AD 2000 Merkblatt B0-2008-11.pdf

May 18, 2018 | Author: delrealelisa | Category: Engineering Tolerance, Strength Of Materials, Yield (Engineering), Steel, Welding



AD 2000-MerkblattICS 23.020.30 November 2008 edition Design of AD 2000-Merkblatt pressure vessels Design of pressure vessels B0 The AD 2000-Merkblätter are prepared by the seven associations listed below who together form the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Druckbehälter” (AD). The structure and the application of the AD 2000 Code and the procedural guidelines are covered by AD 2000-Merkblatt G 1. The AD 2000-Merkblätter contain safety requirements to be met under normal operating conditions. If above-normal loadings are to be expected during the operation of the pressure vessel, this shall be taken into account by meeting special requirements. If there are any divergences from the requirements of this AD 2000-Merkblatt, it shall be possible to prove that the standard of safety of this Code has been maintained by other means, e.g. by materials testing, tests, stress analysis, operating experience. Fachverband Dampfkessel-, Behälter- und Rohrleitungsbau e.V. (FDBR), Düsseldorf SUPPLIED BY BSB UNDER LICENCE FROM DIN FOR PRAJ INDUSTRIES LIMITED - PUNE ON 23/11/2012 Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), Berlin Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V. (VCI), Frankfurt/Main Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. (VDMA), Fachgemeinschaft Verfahrenstechnische Maschinen und Apparate, Frankfurt/Main Stahlinstitut VDEh, Düsseldorf VGB PowerTech e.V., Essen Verband der TÜV e.V. (VdTÜV), Berlin The above associations continuously update the AD 2000-Merkblätter in line with technical progress. Please address any proposals for this to the publisher: Verband der TÜV e.V., Friedrichstraße 136, 10117 Berlin. ____________ Co nte nts 0 Foreword 6 Design strength value 1 Scope 7 Safety factor 2 General 8 Use of the permissible design 3 Symbols and units stress level in joints 4 Design pressure 9 Allowances 5 Design temperature 10 Minimum wall thickness 0 Foreword practice have been taken into consideration for the selection of the materials and their processing. See also AD 2000- The AD 2000 Code can be applied to satisfy the basic safety Merkblatt G 1. requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive, princi- pally for the conformity assessment in accordance with 1.2 The B and S 3 series of AD 2000-Merkblätter apply to modules “G” and “B + F”. predominantly static stresses. AD 2000-Merkblätter S 1 and The AD 2000 Code is structured along the lines of a self- S 2 also apply to alternating stresses. contained concept. If other technical rules are used in ac- cordance with the state of the art to solve related problems, 2 General it is assumed that the overall concept has been taken into 2.1 This AD 2000-Merkblatt includes the fundamental account. rules which are common to the B and S series of AD 2000- The AD 2000 Code can be used as appropriate for other Merkblätter. The other B and S series AD 2000-Merkblätter modules of the Pressure Equipment Directive or for different can therefore only be used in conjunction with this AD 2000- sectors of the law. Responsibility for testing is as specified Merkblatt. in the provisions of the relevant sector of the law. 2.2 Where the AD 2000-Merkblätter do not give design rules for pressure-bearing parts, then, in each individual 1 Scope case, proof shall be provided by the application of other 1.1 The B and S series of AD 2000-Merkblätter deal with rules or design methods, strain measurements, relevant op- design rules for pressure-bearing components of pressure erating experience gained etc. that the components are not vessels. Their application assumes that the W and HP se- overstressed taking into due account material and service ries of AD 2000-Merkblätter as well as current engineering conditions. Supersedes May 2007 edition; I = Amendments to previous edition AD 2000-Merkblätter are protected by copyright. The rights of use, particularly of any translation, reproduction, extract of figures, transmission by photomechanical means and storage in data retrieval systems, even of extracts, are reserved to the author. Beuth Verlag has taken all reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of this translation but regrets that no responsibility can be accepted for any error, omission or inaccuracy. In cases of doubt or dispute, the latest edition of the German text only is valid. 5 – 0. of a cylindrical shell mm 5 % (e.4 At the test pressure. b design factors – 4.2 If a pressure-bearing wall is subject to pressure on n number – both sides at the same time. e. The static pres- k0 setting characteristic of gasket mm sures caused by the contents of the vessel during service k1 service characteristic of gasket mm and testing need not be taken into account as long as they do not increase the stress to the wall by more than 5%. flange. the design is based on the maximum allow- g weld thickness mm able pressure (PS) and the test pressure (PT).3 If a pressure-bearing wall is subject to pressure and s required wall thickness including allowances mm vacuum at the same time. nozzle. due to supports. SK safety factor against elastic cupping at design pressure – 3 Symbols and units S'K safety factor against elastic cupping at test pressure – SUPPLIED BY BSB UNDER LICENCE FROM DIN FOR PRAJ INDUSTRIES LIMITED .2008 edition 2. Di inside diameter e. S safety factor at design pressure – 2.1 Generally. the design pressure is equal to se actual wall thickness mm the pressure difference. screw etc. If there is no reliable limitation of v factor indicative of the use of the allowable the vacuum. nozzle. Whenever excessive- M moment N mm ly high stresses are expected in the operation of pressure vessels.PUNE ON 23/11/2012 a lever arm mm b width mm SL safety factor on the permissible number of load cycles – c1 allowance for minus thickness tolerance mm W section modulus mm3 c2 wear allowance mm d diameter of an opening. It has been found that increases in stress due to additional loads can be expected if the criteria in the S 3 se- F force N ries of AD 2000-Merkblätter apply. the design pressure shall be the actual pres- design stress in joints or factor allowing sure increased by 1 bar.g. wind. K20 design strength value at 20 °C N/mm2 atory for normal operating conditions. snow and brick linings2)).g. flange mm s stress N/mm2 dt pitch diameter mm u. This applies also to the determina- tion of the test pressure. of a cylindrical shell mm A structural analysis shall be carried out if the additional E modulus of elasticity at design static loads influence the design of the pressure vessel sig- temperature N/mm2 nificantly. it shall be capable of being proven S´ safety factor at test pressure – that the technical safety standard laid down in this Code is SD leak safety factor – strictly adhered to in another way. T temperature °C dD average gasket diameter mm e wide side of rectangular or elliptical plate mm 4 Design pressure f narrow side of rectangular or elliptical plate mm 4.05 · 2 = 2. special conditions shall be satisfied to meet these R radius of curvature mm requirements.g. tests. C.3 The AD-Merkblätter contain safety requirements oblig. transition radius mm 4.1) l length mm 4. Exceptions are permissible as long as proof has been provided that a higher stress can- PT test pressure bar not occur in the wall than that due to the pressure difference.5 Additional static loads shall be given in the drawing if D shell diameter mm these increase the stress in the vessel wall by more than Da outside diameter e. I planar moment of inertia mm4 1) K design strength value at Example: maximum allowable pressure = 2 bar design temperature N/mm 2 height of vessel = 5 m contents: water KD dimensional stability of sealant at p = 2 + 0. the allowable stresses formed from the design strength value at test temperature and the A area mm2 safety factor S´ in Tables 2 and 3 shall not be exceeded. r generally radius. The design shall con- PS maximum allowable pressure bar sider both pressures separately.g. for weakening – x decay-length zone mm 4. flange mm v Poisson’s ratio – di inside diameter of a tube. e. by materials testing.4 If there are deviations from the requirements of the AD 2000-Merkblätter. AD 2000-Merkblatt Page 2 AD 2000-Merkblatt B 0.4 bar room temperature N/mm2 2) See DIN 28060 . mm Z auxiliary value – da outside diameter of a tube. 11.g. The design pressure p used in the following AD 2000-Merkblätter shall h height mm be ≥ the maximum allowable pressure (PS). the design shall generally not p design pressure bar be based on the pressure difference. stress analysis and operating experience. g. by means of oil troplating. it can generally be determined from Table 1.3 of AD 2000-Merkblatt S 6. ferred to as the design temperature. in the case of cast or deep- In this case. rubber or plastics coatings. steam and superheated dividing the values for the use of the permissible design steam range. 11. service is below +20 °C.g. The limit of AD 2000-Merkblatt HP 0.PUNE ON 23/11/2012 8. v = 0.8 shall be used for the circumferential seam.2 In the case of austenitic steels and non-ferrous met- 6 Design strength value als.2 is attained or exceeded for the particular material.4 Where joints are made by dissimilar types of welds.2 For brazed joints. in joints mined by calculation or measurement.2008 edition Page 3 5 Design temperature 6. the maximum working temperature may be used for this. 9. In this case. parts are acceptable provided the lapping is at least 10 se up the ambient temperature and the working temperature shall to a wall thickness of 6 mm and up to Da · p ≤ 2500 mm bar.2 Requirements for time-dependent design strength val. It may be omitted for se ≥ 30 mm or if the steel is adequately protected against the contents e. In the case of lining with plastics. 9.3 If the maximum expected wall temperature during test. it shall be deter. 7 Safety factor able working temperature (corresponding to the maximum The safety factors shall be taken from Tables 2 and 3 unless allowable temperature (TS) in accordance with the PED) differing or additional data are given in the individual plus an allowance for the particular type of heating and is re- AD 2000-Merkblätter.8 may be applied provided a standards or material specifications. temperatures shall be taken from the relevant material 8.3 For materials with no guaranteed yield point or proof stress.1. the wear allowance c2 = 1 mm.2. i.5 Higher design strength values due to work-hardening shall be used in the design only if they have been proved 5. Lapped soldered circumferential joints between copper Merkblatt W 10. wall thickness se ≤ 4 mm and an allowable working pressure by gases. as a result HP 0 by 100. . 8. by means of lining with lead.2 Wear allowance material. ues of the allowance below nominal size for class A. see also AD 2000. when using sheets with greater minus tolerances. the safety factors of Table 3 shall be used. only the difference from class A shall be taken into account. the design temperature is +20 °C. SUPPLIED BY BSB UNDER LICENCE FROM DIN FOR PRAJ INDUSTRIES LIMITED . minus tolerances are not taken into account only when 6. be taken into account (operating instructions/risk analysis).3 Soldered longitudinal joints are not permissible. in the case of brick linings. but not by elec- 3) Not applicable for indirect electrical heating (e.1 The selection of the material and the determination of and are present in the finished component. For unheated walls. standard. 9. If no other values are specified for the un- of the design temperature. When determining the wall temperature.e.1 Allowances to compensate for minus wall by fire. the suitability of bath) the plastics shall always be verified. v = 0.1 For ferritic steels. cladding. For austenitic design temperature requirements in the W series of the sheets in conjunction with DIN EN 10029 as the dimensional AD 2000-Merkblätter. v = 0.1 The design strength values K shall be selected for the there is static loading due to internal pressure.3 Where the manufacturing process involves reduc- sign temperature shall be used as the design strength value. 8 Use of the permissible design stress level otherwise e.1. this only applies to minus tolerances up to the val- 6. Design temperatures 8. tions in wall thickness (e. Table 1.1 For ferritic steels. 6. stress level given in summary Table 1 in AD 2000-Merkblatt 5. the creep range limit temperature named materials in the agreement required according to 1.0 shall be used.2 of AD 2000-Merkblatt S 6 taken into account in the design by factor v. For heated walls. v = 1. This results from shall be noted in the water steam. AD 2000-Merkblatt AD 2000-Merkblatt B 0. the minus tolerance permitted in walls.1. ing. ues are contained in 4.4 For soldered joints between copper plates with a con- Type of heating Design temperature tinuous strap of width ≥ 12 se on both sides of the joint.8 can be used. the design strength values of the weld metal shall be the basis for the design if they are lower than those of the base 9. the maximum working 9. the design strength value depend on the maximum wall tem- perature that can be expected at the maximum allowable pressure (PS) in each case. For working temperatures below –10 °C. exhaust gas or temperature plus 20 K thickness tolerances electrical equipment3) in the case of directly heated 9.g. the maximum working the relevant dimensional standards shall be used as the al- temperature plus 50 K lowance c1 in the design where this can occur on the fin- ished component. steam or the maximum temperature of ≤ 2 bar. lower value has not been specified in the welding procedure 5. drawn components).1 The use of the permissible design stress in the weld is The requirements of Table 1 in 4. the required wall thickness calculated with c1 = 0 shall be stated and clearly marked on the draw- 6. liquids the heating medium in the case of protected 9 Allowances walls.g.2 AD 2000-Merkblatt S 6 shall be applied if. This is derived from the allow. the guaranteed minimum tensile strength at the de. temperature 1. 5. in order to avoid destruc- iron to DIN EN 1563 tion of protective coatings or stress corrosion cracking.2.2 EN-GJS-500-7/7U 4.beuth. the allowance c2 shall be stated in the at design pressure drawing. Copper and copper alloys including rolled 2.1.2 As a deviation from 10. 3. 030/26 01-22 60 Fax 030/26 01-12 60 E-Mail: berlin@vdtuev. it may be necessary. to re- duce the stress in the walls under tensile stress that are in 3.3 EN-GJS-400-15/15U 3. a greater allowance c2 safety factors shall be agreed upon between manufacturer and user if the contents of the vessel are severely corrosive or if the inside Safety factor S Safety factor of the vessel cannot be examined during subsequent ser- for material Material and type S´at test vice. Aluminium and 10 Minimum wall thickness aluminium alloys – 1.0 Publisher: Source of supply: Beuth Verlag GmbH 10772 Berlin Verband der TÜV e. the minimum wall thick- for material Material and type S´at test nesses may be smaller provided that: at design pressure temperature a) this is required by the process or the operating condi- tions.5 and cast bronze info@beuth. proof stress or creep rupture strengt 9. Safety factor S Safety factor 10.0 2.5 DIN EN 1561 b) the dimensional stability of the pressure vessel is not adversely affected and 1.1. 1. In these cases.5 EN-GJS-600-3/3U SUPPLIED BY BSB UNDER LICENCE FROM DIN FOR PRAJ INDUSTRIES LIMITED .0 1.5 1.2008 edition Table .7 allowance has been agreed between manufacturer and user which then shall be stated in the drawing.2 As a deviation from 9. Cast steel 2.3 For austenitic steels and non-ferrous metals. for 3.4 EN-GJS-400-18/18U-LT 2.2 annealed or enameled 7. the 3.1 for seamless and 3.05 10.0 c) the manufacturing conditions are suitable for this.1 EN-GJS-700-2/2U example.5 1.2 EN-GJS-350-22/22U-LT 4.2. in addi- 2.5 1.vdtuev.1 The minimum wall thicknesses specified in the B se- wrought materials ries of AD 2000-Merkblätter are nominal wall thicknesses which the finished component shall have as a nominal di- Table 3. provided no higher wear 3. 11. 1. Grey cast iron to 3.1 non-annealed 9. Tel.2. Tensile strength safety factors mension.V.4 tion to using suitable materials and adequate design.0 2.4 1.PUNE ON 23/11/2012 www.0 2.2 for soldered vessels http://www.5 welded vessels 2.05 With certain corrosive effects.0 wear allowance is generally c2 = 0. Yield point. Spheroidal graphite cast contact with the vessel contents. AD 2000-Merkblatt Page 4 AD 2000-Merkblatt B 0. Rolled and forged steels 1.
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