Adiru Mixability Matrices

May 11, 2018 | Author: Khaled Elmabrouk | Category: Airbus, Aviation, Aircraft



ADIRU MIXABILITY MATRICESATA: 34-12 FIN: Ref: 34.12.00003 A/C Type: A318 A/C Serie: Topic: First Issue 16-JAN-2014 A319 Date: A320 A321 A330 A340 A380 Part Number: Last 31-MAR- Publication 2017 Date: Supplier: Linked ISI Linked Articles: 34.10.00002 Documentation: ISI 34.36.00046 This ISI article provides mixability matrices showing the acceptable configurations of ADIRU on A318, A319, A320, A321, A330 and A340 aircrafts. It supersedes former SIL 34-070 and WISE ref EngOps-16545. Engineering Support First Issue Date: 16-JAN-2014 Model: Last Publication Date: 31-MAR-2017 Manufacturer: 0 REVISION This article has been revised in order - to introduce the lastly certified ADIRU Part Numbers, - to introduce A320NEO and A380 information, - to highlight the interchangeability condition relative to maximum of 2 different P/N on one A/C. The revisions are highlighted in bold blue font. 1 PURPOSE This document provides mixability matrices showing the acceptable configurations of ADIRU on A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, A320NEO and A380 aircraft. 2 BACKGROUND The continuous development of new aircraft models at Airbus has generated a number of different Air Data and Inertial Reference Unit (ADIRU) Part Numbers. The increasing number of ADIRU PNs is driven by: - The need for different Air Data coefficients stored in the ADR memory which are specific to each aircraft and engine model. They are used to calculate the Static Source Error Correction (SSEC), from which most of the Air Data parameters are derived. - Certification of new magnetic variation (Magvar) tables. In order to help operators manage a spare shortage during an ADIRU retrofit or AOG situation, this document is issued to show the allowed mixability configurations depending on: - The compatibility of ADIRUs with other aircraft modifications, such as the “GPS PRIMARY" capabilities, or the GPS Receiver (GPSSU or MMR) installation - The activation of the ADR monitoring function - The magnetic variation table - Etc… Note that as long as the aircraft is in a mixed configuration, the aircraft is not in accordance with the IPC. As a consequence, Airbus recommends to put the aircraft back to its original configuration at next maintenance opportunity in order to be in line with subject documentation (as per IPC in case of AOG or in accordance with the Airbus SB MOD in case of retrofit). 3 SERVICE BULLETINS COVERING ADIRU INSTALLATION/UPGRADES In order to simplify the management of several ADIRU versions on a single or mixed Airbus fleet, Airbus recommends that the operators review with their ADIRU supplier how to convert their ADIRU inventory to a single standard. Airlines may choose the most convenient ADIRU standard with respect to their fleet and flight operations. Below are listed all relevant Airbus and suppliers ADIRU Service Bulletins: 3.1 NORTHROP GRUMMAN (EX-LITTON) One family of Northrop Grumman ADIRU is available in service. This is the LTN-101 - VSB 101-34-67 allows upgrade from 465020-0303-0316 to 465020-0304-0316 The ADIRU 465020-0304-0316 is installed through the following Airbus SBs o A320-34-1577 (mod 155995) o A330-34-3285 (mod 202567) o A340-34-4264 (mod 202567) o A340-34-5089 (mod 202567) - VSB 101-34-68 allows upgrade from 465020-030X-0316 to 465020-030X-0318 The ADIRU 465020-0303-0318 is installed through the following Airbus SB: o A320-34-1623 (mod 157168) o Not certified on A330/A340 aircraft The ADIRU 465020-0304-0318 is installed through the following Airbus SBs o A320 34- 1624 (mod 157176) o A330-34-3314 (mod 204673) o A340-34-4293 (mod 204673) o A340-34-5104 (mod 204673) Note: These P/Ns are certified neither on A320NEO nor on A380. 3.2 HONEYWELL Please refer to the following Service Bulletins and Vendor Service Bulletins (VSB) for upgrade to the desired options. 4 families/types of Honeywell ADIRUs are available in service (different hardwares): - 10MCU size : P/N HG1150AC0x (a single P/N corresponds to the whole ADIRU: both hardware and software). This family of ADIRUs is only in use on A320 and A321 aircraft. - 4MCU size: Block : P/N I HG2030ACxx (a single P/N corresponds to the whole ADIRU: both hardware and software). - 4MCU size: Block: P/N II HG2030ADxx or HG2030AExx (a single P/N corresponds to the whole ADIRU: both hardware and software). - 4MCU size: Block III: P/N HG2030BE0x (P/N corresponds to hardware only; the operator must refer to software P/Ns for mixability conditions) Note: 10MCU, 4MCU Block I and Block II are certified neither on A320NEO nor on A380. 3.2.1 10MCU size: ADIRU (P/N HG1150AC0x) – Only for A320 and A321 A/C - VSB HG1150AC-34-0006 converts AC05 to AC06 The ADIRU AC06 is installed through the Airbus SB A320-34-1084 (mod 24349) - VSB HG1150AC-34-0007 converts AC06 to AC07 The ADIRU AC07 is installed through the Airbus SB A320-34-1231 (mod 30652). - VSB HG1150AC-34-0009 converts AC07 to AC08 The ADIRU AC08 is installed through the Airbus SB A320-34-1411 (mod 37784). 3.2.2 4MCU size: ADIRU Block I (P/N HG2030ACxx) - VSB HG2030AC-34-04 converts AC06 to AC08. The ADIRU AC08 is installed through the following Airbus SBs: o A320-34-1125 (mod 25204) o A330-34-3034 (mod 44341) o A340-34-4041 (mod 44341) - VSB HG2030AC-34-05 converts AC08 to AC09. The ADIRU AC09 is installed through the following Airbus SBs: o A320-34-1129 (mod 26001) o A330-34-3046 (mod 45102) o A340-34-4056 (mod 45102) - VSB HG2030AC-34-0009, converts AC09 to AC11. The ADIRU AC11 is installed through the following Airbus SBs: o A320-34-1240 (mod 30942) o A330-34-3104 (mod 49418) o A340-34-4114 (mod 49418) - VSB HG2030AC-34-0012, converts AC11 to AC13. The ADIRU AC13 is installed through the following Airbus SBs: o A320-34-1402 (mod 37806) o A330-34-3205 (mod 56609) o A340-34-4199 (mod 56609) 3.2.3 4MCU size: ADIRU Block II (P/N HG2030ADxx or HG2030AExx) - The ADIRU AD09 is installed through the following Airbus SBs: o A320-34-1136 (mod 26000) o A330-34-3051 (mod 45075) o A340-34-4060 (mod 45075) - VSB HG2030AD-34-0002 converts AD09 to AD10. The ADIRU AD10 is installed through the following Airbus SBs: o A320 Not applicable o A330/A340 on request (mod 45821) - VSB HG2030AD-34-0007, converts AD09 and AD10 to AD11. The ADIRU AD11 is installed through the following Airbus SBs: o A320-34-1249 (mod 30941) o A330/A340 (not applicable) - Neither Vendor SB, nor Airbus SB exists to install ADIRU AD12, mod 47552 (applicable on A340-500/600 as production mod only). - VSB HG2030AD-34-0016, converts AD09/AD10/AD11/AD12 to AD13. The ADIRU HG2030AD13 is certified on the following aircraft: o On A319, A320, A321: mod 37785 (SB A320-34-1410) o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 56497 (SB A330-34-3207) o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 56497 (SB A340-34-4201) o On A340-600: mod 56497 (SB A340-34-5056) - VSB HG2030AD-34-0018 converts AD13 to AD33. The ADIRU HG2030AD33 will be certified on the following aircraft: o On A319, A320, A321: mod 156844 (SB A320-34-1592) o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 203869 (SB A330-34-3307) o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 203869 (SB A340-34-4290) o On A340-600: mod 203869 (SB A340-34-5101) - VSB HG2030AE-34-0002 converts and AD09/AD10/AD11/AD12/AE20 to AE21 (basic on A318). The ADIRU HG2030AE21 is certified on the following aircraft: o On A318, A319, A320, A321: mod 31105 (SB A320-34-1319) o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 51144, no associated SB o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 51144, no associated SB o On A340-500/600: mod 51144 , no associated SB - VSB HG2030AE-34-0004 converts AE21 to AE22. The ADIRU AE22 is installed through the following Airbus SBs: o On A318, A319, A320, A321: mod 31706 (SB A320-34-1332) o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 52797 (SB A330-34-3165) o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 52797 (SB A340-34-4166) o On A340-500/600: mod 52797 (SB A340-34-5032) - VSB HG2030AE-34-0008 converts AE22 to AE23. The ADIRU AE23 is installed through the following Airbus SBs: o On A318, A319, A320, A321: mod 35793 (SB A320-34-1356) o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 55346 (SB A330-34-3191) o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 55346 (SB A340-34-4180) o On A340-500/600: mod 55346 (SB A340-34-5048) - VSB HG2030AE-34-0011 converts ADxx and AExx to AE24. The ADIRU AE24 is installed through the following Airbus SBs: o On A318, A319, A320, A321: mod 154721 (SB A320-34-1573) o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 203206 (SB A330-34- 3292) o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 203206 (SB A340-34- 4272) o On A340-500/600: mod 203206 (SB A340-34- 5092) - VSB HG2030AE-34-0012 converts AE23 to AE43. The ADIRU AE43 will be installed through the following Airbus SBs: o On A318, A319, A320, A321: mod 156889 (SB A320-34-1598) o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 203870 (SB A330-34-3302) o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 203870 (SB A340-34-4284) o On A340-500/600: mod 203870 (SB A340-34-5097) - VSB HG2030AE-34-0013 converts AE24 to AE44, VSB HG2030AE-34-0014 converts AE43 to AE44. The ADIRU AE44 will be installed through the following Airbus SBs: o On A318, A319, A320, A321: mod 156890 (SB A320-34-1599) o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 203871 (SB A330-34-3303) o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 203871 (SB A340-34-4285) o On A340-500/600: mod 203871 (SB A340-34-5098) 3.2.4 4MCU size: ADIRU Block III (P/N HG2030BE0x) Honeywell ADIRU P/N HG2030BE0X (X=2, 3 or 4) is dataloadable on aircraft. For interchangeability/mixability purposes, the ADIRU standard is defined by the software Part Numbers – the Hardware P/N does not affect the interchangeability and mixability conditions. Service Bulletins covering Hardware installation/upgrades: - The following modifications cover installation ADIRU hardware P/N HG2030BE02: o On A318, A319, A320, A321 and A320NEO: not certified o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 56720 (SB upon RFC/RMO request) o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 56720 (SB upon RFC/RMO request) o On A340-500/600: mod 56720 (SB upon RFC/RMO request) o On A380: Basic configuration. - VSB HG2030BE-34-0004 converts P/N HG2030BE02 to HG2030BE03. The following Airbus modifications cover installation ADIRU hardware P/N HG2030BE03: o On A318, A319, A320, A321 and A320NEO: mod 38480 (SB upon RFC/RMO request) o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 58415 (SB 34-3225 for BE02 upgrade to BE03) o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 58415 (SB 34-4229 for BE02 upgrade to BE03) o On A340-500/600: mod 58415 (SB upon RFC/RMO request) o On A380: mod 68321 (No SB required for BE02 upgrade to BE03 – two-ways interchangeable as identified in IPC (ICY code 200)) - VSB HG2030BE-34-0008 converts P/N HG2030BE03 to HG2030BE04. The following Airbus SBs cover ADIRU replacement from hardware P/N HG2030BE03 to P/N HG2030BE04: o On A318, A319, A320, A321: mod 154407(No SB required for BE03 upgrade – two-ways interchangeable as identified in IPC (ICY code 200)) o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 202791 (No SB required for BE03 upgrade – two-ways interchangeable as identified in IPC (ICY code 200)) o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 202791 (No SB required for BE03 upgrade – two-ways interchangeable as identified in IPC (ICY code 200)) o On A340-500/600: mod 202791 (SB upon RFC/RMO request) o On A380: mod 73099 (No SB required for BE03 upgrade to BE04 – two-ways interchangeable as identified in IPC (ICY code 200)). Service Bulletins covering Software installation/upgrades: The ADIRU standards (Lx.x) are defined by the P/N of the 3 software modules to be data loaded. The following table identifies the Software P/N for each ADIRU standard on each aircraft model. ADIRU STANDARD L3.5 L4.0 L4.1 L4.2 L4.3 L4.4 Certified on SA/LR A380 SA/LR A380 SA/LR A380 LR/A380 SA/A320NEO HNS572198BC01 X HNS562198BB01 X Operational HNS502198BD01 X X Software HNS512198BE01 X X Software module HNS522198BF01 X HNS532198BG01 X HNS512205BB01 X X P/N Data Table 1 HNS502205BC01 X X (*) X X (*) Air data HNS572205BD01 X (*) X (*) coefficient HNS562205BE01 X HNS552205BF01 X Data Table 1 HNS512206BA01 X X X X X X 2005 MagVar table MagVar HNS522206BB01 X X coefficients 2010 Magvar Table Note: SA does not include A320NEO: On A320NEO, only ADIRU L4.4 is certified. ADIRU L3.5 is not certified on A380 aircraft. ADIRU L4.0 is not certified on SA/LR aircraft. ADIRU L4.3 is not certified on SA aircraft. ADIRU L4.4 is not certified on LR and A380 aircraft. (*) 2 software configurations are possible for L4.1 and L4.2 on A380: any of the 2 alternate P/N for Data Table 1 (Air data Coefficient) software module can be loaded. - VSB HG2030BE-34-0003 introduces L4.1 software : The ADIRU L4.1 will be installed through the following Airbus SBs o On A318, A319, A320, A321: mod 150841 (SB A320-34-1458) o L4.1 is not certified on A320NEO o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 200064 (SB A330-34-3229) o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 200064 (SB A340-34-4237) o On A340-500/600: mod 200064 (SB upon RFC/RMO request) o On A380: - mod 67905 (SB A380-34-8008) for Data table 1 P/N HNS502205BC01 - mod 70685 (SB A380-34-8011) for Data table 1 P/N HNS502205BD01 - VSB HG2030BE-34-0007 converts L4.1 to L4.2: The ADIRU L4.2 will be installed through the following Airbus SBs o On A318, A319, A320, A321: mod 153528 (SB A320-34-1527) o L4.2 is not certified on A320NEO o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 202164 (SB A330-34-3279) o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 202164 (SB A340-34-4260) o On A340-500/600: mod 202164 (SB upon RFC/RMO request) o On A380: mod 71479 (SB A380-34-8014) (on for both L4.1 versions, as only Operational Software is modified) - VSB HG2030BE-34-0010 converts L4.2 to L4.3: The ADIRU L4.3 will be installed through the following Airbus SBs o L4.3 is not certified on A318, A319, A320, A321 and A320NEO o On A330-200, A330-300: mod 203712 (SB A330-34-3305) o On A340-200, A340-300: mod 203712 (SB A340-34-4287) o On A340-500/600: mod 203712 (SB upon RFC/RMO request) o On A380: mod 74505 (SB A380-34-8026). - VSB HG2030BE-34-0014 convert L4.2 to L4.4: The ADIRU L4.4 will be installed through the following Airbus SBs o On A318, A319, A320, A321: mod 161164 (SB A320-34-1581), o L4.4 is Basic on A320NEO: mod 161164 o L4.4 is not certified on A330/A340, o L4.4 is not certified on A380. 4 IMPACT ON FLIGHT OPERATIONS Mixed ADIRU Magvar configuration means having Magvar tables from different years (e.g. Magvar 2000 in one ADIRU, and Magvar 2005 in the other two ADIRUs). The year of the Magvar table is reflected in the mixability matrices for each PN. For further information about how Airbus is managing the ADIRU magnetic variation tables, refer to ISI 34.10.00002 (INERTIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM - MAGNETIC VARIATION TABLES) Airbus has issued new AFM TRs forbidding flight in the following zones when a mixed ADIRU Magvar configuration is used: - North of 73° North, and - North of 60° North between 160° West and 30° West, and - South of 55° South North zone South zone These limitations are published in AFM TRs: - On A320 family: TR 305, 306 and 307. - On A330/A340 family: TR 311 and 314. - On A380, Magvar operational restriction will apply on some Airport only from 2019. Dedicated FOT and AFM TRs will be published before the restrictions’ application dates. - On A320Neo, as only one standard is certified, this mixability limitation is not applicable. 5 ADIRU MIXABILITY MATRICES The following tables provide mixability matrices for A318/A319/A320/A321, A330/A340, A320NEO and A380. These tables shall be read as follow: - The left hand column gives the ADIRU baseline configuration. Then, depending on the ADIRU baseline configuration of your A/C (i.e. ADIRU PN which should be fitted in all 3 positions – Basic P/N in IPC), select the relevant raw in the left hand column. Example: Select A/C baseline raw as per IPC - The top raw gives you the spare ADIRU standard. Depending on the spare standard you want to install, select the relevant column. As a reminder, at least 2 of the 3 ADIRUs installed on an aircraft must be of the same standard to be an allowed configuration. Example: Select spare ADIRU column - The resulting cell provides the mixability conditions: o ‘N’ when the mixability is not allowed, the spare cannot be installed. o ‘Y’ when the mixability is allowed: the spare can be installed:  Without condition if ‘Y’ is alone  Under conditions, if ‘Y’ is followed by following notes:  1 to 10: Conditions regarding the IR, ADR and GPIR part of the ADIRU (OPS and OPC1 for BIII standard),  a: Condition regarding the magvar coefficients,  A to N: Conditions linked to certification restrictions. Example: Resulting Cell: >> Spare can be installed under condition(1) 5.1 Mixability for Northrop Grumman ADIRU on A318/A319/A320/A321, excluding A320NEO A Spare ADIRU may be MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2010 MagVar Table 2010 465020-0303-0316 465020-0304-0316 465020-0303-0318 465020-0304-0318 A/C ADIRU baseline: installed: 465020-0303-0316 A320 Family Y Y(a) Y(a) MagVar Table 2005 465020-0304-0316 A320 Family Y Y(a) Y(a) MagVar Table 2005 465020-0303-0318 A320 Family Y(a) Y(a) Y MagVar Table 2010 465020-0304-0318 A320 Family Y(a) Y(a) Y MagVar Table 2010 (a) Two operational limitations apply: 1. It is not allowed to fly: - North of 60°N, between 30°W and 160°W, and - North of 73°N, and - South of 55°S A318/A319/A320/A321 AFM TR305, TR306 or TR307 defining these exclusion areas shall be inserted in the AFM. 2. MagVar operational limitation listed in FOT 999.0138/15 applies, considering ADIRU having the oldest Magvar table. Note: On aircraft, at least 2 ADIRU must have the same Part Number (e.g. 2 x 465020-0303-0316 and 1x 465020-0304-0316) 5.2 Mixability Northrop Grumman ADIRU on A330/A340 A Spare ADIRU may be MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2010 465020-0303-0316 465020-0304-0316 465020-0304-0318 installed: A/C ADIRU baseline: A330 Y Y(a) 465020-0303-0316 MagVar Table 2005 A340 Y Y(a) A330 N Y(a) 465020-0304-0316 MagVar Table 2005 A340 Y Y(a) A330 N Y(a) 465020-0304-0318 MagVar Table 2010 A340 Y(a) Y(a) (a) Two operational limitations apply: 1. It is not allowed to fly: - North of 60°N, between 30°W and 160°W, and - North of 75°N, and - South of 55°S A330 TR311 and A340 TR314 defining these exclusion areas shall be inserted in the AFM. 2. MagVar operational limitations listed in FOT 999.0139/15 apply, considering ADIRU having the oldest Magvar table. Note: On aircraft, at least 2 ADIRU must have the same Part Number (e.g. 2 x 465020-0303-0316 and 1x 465020-0304-0316) 5.3 Mixability matrix for Honeywell ADIRU 4MCU on A318/A319/A320/A321, excluding A320NEO: BI BII BIII A spare ADIRU may MagVar Table 2010 MagVar Table 1985 MagVar Table 2000 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 1985 MagVar Table 2000 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2000 MagVar Table 2000 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2010 MagVar Table 2010 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2005 (Basic Map) / 1990 (Basic Map) / 1990 HG2030BE03/04 HG2030BE03/04 HG2030BE03/04 HG2030BE03/04 (Extended Map) (Extended Map) be installed : HG2030AD09 HG2030AD11 HG2030AD13 HG2030AD33 HG2030AC09 HG2030AC11 HG2030AC13 HG2030AE21 HG2030AE22 HG2030AE23 HG2030AE43 HG2030AE24 HG2030AE44 std L3-5 std L4-1 std L4-2 std L4-4 A/C ADIRU baseline: Applicability HG2030AC09 MagVar Table 1985 Y(a) N Y Y(a) N N Y(5) (a) Y(5) (a) N N N N N N N N (Basic Map) / 1990 (Extended Map) A319/A320/A321 BI HG2030AC11 Y(1+2+5) Y(a) Y(a) Y(a) Y Y(a) Y(a) Y(5) Y(5) Y(5) (a) Y(5) (a) N N Y(2+5) (a) Y(2+5) (a) N MagVar Table 2000 A319/A320/A321 (a) HG2030AC13 Y(5+6) Y(2+5) N Y(6)(a) N Y(6)(a) Y Y Y(5+6) (a) Y(5) Y(5) Y(5) (a) Y(5) (a) Y(1+2+5) Y(2+5) Y(2+5) MagVar Table 2005 A319/A320/A321 (a) (a) HG2030AD09 MagVar Table 1985 Y Y(a) N Y(a) N N Y(5) (a) Y(5) (a) N N N N N N N N (Basic Map) / 1990 (Extended Map) A319/A320/A321 HG2030AD11 Y(1+2+5) Y(a) Y Y(a) Y(a) Y(a) Y(a) Y(5) Y(5) Y(5) (a) Y(5) (a) N N Y(2+5) (a) Y(2+5) (a) N MagVar Table 2000 A319/A320/A321 (a) HG2030AD13 Y(5+6) Y(2+5) N Y(6) (a) Y N Y(6)(a) Y Y(5+6) (a) Y(5) Y(5) Y(5) (a) Y(5) (a) Y(1+2+5) Y(2+5) Y(2+5) MagVar Table 2005 A319/A320/A321 (a) (a) HG2030AD33 Y(5+6) Y(2+5) N Y(6) (a) Y N Y(6)(a) Y Y(5+6) (a) Y(5) Y(5) Y(5) (a) Y(5) (a) Y(1+2+5) Y(2+5) Y(2+5) MagVar Table 2005 A319/A320/A321 (a) (a) HG2030AE21 Y(5+9+10) Y(5+9+10 Y(5+9+10)(a Y(5+9+10) Y(5+9+10 BII Y(5+9+10) Y(5+9+10) Y Y(a) Y(a) N N Y(1+2) (a) Y(2) (a) Y(2) (a) N MagVar Table 2000 A318/A319/A320/A321 (a) ) (a) ) (a) ) (a) HG2030AE22 Y(5+7+9) Y(5+7+9) Y(5+9)(a) Y(5+7+9) Y(5+7+9)(a) Y(5+7+9) Y(5+7+9) (a) Y(8) Y(a) Y(a) N N Y(1+2) (a) Y(2) (a) Y(2) (a) N MagVar Table 2000 A318/A319/A320/A321 (a) (a) HG2030AE23 Y(5+6+7+9) Y(5+6+7+9) Y(2) N Y(5+7+9) N Y(5+7+9) Y(5+7+9) Y(6+8) (a) Y(6)(a) Y Y(a) Y(a) Y(1+2) Y(2) Y(2) MagVar Table 2005 A318/A319/A320/A321 (a) (a) (a) HG2030AE43 Y(5+6+7+9) Y(5+6+7+9) Y(2) N Y(5+7+9) N Y(5+7+9) Y(5+7+9) Y(6+8) (a) Y(6)(a) Y Y(a) Y(a) Y(1+2) Y(2) Y(2) MagVar Table 2005 A318/A319/A320/A321 (a) (a) (a) HG2030AE24 Y(4+5+7+ Y(4+5+7+9) Y(4+5+7+ N N N N N N Y(4) (a) Y(4) (a) Y Y(1+2) (a) Y(2) (a) Y(2) (a) Y(2) MagVar Table 2010 A318/A319/A320/A321 9) (a) (a) 9) (a) HG2030AE44 Y(4+5+7+ Y(4+5+7+9) Y(4+5+7+ N N N N N N Y(4) (a) Y(4) (a) Y Y(1+2) (a) Y(2) (a) Y(2) (a) Y(2) MagVar Table 2010 A318/A319/A320/A321 9) (a) (a) 9) (a) HG2030BE03/04 Y(2+3+ Y(2+3+4+5+ Y(2+3+4+ Y(2+3+4+5+ Y(2+3+4+5+ Y(2+3+4+ Y(2+3+4+ Y(2+3+ Y(2+3) Y(2+3) std L3-5 N 6+9) (a) 5+9) N 6+9)(a) 9) 5+9) 6) (a) 4+6) 4) Y(2+3+4) (a) (a) Y Y Y(a) MagVar Table 2005 A318/A319/A320/A321 (a) HG2030BE03/04 Y(2+3+ Y(2+3+4+5+ Y(2+3+4+ Y(2+3+4+5+ Y(2+3+4+5+ Y(2+3+4+ Y(2+3+4+ Y(2+3+ Y(2+3) Y(2+3) std L4-1 N 6+9) (a) 5+9) N 6+9)(a) 9) 5+9) 6) (a) 4+6) 4) Y(2+3+4) (a) (a) Y(1) Y Y(a) MagVar Table 2005 A318/A319/A320/A321 (a) BIII HG2030BE03/04 Y(2+3+ Y(2+3+4+5+ Y(2+3+4+ Y(2+3+4+5+ Y(2+3+4+5+ Y(2+3+4+ Y(2+3+4+ Y(2+3+ Y(2+3) Y(2+3) std L4-2 N 6+9) (a) 5+9) N 6+9)(a) 9) 5+9) 6) (a) 4+6) 4) Y(2+3+4) (a) (a) Y(1) Y Y(a) MagVar Table 2005 A318/A319/A320/A321 (a) HG2030BE03/04 Y(2+3+4+ Y(2+3+4+5+ Y(2+3+4+ Y(2+3+ Y(2+3+4) Y(1) std L4-4 N N 5+9) (a) N N 9) (a) 5+9 )(a) N N 4) (a) (a) Y(2+3) Y(2+3) (a) Y (a) Y (a) MagVar Table 2010 A318/A319/A320/A321 Conditions of mixability: 1. If A/C is fitted with WXR RTA-4B, only ADIRU on side 2 can be replaced. 2. Mixability is not allowed if A/C is fitted with GPSSU 3. Only one ADIRU can be replaced by a different one 4. Mixability is not allowed if MOD 154308 (Autoland in Johannedburg) is activated 5. Mixability is not allowed if MOD 33240 (alignment function) and/or MOD 35871 (ADR monitoring) are activated 6. Mixability is not allowed if MOD 35891 (Polar Navigation) is applied without MOD 36529 (Extended MagVar Table) 7. Mixability is allowed if the GPS receiver installed is a HWL GPSSU, else only one ADIRU P/N HG2030AE2X can be replaced 8. If the GPS receiver installed is a Multi-Mode Receiver (MMR) COLLINS GLU-920, only one ADIRU HG2030AE2X can be replaced 9. Mixability is not allowed on A318 aircraft 10. If the GPS receiver installed is neither a HWL GPSSU nor a MMR Collins GLU-920, only one ADIRU P/N HG2030AE2X can be replaced (a) Two operational limitations apply: 1. It is not allowed to fly: - North of 60°N, between 30°W and 160°W, and - North of 73°N, and - South of 55°S A318/A319/A320/A321 AFM TR305, TR306 or TR307 defining these exclusion areas shall be inserted in the AFM. 2. MagVar operational limitations listed in FOT 999.0138/15 apply, considering ADIRU having the oldest Magvar table. Note: On aircraft, at least 2 ADIRU must have the same Part Number (e.g. 2 ADIRU HG2030AD13 and 1 ADIRU HG2030AD33). 5.4 Mixability matrix for Honeywell ADIRU 10MCU on A318/A319/A320/A321, excluding A320NEO A Spare ADIRU may be MagVar Table 1985 MagVar Table 1985 MagVar Table 2000 MagVar Table 2005 HG1150AC05 HG1150AC06 HG1150AC07 HG1150AC08 A/C ADIRU baseline: installed: Applicability HG1150AC05 A320 Yes No No MagVar Table 1985 A320 Yes No No HG1150AC06 MagVar Table 1985 A321 Yes No No A320 No No Yes (a) HG1150AC07 MagVar Table 2000 A321 No No Yes (a) A320 No No Yes (a) HG1150AC08 MagVar Table 2005 A321 No No Yes (a) Conditions of mixability: (a) Two operational limitations apply: 1. It is not allowed to fly: - North of 60°N, between 30°W and 160°W, and - North of 75°N, and - South of 55°S A318/A319/A320/A321 AFM TR305, TR306 or TR307 defining these exclusion areas shall be inserted in the AFM. 2. MagVar operational limitations listed in FOT 999.0138/15 apply, considering ADIRU having the oldest Magvar table. Note: On aircraft, at least 2 ADIRU must have the same Part Number (e.g. 2 x HG1150AC07 and 1x HG1150AC08) 5.5 Mixability matrix for Honeywell ADIRU on A330/A340 BI BII BIII A spare ADIRU may HG2030BE02/03/04 HG2030BE02/03/04 HG2030BE02/03/04 HG2030BE02/03/04 MagVar Table 1990 MagVar Table 2000 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 1990 MagVar Table 1990 MagVar Table 2000 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2000 MagVar Table 2000 MagVar Table 2000 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2010 MagVar Table 2010 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2005 MagVar Table 2010 be installed : HG2030AD09 HG2030AD10 HG2030AD12 HG2030AD13 HG2030AD33 HG2030AC09 HG2030AC11 HG2030AC13 HG2030AE20 HG2030AE21 HG2030AE22 HG2030AE23 HG2030AE43 HG2030AE24 HG2030AE44 std L3-5 std L4-1 std L4-2 std L4-3 A/C ADIRU baseline: (D) (A) (B) (B) (B) (B) (C) (E) (E) (F) (F) (F) Applicability HG2030AC09 Y(a)(B) N Y(B) Y(D) N N N N Y(5)(a) Y(5)(a) N N N N N N N N MagVar Table 1990 A333-A3423 (B) HG2030AC11 Y(1+3+5) Y(3+5) BI Y(a) (B) Y(a)(B) Y(a)(B) Y(c) (D) N Y(a)(E) Y(a)(E) N Y(5) Y(5) Y(5)(a) Y(5)(a) N N Y(3+5) (a)(F) N MagVar Table 2000 A333-A3423 (B) (a) (a)(F) HG2030AC13 Y(2+3+5) N Y(a)(B) N N N Y(E) Y(E) N Y(5)(a) Y(5)(a) Y(5) Y(5) Y(5) (a) Y(5)(a) Y(1+3+5) Y(3+5) (F) Y(3+5) (F) MagVar Table 2005 A333-A3423 (B) (a)(F) HG2030AD09 Y(B) Y(a)(B) N Y (D) N N N N Y(5)(a) Y(5)(a) N N N N N N N N MagVar Table 1990 A333-A3423 (B) HG2030AD10 Y(B) Y(a)(B) N Y(B) N N N N Y(5)(a) Y(5)(a) N N N N N N N N MagVar Table 1990 A3323-A3423 (D) HG2030AD12 Y(1+3+5) Y(3+5) (a) Y(3+5) N N N N N Y(a)(E) Y(a)(E) N Y(5) Y(5) Y(5)(a) Y(5)(a) N N N MagVar Table 2000 A346 (A) (a) (F) (a)(F) HG2030AD13 Y(2+3+5) N Y(a)(B) Y(B) N N Y(a)(A) Y(E) N Y(5)(a) Y(5)(a) Y(5) Y(5) Y(5) (a) Y(5)(a) Y(1+3+5) Y(3+5) (F) Y(3+5) (F) MagVar Table 2005 A3323-A34236 (E) (a)(F) HG2030AD33 Y(2+3+5) N Y(a)(B) Y(B) N N Y(a)(A) Y(E) N Y(5)(a) Y(5)(a) Y(5) Y(5) Y(5) (a) Y(5)(a) Y(1+3+5) Y(3+5) (F) Y(3+5) (F) MagVar Table 2005 A3323-A34236 (E) (a) (F) HG2030AE20 Y(1+3+5) Y(3+5) Y(3+5) N N N N N N N N Y(5) Y(5) Y(5)(a) Y(5)(a) N N N MagVar Table 2000 A345 (C) (a) (a) (F) (a)(F) BII HG2030AE21 Y(5+8) Y(5+8) Y(5+8) Y(5+8) Y(5+8) Y(5+8) Y(5+8) Y(1+3) Y(5+8) (B) Y(5)(C) Y Y(a) Y(a) N N Y(3) (a)(F) Y(3) (a)(F) N MagVar Table 2000 A3323-A342356 (a) (B) (a)(B) (a)(B) (a)(D) (A) (a)(E) (a) (E) (a) HG2030AE22 Y(5+6) Y(5+6) Y(5+6) Y(5+6) Y(5+6) Y(5+6+7) Y(5+6+ Y(5+7) Y(1+3) Y(5+6)(B) Y(7) Y(a) Y(a) N N Y(3) (a)(F) Y(3) (a)(F) N MagVar Table 2000 A3323-A342356 (a) (B) (a)(B) (a)(B) (a)(D) (A) (a)(E) 7) (a)(E) (C) (a) HG2030AE23 Y(5+6) Y(5+6) Y(5+6) Y(5+6+7) Y(5+6+ Y(5+7) Y(2+3) N N N Y(7)(a) Y(a) Y Y(a) Y(a) Y(1+3) Y(3)(F) Y (3)(F) MagVar Table 2005 A3323-A342356 (a)(B) (B) (a)(A) (E) 7) (E) (a) (C) (a)(F) HG2030AE43 Y(5+6) Y(5+6) Y(5+6) Y(5+6+7) Y(5+6+ Y(5+7) Y(2+3) N N N Y(7)(a) Y(a) Y Y(a) Y(a) Y(1+3) Y(3)(F) Y (3)(F) MagVar Table 2005 A3323-A342356 (a)(B) (B) (a)(A) (E) 7) (E) (a) (C) (a)(F) HG2030AE24 Y(4+5) Y(4+5) Y(4+5) Y(1+3) N N N N N N N N Y(a) Y(a) Y Y(3) (a)(F) Y(3) (a)(F) Y(2+3) (F) MagVar Table 2010 A3323-A342356 (a)(B) (a)(E) (a)(E) (a) HG2030AE44 Y(4+5) Y(4+5) Y(4+5) Y(1+3) N N N N N N N N Y(a) Y(a) Y Y(3 ) (a)(F) Y(3) (a)(F) Y(2+3) (F) MagVar Table 2010 A3323-A342356 (a)(B) (a)(E) (a)(E) (a) HG2030BE02/03/04 Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4+ Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4) Y(3+4) Y(3+4) Y(3+4) std L3-5 N (a) (B) (B) N N (a)(A) (E) 5) (E) (a) (C) (a) (a) Y(3+4) Y(3+4) (a) (a) Y Y Y(2)(a)(F) MagVar Table 2005 A3323-A342356 (N) HG2030BE02/03/04 Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4+ Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4) Y(3+4) Y(3+4) Y(3+4) std L4-1 N (a) (B) (B) N N (a)(A) (E) 5) (E) (a) (C) (a) (a) Y(3+4) Y(3+4) (a) (a) Y(1) Y Y(2)(a)(F) MagVar Table 2005 A3323F-A342356 (F) BIII HG2030BE02/03/04 Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4+ Y(3+4+5) Y(3+4) Y(3+4) Y(3+4) Y(3+4) std L4-2 N (a) (B) (B) N N (a)(A) (E) 5) (E) (a) (C) (a) (a) Y(3+4) Y(3+4) (a) (a) Y(1) Y Y(2)(a)(F) MagVar Table 2005 A3323F-A342356 (F) HG2030BE02/03/04 Y(2+3+4+ Y(2+3+ Y(2+3+4+ Y(2+3+4) Y(2+3+4) Y(2+3+ Y(1+2) std L4-3 N N 5) (a)(B) N N N 5) 4+5) N N N (a) (a) Y(2+3+4) 4) (a) Y(2) (a)(F) Y(2) (a)(F) MagVar Table 2010 A3323F-A342356 (F) (a)(E) (a)(E) Conditions of mixability: 1- If A/C fitted with WXR HWL, only ADIRU on side 2 can be replaced 2- If the MOD 203611 (Activate IAS Correction) is embodied, only ADIRU on side 3 can be replaced 3- Mixability is not allowed if A/C is fitted with GPSSU 4- Only one ADIRU can be replaced by a different one 5- Mixability is not allowed if MOD51411 AND/OR MOD 53368 are embodied 6- Mixability is allowed if the GPS receiver installed is a HWL GPSSU, else only one ADIRU P/N HG2030AE2X can be replaced 7- If the GPS receiver installed is a Multi-Mode Receiver (MMR) COLLINS GLU-920, only one ADIRU P/N HG2030AE2X can be replaced 8- If the GPS receiver installed is not a Honeywell GPSSU or a Multi-Mode Receiver (MMR) Collins GLU 920, only one ADIRU P/N HG2030AE21 can be replaced by P/N HG2030ACXX/ HG2030ADXX. (a) Two operational limitations apply: 1. It is not allowed to fly: - North of 60°N, between 30°W and 160°W, and - North of 75°N, and - South of 55°S A330 TR311 and A340 TR314 defining these exclusion areas shall be inserted in the AFM. 2. MagVar operational limitations listed in FOT 999.0139/15 apply, considering ADIRU having the oldest Magvar table. A Only on A340-600. mixability on other A/C is not allowed B Only on A330-300 and A340-200/300 aircraft, mixability on other A/C is not allowed C Only on A340-500. mixability on other A/C is not allowed D Only on A330-200/300 and A340-200/300 aircraft, mixability on other A/C is not allowed E Only on A330-200/300 and A340-200/300/600 aircraft, mixability on other A/C is not allowed F Standard certified on A330-200Freighter, N If A/C fitted with WXR HWL, the configuration with 3 ADIRU BIII ADIRU L3-5 is forbidden Note: On aircraft, at least 2 ADIRU must have the same Part Number (e.g. 2 ADIRU HG2030AD13 and 1 ADIRU HG2030AD33). 5.6 Mixability matrix for Honeywell ADIRU on A320NEO: The different HW configurations (HG2030BE02/03/04) are fully interchangeable and fully mixable (ICY 200 as identified in IPC). At this stage, only one SW configuration is certified on A320NEO aircraft. 5.7 Mixability matrix for Honeywell ADIRU on A380: The different HW configurations (HG2030BE02/03/04) are fully interchangeable and fully mixable (ICY 200 as identified in IPC). The software modules can be loaded on aircraft; as a consequence, the mixability between the different software versions has not been certified. All 3 ADIRU must have the same software configuration to be in a certified configuration. © Airbus SAS, 2017. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.The technical information provided in this article is for convenience and information purposes only. It shall in no case replace the official Airbus technical or Flight Operations data which shall remain the sole basis for aircraft maintenance and operation. These recommendations and information do not constitute a contractual commitment, warranty or guarantee whatsoever. They shall not supersede the Airbus technical nor operational documentation; should any deviation appear between this article and the Airbus or airline's official manuals, the operator must ensure to cover it with the appropriate document such as TA, FCD, RDAS. Access to WISE is supplied by Airbus under the express condition that Airbus hereby disclaims any and all liability for the use made by the user of the information contained in WISE. It shall be used for the user's own purposes only and shall not be reproduced or disclosed to any third party without the prior consent of Airbus.
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