Additional Wazifa

March 22, 2018 | Author: Masood Thaheem | Category: Sahabah, Sharia, Religious Behaviour And Experience, Qur'an, Religion And Belief



+-ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA SALAWATAN KAMILATAW WA SALLIM SALAAMAN TAAAMAN ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADINIL LAZI TANHALLU BIHIL UQADU WATAN FARIJU BIHIL KURABU WA TUQDA BIHIL HAWA IJU WA TUNAALU BIHIR RAGHAAA'IBU WAHUSNUL KHAWATIMI WA USTASQAAYAL GHAMAMU BIWAJHIHIL KAREEMI WA ALAAA A'LIHI WASAHBIHI FI KULLI LAMHATIW WA NAFSIN BI ADADA KULLI MA'LUMIL LAKA YAAA ALLAHU YAAA ALLAHU YAAA ALLAHU. "O Allah! Every moment and in every breath, bestow complete and the best blessings and perfect peace which is endless on Muhammad, our master, and on his descendants and his Companions, and may, for His Sake, all our troubles and tortures be over, calamities ended, and all our needs fulfilled, all our cherished desires attained, and good ends vouch-saved, and clouds are laden with water through the glorious countenance of Prophet. The perfect blessings and peace on the Prophet's House, his Family and his Companions every instance in number equal to the count of all things in Thy Knowledge". Durood-e-Nahariya is a great power. If it is recited daily, it will give such strength and power to the reciter that no one on earth will be able to subdue him. It is a grand success in all the affairs of the world. If this Durood Shareef is recited during days of calamities, Allah Ta'ala will help the reciter from the quarters unknown to the human beings. The reciter will be able to cross every barrier of handicap safely and soundly. In every worldly affair, in every trial and tribulation, success will be his net income. DUROOD-E-GHAUSIA ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADINIS SAABIQI LILKHALQI NURUHU WA RAHMATUL LIL AALIMEENA ZUHURUHU ADADA MAMADA MIN KHALQIKA WAMAM BAQIYA WAMAN SAIDA MINHUM WAMAN SHAQIYA SALAWAATAN TASTAGHRIQUL ADDA WATUHEETU BIL HADDI SALAATAN LA GHAAYATA LAHA WALA MUNTAHA WALAN QADAAA'A SALAWAATAN DAAA'IMATAN BIDAWAAMIKA WA ALAAA AALIHI WASAHBIHI WA SALLIMA TASLEEMAM MISLA ZAALIKA. "O Allah! Send thy blessings on our Master, Muhammad, whose light was created before anything else in this world and whose appearance became mercy and signal boon for all the creatures, equivalent to all those created previously and hereafter equal in number with the lucky and unlucky ones; and send thy blessing and bounties on him in the number which is impossible to be counted even, and which may be spread all over, and also that kindness and mercy which has neither beginning nor end, and which is always fresh and fine with your kindness, and the same blessings on his Family and Companions permanently". This Durood Shareef was very dear and near to Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam, Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allahu anhu) of Baghdad Shareef. He ended all his lectures, recitations and writings with this Durood. It is for this reason that it is called Durood-e-Ghausia. It is very sacred, very important, very effective and 100% success. The Saints says that if a man recites this Durood Shareef 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the evening, Allah Ta'ala fetches him nearer and nearer and loves him a lot. The reciter becomes a Saint himself. Apart from this, he will be safe from all the catastrophes of the world. The Mercy of Allah will start pouring upon him endlessly. ALLAHUMMA SALLI WASALLIM WABARIK ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADINIL FAATIHI LIMA UGHLIQA WAL KHAATIMI LIMA SABAKA WAN NAASIRIL HAQQA BIL HAQQI WAL HAADI ILA SIRAATIKAL MUSTAQEEMI SALLAL LAAHU ALAIHI WA ALA AALI WA ASHABIHI HAQQA QADRIHI MIQDAARIHIL AZEEM. "O Allah! May Thy grace, peace and blessings rest on Muhammad, our Master, who opens that which is closed, and closes that which is preceded, who helps truth with truth, and who guided mankind to Thy straight path. May blessings of Allah be on him and his Family and Companions as according to his exalted position befitting his merit and his high rank". Actually, this Durood Shareef is in the Holy Quran; but then it was kept a secret. Hazrat Abu-Bakr Siddique (radi Allahu anhu), the first Caliph of Islam, used to recite it daily without fail. Some narrations say that it is because of this Durood that he was awarded the title of "Siddique" which means "Testifier to the Truth". Hazrat Abul Muqqarab (radi Allahu anhu) says that a man's total sins will be washed away if he recites Durood-e-Fath for forty days continuously. Hazrat Shaikh Muhammad Bakari (radi Allahu anhu) says that the recitation of Durood-e-Fath once a day relieves the reciter from the Fire of Hell. Hazrat Syed Ahmed Hillam (radi Allahu anhu) says that Durood-e- Fath was the most favourite routine of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam, Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allahu anhu) of Baghdad Shareef. When a man recites this Durood Shareef. Make a dough and then wrap the dough around the paper. mercy covers him and peace starts descending on him. Hazrat Sheikh Yusuf Bin Ismail (radi Allahu anhu) says that this Durood Shareef is the greatest mystery of Allah. For Hajath or wish 1 If you have a hacet/wish/problem and it is not being solved by anything. You will do that once only and not again and again. You must do all that in wudu. Inssallah within 40 days you will get the result. Then throw the ball of dough in the sea or a river. this Durood Shareef brings prosperity and favour and solves all the complex problems by the Grace of Allah. After finishing the Salah read Surah Yasin 3 times like this On 1st mubeen read Suah Ihklas 3 times 2nd mubeen read Surah kausar 3 times 3rd mubeen read Surah Alem Nashrah 3 times 4th mubeen read Surah fatiha 3 times 5th mubeen read Ayetal Kursi 3 times 6th mubeen read this dua 3 times "Allaho latifun le ibadehee yarzako mun yasha-o be ghere hisab" 7th mubeen read any Darood/Salavat 3 times and this dua 7 times .The great Saints also say that Durood-e-Fath is actual and real light. You will write it 3125 times. In fact. For Hajath or wish 2 After Juma Salah stay on the same place in the masjid (for men only) women can do it at home. Please use non alcoholic ink. Do the following Take a thin paper and write “Ya Allah” in Arabic on the paper in ink. Do not move from the spot. Take wheat flour. As usual Darood /Salavat 11 times before the dua 11 times after the dua. Make a round ball. It brings 100% success and happiness to the reciter. the Angels of Allah surround him. Fold the paper before and then wrap the dough around it so it is inside the dough. The place where you did your fard. Now take it to a river or sea and do a dua for your hacet. Whatever you want will happen within 3 Fridays. For Hajath or wish 4 Whatever you wish will happen with in a week. This wazifa is also tried and tested by a lot of people. For Hajath or wish 3 On a Friday after Asr Salah azan do your Salah and then close your eyes and read “Ya Allaho Ya Rehmano Ya Raheemo" Nonstop until Magrib azan. continue it. Darood/ Salawat 11 times before and after the wazifa. he will give it you. If it doesn’t. Insallah what your hajat is will happen within 3 Cumas. After every Fajr Salah read the following names of Allah 100 times. This wazifa is ikseer (Elixir) for all hajats. According to all Aulia Allah this moment is in between the Asr and Magrib azan. It works each time. According to hadis there is a moment every friday where what ever you ask Allah. it takes 5 minutes to read this wazifa. That is the condition. Do not open your eyes until the Magrib azan. You must read this wazifa same time and same place everyday. Insallah within one week the effects will be obvious. While reading the wazifa please think of your hajat.You only do this on a Friday and no other day. When you hear the azan do a dua for your hajat/wish. Friday Ya Hoo Ya Allah Saturday Ya Rehmano Ya rehimo Sunday Ya Vahido Ya ahado Ya Samado Monday Ya Zuljilale Wal Ikram Tuesday Ya Hayyo Ya Qayyumo Wednesday Ya Hannano ya Munnano Thursday Ya Malikul Mulke Ya Zuljilale Wal Ikram ."Allah humma vasse rizki vus a tan la ahtajo ala ahadin min khal keka" Please do this only for only 3 Jumas. If your hajat does not happen within a week it only means you made a mistake."Ya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Sheyin lillah" Darood/Salawat 10 times before and after. His feet are on the neck of all Auliya Allah. Mehboob-e-Ilahi Sayyidina Sheikh Nizam ud Din Auliya (Rehmatullah Alaih) said if what ever you want does not happen within a week then your hands and my shirt in Kiyamat. just shout 3 times in loud voice "Ya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Sheyin lillah" that problem will be go away immediately. That is guaranteed. Whatever you wish will happen within a week. Dont believe me? Try it. Or please read the section "I am doing a wazifa and nothing is happening". If it does not please blame yourself because it means you did not follow the rules of this wazifa. For Hajath or wish 5 Sayyedina Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Rehmatullah alaih) without a shadow of doubt is the biggest Wali Allah in this world. Every night after Esha Salah read 1000 times …. In case of emergency where ever you are. Please do it again. .This is a wazifa for only one week.. He promised that any Muslim who will call me in need I will come for his help and believe me he does. This wazifa was told by Mehboob-e-Ilahi Sayyidina Sheikh Nizam ud Din Auliya (Rehmatullah Alaih). All Auliya Allah say that if you have any problem/ Hajat/Wish you should call him. He is present everywhere at all times as well. I personally called him twice for help and he came. Also he is the second Mehbood (beloved) of Allah after Sayyidina Sheikh Abdul Kadir Jilani (Rehmatullah Alaih) whose title was Mehboob-eSubhani. His coming was told by the Prophet (sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam). This is how you call him in normal circumstances if you have a problem or hajat. Who was the 4th biggest Wali Allah in Chisti Tarikat. All wishes and all requests are approved by him. Stand on the Musalla/ Sajjade/ Prayer Mat and Read any Surah which you can remember by heart. on that night get up for Fajr Salah. Please make sure that you have enough time to do the Fajr Salah each day after the wazifa. Then do a dam (blow) on your hands and rub your hands on all your body where ever you can reach with your hands. If it does not. If due to any reason you have to sit or you get tired. Your wazifa should finish before fajr azan. Do this for 3 days every day. . Do these for further 3 days only. Do all this while standing. Then read Darood/Salawat 21 times after the dua with your hands spread like in a dua. Start this on the night between Saturday and Sunday. Then read “Ya Allah” 4000 times. After finishing the wazifa do not do a dua as during the wazifa you have been thinking of it. Then read any Darood/Salawat which you remember 21 times. This is guaranteed. please keep on reading it. You are asking him for help. sit down to rest a little bit but keep on reading “Ya Allah”. Take a bath. His name acts as Isim-e-Azam. You will be told if your hajat / wish has been answered. Once you have rested then get up. Then do the all the above procedure but read “Ya Allah” only 400 times. correctly 3 times. When the night arrives when you stared the wazifa. After midnight take a bath and wear fresh clothes. Then do a dua for yourself asking for your hajat. After 3 days do all the above everyday but read “Ya Allah” only 66 times each day.For Hajath or wish 6 While reading it think of your hajat. Insallah within 3 days it will be solved. until you see a dream. Do 2 rakat nafal Salah. after every Esha Salah and Fajr Salah read “Ya Allah” 66 times always. During the wazifa and during waiting you must continue reading it 46 times after every Salah. (for example 691) again get up and do a dua. All your needs will be the responsibility of Allah himself. This is a forever wazifa. Whatever money you need Allah will arrange it. Meaning 9 nights but always do 3 nights then wait few days to see if your wish has been granted. You can do this wazifa maximum 3 times. But do not do this vazife more than 3 days without a break. but without the whole procedure. After the Salah while sitting down read "Ya vahhabo" 1042 times. Whatever hajat you have it will happen. When you have read it 300 times. It is a name of Allah (plz make sure you can pronounce it correctly). When you reach near 700. get up and do a dua for income or hajat or a job. Do this for 3 nights only. This is to keep the effects of the wazifa working. You will not need to ask anyone for anything. Insallaha what ever you want will happen in 3 nights. Then sit down again and complete the rest of the wazifa. Needless to say that this is for a very dindar/pious person who can follow the laws and not commit any sin For Hajath or wish 7 First of all after every Salah start reading "Ya vahhabo" 46 times. Then at midnight take a ghusul (bath) after that go outside where there is nothing above your head. You will not need anything else in life. Darood /Salawat 11 times before and after. If you don’t get what you want you can do it again. No cap no Hijab no Scarf no tree no roof. . This Wazifa is one of the most strongest wazifas. Then sit down and start reading it again.After 3 days. This is guaranteed by the Prophet (sallal laho alihey wa alehi wa sallaim) himself. After you finish the nafal do a dua and ask for your hajat. Do not read anything else in the sajde. . As usual Darood/Salwat 11 times before and after the dua. For Hajath or wish 9 For 7 days after Esha Salah do 2 Rakat nafal. You can hold a tasbeeh in your hand during a sajde to count.). So on following Saturday you will read Surah Fatiha 80 times in Esha and 60 times in fajr. Insallah within 2 weeks you will get what you want. What ever you wish will happen within 7 days. This wazifa was told to a Wali Allah by the Prophet (sallal laho alihey wa alehi wa sallaim). Note: In islam after the sunset next day starts Saturday night ( Night between Friday and Saturday) Esha Salah 30 times Saturday Fajr Salah 10 Sunday Esha 40 Fajr Salah 20 Monday Esha 50 Fajr Salah 30 Tuesday Esha 60 Fajr Salah 40 Wednesday Esha 70 Fajr Salah 50 Thursday Esha 80 Fajr Salah 60 Friday Esha 90 Fajr Salah 70 After one week start reducing the quatity of Sura fatiha by 10 each day. and so on. It has never ever failed to get the reader what he wants. In every sajde read 40 times ayet karima (la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kunto minaz zalimeen. Darood/Salawat 10 times before and after the wazifa.For Hajath or wish 8 Read Surah fatiha the following times after Esha Salah and in between sunnet and fard of Fajr Salah. face the south.For Hajath or wish 10 Start it on the first Sunday of an Islamic month. On Sunday Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times Then al hamdo lillahe rabil alameen…500 times Ameen………. Doesn’t matter how difficult the hajat is it will be done within a week. If your hajat is religious (Dini).556 times Ameen……100 times Tuesday Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times Malike yom mid din……….876 times Ameen……100 times Thursday Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times Ihde nas sirat ul mustakeema..100 times Monday Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times Ar rehman nirehim ….211 times Ameen……100 times Wednesday Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times Iiiya ka nabudu va iiya ka nastaeen……. If your hajat is anything to with this world. You will read Surah Fatiha like this Darood/Salawat 21 times before and after the wazifa every day. Select a time and place and do it the same time each day. face the kibla.1040 times Ameen……100 times Juma Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times . Please conitune until your wish is granted. For Hajath or wish 11 After Fajr Salah read the following Ayets of Surah Muzammal 3 times each. Then do a dua for your wish. It is short and each piece 3 times separately Valla ho bekadril lail va nihar Yabghuna min fad lillah Va astag filrullah.Sirat talla ze zeena an amta alihum…. Darood/Salavat 3 times before and after. . Once Allah has given you the permission to do this Wazifa you will not make a mistake..1100 times Ameen……100 times Saturday Bismillahir rehmanirrehim 19 times Garil mag zube alihum walad daleen…………4070 times Ameen …100 times Note: If what ever you asked for is not in your luck you will make a mistake in counting or will do it late one day. best is to do aIstikhara before you do this wazifa. In nallaha ghafu run rehim After reading the wazifa please send the savab/hasana to the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam). Ayet no 9 Ayet no 20 in three pieces. It is a small Surah. Then complete the surah. Each time when you come to read the ayet no 9. Hajat will happen within 11 days. 11 times Darood/Salavat Read Surah Muzammal 11 times. This wazifa must be done at same time every day exactly. . No matter what your Hajat is. read it completely. it will happen. The whole wazifa takes hardly 30 minutes to read. Darood/Salavat 11 times Send the savab/hasana to the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aale hi wasallam) and do a dua for your Hajat. Darood/Salavat 11 times Everyday “Allahus Samad” 1000 times……it is the second Ayet of Surah Ikhlas. After it Read 41 times “Hasbonallho va naimal vakeel”. Even if it happens after 1 day you must complete 11 days. For Hajath or wish 13 This wazifa works like fire for any Hajat. Condition is that your clothes and time must be same everyday.For Hajath or wish 12 Read Surah Muzammal 11 times every day for 11 days. The angels of the surah come and they don’t like being made to wait. At the end 11 times Darood/Salavat Then do a dua for your problem or wish. The angels of these two Surahs will destroy your life. Every day after the wazifa keep them safe to use the next day. This is a very Jalali wazifa. Darood/Salawat 11 times before and after. There is no one who will be able to help you. You will win the case for sure. Anyone who will do this wazifa for the wrong reason will be severely punished by Allah. Dua Hiz bul Behir was given to Sayyedina Sheikh Abul Hasan Shazli (Rehmatullah alah) by the Prophet (Sallal laho alihey wa aalehi wasallam). Wining Court Cases Warning: Please note that you must be on the right according to the shariat and not according to the civil law. Then every morning before sunrise after Fajr salah read Surah fatah (Quran Chap 26) and Surah Toor (Quran Chap 27) once. You can find it in good Islamic book shops. Do this until you win the case. Wining Court Cases 2 Do 2 rakat nafal salah. Inshallah it will happen within a week. Your life will surely be destroyed. Do it until your Hajat is given. The whole wazifa takes less than 10 minutes. Then read complete Hiz bul behir 7 times. Do not wash the clothes or use them for anything else.As always remember 5 times salah/namaz is compulsory for this wazifa and all wazifas. . Please be careful. Do this for only 7 days. Do a dua for your court case. Warning: Under no circumstances do it for more than 7 days or for the wrong reasons. You cannot use this water for cooking or heat it up. Surah Nas all 70 times. Then do a dam on it (blow on the water) and drink it all. Condition is that your income must be halal and you must be doing 5 times Salah. It must be drunk normally and make sure you do not drop even a drop on the floor. Meaning Darood Ibrahimi. Everyone please do this vazifa and drink the water for 7 days non stop and no other water. Diabetes 1 If you have Diabetes please do this wazifa for 11 days and you will be cured in 11 days. Surah Falak. Take a glass of water and put it next to you before you do your Fajr Salah. Feel free to complain if it does not work. This is a tried and tested wazifa. See the benefits yourself. Then take a bottle of water and put it inside and drink that water whole day. Surah Ikhlas. Then after every Fajr Salah while sitting read Darood/Salavat 3 times Surah Yasin Ayet no 58 “salamun kolum min rabbir rehim” 100 times Darood/Salavat 3 times But the Darood/Salavat has to be the one you read in Salah. . Drink carefully.Cure for all diseases Prophet(Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam) said … “I swear in the name of Allah who has my life in his hands that anyone who will read Surah Fatiha. Ayetal Kursi. Allah will not only remove all diseases from his body but even from his bones. on rain water and do a dam(blow) on it…and drink only that water for 7 days . Then write the same Ayet on a piece of paper with non alcoholic ink. Each time it works. Put a glass of water infront of you before starting the wazifa. Feel free to check your blood sugar level to see the effects of the ayet every day or weekly.. Do this every day for 11 days.(Kul ya ahhu hal nasu kad…until…wa hova kahirul hakimeen) . Do this until you are ok or the patient.. then after that 3 times darood/Salavat Then do dam(blow) on glass of water and drink it.. You will write a new paper each day. keep the old paper in the bottle. Continue until you have total shifa (Cure) Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah kafiroon 4 times Surah Ikhlas 4 times Last ayet of surah Yunus 4 times. Second benefit of this ayet is that anyone who will drink the water will start salah 5 times a day. After reading blow (Dam) on your body. Diabetes 3 Do this everyday after any salah and then do it after same salah every day. Your sugar will disappear for ever.Finish the water before you sleep each night.. Diabetes 2 Darood/Salavat 3 times Surah Beni Isreal (Quran Chap 15) "Rabbe id khilni mad khal sid ka va akh rijni makhraja vaj al li min ladunka sultan nin naseeran" Read the ayet 3 times only. You will see how it will cure sugar. At the end of the wazifa bury the papers in the bottle in a safe place where no one steps or drop them in flowing water after tieing them to a stone. If the headache goes away fine if not read Surah Feel 7 times again and do a dam (blow)…..takdeer ul azizil aleem in wudu and wrap it in a clean piece of cloth.and do it again if the head ache does not go away. You will be surprised. Some one should write this ayet…ayet no 37 and 38 of Surah Yasin … Va inna hul laila………. Tie it on the right thigh of the pregnant woman. Please use non alcoholic ink to write it.After one week please do a blood test to see the effects yourself. Once In Arabic. Headache If you have a severe headache ask someone to hold your head in his hands and he should read Surah fiil without bismillah …for 7 times and do dam (blow) on your head. Make a Taveez/vafk and hang it in his neck. Remember do not read Bismillah with the Surah. The child will stop crying for no reason and will not be stubborn anymore. Keep on doing until it goes away.only once in Arabic Then wala howla wala kuveta illa billa hil ali ul azeem.. . This would be done in wudu by a dindar/salih person. Labour Pain If woman is giving birth and the baby is not coming out and the labour is going on for hours. For Different Children’s If your child is always crying and is not behaving himself and is very stubborn Write Ayet 108 from Surah Taha………. Roll them together and make a rope with 7 threads. Do not buy it from the shops. And do a dam (Blow) on the knot after you have made the knot. Each time You finish Ayetal Kursi you tie a knot on the rope. Ask him /her to do the following. If you will not remove it all the intestines of the woman will come out too. Take pure raw cotton thread and cut seven pieces. That woman should never ever take it off. Find a person who has seen the prophet in his dream. You must be quick about it. What ever happens do not take it off. So in total you will tie 11 knots and blow 11 times on each knot. Warning: You must remove the cloth as soon as the baby come out. Then finally read Darood/Salawat 11 times. If you been told that you cannot have any kids for any medical reason or you are having girls only and you want a boy or you been having miscarriages upon miscarriages. Must be cooked at home. After removing it please burry it in the ground where no one steps on it or tie it with a stone and throw it in water. Be ready to remove the Taveez/vafk quickly. For Women you cannot have Children.The baby will come immediately. When she becomes pregnant and she finds out that she is pregnant. Each piece should be measured from the hair line of the woman on the fore head till the thumb of her right foot. going to toilet. she has to cook something sweet at home and it must be white. do the following. . Read Darood/Salawat 11 times Then read Ayettal Kursi 11 times. Now tie this around the woman’s waist. For example…Taking a bath. Do not burn it. If you are thinking why all this procedure remember this is for women who cannot have kids at all. Imam of Sunnis in subcontinent.Now she will do a Khatim (see in the website how to do a khatim the sunni way) on the sweet thing and send the savab/Hasana of all of it and the sweet too to Hz Seikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Rehmatullah Alaih) Hz Sheikh Mohammad Afzal Kanpuri (Rehmatullah Alaih) Hz Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi (Rehmatullah Alaih). Then she will do 2 Rakat Nafal Salah. After this believe that it will be a boy. When the boy is born. This is the last resort. Do not doubt it. After the Salah facing bagdad she will say this aloud: Ya Seikh Abdul Qadir Jilani if I had a son I will make him your slave and will name him Ghulam Muhayyud din. the rope will be removed from the mother and placed around the neck of the boy. Every year depending how rich you are please spend £10 or £100 pounds (or 10 or 100 in your currency) in sadaka for the boy.Cook something sweet at home for this money and give it people as a sadaka for the boy. Once you have done that take the rope off his neck and bury it somewhere safe in the ground where people won’t step on it. after giving azan in his ears. This is the last resort             For Physical Pain For Depression To get Rid of Your Tenant To get Good Marks in Exams To Make People Respect You To Make People Respect You 2 To Bring Back Wife/Husband/Someone To Bring Back Someone For Protection From Jins To Make Someone Do Something You want Arabic Alphabetical Numerical Values or Adad . Keep it small so the child cant take it off. You may do wazifas for hajat but if nothing works then do this. When he is 11 years old spend £1100 or if you are poor £111 or £11 (or 1100 or 111 or 11 in your currency) . Or they are having miscarriages and no wazifa is working. 3 times Surah Kader (Quran Chap 30).. For example your mother. Meaning a mahram. You must do this wazifa nonstop for 41 days. For women because they cannot do it for 41 days non stop.Among the last few Surahs 3 times same Darood/Salavat Do a dam (blow) on two index fingers and rub them on your eyes If some one else is reading it for you then ask them to do a dam (blow) on your eyes instead of on the fingers. You will not need any glasses. Either increase the number of days you missed or much better to ask someone else to do the wazifa for you. The Darood you read in salah. sister. To Increase Your Eye Sight This is a very strong wazifa and will make your eye sight 6/6 meaning full vision. friend or husband. Note: If you missed even one day you will have to start from zero again. Between the Sunnat and fard of Fajr salah 3 times Darood/Salavat. . You have 2 solutions. brother. This is the only condition. father. (Quran Chap 24) “Fa kada hunna sab aa samavatin fi yo main ney va ao ha fi kuule sama in amraha”. You will read only this part of the ayet and not the full ayet. There is no age limit for it. If you want to Hifz whole Quran or only some Surahs then do this while you are trying to remember it by heart. But we all know that our memory is not very good once we grow up. Every day do this once. But we all know that our memory is not very good once we grow up. . 11 times Darood/Salavat Surah Yusuf 1 time 11 times Darood/Salavat Inshallah your brain will open up and will absorb Quran like a sponge. 11 times Darood/Salavat Surah Yusuf 1 time 11 times Darood/Salavat Inshallah your brain will open up and will absorb Quran like a sponge. There is no age limit for it. For Memory or Hafiza You can hifz (Remember it by heart) Quran at any age.  To Improve Hearing If your hearing is becoming weak or is totally gone or you can’t hear properly. after Esha salah read Ayet no 12 from Surah Ha Meem Sacda. To Hifz or Remember Quran You can hifz (Remember it by heart) Quran at any age. Every day do this once. If you want to Hifz whole Quran or only some Surahs then do this while you are trying to remember it by heart..  To See The Cure of a Disease in Your Dream If you want to see the cure of a disease in your dream please do the follwoing.  For Physically Weak Child The duration of wazifa is 41 days without a break. Take a little bit of olive oil the do a dam (blow) on it after reading the following 11 times Darood/Salavat 1900 times “Ya Jabbar-o”…(Allah’s name) 11 times Darood/Salavat Then massage the child’s body with that oil. Your hearing will become normal. Which were freslly washed.Read it 41 times and do a dam (blow) on your hands and rub them on your face and ears 3 times. After Esha salah take a Ghusul (bath) and wear clean clothes. Inshallah the child will become healthy and physically strong. If you continue it after 41 days then it will become extra sesitive and if you keep on doing it even after you will start to hear the angels talking too one day. If a child is very weak after a disease or is physically weak in general do the following. Without talking to anyone go to your bedroom and you have to be alone there. You have to do a dam (blow) on new oil everyday. Lie on the bed and read Darood/salavat 11 times Surah Alem Nashrah 15 times Surah Wad Duha 15 times Darood/Salavat 11 times . Do this everyday for 7 days non stop. Inshallah within 7 nights you will see the cure. you can chew them or swallow them. Darood/Salavat 11 times In between sunnet and fard of fajr Salah Read Surah Fatiha 41 times But each time you read you will join bismillah with Surah Fatiha like this Bismillah hir rahman nir rehi mil hamdo lilah hay rabbil aalimeen Here I have joined the the end of “bismillah with the alhamdolillah. Note: You must take a Ghusul (bath) every night  For Incurable Disease 1 If you or anyone have an incurable disease please buy some kalonji seeds.3 times and amin 3 times. please continue it. If you do not see any thing please keep on doing it. Every morning eat a tea spoon of Kalonji seeds on empty stomach with a glass of water. This is how you read it. within a month or two the disease will totally disappear.. Hadis: Except from death. . then you will repeat "ar rehman nir rehim" …. cure for all diseases is in kalonji seeds. If it does not. So it becomes MIL.After that do a du alike this: Ya Allah please show me the cure for that disease (name of the disease) which will give complete shifa.  For Incurable Disease 2 According to Hadis Shifa to all diseases lies in Surah fatiha. The reader must do 5 times a day Salah without missing any Salah.111 times Darood/Salavat 11 times Do a dam (blow) on water and give it to the patient to drink.  For Epilepsi When ever some gets a fit of epilepsy and looses consciousness…or you suspect he has jins who come into his body…. Inshallah it will be cured within 21 days. Every time it happens do this. Put a glass of water in front of you before you start the wazifa.. Please read on this website what is correct Sunni Belief. Read the follwing Surah fatiha 1 time Ayettal kursi 1 time Surah Jin …1st five ayets only Do a dam on the water.. Its Guaranteed.For every disease every hajat it works like fire.. He will wake up immediately. Each got well. Every day non stop for 21 days. When ever the patient gets a fit please sprinkle a little bit of this water on his face. I have tried on several patients and advised several people. He will get well within days. The patient will get well provided: The reader and the patient have correct Sunni beliefs. There is no way that the disease will not be cured. For all types of sicknesses do a dam (blow) on a glass of water and give it to the patient. Continue until the patient gets this Take some water or a bottle of water. . Darood/Salavat 11 times "Ya Zuljilale Wal Ikram" (Allahs name).  For Incurable Disease 3 If you or anyone in your family has been diagnosed with a terminal illness please do the following.. If you missed the wazifa any day you will have to start it from zero again. Once you have started the wazifa no one can get up. Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Maryam 1 times Darood/Salavat 11 times Do a dam (blow) on water and give it to the patient to drink. During reading it non one can talk or even make a sign. Must be drunk 6 times a day minimum. In a clean room. Please note that this is a tried and tested wazifa and has cured people. Inshallah it will be cured within 41 days. Keep all mobiles off. Be very very careful about it. If that happens then gather 3-5 or 7 people. lock the doors and they all will sit and read Darood/Salavat Naria 4444 times. The patient will get well provided: The reader and the patient have correct Sunni beliefs. No one can leave the room. It is always a Jin hurting that person. . All must have correct Sunni beliefs and believe in Aulia Allah. The reader must do 5 times a day Salah without missing any Salah.  For Cancer If you or anyone in your family has been diagnosed with cancer please do the following. If one of them has incorrect belief the wazifa will not work. Also please mix the left over water with more water and the patient has to drink it whole day. Please read on this website what is correct Sunni Belief. Every day non stop for 41 days. The number has to be exact 4444.According to hadis there is no such disease as Epilepsi. Put a glass of water in front of you before you start the wazifa. It also means that the patients life has finished. The pain will disappear immediately . after doing that make a dua. Make sure no one will knock the door or disturb you. After finishing the wazifa the person must get up and stand like in a Salah. If you are not even able to do that since to find people with correct sunni belief is very hard these days then do the Wazifa for hajat 5. Like this: "Ya Allah we ask you with the waseela of Darood/Salavat Naria please give shifa to __________(here take the name of the patient) from that disease________ (here take name of the disease) and give him a healthy life of x amount of more years". You must specify how many more years the patient wants to live. Know that he is looking at you. If during that you start to cry it means your request has been approved by him.  For Pain If your body hurts for no reason please do the follwing Darood/Salavat 11 times Full Bismillah 100 times Darood/salavat 11 times Then do a dam (blow) on the affected part. Do it for 3 days only. facing Baghdad ask directly from Sayyedina Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani for a cure and x amount of more years to live. Inshallah he will be cured. After finishing the wazifa everyone will stand up and facing kaba one person will send the Savab/hasana as i have written in the section How to do a Khatim. Do not raise your hands for a dua. It must be done alone in a room by one person. While standing.No one can even make a sign or do any thing which diverts your attention. It is a 3 day wazifa. and Surah Nas. Will never have problems. thats all. All he wants will happen. Which we all do.. Cure for every disease and solution of every problem is in this wazifa and it is very easy to do too. and Esha salah there 2 vajib sunnet (compulsory). No problems will ever come near you. Everyday after Esha Salah 11 times Darood/Salavat Ayet karima 51 times. This is wazifa which you can do for any hajat or always do it for all hajats and problems.. In Fajr. In all these Salahs in the 2 sunnet you will read forever the following Surahs 1 rakat………. . 2 rakit…again all surahs with bismillah…Surah Ikhlas. Marib.bismillah with every surah …Surah Kafiroon. It is easy and small and was given by Sayyedina Ghaus Ali Shah kalender (Rehmatullah Aleh).(la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kunto minaz zalimeen) 11 times Darood/Salavat Then do a dua. Surah Nasr and Surah lahab. Zuhr. Surah Falak. A very famous Wali Allah from India.To live without problem 1 Allah will help you in a secret way that even u will be surprised. This is a forever wazifa. Always do it and you will see how your life will become so easy and relaxed. To live without problem 2 Anyone who will do this will never become sick. You must complete all of this while it is still raining. Surah Saf. No problem will ever come near you. This is a forever wazifa. Quran Chap 28. ayet no 8 In all your problems Allah will help you in such a way that even you will be surprised about it. Now everyday drink a bit of that water. When it becomes less please add normal water in it. problem 5 To live without problem 5 The easiet wazifa you can do to live without any problems. When it is raining please collect some rain water and Read Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Takasur 41 times Darood/Salavat 11 times Then do a dam (blow) on the water. Darood/Salavat 1 time before and after the wazifa. Allah will help you in all your daily life secretly. After Esha Salah every night read this ayet 101 times.To live without problem 3 To Live without any problems and for all your wishes/hajat do this wazifa forever. . Every night Darood/Selavat 1 time Surah Fatiha 1 time Ayetal Kursi 1 time 4 kul (Surah Ikhlas. Who so ever will do it will become rich. Your children. Everybody and everything in that circle will remain in Allah’s protection for one day. If this hisar is done around a dead person Allah will stop the azab for one day as well. Darood/Salawat 11 times before and after the wazifa. kafiroon. Do this to your house especially your children and your family. But the condition is that you must read it outside with nothing on your head. No cap no scarf no Hijab no tree no shade no roof. After Esha Salah read "Ya musabbe bal asbab" 500 times. Nas) 1 time each Darood/salavat 1 time Then in your imagination make a circle around everything you want to protect. Within days you will become rich. family etc……complete the circle in your imagination. . This vazife is considered to be ikseer/elixir for gettinng rich. Well here is the wazifa. falak . house.Protection of family Nothing will happen to anyone in this hisar (Hisar means to encircle) except death. Keep on doing it until you are happy with your financial situation. To become rich 1 Did you ever want to become rich?. The day you will have any problem you will realize that you forgot to do the hisar that day. Vahhab was the name of Allah that Prophet Sayyedina Sulaiman Alaihis salam used to read. Read “Ya Vahhabo” (Allahs name) 1000 times between the 2 sunnet of Esha Salah and vitar.Warning: Asking Allah for money you don't need is very dangerous. It takes hardly 7-8 minutes to read it 1000 times. Instead of asking for more money you should use the dua of our beloved Prophet (Sallal laho alihey wa aalehi wasaalam) which I wrote here. . Such a small wazifa but it works like fire for rizk. "Allahumma Akfeni be halale ka un harameka wa aghneni be fadleka am man sivak" To become rich 2 You will never need any other wazifa again to become rich if you can do this every night. Darood/Salawat 11 times before and after This is a forever wazifa. You can find it in all books. Please use the Arabic version for correct pronunciation. You can loose your iman as more money than you need can lead to temptations. . It was the barakat of this name of Allah that every thing used to obey him. Condition is that you do not miss any day. Your clothes must be same every day. Then do a dua and send the Savab/Hasana to the Holy Prophet. Insallah you will become rich. Do not wash them during the wazifa. Keep them separate in a safe place. Conditions Time and place must be same every day. That is how strong this Wazife is. .. At the end of the wazifa Darood/Salavat 11 times. maulana Rumi (RA) and all Ummet and ask Allah to make you rich. Keep one set of clothes just for the wazifa. After Esha salah every night read Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Muzammal 11 times While reading Surah Muzammal Everytime when u reach this ayet….20 times This has to be done each time you read Surah Muzammal.To become rich 3 If you are poor and have very little money please do the following regularly. Even if you want the government to change it will happen.. Yes it will change. after reading this whole ayet Read Has bo nalla ho va naemal vakeel .fatta khuz ho vakila…. Have no doubts in your mind that it wont work. hajat/problem If you have a hajat/problem which you think is very difficult and is impossible please read Surah fatiha as follows. What ever you wish it will happen in 21 days. You will see the effects after 1 week of this wazifa. Then read Surah Fatiha with bismillah following times.If you think you made a mistake in counting during the wazifa . Wazifa must be read after esha salah and at no other time. read 14 times Darood/Salavat again. Do not start reading other ayets or wazifas just after. The total duration is 21 days non stop. You must complete 21 days.(the night before Friday). If You did any thing else during the wazifa you will have to start it again. Salah/Namaz 5 times a day in extremely important during this wazifa. Restart the vazifa again from zero on the following Friday. (the above procedure has to be repeated every night) Friday 1 Saturday 30 . Do not expect Allah to give you what you want while you totally disobey his orders. Keep mobile telephones off during the wazifa. Lock the door before so no one can disturb you. you may come back to the same room after 5 minutes. Your niyet/intention is shukkur/thanks after that. After finishing the wazifa get up and leave the room. Read any surah in the namaz/salah. Even if your hajat/wish is granted please continue 21 days. Women can not do this wazifa if they cant complete 21 days. Do the following every night After Esha salah/namaz on Friday night. You must be alone in the room. What ever you want will happen in 21 days. Every time you read Surah Fatiha it must be with full bismillah. Read Darood/Salavat 14 times then Do 2 rakat nafal salah/namaz for hajat. At the end of the wazifa. cannot talk to anyone even by making a sign.. This wazifa cannot be used to marry anyone. it only means that what you ask is not Allahs wish to give you.Sunday 8 Monday 40 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 5 Thursday 200 Friday 2 Saturday 70 Sunday 10 Monday 50 Tuesday 20 Wednesday 6 Thursday 60 Friday 400 Saturday 90 Sunday 9 Monday 100 Tuesday 700 Wednesday 1000 Thursday 800 Please note that the whole procedure of reading 2 rakat nafal has to be repeated every night. . if you were not able to finish the wazifa or you made a mistake during the wazifa or were disturbed by anything. Though the best time is tahajud. The same Darood/salavat you read in Salah. Do not do this wazifa for petty or small problems. If your Hajat is not solved in one day continue for 3 days. For Salih and dindar people the wazifas work very quickly. Your hajat must be a very difficult one. Do 2 Rakat Salatul Hajat (Hajat salah). please use other wazifas if your hajat is a small one. This wazifa is elixir for askig allah for his maarifet or if you want the love of the Holy Prophet. If it doesn’t happen in 3 days continue until it happens. For us normal people it takes times. 3 times Surah Yasin. 3 times Darood/Salavat again. Afterwards without talking to anyone and sitting at the same place 3 times Darood/Salavat. Or just once a day. Then do a dua for your Hajat. This wazifa can be done at any time during day or night or several times during a day. the one you read in salah.Savab of the wazifa must be sent to Sayyedina Maulana Jalal ud Din Rumi (RA) every night. Flexible Wazifa / Hajat If you have a Hajat or a problem or a wish you can do this wazifa as this is the only flexible wazifa I have found. .For quick solution I advise after every Salah. This is mainly due to our own sins (Gunah). All other wazifas must be read at certain times every day. It all depends upon the person and how many times a day you do the wazifa. In the sajda when you come to “iiya ka na budu va iiya ka nasta een”. You must do this after every salah/namaz. Repeat it 21 times. You can do it anytime. Provided your income is halal and you do 5 times Salah. At the end of dua read Darood/Salavat 11 times. After every salah/namaz do a sajda and in the sajda read Surah fatiha once only. Put a clock infront of you so you know that it was more than 10 minutes. Whenever you have a problem or a hacat. Do 2 Rakat Nafal Salah and in each sajda read Ayetul Kursi 40 times. Then do a dua for your Hajat. Continue until your Hajat is given. Your hajat will happen immediately. You must do a dua for minimum 10 minutes. day or night. This is the condition. Inshallah it will happen within a week. This vazifa is small takes 2-3 minutes and is very powerful. For immediate Hajat or wish This is also iksiir for hacet. then complete the Surah and raise your head from the sajda.Easy Wazaif for wish / Hajat In a mosque for men and at home for women. Darood/Salavat 3 times The first word "Yasin" 10 times After reading the first Mubeen of Surah Yasin please read this Ayet of Surah Fatiha 10 times ”iiya ka na budu va iiya ka nasta een” . For emergency or quick hajat or wish If you have a Hajat you want very quick please read Surah Yasin as follows for 3 days only. After salam read Darood/Salavat 11 times and the do a dua for minimum 10 minutes. Yes 7 times each day in one sitting. Then read the surah till the end. do it and then complain. Then do a dua for your hajat/wish.After that. The whole procedure must be done while it is raining. . Finally Darood/Salavat 3 times. when you come to this Ayet ”salam mun kolum min rabi rahim” read it 1000 times. It will happen immediately. For Hajat at time of raining When it is raining please read Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Kausar 100 times Darood/Salavat 11 times Then do a dua for your Hajat. If you made a mistake in counting you will have to start the whole wazifa from zero again. Repeat the whole process 7 times everyday. If you dont believe me. after reading each Mubeen you will read the above Ayet 10 times. Please write your dua on a piece of paper and use the same words each time you do your dua. what ever you wish will happen within 3 days. It will happen immediately. Everyone will respect you greatly and will obey your orders Jins are disturbing If you think that Jins are disturbing you or they live in your house or bother you at all. . Read Darood/Salavat 7 times “Bismillahirahmanirrahim” 313 times.Quick solution to your problem or Hajat You want a quick solution to your problem then on a sunday morning 10-20 minutes before sunrise Read Darood/Salavat 11 times Surah Kafiroon 10 times Darood/Salavat 11 times then do a dua. You dont have to write zeer or zabar etc. No Jin will ever be able to enter that house. No one will ever say no to you.You must write it in wudu.Take a non alcoholic ink and write full bismillah on a piece of paper 35 times. people to respect you If you want people to respect you and do what ever you tell them to do then everyday at a fixed time and place. Inshallah it will happen on the first Sunday. Hang it in your house somewhere. If not do it again the next Sunday morning. Darood/Salavat 7 times If you have to go somewhere please take your sajjade/Musalla/Prayer Matt with you. After reading this Wazifa every night please send the savab/hasana to all ummat. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website. only that person will do whom Allah will give the taufeeq/permission to do it. . Your dua after finishing the wazifa every day is “YA ALLAH I WANT YOU FROM YOU”. No other thought ever crossed his mind except Allah. Before you start any wazifa. RULES OF READING WAZAIF Before you start reading a wazifa please read the following rules. 1The reason for which you are doing a wazifa is correct and according to shariat.5 times salah is compulsory for any wazifa to work.To become auliya allah All Auliya Allah say that anyone who will read Surah Ikhlas 1000 times every day and will continue that for some time. to him first. 2- You must read the wording with correct pronunciation. 3. who had his full attention to Allah” Meaning Sayyedina Ibrahim (Alaihis salam) never ever looked at anything except Allah himself. Your niyet/intention for this wazifa is nothing but Allah himself. You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do. Darood/Salawat 11 times as usual before and after. Only then the wazifas will work. remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. He will know himself what Allah will give him. Dont expect Allah to grant you your wish while you blatantly disobey his orders. This Wazifa. He will receive what Allah says in kuran……”Say I am the follower of the nation of Ibrahim. Who loves Allah and his Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wasallam) May allah give you the taufeeq to do this and to all of us. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. Even if there is one Pound/Dollar/Lira of haram income no dua. wazifa or ibadat will work. .While reading a wazife please use an ittar or a non alcoholic perfume.While reading a wazifa you cannot talk to anyone even by gestures and no one should disturb you or divert your attention. 17. Shaving is breaking the sunnah of the Prophet and is deemed as a sin. SHAHEED OR A SALIH PERSON. 7Men and women both must dress up in an Islamic way during the wazifa.BEFORE YOU START A WAZIFA PLEASE ALWAYS DO A 2 RAKAT TOBAH SALAH AND DO A TOBAH. 14. 6. AULIA ALLAH. 9. Your clothes and body must be clean. If there is an emergency and you have to go to another place then take your musalla/prayer mat/ sajjade on which you read your wazifa with you. you should sleep on the floor on a clean bed. 12.The time and place must be the same every day. THAT’S GURANTEED.For men please do not shave during the duration of the wazifa.Your income must be halal. SAHABI. 10.You must be in wudu while you read a wazifa. If you nafs tells you that it won’t work don’t listen to him and continue.Once you have started a wazifa please do not leave it in the middle or get dishearted. 13. I mean at least during the duration of the wazifa. 16. Also you must sleep in the same position as the Prophet Muhammad (sallal la ho alaihi wa aalihi wa sallim) used to sleep. 5.If the wazifa does not work in the stated time period please continue it until you get what you want from Allah.IF YOU READ THE WAZIFE NEXT TO THE GRAVE OF A PROPHET. 11.4. THE WAZIFA WILL WORK LIKE A BULLET. 8- While reading a wazifa you must be alone in a room.At least during the duration of the wazifa do not lie or do back bitting (gheybat) at all. That means keep your mobile phones off.If you are doing a wazifa to see the result in your dream. 15. if you do a wazifa for someone who is not doing 5 times salah. 19. THE TIME PERIOD IS DIFFERENT FOR EACH PERSON.THE ACCEPTANCE OF DUA DEPENDS UPON YOUR TAQWA. If you do that no wazifa will work. 21. wazifa wil not work. Allah does not accept duas of any muslim for another muslim who is not doing salah.You can not do two wazifas at the same time. only one person can do a wazifa. . No two persons can do a wazifa for the same hajat aswell.LAST BUT NOT LEAST ANYONE NOT BELIEVING IN THE AULIA ALLAH SHOULD FORGET ABOUT DOING ANY WAZIFA. HE WILL NOT GET ANYTHING SINCE ALL PRAYERS ARE APPROVED BY THE LOCAL WALI ALLAH AND THEN THE KUTUB OF THAT AREA AND THEN THE GHAUS OF THE TIME AND THEN BY SAYYIDINA SHEYKH ABDUL QADIR JILANI (Rahmatullah aleyh) 20.18. Be careful about it.
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