


ADC Performance Survey 1997-2013Boris Murmann, Stanford University, [email protected] The purpose of this data collection is to help identify trends and limits in the power efficiency of A/D converters. In an ideal world, everyone would use the same metrics and conditions to specify the power dissipation, bandwidth and resolution of their designs. Unfortunately, in this world, different authors use different metrics and interpretations. Having said this, it is clear that the tabulated data in this document must be read with a grain of For use in publications and presentations please cite this data collection as follows: B. Murmann, "ADC Performance Survey 1997-2013," [Online]. Available: Notes on the primary (raw data) columns: Power (P) - Taken as specified by the authors. Sometimes this number includes power for clocks, references, etc; sometimes it doesn't. For delta-sigma modulators, the power for the decimation filter is not included. This is fsnyq - Nyquist rate,are equal to the sampling rate measured (fs) dividednear by the oversampling ratioconverter. (OSR). Note that SNDR_hf, SNR,sampling THD, SFDR tabulated as the values fsnyq/2 for a Nyquist When this data was not available, data for lower input frequencies is used instead. Fortunately, in recent years, most Nyquist converters are properly evaluated up to fsnyq/2. Only older data points (before ~2003) tend to suffer from "low frequency only" issues. Multi-GHz converters tend to roll off for frequencies much lower than fs/2. For these fin_hf - This is the frequency at which SNDR_hf was measured. For Nyquist ADCs, fin_hf is typically taken equal to fsnyq/2 where justified, i.e. the listed SNDR is also measured at fsnyq/2. Exceptions include designs that roll off below Nyquist (example: ISSCC 2003, paper 18.2., fs=20GHz, SNDR measured up to fin=6GHz ==> SNDR_lf - SNDR measured at low input frequencies. The sinusoidal SNDR near Nyquist (SNDR_hf) is not always a meaningful metric. Consider for example recent high-speed converters that are designed for broadband inputs (high speed links, cable TV tuners, etc.), where the signal power is spread rather than being concentrated DR is the measured "instantaneous dynamic range" of the converter, i.e. this metric does not contain any extra dBs obtained th Csamp - Sampling capacitance of the converter. The tabulated values corresponds to the single ended capacitance to ground Notes on secondary columns: SNDR_plot - Unfortunately, many oversampling designs specify only DR as a measure of resolution. Therefore, this columns looks to generate a "best replacement" for SNDR_hf using the smallest value among {SNR, THD, Power/fsnyq - Energy per Nyquist sample (not to be confused with the metric energy/conversion-step). It is implicitly assumed here that power scales proportional to the Nyquist sampling rate. This is true fundamentally, but in practice, it is often harder to build a circuit that pushes speeds to the technological limits. Whenever a data Notes on the "energy" and "aperture" plots: The general idea is to have one chart where low energy designs can shine (the energy plot) and one where designs with good speed-resolution product will stand out (the aperture plot); there are usually only very few designs that look good in both plots. Energy plot: x-axis=SNDR_plot, y-axis=Power/fsnyq. Aperture plot: xaxis=SNDR_plot, y-axis=fin_hf. In the aperture plot, the lines for Jitter=0.1psrms/1psrms are performance lines that a fictitious sampler with only the specified jitter numbers (no other nonidealities, such as quantization noise, etc.) would achieve. In the energy plot, the line labeled FOMW=10fJ/conversion step corresponds to the Walden Notes on the FOM vs. speed plots: The idea here is to evaluate energy efficiency against absolute speed. Since both FOMW and FOMS work well only across a limited range of SNDR, I included a plot for both FOMs. For low-resolution designs, the FOMWbased plot is more suitable, whereas the FOMS plot does a better job at rewarding high resolution designs that also push bandwidth. The plots shown in this spreadsheet use SNDR_plot (usually equal to SNDR_hf) as a basis Other notes: Bandpass delta-sigma converters are generally hard to compare to Nyquist and low-pass delta-sigma modulators. The metrics used in this data set are no exception and do not provide a fair comparison. Bandpass Some people may argue that for converters with ERBW < fsnyq/2, the power should not be normalized by fsnyq, but rather by 2*ERBW. I do not subscribe to this argument, because in a typical Nyquist converter, none (or few) of the active circuits "see" the input frequency; ERBW < fsnyq/2 usually boils down to limitations in a passive portion of the converter that does not dominate the overall power. Also, calculating a FOM by normalizing to 2*ERBW would require a change in the noise bandwidth (which is fsnyq/2), for fairness. Yet another group of I would like to thank Richard Schreier (ADI), Ken Poulton (Agilent), Yangjin Oh, Ray Nguyen, Matthew Guyton (MIT), Hajime Shibata (ADI), Yawei Guo (Cadence), Alp Oguz (EPFL), Matthias Keller (Univ. Freiburg) and Thanks, Boris [1] B. Murmann, “Limits on ADC Power Dissipation,” in Analog Circuit Design, by M. Steyaert, A.H.M Roermund, [2] B. Murmann, "A/D Converter Trends: Power Dissipation, Scaling and Digitally Assisted Architectures," Proc. [3] R. H. Walden, “Analog-to-digital converter survey and analysis”, IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 17, pp. [4] R. Schreier and G. C. Temes, Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters. New York: Wiley, 2005. [5] A.M.A. Ali, et al., "A 16-bit 250-MS/s IF Sampling Pipelined ADC With Background Calibration," IEEE J. SolidRevisions: 20070907: First web release 20070927: Minor formatting edits 20080207: Update ISSCC 2008 20080627: Update VLSI 2008 20090423: Update ISSCC 2009 20091023: Update VLSI 2009, added FOM lines in Energy plot 20100226: Update ISSCC 2010, corrections of earlier data 20100620: Update VLSI 2010, corrections to earlier data (especially DR), formatting change to explicitly state the 20100620a: Corrections on a few selected data points (in red) 20100620b: Corrections on a few selected data points (in purple) 20110308: Update ISSCC 2011 20110415: Added area data by Marian Verhelst (Intel) 20110620: Update VLSI 2011, some data corrections 20110620a: Added FOM chart, added one data point 20120308: Update ISSCC 2012 20120812: Update VLSI 2012, included Schreier-SNDR FOM 20120812a: Correction of VLSI 2011, 12.1 20130306: Update ISSCC 2013 20130406a: Corrected the missing "TI" for time interleved designs in the 2013 ISSCC data 20130629: Update VLSI 2013, format change, added Csamp and SNDR_lf (see notes above) 20130629a: Added ISSCC 2006, 3.6; corrected VLSI 2013, 8.1 urmann/adcsurvey.html. any extra dBs obtained through variable gain. ed capacitance to ground of one input pin. YEAR 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 ID 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.8 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 4.4 4.6 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.7 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.7 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 3.1 3.2 3.4 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 TYPE NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ ARCHITECTURE SAR Folding Folding Two-step Pipe SDSC, Pipe SDSC SDSC, TI SDCT SDCT, Complex SDSC SDCT SDSC SDSC, SwOpAmp Pipe Pipe, TI Pipe, TI Pipe Pipe, TI Flash Folding SDSC SDCT SDSC, Pipe SDCT SDCT Algo Two-Step Folding Two-Step Flash Flash Folding Folding Pipe Folding Pipe Pipe SDSC SDSC SDCT SDSC SDSC SDSC SDSC Flash Flash Pipe Two-Step Pipe Pipe TECHNOLOGY 1 1.00 BiCMOS 0.5 Bipolar 1.4 0.6 0.5 0.6 HBT 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.7 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.35 BiCMOS 0.50 BiCMOS 0.5 0.35 1.2 0.5 0.80 BiCMOS 1.5 0.35 0.60 BiCMOS 0.5 0.4 0.6 Bipolar 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.65 0.5 0.35 0.25 0.25 0.35 BiCMOS 0.5 0.35 0.35 0.18 0.25 0.35 0.60 BiCMOS TITLE ABSTRACT A MOSFET-only, The linearity 10 b, of 200 a successive ksample/s A/D approximation converter cap (S A 12 b 50 M The sample/s architecture cascaded of thisfolding 12 b ADC and is interpolating based on A 170 mWThis 10 b10 50bMsample/s AD-converter CMOS at a ADC sample in 1rate mm2 of 5O A 12 b 128This MSample/s analog-to-digital ADC withconverter 0.05 LSBuses DNLintegrate A 15 b 5 MSample/s This 15b CMOS low-spurious ADC atCMOS 5MSample/s ADC has fou A 16b ΣΔ pipeline A 16b 2.5 ADC MHz with A/D 2.5 converter MHz output in 0.6 data-rate μm CMO Low-voltage In double-sampled theory, double-sampling ΣΔ converters in second-order ΣΔ A two-pathThere bandpass is expanding ΣΔ modulator interest 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3.3V ADC to fu 8b 75Msample/s This 8b70mW pipelined parallel analog-to-digital pipelined ADC converter incorpor(A A 5.75b 350Msample/s A reconfigurable or 6.75b flash 150Msample/s analog-to-digitalreconfig conver A 400Msample/s A 6b 400 6bMSample/s CMOS folding folding and and interpolating interpolating AD A 1.5 V 1.0This mWaudio-quality audio ΔΣ modulator switched-capacitor with 98 dB (SC) dynamic ΔΣ A 1.8 mW This CMOS CMOS ΣΔ modulator IFΣΔ modulator with integrated combinesmixer the fun fo A Nyquist-rate Oversampling pipelined oversampling and noise-shaping A/D converter techniques, A 6th-orderAcontinuous-time bandpass SD Modulator bandpass(SDM) ΣΔ modulator ADC uses forn A 400 MHzOne 12 bmethod 18 mWofIFIFdigitizer digitization with consists mixer inside of a a dow Σ A 12 b digital-background-calibrated The linearity of analog-to-digital algorithmic converters ADC (A wi A 3.3V 10bSystem-on-chip 25Msample/s two-step for video,ADC QAM in and 0.35µm VSBCMO app A 65 mW 10 This b 40 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A ADC 100 MHz with 1.8V ADC po fo A 2.5V 12bSummary 54 Msample/s form only 0.25given. µm CMOS Background ADC indigital 1 mm A 3V 340mW Summary 14b 75MSPS form only CMOS given. ADC A 14with b multi-bit 85dB SFD AD A 14b 40 Msample/s Summary form pipelined only given. ADC with A DAC DFCA and feedba 4 NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS OS OS NQ OS NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ Pipe.18µm te A 10b 120MSample/s Digital calibration time-interleaved using adaptive analog-to-digital signal procesc A 16mW 30MSample/s The authors present 10b pipelined a 16 mW A/D2converter V 30 MSamp usin A 1.35 BiCMOS 0.35 0.18µm multi-bit-per-stage CMOS pipelined single-cha ADC A 12b 75MS/s The pipelined multi-bit first ADC stage using ofopen-loop a 12 b 75 residue MS/s pipe a Impact of dielectric Dielectricrelaxation relaxationon in a PECVD 14b pipeline SiN capacitors ADC in 3 A 700/900mW/channel A dual-channel CMOS analog dual front-end analog for front-end ANSI/ETS IC A cascaded A continuous-time 2-2 cascaded ΣΔΣΔ modulator modulator with with continuous 67dB dy A 25 MS/sSampled 14 b 200 at mW 200ΣΔ MHz.13 0. a A 0.7 25.3 0.7 23.18µm analog-to-digital CMOS Using cona A 7b 450MSample/s A 7b 450MSample/s 50mW CMOS CMOS ADC ADC in 0. TI Pipe SAR SDCT SDCT.5V 1mA A passive 80dB passive switched-capacitor ΣΔ ADC in 0.5MSample/s IC consists of ΣΔ a 5th-order A/D converter single-loop in 0.18 0.5 18.18 0.4mW 76dB A ΣΔ complex ADC withΣΔ a fifth-order ADC for Bluetooth continuous-time receivers c A dual channel A dual-channel ΣΔ ADC with ΣΔ 40MHz ADC has aggregate been integrated signal bai A 20GS/s 8b A 20 ADC GS/s with 8-bit a 1MB ADCmemory achieves in a0.3 mW Summary ΣΔ modulator formfor only UMTS given.18 0.35µm ADC CMOS in 0.18authors μm CMOS prese wi A 64 MHz Summary ΣΔ ADC with form 105 only dBgiven.5 14. flash ADC in 0.2-V dual-mode A dual-mode WCDMA/GPRS ΣΔ modulator ΣΔismodulator designed to me A tri-modeComplex continuous-time continuous-time ΣΔ modulator fifth-order with switchedΣΔ modu A continuous-time A baseband ΣΔ modulator continuous-time with 88dB multi-bit dynamic ΣΔ mod ran A 4.5 V 2.18 0.4 18.18 A 4GSample/s A 4 Gsample/s 8b ADC in 8b 0.2 14. TI Two-Step Flash SAR.6 3. 14 pipelined b pipelined ADCADC in 0.6 18.13 0.18 0.35 0.5 0.8V 1.13 HBT 0.6 4.1 13.8V b 4015b MS/s 40MS/s CMOSCMOS pipelined pipelined ADC w A 15b 20MS/s A 15CMOS b 20 MS/s pipelined CMOS ADC pipelined with digital ADC backgro is fabric A 96dB SFDR A 9650MS/s dB SFDR digitally 50 MS/s enhanced pipelineCMOS A/D converte pipeline A 1.18 0.5 13.4 18.13 0.25 0.13μm in 0.6µm 21MSample/s double-poly pipelined CMOSCMOS 12b ADC ADC uses a A self-calibrated A 13b pipeline 50MSample/s ADC with pipeline 200MHz ADCIF-sampling with digital A 33mW 14b The2.13μm ΣΔ ADC digital consist CM A 114 dB 68 A fifth-order mW chopper-stabilized single-loop seventeen stereo multi-bit level ΣΔ aud m A 1.7 4.18µm 6-bit ADC CMOS with time-interleaving is d A 69mW 10b A 10 80MS/s b 80 MHz pipelined pipelined CMOS ADCADC with an active a A 10b 150MS/s A 10 b123mW 150 MHz 0. SwOpAmp Pipe Pipe SDSC SDSC SDSC SDSC SDSC SDCT SDCT SDCT SDSC Pipe.35 µm CMOS ach A 6b 1.18 0.7V MOSFET-only A 0.18 0.13µ pu A 150MS/sThis 8b 71mW paper presents time-interleaved a 150 MS/s ADC8inbit0. SDSC SDSC SDSC SDCT SDSC SDSC Flash SDSC.6 Gsample/s flash ADC 6b flash in 0.6GSample/s A 1.8 14.2 25.18 0.25μm tri-le A 10/spl mu/V-offset A chopped8kHz 4th-order bandwidth continuous-time 4th-order chopped 1 bit ΣΔ A 1.35 BiCMOS 0.3 18.6 14. TI Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe SDCT SDCT SDSC SDSC SDCT SDSC SDSC SDSC SDCT Folding Folding Pipe Pipe.6 0. in The 0. TI Flash.6 13.2 13.8 V.3 3.13 0.18 0.13µ ave A 3b 40GS/s A 3b ADC-DAC SiGe ADC-DAC in 0.2V 220MS/s A 10b pipeline 10b pipeline ADCADC fabricated implemented in a 0.5 18.1 4.13 0.18 0.3mm² in 0.18 0.13 0.8V8bfolding-interpolating self-calibrating folding ADCADC in 0.3 13.18 0.2 3.8 V 14Summary b ΔΣ A/D form converter only given. TI Flash Folding Pipe.18μm with 7.1 18.5 3.2V 10bA20MSample/s successive-approximation non-binary successive ADC with approx non-bin A 1 MHz-bandwidth A 2nd-order second-order continuous-time continuous-time quadrature quad band A 50mW Bandpass SummaryΣΔ form ADC onlywith given.2 10.25 0.09mm2 interpolation.4 4.35 0.12µm produces SiGe a conversion r A 6b 600MHz A 6b10mW converter ADCarray arrayoperates in digitalat 90nm a 600MHz CMOScl A digitally enhanced A 1.18 0.6 4.35 0.1 3.1 18.3 14.35 0.26 C An 8b 600MS/s An 8b200mW CMOS folding CMOS ADC folding with A/D resistive converter avera us A 1.1 25.18µm using passive CMOS wit ca .18 0.18 0.7 18.13 0.18 0.09 0.35 0.5AmW second-order continuous-time continuous-time ΔΣ modulator ΔΣ modulato for WCD A 1 V 88 dB A third-order 20 kHz ΣΔ single-loop modulator in SC 90ΣΔ nmmodulator CMOS is r A power optimized A switched-capacitor 14-bit SC ΔΣmulti-bit modulator ΔΣ for ADC ADSL includi CO A mirror image A cross-coupled free two-path two-path bandpass ΣΔ ΣΔ architecture modulatorgen wi A 2 mW 89AdB continuous-time DR continuous-time ΣΔ ADC ΣΔwith ADC merged with increas chan A 1.9 V 1.4 10.6GS/s A 1.35 BiCMOS 0.9 A 2ndmW order 79/50 multi-level dB DR ΣΔ ΣΔ A/D modulator converter for GSM for lo An embedded For high-data-rate 0.4 14.8 V/480 µW wireless 6b/22 MHz communication.5 10.18µm time-inte C A 21mW 8b An125MS/s 8b subranging ADC occupying ADC uses0.18 0.13 0.2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 10.3 25.2 18.6 18.5 4.3 10.18 0.09 0.4/2.7V MOSFET-only switched-opamp switched-opamp ΣΔ modulator ΣΔ mo A 30mW 12b A 0.1 10.65 0.3 18.18 4 b-quantize μm CMO ΣΔ ADC with A continuous-time finite impulse response 1 b ΣΔ ADC feedback with aDAC finite im A 0.13 0. IM3 distortion The authors using prese a lin A 1.8V 14bA10MS/s 1.18µm bandwidth CMOS of A 2GS/s 6b A ADC 2 GS/s in 0. TI Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe 0. 333kHz A mixer BWplus and multi90dB A dual-mode Summary 80 MHzform bandpass only given.4 3.5 3. ΔΣ modulator The authors for aprese GSM A 1. in 0.2 4.25 0.6 23.8 V 151.1 14.18 0.4 13. modulator a 5th-order in 0. with 4MSamples/s A fifth-order singleconve A 3.3 4.18 0.18 0. 5mW flash ADC 1.2 15.18 0.0mm2 205MS/S 90nm 1mm2 CMOS ADC Pipeline for flat-panel ADC disp for . with implemented Wide Input Ran in A 13b Linear Using 40MS/s statistical Pipelined matching ADC properties with Self-Configure of capac A 0.18 0.065 0.5 27.6 9.13 0.25 0.5mW design Pipelined is developed ADC with for Regulat amplifie A 10b 160MS/s A 10b84mW 160MS/S 1V Subranging subranging ADC ADC with in 90nm THACM is A 4.16pJ/Conversion-Step A high-speed 4b 2.2 9.09 0.18mum 12b ADC CMOS for12b Wireless 100kS/s Micro-Sensor successiveAa A 14b 100MS/s A 14bDigitally multi-bit-per-stage Self-Calibrated pipelined Pipelined ADCADC is imp i A 15mW 0.4 15.13 SiGe 0. TI Pipe. SDSC SAR SAR.13 0. digital audioA A 0.09 0.5 25. Filter SDCT.3 15.18 0.35 0.4 9.09 0.3 mW A 1210b MS/s pipelined 10b pipelined ADC has ADC been in 90 realized nm digital in a dC A 50 MS/sA(35 new mW) opamp to 1 with kS/s a(15 short μW) power-on power scaleable time is us A 10 b 125AMS/s 10 b 40 125mW MS/s pipelined pipelined ADC ADC in 0.4 27.18 0.1 9.4 12.2 3.8 12. TI Pipe Two-Step Pipe Pipe 0.13 0.6 13.2V.4 31.09 0.2V single-amplifier 1.5 9.5V 74dB A 0.1 27.13 0.18 0.5mW modulator CT ΔΣ withmodulator a passivewith current a mixer sum A 4th-orderA86dB fourth-order CT ΔΣ 1b ADC CTwith ΔΣ two converter amplifiers using in a90nm two A low-noise The low-voltage implementation CT ΔΣ of modulator a 3rd-order with50MS/s digital co CT A 4.13µm that CMOS elim A 56mW CT A 90nm Quadrature CMOSCascaded CT quadrature ΣΔ Modulator DeltaSigma withm7 A 0.18 0.18 0. Complex SDCT.13µm processin CM A 1GS/s 11b A time-interleaved Time-Interleaved ADC ADC architecture in 0.3mW 6b ADC Asynchronous using asynchronous ADC in 0.2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 25.11 0.7mW 0.3 12. SDSC Pipe Pipe.4 3.5 12.13μm CMOS A 2-2 cascaded EDGE/UMTS/WLAN multi-standard Tri-Mode DeltaSigma ΔΣ ADC m A 1.8V 10bA80MS/s low-voltage 6.2V 3.09 0.6V 82dB A 2-2 ΔΣ MASH audio ADC ADCusing consumes switched-RC 1mW from integrato a 0.18 0.09 0.6 3. Pipe SDCT.1 31.1dB SC DeltaSigma SNDR /splmodulator Delta//splwith Sigma a4 A 90nm CMOS A 10b1.09 0. TI SDCT.13 0.7 9.2V pipelined 10b Power ADC with and programmable Speed Programma spee A 10b 50MS/s Power-saving Pipelined techniques ADC with Opamp such as Current opampReus curr A 30mW 12b A 12b 40MS/s 40MS/s Subranging 2-step subranging ADC with ADC a High-Gain is reali Comparator-Based A comparator-based Switched-Capacitor switched-capacitor Circuits For(CBS Sca A 25μW 100kS/s A 0.18µm 4GS/s CMOS non-interleaved 4b A 22GS/s 5b A 22GS/S ADC in 5b 130nm ADCSiGe implemented BiCMOSin 130nm SiG A 6b 600MS/s A 1.7mW is proposed 9bitthat Charg us A 14b 40MS/s A 2-channel Redundant time-interleaved SAR ADC with 40MS/s 480MHz SAR Clock AD A 0. CBSC SAR Pipe Pipe Pipe Flash Two-Step Flash Flash SAR.25 0.09 0.35 0.6 3.18 0.4 13.7 12.09 0.18 0.3 9. Complex SDSC SDCT SDCT. An 80MHzA4× 2nd-order oversampled 4b ΔΣcascaded modulator ΔΣ-pipelined in cascade ADC with A 106dB SNR A ΔΣhybrid ADC oversampling with a CT 1st-stage ADC for is presented.18 0.4mW 2-Channel A 2nd-order Time-Interleaved DeltaSigma modulator Multi-bitthat /splobtain Delta A 0. Switched RC SDSC SDSC SDSC SDSC.18 0.3 31.09 0.2V 6b 1GS/s 6b 1GS/s ADC Two-Step is fabricated Subranging in a 90nm AD A 4GS/s 4b A Flash 0.2 13.8b-per-stage CMOS ADC pipelined using aADC swi A 3mW 74dB A third-order SNR 2MHz CTCT multibit ΔΣ ADC ΔΣ ADC with afor tracking-AD wireless A 1.18 uses μm a new CMO fr A 30mW 8b An200MS/s 8b 200MS/s pipelined 2.32mm2 A 4.3 3.7mW 89.18 0.1 25.7 15.18 0.13 0. SDSC SDCT.09 0.2V ΔΣ3.1 12.6 12.8 31.18μm 102dB-SNR A second-order mixed mixed CT CT SC SC audio-band ΔΣ modulator ΔΣ ADu A 3.2 12.13 0.18 0.09 A 12b 80MS/s A 12pipelined b 80 MS/s ADC pipelined with bootstrapped ADC is calibrated digitalfo c An 80MHzA10b 10 pipeline b 80 MHz ADC pipeline with dynamic ADC consumes range doublin 22 m A 14b-linear Capacitor capacitor mismatch self-trimming in a 1.5V SNDR 3rd-order 25kHz CT 1b fully ΔΣ Modulator differentialwith CT DeltaS Return-to-Open A 2nd-order DAC DeltaSigma ADC implemented in An 80/100MS/s A 4th-order 76.2 27.5dB A CT complex DR CT ΔΣ complex ADC with ΔΣ ADC built-in with LPF built-in is preL A 43mW CT A low-power complex ΔΣ wide-BW ADC with CT23MHz complex of ΔΣ signal ADC ban s A 14b 20mW A 3rd-order 640MHz single-loop CMOS CT /spl CT DeltaSigma Delta//spl Sigma/ modu A 375mW A Quadrature CT quadrature Bandpass bandpass /spl Delta//spl ADC is designed Sigma/ A An 118dB A DR 1bCT 51h-order IF-to-Baseband complex/spl CTDeltaSigma Sigma//spl Delta/ modu A 14mW Multi-bit Analog /spl and Delta//spl digital feedforward Sigma/ Modulator swing-reductio with 8 A 5. A fully dynamic0–50MS/s SAR ADC0–0.2mm2 A 10b 50MS/s 10b 50MS/s pipelined ADCADC.18 0.3 27.2 31.3 13.6 25. 121-Mode A reconfigurable Continuous-Time CT 5th-order SD Modulator 1b DeltaSigma for W A 5th-orderACT/DT 5th-order Multi-Mode CT/DT multi-mode ΣΔ Modulator DeltaSigma AD A 65fJ/Conversion-Step.3/70.18 0.25GS/s in 90nm 4bdigital ADC CM in A 90nm CMOS A 1.5 13.5 3.13 0.2 25.5 pipelined b/stageADC pipelined A 0.18 0.5 27.7 3.09 0.1 13.and CMO 5-le A 66dB DRA1. Scalable Pipe Pipe SDCT SDCT SDCT SDCT SDCT.2mW single-amplifier double-sampling double-samplin second-or A 100dB SNR A multi-bit 2.6 25.5mW A 1.09 0.6 A low-power A 2nd-order multi-bit ΔΣ 4bmodulator ΔΣ modulator in 90nm usesdigital 3.09 0.18 0. TI SDCT SDSC SDSC Pipe Pipe Subranging Pipe.18mum ADCCMOS in 0.5MS/s cascaded output data 2-2-0 rate ΔΣΔΣ modulator ADC in 0. Complex SDSC SDSC.09 0.7mW 10b 10b 30MS/s 30MS/s Pipelined pipelined ADC Without is imple A 10b 205MS/s A 10b1.2V 5.1 3. Complex SDCT SDCT.4 NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS NQ OS NQ NQ NQ NQ Pipe Pipe Pipe SDSC.18 0.5 31.3 25.13 0.2V 1. 1 12.3 30.7 16.5mWA205MS/s 10b 205MS/S 10b Pipeline IF sampling IF ADC pipelined Implemented ADC is An 11-Bit 800-MS/s An 11 b 800MS/S Time-Interleaved time-interleaved ADC with ADC Digital is imp B An 820uWCurrent 9b 40MS/s trends Noise-Tolerant in analog/mixed-signal Dynamic0SAR design AD Highly-Intereleaved The 250 MS/S 5b 250MS/s ADC has ADC 36 with time-interleaved Redundant C5 A 150MS/sIn133uW this paper.065 0.090 0.1 30.3 21. TI 0. Time-Interleaved two prototype delta versions sigma of ADa with SC t A 28mW Spectrum-Sensing A reconfigurable power-adaptive ReconfigurableDT 20MHz DeltaSig 72d A 100mW This 10MHz-BW paper describes CT delta a sigma continuous Modulator timewith Delta 87 A 65nm CMOS In theCT digital delta wireless sigma Modulator SoC applications.065 0.180 0. ZCBC Pipe Pipe.4-to-6.18 0. 0.7 9.065 0. TI Binary Search SAR.7 9.065 0.13mW presents SAR ADC a 10bwith SAR Binary-Scaled ADC with a bE A 30fJ/Conversion-Step An 8b SAR ADC 8b is 0-to-10MS/s presented.045 0.06mm PPM ADC in 90nm Digital CMOS CMOS dimensions scale down.06mm2 An8.065 A Zero-Crossing A zero-crossing-based Based 8b 200MS/s 8b 200MS/S Pipelined pipelined ADC A 92.1 9.6 4.8 4. 7b ADC a 2-step in 90nm 7b ADC Digital consists CMOSofUsing aT A 1.065 0.09 0.6 25.9-ENOB ENOB 40MS/s 40MS/s Pipelined two-stageSAR pipelined ADC SA in 6 A 10b 50MS/s A 10b 820μW 50MS/s SAR SAR ADC ADC with is On-Chip presentedDigital that use Ca A 10b 100MS/s This paper 1.7 30.2 9.3 16.6 21.4 9.5 21.2 4.75GS/slow-resolution Folding Flash ADCs ADC inare 90nm an essen Digit A 0.4 4.7 12.2-to-0. TI Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe.065 0.09 0.6 9.5 9.2 12.18mum with Time-Do 2P A 14b 100MS/s The prototype PipelinedADC ADCiswith implemented a Merged Active in 0.065 0.18 0. Folding. TI SAR.6 21. SAR SAR Pipe.9mW the interest Pipelined of extending ADC withbattery 58dB SNDR life in mobi in 0.065 0.065 0.8 27.7dB SNR systems CMOSrequire Pipeline highAD A 130mW A 100MS/s pipelined Pipelined ADC is presented ADC with 69dB with 2SNDR fully integ En A 50MS/s In 9. ZCBC Pipe.5mW A low-power 10b 100MS/s 1.065 0.7 NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ Pipe.25GS/s ADCs with 6b6b 2b/step resolution SARand ADC gigahertz in 0.059mm2 background CMOS digital SARcalib ADC A 0.3 4.180 0.Asynchronous The 90nm CMO S A 40GS/s 6b A 6b ADC 65nm in 65nm CMOS CMOS ADC exceeds the 29GS/s .065 0.2 30.7 27.180 0.5 25.4 27.5/45MS/s A perturbation-based 3.09 0.5 4.5 16.18 0.045 0.4 21.090 0. SAR SAR SAR SAR SAR. TI Two-Step SAR SAR Pipe Pipe Folding SDSC SDSC SDSC.09 0.065 0.1 16. with 81dB CTDR De A CT deltaThis sigma paper ADCwants for Voice to clarify Coding the with important 82dB desig DR i An Over-60dB This True work Rail-to-Rail introduces correlated Performance level Using shifting Cor( A 32mW 1.9V Microsensor Highly-Digital wirelessFlash networks ADCand withimplanted Compara A 1.18 0.090 0. 68dB DRsmall-area. time-doma A 0.5MHz ADC th A 12b 22.1 21.5 27.9b 8.4V Signal A Hybrid SwingCLS-opamp/ZCBC Hybrid CLS-Opamp/ZCBC pipelinedPipeline ADC is An 18b 12.8 21.5 12. TI SDSC SDCT SDCT SDCT Pipe SAR.065 0.3 27.6 12.1V 50mW High-speed 2.5mW pipelined Pipelined ADC employs ADC with opamp a Time andShar tim A 1.18 0.5MHz This paper ADCdescribes with 93dBan SNR 18b 12.4 12.7dBc In this a multi-bit SC DAC is used to im A 20MHz BW Low-power.18 0.13µm CMOS In this paper 78dB we SNDR demonstrate 87mW 20MHz a newBW technique CT ΔΣ 2 A 1.09 0.9uW 4. TI SAR SAR.2V 2MHz BWpaper.084mm CT ΔΣ ADC with -97.2 16.8mW main advantages 85-to-66dB of discrete-time DR GSM/Bluetoot (DT) sy A 500mW The digitally demand calibrated for bandwidth AFE in 65nm has fueled CMOSthe fordep 10 A 16b 250MS/s We present IF-Sampling a 16b Pipelined 250MS/s ADC A/D Converter that employs wi A 16b 100-to-160MS/s A 16b 160MS/s SiGe pipelined BiCMOS ADC Pipelined built in ADC a comp wi A 2.2GS/s 2.065 0.4fJ/conversion-step An ADC for energy scavenging 10b 1MS/sisCharge-Redi proposed us A 9.13 0.3 12.090 0. ZCBC Two-Step.13 0.13µm CMOS speed.18mu S/H A 1.2mW 5b High-speed 1.2GS/s4x-interleaved 4-times Interleaved 6b ADC Fully in 40nm Dynamic dig A Mostly Digital A mostly Variable-Rate digital variable-rate Continuous-Time continuous-time ADC ΔΣ A 10b 100MS/s A 10b4.040 0.8V 1.2 21.4 30. TI Folding. TI Pipe Pipe Pipe.180 0.4-ENOB The 1VADC-SAR 3.2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 25.6mW 6b A 2.09 0.2 V Pipeline pipelinedADC ADCinis65nm implemen CMO A 2.09 0. TI VCO Pipe Pipe.18 BiCMOS SiGe BiCMOS 0.18 0.2 27.8 30.2V 4.090 0.1 A 12b 50MS/s As intrinsic Fully Differential device gain Zero-Crossing-Based and power supply volt AD 2 A 9b 14μWAs0.18 0.090 0.3 9.250 0.130 0.7V 36uW This85dB-DR paper presents Audio delta-sigma an improvedModulator low-powerUsD An Inverter-Based The SigmaDelta Hybrid delta modulator sigma presented Modulator in this p A Noise-Coupled In this paper.6 27. TDC SDCT SDCT SDCT SDSC Flash.7 12. CT ΔΣ ADC 20Based MHz-BW on aADCs Multi-B th A MultirateThe 3.5GS/smedium-resolution 7b Time-Interleaved ADCs C-2C are SAR widA A 1.130 0.130 0. TI Pipe Two-Step Flash SAR. ADC time Array interleaving Achieving pr A 10b 500MHz Recent 55mW workCMOS on ADCs ADC targeting sampling rate A 16b 125MS/s Today's 385mW communication 78.8uW 100kS/s is fabricated SAR ADC in a 0.0mW 0.0An GS/s advance 10b Self-Calibrating in folding-interpolating Unified-Folding-Int ADCs is p A 5b 800MS/s This 2mW paperAsynchronous reports a 5b asynchronous Binary-SearchbinaryADC A 600MS/sAt30mW high conversion 0.4 16.13um sampli CMO A 24GS/s 6b This ADC paper in 90nm presents CMOS a 24 GS/s 6 b ADC in 90 A 1V 11b 200MS/s This paper Pipelined demonstrates ADC with a IVDigital 200MS/s Backgrou pipelin A Split-Load The Interpolation-Amplifier-Array ADC is fabricated in 90 nm300MS/s digital CMOS 8b S A 6b 0.09 0. 180 0.1mW 8b An 1.3-GS/s. VCO based DeltaA A 72dB DR. A multi-bit.065 0.5μw An ultra-low-voltage 61dB SndR cMoS SC ΔΣ Sc ΔΣ converter Modulator using usin a A 84dB SndR A third-order 100khz Bandwidth ΔΣ modulator low-power with single Single operati op-am An LC Bandpass A 6th order &[Delta]&[Sigma] LC bandpassADC &[Delta]&[Sigma] with 70dB SND AD A 12mW Low A 800MS/s Power Continuous-time low power 4th-order Bandpass continuous-tim &#8721 A DC to 1 A GHz 6th-order tunableDC RFto&[Delta]&[sum] 1GHz tunable ADC CT low-pass achievin A 16mW 78dB In thisSNDR paper.090 0.180 0.045 0. 3.040 0.18 0.2/2.040 0. Flexible flexible-resolution SAR ADC with 6.6 27.5 8.6GS/s ad A 12b 1GS/s A 2-way SiGe BicMoS time-interleaved Two-waypipeline Time-interleaved ADC built in p An 800MS/s Andual-Residue 800MS/s 4×-interleaved pipeline adc12b in 40nm pipeline cMoS ADC A 16b 80MS/s A 16b 100mw pipeline 77.160 0.6dB ADC SnR that achieves cMoS pipeline 77.065 0.045 0.3 26.2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 10.2mW CMOS a SAR SAR ADC ADC of 71dB by SNR SN A 1V 14b Self-Timed A 2nd-orderZero-Crossing-Based &[Delta]&[Sigma] ADC Incremental in 0.7 19.045 0.7mW 11b A 250MS/s 250MS/s 2x2-times interleaved Interleaved 11bit pipelined Fully Dynam SAR A 90MS/s This 11MHz work Bandwidth describes 62dB a SAR SNDR ADCNoise-Shapin which levera A 70dB DRThis 10bpaper 0-80MS/s presents Current a charge-domain Integrating SAR SAR ADC AD A 7-to-10bA0-to-4MS/s power-efficient.9 2.8 27.1 8. TI Pipe.3 26.5 27.5 26.5 15. TI Pipe SAR SAR SDCT SDCT SDSC SDSC SDSC SDCT BP SDCT BP SDCT BP SDCT SDCT SDCT SDCT Flash.16&[m A 6.6GS/s A 3.2 15.5-to-16f SAR ADC A 31.09 0.7 27.032 0.6dBFS adc S A 0.&#931. TI SDCT SAR SAR Incremental Incremental SAR Pipe SAR Flash.2fJ/Conversion-step A 0.090 0.45V 100-Channel A power efficient Neuralneural Recording recording IC with architecture Sub-uW A 10.3&[mu]W A 21b 21bit Incremental Incremental analog-to-digital Zoom-ADC with converter 6 ppm I A 2.3 27.4 26.040 0.040 0.4 10.065 0.10MHz we propose BW CT a &#61508.2 10.2GS/s Single-Channel single-channel Asynchronous SAR converter SA An 8.6 27.1 10. TI SAR.4 15.5 8. 80MS/s This paper SARpresents ADC witha 73.6 NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ OS NQ NQ NQ NQ OS NQ NQ OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ SAR.090 0.6GSps An 8-tap CT-&#8710.028 0.3 10.065 A 480mw 2.13 BiCMOS 0.8 16.3 27.4-to-1v 5-to-10b power S A 4Ghz cTAΔΣ 4GHz adc CT withΣΔADC 70dB dR is and presented -74dBFS withThd a loop in 12 f An 8mw 50MS/s A 3rd-order cT ΔΣsingle-loop Modulator CT withΔΣ 81dB modulator SFdR and with A Third-order A single-slope dT ΔΣ Modulator quantizer using using noise-Shaped modified bidire Bidi A 250mv 7. TI SAR.3 15.180 0.2 8.5-to-4MS/s SAR ADCSAR with Ac Adaptive Opamp A switched-capacitor Gain and Nonlinearity bottom-plate Cancellation sampling in sP A 0.37mWA10b 10-bit 200MS/s switched-capacitor Dual-Path Pipelined pipelined ADC ADC wa A 1. A 5.7V operated 10b 10b 0.4 15.6dB 65nm SAR SNDR ADC in 65nm that ov . TI Pipe.7fJ/conversion-step A power-efficient 10/12bit 10/12b 40kS/s 40kS/sSAR SARADC ADCwi in A 71dB-SNDR This 50MS/s paper describes 4.3 27. TI SAR.160 0. TI SAR. &[Delta]&[sum] 3rd order CT CT Modulator &[Delta]&[Sigma] using digitally mo A 15mW. TI 0.4V-to-0.065 0. FIR DAC is used to ADC reduce with power 36MHz dis A 20mW 61dB A 1-bit SNDR 3rd Order (60MHz Continuous-Time BW) 1b 3rd Order Delta Contin Sigm Optical communication technology in Tra lon A 40nm CMOS Single-Chip 50Gb/sDP-QPSK/BPSK Ring Amplifiers The concept for Switched of a Ring Capacitor Amplifier Circuits is introduced.&#931.2GS/s 8b 1.090 0.065 SiGe BiCMOS 0.1 26.4dB conversion SNDR with 30MS/s a signal 1. TI Pipe Pipe Pipe SAR SAR SAR Pipe Flash.130 0.1 15.130 0.065 0. A 40-nm 6-b Flash CMOS ADC 10-GS/s.6GS/s Time-Interleaved 11-bit Time-Interleaved SAR ADC in SAR 65nm ADC CM A 14b 2.04 0.4 8.4 27.1 27.065 0.7 15.024mm2 An 8b 8b 400MS/s 400MS/s SaR SAR adc ADCwith with2b/cycle 2b-per-cycle and Re a A Resolution-Reconfigurable This paper presents5-to-10b a reconfigurable 0.3 8.04 0.2V band T A 195mW/55mW A dual path Dual-Path receiver Receiver is designed AFE to Foroperate Multistan ov A 28fJ/Conv-Step A CT &[Delta]&[Sigma] CT &[Delta]&[Sigma] modulator Modulator achieves with27 7 A 2.090 0.6 8.065 0.04 0.5GS/s Eight8-Way 14b pipelined Interleaved ADCs Pipelined are timeADC interleaved With B A 3.6 ENOB The900MS/s proposedTime-Interleaved 1b/cycle reconfiguration 2b/cycleschem SAR A A 14-bit.090 0.5 10.065 0.3fJ/Conversion-Step Analog-to-digital70.2 27.180 0. TI Pipe. for 10G6-bit Ethernet FlashApplicatio ADC ha An 11b 3.2 26.6GS/s This work 10b presents 65nm cMoS a 64× Time-interleaved interleaved 2.180 0.1 27.4-to-5. Masahiro Segami. Sonntag 0. Coban.00E+05 Vorenkamp.00E+07 Larry Singer.5 5.50E+06 Brooks. and Stephen H. H.5 3.A.00E+04 Yasuda. A.. Alailima. Huijsing. J. Longo.. Sheahan.W. Shehata. P. Jensen.Raf 18.5625 6. and and thermal Raf L.75E+07 Yu. L.75MHz 4. S. D. Lewis. O. Lewis 10.. IF=55MHz Posey.a and Robert shows Remmers. BW.K... Mike Hensley.6 1..80E+04 van der Zwan.F. Santiago.00E+05 Paul. E. B.00E+07 Joseph Ingino Jr. R. Joe Young. and J. Laskowski. 261 and Russ Stop 5.. Lida. 1 2. B. Hurst.70mW) 27.40E+07 Sung-Ung Kwak. Erdogan. SNDRGian estimated Hoogzaad. Fu...E. Michael Choi. Data taken J. C...89E+05 Vleugels. 22 2. Bastiaansen..50E+08 Kwangho Yoon. Wooley. 2. contribution Termeer. Zhu. Nagari.. Sansen. M.H.155 1.8 3. 1. 0.00E+07 K.85 1... K. A... A. W.. A. Gorisse. 7.. for max.25E+04 Hendrik van der Ploeg Fig.6. 42 2. Mark Sayuk. Bugeja. Fumitoshi Hatori..35 5. Cao.50E+08 Yong-In Park.. P. Walden. Allen 0. and Kantilal Bacrania.00E+08 A. Chugh. Dijkmans.00E+06 W.00E+06 Michael Choi and Asad A. 25 4.. Bacrania. Sansen.. IF=3. Venes. Paul J. P.Sokvoort. IF.25 33.a Roovers shows 8.24 J. (addtl...75E+07 P. Lewis.Y. A.3436 1. T. Lewicki.53 2. Del Muro. Pernici.60E+04 I.. Bang-Sup Song. S.8 1. Dan Kelly. Frank Tsay. L. Maarten of distortion 1 Vertregt. Sung-Ung Kwak..50E+08 Govert Geelen 0. P. Kosic. Setty. assuming Henkequal A. 2. and Larry Singer.00E+03 Ong.J. Bright 5. A. 7 2. 8.00E+05 Peluso..75 1. 7. E. 26. Barner..F. for max. Sungkyung Park.36 2. K.00E+07 Hsin-Shu Chen.. and Eduardo Bartolome 2.... Swanson. Plany. and Bruce Wooley 14.. S. D.S. Poulton. J.2 1. Kantilal Bacrania.H. Tanimoto. 31. Iuri Mehr..39 P. S. Opris. Burger. Frank Murden.00E+07 Papantonopoulous. Kelly.26E+07 Jantzi. A. J..AUTHORS COMMENTS Csamp [pF] AREA [mm^2] SNDR_lf [dB] fin_hf [Hz] Hammerschmied.7 ENOB at fin=20 MHz 0. P.3 4. Qiuting Huang 2. 0. J.25E+06 van der Zwan. Vancorenland. Hurst. QiutingData Hueng for WCDMA 0.. Confalonieri. and P. 1. Steyaert. E..3. Mike Timko.00E+06 Burger. noise J. Y.. Hae-Seung Lee. Michael Elliott. A. K.2 1.L. S.75E+08 M. and B..00E+07 Yuko Tamba and Kazuo Yamakido 2. J. 0.. Data K. Nicollini.J. B. R. and Dan Kelly 10 3. K. M.2. Philips. Stacy Ho. Flynn and B.4 2. T. A. Hairapetian. 2. Goodrich.32 2. van de Zwan. L. Kuo-Chiang Hsieh.. 0. R. Kafai Leung. E. H.8 2. 5. BW.00E+07 D. Doernberg. 0. Steyaert. Clement. A.8 1. P. A. and Bang-Sup Song 10.. Robertson.50E+07 Jewett. K. Joharapurkar. S. S. P.50E+07 Bult.73 2.00E+04 Ozan E.8 1.00E+05 Tabatabaei. 2.00E+07 Geerts. W. 18.. D.6.7 2..28 2. Wooley.. Dyer. E.36 5. K.. C. Power Bang-Sup includes Song. K. J.6 2.00E+04 Breems. S. Seiyama. 0.70E+07 Roovers. and Wonchan Kim 5. 0. G. Roovers. Kuye . BW=200kHz E.00E+07 Myung-Jun Choe. C... van Data defor Plassche. I. IF=20MHz B.L.00E+07 Brian Brandt and Joseph Lutsky 1.50E+07 Jun Ming and Stephen H.8 6.4 1.. Laung.R. V. Buchwald. T.25E+06 Fujimori. Lewis 5.5 MHz 0. Harston.. S.C. G. Dyer. Karthikeyan.00E+07 Hendrik van der Ploeg. Abidi.P. 0.. Martin...H.. 1. A. Shu-Iap Chan 1. Rabii. Kaviani.6 2. Sedra.00E+06 Oliaei. Fu. Will Yang.J. Marques.35 Xiaohong Du. Hurst.H.8 ENOB at fin=12.31. J...C. K. H.J.00E+06 van Engalen.25E+07 Hui Pan. 2.4 2..00E+05 Raghavan.. 0. D..5 5.94 6. and P. Y.00E+05 Leung.A. S. taken A. S. Dallavalle. Wong 9 1.5 4. Wooley.. 10.25E+07 Gian Hoogzaad and Fig.8 2. 16and Asad Abidi 2. 47 9.7MHZR. Jing Cao.00E+05 Namdar.. T.25E+06 Senderowicz.00E+08 Carl Moreland. K. W. 0. D. 00E+06 Lin. and 28. S. M. Daihong No HF data. Zhengyu Wang.5 1. Balmelli. W. Maria Rosaria Tursi. 0. Ramaswamy. 1. 0. 1. S.. 2. Minnis. D. Jan 0.. W. Nair and R. Torralba. fin=990kHz Paul J.25E+07 Erol Arslan.76 1. and Stephen H.. 0. 5.E.40. Chokhawala.00E+07 Sang-Min Yoo. B... Fong. V.96 Don Devendorf. Wagner. Paul R.. 0.. Zwei-Mei Lee. Scott D. R. J... Sumanen.J.Data for CDMA 0.. Schambacher. Thomas 1. A. U. Lindfors.7 1. Brooks. L..25E+08 Shafiq M. R. G. F.30E+05 K. R.2 1. and Shoji Kawahito 3.18 8.00E+07 Balmelli. T.00E+08 E. Dave Kruse. Moon-Jung Choi. Bakkaloglu. Harjani. R. G. linear J.M. Masanori Furuta.3 E. 6.00E+09 Byung-Moo Min. Charles Tan.. David Boisvert. Peter Kim.00E+06 Daisuke Miyazaki.3 2.2 3. 0.J. Nuijten.8 7..for WCDMA 0. 0. Wei Liu.8456 Mehrdad Heshami 43.22 1.9 1.. Fiez.50E+07 Jan Mulder.. Ho-Jin Park. P. van de P William Cheng. S.. K.55 2. Jong-Bum Park. Data E. 0. David Su.50E+07 Reutemann. and Borivoje Nikolic 15 5. Paterson. Martin. Penkota. 5. onlyR.00E+04 Dezzani..00E+06 Schreier. R. Halonen. and Ioannis Papantonopoulos 25 3. Korhonen...50E+07 Yun Chiu.1225 2.L.C.K.31 1. T. Tammy Tat. Samavati. S. M. K. G. Thewes.75E+07 Alfio Zanchi.. Zhou.00E+06 Gupta. B..5 1. T. 111dB Melanson. Hanke. 5 Patterson. DRHester.09 R. 0. Steyaert.00E+08 Govert Geelen and Edward Paulus 0. B. and Øystein 1. 0.. and Bruce A. Salo.00E+06 Tabatabaei.. J. A. and Valerie8 Pons 8.4 2. M. for BW=1.. 12. Bonnerud.86 2. Qiuting Huang 0. Behel.. for WCDMA 0. D.. 5. Chi-Hung Lin. 6 1.10E+08 Moldsvor. J.23E+06 Yan.00E+09 Jorge Pernillo.6. Haroun. Langmann. Andersen. M.9 Robert Jewett. Christopher M.00E+06 Blanken.79 3.. Terje N. Tom 196 Kopley.00E+07 Hung-Chih Liu. and Arlo Aude 1. Itakura. Gray.30E+10 and Ronald Stevens. Chris Menkus. M.1MHz A. D..S.50E+07 Franz Kuttner 0.84E+06 Ruoxin Jiang. Tille.56 1.. L. 2... Wais Ali. A-weightedA. 2. Robert Neff. Dieter Draxelmayr 3.DRinst=68dB Roovers.92E+06 van Veldhoven. 0.. Andre.00E+06 Robert Taft. Data for WCDMA S. Rudy J..00E+04 Gaggl. -->M. Menten. Inversi.12 1. Heinen. Jamal. T. optimistic K.00E+09 Peter Scholtens and Maarten Vertregt. 0. LF V.5 1. Siragusa and I.. Lloyd. Broken L. Haroun.Ken Poulton. T. T.50E+07 Moyal. and M. J. Timko. A. 1.00E+06 YuQing Yang.85 4.. P. J. Frank Chang. Ols Hidri. Qiuting Huang 1.. 3.3.. P. dataAsv. 1. Tejero..00E+07 Ken Poulton. and Xicheng Jiang.00E+07 Henkel.Data M. Zargari. Sotirios Limotyrakis..00E+07 K.A. F.. S. Kanon Liu. L.60E+08 Koji Sushihara and Akira Matsuzawa 0.G. is an Halonen.20E+07 Breems. Kyoung-Ho 2. Robert Neff.2 Moon. Mitteregger... Boser 7..14 A.95 1. DR=89dB. SNDR T. P. E. Lugthart. Andy Burstein. R.4 Bernd Wuppermann. F.M. R. and Jae-H Boris Murmann and Bernhard E.10E+06 Ying. Hollman.. S. and Jieh-Tsorng Wu 11.92E+06 Yao. Philips.12 1. Hensley..00E+08 Bjørnar Hernes.25E+07 Putter. K. Ward.chip.J. Groepl. 7.. DR=114dB Alexander. K. M.3 1. Brian Setterberg. Marcel L.00E+06 van Veldhoven. Sansen. F. Hurst. Lloyd Linder. Singer. Art Muto.2 2..62E+05 Gomez. Su. B. Kulchycki. 1. 2. Wiesbauer.6 9. Frode Telstø. estimate 6 2. 20 2. H..50E+06 Philips..K. Sanchez-Sinencio.. Werker. M. 1. Maloberti.10E+07 Sauerbrey. M.08 1. Atle Briskemyr. Munoz.00E+04 Waltari... E. T.2 1. Hee-Suk Yang..1 2.9 3. 0.18 2.22 1.12 6. Frank Tsay.00E+03 Kulhalli.00E+06 .10E+06 Ueno. 0.. 2. Data B. Wooley..55 1.50E+07 Seung-Hoon Lee.62 D. H. Lewis.. Fu. Westra. Hyuen-Hee Bae. Schmitt-Landsiedel.... Onodera. K.08 8.10E+06 Philips.00E+03 Feng Chen. Galton.41 2.. M. 1. T.. Data M. Data taken for CDMA mode (best FOM=0. Hezar. Torralba.5 H.. 0.00E+07 Sepke. Kuttner.. L. P.. Sodini. Kudoh. F. C. van der Weide. Mehr. Chandler. C. 0. DRinst=85dB Shibata. Lyden. Paulino.DRinst=70dB A.63 5. 0.00E+07 Olaf Stroeble.. Charles.. Gupta. A. R.. Schreier. N. 0.J. Claus.3 6. N.66 6. Brown. A. N. Matamura..25 6. F.50E+07 Kim.00E+07 Christen. DR=90dB. SHA.88 Yamamura. 0.50E+07 Gil-cho Ahn... 2.3 2. Van der Plas.C. Ben-Hamida 2.00E+08 Dorrer.95 2. Flynn 0. Holloway. Figueiredo. 1. Donnay 0.00E+08 S.for T.00E+07 G. Takasuka.00E+08 Breems..25E+07 Hwi-Cheol Kim. from charts 1Jongdae (diff. McLaughlin..26 1.. R.00E+09 P. DR J. D. Yatsuda. vanData Veldhoven.2.125 6..8V Tsukamoto. S... (best C.7 3. Sunwoo Kwon. Jae-Whui Ray. Hanneberg. Hamanishi. Mohieldin. 0. Burger.4 1. Data T. M. Cesura. Gomez.. F. C. Gyu-Hyeong Cho.50E+07 Seung-Chul Lee.00E+06 Bosi. 2. M.50E+06 Silva. G. Assumed R.00E+04 Fujimoto..20E+06 Kye-Shin Lee. GSM Bastiaansen. 0. J. Yamazaki. Chen. 10.4 2. Bang-Sup 3.00E+05 Kwon. P. P. 0. R.00E+04 Bogner. Byrd. Edward.. P. Akihide2. Hermann 5.5 5. H.00E+04 Morrow...00E+07 V. Sourja. 19..00E+06 Jinseok Koh.20E+06 Geelen. K.5dB. 15.. 0.. R. Deog-Kyoon Jeong.08 1. B. Castello. Eichler.02 Markus. K. Anantha 0. Martin. Kudo. 4. Vaz.. R.88 2.033 6. Breems. T. P. Kropf. S.R.. H. Ogawa. Huijsing.A. Ventura. Thomas. S. 0.2 Tae-Hwan. Victor Dias. J.30E+07 Mitteregger.. Blon. Minogue. Romani. S.. S. R. Naveen. A...G. Derksen. M. Simanjuntak.. Data for L.. takenG.65 A.00E+04 R. 9.. R.00E+07 Choi... FM Makinwa. Termeer.3 Verlinden.. Inerfield. Panigada. T.6 4. from C. Grace. Maloberti.00E+07 Hesener. D. Pollex.2..12 3..60E+05 Yoshioka..15 1. 0.SFDR Jong-Kee takenKwon. Melini. 6 2. Kang-Jin.N.94E+06 Brewer. B. R.. Kwi-Dong Kim. P. 0.. Eul. Yasuhide. Nyquist input (ENOB=7. Gotoh.2 Hae-Seung 4. A. D.Carl R. Dong-young Chang.50E+07 Yoshioka. Kwi-Dong SNDR and Kim. M. R. Y. Sourja Ray.. Hein.1976 1. K. mode.1 1. Adams. I. Mansson. Dobson. D. S.2pJ/conv-step) Vongehr.) Kim. A...10E+06 Kong-pang Pun.0. and Stephen H.A.5 D. S. Roovers. F. Bellaouar.. 1. Jong-Kee Kwon. Kanazawa.J. Bang-Sup. G. Pastoor.42 8. Paul J. 8. Geelen. Ozaki. Jiang Yu. Falt. Bacrania. Melodia. at Nyquist 0. Seung-Tak. Huaijin Chen.. Lopes. K. Kuttner.. taken forR.00E+06 Yaghini. Burian.62 4.~9.32Jongdae Kim 1. K. S-C. Sang-Min. F. van 0. 0. Watanabe.14E+05 Craninckx.43 2.. Watanabe... M.6 2. B.40E+04 K. Gomez. 20. Palaskas.4) 0. Song..00E+08 S..VDD=0. K. Sweetland. Chamarro.. G... M. M. for 20MS/s. Lyden. Todd. C.. Vickery. Youra. Greco. Lore. Brodersen 0..extracted P.4 1. Wooyol Lee . K. VanData der Plas.06 1..5pJ/conv-step) 0. M. Seung-Chul Lee.. Hee-Cheol.. Wonchan Kim 0. Yunyoung Choi. Y.. Mechnig. 1. 0. Kudo.. Kanti 1.00E+05 Breems. Gorbold.21 M.A. B.6728Hiroaki.DR=89.96 and Kanti Bacrania 1. K.00E+06 Nagai. M...00E+05 Munoz.25E+08 P.H. Choi. Chandrakasan. Y...55 Wenske.10E+10 S-W.00E+07 Young-Deuk Jeon..1ENOB Abidi. G.. Monteiro.13 Tanabe 5. Oh..2 E. John. A. H. van IF Veldhoven. Kuttner. H. Decoutere. C. K. 0. Park. Kohhei. S. Burra. Paterson.00E+07 Nguyen. R. Fiorenza.. Franco Maloberti 1. Song. Haroun. K.. Rutten. M. A. manually Hurrell.. I. Temes. Hartig.. A. 0.. 0. 2. Shouri Chatterjee.. plot Maurino. 1. 0. Kim. Abo. 2.82 K. 0. Peter Kinget 0.FOM=0. A.1.00E+06 Verma.. N.2 2. Ju-Hwa. Herbison... Johns. Satou.28E+05 Das. L. R.. Franz. Holuigue.50E+04 Goes.3 4. G. G. Hurst.. Lee. L. T. G.6372 4. Philips.03E+08 Moon.. Jeong-Woong 1..6 2. J...32 2. Cardoso. A. Fachada.. Wang.00E+06 Ahmed. Hamashita. Schvan. Putter. Y..00E+07 Seung-Tak Ryu. Paulus. Lewis. Johns. 2. M Wang. Miyamoto.taken Qiuting for Huang WLAN mode 0. Johns. René 3.25 6.. D.. D.36Wegberg.. Peter.N.50E+07 Shimizu. H... N. 2.00E+05 Fontaine. Lee.taken Mori. Y. and Christoph Schwoerer.J.J.. Seo.2. A. Young-Deuk Power inlcudes Jeon. Maloberti. Peter. Abaskharoun..00E+07 Ouzounov. G. Ebner. Keane. Rose.. O'Brien. P.00E+07 Huber. P. Yoo.20E+07 Ryu.2. J. van Roermund.. R. 0.5MHz R. 4 1. Shigemitsu.. Murayama. Govert. Mi-Jung. J. Bang-Sup Song.. Wang 3. 16 34.atYang. E. Fig.25 Laing. Zhou. Soumyanath 1 1. Bu.00E+09 N. Tursi. R.28 5. V.1. Edgar 0. Bjornsen. Soumyanath used 1 2.toFlemke. A. A. Santner. Y-H.0756 Yves Rolain.4 Huang. J. Wen-Tsao Chen. S. Ian Galton 4 5. Michael P. Ishikawa. Moldsvor.. T. G.00E+06 Jun Cao. Pieter Rombouts.1 Lee. Huang. Payne.00E+07 B. A.. Valvano 7.25E+08 G. 0.039 2.00E+08 Tzu-Yi Yang. Chao-Cheng 4. Raghavan. Yan. 0. J. Daly.50 R.. U.2 Kocaman.50E+07 C-C.3 1.5MHz K. L. F. Wang. Schofield. Lee 0. Chun-Cheng Liu.07 5.06 3. for Smith. A.5 6.0.00E+06 Vijay Dhanasekaran.4. Nuzzo. R.00E+06 L. Doerrer. B. Liu. Tsai 5. K. B.. T. fin=60MHz H-S. Kuijk.9dB Y-F.00E+05 Matt Park. S-J. Shibata. Chironi. P. Kaylor. B.3 2. Falt. Garg. 12GHz Ben-Hamida.84uW 2. Craninckx 2. 4. H. Bo-Wei Chen. Hsueh. Verbruggen 0. P. SNDR R. Wambacq. Gibbins. Moon 2. Ali. Lyden.8 Greshishchev. Geert Van der Plas 2. Han 0. W.. D. Szu-Kang Hsien. M. Schmitz. Wambacq. Yen-Ting Liu. Holdo.49 2. Chiu 0. Hensley.52 F. Bhoraskar.N. Kudoh. Schvan. Chae. Weaver. Maloberti 15 0.18 Huang 4. Hidri. Yun C Ashutosh Verma. N. Yung-Yu Lin 0. Breems 0. Chinmaya Mishr Lynn Bos. G.6M. Bonizzoni.059 2. C. S. Data D. Craninckx. Michael Perrott 0. Verbruggen. Puckett. Huang. Flemke. Roux.SNDR Li stays >32 dB up to fin=450MHz 0. Chae. B.MHz.. Pollex. D. Corsi. Furuta. Lee.2 G. S. Song. I. Tu. de Groot 0.98E+08 A. Takasuka. Van der Plas 0. Yoshioka.05 1. T. Malla. S. S.03 1. Taylor. for Falt.5 8.2. Geraedts. C-C. Bray. MacKenzie. S. G. MASH21 K. Cheng-Chung Hsu.22. Behzad Razavi 0. F. T. Li 1.5 D.. H. P. ERBW Korsvoll. Shimizu. Baschirotto.50E+07 Shahrzad Naraghi. Hartig 0. JanSNDR Mulder. Jose2. C-M. Steven Decker.50E+08 P. Murayama. Verbruggen. Itakura 0.. Cranickx. Morgan.0. Aguirre. van Tuijl. Van der Plas. Sitch. Ribner 1. Werker. Data C.00E+07 B.00E+07 B.29 1. Matthew Courcy. Wolcza K-W. C. Harpe. M. Gibbins. A.67 G.25E+07 Andrea Panigada. J. Hasnain Lakdawala. fin=6.SNDR/SFDR Chou. Abaskharoun. Boulemnakher. Shaikh.00E+05 A Agnes. Y-L. Guang-Ying 0. N.from Johns Fig. E. C. Min. 5.0902 J. 0. Telsto.0625 7.00E+07 Y. S.0275 B. L. Galton 0. Manisha Gambhir.00E+07 M.33E+08 Siddharth Devarajan. Dolmans. H A. 0. M. C. Y. for 2. G-Y. Julien Ryckaert. large A.0888 2. Singh. M. Huang. Razavi. Glenny Ying-Zu Lin. Bo Zhang. Malcovati.5 Hoehn.03E+08 C. Briskemyr. Hummerston.10E+09 G. Chen.25E+06 W. 0.2.56 ENOB. Vickery 4. Liu.50E+06 Y-C. W.5 4 8.154Sánchez-Sinencio.07 4. J. O. Paillardet 0.00E+07 P. K. T.50E+06 P. Korrapati. 3. BW K. Manganaro. A. M. Takeuchi.. Nauta 5. Mohamed M. 17. Y-Z. H. estimated David A.00E+05 Erkan Alpman.00E+08 Wenbo Liu. Klumperink. Wang. pseudo differe gives 5. Chang. Abhishek 10 Kamath. Schvan. 34.1 6. Shu. Data Aniya. H. Dillon. Huang. Kropf. Ben-Hamida. Y-K. K. U-K. Vinje.00E+07 W.25E+07 M. P.00E+05 K. C.03 2.00E+07 B. Hae-Seung Data for Lee200MS/s 0.45 2. Hurrell. Gerd Vandersteen.00E+07 Sheng-Jui Huang. is 59. F. Dan Kelly.9 D. V. Puaschitz. 1. Huang. G. Yung-Pin 1.5 1.. Yang. L.20E+10 J.80E+10 S-C.9 8. Reconfigurable.00E+07 M. 78. I. Takayama.. C. Francese.25 0. Larry Singer. P. Andre.. Data for D. H. E. P. 2 2.09 4. P. 1.9 D. Pollex. Patterson.4 2. A.12E+06 Y. K. P. Yuchun Chang. Taft. Fong-Ching Huang. Bach. upP.0585 2..11 5. 21. from Fig. P. S. B-S. 1. Nozawa.084 2. Chen-Chih1. J.7 D. Kuijk.. G.00E+07 Silva-Martinez.00E+04 B. Ying-Hsi Lin. Elsayed. 3. A. A.00E+06 C. E. T-C. Y.Brooks.taken Andersen. Wei Zhang.00E+04 B. 9. Gin-Kou Ma. J. Giannini. M.50E+08 D. Greshishchev. J. Delong Cui. 0. 33. dB up to fin 16N.24 5. Lattimore.75E+08 Y. Vander Plas. Lin. Hershberg. Cao. P.0256 L. R. M. Chandrakasan 3 1. Van der 0. D. P. Lee. J. Richard Carley.9dB/64.1. Hamashita.0165 Plas 29. A. Vasani. Bacrania 0.00E+07 Imran Ahmed. T. Lee. Besson . H. fs=160MS/s. Temes 2. M.715 2. M.25E+08 Bardsley.0572 5. A. 8GHz.07 5. Yatsuda 0.50E+07 M. G.00E+08 Hernes. J. Kornegay. P. X. Ginsburg. Wang.. Hae-Seung Lee 0.10E+09 R. Chandrakasan Data for single ended. U-K. fin=80 S. SNDR J.50E+07 Lane Brooks. R.00E+07 Y-S.00E+07 Z. Flynn 0. S-C. M.00E+08 Lee.00E+04 R. Chih-Yung Shih. Gregoire. Kuttner. Hsieh Fig 16. B. Lakdawala. O. MHz at D. T. Schinkel. Moon 1. Pi. Rutten. van Elzakker. aboveY.6 Paul Wilkins6. C-H. Stop. Soon-Jyh Chang. 0. K. P. Veldhoven. A. Harpe et al. Mulder.00E+04 M. Harrison et al.2 2. S-W. forChio.9 P. Morie et al. Bumha Lee. E. 1. Witte et al.23 2.6 1. Shibata et al.00E+07 H. Sestok. M. U.6 4.042 2. 0. Han et al. van der Weide 5. Bray.00E+07 P. Miyahara et al.00E+08 B. 12b data 0.00E+07 D.0462 1.0 1. L. J. Un-Ku Moon 0.50E+08 K. P.49 6.98 1. at Sin. Data for fin=4MHz 0.25E+08 J. Chen et al. Wei.0015 6. F. 34. Maloberti 0. 9. 0.K.4 2.50E+05 Y.OSR=16 Maloberti 0. 1.00E+10 B. Kauffman. Reddy et al. Makinwa 0.0. M.00E+06 P.212 1. C-H. Steyaert 0.60E+07 V.00E+09 L.45 6.25E+01 C-Y Liou et al.50E+07 C. Zhang et al.40E+07 H. 0.19 1.076 2. Chai et al.5.30E+09 R. IF = 200MHz 0. Witte.35 N. Smith.24 1. Ward. IF = 700-800MHz 0. J. Nyquist S-P. A.4 54. 103. Kull et al. Verma et al. Yetis. Chae et al. 0.80E+07 P.2. Westra. W.1 1. Murden. J.00E+09 E. Bright.12 3. E.43 3. 7. 0. Kosic.047 2. G. Ortmanns 0. Yip. E. Bolatkale. Chandrakasan Data for 10b mode 0. S. 5.00E+08 J. Hershberg et al.67E+02 Y.3375 1. van Power der Goes. forF.00E+08 J.079625 4. G. Nani.55 73.492 5. R. 4 0.36 4. El-Chamas. Kapusta et al. 0. Wan.27 5. Moon 0. Data U-F. Janssen et al. Shu et al. A. Chae et al.00E+08 H-K Hong et al. Brunsilius.Numbers Bonizzoni. Zanikopoulos. Fredenburg 0. Brown. Doris. R. Data for VDD=1V 0.00E+05 S. Luu. Siragusa. M.00E+07 Y.50E+07 B.25E+08 J. 0. Malki et al.00E+07 D. B. Michel.00E+04 A. U-K.50E+07 P. from R.88 C. Pena Perez.9 1. M. D. Data for 80MS/s 0. Maghari. includes D. reference Vecchi. Payne.5 1.066 1. 0. 0. Janssen. 400MS/s. C. Harpe et al. Chan.15 2. J.024 2.10E+07 B. Becker. P. Verbruggen et al.00E+08 M. K.375 1.08 1. Corsi.04E+06 F. Martins.3 1.00E+07 . Barlow 4. Tal 5. K. 10. Srinivasan et al. Setterberg et al.80E+09 B. no SNDR data? 5.4V 0. 0. E. Bult 4. C. 0.5 F.44 1. Rutten. Ayranci.50E+07 N. Breems. Data for 10b mode 0.097 2. Fig.00E+07 H. M. IF=450MHz.038 4. F.00E+04 J. M. Shettigar et al. Data for VDD=0.50E+08 R. E. 1.00E+06 Ho-Young Lee. Crivelli et al.00E+04 T.00E+09 Y-S. 0 62.7 54.0 53.3 89.4 64.9 27.0 64.0 84.0 48.9 81.4 86.0 63.0 79.6 59.0 75.8 62.2 86.0 64.0 84.0 35.0 71.1 62.0 84.0 84.0 71.0 78.7 54.0 84.0 73.0 59.7 34.0 SNDR_plot [dB] 56.0 71.3 31.0 75.0 72.4 84.0 70.0 90.1 89.SNDR_hf [dB] 56.5 70.0 90.9 89.0 118.0 83.0 75.1 67.0 48.0 51.0 75.0 43.0 77.0 67.0 78.0 60.5 SNR [dB] DR [dB] -THD [dB] SFDR [dB] 64.5 75.0 110.0 97.0 72.0 44.0 67.0 62.0 96.0 35.0 65.0 90.0 75.9 89.0 72.0 71.0 90.0 44.0 96.0 46.5 84.1 97.0 70.0 110.3 97.0 58.5 58.0 95.0 35.0 33.0 82.8 57.1 62.0 58.0 80.0 64.0 84.9 80.0 86.5 75.1 95.0 95.0 62.9 27.7 34.0 77.2 88.0 75.2 88.0 43.1 58.0 87.0 52.4 55.0 58.0 29.0 82.5 66.0 77.0 88.0 70.3 73.0 75.0 67.1 67.0 70.6 55.0 98.0 35.0 63.0 51.0 65.0 72.0 44.0 84.0 58.0 84.0 66.0 53.0 29.0 90.0 70.0 81.6 74.0 44.0 53.8 104.5 66.0 67.0 58.1 58.0 44.4 55.3 31.3 47.0 .0 72.8 74.0 67.8 57.0 93.0 54.0 51.0 66.0 70.0 87.0 64.0 59.3 102.0 74.5 64. 0 33.2 70.0 82.39.6 35.2 70.0 65.0 96.0 77.0 48.0 48.0 56.0 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4978.2 117.4 136.8 154.7 2186.8 133.5 140.5 125.2 2155.1 9457.6 145.0 482.3 144.2 128.8 147. 8 1223.8 1811.1 805.4 763.0 147.6 149.5 159.3 7775.1 153.8 140.5 808.4 146.0 1464.5 149.1 768.3 122.0 158.7 8987.0 149.7 3542.0 267.7 133.8 146.3 267.7 158.3 415.8 155.2 149.3 258.7 12724.9 245.8 506.4 165.8 242.7 20310.4 683.6 149.0 1373.8 3662.3 85.6 140.1 4277.1 164.3 156.3 146.7 956.5 145.9 1143.0 150.3 159.2 143.7 137.8 647.9 16695.5 695.4 1374.9 166.1 172.5 476.0 149.0 154.6 149.9 2905.8 146.5 159.8 888.5 154.7 909.0 349.2 157.2 3103.5 149.3 159.0 1523.6 607.4 145.3 820.9 1220.6 142.5 178.0 153.7 270.2707.8 137.0 151.4 125.3 275.3 .8 164.9 163.6 789.5 115.8 149.5 545.7 157.3 154.8 2271.3 145.5 145.0 157.1 163.9 792.3 152.7 2163.2 143. 2 163.2 153.8 61.1 410.0 154.8 154.8 149.1 147.0 1219.6 157.0 163.6 298.6 555.2 159.1 87.9 4.4 136.6 159.3 1101.0 148.2 554.7 134.5 143.3 297.7 165.8 29.8 137.4 144.9 40.2 152.2 152.3 577.4 155.7 155.7 161.9 160.1 141.5 327.2 344.4 142.3 1027.6 159.1 538.8 147.5 .7 161.4 54.3 87.2 309.4 162.2 134.8 2152.5 152.7 152.2 1667.6 485.4 532.1 154.2 4419.503.4 2512.0 145.9 31.8 159.0 144.9 321.4 152.4 55.5 168.9 787.2 1175.9 340.9 134.1 2207.1 126.3 301.5 168.7 21.6 159.9 122.5 157.3 223.8 142.7 433.8 64.9 127.7 165.0 149.4 162.4 157.8 36.5 98.6 162.1 143.7 140.7 132.5 690.7 111.3 134.3 134.6 157.2 138.8 331.8 5492.2 157.9 1068.4 10.4 160.5 96.4 1114. 2 36.7 10427.3 590.1 193.0 27.8 152.1 46.1 33.8 157.4 154.0 116.9 209.2 272.0 162.4 168.7 163.8 178.0 147.9 22.7 159.2 35.2 157.2 147.4 162.8 148.0 151.2 175.5 385.8 854.5 409.1 1475.5 164.5 160.8 2.4 161.5 138.9 39.4 129.7 164.8 171.7 72.4 299.6 143.2 164.9 151.4 166.1 182.9 158.2 789.8 40.5 31.2 152.6 123.7 190.7 142.0 45.1 134.8 161.3 152.0 158.8 169.9 168.7 314.7 166.8 6.5 129.8 170.7 135.7 155.2 447.849.4 163.6 180.0 108.2 169.7 2.2 87.4 1250.4 704.5 138.3 159.7 130.4 699.4 .7 157.4 13. 2 12. switched-opamp Goes.-L.SD Ahn ADC Audio P.-M.ADC Wu isV. A time-interleaved 10b.25 BiCMOS A 2.1 7.2 V 10-b A CMOS 100-MSamples/s analog-to-digital A/D Blum. Converter Shen A/D converter with T.2 21. H NQ Algorithmic 0.2 7.3-V 240-MS/s A bandpass CMOS /splbandpass Sigma//spl Cheung. TI Bipolar An 8-GSa/s We8-bit report ADC onSystem an analog KentoPoulton.Shimizu.25 An energy-efficient A low-power. Using isOhka presa NQ SAR.25 A 50-mW A 14-bit 5th-order 2. channel E. with ADC M. isconverter designed A.3 25. Logarithmic Park.1 16. 1-MS/s.09 A 7bit 800Msps A 7bit 120mW 800MspsFolding folding K.with Hanumolu ADC anwith active Improved U. features featuring C.35 A 3.-C. Modulat utilizes Lin C NQ SAR. been Drey im NQ Pipe 0.flowError in o NQ Folding. ( NQ Pipe 0. featurin bias M NQ Algorithmic 0. CMOS has K. MS/s Ito.5mW A 80dB switched-capacitor DR 36dB SNDRJ. Kim delta-sigma G.3 21.18 A/D/spl converter M.M.4 8. signal Latch J.inSuwa.065 A 500MS/s A 5b 1.S. K. /spl Delta/ V.09 A 6-bit 3.A. Nikolic 84dBach SN OS SDSC 0. scheme CMOJ NQ Folding 0.13 A 0. 10-bit.18 mixed-mode Beomsup /spl mu/m Kim in OS SDCT 0.18 A reconfigurable A reconfigurable pipelined ADC pipelined Anderson.8V Ogawa. H.8 V.35 A1V6bA 50current-interpolation MHz current-interpolating Bang-Sup technique CMOS Song is used ADC Myung-Jun to implemen Ch NQ Pipe. Folding 0.DeltaSigma Luh J. /spl Delta/ V.Sigma/-spl Paramesh modulator Delta/ R. analog energy-efficient front-end Sunyoung circuit analog Kim for afront-end Jae-Youl sub-1V digital circuit Lee h OS SDSC 0. Open-Loop Lee (ADC) with Amp NQ Pipe.5-V 10-b A 1.13 A 12-Bit 32 This /splpaper mu/Wdescribes Ratio-Independent J.1 25. Switched RC 0.18 A/D/spl converter M. in 0.2-v. Kang. ispipeline descr N.35 Kye-Shin Lee Maloberti. Chiumodulator with B.18 mixed-mode Beomsup /spl mu/m Kim in OS SDSC 0. 90nminN. demo modu OS SDSC 0..4 19.analog-to-digital Gray. converter cascadeN.2 14.1 21.D OS SDCT 0. ADC pipelined Ueda.13 ADC /spl Paulus.09 An 11-Bit A 330MHz 2-2 cascaded 8X OSRSigma-Delta /splJ. converter analog toachieves C.J. SwOpAmp 0.2 8.A/D Kawac conv NQ Flash 0. realized Cheung Pipelined using H.3 16. modulator (BP) J.851 dB MS/s.18 A 6bit 400Msps The design 70mWofADC a lowusing power Ono.C.1 23.12/spl B.18 A 2.3 8. 4-bit A 4-bit receiver 6GS/s analog-to-digital A/D converter Varzaghani.4 6.3 6. TI 0. TI 0.5mm/sup Choi 500kS/s Seung-Bin cyclic 2/ ADC ADC wit Yo OS SDSC 0.M in 0 NQ Flash 0.-K.3 6.M.5 pre-linearization V 100M.inte So for OS SDCT InP HBT A 4GHz 4th-Order A 4th-order Passive bandpass LC Bandpass L.25 A Fourth Order A low-power Continuous-Time fourth order Farzad Complex continuous-time Esfahani.R. Delta/ isH. demo modu OS SDSC 0.35 An 8-bit 125 An MS/s 8-bit 125 CMOS MS/s folding CMOS Kwangho ADC folding forYoon Gigabit ADC Jeongho using Ethernet an Lee equa LSI NQ Folding 0.4 14.35 A 12-bit mismatch-shaped This paper presents pipeline pipeline Shabra. 8-bit CMOS dual-mode Switched-Opamp Y.1 19. multi-pha Luong ADC U NQ Folding 0. Sigma//spl modulator Luong.18 A 1.utilizing Eichfeld mu/mfoC low-voltage two-stage algorithmic ADC NQ Pipe 0.2 25. 175 mW Time-Interleaved ADC Louwsma.1 TYPE ARCHITECTURE TECHNOLOGY TITLE ABSTRACT AUTHORS OS SDCT 0.6 A 1. analog-to-digital P. M. SNR 852+2 dB mash SNR 2+2 /spl mash Sigma//spl /spl Sigma//sp Delta/ OS SDSC 0.18 /spl (ADC) Wang mu/m achieves CMOS Hui Pan signalChu NQ Pipe 0.S.8 V30single T. rea Lo NQ Folding 0. Delta-Sigma Jensen modulator C. Delta/ isH.19mm/sup 11-b algorithmic 2/ M. TI 0. is presented S.35 A 3. A 1. 16-bit WeAudio haveA/d improved Converter the Matsuya. a 121 NQ Pipe. SwOpAmp 0.13 A 12 bit Continuous-Time A wide bandwidth /spl Continuous-Time Sigma//spl Paton. Algorithmic Kim ADC P.K.2V ADC 6mW in 65nm 500MS/s CMOS B. noise-shaping With Suppressed Y. multi-pha Luong ADC U NQ Pipe. aSeonghw 12-bit. Delta/ isH. TI.C.3 23. Delta/ Di Giandomenic. a 2. demo modu NQ Flash 0.3 16.-C. 400Msps. a ratio-independent JarvinenAlgorithmic M.5V 50 MS/s 10-b time-interleaved 50MS/s 2-channel Vaz. fourth-order in 0.3-V 240-MS/s A bandpass CMOS /splbandpass Sigma//spl Cheung. in(ADC) 0.4 6.H.18 A 6-Bit 800-MS/s A 6-bit 800-MS/s Pipelined Pipelined A/DD. interpolated K.1 16. CMOS a 90nm Ito.CM K NQ Norling.YEAR 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 ID 3. 8 input bit subrangi H.18 A third-order A third-order /spl Sigma//spl EA modulator Delta/ Jae modulator Hoon employing Shimin 0.3-V 240-MS/s A bandpass CMOS /splbandpass Sigma//spl Cheung.-S. converter converter A.5 V.2 6. A 1. TI 0.13 A 1-V. transceiver transceiver K. Engl. A/DA/D A.18 An 8-bit 30This MS/s paper 18 mW describes ADC with Sigenobu.3 6.2 6. 1AMS/s.13 A 10MS/s A11-b 10Ms/s 0.5 7. ADC Pipeline J. MS/s CMOS 14.13 A calibration-free A calibration-free 3V 16b 500kS/s 3V 6mW Hee-Cheol 6mW 16-bit 0.500 1.output CMOS Bluthgen.L. /spl Sanse mu/m Sig NQ Pipe. Sigma-Delta Philipp complex Based ADC/sfo NQ Cyclic 0. parallel H. pipeline J.9V 12mW An2MSPS ultra low-voltage algorithmic CMOS Jipeng ADC two-stage with Li Gil-Cho 81dB algorithm SFDR Ahn Dong-Y ADC OS SDSC 0.5 V 100 This MS/s paper 8 bit describes ADC using Sugawara. S. Tsang sigma-delta Modulator Y.5-bit Ginsburg ADC forA. NQ Algorithmic 0.5-MS/s single-loop Σ-Δ modulator Balmelli.-K.4 11.2 19. Yang.2V.5-GS/s A 6-bit 0.1. in 0.5bit Switched-RC M.4 converter a minimum NQ Folding 0. ADC ADC is fabricated K.1 6.35 GS/s. ΔΣ Sne mo NQ Pipe Bipolar An 8 b 500AnMS/s 8 b 500 full Nyquist MS/s one-bit-per-stage cascade Irie.9V Double-Sampled third-order 1. 10-bit. m OS SDCT 0.3 14. B.2 6. embedd serial-li NQ Pipe 0.4 25. power 18 M.mW Miki. Terada.3 19. MS/s Yoshida.2 16. with ADC Hanumo simple OS SDSC 0. converter converters Hae-Seungwith Leeimp NQ Flash 0.18 A third-order A third-order /spl Sigma//spl EA modulator Delta/ Jae modulator Hoon employing Shimin 0.09 7b 1.5 SiGe A 4 GHz fourth-order Test resultsSiGe for a HBT fourth-order Weinan band pass Gao band ΔΣpass Cherry.18 A 600 MSPS An 8-bit 8-bit folding folding A/D ADCconverter Zheng-Yu in 0.13 A 1.and and Makigawa Interpolation interpolation K. (ADC) sys NQ Pipe 0.S.18 A 1-V 100MS/s A 1V. pipeline pipeline A. S. 10.9V 92dB A 0. areaM o NQ Pipe 0. digital converter Knud L.13 A 4GS/s 6b A 4GS/s flash ADC 6b flash in 0. Σ-Δ modulator P. logarithmic 22MS/s Lee.2 6.folding pipelining ChoeADC Bang-Sup relieves the So OS SDSC 0. an 8-bit 1.18 A 1-V 100MS/s A 1V. analog-to-digital 850 mWMichalski.9 V 9 A mW 1MSPS digitally calibrated Dong-Young ADC Chang.5 12. Munoz.1 6.C. in Chen-Chih 90nm with the CMH NQ SC Log 0. Bishop Modulator with 4-bit K. 8-bit CMOS dual-mode Switched-Opamp Y.18 A 14bit digitally A 14bit self-calibrated digitally self-calibrated pipelined Matsui. Sigma//spl modulator Luong.L. is presented H.S.3 MS/s Abo.. schem SA . Pipe 0.L.2 16. A/D Kusayanagi.6 BiCMOS A 12 b 105This Msample/s.4 25.8 V.34 BiCMOS A highly integrated This analog analog baseband baseband Gulati.1GS/s A Reconfigurable time-interleavedTime-Interleaved pipeline Cheng-Chung ADC is designed ADC Hsu.use Chandrakasan in a UWB re OS SDSC.25 has μm Huang been digital imple Pi CM NQ Pipe 0. F. conve co NQ Two-step. 1.18 A 0.12 A 1.2V switched-capacitor 500kHz Sigma-Delta C.35 A 3.2 3. Sigma//spl modulator Luong. Ono ADC ADCT.2 19. in aQiuting 0. /spl modulator Sigma//spl with A. supply ADC T. AD with van Converter 16 Tuijl.9-V 3.13 A 1.5 14 V.. 6bit.8mW. been Drey im NQ Pipe 0. with mu/m 8bC. adaptive Daito. pipeline J. CMOS has Norling. Saukoski algorithmic ADCK. A low-voltage 88-dB sigma-delta switched-capacitor Libin modulator Yao Steyaert.13-/spl M. ADC Paulino.ADC Wu isV.-M.. buffer Mi OS SDCT 0.18 A 6GS/s. with incorporatin 75 Gil-Cho dB SFDR Ah A 1. SwOpAmp 0.2 21. /spl Delta/ V.5 An 8 b 100When MSample/s appliedCMOS to folding pipelined Myung-Jun ADCs.2 6.5-GS/s 98-mW flashFlash Deguchi. with for aC. Knudsen. realized Cheung Pipelined using H.18 A reconfigurable A reconfigurable pipelined ADC pipelined Anderson.2 19.1 16.18 0. incorporating Kang ADC with and Michael twodelibera compa P. Hu. to improve Using Z.4mm2 GSM/Bluetooth/UMTS/DVB-H/WLAN low-power Y. Digi C A 12b 11MS/s A two-comparator Successive Approximation architecture. Gao.18 0.16mm2 Fang and.D.7GS/s 2. K.-K. A 1. Cho. Vadipour.8-to-8.4mm2 GSM/Bluetooth/UMTS/DVB-H/WLAN low-power Y. An ultra-low 1.5-GS/s 4.Σ Lee. fully-reconfigurable Ke.-Y.2 2.3 19.13mm2 a digitize E.09 0. voltage and KimCom an A 7. ADC was impleme G. Zhang*. Using andlow-pow B.8-ENOB 7.065 0. Ana lo A 14b 23MS/s A 14b48mW 23MS/s Resetting ADC that C.6V A 100KS/s. the aM. Flynn. thatPipeline pipelines University ADC a first of M A 1V 11fJ/Conversion-Step This paper presents 10bit aC. Craninckx*. Dehaene. in 65nm that J.1 4. Moon Utilizing in this apa 9 A 32nm. DeltaSigma Bandpass A. P.-H.2mW A technique Delay-Compensated to compensate M. Low-Power high-resolution Oversampling ADC ADC designed with Extende for b A 10-Bit 20MHz A combined 38mW5-bit. Buter.92mWThis 10-bit paper 50-MS/s reports SAR a 10-bit Chun-Cheng ADC 50MS/s in 0.18 0. P.4mm2 GSM/Bluetooth/UMTS/DVB-H/WLAN low-power Y.M. VCO occ Ste A 12-GS/sA81-mW 12-GS/s5-Bit 5-bitTime-Interleaved time-interleaved M. Murmann Dynamic by repla Re A Fully-Differential A fully-differential Zero-Crossing-Based zero-crossing-based S.065 0. for GSM/WCDMA the C.A/D ADC Verbruggen.35 0. BWADC Using C.09 0.Pipeline Kurtze A 5th-Order A new Delta-Sigma circuit configuration Modulator Kazuo with realizing Matsukawa. on ADC Kim. Steensgaard**. P. Voltage Le. CMOS Kinget A/D converter i A 1. B. Vleu A 2.-S.3 2.1 26.2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 19.065 0. Audio Park.MHz Ashburn. J. P.065 0. continuousFully Re G. 8. with Lin.09 0.065 0.09 0. Kim.1 23.065 0.065 0.28mm2 40MS/s 1VPipelined 12b K.4mm2 GSM/Bluetooth/UMTS/DVB-H/WLAN low-power Y.2 15. converts CMOS H. Shen 8bit in 90nm Pipelined and P. J.-H.04 A 14b Low-power A pre-charging Pipelinetechnique A/D Converter K. and 1.75 5 bitGS/s 1.-S.3 23. A 2.1mW/3.4 15. for GSM/WCDMA the C. Pipe SDSC SDCT SDCT SDCT 0.10b You.-Y. continuousFully Re G. Murmann.2mW A technique Delay-Compensated to compensate M.88-GS/s E. El-Chammas. 10-bit 10MS/s Liu.2-V 77-dB A hybrid 7.Y.25 0.09 0.1 23.2 19.13μm Liu.4 22.18 0.5-MHz SD modulator Continuous-Time/Discrete-Time S. A 0. 90nm B. P.065 0. differen a Fully Lee A Process-Scalable A 13-bit ADC Low-Power is implemented M. T.18 0. Counting Pipe Pipe.5 NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS Pipe Pipe Pipe SDCT SD Class-C SDSC Ext.5 23.5mW A 0.3 22. usingG. Successive 8.1 ENOB ADC with at Nyquist) A. SAR CMOS Soon-Jyh ADCProcess withCha as A 6-bit 50-MS/s A threshold Threshold configuring Configuring Pierluigi SAR A/D SAR Nuzzo.Pipelined L.5 8. Lakdawala. Decis pip M A 12b 50MS/s A 12b3. fully-reconfigurable Ke. SAR SAR SAR SDSC. 0.09 0. is used toindesi 65n Nic A 79dB 80MHz A new8X-OSR delta-sigma Hybrid modulator O.13 0.065 0.-H. Vle filte A Low Power In switched Sigma-Delta capacitor Modulator Y.5mW A 0.8-to-8. Gao. resolu A 0.065 0.75 5GS/s Bit Flash flash B. Liu. aSAR variab Hu A A 9-bit 150-MS/s This paper 1. BW Grace.5V ADC J. continuousFully Re G.3 18. Tu. design Robert Ghz-rate methodology H.2 26. withconverter clock Alexander duty(ADC) cycle Rylyak in c A 1. Shin.2 23. Ana lo A 2. J. Gao.-T. IninWambacq. continuousFully Re G.-H. 50-MS/s. Digital ADC J. Counting SD VCO Pipe.-C. 6b 2. Delta-Sigma/Pipeline Rajaee. J.4-bit. Lin.5-GS/s A 3. a fully with M. HanC Inverterco A Split 2-0AMASH dual-path with2-0 Dual cascaded Digital Z.4 18. fully-reconfigurable Ke.-C.-Y. Differential ADC M.1 23.exploits Seong VC A dual-channel A dual-channel 10b 80MS/s 10bpipeline 80MS/s Yu. cascade-ca ADC with Akeo A 7.92 Delta-Sigma M.1.-J.032 0.B.22GHz 80-MHz BW 4th-order 8.1 7. This paper explores Jitter Insensitive the use D.18 0. SDvan modulators Veldhoven. time-interleaved ADC C.5-GHzThis 63dB paper SNRpresents 20mW direct aYoon.excess A. pipeline ADC Kang in 65nm ADC with CM A 1.modulato K.8-to-8. Craninckx*.7-ENOB 1.A/D Carlton. Craninckx*.4 23. ADC using Shin.4mm2 GSM/Bluetooth/UMTS/DVB-H/WLAN low-power Y. a 12-bit Chu.-Z. Honda. with Flynn a 2nd 87dB order SFDR resettin 11. Gealow.065 0.2V 250mW A 14b 14b pipeline 100MS/s ADC Digitally isH. J.excess A. Vleugels***. Back wa A Zero-Crossing This paper Based describes 12b 100MS/s J. a 5-Bit quantizer Perrott Noise a A 1.5V 8bit A 10Msps true low Pipelined voltage 0.065 0. Son at 5 A 10.2 15.2 23.02mm² A 65nm 300MHz CMOS all-digital 30MHz differential J.7-ENOB Seon-Kyoo Approximation successive Lee.09 0. harmful Chen. 10-40MHz.-J. architecture T. A 2. A 2.Z.6 mWA1. harmful Chen. with 0. BPMartens. 870-μW Digital low-voltage.bit Lewyn. Seung-Jin approxima ADC in Park a0 A self-background We havecalibrated developed6b aNakajima. 90nm 90 nm Digital CMO M A 6-bit 5-GSample/s A 6-bit Nyquist Nyquist A/D A/D converter M.presented Lee.Modulator Matsuura linearized.18μm pipelined H.-C. SAR S. Vadipour. ∆∑ ADC ADC hasfor been A. is with realized BackS A CMOS 6-Bit An 8-channel 16-GS/s Time-Interleaved 6-bit 16-GS/s C. Agah* **. input Time-Interleaved/Pipelin C.-J. Craninckx*.11 0.8-to-8.13 0. (CT) ΔΣGeert with Scalable program Van der 83Technology Anportable. forFIR Lo H . and 6L. TI Pipe Flash Flash Flash Pipe.with Sakaguchi. bandpass RF Young-Gyu sampling ADC which bandpass .ΣΔ Su. ADC ADC Dolev.3 23. the R. Lee.4 15. Huang. 950MHz 1stM.3GS/s A 10.4 26. area reducing 0.2 15. Casca K. Error (MASH) Correction J. fully-reconfigurable Ke. Δ pipelines ADC M. Asynchronous ADC Chang. that Reference Chen.5mW 50MS/s SAR ADC Assisted isC.5mW A 0. with based Lee. A 11-9BIST bit. of a∑∆ digitally T.3 7. Musah.Converter Choi. DSR. Pipeline CMOSH.2mA 50MS/s0. CMOS ADC Choi.18 0.3 18. continuousFully Re G.09 0.aKohler.D A Continuous-Time.5-bit 52-mW analog-to-digital flash Hayun ADC Chung. Pipe SAR SAR SAR SAR Folding Flash VCO Pipe SDCT SDCT SDCT SDCT SDCT VCO Flash. is Using realized B.09 0. 90-nm consisting Huang CM A 12-ENOB A noise-shaped 6X-OSR Noise-Shaped pipelined O. SAR C. 2-Stage M.(ADC) J.4 4. uses reference M.3 23.7 A 9.39pJ/Con H.2V Y. area Kevinin A 2.-S. 10-40MHz Enabled. Single-Opamp 2nd-order Yosuke Resona resona Mita A 500kHz-10MHz A fully flexible Multimode continuous-time Power-Performance Pieter Crombez.3GS/s 6bit (5. Nyquist based Y. Δ Modulator Nam. Converter is realized P. converter 11-9 H. P. Rajaee ADC Pipelined isand presented ADC U. ADC H. Bit. BW Daniels. SAR ADC Liu.7-V 100-dB A high-precision. Yan tw A 0. 40MS/s Lee. 1. TI Flash.4 23. withWang.aMur Dig A 48-dB DR A 2. ZCBC Pipe Pipe SDCT SDCT SDSC SDSC.isS.4 7. zero-crossing Brooks*.3􀀧W.2 7.2 22. Gao. Joshua J. converter ADC Claudio in 90-nm is present Nani.5mW A 0. 10b 26MS/s 26MS/s S.-Y.09 0. area-effic Li.RF Cor A 2. N.3 4.065 0. All-Digital VCO-based W. anti-aliasing Trofin.1 22. TI SDSC SDCT SDCT Ext.H. Pre-charging settling Furutaresp and A 90nm CMOS A 1V 12b 0.065 0.09 0. ADC inG. Lee.18 0. TI Pipe.3 26. D.09 0. fully-reconfigurable Ke.3 15. using E.8-to-8. Charge-Domain Anthony. ADC presente Takeuc A 0.-C.-S. ZCBC Pipe.13 0. Pipe Lee p A 12b 50MS/s A 12b10. H.2 15. order CT Straayer ΣΔ noise-shaped ADC with and M.2 18. Σ low-power K. ΣΔ Yazdi.-H.18 0.2 23.04 0. .04mm2. Craninckx*.18 0. Flash flash ADC B. Xinyu ADC low-power .5 23.045 0.09 0. with a proposed 0.09 0.09 0.1mW/3.2 2.05V. A High-Resolution A calibration-free. Bourdoux. combines Kulchycki.1 2.7GS/s ADC Yuji Folding . ADC E. 5GHz Nazemi. K.8 mWA∆∑ low-power ADC withcontinuous-time 83 dB DR J.2V 30mW An 8-bit 8b 800MS/s 800MS/s Time-Interleaved time-interleaved W.18 0. A.2 4. ΣΔ Yazdi. Gao.09 0.3uW 0.realized Van Calibrated deinVel.2 15.1 8.18 0.4 4. sigma-delta Chae Using and analog-to-digital ClassG. novel 13-bitcharge-do J.5mW A 0.44-mW power pipelined Pipelined J. A 2.53-mW reportsSubranged a subranged Y.atADC van a1 A Low Power A low 6-bit power Flash 6-bit ADC ADC with C. 3dB Nyquist SNDR ADC 38. background Rao. Miki. ADC Young with techniqu and OnP A 5.1 19. A 0.-C. N.028 0.low-voltage Sekimoto.5 14. S. SARTai. TI SAR SDCT SDSC SDSC VCO SDCT SDCT BP SDDT SD VCO VCO Pipe.mm2 Wu ADCinis40nm prese An 11b 300MS/s An 11b 0.04 0. Low-Power redundant Thomas Capacitive Toifl. bandwidth Chen-Yen with 30MHz continuousHo. new Matsukawa.-J.4GS/sA12b 5.09 0.-H. energy-efficient Tsai.2fJ/c. ADC Kramer Usingisaand realized Pulsed B.-H.1 11.1 21.-H.04 0.-K. TI VCO Flash Event Driven Pipe Pipe SAR. Chiu with a digital Non A Reconfigurable Mostly-DigitalG. fabricated ADC Chung in 55nm and using J.-S.A12-bit deterministic ENOB.3-GSa/s with 1-Bit/Stage H. Oh. threshold R. Embedded Tabasy.8mW An 8b 1GS/s 8b 1GS/s 2b/cycle ADC is Interleaving presented C.2 8. S. Double-Sampling ADC T. for AlAshmouny. 1. VCO-based Young. Venkatram pipelined Time-Based and architecture U. Mo P A 12-Bit.-W. A. pipeline Interpolated ADC H.-W.4 12.055 0.18 0.9dB-SNDR A high resolution 2.065 0. area efficient A.3 4. 200-MS/s. successive 2-Tap A. CMOS a 55nm Wu CMO A 96-Channel A sensor Full Data interface Rateconsumes Direct R.2 5.isFindla realiz Time A 71dB SFDR A highly Open linear Loop calibration VCO-Based S.8GS/sThis 44.3-GS/s have developed PipelineaT. with Comp two Sin. Continuous-Time Chae and6th-order Michael Bandpa P. BW. Hershberg ADC that Ringamp-Only andperforms U. Gao. with Ozeki memory and Pip S A 22-mW We 7b 1.Z.35V 10b 100KS/s energy-efficient H. ADC with I.04 0. for Bio-Pote T.5V 1.ADC E.13 0.055 0.toHurwitz.-H. Ch A 10 MHzWe BWpropose 50 fJ/conv. paper113µW presents Charge-Recycling an J.6mW paperTime-Interleaved presents aD. ADC C. freeADC B.-s. Using Hershberg Verilog Onlycode Standar and in U9 A Reconfigurable A reconfigurable 1GSps tohighly 250MSps. ADC SAR H.032 0.-T. Hyuk A 35mW 8An b 8.3 11. SAR-ADC R.2 4.09 0. ADC andAchieving area-efficient B. modulator Chang. Rao. ADCcalibrates Sahoo.2S A 4. uses PWW A 6b 3GS/s A 6b 11mW 3GS/s Fully fully Dynamic dynamic Y. is pre Yan A 75. Kuro A 1-V. presented C. Assisted Lee. Verbruggen.4GS/s 500mW 12bPipeline 2-wayJ.5 Interface mW H. Pipelined Chan. power Timeand ΔΣK.5 22. A 3.1 4.9dB 24-w S A 3.004 0. 5MHz digitalBW.04 0.065 0. Neural Walker.1 mWA11b 410410 MS/s MS/s 2x interleaved Dynamic B.09 0.25 0.065 0.1mW. 9-bitADC Highly K.13 0. conti Fl A 66dB SNDR A discrete-time 15MHz BWdelta-sigma SARC.Flash entirely Weaver. Galton a Worst-Case FO A 75.uses Tsividis a time-var Resol A 10-Bit 1-GHz A pipelined 33-mW ADC CMOS digitally B. isCMOS presented H.065 0.5 21. ΔΣTaylor.ADC Pileggi Calibratio fabricat A 0.-H.18 0.) pipeline CMOS Chou.interleaved ADC Wu.M. in ADC 90nm Chen.4 11. area Modulator Obata.D .This 40MS/s.5 19.5dB VCO-based SNDR delta-sigma VCO-Based Y. ADC Iriguchi. Shafik. 8b.3 5.065 A 12b 3GS/s A 12b Pipeline 3GS/sADC 2-way with interleaved C.18 0. is proposed Weng.5mWThis 5GS/s paper 6b describes Flash ADC V.13µm Nuyuju V sup BioBolt: AWe Minimally-Invasive report a bolt-shape Neural S. Interface K. SAR a ADC Sin. Paik ADC an A 16-mW A 8-Bit subranging 1-GS/s Subranging ADC was Y. 6.028 0. time-interleaved Danesh. ADC Oh. Dolev. TI Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe SAR. A clockless Alias-Free 8b ADC ADC inC.04 0.D.1 8. SAR with ADC M. interleaves Zhu.inWeaver. Moon precisi Pipeli A 70MS/s A69.5-mWA8-b 8-b750-MS/s 2-b/step asynchronous 2-b/Step Y. Elies. charge-sharin ADC M. D.-D.C. ADC from B.2 25.3 21.2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 12. Wireless neural Epid inte M. SNDR a new Noise-Shaped ΔƩ T. N C A 10b 320An MS/s open-loop 40 mWinterpolated Open-Loop M.Bandw Hung A 69dB SNDR.demonstrates B. Asynchronous Lien subrangedSubranged SAR ADC SA is A 34fJ 10bA 500 10b MS/s 500MS/s Partial-Interleaving ADC . a with 5GS/s Dynamic Chen 6bit and flash Offset L.8 asynchronous GS/s SAR 8x ADC interleaved Lukas with Kull. Simple ADCS. in 28nm (W.5dB A SNDR ring amplifier Pipelinedbased ADCB. Morie.3 8. UsingA.3 19. Nikolic 50.4 11. tha SoR A 2.3 12.with Mita cir A 5MHz BW In this 70.2 0. 1. approximation FFE/1-Tap K. 800MS/s Hyungil reconfigurable. A low-voltage 0.4 5. Bac di A 6b 10GS/s A 64-way TI-SARtime-interleaved ADC with E. Murm by Bu A 10-Bit 800-MHz 19-mW CMOS Shiuh-hua ADC Wood Chiang. SAR that Y. A new25MHz power-efficient. that ADC utilizes S. 7-bitJ.065 0.Config Sekc A 2.065 0.-K. Chan.1 12.130nm with Weltin-Wu. ADC 7-b Yamase.-H.065 0.1MS/sec This paper 6. TI SAR TI SAR Pipe.96mW 29fJ/Conv-Step pipelined B.capacitor Razavi mismatc A 61.13 0. H.4J. ADC S.2fJ/Conversion-Step with time-based T.2 12.09 0.-C. Uchida 1-bit/stage Folding and pipel H. TI Flash SAR Pipe SAR.powerStepanovic. A high-speed.Threshold Shikata. TI Pipe Pipe. using Maghari.1dB This SNDR paper 840MS/s presents CT DS aChi-Lun 30MHz Modulator Lo.022 0.-K.2 11.0 ENOB low 24MS/s power K.-C.-H.13 0. and 17fJ/conv. 11.2 19. Highly-Scalable isWeaver. 500mW Chen and pipeline and 0.09 0.-H.1 25. full-s S. Miyahara. ΔΣ Alpman.2-Level ADC Elshazly. minimally-invasive Chang.3fJ/conversion-step presents an A. Folding Pipe Subranging SAR SAR SAR SAR Flash Single Slope. Reddy.-Y TriS A 379nW A 58. extremely Shikata. that shares S. not Continuous only K.09 0.13 0. Flash flash ShuADC ADCinis 40nm fabricated CMOS in 4w An Event-Driven.032 0.-I.5 4.2 NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ NQ Pipe.3 25. calibration B. 22nm an 8b C. Yoshioka.2 14. pipeline ADC M.0058mm^2 An extremely 7.Moon Quantizer tw An 85dB SFDR A 1-0 MASH 67dB SNDR sigma-delta 8OSR S.045 0. Y.4 8.24pJ/Conversion-Step Double-Sampling T.1 5.7dB paper.4 5.065 0. Two-Step a noise-shaped U. B.4 25.isZhu. efficient Y. presented K.Using pipelined Hershberg.4 21.3 25. for A 4. Signal-Dependent CMOS Y.H. frominP. ΔΣ Modulator C. Lee.-S.ADC 240MS/s Lee.SAR Chen. Pipelined T. ΣΔ ADC Y. VCO-Based K. with operati Tri-Lev T. TI 0.5 8.5-mW low-power Pipeline N. Lee.-Y. Pipelined 11bit pipelined SAR M. withSh a Digitally Synthesized An ADC is synthesized StochasticS.028 0.-T.-Y.Martin SAR ADC Re An 8. Pipeline is proposed.065 0.-W. 2 1.75 3.50E+08 2.05E+07 1.0 40.6 0.50E+07 5.8 0.0 52.00E+07 2.00E+05 3.00E+06 8.6016 2.10E+07 SNDR_hf [dB] 91.5 33.75E+09 5.56 SNDR_lf [dB] fin_hf [Hz] 2.0 63.00E+04 4. SNR not reported Includes preamplifier Double-sampling mode Quadrature mode 0.4 0.25E+06 2.96 Calibration GSM mode WCDMA mode SNDR.5 44.00E+06 5.0 22.19 0.5 0.44 6.00E+09 3.00E+08 2.5 2.25E+07 6.50E+05 2.32 2.6 26.68 1.5 8 1.4 77.4 60.9 55.00E+05 2.0 89.1 31.3 1.3 12.2 55.15E+06 5.00E+06 1.00E+06 4.8 1.50E+07 2.0 33.0 48.00E+07 2.00E+07 2.55E+07 2.88 1.68 5.00E+09 5.5 42.00E+05 5.08E+04 5.00E+08 5.0 33.04 0.2 45.4 57.9 1.50E+08 1.3 78.5 0.20E+07 2.9 1.2 1.70E+05 2.0 55.00E+08 5.2 40.0 72.51 1.04 2.0 67.3894 0.00E+06 2.50E+08 2.00E+05 5.5 70.00E+03 5.9 36.0 56.2688 0.00E+06 4.24 5.00E+06 6.0 40.4 1.3 1.50E+07 2.0 78.32 1.4 61.7 1.055 0.0 84.7 0.0 31.00E+08 9.00E+07 4.5 47.00E+07 1.8 56.5 43.19 0.2 0.25E+07 1.3 45.40E+04 5.44 1.COMMENTS Csamp [pF] Software calibration AREA [mm^2] 29.0 .00E+05 1.00E+06 7.00E+07 5.0 54.7 41.00E+07 4.00E+06 1.1485 0.25 0.00E+05 2.1 0.5 58.5 0.0 60.28 1.5 4.00E+07 1.5 58.75E+08 1.15 0. 0 63.00E+06 7.00E+07 4.0 58.7 62.0 30.0055 0.44 1.090 0.1 67.15E+09 2.0 32.4 UMTS mode 0.4 DVB-H mode 0.50E+09 5.3 44.30E+07 2.028 Power includes digital 1.00E+08 5.6 24.92E+06 70.00E+07 1.0 53.16 0.0 32.0 63.075 0.12 1 0.8 0.0308 0.13 0.00E+07 5.4 60.7 63.00E+06 5.13 0.50E+07 2.4 52.0 78.4 0.0 32.00E+07 3.2V 0.50E+06 5.0 86.5 65.75E+08 2.2 64.00324 14 3.00E+07 2.4694 0.18 Data at fin=10MHz 0.1 28.00E+03 1.00E+06 7.4 95.0 72.71 Bandpass 0.92E+06 1.8 33.0 47.0 64.075 0.00E+07 1.00E+05 5.00E+07 4.3 41.00E+07 2.0 65.0 56.0 63.60E+07 5.7 30.0 25.0 76.00E+07 4.086 Data for VDD=1.7 0.50E+07 5.33 A different use of the term "switched-opamp" 0.8 1.04 3.0 48.0 73.50E+04 1.50E+06 8.26 0.0 53.00E+07 1.7 0.3 2.50E+07 5.25E+08 1.4 WLAN mode 0.0 33.84E+09 2.32 0.125 0.00E+05 2.00E+04 1.00E+09 3.4 0.35E+09 3.16 0.3 75.18 0.00E+07 1.95E+06 8.4 0.123 0.01 Data for 20MHz BW.75 0.5 39.3 64.32 0.15E+07 2.00E+07 8.25E+06 5.00E+05 1.0 .0 75.33E+06 2.185 0.00E+07 1.50E+07 1.02 1.100 0.00E+09 5.9 62.7 54.5 0.4 BT mode 0.50E+07 5.2 70.8 82.00E+05 2.89 0.125 GSM mode 0.0 68.00E+06 2.00E+06 4.28 0.4 Differential mode 0.5 0.1 73.00E+08 8.50E+07 1.3 54.3 Numbers for BW=20MHz 0.85 1.085 27. power for SDC core only 0. 03 5.0 2.225 5.5 0.0 The data listed2.11 1.00E+07 at 10MHz 75.50E+09 30.0 0.11 60.071 3.100 0.00E+08 50.50E+07 69.3 0.00E+07 65.7 Recorded power does nt include digital post-processor 0.0 .3 Data for Modulator B 0.4 jitter.50E+08 33.00E+08 38.18 1.00E+07 70.0.0 0. ADC breaks beyond this frequency 0.00E+08 57.42 1.004 3.00E+08 52.05E+08 30.33 29.8 0.0 0.00E+04 50.0 4.50E+09 33.0 0.3 0.40E+09 48.25 2.00E+07 44.128 0.1 0.0 0.1 Data for fin=100MHz.37 5.046 2.0 Includes FFE/DFE 0.00E+06 59.00E+08 40.50E+09 51.000 0.00E+07 75.9 0.50E+05 46.50E+08 52.0396 1.00E+09 27.023 6.2 5.9 0.81E+09 37.3 2.05E+08 55.0058 1.75E+07 70.021 1.0 0.00E+06 70.4 2.2 0.2 0.2 5.9 Reported HF performance was genarated by subtarting 0.50E+07 66.0 0.013 5.55 5. with jitter include Only fin=1MHz data reported.6 0.70E+09 here is from the conference talk.064 0.50E+07 61.9 0.0 0.98 degrades significantly 1.0 1.04 1.46 1.56E+04 45.00E+08 52.61.0 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.36 1.18 55.051 1.5 0.00E+08 42.055 2.56E+04 60.0 0.1 8.26 65.2 8.1 3.5 1.00E+03 58.5 69.0 Used data for highest BW 0.00E+06 73.2 0.1 0.06 2.075 3.025 39.23E+07 44.50E+08 56.28 estimate 1.75E+08 43.00E+04 56.4 1.9 0.1 fcenter = 200MHz 0.16 5.9 0.0112 5.50E+07 67. but unlikely that anything 1.02 33.18 1.0 0. 00E-03 4.10E+09 2.0 59.0 88.9 73.0 67.70E+00 1.00E+06 1.0 67.0 31.0 45.00E+06 1.35E+09 3.20E-05 1.0 72.0 48.0 33.0 52.0 82.0 60.0 60.1 67.0 46.20E-01 6.0 55.0 46.0 76.9 60.80E-02 6.0 55.25E+01 3.0 30.0 40.5 58.40E+07 3.00E+09 1.20E+07 .0 90.2 71.4 58.28E+08 4.0 78.00E-03 4.40E+08 4.0 68.00E+08 4.4 77.00E+09 5.80E-01 8.25E+08 3.00E-03 1.10E-02 9.02E+06 6.4 57.00E-02 3.0 53.00E+08 8.00E+09 1.50E-01 4.0 30.6 26.0 55.60E-02 1.65E-01 5.5 70.2 45.2 55.0 62.3 81.00E+08 1.0 76.00E+07 8.50E-01 2.60E-02 2.40E+07 6.0 55.00E+07 4.00E-02 8.00E+05 3.7 41.17E+04 1.00E+08 5.0 56.80E-02 7.0 84.0 75.0 91.00E+08 1.00E+07 8.40E+08 2.5 58.90E-01 2.1 31.5 43.00E+07 4.20E-02 5.68E-01 9.00E+07 1.00E+08 6.7 78.50E+09 1.70E-02 9.00E+07 8.0 89.40E+08 2.0 84.0 45.00E+08 2.7 87.0 84.2 40.70E-02 3.00E-03 7.0 90.0 SNDR_plot [dB] 91.0 72.SNR [dB] 92.0 DR [dB] 94.0 76.80E-02 4.30E+07 5.14E+06 6.60E-03 6.0 63.2 46.00E+08 1.4 76.0 40.3 53.0 85.00E+06 1.05E-01 3.50E-03 1.0 88.0 86.14E+06 8.0 75.5 44.50E-01 9.0 22.0 67.07E-01 1.00E-02 1.54E-03 fs [Hz] 6.0 68.5 36.3 78.0 80.7 62.3 69.50E-03 1.0 76.20E+06 4.6 54.0 P [W] 6.00E+07 4.5 47.80E-01 3.00E+07 1.0 61.1 80.00E+08 1.00E+06 1.8 56.4 60.00E-01 7.40E-02 3.37E-02 3.00E+08 5.5 52.0 69.0 35.00E+09 6.0 86.10E-01 1.00E-02 1.0 54.0 76.08E-02 7.0 92.00E+08 4.10E+07 4.00E-02 3.50E-01 1.5 33.0 33.94E-05 7.2 64.0 96.05E+08 1.90E-02 1.00E-02 1.0 77.0 85.40E-03 7.70E-02 3.0 -THD [dB] SFDR [dB] 69.80E-01 9.8 35.9 36.00E-02 1.80E+08 5.00E+07 2.9 55.0 56.5 80.00E-03 1.43E+07 1.3 62.0 47.00E+07 5.20E+00 2.5 42. 0 56.24E+07 1.00E+08 1.4 95.0 75.00E+07 2.50E-03 1.5 67.50E+08 8.7 62.0 83.0 70.1 28.0 64.40E+08 3.4 52.32E-03 6.20E-02 8.3 54.00E+08 1.0 94.0 1.90E-03 8.60E+07 5.02E-01 1.80E-03 9.40E-01 5.6 8.60E-03 3.0 75.28E+08 1.0 51.40E+08 2.0 76.0 76.2 70.5 39.82.0 25.0 48.60E+10 1.0 84.5 70.40E+08 1.2 70.0 45.3 85 78 75 72 58 79.15E+08 5.60E-03 1.00E-02 5.64E-01 2.2 67 59.57E-03 1.50E-03 9.20E-02 7.20E-04 2.36E-02 5.80E-02 3.84E-02 3.60E-06 6.55E-03 1.80E-05 1.0 78.0 80.50E+08 3.4 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