Action Research Proposal

June 14, 2018 | Author: Melissa Ignacio Dizon | Category: Primary Education, Teachers, State School, Self-Improvement, Motivation



Republic of the PhilippinesDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region V DIVISION OF CAMARINES SUR Libmanan South District CAIMA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ACTION RESEARCH PROPOSAL TITLE: FACTORS AFEECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF GRADE VI PUPILS’ IN NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT TEST OF CAIMA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I. PROPONENT: RAMIL C. REZARIN II. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The National Achievement Test (NAT) is an examination given annually to assess the competency of both public and private school students. The students’ knowledge and skills are tested in the subjects of Mathematics, English, Science, Filipino, and HEKASI for grade school. The test is administered by the Department of Education's National Education Testing and Research Center (NETRC). The results are intended to guide the Department of Education in its efforts towards the improvement of the quality of education in public schools and to provide appropriate intervention for the students. A score of 75% and up indicates mastery of the subject and 50% to less than 75%, near mastery; while a score of below 50% indicates low mastery. The NAT results guide decision makers in formulating policies relative to progression and promotion of students, especially in the public school system. These will also determine the deficiencies of students that need further intervention. Is there a significant relationship between the school climate conditions and pupils’ performance in NAT as perceived by the student’ respondents in terms of: 5.III. What is the extent of the school climate conditions as perceived by student respondents in 2.2 Math 3.2 gender 1.5 average rating for the last school year attended? 2.3 parents’ educational attainment 4.1 mother 4.2 father 4.3. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.4 AP 3. What is the level of performance of pupils in the National Achievement Test in Caima Elementary School in: 3.1 school facilities 5. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and pupils’ achievement in NAT in terms of: 4.2 2.3 parents’ educational attainment 1.3.1 age 4.1 mother 1.1 age 1. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: This action research aimed to determine the Factors Related to pupils’ Performance in the National Achievement Test in Caima Elementary School.1 English 3.1 2.5 average rating for the last school year attended? 5.4 monthly income of the family 1.3 Science 3.2 gender 4. it sought to answer the following questions: 1.5 Filipino 4.3.4 monthly income of the family 4.3 terms of: school facilities instructional focus physical environment? 3.2 father 1. Specifically.2 instructional focus 5.3 Physical environment .3. Thus. It may help the superintendent to identify the needs of the school and to plan for the support system that the school leaders need to prioritize when it comes to students’ performance. With the help of graphs. The result of this finding is of value to teachers because it will provide an overview of the needs analysis of the school. It is also possible to have a rigid monitoring of monthly result of students’ mean percentage score (MPS) in their chapter test to be posted using graphical representation to easily identify the competencies that needs enough attention in classroom instruction. Is there a significant difference in the school climate conditions as perceived by pupils respondents in terms of: 6. appropriate programs and thrusts may be formulated and provided with appropriate budget for the improvement of the students’ performance. The findings of this study will benefit the following: Superintendent. They may be guided from the level of assistance the school and the principal may need and may help them to work cooperatively in order for them to attain success in the national achievement test. Teachers. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Findings of this study provided vital information regarding the factors affecting the pupils’ performance in the National Achievement Test (NAT) in terms of students’ profile and school climate condition. Principal. the teacher and . By means of carefully recorded grades of the student. School climate condition assessment may use as data inputs on the reality check matters of school academic performance.6.1 school facilities 6. the principal can help and assist teachers in uplifting the performance of the students. The result of this study may also serve as framework for various programs and strategies to be employed on the school improvement planning.3 physical environments? IV.2 instructional focus 6. With this. Future researchers. A favorable school climate condition may serve as pupils’ motivation in improving their academic performance. Pupils. RESEARCH DESIGN  Methodology The researcher will use the descriptive-correlation method of research that seeks the relationships which exist between different factors of pupils’ performance in the national achievement test in Caima Elementary School. The study may propel them to go into related area or they may study further school academic achievement for other perspective. This may also provide data bases for further innovation of this research study. not mastered and needs mastery. The improvement of school climate condition will be beneficial for the pupils. The motivating factors that will start from the initiative of the school principal may help the pupils to be more enthusiastic in learning process.principal can work collaboratively to identify the competencies the students had mastered. V. SCOPE OF THE STUDY The result of this study will be limited on the perception of 25 pupils’ respondents of Caima Elementary School VI. The researcher will apply also the comparative method of research that aims to make comparisons among different variables . This study will help to encourage future researchers to conduct the most vital part of the school progress in terms of academic. teachers can be guided to the lesson that he needs to give more emphasis for students. Gather Recommendation and feedback 4. Evaluate research the Action school climate conditions such as physical facilities. Orientation of Teachers 3rd week of Proponent November Teachers Parents. instructional focus and physical environment. Submission Research Write-Ups of Oriented parents about the action research Make summary analysis results a and of Make a summary and analysis of results Make a summary and analysis of results For Approval of the Action Research . School Memo Bond paper Source of Fund:Persona l Attendance sheets Coordinated with the school head Print out the action research proposal PRE-IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 1. VII.Conduct the Post-test 2. Preparation of an Action Research 1st week of Proponent November 3. Consultation to School Head November 2015 2.Conduct the Pre-test 4th week of Proponent Get the MPS November Grade VI pupils 4th week of Grade VI Source of November pupils Fund:Persona l Get the MPS 1st week of Proponent December Grade VI pupils 2nd week of Proponent December Source of Fund:Persona l Source of Fund:Persona l Get the MPS January 2016 Proponent Action Research proposal Action February – Proponent March 2016 Action research 2. WORK AND FINANCIAL PLAN ACTIVITIES TIME FRAME PERSONS INVOLVED RESOURCE REQUIREME NTS SOURCE OF FUND MEANS OF VERIFICATIO N Proponent School Head Conference Notebook. pupils IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 1. The Pupils will answer the questionnaire POST-IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 1. MARCO Assitant Schools Division Superintendent . BAYLON Public Schools District Recommending Approval: EMILY B.RAMIL C. REZARIN Proponent Noted: LEONCIA C. ESMABE Area Supervisor Approved: MARILYN V. MANGARIN School Head Supervisor ALICE A.
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