Adrive User Manuel v28

March 25, 2018 | Author: Ioan Afodorcei | Category: Power Inverter, Power Supply, Relay, Resistor, Electrical Engineering



ADriveVVVF Inverter for elevators USER MANUAL ARKEL 2008 Document Version : 2.8 ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. Şti. AT-UYGUNLUK BEYANI EC-DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Belge No/Tarih Doccument no/Date : UB3-01/11/2005 : Arkel Elektrik Elektronik Tic. Ltd. Şti. İmalatçı firma The manufacturer Bostancı Yolu Cad. Şehit Sok. No:36 Y.Dudullu/Ümraniye/İstanbul/Turkey Tel:+90 216 540 03 10 Fax:+90 216 540 03 09 : ADrive Asansörler için AC motor sürücü : ADrive AC variable speed drive for elevators Ürünün tanımı Product designation Tanımlanan ürün aşağıdaki Avrupa normlarının talimatlarına uygundur. The designated products conform to the provisions of the following European directives: * Elektromanyetik uyumluluk direktifi 89/336/AT Uyumlu Standartlar: EN61000-6-2 , EN61000-6-4 , EN50081-2 , EN50082-2 , EN61000-3-2 (Bu ürünler profesyonel kullanım amaçlıdır ve giriş gücü 1KW geçtiği için herhangi bir limit uygulanmaz), EN61000-3-3 Directives of electro magnetic compatibility 89/336/EEC Harmonised Standarts: EN61000-6-2 , EN61000-6-4 , EN50081-2 , EN50082-2 , EN61000-3-2 (These products are for professional use , and power inputs exceeds 1KW , so no limits apply) , EN61000-3-3 EMC test laboratuvarı Emc test laboratory :Esim Test Hizmetleri San. Tic. A.Ş. İmes San.Sit. C blok No:308 Yukarı Dudulu / İstanbul * Asansör yönetmeliği 95/16/AT , EN 81-1 Lifts Directive 95/16/EC EN 81-1 İŞBU BEYAN BELİRTİLEN TALİMATLARA UYGUNLUĞUNU BELGELER, ÖZELLİKLERİ İLE İLGİLİ GARANTİ HAKKI İÇERMEZ. ÜRÜNLE BİRLİKTE VERİLEN TÜM GÜVENLİK UYARILARI, MONTAJ VE İŞLETİM TALİMATLARINA UYULMASI GEREKİR. THIS DECLARATION CERTIFIES COMPLIANCE WITH THE INDICATED DIRECTIVES BUT DETERMINES NO WARRANTY OF PROPERTIES. ALL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ON PRODUCTS DOCUMENTATION AND MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS ETC. MUST BE OBEYED. Yetkili İmza ve Kaşe/Legally binding signature Bostancı Yolu Cad. Sehit Sok. No:36 Y.Dudullu – ISTANBUL/TURKIYE Tic. Sicil No: 386628-334210 Sarıgazi VD. 079 005 2637 / [email protected] ARKEL 2008 1 ADrive ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. Şti. CONTENT EC-DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ............................................................................................................ 1  CONTENT ............................................................................................................................................................. 2  PREFACE.............................................................................................................................................................. 3  1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 4  2. EMC CONFORMITY ...................................................................................................................................... 5  3. WARNINGS ...................................................................................................................................................... 5  4. DELIVERY CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................. 6  5. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................. 7  6. FUSE, CONTACTOR and CABLE SIZE RATINGS ................................................................................... 8  7. Dimensions of ADrive ....................................................................................................................................... 9  7.1. ADrive Size-B (10 HP, 15 HP) ................................................................................................................... 9  7.2. ADrive Size-C (20 HP, 27 HP) ................................................................................................................... 9  8. ADrive Line Filter (EMI) ............................................................................................................................... 10  9. ADrive Braking Resistors ............................................................................................................................... 11  10. RF NOISE FILTER (Zero-phase Reactor) ................................................................................................. 12  11. ADrive Connections ...................................................................................................................................... 13  11.1. POWER TERMINAL CONNECTIONS ................................................................................................ 14  11.2. CONTROL TERMINAL CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................... 15  11.3. CONTROL TERMINAL FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................. 16  11.4. ENCODER CONNECTIONS ................................................................................................................. 17  12. PC CONNECTION ....................................................................................................................................... 19  12.1. ADrive-Win Simulator & Monitor Software........................................................................................... 19  12.2. Firmware Upgrading ............................................................................................................................... 19  13. Data Key ........................................................................................................................................................ 20  14. LCD SCREEN AND KEYPAD USAGE ..................................................................................................... 21  14.1. STARTUP SCREEN ............................................................................................................................... 22  14.2. MONITORING SCREENS ..................................................................................................................... 22  15. ADrive Parameters........................................................................................................................................ 23  1-TRAVEL CURVE ........................................................................................................................................ 24  2-MOTOR SETUP ........................................................................................................................................... 27  3-CONTROLLER SETUP ............................................................................................................................... 31  4-KEY READ/WRITE ..................................................................................................................................... 32  5-FAULT HISTORY ....................................................................................................................................... 32  6-CONTROL TYPE ......................................................................................................................................... 32  7-LANGUAGE ................................................................................................................................................ 32  8-FACTORY DEFAULT ................................................................................................................................. 32  9-AUTO TUNE ................................................................................................................................................ 33  10-PASSWORD ............................................................................................................................................... 33  11-ADVANCED SET. ..................................................................................................................................... 33  16. HOW TO ADJUST FOR OPEN LOOP PRACTICALLY ....................................................................... 34  17. HOW TO ADJUST FOR CLOSED LOOP PRACTICALLY .................................................................. 35  18. TRIPS ............................................................................................................................................................. 36  19.NOTEs ............................................................................................................................................................. 38  ARKEL 2008 2 ADrive tr PREFACE This documentation describes the inverter model ADrive It contains important information about: • equipment configuration • connection • control system • operating • starting • service Disclaimer: The containing information specifies the properties of the products without ensuring them. Ltd. ARKEL 2008 3 ADrive . Sti. The right for technical changes is reserved.arkel. Copyright Copyright by Arkel Elektrik Elektronik Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. Şti. Violations will be prosecuted and lead to indemnity. It is not allowed to redistribute the manual in its entirety or parts of it. www. ARKEL 2008 4 ADrive . m/sn etc. INTRODUCTION ADrive is a high performance motor driver designed specially for elevators. For short travel distances the travel curve is automatically readjusted and boring travels at low speed for short levels are impeded. The mechanical fan noise and electrical switching noise are minimized. www. The funcitons of ADrive are improved to get the best performance especially at startup and stop. The parameter units are convenient for elevators (m. 1. Şti.). by this no disturbing noises for residences close to machine rooms are produced. Thanks to vector control. Startup and stop accuracy does not change with full load or empty car (for applications with encoder).com.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. it has the full control of motor from zero speed to maxsimum speed and can achieve %200 startup torque.arkel. * EMI filter must be used at line inputs. extreme cold. Brake resistor must be mounted vertically outside the control cabinet. Ş 2. To prevent overheat. WARNINGS After switching off the device do not touch any electronic board or components until the power capacitors are discharged (Min. EMC CONFORMITY . Do not make any connection to invertor when the power is on. damage and fire be sure that the enviroment has sufficient vantilation. ARKEL 2008 5 ADrive . Do not mount the brake resistor on controller cabinet.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment EN 55011 at cases below: * Shielded cables must be used for all line and motor connections outside the device relevant about the device. L2 and L3 are line input terminals and must not be disordered U.This product is conformity with “Generic standarts immunity for industiral enviroments EN 61000-6-2” . Do not check components and the signs on the electronic boards while device is running. Do not store and operate the device at enviremonts with extreme heat. device may be damaged. water. Do not place device near flammable objects in order to prevent fire. Be sure that the mains connections are correct .5 minutes). V and W. “Generic standarts emission for industiral enviroments EN 61000-6-4” and “Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of industrial. extreme humidity. L1. iron dust and dust. Otherwise. * RFI filter must be used at motor outputs 3.arkel. www. 4. DELIVERY CONTENTS ● RF Noise Filter (Toroidal Transformer Core) ● User manual (This product) ● PC RS-232 connection cable ● Data Key for transferring parameters ● Documents and software CD ● Braking resistor (Optional) ● EMI (Line) Filter (Optional) ARKEL 2008 6 ADrive .com.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. www. Şti. tr 5.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd.97 AC 3 Phase. 0-100Hz 1 – Closed Loop Vector Control 2 – Open Loop V/F 0.004 Hz Space vector modulation Sinüs 10Khz HTL or TTL .com. 50/60 Hz ±%5 AC 3 Phase . All isolated control inputs and outputs 4 low noise fans RS-485 port RS-232 port (ADrive-Win Simulator & Monitor software) With Data Key 2x16 character LC-Display. 0-400V. Şti. 500 – 4096 pulse 10A/250Vac Built-in DC REACTOR (DCR). www. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Type Model Motor Power (HP) Nominal Output Current (Inom) Maximum Output Current (< 6 s) Input Power Factor (Cos Q) Input Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) Control Type Digital output frequency resolution PWM modulation method Output wave shape Carrier frequency Encoder type Relay outputs Protection Input-output isolation Cooling Serial command input terminal con. PC Connection Saving and transfering parameters User interface Firmware upgrading 4B075 4C150 10 HP 20 HP 17 A 35 A 34 A 70 A > 0. 380 Volt ±%10 . 5-key keypad Firmware version V8.arkel.00 and later Size-B 4B110 15 HP 26 A 52 A Size-C 4C200 27 HP 50 A 100 A ARKEL 2008 7 ADrive . 5 ARKEL 2008 8 ADrive .com.5 kW 18 11 kW 32 15 kW 40 20 kW 50 Cable size Mains supply cables (mm²) Motor connection cables (mm²) Brake resistor cables (mm²) Control signal cables (mm²) 7.5 11 kW 4 4 1. FUSE.5 > 0. www.5 kW 25 11 kW 32 15 kW 40 20 kW 50 Output contactor Motor contactors (A) 7.5 kW 4 4 6. CONTACTOR and CABLE SIZE RATINGS Input fuse Mains circuit breaker (A) 7.5 > 0.5 > 0.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd.arkel.5 > 0. Şti.5 20 kW 6 6 1.5 15 kW 6 6 1. ADrive Size-B (10 HP. 7. 15 HP) 334 mm 172 mm 260 mm 7.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. To ensure this allow a gap of at least 100 mm above and underneath the unit. www. Dimensions of ADrive ADrive inverter must be installed in a vertical position and must be fitted with its terminal strips and connecting bars to the bottom. Make sure that the cooling air intake and discharge are not restricted in any way. 27 HP) 390 mm 205 mm 290 mm ARKEL 2008 9 ADrive 7. ADrive Size-C (20 HP.arkel. Şti. tr 8. L2. 8. Dimensions of ADrive Line Filter To ADrive input terminals (L1.arkel. E) Cable length 550 mm Cable size 4 mm² Laod Line From mains supply (L1. 15 HP. www.1. 20 HP and 27 HP). But it is recommended to install the filter as load side comes close to ADrive input terminals. PE) ARKEL 2008 10 ADrive .ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik L3. L2. EMI Filter can be installed in a vertical or horizontal position. ADrive Line Filter (EMI) The same ADrive EMI Line Filter is used for all ADrive Inverter models (10 HP. Şti. L3. www.arkel. Dimensions of Braking Resistor Size-A (10 HP. Do not mount the braking resistor on the controller cabinet. ADrive Braking Resistors Type Motor Power (HP) Resistance / Power 10 HP 50Ω / 1KW Size-A 15 HP 40Ω / 1KW 20 HP 25Ω / 2KW Size-B 27 HP 18Ω / 3KW Braking resistor must be installed in a horizontal position for best heat dissipation and must be fitted with its connecting bars.1. 15 Şti. Dangerous high voltage on the brake resistor connections and on the braking resistor itself. 9. The temperature of the break resistor housing can attain 100°C during operation. It must be mounted outside of the control cabinet.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. 20 HP) 325 mm 115 mm 180 mm 20 mm 9. Dimensions of Braking Resistor Size-B (27 HP) 305 mm 155 mm 225 mm 20 mm ARKEL 2008 11 ADrive . www. Şti. From ADrive motor outputs To motor connection terminals RFI filtering C A = 65 mm B = 40 mm C = 25 mm A B Toroidal transformer core ARKEL 2008 12 ADrive .tr 10. The example RF Noise Filter shown below. It is used on the output side of the inverter. The wiring must go through the opening to reduce the RF component of the electrical noise. The toroidal transformer core comes with the inverter is used for RFI filter. RF NOISE FILTER (Zero-phase Reactor) The RF Noise Filter helps reduce radiated noise from the motor Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. Loop the wires two times to attain the full RF filtering effect. ADrive Connections Bottom view of ADrive Inverter ARKEL 2008 13 ADrive .tr 11.arkel. Ş Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. www. Otherwise the invertor will continue driving the motor after the contactors are off. Braking resistor transistor output (-) DC Bus positive voltage DC Bus negative voltage Motor outputs ARKEL 2008 14 ADrive . . Meanwhile If the contactors are on again the outputs of the invertor may be damaged because of over current. POWER TERMINAL CONNECTIONS shielded cabels for motor and line connections.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd.1.The invertor enable signal must be switched on the open contacts of RP1 and RP2. Şti. www. . Symbol L1(R) L2(S) L3(T) E B P N U V W Description Mains input Earthing terminal.2 serial contactors must be used at motor circuit for comformity to 11. www.arkel.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. CONTROL TERMINAL CONNECTIONS ARKEL 2008 15 ADrive . Şti. contact Programmable relay COM contact Mechanical brake relay N. contact Mechanical brake relay COM contact Low speed control input Inspection speed control input Middle speed control input High speed control input Enabeling Run upwards Run downwards Programmable digital input Referans voltage for speed and operation control terminals Normally the relay is switched on.3. Use the N.arkel.C. contact for the signal which is controlled by driver in order to be cut off in the case of a failure.O.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. CONTROL TERMINAL FUNCTIONS Code Function Description Encoder A phase pulse monitoring output Encoder B phase pulse monitoring output Encoder –A phase pulse input Enkoder A phase pulse input Enkoder –B phase pulse input Enkoder B phase pulse input Unused encoder inputs (For A and B phase) are connected to this terminal Supply voltage for HTL Encoder (Imax: 200 mA) Supply voltage for TTL Encoder (Imax: 200 mA) Common for encoder Encoder Terminals: OA Encoder Output A OB Enkoder Output B Enkoder –A A Enkoder A Enkoder –B B Enkoder B JP Jumper +15V +5V OV +15V Supply +5V Supply 0V Supply RS485 Communication Interface Terminals: SA RS485 A RS485 Communication interface data terminal SB RS485 B RS485 Communication interface data terminal Speed Control Terminals: V0 Speed-0 V1 Speed-1 V2 Speed-2 V3 Speed-3 Operation Control Terminals: EN ENABLE UP UP DWN DOWN PIN Programmable input +15V +15V Referans Voltage Relay Output Terminals: RHK Error relay Main contactors’ control output used when the main contactors are needed to be controlled by driver. Şti. Mechanical brake relay control output ARKEL 2008 16 ADrive . In the event of a failure this relay is switched off. contact RHO Error relay COM contact RPA RPO RFA RFO Programmable relay N. 11.O.O.O. contact RHA Error relay N. Şti. Also the electrical diagram of encoder input circuit will help to arrange different type of encoders. +15 +15 OA OA OB _ A OB _ A 0V 0V JP +5 +5 5V TTL ENCODER WITH COMPLEMENTAL OUTPUTS +15 OA 12-24V HTL ENCODER WITH COMPLEMENTAL OUTPUTS OB _ A 0V +5 12-24V HTL ENCODER WITH SINGLE OUTPUTS ARKEL 2008 17 JP A _ B B JP ADrive A _ B A _ B B B . Please contact authorized seller for different types of encoders. most of commonly used encoder types are shown. ENCODER CONNECTIONS Below the connection diagram.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. 4.1. Şti.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik 11. ADrive Encoder Input Circuit -B X5 3 C3 10nF R23 680 4 5 12 U1A 2 BCO LM339N IO-GND IO-15V C4 10nF R25 680 3 8 9 12 U1C 14 ACO LM339N IO-GND IO-15V R18 1K JP R19 1K IO-GND 10uF/16V X2 C5 R14 330 IO-15V B X6 R15 330 -A X4 R16 330 A X1 R17 330 ARKEL 2008 18 ADrive . A USB to RS-232 9-pin adapter is required for Laptop connection via USB port. Şti. ADrive computer connection is shown below: PC RS-232 port RS-232 plug RS-232 cable ADrive 12. 12.00. www. it is not necessary to perform this update. PC CONNECTION It is possible to connect ADrive Inverter to a PC over the RS-232 serial communication port with a proper cable. ARKEL Firmware Updater is an utility software which connects your computer and the device. Detail information is given in the ADrive-Win User The latest firmware file which is compatable with device can be downloaded from our web site. ARKEL 2008 19 ADrive . monitoring data and transfering parameters. By this way new features/facilities can be added to the product. Firmware updates can only be applied to devices with firmware versions later than V8. The device firmware file is not a part of this software.arkel. Firmware Upgrading It is possible to upgrade ADrive’s firmware via ARKEL Firmware Updater software. Before downloading firmware you must learn your device firmware version. If your device firmware is already the latest version. Detail information is given in the Arkel Firmware Updater User Manual. It is a standart RS-232 PC connection cable.1.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. ADrive-Win Simulator & Monitor Software ADrive-Win simulator/monitor software is used with ADrive for travel curve simulation. enabling you to load the firmware file to your device. The firmware version is displayed on device screen while starting up. Any standart RS-232 cable can be used instead of the original cable supplied with ADrive. arkel. Do not use this plug for PC connection.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. Data Key plug Data Key ADrive ARKEL 2008 20 ADrive . The plug on ADrive which is used for Data Key connection is 9-pin D-type male. Şti. Data Key The Data Key which is a memory and comes with ADrive can save parameters from the ADrive Inverter or can transfer the parameters inside it to the ADrive 13. www. LCD SCREEN AND KEYPAD USAGE ADrive user panel ADrive has an LCD screen with 2-row / 16-character and 5-key keypad. Şti. These buttons function as follows: Enter menu/submenu Select parameter / edit value Exit menu/submenu To next / previous monitoring screen To next / previous parameter Increase / decrease parameter value Change digit of parameter value ARKEL 2008 21 ADrive 14.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. 0A MOT. %0 RPM : * 0 MOTOR TEMPERATURE SCREEN Approximate motor temprerature is displayed on this screen. ESTIMATED RPM SCREEN (OPEN LOOP) Approximate motor estimated rpm is displayed on this screen.0 Slip: 0./Dakika VBUS:50 F:0. STARTUP SCREEN ADrive 7. 14. motor output frequency (F) and rotor slipe frequency (Slip) are displayed on this screen. “MAIN SCREEN” is displayed.0A READY Vout: 0 I: 0. This error is the difference between the inverter operation value and the encoder value.arkel. 14. RPM ERROR SCREEN (CLOSED LOOP) Rpm error is displayed on this screen. the startup screen is displayed.1. MAIN SCREEN (OPEN LOOP) Motor output voltage (Vout) and motor current (I) are displayed on this screen.TEMPERATURE MAIN SCREEN (CLOSED LOOP) Motor RPMs and motor current (I) are displayed on this screen.5 SN:63012 After switching on. After being displayed this screen for about 2 seconds. * indicates this difference by moving left-right. Otherwise motor is running slower than inverter’s target speed. The information of ADrive power rating.0 Hz ARKEL 2008 22 ADrive .2. Şti. DC BUS / OUTPUT FREQUENCY SCREEN Inverter’s DC bus voltage (VBUS).5kW SW:6. Estimated rpm : 0 Dev.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik software number (SW) and serial number (SN) are displayed on this screen. If * is on right side of display. it means motor is running faster than driver operates. MONITORING SCREENS READY RPM: 0 I: 0. The parameters and functions according to groups are explained below. Parameters are grouped according to their functions. 1-TRAVEL CURVE 2-MOTOR SETUP 3-CONTROLLER SETUP 4-KEY READ/WRITE 5-FAULT HISTORY 6-CONTROL TYPE 7-LANGUAGE 8-FACTORY DEFAULT 9-AUTO TUNE 10-PASSWORD 11-ADVANCED SET. ADrive Parameters Parameters of the invertor may be adjusted by using the buttons and the LCD on the device or by a PC or Laptop on which ADrive-Win software is 15. Şti.arkel.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. ARKEL 2008 23 ADrive . 2-MIDDLE SPEED 1.10-STOPPING TYPE 1.arkel.16-INITIALIZING JERK 1.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd.6-ACCELERATION BEGIN SOFTEN S1 1.5-ACCELERATION 1.12-DECCELERATION BEGIN SOFTEN S3 1.17-INITIALIZING SPEED 1. www.14-MECHANICAL BRAKE ON DELAY 1.8-SLOWING DISTANCE 1.9-STOPPING DISTANCE 1.13-DECCELERATION END SOFTEN S4 1.7-ACCELERATION END SOFTEN S2 1.15-MECHANICAL BRAKE OFF DELAY 1. Şti.1-HIGH SPEED 1.3-INSPECTION SPEED 1-TRAVEL CURVE 1.11-DECCELERATION TIME ARKEL 2008 24 ADrive .4-LOW SPEED 1. No need to adjust the S3-S4 and deccelaration paramaters. In a case of more than one speed inputs applied the higher one is activated.1 .00 m/s²) The acceleration of the elevator.10 is adjusted to “STP WITH DISTANCE” the distance from V0 to 0 speed is equalized to the value of this parameter automatically by adjusting the S ramps. sharp changes in the decceleration are prevented. Otherwise because of the relay – 5 .500 cm) If the STOPPING TYPE at Parameter 1.7-Acceleration end soften (S2: 0.50 m/s) The speed which selected by the V3.00 m/s³) The decceleration of the elevator is not started directly with the parameter NA.Acceleration(PA: 0.00 m/s³) The acceleration of the elevator is not started directly with the parameter PA.10 – 5 . www. By increasing the acceleration smoothly with parameter S1. By increasing the decceleration smoothly with parameter S3.5 .V1. the speed down time decreases.11-Decceleration (NA: 1. 1. 1. 1.1. If decreased the speed down time increases. the speed up time decreases. As the decceleration increased.8-Slowing Distance ( X_SLW: 10 .10 – 5. 1.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd.10-Stopping Type ( “Stp with distnce” or “With NA/S3/S4”) Determines that the speed transition from V3 to V0 and from V0 to 0 will be wheter according to distance or according to parameters of decceleration.V0 input terminals of the invertor.V2.00 m/s³) At the end of accelaration while passing to constant speed the acceleration is decreased smoothly to prevent sharp changes in the acceleration. 1. Şti. 1. wrong speed inputs may be perceived at speed changes Espacially for distance controlled stops it is important that there must be no delays at speed transitions. Consequently the acceleration is feeled less by the passenger.9-Stopping Distance (X_STP: 1 – 50 cm) If the STOPPING TYPE at Parameter 1. sharp changes in the acceleration are prevented.10 is adjusted to “STP WITH DISTANCE” while the elevator speeds down form V3 to V0. ARKEL 2008 25 ADrive .6-Acceleration Begin Soften (S1: 0. the distance to slow down from V3 to V0 is equalized to the value of this parameter automatically by adjusting the S ramps. Consequently the decceleration is feeled less by the passenger. No need to adjust the S3-S4 and deccelaration paramaters.00 m/s²) The decceleration of the elevator.10 m/s² – 5. If decreased the speed up time increases. If the speed control inputs are driven by relays high speed and low speed signal should be applied together. Consequently the acceleration is feeled less by the passenger.arkel. 1.4 – High Speed / Middle Speed / Inspection Speed / Low Speed: ( 0 – 2.12-Deccelaration Begin Soften (S3: 0.10 – 5 . As the acceleration increased. 1. 17-Initializing Speed (Vs: 0 – 1. The elevator controler card must hold the contactors till the end of the this time.00 Sn) Look parameter 1.1 – 3. At the end of delay the elevator begins accelerating. 1. For this period motor is hold at zero speed and waits for mechnical brake to free motor.01 – 4.16 Jerk (As : 0.1 – 3. (Not used if Vs=0 . www.13-Decceleration End Soften(S4: 0. This function is suitable for high buildings to eliminate the rope bounce.15-Mechanical Brake Off Delay (MB_OFF: 0.14-Mechanical Brake On Delay (MB_ON: 0. the actual ramp is passed over after a delay Ts. 1.0 Sn) Delay of the mechanical brake close. the sparks at contactor contacts may disturb the driver.00 m/s) Look parameter 1. Too short delays causes the motor power cut off before the mechanical brake blocks motor.00 m/s³) At the end of accelaration while passing to constant speed the acceleration is decreased smoothly to prevent sharp changes in the acceleration.10 – 5 . 1.16 ARKEL 2008 26 ADrive . Too long delays increases the travel time.) 1. After the elevator reachs zero speed the motor continue to drived at zero speed for this period.18-Initializing Time (Ts: 0 – 3.0 Sn) Delay of the mechanical brake open. In this situation the car may move out of control to heavier direction. Consequently the acceleration is feeled less by the passenger. the elevator may be first accelerated to a Vs speed with a As acceleration and to eliminate the rope tension and inertia.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. Şti. If this is not done. Too short delays causes vibration because of torque on the motor before the mechanical brake opens.arkel.00 m/s²) Instead of starting directly with the S ramp. 7 – Motor nominal frequency 2.4 – Line voltage.9 – Rotor slip 2.14 – Minimum frequency 2.1 – Nominal speed 2.17 – Motor direction 2.12 – Middle frequency 2. www.6 – Motor nominal current 2.8 – Motor power factor (COS Q) 2. Şti.arkel.5 – Motor nominal voltage 2.13 – Middle frequency voltage 2.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd.3 – Encoder resolution 2.15 – Minimum frequency voltage 2. ARKEL 2008 27 ADrive .11 – Rotor time constant 2. 2-MOTOR SETUP – No load motor current (%) 2.2 – Motor RPM at nominal speed 2.16 – Thermal mod 2.18 – Encoder direction Motor setup affects the drivers performance directly so these values must be adjusted carefully in accordance with the information below. This value is specified on the motor plate by the motor manufacturer. Şti. L3 terminals 2. 2.00 m/s ) The nominal speed of the elevator machine. Nominal speed may be calculated by this formula: 2 * π * radiusofhoop * MotorNomRpm Vnom = 60 * Gearratio For example radius of the hoop=40cm. This value is specified on the motor plate by the motor manufacturer.3-Encoder Resolution ( E_Pulse: 100 – 5000 Pulse/Rev.0 ) Motor power factor.4-Line Voltage ( Vline: 300 – 400 Volt ) Line voltage applied to L1 . ARKEL 2008 28 ADrive .10 – 5.8-Motor Power Factor (COS Q: 0.1 – 1. L2 . Motor nominal rpm=1.arkel.430.7-Motor Nominal Frequency (Fnom: 10 – 100 Hz) Nominal frequency of the motor. This value is given by the machine manufacturer and shown on the machine plate. 2.6-Motor Nominal Current ( Inom: 1 – 25A ) Nominal current of the This value is specified on the motor plate by the motor manufacturer. 2. 2.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd.1-Nominal Speed : ( Vnom: 0.4 * 1430 = 1m / s 60 * 60 Vnom = 2. Gear ratio = 1 / 60 2 * π * 0. www.5 -Motor Nominal Voltage ( Vnom: 100 – 400 Volt ) Voltage that must be applied to motor for full speed. This value is specified on the motor plate by the motor 2.2-Motor RPM At Nominal Speed ( Rpm_nom: 100 – 5000 rpm ) The motor RPM at which nominal speed is gained. 2.) The pulse of the encoder per revolution. The voltages are different for star and delta connections so don’t forget to check the connection type. do not change this parameter if not necessary. Too small slip value causes over current and heating of motor. Slipe frequency may be calculated by the below formula.10-No Load Motor Current (Inoload: %20 . 2 poles motor is like below: StatorNomRpm = 50 * 60 = 1500 Rpm 2 Fslip = (1500 − 1440) * 50 = 2 Hz (1500) 2.11-Rotor Time Constant (T_rotor) Time constant for motor rotor. Too high value causes high motor current. This value may be get from the motor manufacturer. This paramter is needed for vector control. Values of parameters 2. 1440 rpm .ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd.9 and 2. The value of this slip is entered by this parameter. Fslip = ( StatorNomRpm − MotorNomRpm) * Fnom ( StatorNomRpm) StatorNomRpm = Fnom * 60 numberofpoles For exapmle : The slip for a 50Hz . It is adviced not to change this parameter’s default value if there is no need. ARKEL 2008 29 ADrive .0 Hz ) Asynchronous motors has a slip between rotor and eletrical rotating field applied to stator.0 – Dependence of the invertor to this parameter is reduced. Consequently motor heat rises and more power consumed.%80) Ratio of no load current to nominal current.10 are very critical values for the motor drive performance. www. 2.9-Rotor Slip ( Fslip: 1. Too high slip causes unstable motor current and vibration. Şti. Optimum value is where minimum motor current is obtained without vibration.arkel. Too low value causes torque loss which shows itself as a 2. For getting to this optimum values the elevator must runned a few times and the motor current should be monitored. Encoder’s direction can also be reversed easily by using this parameter without making any wiring changes.12-2. V Vmax Vnom Vmid Vmin F Fmin Fmid Motor V/F Chart Fnom 2. If driver gives wrong direction error after the correct wiring of encoder in a closed-loop control.17 – Motor Direction This parameter can be used to change the motor direction. 2. Ş 2. Higher values allows more load up on motor while less values increases thermal protection sensitivity. www. 2. the wires to the motor must be reversed. ARKEL 2008 30 ADrive .16-Thermal Mod Motor temperature is estimated by a heat model which is formed by the motor parameters. Motor’s direction can also be reversed easily by using this parameter without making any wiring changes.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik the connection of encoder phases must be reversed.15 Motor V/F Table Values In open loop mode the invertor applies output voltage vs output frequnecy according to this table. Default value for this parameter is %100.18 – Encoder Direction This parameter can be used to change the encoder direction. If motor goes in the wrong direction. Heat model determines the temperature of the motor by using the current and rpm of the motor. 1-3. (For example at startup the reaction must be quick to 5-10 revolution 3-CONTROLLER SETUP 3.4 PI speed regulator integral and differential factor. ( KP.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd.KP0 is hold high to make the PI speed regulators reaction faster to very little speed changes. At startup of elevator KI0. while at 1400 rpm it is meaningless to give sudden torque changes for 5-10 revolutions.KI KP1.KI1) PI speed regulator integral ve differantial factor is adjusted automatically in accordance with travel speed. At zero speed PI speed regulator proces with KI0 integral factor and it is increased to KI1 at full speed step by step. www. Şti. If KI and KP are too high it makes noise at motor.KI1 Fout Fnom ARKEL 2008 31 ADrive .arkel. At full speed there is no need for so much sensitive PI regulator because it causes high motor enforce.KP1.) The integral factor multiplies the total of errors so must be adjusted to very smaller than KP otherwise it causes vibration and overshoots at travel curve. Speed Reference + Σ KP + 1 * KI S Limiter Output torque reference Encoder feedback signal KP0. Too small values causes delays to catch the reference speed and sensitivity loss. Usually it is better to adjust KP higher than 10xKI. 5. 5. facility for maintenance and reparing is provided. 4.1 – Language ( ENGLISH / TURKCE / FRANCAIS ) 8-FACTORY DEFAULT All parameters of the invertor may be changed to factory defaults. 4. For this select YES to question “Are you sure to set defaults?” and approve with ENTER Last error is number 1 and the oldest error is number 256.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. Şti.1-KEY READ Parameters in the datakey are transfered to invertor.2-Clear Fault List All faults in the memory are erased. By this.2-KEY WRITE Parameters of the invertor are transfered to datakey 5-FAULT HISTORY Adrive saves last 256 errors in its memory. ARKEL 2008 32 ADrive . 6. 4-KEY READ/WRITE All parameter of ADrive can be saved to datakey and read out from key. 6-CONTROL TYPE Determines that if the control of the motor will be in OPEN LOOP (without encoder) mode or in CLOSED LOOP ( with encoder).1-Watch Fault List The list of the faults is displayed on the secreen. 7.1 – Control Type ( CT: OPEN LOOP / CLOSED LOOP ) 7-LANGUAGE Selection of the language is made by this parameter.arkel. tr 9-AUTO TUNE Enable auto tune function after entering the motor parameters from the motor plate to determine the V/F values automatically.2 – KI Cur. ARKEL 2008 33 ADrive . www. The advanced parameters of ADrive Inverter. Default setting is 250. Do not make any changes if not necessary! 11. Default setting is 6000. Şti.1 – Auto Tune ( ENABLE / DISABLE ) Detail description is given in section “How to adjust for open loop parctically” bölümünde anlatılmıştır. Cont ( KP-cur: 1000 – 9000) Current controller KP gain. Device will tune with first command and sets the V/F table. Default setting is 10KHz.1 – Switching F ( fsw: 7. 9. User password has 4 digits. 11.5 KHz / 10KHz ) The switching frequency of ADrive Inverter.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. 10.3 – KP Cur. It is highly recommended to change it to an individual one having entered lift parameters first. Cont ( KI-cur: 100 – 500) Current controller KI gain.1 – PASSWORD ( 0000 ) 11-ADVANCED SET. The default setting for the password is “0000”. 10-PASSWORD The ADrive Inverter’s menu is password protected to prevent unauthorised manipulation of control parameters. 8 m/sn or nominal speed 1 m/sn – maximum high speed 1.arkel. If the main controllers direction is reverse of the elevators direction change the order by the parameter 2. Too low current will cause torque loss at low speeds and stopping sensivity will decrease) * Move the elevator in inspeciton mode and be sure that it is going in the right direction. For applications to speed up the elevator over the nominal speed. Be sure that mechanical safety is suitable for this new higher speed (Mechanical brakes. * Be sure that nominal speed (parameter 2. adjust the high speed maximum %30 over the nominal speed.17-Motor direction. On the contrary if the elevator is late to slow down and passes the floor level decrease the slowing distance parameter. These parameters are only machine information.(Ex. shaft etc.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. For example a value of 1 cm is not a realistic value.3 m/sn).1-Nominal Speed) of the elevator and rpm (parameter 2.( For example for 0.6m/sn – maximum high speed 0. www. increase slowing distance parameter. The motor current must be entered correctly before autotune. * Run the elevator with V0 speed and check the motor current if it is higher than nominal motor current decrease Milde Voltage at V/F table. safety gears. Şti. Adjust this parameter to a value 10-20 cm less than the distance of the slowing magnets to floor to achieve a secure distance for elevator to slow down and approach to floor at low speed. For a long distance like 30 cm the stopping accuracy will be missed with full and empty car. enter the slowing distance 155 cm).( For example if the magnet distance is 170cm.13 m/s X_Slw: 165 Cm X_Stp: 8 Cm 34 ADrive . * Read the motor plate and enter these values to the invertor using MOTOR SETUP menu. Keep giving movement command untill AUTO TUNE END message is displayed on the invertor display.0 m/s V0: 0. HOW TO ADJUST FOR OPEN LOOP PRACTICALLY To run the device in open loop mode(without encoder) apply the below step by step. * Enter the speed references at TRAVEL CURVE menu.2-Motor RPM At Nominal Speed) of the motor are correctly 16. Idealy balaced current is %75 of motor current.6 m/sn elevator nominal speed = 0. Don’t change these parameters to speed up or slow down the elevator.0 A 380 Volt 1450 V3: 1. ( Too high current will cause over current and heating of motor. 7cm) This distance must not be neither too much or too little. rails. (For example nominal speed * ENABLE AUTO TUNE function and run the elevator in inspection mode.). If the elevator slows down early and than travels at low speed too much. Example: Imot: Vmot: Rpm_nom: ARKEL 2008 16.6 m/sn – nominal rpm = 830 or for 1 m/sn elevator nominal speed = 1 m/sn – nominal rpm = 1430). * Enter the slowing distance. * Enter the stopping magnets distance from exact floor level to stopping distance parameter. Because the stoppings will be unstable since it is out of motor power limits to stop an elevator which gose at low speed in 1 cm. This means that problem is at motor parameters.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. If the current is too high probably the encoder direction is wrong.0 Hz (Motor rpm 1430 – 1500 ) : 2. If vibration is no longer exist this shows that speed regulator needs adjustment not motor parameter. Change the order by the parameter 2.5 Hz (Motor rpm 1340 – 1400 ) PS: If the motor does not reach the estimated rpm the motor slip is low. * Connect the encoder and enter the encoder resolution to parameter 2. Şti. (Look parameter 2.KI1 is min. KI0 integral values of speed controler to minimum and run again.9). If vibration is still exist when KI0.arkel. * Rotor slip frequency must be entered correctly to the invertor.Motor slips are high for old motors while small for new motors.KI1 to normal values. When vibration problem is solved set the KI0. www. HOW TO ADJUST FOR CLOSED LOOP PRACTICALLY To run the device in closed loop mode (with encoder) apply the below step by step. * First make the adjustments for open loop and be sure that the elevator is running in open loop mode. ARKEL 2008 35 ADrive .5 Hz – 4.9-Rotor Slip for calculating the motor slip) Suggested motor slips of 1m/sn 400-630 kg capacity machines of some maufacturers: Shindler – Astes Nagel – Yücel – Engin makine : 1. Run elevator few times to find best values.3-Encoder Resolution. May be integral values are too high or KP difference factors are too small. * If necessary change the PI speed regulator values at CONTROLLER SETUP menu. * If you cant solve the vibration 17.17Encoder and smaller slips (2. If motor current is not stable and there is high oscillation the motor slip is high. * Move the elevator in inspeciton mode and monitor the motor current. To find the source of problem set KI1.7 Hz – 2. Try higher no load currents (2. com.Check encoder connection and encoder voltage. 2. 5. (Approx. LOW DC BUS HIGH DC BUS The DC Bus voltage is below the undervoltage detection level. 1. OVER CURRENT PAR. www. 4.Check motor connection.A short-circuit or ground fault occurred at the U. 2.Change the parameters of the invertor to factory defaults. AUTO TUNE FAILS OVER SPEED A fault occurred during Autotuning.The wiring terminals for the input power supply are loose. The speed read from encoder is too high.Motor contactor may not be switching.L3 oscillates unusually. 2. The main supply voltage may be too low. Şti.L3 voltages. Check the Inverter's motor power.An overcurrent may occured on inverter’s output so that inverter may have overheated because of the incorrect parameter setting. Probable Causes / Corrective Actions 1. Check motor setup in the menu.W motor output.Thermal Mod” parameter. BAD ENCODER SGNL CONTACTOR DROPPED NO CONTACTOR SGN The encoder signals oscillates unusually.Compare the pulse number setting in the menu “Motor Setup Encoder Resolution” with the encoder pulses and correct if necessary.Check the connection between encoder and motor.L3 voltages. 700 V) The Inverter output current exceeded the overcurrent detection level. The main supply voltage L1. 2. 5. The main contactor dropped while driver is running No contactor dropped signal is detected in 5 seconds after a speed signal and direction signal are detected Check the contactor supply voltage. 1. ARKEL 2008 36 ADrive .ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. 400 V) The DC Bus voltage exceeded the overvoltage detection level. increase the contactor delay time.V.An open-phase error occurred at the input power supply. 2. Check broken or disconnected wiring. The motor overload protection function has operated based on the internal electronic thermal value. Check motor connection. Autotune operation can not be completed. 4. 2. 1. If the contactor droppes after the inverter stops driving and waits as the brake delay time. 2.The main supply voltage may be too low. Check the contactor’s supply voltage if the contactor changes its position while the inverter driving the motor. 1. Then reenter your configuration. Be sure that the braking resistor is suitable for Inverter's power and motor power.The voltage fluctuations in the input power supply are too large.arkel.Motor speed may be higher than the reference speed.The motor being used has a capacity more than Inverter's maximum motor capacity.Check the “Motor Setup . 3. The parameter may be too low.Braking resistor’s resistance may be incorrect. Check the parameter setting. 3. Check the L1.L2. Decrease the acceleration parameter PA. Be sure that the motor contactor closes when inverter is running. Check the auxiliary contacts of main contactor where the driver enable (EN) signal is connected. 1. Check the L1. 3. 1.Because of the acceleration time of the elevator is too short motor current may increase.The main contactor of motor output have not to change it’s position while the inverter driving the motor. 1. 1.Braking resistor may not be connected properly.DATA CORRUPT MOTOR OVER LOAD POWER FAILURE The parameters of the inverter is erased or corrupted.A momentary power loss occurred. 2.L2.Check the V/f characteristics. (Approx. Decrease Vmid (Middle frequency voltage) and Vmin (Minimum frequency voltage).tr 18.Check the motor rated current. Check cooling fan. Motor connection may not be done properly. TRIPS Trip IPM ERROR Meaning A fault signal is detected from Inverter’s IPM power transistors block.L2.The main supply voltage is too low.The IPM temperature may be too high because of the Inverter’s cooling fan has stopped. UNBALLANC ED CUR. Check motor connection.W motor outputs. Running direction read from encoder is different from the direction inverter commands. 1. 2.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd. Şti. www. Unballanced current at U.W phases of motor reversed. 2. 1. The up and down direction signals are activated at the same time. 2. UP terminal must be used for up direction signal and DWN terminal must be used for down direction signal. Check broken or disconnected wiring. Check the connection of main contactor. CURRENT WRONG DIRECTION Meaning No current can be delivered to motor coils.V. UP/DOWN TOGETHER Lift is not running in required direction. ARKEL 2008 37 ADrive .arkel. Over-current at one or two of motor Trip LOW MOT. Probable Causes / Corrective Actions 1.V. Check the connection of direction signals of ADrive and of encoder reversed.A faulty motor windings.Motor wiring may not be connected properly.Contacts of main contactor may not conduct.Check the connection of main contactors. com. 19.NOTEs ARKEL 2008 38 ADrive . Şti.ARKEL Elektrik Elektronik Ltd.arkel.
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