

UNCLASSIFIEDAD NUMBER AD-800 469 NEW LIMITATION CHANGE TO DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: A Approved for public release; Distribution unlimited. LIMITATION CODE: 1 FROM No Prior DoD Distr Scty Cntrl St'mt Assgn'd AUTHORITY USABRL Ltr; 16 Dec 68 THIS PAGE IS UNCLASSIFIED REPORT NO. 620/ OCTOBER 1947 AERODYNAMIC DATA FOR SPINNING PROJECTILES H. P. Hitchcock E OCT 25I IOrdnance Research &Development Project No. TB3-0824 B3ALLISTIC RESEARCH LABORATORIES POVIG ABEDEE ROUDMARYLAND -Aberdeen Ballistic huosearch Laboratories Proving Ground, Maryland 14 January 1952 ERRATA SHEET FOR BRL REPORT 620 p. 10, line 3. For "e", read "10". p. 10, par. do After "459", insert, "532". p. 11, line 4. Note that a table of p and I/p, "Functions of Stability Factor", is available (BRL File N-II-h6). pp. 11 and 12. The following empirical formulas, which give approximate values of the normal force coefficient and the distance from the base to the center of Iressure for projectiles with ogiva. and conical heads, should be substituted for those given in the report: - .653 + .0223a - .6139b - .0023c + .2635d + .6476 (1/e), l.019b + *6032c + h - .0747 + .0443a, .2459d + .8083 (1/e). p. 14, par. h. p. 14, bottom. After "1408", add "664". Add "The axial couple damping factor is a - N/N - KApd4 U/A." p. 26, last line. For "MR" read "BRLM 417". P. 35, par c. After "A.P. T9E4 Tracer" insert "BRL 416". P., 5. For "M308 (T23) and T23El" read "T23 and M308 (T23E1)". - pp. 56 and 58. For "M308" read "T23", and for "T23EI" read "M308". p.71 After "(APO Photo A8392)" insert "Design 3-76J, NDRC Report A-428". P. 77, par fl P. After "Tank Gun MIA2" insert, "T94 and T102", and add the line "76mm Tank Gun T91 -- 25".- .5, par. f. Add the line "Gun T119 -- 25". p. 93, par. d. After "Chem. (WP) M60 M48" insert "BRLM 447".- p. 140 For "597", read "602", and add the following BRL reports: The Accuracy of Drag Measurements as a Function of Number and Distribution of Timing Stations.. b.X120 Maple.. Comparative Dispersion and Drag of Spheres and Right Cylinders. H. par. J. Zaroodny. F. Supersonic Flow over Bodies of Revolution. read "Hitchcock". A. 658 664 684 703 717 719 729 and 7. Functions. Effects upon the Moment and Drag Coefficient of an Increase in Width of Driving Band. R. Part II: Complete Flows. J. 0. J. Tables of Supersonic Flows About Cone Cylinders. G. d.. K. le. J. A Note on the Stability Conditions for Spinning Shell and Rockets. and Kelley.. 491 503 51 2 Sterne. Ballistic Data for Flat Fire. P. N. Add the following memorandum reportst 347 Hallperin. On the Determination of Yaw from Yaw Cards. A Formuila for the Representation of Resistance 567 591 602 619 628 Hitchcock. Lo Initial Effects of Overturning Moment on a Shen Fired with Large Initial Yaw. Formulae for Computation of Differential Effects for Forward Fire from Aircraft. A. Form Factors and Stability of Ammunition for German 3-cm Aircraft Gun MK 103. F. J. Comparison of Boattail and Square Base. W. E. . It. C. On Jump due to Bore Goldstine. Morrey. for *Hicthcock".0 p. and Synge. General Equations of Motion for a Projectile with Rotational Symmetry. Clearance. F. and Gerber. B.. H. John. Thomas. T. B. On Jump due to Muzzle Disturbances. S. Hoffleit. R. T. D. -- After 02930. C. Reduction of Spark Range Data. -- p. Sonie Comments on the Form of the Drag Coefficient at Supersonic Velocities. Kent. R. Clippinger. L. L. Synge. 365 Siljander. Part It Surface Pressure. C. F. Turetsky. A. and Carter. and Galbraith. Giese. Karpov. R. S. Richards. Clippinger. N. R. 142.. Based on DeMeritte and Darling's Experimental Results. 227-247 (1922). Projectile T1314. H.. A222. N97. and Sultanoff. Ballistics of Caliber 0. Friesen. M106. R. par. BRL TN 474 BRL TN Ui Hitchcock. Projectile. M23. P. Nicolaides. d. 142. P. On Estimating the Drag Coefficient of Missiles.P. 2i2. H. H. C.. Cone Cylinder Model E12M3. H. G. R. Table of Form Factors of Projectiles.I. N..I. Ballistic Tests of Cartridge Caliber . J.50 A. c. P. NOTS TM RRB-109 Add the following miscellaneous reports: Hall. J. Determination of Drag Functions for 8" Howitzer Shell HE. P. Supersonic Wind Tunnel Tests of Small Caliber Projectiles: Cal . Patton.. BRL TN 392 p. H.E. M. D. Hitchcock. E. Formulas for Normal Force and Center of Pressure of Long Bodies of Revolution. T63. Bullet T39 464 Zaroodny. Form Factor and Stability"of A.60 H.I. Fired from Shortened Caliber 0.E..P. par. and Leitmann. P. A. Hitchcock. 514 Carter.50 A. P. 456 Hitchcock.I. Cross-wind Firing of 20-mm Guns. 435 447 Turetsky. .426 Hitchcock.P. W. and 20-mm H. Cal . After ref. On the Development of a Low Spin Anti-tank 527 532 Hitchcock. R. :39. H. B. S.I. H. Bullet T91. Windage Jump of 20-mm Practice Krieger. to Fowler's "The Aerodynamics of a Spinning Shell"..T. W.. Theoretical Supersonic Pressure Distributions on Non-yawing Cone Cylinders with Boattails.60 Barrels. Stability of 105-mm Chemical Shell M60. Hitchcock.P.I. add "Part II. 545 564 p. S. P. 1f.60 A. HITCHCOCK ORDNANCE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OFFICE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE PROJECT NO. TB3-0824 rTOM L947 aopfkqtod-rbruary 1952 - ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND. (vsim is) i 70l!l . 620 Aerodynamic Data for Spinning Projectiles.I INCI ASSIFIED &SA REPORT No. MARYLAND C9 RD. P. 4 5 9 15 16 21 27 31 38 47 50 58 68 78 85 94 98 98 100 124 126 127 131 132 134 139 143 146 148- - -: WMA.63 Bullets 20 mm projectiles 37 mm projectiles 40 mm projectiles 57 mm projectiles 75 mm projectiles 3-inch projectiles 90 mm projectiles 105 mm projectiles 4. Caliber 0. 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Title Introduction Nomenclature Formulas Standard Atmospheric conditions at Surface of Earth Calber 0.5-inch projectiles 120 mm projectiles 6-inch projectiles 155 mm projectiles 8-inch projectiles 240 mm projectiles Drag of slugs Drag of spheres Point fuzes Drag of typical projectiles List of reports on Aerodynamics of Spinning Projectiles List of Illustrations List of Graphs Index of Projectiles a.30 Bullets C ller 0.50 Bullet. .TABLE OF CONTENTS Par. S. b A . but a few wind tunnel results are included. The index classifies the projectiles according to their shape.3 BALLISTIC RESEARCH LABORATORIES REPORT NO. Some theoretical and empirical formulas are included.L This is a collection of the physical and aerodynamic data of spinning projectilen (excluding spin-stabilized rockets) which have been obtained experimentally In the U. 620 HLtchcock/jmh Aberdeen Proving Ground. Md. 17 October 1946 \A RODAMIC DATA FOR SPININ -1 ABSTRACT PROJECTILES . Most of these data were determined from free fligat. during the past decade. and principal moments of inertia. together with a few of the earlier results. showing the principal dimensions in calibers. d. and the yawing moment coefficient and Magnus moment coefficient. In the present report. and also some which explain the theory and the methods of performing the tests. c. In terms of the caliber whose true value is expressed in inches. ence to the report and the method of observation (with a few exceptions. Ballistic Research Laboratory Report No. the symbols tre listed alphabetically for convenience. The drag coefficient and the form factor relative to one of the typical projectiles. A sketch of the projectile. The illustrations and graphs I .) (4). This report contains the physical and aerodynamic data of spinning projectiles (excluding spin0abilized rockets)which have been obtained experimentally in the United States during the past decade. The data are arranged in the following manner: ordinary projectiles are grouped according to caliber.4 1. For ordinary projectiles of each caliber. (5). (6). the known data are given In the following order: (1). with a refer. The axial couple coefficient and sl. It Is given whenever both the velocity of the projectile and the temperature of the air are accurately known. and a reference to the report. The Mach number -- the ratio of the velocity of the projectile to the velocity of sound in air -. 27 on "Resistance Functions of Various Types of Projectiles" gives the data on drag which were obtained from resistance firings and air stream experiments before June 1935. The list of reports given herein includes those from which the experimental data were taken. e. Introduction a. The cross wind force coefficient. the moment coefficient. and the drag of typical frict!on drag coefficient. form factors obtained by range firings have been omitted. then. separate paragraphs are devoted to the drag of formulas that can be used for estimating the values of coefficients when no better method of determining them is available. The standard stability factor for a given pitch of rifling. characteristics o! point fuzes.. only the velocity of the projectile is given. (7). 30 on "Stability Factors of Projectiles" gives the data which were obtained from stat4lity firings before September 1940 (the first edition was dated December 1935). b. The pitch of rifling of various guns. Otherwise. Ballisdc Research Laboratory Report No. (2). which was usually determined from drift firings and taken from the referenced report. distance from base to center of gravity. Some of the formulas which define and connect the physical and aerodynamic quantities are collected for reference purposes: these include several empl-11c. The physical characteristics. the drag of spheres (included as a simpie basis of comparison). and the numbers of the official drawings. Including weight. (3). which were determined from the observed loss of spin.Is the principal varlable on whi'h the aerodynamic coefficients depend. they are the ones commonly used in the Laboratory. which were determined from the damping of the yaw in connection with the stability firings. c d c" Damping coefficients Damping coefficient Diameter. Nomenclature Symbol a b c c 2 1 Nomenclature Velocity of sound wav. reciprocal of twist Moment of inertia factor.s in air Windage jump coefficient (mil. the index Is convenient when data are desired pertaining to a particular shape of projectile. 2.ase to center of pressure Density factor (m Form factor Drift factor Retardation coefficient Radius of gyration about transverse axis Mass of projectile (grain or gram) Pitch of rifling. caliber (inch or mm) Diameters of bearing -3urfaces (in) 2. 2 c.ft/sec ft ft ft . ft/sec) Cross wind factor Couple factor Unt* ft/sec rad. ft ft ft 1 sec' 2 1 1 .71828. 'S .parentheses.contained in the present report are listed. Other common ones are given In. Finally. base of natural logarithms Yawing moment damping factor Gravitational acceleration (m/sec ) Distance from base to center of gravity Distance from . square of radius of gyration about axis of projectile (cal 2 Function of stability factor I dip d 2 e f g g h h I j k k m n p ft/sec cal cal ft 1 1 ft "I o 2 ) cal lb cal 1 1 p *These units will produce consistent results. Nomeaclature (Cos.217 x 10"4KD Ballistic coefficient (lb/in ) Drift coefficient Skin friction drag coefficient Angular drift (mil) Drag Skin friction drag lb/ft2 sec 3/f2 I red lb.ft/sec2 2 Drag function (lb/in /sec) sc sec' .in ) Traneverse moment of inertia 2 Dragcoefiflent (lb/In /ft). 5. wind (ml/hr) Angular velocity of axis of projectile (deg/sec) ioi .lb/In 2 lb.ft rad 2 2 or (gr.ontal range (yd or m) Altitude (yd or m) Linear drift (yd or m) 2 or or lb.ft/sec 2 lb.ft stability factor at the surface of the earth Azimuth (deg) 2 2 ( inertia of Axial moment 2 rad/sec sec-1 1 1 sec ft/sec ft/sec* ft/sec ft/sec ft/sec ft/sec rad/sec ft ft ft ) ft 2 lb.) S~blNomenclature q r a ss t u v V Vr vb w w X y z A A A B B C CL C'DF D D DF G Nutatonl frequency factors Function of damping and stability Stability factor ~tandard Time Velocity of projectile relative to air Velocity of projectile relative to gun Muzzle velocity Recoil velocity Increase in projectile velocity caused by the blast Velocity of air relative to Siacci Altitude function (ft.S. 8 B Yaw-drag coefficient (deg-2 Skin friction drag coefficient Yawing moment coefficient Magnus moment coefficient Magnus force coefficient Cross wind force coefficient Moment coefficient Normal force coefficient Length of nutational period Cross wind force Bearing length (in) Moment of air resistance about center of gravity Spin reducing moment Mach number Normal force Spin (rev/sec) Muzzle spin (rev/sec) Distance.ft/sec 1 1 rad 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ft lb. 1916.ft 2/se 1 lb. Nomenclature (Con. lb.ft/sec rad/sec rad/sec ft 2 3 2 2 .ft /sec 2 1 2 lb.) ni Symbol G1. Density as a function of altitude (ratio'.ft /sec lb.2.ft/aoc ft. measured along the line of departure. etc. to a point directly above the projectile (yd) t lb. etc. H Hw I J K KA KD KDA KDF KH KS KK KL KM KN L L Lb M M M N N N0 P Nomenclature-Drag function for Projeitile Type 1. Yawine moment 2 Slaccl Inclination function (lb/In ) 2 lb.ft /sec 2 Magnus moment Magnus force Axial couple coefficient Drag coefficient. ) Standard air density at the surface of the earth Air viscosity of plane of yaw (deg) Time raLe of change of orientation (deg/sec) lb/ft/sec rad rad/sec rad/ft rad 0Orientation 0' A Linear rate of change of orientation (deg/ft) Windage jump (mil) . etc.ft /sec lb. N X 1 is the damping factor) Moment factor Normal force factor I I 7 0 0 X X lb.ft/sec 1 ft ft 2 2 R R S s' T T Z a Total air resistance Reyrolds number 2 SlacclSpace function ( .lb/in or m. ratio of circumference to diameter 3 Air density (l.) Symbol Nomenclature Unit Q Drift function Drop of projectile (yd) sec2 /ft 2 ft lb.ft/sec 1 lb/ft 3 lb/ft 3 . exclusive of base (in ) 2 Slacci Time function (sec. p pps U lb/in .ft/sec I lb.- 2. 2 2 ir ) sec sec rad rad rad seec. rad rad rad rad sec " I 2 Nutational period Zenith angle (deg) Maximum yaw (deg) Minimum yaw (deg) Magnus moment damping factor Yaw (deg) * Yaw in the bore (deg or min) Angle of inclination of the trajectory (deg or rail) Angle of departure (deg or mil) Cross wind force damping factor Cross wind force factor Magnus force damping factor ( ) Surface of projectile. kg/m 3 . Nomenclature (Con.*' 8 . 276) 4=-D/m .2 . . if the yaw Is not too large. Physical characteri:.. . M=u/a.5A+0.0543 mL gd=C. . the squares of the radii of gyration. R .. 26 lists their ttles). 261.g sin 0 (Dot denotes time derivative) aich number. G .50 ball and armor-piercing bullets are: 2 A-0. Inside diameter d. . A-0.115 md . and the yaw KD=D/Pd2u2 (A function of the Reynold's number also has a small effect.D/mu 2 KDPd 2 /m The Magnus force and the yawing force due to yaw- +L2 )1/2. . B-0. outside diameter D.Bu = 5.. the approximate empirical formulas for high explosive shells of caliber d and length .375 L.i n.5A+0. 2 B=0.B/md 2 2 b.0594 mL2 (4) In general.140 md .. n. P ab: (X-113. and length L: gD= . i . ~~L (3) are: Likewise.L A =m 9BD+d B A +m L= 2 . gd=0. ) In 2 C n = m/nd2 (expressed in lb/in unless otherwise stated) . expressed in calibers.tIcs: (1) (X-i13) They are explained in the BRL Reports For a hollow (or solid) cyjinder of mass m.(D2 ing are neglected in this formula. and if KD denotes the drag coefficient for 0 yaw.D/Pd2u . 400 L. Formulas ~ - The following formulas are given without full explanation. (2) Sim1ar formulas with approxirrate empirical coefficients for caliber 0. a.217 x 104 K u) G/G n (n1. .) 5 Approximately. 0 2 KD= KDo (I+KD5a ' ) k . .KD u (In most tables. .. d is the caliber and L the length of the bullet.30 and 0. whose numbers are given in parentheses (par.3. are: p = A/rd 2 k2. G . Here. 013.000.To) o) t - .Sc- 0 2 y-xtan C o ---.X - GH. 261. N is the spin) fv o a v2oA 2 fV2 pn d BK MU f 2 A2 Under standard conditions. y U . n n h 1 0. .. I I-c+ Gu gdu2 xM.000. (X-113. Idu~ u T u Gu d~f u .D sin I + L cos S (normal force) N/ p d u2 . 114.- GH.2 a/P d 3u2 - 3 =iK M ad /8 s (Here. 276. KDKL -g)s M-Nd(h a g) - sin S KM .. c is an arbitrary constant and U an arbitzary value of the velocity u.. A= u "fd-.716 ft "I . S acci Functions: Here.10 3. 276). 116.sin2 crA .V.KN(h c2 a /Bu 2N2 2N IfN N . Stability.. p p.A . 0.g (standard trajectory) c.P sin S . (AC o)+ (A.AO .C cos o (S-S (T . s POn dBKM . (X-113.sec . 446.0 Iox -(- tanG-tan ° -C ( -sc o fy-0. N . S.] d.045 m.) Bn " Cn H *h h. Formulas (Con. The subscript0 denotes initial values. u . 459). The formulas are approximately valid if C (lb/tn2 ) and P (ratio to standard) are constant. 1) 2 s V )i/ )2 (a .020 a . is the length of the cylindrical -art of the body.3. but have not yet been published. in calibers.0.748 b + 0.. is the length of boat-tail.0. 0 . in calibers.0135 a + 1.0.97 b + 0.0.-0.AN/2Bp p (1 . h .4837 d . though not sufficient. Tq '/fp. it is necessary.540 d .0268 e. 1 rad 2L =57. say less than 10s. K + 2 (K Since the right member of this inequality can never exceed 1. in calibers. A ' The following empirical formulas give approximate values of the normal force coefficient and the distance from the base to the center of pressure for projectiles with ogival heads:' K N . which usually occurs near the minimum yaw: . The following formulas.1715 c + 0. Formulas (Con. that a or else negative. (s .AN/2B.6276 c + 0.) The following formulas are approximately valid if the yaw is small. with conical heads:* *Some data have been determined recently by free flight in the Aerodynamics Range. in calibers. but give different results for conical or nearly conical heads. whose empirical coefficients were poorly determined. /T . in degrees. pertain to squarebased projectile.0233 e.3438 min The necessary and sufficient condition for stability is that 2 -K d2 (K 2 d [2 LK. Is the length of the ogival head.l/s) 1 2. is the radius of the ogival arc. The above empirical formulas yield approximatelythe same values for KN and h when the ogival radius is moderately long.2K.3 deg. I A/Bnd L /P p sa(T/ r ). .1) 2 ' (TO/ (TO/1 )s Z- 2 4 2-dld 2(rad). where a b c d e is the angle of boat-tail. Neglecting the variation of r radians in orientation during each period of yaw. in calibel 3. n calibers.11/ P d4 u (Hw is the yawing moment) f ..1. h . Drift: (261.n/2 r gpj rv ./AN sin -KPd4 u/A .575 + 0. z/K ML (whence K can be found if D i observed) The Magnus force.) K where 0... on a nearly horizontal trajectcry.12 S.K H Pd4u/B P d uN sin A KI 1 . C is the length of the cylindrical part of the body. since D mz/x (rad). 276) L ) sin I (cross wind force) X KL - /pd2u L2 X /mu . 446.25 j. 459) w ( 2 +j2 sin' S)1/2 (angular velocity of axis) KH. 278.z/K Then. e. if K .K L pd u/m .l Imu2 Kpd 2/m 2 Q-KL/KMU ) if Q r is a standard drift function Jr " Q/Or (r.H/B .muN K-puNd 3KK KK1 sin a.51 + 0.md2n/2 rgAjrVo a (The subscript Is dropped from Q CL. f.30 J.'1 y. CLr .c . 2.KL/KMCL . Damping: (281. also has a very small effect on the direction of motion of the center of gravity. G and C) oLL Approximately. D L .0. d(z/K) N o BP df a/K) . Formula& (Con. sin A . j Is the length of the head. ( " 21) 22) 1 log e . Formulas (Con. 2kx.35 L 5 where L is the length of the priiectile. P f+y x2 vXl 2 .. and 1# 21 is the minimum yaw at 17. f -K +27 -2pr.L C *~p2[ + KL] KDPsd2/2m C w+ 0 lk . determined with projectiles from caliber 0. r is approximately 0.13 3. but not always..C 2 are the maximum yaws at x and x.0. P2 2- . - " f- +2 2 )cosh x) sinh (-v x) x).0. Usually.sin2Z cos2A) /u2 (approximately) so v 2sS/Pu 2 0 if ss Is the standard stability factor.. v x2 . the damping factors are proportional to the velocity. expressed in calibers.) The following formulas are approxtrr. approximately satisfies the relation 1 KH . 2 v2 o 2 + 2wv o sin Z cos A + w 0 . and the subscript 0 pertains to x . f+r -. p-(1-/s) a-soe 0 1 1/2 exp( C-a 0(pJ 1/2 -1 80 If a 0 (polp) 1/2 . The yawing moment ccefficient.30 to 37 mm inclusive at velocities from 2000 to 3050 ft/sec.dt ely correct along a nearly horlzontal trajectory if the initial minimum yaw Is zero. . g. and p Istheratio of the air density to the standard air density at the surface of the earth ~ . Aircraft Gunfire Trajectories: (116. 345) U2.w2 (1 . the retardation coefficient Is constant. f+ xp(--- (v x) and . 408) 1 (Vo+Vr -vb)/nd No . on a nearly horizontal trajectory. c Is the mass of the propelling charge.1 0 + -. is 11.00168. Fokmulas (Con. excluding the 120 mm Shell M73.2 r 2 ~(approximately. . R-udP/ w. The average empirical value of C'DF for ten projectiles is 0. P+ I/2 .DF CDF DF/ P S' Us The skin friction drag is a function of Reynold s number. Spi: (287. and R is the mass of the recoiling partE of the gun) 1i KAd 4 logeN -lOgN -d ?f 0 Approximately. 4 KA 4KAd 2 /S' KDF . K logeN . Shells.-(1 ol -2 pcP -e PCP ANK L M t. KD62 0 3 - S-S dt .5.14 3. ° here.E.logeN A 14 p x K " Ms/ 'd 4uN d . 2 The average value of S'/d for 8 H.) #. 652 43.825 750 mm Hg 15' C 78% 341.46 m/sec Unit k /m 3 lb/ft 3 lb/in 2 lb/in .48335 .87579 .10 2.043.63825 .72089 9.47989 .48 0.ft2 /in gr/ft 3 gr/in3 gr/In 2 .ft gr/In.10 3.000.9 525.10 1.56253 1.000.10 0.304.4 0.521.000.301.ft 2 5 3 29.27 ft/sec Log 0.9 0. Standard Atmospheric Conditions at Surface of Earth Barometric pressure Temperature Relative Humidity Velocity of sound Density 1. the sketches of the projectiles on the following pages precede the tabular data pertaining to each caliber.126.000.7 0.5275 in Hg 59* F 78% 1120.203.5 0.84171 Note: As explained in the introduction. .34 3.075.08041 8.4.71743 .10 5.ft lb. a o pg 0 0 p. - .' N a ~ pg pg I I 0 a 0% a N 0 -- SE. 'I' -.18 LE. pg d 4. SAN 4. I' I - a I a a .4 11~ a 0 I. - - N U 4 0 . 146 .L TI5 Drawing B 10986 B 137545 B 138195 B 16092 A2 gr.4/4o2 BRL 271 BRL 276 APG 471.211 .67 see graph 2730 2700 .11 2850 1360 see graph 2790 .30 Bullets a.751 1.332 1. M2 Tracer M1 Night Tracer M 25 Frane!ble M22 (T44) Frangible M22 (T44) A.827 1.107 .043 9.i3 20. 172 172 150 164 150 151 167 149 134 142 150 108.132 Ball M2 A. Caliber 0. Type 177" 6 Form Velocity Factor ft/-ec 2 1.13 2740 KD .15 18. Time Time & Range Time Time Resist.5 B 7638432 157 107 155 5 1 1.57 16.P.667 B 2 gr. Drag Bullet Ball MI Ball M2 eor BRL 276 BRL 276 Observathon Range -- Proj.125 .92 0. Time 5 1.40 12.777 1.980 2.06 No.557 1.50 2.08 5 5 0.455 1.855 1.18 5.097 2.091 5 T44 0. M2 Tracer MI Same w/o Tracer Average Night Tracer M25* Frangible M22 (T44)00 A.44 1.60 * Same contour as Tracer MI **Same contour as Ball M2 b. Physi-cal Characteristics Weight Grains St .30 Bullet Ball MI Ball M2 A.P.4/490-1 FT 0. 16..202 . of Rds 5 5 10 5 2 cal. T15 APG 471.30AC-U-1 Resist.Meas.81 1.P.68 17.P.I. 3 .... 3 is. . CAL 030.' u L.19 GOEFFICIENT - - .e . . t • ' .. M KD .6 . DRGDOFFCET -u. -'.L AT F G ... " U 10 I. . I... l. L . 0* -BLLT /-' DRA A.." ho.BULLE Vs MACH NUMBER T BALL...* / a "- 4$. . . K j u) .*. N i .. FRANIBLE CA00 T4 I- II -OF • .. ..t C tO T L. M2 Tracer M1 Night Tracer M25 Frangible M22 (T44) Frangible M22 (T44) BRL 278 BRL 276 BRL 276 APG 471.89 -- * This Ls an apparent moment coefficient.07 H 3.05 0.61 2.22 M22 (T44) FT 0. ft/sec T-f 1 K M 1. Caliber 0.98 1.79 1.8 5.20 5.079 3.4/490-1 FT 0.98 -0.77 0.06 .571 1.4 -0.24 L BRL 278 Ball M1 No. x Fired from a special barrel with an 8-Inch pitch of rifling.15 -0.8 2.901 2.P.42 1.80 2.52 1. d.815 7 8 Ball M2 A.73* 1. Stability Pitch of Rifling Bullet - 10 inches Velocity Mach No.30 Bullets (Con. Drift and Damping Velocity K K K Bullet Ball Ml Ball M2 Tracer Ml Frangible Report BPL 278 and 357 BRL 276 and 357 BRL 278 and 357 ft/sec 2856 2770 2734 L 0.51 1.409 2. of Rounds 5 S T.09 -0.36 0.12 0.98 1.96 0. computed from the observed stability factor and the average values of the moments of inertia of the bullet with and without the tracer composition.) c.30 AC-U-I 1370 0.42 2.84/238 5 10 10 2872 2892 2574 2750 2528 2600 1370 1280 2.30AC-U-1 APG 471. . .4 0 1 a -~ 4 I.J g IA 0 0 4.U C c C - - 21 C *11~0% S 4'I...4 -'i '4 ~I I -_____ C.4 c.. 0 w ~- 0 - - - - U e.4 p.) ~l*~ I j . i'4~ 0 I'S . U. 4 4 0.. .JI I L V K 4. 0 it ~it ~ 2 j.22 C - 2* 4 Cd eq id S 0. 2 2 ha V.j 2 2 .n d No 2 2 ~0 0. N 0.. 0 ~ ~ 0.. Sn V.) 4 U U - ~: en 'a) hA M ____ ~~1~ C 4 4 U j-.) nj * - n. 4 4 0. o 4 0. 1 161.107 . T78 * Same contour as Tracer Ml x Same contour as A.289 1.109 See graph .111 .9 217. 750 710 698 674 Meas. 2.I. M20 (T28) A.P. 741 709 697 674 802 838 641 697 653 504 613 513 739 870 619 495 608 drT.38 gr.402 2.45 19.104 .652 b.4/206 Observation Range and Time Time Time Resist Range and Time Time Time Proj.88 0.466 1. M8 x A.269 2.77 0.115 .2 257.738 1.234 1.28 18. M23(T48) Inc.87 0.. Type 5 5 5 5 5 5 Form Factor 0.50 Bullets a.P.94 19.P. Alternate Headlight Tracer) M21 (TIE1)* ) A.P. T63 A.6 167.C C= C - 23 S.04 18. M2 B174991 FB19562 625 512 B7636175 B7640941 650 501 614 635 B129831 DRAWING B129810 B137655 WEIGHT GRAINS NO.T.T.6 3 5 3 3 6 3 3 3 2.1 246.825 0.I.I. M2 Alternatid Tracer Ml Same w/o tracer Ave.T. T49 A.4 107.I.81 Velocity ft/sec 2800 2900 2900 2800 2800 2800 KD .71 20. Ml Inc. Physical Characteristics BULLET Ball MI A.336 g A 2 B2 5 5 5 5 gr-in 21. T38EI Inc.P. Caliber 0. Drag Bullet Ball Ml A.117 . St .P.P.1 179.52 18.5 211.9 229.922 2.991 1.89 19.T.17 17.56 20. T38 A.79 0.1 114.P. OF RDS. M2 Tracer MI Same Alternate APG 471.4/206 BRL 276 Report BRL 276 BRL 276 APG 471.67 19.90 15.4 217.043 1.P.618 1.25 22.823 1.P.8 200. M2 Alternate 244. M20(T28) A. - DRAG COEFFICIENT VS MACH NUMBER - U LET# . CALO.50 Bullets (Corn.29 2950 2950 3460 3460 4450 2900 2700 2900 .4/434 APG 471 .) Prol. M23(T48) A.T.86 0.115 .T.4/434 APG 471.4/434 Time Resist Time Time Time Time Time 5 5 5 0. M8 A.6 1* 2.4/434 APG 471. T38 A.000 D40 . T38EI ReotObservation BRL 58"t APG 471.P.61 to . T49 Sansd A.I.119 .41.24 6. MI Same Inc.I.P. Caliber 0.9 L M 1.50 m2 KD .0 2.120 .102 .P.P.099 .81 Form Factor Velocity ft/sec Bullet Models of 155mm HE Shell) M10l. Type Resist Time Time K-1-9 Mar 45 K-1-9 Mar 45 APC..80 0. . P1 & P2) Inc.P.109 See graph 1 I*0 .28 1.118 .T.4/206 K D See graphs 5 6 7 7 0.4 2.92 1.2 2.107 .A.87 0. 050. seat-Ta'.4~+qx KD x a 0. T DRAG COEFFICET vs MACH NUMBER I CALIBER 0. A i s is to4. NMI$ Vds .50 MODELS OF 155 MM H.413 K 0 .65(rd) + 0 a J4 -X5+.40J IA 6 6 mOM U . DRAG COEFFICIENT Vs MACH NUMBER A. me 42.RI.4405 . SHELLS - I~AU.0005 V CL54 I dI8 12 to IS . lK 0 .-BULLET. M 2..140 - - .CAL.E. I.97 0.17 2.15 1.T.I. T38E1 Inc.50 1.511/1113 BRL M258 APG 471.I. Caliber 0. M8 A.8 K Bullet Ball MI A.293 2.20 0.0 3.036 .4/398-1 APG 471. Drift and Damping Velocity K KL 0.58 1. **Same shape as Tracer Mi.86* 0.95 1.29 1.49 2. computed from the observed stability factor and the average values of the moments of inertia of the bullet with and without the tracer composition.10 -0.72 1. M23 Report BRL 276 & 357 BRL 278 & 357 BRL M256 Memo Mar 44 MR ft/sec 2540 2855 2830 2936 3480 j -0.P.08 2.960 2.39 2.32 K M 1. M2 A.4/378-1 APO 471.24 0. M2 Tracer M1 Headlight Tracer) ) M21 (TIEI)* A.83 1. 13 4 5 10 3 8 14 8 8 8 3112 3000 2700 2930 3400 2970 3400 2890 3400 3000 2.801 S 1.P.578 1.31 1.15 1.T.P.P.84 1. T83 A.P.603 1.10 0.23 -0.44 2./458-1 No.84 *This is an apparent moment coefficient.P.I. T49 A.2 4.7-2 2. 1.P. M8 Inc.891 1.59 1.92 2.I.50 Buliets (Con.P.28 G.22 1. M8 A.15 1.4. Stability .T.) c. d.794 1.82 Velocity f 1982 2182 2531 2929 Mach No.87 2.84 1.Pitch of Rifling: 15 inches Bullet Ball MI Ball MI Ball MI Ball M1 A. M23 Incendiary T78 Report BRL 278 BRL 278 BRL 27P SRL 278 BRL 278 BRL 278 APG 471.P. of Rds.145 -0.71 2. M20(T28) A.760 1.47 H 6.52 1.63 0.4/434 AP 471. 4 8 5 4 Ave.4/385-1 APG 471.I.4/391-1 APG 471. c27 4 T 4 4 10 a~f* tL . .4. INCENDIARY. T39 ALL DIMENSIONS IN CALIBERS . CAL. AND T36E2 4671 BULLET. CAL.P. T36. 0.60..64 -1.- I0U BULLET. 0.60. A.I. T41 A.14 . T60 A.8 Bullet A. BC-3 Tracer BC-3 H.P.P.I.P.9 51.555 1.114 .P.4/478 APG 471.18 39.13 1180 1209 1167 1099 1139 1.255 1. Form Type Factor 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.08 51.15 49. T36 Inc. T39. Caliber 0.25 1. T31 A.1 292.P. 1234 1192 g Cal 1.4 490. 2 50.867 1.23 1.4/180-9A K-I-9 Mar 45 K-I-9 Mar 45 Observation Photo Photo Time Time Time Time Time Photo Time Time Proj. T19 Ball T32 Ball T32E2 Inc.106 .in. b.P.118 ..8 491. T36E2 Inc. uf A Rds.115 s ! .I. Physical Characteristics Weight Grains No. BC 3 same Tracer BC 3 H.4/180-9A K-I-9 Mar 45 K-1-9 Mar 45 K-I-9 Mar 45 K-I-9 Mar 45 APG 471. **Same contour as A.P. T31 Inc.46 46.I.60 Bullets a.16 1.838 1.29 1.P. 2 607.18 1.885 1.21 1.26 Velocity ft/sec 3584 3579 3545 3550 3600 3550 3550 3590 3570 3550 KD B 7637435 3 7640421 1200 1140 1140 1140 1200 1186 1139 1146 1140 1170 767 1043 1138 B 7641008 B 7841005 1050 1140 .0 516. 5 5 5 2 1 5 5 3 5 a 2 3 3 6 1.843 1 B gr.29 7.104 .I.107 . BU 2 A.14 1.6 47.72 48. T39 Drawing ALX-H 3-2 ALX -H 3-42 ALX-H 3-188 Std.111 . Drag Bullet A.110 .61 46. 6 5 *Formerly called TIE6.T.763 1.118 .38 48.587 50. T36* Inc.4/180-9A APG 471.2 506.9 '80.P.IT. TS 4 A.1 b35.938 gr. T39 Report APG 471.29 1.E. T19 Ball T32 Ball T32E2 Inc. T3E2 Inc.2 b54.554 1.520 1. T6S&* A. Meas.1 492.5 619. S Wt .59 1. Caliber 0.55 -• - to.E.I. Ko 4' - - . .4 t..10 1. . .. T39 .P.. T32 ~-4. - .215 A.. BALL..17 1. .69 1..84 1.58 1.74 1. ..53 1. BC-2 H.51 1. Inc. Stability 1.08 1.0 Pitch of Rifling: 18 Inches Bullet A.4/6-1 BRLM 368 BRLM 366 No.. TS4 A.18 1.60 Bullets (Con.4/478 APG 471.60.6 W M 2.145 1... .85 1.I. T36 T36 T38E2 T41 Report BRL 257 BRLM 245 BRLM 366 BRLM 305 BRLM 368 BRLM 305 BRLM 386 APG 471.36 1... 4.) - DRAG COEFFICIENT vS MACH NUMBER BULLET. inc.85 1.. Inc. T19 Ball T32 Ball T32E2 Inc...P.79 M 1.32 1. CAL 0.30 7..P.37 1.1t 1.92 2.. . of Round66 9 8 4 6 6 6 3 6 11 Velocity ft/sec.P..03 1. . c..T.69 1.. TO0 A...=o . 3100 3520 3500 3500 3600 3600 3460 3600 4200 3550 3550 S 1.. 25 R PROJECTILE.7Z.3 . M75 ALL DIMENSIONS IN CALIBERS . BALL. 20MM ISPANO GUN /A/.31 2. A. 20MM.P.46 3. SHOT. 9i - .r~ 32 7 7. ~~~ 1 3~~~ #4 a #4 * p.U 33 S S 4%' i-I I. 4. 'S . 4..4 S 4' - -. L~. - I - ~ I Id 4. 4 a a - ii Ii 2 A. *6% * q I. 3 151.P.I. M95 A.884 1.) Ball T4 Plug Fuze Weight Grains Meas. M95 A.I. High Explosive. Physical Characteristics Projectile Ball (formerly 1935 gr. Mk 1 H.P.P. 253.643 190. M75 Shot. Point Detonating. Incendiary. Std. T28 Shell.. M95 (T9E5) Shot. Armor-piercing.I.0 190. M97) Shell. of Rounds 9 cal A gr.A.E. M99 (T24) (same contour as Incendiary M96) Fuze. T4 (same contour as A. M96 (T18) Shell. Armor-ptering. 2000 2528 5 1.8 150.5 148. M97 Shell. 2 Ball T4 Ball T4 A.2 184.719 1. M75 (T71E4) 75-2-308 TAM 130 75-2-333 and 341 TAM 480 75-2-300 TAM 22 and 483 TAM 371 75-2-335 75-2-342 and 334 TAM 1824 TAM 1979 75-2-343 73-1-178 TAM 601 75-2-299 b. T18 (same contour as H. T21 Shell.E. 20mm Projectilea a. Drawings: Projectile. D.I.6 1758 1798 967 958 1055 1882 1470 1442 . Hispano Gun /A/ Projectile. High Explosive Incendiary. Mark 1 Shell. Dummy M75 T71E4 2542 2548 2000 2000 2512 2547 2000 1987 2000 1980 2030 1900 2000 1995 1965 2004 5 5 5 3 7 5 5 5 1. T9E4 Shot.860 1. M97) Shell. Incendiary.P. M75) Shot. High Explosive Incendiary. M75 A.538 1.P. Ball.474 1. T23 None Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer wo/tr Tracer None Pero. Mark I /A/ Fuze. High Explosive Incendiary.I. No.2 1767 No. T21 H. Armor-piercing. Percussion.P. T9E4 A.34 6.I. Practice.E.ln. Armor-piercing Incendiary.892 1. Ball.E.E. T23 (same contour as H.0 154. T21 A. T35 Projectile. 2 B gr. TI (with tracer) H.488 1.9 185. Incendiary.P. 553 1. 20mm Prolectiles (Con.I.28 tl. M96 Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer w/o tr Perc Dummy M75 J T71E4 .4 668.212 A. of Rounds g cal A grAn. 1186 1434 1993 1965 3 3 5 5 1.12 1. M97 Inc. M99 ---- No.102 . T4 Fuze Tracer Tracer Report BRL 284 BRL 515 KD .-- BRL 515 BRL 515 BRL 515 K-I 9 Oct 44 Range Time Resist Time Time Resist 6 8 5 5 1. Fuze M75 Std.I.157 Inc. T28 Inc. M96 Prac. Ball. M95 H. Mk 1 H.0 155.I.153 see graph 50 BRL 515 BRL 515 BRL 515 Time Time Time 5 5 5 1.98 0. Type 1 1 Form Factor 0. M75 A.E.256 .207 .5/317-1 Time 1781 J t# .98 1.546 102.E.P.3b 6.7 1305 1388 c. T9E4 A.14 1.15 see graph 2550 2450 3000 3000 .127 .5/3171846 Range Range 8 8 5 51.113 .E.214 .P.P. B grin.26 1. T35 A.145 APG 471/6-8 w/o tr . Observation Resist Time Proj.P.P.96 Velocity ft/sec.19 3650 2700 2700 . T35 Inc.28 3200 2700 .148 .) Weight Grains Prolectile H.18 2750 2800 2750 .26 1. M95 A.1 415.P.2 125. T21 --- APG 472. 2820 2530 Projectile Ball.074 1. T23 Inc. T28 Inc.149 .09 1. M75 A.E.I.5 163. 2039 1200 1500 1920 2000 - Meas.266 1.155 .162 APG 472. TI8 (with tracer) H. 1935 gr. Drag.71 1. 20MM.E.- . 20M M. 0. PERCUSSION.* 38 l-k -. MARK I. MARK I/A/ ~ - - - - t- -To . FUZE. 253. H.8 .A.A.0 to w M $s " Lt " . T9E4 ..- DRAG COEFFICIENT vs MACH NUMB3ER SHOTa A. 0403 #~ y I+ u~ sd1g3o At * a ISe L la~ &a m m as L ..too vo K DRAG COEFFICIENT vAIMACH NUMBER -SHELL.NO. 5/317-1 APG 472.P.07 2.20 The caliber of the 20mm gun is 0.8 2.5/317-1 1848J APG 471/6-8 BRL 515 3 6 2600 2750 1.52 2. BRL 515 M75 J T71E4 ----- BRL 515 BRL 515 AG 472.12 1.89 1.7 1. Mk 1 H.P. 005 *This value was determined with the A.39 1. ' . 2530 2750 2700 2700 2750 2750 2800 2750 3000 3 2. M96 Inc. Drift and Damping V elocity Projectile Ball T4 Ball T4 Fuze none Tracer Report BRL 515 BRL 515 ft/sec.) d.02 A. I I .89 2.37 8.E.E. T35 Prac.E.E. ~ . Stability Pitch of Rifling: 25.50* 2. T18 (with tracer) H. T23 Inc. Shot M75 and assumed to be the same for the Ball Projectile T4.P.16 0.. M99 Fuze Tracer Tracer wo/tr w/o tr Pere Report BRL 515 BRL 515 APG 472.09 1. of Velocity Projectile Ball T4 A. 2483 2483 KKK KL 2.85 2. TOE4 A.E. T21 H.787 inches e.56 -.61 M 1. 9l l i .09 18211 1821 J Dummy. T23 Tracer Perc.91 2.88 2.I. T95 (M95) A.I. 20mm Projectiles (Con. (Angle 7) No.28 2. . but it Is probably too high.7 -. . 12 -. T28 Inc.I. l.686 Cal.50* 1. Mk 1 H.47 1. T71E4 BRL 515 BRL 515 BRL 515 2530 2830 2800 2. 1.78 2.14 1.t.50* KH 4. 10 +. M75 H. lI .6F.4 2.5/317BRL 515 Rounds 4 12 6 8 7 10 9 8 ft/sec.80 3.27 3.P. 9. !S 6 " I" . - . oI4 -.39 4C /b "T 6~ - 'v -j 0* pi1 WI - . 14 I"# (a I I Ill • 1 I 1 | 0 - mmmm • m m m . 40 ____ ____ ____ ___ 4.M05NSI ALBR 1. 3 SHLHELLHE. 63WHFU.72 2.E. ..72 - ~ ~ - 2.0t 1. 3M. Ur. / .M5 AL 4.. H. 5. 4-34 0 w 0.. 0 1' (4 Mi 2 w U U 0 0 ~J ~ 1'9 I 0 . 2 I..41 4.' F. 5.Mi 0 Ni S. I- -3 -3 2 2 U. a. 4 ~ I. Ca I- Ni 4 0 ~- <~'> 'a . 0 F) 1 0 5. Dummy. M59 Shot.25 1. Mk 2 H.F. 2 .1448 1.146 1.9)5 g No. Base Detonating.44 . T136 Fuze.983 1.42 9. High Explosive. Rqd. T2 Shell.216 4 2.453 1. M74 A.268 1.2 3.P. M74 Shot. Mk 1 Tracer .E. M52 Fuze. M38A1 Fuze.V.66 1.P. Mess.253 .. Physical Characteristics Fuze Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer M38A1 T30 (AL) Weight lb. Shot. M51 A. Drawings. M51 75-2-276 75-2-289 75-2-306 75-3-210 Shot. High Explosive. M2 75-2-179 75-2-279 75E-2-254 . Proof. T27 Shell. Arnmc-pterclng Capped.18 10 1 1. 1.D.D.' Armor -piercing Supervelocity.068 3. S.450 A lb. 1.228 1. T30 (simulates P. M80 . Mark I (Deformable 37/30mm) Shell.ln. High Explosive. Fuze M56) Plug. High Explosive. M63 Shell. Std.4885 B lb. High Explosive. 37mm Projectiles a.P. M56 Armor-piercing Cappe Shot. T33 Shell. Armor-piercing. M58 Fuze. Armor-piercing. Fuze M56) Fuze.821 1. 1 73-1-133 73-1-174 TAM 1054 & 1055 73-2-158 to 161 PX-91-98 72-5-4 75-14-309A 75-17-4 b. M80 H.92 1. Practice.917 1. Base Detonating.P.4813 .3524 2. M50 (simulates P. High Explosive.75-2-290 TAM 58 TAM 1052 & 1053 75-2-278 75-2-275 Rev. Base Detonating.P.C.015 Projectile A. Point Detonating. M54 (T12) Shell.4150 .91 1.92 1. Dummy. T2 A. Mark 2 Shell.C. M59 A. Closing Tracer. of Rounds 5 5 cal. M55A1 Projectile. Closing 1.78 1650 .211 .E. 1. M54 H. Projectile A. Mk 2 H. M54 H.3724 .95 See graph 2900 *The caliber is taken as 1. 2900 2545 KD .n) i ii i i .104 . Resist.231 . M80 A.E. Std. Type 6 1 Form "actor . H. H. M74 A. BRL 284 BRL 438 BRL 438 BRL 438 Memo 13 Sep 45 BRL 284 BRL 284 BRL 294 BRL 138 BRL 354 APG 471. Mk 2 H.110 .312 1.34 M58 M58 ((BD T136) Tracer 1. Resist.E.61 H.Mk 1 Tracer H.E.537 1.239 .89 . . T27 H.71 1.636 1.92 .P.P. T33 Proof M52 .905 Projectile A. Time Time Time Resist.E.E.4:. .91 3660 1259 1530 1926 Velocity ft/sec.85 2. Meas.82 See graph 1.372 1.519 1.967 c. 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 6 5 6 Proj. H. (30n.92 1.458 A lb. of Rounds 15 6 1 2 2 5 3 2 T30 (AL) T30 (brass) M50 M56 1.08 2800 See graph 1.04 2600 0.E. M59 A.144 .Resist.71 3050 See graph 1.P. M63 H.E..111/ 1589 BRL 284 Sup. .05 2554 .476 .C.687 2.101 . M80 A.P.3770 B 1. M54 H. Wooden Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer BRL 284 Report Observation Time Resist.2 2.470 2. M51 A.E. M59 A.T138 (Tracer) Plug. Resist.P.202 . T33 Practice M55A1 M38 M38 M38 T30 M56 M56 B..664 3.536 1.713 g cal..319 1.E.181 in.893 1.) Weight lb.C.146 . . 37mm Projectiles (Con.P.146 .592 1. SV. Resist. ===t i "i O . M54 M54 M54 M54 Fuze No.24* . Mk 2 H.328 1.C. M80 Fuze Tracer Plug. .91 1.42. 1.P. Time Resist.9.590 1.386 1.D. Drag.226 .P.E. Time Time Resist.4892 3.E.E.E. 001. A.27 M (fps) II -r-"9 -2- -5 'II loo em(fs Li a is go M.243.44 DRAG COEFFCIET vs MACH NUMBER --SHOT.PC.M59 0. to toa 111 s . 37 MM.11!VRoo goo - - V *1120. FU ZE..3~~~~~3 . M55AI PLUG.. - - - m DRAG COEFFICIENT vs MACH NUMBER SHELL.E.0IP . 37MM.37MM.- RAG COEFFICIENT I vIS MACH NUMBER HELL. M54. CLOSING75-14.24 - T - . P.D.309A KD I* Le w to oM li *I Is 84 ob . M56 I - 45 - -D 4. PRACTICE. H. 49 1.093 .188 .78 1.81 4.E.4 10. 7 4 7 1 2 3 3 1 2 10 Velocity ft/sec.15 3.19 1. M59 A.18 1. K __ L K __H K A.P.513 0. M51 A.9 3.18 3. SV Mk 1 H.P.1 12.57 1. T2 H.46 9.23 1.62 2.E. 1350 2740 2800 1650 1850 3050 3675 2800 2200 2800 2800 2800 2000 n cal. M80 A. T33 Proof M52 M58 T138 Tracer BRLM 261 APG 471.C.23 2.49 1.E.P.C.5 6.C.111/ 1589 BRL 225 e. H.E.E. Drift and Damping Velocity Projectile Fuze Report ft/sec. M80 H.E.P. of Rounds 6 4 Ave.13 0. 125 -. Stability Projectile A.2 -. H.) d.P.53 3. 40 40 25 30 40 25 30 25 35 30 35 35 30 30 K M 1. H. MbI Fuze Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer T30(AL) T30(AL) T30(AL) T30(brass) T30(brass) M56 Report BRL 225 BRL 225 BRL 225 BRL 438 BRL 438 BRL 438 BRL 438 Memo 13 Sep 45 BRL 138 13RL BRL BRL BRL BRL 138 138 138 138 354 No. T27 H.89 H. H.39 1.. A.E.P.26 1.P.C. M80 A. M59 M80 A.27 1.152 Ave.70 9.14 1.P.22 1. 26 -.P.513 0.497 1.53 1. 37mram Projectiles (Con.E.41 1.11 1.35 0.66 tA. 19 . H.P.33 1.85 0. M63 M58 BRL 225 f 7 5 10 7 it 1200 2450" 3100 2750 2650 35 35 25 30 25 40 1. M54 M54 M54 M54 M54 1.24 0.98 1. M51 A.E.25 0.E.C. M54 Tracer Tracer M58 BRL 438 BRL 438 BRL 354 & 357 3000 3100 2000 . M15 and M16 Sub-caliber Guns T 2 and TI4 Sub-caliber Gun T11 Sub -caliber Tube Mi925 No.40 2 -- 197 -.. 7 Sub-caliber Tube MlAl No.49 7 -5 *. Rifling of 37mm Guns and Sub -callb r Tubes (1. M14.89 29. 9. T22 and T23 (Left nand twist) Sub-caliber Guns M12.C. M1916A1.K4'i.457") ("un or Tube Antiaircraft Gun MI 2 Antitank Gikns M3 ard M3A1 ncl ncl i 25 Tank Guns M5 andl 11 Aircraft Guns M4 arid M10 Aircraft Guns M9 arid M9Al Sub-caliber Guns M 916.) f. C-4360 Sub -caliber Tube G~ No. M13. A.- S ALL DIMENSIONS IN CALIBERS SNOT.P. 88 Sub-caliber Tube MlA1 No. 109 Sub-caliber Tube Ml A2 Sub-caliber Tub6 T 4 (Left hand twist) 3 90 25 25 30 29. 40MM T4EIO . 37mm Projectiles (Con.89 25 25 30 40 30 35 30 30 30 '. and M1916A2 Sub-caliber Guns Tt7. D. Q.R.4 4. 40MM.H. T7. M64 . H. P. DETONATING.00 t ...48 SHELL. MARK 27 ALI.. DIMENSIONS IN CALIBERS . 40MM.P.K.201 SHILL. MARK 2 T/L/ WITH FUZZ. FUZZ. 889 1.H.142 .07 2870 2887 . M64 and M64AI Fuze. Drawings . 1. Mark 27(Navy Bureau of Ordnance) Fuze. T4E10 Shell. Mk 2 Mk 2 H. T4EI0 H.F.143 Pitch of Rifling: 30 calibers Velocity No. with wood plug) H. 8 5 4 ft/sec. 2709 2867 2896 See graph KD Tracer fM64A1 fMk 27 fDummy) JMk 27g Mk 27 T34 .E. B lb.952 . T4E10 H. Mark 2 (w/o bourrelet. S.954 1. M91 (TI) (same contour as Q.96 1.. T7 Prac.E. T7 Shell. In.E. Stability Projectile Fuze tmk 27 T14 1.85 1.E. Mark 2) Fuze.124 5 5 1.P.C 10. . 40mm Projectiles a. Quick Firing High Explosive.514 a 1. Proj. Drag Projectile A. Snot.E.20 .54 0. 1. Time Resist.12/368 N -G 3.18 1. Mk 2 (w/o tracer) H.229 2. Dummy.479 2.566 . M91 c. (with tracer) H.253 Report K-l-9 Mar 44 APG471. Mark 2 Fuze Tracer (M64AI Weight lb.168 .954 1. Armor-piercing Capped.951 No.53 M KM 1.45 BRLM 217 BRL 284 Observation Resist. Mk 2 (with tracer) H.927 Velocity ft/sec..6298 4.b95 . T7 Prac.E. 1200 2890 2870 Mach No. Point Detonating. of Rds. Type a 5 5 Form Factor 1. Practice.986 1. Meas.P.C.91 tH. Time Time Resist.E. T7 The caliber of the 40mm Antiaircraft Automatic Gun MI is 1. Std.E.975 1.8285 1.E. 10 7 5 g cal A Ib. . T34 (simulates M64 and Mark 27 Fuzes) b.E.12/368 APG471. Mark 2 T/L/ Shell. of Fuze T34 T34 Mk 27 Report BRL 252 BRL 252 BRLM 217 Rds.8130 4. High Explosive.128 . H.96 1.955 Mk 27 T34 1. M91 d. TAM 737 and 738 75-2-298 TAM 278 75-2-304 73-2 -172 and 175 300423 and 300426 . Physical Characteristics Projectile A. Detonating.o~ I.575 inches. -- IDRAG COEFFICIENT VS MACH NUMBER - - - -SHELL.. 3.P. - - -. DUMMY. HOT. 40M M.9 i so is 4. WVITHOUT TRACER FUZE. A.g 4. 70 ALL DIMNNSIONS INCALIBERS .45 57MM. K 0 0 la e.MARK 2.00 2..3. MARK 27 HE.0 .07. V.72 SHOT..AP. A. FUZE. H. U..D. 57MM. B. 57MM.0.P.C.. SSA56 PROJECTILE. M86. T14 ALL DIMENSIONS IN CALIBERS . TIN. DUMMY.46 R. 57MM T16 WITH FUZE. FUZZ....385 - 495- SHICLL.30 - 3.9 3 3.685 2. T67 ALL DIMENSIONS IN LALlEERS . H. N. T66 4.E.52 22. SHELL.S. DUMMY. 57MM.565 4.565 '- 1.755 1. )I..q 1. 7%1l4 ALL DIMENMON3 IN CALIBERS .6 4.A.406 6.Z.D.Z. T20. P.301 4 4 1 .038 SHELL. 57MM. 474 SHELL.203 623. M30O. H.D. TYPE IA WIT H FUZZ.53 ________-- 3 75- - - - - 1.. 2. S..~ j156 1. FUZZ. 57MM.T. D.123 SHELL. FUZE.T.049 04 o437- -2.. T94 A 0----- 2.I.365 SHELL.197 . SHELL. M307. T94E1 0 I IS L- __ 0--- a8 .e. T20 TYPE HA WITH FIlZZ. 57MM. P.. H.. HJ. 5IMM. H.4065 3. .4 - 1. B.. 57MM.E...54 m-in " . T123EI ALL DIMMIMION IN CALIBERS ..D.A.. B.A.A.. T20EI.T. FUZE. -1 -7 .T. T66 Fuze. T119 and M89 (T119EI) Fuze. High Explosive. T126 75-2-301 J&L A-1944 75-2-320 and 323 TAM 105 TAM 141 TAM 158 75-2-359 P-73259. High Explosive. Shell M306) Shell. Armor-piercing. Hypervelocity Armor-piercing. M303 (Tl8El) (Approximately same contour as T18) Shell. T20E1 Shell. T18 Shell. M85 (T83) (Approximately same contour as Dummy T67) Fuze. T67 Fuze. T94E1 Fuze. M70 (same design as A. Point Initiating. Point Detonating. 73260 and 73262 FA CLS-V8-131 P-73296 and 73310 75-2-353 and 354 and 75-14-472 P-73258 Photos In BRL Report 303 73-2-197 TAM 624 P-73317 73-2-236. T20. furnished by Office of Scientific Research and Development Fuze. 'Target Practice.E. 57mm Projectiles a. Shot M70) Shot. Experimental. Shell T22) Fuze. Armor-piercing Capped. 2. Types IA and IIA Shell. T94 Fuze. High Explosive Antitank. Drawings Shot. Point Detonating.P. Armor-piercing (57/40mm) Shot. T14 Shell. M90 (T123EI) Fuze. Dummy. M70 Shot. Base Detonating. Base Detonating.E. High Explosive Antitank. TI6 Shell.11. High Explosive. Dummy. Base Detonating. Types 1. High Explosive Antitank. M307 (T20E2) Shell. Smoke (White Phosphorous) M308(T23) and T23EI (same contour as H. High Explosive. and 3. 237 and 238 73-2-215 P-73255 and 73257 73-2-233 TAM 142 TAM 158 72-5-14 . M86 Shot. M72(T56) Fuze. Point Detonating (for H. Dummy. M306 (T22) Shell. 15 5 6 5 3 3 2 2 2 1.50 15.873 b lb .014 1.52 10.P.E.89 7. Std. whicn M. .52 Exp.71 2. 1.T.75 1.45 2.05 55.42 9.69 6.E. of Rds.A.27 6.-n.A.28 No.C.953 2. lot 2780 Type IIA.756 7.299 1. M308 W.27 6.38 2.P.137 1.87 2.787 2.) b. 2 6.28 6.80 4. 2.70 2.68 2.872 2..39 2.76 T66 T67 M85 P. 2 .28 7.68 6.63 3 3 1 2 1. 3.57 45.V.A.G.56 11..61 2.P. M306 Tracer M72 Plug Plug cal.447 Projectile Fuze Tracer A.70 2. M86 A. . TI8 H.16 41.353 1.T.E.79 3.273 T94 H.P. dated dimensions).60 3. lot I (made according to Rev..P.86 3 10 10 1. M303 H.82 1. lot 2780 Type 11A. M307 M90 tH.79 6.T.E.P. Lot E-T45-187 (fired 16 Sep 44) 3 March 45. M307** M90 W.77 2. .13 6.093 1.066 1.66 6.20 2.39 2. M86 Same w/o windshield H. .73 2.49 5 10 1.49 5.980 9.E.88 6.D.097 2. Physical Characteristics Weight Lb.64 4.C.737 2. Dwg J&L A-1944 57/40mm Tracer A. lot 2936 H.E.75 2. T14 H. M70 T. 1 of Drg. T23EI W. n.519 2.06 40.E.75 2. M73 A.AT.53 6..E. 14 17 A A lb.A.P. Dummy Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 *P. lot 2788 Type IA. M308 T119 T126 M89 2.408 1.26 3. interior several in original differs from the .23 8. T20 Type IA.D.57 H.429 1.P.S.17 10.555 1.P. 75.237 4.91 5.269 1.518 1. .65 2. T16 H. ...A..060 1. O.R. T20E1 T94E1 2..912 4.40 6.90 2.75 2.359 36. lot 2935 Type IIA. 57mm Projectiles (Con. Meas.52 9.90 5 1.98 10.72 6.044 1.75 2.2-353.46 6.04 13. A. Resist. 3980 2700 2800 2800 2700 1176 n cal. d. M86 A.10 1.31 2.C. tM.167 . M303 H.73 2. M308 H.67? 2. M70 J.P.A. T16 H. lot 1.105 .257 . Resist. J&L A-1944 57/40mmJ A.E.T.113 1 a 6 6 1 1 1 6 1 i *The caliber is taken as 1.153 .) r.28 1.127 .19 1.1/165 Observatlon Time' Resist.21 .735 1. Dwg.356 .P.13 .P.129 . T20 Type 1A Type 11A H.1 1. T20El M72 T66 T67 M85 P.P.D.C.E.11 1. M70 A. Resist. M86 Same w/o ) . windshield) fH.P.278 .11.C.285 1.007 1.1/165 APG 474.C.P.E. M306 H.A. T18 H. Time Time Proj.126 .134 . Resist. M7C T.62 2. (40mm) **Modified by machining the rotating band to the body diameter. Resist. of Rds.17? 1.G.E. M86 H.T.V. Drag ProJcctIle A.5213/222 BRLM 300 BRLM 300 3 3 T94EI BRLM 319 7 1244 1218 1200 20 30 25 1.V. T14 H. Stability Projectile Fuze Report Memo 12 Sep 45 BRLM 26LI BRLM 246 BRLM 246 APG 471. fitted with a sabot and fred from a 75mm Howitzer MIAI. 57mm Projectiles (Con. M307t T67 M89 M90 Fuze Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer M72 M72 Plug Plug Report Memo 2 Sep 45 K-I-9 Mar 44 K-1-9 Mar 44 BRL 284 Aug 42 FR P32910 K-I-9 Mar 44 BRL 284 K-1-9 Mar 44 Memo June 43 Memo June 43 K-I-9 Mar 44 APG 474.270 .235 K KM .133 .52# 1. 6 4 6 8 10 4 Velocity ft/sec.E.81 . 3970 2683 2853 2797 1968 2650 2729 2676 3699 2918 2797 9/8 956 KD .88 1.P. M86** A. Dwg &L A-1944 57/40mm .185 1. Resist. T94 /' I . 30 30 30 30 30 30 b 2.65 .62 1.77 .A.E.A.51 1.P.08 1. T14 H. Resist.E.P. Type 8 1 A Form Factor 1. Resist.P.E.E. Resist.98 Velocity t/sec.07? Tracer A.T.P.80 1.15 No.575 in. T18 H. G. Rifling of 57mm Guns (2.C.A. D. Tye 1 Type 2 Type 3 1700 1700 1700 30 30 30 *PA.97 25 3.29 1.P.) No. M308 M90 M90 T119 T126 M69 Dummy RMepo BR1.41-Is 4.T.1/165 BRLM 348D BRLM 348D Memo Au! 45 BRL 3U3 1 2 3 *~M.017? Exp.4 PROJZCTILE.18 4 6 5 5 1. 75MM.0OW 1.53 1.P.M 348D APG 474.. M308 W.D..S.17 L.A. lot E-705-187 e. 1200 1215 1200 1200 1200 n cal.T.11.P.93 1. _-d Velocity ft/sec. 57mm Projectiles (Corn.71 1. FUZZ MOSAI ALL DIMNSIONS IN CALIBERS .56 2.R. of Fuze H.70 0.70 2. Mal. O.P. M307* W.D.15 0. A. 30 30 30 30 130 s K M 1. M3070 H.003? 1. T23E1 W.34 1.E.244!") Gun lot 1 n-cal 30 30 20 25 25 30 490 Antitank Guan Ml Rifle T1SE2 Rifle T15E3 Rifle T15E6-3 Rifle T15E9 Rifle M18 (Tl5El3) . P.V. SHOT. H..V.14 F SHOT.A.. A. T27 ALL DIMENSION9 IN CALIBERS . . 5 06P M 2 SHOT. M72 H.P. 75MM. 75MM. N~.I-. M3SA2 __________________ 06 SHELL.. P.. H.. ht. 1MM.S. 75MM.(30 3-7? 1.. FUZZ. M78 ALL DIME NSIONS IN CALIEERS . C. M48.D. M48 WITH FUZZ.48 J. FUZE.P.. SHELL.D. P. M46 VI1 R SHELL. M48. 75MM. FUZE B.. FUZZ P. ILL...C.. M62 DMENSONS ALL N CAIBZR . bARK A.A.. E.T. I5MM4.D. M48 75bMM H.D. M30%).HEXAGONAL PLUG 105 75MM H.5 176 *-06 SHIELL. SVXLZ. SHELL M4310. 09-ik- 1_____ .4. MARK 2..A. 76MM.T.48 R 2. U66 3. CHEM.8? SHELL.Z.52 . ROUND WOOD PLUG ALL DIMENSIONS IN CALIBERS .. H.6 .73 -7 SHELL. 75MM.16 . CHEM.. P.27 127- 16$ _ _ _ _ _ _ SHELL. T. M64 WITH FUZZ.. M54 ALL DIMENSIONS IN CALIBERS .49- Z 102 .489 3.62 .. T19(DEk FUZE.SQ. M48 [2 2.D. 75MM. 75MM.~3 77 Ra SHELL. SMOKE. Drawings. Hyperveloeity Armor-pierclng. M57 Fuze. M78 (T105 Type 8) Fuze. T19 (Base VJection) Shell. High Explosive. of Hounds- 2 cal lb. Armor-piercing Capped. M72 H. M61 (same W/o windshield) Fuze M68AI Plug Pluj! Plxg Tracer Std.V. Point Detonating. M43 (T12) Fuze.94 (same w/o cap or windshield) A. M68AI Fuze. M72 Shot.ft- 2 IkLb~ 13. Expelimental. Armor-piercing. High Explosive.A. M309 (T38) Shell. Prolectil A.P. M66 Shell. High Explosive Antitank. M48 (T3) Fuze. Bas Detonating. Physical Characteristics Weight g A B 75-2-291 and 328 75-2-305 TAM 106 75-2-381. M61 A. Smoke (WP). Point Detonating. Projectile. 382 and 363 75-2-255 75-2-164 75-2-3865 75-2-314 and 315 and 75-14-361 75-2-388 75-2-171 75-2-294 P-42291.P. T45 Shell. Mark 2 Shell. Experimental. TIme and Superquick. Mechanical Time.84 12. Smoke. M48 (T3EI) Shell. No. M311 (T40) Fuze. Chemical. Base Detonating. T27 S1ot.4 Mea.P.C. 14. Mark 1 Shell. and M54 fuzes) Fuze. Point Detonating. Chemical. T81 b. Concrete Piercing.P. National Defense Research Committee (Same contour as M43. MM Shell.C. M39A2 Fuze. 42292 and 42293 75-2-371 73-2-178 73-2-168 73-2-86 73-2-140 73-2-138 73-2-214 73-7-29 73-3-154 Lb. M6l (T12) Shot. 75mm ProJecUtIOe a. High Explosive. High Explosive Aititank. M31U ('139) Shell. M48.90 14.42 12 13. Hyperveloctly Armor-piercing. M62 Fuze. M54 Fuze. T27 . V.E.41 f.99 14.227 . Resist. M310 H. Resist.06 .413 1. Time Resist.E.1260 .72 7 4 5 3 1.1272 1.E.12 .P. M61 Fuze M66A1 Report K-1-9 Mar 44 Observation Resist.1977 1.42 14.495 2.C.28 1.80 13.C.44 .A. Projectile H. M66 Chem.96 .P.043 2. M43 1P.229 .1 13.232 2000 1000 1500 2000 2000 1978 2774 2970 2940 1855 . ye 6 Form Facto r .856 1. M309 H.10 15.17 1.985 Velocity ft/sec. M64 Chem.304 . T45 H.V. i (1. . 1. M48 H.923 1.139 .04 approx. 8. M48 H.A.542 1. W.39 Tracer M78 M57 fMemo May 45 LAPG 4'11.85 14.967 2.E. Resist. 2000 __ .P.T.252 .E.E.11 1. Resist.523 1.940 1.147 A.70 14. Roun s 2 17 16 a 5 g cal. e 1 . M48 M48 Empty H.118 .121/501 K-1-9 May 44 H.918 . Drag Projectile A.037 A 2 lb.1255 1.41 14.1244 .42 Std.183 See graph .386 HE. M48 H.78 15.P.852 1.) Weight Lb.06 13.118 Same w/o cap or windshield j A. Plug M46 M48 14.20 14. M66 H. 0. 1 5 1 6 6 .T.4 15.0455 .47 12.1259 B 2 b.1239 .181 .308 .T.E. 8.96 14.044 2.E.40 15.290 (Sim.65 12. M311) J M62 M62 T93 M48 M54 13.10 . T27 HV. M61 Same w/o windshield Plug Plug BRL 284 Aug 42 R241.1183 .P.A.E. M72 H.E. T19 c.1 6 5 No.A.092 1.ft.7 14. M48 . T45 Plug Tracer BRL 284 June 42 BRL 284 Aug 42 Memo June 43 Resist.92 1.A.70 Meas.!t. M3091 Fuze Tracer M39A2 M43 M48 T81 NDRC M78 Hex.E.E.96 .04 BRL 284 June 42 Resist.31 14.P. 75mm Projecties (Con.03 2000 1000 1500.A. Proj. 0.P. M48 H.37 14. Mk 1 H. 78 j1. M310 H. 311) H. W.1/87 BRL 284 May 43 APG 471.T.E. Plug J Round) e BRL 168 July 41 BRL 188 Oct 41 K-1-9 March 44 Observation Resist.75 M0.307 .96 H.069 .E. Resist.822/1330 F.E. Mk I .08 1. PD. M309 (Sim.23 0. Resist.P.5 IS' 3061102 o 0.080 .. 2037 1880 1095 . M66 Time Time Time Resist.08 M .88 12.M57 S- THE FORMULA USED FOR CALCULATIONS AT M UP TO 3. 75mm Projectiles (Con.47 1.357 .075 . M309 H.087 . Mk 2 Round) Wood 1 Plug j BRL 284 June 42 Resist. 75 MM.08 1.307 DRAG COEFFICIENT - VS MACH NUMBER SHELL. H. Prol. Mk I Fuze Hex. 2 2 2 2 2 2 1.068 J APG 474.856V V 341.46M(m/6) _ Ko . 1 0.E. M48 . Resist.. MO8 H. ap 1 1 1 Form Factor 1.1/67 APG 474.E.1/67 APG 474.A.T.A.E.11 0.077 . FUZE.98 0.002.24 1935 1000 1000 1000 .s -t - -1- A*0 .24 1095 1935 .822/1330 APG 471.287 .137 . M68 M62 775 991 1000 1000 Chem.148 Wood Plug M48 M48 M62 M62 T93 il(.i.4 as t8 o0 - .A.E.E.A.84 Velocity ft/sec.98 0.T.E. Resist.080 .T.) ProJecttle H. R.30 x 106 0. 4982 O.58 22 25. M48 H.33 1.P. 25 22 25 22 25.22 1.) d. Spin Shell Fuze S/d Report No.71 1.586 25. M48 H. 13.A.90 1. Stability Projectile H. M7. Tl9b Chem.P.84 1.121/50J O.40 Gun M1897 (French) and Modifications Tank Guns M2.E.87 1.001.P. 4982 C. M8 M9 and M12 Velocity Reynold's No. 25.46 M 1.T. H.63 aSmoke pellets held in place. e. 4982 BRLM 203 BRLM 154 Memo Nov 44 BRLM 99 Memo Nov 44 BRLM 38 BRLM 60 BRLM 89 No.E.93 1.30 1. 64609 and 64610 Antiaircraft Gun TO Gun M1920 M VI No. 4982 O. 4982 O.44 1.E.55 1. and T13EI. M48 H. KA C' DF 2.P.P. MIA1.E.26 1. bRevised 30 Apr 42.31 1.34 1. M48 H. (The smoke pellets apparently did not attain their full spin. 4982 O.P. M3 and M8 Aircraft Guns M4 and M5 (Tl3EI) Aircraft Guns M4 Modified.P. M5A1.E. 2890 908 1117 1490 2184 905 1113 1479 1950 2190 1950 1870 1000 1877 1000 1950 1500 1500 n cal.19 i.586 25. Tl9a Chem. M48 H.E. with spacers replaced by pasteboard rings glued to each end of the metal smoke unit with a paper washer between them.586 3 1. either with adhesive tape and cement or with extra spacers and emery paper (otherwise. Pitch of Rifling of 75mm Guns (2.A. M2 and M3 Sub-caliber Guns M1916 M IIAI. M48 M48 empty H.C.70 2. Tubes No.34 1.005. M48 N.586 25.01 1.P.. but chlpboard tubes were left out and adapters were not staked.V.B86 15.D.75 .953') Gun n-cal.E. 25. M48 H.588 25 22 20 25.34 1.E.586 25 25 25 25 25 25. M64 Chem.71 1.) cRevised 30 Apr 42. M48 H.86 1.77 1.45 1.E. T45 H.44 1.E.4 BRLM 297 5 TI3EI (n-22) ft/sec. 4982 O. 1 Rifle T21 Howitzers Ml.90 1. M48 H.88 1.87 0.77 1. of Rounds Gun Muzzle2014 Muzzle 2 f.32 1. 4982 BRLM 203 O.62 1. of Rounds 2890 4 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 5 3 2 3 Velocity ft/sec.12.586 25. Tl9c Fuze Tracer M39A2 M39A2 M39A2 M39A2 M43 M43 M43 M43A3 M43 M48 T81 M62 M48 M48 M54 M54 M54 R fMemo May 45 A PG 471. large yaws were obtained).586 25.586 25.71 1. M64 Chem.26 1. M48 H.E.P.E. 75mm Projectiles (Con.586 25. M66 Chem. A.C..88 4. T4 . U..3 A. S.D.7 SHOT. 3'.62. FUZE.5 I~~I PROJECTILE.A.V..P..P.P.000" SHOT. M66AI CALIERB-3RS 00 A/so ALL MEASUREMENTS IN CALIBERS 1 CALIBER u 3. 3 IN.. M.. U79 4. A.9. -INCH. . ~.....6 fea 1% I-i o 9-i .WA3 . 70 + 4 -" a-- ii *- -' LLL i I' I Um 4r4 . 71 - 3.345- /PROJECTILE, r.S., 3-INCH, MA.ZIK 3 *--.6 23-PALL DIMENSIONS IN CALIBERS 13. S-inch Projectiles a. Drawings Projectile, Armor-piercing Capped, M82 ind M62AI Shot, Armor-piercing, M79 Shot, Armor-piercing Discarding -sabot, 76/48mm (APG Photo A8392) 75-2-292 75-18-45 Shot, Hypervelocity Armor-piercing, T4 Shot, Hypervelocity Armor-piercing. T4E1 Shot, Hypervelocity Armor-piercing, T4E17, T4E18 and M93 (T4E20) Shot, Hypervelocity Target Practice, T24EI (same contour as H.V.A.P. M93) Shell, High Explosive, M42A1 Projectile, Mark 27 (with Dummy Nose Plug) Projectile, fllundnating, Mark 25 (with Dummy Nose Plug) Projectile, Armor-piercing, Mark 29, without windshield or cap Projectile, F.S., Mark 3 Fuze, Mechanical Time, M43 (T12) Fuze, Point Detonating, M48 (T3) Fuze, Concrete Piercing, M78 (T105 Type 6) Fuze, Base Detonating, M66A1 Fuse, Experimental, National Defense Research Committee (samd contour as M43 and M48 Fuzes) { TAM 0 TAM 1021 75-2-361 to 363 75-18-33 Fig. 17, NPG Report 3-46 Fig. 22, NrG Report 3-45 Fig. 24, NPG Report 3-45 Naval Bureau of Ord. 54759 73-7-29 73-2-140 73-2-214 73-2-178 13. -InwZ Projectiles (Con.) b. Physical Characteristics Weight Lb. Std. Meas. 15.40 15.00 7.56 Tracer 9.53 9.49 7.50 9.52 Tracer 9.75 9.31 7.285 9.31 9.31 12.80 13.52 13.00 9.47 9.23 9.31 13.05 13.47 1 4 4 2 14 5 1.118 1.540 1.546 1.4120 0.0607 0.1105 0.1098 0.1091" 0.253 0.8092 0.8104 0.85800 1.128 0.0395 0.172 i a 11 11 1.178* 0.05927* 0.3070* 2.416 1.129* 2.16 0.08021* 13.39 0.2970* 15.44 No. of Rounds 2 A-2A2 lb.ft. 0.1159 Projectile A.P.C. M02A1 A.P. M79 A.P.D.S. 70/48mm Fuze MOA1 Tracer cal. 1.403 lb.ft. 0.7593 { H.V.A.P. T4 Same W/o windshield: with 1" rod with I/3" rod H.V.A.P. T4E1 H.V.A.P. T4E17 Tracer H.V.A.P. T4E18 Tracer H.V.A.P. M93 H.V.T.P. T24 H.E. M42 H.E. M42A1 F.S. Mk 3 Tracer Tracer M43 M78 Base H.V.T.P. T24E1 Tracer $Computed from dimensions on drawings. '3 13. 3-itch Projectiles (Con.) c. Drag Projectile A.P.C. M62 Fuze M66AI Report Observation Resist. Proj. T 6 Form Factor 1.05 Velocity ft/sec. 2565 1958 [8i2f 8 Resist. Resist. Resist. Resist. Resist. Resist. Resist. Time 1 8 2 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 , D i3 .159 .119 .232 .121 .115 .201 .449 .10 .112 .117 .119 .113 .113 .117 .246 JK-I-9 [Memo Oct 44 May-43 Memo Mar 43 K-I-9 Aug 42 Memo Sep 44 A.P. M79 A. P.D.S. 76/48mm H.V.A.P. T4 w/o windshield: with 1" rod with 1/2' rod Tracer 1.05 1.31 1.22 1.01 2.22 1.09 1.175 1.15 1.165 1.153 1.12 1.145 1.16 2533 3520 3320 3742 32j3 3266 3337 3031 3087 3078 3048 3082 2o00 ISame H.V.A.P. T4E1 H.V.A.P. M93 H.V.A.P. M93 H.V.T.P. T^4 Tracer BRLM 317 Memo Oct 44 Memo Oct 44 Tracer Norte Tracer Tracer BRLM 335 Memo Oct 44 APG 471/1440-57 H.V.A.P. T4E17 Tracer APG 471/1440-79 Time APG 471/1440-79 Time APG 471/1440-57 Time APG 471/1440-79 Time BRL 284 Resist. H.V.T.P. T24S1 Tracer H.V.T.P. T24E1 Tracer H.E. M42 (Adapter IMk 11, )Wood ,Plug H.E. M42 (Large] Wood / / BRL 2B4 Resist. 1 2.12 2803 .449 Plug H.E. M42A1 Mk 27 fllum Mk 25 A.P. Mk 29 J BRL 298 NPG 3-45 NPG 3-45 NPG 3-45 Resist. Resist. Resist. Resist. 6 1.37 2569 .170 See graph See graph See graph M78 Dummy Dummy i/o windshield or cap F.S. Mk 3 ) Base fBRL 261 (NP- S-72-4 (49) Airstream* Underwater Traj. See graphs *Measurements of the drag, torque and cross wind force were made with a wooden model of this projectile in the same way as with the 6' Common Prolectile (see par. 18 c). The yaw-drag coefficient of the 3" Projectile, valid for yaws frcm 0 to 55% Is 0.00250 per deg 2 . a al I I I I I MARK 27.. ILLUMINATING. MARK 25 WITH DUMMY NOSE PLUG K S S0'0 ..PROJECTILE.. WITH DUMMY NOSE PLUG I.74 -- - - DRAG COEFFICIENT No Vs MACH'S RATIO 46 ..40MM SCALE MODEL - - K -.33 t-4--1.0 DRA COEFFICIENT as VMACH NUMBER PROJECTILE. 3-INCH. 3-INCH.117 - -- as Lb Le 0j..5 &a 53 0. oto ts w U/@ . . MARK 29 K.R..5 Io Its 48 - - DRAG COEFFICIENT vs YAW PROJB"TILE F S. 3 INCH.75 DRAG COEFFICIENT vs MACH NUMBER PROJECTILE. 3-INCH. A.. MARK 3 AIR SPEED 45 F/S -- - - - %/ a -\- - 0 - 40 - - - - tw It .3 - - - U- - .--WITHOUT WINOSHELD OR CAP KD 1.. 3INCH. MARK 3 Am - AIR SPEED 45 "F7.. W W0/ *' W1 .. ISPEED 45 FT/c-IEC -- - CROSS WIND FORCE COEFFICIENT vs YAM PROJECTILE F 5._. MOMENT COEFFICIENT vs YAW . PROJECTILE .3 INCH. MARK 3 ..... . /I -/ ~ 0..EC / I.. F S.[AIR . S.P.T.P.V.99 0. Stability Projectil A.925 . M2.005. M42B2 H. T4E17 Tracer See par.7 BRI 408 3" M3 (n .E.A.44 2. M42A1 H. M3 and M4 15-pounder Guns M1902 and M1903 3Y 3" Antitank Gun M • 3" Tank Guns MO and M7 7mm Tank Guns M1 and MIAI 76mm Tank Gun MIA2 n-Cat__ 40 25 40 40 40 32 11these guns is 3. K7A CeDF .91 0.30 i. M1918 and modifications*. Guns 3" Antiaircraft Guns M1917 and modifications*.D.P. Report No.07 1.25 1.E.A.57 0. 40 32 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 K s 1. 10.3 1.C. M1925M1.V.85 0.4 2. T24E1 H. 13c and graph e. Mk 3 Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer M43 M48 M48 M?8 Base Fuze IvIS6AI R.E. T24 H.p'. 3-inch Projectiles (Con.E.45 0.88 0.D. T4EI H.V.0.V.40) 2800 ft/sec 2.94 0. of Rds.39 1. M42A1 F. of Rounds 2 1 7 8 9 Velocity ft/sec. M42 H.rt Memo Oct 45 Memo N BRLM 317 BRLM 335 APG 471/1440-79 APG 471/1440-57 O.P.P.0 1.) d.45 1.E. Pitch of Rifling of 3-inch and 76mm Gums H. 4084 BRLM 293 BRLM 293 BRLM 298 BRL 261 2 6 8 4 44 No.44 77 60 2.A. 76/48mm H. M42 N.77 H.79 _M 1.P.75 x 106 0. M62AI A. Gun Muzzle Velocity Reynold's No.S. Mi.R.18 *Some Guns of these models were originally rifled with a pitch of 25 calibers. T4 H.P.05 1.32 1.000 Inches) (The caliber of -.002.C.P. 2400 3500 3400 3400 3440 3420 3300 2800 1800 1550 2800 n cal.V.T. Spin Shell Fuze S#/d 2 f."77 13. . FUZZ.P.10---o 224 UHOT. 90MM.543" ILI' SHOT.C. M82. M7? ALL MKABURZMZ~r IN CALIBERS 1 CALIBER *3.. A.D. A.78 PROJCTILE.. T33 .P.543" 261 36~1. A. 90MM. 90MM..P. B. M68 CAIBERS ALL DIMENSIONS IN4 1 CALIBER a2. ?'I . 90MM.A. 90MM. T44 I. T30E 11. H..P.. 21-SEC. AND T30E15 .0. M71. 1.54 -4.. A. 90MM.28 L3 T 4 t- .3. FUZZ. T30E 12.7c) SHOT. MK Mz .P.V.A..00 SMELL.2-ftSHOT. H V A. M.S. CLOSING. 90MiM.. DUMMY. M58: PLUG. M43 7e.. '-t 30 05 d WO) 3. 1 -O.T.80 73 . U. 90MM.. M44A1 UM 50ULL. 75I-14-3093l . OMM. HEl~.44- SHELL. TI. M71.'3 SHULL.. H. PUZC.S. 1.l jfljIf SHELL. FUZZ. Hypervelocity Armor-piercing.A. Dummy. Point Detonating. T30E15 Shot. Hypervelocity Armor-piercing. Drawings Projectile. Mechanical Time. 21-second Antiaircraft. Hypervelocity Armor-piercing. T30E11 Shot. Hypervelocity Armor-piercing. T30E14 (Approximately the same contour as T30E15) Shot. 47 and 51 75-18-44 75-2-388 75-2-384 & 385 75-14-538 75-18-39 75-18-42 TAM 20 13-2-181 and 182 73-7-29 73-2-140 73-3-111 72-5-P 75-14-309E 'S . M43AI. M43. High Explosive. M71 (T8) Shell. T45 (Same contour as H. High Explosive.E. M44A2 Fuze. M304) Shell. Armor-piercing. Armor-piercing Capped. M71) Shell. M48 Fuze. M58 (T3) (Same contour as H.V.P. and M43A3 Fuze. High Explosive. M82 Shot. Mark III Fuze.Detonating.14. T3OE12 Shot. M68 Fuze. 90ram Projectiles a.215-inch shot with sabot) Shot. Armor-piercing. Hypervelocity Armor-piercing. Hypervelocity Armor-piercing. T33 Shot. T15 Fuze. Hypervelocity Armor-piercing. M77 Shot. M43A2. Base. Experimental. T44 Shot. M304 (T30E18) (Approximately the same contour as T30E15) Shot. Hypervelocity Target Practice. T38E5 (2. National Defense Research Committee (Same contour as M43 and M48 Fuzes) Plug. Closing TAM 1238 75-1-234 75-18-48. P.789 1.827 2.V.1390 0.V.329 1.052 H.205 0.795 Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer M43 M48 Mk.1520 0.P.A.29' 16. an in flight.80 16.A.00 20.A. T3OEII H.19 23. Physical Characteristics Weight Lb. M71 Inert M71 H.) b.E.T.611 *These values pertain to a projectile without the sabot.40 23.210 In.A.P.P.1961 0.P.P.472 2.ft.V. T30E15 H.490' 1.61 20. T45 H=E. T30E12 H.168 0. . No.V.C. T38E5 Tracer 1.P.01 14.P.P.80 21.199 in.11 23. T30E14 H.00 23.E.142 1.241 0.499 2. M71 H.V.A.A. M58 H.40 24.1510 0.2528 0. The caliber Ui considered 2.5 21.V.33 15.E.12 23.78 8. The body diameter was 2.V.5 1 7 1 8 8 10 6 10 a 1.48 17.0286 0.65 23.P.8547 2.5 Rounds 20 10 5 4 1 cal Ib. ITI M43 M43 M44A2 23. M82 A. The base diameter was 2.78 16. lb.P. M58 H. TI5 Fuze M68 Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Std 24.2751 0. T33 H.27 24.A.19 23.736 0.82 14. M77 A.2475 1.06 Meas 24. M304 H.742 1.2753 0.ft.215 in.2528 0. 9fmm ProjecUlos (Coo. 1.E.62 16. T44 H. of A B Prjcie A.785 1.40 16.V. A.P.A.W.E. Time Time Time Resist.P.1Z1 .P.146 .P.P.110 .114 . T30E14 H.965 .16 2.P.135 .V.18 2. T33 A. Time Resist.V.E.C.48*0 1.110 .A.182 .P. T33) w/o plug M68 M88 M68 Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Memo Aug 44 MR347D Jan 45 MR3471 J:n 45 Me-.260 .P.P.P. Resist.05 .9/135168 J J. M77 A.52 1. T30E12 Tracer H.108 .9/135168 . 7 1.P.143 .20*0 .97 1. 90mm Projectiles (Con.095 .91/1 Memo Jan 45 Memo May 45 APG 471. M71 H.) Oct 42 Memo Aug 44 Memo Aug 44 MR347D Jan 45 APG 471.97 1.A.25 1.107 . T33 A. f2000 )2850 Resist. I Vlosing) Mk II M43A3 M44A2 . Fuze M68 fBRL Report 284 MLy 43) "D . T44 H. T30E11 Tracer H. **The T38E5 Shot may have had large yaws: only 2 rounds were fired at each velocity.P.1. M77 A.198 . Resist.C.C.114 . Drag Observatton Resist.P.38 6 7 7 1 1 6 7 7 7 7 a 8 8 7 8 7 8 8 5 5 Projectile A. U7711 H. Resist. Type a Form Factor .98 1.06 . Resist.83 14. Resist. Resist.117 . Resist.51 was obtained from range firings.V. Range Resist.P.91 t. Time Resist.324 f Memo May 13 A.P.01 1.00 1.P. T33 A.203 2200 2700 .9/135168 Memo Dec 44 Memo Dec 44 Memo Dec 44 MR347D Jan 45 APG 471.91/1 BRL 284 Nov 42 BRL 284 May 43 IMemo May 43 BRL 507 K-l-9 Mar 44 H.103 .35 1.109 . M82 A.19 1.132 3340 *The drag of the T30E11 Shot was probably increased by rough contours and large yaws. TI Tracer Tracer IPlug.V.racer) None APG 471.T.23 (1.110 .28 1.V. M82 A. T30E1 Tracer H.E.118 .272 . M82 A.A.V.106 .25 1.C.180 See graph . Resist.E.P.32 1. Time Resist.90 Velocity ft/sec. T38E6 Tracer H. A form factor of 1.32 2840 2820 3017 3240 2587 2621 2668 3029 2603 2598 2595 3556 3430 3318 3671 3262 3628 2607 3700 3257 2628 fInert 1 APG 471. M58 H.P. T45 H. T33 A.P. Resist. • ' I I I I • I I I .A. M82 .A. Proj. M304 Tracer H.60* 1. M71 . Svs MACH ex r REPRT 0.51 3..L9 OMM.P.A.32 KM A.t S..26 1.) DRAG COEFFKAENT NUMBER -SHELL.oectile cal 3.Oe -- . H.85 0.25 HV.P. H.E.91/1 BRL 150 BRL 185 BRL 236 H.0450 00 .30 -- 1.0 0.E.385) 1. WumI ProjecUles (Cos.30 1.P.E..V.P. M58 H.. T33 T30E12 T30E15 T38E5 Tracer Tracer BRLM 336 Meno Doc 44 MR347D Jan 45 8 6 2 2 a a 8 9 2700 3300 3325 3700 3330 1920 2800 2705 (M-2.- 714 - -.72 1. FOR Ow-.0 .M43A3 r.T45 Tracer Tracer M48 M48 M43 Memo Jan 45 APG 471.A.7 1. M58 H. H. of Velocity ft/sec.52 1.95 2.0 ISO too M Sao SAO 9o 20 d. Stability -_ No. Fuze Report Rounda __.P. ! FUZE .12 1. 32 32 32 32 20 30 32 2. M71.IS 4.T.A.32 1.24 1.11 1.39 1.84 14. 1. 11.9 BRL 408 f. M71 N.R.96 x 106 0.D. Gun T2 A. T13E3. FUZE.17k 59 I.. A. 105MM.82 - 4. 90mm Projectiles (Con.A.543") Gun Gun T1 n-c ai 20 Report N'o. Pitch of Rifling of 90mm Guns (3.48 1!31 -34w.D.00198 4.C. Gun Muzzle Velocity Reynold's No.) e.A. UGOAl CALIJER1 ALL DIMENSIONS IN4 .85 14.2- sHaT. KA coDF 30 A. Guns Ml. MlAl and M2 32 Gun M3 329 4 M1 (n -32) 2700 ft/sec 2..C.0059 0.E. of Rds. Shell Fuze S'/d 2 Spin H.P. D. T2984 IMELL. Al.S.D.. P.11 - I maT.A. H..P.8of -lM. N. XOGUM.77 ALL P ISUCNB IN CALiBERS . 101MM.. FUZE. U48 - - son 0 SMELL.V. Ml. C.. MIS '.. 101MM. HMS. FUZZ.P. SQ. 105MM. .S30. T.025M 1.84 SHELL CIUL44 LU .).. 105M1(.1.. M84. H. 903____ SHELL. T3OE 1. 4 * - L46 145 SHELL. P. FUZE.D. M54 ALL DIMENSIONS IN CALIBERS . FUZZ.. M5IA4 4. 5M010 (3.02 a.R. . .. M314.Aa4.67 3. H.K.2 INCH CHEMICAL MORTAR..T.1 4 3.88 BUILL. U6ZAI.8 &0 SHILL.A. M47 $HELL. T. 105MM. MODIFIED ALL DIMENSIONS IN CAIBRS . ILLUMINATING.62 - ___________ 3. U54 . SQ. H.84 90 . . B. D. 105MM.724 2.T. FOR 4. 911. FUZZ.A.. FUZZ..K. " 15. 150 & 151 754-75 75-4-153 75-14-352. E81 (4. M51A4 Fuze. Union and Cone Body Cartridge container Striker nut Pressure Plate Rotating Disc Driver E21R1 (Comes off in bore) TAM 1759 75-4-107 C8-13-190 (CWS) El11-8-4 (CWS) El11-6-5 & 8 (CWS) E16-13-11 (CWS) E16-13-29 (CWS) Bl1-8-3 (CWS) 75-4-91 754-105 75-1-229 73-2-110 73-2-145 73-3-154 72-5-5 73-2-214 73-2-18e 73-2-178 Bethlehem Steel Co. Shell M1) Shell.A. of Rounds 8 5 1 5 g cal. T29E4 Tracer . 75-4-106 and 107 89 b.00 32. Mortar): Design Study Ogive. 1. Hypervelocity Armor-piercing.82 No.442 1.E.00 33.P. Concrete Piercing. 14017A 75-4-149. Point Detonating. Dummy. Dummy.180 1.87 33.554 0. 2 0. High Explosive Antitank. M67 Shell.C. T30EI 8holl. Base Detonating.60 33. High Explosive.5508 B lbit 3. M48 Fuze. M54 Fuze.288 0. M1 Shell.E. 105mm and 4. High Fxplostve Antitank.00 33. T13E2 H. Std Meas 41. T121 (base plug with red tracer) Shell. M84 Shell.2-inch Projectiles a.72 40. M1 H. M82 Fuze.399 H. High Explosive. M67E1 (Same contour as M67) Shell. M88AI Fuze.s Shot.ft. M314 (T16) (Contour similar to Smoke Shell M84) Fuze. MI Fuze M66AI Mb4 M59 M78 Weight Lb.E.00 24.345 5. Base Detonating.749 A lb.. Drawir. T29E4 Shell.E.P. Armor-piercing Capped. Time and Superquick. Chemical. M59 (same contour and velght as M48) Fuze. High Explosive Antitank. Physical Characteristics Projectile A. M78 (TI05 Type 6) Fuze. M60 (Saine contour as H. Illuminating (BE). Point Detonating.739 1.V.60 33.88 i. Smoke (BE).99 24. T13E2 Shot.418 5.2" Chem.811 0. M1 H. MB7 H.T.87 33.37 1550 r1. 105mm and 4. H. Proj.02 0.E.123 4.A.7l) 1020 1.05 .824 0.04 29. Air Stream* Resist. T30E1 H.V. MtPlug H.2-lnc Projectiles (Con.985 5.E. M87 MS1A4 M82 M62 T121 T93 MR 411 Memo Nov 42 Memo Oct 44 Memo Oct 44 APG 471.) Weight Lb.A.4278 0.631 4.E. Ml H.A. approximately valid for yaws from 00 to 65. Resist.A. c. Resist.T.T. Shell Ml were measured by the Bureau of Standards in an air stream with a "Standard air speed" of 45 ft/sec and a "Standard air density' of 0.go 15.E.07 1.08 nluminating(BE) M54 38.E.126 .168 4.575* 1.93 Velocity ft/sec.T. Type 8 5 5 Form Factor 1.169 . 8 2 2 2 2 (1.172 .88 29.23 1550 Resist.06 1.E.04 to .82 32.078 .E. Is 0.A.24 4 3 5 2 3 3 3 1. M1 ex.078 .E.05 1020 1.565 4.237 .79 850 (1.o! Rounds g A 2 B 2 Projectile Fuze Std.P.E. Resist. T29E4 H. See araph 5 See graph (0.98 1.529 0.048 . No.697 1. lb. M1 H.E.106 4.E.T. M67EI M62A1 T93 H.31 32.A.558 0. M48 M54 34.161 Resist.213 H. 5 .46 M314 *From base of shell without projections.187 *The drag.E. MI H. M67 M62 29. Resist.A.0765 lb/ft 3 . M1 H.29 650 .22 28. moment coefficient (relative to the center of gravity of the actual projectile) and cross winc force coefficient shown on the following graphs were deduced from the air stream measurements and smoothed. Meas.5085 0.495 1. 3358 1550 1519 KD 1. M87 Practice M67 H.E. The drag coefficient.107 .078 . lb.04 2930 2268 1018 1241 1239 1250 .488 1.00 24.07 .00414 per deg.12 1.822/ 1330 Time Resist. The yaw-drag coefficient.E.492 1.A. Drag Projectile H. cal.23 29.177 .33 5.T.ft. 2 . Fuze Tracer M48 :478 M48 M48 Report MR 411 BRL 166 Nov 41 K-I-9 Mar 44 BRL 338 "Ctrcularl BRL 284 J BRL 284 Observation Time Reslst. M87 Inert loaded (practice) M67 T121 H.T.513 0.47 H.05 1.707 1. torque and cross wind force of a wooden model of the H. E81 Chbm.ft. (WP) Mao Smoke (BE)M84 M62A1 Mod.5112 0.E. DRAG COEFFICIENT vs MACH NUMBER 105 MM SHELL, H.E. Mi. FUZE,PO., M48 o - -*J - - .- - - o A .7. LMtE to ts LS 1.0 1825 1.3 DRAG COEFFICIENT vs YAW SHELL H.E. 1O5 MM. Mi FUZE PD. M48AIR SPEED 45 FT/SEC - V0 -o -0- g- -----. ------------. 92 MOMENT COEFFICINT vs YAW SHELLILE. 05 MM, 11 - AIR SPEED 45 FT/SEC FUZE, PD. M48 a -- - - - -...... t w , 40 o w e ow o w 1w 140" 1w4 1e00 *LeO - CROSS WIND) FORCE COEFFICIENT vs YAW/ SHELL K.F 105 MMk MI FUZE P L M4- - --' N~AR SPEED 45 .FT/SEC ".. .- ~m -. .-........ -- _ t t ti ii CROSS~u W.I NDi FOC COEFICI E.N vs YAW, i. ,,. . • 1 400 S bOO iSO 14 60 1O 93 15. 105mm and 4.2-inch Projectiles (Con.) d. Stability No. of Rounds 8 Velocity ft/sec. n cal K a. M Projectile Fuze Report A.P.C. T13E2 H.V.A.P. T29E4 H.E. MI H.E. M1 H.E.A.T. M67 M66A1 Tracer M54 M59 Dummy) M62 2800 3700 2875 1550 778 30 30 30 20 27 1.92 2.01 1.35 2.69 1.13 1.57 0.86 1.28 1.41' 2.07 MR 411 Memo BRLM 285 5 1 7 1 H.E.A.T. M67 H.E.A.T. M67EI H.E.A.T. E81 (4.Z'Mortar) Chem. (WP) MOO Smoke (BE) M84 Illuminating (BE M62 M62Al M62A1 Mod. M48 M54 M54 APG 471.381/33 3 3 5 3 3 3 1285 1285 670 1230 1270 1226 27 27 20 27 27 27 1.41 1.18 1.42 1.16 1.58 1.98 1.68 2.00 1.21 i.78 1.52 1.37 M314 J) *See par. 15c and graph. 0. Pitch of Rifling Caliber Cannon Gun (A.A.) 105rm, M3 Gun (A.A.) 105mm, T4 (L.H. twist) CQua, 105mm, T5E1 and T8 How., 105mm, M2A1, M3 and M4 How., 105mm, M2AlE3 Mortar, Chem., 4.2", E34R1 In. 4.134 4.134 4.134 4.134 4.134 4.200 n cal 30 30 30 20 27 20 I .D. MN. M85 WrrH P.P..6 9 2 SHILL..692a SMELL. MOB.16 77 E.E.672 2. FUZZ M51AI -4. FUZZ. c.. 75-14-8092 ALL DIMZNSIONS IN CALl2ZR8 .21506 . PLUG.70) 1. N.757 1. MSir 4.5". 4. 4. M. M65.9-INCH.Z. CLOSING.472 0 71 IT0 1.903- 2.721. 4.5-INCH.94 SHILL. 99 .72 55.E. M85 Fuze M48 Report BRL 284 Aug 42 Observation Resist. of Rounds 8 5 Velocity ft/sec. . M65 Fuze. M65 tP1Kg J BRL 284 Resist. .224 . 2275 2270 K s 2.00 55.220 .38 H.00 55. M65 H.16. High Explosive. 5 d. National Defense Research Committee (same contour as M48 and M51 Fuzes) b.E. Proj.233 H.90 Velocity ft/sec. 1806 2252 2245 1799 1998 2268 2269 1842 L.96 1.141 . M51 Fuze.87 11. M78 (TIO5 Type 8) Plug.33 1. Drawings Shell. ! vClosing) fCir~ular] M78 Memo Mar 44 Memo June 42 Resist.225 .E. 1. .114 .ft.92 1.tability Pitch of Rifling: 25 calibers Projectile H.E. . Type 2 Form Factor j1.E. .99 No.00 1.45' 54. Point Detonating. M48 Fuze. . Shells (See BRL MR 285).. Point Detonating. Drag Projectile H. . Closing Plug. / .E. of Rounds 4 g cal 1.133 . M85 H.E.1870 11.004* B lb. S. 2 2 1. M65 H.5-inch Projectiles a. c.E. Concrete Piercing.837 A lb. 4. M65 Fuze Mbl M78 Report BRLM 285 BRLM 28b No.75 M 1.E. M65 H.ft. Circular 75-2-297 73-2-140 73-2-145 73-2-214 75-14-309E Fuze. Experimental.05 0.853 1.79* Projectile H.H • .E. Resist.82 1. M65 Ffaze M48 MSI M78 *These values appear to be erroneous when compared with the moments of inertia of other H.227 . Physical Characteristics Weight Lb Std Meas 55. 2 10.75 5 1. M85 IPlug.18 (1. H. Spin Shell Fuze S#7d 2 Report No.6-Inch Projectlee (Con.) 0.59 x 108 0..53.D.C.1 I3RL 408 3 Ml (n -25) 2275 and 1820 3.7L.00183 KA CsDF 5. ALL DIEN.FZ.E.R. e .00535 0.10. M86 N. 13.4 3. of Rds. Gun Muzzle Velocity Reynold's No.63 . 2MMI.46 11. 4.1 N A2B .09 1. High Explosive. PLUG. Cannon b. Stability H.12 to 3.76 lb.08 e.E. M73 M.T. July 41) 10 3040 ft/sec 2.E.E. Drag Projectile Fuze Report Observation Projectile Type Form FactorVelocity KD 'S 1 . 10 1.650 lb. T'75E6 (the plastic cap of this fuze has the same contour as the M61 Fuze. Closing BRL 284 Aug. Closinq 75-18-40 73-7-71 75-14-309E Shell Fuze Report d. M73.00 lb. H..00158 c.ft. of Rds. 42 Resistance I 1. Gun Caliber n Muzzle Velocity Reynold's No.ft.643 8" Gun M1900 with 4.84 1.700 in. 8. Drawing Shell. Physical Characteristics Projectile Fuze Weight: Standard Measured No. of Rds.681 cal 1.00482 0. of Rds. Spin 2 2 Fuze.79) x I0 0.2 BRL 589 10 120MM MI 4. M61 BRL 237 (Rev. Velocity Mach No.7" liner T2 4. Experimental. M73 (T5) Fuze. M73 T75E8 12.E.17.9Y') A B H. 49. Shell Fuze S'/d 2 Report H. 25 cal 2.244 No.T. M73 Plug. KA CeDF Caliber n s KM H. M61 50. M61 (T31E2) Plug. 120MM. M73 M. 120mm Projectiles SHELL.072 lb.E.18 3000 ft/sec .700 in 30 cal 3010 ft/sec (1. CLOSING 75-14-309E ALL DIMENSIONS IN CALIBERS a.) No. g (7. Mechanical Time. valid for yaws from 0 to 55". 1 753 - ALL DIUNOI ER CALIDERS PROJUCTL.00325 per deg . . torque and cross wind force of a wooden model of the Navy 6"Common Projectile were measured by the Bureau of Standards in an air stream with a "standard air speed" of 45 ft/sec and a "standard 3 . The results are given in BRL Report 261. Drawing Projectile.85 lb cal 2 ib. Moment and Croes Wind Force: The drag.3 1. Drag. Ph sical Characteristics Projectile Weight* r A* B* Common. moment coefficient (relative to the center of gravity of the actual projectile) and cross wind force coefficient shown on the following graphs were deduced from the air stream measurements and smoothed. Common. COMMON. The aw-drag coefficient. is 0.533 3.ft2 *Computed from dimensions on drawing. 6".0765 lb/ft which also Includes data taken from the Naval Proving Ground Report S-72-4(49) on underwater trajectories. . air density' of 0. . 57012 b.98 5-jac Projectles 111. .. The drag coefficient.354 24. Mark 20 Naval Bureau of Ord.ft lb. MARK 20 a.. Mark 20 103. a. COMMON.6 INCH. COMMON.AIR SPEED 45 FT/SEC MOMENT CDEFFtCENT vs YAW PROJECTILE. 6 INCH. MARK 20 ~AIR SPEED 45 FT/SEC.- -& g- I*- to- -0 t- -W .DRAG COEFIFICENT vs YAW PROIIECTLE.-- 77' 0 40. . .3 Ole- - - IRIICIS . 9ARK 20 AIR SPELO 45 FTISEC *- - 1.. COMMON. 15 M -11 . 6 INCH.100 CROSS WVIND FORCE COEFFICIENT VS YAW PROJECTLE. T35 ~ ~1. WOODEN PLUG :0.. HZ. 155MM. MARK 1..53 -44R1k A5 1. 155MM. 15M1M. MARK 3.P. FUZE.A. P..53 008 31 SHELL. H.E.60 1 72 0.101 OHOM. H.V.67 SHELL. U46 ALL DIMEN931ONS IN CALIBERS ..D. M10l.44 a Its SIMLL.N. P.. M7S SKULL. U. UZXAQONAL PLUG ALL DIMZ?10Nl INCAIBRR8 .3.. M6101. C.102 ~44 see 1.. 155MM. FUZZ. 3.P...D. 155MM. MIl I. 16102.l4ss SHILL. 155MM. FUZZ. R.S. 103 4 401 . .. 4 .... SHELL, H. E., 155MM, M107; FUZE, P.D., M51 0 *8 ...... . . /400, aa 3 RETAINING CUP/ 3 CARTRIDG ECONI mir -.- ER SHLH . 5M, 1.4 PD, , ,. .5 _UE - SHELL, H.E., 155MM, T38; FUZE, P.A., M48 S CARTRIDGE..-. . 6 HEHELL, H.E., D.MM, T24EI; FUZZ, P.D., M48 ALL DIMENSIOS IN CALIBERS Is 104 44,9 -7238P 53- - .1 ai i O4 4 J" SHILL, CHIZM., 155MM, MARK AZ; FUZZ, P.D., MST UHELL, ILLUMINATING, 155MM, MiS; FUZZ, DUMMY, US SHELL, ILLUMINATING, 155MM, T23; FUZZ, M.T., TIT ALL DIMENSIONS IN CAUSBRS 19. 155mm Projectiles a, Drawings Projectile, Armor-piercing, M112, MIl2B1 and M112B2 Shot, Hypervelocity Armor-piercing, T35 Shell, High Explosive, Mark 1 Shell, High Explosive, Mark 3 Shell, High Explo3lv2, M101 (T2) Shell, High Explosive, M102 Shell, High Explosive, M107 Shell, High Explosive, T24EI (with the 3-1/2 inch increment cartridge container, 457G) Shell, High Explosive, T36 Shell, Chemical, Mark 7A1 Shell, Illuminatng, M118 (T21) Shell, Illuminating, T22 Adapter-Booster, Mark IIIAI (Adapts H.E. Shell Mark 3 to 75-4-101 TAM 1417 & 1412 75-4-25 75-4-38 75-4-80 75-4-82 75-4-99 TAM 456 & 457 TAM 1433, 1434 & 1826 75-4-88 TAM 72 TAM 72 P.D. Fuze M46) Fuze, Point Detonating, M48 Fuze, Point Detonating, M48 Fuze, Point Detonating, M51, M51AI and M51A2 Faze, Point Detonating, M57 (TISE2) Fuze, Experimental, National Defense Research Committee (same contour as M48, M51, M57 and M59 Fuzes) Fuze,'Concrete Piercing, M78 (T105 Type 6) 73-1-5 73-2-126 73-2-140 73-2-145 73-2-138 73-2-214 Fuze, Dummy, M59 Fuze, Mechanical Time, TI (same contour as M.T. Fuzes M43 & M87, P.D. Fuzes M48, M51 & M57, etc.) Fuze, Base Detonating, M60 72-5-6 73-2-74 ,J, , H im , S ft.38 1.408 3. M112 A.P.70 calcu'ated from design 56.552 3. M101 H.A.fl.538 3.21 11.83 1357 1478 1951 2080 2396 2779 .349 3.53 1. Resist.90 21 5 1.V.80 .155 1. M107 H.P.E.38 10.932 9.108 19.E.88 2396 . 155=m Projectiles (Con.78 3.0 93.092 . Resist.E.A.938 1.68 20 1 1 Proj.0 95.V.75 95.88 0.84 .P.122 .41 Velocity ft/sec. M112B2 H.91 0.72 10.58 93.E. (K-1-9 Mar 44) IMemo Feb 44 (.25o . Mas No.7 95. T22 c. T36 Same w/o clip W/o retaining cap M78 M51 M48 M48 M48 M48 M48 95.122 .00 58.139 .E.536 1.73 28.80 tBRLM 287 BRLM 287 Resist.135 .54 66.08 101. M112B2 H.P.207 .50 19 1 H.35 H.127 . M112BI A.72 95.152 . Mk 7A1 flium. MIOI M51Al Resist. T35 H.18 Obser- 1.02 57.03 (0.E.98 K-D . MIOl H. Tye 6 6 (Simulated HS) 103. T35 Me0 100 98.128 .84 Mess.E. T24EI H.83 (HS) Chem.91 1.P.112 H.P. Time Resist. M118 flium.E.88 0.434 29.132 .01 &tInLng cap o J M57 M59 TV7 94.45 .83 23.103 1. of R ounds Ca~l A 1b.092 1.44 102. Physical Characteristics Projectile Fuze Weightg Sid Lb.) b. B 2 2 A. M112B2 A. 5 . M1O M78 5 0. Form Factor 0.938 1. Mk 1 Wood 95.04 10 20 1. Drag Projectile A.88 30. 1453 1815 2037 2341 3630 1082 Fuze Mo0 MO0 M60 MOO Report Memo Jan 44 Memo Jan 44 JK-i-9 Mar 44 IMemo Feb 441 Memo May 45 BRL 186 Nov 41 vation Resist. 1.72 10.38 w/o retalning Xcap or clip ) (W/O cartridge container.E.101 6 6 8 5 plug H.103 1. MIO1 M48 M48 M51A1 94.00 53.E.0 95. Mi 3 H.413 1.P. clip e M48 51. Resist.936 10. 2 b.80 26.092 1.53 53. 0628 . The drag coefficient. 6 6 D.806 W/o retaining cap W/o retaining ap r clip /o cartridge ontatner.) Projectile H. Resist.704 These values are for 0* yaw. reain~ng cap or clip M48 M48 0.13 640 989 1439 1988 .0765 lb/ft3 .0.044 .161 . Type Form Factor Velocity ft/sec.44 .182 . M107 Fuze M51A1 Ilex.0691 (wooden Lplug 0. See graphs 1995 872 1013 . Velocity 1 Ilium. T22 M59 T17 Memo Apr 44 Memo Apr 44 Resist.0632 .07b . is 0.061 .30 .31 (0.208 .6 0.0758 .37 0.0791 H.075 Y-D 1.029 .E.29 . moment coefficient (relative to the center of gravity of the actual projectile) and cross wind force coefficient shown onthe following graphi are smoothed results deduced from the air stream measurements of the model placed in two opposite orientations.44 .8 0.40 (0.E.030 .04 Proj. Shell M101 are given In BRL Report 16. VI-4/64 (tunnel Wind 1 1 0.035 . 0.B.9 These values are for 0' yaw. The yaw-drag coefficient.23 same w/o clip 12Oa 1511 1844 100 100 00 100 I00 .E.840 0. [Plug M51 Report BRL 16 & 338 BRL 166 Nov 41 Memo Jan 44 Observation Air Stream* Resist. retaining cap. see KD curves Mach H. approximately vaidc1 for yaws from 0 to 55'.28 0.035 .935 .02 f1. 155mm Projectiles (Con.032 .9 .8 0.025 .151/555 and 557 (full locale.S.107 10.180 *Measurements of underground trajectories of H.00508 per deg2 . T361 /o clip J M48 BRLM 361 (Wind 1 tunnel 2 "I n 1 0.E. MI01 H.192 . torque and cross wind force of a wooden model were measured by the Bureau of Standards in an air stream with a "standard air speed" of 45 It/sec and a "standard air density" of 0.r j0. 1 1 0.1.050 JW/o retainngl cap or clip (w/o cartridge) container. T36 M48 M48 J an 45 N. 5 2 1.00 1 1.08) .E.187 .31 0.93 1.E. or clip M48 M48 M48 1 tAPG 471. Resist.771 0. M102 H. The drag.6 0.8 0. .35 3.042 .9 0.11 1.33 1 (0. M118 Ilium. MI01 H.e8 1. T38 Same w/o clip W/o retaining cap I W/o retaining cap or clip W/o cartridge container.243 1.0 0.21 1.32 2.32 1. I.29 1. reiaining cap or clip M48 f wind Qtunnel } 0.48 1. see KM curves.13 1.37 1.22 1.1 1. M48 BRLM 361 H.48 1.9 1.!.8 0.23 1.8 )odelsf 0.22 1.2 1. T38 Lw/o clip rm2-ln in (0. of Rounds 5 7) 7J 8 Velocity ft/sec.E.44 Pitch of rifling 30 calibers H. Pitch of Rifling 29.108 10.28 1.2 1. retaining cap or clip M48 M48 M48 M48 M48 N.17 0.E. o.) d.41 1.9 1..72 These values are for 0* yaws.3 fW/o retaining cap or clip t/o cartridge container. 165mm Projectiles (Cos.47 1. 100 lOU 100 100 100 1.89 calibers (Angle 6) No.2 M48 These are average values for yaws up to 10'.16 1. 1929 1934 2415 2410 See par.29 1.41 1. M101 H.S.72 1967 2443 1.B. Mk 3 H.78 1. T24E1 Chem.E.38 1. 19c and graph 972 8 5j Projectile H.9 1.31 K M 1. Stability.8 0.1 1.9 .E.E.33 1.685 2.8 to. E.151/555 Full scale moels in wind tunnel.18 1.05 1.8 0.37 1.6 0.132 s 1. M101 .98 1.48 1.0M 0. Mk 7AI (Simulate S) Fuze M48 M48 M78 M51Al M48 M Report BRL 182 BRL 162 BRLM 287 BRL 18 & 338 Memo Dec 44 BRL 217 Mach No.32 1.801 2. VI-4/64 Jan 45 AlG 471. re-) tainlng cap or / clip .E.R. M1917.59 (0.9 /o cartridge container. of Rds.8 . determined from measurements by National Bureau of Standards on full scale models.8 0O. normal force coefficient.E. 155mm Projectiles (Con. M1.59 . and distance from center of pressure to base of shell body.00395 CDF 0.E. M2 and M3 Howitzers M1917. MIAl.9 0.D.586 25 30 Reynold's No. 10. Pitch of Rifling of 155mm Guns (6.) e.86 (0.53 .53 . M1917A1. No.53 .19.8 .8 BRL 408 2 MIAl (n .C.59 . 25) 2100 and 2800 ft/sec Gun Guns.80 These are average values for yaws up to 10' See graphs oi cross wind force ceofficient.88 M48 0. 0.6 0.9 . Gun Muzzle Velocity g.38 x 106 0. KA 5. Cros Wind Force Model Mach Projtie Fuze eDipra.6 0.00147 / . H. M101 N.89 25 25. M1917AI and M1918M1 Guns.6 0. L (H. Mi01 M51A1 BRL 338 155MM See par. 19c and graph f. M1917A2 and M1918 Howitzer Ml Mortar T10 n-cal 29.102") H. Spin Shell Fuze SO/d 2 Report No. T36) W/o clip) (w/o retaining jcap or clip M48 M48 BRLM 361 2-in. RE.g• lO O 6 • lI e O o _ . 155 MM..--- ----- ----- -I . ow -m. o p. M51AI ~ AIR SPEED 45 FT/SEC 4 - to. MIO WITH FUZE PD. M51AI- - - AIR SPEED 45 FT/SEC to - - - - - - -- Ito - oo- oo o.- I - DRAG COEFFICIENT vs YAW SHELL. KE.I - - MOMENT COEFFICIENT vs YAW SHELL. MIOI WITH FUZE PD. Io i~ * - ___ * ----. 0 o V.155 MM. - . WITH FUZE CROSS WINO FOR CE COEFFICIENT vs YAW SHELL HE. -4 Pa4 FUZ - O* * 0 ISO 6 O NO0 0 0 .. w go -o I*- 1 -o.aJ5LAISEC AIR SPEED 45 FT/ 0. 155MM MIOI. .-.WITHOUT - . . . FUZE M48 WIND SPEED 100 F/S SlO - - - -.a.0 - .-.06 0 so loo IS 0 O 15iO)... . m.- - - - . T36. .. 300 I50 400 ..E. P. FUZE M48 WIND SPEED 100 FT/SEC .- ..E.- PD.- .- 0 so J -I0 ISO goo 214' No0 m 40 DRAG COEFFICIENT vs YAW SQUARED 155 MM H. RETAINING CAP ..r..SHELL.SHELL. T36WITHOUT RETAINING CUP -.- - .DRAG COEFFICIENT Vs YAW SQUARED 155 MM H. _________ _______________ 113 F1 DRAG COEFFICIENT vs YAW SQUARED 155 MM H. WITHOUT RETAINING CAP OR CLIP PD. o 0 300 so 400 .WIHOU 0 "0 i0o Iso .E. SHLLT6. WITHOUT CARTRIDGE CONTAINER. SHELLT36. SHELLT36. FUZE M 48 WIND SPEED 100 F/S I ~DRAG COEFFICIENT vs YAW SQUARED - DRAG vsOEFFCIEN AW SUARE 155 M FL. wo Iwo I 155 MM RE. RETAINING CAP OR CLIPPRD.FUZE M48 WIND SPEED 100 F/S so Mill. SHELL.E.SHELL. T36 8 - ~~P FUZE M48 ___ WIND SPEED 100 FT/SEC 15AIM N. WITHOUT RETAINING CLIP P D FUZE M 48 WIND SPEED 100 FT/SEC MOMENT COEFFICIENT Vs YAW .E.MOMENT COEFFICIENT vs YAW 155 MM N. T36. E. FUZE M48 WIND SPEED 100 FT/3EC IMOEN -C-EFF-CIENT-vs.YAW 15 . SHELL T36 WITHOUT __RETAINING ~' - -. CAP D.t MHE REANN HLLT6 LPO E PD-M 8 IHU A -U WIN SEED10- - -SE a? - - - o 1 4 0 to 3 .MOMENT COEFFICIENT vs YAW 155 MM H. WITHOUT CARTROGE CONTAINER..i i i - . ...FUZE M48 .. WIN SPEED 100 F/S PD.i . . SHELL. ' -- S % CRSS I WIND FO RCE C..iOMENT COEFFICIENT V W 155 MM RIE..... ..-.. RETAINING CAP OR CUP_ PD.. T36. . FUZE M48 WIND SPEED 100 F/S 4 1kl -.OEFFICIENTsELT Ve YAW ... i i8 - o - I - - e - - 1 i H J i li H i ..0 - . . WITHOUT RETAINING CUP PROL FUZE M48 WIND SPE ED 100 F/S -f 14 If :CROSS WINiD FORCE COEFFICIENT Vs YN 155 MM K E. SHELL.E. T36. SHEL L. T36.s- o . WITHOUT RETAINING CAP WIND SPEED 100 F/S .'117 - CROSS WIND FORCE COEFFICIENT vs YAW 155 MM H. 118 CROSS WIND FORCE COEFFICIENT vs YAW 155 MM KE. FUZE M48 -. WIND SPEED 100 F/S U' 0 8 4 6 SlveA. E. T36i WITHOUT RETAt"I CAP OR CLIP S D.SHELLT361WITHOUT CARTRIDGE CONTAINER.4UNI I 14 Is 4 S CROSS WOO FORCE COEFFIIENT vs YAW 15MM i. FUZE M46 WINO SPEED 100 F/S - .-. SHELL. RETAINING CAP OR CLIP S-D. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I's . WITHOUT .NORMAL FORCE COEFFICIENTVvs y 155 MM RE.SHELLT36.E. SHELLT36 - - P. FUZE M48 -- - WIND SPEED 100 F/S -H--- NORMAL FORCE COEFFICIENT vs YAW 155 MM H..- 0 I 0 0 0 1I 4 S It o .D. FUZE M48 WIND SPEED 100 F. RETAINING CLIP PD.. D. FUZE M48 WINO SPEED 100 F/S Im S 20 It Is NORMAL FORCE COEFFICIENT vs YAW 155MM H.E. FUZE M48 WIND SPEED 100 FT/SEC S S _ _ _i I -oi-i I I S . WITHOUT - RETAINING CAP PD. SHELL T36 WITHOUT RETAINING CAP OR CLIP P.NORMAL FORCE COEEFFIOIENT vs YAW 155 MM RE. SHELLT36. LOS a to CENTER OF PRESSURE Vi YAW 155 MM HE.aa_. WIND SPEED 100 F/S K.NORMAL FORCE COEFFICIENT vs YAW 155 MM RE._. * a S a 10 . SHELLT36WTHOUT CARTRIDGE CONTAINER.FUZE M48 WIND SPEED I00 F/S _ . RETAINING CAP OR CLIP FUZE M48 PD.. i .-a *--. SHELL T36 PD. WITHOUT RETAINING CAP RO. SHELLT36.O cw t I 4 sO 0l to 1-U CETE OPPESUEv .. WITHOUT RETAINING CLIP P1 FUZE M48 WIND SPEED 100 F/S CENTIER OF PRESSURE v*yXN I • 155 MM . FUZE M 48 WIND SPEED 100 F/S !I 0 S 4 4I a . SHELL T36.122 CENTER OF PRESSURE vwYAW 05 MM HE. S..WITHOUT CARTRIDGE CONTAINER. RETAINING CAP OR CLIP DPFUZEM481 WIND SPEED 100 F/S ! I _ _ _. SHELLT36. 0 II I 0 I 0 wI 14....O '- . . SHELL. . RETAINING CAP OR CLIP PID FUZE M48 WIND SPEED 100 F/S it a.. WITHOUT . 0 I so VA--EGREES CENTER OF PRESSURE vs YAW 155 MM HE.CENTER OF PRESSURE Vs YAW 155 MM HE..T36.... PROOF. MI06. 80.36 3.. P. FUZZ. M51AI. FUZZ.. HI. M61 3. I". M103.91 L3 - 0A SHILL.C. N. MOD. P. I". CIRCULAR PLUG ALL DIhMNSIONS IN CAUDERS .D.. TO. 1 -4.124 SHILL.D.*di A4s- i~e7-= PROJECflI. Shell H. 104.109 d. 20 g cal 1. of Rds. . Proof. High Explosive. M10e 75-4-87 75-4-76 Projectile. 1 BRL 380 4 2150 ft/sec 25 cal 2.. Point Detonating. 1 Weight Lb. 1 b. MS1 GA 1757 and 75-4-23 73-2-145 Fuze.23 B lb. 1/151 Modification 1 Fuze. Type Form Factor Velocity ft/sec.E. Physical Characteristics Projectile H.92 0. ':.E. of ds.049 .00172 S.E. Drawings Shell. Veloc!ty n 8 KM M51 Mod.ft.450 A lb.047 . M108 Proof T9 c. High Explosive.86 10.157 .2 15. Gun Muzzle Velocity Reynold's No. Stability £-.43 820 1380 . KD H.R.E.' .10 x 106 0. 8-inch Projectiles a. 10. Point Detonating.34 1.D. 240 No.E.53 10. M103 Fuze M51 Mod. Experimental. M103 (T2) Shell. 5 (0.E.43 H. T9 (Modification of H. M108 M51 BRL 284 Aug 42 Resist.125 20.0043 C1 DF 0. of Rds. 1 (0. Shell Mark 1) 1uze. KA N.79 815 1370 1940 . M103 Shell H.515 Fuze S'/d 2 Report No.130 Proof T9 lircular BRL 284 AuZ 42 IPlug J Resist. National Defense Research Committee (Same contour as M51 Fuze) 73-2-183 Rev.C.ft. M106 Fuze Report No. Drag Projectile Fuze M51 (Circular !Plugi 200 200 Report Observaton Proj.6 BRL 408 2 MiE1 (n-25) 1950 ft/sec 8. 128 21. MIA~ VUZ. Howitzer Caliber . U51 ALL DIMVUIOIU INCALIDIR a. Drawing Shell. M114 N.D.48 x 100 0. Spin Shell Fuze g30lb So/d 2 Report No.00097 n Muzzle Velocity Reynold's No.00 0.. SHILL 24MM. High Explosive. U114 75-4-92 Fuzze. 240mm Projectiles 4. National Defense Research Committee (same contour as M51 Fuze) b. H.13.7 RL 408 8 M1(Tl) 9.E. P.R.0026 0. Experimental. 10.D. KA C'DF .449 in.40. of Rdu. 25 1500 and 2300 ft/sec 7.C. 424 PO .127 0lA. 128- * -* SLUG, IS-LB., 3-INCH. MARK I L97 PROJUCTILI, PROOF, 155MM SIMULATING THR H.V.A.P. SHOTr T35 ALL DIMENSIONS IN CALIDERS - 129 22. Drag of Slugs a. Slugs with 45 ° evel Resistance firings made with 37mm, 75mm and 3-in. Slugs, at velocity from 1450 to 2700 ft/sec. Illustration: 75mm O.P. 4868 Reports: Graph: 1% vs. M 15.96 lb. Slug Mark 1 BRL 289 b. 57mm 2.4 lb. Slug Resistance firings at veloclties from 2890 to 4325 fA/sec Reports: BRL 289, Memo Apr 42, Memo Nov 42 Drg. (Fig. 4, BRL 289) Graph: KD vs. M c. 3-Inch 15 lb. Slug Mark 1 Resistance firings at velocities from 60 Reports: O.P. 4868, BRL 289 Graph: ICD vs. M. to 2900 ft/sac d. 155mm Proof Projectile Simulating the H.V.A.P. Shot T35 Weight 58.8 lb. Resistance firings Memo Form Factor (1) Velocity (ft/sec) Drag Coef (lD) Mar 45 2.36 2620 0.613 May 4f 2.5 3225 0.508 e. 40mm 2.375 lb. Flat Head Shot (No bevel; corners rounded with 0.15" radius at head and 0.7" radius at base.) Resistance firings at Valcartier, Canada, at velocities from 2000 to 3000 ft/sec. Report: BRL 284 CD - 0.625 May 43 H III l il i t ii i~ i i ll i i i H H i t iN 130 S a - - - DRAG COEFFICIENT vs MACH NUMBER SLUGS WITH 45o BEVEL -......-1 - i I-t i i t I I I l - i t I t l I , t -I DRAG COEFFICIENT Vs MACH NUMBER .SLUG,2.4;-L, 57 MM - . . . .. 5: . ..... - - a -'.., .. . . M4 .MARK I KD to t 23.-INCH.131 - - r DRAG CEFFCIENT Vs MACH NUMBER 15 LB.tance firings at 9/18" smooth spheres in Aerodynamic Range. Graph: KD vs MA (Figs.. 4 and 9) KD A 1 aM~ 24 * L as 0 . Drag of Spheres I-I Le I 38 a Rasl. - - -SLUG.. Repert: BRL 514. 132 FUZE. U20 ALL.D. DIWMIO1M IN CALIDERN .. U OR M47 FUZE.. P.D. P. Ma BOOSTER. .704 1. M48 73-2-128 Fuze.95* -.T.007 .0078 . M43 *To rear of booster -Indicates C.58 0.D.88 0.0049 . without the booster: Point Detonating.0005 .799 2.208 2. Mechanical Time.0077 M20 M20 M20 P. M51A1.T. Point Detonating. M48 M. 2 B lb.G. M43 Booster. M48. M54 and M55 Mechanical Time. Drawings Fuze. to Shoulder A in. M48 M.007 . M43 and M87 Dummy. M51. Physical Characteristics Fuze (BRL Report 183) Weight Booster Mes.ft.008 . lb. M57 Time and Superquick. M48A1 and M48A2 Point Detonating.711 0.407 1. Point Fus a. C.G. M51A2 and M51A3 Point Detonating. M47 P.59 0. M43 - - 0. M47 Fuze. M48 P.~133 24. M44. M44A1.D. Point Detonating. M48 Fuze.188 0.0005 . 08 0.389 0.53 0.ft. lb.026 P.0048 .008 .D. is'behind shoulder . Point Detonating.026 . M59 and M73 b.08 .004 .D.0028 . M20 73-2-157 73-2-140 73-7-29 73-2-112 All the following fuzes have the "standard" contour and weigh approximately 1.41 lb. 134 N 0 4~4 1* 1~ U 0~ ~. I L C 0 0 I ~ I Os I SW I I 10 I ~ a 442 . 19 PROJECTILE TYPE 7 PROJECTILE TYPE 9 ALL DIMENSIONS IN CALIBERS VS MACH'S RATIO 0/0 DRAG COEFFICIENT.883 Go ~ ~ ~ I- tos94Wl Is s .135 -311 Z. "o As - - - - . O is to@ 8... is /4 ' .. vs MACH'S RATIO u/0 -- -I.DRAG COEFFICIENT K....I - ----- 0 O L 40 &S..0 DRAG COEFFICIENT~ vs MACHS RATIO u'0 *01 ... 50 6 11*1 01~ .20 X6PLPf~ 9K M a0. i 10 vaLS 30 as 40 45 B - .SOMEAfl0LN- .0 5 50 Ui 10 40 Its 9. DRAG COEFFICIENT RD vs MACH'S RATIO u/o7 3 100Ml IRNI .DRAG COEFFICIENT vs MACH'S RAI1OW . - vsMACHS RATIO Wo" _T I 7 ql lK A Oft.138 J DRAG COEFFICENT. baD 0 *I - - L - 0 - . * . a4~kIr - - - L - L O - OF OeGIV. 0 asI t 1. REPORT NO.RL.Ca..5 86 me 8ft 11000 664 FOR 9011110411TAL &ASIl TFORM 108~ 64. FAGTOR-HEIGHT OF OGIVE CURVES (EMPIRICAL CURVES FROM B.0 U WA a &.0.or -- 04 -. . W" TIILE MCDI lOlO -- -ll-IlliJ 9 SIOL 10111n1o-WNI COP 3Dn~go so *8 - - - - - - - - - .284) PROJECTILE TYPES k2.lf" . 44 A -. H.A.P. H. Application of Siaccl's Method to Flat Trajectories Hitchcock. Aerodynamics of Small Arms Bullets Hitchcock. H.60 Bullet. Shell M63. H... A Determination of the Loss of Spin of Projectiles Hitchcock.. M2 Hitchcock..P. A comparison of British and American Drag Functions and Form Factors Hitchcock.H.P.P.30 and 0. Underwater Trajectory of a SpinnIng Projectile Hitchcock.P.P..30 Tungsten Carbide Bullet . H. The Underground Trajectory and Yaw of the 155mm T2 and T3 Projectiles Hitchcock.. R. Ballistics of Caliber 0. Shell T5 -7 240 252 257 261 267 278 278 283 284 287 289 290 Hitchcock.P. A study of Form Factors of Spinning Projectiles Hitchcock.P.. H. Stability of Caliber 0.. Stability of 90mm Shell T8 Hitchcock. H. and Proof Projectile M52 Hitchcock.H..P..50 Incendiary Bullets M1 I'Hitchcock. and Kent. H. H. and Kent..139 - 26.P. Stability of 155mm Shell Mark Il and "2 Hitchcock. R..P.. Effects of a 400 mile per hour Air Speed Hitchcock. H.P.. Resistance Functions of Various Types of Projectile3 Hitchcock. Shot MS1. Resistance and Stability of Projectiles: Experimental Methods and Details of Computation Tolch.. Stability of 37mm H.P..H.P. Stability of Caliber 0....E..C.P. Drag of Slugs Hitchcock. A. Stability of 155mm Chemical Shell.P. Stability of 90mm Shell T3 Hitchcock. "H. Aerodynamic Nomenclature and Formulas.. H.P. A. H.P. Stability of 4.P. H...P.. Mark VIIA1 Hitchcock. H.30 Bullet. Exterior Ballistics of Small Arms Bullets Hitchcock. R. H. H.. 1940) Hitchcock. Sept. Stability Factors of Projectiles (Rev. N. A.P. Form Factors of Projectiles Charters. H.P. A..P.7 inch A.. H. . H.P. H.. Firing Sidewise From an Airplane: L Theoretical Considerations Hitchcock.A. Stability of 37mm Shell T12 Hitchcock. H. H. Drag on Conical Heads Hitchcock. Conversion Factors and Drag Functions Hitchcock..H. Stability of 40mm Shell Mark lIT/L/ Hitchcock. H... R. Dynamic Data regarding Point Fuzes Hitchcock. H.MOM .P.P. List of Reports on Aerodynamics of Spinning Projectiles a. The Relation between the Skin Friction Drag and the Spin Reducing Torque Hitchcock..P. and Kent.. H.P.P. H.. H.. Stability of 90mm Shell T3 Kent.P.. Ballistic Research Laboratories Reports X-113 16 27 30 11 114 11 138 139 150 154 let 163 165 166 215 217 225 236 237 Hitchcock. Firing Sidewise from an Airplane: II.. T14 Hitchcock.P. H. Aerodynamics of Calfbers 0.P. 30 and 0.P. :ii SZ1 38) 408 409 418 42 4 43 446 457 459 480 507 514 515 543 587 569 582 597 599 603 I Hitchcock... J... Effect of Various Driving Bands on the Aerodynamic Performance of Projectiles at High Velocities * 0 fa . Stability of 3-inch Armor-piercing Projectiles Hitchcock..E. and Thomas. F. H... H.P.. H.J.P.otion of a Spinning Projectile about its center of gravity Charters....P. Comparison of 155mm Shell Designs by means of Model Firings . D. A.E.. and McShane.E. R. E.E. Stabllity of Experimental 57mm Shells HItchcock.P. Retardation of Calibor 0. and Thomas.. H. Shell Thomas. Charters.. W.J.. H. and Thomas.E. An Elementary Treatment of the !... The Aerodynamic Performance of Small Spheres from Subsonic to High Supersonic Velocities Hitchcock. Ml Stein.. and McShane. R. 20mm TgE4 AP Determination of Drag Function Braun.) 30 338 34 34 3t. M75. Aerodynamic Comparison of Gazda. T. A Formula for the Representation of Resistance Functions Hoffleit. M2 Hit-ncock. Charters.P. A. Loss of Spin and Skin Friction Drag of Projectiles Gurney.C.. Conical-headed Projectile Stein. Shell M103 Hitchcock. Undergroud Trajectory of a Spinning Projectile Sterne. R. H.N.P. R. T. H. Yaw and Drift of 37mm Armor-piercing Shots Kelley. Damping of Calibers 0. Analytical Trajectories for Type 6 Projectiles Hitchcock. W.H. List of Reports on Aerodynamics of Spinning Projectiles (Con..140 I - 26. Aerodynamics of 37thm H.. R.. H. Shell M64 Hitchcock.N..N. B. H. Obt ervational Evidence for the Dependence of Drag on Mach Numbbr at constant Air SIeed Morrey.. R.P. A.Part I .C.E. R. On the Motion of a Projectile with Small or Slowly Changing Yaw Braun.C. The Drag Coefficients for 105mm Shell. H.N..F. H.F.N...N. C.Drag Hitchcock.P.P. H.C.G.50 Bullets and 37mm H... Stability of 8-inch H.L.E. H... and T9E5 20mm Projectiles Kent.F.W. R. E.. Spin of 120mm H.E. A..N..P.. and Thomas. The Optimum Shapes for Shell with regard to Air Resistance Braun.50 A. W. The Effect of Yaw upon Aircraft Gunfire Trajectories Sterne. Aerodynamics of 20mm Projectiles Thomas. The Experimental Basis and Computing Methods used in the Preparation of Firing Table FT 90AA-B-3 Charters. Shell M73 Karpov.. R. Retardation of Tubular Projectiles developed from the 20mm American Ball Nemmers.B. and Thomas. Retardation of Fragments Hitchcock. Some Comments on the Effect of Adding length to the Afterbody of a Squarebased. Stability anid Resistance of 3-inch H. H.A.P. Stability of 57mm H.P. H. 20mm Sabot Type Projectiles Hitchcock. M103 Hitchcock..P. H. H..C. H.. A. Stability of British 20mm Shot..P.P.30 Bullet. Stability of 10bmm H. H./F and J.E. H. H.E.P.E. Shots T24E5 and T24Ets Hitchcock. H.P..P.D. Stability of 75mm Shell M48 fired from Aircraft Gun Hitchcock.A. H. Shell T27 Hitchcock.) b. Stablilty of 57mm A. Yaw and Drift of Caliber 0.. Shell T20 and H... Ballistics of Sterling Tool Products Co. Shell M42 with Reduced Charre Hatch... Shell M48 Hitchcock.C.P. Fuze T105 Type 6 Hicthcock.. H.. Ballistic Research Laboratories Memorandum Reports 5 14 30 38 54 60 89 90 94 99 134 138 149 154 171 176 203 213 217 223 -45 '.P.../W. H. Hitchcock. Ballistics of 20mm H. Tables of Impact Velocities for Mobile Artillery Weapons Hitchcock.. Yaw of Modified 105mm Smoke Shell M84 Hitchcock.P. Stability and Resistance of 155mm H. Ballistics of 20mm A. Shells T16 and T18 Hitchcock.P.P.I. Shell T7 Hitchcock.. Effect of Yaw on Accuracy of the Caliber 0..E..P. Stability and Damping oi 75mm H. Ballistics of 37mm H. Stability of the 57mm H. A.5-trich Shell M65 Hitchcock. SR MI Hitchcock.E.P.D.E. Shell T16 Hitchcock.A.E.A. Stability of 3-inch H.V.E. H.P.D. Stability of Caliber 0. Projectile Hitchcock. Ballistics of 75mm Chemical Shell T19 Charters.. Stability and Damping of 37mm H.P. H. and Alexander.P. List of Reports on Aerodynamics of Spinning Projectiles (Con....P.P.E.E.P. Shell M101 with P.30 Bullet. d. Ballistics of Modified 75mm Chemical Shell T19 Hitchcock. M8 Hitchcock.30 Armor Piercing M2 Bullet Hitchcock.. Spin Imparted by 75mm Gun Tl3E1 Hitchcock. H.P. Stability of Modified 75mm Chemical Shell T19 Hitchcock.P. H. Carbine ml Hitchcock.. H. Stability of 75mm Smoke Shell M64 Hitchcock..P.P.C. H.P. Shell M48 with Fuze T81 Hitchcock. H.EA. Shot T9 with Plastic Wind3hield Hitchcock.46 -51 %56 261 265 266 285 287 293 296 297 298 300 Hitchcock.. Stability of 40mm H.P.26. H. Shell M1 Hitchcock. H. H.P. A. Shell M71 with Fuzes T81 and T81A Hitchcock. H.P.E. H... Concentricity of 8!' Projectile..P. H.I. H.. Yaw of 3"/57mm Sabot Type Projectile tired from British 17-pounder Gun Hitchcock. Shot M86 Hitchcock. Stability of Caliber 0. Ballistics of N.P. G..60 Bullet BC-2 Hitchcock. H.P. H.P.R. H.. Stability and Damping of Caliber 0.T.. Shell T22 .P.. Stability of 90mm A. Stability and Resistance of 4.. Fuze Ti06 Type 6 Hitchcock.P.50 Bullet. J. Shell M42A1 with P. Stability of 75mm H.P. H. H.P.P.P. Stability Factors of Caliber 0. Trans. J. E. Phil.earch Laboratories. Chap.P.. and Synge...G. Lock. Gallop... U. 155mm. C.G. Report on Stability Flrirgs with 7bmm T3 Shell fitted with M39A2 P.H. List of Reports on Aerodynamics of Spinning Projectiles (Con. E..50 Irtendlary Bullet M23 c.. Stability of Projectiles fired forward from Aircraft Karpov. Report on Test of Stability of 3" A. Shell M42 with Mechanical Time Fuze T12 National Bureau of Standards.L.. R. The Aerodynamics of a Spinning Shell. Shell Goldstein.G. Basic Theory Fowler. and AP Shot T33 Hitchcock.P..V.T.G. London. Stability. B.E.P. Report on Resistance of Proof Slugs Naval Proving Grouxd. of Chi.P.P.E. Form Factor..G.A.. H. Quar. Effect on Drag of Variation in Body Diameter of 105mm H. Stability of Projectiles for the 57mm Recoilless Gun Cortl. Program 4982 NPG 3-45 Ord.P.. Applied Math.142 26. Shell MI Hitchcock.. 4: 201-228 (Oct 1946) (Oct 1946) For other references.E. an Richmond. E.P. Program 4866 NPG S 72-4(49) d. VI: Motion of a Rotating Projectile.P.. H.N... H.) 305 Hitchcock.. see BRL Reports X-113 and 27 = Ballistic P. and Karpov. H. and Accuracy of 105mm Projectiles Hitchcock.. Stability Factor of 90mm Shot T30E15..60 Bullets. and Form Factors of 90mm Shot T30r15. Press (1926) Nielsen.H. Shot T4 and T4E1 319 335 336 347D 3481) 381 366 388 371 401 406 410 411 417 Hitchcock.. M... H. Incendiary T1E6 and Ball T32 Ml7 Hitchcock.. B. An Experimental Study of the Air Resistance of Three Inch and of 40 millimeter Projectiles Boyle.B.. H. Summar. Form Factors of Projectiles Boyle.. Stability and Form Factor of German 75/55mm H. On the Motion of a Spirning Shell. H. A 221.80 Bullets Hitchcock. B.D.L. 295-387 (1020) Moulton.P. H.. Exterior Ballistics of 76mm H.V. B. H. Stability and Damping of Caliber 0. Wind Tunnel Testing of 155mm Mortar Projectiles T36 Karpov.P.P. Stability of 57mm H.W. H.S.L. D.A. of Aerodynamic Data on German Projectiles Hitchcock..W. F.P.P. Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Full Scale Model of Shell. VI-4/64 28 Jan 45 Ord. And T12 Mechanical Time Fuzes Naval Proving Ground. Japanese Aircraft Armament Hitchcock.E. H. New Methods in Exterior Ballistics. APC Projectile M82.. Exterior Ballistics of 78mm h. T36 Hitchcocl. Ballistics of 90mm A. Program 4684 N.. Miscellaneous Reports BRL File K-1-9 Ord. H. Royal Soc. Report on Underwater Trajectories acd Penetration of Projectiles " .R.A. H.H. Shot T33 Karpov..A. Shell T20E1 Hitchcock. K.. Aerodynamics of Caliber 0. Shot T4EI Hitchcock.P. TP. T30. H. 20mm. A.?.60. A. A. M2 B . T49 Bullet. 0...50. 0.60. 253. Cal.60. 0. A.30. Cal. Incendiary. Shot. Shell M101 Cal. Ball. 0. Shell P2 Bullet.50 Model of 155mm H. M75 Shell. M97.!. Dummy.E.30.C. Fuze. Mark 1/A/ Shell. T32 Bullet...I. H. 0. A. 20mm. 37mm.. Percussion. 20mm. 20mm. H. M98 Shell. A. A. A. Ijispano Gun /A/ Shot. Ball. 0.D.P. M51 Shot. T35 Shot. 20mm. TP1 Shell.P..P. Cal.. Cal..I. Tracer.D.C.30.. Fuze. M2 Bullet. M95 Shot. M23 Cal.P. Tracer. Incendiary. 37mm.. A.E.50. M80 Shell.. 20mm. CzI. A.50..30. 0.P.P. A. 37mm. Ball. Cal.P.80. Red. 37mm. Fuze.P. BC-2 Bullet. H.. Shell P1 Cal. B. 0.. Mark 2. Plug. MI Bullet. 20mm.E.P. Incendiary. M1 Bullet. 0. Ml Bullet. Cal. T15 Bullet.50 Model of 155mm H.50. 0. M2 Shell.80.E. 37mm. 0. 0. M55A1. 0. 0. 0. M39A1 Shell.. Tra~cer.L.50. 37mm. T9E4 Shot. 0. 0. Cal. A. M2 Bullet. T39 Projectile. Ball. Cal. D. 20mm. P.P..E.P. Cal.E. M75 Shot. Mark 1. Incerdiary. Incend~ary. Fuze. 20mm.P. Ball. A.E.L. Cal.P. 75-14-309A Page 18 18 18 16 17 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 27 27 27 28 28 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 : . BC-3 Bullet. A.. ChM. 37mrm. 20mm. List of Illustrations Title Bullet. Zal..llet. Ml Bullet. Cal. Practice.30. Ml Bullet.50 Model of 155mm H. Cal. No. Cal.. 0. T36 and T36E2 Bullet.. M74. T28 Shell.I.50.A. Closing..P. Incendiary. A. 0. M59 Shot.143 27. S.E. Fuze. TOO Shell.E.D. Fuze.A. 75mm. Fuze.P. 40mm.P. Dummy. 09 89 . 3-inch. B.V. M82..A.D.P. 67mm.. M309. A.. M48 Shell. 37mm. 57mm.P...E.D. T4El Page 40 40 41N 41 41 47 4848 50 51 51 52 52 63 53 64 64 - 54 68 59 69 69 0 0 0 61 81 01 62 82 83 03 63 88 68. 75mm. Fuze. Smoke.C. A.V.C. M39A2 Shell. B. Q. 37mm. T4 Shot. Dummy. Chain.E. H. T33: Fuze. T4ElO Shell. A.E. Detonating. Fuze. H. T94 Shell.P. A..D.T.D.. M72 Shot.144 27. H.E. P..D...P.A.P... 37mm. Type IA. Fuze....D. M64. T18.P.. 76mm. M58 Shell. H.. H.E. Fuze. A. H. H.A.. H.E. List of Illustrations (Cous. Fuze. H.F.H. M52 Shot. MOO.A. Mark 2. M88.E. M48 Shell. 75mm.1. H.. Fuze.P. Fuze. B. M78 Shell. Proof. C. M49 Shell..T.D. Fuze. M62 Shell.. P.D). 75mm..E. T2OEl. Fuze. T20. B. P. T19 (BE).D..D.A. T14 Shell. B. H. T18. M307. P.D.E.. 75mm. H. 3-Inch.E. H.P.. Fuzb. Fuze. M83. B..C. M58 Shell.V. M72 Shot.E.V. H. 57mm.. Fuze. Fuze.E. 76mm.P.. Chem. M310. 37mm. Type 11A.T.F. B. H. Shell.. M64 Projectile.. Fuze. Mark 2 T/L/. M48. H. P. H. Fuze. 57mm.D. M64 Shell. P. B.C. P.E. T7... Fuze. MOGA1 Shot. H. A.A.. Fuze. Fuze. T. T27 Ghot. T20.. H..P. T45 Shell. 40mm.. 3-Inch.A. H.... TB4E1 Shell. Hexagonal Plug Shell. 40mm.T. P.7mm.... H. M%~ Shot. 76mm. Mark 27 Shot. M61. T123EI Projectile. M70 Projectile. 37mm.A.E. 5.V.D. M48. H.E...D. 57mm. 75mm.SQ. 57mm. M82 Shell.. B. Fuze.. T87 Shell. H.. Round Wood Plug Shell. T138 Projectile.A. 67mm. M68Al Shot. T94 Shell. M49.A..T. M58 Shell. M54.. 76mm. A. 76mm. 67mm. 76mm. M308. 67mm.P..D.E. 76mm.D. Fuze.D. H.. T27. 76mm. 3-inch.) Title Shell.E. B.. Mark 1.T.. Common.P.A.E. 90mm. B.15 Shot. Ml.V. T. B. F. H.2-inch.E...C. H. 3-inch. 90mm.S.E.. M471. 4. A.D.D. T.P. P.D. M. 105mm. 4.P. M4314. 21-sec.P. M454 Shell.. Dummy Nose Plug Projectile. T15.E. Fuze..E.. P. M82A1 Modified Shell... M44A2 Shell. H. E81. Illuminating.E. B.) Title Shot.E. T33 Shot.. H.. A. Mark 20 Projectile.D.. H. T35 Shell. M478 Shell. A.5-inch. N.P. Fuze.. Fuze..C.SQ. 90mm. Circular Plug Shell. H.T. B. Fuze. H.T. M51A1 Shell. Mark 1.E.145 27. M473. K493 Shell.. M442. A.V1.. Closing. 155mm. A. 3-i'ich. M82 . Ml. Fuze.E. H. Closing.E. 75-14-309E Projectile.E. M443 Shell. 105mm. M61 Shell.. 1I. T3OE1.5-Inch. List of illustrations (Con. Fuze. M477 Shot.A. M65. Fuze.. 48 Page 69 70 70 70 70 no 71 78 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 80 85 e 86 88 87 87 87 88 88 88 94 94 94 98 97 98 100 101 101 101 . M42A1.. M478 Shell. M465. 4. 120mm. Wood Plug Shell. 90mm. 105mm. M58.T... H. 90mm. Mark 29 w/o Windshield or Cap Projectile. Illuminating. Fuze. P. C. Mark 25.A.. B...P. Plug. 3-inch. M68 Shot. Mark 3. N.E. Smoke (BE)..SQ. M484. 90mm. 155mm.. M4112. M82.V. M687. N.E. H.D..P.. Fuze...V. Fuze.5-inch. A.A. 75-14-309E Shell. 3-inch.D.P.D.E.Shell. 105mm. 4.. 3-Inch. 8-inch. H. M. M48 Shell.P.A... T44 Shell. Fuze. 90mm.. 105mm..D.E. H. 105mm..P.P. T30E1I1. closing. H. 155mm. P.P. Mark MI Shell. Plug. 105mmn. M465. Mark 3 Projectile.A. 105mm... H. Fuze. 155mm. M54 Shell.V.. A. 75-14-309E Shot. Fuze. H. H. M51A4 Shell. M60 Shot.P. T13E2.A. M478 Projectile... 90mm. Fuze. Mark 27.T. 90mm.E. Fuze.E... Plug.E.D. H. M43 Shell.. N. 105mm. 120mm. Dummy.T... 2-inch. Fuze. and T30F. M471. H.P. C. H.. Fuze. T29E4 Shell. 3-inch.. T30E12.A. M473.E. Fuze.. M68A1 Shot. C. M. Dummy Nose Plug Projectile.. Ml. Fuze. Shot T35 F. H. M20 Projectile. List of Graphs a. M51 Slug. Mark 7AI. M102.. Hexagonal Plug Shell. P. 3-inch.. T38. Cal.E.V.P.. H.. M48 Shell. 8-inch..P.. Frangible.4 lb. Macn Number Bullet. Fuze. simulating the H. 155mm.. MO Caliber 0. P. Illuminating. Fuze.D. P.E. P. 155mm. Type 1 Projectile. M108.. 15. M2 Bullet. A. Fuze. MIO. Type 8 28. T22. Mark 1 Slug. M114.D. H.. Type 7 Projectile.P. H. 155mm... 15 lb..) Title Shell.60. H. P. Shells MIO. P. M118. M78 Shell. T44 Bullet. 2.. 0.I. H. Fuze..50.D.D. Lst of IllustraUons (Con. Circular Plug Shell. H. Illuminating. Fuze. MIOI.30. Ball. 0..98 lb. Cal.E. 0.E. Fuze. T9.30. Type 5 Projectile.E. Cal. Cal. M48 Shell..E. M103. 57mm Slug. M51 Shell. '32 Shot. M2 Bullet. 155mm.D. Drag Coefficient vs.. Chem.D.D.. M48 Booster. 20mm. Type 8 Projectile. Proof. M59 Shell. MI07.P. 240mm.50. Mark 1 Projectile. 8-inch. A. Dummy.D. Proof. 155mm.. M. T9E4 19 19 24 25 25 30 38 Page 102 102 102 103 103 103 104 104 104 124 124 124 128 127 127 128 13 132 132 112 134 134 134 134 135 135 .-e.. Fuze. P1 and P2 Bullet.. P. 0.E. 155mm. P. A.50 Models of 155mm H. P.146 27.D. C. Fuze.. 1 Shell.D... 8-nch.P. 155mm.T. MS Shell. Fuzd.E. Type 2 Projectile.. MSI Projectile. P. Fuze... T17 Shell. 155mm. M4 or M47 Fuze.E.A. H... MSAI Mod. Cal. 155mm. 155mm. 0.E. Fuze. MSLA1 Shell. 75mm. T24E1. H. Ball. E. Mairk 25 with Dummy Nose Plug Projectile. 3-inch. H.A. Plug. 3-in.E. Fuze.. M55A1. 3-inch. H. Fuze..S. w/o retainihg cap or clip. M157 Projectile. A. 3-inch. 3-inch. Mark 1 Sphere. M56 Shell. Yaw Cross Wind Force Coefficient vs. 105mm. Mark 1. Type 5 Prcjectile.. M43A3 Shell. 37mm. Practice. Mark 3: Drag Coefficient vs. Fuze. 75-14-306A Shell H. A.. T36 (complete.P.D. w/o retaining clip. M59 Shot. h.. 37mm. Yaw Projectiie.253..nm. Mark 2 w!~hout tracer. Other Graphs Shell. P. F'uze. Mark !/A/ Shot. Yaw Squared Moment Coefficient vs. 37mm. P.. Miirk 27 with Dummy Nose Plug Projectile. Yaw Moment Coeqilcient vs.E. or clip).I. 37-.. M54.D. 75mm. 15 lb. and w/o cartridge container... Closing. 9/16-inch Projectile. M48: Drag Coefficient vs. Mark 29 without windahield cr Shell..4 lb. M71. Type 7 Projectile.. 40mm... M48 Slugs with 4b" bevel Slug. Type 8 ap Page 36 44 44 45 45 50 66 74 74 75 84 91 130 130 131 131 135 I136 136 137 137 138 b. Yaw I119-121 Distance from Center of Pressure to Base of Shell Body vs. F. w/o retaining cap. Z0min.123 . iluminating. Mark 27 Shell.. 90mm. N.. law Cross Wind Force Coefficient vs. Fuze.D.E. List of Graphs (Con. D.E. 57mm Slug. Fuze. Yaw Normal Force Coefficient vs. Type 6 P. Dummy.. Percussion.E. M. H. ±'uze. M80 Shell.147 28.. A.PC.P. H. 2.T. P. PTr).-ojectile. Type 2 Projectile.) Title Shell.E. H. MI. H. 155mm.. Type I Projectile. Yaw 75 76 76 111-113 114-116 118-118 121.'retaining cap. M48. V. 3-inch. T27 Shot. T18. P..V. H.V. 90mm..P. Yaw Moment Coefficient 43s. 90mm. Index of Projectiles a..P. Yaw Moment Coefficient vs. 155mm.R.A. Yaw Form Factor - Page 91 92 92 99 99 100 110 110 ill 138 Height of Ogive curves 29.P. H.. Cal. Incendiary.. H.. List of Graphs (Corn. H. 20mm. M5IA1: Drag Coefficient vs. 75mm.) 57mm Shell.A.V.V.V.A. 75mm.. T4 Shot.. 3-Inch.E. less than 1/4 cal.A.T.D. T30EI4 Shot.D.) Title Shell. 3-inch. 105mm.P.. 8-Inch..T.P.. T4EJ Shot. H.P. lO5mzi. H. 2.V. Exp.A.50. 0. H.V..A. and 3 (O. 3-inch.A.P.A.V. M23 (T48) Shot.A.. Dummy. H.P.A.V..A.S. 3-Inch. Incendiary.. T24EI Shot.P. P. Common. H. T30EI5 Shot. T28 Shell.P.A. Fuze. T67 Shell. M304 (T30E18) Shot. H. H.V. T30EI2 Shot.. T35 - . 57mm. T4E1? Shot. T30E1l Shot. Types 1.1413 2S. H. Yaw Cross Wind Force Coefficient vs. 90mm.) Bullet. T29E4 Shot. H. 20mnm.P. T45 Shot. 90mm.P.. H. raw Cross Wind Force Coefficient vs..P.P.E.P. H... H. Yaw Momenit Coefficient vs.V. M48: Drag Coefficient vs. Yaw Projectile. T44 Shot. MI. Mark 20: Drag Coeff icient vs.A.D. M93 (T4E20) Shot.A.. Square base (1) Conical or Ogivo-conical Head (&'I Round Point or Small M~plat (dia. Fuze. MIOI. T45 Shell. Fuze. 90mm.P.. 90mm. Yaw Shell.V. H. 90mm.E. H. H.. Yaw Zross Wind Force Coefficient vs. Incendiary. T4E1a Shot.V. 3-inch.V. Dummy. T94 Shell. M486 w/o windshield Shot..T... 57mm. A. 20mm. 0. P. 20mm. BC-3 Shot. 20mm. A.E.P. M58 Shell.. A. TS4 Bullet.D. m477 Shot. Fuze. Fuze.. Ball. T27. M4306 (T22)... M79 Shot. Cal. A.P.P.E.A. 0...C. 20mm.60. Mark 27 (2) Blunt Ogival Head (not more than 1.P. H. T94EI Shell.A.V.P... P.E. Fuze.E.. nIuminatIng. Mllq (T21). 0. Incendiary. T23. H. 155mm.. A.. P. A.75 cal. Detonating.D. P. 20mm.E.T. 1498 Shell. Mark 1. T21 Shot.P. Ball.. T17 Projectile. 253.D. B. 20mm...P.60. T32E2 Bullet. 1.. Shell.A.60. Fuze.. M448 Shell.. M70 Shot. B.. M497..) Proj ectile Type 1 Bullet. Cal. Fuze. M59 Shell..E.I. H.. Fuze. Index ad Projectiles (Coan. Fuze..A.!. T119 and M89 (T119E1) Shell. 20mm. 57mm. Fuze. T23E1. Illuminating. T14 Shot. 57mm... T22. 3-inch. H. T4 . H. Cal.D.D. BC-2 Bullet. T20 Type ZIA. T2OE1.. 57mm. B.D. W. Cal.E.E. M308 (T23).. T7IE4 Shell. Fuze.P. 20mm. 57mm.) (b) LArge Mgplat Shell.149 29. M95 Shot. 155mm.D.60.P. Ball. 0. 0.E. M. P..60. A.I. 1. Fuze. 40mm.D. T7...P. Fuse. H. 57mm. M75 Shell. Mark I/A/ Shell. A. T126 Shell. 37mm. Fuze. T32 Bullet. long) (a) Round Point or Small Meplat (dia. 90mm. D.T.. H. H. Fuze. T24E1.P. W. Fuze. P..P. H. TIO. lers thar 1/4 cal.A. Percussion.D.P. A. 90mm. 20mm. M75 Shot. 57mm. T38E5 w/o sabot Shell. H. 57mm. Dummy.P.5. M76 Shell.V. No. 155mm. Cal. A. Mark 3 (b) Large Miplat. 40mm. Cal. 0. Cal.60. Proof.60.I.A.V. Circular Plug (3) Long Ogival Head (More than 1.. T35 Shell.. Cal.P.I. Cal.30. Practice.P... 155mm.E.60.. Cal.T. H.. 57/40mm (Iand L Drg A-1944) Shot. 8-inch. 0. T49 Bullet. 57. Fuze. A.) Projectile. M63.. M99 Projectile. Cal.P. 0.E. H. A.. T33 Shot. H. M58 . A. 37mm.C.S. 0. Fuze. P. A.C. 105mm.150 29. M61 w/o windshield Projectile.P.P. A. B.S.D. A.75 cO1 .C. Fuza. A..C. Ball. 0. 37mm. 76/48mm Shot.D. Cal.. Incendiary.P.. 37mm. M86. 20mm.T. T9E4 Shot. Mark 29 w/o windshield or cap Projectile. M72 Shot.30.30..S. Fuze. 57mm.E. H. 75mm. T19 Shot. L1307 (T20E2). Cal.D.P. Frangible.nm.. Cal.. 3-inch. Cal.!. M81 w/o cap or windshield Projectile. A.P. 90mm.E. A.P.. A. T31 Bullet. 75mm. B. long) Projectile Type 8 Projectile Type 8 Bullet.. T60 Bullet..60.P. 37mm.V.P. T39 Bullet.P.L. M1 Bullet.P.P. Incendiary. Cal. H.. Tracer. 0. Cal. T13E2 Shot..60. T41 Bullet. Ball.C. Hiapano Gun /A/ Projectile. A. A.30. A. Tracer. M51 Shot. Mark 2.P. A. T123E1 Projectile. 0.D. MI Bullet.60. Mark 1 Shot.C. lnex ad Projectiles (Con. Shell.A. A. T4EIO Shot. F..50. M22 Bullet. 0. 0.. 20mm. M2 Bullet. 0. 'T'36 and T36E2 - Bullet.50. T15 Bullet.T. T9. 0. 0. M38A1 Shell..P. 20mm... 3-inch. P. A. Incendiary.P. V.P. 3-inch. P.E. Fuze.. M68 Projectile. Fuze.. Mark 1 Slug. Fuze.P. A. M61. 3-inch. B. 75mm. M51A4 Shell. Proof.D. H. T15 Slug.P. Smoke. Mark 27.C. simulating the H. T19 (S.40 lb. B..)...P. 75mm.A. M. H. Index of Projectiles (Con. M112.. 3-inch Slug..D.. 3-Inch.E. B. B..C.. 12..C. 90mm. 57mm Slug.P. 15...A. 75mm.D. C..D.. H. Type IA. Mark 1 Slug. 105mm.D.T. M.E.. 75mm.96 lb. 12... Fuze. A.94 lb.E..C..151 29. Mqrk 25.. 1/2 -inch rod (d) Spool-shaped Projectile. B.D. Dummy Nose Plug Projectile. T3OEl. T13 Slug.79 lb. 156mm.E.V. 3-inch. 15.. M43 Shell. MOO Projectile. Common. H.00 lb. MBOA1 Projectile. Fuze. 13.R.A. Fuze. 3-inch. Shell. Shot T35 ft . H.72 lb. B. H. H.P. Flat Head. Fuze. 37mm. 3-inch. 2.. 37mm Slug.54 Projectile.. 76mm (Mark 1 modified) Slug. Mark 1 (b) Flat Head Shot. 75mm. 11.E. T4 w/o windshield.25 lb. H..70 lb. T33. Fuze... Fuze. Illuminating.) Shell.V.00 lb. M42. 3-Inch. A. T94 Shell.E. Fuze. Fuze. A. Proof.SQ.D. 14. T136 Shell.40 lb.P.D. M62. T4 w/o windshield. 3-inch. M42. 6-inch. N.. Dummy Nose Plug Projectile. M78 Shell. Mark 20 (4) Slug (a) Beveled Head Projectile. 3-inch. 1-Inch rod Shot... 155mm.P. 40mm (Canadian) (c) Protruding Rod Shot.T. 1. MOWA Projectile. 9. M82. 37mm.A. T. M42. 75mm. T20.. 3-inch Slug.. M52 Slug. 57mm. Cal.. 40mm. M48 Shell...A. Fuze. 37mm. P182 or T93 Shell.. 0. A.I. P-ractice. 0. 37mm. A.P. 0.T.. E.D. 0.60..T. A. T30. M. M459 (120 vertical angle) Shell. V. A. WOEI.D.29. Mark 2 T/LI/. wood Shell. T28 Pullet. M2 Bullet.E.1.P.50. A. M491 (2) Ogival Head (a) T~ound Point or Small M~plat (dia. 0.0. H. Incendiary.) Projectile Type 2 Shell.) Pr'ojectlde ype 5 and me4AI Pro*Ui. B. Q.. 120mm.T. M473.) b. A. Fuze. Cal.. 0. Fuze. 37mm. A.E..50.E.2 Bullet.. T75EO Shell.P... MI Shot. M462 Shell. Boat-tall (1) Conical or Ogivo-conical Head (a) Round Point or Small Miplat (less than 1/4 cal. M472 -- . 0..H. 75mm. M84 Shell. Cal. Dummy. Fuze. 40mm.50. T. MO8 Bullet. less than 1/4 cal. Fuze. Cal.P. M103. Fuze.48EI Bullet..T. Q. 75mm...E.D. THE. 0. P..D. B.60.P. A.T.. MI Bullet. H. Plug. M861 Shell. Cal.3. M473.I. Cal. M62 Shell.E..D. P... M67.P. H. 105mm. T68 Shell.. 1 Shell. H.E. Dummy.30. 120mm. Fuze.P.T.. H.T. Cal. 105mm. T38.ell. Practice.E. Ball. A.v po 7 Bullet. M480 Shot..60. 0. Markc 2 T/ll. A. 75mm.T.A.A.D.P.50...E. Exp.F. H. T38 Bullet.D. Fuze.. 0. M68. M474 Shot.50..' Fuze. P. 75mm.H.P.T. M67. M82A1 St.A. A.P. Cal..C. H. 40mm. Fuze.. T121 (b) Large meplat Shot.E. 105mm. Ball. B. rAdex ad Projectiles (Con.P. T63 Bullet. M51 Mod. Cal. 8-inch. T16.F.. 57mm.E... H. Fuze. Cal. &fl Bullet. Shell. Fuze. N.E. M107.E.50 Model of 155mm H. M71.5-inch.. N. 8-inch. P. Fuze.E. N.D. :.5-inch.E. M71. 90mm.. Dummy. P.D. M51 Shell.E. N. Fuze.E.D. Fuze.. 0. M78 Shell. Fuze.50 Model of 155mm N. P. ?v%1 Shell. N.D. F'uze.. M39A2 Shell. Fuze.E. N.D..P. T36.C. N.P. M71. P. M48.E.P. N. 8-Inch. N.) Cal. 90mm.E. Fuze. M106.C. Fuze. C. Fuze. Ml. M101.R. 75mm. 155mm.153 29.D. M. 21 -see A. P.A.. 75mm.E. N. N. C. 105mm.C. Shell P1 Cal. 90mm. M48. P. Fuze. N. M48 Shell. MI. Mark 7AI.E...C. M67 Shell.E.E..D.E. N.. Fuze.C.D.D. M48 Shell... N.E. Shell. Fuze. N. M65.. 155mm. Fuze.. Fuze. M58.. Mark 3. P. Fuze. M48 Shell.r. P. Chem. M59 Shell.. M58. Fuze. M65... 240mm. Fuze.E. Shell.. 155mm.5-inch. Shell P2 Shell. N. M78 Shell....E. P.E. M101. M. M101.D.E. Shell.D. M48.E. N..P.5-inch. N..E. M4114. M78Shell. N. N.E.D.R.SQ. N.R. M51 Shell. Du. 155mm.E. N. P. M44A2 Shell. Fuze. M48 Shell. M4114. 155mm. 0.C. N. M48 Shell.. 90mm. 105mm. Fuze. Fuze.. M60. M5IA1 Shell. Fi. M84. 4....50 Model of 155mm N.. M.'iza. M43 Shell. Fuze... 240mm. N. 75mm. T. T30 Shell... C. Ml. N. M48 Shell..R. M65. M43 Shell. P. N. 4.E. P. M48. M64.... Dummy.... M106.E. Smoke (BE)~. P. Mark Ml Shell. M48 Shell.P. M101. P. M51 Shell.E. 75mm.E. Shell.. 75mm. Chem. Fuze.E. 4. P. T15.. Fuze. 90mm.E.R.. 155mm.. 155mm. N. H.. 75mm.D. M48. 105mm. N. 4.D. Shell M101 Cal. Fuze.D. Fuze. 0. 90mm. N. H.D. HE. Shell.. M48 Shell. Fuze. M43 Shell.R.. Fuze. N.. 37mm.D. Index of Projectile# (Con..E. M85. H.T. . T2. M78 Shell. Chem.E. Fuze. Firte.D. 105mm. N.T..D. M64 ... 105mm.D.E. Fuze.. M48 Shell. 155mm... Fuze.D.D.. 37mm. 155mm. N.E.5-inch. Sphere. Mark 1. niluminating (BE).E.. Pluir. Hexagonal Plug Shell. 75mm.E. P473.E. Ml. 9/16-inch. Fuze. H. 75-14-309E Shell.D. 120mm. 90mm. M458. Plug. H.. M454. Closing. Closing.E. M55A1. P. P...) Shell. 75mm. Hexagonal Plug Shell. Round± Wood Plug Shell..SQ.. 105mm. M4102. Circular Plug Shell. 37mm. Hitchcock . N. Chem... Wood Plug Shell.E. Practice. 155mm. H. M85. H. N. Plug. Circular Plug Shell. 4. 75-14-309E Shell. 4. Mark 2. Closing.5-Inch. Hexagonal Plug Shell. Closing.E. M685.E. N. P4314 (T18).. 105mm. Fuze. MI. Index of Projqctiles (Con. 75-14-309E Shell.E. T. N.... N.E..154 29. Mark 1. M454 (b) Large Miplat Shell. Plug. 105mm. M458 Shell. 75-14-309A c. H. dands sktchif an draghs of w cuig voted~~~ dra of5 to slgda Typca rprtojetis thn ordiypoetloahcalibr eo~ projectile given showing principal dimensions in calibers and numbers of official drawings. p. H. wf-". okt)wihhv DAren rragevcring fsheecaatrsi cte 15 22agtabl54dia.e ze.6a)h (ecudn in the U.ANsC UW .CE U COUNTRY LACGOAG (2)BO E JS S Proetls-AeSdnais (7A415ES -62 re AETTe: reotcnanAhepyie spin.saiie pRGAsTIN ecade. paagahsae..UVUT (U774? Hitchcock. AM T-2. Ordnance and= DIVISION: (22) SECIO: alisic REFRN. USAAF RIGHT FIELD.S d-ig h data nerodynamic spinning projectiles of beenE obtaine xermetal d tesea opot aao toond alibrc ate. ~MAE COMMAND Am TCHNICAL RETICTED INDEx OHIO. Physical characteristics including weight and distance from base to center of gravity a presented. HQ.
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