Action Plan Mathematics 2016-2017

May 22, 2018 | Author: Jana Kayla de Guzman | Category: Teachers, Mathematics, Physics & Mathematics, Literacy, Sharing



Republic of the PhilippinesGNHS- DOMOIT ANNEX Department of City Lucena Education Region IV-A- (CALABARZON) Division of Lucena City Gulang Gulang National High School Action ACTION PLAN Plan 2017-2018 Area Objectives Activities Time Persons Involved Funding Success Indicator Frame Requirements Identify the level of Conduct a Numeracy June All students, Math none Determined the number understanding in Test -August Teachers and School of numerate students in STUDENTS’ DEVELOPMENT mathematics Heads Grade 7 MTAP Program To help the students September- Math Teacher and the MTAP materials Known the students who develop their critical October students and handouts perform in Mathematics thinking and mathematical Class Discussion ability Selected Students Develop student’s skills Mathematics Class September- from different Level, Books, Handouts The students learned the and critical think through Literacy Program March Math Teachers and ,Pamphlets, process on how to solve problem Solving School Heads and the right manner in solving Math Problems. To help the students Mathematics Month September All students, Math The students can create develop their talents and Camp Teacher, School Head a piece of an arts in skills through making Math and parents of the Mathematics. Jingle and art works. stduents To enhance the knowledge Enroll in the Masteral Year Round MathematicsTeachers Salary/ Income Proficient and well- and skills on the subject Program / Graduate and the School Heads rounded Teachers in and increase the Studies Mathematics DEVELOPMENT Proficiency level of the TEACHERS teacher. Handouts. Mathematics All Math Teachers Simplify the subject so that Provision of handouts. Math Teachers Acquired needed Tackle the problem that information which will may arise to the be used in teaching Department. and Learning Guide learned the topic well. Localization of observe can use in activity. All Math Teachers The learners learned Develop the student’s Demonstration of the Year Round and the School Heads Books. Handouts 100 % of the students the students learn well. pamphlets. organizations Mathematics. Year Round and the School Heads Books. Coordinator. Mathematics To make all teachers aware Actual Community Year Round Teachers and the Department Head/ Pleasant Community on the importance of Service to be done 1 School Heads Math School which is conducive to community services Saturday of each month. through various activities. those available materials resourcefulness. Teachers All Math Teachers TEACHERS’ DEVELOPMENT Inform the Math teachers Mathematics Department Weekly and the School Heads Department Head/ 100% attendance of all about the new trends in Meetings Math School concerned. campuses and strategies in teaching teaching the subject. Math learning. workshop October Teachers and the Resource Speakers Application of the new competencies of the with the coordination of School Heads from other techniques and Mathematics Teachers in other campuses. materials around the community . teaching Mathematics Coordinator. Mathematics Enhance the skills and Trainings. Math Teacher and the MTAP materials Known the students who develop their critical PROGRAM October students and handouts perform in Mathematics thinking and mathematical Class Discussion ability Mathematics To develop community BARANGAY CLEAN. Prepared: Noted: ROBERT A. other people their concerned with the Every Barangay Captain responsibility to the cleanliness of the place. Saturday and the People community where they concerned. To help the students MTAP 6. Students Cleaning Materials Developed students and with the people living UP DRIVE and other personnel. belong. Year Round Teachers. Develop the students awareness to the importance of maintaining Cleanliness inside and outside the School. DIAZ LOWELL B. To develop the students awareness living in the barangay the importance of Cleanliness in one place. BUSA MATHEMATICS Coordinator SCHOOL HEAD . All Math Teachers To make the area PROJECT MATH Year Round and the School Heads Books. the program.SATURDAY September . Handouts Well-presented area for conducive in learning the GARDEN and Pamphlets the implementation of PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS subject. Math Teacher and the MTAP materials Known the students who develop their critical October students and handouts perform in Mathematics thinking and mathematical Class Discussion ability Selected Students Develop student’s skills Mathematics Class September. Jingle and art works. School Head a piece of an arts in skills through making Math and parents of the Mathematics. To help the students Mathematics Month September All students. Math The students can create develop their talents and Camp Teacher. stduents . process on how to solve problem Solving School Heads and the right manner in solving Math Problems.DOMOIT ANNEX Lucena City ACTION PLAN 2017-2018 Area Objectives Activities Time Persons Involved Funding Success Indicator Frame Requirements Identify the level of Conduct a Numeracy June All students. from different Level. Handouts The students learned the and critical think through Literacy Program March Math Teachers and . Math none Determined the number understanding in Test -August Teachers and School of numerate students in STUDENTS’ DEVELOPMENT mathematics Heads Grade 7 MTAP Program To help the students September. GNHS. Books.Pamphlets. Localization of observe can use in activity. pamphlets. Handouts 100 % of the students the students learn well. Teachers All Math Teachers Inform the Math teachers Mathematics Department Weekly and the School Heads Department Head/ 100% attendance of all about the new trends in Meetings Math School concerned. To enhance the knowledge Enroll in the Masteral Year Round MathematicsTeachers Salary/ Income Proficient and well- and skills on the subject Program / Graduate and the School Heads rounded Teachers in DEVELOPMENT and increase the Studies Mathematics Proficiency level of the teacher. campuses and strategies in teaching teaching the subject. Mathematics To make all teachers aware Actual Community Year Round Teachers and the Department Head/ Pleasant Community on the importance of Service to be done 1 School Heads Math School which is conducive to community services Saturday of each month. Coordinator. teaching Mathematics Coordinator. Year Round and the School Heads Books. Handouts. Mathematics All Math Teachers Simplify the subject so that Provision of handouts. materials around the . All Math Teachers The learners learned Develop the student’s Demonstration of the Year Round and the School Heads Books. Math learning. and Learning Guide learned the topic well. through various activities. organizations Mathematics. workshop October Teachers and the Resource Speakers Application of the new competencies of the with the coordination of School Heads from other techniques and Mathematics Teachers in other campuses. those available materials resourcefulness. Math Teachers Acquired needed DEVELOPMENT Tackle the problem that information which will TEACHERS’ may arise to the be used in teaching Department. TEACHERS Mathematics Enhance the skills and Trainings. Saturday and the People community where they concerned. Year Round Teachers. To develop the students awareness living in the barangay the importance of Cleanliness in one place. To help the students MTAP 6. Develop the students awareness to the importance of maintaining Cleanliness inside and outside the School. Students Cleaning Materials Developed students and with the people living UP DRIVE and other personnel. the program.SATURDAY September . Math Teacher and the MTAP materials Known the students who develop their critical PROGRAM October students and handouts perform in Mathematics thinking and mathematical Class Discussion ability Mathematics To develop community BARANGAY CLEAN. Prepared: Noted: ROBERT A. BUSA SCIENCE Coordinator SCHOOL HEAD . Handouts Well-presented area for conducive in learning the GARDEN and Pamphlets the implementation of PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS subject. DIAZ LOWELL B. other people their concerned with the Every Barangay Captain responsibility to the cleanliness of the place. belong. community All Math Teachers To make the area PROJECT MATH Year Round and the School Heads Books.
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