ADC Section 4 Commuter Facilities Design Requirements and Checklist Forms

March 20, 2018 | Author: Yam Balaoing | Category: Bus, Traffic, Stairs, Tunnel, Kitchen



SECTION 4 COMMUTER FACILITIES DESIGN REQUIREMENTSArchitectural Design Criteria : Section 4 Commuter Facilities Design Requirements CONTENTS Title 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 Commuter Facilities Architectural Design Requirements Commuter Facilities M&E Design Requirements Architectural Checklist For Bus Interchange Architectural Checklist For Bus Shelter / Bus Bay Architectural Checklist For Taxi / Passenger Pick-Up Shelter Architectural Checklist For Pedestrian Overhead Bridge (POB) Architectural Checklist For Pedestrian Underpass Architectural Checklist For Covered Linkway Architectural Checklist For Covered Walkway Rev. A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 Date July 09 July 09 July 09 July 09 July 09 July 09 July 09 July 09 July 09 Attached Drawings: Bus Interchange Bus Shelter / Bus Bay Taxi / Passenger Pick-Up Shelter Pedestrian Overhead Bridge (POB) Pedestrian Underpass Commuter Facilities M&E Requirements L/CFADC/AR/BI/0001-0013 L/CFADC/AR/BS/0001-0005 L/CFADC/AR/TS/0001-0008 L/CFADC/AR/POB/0001-0003 L/CFADC/AR/PU/0001 L/ROAD/MES/SK/0001-0011 Jul 2009 Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 LTA Architectural Design Criteria : Section 4.1 Page-1/14 Commuter Facilities Architectural Design Requirements CONTENTS INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................3 1 2 BUS INTERCHANGE .....................................................................................................................4 2.1 General .....................................................................................................................................4 2.1.1 Pedestrian Circulation ........................................................................................................4 2.1.2 Bus Circulation ..................................................................................................................4 2.1.3 Public Transit Signage .......................................................................................................4 2.2 Concourse Area ........................................................................................................................4 2.2.1 Area....................................................................................................................................4 2.2.2 Boarding berths..................................................................................................................5 2.2.3 Alighting berths .................................................................................................................5 2.2.4 Seating provisions..............................................................................................................5 2.2.5 Public Telephones Points ...................................................................................................5 2.2.6 External water access points and power points ..................................................................5 2.2.7 Fire Safety Provisions. .......................................................................................................5 2.2.8 Safety demarcation line......................................................................................................5 2.2.9 Safety Barriers ...................................................................................................................5 2.2.10 Integrated bus Interchanges ...............................................................................................5 2.3 Bus Parking Area / Driveway/ Boarding & Alighting Berths...................................................5 2.3.1 Vehicular Access -Segregated Ingress/ Egress. .................................................................6 2.3.2 Driveway............................................................................................................................6 2.3.3 Parking Lots .......................................................................................................................6 2.3.4 Bus park wheel stoppers ....................................................................................................6 2.3.5 Boarding/Alighting Berths .................................................................................................6 2.3.6 Road Elements ...................................................................................................................7 2.3.7 Traffic Scheme...................................................................................................................7 2.3.8 Perimeter fencing/anti-climb railings.................................................................................7 2.3.9 Fire Safety Provisions ........................................................................................................7 2.4 Offices / Facilities.....................................................................................................................7 2.4.1 Passenger Service Office ...................................................................................................7 2.4.2 Administration Office ........................................................................................................7 2.4.3 Staff Lounge.......................................................................................................................7 2.4.4 Canteen/Snack Corner - Only snack corner is allowable for integrated bus interchange (no cooking) .......................................................................................................................7 2.4.5 Kitchen/Food Preparation Area – No Kitchen for integrated bus interchange, but food preparation area (no cooking) is allowable ........................................................................8 2.4.6 Technician's Room.............................................................................................................8 2.4.7 Ticket Office ......................................................................................................................8 2.4.8 Add value Machine (AVM )Room ....................................................................................8 2.4.9 Store Room ........................................................................................................................8 2.4.10 Cleaner's Room ..................................................................................................................8 2.4.11 Systems Room - .................................................................................................................8 2.4.12 Toilet Facilities ..................................................................................................................8 2.4.13 Retail Commercial Space...................................................................................................9 2.4.14 ATM Equipment Space......................................................................................................9 2.4.15 Bin Point/Centre.................................................................................................................9 2.4.16 Bicycle Racks.....................................................................................................................9 2.4.17 First Aid Room ..................................................................................................................9 July 2009 Section 4.1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 ...................................................................................................................2 Sizing of Bus bay.................................................. 11 4.......................... 13 5................ 12 5 PEDESTRIAN OVERHEAD BRIDGE AND PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS .............................................................3 Pedestrian Overhead Bridge Detailing ..5 Linkway Shelters .....2 Bus shelters.............................................................................................................. 10 3......Page-2/14 3 BUS BAYS........4 Pedestrian Underpass Detailing ...................................................................... 11 4....... 13 5..............4 Pedestrian Overhead Bridge Shelters ................................ 13 5.................................................. 11 4............... 10 3............................................................................ 13 5. 12 4.................................................................................................................................................................. 13 July 2009 Section 4.....1 Design of Bus Bay.........................................................................1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 ................................................................................................................. 10 4 SHELTERS ... 12 4....................................................................................................1 General ......................................................................................................................1 Location.........................................................................................3 Taxi /passenger pickup shelters .......................................................................2 Provisions ............................................................................................................................. CF E&M Design Requirements and any site specific design constraints to form part of the design brief for a particular project.1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . the relevant CF Checklists.Page-3/14 1 INTRODUCTION This document outlines the design requirements applicable to Commuter Facilities (CF) architectural works. It shall be incorporated along with Sections 1 and 2 of the ADC. July 2009 Section 4. 1. signalised pedestrian. All M&E services within the bus interchange are for the sole purpose to serve the bus interchange only. Traffic schemes shall be submitted by traffic consultant for approval by the Authority. Design the interchange concourse areas. an additional ingress/egress is to be considered. private properties within the development.Page-4/14 2 BUS INTERCHANGE 2. all public spaces. 2. services shafts.1 Concourse Area Area Permanent bus interchange to be air-conditioned. A minimum 6m clear run off distance from the comb plates of both the upper and lower landings of any escalator serving the bus interchange is required. Buses shall be able to make full movement to/from both sides of the access roads. Design the bus interchange to form an integrated transport node where in close proximity to a MRT/LRT station. emergency exits and other structures. 2. Where pedestrian need to traverse the ingress or egress areas. Where the entrances and exits of the bus interchange are via any establishments. Minimum 8 m clear width free from all encumbrances (including queue rails) at boarding/alighting berth July 2009 Section 4. Layout of the bus interchange shall discourage jaywalking by pedestrians across the bus driveway or bus park area. The design shall aim to prevent jaywalking by pedestrians along the bus driveway/bus park. Traffic Impact Assessments(TIA) shall be carried out and submitted for approval. If space permits. Bus drivers shall have a clear view of the main road traffic prior to exiting from the bus interchange driveway onto the main road. There shall be a clear segregation between the human and vehicular circulation.2. There shall be no obstruction to sight at the ingress and egress of the bus interchange in accordance with the Authority’s requirements. Transfer between the rail and bus is to be seamless and sheltered. 2. The layout shall also avoid the allowance for reversing of other bus types which may only be considered if there are serious space constraints and where there are sufficient mitigating safety measures to the approval of the Authority. entrances. No service access is allowed within the bus interchange area.1 General Refer to Drawings L/CFADC/AR/BI/0001-0013.1. bringing in natural light and ventilation to enhance the spaces. Minimum clear sight distance to be provided in accordance with the LTA Civil Design Criteria. bus operators' facilities.1 Pedestrian Circulation There shall be no pedestrian routes within the bus parking and bus circulation areas. particularly for a large bus interchange with heavy bus circulation. overhead or underground crossings shall be considered. the designer shall confirm the right of access to the bus interchange shall be maintained during its operational hours.3 Public Transit Signage Berth signage and service plates to be provided by bus operators in accordance with LTA’s DGM Provide stainless steel frame and brackets for berth signage & brackets for service plates at side of queue railing. These shall include the ingress and egress areas of the bus interchange.1. A fully signalised junction shall be provided at the ingress and egress areas in accordance with the Authority’s requirements. A safety review shall be carried out for the bus interchange design by a qualified independent safety reviewer to be accepted or approved by the Authority.1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . 2. Integrated bus interchanges shall be capable of being secured and not accessible by members of public after bus operational hours. The bus interchange design shall be submitted through the Authority for review and comments by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).2 Bus Circulation The layout shall not require articulated buses to reverse at any time.2 2. 2.3 Bus Parking Area / Driveway/ Boarding & Alighting Berths Traffic Impact Study of the interchange and areas in the vicinity to be submitted by specialist/traffic consultant to relevant Authority Bus Interchange Simulation Study - To be submitted by specialist/traffic consultant to the Authority for approval.8 Safety demarcation line. of power points/Telephone points. of berths to be confirmed and approved by the Authority. 2. Nos.2. of 4-seater benches with armrests Location and type of seats to be approved by the Authority To comply with latest BCA's Code on Barrier-Free Accessibility in Buildings. Automated screen doors (ASD) to be equipped with auto-lock mechanism when switched off locally at each individual screen doors during non-operation hours shall be provided.2.Page-5/14 2. Doors to be lockable after operating hours. July 2009 Section 4.3 Alighting berths additional requirements Concourse Security Access.10. (Refer to drawing ref. 2.2.2. Auxiliary rooms for sprinkler tanks & pumps to be provided. 600mm wide yellow tactile tiles set at 600mm away from driveway kerb perpendicular to commuters’ flow.10. 2. clear width of queue rails to be 700mm excluding bum rests. All accesses to air-conditioned concourse area should be lockable for security reasons.10. Alighting berth concourse area shall be air-conditioned (for permanent bus interchange). Stainless steel railing with bum-rests to comply with LTA (M&W) specification 2.9 Safety Barriers Location and application subject to LTA's approval.4 Seating provisions Minimum of 6 nos.2. For Bollards refer to drawing ref L/CFADC/AR/BI/0002 .2. 2. To be lockable and vandal proof.6m. Alighting berths One alighting berth per 6 services No. Automated screen doors to be equipped with auto lock mechanism when they are switched off after operational hours. All doors leading into the boarding and alighting areas shall be heavy duty to withstand the high usage from commuters entering and leaving the bus interchange.1 Boarding berths additional requirements Automated screen door access to be used with sensors and linked to loop detector. 2.10 Integrated bus Interchanges 2.2 2. Guardrails to be provided for exposed hosereels/hydrants To comply with FSSD requirements.2. Location to be confirmed by LTA.2. Public phone booth to be provided at each of the locations.2. Boarding Area to be air-conditioned. Automated screen door to be made of tempered glass and should not be exceptionally high. The lateral clearance between the road kerb and any element shall be minimum 0.1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .6 2.2 Boarding berths Saw-tooth: 3 (max)services per berth End-on: 2 (min) berths per service Min. L/CFADC/AR/BI/0012) 2.5 Public Telephones Points Minimum 4 nos.2.7 External water access points and power points Fire Safety Provisions. and location to be confirmed by the Authority. Alternative means of switching off each ASD shall be provided at the PSO office for remote control by the operator. Height to be approved by the Authority. Min.3. bus trials at site shall be carried out by the consultant so as to satisfy the Authority that the above mentioned requirements have been met. columns or any other vertical surfaces along the bus interchange bus parking. driveway and boarding & alighting berths areas as required by the safety review and audit. 2.0 nos. clear width : 18 meters.3. Drains with gratings for the bus interchange driveway. 2. clear width: 14 metres Single-loaded with end-on reverse parking/One directional – Min. 2. A flat area to store at a least a 12m bus or 18m articulated bus at the top of the slope is required for buses to wait safely. Retro reflective sheet shall be provided on walls.4 Bus park wheel stoppers For provision of bus park wheel stoppers at bus parking lots. Standard 18m articulated bus park dimensions . 2. To be signalised with provisions for both left & right turns. refer to drawing ref.Min. L/CFADC/AR/BI/0003. For standard 12m buses measures to mitigate the safety hazard from reversing buses shall be proposed.3.3. driveway and boarding & alighting berths areas. of parking lots per service Standard 12m Standard bus park dimensions .5 Boarding/Alighting Berths Boarding berths .Overall width. For parking lot diagrams. clear width:12 metres Double-loaded/two directional.Page-6/14 - This study shall include all testing with an accepted software program to verify / ensure that the bus circulation design within the bus interchange is safe and efficient for operation. Double loaded with end-on reverse parking/Two directional – Min.Overall width. L/CFADC/AR/BI/0003 Location and application to be approved by the Authority. Width of ingress/ egress to be determined by Simulation Study carried out by traffic consultant. A minimum clear height of 5. To ensure that the point of apex at the upper level of the ramp clears and does not damage the low undercarriage of wheel-chair accessible buses. Overall length. Pedestrian crossing at egress/ingress to be raised and free from visual obstruction. Layout of driveway to be endorsed by traffic consultant and submitted to the Authority for approval.1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . boarding and alighting berths areas shall be located on the driveway level and not on the berth paving level near the kerb. Location of ingress/egress to be approved by the Authority. Overall length. clear width : 21 meters. 2.1 Vehicular Access -Segregated Ingress/ Egress. 6m apart for Equidistance of parallel parking lots. Provision of chain gate/barrier at both ingress/egress to prevent unauthorised parking after bus operational hours.3500mm. Standard road humps to be used otherwise in accordance with LTA Standard Details Of Road Elements. Layout/clear width of driveway approved by the Authority. Detail shall be in accordance to LTA Standard Road Elements. No reversing from parking lots is permitted for articulated buses. Driveway ramp gradient shall not be steeper than 1:20.3500mm. This study shall ensure that all sawtooth berths are designed to allow berthing / parking of wheelchair accessible buses (WABs) such that the bus will aligned parallel and close to the sawtooth berth kerb to allow the deployment of the WAB's ramp.4m is required at the bus interchange bus parking. July 2009 Section 4. Kerb height for driveway and berths should be 175mm with black /white strip painting.2 Driveway Single-loaded/One-directional. . If necessary. Vehicular bus friendly road humps to be provided at driveways with loaded buses. Location and application to be approved by the Authority.3 Parking Lots 2.Sawtooth -Equidistance of 5-6m apart (1 berth to 3 services).3. refer to drawing ref.18200mm. Bus parking lots to be defined with 100mm thick thermoplastic yellow paint marking. 4m apart for Equidistance of parallel parking lots.12700mm. 1 timekeeper (TK)= 8 square meters (inclusive of Customer Service Counter area of 4 m2). 2. vehicular impact guardrails. July 2009 Section 4. 2 TK's = 12 m2. 4 numbers of “No Walking Within Bus Park” signs to be provided with signage graphics complying with the Road Traffic Act. Additional 1 sq.Page-7/14 Alighting berths .3.7 2. Location to be provided by the Authority.Boarding tongue to be minimum width of 2.4 Offices / Facilities Fire protection services/provisions to be incorporated in accordance to FSSD requirements for all offices/facilities. 2.9 Traffic Scheme Perimeter fencing/anti-climb railings Fire Safety Provisions Traffic schemes to be submitted by traffic consultant and verified by the Authority.3.1 Passenger Service Office Each Time Keeper (TK) oversees 10 services/ routes. Vehicle impact guardrail to be provided for exposed hosereels/hydrants.4 m.56m2. to comply with latest LTA Standard Details of Road Elements requirements.6 Road Elements Internal & External Traffic signages/road markings/road humps/road elements. Safety guide stainless steel railings to be provided. General Room Signage for all room facilities to be provided in accordance with LTA's DGM. All built-in furniture to be provided for by operators Sliding viewing glass windows between passenger service office – Subject to approval by the Authority. Clear width of driveway from berth lots to be at minimum of 9 m Layout and location to be approved by the Authority.4. End-on berths (only for standard 12m buses). The roof design at the boarding and alighting berths shall ensure that the bus is fully sheltered from the rain.Canteen.1 timekeeper (TK). To be provided where necessary to prevent jaywalking and is subject to the Authority’s approval. Separate access/room area for both primary/secondary operator Primary Operator Room Area . 2.3. Nos.4. m for each additional Services. All built-in furniture to be provided for by operators Tempered glass panel and half wall with or without customised openings with service counter top The provision and dimension of the customised openings shall be confirmed by the bus operators. Boarding and alighting berths to cater for standard 12m bus.4 Canteen/Snack Corner . impact bollards. Certain berths have to cater for standard 18m articulated bus.Straight -Equidistance of 5-6m apart (1 berth to 6 services). 3 TK's = 16 m2 Secondary Operator Room Area . Location to be approved by the Authority. Manual Operated Aluminium Roller Shutters Subject to approval by the Authority.2 Area 16 to 30m2 All built-in furniture to be provided for by operators 2. To comply with FSSD requirements.3 Administration Office Area: 1st 4 services. “No Entry Except Buses” signs to be provided at each side of the access. Subject to the Authority’s approval 2.4.8 2.1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . number to be confirmed by the Authority.Only snack corner is allowable for integrated bus interchange (no cooking) Staff Lounge Area(inclusive of servery): .8m2 (inclusive of Customer Service Counter of 4 m2). and application to be approved by LTA. 2.3.16m2. etc inclusive of pole/footings/thermoplastic markings/pedestrian crossings. Counter design shall be in accordance with drawings ref L/CFADC/AR/BI/0005 to L/CFADC/AR/BI/0008 2.4. 8m2. 2. To provide 1 wash basin. Manual closed aluminium roller shutter for entrance.2m x 3m *Area. sanitary napkin disposal unit fitted in every w. urinal and wash basin to be provided. Seating Capacity. Size of opening to be coordinated with the operator who will provide the exhaust system and ducting. All walls to be fully tiled. but food preparation area (no cooking) is allowable Area. L/CFARC/AR/BI/0004.Area. To be approved by LTA.4.4. Servery area.7 Technician's Room Ticket Office Kitchen/Food Preparation Area – No Kitchen for integrated bus interchange. Female toilet shall contain space provision for 1 no.6m Security door/grille & lock are to be provided.Snack Corner.4. Clear width of queue rail to be 700mm wide.4. Wall opening for exhaust duct to be provided at approved canteen only.2. Length and layout to be approved by LTA. - 2. Opening of size 1076mm (height) x 555mm (width) to be provided for each AVM at the frontage wall.42m2.4.4. To be approved by the Authority. 2.1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Handicap toilet shall preferably be provided with a sliding door. Canteen. Width of each counter to be 1400mm.2m x 3m (2 m wide frontage) Equipment Room for 2 AVMs .Page-8/14 Snack corner. Queue railings.2m x 2m Minimum Height .4. . Refer to drawing ref. To be approved by the Authority.10 Store Room Cleaner's Room Area.6m2 Area . Female toilet/Handicapped Toilet provisions to follow NEA requirements.8m2 2. otherwise named as food preparation area To provide 1 double bowl double drainer wash basin. . July 2009 Section 4. 2.w/o cooking facilities. Male Toilet provisions to follow NEA requirements with an additional number of WC. Store room (Rodent-Free) Area.with cooking facilities.5 Area. Refer to drawings ref L/CFADC/AR/BI/0001 Security door/grille & lock to be provided.30 persons.6 2.Area.Location and application to be approved by the Authority.9 2.8 Add value Machine (AVM )Room Equipment Room for 1 AVM .To be approved by the Authority.10m2 Area – 6m2 (only applicable to temporary bus interchange) 2. Other requirements to be advised by the Authority. Provision of canteen with cooking facilities subject to approval from the Authority.5 m (4 m wide frontage) Security door/grille & lock to be provided .4.c. mirror shall be tilted towards user and coat hooks shall be placed at height comfortable for wheelchair user on the toilet door. Provide 5 sets of table.11 Systems Room - Area.4.12 Toilet Facilities Area.15m2 Kitchen is for approved canteen only.4.4m x 3 m (4m wide frontage) Tempered glass panel and half wall with customised openings incorporating service counter top.4 m x 2. cubicle.subject to provisions required as stipulated below. To refer to drawing ref L/CFADC/AR/BI/0009 to L/CFADC/AR/BI/0010 Manual closed aluminium roller shutter. 4. All seating toilet bowls to be provided with cover usable by both adult and children. Manual closed aluminium roller shutter to be provided 2.4. all piping shall be concealed or boxed off. Door .2) + 20 sq.Page-9/14 Space for baby changing facilities which include a fold down changing mat.4. Location to be approved by the Authority 2. Wheel-chair.1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .Air conditioning.5m Height . single door leaf.m. Bin centre to be provided for refuse output exceeding 1000L/day In accordance to NEA requirements. .7. Auxiliary facilities : Handryer Soap dispenser Mirror Toilet fixture Jumbo roll holder with at least 1 key each Location and application of all architectural fixtures/finishes for male/female/ handicapped to be approved by the Authority. Rubbish and Power vehicles shall not be allowed to enter the bus interchange or affect bus circulation and operations.4. 2.5 m2 Dimensions . Furniture and fittings .Minimum 2. Ventilation requirements .Soap dispenser.4. Footpath to be provided for easy access if necessary.Minimum 3m by 2. All toilet provisions to comply with NEA's requirements 2. The bin centre/point and substation shall be located to facilitate efficient operation of the bus interchange and away from concourse area. Location to be approved by the Authority. First Aid Room July 2009 Section 4.5m.Locked door. Location is to be approved by the Authority 2. A minimum 40 bicycles racks shall be provided at one designated entrance. shelf and facility to dispose of soiled diapers shall be provided. Foldable Bed.13 Retail Commercial Space - Area ( be provided by operator.) to be determined by the following formula: (concourse area x 0.14 ATM Equipment Space Floor area of 1. First Aid cabinet.15 Bin Point/Centre A dedicated bin centre/point and electrical substation shall be provided in accordance with relevant authorities' requirements.5m x 1. Oxygen tank. Stretcher.4m from finished floor level to the underside of the suspended ceiling. Variations and additional to the number of racks shall be highlighted dependent on the local catchment. Provide 1 Wash basin with wall mounted mirror to approval by the Authority. m. towel.17 Approximate area .16 Bicycle Racks Bicycle parking shall be provided for stand-alone bus interchanges within the bus interchange boundary. bin unit. Security requirements .1000mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening. 2 Sizing of Bus bay Frequency of buses per peak hour : Bus bay type: Sizing of bus bay(s) 1-39 40-59 60-79 80-99 100 and above One single bus bay One double bus bay One triple bus bay Two double bus bays (with 10m separation on the straight kerb) One double bus bay plus one triple bus bay (with 10m separation on the straight kerb).1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . July 2009 Section 4.Page-10/14 3 BUS BAYS 3.1 Design of Bus Bay Refer to LTA Standard Design Road Elements for Details on bus bays 3. electrical conduit with draw wires for Advertisement Panel (AP). the line will cover only the paved portion of the bus stop area and is to be indicated on plan. covered linkways.1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .45m(H). The bench dimensions shall be 1. shall be indicated on plan. The design shall compliment the shelter.900 30 x 3 901 .Page-11/14 4 SHELTERS 4. Hot applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials to BS 3262:1987. L/CFADC/AR/BS/0003. Provide one litter bin of capacity 150 litres. . Provision of kiosks (3m2) with a separate DB box inside (for shelters of 18m or greater in length) to be decided by the Authority. the design of the transport facilities and their respective covers shall be treated as a single entity to maintain uniformity and consistency. Where shelters.700 24 x 3 701 . L/CFADC/AR/BS/0005) Bus shelter notice-boards shall be provided in accordance with drawing no. The design of the interface between the shelter and the adjacent facility shall prevent rainwater from flowing & splashing onto the commuters' sheltered area. No. Polycarbonate or Teflon roof material shall not be used. Provide one bench for each 3m length of bus shelter.4m(L) x 0.300 12 x 3 301 . Provide one no. The line of sight shall not be obstructed. It shall be located at the downstream edge of the shelter. Steps are not permitted at the alighting and boarding area of the bus stop. Bus Shelter Address Plate shall be provided and fixed onto the bus shelter roof side facilitating an unobstructed view by facing oncoming traffic. (refer to drawing. The position of the bus stop pole to be indicated on plan. 200mm wide yellow line at 125 mm behind the outer face of the road kerb. July 2009 Section 4. L/CFADC/AR/BS/0004).30m(D) x 0.600 21 x 3 601 . pedestrian overhead bridges. Provide Bus stop transfer code indicator sign for selective bus shelters outside MRT stations only. (refer to drawing.1000 33 x 3 above 1000 36 x 3 The minimum bus shelter size at MRT / LRT stations shall be 9m x 3m.2 Bus shelters Refer to drawings L/CFADC/AR/BS/0001-0005 Sizing of Bus Shelter shall be in accordance with table: Boarding passengers per peak hour Size of Bus Shelter (width = 3m) 150 or less 6x3 151 . The bench shall be designed to prevent water being retained on the surface. pedestrian underpasses or other transport facilities are connected. They shall be robust to withstand all weather conditions. There shall be no structural connection to any existing facility. The lateral clearance between the outer edge of the road kerb and the roof eaves shall be 0. No.500 18 x 3 501 .6m absolute to enables maximum shelter on boarding the bus.200 9x3 201 .1 General All shelters shall be of lightweight structure to give a sleek and elegant appearance. For those without bay. shall be provided from end to end of bay. Steps are to be avoided elsewhere where possible.800 27 x 3 801 .400 15 x 3 401 . The Electrical Distribution Board (EDB). 4. The roof structure shall be independent from any covered linkway. For particular integrated bus shelters the use of an overhang into the bus bay and the headroom required for the overhang shall be agreed in consultation with the Authority. if applicable. . The bench dimensions shall be 1. The location. bus stop pole or taxi pole. 4.6m absolute to enables maximum shelter on boarding the taxi.Page-12/14 Measures shall be taken to ensure the bus shelter is distinctive from any adjoining covered linkway. Taxi fare information signboards shall be provided. 4. The POB shelter relation to planting and irrigation systems shall be considered in consultation with N Parks.30m(D) x 0. The covered linkway is preferred to be connected at the rear of the bus/taxi shelter so as to maintain minimum encroachment into the road reserve.0m beyond the first step of the staircase. electrical conduit with draw wires for Advertisement Panel (AP). Taxi Service sign post shall be provided and integrated with the shelter where possible.45m(H). the shelter of the POB shall extend 2. July 2009 Section 4.5 Linkway Shelters The linkway connection shall not obstruct any bus shelter address plate. refer to Drawing L/CFADC/AR/TS/1004.3 Taxi /passenger pickup shelters Refer to Drawings L/CFADC/AR/TS/0001-0006.4 Pedestrian Overhead Bridge Shelters For POBs not connected to any amenities. For particular integrated taxi shelters the use of an overhang into the taxi bay and the headroom required for the overhang shall be agreed in consultation with the Authority. Linkways connecting to MRT / LRT stations or other high traffic routes identified by the Authority shall have minimum clear width of 3.1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . It shall be located at the downstream edge of the shelter. Provide one bench. Provide one no. 4. Drop-off/Pick-up Point sign shall be provided where applicable. Tiled roof material shall not be used. The bench shall be designed to prevent water being retained on the surface. Queuing shall not obstruct the alighting passengers. The lateral clearance between the outer edge of the road kerb and the roof eaves shall be 0.5m Columns shall be placed on the far side away from the carriageway.0m All other linkways shall have minimum clear width of 1.4m(L) x 0. shall be highlighted and agreed with the Authority. if not integrated. Whether single sided or double sided and other site specific details of the provisions to be outlined in the table . The designer shall take measures to address any visibility issues into adjoining developments.* Additional ramp access to be considered for expressway crossings or if particular site condition/ client needs warrant. All POBs and pedestrian underpasses shall be accessible to the public at all times unless particularly identified otherwise. POBs over expressways shall have a minimum headroom clearance of 5. The height of all openings shall be considered including vent openings. July 2009 Section 4.8m high within the staircase and/ or ramp connecting to the bridge deck. The routing of Staircases shall take precedence over ramps unless site constraints only allow certain arrangements. All pedestrian railing shall be stainless steel Grade 316. 5.# Additional escalators or lifts access to be considered for connections to an MRT or LRT station or if particular site condition/ client needs warrant.1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .3 Pedestrian Overhead Bridge Detailing All POB pedestrian areas shall have minimum clear width of 1.1 Location POB locations shall take into consideration the visual impact on the environment and any existing or future planned works in the vicinity. .Page-13/14 5 PEDESTRIAN OVERHEAD BRIDGE AND PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS 5.4 Pedestrian Underpass Detailing All arrangements for flood protection shall comply with requirements of PUB (Drainage). The route of staircase/ramps etc shall be designed in accordance with anticipated pedestrian flows routes wherever possible. All other POBs shall have a minimum headroom clearance of 5.2 Provisions All Pedestrian Overhead Bridges (POBs) and Pedestrian Underpasses (PU)shall have stair access as a minimum. however. A separate handrail.## Shelter to be considered for POBs linked to one commercial buildings or between two buildings. All parts of the bridge drainage system shall be accessible for inspection and routine maintenance work. Pedestrian Underpass entrance structures shall be located at strategic positions and easily identifiable for access. shall be fixed at 0.8m Provide confirmation from the Authority for the width of POBs linking to MRT stations. In addition the following site specific provisions shall be provided Provisions POB / PU1 POB / PU 2 POB PU 3 Ramp access * Single Escalator # Double Escalator # Lifts # Shelter ## Notes : . 5. Safety railings of overall height of 1. Planting restriction zone(vegetation not more than 500mm high) to be specified in the Tree Affected Plan or Site Plan submitted to N Parks to ensure visibility over any proposed planting. POBs and pedestrian underpasses connecting to building complexes shall have separate access to the road reserve 5.1m shall be provided at the staircase and/ or ramp and bridge deck.7m from the road surface.4m from the road surface. . 0m .2.5m .Minimum ceiling height . Any difference in level shall be addressed by ramps. All services shall be concealed.4m The passageway of the underpass shall be level as far as possible. Underpasses within the CBD or connecting to MRT stations or with shops along one side shall have: .2.0m .4m Underpasses with shops along both sides shall have: .Minimum clear width – 4.Minimum headroom .1 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .Minimum headroom .Minimum clear width .Minimum ceiling height . Steps are not permitted within the underpass.4m All other underpasses shall have : .2.Minimum clear width .0m .0m . July 2009 Section 4. Power points to be provided for signage and advertising panels unless otherwise stated.0m .Minimum headroom .Minimum ceiling height . Architectural Design Criteria : Section 4.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .2 Page-1/83 Commuter Facilities E&M Design Requirements July 2009 Section 4. ........................3 Lighting Design Criteria ..........................................8 Noise and Vibration. 18 4........................................4 Submission Procedure ............................................................................... 11 3 GUIDELINE ON PEDESTRIAN OVERHEAD BRIDGE (POB) DESIGN ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 4....................................... 17 4......................................................10.................................6 Manual Irrigation System ..........................................................................................2 Provision Of Facilities Monitoring System (FMS)...6..........................................3 Amendment Submission.................................5 Fire Extinguishers....................................................................................................................... 10 1........................................................................................... 13 3............................7....... 15 4.... 14 4................................ 14 4... 18 4............................................................. Codes And Regulations.......................... 13 3........2 Air-conditioned Pedestrian Underpass .....................................................................5 Pumped Drainage System...................................4..........................7................ 15 4............................. 18 4.............................................................. 10 1....4..............................................................................................................................8 1.................... 18 4.......12................................ 15 4.....................2 Acronyms and Definitions... 13 3...................................................4 Fire Hosereel System...................3 Provision Of Facilities Monitoring System ( FMS)........................................ 17 4...........7 Air –Conditioning And Mechanical Ventilation System (ACMV) .....................................................3 Automatic Fire Sprinkler System ............................1 Design Criteria For Electrical Distribution System ... 13 4 GUIDELINE ON PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS DESIGN....................1 Design Requirements.....10....7.....................................................................10 Fire Protection System...................................................................................................3 Provision of Facilities Monitoring System (FMS)................4 Completion Of Works...........................8 1............. 17 4...3 Mechanically Ventilated Pedestrian Underpass....... 12 3..........................................................1 General ....................................... 17 4...........................................................................................................................2 Automatic Starting And Stopping Operation.4 Lightning Protection System ........................................................................................5 Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding...........................................................................2 Lighting Design Criteria ...................................9 1............... 12 3....7.................................................................................... 16 4.......................9 1.2 Pedestrian Overhead Bridge Linking to Bus shelters .....................................................................1 Design Requirements. 15 4.........................................2 Automatic Fire Alarm System ...................11 Requirement For Interfacing With LTA Facilities Management System (Fms).....7 Escalator ......4.....................1 Design Requirements........................................................................................................................ 12 3.........................................................................................................................4..........Page-2/83 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................12 Passenger Lift (Where Applicable).......................................... 17 4..........................................................................2 Design Submission ............................ 13 3..7.......7...............................3 Lightning Protection System .............................................................. 15 4........................................6.............................10.............. 16 4...................10..4.................10............................................................................................5 As-Built Documentation Submission ...................................................................................................................................................................................................9 1...........................1 General ................. 15 4...............................................................................................................................................................12..............2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .............2 Automatic Starting and Stopping Operation...................................................3 Related Design Standard........................................................... 15 4...................1 General Requirements .. 15 4.....8 1............4 Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding.................. 10 2 DESIGN OBJECTIVES ...............................1 General ........................................................6 Escalator ..1 Pre-Submission Consultation.......6............................ 12 3............. 18 July 2009 Section 4.9 Remote Monitoring by Facilities Management System (FMS) or Supervisory Control System (SCS) 17 4...... 14 4......8 1............................... 13 3............................ 15 4....................... 13 3........... ........ 33 8...5............................................. 33 8....................................................................................................... 33 8................................................................. 25 8............................Page-3/83 5 GUIDELINE ON BUS SHELTER DESIGN ............................. 21 6..................................7...................... 28 8....7..1 Concourse Area ....................................................6 Passenger Lift (where applicable) .....2 Automatic Starting And Stopping Operation............................................................1 Design Requirements...........................1............................................................. 22 7 GUIDELINES ON COVERED LINKWAY DESIGN ............................................................................................ 19 5..........................................................................1 Design Criteria by Area ............................................................................................................................................................................ 19 5................1....2 Lighting Requirement For Bus Interchange ...................14 Systems Room ............................ 26 8.....................................................................................2 Design Criteria For Electrical Distribution....................................... 19 5............................................................................................................ 20 6 GUIDELINES ON TAXI / PASSENGER PICK-UP SHELTER DESIGN.......1 Design............................5 Lightning Protection System ........................5 Staff Lounge ............ 29 8.....1 Design....................................................... 27 8..........................1.................................................................................................................................................. 29 8...............................................2 Sanitary Works System......10 Ticket Office (TO)...............5 Water Services............................ 31 8..............................................................................................................................................................13 Cleaner's Room............................................................. 33 8..1.......................8 Kitchen/Food Preparation Area ................1........ 34 July 2009 Section 4................ 20 5.....1...................................................1................................................................................................1...................1................1 Design................2 Design Criteria For Electrical Distribution System For Stand Alone Bus Shelter ...........6 Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding..................15 Toilet Facilities .............................................. 19 5................................................................4 Lighting Design Criteria .............................................. 21 6....................................................................................1...... Sanitary Works And Pumped Drainage System ..........................3 Design Criteria For Electrical Distribution System For Bus Shelter Linking To Pedestrian Overhead Bridge / Linkway ... 23 7...............1...........................................................2 Design Criteria For Electrical Distribution System For Stand Alone Taxi Shelter ..........3 Passenger Service Office ............4 Administration Office................ 33 8................................................................................................................................................................................ 28 8................................2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 ............................. 21 6........................................... 27 8...................................................... 30 8............... 24 8 GUIDELINES ON BUS INTERCHANGE................................................... 30 8.......... 33 8.................................................1 Design Requirement .........4 Lightning Protection System ..........................................................1..............1........................................... 21 6.........................................................5 Lightning Protection System ...................................................................................16 Other Facilities ........................2 Bus Parking Area / Driveway / Alighting Bay ..11 AVM Room ...........4 Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding.................................................5....... 26 8............................................... 25 8........................5 Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding.................4 Lighting Design Criteria .3 Lighting Design And Light Fittings...........................7 Escalator (where applicable)........................6 Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding................................................................................6....................1...1......... 21 6.............................. 33 8......... 33 8................................... 23 7..........12 Store Room ............................................................................. 23 7........................................................................................................ 30 8..................7 Store Room (Rodent-Free) ..................................... 23 7.............. 33 8..........................6 Canteen / Snack Corner ..................................................................... 28 8... 25 8.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 8......................... 19 5...........................................................................................................1......................... 25 8.....................................3 Lightning Protection System ..................... 29 8....5......................1 Water Services.9 Technician's Room .................................................................................... 23 7............. 21 6.....3 Pumped Drainage System..3 Design Criteria For Electrical Distribution System For Taxi Shelter Linking To Pedestrian Overhead Bridge / Linkway ........................................... 32 8....................................... ... 39 10............5 Auxiliary Devices ........ 36 8.........................................................5 Earth Termination................................................................... 34 8......... 49 11........................9 Wiring............................... 34 8........................................ 52 11..............4 Joints and Bonds...4..................................................................................................................... 51 11....... 51 11.......... 40 10....................................... 45 11.......................................3 Lighting Fixtures And Installation...............................10.......................................................................... 53 July 2009 Section 4....................................................1 General ..........5 Cable Support Systems ...5 Fire Hosereel System............ 52 11...........................1 General .......................................................................................................10...................1 LV Main Switchboard & Battery Charger...2 Types of Lamps ................................................................................................3 Fire Hydrant System ....................... 37 8.................... 51 11.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52 11................................................. 34 8. 37 9 GUIDELINES ON PUBLIC STREET LIGHTING DESIGN ...............2 Metal Trunking and Accessories ........................................................................................................................................... 51 11..........................10........ 41 10..................................................................................4 Telephone Line .....................................................2.....................................................................................2................................... 43 11...........................................................2...........................................................7 Level Switches............................... 48 11....................4 Flexible Conduits...........................................6 Equipment Status Monitoring. 51 11..... 36 8.....3 Cabling and Wire Terminations...............................................3 Schedule Of Points ................... 51 11.............................10................3.......................................................................................................................................................2...................................................8...........................10........................................ 43 11...........................................Page-4/83 8.......3 Galvanised Iron Conduits and Accessories............................................................................ 45 11................. 48 11......................3 Types of Light Fixtures .....................................................1 Programmable Logic Controllers......................2..............................................5..............................5..5.........2........................................... 38 10 INTERFACING WITH FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM...2...............3......................................8 Current Transformers And Voltage And Current Transducers.................... 39 10....3 Down Conductors ..........................8...........2 LV Distribution Board (DB)..2 Field PLC Functional Requirements........4 Lightning Protection System ................ 39 10.......2......................................................................4.................................................................3 Overground (OG) Box........9 Equipment Noise Control .4 Dry Rising Main .......................... 43 11..................................... 41 10.................................2 FMS Equipment.......... 36 8.....10 Fire Protection System In Bus Interchange ....................................................................................................... 39 10.... 48 11........................... 52 11....................... Apparatus And Internal Wiring ...........................2 Ventilation for Covered Bus Parking Area..2..........6 Ancillary Equipment...................2 Air Terminations.......................................................................................................10.........................5........5....... 40 10.....................................................1 Automatic Fire Alarm System .......................................2................................................5............................... 47 11..1 General ................................................................................................................................2 LV Power Systems .........................................4....................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 10.......... 41 10.........6 Fire Extinguishers.......... 52 11................. 41 11 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS....3......................8 Air-Conditioning And Mechanical Ventilation System.............................................................................. 36 8..............5 LV Cables ........2.................................1 General ..................................................2.........................................4................................................................................. 43 11.. 41 10...........6 Cable Tray and Accessories.................................... 48 11.......................................... Driveway and Alighting Bay .... 40 10.......................................4.....2........................................................................ 37 8............... 52 11..................................1 General ............2.............5 UPVC Conduit/Pipe and Accessories......................1 Code And Regulation ......4 Switchgear............................................... 46 11...............2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 ..........................................................................................................................................2........................................................... 36 8..................2 Automatic Fire Sprinkler System ................................................................. ............ 57 11................................................ 63 11........................................................................5 Safety Requirements.. 75 July 2009 Section 4.............................................6 Pressure Gauges........ 59 11.........................11......................................3 Alarm Gong ...............2 Energy Conservation Requirements ..........................................7 Water Services........3 Main Alarm Panel.......11 Fire Pump Control Panel ................. 72 11........................................................................................... 54 11........10............3 Pumped Drainage System................................................................11..................7....5 Flow Switches...................................................................................................................1 General .....................8........ 53 11.................................................................9...............10 Air-Conditioning And Mechanical Ventilation System......... 63 11..........2 Sheet Metal Ductwork and Accessories ............................8......................8 Passenger Lift ..............7...........................13 Fire Hosereel & Hydrant System....................................................13 Pump Controls ............ 72 11............. 58 11.............................................. 53 11.......................... 66 11........................................................................................................................................7..................7......................1 Pipe work....5 Manual Call Point ......................................................................10 Pumps ...6......................................................5 Air Filters.................................11.... 53 11................... 65 11............10................................................................................................................................................................................. 59 11........................................ 67 11...............................................................................................................2 Safety Requirements....................12. 63 11................ 56 11.........6 Air Curtain................................................................................................................................................................10.................... 64 11.......................11............... 72 11.......................... 72 11..1 Pipe works ...........................................7 Flow Meter ............................................................................... 61 11..........3 Machine Rooms/Pits And Closets ............................. 56 11...................................... 65 11....................... 61 11......6 Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding....................................................... 63 11............................................... 63 11............... 72 11........................... 64 11........................................ 72 11..........2 Earth Termination........................12.......................................................................................................11............................................................ 61 11..........................................................................6 Special Requirement For Motor Of Sump Pumps ...12 Miscellaneous .........................................................................4 Fire Alarm Bell .......... 62 11.......................9.......... 75 11............................................... 65 11............................1 Sprinkler Heads .8 Sprinkler Tank ................11........................................4 Pressure Switches ..........................6...... Sanitary Works And Pumped Drainage System ....4 Cable Requirements......................................6 Corrosion Resistance And Material Requirements............................... 68 11........................... 53 11.......................................1 Design Requirements............................11 Fire Sprinkler System ............................................................... 62 11.................. 65 11..........................................................................................11........................... 64 11.........................3 Cable Requirements....................8..........................................2 Sewage Ejector Pumping System ................ 53 11.......9 Escalators.........................................................................................................................................8.............................................. 75 11...........................11.............. Electrically Supervised Gate Valve and Accessories .......................................9........................................................................................10........ 65 11...................................2 Sprinkler Control Valve Set...7..........5 Lift Inter-Communication System .................................................................................. 59 11.......................................................................9......................11.....................................9..............................................................................12........11.....9 Sprinkler Breeching Inlets ........................4 Motor Control Panel ........ 55 11... 53 11...........................4 Pipe work Insulation .................................................. 63 11..................2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 ....5 Motor Starter And Motor.......... 58 11.............. 55 11..........................7.........................................................11.....................................................................................................11...................................12.........................................................................................................2 Operational Requirement................ 62 11................12 Analogue Addressable Automatic Fire Alarm System ...... 62 11.........................................................10....................................1 Design Requirement .............Page-5/83 11....................3 Ductwork Insulation .............12...............11............ 54 11......10..........1 General ....................8..4 Provisions For People With Special Needs .......................................9........................ ... Screws..13...............................................................................14 Valves...........................................................................................................................................5 Painting............................4 Protection of Pipeworks................ Cocks etc.......13...2 Piping Installation..............16....... 78 11...................................................................................................... 82 11.......................................................................................................................... 80 11.................. 76 11........... 83 12..................................................................... 76 11.. 83 July 2009 Section 4.........16.....12 Stainless Steel Bellow Expansion Joints......................................................................................15.................4 Bolts......15............. 76 11........................................................................................ 76 11............. 82 11...........................................................................................15.................................11 Sleeves and Covers ............... 76 11......................2 Installation .....15....... 80 11........................15.....................13.....................9 Vertical and Riser Pipe Isolation ....... 80 11.............................................15...... 82 11................. 79 11........................15................1 Recommended Ecs Provision For Various Types Of Pedestrian Underpasses (Actual Provision Shall Be From Architect) ...............................10 Horizontal Pipe Isolation .................................................... 77 11......................1 General ........................... 81 11.............15 Cleaning Procedure......................7 Pipe Fittings..................................16.................3 Hydrant System ...............16...................................................5 Piping and Installation ..................... 75 11........... 77 11................................................................5 Pipework Materials.......................................................................................... 77 11................3 Non-Metallic Materials.......................................................................................... 82 12 APPENDIX 1 ...............................................4 Water Supply ...................................................................................................15...............14.................... 79 11...............................................15...........................................................15.............. Nuts............14.................................................................2 Metal.......1 General ...................3 Installation of Pipe Hangers and Supports......... 80 11..........................16 Surface Treatment.............................................................................................Page-6/83 11..................15 Pipework............14 Portable Fire Extinguishers......................................................................................................................................................................................................................15....6 Pipe Joints...............................................................15............................................................................................ 79 11.................................16................ 80 11.................................. 80 11...............................................................15..2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 ..................... 80 11.......1 General ......................... 79 11....................................................................................... 77 11......................... 82 11...............13.................13 Pipe Anchors..............................................1 Corrosion Protection ..8 Gaskets ............................15.....................................15......................................... 75 11................................13..................................................................... 82 11................................................2 Hosereel System ........................................ Page-7/83 ATTACHMENTS COMMUTER FACILITIES (M&E) TYPICAL DRAWINGS Typical Single Line Diagram for Existing OG-Box (POB/Linkway/Taxi Stand/Bus Shelter) Typical Single Line Diagram for New OG-Box (Bus Shelter /Linkway) Typical Single Line Diagram for New OG-Box (Bus Shelter) Typical Single Line Diagram for Existing OG-Box (DBO Bus Shelter/ POB/Linkway/Taxi Stand) Typical Detail of POB OG-Box Typical Detail of POB OG-Box Typical Lighting Layout Plan And Lightning Protection System for Bus Shelter (With or Without Railaing) Typical Electrical Installation Details (For Bus Shelter With or Without Railings) Typical Cable Entry Detail For Bus Shelter Typical Lightning Protection System (For Covered Pedestrian Ovehead Bridge) Typical Lightning Protection System (For Uncovered Pedestrian Ovehead Bridge) Typical Cable Entry Detail For Single Post Covered Linkway Typical Cable Entry Detail For Double Post Covered Linkway Typical OG-Box Position For covered Linkway L/ROAD/MES/SD/1001 L/ROAD/MES/SD/1002 L/ROAD/MES/SD/1003 L/ROAD/MES/SD/1004 L/ROAD/MES/SD/1005 L/ROAD/MES/SD/1006 L/ROAD/MES/SD/1007 L/ROAD/MES/SD/1008 L/ROAD/MES/SD/1009 L/ROAD/MES/SD/1010 L/ROAD/MES/SD/1011 L/ROAD/MES/SD/1012 L/ROAD/MES/SD/1013 L/ROAD/MES/SD/1014 July 2009 Section 4.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Colour temperature .3 Related Design Standard.Page-8/83 1 INTRODUCTION 1. the luminous flux incident Per unit area. which distributes.Electrical connection maintaining various exposed-conductive-parts and extraneous conductive parts at substantially the same potential. Air Changes A method of expressing the rate of air entering or leaving a space by natural or mechanical means in terms of the number of volumes of the spaces. It is the responsibility of the designer to highlight to the Authority any contradiction or conflicts within the criteria set out hereafter.1 General This document. Exit Light The part of emergency lighting. FMS Facilities Management System PUPPedestrian Underpass 1.e. by neutral or mechanical means. i. Air-Conditioning . Colour rendering A general expression for the appearance of colours when illuminated by light form a given source compared.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . which emits radiation of the same chromaticity as the radiator considered. Mounting Height The vertical distance between a luminaire and the working plane.The process of treating air so as to control simultaneously its temperature. standards and requirements issued by all relevant authorities having jurisdication. cleanliness and distribution to met the requirements of the conditioned space. The unit of illuminance is lux. Ventilation The process of supplying or removing air.Singapore Public Utility Board (PUB) July 2009 Section 4. (The unit is Kelvin) Glare The discomfort or impairment of vision experienced when parts of the visual field are excessively bright in relation to the general surrounding. Illuminance The luminous flux density at a surface. A termination of a fixed wiring system intended for the attachment of a luminaire. Luminare Apparatus. the mechanical and electrical works for commuter facilities shall be governed by all applicable local regulations. Uniformity Ratio The ratio of the minimum illuminance to the average illuminance applied to the values on the working plane. humidity. the designer shall notify and seek the Authority’s acceptance to any change or new requirements that may arise during the use of the part or whole of the criteria.Lighting provided for use when the supply to the normal lighting fails.2 Acronyms and Definitions Mains Lighting point - Incoming Electricity supply.The temperature of a full radiator. Equipotential Bonding . filters and transforms the light given by a lamp or lamps and which includes all the items necessary for fixing and protecting these lamps and for connecting them to the supply circuit. construction and testing commissioning of the Electrical and Mechanical (E&M) systems for the Commuter Facilities (CF). In addition. Codes And Regulations Unless otherwise stated. which provide to luminaire the exits. defines the criteria and requirements of the Electrical and Mechanical (E&M) system for the design. to or from any space. 1. which is also called the Electrical and Mechanical Design Criteria for Commuter Facilities (EMDC FC). which shall include but not limited to the following: . Emergency Lighting . codes. consciously or unconsciously with their appearance under light from some reference source. Such air may or may not have been conditioned. etc before embarking on the design of the commuter facilities to avoid unnecessary abortive work.4. Structural equipment bases. LTA and all authorities having jurisdiction. Power Grid Ltd.2.Page-9/83 . CP 33. Compliance with the EMDC CF criteria shall not preclude the Designer from having to obtain full clearance and approval from the Development and Building Control Department (DBC). No works shall commence until approval of the subject design and relevant waiver is obtained from the Authority in writing. inertia blocks vibration isolations and noise controls.4. PUB.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . the designer shall bring them to the attention of the Authority for final decision. cable sizing.4 1. etc).Land Transport Authority (LTA) Where there are discrepancies or conflicts between the above.1 General : - Site and location plan showing the source of the incoming supply and indicate the area that is to be hand-over to LTA. pump capacity sizing. voltage drop calculations. alarm level.4.4. Lighting design calculations to substantiate that the design is in accordance to the lighting requirements as set out in the design criteria Lightning Protection System shall design in accordance to the latest edition Code of Practice. in the appropriate format.National Parks Boards .Productivity and Standards Board (PSB) . 1. motor starter capacity.Energy Marketing Authority . when seeking approval from the Authority and prior to commencement of works All drawings and calculations shall be certified by the Qualified Person (QP). Calculations including cooling load calculation. Calculations on the mounting.3 - - Air-conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation Design Fire Protection System Design All services routing.National Environment Agency (NEA) . etc. 1. Application for approval or waiver or modifications shall be submitted to the Authority through the DBC.Building Control Authority (BCA) .2 Design Submission The Designer shall submit two (2) sets of the documents listed below. LTA. fan pressure calculations.2 - Single line diagrams for the electrical installation to the commuter facilities Schematic diagrams showing the OG box layouts and cable routing on site Catalogues with all relevant test certificates to demonstrate compliance for the equipment specified and technical specifications for the equipment to be installed. supports and tank details Catalogues and technical specifications for the equipment.4.1 Submission Procedure Pre-Submission Consultation The Designer may apply for pre-submission consultation with the Authority through the Development and Building Control Department (DBC) where the submission involves the non-compliance to the EMDC CF requirements. Mechanical Installations 1.2. The Designer shall preconsult the relevant authorities having jurisdiction such as Nparks.2. mechanical ventilation calculations.Fire Safety and Shelter Department (FSSD) . 1. materials and accessories July 2009 Section 4. Electrical Installations: 1. Power Supply Ltd.National Environment and Water Resources . operating pumping head and pump operating levels (start/stop. installation detail and sizes Properly dimensioned layout diagrams showing the location of equipment Equipment installation details Automatic control and monitoring philosophy. The test results which shall be endorsed by the QP shall be submitted to the Authority for acceptance.3 Amendment Submission The Designer shall notify the Authority of any deviations from the approved plans and submit the revised plans to the Authority for approval before any deviation works commenced 1.Hydraulic Test .5.1 Testing And Commissioning And Hand-over To The Authority Upon completion of the mechanical and electrical works the designer / contractor shall perform visual inspections and all necessary testing and commissioning.4.4. Instruments used for the tests shall have a valid calibration certificate. The calibration certificates shall be submitted together with the test results.2 - As-built mechanical services plan Testing and commissioning results of the mechanical services and related electrical installation Approved plans to authorities July 2009 Section 4. The designer/contractor shall rectify all defects identified during the joint inspections and a final joint inspection to certify the clearance of all defects shall be arranged.Earth loop impedance test .4.4.4.Page-10/83 1.4 Completion Of Works 1.Pump Test The designer/contractor shall give the Authority at least 7 days advanced notice of any joint inspection or tests.4.Individual Equipment and System Tests . These shall include but not limited to the following: 1.Continuity test on the conductor & joints . CP 33. 2) Electrical System Tests .5 As-Built Documentation Submission Two (2) sets of the as-built drawings. prior to handling over to the commuter facility to the Authority. testing and commissioning results endorsed by the QP and operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals for the electrical and mechanical installations.Air Balancing Test . 1.1 Electrical Installations - As-built electrical single line diagrams Testing and commissioning results of the lighting level and electrical installation Testing and commissioning results of the Lightning Protection System and certificate of supervision for Lightning Protection is in accordance to the latest edition of Code of Practices. Mechanical Installations 1. shall be submitted to the Authority.Insulation voltage test with appropriate insulation tester . The test which shall be conducted shall include but not limited to the following: 1) Site Lux Level Measurement Test Results for Lighting System.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .4.Polarity and phase sequence 3) Earth Resistance Test Results for Lightning Protection System 4) Mechanical Systems Test .5. 2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . These objectives do not exclude any additional design standards or criteria that may be required to suit the needs of the particular locations.Page-11/83 2 DESIGN OBJECTIVES The Authority has determined a set of design objectives for commuter facilities which all Designer/QP to meet. July 2009 Section 4. light fitting shall be switched “ON” at every stair entrances. A total of 4 circuits shall be used for the design of the POB and staircase lighting. if applicable. No up-lighters shall be used in the lighting design. Standardized ‘A’ series locksets similar to that used by the utilities shall be used. A separate sub-kWh meter shall be provided to monitor the energy consumption of escalators.3 a) b) c) d) e) f) Light fitting shall be of energy efficient design. the following additional design criteria shall apply: a) b) The pedestrian overhead bridge and/or linkways shall take their electrical supply from the existing OG.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . For POB linking to MRT station. Lighting Design Criteria c) 3. Alternate circuits shall be designed for the light fittings. 1 no DP isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided to supply EBOPS for escalator combs lights.3 measured at the ground level. if applicable. light fitting shall be switched “ON” at every 15 meter interval. and 8 W/sqm for uncovered POB. 2 nos 13A weatherproof switch socket outlets for top and bottom of each escalator pit. All electrical circuits to the POB electrical system shall be from the POB DB as shown in drawing no : L/ROAD/MES/SD/1005. 3 sets of keys shall be provided.2 Where the developer constructs Pedestrian Overhead Bridge that are linked or adjacent to existing bus shelter. Pedestrian Overhead Bridge Linking to Bus shelters 3. power supply may be taken from the station switchboard complete with sub-metering. 1 no TPN isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided within each escalator controller closet. Refer to Table 1 for a summary of the details of the maximum allowable power budget for the Commuter Facilities. the lighting system shall be integrated with an intelligent lighting detection system such that:. The lighting level for the POB shall be an average of 30 lux with a uniformity ratio of 0. 1 no 13A weatherproof switch socket outlet within each escalator controller closet. All connection cables shall be laid underground with 50mm diameter uPVC piping complete with proper haunching.Page-12/83 3 GUIDELINE ON PEDESTRIAN OVERHEAD BRIDGE (POB) DESIGN 3. The approved type of light fitting shall be vandal proof.From 12am to 7am. The OG Box shall be of a 2-window glass type and located near to the POB and supply shall be taken from the Power Grid. EBOPS shall be installed in ECP closet/room. Upon detection of pedestrian. The maximum allowable power budget is 4 W/sqm for covered POB. 1 no DP isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided for Programmable Logic Controllers of Facilities Management System (FMS). The electrical installation of the pedestrian overhead bridge and/or linkways shall be designed in accordance to the design criteria for the appropriate commuter facility as set out in this document. minimum 1 no. The lighting design shall have minimum glare for the motorist complying with BS 5489.Box as shown in drawing no : L/ROAD/MES/SD/1001 The sub-main cables from the existing bus shelter OG-Box to the POB OG-Box shall be of multi-core armoured cable. All lighting systems shall be controlled via a programmable timer with RS232 interface unit with a by-pass switch. The fluorescent lamp shall have a colour-rendering index of 827 with colour temp not more than 2700k. all other lightings shall be automatically switched July 2009 Section 4. For POB deck. 1 no. ultra-violet (UV) stabilized and aesthetically acceptable.1 General a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) A DB shall be provided within an OG-Box for the POB. For a coverd POB. g. A time switch shall be incorporated in the escalator.O. The Contractor shall confirm the pre-set times with the POB operator. Provision Of Facilities Monitoring System ( FMS) 3. .4 Lightning Protection System a) b) c) d) e) (As shown in drawing no : L/ROAD/MES/SD/1010) The lightning protection system to the POB shall comply with SS CP 33 and SS CP16. Earth electrode complete with galvanised hot lid inspection earth pit shall be provided and connected to the main earthing terminal in the POB OG box. The escalators shall be designed in accordance with the requirements as stipulated in clause confirm with Malvin Ho The lightning protection system shall be electrically continuous. 12 mid-night to before 6am. The final arrangement and design shall be submitted for review and acceptance of S. photoelectric cells capable of detecting at various angles. QP shall be responsible to ensure that the lightning protection system is adequately provided for the structure. where the POB is connected to any linkway and bus shelters / taxi shelter.6 Earthing requirements shall be provided in accordance to SS CP 16.The sensors of the Detection System shall be positioned such that it is capable of detecting pedestrian and immediately switch “ON” the other light fittings and switch “OFF” when no pedestrian is detected after a preset time of 10 minutes..7. the FMS shall be provided in accordance with this document. at 6am. All exposed metal parts shall be equipotentially bonded in accordance to SS CP 5. Summary of the Maximum Allowable Power Budget for Commuter Facilities Table 1 Description Maximum Allowable Power Budget (W/sqm) Covered Pedestrian Overhead Bridge Uncovered Pedestrian Overhead Bridge Covered Linkways Bus Shelter Pedestrian Underpasses 4 8 4 4 4 July 2009 Section 4.. The handrails of the POB shall be connected to the lightning protection system of the POB. linking all levels in the Pedestrian Overhead Bridge (POB).7 3. 3. Manual Irrigation System Manual irrigation system shall be designed in accordance to National Parks’ requirements. All metal structures shall be bonded to the rebar of the floor slab by means of a purpose made clamp or weld. The escalator shall be in continuous operation with energy saving (standby speed) between pre-set times e.9 of the Technical Specifications. which will switch to the automatic start/stop operation at other time e. Hence. shall be provided to ensure that nobody is riding on the escalator at the time of the switch-on or switch-off.g.7. which incorporate a time delay. In addition.3 Where escalators are provided at the POB. the escalator shall start and resume continuous operation with energy saving (standby speed) after detecting a commuter entering the escalator.5 a) b) c) 3. they shall be provided for both up and down directions. 3.7. The number of sensors shall be designed and installed such that any pedestrians coming from either side of the POB will be detected. The timing shall be adjustable from 0 to 30mins. 3. 6am to 12 mid-night.2 Automatic Starting And Stopping Operation a) b) The escalator shall operate in two modes: Continuous Operation with Energy Saving (standby speed) and Automatic Start/Stop Operation. Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding 3.Page-13/83 “ON” by the detection system.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .1 Escalator Design Requirements When escalators are required. This shall be subject to the Authority’s acceptance. vandal proof.4 metre height. The lighting level for the pedestrian underpass shall be 150 lux with a uniformity ratio of 0. be designed to IP65.TPN isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided for each lift within the lift motor room.I. All conduit systems shall be directly terminated to the equipment. EBOPS to be installed in escalator controller closet. a minimum of IP 55 rating isolators shall be used): i) 1 no 5A fused connection unit shall be provided for signage and advertising panel lighting. shall be a minimum of IP 4X. v) 1 no. Sub circuits shall be run in Galvanized Iron (G. Emergency lighting to the pedestrian underpass shall be provided in accordance to the current edition of SS CP 19.) conduits complying with BS 4568 Part 1 Class 4 and conduit accessories complying with BS 4568 Part 2. An OG-Box shall be provided to house the meter panel with a separate DB located at the underpass. July 2009 Section 4. All lighting systems shall be controlled via programmable timers with RS232 interface. Light fittings not exposed to weather. if applicable. vi) 1no TPN isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided for each motor control centre DB. ii) 1 no DP isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided for Programmable Logic Controllers of Facilities Management System (FMS). iv) 1 no DP isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided to supply EBOPS for escalator combs lights. ultra-violet (UV) stabilized and aesthetically acceptable. All conduit systems shall be concealed. Alternate circuits shall be designed for the lighting circuits. shall have a colour temperature of 4000K. Underpass entrance lighting shall be controlled separately from the underpass lighting circuits. Each underpass DB shall have 2 nos spare of 10A DP MCBs & 1 no spare 20A DP MCBs. viii) 1 no 13A Fuse Connection Unit shall be provided inside each fire alarm panel.Page-14/83 4 GUIDELINE ON PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS DESIGN 4. 1 no 13A weatherproof switch socket outlet within each escalator controller closet. ix) 1 no TPN isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided at the sump or ejector pump control panel 13A metal clad fuse connection units shall be provided at 2.3 measured ground level. vandal proof type. The lighting design shall have minimum glare for the motorist complying with BS 5489. measured from finished floor level. if applicable. The maximum allowable power budget is 4 W/sqm. if applicable. for each public telephone. All circuits shall be properly labeled in the OG-Box and DBs. A separate sub-kWh meter shall be provided for the escalator. Refer to Table 1 for a summary of the details of the maximum allowable power budget for the Commuter Facilities. Lighting Design Criteria 4. 3 sets of keys shall be provided. All distribution board (DBs) shall not be accessible to the public and placed in a recessed lockable cabinet at the underpass. The following electrical provisions shall be made where applicable (for isolator exposed to weather. Standardized locksets similar to that used by the utilities shall be used.2 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Light fitting shall be of energy efficient design.1 Design Criteria For Electrical Distribution System a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) The power supply shall be taken directly from PowerGrid and metered.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . iii) 1 no TPN isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided within each escalator controller closet. 2 nos 13A weatherproof switch socket outlets for top and bottom of each escalator pit. No up-lighters shall be used in the lighting design. The timers shall be supplied inclusive of a bypass switch. vii) 1 no DP isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided for Fire Pump control panel. Light fittings exposed to weather. 6am to 12 mid-night. the following outdoor conditions shall be assumed: Dry Bulb temperature : 32°C Wet Bulb temperature : 26°C Daily temperature range : 8°C The ACMV system for the pedestrian underpass shall comply with the Building Regulations. which incorporate a time delay. Auxiliary contacts to the Interfaced Terminal Board (ITB) for the connection to the Facilities Management System (FMS) shall be provided in accordance to the FMS technical specifications. QP shall be responsible to ensure that the lightning protection system is adequately provided for the structure.4 a) b) 4. linking all levels in the Pedestrian Underpass (PUP).1 Air –Conditioning And Mechanical Ventilation System (ACMV) General Requirements a) b) c) d) e) Pedestrian underpass shall be naturally or mechanically ventilated or air-conditioned. The water shall be pumped from the sump to the external storm water drain.3 Where escalators are provided at the PUP. The escalators shall be designed in accordance with the requirements as stipulated in clause 11. Pumped Drainage System a) b) Pumped drainage system shall be provided at the underpass for the collection and disposal of wastewater from the washing of underpass and storm water. July 2009 Section 4. For the design of the air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation (ACMV) system for pedestrian underpasses. Mechanically ventilated pedestrian underpass shall comply with the requirements in the section “Design Criteria for Mechanically Ventilated Pedestrian Underpass”.6.6.2 Automatic Starting and Stopping Operation a) b) The escalator shall operate in two modes: Continuous Operation with Energy Saving (standby speed) and Automatic Start/Stop Operation. at 6am.5 Earthing requirements shall be provided in accordance to SS CP 16. shall be provided to ensure that nobody is riding on the escalator at the time of the switch-on or switch-off. All exposed metal parts shall be equipotentially bonded in accordance to SS CP5. In addition. 4. 4. Escalator Design Requirements 4. Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding 4. codes of practice.1 When escalators are required. photoelectric cells capable of detecting at various angles.7. A time switch shall be incorporated in the escalator.3 Lightning Protection System a) b) The lightning protection system to the underpass shall comply with SS CP 33 and SS CP16. 12 mid-night to before 6am. Air-conditioned pedestrian underpass shall comply with the requirements in the section “Design Criteria for Air-conditioned Pedestrian Underpass”.g.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . the FMS shall be provided in accordance with this document. which will switch to the automatic start/stop operation at other time e. and the relevant bylaws unless otherwise stated.Page-15/83 4. Hence.7 4. other regulations. the escalator shall start and resume continuous operation with energy saving (standby speed) after detecting a commuter entering the escalator. The ACMV system shall be energy efficient and easy to operate. The water shall be positively drained via channels and drains by gravity to the drainage sump. they shall be provided for both up and down directions. The Contractor shall confirm the pre-set times with the PUP operator.9 of the Technical Specifications. The escalator shall be in continuous operation with energy saving (standby speed) between pre-set times e.6 4.g. This shall be subject to the Authority’s acceptance. standards and requirements as set out by the authorities having jurisdiction of the works. The ACMV system equipment and components shall be located so that they can be easily access for maintenance without obstructing the underpass.6. Provision of Facilities Monitoring System (FMS) 4. Air-curtains shall be provided at the exit and entrance to the underpass to minimise the infiltration of warm air. Mechanically Ventilated Pedestrian Underpass a) b) The mechanical ventilation system shall provide a safe and thermally acceptable environment in the pedestrian underpass. LEDs shall be provided on the control panel to indicate the status of the incoming power supply and status and alarm of the equipment. The thermostats for the air-conditioning units shall be located where the public cannot tamper with them. A water tap. Outdoor air louvres shall be of weatherproof design and construction. An insect screen constructed of hot dipped galvanised steel wires not larger than 10mm mesh shall be provided behind the louvre openings. The supply air outlets shall be even distributed along the underpass. the other unit(s) shall continue to operate.7. Control panels. the design indoor condition shall be based on the following: Dry-bulb temperature : 27°C * Relative humidity : 60% Minimum outdoor air supply : 1. The ACMV equipment. where necessary. All equipment rooms shall be adequately sized so that there will be sufficient space for proper operation. The control panel for the equipment shall be placed in the plantroom. 3 sets of keys shall be provided.2 All equipment.7. July 2009 Section 4. The equipment and services shall also not be located where they are accessible to the public and are subject to damage or vandalism. installation. Air-conditioning for the pedestrian underpass shall be provided by means of air-cooled split or packaged air-conditioning units with ducted type fan coil units or air handling units. Air-conditioned Pedestrian Underpass a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) 4. testing and commissioning shall also comply with National Productive and Quality Specifications (NPQS).3 For air-conditioned pedestrian underpass. The cabinet and plantroom shall be adequately ventilated to prevent excessive heat build-up so that the operation of the equipment is not affected. the remaining unit(s) shall at least provide half the total required cooling load. Each underpass shall be served by at least two sets of air-conditioning units. In the event of failure of one unit. Manual/Off/Auto selector switches and start/stop push buttons shall be provided. All floor-mounted equipment and services shall be mounted on plinths or stumps. The equipment and services shall be located so that they are concealed from view by the public. floor trap and weatherproof power point shall be provided in the plantroom for maintenance of the equipment. The mechanical ventilation system for the pedestrian underpass shall provide a minimum air change rate of 10 times per hour. The capacity of each air-conditioning unit shall be such that in the event of failure of one unit. the design dry-bulb temperature shall be 25°C The air-conditioning system for the pedestrian underpass shall be independent from the adjacent MRT station or commercial development.0 l/s per m² floor area * For pedestrian underpass with commercial facilities or link to commercial building. Programmable timers shall be provided for automatic starting and stopping of the plant. materials. The control system shall allow both automatic and manual operation of the air-conditioning units and air curtains.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . The fan coil units or air handling units shall be housed in a lockable plantroom. The ventilation shall be increased. Openings for outdoor air intakes and exhaust discharge shall be shielded from weather and insects. which shall be adequately ventilated. to prevent uncomfortable conditions as result of heat from the heat producing sources within the underpass. Provision for adjustment of the thermostat settings of the air-conditioning units shall be made available in the plantroom. cabinets and rooms provided to the ACMV equipment shall be lockable. maintenance and future replacement of the equipment.Page-16/83 f) g) h) i) j) k) l) 4. A weatherproof electrical isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided adjacent to each condenser or condensing unit. Mechanical Specifications issued by the Building Control Authority. components and services installed outdoors or exposed to weather shall be of weatherproof design and resistant to corrosion and ultra-violet (UV). Fire-rated roller shutter / swing door (used as fire separation) installed at the boundary adjacent to a development shall be activated by localized smoke detectors installed at both sides of the shutter / door (normally held open).10. shall not exceed 55 dBA when measured at a height of 1. Plantrooms. The supply / exhaust air outlets shall be even distributed along the underpass. In the event of failure of one fan. The MAP shall be able to send a fire alarm signal to Facility Management System (FMS) via an Interfacing Terminal Box (ITB) as specified in the Specification. Remote Monitoring by Facilities Management System (FMS) or Supervisory Control System (SCS) 4. All mechanical equipment shall be mounted on vibration isolators as necessary to prevent the transmission of vibration and mechanically transmitted sound to the building structure. LEDs shall be provided on the control panel to indicate the status of the incoming power supply and status and alarm of the equipment. or in a recessed lockable cabinet in the underpass. For an independent auto fire sprinkler system.10.1 Fire Protection System General a) b) c) Pedestrian underpasses linked to and form part of a rapid transit station shall comply with the requirements stipulated in the Standard for Fire Safety in Rapid Transit Systems. the other fan(s) shall continue to operate. Pedestrian underpasses with no commercial spaces shall comply with requirements of FSSD.8 a) b) c) The sound pressure levels anywhere in the pedestrian underpass. shall be lockable and adequately ventilated. The capacity of each set of fans shall be such that in the event of failure of one set(s). Operation of the fans shall be rotated to ensure even wear. Programmable timers shall be provided for automatic starting and stopping of the plant. Noise and Vibration 4. Automatic Fire Sprinkler System 4.5m above the finished floor level. Provision shall be made for to receive commercial building alarm status and to send a fire alarm signal to Facility Management System (FMS) via an Interfacing Terminal Box (ITB) as specified in the Specification. due to the operation of any ACMV equipment but excluding all extraneous sources. the sprinkler pumps and control panels shall be housed in the sprinkler pump room. The control panel shall be placed in the fan room. the remaining set shall at least provide half the ventilation capacity. Water storage tank for sprinkler system shall be of reduced capacity. The control system shall allow both automatic and manual operation of the ventilation fans. Mimic panels shall be provided next to the MAP. The design criteria for the system shall comply with the requirements of the Fire Code. Manual/Off/Auto selector switches and start/stop push buttons shall be provided.9 All the ACMV equipment shall be monitored and control remotely also from the FMS through a telephone line. Refer also to the section on the Technical requirements for the Facility Management System.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .Page-17/83 c) d) e) f) Each underpass shall be provided with at least two sets of fans. The Main Alarm Panel (MAP) shall be easily accessible by Firemen. 4. where provided to house the fans. Automatic Fire Alarm System 4. Pedestrian underpasses with commercial spaces shall be provided with an independent Fire Protection System. The external noise levels shall comply with the NEA’s Code of Practice of Pollution Control and Guideline on Boundary Noise Limit for Centralised Air-conditioning and Ventilation Systems in Non-Industrial Buildings and any other noise limits stipulated by the relevant local authorities. The status of the shutter / door shall be sent to the FCC of the adjacent commercial building and Pedestrian Underpass respectively. The system shall be connected to a fire station through an approved alarm monitoring company.2 a) b) c) The fire alarm system shall comply with SS CP10. July 2009 Section 4.3 a) b) c) The fire sprinkler system shall comply with the requirements of SS CP52 Code of Practice for Automatic Fire Sprinkler System.10 4.10. where applicable. 1 Passenger Lift (Where Applicable) Design Requirements When lifts are required.8 of the Technical Specifications.4 Stainless steel ladders shall be provided and extend above the tank to facilitate easy access. the FMS shall be provided in accordance with this document. the hosereel system shall be fed direct from the PUB mains.2 Provision Of Facilities Monitoring System (FMS) Where lifts are provided at the PUP.12. Escalators Air-Conditioning & Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV) FP Pumps Lifts 4. Requirement For Interfacing With LTA Facilities Management System (Fms) Where any of the following items are provided.12 4. Wherever possible.10.10. they shall be provided to link all levels in the Pedestrian Underpass (PUP). 4. Fire Hosereel System a) b) 4.11 Fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with SS CP55 and SS 232. Fire Extinguishers a) 4. The lifts shall be designed in accordance with the requirements as stipulated in clause 11. a FM system shall be provided in accordance to this document.12.Page-18/83 d) 4.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . July 2009 Section 4.5 The fire hosereel system shall comply with the requirements of SS CP29 Code of Practice for Fire Hydrant Systems and Hose Reels. 2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . The M&E design shall be in accordance with this document. July 2009 Section 4. which is obtainable from VTL. vandal proof.4 a) b) c) d) e) f) Light fitting shall be of energy efficient design. The lighting design shall have minimum glare to the motorist complying with BS 5489.1 Design a) b) c) The bus shelter is a structure whose basic function is to protect the commuters from all weather conditions. The members and components shall be made up of materials. For bus shelter located near MRT station. Design Criteria For Electrical Distribution System For Stand Alone Bus Shelter 5. ultra-violet (UV) stabilized and aesthetically acceptable. Separate lighting circuit shall be designated for Advertisement panels. Standardized locksets similar to that used by the utilities shall be used. notice board and bus shelter. For bus shelter located near MRT station. power supply maybe taken from the station switchboard complete with sub-metering.3 measured at the ground level. 3 sets of keys shall be provided. No up-lighters shall be used in the lighting design. Standardized locksets similar to that used by the utilities shall be used. Refer to Table 1 for a summary of the details of the maximum allowable power budget for the Commuter Facilities All lighting systems shall be controlled via a programmable timer with RS232 interface with a bypass switch.3 Design Criteria For Electrical Distribution System For Bus Shelter Linking To Pedestrian Overhead Bridge / Linkway a) Where a bus shelter is located adjacent or linked to Pedestrian Overhead Bridges through a linkway. The lighting level for the bus shelter shall be an average of 30 lux with a uniformity ratio of 0. Light fittings for bus shelter shall be IP65. The fluorescent lamp shall have a colour-rendering index of 827 with colour temp not more than 2700k.2 a) b) c) d) The design of the electrical installation is as shown in drawing no: L/ROAD/MES/SD/1003 . The approved type of light fitting shall be vandal proof. which shall be robust to withstand all weather conditions. power supply may be taken from the station switchboard complete with sub-metering. Lighting Design Criteria b) c) 5. the design of the electrical installation shall be as shown in drawing no : L/ROAD/MES/SD/1005. 5. 3 sets of keys shall be provided. ultra-violet (UV) stabilized and aesthetically acceptable. The size of bus shelter is based on the patronage boarding figures. It has to be designed as a lightweight structure made up of elements of right proportions so as to give a sleek and elegant appearance.Page-19/83 5 GUIDELINE ON BUS SHELTER DESIGN 5. The maximum allowable power budget is 4 W/sqm. The OG-Box shall be located next to the bus shelter at bus bay hard standing. It must also blend with the environment and be maintenance-free. The design of the bus shelter shall be in accordance with the current Architectural Checklist for Bus Shelter / Bus Bay. Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding (c) (d) 5. July 2009 Section 4.5 Lightning Protection System (Refer to sketch no : L/ROAD/MES/SD/1007). (a) (b) The lightning protection system for the bus shelter shall be designed in compliance to SS CP 33 and SS CP16. Earth electrode complete with galvanised hot lid inspetion pit shall be provided and connected to the main earthing terminal Bus Shelter OG box. All earth electrodes shall be planted within site boundary. advertisement panel etc. All metal structures shall be bonded to the rebars of the floor slab by means of a purpose made weld. where the bus shelter is connected to any POBs and linkway.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . All exposed metal parts such as metal railings. All exposed metal parts shall be equipotentially bonded in accordance to SS CP5. QP shall be responsible to ensure that the lightning protection is adequately provided between the existing structure and the new structure. lighting poles. notice boards. within 2-metre radius of the bus shelter perimeter shall be bonded to the lightning protection system of the bus shelter.Page-20/83 5. bus signage poles.6 a) b) c) d) (Refer to sketch no : L/ROAD/MES/SD/1008) Earthing requirements shall be designed in accordance to SS CP 16. The lightning protection system shall be electrically continuous. Standardized locksets similar to that used by the utilities shall be used. Separate lighting circuit shall be designated for Advertisement panels. The size of taxi shelter has to be based on the availability of parking lots.1 Design a) b) The function of taxi shelter is similar to that of bus shelter but it serves fewer passengers. Lightning Protection System 6. the design of the electrical installation shall be as shown in drawing no : L/ROAD/MES/SD/1001 Standardized locksets similar to that used by the utilities shall be used. The lighting design shall have minimum glare to the motorist complying with BS 5489. Light fittings for taxi shelter shall be IP65.3 measured at the ground level. All lighting systems shall be controlled via a programmable timer with RS232 interface with a bypass switch.3 a) Where a taxi shelter is located adjacent or linked to Pedestrian Overhead Bridges (POB) through a linkway. The design of the taxi shelter shall be in accordance with the current Architectural Checklist for Taxi / Passenger Pick-Up Shelter. vandal proof. Lighting Design Criteria b) 6. noticeboard and taxi shelter. For taxi shelter located near MRT station. No up-lighters shall be used in the lighting design.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . The M&E design shall be in accordance with this document.Page-21/83 6 GUIDELINES ON TAXI / PASSENGER PICK-UP SHELTER DESIGN 6.4 a) b) c) d) e) Light fitting shall be of energy efficient design. The fluorescent lamp shall have a colour-rendering index of 827 with colour temp not more than 2700k. ultra-violet (UV) stabilized and aesthetically acceptable. The approved type of light fitting shall be vandal proof. Design Criteria For Electrical Distribution System For Stand Alone Taxi Shelter 6. The design concept for bus shelter applies for taxi shelter. All exposed metal parts such as metal railings. within 2metre radius of the taxi shelter perimeter shall be bonded to the lightning protection system of the taxi shelter. All metal structures shall be bonded to the rebar of the floor slab by means of a purpose made weld. July 2009 Section 4. 3 sets of keys shall be provided.2 a) The design of the electrical installation is as shown in drawing no : L/ROAD/MES/SD/1003 & L/ROAD/MES/SD/1005. The lighting level for the taxi/passenger pick-up shelter shall be an average of 30 lux with a uniformity ratio of 0. lighting poles. Design Criteria For Electrical Distribution System For Taxi Shelter Linking To Pedestrian Overhead Bridge / Linkway b) c) d) 6. taxi signage poles etc. 3 sets of keys shall be provided. ultra-violet (UV) stabilized and aesthetically acceptable. power supply may be taken from the station switchboard complete with sub-metering.5 a) b) c) The lightning protection system for the taxi shelter shall be designed in compliance to SS CP 33 and SS CP16. The OG Box shall be located next to the taxi shelter at the taxibay hard standing. Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding 6. QP shall be responsible to ensure that the lightning protection is adequately provided between the existing structure and the new structure. where the taxi shelter is connected to any POBs and linkway. Earth electrode complete with galvanised hot-lid inspection earth pit shall be provided and connected to the main earthing terminal of the taxi /passenger pick-up point OG-Box.Page-22/83 d) The lightning protection system shall be electrically continuous.6 a) b) c) d) Earthing requirements shall be designed in accordance to SS CP 16. All earth electrodes shall be planted within site boundary.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . All exposed metal parts shall be equipotentially bonded in accordance to SS CP5. July 2009 Section 4. ultra-violet (UV) stabilised and aesthetically acceptable. The fluorescent lamp shall have a colour-rendering index of 827 with colour temp not more than 2700k. The M&E design shall be in accordance with this document. All exposed metal parts such as metal railings. 7. Prior consultation with the respective agencies would be carried out before the building or upgrading works to arrive at a mutual agreement. The lightning protection system shall be electrically continuous.1 Design a) A covered linkway connects pedestrian routes between transport nodes and buildings or facilities. For linkway linking to MRT station. within 2metre radius of the linkway perimeter shall be bonded to the lightning protection system of the linkway.4 a) b) c) d) (Refer to sketch no : L/ROAD/MES/SK/1007/1008) The lightning protection system to the linkway shall be designed in compliance to SS CP 33 and SS CP16. 3 sets of keys shall be provided.7. QP shall be responsible to ensure that the lightning protection is adequately provided between the existing structure and the new structure. All lighting systems shall be controlled via a programmable timer with an RS232 interface with a bypass switch.2 Design Criteria For Electrical Distribution a) b) c) d) The design of the electrical installation shall be as shown in drawing no : L/ROAD/MES/SD/1002.3 a) b) c) d) e) f) Light fitting shall be of energy efficient design.3) for a summary of the details of the maximum allowable power budget for Commuter Facilities. The maximum allowable power budget is 4W/sqm. The approved type of light fitting shall be vandal proof. Light fittings for the linkway shall be IP65. Refer to Table 1 (section 3. All metal structures shall be bonded to the rebar of the floor slab by means of a purpose made clamp or weld. b) Appropriate public buildings.Page-23/83 7 GUIDELINES ON COVERED LINKWAY DESIGN 7. ultra-violet (UV) stabilized and aesthetically acceptable. Standardized locksets similar to that used by the utilities shall be used. Bus interchanges and MRT/LRT station if they are in the vicinity. Lightning Protection System 7.3 measured at the ground level. July 2009 Section 4. The design of the covered linkway shall be in accordance with the current Architectural Checklist for Covered Linkway. Linkway lighting circuits shall be designed such that each alternate light fitting is taken from a different circuit with a minimum of 2 circuits per linkway Lighting Design And Light Fittings 7. taxi stands and passenger pick-up points in the vicinity. vandal proof. power supply may be taken from the station switchboard complete with sub-metering. bus signage poles etc. A covered linkway shall be provided to connect the transport nodes to the following facilities: Bus shelters. where the linkway is connected to any POBs and Bus shelters. No up-lighters shall be used in the lighting design. The lighting design shall have minimum glare to the motorist complying with BS 5489. lighting poles. The lighting level for the covered linkway shall be an average of 30 lux with a uniformity ratio of 0.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Page-24/83 7. All exposed metal parts shall be equipotentially bonded in accordance to SS CP5. Earth electrode complete with galvanised hot-lid inspection earth pit shall be provided and connected to the main earthing terminal of the covered linkway OG-Box. All earth electrodes shall be planted within site boundary.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . July 2009 Section 4.5 Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding a) b) c) d) Earthing requirements shall be provided in accordance to SS CP 16. For elevated bus interchange. Alternative means of powering down each ASD shall be provided at the PSO office for remote control by the operator. . .2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .4m height at each boarding location. Floor wastes/trap shall be provided # Air-conditioning. g h i Water Services Sanitary Works Mode of ventilation j Automated Screen Doors 8. information board & advertising panel Public Telephone Points General power points Minimum 150 lux measured at floor level with uniformity ratio of 0. with power points and telephone points.3. Tap points shall be provided and enclosed by stainless steel casing with pad lock for elevated bus interchange only.Ramps and Corners . As per SS CP 19. 13A flush type switch socket outlet (SSO) within a weatherproof lockable metal cabinets shall be provided and mounted at 1.2 Bus Parking Area / Driveway / Alighting Bay a Lighting Covered Entrance/Exit .3.1 no. - July 2009 Section 4.4m height at each boarding location. 13A SSO will be provided near each EIDS (Electronic Information Display System) and controlled by a fused switch at the PSO. . Means of varying the lighting level via timer relay control to achieve 33%.Bus Park .3.3. .2 L/s per m² floor area * Natural Ventilation Automated screen doors (ASD) to be equipped with auto-lock mechanism when powered down locally at each individual screen doors during non-operation hours shall be provided. Note: All general purpose power points shall be protected by residual current circuit breaker (RCCB).1 Concourse Area a Lighting b c d e f Emergency / Battery backup lighting 2hrs for evacuation Emergency Lighting System.Page-25/83 8 GUIDELINES ON BUS INTERCHANGE 8.50 / 20 lux (day/night) measured at floor level with a uniformity of 0. Minimum 4 nos. As per latest IDA guidelines. 13A flush type (SSO) shall be provided and mounted at 1.100 / 50 lux (day/night) measured at floor level with a uniformity of 0. .Number of occupants (Queue area): 1 m²/person (for cooling load) .1. Average of 20 lux for 6 hours 13A Fused Connection Unit with male /female adapter to be located within each lighted sign / information board / advertising panel. the following shall be assumed: Number of occupants (Circulation area): 3 m²/person (for cooling load) .For the design of the air-conditioning system. 66% and 100 % lighting level shall be provided in the design.1. .Fresh Air Supply: 1. 6 hours for continuous operation Signage.For integrated bus interchange. 8.1 Design Criteria by Area The following list indicates the M&E services requirement for the various areas of the integrated bus interchange.75 / 50 lux (day/night) measured at floor level with a uniformity of 0. .3. Emergency lighting system by Gen Set and UPS (10mins) for continuous power supply during the interval between PG power failure and the generator.8. To provide according to relevant code requirement. (Detailed design should be in accordance to CP 38 requirements). 13A switch socket outlets mounted at 300mm height from FFL to be distributed evenly throughout the Passenger Service Office.Bus Park . .Page-26/83 b c d Emergency power for lightings. As per SS CP 19. July 2009 Section 4. .4 Administration Office a b Lighting Emergency / Battery backup lighting 2hrs 400lux measured at 0. Floor waste/trap for connection of the air-conditioning drain shall be provided. Loop Detector General power points e f g Water Services Sanitary Works Mode of Ventilation Non.4m height. Non-Covered Natural ventilation Covered Natural / Mechanical Ventilation as described in Section 8. . Passenger Service Office shall be provided with individual distribution board located within the office. .2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Tap points shall be provided and enclosed by stainless steel casing with pad lock.7m working plane with uniformity ratio of 0.1.Minimum 4 nos.3. 8. Operators will provide the table height. - d Power Points for equipment e Telephone / communication point / outlet Sanitary Works Others f g 8.3.Entrance/Exit .Ramps and Corners 50 lux measured at floor level with a uniformity of 0.Covered .15 lux measured at floor level with a uniformity of 0. Associated power supply provisions for loop detectors to be provided for the operation of auto-doors within the Integrated Bus Interchange. Minimum 26 nos. .3 Passenger Service Office a b c Lighting Emergency / Battery backup lighting 2hrs Mode of Ventilation 400lux measured at 0. This will include the switch socket outlets for the table top near the window. The rest of the switch socket outlets in the PSO will be mounted at the 300mm height FFL .3. weatherproof isolator of appropriate rating to be provided at each condenser unit location.3. . As per SS CP 19.Conduits/Trunkings with draw wire only will be provided for computer cables.Concealed condensate drainpipes for the air-conditioning unit(s) connected to the nearest floor trap shall be provided.2. Air-conditioning 1 no.Air-conditioning unit(s) and the associated refrigerant piping and electrical cabling works shall be provided. to be located at each wall of the Passenger Service Office mounted at 300mm height from FFL.13A flush type switch socket outlet (SSO) within a weatherproof lockable metal cabinets shall be provided and mounted at 1.Note: All general purpose power points shall be protected by residual current circuit breaker (RCCB). (For integrated Bus interchange only).7m working plane with uniformity ratio of 0. All electrical circuits within the office shall originate from this distribution board. .20 lux measured at floor level with a uniformity of 0.Trunking for refrigerant pipes and electrical cables to be provided.1. . 13A SSO shall be provided.Trunking for refrigerant pipes and electrical cables to be provided.Page-27/83 c Mode of Ventilation d e Power Points for equipment Telephone / communication point / outlet Sanitary Works f Air-conditioning 1 no. . Minimum 1 nos shall be provided. .3.Trunking for refrigerant pipes and electrical cables to be provided. Weatherproof isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided at each condenser unit location. . .Concealed condensate drainpipes for the air-conditioning unit(s) connected to the nearest floor trap shall be provided. Floor waste/trap for connection to condensate drainage pipes from the air-conditioning units.5 Staff Lounge a b c Lighting Emergency / Battery backup lighting 2hrs Mode of Ventilation 200lux measured at 0. Air-conditioning 1 no.7m working plane with uniformity ratio of 0. * Natural Ventilation July 2009 Section 4. b Emergency / Battery backAs per SS CP 19. 13A switch socket outlets shall be provided. Water points for basin and water dispenser Floor waste/trap for connection to condensate drainage pipes from the air-conditioning units. Minimum 8 nos. mounted at 300mm height from FFL. mounted at 300mm height from FFL.1 no weatherproof isolator shall be provided at each condenser unit location. . mounted at 300mm height from FFL.7m working plane with uniformity ratio of 0. Minimum 3 nos shall be provided.Air-conditioning unit(s) and the associated refrigerant piping and electrical cabling works shall be provided. Weatherproof isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided at each condenser unit location. mounted at 300mm height from FFL. As per SS CP 19. and distributed evenly throughout the office.Air-conditioning unit(s) and the associated refrigerant piping and electrical cabling works shall be provided.6 Canteen / Snack Corner # Only snack corner is allowed for integrated bus interchange (no cooking is allowed) a Lighting 200lux measured at 0.1. - 8. and distributed evenly throughout the room.Air-conditioning unit(s) and the associated refrigerant piping and electrical cabling works shall be provided by others. mounted at 300mm height from FFL and distributed evenly throughout the office Conduits/Trunkings with draw wire only will be provided for computer cables. . and distributed evenly throughout the room.Trunking for refrigerant pipes and electrical cables to be provided. 13A SSO shall be provided. e Mode of Ventilation # Air-conditioning for integrated bus interchange .Concealed condensate drainpipes for the air-conditioning unit(s) connected to the nearest floor trap shall be provided.1.3. up lighting 2hrs c Oscillating fan Wall mounted oscillating fans with 13A switch socket outlet to be provided at the oscillating fan locations with switch next to lighting switches. - d e f g Power Points for equipment Telephone / communication point / outlet Water Services Sanitary Works 8. . Minimum 6 nos. basin and water dispenser shall be provided.Concealed condensate drain pipes for the air-conditioning unit(s) connected to the nearest floor trap shall be provided.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . . d Power Points for equipment Minimum 5 nos. wall mounted type oscillating fan with 13A switch socket outlet next to the fan and a switch next to the lighting switch shall be provided. Minimum 1 no. mounted at 1400mm height from FFL. PUB sub meters for canteen operators Floor wastes/traps for connection to condensate drainage pipes from the air-conditioning units.7 Store Room (Rodent-Free) a b c d e 8. up lighting 2hrs c Oscillating fan 1 no. mounted at 300mm height from FFL.7m working plane with uniformity ratio of 0. etc. proposed that mechanical ventilation to be provided. etc.8 Lighting Emergency / Battery backup lighting 2hrs Power Point Oscillating fan Mode of Ventilation 50lux measured at 0.9 Technician's Room a b Lighting Emergency / Battery backup lighting 2hrs 50lux measured at 0. This kWh shall be at the electrical switch room. f Mode of ventilation For food preparation area. i Others .7m working plane with uniformity ratio of 0. As per SS CP 19. of 13A SSO shall be provided. All electrical circuits within the canteen shall originate from this distribution board. d Power Points for equipment . 8. g Water Services Water points for sinks and tap points for washing.1 no.1. and distributed evenly throughout the room linked to the kWh meter for canteen operator . 13A SSO shall be provided. The kitchen exhaust system and associated ducting and electrical cabling works shall be provided by others.7m working plane with uniformity ratio of 0. This kWh shall be at the electrical switch room. Operators to seek approval from relevant authorities on the installation of the kitchen exhaust system.1. b Emergency / Battery backAs per SS CP 19. Canteen shall be provided with individual distribution board located within the canteen premises.Canteen shall be provided with individual distribution board located within the canteen premises. The Canteen distribution board shall be incorporates an individual kWh meter for monitoring of the electricity consumption.3 As per SS CP 19.Page-28/83 f g i Water Services Sanitary Works Others Water points for sinks and tap points for washing.Minimum 5 nos. . power point shall be provided for the heating equipment. sinks. Natural / Mechanical Ventilation Kitchen/Food Preparation Area No kitchen is allowed for integrated bus interchange (no cooking is allowed) a Lighting 200lux measured at 0. July 2009 Section 4. e Kitchen exhaust system * For approved cooking in kitchen of canteen only.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .The Canteen distribution board shall be incorporates an individual kWh meter for monitoring of the electricity consumption. 1 no. 8. linked to the PUB sub meter for canteen operator h Sanitary Works Floor wastes/traps for connection of the sinks.3. All electrical circuits within the canteen shall originate from this distribution board.1.3. The rating of the power point shall be according to the equipment wattage. wall mounted type oscillating fan with a 13A switch socket outlet next to the fan and a switch next to the lighting switch shall be provided. .1. 13A SSO per sales position shall be provided mounted just below the counter top but above the tabletop level.1. Minimum 4 nos. This kWh shall be located in the electrical switchroom. - 8.7m working plane with uniformity ratio of 0. wall mounted oscillating fan with 13A switch socket outlet to be provided at the oscillating fan location with switch next to lighting switch. 13A SSO shall be provided mounted at 1400mm height from FFL. to be located 50mm below the power points.3. a square opening of 290mm x 290mm in size shall be provided for installation of a propeller type exhaust fan (by others). Minimum 5 nos.10 Ticket Office (TO) a b c Lighting Emergency / Battery backup lighting 2hrs Mode of Ventilation 400lux measured at 0.3. - d Power Points for equipment e f g Telephone / communication point / outlet Sanitary Works Others Floor waste/trap for connection of the air-conditioning unit’s condensate drainage pipes shall be provided. Minimum 1 nos. Natural Ventilation/ Mechanical Ventilation 8. 1 no.12 Store Room a b c Lighting Power Point Oscillating fan 50lux measured at 0. Minimum 3 nos. Air-conditioning 1 no weatherproof isolator shall be provided at each condenser unit location. switch point for the fan to be provided beside the door.3. (2 sales positions) for a 4m x 3m TO. 13A SSO shall be provided mounted near the third table. 1 no.11 AVM Room a b c d e g Lighting Emergency / Battery backup lighting 2hrs Oscillating fan Power Points for equipment Telephone / communication point / outlet Mode of Ventilation 400lux measured at 0.Concealed condensate drainpipes for the air-conditioning unit(s) connected to the nearest floor trap shall be provided.Air-conditioning unit(s) and the associated refrigerant piping and electrical cabling works shall be provided. The Ticket Office distribution board shall incorporate an individual kWh meter for monitoring of the electricity consumption. .2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .Page-29/83 c d e Oscillating fan Power Points for equipment Mode of Ventilation 1 no. . 13A SSO per sales position shall be provided mounted at 300mm height from FFL. Minimum 2 nos. 8. to be provided next to the power points.7m working plane with uniformity ratio of 0. Natural or Mechanical Ventilation If the room is naturally ventilated. . wall mounted oscillating fan with 13A switch socket outlet to be provided at the oscillating fan location with switch next to lighting switch. Ticket Office shall have its individual distribution board located within the Ticket Office.Trunking for refrigerant pipes and electrical cables to be provided. 2 nos.7m working plane with uniformity ratio of 0.1. As per SS CP 19. 13A SSO shall be provided mounted at 1400mm height from FFL. Total shall be 8 nos. All electrical circuits within these rooms shall originate from this distribution board. wall mounted oscillating fan with 13A switch socket outlet July 2009 Section 4. 1 no.Mechanical ventilation (ducted type) shall be provided if natural ventilation cannot be achieved. Minimum 3 nos. As per SS CP 19. Systems rooms shall be provided with an individual distribution board located within the room.14 Systems Room a b c Lighting Emergency / Battery backup lighting 2hrs Mode of Ventilation 500lux measured at 0. Natural Ventilation/ Mechanical Ventilation 8. The standby unit shall automatically cut-in in case of failure of the duty unit.7m working plane with uniformity ratio of 0. Natural Ventilation/ Mechanical Ventilation 8. 13A SSO shall be provided mounted at 1400mm height from FFL. The system room distribution board shall incorporate an individual kWh meter for monitoring of the electricity consumption. Minimum 1 nos. Oscillating wall fans and mechanical exhaust fans shall be interlocked with the lighting switch. 13A Socket Outlet to be mounted above ceiling for each unit. This kwh will be housed in the electrical switchroom.1. - d e f g Power Points for equipment Telephone / communication point / outlet Sanitary Works Others 8.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .13 Cleaner's Room a b c d Lighting Power Point Oscillating fan Mode of Ventilation 50lux measured at 0.7m working plane with uniformity ratio of 0. As per SS CP 19. 1 no. wall fans & exhaust fans Water Services 300lux measured at 0.The duty and standby air-conditioning units shall operate alternately on a 7-day timer cycle. July 2009 Section 4. All electrical circuits within these rooms shall originate from this distribution board. As per SS CP 19. Air-conditioning The air-conditioning system shall be designed for 24 hours operation with 100% standby air-conditioning unit.3.15 Toilet Facilities a Lighting b c d e f g Emergency / Battery backup lighting 2hrs Oscillating fan Hand Dryer Auto-flushing Lights. Minimum 1 nos.Water closets and urinals at the public toilets shall be provided with automatic sensor flush valves. to be provided mounted at 300mm height from FFL. . 1 no. 1 no. All piping shall be concealed. .3.1. Downlight (Any reasons for using downlight and not the normal fluorescent tubes?) will be used where false ceilings are installed. Floor waste/trap for connection to condensate drainage pipes from the air-conditioning units.3. Fused Connection Unit to be located above ceiling & 1 no.Tap points for washing and water supply for water/sanitary fixtures/fittings. 13A SSO shall be provided mounted at 300mm height from FFL. Minimum 2 nos. hand dryer to be provided at each toilet.Page-30/83 d Mode of Ventilation to be provided at the oscillating fan location with switch next to lighting switch. 1 no.1.7m working plane with uniformity ratio of 0. wall mounted oscillating fan with 13A switch socket outlet to be provided at the oscillating fan location with switch next to lighting switch. switch with neon indicator to be located next to toilet light switch. . 1 no. wall mounted oscillating fan with 13A switch socket outlet to be provided at the oscillating fan location with switch next to lighting switch. Essential loads to be separated from normal load. 60A TPN power isolator located inside Food Kiosk . ejector pumps.3.1. . 13A SPN MCB.2 nos. 13A weatherproof switch socket outlet. .15 lux measured at floor level with uniformity ratio of 0. 2 nos 13A weatherproof switch socket outlets.1 no 13A switch socket outlet.16 Other Facilities a Sundry Kiosk b Food Kiosk (where space permits) c ATM space d Bin Centre (where refuse output exceeds 1000L/day. fire protection system. Essential loads shall consists of. 1 no power isolator of a 80A TPN rating. .MCB or MCCB of appropriate rating. 5-pin socket outlet (male & female) for connection to mobile generator. fire related mechanical ventilation system. .Sprinkler protection.Page-31/83 h Sanitary Works - Floor wastes/traps and sanitary works for water/sanitary wares. (Tenants shall provide kiosk light fittings & power points. .1 no.One tap point for washing. Rating of socket outlet shall be suitable to supply essential loads.2 nos. if any. lifts. Dedicated lift DB consists of 1 no. .Provision of a kWh meter shall be provided to monitor electricity consumption for the kiosk.1 no.Drainage pipe to discharge into sump/drainage system - g Escalators Control Closets - g Escalators Pits h Lifts Motor Rooms - 1 no. Telephone point/socket shall be provided for each ATM and located next to the switch socket outlet. otherwise bin point only) Switch Room e f Emergency power for Integrated Bus Interchange Separate Distribution Board c/w incoming 1 no 30A SPN MCB. 1 no.1 no.Cast iron gully trap . All piping shall be concealed. 13A Switch Socket Outlets shall be provided for each ATM and mounted at 300mm height above FFL . subject to relevant Authorities' equipment) . Mechanical Ventilation Fan shall be interlocked with light switch. 2 nos. 20A TPN and 4 nos. to supply EBOPS for escalator combs lights. . . Telephone point/socket shall be provided.ITB for FMS monitoring.EBOPS to be installed in escalator controller closet.7m working plane with a uniformity ratio of 0. 30mA RCCB. The kWh Meter shall be located at Meter Board within the electrical switch room. . .1 no.All wiring within this Kiosk shall be wired to the DB.1no.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .200lux measured at 0. . 80A TPN isolator. The kWh Meter shall be located at Meter Board within the electrical switch room.1 no. . Telephone point/socket shall be provided. . outgoing 1 nos. etc. .Provision of a kwh meter shall be provided to monitor electricity consumption for the kiosk. Smoke detector protection. . light fittings with battery pack .Natural / Mechanical Ventilation . Mechanical Ventilation Light Fittings with switch July 2009 Section 4. i Mode of Ventilation 8.Natural / Mechanical Ventilation . 15A to be provided within the Kiosk. . subject to relevant Authorities' requirement) . weatherproof light fitting with switch . sump pumps. Weatherproof light fittings with switch.1 no.Natural/Mechanical ventilation. 2 no.Size of room should not be less than 11 sq. 6A SPN MCB.3. m . (Tenants shall provide kiosk light fittings & power points.1 no. For perimeter light fittings and where light fittings are exposed to weather. j k ACMV Motor Control Centres / Local Control Panels Fire Pump Panels and Fire Alarm Panels . 13A switch socket outlet. 1 no power isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided at the sump or ejector pump control panel.e. 1 no. weatherproof power point shall be provided for maintenance Natural Ventilation Natural / Mechanical Ventilation #Air conditioning. Drainage pipe to discharge into sump/drainage system.Applicable For Integrated Bus Interchange Only. (To provide Exit Light at the max mounting height of 2. All lighting systems shall be controlled via a 24hr programmable timer.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . 24°C. 1 no. Notwithstanding the above requirements. 8. 1 no. Fire extinguisher. 1 no.4m) Natural / Mechanical Ventilation If MV system is provided. One tap point for washing Floor waste/trap Mechanical Ventilation One tap point for washing Drainage to sewage ejector pumping system Mechanical Ventilation One tap point for washing Floor waste/trap Mechanical Ventilation Tap points for washing Floor wastes/traps Mechanical Ventilation Tap points for washing Floor wastes/traps Mechanical Ventilation Tap points for washing Floor wastes/traps 1 no. 1 no.Page-32/83 i Lift Pit/Hoistways - 1 no. - l m n o p q r Sump and Ejector panels Sump Pump Room Sewage Ejector Room Sprinkler / Hose Reel Tank Room AHU Room Air Conditioning Plant Room Cooling Tower / Condenser Area s t u DB Room (Distribution Board) Entrance / Exit Staircase 1 no power isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided for Fire Pump control panel. the Contractor shall comply with the local codes.2 Lighting Requirement For Bus Interchange a) b) c) Light fitting shall be of energy efficient design. Sprinkler protection at the top and bottom of the hoistway. Smoke Detector. The timer shall be supplied inclusive of a bypass switch.Applicable For Stand Alone Elevated Bus Interchange # . 13A SSO shall be provided inside each fire alarm panel. weatherproof 13A switch socket outlet. regulations and requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction. ultra-violet (UV) stabilized and aesthetically acceptable. vandalproof. The Contractor shall also co-ordinate with the Operator for all the necessary information and data in order to complete his designs and works. Indoor design condition. telephone line to be provided for main fire alarm panel to connect to the fire-monitoring centre. the power supply shall be tapped from emergency source Note: *. the fittings shall be IP65. No up-lighters shall be used in the lighting design. power isolator of appropriate rating shall be provided for each motor control centre / local control panel. i. weatherproof light fitting with switch. July 2009 Section 4. The drainage from the kitchen area shall be through waste sumps.5.7.1 Escalator (where applicable) Design Requirement When escalators are required. The lifts shall be designed in accordance with the requirements as stipulated in clause 11. where the entrance or exit of the bus interchange is connected to any pedestrian underpass.4 a) b) 8. The water shall be pumped to the external storm water drain. Isolation valves shall also be provided at branch off of each area served for maintenance purposes and minimising disruption of water supply. All sewage from ground level or above shall be directly discharged to sanitary works system by gravity as far as possible. Sewage ejector system shall be provided for underground bus interchange for the collection and disposal of sewage. The lightning protection system shall be electrically continuous. linkway and bus shelters.6 8. Sanitary Works And Pumped Drainage System Water Services a) b) c) d) 8.6.1 When lifts are required. Location of earthing pits shall be adjusted to suit site conditions and approval of Authority. The water shall be positively drained via channels and drains by gravity to the drainage sump.5.9 of the Technical Specifications.5 8. screen chamber and grease trap before discharging into the inspection chamber. UPS? The emergency lighting system shall be able to light up critical areas such as the concourse area (interface between the buses and commuters) with an average lighting level of 20 lux for a minimum period of 6 hours. Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding 8. Passenger Lift (where applicable) Design Requirements 8.5. they shall be provided to link all levels in the Bus Interchange (BI).8 of the Technical Specifications.Page-33/83 d) e) All lighting systems shall include an emergency lighting system that will provide sufficient lighting for the continuous operation of the bus interchange in a PowerGrid failure situation. they shall be provided to link all levels in the Bus Interchange (BI). Common water distribution pipes shall not be routed in tenantable area. 8.1 Earthing requirements shall be provided in accordance to SS CP 16. Pumped Drainage System 8. All metal structures shall be bonded to the rebars of the floor slab by means of a purpose made clamp or weld.7 8. – UPS? Lightning Protection System 8. CP 48. Flush valves shall be also provided with manual actuation.3 a) Pumped drainage system shall be provided at the base level of underground bus interchange for the collection and disposal of storm and surface water. Sanitary Works System a) b) c) The sanitary works shall comply with PUB Codes of Practice on Sewerage and Sanitary Works. July 2009 Section 4.3 a) b) c) d) e) The lightning protection system to the bus interchange shall comply with SS CP 33 and SS CP16.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Water Services. The escalators shall be designed in accordance with the requirements as stipulated in clause 11. The PUB approved type of auto-sensing/electronic sensor flush valves shall be provided for water closets and urinals at public toilets. All exposed metal parts shall be equipotentially bonded in accordance to SS CP5. The lightning protection system shall be an independent system from any integrated MRT station or development.2 The water supply for the development shall comply with PUB Code of Practice for Water Services. Wet Bulb temperature : 26°C . driveway and alighting bay in the bus interchange shall be adequately ventilated in order to remove the heat and pollutants such as carbon monoxide. The ACMV system shall comply with the Building Regulations. A time switch shall be incorporated in the escalator. In addition.g. driveway and alighting bay shall be ventilated to maintain the following indoor air temperatures and air quality as stated below Indoor Air Temperature maximum: . The ACMV equipment shall be housed in the AHU rooms. 12 mid-night to before 6am.Design Dry Bulb temperature : 24°C± 1°C . installation.Daily temperature range : 8°C Indoor Air Condition . This is to ensure a safe and healthy environment as well as an acceptable level of thermal comfort is provided for the passengers.2 Automatic Starting And Stopping Operation a) b) The escalator shall operate in two modes: Continuous Operation with Energy Saving (standby speed) and Automatic Start/Stop Operation.2 a) b) The bus parking area.8 8. oxides of nitrogen. Unless otherwise stated. photoelectric cells capable of detecting at many various angles. the escalator shall start and resume continuous operation with energy savings (standby speed) after detecting a commuter entering the escalator.Design RH : 60% ± 5% . The ACMV system for the integrated bus interchange shall be independent from any integrated MRT station or development. Ventilation for Covered Bus Parking Area. Pre-filters shall be provided for all fresh air intakes of the air-conditioning system. the design of the air-conditioning system shall be based on the following criteria: Outdoor Air Condition . Hence.8.Page-34/83 8. installation. testing and commissioning of the air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation (ACMV) system for the bus interchange.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .g. other regulations.Dry Bulb temperature : 32°C . codes of practices. testing and commissioning shall also comply with National Productive and Quality Specifications (NPQS). This shall be subject to the Authority’s acceptance. The Contractor shall confirm the pre-set times with the Bus Interchange operator.Driveway : Maximum temperature rise: 3°C above outdoor ambient .Bus Parking Area : Maximum temperature rise: 5°C above outdoor ambient . The escalator shall be in continuous operation with energy savings (standby speed) between pre-set times e. materials. Driveway and Alighting Bay 8.Alighting Bay : Maximum temperature rise: 2°C above outdoor ambient July 2009 Section 4. Mechanical Specifications issued by the Building Control Authority unless otherwise stated. shall be provided to ensure that nobody is riding on the escalator at the time of the switch-on or switch-off. 6am to 12 mid-night. Air-Conditioning And Mechanical Ventilation System General 8. standards and requirements as set out by the authorities having jurisdiction of the works. and the relevant bylaws unless otherwise stated. which incorporate a time delay. All ACMV equipment shall be provided with programmable 24 hours /7 days timer. which will switch to the automatic start/stop at the other time e. Air-conditioning for the concourse area shall be provided by means of a central airconditioning system.8. The ACMV equipment. at 6am. drivers and workers. sulphur dioxide and other combustion products emitted from the buses and other equipment.1 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) The section covers the minimum requirements for the design.7. The bus parking area.Number of occupants : 3 m²/person (for cooling load) The indoor air quality for the offices shall comply with the “Guidelines for Good Indoor Air Quality in Office Premises” from the Ministry of the Environment. supply. Vibration isolators shall be provided for the equipment and services in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations. areas of public access and exhaust discharges from kitchens. pedestrian thoroughfares. In addition. They shall also not face or discharge in the direction of any adjacent residential building. to maintain a lower temperature at these areas relative to other areas e.Page-35/83 Permissible Concentration Levels of Pollutants : Pollutants Averaging time Concentration Gaseous Pollutants Carbon Monoxide Sulphur Dioxide Nitrogen Dioxide c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) Nitric Oxide Particulate Respirable Dust Pollutants Particles Ventilation by natural means with adequate openings for cross-ventilation shall be provided. driveway and alighting bay. to demonstrate that the proposed design can meet the requirements above. driveway and alighting berth shall not spread into the passenger waiting area and adjacent development. either through mechanical means or a combination of natural and mechanical ventilation shall be provided. Infiltration of contaminated air from the bus parking area. If natural ventilation cannot fulfil the requirements. the mechanical ventilation system shall be designed in such a way that the quantity of replacement/supply air is lower than that of the exhaust air so that they are maintained under negative pressure all the time. as measured from the top of the grille to the finished floor. air curtains shall be provided at the doors of air-conditioned passenger waiting areas. ventilation. Engineering analysis including ccomputer simulations shall be carried out. The ventilation system design shall take into consideration the expected peak number of buses operating in the bus interchange. openable windows and occupied areas. Supply outlets shall be located and evenly distributed at areas where passengers are likely to access and transit e. whichever is higher.6 mg/m3 (3 ppm) 9. The discharge points of the exhaust ventilation system shall be arranged to discharge directly to the external.g.2 mg/m3 (2 ppm) 13 mg/m3 (5 ppm) 5. driveway and alighting-bay areas that are mechanically ventilated. The air curtains shall be either wall-mounted or suspended from the ceiling and shall be suitable and effective for the doors served. The areas served by mechanical ventilation shall incorporate a supply part and an exhaust part with minimum ventilation rate to meet the requirements above or 6 air changes per hour. bus parking areas and driveway. trafficable areas. 8 hours 8 hours 15 minutes 8 hours 15 minutes 8 hours 8 hours 29 mg/m3 (25 ppm) 5. trafficable areas. areas of public access and exhaust discharges from kitchens. where necessary. The supply air shall be drawn directly from the external and its intake shall not be less than 5m from any exhaust discharge openings. then with LTA’s prior consent. openable windows and occupied areas. Exhaust outlets shall be located at areas where heat and exhaust from buses are expected so that the heat and emission are removed as close to the source as possible.g. When locating the discharge points. pedestrian thoroughfares. At least 50% of the exhaust air shall be extracted at low level not exceeding 650mm above the finished floor. They shall not be less than 5m away from any air circulating and ventilating inlets.4 mg/m3 (5 ppm) 31 mg/m3 (25 ppm) 5 mg/m3 USEPA Primary Air Quality Standards Pollutants Averaging Time Concentration Gaseous Carbon Monoxide 8 hours 10 mg/m3 (9 ppm) July 2009 Section 4. from the discharge points shall not exceeded the requirements shown in the Table below.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . driveway and alighting bay into the passenger waiting area shall be prevented by keeping the passenger waiting area at an overpressure relative to the bus parking area. The air quality at the nearest air circulating and ventilating inlets. Exhaust outlets shall also be located close to the ceiling soffit to minimise the accumulation of heat and pollutants at the ceiling space. Fire and smoke in the bus parking area. alighting bay. It shall be located away from the downwind of air intakes of the building. For bus parking. the influence of adjacent buildings and prevailing wind direction and the wind distribution over these buildings shall be taken into account. For bus parking areas and driveway exceeding one level. Table: Maximum Equipment Sound Pressure Level Location Maximum Sound Pressure Level b) Concourse Area 55 dBA Bus Parking. For an independent fire sprinkler system.12 ppm) Particulate Respirable suspended Annual Mean 50 µg/m3 Pollutants Particles 24 hours 150 µg/m3 Lead 3 months 1.2 a) b) c) 8. Driveway. The system shall be connected to a fire station through an approved alarm monitoring company.1 Automatic Fire Alarm System a) b) c) The fire alarm system shall comply with SS CP10. DB room 65 dBA Equipment Room 85 dBA Pedestrian Underpass 55 dBA Any other noise criteria including the boundary noise levels stipulated by the local authorities shall also be complied with. The hand railings for the ladders shall extend above the tank to facilitate easy access. the supply and exhaust parts shall be designed in such a way as to minimise intermixing of air between the different levels.14 ppm) Nitrogen Annual Mean 100 µg/m3 (0. the MAP shall also be able to send and receive summary fire alarm signals to and from the MAPs of the integrated MRT stations via Interfacing Terminal Box (ITB) Fire-rated roller shutter / swing door (used as fire separation) installed at the boundary adjacent to a development shall be activated by localized smoke detectors installed at both sides of the shutter / door (normally held open).3 The fire sprinkler system shall comply with the requirements of SS CP52 Code of Practice for Automatic Fire Sprinkler System. 8.5 µg/m3 A standby fan shall be provided with capacity equivalent to the largest duty fan. Code of Practice for Fire Hydrant Systems and Hose Reels July 2009 Section 4. For bus interchanges integrated with MRT stations.053 ppm) Dioxide 24 hours Ozone 8 hours 160 µg/m3 (0. Upon completion of the installation.10. Fire Protection System In Bus Interchange 8.10.10. Fire Hydrant System a) The fire hydrant system shall be provided in accordance to fire code and SS CP29. Kitchen 55 dBA Store Room.Page-36/83 n) o) p) 1 hour 40 mg/m3 (35 ppm) Sulphur Dioxide Annual Mean 80 µg/m3 (0.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .03 ppm) 24 hours 365 µg/m3 (0.10 The provision and design of the Fire Protection System in bus interchange shall comply with all statutory requirements. Floor zone chart shall be provided next to the MAP. Automatic Fire Sprinkler System 8. where applicable. Boarding and Alighting Berths 65 dBA Employee Occupied Rooms. the sprinkler pumps and control panels shall be housed in the sprinkler pump room.08 ppm) 1 hour 235 µg/m3 (0. if provided.9 a) The sound pressure levels due to the operation of the ACMV equipment excluding all extraneous sources shall not exceed the noise levels specified in the Table below. Offices 50 dBA Toilets. The ladders used shall be aluminium for temporary and stainless steel type for permanent. The status of the shutter / door shall be sent to the FCC of the adjacent commercial building and PSC of the MRT Station respectively. The Main Alarm Panel (MAP) shall be easily accessible by Firemen and located in the FCC. Pollutants Equipment Noise Control 8. site testing and commissioning including air quality and temperature measurements shall be performed to demonstrate that the ventilation system can meet the above requirements. the hosereel system shall be fed direct from the PUB mains.10. Fire Extinguishers a) Fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with the Fire Code and SS CP55.5 Dry rising main shall be provided for underground bus interchanges.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .Page-37/83 8.6 The fire hosereel system shall be provided in accordance to fire code and SS CP29 Code of Practice for Fire Hydrant Systems and Hose Reels Wherever possible.10.4 Dry Rising Main a) b) 8. Dry mains shall be provided in accordance to fire code and SS CP 29 Code of Practice for Fire Hydrant Systems and Hose Reels. July 2009 Section 4.10. Fire Hosereel System a) b) 8. Page-38/83 9 GUIDELINES ON PUBLIC STREET LIGHTING DESIGN In general.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . For major roads and expressways. to be determined in accordance to the required performance. the light fittings for public streets shall comply to SS 263 Part 5. The lantern shall be provided with multiple adjustments to have variable light distribution to suit the road conditions. July 2009 Section 4. The minimum distance between each lamp pole required shall range from 45m to 50m. The total light output ratio shall equal or exceed 75%. IP65 high performance lantern mounted on 10 meter pole height with High Pressure Sodium Vapour (HPSV) SON-T Plus lamp shall be used. The battery shall have a capacity to support the full rating of the UPS module for a minimum period of 30 minutes at a temperature of 25 degree celsius.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . July 2009 Section 4.All necessary auxiliary devices for monitoring and control equipment The developer shall be responsible to ensure that the installed remote (end) FMS is able to interface with the existing LTA FMS and shall liase with the Authority and its appointed Contractor for the interface with the existing LTA FMS. terminated. tested and ready for use.Enclosure with lock for acknowledgement key switches and indicators . On-board or on-module indicators showing the status of all I/O points shall be provided. supply.All cabling between equipment monitored and ITBs .All cabling between ITBs and PLCs .1 no.Interface Terminal Boards (ITBs) . The Field PLC shall be supplied with at least 25% spares including the necessary plug-in modules that are fully configured. The digital I/O card of the PLCs shall be designed for fail-safe operation and any single component failure should not cause any malfunction of FMS or control sent. The PLCs shall be capable of supporting at least 512 I/O ports and capable of handling both analogue and digital signals by using different I/O boards. install.2 10. modems and all its associated devices and components shall come complete with mini UPS backup to prevent momentary power loss. The remote (site) end system shall consist of the following: . dial up telephone line .2 sets of key switches and indicator lamps for site acknowledgement .Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) . wired.1 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) The remote site PLC (Field PLC) shall be housed in a panel with easy access for maintenance work with at least 25% spare panel space for future expansion.1 General a) b) c) Where FMS is provided. test and commission and handover the remote (site) end system of the FMS. The developer shall ensure that all equipment and devices to be provided for the FMS remote site shall be able to meet all interface and functional requirements as specified in the Authority’s FMS Interface Control and Data Document (ICDD) for future FMS sites. interface with the existing LTA Facilities Management System (FMS).Page-39/83 10 INTERFACING WITH FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 10. The PLC.2. The analogue I/O card on the PLCs shall have multiple input and output ports of resolution of at least 12 bits. All analogue input ports shall accept full range signals of 4-20mA. the PLC design shall include the necessary hardware and software capacity to accommodate at least another 25% for future expansion without degradation in the overall system performance. the developer shall design. FMS Equipment Programmable Logic Controllers 10. The PLCs to be provided shall be supplied together with its programming software and shall comply to the standards and recommendations of IEC61131 for the programming of the PLC. 0-5V and 0-10V. In addition to the spares.2 numbers dial-up modem .1 number Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) . The PLC shall be provided with self-diagnostic including communication diagnostics and diagnostics for all panel components. The main memory of the PLC shall be of solid state type and shall be incorporated for all critical configuration data. Memory backup shall be carried out with lithium battery or equivalent to support the real time clock and all volatile memory for a period of 1 year minimum. Relays or metallic insulation semi-conductor devices shall be provided to isolate the mains with the electronic device. i) Each key switch shall have its own identification and labelled as E&M and Escalator ii) Each key switch shall be connected to the Field PLC digital input module.3 a) b) 10. events and data logging generated during the period of takeover shall not be sent to the Data Concentrator (masked).2. events and data logging.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . The remote site FMS panel shall include (2) sets of acknowledgement key switches and indicators. The location of the telephone terminal box shall be next to the FMS panel. The interface with the HMI Client notebook shall allow the Field PLC to be able to be programmed to provide the notebook HMI Client with real time visualisation of all data and monitoring points on site. Field PLC Functional Requirements a) b) c) d) e) f) The Field PLC shall transmit all E&M equipment. remote site FMS equipment and PLC system alarms real-time. The telephone line shall be transferred to the Authority. i) Accept the identification of the user on site that is key-in through the notebook HMI Client for site take-over ii) Field PLC shall send the user’s identification and time-stamp of the site takeover request to the Data Concentrator. the Field PLC shall send its identification and timestamped of the activation to the Data Concentrator iii) The Data Concentrator shall then reply with an acknowledgement and the Filed PLC shall turn on its associated indicator through the Field PLC digital output module.2. installation.4 Soderless and screwless techniques shall be the preferred means of terminating conductors. Upon activation of the key switch. The Field PLC shall also be able to provide the Data Concentrator (PLC at Operation Control Centre (OCC)) with all necessary data as requested during a Data Concentrator communication poll. Cabling and Wire Terminations 10. All wire and cable terminals shall be properly numbered and labelled with descriptions of their functional purpose. The Field PLC shall include a communication port (always available) for connection to the Authority’s FMS notebook HMI Client.5 The property owners shall apply for the telephone line and bear all telephone line charges prior to handing over of the FMS to the Authority. The Field PLC shall be capable of providing a time-stamp for all data captured or generated before being transmitted to the Data Concentrator. testing and commissioning of auxiliary devices for FMS monitoring and control purposes to the respective equipment to be monitored.2.2. Crimpling or other standard industry practice may also be used. If site takeover is granted all alarms. Telephone Line a) b) 10. There shall be (2) modems connected to the Field PLC in active and redundancy setup as specified in the ICDD.2 The PLC panel shall be located at a location next to the electrical panels and shall not be accessible to the public. v) The Field PLC shall be able to accept request form the user through the notebook HMI Client to relinquish takeover and acknowledgement by the Data Concentrator that normal monitoring and control of the site can be resumed. The Field PLC shall communicate with the Data Concentrator through a dialup modem. Auxiliary Devices The developer shall be responsible for all design. iii) Field PLC shall be able to accept an acknowledgement from the Data Concentrator on the site takeover request.Page-40/83 j) 10. The auxiliary devices shall include but not be limited to the following: July 2009 Section 4. iv) The Field PLC shall be able to differentiate whether site take over has been granted from the acknowledgement from the Data Concentrator. iv) Upon deactivation of the key switch. supply. The interface with the HMI notebook shall include the following funcitonalities. Upon issuance of the Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) or end of Defects Liability Period (DLP) and handover of the FMS to the Authority. These key switches shall be mounted on the FMS panel if located indoor and mounted on an IP 65 enclosure if located outdoor. The Field PLC shall then unmasked all alarms. the Field PLC shall send the identification and key switch off message and time-stamped to the Data Concentrator which shall then reply with acknowledgement and the indicator shall be turn-off. The acknowledgement key switches and indicators shall provide the following functionalities. DI .DA . sensors etc. Switch shall have the snap action SPDT type contacts rated at 1.DA .) and shall be terminated in a common screen terminal on the terminal block.DA LED Message Display Sign Escalators .6mm diameter.2.DI .DA . Message Control Power Status Power Supply Status Up Direction Status Down Direction Status Emergency Stop for push button Trip Alarm for safety switches Escalator Running/Stop Power Supply Status On/Off Status Lift Maintenance mode Emergency operation (Fire operation) Lift Parking Control mode (if applicable) Lift Common Trip Fan / Air conditioner Pumps .DI .DA Lifts July 2009 Section 4.DO .DI .DA . 10. duo twisted pair screen signal cable All cable screens for DI and AO shall be left floating at the equipment (auxiliary contacts. - 10.DA . 10.DI . normally open contacts.DI .DA General Alarm General Fault Alarm Fire Shutter Close Main Outgoing MCB Trip Alarm for each group of lighting circuit.DI . 10. Digital Output (DO).Page-41/83 10.2.Analog Input (AI).DI .2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Current transformers shall have a secondary output of between 0 to 5A and current transducers shall have an output of between 4 to 20 mA.DI .DI .DI .DI . (For underpass only) Power Supply Status On/Off Control On / Off Status Trip Alarm Power Supply Status On / Off Status for each pumps.9 diameter.9 Wiring a) b) All wiring for FMS interfacing shall be as follows: Digital Input (DI). for sensing of low liquid level in the tank.8 Current Transformers And Voltage And Current Transducers Voltage transducer shall have an output of between 4 to 20 mA. single.3 Schedule Of Points The FMS points to be monitored are as follows: Fire protection system . Analog Output (AO) : 0.7 Level Switches Level switches shall be of magnetic type or other approved non-electrical type.2/230V AC.6 Equipment Status Monitoring Equipment status monitoring point shall be in the form of voltage free.DA . Trip Alarm for each pumps High Level Alarm (2 levels for Vehicular Underpasses and 1 level for Pedestrian Underpasses) Low level Alarm.2.DA Lighting .DA .2.DI . Digital Alarm (DA) : 0. All equipment status monitoring point must be electrically isolated from power circuits. twisted pair screen signal cable .DA .DO . Page-42/83 .DA .DA .DA .2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Battery Charger Failure Low Fuel Tank Alarm Genset Running Alarm July 2009 Section 4.DI .DA .DA .DA .DA Generators Power Failure Operation (ARD or Genset operation) Lift pit flood Trip Lift car home Power Supply Status Genset Failure Alarm. SMACNA . bare rectangular solid copper bars complying with BS 1433.1.British Standards (BS) .Underwriters Laboratory 11. The minimum busbar clearance between phases and between phases and earth shall be in conformance to BS 159.1 Code And Regulation In addition to local requirements. Full size phase and neutral busbars shall be provided.1 Particular Requirements a) b) c) d) The LV metal clad switchboard.AMCA .International Standards Organization (ISO) . 20% spare panel space shall be provided for future expansion purposes.Guidelines for Good Indoor Air Quality in Office Premises . Busbar shall run throughout the entire length of the switchboard. wall mounted / floor standing main switchboard shall be type-tested assembly (TTA) as defined in IEC 60439-1: Part 1.ANSI .1.1 LV Main Switchboard & Battery Charger 11.4 Current Transformers (CT) DTL. Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers .2 a) b) c) d) Busbars shall be made of hard drawn. (USA) . equipment and system design shall also comply with the following codes of practice and standards: . normal 3/10 or 1.American Society of Testing and Materials .Sheet Metal and Air-conditioning Contractors’ National Association Inc.Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Institute .1.3 Protective relays shall be manual reset type with flag indication of tripping complying with BS 142. vermin proof.American National Standards Institute (USA) .Page-43/83 11 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . normal 3/10 to BS 142 50% to 200% of rated values with instantaneous high set elements 10% to 40% of rated values a) All CTs shall comply with BS 3938 and shall be rated for Class B temperature rise. All diagrams must be endorsed by LEW of the appropriate grade.1. Busbars shall be extended as necessary and drilled for future connection of conductors. electro-tinned high conductivity.ASHRAE – American Society of Heating.ARI .Air Movement and Control Association (USA) . Busbars and Supports 11. Phase identification label shall totally wrap non-adhesive heat shrinkable type around the busbars.ASTM . Incoming circuit breakers shall be provided with the capability of being padlocked in the "OFF" position. control circuit and layout plan shall be inserted in a permanent pocket on the inner side of the panel door of each switchboard.2 LV Power Systems 11.HVCA . The busbar shall be colour code in compliance to IEC 60446 for phase identification.2. July 2009 Section 4. As-built line diagram.2. Busbar shall be constructed in such manner so as to allow for future extension without dismantling and modifying of the busbars and busbar mounting. Relay Type Setting Range Overcurrent Earth Fault 11.Heating and Ventilation Contractors Association (UK) . Protective Relays 11.International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) .2.UL .3/10 to BS142 DTL. measuring instruments. B. All fuse links shall be properly labelled to identify the rating. control circuits.1. Earthing a) A tinned copper earth bar complying with SS CP 5 shall be provided along the whole length of the switchboard. alarms. with mechanical zero adjustment accessible from the front without dismantling the instruments. Y. run on PVC cleats or trunkings. Push Buttons. In addition to instantaneous indicators. BR clearly indicated. The heaters shall be shrouded and mounted at the bottom of the switchboard. ammeters shall be provided with half-hour maximum demand indicator.5sq. indications.5 a) b) c) 11. The product of rated accuracy limit factor and rated output of the protection CT shall not be less than ten (10) times the rated burden of the trip circuit including the relays. Protection CTs shall be suitably rated and have Class 5P accuracy or better.7 a) b) 11. All indicating instruments shall not be damaged by occurrence of a short-circuit or overvoltage which can be withstood by the switchgear. Y. The range selected shall be suitable for the voltage and current levels to be indicated. Indicating Instruments 11. All indicating instruments shall be complying with BS 89 : Part 1. Labelling a) 11.8 All equipment shall be fitted with suitably rated fuses. Terminal of each set of CT shall be earthed through a removable link. Panel Heaters a) b) 11. The accuracy class shall be 1. of the moving iron spring controlled type.2. Heaters.1. The indicating lamps shall be designed to permit removal of lamp lenses and bulb from the front of the units without the need of any special tool and opening of the panel doors. Selector and Control Switches a) b) c) d) All indicating lamps.1. luminous push buttons shall be of LED test button type.5cu. shall each be fused separately and all fuses shall be housed in all insulated carriers and shrouded bases.5 for indicating instruments and 2 for integrating meters. Each wire shall be fitted at both ends with a white ferrule and black engraved inscription to correspond with the connection diagram. All labels shall be manufactured from laminated traffolyte or similar plastic materials. The heaters shall be individually fused and fitted with rotary ON/OFF selector switch. engraved and fixed by stainless steel screws. thermostatic controls and a lamp to indicate the energisation of the heaters at the front. and B clearly indicated. All cables shall be adequately rated single core stranded conductors of not less than 1.m volume.1.Page-44/83 b) c) d) CTs shall be of epoxy resin encapsulated type and shall be capable of providing the necessary output to operate the connected protective devices or instruments. with the necessary engraved plates with R.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Selector switches for ammeters shall be of the rotary type with make-before-break contacts for selection to read the three phase currents. RY. connection leads and overcurrent release where applicable.2. YB.2.2. 11. Fuse Links 11.2.1. with the necessary engraved plates with R. All indicating lamps. Selector switches for voltmeters shall be of the rotary type with break-before-make contacts for selection to read the line and phase voltages.1.1.6 All indicating instruments shall have a frame size of approximately 96mm x 96mm with a scale arc of approximately 240°. Lamp lenses shall be clear type with appropriate colour coding band.11 Internal and Control Wiring a) b) c) July 2009 Section 4.9 Each section of the MSB shall be fitted with a panel heater operated on main supply and rated at not less than 60W per 1. which are connected to mains voltage shall be equipped with built-in double wound transformer.2. Indicating Lamps. All internal and control wiring shall be 600V/1000V grade PVC insulated copper cable to IEC 60228 Class 2. 2. The ventilation apertures shall be suitably screened to prevent the entry of vermin and other foreign bodies.2 DBs shall be of metal enclosed. i. Overground (OG) Box 11.2. All metal parts of the board except current carrying parts shall be bonded together electrically and to the earth bar. The OG box shall be provided with a root of ample strength and suitable for mounting on a concrete/brick footing. All doors and covers shall be fitted with moulded gaskets of non-ageing material. The distribution board shall be supplied to minimum IP 44.2. Each distribution board shall be fitted with an earth stud located in an accessible position on the inside of the board. Each distribution board shall also be furnished with neutral and earthing busbars having the same rating as the phase buses. 439. Adequate ventilation shall be provided to permit natural circulation of air. 1 in terminal no. The enclosure shall be completed with hinged doors and to be provided with standardised key lock of similar types to that used by the Power Utility Company and 3 sets of key. enabling easy exchange or replacement of faulty equipment. A concrete plinth of minimum height of 300mm shall be provided for mounting of the OG box. Each DB is to be labelled properly with reverse engraved name plate secured by stainless steel screws. The details of the labels are to be approved by the Authority before fabrication. Each distribution board shall be fitted with a multi-terminal earth bar with one terminal for each outgoing circuit.3 a) b) c) d) e) The OG box shall be outdoor type. The housing shall be made of sheet steel with thickness of not less than 2. The distribution boards shall be provided with tinned copper conductor busbars rated for the appropriate continuous current and short circuit current. 1 etc.1 General a) b) 11. The board interior apparatus shall be fixed mounted on back plates of reinforced steel for rigid support and covered with a transparent front panel making the access to the live parts impossible. The construction of the distribution boards shall be such that no cable is subjected to bend of internal radius less than four times the overall diameter of the cable.e.e.2. Each distribution board shall be fitted with a multi-terminal neutral bar with one terminal for each outgoing circuit. Panel Construction a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) The DB enclosure (panels/doors) shall be made of electro-galvanised steel sheets (minimum thickness 2 mm) and finished with epoxy powder coating (minimum 60 micron) colour to the acceptance. 1 etc. Power Grid metering panel and LTA distribution board shall be housed in one OG Box with separate compartments and separate hinged doors with locks. control circuit and layout plan shall be inserted in a permanent pocket on the inner side of the panel door of each distribution board. All diagrams must be endorsed by LEW of the appropriate grade. The distribution board shall be composed from standardised items. Connection to this neutral bar shall be direct without dependence on exposed conductive parts of the enclosure and shall reflect the circuits served. The key lock for Power Grid July 2009 Section 4. Circuit no. factory built type corresponding IEC-Recommendations No. 144 and 157. Connection to this earth bar shall be direct without dependence on exposed conductive parts of the enclosure and shall reflect the circuits served. As-built line diagram. Each distribution board shall be supplied complete with bottom removable metal gland plates that shall be drilled to suit cable glands or conduit entry. access to the boards shall be from the front. the doors shall be furnished with lift off hinges to permit an opening enabling an unrestricted access to the board interior. All components of the OG box shall be accommodated in a weatherproof housing complying to IP 54 and of robust construction.5 mm. Proper four language warning signs indicating danger and voltage level shall be provided. Unless otherwise approved. The meters and indication lights shall be installed in the door openings and be visible without opening the door.2. The OG box shall be spray with 1 coat of anti-rust primer and 2 finishing coats of paint. The circuit breakers shall be mounted such that the above-mentioned front panel need not be removed in order to operate any breakers. i.Page-45/83 11.2 LV Distribution Board (DB) 11. 1 in terminal no. In areas where the distribution board is exposed to weather.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . the distribution board shall be to a minimum IP 54.2. Circuit no. The Timer program and system setting data shall be stored in internal EEPROM to prevent loss of setting/program during power failure.3 Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs) shall comply with BS EN 947-2. short-circuit performance utilisation category B and shall have all mechanical and live metallic components completely enclosed within an all insulating moulded case.4. July 2009 Section 4.2. The Timer Central Processing Unit (CPU) shall be provided with built-in real-time clock and calendar functions.4.2 a) b) 11.Humidity: 10% . The Timer shall support communications via RS232C to host devices such as computers and Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). Residual Current Circuit Breaker a) 11. The Timer shall have the following features and functions: . The Timer shall provide RS232C communication port or infrared port for downloading of program and setting. . air-break type equipped for manual control and with automatic overcurrent trip-free mechanism (bimetal device for overload-protection and electromagnetic device for shortcircuit instantaneous tripping). Miniature Circuit Breakers 11. Backlight can be automatically cut-off through adjustable settings to save the lifespan of backlight.4. It shall be single-phase.4.2. corresponding to the busbar fault-level indicated on the drawings/or specification shall be guaranteed. .Page-46/83 metering compartment shall be Power Grid’s approved type.4 Switchgear. The shunt trip unit shall be controlled by an earth fault current sensing device and static electronic circuitry providing an adjustable earth leakage tripping range between 1 to 5A and an adjustable tripping time of 0 to 5 seconds.Noise Immunity.2.2.Front panel LCD display with backlight. .100% The Timer shall have the following programmable features: .Basic CPU Input/ Output : Min 3 inputs and 3 outputs All outputs should have a relay switching capacity of 5A at 240VAC with independent common.4 Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCBs) shall be of PSB approved type and manufactured to BS 4293.Password protection function to prevent unauthorized modification of Timer programs and settings. 11. The key lock for LTA distribution compartment shall be of similar type.1 Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCBs) a) b) c) MCCBs shall comply with BS EN 60947-2 : Part 2.Input filters settings to prevent noise-related malfunctions such as false triggering of inputs.6 mins max. The real time clock should have an accuracy of +/. temperature compensated type to give time delay overload circuit protection and instantaneous shortcircuit interruption.Programmable: With input and output conditions per line. 2 kV (power supply line). Programmable Timers a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Timer input voltage shall be powered by AC 100. A minimum breaking capacity.2. MCCB shall be provided with a shunt trip. The data of real time clock. MCCB shall have over-current tripping mechanism of the thermal magnetic.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .240VAC (+10%/-15%. per year. . An indicating lamp with lamp test and reset buttons shall also be provided to indicate MCCB tripped status on earth fault. 50Hz) The timer shall Conform to: . holding timers and counter present value shall be held by a non-battery system for a minimum of 48 hours for prolonged power interruptions.Ambient operating temperature : 0 to 55 oC . : IEC6100-4-4. holding bits. Apparatus And Internal Wiring 11. The operating characteristic shall be such that the time delay on overload tripping is inversely proportional to the overcurrent up to a threshold value of approximately seven times the rated current at 40°C. calendar. 3 sets of keys shall be provided for each lock. 2. All cables shall be provided with identification labels at each end.2.7 a) b) c) d) e) f) All internal wiring in each item of equipment shall be installed in wiring channels or conduits as far as possible.5. All arrangement for installation of the Power Supply Company’s meter. Conductor colour coding shall be as per the latest edition of SS CP 5. application for supply turn-on including liaison. All Timer technical details and full communication protocols shall be provided. Contactors for lighting control shall be of Utilisation Category AC1. July 2009 Section 4.2. There shall be onemeter board for each OG Box as shown on the drawings. The Timer shall be provided with application software tool running on Windows CE powered PDAs to allow setting of programs and the download/upload of the settings.4.4. Contactors a) Contactors shall comply with IEC 947-4 and of suitable rating.2 PVC/PVC cables & PVC cables shall be 600/1000 volt and 450/750 volt grade respectively consisting of high conductivity copper wire.2. The cables shall be manufactured to SS 358-3 / BS 6004 PVC/SWA/PVC Cable a) b) Cables of this type shall be 600/1000 V grade consisting of high conductivity copper wire. final connections to fixed equipment shall be by means of cables in flexible conduits.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .2. Where cables pass through holes in metalwork. The nominal diameter of the wire armour shall not be less than 1.6 a) b) Power Supply Company’s meter board shall be installed for each OG Box in accordance with the requirements of the “Handbook on application for electricity supply”. which shall served as bedding for galvanised single steel wire armouring. PVC insulated cores shall be sheathed with PVC.5. Internal Wiring 11. co-ordination and obtaining power supply company’s approval for all the meter boards shall be included as part of the work. insulated and sheathed with polyvinyl chlorine. All errors shall be communicated back to host via the RS232C communication port or infrared port. The Timer shall have self-diagnostic functions and shall be displayed on the CPU LCD. All conductors shall be labelled at each termination with wire number as designated on the circuit diagrams.5. Class 3. Exposed wiring shall be kept to a minimum but where necessary the wires shall be formed into compact groups suitably bound together and properly supported. All armour cable shall be terminated using a proper gland.2. All internal wiring conductors shall be stranded copper wire.3 a) b) c) d) e) All cables shall be adequately protected against risk of mechanical damage to which they may be liable in normal conditions of service. Nonmetallic materials are preferable for the channels or conduits. Cable of this type shall be manufactured to IEC 502.4. All fees and charges incurred shall be deemed to be included in the tender offer. They shall be provided with main contacts capable of at least 105 switching operations and at least two auxiliary contacts for remote control (230V. All conductors shall run continuously between terminal studs without splices or taps.1 PVC/PVC and PVC Cable a) b) 11. Factory test certificates shall be submitted to the Authority for verification.5 The Timer system shall be equipped with the Windows Based software programming tools and drivers for the set-up of communication between Timer and host devices. AC).5 LV Cables 11. All conductors shall be terminated with suitable pressure type terminal lugs or proper sizes for terminal studs at the terminals blocks or shall be terminated in a manner compatible to the terminals of the instruments. Cable joints and splices shall be prohibited. Where appropriate.2. not less than 450/750 V class PVC insulation. precautions shall be taken to prevent abrasion of the cables on any sharp edges. Power Supply Company’s Meter board 11. Cable Installation 11.Page-47/83 j) k) l) m) n) 11. 11.6 mm. 3 rectangular pin switch shuttered outlets.3 11. metal-clad with positive quick-make and quick-break action. All fittings shall be supplied complete with control gear. Switches shall be of the quick make.3 Switched socket outlets shall be single pole (13 Amp).2.8 lagging individually.2.1 a) b) c) d) All components within the luminaries shall preferably be from the same manufacturer to ensure compatibility.3. July 2009 Section 4.1 Switches a) b) 11. 15 ampere fused connection unit shall be of a finish similar to 13 ampere switched socket outlets and mounted in flush steel conduit boxes. to accept conduit termination. All fused connection unit in all mechanical plant rooms.6. Isolators shall be capable of passing and also interrupting their full rated current safely and without damage.6. either surface or flush mounting according to location.2.1 Fluorescent Lamps a) b) Fluorescent Tubes .2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .Page-48/83 11.The guaranteed minimum life expectancy of the lamp shall be 5. without affecting the quality of the product. Switched socket outlets in all mechanical plant rooms. . electrical sub-stations and switch rooms shall be of the metal-clad type. switch handles shall be interlocked to prevent opening the over with the switch “ON”. All fittings shall be corrected to a power factor of not less than 0. Ferrous materials shall be galvanised.6. slow break type with silent.4 a) b) c) d) Fused connection unit shall be single pole (13 Amp). Earth terminal shall be provided inside the socket outlet. Lighting Fixtures And Installation General 11. Isolators a) b) Isolators shall be of either double pole or four poles with current ratings fit for the purpose and shall be enclosed. 11. slow break type with silent.2. if not already catered for. of a finish similar to 13 ampere switched socket outlets and mounted in flush steel conduit boxes. Fused connection unit for indoor use shall be housed in suitable galvanised steel boxes to BS 4662 with conduit knockouts. All switches associated with essential supplies shall be provided with red rocker switches.2 Switches shall be of the quick make. electrical sub-stations and switch rooms shall be of the metal-clad type.2.6.Ballast for the fluorescent fittings shall be of fully low loss type with a maximum of 6 watt loss at rated voltage and wattage complying with BS 2818 or SS 24. Switch Socket Outlets a) b) c) d) e) 11. Unless otherwise specified. 15 ampere switched socket outlets shall be 3 pin round type to BS 546 shuttered. Switched socket outlets for indoor use shall be housed in suitable galvanised steel boxes to BS 4662 with conduit knockouts. Fused Connection Unit 11.2 Types of Lamps 11. Padlock facility shall be provided such that the isolator shall be locked in the position. all luminaries offered shall be as per manufacturer’s standard.3.6 Ancillary Equipment 11. except that all luminaries shall be modified. either with or without neon indicator and cable outlet.3. All ballasts shall have PSB label of approval.000 hours. totally enclosed switch action and solid silver alloy contacts. All switched socket outlets shall be PUB approved type and tested by PSB and each shall have a PSB sticker.2. unswitched type. Fluorescent Lamps control gears .Fluorescent tubes shall be manufactured complying to BS 1853 with bi-pin lamp cap. 15-ampere weatherproof socket outlets shall be of 3-pin type. All fused connection unit shall be PUB approved type and tested by PSB and each shall have a PSB sticker. totally enclosed switch action and solid silver alloy contacts. High efficacy tubes (minimum 86 lumens per watt) with colour rendering index of 827 and colour temperature of 2700oK shall be used. Switched socket outlets for indoor use shall be housed in suitable galvanised steel boxes to BS 4662 with conduit knockouts. lamps etc. All similar items of equipment shall be interchangeable. The colour temperature shall be 2100oK.3.3.3.The high-pressure sodium vapour lamp shall be ellipsoidal in shape (except for SON/T which shall be tubular in shape) and shall be fitted with standard E40 nickel-plated cap (except for 70W SON which shall have a E27 cap) and suitable for use on 230V mains supply. Ballast with known cooler temperature will be preferred. which combine excellent functional and visual design. zinc planted on rear where electrical control gears are mounted. Ballast offered shall be the low loss type. BS 5367 and fitted with quick connect terminals in lieu of leads. The lamp shall have a minimum efficacy of 90 lm/watt.3mm in light control. Power correcting capacitor shall comply with SS123 and BS 4017 and shall be metallised polypropylene type. igniters.3. July 2009 Section 4. . The noise level shall be less than 30dBA at a distance of 1 meter. .The start-up time for the lamp to start from cold to reach its 80% of full light output shall be within 3 to 4 minutes.3. precision wound type.3 Dust & Jet proof Fitting The dust & jet proof fitting shall be of robust construction.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . And the maximum restrike time of the lamp shall not exceed 1 minute. . and complete with energy saving compact fluorescent lamp. . . The housing shall be moulded in matt glass fibre reinforced pressed polyester. high visual comfort with a minimum of glare. Power factor corrections capacitors shall comply with BS 4017.Lamp control gears (ballasts. Dustproof and jet proof to IP65 and vandal proof.85 lagging. high grade with stove enamel finish. 11. All ballasts shall reliably operate the high-pressure lamps at mains voltage of 200V to 245V. The ignitron shall have the ability to sense a failed lamp and switch off to avoid high voltage stress and high current on the ballast and avoid creating radio interference.3 Types of Light Fixtures 11.Power factor of the lamp circuit shall be maintained above 0.85 lagging shall be provided. The luminaries shall be of open construction for ventilation. The sealing gasket of the diffuser shall be foam filled flange type and the fitting shall be provided with a watertight cable entry gland. The diffuser shall be injection-moulded acrylic with internal prising and sharp rim for excellent seal and UV stabilised. The luminaries shall allow for easy relamping.Electronic igniters shall be totally enclosed type. 11.8. white trim procelain ES lamp holder with adjustable mounting clips. The fitting shall be complete with aluminium trimming.Page-49/83 11.1 Recessed Fittings Recessed luminaries shall be IP20 and shall come with stepped mirror louvre.2. It shall ensure quick start-up and quick restrike of the high-pressure lamp. prewired to junction box cable clamp for incoming cables and black baffle.The guaranteed minimum life expectancy of the lamp shall be 10. High Pressure Discharge Lamp a) High Pressure Sodium Vapour Lamp . Body shall be sheet steel.3. The reflector shall be white enamelled steel reflector. all wiring using heat resistant (105oC) cable.2 Recessed Down lighter The recessed down lighter shall be complete with silver reflector. Additional parabolic mirror behind the lamps to ensure light output ration to be greater than 0.000 hours. The ballast shall be tropicalised and encapsulated in non-melt resin (155oC) to ensure maximum protection from moisture and corrosion. . One capacitor in each fluorescent fitting to correct power factor to 0. with high power factor and shall have a guaranteed life of 10 years. 11. Electrical connections shall come with cable entry via grommets. b) High Pressure lamp control gears . Exceptional precise thickness of transverse vanes minimum 2.Ballast temperature shall not exceed the maximum permissible operating temperature of the ballast insulating materials.3. capacitors) of the high-pressure lamp shall be designed to reliably start and operate the lamp in the ambient conditions and within the limit specified by the lamp manufacturer.2 Starters shall be of self resettable electronic type complete with radio interference suppression capacitor.3.Ballast shall be auto-regulator. Parabolic mirror louvre shall be aluminium louvre with V shaped longitudinal vanes and stepped transverse vanes made of chemical brightened and anodised aluminium. The rivets used to fix the nameplate shall be non-rust type. The dimension of the baseboard shall be 100mm(w) x 348mm (L) mounted vertically. The gap between the pole and the pole’s door shall be small and even all round. +/. . The supplier shall submit their design of the fixing device together with their offer.Weatherproof door shall be provided with a locking device over the door opening of each pole. .3.The lantern shall be completely pre-wired.All surface and wall mounted fittings shall be secured with metal threaded studs complete with two lock nuts and washers using approved metal studs cartridge hammer. .A readily accessible barrier terminal block with the ‘live’ and neutral’ connections clearly and indelibly marked for the connection of incoming supply cables shall be provided as close as possible to the point of entry of the supply cables. .Lanterns shall be suitable for use on a supply voltage of 230 Volt.All wiring to light fitting shall be enclosed with flexible conduits or G.The poles shall be designed to withstand a wind speed of 27 m/sec (60mph). clearly and indelibly marked shall be provided.A means of clamping the electrical supply cables shall be provided in the lantern to relieve the termination of strain. This is to be fixed in the pole directly facing the pole door as part of the poles.The lantern shall comply with and be tested to the requirements of IEC 60598-2-3 or equivalent.I conduits.Alternatively. which could be a perforated plate made of hotdipped galvanised steel.The lantern shall be classified for protection against electric shock as class I or Class II and the degrees of protection for lamp compartment and gear compartment shall be at least IP 65 and IP 43 respectively. .The door opening shall be flush with the poles. 10m and 12m) . 6m.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . This is to prevent the loss of poles door.Page-50/83 11. The wiring used shall be heat resistant type with the temperature rating marked on the insulation. The cutout therefore can be mounted directly onto the pole.3. The fixing device shall be flexible to cater for different types of cutouts. The following details shall be engraved on the plate:Name of Manufacturer Year of Manufacturer Contract Number Height of Poles (eg. The July 2009 Section 4.I conduits. Technical Standards for Lighting Pole . . Installation . a baseboard made of hot-dipped galvanised steel shall be provided and mounted in each poles for fixing of cut-out. . The cable clamp arrangement shall not damage the insulation of the cables. The triangular locking device shall be made of stainless steel.An incoming cable termination-looping cutout shall be installed inside the poles by means of three 4mm diameter screws. 8m. The locking device shall be properly assembled. The dimension of the looping cutout is 100mm(w) x 300mm (L) x 75 mm (D) mounted vertically. The rain shelter can be eliminated provided assurance can be given to the Electricity Utilities Agencies Licensee that rain water will not enter the poles and the termination kit.A stainless steel chain of suitable length is to be welded on both the inside of the pole door and the pole.6 % 50 Herz. .A separate terminal for the connection of an earth continuity conductor. The triangular bolt shall be jammed at one end so that it will not be dislodged when it is fully opened. shall be made with proper termination kits for a watertight finish. . All terminations to light fittings by flexible conduits or G. requiring only the connection of the electrical power supply cables to the terminal block and the earth continuity conductor to the earthing terminal. All exposed metal parts and other parts accessible when the lantern is opened for maintenance and liable to become ‘live’ in the event of an insulation fault shall be permanently and reliably connected to this earthing terminal. . .The supplier shall design a fixing device.An aluminium nameplate of size 50mm x 75mm shall be installed on the outer surface of the poles doors.4 Street Lighting poles and lanterns a) b) c) Technical standards for lantern . . . . 4 11. The conductor routes shall be interfaced with the architectural design and shall be as direct as possible. Insulating material shall be inserted at appropriate locations to maintain the narrow gap.4.Page-51/83 - threaded metal studs shall penetrate into the hard concrete to a depth of not less than 32mm.5 a) b) c) The earth electrode shall be housed within pre-cast concrete inspection chambers and heavyduty covers of dimension 300 mm x 300 mm.4.Earth Terminations Air Terminations 11.4. All fittings shall be adjusted so that there shall be no noticeable ceiling deflection when the fittings are installed. soldered and double riveted. a narrow gap shall be maintained between the lightning protection tape and the roof structure. Fixings shall be such that under abnormal cyclic conditions. No galvanic corrosion shall take place between the lightning protection tape and the roof structure. All bonds shall be by means of purpose made clamps or by welding where possible. Where saddled to masonry. the fixing screws shall be set in expansion type plugs contained in properly formed holes. Where possible.3 a) b) 11. The whole air termination system installed over its total route of roof areas shall be electrically continuous. All pendant fittings. The lightning protection system shall comprise the following: . Earthing rods shall consist of a minimum of 2 nos 1. The cross-sectional area of the copper materials used shall not be less than the main conductor (i. Exposed down conductors shall be securely fixed to the building structure and the support shall not exceed 600 mm intervals.4. The copper tape connecting the earth electrode and the down leads shall be run in 32 mm diameter UPVC pipe. Joining of dissimilar metals shall be with purpose made bimetallic joints. wires tied to metal studs. False ceiling grid system shall not be used to support light fittings. shall be securely fixed to the ceiling using downloads with conduit terminating boxes.1 Lightning Protection System General a) b) This section of the specification provides for the supply and installation of a complete lightning protection system.e. All recessed fittings shall be supported independently. 16 mm diameter copper bond steel rod. The installation shall comply with the requirements of SS CP 33 and any additional requirements of this specification.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . It is required to ensure that the mounting of the lightning protection tape on the roof structure shall not in anyway compromise the warranty of the roof. Earth Termination 11. Joints and Bonds a) b) c) d) All joints shall be tinned. the tapes shall remain firmly fixed in position. bolt and screw joints. All roof conductors shall be secured at intervals not exceeding 900 mm.8 m length.Jointing and bonding .4 Down conductors for interconnection between roof conductors and the earth electrode shall be of 25 mm x 3 mm Copper tape. Down Conductors 11. shall not be used in the circuit except at test or bonding points. All structural and steel columns shall be bonded to the rebar of the floor slab to ensure a low resistance path.Roof conductors . 11.Down Conductors . Clamp. Provision shall be made with suitable fitting to allow for expansion and contraction of the horizontal conductors.2 a) b) c) d) e) f) The air terminations shall comprise of continuous lengths of horizontal conductors 25 mm x 3 mm copper and securely fixed in place to the building structure.4. 25 mm x 3 mm).I. July 2009 Section 4. The fittings shall be directly secured to the soffit of the ceiling slab by means of G. All flexible conduits shall be provided with Brass Nickel Plated 2 Piece Adapters at both ends of the flexible conduits. An external earth wire shall be installed to link the brass connectors.1 Cable Support Systems General a) b) c) d) e) f) 11.5. The conduit/pipe have a module of elasticity of 30. The trunking shall be fitted with removable covers of the same material. dividers. All conduits entry to outlet boxes. All conduit used shall not be less than 25 mm in diameter. pull boxes.4 a) b) 11. Plain conduits shall be jointed by slip type of couplers with manufacturer’s standard sealing cement.5 All flexible conduits shall be manufactured to conform to EN 50086-1 and EN 50086-2-3 and shall be galvanised with PVC coating. flanges and retaining clips including cable pin tacks to avoid strain on cables on extended vertical runs. which are unscrewed without coupling and with plain ends and compliant to BS 4607: Part 5 and BS 6099: Part 1. Galvanised Iron Conduits and Accessories a) b) c) d) e) f) All conduits shall be heavy gauge.5 11. trunkings and distribution boxes shall be made with adapters female thread and male brushes screwed. July 2009 Section 4.2 mm. All cable support systems shall be adequately supported to manufacturers’ specifications. Class 4. The word 'ELECT' shall be marked on the underside of the cable trunking. Circular junction boxes pull boxes and inspection boxes shall be provided with heavy gauge lids. trunking and conduits shall be earthed in accordance to SS CP5. The words shall be in black and the spacing of the marking shall not exceed an interval of 3000 mm. offset pieces. Standard tees.Page-52/83 11. Part 1. All holes cut in cable trays or trunkings for the passage of cable shall be provided with grommets complying with BS 1767. ladders. Conduits shall be free from internal burrs. Earth continuity tags will be supplied in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.5. Conduit entry to cable trays shall be by means of a coupling and a hexagonal male brass bush. Flexible Conduits 11. Trunking shall be supplied complete with purpose made connectors.000. they must be cold bent without altering their sections with an approved type of bending spring. Conduit shall run continuous between outlets with minimum number of bends.5. All circular junction boxes. UPVC Conduit/Pipe and Accessories a) b) c) d) e) UPVC Conduit/Pipe shall be high impact-heavy gauge type. hot dipped galvanised welded steel. No conduit shall be less than 25 mm in diameter. extending over the entire length of the trunking. fins and the like which may cause damage to cables. Where uPVC conduits are bent.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . trunking and conduits shall have at least forty percent (40%) spare capacity for future expansion. Accessories used shall be compliant to BS 4607. Accessories used shall be of manufacturers’ standard items. The minimum thickness of the steel sheet shall be 1.3 All steel trunking shall comply with SS 249 (Amendment No. Conduits shall be run truly vertical. Metal Trunking and Accessories a) b) c) d) e) 11. ladders. All metallic cable trays. ample knockouts and brass earth terminals fitted in the base and shall comply with BS 1363 and BS 4662. 1: 1997) and to the approval of the Superintending Officer. jointing sleeves etc.2 All cable trays. solid elbows and inspection boxes shall be made of malleable iron type and of standard pattern with spout to BS 4568 Part 2.5. 90 degree bends. shall be used for the relevant applications. All bends shall be with standard fittings/accessories. Conduit outlet (knockout) boxes shall be of hot-dipped galvanised steel complete with adjustable lug. manufactured in accordance to BS 4568.5. The conduit shall be run so as to be self draining incorporating as necessary approved means of drainage. horizontal or parallel with the features of the building. Earthing System And Equipotential Bonding General 11. supports. trunking. equipment cases. Bolts and nuts shall be accompanied with washers. The sizes and type of the cables and the method of installation shall be in accordance with SS CP 16. Class S1. Bonding connections shall have a warning label fitted. hangers. Accessories used shall be of manufacturers’ standard items and shall be of the same material. A minimum of two pumps (duty/standby) shall be provided for each sewage ejector July 2009 Section 4. cabinets. and continuous throughout its length without joints except by exothermic connections. trays.To any point on the sub-main or main earth continuity conductors supplying the relevant equipment. Valves shall be installed in such a manner that maintenance access is maintained for all parts requiring service. isolation. For the drawing in of cables. All earthing tape or bonding conductors shall be green/yellow PVC insulated high conductivity copper. teejunction. standard circular through boxes shall be used. conduits. shall be effectively earthed by means of earth continuity conductors of adequate size. equipment etc. All these shall be hot dipped galvanised to BS 7371 : Part 6 or sherardised to BS7371 : Part 8. All metal conduit. or sectionalising purposes.6 a) b) Earthing System Cable Trays used shall be of the perforated type and constructed of 1. Earth Termination 11. trunking. Sewage Ejector Pumping System a) Sewage ejector pumps shall be of the duplex non-clogging type suitable for handling raw sewage.1 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) All electrical equipment shall be bonded to earth by means of the conduit and trunking system or PVC insulated stranded copper conductor.To earth connection at the distribution board supplying the equipment on plug socket.2 a) b) The earth electrode shall be housed inside a heavy duty covers.Page-53/83 f) Standard PVC circular junction boxes shall be used with conduits for intersection.7 11.6mm thick galvanised mild steel.1 a) b) c) d) 11.2 Unless otherwise specified. The electrical bond shall be by means of purpose made clamps or welded where possible. The earthing continuity conductor shall be of high conductivity copper.6 11.6. Control valves shall be provided in water pipes to provide complete regulation of plumbing fixtures and equipment. Water Services. metal parts of switchgear. All extraneous conductive parts e. Isolation valves shall be installed at any other points indicated or required for draining.8 m length. Steel trunking shall be bonded across each joint or separate earth continuity wire shall be used. 16 mm diameter copper bond steel.7. The earthing of the whole installation shall comply with the appropriate requirement of CP 5 and CP 16.6.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . only one type of pipe shall be used within any individual pipe length. Sanitary Works And Pumped Drainage System Pipe work 11. A separate PVC insulated earth wire shall be used in PVC conduit installations. lamp post and bus service numbers post shall be bonded to the DB earth bar and. angle junction and terminal. Earth continuity conductors from all exposed metal parts of equipment required to be earthed including earth connections to plug sockets shall be connected by one of the following appropriate methods: . Earthing rods shall consist of a minimum of 2 nos 1. All fixtures. Cable Tray and Accessories 11. marked “Electrical Earth . metal structure.5. supports and brackets for pipes.g. Valves shall be installed in horizontal lines with stems either horizontal or vertical.7. shall be of hot dipped galvanised to BS EN ISO 1461.Do Not Remove”. electrical fittings and fixed appliances liable to become live in the event of insulation failure. thickness and finish as the cable tray. . The final coat shall be of an accepted gloss finish and sufficient body given to the paint films so that the final appearance of the finished units is entirely free from blemishes. Control of the pump shall be carried out by the following methods: . the motor starter shall be sized to 15 starts/stops per hour.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Each pump shall be designed for 2 times the peak sewage/wastewater inflow generated.g. foreign inclusions. bolts. All joints shall be neatly welded and finished flush. Cylinder locks shall be used. Pumped Drainage System 11.0m/s and 2. Operation shall be automatic and controlled by float switches. A sewage sump pump shall be provided in the sump pit and connected to the sewage ejector pumping main for containment of over spillage of sewage from ejector tank. scratches. which serve to dewater the sump pit for maintenance purposes.3 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) The drainage pumped system shall consist of duty and standby pumps. Gates valves shall be provided on the suction and discharge sides of the pump. Adequate removable chain blocks shall be provided. Provide lead/lag selector switch. The layout shall be such as to facilitate easy removal and replacement of pumps without entering the sump. Motor Control Panel 11. shall be cadmium plated or sherardised.) and equipment shall be provided to enable easy lifting of the pumps. The design Pump Capacity. washers.Automatic operation by means of float level switches. If the level continues to rise after starting the duty pump the standby pump shall be started. Three sets of keys shall be provided. where applicable. eye bolt etc. July 2009 Section 4. The system shall also include one smaller submersible drainage pump. The pumps shall be easily removable for inspection or service. Discharge pipe shall have a minimum diameter of 80mm. A minimum of two undercoats applied. This is to enable even distribution of wear and tear of the pumps. hangers. Drainage pumps shall be of vertical centrifugal submersible type. Lifting facilities (e.7. water level sensors. patterning or any defects whatsoever. The control cables shall be properly terminated in the ITB. guide rails. overhead runway beam. bolts.4m/s. Installation of the pumps to the discharge connection shall be the result of a simple linear downward motion of the pumps guided by two guide-rails. All fixtures. etc. nuts and all related accessories in the pumped drainage system shall be of stainless steel. easily accessible location and shall be constructed with a waterproof type enclosure. each built-up and flattened separately.5 KW shall be provided with a moisture detector with alarm signal/light connected to the pump control panel. hour run meters for each pump and high level alarm.7. . All ejector pumps with motor sizes larger than 7. capable of handling and pumping wastewater with solid particles of at least 80mm without clogging. . requiring no bolts.Manual operation by means of ‘start’ and ‘stop’ manual actuation on the local pump control panel. fittings and accessories. Discharge pipe work of minimum 100mm diameter shall consist of check valve of single flap type and a gate valve. pressed or rolled to the shape required with all necessary stiffeners. No portion of the pump/motor unit shall bear on the sump floor directly or on a sump floor mounted stand.. Nuts.4 a) b) c) d) The motor control panel (MCP) shall be of front access cubicle type of dust and vermin proof construction and is adequately ventilated. The door of each control panel shall be furnished with a key-lock under a master key for all motor control panels installed. nuts or other fastenings to be disconnected. Interface compartment incorporating properly labelled terminal block shall be provided for connections to the Interface Terminal Board (ITB). However. For each sump pump.Page-54/83 b) c) pumping system. The pump shall be designed to cater for minimum 10 start/stop per hour. a control panel shall be placed at a convenient. They shall be located above the sump such that they are accessible without the need to enter the sump and after removal of the access cover. It shall be fabricated from 2mm thick sheet steel. chains. The entire weight of the pump/motor unit shall be borne by the pump discharge elbow. all associated pipe work. electrical and control wiring/system. undulations. supports. The panels shall be finished with high quality enamel. Qp shall be a minimum of Qp = 2Qin (total inflow) and ensure that the velocity of water in the discharge pipes is between 1. supports and return edges. brackets. Check valve of single flap type and a gate valve shall be provided on the discharge main of every pump.Automatic change over of duty and standby pumps during each cycle of operation. July 2009 Section 4. The motor should be designed for 15 starts/stops per hour. Motors rated 1 KW and above shall be operated by three-phase supply. All motors shall be so selected to have at least 120% of the power rating above the designed duty point.KW motors and above .Manual reset. Motors shall be tropicalised to BS 1156 with minimum 1 mega-ohm insulation resistance. The stator shall be dipped and baked three times in Class F varnish and shall be heat sink fitted into the stator housing. .5 KW and above shall have thermal switches embedded in the stator lead coils to monitor the temperature of each phase winding. The use of bolts. Special Requirement For Motor Of Sump Pumps e) f) g) h) i) j) 11.Overload protection in each phase supply. the thermal switches should open. A performance chart shall be provided showing curves for torque.Upon failure of one phase. . shall be totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC). input/output KW and efficiency. All motors shall be supplied complete with cable termination boxes and mounting bolts.6 a) b) c) The motor shall be housed in an air filled watertight chamber enclosure rated IP 68.Phase protection . Each starter shall be complete with overload protection incorporating the following features: . This chart shall also include data on starting and no-load characteristics. Bearings shall be so selected for its duty and shall be housed in a dust tight enclosure with efficient shaft seals to prevent dust ingress and escape of grease. motor shall be protected from operation on two phases.Overcurrent protection . unless otherwise specified on the Drawings or in this Specification. The isolator shall be of IP 55. The motor shall be specifically designed for submersible pump usage and designed for continuous duty pumping media of up to 400 C (1040 F). . These thermal switches shall be set to open at 1250 C and shall be used in conjunction with and supplemental to external motor overload protection. Motors shall be capable of operating continuously at rated output at any frequency between 50 1 Hz and at voltage within 10 percent of the nominal value. Should high temperature occur.Up to 2. Single-phase motors shall be either repulsion or capacitor start and induction run. The motor shall be designed for operation up to 400 C (1040 F) ambient and with an average temperature rise of the stator windings not to exceed 800 C.Upon the detection of overcurrent to the motor. Motors over 5kW shall have thermistors fitted to operate the under voltage release and the necessary control units shall be supplied for these starters. power factor correction capacitors shall be provided. and be equipped with grease nipples and relief plugs.Page-55/83 e) f) 11. Motor starters shall generally be of the following types: . All motors shall be protected and a detection and tripping device shall be provided for as follows: .Adjustable over the range of 80 percent to 120 percent full load.Above 2.85 at full load. power factor.Direct-on-line (DOL) starters .7. All motors. pins or other fastening devices requiring penetration of the stator housing is not acceptable. it shall shutdown automatically. current. The pump capacity of 7. otherwise.5 The MCP enclosure shall be designed to IP 55. Terminal boxes shall be of cast iron and be provided with glands drilled and taped to accept conduits.Star-Delta starters . Motor Starter And Motor a) b) c) d) Starters for motors up to 5 kW shall have thermally operated overload units incorporating single phasing protection and ambient temperature compensation with under voltage release facilities.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . stop the motor and activate alarm? The motor shall have a voltage tolerance of plus or minus 10%.2 KW motors . squirrel cage induction type conforming to either IEC 34-1 and IEC 85 or BS 5000 and BS 2757 with minimum class F insulation. All varnishes and impregnate used shall be inorganic and suitable for tropical service.Solid state (Soft) or other reduced voltage starters with a maximum starting current of 2 times the full load current.2 KW up to 11 KW motors .7. Terminal blocks shall be of high quality insulating materials and be capable to support incoming cables. The isolator shall isolate the linkage between the pump and motor control panel. It shall also be able to operate with a power factor of not less than 0. supply.Page-56/83 d) e) f) g) h) i) Water leakage/ moisture sensors shall be provided to detect liquid/ moisture in the motor housing. Lifts provided shall have a minimum rated load (capacity) of 1020kg and rated speed of 1. this technical specification defines the requirements for the design. The use of wire nuts or crimping type connectors is not acceptable. hairline (grade 316). they shall have an internal dimension of approximately 1600(Width) by 1550(Depth) and 2300(Height) mm clear. The power cable shall be sized to the IEC Standards and shall be of sufficient length to reach the junction box without the need of any slices. The cables used shall be suitable for marine environment. which shall isolate the stator housing from foreign material gaining access through the pump top. testing and commissioning of machine roomless lifts. A separate terminal board shall be utilized for the line power connection to the motor stator leads. delivery. a mock-up of the lift car. A door vision panel. in compliance with SS CP2 shall be included. all having a close tolerance fit against the cable and the cable entry. The finishes and ceiling details of the lift car shall be co-ordinated and subjected to the Authority’s acceptance. The design life of the lifts shall be a minimum of 20 years with the inspections and maintenance being carried out in accordance with the supplierr’s Operation and Maintenance Manuals and as accepted by the Authority. Each lift shall have its own traction drive machine. The cable entry shall consist of dual cylindrical elastomer sleeves. which makes use of sheaves and ropes. The equipment shall comply with the EMC emissions and immunity tests in accordance with appropriate international standards for equipment operation in similar environment or as specified by the Authority. The junction chamber shall contain two distinct and separate terminal boards. Unless otherwise specified. The power terminal board shall separate and seal the junction chamber from the stator housing. The cable entry junction chamber and motor shall be separated by feed through type terminal board of nonhygroscopic material. The door shall be of at least 1. shall be at least of IP 42 or IP2X with cover to prevent water ingress. For both glass and stainless steel lift cars. This power terminal board shall use threaded compression type binding posts to connect the cable conductors and motor stator leads. The assembly shall permit easy changing of the cable. installation.8. and with mechanical flexibility to withstand the pressure at the cable entry. The COP shall be supplied and flush mounted on the front return panel of each lift car entrance or the side wall panel of the lift car. or other secondary sealing systems shall not be considered acceptable. thus providing a strain relief function. Moisture sensors shall be provided to detect liquid/ moisture in the cable terminal and linked to the pump control and monitoring unit(s). Use of voltage sensitive solid state sensors shall not be allowed. Epoxies. If specified. The lift shall comply strictly with all statutory regulations. Dimensions of a through-cage lift car shall vary. silicones.5mm thick stainless steel. Both car and landing entrance clear opening width and height shall not be less than 1000mm and 2100mm respectively.8 11. lift entrance and landing equipment shall be built to assess and verify the adequacy and quality of the finishes. Use of voltage sensitive solid state sensors shall not be allowed. The sleeves shall be compressed by the cable entry unit. flanked by washers.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . All electrical equipment and control panels that are installed in the lift hoistway/lift motor room/lift landings and the car top safety switches shall be rated to a minimum of IP 21 except for the door locks which. the lift shall comply with the latest edition of SS CP 2 and Code on Barrier-free Accessibility in Buildings. One terminal board shall be used for the connection of the pilot sensor leads with the pilot sensor cable. July 2009 Section 4. The lift car shall be ventilated to a minimum of 80 air changes per hour. machine roomless lift type shall be used. The outer jacket of the cable shall be of oil resistant chloroprene rubber with low water absorption. The motor and cable shall be capable of continuous submergence without loss of watertight integrity to a depth of at least 20m. The cable entry seal design shall preclude specific torque requirements to ensure a watertight and submersible seal. The car operating panels (COP) and the car call buttons shall be ergonomically designed and of robust construction to the Authority’s acceptance. The noise from the fan measured at a distance of 1 metre away within the lift car shall not exceed 60 dbA. by-laws and orders currently in force.0m/s in either direction. Passenger Lift Design Requirements 11.1 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Unless otherwise stated. A two-panel centre-opening door system shall be provided. Unless otherwise stated herein. The door operator shall only be operative when the switch is at the “ON” position. (vi) The control panel shall incorporate a 13A metalclad switch socket outlet and a light fixture with switch. The car and landing doors shall only be opened in the unlocking zone of a landing with a landing key of an approved type. The light fixture shall be permanently installed and adequately protected. which is capable of activating the safety gear in the event of the lift exceeding the rated speed by 15%. (vii) A door operator ON/OFF switch shall be provided. (viii) Associated with this control. The car door shall not open under any conditions (including power failure) whilst the car is in motion or stalled outside the unlocking zone of a landing. or at the same time the safety gear is applied. the capacity of the battery shall be capable of operating the lift from one landing to another for a minimum of 5 trips without further charging. which are remote re-settable from the controller/EI panel shall be provided. When these switches are activated. When fully charged. The ARD shall not modify the lift design and all its original safety features and shall not in any way affect the performance of the lift. if there is a short circuit or an open circuit in the inverter output.8m from the soffit of the lift hoistway as well as before the car reaches the down final limit switch. The design of the control panel shall comply with the following requirements and prevent the lift car from being operated accidentally: (i) It shall not be possible to control the lift car from any other location after the NORMAL/TEST changeover switch has been set to the TEST position. The motor circuit shall be opened by a switch on the safety gear before. It shall render the lift inoperative in any mode. During this operation all safety features of the lift shall remain operational. A control panel shall be fitted on the top of the lift car for maintenance purpose. terminal stop limit switches shall be provided to stop the car from travelling in an upward direction not less than 1.8. The landing accuracy shall be ± 10. The tripping of the overspeed governor for the car safety gear shall occur when the car speed exceeds 115% of the rated speed downwards. (ii) An ON/OFF switch shall be provided.0 mm. When activated.Page-57/83 11.2 Safety Requirements a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) A battery operated ARD shall be provided to bring the lift car to the nearest landing in the event of power failure. the lift shall not move. when the switch is in the OFF position. An electrically operated safety switch shall be provided to disconnect the power supply to the motor when the governor is activated.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .25m/s. The battery shall be housed in a cabinet/rack with a corrosion proof finish. Each lift car shall be provided with progressive type safety gear mounted on the lower member of the car frame structure. This safety gear shall be capable of operating only in the downward direction and capable of stopping the car with full load at the tripping speed of the overspeed governor. A phase protection device shall be provided in the controller of each lift to prevent the lift car from moving in the event of phase failure or the phase of the power supply being reversed due July 2009 Section 4. The “Overload” sign shall be incorporated in the COP. When in the TEST position the UP and DOWN continuous pressure push buttons within this panel shall become operative. The rescue time of the device from the time of power failure to the time the doors fully open at the nearest landing shall not exceed 2 minutes. The ARD shall immediately stop the lift and prevent further movement immediately. It shall be possible to release the safety gear by raising the lift car without the use of any special tools. (iv) The lift car shall move in either direction only on continuous pressure of the appropriate direction button at a car speed not exceeding 0. (iii) The lift car shall only move when all safety devices are in proper order. and a warning buzzer and an illuminated "Overload" sign shall be activated. by gripping the guides and holding the car stationary. (v) An emergency mushroom stop switch shall be provided. it shall not stop the car from operating in the opposite direction The lift shall have a floor levelling device which shall automatically bring the lift car to stop within ±5mm of the landing floor level for which a stop has been initiated regardless of the load or direction of travel. An overspeed governor shall be provided. Manual resetting overspeed governor shall only be considered if it is located in the lift pit or in the hoistway whereby the maintenance staff could easily and safely access to mechanically reset the governor. Overspeed governors. An overload device shall operate when the car load exceeds its rated load. Electrically operated proximity detector device(s) shall be installed on the leading edge of the car doors.4 All lifts provided shall comply with the Code on Barrier-free Accessibility in Buildings and the following: a) An international symbol of access for the disabled shall be permanently and conspicuously displayed at each and every lift landing next to the lift entrance. The lift car shall be adequately ventilated to a minimum of 60 air-changes per hour with the use of linear fans (air-curtains). All finishes shall be subject to the acceptance of the Authority. if within this zone.5mm-hairline stainless steel grade 316.Compression glands for cables shall comply with BS6121. with flooring that commensurate or is similar with the lift lobby. A total spare of 10 or 10% of the total number of wires used which ever is more and 2 spare shield cables shall be provided per lift. All galvanising of cable support shall be in accordance to BS729 and BS4921. The steel trunking shall comply with SS249. The location and contents of the panel shall be subject to the acceptance of the Authority.8. The size of the symbol and its position shall be subjected to the Authority’s acceptance. “Out of Service. All conduit outlets shall be bushed appropriately.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Cable Requirements 11. It shall be securely clamped at each end so that the weight is not supported by any fixing of the various cores. If the PUP or BI is linked to a Fire Command Centre (FCC).3 a) b) c) All cables shall comply with the requirements of SS CP5 and the EMA regulations and requirements. direction of travel and other messages shall be provided. upon reaching the 2nd sensor. The surface of the display unit shall be of non-glare type. The faceplate of the car position indicator shall be made of stainless steel grade 316 hairline-finished. opening/closing of doors. All cable support connections including to all electrical fixtures shall be watertight. Floor numbers shall be digitally displayed using yellow or light green round or square-dot LEDs panel of not less than 30mm(H) x 600mm(L). There shall be an arrow in motion vividly and dynamically indicating car movement and direction. such as float sensors/switches. a Lift Supervisory Panel or a mimic panel indicating the position of the lifts shall be provided within the FCC. shall cause a visual indicator to illuminate on the controller. when activated. until the fault has been rectified. The device(s) shall create a 3-dimensional zone of protection for the entire height of the door opening. All cables shall run in galvanised steel conduit or galvanised steel trunking. July 2009 Section 4. Provisions For People With Special Needs 11. This zone of detection shall extend a short distance in front of the landing doors. Finger Entrapment Prevention Device shall be provided to prevent the entrapment of fingers especially children's fingers between the lift doors and the jamb. The finishes of the lift car and hall equipment shall be of 1. The list of messages shall subject to the acceptance by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit the proposed device to the Authority for his acceptance.” “Under Maintenance” etc. Flexible conduit used shall be enhanced low fire hazard. The system shall be capable of storing not less than 25 recorded messages.8. This device. The suspended ceiling design shall not impede the draft from the fans and shall be subject to the Authority’s acceptance. shall activate the detector to stop the closing movement of the doors and re-open them before hitting the person. The 1st sensor shall notify the Operator once the pit is accumulating water. Water collected in the lift pit shall be discharged to a suitable location and disposed off through an ENV approved grease interceptor(s). Car and Hall position indicator shall be provided above each car door. b) Braille notations and raised numerals indicating the floor levels shall be incorporated next to each button at COP and the hall call buttons. A 2-level detection device. The zone of detection shall move forward as the doors close and the presence of a person. The main power cable providing the electricity supply to a lift installation shall be at least of FR type. c) A recorded voice system for announcing the car position. A passenger entering or leaving the car shall not cause the doors to stop and re-open unless the doors’ edge reaches a certain predetermined proximity to the passenger. The steel conduit shall comply with SS100 and BS4568 Part I & II. shall be provided in the lift pit.Page-58/83 k) l) m) n) o) p) q) to any reason whatsoever. Flexible flat travelling cables shall be provided and conform to the latest SS 358/EN 50214. After a pre-set time interval (which is programmable) the doors shall start to close again in the absence of further interruption. polyolefin covered galvanised steel conduit. Class 4. It shall be capable of displaying scrolling and blinking messages such as. the lift shall home to the designated landing and render the lift inoperative. testing and commissioning of escalators.1 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) This technical specification defines the requirements for the design. traction machines. which shall be of the handsfree type.75 Standby Speed Fixed at 0. main drive system. Unless otherwise stated herein. a signal shall be sent and latched-on to the Operator through the Facility Management System (FMS) when the alarm or intercom button has been depressed for more than a pre-set time. A slave station shall be supplied and installed in each lift car. step chains. July 2009 Section 4. Master stations shall comprise a receiver set. the voice communication equipment and associated interfaces identified for the lift motor rooms in clauses 12. All stations shall be equipped with handsets except those slave stations installed inside the lift cars. In the event where no lift motor room is required. by-laws and orders currently in force. The volume of the buzzer/beep tone shall be adjustable from 60dbA to 70dbA as measured at the centre of the door opening. Major repairs shall consist of repairs to the steps. Where the intercom system is not connected to a control centre.Page-59/83 d) e) f) g) h) 11. Pedestrian Underpass (PUP) and Bus Interchange (BI). seven (7) days a week 365 days per annum. Escalators shall be designed for installation and operation at an angle of inclination of 30° . Escalators shall be reversible and capable of continuous operation in both directions for a period of 20 hours a day.8. delivery. escalators traversing in the up and/or down directions may be provided linking all levels of the Pedestrian Overhead Bridge (POB).1 above shall be provided at the appropriate lift controller positions instead. landing plates and tension carriage due to causes other than those attributable to normal wear and tear. Floor buttons shall be provided with the floor names on the right side of each button. Blinking light on the emergency bell button shall be clearly visible when it is being activated. which requires no major repairs for the first 10 years. monitoring and fault diagnostic system that will serve the purpose of keeping track historical events to help in the analysis the lift performance when incidents occurred shall be provided subject to the Authority’s acceptance. The loudspeaker and microphone unit of the slave station in the lift car shall be concealed in the car-operating panel. Escalators Design Requirement 11. installation. supply. The Authority shall propose the housing of the voice communication equipment at the lift controller positions for acceptance. Slave stations shall comprise a transmitter set and a microphone/loudspeaker. buzzer. track system. a transmitter set. An audio signal such as beep tone shall be sounded to signal each hall/car call registered. The escalator shall comply strictly with all statutory regulations. A master station shall be supplied and installed in the Passenger Service Centre (PSC) and EI panel.9.50 0. The response light shall be orange or red when illuminated.13 m/s to 0. system-on and reset button(s) and system-on indication light. When provided. The stations in the EI and PSC shall alternate their role as a master station in the normal lift operation mode and special emergency operation mode (except in the event of power failure) respectively. a microphone/loudspeaker unit. Lift Inter-Communication System a) b) c) d) e) f) f) A lift inter-communication system of the simultaneous communication voice activated type shall be provided in each lift. the escalator shall comply with the latest edition of SS CP 15 and SS CP5.5 All buttons shall be of micro movement/pressure type.9 11.25 < 0. Escalators shall be of the heavy-duty type with a design life of at least 20 years.25 *1) Escalator that is contained in a Commuter Facility that connects with a transit station. An intermittent buzzer tone shall be used to inform the passengers throughout the opening and closing of car doors. Operating speeds of the escalators shall be as follows: Commercial Escalator (m/s) Transit Escalator * (m/s) Rated Speed 0.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . A lift management.25 Maintenance Speed < 0.13 m/s to 0.25 Fixed at 0. to pump out water automatically. to stop the escalators if the pit is flooded.Page-60/83 h) i) *2) All transit escalators shall comply with the requirements of the Public Service Escalators as stipulated in SS CP 15.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . The lower pit of all escalators shall be provided with a detection device.5m 2. Replacement of the step chain wheels/ rollers shall not require dismantling any part of the chain. The discharge point(s) shall come with a grease inceptor(s) complying with ENV’s requirements. The step chain pin pressure of all escalators shall not exceed 20N/mm2. The minimum diameter of the roller and the trailer rollers shall be 75mm. traction type. All piping shall have a minimum 50mm diameter with suitable wire gauze at the ends. Handrails shall have inserts and sliding surfaces of endless construction designs. The bond shall have sufficient strength to avoid de-trying under all load conditions. A method shall be provided to shorten the chain by one step to compensate for chain elongation. Steps shall have a tread width of at least 100mm and 400mm deep and not more than 210mm high. The hardness of the outer stock shall not be less than Shore 70o ± 5Ao. For commercial escalators. Each step chain shall be provided with an automatic tension device to ensure proper tension under varying load conditions. All electrical equipment supplied and installed shall have at least IP 55 Class protection rating.0m and below. Alternatively. The minimum breaking strength of the joint shall be greater than 85% of the minimum breaking strength of the handrail.6m Lower 1. with a single. An automatic lubrication system shall lubricate the main drive chains. The handrail designs shall include circular yellow contrasting dots at 1m intervals on the outer stock. The escalator drip pan at the lower landing shall also be removable for maintenance and cleaning of the discharge points.0m 3. Earth Leakage Relay Protection shall be provided. Comb lights of PUP escalators shall be connected to an Emergency Battery Operated Power Supply (EBOPS) situated in the escalator controller (ECP) closet whereas for BI. Comb lights of minimum lighting levels of 50 lux. a sump and pump of suitable capacity shall be provided at the lower landing. shall be provided. Radii of the upper and lower transitional tracks shall be equal to or greater than the following: Commercial Escalator Transit Escalator* j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) v) w) x) Upper 2. lower landing pits and at the controller closet of the escalator. A display unit (with a protective cover) indicating the fault code shall be installed at an easily accessible and protected location on the handrail decking at the landing nearest to the control panel. step chains and handrail drive chains efficiently and economically. The step and step chain rollers shall have durable elastomer materials bonded to a metal die case hub. the comb lights shall be connected to the bus interchange EPS/UPS supply. The roller shall have a minimum width of 20mm. Handrails shall have a service life of at least seven (7) years under the stipulated operating conditions. three (3) flat steps shall be provided at both upper and lower landings.0m *1) Escalator that is contained in a Commuter Facility that connects with a transit station. The truss shall be supported at both ends and at intermediate points where required with resilient supports and bearing plates. A weatherproof 13A switch socket outlet and protected permanent lighting shall be provided in the upper. The discharge point(s) shall come with a grease inceptor(s) complying with ENV’s requirements. such as float sensor/switch. Four (4) flat steps shall be provided on both landings for transit escalators. smooth vulcanised joint. July 2009 Section 4. The truss shall be designed to support the dead weight of the escalator plus the passenger load. *2) All transit escalators shall comply with the requirements of the Public Service Escalators as stipulated in SS CP 15. The equipment shall comply with the EMC emissions and immunity tests in accordance with appropriate international standards for equipment operation in similar environment or as specified by the Authority. The Shore hardness of the tyre materials shall be 92o ± 3oA when cured. Faults that do not require the attendance of the maintenance staff shall be easily identified to enable the operator to reset the escalator. No intermediate support(s) shall be provided for escalators with vertical rise of 6. which shall be visible for the life of the handrail. All chain pins shall be circlipped. A drainage system by means of gravity shall be provided at the lower landing pit to discharge water that may be accumulated due to rain or washing. synthetic materials. For areas whereby counter guards cannot be installed. floor plates. All galvanising of cable support shall be in accordance to BS729 and BS4921.Compression glands for cables shall comply with BS6121.4 Controllers and other accessories such as incoming isolators. A weatherproof 13A switch socket outlet and protected permanent lighting come with switch shall be provided in the upper. aluminium surface that will facilitate sectional replacement. Location of the controller shall be kept within 10m of the escalator. Provision shall be made to allow the escalator/passenger conveyor to be operated with or without this energy saving device. lower landing pits and at the controller closet of the escalator. (iii) Handrails shall be of the “V” type cross section. The machine pits and controllers wall recess/closet shall have appropriate ventilation to ensure that the temperature therein does not exceed 38°C. which may enter through the landings. Escalator landings shall be provided with easily openable. In any operating mode the device must not cause abrupt change in speed or jerk. All cables shall run in galvanised steel conduit or galvanised steel trunking. Piezo contact mat mounted underneath the landing floor plate or photo sensor installed at the newels end shall be used as the detective means for energy saving device. The size of the controller cabinet shall be suitable for mounting into a wall recess/closet that will also be housing the incoming power supply isolator and ITB's. Data and calculation shall be provided to substantiate energy savings on various escalator loadings. Lifting handles shall be provided to facilitate opening of the landing plate. exposed portions of escalators and passenger conveyors or from fire suppression systems. Means. Drip pans shall be designed to collect and drain off both oil from the machines and water. Landing plates and the combplates shall have a non-slip high wear resistant. Flexible conduit used shall be enhanced low fire hazard.5mm thick galvanised sheet metal cabinet with hinged door. Energy Conservation Requirements 11. Corrosion resistant. 1.Page-61/83 y) Additional requirements for Transit escalators:(i) The track system shall be provided with counter guards throughout the entire step band to prevent the uplifting of the steps and step chain rollers. lockable with a dedicated key. The wall recess/closet shall come with lockable doors and the dimensions shall not be greater than 2400mm (wide) x 2100mm (high) x 650mm (deep). The wearing surface of the return track can be of 3mm thick subject to design reviews and acceptance by the Authority. Means shall be provided to drain and collect any excess lubricating oil from the chains to removable container(s) at the lower landing machine pit for easy removal and cleaning. All conduit outlets shall be July 2009 Section 4. Other means of detection may be considered. Class 4. This requirement is applicable to the step roller track and the chain roller track for both the passenger side and the return side. such as hydraulic/pneumatic cylinders.9. (ii) The tracks wearing surfaces shall be a minimum 5mm thickness. When the escalator is operating at no load. The steel trunking shall comply with SS249. oil tight drip pans of galvanised sheet of not less than thick shall be provided for the entire length of the truss and shall be of sufficient rigidity to support the weight of workmen. shall be provided so that the force required to lift the floorplate is not more than 200N. The escalator/passenger conveyor controller shall be housed in an IP54 spray painted.3 An energy saving device to conserve energy by the reduction of speed (standby speed) when the escalator/passenger conveyor is operated at no load shall be provided. The device shall not cause harmonic feedback to the power supply system or emit electromagnetic interference to other systems. polyolefin covered galvanised steel conduit. the energy saving device shall also be able to reduce the speed from standby speed to stop (standby stop).2 a) b) c) d) e) 11. Earth Leakage Relay Protection shall be provided. The steel conduit shall comply with SS100 and BS4568 Part I & II. All gaps shall be properly sealed to prevent leakage. ITB's and switches shall be housed outside the truss. in wall recess/closet/room below the escalator or adjacent to the lower/upper landings. Machine Rooms/Pits And Closets a) b) c) d) e) f) 11. hinged landing plates suitable for access to the drive mechanism. During an extended period of no load. Cable Requirements a) b) All cables used except those within enclosed closet or trunking/galvanised steel conduit shall be of the fire resistant/retardant type.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . the quantum of energy saved with this device should not be less than 30% as compared to operation without this device. step hooks shall be provided. All cable support connections including to all electrical fixtures shall be watertight. Directional traffic signs shall be provided on the right side of the newel at both landings of each stainless steel balustrade escalator/passenger conveyor. The traffic signs shall be LED type indicating a green arrow for “Enter”.Page-62/83 bushed appropriately. A self-resetting. The design of these covers shall be integrated with the escalator and subject to the acceptance of the Authority. and a white bar against red back ground for “No Entry”. balustrade supports.6 Escalator components shall be protected against corrosion as follows: Component Truss.5m intervals along each escalator. Corrosion Resistance And Material Requirements Protection 11.5 Safety Requirements a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Three sides of each step/pallet shall be provided with yellow demarcation lines of at least 20mm wide. It shall not be possible to re-start the drive mechanism by the use of these switches. etc during installation shall be provided.9. Air-Conditioning And Mechanical Ventilation System 11. interior balustrade panels. skirt panels. Special protection against dust.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . A missing step detection device shall be provided. a transparent cover marked ‘STOP’ shall be provided over these buttons. which shall stop the escalator before the step opening appears on the passenger side of the escalator. Corrosion proof materials. outer cladding panels 11. The operation of any one of emergency stop switches shall disconnect electrical power to the drive mechanism and activate the brake(s). made of one homogenous polymer material and do not emit toxic gas when burnt. Stainless steel surface comb plates with yellow coloured combs shall be provided at both landings. on the track system at the upper and lower curves and at 7. Stainless steel. The distance between the switches shall not exceed 15m and 40m for escalators and passenger conveyors respectively. A detection device shall be provided to stop the escalator/passenger conveyor in the event of unintentional reversal of direction from the pre-set direction of travel. floorplate and combplate supporting structure and backing Handrail guides steel profiles/brackets Step chain Steps Floor plate infill All bolts.10 Hot-dipped galvanised. Emergency Stop Switch of the recessed. To prevent vandalism. The detection device shall directly detect the direction of the moving steps/step chains instead of indirect means such as directions of the motor/gear shaft or coupling. shims and other hardware Balustrade profiles. The cleats shall be positively fastened to the tread board. 2mm thick.9. nuts.10. audible warning alarm/bell shall be activated once the cover is lifted. minimum thickness 85µm.1 Pipe works Condensate pipe and refrigerant pipe for fan coil units and split units shall be of hard drawn copper pipes to ASTM B88. Step and Skirt Safety Detection Devices shall be provided in escalator skirting panels in close proximity to the upper and lower comb plate tips. high grade stainless steel. traffic signs shall be provided on the right and left inner deckings at both landings of each escalator/passenger conveyor. Electrical power to the drive mechanism shall be disconnected and the brake(s) applied should any one of these devices be activated due to the skirt panels being forced away from the steps. July 2009 Section 4. A minimum of one switch shall be located in conspicuous and accessible positions at the incline section/treadway as well as at the newel at both ends of the escalator/ passenger conveyor. Skirt brush guards of accepted design complying with EN 115 shall be provided along the skirt panel to enhance passenger safety. 11. momentary pressure and emergency push button stop type with extended sleeve to protect against accidental operation shall be provided on each escalator and passenger conveyor. Corrosion proof materials. For glass balustrades. mechanical damage. water. Stainless steel/sheradised. type L. low velocity filters.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Fire Sprinkler System 11. and condenser water pipework in air-conditioned space shall be insulated with pre-insulated type rigid polyurethane (fire retardant type) pre-insulated sections with minimum 22 SWG galvanised steel sheet metal jacketing. low and off) with a push-button switch provided in the unit.10. disposable pre-filters. 25 mm thick medium efficiency filters shall be provided. All air conditioning ductworks/pre-treated fresh air ductworks exposed to ambient on roof shall be insulated with 50mm thick rigid phenolic foam closed cell (fire retardant type) and 15mm cement plaster finished on chicken wire mesh with colour painting. July 2009 Section 4.10. closed cell. The insulation shall be applied using one shot injection completely filling the annulus between service pipe and casing All refrigerant and condensate pipeworks shall be insulated with fire self-extinguishing. The fan coil units shall be fitted with 25 mm thick low efficiency. .2 Sheet Metal Ductwork and Accessories All sheet metal ducting shall be constructed of hot-dipped galvanised steel sheet and to conform to SMACNA and HVCA DW/142 Specification for Sheet Metal Ductwork. wirings. elastomeric nitrile rubber insulation with Class 1 surface spread of flame to BS476 Part 7 1997 and Fire Propagation (Total Index of Performance (1) less than 12 and Sub Index (i) less than 6) to BS476 Part 6 1989. Air deflection vents/louvers shall be provided for adjusting the airflow direction. with an average arrestance efficiency of 60-70% based on ASHRAE 52-76 Arrestance The air handling units shall be fitted with 50 mm thick low efficiency.Sprinklers.11 a) The Fire Sprinkler System shall comprise the following for each station: . fittings and etc. . and high efficiency.One sprinkler jockey pump and two main sprinkler pumps. All air conditioning supply ductwork shall be externally insulated with minimum 50 mm thick fibreglass insulation of minimum 32 kg/m3 density semi-rigid fibre glass board wrapped with a factory applied aluminium vapour barrier jacketing.10. pipework. Medium Velocity/Pressure Air Systems. extended surface.5 Air Filters All Up to 25 Above 25 15 20 40 a) b) c) Disposable pre-filters. 11. transfer air ducts within an air conditioned area and all air conditioning return air ductworks shall be externally insulated with minimum 25 mm thick fibreglass insulation of minimum 32 kg/m3 density semi-rigid fibre glass board wrapped with a factory applied aluminium vapour barrier jacketing.3 Ductwork Insulation a) b) c) d) All air-conditioning system supply air. black. For fan coil units serving the underground subways and open areas. External thermal insulation shall also be applied to internally lined ductwork.Electrical control panels. exhaust air.10. The air curtain shall be provided with either wall-hang or ceiling suspended mounting and interlock with the FCU / AHU. feed and expansion pipework.Page-63/83 11. primary air and return air ductwork (including those running inside the return air plenum) shall be insulated. Air curtain shall have 2-speed fan (high. valves. accessories and etc. All fresh air.6 Air Curtain a) b) c) d) 11. CFC free (ozone depletion potential of zero). Insulation shall be encased in metal trunking even though they are installed inside the ceiling void and concealed space. The effective velocity at the design point shall not be less than 2 m/s.4 Pipe work Insulation a) b) c) All chilled water pipework. Thickness of the pipe work insulation shall be as follows: Type Normal Size (mm) Minimum thickness of insulation (mm) Condensate Pipe wo rk Refrigerant Pipe work 11.10. 11. flexible. disposable filters. The Contractor shall co-ordinate with the Civil Contractors as to the location of the drainage outlets. shall be designed for use with pipework within the ceiling space and shall be installed complete with ceiling plate (rosette) flush to the false ceiling.11. Sprinkler heads shall be glass bulb type with temperature rating of 68 C and shall be colour coded according to the approved standards.2 Sprinkler Control Valve Set.Facilities for testing to suit the FSSD and SS CP52 requirements . offices. Each sprinkler control valve set shall comprise the following : . combined drain and test valve etc. The Contractor shall supply and install sprinkler control valves. the sprinkler heads shall be fitted with water shields and/or protective guards of an approved type. Exposed sprinklers for areas with false ceiling such as shops. Where applicable or required. minimum horizontal distance of sprinklers from beams etc. etc. Electrically Supervised Gate Valve and Accessories a) b) c) d) a) 11. high temperature sprinklers suitable for the temperature condition shall be provided to meet the FSSD's requirements. In areas of above normal temperature. Where applicable. water motor alarm.11. Easily accessible flushing facilities shall be provided for each zone to discharge to the nearest drainage outlet.Alarm valve . where applicable are complied with in his installation with regards to maximum and minimum spacing between sprinklers on range pipes and between adjacent rows of sprinklers. corridors etc. The operating pressures of all pumps shall be engraved on bakelite and installed at the test rack. . Water motor alarms of approved type shall be supplied and fitted close to the sprinkler control valve set. The Contractor shall ensure that the regulations in SS CP52. Tools shall also be provided to facilitate removal of sprinkler heads. Sprinkler heads installed in the escalator pits shall be fitted with protective guards. maximum distance of sprinklers from walls or partitions.3 Alarm Gong July 2009 Section 4.. Sprinklers shall be of conventional pattern designed to produce a spherical type of discharge with a portion of water being thrown upwards to the ceiling. . maximum distance of sprinkler heads below ceiling or roofs. sprinkler pumps and control panel shall be housed in the fire pump room. Protective guards of approved type shall be fitted to each sprinkler head in the area where sprinklers are located less than 2 metres above floor level and where they are liable to accidental and mechanical damage.O.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .Page-64/83 b) The sprinkler control valve set(s).supervised device for valve closures. The electrically supervised gate valves shall be with integral limit switches.Main stop valve . Sprinklers shall be of standard chrome finish.Other equipment as necessary The stop valves must be ‘right handed' and the controlling wheels shall be clearly marked showing in which direction the wheels are to be turned to close the valves. these sprinkler heads shall be of the side throw type. The alarm valve shall be fixed on the main supply pipe immediately above the main stop valves.Alarm devices including water motor alarm gong. The stop valves controlling water supplies shall be secured open by individual pad-locked straps. Sprinklers shall have 15mm nominal orifice size with a K-factor of 8 ± 5% where the water volumetric flowrate and pressure are in litres per minute and kilopascals respectively. Sprinklers shall be of UL/FM standard or listed with BRE.1 Sprinkler Heads a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) 11.Electrically . There must be individual indicators which shall show whether the respective valves are open or shut. ‘Split type' demountable ceiling plate shall be used to enable changing of damaged ceiling without having to remove sprinkler head. Ceiling plates shall be chrome plated or finish to the acceptance of the S. Each water motor alarm shall comprise a fire alarm gong with a turbine to operate 11. pressure switch. The alarm valves shall be of an approved type and shall have all necessary connections of the correct size for connections to glycerine-filled pressure gauges.11.Glycerine-filled pressure gauges to indicate 'upstream' and `downstream' system pressures . Sprinkler shall be designed with universal deflector enabling the sprinkler to be installed in either the upright or pendant position. 6 Pressure Gauges a) 11. The tank shall be internally partitioned into two separate compartments.11. rated for 1035kPa working pressure shall be provided. Flow switches shall be complete with addressable interfacing unit. Flow switches. Flow meters with direct readings shall be provided for control valve installation. wetness and dampness. and shall be of silver or approved alloy. all brass.5 Flow Switches a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) 11. Flow switches shall be of paddle type and of approved type.7 Flow Meter a) 11. Test valves shall be installed immediately down stream of each flow switch to enable local testing. Data on flowrate and operating pressure shall be engraved on metal plate and installed near the equipment subject to the S. precision movement and micrometer adjustment. All components of the flow switch that come in contact with the water shall be made of copper alloy. Pressure gauges shall be installed with gauge cocks mounted in a location where they can be easily read. bronze spring tube.4 Pressure Switches a) b) Pressure switches shall be provided for the control of the pumps. humidity and etc.’s acceptance. which shall be of the self-resetting type and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Settings of pressure switches shall be labelled for all pumps in a chart. Each compartment shall be provided with one access manholes of minimum 600 mm x 600 mm with hinged 11. Pulsation dampeners. Each water motor alarm shall be arranged to drain through a non-ferrous fitting with an orifice. Flow switches shall incorporate retards or time-delay devices to avoid false alarms due to surges. The water motor alarms shall be suitably mounted on the wall above the alarm valves and all pipe connections shall not be less than 20mm diameter.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . threaded chromium plated brass ring with heavy glass. Pressure gauges shall be complete with built-in compensators for fluctuation in external factors such as temperature.11. The tank shall be rendered mosquito proof when installed.O. Glycerne-filled pressure gauges shall be provided.Page-65/83 whenever the alarm check valves are being operated. Pressure gauges shall be of minimum 100mm diameter. The flow switch interfacing module shall be provided with enclosure of IP rating 55. They shall be suitable for the system operating range. The location of each flow switch shall be clearly identified on the access panel. The flow switch shall have a single pole double throw (SPDT) mechanism which makes or breaks the electric circuit when water flows. The chart is to be located near to the pressure switches. The electrical contact block shall be completely sealed from the water in the pipeline.11. steel pipe fittings and shut off cocks of needle point globe type. The chart is to be located near the pressure switches. Contacts shall be suitable for the working voltage and current of the circuits controlled. Adequate space shall be allowed above the pipework for the installation of flow switches. The chart shall made of perspex complete with reverse colour silk-screen printing and labels indicating clearly the pressure settings. The chart shall be made of Perspex complete with reverse colour screen printing and labels indicating clearly the pressure setting. Where flow switches are installed within ceiling spaces.8 Sprinkler Tank a) b) c) d) e) July 2009 Section 4. Short drainpipe shall be provided after each test valve and properly terminated with cap. The tank shall be water tight and free from leaks.11. The water storage tank for sprinkler (preferably RC construction) shall be of the overall size and capacity as shown on the Drawings provided by the Civil Contractor. The installation of the tank shall comply with the PUB requirements. 11.11. The paddle shall be suitable for the pipe size installed. the Contractor shall co-ordinate with the respective Civil Contractors and ensure that access panels are provided to facilitate maintenance of the flow switch. Drain lines shall be connected to water drain or sump pit in which the water will ultimately be discharged to surface water drains. Control float valve shall be provided for control of incoming water to the sprinkler water storage tank. They shall be of the approved type and in compliance with the requirements of the relevant standards and codes. Pressure switches shall have adjustable settings which shall be set to comply with the requirements of the relevant codes and standards for all pumps in a chart. All exposed opening for the tank shall be completed with insect screen under this Contract. High/low water level alarm switches shall be provided and these shall be wired back to the MAP. Visual water level indicators shall not be glass tube type. Caps for the breeching inlet shall be of approved brass type and held close by means of a spring lock with a sufficient length of stainless steel chain. Puddle flanges for connection shall be supplied by the Contractor and installed by the Civil Contractor. The indicators shall high level at the upper end and low level at the lower end. All fittings shall be on the external wall and enclosed in a glass-fronted stainless steel cabinet complying with the requirements of BS 5041 : Part 5. The Contractor shall also co-ordinate with the other contractors to ensure that the access manholes or the cat ladders are not obstructed by other services.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Civil Contractors shall provide the incoming water pipe up to the stop valve just outside the tank. shall be provided under this Contract. access door and signages. The breeching inlet connection shall be electrically earthed and it shall be properly earthed to ground using properly sized copper tapes. The Contractor shall co-ordinated with the Civil Contractor and other Contractors to ensure that adequate clearance of minimum 1000 mm are provided all round the tank to facilitate erection.11. The tank shall be provided with access cat ladders permanently fixed in place. Cowl type vents of 100 mm diameter and overflow fittings shall be provided for each compartment. The breeching inlets shall be approved by the local authorities and batch certified by PSB. Flow switch for warning pipe shall be provided and to be wired to the MAP. Anti-vortex device for the sprinkler tank shall be incorporated under this Contract so that the effective capacity can be maximised.9 Sprinkler Breeching Inlets d) e) July 2009 Section 4. Edges of the manhole shall be properly finished smooth or trimmed. with the necessary levels and lettering neatly and clearly marked. The manhole shall be used for access into the water tank compartment and inspection and maintenance of the float valve. Electrode type high/low water level sensors shall be provided under this Contract and these shall be wired back to the pump control panels and MAP by the Contractor. The ladders. Floats for the float valves shall be fabricated from copper with all joints brazed. A weep hole or drain outlet shall be provided to drain off any residual water within the breeching inlet box. Anti-Vortex device for the sprinkler tank shall be incorporated so that the effective capacity can be maintained. The ladders shall be provided adjacently to the manholes and shall be non-corrosive type. Holes for tapping pipe connections shall be machined out. The indicator shall show high level at the upper end and low level at the lower end. Visual water level indicators.Page-66/83 f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) a) b) c) covers provided under this Contract. The Contractor shall provide an independent earthing system. The earthing continuity across pipe joint shall be maintained using copper tape with proper metal to metal contact. Air vents and overflow fittings shall be provided under this Contract for each compartment. The maximum allowable earth impedance shall be less than 10 ohms. 11. The clearance at the top of the tank shall not less than 750 mm for access to the top of the tank. All pipe penetrations provided under this contract shall be complete with puddle flanges and cast in the tank wall. Visual water level indicators shall not be glass tube type. concrete platforms hand railings and access doors shall be supplied and installed by the Civil Contractors. Overflow and warning pipes shall be provided. with the necessary levels and lettering neatly and clearly marked. shall be provided. inspection and maintenance of the tank. Visual water level indicators. The breeching inlet shall be recessed. The Contractor shall co-ordinate with the Civil Contractors for them to provide the recess. Breeching inlet shall be provided to enable the SCDF to pump water into the sprinkler system. The Contractor shall co-ordinate with the Civil Contractors and other contractors to determine the pipes penetration through the tank wall and the position of the cat ladders and the concrete platforms so as to avoid any clashes with the fire protection system and to ensure that they are suitable for their intended purposes. Sprinkler pumps shall be of the centrifugal volute. The impellers shall be made of bronze and designed to give non-overloading characteristics over a large range of head variations.10 Pumps a) b) c) d) e) f) a) This part specifies the furnishing and installation of sprinkler. Impeller rings shall be of cast-iron and removable. The sprinkler jockey pumps shall have rated capacities not less than any normal leakage rate and not more than the flowrate when any one of the sprinkler is burst. Casing shall be provided with drain and vent cocks. The pumps shall be directly driven by a totally enclosed fan cooled motor. 11. Flexible coupling shall be provided between the pump and motor. and who can show evidence of having furnished such equipment that has been in successful operation for at least five years. single stage.e. excessive wear and tear to the bearings etc. bearings and seals without dismantling connecting piping. for acceptance. Bearings shall be self-aligning. and is not there to compensate for misalignment.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Calculations together with certified performance curves of the pumps with the operating range indicated shall be submitted to the S. The concrete plinth of at least 150mm shall be provided by the Civil Contractors. Shaft sleeves shall be bronze removable type. The impeller shall be statically and dynamically balanced. accurately aligned. It shall be noted that the coupling is required to reduce shock.10.10. The Contractor shall submit hydraulic calculation of the operating head based on the equipment selected and upon the characteristics of the pipework system actually installed. Pumps shall be capable of achieving the nominal flow rate against the head of the system. Pump glands shall be packing seal type. or the bolts shall be cast into the block. Bearings shall be of the silent type. The casting of the inertia block with concrete if required shall be provided under this Contract.11. base or frame mounted and flexible coupled to motor drive. The inertia blocks shall support the pipework up to and including the first elbow before the vertical riser.000 hours average life. This shall be achieved by an automatic bypass circuit arrangement i.2 Pump Base Plate and Plinth b) c) d) e) July 2009 Section 4.11. Pumps shall be capable of running under conditions of zero or low 'draw-off' continuously without overheating. Vibration isolators shall be selected in accordance with the weight distribution so as to produce reasonably uniform deflection during pump running.O. jockey pumps. Holes for foundation bolts. grease lubricated and designed for not less than 100. Pumps shall be listed by PSB. constant speed. The pump and motor combination shall be mounted on a substantial machined baseplate of fabricated steel and a suitable inertia block and the complete unit mounted on a suitably reinforced concrete plinth with anti-vibration mounting. radial and thrust ball-type.1 Pump Construction b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) a) 11. an automatic pressure relief valve and pipe at the pump discharge side.11. secured from relative movement by stainless steel and rotation ring. Removable hot-dip galvanised sheet metal coupling guard shall be provided. Thickness of the inertia block shall be at least 150mm and not exceeding 300mm. Jockey pumps shall be of centrifugal type. The shaft shall be of machine ground stainless steel.Page-67/83 11. The base depth shall be as recommended by the pump manufacturer for mass or rigidity.p. The casing shall be arranged for easy removal of impeller. and shall be of the steel pin/rubber bush type. Foundation bolts shall be painted with anti-rust primer before installation. single end suction.m. and the Contractor shall demonstrate correct alignment. The minimum total static deflection shall be 20mm. but shall not be less than 150mm. They shall have discharge pressures sufficient to maintain the desired system pressure. Drain pipe shall be provided to drain any leakage’s through the pump seal into the nearest floor waste or sump pit. Motors shall be equipped with sleeve bearings and speed shall be compatible with pump speed and shall not exceed 2900 r. The inertia block shall be sized to obtain minimum 1:1 ratio (inertia block/equipment mass ratio). The pin and bush coupling require the same accuracy of alignment as rigid couplings. Pumps shall be furnished by experienced manufacturers normally supplying this type of equipment. The pump casings shall be of close-grain cast-iron accurately machined and assembled with metal to metal joint. enabling easy exchange or replacement of faulty equipment. Lifting eyes shall be provided for pumps and motors. 50Hz. a suitable relief valve shall be installed on the pump discharge to prevent damage to the fire protection system.11 Fire Pump Control Panel d) e) f) g) July 2009 Section 4.4 Guards a) 11. The control panel shall be of the self-contained.11. Motors shall be totally enclosed fan cooled type and motor insulation shall be BS 2757 class B or better. The correct selection of the electric motors for the fire pumps shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.5 Flexible Connectors a) b) c) d) e) 11. instruments and relays shall comply with British Standard Specifications. The fire pump control panel and the associated components.11.11.7 Electric Motor for Fire Pumps a) b) c) d) e) a) b) c) 11. Motors up to and including 2.10. All connectors shall be rated at a minimum of 1. When the jockey pumps have a shut-off pressure exceeding the working pressure of the fire protection equipment. Flexible connectors shall be used on the pump outlet and inlet. cubicle type with flush hinged doors lined with rubber gaskets for front access. IEC or SS. Pump installation shall be complete with adequate facilities for maintenance and future replacement of Plant. A visual and audio alarm shall also be provided to raise an alarm when the pump is tripped. A test and selector switch and ammeter for each pump shall be included in the panel.5 times of the working pressure of the system. The panel shall be isolated before the door can be opened for access or maintenance purposes. Manual/Off/Auto.11. Bearings shall be precision grade.2kW shall be single phase 230V. Motors above 2. accessories. The panels shall comprise standardised items.11. Steel wire or rings shall not be used as pressure reinforcement. Floor trunkings supported on C-Channels between the control panel and pump are strictly prohibited.6 Automatic Pressure Relief Valve a) b) 11. Doors shall be provided with car type lockable handles with standardised key locks and 3 sets of keys. All moving parts of the pump and motor shall be adequately guarded by a wire mesh screen of sufficient strength to avoid distortion under normal usage. An orifice plate shall be installed at the discharge pipe of the jockey pump. All mountings shall have levelling bolts that must be rigidly bolted to the equipment. Each pump shall be provided with an automatic pressure relief valve set slightly below the shut-off pressure of the pump. deep grooved ball type and extra quiet. LEDs shall be used to indicate various functions on the control panel.11. All motors shall be suitably earthed to meet SS CP5 requirements.Page-68/83 f) g) a) Spring-type isolators shall be free standing and laterally stable without any housing and complete with 6mm neoprene acoustical friction pads between the baseplate and support. metal clad. It shall provide circulation of sufficient water to prevent the pump from overheating when operating with no discharge. The relief valve shall be labelled with the setting pressure. All connections shall be made with flanged sphere properly pre-extended as recommended by the manufacturer to prevent additional elongation under pressure.2kW shall be three phase 400V. The panels shall be suitable either for floor or wall mounting. Provisions shall be made for a discharge back to the sump.3 Maintenance Facilities 11.10. The Contractor shall supply and install fire pump control panels.10. manual duty pump selector and pressure switches.10. Flexible connectors shall be manufactured of multiple layers of nylon tyre cord fabric and neoprene both moulded and secured in hydraulic rubber presses.10.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Motors shall be suitable for continuous operation on voltages within 10% of the supply voltage. 11. 50Hz. Flexible connectors shall be manufactured with floating steel flanges recessed to lock the connector's raised face neoprene flanges. anti-friction. and start/stop push button shall be provided. Motor rating shall be rated for continuous operation at the ambient temperature of 40 C. The control system shall be capable of both manual and automatic operation of the installation. IP rating 55. Starters shall be classed for intermittent duty.2 Cabinet Construction b) c) d) e) f) g) a) b) 11. The starters shall have flush mounting START/STOP push buttons. Continuous galvanised steel sheets shall be provided to completely separate adjacent cubicles or switchgear. The cabinet shall be provided with non-ferrous gland plates for the entry of all incoming and outgoing cables. All contactors shall comply with IEC 158.Protecting the cable connections to the motor. and shall be at least rated to IP55. rectangular HDHC copper section capable of carrying for 3 seconds a through-fault current equivalent to the prospective 3 phase short circuit level of 25 MVA. red pilot lamp to indicate motor ‘running' and control circuit fuses. The cabinet shall be of dead front type and manufactured from minimum 2mm thick electrogalvanised steel sheet using folded sections or angle iron bracing for rigidity of construction. 65%. The starter circuit shall not have any tripping devices. double layer enclosure.3 Busbars July 2009 Section 4.5 times of full-load current of the motor. switches. All panels shall also be furnished with neutral (N) having the same rating as the phase busbars.11. The opening of a door or the withdrawing of a circuit breaker shall allow access to that compartment only.11. The front doors shall be electrically interlocked such that doors can only be opened after the power supply is isolated. Starters and contactors contained therein shall comply with the Singapore and/or British Standards and SS CP52. All starters shall be of electrically held on pattern with no-volt release characteristics but shall not release until the voltage falls below 85% of nominal.5 times of full-load current of the motor. The starters shall be housed in the appropriate control cabinet board and arranged for automatic and manual control as required.Page-69/83 h) i) j) k) l) There shall be no magnetic and thermal overload trips for the fire pumps. ‘on load' integral isolating switch mechanically interlocked with the access door. angles and channel for construction of the panel shall be galvanised and epoxy coated to a minimum thickness of 60 microns.11. Each panel shall include an incoming section equipped with load switch and feeder-section furnished with HRC fuse rated to provide protection for the connected cables in accordance with the definition in SS CP5.2kW up to and including 11kW shall have star-delta starters to limit the starting current so that it shall not exceed 2. shall be mounted directly on a fixed fascia panel suitable stiffened to hold such items firmly in position under all conditions of operation. Motors from 2.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . The cabinet shall have adequate ventilation. Taps of 50%.11. Contactor type motor starters shall conform to BS 587 and BS 775:Part 2 and BS 5424:Part 1. Any no-volt release mechanism must be of the automatic resetting type and that on restoration of the supply the motor can restart automatically. 11. etc. weatherproof and be dust. The panels shall be provided with 3 phase tinned copper conductor busbars. The gland plates shall be drilled on site to suit each appropriate cable. All sheet steel. Motors above 11kW shall have automatic transformer starters to limit the starting current so that it will not exceed 1. auxiliary contacts.11. drip and vermin proof. Separate compartmentation for Sprinkler pumps and Hosereel pumps control panel. Instruments. LED indicating lights. Any no-volt release mechanism must be of the automatic resetting type such that on restoration of the supply the motor can restart automatically. utilisation category AC-3.1 Motor Starters a) b) c) d) e) f) g) a) 11. Busbars shall be of equal size. HRC fuses must be capable of the following: .11. The construction shall be such that it allows for ready access to the interior of the cubicles for operation and maintenance purposes.Carrying the stalled current of the motor for a period of not less than 75% of the period when such a current would cause the motor windings to fail. Motors up to and including 2. Single line diagram complete with control circuitry shall be laminated and affixed to the interior of all door panels.2kW shall have direct-on-line starter. 80% and 100% of full-load voltage shall be provided for the automatic transformer starters. . Page-70/83 c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Current ratings shall comply with BS 158 and BS 159 for a temperature rise not exceeding 50 C. Phase indication shall be provided on all busbars. All connections in busbars shall be bolted or clamped with contact surfaces suitably prepared to prevent oxidation in service, and all through joints and contact parts shall be tinned before connection. All bolts shall be tightened with an even tension. Approved washer shall be used at all joints. Cadmium plated high tensile steel bolts with BSP threads and having approved cadmium plated lock nuts shall be used. A copper earthing bar shall be provided and installed at the base of the full length of the panel. A tee connection from the earthing bar shall project into each breaker compartment for automatic grounding of the chassis when the breaker is inserted into the compartment. The cross-sectional areas of these earthing bars shall be sized for fault currents for faults of negligible impedance in accordance with SS CP5. Sharp right angle bend and twisting of copper bars shall not be allowed. Minimum spacing between copper bars shall not be less than 60mm. All copper bars must be hard drawn and tinned and insulated coloured PVC sleevings to indicate their respective phase. All metal raceway (conduit / trunking / cable tray) systems, supports, cabinets, panels, equipment cases and motor frames shall be permanently, solidly and effectively grounded (earthed). Continuity of equipment grounding shall be maintained throughout the system. Ground clamps shall be approved type, specifically designed for grounding. Copper-clad strap metal is unacceptable for earthing or bonding purposes. All non-current carrying metal parts of electrical equipment installations shall be connected to the ground loop as required. These will include wireway, busways, raceways, switchgear enclosures, motor-control centre enclosures, pushbutton stations, motors and any other noncurrent carrying metal parts which may become energised by accidental contact with line electrical conductors. The grounding (earth continuity) system shall be fully tested in strict conformance with SS CP 5. Instruments shall be suitable for flush mounting and shall have square or rectangular type face with moulded plastic escutcheons. The ammeters and voltmeters shall be of the moving coil type and shall have accuracy class of the instruments of 3 or better. The voltmeter shall be provided with a selector switch for reading the values of the 3 phases i.e. phase to phase, and phase to neutral voltages. The scales-width shall not be less than 240 angular degrees and the designation shall be in amperes or volts on matt-white plate. Anti-parallax and anti-reflecting types of platform/covers shall be used. Ampere meter shall have compressed scale to cater for motor starting where necessary. Hour-count meters shall be provided to measure the operating period of each individual pump. A minimum of 2 nos of anti-condensation heaters shall be installed inside the panel. The power rating of these heaters shall be equivalent to the power dissipated by the panel during normal operation. These heaters shall only be activated when the process system is shut down or inoperative. All indicator lights shall be of pilot light and shall be provided in duplicate. The pilot light when lighted shall be visible in lit rooms. Light Emitting Diode (LED) indicator (green) shall be provided to show that there is electrical supply available to the control panel and this shall be labelled ‘MAINS SUPPLY ON'. LED indicator (red, yellow, blue) shall be provided to indicate clearly each phase of the electrical power supply for both incoming and outgoing and to indicate the status of each electric motor. LED indicator (orange) shall be provided to show the failure of any one phase of the electric power supply to the electric motor driven fire pump which shall be labelled ‘Pump Fail'. LED Indicator (red) shall be provided to show that the pumps are not operating and shall be labelled ‘Pump Stop'. Earthing a) b) c) d) Instruments a) b) c) d) e) f) Indicator Lights a) b) c) d) e) July 2009 Section 4.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 Page-71/83 f) LED indicator (green) shall be provided to show that the pumps are running and shall be labelled ‘Pump Running'. Relays shall be of first grade, with continuously rated coils and contacts to suit voltages and currents concerned. Relay holders for 24 V DC and 230 V ac shall have different pin configurations and placed at a distance apart. Care shall be taken in the selection of relays with regard to the use of cables. The Contractor shall ensure that there is no possibility of cable insulation breakdown due to surge voltages which may occur when inductive circuits are opened and closed. If necessary, limiting devices shall be installed and connected. The phase failure relay shall be of the star-capacitor type, arranged to close its contacts in the event of failure of one or more phases under any condition. Time delay relays, shall be of synchronous motor type, with adjustable time setting up to five (5) minutes and instantaneous reset. The minimum setting shall be one (1) second. Earth leakage protective relays shall be of the instantaneous type with adjustable settings from 5% to 40% in 5% steps. Each circuit, equipment and instrument of the control panel as well as the control panel itself shall be clearly identified and designated according to its function. The nameplate shall be of white traffolite laminated white/black/white engraved with black lettering and affixed with stainless steel screws. Details of the labels shall subject to the S.O.’s Acceptance before fabrication. Wiring within the control panel shall be neatly arranged laced into forms and suitably clamped. All internal wiring shall be installed in wiring channels or conduits as far as possible. Exposed wiring shall be kept to a minimum but where necessary, the wires shall be formed into compact groups suitably spiral-bound together and properly supported. Nonmetallic material is preferred for the channels or conduit. Adhesive cable supports shall be the high bond type and shall not be easily dislodged. All conductors shall be terminated with suitable pressure type terminal lugs of proper sizes for terminal studs at the terminal blocks or shall be terminated in a manner compatible with the terminals of the instruments. Terminal block shall be appropriately rated. Plug-in type of terminal blocks shall not be used. All conductors shall run continuously between terminal studs without splices or tape. All conductors shall be identified by colour coding and labelled at each termination using numbered ferrules with wire number to correspond with Contractor’s circuit diagrams. Terminal strips shall also be clearly numbered to conform to the wiring diagram and they shall be provided for all incoming and outgoing cables. In addition, all cable termination’s and component circuit references shall be properly labelled. Terminals shall be of the tunnel type of suitable size for the wire it is to accommodate. Terminals shall be installed in readily accessible positions. The following conductor colour coding shall be used for AC system. - Phase : Colour - R: Red - Y: Yellow - B: Blue - Neutral : Black - Protective Earthing : Green or yellow - Control or measuring : Light grey circuits Switches Relays a) b) c) d) e) Nameplates a) Internal Wiring a) b) c) d) e) f) a) b) c) Push button controls shall be of the momentary contact type, and suitable for current of 15 amperes at 230V ac. Key-operated switches shall be of a rotary type such that the key can only be removed in the normal position. Alternatively, a rotary selector switch may be used with an integral lock, the key of which shall only be removable in the normal position. Rotary switches, with shafts that wear off easily during operation, shall not be used. Toggle switches shall be of a two position switch of robust construction and have silver contacts having minimum rating of 5 amperes for 230V ac and 3 amperes for 30V DC. July 2009 Section 4.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 Page-72/83 11.11.12 Miscellaneous a) b) The Contractor shall supply and install the following in the pump room: - Non-fading single line/control wiring diagram (endorsed by PE), etc., shall be framed in a non-reflective transparent plastic/glass board. - Operation / Maintenance instruction to be framed in a non-reflective transparent plastic/glass board. Fibreboards shall be transparent type and provided at the front and rear of each panel to prevent accidental contact with all live parts. Suitable protection shields shall also be provided at the rear of all front panels with lamps/instruments. Danger signs shall be provided on all protective shields and/or barriers. Carrying handles are to be provided for all removable covers. The automatic control of the sprinkler pump sets shall provide for the complete system pipework to be pressurised at the adjustable pre-set level. When the system pressure falls, initially the jockey pump shall come into operation to bring the pressure to the required value and then stop when the high limit pressure is reached. Adjustable time delay shall be provided. If the system pressure continues to fall inspite of the jockey pump operating, the duty sprinkler pump shall come into operation when the pressure falls to another pre-set level. The jockey pump shall stop when the duty sprinkler pump or standby sprinkler pump come into operation. Once started the sprinkler pump shall run continuously until stopped manually. If the duty pump fails to operate, the standby pump shall also automatically come into operation. The pump shall continue to operate and shall not automatically cut-out until it is manually switched off. Suitable pressure switches and gauges complying with Clauses 11.10.3 and 11.10.5 shall be provided to activate the pumps and to monitor the system pressure. Means shall be provided for the sprinkler pumps to be set for lead-lag duty (with changeover) and for the standby pump to operate should the duty pump fail to function after a time lapse (adjustable) upon closing of the starting circuit. Light indicators showing the status of the pumps and the water level in the sprinkler water tank shall be provided on the sprinkler pump control panels and MAPs. The pumps shall be fully operational within 30 seconds after starting. Analogue Addressable Automatic Fire Alarm System 11.11.13 Pump Controls a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 11.12 11.12.1 General a) b) c) d) e) This section specifies the design, supply, and install, testing and commissioning of the electric fire alarm system. The fire alarm system shall comply strictly with the requirements of the FSSD and SS CP 10. The fire alarm system component shall comprise of the following: - Micro-Processor Based Main Alarm Panel - Manual Call-points - Alarm Bells - Fire Zone Plan or mimic diagram - Batteries and chargers - Electrical wiring, conduits, trunking, accessories, and etc. The system shall operate on 24V DC supply and was designed to give an early visual and audible alarm in the event of fire when any of the manual call points are activated. The system must be protected against lightning and/or voltage surges. Upon activation of the manual call point, the alarm signal shall be automatically transmitted directly to the Main Alarm Panel giving both visual and audible indication at the Main Alarm Panel. 11.12.2 Operational Requirement 11.12.3 Main Alarm Panel Construction a) The Main Alarm Panel shall be wall mounted type and of weatherproof construction. July 2009 Section 4.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 Page-73/83 b) c) d) e) The cabinet of the Main Alarm Panel shall be fabricated from minimum 16 SWG electrogalvanised steel sheet, epoxy powder coated (signal red in colour to BS 381c requirements) to a minimum thickness of 45 microns. All angles and channels shall also be electro-galvanised. The cabinet shall be fitted with a door with glass panel, which shall be locked. All alarm group indicators and associated switches, voltmeters, ammeters etc shall be visible behind the locked door without opening the door. The door shall be provided with appropriate hinges and lockset and shall not sag when opened, due to its own weight. The manufacturer’s name, together with any other appropriate means of identification of the alarm system shall be clearly and permanently marked on the Main Alarm Panel. The above information shall include the type of board and the model number. All brand names, model nos. and other identifications of components shall be left intact to facilitate ease of replacement. The Main Alarm Panel shall be of solid state modular design and with capacity of increasing by 25% the number of zones, by simple addition of zone modules. All spare zones shall be indicated. Equipment within Main Alarm Panel The Main Alarm Panel and associated control and supervisory equipment shall as a minimum, consist of the following items:Alarm group or zone facilities. Individual reset switches per indicator. Facilities for testing and maintenance in accordance with the requirements of the FSSD. Battery test facilities with voltmeter and ammeter. Battery test switch. Audible fault alarm. Audible fault isolation switch. Lamp test button. Indications for mains power supply on. Indications for mains power failure. Alarm / Fault acknowledge. Reset buttons. Trickle / Boost charge. Indications for charger failure. Precautions against failure a) b) A distinct visual and audible signal shall be given at the Main Alarm Panel in the event of the following:Failure or disconnection of the normal power supply. Failure or disconnection of the standby power supply. Failure or disconnection of the battery. Failure or disconnection of the battery charging equipment. Failure or disconnection of any of the leads to alarm bells. Removal of any zone card. The audible signal used for giving fault warning shall be distinctive and of a different character from the audible fire alarm. Provision shall be made for cancelling the audible signal only. Where such provision is made, the removal of the fault shall automatically reset the audible fault warning circuit or cause the audible fault warning to respond until silenced by the manual operation of a biased switch or other device fulfilling the same function. The switches, which shall preferably be of the push button type, and indicating facilities listed below shall be provided for each alarm group or zone. Means shall be provided to enable each switch or indicator to be readily identified; a common identification of the switch positions on the front of the Panel is acceptable. - Alarm Indicator- A red indicator designated ‘alarm’ for each zone or group which indicates on alarm only. Two bulbs are to be provided per indicator. - Fault indicator- An amber indicator designated ‘fault’ for each zone or group, which indicates on fault only. Two bulbs are to be provided per indicator. Alarm group or zone testing a) July 2009 Section 4.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 Test facilities to simulate the action of the manual call-point in the alarm condition for each group or zone.12. The Contractor shall submit detailed calculations to justify the capacity of the battery and the battery charger.12. This switch shall be within the cabinet when the charger is fitted in the Main Alarm Panel and the condition of the ‘mains on’ shall be indicated by a LED.6 Battery charger and capacity a) b) c) d) 11. Thereafter it shall be capable of supplying an additional load. An approved self-resetting current-limiting device shall be installed in the circuit between the battery and the system. - 11.3. A battery charger of the appropriate type and rating shall keep the storage batteries under constant voltage charge. The charger shall incorporate automatic control features with output designed to charge and maintain the cells within the limits specified by the battery manufacturer. In no case shall the voltage be less than 6V.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .An alarm group or zone inhibition switch clearly designated ‘inhibited’ to disconnect each individual alarm group or zone from the Panel common circuitry.7 Identification and labelling a) 11. In addition it shall be capable of supplying the full emergency evacuation alarm load for a period of at least 10 minutes. sealed and maintenance free and housed in a well-ventilated. When the audible signal is silenced by manual operation of a silence or acknowledge switch. any flashing signal then existent shall be replaced by a steady signal.Inhibition facility:. The source of electricity supply for the alarm system shall not exceed 24V DC. which indicates on inhibition only. and such device shall be located at or adjacent to the battery location. The storage batteries shall be heavy duty. The charger shall be connected to a separate circuit with a switch that shall be satisfactorily labelled to indicate that it controls the fire alarm system.Page-74/83 b) c) d) e) a) b) Inhibit indicator. All indicators shall be long-life low quiescent current LED’s (light emitting diodes).3. Each alarm zone indicator. . Two bulbs are to be provided per indicator. locations of all fire extinguishers. test switch and control etc on the Main Alarm Panel shall be clearly identified by the use of engraved laminated labels. The power supply equipment for the fire alarm system shall be exclusive to the alarm system.5 Power c) 11. An isolating switch to interrupt the battery charger ‘mains’ supply shall be provided adjacent to the charger. Fault warning shall be given in the event of failure of the main supply or of the charger. The fault test facilities shall simulate also both the positive to earth and negative to earth fault conditions. The alarm and fault signals for each alarm group or zone shall be latched on at the existing Main Alarm Panel. . . the particular group inhibited being indicated by the position and labelling of the ‘inhibited’ switch. long-life. call-point locations. room served shall also be identified. resulting from an alarm originating in two separate alarm groups for a period of half an hour. The capacity of the storage battery used to energise the alarm system shall be such that in the event of mains failure.Alarm test:. The supply shall be in the form of storage batteries designed for float charge and maintained by a continuous constant voltage charger.A green indicator designated ‘inhibit’ for each zone or group. dust and vermin-proof enclosure. A common indicator designated ‘group inhibited’ shall be lighted on the Panel to show when any group is inhibited.Test facilities to produce a circuit fault condition in the supervisory circuit of the wiring to the manual call-points.12. the battery is capable of maintaining the system in normal working condition to comply with SS CP 10. The Contractor shall supply and install a fire zone plan for the development. A switch for disconnection of the battery shall be provided. The panel shall be reset after the alarm or fault condition has been cleared. The zone number and area. etc clearly.Fault test:.12.8 Fire Zone Plan a) July 2009 Section 4. Operation of the switch shall prevent the alarm group from initiating either alarm or fault signals but shall not impair the normal functioning of any other alarm groups or zones associated with the Main Alarm Panel alarm.3.3. taking into account any quiescent load imposed by the associated system. The charger shall also be designed to provide for a short duration boost charge. The fire zone plan shall indicate the layout with the fire alarm zone. Different audible alarms shall be provided to differentiate between that for “Fault” and for “Alarm”. hosereels. An indication of the open and shut positions shall be fixed or permanently marked on the wheel of the valve. The assembly shall be capable of easy operation. The alarm bell shall be UL listed and/or approved by other international approval bodies. The plan shall be framed besides the Main Alarm Panel. A concealed ‘test’ device shall be included. The fire zone plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Superintending Officer before fabrication. a reinforcement of braided textile lining and an abrasion resistance rubber cover.12.13. shut-off nozzle assembly and hosereel cabinet. The voltage and current ratings of the contacts shall be marked within the unit. to be carried out shall be deemed to have been included in the Works. Break Glass” shall be included. All fees required for such tests etc.5 Manual Call Point b) c) d) 11. All alarm bells shall be iron clad and shall be of weatherproof construction and installation.13. Rubber Hose : The rubber hose shall be 25mm internal diameter hose and shall have a minimum working pressure of 7 bars (100 psi) and shall be of the non-kinking type. The unit shall be of pleasing appearance and styling and finish enamelled red. Section 4. The sound level at 3m away shall be a minimum 85 dBA. The body of the valve shall be marked with a directional arrow indicating the direction of flow through the valve. before the delivery of the hosereels to Site.Page-75/83 b) c) d) The fire zone plan shall be of perspex sheet.13 11.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Manual call point shall be arranged to operate automatically upon breaking of the glass and shall comply with the requirements of BS 5364:Part 1 and acceptable to the FSSD. The cover shall be locked in position with a special key and the glass panel shall be clipped firmly into place. 11..8 bars (200 psi) for a duration of 30 seconds for each unit. The fire zone plan shall not fade on exposure to sunlight and weather and shall be suitable for installation in an outdoor location. Fire Hosereel & Hydrant System 11. Bell circuits shall be ‘interleaved’ and separately fused at the control unit. Manual call-points installed outdoors shall be of weatherproof construction and installation and shall be at least rated to IP55. Test reports shall be submitted to the S. Hosereel shall be factory tested against water leakage after assembly at a test pressure of 13.4 Fire Alarm Bell a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) a) 11. Rubber hoses shall be manufactured with an inner tube. The words: “In case of Fire. etched on the reverse side and affixed onto the wall with stainless steel screws. The water connection shall be such that through the rubber hose. it shall permit the full flow of water to the hose without physical leakage during any rotation of the reel.2 Hosereel System a) b) c) d) July 2009 The hosereels shall be of the swing type complete with all accessories including stop valves. "Fire Hydrant Systems and Hosereel" and comply with all regulations and requirements of the Fire Services Safety Department (FSSD) and Building Control Authority (BCA). hose guides.1 General The construction and installation shall comply with CP 29. Stop-Valve : A 25mm stop valve of a type approved by Authority shall be provided for the connection of the hosereel to the water supply system.O. Those installed within the public area shall be vandal-proof. Shut-off Nozzle : A shut-off nozzle assembly shall be provided in accordance with the following requirements: The assembly shall be constructed of a corrosion resistant material of adequate strength. Bells should be labelled ‘FIRE ALARM’ in English. The reinforcement shall consist of a single rayon braid or a double braid of cotton complying with BS 3169:1981 or AS 1221:1983 "Rubber reel hose for fire fighting purposes". The alarm bells shall be wired such that it will be activated automatically upon activation of the manual call-point. Mounting height of units shall be at 1400mm above finished floor level. reels. Contacts shall be of silver or approved non-deteriorating alloy for normally closed alarm system.12. It shall operate on 24V DC and shall be 150mm round red gong pattern suitable for 20mm conduit entry except otherwise stated. The alarm bells shall be mounted at a height of 2250mm above the finished floor level or otherwise as directed by the Superintending Officer. Cast in-situ or precast concrete. Hosereel Cabinet : . "Pipework" section in this Specification. For Fire hydrants sited in roadways. or the name.Page-76/83 e) f) g) h) The assembly shall be permanently marked to indicate the open and shut position of the nozzle. The hose shall be fully discharged before winding it onto the reel. operation. The year of manufacture. The valve shall be able to open and close from the surface of the ground level. It shall extend not more than 350 mm from the mounting surface and shall have an overall diameter not greater than 760 mm. 11. or brick (depending on soil conditions and size of pit) are appropriate materials for construction of valve pits.Instructions for operation and use which shall include inter-alia the following:Turn on stop valve or release nozzle.1 General a) Portable fire extinguishers shall conform to the relevant Singapore Standard currently in force and approved for use by all relevant local authorities. Turn on water at nozzle.4 Water Supply Fire Hosereel and Hydrant water shall be direct feed from PUB water main.15.Hosereels in the public area shall be housed within galvanised steel cabinet.The door shall be labelled “Hosereel” and the label shall be submitted for acceptance. with or without reinforcement. trade name or mark.14. Markings : Every hosereel shall be marked with the following information: .Fastened only by means of spring lock. .0mm pressed steel and finished in Signal Red enamel paint. trades name or mark of the responsible vendor and their addresses. Hydrant material shall be of gunmetal construction.13.3 Hydrant System a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 11.13.14 Portable Fire Extinguishers 11.The manufacturer's name. It shall rotate freely on leak-proof bearings and be fitted with pivoted nylon rollers to allow easy run-out of the hose. 11. . The door of the hosereel cabinet shall include the following features: . 11.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Outlets shall be provided with protective standard caps of cast iron or gunmetal and attached to the standpipe by chains.5 mm plus or minus 0. They should be so constructed and arranged as to properly protect the installed equipment from ground movement and accumulation of water. Suitable size of control valve shall be supplied and installed to each hydrant. Hydrants together with valve pit shall be installed on concrete plinths with size of 1400mm x 700mm x 100mm thick.075 mm. and the soil is porous. which may use the roadways. crushed stone or gravel may be used for the floor of the pit. Where the water level is low. care shall be taken that the pits and covers are capable of bearing the heaviest vehicle. When the full length of the hose is coiled on the reel without the use of abnormal tension. Valve pits should be of adequate size and readily accessible for inspection. maintenance and removal of equipment contained therein. Test pressure in bar. Run out hose. The internal surface of the nozzle shall be finished to provide a smooth surface.5 Piping and Installation Refer to section 11. Reels shall be of rigid construction using 2. testing.13. The internal diameter of the outlet shall be 6. Hydrant outlets shall be twin-head type with the outlet size for 65mm diameter and complete with minimum 100mm-diameter pillar. the rims of the side plates of the hosereel shall project at least 10 mm beyond the external diameter of the coiled hose at any point. The reel diameter of the inner core on which the hose is wound shall be not less than 2000mm. July 2009 Section 4. Page-77/83 b) c) d) e) f) a) b) c) d) The type.15.14. The pipework shall be inspected and tested by the S. Suitable hangers or brackets of corrosion resisting material shall be provided. Locations of all fire extinguishers shall tally with the approved architectural fire plans or as directed by the Architect. The Contractor shall submit pipe testing and cleaning procedures for S. installation.2 Installation 11. All fittings and safety features necessary for the fire extinguisher to be approved for use as a complete unit shall be incorporated. recommended spare parts list. Instructions shall be labelled and displayed permanently on the body of the extinguishers showing clearly the necessary operation. Pipework installed in trenches.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . The Contractor shall use wheel cutters 11. clear of obstructions. All pipes shall be installed parallel to walls. Pipework 11.1 General a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) This section specifies the design. voids and inaccessible places shall have welded joints except where screwed or flanged joints are necessary for connecting to valves etc.15. Fire extinguishers mounted in public area shall be housed within galvanised steel cabinet. All pipes shall be cut in a neat and workman like manner without damage to the pipe. All angle support brackets installed at low level shall be padded and warning signs shall be provided. The Contractor shall check and ensure that the design meets the requirements of the local authorities having jurisdiction without additional cost. free from scale.O.’s acceptance. cleaned. detailed parts list. codes and to the approval of the local authorities. All black steel pipes and fittings shall be cleaned and thoroughly wire brushed and prime coated prior to installation. Each fire extinguisher shall be suitably installed for upright instantaneous operation. No pipe joints or fittings shall be permitted within the thickness of walls or floors etc. supply. it shall be mounted 1. Pipework shall be installed with correct fall to ensure adequate venting and draining. For units to be wall mounted. maintenance and re-loading equipment. Pipes shall be run at a minimum distance apart to enable them to be individually painted. or representative prior to concealment. capped. No pipe shall be installed at low level across route of egress or maintenance access routes causing obstruction to access. hosereels. The gap between pipes sleeve and pipe shall be fire-stopped using approved fire-stopping material having fire resistance not less that required for fire compartment wall. The Contractor shall submit pipe support and anchor details. operation and maintenance instructions.O. ducts. testing and commissioning of pipework for the sprinklers. and automatic inert gas total flooding systems. rust. preserving head room and keeping passageways clear. All pipework shall be installed in accordance with the relevant standards. The Contractor shall submit manufacturer's printed installation. Cutting shall be done with an approved type mechanical cutter. consisting of installation and operation procedures.15 11. grease and colour banded to identify different grade. and complete maintenance procedure of all valves and piping accessories. All pipework delivered to site shall be new. All exposed pipeworks shall be installed so that minimum clearance of 100mm is left between the outside of the pipe and the nearest wall equipment surface and minimum 100mm from ceiling or slab.2 meter above the floor level. location and quantity of portable fire extinguishers to be installed shall be as shown on the Drawings. Every fire extinguisher shall be manufactured to comply with the Local codes and shall be approved for use by the FSSD and Singapore Standard CP 55 – Use and Maintenance of Portable Fire Extinguishers Fire extinguishers shall be filled with appropriate fire extinguishing agents under pressure and shall be labelled in accordance to the classification of fire hazard as well as weights of the extinguishing agent. deburred. All galvanised steel pipes and fittings shall be cleaned and prime coated prior to installation.2 Piping Installation a) b) July 2009 Section 4. this is required to prevent undue strain on branches.7 1.8 1.'s Acceptance.O.O. The pipe grooving shall be formed and not cut which weaken the pipe joint and for pipe. a suitable intermediate metal frame shall be provided. expansion.21 and ASTM D2000. or other approved thread joint compound applied to the male threads only.. Valves installed in horizontal pipes with stems horizontal or above shall have isolation valves at any points indicated or required for draining.Two in Welding issued by Institute of Technical Education or its predecessor or equivalent acceptable by the S. Drawn bends shall not be used unless otherwise accepted by the S. which shall not be opened until erection.8 July 2009 Section 4. contraction and movement. Cutting of pipes and fittings with gas torch is not acceptable. Flanges and unions shall be faced true and provided with approved gasket. Pipe grooving and coupling shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. All pipes shall be so installed that the system can be thoroughly drained. such as pumps. Unions or flanges shall be provided to facilitate maintenance. Anchors and guides shall be provided for all horizontal and vertical piping for proper control of thermal movement. provide proper performance of expansion loops and to avoid overloading of hangers and supports. isolation. Pipes pass through a building expansion joint. Covers shall be left in place until necessary for completion of Works. the thread shall not be cut too deep where leakage might occur. Gaskets shall conform to ANSI B16. Vertical piping shall be guided or supported in the centre of each mains with approved steel brackets to prevent swaying. level or true to the gradient and shall be neatly grouped with the minimum number of crossovers and adequate provision for venting. Pipework shall be substantially supported to the acceptance of the S.. However. repair and replacement. sagging.3 Installation of Pipe Hangers and Supports a) b) c) d) Steel pipe 15 .. and shall not be located less than 100mm above finished floor levels. Joints shall be made with Polytetra-fluoroethylene tape. control valves. and/or are subjected to movement. and made square and tight. All drainage pipework shall be installed plumb. Pipes connected to equipment shall be supported independently such that the equipment is not stressed by piping weight or expansion. Where supports are required between structural framing members. Union or flange joints shall be provided in each pipe immediately preceding the connection to each piece or equipment or material requiring maintenance.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Supports shall be attached only to structural framing members.Page-78/83 c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) where practicable. All pipes shall be stored with closed ends.5 2. Auxiliary drain valves shall be provided for the trapped section of the system. approved flexible connections shall be provided to eliminate any stress. angles. The Contractor shall submit qualification of all welders who will undertake the welding work of this Contract. vibration and resonance. channels and plates shall be subject to the S. it shall be complete with isolating cock. Adequate clearances shall be maintained from all other services and from the building structure. As soon as pipe lines have been installed openings shall be covered to prevent entrance of debris and materials that would obstruct the pipes. Strains shall be avoided that may cause pipeworks to snake or buckle between supports or anchors. Piping Materials Nominal Bore (mm) Centre of Support (m) Vertical Horizontal 11. All necessary hangers and supports. Welding of pipes shall only be undertaken by welders holding a minimum National Trade Certificate . Screwed joints shall be made with tapered threads properly cut. Automatic air vents shall be provided at each high point of each water pipe line and where necessary. Not more than three threads shall show after the joint is made up. and other similar items.40 50 2. Sprinkler pipework shall be arranged to drain to the installation drain valve.O. Spacing of supports shall not exceed the centres given in the table below unless otherwise agreed by the S.15. All pipes shall be flushed to prevent foreign material being left in the pipe.O. including rods.O. Pipe ends shall be reamed to remove burrs. or sectionalising purposes. Piping Materials Specification of Fittings 11. Class B (diameter 25mm to 150mm) or Black steel. Mitre elbows shall not be used.80 3.15.5 200 5. 80 Grade B Galvanised malleable iron tube to BS 1387 screwed fittings to BS 143 Copper fittings to BS 864 Ductile iron BS EN 545. 11. Pipe fittings for joining pipes of 80mm diameter and larger shall be standard mechanical groove coupling.0 Pipe hangers shall be placed not more than 600mm from each change of direction where possible.0 4. nuts. Flanges shall be wrought iron or annealed steel. ASTM.5 4. Schedule 40 Underground pipes : Ductile iron cement lined BS/EN 545 Class K12 11. BS1387. 11. July 2009 Section 4. Pipe fittings shall be provided as specified in the following table and conform to the requirements of the relevant standards for the various pipe materials.4 Protection of Pipeworks All piping work shall be protected during and at the end of each day's work to prevent entrance of moisture or dirt or contamination of the systems. Class K12 2000lb Class Galvanised forged steel iron screwed fittings Class 300 Malleable iron screwed fittings b) c) d) e) Galvanised steel pipe to ASTM A106/A53 seamless Schedule 40. machined full face.15. threaded components. A53.5 100 4.5 3. all joints up to and including 65mm diameter shall be made by means of screwed socketed connections. All hangers and supports shall be of hot-dipped galvanised mild steel of adequate dimensions and approved design. Concentric reducing sockets shall be used for vertical pipes only. Joints shall not be closer than 3000mm except where necessitated by fittings.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . to ensure proper drainage or elimination of air pockets and at the pump suction and outlet.0 5. Pipe fitting for joining pipes of 65mm diameter and smaller shall be of screwed socket connection. Long sweep bends shall be used in preference to round elbow bends whenever practicable. Welding for such shall not be allowed unless accepted by the S. Long radius elbow and sweep or 'pitcher' tees shall be used on all changes of direction.. All pipeworks within pump rooms shall be of flanged joints. Grade B Eccentric reducing sockets shall be used where a reduction in pipe size is required.Page-79/83 Piping Materials Nominal Bore (mm) Centre of Support (m) Vertical Horizontal e) f) 65 .0 150 4. Schedule 40 (diameter 200mm and larger) Air vent pipework : Copper BS EN 1057 or Galvanised ASTM A53 and others. Flanges shall conformed to the relevant ANSI Standard and pressure rating. Class B(for all sizes) Sprinkler pipes : Black steel ASTM A53 or Black steel. Bends and off-sets formed by welding together of segmented pieces shall not be used. Class S1. The pipe shall be restrained to prevent movement by a horizontal thrust when flexible fittings are used.O.15. BS1387. inserts and washers shall be of sheradised mild steel to BS 7371 Part 8.15.6 Pipe Joints a) b) For galvanised steel pipework. Pipes of 80mm diameter and above shall be joined by means of mechanical groove coupling. However. including bolts. suitable for the working pressures to which they will be subjected.7 Pipe Fittings a) Black mild steel Copper BS EN1057 Ductile iron cement lined BS/EN545 Class K12 Galvanised steel pipe to ASTM A106 Schedule.5 Pipework Materials Pipework material specification for the fire protection system shall be as follows: Hosereel pipes : Galvanised steel. O. Vibration hangers shall be provided generally for pipes inside the pump room. In general. 1. The ends of the sleeves shall be caulked with non-hardening mastic to the S. service and pressure of system.15. Split cover plates will not be accepted.Page-80/83 11. However. chrome plated in public areas. All details and sizes of anchors shall be submitted for S. Brass or copper plates. Anchors shall be constructed to withstand the hanger thrust during piping hydraulic pressure testing. 11. July 2009 Section 4. The fibreglass. except in plant rooms and other areas where ‘wet floors' are expected whereby the sleeves shall end 50mm above the finished floor level.11 Sleeves and Covers a) b) c) d) The Contractor shall co-ordinate with the Civil Contractors on the location and size of pipe sleeves whom will be providing and installing them. Cocks etc. installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.5mm thick and neoprene .'s acceptance prior to installation.8 Gaskets a) b) Gaskets shall be suitable for temperature.O.15.'s acceptance. All sleeves shall be of short pipe lengths and galvanised. fire resistance materials or non-hardening mastic shall be provided and installed by the Contractor.12 Stainless Steel Bellow Expansion Joints Stainless steel expansion joints shall be provided wherever expansion loops or changes in direction of pipework (for allowing expansion and contraction of pipework) is not feasible. cocks etc. All sleeves shall be of sufficient size to allow free movement of pipes. floors etc. Contractor's attention is drawn to the vertical pipe ducts. At floor levels in the building. 11. shall be slipped over pipes before installation.15.15. Pipe sleeves fitted in floors shall generally end 25mm above the finished floor level. Pipe sleeves shall be provided where pipes pass through walls. all riser pipes in duct shafts shall be resiliently suspended at the top of the pipe duct shafts. Pipe sleeves fitted in walls or partitions shall be flush with the plaster or other surface finish. the pipe ducts shall have floor slab and where pipes through these slabs sleeves shall be provided.15. for pipes/sleeves passing through fire barriers. shall comply with the requirements of PUB and the relevant code of practices for fire protection system. In general. washers and sleeves shall be provided for flanged joints in between dissimilar metals Risers shall be suspended from or supported by hangers or mountings.13 Pipe Anchors a) b) c) a) b) c) d) Anchors shall be positioned in association with pipework changes in direction and at expansion joints and loops so as to absorb stresses due to pipework expansion and internal pressure by transmission of such forces to the ground or structure at appropriate points.15. The gap between pipe and its sleeve shall be firmly packed with fibreglass blanket material. 11.14 Valves. All valves shall be suitable for the working and test pressure of the system concerned. Valves and cocks shall be provided for the proper operation of the system.10 Horizontal Pipe Isolation Up to 75 20 Up to 150 38 All other hangers and mounts shall have a minimum of 20mm deflection. Insulating gaskets. All valves. pumps etc. all resilient mounts and hangers shall have a minimum static deflection of 20mm. Minimum static deflection of hangers for the first three supports for pipes from equipment shall be as follows :Pipe Sizes(mm) Minimum Static Deflection (mm) 11.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . The 20mm projection of pipe sleeves may be reduced after all construction work has been finished such that the cover plates attached to the finished work in an acceptable manner. All gaskets for flanged joints shall be of one-piece ring . "Duck foot" supports for pipe elbows connecting to equipment shall rest on resilient mounts having minimum deflection not less than that of the isolators for the respective equipment.9 Vertical and Riser Pipe Isolation a) b) a) b) 11.15. the gap between the pipes and sleeves shall be packed with approved type fire resistance material of at least equal fire rating to the fire barriers. to cover raw ends of pipe sleeves. 11. Service isolating valves shall be fitted to all items of Plant including tanks. 15. Valves shall be suitable for installation in horizontal or vertical pipework. Valve Identification : All valves shall be identified by means of suitable tag or sign which shall clearly indicate the following :. Valves shall have bolted bonnets. All valves shall be arranged so that clockwise rotation of the spindle closes the valve.15 Cleaning Procedure a) b) July 2009 Section 4. Handwheels shall have cast-on direction arrows. high tensile bronze spindle and screwed bonnet. Strainers : Strainers shall be installed at the outlet of each water tank. non-rising stem. stainless steel bleed valve shall be provided(which act as a stop cock and enable bleed off small amount of water to read zero pressure). angle valves are preferred to straight through valves and bends. water pump inlets. All valves shall be of heavy duty type suitable for the working hydraulic pressure stated and installed with the valve stems truly vertical or horizontal. the valves are required to operate silently on reversal of water flow. non-rising stem and high tensile bronze spindle to BS 3464. The bodies shall be of cast iron. flanged end. At the pressure gauge. However. with drain plug and end flange for draining and cleaning out purposes. Completed welds shall be hammered to loosen debris. and shall be of 15mm size for pipes up to 50mm diameter. prior to assembly into system. oil and cuttings. The orifice plates shall be approved type and installed in accordance with approved standards.Page-81/83 e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) Valves shall be fitted in accessible positions for operation and repair. by use of wire brush and swab. .2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . by-passes etc.Section under control or served. Valves shall have screwed female ends.Valve number. and where regulation of flow is required for balancing the systems.O. 11. All valves except those for the hosereel shall be secured in open/close position with leather strap and padlock after erection. Strainers shall be of "Y-type". water gong inlets and other areas where necessary. All piping. valve for sprinkler system shall be of outside screw and yoke type in accordance with the requirement of SS CP52. Every precaution shall be exercised to avoid introducing foreign matter such as welding beads and slag or dirt into piping system. Air Release Valves : Automatic air eliminators. and 20mm size for larger pipes. air bottles or air cocks of approved manufacture shall be provided at all high points where venting may be required. Where installed at changes in direction of the pipework. Isolating valves up to and including 50mm bore shall be of copper alloy construction full-way split disc wedge pattern to BS 5154. In all cases. grease or dirt. Valves shall have inside screw gate. Each size of pipe shall be flushed separately before being joined with larger size piping. fully sluice with inside screw solid wedge. Non-Return Valves : On the discharge end of each pump. Drain Valves/Cocks : Drain cocks of gland pattern shall be provided in such locations that all sections of piping systems can be drained. Valves shall be non-slamming hinged swing type to BS 5153. The valves shall be selected in relation to the velocity of the water in the pipes. valves and fittings shall be internally cleaned of oil. Orifice Plates : Orifice plates shall be fitted as necessary in order to assist in hydraulically balancing the system and to provide the specified pressure/flow condition at the sprinkler. The connection between each valve and the adjacent equipment shall be made either with a union or flange for ease of dismantling. The Contractor shall co-ordinate with the Civil Contractors for their provision of access openings for flow switches and valves installed above ceilings Regulating valves shall be of globe type for fitting on branch pipes. Flanges of flanged valves shall be made to BS 4504 or other equivalent standards. The Contractor shall provide two sets of common keys for all padlock. Following fabrication and erection. all piping 150mm and smaller shall be cleaned by flushing with clean water and ran to waste until thoroughly free of all dirt. having cast iron body with bronze trim and be suitable for the working pressure of the system. Open/close position indicators shall be provided for the valves as per the requirements of the relevant codes and standards. Valves of 65mm bore and over shall be flanged cast-iron. etc. Drain cocks shall be complete with stainless steel hose union. a non-return valve shall be fitted. Contractor shall submit calculation to the S. with stainless steel mesh of not less than 2mm x 2mm mesh. to determine the size of the orifice to achieve the desired pressure drop across the orifice plate. colours.Page-82/83 c) d) e) f) Pipe of 20mm in diameter and larger shall be cleaned by pulling through a steel brush the entire length of each pipe size. 11. 11.16 11. Corrosion-resisting steel. the zinc coating shall have minimum 500g/sq.16. shall be resistant to deterioration by ultraviolet rays. 11. The Contractor shall allow for the draining down of the entire system before commencing any alteration and modification Works. followed by fibre brush or swab. Screws. etc. All strainers shall be inspected and thoroughly cleaned. After cleaning and when the final joints have been made. Nuts a) b) c) Steel bolts. which are exposed to weather.5. coat thickness. Surface Treatment 11.16. All cleaning operations shall be continuous throughout the piping system.5 Painting 11.05mm thickness shall be applied to painted surfaces.. 11. 11. oil and rust before the paint application. water or other foreign matter from entering through the ends of the pipe.3 Finishing a) b) c) Two finish coatings of minimum 0. Before submitting piping systems for acceptance.3 Non-Metallic Materials Non-metallic materials such as polycarbonate. these shall be so selected that the potential difference between them in the electro-mechanical series shall not cause galvanic corrosion. Connection shall be such that potential differences do not cause galvanic corrosion.16.m of coated surface. grease.16. copper-nickel alloy or bronze.1 Corrosion Protection All materials and equipment supplied shall be suitable for being delivered stored and operated under tropical conditions of high temperature. If this is not possible. 11.16. The proposed materials (epoxy resin base preferred).2 Priming The primer serves as a basic protection against corrosion and additionally to guarantee adherence between surface and the finish paint. For items that are not painted. When it is necessary to use dissimilar metals in contact. July 2009 Section 4. dust. screws and nuts shall be sherardized as per BS 7371 : Part 8 (1998). Contractor shall provide temporary strainers where required for cleaning and flushing operation. are subject to the Authority’s approval. alternatively. zinc-chromate or red lead primers are suggested for this purpose. etc. shall also be used for bolts and nuts throughout the works.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .16.1 Metal Items and Structures All surfaces to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt. except at joints required for final jointing of various sections of cleaned piping. high humidity. heavy rainfall and fungus-conducive environment. Indoor parts may alternatively have chromium or other suitable protective finish.5. Brushes and swabs shall be slightly larger than the inside diameter of the pipe being cleaned. the end of sections of piping shall be adequately and tightly sealed off to prevent any dirt. when they are subject to frequent adjustment or removal.5.2 Metal a) b) Iron and steel shall in general be painted or galvanised or metal-sprayed as appropriate. glass-reinforced polyester. Any electrical boxes or other housing enclosures outdoors shall be of weather proof type. the contact surface of one or both of the metals shall be electro-plated or otherwise finished in such a manner that the potential different is reduced within the required limits or.4 Bolts.16. Zinc-epoxy. the two metals shall be insulated from each other by a suitable insulating material or a coating of varnish compound.16. M&E Rooms Walkway M&E Rooms Walkway M&E Rooms Walkway Commer cial Areas E. Refer to Note 1. X Refer to Note 1.1 Recommended Ecs Provision For Various Types Of Pedestrian Underpasses (Actual Provision Shall Be From Architect) Description AirMechanical Natural Remarks Conditioning Ventilation Ventilation Underpass Linking Open Ends Underpass Linking Transit Station And Commercial Buildings Underpass Linking Commercial Buildings Underpass Linking Transit Station To Open Ends Underpass Linking Commercial Building To Open Ends Underpass With Commercial Facilities Walkway Walkway M&E Rooms Walkway X X X Natural ventilated where possible. X Note 1 – It shall be aircon if the walkway link to a air-con commercial building X Natural ventilated where possible.G. Shops M&E Rooms X X X X X X X Engineered Smoke Control System shall be required where the gross floor area exceed 1900 m2. Natural ventilated where possible. X July 2009 Section 4.2 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .Page-83/83 12 APPENDIX 1 12. • Catchment areas in the vicinity of the bus interchange (within 50 to 100m) to be indicated (hatched). emergency exits and other structures.3 1. Transfer between the rail and bus is to be seamless and sheltered. the designer shall confirm the right of access to the bus interchange shall be maintained during its operational hours. 1.4 July 2009 Section 4. bringing in natural light and ventilation to enhance the spaces. all public spaces. Location of bus interchange Attach site plan showing location of existing or new bus interchange including: • Classification of roads and its category. Address : _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Bus Interchange Lot/Mk No:_________________________ Total Number of Bus Services : ______________________ Total Bus Frequency :______________ buses per peak hour Submission Status : * Concept/Prelim/Detail (*delete where applicable) B. INFORMATION ON BUS INTERCHANGE A.3 Page-1/13 Architectural Checklist For Bus Interchange PART 1. Where the entrances and exits of the bus interchange are via any establishments. private properties within the development.3 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR BUS INTERCHANGE * . entrances.1 General Design the interchange concourse areas. *The bus interchange shall be capable of being secured and not accessible by members of public after bus operational hours. Specify catchment areas: ( ) Tick the appropriate box(es) a) Schools f) Neighbourhood Centre b) Offices g) Market c) Factories h) MRT Station d) Shopping Centre i) LRT Station e) Town Centre j) Others (specify) PART 2. bus operators' facilities. Design the bus interchange to form an integrated transport node where in close proximity to a MRT/LRT station. Complied Not Complied Remarks 1.LTA Architectural Design Criteria : Section 4.For Permanent Bus Interchanges only ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 1. services shafts.2 1. an additional ingress/egress is to be considered. These shall include the ingress and egress areas of the bus interchange. . . The layout shall also avoid the allowance for reversing of other bus types which may only be considered if there are serious space constraints and where there are sufficient mitigating safety measures to the approval of the Authority. Minimum clear sight distance to be provided in accordance with the LTA Civil Design Criteria.The design shall aim to prevent jaywalking by pedestrians along the bus driveway/bus park. Bus drivers shall have a clear view of the main road traffic prior to exiting from the bus interchange driveway onto the main road. particularly for a large bus interchange with heavy bus circulation.6 No service access is allowed within the bus interchange area.Page-2/13 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 1.There shall be no pedestrian routes within the bus parking and bus circulation areas. overhead or underground crossings shall be considered.There shall be no obstruction to sight at the ingress and egress of the bus interchange in accordance with the Authority’s requirements.Traffic schemes shall be submitted by traffic consultant for approval by the Authority. . . Where pedestrian need to traverse the ingress or egress areas. signalised pedestrian. Bus Circulation .There shall be a clear segregation between the human and vehicular circulation.A fully signalised junction shall be provided at the ingress and egress areas in accordance with the Authority’s requirements.The layout shall not require articulated buses to reverse at any time.7 July 2009 Section 4. Buses shall be able to make full movement to/from both sides of the access roads. . Complied Not Complied Remarks 1.5 1. Pedestrian Circulation . .3 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .Traffic Impact Assessments(TIA) shall be carried out and submitted for approval.If space permits. . nos. proposed lux levels and types and fittings of light fittings shall be approved by the Authority All M&E provisions to be in accordance to LTA E&M Design Requirements A maintenance strategy outlining the proposed maintenance measures and means of access for all items requiring maintenance shall be submitted for approval.14 1. .10 1. information signage and safety & warning/prohibition signs.Permanent bus interchange to be airconditioned. 2. The bus interchange design shall be submitted through the Authority for review and comments by Ministry of Home Affairs.3 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . The lighting scheme. .A safety review shall be carried out for the bus interchange design by a qualified independent safety reviewer to be accepted or approved by the Authority. directional signage. Public Transit Signage .11 1.Location. All M&E services within the bus interchange are for the sole purpose to serve the bus interchange only.To be provided in accordance with LTA’s Signage Design Guideline Manual (DGM) and Reference Manual (RM) for bus interchanges.8 1. .Page-3/13 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements Layout of the bus interchange shall discourage jaywalking by pedestrians across the bus driveway or bus park area.Berth signage and service plates to be provided by bus operators in accordance with LTA’s DGM Provide stainless steel frame and brackets for berth signage & brackets for service plates at side of queue railing. Minimum 8 m clear width free from all encumbrances (including queue rails) at boarding/alighting berth Complied Not Complied Remarks - 1. . All materials and finishes shall comply with the LTA Material and Workmanship (M&W) Specification.9 1. A minimum 6m clear run off distance from the comb plates of both the upper and lower landings of any escalator serving the bus interchange is required. and application to be approved by the Authority. Concourse Area Area .15 - 2.Include transit identity signs.13 1.1 July 2009 Section 4.12 1. * Alighting berth concourse area shall be air-conditioned (for permanent bus interchange). Height to be approved by the Authority. of berths to be confirmed and approved by the Authority. clear width of queue rails to be 700mm excluding bum rests.Page-4/13 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 2. Floor finishes shall have low maintenance requirements. Architectural Finishes . Complied Not Complied Remarks 2.Location and type of seats to be approved by the Authority To comply with latest BCA's Code on Barrier-Free Accessibility in Buildings. .* Boarding Area to be air-conditioned.Min. .4 2.5 2.2 Boarding berths. Seating provisions . . .Saw-tooth: 3 (max)services per berth .No.Floor: Floor finishes shall be slip resistant complying with the requirements of all relevant codes and Authorities.3 2.Stainless steel railing with bum-rests to comply with LTA (M&W) specification . . However.*Automated screen door to be made of tempered glass and should not be exceptionally high. Alighting berths . of 4-seater benches with armrests . only ramps or passenger lifts to be provided for the handicapped access routes where there is any change in level.*Automated screen door access to be used with sensors and linked to loop detector.3 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .Automated screen doors (ASD) to be equipped with auto-lock mechanism when switched off locally at each individual screen doors during non-operation hours shall be provided. . .End-on: 2 (min) berths per service . Alternative means of switching off each ASD shall be provided at the PSO office for remote control by the operator.All Finishes: To be approved by the Authority.6 July 2009 Section 4.Windows: All Glazing to comply with the Glazing Criteria.One alighting berth per 6 services .Minimum of 6 nos. and location to be confirmed by the Authority. Location to be confirmed by LTA.600mm wide yellow tactile tiles set at 600mm away from driveway kerb perpendicular to commuters’ flow. L/CFADC/AR/BI/0012) . Concourse Security Access.Safety Barriers .The lateral clearance between the road kerb and any element shall be minimum 0. Public phone booth to be provided at each of the locations. .Page-5/13 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 2. Nos.15 July 2009 Section 4. . Automated screen doors to be equipped with auto lock mechanism when they are switched off after operational hours. External water access points and power points .11 2. Fire Safety Provisions. ponding.9 2.Minimum 4 nos. Fixed Glass Panel Refer to the Architectural Design Criteria for glazing requirements Public Telephones Points .To comply with FSSD requirements.3 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . stagnation.12 2.* Doors to be lockable after operating hours.To be lockable and vandal proof.6m. mosquito breeding and splashing onto the commuters’ sheltered area.10 2.7 Weather Exclusion/Protection . Complied Not Complied Remarks 2.Location and application subject to LTA's approval.All doors leading into the boarding and alighting areas shall be heavy duty to withstand the high usage from commuters entering and leaving the bus interchange. . (Refer to drawing ref.13 2.14 2. Means of protection to be approved by the Authority.Guardrails to be provided for exposed hosereels/hydrants . For Bollards refer to drawing ref L/CFADC/AR/BI/0002 . Safety demarcation line. .To be incorporated in design.8 2.Auxiliary rooms for sprinkler tanks & pumps to be provided.The design of all weather exclusion / protection elements shall effectively discharge rainwater without causing any overflowing. . . All accesses to air-conditioned concourse area should be lockable for security reasons. of power points/Telephone points. Page-6/13 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 3. Bus Parking Area / Driveway/ Boarding & Alighting Berths Traffic Impact Study of the interchange and areas in the vicinity to be submitted by specialist/traffic consultant to relevant Authority Bus Interchange Simulation Study - To be submitted by specialist/traffic consultant to the Authority for approval. - This study shall include all testing with an accepted software program to verify / ensure that the bus circulation design within the bus interchange is safe and efficient for operation. - This study shall ensure that all sawtooth berths are designed to allow berthing / parking of wheel-chair accessible buses (WABs) such that the bus will aligned parallel and close to the sawtooth berth kerb to allow the deployment of the WAB's ramp. - If necessary, bus trials at site shall be carried out by the consultant so as to satisfy the Authority that the above mentioned requirements have been met. Complied Not Complied Remarks 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Drains with gratings for the bus interchange driveway, boarding and alighting berths areas shall be located on the driveway level and not on the berth paving level near the kerb. A minimum clear height of 5.4m is required at the bus interchange bus parking, driveway and boarding & alighting berths areas. Retro reflective sheet shall be provided on walls, columns or any other vertical surfaces along the bus interchange bus parking, driveway and boarding & alighting berths areas as required by the safety review and audit. Vehicular Access -Segregated Ingress/ Egress. - Provision of chain gate/barrier at both ingress/egress to prevent unauthorised parking after bus operational hours. - To be signalised with provisions for both left & right turns. - Pedestrian crossing at egress/ingress to be raised and free from visual obstruction. 3.5 3.6 July 2009 Section 4.3 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 Page-7/13 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements - Width of ingress/ egress to be determined by Simulation Study carried out by traffic consultant. - Location of ingress/egress to be approved by the Authority. 3.7 Driveway - Single-loaded/One-directional. - Min. clear width:12 metres - Double-loaded/two directional- Min. clear width: 14 metres - Single-loaded with end-on reverse parking/One directional – Min. clear width : 18 meters. - Double loaded with end-on reverse parking/Two directional – Min. clear width : 21 meters. - Detail shall be in accordance to LTA Standard Road Elements. Kerb height for driveway and berths should be 175mm with black / white strip painting. - Layout of driveway to be endorsed by traffic consultant and submitted to the Authority for approval. - Driveway ramp gradient shall not be steeper than 1:20. To ensure that the point of apex at the upper level of the ramp clears and does not damage the low undercarriage of wheel-chair accessible buses. - A flat area to store at a least a 12m bus or 18m articulated bus at the top of the slope is required for buses to wait safely. - Vehicular bus friendly road humps to be provided at driveways with loaded buses. Standard road humps to be used otherwise in accordance with LTA Standard Details Of Road Elements. Parking Lots Complied Not Complied Remarks 3.8 - - 2.0 nos. of parking lots per service. Standard 12m Standard bus park dimensions - Overall width- 3500mm, Overall length- 12700mm, 4m apart for Equidistance of parallel parking lots. Standard 18m articulated bus park dimensions - Overall width- 3500mm, Overall length- 18200mm, 6m apart for Equidistance of parallel parking lots. July 2009 Section 4.3 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 Page-8/13 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements No reversing from parking lots is permitted for articulated buses. For standard 12m buses measures to mitigate the safety hazard from reversing buses shall be proposed. Layout/clear width of driveway approved by the Authority. Complied Not Complied Remarks - 3.9 3.10 Bus parking lots to be defined with 100mm thick thermoplastic yellow paint marking. - For parking lot diagrams, refer to drawing ref. L/CFADC/AR/BI/0003. - Location and application to be approved by the Authority. Bus park wheel stoppers - For provision of bus park wheel stoppers at bus parking lots, refer to drawing ref L/CFADC/AR/BI/0003 - Location and application to be approved by the Authority. Boarding/Alighting Berths - Boarding berths - Sawtooth -Equidistance of 5-6m apart (1 berth to 3 services). - Alighting berths - Straight -Equidistance of 5-6m apart (1 berth to 6 services). - Boarding and alighting berths to cater for standard 12m bus. Certain berths have to cater for standard 18m articulated bus, number to be confirmed by the Authority. - End-on berths (only for standard 12m buses)- Boarding tongue to be minimum width of 2.4 m. Safety guide stainless steel railings to be provided. - Clear width of driveway from berth lots to be at minimum of 9 m - Layout and location to be approved by the Authority. - The roof design at the boarding and alighting berths shall ensure that the bus is fully sheltered from the rain. 3.11 Road Elements - Internal & External Traffic signages/road markings/road humps/road elements, etc inclusive of pole/footings/thermoplastic markings/pedestrian crossings, vehicular impact guardrails, impact bollards, to comply with latest LTA Standard Details of Road Elements requirements. July 2009 Section 4.3 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 Vehicle impact guardrail to be provided for exposed hosereels/hydrants.“No Entry Except Buses” signs to be provided at each side of the access.Separate access/room area for both primary/secondary operator . .1 4.To be provided where necessary to prevent jaywalking and is subject to the Authority’s approval. .8m2 (inclusive of Customer Service Counter of 4 m2). Location to be approved by the Authority.Each Time Keeper (TK) oversees 10 services/ routes. Nos. Location to be provided by the Authority.14 4.Manual Operated Aluminium Roller Shutters Subject to approval by the Authority.Traffic schemes to be submitted by traffic consultant and verified by the Authority.Tempered glass panel and half wall with or without customised openings with service counter top .12 3.Page-9/13 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 4 numbers of “No Walking Within Bus Park” signs to be provided with signage graphics complying with the Road Traffic Act.To comply with FSSD requirements. Subject to the Authority’s approval Offices / Facilities Fire protection services/provisions to be incorporated in accordance to FSSD requirements for all offices/facilities. Perimeter fencing/anti-climb railings. Traffic Scheme . 4.2 4. and application to be approved by LTA. 3 TK's = 16 m2 .3 July 2009 Section 4. . Fire Safety Provisions . General Room Signage for all room facilities to be provided in accordance with LTA's DGM.1 timekeeper (TK).The provision and dimension of the customised openings shall be confirmed by the bus operators. Complied Not Complied Remarks - 3. 2 TK's = 12 m2.3 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . .Primary Operator Room Area .All built-in furniture to be provided for by operators .1 timekeeper (TK)= 8 square meters (inclusive of Customer Service Counter area of 4 m2). Passenger Service Office .Secondary Operator Room Area .13 3. w/o cooking facilities.All built-in furniture to be provided for by operators Staff Lounge .16m2.Area. . Snack corner. .8m2.Area.6 4. otherwise named as food preparation area .4 4.Store room (Rodent-Free) Area.with cooking facilities. Provision of canteen with cooking facilities subject to approval from the Authority.4. .3 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .15m2 .To provide 1 double bowl double drainer wash basin.Kitchen is for approved canteen only.5 4.Area: 1st 4 services. Location and application to be approved by the Authority.4.Area 16 to 30m2 .Area(inclusive of servery): Canteen. Manual closed aluminium roller shutter for entrance. but food preparation area (no cooking) is allowable .8 July 2009 Section 4. To provide 1 wash basin.Only snack corner is allowable for integrated bus interchange (no cooking) .56m2. All walls to be fully tiled.6m2 Complied Not Complied Remarks - 4. Provide 5 sets of table. Size of opening to be co-ordinated with the operator who will provide the exhaust system and ducting. .Wall opening for exhaust duct to be provided at approved canteen only. Canteen/Snack Corner .30 persons.Servery area. To be approved by LTA. Additional 1 sq. .Sliding viewing glass windows between passenger service office – Subject to approval by the Authority. Snack Corner. . m for each additional Services.Seating Capacity.All built-in furniture to be provided for by operators .Canteen.42m2.Page-10/13 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements Counter design shall be in accordance with drawings ref L/CFADC/AR/BI/0005 to L/CFADC/AR/BI/0008 Administration Office . Kitchen/Food Preparation Area – No Kitchen for integrated bus interchange.8m2 Technician's Room .7 - 4. *Area. Length and layout to be approved by LTA.To be approved by the Authority.5 m (4 m wide frontage) . To be approved by the Authority.Area – 6m2 (only applicable to temporary bus interchange) Systems Room .9 Ticket Office .Equipment Room for 2 AVMs .13 4.6m . L/CFADC/AR/BI/0004.Female toilet/Handicapped Toilet provisions to follow NEA requirements.Area.4 m x 2.Manual closed aluminium roller shutter. Clear width of queue rail to be 700mm wide. urinal and wash basin to be provided.2.Security door/grille & lock to be provided.2m x 2m Minimum Height . Toilet Facilities Area.Area .Page-11/13 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 4.Opening of size 1076mm (height) x 555mm (width) to be provided for each AVM at the frontage wall. Refer to drawings ref L/CFADC/AR/BI/0001 . Complied Not Complied Remarks 4.Tempered glass panel and half wall with customised openings incorporating service counter top.Security door/grille & lock to be provided .2m x 3m (2 m wide frontage) .4m x 3 m (4m wide frontage) . .Equipment Room for 1 AVM .Area. To be approved by the Authority.12 4.2m x 3m Cleaner's Room . .Queue railings.10 4. Width of each counter to be 1400mm.subject to provisions required as stipulated below. Refer to drawing ref.14 July 2009 Section 4. Store Room .Area.Other requirements to be advised by the Authority.Security door/grille & lock are to be provided. .3 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .10m2 .Area. .11 4.Male Toilet provisions to follow NEA requirements with an additional number of WC. To refer to drawing ref L/CFADC/AR/BI/0009 to L/CFADC/AR/BI/0010 . Add value Machine (AVM )Room . . The bin centre/point and substation shall be located to facilitate efficient operation of the bus interchange and away from concourse area.Location to be approved by the Authority Bin Point/Centre . m. Footpath to be provided for easy access if necessary. .Bin centre to be provided for refuse output exceeding 1000L/day Complied Not Complied Remarks 4.5m.Area (sq. sanitary napkin disposal unit fitted in every w. .c.Page-12/13 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements Female toilet shall contain space provision for 1 no. shelf and facility to dispose of soiled diapers shall be provided. .Auxiliary facilities : Handryer Soap dispenser Mirror Toilet fixture Jumbo roll holder with at least 1 key each .Location and application of all architectural fixtures/finishes for male/female/ handicapped to be approved by the Authority.17 July 2009 Section 4.15 4.Floor area of 1.All seating toilet bowls to be provided with cover usable by both adult and children.Handicap toilet shall preferably be `provided with a sliding door. . . .A dedicated bin centre/point and electrical substation shall be provided in accordance with relevant authorities' requirements.16 4.Manual closed aluminium roller shutter to be provided ATM Equipment Space . cubicle.3 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .5m x 1.Location to be approved by the Authority. .All toilet provisions to comply with NEA's requirements Retail Commercial Space .) to be determined by the following formula: (concourse area x 0.Space for baby changing facilities which include a fold down changing mat. . mirror shall be tilted towards user and coat hooks shall be placed at height comfortable for wheelchair user on the toilet door.2) + 20 sq. Rubbish and Power vehicles shall not be allowed to enter the bus interchange or affect bus circulation and operations. m. . to be provided by operator.Air conditioning. all piping shall be concealed or boxed off. Stretcher.Locked door.Page-13/13 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 4. Foldable Bed.7.Soap dispenser.A minimum 40 bicycles racks shall be provided at one designated entrance.5 m2 Dimensions . Provide 1 Wash basin with wall mounted mirror to approval by the Authority.3 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . July 2009 Section 4.Bicycle parking shall be provided for stand-alone bus interchanges within the bus interchange boundary. towel. Location is to be approved by the Authority Bicycle Racks . First Aid cabinet. Variations and additional to the number of racks shall be highlighted dependent on the local catchment.5m Height . First Aid Room Complied Not Complied Remarks 4.Minimum 2.1000mm wide x 2100mm high clear opening. Door . single door leaf.Minimum 3m by 2.4m from finished floor level to the underside of the suspended ceiling. Wheel-chair.19 - - Approximate area . Ventilation requirements . Oxygen tank. . Furniture and fittings . Security requirements .18 In accordance to NEA requirements. bin unit. INFORMATION ON BUS SHELTER / BUS BAY A. y = ______ m. July 2009 Section 4. Note : Refer to LTA Standard Design Road Elements for Details on bus bays.LTA Architectural Design Criteria : Section 4.4 Page-1/4 Architectural Checklist For Bus Shelter / Bus Bay PART 1.4 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .g. z = ______ m. Address : B ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________(e. Existing bus bay (if any) The size of existing bus bay (if any). d = ______ m Total length of existing bus bay = ______ m x y z D. Specify catchment areas: ( ) Tick the appropriate box(es) a) Schools g) Market b) Offices h) MRT Station c) Factories i) LRT Station d) Shopping Centre j) Bus Interchange e) Town Centre k) Others (specify) f) Neighbourhood Centre C.B01 Road Name) Bus Stop Code No: (for existing bus stops only) B. shall be specified by filling in the following: Dimensions of existing bus bay: d x = ______ m . • Catchment areas in the vicinity of the bus stop (within 50 to 100m) to be indicated (hatched). Location of bus shelter Attach site plan showing location of existing or new bus shelter including: • Classification of roads and its category. Sizing of bus bay(s) :- Total Bus Frequency = _________ buses/peak hr ( Write in to Bus and Taxi Regulation (BTR)Department at 10 Sin Ming Drive. Singapore 575701 for the required information) Frequency of buses per Bus bay type: peak hour : 1-39 One single bus bay 40-59 One double bus bay 60-79 One triple bus bay 80-99 Two double bus bays (with 10m separation on the straight kerb) 100 and above One double bus bay plus one triple bus bay (with 10m separation on the straight kerb). 1000 33 x 3 401 .6 I 3. = __________________________ b) Boarding Patronage figures per peak hour = _______________ pax / peak hr (Write in to Bus and Taxi Regulation Department for the required information ) c) Proposed bus bay based on item D above = __________________________ Boarding passengers per peak hour 150 or less 151 . All materials and finishes shall comply with the LTA Architectural Material and Workmanship (M&W) Specification for Shelters Floor finishes shall comply with the Floor Finishes Checklist (ADC Section 6. All traffic signs shall comply with Traffic Management (TM) requirements. PART 2. Sizing Of Bus Shelter Provide : a) Bus Service Nos.500 18 x 3 above 1000 36 x 3 501 .700 701 . There shall be no ponding. Complied Not Complied Remarks A C D G 2.900 30 x 3 301 .600 21 x 3 Note: The minimum bus shelter size at MRT / LRT stations shall be 9m x 3m.3 2.Page-2/4 E.4 General Not Used References Roof and surface drainage shall comply with PUB requirements. 2.800 Size of Bus Shelter (width = 3m) 24 x 3 27 x 3 Please ( ) 201 . E&M provisions shall comply with E&M Design Requirements (ADC Section 4. All signage and advertising shall comply with the LTA Signage Design Guideline Manual and Signage Reference Manual (RM) for Bus Shelters.2 2. Detailing The direction of fall is to be indicated on the plan. 2.200 Size of Bus Shelter (width = 3m) 6x3 9x3 Please ( ) Boarding passengers per peak hour 601 .4 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .5 H 2.400 15 x 3 901 . STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR BUS SHELTER / BUS BAY ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 1.1 B July 2009 Section 4.1 2. 3.3) which shall be completed and submitted together with this checklist.2).300 12 x 3 801 . 7 3.6m.10 3. 200mm wide yellow line at 125 mm behind the outer face of the road kerb. The bench dimensions shall be 1.45m(H). Steps are to be avoided elsewhere where possible.6m absolute. The bench shall be designed to prevent water being retained on the surface.8 3. . Hot applied Thermoplastic Road Marking Materials to BS 3262:1987. Provide one no.30m(D) x 0. The drainage design shall not allow: .4m(L) x 0. Provide one litter bin of capacity 150 litres.1m. including against radiant heat.11 3.13 3. The design shall compliment the shelter.12 3. Complied Not Complied Remarks D 3. Steps are not permitted at the alighting and boarding area of the bus stop.2 The shelter shall provide adequate weather protection. . Bus shelter notice-boards shall be provided in accordance with drawing no. Provide one bench for each 3m length of shelter. .or splashing into the commuters sheltered area. L/CFADC/AR/BS/0003. electrical conduit with draw wires for Advertisement Panel (AP). Provide confirmation from LTA Bus and taxi Regulation(BTR) Department on the patronage and bus frequencies.4 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .4 F 3. The line of sight shall not be obstructed. shall be provided from end to end of bay.15 3.16 July 2009 Section 4.6 H 3. For those without bay. The minimum headroom shall be 2.Page-3/4 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 3. with appropriate overhang. the line will cover only the paved portion of the bus stop area and is to be indicated on plan. It shall be located at the downstream edge of the shelter Polycarbonate or Teflon roof material shall not be used.9 I 3. Provision of kiosks (3m2) with a separate DB box inside (for shelters of 18m or greater in length) to be decided by the Authority.3 E 3. The lateral clearance between the outer edge of the road kerb and the roof eaves shall be 0. The lateral clearance between the outer edge of the road kerb and any element shall be minimum 0.stagnation.14 3.5 G 3.ponding. No. (refer to drawing. Interfaces Road reserve line is to be indicated on the plans. _______________________ Name Of Qualified Person ___________________________ Signature Of Qualified Person _______ Date July 2009 Section 4.22 4. L/CFADC/AR/BS/0005) Provide Bus stop transfer code indicator sign for selective bus shelters outside MRT stations only.21 3.19 3.3 4.1 4. No. The Electrical Distribution Board (EDB). For particular integrated bus shelters the use of an overhang into the bus bay and the headroom required for the overhang shall be agreed in consultation with the Authority.18 3.17 Bus Shelter Address Plate shall be provided and fixed onto the bus shelter roof side facilitating an unobstructed view by facing oncoming traffic.4 D Notes: • The QP shall state the reasons for not complying with items that are marked “Not Complied”.2 A C 4. elevations and sections. Complied Not Complied Remarks 3.Page-4/4 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 3. L/CFADC/AR/BS/0004). 4. if applicable. (refer to drawing.4 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Measures shall be taken to ensure the bus shelter is distinctive from any adjoining covered linkway. shall be indicated on plan. The position of the bus stop pole to be indicated on plan.20 3. Consult Traffic Management Department on the provision of safety bollards at the newly constructed bus shelter. The design of the interface between the bus shelter and the adjacent facility shall prevent rainwater from flowing & splashing onto the commuters' sheltered area. The roof structure shall be independent from any covered linkway. All signage and advertising shall comply with the “LTA Signage Design Guideline Manual” and Signage Reference Manual (RM) for Taxi Shelters. Address : _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ B.6 H 2.3) which shall be completed and submitted together with this checklist.7 I July 2009 Section 4.5 Page-1/3 Architectural Checklist For Taxi / Passenger Pick-Up Shelter PART 1. All materials and finishes shall comply with the LTA Architectural Material and Workmanship (M&W) Specification for Shelters Floor finishes shall comply with the Floor Finishes Checklist (ADC Section 6.2 2. LTA’s preferred layout is attached. Ramps.5 G 2.5 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . benches and handicapped symbols/signage shall comply with the “Code On Barrier-Free Accessibility In Buildings”.3 2. INFORMATION ON TAXI / PASSENGER PICK-UP SHELTER A. Location of taxi /passenger pick-up shelter Attach site plan showing location of existing or new shelter including: • Classification of roads and its category.1 2. All traffic signs shall comply with Traffic Management (TM) requirements.LTA Architectural Design Criteria : Section 4.4 General Not Used References Roof and surface drainage shall comply with PUB requirements. • Catchment areas in the vicinity of the shelter (within 50 to 100m) to be indicated (hatched). 2. Specify catchment areas: ( ) Tick the appropriate box(es) a) Schools g) Market b) Offices h) MRT Station c) Factories i) LRT Station d) Shopping Centre j) Bus Interchange e) Town Centre k) Others (specify) f) Neighbourhood Centre PART 2. Complied Not Complied Remarks A C D F 1 2. E&M provisions shall comply with E&M Design Requirements (ADC Section 4. 2.2). STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR TAXI / PASSENGER PICK-UP SHELTER ( ) Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 1. There shall be no ponding. 3 E 3.or splashing into the commuters sheltered area.7 3.10 3.stagnation. electrical conduit with draw wires for Advertisement Panel (AP). The lateral clearance between the outer edge of the road kerb and the roof eaves shall be 0.6 H 3. Taxi Service sign post shall be provided and integrated with the shelter where possible.4m(L) x 0. For particular integrated taxi shelters the use of an overhang into the taxi bay and the headroom required for the overhang shall be agreed in consultation with the Authority. The shelter shall provide adequate weather protection.45m(H).ponding.11 3. The location. It shall be located at the downstream edge of the shelter.1m. Polycarbonate or Teflon roof material shall not be used.2 Detailing The direction of fall is to be indicated on the plan. .6m.5 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . refer to Drawing L/CFADC/AR/TS/1004. Provide one no.30m(D) x 0. including against radiant heat. with appropriate overhang.4 F 3. 3. Complied Not Complied Remarks B D 3.12 3. Drop-off/Pick-up Point sign shall be provided where applicable.14 July 2009 Section 4.5 G 3. The drainage design shall not allow: . Queuing shall not obstruct the alighting passengers.9 I 3.13 3. Taxi fare information signboards shall be provided. Bench dimensions shall be 1. The lateral clearance between the outer edge of the road kerb and any element shall be minimum 0.. . Minimum headroom shall be 2.1 3. shall be highlighted and agreed with the Authority.8 3. The bench shall be designed to prevent water being retained on the surface.Page-2/3 ( ) Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 3.6m absolute. if not integrated. 1 4.5 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . The design of the interface between the taxi shelter and the adjacent facility shall prevent rainwater from flowing & splashing onto the commuters' sheltered area. 4.Page-3/3 ( )Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 4. __________________________ Name Of Qualified Person ______________________________ Signature Of Qualified Person ________ Date July 2009 Section 4. The roof structure shall be independent from any covered linkway. elevations and sections. Complied Not Complied Remarks A C 4.2 Interfaces Road reserve line is to be indicated on the plans.3 D Notes: • The QP shall state the reasons for not complying with items that are marked “Not Complied”. 3) which shall be completed and submitted together with this checklist. Vehicular impact guardrail structure and anticlimbing railings shall be provided in accordance with the “LTA Standard Details of Road Elements”.ponding.2 1. The shelter shall provide adequate weather protection. . The designer shall take measures to prevent any overlooking into adjoining developments. All traffic signs shall comply with Traffic Management (TM) requirements. 3. 2. All materials and finishes shall comply with the LTA Architectural Material and Workmanship (M&W) Specification Floor finishes shall comply with the Floor Finishes Checklist (ADC Section 6. including against radiant heat.7 2.1 2.10 I 3.3 2. POBs shall comply with NParks requirements. E&M provisions shall comply with E&M Design Requirements (ADC Section 4. Other appropriate safety barriers may be provided as determined by site conditions.1 3.or splashing into the commuters sheltered area.3 A B D 3. Detailing All pedestrian railing shall be stainless steel Grade 316. 1.6 Page-1/2 Architectural Checklist For Pedestrian Overhead Bridge (POB) ( ) Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 1.3 2. handrails and handicapped symbols/signage shall comply with the “Code On Barrier-Free Accessibility In Buildings”. The drainage design shall not allow: .5 General All POBs shall be accessible to the public at all times unless particularly identified otherwise.2 2. staircases.stagnation.4 2. . Ramps.LTA Architectural Design Criteria : Section 4. References Roof and surface drainage shall comply with PUB requirements. There shall be no ponding. Complied Not Complied Remarks A B C A B C D E 2. POBs connecting to building complexes shall have separate access to the road reserve. with appropriate overhang.2).6 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .4 E July 2009 Section 4.1 1.2 3.6 F 2 H 2. The direction of fall is to be indicated on the plan. shall be fixed at 0. Interfaces Road reserve line is to be indicated on the plans.11 3.5 The lateral clearance between the outer edge of the road kerb and any element shall be minimum 0. _______________________ Name Of Qualified Person ___________________________ Signature Of Qualified Person _______ Date July 2009 Section 4. the shelter of the POB shall extend 2. Planting restriction zone(vegetation not more than 500mm high) to be specified in the Tree Affected Plan or Site Plan submitted to N Parks to ensure visibility over any proposed planting. however.6m.8m . The design of the interface between the POB and the adjacent facility shall prevent rainwater from flowing & splashing onto the commuters' sheltered area.2 A C 4.6 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .14 4. All parts of the bridge drainage system shall be accessible for inspection and routine maintenance work.6 3.8 I 3. Complied Not Complied Remarks F 3.10 3.1 4.0m beyond the first step of the staircase. elevations and sections. 4.Minimum clear width – 1.3 Note: • The QP shall state the reasons for not complying with items that are marked “Not Complied”.Page-2/2 ( ) Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 3. All POB pedestrian areas shall have: .9 3. For POBs not connected to any amenities.8m high within the staircase and/ or ramp connecting to the bridge deck.1m shall be provided at the staircase and/ or ramp and bridge deck.7m from the road surface. Tactile tiles shall be applied in accordance with the attached drawings L/CFADC/AR/POB/0001-0003.7 3. POBs over expressways shall have a minimum headroom clearance of 5.4m from the road surface.12 3.1m Provide confirmation from the Authority for the width of POBs linking to MRT stations. A separate handrail. Safety railings of overall height of 1. Tiled roof material shall not be used.Minimum headroom – 2. Polycarbonate or Teflon roof material shall not be used.13 3. All other POBs shall have a minimum headroom clearance of 5. 5 C A B C D E 2. including against radiant heat.2). All materials and finishes shall comply with the LTA Architectural Material and Workmanship (M&W) Specification All arrangements for flood protection shall comply with requirements of PUB (Drainage). Complied Not Complied Remarks A 1. Vehicular impact guardrail structure and anticlimbing railings shall be provided in accordance with the “LTA Standard Details of Road Elements”. There shall be no ponding.LTA Architectural Design Criteria : Section 4. Detailing All pedestrian railing shall be stainless steel Grade 316.8 2. 1.1 2.4 2.3 2.2 2. Planting shall comply with NParks requirements. All traffic signs shall comply with Traffic Management (TM) requirements.3) which shall be completed and submitted together with this checklist.10 I 3. 3. Other appropriate safety barriers may be provided as determined by site conditions. staircases. handrails and handicapped symbols/signage shall comply with the “Code On Barrier-Free Accessibility In Buildings”. with appropriate overhang. The entrance shelter shall provide adequate weather protection. Floor finishes shall comply with the Floor Finishes Checklist (ADC Section 6. Ramps. E&M provisions shall comply with E&M Design Requirements (ADC Section 4. The direction of fall is to be indicated on the plan.7 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .7 Page-1/2 Architectural Checklist For Pedestrian Underpass ( ) Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 1. 2.3 A B D July 2009 Section 4.2 2.7 2. The height of all openings shall be considered including vent openings. Underpasses connecting to building complexes shall have separate access to the road reserve. All signage and advertising shall comply with the “LTA Signage Design Guideline Manual”.6 F 2 G H 2. References Roof and surface drainage shall comply with PUB requirements.1 3.2 3.9 2.1 General All underpasses shall be accessible to the public at all times unless particularly identified otherwise. 7 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . The design of the interface between the entrance structure and the adjacent facility shall prevent rainwater from flowing & splashing onto the commuters' sheltered area.4m All other underpasses shall have : . All services shall be concealed.or splashing into the commuters sheltered area.9 3. Tactile tiles shall be applied in accordance with the attached drawing L/CFADC/AR/PU/0001.Minimum ceiling height .Minimum headroom .2.0m .0m .10 3.7 I 3.11 4. 4.5 F 3.3. The lateral clearance between the outer edge of the road kerb and any element shall be minimum 0. Interfaces Road reserve line is to be indicated on the plans.0m .ponding.2.stagnation.8 3.Minimum clear width – 4.7.6. Complied Not Complied Remarks E 3. elevations and sections. _______________________ Name Of Qualified Person ___________________________ Signature Of Qualified Person _______ Date July 2009 Section 4.0m .Minimum ceiling height .5m .3. Polycarbonate roof material shall not be used.Page-2/2 ( ) Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 3.4 The drainage design shall not allow: .1 4.4m The passageway of the underpass shall be level as far as possible. Underpasses within the CBD or connecting to MRT stations or with shops along one side shall have: .Minimum ceiling height . Power points to be provided for signage and advertising panels unless otherwise stated.3.Minimum headroom .4m Underpasses with shops along both sides shall have: .Minimum headroom .6 3. Steps are not permitted within the underpass. .0m . Any difference in level shall be addressed by ramps.Minimum clear width .Minimum clear width .6m.2 A C Note: • The QP shall state the reasons for not complying with items that are marked “Not Complied”. .2. 2).2 2. it has to be addressed by ramps or steps. 2. References Roof and surface drainage shall comply with PUB requirements. E&M provisions shall comply with E&M Design Requirements (ADC Section 4. In cases where the linkway forms part of the access route for handicapped users. Complied Not Complied Remarks 2. The drainage design shall not allow: . There shall be no ponding.ponding. . steps and handrails shall comply with the “Code On Barrier-Free Accessibility In Buildings”.3 A D F 3 H 2.1 General The route of the covered linkway shall be level as far as possible. . Polycarbonate or Teflon roof material shall not be used.LTA Architectural Design Criteria : Section 4.5 I July 2009 Section 4.5 I 3.or splashing into the commuters sheltered area. The shelter shall provide adequate weather protection.3 E 3.3) which shall be completed and submitted together with this checklist. 3.stagnation. including against radiant heat. ramps shall be provided.4 2.4 F 3.1 3. Ramps. All materials and finishes shall comply with the LTA Architectural Material and Workmanship (M&W) Specification for Shelters Floor finishes shall comply with the Floor Finishes Checklist (ADC Section 6. with appropriate overhang.1 2.8 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . The lateral clearance between the outer edge of the road kerb and any element shall be minimum 0. Ramps are preferred over steps.6m. If there is a level difference. 1. Detailing The direction of fall is to be indicated on the plan.8 Page-1/2 Architectural Checklist For Covered Linkway (Canopies either attached to the face of building or as independent structures) ( ) Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 1.2 B D 3. 5m . bus stop pole or taxi pole.Page-2/2 ( ) Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 3.Minimum clear headroom .2 A C 4.3 4.6 Linkways connecting to MRT / LRT stations or other high traffic routes identified by the Authority shall have: .1 4.Minimum clear width – 1.0m .6 Note: • The QP shall state the reasons for not complying with items that are marked “Not Complied”.Minimum clear width .1m All other linkways shall have : .7 4.Minimum clear headroom . Bus shelter code number (eg B01-12349) of any affected bus shelter shall be indicated on plan.4 4.2. The covered linkway is preferred to be connected at the rear of the bus/taxi shelter so as to maintain minimum encroachment into the road reserve. 4.3.8 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Complied Not Complied Remarks 3. The design of the interface between the linkway and the adjacent facility shall prevent rainwater from flowing & splashing onto the commuters' sheltered area. There shall be no structural connection to any existing facility. Interfaces Road reserve line is to be indicated on the plans. _______________________ Name Of Qualified Person ___________________________ Signature Of Qualified Person _______ Date July 2009 Section 4.2. The linkway connection shall not obstruct any bus shelter address plate. elevations and sections.5 4.1m Columns shall be placed on the far side away from the carriageway. Detailing The direction of fall is to be indicated on the plan. Cross-section across the proposed covered walkway showing the various components and its levels ranging from the carriageway towards the covered walkway shall be provided. There shall be no ponding.LTA Architectural Design Criteria : Section 4.2 A F 3 I 2. If there is a level difference. Complied Not Complied Remarks 2. Profile of existing covered walkway shall be indicated.2 B 3. 2. it has to be addressed by ramps and steps. 3. In cases where the walkway forms part of the access route for handicapped users.3 3. glass or other cladding can be provided at the edge of the covered walkway to achieve the 3. Increased soffit height can be allowed in the following circumstances: a) The walkway width is increased correspondingly to match the proposed soffit height to maintain the same angle.3 3. Ramps.4 July 2009 Section 4. c) From the urban design point of view. 1. b) At main entrances for articulation purposes. steps and handrails shall comply with the “Code On Barrier-Free Accessibility In Buildings”. ramps shall be provided References Roof and surface drainage shall comply with PUB requirements.1 3. Floor finishes shall comply with the Floor Finishes Checklist (ADC Section 6.9 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . Where higher ceiling height is desired.1 2.1 General The proposed covered walkway levels shall tie up with the adjoining developments without steps. Ramps are preferred over steps.9 Page-1/3 Architectural Checklist For Covered Walkway (Integrated into buildings) ( ) Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 1. Longitudinal section along the proposed covered walkway showing the connecting levels of the proposed development to its adjoining development shall be provided. Soffit height for covered walkway shall be 3.6m.6m height measured from the covered walkway to the base of the cladding.3)which shall be completed and submitted together with this checklist. 7 3. Categories of Roads adjacent to the site are to be specified on plan. To specify the adjoining existing developments / buildings on plan. covered walkways.9 3.10 3.16 4. Sufficient spot levels at entrances. roads and neighbouring walkways are to be specified on plan.1 4. Interfaces Road reserve line is to be indicated on the plans. Any drain in between the covered walkway and the open walkway shall be slabbed over subject to PUB approval. The level of the proposed covered walkway shall match the level of open walkway wherever possible. drains and plantings are to be shown on plan. All doors shall not open into the walkway.6 Width of covered walkway shall be provided in accordance with Tables 1 & 2.9 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 . elevations and sections. Complied Not Complied Remarks 3. cut-kerb ramps and pedestrian crossing lines shall be introduced.13 3.5 3. Where open and covered walkway are intercepted by driveways. New and existing road kerb lines.Page-2/3 ( ) Tick the appropriate box for all items Standard Requirements 3.5m) if they are not abutting.15 3. Minimum platform level for the development from PUB shall be reflected. The covered walkway shall be connected to the open walkway by footpath links (min 1.8 3. 4.14 3.11 3. All ramps to car parks shall begin after the line of the covered walkway.2 A July 2009 Section 4.12 3. open walkways. Any level difference between the covered walkway and the platform arising from PUB minimum platform level shall be absorbed within the building. 0m 3.9 of Architectural Design Criteria – Revision A1 .0m 2. Note: • The QP shall state the reasons for not complying with items that are marked “Not Complied”. _______________________ Name Of Qualified Person ___________________________ Signature Of Qualified Person _______ Date July 2009 Section 4.6m Minimum clear width 3.0m Minimum overall width 2. a wider walkway width may be required by the Competent Authority subject to evaluation.4m 2. industrial.0m Minimum clear width 2.0m ALONG SIDE STREET Minimum overall width 3.Page-3/3 Table 1 : Standard Covered Walkway Width Requirements in Central Area LOCATION OF THE SITE Within Central Area ALONG MAIN STREET Minimum overall width 3. ** For roads with heavy vehicle and pedestrian traffic.6m Minimum clear width 3.4m Minimum clear width 2.0m Covered walkways are to be provided along the periphery of buildings abutting major and minor roads and all pedestrian routes except for independent residential.4m 2.4m Table 2 : Standard Covered Walkway Width Requirements Outside Central Area ALONG ROAD ALONG ROAD CATEGORIES LOCATION OF CATEGORIES 2 & 3 ** 4 & 5 ** THE SITE Minimum overall width Within 200m of all MRT stations outside the central area (to the nearest street block) All other areas not covered above 3. religious and institutional buildings which are setback from the boundaries.
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