Advanced Dashboards Course 10.0.700

March 26, 2018 | Author: nerz8830 | Category: Share Point, Databases, Microsoft Excel, Icon (Computing), Enterprise Resource Planning



Epicor ERPAdvanced Dashboards Course 10.0.700 Disclaimer This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its contents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of its date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with regard to the enclosed information and specifically disclaims any applicable implied warranties, such as fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software is likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contained herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice. The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions. Usage of the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third party products may require the purchase of licenses for such other products. Where any software is expressed to be compliant with local laws or requirements in this document, such compliance is not a warranty and is based solely on Epicor's current understanding of such laws and requirements. All laws and requirements are subject to varying interpretations as well as to change and accordingly Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of platform and product compatibility in this document shall be considered individually in relation to the products referred to in the relevant statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with one product and also stated to be compatible with another product, it should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatible with both of the products running at the same time on the same platform or environment. Additionally platform or product compatibility may require the application of Epicor or third-party updates, patches and/or service packs and Epicor has no responsibility for compatibility issues which may be caused by updates, patches and/or service packs released by third parties after the date of publication of this document. Epicor® is a registered trademark and/or trademark of Epicor Software Corporation in the United States, certain other countries and/or the EU. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © Epicor Software Corporation 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Epicor Software Corporation. ED814905 90521-10-9217-58310700 10.0.700 Revision: June 08, 2014 5:13 p.m. Total pages: 81 course.ditaval Advanced Dashboards Course Contents Contents Advanced Dashboards Course...............................................................................................6 Before You Begin....................................................................................................................7 Audience.........................................................................................................................................................7 Prerequisites....................................................................................................................................................7 Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................8 Workshop Constraints..............................................................................................................................8 Overview of Advanced Dashboard Techniques.................................................................10 Authorization........................................................................................................................11 Advanced Dashboard Techniques.......................................................................................12 Create New Dashboard..................................................................................................................................13 Dashboard Program Properties................................................................................................................13 Workshop - Create New Dashboard........................................................................................................15 Add PartBin Query...........................................................................................................................15 Change Grid Caption......................................................................................................................16 Publish Fields...................................................................................................................................16 Add Jobhead Query.........................................................................................................................17 Change Grid Caption......................................................................................................................17 Publish Job Number.........................................................................................................................17 Apply Filter to Jobs Grid...................................................................................................................18 Image Columns..............................................................................................................................................19 Workshop - Add Image Column to the Parts Grid...................................................................................19 Add Image Column to Parts Grid.....................................................................................................19 Apply View Rule to Image Column..................................................................................................20 Advanced Searches........................................................................................................................................21 Workshop - Customize a Tracker View....................................................................................................22 Add Tracker View............................................................................................................................22 Test the Advanced Search................................................................................................................22 Workshop - Add Advanced Search with Range.......................................................................................24 Add Groupbox................................................................................................................................24 Add Field 1......................................................................................................................................24 Add Field 2......................................................................................................................................25 Add Label........................................................................................................................................25 Run Search......................................................................................................................................26 Workshop - Modify Dashboard Properties...............................................................................................27 Assign the Like Columns in Dashboard Properties............................................................................27 Verify Results in Part Maintenance...................................................................................................27 Verify Results in Job Entry................................................................................................................27 Dashboard Browse.........................................................................................................................................29 Workshop - Add Dashboard Browse.......................................................................................................29 Add Sheets and Grids....................................................................................................................................31 Epicor ERP | 10.0.700 3 Contents Advanced Dashboards Course Workshop - Add Sheets and Grids..........................................................................................................31 Add Tracker View............................................................................................................................31 Add Blank Sheets............................................................................................................................31 Add Grids to Sheets.........................................................................................................................32 Hide Blank Sheet.............................................................................................................................33 Foreign Key Views..........................................................................................................................................34 Workshop - Create Foreign Key and Sub Table Views..............................................................................35 Create Foreign Key View.................................................................................................................35 Add Sub Table for Job Assembly......................................................................................................35 Add Sub Table for Job Material........................................................................................................36 Add Sub Table for Job Operation.....................................................................................................37 Link New Views to Blank Grids........................................................................................................37 Verify Results of New Views.............................................................................................................38 Gauge View...................................................................................................................................................39 Workshop - Add a Gauge View to the Dashboard...................................................................................39 URL View.......................................................................................................................................................41 Workshop - Add a URL to the Dashboard...............................................................................................41 Build and Deploy Dashboard..........................................................................................................................42 Workshop - Build and Deploy the Dashboard..........................................................................................42 Updatable Dashboards.........................................................................................................44 Workshop - Create Updatable Dashboard......................................................................................................45 Add Customer Query to Dashboard........................................................................................................45 Modify Customer Grid Properties............................................................................................................45 Add Updatable Query to Dashboard.......................................................................................................46 Modify Contact Grid Properties...............................................................................................................46 Add Tracker View for Contact Query......................................................................................................48 Test Updatable Dashboard......................................................................................................................49 Verify the Created Record.......................................................................................................................49 Add Order Status Query..........................................................................................................................50 Add Chart View for Order Status Query..................................................................................................50 Workshop - Uptake from Excel.......................................................................................................................51 Create a Spreadsheet..............................................................................................................................51 Uptake from Excel..................................................................................................................................52 Verify the Created Record.......................................................................................................................53 Workshop - Use Publish View.........................................................................................................................54 Publish View from Dashboard.................................................................................................................54 Copy Standard Dashboard......................................................................................................................54 Load Published View...............................................................................................................................55 Mobile Device Dashboards..................................................................................................57 Workshop - Create Mobile Dashboard...........................................................................................................57 Generate Mobile Dashboard...................................................................................................................57 Launch Epicor Mobile Access..................................................................................................................58 Use Mobile Dashboard............................................................................................................................61 Epicor SharePoint Publisher.................................................................................................63 4 Epicor ERP | 10.0.700 ...................................................................................................................66 Create a New Web Part Page............................................................................................................................................................................................................................Advanced Dashboards Course Contents ESP Authentication................65 Workshop ..........................................................................................................................................72 Arrange Views Within the SharePoint Page.......................68 Explore Web Part Settings...........................66 Create New Document Library.....................80 Epicor ERP | 10.....................................................78 Conclusion..........75 View the ESP Dashboard...........................................Create a Dashboard in Microsoft SharePoint.........................................................................69 Load the Available Views......................................................................................700 5 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................0..........................................................75 Adjust the ESP Dashboard....................75 Test the ESP Dashboard................................................................................................................................................................... The data you choose to display is refreshed periodically. Set up the dashboard to match your needs. Spend some time thinking about the information that is helpful to you. so you are able to act on changes as they occur. The dashboard becomes an efficient tool.700 . • Create an advanced search page on the dashboard and enable fields for searching. • Add images to a new column in the current grid. • Create an updatable dashboard. • Modify dashboard properties to make it available as an advanced search. as you are able to both view information and then act on it from one location. • Add a Dashboard Browse to the dashboard. and link the processes that relate to this information. • Understand and create foreign key views and sub table views that display information from related tables on the dashboard. • Use the excel uptake and the publish view functionality.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboards Course The advanced dashboard techniques discussed in this course provide flexibility with the way the data displays and functionality that allows you to access the data you need. Upon successful completion of this course. • Add an advanced search with a range for searching for multiple records. • Use Microsoft® SharePoint® to display dashboards. It is expected that users taking this course have previous familiarity with the dashboard. • Create a mobile dashboard. • Add multiple sheets with grids to the dashboard. then set up these queries through one of the available views. • Build and deploy dashboards to the Main menu and Favorites bar.0. It is a visualization tool that displays the current information and processes that help you perform your tasks more efficiently. 6 Epicor ERP | 10. A dashboard is your personalized information and command center. you will be able to: • Create a new dashboard using existing queries. This course does not review basic elements and functionality of the dashboard but focuses on advanced techniques not discussed in the Introduction to the Dashboard course. • Introduction to Customization Course . Designed for a hands-on environment.This course introduces Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports and their implementation in Epicor ERP.Advanced Dashboards Course Before You Begin Before You Begin Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.Fundamental knowledge of relational database concepts such as table relationships. Unlike personalization.This course explores the customization tools embedded within the Epicor application. You can use both queries as the foundation for reports and dashboards. • Required Industry Knowledge . general navigation principles and techniques available in two user interface modes .This course introduces navigational aspects of the Epicor application's user interface. or to review specific details of your business. and field types. Workshops focus on each of these modes and guide you through each navigational principle • Business Activity Query Course . users can customize a form and then make it available to multiple users in a company. contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager at [email protected] course introduces Business Activity Query (BAQ) Designer data extraction tool.This course provides an introduction to the dashboard . • SQL Server Reporting Services for Epicor ERP Course . • System Administrator • IT/Technical Staff • Project Team Leader • Department Manager Prerequisites To complete the workshops in this course.a personalized information and a command center.0. It provides techniques for creating static Business Activity Queries (BAQs) as well as updatable BAQs. • Navigation Course . An understanding of the functionality of the current release of the Epicor application.Classic Menu and Modern Shell Menu. the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your training environment. It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in other valuable courses. Epicor ERP | 10. records. For more information on the modules available. • Introduction to the Dashboard Course . Audience Specific audiences will benefit from this course.700 7 . 0. • The Epicor demonstration database is at the same service pack and patch as the Epicor application.Add a URL to the Dashboard Access to the Internet must be established in your testing environment. If this is not performed.700 . already defined. then you will not be able to ship the sales order. Do not complete the course workshops in your live. he or she must also download the corresponding Epicor demonstration database from EPICweb > Support > Epicor > Downloads and install it. select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06). unexpected results can occur. Log in to the training environment using the credentials manager/manager. select Change User. the database is located on a server and users access the same data. If your system administrator upgrades your Epicor application to a new service pack or patch. if a course workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database. Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. sales orders. much like your live. production environment) and is not periodically refreshed. and so on. If you are logged into your training environment as a different user. To following table lists the prerequisites required to complete the below workshops: 8 Workshop Prerequisite Workshop . but Epicor cannot prevent users from manipulating the data in your installation of the Epicor demonstration database. customers. For example. but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not restored (refreshed). Contact Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance. From the Main menu. production environment. Your Epicor training environment. select the Main site. 4. 1. • Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to starting this course. from the Options menu. 3. Workshop Constraints All workshops in this course can be performed in a shared database. in which the Epicor demonstration database is found.Before You Begin Advanced Dashboards Course Environment Setup The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully complete the workshops in this course. Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you: • Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. From the Main menu. enables you to experience Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live. Epicor's education team updates the Epicor demonstration database for each service pack and patch. Epicor ERP | 10. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users (that is. production environment. 2. Epicor's education team has written the course workshops to minimize situations like this from occurring. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts. The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course. unexpected results can occur when completing the course workshops. contact your system administrator for assistance. Workshop . Tip See the Epicor 10 Supplemental Installations guide for more information on how to install the above Epicor ERP utilities.700 9 . 2010. Workshop . If necessary. or 2013 SharePoint installed on your server.Create a Dashboard in Microsoft Verify that you have Microsoft® SharePoint® 2007. Epicor ERP | 10.Uptake from Excel Microsoft® Excel® must be available in your testing environment.Create Mobile Dashboard Epicor Mobile Access™ must be installed in your testing environment.Create a Dashboard in Microsoft Epicor Web Access must be installed to use the context menu SharePoint functionality within this workshop.Advanced Dashboards Course Before You Begin Workshop Prerequisite Workshop . Epicor SharePoint Publisher must be installed in your testing environment.0. Workshop . and simple business intelligence reports. Dashboards are developed to meet the needs of individual designers. Workshops are available to provide a hands-on experience throughout this course. such as grids.0. 10 Epicor ERP | 10. The main features of dashboards include: • Design environment • Totally customizable • Use Business Activity Query (BAQ). You do not need to have user customization security privileges for any of the features in this course.Overview of Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course Overview of Advanced Dashboard Techniques Dashboards are very flexible and powerful tools that provide easy access to critical information in a real-time environment. shop vision reports. however. updatable BAQ or external BAQ as data source • Provide various views of the BAQ data. trackers • Components synchronize with system entry programs using publish and subscribe functionality • Conditional formatting • Copy and paste enabled • Export and import dashboard definitions • Technical and personal notes • Direct access to Epicor ERP programs • URL/XSLT View • Gauge View functionality to monitor and display data changes • Main menu and Favorites bar deployment • Updatable Dashboard based on updatable BAQs • Targeted for either Mobile device. charts. you must have the Dashboard Developer privilege enabled in User Account Maintenance to complete the workshops in this course.700 . Note Some of the features reviewed in this course utilize the standard customization toolset. or for full size use as Smart Client or Epicor Web Access (EWA) forms • Available to use in Microsoft SharePoint environment that displays dashboards as web parts This course demonstrates how to display information through a variety of dashboard views using advanced techniques. Dashboards display current database information you need to more efficiently perform your tasks. Dashboards can often replace the need for workbenches. ad hoc reports. requires a security privilege. security access. All users can access a dashboard once it is placed on the menu.0. This allows a user to toggle the mode on and off as needed. and Epicor application privileges for all users. navigate to the Options sheet and select the Dashboard Developer check box. If you do not have access to this program. Epicor ERP | 10.700 11 . To allow a user to work in the Designer Mode for dashboards. contact your system administrator or IT personnel at your company for assistance.Advanced Dashboards Course Authorization Authorization Use User Account Maintenance to enter basic information. Anyone who accesses the application must be set up in this program. it becomes available in the Tools menu in the Dashboard program. Menu Path: System Setup > Security Maintenance > User Account Security Maintenance Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access. or updating an existing one. Important User Account Maintenance is typically only accessible to system administrators. but creating a new dashboard. Note When you enable this functionality. 0. 12 Epicor ERP | 10. The section teaches you how to work with existing queries and display the information using the dashboard.700 .Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques The course focuses on advanced techniques and functionality that exist in the dashboard. it allows you to display a tree view in the dashboard for user navigation between data records in the primary query. or would you like to target the dashboard for a mobile device? • Should it be more graphical in nature? • Should users be able to search for the data that displays in the dashboard? • Should users be able to update the data that displays in the dashboard? • Is there an existing query you can use on the dashboard. You can add multiple queries to the same dashboard to display related information. Use Business Activity Query Designer to create a query that displays information from a table (or multiple tables) in the database. It helps you understand the key features prior to designing a new dashboard. • Include Tree View on Dashboard Assembly . The Refresh All button allows you to refresh all query data in the dashboard. begin the process of creating a customized dashboard. web client.700 13 .When selected. as a web dashboard using Microsoft SharePoint. the Refresh All button can cause performance issues with the dashboard. • Enable Refresh All .This is the identifier for the dashboard definition.This is the description that displays on the main title bar for the Dashboard. For more information on creating queries from scratch. Dashboard Program Properties This topic discusses the main elements found on the Dashboard program.When selected. the tree view displays. Important For customers with large databases. Epicor ERP | 10. the Refresh All button is added to the Standard toolbar in the dashboard.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques Create New Dashboard The first step in the process is to add a Business Activity Query (BAQ) to the dashboard. see the Business Activity Queries course. • Description .0. General sheet The following are the fields found on the General sheet: • Dashboard ID . or should you create a new one? Once you obtain this information. Before you create a dashboard. Initial questions may include: • What is the appropriate format for this information? • Do you need to display a dashboard using the smart client. The program is comprised of three design sheets where you define the overall definition for the current dashboard or specific items within the dashboard: • General sheet • Titlebar • Advanced Search The General sheet and its subsheets display automatically each time you launch the Dashboard program. Once you run the Deploy Dashboard deployment process. it is important to consider what information will be helpful to employees at your organization. Tip Throughout the course your will work with existing queries. and retrieve the record back to the original program you were searching from. the data displays as a Dashboard and opens in a separate window on your workstation. the Advanced Search also uses Like fields. Note You can use Advanced Searches wherever you can launch a Search window. instead of having to access each query individually. you must enable the Advanced Search check box. To launch an Advanced Search. however. Similar to the Like fields used in a BAQ Search. 14 Epicor ERP | 10. The Advanced Search functionality is designed around the concept of Like fields.When you target the dashboard at a mobile device. When you generate an Epicor Web Access definition for the dashboard. You can then use the dashboard to search for specific data.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course • Target Mobile Device .0. use the Search button or a context menu search option. as well as all the fields published to the title bar. Advanced Search To have a dashboard added as an advanced search. you can select a mobile profile which specifies the device dimensions (height and width) and modify the design surface accordingly within the constraints of the device. select a record. You can use the Title Caption field to enter the text that displays on the title bar.700 . it is generated in lightweight mobile form if the dashboard is targeted at a mobile device. This window allows you to modify any fields published to the dashboard title bar in one place. Titlebar sheet The Titlebar sheet displays a summary of the queries publishing information on the dashboard. from the Tools menu. On the Standard toolbar. 4. In the Dashboard Query Properties window. The Dashboard Query Properties window displays. 7. 6. enter XXX-PartBinWorkBench (where XXX are your initials). Add PartBin Query When the Dashboard program launches. Select the Include Tree on Dashboard Assembly check box. by design. Menu Path: Executive Analysis > Business Activity Management > General Operations > Dashboard Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access. the Refresh All button can cause performance issues with the dashboard. Epicor ERP | 10. 11. You then synchronize the information displayed by the queries using the publish and subscribe functionality.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques Workshop . Users who do not have Dashboard Developer rights do not have this option available to them. Select the Enable Refresh All check box. These users can only open existing dashboards. This button. In the Search Results grid. 9. select New Dashboard. Navigate to the Dashboard. select Developer. enter EPIC06 and click Search. 10.the query and the grid. select New Query. select EPIC06-PartBin and click OK.700 15 .0. This ensures that you are working in the Developer mode.Create New Dashboard In this workshop. Click the Query ID button. In the Starting At field. 2. You first add business activity queries and select data you want to display within the dashboard. and cannot update or create new dashboards. verify that Developer mode is enabled. 1. In the Definition ID and Description fields. Note For customers with large databases. 3. From the New menu. The Query Search window displays. From the New menu. 5. 8. create a new dashboard. click Save. The tree view on the left displays two icons . click OK. If necessary. EPIC06-PartBin is a custom query created for the company Epicor Education. Note You can toggle developer mode off and on by selecting the Developer command from the Tools menu. does not honor filters and returns all rows to the dashboard. 3. 5. On the Standard toolbar. data will be refreshed once you launch the dashboard. you must use the Refresh or Refresh All buttons on the Standard toolbar. The Part Description field is now published to the title bar. delete the content and enter Parts. Select the Publish to Title check box. click Save. and select Properties. This refreshes the data automatically when you launch the dashboard.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course Change Grid Caption 1. select the Part_PartNum and Part_PartDescription check boxes.700 . Example If you would like to use a two minutes refresh interval. On the Standard toolbar. 10. 1. On the General sheet. In this scenario. In the dashboard tree view. and click OK. 16 Epicor ERP | 10. The Dashboard Query Properties window displays. In the Dashboard Grid Properties window. 2. 7.0. On the Standard toolbar. enter 120. Note Use caution when enabling this check box. In the Title caption field. 6. Publish Fields Publish the Part Number field for use as a filter to the additional query views added later in the workshop. A minus one (-1) indicates there is no automatic refresh. Navigate to the Publish sheet. 2. On the Standard toolbar. 9. and select Properties. 5. right-click the query icon. as queries that retrieve many records take more time to load to the dashboard when it is initially opened. right-click the grid icon. In the field above Title caption. View the XXX-PartBinWorkBench (where XXX are your initials) dashboard and the Parts grid that displays data returned by the query. 8. Publish the Part Description field to the title bar of the Dashboard. The Dashboard Grid Properties window displays. click Save. but for further dashboard updates. In the Grid Caption field. 4. select Part_PartDescription. 3. click Refresh. accept the default value -1. click OK. In the Refresh Interval field. enter Part:. 6. In the dashboard tree view. click Refresh and verify the results on the title bar of the dashboard. In the Publish Columns section. select the Auto Refresh on Load check box. 4. In the Grid Caption field. select JobHead_JobNum. The Query Search window displays. 6. 8. In the Publish Columns section. right-click the query icon for Job Info. From the New menu. 6. Select the Auto Refresh on Load check box. 3.700 17 . 3. System queries are also identified by the Delivered check box.0. 5. Select the Publish to Title check box. The Dashboard Query Properties window displays. 9. Change Grid Caption 1. Epicor ERP | 10. In the dashboard tree view. enter Jobs. Note Queries that begin with the letter Z are standard queries written by Epicor that are included with the software. In the Caption field. The Dashboard Query Properties window displays. The Dashboard Grid Properties window displays. delete the content and enter Job Info. 5. 4. enter z and click Search. select zjobhead01 and click OK. In the field above Title caption. 1. In the Dashboard Query Properties window. 7. In the Starting At field. On the Standard toolbar. 4. 2. In the dashboard tree view. 2. click OK. select JobHead_JobNum. click OK. In the Dashboard Grid Properties window. Click Save. 3. Click the Query ID button. Navigate to the Publish sheet. In the Search Results grid. and select Properties. select New Query. enter Job:. click Refresh and view the data.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques Add Jobhead Query Add a second query to the dashboard and change its caption. 2. right-click the zjobhead01: Summary grid icon and select Properties. Publish Job Number 1. In the Title caption field. Navigate to the Filter sheet. 8. 1. In the Dashboard Grid Properties window. if you add multiple views such as a grid and a chart. Scroll down and use parts DCD-100-SP and DCD-200-ML as an example of parts that have jobs in the database. right-click the grid icon for zjobhead01: Summary and select Properties.Part and Bin Information: Part_PartNum Note EPIC06-PartBin.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course 7. 6. When a query subscribes to the published data.0. 18 Epicor ERP | 10. not the query. 2. 4. Apply Filter to Jobs Grid A filter that subscribes to a published piece of data can be applied to either the query or the individual views such as a grid. The Dashboard Grid Properties window displays. 9. 7. On the Standard toolbar. Notice the part and job now display in the title bar of the dashboard. 8. click OK. In this situation.Part and Bin Information: Part_PartNum is the Part Number field published from the EPIC06-PartBin query above. However. you may only want to filter the data in the grid. On the Standard toolbar. not necessarily on the chart. 3. Remain in the dashboard. add the filter to the grid view. click Save. click Refresh to execute the query and refresh the data. On the Standard toolbar. all views for that query then subscribe to that same piece of data. Verify the results by selecting parts from the Parts list and reviewing the jobs that display for that part. 5. click Save. Select the following information: Field Data ColumnName JobHead_PartNum Condition = (equal sign) Value EPIC06-PartBin. In the dashboard tree view. In the Dashboard Query Properties window. On the Standard toolbar. click Refresh and verify the results on the title bar of the dashboard. click OK.700 . If necessary. When you add a new grid to a dashboard.700 19 . To define the rules that determine when the image displays. This allows you to populate it with images when specific rule conditions are met. In the Column Name field. The Dashboard Grid Properties window displays. enter Neg On Hand. Establish the criteria on the View Rules sheet that defines when the on hand quantity is less than zero. and add your own images to the Epicor application. In the dashboard tree view. Use this utility to find. enter NegOH.Add Image Column to the Parts Grid Create a new image column and add it to the dashboard. Add Image Column to Parts Grid 1. It allows you to create a custom resource file that automatically loads when you launch the application. Each column can be set up so that it does not have a default image. 3. 2. Workshop . use the View Rules sheet. 2. 5. Apply a rule on the new image column that displays the image when there is a negative on hand quantity for a part. right-click the EPIC06-PartBin: Summary grid icon and select Properties. select. You can then reference these images within the application. edit. You can also display your own images through Resource Editor. The Resource Editor is a tool that allows you to add. the Image Column sheet allows you to display your custom images on the custom grid.0. and delete the images used within the customized program or dashboard. You can immediately use this functionality to display any image included within the application. Navigate to the Image Columns sheet. While you are in Developer Mode for either a customized program or a dashboard. Create an image column and select the appropriate image (graphic) that you want to display. Example To display an image next to a part when it has a negative on hand quantity: 1. Epicor ERP | 10. you can selected these images. In the Caption field. Menu Path: Executive Analysis > Business Activity Management > General Operations > Dashboard Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access. 4. This separate utility is available for download from EPICweb at Epicor Downloads. The caption displays as the title of the column on the dashboard.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques Image Columns You can ad Image Column to a dashboard grid to and define rules for its displaying. the column displays the selected image. Verify the XXX-PartBinWorkBench (where XXX are your initials) dashboard created earlier is open. There are many standard images that you can select to display. navigate to the Dashboard. click Refresh. Click the > blue arrow button to save the rule and move it to the available rules list. 8. In the Visible Index field.700 . In the Image Name field. The number entered in this field determines where the column will display in the grid. 3. 10. 20 Epicor ERP | 10. 6. Apply View Rule to Image Column 1. Notice the new Neg On Hand column that displays in the first column of the grid. Remain in the dashboard. 11. Enter the following information for the rule action: Field Data Select Field NegOH Image Name Exclamation 7. The purpose of this workshop is to display the image only when a part has a negative on hand quantity. Click the > blue arrow button to save the rule action and move it to the available actions list. Enter a new rule using the following information: Field Data Select Field PartBin_OnhandQty Rule Condition LessThan Rule Value 0 4. In the Dasboard Grid Properties window. Remain in the Dashboard Grid Properties window. Click the New Rule Action button. verify (None) displays. Review the results in the Parts grid of the dashboard. click OK. enter 1. The Warning icon only displays next to parts that have a negative on hand quantity. 2. 9. Navigate to the View Rules sheet. 5.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course 6. Click the New View Rule button. The image selected in this field is used as the default image for all rows in the grid.0. 7. The number one indicates that this is the first column to display in the grid. On the Standard toobar. Add a Tracker View When you add a tracker view to a dashboard. To access the Customization Tools Dialog window. A tracker view allows you to find the exact information you are looking for without having to search through all the records in the dashboard. Not only can you enable certain fields for data entry. To add a tracker view. right-click the tracker icon in the tree view. select New Tracker View.0. review Introduction to Customization course. Date ranges are particularly helpful if you need to search for data for a given period of time. Advanced Customization course. Also known as a Tracker View. select Customize Tracker View. Advanced Search with Range An Advanced Search with a range allows you to enter a range to retrieve data from the database based on the range entered. right-click the query icon in the tree view of the dashboard and from the context menu. use the customization tools to add additional fields to the tracker view. you must use application customization tools. Tip For additional information on customization. When you enable the Show Summaries feature. Epicor ERP | 10. To add the Range functionality. the Advanced Search uses the Epicor application customization tools to create the view and enable the fields for data entry. and link the fields to a specific query column.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Searches An Advanced Search allows you to enter criteria to search for specific data within the Dashboard. Example Searching for open sales orders within a specific date range. and Application Help. and from the context menu. it includes the functionality to search the query results for data to display based on specified criteria. you are able to see subtotals of data based on ranges. Customize Tracker View To make the tracker view act as an Advanced Search.700 21 . you can also set up multiple fields to allow a range to be entered and data can be filtered. Many of the standard dashboards include this functionality. select the Visible and Prompt check boxes for the following columns. Add Tracker View 1. click Save. 3. click Clear. in the Condition field. there are two sheets at the top of the screen . enter M. 6. The text entered here displays in the header of the Tracker View and also in the tree view of the dashboard. Test the Advanced Search 1. Do not select this option for this example. 2. Verify the XXX-PartBinWorkbench (where XXX are your initials) dashboard created earlier is open. and select New Tracker View.Customize a Tracker View Add a tracker view that serves as an Advanced Search filter to the dashboard. 9. For the Part_PartNum column. 22 Epicor ERP | 10. the field changes from read only to enabled for user input. The Dashboard Tracker View Properties window displays. • Part_PartNum • Part_PartDescription • Part_TypeCode • PartBin_WarehouseCode Note By selecting the Prompt check box. In the Dashboard Tracker View Properties window.700 . 5.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course Workshop . the query's grid displays within the Tracker View. The Condition field determines how the data entered in each field is used for searching. In the dashboard tree view. right-click the EPIC06-PartBin query icon. 4. 8. 3.0. 7. 2.the EPIC06-PartBin: Summary sheet and the Advanced Search sheet. Within the Part and Bin Information pane. Click the Clear All button. Drag the Advanced Search pane up and dock it to the EPIC06-PartBin: Summary sheet. In the Caption field. Tip By selecting the Embed Grid View check box. On the Standard toolbar. Select the Advanced Search sheet. click OK. select StartsWith and accept all other defaults. On the Standard toolbar. In the Type field. In the display columns list. delete the content and enter Advanced Search. M stands for manufactured parts. The Advanced Search sheet now displays within the dashboard. 6. Navigate to the Advanced Search sheet. On the Standard toolbar. Notice only manufactured parts display. Epicor ERP | 10. 8. enter the letter C. click Clear. Notice only parts that start with the letter C display. Navigate to the EPIC06-PartBin: Summary sheet and click Refresh to view the results. In the Part field. 5.700 23 .Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques 4. Recall the condition for this field is set to StartsWith. Navigate to the EPIC06-PartBin: Summary sheet and click Refresh to view the results. 7.0. 7. In the Misc group.700 . click in the Advanced Search sheet to add the new groupbox. Add Field 1 This field is used as the start range parameter for the advanced search. 7. in the IsTrackerQueryControl field. 2. In the Misc group. select Part_PartNum. If necessary. click EpiTextBox. and select Customize Tracker View. On the canvas. click the epicGroupBox1 to select it. in the QueryColumn field. delete the content and leave the field blank. as well as two new Part fields for entry of the range. delete the content and enter Part Range Search. 9. select Toolbox. right-click the Advanced Search tracker view. Modify the newly created Advanced Search sheet. In the Toolbox window. 24 Epicor ERP | 10. 5. add a groupbox. 6. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. Note Setting the IsTrackerQueryControl to True means that the field acts as a control for the search window. 6. 3. The Customization Tools Dialog window displays. Add Groupbox 1. click inside the previously added groupbox to add the new field. In the dashboard tree view. Navigate to the Customization Tools Dialog > Properties sheet. re-launch the Toolbox from the Tools menu in the Customization Tools Dialog window. 4.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course Workshop . select True. In the Misc group. 5. Resize the box so the data fits in the field. Under the Warehouse field. 3. 1.0. In the Data group. in the Text field. Navigate to Customization Tools Dialog > Properties sheet. 10. click Save. Arrange the dashboard and the Customization Tools Dialog windows to see both.Add Advanced Search with Range Add a search range for part numbers to the Advanced Search sheet on the dashboard. In the Toolbox window. click EpiGroupBox. On the Advanced Search sheet. 2. In the Customization Tools Dialog window from the Tools menu. 4. in the Text field. Resize the box so it fits two text boxes inside for the part range entry fields. 8. The Toolbox window displays. In the Toolbox window. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. Leave enough space between both textboxes for adding a label between them in the next task. Click Save and exit the Customization Tools Dialog window. If necessary. click Save. 5. Navigate to the Customization Tools Dialog > Properties sheet. Click inside the groupbox under the previously added textbox. 5. on the Standard toolbar. select Part_PartNum. re-launch the Toolbox from the Tools menu in the Customization Tools Dialog window. In the Dashboard group. Navigate to the Customization Tools Dialog > Properties sheet. Resize the box so the data fits in the field. in the QueryColumn field. 6. 3. 2. Epicor ERP | 10. in the Text field. Click inside the groupbox between the two EpiTextBox fields to add the new label. in the Text field. 4. in the IsTrackerQueryControl field. in the DashboardPrompt field. 8. 7. 1. click EpiTextBox. click Yes. delete the content and enter To. 9. select LessThanOrEqualTo. delete the content and leave the field blank. In the Dashboard group. click EpiLabel. Add Label Add a label to the search groupbox. In the Dashboard group. 9. In the Toolbox window. 7. select GreaterThanOrEqualTo. select True. 10. Add Field 2 This field is used as the ending range parameter for the advanced search. click Save. In the Misc group. In the Misc group. select True. 3. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. If necessary. in the Save Confirmation window.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques 8. In the Data group. in the DashboardCondition field. re-launch the Toolbox from the Tools menu in the Customization Tools Dialog window. click Save. In the dashboard. in the DashboardCondition field.0.700 25 . If necessary. 4. 6. 1. select True. In the Dashboard group. In the Misc group. 2. 10. in the DashboardPrompt field. 0. 6. Navigate to the Advanced Search sheet. In the second part range search field.700 . 2. On the Standard toolbar. enter CS-100. click Refresh. Remain in the dashboard. Review the results. click Clear. 5. 4. enter CS-000. Navigate to the EPIC06-Part Bin: Summary sheet. 3. 7.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course Run Search 1. 26 Epicor ERP | 10. In the first part range search field. On the Standard toolbar. 8. 2. Click the Part button to initiate a part search. and click the > right blue arrow button. click Cancel. On the Standard toolbar. Minimize the dashboard. Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Part 1. Epicor ERP | 10. Navigate to the Advanced sheet and verify the XXX-PartBinWorkbench (where XXX are your initials) dashboard displays in the grid. In the Part Search window.Modify Dashboard Properties Modify the dashboard properties by adding this dashboard to the available advanced searches in the Epicor application. 2. Assign the Like Columns in Dashboard Properties 1.700 27 . Verify Results in Job Entry Navigate to Job Entry. 7. 3. select JobHead. Navigate to the General > Adv Search sheet. Exit Part Maintenance.JobNum. click Save. Verify Results in Part Maintenance Navigate to Part Maintenance. This moves the selected item to the Advanced Search "Like" columns. Identify the Part Number and Job Number as Like columns. Click the Job button to initiate a job search. Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Entry 1. this dashboard is added to the available advanced searches anywhere a Part search or Job search window is initiated. Navigate to the Advanced sheet and verify the XXX-PartBinWorkbench (where XXX are your initials) dashboard displays in the grid. In the Available "Like" columns list. 2. Select the Advanced Search check box. and click the > right blue arrow button.0. 4. 4. As a result. This moves the selected item to the Advanced Search "Like" columns. You could now use the dashboard as an advanced search for Part Maintenance. 3. Verify the XXX-PartBinWorkbench (where XXX are your initials) dashboard created earlier is open.PartNum. In the Available "Like" columns list. select Part. You could now use the dashboard as an advanced search for Job Entry.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques Workshop . 5. 6. click Cancel. 28 Epicor ERP | 10.0. 4. Exit Job Entry. In the Job Search window.700 .Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course 3. 5. 4.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques Dashboard Browse A Dashboard Browse provides the ability to use a standard search button on the dashboard. right-click the EPIC06-PartBin query icon. verify PartNum displays. along with the Standard navigational toolbar. 10. To apply a filter. A Dashboard Browse not marked as Primary displays in the Contents pane of the dashboard and at the same level as the query itself. 9. Select the Primary Browse check box. Epicor ERP | 10. In the Drop Down Columns list. 2. 7. In the dashboard tree view. For example. Click the > blue arrow to add the fields to the selected fields list. If not. add a primary Dashboard Browse to the dashboard.700 29 . A Primary Dashboard Browse displays next to the Standard toolbar at the top of the screen above the contents pane of the dashboard. one is indicated as the Primary Browse. 6. The standard search button (indicated by a binoculars icon) allows you to initiate a standard search for records. A dashboard can contain more than one Dashboard Browse. 8. select this value. Use a special filter on the query to add a Dashboard Browse to the query level of a dashboard. You must also determine which field to use for the search. If the PartNum field is not listed first. and click the ^ up arrow to move it to the top of the list. click OK. Navigate to the Filter sheet. Select the following information: Field Data ColumnName Part_PartNum Condition = (equal sign) Value Dashboard Browse (at the bottom) The Dashboard Browse Properties window displays. Each query added to the dashboard can contain its own dashboard browse. select the PartNum field. The Dashboard Query Properties window displays. The navigational tools area allows you to scroll through selected records. or select the record from a list of search results. In the Dashboard Browse Properties window. and select Properties. the Part Number field in the Part master file. however. In the Display Column field. 3. hold the Ctrl key and select PartDescription and PartNum.Add Dashboard Browse In this workshop. 1. Verify the XXX-PartBinWorkbench (where XXX are your initials) dashboard created earlier is open. right-click the query icon in the tree view and select Properties.0. Workshop . 14. click Save. 18. View the Dashboard Browse on the toolbar. 17. Use the standard navigational tools in the Dashboard Browse to navigate through the selected records. 13.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course 11. enter DCD and click Search. In the Search Results grid.700 . click OK. On the Standard toolbar. 30 Epicor ERP | 10. 15.0. Click the binoculars icon to launch the Part Search. Remain in the dashboard. 12. highlight all DCD parts and click OK. In the Dashboard Query Properties window. 16. In the Starting At field. right-click the Job Details tracker view. The Dashboard Tracker View Properties window displays. and select Customize Tracker View. job material. Add Blank Sheets 1. 3. 2. On the Standard toolbar. 5. Epicor ERP | 10. Workshop . and Summarize options. Enter the following information: Field Data Name JobAsmbl Text Job Asmbl Tab Text Job Assembly 7.0. 1. This allows you to determine the information that displays in the grid format. Click the Clear All button and click OK. In the dashboard tree view. Verify the XXX-PartBinWorkbench (where XXX are your initials) dashboard created earlier is open. Later in the course. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. Add Tracker View Use a tracker view to add a blank panel (and sheet) to the dashboard. In the dashboard tree view. you can add a custom sheets with user-defined grids. The Customization Tools Dialog window displays. 4. paste. navigate to the Wizards > Sheet Wizard sheet.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques Add Sheets and Grids Once you create a dashboard. Group By.Add Sheets and Grids Add three new sheets to the dashboard that display job assembly. 4. add grids to each sheet to display the related job information.700 31 . 3. copy. and job operation information. 2. Click the > blue arrow to add the sheet to the Custom Sheets list. and select New Tracker View. All grids contain the same basic functionality such as cut. right-click the Job Info query. select the available option. 5. In the Caption field. click Save. Click the New Custom Sheet button. delete the content and enter Job Details. In the Dockable Sheets list. Arrange the Dashboard and Customization Tools Dialog windows to see both. print selected. 6. 6. In the dashboard. In the Appearance group. from the Tools menu. Example 5. The ToolBox window displays. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. navigate to the Properties sheet. Click in the top left corner on the canvas on the Job Assembly sheet. In the Customization Tools Dialog window from the Tools menu. You may have to move the Customization Tools Dialog window out of the way so you can add the grid. view the new sheets. 3. to add the new grid to the sheet. 2. click EpiUltraGrid. change the Text field to Job Assembly. Verify the object in focus is (C)epiUltraGrid1. 10. In the Customization Tools Dialog window.0. In the dashboard. 9. Navigate to the Job Material sheet.700 . In the ToolBox window. select the Job Assembly sheet. 4.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course 8. Field Data Name JobMatl Text Job Matl Tab Text Job Material Field Data Name JobOper Text Job Oper Tab Text Job Operations 10. Use steps 4 through 8 to add two additional custom sheets. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. select ToolBox. 7. Click Save. select ToolBox. Resize the box so the grid spans the length and height of the Job Assembly sheet. 32 Epicor ERP | 10. 8. click EpiUltraGrid. in the Job Details pane. 9. In the ToolBox window. Add Grids to Sheets 1. click Save. Exit the Customization Tools Dialog window. Verify the object in focus is (C)epiUltraGrid2. select ToolBox. 23. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. 17. from the Tools menu. click EpiUltraGrid. The Job Details sheet disappears. 22. to add the new grid to the sheet. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. In the Appearance group. Select the Job Details sheet. 15. click Save. 12. 2. In the Appearance group. Resize the box so the grid spans the length and height of the Job Material sheet. 4.0. Click Save.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques 11. Click in the top left corner on the canvas on the Job Material sheet. Hide Blank Sheet 1. navigate to the Properties sheet. Navigate to the Job Operations sheet. 20. Click in the top left corner on the canvas on the Job Operations sheet. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. on the Standard toolbar. Click Save. On the Standard toolbar. change the Text field to Job Material. 13. change the Text field to Job Operations. Resize the box so the grid spans the length and height of the Job Operations sheet. Remain in the dashboard. 16. Verify the object in focus is (C)epiUltraGrid3. navigate to the Properties sheet. 3. 19. 21. Epicor ERP | 10. click Save. In the ToolBox window. In the dashboard. Right-click the sheet name and select Hide. to add the new grid to the sheet. 18. 14.700 33 . another sub-view linked to that sub-view. Access these views using customized sheets. you can display the data through a combination of views. Fields that link to foreign key fields in other tables must share the Like property. You can create one view and link it to another sub-view.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course Foreign Key Views A foreign key is a link to a separate or foreign table that contains logically similar data. The Like property defines which foreign keys can link to the selected field. As long as a logical connection is established between the parent and child columns. You can then create a view based on this field's value. which allows you to create a foreign element that links the part information to Order Entry.700 .0. and so on. This functionality provides a powerful tool that enables the setup of numerous table combinations. You can create foreign key views for any query result or data view that has a field that allows the user to search by its record (GetByID) identifier. 34 Epicor ERP | 10. Example Order Entry has the PartNum field in the data view. The Custom Data Dialog option from the Tools menu of the Customization Tools Dialog window allows you to create and edit custom data views. Foreign keys allow these related tables to be linked together to display the desired information. This customization tool uses foreign keys to link fields in separate but related tables. or display them within the dashboard. Click the Add button.700 35 . and job operation information as each job is selected in the dashboard. select Data Tools. 5. 7. In the Custom Data Dialog window. 1. To the Foreign Key View Succeeded message. Verify the XXX-PartBinWorkbench (where XXX are your initials) dashboard created earlier is open. Add Sub Table for Job Assembly 1. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. The Custom Data Dialog window displays. 8. Enter custom view details. 3. Create three sub table views that allow you to see job assembly. select Data Tools. from the Tools menu. Epicor ERP | 10. from the Tools menu. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. enter JobAsm. The Custom Data Dialog window displays. and select Customize Tracker View. The foreign key view establishes the Job Number from the Job Header as the key field and as the adaptor. 3. 4.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques Workshop . job material. Field Data View Name Job Parent View Name TrackerQueryView Column Name JobHead_JobNum 6. In the Custom Data Dialog window. click the New Custom View button. The Customization Tools Dialog window displays.0. Create Foreign Key View Create a foreign key view for job number. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. 9. click OK. click OK. In the Custom Data Dialog window. In the dashboard tree view. click Save. After you create the views. click the New Custom View button. 4. In the View Name field. right-click the Job Details tracker icon. 2. 2.Create Foreign Key and Sub Table Views Create a foreign key view and three sub table views to use in the dashboard. Enter custom view details. link the blank grids on your dashboard (created in the previous workshop) to these views to display the related job information. Enter the following custom view details: Field Data Parent View Name JobAsm View Type Sub Table View Sub Table Name JobMtl Parent View Columns AssemblySeq Child View Columns AssemblySeq 5. click the Add button. The Custom Data Dialog window displays. Under the Parent and Child View fields. click the Add button. STV:JobMatl displays. from the Tools menu. 6. 8. click the Add button. click Save. In the Custom Views list.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course Field Data Parent View Name Job View Type Sub Table View Sub Table Name JobAsmbl Parent View Columns JobHead_JobNum Child View Columns JobNum 5. 8. 2. 6. 3. In the View Name field. In the Custom Data Dialog window. 7. 36 Epicor ERP | 10. click the New Custom View button. select Data Tools. At the bottom of the window. In the Custom Data Dialog window. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. 7. Under the Parent and Child View fields. click Save. 4. In the Custom Views list. click OK.0. At the bottom of the window. STV:JobAsm displays. enter JobMatl. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. click the Add button.700 . click OK. Add Sub Table for Job Material 1. In the Custom Data Dialog window. click the Add button. 10. 5. 8. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. enter JobOper. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. Navigate to the Job Material sheet and click inside the grid. Locate the EpiBinding field. At the bottom of the window. Epicor ERP | 10. 9. 3. select JobMatl and click Save. 4. 7. click Save. 2. 2. The Custom Data Dialog window displays. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. In the EpiBinding field. select JobAsm and click Save. Enter the following custom view details. 8. Navigate to the Job Assembly sheet and click inside the grid. 7. click OK. Move the Customization Tools Dialog window so you can see the Job Assembly grid on the dashboard. click the Add button.700 37 .Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques Add Sub Table for Job Operation 1. Move the Customization Tools Dialog window so you can see the Job Material grid on the dashboard. In the Custom Data Dialog window. 6. 3. navigate to the Properties sheet. In the EpiBinding field. navigate to the Properties sheet. select Data Tools. 6. click the New Custom View button. Link New Views to Blank Grids 1. Move the Customization Tools Dialog window so you can see the Job Operations grid on the dashboard.0. In the View Name field. 4. Under the Parent and Child View fields. Field Data Parent View Name JobAsm View Type Sub Table View Sub Table Name JobOper Parent View Columns AssemblySeq Child View Columns AssemblySeq 5. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. from the Tools menu. In the Custom Data Dialog window. In the Custom View list. STV:JobOper displays. 700 . 7. Verify Results of New Views 1. In the EpiBinding field. and Job Operations sheets for several jobs listed in the dashboard. 13. In the Customization Tools Dialog window. 4. select JobOper and click Save. click Save. On the Standard toolbar. Navigate to the Job Operations sheet and click inside the grid. 5. 38 Epicor ERP | 10. 2. Navigate to the Job Details sheet and review the Job Assembly. 3.0. Navigate to the EPIC06-PartBin: Summary sheet. In the Parts sheet. Remain in the dashboard. 6. navigate to the Properties sheet. click the Refresh icon. Note You may need to click the Refresh icon for each sheet to populate the data. Job Material. 12. On the Standard toolbar. In the dashboard. 14. Navigate to the Advanced Search sheet. select the part number DCD-200-ML. click the Clear icon. 15. Exit the Customization Tools Dialog window.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course 11. In the MarkerBinding field. When the gauge evaluates where to place its marker. release the sheet. allowing you to select the type that meets your needs. click the Clear button. 1. 7. select the Publish View check box. 6. In the dashboard tree view. select the record for DCD-200-ML. click OK. When the grey tab displays at the bottom of the box.xml and click Open. The EndValueBinding field defines the column from the current query used as the final value on the gauge.ProdQty.Add a Gauge View to the Dashboard In this workshop. and select New Gauge View. In the Dashboard Gauge Properties window. The StartValueBinding field defines the column from the current query used as the beginning gauge value. 11. Note This gauge type only displays the data column which defines the marker on the gauge. use the Job Info query as the data source for a gauge view that monitors the production activity of individual jobs. Click the Gauge Type button. The Dashboard Gauge Properties window displays. There are several gauge types available. In the dashboard.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques Gauge View Use the Gauge View functionality to create a gauge graphic that updates when selected data changes within the query it monitors. 2. The Job Details sheet and the zjobhead01 : Gauge sheet now display at the same level. Tip If you want to reuse this gauge view elsewhere. Different gauge types may allow you to select the StartValueBinding and EndValueBinding fields. right-click the Job Info query icon. In this example. The Open window displays. 4.0. On the standard toolbar. 9. 12. In the Parts grid. This tool allows you to visualize data you monitor so you can act on changes as they occur. Workshop . Navigate to the Advanced Search sheet. Use the basic digital gauge type to display the information. Verify the XXX-PartBinWorkbench (where XXX are your initials) dashboard created earlier is open.700 39 . select JobHead. do not select this check box. 3. the StartValueBinding value is evaluated against the EndValueBinding value. Select BasicDigital02. 10. 8. click the zjobhead01 : Gauge sheet and move it up towards the Job Details sheet. Navigate to the EPIC06-PartBin: Summary sheet. Epicor ERP | 10. The gauge view displays at the bottom of the screen. 5. Tip On dashboard web forms. 40 Epicor ERP | 10. Example The following image displays the created Gauge View. radial gauges .can be used to update data to the Epicor database. you can use gauge views in exactly the same way as on smart client dashboards.0.700 .that have needles or markers you can grab and drag around . For updatable dashboards.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course 13. select different jobs and view the production quantity value that displays on the gauge view. In the zjobhead01 : Summary grid. Click the Epicor Website sheet and move it up towards the Part and Bin Information sheet. In the URL/XSLT Address field. There are many different uses for a URL/XSLT link: • Simple URL link to a defined website. In the Dashboard URL/XSLT Properties window. verify Epicor's website www.xslt in the Web Address field. release the sheet. select New URL/XSLT View. click OK. The Dashboard URL/XSLT Properties window displays. click Save. • Link to standard web part such as Microsoft Outlook® Inbox. URL View To add a URL to the dashboard you simply enter the caption and website address in the Dashboard URL/XSLT Properties window. Verify the XXX-PartBinWorkbench (where XXX are your initials) dashboard created earlier is open. • Display dashboard data through an XSLT stylesheet. Workshop .700 41 . On the Standard toolbar. From the New menu. 1. In the Caption field. enter Epicor Website. additional fields become available for you to further define the Style Sheet details. You can optionally link to a website that is published from a query on the dashboard using the Publisher field. Epicor ERP | 10. 8. 5. When the grey tab displays at the top of the displays. 4. 7.0.Add a URL to the Dashboard Create a URL view and link the URL to Epicor's website. 9. Remain in the dashboard. When you enter a file name that ends in . 6. 2. 3.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques URL View The URL/XSLT View allows you to display a website using a URL address or an XSLT Style sheet that displays data on your dashboard.epicor. View the site Epicor Website sheet at the bottom of the dashboard. The Part and Bin Information and Epicor Website sheets now display at the same level. or Calendar. • URL link to website that is published from a query. exit the application and log in using the Classic Style to successfully complete the workshop. 5. select the Deploy Smart Client Application. on the Standard toolbar. Once the process is complete and the status pane displays Finished. 7. you must build and deploy it so other users can access it. click View > Favorites to enable this option. When logged in into application using the Classic style.Build and Deploy the Dashboard Build and deploy the dashboard as the UI application and make it available to all users. If you run the application using the Modern Shell Style. navigate to the Favorites sheet.Advanced Dashboard Techniques Advanced Dashboards Course Build and Deploy Dashboard After you design a dashboard. 4. 3. In the Deploy Dashboard window.0. Note Building the dashboard assembly process may take few moments. Exit the preview dashboard window. 9. Tip To learn how to make your custom dashboard available to users using the Menu Maintenance program. From the Tools menu. review the Introduction to the Dashboards course. 1. Use the Tools > Deploy Dashboard option to compile the dashboard definition into a User Interface (UI) finished assembly and then deploy it to the server. When the dashboard definition is compiled. 2. Click the Test Application button. Exit the dashboard. Add Menu Tab and Add Favorite Item check boxes. In the dashboard. select Deploy Dashboard. click Save. 8. The dashboard displays in a new window that users can see once you deploy it. Important The following workshop demonstrates how you can quickly enable the new dashboard to all users when you launch the application using the Classic Style. 6. 42 Epicor ERP | 10. Click the Deploy button. deploy it to the Main menu and the Favorites bar so all users can access it. click OK. Tip If the Favorites menu is not displayed on the Main Menu. on the Main menu.700 . The Deploy Dashboard window displays. Workshop . 12. click OK. To the message. verify the XXX-PartBinWorkBench (where XXX are your initials) dashboard displays. Right-click the XXX-PartBinWorkBench (where XXX are your initials) dashboard. Important You must be in the Developer Mode to perform any changes to the Main menu. From the Options menu. Click the Menu Groups sheet and navigate to Production Management > Job Management > General Operations 13. 17. and drag and drop it to the contents pane on the right.0.700 43 . Navigate to the Favorites sheet. 15. 16. 14. select Developer Mode. Verify the Menu Items sheet displays the content of the General Operations folder. select Developer Mode. View the dashboard is also embedded on the Main menu as a new sheet. 11. This disables the Developer Mode. Click the Dashboard Assemblies group and in the list. The Copy Menu Item window displays. Epicor ERP | 10. From the Options menu.Advanced Dashboards Course Advanced Dashboard Techniques 10. The dashboard is now available to all users. Examples of updatable dashboards may include: • A form consisting of one updatable BAQ which displays Detail and List sheets. you must have both the BAQ Advanced User and the BPM Advanced User priviliges set up in the User Account Maintenance > Options sheet. One or more sheets can be updated. Use the updatable dashboard functionality to place updatable Business Activity Queries (BAQs) on either a client dashboard or a mobile device dashboard. before you save all of these records to the database.0. graphs. Throughout the following workshops. Some of the sheets or panels on this complex dashboard are updatable. • A complex dashboard which contains multiple views. You can then make a number of changes to a record.Updatable Dashboards Advanced Dashboards Course Updatable Dashboards The Updatable Dashboard is an extension to the standard dashboard capabilities. URL pages and so on. 44 Epicor ERP | 10. Users would use this updatable dashboard to enter and edit simple records. When you configure the dashboard with updatable Business Activity Queries (BAQs). For more information. like selecting a series of check boxes across different rows. For more information on the process of creating updatable BAQs.700 . you will work with existing updatable BAQs. review Business Activity Queries course. the dashboard behaves like a standard Epicor form allowing you to review and update data right from the form you create. • A simple or complex application which has sheets and panels that support multiple dirty rows. • A mobile application which is sized appropriately for a specific mobile device. Note To create updatable BAQs. contact your system administrator. and these sheets are either tabbed or sequentially paged to organize the flow of data entry. Navigate to the Dashboard sheet.0. enter Customer: and click OK. The Dashboard Grid Properties window displays. 10. Modify Customer Grid Properties 1. select New Dashboard. click Refresh and view the grid that displays customer information. 5. 6. In the tree view. 8. 3. On the Standard toolbar. 2. In the field above Title caption. In the Publish Columns section. The new caption displays in the tree view and grid header. right-click the zCustomer01 grid icon and select Properties. In the Caption field. Epicor ERP | 10. Navigate to the Dashboard. In the Definition ID field. 12. In the Description field. Using the dashboard you can retrieve a customer record and create new customer contacts or update existing ones. select Customer_Name. Navigate to the Publish sheet. click OK. 11. 4. delete the content and enter Customer List.Create Updatable Dashboard Create a new dashboard using updatable BAQs that displays customers and customer contacts. From the New menu. enter XXX-CustContUpdate (where XXX are your initials). 9. select New Query. In the Titlebar Subscriber section. search for and select zCustomer01.700 45 . 3. In the Query ID field. select the Publish to Title check box. enter Customer Contact Update. select the Customer_Company. Add Customer Query to Dashboard Create a new dashboard and add the standard system query that displays customer information. 1. Menu Path: Executive Analysis > Business Activity Management > General Operations > Dashboard Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access. The Dashboard Query Properties window displays.Advanced Dashboards Course Updatable Dashboards Workshop . In the Title caption field. 7. From the New menu. In the Dashboard Grid Properties window. 2. Customer_Name and Customer_CustNum check boxes. 5. From the New menu. delete the content and enter Customer Contacts. Verify all columns have the Visible check box enabled. allowing you to select the fields you want to make updatable in the dashboard. on the General sheet. 2. In the Caption field. the related contacts for that customer display in the grid below. The Dashboard Grid Properties window. When you select a customer from the Customer List grid. 3.Updatable Dashboards Advanced Dashboards Course Add Updatable Query to Dashboard 1. 2. Enter the following information: Field Data Column Name CustCnt_Company Condition = (equal sign) Value zCustomer01. On the Standard toolbar.700 . right-click the EPIC06-UpdCustContacts grid icon and select Properties.0.CustomerTrackerQuery: Customer_Company This condition states the company information must be equal for both queries. 3. select New Query. Navigate to the Filter sheet. 4. Click Update All. The Dashboard Query Properties window displays. 4. Select the Updatable check box. In the Query ID field. the Prompt check boxes display for each field. Press Enter to add the second condition: Field Data Column Name CustCnt_CustNum Condition = (equal sign) Value zCustomer01. Modify Contact Grid Properties 1. 7. In the tree view. In the Dashboard Query Properties window.Customer Tracker Query: Customer_CustNum This condition matches customer numbers for both queries. When you select this check box. search for and select the EPIC06-UpdCustContacts query. 46 Epicor ERP | 10. 6. 5. click OK. click Save. which will become available in the dashboard's Actions menu.0. Enter the following information: Field Data Add New Subscriber Column CustCnt_State Publish From Query Customer Tracker Query Publish Column Customer_State This example shows how to add a new subscriber.700 47 . In the Dashboard Grid Properties window. that will default the Contact State from the Customer State (zCustomer01 query).Advanced Dashboards Course Updatable Dashboards Notice the Prompt check box displays for all columns that allow data updates as defined in the EPIC06-UpdCustContacts BAQ. 6. The Multi Dirty Row and Allow Add New check boxes are settings that you establish in the Business Activity Query Designer. review Business Activity Queries course. when you add a new contact record. 8. Epicor ERP | 10. click OK. review Business Process Management course. 11. Tip You can define custom Actions. The Excel Uptake requires that the number of visible column has to match the number of updatable columns. For more information on Updatable BPM Directives. Important In the following workshop. Use the Business Activity Query Designer to define actions and use them with Business Process Management Method Directives to run a specific method. Navigate to the Updatability sheet. Clear the Visible check box for the following read-only columns: Field RoleCd_RoleDescription ShipTo_Name ShipTo_ZIP ShipTo_Company RoleCd_Company Customer_CustID CustCnt_RoleCode 7. when you create an updatable BAQ. 9. 10. For more information on these fields. Click New to add new line. These fields control whether you can add or update multiple rows of data at one time. Navigate to the Add New Subscribers sheet. you will use the Uptake from Excel functionality to update the Epicor application using the data displayed in the Customer Contacts grid. 1. 4. 5. The Dashboard Tracker View Properties window displays. In the dashboard. Click the Clear All button. right-click the EPIC06-UpdCustContacts query icon an select New Tracker View. 8. In the Dashboard Tracker View Properties window.Updatable Dashboards Advanced Dashboards Course Add Tracker View for Contact Query You can use tracker views as an advanced search mechanism. 7. click Save. 2. click OK. Select the Visible and Prompt check boxes for the following columns: Field CustCnt_LastName CustCnt_FirstName CustCnt_Name CustCnt_ContactTitle CustCnt_EmailAddress CustCnt_PhoneNum CustCnt_FaxNum CustCnt_State CustCnt_Company CustCnt_ConNum CustCnt_CustNum 6. delete the content and enter Advanced Search. On the Standard toolbar. Select the Updatable check box.0. In the Caption field. drag the Advanced Search sheet up and reposition it to the left of the Customer Contacts grid. 3. In the tree view. and to create new or update updating existing records. 48 Epicor ERP | 10.700 . Epicor ERP | 10. 4. 13. enter your full name. 6. On the Standard toolbar. in the Cust. 4. 2. select the record for Clarke. click Refresh. 3.700 49 . Remain in the testing dashboard. the new blank row displays. 11. 12. enter your email address. Navigate to the Customer Contacts sheet. 5. Customer Display for the customer Clarke displays. In the Customer Tracker Query pane. View the State/Prov field displays the state code. In the Name field. This is a result of the Add New Subscriber functionality that populates the column with the customer state information.0. In the Customer Tracker Query pane. In the Customer Contacts grid. select the record for Dalton. click New. 5. select any record and view the information that displays in the Advanced Search tracker. From the Tools menu. click Save. click Save. 2. 9. The Customer Contacts grid populates with all contacts for this customer. Verify the Created Record 1. On the Standard toolbar. The dashboard displays for testing. The next step is to add a new contact record. Exit Customer Display. 8. Exit the testing dashboard.Advanced Dashboards Course Updatable Dashboards Test Updatable Dashboard 1. click the Test Application button. select Deploy Dashboard. On the Standard toolbar. In the Customer Contacts grid. You are created as the new contact with the next following contact number for the customer Clarke. right-click the record for Clarke and select Open With > Customer Display. click Cancel. On the Standard toolbar. In the Deploy Dashboard window. In the Customer Tracker Query pane. 10. ID column. 7. In the Deploy Dashboard window. Navigate to the Contacts > List sheet and verify the grid displays your name. 3. In the E-Mail Address field. Remain in the dashboard. In the Dashboard Query Properties window. 6. on the Standard toolbar. Notice the Customer Tracker Query and Sales Order Status are on the same level. 1. click OK. The query provides data source to a simple chart that displays summary of all open order values for each customer. The Dashboard Chart View Properties window displays. From the New menu. select New Query. 8. select PyramidChart3D. 3. right-click the zSalesOrderStatus query icon an select New Chart View. click OK. In the Chart By (X axis) field. Add Order Status Query Add the zSalesOrderStatus query to the dashboard. In the dashboard. 3. 5. 2. drag the Chart View for zSalesOrderStatus sheet and reposition it to the right of the zSalesOrderStatus: Summary sheet. search for and select zSalesOrderStatus.0. In the Chart On (Y axis) field. On the standard toolbar. In the Chart Type field. 7. 4. 2. In the Customer Contact Update dashboard. click Save. drag the Sales Order Status sheet up and reposition it to the right of the Customer Tracker Query grid. In the dashboard. click the Refresh button and view the chart. 50 Epicor ERP | 10. In the tree view. In the Dashboard Chart View Properties window.700 .Updatable Dashboards Advanced Dashboards Course 6. click the Settings tab. 5. In the Chart View for zSalesOrderStatus sheet. 4. In the Settings tab. The Dashboard Query Properties window displays. You add this chart view as a web part to the SharePoint site in later workshop. click the Refresh button to populate the data. Click Save. select Open Value. 9. Add Chart View for Order Status Query 1. 6. In the Query ID field. select CustID. aspx Uptake from Excel supports multithreaded updates. The contact information displays in the spreadsheet. This would mean that the client would use 5 threads to send 20 records at a time to the server. Right-click and select Paste. 2. which is an XML-based file format developed by Microsoft. select the A1 column. The Uptake from Excel functionality uses an Open XML. Important If you use previous versions of Microsoft Office. You can specify up to 10 submission threads. To perform any data transactions using Uptake from Excel. http://office. Note View other copy options. Example You can take 100 rows to update with a batch size of 20 using 5 threads. install the Microsoft Office Open XML compatibility pack. Select the record for Jim Shipler. 5. If you apply any Group By settings in the grid. It is the default document format for saving applications in Microsoft® Office® starting with Office 2007. 9. You can use this option to launch Microsoft Excel and copy all data from the grid into a spreadsheet. including Copy To Excel. 8. Create a Spreadsheet The first step in using the Excel Uptake is to create the spreadsheet. Right below the second row. The grid displays the current contact(s) for the customer Dalton. enter the following information: Epicor ERP | 10. 4. In the following example. create a spreadsheet that will add new ship-to contact record in the Customer Contact Update dashboard. 1.0. the Excel spreadsheet needs to be saved as Microsoft Office Open XML Format Spreadsheet (*. Dashboards Course Updatable Dashboards Workshop . select the record for the customer Dalton.Uptake from Excel The Uptake from Excel functionality allows you to add new records or update existing ones using a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet. these will be retained in the spreadsheet. In the grid.700 51 . In the Customer Contacts Update dashboard. Launch Microsoft Excel. 7.xlsx). 3. You can also select to update the entire collections of rows at once. Right-click the record and select Copy Selection Include Labels. Use this function to specify how many threads to use at a time to make updates. In the Sheet1. navigate to the Customer List grid. Navigate to the Customer Contacts grid. This functionality is available on all grids except in Dashboard select the Skip Header Row check box and click OK. In the Save as type field. The Customer Contacts grid populates with all contacts for this customer. 11. Note In the grid. 4.700 . 5. In the Deploy Dashboard window. 13. from the Tools menu. 8. Select the XXX-contact (where XXX are your initials) file you created and click Open. In the Customer Tracker Query pane. once you click Save. they will not create separate records in the database. Uptake from Excel 1.xlsx) 12. On the Standard toolbar. In the dashboard. 11. click the Test Application button. In the Excel Uptake Properties window. Click the Browse button. 3. 6. Exit Microsoft Excel. 2. The Save As window displays. you may see identical rows. 52 Epicor ERP | 10. 7. This is because you copied the information from the grid and then pasted it back. On the Standard toolbar. click Save. select Deploy Dashboard. As long as these rows contain the same contact and customer numbers. In Microsoft Excel. select Desktop. In the Open window. enter XXX-contact (where XXX are your initials) and Save the file on your Desktop. In the File name field. Click in the Customer Contacts grid to activate the Uptake from Excel option. select the record for Dalton. From the Actions menu. select Uptake from Excel. The Excel Uptake Properties window displays. The Customer Contacts grid populates with the information from the spreadsheet. click Refresh. 10. 9.0.Updatable Dashboards Advanced Dashboards Course Field Data Name your full name E-Mail Address your email address Contact Num enter the next following contact number (2) Customer 9 Ship To Plant2 10. select Excel Workbook (*. The dashboard displays for testing. click Save. 7. ID column. highlight the record for Plant2. Customer Display for the customer Dalton displays. In the Deploy Dashboard window. Verify the Created Record 1. The Multi Threaded Save window displays. Exit the testing dashboard. Verify the record you created displays in the grid. 3. In the List sheet. Exit Customer Display. Navigate to the Ship To > List sheet. Navigate to the Ship To > Contacts > List sheet. in the Cust. 5. 4. Once data is processed. click Save. 9.0. click Close. right-click the record for Dalton and select Open With > Customer Display. Epicor ERP | 10. 13. Remain in the dashboard. on the Standard toolbar.Advanced Dashboards Course Updatable Dashboards 12. 8. 14.700 53 . In the Customer Tracker Query pane. In the Customer Contact Update dashboard. 2. 6. click Cancel. Click the Start button. Tip You may use this feature to specify how many threads to use at a time to make updates. In the Published View Properties window. Tip Another way to publish a view is to navigate to the Dashboard Grid Properties window and select the Publish View check box. 10. 5. The Published View Properties window displays. 54 Epicor ERP | 10. On the Standard toolbar. 8. This feature gives you a convenient way to display any view for reuse on another dashboard. Tip Use this field to assign views to specific groups. When you hover over the published view. In the tree view. Publish View from Dashboard 1. 6. From the View menu. Remain in the dashboard. enter List of customers published from XXX-CustContUpdate (where XXX are your initials). the description displays. In the Description field. Note You cannot modify standard application dashboards. Copy Standard Dashboard To use the published view functionality and add it to another dashboard.Updatable Dashboards Advanced Dashboards Course Workshop . To the warning message. 2. On the Standard toolbar. 4. 7. click Save. enter XXX-Group (where XXX are your initials). click OK. 3. 11. 9. right-click the Customer List grid icon and select Publish View. verify List of Customers displays.0. the Available Views panel displays the list of all published views within the Epicor application. At the bottom of the tree view. select Published Views. based on their functionality. click OK. In the Published Caption field. enter List of Customers. click Close All to clear the dashboard. 12.Use Publish View Use the publish views functionality to publish views from one dashboard and make them available on another dashboard. In the Group field. The published view displays in the Available Views panel on any dashboard. In the Available Views panel. create a copy of a standard application dashboard. View the Dashboard Caption field that displays the source of the view.700 . In the tree view. navigate to the Publish sheet. click Refresh to run the query and populate the dashboard data. in the Publish Columns section. Navigate to the Filter sheet and select the following information: Field Data ColumnName Customer. Navigate to the Publish sheet. The Copy Dashboard window displays. The next step is to synchronize the information displayed by both queries using the publish and subscribe functionality. In the tree view. In the Copy Dashboard window. 4. click OK. In the Available Views panel. On the Standard toolbar. In the Dashboard Query Properties window. The Dashboard Query Properties window displays. for the Customer.CustNum. 5. right-click the zCustomer01 query icon and select Properties. search for and select QuoteStatus. 7. 8. You can now make changes to the dashboard.CustNum column. select QuoteHed. The Customer List displays in the tree view of the current dashboard. 6. In the Publish Columns section. 4. 3. click OK. Load Published View 1. In the Definition ID field. On the Standard toolbar. click OK. In the Dashboard Query Properties window. In the Definition ID field. 6. 3.700 55 .0. right-click the zQuoteStatus query icon and select Properties. Notice the Available Views panel displays the previously published Customer List view.CustNum Condition = (equal sign) Epicor ERP | 10. To the System Dashboard Warning message. The Dashboard Query Properties window displays. select Copy Dashboard. From the File menu. 2. The Opportunity/Quote Status Dashboard displays. Tip Another way to load the published view is drag and drop the view from the Available Views panel to the tree view of the dashboard. click Save. select List of Customers and click the Load Published View icon.Advanced Dashboards Course Updatable Dashboards 1. 2. 9. 7. enter XXX-QuoteStatus (where XXX are your initials) 5. clear the check box. If necessary. Opportunity Status: QuoteHed. To the warning message. 12. click OK.700 . click Save. click OK and remain in the dashboard. The Customer List grid below displays the information for the selected customer. The information from both queries is now synchronized. 14. On the Standard toolbar.CustNum 10. On the Standard toolbar. Navigate to the Open sheet and select quote lines for different customers. In the Dashboard Query Properties window. 56 Epicor ERP | 10.0. 13.Updatable Dashboards Advanced Dashboards Course Field Data Value zQuoteStatus. 11. click Close All to clear the dashboard. Advanced Dashboards Course Mobile Device Dashboards Mobile Device Dashboards The Epicor Everywhere Framework™ supports mobile dashboards which are rendered as web applications that may run on a number of mobile devices including BlackBerry® and iPhone™. View the environment similar to a mobile device. search for and select the XXX-CustContUpdate (where XXX are your initials) dashboard. 6. 4. click OK. From the Tools menu. select the Target Mobile Device check box. 7. Select the Show in Designer check box and click OK. In the Definition ID field. the Advanced Search tracker and the SalesOrderStatus grid. it is simple to create web applications that implement business functionality on mobile devices. select Generate Mobile Dashboard. Since the mobile dashboards that support Epicor Mobile Access are built using the dashboard technology and Updatable BAQ technology. To the message. review Application Help or contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager.Create Mobile Dashboard Learn how to create and deploy a mobile dashboard. For a complete list of supported devices. 2. Click the Refresh button to populate the data.700 57 .0. the Customer Contacts grid. use the previously created Customer Contact Update dashboard and create its mobile version. 9. The Generate Mobile Dashboard message displays. In this workshop. The Generate Mobile Dashboard window displays. Use the navigation buttons at the bottom to display the Customer List grid. Epicor ERP | 10. Navigate to the General > Mobile Navigation > Flow sheet. 8. The dashboard displays. 3. Generate Mobile Dashboard 1. 5. To create a new mobile dashboard from scratch. Verify the Mobile sheet displays. Workshop . In the New Definition ID field. create a new dashboard definition and on the General sheet. enter XXX-MobileDashboard (where XXX are your initials). Tip This example shows how to create a mobile dashboard from the existing smart client dashboard. From the Tools menu. The Deploy Dashboard window displays. contact your system administrator. review the Epicor 10 Supplemental Installations guide.Mobile Device Dashboards Advanced Dashboards Course This sheet displays the flow of forms that will display on a mobile device. 15. On the Standard toolbar. Exit the dashboard. This sheet allows you to set up available jumps between all forms in your dashboard. 14. 10. 1.0. Open the Epicor Mobile Access application on your mobile device. Enter a valid Username and Password. Once finished. Tip If you display more forms on your dashboard. Tip If you display more forms on your dashboard. you can use this sheet to set up a desired flow to better navigate in your dashboard. Launch Epicor Mobile Access Important • To complete this task. Epicor Mobile Access must be installed and operational in your environment. Click Deploy. Your mobile dashboard is now available for use. you can set up more complex jump scenarios.700 . • A user accessing the Epicor Mobile Access environment must have Allow Mobile Access privileges defined in User Account Maintenance. Select Generate Mobile Application and Available for Mobile Menu check boxes. The images in this section display the Epicor Mobile Access application launched on the iPhone4® simulator. For more information. 12. 11. Navigate to the General > Mobile Navigation > Jumps sheet. Example manager/manager 58 Epicor ERP | 10. 16. select Deploy Dashboard. click OK. To learn how to install EMA. click Save. By selecting these options you create a mobile device application from the current dashboard and make it available on the Mobile Menu. 13. 2. View the mobile Main Menu. Epicor ERP | 10. Click Login. site.Advanced Dashboards Course Mobile Device Dashboards 3.700 59 . theme and clear cache. • Use the Mobile Menu to launch mobile dashboards deployed for the selected company. 4. • Use the System menu to configure display settings.0. select a company. review the Epicor Mobile Access topics within the Application Help.0. 60 Epicor ERP | 10. where you can set up display parameters and appearance of mobile dashboards.Mobile Device Dashboards Advanced Dashboards Course Tip To learn how to use the System menu.700 . Select the Mobile Menu option.0. The dashboard form displays. 2. Epicor ERP | 10. 4. 3. On the Customer List grid.700 61 . Use the navigation buttons to select the Advanced Search form.Advanced Dashboards Course Mobile Device Dashboards Use Mobile Dashboard 1. From the list of mobile dashboards. select the XXX-Customer Contact Update dashboard you created. select the record for customer Addison. 8. you can use it to upload your customer contacts. Tip You can optionally use the New button to create a brand new contact for the customer. Click Log Off and exit the mobile access environment. Click the Save button.0. Click the Edit button. enter the phone number of your choice. 62 Epicor ERP | 10. Since the mobile dashboard uses the updatable query as the datasource. The contact is now updated.700 . Tip You can also use the combo box to jump to the form directly. 5. In the Phone field. 7. 6.Mobile Device Dashboards Advanced Dashboards Course The tracker displays the first contact for the customer Addison. that function as Epicor dashboards. The main ESP features include: • WinClient identical data render.700 63 . For more information. • Web Dasher utility allowing you to manipulate SharePoint pages and web parts. • Single Sign-On for Windows machines in domain. • Links between Grid-Tracker-Chart-Gauge. Safari®. • Customized Tracker views. • DSP (Epicor Performance Canvas) integration.0. • Support of URL/XSLT views (the path to an XSLT file must be a hyperlink to public accessible resource). Mozilla Firefox®.Advanced Dashboards Course Epicor SharePoint Publisher Epicor SharePoint Publisher Epicor SharePoint Publisher (ESP) supports the creation of SharePoint web parts that directly link to Epicor ERP BAQs. when adding a Web Part: • Epicor Publisher Chart View • Epicor Publisher Gauge View • Epicor Publisher Grid View • Epicor Publisher Tracker View • Epicor Publisher URL/XSLT View Epicor ERP | 10. Microsoft® SharePoint® 2007. • A single click dashboard deployment (autoconnect feature). Important To use ESP. • OrderBy and GroupBy functionality in grids. • Data updatability supported. Google Chrome™ ). • ESP supports all modern browsers (Microsoft® Internet Explorer®. • Multi-Column data sorting • "Open with" functionality (Epicor Web Access must be installed and deployed in your environment ). • Connection information and properties set up in Edit mode. Epicor SharePoint Publisher must be installed on the server. 2010. • All values in grids and trackers honor a format mask. see the Epicor 10 Supplemental Installations guide or contact your system administrator. • Grid View data export using context menu. ESP supports updatability and links to Performance Canvas for embedded EEPM functionality. • Customizable web part settings. Use this functionality to create SharePoint pages. To create a link between the Epicor application and Microsoft SharePoint. • BPM Informational Messages displaying. or 2013 must be installed and operational in your environment. The following options are available. supporting publish and subscribe between views. • Asynchronous Grid/Chart/Gauge update. defined for each particular field in BAQ Designer. 700 .0.Epicor SharePoint Publisher Advanced Dashboards Course • Epicor Publisher Top Navigator 64 Epicor ERP | 10. After that. create a new user in Epicor ERP and set up user-defined parameters via UBAQ/Dashboard. If Epicor server is located in the local network and Epicor client (or SharePoint server with SharePoint Dashboard) is out of it. Epicor SharePoint Publisher uses a web service license. When user comes from Internet to a SharePoint server. There are two scenarios of accessing Epicor SharePoint dashboard solution: 1.700 65 . When user comes from Internet to a SharePoint server. SharePoint dashboard accesses Epicor BAQs on Epicor server via TCP protocol. no Active Directory users are required. which is the Active Directory in local network. set up user-defined parameters via UBAQ/Dashboard.Advanced Dashboards Course Epicor SharePoint Publisher ESP Authentication The following graphic displays how Epicor SharePoint Publisher Authentication works. he must identify himself against Active Directory. First. Use Epicor Single-Sign-On (SSO) feature In this scenario. SharePoint Dashboard web parts access Epicor server. 2. You may use Epicor UD tables to store user-defined parameters. Web user accesses SharePoint Dashboard web parts on SharePoint server in a De Militarized Zone (DMZ). first add a new user to Active Directory. then no any additional authentication has to be done except Epicor username/password. Epicor server resolves AD user in Epicor user (via SSO). Force user to enter Epicor credentials in SharePoint In this scenario. Epicor recommends buying sufficient web services licenses to avoid any performance penalties that occur when number of licenses is exceeded. Epicor ERP | 10. he must supply Epicor credentials on SharePoint page.0. SharePoint dashboard accesses Epicor BAQs on Epicor server via TCP protocol. no credentials check against Active Directory is performed. After that. Epicor server always checks credentials against Epicor database. Then create new user in Epicor and specify SSO parameters for this user (map Epicor user to AD user in Epicor). and other apps tile. and behaviour of web pages directly from a browser. All dashboard web parts access the Epicor application server directly. when it is complete. Create New Document Library Important The process of creating a document library and web part page varies across Microsoft SharePoint products.700 . appearance. The following steps apply to the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 environment. click the Add lists. To learn how to create a library and page using Microsoft SharePoint 2010. libraries.0. Web Parts are an integrated set of controls for creating web sites that enable end users to modify the content.aspx 1. refer to the Epicor SharePoint Publisher topics within the Application Help.Create a Dashboard in Microsoft SharePoint In this workshop. no web services or other intermediate layers are used. The following graphic shows the dashboard created in Microsoft SharePoint. create a dashboard using Microsoft SharePoint site. The dashboard you create displays the grids.Epicor SharePoint Publisher Advanced Dashboards Course Workshop . 66 Epicor ERP | 10. Navigate to the Microsoft SharePoint web site. On the Home Page. Example http://<server name>/default. Refer to this screen as you go through the workshop. the tracker view and the chart view from the XXX-CustContUpdate dashboard you created earlier. enter My Web Parts as the name for your library. For the Create a version each time you edit a file in this document library? option.0. 4. Click Create. Epicor ERP | 10. On the Adding New Library window. select No. 5. In the Description field. enter Web Parts Library as the description for your library. Select the Document Library option. 6.700 67 . 7. click the Advanced Options link. In the Name field.Advanced Dashboards Course Epicor SharePoint Publisher 2. 8. select Web Part page. In the Document Template field. 3. Epicor SharePoint Publisher Advanced Dashboards Course The library becomes available for selection on the left side of the SharePoint page. 2. Click Files and select the New Document option. 68 Epicor ERP | 10.0.700 . Click the My Web Parts library. Create a New Web Part Page 1. 1. Explore Web Part Settings In this task. From the Categories list.Advanced Dashboards Course Epicor SharePoint Publisher 3. 4. In the Choose a Layout Template box. select Miscellaneous. 5. In the Name field. The Web Part Page displays in Edit Mode. 3 Columns. Epicor ERP | 10. Click the Create button.700 69 . The list of all available ESP Web Parts displays. enter XXX-Customer Dashboard (where XXX are your initials). 2. explore the available SharePoint Web Part settings and options. Footer. select it. click the Add a Web Part button. accept the default option Header. In the Header section.0. If this option is not selected by default. Specifies the zone on the Web Part Page where the Web Part is located. please setup webpart information.Epicor SharePoint Publisher Advanced Dashboards Course 3. 70 Epicor ERP | 10. width. height. Epicor Dashboard Grid View displays at the top of the page and it needs to be set up.0. 6. View the following settings: • Hidden .Specifies the direction of the text in the Web Part content. and advanced characteristics. Note All Web Parts share a common set of properties that control their appearance. • Zone Index . The Epicor DashBoard Grid View properties window displays at the right of the page. and to control the way the web part displays on the page. 9. select the Epicor Publisher Grid View check box and click Add. 5.700 . Click the + sign next to the Appearance group to expand it. Collapse the Appearance group and expand the Layout group. In the Title field.Specifies whether the Web Part is visible when a user opens the Web Part Page. 7. • Direction . Use this window to set up all necessary controls for the web part. From the Web Parts list. Use the Appearance settings to change title name. Collapse the Layout group and expand the Advanced group.Specifies the position of the Web Part in a zone when the zone contains more than one Web Part. 4. Click the No dashboard selected. • Zone . 8. delete the content and enter Customer List. layout. Specifies a message that displays if there is a problem importing the Web Part. 11. • Allow Zone Change . • Title Icon Image URL .Specifies whether the Web Part can participate in connections with other Web Parts. the grid is always rendered in the View mode and cannot be switched to the Edit mode. View the list of options: • Manual . • Description .When selected.Specifies whether the Web Part properties can be modified in a personal view.Specifies how a browser will display Help content for a Web Part. 12. • AlwaysOn . When you double click on the grid. Epicor ERP | 10.700 71 . • Target Audiencies . • Allow Close .This control modifies the appearance of the grid. the grid initially displays in the View mode. content can be targeted in a site for viewing by one or more specific audiences. • Import Error Message . the grid is always rendered in the Edit mode and cannot be switched to the View mode. Collapse the Advanced group and expand the Grid settings group.Specifies the location of a file containing an image to be used as the Web Part icon in the Web Part List. this control should not be used without a filter.Specifies the location of a file containing an image to be used in the Web Part title bar. • Help URL . • AlwaysOff .Specifies whether the Web Part can be hidden.Advanced Dashboards Course Epicor SharePoint Publisher 10. a user can add additional group by fields in a grid by using the drag and drop functionality. • Export Mode .Specifies the ScreenTip that displays when you rest the mouse pointer on the Web Part title or Web Part icon. With the help of audience targeting feature. • Help Mode . After you make an update. View the following settings: • Allow Minimize .Specifies whether the Web Part can be minimized.Specifies the level of data that is permitted to be exported for this Web Part.When selected.The main goal of this setting is to optimize performance of your SharePoint dashboards.When selected.Specifies the location of a file containing Help information about the Web Part. you can also switch between modes by using the Switch VIEW/EDIT mode option in the drop-down menu found in the grid's top-right corner. Therefore.Specifies the URL of a file containing additional information about the Web Part. • Title URL .This feature helps target groups and individuals with specific pages. as editable grids run slower than simple read-only grids.Specifies whether the Web Part can be removed from the Web Part Page. and content. • Fill grid with data on initial render . when you display a dashboard. Typically. • Allow Connections . • Grid Skin . • Allow Editing in Personal View .When selected.Specifies whether the Web Part can be moved to a different zone. Tip In the dashboard runtime. • Catalog Icon Image URL . you would disable this option for a dashboard (grid) that contains a lot of data when not filtered. Web Parts. allowing you to perform updates. • Grid edit mode . • Allow Hide . View the following settings: • Allow user to add additional group by fields . the grid switches back to the View mode. the grid enters the Edit mode.0.This option controls if grid populates with data automatically. Epicor SharePoint Publisher Advanced Dashboards Course • Use paged render of grid - This option controls the paging functionality. When used, a value you enter specifies how many records per page you want to store on the server. This value defines how many records are saved together in one page (result set). Tip In many situations, the paging feature improves performance. This functionality stores result sets, or pages, in a temporary directory on the server. You define how many records are included in each page. After the cached pages are stored in this directory, the data request process can then move through each page instead of processing all of this information at once. 13. Collapse the Grid settings group. 14. Remain in the Edit Mode. Load the Available Views In this task, establish the connection to the customer contact update dashboard you created previously. Use the single click dashboard deployment functionality to load all available views at once. Tip The below steps discuss how to create a connection between Microsoft SharePoint and Epicor ERP application. Depending on your environment settings, you may need to work with your system administrator to complete this task. 1. In the ICE 3 Server field, verify or enter your application server URL. Tip Get the correct URL that points to the application server from the .sysconfig file that runs this instance of the Epicor application. You can find this value in <appSettings><AppServerURL> configuration setting. In your Epicor application folder, the .sysconfig files are located in the client\config folder. Example 72 Epicor ERP | 10.0.700 Advanced Dashboards Course Epicor SharePoint Publisher 2. Optionally, select the Enable Single Sign-On check box. Single sign-on (SSO) is a property of access control of multiple, related, but independent software systems. With this property a user logs in once and gains access to all systems without being prompted to log in again at each of them. 3. Optionally, select the Require Credentials check box to ask user for credentials once a new session is opened. 4. Click the More settings link to view the Epicor Web Access address. This field enables browser-based access to the Epicor application directly from Microsoft SharePoint. Epicor Web Access (EWA) functionality allows you to right-click a field and use the "Open With" functionality to access related web forms. If EWA is installed in your environment, enter your Epicor Web Access site URL in this field. 5. In the Epicor Login / Password fields, verify or enter an appropriate credentials used to access the Epicor application. When the Single Sign-On is enabled, Epicor Login / Password fields are hidden. 6. Click Apply. 7. In the Current company field, verify or select a company. In this example, select Epicor Education. Epicor ERP | 10.0.700 73 Epicor SharePoint Publisher Advanced Dashboards Course 8. In the Dashboards to display section, click the Switch Dropdown / Textbox button. 9. From the Dashboards to display list, select XXX-CustContUpdate (where XXX are your initials) dashboard you created. Important Notice the available dashboard views display below the selected dashboard. Here, you have an option to select (load) one or more views to display within the web part you modify. In this example, load all available views at once and then, arrange them on the SharePoint page using the drag and drop functionality. This example shows how to deploy a SharePoint quickly, without having to modify each web part individually. Example 10. Verify all check boxes next to available views are selected. 11. Click Apply to remain in the Edit Mode. Notice that all available views display within the Header section. You may need to scroll down to view the entire SharePoint page. In the following task, use the drag and drop functionality to move the views into the appropriate sections within the page. 74 Epicor ERP | 10.0.700 Advanced Dashboards Course Epicor SharePoint Publisher Arrange Views Within the SharePoint Page 1. While in the Edit Mode, scroll down to see the three middle sections and the footer section of the page. 2. Click the zSalesOrderStatus: Summary web part box and move it down towards the Footer section. 3. When the red line displays in the Footer section, below the Add a Web Part control, release the mouse. The view is now a part of the footer section of the SharePoint page. Tip You may use the graphic found within the Workshop - Create a SharePoint Dashboard topic for a reference. 4. Use steps 2 - 3 to move the Customer Contacts grid to the Left Column section of the page. 5. Use steps 2 - 3 to move the Advanced Search grid to the Middle Column section of the page. 6. Use steps 2 - 3 to move the Chart View for zSalesOrderStatus grid to the Right Column section of the page. 7. Once complete, the layout of the page is as follows: Section View Name Header Customer List Left Column Customer Contacts Middle Column Advanced Search Right Column Chart View for zSalesOrderStatus Footer zSalesOrderStatus: Summary 8. In the top - left corner, click Stop Editing to switch to a standard view. View the ESP Dashboard 1. View the XXX-dashboard (where XXX are your initials) dashboard in Microsoft SharePoint. 2. Notice the following changes must be performed to make the dashboard more user friendly and to correctly display data: • The Customer List grid occupies a big portion of the screen and it needs to be shrinked. • The zSalesOrderStatus: Summary grid needs to be shrinked and data can be grouped by customer. Adjust the ESP Dashboard To change any web part settings, navigate back to the Edit Mode. 1. Click Site Actions and select Edit Page. The dashboard displays in Edit Mode. Epicor ERP | 10.0.700 75 Select the Use paged render of grid check box. 6. You define how many records are included in each page. Click Apply and click OK. the data request process can then move through each page instead of processing all of this information at once.Epicor SharePoint Publisher Advanced Dashboards Course Example 2.700 . Tip In many situations. 5. In the Records per page field.0. 4. In the Header box. After the cached pages are stored in this directory. click Web Part Menu and select Edit Web Part. This functionality stores result sets. the paging feature improves performance. enter 5. 76 Epicor ERP | 10. in a temporary directory on the server. This value defines how many records are saved together in one page (result set). or pages. Click the + sign next to the Paging settings group to expand it. Example 3. All these relationships have already been defined in the customer update dashboard created in the win client. 8.0. Click More settings. 15. enter 5. In the top left corner. 10. click Web Part Menu and select Edit Web Part. This is the opposite part of the previous connection where the Customer Contact grid receives data from the Customer List grid. 14. 7. using the publish and subscribe functionality. In the Records per page field. click Web Part Menu and view Connections > Get Baq DashBoard Data From > Customer List. 13. Select the Use paged render of grid check box. In the Group results by field.700 77 . In the Footer box. Click Apply and click OK. Tip If the dashboard is too wide to fit on screen. click Stop Editing.Advanced Dashboards Course Epicor SharePoint Publisher Now modify the zSalesOrderStatus: Summary grid at the bottom. navigate back to the Edit Mode and use the Appearance group to modify width of web parts. hover the mouse pointer between column captions and notice the mouse pointer Epicor ERP | 10. Important All relationships between views are properly placed and defined without any extra user efforts. In the Customer List box. click Web Part Menu and view Connections > Send Baq DashBoard Data To > Customer Contacts. ID. 16. 12. 11. To resize a column. 9. select Cust. Click the + sign next to the Paging settings group to expand it. The publish and subscribe functionality synchronizes data in the Customer Contacts grid to only display contacts for the customer selected on the Customer List grid. In the Customer Contacts box. You can also control the width of columns in a grid. Tip You can check other views to see what BAQ data they send and receive. This connection means the Customer List provides the information to the Customer Contacts grid below. turn on the edit mode by using the Switch VIEW/EDIT mode option in the drop-down menu found in the grid's top-right corner. View the information that displays on the SharePoint dashboard. Click Save. review the Explore Web Part Setting topic in this workshop.0. Recall this is a result of the Add New Subscriber functionality that populates the column with the customer state information. In the Customer Contacts grid.700 . Note Adding new records using this view is possible because the underlying uBAQ that provides the data source has the Allow New Records control selected on the Update > General Properties sheet. 6. 78 Epicor ERP | 10. 4. Add Contact and Update buttons display under the Customer Contacts grid. Now you can press and hold the left mouse button to change the column's width.Epicor SharePoint Publisher Advanced Dashboards Course changes. Click the Add Contact button. Name Enter your full name. Epicor Web Access must be installed and deployed in your environment. 2. You can use this feature in both grouped and plain grids. For more information. Tip Recall the switching between view/edit modes in updatable grids is controlled by the Grid edit mode option found in the grid web part settings. select Addison. double-click on each field listed below and enter the following information: Field Data Last Name Enter your last name. Notice the State/Prov populates. 1. First Name Enter your first name. Test the ESP Dashboard Important To use the context menu functionality within this task. In the blank row. The blank row displays at the bottom of the grid. 3. In the Customer List grid. The grid switches back to the read mode. Tip You can also access the edit mode by double-clicking on the grid. E-Mail Address Enter your email address. The Cancel. Contact Num 3 Customer 2 7. 5. for example.700 79 . 10. In the Customer Contact grid. Epicor ERP | 10. Navigate to the Contacts > List sheet and view the record you created. enter your User ID and the Password.0. In the Customer List grid. Exit Customer Entry web form. in the Cust. right-click Addison and select Open With Customer Entry. manager/manager. 11. 13. select the record you created and view details in the Epicor DashBoard Tracker View. 12. Exit Microsoft SharePoint. The Epicor Web Access form for Customer Entry displays. ID column. 9.Advanced Dashboards Course Epicor SharePoint Publisher 8. In the Login window. 700 . 80 Epicor ERP | 10.0.Conclusion Advanced Dashboards Course Conclusion Congratulations! You have completed the Advanced Dashboard course. To access this To create an account. you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account.Additional information is available at the Education and Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal.epicor. . go to http://support.
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