Accreditation of Assessment Centers QAS-031-CER-09

March 20, 2018 | Author: Dumaguit Dagohoy Victor | Category: Competence (Human Resources), Welding, Professional Certification, Ventilation (Architecture), Air Conditioning



TESDA Policy and ProceduresAccreditation of Competency Assessment Centers 1.0 1.1 Purpose and Scope Purpose The Accreditation of Assessment Center Procedure provides a system of instructions to ensure all relevant stakeholders (TESDA Staff, Assessment Centers, Assessors, Applicant-Candidate) of the Philippine TVET Qualification and Certification System or PTQCS have a shared understanding of the detailed activities to be undertaken for the Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers at the provincial/district and regional level. 1.2 Scope The procedure includes the accreditation process commencing with the orientation of the applicant assessment center, understanding and complying with the physical and administrative requirements, acceptance and processing of submitted documents, facilitation of ocular inspection, issuance of certificate of accreditation, submission of reports and updating the registry. 1.3 Terminology: The following terms shall mean: • Accreditation – the process of recognizing and/or empowering an entity to perform certain roles and responsibilities on behalf of the TESDA organization. Accredited Competency Assessment Center (ACAC) - an establishment officially authorized by TESDA to manage the assessment of candidates for national certification. Accredited Competency Assessor (ACA) - an individual officially authorized by TESDA to assess competencies of candidate for national certification. Competency Assessment - the process of collecting evidence and making judgments on whether competency has been achieved. Compliance Audit (CA) - a systematic and documented process for obtaining evidence to determine whether implementation of the PTQCS is compliant with the quality standards. Competency Standard (CS) – defines the knowledge, skills and • • • • • Document No. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. No. 1 Issued by : CACO attitudes / values required for competent performance in the workplace. • Designated Assessment Venue – an appropriately equipped facility within a company, an organization or a training center/school where actual assessment shall take place. Responsibility Responsibility for the Authority and Maintenance of the Procedures The Director General upon the recommendation of the Executive Director of CACO has the responsibility for the maintenance and review of the documented procedures. The National Quality Management and Review Committee will monitor its effectiveness through regular review and reporting on the outcomes by each Regional Quality Management and Review Committee. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Responsibility for the Implementation of the Accreditation Procedures The delivery of services is the responsibility of the Provincial Director, in consultation with the Regional Director. The Executive Director of CACO shall recommend to the Director General related policies and guidelines. Likewise, appeal shall be lodged with the TESDA Provincial and Regional Office and may be further elevated to the Office of the Director General for final decision. Document No. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. No. 1 Issued by : CACO 3.0 3.1 Procedures Flow Chart for the accreditation of Assessment Center PROVINCIAL / DISTRICT OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE CENTRAL OFFICE ASSESSMENT CENTER S Inquires on Accreditation Process Orients Prospective Applicants Ref 3.2.2 Orients Provincial/ District Offices Ref 3.2.2 Provides Advocacy Materials to RO Ref 3.2.1 Accomplishes Self – Assessment Checklist Submits complete requirements Evaluates submitted documents Ref. 3.2.3 NO Reworks Requirements Passed ? YES Conducts Ocular Inspection Ref 3.2.4 NO Complies Discrepancies Ref 3.2.6 Passed ?? YES Confirms Accreditation of Applying Competency Assessment Center Accredits Applying Competency Assessment Center Ref. 3.2.5 Ref. 3.2.6 Releases Accreditation Certificate Ref.3.2.7 PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Updates RO Registry Updates Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers and Submits report to Document No. TESDA-S Rev. No. National Updates 1 Registry Ref 3.2.10 Issued by : CACO Provincial/District Registry Ref. 3.2.8 CO Ref. 3.2.9 Ref 3.2.11 3.2 Documentation 3.2.1 CO Provides Advocacy Materials to RO CACO Focal Staff Prepares orientation materials Requests TESDA Quality Assurance Unit (TQAU) to issue Procedures Manual on Accreditation of Competency Assessment Center Forms Time Frame Total 1 week Input to Procedures 3.2.2 RO/PO/DO Conducts Orientation RO Focal Staff PO/DO Focal Staff on the following:  Accreditation Procedures  Requirements for accreditation  Responsibilities of accredited competency assessment center and assessors  Implementing guidelines on accreditation DO/PO Focal Staff Briefs applying assessment center on the following:  Requirements for Accreditation Procedures  Implementing guidelines on accreditation Provides the applicant with the following:  Checklist of requirements  Self -Assessment Checklist Forms Time Frame Input to Procedures AC08/010 8 AC09/010 8 Total 1 hour All RO/PO Focal Staff shall be properly oriented on the accreditation process. AC08/010 8 AC09/010 8 AC11/0108 PO focal shall prepare SelfAssessment Checklist per Qualification Document No. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. No. 1 Issued by : CACO when applicable Document No.3 PO/DO Reviews Submitted Documents by CAC PO/DO Focal Staff 3. inform applicant competency assessment center of discrepancies or lacking requirements for compliance within 15 working days  Lease of Contract.2. Affix initials on submitted documents 3.3. inform applicant competency assessment center of the ocular inspection  If failed.3. 1 Issued by : CACO . No.2.3.3. Secures the following documents submitted by the applicant in one folder/envelope:   Letter of Intent Copy of SEC Registration Forms AC10/0108 AC11/0108 Time Frame Total 1 hour Input to Procedures Submit 3 sets of documents to PO/DO.3.2.3. (AO to bring original documents for verification) PO/DO may provide technical assistance to the Applying Organization (AO) in setting-up of equipment/facilities  Business permit  BIR Registration  Company Profile  Organizational Structure  Staff Complement and Profile  Building Lay-out/Floor plan/Shop lay-out Profiles of In-house Accredited Competency Assessors  Self-Assessment Checklist   Location Map TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev.1. Informs the applying competency assessment center of the evaluation results through a letter:  If passed.4. Checks completeness and authenticity of the submitted documentary requirements 3.3. Evaluates the submitted documents and prepares evaluation report 3. Requests AO to pay to the Cashier the application fee Application fee is 50% of accreditation fee Document No.6. 3.2.3. 1 Issued by : CACO . Ensures receipt of the notification letter by the applicant competency assessment center. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev.3. No.3.2.5. 3.2. Requests Inspection Team to conduct ocular inspection Confirms availability of Inspection Team Prepares appointment of the inspection team Prepares document needed for the conduct of ocular inspection.4.4.2. Organizes Inspection Team to be composed of the following:  1 RO Focal  1 PO/DO Assessment and Certification focal  1 sectoral/industry expert (Team Leader) 3.4. 1 Issued by : CACO . 3. 3.6. Furnishes Inspection Team with evaluation report of submitted documents Coordinates transportation and other administrative arrangement necessary for the conduct of the ocular inspection Ensures submission of Inspection report by the Team Requests PO/DO to pay industry representative an honoraria per ocular inspection Forms AC10/0108 Time Frame Total 2 hours Input to Procedures Self-assessment checklist submitted by the applicant assessment center shall be used as the basis for inspection/confirmation 3.12.2. 3.4 PO/DO Organizes the Conduct of Ocular Inspection PO/DO Focal Staff 3. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. No.2.2. 3.4. Provides Evaluation Instrument to members of Inspection Team Designates member to each inspection area Consolidates team member findings Prepares evaluation/inspection report Ensures that the report is signed AC10/0108 Document No.2.1. 3. 3.5.11. The PO/DO shall pay P1000 honoraria for industry representative Inspection Team Leader    Document No.4.2.4. Prepares communication notifying the AO of result of the ocular inspection.6. Transmits communication to concerned AO 3. Submits report to PD/DD PO/DO Focal Staff Secures acknowledgement receipt by the AO 3.4.16. Re-accreditation of assessment center is not automatic. 3.2. Discusses findings with the Center’s authorized representative 3. Noted deficiencies must be complied with by the applicant.6.4.14. No.6.2. It shall be based on the results of the compliance audit  Reaccreditation shall follow the same procedure as that of first accreditation including the amount of accreditation fee 2. Ensures the following:  The Certificate of Accreditation adopts the approved format Accreditation Number shall follow the approved numbering system validity period of accreditation is two (2) years Qualification nomenclature AC13/0108 AC13/0108 Forms 2 working days Time Frame 1 hour Input to Procedures 2.2.4. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev.3.2.2. Prepares Certificate of Accreditation of applicant that meets accreditation requirements and submits to the PD/DD for approval Prepares communication to AO if requirements for accreditation were not fully met.18. 1 Issued by : CACO . Prepares and submits report/ recommendation of the Inspection team to the Provincial/District Director for review and consideration 2.2.5 PO/DO Accredits CAC PO/DO Focal Staff all members of the Team 3.17. 7 RO Confirms Accreditation of Assessment Center RO Focal Staff AC13/0108 3. Issues Certificate of Accreditation Maintains a photocopy of the Certificate of Accreditation and Affidavit of Undertaking 30 minutes Time Frame Total 1 hour Input to Procedures The application fee shall be deducted from the accreditation fee.8. 2.2. Records accreditation certificate 3. however. the payment of accreditation fee is waived for TESDA Assessment Centers Document No.8. Ensures that the ACAC president/manager signs the Affidavit of Undertaking and shall provide TESDA a photocopy of the notarized document 3. 1 Issued by : CACO .7. Acknowledges payment 3. No.2. 3.2. Issues the Certificate of AC13/0108 Accreditation and Affidavit of AC16/0108 Undertaking to ACAC 3.6. Verifies correctness of entries PO/DO Releases Certificate of Forms Accreditation to ACAC PO/DO Focal Staff 3. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev.4.6. TESDA PO/DO shall accredit the TESDA Technology Institutions (TTIs) as TESDA Assessment Centers.2.3. shall be in accordance with the promulgated Training Regulations Prepares memo for the Regional Director recommending confirmation of the accreditation Prepares Affidavit of Undertaking for applicants confirmed by the Regional Director AC16/0108 3.2.3. Advises ACAC to pay to the Cashier the corresponding accreditation fee either full Qualification or per cluster of competencies Endorses Accreditation certificate to Regional Director for signature Transmits approved accreditation certificate to PO/DO Submits report to the PD/DD for signature Updates Registry and submit to RO thru MONET Forms AC15/0108 Consolidates reports on Registry AC15/0108 of Accredited Competency Assessment Centers (ACACs) 3. The TAC Manager shall prepare Letter of Designation to be approved by the TESDA Provincial/District Director and confirmed by the school/center administrator or company supervisor AC12/0108 The designated assessment venues shall be reimbursed with the cost of supplies and materials used during the assessment. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev.10.11 CO Updates National Registry Of Accredited Competency Assessment Centers Time Frame Total 2 hours Input to Procedures Forms Time Frame Input to Procedures Document No. RO Updates Registry and Forms Submits Report to CO RO Focal Staff 3.9 PO/DO Updates Registry of Accredited Assessment Center PO/DO Focal Staff 3. No. Prepares Registry of Accredited Competency Assessment Centers (ACACs) 3. Time Frame Total 2 hours Input to Procedures 3.2 3. Submits Updated Registry to CO thru MONET 3.1.10.Note: The TESDA Assessment Center (TAC) may designate public or private TVIs with WTR-training programs registered under UTPRAS or any company or enterprises as Assessment Venues (AV) s. 1 Issued by : CACO . Reviews reports on Accredited Competency Assessment Centers submitted by the ROs 3.11. Updates national registry 3. Checks websites for confirmation AC15/0108 1 week Document No. Provides CISD copy of updated registry 3. 1 Issued by : CACO .3.2.2.CACO Focal Staff 3.4. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev.11. No. No. 4.3.1 TESDA Circular #23 series of 2008 on PTQCS Guidelines Document No.3.0 Checklist of Requirements Inspection Report Evaluation Guide Self-Evaluation Checklist Letter of Designation Certificate of Accreditation Certificate Numbering and Coding System for Accreditation of Assessment Center Registry of Accredited Assessment Centers Affidavit of Undertaking Related Information 5.0 Work Instruction Forms AC08/0108 AC09/0108 AC10/0108 AC11/0108 AC12/0108 AC13/0108 AC14/0108 AC15/0108 AC16/0108 5. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. 1 Issued by : CACO . 1 Issued by : CACO . Undertaking administrative arrangements with accredited competency assessors and industry partners Document No. SEC Registration Business Permit BIR Registration Building Layout/Floor Plan Location Map List of in-house accredited competency assessors Complete facilities. equipment and materials appropriate to the Qualification/s applied for 8. Assigning the accredited competency assessors c. No. Scheduling the conduct of assessment b. tools. 2. 7. Computer system with Internet access 9. Submitting assessment results e.ACCREDITATION OF COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT CENTER Checklist of Requirements 1. 4. Collecting assessment fees d. 5. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. 3. Organizational structure to support the following activities: a. 6. 2011 Quantity Required Existing accessible to public transport Minimum area provided to permits ample workplace for candidates lighted at an average of 30-40 ft.2.Form AC 09/0108 ACCREDITATION OF ASSESSMENT CENTER INSPECTION REPORT Name of Assessment CenterCabucgayan National School of Arts and Trade Applicant Address Brgy. Cabucgayan. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev.1. Accessibility A. 09106297181 Title of Qualification Applied for Automotive Servicing NC II Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing NC II Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II Health Care Services NC II Caregiving NC II Food Processing NC II Household Services NC II Commercial Cooking NC II Food Beverage Servicing NC II Computer Hardware Servicing NC II Programming NC IV Driving NC III Driving NC II Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Servicing NC II Dressmaking NC II Tailoring NC II Consumer Electronic Servicing NC II Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II Plumbing NC II Date of Inspection A.2.2.1. Libertad.1. 1 Issued by : CACO . Assessment room or laboratories A. ESPOCIA Contact No. No. Assessment area A.1. PHYSICAL STRUCTURE May 14. candle with minimal tolerance dark spots.2. Air conditioning unit Document No. optional Item Remarks A.2. Biliran Contact Person SHERLITA B. Lighting and Ventilation A. 5. Room for performance assessment A. A.3. Storeroom A.5.5.3. supplies. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. Hand tools A.5. Assessment Equipment.4. Safety Provisions A.3 Auxiliary Room A. tool panels and equipment A. Work stations.5. Medicine cabinet with first aid kit and other medical paraphernalia entrances and exits are maintained are appropriately grouped to provide ease of movement.4.1.5. Chairs and tables A.4. Fire extinguishers A.3.4. Supplies. Clean and functional Separate for male and female Located at convenient part of the building A.1. Open floor spaces A.2. A.3. materials Bins/racks for critical materials must be able to accommodate at least 10 candidates/ batch.4. materials in accordance with the list in the Training Regulations/ Assessment Tools of the Qualification/s applied for.3. Hand tools.2. Equipment lay out Document No.A. 1 Issued by : CACO .1.3. materials A.5.4. Equipment A.2.5. Blowers/fans Quantity shall be according to the size of the room Storeroom for tools. Comfort rooms A. Functional located in conspicuous and highly accessible locations/ places Arranged according to sequence of operations to allow maximum use of resources.3.3. No. 1. Communication Facilities B.2. BIR Registration 4.3. Fax machine 3.3. Documentary Requirements 1. Administrative B.3. Liaison Officer INSPECTION TEAM Name Name Name RENE G. No.4. Manager B.1.6. List of in-house accredited competency assessors (at least 2) 1.3. Color coded buttons.A. Strategically installed and located for emergency purposes B.3. Computer with peripherals 4. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. Internet connection B. VITOR VICTOR D. Telephone 2. DUMAGUIT Signature Date Signature Signature Date Date Document No. MALATBALAT LYDIO V. 1 Issued by : CACO . Cashier B.2.3.5. Business Permit 3. Staff Complement B. Computer Operator/ Data Encoder B. Building lay out/ Floor plan 5. SEC Registration or equivalent 2. 4.Clean and functional comfort rooms should be available and located at a convenient part of the building (separate for male and female). Assessment Equipment. A.1. A.3.1.1.g. materials shall be in accordance with the list indicated in the Training Regulations/Assessment Tools of the Qualification applied for. The assessment room or laboratories should be lighted at an average of 30-40 ft.3. materials A. No. hand tools.3. Lighting and Ventilation A. Chairs and tables. all rooms must utilize blowers/fans when natural ventilation is not good because of the physical layout. A. In the absence of an air conditioning unit.4. A.2. candle with minimal tolerance dark spots. and A. Assessment area permits ample workplace for candidates (minimum area). A. Assessment room for skills must be able to accommodate at least 10 candidates/batch. Storeroom is provided for the safekeeping of the tools. e. A. A. 1 Issued by : CACO . PHYSICAL STRUCTURE A. supplies. Supplies. Equipment. LPG and other flammable materials.2.1. A..3. Document No.2. The Assessment Center is accessible to public transportation and visibly identifiable from its side of the road.3 Auxiliary Room The auxiliary room will be marked with “accepted” if the following conditions/ requirements are met: A. Hand tools. Location and Area A. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev.1.3.ASSESSMENT CENTER EVALUATION GUIDE A. Separate storage bins and racks are provided for critical materials. BIR Registration B.2.1. Administrative B. Fax machine B.6.2.4. Equipment are laid out according to sequence of operations to allow maximum use of resources.5.1.5. B. List of in-house accredited competency assessors B.1.3.1. Safety Provisions “Accepted” shall be indicated in the appropriate column if the following are met: A.2. Work stations.4. Business Permit B. A. A. Liaison Officer Document No. A.2. Computer with peripherals B.3. Computer Operator/Data Encoder B.5. No. Color coded buttons are installed and located at strategic locations in cases of emergency.3.3.1.A. Telephone B.3. A.1.3. Manager B. Internet connection B. Functional fire extinguishers are located in conspicuous and highly accessible locations places.4.2. Staff Complement B. A.1. 1 Issued by : CACO .5. Medicine cabinet with first aid kit and other medical paraphernalia.1.5.3. Open floor spaces are maintained entrances and exits.3.1.5. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev.3. SEC Registration or equivalent B.1. Cashier B.2.2.5. Building lay out/Floor plan B. Documentary Requirements B. Communication Facilities B. tool panels and equipment are appropriately grouped to provide ease of movement. 1 Issued by : CACO . No. Cabucgayan.Form AC 11/0108 ACCREDITATION OF ASSESSMENT CENTER SELF-ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Name of Assessment CenterApplicant Address Title of Qualification Applied for Cabucgayan National School of Arts and Trade Brgy. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. Libertad. Bilitan Automotive Servicing NC II Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing NC II Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II Health Care Services NC II Caregiving NC II Food Processing NC II Household Services NC II Commercial Cooking NC II Food Beverage Servicing NC II Computer Hardware Servicing NC II Programming NC IV Driving NC III Driving NC II Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Servicing NC II Dressmaking NC II Tailoring NC II Consumer Electronic Servicing NC II Document No. Equipment A. Air conditioning unit A.3.1. Accessibility A. 1 Issued by : CACO . materials Bins/racks for critical materials must be able to accommodate at least 10 candidates/ batch. Assessment room or laboratories A. candle with minimal tolerance dark spots.2. optional Quantity shall be according to the size of the room Storeroom for tools. Supplies.5. materials A.2. Comfort rooms A. Chairs and tables A. Assessment Equipment.3 Auxiliary Room A. Room for performance assessment A.1. Blowers/fans A.1. 2011 Quantity Required Existing accessible to public transport Minimum area provided to permits ample workplace for candidates lighted at an average of 30-40 ft.2.3. Assessment area A. Storeroom A.2. Clean and functional Separate for male and female Located at convenient part of the building Remarks A. No. Hand tools. Hand tools in accordance with the list in the Document No.1. PHYSICAL STRUCTURE Item May 14.Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II Plumbing Date Accomplished A. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. Lighting and Ventilation A. Building lay out/ Floor plan 4.1. Supplies. 1 Issued by : CACO .2. Documentary Requirements 2. Fire extinguishers A. Strategically installed and located for emergency purposes A. B.4.A. SEC Registration or equivalent Open floor spaces A. tool panels and equipment A. Equipment lay out A.5. Safety Provisions A. Medicine cabinet with first aid kit and other medical paraphernalia entrances and exits are maintained are appropriately grouped to provide ease of movement. Internet connection B.1. Computer with peripherals 6. materials Training Regulations/ Assessment Tools of the Qualification/s applied for.5. Telephone 2.5. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev.5.2. List of in-house accredited competency assessors (at least 2) 1.3. A.5. Administrative B.3. BIR Registration 3. Fax machine 5. Functional located in conspicuous and highly accessible locations/ places Arranged according to sequence of operations to allow maximum use of resources. Color coded buttons. Work stations. No. Communication Facilities Document No.4. Business Permit 3.5. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev.3.3. Espocia: This letter officially designates you as an assessment Center for Automotive Servicing NC II. Computer Operator/ Data Encoder B.B. Staff Complement B.2. 2011 Position/Designation: Assessment Center Manager Form AC 12/0108 LETTER OF DESIGNATION May 16. Food Processing Document No.3. ESPOCIA Signature: Date of submission: May Cashier B. Manager B.3.3. No. 2011 SHERLITA B. Liaison Officer Submitted by: Name: SHERLITA B. ESPOCIA Assessment Center Manager Cabucgayan National School of Arts and Trade Dear Ms.Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing NC II. Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II. Health Care Services NC II. 1 Issued by : CACO . Caregiving NC II. Driving NC II. Consumer Electronic Servicing NC II. 1 Issued by : CACO . Driving NC III. COLA Assessment Venue Manager / ROLANDO P. TESDA-S Rev. ACAC Manager Conforme: Approved by: JESSIE A. JR. Commercial Cooking NC II. Household Services NC II. JUANILLO Provincial/District Director BSIT Department Head Form AC 12/0108 LETTER OF DESIGNATION January 9. REGIS. Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II. Southern Leyte PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Document No. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Servicing NC II Dressmaking NC II. MERWIN L. Tailoring NC II. Food Beverage Servicing NC II. Computer Hardware Servicing NC II. Programming NC IV. KANGLEON President Saint Thomas Aquinas College Sogod. Conduct of assessment shall be governed by rules and regulations based on PTQCS Guidelines. No. We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement. Sincerely. Plumbing And Carpentry NC II. PRIMO V.NC II. 2009 FR. Dear Fr. PRIMO V. MANUEL RENE D. Conduct of assessment shall be governed by rules and regulations based on PTQCS Guidelines. Kangleon: This letter officially designates you as an assessment venue for PC Operations NC II. We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement. Sincerely. COROLLO Document No. JUANILLO Provincial/District Director Form AC 12/0108 LETTER OF DESIGNATION January 9. 2009 MR. JR. Caregiving NC II & Health Care Services NC II. 1 Issued by : CACO . ACAC Manager Conforme: Approved by: RITO MANGYAO Assessment Venue Manager ROLANDO P. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. No. REGIS. JUANILLO Provincial/District Director Form AC 12/0108 Executive Training Center LETTER OF DESIGNATION January 9. Conduct of assessment shall be governed by rules and regulations based on PTQCS Guidelines. We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement. SMAW NC II and Plumbing NC II. 2009 Document No. RAC Servicing NC I. PRIMO V. MANUEL RENE D. REGIS. Building Wiring Installation NC II. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev.Executive Training Director SJC Vocational Training Center Maasin City Dear Mr. Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II. Sincerely. 1 Issued by : CACO . COROLLO Assessment Venue Manager/ ROLANDO P. Corollo: This letter officially designates you as an assessment venue for Automotive Servicing NC II. JR. Driving NC II. ACAC Manager Conforme: Approved by: MR. No. JR. LEANDRO T. 2009 Document No. REGIS. JR. 1 Issued by : CACO . ROSALIA Assessment Venue Manager ROLANDO P. No. President Southern Leyte Business College Dear Mr. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement. JUANILLO Provincial/District Director Form AC 12/0108 LETTER OF DESIGNATION January 9. Conduct of assessment shall be governed by rules and regulations based on PTQCS Guidelines. Sincerely. JARABE. ACAC Manager Conforme: Approved by: LEONIDES JESS G. PRIMO V.MR. Jarabe: This letter officially designates you as an assessment venue for Computer Hardware Servicing NC II. REGIS. 1 Issued by : CACO . PRIMO V. ACAC Manager Conforme: Approved by: MADELYN BUCTOT Assessment Venue Manager ROLANDO P. CABALO. Sincerely.VALERIO B. Southern Leyte Dear Dr. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. JUANILLO Provincial/District Director Form AC 12/0108 Document No. JR. Conduct of assessment shall be governed by rules and regulations based on PTQCS Guidelines. Cabalo: This letter officially designates you as an assessment venue for PC Operation NC II.D. We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement. Campus Administrator Hinunangan SLSU Campus Hinunangan. Ph. No. LETTER OF DESIGNATION January 9. PRIMO V. REGIS. Sincerely. SIXTO B. JUANILLO Provincial/District Director Form AC 12/0108 Document No. 2009 MR. 1 Issued by : CACO . We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement. ACAC Manager Conforme: Approved by: EDEN GARCES Assessment Venue Manager ROLANDO P. Evaldez: This letter officially designates you as an assessment venue for PC Operations NC II & Building Wiring Installation NC II. Southern Leyte Dear Mr. JR. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. Conduct of assessment shall be governed by rules and regulations based on PTQCS Guidelines. No. EVALDEZ Campus Administrator San Juan SLSU Campus San Juan. ELLORIMO Assessment Venue Manager ROLANDO P. ACAC Manager Conforme: Approved by: REGEAN U. 1 Issued by : CACO . PRIMO V. 2009 MIGUEL T. President The college of Maasin Maasin City Dear Dr. UDTOHAN. We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement. JR. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev.LETTER OF DESIGNATION January 9. PC Operation NC II & Bartending NC II. Food & Beverage Services NC II. Udtohan: This letter officially designates you as an assessment venue for Commercial Cokking NC II. JUANILLO Provincial/District Director Document No. REGIS. Ph. Conduct of assessment shall be governed by rules and regulations based on PTQCS Guidelines.D. Baking & Pastry Production NC II. No. Sincerely. Security Services NC II & Health Care Services NC II. We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement. 2009 MOST REV. PRECIOSO D.Form AC 12/0108 LETTER OF DESIGNATION January 9. Conduct of assessment shall be governed by rules and regulations based on PTQCS Guidelines. JUANILLO Document No. JR. Sincerely. ACAC Manager Conforme: Approved by: LAMIRA MIRAS ROLANDO P. PRIMO V. Household Services NC II. Computer Hardware Servicing NC II. SDB. DD President Saint Joseph College Maasin City Dear Bishop Cantillas: This letter officially designates you as an assessment venue for PC Operations NC II. No. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. 1 Issued by : CACO . REGIS. CANTILLAS. BORCES School Administrator Saint James College of Padre Burgos P. So. JR.Assessment Venue Manager Provincial/District Director Form AC 12/0108 LETTER OF DESIGNATION January 9. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. 1 Issued by : CACO . Borces: This letter officially designates you as an assessment venue for PC Operations NC II and Computer Hardware Servicing NC II. Leyte Dear Hon. 2009 HON. RICARDO E. We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement. JUANILLO Document No.. No. PRIMO V. ACAC Manager Conforme: Approved by: VICTOR D. DUMAGUIT ROLANDO P. REGIS. Burgos. Sincerely. Conduct of assessment shall be governed by rules and regulations based on PTQCS Guidelines. REGIS. YEPES. We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement.Assessment Venue Manager Provincial/District Director Form AC 12/0108 LETTER OF DESIGNATION January 9. MAED Campus Administrator SLSU Tomas Oppus Campus T. Oppus. Conduct of assessment shall be governed by rules and regulations based on PTQCS Guidelines. ACAC Manager Conforme: Approved by: Document No. JR. PRIMO V. Southern Leyte Dear Dr. No. 1 Issued by : CACO . TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. 2009 PROSE IVY G. Yepes: This letter officially designates you as an assessment venue for PC Operations NC II. Sincerely. Conduct of assessment shall be governed by rules and regulations based on PTQCS Guidelines. REGIS. PRIMO V. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. Document No. No. JUANILLO Provincial/District Director Form AC 12/0108 LETTER OF DESIGNATION January 9. Sincerely. Computer Hardware Servicing. 2009 HON. 1 Issued by : CACO . SY President Systems Technology Institute Maasin City Dear Hon. NESTOR M. Sy: This letter officially designates you as an assessment venue for PC Operations NC II. JR.FRANCIS ANN SY Assessment Venue Manager ROLANDO P. We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement. Commercial Cooking NC II and Food & Beverage Services NC II. Paulo: This letter officially designates you as an assessment venue for PC Operations NC II. JUANILLO Provincial/District Director Form AC 12/0108 LETTER OF DESIGNATION January 9. We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement. Conduct of assessment shall be governed by rules and regulations based on PTQCS Guidelines. DPA School Administrator SLSU Bontoc Campus Bontoc. So. PAULO. No. 2009 ROSARIO L. 1 Issued by : CACO . Leyte Dear Dr.ACAC Manager Conforme: Approved by: HILARIO MOBE Assessment Venue Manager ROLANDO P. Document No. Food Processing NC II and Health Care Services NC II. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. Conduct of assessment shall be governed by rules and regulations based on PTQCS Guidelines. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. Document No. ACAC Manager Conforme: Approved by: MARIA EMELEE BASCUG Assessment Venue Manager ROLANDO P. REGIS. Baliad: This letter officially designates you as an assessment venue for Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II. JUANILLO Provincial/District Director Form AC 12/0108 LETTER OF DESIGNATION January 9. We look forward to your acceptance of this agreement. So. 2009 WENIFREDO A. BALIAD Proprietor/Manager WAB Welding Shop San Isidro. Leyte Dear Mr. PRIMO V. 1 Issued by : CACO . Sogod.Sincerely. JR. No. 2013 Date Accredited: June 3.Sincerely. JUANILLO Document No. JUANILLO Provincial/District Director TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDITATION This is to certify that CABUCGAYAN NATIONAL SCHOOL OF ARTS AND TRADES is an Accredited Competency Assessment Center for ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE NC II Form AC 13/0108 Accreditation No. JR. JR. 2011 Approved by: PROCEDURES MANUAL So. Regional Director-TESDA VIII . BALIAD Assessment Venue Manager ROLANDO P. No. 1 Issued by : CACO Confirmed by: JUAN M. ACAC Manager Conforme: Approved by: WENIFREDO A. REGIS. Leyte Provincial Director-TESDA Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers ROLANDO P. SABULAO. PRIMO V. AC-EIM0208061113101 Expiration Date: June 3. TESDA-S Rev. Accreditation number shall be assigned/issued consecutively on a first come. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. Example : Assessment Center.Automotive Servicing NC II Accreditation No. 2. first served basis. AC-ATS0205010810101 AC ATS 02 05 01 08 10 101 Assessment Center Acronym Qualification Alpha Code Qualification Level Region Code Number Series* Expiration Year Accreditation Year Province Code *Assessment Center 1st center accredited -----------------------2nd -----------------------3rd ------------------------4th ------------------------5th ------------------------REGION I II III IVA IVB V VI VII VIII CODE 01 02 03 04 17 05 06 07 08 CODE 101 102 103 104 105 and so on… REGION IX X XI XII NCR CAR CARAGA ARMM CODE 09 10 11 12 13 15 33 34 Document No. No. Accreditation number shall be assigned and issued to every accredited competency assessment center.Form AC 14/0108 Certificate Numbering and Coding System – Competency Assessment Center Competency Assessment Center 1. 1 Issued by : CACO . 2. 2. 7. 3. 3. 6. Negros Oriental 4. 5. 5. Zamboanga Sibugay 2. 4. 3. 2. 5. Region VI Province Aklan Antique Capiz Iloilo Guimaras Negros Occidental Code: 06 Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 Region II 1. 5. 2. Zamboanga del Sur Region X 1. 3. 2. 2. 6. 3. 4.REGION and PROVINCE CODES Region I 1. No. Albay Code: 05 Code 01 Document No. Province Davao del Norte Davao del Sur Davao Oriental Compostela Valley Code: 11 01 02 03 04 Region V Province 1. 3. 2. Bohol 2. 2. 5. Aurora Bataan Bulacan Nueva Ecija Pampanga Tarlac Zambales Code: 03 Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 1. 4. Province Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur La Union Pangasinan Code: 01 Code 01 02 03 04 1. 5. Province Marinduque Mindoro Occidental Mindoro Oriental Palawan Romblon Code: 17 Code 01 02 03 04 05 Region XI 1. 4. 2. 4. Zamboanga del Norte 3. 5. 3. Province Bukidnon Camiguin Misamis Occidental Misamis Oriental Lanao del Norte Code: 10 Code 01 02 03 04 05 Region IVB 1. Cebu 3. Province Batanes Cagayan Isabela Nueva Vizcaya Quirino Code: 02 Code 01 02 03 04 05 Region VII Province 1. 4. Region VIII Province Biliran Eastern Samar Leyte Northern Samar Samar Southern Samar Code: 08 Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 Region IX Region IVA 1. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. 4. 4. 3. Province Batangas Cavite Laguna Quezon Rizal Code: 09 Code 01 02 03 Code: 04 Code 01 02 03 04 05 Province 1. 4. 6. 3. 1 Issued by : CACO . Siquijor Code: 07 Code 01 02 03 04 Region III Province 1. District Caloocan Las Piñas Makati Malabon Mandaluyong Manila Marikina Code: 13 Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 1. Pateros 14.2. Muntinlupa 9. Province South Cotabato North Cotabato Sultan Kudarat Saranggani Code: 12 Code 01 02 03 04 Region NCR 1. 5. 2. 2. Abra Apayao Benguet Ifugao Kalinga Mt. Province Code: 15 Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 Document No. 6. 4. 6. 2. 1 Issued by : CACO . 4. No. 3. 7. 3. Region CARAGA Province Agusan del Norte Agusan del Sur Surigao del Norte Surigao del Sur Dinagat Islands Code: 33 Code 01 02 03 04 05 8. Taguig 17. 4. 3. 4. Parañaque 11. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. Valenzuela 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1. 6. 2. Region ARMM Province Basilan Lanao del Sur Maguindanao Sulu Tawi-tawi Shariff Kabunsuan Code: 34 Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 Region CAR Province 1. 3. 4. 3. San Juan 16. Pasig 13. 5. 5. 5. Pasay 12. 5. Navotas 10. 6. 2. 3. Camarines Norte Camarines Sur Catanduanes Masbate Sorsogon 02 03 04 05 06 Region XII 1. Quezon City 15. 4. QUALIFICATION CODING SYSTEM SECTOR Sectoral Code 1 2 3 QUALIFICATION TITLE Animal Production Aquaculture Horticulture Agricultural Crop Production Agricultural Crop Production Horticulture Fish Capture Fish Capture Qualification Alpha Code Qualification Level Year Promulgated QUALIFICATION CODE ANP AQC HTC ACP ACP HTC FSC FSC II II II I III III I II 2004 2004 2004 2005 2006 2006 2005 2006 AGRANP204 AGRAQC204 AGRHTC204 AGRACP105 AGRACP306 AGRHTC306 AGRFSC105 AGRFSC206 Agri-Fishery AGR 4 5 6 7 8 Process Food & Beverages PFB 9 10 Food Processing Slaughtering Operation FOP SLO II II 2005 2006 PFBFOP205 PFBSLO206 Garments GRM 11 12 Dressmaking Tailoring DRM TLR II II 2005 2005 GRMDRM205 GRMTLR205 Footwear & Leathergoods FWR 13 Footwear Making FWM II 2004 FWRFWM204 Maritime MTM 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Deck Seafaring Deck Seafaring Deck Seafaring Engine Seafaring Engine Seafaring Engine Seafaring Pyrotechnics DCK DCK DCK ENR ENR ENR PYT II I II III I II III 2006 2005 2006 2006 2005 2006 2005 MTMDCK106 MTMDCK205 MTMDCK306 MTMENR106 MTMENR205 MTMENR306 PYRPYT205 Document No. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. No. 1 Issued by : CACO . Pyrotechnic Manufacturing PYR Metals & Engineering MEE 21 22 23 24 25 26 Machining Machining Machining Shielded Metal Arc Welding Shielded Metal Arc Welding Shielded Metal Arc Welding Shielded Metal Arc Welding Gas Metal Arc Welding Gas Metal Arc Welding Gas Metal Arc Welding Fluxed Cord Arc Welding Fluxed Cord Arc Welding Fluxed Cord Arc Welding Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Submerged Arc Welding Submerged Arc Welding Gas Welding Gas Welding Contact Center Services (version 2) Medical Transcription (version 2) Computer Hardware Servicing Animation MCG MCG MCG EAW EAW EAW EAW MIG MIG MIG FCW FCW FCW TIG TIG SAW SAW GSW GSW I II III I II III IV I II III I II III II IV I II I II 2006 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 MEEMCG106 MEEMCG205 MEEMCG306 MEEEAW106 MEEEAW206 MEEEAW306 MEEEAW406 MEEMIG106 MEEMIG206 MEEMIG306 MEEFCW106 MEEFCW206 MEEFCW306 MEETIG206 MEETIG406 MEESAW106 MEESAW206 MEEGSW106 MEEGSW206 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Information & Communication ICT 40 41 42 43 Technology CCS MDT CHS ANM II II II III 2006 2006 2005 2005 ICTCCS206 ICTMDT206 ICTCHS205 ICTANM305 Document No. 1 Issued by : CACO . No. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. Electrical and Heavy Equipment) CON 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Building Wiring Installation Masonry Masonry Masonry Plumbing Plumbing Plumbing Painting Painting Carpentry Carpentry Heavy Equipment Operation Heavy Equipment Servicing (Mechanical) RAC Servicing (Window type/ Domestic Refrigeration) RAC Servicing(PACU/CRE) Transport RAC Servicing Air Duct Servicing Ice Plant Refrigeration Servicing BWI MAS MAS MAS PLM PLM PLM COP COP ROC FIC HEO HEM II I II III I II III II III II III II II 2005 2006 2005 2006 2006 2005 2006 2006 2006 2005 2006 2004 2006 CONBWI205 CONMAS106 CONMAS205 CONMAS306 CONPLM106 CONPLM205 CONPLM306 CONCOP206 CONCOP306 CONROC205 CONFIC306 CONHEO204 CONHEM206 Heating. Ventilating & Airconditioning / Refrigeration 68 HVC 69 70 71 72 WAC WAC TAC ADS IPR I II II II III 2005 2004 2005 2006 2006 HVCWAC105 HVCWAC204 HVCTAC205 HVCADS206 HVCIPR306 Automotive & Land Transport ALT 73 74 Automotive Servicing Automotive Servicing ATS ATS I II 2006 2004 ALTATS106 ALTATS204 Document No.44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Programming PC Operations Consumer Electronics Servicing Consumer Electronics Servicing Consumer Electronics Servicing Instrumentation & Control Servicing Instrumentation & Control Servicing Instrumentation & Control Servicing Mechatronics Servicing Mechatronics Servicing Mechatronics Servicing PRG PCO IV II 2005 2005 ICTPRG405 ICTPCO205 Electronics ELC CES CES CES ICS ICS ICS MEC MEC MEC II III IV II III IV II III IV 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 ELCCES206 ELCCES306 ELCCES406 ELCICS206 ELCICS306 ELCICS406 ELCMEC206 ELCMEC306 ELCMEC406 Construction (includes: Civil Works. No. 1 Issued by : CACO . Plumbing. No. 1 Issued by : CACO . Social & Other Community Services HCS 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Caregiving Security Service Security Service Household Services Health Care Services Performing Arts (Dance) Performing Arts (Song) Hairdressing Hairdressing Beauty Care Beauty Care Biomedical Equipment Service Emergency Medical Services Massage Therapy Barangay Health Services Cable Television Installation CGV SES SES HHS HCS PAD PAS HDR HDR BEC BEC BES EMS MAT BHS II I II II II II II II III II III II II II II 2004 2005 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 HCSCGV204 HCSSES105 HCSSES204 HCSHHS205 HCSHCS205 HCSPAD205 HCSPAS205 HCSHDR205 HCSHDR305 HCSBEC205 HCSBEC305 HCSBES206 HCSEMS206 HCSMAT206 HCSBHS206 Media MDA CTV II Document No.75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Automotive Servicing Automotive Servicing Auto Engine Rebuilding Auto Body Repairing Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing Auto Body Painting/Finishing Auto Body Painting/Finishing Auto Body Painting/Finishing Driving Driving ATS ATS AER ABR MSE ABP ABP ABP DRV DRV III IV II II II I II III II III 2006 2006 2004 2004 2004 2006 2004 2006 2004 2005 ALTATS306 ALTATS406 ALTAER204 ALTABR204 ALTMSE204 ALTABP106 ALTABP204 ALTABP306 ALTDRV204 ALTDRV305 Tourism TRS 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Bartending Commercial Cooking Food & Beverage Services Housekeeping Tour Guiding Service Travel Services Front Office Services Baking/Pastry Production BAR COK FBS HSK TGD TVS FOS BPP II II II II II II II II 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 TRSBAR205 TRSCOK205 TRSFBS205 TRSHSK205 TRSTGD205 TRSTVS205 TRSFOS205 TRSBPP205 Health. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. 1 Issued by : CACO .Document No. No. TESDA-S PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. 2013 August 1. 2011 August 1. 2011 August 1. 2011 August 1. 2011 August 1. 2013 II August 1. Cabucgayan.Form AC 15/0108 TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Registry of Accredited Competency Assessment Centers For the Month of August 2011 Region Assessment Center Address Center Manager Contact Number Qualification Title Level Accreditation Number Date Accredited Expiration Date VIII Cabucgayan National School of Arts and Trades Brgy. ESPOCIA (053) 5029048 (053) 5029050 Automotive Servicing Motorcycle/Sm all Engine Servicing Shielded Metal Arc Welding Bartending NC II Food Processing Household Services Commercial Cooking II ACAMS02080 61113101 ACMSE02080 61113101 ACAC020806 1113101 ACBAR02080 61113101 ACFOP02080 61113101 ACHHS02080 61113101 ACCOK02080 61113101 August 1. 2011 August 1. TESDA-SOP-05 PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. 2013 II II II II II Document No. No. 2013 August 1. 2011 August 1. 2013 August 1. 2013 August 1. 2013 August 1. Libertad. 2011 August 1. 1 Issued by : CACO Page 17 of 20 Date: 1/15/10 . Biliran SHERLITA B. 2011 August 1. 2013 II II II Massage Therapy II August 1. 2011 August 1. 2013 August 1. TESDA-SOP-05 PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. 2013 August 1. JAUNILLO Noted by: JUAN M. Document No. 2011 August 1. SABULAO. 1 Issued by : CACO Page 17 of 20 Date: 1/15/10 . 2011 August 1. 2013 Prepared by: LYDIO V. JR. 2011 August 1. 2013 August 1. 2011 August 1. 2013 August 1.Food and Beverage Servicing Electrical Installation and Maintenance Computer Hardware Servicing Driving Plumbing II II ACFBS02080 61113101 ACEIM020806 1113101 ACCHS02080 61113101 ACDRV02080 61113101 ACPLM02080 61113101 ACMAT02080 61113101 August 1. VITOR Approved by: ROLANDO P. No. No. TESDA-SOP-05 PROCEDURES MANUAL Competency Assessment and Certification Program (Regular) Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Rev. 1 Issued by : CACO Page 17 of 20 Date: 1/15/10 .Document No. Form AC 16/0108 Republic of the Philippines) In the City of ___________)s. Severino with business address at Brgy. this _____ day of __________________. Maintain facilities of the assessment center as prescribed by TESDA. 8. 2. 11.s. validity and confidentiality of all documents relative to the conduct of competency assessment. No. Submit and post assessment. Safeguard/ Ensure the authenticity. Assume full responsibility for ensuring the objectivity and integrity of conducted in the Assessment Center and by the Competency Assessor. violations of any of those mentioned below shall be ground for the suspension/ cancellation/ withdrawal of accreditation: 1. Sustain compliance with accreditation requirements. 9. Lino B. Conduct competency assessment strictly in accordance with the provisions on the PTQCS Guidelines and Procedure Manual on Competency Assessment. Collect competency assessment fee prescribed by TESDA. Food and Beverage Services NC II. Philippines. Computer Hardware Servicing NC II. and 12.: __________ Series No. : __________ Page No. I have hereunto affixed my signature this _______ day of _____________.:_________ TESDA QA SYSTEM Accreditation of Competency Assessment Centers Assessment and Certification Program Document No. 4. 7. Cabucgayan. in the ______________. 05058357 issued on January 7. Biliran after having been sworn to in accordance with law do hereby depose and state that: The Competency Assessment Center shall comply with the following terms and conditions. Driving NC II. 6. Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing NC II. Install a quality assured system within one year upon issuance of certificate of accreditation. Collect competency assessment fees prescribed by TESDA. Notify TESDA of any change that directly or indirectly affect assessment conditions in relation to the conditions existing during the original accreditation. 10.: __________ Book No. 20 ______ in the City of ____________________________________. Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II. Commercial Cooking NC II. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. NOTARY PUBLIC Doc. assessment results and reports immediately after the conduct of assessment LINO R. Household Services NC II. AFFIDAVIT OF UNDERTAKING (Assessment Center) Cabucgayan National School of Arts and Trades . Biliran. Recognize assessment venues in qualifications where demand is needed. Philippines. Food Processing NC II. Massage Therapy NC II and Plumbing NC II. 3. Libertad. 2011 at Cabucgayan. Bartending NC II. SEVERINO Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me. represented by its President. Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II. Provide quality assessment for Automotive Servicing NC II. Affiant exhibited to me his/her Community Tax Certificate No. TESDA SOP-05 Issued by: CACO Revision: 01 Date: 01/15/10 Page 19 OF 20 . 5.
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