AEMP Telematics Data Standard v1 2

March 17, 2018 | Author: DOThompson | Category: Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Computer Data, Computing, Technology, Internet



I am excited to be able to introduce the AEMP Telematics Data Standard!The genesis of this standard was at the AEMP’s 2007 Asset Management Symposium in Louisville, KY. Group discussions revealed the need for standardized delivery of basic telematics data into end-users’ databases, and AEMP teamed up with OEMs to solve the problem. This standard is the result of those efforts. We anticipate that participating OEMs will begin supporting delivery of data using this standard format in October, 2010. Over the last year, volunteer developers from McFadyen & Associates; Caterpillar, Inc.; John Deere Construction & Forestry; Volvo Construction Equipment; and Komatsu America Corp. worked as the standards subcommittee to develop a standard format for the transfer of telematics data from the providers’ servers to end users. The standard was developed to facilitate programmatic retrieval of critical machine data for import into the end user’s database in order to simplify telematics implementation in a mixed-fleet environment. The standard provides basic machine data, such as cumulative operating hours, cumulative miles travelled (for vehicles), cumulative fuel consumed (where supported), and current location in a common xml document. The provision of this basic information in a common format allows end users to develop one API to parse the data and import it into their databases for use by the fleet management application, allowing telematics data to feed the existing reports that equipment managers use to manage their fleets. The same API can be used to retrieve the data from each OEM (using unique authentication credentials and server information for each), greatly reducing implementation expense. This standard is intended to complement existing telematics web portals, rather than replace them. The data provided by the standard will allow users to automate once- or twice-daily updates to their fleet-level reports, and the data from each manufacturer will coexist with that from other providers and legacy machines whose data is still being entered manually. The telematics providers’ web portals will still provide the more detailed information required for deeper inquiries into a particular machine or group of machines. AEMP would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this project. The cooperation among our team members from various OEMs and telematics providers has been incredible! Although progress has been slow at times, and we have had to constantly revisit details to ensure that all parties could support the resultant standard, everyone stayed engaged and pushed forward! Everyone pulled together to develop a tool that will advance the industry as a whole, benefitting all three sides of the Equipment Triangle: manufacturer, distributor, and end user alike. The AEMP will develop educational materials and training sessions to help end users implement the standard. Look for workshops and seminars at AEMP’s fall 2010 Asset Management Symposium, as well as webinars and the release of the development kit, which will act as a user’s guide. Additional information can be found at Sincerely, Pat Crail, CEM AEMP Technology Committee Chairman 2010 Director of Construction Fleets © AEMP, 2010. AEMP retains sole right to revise or modify this document. This document may be reproduced and distributed, as long as it is reproduced in its entirety, including this copyright information, AEMP logo and contact information. Association of Equipment Management Professionals P.O. Box 1368 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 Phone: 970-384-0510 Fax: 970-384-0512 1 XML FILE FORMAT XML version 1.0 is used. To prevent excessively frequent access. This document may be reproduced and distributed. The server responds with an XML equipment information (EI) document whose vocabulary is defined in this specification. Each record consists of several fields.AEMP TELEMATICS DATA STANDARD V1. Box 1368 Glenwood Springs. 4. © AEMP.2 Prepared March 15. as long as it is reproduced in its entirety. data will only be released to the owner of the equipment. 2011 on how to register for access to data via the AEMP Telematics Data Standard. EI files are expected to be stand-alone documents. CO 81602 Phone: 970-384-0510 Fax: 970-384-0512 2 . and it carries two attributes: • • Version SnapshotTime The version is an integer that is used to distinguish different versions of the XML schema. SECURITY AND ACCESS CONTROL Implementers will control access via Basic Access Authentication using HTTPS. including this copyright information. Providers may include restrictions on such usage in licensing agreements required when registering for data access via the standard. Each telematics provider will have its own registration procedure. The snapshot time is the date and time at which the snapshot of the fleet was for additional information. 2010. Any number of fleets can be represented. as such. AEMP logo and contact information. If the fleet contains no equipment at the time of the snapshot. Date and Time Formats. AEMP retains sole right to revise or modify this document. not to any third parties for aggregation or any other purpose. which are detailed below. the provider may return 503 Service Unavailable for requests that are more frequent than one time per hour. Association of Equipment Management Professionals P. Clients can access a fleet resource by sending an HTTPS GET request to the server at the given location. INTRODUCTION The AEMP Telematics Data Standard is an XML web service that provides information about fleets of equipment.ietf. ROOT ATTRIBUTES The document element is named The file or stream that contains one EI document consists of zero or more records. This provision of data is considered a privileged communication between provider and equipment owner and. 1.aemp. The information about a fleet is provided as a resource. 2. Please contact your telematics provider for information The response is a full snapshot of the fleet. Whenever a breaking change in the schema is made. Its MIME type is text/xml.O. typically on the Internet. The following XML namespace is used: http://schemas. Please refer to http://www. An EI document is sent without a wrapper (such as SOAP). at a known Uniform Resource Location (URL). each with its own URL. The AEMP Telematics Data Standard is intended to provide data directly from an OEM or telematic provider to the equipment owner. an empty document is returned. The recommended encoding is UTF-8. Its format is described in §38. below. The telematics provider will assign security credential and access information when the end user registers the fleet. 3. this number is incremented. as defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Its length is unbounded. it is assumed that the telematics unit was installed when the machine was built. CO 81602 Phone: 970-384-0510 Fax: 970-384-0512 3 . Association of Equipment Management Professionals P. The data type of the Equipment Make is string. Its data type is string. This document may be reproduced and distributed.O. As this field is defined by the end-user. AEMP logo and contact information. below. 2010. The end user will provide this information to the telematics provider during fleet registration. 8. It is the VIN or Serial Number assigned by the manufacturer at the time that the machine was assembled. including this copyright information. and its length is unbounded. Its format is described in §38. EQUIPMENT MODEL Equipment Model is the model or series of the vehicle or equipment. as long as it is reproduced in its entirety. This field is optional. EQUIPMENT ID The Equipment ID identifies the end user’s name for an individual vehicle or piece of equipment. and if blank. DATA FIELDS Each record comprises the following fields in the following format: Descriptive / (Matching Element Names) • Header information (EquipmentHeader) o Telematics Unit Installation Date (UnitInstallDateTime) o Equipment Make (Make) o Equipment Model (Model) o Equipment ID (EquipmentID) o Serial number (SerialNumber) Last known location (Location) o Date and time (datetime) o Latitude of location (Latitude) o Longitude of location (Longitude) o Altitude of location (Altitude)  Unit of measure of altitude  Feet and inches or  Meters Cumulative operating hours (CumulativeOperatingHours) o Date and time (datetime) o Life to date in operating hours (Hour) o Data reset date and time (ResetDateTime) Amount of fuel used (FuelUsed) o Date and time (datetime) o Unit of measure of fuel (FuelUnits) o Cumulative fuel used to date (FuelConsumed) o Data reset date and time (ResetDateTime) Amount of fuel used in the last 24 hours (FuelUsedLast24) o Date and time (datetime) o Unit of measure of fuel (FuelUnits) o Fuel used past 24 hrs (FuelConsumed) Distance traveled (Distance) o Date and time (datetime) o Unit of measure of distance (OdometerUnits) o Current odometer reading (Odometer) o Data reset date and time (ResetDateTime) 6. Date and Time Formats. 5. It is important to note that the Manufacturer’s Name may be different from that of the telematics unit provider.Each field is described in detail in the following sections. EQUIPMENT MAKE Equipment Make is the name of the manufacturer of the vehicle or equipment. AEMP retains sole right to revise or modify this document. TELEMATICS UNIT INSTALLATION DATE This date and time describes when the telematics unit was installed on the machine. Box 1368 Glenwood Springs. SERIAL NUMBER The serial number identifies the specific instance of the vehicle or equipment. Its data type is string. The data type of the Equipment Model is string. 7. and its length is from 1 to 17 characters. • • © AEMP. • • • 9. it is not a unique identifier. Its length is unbounded. 10. DATE AND TIME OF LOCATION The date and time indicates when the vehicle was at the described location.” then this field is required and indicates the altitude in meters. cumulative operating hours. those to the east. If the unit of measure of altitude is not “meters. INCHES OF ALTITUDE If the altitude of location is included.11. LAST KNOWN LOCATION The last known equipment location is expressed by these separate fields: date-time.” this field must be omitted. If the unit of measure of altitude is not “feet-inches. This field is optional. UNIT OF MEASURE OF ALTITUDE The altitude of the location can be expressed in either feet and inches or meters.0000 to +90. 13. and the unit of measure of altitude is “feet-inches. If the altitude is included in the response. Box 1368 Glenwood Springs. Its format is described in §38. and the unit of measure of altitude is “meters. If the unit of measure of altitude is not “feet-inches. and altitude. The prime meridian at Greenwich England is represented by 0 degrees. those south.e. 21.” then this field is required and indicates the portion of the altitude that is represented by feet. and date-time of data reset. It can be represented either as feet and inches or as meters. latitude. when the value for cumulative operating hours was valid). this field is mandatory.0000 degrees. depending on the value of the Unit of Measure of Altitude. FEET OF ALTITUDE If the altitude of location is included. 19. It must have the value “feet-inches” or “meters”. It is an unsigned integer. The latitude at the equator is represented by 0 degrees. ALTITUDE OF LOCATION The altitude is expressed as a distance above mean sea level of the vehicle or equipment. 17. AEMP retains sole right to revise or modify this document. It is a decimal number. This field is optional. below. Date and Time Formats. CO 81602 Phone: 970-384-0510 Fax: 970-384-0512 4 .” then this field is required and indicates the portion of the altitude that is represented by inches. below. Its format is described in §38. AEMP logo and contact information. Date and Time Formats. LATITUDE OF LOCATION The latitude is expressed as a signed decimal number with four digits of precision in the range from –90. longitude. 14. 20.0000 degrees. LONGITUDE OF LOCATION The longitude is expressed as a signed decimal number with four digits of precision in the range from –180. Latitudes north of the equator are represented as positive numbers. The last known equipment location field is optional.” this field must be omitted.O. It is an unsigned integer in the range from 0 to 11.0000 to +180. Generally coincides with service meter hours. Longitudes to the west of the prime meridian are represented as negative numbers. including this copyright information. Association of Equipment Management Professionals P. and the unit of measure of altitude is “feet-inches. 2010. This document may be reproduced and distributed. METERS OF ALTITUDE If the altitude of location is included. by negative numbers. DATE AND TIME OF CUMULATIVE OPERATING HOURS The date and time indicates when the vehicle was the described age (i. 18. © AEMP. as long as it is reproduced in its entirety. 12. 15.” this field must be omitted. 16. The unit of measure of altitude indicates which unit is being used. by positive numbers. TOTAL OPERATING HOURS The current lifetime total operating hours of the vehicle or equipment is expressed by three separate fields: date-time. UNIT OF MEASURE OF FUEL USED IN THE LAST 24 HOURS Quantity of fuel can be expressed in either liters or gallons. It may not be omitted. amount of fuel. 25. below 29. it is assumed that the data has not been reset. unit of measure of fuel. Box 1368 Glenwood Springs.O. DATE AND TIME OF DATA RESET. 27. DATE AND TIME OF FUEL USED TO DATE The date and time indicates when the vehicle had used the specified amount of fuel. OPERATING HOURS The date and time that the operating hours were reset to some value other than the next increment. as long as it is reproduced in its entirety. CO 81602 Phone: 970-384-0510 Fax: 970-384-0512 5 . 31. unit of measure of fuel. This document may be reproduced and distributed. such as may occur with an ECM replacement.22. CUMULATIVE OPERATING HOURS The current total lifetime operating hours of the vehicle or equipment is expressed as a duration. below. 32. inclusive. Its format is described in §38. AEMP retains sole right to revise or modify this document.295. it is assumed that the data has not been reset. 30. FUEL The date and time that the value for fuel used to date was reset to some value other than the next increment. including this copyright information. This field is optional.294. This field is optional. UNIT OF MEASURE OF FUEL USED TO DATE Quantity of fuel can be expressed in either liters or gallons. Note that commas are not included in the XML file. FUEL USED TO DATE (PREFERRED) The amount of fuel the vehicle has used is expressed by four fields: date-time. AEMP logo and contact information. If no value is returned. below. 2010. Its format is described in §38. NOT PREFERRED) The amount of fuel the vehicle used during the last 24 hours is expressed by three fields: datetime. It may not be omitted. It must have the value “liter” or “gallon”. FUEL USED IN THE LAST 24 HOURS (ALTERNATIVE. Its format is specified by ISO Standard 8601. AMOUNT OF FUEL USED TO DATE This field indicates the quantity of fuel that has been used cumulatively by the vehicle or equipment as of the specified date and time. 24. Date and Time Formats. Date and Time Formats. such as may occur with an ECM replacement. This is the preferred fuel measure. but may be used as an alternative to “FUEL USED TO DATE” in the event that a telematics provider is unable to support that preferred measure. Its format is described in §38. AMOUNT OF FUEL USED IN THE LAST 24 HOURS This field indicates the quantity of fuel that was used by the vehicle or equipment during the 24hour period that ended at the specified date and © AEMP.967. Its data type is unsigned integer. which includes all integral values from 0 to 4. DATE AND TIME OF DATA RESET. Date and Time Formats. and date-time of data reset. The unit of measure of fuel field indicates which unit is being used. This is not the preferred measure of fuel. and should always be included when the telematics provider is able to support cumulative fuel. If no value is returned. DATE AND TIME OF FUEL USED IN THE LAST 24 HOURS The date and time indicates when the 24-hour period ended during which the vehicle used the specified amount of fuel. This is the cumulative amount of fuel used by the unit since inception. Its format is described in §38. 26. The unit of measure of fuel field indicates which unit is being used. and amount of fuel. Association of Equipment Management Professionals P. It must have the value “liter” or “gallon”. 23. This field is optional. Date and Time Formats. below. 28. 295. the distance traveled by the vehicle can be expressed in either kilometers or miles. Its format is described in §38. inclusive.294. ISO-8601 Date & Time are expressed as: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss For further information on the ISO-8601 Date & Time format. DISTANCE TRAVELED The distance the vehicle has traveled is expressed by four fields: date-time.294. and date-time of data reset. and seconds. 35. 36. © AEMP. It is expressed in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) with the use of the UTC indicator (“Z”). If no value is returned. DATE AND TIME OF DISTANCE The date and time indicates when the vehicle had traveled the specified distance. DATE AND TIME FORMATS All dates and times in an EI document are formatted as ISO-8601 “date and time” that includes the year.295.O. Its data type is unsigned integer. as long as it is reproduced in its entirety. which includes all integral values from 0 to 4. it is assumed that the data has not been reset. Association of Equipment Management Professionals P. 33. 2010. minutes. which includes all integral values from 0 to 4. AEMP retains sole right to revise or modify this document. Date and Time Formats. Note that commas are not included in the XML file. ODOMETER The date and time that the value for odometer reading was reset to some value other than the next increment. 34. Its data type is unsigned integer. AEMP logo and contact information. odometer reading. Note that commas are not included in the XML file. inclusive. Box 1368 Glenwood Springs. It may not be omitted. This document may be reproduced and distributed. such as may occur with an ECM replacement. Its format is described in §38.time. this field indicates the cumulative distance the vehicle has traveled as of the specified date and time. below. unit of measure of distance. This field is optional. DATE AND TIME OF DATA RESET. day. month. If the information available to the server does not include seconds.967. including this copyright information. see http://www. hour.967. CURRENT ODOMETER READING When available on a vehicle or piece of equipment. Date and Time Note that minutes and seconds are optional as per ISO-8601. below 38. This field is optional. The unit of measure of distance field indicates which unit is being used. 37. It must have the value “kilometer” or “mile”. the seconds are set to zero.iso. CO 81602 Phone: 970-384-0510 Fax: 970-384-0512 6 . It does not include fractional seconds. UNIT OF MEASURE OF DISTANCE When available on a vehicle or piece of equipment. as long as it is reproduced in its entirety.APPENDIX A. Association of Equipment Management Professionals" targetNamespace="http://schemas.O. 2010. <?xml version="1. including this copyright information.w3. AEMP logo and contact" > <xs:element name="Fleet"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Equipment"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="EquipmentHeader" type="EquipmentHeader" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> <xs:element name="Location" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Latitude" type="lat" /> <xs:element name="Longitude" type="long" /> <xs:element name="Altitude" type="altitude" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <xs:element name="AltitudeUnits" type="altitudeuom" /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="datetime" type ="xs:dateTime" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="CumulativeOperatingHours" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Hour" type="xs:duration" /> <xs:element name="ResetDateTime" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:dateTime" /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="datetime" type ="xs:dateTime" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="FuelUsed" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="FuelUnits" type="fueluom" /> <xs:element name="FuelConsumed" type="xs:unsignedInt" /> <xs:element name="ResetDateTime" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:dateTime" /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="datetime" type ="xs:dateTime" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="FuelUsedLast24" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="FuelUnits" type="fueluom" /> <xs:element name="FuelConsumed" type="xs:unsignedInt" /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="datetime" type ="xs:dateTime" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> © AEMP. CO 81602 Phone: 970-384-0510 Fax: 970-384-0512 7 . DATA SCHEMA The following XML Schema describes the format of the XML file. This document may be reproduced and distributed.aemp.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://www. Box 1368 Glenwood" xmlns="http://schemas. AEMP retains sole right to revise or modify this document.aemp. CO 81602 Phone: 970-384-0510 Fax: 970-384-0512 8 . 2010. Box 1368 Glenwood Springs. This document may be reproduced and distributed.</xs:element> <xs:element name="Distance" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="OdometerUnits" type="odometeruom" /> <xs:element name="Odometer" type="xs:unsignedInt" /> <xs:element name="ResetDateTime" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"type="xs:dateTime" /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="datetime" type ="xs:dateTime" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="version" type ="xs:unsignedInt" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="snapshotTime" type ="xs:dateTime" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:simpleType name="serno"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:minLength value="1"/> <xs:maxLength value="17"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="lat"> <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal"> <xs:totalDigits value="6"/> <xs:fractionDigits value="4"/> <xs:minInclusive value="-90.0000"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="+90. including this copyright information. AEMP retains sole right to revise or modify this document. Association of Equipment Management Professionals P.O.0000"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="long"> <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal"> <xs:totalDigits value="7"/> <xs:fractionDigits value="4"/> <xs:minInclusive value="-180. as long as it is reproduced in its entirety.0000"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="fueluom"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="gallon"/> <xs:enumeration value="liter"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="odometeruom"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="mile"/> <xs:enumeration value="kilometer"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="altitudeuom"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="feet-inches"/> <xs:enumeration value="meters"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="inch"> © AEMP.0000"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="+180. AEMP logo and contact information. as long as it is reproduced in its entirety. Box 1368 Glenwood Springs.<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt"> <xs:fractionDigits value="0"/> <xs:minInclusive value="0"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="11"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:complexType name="EquipmentHeader"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="UnitInstallDateTime" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:dateTime" /> <xs:element name="Make" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="Model" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="EquipmentID" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="SerialNumber" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="serno" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="altitude"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="AltitudeUnits" type="altitudeuom"/> <xs:choice> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Feet" type="xs:unsignedInt"/> <xs:element name="Inches" type="inch"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Meters" type="xs:decimal"/> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema> © AEMP. AEMP retains sole right to revise or modify this document. AEMP logo and contact information. Association of Equipment Management Professionals P.O. CO 81602 Phone: 970-384-0510 Fax: 970-384-0512 9 . including this copyright information. 2010. This document may be reproduced and distributed. SAMPLE FILE The following is an example of a data file. Association of Equipment Management Professionals P. <?xml version=""> <Equipment> <EquipmentHeader> <UnitInstallDateTime>2010-07-28T02:07:59Z</UnitInstallDateTime> <Make>XYZOEM</Make> <Model>i93ED</Model> <EquipmentID>78907X</EquipmentID> <SerialNumber>123YJA7334912436</SerialNumber> </EquipmentHeader> <Location datetime="2009-09-12T20:35:00Z"> <Latitude>39. as long as it is reproduced in its entirety. AEMP logo and contact information.2855</Latitude> <Longitude>-84. CO 81602 Phone: 970-384-0510 Fax: 970-384-0512 10 .2" snapshotTime="2009-09-12T21:18:00Z" xmlns="http://schemas.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Fleet version="1. including this copyright information.O. 2010.aemp. AEMP retains sole right to revise or modify this document. Box 1368 Glenwood Springs.APPENDIX B. This document may be reproduced and distributed.4316</Longitude> <Altitude> <Meters>150</Meters> </Altitude> <AltitudeUnits>meters</AltitudeUnits> </Location> <CumulativeOperatingHours datetime="2010-07-28T02:07:59Z"> <Hour>P94DT23H51M</Hour> <ResetDateTime>2010-07-28T02:07:59Z</ResetDateTime> </CumulativeOperatingHours> <FuelUsed datetime="2009-09-12T10:57:00Z"> <FuelUnits>gallon</FuelUnits> <FuelConsumed>12345</FuelConsumed> <ResetDateTime>2010-07-28T02:07:59Z</ResetDateTime> </FuelUsed> <FuelUsedLast24 datetime="2010-10-19T16:00:47Z"> <FuelUnits>liter</FuelUnits> <FuelConsumed>3680237</FuelConsumed> </FuelUsedLast24> <Distance datetime="2009-09-12T12:40:00Z"> <OdometerUnits>kilometer</OdometerUnits> <Odometer>28</Odometer> <ResetDateTime>2009-04-19T16:00:47Z</ResetDateTime> </Distance> </Equipment> <Equipment> <EquipmentHeader> <UnitInstallDateTime>2010-07-28T02:07:59Z</UnitInstallDateTime> <Make>XYSOEW</Make> <Model>i43EG</Model> <EquipmentID>28707Q</EquipmentID> <SerialNumber>189YQA7334912436</SerialNumber> </EquipmentHeader> <Location datetime="2009-09-12T20:35:00Z"> © AEMP. 4316</Longitude> <Altitude> <Meters>250</Meters> </Altitude> <AltitudeUnits>meters</AltitudeUnits> </Location> <CumulativeOperatingHours datetime="2010-07-28T02:07:59Z"> <Hour>P97DT23H51M</Hour> <ResetDateTime>2009-07-28T02:07:59Z</ResetDateTime> </CumulativeOperatingHours> <FuelUsed datetime="2009-09-12T10:57:00Z"> <FuelUnits>gallon</FuelUnits> <FuelConsumed>12323</FuelConsumed> <ResetDateTime>2010-07-28T02:07:59Z</ResetDateTime> </FuelUsed> <FuelUsedLast24 datetime="2010-10-19T16:00:47Z"> <FuelUnits>liter</FuelUnits> <FuelConsumed>3623237</FuelConsumed> </FuelUsedLast24> <Distance datetime="2009-09-12T12:40:00Z"> <OdometerUnits>kilometer</OdometerUnits> <Odometer>28</Odometer> <ResetDateTime>2009-04-19T16:00:47Z</ResetDateTime> </Distance> </Equipment> </Fleet> © AEMP. AEMP retains sole right to revise or modify this document. This document may be reproduced and distributed.2855</Latitude> <Longitude>-83. CO 81602 Phone: 970-384-0510 Fax: 970-384-0512 11 .O.<Latitude>38. as long as it is reproduced in its entirety. 2010. Association of Equipment Management Professionals P. Box 1368 Glenwood Springs. including this copyright information. AEMP logo and contact information. APPENDIX C. This document may be reproduced and distributed. the following responses are used in this protocol: 1. HTTP ERRORS Providers follow the standard HTTP protocol as specified in RFC 2616. as long as it is reproduced in its entirety. Association of Equipment Management Professionals P. including this copyright information. Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP/1. SERVER ERROR 5XX 500 Internal Server Error 501 Not Implemented 502 Bad Gateway 503 Service Unavailable 504 Gateway Timeout 505 HTTP Version Not Supported © AEMP. 2010.O. CO 81602 Phone: 970-384-0510 Fax: 970-384-0512 12 . CLIENT ERROR 4XX 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized 402 Payment Required 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 405 Method Not Allowed 406 Not Acceptable 407 Proxy Authentication Required 408 Request Timeout 409 Conflict 410 Gone 411 Length Required 412 Precondition Failed 413 Request Entity Too Large 414 Request-URI Too Long 415 Unsupported Media Type 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable 417 Expectation Failed 2. AEMP retains sole right to revise or modify this document.Specifically. AEMP logo and contact information. Box 1368 Glenwood Springs.1.
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