AFM Embraer 170 Emergency and Abnormal Procedures 1385 003 FAA SECTION04

March 27, 2018 | Author: Vitor Palomanes | Category: Aircraft Flight Control System, Flap (Aeronautics), Landing Gear, Stall (Fluid Mechanics), Airplane



AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALEMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES SECTION 4 EMERGENCY AND ABNORMAL PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Block Page Introduction .........................................................................4-00 .......03 Non-annunciated procedures .............................................4-01 .......01 Emergency Procedures .................................................4-01 .......03 Abnormal Procedures ....................................................4-01 .......12 Airplane General (Doors/Lighting/Cargo Compartment) ....4-02 .......01 AMS (Pneumatics/Air Conditioning/Pressurization)............4-04 .......01 Autoflight .............................................................................4-06 .......01 Auxiliary Power Unit ............................................................4-08 .......01 Electrical .............................................................................4-10 .......01 Engine.................................................................................4-12 .......01 Fire Protection.....................................................................4-14 .......01 Flight Controls.....................................................................4-16 .......01 FMS/Nav/Com & Flight Instruments ...................................4-18 .......01 Fuel .....................................................................................4-20 .......01 Hydraulics ...........................................................................4-22 .......01 Ice & Rain Protection ..........................................................4-24 .......01 AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-00 code 01 Page 1 EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL Block Page Landing Gear & Brakes...................................................... 4-26....... 01 Oxygen ............................................................................... 4-28....... 01 Smoke Procedures ............................................................ 4-30....... 01 4-00 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION The emergency and abnormal procedures contained in this manual have been developed by the airplane manufacturer and approved by the Certification Authority for use in the operation of this airplane. This section provides the emergency and abnormal procedures to be performed in case of a system malfunction or failure, in order to protect passengers and/or crew from serious harm and to maintain the airworthiness of the airplane. The Emergency/Abnormal Procedures, in this section, are ordered in alphabetical sequence and divided into three blocks: − Non-Annunciated Procedures: procedures, which are not related to an EICAS message but rather to a condition presented in the airplane. Annunciated Procedures: procedures related to an EICAS message. These procedures are grouped by system and titled with the correspondent EICAS message wording. Smoke Procedures: contain all annunciated and nonannunciated smoke related procedures. − − The actions identified with φ are recall items. They must be performed expeditiously and from memory. The other actions should be performed as soon as the condition permits. Some procedures require to LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. This statement may be presented below the associated emergency/abnormal characterization or at the beginning of a task that requires so. When the crew determines that significant threat to safety is present, they should always accomplish the earliest possible descent and land at the nearest suitable airport regardless of having this statement present in the procedure. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-00 code 01 Page 3 Master Warning/ Caution lights are reset as soon as the failure is recognized. − Aural warnings are silenced as applicable.EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL The procedures contained herein assume that: − Airplane systems are operating normally prior to the failure. − Normal procedures have been properly accomplished. − System controls are in normal condition prior to initiation of the associated procedure. 4-00 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . − All emergency/abnormal checklists are performed in the order they are presented in the procedure. − Circuit breakers must not be reset. .................03 DUAL ENGINE FAILURE .......................................05 ENGINE FIRE.................................................07 JAMMED CONTROL WHEEL (ROLL) ............................................................................4-01 .......................... SEVERE DAMAGE OR SEPARATION .............05 ENGINE ABNORMAL START ........05 EMERGENCY EVACUATION ............AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES NON-ANNUNCIATED PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Block EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CARGO COMPARTMENT FIRE .....................4-01 ........................10 STEERING RUNAWAY......................14 ENGINE ITT OVERTEMPERATURE ........12 ENGINE ABNORMAL VIBRATION ..........................4-01 ........................................................................4-01 .....................................06 FUEL LEAK..............4-01 ............15 Page AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-01 code 01 Page 1 ...........4-01 ................................04 EMERGENCY DESCENT.....................4-01 ....10 TAKEOFF WITH ENGINE FAILURE AT OR ABOVE V1......4-01 .................13 ENGINE AIRSTART ENVELOPE...................4-01 ........................4-01 ............................................4-01 ..............................08 JAMMED RUDDER PEDALS .........................................................11 ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ABNORMAL LANDING GEAR EXTENSION...........12 ENGINE AIRSTART .....................4-01 ............................4-01 ............4-01 ..............................12 BLANK DISPLAY UNIT WITHOUT AUTOMATIC REVERSION.4-01 ..............4-01 ................................................................................4-01 ...........................................................09 PITCH TRIM RUNAWAY.......4-01 ..4-01 ...................................06 FORCED LANDING..10 ROLL (YAW) TRIM RUNAWAY ....................4-01 ...........07 JAMMED CONTROL COLUMN (PITCH) ......03 DITCHING ...............................................................................15 ENGINE SHUTDOWN..............................4-01 .......4-01 ..............4-01 ........... .................... 4-01............................. 21 ONE ENGINE INOPERATIVE APPROACH AND LANDING ............ 4-01........................ 4-01................ 4-01...... 20 LOSS OF PRESSURIZATION INDICATION ................ 19 LOSS OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 2 AND 3 ............... 4-01................................. 18 LOSS OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 1 AND 3 . 4-01.................. 4-01....... 23 4-01 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 ... 4-01..... 4-01....... 16 LOSS OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 1 . 15 IMPAIRED OR CRACKED WINDSHIELD ............ 16 LOSS OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 2 ...................................................... 15 LOSS OF AUXILIARY POWER UNIT INDICATIONS ..................................................................................................... 22 STRUCTURAL DAMAGE .................................EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL Block Page ABNORMAL PROCEDURES GEAR LEVER CAN NOT BE MOVED UP ..................... 22 OXYGEN LEAKAGE ............... 22 PARTIAL OR GEAR UP LANDING...................... 17 LOSS OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 1 AND 2 ............ 4-01. 4-01......................... 4-01... 4-01...................................... 4-01.... 17 LOSS OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 3 .. announce impact to the cabin. push the terrain inhibit button in. After ditching. announce emergency evacuation and set batteries to off.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CARGO COMPARTMENT FIRE LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. push the pressurization dump button in. For ditching configuration. Set the landing data. notify the cabin crew and ATC. Push the associated cargo fire-extinguishing button. After CRG AFT (FWD) FIREX HI ARM message is displayed and the associated cargo fire-extinguishing button is illuminated. pull the aural warning CBs (C7 and C31) and set no smoking/fasten belts signs and ELT to on. During approach. set transponder to 7700. set slat/flap to the maximum available deflection and push the APU emergency stop button in. set the start/stop selectors to stop. set pressurization to manual mode and hold the cabin alt controller down for 50 seconds. After 1 minute. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-01 code 01 Page 3 . push again the associated cargo fire-extinguishing button. Confirm the CRG AFT (FWD) FIREX HI ARM message extinguishes and the CRG AFT (FWD) FIREX LO ARM message is displayed. set landing gear up. confirm the CRG FWD (AFT) FIREX LO ARM message and cargo fire-extinguishing button light extinguish. At 10000 ft AGL. set the altimeters. Just before water contact. set thrust levers to idle. DITCHING For descent. At 5000 ft AGL. pull fire-extinguishing handles. NOTE: If engines are not running maintain minimum speed of 130 KIAS. ....... push in the ground proximity flap override button... For landing configuration.. the ignition(s) to override and then... for the inoperative engine(s)......10. If both engines were restarted via autorelight. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 2.. elevators and rudder) and......... set slat/flap to 3 and set VREF FULL + 20 KIAS or 130 KIAS (whichever is higher) minimum on final approach...... If one or no engine were restarted via auto relight.. set slat/flap to 3 and set VREF FULL + 20 KIAS or 130 KIAS (whichever is higher) minimum on final approach. the start/stop selector(s) to start............ maintain slat/flap to 3 and VREF FULL + 20 or 130 KIAS (whichever is higher) until the acceleration altitude is reached.. set the fuel crossfeed selector knob to low 1 and.. set the emergency lights to off and the thrust levers to idle.. Start the APU............ arm the emergency lights... after the engine(s) stabilized at idle.. the approach aids and the altimeters... elevators and rudder). reset (push in. set slat/flap to 3 and set VREF FULL + 20 KIAS or 130 KIAS minimum (whichever is higher) on final approach and accomplish the Forced Landing or Ditching Procedure. During descent. check the airstart envelope... For landing configuration. then push out) the flight controls mode buttons (spoilers.... set landing gear down..10. AFM-1385 4-01 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL ...... set the landing data. arm the emergency lights.. If the dual engine failure condition does not persist.. then push out) the flight controls mode buttons (spoilers. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 2.......EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL DUAL ENGINE FAILURE φAirspeed . If the dual engine failure condition persists.... push in the ground proximity flap override button.... arm the emergency lights. 250 KIAS MIN φRAT Manual Deploy Lever ..... If a go around is required. PULL LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT............ for landing configuration.. set ignition(s) to auto and balance fuel.. then run.. reset (push in.... set the start/stop selector(s) to stop... ................................. STOP φFire Extinguishing Handles ................................ If applicable...................................................................... 7700 φATC...... then run............................................................. NOTIFY φEmergency Evacuation ................................................................................................................................................................ NOTIFY EMERGENCY EVACUATION φEmergency/Parking Brake ....... AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-01 code 01 Page 5 ........... set the affected engine ignition to off and the start/stop selector to start................................................................ PULL and ROTATE (1-L and 2-R) φAPU Emergency Stop Button..................................... MAX/ APPROPRIATE φTransponder............................................................................................. ON φThrust Levers ..................................................................... 10000 ft or MEA WHICHEVER IS HIGHER φThrust Levers ...................................................... PUSH IN φAPU Fire Extinguishing Button...... FULL OPEN φAirspeed............. Wait 30 seconds and set the start/stop selector to stop and ignition to auto...........................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES EMERGENCY DESCENT φFasten Belts Signs ............................................................................................ STOP If an engine dry motoring is considered. PUSH IN φATC... IDLE φStart/Stop Selectors ... ON φAltitude .......................... ANNOUNCE φBatteries ...... IDLE φSpeed Brake Lever ........................... accomplish the One Engine Inoperative Approach and Landing Procedure.................... PUSH φPressurization Dump Button ...................................... OFF ENGINE ABNORMAL START φ Start/Stop Selector (affected engine)............................. ..... When appropriate.... pull and rotate the fire-extinguishing handles....... NOTE: If engines are not running maintain minimum speed of 130 KIAS and alternate gear extension may be required.. push the terrain inhibit button in..... pull the aural warning CBs (C7 and C31) and set no smoking/fasten belts signs and ELT to on and set the landing data.. At 10000 ft push the pressurization dump button in........ During approach....... Start the APU........ FORCED LANDING For descent.. For landing configuration...... Rotate the fire-extinguishing handle (to left or right)... Just before touchdown.. notify the cabin crew and ATC............. PULL LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. STOP φFire Extinguishing Handle (affected engine) .. set slat/flap to the maximum available deflection and push in the APU emergency stop button.. start/stop selectors to stop. set transponder to 7700... Wait 30 seconds. If fire persists... balance the fuel and use the autothrottle as required...... After landing..... SEPARATION SEVERE DAMAGE OR φAutothrottle . set thrust levers to idle...... announce emergency evacuation and set batteries to off.... IDLE φStart/Stop Selector (affected engine) ....... accomplish the One Engine Inoperative Approach and Landing Procedure............. limit airspeed to 200 KIAS maximum and altitude to 18000 ft maximum... set landing gear lever to down.........EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ENGINE FIRE.. DISENGAGE φThrust Lever (affected engine) .. rotate the fire-extinguishing handle to the remaining bottle.. 4-01 Page 6 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 ... If severe damage or separation exists.. set the altimeters...................... announce impact to the cabin. use APU as required.. Relevant Inoperative Item: − AOA Limit function Accomplish the AOA Limit Failure Procedure. NOTE: An unexpected difference between the total fuel quantity indicated on EICAS and the total fuel quantity indicated on the FMS Fuel Management page may indicate a fuel leak condition. If the failure occurs below 175 KIAS. For landing configuration set slat/flap to 5 and set VREF FULL + 15 KIAS minimum on final approach.. CAUTION: • DO NOT ENGAGE THE AUTOPILOT. If a go around is required. If the fuel leakage continues and is severe... PULL Identify the unrestricted control column. perform the engine shutdown procedure and pull the fire handle at the same side... • MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1...AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FUEL LEAK LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT.. NOTE: Expect lower pitch rates and authority....... the maximum speed for the remainder of the flight is 175 KIAS.. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-01 code 01 Page 7 . Set the fuel crossfeed selector to off and.. In that case.40.. the current airspeed is the maximum speed for the remainder of the flight.. JAMMED CONTROL COLUMN (PITCH) φElevator Disconnection Handle.. Use assymetric thrust to improve or maintain wing fuel balance to counteract the effect of the suspected wing fuel leak. If fuel leak is identified on the left side tank. fuel quantity or visually.. maintain VREF FULL + 15 KIAS (limited to 175 KIAS) until the acceleration altitude is reached... If the failure occurs above 175 KIAS... set APU to off...... identify the affected fuel tank. the pilot may consider to shutdown the engine at the same side as the apparent fuel leakage. using the fuel flow..... If fuel leak is identified on the right side tank. ....... CAUTION: • DO NOT ENGAGE THE AUTOPILOT. Maintain bank angle below 25º... Avoid abrupt and large aileron inputs.EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL JAMMED CONTROL WHEEL (ROLL) φAileron Disconnection Handle . NOTE: Expect lower roll rates..... the current airspeed is the maximum speed for the remainder of the flight. − Another Multi Function Spoiler pair depending on the affected side.. If the failure occurs below 175 KIAS.. For landing configuration set slat/flap to 5 and set VREF FULL + 15 KIAS minimum on final approach. • DURING LANDING.40.. 4-01 Page 8 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 .. Do not accomplish the Spoiler Fault Procedure... If a go around is required.. A CROSSWIND COMPONENT GREATER THAN 10 KT MUST BE AVOIDED. − Multi Function Spoiler L3 and R3. Rudder may be used to help controlling the airplane......... PULL Identify the unrestricted control column.. the maximum speed for the remainder of the flight is 175 KIAS. maintain VREF FULL + 15 KIAS (limited to 175 KIAS) until the acceleration altitude is reached.... Relevant Inoperative Items: − Affected side aileron.... If the failure occurs above 175 KIAS.. • MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. CAUTION: DURING LANDING. After nosewheel touchdown. Relevant Inoperative Item: − Yaw Trim. Before landing. NOTE: Use assymetric thrust for directional control. If the failure occurs below 175 KIAS. press and hold the nosewheel steering handle.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES JAMMED RUDDER PEDALS If the failure occurs above 175 KIAS. CAUTION: DO NOT RELEASE THE NOSEWHEEL STEERING HANDLE UNTIL THE AIRPLANE IS COMPLETELY STOPPED. maximum thrust on both engines may not be possible. the maximum speed for the remainder of the flight is 175 KIAS. Use assymetric thrust until nosewheel touchdown. the current airspeed is the maximum speed for the remainder of the flight. release the steering disconnect switch. If a go around is required. reduce the thrust levers and use differential braking as required. For landing configuration set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. proceed as a normal go around limiting the airspeed to 175 KIAS. NOTE: As assymetric thrust may be required to help controlling the airplane. the right seat pilot must press and hold the steering disconnect switch. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-01 code 01 Page 9 . A CROSSWIND COMPONENT GREATER THAN 10 KT MUST BE AVOIDED. PRESS φSteer the airplane using differential braking and rudder....................... press and hold the A/P disc button...... If pitch trim is normal..................... PRESS AND HOLD φPitch Trim Systems 1 and 2 Cutout Button .. WARNING: DO NOT OPEN THE SPEEDBRAKE.............................EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PITCH TRIM RUNAWAY φA/P Disc Button ............... If pitch trim is abnormal................. Push the pitch trim system 1 cutout button out and actuate the pitch trim switch............ PRESS AND HOLD Do not engage the autopilot......... STEERING RUNAWAY φSteer Disc Switch .................. push pitch trim system 1 cutout button in and push pitch trim system 2 cutout button out................... If the roll (yaw) trim does not return to normal........... Continue the flight using pitch trim system 2 only........ continue the flight using pitch trim system 1 only....................... 4-01 Page 10 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 ....... PUSH IN Release the A/P Disc button............. ROLL (YAW) TRIM RUNAWAY φA/P Disc Button ...... Prepare to overcome unexpected roll or yaw and release A/P disc button.. turn the roll (yaw) trim power electronic cb off (select on the MCDU: CB → CB MENU → CB BY SYSTEM → NEXT → FLT CTRL → ROLL TRIM PWR or YAW TRIM PWR) and release the A/P disc button....... AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-01 code 01 Page 11 ....................... rotate the airplane to 14º nose up for a flap 4 takeoff....... After retracting flaps......AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TAKEOFF WITH ENGINE FAILURE AT OR ABOVE V1 φAt VR rotate the airplane following the flight director guidance. φNOTE: In case of flight director is inoperative........ accomplish the Engine 1 (2) Failure Procedure.............. MIN V2 Maintain V2 minimum up to the acceleration altitude... select flaps up according to the following flap retraction schedule: T/O FLAP 4 2 1 3 V2 + 10 SELECT FLAPS at SPEED 2 1 V2 + 20 V2 + 30 V2 + 10 0 V2 + 50 V2 + 30 V2 + 20 Accelerate the airplane to the final segment speed (VFS) and set the engine thrust rate to continuous.... UP φAirspeed.................... At the acceleration altitude.............. φWith positive climb: φLanding Gear ..................... to 10º nose up for a flap 2 takeoff or 11º nose up for a flap 1 takeoff........... If landing gear indications are not confirmed down. 4-01 Page 12 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . reduce the associated thrust lever in order to keep vibration within normal range. Disengage the autothrottle. If other engine parameters become abnormal or exceed operating limits. reduce the associated thrust lever to idle and then advance to 70% N1 minimum. If engine vibration is not due to ice accumulation. ENGINE ABNORMAL VIBRATION The engine vibration indication on EICAS may be displayed in amber. If landing gear indications are still not confirmed down. If engine vibration is due to ice accumulation. BLANK DISPLAY UNIT WITHOUT AUTOMATIC REVERSION Select the affected side reversionary panel display selector to PFD or EICAS. accomplish the Engine Shutdown Procedure.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL LANDING GEAR EXTENSION Move landing gear lever to down and select the electrical override switch to gear down. as required. Wait 30 seconds and operate the thrust lever as required. pull the alternate gear extension lever. accomplish the Partial or Gear Up Landing Procedure. Check landing gear indications. set its start/stop selector to stop. set its ignition to auto and accomplish the One Engine Inoperative Approach and Landing Procedure. balance the fuel and accomplish the One Engine Inoperative Approach and Landing Procedure. If an engine assisted airstart is considered. set the ignition to auto and push the crossbleed button in. set the inoperative engine ignition to override and the start/stop selector to start. set its start/stop selector knob to stop. If engine 1 is the inoperative engine. For the inoperative engine. If an engine windmilling airstart is considered turn the crossbleed off. If the engine was not restarted. set N2 to 7. If the engine was restarted. push the crossbleed button in. then run. If the engine was not restarted. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-01 code 01 Page 13 . the ignition to auto. ignition to override and the start/stop selector knob to start.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ENGINE AIRSTART Disengage the autothrottle and check the airstart envelope.2% minimum. turn the APU bleed off. set the ignition to auto after engine stabilizes at idle. then run. If the engine was restarted. after engine stabilizes at idle. set the operative engine N2 to 80% minimum. KIAS 4-01 Page 14 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 .ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ENGINE AIRSTART ENVELOPE 30000 REGION 1.WINDMILLING START ONLY REGION 3 .ASSISTED or WINDMILLING START 25000 21000 20000 2 ALTITUDE .10NOV03 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 INDICATED AIRSPEED .FT 3 15000 1 10000 8000 5000 170CTA05 .ASSISTED START ONLY REGION 2 . maintain landing gear down. reduce the thrust lever to idle and the start/stop selector to stop. If a go around is required. accomplish the One Engine Inoperative Approach and Landing Procedure. ENGINE SHUTDOWN LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. (Continues on the next page) AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-01 code 01 Page 15 . Disengage the autothrottle. If the wire can be seen without a gap the crack is in the outer layer. and if there is a wire discontinuity. For the affected engine. IMPAIRED OR CRACKED WINDSHIELD Turn off the affected windshield heating and close the cockpit door. the crack may be located on the middle and/or inner layers. GEAR LEVER CAN NOT BE MOVED UP Maintain landing gear lever at down position and accomplish the Landing Gear Weight-On-Wheels System Failure Procedure. If only the outer layer is cracked. NOTE: There is a windshield heating wire between the middle and outer layers that can be used as a reference to determine which layer is cracked.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ENGINE ITT OVERTEMPERATURE The ITT pointer and digits will be flashing in red. When appropriate. NOTE: The downlock override button may be pressed to move the landing gear lever up if climb performance is required to clear obstacles. continue the flight. Start the APU and balance the fuel. Disengage the autothrottle and reduce the affected engine thrust lever in order to keep ITT within limits. ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL (Continued from the previous page) If the inner or/and middle layer is cracked. If the APU RPM or APU EGT indication on EICAS is displayed in amber dashes and APU is essential for the flight. − Ground Spoilers L2 and R2.Expect lower roll rates and lower speedbrake efficiency.Do not accomplish the Spoiler Fault Procedure. While descending. press the APU emergency stop button. L4 and R4. − Autopilot − Engine 1 Reverser. − Outboard Brakes. During descent. If any APU fault message is displayed on EICAS. turn both packs off and check forward visibility. Relevant Inoperative Items: − Multi Function Spoilers L3. R3. select pressurization to manual mode and increase cabin altitude. If both sides are impaired. LOSS OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 1 NOTE: . LOSS OF INDICATIONS AUXILIARY POWER UNIT If the APU RPM or APU EGT indication on EICAS is displayed in amber dashes and APU is not essential for the flight. maintain cabin altitude at 10000 ft. the pilot flying must be on the nonimpaired side. press the APU emergency stop button. limit airspeed to 220 KIAS maximum and limit altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher). (Continues on the next page) AFM-1385 4-01 Page 16 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL . monitor APU fault messages. If only one side is not impaired. . CAUTION: ACCOMPLISH THE DESCENT IN A MAXIMUM OF 15 MINUTES. At or below 10000 ft. set the APU master selector to OFF and do not restart the APU. set the APU master selector to OFF and do not restart the APU. limit airspeed to 140 KIAS maximum and open the direct vision window. Plan a long final approach. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-01 code 01 Page 17 .80. − Inboard Brakes.90. elevator. maintain landing gear down. set the landing gear lever to down. − Ground Spoilers L1 and R1. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL (Continued from the previous page) Plan a long final approach. − Landing Gear retraction and normal extension. For landing configuration.Do not accomplish the Spoiler Fault Procedure. − Engine 2 Reverser. ABNORMAL PROCEDURES For landing configuration. set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. LOSS OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 2 NOTE: . pull the alternate gear extension lever.H. − Nosewheel Steering. rudder and ailerons will not be available. Relevant Inoperative Items: − Multi Function Spoilers L5 and R5. . LOSS OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 3 Back up hydraulic power to the R. If a go around is required.Expect lower roll rates and lower speedbrake efficiency. set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. − Autopilot.Do not accomplish the Elevator Fault and the Spoiler Fault Procedures. For landing configuration set landing gear down. L5 and R5. maintain landing gear down. Elevator. − Nosewheel Steering. Relevant Inoperative Items: − L. slat/flap 5 and VREF FULL + 10 KIAS until the acceleration altitude is reached.Expect lower roll and pitch rates. − Speedbrake.H. Plan a long final approach. pull the alternate gear extension lever. 4-01 Page 18 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . − Outboard and Inboard Brakes.70. NOTE: .Apply the Emergency/Parking Brake to stop the airplane monitoring the Emergency/Parking Brake light.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL LOSS OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 1 AND 2 LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT.When the Emergency/Parking Brake light is on. . . L2 and R2. . If a go around is required. maintain steady pressure since the Anti-Skid protection is not available. − Landing Gear retraction and normal extension. set slat/flap to 5 and set VREF FULL + 10 KIAS minimum on final approach. R1. − Multi Function Spoilers L3. R3. R4. − Ground Spoilers L1. L4. − Engine 1 and Engine 2 Reversers. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 2. − Engine 1 Reverser. R3. − Autopilot. − Outboard Brakes.30. • MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 2. .AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES LOSS OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 1 AND 3 LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. NOTE: . AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-01 code 01 Page 19 . L4 and R4.Expect lower roll rates and lower speedbrake efficiency.Do not accomplish the Spoiler Fault Procedure. Relevant Inoperative Items: − Rudder. For landing configuration set slat/flap to 5 and set VREF FULL + 10 KIAS minimum on final approach. − Multi Function Spoilers L3. CAUTION: • AVOID LANDING WITH CROSSWIND COMPONENTS ABOVE 10 KNOTS. − Ground Spoilers L2 and R2. NOTE: . 4-01 Page 20 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . .20.Expect lower roll and pitch rates and lower speedbrake efficiency.Do not accomplish the Elevator Fault and the Spoiler Fault Procedures. − Ground Spoilers L1 and R1. CAUTION: • AVOID LANDING WITH CROSSWIND COMPONENTS ABOVE 10 KTS. − Landing Gear retraction and normal extension. − Nosewheel Steering. maintain landing gear down.H. If a go around is required. Relevant Inoperative Items: − R. set landing gear down. Plan a long final approach. set slat/flap to 5 and set VREF FULL + 10 KIAS minimum on final approach. − Inboard Brakes. − Engine 2 Reverser. pull the alternate gear extension lever.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL LOSS OF HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 2 AND 3 LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. For landing configuration. − Multi Function Spoilers L5 and R5. − Ailerons. slat/flap 5 and VREF FULL + 10 KIAS until the acceleration altitude is reached. • MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 2. Elevator. 3 7.0 6.3 8.2 8.6 6.3 8.1 8.9 5.6 7.2 5.4 6.7 6.2 8.6 4.3 8.3 8.3 4.2 8.3 8.5 5.1 8.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES LOSS OF PRESSURIZATION INDICATION Use the remaining indications to maintain cabin altitude below 10000 ft.8 6.7 7.4 7.1 7.2 6.9 8.3 AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-01 code 01 Page 21 . according to the table below: AIRPLANE ALTITUDE (ft) CABIN ALTITUDE (ft) DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE (PSID) 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 20000 21000 22000 23000 24000 25000 26000 27000 28000 29000 30000 31000 32000 33000 34000 35000 36000 37000 38000 39000 40000 41000 600 700 800 1000 1100 1300 1500 1600 1800 2000 2200 2500 2700 2900 3100 3400 3700 3900 4200 4400 4700 5000 5300 5600 5900 6200 6500 6800 7100 7400 7700 8000 4.8 7.5 7.9 7.0 8. NOTE: In case of flight director guidance is inoperative. PARTIAL OR GEAR UP LANDING Plan to land on available gear and burn off fuel to reduce touchdown speed. After landing. Just before touchdown. Prior to approach. set thrust levers to idle. rotate the airplane to 8º nose up. set landing gear down. press the go around button.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ONE ENGINE INOPERATIVE APPROACH AND LANDING During descent. If a go around is required. set slat/flap to 5 and set VREF FULL + 20 KIAS minimum on final approach. advance thrust levers to TOGA position. push the pressurization dump button in. pull and rotate the fire extinguishing handles. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. C31). announce emergency evacuation and set batteries to off. If a go around is required. rotate the airplane following the flight director guidance and set slat/flap to 2. set the start/stop selectors to stop. notify the cabin crew. AFM-1385 4-01 Page 22 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL . For landing configuration. announce to the cabin. set landing data. set landing gear down and slat/flap to full position.50. approach aids and altimeters. maintain landing gear down. pull the Aural Warning CB´s (C7. OXYGEN LEAKAGE Turn on no smoking signs. With positive climb. set landing gear up and set the airspeed to the approach climb speed (flaps 2). turn the APU off. actuate the oxygen test/reset button and maintain altitude as required. limit altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher) and press the pressurization dump button in when reaching 10000 ft. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-01 code 01 Page 23 . If the fuselage is damaged. Establish landing configuration early. Limit the airspeed to 200 KIAS maximum.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES STRUCTURAL DAMAGE LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-01 Page 24 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . .......... 4-02............................................................. 4-02.........................3 AFM-1385 ................................ 4-02.............................................. 4-02...........04 EMERGENCY LIGHT NOT ARMED ....................................04 ADVISORY EMERGENCY LIGHT BATTERY FAULT .....................04 DOOR FUELING OPEN ........................... 4-02...........04 EMERGENCY LIGHT ON...04 DOOR HYDRAULIC OPEN ..................................... 4-02.............. 4-02............ 4-02..................03 CAUTION DOOR FORWARD (CENTER) ELECTRONIC BAY OPEN ........05 4-02 Page 1 code 01 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2..03 DOOR PASSENGER (SERVICE) FORWARD (AFT) OPEN.EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL AIRPLANE GENERAL (DOORS/LIGHTING/CARGO COMPARTMENT) TABLE OF CONTENTS Block Page WARNING DOOR CARGO FORWARD (AFT) OPEN..................... ..... 04 EMERGENCY LIGHT ON....................... 4-02 ............................. 04 AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-02 code 01 Page 1 ... 03 CAUTION DOOR FORWARD (CENTER) ELECTRONIC BAY OPEN ............................ 04 EMERGENCY LIGHT NOT ARMED . 4-02 ..................................... 4-02 ................................................................. 04 DOOR HYDRAULIC OPEN . 4-02 ............................. 03 DOOR PASSENGER (SERVICE) FORWARD (AFT) OPEN ................................................................................ 4-02 .. 4-02 . 04 DOOR FUELING OPEN .....................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE GENERAL (DOORS/LIGHTING/CARGO COMPARTMENT) TABLE OF CONTENTS Block Page WARNING DOOR CARGO FORWARD (AFT) OPEN ....... 4-02 ................... EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-02 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . continue the flight monitoring the pressurization. push the pressurization dump button in. If pressurization is abnormal. At 10000 ft. If less than two door indicators are in green. continue the flight monitoring the pressurization. push the pressurization dump button in. If pressurization is abnormal. limit the altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher). push the pressurization dump button in. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-02 code 01 Page 3 . If at least two door indicators are in green. DOOR PASSENGER (SERVICE) FORWARD (AFT) OPEN Turn the fasten seat belts signs on. LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. If pressurization is normal. LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. limit the altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher). At 10000 ft.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES DOOR CARGO FORWARD (AFT) OPEN If pressurization is normal. limit the altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher). At 10000 ft. check the door indicators on the affected door. DOOR FUELING OPEN Monitor the airplane systems. EMERGENCY LIGHT NOT ARMED Arm the emergency lights.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL DOOR FORWARD (CENTER) ELECTRONIC BAY OPEN If pressurization is abnormal. limit the altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher). DOOR HYDRAULIC OPEN Limit the airspeed to 250 KIAS maximum. 4-02 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . EMERGENCY LIGHT ON Set the emergency lights to off and then to armed. 3 4-02 code 01 Page 5 .AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES EMERGENCY LIGHT BATTERY FAULT Do not takeoff. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2. 3 AFM-1385 .ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-02 Page 6 code 01 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2. .......................................................................................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AMS (PNEUMATICS....................4-04 ...4-04 ..05 PACK 1 (2) FAILURE.........4-04 .......................4-04 ..............................4-04 ...........06 PACK 1 (2) OFF ............4-04 .....................................03 CAUTION AMS CONTROLLER FAILURE ............4-04 .......................04 CABIN DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE FAILURE ...................................05 PACK 2 LEAKAGE ..............05 CENTER ELECTRONIC BAY FANS FAILURE..4-04 ..........................................06 RECIRCULATION SMOKE DETECTION FAILURE .....................................4-04 ...4-04 ................05 FORWARD ELECTRONIC BAY FANS FAILURE.........06 Page AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-04 code 01 Page 1 .............04 BLEED 1 (2) LEAKAGE .....................06 ADVISORY BLEED 1 (2) OFF .4-04 ............4-04 .........................................................................05 PRESSURIZATION AUTO FAILURE .....................4-04 ...........................4-04 ........05 CARGO FORWARD VENTILATION FAILURE......06 PRESSURIZATION MANUAL FAILURE .............04 BLEED APU LEAKAGE ...............................................................4-04 .04 BLEED 1 (2) FAILURE.............. AIR CONDITIONING/PRESSURIZATION) TABLE OF CONTENTS Block WARNING CABIN ALTITUDE HIGH ..............4-04 ........................................... EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-04 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . If the PAX OXY NOT DEPLOYED message is presented.......................................................................... AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-04 code 01 Page 3 ............ DON. set the passenger oxygen selector to OVRD.............................................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CABIN ALTITUDE HIGH φCrew Oxygen Masks............. 10000 ft or MEA......................................... FULL OPEN φAirspeed.................................................... ESTABLISH φAltitude .. IDLE φSpeed Brake .................... MAX/ APPROPRIATE φTransponder........................................................................... NOTIFY Monitor the cabin altitude........................................................................ 100 % φCrew Communication.................................. 7700 φATC........................... WHICHEVER IS HIGHER φThrust Levers ............................................... turn the opposite side bleed off. push the pressurization dump button in. BLEED 1 (2) FAILURE Turn off the affected bleed and wait 1 minute. If the message BLEED APU LEAK persists. If the BLEED 1 (2) LEAK message persists and the respective BLEED 1 (2) OFF message is not displayed. turn also the APU bleed off. turn bleed 1 and the crossbleed off and verify BLEED 1 OFF and XBLEED SW OFF messages are displayed on EICAS. If the BLEED 1 (2) LEAK message persists and the respective BLEED 1 (2) OFF message is also displayed.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL AMS CONTROLLER FAILURE Exit and avoid icing conditions and limit the altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher) maximum. If the message BLEED APU LEAK still persists.Assisted crossbleed start is not available. Limit the altitude to 31000 ft maximum and wait 3 minutes. For Bleed 1 Leak. BLEED APU LEAKAGE Turn off APU bleed and wait 3 minutes.Pneumatic assisted engine start APU is not available. press the APU emergency stop button to turn the APU off. reduce the associated thrust levers to idle and. . NOTE: . At 10000 ft push the pressurization dump button in. accomplish the One Engine Inoperative Approach and Landing Procedure. limit the altitude to 31000 ft maximum. BLEED 1 (2) LEAKAGE Turn the affected bleed off and the crossbleed off. turn the affected bleed on. when applicable. If the BLEED 1 (2) FAIL message persists. At 10000 ft. If the BLEED 1 (2) FAIL message extinguishes. the APU bleed off and limit the altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher) maximum. Exit and avoid icing conditions. 4-04 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-04 code 01 Page 5 . If the PACK 2 LEAK message persists. turn the affected pack off and limit the altitude to 31000 ft maximum. If the indication is negative. wait 1 minute and operate the associated temperature controller normally. check its indication. If the PACK 1 (2) FAIL message persists. PACK 2 LEAKAGE Turn pack 2 off and limit the altitude to 31000 ft maximum. If the indication is positive. PACK 1 (2) FAILURE Set the associated cabin temperature controllers to 12 o’clock position and turn the affected pack off. reduce the airplane descent rate. turn off both packs and limit the altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher) maximum.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES CABIN DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE FAILURE If the cabin differential pressure reached the red limit. CENTER ELECTRONIC BAY FANS FAILURE LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. exit and avoid icing conditions. Wait 3 minutes. LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. FORWARD ELECTRONIC BAY FANS FAILURE If the TRU 1 (2) FAIL is displayed. Wait 1 minute and turn the affected pack on. If the PACK 1 (2) FAIL message extinguishes. turn bleed 2 off and the crossbleed off. CARGO FORWARD VENTILATION FAILURE LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. 4-04 Page 6 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . At 10000 ft. At 25000 ft. PACK 1 (2) OFF Limit the altitude to 31000 ft maximum. If the PRESN AUTO FAIL message persists. PRESSURIZATION MANUAL FAILURE Limit the altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher) maximum. SMOKE DETECTION BLEED 1 (2) OFF Limit the altitude to 31000 ft maximum. hold the cabin alt controller up for 50 seconds. turn one pack off. turn the remaining pack off. set the pressurization to manual and control the cabin altitude according to the pressurization conversion table (see non annunciated procedures block). then to auto.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PRESSURIZATION AUTO FAILURE Set the pressurization to manual. At 5000 ft AGL. RECIRCULATION FAILURE Turn off the recirculation fan. ...03 AUTOPILOT PITCH TRIM FAILURE ..03 AUTOPILOT PITCH MISTRIM............................................... 4-06......04 STALL PROTECTION FAILURE ................03 AUTOTHROTTLE FAILURE ............................................................................................EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL AUTOFLIGHT TABLE OF CONTENTS Block Page CAUTION AUTOPILOT FAILURE. 4-06...3 AFM-1385 .......03 FLIGHT DIRECTOR LATERAL MODE OFF.............................................. 4-06............04 SHAKER ANTICIPATED........................ 4-06................... 4-06........................................ 4-06..04 ADVISORY STALL PROTECTION FAULT ..........................04 FLIGHT DIRECTOR VERTICAL MODE OFF ........03 AUTOTHROTTLE NOT IN HOLD .................05 4-06 Page 1 code 01 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2.................................. 4-06.... 4-06............................................................................03 AUTOPILOT ROLL MISTRIM ..... 4-06............. 4-06................. 4-06................ .................... 4-06 .........................................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AUTOFLIGHT TABLE OF CONTENTS Block Page CAUTION AUTOPILOT FAILURE ................................................. 03 AUTOTHROTTLE FAILURE ............................ 4-06 .................................................................... 04 SHAKER ANTICIPATED .................. 4-06 ........ 04 FLIGHT DIRECTOR VERTICAL MODE OFF ............................................. 03 AUTOPILOT PITCH TRIM FAILURE .......................... 04 STALL PROTECTION FAILURE .......... 4-06 ............. 4-06 ............. 4-06 ..... 4-06 .................................... 03 AUTOTHROTTLE NOT IN HOLD ........................... 03 FLIGHT DIRECTOR LATERAL MODE OFF ........ 03 AUTOPILOT ROLL MISTRIM... 4-06 ........... 4-06 .... 04 AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-06 code 01 Page 1 ............... 03 AUTOPILOT PITCH MISTRIM ....... 4-06 .......... EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-06 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . disengage the autopilot and trim the airplane. AUTOTHROTTLE NOT IN HOLD Disengage the autothrottle. The autopilot may be available for reengagement. AUTOPILOT PITCH MISTRIM Hold the control wheel firmly. AUTOTHROTTLE FAILURE Operate the thrust levers manually. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-06 code 01 Page 3 . disengage the autopilot and trim the airplane.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AUTOPILOT FAILURE Fly the airplane manually. AUTOPILOT PITCH TRIM FAILURE Hold the control wheel firmly. AUTOPILOT ROLL MISTRIM Trim the airplane using roll trim. For landing configuration. If the FLAP (SLAT) FAIL message is not displayed. STALL PROTECTION FAILURE Avoid side slipping the airplane. set slat/flap full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. If the slats or flaps are in an intermediate position. set VREF FULL + 15 KIAS minimum on final approach. 4-06 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS LANDING DISTANCE BY 1.5 MACH maximum. If the FLAP (SLAT) FAIL message is displayed. SHAKER ANTICIPATED Avoid side slipping the airplane and limit the airspeed to 0. FULL UNFACTORED + 10 KIAS minimum on UNFACTORED CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS LANDING DISTANCE BY 1.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL FLIGHT DIRECTOR LATERAL MODE OFF Select a flight director lateral mode. set slat/flap to 5 or set slat/flap to full. For landing with slat/flap full.22. For landing with slat/flap 5. slats and flaps external marks can be used to determine the slat and flap position. set VREF final approach. Use the table presented on the Flap (Slat) Fail Procedure to choose the proper landing reference data.40. FLIGHT DIRECTOR VERTICAL MODE OFF Select a flight director vertical mode. the pilot must consider the first consequent more retracted position of the failed surface than the one indicated on the external marks. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES STALL PROTECTION FAULT Do not takeoff.3 4-06 code 01 Page 5 . 3 AFM-1385 .ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-06 Page 6 code 01 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2. ...................... 4-08 ..................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AUXILIARY POWER UNIT TABLE OF CONTENTS Block Page CAUTION APU FAILURE ......................... 03 APU OIL HIGH TEMPERATURE .. 4-08 ..................... 03 APU OIL LOW PRESSURE ............... 03 AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-08 code 01 Page 1 .................. 03 APU FAULT .................................................. 4-08 ............................................ 4-08 ........................................ EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-08 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . turn the APU bleed off. turn off the APU and do not restart it. If the abnormal indication does not remain. APU OIL LOW PRESSURE Accomplish the APU Fault Procedure. APU FAULT If APU is not essential for the flight. the APU can be restarted according to the starter limitations. If APU is essential for the flight and any APU indication is abnormal. turn it off even if the indications on EICAS are normal. If the abnormal indication remains. turn the APU off. APU OIL HIGH TEMPERATURE Accomplish the APU Fault Procedure. If the APU FAIL message was displayed during APU normal operation. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-08 code 01 Page 3 . continue the flight.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES APU FAILURE If the APU FAIL message was displayed during APU start. ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-08 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . .......AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ELECTRICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Block WARNING BATTERY DISCHARGING............................................. 06 AC STANDBY BUS OFF ... 12 AFM-1385 Page CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-10 code 01 Page 1 ............. 12 TRU ESSENTIAL FAILURE ............ 06 AC ESSENTIAL BUS OFF ............................ 4-10..................................................... 4-10.......... 4-10...................... 07 BATTERY 2 OFF ..................................................................... 4-10.... 4-10.......................................................................... 4-10......... 4-10...................................... 4-10........ 03 BATTERY 1-2 OFF............................................. 03 BATTERY 1 (2) OVERTEMPERATURE ............... 4-10................................................. 07 APU GENERATOR OFF BUS ............................. 4-10........................... 4-10..... 4-10.......................... 03 ELECTRICAL EMERGENCY.......... 08 DC ESSENTIAL BUS 1 OFF ........................ 4-10..................................... 4-10.... 12 IDG 1 (2) OFF BUS ........................... 07 DC BUS 1 OFF .. 04 CAUTION AC BUS 1 OFF ..................................................................................... 4-10............................ 4-10................................... 07 BATTERY 1 OFF ................................................................ 4-10....................................................... 11 GPU CONNECTED ..................................... 12 TRU 1 (2) FAILURE............... 09 DC ESSENTIAL BUS 2 OFF ........................... 06 AC BUS 2 OFF ............................. 4-10............................... 4-10............................................................. 08 DC BUS 2 OFF ...... 12 IDG 1 (2) OIL ........................ 07 BATTERY 1 (2) DISCHARGING ...................................................... 10 DC ESSENTIAL BUS 3 OFF .................................. 4-10................................................................................... 4-10. 4-10................................... EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-10 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . .AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES BATTERY DISCHARGING LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT... AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-10 code 01 Page 3 ..... OFF NOTE: Do not start the APU................... NOTE: APU start is not available................. BATTERY 1 (2) OVERTEMPERATURE φAssociated Battery ............. BATTERY 1-2 OFF LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. exit and avoid icing conditions and limit the altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher) maximum. then out) the flight controls mode buttons (spoilers.10. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 2. arm the emergency lights. 4 and 5 CCD 2 Flight Director 1 and 2 − FMS 1 − MCDU 1 − GPS 1 Weather Radar Yaw Damper Radio Altimeters 1 and 2 Windshear Detection Nosewheel Steering Ground Spoilers L1. R4. reset (push in. NOTE: Only two APU start attempts are allowed. R3. For landing configuration. then to auto) IDG 1 and IDG 2 and set the emergency lights to off. Limit the airspeed to 130 KIAS minimum. L2 and R2 Multi Function Spoilers L3. L4. push in the ground proximity flap override button. start the APU. reset (set to off. If ELEC EMERGENCY message persists.EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ELECTRICAL EMERGENCY LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. If ELEC EMERGENCY message extinguishes. Relevant Inoperative Items: − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − ADS 1 and 2 IRS 2 TAT 1 and 2 AOA Limit Autothrottle Autopilot Display Unit 1. elevators and rudder). Speedbrake Engine 1 and Engine 2 Reversers Fuel AC Pump 1 Pack 1 and 2 Ice Detectors 1 and 2 (Continues on the next page) 4-10 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . set slat/flap to 3 and set VREF FULL + 20 KIAS or 130 KIAS (whichever is higher) minimum on final approach. R1. deploy the RAT manually and set TRU 1 and TRU 2 to off. L5 and R5. If BATT DISCHARGING message is presented. . push in the ground proximity flap override button. . If a go around is required. arm the emergency lights. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 2. set slat/flap to 3 and maintain VREF FULL + 20 KIAS or 130 KIAS (whichever is higher) minimum on final approach.10. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-10 code 01 Page 5 . maintain slat/flap 3 and VREF FULL + 20 KIAS or 130 KIAS (whichever is higher) until the acceleration altitude is reached. For landing configuration.Avoid side slipping the airplane.On ground.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL (Continued from the previous page) Relevant Inoperative Items: − − EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TCAS − NAVCOM 2 − Anti-Ice System Windshield Heater 1 and 2 − Windshield Wiper 1 and 2 NOTE: .The slats and flaps will operate at low rate. use differential braking and rudder to steer the airplane. − Windshield Wiper 1. − Windshield Heater 1. NOTE: The flaps will operate at low rate. 4-10 Page 6 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . − Ice Detector 2.The flaps and slats will operate at low rate. NOTE: .ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL AC BUS 1 OFF Relevant Inoperative Items: − − − − − Fuel AC Pump 1. AC BUS 2 OFF Relevant Inoperative Items: − − Hydraulic System 1 Electrical Pump.Fuel Crossfeed Low 2 is not available. Hydraulic System 2 Electrical Pump. Windshield Wiper 2. Ice Detector 1 NOTE: . When flying in icing conditions. When flying in icing conditions. .The slats will operate at low rate. Windshield Heater 2. Relevant Inoperative Items: − − Fuel AC Pump 2. set the ice protection mode to on and return it to auto 2 minutes after exiting icing conditions. AC ESSENTIAL BUS OFF Set the TRU ESS to off. Hydraulic System 3 Electrical Pump A. Hydraulic System 3 Electrical Pump B.Fuel Crossfeed Low 1 is not available. . set the ice protection mode to on and return it to auto 2 minutes after exiting icing conditions. AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AC STANDBY BUS OFF Monitor electrical system. If the BATT 1 (2) DISCHARGING message persists. BATTERY 2 OFF Verify battery 2 is set to auto. NOTE: If battery 1 selector is off. turn the APU generator off. BATTERY 1 (2) DISCHARGING Select the affected TRU to off and then to auto. BATTERY 1 OFF Verify battery 1 is set to on. Relevant Inoperative Items: − Ignition 1A − Ignition 2A NOTE: Engine Start with batteries only is not available. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-10 code 01 Page 7 . select the affected TRU to off. If the APU GEN OFF message persists. then on. APU start is not available. APU GENERATOR OFF BUS Turn the APU generator off. L4 and R4. set the emergency lights to off and limit the altitude to 31000 ft maximum.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL DC BUS 1 OFF Disengage the autothrottle. set slat/flap to full and VREF FULL minimum on final approach. Relevant Inoperative Items: − − Autopilot − Autothrottle 1 − MCDU 1 − CCD 2 − ADS 1 − Pack 1 − Display Unit 1 − Display Unit 4 Engine 1 Reverser − PTU − Hydraulic System 2 Electrical Pump − Radio Altimeter 1 − Multi Function Spoiler L5 and R5 − Weather Radar − Windshield Wiper 2 − Windshield Heater 2 NOTE: The slats will operate at low rate. arm the emergency lights. For landing configuration. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. Relevant Inoperative Items: − − Display Unit 5 − ADS 2 − Pack 2 − Multi Function Spoilers L3.15. − Roll Trim − Autothrottle 2 − Engine 2 Reverser − Nosewheel Steering − Hydraulic Sytem 1 Electrical Pump − Hydraulic System 3 Electrical Pump B Transponder 2 − NAVCOM 2 − Radio Altimeter 2 − Engines Vibration Indications − TCAS − HF Transceiver − Speedbrake − Winshield Heater 1 − Windshield Wiper 1 − Pedal Adjustment Switch (Continues on the next page) 4-10 Page 8 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . R3. DC BUS 2 OFF Disengage the autothrottle and limit the altitude to 31000 ft maximum. AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL (Continued from the previous page) ABNORMAL PROCEDURES For landing configuration, set slat/flap to full and VREF FULL minimum on final approach. On ground, use differential braking and rudder to steer the airplane. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1.20. DC ESSENTIAL BUS 1 OFF LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. Exit and avoid icing conditions and set battery 1 to off. Relevant Inoperative Items: − − Display Unit 3 − ADS 1 − Multi Function Spoilers L5 and R5 − Outboard Brakes. − Engine 1 Start Valve − Ignition 1A − Ignition 2A − Hydraulic Sytem 2 Depressurization Valve − Hydraulic System 3 Electrical Pump A NOTE: - APU − RAT Automatic Deployment − Digital Audio Panel 1 − NAVCOM 1 − Transponder 1 − Master Caution 1 − Oil Pressure Indication 1 − Fuel Quantity 1 Indication − Fwd LAV Smoke Detection Compass internal light will be lost. FADEC will set flight idle on ground. The flaps will operate at low rate. Engine 2 windmill start is not available. Thrust Reversers, Wing Anti-Ice and Ground Idle may not be available. - Expect lower roll rates and lower speedbrake efficiency. - Do not accomplish the Spoiler Fault Procedure. For landing configuration, set slat/flap to full and VREF FULL minimum on final approach. (Continues on the next page) AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-10 code 01 Page 9 ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL (Continued from the previous page) On ground, apply brakes normally and use the emergency/parking brake if necessary. THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE CAUTION: • APPLY MONITORING THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE LIGHT. • WHEN THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE LIGHT IS ON, MAINTAIN STEADY PRESSURE SINCE THE ANTISKID PROTECTION IS NOT AVAILABLE. • MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1.70. DC ESSENTIAL BUS 2 OFF LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. Exit and avoid icing conditions and set battery 2 to off. Relevant Inoperative Items: − − Display Unit 2 − CCD 1 − ADS 3 − IESS − ADS Standby − MCDU 2 − TCAS − Master Warning/Caution 2 − Aural Warning 2 − − Digital Audio Panel 2 Multi Function Spoilers L3, R3, L4 and R4 Inboard Brakes − DC Fuel Pump − Fuel Quantity 2 Indication − Fuel Crossfeed Operation − APU Fire Extinguishing − APU Fuel Shutoff Valve − APU Fire Detection − Aft LAV Smoke Detection − Engine 2 Oil Pressure Indication − Engine 1 and Engine 2 Reversers − Hydraulic System 1 Depressurization Valve (Continues on the next page) AFM-1385 4-10 Page 10 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL (Continued from the previous page) NOTE: - ABNORMAL PROCEDURES The slats will operate at low rate. FADEC will set flight idle on ground. Engine 1 windmill start is not available. Thrust Reversers, Wing Anti-Ice and Ground Idle may not be available. - Expect lower roll rates and lower speedbrake efficiency. - Do not accomplish the Spoiler Fault Procedure. Turn the APU off. For landing configuration, set slat/flap to full and VREF FULL minimum on final approach. On ground, apply brakes normally and use the emergency/parking brake if necessary. THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE CAUTION: • APPLY MONITORING THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE LIGHT. • WHEN THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE LIGHT IS ON, MAINTAIN STEADY PRESSURE SINCE THE ANTISKID PROTECTION IS NOT AVAILABLE. • MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1.80. DC ESSENTIAL BUS 3 OFF Set the TRU ESS to off. If DC ESSENTIAL BUS 3 OFF message persists, turn the APU off. The following relevant items will be inoperative: − − Radio Altimeter 3 ADS 2 − Internal Light of All Switches − Pax Address − − Fuel Crossfeed Valve Landing Gear Override Switch − Rudder Trim − Cargo Compartment Fire Bottles NOTE: The flaps will operate at low rate. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-10 code 01 Page 11 IDG 1 (2) OFF BUS Select the affected IDG to off and then to auto. TRU 1 (2) FAILURE Select the affected TRU to off and then to auto. TRU ESSENTIAL FAILURE Select the TRU ESS to off.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL GPU CONNECTED Disconnect GPU before starting taxi. select the affected TRU to off. IDG 1 (2) OIL Disconnect the affected IDG. If the TRU 1 (2) FAIL message persists. If the IDG 1 (2) OFF message persists. select the affected IDG to off and use APU as required. 4-10 Page 12 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . .................... 4-12. 06 ENGINE 1 (2) THRUST LEVER ANGLE FAILURE............ 06 ENGINE EXCEEDANCE ........................................ 07 ENGINE THRUST LEVER ANGLE NOT TOGA .................................. 06 ENGINE NO TAKEOFF DATA . 05 ENGINE 1 (2) FUEL LOW PRESSURE .......... 4-12............................................................................. 4-12............................................... 05 ENGINE 1 (2) REVERSER THRUST LEVER ANGLE FAILURE............................................ 4-12............................................... 4-12... 4-12................................. 4-12.................... 04 ENGINE 1 (2) FADEC OVERTEMPERATURE ........ 4-12. 4-12............ 4-12........................ 05 ENGINE 1 (2) REVERSER PROTECTION FAULT. 05 ENGINE 1 (2) REVERSER FAILURE........................ 4-12...............................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ENGINE TABLE OF CONTENTS Block WARNING ENGINE 1 (2) REVERSER DEPLOYED ..................... 03 CAUTION ENGINE 1 (2) CONTROL FAULT .................... 4-12................. 4-12..................... 05 ENGINE 1 (2) NO DISPATCH .................................. 4-12.... 04 ENGINE 1 (2) FUEL IMPENDING BYPASS.............. 07 Page AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-12 code 01 Page 1 .. 4-12................... 06 ENGINE 1 (2) T2 HEATER FAILURE....................................... 03 ENGINE 1 (2) OIL LOW PRESSURE........ 05 ENGINE 1 (2) OIL LOW LEVEL ............ 06 ENGINE REFERENCE ANTI-ICE DISAGREE.......... 4-12....... 4-12... 4-12........ 4-12................. 05 ENGINE 1 (2) STARTER VALVE OPENED ...................... 4-12........... 07 ENGINE THRUST RATING DISAGREE ... 06 ENGINE REFERENCE ECS DISAGREE ................ 04 ENGINE 1 (2) FAILURE ...................... 4-12..................... EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-12 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ENGINE 1 (2) REVERSER DEPLOYED LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. If any buffeting is noticed. Disengage the autothrottle and set the affected thrust lever to idle. start the APU and balance the fuel. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-12 code 01 Page 3 . accomplish the One Engine Inoperative Approach and Landing Procedure. set the start stop selector (affected engine) to stop. accomplish the Engine Shutdown Procedure. ENGINE 1 (2) OIL LOW PRESSURE If the affected oil pressure indication is abnormal. When appropriate. PULL (DO NOT ROTATE) THE ASSOCIATED FIREEXTINGUISHING HANDLE. If the affected engine was not succesfully restarted via autorelight. 4-12 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . If fuel leak is not suspected and a restart is considered. set the start/stop selectors to stop and start the APU. If fuel leak is suspected. accomplish the Engine Shutdown Procedure. accomplish the Engine Airstart Procedure.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ENGINE 1 (2) CONTROL FAULT Disengage the autothrottle. CAUTION: IF THE ENGINE DOES NOT SHUTDOWN. CAUTION: AVOID QUICK THRUST LEVER MOVEMENT. If fuel leak is not suspected and a restart is not considered. ENGINE 1 (2) FADEC OVERTEMPERATURE If the respective engine parameters are abnormal. HIGH ENGINE THRUST OPERATION AND THRUST REVERSER. ENGINE 1 (2) FAILURE LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. Reduce the associated thrust lever to idle. accomplish the One Engine Inoperative Approach and Landing Procedure. accomplish the Fuel Leak Procedure. accomplish the Engine Shutdown Procedure. If it is not possible to control engine thrust for the affected engine. the associated thrust reverser is not available. If fuel leak is suspected. Disengage the autothrottle. ENGINE 1 (2) OIL LOW LEVEL Do not takeoff. ENGINE 1 (2) REVERSER THRUST LEVER ANGLE FAILURE On ground. Inflight. ENGINE 1(2) REVERSER PROTECTION FAULT Do not takeoff. ENGINE 1 (2) NO DISPATCH Do not takeoff. ENGINE 1 (2) FUEL LOW PRESSURE Verify the fuel crossfeed is off. do not move the thrust levers below idle. ENGINE 1 (2) REVERSER FAILURE Do not takeoff. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-12 code 01 Page 5 .AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ENGINE 1 (2) FUEL IMPENDING BYPASS If both ENG 1 FUEL IMP BYPASS and ENG 2 FUEL IMP BYPASS messages are displayed. accomplish the Fuel Leak Procedure. LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. reduce the associated thrust lever to idle and limit the altitude to 25000 ft maximum. accomplish the One Engine Inoperative Approach and Landing Procedure. ENGINE 1 (2) THRUST LEVER ANGLE FAILURE NOTE: The engine thrust will be set to idle automatically. reduce the engine 1 thrust lever to idle and set the engine 1 start/stop selector to stop. ENGINE EXCEEDANCE Do not takeoff. ENGINE 1 (2) T2 HEATER FAILURE Exit or avoid icing conditions. turn APU bleed off. When appropriate. remove the engine start ground cart and reduce engine 2 thrust lever to idle and set the engine 2 start/stop selector to stop. If the airplane is on ground and engine 1 is the affected engine. exit and avoid icing conditions and limit the altitude to 31000 ft maximum. If the airplane is inflight.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ENGINE 1 (2) STARTER VALVE OPENED Turn the crossbleed and the associated bleed off. 4-12 Page 6 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . If the airplane is on ground and engine 2 is the affected engine. ENGINE NO TAKEOFF DATA Enter the Engine Takeoff Data. turn off APU bleed. ENGINE REFERENCE ANTI-ICE DISAGREE Configure the aircraft according to takeoff data or re enter the takeoff data according to airplane configuration. ENGINE THRUST LEVER ANGLE NOT TOGA Move the thrust levers to TOGA position. NOTE: The EICAS message ENG REF ECS DISAG will be always displayed when the following conditions apply simultaneously: the REF ECS is set to ON. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-12 code 01 Page 7 . ENGINE THRUST RATING DISAGREE Do not takeoff.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ENGINE REFERENCE ECS DISAGREE Configure the aircraft according to takeoff data or re enter the takeoff data according to aircraft configuration. the APU is running and the engine thrust levers are set to idle. ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-12 Page 8 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . ...... 4-14.... 04 ENGINE 1 (2) FIRE DETECTION FAILURE ......... 4-14................... 04 CARGO AFT (FORWARD) FIRE SYSTEM FAILURE ..... 03 ENGINE 1(2) FIRE................................. 03 CAUTION APU FIRE DETECTION FAILURE ......... 04 APU FIRE-EXTINGUISHING FAILURE .. 4-14......... 04 Page AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-14 code 01 Page 1 .......................................... 4-14............................................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES FIRE PROTECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS Block WARNING APU FIRE .. 4-14............................................................................................. 4-14.......... EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-14 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . push the APU fire-extinguishing button...... Start the APU and balance the fuel..... When appropriate....... rotate the fire-extinguishing handle to the remaining bottle. ENGINE 1 (2) FIRE φAutothrottle.... Rotate the fire extinguishing handle (to the left or right)........... accomplish the One Engine Inoperative Approach and Landing Procedure........... PUSH IN Turn the APU off................................................. Wait 30 seconds and.... AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-14 code 01 Page 3 .......... IDLE φStart/Stop Selector (affected engine)............ if ENG 1 (2) FIRE message persists........ PULL LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT..... If the APU FIRE message persists. DISENGAGE φThrust Lever (affected engine)........... STOP φFire Extinguishing Handle (affected engine) .......................................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES APU FIRE φAPU Emergency Stop Button......... Severe Damage or Separation Procedure. accomplish the Engine Fire. APU FIRE-EXTINGUISHING FAILURE Turn the APU off. ENGINE 1 (2) FIRE DETECTION FAILURE If fire is suspected in the affected engine. 4-14 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 .ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL APU FIRE DETECTION FAILURE Turn the APU off. CARGO AFT (FORWARD) FIRE SYSTEM FAILURE If aft (forward) cargo compartment is not empty. LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. ...................... 4-16.............. 08 RUDDER FAULT ............................. 05 ELEVATOR LH (RH) FAILURE .......... 06 FLT CTRL NO DISPATCH ............................................................... 4-16..... 04 CAUTION ANGLE OF ATTACK LIMIT FAILURE ................ 09 SPOILER FAULT ... 07 RUDDER FAILURE .......... 03 SPOILER NORMAL MODE FAILURE. 4-16........................... 08 RUDDER LIMITER FAILURE ......... 05 FLAP (SLAT) FAILURE ......................... 4-16................. 4-16.................. 10 ADVISORY AILERON RH (LH) FAILURE.............. 05 ELEVATOR FAULT ...... 4-16........ 4-16..................................... 10 Page AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-16 code 01 Page 1 ............. 4-16................................................................. 4-16....................................................... 03 GROUND SPOILERS FAILURE................ 10 FLIGHT CONTROL FAULT .......................................................................................................... 4-16................... 4-16..... 05 ELEVATOR THRUST COMPENSATOR FAILURE ... 4-16.................................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES FLIGHT CONTROLS TABLE OF CONTENTS Block WARNING ELEVATOR NORMAL MODE FAILURE ........................ 4-16................................ 4-16................ 09 SLAT-FLAP LEVER DISAGREE ............................... 4-16.............. 09 STABILIZER LOCK FAULT . 03 RUDDER NORMAL MODE FAILURE ....... 4-16.................................................................................................................................. 4-16.................. 07 PITCH TRIM FAILURE ................................................................ 4-16.................. 4-16................... EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-16 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . Do not accomplish the Rudder Fault Procedure. − Autopilot. GROUND SPOILERS FAILURE Close the speed brake. Accomplish the Angle of Attack Limit Failure procedure.30. Do not accomplish the Elevator Fault Procedure. RUDDER NORMAL MODE FAILURE Push the flight controls mode rudder button in. Relevant Inoperative Items: − Yaw Damper. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. − Elevator Thrust Compensation. Relevant Inoperative Items: − AOA Limit. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-16 code 01 Page 3 . set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. For landing configuration. − Auto Configuration Trim. − Turn Coordination.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ELEVATOR NORMAL MODE FAILURE Push the flight controls mode elevators button in. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1.45. Relevant Inoperative Items: − − Ground Spoilers. 4-16 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . For landing configuration. Do not accomplish the Spoiler Fault Procedure. Speed brake. Push the flight controls mode spoilers button in.EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL SPOILER NORMAL MODE FAILURE Close the speed brake. set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. NOTE: Expect less elevator control authority and slower response. If the ELEVATOR FAULT message persists. then out) the flight controls mode elevators button one time. ELEVATOR FAILURE THRUST COMPENSATOR Compensate manually any pitch tendency following thrust variations. Reset (push in. − Auto Configuration Trim − Autopilot − Elevator Thrust Compensation ELEVATOR LH (RH) FAILURE If the failure occurs above 175 KIAS. accomplish the Angle of Attack Limit Failure Procedure.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ANGLE OF ATTACK LIMIT FAILURE Avoid sideslipping the airplane. maintain slat/flap 5 and VREF FULL + 15 KIAS until the acceleration altitude is reached. the maximum speed for the remainder of the flight is 175 KIAS. NOTE: The stick shaker remains operative. set slat/flap to 5 and set VREF FULL + 15 KIAS minimum on final approach. The following relevant items will be inoperative: − AOA Limit. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-16 code 01 Page 5 . If the failure occurs below 175 KIAS. For landing configuration. the current airspeed is the maximum speed for the remainder of the flight. If a go around is required.40. especially during landing flare. ELEVATOR FAULT NOTE: If the SPOILER FAULT message is also displayed. accomplish the Spoiler Fault procedure prior to this procedure. slats and flaps external marks can be used to determine the slat and flap position. 3 230 KIAS VREF FULL + 65 2. pilot must use the first consequent more retracted position of the failed surface than the one indicated on the EICAS. SLAT FLAP Max Speed VREF (KIAS) Ldg Coef Max Speed VREF (KIAS) Ldg Coef Max Speed VREF (KIAS) Ldg Coef Max Speed VREF (KIAS) Ldg Coef Max Speed VREF (KIAS) Ldg Coef 4.00 180 KIAS VREF FULL + 25 1. 5.43 180 KIAS VREF FULL + 10 1.If there is no slat or flap position indication on EICAS.41 230 KIAS VREF FULL + 50 2. NOTE: .82 1.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL FLAP (SLAT) FAILURE Cycle the slat/flap lever (up to 3 cycles may be attempted).48 230 KIAS VREF FULL + 35 1.12 215 KIAS VREF FULL + 40 1.42 200 KIAS VREF FULL + 15 1. in order to choose the proper landing reference data from the table bellow.29 (Continues on the next page) 4-16 Page 6 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . If FLAP (SLAT) FAIL message persists.55 200 KIAS VREF FULL + 15 1.57 180 KIAS VREF FULL + 15 1. 2.Limit bank angle to 20º maximum.31 4. FULL 180 KIAS VREF FULL + 65 2. .49 180 KIAS VREF FULL + 35 2.97 215 KIAS VREF FULL + 25 1.5 3 NOT USABLE 2 1 0 0 VMO/MMO VREF FULL + 60 2. set slat/flap to VREF FULL + 15 KIAS minimum on final approach. push in the pitch trim system 1 and 2 cutout buttons. the current airspeed is the maximum speed for the remainder of the flight. maintain slat/flap 5 VREF FULL + 15 KIAS until the acceleration altitude is reached. Reset (push in. If a go around is required. PITCH TRIM FAILURE If the failure occurs above 175 KIAS. Establish landing configuration early. FLT CTRL NO DISPATCH Do not takeoff. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. 2. 5. then out) the pitch trim system 1 and 2 cutout buttons. FULL 165 KIAS VREF FULL Not Applicable If applicable. For landing configuration. If the FLAP (SLAT) FAIL message persists and a go around is required. 3 165 KIAS NOT USABLE VREF FULL + 10 1. No more pitch trim is available. maintain the VREF presented in the table for the associated flap and slat configuration until the acceleration altitude is reached. the maximum speed for the remainder of the flight is 175 KIAS.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL (Continued from the previous page) SLAT FLAP Max Speed VREF (KIAS) Ldg Coef FULL 0 1.40.22 ABNORMAL PROCEDURES 4. AFM-1385 5 and set UNFACTORED and CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-16 code 01 Page 7 . If pitch trim is not moving upon command. Actuate pitch trim switches. push the ground proximity flap override button in. If the failure occurs below 175 KIAS. ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL RUDDER FAILURE LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. If the failure occurs above 175 KIAS, the current airspeed is the maximum speed for the remainder of the flight. If the failure occurs below 175 KIAS, the maximum speed for the remainder of the flight is 175 KIAS. Relevant Inoperative Items: − Yaw Trim. − Yaw Damper. − Turn Coordination. For landing configuration, set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. CAUTION: AVOID LANDING WITH CROSSWIND COMPONENTS ABOVE 10 KTS. If a go around is required, proceed as a normal go around limiting the airspeed to 175 KIAS. NOTE: As assymetric thrust may be required to help controlling the airplane, maximum thrust on both engines may not be possible. RUDDER FAULT NOTE: If the SPOILER FAULT message is also displayed, accomplish the Spoiler Fault procedure prior to this procedure. Reset (push in, then out) the flight controls mode rudder button one time. If the RUDDER FAULT message persists, the following relevant items will be inoperative: − − Yaw Damper. Turn Coordination. 4-16 Page 8 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES RUDDER LIMITER FAILURE Rudder position limiter is inoperative and rudder authority in flight is 30°. CAUTION: • DO NOT APPLY ABRUPT PEDAL COMMANDS. • DO NOT APPLY FULL RUDDER DEFLECTION. SLAT-FLAP LEVER DISAGREE Return the slat/flap lever to previous position and then use it as required. SPOILER FAULT Close the speedbrake and disengage the autopilot. Reset (push in, then out) the flight controls mode spoilers button one time. If the SPOILER FAULT message persists, the following relevant items will be inoperative: − − Ground Spoilers (partially or fully lost). Speedbrake (partially or fully lost). If any spoiler panel is failed opened or if it is not possible to determine the spoiler panel position, set slat/flap to 5 and set VREF FULL + 15 KIAS minimum on final approach. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS LANDING DISTANCE BY 1.78. UNFACTORED If all spoiler panels are closed, set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS LANDING DISTANCE BY 1.45. UNFACTORED AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-16 code 01 Page 9 ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL STABILIZER LOCK FAULT LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. The Horizontal Stabilizer may have a drift rate up to 0.5 deg/min nose up or nose down. Use pitch trim as required. CAUTION: DO NOT PRESS ANY PITCH TRIM SYSTEM CUTOUT BUTTON. AILERON RH (LH) FAILURE On ground, do not takeoff. Inflight: Avoid abrupt and large aileron inputs and limit bank angle to 25°. Establish landing configuration early. For landing configuration, set slat/flap 5 and maintain VREF FULL + 10 KIAS minimum on final approach. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS LANDING DISTANCE BY 1.30. UNFACTORED FLIGHT CONTROL FAULT Do not takeoff. 4-16 Page 10 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 .............................................................. 04 AVIONICS ASCB FAULT ............................................ 4-18................. 4-18................................................................... 04 AIRCRAFT PERSONALITY MODULE FAILURE.................... 4-18...... 4-18............... 04 AIRCRAFT PERSONALITY MODULE MISCOMPARISON........................................................................... 4-18.. 04 ADS 1 (2) (3) HEATER FAILURE.................... 4-18...... 4-18................................... 4-18.... 4-18.. 05 AVIONICS MAU 2A FAILURE........................... 4-18............................................................ 4-18......... 07 AVIONICS MAU 1A (1B) OVERHEAT ............................................ 4-18....................................... 06 AVIONICS MAU 2B FAILURE........................... 4-18........................... 05 AVIONICS MAU 1B FAILURE..AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES FMS/NAV/COM & FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Block WARNING NO TAKEOFF CONFIGURATION ............ 06 AVIONICS MAU 3A FAILURE........ 04 AVIONICS MAU 1A FAILURE........................... 08 AFM-1385 Page CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-18 code 01 Page 1 .............................. 08 AVIONICS MAU 3A (3B) OVERHEAT .................................................................. 08 COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FAILURE.................. 04 AURAL WARNING SYSTEM FAILURE .. 4-18.................. 04 ADS 4 HEATER FAILURE ...... 08 AVIONICS MAU 1 (2) (3) FAN FAILURE ........................................ 4-18.... 4-18......... 4-18.. 4-18..................... 03 CAUTION ADS 1 (2) FAILURE................ 4-18........................ 07 AVIONICS MAU 3B FAILURE............ 07 AVIONICS MAU 2A (2B) OVERHEAT ............................................................. 4-18........ 04 ADS 3 FAILURE ............................ ........................................................................................................................ 4-18.................... 12 TERRAIN FAILURE............................... 10 MFD 1 (2) OVERHEAT.................... 09 EICAS FAULT................ 4-18............ 4-18.... 12 ADVISORY ADS PROBE 1 (2) (3) (4) ...... 4-18..... 13 AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2........................................................................................................................ 4-18..................... 4-18............................ 10 MCDU 1 (2) OVERHEAT....... 4-18........................ 4-18....... 12 VHF 3 FAILURE ........................................................................ 4-18.................................................................................................................... 12 VHF 1 (2) (3) OVERHEAT............ 09 DISPLAY CONTROL FAULT ........ 11 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FAILURE ........................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL CAUTION EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES CREW WARNING SYSTEM FAULT ............................. 09 EICAS OVERHEAT ..... 4-18....... 4-18................................ 4-18............... 4-18................ 4-18........................................ 08 DISPLAY CONTROL FAILURE...................................................................................................................... 4-18.......................... 12 VALIDATE CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................... 4-18..... 4-18... 11 PFD 1 (2) FAULT......................................... 09 FMS POSITION DISAGREE ............... 4-18.3 4-18 code 01 Page 2 .......................................................... 4-18.............. 4-18................ 12 WINDSHEAR FAILURE ............................... 10 MFD 1 (2) FAULT ....................................... 11 PFD 1 (2) OVERHEAT ..................... 10 GROUND PROXIMITY FAILURE.............. 10 FMS 1(2)-GPS POSITION DISAGREE ............ 10 IRS 1 (2) FAILURE ............. 11 NAVCOM 1 (2) OVERHEAT.............. 11 NAVCOM 1 (2) FAILURE ..... 4-18..... 4-18....... 4-18.................... 10 IRS EXCESSIVE MOTION ...................... 4-18............................. ..............................................4-18 .................................... 10 MCDU 1 (2) OVERHEAT ...................................................................4-18 ...............................4-18 .................................. 10 IRS 1 (2) FAILURE.............. 12 4-18 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 ...................... 10 MFD 1 (2) FAULT....... 10 FMS 1(2)-GPS POSITION DISAGREE ...........................................4-18 ............................................................................. 09 EICAS OVERHEAT......4-18 ..... 10 GROUND PROXIMITY FAILURE ....................................................EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL CAUTION CREW WARNING SYSTEM FAULT ...................4-18 ....................4-18 ..4-18 ............................................. 11 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FAILURE....... 12 VHF 3 FAILURE........ 12 VALIDATE CONFIGURATION ................. 10 IRS EXCESSIVE MOTION ...............................4-18 ..................................4-18 ........................................... 12 TERRAIN FAILURE ....................4-18 .............................. 11 NAVCOM 1 (2) FAILURE.......... 12 VHF 1 (2) (3) OVERHEAT ................................................. 09 EICAS FAULT ......................4-18 ...............4-18 ................................... 10 MFD 1 (2) OVERHEAT ..................................4-18 .....4-18 ... 09 DISPLAY CONTROL FAULT ......4-18 ...................... 08 DISPLAY CONTROL FAILURE ....................... 11 NAVCOM 1 (2) OVERHEAT ........................4-18 .......................................................... 09 FMS POSITION DISAGREE..................4-18 ................... 11 PFD 1 (2) OVERHEAT.............................................4-18 .............................. 11 PFD 1 (2) FAULT ...........................................................................................4-18 ..4-18 ..................................................................................... 12 WINDSHEAR FAILURE...................4-18 ..............................4-18 ................... AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES NO TAKEOFF CONFIGURATION Configure the airplane for takeoff. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-18 code 01 Page 3 . revert ADS 3. AVIONICS ASCB FAULT Do not takeoff. ADS 1 (2) (3) HEATER FAILURE Revert the affected ADS.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ADS 1 (2) FAILURE Confirm the affected ADS automatic reversion. AIRCRAFT PERSONALITY MISCOMPARISON Do not takeoff. TCAS aural will be operative. ADS 4 HEATER FAILURE Disregard IESS altitude and airspeed indication. If necessary. ADS 3 FAILURE If necessary. MODULE AURAL WARNING SYSTEM FAILURE Monitor visual indications. AIRCRAFT PERSONALITY MODULE FAILURE Do not takeoff. including EGPWS callouts. 4-18 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . are lost. NOTE: Aural warnings. revert the affected ADS. apply brakes normally and.70.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AVIONICS MAU 1A FAILURE LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. Pitch Trim Indication. CAUTION: • APPLY THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE MONITORING THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE LIGHT. • WHEN THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE LIGHT IS ON. Exit and avoid icing conditions. − GPS 1 − − For landing configuration. use the emergency/parking brake. • MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. AVIONICS MAU 1B FAILURE Relevant Inoperative Items: Multi Function Spoilers L5 and R5. On ground. Relevant Inoperative Items: Multi Function Spoilers L5 and R5 − Outboard Brakes − Weather Radar − Left Aileron Indication − MCDU 1 (except circuit breakers page) − Pitch Trim Indication − Autopilot 1 − ACARS − For landing configuration. set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. MAINTAIN STEADY PRESSURE SINCE THE ANTI-SKID PROTECTION IS NOT AVAILABLE. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-18 code 01 Page 5 . if necessary.15. set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. AVIONICS MAU 2B FAILURE Relevant Inoperative Items: Inboard Brakes Autopilot 1 − Right Side Weather Radar Control − MCDU 2 (except circuit breakers page) − − EGPWS NAVCOM 2 − IESS – Localizer and Glide Slope Indication − Transponder 2 − − For landing configuration.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL AVIONICS MAU 2A FAILURE Relevant Inoperative Items: − − Nosewheel Steering. steer the airplane using rudder and differential braking. use the CAUTION: • APPLY THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE MONITORING THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE LIGHT. • MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. 4-18 Page 6 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . On ground apply brakes emergency/parking brake. On ground. If necessary. MAINTAIN STEADY PRESSURE SINCE THE ANTI-SKID PROTECTION IS NOT AVAILABLE. • WHEN THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE LIGHT IS ON. FMS 1. normally.65. set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. R3. − Engine Vibration Indication.20. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-18 code 01 Page 7 . L4 and R4 Speedbrake − Ground Spoilers − Right Aileron Indication − APU − − ADS 3 GPS 2 − FMS 2 − Autopilot 2 − − For landing configuration. − Pitch Trim Indication. L4 and R4. Exit and avoid icing conditions. Refer to AVIONICS MAU 1A (1B) FAIL Procedure to be aware of relevant inoperative items. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. AVIONICS MAU 3B FAILURE Relevant Inoperative Items: Multi Function Spoilers L3. set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AVIONICS MAU 3A FAILURE LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. For MAU 1B OVHT. − For landing configuration. For MAU 1A OVHT. pull the B15 CB.20. R3. AVIONICS MAU 1A (1B) OVERHEAT Pull the associated circuit breaker. Relevant Inoperative Items: Multi Function Spoilers L3. set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. pull the B6 and B7 CBs. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CREW WARNING SYSTEM FAULT Do not takeoff. Refer to AVIONICS MAU 2A (2B) FAIL Procedure to be aware of relevant inoperative items. 4-18 Page 8 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 .ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL AVIONICS MAU 2A (2B) OVERHEAT Pull the associated circuit breaker. COMMUNICATION FAILURE Do not takeoff. pull the B25 CB. pull the B34 CB. For MAU 2B OVHT. AVIONICS MAU 3A (3B) OVERHEAT Pull the associated circuit breaker. pull the B26 and B35 CBs. pull the B27 CB. Refer to AVIONICS MAU 3A (3B) FAIL Procedure to be aware of relevant inoperative items. AVIONICS MAU 1 (2) (3) FAN FAILURE Do not takeoff. For MAU 3A OVHT. For MAU 3B OVHT. For MAU 2A OVHT. . . AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-18 code 01 Page 9 . EICAS FAULT Crosscheck EICAS information and revert if necessary. Relevant Inoperative Items on both Pilot and Copilot Display Controllers: − − − − − − − − − − − V/L Pushbutton Bearing "O" Pushbutton Bearing "<>" Pushbutton FMS Pushbutton PREV Pushbutton WX Pushbutton HSI Pushbutton FPR Pushbutton RAD/BARO Minimums Knob IN/Hpa baro setting Knob Push STD Pushbutton DISPLAY CONTROL FAULT Do not takeoff.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES DISPLAY CONTROL FAILURE NOTE: .Disregard altitude callouts from aural system. RA/BARO Minimuns and Baro Setting will be locked at the last setting position prior to the failure.Use IESS for barometric setting and ILS approach. EICAS OVERHEAT Pull B11 CB and revert the EICAS.PFD selections of VOR. FMS. TAT. IRS 1 (2) FAILURE Revert the affected IRS. IRS EXCESSIVE MOTION Stop the airplane until the alignment is completed. MCDU 1 (2) OVERHEAT Pull the associated circuit breaker.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL FMS POSITION DISAGREE Do not use FMS as navigation source. SAT. TCAS info. MAP. 1 4-18 Page 10 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . GROUND PROXIMITY FAILURE Increase awareness in relation to ground proximity. Disregard any non-reliable information from the affected MFD. select another FMS source. For MCDU 2 OVHT. pull the B16 CB. FMS 1(2)-GPS POSITION DISAGREE If the aircraft is equipped with dual FMS. For MCDU 1 OVHT. pull the B31 CB. select another navigation source. If the aircraft is equipped with single FMS. TAS. WX radar and Terrain Data) with the opposite side MFD display information. MFD 1 (2) FAULT Crosscheck the affected MFD display information (System Synoptics. Baro setting. DME. FPA. For PFD 1 OVHT. pull the B21 CB. HDG and CRS) with the opposite side PFD display information. Airspeed. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-18 code 01 Page 11 . VOR. FMA. pull the B19 CB. pull the MRC 2 Electronic CB. For NAVCOM 1 OVHT. PFD 1 (2) OVERHEAT Pull the associated circuit breaker and revert the affected PFD if necessary. pull the B20 CB. Transponder). For MFD 1 OVHT. pull the B29 CB. Disregard any non-reliable information from the affected PFD. For MFD 2 OVHT. NAVCOM 1 (2) FAILURE Select and use the remaining NAVCOM (VHF. Accomplish the NAVCOM 1 (2) FAILURE procedure. Minimuns. pull the C10 CB. Altitude. PFD 1 (2) FAULT Crosscheck the affected PFD display information (Attitude. For PFD 2 OVHT. Nav-Com radios frequencies.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES MFD 1 (2) OVERHEAT Pull the associated circuit breaker and revert the affected MFD if necessary. For NAVCOM 2 OVHT. NAVCOM 1 (2) OVERHEAT Pull the associated circuit breaker. ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL SYSTEM CONFIGURATION FAILURE Do not takeoff. For VHF 1 OVHT. For VHF 3 OVHT. VALIDATE CONFIGURATION Do not takeoff. pull the C11 CB. WINDSHEAR FAILURE Increase awareness in relation to weather. For VHF 2 OVHT. pull the VHF 2 Electronic CB. VHF 1 (2) (3) OVERHEAT Pull the associated circuit breaker. VHF 3 FAILURE Select another VHF source. TERRAIN FAILURE Increase awareness in relation to terrain proximity. pull the VHF 3 Electronic CB. 4-18 Page 12 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . wind and speed variations. 3 4-18 code 01 Page 13 . AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ADS PROBE 1 (2) (3) (4) FAILURE Do not takeoff. 3 AFM-1385 .ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-18 Page 14 code 01 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2. ..............05 ADVISORY FUEL TANK LOW TEMPERATURE....................... SB 170-31-0002) FUEL CROSSFEED FAILURE ..............4-20 ...............................3 1 AFM-1385 ............03 CAUTION APU FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE FAILURE ...............................................4-20 ....EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL FUEL TABLE OF CONTENTS Block WARNING FUEL 1 (2) LOW LEVEL ...................... SB 170-31-0002 OR EQUIVALENT FACTORY MODIFICATION INCORPORATED) Page 4-20 Page 1 code 01 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2.......................................05 (POST-MOD.........04 FUEL AC PUMP 1 (2) FAILURE...4-20 ............04 FUEL TANK LOW TEMPERATURE...................04 FUEL IMBALANCE ..............................4-20 ............4-20 ....................................4-20 ....................................4-20 ..........05 (PRE-MOD................................4-20 ....04 FUEL DC PUMP FAILURE ...04 ENGINE 1 (2) FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE FAILURE ...........................4-20 .. ....................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES FUEL TABLE OF CONTENTS Block WARNING FUEL 1 (2) LOW LEVEL................ 04 FUEL AC PUMP 1 (2) FAILURE ....... 05 FUEL CROSSFEED FAILURE..... 4-20........................................................................... 4-20... 05 Page AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-20 code 01 Page 1 .. 4-20... 4-20...... 4-20.................. 04 FUEL DC PUMP FAILURE.......... 4-20............. 4-20...... 04 FUEL IMBALANCE.......... 03 CAUTION APU FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE FAILURE .......................................... 4-20................................................. 04 FUEL TANK LOW TEMPERATURE ......................................................................................................... 04 ENGINE 1 (2) FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE FAILURE .. EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-20 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-20 code 01 Page 3 . If fuel leak is suspected. If fuel leak is not suspected. CAUTION: AVOID ATTITUDES IN EXCESS OF 15º NOSE UP OR DOWN. UNCOORDINATED MANEUVERS AND NEGATIVE G´S. operate fuel crossfeed as required.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FUEL 1 (2) LOW LEVEL LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. accomplish the Fuel Leak Procedure. For FUEL AC PUMP 2 FAIL. 4-20 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 .ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL APU FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE FAILURE Do not restart the APU. If left wing presents lower level. Monitor fuel imbalance and. FUEL AC PUMP 1 (2) FAILURE For FUEL AC PUMP 1 FAIL. select the crossfeed selector to LOW 1. If FMS fuel remaining quantity is lower than EICAS total fuel indication. If right wing presents lower level. set the crossfeed selector to off. FUEL IMBALANCE If fuel leak is suspected. If the ENG 1 (2) FUEL SOV FAIL message was not displayed after pulling the associated engine fire handle. select the crossfeed selector to LOW 2. FUEL DC PUMP FAILURE Turn the fuel DC pump off. set the crossfeed selector to low 2. Monitor total fuel indication in EICAS with FMS fuel remaining information. disregard FMS fuel remaining information and monitor fuel quantites. select the associated fuel AC electric pump and the fuel crossfeed to off. accomplish the Fuel Leak Procedure. ENG 1 (2) FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE FAILURE If the ENG 1 (2) FUEL SOV FAIL message was displayed after pulling the associated engine fire handle. continue the flight monitoring the system. If fuel leak is not suspected. set the airplane attitude to wings level and compare total fuel quantity indication on EICAS with fuel remaining information indicated on FMS Fuel Management page. when the desired balance is achieved. set the crossfeed selector to low 1. turn the fuel ac pump (from the higher quantity tank) to auto and use asymmetric thrust as required. If fuel quantity is being equalized. set the fuel crossfeed to off. If the FUEL TANK LO TEMP message persists. descend to lower altitudes.3 AFM-1385 . turn the fuel ac pump (from the higher quantity tank) to on. If fuel quantity is not being equalized.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL FUEL TANK LOW TEMPERATURE Increase airspeed as much as possible up to VMO/MMO and wait 3 minutes. set the fuel crossfeed to off and turn the fuel ac pump (from the higher quantity tank) to auto when appropriate. FUEL CROSSFEED FAILURE If fuel crossfeed is set to low 1 or low 2. 4-20 Page 5 code 01 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2. AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES FUEL TANK LOW TEMPERATURE Increase airspeed to VMO/MMO and wait 3 minutes. If the FUEL TANK LO TEMP message persists, descend to lower altitudes. FUEL CROSSFEED FAILURE If fuel crossfeed is set to low 1 or low 2, turn the fuel ac pump (from the higher quantity tank) to on. If fuel quantity is being equalized, set the fuel crossfeed to off and turn the fuel ac pump (from the higher quantity tank) to auto when appropriate. If fuel quantity is not being equalized, set the fuel crossfeed to off, turn the fuel ac pump (from the higher quantity tank) to auto and use asymmetric thrust as required. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-20 code 01 Page 5 ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-20 Page 6 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL HYDRAULICS TABLE OF CONTENTS Block WARNING HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 1 OR 2 OVERHEAT..................... 4-22 ..........03 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 3 OVERHEAT .............................. 4-22 ..........03 CAUTION HYDRAULIC PTU FAILURE ............................................. 4-22 ..........04 HYDRAULIC 1 (2) EDP NOT D-PRESSED ...................... 4-22 ..........04 HYDRAULIC 1 (2) HIGH TEMPERATURE ....................... 4-22 ..........04 HYDRAULIC 3 HIGH TEMPERATURE ............................ 4-22 ..........04 HYDRAULIC 1 (2) LOW PRESSURE ............................... 4-22 ..........04 HYDRAULIC 3 LOW PRESSURE..................................... 4-22 ..........04 HYDRAULIC 3 VALVE FAILED......................................... 4-22 ..........04 ADVISORY HYDRAULIC TEMPERATURE ......................................... 4-22 ..........05 SENSORS FAILURE Page 4-22 Page 1 code 01 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2.3 AFM-1385 ................................................... 04 HYDRAULIC 3 HIGH TEMPERATURE ............ 04 Page AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-22 code 01 Page 1 ......... 4-22......................... 03 CAUTION HYDRAULIC PTU FAILURE ........................ 4-22....... 04 HYDRAULIC 1 (2) EDP NOT D-PRESSED ............. 4-22..................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES HYDRAULICS TABLE OF CONTENTS Block WARNING HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 1 OR 2 OVERHEAT..... 03 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 3 OVERHEAT ..... 4-22................ 4-22...................... 4-22................................................ 04 HYDRAULIC 3 LOW PRESSURE........... 4-22. 04 HYDRAULIC 1 (2) LOW PRESSURE ........................................ 04 HYDRAULIC 1 (2) HIGH TEMPERATURE ...... 4-22......... 04 HYDRAULIC 3 VALVE FAILED........ 4-22....................................... EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-22 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 3 OVERHEAT Set the electric hydraulic system 3 pump A and pump B to off. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-22 code 01 Page 3 . If HYD 1 (2) SOV FAIL message is presented. LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT and accomplish the Engine Shutdown Procedure. Accomplish the appropriate Loss of Hydraulic System Procedure. Accomplish the Loss of Hydraulic System 3 Procedure.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 1 OR 2 OVERHEAT Set the associated electric hydraulic pump to off and push the associated engine pump shutoff button in. HYDRAULIC 1 (2) EDP NOT D-PRESSED An engine windmill restart will not be available. HYDRAULIC 3 HIGH TEMPERATURE Turn the electric hydraulic pump 3A off. turn the associated electric hydraulic pump off and accomplish the appropriate Loss of Hydraulic System Procedure. turn the electric hydraulic pump 3B off and accomplish the Loss of Hydraulic 3 System Procedure. If the HYD 3 LO PRESS message persists. HYDRAULIC 1 (2) LOW PRESSURE Turn the associated electric hydraulic pump on. If the HYD 1 (2) LO PRESS message persists.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL HYDRAULIC PTU FAILURE Turn the PTU on. HYDRAULIC 3 LOW PRESSURE Turn the electric hydraulic pump 3B on and turn the electric hydraulic pump 3A off. HYDRAULIC 3 VALVE FAILED Maintain 130 KIAS minimum. HYDRAULIC 1 (2) HIGH TEMPERATURE Turn the associated electric hydraulic pump off. 4-22 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2.3 4-22 code 01 Page 5 .AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES HYDRAULIC TEMPERATURE SENSORS FAILURE Do not takeoff. ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-22 Page 6 code 01 CTA APPROVED TEMPORARY REVISION 2.3 AFM-1385 . 04 ANTI-ICE WING FAILURE ........4-24 ............................................4-24 ..4-24 .......4-24 ....................04 ANTI-ICE LOW CAPACITY ..AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ICE & RAIN PROTECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS Block WARNING ANTI-ICE WING 1 (2) LEAKAGE ........................................4-24 .......................................03 CAUTION ANTI-ICE ENGINE 1 (2) FAILURE .....04 ANTI-ICE WING NO DISPATCH...05 Page AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-24 code 01 Page 1 ......................05 WINDSHIELD 1 (2) HEATER FAILURE................4-24 ..............................4-24 ..............................................04 ICE DETECTOR 1 (2) FAILURE ................................................ EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-24 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . push the crossbleed button out and limit the altitude to 31000 ft maximum. push the APU bleed button out. If A-I WING 1 (2) LEAK message persists. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-24 code 01 Page 3 . If bleed 1 is the affected bleed.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ANTI-ICE WING 1 (2) LEAK Push out the ice protection wing button and avoid/exit icing conditions. push the affected side bleed button out. if A-I ENG 1 (2) FAIL message still persists. push the ice protection wing button out and avoid/exit icing conditions. Then. After exiting icing conditions. if icing conditions are presented or there is ice accretion. Then.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ANTI-ICE ENGINE 1 (2) FAILURE Reset (push out. If A-I WING FAIL message still persists. accomplish the Engine Abnormal Vibration Procedure. if A-I WING FAIL message extinguishes. set the ice protection mode selector to on. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. then in) the affected ice protection engine button. ANTI-ICE LOW CAPACITY Advance the thrust levers. plan a flap 5 landing and maintain VREF FLAP 5 ICE minimum on final approach. then in) the ice protection wing button.30. set the ice protection mode selector to auto after exiting icing conditions. set the ice protection mode selector to auto. If the A-I ENG 1 (2) FAIL message persists. ANTI-ICE WING FAILURE Reset (push out. If A-I WING FAIL message persists. set the ice protection mode selector to on. exit and avoid icing conditions. set the ice protection mode selector to auto. If also high engine vibration exists. 4-24 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . UNFACTORED ANTI-ICE WING NO DISPATCH Do not perform an assisted engine airstart. During landing. select the ice protection mode to on and select it to auto 2 minutes after exiting icing conditions. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-24 code 01 Page 5 . If the WINDSHIELD 1 (2) HTR FAIL message persists. push the affected windshield-heating button out. WINDSHIELD 1 (2) HEATER FAILURE Push the affected windshield-heating button out and then push in.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ICE DETECTOR 1 (2) FAILURE When flying in icing conditions. ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-24 Page 6 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . ................................. 04 LANDING GEAR NOSE DOOR OPENED ............... 4-26......... 4-26....... 4-26. 4-26................................. 4-26.. 4-26......... 05 ADVISORY BRAKE CONTROL FAULT ........................... 4-26................................ 06 Page AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-26 code 01 Page 1 ....................... 4-26......... 4-26................................................................................................................... 04 EMERGENCY BRAKE FAILURE ................................. 03 CAUTION BRAKE LH (RH) FAILURE ......................AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES LANDING GEAR & BRAKES TABLE OF CONTENTS Block WARNING LANDING GEAR LEVER DISAGREE .. 04 LANDING GEAR NO DISPATCH....... 04 BRAKE OVERHEAT............ 4-26................................................. 05 LANDING GEAR WEIGHT-ON-WHEEL SYSTEM FAILURE....................................................... 05 STEERING FAILURE ...................................... 06 BRAKE LH (RH) FAULT.................... EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-26 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . If the LG LEVER DISAG message persists and it was displayed after a landing gear extension.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES LANDING GEAR LEVER DISAGREE Cycle the landing gear lever. maintain landing gear down and avoid/exit icing conditions. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-26 code 01 Page 3 . accomplish the Abnormal Landing Gear Extension Procedure. If the LG LEVER DISAG message persists and it was displayed after a landing gear retraction. For landing configuration.65. set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. • MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. If the airplane is in flight. EMERGENCY BRAKE FAILURE When parking the airplane.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL BRAKE LH (RH) FAILURE NOTE: During landing run. put chocks on and set the emergency/parking brake to off. MAINTAIN STEADY PRESSURE SINCE THE ANTI-SKID PROTECTION IS NOT AVAILABLE. thrust reverser and/or the emergency parking brake may be used to stop the airplane. set the landing gear to down and wait 5 minutes after the BRK OVERHEAT message is no longer displayed to retract the landing gear. CAUTION: • APPLY THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE MONITORING THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE LIGHT. • WHEN THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE LIGHT IS ON. BRAKE OVERHEAT If the airplane is on ground. stop the airplane. LANDING GEAR NO DISPATCH Do not takeoff. 4-26 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . use wheel chocks. 30. Steering.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES LANDING GEAR NOSE DOOR OPENED Maintain 250 KIAS maximum and do not move the landing gear lever up. the landing gear lever can be moved up. For landing configuration. NOTE: If climb performance is required to clear obstacles. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. Exit and avoid icing conditions. Ground Spoilers. NOTE: Thrust Reversers. STEERING FAILURE Steer the airplane using differential braking and rudder. Wing Anti-Ice and Ground Idle may not be available. LANDING GEAR WEIGHT-ON-WHEEL SYSTEM FAILURE LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-26 code 01 Page 5 . If necessary. CAUTION: • APPLY THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE MONITORING THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE LIGHT. expect a slight directional tendency. pull the emergency/parking brake.65. • WHEN THE EMERGENCY/PARKING BRAKE LIGHT IS ON.ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL BRAKE CONTROL FAULT Apply brakes normally. • MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 1. For landing configuration. set slat/flap to full and set VREF FULL minimum on final approach. MAINTAIN STEADY PRESSURE SINCE THE ANTI-SKID PROTECTION IS NOT AVAILABLE. BRAKE LH (RH) FAULT During landing run. 4-26 Page 6 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . Apply brakes normally. .......AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES OXYGEN TABLE OF CONTENTS Block CAUTION CREW OXYGEN LOW PRESSURE .... 4-28........................... 4-28........ 03 ADVISORY OBSERVER OXYGEN LOW PRESSURE .. 03 Page AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-28 code 01 Page 1 ............................ 03 PASSENGER OXYGEN NOT DEPLOYED..... 4-28.............................. EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-28 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . deploy the passenger oxygen masks manually. whichever is higher. limit altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher) maximum.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES CREW OXYGEN LOW PRESSURE Limit altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher) maximum. PASSENGER OXYGEN NOT DEPLOYED If required. OBSERVER OXYGEN LOW PRESSURE If the observer seat is occupied. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-28 code 01 Page 3 . ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-28 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . ............................................... 4-30.. 4-30.............. 07 Page AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-30 code 01 Page 1 ............AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES SMOKE PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Block WARNING AIR CONDITIONING SMOKE ....................................................... 4-30................... 06 CAUTION RECIRCULATION SMOKE .................. 04 LAVATORY SMOKE.......................................... 03 CARGO FORWARD (AFT) SMOKE........................................................... 4-30................. 06 SMOKE EVACUATION ... 4-30..................... 03 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM FIRE OR SMOKE .. 4-30........ EMERGENCY & ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-30 Page 2 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 . ... CARGO FORWARD (AFT) SMOKE φAssociated Cargo Fire Extinguishing Button......... push the pack 1 button out...... accomplish the Smoke Evacuation Procedure.... If smoke stops or decreases. EMER φCrew Communication................ PUSH LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT.... Confirm the CRG AFT (FWD) FIREX HI ARM message extinguishes and the CRG AFT (FWD) FIREX LO ARM message is displayed............. If smoke still persists.... confirm the CRG FWD (AFT) FIREX LO ARM message and cargo fire-extinguishing button light extinguish.. If smoke persists.. DON................ AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-30 code 01 Page 3 ...AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AIR CONDITIONING SMOKE φCrew Oxygen Masks.... ESTABLISH LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT. After 1 minute... Push the recirculation fan button out....... If necessary.... push the bleed 1 button out and limit the altitude to 31000 ft maximum................ push pack 1 button in..... push pack 2 button out and bleed 2 button out and limit the altitude to 31000 ft maximum.......... . DON. If smoke origin is not identified............ set the battery 1 to on....... For the landing configuration. For the landing configuration.. the TRU 1 switch and the battery 1 to off (DC ESS BUS 1 and DC BUS 1 are de-energized).......... CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 2. EMER φCrew Communication.. If smoke persists.. deploy the RAT manually..... maintain 130 KIAS minimum.. set both IDG selectors to auto.... set both IDG selectors to off and push the APU generator button out... set the emergency lights to off... accomplish the DC ESS BUS 2 OFF and the DC BUS 2 OFF procedures except for the landing configuration. push the Ground Proximity Flap Override Button in.... limit altitude to 10000 ft or MEA (whichever is higher) maximum. set slat/flap to 3 and VREF FULL + 20 KIAS or 130 KIAS (whichever is higher) minimum on final approach.30... set slat/flap to 3 and VREF FULL + 20 KIAS or 130 KIAS (whichever is higher) minimum on final approach............. set the DC bus ties switch..... (Continues on the next page) AFM-1385 4-30 Page 4 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL .. If SMOKE PERSISTS AND UNABLE TO LAND SOON. ESTABLISH LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT...... set the TRU 1 switch to auto and set the TRU 2 switch and battery 2 to off (DC ESS BUS 2 and DC BUS 2 are de-energized)...... set both IDG selectors to auto.EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ELECTRICAL SYSTEM FIRE OR SMOKE φCrew Oxygen Masks ..... push the Ground Proximity Flap Override Button in...... If BATT DISCHARGING message is displayed in the EICAS. arm the emergency lights. remove the affected source..... Push the recirculation fan button out.. If smoke stops or decreases....... Do not accomplish the Electrical Emergency Procedure and refer to the Electrical Emergency Procedure to be aware of relevant inoperative items... If smoke origin is identified... arm the emergency lights. If smoke stops or decreases. accomplish the DC ESS BUS 1 OFF and the DC BUS 1 OFF procedures except for the landing configuration.. maintain slat/flap 3 and VREF FULL + 20 KIAS or 130 KIAS (whichever is higher) until the acceleration altitude is reached. push the Ground Proximity Flap Override Button in. set slat/flap to 3 and set VREF FULL + 20 KIAS or 130 KIAS (whichever is higher) minimum on final approach. for landing configuration arm the emergency lights. set the battery 2 to auto. If necessary. accomplish the DC ESS BUS 3 OFF procedure. set slat/flap to 3 and set VREF FULL + 20 KIAS or 130 KIAS (whichever is higher) minimum on final approach. set slat/flap to 3 and VREF FULL + 20 KIAS or 130 KIAS or (whichever is higher) minimum on final approach.AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL (Continued from the previous page) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 2. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-30 code 01 Page 5 . If ABLE TO LAND SOON OR SMOKE STOPS OR DECREASES. push the Ground Proximity Flap Override Button in. For the landing configuration. If smoke persists. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 2.10. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 2. If smoke stops or decreases. push the Ground Proximity Flap Override Button in. For landing configuration. arm the emergency lights.10. CAUTION: MULTIPLY THE FULL FLAPS UNFACTORED LANDING DISTANCE BY 2.50. If a go around is required. accomplish the Smoke Evacuation Procedure. set the TRU ESS and TRU bus ties switches to auto. set the TRU 2 switch to auto and the TRU ESS switch to off (DC ESS BUS 3 is de-energized). arm the emergency lights.10. If smoke persists. ........................... set the pressurization to auto.................. 4-30 Page 6 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 ........ Accomplish the Emergency Descent Procedure..... PUSH IN LAND AT THE NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT.. push the pressurization dump button out and turn the recirculation fan and both packs on.... After smoke is cleared... EMER φCrew Communication...... ESTABLISH φPressurization Dump Button................ If necessary...... Close the cockpit door and check the cabin rate..EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL LAVATORY SMOKE Establish contact with the cabin crew........... DON........ set the pressurization to manual and turn the recirculation fan and both packs off...................... consider a diversion and accomplish the Smoke Evacuation Procedure........... If cabin rate is less than 1000 ft/min... SMOKE EVACUATION φCrew Oxygen Masks .. AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL ABNORMAL PROCEDURES RECIRCULATION SMOKE Turn the recirculation fan off. AFM-1385 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL 4-30 code 01 Page 7 . ABNORMAL PROCEDURES AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-30 Page 8 code 01 CTA APPROVED ORIGINAL AFM-1385 .
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