Acm619 Service Manual (s)

April 4, 2018 | Author: Sn Dayanidhi | Category: Valve, Pressure, Manufactured Goods, Gases, Mechanical Engineering



ACM619 Service Manual I ACM619 Anesthetic WorkstationIPPV O2 Ppeak f PEEP MV kPa /min kPa L PCV 0 4 5 VOL % 0 4 5 VOL % 1 1 3 3 CYLINDER CYLINDER 300 600 900 1200 1500 O2 N2O AIR O2 N2O AIR PIPE LINE PIPE LINE PIPE LINE kPax100 kPax100 kPax100 kPax100 kPax100 O2 N2O AIR O2 N2O O2+ Fig.(6102535 Front1) 2 CYLINDER kPax100 2 AIR II Gas Part: 1) Operation Principle: . When the gas pressure is higher than 200 kPa. then paralleling with the pipeline gas by unidirectional valve (13) The gas supply failure alarm system is made of alarm shift valve for oxygen 15) ( .2. (output 400kPa) 11. meanwhile. connecting with the relief valve(14). patient 39. until the gas storage cylinder’s pressure is the same with the gas pressure.30mm exhaust outlet Operation Principle compendium: 41.AIR Cylinder (Optional) 6. the main gas is separated with the atmosphere and the driven gas is produced to press bellows to inspiriting. ventilator pressure reducing II valve (output 50±5kPa) 24. the pressure controlled (broken line) shift valve is on the position 2(right).O2 Pipeline 3. Inspiration unidirectional valve unidirectional valve 35. the gas is closed. relief valve(840kPa) 15. alarm 17. relief valve (6kPa) 27. and the gas pressure is reduced to 50±5kPa through the secondary pressure reducing valve. pressure regulator (output 400kPa) pressure regulator 10. proportion valve 22. one part of the O2 gas enters into the ventilator. O2 flush valve (25L/min-75L/min) 32. alarm shift valve (120kPa-200kPa) 16. Manual bag 44. . gas storage cylinder(17) and unidirectional valve(13). support circuit 29. When expiration.flow sensor 37. and the serial number 2、4、6 is the Pipeline inlet (common usage). Bellows 45. and the Pressure gauge (7、8)will display the gas pressure. linage flowmeter (0.After the gas into the machine.2kPa-0. proportion valve is closed.5) is reduced to 400 kpa by pressure regulator(9. N2O driven regulate valve 20. gas storage cylinder 18. The controlling expiration valve 24 is closed. pressure sample interface 38. enters into expiration valve (24).3. pressure regulator (output 400kPa) 12 filter 13.1-2L/min. The auxiliary gas passes through electromagnetic valve (22) and secondary pressure reducing valve (23) . it has two air supply ways.5-10L/min) 28. ventilator controls the proportion valve (21). electromagnetic valve 23.10.30mm exhaust outlet 46.3kPa) ACM619 Anesthesia Machine has O2. The alarm time is not less than 7 seconds. Expiration 31. and turns on in accordance with the set tidal volume. the main gas enters into the bellows(44)through proportion valve(21) to supply dynamic for breathing. N2O and Air three gases and according to CE standards. If the pressure controlled shift valve (broken line) is on the position 1(left). the pressure of Pipeline gas should set as 280kPa~ 600kPa. at the same time the electromagnetic valve (22) is connecting.N2O Cylinder Optional) 4. APL valve 40. When inspiration. it will be through the filter (12) to be filtrated the impurities and grains.2%-5%) 30. Serial number is 1、3、5 is the Cylinder inlet(back-up). manual/ mechanical ventilator control 43. relief valve(38kPa) 34. Venturi valve33. relief valve (0.1.5kpa) 42. O2 Cylinder (Optional) 2. expiration unidirectional valve 25. unidirectional valve 14. reducing the pressure to 250±10kPa. ventilator pressure reducing I valve (Output 250±10kPa)21. When the gas pressure is less than 200kpa. cylinder gas (1. the gas will be through the unidirectional valve (13) into the gas storage cylinder(17).O2 concentration sensor 36. then through the primary pressure reducing valve I (20). atmosphere 26.N2O Pipeline ( 5. evaporator(0.11). pressure reducing I valve(output 270kPa) 19. the gas of the gas storage cylinder flows through the shift valve and blows the alarm unit. the expiration valve connects with atmosphere (25) and relief valve (26).AIR Pipeline 7 Pressure gauge (0-1000kPa) 8 Pressure gauge (0-25000kPa) 9. absorber(1000mL×2) (0-6.alarm unit (16) . the spill valve opens to release the gas Setting the switch of Manual/ mechanical to “manual”. . The working procedures of the circle absorber (it is consisted of the elements from 33 to 43). and make the gas exchange. And the air source also enters into the linkage flowmeter(27) by primary pressure reducing valve (18) The pressure reduced O2. you should set the safety pressure of APL valve. At the same time. pressure increasing. and then this gas passes to the patient 38 through unidirectional valve (33). the N2O enters into the linkage flowmeter (27). and the ventilator works to pressure the bellows to let the gas entering into the circle absorber. The gas from auxiliary gas channel is released by electromagnetic valve. say. pressure of patient lung release CO2 by expiration unidirectional valve (34) and make a chemical reaction with sodalime which is in the absorber (39). When the O2 pressure is lower than 200kPa~120kPa. Air is mixed in the linkage flowmeter 27.2 kPa ~0. then expiration unidirectional valve opens. O2 is reduced to 270kPa by primary pressure reducer 18 and enters into the linkage flowmeter (27). the mixed gas enters into the circle absorber through Venturi valve(32) (it is consisted of the elements from 33 to 43).3 kPa. and then into the circle absorber. if the too much gas compensation quantity or other reasons cause the end expiratory pressure higher than the set pressure of spill valve 0. N2O is cut off. too much gas supply.5~6kPa. pressure of bellows releases. then passes through by-pass valve (28) and enters into the vaporizer. the pressure reduced O2 controls the N2O’s in an out by N2O driven adjusting valve. At the same time.meanwhile. electromagnetic valve (22) is closed. the pressure reduced O2 also enters into the Venturi valve by O2 flush valve (31). anaesthetist uses the manual bag to supply gas to patient. too. in order to protect the patient. when the O2 pressure is higher than 200kPa~120kPa. exhaust gas will be exhausted from exhaust outlet (42) 2) Common Malfunction (1)Circle absorber leakage First to test the vaporizer’s connecting to see whether it leaks. relief valve 26 can automatically open to reduce the pressure when pressure grows to 5. Setting the switch of Manual/ mechanical to “mechanical”. after mixing with the anesthestic agent in accordance with the set proportion. in order to protect the patient. When the pressure is higher than the set value. the driven gas is released to atmosphere by expiration unidirectional valve. N2O.At the same time. If accident happens during inspiration. when expiration. then close the flow meter . Opening the flow meter slowly to increase of the pressure of the absorber’s gauge to 3KPa. using a silicone tube to connect the inspiratory outlet and expiratory outlet.Checking the leakage of circle absorber Under the manual condition. Observing the pressure gauge for 2~3 minutes. Testing the folding bag and spill valve of the bellows assembly. ff the circle absorber leaks. it expresses that the circle absorber doesn’t leak. If the indicator of the pressure gauge doesn’t drop. please check whether the absorber is tightened. (2)Spill valve’s adjustment Dissembling the bellows assembly . . After adjustment. and the end-expiratory pressure should be 0. assemble the bellows again. observe the airway pressure gauge on the circle absorber.3KPa. rotate nut clockwise to reduce the pressure value.2~0. Screw Pressure adjustment nut Rotate the nut anticlockwise to increase the spill valve’s pressure value. adjust the place of the pressure nut to change the pressure value. After the machine works well.Unscrew the three screws and take down the cover. Ⅲ Electric Part: 1). Operation Principle Anesthesia machine wiring diagram . two for oxygen concentration. C2 which fixed on the machine shell connect with the switch U1. Null Line (N). fuses. the left side “power supply”, 220V or 110V via X1entrance ventilator. through magnetism ring L1. From of S1 lead two line. Earth wire GND and 24V. Oxygen concentration 1 GND 2 Manual switch 1 Signal 2 GND Coupler test board 1 +5V 2 Signal 3 Signal 4 Signal 5 GND Electrical outlet X8. L1 for shield interfere comes from of power supply. two for manual switch. connect to Proportional Valve Controller: 1 Control board Gray 2 GND Black 3 +12V Red 4 +24V Purple Proportional valve controller output: Black On-off Red +12V Electrical outlet 4. 26 core cable connect to the LED display board A2.ib. earth wire(E) connect with the machine shell. three lines connect to buzzer board. Power switch U1 output two wires. “D” shape outlet which designed for signal interference shielding. Live wire (L). the another one joint 2A quick fuse connect X2. connect with switch S1. connect with electrical outlet X2 on the control board A1. five for coupler test board. 1 +5V 2 GND 3 Control board Electrical outlet 5. X3. diagram. 1 +5V 7 Inspiration pressure setting 11 Confirm button 15 VCV Lights 2 +5V 3 GND 8 I:E setting 12 Optical encoder OC1 16 Display Board D1 Chip select signal 4 GND 5 PVC setting 9 Respiratory rate setting 13 Optical encoder OC2 17 PCV Light 6 VCV setting 10 TV setting 14 Display board D2 Chip select signal 18 SCLOCK Bus signal . connect to electromagnetic valve 1 Control board 2 +12V Electrical outlet X11. in series 8amp. L and N. One joint 2A slow fuse via capacitance C1. Control board A1: Electrical outlet X7 output 5 lines. X4 together with E which one on the shell. LED Display board A2: 26 core cable X2 connect with A1X1 6 core cable X3 connect with shuttle button.19 SDA Bus signal Line 20~26 “Empty”. 10 core X2 connect with upper board X4 Connect with the membrane board . Electrical outlet X6 1 GND 2 D1 Serial ports TXD end 3 D1 Serial ports TXD end Electrical outlet X10 1 -12V 2 Empty 3 Empty 4 DGND 5 5VD 6 EGND 7 12V Electrical outlet X11 1 GND 2 Pressure analog output 3 Flow analogy signal output 4 Flow analogy signal output LCD Display 12V Input Inverter High-voltage output Cable connected to upper board. Electrical outlet X3(6 core) 1 GND 2 Confirm button 3 GND 4 shuttle button OC1 5 shuttle button OC2 6 +5V Electrical outlet X2 connect with electronic board electrical outlet X4 (10 core) 1 STBY Indicator light 6 LCD display setting 2 STBY setting 7 Confirm 3 MENU setting 8 Shuttle button OC1setting 4 Mute setting 9 Shuttle button OC2 setting 5 RESET setting 10 GND Electrical outlet X4 (19 core) 1 STBY Indicator light 6 LCD display setting 11 PCV function 16 Empty Electronic board 2 STBY setting 7 TV Setting 12 IPPV function 17 Empty 3 MENU setting 8 Respiratory rate Setting 13 PCV indicator light 18 GND 4 Mute setting 9 I:E Setting 14 IPPV indicator light 19 GND 5 RESET setting 10 Inspiration pressure setting 15 Empty Electrical outlet X6. serial interface. used for machine debugging. . The others tie-in please refers to the circuit board instructions. Pressure settings: Preheated for 5 minutes after boot. or adjust control panel potentiometer R4. by pressing the down button to make CUT value = 0. 1 is set to off. anesthesia ventilator control panel DIP switch S1. then anesthesia ventilator tidal volume window adjusted value for the pressure. long press ENTER for 5 seconds to enter setup menu. 4. Into the OUT (output) menu. press ENTER exit. 8. Other menu options do not do change The display interface to the END option. Down Up ENTER 键 1. Connected proportional valve and the controller as the indication above. press ENTER exit. the display interface to the END option. then enter the UALU (body type) menu. press ENTER exit. 2. Turn on ventilator. the digital pressure gauge to the pressure sampling port. anesthesia ventilator display 2. the display interface to the END option. by pressing the down button to make CUT value = 0. then enter the ADJ (adjust coil) menu. by pressing the down button to set to 2833. press ENTER exit. the display section to the CUT option. debug as follows: 1) To the pressure sampling port on the air. 4. by pressing the down button to LO (low) = 250mA.2) Parts testing: Proportional valve Yellow/Yellow Yellow-green/Yellow together put in the right side jack. so that HI (high) = 400mA. press ENTER to return control window. 6. Into the CUT (screen) menu. by pressing the down button to INP = 0 ~ 5V.2 segment is set to on. anesthesia machine work for the state. 3. Into the INP (input) menu. press ENTER exit.3. 7. Into the CUT (screen) menu. the display interface to the END option. 5. Into the OUT (output) menu. the display section to the CUT option.02. .00 ~ 2. or adjust control panel board potentiometer R3.02. Pressure sensor test: Analysis carried out N12 After the boot to be working properly. 3) The proportional valve is not working properly.2) Measurement of the container through the sampling port pressure to 7kPa. anesthesia ventilator showed a value of 8. consistent with Table 1. and clear it. differential pressure sensor to determine the normal sampling: . measuring 3 feet N12 voltage. Adjustment is completed. after confirmation. 3) Fault: Tidal volume are not accurate (gas line problem need to exclusion before electrical test) as a pressure sensor. Three problems lead the Tidal volume not accurate: 1) pressure sensor failure. Repeatedly adjust R3. so first check whether the sampling tube does have water.98 ~ 9. pressure will affect the transmission of tidal volume are not accurate. two pressure sampling tubes often stagnant water. the control panel DIP switch S1 of a segment set to on. R4. 2) the proportional valve controllers problem. to meet the requirements of airway pressure display. Check the back of LCD panels before and after the 220V inverter and +12 V.14 Proportional Valve Controller Detection: Output current value Measure input voltage Start working properly. the PC and control board failures. "smoking calls more than". membrane board key failure: First test the use of all buttons.71 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2. "respiratory rate". "VCV". "suction pressure". if found in the following table (Table 2). PC board controls: buttons. 1 2 3 4 5 6 TV(ml) 250 350 500 650 800 1000 Table 1 Voltage(max) 2.95 3. 3. "confirm". "confirm. power supply socket X1 PC board situation. X4. "tidal volume". further determined that under fault phenomenon mask the problem." By checking the LED display X2.04 3. the controller shows the current value of observation.No. No. "STBY".53 2.87 2.95 3. "home screen". "▲". "menu". black screen of Death. Control Panel Control: Key "PVC".21 2. Black screen.58 1. the control panel (A1) and proportional valve is working properly. compared with. the screen is normal operation. TV 250 350 500 650 800 1000 Table 2 Input Voltage 1. "reset.84 2. "Mute 2min". set the different tidal volume. X1 socket. simultaneous detection of the input voltage proportional valve controller.55 Current mA 298 305 316 327 338 355 ." All screen display.56 2. to confirm cause of the malfunction. "▼".
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