ADA & ANSI.docx

April 4, 2018 | Author: kermink | Category: Toothbrush, Dentistry, Dental Material, Oral Hygiene, Dental Implant



    ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1—Alloy for Dental Amalgam: 2003 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 6—Dental Mercury: 1987 (Reaffirmed 2005) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 12—Denture Base Polymers: 2002 (Reaffirmed 2008) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 15—Artificial Teeth for Dental Prostheses: 2008 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 17—Denture Base Temporary Relining Resins:1983 (Reaffirmed 2006)    ADA Standard No. 18—Alginate Impression Materials: 1992 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 19—Dental Elastomeric Impression Materials: 2004 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 23 (with Addendum)—Dental Excavating Burs: 1982 (Reaffirmed 2010)      ANSI/ADA Standard No. 25—Dental Gypsum Products: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2010) ADA Standard No. 26—Dental X-Ray Equipment: 1991 ADA Standard No. 27—Resin-Based Filling Materials: 1993 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 28—Root Canal Files and Reamers, Type K: 2008 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 30—Dental Zinc Oxide - Eugenol and Zinc Oxide - Non-Eugenol Cements: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2010)      ANSI/ADA Standard No. 32—Orthodontic Wires: 2006 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 33—Dental Product Standards Development Vocabulary: 2003 ADA Standard No. 34—Dental Aspirating Syringes: 1978 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 37—Dental Abrasive Powders: 1986 (Reaffirmed 2010) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 38—Metal-Ceramic Dental Restorative Systems: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2010)  ANSI/ADA Standard No. 39—Pit and Fissure Sealants: 2006 (Reaffirmed 2011)  ANSI/ADA Standard No. 41—Recommended Standard Practices for Biological Evaluation of Dental Materials: 2005  ANSI/ADA Standard No. 43—Electrically Powered Dental Amalgamators: 1986 (Reaffirmed 2010)        ADA Standard No. 44—Dental Electrosurgical Equipment: 1979 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 46—Dental Patient Chair: 2004 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 47—Dental Units: 2006 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 48—Visible Light Curing Units: 2004 (Reaffirmed 2009) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 48-2—LED Curing Lights: 2010 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 53—Polymer-Based Crown and Bridge Materials: 2008 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 54—Double-Pointed, Parenteral, Single Use Needles for Dentistry: 1986 (Reaffirmed 2009)       ANSI/ADA Standard No. 57—Endodontic Sealing Material: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2012) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 58—Root Canal Files, Type H (Hedstrom): 2010 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 62—Dental Abrasive Pastes: 2005 (Reaffirmed 2010) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 63—Root Canal Barbed Broaches and Rasps: 2006 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 69—Dental Ceramic: 2010 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 70—Dental X-Ray Protective Aprons and Accessory Devices: 1999 (Reaffirmed 2010)  ANSI/ADA Standard No. 71—Root Canal Filling Condensers (Pluggers and Spreaders): 2008   ANSI/ADA Standard No. 73—Dental Absorbent Points: 2008 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 74—Dental Operator's Stool: 2010 76—Non-Sterile Natural Rubber Latex Gloves For Dentistry: 2005 (Reaffirmed 2010)   ANSI/ADA Standard No. 80—Dental Materials . 85-Part 1—Disposable Prophy Angles: 2004 (Reaffirmed 2009) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 94—Dental Compressed Air Quality: 1996 (Reaffirmed 2003) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 89—Dental Operating Lights: 2008 ANSI/ADA Standard No. ANSI/ADA Standard No.Part 1: Short Term Materials: 1997 (Reaffirmed 2003)  ANSI/ADA Standard No.Determination of Color Stability: 2001 (Reaffirmed 2008)  ANSI/ADA Standard No. 88—Dental Brazing Alloys: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2012) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 96—Dental Water-based Cements: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2005) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 75—Resilient Lining Materials for Removable Dentures . 102—Non-Sterile Nitrile Gloves: 1999 (Reaffirmed 2010) . 82—Dental Reversible/Irreversible Hydrocolloid Impression Material Systems: 1998 (Reaffirmed 2009)          ANSI/ADA Standard No. 101—Root Canal Instruments: General Requirements: 2001 (Reaffirmed 2010)  ANSI/ADA Standard No. 87—Dental Impression Trays: 1995 (Reaffirmed 2003) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 100—Orthodontic Brackets and Tubes: 2004 (Reaffirmed 2009) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 97—Corrosion Test Methods: 2002 (Reaffirmed 2008) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 78—Dental Obturating Cones: 2006 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 99—Athletic Mouth Protectors and Materials: 2001 (Reaffirmed 2008)   ANSI/ADA Standard No. 95—Root Canal Enlargers: 2003 (Reaffirmed 2009) ANSI/ADA Standard No. 103—Non-Sterile Poly Vinyl Chloride Gloves For Dentistry: 2001 (Reaffirmed 2010)     ANSI/ADA Standard No. 109—Procedures for Storing Dental Amalgam Waste and Requirements for Amalgam Waste Storage/Shipment Containers: 2006 (Reaffirmed 2012)  ADA Technical Report No. 126—Casting Investments and Refractory Die Materials: 2009 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 113—Periodontal Curettes. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 120—Powered Toothbrushes: 2009 ANSI/ADA Standard No. This is a major revision of Standard No. 122—Dental Casting and Baseplate Waxes: 2007 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 105—Orthodontic Elastomeric Materials: 2010 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1—Alloy for Dental Amalgam: 2003 This standard is for alloys. composed mainly of silver. 125—Manual Interdental Brushes: 2009 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 139—Dental Base Polymers: 2012 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 119—Manual Toothbrushes: 2008 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 108:2009—Addendum:2011 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1 published in 1976 and revised in 1979. Alloys for Dental Amalgam. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 1559:1995. 116—Oral Rinses: 2010 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 110—Standard Procedures for the Assessment of Laserinduced Effects on Oral Hard and Soft Tissue: 2008          ANSI/ADA Standard No. . used in the preparation of dental amalgam. tin and/or copper. 127—Fatigue Testing for Endosseous Dental Implants: 2012 ANSI/ADA Standard No. Only capsulated alloy is covered under this standard. 108—Amalgam Separators: 2009 ANSI/ADA Standard No. Dental Scalers and Excavators: 2008 ANSI/ADA Standard No. 6—Dental Mercury: 1987 (Reaffirmed 2005) This standard specifies the requirements and test methods for mercury suitable for the preparation of dental amalgam. Dentistry-Denture Base Polymers.When a capsule containing mercury and alloy is shaken. 15—Artificial Teeth for Dental Prostheses: 2008 This standard defines the classification. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 1567:1999. Dental amalgam is designed for use in dentistry as a restorative material for decayed. 17—Denture Base Temporary Relining Resins: 1983 (Reaffirmed 2006) . ANSI/ADA Standard No. fractured. and the requirements for packing and marking. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 1560:1985. This revision is an identical adoption of ISO 22112:2005. requirements. It also specifies the test methods to be used in determining compliance with these requirements. or eroded teeth. Dentistry – Artificial teeth for dental prostheses. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 12—Denture Base Polymers: 2002 (Reaffirmed 2008) This standard classifies denture base polymers and copolymers and specifies their requirements. Dental Mercury. It further specifies requirements with respect to packaging and making the products and to the instructions to be supplied for use of these materials. ANSI/ADA Standard No. and test methods for synthetic polymer and ceramic teeth that are manufactured for use in prostheses used in dentistry. ANSI/ADA Standard No. the mercury and alloy react to form the metal-matrix composite called dental amalgam. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 4823:2000. 19—Dental Elastomeric Impression Materials: 2004 This standard is for elastomeric dental impression materials based. 18—Alginate Impression Materials: 1992 This standard applies to dental alginate impression materials used in dentistry to make impressions of teeth and tissues of the oral cavity. It specifies requirements for dental materials containing an alginate as an essential gel-forming ingredient. ANSI/ADA Standard No. ANSI/ADA Standard No. or other non-aqueous materials capable to reacting to form a rubber-like material which can be used for taking impressions. on polysulfides.Dentistry — Elastomeric impression materials. Soft relining materials are not covered by this standard. ADA Standard No. 25—Dental Gypsum Products: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2010) . Alginate Impression Materials. The materials described in this standard are classed as Type I. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 1563:1990. polysiloxanes. for example. 23 (with Addendum)—Dental Excavating Burs: 1982 (Reaffirmed 2010) This standard establishes the requirements for burs suitable for use with straight and angle dental handpieces. or III according to certain properties after setting. polyethers. ANSI/ADA Standard No. II.This standard is for pink and clear powder/liquid auto-polymerizing (self-initiating cure) type hard-setting resins used as temporary relining materials for denture bases. or external energy activation. casts. It also includes requirements for the labeling of packaging and for adequate instructions to accompany each package. ADA Standard No. This standard does not cover requirements for materials intended to prevent dental caries. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 6873:1998.02 millimeter per millimeter of length) and standard sizes for use in endodontic preparation or shaping operations.Eugenol and Zinc Oxide . 30—Dental Zinc Oxide . such as making oral impressions.Non-Eugenol Cements: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2010) . dental gypsum products used for dental purposes. or for materials that are cured outside the mouth. ADA Standard No. 28—Root Canal Files and Reamers. and specifies requirements for. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 27—Resin-Based Filling Materials: 1993 This standard specifies requirements for dental resin-based restorative materials supplied in a form suitable for mechanical mixing. or dies.This standard provides a classification of. It specifies the test methods to be employed to determine compliance with these requirements. Type K: 2008 This standard is for endodontic files and reamers having a working part taper of 2% (0. Dental Gypsum Products. hand mixing. moulds. 26—Dental X-Ray Equipment: 1991 This standard applies to diagnostic x-ray equipment used for intraoral radiography. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 33 relate to products. Dentistry — Zinc oxide/eugenol and zinc oxide/noneugenol cements. ANSI/ADA Standard No. ADA Standard No. ANSI/ADA Standard No. ANSI/ADA Standard No. This effort to update and standardize the nomenclature for dental products and testing should permit the authors of the various standards and standards to discuss their concepts and procedures so they will be understood by those who must read and interpret these documents and test the products to determine if they are suitable for the purpose intended. procedures and testing of products used in dentistry. 33—Dental Product Standards Development Vocabulary: 2003 The bulk of the terms and definitions (TDEs) in this revision of ANSI/ADA Standard No. 32—Orthodontic Wires: 2006 (Reaffirmed 2010) This standard specifies requirements and test methods for wires to be used in fixed and removable orthodontic appliances. 37—Dental Abrasive Powders: 1986 (Reaffirmed 2010) . 34—Dental Aspirating Syringes: 1978 This standard covers the requirements for devices that are capable of aspiration and are used for parenteral injections in dentistry.This standard specifies the requirements and test methods for zinc oxide—eugenol or zinc oxide—non-eugenol cements supplied as two separate components that may be either powder/liquid or paste/paste and are suitable for use in the oral cavity. It includes preformed orthodontic archwires but excludes springs and other preformed components. Dentistry – Wires for use in orthodontics. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 15841:2006. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 3107:1988. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 9693:1999. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 39—Pit and Fissure Sealants: 2006 (Reaffirmed 2011) This standard specifies requirements and test methods for resin-based materials suitable for sealing pits and fissures in teeth. 38—Metal-Ceramic Dental Restorative Systems: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2010) This standard specifies requirements and test methods for dental metallic materials processed by casting or machining. These materials are divided into types depending on the intended manner of use and further sub-divided into classes based upon the predominant abrasive agent present in the product. The requirements of this standard apply to the metallic materials and ceramics when used in combination.This standard is for powdered abrasive materials used in dentistry for removing stains and gross scratches from natural tooth structures and prostheses but not including materials used in laboratory blasting processes. and compliance may not be claimed for either metallic materials or for ceramics alone. ANSI/ADA Standard No.Metal-Ceramic Dental Restorative Systems. 41—Recommended Standard Practices for Biological Evaluation of Dental Materials: 2005 . and for ceramics suitable for use in the fabrication of metal-ceramic dental restorations. together with requirements and test methods for the composite structure. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 6874:2005. Dentistry — Polymer-based pit and fissure sealants. This standard covers both chemically cured and externalenergy-activated materials. ANSI/ADA Standard No. foot switches. ADA Standard No. ANSI/ADA Standard No. It specifies requirements. and are used principally in the oral cavity for performing clinical dental electrosurgery procedures by biterminal technique. regardless of their construction and also regardless of whether they are operated manually or electrically or by other means. dispersive electrode and cable.This document covers recommended standard practices for biological evaluation of the safety of materials used in dentistry and is not intended for use in the evaluation of pharmacologically active medicaments. .5 to 4 MHz frequency range and have a maximum power output capability of 100 watts or less. test methods. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 43—Electrically Powered Dental Amalgamators: 1986 (Reaffirmed 2010) This standard is for mechanical dental amalgamators used for the mixing of alloy and mercury to make dental amalgam. and other operator-controlled mechanisms for activation of the generator output. It includes multipurpose devices but is restricted to their function of triturating alloy and mercury to produce dental amalgam. or as a combination of these. 46—Dental Patient Chair: 2004 This standard applies to all dental patient chairs. The elements covered in this standard include: the electrosurgical high-frequency generator and directly related accessories such as the active cables and electrodes. manufacturer's information. 44—Dental Electrosurgical Equipment: 1979 This standard covers the minimal requirements for dental electrosurgical devices that operate in the 1. but not less than a maximum capability of 50 watts. 47—Dental Units: 2006 This standard specifies requirements and test methods for dental units. ANSI/ADA Standard No. Dentistry — Dental units – Part 2: Water and air supply. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 10650-1:2004. 48—Visible Light Curing Units: 2004 (Reaffirmed 2009) This standard gives requirements and test methods for visible light curing units with powered tungsten-halogen lamps in the blue wavelength region intended for chairside use in polymerization of dental resin-based materials. Provisions for the prevention of retraction of oral fluids into the water supply of the dental unit are included as well. 48-2—LED Curing Lights: 2010 . Dentistry — Dental units – Part 1: General requirements and test methods and ISO 7494-2:2003. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 7494-1:2004. veneers. Powered polymerization activators — Part 1: Quartz tungsten halogen lamps. dentures or other oral dental appliances. Requirements and test methods for the materials. Dental patient chair. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 6875:1995. design and construction of the water and air supply within dental units are also included in order to ensure that the pressurized water and air supplied via the dental unit are of appropriate quality. It does not cover powered visible light curing units used in laboratory fabrication of indirect restorations.marking and packaging. ANSI/ADA Standard No. regardless of whether or not they are electrically powered. ANSI/ADA Standard No. This standard is also applicable to rechargeable battery-powered visible light curing units. 54—Double-Pointed. ANSI/ADA Standard No. Dentistry – Polymer-based crown and bridge materials. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 10650-2:2007. veneers. This standard is applicable to polymer-based dental crown and bridge materials for laboratory-fabricated permanent facings or anterior crowns that may or may not be attached to a metal substructure. anesthetic injections. ANSI/ADA Standard No. Parenteral. It also applies to polymer-based dental crown and bridge materials for which the manufacturer claims adhesion to the metal substructure without macromechanical retention such as beads or wires. 53—Polymer-Based Crown and Bridge Materials: 2008 This standard classifies polymer-based dental crown and bridge materials and specifies their requirements. This standard is not applicable to powered polymerization activators used in laboratory fabrication of indirect restorations.This standard details requirements and test methods for powered polymerization activators with light-emitting diodes (LED) in the blue wavelength region intended for chair-side use in polymerization of dental polymer-based restorative materials. dentures or other oral dental appliances. ANSI/ADA Standard No. Single Use Needles for Dentistry: 1986 (Reaffirmed 2009) This standard covers sterile. individually-packaged. 57—Endodontic Sealing Material: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2012) . This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 10477:2004. double-pointed needles with a means of secure attachment to cartridge-type syringes used for dental. regional. It also specifies the test methods to be used to determine compliance with these requirements. single-use. Dentistry – Powered polymerization activators – Part 2: Light-emitting diode (LED) lamps. ANSI/ADA Standard No. as much as feasible. ANSI/ADA Standard No.This standard is for materials used in endodontics within the tooth to seal the root canal space.02 millimeter per millimeter of length) as used in endodontic preparation or shaping operations. Type H (Hedstrom): 2010 This standard is for endodontic Hedstrom files for hand use only having a working part taper of 2% (0. 69—Dental Ceramic: 2010 This standard specifies the requirements and the corresponding test methods for dental ceramic materials for fixed all-ceramic and metal-ceramic restorations and prostheses. Dentistry-Ceramic Materials. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 6876:2001. 62—Dental Abrasive Pastes: 2005 (Reaffirmed 2010) This standard is for in-office abrasive pastes used in dentistry for removing stains and other exogenous materials from natural tooth structures and prostheses. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 63—Root Canal Barbed Broaches and Rasps: 2006 This standard is for root canal instruments for hand use utilized in endodontic preparation. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 58—Root Canal Files. such as thyroid collars and thyroid shields used in dentistry that protect the patient. ANSI/ADA Standard No. from . This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 6872:2008. 70—Dental X-Ray Protective Aprons and Accessory Devices: 1999 (Reaffirmed 2010) This standard applies to dental X-ray protective aprons and accessory devices. Dental root canal sealing materials. The requirements apply to points which have been sterilized once in a manner approved by the manufacturer. Dental root-canal instruments -. 71—Root Canal Filling Condensers (Pluggers and Spreaders): 2008 This standard is for root canal instruments for finger. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 3630– 3:1994. points refer to dental absorbent points.Part 1: Short Term Materials: 1997 (Reaffirmed 2003) . ANSI/ADA Standard No. 73—Dental Absorbent Points: 2008 This standard specifies requirements and test methods for nonmedicated absorbent points used in endodontic procedures. It also covers recommendations to manufacturers on the design of operator's stools. or mechanical operation used to compact root canal filling materials. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 7493:2006. 75—Resilient Lining Materials for Removable Dentures . It specifies the requirements for X-radiation absorption and the areas of anatomy that the aprons and thyroid collars protect. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 7551:1996. 74—Dental Operator's Stool: 2010 This standard sets forth requirements. hand. Dentistry-Operator’s stool. For the purposes of this document. ANSI/ADA Standard No.Dental absorbent points. pluggers and spreaders.Part 3: Condensers.the harmful effects of dental diagnostic X-radiation. recommendations and test methods for the operator’s stool in the dental office as well as requirements for the manufacturer’s instructions for use and for marking and packaging. ANSI/ADA Standard No. ANSI/ADA Standard No. Points include standard and taper sized points. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 78—Dental Obturating Cones: 2006 This standard specifies the dimensions and requirements for prefabricated metallic or polymeric-based cones suitable for use in the obturation of a root canal system restoration. ANSI/ADA Standard No. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 7491:2000. ANSI/ADA Standard No. Dentistry — Short term resilient lining materials for removable dentures.This part of ANSI/ADA Standard No. 75 specifies requirements for the physical properties. Dental Obturating Points. 82—Dental Reversible/Irreversible Hydrocolloid Impression Material Systems: 1998 (Reaffirmed 2009) . ANSI/ADA Standard No. It also specifies numerical systems and a color coding system for designating the sizes. 76—Non-Sterile Natural Rubber Latex Gloves For Dentistry: 2005 (Reaffirmed 2010) This standard covers non-sterile rubber latex gloves suitable for dentistry. packaging. 80—Dental Materials . This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 6877-1:1995. Dental Materials—Determination of Color Stability.Determination of Color Stability: 2001 (Reaffirmed 2008) This standard specifies a procedure for determining the color stability of dental materials after exposure to light or water. test methods. marking and manufacturer's instructions for denture lining materials suitable for short-term use. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 10139-1:1991. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 89—Dental Operating Lights: 2008 . partial arch and water cooled impressions. 88—Dental Brazing Alloys: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2012) This standard specifies requirements and test methods for brazing filler alloys suitable for use in brazing cast dental restorations. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 9333:1990. also known as a polish. partially edentulous. aluminum. It applies to trays made of plastic. ANSI/ADA Standard No. ANSI/ADA Standard No. Dental brazing materials. Reversible-irreversible hydrocolloid impression material systems. 87—Dental Impression Trays: 1995 (Reaffirmed 2003) This standard applies to reusable and disposable impression trays used in dentistry for delivering impression materials into the oral cavity for the purpose of making impressions (negative copies) of teeth and oral tissues. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 85-Part 1—Disposable Prophy Angles: 2004 (Reaffirmed 2009) This standard covers disposable prophy angles suitable for a dental hygienist or dentist to use in conjunction with a doriot style handpiece during the final stages of a dental cleaning. stainless steel and nickel or chrome plated brass for the purposes of full arch dentulous or edentulous.This standard applies to the syringeable agar impression materials which have been formulated such that they will bond to each other when used in combination to form elastic impressions of oral tissues. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 13716:1999. This standard specifies requirements and test methods for operating lights used in the dental office and intended for illuminating the oral cavity of patients. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 95—Root Canal Enlargers: 2003 (Reaffirmed 2009) This standard is for root canal instruments used mechanically to access and enlarge canals.g. It also contains standards on manufacturers' instructions. Medical Compressed Air). This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 9917:1991. This standard applies to operating lights that are intended to be permanently fixed to the ceiling. prosthetic and orthodontic dentistry in the oral cavity. . 97—Corrosion Test Methods: 2002 (Reaffirmed 2008) This standard provides test methods and protocols to determine the corrosion behavior of all metallic materials used in restorative.Dentistry – Operating lights. ANSI/ADA Standard No.. or to the wall or to the floor. that are intended for permanent cementation. and that effect setting only by an aqueous acid-base reaction. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 9680-2007. 94—Dental Compressed Air Quality: 1996 (Reaffirmed 2003) This standard applies to all compressed air used in the dental office to power dental equipment and laboratory equipment and to dry oral structures. It does not apply to compressed air used to supply breathable air and should never be used to support life (e. ANSI/ADA Standard No. lining and restoration. including both hand-mixed and capsulated cements for mechanical mixing. marking and packaging. Dental Water-Based Cements. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 96—Dental Water-based Cements: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2005) This standard specifies requirements for the following types of dental cements. ANSI/ADA Standard No. with or without a polymeric shell. 102—Non-Sterile Nitrile Gloves: 1999 (Reaffirmed 2010) . minimum requirements for fracture forces. that are capable of being formed into an athletic mouth protector. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 28 and 58. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 10271:2001. Dental Metallic Materials—Corrosion Test Methods. for example.including cast. ANSI/ADA Standard No. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 99—Athletic Mouth Protectors and Materials: 2001 (Reaffirmed 2008) This standard is for thermoplastic or thermosetting polymeric materials. safety considerations. The purpose of this standard is to provide a document to identify methods for size and product designation. flexibility. It also specifies requirements for manufacturer's instructions and for packaging. and marketing. either on a model of the teeth or in the mouth directly on the teeth. and instructions/labeling. machined and prefabricated devices. 101—Root Canal Instruments: General Requirements: 2001 (Reaffirmed 2010) This standard specifies requirements and test methods for hand or mechanically operated instruments for root canal shaping and cleaning having designs or materials which are not included within the provisions of ANSI/ADA Standard Nos. 100—Orthodontic Brackets and Tubes: 2004 (Reaffirmed 2009) This standard pertains to brackets and tubes as components of the orthodontic appliance. labeling. for marking. ANSI/ADA Standard No. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 105—Orthodontic Elastomeric Materials: 2010 This standard is applicable to all elastomeric auxiliaries including orthodontic elastics. operation and maintenance. It specifies the efficiency of the amalgam separators in terms of the level of retention of amalgam based on a laboratory test and the test procedure for determining this efficiency. links. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 21606:2007. 103—Non-Sterile Poly Vinyl Chloride Gloves For Dentistry: 2001 (Reaffirmed 2010) This standard covers non-sterile poly vinyl chloride gloves suitable for dentistry. in conjunction with fixed and removable appliances. 108—Amalgam Separators: 2009 This standard specifies requirements and test methods for amalgam separators used in connection with dental equipment in the dental treatment center. 108:2009—Addendum: 2011 .This standard covers non-sterile gloves suitable for dentistry that do not contain any natural rubber latex. elastomeric bands. Dentistry – Amalgam separators. thread and ligatures used for orthodontics both inside and outside the mouth. chains. and for instructions for use. Dentistry – Elastomeric auxiliaries for use in orthodontics. ANSI/ADA Standard No. ANSI/ADA Standard No. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 11143:2008. It also includes requirements for the safe functioning of the amalgam separator. 3. and preparing amalgam waste for delivery to recyclers or their agents for recycling. ADA Technical Report No.3 and an alternate test method corresponding to Paragraph 9.Periodontal curettes.2. 116—Oral Rinses: 2010 .6.3. dental scalers and excavators – Part 1: General requirements. and ISO 13397-2-2005. dental scalers and excavators.1 in the ANSI/ADA 108-2009 document.Dentistry – Periodontal curettes.This Technical Addendum addresses inconsistencies in ISO 11143-2008 Amalgam Separators by providing corrections to the wording in Paragraph 9. In addition. dental scalers and excavators – Part 2: Periodontal curettes of Gr-type. ANSI/ADA Standard No. performance. it gives requirements for the containers for storing and/or shipping amalgam waste. 109—Procedures for Storing Dental Amalgam Waste and Requirements for Amalgam Waste Storage/Shipment Containers: 2006 (Reaffirmed 2012) This standard describes procedures for storing. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 13397-1-1995.2. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 113—Periodontal Curettes. ANSI/ADA Standard No. Dental Scalers and Excavators: 2008 This standard specifies the general material. 110—Standard Procedures for the Assessment of Laserinduced Effects on Oral Hard and Soft Tissue: 2008 This technical report covers standard practices for the assessment of laser interactions with oral hard and soft tissue. and dimensional requirements for periodontal curettes.3. Dentistry – Oral hygiene products – Oral rinses.g.This standard defines physical and chemical requirements and test methods for oral rinses. methods of prescription. It is not intended to describe regulatory aspects.g. This standard is a modified adoption of ISO 20126:2005. This test method is applicable to toothbrushes having a conventional. Dentistry – Manual toothbrushes – General requirements and test methods and ISO 22254:2005. Specifically excluded from this standard are manual interdental brushes and powered oral hygiene devices as these instruments are covered by separate standards. foams. mouthsprays. 120—Powered Toothbrushes: 2009 This standard defines requirements and test methods for the physical properties of powered toothbrushes in order to promote the safety of these products for their intended use. It also specifies the accompanying information such as manufacturer's instructions for use. ANSI/ADA Standard No. This standard is not applicable to other delivery systems (e. e. Dentistry – Manual toothbrushes – Resistance of tufted portion to deflection. flat trim design and may not be applicable to toothbrushes with other designs. marking and/or labeling requirements. Specifically excluded are other types of powered oral hygiene devices (such as powered interdental . This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 16408:2004. The results obtained with this test may not correspond to consumer perceptions of the stiffness of toothbrush filaments. powders). ANSI/ADA Standard No. Also specified is a test method for determining the resistance of the tufted portion of manual toothbrushes to deflection. 119—Manual Toothbrushes: 2008 This standard describes requirements and test methods for the physical properties of manual toothbrushes in order to promote the safety of these products for their intended use. such as the manufacturer's instructions for use and labelling of the packaging. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 20127:2005. This standard is not applicable to powered interdental brushes. Dentistry – Casting and baseplate waxes. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 16409:2006. and strings. ANSI/ADA Standard No. nor is it applicable to interdental cleaners that do not include filaments.brushes) and manual toothbrushes. 125—Manual Interdental Brushes: 2009 This standard specifies requirements and test methods for performance criteria for manual interdental brushes with a round cross-section of the brush head. Dentistry – Powered toothbrushes – General requirements and test methods.Dentistry – Oral hygiene products – Manual interdental brushes. manual toothbrushes. ANSI/ADA Standard No. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 15854:2005. and requirements for. This standard classifies investments into types according to their intended use and classes according to the burn-out procedure recommended by the manufacturer. ANSI/ADA Standard No. 126—Casting Investments and Refractory Die Materials: 2009 This standard is applicable to dental casting. dental casting wax and baseplate wax together with the test methods to be employed to determine compliance with these requirements. It specifies the classification of. brazing and refractory investments and refractory die materials. dental floss. tapes. regardless of the nature of the binding system or the particular application. This standard specifies requirements for the essential physical and mechanical properties of the materials and the test . It also specifies the accompanying information. 122—Dental Casting and Baseplate Waxes: 2007 This standard is applicable to dental casting wax and to dental baseplate wax. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 15912:2006. Dentistry – Base polymers – Part 2: Orthodontic base polymers. Dentistry – Base polymers – Part 1: Denture base polymers. It also specifies the respective requirement and the . it is not applicable for predicting the in vivo performance of an endosseous dental implant or prosthesis. This standard also includes requirements for the information and instructions which accompany each package. Dentistry – Casting investments and refractory die materials.methods used to determine them. Orthodontic-base polymers.Fatigue test for endosseous dental implants. and ISO 20795-2:2010. It further specifies requirements with respect to packaging and marking the products and to the instructions to be supplied for use of these materials. Dentistry . 139—Dental Base Polymers: 2012 This standard is an adoption of ISO 20795-1:2008. and 2). Furthermore it applies to denture base polymers for which the manufacturer claims that the material has improved impact resistance. 127—Fatigue Testing for Endosseous Dental Implants: 2012 This standard specifies a method of fatigue testing of single post endosseous dental implants of the transmucosal type and their premanufactured prosthetic components. ANSI/ADA Standard No. While this standard simulates the functional loading of an endosseous dental implant body and its premanufactured prosthetic components under ―worst case‖ conditions. particularly if more than one implant is used for a prosthesis. Denture-base polymers. The standard is presented in two parts: 1). It also specifies the test methods to be used in determining compliance with these requirements. ANSI/ADA Standard No. Part 1 classifies denture base polymers and copolymers and specifies their requirements. This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 14801:2007. It is most useful for comparing endosseous dental implants of different designs or sizes. test method to be used. It further specifies requirements with respect to packaging and marking the products and to the instructions to be supplied for use of these materials. . Part 2 is applicable to orthodontic base polymers and copolymers used in the construction of both active and passive orthodontic appliances and specifies their requirements. It also specifies test methods to be used in determining compliance with these requirements.
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