ADF Architects Datafile (2012-12).pdf

May 24, 2018 | Author: César Vasconcellos | Category: Building Information Modeling, Architect, Technology, Technology (General), Science



adf architectsdatafileDecember 2012 London Crossrail tunnel excavation provides soil for Wallasea Island nature reserve, Essex Saracens rugby stadium, Barnet, North London Student Castle, Manchester Plus the latest news and products roofing • lighting • doors & windows incorporating BUILDING PROJECTS reader enquiry 401 adf 23 30 35 Student accommodation reaches new heights Manchester’s distinctive new Student Castle features four towers and is one of the world’s tallest student accommodation buildings, as James Pringle reports 30 35 Industry News Events CPD Focus Editor’s Focus Interiors UK Show Preview HEADLINES Birds benefit from rail project Earth excavated from tunnels for London Crossrail will be use on Wallasea Island to create Europe's largest man-made nature reserve, as Stephen Cousins reports Home at last The rugby union side Saracens finally have a stadium worthy of their illustrious history, as Steve Menary reports 5 Autumn Statement A missed opportunity 7 Construction New Orders indicate continuing industry contraction 10 Royal Opera House narrows competition to two 18 Mapping the future 34 40 40 41 54 55 58 64 65 65 Planning & Design Groundworks Structural Elements External Fixtures Insulation Heating, Ventilation & Services Interiors Disabled Products & Services Safety & Security Landscaping & External Works 67 Classified & Directory EXTERNAL FIXTURES: DOORS & WINDOWS 43 Unlocking the best of bi-folds With a relaxation in planning permission for extensions estimated to increase bi-folding door sales by up to 20 per cent, David Ginger, technical director of Origin Frames Ltd, looks at the commonly asked questions for this ever more popular home improvement solution EXTERNAL FIXTURES: ROOFING 49 Isolating cold bridges in metal roofing Andrew Denham, business development manager at ALM Hard Metals in conjunction with VM Zinc discusses the advantages of using fixing systems to avoid the risk of cold bridging in metal roofs. INTERIORS: LIGHTING 61 products features 4 8 15 20 65 adf architectsdatafile November 2012 Integrating lighting into building structures The rise in LED technology is allowing lighting designers and architects to discreetly integrate lighting into the building fabric. Mike Attard, managing director of RIDI Lighting, gives an overview London Crossrail tunnel excavation provides soil for Wallasea Island nature reserve, Essex Saracens rugby stadium, Barnet, North London Student Castle, Manchester Plus the latest news and products roofing • lighting • doors & windows BUILDING PROJECTS Cover image is a CGI of new National Stadium, Japan © Zaha Hadid Architects See page 4 projects 23 news contents december 2012 adfonline. cladding membranes and the museum. It Antonio Monserrat defines an elevated plaza for public use – a new Fernando Poucell urban gathering space that can be used by the Irene Guerra public for functions outside of sports events. LDADesign with Hargreaves Associates. Phone 01435 863500 for details. structural skeleton. an urban connector which enhances and modulates people moving through the site from different directions and points of access. AECOM. The manufacturer of the paper used within our publication is a Chain-of-Custody certified supplier operating within environmental systems certified to both ISO 14001 and EMAS in order to ensure sustainable production. translucent Zaha Hadid Architects membranes. The Olympic Delivery Authority has been named winner of the 2012 Landscape Institute Peter Youngman Award. The Project director interior of the stadium is also given a clear idenJim Heverin Cristiano Ceccato tity through the strong roof structure that contrasts with the lightness of the translucent Project architect Paulo Flores membrane tensile structures. search our information archive at www. International Sustainability www. ExCeL London) will bring together a wealth of of top sustainability experts to debate and share their unique perspectives on the global sustainability agenda with the launch of its Sustainability Overseas conference programme. Forming part of Ecobuild 2013’s wider conference programme in association with UKGBC.. It is an intricate assembly of efficient long-spanning structural ribs that are Architect spanned by a system of lightweight. the oneday conference stream will take place on Wednsday 6 March 2013 covering the challenges and opportunities of sustainability around the world with experts from UK Green Building Council. The building volume sits gently within the urban landscape and is articulated as an assembly of stadium bowl. the design team behind the Olympic Park. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in Architects Datafile. Ecobuild update: New Sustainability Overseas conference UBM Built New National Stadium. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means. For the full programme line-up and speaker information. manufacturers or advertisers. Printed in England COMPETITION WIN AWARD Double win for Olympic Park The London 2012 Olympic Park has won two awards at the UK’s most prestigious landscape awards ceremony held last month at the Congress Centre in central London. where the stadium elevation graZaha Hadid Patrik Schumacher ciously touches the ground. including post and packing. The elevated ground connections govern the flow of people through the site. Japan The new Tokyo National Stadium is more than a large sports facility designed to the highest design specifications and functional Sales Executives Kim Friend Steve Smith Andrew Wilson Circulation/Reader Enquiry Service Jane Spice netMAGmedia Ltd Cointronic House Station Road Heathfield East Sussex TN21 8DF Advertising & Administration t 01435 863500 f 01435 863897 info@netmagmedia. Individual copies of the publication are available at £5 each inc p & p. yet Junyi Wang its carefully controlled views into the stadium Karoly Markos intimately tie it to the overall sports complex. mechanical.. Editorial contributors to this journal may have made a payment towards the reproduction costs of material used to illustrate their products. It is a piece of the city’s fabric. together forming an intricate structural composition that is both light and cohesive. a continuous exhibition space that creates a new type of journey for visitors flowing along the project’s north-south Publisher/Editor Simon Reed Assistant Editor Gabrielle Vinyard gabrielle@netmagmedia. RICS. including . The perimeter of the bowl structure becomes a new inhabited bridge. the publisher can accept no responsibility for the claims or opinions made by contributors. respond online. Arup and Atkins. BRE. Premier Inn and many more. organisers of Ecobuild 2013 (5 . please visit http://bit.adfonline. This unique structure is a lightDesign weight Press Releases [email protected] March 2013. effectively carving the geometric forms of the Annual subscription costs just £48 for 12 issues. Editorial & Production Assistant Sebastien Brilland-Reed Sarah Meikle Project Editor James Pringle Contributors Stephen Cousins Steve Menary James Pringle Sales Director Lesley Mayo Advertisment Manager Anthony Parker anthony@netmagmedia. recording or stored in any information retrieval system without the express prior written consent of the publisher. have been named winner of the 2012 Landscape Institute President’s Award. electronic. Tokyo support team The museum is lifted up above the ground plane.4 news Scan the code with your mobile phone using QR code software to view the latest news feed from www. Yoshi Uchiyama allowing for a minimal footprint on ground Ben Kikkawa where the landscape extends beneath it. The museum is displaced from the main bowl Design core team Rafael Contreras geometry as a discernibly separate element. defining a clear approach towards the stadium entrances. The stadium roof defines an iconic silhouette that integrates gently within the cityscape around it.adfonline. Both awards recognise the special nature of the Olympic Park project and also the extraordinary achievement it represents. . the MAC reflects its location in Belfast and the surrounding heritage of mills and warehouses. The government must ensure that the promised investment in housing and schools is spent on welldesigned buildings where people want to live and where children are inspired to learn. The result is a building with external brick elevations that are highly successful in reflecting a contemporary interpretation of traditional construction methods.. You can see pictures and find full details of the project teams at www. each showing excellence in different aspects of design and construction. a building in Belfast has won the Supreme Winner Award and the Best Public Building Category at the 2012 Brick Awards. Ref: 67115 Sir Terry Farrell to assist London Assembly with new investigation into future of capital’s town centres.5 billion investment in infrastructure – but is concerned that the government is not doing enough to address the current housing crisis. there were 15 category awards. and is available to view on You Tube by visiting www.. we need to be building 300. involving the contractor in key decisions with regards to buildability. which is dominated along one side by a four storey wall of brick Ref: 13001 Youth Centre to bring excitement and possibilities to Luton. The buildings of its hey-day were all constructed in brick.” Brick is the dominant finish both externally and within the main foyer. “Design quality is vital for creating long lasting sustainable homes and communities and offering real long-term value to the taxpayer. Professor John Hopkins. We sought to create a building that reflects this heritage not only in its resilience and constructional legibility. but also in its warmth and texture and essential humanity. The Landscape Legacy of the Olympics series consists of 10 parts. We do not believe the Autumn Statement goes far enough to tackle this housing and in an effort to celebrate its landscape legacy the Landscape Institute has released a series of films telling the story of the design and build of the London 2012 Olympic Park. a new arts building in Belfast. Built by brickwork contractor Grove Builders search our information archive at www. RIBA president Angela Brady said: “A healthy construction industry is vital if the UK is to recover from the economic decline of the past few years. Sarah Price of Sarah Price Landscapes and Tom Armour of Arup are among the key players who agreed to talk about their respective roles in creating the Olympic Park and associated sites. In addition to the Supreme Award. The brick selection was undertaken with great care with the architects choosing Wienerberger’s Mellowed Red Sovereign Stock brick because it reflected the regularity of bricks typically used in Belfast in the 19th an 20th centuries.. 601 Landscape Institute releases film series on the design and build of the Olympic Park – and plans to inspire a generation Following the massive success of the Olympic Park. The detailing of these was undertaken carefully. Tom Smith of AECOM. such wonderful framing with brick centralised as the most dominant feature’ and deserved the accoloade of the BDA Supreme Award 2012. The judges felt that the MAC was ‘a fantastic building... enq. The Awards were held at the Marriott Grosvenor Square Hotel in London on 13 November. Completed in February 2012. The MAC.blogspot. The series is headlined by a five minute film entitled The Olympic Park: a landscape legacy. Belfast’s Lyric Theatre. string courses and lintels of the traditional brick buildings in Belfast.000 new homes a year to meet current demands and solve the housing shortage. The commitment to fund 120. followed in the footsteps of the 2011 Awards winner. of LDA and enter the reference number to view more information Stride Treglown Completes £20 million refurbishment of council 5 AWARD COMMENT Autumn Statement – A missed opportunity RIBA has responded to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Rt Hon George Osborne MP’s Autumn Statement to the House of Commons on the 5 December. The RIBA has welcomed the Chancellor’s commitment to build 120. which brings together the key players behind the creation of the Park and captures the role landscape had to play in the transformation of the once derelict news bytes Visit adf-news. the building has received many appreciative comments from the public. The brick walls use elements of precast concrete in a direct reference to the stone .000 is welcome but significantly short of the mark.000 new homes – as part of a larger £5. using simple. project sponsor of the Public Realm and Parklands. Ref: 68727 respond online. Architect Ian McKnight commented: “Belfast is a brick city.brick.” Belfast project wins top medal again in Brick Awards For the second year running. Neil Mattinson FLI. designed by architects Hackett Hall McKnight. legible construction. LEAD THE BRICK REVOLUTION .QQRYDWHWR.QVSLUH 9DQGHUVDQGHQ*URXSLV GULYHQE\LQQRYDWLRQ 2XUEULFNSURGXFWVHPSRZHU DUFKLWHFWVZLWKWKHLQVSLUDWLRQ WRFUHDWHEHDXWLIXOEXLOGLQJV &DOO+RVNLQV%ULFN RQ VDOHV#KRVNLQVEULFNFRP ZZZYDQGHUVDQGHQFRP 3OHDVHTXRWHFRGH$')ZKHQFDOOLQJ reader enquiry 102 %HVW:RUOGZLGH . Seasonally Adjusted  Britain • The estimated total volume of all         C$. seasonally adjusted) Great Prices. Q3 2012                     Headline figures in Constant (2005) Orders for New Construction (constant (2005) New orders in the construction industry. ''.  new construction orders in the   1%'.  1 .   -  1%'.  1 .  1 .  (''  third quarter of 2012 increased by  .   .       .   . ' $$  =  .   . # 9. For more details. that accounted for 36  per cent of total construction output in 2011.)0 9  9 :// 7: 7 :#.4  . 9.7 per cent lower  than the second quarter and 35.)0 /:  7 99 9:: # # estimated to be 43.9 per cent (with current price orders  . #/9 estimated volume of infrastructure   .. search our information archive at www.           seasonally adjusted) • The estimated volume of private commercial orders in the third quarter of 2012 was 6.9 7:7# second quarter of 2012.)0 /99 : . Ref: 58149   these two sectors are not unexpected and the overall figure  of orders for all new work is negative.4 per cent compared with the :   //: :: 79 /// .7 #9 .7 per cent lower than the third  7 . Birmingham. #/: / 7# /#: 9/ 7# • Compared with the second quarter   /:# 9 /#: 97: / 9: //. senior economist at the Construction Products Association said: “Our intelligence of the trading conditions the industry is experiencing has indicated a difficult market and these figures from ONS certainly endorse this position. Ref: 17493 Construction New Orders indicate continuing industry contraction Although Q3 has seen some improvement against the second quarter in 2012.1 per  7.:9  /:  //   : pared with the same period one            Table source: Office for National Statistics       Table notes: year earlier.. £4 million academic faculty for Chinese studies from Lewis and Hickey Architects.5 million research building at the University of Dundee. quarter of 2012 was estimated to be   :. #77 9/ /#/ # 9#: : quarter of 2011. Ref: 34009 respond online. :/ . #7 :# in the third quarter of 2012 com  :/  79  977   .uk   7                  news bytes Visit     cent).' 5. #9   .. 77 : 7# 9.:# #: . New orders for commercial work.blogspot. indicating continuing challenging conditions for construction in 2013. the overall level of construction new orders remains very poor. The total volume of all new :  /9 9  977 /  :7 construction orders in the third   9#7 .. as both infrastructure and private industrial construction new orders are showing double digit increases of 46 and 24 per cent respectively for the first nine months of this year. 7:9  79 orders in the third quarter of 31. compared to the same period last year. /.    .8 per cent higher  .)0 7:9 #7 ## 97: 7# # 9. R = Revised since 2012 Q2 publication released on 7 September 2012 most of the upwards movement in               the level of new orders in the third  Total Construction New Orders (constant (2005) prices. were 18 per cent lower in the first nine months of 2012 compared with the same period in and enter the reference number to view more information  COMMENT RIBA Competition announced to improve the visibility of Millennium Point. while private housing saw orders decline by 7 per cent from a year earlier..# 79 /7 :. of 2012 there was an increase in the  7 :7. quarter of 2012.  “Commercial and private housing.. saw orders decline both quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year in the             third quarter. However.   :/9 : #7 9: 7.”     A new low carbon.# #7 7# 77: /:# the level of orders in the third  .#7 ./: :#  7/. This sector provides  1. 79 7#.. It would be very encouraging if this percentage growth was repeated across all sectors.: /.adfonline.1 per cent lower than the same quarter one year earlier.ons.Office for National Statistics         Mott MacDonald acting as design engineer for new £ . Commenting on the ONS figures. / #9 6. go to 7:9 . but the figures for Source: Construction: Contracts & New Orders . Infrastructure orders were  . there are some brighter areas. the largest construction sector. ./: .9 quarter is still the third lowest on          record. Milja Keijonen..)0 /#  # 9: 799 : :9: for railways increasing by 79. However. lightweight prefabricated fabric formwork for on-site cast concrete. Renzo Piano Building Workshop. which is the equivalent to the weight if five average adults. Ref: 96940 Prototyping Architecture brings together the work of architects. January 10 – March 15 2013 news bytes Visit adf-news. in conjunction with the Building Centre. Combined. The full-scale prototype for Kieran Timberlake Associates’ Loblolly House is a central feature of the exhibition.. purposeful and beautiful. funded by The Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada. It transfers to the Building Centre. and Universitet Syddansk. Resource efficient modes of fabrication and manufacturing that use less material and thus provide components and systems with lower embodied energy are also celebrated. Curated by Professor Michael Stacey of the University of Nottingham. launched in September 2012. © Philip Beesley The thousands of parts which make Architects Inc up a building are collapsed into a few dozen off-site fabricated assemblies that are simply attached to this industrial aluminium frame on-site.2013 Prototyping Architecture was seen in the Wolfson Prototyping Hall of the new Energy Technologies Building. engineering and art – with exhibits that are truly beautiful. Jubilee Campus. and between nature and technology. Yves Ebnoether. engineers. models and full-scale sample productions on show from around the world. Prototyping Architecture celebrates performative architecture that is inventive. Ref: 14015 Tarkett bring out guide to aid dementia facility designers. Optical fibre and enter the reference number to view more information New report warns developing cities to act now against a perfect storm of environmental risks. London..blogspot. the exhibition shows how trial assemblies can inform architecture – with maquette’s. Ref: 57154 Planning application is to be submitted for ambitious Sutton scheme. with examples on show of architecture that provides comfort while consuming less energy.8 news events WWW. up until 7 December. sweeping away respond online. The exhibition includes: a digital prototype for the Passion Façade of Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Família Basilica and a laser-sintered additive manufactured violin.. The exhibition also includes.. Ref: 68201 Largest Southampton primaryschool for 25 years opens from Capita Symonds. It is a high-profile example of potential technology transfer from other industries. and many more examples of innovation and invention that have been developed for use in building design. it is the world’s first SUV with a light weight all-aluminium body. Designed in Toronto and primarily digital fabricated in Nottingham. This spectacular combination of sculpture. Nottingham. The reduction of demand side energy consumption is a key theme in the exhibition. has been lent to the exhibition. more efficient method of building – using building information modelling (BIM) and integrated component assemblies. University of Nottingham said: “Prototyping Architecture celebrates vital methods of design development with new technologies that potentially herald the beginning of a second industrial revolution. The result is a truly modular house that can be re-assembled allowing for whole-sale reclamation.UK Major UK exhibition: Prototyping Architecture 2012 . It has never been exhibited outside the USA before.” Philip Beesley. it was then assembled by the University of Nottingham Architecture students under the guidance of Philip Beesley and Jonathan Tyrrell of Waterloo Architecture and PBA Inc. significantly reducing the carbon footprint of owning a SUV. director of architecture. an early prototype for Antony Gormley's Quantum Cloud. Placing a particular emphasis on research and experimentation.. architecture and science is part of the Living Architecture research programme. search our information archive at www. Zaha Hadid Architects and many more.adfonline. Professor Michael Stacey. the show includes prototypes by Barkow Leibinger. additive manufacturing has the potential to herald a second industrial revolution. The exhibition forms a bridge between architecture. this is a new resourceful architecture for the 21st century. This third generation of JLR light weight vehicle architecture combined with improved aerodynamics results in an increase in fuel efficiency of over 20 per cent. or have the potential to be translated to the construction industry. It achieves a weight saving of 420kg when compared with the previous model... The prototype structure of Jaguar Land Rover’s new Range Rover with an all-aluminium body. University of Nottingham. Philip Beesley Architect Inc. It demonstrates a new. One striking display is Philip Beesley’s Protocell Mesh project which integrates first-generation prototypes that include aluminium meshwork canopy scaffolding and a suspended protocell carbon-capture filter array. manufacturers... a collaboration with the Universities of Waterloo. Designed and engineered in” .eu traditional divisions between machine and hand crafts. “New architectural prototypes show a kind of promiscuous exchange between widely varying sources.BUILDINGCENTRE.. academics and artists to explore the importance of prototypes in the delivery of high quality contemporary design. LECTURES & DEBATES RIBA Awards: What Are The Benefits? 10 January FESTIVALS Housing Expo 6 London Design Festival 14 .ecoopenhouses. London www. 22 .com Healthcare Schools & Secure Environments 2 .com/whatson/ BFE UK 7 May 2013.22 September TRADE SHOWS 9 events Interiors UK 20 . Leeds OAS Development Awards 14 June 100% Design 18 . Manchester FILMS Greenbuild Expo 8 Eco Technology Show 14 .com/whatson/ Film Nights with Disegno Magazine El Ultimo Grito 22 January Design in Mental Health Conference and Exhibition 14 .uk Climate: Building physics and retrofit design 22 January 2013. London www. London kbb LDN 19 . London www. Manchester London Housing London Until 21 December.ecobuild. Birmingham www. London June 2013.. London www. Birmingham www. Birmingham www.housing-expo.23 January 2013.21 September 2013.theenergyevent. London www. Brighton TOURS The ARC Show 19 .org 21st Century Light Space Modulator: an installation by Jason Bruges Studio Until 29 January The UK Concrete Show 27 .surfacedesignshow.concreteshow.28 February Architecture & Beauty 19 February 2013.designinmentalhealth. Birmingham www. search our information archive at www. London www. Coventry CONFERENCES & SEMINARS Sustainable Housing Conference 7 January Jump the Gap Until 31 January September Open House London 21 .vam.sustainabilitylive.18 April The Energy Event 10 .uk/whatson/ Chromazone: Colour in Contemporary Architecture Until 19 May Timber Expo 24 .sustainablehousing. London www.architecture. London www.ecotechnologyshow.thearcshow.adfonline. Birmingham www.clerkenwelldesignweek.kbb. Brighton www. London .uk Clerkenwell Design Week 21 .23 June 2013.architecture.15 May London Surface Design Show 5 .21 May 2013.9 May 2013. London www.3 July Film Nights with Disegno Magazine Urban-Think Tank 15 January 2013. London http://buildingschools..7 February 2013.architecture. London www.vam.greenbuildexpo.7 March Eco Open Houses 15 Ecobuild 5 .architecture.23 May 2013. London Architecture & Meaning 12 March 2013.7 February 2013.25 September Exeter Birmingham SustainabilityLive!/NEMEX 16 . Sheffield The Polychrome Lens: Colour in Architectural Photography Until 31 January AWARDS Greenbuild Awards 8 May 2013. London www. respond online.11 September 2013. Birmingham www.21 May EXHIBITIONS Puttin' On The Glitz Exhibition Until 21 December 2012. London www. Harrogate www.londonopenhouse. Tony Hall. comprising members of the Royal Opera House executive team and a number of external advisors.10 news Royal Opera House narrows competition to two architects Following presentations to the jury in mid-November.. the Board of Trustees of the Royal Opera House has agreed the next stage of the ‘Open Up’ competition. The project will also develop existing spaces. search our information archive at www. The project does not affect the main auditorium.adfonline. such as the Linbury Studio Theatre and Paul Hamlyn Hall. to enable the creative and educational work of the Royal Opera House to become more visible to more people. The two firms will present again in January with a further announcement expected in early February. have invited Stanton Williams Architects and Witherford Watson Mann Architects to complete further work in response to a refined brief. chief executive of the Royal Opera House said: “We were extremely pleased by the richness and variety of the submissions received. In turn this will enhance the appeal of the Covent Garden building as a destination in itself. We now look forward to working further with Stanton Williams and Witherford Watson Mann before appointing a chosen firm in February.. All the architects taking part in the competition proposed inspirational ideas for how our public spaces could evolve. ‘Open Up’ aims to make the physical entrances and street level public areas to the building more open and inviting. The jury. The Royal Opera House will be looking to reduce its use of energy and resources throughout the project as part of an ongoing strategy embedding ‘green thinking’ into all areas of ROH operations.” ur ! r O hure o ll F oc Ca W Br NE .103 respond online. We are. St Paul’s Way Trust School shortlisted for National Civic Trust Award St Paul’s Way Trust School in Bow. on 30 November. director at HLM. Richard O’Neil. As the number of cyclists increase.. how are local authorities and private developers coping with the sudden demand for bike storage? The London Assembly previously addressed the lack of cycle parking as a barrier to cycling within the capital.. Tower Hamlets. founder of designer and producer of innovative cycle parking and enter the reference number to view more information Arup has completed a new £ . staff and wider community. The recent cycle surge has led to many developers replacing standard car parking bays in favour of stylish and safe storage for bicycles in new For example.. Funded predominately by Tower Hamlets council. Winners will be announced on 9 March 2013.9 billion of the national economy. it is increasingly more apparent that architects are using stylish. 602 respond online.blogspot. Ref: 39117 enq. with over 60. also delighted that the design is receiving such accolades and honoured that the school has recently been shortlisted for the prestigious Dewi-Prys Thomas Prize. identity and regeneration of Wales. has been shortlisted for the Civic Trust Awards and. Following the success of Laura Trott.000 bikes reported stolen each year. The award recognises the importance of good design to the quality of life.000 more cycle parking spaces made available. was rebuilt as part of Tower Hamlets’ Building Schools of the Future Programme. The school. innovative and space-saving storage options. This trend is also supported by the Code for Sustainable Homes in which developers are encouraged to prioritise cycle storage as a way to promote cycling as the main form of transport to replace car journeys and essentially reduce CO2 emissions. Ref: 73375 Ryder to deliver BREEAM Excellent rating for Southampton offices.. architects and developers are feeling more pressure to consider bike stores and secure cycle parking for new developments. which opened in early 2011.. teachers and local community now have a facility which inspires achievement.. Archdiocese and Authority has been a privilege. Earlier this year. and designed by Astudio in conjunction with the students. As cycle parking becomes a more prominent part of a developer’s agenda.” © Girts Gailans COMMENT Cycling’s impact on design Anthony Lau. the scheme has been recognised for its positive cultural. engendering pride within the community. In the past year it is believed that more than eight million Boris Bikes were hired in London with over 400.000 people taking advantage of the Cycle to Work Scheme. of course.. Ref: 68431 The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers announces the shortlist for the Building Performance Awards 2013. said: “Working with the School. We are delighted that the students. Designed by Astudio. has been shortlisted for the 2013 National Civic Trust Awards. search our information archive at www. the 2-tier rack holds twice as many bikes as a standard cycle rack. which was designed by architects HLM. social and economic contribution to the local community. The nation’s love affair with cycling continues to grow and it seems that it will keep on having an impact on the landscape and change the surroundings and modern architecture. Thankfully there have been substantial improvements since then. was one of 52 to be considered and one of only four to be shortlisted for the prestigious triennial Dewi-Prys Thomas Prize. Chris Hoy and the rest of Team GB at this summer’s Olympic Games. the school also won the National Eisteddfod Gold Medal for Architecture. the £36 million project also received £1 million from the London Thames Gateway Corporation. The development was led and managed by the council. interest in cycling has almost doubled and figures from the London School of Economics have confirmed that cycling accounts for £2.2 million music facility for the University of Kent. Style and functionality go hand in hand as these new cycle storage solutions are being brought to the forefront of property development and meeting the needs of the next generation of cyclists. discusses the growing interest in cycling and its impact on the design and construction of UK property developments Cycling in the UK has had a revival. news bytes Visit adf-news. 11 A hat trick of accolades for Archbishop McGrath Catholic High School Archbishop McGrath Catholic High School near Bridgend. With the growing number of cyclists on the roads and cycle theft remaining at an all-time high of 700. LIFESTYLE AND DESIGN EVENT Visit INTERIORS UK.NEC BIRMINGHAM 20-23 JANUARY 2013 THE UK’S DEFINITIVE FURNITURE. .register now for your FREE ticket at www.interiorsuk. flooring. lighting. No children. to meet over 600 leading suppliers of furniture. the UK’s biggest trade interiors Please quote code INT77 Trade only. Save £30 . soft furnishing and accessories. and the smaller ones in particular. “They managed the entire process and assigned a dedicated person to liaise between the services consultants. tools. educational tools and a helpline related to We are at a critical stage in ensuring that the underpinning knowledge. One particular area where this is true is in the provision of utility. agile and really price competitive companies have grown to offer a unique service. This means that they obtain the expertise and specialist knowledge required but at the same time they can concentrate on the areas of the project where their own creative skills are more valuable.adfonline. More recently however. BIM also plays a major part in the BRE Trust’s recently-announced Future Cities programme and its Smart Grids project. training and standards are in place to enable widespread take up. Not only would the overall architectural design simply not accommodate this. Ref: 81249 Centuries old Woburn Abbey gardens design scoops top modern day award.000. search our information archive at www. Many of the more visionary practices are however turning this to their advantage and rather than trying to tackle everything themselves they bring in and manage specialist contractors. The UK business environment is driving rapid increases in the application of BIM techniques to real building and infrastructure projects. BRE’s mission is to extend the membership across the whole construction supply chain. despite various obstacles.. leaner and more efficient buildings and infrastructure in the UK. Ref: 29712 *Open BIM is a universal approach to the collaborative design. which ultimately secured a practical solution. resulting in additional savings of around £150. Reliable standards and effective practitioner Visit adf-news.” explained Harshad Patel of PA Architects.5 million Harrow Central Mosque development. Ref: 18940 Architect Maber hopes landmark development will change face of city’s student accommodation. director of BRE Wales and South West. 603 news bytes BRE takes over BuildingSMART UK From 1 January 2013 BRE will take over the running of BuildingSMART UK – a key driving force in the uptake of BIM. this means that in addition to project design they increasingly take on responsibilities for overall project management and therefore the difficulties that this can often bring. Nick Tune.” BRE is currently active in BIM across a multitude of projects. PA Architects. For many. Governance of BuildingSMART will remain with an independent management board with its own set of accounts. energy and even communication and enter the reference number to view more information training are absolutely vital. chief creative officer at Maxim Eyes enq. the main contractor.. specialist. BRE will provide a great home to enable BuildingSMART to deliver both. realisation and operation of buildings based on open standards and workflows..... an existing BuildingSMART member said: “BuildingSMART has been at the forefront of BIM development for many years. This approach also has the potential to increase practice income – a critical factor for survival. the various utility companies. Professor Tim Broyd of UCL. As a result of this success they are now a key part of our team for all future projects. while still offering a better service to their clients. they not only avoided the need for the substation but also negotiated more favourable terms and discounts.. chief creative officer at utility connections specialist and energy consultant Maxim Eyes. not only in helping clients control energy use in their buildings but also to understand how their products.. the client and ourselves. “As a result of these issues we approached Maxim Eyes. it would have been significantly more expensive. Bringing together member organisations who share the vision of improving construction through the use of open BIM*. BIM event ‘starts the conversation’ at Elliott Wood. The National Army Museum awards redevelopment project . BuildingSMART UK’s remit is to develop the standards and tools required to ensure that the industry knows what open BIM is and how to use it effectively to achieve greener.. by delivering professional expertise on multi-utility connections and by project managing every aspect of the project delivery. materials and systems will perform and how their environmental performance could be improved.. Ref: 14223 respond online. initially went with a local distributor but they requested a considerable size substation be installed on-site to support the required load. comments With the current economic climate having significant impact on the UK construction sector and improvement not widely expected for at least the next 12-18 months. many architectural practices are extending their services in a bid to add additional value to existing clients and projects. With BRE at the helm of BuildingSMART we can steer a course for both large and small companies that could transform the future construction and operation of our buildings” There are currently 50+ members of BuildingSMART who benefit from training programmes. who was appointed as director of BuildingSMART UK in July of this year said: “The uptake of BIM is growing exponentially within the UK. leaving it to them to oversee the process and just accept the often-inflated costs and extensive lead 13 Architects increasingly look to add additional value to projects Justyna Nowicka.” Justyna Nowicka. For many years it was a normal practice to simply sub contract this provision out to the local distributors. responsible for the £7. And in conjunction with the M&E consultant they scrutinised the requirements and. networking events and access to standards.blogspot. laptop. a summary of the latest news stories straight to your inbox.adf-news. it’s already been gathered and is is regularly updated. so there is no need to go hunting the internet. Its interactive nature allows readers to comment and engage in discussions and social network sharing.14 news adf architectsdatafile DIFFICULT ACCESS PROBLEM ? news blog OUR ACCESS LADDERS ARE THE WINNING SOLUTION RECENT APPLICATIONS INCLUDE: The ADF news blog is accessible from your Mac or mobile or tablet at any time of day. Following the ADF news blog is now even easier when you subscribe to our daily digest email. Premier League Stadium National Tourist Attraction International Velodrome . The blog links to relevant articles and comment pieces from the national press.blogspot.   Kustomfold aluminium folding sliding doors   . adfonline. • folding sliding doors • sliding doors • french doors • single doors • windows • glazed screens • entrance doors • roof lights Kloeber’s Timber bifold doors and Funkyfront entrance doors are Secured by Design LOFT LADDERS | SPIRAL STAIRS | LOFT STAIRS SPACE SAVERS | ELECTRIC UNITS | HATCHES telephone 01487 740044 [email protected]. search our information archive at www.kloeber. 676 0705 www.104 respond online.. Tel: 0845 676 0704 | Fax: 0845 Email: [email protected] enq.105 .uk Loft Centre Products has developed an exhaustive range of access ladders and hatches for all commercial applications. with low U values and double or triple glazing Kloeber’s advanced glazing solutions available in bespoke or set        ELECTRIC VERSIONS AVAILABLE With over twenty years experience and unrivalled technical View our website for further details of our extensive product range. szerelmey. Comar outlines Stand & Deliver: A Study of Curtain Walling – The design of curtain walling. Designing Function & Reliability into Entrance – offers an understanding of how user expectation influences door design. entrance configuration and floor finishes.15 cpd focus continuing professional development Maintaining and improving professional 01925 445532 www. 01844 280 123 www. through the use of innovative and agile furniture. ten experts in their field will each deliver a three-hour lecture corresponding to the subjects within the new RIBA Core Curriculum. technology and application. natural ventilation in communal buildings where the requirements for internal air quality are stringent and where there is a higher risk of occupants falling from an open 020 7735 9995 www. skills. 108 111 enq. It explains how this is achievable without compromising the external aesthetics of a building. 110 enq. Liquid waterproofing is the fastest growing sector of the roofing market and in many cases now the preferred method for both new build and refurbishment. Their team of industry experts help to bring relevance and clarity to the myriad of industry issues around these subjects.. It is now as important as ever to get the furniture solution right to allow the less occupied. Kemper’s RIBA assessed and approved CPD seminar is a succinct 45 minute presentation of the key areas relating to cold liquidapplied waterproofing for flat roofs and other STAND & DELIVER: A STUDY OF CURTAIN WALLING. flexible working spaces can be achieved within the confines of the latest Baseline Design Guidance for the building of new schools. Starting in January. 107 enq. . The Open and Shut Case for Natural Ventilation and Sustainability. security and controls products. with a specific emphasis relating to conservation. 113 respond online. search our information archive at www. Faience and Brickwork . covers the importance of.amina. 106 enq. emergency 01243 818219 www. Consideration is given to the characteristics and benefits of the different technologies before looking in more detail on how to specify an invisible sound solution for end customers illustrated by case studies on both commercial and residential applications. Cooper Industries offers a wide range of certified CPDs which guide the participant through a number of subjects relating to legislation. NonLoad Bearing Cladding and the Failure of Cladding focuses on selection criteria and design of natural stone with guidance given on good practice. 020 8685 9685 www.the best practice approach to cleaning and repair of 109 AMINA TECHNOLOGIES CPD WEST DEAN COLLEGE CPD COOPER INDUSTRIES CPD In two RIBA-assessed seminars. Securistyle offers a number of CPD presentations to advise on the latest issues and legislation. cellular spaces within a school to be used as multi-functional locations where these learning activities can take 01302 303355 www. Kemper System has a world-wide reputation for quality dependable waterproofing with proven enq. These include lighting.securistyle. Amina Technologies’ RIBA approved CPD seminars compare the basic principles of conventional sound technology with that of Distributed Mode Loudspeakers technology used for Amina’s invisible loudspeakers. and options for.kempersystem. abilities and knowledge HOW TO ACCOMMODATE FLEXIBLE WORKING WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE PSBP BASELINE DESIGNS CPD SEMINARS FROM SZERELMEY OPEN AND SHUT CASE FOR NATURAL VENTILATION AND SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABLE LIQUID ROOFING – THE COLD FACTS Isis Concepts presents a comprehensive CPD offering insight into how. This offers an understanding of the points of H11 in the NBS specification system. which are at the leading edge of technology. building regulations and sustainability issues. This programme from West Dean College enables you to top-up your conservation knowledge and get all ten required core curriculum topics in a stunning setting. Case studies highlighing traditional cleaning techniques are detailed. Cooper Industries manufacture solutions for building services across a wide range of applications. The Cleaning and Repair Of Natural The Design of Natural Stone. its properties and how it is used. 112 enq. 01242 221 200 01480 354390 www. linked with hardware selection.cooper-ls. New for 2013 is a programme of Continuing Professional Development lectures for conservation architects and architects who aspire to specialise. for example. AND DESIGNING FUNCTION & RELIABILITY rather than take it on..will always be stymied by local reality. and quickly. construc- WWW. The UK Planning system grabbed headlines in 2012 with the publication in March of the government’s new National Planning Policy Framework. so the government needs to think creatively about what is actually going to stop the decline. Re-introduce stock relief allow-ances. chairman of Designing Buildings Wiki comments on the Autumn Statement and the construction market The recent CMI figures make for very grim reading – they show an industry that is badly damaged and in desperate need of a quick fix. To get things moving and release this cash the government should re-introduce generous capital allowances not only for plant. Ernst & Young calculate that UK corporations are sitting on a staggering £750 billion. There are intelligent reforms starting to come through .. sometimes deliver regeneration and protect the environment. Ref: 43252 New medical centre has been designed to replace an existing Ongar War Memorial Hospital. 2. planners and the construction industry. This will redress the balance between manufacturing and service industries and act as a catalyst for construction companies to seek out ways of prefabricating assemblies off site in factories. This would instantly encourage house builders to dust off their mothballed schemes to meet the surge in demand and affordability. Ref: 47120 The National Federation of Builders gave a cautious welcome to some of the measures announced in the Autumn Statement.UK A thorny year in the planning thicket news bytes Visit adf-news. Paul Graham is managing director of www. 604 respond online.PLANNINGPIPE. For smaller developments there is already an increase in the use and number of Lawful Development Certificates and Pre-Application Enquiries.CO. “get Britain building” and help support strong sustainable growth for the UK construction sector. 4.However. “Hands off Our Land” was the response from the now well-established rural lobby. around half the UK’s GDP. enq. machinery and stock but for refurbishment of premises. . Large projects take years. The contradictions were neatly summed up in May by Chancellor George Osborne’s personal support for his party’s national planning reform while personally objecting to a proposed development in his local Tatton guarantees for specific infrastructure and new housing projects and the tightening of judicial reviews for large schemes.16 news COMMENT How to defibrillate the construction industry David Trench. more technical planning reforms that don’t grab headlines but will contribute positively to the UK construction industry in 2013 and beyond. Re-introduce tax relief on Re-introduce capital allowances.. providing free and bespoke UK construction project lead information. search our information archive at www.. But to look for a significant improvement in the construction industry via radical planning reform is misguided. Ref: 62577 Reform of the UK’s planning laws is finally on its way following months of often fractious debate between politicians. Over 50 years it has built a 1000-page Planning rule book because of the genuine and competing interests involved in many Planning decisions. that have planning consent and that have a completed design.planningpipe. This would encourage continuity of supplies instead of the current stop/go ‘just in time’ policies that hamper efficient production right up the supply chain. This is not to say the more radical elements of the reforms were always doomed to fail .. Radical national planning reform – like the NPPF . Refurbishment requires short lead in times and seldom involves planning consent. press. It promised reforms that would introduce a “presumption in favour” of development. The UK Planning system is simultaneously municipal red tape and protection for local communities. These companies prefer to use the cash to reduce debt. Private citizens and businesses remain eager and willing to instigate new schemes and improve existing properties. It is fast turnover with labour peeking much more quickly than for new developments. The reforms were branded a developers charter that declared open season on the tion is not a tap that can be easily turned on and off.blogspot. Competition for work on new construction projects of course remains intense and margins slim. Radical reform destructively upsets the healthy tension of the why the planning system exists. Planning application numbers in 2012 have remained remarkably resilient despite the economy and the “thicket” of our planning system.. Re-introduce a selective employment tax giving tax breaks for employees engaged in manufac-turing. to get off the ground. Five ways to defibrillate the construction industry: 1.. Avoid focusing on new grand projects.but small wins are now possible now that the debate has been relegated to a less confrontational arena. Instead kick-start those projects that have been placed on Construction contractors and suppliers will have to work harder and earlier than ever to target upcoming work. and enter the reference number to view more information John Evans Interior Architecture and Design makes prestigious awards shortlist.adfonline. These are the lower profile.. organised by the Hong Kong Design Centre. Winners to be announced 3 March 2013. This success was recognised in 2010 when the company was granted the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade for its work in the North American market. the Essex-based manufacturer is bucking the trend and starting the new year from a position of strength: after a challenging 2011. Grant Associates enq. In contrast to reports of cautious optimism and outright negativity pervading the media. the residents of this large apartment building emerged from the hurricane with all of their Crittall windows intact.adfonline. director of Grant Associates. and adding value to business. and continues to build on its overseas success. Andrew Grant. orders have increased by 30 per cent over last year. beating out US competition. where recovery ‘Grant Associates is delighted to see Gardens by the Bay receiving recognition and appreciation for design excellence in Asia with two DFA Awards. the DFA Awards are presented to companies and designers from around the world that have achieved business success through good design that reflects. This year over 100 entries from around the world were nominated. the Asian lifestyle. after October’s catastrophic superstorm Sandy. said: "We're delighted to see Gardens by the Bay receiving recognition and appreciation for design excellence in Asia with these two prestigious awards. Asia embraces design innovation. search our information archive at www." Grant Associates has also been shortlisted for the International Prize Project of the Year category at the Sustain Magazine Awards 2013 for Gardens by the Bay. Funded by Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. They have since received a first order out of New Orleans for its hurricane-rated window. as featured in the July issue of ADF. The Awards were presented to Andrew Grant. or has an impact on. Overall. the 54 hectare leisure attraction in Singapore. sustainability and human imagination which makes it both an exciting and enjoyable area to work in. The . director. which has offices in Bath UK and Singapore. In October. sustainability and human imagination which makes it both an exciting and enjoyable area to work in’ Andrew Grant. at the Hong Kong Design Centre on Thursday 6 December 2012 during the annual Business of Design Week. John Pyatt. Managing director. with significant success being achieved both here in the UK and overseas.. Success at home and abroad for Crittall remains disappointingly slow and elusive. Asia embraces design innovation. the company is outperforming the UK building and construction market. Chairman of HKDC and Chairman of the DFA Grand Award judging panel said: "The DFA Award is a preeminent award programme in Asia." Dr. the award aims to encourage the exchange of ideas on utilising design to create unique business opportunities. Crittall Windows is in upbeat mood as it looks ahead to 2013. Heading the 2012 success list is the strong performance results for the windows installed a few years ago at 300 Central Park West in New 17 AWARDS Grant Associates wins two Design For Asia Awards 2012 UK landscape architecture firm Grant Associates has won two top Asian design awards for masterplanning the design of Gardens by the Bay. the Cooled Conservatories at Gardens by the Bay were named World Building of the Year in the World Architecture Festival Awards. director of Grant Associates.” Crittall have won a number of prestigious contracts in various overseas markets for several years. As well as recognising Asian design excellence. has been awarded the Grand Award and the Special Award for Technology in the Design for Asia Awards 2012. attracting the world's best design talents. 605 respond online. Victor Lo. comments on Crittall’s strong performance this year: “We have a very healthy order bank to take into 2013. fresh thinking and the opportunity to grow the business. How could we make the most of this huge pool of fresh new talent while helping people into a career in architecture? Our response was to create MAP. it’s about longevity and continuity. A year since we set up saw that we could now afford to give opportunities to a wider group of people to join our business. Long term. Leicester’s De Montfort University has 90 first year architecture students. . About a year ago. often brilliant at 3D computer modelling and technology. search our information archive at www. we respond online. We felt we had a duty to provide opportunities for the next generation of architects but we also saw it as an opportunity for ourselves. the Maber Academy Programme.18 news COMMENT Mapping the future Mark Hobson.adfonline. as we were implementing the plans. helping young people is great. interns and young recruits coming together to help us develop some of our new growth areas such as interior design. says firms owe it to young people – and themselves – to cope better with demand for jobs Go ahead for south London theatre revamp Cross-cultural London theatre organisation Tara Arts has been given the go ahead for a new theatre facility at its Earlsfield home that will create a striking local landmark and offer upgraded facilities and better performance experiences for audiences and artists. staff and artists.. The programme is structured so that it provides continuous learning and development. but in areas such as marketing. the number of graduates has not. Today. the new venue will significantly improve the existing theatre provision on the site – boosting capacity to 100 seats. Undergraduates and Masters students are employed as support staff on projects. Our interns. landscaping and advanced computer modelling. the rewards are plain to see. While the economy has been shrinking. creating a more flexible space for performances. but you have to be able to justify any decision from a business perspective. With local authorities prepared to pay half of some people’s salary. apprentices and recruits have brought new energy. business development and administration.. they will have matured and grown up with the business and be ready to take us into the future. we are inundated with requests for internships from university students. not necessarily on the architectural side. Construction is due to start in spring 2013 and the new building is expected to open in early 2014. We reasoned that as a practice of 50 people. bringing the theatre’s artistic output to its street front. Back in the early 1980s. You have to consider the balance between experienced people and new faces but we try to have at least one graduate and one Masters student at each of our three East Midlands offices. Derby University has 190 and the two Nottingham universities have a combined total of more than 400. As a growing architectural practice with several high profile clients. I was one of only 30 architecture students who made up the first year intake at Manchester Metropolitan University. MAP provides sensible limits for the number of school students we take on work experience and includes agreements with a number of schools. The London Borough of Wandsworth unanimously granted planning consent for the project. we decided to put some order into the chaos. The new structure has been inspired by Asian arts and designed to set up a contrast with the existing Victorian terrace: creating an interplay between east and west. By the time our young apprentices and graduates complete their training. so demand for career opportunities in architecture comfortably outstrips supply nationwide. the idea of apprenticeships came along. adding a new rehearsal space and making the venue fully accessible to audience. We have created a structure so that everyone responsible for recruiting knows what we are looking for – the young people who are genuinely passionate about architecture – so that we fill even the transient posts with the right people. managing director of Maber Architects. theatricality and urban context. They are on a steep learning curve but they are valuable. The idea was to create a route map for the next generation of employees from work experience to post-graduate positions. Designed by RHWL Arts Team. Now we could fully integrate MAP into our business objectives with our apprentices. Of course. old and new. job applications from graduates and work experience requests from schools. So what does it look like when you create a programme like ours for the next generation in your profession? We have work experience students constantly at one or other of our offices. whether individuals are in an administrative support role or working towards professional qualifications. Then. we should have enough projects going on at any one time to continually create openings for young people at a variety of levels. light. birds in aviaries and plenty of daylight from the skylights above. and Thor Heyerdahl College (2009) in Norway.blogspot.” explained founding partner at schmidt hammer lassen architects. saying science should be an inspirational subject which welcomes women. The IBC Innovation Factory is the result of a refurbishment project of the paint manufacturer GORI’s factory from 1978. Angela Brady. It was the first factory plant in Denmark to unite production and management in one large room. By using six elements – fire... A central teaching facility in the shape of an indoor ‘landscape furniture’ designed in Douglas pine wood incorporates a variety of learning spaces and experiences.800 square metres educational building has gone through a total refurbishment and will be officially inaugurated by His Royal Highness the Prince Consort of Denmark on 6 December 2012. in the conviction that art in the workplace would inspire employees and provide a better working environment.000 architects. schmidt hammer lassen architects has designed a number of educational buildings which support new ways of teaching and learning. an amphitheatre. aiming to become the world’s best. President of The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). Ref: 90099 respond online. was presented the honour by Her Royal Highness. Angela Brady. has an auditorium. VIA University College in Aarhus (2011). The main architectural concept behind the ‘landscape furniture’ is created in that spirit. water. Brady said: “It’s good to be a role model for women. “The large paint tanks were decorated by the French artist Jean Dewasne. has won a Women of Outstanding Achievement Award at the prestigious WISE Awards at The Institution of Technology and Engineering as a role model to girls and young women. less than one in five of people who work in STEM occupations in the UK are female. teachers. news bytes Visit adf-news. schmidt hammer lassen architects support new ways of learning The IBC Innovation Factory by schmidt hammer lassen architects is designed to support new ways of learning. greenery. I have been a campaigner all my life and stand up for what I believe in. in collaboration with International Business College (IBC) Kolding. then architecture can be a brilliant career – particularly for women.” The main task for schmidt hammer lassen architects has been to preserve and emphasize the building’s existing qualities and transform the facilities into an innovative learning environment. and the business world can meet and learn from each other in this unique setting.. and founder of Women in Architecture. and he continued. We are convinced that the experience of quality and well-being is highly conducive to creativity. John Foldbjerg Lassen. schmidt hammer lassen architects. allowing visual connection between the two. “With the acquisition of the GORI factory in the summer of 2010. and closed podiums for group work or quiet study time. If you care about our built environment and about how we should all be living and working in buildings that suit our planet and climate. which set new standards for factories at the time. the IBC gained access to a unique physical environment characterized by an impressive pioneering spirit and vision. which represents 44. In the spirit of the original The building should support and inspire this . places for open study. search our information archive at www. There are green plants.adfonline. The wooden structure. Ref: 80029 HBA London Designs a Majestic Homage to Queen Elizabeth II at the InterContinental London Park Lane. sound and air – the concept for the new Innovation Factory was developed with an emphasis on stimulating the users’ senses.” explained John Foldbjerg Lassen. the sound of trickling water. More than two thirds of working age women in the UK with a STEM degree do not work in STEM occupations. She said more needs to be done for women in science careers. The same idea inspired the incorporation of badminton courts and Ping-Pong tables on the production floor for the employees. Ms Brady presents the Home Show on Channel 4 and Building the Dream on ITV and is a vocal campaigner for the value of women to the built environment. She is only the second woman to be President of and enter the reference number to view more information Alison Brooks named UK’s best architect and Olympic architects also honoured at ceremony in London. Examples include the award-winning City of Westminster College in London (2011).. The 12. “Students. at the WISE Awards on 29 November.. which seems to float above a surface of water. and have a flair for design and like talking to people to shape their environment.” Ms Brady believes schools should make one science subject compulsory to 19 TV architect champions women in male dominated industry TV Presenter and Architect. The Princess Royal. The ambition is to be a training camp for future innovators. has created the settings for a ground-breaking and creative learning environment. The beautiful colour quality is also unsurpassable as Casca use only the finest. 116 Vetrotech Saint Gobain Profile 22 Profile 22 WER ‘A’ rated windows and high performance curtain walling have been installed into Stevenage Fire Station by Polar Windows as part of an overall refurbishment programme. with a 98 per cent on time and in full delivery record. search our information archive at www. solutions of the highest level of quality and complexity can be created. Magnetic glassboards are the sophisticated alternative to traditional whiteboards. with dedicated local presence. you can trust Vetrotech Saint Gobain to deliver the perfect solution to meet your fireglass needs. As a world leading international company. one of Kensington Balustrade Systems’ new Chrome Nickel or Swarovski Crystal balusters will allow you stand out from the crowd. alongside installing SK200 low rise curtain walling system with red panels. Hidden fixings ensure a clean. purpose made glass for colour enhancement. Kensington only supply the highest quality balustrade components and now stock a full range of aluminum channels for glass and stainless steel balustrading. These. bespoke product design.adfonline. While executing a staircase brief. The company has built a reputation for an exemplary product range. The programme of work included removing old and failing steel windows and replacing them with Profile 22’s robust FI70 system in white. Bisca designers often have to maximise the illusion of light or openness. 117 KAT UK KAT UK is one of the leading specialist manufacturers of bespoke sliding windows and doors. They have BBA and SBD certification on many of their products and can achieve U values as low as 0. multifunctional glass of exceptional quality and effectiveness. Casca is the home of quality glass writing boards. Bi-folding doors from KAT can be manufactured in PVCu. incorporating storage areas or working cleverly around room entrance/exits. 114 Bisca Space is a defining factor when designing a staircase and increasingly at a premium in homes.8 w/m2k. Boards Direct For sheer With over 30 years of specialised experience. Casca boards are all crafted in the UK and each board is made to order. can be powder coated any colour to match surrounding floors.. All works had to be carried out while the building was fully occupied on a 24/7 basis. Bisca know that what you don't see is as important as what you do see and taking time to explore and resolve all interface details ensures the commission is truly integrated into the property whether it is a new build or renovation project. nothing can beat a glass writing board from Casca. enq. their good looks make them a stunning feature in any home or office. technical excellence and unsurpassed customer service.. 118 respond online. Vetrotech Saint-Gobain have built a solid reputation for delivering cost effective. 115 enq. enq. enq. With innovative research. minimal look. if required.20 editor’s focus Kensington If you want that perfect finish to your project. development and state-of-the-art production technologies. to create an aesthetically appealing energy efficient building. enq. enq. aluminium or timber and delivered direct to site on their own vehicles. 119 . The precedent has evidenced a viable alternative that could help many other churches and heritage buildings blighted by lead theft or by other roofing damage. It’s quality is proven through being BBA Certified. Wood requires regular stripping and varnishing to protect from the wind and rain.famella. so there’s no risk of theft. The quality of the work and attention to detail was of an exceptionally high standard and I therefore have no hesitation in recommending Famella. Ubiflex is a non-lead waterproof flashing material that can be used in most applications where lead is traditionally used. If you have seen them at any of the shows you may agree with the many visitors who call in at the end and say ‘they are the best composite windows we have seen’. a 4m Free Standing Access Ladder and managed on-site logistics.” enq. complete with cable with a ring diameter of 25mm and 60mm body length. It can be set using a remote control and is ideal for areas such as shower pods and wash down areas. a Grade I listed church. Each was managed very efficiently and completed on time and within budget. 125 . Safetyworks & Solutions submitted a report and plan of recommendation for the supply of a new. some of which can be seen on their updated website www. This makes it easy to install directly into light fittings. frames and glasshouses by Franklins gives you the benefits of aluminum and the beauty of wood. It involved upgrading the roof access and safety systems on the McLaughlin Building. RIBA Headquarters.21 Famella Franklin Windows “Famella have executed several projects within the Grade 1 Listed RIBA headquarters. Following a comprehensive site assessment of the existing systems. 121 Safetyworks & Solutions Safetyworks & Solutions provided a comprehensive roof safety solution for installation at the University of Hertfordshire. approved by NHBC and Zurich insurance. Composite window. 123 BEG Pictured is the new compact and waterproof (IP65) ceiling-mounted occupancy detector LUXOMAT® PICO from BEG (UK) Ltd. There is no scrap value. it’s up to 50 per cent quicker to install than lead. 120 enq. The sensor and power supply are in a single housing. search our information archive at www. doors.. 122 Ubbink Hambleside Hambleside believe a major precedent was set for heritage buildings by the first installation of a modern glass reinforced polyester (GRP) roofing system at St John’s the Baptist in Bromsgrove. Reverend Chris Wingfield at St John’s commented on Hambleside Danelaw's Dryseal system: “It’s an affordable Each project is designed to your specific needs. Franklin's solution is a wood and aluminium: aluminum on the outside and a choice of timber on the inside. enq. there’s less risk of injury when using the product and there’s no toxic risk – it’s environmentally friendly and recyclable. BRE wind tunnel tested. enq. house architect Famella have undertaken many interesting projects since the above. They supplied 242 l/m of Easyguard free standing handrails. and has longevity supported by a 25-year Franklins are the leading retail arm of the UK's largest composite window manufacturer. So why choose Ubiflex? It saves time and money.adfonline. enq. Aluminum is easily maintained and is almost unaffected by the weather. improved system that would enable operatives to undertake maintenance tasks at height safely and securely. and the fitting is made even easier with the enclosed cable clamp.” Martin Pascoe. replicating the look of lead. reducing time on site and the associated costs. Safety and environmental benefits include being 80 per cent lighter than lead. where high Ingress Protection is required. 124 respond online. Fenestral. recommended treating most of the hotel’s 160 rooms and public areas with full sized hinged casements. from super singles to double height gallery studios together with their unique Secret Garden in keeping with the building’s original style. Brochures and videos are also regularly available. involves 180 sunscreens manufactured from 2mm thick galvanised steel that incorporate seven different diameter circular perforations in a special RMIG ‘Cloud’ design layout to provide an apparently random pattern across the surface of each screen. base2stay. one of the UK’s leading secondary glazing specialist working with their local – register now respond online. The reader can quickly gather a snapshot of information from 12 carefully selected companies and easily follow links through to further information on the www.adfonline. RMIG’s Project Manager. which was originally constructed in the 1970s..126 RMIG perforated solar shading keeps the heat off French school A distinctive and creative solar shading solution has been manufactured by RMIG to help reduce building and classroom overheating and improve the comfort for students at the Lycée Polyvalent de Vienne in the Saint Romain en Gal area of . The £14 million renovation has produced a hotel offering a variety of room types. base2stay hotel occupies an imposing building dating back to the 1850s. Frames to the reception area were painted black and curved at the head to complement and highlight the exposed brickwork. www. all suppliers are vetted to ensure they are committed to sound and ethical environment protocols..22 advertorial A base2stay with Selectaglaze 01727 837271 www. The sympathetic conversion has managed to retain many of the building’s heritage features. or go direct to the company's own website. which was developed in conjunction with the architects and engineered by RMIG. At roof level sloping windows were treated with slim horizontal sliding panels. skillfully incorporated into its new sophisticated contemporary design.” L ocated within the city centre’s ‘Rope Walks’ area. In this instance the architects showed a high degree of creativity and although the geometry presented some initial challenges.127 adf newsletter Emailed on a fortnightly basis the Architects Datafile newsletter is designed to provide the architect with the latest information on products and services of interest. search our information archive at www. which avoided additional sight lines and so minimised visual impact. The solution. The perforated metal solar shading forms part of a recent project to restructure and extend the school. But double glazing does not provide the high levels of noise insulation required to offer peace and quiet for hotel guests in such a vibrant neighbourhood. 6mm safety glass was used throughout for guest protection and opaque film applied to selected windows for additional privacy. explained: “The clear geometric. The powder painted frames have neat flush hinges and rosette handles to allow access for cleaning and maintenance.adfonline. including original timbers and brickwork. During the course of conversion the windows were replaced with metal framed double glazed units. Along with recycling over 80 per cent of its waste and adherence to the Energy Saving Trust’s guidelines. angular design of the solar shading system demonstrates that sunscreens don’t have to be based on rectangular forms to provide the most effective solution. The hotel. while incorporating a range of energy efficient and environmentally beneficial initiatives incorporated in the overall design from leading French architects. these were readily addressed and the final installation is not only practical but eye-catching. Bernard Paris & Associés. The solution to this problem was to install an additional secondary window to form triple glazing that not only achieved very high levels of sound insulation but further improved the thermal performance of the building. is eco-friendly with a long-term commitment to minimising its impact on the environment.adfonline. enq. previously a cork warehouse and then an engineering works. Sylvain Dandois.selectaglaze. direct to their inbox. High compression seals and multipoint locking ensure the highest level of insulation. .. bigger beds. TV and media packages. The company has set out to change the perception of traditional private student accommodation by meeting 21st century student aspirations. Student Castle works with architects to create thoughtfully designed contemporary rooms with all the facilities today’s students need.. and by making large common rooms available for social events throughout the year.5 million skyscraper provides state-of-the art accommodation for 520 students. respond online. ready for the academic autumn term for the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University. studios and cluster flats. claims to be the tallest student accommodation in the world. it is close behind Nido Spitalfields in London. low utility bills and flexible letting terms. Construction began in August 2010 and was completed in September 2012. which. The £28. in the form of . and has a management team thoroughly experienced in the sector.. Its stated aim is to make sure that students have ‘the ultimate university experience’. focusing exclusively on the provision of student accommodation. at 111m. At 106m high. as James Pringle reports S tudent Castle is a new landmark in Manchester.adfonline. providing ultra-fast new generation broadband. The developer owns and operates all its schemes. Student Castle is quite a new business. supported by the company’s own management Continued overleaf. search our information archive at www.23 BUILDING PROJECTS © Shepherd Construction Student accommodation reaches new heights Manchester’s distinctive new Student Castle features four towers and is one of the world’s tallest student accommodation buildings. with sites being progressed in London. All studios and apartments have a fitted kitchen including combination oven.24 BUILDING PROJECTS ‘The North East and North West Towers are taller and will have a presence right across the city. while the South West Tower relates to the height of the Waterhouse’s Refuge Building’s tower on Oxford Road. pool tables Continued on page 26. . It comprises four towers. is next-door to the city’s Oxford Road railway station. whose first student building opened in Newcastle last year.. York. They focused particularly on recruitment marketing. the 11. Exeter. plenty of storage space and fitted wardrobes.adfonline. as well as acting as a prominent landmark for Oxford Road Station. All cluster flats will have a shared kitchen and living area including a television. Student Castle now has schemes up and running in Newcastle and Manchester. Bournemouth and Brighton. All rooms in Student Castle are air-conditioned and have modern laminate floors.. has developed and operated about 5. The new structure in Great Marlborough developments such as the Green Building on Great Marlborough Street. and others under construction in Cardiff and Bristol. fridge freezer and twin halogen hobs. with TV licence included in the rental package.000 student rooms around the UK. since 1998. search our information archive at www. an en suite bathroom with shower (baths in some).000 sq m building takes its name from its developer. The North East and North West Towers are taller and will have a presence right across the city. It is looking to expand their portfolio across the UK. Ultra-fast 30 mbps broadband and free wifi is available throughout. Leeds. Architects Hodder + Partners point out that this had been the only one of the four Manchester stations that. The South East Tower corresponds to the height of nearby respond online. had remained ‘un-landmarked’. The large common room has games machines. Above: The site is in close proximity to the railway station © Shepherd Construction and staff. Manchester. branding and the operational business together with university relationships. The company is run by Edward Cade. a double bed.. Meanwhile. who. as well as acting as a prominent landmark for Oxford Road Station’ © Shepherd Construction © Shepherd Construction Main image: Typical bedroom design in Student Castle. who worked alongside him in his previous role. back in Manchester. Formed in 2010. hitherto. Edinburgh. In July 2010 he established Student Castle with Jacqui Hawthorn.. Durham. staggered in height to relate to the surrounding buildings. © Matt Austin . he goes on. a gym. .” Using precast two-storey columns reduced the lifting requirements and crane time. and it offers better acoustic performance. reduced the height and quantity of cladding needed.adfonline. search our information archive at www. a concrete frame also provided greater stability and facilitated the construction programme by removing the need for return visits to each and social nights will be organised for the students. These enabled the floor-to-floor height to be reduced – which. “Given the building’s height. This enabled the overall height of the building to be reduced by 2. generated a cost saving of some £235.7m. where they are 250mm deep to cater for the 3. The whole structure sits on a podium that addresses the sharp corner between New Wakefield Street and the adjoining Great Marlborough Street. There are laundry facilities. in turn. Greer goes on to point out.. a concrete frame provided a flat soffit that eradicated the need for any downstand beams’ – Phil Greer. The slabs are thinner – mainly 200mm deep – apart from in the corner of each floor plate. compared with the 16 we would have needed if we’d gone the in-situ route. in turn. “Design-wise. Each of the 37 storeys is formed from post-tensioned slabs and two-storey precast columns. and that. Whereas a concrete frame needs no additional applied fire protection.. which meant less rebar was used. In any case.” Opting for concrete resulted in significant cost savings. managing director of main contractor Shepherd Construction.. “Essentially we had one lift for the precast option.” explains Phil Greer. “The highest tower has a wrap-around core at the top with silver Alucobond cladding. “The frame is concrete and the envelope has curtain walling and a staggered pattern of four subtly varying shade of blue-grey terracotta cladding. And the use of PPC columns reduced the requirement for on-site storage of reinforcement and other material.26 BUILDING PROJECTS ‘Design-wise. a concrete frame provided a flat soffit that eradicated the need for any downstand beams. it would have been more difficult to accommodate the sheer forces with a steel frame.000. and on-site teams for maintenance and cleaning and 24-hour management and security team..2m cantilever. Continued on page 28. supported by a stateof-the art CCTV system. managing director of Shepherd Construction © Shepherd Construction respond online. car and bike parking space.” The decision to opt for concrete was based on design and logistical considerations. A steel frame would have required each floor to be cast and the steel fire-protected and then acoustically sealed. eu .adfonline..27 © Matt Austin respond online.. search our information archive at www. operations manager for Baris Group. Transport onto and off the site had to be planned carefully and the project team operated a just-in-time approach for deliveries and organised local off-site storage at three locations for materials and manufacture of PPC columns. “We had to work closely with environmental health officers for a time and we had to concentrate on nonnoisy work. A climb-track system was used for the central core. But we haven’t disrupted transport for the people of Manchester. The construction team worked closely with Network Rail to ensure that safety conditions were met. essentially by slowly absorbing heat from the outside and conducting it internally when temperatures drop.. In fact. search our information archive at www. In order for the tower crane to be extended to its highest point of 99m. respond online. there were a number of different elements.” Delivering a high-rise building inside an extremely tight footprint in close proximity to a busy railway station brought challenges for all concerned. “The Stephen Hodder design was quite complicated to build. The building is targeted to achieve a BREEAM Very Good rating. which was contracted to provide Student Castle’s façade. and four different special colours for the terracotta – shades of blue and grey – as well as eight different profiles of including restricting the crane’s lifting capacity to 75 per cent. Alucobond. “We had quite stringent working limits imposed on us. with terracotta.28 BUILDING PROJECTS © Shepherd Construction ‘The thermal massing and insulation properties of the concrete have helped boost the building’s environmental properties’ Client: Student Castle Architect: Hodder + Partners Main contactor: Shepherd Construction Structural engineer: WSP Frame contractor: Heyrod Construction Post-tensioning contractor: Freyssinet Facade: Baris Group The thermal massing and insulation properties of the concrete have helped boost the building’s environmental properties. Each tower has its own pattern and there are four different colours..adfonline. We had to get dyes made. which puts us in the top 10 per cent of CC-registered sites. then up to 72m by self-climbing.” Greer is pleased to report: “We scored 35 in this summer’s Considerate Constructors audit. “We worked on quite a complex design. the crane had to be extended from its initial freestanding height of 54m. Logistically it was very difficult in such a small site with so many thousands of square metres of elevations to put and nowhere to store materials.” adds Austin.” says Matt Austin. with so many steps in it. curtain walling – and aluminium fins projecting out of the curtain walling.” says Austin. but in the final couple of weeks these were extended to 6am to 10pm. aluminium cassettes.” . enq. enq. 01744 648400 www. the flooring subcontractor chose UZIN products due to their fail safe installation systems and low emission products. the library was designed by schmidt hammer lassen architects and built at a cost of around £57 million. but the developers wanted to go even further.planetpartitioning. one of the UK’s largest independent partitioning specialist. corridors and the sports hall. A collaborative approach from two of the UK’s leading building and access companies is literally opening doors for young people in wheelchairs at a specialist School and College in Hampshire.7 million redevelopment of Heptonstall Junior Infant & Nursery School in West Yorkshire. in addition to a significant amount of standing water on the roof due to insufficient falls.129 01788 530 080 www. The 20-year warranty was an important factor in the specification. Alumasc was called in by the roofing contractors. Unlike fabricated solutions.student castle 29 Rapid renovation at flood damaged academy Geze UK receives top marks UZIN products were used to install the new floors at Joseph Swan Academy. Alumasc recommended stripping back the roof to the concrete deck and replacing it with a new warm roof incorporating a cut to falls tapered system. Officially opened by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in September 2012. essential for busy areas. Neaco’s national sales manager. Wymondham College is a unique state day and boarding school. Designed in partnership between Calderdale Council and Sheffield City Council and built by Henry Boot Construction Limited. providing fast installation. Even though the drying process took three weeks. Alumasc carried out a full condition survey and found that the original waterproofing was failing. the school’s caretaker. has installed a significant quantity of its Advanced Frameless Glazing in the high profile new library at the University of Aberdeen. a leader in the education building sector. FPL Flooring only had nine weeks to remove. a new extension and a total refurbishment of the school’s main Victorian building incorporates extensive use of aluminium Spectrum with a black nylon powder coated finish and a perforated panel infill. repair and dry out the damaged floor before installing the new floor coverings.. FPL Flooring was still able to complete the flooring installation on time using UZIN L3 Gold Moisture Control system. Folding doors were chosen to maximise the opening width of each enq. asked Geze UK to help create a bespoke access solution for Treloar School and College in Hampshire. The rooflights had also degraded badly. and following problems with the roof of the swimming pool and sports hall. and both roofing contractor and client were impressed with the aesthetics of the charcoal mineral finish. 01444 237310 www. The entire ground floor had to be renovated including 25 class rooms. Richard Richardson-Derry.130 Planet .co.128 Yeoman shield ‘ticks all the boxes’ Sheer genius from Planet Partitioning Yeoman Shield.132 Neaco balustrade attracts school specification Neaco’s Spectrum balustrade system continues to be a popular specification in the education sector following its installation as part of the £ Jane added: “I am a huge fan of Yeoman Shield and hope to fit more around the school in the future. FPL Flooring. Osborne. Jane Walker. TC Garrett Ltd.. The new £20 million national centre of excellence needed to be secure.131 Euroroof Mastergold scores well Alumasc’s Euroroof Mastergold flat roof membrane has provided the optimum waterproofing solution for the urgent roof refurbishment on the sports complex at Wymondham College in Norfolk.133 respond online. the translucent dry-joints are virtually invisible allowing the creation of seamless walls of glass for a stunning and contemporary visual effect. Single and double-glazed frameless partitioning with the award-winning Solar joint was used throughout. search our information archive at www. our Spectrum system is pre-engineered for modular assembly onsite. which would solve the problems of the standing water. Euroroof Mastergold was chosen due to its suitability for warm roof refurbishment applications. which caters for residential and day students from the age of seven to 25 with a range of physical disabilities and associated learning difficulties. which makes it ideal for tightly scheduled construction phases designed to minimise disruption to school activities. which are required by schools. commented: “Nylon coated aluminium Spectrum has been chosen for countless school projects over the decades and Heptonstall Junior Infant & Nursery School is the latest example. Gateshead after the school was damaged by a flash flood in June.” Yeoman Shield Wave top pattern FalmouthEx in multi colours have been fitted to the walls of the dining area along with MDF Core skirting in Smooth White. and it clearly needed to be highly accessible in accordance with the Equality Act. explained: “We first used Yeoman Shield wall protection over three years ago in the large main dining hall and had no hesitation in choosing it once again to protect vulnerable areas in our reception class dining area. enq. one of the market leaders in wall and door protection has been voted an outstanding success by Old Trafford Community enq.” enq. eu .adfonline. Stephen Cousins reports respond online...30 BUILDING PROJECTS Birds benefit from rail project The London Crossrail project will see almost five million tonnes of earth excavated from tunnels and moved to Wallasea Island in Essex to create biggest man-made nature reserve in Europe. search our information archive at www. In an important milestone. The typical use for London clay is to cap landfill sites.8 billion Crossrail railway link project in London. Roughly half of the 10 million tonnes of chalk.. grassy levees. to move the material to site.. head of sustainability at Crossrail: “When Crossrail project gained royal assent. the majority or ours is clean and suitable for placement without decontamination. Although the site is surrounded by tall. respond online. search our information archive at www.. into a 670acre patchwork of mudflats.31 BUILDING PROJECTS H © Crossrail umans are not the only commuters that will benefit from the £14. The Wallasea Island Wild Coast Project is the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds' (RSPB's) most ambitious habitat recreation and engineering scheme to date. . as per Environmental Agency requirements. Wallasea Island was first reclaimed from the sea by Dutch engineers centuries ago. which are designed to relieve pressure on the transport network. in 2008.. by 2019.” he says. designed to combat climate change and coastal flooding and compensate for the loss of tidal habitats elsewhere in England. When the project is completed. explains Rob Paris. excavated from two new 21km rail tunnels under the capital. is being used to transform intensive farmland at Wallasea Island. but 20 years ago it was bulldozed flat to allow wheat and rape growing.adfonline. it is two metres below sea level Continued overleaf. The timing with Wallasea Island was perfect: they needed huge amounts of material. it is expected to attract rare fish and migratory birds and even see the return to England of lost breeding populations of spoonbills and Kentish plovers. saltmarshes and lagoons designed to return the landscape to how it looked 400 years ago and attract a variety of interesting and rare wildlife. we started looking for sites to beneficially reuse our excavated material. the first giant scoops of earth from beneath the capital were delivered to the Essex coast in September and deliveries by rail and by ship will continue until 2016. The chance to pair the UK’s largest infrastructure project with its biggest nature reserve project was a major challenge. but also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. near Southend in Essex. via train and ship. sand and gravel needed to create this vast habitat – enough to cover the whole of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens to a depth of twoto-three metres – will be excavated by eight giant 1. Soil. and we had easy access to sustainable transport.000-tonne tunnel boring machines as they plough their way underneath the capital to create Crossrail’s twin-bore tunnels. but most projects don’t need the volumes of materials we are producing. The new.32 BUILDING PROJECTS © Crossrail at high tide and has a one in five risk of catastrophic flooding each year.500 hectares remain. is a major concern and expected to destroy some 1. The project will also help combat the wider problem of coastal erosion.000 hectares of tidal salt marsh along the Essex coast but today just 2.. Freight trains then move the earth to Northfleet in Kent where it is transferred © Crossrail . 192 hectares of salt marsh.4 km-long western in the area. Defra jumped at the opportunity to raise the entire landscape by two metres using ‘free’ earth from Crossrail. 500 fish and a population of water voles were moved to new habitats before the building work began.000 birds. Faced with the huge expense of maintaining the flood defences. The excavation of Crossrail’s 6. the huge currents would destroy many mudflats © Crossrail respond online. including 148 hectares of mudflats. Some other wildlife already existed on the borders of the farmland and 800 common lizards and adders. 76 acres of shallow saline lagoons and eight miles of walks and cycle paths.adfonline. Four centuries ago there were 30. This material is being moved along the tunnels by conveyor to the entrance at Royal Oak where it is placed into temporary storage hoppers. search our information archive at www. raised island will also help protect other sites on the Essex coast: if the existing island was left unaltered and it flooded. but today sea-level rise. Wallasea’s existing 100-hectare salt marsh is home to 30..000 hectares of salt marsh in the next decade. running at 6mm a year. but the new reserve will add 670 hectares. Farming and development are historically the main cause of salt marsh destruction. which run from Royal Oak in West London to Farringdon in east London. began in May. 25km-long rail freight link running from the North Kent Main Line to the Northfleet site. Apart from the tunnels. and saltwater plants such as sea lavender and samphire. the longest of which will extend 8. The contract to ship and place the excavated material was won by a joint venture comprising civil engineering company BAM Nuttall and marine contractor Van Oord UK. which Crossrail says this is too deep to be polluted. Earth will also be transported from the two eastern tunnels. all of which should make the cost of that expensive rail season ticket a little easier to bear. past Southend.” he says. which disappeared from Britain more than 50 years ago. with the remainder destined for other regeneration sites in the South East. In total. Reducing carbon emissions during transport was a big consideration. The RSPB also hopes that the calorie-rich saltmarsh. Material moved through this entrance will be transported by lorry to nearby Instone Wharf and Docklands Wharf and then on by barge to Wallasea.. mudflats and other habitats will attract species such as avocet dunlin. several shafts are being dug along the central section of the western tunnel to create sub-surface stations. Paris says that perhaps Crossrail’s biggest challenge will be to avoid bottlenecks at the tunnel entrances as incoming deliveries of rebar and concrete. Species of rare birds including spoonbills. Concrete manufacturer Lafarge has also reinstated the 2. says Rob Paris: “The aim is always to use more sustainable forms of transport to move materials. then north to Wallasea Island for placement.3km from Farringdon station.500-tonne ships side by side. which commits it to recover at least 95 per cent of clean excavated materials and 90 per cent of demolition and construction waste.33 BUILDING PROJECTS © Crossrail onto ships and transported along the Thames Estuary. soil deliveries are being used to raise land. black-winged stilts and perhaps even the Kentish plover bird. search our information archive at www. The tunnel boring machines haven’t yet reached this zone. redshank and lapwing in significant . attracting saltwater fish like bass. The soil is being dug from 20-30m below London. so the excavated materials will instead be taken up to the surface and loaded onto lorries for transport to the First Assembled Boring Machine Dockland Wharf transfer station. who are also responsible for building related infrastructure including a jetty at Northfleet. out past Canary Wharf to the tunnel entrance at Limmo Peninsula and is due to commence tunneling this Winter. herring and flounder. As excavation from the western tunnel continues apace. and create hillocks and dips through which seawater will ebb and flow. pontoons and a conveyor system developed to transport the material across the marsh at the Wallasea end.. Around two-thirds of the total excavated material will go to Wallasea. designed to accommodate two 2. could also appear. 85 per cent of the material will be moved on either rail or water. As a rail project we are very fortunate we can load the materials directly onto trains. plus a new jetty.adfonline. respond online. needed to construct the tunnel. wigeon and curlew in Winter. with the rest moved by lorry where rail access is difficult or not possible. along with large flocks of brent geese. clash with the removal of excavated materials. Crossrail’s involvement in the Wild Coast Project forms an important part of its environmental management strategy. 134 Pop uP Power Supplies Ltd. Transalp’s MUGA’s are designed with several sports in mind. planning & design All change at Toddington.. skate parks from Concrete. enq. One of the UK’s oldest motorway services is taking its facilities into the 21st century with installation of the latest accessible toilet enq. 0114 282 3474 www. lighting and street furniture from Santa & Cole. tennis and football.. a ‘bigger and better’ accessible toilet has been incorporated in the lower concourse of the services. the new facility includes a Changing Places toilet. In Transalp they have found a partner in which they share a knowledge based approach and have confidence in.34 wallasea island nature reserve.popuppower. has embraced the construction industry’s move towards digital technology by introducing its own extensive BIM 3D Model They can include a wealth of information including time and cost dimensions.136 Polypipe Terrain brings products to life Polypipe Terrain. Supplied by Total Hygiene. Transalp use selected high quality. With over 5.135 Timberplay find ‘good looking MUGA’s’ Timberplay has bolstered its offering for Urban Spaces and Public Places by incorporating Multi-Use Games Area’s from French owned Transalp into their portfolio of products.timberplay. Timberplay have witnessed a growth in enquiries for MUGA’s over the last twelve months and have been keen to find a suitable partner to introduce to their UK client base. giving adequate space in the changing area for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities and their carers. Moto Toddington – also the operator’s head office – has already won a Loo of the Year Award for its toilet facilities. as part of an upgrade programme. the award-winning manufacturer is rapidly expanding its library to help customers meet government aims to have all public sector building projects presented in BIM format by 2016. natural materials to create aesthetically pleasing sports areas. The design led ethos complements Timberplay’s and sits well alongside their other new partnerships. Having a strong reputation within Europe for creating MUGA’s that work in harmony with the environment.500 individual products of BIM compatible files already available.138 .co. www. including basketball. Stadiums Parks Markets Historic Areas Town Centres Shopping Centres contact: Mike Brown Tel: 020 8551 8363 Email: mbrown@popuppower. and has additional equipment including a height adjustable adult sized changing bench and hoist. 137 respond online. and other disabled people who need the help of a carer. saracens rugby stadium. Safe Silent Secure Power Electrical power that pops up out of the ground when you need it and hides underground when you don't.. spatial relationships and light analysis. one of the UK’s leading plastic piping systems manufacturers. enq. search our information archive at www. Building Information Modelling (BIM) files are highly detailed computerised designs detailing the physical and functional characteristics of a structure. In the 1990s. after 15 years in exile. he realised that a professional game needed professional facilities. but a different code. Copthall Stadium had hosted rugby before. The project was partly instigated by Watford initiating a break in their ground-share agreement. some leading teams were reticent at playing away to Saracens due to the state of their ground at Southgate in north London.. where the rugby side have remained ever since.. where the club had been based since before World War . When investor Nigel Wray took control of Saracens in the midst of the tumultuous move to professionalism. Now. played at . During the amateur period. Formed in 1876.PROPOSED 1:500 Site Section B-B EXISTING 1:500 Section Reference Location Copthall Stadium plans showing site sections © Roberts Limbrick Architects Site Section B-B PROPOSED 1:500 S aracens is a name that stands out among the English club rugby fraternity. now better known as the Broncos.Continued overleaf respond online. where a major new 10. The planning proposal proved long and torturous. Shaftesbury Harriers..EXISTING 1:500 Site Section A-A .000-seat stadium is being built and due to open in February 2013. which meant that Saracens would have needed to find a new home for the 2011/12 season. A ground share was agreed with Enfield Football Club before in the 1997/98 season Saracens moved in with Watford FC at Vicarage Road. London’s professional rugby league franchise the Crusaders. Saracens looked at a host of options before agreeing a deal to take control of the existing Copthall Stadium in Barnet.adfonline.. Saracens are going back home to north London. it is one of the world’s oldest clubs and battled its way to the game’s top table as the sport turned professional in the mid-1990s. as Steve Menary reports Site Section A-A . a run-down ground that is home to leading athletics club.35 BUILDING PROJECTS Finally Saracens have a stadium worthy of the rugby union club’s illustrious history. search our information archive at www. “That was why it achieved planning permission. We will create a vibrant sports hub for the local community. offering great facilities free of charge for local schools. At the end of April – to the relief of Saracens – the Secretary of State decided against calling a public inquiry into the proposals and a formal approval from Barnet Council came soon after. to come up respond online.adfonline. this group wanted the run-down ground regenerated back into a stadium that would not just bring Saracens back home but benefit the whole community. Saracens initially brought in a seating contractor plus Roberts Limbrick. where the minimum stadia requirements insist on a 10. Entitled Residents for Regeneration. “The major point from Saracens’ point of view was the community use. Although some residents typically opposed redeveloping a stadium in the midst of an area of Green Belt. Club chairman Nigel Wray said at the time: “The comprehensive sporting and community benefits of our proposals have been recognised at every stage of the decision making process. dilapidated stand..” Barnet Council tacitly approved the plans on February 2 and the Mayor of London subsequently decided not to intervene..” says a Roberts Limbrick spokesman. The ground was clearly unfit for the professional demands of the Premiership. but there was only one with plans for the project. Some Barnet residents objected to Saracens’ plans and the advent of a new London Plan had key environmental implications for the project. a more positive lobby emerged. a Gloucester-based architect. search our information archive at www. .36 BUILDING PROJECTS © Steve Menary Copthall.000-seat stadium. Saracens’ new ground will be the first top flight English rugby union club to play on an artificial 3G surface. a deal was negotiated with Eric Wright Group (EWG). That saw Roberts Limbrick novated by EWG onto a development that has an overall cost of £20 million with the construction side valued in the region of £18 million. With the original seating contractor no longer on the project. Deborah Vivanti-Gough. can barely be seen before arriving on site. a long jump and a throwing facility. The external areas will feature Cedar cladding from Kingspan. which along with the sandpit. will be covered up on match days. Existing floodlights are being removed and half a dozen new pylons will be installed and lights also attached to the edge of the East Stand to ensure the lighting is the required standard.. Inside this stand is one of the main reasons that the design found favours with the planners: an indoor athletics hall featuring a six-lane running track. a design and build contract was agreed with EWG.” As planning permission for the proposal had dragged on.37 BUILDING PROJECTS ‘The major point from Saracens’ point of view was the community use’ – Architect at Roberts Limbrick We will also provide a hugely improved athletics venue for Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers and make a real home for Saracens. there has been just one main obstacle: lack of time. Saracens’ project manager on the scheme. With the club needing to ensure that the entire facility is used as regularly as possible. The reason that these aspects were specified by the design team was a trade-off with the Environment Agency. including a new stand at Cheltenham racecourse. That meant that tendering the construction contract was not realistic. CGI of the new Saracens . environmental demands have been high on the agenda. a steel frame is being used with precast Waycon concrete lift shafts. The base of the East Stand measures 30-m by 110-m. Watford FC agreed to let Saracens play a handful of matches during the 2012/13 rugby season at Vicarage Road. For EWG project manager Andrew Hill. the design specifies a mezzanine level that will accommodate a sports science block for © Roberts Limbrick Architects local schools and Middlesex University. This stand will also feature a green wall of vines climbing up a mesh frame. As an offset to improve the scheme’s biodiversity. A culvert had to be diverted to make way for the athletics track. which includes the same style of VIP seating used at Arsenal FC’s Emirates Stadium. To accommodate this area. while a Sedum roof will be built on part of the new East Stand. However. That gave the club some breathing space – but not much. Although EWG is on site with a new training ground for Manchester United. the Sedum roof and green wall were specified by Roberts Limbrick. an artificial playing surface has been specified.. Though imposing.Continued overleaf respond online. Roberts Limbrick has previously worked on stadia projects.. Instead. This is not normally permitted. Although Widnes Vikings have an artificial turf at their new Stobart Stadium in Halton that is rugby league. this major new stand. The aim is to have the ground ready for a Saracens’ fixture at home to Exeter Chiefs on February 16. EWG has kept all the material excavated on site. With the scheme being built in Green Belt.adfonline. A Polymeric surface will be installed on the running track. To speed up construction. long jump and temporary seating had to be moved to make way for the new 5.000-seat East Stand (see next page). This area was piled in two weeks and the concrete slab then laid in another three weeks. the Chorley-based firm had not built a new stadium. search our information archive at www.. The scheme comprises two main stands and a pole vault. view from one of the stands . had previously worked successfully with EWG. search our information archive at ..38 BUILDING PROJECTS respond online.. 39 BUILDING PROJECTS ‘Inside this stand is one of the main reasons that the design found favours with the planners: an indoor athletics hall featuring a six-lane running track, a long jump and a throwing facility.‘ There is also a strong element of temporary or modular buildings specified within the design. The changing rooms will be modular buildings and temporary seating will be installed in the North and South and also extend across part of the running track in front of the East Stand and the West Stand, which is being refurbished. In the summer, this demountable seating will be taken off site and the entire running track exposed for Shaftesbury Harriers’ meets, but even during the rugby season four lanes will remain exposed. “There’s an incompatibility between the two sports [rugby and athletics] that creates a few issues from a viewing perspective,” adds the Roberts Limbrick spokesman. “When you are looking at rugby, you are looking at a ball. When you look at athletics, you look at people running round a track.” This could potentially affect the atmosphere at Saracens’ rugby games, but to overcome this there will be areas of standing, which – though illegal at present in top-flight English football – is permitted in rugby. Around 150 construction staff were on site as the rugby season kicked off. This figure will peak at 250 as the project team races towards their deadline. Not all aspects of the ground may be complete by February 16 and EWG’s contract extends past this date, but the project team are optimistic of the ground being ready. On completion, Saracens only expect to use the ground for up to 16 days per year but the all-weather pitch will be available to local clubs and schools throughout the year, giving local young people a chance to play in a top flight rugby arena. In the summer of 2012, the club agreed a six-year naming rights deal with German financial services provider Allianz. The contract will also see Allianz become Saracens’ shirt sponsor and the £8 million deal will go towards the cost of a development. Allianz have a number of other sponsorship deals, including the home of German football giants Bayern Munich, whose Allianz Arena hosted this year's Champions League final. Saracens’ new home may not be big enough to host a Heineken Cup final, but has at last brought the club back home. Plans: Proposed East stand of Copthall Stadium © Roberts Limbrick Architects Project: Saracens rugby stadium Location: Barnet, north London Value: £20 million Client: Saracens Rugby Football Club Architect: Roberts Limbrick Structural engineer: Clarke Smith Partnership Mechanical & electrical consultant: Intengis Landscape architect: Aspect Quantity surveyor: RLF Design & build contractor: Eric Wright Group Artificial pitch: SIS respond online... search our information archive at 40 groundworks; structural elements Bison’s exceptional Hollowcore units The exceptional value of the product solutions and customer service provided by one of the UK’s leading precast concrete manufacturers, Bison Manufacturing Ltd, has been highlighted after its market-leading products were specified for a prestigious new residential development in Cambridge. Comprising of 99 luxury apartments, Parkside Place is a brand new central development overlooking one of Cambridge city’s major parks, Parker’s Piece. Bison is to supply over 9,000m² of its Hollowcore floor units in 150mm and 200mm depths plus solid plank units in 100m depths after contractor Precast Structures Limited, placed a major order. enq.140 Waterproofing a historic building Triton approved contractor, ISCA Preservation, has installed waterproofing systems from Triton to protect a historical stone building on the seafront at Porthcressa on the Isles of Scilly. The 150 year old granite and lime mortar building is being converted to a public library as part of the Porthcressa Regeneration Scheme. Triton approved contractors were asked to recommend a method of protecting the new dry lined interior from the invasion of sea salts, rising damp and lateral penetration from high external ground levels. The building’s heavy salt contamination and risk of Radon gas ingress also had to be taken into account as well as shipping costs to the remote island. The floor area was protected by Platon Multi membrane, while in the entrance foyer the new slab was sealed with Triton’s liquid applied water and gas barrier, TT Vapour Membrane, that will form a traditional water and gas proof tanking layer. 01322 318830 Grass & Ground Reinforcement enq.139 SAS International’s System 8000 SAS International’s System 8000 partitioning has received a ‘Highly Commended’ in this year’s AIS Best Practice Awards. Gaining a ‘Highly Commended’ in the Awards category for Product Innovation, SAS International’s System 8000 partitioning solution has once again been shown to be leading the field in its market sector. System 8000 allows seamless integration with glass into drywall, as well as with suspended ceiling systems. To overcome the design challenge of blending glass with drywall partitions, System 8000 creates a fully integrated appearance using a range of aluminium pocket drywall trims enabling glass elevations to flow into solid with ease. The Awards were judged by a panel of experts appointed by the AIS. enq.141 BODPAVE 85 TRUCKPAVE BODPAVE 85 Heavy duty recycled plastic porous paver HGV yards, HGV access roads, fire access routes GRASSPROTECTA GRASSPROTECTA BODPAVE™ 85 Porous pavers for grass and gravel surfaces Coach parks, fire access lanes, car parks and driveways Fiberweb Geosynthetics Ltd GRASSPROTECTA™ Recycled plastic grass reinforcement mesh Overflow grass car parks, wheelchair access routes & pathways 01621 874200 ™ indicates a trade mark of Fiberweb plc or a Fiberweb Group company, many of which are registered in a number of countries around the world. TRUCKPAVE TRUCKPAVE A BUSINESS enq.142 respond online... search our information archive at external fixtures 41 Sapphire Balustrades brings beauty and value Levolux takes sustainability to a new level Sapphire Balustrades has combined beautiful balustrades with best value at an award-winning development by Jessup in the West Midlands. Balconies for canal-side apartments at Walsall Waterfront South incorporate Sapphire’s new Aluma semi-frameless aluminium and glass balustrades. With this innovative design option, glass infill panels simply slot into Aluma balusters uprights and/or handrail profiles, removing the clutter of traditional patch lugs and leaving a sleek, crisp appearance. Sapphire’s new-look Aluma satisfied the requirements of both architect and developer, providing a costeffective solution with the aesthetic styling of a structural glass balustrade and the long lasting, low maintenance benefits of high grade aluminium. enq.143 The 11-storey office building, 199 Bishopsgate in central London, recently benefited from a £35 million refurbishment project, including a new roof level louvred plant enclosure and internal roller blinds, both courtesy of Levolux. As plant and equipment has been relocated to roof level a higher level of acoustic insulation is required. To provide this, Levolux incorporated 74 panels of acoustic louvres into the inclined roof canopy, with faceted sections that follow the curved contours of the building. Levolux used its ‘S’ profile ventilation louvres at a 100mm pitch to provide a weather-resistant, ventilated façade to protect the building’s heating and cooling plant. enq.144 Securistyle features in City West investment programme City West Housing Trust is undertaking a significant investment programme across its 14,645 properties and Securistyle, the well established manufacturer of quality, innovative hardware for the window and door industries, is supplying a range of products for the project. Garry Vaughan from City West provides more information on the refurbishment programme: “So far, 4,665 units have had their windows replaced and 9,410 have had doors fitted. The decency programme is due to finish in March 2014, when 568 more properties within the low and medium rise will have had both window and door replacements along with 347 properties within the high rise programmes. Overall, from transfer there will be a total of 8,208 properties with at least one new window being installed and 13,731 with replacement doors. Each of the 14,645 properties will either have had a new window or door by the end of the decency programme. The also have an extensive cyclical maintenance programme, where all properties receive external maintenance works over a seven year cycle and we will also be utilising Securistyle products through this programme, if any hardware needs replacing”. Ken Evans, national specification manager at Securistyle explained: “Securistyle is dedicated to supplying hardware products that offer innovative solutions. We look forward to a continued partnership with City West for this large investment programme in 2014.” 01242 221 200 enq.145 en e r g y sa ving enq.146 respond online... search our information archive at 147 respond online.. Little Horwood. it’s hard not to notice that the trend for bi-fold doors has been consistently on the increase. high quality timber products using the finest materials. Country Hardwood has worked for clients across the UK. Bucks MK17 0PY enq. Consistently evolving to embrace design and technical changes over the years. From their centrally located workshop near Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire. builders. they seamlessly combine 21st century technology with traditional materials and highly skilled Unit 2. 01296 714314 www. search our information archive at www. Shucklow Business Park. If you are looking to transform a kitchen.countryhardwood. this can be achieved by using stylish wide opening doors which will add a contemporary twist to any property. For over 10 country hardwood Specialist manufacturers of bespoke hardwood bi-fold windows. Shucklow Hill. and your own personal vision. County Hardwood has designed and manufactured an extensive range of bespoke hardwood products of the highest quality for architects. Using the highest quality natural wood from sustainable sources. Sliding Folding Doors ‡ Full hardwood laminated door leaf sections with solid timber ‡ Manufactured in Sapele. Their bespoke hand crafted doors are available in a wide range of designs to match existing windows. each one unique to the .adfonline.42 advertorial Let there be light W ith an array of property shows on the television over the past few years.PDQXIDFWXUHUDQGLQVWDOOHURIWKHÀQHVWIROGLQJGRRUVVOLGLQJELIROGGRRUV oak bi-fold doors and stormproof doors. manufacturing unique hand crafted.. This latest ‘grand design’ of indoor/outdoor living is no passing whim. living or family room by adding a wall of natural light and provide a seamless connection to your patio or garden. conservatories and orangeries. the architectural style of a house. Idigbo or Oak Full range of colours and stains ‡ Any size manufactured ‡+LJKWKHUPDOHIÀFLHQF\SHUIRUPDQFH‡ Smooth sliding action UK designed and manufactured 01296 714 314 | sales@countryhardwood. roof lanterns. | www. we RIIHUWKHÀQHVWUDQJHRIEHDXWLIXOGRRUVDOODWDIIRUGDEOHSULFHV.countryhardwood. property developers and DIY enthusiasts. their team of designers and craftsmen create beautiful hardwood windows. conservatories & orangeries &RXQWU\+DUGZRRGLVWKHOHDGLQJ8. as it offers a stylish and effective enhancement to your home and the space around it. From distinctive period homes to contemporary new build projects. technical director of Origin Frames Ltd..adfonline. looks at the commonly asked questions for this ever more popular home improvement solution Security With the glazing being the primary element in folding sliding doors. Companies often publish the centre pane U-Value because it can be lower than the overall U-Value. Concealed drainage ensures the water exits the bottom track through the polyamide strip and enters the top of the cill. This is the same on most doors as they often use insecure cylinders which allow burglars to bump. which apply to both flush and standard thresholds: face and concealed.148 respond online. Specify locks certified to Police preferred ‘Secure by Design’ security standards. it is important to have a polyamide thermal break. Aluminium bi-folds with triple glazed units can achieve U-Values of 1. In fact UK crime statistics illustrate that 27 per cent of burglaries involve lock snapping. drill or snap the cylinder to gain entry. enq.external fixtures 43 Unlocking the best of bi-folds Recent research by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors shows that UK homeowners are increasingly opting to improve their properties rather than move. As aluminium is a natural conductor. ‘Double or triple glazed glass is tough to break but laminated glass is even tougher than standard glass for those wanting extra peace of mind. Hinge and grub screws U-Values Heat loss and energy efficiency queries are common.8W/(m2K) when you are replacing existing doors and 2. David Ginger. The current U-Value regulations are 1.. It is advisable to always specify the most thermally efficient glass possible when installing folding sliding doors. Look for doors fitted with a rivet nut and bolt screw arrangement as these are designed to be both strong and secure. a structural engineer should be employed. Face drainage ensures the water exits the bottom track through the first strip of polyamide and enters the front section of the track. Double glazing can achieve 1. The main contributor to low U-Values of aluminium folding sliding doors is the thermal break which resists thermal transfer from the outside face of the doors through to the living area inside. The major consideration is the U-Value which can vary greatly across folding sliding doors. reducing the flow of thermal energy through the aluminium. It then exits via a hole in the outer face. it is always advisable to opt for an 8-point multi-point locking system with a kite marked magnum security cylinder with coded key to offer the ultimate in door security.3 W/(m2K). Alternatively a fixed corner post can be used to add support throughout. it most likely isn’t true. There are two types of drainage that can be used on external bi-folds. technical director of Origin Frames Ltd Different configurations More complex folding sliding door configurations such as 90 degree corner or bay configurations are becoming popular in new build properties with conservatories and orangeries. It is important that the hinge is made out of a strong material. structural support is required. 90 degree corner sets of bi-folding doors especially suit modern designs as the straight lines blend with the rest of the architecture. The same applies to bay window configurations so a structural engineer should advise on the best approach. homeowners are often dubious as to the safety of folding sliding doors. It is extremely difficult to create a moving corner post opening in an existing building as it is unlikely to have been designed to support the doors. which separates the aluminium frame into interior and exterior pieces. search our information archive at www. Ensure there is a multi-point lock on the lead door. Double or triple glazed glass is tough to break but laminated glass is even tougher than standard glass for those wanting extra peace of mind. With a relaxation in planning permission for extensions estimated to increase bi-folding door sales by up to 20 per cent. This break acts as a thermal barrier.0 W/(m2K) for new builds or extensions. Folding sliding doors can also have thermal glass installed for homeowners who prioritise thermal efficiency. rather than insulator. The best solution is a standard threshold sunk into the floor. Thresholds and drainage Flush thresholds on external bi-folds are very popular but it is a common myth that they can be completely weather rated. such as aluminium. We always tell customers to be wary of manufacturers who offer weather rated flush thresholds as. so that the doors can’t be levered off the hinges. joining them together with a less conductive material.67 W/(m2K) using 24mm units. The traditionally weak areas for folding sliding doors are the cylinder/locking barrel and the . How rain water and surface water is taken away from the drainage outlet is a site specific requirement and should be designed by a qualified person. Hinge strength is another major security factor as it is an exposed component on the outside of the door. To have a moving corner post configuration where there is a completely unspoilt view.’ David Ginger. due to design constraints. If this is the case. this will allow for full weathering while keeping internal and external floor levels within a few millimetres. From there it travels through the front section of the cill and out of the very front edge underneath. but the key figure is the overall U-Value. Designed to provide architectural ironmongers and specifiers with a concise overview of GEZE UK’s door closers and floor springs. GEZE UK.150 Ventrolla keeps out of the cold Green G12 win for industry-leading VEKA A seafront flat in Southend-on-Sea has been treated to a makeover by Ventrolla Cambridge and Essex. Norscot is pleased to have secured future supply for itself and the many AM Profile customers: “We are delighted to have acquired the design rights to AM Profile as we have been manufacturing its products for many years. AM Profiles was the UK's leader in the design and manufacture of aluminium clad timber window. User-friendly product comparison charts have also been included. enq. enq. dedicated to its door closer systems. simple system for achieving U-values of 0. as well as stylish reference photos from projects around the world. the new brochure includes detailed explanations of the many variants and options available.” enq. the couple had not been looking forward to the cold winter months ahead. which had a half treat feature and contained 12 panes per window. As commercial director Callum Grant explains. has launched a new technical brochure. door and curtain walling systems.151 The industry-leading team at VEKA plc enjoyed a celebratory evening at the recent G12 Awards where the Burnley-based company was presented with the 'Energy Efficiency Initiative of the Year' Award. hosted by comedian Patrick Kielty at London's Hilton Hotel on November 23.” enq.149 Norscot Joinery Ltd. a window and door manufacturer and Network VEKA member. which provides the perfect union of timber and aluminium at a market-leading performance. Sales and marketing director Colin Torley explains: “We wanted to develop a combination of products that would result in an economical way for our customers to achieve lower U-Values on the profile systems they already use. Mr and Mrs Phillips. The trophy was presented to the team at the glittering Awards Presentation and Gala Dinner. approached English Heritage for help with their illfitting windows and were advised to call upon the renovation experts Ventrolla.8. breathing new life into its windswept windows. ensuring the right product is chosen for each application. who live in a residential apartment within Gunnery House. Due to the noisy rattles and cold draughts experienced in their home.44 external fixtures GEZE UK’s overview of door closer systems Norscot continues to invest One of the UK’s leading manufacturers of door and window control systems. technical diagrams and specification information. making specification quicker and easier.152    TM BENENDEN BESPOKE ALUMINIUM WINDOWS FOR DESIGNER PROPERTIES . has acquired the design rights of AM Profiles Ltd in Chesterfield. Prior to closing its doors at the end of September. Ventrolla renovated the three large windows of the flat. without the need for ultra expensive krypton-filled sealed units. VEKA was shortlisted for the award thanks to a cost-effective. Our initial focus will be the Design-5 composite window system.      "   !$ $ $   .  ##   $  !     ! #      ! "  !$ " " $  !  #  %       " !      #  .    .             .          .             .     .      .           .    .     .   .       .  .   . enq. search our information archive at www.153 respond online.adfonline..154 . enq.” explains MD. Mark Willars has been appointed business development manager with plans to increase the base of customers with nationwide requirements. “With systems manufactured at our hi-tech headquarters in Switzerland we need more storage at our Surrey offices. Accoya® is also guaranteed for 50 years in exterior use and 25 years when used in the ground.” Taking the business onto the next level. enq. specifiers and building contractors. A special feature includes a specially created animation of a door design from the original architects sketch to the finished product. which can be safely recycled and is as impressively durable as the highest quality tropical hardwoods. Accoya® is one of the most advanced wood products on the market and uses Accsys’ proprietary wood acetylation technology to deliver outstanding levels of performance. Ahmarra has re-launched its . Accoya® is a high performance product. Lathams has a strong track record in successfully marketing new and innovative products and Accoya® is now available from all 10 of its timber distribution points covering the UK. “Demand for DDA compliant automatic entrance systems continues to expand. stability and durability.lathamtimber. Accoya® is a quality. “We wanted to create a website that reflected the high quality of our product without being too complicated or fussy. The new site includes useful information on design and performance options as well as the environmental credentials of the company. The new website looks modern and fresh.155 Tormax moves to new offices With an eye on future growth. search our information archive at www. is easy to navigate and informative and we hope it will become a regular source of valued information for our customers" said Ahmarra’s marketing manager.adfonline. Simon Roberts. Produced using modified fast growing species.158 respond online. long lasting product that is suitable for a wide range of external joinery applications. Vicki Boulton. offering a range of online resources for architects. James Latham is seeing popularity of Accoya® – its modified. 0116 257 3415 www.external fixtures 45 Ahmarra launches new & improved website Specialist doorset manufacturer and has moved into new premises that offer scope for office expansion as well as much needed additional warehousing facilities.. Plus.157 enq. leading automatic door manufacturer and installer Tormax UK Ltd.156 The future is modified As a national distributor of the product.. highly durable and dimensionally stable certified wood – grow by the day. restaurants. supply and installation of room partitions and movable walls throughout the schools and hospitals. knowledge & experience we offer guarantees the right solution to meet the requirement of interior design professionals. c o. SGG Cool-Lite Xtreme is the UK’s first triple-silver solar control glass. enq. The X-Emplar modular roof glazing system is the result of an extensive two-year research and development programme and has been created to outperform predicted forthcoming revision to Part L of the Building Regulations 2010 concerning U-Values due to come into force in 2013. giving it a selectivity of Email: w w w. SGG Cool-Lite Xtreme has a solar factor of just 28 per cent. Tel: 01373 454577 sales@buildingadditions. b u i l d i n g a d d i t i o n s. enq. with good quality natural daylight. shopping malls.14 – this is the ratio of visible light against solar gains. while still letting in a phenomenal 60 per cent of visible light. while still preventing overheating.160 Creating space with style Specialist folding partition manufacturers & contract installers of folding doors. hotels. In this case. Buildings which would benefit from this high level of solar control include: office buildings.46 external fixtures Clearly the best performing glass Saint-Gobain Glass has launched SGG Cool-Lite Xtreme – an extremely selective solar control glass. In addition Xtralite has worked closely with its supply chain partners to develop a co-extruded polycarbonate. The X-Emplar system has been expertly designed by Xtralite’s engineers to achieve a high thermal performance. using LumiraTM glazing technology. which provides good quality neutral light into buildings.159 Xtralite unveils revolutionary glazing system Xtralite Rooflights has pushed the boundaries in high performance glazing to unprecedented levels with the launch of its new X-Emplar system.161 !$  !"!" $      !  . The skill. It has been designed for the high end building market where specifiers demand the very best light transmission. u k enq. partitions and movable walls. industrial buildings. It can be used in either façade glazing or skylights. Building Additions have an established reputation for the manufacture. .eu enq.. #         enq.162 respond online. search our information archive at www.163 .adfonline. The advanced design of the thermally insulated steel profiles enables the door to have a leaf/frame width of only 113. search our information archive at cost-effective solution. Developed primarily for installation in airports where there needs to be an effective separation between landside and airside zones.5 mm and a meeting stile that is just 95 mm wide.168 respond online. Slide Mono Rail offers the option of two or four pane doors. The two pane mono-track option provides a single opening sash sliding over a fixed pane. the FlipFlow range comes into its own in any building where there is a need to control the flow of people. the upgrade specified like for like replacement – and in this case. enq. Being Grade II listed. metallic and painted wood structure options.external fixtures 47 New Janisol lift-and-slide door Keep moving in the right direction In response to the growing demand for doors with ever larger areas of glass. Slide Mono Rail from Smart is a single track residential sliding door system that provides consumers with a slim and attractive sliding door with all the advantages of modern thermal break . this new door allows internal and external spaces to merge together to create a single living environment. efficient separation of monitored areas and public zones. narrow sight-lines and high levels of insulation.165 Crittall windows for iconic London landmark Smart launches single track sliding door The Old Building at the prestigious School of Oriental and African Studies in London has a new appearance. enq. Among the wide choice of finishes is dual colour.167 enq. The Record FlipFlow enables safe. 01376 530800 www.crittall-windows. compressing the seals and allowing the door’s weight to be distributed equally along the length of the threshold. steel systems specialist Schueco Jansen has introduced the Janisol Lift-and-Slide door to provide a complete.164 Designers who need a secure but user-friendly one-way automatic door will find the ideal solution in the latest FlipFlow range from Record enq.166 01934 876100 www. maintaining the overall visual appearance of the architecture and significantly improving the thermal performance. thanks to a replacement window scheme.. with the new Crittall windows serving a dual purpose. Any attempt to cross FlipFlow in the unauthorised direction is recognised by an intelligent sensor system. Available in a wide range of polyester powder coated colours. The scheme is part of a plan to upgrade the campus. The doors are ideal for an economic replacement for yesterday’s aluminium sliding doors with traditional UK style construction while upgrading thermal performance for today’s this involved the removal of existing Crittall Windows steel profiles from their decaying timber subframes and the installation of new high performance steel Corporate W20 units. preventing unauthorised access to restricted areas. When the door is closed and locked the rollers are retracted. which triggers an alarm. The slim sight lines are also ideal for contemporary new build applications. co. varnishing or cleaning and is easy and quick to install. RenovaDrain is specifically designed to push down through the existing drain and inside the existing drainpipe. David Clouting Ltd now offer Woozen – a unique cladding & decking system manufactured by LG Hausys from high quality wood flour derived from recycling the waste elements of tree thinning from managed conservation forests. a Grade II listed World Heritage Centre in Dorset The market leading component based GRP roofing system J Versatile for intricate detailing J Effective lead or copper substitute. The wood flour is extruded with a mixture of eco-friendly olefin resins to create Woozen – the ultimate in truly sustainable products.adfonline..169 Iconic Bullring feature in stainless steel Dallmer Renova roof drain Aperam UGISAND® has been used to create an enq. subtly curving focal point in the redevelopment of Birmingham’s enq. When installed in accordance with their installation instructions Blucher will guarantee the water tightness of the interface between the water proofing and the 402 roof drains for single ply application. it’s highly resistant to weathering and insects. affordable and no value to thieves J High performance top coat in a range of colours protects against UV J Manufactured in the UK under BS EN ISO standards J Up to 25 year independent insurance backed guarantee Manufactured in the UK For more information call 01327 701900 or visit our website Roofing System Durlston Castle. search our information archive at enq.blucher. 01246 571660 www. When re-roofing. requires no painting.173 respond 01787 248244 www.external fixtures 48 New sustainable roof outlets from Blucher Woozen – the sustainable solution Following extensive design and testing an all new range of sustainable stainless steel roof outlets have been developed and manufactured by stainless steel drainage supplier Blucher. it will not rot.dallmer. Coils and sheets can be supplied in thicknesses from 0.aperam. Designed by Chapman Taylor. Woozen offers all the aesthetic values of wood combined with high performance features. UGISAND. the striking ‘ribbon concept’ roof links three new restaurants with seating areas. provides a permanent matt appearance and can be used in most environments to suit diverse architectural styles. It is hardwearing. one of a wide range of surfaces developed for architectural applications.170 01937 838000 www. Requiring virtually no .4 – 1. Dallmer’s Renova 63T Roof Drain is a product that completely overcomes this problem and therefore reduces dramatically the overall cost of roof renovation. a striking green wall and improved pedestrian links to St Martin’s Square. creating a watertight seal via the lip-seals on the down pipe of the drain.5mm.. enq. This well conceived design is made with the precision for which the Dallmer name is respected throughout world – thousands are in use in Europe and the USA.171 enq. a major problem is often the removal of existing roof drains before installing new ones and connecting them inside the building to existing drain-pipes. The new range of roof outlets are suitable for both gravity and siphonic applications and can be installed with virtually any type and style of flat roof be it single ply or bitumen or warm or cold. Woozen delivers excellent whole life costings in comparison to timber based products. With the increasing complexity of roof design the demands placed on fixings done so in equal measure. As a result. The plate has a similar fixing centre to a conventional cleat but with a significantly better pull-out value of 1kN using only one fixing rather than three for a standard cleat. managing director of C. a synthetic peg and a galvanised screw.adfonline. A reinforced. for . Over 50. If a substandard vapour barrier has also been installed. A variety of factors. 20 mm above the peg end. copper. not least because early detection of the problem is unlikely. ALM took an active part in the design process and with their diverse range of fixings we were able to make changes that enhanced the project and achieved a higher level of insulation. The screw head is buried deep within the peg away from the outer skin. Suitable for zinc.. provide a low degree of thermal conductivity so the risk of thermal bridging and damage is overcome.E. The fixing screw sits deep within the insulating layer so it can’t act as thermal bridge while the vapour barrier has been designed specifically for use with systems that are non-vented. cold metal fixings penetrating the insulation and vapour barrier will quickly cause condensation to occur if inadequate ventilation is in place. localised internal damage may occur. A standing seam zinc system was installed on buildings housing an indoor riding school. To avoid any risk of a cold bridge the preferred fixing method is directly to the rigid insulation. ALM Hard Metals. Polypropylene sleeves on fixings.L. using a system designed especially for this. a veterinary clinic. can be as much as 2mm per metre and with sheet lengths of up to 15 metres a combination of fixed and sliding clips is used. by contrast. respond online. business development manager at ALM Hard Metals in conjunction with VM Zinc discusses the advantages of using fixing systems to avoid the risk of cold bridging in metal roofs. enabling it to achieve a BREEAM Excellent rating. leaving no interstices to provide condensation points. The ‘carbon minus’ design will generate surplus energy by running entirely on bio-fuel made from horse manure and bedding. The fixings were a key aspect of what was a compact roof specification. stabling for up to 170 horses. Usable for insulation thicknesses up to 970mm they can be installed with overlapping joints to prevent air leakage. early failure becomes a distinct possibility. The success of this new type of fixing is due to its three elements. if only fixed clips are used.174 ‘Thermal bridging in metal roofs is considered by many to be the biggest threat’ Andrew Denham. self-adhesive vapour barrier designed for use with trapezoidal decks has been developed as it will not break under foot pressure.external fixtures 49 Isolating cold bridges in metal roofing Andrew Denham. a stainless steel plate. in extreme circumstances.” Such fixings facilitate thermal movement which. Fixings may not traditionally have attracted a great deal of interest among specifiers but the increasing diversity of metal roof design can only continue to place greater demands on their performance. “At 10. The saving of a 40-50mm air gap and an 18-20mm thickness of plywood using compact roofs seems set to perpetuate their increased use. most notably point loading. search our information archive at www.000m2 this was Europe’s largest zinc roofing project of the past year. Buildings also incorporate rainwater harvesting. enq. T hermal bridging in metal roofs is considered by many to be the biggest threat to fulfilment of a design life which should otherwise span decades. a SUDS system and solar chimneys to provide natural stack ventilation.. saddlers' and tailors’ workshops and the largest. The potential for it to occur has been greatly increased by operational energy requirements and increasingly high insulation standards. Carl Edwards. Its foil face and bituminous layer also seal around the numerous through-fixings which typify this type of construction. Those which.000 fixings were used in the construction of roofs at the new £16 million equestrian facility for the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery at Woolwich. can provide external sources of compression of the insulation such that. stainless steel and aluminium this works by isolating the fixing between an outer skin and the substrate. provide a ‘telescopic’ function adjust to accommodate a degree of compression. most modern blacksmith's forge in the British Army. added. The fixing compresses the built-up layers. DPCs and cavity trays Why use lead?. The design of the bracket makes it inherently stronger than other similar systems. 01905 750500 www. Most popular of these is DeltaFLORAXX-TOP. Innovative octagonal dimples give high levels of compressive strength. Designed in consultation with professional roofers and architects. and whether for fixed or floatingpoint rail support.ubbink. search our information archive at www. giving the company an extensive knowledge of which plants and materials provide the most effective results.175 Designed to replicate the beauty of original Collyweston and Cotswold slates from historic. call us now on 01604 433000 or visit our website www. which features a unique cladding rail support bracket that has been engineered to provide a universal solution to façades – whatever the building structure. For a truly unique. Grey2Green has over 30 years experience in horticulture. which results in an authentic diminishing course. contact Danpalon to design and specify with confidence. This water-retaining drainage sheet features an integrated geotextile providing perfect green roofs. a new range of reproduction stone roofing products named ‘The SIGA Heritage Range’ has been unveiled by SIG Roofing Supplies – a leading supply chain partner of roofing materials in the UK.178 Ubiflex non-lead flashing · No scrap value = no risk of theft · Saves time & money – up to 50% quicker to install than lead · No toxic risk · 80% lighter than lead – less risk of injury · Environmentally friendly and recyclable 08/4577 · BRE wind tunnel tested. texture and performance. Two clips at the extremities of the bracket allow for simple positioning of the carrier rails prior to levelling and fixing.rigisystems. FLORAXX and FLORAXX-TOP to more and more projects. which enables fewer brackets to be used making the system faster and more economical to install. random width slate roof.177 The new range of Danpalon 900mm wide panels have been tested to the most up to date ACR[M] 001:2011 standards for non fragile roofing assemblies.. and a choice of three colours and varying . central English quarries.. Use Ubiflex instead! BEAT LEAD THEFT NO SCRAP VALUE enq. BBA Certified and approved by NHBC and Zurich Insurance (Ubiflex B3 grade only) For full details. valley liners. these reproduction slates are handcrafted to provide a historically correct roofscape in an easy to lay slating format.50 external fixtures Working together SIG unveils new range of roofing products Green roofing products from Delta Membrane Systems have already been well received. green roofs and enq. both in carrying capacity and in pullout strength. the carrier rails. With the master moulds taken from original slates. Classified as Class B. enq. this is the same result as the full existing range of Danpalon roofing enq.179 respond For all kinds of flashings. and a new working arrangement with ‘one-stop shop’ Grey2Green promises to bring TERRAXX. robust and ‘nonfragile’ translucent roofing system.danpalon.176 New CladFrame from RigiSystems New Danpalon range CladFrame is a cladding/façade support system from RigiSystems. 01858 468 323 www. they are faithful to the original slates both in terms of colour. Recent additions to the Metrotile catalogue include the recently-launched Aquapan profile – a roofing sheet ideal for smaller projects – and the new Vixen profile. search our information archive at www. THE ONLY PERMANENT SOLUTION IN THE MARKET PLACE TODAY! enq.180 S& S SAFETYWORKS & Solutions Ltd ..gutterliners. Each new profile continues their high quality standards and traditional roof material beating benefits. that made its UK debut as the roof of Irby Library.external fixtures 51 Optigreen Partner Network Optigreen launches Green Roof Partner Network in the UK – combining the innovative products of an established manufacturer with the experience of qualified Flexideck with clamp on handrail unifold@ampteam. In what are challenging times for the building industry and green roof market.adfonline. offering competitive quotes and a high level of training and complete fall protection & access providers Easyguard free standing handrails powder coated black Metrotile lightweight steel roofing Metrotile lightweight roofing has always been a durable product.182 ARE YOUR GUTTERS CONSTANTLY LEAKING ? ARE YOUR REPAIRS PERMANENT? IF NOT CONSIDER UNIFOLD For free advice call 01384 252777.181 01249 658614 www. Following a model already successfully established in other European markets that has proven beneficial for everyone involved. Walkways Handrails Lifelines HANDRAILS LIFELINES WALKWAYS FALL GUARDS FLEXIDECK DEMARKATION LADDERS STEELWORK Tel: 01487 841400 www. and they are committed to improving and increasing their innovative product . Optigreen intends to work even more closely with their independent contractors.183 respond online.metrotile. Every Metrotile roof is backed by an industry-leading 40 year weatherproof guarantee. Optigreen's aim is to provide more security for both the installer and supplier with a unique partner network scheme. The units are protected with a PZ770 polyester powder coat to provide a long low-maintenance life. but without increasing the height of the rooflight beyond the restrictions imposed by English Heritage. epoxy zinc rich primer. We are very pleased with the service they provided and the final product. David Sweeney. which Lumen completed successfully and on budget. Product specification: s3TEELFRAMECONSTRUCTIONWITHPAINTSYSTEMFORCOASTAL location (shot blast. argon gas filled cavities and Pilkington Optitherm S3 glass. which required the expert skills of a company like Lumen Rooflight. Due to its Grade II listing.” Lumen worked closely with the architect and English Heritage to ensure the design and specification was suitable for the project. Each of the glazing units incorporate Activ Neutral self-cleaning. from RH Partnership said: “The replacement of the conical rooflight was an extremely specialist job. Originally built in 1969. the replacement rooflight needed to be an exact replica of the original and not visible externally from ground level. The main structure of the conical rooflight was of mild steel construction. The glazing for the rooflight was designed to the highest quality standards using top specification Pilkington glazing. Architect. and the original conical rooflight in the building was in desperate need of replacement. epoxy intermediate coat. The design was further challenged by the need to include improved glazing. with insulated up stand infill sections manufactured from aluminum alloy.52 advertorial Lumen supply unique rooflight for iconic Attenborough centre building at Sussex University Lumen rooflight has installed a stunning bespoke conical rooflight as part of extensive restoration works at the Attenborough Centre for Creative Arts (ACCA) at the University of Sussex. and they did offer a unique service for this particular rooflight”. The building had fallen into a state of disrepair. much heavier glass panels. and previously known as the Gardner Arts Centre. high build polyurethane top coat) s3TAINLESSSTEELPURPOSEDESIGNEDCAP sMMTOUGHENED0ILKINGTON!CTIVNEUTRALSELFCLEANOUTER sMMARGONGASCAVITYSILICONESEALED sMMTOUGHENED0ILKINGTON/PTITHERM3 s0OWDERCOATEDALUMINIUMWASUSEDFORTHECAPPING. This would require the installation of larger. “The construction and installation presented a highly technical challenge. the ACCA building was designed by architect Sir Basil Spence and listed Grade II* by English Heritage. Ensuring the load calculations were correct was imperative to ensure that the rooflight would not fall in on itself. insulated panels and external drip flashing. t: 0330 300 1090 email: [email protected] reader enquiry 184 The bright choice for architects respond www.. search our information archive at . reliability and strength – with improved insulation performance.. which ‘float’ at a constant height providing a focal point above blue-painted clapboard changing room walls and white cubicle doors. which have been developed to provide enhanced strength and durability. The project also involved construction of a new children’s pool. while Protect A1T3 is an impermeable (type HR) 4-ply. undulating standing seam system in pre-weathered VM QUARTZ-ZINC® from VM ZINC to create the illusion of hulls of upturned boats. XENERGY SL – designed for insulation of inverted flat roofs – was launched in spring 2012 as an extension to Dow’s wellestablished ROOFMATE SL-A product XENERGY™ insulation range adf newsletter Emailed on a fortnightly basis the Architects Datafile newsletter is designed to provide the architect with the latest information on products and services of interest. metal-clad vaults.188 respond online.external fixtures 53 Zinc focal point for Hurlingham Club Glidevale’s optimised roof protection The Hurlingham Club’s new outdoor pool and buildings have replaced facilities that were over eighty years old. Protect VPTEC T3 is a highly vapour permeable (type LR) triple ply membrane with excellent nail tear and tensile strength.vmzinc. ultra tough membrane incorporating a reinforced grid for maximum performance. enq. Olympic water polo arena architect David Morley Architects’ created a distinctive. The choice of roofing underlays available is being optimised with additions to Glidevale’s brandleading Protect range of vapour permeable and impermeable membranes. the range offers a full breadth of underlays from heavy to lightweight options. search our information archive at www. The roof is lifted clear of the changing room façade in a series of elegant.adfonline. enq.187 The Lift Platform Experts >ŝŐŚƚǁĞůů>ŝŌƐ͕ŝŶ>ŝŌƐΘhŶĚĞƌŐƌŽƵŶĚŝŶ^ƚŽƌĂŐĞ͕Ăƌ>ŝŌƐ hŶĚĞƌŐƌŽƵŶĚ.eu .h^>/D/d^ƚĞĞƉůĞƵŵƉƐƚĞĂĚϵϳE dĞůĞƉŚŽŶĞϬϭϰϰϬϳϯϭϭϭϭůŝŌƐΛůLJŌŚĂƵƐ͘ĐŽŵ www. thanks to the addition of infrared blocking particles to scatter and reflect heat radiation within the foam board.adfonline.. Enabling specifiers and contractors to achieve the best performance possible in line with budgetary considerations. Brochures and videos are also regularly available.185 01992 822288 %HDXWLIXOO\HQJLQHHUHGOLIWSODWIRUPVROXWLRQVIRU OLJKWZHOOVFDUOLIWVELQOLIWVDQGZDVWHPDQDJHPHQW 6XLWDEOHIRUUHVLGHQWLDODQGFRPPHUFLDOHQYLURQPHQWV Architects of ElevationŝĚĚĞŶ tŚĞĞůŝĞŝŶ^ƚŽƌĂŐĞ >z&d. café and remote water treatment store. XENERGY XPS combines the features of STYROFOAM XPS – durability. The range now includes the superior ‘T3’ underlays. direct to their inbox. The reader can quickly gather a snapshot of information from 12 carefully selected companies and easily follow links through to further information on the www. 'LVFUHHWOLJKWZHOODFFHVV )URP%DVHPHQWWR6WUHHW/HYHO www. or go direct to the company's own – register now Dow Building Solutions has extended its range of XENERGY extruded polystyrene (XPS) products in response to industry interest. search our information archive at www. The new Staifix RT2 275mm wall tie has been designed to meet the demand for wider insulated wall cavities in multi-storey housing and commercial buildings. sales manager at Panel Systems. to traditional For more information about our specification service. It is currently the only Type 2 wire wall tie available for cavity widths between 126mm and 150mm. Visit our website for the complete 02920 776677 www. This is supported by Rainspan's proven 'life-of-the-building' performance to offer a solution that delivers a fast track construction and the architectural excellence.arp-ltd. The only BBA approved system. beaded deep flow.ancon. roofs.192 respond online. there is strong demand for Styrofoam. call today on 0116 289 4400 or email us at sales@arp-ltd. Like all Staifix cavity ties. 01142 755224 www. Danny Phelan. one of the UK’s leading suppliers of Styrofoam insulation. Rainspan™ combines aesthetics.” Styrofoam insulation is strong enough to be used in all applications. to terracotta and warm wood finishes. explains: “Contractors are recognising that Styrofoam is easy to work with and helps them to meet latest Building Regulation requirements in terms of thermal enq. beaded. insulation Panel Systems reports increase in demand Panel Systems. From metallic. it’s as simple as A R P There is a large range of gutter profiles including. enq. or ask for one of our Technical Product Guides www. carries a BBA approval and meets NHBC technical requirements. has seen an increase in demand for its products from contractors and installers of underfloor heating systems and swimming pools. With the growth of the heat pump and electric underfloor heating .190 Rainspan™ opens the door to new designs The Eurobond Rainspan™ system now offers an even wider range of solutions with choices of colours and textures that open the door to new design possibilities. Installation of all Rainspan Systems is fast and easy and the long span capability of Rainspan can reduce secondary steelwork requirements and build costs. the RT2 has been independently tested at Ceram Building Technology. ogee and box. The rapid installation quickly creates a weathertight envelope that removes the façade installation from the critical path helping to keep build times as efficient as possible. as thermal performance requirements continue to increase. which we can router to make installation of the piping even easier. ceilings and load bearing areas under the slabs and floors. half round. such as walls. swaged or cast collars. ARP also offer the Mustang Seamless gutter system offering up to 30 metres in one length giving a smooth uninterrupted appearance.191 When it comes to choosing Aluminium Gutters & Pipes. suitable for buildings up to 15 metres high as standard and taller structures subject to enq.eb-rainspan..189 New thermally efficient wall tie Ancon has become the first UK wall tie manufacturer to offer a Type 2 stainless steel wire tie for insulated cavities up to 150mm square and rectangular profiles with flush joint.54 external fixtures. functionality and performance to offer the complete façade solution through nine Rainspan™ systems that offer full design flexibility and easy integration with our diverse range of façade options.adfonline. Our complimentary range of pipes are available in diameter. 193 Electrorad® is the sole UK supplier of the unique Aeroflow electric radiator.. It has an exceptionally low thermal conductivity of 0.194 enq. Landowners Paul and Claire Burrow selected ThermoPlan for the walls of their three 0844 479 0055 www.022 W/mK making it ideal for applications that require very high levels of thermal insulation. sustainable farmhouse in the village of Wiggaton in Ottery St Mary. enq.195 A new development from Passivent allows buildings to achieve good air quality with minimal energy consumption and reduced heating loads without noise transfer from one area to another. 170m² . Radiant and convection heat are produced to give the ideal mix and ensure the highest levels of comfort. which is faced on both sides with an aluminium foil. rigid polyisocyanurate foam core. because they wanted the construction to have maximum energy efficiency and minimal impact upon the environment. ventilation & services 55 Sustainable farmhouse benefits Unique Aeroflow electric radiator Natural Building Technologies’ (NBT’s) ThermoPlan insulating wall system has been used to construct an energy efficient.insulation. enq. comfortable and healthy living environment. The Active SoundScoop Transfer unit delivers optimum efficiency in balancing natural ventilation with noise attenuation in closed-plan buildings. The new board. Each side of the heated core are convection flutes designed to draw the colder air from the floor level and supply the warmed air into the room. Based on the core Passivent SoundScoop unit.electrorad.197 respond online. the new Active version offers three operating modes to allow for optimum energy efficiency as external temperatures vary through the seasons. Eurothane GP Class 0 will be available in a wide range of thicknesses and will assist in helping contractors to meet Building Regulations. enabling natural air movement between rooms. features a Class 0 rating. ThermoPlan breathable natural clay blocks combine fast build times with excellent levels of thermal and acoustic insulation. enq. Recticel ready new class of eurothane range Active solution for noise transfer Recticel Insulation is pleased to announce the launch of a Class 0 version of its popular Eurothane GP board Eurothane GP Class 0 is composed from a closed cell. creating an energy efficient. offering increased application possibilities for contractors and safety for end users. which retains all of the insulating properties found in Recticel’s popular Eurothane products. Internally the radiator has multiple 100 per cent energy efficient electric elements embedded in fireclay heat plates. Each radiator has a built-in electronic room thermostat and programming system. Passivent Active SoundScoop Transfer unit is positioned at high level in the partition/wall between two internal spaces. The fireclay acts as a heat transfer medium to ensure an even temperature across the whole of the radiator surface.. heating. East Devon. search our information archive at www. as well as a news blog that offers daily email alerts to keep you as informed as possible. in holiday cottages. They can be used in a wide variety of applications: where there is a requirement for an extra bathroom. bidet. Adfonline.flaktwoods. ventilation & services A ‘natural’ partnership JS Air Curtains provides vital ingredient Fläkt Woods is proud to announce an exciting new partnership with Vision Ventilation. Manufactured in the UK.56 heating. enq.201 Grundfos SOLOLIFT2 is second to none Handcrafted with passion The revolutionary SOLOLIFT2 is a range of sewage and wastewater domestic lifting stations from Grundfos.199 enq. Devon EX15 1RA enq. boutique Town Hall Hotel in Bethnall Green. the new system features a high strength conductive Gyvlon Thermoplane screed. The Workshop. enq. their adaptability and performance provide the solution to handling wastewater for any combination of WC. for a basement installation.grundfos. Originally built in 1910.adfonline. To find out more about our passion call us today. the award winning Town Hall Hotel combines Edwardian architectural splendor with contemporary design in the heart of London’s East End. for adding facilities in hotels and guest houses.adfonline. which will provide all their customers with a complete range of natural ventilation products. sink.woodwarmstoves.198 01206 222555 www.. adding facilities for the elderly or the disabled or during the renovation of offices and other commercial buildings. you can find links to digital issues that have live links to advertisers’ sites. Its innovative and popular Viajante restaurant faces the main road with imposing wooden doors always open to welcome guests and its soft closing inner lobby glass doors in constant use. Ideal for timber suspended floors commonly used in the majority of new builds.200 Polypipe Ventilation has launched the Silavent Green Line HRX range of Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery (MVHR) appliances. search our information archive at www. it is suitable for both domestic and commercial Metal Developments Revolutionary underfloor heating system New Polypipe MVHR range A new ‘all-in-one’ underfloor heating system that utilises the very latest in micro-screed technology to deliver high performance combined with major environmental benefits has been launched by Thermoplane Ltd. 01525 850000 www. gives specifiers the ultimate in responsiveness and respond online. JS Air Curtains has supplied and installed a stylish. AHU’s and energy related products. shower and washing machine.. WO O DWA R M S TOV E S Tel: 01884 35806 www. Wheatcroft Farm. Our range of wood burning and multifuel stoves have been handcrafted in the Devon countryside for over 30 is a one-stop source for all the latest press releases providing any visitor with access to information about products and services that they may require. supporting their joint drive for reducing CO2 emissions. through the flexibility of their design. the new 2010 Building Regulations compliant and SAP Q listed appliances recover up to 88 per cent of a home’s waste heat. It provides a vital ingredient in the dining experience of its restaurant’s clientele by keeping draughts out when the door is open and maintaining a comfortable internal atmosphere. incorporating advanced technology for maximum performance and innovative design for simple installation and From the A passion for quality. A passion for the environment. electrically heated Zen air curtain at the luxury. enq. adf The Architects Datafile (ADF) website is an online provider of past and present products and news items for the architect or specifier. A passion for design. Fläkt Woods see the ErP Directive for mechanical ventilation products working in partnership with natural ventilation further enhancing Fläkt Woods’ e3 product range. The units themselves are compact and lightweight and will readily fit in standard kitchen cupboards as well as lofts. The two companies will be working strategically to further enhance Fläkt Woods position as the one of the market leaders in mechanical ventilation. The family comprises of just five models that. Available through a select ‘pronetwork’ of partners. which combined with the very latest in high specification manifold design and Pex-a and Multilayer pipe. The units work by warming fresh air drawn into the building using the heat from waste stale air extracted from the kitchen and up to seven wet rooms using an efficient counter flow heat exchanger. enq. This new initiative is called the ‘FreeFlow Range’.203 website . SE Controls has designed a solution.4m3/s to 6. The initial CPD seminar on offer to architects is based on explaining the technical differences between serial and parallel feed radiators and highlights how new serial feed technology helps reduce fuel costs and a property’s carbon enq. Offering basic controls and functionality the ERV units are designed for projects that require cost-effective heat recovery ventilation without the complexities of Demand Ventilation Control.0m3/ enq.207    SE Controls solves corridor overheating An effective solution to overheated corridors and communal spaces in multi-storey residential buildings has been developed by SE Controls. 0844 856 0590 www. it can make the corridors uncomfortably hot for residents and maintenance teams working within the building.500m³/hr. the new Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) series of heat recovery units covers airflow from 500 to 1.208    Eurostove are exclusive UK importers and distributors of WESTFIRE. smoke shaft doors and roof vents. fully controllable and capable of providing nominal airflows between 0. ventilation & services 57 New addition to Xpelair’s Carbonlite range The eQ prime from Fläkt Woods Following the success of the recently launched GX EC3 range.vent-axia. enq. which allows the controlled venting of hot air to cool the corridors. enq. The eQ PRIME contains newly engineered. which exploits the versatility and performance of the company’s smoke ventilation systems. can help reduce boiler and chiller loads. By using sensors to monitor the temperature on each floor. As well as a selection of other quality brands of wood boilers and cookers. The high efficiency level means the units are much more eco-friendly and will save end users money while reducing their carbon footprint. Although routing hot water pipe work through corridors as part of a distributed heating system provides a simple method of feeding individual apartments. Another new component is the Semco rotary energy recovery wheel. To find out more including your nearest dealer. designed to reduce capital costs and optimise energy savings. enq. maximum energy efficient permanent magnet motors.204 Fläkt Woods.5 per cent energy saving. To combat this issue. Xpelair Ventilation Solutions is expanding its Carbonlite range with the addition of the GX12 EC3 – the first 12 inch Carbonlite commercial fan in Xpelair’s product portfolio.205 Vent-Axia launches ERV range Stelrad delivers CPD seminars Vent-Axia has launched a range of simplified heat recovery ventilation units. the smoke ventilation system’s control panels automatically manage the proportional opening of end of corridor vents.   . Radiator manufacturer – Stelrad – has received accreditation by the Royal Institute of British Architects as a CPD seminar provider. Part of the Roof Units range. which due to its high levels of moisture transfer and thermal efficiency. has launched the new eQ PRIME range of air handling units. The overall measureable effects of using a serial feed radiator has been independently assessed by KIWA as a 10. which is available with variable speed control when used with MS2/MS3 controllers. The GX12 EC3. a leading global supplier of energy efficient air climate and ventilation systems. which contribute to lowering specific fan power volume (SFPv) and possibly reducing the overall size of the unit. visit our website or call to speak to an advisor. SAEY and ORANIER woodburners and multifuel stoves. the eQ PRIME is compact in size. features improved styling for greater aesthetic appeal and is designed to be one of the most efficient fans on the market. which allows its smoke ventilation systems to also operate as a precisely controlled passive or mechanically assisted natural ventilation system to help maintain comfortable temperatures and energy efficiency.206 0870 849 8056 www. The ERV range consists of two unit sizes (ERV1000 and ERV1500) each available with two versions of control and unit functionality (basic and standard) and two versions of Energy Recovery Cell: the 90 per cent efficient Hi Box or a lower cost 55 per cent efficient cell.stelrad. Available in eight sizes. It reduces energy output and keeps running costs low through its ultra efficient long life EC motor. The range offers a wide choice of distinctive styles from traditional to contemporary to warm the heart of any home. Eurostove also manufacture MENDIP stoves. . search our information archive at www...209 respond online.     enq. impermeable surfaces that offer no sanctuary to dirt and bacteria. which have an impressive output of 800 Lux at 5 metres. many of them originally made by Glasgow’s Duncan & Son and collected in 1979 from Cowes Fish and Game Shop in Berwick upon Tweed. enq. which was tiled with the help of BAL adhesives and grouts. which allows the beam angle to adjust from 14 to 45 degrees. Lytelab contains high powered Sharp LEDs.000m² of its flooring has recently been installed in the new Women and Children’s Unit at The Royal Oldham Hospital. suggesting the paradoxical structured and chaotic elements that are apparent in a modern urban landscape. but in a more graphical way. and its walls decorated with striking ceramic tiles.212 Concord has expanded its range of architectural fittings with the introduction of the state-of-theart Lytelab spotlight. The Pearlazzo PUR range in a variety of different colours has been installed and several designs have been wajerjet cut into the floor for added effect. enq. to give designers the chance to use the concept to create their personalised interpretation of a cityscape. “Pearlazzo PUR can be welded at the seams and to coved skirtings to create continuous. DALI track dimming (through integration with a third party light control system). Milliken has announced the latest addition to its extensive portfolio of designs with Build-It! The new collection applies the same design research that inspired Urban Collective. with reclaimed Ruabon Quarries tiles.58 interiors Milliken launches new Build-It! collection BAL adhesives in award-winning museum Following the successful launch in the Spring of its ground-breaking Urban Collective range. Lytelab provides significant energy savings due to its total power consumption being just 45W. is a recreation of an Edwardian shop showing how the takeaway trade developed from Victorian times. The shop floor is tiled. The PUR treatment also means that the flooring is very easy and simple to clean. the Concord Lytelab features a unique adjustable and lockable Fresnel lens. The latest addition to the museum’s Pit Village is Davy’s Fried Fish Shop. Designed for areas with high-ceilings. the star of an hour-long BBC2 documentary during April 2012.213 /0) ' -. resulting in quicker ROI. manufacturer of commercial and residential vinyl flooring is delighted to announce that around 10. Alison Gilmore.” enq. The new Build-It! collection uses Milliken’s proprietary Millitron high definition pattern technology and a palette of warm and cool weathered greys to create a variety of pieces. market manager at Polyflor adds. the Lytelab comes with on-board.211 Polyflor at the Royal Oldham Hospital Concord Lytelab reaches new heights Polyflor.% ' -) ) ' /0) " 0/" '   Centrally mounted    Adjustable Lux and time controls                    . from which you can compose a unique image. enq.210 The world-famous Beamish Museum in County Durham now offers visitors a taste of the past from a coal-fired fish-and-chip shop. The shop. Ensuring energy and cost efficiency. 214 respond enq. search our information archive at .uk PD3N-Micro Indoor 180-R/2W-UK PD4-GH www.                Optional remote control                     versions PD9-DALI/DSI PD4-TRIO PD4-Corridor [email protected].. is now also leading the way in reducing energy consumption. it was imperative that light output. a Tyco Company. is set to cut its lighting energy consumption by 81 per cent at its Skelmersdale site. Scott Safety. It has the familiar clean lines and a generous rectangular shade but with a twist – there are two lamps within one large shade.astrolighting. With thousands of people depending on Scott Safety products to protect them in high risk environments.modernlightingsolutions. has launched the Park Lane Grande Twin Shade. Designed specifically for spacious areas of hotels such as the lounge and dining room.000 kelvin colour temperature. Astro. single wall lights and floor lamps available in three colour finishes: polished matt nickel and bronze. enq.218 respond online.interiors 59 Grande new design from Astro Lighting British designer and manufacturer of contemporary lighting. search our information archive at www. After trialling various fittings to find the optimal light colour. MHA Lighting’s TiLites were chosen that supplied 80CRI and 4. a new addition to the Park Lane family. 01279 427001 www.217 enq.215 Scott Safety cutting its lighting consumption SCOTT Safety. light quality and uniformity were high quality so as to aid precision working. With the help of award-winning lighting manufacturer MHA . The Park Lane family also includes co-ordinating table lamps.216 MODERN LIGHTING SOLUTIONS Lighting catalogue with style shots available on request 0208 123 7914 www. the Park Lane Grande Twin Shade has a classic contemporary style that will suit both old and new enq.adfonline. a leading provider of life safety protection products and services. uk Leading the way in self testing emergency lighting reader enquiry 219 1-JNJUFE8ZNBOT8BZ 'BLFOIBN*OEVTUSJBM&TUBUF 'BLFOIBN /PSGPML/3/5 . maximum performance. By ExiLED range the architects choice P4 FASTEL is the UK’s leading independent company solely dedicated to manufacturing the most highly regarded. email sales@p4fastel. fully or visit our website but boasts a viewing distance of over 13 metres. they are suited to any building and offer exceptional performance with market leading energy efficiencies and reduced operating costs.ExiLED is the smallest sign in our luminaire family. Very stylish but discrete. cost efficient self testing emergency lighting and exit signage in the industry. demonstration or to discuss your project: Call 01328 850555. the architects choice r&OFSHZFGàDJFOU-&%T r&YJUTJHOBHFDBOCFBEEFEUPQSFWJPVTMZJOTUBMMFE1 FASTEL emergency lighting systems as well as new installations Omikron range Design range r4JHOMVNJOBJSFTBWBJMBCMFJOBWBSJFUZPG3"-DPMPVSTBOEàUUJOHPQUJPOT To view a sample.p4fastel. ExiLED range Pi range We have one of the largest ranges of addressable and self testing LED sign luminaires available on the manufactured in the UK. For the specifier. aimed at minimising and eradicating the effect of artificial light on the night sky. Much has been said about turning off office lights at night but many iconic city-scapes would look dull at night without some presence. it is important to be aware of safety issues and for peace of mind.. One of the new types luminaire that are beginning to make an impact is the LED strip. while the blue light relies on projection to create the effect. The installation fulfils all necessary energy saving criteria. doing business with a reputable manufacturer should always be the first purchasing consideration. With the growing use of LED lamps and luminaires. the energy saving capability of a scheme. Mike Attard. having a strong brand identity is an essential marketing tool that helps promote recognition in consumers and ensure differentiation from their . but while this wildly popular (but inefficient) light source is currently in the process of being regulated out of existence – the luminaire lives on. while being a powerful brand symbol for Porsche. This still allows the building to have night-time presence without leaving all the office lights on. ‘Architectural lighting is a powerful medium for companies to communicate their corporate identity’ Mike Attard. gives an overview A good lighting design will always strike a good balance between the functional. usually through the use of colour.220 respond online. In face. Architectural lighting is a powerful medium for companies to communicate their corporate identity. Increasingly. Corporate image For many companies. This solution allows the building to maintain its identity at night. many designers are taking advantage of lighting’s energy saving potential while also drawing on a growing palette of creative options that this new technology has to offer. these new format luminaires are taking lighting schemes in a new direction where creativity and sustainability are comfortable bedfellows. Weatherproof linear-profile LED luminaries were used to cast light around the bands of windows. companies are looking to use their brand identity in new ways. New boundaries The light fixture has been around as long as the incandescent lamp. The exact blue achieved was tuned to Porsche’s liking after much experimentation. The façade is lit in a glowing. In the hands of an experienced creative. bright blue that is offset by contrasting red details.adfonline. with the clever use of LED lighting. creative and increasingly.interiors 61 Integrating lighting into building structures The rise in LED technology is allowing lighting designers and architects to discreetly integrate lighting into the building fabric. and LED technology offers aesthetic benefit without waste – reducing the overall effect of light pollution. Light pollution The sources of light pollution are many building exteriors and interiors are the main culprits. LED strips are beginning to blur the clear boundary between light source and luminaire. LED luminaires are set into the upper window frames project to light each individual floor. Porsche.. managing director of RIDI Lighting. search our information archive at www. In fact. Alongside that. Many new companies are joining the market and there is now a bewildering array of LED luminaire options to choose from. A case in point is a new façade lighting installation at headquarters of the performance car manufacturer. an understanding of the performance and characteristics of the various available product types is important to make informed specification decisions. a company building can act as a large-scale expression of corporate image and culture. There is lot of merit in addressing the impact of wasteful interior and exterior schemes. The unpopularity of light pollution has led to the formation of ‘dark sky’ movements and such like. This wide range of choice comes with an equally diverse range of quality and price. managing director of RIDI Lighting enq. The new introductions consisted of 16 different woodgrain enq. For a stronger statement Renolit have introduced a vibrant www. red and lime green. There is a colour to fill every space with flamboyant character. the range covers an extensive spectrum. Selection of 10 fashionable high gloss solid colours. printed effects and textures. Trojan PA and Foscari Oak Pale Nat.62 advertorial Bright classic colours R enolit now offer fifteen Renolit Alkoren high gloss colours with the addition of 10 new colours in to their collection of classic 3D forming foils. Conifer. Walnut. High Gloss remains a strong market trend and the introduction of these new items provide the market with attractive high performing products in a range of commercial colours. Mountain Larch Cappuccino P. to beiges and neutral greys. High gloss solid colours. rose-tea and blacks complete the range. Swiss Elm in three colours. All the new designs can be seen in the A4 Renolit Highlights collection binder or within the handy A6 sized three part complete range set of Renolit Covaren. soft and gentle calm or deep and stylish ambiance. Fragrantly named in Italian after popular varieties of plants which portray their colour.renolit. Pacific with a light and dark choice. 01670 718222 renolit. Cobra and Moulins SC. one also in high gloss. The Renolit Alkoren high gloss colours were added into the 2012 stock range alongside a number of other exciting new decors. From poplar volume selling whites and creams. Sophisticated shades of grey. Renolit Alkoren and Renolit Solid Colours.221 New product brochures launched  .cramlington@renolit. aubergine. Fantasy effects. Okasha and Saw Cut. Oaks: Luan Oak Tobacco. Elegant Ash. Textured solid colours. and 10 high gloss solid colours and are divided into seven groups comprising of: Elm.   .   .       .  .    .  .  . .  .      .      .   .  .   .       .  .   .   .  .       .  Leak free showering Easy access bathing     . .   .   .     . eu enq. It also boasts a ‘Tool Kit’ for tradesmen. builders can also recommend the service. search our information archive at www. who can now view detailed descriptions and images of products with complete ease.adfonline..222 Magnet Trade’s brand new website for builders AND their customers Magnet Trade reveals a brand new online experience aimed directly at account holders. While the home page is open to both trade and customers. the Trade Only zone contains access to accounts. a scrolling gallery and thumbnail menu.   enq. With a new area specifically for customers. Magnet Trade’s very own magazine ‘The Mag’ is now conveniently available in an online form on the new style website and the brand new Magnet Trade blog will also be housed on the website. which includes top tips exclusively for traders. a new feature enables the end customer to search via their budget with Magnet Trade’s kitchen rating system. The website also includes an efficient quote feature for quotes within one working day. Navigating products has never been easier with large detailed images.223 . account application forms and the recommend a friend scheme. respond online.. Plus. brochure requests and floor planners. uk reader enquiry Use QR reader 224 lifestyle solutions for inclusive living .co. How can we help turn your dreams into a reality? ASPIRATIONAL DESIGN AND ACCESSIBILITY IS WRITTEN INTO EVERYTHING WE DO Discover more at: www. expertise and experience is at the very heart of our range. we understand how important inclusive design and style is.000 wetroom installations to Enquiries: 0800 0787 188 Email: marketing@akw-ltd. With wetroom installations in such high demand.As the market leader in independent living solutions. That’s why our Our commitment to quality and innovation has seen us complete 300. we have produced the Larenco® shower screen range and TriForm® linear former to help create beautiful bathroom designs. co. despite the obvious energy savings that could be made by regulating our use of A service that includes: site surveys. search our information archive at www. We live in a world where global warming. it is up to home and business owners alike to change their attitude towards water consumption and to start implementing water efficient measures.bisca. Timloc has commission Leeds University to undertake extensive acoustic product testing on its behalf.25. Specifically designed to simplify the testing of induction loop systems to current British standards. Established in 1981. flow & stream control for taps & showers C-TEC launches new audio signal generator With many area's of the UK facing water shortage issues. frequency response and metal compensation). has launched an innovative new audio signal generator for testing induction loop amplifiers.227 Part E of the Building Regulations refers to the need ‘to provide reasonable resistance to sound’. Aalco provides an unrivalled service for the Balustrade & handrail systems from Aalco Understanding acoustic access panels manufacture and installation.neoperl.64 interiors.adfonline. the generator has all of the test tones required to test audio frequency induction loop amplifiers to BS 7594 (1 kHz sine wave. One of the leading life-safety equipment manufacturers. In addition to the sale and supply of handrail and balustrade systems. enq.225 01684 564869 www. one of the UK’s largest independent metals distributor markets an exciting and unique range of Handrail and Balustrade solutions and has recently announced the launch of an LED Handrail system. which will be compliant with all legislation and regulations. design proposals. Contact us to discuss your project or request a copy of our brand new brochure enq.226 enq. interior designer.228 Timeless design Bespoke Staircase Design & Manufacture Simply Beautiful… Glass Writing Boards from Casca To see our full range of boards visit www. 01405 765567 Sawmill Lane. Aalco offers a turnkey project service for bespoke staircases. Tests concluded that Timloc’s existing range of CR slim line access panels has no effect on the overall acoustic rating to walls or ceilings. YO62 5DQ enq. As one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of access panels. the company was recently nominated as one of the UK’s most outstanding examples of manufacturing excellence in the government’s prestigious Made by Britain initiative.. Working with architects. but water saving is still not generating enough attention.timloc. the new FPROSG trades at just £160. C-TEC. Neoperl UK Ltd’s products provide a valuable contribution to climate and environmental protection by conserving water and helping to reduce the associated energy consumption in the production of hot water.229 respond online. Aalco provides design solutions to suit any environment. balustrades and architectural Or call 0845 519 4995 01439 771702 staircase@bisca. climate change and the greenhouse effect are all well known phrases in our day to day lives. carbon footprint. when fitted as a direct replacement to plasterboard layers and if fitted within one per cent of the total enq. Helmsley.. plus speech and music tracks to assist with subjective testing. designers and engineers. contractor and house builder alike. Factory calibrated to provide a fixed audio signal.230 .cascaglass. disabled products & services Neoperl. With 19 locations around the UK. James Shaw & Marjan van Aubel and DeGross to name a few. It is specifically designed to penetrate and protect weathered wood and provides both UV and fungicidal protection.. enq. search our information archive at www. Brochures and videos are also regularly available. Callum Lumsden (Lumsden Design). Naomi Cleaver and Nina Campbell. Go to the website for full details. Kirigram. the new Technical Specification for free standing and wall mounted mailboxes. or go direct to the company's own website. the VIP lounge and press office.adfonline. The reader can quickly gather a snapshot of information from 12 carefully selected companies and easily follow links through to further information on the www. It is a highly penetrative oil supplied as clear as standard or tinted into various enq. Be at the 2013 show from the 20-23 January at the NEC Birmingham. The new TS009 standard was initiated by Secured by Design and the Association of Chief Police Officers in response to the increasing problem of ‘fishing’ from mailboxes. Mark Hughes-Webb (Brandhub). Lazerian.232 020 8670 7511 www.. Interiors UK’s Seminar Theatre. well-loved and opulent designs with a new. Plumen. Melinda Ashton Turner (Stylist – talking about visual merchandising). interiors uk show preview Interiors UK: Bigger and better than ever before. accessories. landscaping & external works.233 respond online. Denso builds a brand new training centre Designed to last Anti-corrosion and sealing specialist Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd have just finished building and furnishing a new training centre in their London head office and factory premises. Interiors UK is renowned for orchestrating informative. The Secured by Design accreditation supports the launch of the DAD009.adfonline. UBM are thrilled to announce that this year’s guest designer is interiors legend.231 Professionally finishing adf Emailed on a fortnightly basis the Architects Datafile newsletter is designed to provide the architect with the latest information on products and services of interest. Exhibitors at the designersblock 65 department store include the likes of House of Hackney.owatroldirect. Expect a marriage of traditional.adfonline. it gradually fills the pores over the years and you therefore get extended longevity before the next maintenance cycle. thought provoking seminars and talks during the show and 2013 will be no exception. Birmingham City University. Stylus. The beauty of Owatrol products is that because the oil is penetrative. brand and identity – the designersblock department Angus Gibb (SYMM). toys.” Next year will see the return of designersblock who will be using their creative talent to create a totally new store concept. colour. Nic Cumisky (Google). www. Nina Campbell who will be creating the entrances as well as hosting a feature space in Hall 3: “Nina is thrilled to be designing the entrances at the Interiors UK show in January. Silo Studio. the first mailbox to comply with TS009:2012 GRADE 2. safety & security. The area will also house the regular features of the show such as New Design Britain. Denso are confident that the creation of this new centre will enable them to fully demonstrate the virtues of their products and systems to customers as well as being a perfect venue to hold regular training sessions for the many applicators/contractors who need to keep abreast of the latest developments in this highly specialised field. 0845 061 8899 www. which allows criminals to steal the owners’ identities. Catherine Verpoort. lighting and lots – register now newsletter Textrol Oil has quickly become the Professional’s Choice for wood enq. The individual halls will be defined by one of Nina’s loves. Firstly you clean your wood with Net-trol and allow this to dry thoroughly.. M odern retailing is the overarching theme for the 2013 show with many beautiful retailer display areas curated by a mix of designers throughout the show and main entrances. This giant feature will include a concoction of departments featuring furniture. direct to their inbox. then you apply Textrol as you have previously and you are all set.denso. The new DAD009 is an exceptionally robust mailbox. fresh and contemporary colour palette. The line-up is set to explore the future of retail with talks from the likes of Nayna Macintosh (Marks & Spencer’s Director of Store Design). all sourced from designersblock’s vast network of young designers and design makers. demonstrating that its product meets the high standards which aims to ‘design out’ crime. Jonathan Webb (Retail in Action). DAD is the first letterbox company in the UK to achieve Secured by Design accreditation. proven to withstand attack and resist fishing through the slot. JiB .eu. The maintenance cycle is simple. uk hello@factoryfurniture. enq.adfonline.adfonline. enq. it offers architects and designers a robust and reliable coating for use with Non-Com Exterior treated timbers. As a result. semi-opaque and fully opaque furniture designers and makers of street and landscape furniture in FSC hardwood. Drywood Woodstain from Drywood Coatings BV has been used successfully on Non-Com Exterior treated timbers within new build projects in Holland for a number of a water based. From the website. This allows the Non-Com Exterior treated timber to be used externally without the need for a protective coating.66 landscaping & external works Care centre car park protected by Nullifire The requirement to provide a minimum of one hour’s fire protection to the structural steel frame of the car park beneath a new health facility in the North-east of England has resulted in the specification of Nullifire’s well proven S708 water based intumescent coating system. Carillion at the St John’s Primary Care Centre in Seaham. IPCL had one of its teams apply the water borne system during a number of visits to site over a two month giving specifiers the option to add an easy to maintain colour finish.234 Factory adf website The Architects Datafile (ADF) website is an online provider of past and present products and news items for the architect or specifier.235 Drywood supplies warrantied colour Non-Com Exterior from Lonza Wood Protection is one of the leading fire retardant protections for exterior cladding and construction timbers.. Adfonline. you can find links to digital issues that have live links to advertisers’ sites. if preferred. However. www. Durham..237 . search our information archive at www. fire retardant product. as well as a news blog that offers daily email alerts to keep you as informed as possible. steel & concrete t +44 (0)1793 763829 www. Intumescent Protective Coatings Limited was the specialist applicator working for main contractor.236 respond online. leach resistant. Available in a range of transparent. high performance and warrantied coating for exclusive use on NonCom Exterior treated is a one-stop source for all the latest press releases providing any visitor with access to information about products and services that they may require. Lonza has now introduced Drywood Woodstain.. Co. The proven polymer based formulation of Non-Com Exterior treatment makes it the only UK Wood Protection Association approved. and recommended the use of the very tough and moisture resistant system to treat all of the steelwork in the basement car park area. All non-combustible materials. CM3 2WT Tel: 01245 468977 Fax: 01245 469499 Email: [email protected] . DN8 5SX Tel: 0845 072 1150 Email: [email protected]?GX7 FO7GD?EP7=HFA?FHO@K7 NO@F?EFY7772OOXB?@X78GOJDGFHDK7 <ZQY77[\]^^_``a^bc7 103 TENSILE FABRIC STRUCTURES HOME AUTOMATION J & J Carter Limited Unit Sustainable products for decorative casing. 102 01435 863500 DRAWING OFFICE SUPPLIES Standing Stone INSECT SCREENS Natural Paving Products (UK) Ltd Belton Road. 104 Lancelyn Theatre Supplies Ferry Hinksey Reader enquiries online at Enq.adfonline.adfonline. easy and quick to work Tomo Business Park. www. 43 Wellesley Road Clacton on www. CO15 3PL Tel: 01255 221 655 Email: [email protected] THEATRE SUPPLIES LIQUID ROOFING & WATERPROOFING www. 31 Worship Street London. 109 respond IP14 5EP Tel: 01449 770607 Fax: 01449 678444 Email: sales@babypoint. 101 DOORS & WINDOWS Premiere Home Cinema. All products are developed and tested to comply with the European Standard for the design of baby changing equipment BSEN 12221. Suffolk. search our information archive at PO Box LIFTS & ESCALATORS www. pipe boxing and protection solutions. PE8 4XA Tel: 01832 275 333 Freephone: 0800 804 8025 Fax: 01832 275 111 Email: sales@poolcover. Hatfield Peverel Essex. Units "(#$)!%$' !))()!" + $'(&%$!$)%) *') FIRES & FIREPLACES SWIMMING POOLS Enq. Essex. North If you’re interested in advertising within this section please contact the sales team on Baby Point is an ISO 9001 UK based company specialising in the design and production of commercial baby changing equipment. BATHROOMS & SHOWERS Distributors of Skamolex Vermiculite and Calcium Silicate fireproof insulation & refractory panels to line fireplaces & fireboxes and for the construction of chimneys & fire chambers in New Builds. Evans Business Hampshire.        WINDOW CONTROLS  287 2345627689:.1: Reader enquiries online at www. 107 Reader enquiries online at www. 105 Baby Point Ltd Opies Uk Limited Unit Cheshire. Ellesmere Port CH65 1AE Tel: 0151 348 8945 Fax: 0151 348 8946 Mob: 07787 108 480 Email: [email protected] LIGHTING BABY CHANGING UNITS INSECT SCREENING UK’S LARGEST WHOLESALE TRADE SUPPLIER www.flydor. Matfen. Tel: 01603 897 799 Email: [email protected] Enq. London Road.poolcover. EC2A 2DY Tel: 0207 448 3859 Email: info@lrwa. SK12 1LJ Tel: 0800 622 6855 Email: [email protected] Roofing House.<6:=7 >?@A?B7C79BDEFGHE7 4DI7C7:DJ?HGK7 <DBDLBDM7C7NBD?GBH@D7C7OFPDGK7 106 www. 34 Walworth Road Walworth Business Park Andover.67 classified & directory ACOUSTICS INSECT SCREENS ECO PRODUCTS PIPING SYSTEMS Inspired Noise Solutions Ltd Encasement UK Plumbing Supplies Unit SP10 5LH Tel: 01264 721 630 Fax: 01264 721 649 Email: [email protected] Liquid Roofing and Waterproofing Association (LRWA) Tel: 01733 266 889 Fax: 01733 268 999 Email: [email protected] AV WOW Limited T/A Enq. OX2 0BY Tel: 01865 722 468 Mobile: 07889 368503 Email: projects@lancelyn. light www. South Poynton. Doncaster North Lincolnshire. Northumberland NE20 0RQ Tel: 01661 886653 Email: [email protected] Unit 1 Armcom Business Park. 108 Pool Cover UK – Swimex Ltd FLOORS & FLOORING Box NATURAL STONE LANDSCAPING PRODUCTS efficient installation processes and high levels of technical support. certified ƒMinimised thermal bridges ƒIncreased air-tightness ƒReduced wall thickness ƒIncreased speed of build reader enquiry 402 . today ROCKSHELL® is a patented modular wall system that meets future energy efficiency requirements.rockshell.14 ƒPassivhaus Inst. ROCKSHELL® combines the requirements for sustainable lightweight constructions with optimal energy Visit: www...Delivering tomorrow’s energy Call: +44 (0) 1656 868 400 Email: [email protected] Use ROCKSHELL® to benefit from: ƒTypical U-Value of 0. An innovative system for constructing the load bearing walls of low-rise buildings.
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