Aconis 2000 Pms

March 26, 2018 | Author: Milton | Category: Relay, Switch, Input/Output, Parameter (Computer Programming), Electric Generator



ACONIS-2000® Power Management SystemUser’s Manual ® ACONIS-2000 PMS User’s Manual Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R3 1 / 25 ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS This is a list of special terms and abbreviations used in this document. Abbreviations PMS ACONIS-2000® Power Management System GCE Generator Control Equipment GDP Generator Display Panel BT Bus Tie GE Generator Engine Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R3 2 / 25 ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual ABOUT THIS MANUAL This manual describes the functions, the operation and the connections of the ACONIS-2000® Power Management System. The description is based on the requirements of shipyard. Revision History: 2004. 05. 20: 1st Preliminary release 2005. 02. 25: 2nd Preliminary release 2006. 01. 20: 3rd Preliminary release Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R3 3 / 25 ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual CONTENTS 1. 2. ACONIS-2000® PMS General Description .................................................................................................5 1.1 ST/BY Start & Alarm (Manual & Auto) .............................................................................................7 1.2 GDP (Generator Display Panel) .......................................................................................................9 1.3 GCE (Generator Control Equipment) .............................................................................................10 1.4 ACONIS-2000® PMS General Specification..................................................................................12 1.5 ACONIS-2000® PMS I/O Signals ..................................................................................................13 ACONIS-2000® PMS Functions...............................................................................................................14 2.1 Function in Manual Mode ...............................................................................................................14 2.2 Function of in Automatic Mode.......................................................................................................14 2.3 2.4 3. 2.2.1 Auto mode Start by pressing the push button on GDP .......................................................14 2.2.2 Auto mode Stop by pressing the push button on GDP .......................................................14 2.2.3 Load dependant automatic start..........................................................................................15 2.2.4 Synchronizing ......................................................................................................................15 2.2.5 Load Sharing / Frequency control .......................................................................................15 2.2.6 Heavy consumer automatic start.........................................................................................15 2.2.7 Black-out recovery and bus abnormal.................................................................................16 Function of ACONIS-2000® PMS ...................................................................................................17 2.3.1 Reverse power trip ..............................................................................................................17 2.3.2 Over current trip...................................................................................................................17 2.3.3 Low / High voltage / frequency alarming .............................................................................17 2.3.4 Preferential trip 1 & 2...........................................................................................................17 Function of the Alarm output ..........................................................................................................18 ACONIS-2000® PMS Operation with GDP ..............................................................................................19 3.1 GDP Two Display section...............................................................................................................19 3.1.1 Power...................................................................................................................................19 3.1.2 Frequency............................................................................................................................19 3.1.3 Voltage.................................................................................................................................19 3.1.4 Ampere ................................................................................................................................19 3.2 GDP Sequence Status LED indicators section ..............................................................................19 3.3 GDP Panel Status LED indicators..................................................................................................20 3.4 GDP Alarm & Status LED indicators section..................................................................................20 3.5 GDP Mode KEY Operation.............................................................................................................21 3.6 GDP Normal Mode KEY Operation ................................................................................................22 3.7 GDP Parameter Setup Mode KEY Operation ................................................................................23 3.8 GDP Custom Mode KEY Operation ...............................................................................................24 3.9 GDP Test Mode KEY Operation.....................................................................................................25 Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R3 4 / 25 ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual 1. General Description This manual describes PMS applications with 3 diesel generator sets. (Max 5sets) PMS for each generator is installed inside main switchboard. The PMS is advanced system for full automation of the power plant: including generator control, power management, generator protection and engine safety system. z The followings are assumed: Each diesel generator is equipped with a local control panel with local / remote switch. In local mode, the diesel generator is controlled at local. In remote mode, the diesel generator is controlled by the switchboard. z The switchboard is equipped with a manual / auto switch. “Manual” or “Auto” control mode is only selected by each select switch installed on the GDP in each generator panel. In manual mode, PMS is not controlled by push buttons. In auto mode, the diesel generator is controlled by the PMS program and the push buttons on the GDP can be used as well. Each generator set is equipped with its own independent and autonomous PMS, which is built-up in a module way. This ensures the highest degree of reliability and availability. The PMS is built-up with two modules for each generator set: z GDP (Generator Display Panel) : installed flush panel at each generator section of switchboard. z GCE (Generator Control Equipment) : installed inside of each generator panel. Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R3 5 / 25 reverse power. very low / High Frequency and very Low / High Voltage O O X Monitoring and alarming of Low / High Frequency and Low / High Voltage and overload O O X Load sharing O X X Frequency control O X X Preference Tripping 1 and 2 O X X Heavy consumer start and accept O X X Description Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual 1. short circuit. No : R3 6 / 25 .1 Summarized table of operation and mode The various operation and protection modes can be summarized as follows: PMS Auto mode Manual mode Local mode Auto start. Synchronize and ACB close via MSB X O X Local panel start X X O Synchronize and ACB close 1st Stand-By start O X X Stand-by start and ACB close at Black-Out O X X ACB open and stop via push buttons on GDP O X X Manual ACB open and stop via MSB X O X Local panel stop O O O Load dependant auto start / stop O X X ACB trip. Synchronize and ACB close via push buttons on GDP O X X Manual start. 2 Stand-by Start & Alarm (Manual & Auto) Manual Auto Item Alarm Trip Stand-by Alarm Alarm Trip Stand-by Alarm O X X O O O O O X O O O ACB Non Close X X X O X O Start Fail X X X O X O Over Current Trip O O(ACB) X O O(ACB) O Short Circuit O O(ACB) X O O(ACB) X Reverse Power Trip O O X O O O Engine Shut Down O O X O O O Heavy Load X X X X X X Heavy Consumer Block X X X X X X BUS Abnormal (High / Low Voltage. 7 / 25 . No : R3 Automatic start logic is designed for operating with an above condition. z Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. Frequency) Low Frequency Over Current PT Trip Over Load ACB Abnormal Trip “BUS abnormal” recovery process is controlled in “AUTO” mode. even the running generator is set as “MANUAL” mode.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual 1. z This is because idle running GE can close ACB faster. z The close condition of idle running GE is as following. Control Mode = Auto control Local / Remote = Remote GE status = No GE alarm Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R3 8 / 25 .ACONIS-2000® Power Management System z User’s Manual Among upside conditions it is designed for operating the ACB close first for the idle running GE when idle running GE and 1st standby selected GE exist at the same time. Including connection serial cable (L=2m) to GCE. Fail / P. Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.3 Generator Display Panel (GDP) The GDP unit (which is flush panel mounted in each generator section) has the layout according the drawing below. In addition. The GDP is identical for all generators and no specific hardware setting is required. Fail / H. Note that in the drawing you can find the function of the two 4 digit digital display.LOAD / L. Generator Display Panel Operator Panel includes 8 push buttons and two 4 digit numeric display that indicates Power. function of the push buttons and function of the LED status indicators. Note that the PMS configuration (parameter setting) is done via this panel by switching the mode switch to push and enter the password. Figure1. (upper side 4 digit) Voltage and Frequency (lower side 4 digit).LOAD) indicate Operator Panel status.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual 1. 22 LED indicator status and alarm condition conditions and 4LED (S. No : R3 9 / 25 . Current. engine and breaker are directly connected to GCE. I/O signals from Bus Bar.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual 1. 2: Generator #3 No.4 Generator Control Equipment (GCE) The GCE (are mounted in each generator panel with 6 x M5 screws): The following hardware setting is needed: The bottom side of the GCE contains the rotary encoder switch which needed to be set as follows: Figure2. Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R3 10 / 25 . 3: Generator #4 The GCE of each generator is connected to the GCE of the other generators via a redundant Field-bus connection. Generator Control ID No. 1: Generator #2 No. The Field-bus is based upon the ARC-net bus standard. 0: Generator #1 No. generator. No : R3 11 / 25 . GCE and GCMI-CPU Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual Figure3. Contact closes upon alarm and upon power failure. No : R3 12 / 25 . Digital output for alarm and power / system fail Relay normally energized isolated relay output contact for each channel. C Environmental According classification rules Weight: 7Kg (GDP: Protection degree GDP : IP52 / GCE : IP . Note that when a normally closed output terminal is required a jumper has to be set to other position.GCE: ) Digital inputs Field bus interface Main and back-up field bus based upon Arc-Net bus interfaces to other PMS systems field bus cable: twisted and shielded Digital outputs Relay normally de-energized 24VDC to 230VAC isolated relay output contact for each channel.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual 1. Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.5 General Specification Parameter Description Control power supply 24VDC Burden kW (ex. 800kW) Control Processor Intel X-scale PXA-255 Clock speed 200 MHz Program memory read only 512Kb Program memory SDRAM 32MB Program memory read / write 32MB Non-volatile read/write memory 4Kb Watchdog and power fail logic Yes Operating temperature 0 – 70 Deg. Engine is in remote (MSB) operation.T Engine Start Digital output Engine Stop Digital output Engine Ready to start Digital input Engine Shut Down Digital input Engine remote control Digital input ACB Overload / Short Circuit Digital input 1st Standby Digital input Speed increase Digital Output Speed decrease Digital Output ACB Open Digital Output ACB Close Digital Output ACB Status Digital input Preferential Trip Output 1 / 2 Digital Output Man Bus Tie closed Digital Input PMS Common Alarm Digital Output Description 440VAC 440VAC 5A Maximum.S. When closed. When closed the ACB is closed when open than the ACB is open. Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.6 Input / Output Signals Parameter Main Bus Voltage Generator Voltage Generator Current I/O Type AC Input / 3 phase R. Normally Open contact.T AC Input / 3 phase R. No : R3 13 / 25 . Output activated when engine start required Normally Open contact. Output activated when open circuit breaker required Normally Open contact.S. when closed the generator is selected 1st Standby. Output activated when increase of engine speed required Normally Open contact. Normally Closed contact. Output activated when close circuit breaker required Normally Open contact. Output activated when decrease of engine speed required Normally Open contact.T AC Input / 3 phase R. Output activated when Non Preferential consumer 1 / 2 should be switched off. Remarks Digital input / output can be changed according to project.S. Output activated when open PMS alarm required. Normally Open contact. When closed the BT is closed and when open the Bus Tie is open. the engine has shut down. Normally Open contact When closed. via Current transformers Normally Open contact.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual 1. Normally Open contact. Output activated when engine stop required Normally Open contact When activated. Normally Open contact. Normally Open contact When closed the ACB has tripped due to overload or short circuit Normally Open contact Digital input from Standby Selection switch. Engine is ready to start. the following functions are executed: Check if the other running generators can take over the load. 2.2. 2.2. The status of the ACB is displayed on the GDP by lighting the LED “ACB CLOSED” or “ACB OPEN” When synchronization is fail. the “Auto” indicating LED on GDP will be illuminated.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual 2. The following section assumes that the diesel generators are set to remote (MSB) mode.2 Auto mode Stop by pressing the push button on GDP When pressing the “STOP” push button in Automatic mode. PMS Functions Each generator is equipped with its own and autonomous PMS generator control and power management system.1 Function in Manual Mode Only generator status or alarm is indicated. During the start sequence the “START” push button will be illuminated “ENGINE STARTING” LED on the GDP. The automatic or manual mode can be selected from the MSB. The operator will notify this because the “ENGINE STOPPING” LED will not be illuminated. No : R3 14 / 25 . When PMS in manual mode. “ENGINE STARTING” LED is off and “RUN” LED is on (steady). when this is not possible (over 80%).1 Auto mode Start by pressing the push button on GDP When pressing the “Start” push button. When PMS in Auto mode. the following functions are executed: Synchronization and close ACB to main Bus Bar. this is indicated on the GDP by lighting the LED “ACB NON CLOSE / SYNC. the “Manual” indicating LED on GDP will be illuminated. the stop sequence will be aborted. PMS system executes automatic control functions and can be operated from the GDP. Start. FAIL” 2. Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.2 Function of in Automatic Mode 2. PMS can be operated in automatic mode and manual mode. Stop push button on GDP cannot be used. And “RUN” LED is flashing When the diesel engine is running. generator load).2. Parameters can be set for fine-tuning this function.2. a start request is generated to the 1st standby generator. 2.5 Load Sharing / Frequency control Based on input data (net frequency. As soon as this generator is on line and load shared (within a pre-set percentage). 2.4 Synchronizing PMS checks that the voltage and frequency deviation between generator and net is acceptable. when more than one generator are connected to the net. which is proportionally generator frequency. Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. a synchronizing fail alarm will be given. if there is an automatic start situation.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual z Order unload of the generator (ENGINE STOPPING LED is flashing) z Open circuit breaker (ENGINE STOPPING LED is flashing) z Idle running (ENGINE STOPPING LED is flashing) z Engine Stop (ENGINE STOPPING LED is on (steady)) 2.2. and finally gives the breaker a close signal when phase is equal on generator and net. By giving increase and decrease pulses to the governor motor. The 1st Standby generator can be selected via a selection switch in the switchboard. The diesel engine will stop and. a start request is issued to the 1st standby generator. If synchronizing is exceeds 60 second. the system is checks if the available power is sufficient for the consumer to start up. The preset values and times are listed in the parameter-list and changeable by means of adapting the parameters via the set-up on the GDP. another diesel will be started. When a generator is selected 1st Standby or 2nd Standby this is indicated by lighting a LED on the GDP.3 Load dependant automatic start When a preset value of load in percentage is reached and available for a preset time. perform load between the generators.2. If the available power is insufficient. PMS keeps a steady net frequency and will also. No : R3 15 / 25 . 2. PMS controls the speed on the auxiliary engines. the consumer start is granted.6 Heavy consumer automatic start When a heavy consumer request is detected by the system. working ACB trips and than 1st Standby ACB closed. bus abnormal is occurred again. When Blackout is detected.2. All outgoing breakers on the blackout BUS BAR section will be opened by the A PMS system. the PMS will start to 1st standby generator and a close breaker signal.7 User’s Manual Black-out recovery and bus abnormal Black out is a situation defined as no voltage and no frequency is measured on the BUS BAR section and all generator circuit breakers are open. After standby generator is running. after standby generator is idle running for 30sec. Within the above 30sec.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System 2. standby generator is stopping. and after running. Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. if bus abnormal is recovery. No : R3 16 / 25 . if bus status is still abnormal. When BUS abnormal than 1st Standby generator starts. working ACB trips and than standby ACB closes. 3. The preferential tripping will be indicated on the GDP by lighting the LED “Preferential Trip 1 and 2” The load and time can be set via parameters. “BUSBAR VOLTAGE LOW” / “BUSBAR VOLTAGE HIGH” / “BUSBAR FREQUENCY HIGH” or “BUSBAR FREQUNECY LOW” 2.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System 2.3. The preset values and times are listed in the parameter-list and changeable by means of adapting the parameters via the set-up on the GDP.3 Low / High voltage / frequency alarming An alarm takes place in case the measured values have exceeded the pre-configured limit for a certain time. No : R3 17 / 25 . Group 2: generator load at certain load for certain time (e.1 Reverse power trip A reverse power trip takes place in case the measured reverse power has exceeded the pre-configured limit for a certain time.3.2 Over current trip An over current / short circuit trip takes place in case the measured current has exceeded the pre-configured limit for a certain time. 100% for 5 seconds). The preset values and times are listed in the parameter-list and changeable by means of adapting the parameters via the set-up on the GDP. The preset values and times are listed in the parameter-list and changeable by means of adapting the parameters via the set-up on the GDP.3 User’s Manual Function of PMS 2. 100% for 10 seconds). The over current trip will be indicated on the GDP by lighting the LED “OVER CURRENT /SHOPRT CIR. Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. Restoration of the tripped consumers is not controlled by the PMS system.g.4 Preferential trip 1 & 2 Each PMS has two non-essential groups which can be tripped in case of: Group 1: generator load at certain load for certain time (e.TRIP” 2. The reverse power trip will be indicated on the GDP by lighting the LED “REVERSE POWER TRIP” 2. The alarms will be indicated on the GDP by blinking the LED.g.3. FAIL (System Fail Power Fail or Communication Fail or I/O Fail) z P. FAIL (Generator Display Panel Fail) When the above alarm occurred. When this alarm occurs on the AMS. The Alarm output will be de-energized fewer than one of the following conditions: z STANDBY START z START FAILURE z STOP FAILURE z ACB NON CLOSE / SYNC FAIL z ENGINE SHUT DOWN z REVERSE POWER z ACB ANORMAL TRIP z OVER CURRENT / SHORT CIR. each LED is off.4 User’s Manual Function of the Alarm output The PMS S is equipped with an Alarm Output relay (normally energized). This output will be de-energized in case of any alarm and/or trip condition.TRIP z PREFERENTIAL TRIP 1 z PREFERENTIAL TRIP 2 z BUSBAR VOLTAGE LOW z BUSBAR VOLTAGE HIGH z BUSBAR FREQUENCY LOW z BUSBAR FREQUENCY HIGH z S. if each alarm status is continuous detected. each LED is on (steady). Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System 2. This output is typically connected to an Alarm and Monitoring System to indicate a failure of the power plant. each LED is flashing. If each alarm is cleared. the watchman should go to the PMS and look on the GDP to see the cause of the alarm. When pressing the “ACK” push button on GDP. No : R3 18 / 25 . 1 Power .4 Ampere . .Off: Indication on the display is not the Ampere . 3. .1. the LED’s will turn on the “kW-V”.3 Voltage .On: Indication on the display is the Frequency [Hz] 3. “AV”.On: Indication on the display is the Voltage [V] 3.1.2 Frequency .ACONIS-2000® Power Management System User’s Manual 3.1 GDP Two Display section 3.1.Off: Indication on the display is not the Voltage. No : R3 19 / 25 .On: Indication on the display is the Ampere [A] When you press the ‘ENTER’ button.2 GDP Sequence Status LED indicators section On the display unit you will find 5 indicate: z READY z ACB OPEN z RUN z ACB CLOSED z ALARM Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.1.Off: Indication on the display is not the Frequency. “kW-Hz”.On: Indication on the display is the Power [kW] 3. PMS Operation with GDP GDP can be divided in the following parts: z Two Display (Gauge function) z Sequence status LED indicators z Alarm/status LED indicators z Configuration (set-up) mode 3. “A-Hz” indication on the GDP display.Off: Indication on the display is not the Power. . FAIL (System Fail: Power Fail or Communication Fail or I/O Fail) z P. FAIL (Generator Display Panel Fail) Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.3 User’s Manual GDP Panel Status LED indicators z S.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System 3. No : R3 20 / 25 . FAIL (Generator Display Panel Fail) z HEAVY LOAD z LIGHT LOAD 3. FAIL (System Fail: Power Fail or Communication Fail or I/O Fail) z P.4 GDP Alarm & Status LED indicators section z MANUAL CONTROL z AUTO CONTROL z LOCAL / CONTROL BLOCKED z 1ST STANDBY z 2ST STANDBY z ENGINE STARTING z ENGINE STOPPING z SYNCHRONIZING z STANDBY START z START FAILURE z STOP FAILURE z ACB NON CLOSE / SYNC FAIL z ENGINE SHUT DOWN z REVERSE POWER z ACB ABNORMAL TRIP z OVER CURRENT / SHORT CIRCUIT z PREFERENTIAL TRIP 1 z PREFERENTIAL TRIP 2 z BUSBAR VOLTAGE LOW z BUSBAR VOLTAGE HIGH z BUSBAR FREQUENCY LOW z BUSBAR FREQUENCY HIGH z S. No : R3 21 / 25 .5 User’s Manual GDP Mode KEY Operation Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System 3. 6 User’s Manual GDP Normal Mode KEY Operation Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R3 22 / 25 .ACONIS-2000® Power Management System 3. 7 User’s Manual GDP Parameter Setup Mode KEY Operation Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R3 23 / 25 .ACONIS-2000® Power Management System 3. 8 User’s Manual GDP Custom Mode KEY Operation Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System 3. No : R3 24 / 25 . ACONIS-2000® Power Management System 3. No : R3 25 / 25 .9 User’s Manual GDP Test Mode KEY Operation Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R2_1 1/9 .ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Parameter List ® ACONIS-2000 PMS Parameter List ACONIS2000 PMS Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. 5 1.2 P017 Frequency Prop Band Hz 2 2 2 P018 Active Load Dead Band kW 25 25 25 P019 Active Load Prop Band % 50 50 50 P020 Cycle Time sec 3 3 3 P021 Min Pulse Time sec 0.2 0. No : R2_1 Fixed 1 Item 60~600 sec 5% Not used 2/9 . ACONIS2000 PMS Parameters Category P.2 P013 Delta Voltage V 22.5 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 1.5 22.5 P022 Max Pulse Time sec 1. No Description Unit DG1 DG2 DG3 P001 Bus Bar Nominal Voltage V 450 450 450 P002 Bus Bar Nominal Frequency Hz 60 60 60 P003 G/E Nominal Power kW 750 750 750 P004 G/E Nominal Current A 1323 1323 1323 P005 Start Command Pulse Width sec 15 15 15 P006 Control Try (Attempts) Num 1 1 1 P007 Max Unloading Time sec 60 60 60 P008 CB Open at Load % 10 10 10 P009 Idle Running Time sec 180 180 180 P010 Stop Command Pulse Width sec 10 10 10 P011 Synchronize Time sec 60 60 60 P012 Delta Frequency Hz 0.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Parameter List 1.5 P023 Load High Limit step 1 % 90 90 90 P024 Load High Delay step 1 sec 15 15 15 P025 Current High Limit step 1 % 190 190 190 P026 Current High Limit step 1 sec -1 -1 -1 Remarks Bus Bar setting Generator setting Start Control setting Stop Control setting Synchronize Control setting Auto Governor Control setting Heavy Load demand Auto Starting ACONIS2000 PMS Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.2 0.5 22.5 P014 CB Make Time msec 100 100 100 P015 Min Pulse Time msec 600 600 600 P016 Frequency Dead Band Hz 0. No : R2_1 105% 3/9 .5 58.5 427.5 P052 High Voltage Delay sec 5 5 5 Remarks Not used Not used 60 ~ 600sec 95% Bus Abnormal ACONIS2000 PMS Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.5 P048 Frequency Low Limit group 2 sec 5 5 5 P049 Low Voltage Limit V 427.5 472.5 472.5 58.5 427.5 58.5 P050 Low Voltage Delay sec 5 5 5 P051 High Voltage Limit V 472.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Category Heavy Load demand Auto Starting Light Load demand Auto Stopping Load Demand Preferential Trip Group P.5 58. No Description Parameter List Unit DG1 DG2 DG3 P027 Load High Limit step 2 % 95 95 95 P028 Load High Delay step 2 sec 10 10 10 P029 Current High Limit step 2 % 195 195 195 P030 Current High Limit step 2 sec -1 -1 -1 P031 Load High Limit step 3 % 100 100 100 P032 Load High Delay step 3 sec 3 3 3 P033 Current High Limit step 3 % 200 200 200 P034 Current High Limit step 3 sec -1 -1 -1 P035 Max allowed Load after Low Load Stop % 70 70 70 P036 Low Load stop delay sec 180 180 180 P037 Load High Limit group 1 % 100 100 100 P038 Load High Delay group 1 sec 5 5 5 P039 Current High Limit group 1 % 100 100 100 P040 Current High Limit group 1 sec 10 10 10 P041 Frequency Low Limit group 1 Hz 58.5 P042 Frequency Low Limit group 1 sec 5 5 5 P043 Load High Limit group 2 % 100 100 100 P044 Load High Delay group 2 sec 10 10 10 P045 Current High Limit group 2 % 100 100 100 P046 Current High Limit group 2 sec 15 15 15 P047 Frequency Low Limit group 2 Hz 58. #1 DO Function Code - 1 1 1 P070 Aux. #1 DO Function Parameter #1 - 330 99 90 P071 Aux. #2 DO Function Code - 1 1 1 P074 Aux. #1 DO Function Parameter #2 - 1 1 1 P072 Aux. #2 DO Function Parameter #1 - 99 99 150 P075 Aux. DO Control setting Aux #2. #2 DO Function Parameter #3 - 0 0 0 P077 Aux.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Category P. #3 DO Function Parameter #1 - 90 50 50 P079 Aux. DO Control setting Aux #3. No Description Parameter List Unit DG1 DG2 DG3 Remarks 95% P053 Low Frequency Limit Hz 57 57 57 P054 Low Frequency Delay sec 5 5 5 P055 High Frequency Limit Hz 63 63 63 P056 High Frequency Delay sec 5 5 5 P057 Low Low Voltage Limit V 315 315 315 P058 Low Low Voltage Delay sec 1 1 1 P059 High High Voltage Limit V 585 585 585 P060 High High Voltage Delay sec 5 5 5 P061 Low Low Frequency Limit Hz 54 54 54 P062 Low Low Frequency Delay sec 10 10 10 P063 High High Frequency Limit Hz 66 66 66 P064 High High Frequency Delay sec 3 3 3 P065 Current High Limit % 150 150 150 P066 Current High Delay sec 30 30 30 P067 Reverse Power Limit % -10 -10 -10 P068 Reverse Power Delay sec 5 5 5 P069 Aux. No : R2_1 105% 70% 130% 90% 110% see AXO Table see AXO Table see AXO Table 4/9 . #3 DO Function Code - 1 1 1 P078 Aux. #1 DO Function Parameter #3 - 0 0 0 P073 Aux. #2 DO Function Parameter #2 - 1 1 1 P076 Aux. DO Control setting ACONIS2000 PMS Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. #3 DO Function Parameter #3 - 0 0 0 Bus Abnormal DG Protection Setting (ACB Trip) Aux #1. #3 DO Function Parameter #2 - 1 1 1 P080 Aux. DG2. Voltage Meta Calibration Factor Num 1000 1000 1000 P108 XIC Configure Value Num 0 0 0 P109 XIC Reserved Num 10 10 10 (x 1000) Time Value x 100ms 5/9 . No Aux #1. #2 DI Function Code - 0 0 0 P083 Aux. Current Meta Calibration Factor Num 1000 1000 1000 P104 Gen. BT. No Description Unit DG1 DG2 DG3 P084 GE Running Voltage Build up Dead Band V 30 30 30 P085 GE Stable Running Delay Time sec 3 3 3 P086 GE Stop by user Load Shift % 85 85 85 P090 CT Ratio (ex 400 = 2000/5A) - 400 400 400 P091 GE Running Voltage > Nominal Voltage % 70 70 70 P092 GE Stopped Voltage < Nominal Voltage % 10 10 10 P093 Consumer Block accept Load Sharing % 10 10 10 P094 Consumer Block accept Signal off Delay sec 5 5 5 P095 Synchronize ACB Close Degree Offset Deg 0 0 0 P096 Synchronize ACB Close Dead Band Deg 8 8 8 P100 Number of GCE Num 3 3 3 P101 Index of Bus Tie Position Num 1 1 1 Remarks Fixed items 0=None / 1=DG1. No : R2_1 P102 Gen. DI P081 Aux #2. DG3 Meter Calibration Factor Extern System Communication Setup ACONIS2000 PMS Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. DI Aux #3. BT. #1 DI Function Code - 0 0 0 P082 Aux. DG2. Power Meta Calibration Factor Num 1000 1000 1000 P105 Bus. #3 DI Function Code - 0 0 0 Remarks See AXI Table System / Hardware Configuration Category Hardware setting Internal Control setting Heavy Consumer Block Setup Synchronize Setup System Configuration P.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System 1 Category P. Voltage Meta Calibration Factor Num 1000 1000 1000 P103 Gen. DI Description Parameter List Unit DG1 DG2 DG3 Aux. DG3 / 2=DG1. No : R2_1 P. No Custom Function Parameters P111 P112 Description Unit DG1 DG2 DG3 Light Load Cancel (0=No. 1=On) 0/1 1 1 1 Unit DG1 DG2 DG3 Remarks Reserved Parameters Category System Reserved Parameters ACONIS2000 PMS Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System 2 3 Parameter List User Custom Parameter Category P. No Description P120 Program Build Number in EEP Num 715 715 715 P121 Program Version Number in EEP Num 2300 2300 2300 P122 GCE Node ID Number in EEP Num 0 1 2 P123 Reserved for Operator Info (Password) Num 8005 8005 8005 Remarks Hull No 6/9 . 1=Yes) 0/1 0 0 0 GDP Buzzer Sounding (0=Off. 1 = Invert) Parameter #3 Delay Time (sec) ACB ABNORMAL / ENGINE SHUT DOWN / OCR / SHORT CIRCUIT / REVERSE POWER TRIP ACONIS2000 PMS Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. 00 : PMS Ready 15 : Stop Failure 01 : CB Open 16 : CB Non Closed / Synchro Fail 02 : GE Run 17 : GE Shut Down 03 : CB Closed 18 : Reverse Power Trip 04 : Alarm 19 : ACB Abnormal Trip 05 : Manual 20 : Over Current Trip 06 : Automatic 21 : Preferential Trip 1 07 : Local (Control blocked) 22 : Preferential Trip 2 st 23 : Bus Bar Voltage Low nd 09 : 2 Stand by 24 : Bus Bar Voltage High 10 : GE Starting 25 : Bus Bar Frequency Low 11 : GE Stopping 26 : Bus Bar Frequency High 12 : Synchronizing 27 : Heavy Load Condition 13 : Stand by GE Start 28 : Light Load Condition 14 : Start Failure 29 : Light Load Cancel 08 : 1 Stand by ACB Trip INFO Code = 03 Parameter #1 Unused Parameter #2 Invert Flag (0 = Non Invert. 1 = Invert) Parameter #3 Delay Time (sec) Remark Where. DO Function Disable Heavy Consumer Block PMS Status Output Code = 00 Code = 01 Code = 02 Parameter Value Parameter #1 Not Use Parameter #2 Not Use Parameter #3 Not Use Parameter #1 Request Minimum Power Parameter #2 Request Minimum Number of Parallel Running DG Parameter #3 Not Use Parameter #1 Status Code Number Parameter #2 Invert Flag (0 = Non Invert. No : R2_1 7/9 . Status Code (Parameter #1) as bellows.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System 4 Parameter List AXO Table Description Function Code Aux. No : R2_1 Function Code Code = 21 Code = 22 Code = 23 Code = 24 Code = 25 Code = 26 Code = 27 Code = 28 Parameter List Parameter Value Parameter #1 Total Available Power [%] Limit Parameter #2 0 = “<”. 1 = “>” Parameter #3 Delay Time (sec) Parameter #1 Total Available Power [kw] Limit Parameter #2 0 = “<”. 1 = “>” Parameter #3 Delay Time (sec) Parameter #1 Single DG Used Power [kw] Limit Parameter #2 0 = “<”. 1 = “>” Parameter #3 Delay Time (sec) Remark 8/9 . 1 = “>” Parameter #3 Delay Time (sec) Parameter #1 Single DG Available Power [%] Limit Parameter #2 0 = “<”. 1 = “>” Parameter #3 Delay Time (sec) Parameter #1 Total Used Power [kw] Limit Parameter #2 0 = “<”. 1 = “>” Parameter #3 Delay Time (sec) Parameter #1 Total Used Power [%] Limit Parameter #2 0 = “<”.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Description Total Available Power [%] Condition Total Available Power [kw] Condition Total Used Power [%] Condition Total Used Power [kw] Condition Single DG Available Power [%] Condition Single DG Available Power [kw] Condition Single DG Used Power [%] Condition Single DG Used Power [kw] Condition ACONIS2000 PMS Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. 1 = “>” Parameter #3 Delay Time (sec) Parameter #1 Single DG Available Power [kw] Limit Parameter #2 0 = “<”. 1 = “>” Parameter #3 Off Delay Parameter #1 Single DG Used Power [%] Limit Parameter #2 0 = “<”. No : R2_1 Parameter Value Remark Option 9/9 . 1 = “>” Parameter #3 Delay Time (sec) Parameter #1 Multiple 1&2 DG Used Power [kw] Limit Parameter #2 0 = “<”. 1 = “>” Parameter #3 Delay Time (sec) AXI Table Function Code Description Code = 00 Aux DI Function Disable Code = 01 Power Request Input of Heavy Consumer Block Code = 02 Light Load Auto-Stop Blocking Code = 03 Power Request Input and Auto Light Load Cancel ACONIS2000 PMS Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Description Multiple 1&2 DG Used Power [%] Condition Multiple 1&2 DG Used Power [kw] Condition 5 Function Code Code = 29 Code = 30 Parameter List Parameter Value Remark Parameter #1 Multiple 1&2 DG Used Power [%] Limit Parameter #2 0 = “<”. No : R2-1 1 / 19 .ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart ® ACONIS-2000 PMS Flow Chart Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. USED TO INDICATE LIGHTING OR FLASHING OF ALARM LAMP WHICH MAY OR MAY NOT BE ASSOCIATED WITH SOUNDING OF THE AUDIBLE ALARM. No : R2-1 * :INDICATES THE LAMP IS ALIGHT(STEADY). YL:YELLOW * : EXPLANATORY NOTE AFFIXED TO EACH SYMBOL INDICATES DEVICE AND LOCATION (IN PARENTHESIS) OF THE CONTROL ETC.N.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System 1 Flow Chart Flow Chart 1. AN IDENTIFYING LEGEND APPEARS IN THE BOX... AN IDENTIFYING LEGEND APPEARS IN THE BOX. RESEECTIVELY. CONNECTOR * ALARM USED TO INDICATE CONNECTION OF FLOWCHART TO OR FORM ELSE-WHERE WITH SAME NUMBER. F :INDICATES THE LAMP IS FLICKERING.. ANNOTATION USED FOR ADDITION OF DESCRIPTIVE COMMENTS OF EXPLANATORY NOTES. AN IDENTIFYING LEGEND APPEARS IN THE BOX. AND ENDING POINTS OF THE PROCESS STEPS. USE TO INDICATE INITIATING CONDITIONS. AN IDENTIFYING LEGEND APPEARS IN THE FLOW CHART. AN IDENTIFYING LEGEND APPEARS IN THE BOX. RL:RED. . THE OUTPUT IS PRESENT IF ALL INPUTS ARE PRESENT.. “AND”OPERATION INPUT OUTPUT “OR” OPERATION INPUT OUTPUT USED TO INDICATE “AND” OPERATIONS. FLOW LINE USED TO CONNECT EACH BOX AND SYMBOL IN A FLOWCHART.1 Flow Chart Symbol * NOTE : THESE SYMBOLS ARE SHOWN IN ACCORDANCE WITH JIS-C-6270 FLOWCHART SYMBOLS DESCRIPTION SYMBOL PROCESS USED TO INDICATE ANY FORM OF INTERNAL PROCESSING MANIPULATION OTHER THAN DECISIONS. AN IDENTIFYING LEGEND AND A SET VALUE OF VALUES APPEAR IN THE LEFTHAND AND RIGHTHAND COLUMNS OF THE BOX. STOPPING.. MANUAL OPERATION TERMINAL USED TO INDICATE POINTS IN A FLOWCHART WHERE HUMAN INTERVENTION IS REQUIRED. DECISION USED TO INDICATE DECISION-TYPE OPERATIONS THAT DETERMINE WHICH OF A NUMBER OF ALTERNATE PATHS IS TO BE FOLLOWED. * :LAMP COLOR. OTHERWISE THERE IS NO OUTPUT. PREPARATION USED TO INDICATE ANY PRESET CONDITION REQUIRED.. WL:WHITE. :INDICATES THE LAMP IS DARK. * : NUMBER 1. AN IDENTIFYING LEGEND APPEARS IN THE BOX. USED TO INDICATE THE STARTING. AN IDENTIFYING LEGEND APPEARS IN THE BOX. USED TO INDICATE “OR” OPERATIONS. 2. 2 / 19 . INDICATOR LAMP (*) Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. PREDEFINED PROCESS CAUSE USED TO INDICATE THE PREDEFINED COMMAND GROUP SUCH LIKE SUB-ROUTINE IN ANOTHER PROGRAM OR ORDERED PROCESS STEPS CONSIST OF SOME OPERATIONS. THE OUTPUT IS PRESENT IF ONE OR MORE INPUTS ARE PRESENT. MANUAL INPUT USED TO INPUT A SIGNAL PRODUCED BY MANUAL OPERATION. GL:GREEN. O PRIM. POSI “LOCAL” COS-L (M/S) (M/S) L. NOR CONT.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1. P/P RUN TURN BAR SET POSI ENG TRBL RESET REMOTE CONT AVAILABLE COS-P (MSB) OFF STANDBY SELECT COS-A (MSB) AUTO STANDBY SELECT (LOWEST NO.2 Remote control available and auto start available COS-P (M/S) (M/S) MODE SELECT “AUTO” STANDBY READY TO START READY CONT.) SET AUTO START AVAILABLE LOCAL CONTROL AVAILABLE ENG START COND.O PRIM. P/P RUN TURN BAR SET POSI ENG TRBL RESET (M/S) LOCAL CONT AVAILABLE Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R2-1 3 / 19 . POSI “REMOTE” LOCAL START POSS DISPLAY RL YL YL L. ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1.3 Manual start and ACB closure onto the Dead BUS REF TO PAGE: 3 REF TO PAGE: 3 LOCAL CONT AVAILABLE REMOTE CONT AVAILABLE STARTING RUN ENG STOPPED READY DISPLAY YL GL YL STANDBY SELECT “OFF” COS-A (MSB) ENG CONTROL “START ECS(M/S) ENG CONTROL “START ECS(MSB) ENG START COMMAND (MSB) OVERDUE 15sec (Para:005) ENG STARTED F (M/S) VOLTAGE ESTABLISHED (PMS) TO BE CHECKED VGEN≒VRAT BY VM (MSB) ACB CONTROL “CLOSE” BCS(MSB) ACB CLOSE COMMAND (MSB) ACB CLOSED (MSB) POWER SUPPLY Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R2-1 4 / 19 . ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1.4 Manual start and parallel running REF TO PAGE: 3 LOCAL CONT AVAILABLE REMOTE CONT AVALILABLE ENG CONTROL “START ECS(M/S) ENG CONTROL “START ECS(MSB) RUN REF TO PAGE: 3 STARTING ENG STOPPED READY DISPLAY YL GL YL ENG START COMMAND (MSB) ENG STARTED 1 (M/S) GOV CONTROL “RAISE/LOWER” GCS(MSB) MANU MODE SELECT COS-P (MSB) SYNCHRO “SET” SYS (MSB) VOLTAGE ESTABLISHED (PMS) TO BE CHECKED VGEN≒VRAT BY VM (MSB) AUTO AUTO LOAD SHARING COMMAND (PMS) AUTO LOAD SHARING (PMS) POWER SUPPLY F OVERDUE 15sec (Para:005) GOV CONTROL “RAISE/LOWER” GCS(MSB) SYNCHRONIZED ACB CONTROL “CLOSE” BCS(MSB) (MSB) ACB CLOSE COMMAND (MSB) ACB CLOSED (MSB) 1 Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R2-1 5 / 19 . 5 Manual Load shift and ACB disconnection RUN STOPPING POWER SUPPLY READY DISPLAY YL YL YL GOV CONTROL “RAISE/LOWER” GCS(MSB) LOAD SHIFT (MSB) ACB CONTROL “OPEN” BCS(MSB) F LOAD SHIFT FINISH (MSB) TO BE CHECKED BY KwM (MSB) ABOUT 10% (Para:008) ACB OPEN COMMAND (MSB) ENG CONTROL “STOP” ECS(MSB) ENG CONTROL “STOP” ECS(MSB) ACB OPENED REMAININAG GEN POWER SUPPLY ENG STOP COMMAND (MSB) ENG STOPPED Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1. No : R2-1 6 / 19 . ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1.6 Automatic start and ACB closure onto the Dead BUS (Black Out) STARTING RUN STOPPING START FAIL NON CLOSE SYCN FAIL ALARM ENG STOPPED REF TO PAGE: 3 READY DISPLAY YL GL YL YL RL RL RL REMOTE CONT AVAILABLE MODE SELECT “AUTO” COS-P (MSB) YES IDLING DG EXIST NO ENG START COMMAND (PMS) OVERDUE 15sec (Para:005) F VOLT BUILD UP 95% NO (Para:084. No : R2-1 7 / 19 .085) YES WAITING TIME FOR STABLE VOLT (3sec) VOLTAGE ESTABLISHED (PMS) YES NO START FAIL F F ACB CLOSE ACOMMAND OVERDUE 3sec (PMS) ACB CLOSED NO ACB NON CLOSE F F YES POWER SUPPLY Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. 085) YES WAITING TIME FOR STABLE VOLT (3sec) VOLTAGE ESTABLISHED (PMS) YES NO START FAIL F F AUTO SYNCHRO COMMAND (PMS) OVERDUE 60sec (P:011) ACB CLOSED NO ACB NON CLOSE & SYNC FAIL F F YES AUTO LOAD SHARING COMMAND (PMS) AUTO LOAD SHARING (PMS) POWER SUPPLY Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1. No : R2-1 8 / 19 .7 Automatic start and parallel running STARTING RUN STOPPING START FAIL WL YL GL YL YL RL NON CLOSE SYNC FAIL ALARM READY VOLTAGE ESTABLISHED AUTO CONT DISPLAY RL RL REF TO PAGE: 3 REMOTE CONT AVAILABLE AUTO START COMMAND (PMS) MODE SELECT “AUTO” COS-P (MSB) ENG START COMMAND (PMS) F VOLT BUILD UP 95% OVERDUE 15sec (Para:005) NO (Para:084. No : R2-1 9 / 19 .8 Automatic Load shift / ACB disconnection and Engine stop Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1. ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1.9 BUS Abnormal Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R2-1 10 / 19 . 10 ACB Trip and Preferential Trip 10sec 15sec Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R2-1 11 / 19 .ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1. 11 Auto and Dead BUS due to Black Out (ACB Trip. Reverse Power.085) OVERDUE 15sec (Para:005) YES WAITING TIME FOR STABLE VOLT (3sec) NO VOLTAGE ESTAVLISHED (PMS) NO START FAIL F F YES ACB CLOSE COMMAND OVERDUE 3sec (PMS) NO ACB CLOSED NO ACB NON CLOSE F YES NO OTHER STANDBY POWER SUPPLY YES INTERRUPTION Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R2-1 2 NOTE: STANDBY GENERATOR’S ACB CLOSED WITH IN 30sec AFTER BLACK OUT 12 / 19 .ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1. Over Current) REF TO PAGE: 11 REF TO PAGE: 3 ACB TRIP (BLACK OUT) AUTO START AVAILABLE YES STARTING RUN STOPPING START FAIL ALARM POWER SUPPLY STANDBY 1st STANDBY GEN READY DISPLAY YL YL GL YL YL RL RL IDLING DG EXIST 2 NO ENG START COMMAND (PMS) F VOLT BUILD NO UP 95% (Para:084. 12 Auto start and ACB closure onto the Dead BUS via Black Out (due to BUS Abnormal) STOPPING / FAIL ALARM AUTO START AVAILABLE START FAIL REF TO PAGE: 3 BUS ABNORMAL RUN REF TO PAGE: 10 STARTING POWER SUPPLY STANDBY 1st STANDBY GEN READY DISPLAY YL YL GL YL RL RL RL 3 ENG START COMMAND F (PMS) VOLT BUILD NO UP 95% (Para:084.085) YES OVERDUE 15sec (Para:005) WAITING TIME FOR STABLE VOLT (3sec) VOLTAGE ESTABLISHED (PMS) YES NO NORMAL F F BUS CHECK IDLE RUNNING (>30sec) ABNORMAL OVERDUE 60sec (Para:009) RUN GEN ACB OPEN COMMAND STANDBY GEN ENG STOP COMMAND 30sec NO START FAIL (PMS) (PMS) STOPPED NO STOPPING FAIL YES ENG STOPPED ACB OPENED OVERDUE 1sec F F F F NO YES STANDBY GEN ACB CLOSE COMMAND OVERDUE 3sec OTHER STADNBY NO NO (PMS) ACB CLOSED NO ACB NON CLOSE YES YES 3 Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1. No : R2-1 INTERRUPTION POWER SUPPLY 13 / 19 . 13 Auto start and synchronization due to ACB trip (BUS Alive) or Preferential Trip RUN STOPPING START FAIL SYNC FAIL ALARM REF TO PAGE: 3 STARTING POWER SUPPLY STANDBY 1st STANDBY GEN READY DISPLAY YL YL GL YL YL RL RL RL AUTO START AVAILABLE REF TO PAGE: 11 REF TO PAGE: 11 ACB TRIP (BUS ALIVE) PREF TRIP 4 IDLING DG EXIST YES NO ENG START COMMAND F (PMS) VOLT BUILD UP 95% OVERDUE 15sec (Para:005) NO (Para:084.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1.085) YES WAITING TIME FOR STABLE VOLT (3sec) NO VOLTAGE ESTABLISHED (PMS) NO START FAIL F F YES AUTO SYNC COMMAND OVERDUE 60sec (Para:011) (PMS) NO ACB CLOSED NO SYNCHRO FAIL & NON CLOSE F F YES AUTO LOAD SHARING COMMAND NO OTHER STANDBY (PMS) INTERRUPTION YES 4 (PMS) AUTO LOAD SHARING (PMS) POWER SUPPLY Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R2-1 14 / 19 . 085) YES WAITING TIME FOR STABLE VOLT (3sec) NO VOLTAGE ESTABLISHED (PMS) YES NO START FAIL F F AUTO SYNC COMMAND OVERDUE 60sec (Para:011) (PMS) NO ACB CLOSED NO SYNCHRO FAIL & NON CLOSE F F YES AUTO LOAD SHARING COMMAND NO OTHER STANDBY (PMS) INTERRUPTION YES 5 (PMS) AUTO LOAD SHARING (PMS) POWER SUPPLY Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1.14 Auto starting due to Load Increase STARTING RUN STOPPING START FAIL SYNC FAIL ALARM POWER SUPPLY REF TO PAGE: 3 STANDBY 1st STANDBY GEN READY DISPLAY YL YL GL YL YL RL RL RL AUTO START AVAILABLE HEAVY LOAD 90% 15sec (Para:023) (Para:024) 5 (PMS) ENG START COMMAND (PMS) F VOLT BUILD UP 95% OVERDUE 15sec (Para:005) NO (Para:084. No : R2-1 15 / 19 . No : R2-1 16 / 19 .7 MODE SELECT “AUTO” COS-P (MSB) BOW NOT RUN LIGHT LOAD 70% 180sec (Para:035) (Para:036) AUTO LOAD SHIFT COMMAND OVERDUE 60sec (Para:007) (PMS) NO REMAINING GEN SUPPLY POWER 70% LOAD SHIFT FINISH (PMS) LOAD SHIFT FAIL F F F F F F YES ACB OPEN COMMAND LOAD SHIFT CANCEL (RETURN TO PARALLEL RUNNING) (PMS) 5sec ACB OPENED NO (PMS) OVERDUE 180sec (Para:009) YES IDLE RUNNNIG ENG STOP COMMAND OVERDUE 10sec (Para:010) (PMS) STOPPED NO YES STOPPED Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.15 Auto stopping due to Load Decrease READY STOP FAIL ALARM POWER SUPPLY STOPPING DISPLAY YL YL RL RL GEN PARALLEL RUN LIGHT LOAD CANCEL NOT SELECT (PMS) UNDER REMAINING GEN RATED KW x 0.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1. ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1.16 Large motor starting blocking control (Type “A”) Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev. No : R2-1 17 / 19 . 17 Large motor starting blocking control (Type “B”) Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1. No : R2-1 18 / 19 . FAIL LED IS ON 19 / 19 .ACONIS-2000® Power Management System Flow Chart 1. No : R2-1 S.18 ACONIS-2000® PMS Fail ACONIS-PMS FAIL POWER SUPPLY CPU IS FAULT ? YES NO MAIN POWER IS FAIL YES NO S. FAIL LED IS OFF Power Management System Shipyard : HMD Hull No : H8005-10 Class : LRS Rev.
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