ACI 350.3-06 Appendix B Seismic Loads for Liquid-Containing Rectangular RC Tank_Rev01_04-Nov-2014



Seismic Loads for Liquid-Containing Rectangular RC Tank, According ACI 350.3-06 , Appendix B Method Based on 1997 Uniform Building Code Project :Building :Element:Location:- Project Building Rev1.0 Designed by:- M. Abu Shady Checked by:- M. Abu Shady 12-Dec-14 Date:- Element Location M.A.S. General Input :- L= 9.30 m Direction of Seismic Force tr= 0.20 m tw= 0.30 m HL= 2.20 m γL= 10.0 KN/m3 B= 9.30 m Rectangular Tank Plan γc= 24.0 KN/m3 fc= 35.0 N/mm2 g= 9.81 m/sec2 Rectangular Tank Elevation Ec= 27805.6 N/mm2 ACI318-08, Clause 8.5.1 Importance factor I Rc = 1.00 = 1.00 ACI 350.3-06, Table 4.1.1(a) ACI 350.3-06, Table 4.1.1(b) Ri = 2.00 ACI 350.3-06, Table 4.1.1(b) SEISMIC ZONE Z factor Soil Profile Soil Profile Type Na For Zone 4 only Nv For Zone 4 only Ca Cv Ts =0.40Cv/Ca 2B 0.2 Very Dense SC 1 1 0.240 0.320 0.533 Hw= 2.95 m UBC 97, TABLE 16-I UBC 97, TABLE 16-J UBC 97, TABLE 16-S UBC 97, TABLE 16-T UBC 97, TABLE 16-Q UBC 97, TABLE 16-R sec, UBC 97, FIGURE 16-3 1-Calculation the Equivalent Weight for impulsive Wi & convective Wc component: WL = 1902.8 KN , L / HL = 4.23 = 0.27 WL ,Ww = 815.6 KN = 519.1 KN ,Wr = 442.4 KN ACI 350.3-06, Eq 9-1 = 0.71 WL = 1345.6 KN ACI 350.3-06, Eq 9-2 2-Calculation the Height of center of gravity for impulsive hi & convective hc components: = 0.825 m ACI 350.3-06, Eq 9-3 & Eq 9-4 = 1.149 m ACI 350.3-06, Eq 9-5 3-Calculation the fundamental period of oscillation of the tank for impulsive Ti & convective Tc components: = 1777.1 KN = 1.48 m , = 3.05 m , = 102802.2 KN/m = 1.22 m , = 0.26 sec ACI 350.3-06, Eq 9-11 = 4.43 𝑻𝒄= = 4.32 sec 𝟐𝚷 𝝎𝒄 = 𝟐𝚷 𝑾𝒄 𝒈𝒌𝒄 𝑾 , ∴ 𝑲𝒄 = (𝟐𝚷 )𝟐 ∗ 𝒈𝒄 𝑻𝒄 ACI 350.3-06, R9.2.4 ACI 350.3-06, Eq 9-13,14 = 289.7 KN/m Page 1 of 13 3 = 0.3-06.2 KN/m2 Total Seismic Force E per Wall perpendicular to ground motion Dynamic force distribution above base per Wall perpendicular to ground motion 7. According ACI 350. 4-Calculation the total lateral impulsive force Pi & convective force Pc : = 0. follow ACI 350-06. Appendix B.0 KN/m2 = 6.5 = 244. Clause B. Appendix B Method Based on 1997 Uniform Building Code Project :Building :Element:Location:- Project Building Rev1. Appendix B.9 KN/m2 = KN = 132.A. Appendix B.3 KN/m2 = 1.3-06.3 KN/m2 = 8.Load Cominations: Note that. the Calculated Seismic Force E above is based on Strength-level Forces (ultimate loads). Appendix B.0 KN/m2 Pi Bottom = 6.3-06.3-06. Eq B-8. Eq B-4.Seismic Loads for Liquid-Containing Rectangular RC Tank. Abu Shady 12-Dec-14 Date:- Element Location M.3-06.7 KN/m2 Pc Top = 2. Abu Shady Checked by:.1 load combinations.9 KN/m2 Pc Bottom = 2. the design seismic forces shall be reduced by a factor of 1. R5.M.9 5-Calculation the total Base Shaer V: = 543.0 Designed by:. Appendix B.7 KN/m2 Wall Inertia Force Pw Impulsive Force Pi = 4.7 = 155. Clause 9.5 For Ultimate Strength Design method (factored loads). Eq B-1.S. Appendix B & Eq 4-5 6-Dynamic force distribution above base per Wall perpendicular to ground motion: Pi Top = 1.M.2.7 KN ACI 350.7 KN ACI 350.4 ACI 350.600 ACI 350.2 KN/m2 ConvectiveForce Pc = 13.1 KN ACI 350.3 KN/m2 = 4.1 = 4.3-06.077 ACI 350.2 KN/m2 ACI 350.3-06 . Page 2 of 13 .7 KN = 103.1 KN/m2 = 2.3-06. For allowable stresses Design (ASD) Method (service loads). Eq B-6. 0731 0.UBC 97 Tables TABLE 16-I—SEISMIC Zone 1 2A 2B 3 4 Ct Values 0.0488 TABLE 16-J—SOIL PRO Rock Stiff Soil Soft Soil Weak Soil .0853 0. . 12 SB 0.09 0.030 in ft)for andRC eccentrically moment-resisting braced frames frames 0.08 0.18 0.0731 (0.075 0.15 2A 0.075 1 0.15 SC 0.2 2B 0.035 in ft)for steel moment-resisting frames 0.26 0.15 SA 0.12 0.075 0.020 in ft)for all other buildings TABLE 16-J—SOIL PROFILE TYPES Soil Profile Descripti Soil Profile Type on Hard SA Rock SB Rock Very SC Dense SD Stiff Soil SE Soft Soil Weak Soil SF TABLE 16-Q—SEISMIC COEFFICIENT Ca Z Seismic Zone Factor SOIL PROFILE TYPE 0.0488 (0.19 0.4 4 Ct Values 0.15 SC 0.0853 (0.08 0.UBC 97 Tables TABLE 16-I—SEISMIC ZONE FACTOR Z Z Zone 0.22 SE 0.18 SD 0.3 3 0.3 SF 0 0 TABLE 16-R—SEISMIC COEFFICIENT Cv Z Seismic Zone Factor SOIL PROFILE TYPE 0.13 0.32 SE 0.06 0.5 SF 0 0 .15 SA 0.06 0.12 SB 0.25 SD 0. . 24 0.24 0.4 0.44 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 expression for K .36 0 0 0.2.Q—SEISMIC COEFFICIENT Ca Z Seismic Zone Factor 0.4 0.3 0.34 0.64 0.28 0.4 0.16 0.3 0.54 0.64 0.3 0.3-06.96 0 0 0 use External calculated for K use ACI 350.33 0.36 0 R—SEISMIC COEFFICIENT Cv Z Seismic Zone Factor 0.3 0.45 0.36 0.24 0.2 0.32 0.84 0. R9.32 0.4 0.56 0.32 0.4 0.2 0.16 0. . adding calculation for Kc. which can be used for dynamic analysis in Cell H46 2. missing multiplying by the wall thk .Rev0 Rev1.0 4-Nov-14 1.Correction of Ww Calculation in cell G35 according "Mr. Siwalak Khamnurak" Note. ak" Note. missing multiplying by the wall thk tw . using analysis model with assuming Lateral Force F= 10 KN (e.3R-01 Design_of_liquid_containing_concrete_structures_for_earthquake_forcesby Javeed A. such as in open-top tanks .g) at C.the same expression can be used for fixed wall in tank base and hinged at roof slab.using ACI 350.G of tank to obtain a deflection Δ. free-top cantilever walls. R9.4 which developed For fixed-base. Munshi-2 3.References 1-ACI 350. thus tank stiffness K = F for more information see Guidelines for Seismic Design of Liquid Storage Tanks.3-06. Example 1/Page 59 which you can download .on my opinion.3_06 Seismic Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures and Commentary 2-SP-2002 IBC2000 ACI 350. as below b.2.Tank Wall Stiffness Calculation K : a. iitk. Munshi-2002-089312219X_EB219 ection Δ.ake_forcesby Javeed A.php . & Preparation of Commentary and Handbooks) http://www. thus tank stiffness K = F/Δ for more useful pdf (IITK-GSDMA Project on Review of Seismic of Commentary and Handbooks) .
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