Acceptence Criteria- IMTE

April 2, 2018 | Author: nedunchi | Category: Scientific Observation, Tools, Metalworking, Equipment, Measuring Instrument



Acceptance Criteria for IMTE'sAMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28.10.2010 EXTERNAL MICROMETER Ref Document: IS: 2967 - 1983( First Revision) This Standard applies to micrometer fitted with a screw of pitch 0.5 or 1 mm having a maximum range of 25 mm of least count 0.01 mm covering capacities up 500mm , and having non-removable anvil with measuring faces. This standard does not apply to digital reading micrometers but may be used for indicating desirable requirements for such micrometers where appropriate. The deviation of traverse of the micrometer spindle over a range of 25mm shall not exceed 3 µm.The deviation of traverse of 1 micrometer is usually checked by taking reading on a series of slip gauges. 2 Tolerance on Zero Setting (f) =±(2+ A/50) µm A is the lower limit ( that is zero setting) of the measuring range in millimeters. 3 The maximum Permissible error of measurement F max = ( 4+ A/50)µm 4 Tolerance on Parallelism of Measuring Faces(f p) =±( 2 + A/50)µm 5 The measuring faces shall be lapped and each face shall be flat to within 1µm Permissible Flexture of Frame Subject to a force of 10 N and Tolerances on the Zero setting on Parallelism Faces and Error of Measurement Measuring Range of Micrometer mm 0 to 25 25 to 50 50 to 75 75 to 100 100 to 125 125 to 150 Permissible Flexture of Frame µm 2 2 3 3 4 5 Tolerance on Tolerance on Parallelism of Zero Setting Measuring (f) Faces(f p) µm µm ±2 2 ±2 2 ±3 3 ±3 3 ±4 4 ±4 4 Error of Measurement ( F max) µm 4 4 5 5 6 6 VERNIER CALIPER Ref Document : IS: 3651 ( Part I ) - 1982 for Least Count 0.1mm and 0.05 mm IS :3651 ( Part 2 ) -1985 for Least count 0.02 Type A: With Jaws on both sides for external and internal measurements and with a blade for depth measurement(optional). Type B With Jaws on one side for external and internal measurements. As per IS 3651 - 1985 Part 2 1 Parallelism of Internal Measuring Faces = 0.01mm 2 Parallelism of External Measuring Faces( t ) = e/3 3 Error in reading ( e ) =±(20+0.05L ) µm Prepared by Page 1 of 15 Approved by 045 0.030 0.05 L) µm Prepared by Page 2 of 15 Approved by .10.040 0.005 mm as measured over the total span of the surface considered.100 0.050 0.1l) l = measured length.075 0.100 0.Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28.2010 Maximum Maximum Tolerance on Permissible Parallelism of Error in Reading External (e) Measuring Faces ( t ) Measured Length (L) mm µm µm 0 ±20 10 100 ±30 10 200 ±30 10 300 ±40 15 400 ±40 15 500 ±50 20 Measuring Uncertainty The Permissible measuring uncertainty in micrometers at ±2s.1988 ( First Revision) 1 The base shall be ground and lapped to with in flatness error 0. 95 % confident level = ±(50±0.075 0. 2 Permissible errors on the beam in below Table Measuring Range mm 250 300 500 750 1000 Permissible Permissible Error in Error in Flatness Flatness of of Guiding Edge Beam Face mm mm 0.025 0.150 3 The measuring faces of the scriber shall be flat and parallel to within 0.005mm 4 Measuring Error ( e ) = ± (20 + 0. DIAL HEIGHT GAUGE AND VERNIER HEIGHT GAUGES Ref Document IS : 2921. Bevel Protector graduated in degrees and is not provided with either vernier or fine adjustment device or acute angle attachment Size of Blade mm 150 200 300 Prepared by Page 3 of 15 Approved by .( L ) mm 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Ref Document Type A Type B Type C Type D 1 Blade Flatness of Blade µm 150 200 300 Straightness of working Edges µm 10 15 20 Parallelism of working Edges µm 15 20 30 Angular Tolerance for Bevelled Ends in Minutes of Arc µm ±5 ±5 ±5 Permissible Measuring Error. Bevel Protector provided with a vernier graduated to read to 5 minutes of arc and an acute angle attachment but without fine adjustment device. Bevel Protector provided with a vernier graduated to read to 5 minutes of arc but without fine adjustment device or acute angle ±2s ( 95 %) µm ±20 ±30 ±30 ±40 ±40 ±50 ±50 ±60 ±60 ±70 ±70 MECHANICAL BEVEL PROTRACTORS IS : 4239 . e .Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28.1970 ( First Revision) Bevel Protector provided with a vernier graduated to read to 5 minutes of arc and also with a fine adjustment device and acute angle attachment.2010 Measured Length .10. or square to .01 mm Reading dial Gauge Division of Dial 0 TURN I Set TURN II +1 TURN III +4 TURN IV -4 TURN V +5 TURN VI -2 TURN VII +2 TURN VIII -5 Prepared by 0.004mm for 0.02 0.01 0.002 Dial Gauge 0.015 mm over the length of the attachment in all its position.01 0.1983 ( First Revision ) TYPE 1 0. The total error of indication in any position of the blade of Type D mechanical bevel protractors shall not exceed ± 12 minutes of arc.02 30 +2 +1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 40 0 -1 _ _ _ _ _ _ Page 4 of 15 50 -1 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ 60 +1 +2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 70 +3 -4 _ _ _ _ _ _ 80 +2 -1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 90 +4 +2 -3 _ +1 _ -2 _ Approved by . B and C mechanical bevel protractors shall not exceed ± 5 3a minutes of arc. Any larger up to 10 revs For 0. of the order of 0.the working edge of the stock to within 0.005mm and according to the type of the attachment.01 _ 0 Repeatability 0 0 Accuracy Any 1/10 th rev.01 Dial Gauge TYPE 2 0.01 and 0. Any 2 revs. All are in millimeters Limits of Error 0.Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28.10. 3b PLUNGER TYPE DIAL GAUGE Ref Document IS :2092 .002 mm dial gauges 2 Sensitivity . Any 1 rev. shall be parallel with.01 0. Accuracy. Repeatability.01 Dial Gauge Requirements 0.2010 2 Acute angle Attachment Working edge shall be straight to within 0.02 10 +1 0 +1 _ +4 +4 20 +3 -2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 0 0.002 Dial Gauge 1 Measuring small movements.03 0 _ Sensitivity( inclu ding hysteresis) for Change of 0.025 mm for 0. 3 Error of Readings The total error of indication in any position of the blade of Types A. 2010 +2 _ _ _ Prepared by Page 5 of 15 Approved by .10.Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's TURN IX TURN X -4 +1 +2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28. 02 2 Sensitivity Ref Document 0.004 Permissible Variation in Thickness of Blade mm 0.010 V.65 up to and including 1.35 Above 0.005 ±0.2010 Ref Document LEVER TYPE DIAL GAUGE IS :11498 .010 0.01 Any half rev.1985 1 Tolerances of Error of Reading For 0.01 Total 0.008 0.04 Above 0.004 ±0. 2 Type A2 with two Vees and side and end faces as contact surfaces.01 mm reading Lever Type Dial Gauges Requirement Over an Interval Limits of Error of mm Any 0.002 mm FEELER GAUGES IS :3179:1990 ( Second Revision 1 Tolerance on Thickness of Blades Nominal Thickness of Blade mm 0.Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28. 4 Type B1 with two Vees and side and end faces not intended as contact surfaces.00 Permissible Departure from Nominal Thickness mm ±0.Block 1 Type A1 with single Vee and side and end faces as contact surfaces. Prepared by Page 6 of 15 Approved by .35 up to and including 0.03 up to and 0.10.65 Above 0.04 up to and including 0.005 0. 0.BLOCKS Ref Document IS :2949:1992 Types of V.1 mm 0. 3 Type B1 with Single Vee and side and end faces not intended as contact surfaces.008 ±0. Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28.Blocks shall be of three grades.2010 Grade V .Angle α = 90° or 108° V. Prepared by Page 7 of 15 Approved by . namely Grade 0.10.1 and 2. 10.50X 150 --A1 -.Length Type Prepared by Page 8 of 15 Approved by .BLOCKS DESIGNATION IS :2949 -.Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28.2010 V.1--P Pair ( Omitted incase of single block) Accuracy Grade Width . Prepared by Page 9 of 15 Approved by .t7 Block Tolerance 0 ±1' 2 + l/500 3+ l/250 2+ h1/100 1 ±2' 4 + l/250 6+ l/100 4+ h1/50 2 ±2' 10 + l/100 12+ l/50 10+ h1/25 Values of 'l' and 'h1' are in mm t1 Flatness tolerance of base surfaces and mounting Faces t2 t8 200 400 400 Parallelism tolerance of the lines of contact of a geometrically ideal cylinder with mounting surfaces to the reference surface.Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28.t4.t3.2010 Form and Positional Tolerance in µm Grade of VVee angle t1 t2.10.t5 t6. 10.09 SURFACE PLATE t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 1 2 Ref Document IS :12937:1990 Flatness Add the Extreme Values in µm Permissible Flatness = 6. to Exterior Face µm 0.02 0. HARDNESS TESTER Ref Document IS :1586 :2000 Permissible Error on Testing Machine Prepared by Page 10 of 15 Approved by .04 Parallelism of Squareness of Opposite Faces Exterior Faces and Edges mm 0. Symmetry tolerance of the mounting surface to the mid plane of a parallel lateral surfaces.2010 Parallelism tolerance of the lines of contact of a geometrically ideal cylinder with mounting surfaces to the mid plane of a parallel lateral surfaces.r.1971 Flatness of working Faces mm 0. Perpendicularity tolerance of the front surface to the Reference Surface.7 µm (1000 X 1000 mm Surface Plate) Identify the Best Area in the Plate.08 mm 0. Perpendicularity tolerance of the front surface to the Reference Surface.02 0.01 0.Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28.02 0.09 Squareness of End Face w. Parallelism tolerance of lateral surface to each other. Symmetry tolerance of the groove to the mid plane of a mounting surfaces. ANGLE PLATE Ref Document Grade IS :2554 . 10.Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28.z1)±H1/2 Prepared by Page 11 of 15 Approved by . Snap Gauges( Outside Measurements) NO GO SIZE = ( K + α1) ± H1/2 GO SIZE NEW = ( G . K = lower limit for work piece. For Ring. RING GAUGES.1971 For Plug Gauges( Inside Measurements) NO GO SIZE = G ± H/2 GO SIZE NEW = ( K+ z)±H/2 GO SIZE WEAR LIMIT = K-y G = higher limit for work piece.2010 PLUG GAUGES .SNAP GAUGES Ref Document IS :3455 . 10.z.α1 H/2. H1/2. Prepared by Page 12 of 15 Approved by .y.2010 GO SIZE WEAR LIMIT = G + y1 .z1.Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28.y1.α1 from Tables. Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28.2010 Prepared by Page 13 of 15 Approved by .10. 2010 Prepared by Page 14 of 15 Approved by .10.Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28. Acceptance Criteria for IMTE's AMD/QA/IMTE/01 Date :28.10.2010 Prepared by Page 15 of 15 Approved by .
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