Achi Chokyi Drolma Practice Collection_clean1



eo[[ection of·Acbi cbo{cyi Drolma A • Pract1ces · '· •' . ~1 ~-s'~ q~~-~~C;J~~1 A Cfll'I GYU DEB NI Prayer to the Achi Lineage ~9~.\l~·9~tr-$a.i·q·~ ~·~a;~·11 RIG KON TSO WO GY AL WA DOR JE CHANG To the essential lord of all deities, Jina Vajradhara, ~~·~"-l·~~·~·~~~r~·~~~~·11 DOR JE NAL JOR TSOL TRIM GYATSO DANG Vajra Yogini, Ame Tsultrim Gyamtso, -.d 9~r~:~~~·cJJOj.~cJJ';J~~·~q~~9·a.i1 l YUNG DRUNG GYATSO NAM KA WANG CHUG LA Yungdrung Gyamtso, and Namkha Wangchug we pray. -- - - - '"' 9~(1.,rq·~~q~·~·~a;~r%0\·~~~·~1::r~~1 1 SOL WAN DEB SO CHOG TON NGO DRUB TSOL Please bestow the Supreme and common siddhis. ~2l·~r~qz;_·~(lJ·q~~·d\OJ~·1·%~·~~, ' PE KA WANG GY AL SO NAM KA TUNG TSAN Peka Wangyal, Sonam Pal, and Katung Druzhi, ~~°'·zr~~·~·~1if°'·~°'·q~°'·~r~q~l \ KAN PO DAR MA KON RIN TSUN PA BAR Khenpo Dharrr:.a, Konchok Rinchen, and Tsunpa Bar, ~~·~~·~ ~'d-l1)d-l'it~·~~9·~°''d-\9°' \ ' NAL JOR DOR JE NYAM ME JIG TEN GON Naljor Dorje, and to the Incomparable Jigten Gonpo we pray. - '"' -- ·- - i~a.i·z::r~c~{~~·~·~~·%d\·~~~·&z::r~l \ SOL WAN DEB SO CHOG TON NGO DRUB TSOL Please bestow the Supreme and common siddhis. - '"" - __ , 1 ~q~·~·q~~·~~~f~?:::r:r~·~·~9~1 WON CHEN SO NAM CHUNG PO DOR JE DRAG To the great nephew, Sonam Dragpa, and his younger brother, Dorje Dragpa, ~°i.~°i·~~·9~f l;!~·~·d-!~d-!~·z::Fs\ql 1 RIN CHEN SENG GE CHAN NGA TSAM CHE PA Rinchen Senge, Chenga Tsamchepa, ~~·~°i.~°i·qs:·~~All 1 DOR JE RIN CHEN BEN ZAR RA DZA LA Dorje Rinchen, and Dorje Gyalpo we pray. -- - - - '"" 9~a.rq·"'~q~r~ra:JCEqr%°i·11'~r~q·~1 1 SOL WAN DEB SO CHOG TON NGO DRUB TSOL Please bestow the Supreme and common siddhis. "' " z:::Ul1~·9'?°i·l~·~q·$ ..._ '?:x::9'?~·~~·~'1J·~ l NYER NYI CHO GYAL SHE NYEN DON DRUB GY AL To Nyernyi Chokyi Gya(po, Shenyen Dondrub Gyalpo, ~°i.~°i·1q~·~'1J·~~·1qAl·l:J'.::!~·q1 1 RIN CHEN WANG GYAL RAT NA PAL ZANG PO Rinchen Dakpo Wangyal, Ratna Palzangpo, -" "::.-" ~~-~-~'1J·~~·~~·~°i·CE~·~:~All l CHO KYI GY AL TSAN RIN CHEN CHO KYI GYAL Chokyi Gyaltsen, and Rinchen Chokyi Gyalpo we pray. - "' -·- - - 9~AJ·.c:r°'~q~·~·d'-JCE9.%°i.l1'~·~q·~, { SOL WAN DEB SO CHOG TON NGO DRUB TSOL Please bestow the Supreme and common siddhis. ~Al-~t::Jr=::\l~'.19"'.9°i~·%19~r~·4.q~·'1q~l l GY AL WANG KON GA NAM GHAG ME BAR SHAB To the feet ofGyalwang Kunga and NamchagMebar (Rinchen Phuntsok), ...,.,. ...,.,. 05 a;~·~"'·.f~°i· 9~·~·~·~yq·1~·1 ~ 1 CHO GYAL PON TSOG NA RO TA PA DANG Chogyal Phiintsog, Narotapa, 1l3\'d.l~~·~~·~9·~f<3\·~~~·~9~11 KON CHOG RAT NA RIG DZIN CHO KYI DRAG Konchog Rinchen, and Rigdzin Chokyi Dragpa we pray. -- - - - "" 9~'1rr::r~~t:J~·~·~a;9·~3\·1~~·~cr~11 SOL WAN DEB SO CHOG TON NGO DRUB TSOL Please bestow the Supreme. and common siddhis. ~°l·~~·~;;.i·~~·i~· ~·:sa.·~~°l 1 1 TRIN LE NAM GYAL KARM MA BHA DRA TSAN To Trinley Namgyal, Trinley Sangpo, DHAR MA RA OZA TEN DZIN DRO WA DUL Dondup Chogyal, Tendzin Drodul, o.i9~·~,Y~~·~·~·~~"'f1 ~1 1 GAR CHEN CHO NYI DHAR MA SURYA SHAB And at the feet ofGarchen and Chokyi Nyima we pray. -- - - { - "" 9~~·!;J·~1t.:J~·;qr~C\·1i:.~·~z::r~{ SOL WAN DEB SO CHOG TUN NGO DRUB TSOL Please bestow the Supreme and common siddhis. q~~·~~·~~·a;~·~:~·<·1~·1 t:'\ - t:'\ 1 PE MA'I GY AL TSAN CHO KYI DHW A DZA DANG To Pemai Gyaltsen, Chokyi Gyaltsen, ~·~2i·~9·~f<3\·~~~f~~·t.:Ja.·~~1 l TRI CHEN RIG DZIN LO DRO GY AL WA'l TSAN Trichen Rigdzin, Lodro Gyaltsen, Chokyi Jungne " " " q1a..·~~·9~d-l·~°i·g·qa::i)·~a.1~·q~~rz::r<'.~<lJ·6l·l9~·.. LQt::.·1t::...~·r:J~1·s~·~r:::i~·ril·a:r1t::.:!l~~ra. - " cii~O\·c.1~9·~~-~·~1 l NU DEN JE DANG DREN CHOG CHO KYI LO To NCden Dorje.tJt::... ~·q~·d-l~·-c°'·~~·~·~t::. and Chokyi Lodro we pray._·l l SHI W A'I TSAN CHEN CHO KYI JUNG NE DANG Shiwai Lodro... d-lfa:a. -..~q~·~~~9·&0\"1~~·~q·~l -l SOL WAN DEB SO CHOG TON NGO DRUB TSOL Please bestow the Supreme and common siddhis.ltJ~r~rd-la5qP~~°i·lt::.ri::ra. ~~('_.Jl SOL WAN DEB SO CHOG TON NGO DRUB TSOL Please bestow the Supreme and common siddhis.·90\~·1t::... supreme guide Chokyi Lodro.·1 l SHENYANG NGO GYU JIN LAB LA MA DANG Also we pray to the lamas that have blessed us directly and indirectly.J·q·a..KA RU NA SURYA DHAR MA MA NI LA Thugje Nyima.~r~r:r~.J\ I YANG TRUL MA TSOG ORANG DE CHE PA LA And to the assembly of her innu..•"'5°i·e.. ~~·~°'· ~·"t::. Queen of all dakinis.~·9~~~·~·i~·9:~~l I KAN DRO'I TSO MO A CHI CHO KYI DROL To Achi Dharma Tara. .«'1q~l l KA DRIN SUM DEN TSA W A'I LA MA'I SHAB And to the feet of our Root Teache~ of threefold kindness we pray.merable emanations we pray...l - ""' 9~<1.. ~::u"i·i~·~~~wq~"i·~·~:i.~°i·q.r~·~1 1 SOL WAN DEB SO CHOG TUN NGO DRUB TSOL Please bestow the Supreme and common siddhis.·CE~·\\°i·~«~z:_·1 1 TSE DI'I KYEN NGAN BAR CHE KUN SHI SHING All the inopportune conditions and obstacles of this life arc subdued. having come to the end of the graduated path of Mahayana study and practice. Queen ofSpace. ~9.~\\°i·~~·qa·~l'ai~·~J\·~a.i·q~y~·~~·q~«~EJ°~r~·a. the one with the jewel offaith. ~·a._ 93\~·~q~·d. .:::.~°i·~~·~q·a. ~nrqa·q~"i-~~-~s~~-~~·i~·~-~~-~a·q~~-4~q~a... - C'.:::. YON TEN KON DZOG SANG CHEN DAM PA'I NO And all enlightened qualities are perfected.·9~a.thus may I become a proper vessel for the Great Secret.~~a·~~-~~- ~·~r~~~E('\·q~ll II This lineage prayer of Dharma Tara.~a·~°!J\'fl°i·°i~l l TEG CHEN SHE DRUB LAM RIM TAR CHIN NE And.. guardian of the Victor's teachings.i·49 1 ORO KON SI PA'I TSO LE NYUR DROL SHOG And may I swiftly free all living beings from the lake of existence._ C'.!~J\'&9'~3\'9'?~'~3\·~~·~ql ' NE KAB TAR TUG DON NYl LHON GYI DRUB May the immediate and ultimate goals of myself and others be spontaneously accomp I ished.i~11 DE TAR SOL TAB GE WA'I DRE BU LE As the virtuous fruit of having prayed in this way. ar°i·?°i·\\°i·~9~·9~z:_·~°i·~~rqa·~~11 .!~qp~.3\·~~~·2. a. was written by the Buddhist monk Dharma Mati in response to the request of Chodze Aten.~q~r~d.9~'~rr~ra. ~·5.~·4~·')~·qa·~. ·~1 1 KU DOG KAR SAL SHIN TU DZE PA'I KU Your exquisite radiant white body ~~·i°'·~·'f!·a.:i:ra.~~-q~·9~(1.rCG~~r~~·a."- " 9z:::ar9~:~n.ia.·a.~<J. - " ~ " 4t:a.·~l l GANG LA GANG 'DUL CHO KYI DROL MA'I KU Chokyi Drolma. you manifest in any form to help tame those ta be tamed. " ~a.i·q·~·dJ9~· l SEM MA CHEN MO SHE RAB P'AR CH'IN YUM Bodhisattva Mother. w~~1·1r~19~·""~l·~~·~·a.qt:J~11 DRUB PA PO LA NGO DRUB CHARTAR 'BEB Let the accomplishments stream down upon me. Dharma Tara. ~~~·c.. rainbow-coloured cloak.·~°'·a.J·~~·t:J~~11 TROL PA NA TS'OG K'AN 'ORO 'BUM GYI KOR Surrounded by a retinue of a hundred thousand emanated dakinis. ~t:J·q·qa_i·l~~·~z::rCG~·~~·a. Prajnaparamita. . like rain! -::5. Venerable Lady Varahi.Short Offering Prayer to Achi by Drigung Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon HUNGHRIH KON ZANG KAR MO JE TSUN WA RA HI White Kilntuzangmo.J·~·if4~·~z::r~~·~O\·~a:.i""~·qa.~.11 1 DAR TS'ON NA NGA 'JA TS'ON 'JOM BER SOL Is robed in five-coloured silken cloths and a soft. .E(°' 11 TONG NYI DA RU GO 'DO NOR BU 'DZIN Holding the damaru drum of emptiness and the wish fulfilling jewel. the practitioner.i1~r11~·9~'""~·40\·{i·a. 1 y AM y AM SHIG SHIG wANG DU ·Du WAR DZO Be magnetized and embraced within your influence! . KYU RA'I RIG KYI SUNG MA CHEN MO NAM Great protectresses of the Kyura family lineage. ~·z::i=:l~·~~·~~:aJz:~:z::i==iz:~:sd.- -.·11 CHO SI GON NE NYUR DU DAR WA DANG May sacred places ofDharma swiftly develop! ~1·1r.·~q·qa·l~l~°i·~·~· l SHE DANG DRUB PA'I GEN 'DUN DE CHEN PO May the entire dharma community of those who teach and those who practice C\.i4·1s~·~·d.l~·~~rd.·~·~°'·~~~~1 ·. ~~·<11·z::iq·q·11°i'd.111 CHA ZANG P'O DANG CHANG ZANG KYEM KYI CHO I offer you the first taste of this excellent tea and delicious bee!"! ~·~a·~9~·a·~t::.·w111 · 'DU WA NAM SHI Y AR GYI TS'O TAR TRO May the four assembled enlightened activities spread like a summer lake! ~~·~1·1~'Y~d\~·~~·~·1~·q·1r. and to this sacred site please come! "' C\.J~11 .il~r9~~:a_25\q~r9°i~r"'~~·~9~r~·9~<11l 1 MO DUNG 'BO PE NE 'DIR SHEG SU SOL Heed this intense song of overwhelming devotion.l·i:.·~·~·q~·(J.la59·1~·a.~~ 1«li~·~~·Z"4z::i1 l --- - - SI DANG CHO NOR LONG CHO CHAR TAR P'OB May worldly and spiritual wealth and enjoyments descend like rain! ~·q·~d. "' -vf tQd-1·~~·4 9'-~ 9·1qr.!"4~·q~ll DO LA BAB BO KON CHOG U 'PANG TO The time has come to praise the Three Jewels above my crown! C\.·(E~-fOj ~·(l. ~ 1·1r. ~·~r::r~~r~·~a. .·q~°i·qa.r6l~·~~:~9·°'~l l MI NUB CHO KYI GY AL TS'AN NYUR 'JUG NE May the unfailing victory banner of the Dharma teachings swiftly be raised! ~·q~°'-~ :I::~r.@ .~·ai~f$·a:rai·cia·~~~qr~·ix_a·~~~~~~11 ll This was composed by Kyura Ratna on the first day of the month in the Dog Year.·~°'·~~-~~~11 'DRI TAN DAR SHING TSAN PA'I TR'IN LE DZO May the teachings of Drikung widely flourish through the powerful activity of enlightened beings! ~~:::ra... "" - ~ - ~=.ll TONG PA'I NGANG LE YI GE HRIH KAR POR GYUR/ HRIH DE LE 6 PAG TU rvlE PA TROPE SANG GYE JANG CHUB SEM PA NAM CHO TSUR DU HRIH LA TIM A white syllable HRI appears out of the state of emptiness.~ ~ ~I '~Erti~:ci~1:rq2~ro.r~·(:r~g~'i·¥!g·.Jc.i~ra_\~q~·~·¢.l~·q·~~·q~-~~~·m~· s~·~q·~d.r£jd... tramples the four mara demons beneath her two feet.l~·~~a.~d.~·~.. infinite light streams forth and makes offerings to the buddhas and bodhisattvas.l ~g~·a...·q~~gri::i~~~r~1 I DRI GUNG KYOB PE DZE PA'I A CID'I GYON KYER DU PA SIIDG SO Drigung Kyobpa's Concise Daily Practice of Achi ~ 0 " c. From the HRI.i~·ar~. °i·q~a:~~·~·~q«~tr9~arql ~~·2f~·~·~9~·~~fqIDO\.<'\ ~ <'\ ~<'\ .·~·iq·~'2·7l ~~~~~1 · Purify with OM SOBHA WA SHUDDHAH SAR WA DHARMAH SOB HAWA SHUD.~~~~a.J::.ql NAM ZA DAR GYI LHAB LHUB SOL WN RIN PO CHE NA TSOG KYI GYEN PA She is dressed in a flowing brocade gown and adorned with various sorts of precious gems. cJJ~d\-ql HRIH DE YONG SU GYUR PA LE/ A CHI KU DOG KAR MO SHENG NE SHAB NYIKYIDODSHINANPA The HRI then transforms and white Achi Chokyi Drolma. standing..::_·~.DHO HANG - I:'\ I:'\ fill:'\ - C\.·qa_·~z:~:a.l~·~~~·~J:. The light then returns and dissolves back into the HRI.l.\qa.·l§l·~a.·~g~1:::_·q.·~~.. .~. .$--- : • 0 ~·~·a:r~:!l·~r1' UJ~·~~l ~~·~~1 ~·c(~E('~~l ~·~·~~·~·C4~·~r11 · .. glorious Dharma Lamp..white with red-..ih l>hormo To. ~ 1 SQ.t·~°'·~~·i0\1 1 HRIH SHIN ZANG YING CHUG PAL DEN CHO KYI DRON Beautiful Queen of Space. < .~3i·q1 a. RANG GI TUG KAR DA W A'I KYIL KOR GYI TENG DU/ HRIH KAR PO LA NGAG KYI KOR WAR GYUR In her heart upon the disc of moon is the white syllable HRI surrounded by the syllables of the mantra . and future.~ ·\\\ OM H.ttru S"'°"1 · .OM MAMA TSAKRA SOI-IA/ Y AR DU/ SARWA DU/ RADZA RADZA DU/ MAMA DOI HUNG PHAT SOHAI ~~-~~·%qr(JJ·~~q:i. q~·~~l CHAGYONNA YIZHINGYINORBUNAMPA/ SOL WA TABNAGODOTAM CHEJUNGWARGYUR Whilet with the left ·she brandishes the wish-fulfilling jewel that bestows upon · supplication everything needed and desired. present.r9~9~q CHAG YE NA NGOL KAR GYI ME LONG DZIN P Al DE MA ONG DA TA DO SUM ZIG PA Her right hand holds a silver mirror with which she looks into the three times of the past.~9·9l1l~·°i·~~Q.~~·~·~~~·~·~·~~9~.l·~"l~·~·~·ar~·a..C"Q. ~·~~~r~1~·~~~·~~·~~·~~qqr'5 3\ l l KU DOG KAR MAR GYUR ME GYING BAG CHEN Your body-. Praises ~g q~°i·q!:!~·~s~~·~~r~qQ._·~-~~qai1 Thus clearly and distinctly recite the syllables ofher name as much as possible.. Jl "~~-~-~-~.takes an unwavering stance.. J·s\a. .·~~·~q·1~~·~qa.1·~~a. glorious lady of intense delight.·~~°'·q·xi0\·~q·~9~1 1 CHAG YE DA RUNYAN PA KON KYAB DROG In your right hand is the damaru. filling the universe with its sweet sound.·~·~·~~~1 l ZA OG NA NGA'I NAM ZA KU LA SOL You are robed in a gown of five coloured silks. q~·~·1~a.·0-11 . and ~1·2f ~~rq~~·~~·~·~~·q0\·~~l l RIN PO CHE GYAN DAR GYI CHO PAN PUR Adorned with jewel ornaments and billowing silken ribbons.! .lO\·. l KOR WA'I LOG TA KEM IE 6 NGA MA Mistress over demonic forces and the wrong view of cyclic existence. a.g~·-0~·1 l DRUB PA PO LA NGO DRUB KUN TSOL CHING You grant practitioners all siddhis. and .. your smile brings peace.. Cc)~·9~9·~~·9~~·~·s\~a:J·q~·~1 1 SHAL CHIG CHAG NYI SHI JE DZUM PA'I KU With one face and two arms.~q~·~·~0)·9~l~r~·?f~O\·Q-q~q~( l CHIB SU TRIN SEB CHU TA NGON PO CHIB Riding on a blue water-horse amids! the clouds. - " - .i·~~l 1 DE CHEN GA TER RAB GYE PAL MO TE Giver of great bliss and joy. ~ar°'·q·~1·0\~·~~·q~O\·~~·~·a. =ra.·~ r~r~·~ "l.-" ~q·q·q·~·~~~·~q·\. - ~9·~~~·r.~°' l 1 YON PA TO NANG YI ZHIN NOR BU DZIN In the left.C'\"' ~:~:::qa..9·~·~a.·O\'z:JE!a. your skull-cup holds a wish-fulfilling gem. the display of your retinue appears. ~·~3\·9~1·~°i·~~a.l~r?4-'?a. magnificent Drikung.·~°i·cr9~~·~q·~~·r:r~rl:lfil0\l l YU TUR NGON PO SER SAB SER PO GY AN Adorned with a blue turquoise halter.~°i°i·~·~°'·arq·~0\·9~~1 l DAR CHEN LO NAN MU MEN YOB CHEN SOL Great silken straps.s·~~·~11 PON SUM TSOG NE PAL GYI DRI GUNG DU Guardian who protects the Doctrine completely.«~~·l9~·~~rt:1~~1 1 LHA MlN NO JIN KAN DRO'I TSOG KYI KOR Surrounded by hosts of asuras.·~~·\1°i·~~1·d-l1 LONG CHO PEL CHIR KA SUNG KON DZE tv1A That perfect place. . a yellow bridle of gold.·~·~"~l 1 ZA OG DAR DAN SER GA'I GA TENG DU On a silk satin cushion and golden saddle.9~·~p. and stirrups of lapis lazuli.·~1 1 YING CHUG PAL DEN LHA MO SHEPA'I TSUL Rides the laughing Glorious Goddess Queen of Space: ~~·~·~3\·?'. ~·~9·1~·913\·9~~·~a.·~~~·~3\11 NYING JE CHEN PO PO NY A'I CHO TRUL TON Through your great compassion. ~°'·~6l·i9~·9°'~·1q~·©·a. l~~~r~9·1qar~3\·~·~q'1l·qa. 1~·~0\. in order to increase the prosperity of ar~~·~1·~~:~~·z~pllQ. yakshas and dakinis a_§°i·~~·q~·~°i·~~·~1·~~·~~·-o°i11 TRIN LE SHI DEN TRO ME NGANG TSUL CHEN Endowed with the four enlightened activities and wielding the way of non-elaboration. %~~·~.SHOG May we dry up the ocean of cyclic existence. ~·3i·~·1a.·~~·a.q~°i·!:rq~z::.·5~1 1 Adorn the conclusion with requests for forgiveness offaults and prayers of dedication and aspiration.. 11 KOR WA'I GYATSO KYEM PAR. ~~q~~-lij~"·f~~-q~if1·~~-~£:1. i~rs~·~q·CJ'~·q~9~·~~·~z::. .J~~1 1 TUG DAM G¥0 KOL CHOL WA'I TRIN LE DZO I entreat you to keep your pledge-.·s~·9~~·6J·~~·q~~·'l41 TEN PA SUNG CHIR TOR MA DI SHE LA Accept this torma and guard the teachings.. ~9·cr~~·cq·~%"~·q~0\11 GE WA DI YI TU LA TEN By the power of this virtue."Q~°i-Q:i.·1 l CHO JE DRUB POR GEG ME CHING May the practitioners of dharma be free of obstacles.·~r£fq·3i~l 1 GYA NA TA KI'I SA TOB NE Attaining the level of the dakini of primordial awareness.J·~\q~a.l. this practice contains incredibly great blessings. 4~r~rQ.i·q~arqa.i~r.please perform all activities entrusted to you.~-~~·~i::i~i::rt:1·~°i·tr·~~~l(~·!:rs<l\·aii::i~40\t?·~·z:i·Oi°i·3i'1 Composed by Gyiilwang Kyobpa Rinpoche. ~·$a. 9~~·J.1 1~r35~·~~·r::i~·~°i·c:i~y:~·1 I In· a place of purity.:.q·"r:.J·~9°i·z:_~·~1 I 'JIG TEN SUM GON RAT NA SHRI Is Jigten Sumgon.~ ~-a. a beribboned Q1:row.1 l~"cll"clJ~~·'\::. ~~·~9·9~ai·q~·~·9~9·{i1 l ·KE CHIG SAL W A'I CHI TSUG TU On the crown of mylfad. a..r('c:i·a.·c:i~~·cll~~·Q~~~°i·l9~~1 lQ. Having first taken refuge and aroused the enlightened attitude of the four immeasurables. This briefpersonal smoke offering Abundantly satisfying all that is desired is composed. Ratna Shri.i· 6r'?9·r:it.. and so forth. sweet smelling wood.S:l\·~1 1 RANG NYI DOR JE NAL 'JOR MA Instantly my nature clearly arises as Vajrayogini. at an auspicious time.· itt :J\·q ~z:~:~~-a.~\::r a. one should properly arrange flour.·c:i~s0\~11~·r::i~\c:i~°i·~~·i'~iarclla11~.~I C'\C'\ ~ -lq~l""·~~:t.. :l\~·~~~~·~ai·a. medicines..:~~ 0\~1 1~r. beverages.r. offerings of food. . billowing clouds of smoke. For Dharma Tara.~~r a.~9·~°i·9~.~°i·::i~~0\·~~·~6..·93i~~~~·"9·r. protectr~ss of the teachings of the direct transmission lineage.·'?:::.1~~9~1 l~..i.:i:::...~«ysf I I bow to the Lamdand Supreme Yidam.~·q~9~·~11 A Personal Smoke Offering for The Dharma Protectress Achi Abundantly Satisfying All tliat is Desired ~1 1.~'\~::i... one should make the offerings.18.:i~·~d.·4~·c:i::i~·91 l~"i. ~~·~r~~a.J·9~·z::i . ~~·nt"·i1(~~·Ui9·<€'~l 1 LARYANG OM AH HUNG YIG 'TRO Then..l:_~·q~°i'~°i·~·q~9~1 . " - 8-t:'\ &9~·1a. 1-:4M and KHAM ~·19·5·a-r\l°i'~"~·4"'l 1 MA DAG DRI MA KUN JANG SHING These purify all impurities and imperfections of the samaya substances. TRUL KU RANG ZHIN CHEN DU SHUG He abides in the nature ofNirmanakaya.%\1 l PAG YE TONG SUM GANG WAR GYUR Fill the three thousand-fold universe.~z::i4~·~°i1 l YE SHE DU TSI'I RANG ZHIN CHEN Into their innate nature. .·~9~·d. l RAM YAM KHAM 'TRO DZE NAM KYI Emanate the syllables RAM. . the syllables OM. AH and HUNG emanate.-- " " 1 ~a.1·~~.l&d\·~~l l NAM PA SO SO'I RIG T'UN DZE Offerings for each of the Buddha families - 1q~·ai ~r~"·9~J.p:~:q·::::i9·~1·~1 CHO DZE NGO WO ZAG ME KYI Transforming the immaculate essence of the offerings <Q·4~·z::i~1·~a:-l:.·~:. the nectar of primordial awareness.·~-rq°i·z:rai9·~~1 1 TUG KA'I SA BON BAM YIG LE From the BAM syllable at my heart.~~·~·. 0 0 0 - " .l:_'Ul'fr~~·~~·~J-1~·~. • ~~~~~·$:ir~·~Q"r9i..l'Q.J~~"-ll To increase the blessings of this offering. Along with emanation mandalas both worldly and of primordial awareness..15·~~·~·?*"1i·Z"4~i·11 OM A KARO MUK. Cf.HAM SARWA DHARMANAM ADY NUfrANNATOlTE OM AH HUNG rHAT SOllA .-r. 1 HRIH RANG ZHIN YE NE LHUN GYI DRUB PA YI Hrih. I .~°'·~'1.J~·°i·~-~~. ·t-. recite the three syllables and Sky-Treasury mantra. - q1a. Or to be brief.l.~~1 1 MA KYE SAL DZOG SANG WA'l KYIL 'KOR 'DIR By the perfected unborn radiance of this secret mandala.~·'1.-..·~~·~~·ql 1 CHOKYI YING LE GYU MA'I KUR TROL PA Manifest in bodily form from the Dharmadhatu.. iil·4~·~~·~l1~·qa·r:·1·(f.·1~·1(f.i·l:-~~·~q·¥11!'.l'90\~·qa.l·~~·qu~1 1 YE SHE 'JIG TEN TS'UL 'DZIN TROL 'KOR CHE .Jf~=-·°i~·c.J0a·~~\&·i!9~~~s°'·~f1 ~Cl9~!. ~31·~°'·949~·~·9~~·qa·q~°'.·~~·a:J·(J.Jl 1!. t:'. The primordial innate nature is spontaneously accomplished. - ~ ~ ~ oo~r~·"isl~. iil·4~·a.:~:a. l YE SHE LE LA TRUL PA'I DA KI MA Dakin is please manifest to perform tpe activities of primordial awareness.l~·~·a:Ja.~9·~0)·~~·a.9 l KA' DANG DAM LA NE PA'I SUNG MA CHOG Supreme guardians who abide by their word and commitment.~~·~1 l CHAN 'OREN SHEG SU SOL W A'l TEN SUNG NI When I invite and request the Dharma Protectors to come.l·~~·9~~·~9~r9~~:qa·1~11r~. recite the six mantras and their accompanying mudras. .la. .J·q~a. . ~.i·~~·949~~-9~n. ~·~~·~·~b~·~·~·°'. ~'\·q~·«·~.61 ~~·s9·9~~·~. variously robed Achi 1 ORA GEG DUG PA 'D0L CH'IR SHEG SU SOL Please come here and tame all venomous enemies and obstructors.l~f l SHI GYE WANG DRAG 'KOR DANG CHE PA NAM And together with your retinues of peaceful. ~·fil~-r'\z:i~·s9·aff~·'\c:_·~i~rz~r~cl.q~·qa·m~·1 l· NAM K'A T'ING ZANG YU 'O 'BAR WA'I LONG From the Vast Expanse of the Excellent Deep Blue Space Ablaze with Turquoise Light. magnetising and wrathful deities. n..J·~~1 1 KY'E PAR MU LE TING DRAG TER DROM NE And particularly.i·qa·q~~·~~·~~1 l RANG RANG RIG TUN GY AL WA'I TEN SUNG CH'IR To protect the Teachings of the Victorious Ones.i·q1 l YE SHE YING LE GYU MA'I KUR TRUL PA Manifesting in emanated bodies from the ultimate space of primordial awareness. ~~·~z::_·~9~·.. '\~·q~9~r9~9·q·a_~n.%9~r'\~r~'\·!:l~'1l·9~~ra.·.J£3~·q~~·9~·~"·a.~~·949~~-~~n...i~r~·.Ja·~~ltn.J~~·~n. each according to your family.J·.l·~9·'\q~·~·~1 1· LE DANG YE SHE DAM TS'IG WANG GI LHA Are the goddesses empowered with the commitments of karma and primordial wisdom. enriching.i1 l TUG DAM GYU KOL NE 'DIR SHEG SU SOL I call upon you by your commitment to come now to this sacred place. from the place of the treasure troves of the Azure Crag.1 1 CHE SHE CHEN MO A CH'I NA NAM ZA' · Great Elder Sister.J~a.ii~r~~·iil·4~·'\d. iil·4~·'\s~~·n. ~~~·~°i·q~z::_·~~·q~~·~d.-' ~~·~~~·~°i~·a.SAMADZAH.·ID·~i~·q~a.\ DZAH By your commitment. f(g~·q·~g ~·Al·Al·~g L~·5·~· ~·~·~°i·b1·1~·Ul·~·~·an(g DZAH HUNG BAM HOH SAMAYADZAH ALALA HOH E HYI HI BHAGA WAN AKARSHA YA ~~~°t·.r~~·~·6J·~:i: DAM TSANG NE 'DIR DAM TS'IG SA M.s~~1 Thus invite them. ~r::. a. 1~~·ra.Al·~~1·~3\·ID·~i~·q~AJl l NGO 'JOR YI TRUL CHO TRIN.S~·til~·fJ. to this sacred site descend .icy~CQq·~A!z::_·~·A!r.~~·~~~~·z:.e of you. all crowned and complete in all trappings.: ~~·~%°i·qd_·~°i·ar~~~·q~·q~~~l 1 RANG RANG TUN PA'I"TEN LA GYE PAR SHUG Please be joyfully seated upon these thrones arranged so as to agree with each on.GYAM TS'OR KYIL I bring forth an ocean-like Cloud of offerings both substantial and mind--<:reated .~~·~6. ~ ~g ~~~~·~~·~·~·~~·~~·qu~·z:. your hands weaving mudras.i·\l°il C'\ 1 HRIH YING CH'UG LHA MO 'KOR DANG CHE PA KUN Goddess of Space along with your entire retinue.Jt 1 CHO TRIN SANG DU DU TSI'I GYAM TS'OR KYIL I bring forth a cloud of offerings that is the smoke of the ·purification ritual. a vast ocean of nectar.I ~~·~~·~~~:qd_·~·~~~·~~:~~ l NAL 'JOR DUNG WA'I NGA RO 'DRUG TAR DROG Loudly chanting the sad and haunting melody of the dakinis like a dragon's roar.·l l 'BO DZE CHO PAN YAB MO LING SE LING A vast and shimmering host. .~·~~·qa.£lq~·~a. jewels.·1 1 SHING NA DO TSI'I ORI DEN T'AM CHE DANG Juniper. dwarf rhododendron.J". . ~1 ~°i·~r.~~.'~~d. milk and various sorts of food and drink . incense and aloe wood. . ~9·~·1·~~·~9·q·~·~9~~. ~~·~~·~O\. ~'d.:_·~~11 TSAN DAN KAR MAR DRI ZANG DU RU KA Silk brocade. 4rz·~·q~1·~a.l·q~a.·1q~·~O\·~·d. yoghurt.·s·~°i-~d-l~·-01·1c:.·~O\·d-li9·~·l9~·1rz·1 l KYE NY6N MONG SEL WA'I MAN CHOG NA TS'OG DANG Listen -.g·q·q~1·qa.~l:r1~~·9~rz·q~rz~r4~:19 1 DRIB DANG MI TSANG SANG SHING DAG Cleanse and purify all obscurations and impurities. DO T'OL TRIN TAR 'TIB PA'I SANG CHO 'DI And flour.With clouds of purifying offerings of the sweet smelling smoke 1":~q·~°i·~·~~·1rz·~·9·~ l DAR ZAB RIN CHEN PO DANG A GA RU Of various sublime medicines that dispel negative emotions ~~0\·11"'·1d-l"'·s·z:J~r. 1. birch and so on.l·q~rz·1 1 TSA WA GYO PA'I PAL DEN LA MA SANG We make purifying offering to the glorious root and lineage teachers.~"'·a. ' SHUG PA DA LI TAG PA LA SOG KYl Fragrant red and white sandalwood and cedar wood.·~·~·l9~·~1 CH'E MAR 'O KOM ZA' TUNG NA TS'OG KYI All the various sweet-smelling and ambrosial trees.·z:i~~:d-l~~·Q. .~J..l~·~a. ~.l~·~~·11 SHA ZA MAR NAG TONG GI TS'OG NAM DANG The thousandfold host of deep red Shaza flesh-eaters .- 6J·.ll 1 DAM TS'IG K'AN 'ORO WANG GI K'AN 'ORO MA Of commitment and power.~~q~·9·J.i·§f~·9lr~·~~·1 t A MA NYING GUL SOG GI PU DRI DANG Heart-Shaking Mother and Razor to the Life-Force..l~·~qrw~·9·i~~-~J.1·9~J.C'\ _...·a.11~c.J.lfa. to you we make purifying offering.·a.. the Queen of Space ~~~-~·J. slay and snatch away.i1 "" - C'\ - C'\ - TEN SUNG TSO MO YING CH'UG CHO KYI DROL The leader of all Dharma Protectors. ~~·a. e:~·.i~ro~·q~r::~:1 I MA MO K'AN 'ORO MA LO T'AM CHE SANG And all mamos and dakinis without exception.§f~·4~·J.1·q~"·1 ' =rs\9~1·s 1 ZA JE SO JE 'TROG JE MA SUM SANG And the three goddesses who devour.·a. - - tQ·~~·~-~-~<1r~~-~~·qu~rq~~·11 YI DAM DOR JE NAL 'JOR 'KOR CHE SANG To the meditation-<leity Vajra Yogini and her retinue 1 q~~·~~·9u·~·~s~~·~9·~~r~·~a..i·~~r£.f~·1~·qu~1 1 TR'IN LE TR'O MO MAR MO 'KOR DANG CHE Wrathful Red Mother of Enlightened Activity along with your retinue.1~a.ra..1fa:a.ll 1 LE KYI K'AN 'DRO YE SHE K'AN 'DRO MA And the dakinis of activity and of primordial awareness.. ...i·~"·~a.i1~r~M1J. Dharma Saviouress. 4·~-~J.i·~9·J..- ' """ 1·~9·s1·J...i·~fa.~J.~·. . Q.·~1·~·~:::_·~a.ifies the veils of impure samaya.• ~:::_~·~·4~·~·~:::.·~1·r:::i~°i·r~r~°i·~°i·q~~~E(~·q:::.~r:::ia.·~·~J~l-r:::i~~~·~~11 1 SHAL SHE SUNG MA GYAM TS'O SANG GI CHO Protect·~:::.·1 1 LHA DANG DAG LA P'OG GYUR DAM DRIB DANG As it touches the deities and ourselves. ·· 5·~3\·~~~rq~·~~~·'e!·iio. r:::i1~·u9·~~·~0\·~~·~~·~z:rcr~l 1 DAG CHAG DAM DEN NAL 'JOR DRUB PA PO'I So that the patron deities.·~·1:::. the Five Sisters C'. we make this purifying offering.·i~~1 -: 1 'GO W A'I LHA DANG GYU KYI SUNG MA'I TS'OG The custodians of the precious teachings of the Kagyti lineage r:::i1Q._ - q~O\·cr. 5·~~:r::i19·~·?. the oath-keeping yogin practitioners.l 1 KA' GYU TEN PA RIN CHEN SUNG DZE PAR And ocean of sworn guardians "1'1rz:i~~·~:::.fqr~~-1~·~z:i·1:::. we make purificatory offering. the host of protectors.~1 .r~·9~~~Qf ~·~~r:::iu~rr~r~~:::.·~~·~~·~rO\ 11 GANG RI SHEL GYI ZUR P'U DAM PA NA To the Auspicious Queen with Power of Life ~~q:!]·4~·~·~·~q:::_·~9·~t 1 JO MO TRA SHI TS'E YI WANG CH'UG MA Of the supreme crystal tresses of the Himalaya.·1 1 TEN . the offering smoke pur.MA CHU NYI 'KOR DANG CHE PA SANG And Twelve Earth Goddesses along with your entourage. LHA MAN RIG SHI CHE NGA CHAM DRAL DANG To the Four Families of Medicine Goddesses. '?d. 1 BAR CHO MI T'ON KYEN KON SHI WA DANG May it pacify all obstructive and negative conditions. .r~cr~~-£l3\·9?ajq·~9~1 l RO BAG JI NAL DRIB DANG T'AN SHOB SOG Those stemming from contact with corpses. rape. ~·9Q'~·~°i"\l°i"z::J~~·9~·~9·~:l\"°i~t l MI TSANG KYON KON SANG GI DAG GYUR NE As well as all other impurities and faults. DE TAR SANG TR'0 CHO GA ZAB MO YI Thus.l~r~!:r~O\·~r~r~~''·r~q·9rz°i·~r~r~3\11 NY AM DRIB 'KON DRIB NOL DRIB DON DRIB NGAN Violation of vows.·~~-a_~~-q~~ 11 CHO KYI DROL MA'I U P'ANG TO Glory to the Dharma Saviouress. incest. vulnerability to evil and demonic possession. - "' -~ ~.i·~%°i"~°i·~°i·~·q·~~. - ~ "' C\ q~·9~~·o. ~1 ~-~~·~-~~·~q~·q~~·'{1 l KYE DE RING LHA SUNG PANG TO DO Please listen -Today I make lofty praise of the gods and protectors. may this profound means for attainment of washing oneself in smoke ~·~~~~~-4~·'?~~ra5~rr~~·~:l\·3\~1 "' C\ - 1 LHA SUNG GYE SHING NYAM CHAG SO GYUR NE Please the gods and protectors and repair all impairment and breakage of vows. ~0j·l9~·q~~·r::r~~·q~3\"~q·q~·49 1 P'UN TS'OG SAM PA CHO SHIN DRUB PAR SHOG May we perfectly realise all our aims in full accord with the Dharma. - C\- C\ - CE~·~1r~n. and burning filthy things. defilement due to discord.r~a. ~z::JQTS"3\". \~·~:q~~:~~«15·9·=3q·~·~ . l"4~·Z:JW11 ·1 CHO KYI DROL MA'I U P'ANG TO Glory to the Dharma Saviouress. .·1~·Q.·~~·a. inner and secret ritual substances.rz1·1~·~·i9~·~~11 CHO TRIN 'DO GU NA TS'OG KY! With a cloud of offerings of an infinite variety of objects that are pleasing to the senses. ~l'qa.l\~·(J.J£fZ:J1 1 SI PA'I TSE MO LE TO WA You.·.~·~-~~·6Ja.1·."'5~·~·~~·a. (J.~·~·~~·~a.J·~~1 1 MO GU TOYANG ROL MO YI With the music of devotion-filled songs o(praise.l"4~·q~11 - C\.J~·~~·q~\1s~~·.~·~·~~'d-l"'·~~·a_~"·z::p~~l . i~·~·i~·d. 'V"C\.Ji1·~~·a. who are above the summits of samsara. ~9~"".l"4~·q~l 1l CHO KYI DROL MA'I U P'ANG TO Glory to the Dharma Saviouress. a.·1~·a.'V" C\ - a. - C\.J~·CJ. .~3i·~~·~·3i~·9~~·q·{4~1 1 TEN DZE CHI NANG SANG WA YI With these"- " - a.~~·~~l 1 NGAG DANG CH' AG GYA TING 'DZIN GYI With mantra and mudra and profound meditative concentration. CJ.g·J-f(l.'V" " - ' CHO KYI DROL MA'I U P'ANG TO Glory to the Dharma Saviouress.· CHO KYI DROL MA'I U P'ANG TO Glory to the Dharma Saviouress. .'1~?~~~:z:.._..l·6.JQ. C\- C\. .1·11..~~·q~~' ' CHO KYI DROL MA'I U P'ANG TO Glory to the Dharma Saviouress._. .J·z:.. C\.l-6._~~·q~l 11 CHO KYI DROL MA'l U P'ANG TO Glory to the Dharma Saviouress.l·m~-~._. C\.J·0-3a. - CE~·~·~'1.l·q~°'·~·~q·a.. . CE~r~·~11.- C\.. .J\·1~·q1 1 YIZHINNORBUTARGE WA And as filled with virtue as the wish-granting gem.·9=:ra.~'1. l41·q~d\'~.J\' ' GYAL TEN MI NUB 'PEL GYE CH'IR In order to spread the unfailing Doctrine of the Victorious Ones. C\.J·0-3a._~~:z:. ~'1..J\·~-~._·1~·a. 1S.. CE~f~'~'1.. C\_.·1~·a. - CE~~r~11. ~~·~·~~·d-la·~~·a... ..J~r9~11._~~·q~ll 1 CHO KYI DROL MA'l U P'ANG TO Glory to the Dharma Saviouress.. '? ·a]a.·1~·a. C\..i~l 11 CHO KYl DROL MA'I U P'ANG TO Glory to the Dharma Saviouress..Ja.. C\- C\ .J\·~·~·0-3l~~:ID~·q1 1 YARKYI GYAMTS'O TARGYE PA Vast as a summer lake.i~ll l CHO KYI DROL MA'I U P'ANG T6 Glory to the Dharma Saviouress._._.. - C\.i1 1 NYI DA'I ZI 'O LE SAL WA Who are more brilliant than the sun and moon._. l~·s1·~q'1.l·J.11 1 CH'A YANG GYAM TS'O SHIN DU KYIL Like a swirling ocean of auspiciousness and prosperity. ~~a:r~·~~·J. -C'\ ~~. - C'\- C'\ - d5~·~r~'1.~~r~~·~~·~~·~1·q~r~:r~~11 JEN 'JUG KYONG SHING DON DRUB CH'IR To protect its followers and realise their aims. ~~·qa·q~1·q·~1·~1·~~~1 1 NYING PO'I TEN PA RIN CHEN SUNG Protect the precious quintessential teachings . ~~·~·d-l~J~·~1·~~~·~~1 l SUNG MA T'O CHEN KY'E NAM KYI All you powerful protectors.i::~~~q~0\·~~·~1·l::J~\~l l 'KOR 'DE TEN YO NO CHO KYI All the perfect power and blessing.l·ar°'·~1·t9~·\l0\ 1 1 T'U JIN PAL YON P'ON TS'OG KON Of the animate and inanimate universe of samsara and nirvana ~·~~·q19·~~·9cil~·~·a:i11 l DE RING DAG GI YANG DU LEN I gather today as the manifest power of fortune ~·9~~·$·~iq~1·~·~'1.l·~zrl 1 SUNG MA MI DANG MA 'DRAL SHIG Protect us and never become separate from us. splendor and wealth J.I·a_s'1.l~·~~.~~~·q~~11 CHO KYI DROL MA'I U P'ANG TO Glory to the Dharma Saviouress. i11 K'A ME GO K'A DAB NOL SOL Dispel injurious and damaging talk and energy loss.i· l DAG CHAG MI NOR 'KOR CHE LA For ourselves.9~ar~~·~~·~a.~~·a.:i:i1a.·~~·~s~~-~~·clla. · . ~!~fQ~·4~i:i~if°t·q~~l Then recite prayers ofauspiciousness.~~1 1a.i~·~~~1l TEN 'DZIN 'PEL GYE TEN PAR DZO And sustain the development and increase of those who hold it. when we are abroad. - ~ ~a.~r~~rz::t~O)·r:.E::°i·Q~1 l9'\°t·~s~~-~~9·fr9 l~~:r_·f~94~rr.~1 1~~.~a. protectress of the teachings.-l ""' s~·~·~~·~9·0j~·~°i·ai9 JES SU DRA JAG CHOM KON DOG And.S·r:i°i·~·sa..i·~~·~~~~-Q~"--l·r:ia_.1 1~~-Q~~~°'·~9~a. spontaneously bring all our aims to realization. and all our circle 9~·"··rz::i:u-. ~Qf°'·~·cll·.q~°i·"-~°i·a_?cl. - -- ~·~~9~·f·q~q~·~31a. ~-~::. repel all robbers. z::i~~psQr~·~~·~~·z::iu~ra. dedication and aspiration.q~·f~· \\-~~II ll~~i"cll~·i:ri11 II Thus this special smoke--offering ritual which bestows all that could be desired to the Queen ofSpgce. now and in the future. the unerring practitioners.s°'·"--l~°i~1 t~~·r:i·~~·~·~iirQ· Ui1 l SHI LA TRA SHI LONG CHO PEL At home fill our dwellings with auspiciousness and spiritual wealth.i·~°i·~31·\_\31·~31·~z:r~~~11 'TRAL YON DON KON LHON DRUB DZO And. bandits and predatory highwaymen. was written by the 'Drigung monk known by the name of Bhadra in the Palace of the Golden Pavilion of the primary monastic seat at Jangchubling i111~esponse lo a request made by the changeless Lama Tr'inle of T'ang Monastery and accompanied by a pure offering offlowers. .·~~a. .~·~1 1 CHI WOR NY AM ME RAT NA SHRI With the incomparable Lord.·6J11 RANG NYl DOR JE NAL JOR MA I arise as Vajrayogini..·~·~.I " ~'\-~fi'\I If any yogin or yogini should wish to supplicate the Dharma Protectress Achi. -.~·~~·~~·~~·~.r... '. AH TONG SAL NYING JE'I TSAL DANG LE AH From the radiance of the compassionate dance of clarity and emptiness. wine or tea and so forth... Vajra Yogini.·.i1 larr:. A chi. I prostrate with devotion.~ia·~·~a-rs·~-°i~rCJ=:i~l m~·~·~9~·ci~d.-. various types of unharvested grain. As Nirmanakaya. .iFa. Lady ofNanam. '::'> ' ... ~·2f~·6l")6l·i1~·.. the '·white torma' for the local deity.~-~~"l·'Trr::i~·"~~~rz::i~~·~r::r~~s·z::rr::i~~~r~11 'An Offering Request to the Dharma Protectress Achi That Accomplishes all Auspiciousness and Joy' - '"" ~·J. In Sambhoghakaya style. above the crown of my head.~·~1 NAMO RATNAYE ~~-~·'?9·9~!1f~~-~~-a_S~·.. ocean-like host of Dharma Protectresses.. They should then repeat the following: ~g w~·~~<lf~~·~a·g~·o. Ratnashri.. 1 1q~~·~i::.~§f ~~·'\r::CJQ~l 1r::i~°'·~r::m·oi~:i9~~-~~r:i~~~l To the single nature ofDharmakaya.. the Dakinis of the four families.J~~~·~~.. . To you.~ "~ . they · should assemble her torma. ..fg~·~~·q~~·~~·qi!. Dharma Tara. a_q9·t:i~9·~~·~~·q~9~·9~~·q~~1 1 BAG TSOG NYE KYON SEG TOR TRO These burn up.l 1 OM AH HUNG GI DO TSIR GYUR With an OM AH and HUNG they transform into 7·~g~rtli~c.i~a. evil. amidst massing cloud banks... q~3\·~r. fill the entire expanse.i.e.!(3\·~9~· 9<.._ ~·c. - ~l~l1~3\·~r.. I clearly appear dancing.·~~~1 1 RANG DON CHU DZIN TRIG PA'I 0 Before me. ooo:..:uq-q· ~..·~~~·qa·~~·~·~~11 TEN SUNG CHO PA'I DZE SU GYUR Becoming offerings to the dharma protectors.:i . and rinse clean all defilements.x. .~Q~r:_~~'~l ~ . and wrongdoing. 1 HA HOH HRIH YI KA YING GANG And with HA HOH HRIH.. ~9~·~~·~~·~~·~·~·~1 ' TUG LE 6 TRO RAMY AM KHAM With the syllables RAMY AM KHAM emanating from my heart as rays of light.c-.~g~·7·7g·~g ai0\·9~~1 Cleanse and purify it with RAM YAM KHAM and then recite OM AH HUNG HA HOH HRIH three times. ~B'. .~·~~·~·aJa·9~·q~~·9~~1 l MA DRE CHU DA'I GAR SHIN SAL Like the moon reflected in calm waters.·cl)~·~·~~·~·~1~1 ' TEN SUNG CHO KYI DROL MA KAR Is the white dharma protectress..·~s~~·9~·1 nect~. blow away.. ~~·~~3\·~·a. ..~6..·a... and with the left.. -.·~q~·q~9~1 1 ZA OG GA TENG DORTAB SHUG Upon a saddle of brocade she wrathfully rides...·~ . DUN DU SHA ZA KAN DRO TING Before her is the blue.1. flesh-eating dakini... ~Oj·9~~·~·~·'?~1~r~~~°i l l CHAN SUM sm TRO'I NY AM DANG DEN She has three eyes and possesses a peaceful and wrathful demeanour...l{ l CHANG SHE CHU TA NGON PO LA On the Water Blue Wisdom Horse.1£lc.Ga_·a.·4~·~·~·~0j·c:r'1.Qr.. -·-·" .~~r~~11 DAR DANG ZA OG RAT NE TRE Adorned with silken scarves. the yellow dakini of primordial awareness. =rr.·~~rt:J~Oj 1 1 SER SAB YU TUR DAR GYI GYAN With a golden bridle.1 1 YE SU YE SHE KAN DRO SER To her right. fine brocades and jewel ornaments.l l YE PA DA RU YON TO NOR With her right hand she holds a damam. 9~~·~t:J·9~~&. the powerful red daklni._·9·6-lj'.·1 l.·~..lfa.- 9~~r::r~·~9~0j·£1~·3\. . and turquoise reins adorned with silk..lfQ:a.·~z:. 9~~·~·at·4~·6. d-l~Oj·~·4·E!·J.tQr~r~c..- ~.::~ra. ~c..~·~J.. .. ~ - ~q·{?·~qc.. a skull cup carrying the wishfulfilling jewel.1 ' GY AB TU WANG GI KAN DRO MAR Behind her.~~. :J~·~9·.._t:'. ~·~-1'·~·~~·o. .i~1·'1!·1~·1 1 CHI KOR TSE RING CHE NGA DANG In the circles beyond are the Five Tseringrna Sisters of Long Life. clearly visualised within a vast expanse of rainbow light. - .i·~·9~~r1t. to the pure realm ofUddiyana.~·~·fil~·6J·~~·. - t:'.s1'~·~~. qry~·.9af°i·~1. l CHO KYI DROL MA CHAN ORANG GYUR To invoke Dharma Tara.if~·°'§f11~1 l YON DU DAM TSIG KAN ORO KAR And to her left.S~r°'~~·~·~~·~s9~<ll1 1 MA DRE JA TSONLONG DU SAL Each is dist~nct and unmixed._ ~1·~~·b··-r~oi·19·Q~·Cc)~·1 - l 6 TRO OR GYAN DAG PA'I SHING Light streams forth. £J6Ji~ru1·~<l3·9~·~~rc~r~-1'l l TAM CHE TIL GANG CHI PA TAR Like a full measure of si~ed sesame seed. s~·~q·m~·1~·~·~·. . the white dakini of sarnaya. 6J·a.s9 l JANG CHUB LING DANG TI DRO'I DRAG To Jangchubling (Drikung Til) and to the Crag ofTidro.i·~9·o.i1 l TEN MA CHU NYI WANG CHUG MA The twelve Tenma earth goddesses and the powerful Ishvari mothers.9oi~·9~6J·~·9~6J·%9~·~9·~~1 1 : NE SUM DRU SUM TUG SOG LE From the three syllables in the three places and from the life-force t:'._- a. . . endowed with thousands of qualities. Please be seated upon the thrones of this bejewelled palace. but accomplish all that has been entrusted you.~1·~°i·\.pll b~·a.-. -s. Goddesses and all your host of dakinis.1a. b~·~·..·9~·q~~·~q~1 1 DAM LA MA DA GANG CHOL DRUB Do not forget your commitment. 1c. €3i·~·~~~·1.s . ..i«~~~·1~~~·949~1 l NGON GYI TUG DAM DIR GONG SHEG Turn your attention to this place and please come here like you promised.·~~~·~~~~1 l HUNG DHAR MA TA RE'I GYE KONG GYUR HUNG Dharma Tara. . ~u~99·J:J_1·~nrq~·~~-~~·~°i 1l AH GAG ME ROL GY A NO TONG DEN AH of unimpeded enjoyment. ..... .~°i·~ s~·91°i·arq~9~1 l RIN CHEN PO DRANG DAN LA SHUG .i~1·'i!·~·~~·J31 l A CHI CHE NGA TSE RING MA the Five Achi Sisters. e .c-.HRlH TEN PA SUNG WA'I DAM TSIG CHEN HRlH You who are bound with samaya to protect theteachings of the Dharma. .l°i·~~~·:n~·°i~·~~l 1 OM AH HUNG OM DO YON KUN ZANG LONG NE TROL OM Sensory enjoyments emanate from the primordial expanse of Samantabhadri. q~°i·JJ·q~·~~~·r:·1~·ar~~11 TEN MA CHU NYI DA Kl'I TSOG Twelve Tenma Earth. the Tseringma Sisters of Long Life. you who bring about joy. -e.J·a.l"~'c..t§n.. ~°i._ ' - ~·¥i·1·~a. i~~.. - ""' l ql9·~~·~.. a:. Glorious bharma Tara. Queen of Space.r~·~·@f~°i·~~·~·~~r' TSE PO TSE ORGY AN SHING DU TRI At the time of death.r~iti~·%~~·~~·~~·\l3i·i~~l l ME MA YEL TUG JE DO KON KYONG Mother.r. Dhanna Tara. d-1~9. ~?3i"'-~·~a. the yogin. ~·a. - " ~z::i~·~z::i·q~·~d-l·~~·rd-l·"'~"'·z::i:t:_l l KYAB KYOB PA'I DAM LE MA DA WAR In order not to transgress your commitment to protect those under this refuge. ·<~r~q~·~3i·~s~~r~9·~~·~·i~11 MA PAL DEN YING CHUG CHO KYI DROL Mother. at home and abroad.·~q~·9~9·~~·~~·d-11 1 TEN DI CHI'I KY AB CHIG CHO DROL MA Constant refuge in this and all future lives.~g~~~·~~~·~~·q~~rr~~rq99~fil~1 t HRIH CHO TOR DI SHE DRA GEG DROL HRIH Please accept this torma offering and liberate all enemies and obstructers. lead me to the pure realm of Uddiyana. Please guard me at all times with your compassion. do not forget me.%3i·~~·~~·q~ 9·~--l·~ 11 CHOG TON MONG SID DHI DAG LA TSOL Please bestow the ordinary and supreme siddhis.:i::9~·s~·~--l~·9~~·~~1 DAG NAL JOR SHI JE LAM SUM LA Protect me. z::i~9·~~·1~·il·~s~·~~°i·iz::i·d-1~11 l DAG LO DANG MI DRAL GON KYOB DZO Protect me and never leave! . along three paths. full moon and eighth days ofthe month...1 KYEN NY AM CHAG GANG CHI ZO PAR SOL Please forgive any times that I have breached and defiled my commitments. ~~·'1.Jit.~:i::~''·r"~·t:1~if°t'SI "}·~t:::~~t:1~~·~o.9·9~.r.:J~~l 1 DZE BA LING CHO TRIN GYAM TSO SHE Please accept these ocean.. It is extremely important that you practice this as much as you can on the new moon.·g~·q~·ur~.J:.·iii. C\..J~\~~·~·(.~~-~91 II May this... -- (...i·~·i:i·9nf~l - l DON NAM SHl'I TRIN LE GANG CHOL DRUB Accomplish all the four types of entrusted enlightened activity...·J.l-~.1·9~r:. obstructers.·ll.J~~-q~~·q~·9~~1 ..J·r:::i'1~·!:j0)·~~·9z::.._.. q:. be a cause of virtue! • . ~e. " ~ C\ C\ ' %9~·~~~·q~·c.-~ll.J·~~l 1 DAM LOG PA'I DRA GEG JE MA DROL Liberate the enemies. C\C\ ~ ~O)-~c.·qu<... _. . Karma Lhundrub.·i:i·~"lil\"<Qtii9·~::_·~~ 3~. at the expfess command of Drongpa Lama.. • Thus offering the torma in a clean place... · c-.. Lho Jedrung..J%~·~~·~·05 9~·~~1 TUG GYE PA'I TUN DZE NA TSOG KYI Through these many pleasing and delightful substani:-...i~·'1t:::Z:J"]Q. % ..:~·q·~-c.j~~·~:!l"~f-1'"t:::i'()~·%9~·"~·q~~~1 l :MA KAN DRO KOR CHE TUG DAM KANG May samaya wit_h the Dakini Mother and her retinue be fulfilled.J:.::like clouds oftorma offering. never missing a session.i~-~~-~t:r~~~°i·~·.. recite prayers of dedication and aspiration.·931~q·arq'l°i'il\~I ~·(~i. _.. one who has a pe1fectly pure karmic connection to Jatson ~ · 1~·9~.l·-oil\·~~oi~9~ci..S·~fci·~9·q.J"..i~·a. " _.."-m . 'Offering Request to the Dharma Protectress Achi That Accomplishes all Auspiciousness and Joy' swiftly composed by the long-haired yogin.J:. _.i·ar9·q~·~~·r:::i99~·s~·c. al}d dark sorcerers opposed to these commitments. and written down by the scribe Konchog Dargye.c. '"""" ..l·9Ci\~·q~·t. l JIN LAB WANG DANG NGO D~UB TSOL Please grant us blessing.rl1.9~·~001· l TSOG CHO BHA LING CHO PARBOL For you. -- Q1~·q~1·~r~-~~·q~~·(lJ1 1 KA GYO LA MA KOR CHE LA Come the Kagyu Lamas and retinue.~l'lJl t:'-.~~°il Ganachakra Feast ofAchi Chokyi Drolma For those who wish to accumulate one hundred Ganachakras EjQ~4~&·E(~·t9~Q:i::s~~1 \Vithin.l·CQ~~·4~·m·~·qa·~~·~·l9~·~~r~~~r4·~·q~~·~·~a·~~·q~~·~~~t TONG PA'I NGANG LEY AM LE LUNG RAM LE ME KAM LE MI GO'I GYE PU SUM LA NE PE AH LE KA PA LA YANG SHING GYA CHE WA'I NANG DU TSOG DZE NAM SHA NGA DO TSI NGA'I RANG ZHIN DU GYUR In the state of emptiness: from YAM comes wind..1&!1.l~r 'Tr~r<J. from"~~r£i·OJ~·~\~·9~0.~1 Purify the assembled substances of wisdom and skillful means with a smoke offering.:~oo~·q~·Q.l~r~~·1 ~·11. Upon this is resting the syllable AH from which arises a vast and spacious skull-cup.~·a.l~rdl·l1. the Ganachakra substances become the five meats and five nectars. from RAM. Bless it with three recitations of OM AB HUNG HA HO HRlH ~9·~°'·9~~·a:J~9·1.l~r~l . ~r:-:qa:~~:l1. empowerment.i~::. I offer these Ganachakra ~nd torma offering! --s°'·aiq~·lQ~·1~·1~~·~q·~1 t:'-.J·q·°'~1 l b 'MIN NE CHOG DAM PA NE From the ~preme and sacred realm of Akanishtha. fire. and siddhi! .~~::.i """"' _. '9~Q~·q~!i]~r. -a.i~·~'\~·<y~·~~-a. " " -1' 4'.M arises a hearth of three human skulls. . with retinue.. magnetising and wrathful activities ~~·~~·r:i~<lrq~~°i·~~rr:i~ql ~ ~ 1 NAL JOR CHOL W A'l TRIN LE DRUB Entrusted to you by this yogin! . enriching.trr1~·%°i«w~·~~~r~t:r~11 CHOG DANG TON MONG NGO DRUB TSOL Please grant us the accomplishments. - - ~a.~~11 . KA DANG DAM TSIG SHAL YE NE From the celestial palace of oral instruction and commitment.~r--111 TSOG CHO BHA LING CHO PA BUL For you..."Q.. I offer these Ganachakra and torma offering! ~·~~·1q~·1~·6J~°i·~1·~9~1 1 SHI GYE WANG DANG NGON CHO SOG Please accomplish the peaceful. ~9~·0-1g~·~"~~·6Jg1·~ra.f~·z::i~~-~1 1 TEN SUNG KAN DRO KOR CHE LA Corne the Dharma guardians and dakinis.-. DIR SHEG TSOG DANG TOR MA BUL Please come! For you..1~·~9~·05 9~·~~·9~~·0-1·a.. -- ·' Q~°i·~~·a:J~Q..:!)"Q. ~9~·~·6J~a:a.~~~·q~~·~11 RIG NGA KAN DRO KOR CHE LA Come the dakinis of the five families and their retinue. I offer these Ganachakra and torma offering! - ... both ordinary and supreme.- ~tr~9~rb~-~°i·~~-~1·3i~l 1 NUB CHOG OR GYAN DUR TRONE From the western charnel ground ofUddiyana.1~·1a:J·~9·~"1~·tQ~°i~1 . q1a. ~ ' ~ - a. 9~\s~·~~F~~9~-<~·r.::i~·~~~11 NO JE DRA GEG SHI WAR DZO Please subdue all the harmful enemies and obstructors! Then sprinkle the remainder offering with saliva, and bless it by reciting the A KAR0 2 mantra three times. ~g 4~·~~·~·s1·11~·~r.::i~~11 JHO SHAR NE SHI JE KAR MO DUN You seven white goddesses of pacifying from the east, . f~~·ID~·s1·~~·~r.::i~0\11 LHO NE GYE JE SER MO DON Seven yellow goddesses of enrichment from the south, - '""' ~r.::i·0)~·1r.::ir.;:s\~6l~·;;rr.::i~O) l1 NUB NE WANG JE MAR MO DON Seven red goddesses of magnetising and attraction from the west, - '""' s~·~~·.59·s1"~~·6l·r.::i~°' 1f JANG NE DRAG JE JANG MO DON And seven green goddesses of wrathful activity from the north, C'\ - C'\ C'\ ~9·~·05 ~·~·1s~~·°'·r.::i~9~1 1 DRUG NI CHO KYI YING NA SHUG [Of each group] six dwell in dharmadhatu, the absolute expanse. ~·~·flz:J~·~·~·~9~ai1 1 RE RE TAB KYI KU RU SAL One appears in skillful form! 2 ·~ll';f'1J~~-~-~Q·&ll·l'J5·~·7·7·~1ff~·~\'~·11 OM A KARO MUKllAM SAR WA DllARMA ADYA NUTPANNATOTTEOM AH HUNG PHAT SOllA ""l·~~·~r~::EJ~"~~~·1~·q ...,.,. 0 ~l l DETARRANGDRANKORDANGCHE Please come with your retinue bearing your likeness! a,~~·~9~·~9~r~·59·a:rq~~l 1 DIR SHEG TSOG KYI LHAG MA SHE Come and accept the remainder of the Ganachakra feast! ~a:rq~·<l.l~·q~ar~q·~~·;;i(~ 11 NAM SHI LE CHOL bRUB PAR DZO Please accom~lish the four-fold activities entrusted you! Reciting OM UTSITA BHAKSHAKAPI SOHA, offer it in a clean place. f ...... C'\.'"""' C\. ri::i~~·~:::.·¥i·~y~·~·oo~~~· TEN SUNG DHARMA TARE! TSOG NI A Ganachakra Feast for Dharma Tara, Protectress of the Teachings .,., " .;i05~·i::i~~cr°i1 The concise offering RAM YAM KHAM three times and OM AH HUNG three times. i~~·~31·~~-g~·~sr:::.~~r:::.·~'?d-l~·Ulr:::.~·4c..·~r~·q~g TSOG NO BHANDHA CHO YING DANG NYAM YANG SHING GYA CHE WAR I offer these inexhaustible Ganachakra substances, a proliferation of offering clouds which satisfy all desires, i~~rR:~·~~·~~-a_~~-~BJ~·a.a;~·q~·d-lg~.~31·a§-q·a.~g TSOG DZE ZEME DO GUR CHAR WA'I CHO TRIN TRO WA DI In the Ganachakra vessel, a skull cup broad and vast as the absolute expanse- dharmadhaffi- q~d\·~~:a3~r~31·~~-~~·z=~ro~·AJ·a.~AJ·tif")~~·05~r~31·sr::.~~"·~ TEN SUNG CHO DRON KOR DANG CHE LA BULLO NY AM CHAG KUN JANG SHlNG To Chodron- Dharma Lamp- Protectress of the Teachings, and her retinue. May this purify all violations of commitments! %~~-~~·~~~·~~:ortfj·~31·~°'-~AJ·~i~r%3\·~~~·~r:rf1a TUG DAM GYE KONG LOG DREN KON DROL CHOG TON NGO DRUB TSOL May this bring joy and delight to the Yidam deities! May all negative forces be liberated! Please bestow the ordinary and supreme siddhis! GANA TSATRA PUDZA KHAHI UTSITTA BALINGTA KHAHI ~1 1:::i:;;0i·~i:;:w~;r;:....ra:~-r~·~r:..~~~..,,·"?i·c&i:;.o.i~::;:i::i~~-;·§·~~1 TEN SUNG A CH'I CHO KYI DROL MA'I KANG SHAG DON TS'ANG DOR DU KA' GYA MA NI The Sealed and Secret Essential Practice of the Fulfilment and Confession Ritual for The Dharma Saviouress Achi, Protectress of the Teachings ~g r:J~O\·~i;·~~·r&:filn.i·~r~~·~i;·q~~I HRIH HRIH I TEN SUNG CHO KYI OROL MA 'KOR DANG CHE The ritual substances for repairing the commitment with ~~~-~~(r;~rq~·~.;;rE:~-~1 l T'UG DAM KANG W A'l DAM DZE NI Dharma Saviouress, Protectress of the Teachings, along with her retinue are so explairied. ~' ~-:..d 0 ~~CJ\·~·~ t'1Clf~c:_·~9 l CH'I TEN 'DRI NGON SHEL GONG LUG The outer objects are a blue female yak a~d a sheep, ~·~~qp~c:_·~·@·tfi;·i::i~~1 I TA CHOG 'DRONG CHEN GY A BONG CHE A fine horse and a large wild _yak, <J\i;·~~~c::.·~c::.·~-~~·~c:_·1 I NANG TEN TR'UNG TR'UNG GYAL TS'AN DANG The inner objects, a crane and a victory banner, ~~c:_·~°'·~~~·qy~;~~·~r::.·1 1 SANG TEN SER YU 'DRU NA DANG And secret objects, gold, turquoise and various types of grain. -- ' .· ~·~<J\·ij'~9~-~~-~~-~1 1 KU TEN BA CHAG SOG 'KOR KU The supports of enlightened body are an iron staff and mandalas of the life force 9~c:_·~Cl\·a.e:q·~c::.~·r::i-f\CJ'r::i~~1 I SUNG TEN 'DZAB YANG TO PA CHE . Those of enlightened speech are mantras, songs and praises, l~·1 f 'BO PA'I TEN DUY AB DAR DANG The support of invocation is a silken fan.. 1 KANG NGO KAL PA'I T'UG DAM KANG May it universally repair the tantric commitments. " '' ~Ql''-!~·~d\·~·9UJrp"~.NE LUG DON GYI CHO Abiding naturally within the ultimate nature free from elaboration.q~~1 l DAR ZAB NA TS'OG GY AN DANG CHE And an adornment of five-coloured silks. .~.. rakta and torma... ~-°'1~'\·~~f'2!'CQE[~1~·q~~1 1 CH'I CHO NAM NGA DZE SHING JI Outwardly are the offerings of fivefold beauty and splendor. ~"~-~~·'\r.·~~r@O\·'\~. ·.. -c-.r~x:J·~~-9~~-iClJ1 I KANG 'GYUR NGO DRUB NAM NYI TSOL Amending these commitments.· ~~'Qell'90\~·~9~·'\°i·~~·c'.~-'ll~~~·~Cll·'\"1'·. :ri~r:. ~O\·~~·~~-~~n.i~~0i'\~·q~~Xell1 1 SANG CHO DE CHEN GA' DER ROL And the secret offering is to enjoy and partake of great bliss. - - ~"·c'...J.. af°i·in·~d\·~q 3 ~~9''\~:1 l YON TAN TEN DU ZANG DRUG DANG The supports of enlightened qualities are the six excellent substances '\:::_·31::rw.Qa)'\l 1 TRO ORAL...Q·t:1-0~1 I NANG CHO MAN RAK TOR MA CHE Inwardly are the offerings of man.r·q~~~·11 q~~·~·q~C'..... - ~ ·~9~··aJz:~:'\~:l 1 TUG TEN NGUL KAR ME LONG DANG And that of enlightened mind is a silver mirror.Q~'\·~0\·~9·q115~·c'. .r~·l'9~1 1 TR'IN LE TEN DUROL MO'I TS'OG Those of enlightened activity are musical instruments .fq(. plea~e grant us twofold accomplishment! .:°'1~'\·r.. \~·~·~·~"-q-r.May it prove virtuous and may all be auspicious .·1 1 KU SUNG TUG YON TR'IN LE CH'I NANG SANG With regard to the general and specific outer. deteriorations. mind._q·~·~~·~·q 3 ~·q~·qq~·~~·~c:.. .~·q·l:ilc:. Queen ofSpace. inner.·~~·~c)J·~·~~1 1 CHI DANG KY'E PAR SUNG JA'I DAM TS'IG LE That we have undertaken to keep.~~<Jj'~"'<~~ni·~~~c._t'3]'fj°"~·~°"~~g'°'·q7. was composed by 'Drigung 'Jigten Sumgon. please listen to us! ~·~~r.·• "¥~-~~{'IJ I\ GE'O TRA SHI SHOG .. ~q~·c)J~·tt'c.~·~q·~~·~'ll~~1 DRIB ME TS'ANG PA'I NGO DRUB TSAL DU SOL Grant us the completely unobstructed siddhi! ~~·~c.- - G~Qf~c1.j Thus.·q1'flf'f~·S}·~·f.1~1 l NONG PA GANG CHI 'GYO PA'I SEM DRAG PO And for whatever faults we have committed. this sealed and secret fulfilment and confession ritual to the Dharma Saviouress. we feel remorseful anguish. qualities.·l:il~c:. and activity ~·~r.HRIH TEN SUNG 'KOR CHE DAG LA GONG SU SOL Protectress of the Dharma and all your entourage. still be patient with us. transgressions.~·q~f~~·~~~~·'¥!~·~1:il~t l DAG CHAG MONG PE NOR 'TRUL 'GAL NYAM SOG All our confusion.JC:.·~r. Please.ia:i~·~"i·t. errors.·~~·q~·~r. and secret commitments of enlightened body. - - "' "'' - O\c:. . -- " ::.·~l:il~·urd\·~d\·~~r~·d\r._~·q(J.·a. " '·'" - - ".·1 l RAB TU SHAG SO ZO PAR SHE NE KYANG We completely admit to and confess all of these.\·~c)J~·~~·t. speech.1\. oloured hair hanging behind you like a veil.. and to all her retinue.r~°i·q~~r.i~·"'~r~ ~.-- - - ~·~·a.. When we call upon you. c-. c-.i~·~·\\9·"'~' 1 SHAL CHIG CH'AG NYJ YE PEDRI GUG DANG With one face and two hands. ~9·~rz9·-l\~. ._ ~ ~l 1~-~~:93icJ.~·~O)'Cl.. red heart of a hostile spirit to your mouth.l·ara:rs11 l DANG MIG SUM PE SI SUM YOM YOM JE Your three staring eyes cause the three worlds to tremble.t~r~·~i:r~q~1 1 TR'A DOG RAL PA SIL ME KU GY AB K'EB The strands of your blood-<.. l~·~3i·~~·~O)....c:r~~·cJ..ia. the right holding a drigug-<..i~~~r~Qr9~~·9~~·c.. .i~·~1·9~~·arcJ. Lamp of the Dharma._.. exquisite in your youthfulness. please become our patron deity..l·c.i-l\·cr~~--l·~9 ~~ l l YON PE DRA NYING MAR PO SHAL DU SOL While the left holds the fresh.1.·~~:a.~I~~·~·O)~·q~l l DAM DEN KAL DEN BU LA SHE NE TSE Bring peace to those of your fortunate children whose commitment is strong.f-l\'1~·qu~·r:ra_il 1 A CH'J CHO DRON 'KOR DANG CHE PA LA To Achi Chodron. be our friend and companion.. a:l~1·°'·a. ~a.·u0)11 NGO SANG NAM NGON SHO MA'I LANG TS'O CHEN The sky-blue of molten azurite.Wrathful Achi Offering Prayer by Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok . considering them with profound loving-kindness from the very depths of your heart..hopper 9ar3i·c.ttf~~·giq·°'·9~~·~9~·s11 ' CHO NA 'GO SHING DRUB NA DONG DROG JE As we make offering to you. 91~~-£i~r9~6.... ~1 1 KY'E PAR 'ORI GUNG KA' GYU TAN PA 'DI More particularly.l%°''~(..i·13\·CJ.May all your wishes be fulfilled..I\'J_J~11 l SAM DON MA LU NYUR DU DRUB PAR DZO Swiftly realise all our goals in their entirety .llf3i.·4s·~~·q1q_·~1·q~°'·q·a. l~·~°'·~-~d.l~·9~"·~~·1 1 GEN 'DUN DE NAM TUG T'UN TR'IM TSANG SHING The various orders of the monastic community keep their accepted ethical practices pure.. NGON TS'E RIG 'DZIN GYD PA'I KA' SHIN DU In accord with the command of the masters of pure awareness of yore.J·~~·£J·a.~°i·Q.J·~~-~. l·5·~~-~. the yogin. ~°'·~·~9·a. ~~·q19·l9~·~6J~·.14·~°'·~~r9~~-~-~~~1 1 NAM YANG MI 'DA TR'IN LE NYER DU LONG In any way whatsoever.1~·%9~·J.rt' q~a:....l·~~·1 SOL LO CHO DO NGA' SOLT'UG DAM KANG I pray and make offerings.i·~·J. °'J.~9~cil"'·~3i·i9~·3i~9~r:.~°'·q.J::.ldj1. rs1·q.-..I\·q19·9·~·~9·~~1 1 DA TANAL 'JOR DAG GI T'A TS'IG LE Do not now transgress your solemn oaths and bonds with myself.:.a. . may the teachings of the oral transmission of the 'Drigung lineage ~~·~~~·s°'.. and perfom1 my enlightened activities in full.·q1q_·q4°'·1~·1 l.- l 9~"'.\l°'·ar"~·~·~9~~·q·~~·1 l NOR 'DZIN KY'ON KUN YONG SU 'GENG PA DANG Come to completely fill the entire earth.I\'~'i~Q'L:J.m1·qa.·qa:1 These are the words of Khenchen 'Jigme P'iintsog. enthroning you in power . .\J.£Jr~::~~·q·~~l 1 JIN DAG TS'OG NAM NGA' T'ANG 'JOR WA GYE And the power and wealth of patrons and donors in crease - ·-.l~4·9~~·~9~·1J. on the occasion ofthe presentation of an endowment at La Ye/ T'ang. although two of the nuns in my entourage saw the face of Achi as setfo. .J...:·?l·~·"~ 9fl~ ".·... C\-- -- r.:..:~~·11:::.·~. they u•ere overcome with terror. ~ 9::.-~9~9~:::.:O\~-a..~th above.·~r9~::.·9°i:::.·f::.".q~·~~ai-~:::.i·9:iinr£i:::..·tJ1\~11 11 'fVhen.~9~4::.:~~ri:i·~::.. and. 9~9~&~·4Q!~r~·b·r~·9~~·~~~~-a..~~·c..~·~·r<i:::...s·~:::. Going immediately to the Golder.~·9~::..:ar'\~9 1~·:!J'"-l·9~:. ~ ~ . spoke this ·offering and invocation which was written down by my attendant..J::. _.. ~ _.i~::...l~\a. I taught the necessary offering ritual to Achi. Hall..:~ilq~7·b··r~3: 9~".·9~9~·~·9~9~a~·y-r<>i~11~·~-J.Jnr~~q~-3i~·.·~q~9:::.r. I went to the seat of the 'Drigungpas in I 989.~:::.·b·r~·c.. ..·9l°i·~·:.. with compassionate concern for both myself and others.J·'lr:ii~:::. May these translations benefit all sentient beings.-yi Drolma forgive any errors or omissions. and may be subject to revision at a later date. © 2004 Drikung Dzogchen Translation Project .These texts were translated by the Drikung Dzogchen Translation Project (DDTP). May Achi Chok. Marpa. Please grant me the supreme and ordinary siddhis DORJE CHANG CHEN CHOG NYI MAR-MI-DAG DUE-KHYEN PHAGDRU KYOPA TIGTEN GON THANG-PAY AB-SE KAGYUD LAMA LA SOLWA DEB-SO CHOG THUN NGO DRUB TSOL Great Vajradhara. Nyang and the hundred treasure revealers I supplicate you. Vimalamitra. Vajrasattva. And the father and son Thangpas To the Kagyu Lamas. Milarepa.I The Glorious Treasury of All Desirables Sadhana of Pure Vision ACHIDHARMATAREMA Lineage Supplication Achi Drolma. Kyopa Jigten Gonpo. Zur. Phagmodrupa. Dagpopa Knower of the three times. So. I supplicate you Please grant me the supreme and ordinary siddhis CHOE-YING ZANGMO DORJE PHAGMO YUM TARE KARMO YESHE TSE TIN-MA THINLE CHIG-DUE ACHI CHE NGA LA SOLWA DEB-SO CHOG THUN NGO DRUB TSOL . The Protector of the Teachings OM AH HUNG KUN ZANG DORSEM GARAB SHRI SENGHA P ADMA JUNG-NE BIMA MITRA DANG SO ZUR NUB-NYANG TERTON GYA-TSA LA SOLWA DEB-SO CHOG THUN NGO DRUB TSOL Om Ah Hung Samantabhara. the Two Supreme Ones. Nub. Garab Dorje. Shri Singha Padmasambhava. at 7. the perfect Dharmadhatu. Who are blessed with all the virtuous qualities within themselves I supplicate you.00am on the rJh July 2006 (a perfect day in the 5th month of the Fire-Dog Tibetan Year) as narrated to him in his dream at dawn by a white smiling Dakini ofmagnificent beauty. With the blessings of supplicating this way.To supreme mother Vajravarahi. May we. Please grant me the supreme and ordinary siddhis DE-TAR SOLWA TAB-PEI JIN-LHAB KYI NALJOR DAG CRAG KHOR BANG THAM CHE LA MITHUN GAL KYEN CHI-NANG BAR-CHED KUN NYUR DU CHIR-DOG BAR-CHED KUN LE SUNG TSE SOED PAL-LA CHOE TEN DAR GYE SHOG X . Malaysia. To White Tara. merits. . glories and The teachings flourish extensively. Written by Dzogchen Ganor Perna Zilnon Lingpa Rinpoche in Penang. giver of longevity Achi Drolma and her four sisters. the yogis and all our retinues Be quickly averted from all unfavorable circumstances of outer and inner obstacles May we be protected from all obstacles And may our life. a fence of vajras and a mountain of fire written by a novice bodhisattva. fold properly. mantra of interdependence8. do the following: On a day when good planets and stars meet. Clease it of obstacles. and surrounding that outside are the nineteen syllables of the individual mantras followed by samayaho I samaya stam I sarva siddhi hung. have the vowels and consonants. and wrap it up in the five types of cloths. in order to quickly accomplish the four activities of Achi. Outside that. draw on it a golden lotus with four petals in the center of which there is a bandha7 filled with a myriad of jewels. in the center of that there is vajra marked with a 'Hrih' at its navel. in three Roots and the assembly of an ocean of deities . NAMO LAMA YIDAM CHOG SUM DANG DAKI GY ATSOR KYAB-SU CHI KHOR WAR KHYAM PEI PHA MA NAM . Part 1: VISUALIZING THE OBJECTS OF REFUGE AND GENERATING BODHICITTA RANG GYI NYING KHA-EI HUNG LE ODZER TROHE PEI KONCHOG TSA SUM KYAB YUL GYATSO-EI LHA TSOG THAM CHE DUN GYI NAMKHAR VAJRA-SAMAJA Invoked by rays of light emanating from the 'Hung' in my heart.the objects of refuge vajrasamaja in the space in front of me. get a spotless piece of cloth. Write down the individual mantras of the four families on the petals of the lotus. a rosary of jewels.MAIN SADHANA NAMO DAKI YESHE DHARMA TARE YE Homage to the Wisdom Dakini Dharma Tare If a yogin who brings the Samadhi of the secret knowledge mantra into the path has the wish to practice the [dakini] of co-emergence. the three jewels. seal it and put it safely in a precious amulet. Yam.. Dza Hung Barn Ho! All the fields of accumulation dissolve into me. Part 2: GENERATING THE DEITY Aa! KE-CHIG DUN KHAR TONG SAL DAG PEI LHONG MA CHOE SAL DZOG LHUN GYI DRUB PEI YING JA TRIN OD NGA TROH WEI LHONG KYIL DU DAKI ACHI DHARMA TARE MA ?>cl' · Aa! Instantly in the space in front of me.. DZA HUNG BAM HO t'-lcctlrci TSOG ZHING NAM RANG LA THIM PAR GYUR OM SVABHAVA WEI JANG. (Recite three times). HUNG! DAG NYI YIDAM LHAR SAL THUG KA NE RAM YAM KHAM THRO MA DAG NGOE DZINJANG RINCHEN NOE DU DUE TSI GYATSO-EI CHUE DOYON NATSOG TRINPHUNG TROH WAR GYUR OM AH HUNG. the 1bree Jewels. and the ocean of Dakinis. and Kham [syllables] emanate which purify the impure fixation on concreteness.. · ~ Giretn -e. Om Svabhava Shuddha Sarva Dharma Svabhava Shudho Ham .{(~. The quintessence of the ocean of elixirs inside a precious container emanates cloudbanks of myriad desirable sense object. I generate the intention for my many parents wandering in samsara to obtain Buddhahood. Ram. (Recite three times).SANGGYETHOBPARSEMKYE-DO X3 · Namo! I go for refuge In the Guru. i--t . thus purity. Len Sum. Om Ah Hung..· · Hung! I appear as the yidam-deity and from my heart. which is the pure expanse of empty-clarity .. the Yidam-deity. J<t1. Her body is clad in garments made of the five kinds of silk.the uncreated. in the center of an expanse of rainbow clouds that illuminate with five rays of light. Her hair in a topknot has the beauty of the 'fifth bom. ·· [and] their hair in topknots are studded with the five kinds of precious b\v. her body shines whitish red color. . CHOG ZHIR TRUL PEI DAKI RIG ZHI NAM KAR SER MAR JANG RANG TAG CHAG TSAN THOG RANG RANG DOG TSUNG DAR GYI NAZA SOL \?-Nv\ OU-TA THOR TSUG RINCHEN RIG NAG-EI GYEN The four classes of manifested dakinis in the four directions Are white. The three realms are pervaded with the sound her skull-drum in the right hand: In the left she is holding a bandha filled with jewels. clear and complete space. spontaneously established is the Dakini Achi Dharmatare. With her two feet in reveling postures she is seated on a [cushion of] lotus and moon. They are clad in silk garments same in color as their [bodies]. carrying their own symbolic attributes. red and green. ZHI WEI NGANG TSUL KUDOG KARMAR DANG ZHAL CHIG CHAG NYI OD NGA DZUM PEI KU OU-TA THOR TSUG KYE WA NGA PEI DZE KU LA DAR ZAB NA NGA-EI NA ZA SOL In peaceful demeanor.NG ZU ZHUG She is adorned with precious jewels and her silky hat flies. yellow. . RINCHEN GYAN CHE DAR GYI CHOD PAN PHUR 0~ · CHAG YE THOD NGA-EI DA-YI SA SUM KHYAB YON-PEI BANDA NOR BUE KANG WA THOG ZHAB NYI ROL TAB PE-DEI TJ.' 9 do.t. Her smiling body of five lights has one face and two hands. Vajradhara who embodies the three times' victors without exception. the sixth Buddha.YANG TRUL MEN TSUN DAKI BUM GYI KOR KUN KYANG RANG TAG CHAG TSEN GYEN GOE LHUB TSO MO-EI CMHI TSUG JA TRIN OD-GUR NANG 1¥fa\ PEMA NYIDA BAM RO-EI TRIH TENG DU YIDAM PHAGMO DORJE NALJOR MA CHAG TSEN GYEN DZOG PEMA RA-GEI DHOG The re-emanated mentsun is surrounded by a hundered thousand dakinis. in [the midst of some] rainbow clouds. within the expanse of the proliferation of the five lights of rainbow rays. In ruby color. Above the crown of the principal dakini. on a [cushion of] lotus and moon upon a lion-throne made of a myriad of jewels. . All of them are also with their own symbolic attributes and ornaments And are clad in their garments. is the Dahrmakaya teacher. sun and moon upon a throne of a dead body is Vajrayogini. Inside a tent of lights. fully adorned with the attributes and ornaments. DE-UE JAZER OD NGA TRUGH PEI LHONG ~t\. are assemblies of yidam-deities like cloudbanks.J\ RINCHEN NATSOG SENG TRIH PE-DEi TENG KUSUM GYAL WA MA-LUE DUE PEI NQO CHO-KU TONPA DRUGPA DORJE CHANG In their midst. the yidam-deity V arahi. around the four directions and the eight borders. on a [cushion of] lotus. she stands gracefully. ZHAB NYI YE-KUM YON-KYANG DAL GYI ZHENG DE-CHIG CHOG ZHI TSAM GYE THA KOR DU YIDAM LHATSOG TRINPHUNG TA-BUE KOR With her right leg bent and the left stretched. 10 Outside that. in an instant from the expanse of space. from the seed at my heart. Part 3: THE INVITATION Cv-~ ~ ~ '1~ HUNG HRIH! CHOE KYI YING DANG NGA YAB LING SACHOE NE DANG NYE WEI NE GYAGAR BODYUL MALAYSIA DU-TROD GYE SOG TSAN DHO-HA ~' . he is sitting with his leg crossed. heoks of light rays [emanate] · that invite the primordial awareness 11 and dissolve into [me]. Mila and the unequalled Gampopa and the like.· Fully adorned with jewel ornaments. Marpa. JA-ZER THIG LE OD-NGE DA GUR NANG DRUB PEI KHYU CHOG TILO NARO DANG MARP A MILA NYAM MED GAMPO SOG KAGYUD DRUB THOB LAMEI TSOG KYI KOR Residing inside a tent of the five-fold spheres of light of the rainbow rays. NAMKHA-EI LHONG NE KECHIG KHOG KHYUG TAR SAMGYI MIKHYAB TRINPHUNG TABUR TIB RANG NYI LHAR SAL THUG KEI SABON LE ODZER CHAG KYUE YESHE CHEN DRANG TIM ~v"They gather incredibly like cloudbanks. Are the principals of siddhas such as Tilo and Naro. like a flash of lighting . clad in sambhogakaya attire.KU-DOG THING SAL LONG CHOE-DZOG KU-EI CHE ~ CRAG NYI DOR-TRIL THUG KHAR NOL THAB DZIN ' RINCHEN GYEN DZOG ZHAB NYI KYILTRUNG ZHUG Blue and bright in color is his body. Having visualized myself as the deity. Surrounded by an assembly of accomplished Kagyud gurus. He holds a bell and a vajra in his two hands crossed at the level of his heart. and lotus. Samaya tishta Ihan! . moon. the earthly Pithas and Upapithas. Vajra-Samaya Dza Dza. Part 4: REQUESTING TO BE SEATED KYE! DAMTSIG DAG PEI NE DIRU NYI DA PEMEI DEN TENG DU KU-SUM LAMA YIDAM DANG ZHING KYONG CHEN MO LHEN CHIG KYE CHE-NGA KHOR DANG CHE PA NAM GYE SHING TEN PAR ZHUG SU SOL SAMAYA TISHTA LHEN Hey! In this place of those with pure samaya. come here to this place from the expanse of space.NYI SHU TSA SHI-EI NE CHOG NE . Bring down the supreme and ordinary siddhis like rainfall. India. LAMA YIDAM LHATSOG DANG ZHING KYONG CHE NGA KHOR DANG CHE NGON GYI THATSIG GONG LA DRUB LA NGODRUB CHOG TSOL CHIR 'i¥"' NAMKHA Y YING NE DIR SHEG LA CHOG THUN NGO DRUB CHAR TAR PHOB VAJRA-SAMA YA-DZA DZA Hung Hrih! The Guru and the assembly of yidam-deities and the five local guardian sisters along with their retinues from Dharmadhatu and Chamaradvipa. Malaysia. Tibet. and the supreme twenty-four abodes of Chandohas such as the eight cemeteries: Think of your words in the past And to bestow the supreme siddhi upon practitioners. may the Three Kaya Guru and the yidam-deities~ the principal local guardian · along with her four co-emergent sisters be seated joyfully and firmly on cushion of sun. Partake of these and grant the siddhi. the dakima who protects the protects the victor's teaching along with your retinues . flowers [and] purification with clouds of incense's smoke. Part 6: MAKING OFFERING HRI! MENGYI YONCHAB OMEI ZHAB SIL CHOE RINCHEN METOG POE TRIN DUE-PE SANG NANG SEL KUN KHYAB DRI ZANG CHUG PEI CHAB CHUE-DEN ZHAL ZE YAN LAG ROL MO TROHLol' ZAG MED DUE-TSI TORMA RAKTEI PHUE CHOETRIN GYATSO BUL ZHE NGO DRUB TSOL OMVAJRA ARGHAM PADYAM PUSHPE DHUPE ALO KE GENDHE NEWINDYE SHABTA PRATITSA SVAHA/MAHA PANCHA RAKTA . Ati Pu Ho hid \>c. DU-SUM DORCHANG YIDAM LHA GYA-WEI TEN SUNG DIKIMA KHOR DANG CHE LA CHAG TSAL LO ATIPUHO Ho! Primordially complete with the supreme absolute reality 12 are your vajra bodies [composed of] channelS.'\ .I BALANGTA PUJA HO Hrih! I offer medicinal oblation water and milky foot wash.I pay homage to you. and essence associated with the twelve rounds of Vairocana. torma and rakta I offer you [such] oceanic clouds of offerings. the yidam-deities.Part 5: PAYING HOMAGE HO! NAMNANG KHOR WA CHU NYI KYI TSA LHUNG THIG-LE DORJE-LUE DOD NE YONG DRUB CHEN POR DZOG . Jewels. iJqo. OMVAJRA ARGAM PAD YAM PUSHPAM DHUPPAM ALOKE GANDHE NEVITE SHAPTA PRATITSA SVAHA MAHA PANCHA RAKTA BALIN GTA PUJAHO .eeJu\ 0ratt1fu. The best of undefiled elixir.tlrns -::> 3 plctte. The three times' Vajradhara. All illuminating lamps and water infused with saffron. Nutritious food and a play of instruments with my hands. energy. The assembly of her who is delightful to all vidyadhara yogins. The myriad of forms in the abodes and cemeteries. The assembly of a hundred thousand emanations of the sugatas. The yidam-deity who is unceasing in any way it appears And of perfect activities. The dakinis who tame the afflictions Through the power of their compassion. And the guardian of Buddha's teachings in the land of snow.MO YI THU KAR WOE GUR NYI MAI TENG DORJE NGONPO TSON GANG TER HUNG YIG MAR POI TRO DU YI . who is the vajra-consort of all victors. The five sisters who are the great consorts Of the five sambhogakaya families. Part 8: VISUALIZATION FOR MANTRA RECITATION RANG NYI DORJE PRAK. I pay homage to and praise The great mother who is the unborn dharmakaya. Nanamza. the primordial awareness.Part 7: PRAISING HUNGHRIH! MACHOE TROE DAL LAMA DORJE CHANG GANG SHAR GAG ME YIDAM THIN-LE DZOG KHA-DROEI THUG JEI TOB KYI NYON MONG DUL THINLE YONG DZOG LHALA CHAG TSEL TOE KYE-ME CHOEKU YESHE YUM CHEN MO GYAL KUN DORJEI TSUNMO NANAMZA LONG KU RIG NGAEI YUM CHOG YING CHUG NGA TRUL KU DESHEG TRUL PA BUM DEI TSOG RIGDZIN NALJOR KUN GYI GYE DEMO NE YUL DU-TROHD KUN TU NATSOG ZUG GANG CHEN SANGYE TENSUNG CHAG TSAL TOE HungHrih I pay homage to and praise The guru Vajradhara who is uncontrived and unelaborated. And the deity who has perfected the entirety of activities. To fulfill the ordinary and supreme siddhi Om Vajra Dhara Siddhi Hum Om Ah Guru Tilo Sarva Siddhi Hum Om Ah Guru Naro Sarva Siddhi Hum Om Ah Guru Nagajuna Sarva Siddhi Hum Om Ah Vajravarahi Hum Phat Svaha DAG NYI YIDAM LHAR SAL WEI THUG SOG LE JUNG NGAG KYI TRENG OD TROH TSO MOEi ZHAL DU ZHUG PEMEI LAM NE DEWAR JUNG DORJE NORBUEI LAM GYUD~DE GALMEITABURKHOR WA YI YESHE NYAM BAR DE WEI NGANG MA YENG TENG DZIN ZER GYI DAB OM DAKIN! JANA A TISTA SHVARI DHARMA TARE MAMA SARVA SIDDHI HUNG HUNG [MA YENG TSECHIG DRUB PAR DA] I visualize myself as the yidam deity. Enters the principal dakini mouth with its light dazzling. Amidst a circle of light at the centre of my heart is a sun disc. The rosary of mantras that emanates from the seed syllable in my heart. with a blue vajra above it From the centre of the vajra.TSA SUM GYALKUN CHOEPE NYE KHAM SUM RIG DUK BAK CHAO JANG DE GYED ZILNON LAI LA KUL CHOO THUN TRINLEY LHUN DRUP GYUR OM BENZA DARA SIDDHI HUNG OM AH GURU TELO SARWA SIDDHI HUNG OM AH GURU NARO SARWA SIDDHI HUNG OM AH GURU NAGA JUNA SARWA SIDDHI HUNG OM AH BENZA VARAHI HUNG PHAT SVAHA Visualize oneself as Vajravarahi. it arrives at bliss . a red syllable HUNG radiate light offerings to the ten directions pleasing the assembly of deities of the three jewels and three roots and thus dispelling all suffering and karmic debt of the three worlds and six realms which surpass the eight guardian dieties and make them work for the happiness of sentient beings and flourishing of Buddha dharma. Through the path of lotus. And enacts any activity that I wish for. The experience of primordial awareness is ignited. I am nailed with the nail of undistracted concentration. As it circulates like a fire-brand. Om Dakini Jnana A Chita Shore Dharma Tare Mama Sarva Siddhi Hung Hung Recite this without distractions until one-pointedness has been accomplished The sign of having accomplished that : beautiful woman serving food and giving company or actually seeing her face Engaging In Tasks : DAG GYI THUG KEI SABON LE OD TROH TSO MOEI THUG KA RU DA-TENG AA YIG KARPOEI TSEN SOG GYI NYING POE KOR WA LA PHOG PE NGON GYI DAMCHA DREN GANG DOE THINLE DRUB PAR SAM From the seed at my heart. She recalls her past commitments.And via the path ofvajra and jewel. As light shine and hit the white syllable 'Aa' Which is encircled by the vital-heart mantras and Located on a moon disc In the heart of the principal dakini. Thus imagine. In the blissful state on which. To accomplish Peaceful activity: Om Dakini Jnana A Chita Shore Dharma Tare Mama Sarva Shim Tim Kuru Svaha To accomplish Increasing activity: Om Dakini Jnana A Chita Shore Dharma Tare Mama Sarva Push Tim Kuru Om To accomplish Magnetizing activity: Om Dakini Jnana A Chita Shore Dharma Tare Mama Sarva Wa Sham Kuru Ho . and the mantra of interdependence for three times. Thus imagine. Om Joana Dakini Mam Lam Aam Tam Sarva Siddhi Hung Hung MG.In An_g Practice without distraction until the signs has been received and conclude by reciting the vowels. Vowels and Consonants A-AA 1-11 U-UU RI-RII LI-Lii E-AI 0-AU AM-AH KA-KHA GA-GHA NGA CHA CHHA JA JHA NYA TA-THA DA-DHA NA TA-THA DA-DHA NA PA-PHA BA-BHA MA YA-RA LA-VA SHA-SHA SA-HA KSHAH Hundred Syllable Mantra OM VAJRA SAITVA SAMAYAM I ANUPALA YA I VAJRA SAITVA TENOPATISTHA I DRIDHO ME BHAVA SUTOSHYO ME BHAVA I SUPOSHYO ME BHAVA I ANU RAKTO ME BHAVA I SARVA SIDDHIM ME PRAYACCHA I SARVA KARMA SU CHA ME I CHITTAM SHRE YAH KURU HUM I HA HA HA HA HOH I BHAGAVAN I SARVA TATHAGATA I VAJRA MA ME MUNCHA I VAJRI BHAVA I MAHA SAMAYA SATTVA AH Dependent Origination Mantra OM YE DHARMA HETU PRABHAVA HETUM TESHAM TATHAGATO HYA VADAT TESHAM CHA YO NIRODHA EV AM VADI MAHA SHRAMANAH SVAHA .To accomplish Subjugating activity: Om Dakini Joana A Chita Shore Dharma·Tare Mama Sarva Mara Ya Phat LAHAR YANG TSO MOEi THUG KA NE OD TROH KHOR GYI LHAMO ZHIEI THUG GYUE KUL TE RANG RANG GYI LE-KYI NGODRUB TSOL WAR SAM OM JANA DAKIN! MAM LAM AAM TAM SARVA SIDDHI HUNG HUNG Again from the heart of the principal dakini. consonants. Light shine that exhorts the minds of the four goddesses Who then grant the siddhis of their individual activities. the hundred syllable mantras. I praise you and the assembly of your family. Part 10 : RECEIVING EMPOWERMENTS FOR THE ATTAINMENT OF THE SIDDHIS HRIH! KYE MED CHOEYING DAG PEI LHONG ~ LHUN DRUB KHYAB DEL SANG WEI YUM KU SUNG THUG YON THINLE KYI GA ZHIEI YESHE WANG THOB SHOG (tsa ngag thar) KAYA VAKA CITTA SARVA SIDDHI HUNG . who enact the activities of great bliss. by transforming them into a sky-treasure.Part 9 : OFFERING AND PRAISE HUNG! KHOR DE DOE NE DUE TSI NGA RIG NGAR DAG PEI PHUE KYI CHOD NEO CHUE ZHIR ZHENG DOE YON TRIN NAM KHA DZOEDU TRUL TET BUL OM VAJRA ARGHAM PADYAM PUSHPE DHUPE ALOKE GENDHE NEWINDYE SHABTA PRATITSA SVAHA Hung! I offer the choicest of pure offerings to the five families. Om Vajra Argham Padyam Pushpe Dhupe Aloke Gendhe Newindye Shabta Pratitsa Svaha Praise: HUNG HRIH! CHOEYING MIGYUR PEL GYI YUM TEN SUNG ACHI CHOE DRON MA RIG KYI TSOM BU TRUL KHOR CHE DECHEN THINLE DRUB LA TOE Hung Hrih! The mother of the glorious unchanging dharmadhatu is the dharma protector Achi Choedon ma. including the emanations and retinues. I offer clouds of offerings that occur on the base of worlds and inhabitants. the samsara and nirvana primordially as the five-fold elixirs. ~ . speech. the lack of any ability whatsoever any mistakes committed in this may you bear with me in all of these. the spontaneously that pervades [all]. the total incompleteness. Part 11: CONFESSION MA NYE YONG SU MATSANG DANG GANG YANG NUE PA MA CHIP A DINI GYI PA GANG NONG PA DE KUN KHE KYI ZOE DZE RIG (yig gyajoe) The unfound. · 'S ivldl-t/ 'Kaya Vaka Citta Sarva Hung' (at the end of the root mantra). qualities and activities of the secret mother [who embodies] the unborn expanse ofDharmadhatu. mind. Recite the hundred syllable mantra Hundred Syllable Mantra OM VAJRASAITVA SAMAYAM I ANUPALAYA I V AJRASATTV A TENOPATISTHA I DRIDHO ME BHAVA SUTOSHYO ME BRAVA I SUPOSHYO ME BHAVA I ANU RAKTO ME BRAVA I SARYA SIDDHIM ME PRA YACCHA I SARYA KARMA SU CHA ME I CHITTAM SHRE YAH KURU HUM I HA HA HA HA HOH I BHAGAVAN I SARVA TATHAGATA I VAJRA MA ME MUNCHA IVAJRI BHAVA I MAHA SAMAYA SATTVA AH Part 12 : CEREMONY FOR LONGEVITY DIR-NI TEN-DANG LHEN-CHIG TU /I~ KHOR-WA SE-DU SHUG-NEY KYANG '( NEY-MEY TSE-DANG WANG-CHUG DANG CHOG-NAM LEG-PAR TSEL-DU SOL .Hrih! May I receive the empowerment of the primordial awareness of the four joys · through the body. and all the excellences. of the two communities 16 of the sangha growing in power.Gods" and celebrate. and of benefits. and grant us perfectly the power.OM SUPRA TISTHA VAJRA YE SOHA Be here one as the object of respect till the end of the cyclic existence. long life without illness. play violin and [other] instruments. viharas and solitudes. joys and anything that one desires. For the general and particular teaching.just as appeared to him in the space in front of him. Thus saying. 1995 by Dzogchen Ganor Rinpoche. Shout: "Victory is of the. Make such effort daily. that will be an act ofgreat benefit. . ~ JOm Supra Tistha Vajra Ye Soha <V Part 13 : WORDS OF AUSPICIOUSNESS JO! NANG SI DOE NE YUM NOEi LHONG CHOE KHOR TSUG LAG WEN NE KYONG GEDUN DE NYI NGA THANG KYE PHEN DEi DOE GUEi TASH! SHOG ~j"' Jho ! In the [world] of appearance and possibilities primordially the expense of the Five Mothers may there be the auspiciousness of safeguarding the dharma-wheels. the physical appearance ofAchi and the Words in this text have been deciphered from dakini's symbolic scripts on the 27'h of May. Samaya! Thus. Marpa. grant me the supreme and ordinary siddhis.I~~~·1'c.~·~q·~1 CHOE-YING ZANGMO OOR]E PHAGMO YUM TARE KARMO YESHE 1SE JIN-MA TIIlNLE CHIG-DUE ACHI CHE NGA LA SOLWA DEB SO QIOG 1HUN NGO-DRUB 1SOL Perfect Dharmadhatu.i~+o.i 1 ' ~~"'l~~~t:t~«c1-r -. Shri-se~ Padmasambhava.rt:t="~..i.- - ' ~z:r~~lj~~?O\·q@·~"'ll ' fF"'l't:I'r.\~t:I~r~o. Garab (DotjeJ.i~~~·~r. ~~r.. Vajrasattva.- 1~~·q·<l1't:t~r~ro.~.~~·~1 OM AA HUNG KUN ZANG OORSEM GARAB SHRI SENGHAPADMA JUNG-NE BIMA MITRA DANG SOZUR NUB-NYANG TER10N GYA-1SA LA SOLWA DEB-SO CHOG 1HUNNGO-DRUB TSOL Om Aa Hung! " ' ~o. and the father and son 1bangpasI supplicate you. the Two Supreme Ones 1. Dusum Khyenpa. the mother Vajravarahi. Mila. Dagpopa. grant me supreme and ordinary siddhis. ~~~·o.r~~~~alijf3il 1~~"-l·z::rr. KyopaJigten Gonpo. Vimalamitra.f4~cif~o.!·"'ll - 1a·~·"~ciftil~~r~·~·o.i~·f4~~·fz:r. the Kagyud Lamas. So.Supplication to Achi The Protector of the Teachings - -..i~~~·')~~r~q·~l DORJE GIANG GIEN OIOG NYI MAR-Ml-DAG DUE-KHYEN PHAGDRU KYOPA JIGTEN GON 1HANG-PA YAB-SEKAGYUDLAMALA SOLWA DEB SO GIOG 1HUN NGO-DRUB 1SOL Great Vajradhara.i~·'.i·"'ll ~~o.\')t:I~~o. 1 .i~£i·1~1 ~~rq'lf-·~~'fil·o. Nyang and the hundred treasure revealers! supplicate you. Zur. Nub. Phagmodrupa. moo the 30'h of July. -· . at seven a.("%. Adtl with her four sisters1 supplicate you. May we. ~·'1l~. ~'2.(~~"~l #'\ - ~~rq1ij0j·~~~{~ F1· ~·qif'~·~~"Qf 1 DE-TARSOLWA TAB-PEI]IN-UIABKYI NALJOR DAG CHAG KHOR BANG 1HAM CHE LA MTIHUN GAL KYEN CHI-NANG BAR-CHED KUN NYUR DU OUR-DOG BAR-CHED KUN LE SOONG 1SE SOED PAL-LA CHOE TEN DAR GYE SHOG By the blessing of thus supplicating.l~~·m.r. merits. J\OOV aar ~ ~ . 2006 (a perfect day in the 5'b month of the Fir~Dog Tibctan Year) as narrated to him in his dream at dawn by a white smiling Dakini of magnificent beauty. {Their] activities put together into one. and all our retinues be quickly averted from all unfavorable circumstances of outer and inner obstacles.ij~~r~·"'fl ~~~~~1qp::i~~·~·'2. Malaysia.Giver of primordial awareness and longevity.o ~"·&J·@·~~j". Tara the White.r~. ~"'f·~~·q~~·~-~~a. the yogis. May we be protected from all obstacles and may our life.q·Q~·~Oj·a)q~·a~1 ~~~~~Oi""%.l·q.q~-~~ii':t.q1'~-. grant me the supreme and ordinary siddhis.·MQ}~~-q~t:\~~~~~£·~·~ ~-4J1~~·~4Jl·~·q{"·~-q-~9·~~·~9·ij~·~·if~~·~~~·~~-~~-~-~~~~·~~-r~-~-"~·~~-~·£1~~· ~ii·s~-~~m~~-~t Written by Dzogchen Ganoe Pana Zil-nou Lingpa Rinpoche in Penang. glories and th~ teadtlngs flourish extensively. :-:.~·~z:ri~1 1~·1~rf4~1·i·&l~·~·r.hi and the three lineages.r~~ NGA YAB LING DANG SA-CHO NYE WEI NE .l·~:a_q~q~·~~·UJ~·~~. c.~.1~ ~~t &~·~·~&l~"'q~-qa..e assembly of Vidyadhara Gurus of maham.f1"l r1~1·t4z:rp~"f r1~z:ri·~~·&~·S)q~·~~·&l~"·~~·~·?fq1 OG-MIN ME-RI BAR WEI ZHAL YE NE YIDAM PHA-GYUE OIE OIOG ZHI 1ROH DANG MA-GYUE PHAG 1ROH SENG-SUM I<HADROEI TSOG CHOG TI-IUN JIN LHAB NUE 1HU-EI JIN CHEN PHOB In the mansion of blazing mountains in Akanishta. the mother tantra's Varahi. ~"~&!"3..c.. Troh. mind. is tl-.The Descent of Achi's Blessing Rain of Elixir i: ct.. mahasand. speech.T~a.·~l ~~·~·~1·~·~~·UJ~ ~·~"~z:ri~ar~·~~·~~-~~·?fq· "'~1 HUNG JIN OIEN NGO 1SAR BAR WEI CHOG GYI NE GIOE KU KYE MED OD-SAL ZHAL YE NE CHAG OZOG GYU-SUM RIGZIN LAMEI TSOG KU SOONG TI-IUG YON 1HINLE JIN PHOB CHIG Hung! In the supreme abode resplendent with marvelous great blessing. . and the dakini ~~~q~·z:ri~~~~·~~·~·~~l r1"&fo.2 are the father tantra's yidams Chechog and ZJtltroh. qualities and activities.. - c..~~~·6.. May you rain down the great blessings of supreme and orcfiuary blessings and power. a. May you rain down the blessings of body. - "' ~ c_·UJq"fil"1"~~1·'9·qa_·~~1 ~~·~~·~z. Scngha.udra.·~~·~~1 ~~f~·q~1·~~&l"~z:rr~~ar&la. the mansion of Clear Light Unborn Dharmakaya. ~~~~·f4"i. c.·a. KI TANA DUG DECHEN NYAM BAR OD-ZER LHUG PAR KYE ZAG MED GAWA Zlil DZOG 1RA WAI zaR DANGMAJAGUR MIN-PEI JIN PHOB ~G Heroic.·~~l ~~-wq~~~l~·a. experiences and realizations.·~~-~-~-~~-~°'·~q·~ TING ZAB KUN1U ZANG MOEi BHAGA-EI YING MIZAD GYAN GYI KHOR LO-EI lRUPA YI ATI DRUBGYU ZHIR OZOG DREBU MIN . imbued with blessings.·~·'ij·~-~~ lq~·~·~~-r~q~?. powers. and lovely to look at is the dakini.1 ~q~·MJ!RF·~·~"~~l 1°"~~·~~·~"~~·~~~-q~·~~~i. who is burning with the experience of great bliss and emits abundant rays of light May you rain do~ the blessing that ripens the vivid. the secret dakini cave.• . and the thirty towns.T4~·q~·&~·~q·~ SHONG LUNG DZIN MEI 1UEWAR MALAYSIA-E KHADRO-E SANG PHUG YANG PEI GUR KHANG NE AO-II PAMO DAI<I-EI TIN-PHUNG GYI lHUTOB NYAM TOG PHEL WAl JIN PHOB CHIG In the land of Malaysia at the navel of this world. May the Mother Dakinis rain down blessings. the twenty-four abodes of Earthly Upapithas. ~q~·:&~·~. ~~"sq·m·ij·qs"~-~-~~·~~~1 •Fi·=~~~qflf~~-~~·qw~1 q~~·~~f~·~~-~tiO\l 1~a. vital rays by perfecting the four undefiled joys 3into a rainbow tent. from the spacious tent of rainbow. the heroine Achi [along with} a cloud of dakinis: May you rain down the blessing that increases abilities.NYI-SHU TSA-Zlil NE YUL SUM CHU NE BAR-CHED SEL ZHING TIIINLE NA-TSOG DRUB MAMO KHADRO NAM-KYI JIN PHOB CHIG In Ngayab Ling. you dispel obstacles and accomplish myriad of activities. ~~~"~·~·fq~·OJ·tif~a.f~·s~~~-q~q~~l q~·f~·qJJJ·q~·s~1 11~~·°"·~~·~iJ3l·~~-&°'·?4q·~ PAWO JIN CHAG DA. 'f!·Ul"€l~·w~.~·~·~4~1~~·~ql\·~"l ~~~~~3 ~~1~1·~"-!"t..: ~·1~~~·1~·~~· 1~~·~~·~·q~·1~~~·f1·~~%~1 GYAL WEI TENPA DAR ZHING GYE PA DANG .y·~~·Q.1·1-'~"~·1:. are Achi and her four sisters. along with a crowd of a thousand re-manifestatians.·~~:.(·?f~1~~~·~·1"-"1 1~~r 1~·1~~~"-!·1:.·~~~~~1·q~~·~ql ~~·'ti~~·~~l ll\t. which is the ripened result. the rainbow body. ~~1 ~~~~·1~~~q-~·1~·a~?4"q-%~ F'1·~~· l OD-NGA MAGAG JA ZER 1ROH WAI LHONG AOII CHE-NGA YANG 1RUL 1DNG DEI TSOG 00-SEL KHA GIOE DAKI-EI SANG PHUG DIR a-IOG 1HUN NGO DRUB TSE PEL JIN PHOB CI-llG Within the expanse of the rainbow rays of the unceasing five-fold lights. perfect at the base.J"ij·q~~·%t. of the Atiyoga practice lineage. the virtuous sublime dharma flourish and spread.1a."l 11"f'·ij(. ~o. and may the six types of beings achieve the p<>wer of enjoying love and joy within the stale of undefiled dear light.6 May you rain down the blessing of the supreme and ordinary siddhis [as well asJ longevity and glories here.s May you rain down the blessing of the vajra-dharmakaya.' [from] the profound expanse o[ ~mantabhadri's bluzga. ~·q~·q~~·1:. 1ij\J°a. in this ·secret C<lve of Celestial Clear-light Dakinis.·1q"-"~~·ij'q·ql\~~ YUL CHOG DI-LA TASHI PAL BAR ZHING KARPO-EI DAM CHOE DAR ZHING GYE PA DANG DROWA RIG-DRUG ZAG ME OD-SEL NGANG TSE-GAR ROL PEI WANGCHUG TIIOB PAR SHOG May the auspiciousness of glories be dazzling in this country.".JA-LUE OORJE-EI GIOE-KU-EI JIN PHOB OilG The manifestation of the Inexhaustible Cycle of Adornment.1·1"1 q~~·q~·~·q1~·~~1 lq~~·~~·~~~~·~·~·~l\l 1~·~"-"~5·~. . free from aQ. the 6"' of May. and fulfill their Wishes in accordance with the dharma.cellence. May the adverse conditions of all beings be pacified and enjoy the glory of ab!. the lives of teaching holders be very firm like vajra. the benefactors of the teachings enjoy long life.ments.. Thursday.TENZIN NAMKYI KU TSE OORJE TAR RAB-1U TEN CHING TEN PEI JIN DAG NAM TSERING NE-MED CHOE TIIUN YID ZHIN DRUB KYE-GU 1HA DAG GAL KYEN KUN ZHI NE PHUN SUM TSOG PEI PAL LA aIOE GYUR OUG May the Victor's teachings flourish and spread. in lpoh. Mal3ysia. as appeared to him dearly in his dream.ll!dant e>'. ~~~:i"'~=i::!:l~":f~~~-~~rcil~·tll~·~~~w·?i~f~·~~~-~:I\" ~-~~·£·asr~~~r_-Qr~~~~1l Writtdl by Dzogchen Ganor Rinpoche in the early morning o( the auspicious day. 2006 (fire-dog Tibetan year). The Glorious Tr~ury of All Desirables A Method for Achi Practice A Practice Method of Achi from Pure Vision: namo daki yeshe dharma tare ye ~~-~-~~¥-o. draw on it a golden lotus with four petals in the center of which there is a bandha 7filled with a myriad of jewels.'E:~~I QSl"~fi"~~:.~1 w9.p\"1!~~~7\~-~~1 ~~·~~~t ~cJrur~t ~~~~~1 On a day when good planets and stars meet.:~~~{"' ~ ~~"~Qf ~~~~~~I . Outside that. ' l:l~'\q-~~~~~~~-~· ~~I ~-~"~~~~~~"7'"' ~i""~~Ql"~~~~I ~Ql" ~ir. in the center of that there is yajra marked with a 'Hrih' at its navel.l~"Qs~i:ft . and wrap it up in the five types of cloths.~~- ~"I ~~.~'\'\! If a yogin who brings the samadhi of the secret knowledge mantra into the path has the wish to practice the [dakini] of co-emergence. '\"~!~-~Ql"~~'f-~'\'q'~f First visualizing the objectl of refuge md generating bodhicitta ~~·~c. get a spotless piece of doth. seal it and put it safely in a precious amulet. a rosary of jewels. have the vowels and consonants.~~~~1q~~I f'~~~-q:. a fence of vajras and a mountain of fire written by a novice bodhisattva. and surrounding that outside are the nineteen syllables of the individual mantras followed by samayaho \ samaya stam \ sarvasiddhi J1ung. do the following: ~1 ~~-~~: ~-s~·~s ~~c.r. the mantra of interdependence5. Cleanse it of obstacles.('1·s~~~·q~·'1~0\·~~~~M~q~~~~~~·'JJ·l'~il~~~· ~~O\·~~M~p. fold properly. Write down the individual mantras of the four families on the petals of the lotus. in order to quickly aca:>mplish the four activities of Achi.r.:fl~~·~~·?. f1·g:(.q. a fence of vajras and a mountain of fire written by a novice bodhisattva."~~·q~·1Jff31·~~~~&1·~q~~~©&J~''il·~~~r. have the vowels and consonants.. the mantra of interdependence5. in the center of that there is vajra marked with a 'Hrih' at its navel.~~~~~~I ~~.!~-~Qf"~')'N""~"'J. seal it and put it safely in a precious amulet.-qg·"l·M(f .·~~~~"l. fold properly. do the following: On a day when good planets and stars meet.l~f ~l~ ~~c:'(~~{. and surrounding that outside are the nineteen syllables of the individual mantras followed by samayaho \ samaya stam \ sarvasiddhi hung.f~f First visualizing the objectl of refuge and generating bodhicitta ~~·~i. Outside that. 'f'. Oeanse it of obstacles. ' q~~'<~~2.The Glorious Tr~ury of All Desirables A Method for Achi Practice A Practice Method of Achi from Pure Vision: namo daki yeshe dharma tare ye ~~-~-~~~~Oj~f ~~~-~~~f w$.~'§~~~1q~I ~~n. and wrap it up in the five types of cloths.·~~~·~~·?..~'\! If a yogin who brings the samadhi of the secret knowledge mantra into the path has the wish to practice the (dakini] of cO-i?mergence. a rosary of jewels..q ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~I ~ Write down the individual mantras of the four families on the petals of the lotus. in order to quickly acoomplish the four activities of Adti.~~~~~· ~I ~-~~~4f"~~~~"""~ ~tii:. draw on it a golden lotus with four petals in the center of which there is a bandha 7filled with a myriad of jewels. get a spotless piece of cloth. &1~31·~¥J'&f~l. ?1·&i~~·1~1 ~&!~~ .r~·~&!~Qi"~' aff~q~~~~·~&!" ~lll~clll NAMO LAMA YIDAM CHOG SUM DANG DAKI GYATSOR KYAB-SU CHI KHORWARKHYAMPEIPHAMANAM SANG GYE TI-IOB PAR SEM KYE-DO Namo! I go for refuge in the Guru. Thr« 1imes. !t q"~~1·&1·?1·~~~~r~r~~'lf~~l ~0\·~·{1·~q~fi~$&i~·z::ilf\t ~·&·~·~~·Ml~li(~~°t·i~~I a.. Oza Hung Barn Ho! All the fields of accumulation dissolve into me.RANG GYI NYING KHA-EI HUNG LE ODZER TROHE PEI KONCHOG TSA SUM KYAB YUL GYATSO-EI LHA TSOG TIIAM CHE DUN GYI NAMKHAR VAJRA-SAMAJA Invoked by rays of light emanating from the 'Hung' in my heart the three Jewels.. the Three Jewels.DAG NGOE DZIN JANG RINCHEN NOE DU DUE TSI GYATSO-EI CHUE OOYON NATSOG TRINPHUNG 1ROH WAR GYUR OM AA HUNG.~1·af°t·~·~~°'·~~~z::i~~~I ~ HUNG! DAG NYI YIDAM UIAR SAL TI-IUG KA NE RAM YAM KHAM THRQ MA. om svabhava shuddha sarva dhanna svabhava shudho hang. . thus purity. and the ocean of Dakinis.rlfq·r.c:.• DZA HUNG BAM HO TSOG ZHING NAM RANG LA TI-IIM PAR GYUR OM SVABHVA wei jang. Len sum. . . the Yidam-deity. ~·ifar~r&. . I generate the intention for my many parents wandering in samsara to attain Buddhahood.. Hung! I appear as the yidam-deity anp from my heart ct-~:!: . the three Roots and the assembly of an ocean of deities-the objects of refuge-vajrasamaja in the space in front of me.-~~&i~·~q~~&i~t ~~~. 77utt T1111i1S.i:.t ~·~:::..- :::....1 ~c. Her smiling body of five lights has one fare and two hands. &<.:~q~~t RINGlEN GYAN CHE DAR G_YI CHOO PAN PHUR CHAG YE 1HOD NGA-EI DA-YI SA SUM KHYAB YON-PEI BANDA NOR BUE KANG WA THOG ZHAB NYI ROL TAB PE-DEi TENG DU ZHUG .OH WEI WONG KYIL DU DAKI ACHI DHARMA TARE MA Aa! Instantly in the space in front of me. Her hair in a topknot has ... her body shines whitish red color.the beauty of the 'fifth bom..ram..fq~·ro~~~' .·~·"i:q·q~·afc..·m-a:-"·~a. in the center of an expanse of rainbow clouds that illuminate with five rays of light 'i~·~~~i:q·~~·~l·~~MQ~·~t ~·~·1~=q-~·'f!~·O\·q3~·~1 ZHI WEI NGANG 1SUL I<UDOG KARMAR DANG ZHAL CHIG CHAG NYI OD NGA DZUM PEI KU OU-TA 1HOR 1SUG KYE WA NGA PEI DZE KU LA DAR ZAB NA NGA-EI NA ZA SOL In peaceful demeanor.. spontaneously established.3'1f·q·i"i:qt ~i:q·i:q~~·i'1~~·m-~~~·~M~qi <qafO\·q~~O\· ~q~+~~"1F~z:. ' i.. clear and complete space.. Aa! KE-CHIG DUN KHAR TONG SAL DAG PEI WONG MA CHOE SAL DZDG UflJN GYI DRUB PEI YING JA TRIN OD NGA TR.r1·s~·~i. and kham (syllables} emanate which purify the impure fixations on concreteness. is the Dakini Achi Dharmatare. which is the pure expanse of empty-clarity -the uncreated.·~~·%". ~·~· Second: generating the deity wt ~"·~-cJl~O\·cJl~=~:~i:. 1be quintessence of the ocean of elixirs inside a precious container emanates cloudbanks of myriad desirable sense object Om Aa Hung.JttCN"~~·rr~·cJl.~1 ~rq~~r~-f~·~O\·~~·q~· a.Q... yam.'9 Her body is dad in garments made of the five kinds of silk.O\·i£0\$0\·~1~~~1·q0\·~:::... ~ CZ. In the left she is holding a bandha tilled with jewels. #:\.·~-~~©-~q{~t ~·i·~~·~(. The three realms are pervaded with the sound her skull-drum in the right hand.J~~~~~~~~~~if~t #:\. in [the midst of some} rainbow clouds.J~t . With her two feet in reveling postures she is seated on a [cushion of] lob.OC PEMA RA-GEi DHOG The re-emanated menlsun is surrounded by a hundred thousand dakinis All of them are also with their own symbolic altnoules and ornaments and are clad in their garments. red. #:\. ~~~OJ~~·~1~~~·q3(.J~~i YANG TRUL MEN TSUN DAKI BUM GYI KOR KUN KYANG RANG TAG CHAG TSEN GYEN GOE LHUB TSO MO-EI CHI TSUG JA TI<IN OD-GUR NANG PEMA NYIDA BAM RO-EI TRIH TENG DU YIDAM PHAGMO OORJE NALJOR MA CHAG TSEN GYEN DZ. and green. ur~~·~·~. They are clad in silk garments same in color as their [bodies]. Inside a tent of lights.\r:·'lr~~q~·~o.J~~f~i)·~~a.\·~1 1~rfll~~-~~·~·~~~~i GIOG ZHIR lRUL PEI DAKI RIG ZHI NAM KAR SER MAR JANG RANG TAG CHAG TSAN 1HOG RANG RANG DOG TSUNG DAR GYI NAZA SOL OU-TA 1HOR 1SUG RINCHEN RIG NAG-El GYEN The four classes of manifested dakinis in the four directions are white." 1"F~~1o.·~·~·~·~~~t ~ ~1·1~·!4~~·~~·~~ ~~-o. on a [cushion of} lotus.· and moon. fully adorned 'With the attributes and ornaments. [and} their hair in topknots are studded with the five kinds of precious jewels. the yidam-deity Varahi. above the crown of the principal dakini. sun..l! ~·~~~~~~~~~~~·~·T~t qil·~·a. and moon upon a tfuione of a dead body is Vajrayo~JU. ·· . - #:\. in ruby color. ~~r-ri~~~ti~·q(.\·~~·({1·~~~~1 o.She is adorned with precious jewels and her silky hat flies. yellow. carrying their own symbolic attributes. .10 are assemblies of yidam-deities like cloudbanks..·ar~i ~~~il~~·q1·1a. He holds a tell and a vajra in his two hands crossed at the level of his heart. around the four directions and the eight<. ' . clad in sambhogakaya attire. he is sitting with his legs crossed.·~f"~&ia.-~1 ~~~~'(~s~·~~·~~~~.-~~~qa.t3~r+~~r~&i·~~~~~~·~~~t ~-9.·~a~-rq~~1 JA-ZER 1HIG LE OD-NGE DA CUR NANG DRUB PEI KHYU CHOG 1ILO NARO DANG MARPA :MILA NYAM MED GAMPO S0G .rs~·~. c...·~'Jfl'~~~~~~~~· ZHAB NYI YE-KUMYON-KYANG DALGYI ZHENG DE-CHIR CH:OG ZHI 1SAM GYE 1HA KOR DU YIDAM UIATSOG lRINPHUNG TA-BUE }\OR With her right leg bent and the left stretched.1·£t·~·~·it1· ~~. c. ~~·s~~~·~·~1·~a.... ~·&t')~~~~~·ar~i1·r~·~a. ~C\·~~·~~~·~~~~i~·~~q~~~I KU-DOG TIIING SAL LONG CHOE-OZOG KU~EI CHE CHAG NYI OOR-TRIL 1HUG KHARNOL TIIAB DZIN RlNCHEN GYEN OZOG ZHAB NYI KYIL 1RUNG ZHUG Blue and bright in color is his body. · on a [cushion of} lotus and moon upon a lion-throne made of a myriad of jewels. she stands gracefully.·~"' cr&i·~~·~~qa.. Outside that.t:~1. c. Fully adorned with jewel ornaments.·s·~~~"t ~·ij=~~'· ~'3'K..~~q~~qil~·q~~~t ~. is the Dharmakaya teacher. Vajradhara who emb9dies the three times' victors without exception. ~·1~~~r.·1~~l ~~&t"lfl" ~·~·f~·q·~~·q·~·~t DE-UE JAZER OD NGA 1RUGH PEI UIONG RNCHEN NATSOG SENG TRlli PE-DEI TENG KUSUM GYAL WA MA-LUE DUE PEI NGO CHO-KU TONPA DRUGPA OORJE CHANG In their mid.ta. within the expanse of the proliferation of the five lights of rainbow rays. the sixth Buddha.ijq·a.·~·~~-ar~·~1~1 &1~'1:.. ri~~c. are the principals of siddhas such as Tllo and Naro. surrounded by an assembly of accomplished I<agyud gurus.rr.:c:i~1 cJJ~~f~·~~i ~·f1·~~1~~·q~·~~§ ~~if1·~~·cJl·cii· ar~·~·~~ f~~.1 1"-•t ~~~-q~~-~~cJl~°'~' ~~i~cJJ~·'E!·~~1z.. Mila and the unequalled Gampopa and the like.~?fc:i~1 E= HUNG HRIH! CHOE KX1 YING DANG NGAYAB LING SAGIOE NE DANG NYE WEI NE GYAGAR BODYUL MALAYSIA DU-TROD GYE SOG TSAN DHO-HA NYI SHU TSA Sill-EI NE OiOG NE LAMA YIDAM LHATSOG DANG ZHING KYONG OiE NGA KHOR DANG OiE NGON GYI IBATSIG JE GONG LA .~c:i-fil~1 ~~~1·~·~~·~·~-.OR Residing inside a tent of the five-fold spheres of light of the rainbow rays. hooks of light rays {emanate] that invite the primordial awareness 11 and dissolve into {me]. in an instant from the expanse of space. Having visualized myself as L1e deity.ij'~~1ijf"-~~t ¥fcJJ~~·~~°'~·a. ¥l"cJl~~·f.-°'~lii1·~~~~r'f't ~~·~~·~~~·~if°'·~~i ~~~aq~~r:.f1·3~~~~~~'1~~·s~~·c:i~cJJt NAMKHA-EI LHONG NE KEOilG LHOG KHYUG TAR SAMGYI MIKHYAB 1RINPHUNG TABUR 11B RANG NYI lllAR SAL TIIUG KEI SABON LE ODZER CHAG KYUE YESHE OIEN ORANG TIM They gather incredibly like doudbanks.KAGYUD DRUB TIIOB LAMEI TSOGKYI I<. from the seed at my heart.·~~-q~~t ~~~1· ?.~~~~~l c:is·~·cJJ·~·E: ~q-~·1~~·~q­ cJJ~~°'·1~~~q·~'i. "' ~o. Marpa.-q·~l Third: the invitation ~~·~~~~·1~e.. like a flash of lighting. .\.. . ....r~~·~·~~t ... ~·~·a.. come here to this place from the expanse of space....... fourth: requesting to be seated "i"I (.. India... may the Three Kaya Guru and the yidam-deities.DRUB LA NGODRUB QIOG TSOL CHIR NAMKHAY YING NE DIR SHEG LA QIOG !HUN NGO DRUB CHAR TAR PHOB VAJRA-SAMAYA-DZA OZA Hung Hrih! The Curu and the ilSSembly of yidam-deities '1nd the five local guardian sisters along with their retinues from Dharmadhatu and Chamaradvipa. and the supreme twenty-four abodes of Chandohas such as the eight cemeteries: Think of your words in the past and to bestow the supreme siddhi upon practitioners. ~"~"~·~.. - ~~·~~~"i"~~z:r~~~I - ~~·~~~t ~ . (.r~R~t KYE! DAM1SIG DAG PEI NE DIRU NYI DA PEMEI DEN TENG DU KU-SUM LAMA YIDAM DANG ZHING KYONG QIEN MO UIEN QIIG KYE Cl-IE-NGA KHOR DANG CHE PA NAM GYE SHING TEN PAR ZHUG SU SOL SAMAYA TISHTA UIEN Hey! In this place of those with pure samaya. samaya tishta lhan! .. vajra-samaya dza dza.J~ ...\.. the principal local guardian along with 1ler four ~mergent sisters be seated joyfully and firmly on cushions of~ moon.. Tibet. and lotus. Malaysia. Bring down the supreme and ordinary siddhis like a rainfall.. the earthly Pilhas and Upapi~. ~ ~~~"~~~J:. the dakiµia who protects the victor's teachings along with your retinues.r-~~·~11 ~·~·o)~~if~·~~-~l·t.1 ~~ s~cil1·q~1·%­ tt-~g-~: '41.. energy..1 HRI! MENGYI YONCHAB OMEI ZHAB SIL CHOE RINCHEN MEIDG POE 1RIN DUE-PE SANG NANG SEL KUN KHY AB ORI ZANG QfUG PEI CHAB CHUE-DEN ZHAL ZE YAN LAG ROL MO TROHL ZAG MED DUE-TSI 10RMA RAI<TEI PHUE CHOETRIN GYATSO BUL ZHE NGO DRUB TSQL OM VAJRA ARGAM. the yidam-deities.ti·~wq·&J~·~·. a~l.·t. and essence associated with the twelve rounds of Vairo~.•SHAPTA PRATITSA SVAHA MAHA PANCHA RAKTA BALINGTA PUJA HO . cll~-~$~~~~-q~~"~~~-~· i~r-.I pay homage to you. Atipu ho.Fifth: paying homage '' ~~·~~~~r:rq~·+~ rr~-~~' !'~"i~cit~·~~·~~· ~~-~~-~~·~·{Q·1a.t~·~i ~~~-a.z-~f ~~~·aft ~1-~~ar"~~-~­ (fl-q~·~~~"?a. HO! NAMNANG KHOR WA OIU NYI KYI TSA LHUNG THIG-LE DORJE.t~q~~I q~-~~-~~·s~ui~-~~·~~M~~.·=r~· ~·-.f~ Sixth: making offerings ~g m·©:at'~·~·?. The three times' Vajradhara.f~~-~4'r~o.LUE DOD NE YONG DRUB CHEN POR OZOG DU-SUM DOROiANG YIDAM UIA GYA-WEI TEN SUNG DAKIMA KHOR DANG CHE LA OIAG TSAL W ATIPUHO Ho! Primordially complete within the supreme absolute reality12 are your vajra bodies [composed of] channels.r~~I ~~~-~~~r:rs·qs~~~-t.~·~f ~~·1"·q~Clf ~~-~. t f!~·~·q~·~~~~r. maha panma rakta balingta juja ho.rz:~~~rf[~·~·~~·~·~1 ~~a.. tomuz lland rakttz1•.r~M~a.·fq"f~~cil""f~~t ~·~·~='4~M~·cif1 cJ.qr1rcil~~""~·~~·~~·r~1 ~~·~"faf"°f~'f~~~~rr. the best of undefiled elixic. q~-q-f~-q·~1 Seventh: Praising ~ ~i cr. . nutritious food and a pray of inStruments with my hands. I offer you (such} oceanic clouds of offerings.·~1 ~~·~~~~~1''m'6'~~·~~t af~"f~·~~~~·~M ~~~~~~·~~~· . all-illwninating lamps and water infused with saffron. the primor~ial awareness. flowers {and} purification with clouds of incense's smoke.. and the deity who has perfected the entirety of activities.~~~&~r~11 ~·~·~a. . the yidam-deity who ~unceasing in any way it appears and of perfect activities. om vajra argam \padyam\ pushpam \ dhuppam \ aloJce \ gandhe \ nevite \ shapta .·~~·M~¥fq3a.ratitsa svaha. I pay homage to and praise the great mother who is the unborn dharmakaya. Partake of these and grant the siddhi..Hrih! I offer medicinal oblation water and milky foot wash. jewels. ~~·~·~"~~·q'l~'~" ~~~·qf11 HUNG HRIH! MACHOE 1ROE DAL LAMA DORJE CHANG GANG SHAR GAG ME YIDAM TIIIN-LE OZOG KHA-DROEI 1HUG JEI TOB KYI NYON MONG DUL TiilNLE YONG OZOG LHALA CHAG 1SEL TOE KYE-ME CHOEKU YESHE YUM CHEN MO GYAL KUN OORJEI TSUNMO NANAMZA LONG KU RIG NGAEI YUM CHOG YING CHUG NGA 1RUL KU DESHEG 1RUL PA BUM DEi TS0G RIGDZIN NALJOR KUN GYI GYE DEMO NE YUL DU-1ROHD KUN 1U NATSOG ZUG · GANG CHEN SANGYE TENSUNG CHAG TSAL TOE Hung Hrih! I pay hoDJage to and praise the guru Vajradhara who is uncontrived and unelaborated.f~Qr~""f~qr~t ~~~·~·cif1 ~~~a. the dakinis who tame the afflictions through the power of their compassion. JN~ VAR N II '/£ f-1 vN 0 PH t k.. ..._ HuNG.D. LA JAN<_) K...Z HVN~ TSA . Kl'fAM MA-R PDE -rR.~ !ct 6(..U_. C~) ~ el~t.JM o.vA t'.. & ~ rt.. c:Li'l.. II ~ k.J-tOE.s...-c/.-4.p ph~S~ "IJ ~V.Ar. H o~'~ a..b:J. lW..4 Vaj /Vt.a.9...{ ......'dd)u's ' .) . 'b lC._ ~ <t:t 1le. HUN~ g 11\D ~U SA R vv A H uN ~ ~t.- !:>1 ue. .of)CU'\ cJvU'es ~ ~e.... U f"16. i..DJ)HI HI..s.E:NZ-l'r <:.q_.l/CV<'t.A ( ru..- ~ "b tt.'"QbeN "':!J a.dlt.UL ...u. <L pl 0> >+St. tRIN L£Y l)f\lf geNzA. cu_J .f lf:u ~bl<y vw1 l/1. /ko. vcy'h.-f fl N'IE:..Ad k..DUK. 'O WJ- Ao.:.Ny.b w ""{)...DE- TSON "j16f 50f\1 CHO~ ..b CHA-K.. PE R.v. I..AN~ N'J1 DDR.... 1l ct'·~ 'b ft.).'c_ d..)..!.l:> i . pa.U. LHvN!JVP q'IVR..t lodt<fj~ ~ -fl. -t:'t.~ 1o Q . e.{-/J( ..f...d SupvO•U'_ l:to. fDU-'4" SAK -rER... Du 'jl SID.&1~ Md.q. LEY -..)<\Ls.. "'-"-.....i'cJr sl.iv. J eµe)~ ~ ~ I • . s...e.. ~ fevtU...__s i. 1t> It. of. Vqj NL .\Gj SuM ~'IE.g~ble. f..Jb A<\ 6'~e._ {.y d {....o ~'!AL kl>N C.. J..o. Shi II S1tRi.ts..wJ ~ rt ..._ l{.DH/ })AR. D f\I{ AH ~ v I\ tJ T£ LD oM AH 6jof(U NAIZD· Dt\11 Ah' ~ul(lJ \j L'S~ f1- cU~ c. .. a. IH-f TE1'19 N'tlM£1 PO N'fON oo~:rE 'II MO t<. pellr' ":5 a II ~ ~Loh tt.:1 ~'l.JL.DHI HVN<j NA'1A JUNA ~w A Sr.-.ZILNON -n1uN OM.3£ PHAK WOE qU.. -- DAG NYl-YIDAM LHAR SAL WEI ~ SOG LE JUNG NGAG KYI TRENG OD 1ROH TSO MOEI ZHAL DU ZHUG PEMEI LAM NE DE WAR JUNG OORJE NORBUEI LAM GYUD-DE GAL MEI TABUR KHOR WA YI YESHE NYAM BAR DE WEI NGANG MAYENG TENG DZIN ZER GYI DAB OM DAKINIJANAATISTA SHVARI DHARMATARE MAMASARVASIDDHI HUNG HUNG MAYENG TSECHIG DRUB PAR DA I visualize myself as the yidam-deity... in the filissful state on which. The rosary of mantras that emanates from the seed syllable in my heart.r')"·t UIC\'~"'\~41"~~~!~~~ T1lc signs of luzuing aa:omplislu:d tJuzt: bcllutifal iooman settling foo"-. it arrives at bliss and via the path of vajra and jewel. the five sisters who are the great consorts of the ..­ ~ + q"~tr'9~·til·~-~~-~~'·rqa.1 ~~I ~~~~~~~c..c::t ~~~~a. the assembly of her who is delightful to all vidyadhara yogins. and the guardian of Buddha's teachings in the land of snow. enters the principal dakini's mouth with its light dazzling..~~~~-q~!JI .lizatiOJt for mantra recitation ( Add t_~ci! P.·~~·~~·~·q~~q tll'4~~~"'q~q~·qa.five sambhogakaya families.~q~·~t ~~·~·~~~~r::r Mtllc.~·~c::~°t·~s~·~~·~ql °t·~~~~~-~~i!r~·~·M~q·A)·~~~·t ~.• .d giuing romptmy or llCbullly f«ing hafa«. .·~~-~~t:.~·~· M~C:. Om dakini jana atsi ta shori dhanna tare mama sarva siddhi hung hung Recite this without distractions until one-pointedness has been accomplish!!d. ~~-~~l ~'\j)'\~4'·&1"~411 :W~~{~~l\r.~t.t tJiia. the myriad of forms in the abodes and remeteries. Eight visua. as it circulates like a fire-brand. I am nailed with the nail of undistracted conrentration. nf_ugh th~ path of lotus.. the assembly of a hundred thousand emanations of the sugatas.·c:.Nanamza '·'who is the vajra-consort of all victors.. the experienre of primordial awareness is ignited. Engaging in tasks: DAG GYI TI-WG KEI SABON LE OD 1ROH TSO MOEI TIIUG KA RU DA-TENG AA YIG KARPOEI TSEN SOG GYI NYING POE KOR WA LA PHOG PE NGON GYI DAMOIA OREN GANG OOE ~DRUB PAR SAM Fro~.·~~t:'. ~-at my heart as ligrts shirie and hit the white syllable'Aa' which is encirded by the vital-heart mantras and located on a moon disc in the heart of the principal dakini.7\·us·T4{fl ~~·~s ("Zhi nyen: SHANTING KURU SVAHA gye pei le drub: PUSHTING KURU OM wang gyi le drub: VASHAMKURU HO dragpo-e le drub: MARAYA PRAT) To accomplish peaceful actions: replace from the word 'sarua' on in the mantra above with 'sluznnting kuru svahll.' To accomplish increasing actions: replace that with 'pushting kuru om' To accomplish magnetizing actions: replace that with 'vasham kuru ho' To accomplish wrathful actions: replace that with 'maraya phllt' !i~UJ~~~·~~·'ll"~~t ~"·~~~~~~·ifq~~t ~~·~"·q~~·~·~-7\~~t ~~~"~~~q-~~~I tt-. ~~I l\qr. and enacts any activity that I wish for.~~'lt~lf·~-~~-~-~~tt·1 &rGl"~~q"~~ &ISl~~"~~°"'!i~"~~M~ LAHAR YANG TSO MOEI 1HUG KANE . Thus imagine.~I M. sbe recalls her past commitments. . the hundred syllable mantras. lights shine that exhorts the minds of the four goddesses who then grant the siddhis of their individual activities. I offer clouds of offerings that occur on the base of worlds and inhabitants. IUUI the mantra ofinterdependence for three times.OD TROH I<HOR GYI UIAMO ZlilEI TIWG GYUE KTJL TE RANG RANG GYI LE-KYI NGODRUB TSOL WAR SAM OM JANA DAI<INI MAM LAM AAM TAM SARVA SIDDHI HUNG HUNG Again from the heart of the principal q~·~~~-QJ~·~q·~·qf"it HUNG HRllf! CHOEYING MIGYUR PEL GYI YUM TEN SUNG ACHI CHOE DRON MA ~~~ .~o. Practice without distraction until the signs luis be.en received IUUI condiule by reciting the vowels. HUNG!_KHOR DE DOE NE DUE TSI NGA RIG NGAR DAG PEI PHUE KYI CHOO NEO CHUE ZlilR ZHENG DOE YON TRIN NAM KHA DZOE DU TRUL TE BUL OM VAJRA ARGAM. ~~Qf~~·q~i ~~~"~~~o. Hung! I offer the choicest of pure offerings co the five families. Thus i11uzgine. om vajra argam \ padyam \ pushpam \ dhuppam \ aloke \ gandhe \ nevite \ shapta pratitsa svaha. . Om jana dakini mam Jam aam tam sarva siddhi hung hung. by transforming them into a sky-treasure. .the samsara and nirvana primordially as the five-fold elixirs. ! ·l t Praise: ~-~~~tl·~~qQr&. ·-. qualities and activities of the secret mother [who embodies] the unborn expanse of Dharmadhatu. .RIG KYI TSOM BU TRUL .. the total incompleteness.J(r\.• Hrih! May I receive the empowerment of the primordial aw~f the lour joys through the body. ~~~~~~if'-ql Tenth: receiving empowerments for the attainment of the siddhis ~: ~~·ii~·~~~~-~~q~·f~t ij.z.rcP-l·ql ~·~ia~·~·~~·a. including the emanations and retinues. who enact the activities of great bliss. Eleventh: confession a.~~11 - ~·~ ~ 1r.J'~l·aJ~~·~M*'"~~·1 . speech.KHOR OIE DECHEN nnNLE DRUB LA lOE Hung Hrih! The mother of the glorious unchanging dharmadhatu is the dharma protector Adli Choedonma I praise you and the assembly of your family. 'kaya vaka dtta sarva siddhi hung' (at lhe c?lld o( lhe root mantca). mind. the spontaneity that pervades (all}.·q~~fq~·~~·~~~·q1 ~·"' MA NYE YONG SU MATSANG DANG GANG YANG NUE PA MA CHIPA DINI GYI PA GANG NONG PA DE KUN KHE I<YI WE DZE RIG (yig gya joe) The unfound.~~·~q-ai:rr.z.~Cll"~1'r:1~~a.~~·~~·QJ~~t .ij'%Jf~rr 1·~~· OIOEYING DAG PEI LHONG LHUN DRUB KHYAB DEL SANG WEI YUM KU SUNG 1HUG YON TIIlNLE KYI GA ZHIEI YESHE WANG TIIOB SHOG {l~ ngag thar) KAYA VAKA CTITA SARVA SIDDIIl HUNG HRlli! KYE . ~ l~~'UJ1'~~q·Ma.Jt ~~r:1~~·~~~r:11'ifr:1~1 ME9 '~~ ~~" '1fUJ·2¥. -1 ~~~~~~q~~~fi:.·1 "~-~~·~· +~~·11~~"· ~~~~~"·"~·~~~~' JOr NANG SI DOE NE YUM NGEI LHONG OIOE KH~RG LAG WEN NE KYONG GEDUN NYI NGA lHANG KYE PHEN I DOE GUEI TASHI SHOG Jho! In the [world} of appearance and possibilities -primordially the expanse of the Five Mothersmay there be the auspiciousness · of safeguarding the dharma-whecls. "and celebrate. joys and anything that one des~.~·fJ\~ ~~~~-.. - - ·- .-- ..~"·~~·~~'i!~ ar~. Shout: ·victmy is ofthe c. ~'*'-!l~~~~f ~q~. any mistakes committed in this may you bear with me in all of these.~~~f ~i. play violin and [other] instruments. that will be an act ofgreat benefit.~~'QfJ\f ~~j·~r. 'ff'l b· 'l ca'~~~.ogchen Ganor Rinpoche. Samaya! e:ar ~1~i-.ods. 1995 by Dz. For the general and particu1llr teachings. and of benefits. the physical appearance ofAchi and the Wl}rds in this text have been deciphered from dakini's symbolic scripts on the 2'7"' ofMay. (&die tlie l<Kls~ numtrll) Twelfth: ceiemony for longevity Thirteenth: words of auspidowmess .~~~J\"§"q%\~·~~~~~~~· ~ 'r' q~qi'· '"' ~~Jr cY ~- l\'l ~~~1. just as appeared to him in the space in front of him. (1 ~~~". Make such efforts daily.~-~~-i~~~~~~ 11 Thus.ri4' ~~4il ~· Thus saying.the lack of any ability whatsoever. of the two communities 'liof the sangha growing in power. viharas and solitudes..
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