Ace5 Unit Wks Notes Answ
Ace5 Unit Wks Notes Answ
March 27, 2018 | Author: MARIA | Category:
Ebenezer Scrooge
Tiny Tim (A Christmas Carol)
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UNIT WORKSHEET NOTESAND ANSWERS 2 Who wrote the diaries? Write the names: Jilly, Betty or William. • The children remember the Class Book story and identify who wrote the diary entries. There are four worksheets per unit: • Story: story-based activities for use after Lesson 2 • Vocabulary and grammar 1: key language practice activities for use after Lesson 3 • Vocabulary and grammar 2: key language practice activities for use after Lesson 6 • Functions: functional language practice activities for use after Lesson 7 In addition, there are two worksheets for the Starter unit: key language practice activities for use after Lesson 2 and storybased activities for use after Lesson 4. Starter Lessons 1 and 2 1 Read the penfriend messages. Match the texts to the pictures. • The children read the penfriend messages and write the letter of the corresponding picture for each. Answers A Betty B Jilly C William 3 Read and write T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences. • Confirm the answers to Activity 2 before children do this activity. The children read the sentences and write T (true) or F (false) for each one. They look back at the diary entries and correct the false sentences orally. Answers 2 F – Betty flew over the sea and the mountains. 3 F – William’s brother thought the volcano was real. 4 T 5 F – William bought a funny picture of his brother. 6 T 4 Think about your summer holidays. Which was the best day? Write your diary for that day. • The children decide which was their favourite day of the summer holidays and write a diary entry for that day. ANSWERS Children’s own answers Answers 1 c 2 a 3 b 2 Read and write the name: Dave, Leon or Aalia. • The children read the sentences and write the name of the person in Activity 1 that they describe. Answers 2 Aalia 3 Dave 4 Dave 5 Leon 6 Aalia 3 Choose a penfriend and write a message. Write about yourself and your school. Draw a picture of yourself. • The children choose a penfriend and write them a message, using the three messages in Activity 1 as models. Answers Children’s own answers Unit 1 Story 1 Remember the story poem. Read and write the missing bugs/animals. • The children remember the Class Book story poem, or read it again if necessary. They read the playscript based on it and complete it with the missing bugs/animals. Answers 2 beetles 3 spiders 4 flies 5 bats 6 frogs 7 bees 8 ants 2 Look at the words in bold in the playscript. Circle the words that rhyme with them. • The children identify the word in each speech which rhymes with the word in bold. Encourage them to say the words out loud to themselves and think about the sounds, not just look at the spelling. Answers Starter Story knows – clothes, wood – good, hairy – scary, how – now, cry – Fly, you – true, sting – thing, thin – in, know – grow, plants – ants, agreed – read 1 Read and write the verbs in the past simple. 3 Perform the play in groups. • The children read the diary entries and complete them with the past simple form of the verbs supplied. Answers A 2 arrived 3 flew 4 looked 5 went 6 wanted 7 ate 8 swam B 1 camped 2 was 3 had 4 ate 5 told 6 laughed 7 heard 8 remembered 9 wanted C 1 were 2 explored 3 liked 4 was 5 thought 6 rode 7 took 8 bought • Cast: Bee 1 Spider 1 Fly Beetle Bee 2 Spider 2 Worm 1 Ant Moth Centipede Worm 2 Narrator • The play has been set up for 12 children, so that each child has approximately one line, and the play could be performed for an audience without scripts. However, parts can easily be combined to make it work for smaller groups or in a stronger class, to give each child more to say. 5 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 1 Answers b roots 5 c petals 2 d pollen 1 e stem 4 to make sentences giving an excuse. ANSWERS Behaviour – any of the following: Beetles eat old wood. There are moths and mosquitoes. There is a worm. The centipede is looking for food/walking around. using red for the ones that are active at night. Worms come to the surface. It’s coming to the surface. There are some weeds. There isn’t a scarecrow. There aren’t any seeds. Use each verb twice. I can’t. 3 Use the pictures in Activity 1 and write minidialogues. Use the excuses from Activity 2. Use the words to write sentences about what is in Mike’s garden. • The children write the names of the bugs on the numbered labels. 3 I don’t think I can. Find the items in the picture and write the numbers. They’re flying around and looking for food. 4 If you have a scarecrow. Mosquitoes and moths fly around. The birds have eaten all the raspberries. birds stay away. Spiders make webs. Answers 2 I’m sorry. The ants are sleeping. to show they are nocturnal) 2 Look at Picture A. • The children use Picture B and the report in Activity 2 to write a report about the nocturnal bugs. • The children read and complete the to do list. Copy and complete the lab report. 3 If theres a small area of weeds. Answers 1 fly 2 grasshopper 3 ladybird 4 ant 5 worm 6 wasp 7 moth 8 mosquito 9 snail 10 spider 11 beetle 12 centipede (7–12 in red. Answers 2 fly 3 build 4 eat 5 jump 6 dig 7 make b building c is eating d is jumping e is digging f are making g is sleeping Answers 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 c 4 Write sentences. There isn’t a bird feeder. 2 Read and complete the words. • The children complete the mini dialogues using items from the to do list in Activity 1 and excuses from Activity 2. There’s a wheelbarrow. Snails eat leaves. They find each item in the picture and write the number by the word. It’s eating leaves. Answers 2 If tomatoes grow in the greenhouse. 4 Sorry. • The children look at the pictures and rearrange the words Unit 1 Vocabulary and grammar 2 1 Write the words. • They use the words to write sentences using There’s/There isn’t/There are/There aren’t. Match the words and pictures. • They write the picture letter for each task. hedgehogs and toads are happy. • The children look at Picture A (daytime). Ants sleep. Centipedes look for food/walk around. 3 Read and match. Answers 2 4 6 8 pull up weeds h 3 water the tomatoes a pick the raspberries d 5 empty the wheelbarrow f make a scarecrow e 7 hang up the bird feeder g tidy the greenhouse c 2 Look at the pictures and write the excuses. 3 Look at Picture B.Unit 1 Vocabulary and grammar 1 1 Write the bugs. They complete the report using the verbs in the box in the present simple or present continuous. I can’t. They are eating old wood. as appropriate. The spider is making a web. There’s a snail. • The children read and match the sentence halves to make zero conditional sentences. I’ve hurt my arm. Read and complete the lab report. • The children write the correct versions of the scrambled • forms of flower parts. 5 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 2 . Use red for the nocturnal bugs. Unit 1 Functions 1 Complete the list. Answers 2 3 4 5 6 7 There are some raspberries. Observations – any of the following: There are two beetles. • The children write in the missing vowels to complete the garden words. • The children re-order the words to make zero conditional sentences giving advice to Mike about his garden. There’s a watering can. they make lots of fruit. I’ve hurt my arm. AnswerS 8. Answers 1 2 5 7 Nathan got Freddie for being such a good boy. 5 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 3 . The thief heard the police on the way. Answers Unit 2 Story Lewie 2 more difficult 3 the most intelligent (quiz show) Carla 1 the most adventurous 2 the most terrifying 3 more educational (documentary) Sam 1 the most serious 2 The most interesting 3 the most delicious (cookery show) Hayley 1 more interesting 2 the most exciting 3 more beautiful (talent show) 1 Remember the story. to buy. A Oh. • The children use the remaining list items and excuses to write two more mini-dialogues in their notebooks. 3. good to see 1 She’s doing a survey to find out all about pocket money and household tasks. • then order the verses correctly. • The children read and complete the sentences by choosing the correct adjective forms. or read it again if necessary. Answers to help. Read the sentences and write T (true) or F (false). Unit 2 Vocabulary and grammar 1 1 Read and write the type of programme for each person. to buy. please? B I don’t think I can. It was a very windy day. then write about it. Oh. I can’t. They can work in pairs. 3 What’s your favourite show? Make notes. They can cut them out and rearrange them. • The children remember the Class Book story. • They write the programme types in the gaps. Answers 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 T 7 F 8 T 2 Use the phrases to correct the false sentences in Activity 1. • Using the information in the table. 5. read and complete. Write the missing lines from Activity 2 in the correct places. It’s raining. They answer the questions. They write the programmes. Well. The birds have eaten all the raspberries. of course! A B A B Please can you plant the seeds? I’m sorry. They read the sentences and write T (true) or F (false) for each one. to spend. There aren’t any seeds. • The children read the phrases and use them to correct the false sentences in Activity 1. AnswerS 2 piggy bank 3 ten pound note 4 spends 5 penny 6 twenty pence piece 7 wallet 8 saves 9 notes 10 coins 11 money box 2 Read and identify the infinitives of purpose and adjective + infinitive structures in the text. Then answer the questions. The children write in the missing phrases (using the prompts supplied in Activity 2). please can you pull up the weeds? No problem. They then write about it. / hang up the bird feeder 4 Use the other jobs and excuses to write two more mini-dialogues. • The children read the text. comparing it to other shows. the children complete the text with the words in the box. please can you make a scarecrow? B Yes. ANSWERS Children’s own answers Unit 2 Vocabulary and grammar 2 1 Look. 6.Answers 1 w ater the tomatoes / I don’t think we need to. Answers A Can you pick the raspberries. Well. 3 Read. / tidy the greenhouse 2 empty the wheelbarrow / Sorry. cut out and order. to get easy to save. A man used him to buy an ice cream. 1. 2 They think it’s important to learn about saving. 4. or simply write the correct verse order on the sheet. They circle the infinitives • of purpose and underline the adjective + infinitive structures. • The children read the sentences to decide which type of TV programme would be best for each person. 7. 2 a the police on the way b very windy day c an ice cream d For being such a good boy • The children make notes about their favourite show. to surprise. Then write the programme types. Answers 2 soap opera 3 weather 4 music programme 5 live sports 6 adverts 7 news 8 comedy show 2 Write the comparative or superlative forms. • The children read the Class Book story again if necessary. I can’t. 2 isn’t made of linen 3 is/’s made of cotton 4 were made of leather 5 aren’t made of leather 6 are/’re made of plastic 7 was made of wood 8 is made of wood 3 Draw a costume for a Roman man or woman. are made of. using the text in Activity 2 as a model.. • The children complete the story using the words in the box. • The children look at the headlines in the box and choose the best one for their story. Answers 2 Greeks 3 ships 4 sailed 5 city 6 wood 7 party 8 war Headline: a We won! Let’s have a party! 3 Write a newspaper story for a Greek newspaper. 3 It’s from Japan. Choose and write a headline from Activity 1. or read it again if necessary. 5 She does extra jobs in the house. It’s from 1972. She needs money to buy presents. They were on the coast near Troy. Read the headlines and number them in order. • They look back at Activity 1 and choose the best headline • The children write to Suzie. • The children use the prompts to write a new dialogue. etc. The Greek ships weren’t across the sea. using the dialogue in Activity 2 as a model. In the end the Greeks won the war. 4 This one is the oldest. she doesn’t. Include information to answer the questions. she is. Answers a 7 b 2 (c 1) d 5 e 4 f 6 g 3 The newspaper is Trojan. 3 Write a message to Suzie about your household tasks. Answers The Greek army was outside Troy for ten years. answering the questions in Activity 2 with their own details.3 Yes. Choose a headline. Write about your costume. 2 I save my pocket money to buy them. Think about the materials you could use. Answers Unit 3 Story 1 Remember the story. ANSWERS Children’s own answers 5 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 4 . The Greek general Odysseus had the idea to build the horse. Answers 2 USA 3 1983 4 20p 5 1968 6 10p 7 UK 8 2012 2 Match the questions and answers. 2 Read and complete the story. The soldiers left the horse outside the walls of Troy. Answers 2 e 3 a 4 d 5 b 3 Use the prompts and the completed dialogue in Activity 2 to write your own dialogue. • The children look at the labels and unjumble the words. Is the newspaper Greek or Trojan? • The children remember the Class Book story. Use the information on your favourite comic in Activity 1. this time from the Greek perspective. • The children match questions 1–5 with answers a–e to make a dialogue about the comics. • They read the questions and find the answers in the story. Answers 2 leather 3 bronze 4 wood 5 silver 6 wool 7 ivory 8 clay 9 iron 10 wax 11 gold 12 stone 2 Look and complete Ben’s description. thinking about the different materials they could use. Then they read the newspaper headlines and number them in the order the events happened in the story. 4 No. pocket money and savings. • The children plan a costume. ANSWERS Children’s own answers Unit 2 Functions 1 Look and complete the table. They write a paragraph about their costume. Answers 1 This is my comic collection. I’ve got 34 comics. They came out in the night and opened the gates of Troy. • They use the answers to write a newspaper story about wooden horse. for the story. There were 30 Greeks in the horse. Headline: Our clever trick Unit 3 Vocabulary and grammar 1 1 Look and write the words for the materials. My Japanese penpal sent it to me. The horse was made of wood and it was very beautiful. writing the materials that the clothes. • The children read and complete the diary entry using the prompts supplied. It’s called Inspector Hound. Use the questions in Activity 2 to help you. 5 I like (Children’s own answers). And sometimes people send me comics from other countries. • The children use the information in the picture to complete the table. They sailed away in their ships. She’s saving to buy a bike. • The children complete the shopping list using the words in the box. Answers 2 3 4 5 6 At Scrooge’s house In Scrooge’s past Christmas now without Scrooge The graveyard Scrooge’s Christmas Day 2 Complete the play. 5 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 5 . and what actors can do to show that they are feeling a certain way. Unit 4 Story 1 Remember the story. assign the roles in each scene to a different group. • The children use the prompts to write sentences about how the Ancient Britons lived before the Romans arrived. Answers 2 intelligent 3 generous 4 miserable 5 worried 6 mean 7 sociable 8 cheerful 9 caring 10 energetic 11 lonely Missing word: His personality. They didn’t use to have lots of rooms. chips and sandwiches. or a large group. answers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 They used to live in small villages. didn’t have slaves 3 Write about how the Ancient Britons lived. They write the correct scene numbers. fire in the middle. Write the scene numbers. Answers 1 snack 2 ice cream 3 fruit 4 postcard 2 Look at the shopping list and the price list. please. which describe how the characters feel. • The children remember the Class Book story. Compare houses in Ancient Britain with the Roman villa. They used to decorate their houses with flowers and branches. Find the word to answer the question. They used to have warm houses. • The children look at the picture and read the text about the Ancient Britons. underlining the details in the text.70 3 Choose other things from the shopping list/price list and write another dialogue. Answers 2 mountains 3 biscuits 4 cakes 5 coffee 6 chocolate 7 castle 8 ice cream 9 £1. They used to sleep on straw mattresses. we do! We’ve got apples. How much is that? Assistant: Here you are. Use the information to complete the dialogue. Do you sell fruit? Assisant: Yes. Answers b surprised c cold d mean e worried f miserable g scared Unit 4 Vocabulary and grammar 1 1 Read and write the words. In a weaker class. And have you got any snacks? Assistant: Yes. Then they cut up the worksheet and order the scenes as they happen in the play. Underline what was different.Unit 3 Vocabulary and grammar 2 1 Look. Underlined: round houses. Practise saying the lines that follow the stage directions to convey the appropriate feelings. • Prepare to perform the play. or read it again if necessary. • The children read the clues and complete the puzzle. They didn’t use to make fountains and mosaics. Discuss what the stage • directions mean. • The children write in the missing instructions for the actors. Cut out and order. The children perform the play in groups. Customer: What sort of sandwiches have you got? Assistant: We’ve got tuna. choose and write the words. we’ve got salads. decorated their houses for festivals. Use used to and didn’t use to. Unit 3 Functions 1 Complete the shopping list. They read the jumbled scenes. • The children use the dialogue in Activity 2 as a model to write a new dialogue about things not mentioned in Activity 1 (fruit and snacks). They used to build big round houses. bananas and strawberries. • The children look at the picture and complete the description by circling the correct option from the two given each time. Answers 2 fountain 3 mosaic tiles 4 stairs 5 first floor 6 balcony 7 pillars 8 study 9 heating 10 couches 11 mattresses 2 Read the text. Customer: Oh. mattresses made of straw. Then perform in groups. OK. That’s £2. ham and egg.50. one room. They find differences between the way the Britons lived and the way the Romans lived. • They find the hidden word (on the shaded squares) and use it to answer the question. Customer: A banana and a ham sandwich. • The children read the dialogue and complete it with information from the shopping list and the price list. mattresses on the floor. Answers SUGGESTED ANSWER Assistant: Hello! Can I help you? Customer: Yes. Thank you. Answers 1 Lily Smith / Dylan Green. 3 Bob was playing with Tiny Tim when Scrooge gave him the turkey. 4 26 Station Road.co. Answers 2nd November: We love canoeing (yachting). The fire wasn’t burning when Mrs Cratchit finished work. Write questions. • The children use the prompts to write sentences carrying • 1 Complete the the membership cards. It’s killed some cats (goats) 5 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 6 . then use these to find out about their friend’s story. choosing from the options offered at each stage. • The children complete the two membership cards with the information in the box. • The children choose Lily or Dylan and use the information from the completed membership card to complete the dialogue. following Activity 2 as a model. 5 & 6 Children’s own answers 2 2003 3 AC2 1LU 4 634 291 5 lilysmith@ 6 Green 7 23/4 8 3 King Street 9 (01238) 10 @ace. Answers Children’s own answers • The children remember the Class Book story.uk 3 Choose a club. • The children choose which of the three clubs they would • Unit 4 Vocabulary and grammar 2 1 Read and write the type of book. • The children use the prompts to write questions. it took their food (didn’t want to take) 6th February The police on St Bees (wildlife rangers). or read it again if necessary. They use their own personal information to write a dialogue about joining that club. then ask and answer in pairs. Aceton AC4 9NL.uk 2 Choose Lily or Dylan and complete the dialogue. Fill in your membership card and write a dialogue with your details. Encourage them to think up additional questions of their own. They fill in the membership card with their details. 3 Write sentences using the prompts. Then they look at the pictures and number them in the order the events occur in the story. 3 Find out about your friend’s story. Fred was dancing when Scrooge arrived at the party. We looked for her for four hours (an hour) 3rd January: Some tourists saw it (local people). 4 Fred was decorating the tree when his friends arrived. 3 08/2/2003 / 23/4/2004.co. Answers Children’s own dialogues Answers 2 craft book 3 atlas 4 manual 5 joke book 6 play 7 poetry book 8 graphic novel 9 annual Unit 5 Story 2 Look at the story maze. Scrooge was feeling lonely when he looked at his grave. Number the pictures in the right order. They use their own ideas to write two more sentences about the characters in the story. They correct them with information from the magazine story in the Class Book. They highlight the details they choose.co. using the questions in Activity 3 and adding details of what happened next. Write two more sentences about the characters in A Christmas Carol. • The children write their story. Our cat. ANSWERS 2 3 4 6 When did the story happen? Who did you choose as the main character? Where did he/she/it go? 5 Why did he/she/it go there? What did he/she/it see there? 4 Write your story. like to join. Describe what happened next. then move through the maze. 5 (01238) 634 291 / (01238) 774 893.uk / dylang@ace. Aceton AC2 1LU / 3 King Street. ANSWERS 2 Scrooge was eating dinner when Marley visited him. Answers a 3 b 6 c 4 d 2 (e 1) f 5 2 Read. Find and correct the two mistakes in each blog entry. Fred’s friends were singing when it started to snow. • The children identify each type of book. 1 Remember the story. Sophie Tucker (dog) 6th December (November): off the coast of Florida (Queensland) 8th November: Jan fell into the sea (Sophie Tucker). Choose your favourite option each time and follow the path. 2 S-M-I-T-H / G-R-E-E-N. • The children read the blog and identify the two mistakes in each entry. • The children choose one of the three story types. 6 lilysmith@ace. Tiny Tim wasn’t sleeping when Bob Cratchit got home.2 Look and write sentences with the past continuous and past simple. • The children use the picture prompts to write sentences with the past continuous and past simple to describe the events from the story. Answers Answers 2 3 4 5 6 • Unit 4 Functions on the story. parachute. You have to/must take your rubbish away with you. Answers Children’s own answers 5 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 7 . Complete the dialogue for you. You must/have to wear shoes. You must/have to wear a helmet and goggles. Children’s own answers Unit 5 Vocabulary and grammar 1 1 Read and complete with adventure sports. You mustn’t wear sandals or flip flops. Answers One day. lifejacket Karting: goggles. Write the rules with have to. Answers 2 3 4 5 6 7 You must/have to be able to swim 200m. Finally.3 Imagine you are Jan or Dave. When they have chosen their activities. (The rules of adventure racing say that motorised transport is not allowed.) Answers Travelling on water: rafting. Use these questions to help you. You don’t have to wear a jumpsuit. 3 Read and write about karting. seatbelt Abseiling: rope. Answers Scuba diving: flippers. yachting Travelling in water: scuba diving Travelling on wheels: mountain biking. You don’t have to rush around. Unit 5 Functions 1 Order the letters. You must/have to fasten your seatbelt. Use the ideas and the verbs to help you. They couldn’t believe it was Sophie Tucker. skateboarding Up and down: mountaineering. They decided to do an adventure race. You don’t have to go fast. Elicit which of the adventure sports is not mentioned in the text (karting) and ask why. Their friend Liam helped them to train. Dave asked her to go canoeing with him. snowboarding Using ropes: abseiling. You have to/must wear a mask and a snorkel. • The children look and label the equipment pictured for each sport. • They use the answers to write a blog about the day the Griffiths got their dog back. read and write sentences about an adventure race. harness 2 Look at the advert. At the start they hoped to win. jumpsuit. Which sport is not mentioned? Why? • The children read and complete the text with the • adventure sports words from Class Book Lesson 1. mask. bungee jumping. don’t have to. they wanted to sleep! They decided to continue. • The children write about a sports or other challenge they’ve done (or they can pretend to have done it). Write your blog for the end of the story. using the words supplied. Some equipment is for more than one sport. • The children look at the pictures and use the prompts to write sentences with the correct verb patterns (+ infinitive with to / + object + infinitive with to). • The children write the words for the scrambled forms of the sports. jumpsuit. • The children use adventure sports/ other activities to fill in • the diary (leaving Wednesday free). • The children read the questions and find the answers in the story. You must/have to keep your arms and legs in the kart. The dog was very excited. Answers They went to the port. SUGGESTED ANSWERS You have to/must be over 10 years old. they did. 3 Write about a challenge you’ve done. • The children use the information in the advert for scuba diving and the prompts supplied to make sentences with the appropriate modals of obligation. Yes. Answers Tuesday karting Wednesday mountain biking Friday abseiling Saturday canoeing Sunday snowboarding 2 Read and match. must and mustn’t. using the ideas and verbs supplied. After two days. Answers Children’s own answers Unit 5 Vocabulary and grammar 2 1 Look and write the words. Answers 2 b 3 f 4 d 5 g 6 h 7 e 8 a 3 Choose and write six activities in your diary. • The children match the sentence halves to make a dialogue. You must/have to be 1m40 or taller. skydiving 2 Look. Write the activities. they complete the dialogue with the relevant details. snorkel Skydiving: goggles. You don’t have to wear a wetsuit. • The children use the information in the karting advert to write sentences with modals of obligation. they managed to finish. The dog was on the wildlife rangers’ boat. harness Rafting: paddle. You mustn’t touch the fish or sea animals. You mustn’t bump other karts. Answers 2 d 3 a 4 e 5 f 6 b 2 Complete the dialogue with sentences from Activity 1. Tick ✔ the objects mentioned in the text. • The children remember the Class Book newspaper story. • The children use the verbs in the schedule in Activity 1 to complete the table. They write how many of each item the WEEE man has got. I mended the kettle. which or where. 4:05 I checked the toaster. 1:05 I bought some light switches and clothes pegs. ANSWERS 1 I found a dirty old bike in the shed where Grandad keeps his tools. ANSWERS 10:30 I sharpened the saw. • The children read and complete the sentences by choosing the correct option from the two given each time. read and match the comments to the projects. Use the pictures to make a display for the classroom or the school notice board. 3 I replaced the old wheels with clean new wheels which Dad gave me. 3 Write sentences. I’ve just gone to the recycling centre. • The children use the pictures and the prompts to write a story. Write how many objects the average person throws away. 2 I painted the bike with shiny paint which I bought from the bike shop. Compare with the schedule and use just with the verbs if necessary. Answers Ticks by: c (8). I’ve just tidied the needles and thread. Unit 6 Functions 1 Look. • The children read the dialogue and complete it with sentences from Activity 1. • The children read and complete the text with the Unit 6 Vocabulary and grammar 1 appropriate relative pronouns. g (6). • The children read the instructions for how to make a WEEE picture and number the pictures in the correct order. I put the plug on the iron. and the message behind the WEEE art. I’ve just taken Dave’s drill back. read and write the story. Answers 2 round 3 flat 4 narrow 5 dull 6 dry 2 Read and write who. • or read it again if necessary. They write about what it includes. 5 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 8 . • The children look at the picture and complete the schedule by writing the words for the numbered items. Answers a 5 b 2 c 6 (d 1) e 3 f 7 g 8 h 4 3 Make a WEEE picture and write about it. f (8). • The children follow the instructions in Activity 2 to make a WEEE picture of their choice. and use just for actions that have been completed very recently. Unit 6 Vocabulary and grammar 2 1 Read and choose the opposites. • The children use the verb prompts to write sentences. d (8). 4 I went for a ride with a friend who likes old bikes. Answers present past simple past participle write sharpen put mend make fix find buy have go check take tidy finish wrote sharpened put mended made fixed found bought had went checked took tidied finished written sharpened put mended made fixed found bought had gone checked taken tidied finished 2 which 3 who 4 who 5 which 6 where 7 who 8 where 3 Look.Unit 6 Story 1 Remember the story. • The children read the comments and find the items described. They compare the times given here with the schedule. Then they tick the pictures of items that are part of the WEEE man sculpture. I’ve just had lunch. Answers 2 plug 3 iron 4 kettle 5 vacuum cleaner 6 fridge 7 light switches 8 clothes pegs 9 toaster 10 drill 11 needles 12 thread 2 Copy and complete the table with the verbs in the schedule in Activity 1. i (5) 2 Read and number the pictures in order. writing the letter of the corresponding picture each time. Answers 1 Look and complete the schedule. then write their own answers to them. 5. quiz. They start by writing about things in the quiz. Isn’t the colour beautiful? 3 This is a great sculpture. 4 Changes: 1 Fly to Canada for an amazing adventure in the Arctic. or No. 7 2 Read and tick ✔ the sentences that describe Uncle Tom’s trip. Use the future tense • The children use the schedule to complete the sentences with the future tense of the verbs in the box. Write about the things in the quiz. Have a show of hands for each category. Answers Tick by: 2. Change the other sentences to describe his trip. Mum? Mum: I really like the penholder. or read it again if necessary. 2. (1. 7 Prepare for your trip: read The Arctic Survival Guide 3 Discuss in pairs. This tray is fantastic! You’ve worked hard. • The children read the phrases and score out the incorrect adjective in each one. Then answer for you. using Yes. then add three more sentences about other things they have or haven’t done. Answers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 will/’ll get off the bus will/’ll put up the tents won’t cook lunch will/’ll set off for a short hike won’t get back to the camp will/’ll make up ghost stories will/’ll put out the fire 5 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 9 . Answers Children’s own answers • The children read and complete the letter by circling the correct option from the two given each time. It’s really fun. It’s dreadful. They number the statements in the order they occur in the story. Good work! 3 Write another dialogue. Dad: I like your bowl. Unit 7 Vocabulary and grammar 1 1 Read and score out the adjectives which are wrong. • The children use the other sentences from Activity 1 to write another dialogue. I haven’t. • The children remember the Class Book story. Answers Scored-out: 2 snowy 3 cosy 4 deserted 5 historic 6 urban SUGGESTED answer Dad: What a fantastic exhibition. • The children write Uncle Tom’s diary entry on what happened next day. I have. 6. • The children work in pairs to complete and answer the • Answers 2 visited 3 got lost 4 done 5 Have you ever flown 3 Write about your experiences. They assess their answers and find out how adventurous they are. Answers 2 Read and complete the quiz. 8. Answers Children’s own answers 4 Imagine that Felix didn’t come back the next day. Oh! Congratulations! You won first prize! 2 I like this teacup. You can put fruit in it. You’re very skilful! Sister: What do you like. imagining Felix didn’t come back to find him. Which one is yours? Sister: This one. 5 Travel to the Arctic by helicopter. It’s very interesting. • The children discuss answers to the questions in pairs. They change the sentences that don’t match so that they describe the holiday Uncle Tom went on.Answers 1 I like your vase. it’s not. 3 Come and see the wildlife – you’ll see seals. Unit 7 Story 1 Remember the story. • The children write sentences about their own experiences using the present perfect.) 4. 3. wolves and Arctic hares. Isn’t it neat? Brother: No one likes my tray. Use the other sentences from Activity 1. Dad: No. then write three more sentences about adventurous things that you have/haven’t done. What happened next? Write Uncle Tom’s diary. Unit 7 Vocabulary and grammar 2 1 Read and choose the answers. Number the sentences in order. ANSWERS Children’s own answers • The children read the sentences and tick the ones that • match the details mentioned in Uncle Tom’s diary. Answers 2 put up 3 run out 4 set off 5 put out 6 Do up 7 fall out with 8 get on with 9 look after 2 Read and complete the sentences about what Liam and his friends will do next weekend. They read and complete the quiz questions. ) 2 3 Write sentences. 10 prawns. • The children use the information in the pictures and in the descriptions to complete the recipe. Answers Polish. 4 She will look after her. Chinese 5 Italy. Answers 2 Fiction 3 Fact 4 Fact 5 Fact 6 Fact 7 Fiction 8 Fact 9 Fiction • The children read and complete the descriptions. Answers 2 O h no! Let’s go to the countryside. • The children use the ingredients pictured and the information in the completed recipe to write sentences using too much. He’s got enough cucumbers and peppers. • The children read and complete the text by adding the numbers of the missing facts from the sentences in Activity 1 in each box. 4. • The children use the pictures to write sentences about the camping trip. Polish 2 Read and complete the introduction. 3 It won’t rain. • The children use the prompts to write sentences. Answers 3. Read and write where you can find the information: C (cartoon). Colour the flags. • They colour in the flags. read and complete the recipe. are boiled 6 are fried 5 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 10 . Spanish 4 China. Answers b 4 c 5 d 8 e 1 f 6 Unit 7 Functions Unit 8 Vocabulary and grammar 1 1 Read and complete. 5. Answers 2 beach 3 skiing 4 camping 5 cycling 2 Read and number the sentences in order. ANSWERS Chef D has got too many noodles. 4 spring onions. Poland 2 is rolled 3 is cut 4 is put. Unit 8 Story Unit 8 Vocabulary and grammar 2 1 Remember the story. • The children read and complete the adverts with the words in the box. or read it again if necessary. Write the numbers of the missing facts from Activity 1. Answers 2 garlic 3 bean sprouts 4 cucumber 5 peanuts 6 pepper 7 limes 8 brown sugar 2 Look. • They use the framework in Activity 2 to write their own dialogue. • The children read the sentences in Activity 1 again and label each Fact or Fiction. writing C. They read and complete the instructions with the present simple passive. too many and (not) enough about chef D. He hasn’t got enough spring onions. 3 Me too! Can we go to an island? I like deserted beaches best. French 3 Spain.3 Look and write sentences. He’s got too much oil. • The children remember the Class Book story. ANSWERS 2 They will run out. read the first one together and talk through the logic so that the children can see how to solve the puzzle. N or B as appropriate. He’s got enough prawns. Answers 2 C 3 N 4 B 5 C 6 N 7 C 8 N 9 C 2 Read the sentences again and write Fact or Fiction. 2 peppers. 1 Complete the shopping list. Answers 2 France. 2 red chillies. Dialogue: Children’s own answers Answers 3 tablespoons oil. • The children read the sentences and number them in order to make a dialogue about choosing a holiday. If necessary. Italian 6 Poland. I prefer rural places to urban places. 1 cucumber 3 Write about chef D. He’s got enough chillies. (1. N (newspaper) or B (both)? 1 Read and complete. • The children complete the shopping list with the food words from Class Book Lesson 1. 4 Let’s book a 10-day tour and we can visit lots of places. 3 Read the encyclopedia article. Then they read the sentences and decide whether the information in them can be found in the cartoon or the newspaper or in both. is folded 5 are made. Then write a new dialogue for you. • The children look at the recipe and write in the nationality • and country words. Then complete the instructions with the present simple passive. • The children categorise the food items. • The children read the play review and complete the text Answers 2 3 4 5 Unit 9 Vocabulary and grammar 1 What would you like for the starter? I’d like pizza. Choose or make up a character and say why you should get this prize. ANSWERS Chinese. ANSWERS 2 put on make-up 3 style your hair 4 tie your shoelaces 5 advertise the show 6 dye your hair 7 test the sound 8 design the programmes 9 rehearse the show 10 write the script 11 mend the costumes 12 build the set 5 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 11 . • The children order the sentences correctly and write them in the correct place in the dialogue. or read it again if necessary. green salad Drinks: pineapple juice. Answers 2 Queen 3 Big Bad Wolf 4 Sleeping Beauty 5 Ugly Sisters 6 Elves 2 Read the play again. lemonade 2 Make sentences and write them in the dialogue. Answers 2 scenery 3 backstage 4 director 5 prop 6 lines 7 cast 8 costume 9 lighting designer 10 stage 11 audience 12 sound technician 2 Read and complete the play review. • The children read the play again and complete the reasons why each character should and shouldn’t get the prize. 1 Complete the theatre activities.3 Write about the food. please. fish and chips Side dishes: bread. using the question prompts and adapting their answers to Activity 2 to feature different food and drink items. using the words in the box. China 2 The dough is rolled very thin. 5 The filled rolls are fried in hot oil. Answers Children’s own answers 3 Imagine the prince wants to give another prize. 3 The flat dough is cut into squares. Write the characters’ names. and a class vote to decide which character wins. Answers Starters: pea soup Main courses: vegetable curry and rice. • The children use the prompts to write instructions for how to make spring rolls. please? 3 Write a dialogue for you. • The children remember the Class Book story. Answers 2 of 3 to 4 with 5 of 6 about 7 about 8 for 9 at 10 with 3 Write a review of a play that you have seen. Use the questions to help you. using the words in the boxes. You can use some words more than once. writing them in the correct column. choosing the person who put forward the strongest argument. Answers Children’s own answers with the prepositions from the box. each child plays a character and presents • their case on why they should win the prince’s prize. • The children complete the labels for the theatre words pictured. Complete the reasons for each character. Can I have some bread. ANSWERS Children’s own reviews Unit 9 Story Unit 9 Vocabulary and grammar 2 1 Remember the play. with all the character groups having a chance to present their arguments. Unit 8 Functions 1 Write the words in the columns. the group votes. At the end of the discussion. 1 Look and complete the words. • The children write their own dialogue. You could turn it into a class discussion. 4 The filling is put in the middle of the squares and the dough is folded over. • The children write a play review using the questions supplied to help them structure it. 6 The cooked spring rolls are served hot with spicy sauce. please? Can I have a glass of apple juice. • The children complete the phrases for theatre activities. • In groups of six. They label the people pictured. thanks. Answers 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 3 Complete the dialogue with appropriate answers from Activity 2. read and match. 3 The teacher has sets built by the school handyman. writing the letter of the correct detail for each category listed. • The children use the information in the picture. Use real films. 7 The teacher has sound effects created by the music teacher. and write a dialogue based on the one in Activity 2 or Activity 3. 10 The audience enjoy the show. 5 The students design costumes. • The children read and complete the dialogue using the answer options in Activity 2. Is it a PG? 4 Write another dialogue. • The children read and complete the interview by circling the correct option from the two given each time. 9 The students have their make-up put on by helpful mums. • The children use the prompts to write sentences about who does what at a school show. 3 Yes. Answers 2 3 4 5 6 learn my lines rehearse the show have my hair styled puts on loads of make-up have my hair dyed 3 Imagine you are doing a school show. Answers 1 Oh no! I don’t like scary films. 2 No.2 Read and choose the answers. 6 The students have the costumes made by their parents. Who does what? Write sentences. • The children read the sentences and circle the most logical responses to make a dialogue. Unit 9 Functions 1 Look. 8 All the cast and helpers rehearse the show. ANSWERS 2 The students learn their lines. 4 The students paint the scenery. he’s cool. • The children choose real films that they are familiar with. I don’t really like films about the police. Answers Children’s own answers 5 Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 12 . AnswerS 2 d 3 e 4 c 5 a 2 Read and choose the answers.
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