AFCCPC Program - NJ_Final

March 29, 2018 | Author: Jojo Concepcion | Category: Charismatic Movement, Laity, Catholic Church, Eucharist, Baptism



The Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities (AFCCPC) is an umbrella and networking organization of Catholic prayer groupsor communities, with Filipino membership,in the USA and Canada. We are an ethnic constituency of and participate with the National Service Committee of the Charismatic Renewal of the United States and share in its mission of stirring into flame the grace of Pentecost and strengthening the Catholic Charismatic Renewal with particular focus and emphasis on the needs of Filipinos. Our Organization Our mission is to serve, unify, and build up the Filipino Catholic Charismatic prayer groups and prayer communities, to enable them to evangelize and proclaim effectively the lordship and the good news of Jesus Christ with the fire of the Holy Spirit; to bring the renewal to the heart of the church and to individuals through baptism in the Holy Spirit; to encourage the charismatic renewal by promoting national, regional, and local conferences; to promote the teachings of the Catholic church and its magisterium; to encourage believers to use the gift of the Holy Spirit and to nurture the fruit of the Holy Spirit for the edification and sanctification of the body Christ; to print, publish, purchase, sell, donate, or otherwise distribute Christian literature. Our Mission Our Geographic Scope The Alliance encompasses 12 regions in the USA and Canada: East Atlantic, Mid Atlantic, Southeastern, North Central, South Central, Rocky Mountain, North Pacific, Mid Pacific, South Pacific, Eastern Canada, Western Canada. The Alliance holds a biennial National Convention in odd-numbered years. More recent Conventions were held in Toronto (1997), Washington, DC (1999), Los Angeles (2001), New Jersey (2003), New Jersey (2005), Los Angeles (2007), Baltimore (2009), and 2011 Convention will be held in New Jersey Our Major Convention The Trumpet is published quarterly. Address queries, letters, requests for copies, and contributions to: P.O. Box 20147, Columbus, OH 43220. You may also send material by e-mail, preferably as Word attachments, to this e-mail address: [email protected] Our Newsletter: We are accessible on-line at Our Website: ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Message Bro. Bob Canton National Coordinator Dear Sisters and Brothers In Christ Jesus, It is indeed a great blessing from our Heavenly Father that we are gathered once again here in New Jersey, this time for the Third East Atlantic Regional Conference of the AFCCPC. I'm sure that it's by Divine inspiration that we have for our Conference theme these words from Isaiah 43:5, "Do Not Be Afraid, For I Am With You." Our Heavenly Father is once again telling us not to be afraid to go forward to proclaim the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ no matter how convenient or inconvenient it might be, no matter how costly it could be. He wants us to be a visible sign of His presence here on earth, to show to this dying world that in the Lord there is life, there is hope, there is joy, there is light, and there is victory. We should always remember that, although, we are in the world, we are not of this world. Our Father in Heaven has chosen us, in spite of ourselves, to proclaim His glory wherever we may be and whatever we may do. He wants us to trust in His power and love for all us, His children. We should not be afraid to face our difficulties and hardships and trials because according to the scriptures, "if God is with us, who can be against us?” On behalf of the East Atlantic Region of the AFCCPC, I welcome you warmly to this Conference. May our gathering this weekend bring us ever closer to our Heavenly Father and may we be equipped to do His works and be touched by His Words so that we will never be the same again for His glory. In this vein, I would like to thank Purita and Mario Vazquez and their prayer group, St. John's of Jersey City, all the members of the Planning Committee, the Auxiliary Members and other Ministry Heads and members, all the Regional Coordinators, music ministers, youth ministers, ushers, volunteers, and those who are working behind the scenes, and of course, the members of the clergy and the speakers and everyone who makes this Conference a great success. May God bless you and all your loved ones. Happy 4th of July! 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Message Mario & Purita Vazquez Chairpersons Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ: Indeed, it's a great joy to serve the Lord and His people. We are blessed this weekend because you came in this gathering to join the family of God to be one body, one mind, one Spirit. We welcome you with open arms. We know by faith, that you were sent by our Lord Jesus Christ to witness His goodness & miracles to make this event amazing & spirit -filled all for His glory & honor. Yes, there are sufferings, persecutions, distractions, temptations, you name it, but our compassionate God never failed to His promise "Fear not, for I am with you" This Lord promise was fulfilled among the members of the Conference Team as He was really with us from the beginning to the end. We have to thank the Lord for entrusting again His works to us - The East Atlantic Region - and also the next year's National Convention. Who am I to say NO to our Lord ? At this point, we commit ourselves to the Lord for the next Convention - our time, talents & treasures. MORE POWER TO GOD THE ALMIGHTY & BLESS THE WORKS OF OUR HANDS THROUGH THE AFCCPC ! Sincerely yours in Christ, Mario & Purita Vazquez 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Message Most Reverend Oscar A. Solis, D.D. Auxiliary Bishop San Pedro Pastoral Region Dear Friends in Christ: It is with great joy I send you my warm personal greetings and congratulations as you gather at the AFCCPC East Atlantic Regional Conference. This event for sure attracts God's people who have opened their lives to welcome the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and encounter the living and loving presence of God in us and among us. Our present world presents a disturbing and frightening scenario that threatens human existence that worries humanity. Wars, natural calamities, violence, economic meltdown and other societal ills plague our society instilling a paralysis of fear, helplessness and worse, even despair. In these troubling times, people look for something to cling on, for answer, for survival. God's comforting and consoling words of His abiding presence give us the essential hope that goodness will prevail, love will conquer hate and peace will reign. The theme of this year's conference, "Do Not Be Afraid, I Am With You" (Isaiah 43:5), is very relevant and echoes the necessary disposition of a true believer in Jesus. You are a beacon of faith, hope and love for God. This event is a testimony of your deep trust in Jesus' promise of His abiding presence. I wish you God's blessings on these three days of praise, prayer and fellowship. May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire and guide your endeavor that it may bring joy, love and peace to our world. Sincerely yours in Christ, 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Message Fr. Ramon G. Valera Head Shepherd, AFCCPC Dear Friends in the Renewal: I wish to greet all the delegates to the 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference of the Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities on July 2, 3 & 4, 2010 to be held at the Hilton East Brunswick, New Jersey. Your presence and attendance to this Conference emphasizes the importance of community building among members of the charismatic renewal. Jesus, before He ascended into heaven, commanded the apostles and the church . . “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them everything I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always until the end of time.” This conference is one way of ensuring our discipleship in the Church. The theme, “Fear not, for I am with you,” taken from the book of Isaiah, is a strong empowerment from God upon all of us. God knows that the task of sharing our faith to others is going to be a tedious mission. Hence we need all the help we can get. I pray that every member of the charismatic renewal must take courage and do not surrender to the challenges and difficulties that we encounter along the journey of faith sharing. We are assured by God's presence and power as proclaimed by Isaiah. . “Fear not, for I am with you.” Congratulations to the East Atlantic Region Team headed by Purita and Mario Vazquez for sponsoring this conference. “Fear not, for I am with you” echoes throughout the weeks and months that your entire team is working so hard to make this conference another Spirit-filled one. May the loving Lord bless and reward all of you. Again welcome to all and continue growing in your faith. God bless you all. Sincerely, 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Message FR. BILL HALBING Pastor, St. Antoninus Church AFCCPC Assist. Head Shepherd n these troubled times we can definitely be afraid. Now the Body of Christ gathers together to call upon the Lord as He sustains through the power of the Cross. We minister to one another through the charismata so that we may be enlivened. True growth is realized when we proclaim Jesus in the Eucharist, praise and worship, Bible preaching, and koinonia (fellowship) This is a weekend that will strengthen the inner man(Ephesian 3:14-f) If the inner man is not renewed will be no match for the onslaught of the enemy in the days that are in front. Use well these days to defeat the power of evil. In Christ we are more than conquerors( the Greek word is huper-nikao---above the nike.) Jesus brings us this weekend to a new level in the Holy Spirit. Victory in our lives is assured. Welcome Charismatics! In Christ Jesus, The Baptizer in the Holy Spirit, Fr. Bill I 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Rev. Joe Cadusale Dear Brothers and Sisters, The world in Noah's day was flooded with evil. Like Noah, we live a world filled with evil. Noah got right to work when God told him to build the huge boat. (Genesis 6:15) Other people must have been warned about the coming disaster.(Peter 3:20) There seemed to be no problem gathering the animals God took care of the details of that job while Noah was doing his part by building the boat. Like Noah, concentrate on what God has given you to do, and leave the rest to God. "Fear not, for I am with you" (Isaiah 43:5). The theme of the 3rd East Atlantic regional Conference is a reassuring confirmation of God's covenant with us to stick to God-directed project. "So Noah did everything exactly as God commanded him" (Genesis 6:22) Yours in Christ Jesus, Fr. Joe Cadusale Conference Spiritual Adviser 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Conference Speakers Born on October 13, 1953 in San Jose, Nueva Ecija, Philippines. Ordained on April 28, 1979. His elementary & high school in Nueva Ecija, Philippines. Finished his Bachelor of Arts in Divine Word Seminary, Tagaytay, Philippines in 1973. Finished Bachelor of Sacred Theology (Cum Laude), University of St. Thomas Seminary in 1978. Continued his studies to post graduate licentiate in Theology, M.A., Major in Oriental Religions & Cultures with no thesis from the University of St. Thomas Seminary, Philippines. From 1980 to 1984, he was a Priest in Residence in Holy Family Church, Archdiocese of Manila, a Chaplain, Knight of Columbus & Chaplain of Christian Family Movement. In 1980-1981, he was the Dean of College Students & Teacher in Philosophy in Maria Assumpta Seminary, Cabanatuan City, Philippines. A Chaplain & Director of Campus Ministry, Araullo Lyceum Cabanatuan City, Phil. Rector of college & H.S. Seminary teacher in Maria Assumpta Seminary, Diocesan Vocations Director & Secretary, Diocesan Senate of Priests, Cabanatuan City. In 1984 to 1988, he was the Associate Pastor at St. Rocco Catholic Church in Union City, Archdiocese of Newark. In 1988 to 2003 - he was assigned in the Diocese of Houma-Tribodaux, Lousiana as Associate Pastor; Member of Diocesan Personnel Board; Pastor of Our Lady of Prompt Succor Church; Dean of South Lafourche Deanery; Pastor of St. Joseph Co-Cathedral St. Luke Church. Founding member of Board of Directors of Crossroads Pregnancy Resource Center; Spiritual Adviser, Magnificat & Faithful Friar, Knights of Columbus; & Dean, Upper Lafourche Deanery & The Diocesan Priests Council. In February 10, 2004, he was ordained as Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the first Filipino Bishop ordained in United States & the Coordinator of the Archdiocesan Ethic Ministries. Bishop Oscar Solis Bro. Bob Canton Robert Canton is the National Coordinator for the Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities in North America since 1977. He was re-elected for another 3 years term as Council Member of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) based in Vatican to represent the English Speaking Renewal in North & Central America & Carribean Countries. He was a past council member of the National Service Committee Council of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the United States. He is also a member of the Association of Christian Therapist & the Filipino Pastoral Council in the Diocese of Stockton, Calif. He is very active in the healing & teaching ministry having ministered not only in North America , but also in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia, conducting workshops, retreats, seminars, healing rallies & crusades since 1989. He has spoken at various Regional, National & International conventions. He is married to former Chita Romero, R.N. and they have 2 daughters, Stephanie & Tricia. He retired from his job as Senior Auditor-Appraiser in San Joaquin County Assessor's to do and serve full time with the Lord. 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Conference Speakers Fr. Bill Halbing Fr Bill Halbing is the pastor of St. Antonius Church in Newark, NJ, a Charismatic Parish. He has been in the Charismatic Renewal since 1975 and has been a Speaker at National Charismatic Conferences in Los Angeles, Pittsburg, New Jersey, Denver, Florida, New Hampshire and ldaho. He has also conducted tent revivals for youth conferences at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio; days of Renewal parish missions and Children's Bible Conferences. He has preached in Canada, Guyana and Eastern Europe; door-to-door evangelization and Hispanic Ministry. He has a BA in Spanish and received a Master of Divinity in 2000; a Masters Degree in Ludeo Christian studies from Seaton Hall University. Bro. Don Quilao Bro. Don Quilao has been a Catholic Lay Preacher for 29 years, starting at the age of 19, all over the Philippines, Asia, Europe and United States. His mission is focused on giving seminars on Catholic Life in the Spirit, Growth in the Spirit, Discipleship & Leadership, Healing, Community Building, and Speakers' Formation Workshop, giving talks on Mariology, Catholic Faith, Equipping the Saints, Faith Deepening, and as speaker in retreats, recollections, & conferences. He is currently the Head Servant of the Filipino Canadian Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities (FCCPC), a member of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Council (CCRC) of the Archdiocese of Toronto, AFFCPC Regional Coordinator for Eastern Canada and the Chairman of the Canadian National Catholic Charismatic Conference that was held on June 26-29, 2009. He was Past Chairman of the Catholic Lay Preachers of the Philippines (CALAPP). An engineer by profession and a retired manager of Manila Electric Company (Meralco) , Bro. Don works presently as Process and Document Control Manager at East Metal Products Ltd. Toronto, Canada. He is married to Norma Abuyo and they are blessed with 5 children. 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Conference Speakers Patti Mansfield Patti Gallagher Mansfield was a participant in 1967 “ Duquesne Weekend” which marked the beginning of the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church. From the earliest days of the Renewal, she has served as a leader through teaching, writing & pastoral ministry. Patti's testimony has been widely published and she has been a speaker at conferences & retreats for laity & priests in the United States & around the world. She is a frequent guest on Ralph Martin's television program: “The Choices We Face” Patti has authored several books including: Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds, As By A New Pentecost: The Dramatic Beginning of The Catholic Charismatic Renewal with a Foreword by Cardinal Suenens and Magnificat: A Mother's Reflections on Mary. Patti is married to Al Mansfield, Coordinator of the Catholic Renewal of New Orleans , Lousiana, and is the mother of four children. She and Al serve together in Pastoral Leadership of a weekly Prayer Meeting & an Annual Catholic Charismatic Conference. The Manfields are Liaisons to the Archbishop of New Orleans for the Charismatic Renewal and are recipients of the Papal Medal, Pro Ecclesial et Pontifice (For the Church and the Pope). Patti was asked by the Pontifical Council for the Laity to thank Pope Benedict XVI on behalf of all the ecclesial movements and new communities before a crowd of 400,000 people in St. Peter's square on the Vigil of Pentecost 2006. Grace Bernardo Almost immediately after her baptism in the Holy Spirit (Blizzard of 1993) she devoted all her time in the ministry: organizing and facilitating life in the spirit seminars, growth seminars, leadership seminars, healing & reconciliation services; retreats, recollections, speaking. In conventions and conferences in the US, Canada and the Philippines. In the past 16 years, she has founded and helped established several communities and ministries: Our Lady of Peace Prayer Community, Amazing Grace Singers, Lighthouse, Voice of Grace Bible Study Group, Immaculate Conception Prayer Group (ICPG) and Pater Noster Youth Ministry (PNYM). She has completed 2 year certification program in formation of lay ecclesial ministers from eps and the Diocese of Brooklyn and is a certified Youth Minister in the same diocese. 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Conference Speakers Fr. Joe Cadusale Fr. Joe Cadusale was ordained to the priesthood by the Most Reverend Manuel Yap D.D. Bishop of Bacolod, Philippines in 1960. Fr. Joe was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1978 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during his Military tour. In the rank of Colonel, he retired from the Armed Forces of the Philippines in 1982 and consequently His Eminence Cardinal Jaime Sin appointed him as Pastor, Presentation of the Child Jesus, Archdiocese of Manila, Philippines and Vicar for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. In 1984, he was sent as a delegate to the Charismatic retreat for priests in Rome. He introduced the Life in the Spirit Seminar to many communities and conducted Bible Study to twenty-seven prayer groups in Long Island, New York City and New Jersey. By the authority of United States Cahtolic Bishop Conference, Fr. Joe is Certified Chaplain at Queens Hospital Center, Jamaica, New York where he exercised the healing ministry as he does in other parishes. In response to the call for evangelization, he contributes to the “Gospel Truth” in the Filipino Catholic Newspaper. Al Albarracin Al Albarracin is a retired pathologist. A graduate of the UP College of Medicine, his specialty training in Pathology was obtained at The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH, and McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Prior to retirement, he was the Chairman and Medical Director of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine of Doctors Hospital OhioHealth in Columbus, OH; was Clinical Adjunct Professor of Pathology at The OSU College of Medicine; and served the US Army Medical Corps as a reservist, retiring as Lieutenant Colonel in 1989. He and his wife, Terri, joined the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in 1989, baptized in the Holy Spirit following completion of a multiweek Life in the Spirit Seminar at St. Paul parish in Westerville, OH, where they eventually served as music ministers and members of the Pastoral Board of the Sword of the Spirit Prayer Group. Bob Canton recruited Al to serve as Treasurer in 1996 of a national organization that eventually became the Alliance of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities (AFCCPC). He has since served the AFCCPC as Board member for 2 terms, as Editor of The Trumpet for 7 years, and as a member of the AFCCPC Speakers Bureau. He currently serves the Catholic Charismatic Renewal as Vice National Coordinator of Administration of the AFCCPC and as Council member of the National Service Committee (NSC). He and Terri have 3 married children, all actively involved with their respective parishes, and 9 grandchildren, all enrolled in Catholic schools, and they are members of the Jesus and Mary Prayer Group and the Marians of Theophilus Prayer Group in Columbus, OH, and the Couples for Christ Prayer Group in Cape Coral, FL. 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) A Glimpse To The Servant Leaders Of The Conference Mario & Purita Vazquez Conference Chairperson Nancy Manaois Conference Secretariat Dave Armesto Deputy Lead Coordinator (New York) Liza Jablonski Deputy Lead Coordinator (New Jersey) ? Grace Bernardo Youth Conference Coordinator "WE SERVE GOD & HIS PEOPLE WITH ALL OUR HEARTS, MIND & SPIRIT” 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Meet the Regional Coordinators... Dave Armesto Dave Armesto was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1990. He was the Head Servant of Good Shepherd Prayer Group in 1992 -1993, He became the Head Enabler of the Filipino Diocesan Apostolate, Queens Division in 1994. He was also one of the Communicants to Pope John Paul II during his visit to New York. He gave talks on New Life & Transformation during LSS in the Diocese of Brooklyn & Queens. Currently, He is a member of the Filipino Pastoral Team of the Diocese of Brooklyn & Queens; member of Vine & Branches Prayer Group. He is also a Regional Coordinator of the East Atlantic Region & the Deputy Lead Coordinator of the Region for New York. Bro. Dave is a Doctor of Medicine by profession. Patrick Dela Paz Patrick Dela Paz is a native of Marikina City, Philippines and Accountant by profession graduated from the University of the East, Manila. He retired as Subway Station Supervisor of the New York City Transit Authority. He started the Family of Christ Charismatic Prayer Group in 1997 in the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, Queens, New York. He was also a member of the Immaculate Conception Charismatic PrayerGroup, Immaculate Conception Church, Queens, New York. He served as Extra-ordinary Minister of Communion in 1999 in the presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, Queens, New York & Queens Hospital Center of New York. He was the President of the Friends of Hillcrest Senior Center Advisory Council -2004 -2008 & Treasurer from 2009 up to present. At present, he was newly installed in 2009 as AFCCPC East Atlantic Regional Coordinator for New York. Melvin Mendoza A graduate of Computer Engineering in MIT Manila Philippines and been married to Rhodora Mendoza for 17 years, Melvin Mendoza has been serving with his wife as Chapter Servants of CFCFFL in Hudson County New Jersey. They are blessed with five children who are also part of younger ministries in their community. Back in January of 1998, Melvin & his wife had a life-transforming encounter with the Lord when they joined Marriage Encounter retreat. From that moment on, they have dedicated their lives in serving within the lay community which then led them to eventually join CFCFFL back in June of 1998. As a Chapter Servant of CFCFFL, he and his wife are pastoring the Lord's flock by taking care of around 50 married couples in Hudson County belonging to different Catholic parishes. Though CFCFFL are actively involved in both spiritual and social work, the couple strongly dedicate themselves in Evangelization through conducting Christian Life Seminars, Marriage Enrichment Retreats, working with other lay communities in coming up with programs that would benefit the church and going out of state to give seminars and retreats. They are also a strong advocate of Family and Life movement. They serve their parish Our Lady Of Mercy in Jersey City as lector and Eucharistic minister. 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Meet the Regional Coordinators... Luz Delin Luz Delin is a native of Calasiao, Pangasinan. She graduated from the Philippine Normal College, Manila. Major in Home Economics. She was a teacher by profession, taught 4 years in the Philippines before coming to America. Since 1979, she is teaching in Jersey City Public Schools up to the present as Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher. She was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 2005. She served as Head Servant of St. John Prayer Community, Jersey City. After her baptism, she was fully involved in most of the seminars, conferences & conventions since 2005. She was the Chairperson of the Registration Ministry in 2006; the Filipino track in the National Convention sponsored by the U.S. National Service Committee; the two Revival Conferences in 2008 & 2009. Sis. Luz is married to Roman Delin who is also a member of St. John Prayer Community & the Regional Finance Officer. They are blessed with 3 children and 2 grandchildren. Presently, Sis. Luz is serving as Eucharistic Minister of her parish in East Rutherford & Bro. Roman as an usher. She is one of the East Atlantic Regional Coordinators of New Jersey. Rosalinda Enriquez Sis. Rosalinda, better known as Sis. “Baby” is a native of Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines. A business graduate of Far Eastern University , worked as accountant in different companies in the Philippines. She had been a Real Estate Broker , an active member of Capitol Realtors, Quezon City, Philippines. She was baptized in the Holy Spirit last 1998 in St. Gerald Majella, Hollis, New York. She started her ministry with the St. Sebastian Prayer Community in 1999 at St. Sebastian Parish, Woodside, Queens, New York. She became active member of St Sebastian Prayer Community as part of Hospitality & Healing Ministry. She was a core member of the Community & later became the Elder of St. Sebastian Prayer Community from 2004 to the present. She has been a Lay Ministry Formation member in St. Bartholomew Parish in 2000-2001 in Elmhurst, New York. She is serving as an Extra-ordinary Minister of the Communion in St. Bartholomew Church, Elmhurst. Presently, she is a member of the Filipino Pastoral Team of the Diocese of Brooklyn & Queens from 2004 to the present. She has been serving the AFCCPC since 2002 up to the present: as member of Registration & Finance Ministry. At present, she is serving as AFCCPC East Atlantic Regional Coordinator for New York since 2009 . Rowena Yaptangco Sis. Weng, as her friends call her, is active n the Charismatic Renewal since her BIR days in the Philippines in 1982. Rowena “Weng” Yaptangco has spent the past 28 years in the service of the Lord. From 1999 to 2005, she served as Coordinator of the El Shaddai DWXI PPFI of Jersey City. Almost at the same time, she served as the Pastoral Assistant at St. Aedan's Church in Jersey City from 1999-2004. Weng has just ended her team as team leader of the Catholic Charismatic Pastoral Team of the Archdiocese of Newark (2008-2010). Currently she is the Coordinator of the Ocean of Mercy Prayer Community. Currently, Sis.Weng has been serving as member of the Parish Council of Our Lady of Victories Church in Jersey City. She is also serving as East Atlantic Regional Coordinator for New Jersey. She was appointed as the Music Director of the 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference. 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Auxiliary Ministry Lading & Dolly Rinon Chairperson Jun & Cora Daug Co-Chairperson Head, Transportation Ministry Romy Lim Adviser, Auxiliary Ministry George Tiangco " Do everything without grumbling or questioning that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom you shine like the lights of the world." Philippians 2:14-15 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Finance Ministry Regional Finance Officer Roman Delin Deputy Finance Officer Ofelia Villar (GROUP PICTURE) Rosalinda Enriquez, Flor Batuigas & Tessie Santos "As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as stewards of God's varied grace." 1 Peter 5:10 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Healing Ministry Amerito Gerodias Chairperson George Tiangco Co-Chairperson El Shaddai Prayer Community of Long Island City From left to right: Juliet Cabutin, Amerito Gerodias, George Caballero & Marissa Gutierrez St. John Prayer Community Healing Team Left to Right: First Row: Gilda Dalman, Pierre Terteweh, Tessie Santos Second Row: George Tiangco, Fr. Joe Cadusale & Jim Hughes. (Siony Flores - not in the picture) " He took away our infirmities and bore our diseases” Matt.8: 17 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Hospitality Room Coordinators Florence Sikorski Head, Hospitality Room Mila Umil Co-Chairperson, Hospitality Room Great is the Lord and abundant in power; His understanding is beyond measure. Psalm 147:5 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Liturgy Ministry Alma Redondo Chairperson Florinda Dela Paz Co-Chairperson (GROUP PICTURE) From left to Right: Dia Domaoan; Mila Umil; Alma Redondo & Flor Batuigas "Praise the Lord from the heavens, give praise in the heights, Praise him, all you angels; give praise, all you hosts." Psalm 148:2 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Logistics Ministry From Left to Right: Dionner, Nikki, Rizza & Dennis Espiritu "FOR WE ARE GOD'S WORKMANSHIP CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS TO DO GOOD WORKS, , WHICH GOD PREPARED IN ADVANCE FOR US TO DO." EPHESIANS 2:10 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Music Ministry Rowena Yaptangco Conference Music Director Deputy Music Director Joe Custodio Ocean of Mercy Music Ministry " I will look after my sheep, says the Lord, and I will raise up one shepherd who will pasture them. I, the Lord, will be their God." Ezekiel 34:11, 23-24 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Registration Ministry Liza Jablonski Chairperson ? Tessie Santos Co-chairperson "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you". Matthew 7: 7 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Vigil & Intercessory Ministry Tony & Melba Barrameda Chairperson Pablo Panday, Jr. Co-Chairperson Team Leader (New York) Julie Carual Team Leader (New Jersey) Dia Domaoan. Maker of the Vigil Room "Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed" Proverbs 16:3 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 Bob Jablonski ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Vigil & Intercessory Ministry The Support Groups of the Intercessory Ministry during the 24 hour Vigil Legion of Mary of Our Lady of Victories Ths St. Michael Prayer Group " As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bend before me, and every tongue shall give praise to God." Romans 14:11 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Vigil & Intercessory Ministry The Support Groups of the Intercessory Ministry during the 24 hour Vigil El Shaddai Flock of Our Lady of Victories Church Jersey City, New Jersey St. Sebastian Prayer Community Intercessory Group " As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bend before me, and every tongue shall give praise to God." Romans 14:11 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Word Gift Ministry James Hughes Chairperson Rellie Forbes Co-Chairperson Lina Eumen & Rellie Forbes (not in the picture are Marline Julmice & Loida Villacampa) "I will bless the Lord at all times; praise shall be always in my mouth. My soul will glory in the Lord that the poor may hear and be glad Magnify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together." Psalm 33:2-4 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) ADULT CONFERENCE PROGRAMME FRIDAY - JULY 2, 2010 4:00 p.m. Registration opens Dinner 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Welcome Address : Introduction : Talk: 7:15 pm. Parade of Banners Praise and Worship Liturgy/Word Gift Fr. Joe Cadusale, Main Celebrant, AFCCPC Spiritual Adviser Bro. Fiorello Salvo Commentator 8:15 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Break Festival of Praise Bro. Bob Canton, National Coordinator Sis. Luz Delin East Atlantic Regional Coordinator (NJ) “KNOWING THE LOVE OF JESUS” By: Patti Mansfield Fr. Bill Halbing Assist. Head Shepherd SATURDAY - JULY 3, 2010 7:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Registration Opens Praise & Worship - El Shaddai Prayer Community, Long Island City, New York Introduction: Talk: 10:00 a.m. Break Dave Armesto, AFCCPC Deputy Lead Coordinator (NY) “SURVIVING IN TIMES OF TROUBLES & TRIBULATIONS By: Bro. Bob Canton 10:15 a.m. Workshop A ( Blue) - Woodbridge Room Praising Songs: Bond of Love Music Ministry Introduction: Talk: Sis. Liza Jablonski, AFCCPC Deputy Lead Coordinator (NJ) “LIVING LIFE IN PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD” By: Bro. Al Albarracin Workshop B (Yellow) - Piscataway Room Praising Songs: Light of Christ Music Ministry, Jamaica, Queens, New York Introduction: Talk: Sis. Cookie Fernandez, Head Servant, Light of Christ Prayer Community “FORGIVENESS - THE KEY TO PEACE” By: Bro. Don Quilao Workshop C ( Green) - Boardroom Praising Songs: St. Sebastian Music Ministry, Woodside, New York Introduction: Talk: Sis. Melba Barrameda, Chairperson, Vigil & Intercessory Ministry “PRAYING IN POWER WITH GOD'S WORD” By: Fr. Joe Cadusale Workshop D (Red) - Salon E Praising Songs: El Shaddai Music Ministry, Long Island City, New York Introduction: Talk: Sis. Lulu de Villava “MORE THAN CONQUERORS” By: Patti Mansfield 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) 11:30 a.m. Break Liturgy/Word Gift Fr. Bill Halbing, Main Celebrant 1:00 p.m 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Lunch Break Praising Songs: Introduction: Talk: Lord's Flock Music Ministry, Staten Island, New York Sis. Liza Jablonski , AFCCPC Deputy Lead Coordinator (NJ) “HOW TO RENEW THE RENEWED” , By: Fr. Bill Halbing 3:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. Break Workshop A (Blue) - Woodbridge Room Praising Songs: St. John the Evangelist Music Ministry Introduction: Talk: Bro. Oscar Ocampo Member, Filipino Pastoral Team Archdiocese of Newark “FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT - THE KEY TO WHOLENESS” By: Bro. Don Quilao Workshop B ( Yellow) - Piscataway Room Praising Songs: Lord's Flock Music Ministry, Staten Island , New York Introduction: Talk: Sis. Lolit Peralta, Head Servant, Blessed Sacrament Prayer Group “HOW TO OVERCO0ME FEARS IN YOUR LIFE” By: Bro. Bob Canton Workshop C - (Green) - Boardroom Praising Songs : Jesus & Mary Music Ministry, St. Ann's Parish Church Introduction: Talk: Sis. Tina Edelmann Member, Filipino Pastoral Team, Archdiocese of Newark “MARY, OUR REFUGE AND SOURCE OF SECURITY” By: Fr. Joe Cadusale Workshop D - (Red) Salon E Praising Songs: The Bond of Love Music Ministry Introduction: Talk: 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Dinner Break Praise & Exultation - El Shaddai Music Ministry, Long Island City, New York Introduction: Talk: 7:30 p.m. Rosalinda Enriquez East Atlantic Regional Coordinator “HOW TO OVERCOME OBSTACLES TO HEALING” By: Bro. Bob Canton Bro. Melvin Mendoza, East Atlantic Regional Coordinator “WALKING IN SPIRITUAL REALM” By: Fr. Bill Halbing Healing Service - led by Bro. Bob Canton Assisted by: Fr. Bill Halbing , Bro. Amerito Gerodias & Healing Team of El Shaddai Prayer Community, St. Sebastian Prayer Community, St. John Prayer Community & the Bond of Love . Bro. Amerito Gerodias EMCEE 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) SUNDAY - JULY 4, 2010 7:30 a.m. Registration Opens 8:30 a.m. Praise & Worship - St. John the Evangelist Music Ministry, Bergenfield, New Jersey 9:00 a.m. Introduction: Rowena Yaptangco East Atlantic Regional Coordinator Talk: “ FEAR IS USELESS, WHAT IS NEEDED IS TRUST” By: Fr. Bill Halbing Break Workshop A ( Blue) - Woodbridge Room Praising Songs - Light of Jesus Prayer Community of Our Lady Of Victories, Jersey City Introduction: George Tiangco Co-Chairperson, Healing Ministry Talk: “PRAYING IS GOD'S MEDICINE” - Bro. Al Albarracin VNC Coordinator - Administration Workshop B (Yellow) - Piscataway Room Praising Songs: San Sebastian Music Ministry, Woodside, New York Introduction: Ofelia Villar Head Servant, The Vine & the Branches, Queens Village, New York Talk: 'LORD,TEACH ME TO BE YOUR DISCIPLE” By: Bro. Don Quilao Workshop C (Green) - Boardroom Praising Songs: Ambassador for Christ through Mary Introduction: James Hughes, Chairperson, Word Gift Ministry Talk: 'USING SPIRITUAL GIFTS TO WIN SOULS FOR GOD'S KINGDOM” - Fr. Joe Cadusale WORKSHOP D (RED) - Salon A Praising Songs: Oceam of Mercy Music Ministry Introduction: Patrick dela Paz, East Atlantic Regional Coordinator Talk: “ HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY ENGAGE IN SPIRITUAL WARFARE” - Bro. Bob Canton 11:15 a.m. Lunch Break 12:15 p.m. Praising Songs - Ocean of Mercy Music Ministry 12:30 p.m. Liturgical Dance - The Light of Christ Prayer Community, Jamaica, New York LITURGY/WORD GIFT BISHOP OSCAR SOLIS Main Celebrant Meditation Song: Marilu Purino Word Gift Ministry: James Hughes, Rellie Forbes, Lina Eumen, Loida Villacampa & Marline Julmice Installation of The Newly Appointed Coordinators Rowena Yaptangco, Rosalinda Enriquez & Melvin Mendoza Flower Offering of Prayer Leaders & Coordinators To Our Lady Of Manaoag Annointing & Blessing of Prayer Leaders and Coordinators of Prayer Groups in The East Atlantic Region Closing Remarks: Purita Vazquez, Chairperson and Bro. Bob Canton, National Coordinator Announcement for the next National Convention 16th AFCCPC National Convention, Venue: Hilton East Brunswick, Dates: July 8, 9 & 10 2011 Liturgical Music - Ocean Of Mercy Music Ministry Bro. Oscar Ocampo Emcee Rowena Yaptangco Conference Music Director 10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) YOUTH PROGRAM Note: All sessions are to be held in the YOUTH ROOM unless otherwise indicated Saturday, July 3, 2010 Morning Session Session Facilitator: Couples for Christ Foundation for Family Life -Youth (CFCYFL) New Jersey 8:45 9:15 9:45 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:15 11:45 12:45 Praise and Worship TALK #1 'Lord, Help Me to Believe in You' - Fr. Bill Halbing Witness/Reflection Song Breakout Session Small Group Presentations Closing Prayer, Praise Break Eucharistic Celebrations (Main Arena) Lunch Break Afternoon Session Session Facilitator: Bukas Loob Sa Diyos (BLD) Singles, New Jersey 2:15 Praise and Worship 2:45 TALK #2 'Come, Holy Spirit' - Patti Mansfield 3:30 Witness/Reflection Song 3:45 Break Out Session 4:15 Small Group Presentations 4:45 Closing Prayer, Praise 5:00 Dinner Break Evening Session (7pm) 'The VEIL' by Kristin Mapili Presented by the Pater Noster Youth and Young Adults Ministry of New York. Sunday, July 4 2004 Praise Ministries: El Shaddai Catholic Charismatic Music Ministry Most Precious Blood Church, Queens, New York Pater Noster Youth Ministry, Long Island, New York 8:45am 9:00 10:15 10:30 11:00 11:15 1:00pm Praise and Worship TALK # 3 'Lord, Help Me Not to be Afraid' _ Bro. Bob Canton Reflections Talk # 4 'Beyond the Veil' _ Grace Bernardo Closing Remarks, Praise! Lunch Break Closing Liturgy (Main Arena) 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) FRIDAY LITURGY/WORD GIFT JUL 2, 2010 -7:30 P Y .M. PARADE OF BANNERS 1. AFCCPC NATIONAL BANNER - BRO. BOB CANTON & MAYETTE RAVASCO 2. EAST ATLANTIC REGION ….... BRO. MARIO & PURITA VAZQUEZ 3. BANNERS OF THE OUT OF STATE AFCCPC PRAYER COMMUNITIES 4. BANNERS OF THE EAST ATLANTIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES A. LONG ISLAND & NEW YORK B. NEW JERSEY 5. COMMUNION BANNERS A. SOCORRO PACIS B. LUDY QUINTOS D. OFELIA SILVANETTO E. FELY OCAMPO REV. MR. KEITH MCKNIGHT DEACON FR. JOE CADUSALE MAIN CELEBRANT GIFT BEARERS FLOWERS KEVIN GERODIAS FRUITS AGNES NEPOMUCENO FLOWERS KATE GERODIAS FRUITS TERRI ALBARRACIN BREAD & WINE BOB CANTON & MAYETTE RAVASCO WELCOME ADDRESS FR. BILL HALBING BRO. BOB CANTON FIRST COLLECTION BASKET ROMAN & LUZ DELIN MEDITATION SONG : MARILU PURINO WORD GFIT JAMES HUGHES, RELIIE FORBES, LINA EUMEN LOIDA VILLACAMPA, MARLINE JULMICE, VER NACION JUN ESCOBER, ERNESTO DE GUZMAN, MANNY SAN LUIS SECOND COLLECTION BASKET OFELIA VILLAR COLLECTION USHERS JUN DAUG 4. GEORGE TIANGCO LADING RINON ROMAN DELIN 5. PIERRE TERTEWEH 6. ANTHONY RINON LITURGICAL DANCE LIGHT OF CHRIST PRAYER COMMUNITY JAMAICA, NEW YORK ORDER OF THE PROCESSION FIORELLO SALVO COMMENTATOR CROSS BEARER BOB JABLONSKI 1. 2. CANDLE BEARERS DAVE ARMESTO LIZA JABLONSKI ALTAR SERVERS JUSTIN ALCANTARA PRIMO RAMOS LECTORS FIRST READING & RESPONSORIAL PSALM BRO. NARCISO ALBARRACIN PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL BRO. FIORELLO SALVO EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS DENS MANTES MINA MANTES FIORELLO SALVO GILDA SALVO 3. COMMUNION USHERS 1. GILDA DALMAN 3. MILA UMIL 2. SIONY FLORES 4. TESSIE SANTOS LITURGICAL MUSIC BY: EL SHADDAI MUSIC MINISTRY OF MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) FESTIVAL OF PRAISE FRIDAY - JUL 2, 2010 - 8:30 p.m. Y ST. SEBASTIAN MUSIC MINISTRY Woodside, New York PATER NOSTER MUSIC MINISTRY New York THE COMMUNITY OF THE RISEN LORD Jamaica, New York EL SHADDAI OF MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD CHURCH Long Island City, New York THE BOND OF LOVE MUSIC MINISTRY CLOSING SONG: “ Father, Make Us One” “ I Love This Family Of God” By: All Auxiliaries Of The East Atlantic Region SIS. TUESDAY CORONEL Emcee 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) SATURDAY LITURGY Celebrant Fr. Bill Halbing Lectors Ministers of Communion Altar Servers Jamie Ciocon Kimberly Guinto James Calingo Shaina Malagad Alex Hijo Nina Union Kevin Gerodias Farrah Faye Martinez Liturgical Dancers Ushers BLD Youth Natalie Dzienius Olivia Komosinski Kristin Mapili Angelique Noblejas Cladine Padayag Mariah Williams Sam Yap Cross Bearer Brian Calingo Calvin Dumandan Archie Gega JV Reyes Brian Gosioco Music Ministry PATER NOSTER YOUTH MINISTRY PRAISE MINISTRY Keyboard/Alto Drums/Bass Clarinet/Bass Clarissa Baquiran Bass & Electric /Tenor Kenneth Arguelles Electric & Acoustic/Tenor Diego Bueno Acoustic/Alto Rowan Samuels Cyril Bernardo Singers Clarissa Baquiran, cantor Tricia Mapili, soloist Grace Bernardo Carmelle Alipio, alto Carlavee Ervas, soprano Kevin Guinto, tenor Nikki Mapili, soprano Roxanne Perez, soprano Gardiana Prosper, soprano 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) SUNDAY LITURGY/WORD GIFT JUL 4, 2010 - 12:00 NOON Y LITURGICAL DANCE LIGHT OF CHRIST PRAYER COMMUNITY JAMAICA, QUEENS, NEW YORK ORDER OF THE PROCESSION OSCAR OCAMPO COMMENTATOR NARCISO ALBARRACIN. JR. CROSS BEARER CANDLE BEARERS MAYETTE RAVASCO CARMEN SOTTO LECTORS FIRST READING & RESPONSORIAL PSALM MANELLE PALOMA SECOND READING FELY ESCOBER PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL WELINDA TAN EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 1. ANDREA MAHIYA 7. NENITA ADVINCULA 2. CYD SALALILA 3. LETTY CAYABYAB 4. SUSAN LIQOURI 5. MELY CRUZ 6. NUEVA ELMA 8. DENS MANTES 9. MINA MANTES BREAD & WINE FRANK & MALOU VENADAS FIRST COLLECTION BASKET PATRICK & FLORINDA DELA PAZ POST COMMUNION WORD GIFT JAMES HUGHES, RELLIE FORBES, LINA EUMEN LOIDA VILLACAMPA, VER NACION, ERNESTO DE GUZMAN JUN ESCOBER, MANNY SAN LUIS, MARLINE JULMICE MEDITATION SONG: MARILU PURINO OFFERING OF ROSES TO THE VIRGIN MARY ANNOINTING OF ALL EAST ATLANTIC REGIONAL HEAD SERVANTS & COORDINATORS BY: BISHOP OSCAR SOLIS SECOND COLLECTION BASKET LINDA FALLARME INSTALLATION OF REGIONAL COORDINATORS ROWENA YAPTANGCO, ROSALINDA ENRIQUEZ, & MELVIN MENDOZA CLOSING REMARKS & ANNOUNCEMENT PURITA VAZQUEZ CONFERENCE CHAIRPERSON BOB CANTON AFCCPC NATIONAL COORDINATOR LITURGICAL MUSIC OCEAN OF MERCY MUSIC MINISTRY GIFT BEARERS FLOWERS LY ABAYA FRUITS RAY & GONETTE CAPARROS FLOWERS AMPY ESCOBINAS FRUITS JOE & AGNES NEPOMUCENO 10. LULU SYCHUA 11. CARMEN FLORES 12. TEODORA REYES COMMUNION BANNERS 1. SOCORRO PACIS 4. MILA UMIL 2. LUDY QUINTOS 3. GILDA DALMAN DAVID NGUYEN 5. FELY OCAMPO 6. OFELIA SILVANETTO PRIMO RAMOS LEYVAN EDMILAO ALTAR SERVERS DEACONS DEACON ERNEST ABAD REV. MR. KEITH MCKNIGHT CO- CELEBRATING PRIESTS FELIX UGWOUZOR GREG UANAN FR. VIC PALOMA FR. CRIS PANLILIO MSGR. JERRY REBANAL BISHOP OSCAR SOLIS DIOCESE OF LOS ANGELES, CA ROWENA YAPTANGCO CONFERENCE MUSIC DIRECTOR 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) AFCCPC Activities During the preparation of the conference The Registration Ministry Meeting under the leadership of Sis. Liza Jablonski & Sis. Tessie Santos. Fr. Joe Cadusale, Spiritual Adviser of the Conference asked each worker to talk to Jesus through the Blessed Sacrament. This is one of the 5 series of Benediction & Mass held in Our Lady of Victories Church, Jersey City. The Conference Team prayed for the success of the Conference. 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) AFCCPC Activities During the preparation of the conference This is our Commitment Day & Mass last June 5, 2010 in Our Lady of Victories Church. Sis. Lina Eumen of St. Sebastian Prayer Community is delivering her message to the Conference workers. The members of the Auxiliary & Intercessory Ministry after the Benediction & Mass. This group composed of St. Sebastian Prayer Community of Woodside, NY; The Vine & Branches Prayer Group, Jamaica, Queens; St. Michael Prayer Group of Jersey City; St. John Prayer Community of our Lady of Victories Parish. 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) AFCCPC Activities During the preparation of the conference Purita Vazquez, Chairperson, went from prayer group to prayer group to campaign for this Conference. Taken during the prayer meeting of El Shaddai Prayer Community, Long Island City. (Not in the picture: Dave Armesto, Patrick & Florinda dela Paz, Rosalinda Enriquez, Pablo Panday, Jr. Melba Barrameda, Florence Sikorski) 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) AFCCPC Activities - Our Youth Ministry Our Youth Ministry Participated Actively In The 15th National Convention In Baltimore, Maryland. See, They Love One Another !!!!!!! 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) WE ARE HAPPY TO SEE YOU IN THIS CONFERENCE ! WE ARE ONE IN SPIRIT & ONE WITH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ! We Are Your Hope For Tomorrow ! PATER NOSTER YOUTH MINISTRY 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL EAST ATLANTIC REGIONAL COORDINATORS, HEADS & DEPUTIES OF ALL THE CONFERENCE MINISTRIES ! MORE POWER TO ALL OF YOU ! ST. MICHAEL PRAYER GROUP Jersey City, New Jersey " I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us .......Yes, the many good things he has done for the house of Israel, according to His compassion and many kindnesses. " Isaiah 63:7 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) CONGRATULATIONS FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE AFCCPC 3RD EAST ATLANTIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE! More Power To The God & His People ! EL SHADDAI PRAYER COMMUNITY MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD CHURCH LONG ISLAND CITY, NEW YORK BRO. AMERITO GERODIAS HEAD SERVANT " We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do " Luke 17:10 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) GOD BLESS THE AFCCPC 3RD EAST ATLANTIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE ! OUR LADY OF MANAOAG PRAYER GROUP Our Lady of Victories Church Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 NANCY MANAOIS Coordinator LOURDES MANAOIS Elder TESSIE SANTOS Coordinator SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES: Novena to Our Lady of Manaoag every Saturday @ 9:00 a.m. Our Lady of Victories Lower Church Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 Feast of Our Lady of Manaog is celebrated every last Sunday of April with 9 days Novena/ Mass & Procession. Our Lady of Victories Church Jersey City, New Jersey 07304 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SUCCESS OF THE AFCCPC 3RD EAST ATLANTIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE Pray The Rosary Daily FROM: ISAGANI & AIDA TOLENTINO and FAMILY ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) JOIN! Rev. Joe Cadusale FR. JOE’S BIBLE STUDY CLASS Most Precious Blood Charismatic Prayer Community Most Precious Blood Church 32-23 36th Street Long Island City, NY 11106 Head Servant: Nenett Barbilla 718 937 5242 2nd Tuesday 7:30 PM El Shaddai Prayer Community Most Precious Blood Church 32-23 36th Street Long Island Ciyt, NY 11106 Head Servant: Amerito Gerodias 718 458 8214 4th Sunday 3:00 PM Light Of Christ Prayer Group St. Nicholas of Tolentine 150-75 Goethals Avenue Jamaica, NY 11432 Head Servant: Cookie Fernandez 718 380 1712 Last Thursday 7:30 PM Family of Christ Prayer Community Presentation Church 8819 Parsons Blvd., Jamaica, NY 11432 Head Servant: Margie Fontanilla 718 658 2078 1st Tuesday 7:30 PM Mary Mother of Divine Healer St. Gerard Majella Church 188-16 91st Ave., Hollis, NY 11423 Head Servant: Raymonde Cesaire 718 445 4423 1st Friday 7:30 PM Haitian Community 90-33 184th Place Hollis, NY 11423 Head Servant: Alberte Madame Delatur 718 454 8572 3rd Tuesday 7:30 PM Sacred Heart Family Apostolate 37-74 6th St. Woodside, NY 11377 Head Servant: Remy Consoli 718 424 7984 2nd Sunday 6:30 PM English Community 161 Le Grand St. Brentwood, NY 11717 Coordinator: Rose Nallie Germain 631 231 8758 1st Thursday 7:30 PM Filipino Catholic 453 Hawthorne Avenue Uniondale, NY 11553 Coordinator: Dr. Norma Pascual 516 2921445 Last Monday 8:00 PM Handmaid of the Lord/Couples for Christ 202-35 Foothill Ave., A-38 Hollis, NY 11423 Head Servant: Dolly Pawal 718 468-8463 Last Sunday 6:30 PM San Sebastian Charismatic Prayer Group 39-63 57th St. Woodside, NY 11377 Head Servant: Loida Villacompa 201-993-5599 4th Monday of a 5-Monday Month, 8 PM Our Lady Queen of Martyrs 110-06 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, NY 11375 Head Servant: Nellie Milite 718 544 5141 2nd Friday 7:30 PM Haitian Community 16339 130th Ave., Apt 5C Jamaica, NY 11434-3014 Head Servant: Raymonde Cesaire 718 481 9683 4th Saturday 7:00 PM Filipino Community Our Lady of Angels 2860 Webb Ave., Bronx, NY 10468 Head Servant: Josette Camino 718 543 0884 2nd Saturday 7:30 PM Divine Mercy Devotion Our Lady of Victories 2217 Kennedy Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07304 Head Servant: Tess Alvarez 4th Friday 7:00 PM St. John Prayer Community 272 Boyd Ave Jersey City, NJ 07304 Head Servant: Purita Vasquez 201 333 3136 3rd Monday 7:00 PM St. Nicholas Prayer Group 122 Ferry St. Jersey City, NJ 07307 Head Servant: Elsa Leonida 210 656 2010 1st Sunday 6:30 PM Puissance Divine D’Amore 820 Wallace Ave Baldwin, NY 11510 Head Servant: Yvrose Saint-Urban 516 378 8173 2 nd Thursday 7:30 PM Home Bound Bible Study St. Rose of Lima 269 Parkville Ave Coordinator: Violeta Robbins 718 677 8131 1st Saturday 2:00 PM The Vine & the Branches IncarnationPrayer Group 92-19 212th St., Queens Village, NY 11428 Head Servant: Ofelia Villar 718 465 0087 3 rd Friday 7:00 PM Family of God 160-31 78th Rd Flushing, NY 11366 Coordinator: Perla Leonardo (718) 591-4579 2nd Friday, 9:00 PM The Lord’s Flock Prayer Group Sta. Rita 281 Bradley Ave., Staten Island, NY 10314 Coordinator: Myrna Leyson 718 983 1410 3 rd Saturday 8:00 PM Filipino Community Our Lady of the Angelus 63-63 98th St., Rego Park, NY 11374 Coordinator: Ofelia Concepcion (718) 897-4444 2nd Monday 7:30 PM Saint Martin de Porres Healing Ministry Flushing Chapter 86-60 Range St., Bellrose, NY 11427 Coordinator: Sylvia David (718) 913-6922 3rd Thursday 8:00 PM St. Anne Prayer Group 3545 Kennedy Blvd Jersey City, NJ 07307 Coordinator: Tina Edelmann (201) 653-4785 5th Friday 7:30 p.m. Dominican Nuns Corpus Christi Monastery 1230 Lafayette Ave., Bronx, NY 10474 Coordinator: Sr. Maria Pia 718 328 6996 Last Saturday, 9 AM God the Father/I Am Prayer Group 150-38 Union Turnpike, Apt. 5-O Flushing, NY 11367 Coordinator: Cecilia Pang 718-380-0922 2nd Saturday, 2:00 PM For more information, please call: (718) 275-3936 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 Thanks to the members and leaders of the East Atlantic Region of the AFCCPC and may the Lord bless its 3rd Regional Conference How great is the love that the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! (1 John 3: 1) Drs. Narciso & Teresita (del Rosario) Albarracin, Jr. (Al & Terri) St. Andrew Parish, Columbus, OH Tim & Maria Frommeyer Camille, Timothy Charles, Colette, and Daniel St. Brigid of Kildare Parish, Dublin, OH Narciso & Florence Albarracin Luke and James Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Chicago, IL David and Lyssa Brown David Jr., Mia, Dillon St. Andrew Parish, Columbus, OH Jesus and Mary Prayer Group Worthington, OH Marians of Theophilus Columbus, OH Couples for Christ Cape Coral, FL B o Mai & SsP r aV su z r. r o i u i aq e . t 3dE sA lniR go a C nee c r at t t ein l o frn e a c E sB u s ik N wJre at r nw c , e esy J l 2- , 0 0 uy 4 2 1 BoB bt 1. 0 64 r. oo 88 3. 4 8 1 N r H lw o, A ot oy odC h l BoR dl 2. 7 02 r. oe 66 1. 4 6 3 Wet oi , A sC v aC n SsVg 72 2. 1 i ie 0. 3 04 . i 5 1 Ls ea, eaa a V gsN vd SsEm D G z a 88 6. 6 i ra e um n 1. 0 61 . 6 7 O e-l ori t vr l od a r AC no lcl ao. m o _ @yho o ja c ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES FOR A SUCCESSFUL AND SPIRIT-FILLED AFCCPC 3RD EAST ATLANTIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE! DAVE G. ARMESTO AFCCPC Deputy Lead Coordinator (New York) EAST ATLANTIC REGION 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SUCCESS OF THE 3RD EAST ATLANTIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE ! OUR COMMUNITY IS COMMITTED TO SERVE THE LORD AND HIS PEOPLE THROUGH AFCCPC ! ST. JOHN PRAYER COMMUNITY OF OUR LADY OF VICTORIES CHURCH 272 BOYD AVENUE, JERSEY CITY NEW JERSEY 07304 NANCY MANAOIS Head Servant MARIO & PURITA VAZQUEZ Elder FLOR BATUIGAS Administrator SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES: FIRST MONDAY SECOND MONDAY THIRD MONDAY FOURTH MONDAY FIFTH MONDAY HEALING MASS IN OUR LADY OF VICTORIES CHURCH BIBLE REFLECTION BIBLE STUDY W/ FR. JOE CADUSALE BIBLE STUDY W/ FR. FELIX UGWUOZOR BENEDICTION & MASS IN OUR LADY OF VICTORIES CHURCH 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) The Terpsichoreans Of Queens, New York Congratulate The Alliance Of Filipino Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities (AFCCPC) More Power To The 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference on July 2, 3, & 4, 2010 Amparo Lee; Florinda dela Paz; Virginia del Rosario; Noemi Reodique; Emilia Soriano; Esterlina Agas; Linda Sumeritsikul; Alice Chan Ballroom, Ballad, Disco, Line Dancing, Latin, Rock ‘n Roll & more… Live Music for all occasions contact: Joe Custodio C: 917-476-4389 H: 718-591-3483 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) CONGRATULATIONS & BEST WISHES TO AFCCPC ! MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL ! CAESAR C. PREPOSI, M.D. ROOSEVELT PEDIATRICS 68-20 ROOSEVELT AVENUE WOODSIDE, NEW YORK 11377 TEL # 718-478-0505 FAX# 718-478-6565 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) BEST WISHES TO THE AFCCPC SIS. SHIRLEY ROXAS ! " O MAGNIFY THE LORD WITH ME, AND LET US EXALT HIS NAME FOREVER" PSALM 34:4 THANK YOU, LORD, FOR YOUR CONTINUED BLESSINGS & ANNOINTING TO THE AFCCPC! MAY YOU BLESS BOUNTIFULLY ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ATTENDED THIS EVENT FOR YOUR GLORY & HONOR DR. PILAR EVORA - SAYOC OFFER PRAISE TO YOUR GOD, WHO HAS STRENGTHENED THE BARS OF YOUR GATES, BLESSED YOUR CHILDREN WITHIN YOU, BROUGHT PEACE TO YOUR BORDERS, FILLED YOU WITH FINEST WHEAT. PSALM 147:12-14 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 NEW Lower rates and great value, plus multiple discounts • Paid in Full Discount • Advance Shopper Discount • Deductible Savings Plan • New Car Replacement • Homeownership Discount • Multi-Policy Discount And more..... For a FREE Quote Call Rose De Castro - Prudential Agent 120 Eagle Rock Ave East Hanover, NJ 07936 201-532-6686 Prudential distributes auto and other property and casualty products that are offered and underwritten by High Point Safety and Insurance Company, High Point Preferred Insurance Company, High Point Property and Casualty Insurance Company, 331 Newman Springs Road, Building Three, Red Bank, NJ 07701. The Prudential Insurance Company of America Newark, New Jersey and High Point are not affiliated companies. IFS-A142041 Ed.11/2008 Congratulations and More Power to AFCCPC From: Legion of Mary Our Lady of Victories Jersey City, NJ ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Prayerful Greetings for a Blessed and Spirit filled 3 Regional Conference at Hilton Hotel Conference Center, Brunswick New Jersey, Sponsored by the East Atlantic Region! rd From: Delia Daclan Tabasa & Ireneo Tabasa and Family Kharl, Ireneo, Kimo, Jennel, Delia , Charlene and grandchildren, Kaelen Maya ,Nyssa Victoria and a new addition Karis Sophia (Not in picture) 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) Prayerful Greetings to the East Atlantic Regional Conference AFCCPC Churches Affiliated: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Fairfield, Prayer Meeting . ……Every Friday…….. .6:30 P.M. St Andrews Church, Daly City, Prayer Meeting ………....Every Wednesday 7:30 P.M. Holy Family Church, Citrus Hts , Prayer Meeting …….…Every Friday……...7:30 P.M. St. Claire Church, Roseville, Prayer Meeting………….....Every Saturday…....7:30 P.M. St Joseph Church, Lincoln, Prayer Meeting……………....Every Friday……...7:00 P.M. Servant Leaders: Bro. Irnie and Sis Delia Tabasa – Tel No. (415) 467-7951 Are you tired? “Come to me all of you who labor And are burdened and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) MORE POWER TO GOD ALMIGHTY AND CONTINUE TO BLESS MY DEAR COUPLE FRIEND: MARIO & PURITA VAZQUEZ ! FROM BRO. CRIS & AMPY ESCOBINAS "LET US NOT GROW TIRED OF DOING GOOD,FOR IN DUE TIME WE SHALL REAP OUR HARVEST.” GALATIANS 6:9 WE SALUTE TO THE SUCCESS OF THE AFCCPC 3RD EAST ATLANTIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE ! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME ! RACELIS REALTY INC. 471 Westside Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07304 Residential, Commercial Condos & investments GREG V. RACELIS Pres. & Lic. R.E. Broker Bus: 201-433-2654 Fax: 201-433-7186 E-mail: [email protected] " JESUS IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER." HEBREWS 13:8 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 Have a successful and Spirit-filled Conference! From: The Joy in the Spirit of the Lord Prayer Group of Maryland ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) GREETINGS TO THE ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) MAY GOD CONTINUES TO BLESS ALL THEIR HARD WORK AND ANNOINT MIGHTILY ALL OF THEM & THEIR SPEAKERS. PEACE TO ALL ! THE LIGHT OF CHRIST PRAYER COMMUNITY St.Nicholas de Tolentine Church meets every Thursday, 7:30-9:30pm 150-75 Goethals Ave., Jamaica, New York 11432 (in Tolentine Hall) Servant Leader: Cookie Fernandez Core Leaders: Bing Custodio, Maty Dones, Martha Muteba, Ida Salvacion, Cecilia Pang, Estellita Melindo, Patsy Dee,Jocelyn Ganas, Music Ministry Leader: Bro. Joe Custodio "You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lamp stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see the good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:13-16) 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) THE LIGHT OF CHRIST PRAYER COMMUNITY OF ST. NICHOLAS DE TOLENTINE PARISH JAMAICA, QUEENS, NEW YORK proudly presents A PRAISE CONCERT Saturday, May 17, 2010 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) OFFICERS Bob Canton (CA) National Coordinator Delia Tabasa (CA) National Treasurer Judy Labaria (CA) National Secretary Pablo Malana (CA) Auditor Dr. Ray Caparros (MD) VNC Funding Irni Tabasa (CA) Mario Enriquez (CA) Asst. VNC Funding Grace Bernardo (NY) Mario Vierneza Bob Canton (CA) VNC Youth Michael J. Tupas (CA) VNC Logistics an Resources VNC Administration Rhomie Ramirez (CA) Director of Information Prime Abiado (OH) Systems Administrator Lourdes Patricia Isaac (NY) James Blubaugh (OH) Chair, Renewal Service Relations Liza Jablonski (NJ) (East) Dey Pinzon (CA) (West) Fe Enriquez (CA) (West) Fe Lacbain (CA) (West) Chairs, Intercessory Ministry Sidney Edoria (CA) Chair, Ministry on Music Celso Roxas (CA) Chair, Word Gift Committee Gus Mora (CA) Legal Adviser Dr. Jose Nepomuceno (MD) Dr. Anastacio Pinzon (CA) Leonardo Lacbain (CA) Special Advisors to National Coordinator SPIRITUAL ADVISERS Ramon Valera Head Shepherd Our Lady of Lourdes Church Northridge, CA Fr. Bill Halbing Assistant Head Shepherd St. Antoninus Parish Newark, NJ Bishop Oscar Solis Vicar for Ethnic Ministries Archdiocese of Los Angeles, CA Msgr. Fred Bitanga St. Patrick Parish San Francisco, Ca Fr. Joe Cadusale Jamaica, NY Deacon Dan Culnaugh Honolulu, HI Fr. Pete Literal Laurel, MD Deacon Dean Lopata St. John the Evangelist Severna Park, MD Fr. Louis Olive St. Mary’s Church Annaplois, MD Fr. PJ Camiring St. Augustine Church Washington, DC Fr. Rey Reyes St. Anne of the Sunset San Francisco, CA Deacon Bob Rosales Scarborough, ONT Fr. Lorenzo Salandaran St. Mark Parish Stoufville, ONT Fr. Vic Paloma Our Lady of Victories Jersey City, NJ 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 ALLIANCE OF FILIPINO CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER COMMUNITIES (AFCCPC) BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ging Mangaliman Los Angeles, CA Gus Mora Los Angeles, CA Purita Vazquez Jersey City, NJ Val Kiamco Las Vegas, Nevada Agnes Nepomuceno Severina Park, MD REGIONAL COORDINATORS EAST ATLANTIC REGION Dr. Dave Armesto (NY) Luz Delin (NJ) Melvin Mendoza (NJ) Rosalinda Enriquez Rowena Yaptangco Patrick dela Paz MID ATLANTIC REGION Rod Vicente (VA) Bibian Encomienda (MD) Carmen Sotto (MD) SOUTHEASTERN REGION Greg Acedo (NC) Joe Calicdan (NC) Dr. Linda Cander (FL) Jean Gervalis (FL) Ramon Mescallado (FL) NORTH CENTRAL REGION Terri Abarracin (OH) Teresita Pal (WI) Leo Vitangcol (WI) SOUTH CENTRAL REGION Betty Corunah (TX) Ben del Puerto (TX) ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Jojo Concepcion (AZ) Bertie Krehnavil (NV) Virginia Nuval (NV) Marietta Ravasco (AZ) Dr. John Valles (NV) PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGION Remy Carillo (AK) NORTH PACIFIC REGION North Calip (CA) Eli Madrilejos (CA) Iner Pugat (CA) Leni Robins (CA) Rose Henrico (CA) MID PACIFIC REGION Diana de Guzman (CA) BJ Mangaliman (CA) Irma De Guzman (CA) Ludy Rustia (CA) Ted Lim (CA) Jun Tan (CA) SOUTH PACIFIC REGION Evelyn LaMountain (CA) HAWAII/PACIFIC ISLANDS REGION Aida Javier (HI) Nora Etrata (HI) EASTERN CANADA REGION Ralph Ferrer (ONT) Don Quilao (ONT) Fe Santos (ONT) WESTERN CANADA REGION 3rd East Atlantic Regional Conference - July 2,3, & 4, 2010 Simple Praise Ministry Contact: Bro. Jojo Concepcion ROBERT CANTON MINISTRIES "WE ARE WITH ALL OF YOU IN PRAISING THE LORD FOR HIS TREMENDOUS BLESSINGS UPON THE AFCCPC AND THE EAST ATLANTIC REGION IN HOSTING THIS THIRD REGIONAL CONFERENCE IN EAST BRUNSWICK, NJ FROM BOB, CHITA, STEPHANIE, AND TRICIA CANTON Tel 209-473-8213 E-mail: [email protected] ROBERT CANTON MINISTRIES  DBA: JESUS, THE DIVINE HEALER MINISTRIES         P.O. BOX 691927         STOCKTON, CA. 95269-1927
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