global fisheries? I. Massive harvesting of fish II. All ANSWER: d. None ANSWER: a. I only b. All 92. Consider the following statements. All ANSWER: d. Ficus religiosa d. What are the factors responsible for the decline in fisheries? I. Bacillus Thuringiensis 93. I only d. Elimination of fishing gear and bottom trawlers a. Aquaculture is the artificial production of fish in ponds and underwater cages. Destruction of mangroves and coral reefs a. Establishing marine reserves as no-fishing zones III. Adopting an ecosystem based approach II. Pollution of water bodies III. II and III only c. Bacteria tera c. A third of the world’s fish harvest is used as animal feed. Genetic modification can make a plant resistant to specific pests or diseases. What does Bt stand for? a. I.III. Climate change IV. Bt Cotton and Bt Brinjal are the examples of genetic ally modified crops. All 95. I and II only b. I and II only b. III and IV only d. II only c. Both 94. II. II and III only c. II and III only c. I and III only d. fishmeal and oils. c. a. Topsoil 99. A mineral is any substance that is naturally present in the earth’s crust and is not formed from animal or vegetable matter. Which of the following statements is not true with regard to the Green Revolution? . Which of the following statements is true with regard to food on this planet? a. II. II only c. Farming d. Identify the right ones. I only b.Which of the following is not a problem associated with land? a. All 96.ANSWER: d. I. None ANSWER: c. Both d. Climate Change 100. b. Every person is able to buy food. Consider the following statements. d. Both 97.Which is the most important support for all plant growth and all life? a. but it can cause longterm problems like subsidence and pollution of aquifers. Consider the following statements. Underground mining has little direct effect on the environment. There is enough food to feed every person. Topsoil b. a. Mining is the process of extracting and processing minerals. There is enough food to feed every person. The earth’s geological processes have formed these minerals over millions or billions of years and hence they are non-renewable. II only c. Both d. Salinization c. Fertilizer c. Green Revolution has solved the problem of hunger. Desertification d. ANSWER: b. There is unlimited amount of fish. Both 98. I. II. 101. Climate Change ANSWER: d. I only b. Water logging b. None ANSWER: c. Pesticide ANSWER: a. Identify the right ones. II only c. It requires decreasing inputs over time. Both d. ANSWER: b. b. I only b. ANSWER: c. Soil pollution is any physical or chemical change in the soil conditions that may adversely affect the growth of plants and other organisms living in or on it. They could resist drought or salinity. Bioremediation IV. They are proven to be completely safe. Identify the right ones. Irrigation has two roles to play: one is for protective purpose and another one for making the land useful for second crop. there are three basic sources of irrigation: wells. It uses high-yielding varieties of seeds. a. canals and tanks. I. Most soil pollutants are agricultural chemicals. Vapour extraction III. Both 106.III and IV only c. It needs fertilizers and pesticides. None ANSWER: c. Dilution II. It increases crop yields.a. All 105. b. c. primary fertilizers and pesticides. I. a. Identify the right ones. d. II only c. Consider the following statements. Both 104.II and III only d. c.What are the ways for the restoration of the soil? I. II. I and II only b. What are the benefits of micro irrigation? . Both d. In India. I only b. 103. All ANSWER: d. II. They could have greater resistance to pests. They could reduce the amount of fertilizer needed. d. They are proven to be completely safe.Consider the following statements. I.Which of the following statements is not true with regard to GM crops? a. II. Phytoremediation a. None ANSWER: c. It requires decreasing inputs over time. 102. None ANSWER: c. I. II only c.IV only d. Rising costs III. Enhances fertilizer use efficiency V. II and III only d. I only b. Increases crop productivity with less water usage III.III and IV only c. Drip irrigation is an irrigation method that saves water and fertilizer by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of the plants. II. II. Both d. Reduces the problems of water logging a. All ANSWER: d. I. Delay in the completion of major irrigation projects II. Identify the right ones. All ANSWER: d. The efficiency of drip irrigation is 85%.II and III only b. All CROPS------------ Apple: Jammu & Kashmir Rice: West Bengal Bajra: Rajasthan Bamboos: Assam Bananas: Tamilnadu Barley: Uttar Pradesh Cashewnut: Kerala Chillies: Maharashtra Cotton: Gujarat Wheat: Uttar Pradesh Maize: Andhra Pradesh Gram & Pulses: Madhya Pradesh Ground Nut: Gujarat Jute: West Bengal Mango: Uttar Pradesh .III. I. I and II only b.I. Inadequacy of finance and organization IV. All 107.What are the problems related with irrigation? I. Underutilization of existing capacity a. Saves electricity IV.II. Consider the following statements. Both 108. Most efficient method of irrigation II. a. II and III only c. Maize: Uttar Pradesh Mustard: Rajasthan Onion: Maharashtra Pepper: Kerala Paddy: West Bengal Potato: Uttar Pradesh Ragi: Karnataka Rubber: Kerala Silk: Karnataka Sugarcane: Uttar Pradesh Soyabean: Madhya Pradesh Sunflower: Karnataka Tea: Assam Tobacco: Andhra Pradesh Turmeric: Andhra Pradesh Wheat: Uttar Pradesh Tur: Uttar Pradesh .
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