ADRDSSU Introduction

March 26, 2018 | Author: netmanual | Category: Computer Data, Computer Architecture, Software, Data, Computer Programming



ADRDSSU IntroductionA-IT SOFTWARE SERVICES (SHANGHAI) PTE LTD ADRDSSU Introduction I. Introduction 1.1 Purpose This is a short-term course that discusses the usage about ADRDSSU. It aims to equip participants with techniques they need to learn the ways they can use ADRDSSU utility to dump, restore and copy-with-rename the datasets. 1.2 Objectives At the end of the course, the participant should be able to:     Invoke ADRDSSU with JCL Backup datasets using ADRDSSU Restore datasets using ADRDSSU Backup and restore datasets with rename 1.3 Outline I. I. Introduction Overview 2.1 What is ADRDSSU? 2.2 Usage of ADRDSSU 2.3 Types of Operation 2.4 Invoke ADRDSSU with JCL Using ADRDSSU utility 3.1 ADRDSSU Commands Overview 3.2 Filtering Datasets 3.3 DUMP Command 3.4 RESTORE Command 3.5 COPY Command II. 2 ADRDSSU Introduction II. Overview 2.1 What is ADRDSSU?  ADRDSSU is one of the DF/DSS (Data Facility/Data Set Service) shipped with IBM OS/390. ADRDSSU is a direct access storage device data and space management utility. ADRDSSU is usually used to backup, restore datasets or volume.   2.2 Usage Of ADRDSSU   Copy and move datasets between volumes of like and unlike device types Dump and restore datasets, entire volumes, or specific tracks Convert data sets and volumes to and from storage management subsystem (SMS) management Compress partitioned data sets Release unused space in data sets Reduce or eliminate DASD free-space fragmentation by consolidating free space on a volume     2.3 Types of Operation  There are two mode operation of ADDRSSU: o Logical Processing: Operate against datasets independently of physical device format o Physical Processing: Move data at the track-image level and operates against volumes, tracks and datasets Logical Processing: o Treat each dataset and its associated information as a logical entity, and processes an entire dataset before beginning the next one. o Specify the DATASET keyword with the COPY command. A data set copy is always a logical operation, regardless of how or whether you specify input volumes. o Specify the DATASET keyword with the DUMP command, and either no input volume is specified, or LOGINDDNAME, LOGINDYNAM, or STORGRP is used to specify input volumes.  3 ADRDSSU Introduction o The RESTORE command is performed, and the input volume was created by a logical dump.  Physical processing: o Only target devices with track sizes equal to those of the source device are supported. o Operates on volumes, ranges of tracks, or data sets. For data sets, it relies only on volume information (in the VTOC and VVDS) for data set selection, and processes only that part of a data set residing on the specified input volumes. 2.4 Invoke ADRDSSU with JCL  You can use the JCL statements to invoke ADRDSSU and to define the datasets used and created by it. The JCL defines the ADRDSSU commands that specify and control tasks.  The JCL statements you need for most jobs are described below:  //stepname EXEC PGM=ADRDSSU o You can enter additional information in the PARM parameter of the EXEC statement //STEPLIB DD o If ADRDSSU is not in a library known to the system, the //STEPLIB DD statement defines the library containing the ADRDSSU program //SYSPRINT DD o Defines a sequential message dataset. //SYSIN DD o Defines a command dataset containing your ADRDSSU commands. It usually resides in the input stream. o It can be defined as a blocked or unblocked sequential data set or as a member of a partitioned data set. Records must be fixed format, LRECL=80. input DD o Defines the input dataset. The ddname will be referred to by the ADRDSSU commands. This DD statement is not required for some operations. output DD o Defines the output dataset. The ddname will be referred to by the ADRDSSU commands. This DD statement is not required for some operations. filter DD 4       ADRDSSU Introduction o o Defines a dataset contains the filtering criteria (INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, and BY) to be used in a data set command. The filter DD must be used if you have more than 255 entries in the INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, or BY filtering lists.  Example: //SAMP1 JOB ATST,REGION=1024K //STEP1 EXEC PGM=ADRDSSU //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //TAPE DD UNIT=3480,VOL=SER=TAPE01, // LABEL=(1,SL),DISP=(OLD,KEEP),DSNAME=MYDATSET.BACKUP //DASD DD UNIT=3380,VOL=(PRIVATE,SER=111111),DISP=OLD //SYSIN DD * RESTORE DATASET(INCLUDE(MYDATSET)) INDDNAME(TAPE) OUTDDNAME(DASD) REPLACE /* 5 ADRDSSU Introduction III. Using ADRDSSU Utility 3.1 ADRDSSU Commands Overview  You can write ADRDSSU commands in free form in columns 2 through 72 (inclusive). Each command must take up only one line, unless a continuation character is used to indicate continuation of the command on the next line. Continuation of a command is specified by a hyphen (-) The end of a command can be speechified by a semicolon (;) A comment is a string of characters that begin with a /* and ends with a */ Example: DUMP FULL INDD(INF1) – OUTDD(OUTF1); The following are the function commands can be specified in ADRDSSU statement: o BUILDSA: Build the stand-alone IPL-able core image o COMPRESS: Compress partitioned datasets on specified volume o CONVERTV: Convert existing volumes to and from SMS management without data movement o COPY: Perform datasets movement, volume movement, and track movement from one DASD volume to another o COPYDUMP: Can make 1 to 255 copies of dump data o DEFRAG: Relocate datasets extents on a DASD volume o DUMP: Backup DASD data to a sequential dataset. You can dump datasets, an entire volume, or ranges of tracks o PRINT: Print a single-volume VSAM dataset, or a singlevolume VSAM dataset component, or all or part of VTOC. o RELEASE: Release allocated but unused space from all eligible sequential, partitioned, and extent-format VSAM datasets o RESTORE: Restore data to DASD volume from previous dump volumes. You can restore datasets, an entire volume, or ranges of tracks. We will discuss DUMP, RESTORE and COPY commands about logical processing in details during this course.       3.2 Filtering Datasets  You can select datasets for ADRDSSU processing by filtering on specified criteria. o Fully qualified or partially qualified dataset names (by using the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE keyword) 6 ADRDSSU Introduction o Various dataset characteristics (by using the BY keyword). 3.2.1 Filtering by Dataset Names  Using the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE keyword, you can filter on fully qualified or partially qualified dataset names. A fully qualified data set name is one in which all qualifiers are completely spelled out. A partially qualified data set name is one in which asterisks (*) or percent signs (%) are used to represent qualifiers or parts of qualifiers. The single asterisk (*) is used in place of one qualifier or only part of a qualifier. While the double asterisk (**) indicates, either the nonexistence of leading, trailing, or middle qualifiers, or the fact that they play no role in the selection process. The rules for using asterisks in a qualifier are: o Two asterisks are the maximum permissible in a qualifier. o If there are two asterisks in a qualifier, they must be the first and last characters. Examples: (INCLUDE(SERS.*.SRC)) (INCLUDE(SERS*.**.SRC)) (INCLUDE(**.SRC)) (INCLUDE(*.SRC)) (INCLUDE(*ER*.SRC)) The percent sign (%) acts as a place holder for a single character during data set name filtering. The rules for using % in a qualifier are: o Each % sign corresponds to exactly one character and any character in that position is ignored o % sign can be specified more than once, consecutively or in any level of the qualifier. o A % sign cannot match a null ('') or a period ('.'). o Use of a % sign in filtering does not change any of the other filtering specifications for data set names. Examples: (INCLUDE(S%RS.SRC)) (INCLUDE(S%%S.SRC)) (INCLUDE(S%*S.**.SRC)) (INCLUDE(S%RS.%%.SRC))         7 ADRDSSU Introduction 3.2.2 Filtering by Dataset Characteristics  Using the BY keyword, you can filter on some dataset characteristics. Syntax: BY ((characteristic, operator, (arg1,arg2,…)), (…)…) The BY parameter can filter for the following dataset characteristics: o ALLOC: Allocation type o CATLG: Whether a data set is cataloged or not o CREDT: Creation date o DATACLAS: Data class for SMS o DSCHA: Whether the data-set-changed flag is on or off o DSORG: Data set organization o EXPDT: Expiration date o EXTNT: Number of extents o FSIZE: Data set size (Number of allocated or used tracks) o MGMTCLAS: Management class for SMS o MULTI: Whether the VTOC shows that the data set is singlevolume or multivolume o REFDT: Last-referenced date o STORCLAS: Storage class for SMS The operators are listed in the following: o EQ or = o LE or <= o LT or < o GT or > o GE or >= o NE or ¬= The arguments are list in the following: o ALLOC: CYL, TRK, BLK, ABSTR, MOV o MULTI: YES or 1, NO or 0 o CATLG: YES or 1, NO or 0 o CREDT: [yy]yyddd(.n) o DATACLASS: An appropriate SMS class name o DSCHA: YES or 1, NO or 0 o o DSORG: SAM, PAM, PDS, PDSE, BDAM, EXCP, HFS, ISAM, VSAM, or zFS o EXPDT: [yy]yyddd(.n) or NEVER o EXTNT: 1-8 digits decimal number o FSIZE: 1-8 digits decimal number o MGMTCLAS: An appropriate SMS class name o MULTI: YES or 1, NO or 0 o REFDT: [yy]yyddd(.n) o STORCLAS: An appropriate SMS class name     8 ADRDSSU Introduction  Examples: BY (ALLOC, EQ, CYL) BY ((ALLOC, EQ, TRK) ( CATLG, EQ, YES)) BY (DSORG, EQ, (PDS, PDSE)) 3.3 DUMP Command  With the DUMP command, you can dump DASD data to a sequential dataset. The storage medium for the sequential dataset can be a tape or DASD. You can dump datasets, an entire volume, or ranges of tracks. ADRDSSU offers two ways to process DUMP commands: o Logical processing is dataset-oriented, which means it operates against datasets independently of physical device format. o Physical processing can operate against datasets, volumes, and tracks, but is oriented toward moving data at the track-image level. The following special considerations apply when you are performing a dump operation: o A logical data set dump cannot be performed on the following data sets:  VSAM datasets not cataloged in an integrated catalog facility catalog  Page, swap, and SYS1.STGINDEX data sets  VSAM Volume DataSets (VVDS)  Partitioned data sets containing location-dependent information that does not reside in note lists or in the directory o A physical data set dump cannot be performed on the following data sets:  KSDSs with key ranges. Use logical processing for this type of data set.  VSAM datasets not cataloged in an integrated catalog facility catalog.  Page, swap, and SYS1.STGINDEX datasets. Example: //STEP1 //SYSPRINT //TAPE1 // // // // //SYSIN DUMP EXEC PGM=ADRDSSU DD SYSOUT=* DD DSN=TEST1.DATA.BACKUP, UNIT=(3490, ,DEFER), LABEL=EXPDT=99000 VOL=(,,,15), DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE) DD * DATASET(INCLUDE(TEST1.DATA.**)) OUTDDNAME(TAPE1) OPTIMIZE (4) SPHERE ALLDATA(*) ALLEXCP 9    - ADRDSSU Introduction SHARE /*    DUMP DATASET means this operation is to back up datasets. You can specify INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, or BY keywords to filter the datasets. OUTDDNAME specifies the name of the DD statement that identifies the (output) dump dataset. This data set can be on a tape or a DASD volume. Up to 255 DDNAMEs can be specified; that is, up to 255 dump copies can be made. OPTIMIZE specifies the number of tracks to be read at a time: o If n is 1, reads one track at a time. 1 is the default o If n is 2, reads two tracks at a time. o If n is 3, reads five tracks at a time. o If n is 4, reads one cylinder at a time. SPHERE is an option for a logical dataset dump. SPHERE specifies that for any VSAM cluster dumped ADRDSSU must also dump all associated AIX clusters and paths. Individual sphere components need not be specified, only the base cluster name. ALLDATA applies to full and dataset dump operations. o DSN specifies the fully qualified name of a dataset whose dataset organization is PS, PSU, PO, POU, or null, for which all allocated space is to be dumped o * (asterisk) specifies that all allocated space is to be dumped. ALLEXCP is an option for full and dataset dump operations. It instructs ADRDSSU to dump all allocated space for datasets whose dataset organization is PS, PSU, PO, POU, or null and are empty even though the last used block pointer is zero. SHARE specifies that ADRDSSU is to share the datasets to be dumped for read access with other programs. Use SHARE carefully to ensure that the contents of the dumped copy of the dataset are valid. You can also use LOGINDYNAM to specify that volumes that contain the datasets to be dumped using logical processing are to be dynamically allocated.       3.4 RESTORE Command  With the RESTORE command, you can restore data to DASD volumes from ADRDSSU-produced dump volumes. You can restore datasets, an entire volume, or ranges of tracks. You can restore to unlike devices from a logical dump tape. 10  ADRDSSU Introduction  Example: //STEP1 //SYSPRINT //TAPE1 //SYSIN RESTORE EXEC PGM=ADRDSSU DD SYSOUT=* DD DSN=TEST1.DATA.BACKUP, DISP=SHR DD * DATASET(INCLUDE(**)) INDDNAME(TAPE1) CATALOG TOL(ENQF) SHARE /*    RESTORE DATASET is used to recover the backup datasets. You can specify INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, or BY keywords to filter the datasets. For a logical restore operation, CATALOG instructs ADRDSSU to catalog datasets that it allocates. For a physical restore operation, CATALOG is used for non-VSAM single volume data sets. INDDNAME specifies the name of the DD statement that identifies the (input) dump dataset. This dataset can be on a tape or DASD volume. You can also use RECATALOG keywords to catalog dataset: o RECATALOG(newcatname) catalogs the target dataset in the newcatname catalog. o RECATALOG(*) catalogs the target data set in the same catalog that points to the source data set. If the source dataset was not cataloged, the new data set is not cataloged either. You can also use RENAME to specify that, if a dataset with the old name exists on the output DASD volume, ADRDSSU is to allocate a new dataset with the new name and restore the dataset. o pfx Specifies the prefix used to replace the first-level qualifier of the data set name. It is optional, but if specified, must be the first parameter in the list of subkeywords. The prefix is used only if the (on,nn) parameters are not specified or the old name filters do not match the data set name. o on Specifies the old name to be used as a filtering criterion to check if it matches the data set name. o nn Specifies the new name to be used to derive the new data set name when the data set name matches the corresponding old name filtering criterion. REPLACE specifies that ADRDSSU is to search the target volumes for usable pre-allocated datasets. If a usable pre-allocated data set is found, it will be replaced with the dataset from the source volume. If no pre-allocated target is found, ADRDSSU attempts to allocate a dataset. 11     ADRDSSU Introduction  TOL(ENQF) Specifies that target datasets are to be processed even though shared or exclusive access fails. TOL(ENQF) and FULL or TRACKS are mutually exclusive; you cannot specify these keywords together. 3.5 COPY Command  The COPY command performs dataset movement, volume movement, and track movement from one DASD volume to another.  Example: //STEP1 EXEC PGM=ADRDSSU //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSIN DD * COPY DATASET( INCLUDE(USER1.**)) OUTDYNAM((338001),(338002),(338003)) DELETE RENAMEU(USER2) RECATALOG(USERCAT2) DELETE PURGE /*    COPY DATASET is used to move datasets. You can specify INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, or BY keywords to filter the datasets. OUTDYNAM specifies that the output DASD volume is to be dynamically allocated. The volume must be mounted and online. You cannot specify a nonspecific volume serial number using an asterisk (*). Only one volume is allowed for a full or tracks copy; one or more volumes are allowed for a data set copy. DELETE specifies that for a dataset copy ADRDSSU deletes VSAM and non-VSAM datasets from the source volume after a successful copy. This moves, in effect, a dataset from one volume to another. The datasets are scratched and uncataloged. PURGE specifies that unexpired data sets, which reside on the target volume, can be overlaid for a full or track copy operation. If you do not specify PURGE and unexpired datasets exist on the target volume, the copy operation fails. For dataset copy operations, PURGE specifies that unexpired source datasets can be deleted after they have been successfully copied. PURGE is only valid with the DELETE keyword. RENAMEU specifies that the dataset must be copied with the new name, regardless of whether the dataset exists on DASD with the old name. If the data set exists on the target volume with the new name and the 12    ADRDSSU Introduction REPLACEUN keyword is not specified, an error message is issued, and the dataset is not copied.  RENAME and RENAMEU are mutually exclusive; you cannot specify these keywords together. RENAMEU is not supported for physical restore of VSAM data sets, and, if specified, the datasets will not be restored. 13
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