ACB Manual

May 29, 2018 | Author: 4usangeet | Category: Mains Electricity, Switch, Electric Arc, Relay, Insulator (Electricity)



TM630 - 6300A 220-415-690V AC / 250V DC IEC 60947-2 / IS 13947-2 TM Distributor TM Controls & Switchgear Company Ltd. International Business Division : Tel. : +91-11-4161 3503, 3088 7520 - 29, Fax: +91-11-2683 8291, 2684 7342 email : [email protected] Central Marketing Office: Tel. : +91-11-4161 03509, 3088 7520 - 29 , Fax: +91-11- 2684 7341 , 2684 7342 email : [email protected], [email protected] W e b s i t e : w w w. c o n t r o l s i n d i a . c o m C&S /PUB/A CB_Det ails /120 507 Corporate Office : 222, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi - 110 020 Tel. : +91-11-3088 7520 - 29, Fax: +91-11-2684 7154, 2682 9063 Controls & Switchgear Company Ltd. Section Contents 1. 2. Introduction Salient features, internal & general appearance of Drawout ACB PAGES 4-7 8-11 Ratings & Specifications Free air & enclosed thermal current ratings for AC & DC applications & selection of specifications 3. Multi-Function Protecion Devices Micro Processor Based over current trip device, Economical Thermal Magnetic & their accessories 12-17 4. 5. 6. Spring Charging Operations Manual & motor charging & accessories for closing operations 18-19 20-21 22-23 Electrical Tripping Shunt Trip, UVT & Control Devices Type of Mounting Fixed, metal clad type, lifter, accessories for draw-out, safety shutter, position switch, S/C contacts, test jumper, mal-insertion prevention device 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Other Accessories Aux. Switch, Key lock, Mechanical Interlock, Door Interlock, Lifter, carrying handle 24-26 27 28 29 30-39 Power Consumption Internal resistance, reactance & special environmental specifications Clearance Clearance above Arc chute, maintenance space Recommended Busbar Size Copper & Aluminium Outline Dimensions Outline dimensions & Panel Mounting Details of D series ACBs of 630A to 4000A & C series ACBs of 5000 to 6300A 12. 13. 14. Electrical Connection Diagram Interconnections between electrical accessories & tripping devices 40-41 42 43 Vertical Adapter Drawings Ratings 630-2500A ACB Order Form ACB Order Form Introduction 1.0 Introduction “C & S” Air Circuit Breakers are available in the current range of 630A to 6300A with wide choice of options & Accessories ‰ ‰ ‰ 2, 3 or 4 Pole version available in all current ratings, in fixed & drawout execution. Motor charging or manual charging, facilitating local or remote control. 4 types of protection & trip devices: a) Micro processor based RMS sensing overcurrent relay for industrial & generator protection. b) Electromagnetic instantaneous trip device with thermal O/L Relay for S/C & O/L protection for AC system. c) Undervoltage trip with or without time delay for under voltage. d) Making current release for safeguarding against closing of Breaker on S/C faults. ‰ 4 types of indication Switches, Auxiliary Switch, Trip Indication Switch, OCR Alarm Switch, Spring Charged Indication Switch. Wide options of front panel fittings. ‰ ‰ 8 type of Accessories for Drawout types, Safety Shutter, Position Switch, Test Jumper, Lifter, Mal Insertion Prevention Device, Door Interlock with defeat facility, Short Circuiting Contacts & Drawout position Padlock. Vertical or horizontal bus bar connection arrangement. ‰ General Appearance of Air Circuit Breaker (Type - AH-D Series) 4 Introduction 1.1 ‰ ‰ Salient Features Lightest and most compact for a given capacity. Most simple to operate & maintain. Only a screw driver a spanner required for replacing the arcing contacts. Only 4 frame sizes for entire range (630A to 6300A), resulting in maximum interchangeability, commonality of parts and minimum inventory of spares. High breaking capacity, 50KA to 120KA and making capacity from 105KA to 264KA with line or load connected to upper or lower terminals. High speed operating Mechanism ensures a total opening time of 30ms (including arcing time of less than 10ms) and a total closing time of 40m sec. Neutral pole of 4 pole ACB is of same current rating as of 3 pole. Highest degree of system protection & coordination due to use of microprocessor based protection release. ‰ ‰ Due to use of tungsten-silver sintered metal contacts, high speed opening mechanism & electromagnetic instantaneous trip device, most suitable for capacitor switching & DC application. High dielectric strength even in hot and humid conditions due to use of class ‘B’ and ‘F’ insulating materials. Comply with utilisation category B & pollution degree 3 Group I of IEC 947-Part I. Can withstand impulse voltage of 8KV (peak), 1.2/50 micro sec. wave as per case ‘A’ in homogeneous field condition of IEC 947-Part-I. D-series Breaker fitted in Panel with door cut out meets IP42 protection. Designed to provide continuous duty even in adverse environmental conditions. ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Internal Structure Model: AH-6D, Draw-out, Motor Charging Type Stored energy type 1. Overcurrent trip device (Microprocessor based) 2. Arc chutes 3. Isolating contacts of control circuits 4. Main circuit Terminals 5. Draw out moulded base 6. Main circuit terminals 7. Isolating contacts of main circuits 8. Fixed arcing contacts 9. Moving arcing contacts 10. Fixed main contacts 11. Moving main contacts 12. Closing mechanism 13. Trip bar 14. Inst. trip devices 15. CT (for overcurrent trip device) 16. Charging motor 17. Closing latch release 18. Closing spring 19. Charging handle 20. Quick close Slow close selector lever 21. Auxiliary switches 5 "TEST" or "ISOLATED" The shutter prevents errorneous insertion of the handle. The front panel indicator provides Breaker position indication: "CONNECTED". v 15 10 12 13 14 11 16 Push to Open Button. D/O Operation Instruction nameplate. Indicator. Open P osition P adlock (Optional). Draw . Position Padlock Draw-out insertion Hole. Close Open Cycle Counter (Optional). the release lever can not be lowered. help standardise your design n o p q 12 r t u v 16 s 11 w 15 13 14 n o p q r s t u Rating Name Plate. Indicator. Thus. Key Lock. Close Open Indicator . Position Padlock Push to Close Button. Spring Charge Indicator .2 Front Panel designed for the new Millennium Three Front Panel Cut-outs for entire range (630A to 6300A). Panel Gasket. the shutter can not be opened. 6 . Close P osition P adlock (Optional). When the Breaker is closed. The Panel Cutout Rubber Gasket provides complete dust-proof protection. Charging Handle.Introduction 1. This can be opened by lowering the position stop release lever only when the Breaker is open. DrawPosition Padlock Castle Lock. D/O P osition Indicator .out P osition P adlock (Optional). Position Indicator. ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 1.1 Complete Isolation of Poles All the poles are completely isolated from each other as well as from operating mechanism by high grade insulating materials. Light contact springs used to provide adequate contact pressure to keep the contact temperature well within limits and also to avoid contact bouncing.5KV for a minute. The high short circuit arc gases thus escape through arc chute only which clears and cools the highest short circuit arc energy in less than 10ms. giving it more contact pressure proportional to the short circuit current.3.3.4 Highly Resistant to Vibration upto 1600AF Smallness of each component due to rational design ensures a low response factor to vibration and high natural frequency.3 Space saving & standardisation of Switchboard design T T T T T T T T T T 2300 The light and compact ACBs in 4 frame sizes not only help in standardising the Switchboard design but also reduce the size of load centre. resulting in a high speed interruption. glass fibre based insulating materials and corrugated shape employed for better creepage distance. This repulsive force works in a direction to turn the moving contact clockwise about the contact shaft. 1. The design is also highly resistant to vibrations as required in ships. totally encompasses the poles. a large short time current and high breaking capacity is achieved in our light and compact design. T T T 2000AF T T T T T T 3200AF T T T 1. This isolation thus helps in providing highest insulation properties as well as breaking capacity. A large short circuit current causes an electromagnetic repulsive force between the contact lead halves. the electromagnetic repulsive force works in a direction to separate the moving contact from the stationary contact. Compact Breaker leads to space saving in Switchboards 7 . Four Breakers upto 1600A frame and 3 Breakers above 1600A upto 4000A frame can be arranged vertically in standard height of 2300mm. When interrupting a large current. the AH series can withstand a dielectric voltage of 3. 1.3.3 High Breaking capacity and large short time current capacity By fully utilising electromagnetic repulsive force.2 High AC dielectric withstand voltage Due to the use of non-hygroscopic.Introduction 1. A robust design of Arc Chute in a temperature resistant moulded body and fitted with scientifically shaped Deion-Grids. This electromagnetic repulsive force adds to the separating force of trip spring.3. 5 30 / 63 30 / 63 40 / 84 50 / 105 65 / 143 40 / 84 45 / 94.VDE.5 40 / 84 50 / 105 50 / 105 30 / 63 35 / 73.5 40 / 84 50 / 105 35 / 73.5 40 / 84 50 / 105 50 / 105 30 / 63 35 / 73. o Higher breaking capacity ACBs available on request.BS.5 40 / 84 50 / 105 35 / 73. 3.5 40 / 92 30 / 63 35 / 73.5 40 / 84 30 / 63 30 / 63 35 / 80. 4 400 600 800 1000 400 < In ≤ 630 630 < In ≤ 1000 n number of poles RATED CURRENT OF OVERCURRENT TRIP DEVICE In (A) for general industrial plant application 400 < In ≤ 600 250 < In ≤ 400 RATED INSULATION VOLTAGE (Ui) RATED ULTIMATE BREAKING/MAKING CAPACITY (Icu/Icm) RATED SERVICE BREAKING/MAKING CAPACITY (PEAK)(Ics/Icm)o with INST IEC IS BS VDE AS NEMA ANSI without INST with MCR and STD without INST with INST AC at Ue(AC) at Ue(AC) AC 415V 415V 690 V 600 V 500 V 380 V 240.5 50 / 105 65 / 143 40 / 84 45 / 94. 3.5 40 / 84 30 / 63 40 / 40 45 / [25] 30/40 10 TP 487x398x379 505x430x509 690/1000 55/121 50/105 40 / 84 40 / 84 45 / 94. 4 250 400 600 AH-8B/D 800 800 800 800 800 2. ANSI Marine AH-6B/D 630 600 600 600 600 2.5 60 / 126 65 / 143 40 / 84 40 / 84 45 / 94.5 40 / 92 50 / 115 35 / 80. 3.5 30 / 63 35 / 73.5 30 / 63 45 / 94.] Icw total breaking time (ms) / Rated Closing Time q Spring Charging Time (sec.5 40 / 92 30 / 63 35 / 73.5 40 / 84 30 / 63 40 / 40 45 / [25] 30/40 10 600 < In ≤ 800 for generator protection (In is generator rated current) 690/1000 50/105 45/94.Ratings & Specifications 2. 220 V 690 V 600 V upto 500 V 690 V upto 600 V 690 V 480 V 240 V 690V upto 480 V upto AC 600 V 550 V 460 V 220 V 550 V upto 460 V upto 550 V 250 V p 690/1000 50/105 45/94. p DC rating is of special application available upto 14000 A without INST with MCR and STD without INST with INST AC 8 .5 30 / 63 35 / 73. IS JIS JEC NEMA.5 40 / 84 30 / 63 30 / 63 35 / 80. Over all Dimension (mm) Fixed (HxWxD) Drawout (HxWxD) n Rated thermal current in open Air. 4 600 800 AH-10B/D 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2.5 40 / 92 50 / 115 35 / 80.AS.) max.0 Ratings & Specifications TYPE AMPERES FRAME Ith (A) IEC.5 30 / 63 40 / 40 50 / [25] 30/40 10 AC AC AC JIS JEC without INST with MCR and STD without INST with INST AC AC DC OTHER RA TINGS RATINGS short time current RMS (kA) 1 sec [3 sec. 3. In ≤ 6300 690/1000 120/264 100/220 85 / 187 85 / 187 100 / 220 120 / 264 120 / 264 85 / 187 85 / 187 100 / 220 70 / 154 70 / 154 100 / 230 120 / 230 120 / 276 85 / 187 100 / 230 70 / 161 100 / 230 100 / 230 120 / 300 100 / 230 100 / 230 70 / 154 40 / 40 9 .5 45 / 103.2 40 / 40 690/1000 100/200 85/187 65 / 143 75 / 165 85 / 187 100 / 220 120 / 264 65 / 143 75 / 165 85/ 187 60 / 132 60 / 132 75 / 165 85 / 187 100 / 220 75 / 165 85 / 187 60 / 138 85 / 187 85 / 187 100 / 230 85 / 187 85 / 187 60 / 132 40 / 40 690/1000 100/200 85/187 65 / 143 75 / 165 85 / 187 100/220 120 / 264 65 / 143 75 / 165 85/ 187 60 / 132 60 / 132 75 / 165 85 / 187 100 / 230 75 / 165 85 / 187 60 /138 85 / 187 85 / 187 100 / 230 85 / 187 85 / 187 60 / 132 40 / 40 85 [70] 30/40 10 TP NA 685x747x584 50 [50] 50 [50] 30/40 30/40 10 10 TP FP 575x496x396 575x626x396 655x540x570 655x670x570 65 [65] 85 [70] 30/40 30/40 10 10 TP FP 575x578x422 575x738x422 655x622x599 655x782x599 100 [70] 30/40 10 FP NA 685x937x584 q Values when fitted with magnetic type instantaneous trip. 4 800 1000 1600 2000 1600<In ≤ 2000 800 ≤ In ≤ 1000 AH-25C/D 2500 2500 2150 2250 2.5 50 / 105 35 / 73.5 50 / 105 30 / 63 30 / 63 45 / 103.5 50 / 105 65 / 143 65/ 143 45 / 94.5 50 / 105 30 / 63 35 / 73.05 seconds for Microprocessor instantaneous trip.5 45 / 94.5 50 / 115 65 / 149. 3.5 75 / 172. 4 1250 AH-16B/D 1600 1600 1300 1550 1600 2.5 60 / 126 65 / 143 40 / 84 40 / 84 45 / 94.5 50 / 105 65 / 143 65/ 143 45 / 94. 4 400 600 800 1000 1600 400 ≤ In ≤ 1000 1000< In ≤ 1600 AH-20C/D 2000 2000 1850 1950 2000 2.5 65 / 149. 3.5 50 / 105 35 / 73.5 45 / 94.5 45 / 103.6 65 / 143 65 / 143 75 / 165 65 / 143 65 / 143 42 / 88.5 65 / 149.5 40 / 40 690/1000 75/165 65/143 50 / 105 65 / 143 65 / 143 65 / 143 75 / 165 50 / 105 65 / 143 65 / 143 42 / 88.5 50 / 105 30 / 63 35 / 73.5 45 / 94.5 45 / 94.5 50 / 115 65 / 149. 4 2000 2500 3200 AH-40C/D 4000 4000 3650 4000 4000 2. 3.5 50 / 105 65 / 143 45 / 94. 3.5 65 / 149.2 42 / 88.5 30 / 63 45 / 94. 3.5 30 / 63 40 / 40 50 / [25] 30/40 10 FP 487x498x379 505x547x509 690/1000 55/121 50/105 45 / 94.5 42 / 96.5 30 / 63 30 / 63 40 / 84 50 / 105 65 / 143 40 / 84 45 / 94. 4 6300 In ≤ 1250 2000 < In ≤ 3200 In ≤ 5000 In ≤ 4000 690/1000 55/121 50/105 40 / 84 40 / 84 45 / 94. 3. 4 5000 AH-60C 6300 6150 5300 6150 6000 2.5 40 / 40 In ≤ 2500 690/1000 65/143 50/105 30 / 63 45 / 94. 4 2500 AH-30C/D 3200 3200 3100 3200 3000 2.2 65 / 149.5 45 / 103. 4 4000 AH-50C 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 2.Ratings & Specifications AH-12B/D 1250 1250 1200 2. 0.5 50 / 105 65 / 143 45 / 94.5 50 / 115 35 / 80.5 50 / 105 30 / 63 40 / 40 50 [45] 30/40 10 690/1000 60/132 50/105 30 / 63 45 / 94.5 50/ 115 35 / 80.5 45 / 94.5 50 / 105 65 / 143 65 / 143 45 / 94.5 45 / 94.5 45 / 103.5 50 / 115 65 / 149.5 50 / 105 65 / 143 45 / 94.5 50 / 105 65 / 143 40 / 84 45 / 94.5 50 / 115 30 / 63 45 / 94.5 45 / 103. 3. 1. For ease of selection of our Breaker. 10 .2 2.e. 8. 8 are free air ratings i. A 4 pole ACB with 2 poles connected in parallel can be used where the short circuit breaking capacity requirement is low but the thermal current rating is high. keeping above factors into consideration. 4. Ambient temperature other than 40oC The thermal current ratings “Ith” of Circuit Breakers shown in ratings & specifications table on page No. in open execution at 40 oC ambient. ‰ 2. 11.2.1 ‰ ‰ Application AC System ‰ 3 pole ACB with 2 poles connected in series can be used in DC system where the short circuit breaking capacity requirement is comparatively high. 4 Pole ACB for complete safety in 3 phase 4 wire distribution system as the neutral pole of 4 pole ACB closes earlier & opens later than other phase poles. 6. 10. b) Ventilation area provided by way of louvers in the Breaker cubicle.2. enclosure dimensions (mm) cm sq. 2. Open Air Rating 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000 6300 With no o Ventilation o At 40 C At 50 C 630 800 1000 1250 1530 2000 2330 3200 3820 4370 5150 630 800 1000 1180 1420 1850 2130 3050 3480 3990 4800 Ventilation Min. C & S may be consulted. 9. the neutral pole closes alongwith the phase poles). 3. 2. Please clearly specify 4 pole ACB for DC application. 5. The above enclosed thermal current ratings (Ith) have been based when the Breaker Terminals are connected with copper or aluminium bus bars of cross sectional area as indicated in Table XI of IEC 947-2 & IS 13947-2. the thermal current ratings (I th ) in an enclosure having ventilation & recommended ambient temperature are shown in the table below: S.2 ‰ DC System 2 pole ACB can be used on DC system where the short circuit breaking capacity requirement is not very high. for thermal current ratings in Enclosure with less ventilation area other than shown in the above Table or at different ambient temperatures. 2.Ratings & Specifications 2. Width area Depth At 40 C At 50 C Height o o With Ventilation 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000 6300 630 800 1000 1250 1550 2000 2350 3200 4000 5000 6000 600 600 600 600 600 1000 1000 1250 1250 1600 1600 575 575 575 575 575 700 700 800 800 1000 1000 575 575 575 575 575 766 766 766 766 800 800 550 550 550 550 550 620 620 700 700 770 770 Note 1. No. 7. thus effectively preventing transient overvoltages on loads connected between live & neutral lines. (For this application. 3 pole ACB for Industrial & Generator application.1 Conventional free air and enclosed current ratings c) d) Cross sectional area of the bus bars connected to the Breaker terminals. The thermal ratings of the Circuit Breaker when mounted inside an enclosure depend upon: a) The dimensions of the cubical in which the Breaker is mounted. D. Non adjustable INST.D. ITEM 1 Breaker Rating 630 A 800 A Types of Mounting Accessories for draw-out type Types of closing operation Accessories for closing operation Overcurrent trip Devices SELECTION A T Y OUR OPTION AT YOUR 1000 A 1250 A 1600 A W 2000 A 2500 A W 3200 A 4000 A W 5000 A 6300 A 2 Fixed type Draw-out type (standard) W Metalclad construction W 3 z Safety shutter z Position switch z Short-circuiting contact z Lifter z Test jumper z Mal-insertion prevention device W W 4 Manual charging type Motor charging type Power transformer 5 Spring charged switch W W Micro processor based Thermal Magnetic W type 6 W for General Industrial Plant Adjustable L.D. cold climate treatment available on request at extra cost.D.T. W W Close-open cycle counter W Key lock / Castle lock W Key interlock system W C . for generator Protection Adjustable L.D. Adjustable S. 11 .Series D .T. Making current release W for General Industrial Plant Adjustable L.Series 10 Types & series of Breaker Air Circuit Breaker is assembled to comply with your specifications Note : Tropicalisation. Adjustable Ground-fault Making current release W W OCR Alarm switch Trip indication switch 7 Accessories for overcurrent trip device DC24V power supply OCR checker CT for Neutral line W Shunt trip 8 9 Other trips Other accessories W Undervoltage trip With or without T.T. * L. means Long Time Delay * S. Adjustable S.3 A Wide Selection of Specifications Various specification are available for wide selection to suit any particular application as well as local regulations and requirements.D.Ratings & Specifications 2. means Short Time Delay Adjustable INST.D.T.T.T.D.T. μ IT –100 for industrial application and μ IT –G for generator protection.T.) current setting DIP switch.D. ‰ Visual fault discrimination by LEDs. ‰ Self monitoring of trip unit with μ IT .Multi-Function Protection Devices 3. 12 is similar to μ IT-100 in construction and function but differs in current and time settings . i. LED Indicators.) tripping time delay setting DIP switch. ‰ Self powered by the built in current transformer.T. ‰ No mal-operation due to external disturbances. ‰ Three phase and earth fault in one single compact unit. Reset switch. It is available in two types. ‰ Built in operation check function. Built-in operation checking DIP switch.e. Earth fault tripping time delay setting DIP switch.T. Earth fault tripping current setting DIP switch.) tripping time delay setting DIP switch.T. n o p q r s t u v w 11 ‰ Certified by ERTL for – Damp Heat Test – Dry Heat Test – Vibration Test IS 9000-PG4 IS 9000-PG3 IEC255-4 – Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) IEC801-3 – Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) IEC 801-2 – Electrical Fast Transient (EFT) IEC 801-4 – Surge – Impulse IEC 801-5 IEC 255-4 Note : μIT-G of LTD & STD. ‰ Provides highest degree of system p q r protection coordination.) current setting DIP switch.100 Overload (L..D. Instantaneous short-circuit current setting DIP switch. ‰ Function Blocking facility provided.D. Function blocking DIP switch. Salient Features n o w s u t v 11 ‰ Error free and user friendly setting of current and time delay. Short circuit (S. blinking indication. Overload (L.0 3. requiring no external supply for its basic function.D.1 Multi Function Protection Devices Microprocessor Based Overcurrent Trip Device: “Type μIT” μ IT is a true RMS sensing overcurrent trip device. Short circuit (S. 3 Current 2 Setting of Instantaneous Current ( I N S ) : Minimum setting 4xI n Setting Ranges: 4. 100. . 20... to 35 sec. .. 550 ms (in steps of 50ms) 13 ..5. 3... 10 (in steps of 1) Minimum Setting 50 ms Setting Range 50. Setting range: 2.1. 5 .1 Setting of Over Load Current (LTD) 3.1.5 times I n Setting range: 0.....) 3. any of the four function can be blocked by turning the DIP switches to ON position.2 STD Setting of Short Circuit Current (STD) C u r r e n t : Minimum setting 4 x In Setting range 4. .4 Function Blocking In normal running operation of unit.2. 550 ms...55 .1.5 sec.1. (in steps of 2. 0.5 sec. 100.1.15 (in steps of 0... 11 (in steps of 1) L T D C u r r e n t : Minimum setting is 0.Multi-Function Protection Devices Characteristic Curves μIT-100 (For Industrial Applications) 2 2 3. 5...5 GFT Ground Fault Setting (GFT) Current: Minimum Setting 15% of I n Setting Range 15.5. 50 % (in steps of 5%) STD Time: Delay GFT Delay Time: Minimum Setting 50 ms Setting Range 50.1. (in steps of 50 ms) 3.. .05) LT D T i m e : Delay Minimum Setting .. 5 . 0+(0.10 When X .05) b) Time = 15 to 65 sec at 120% In min. (in steps of 50 msec.8 Test Mode by 24V DC for testing the trip unit without injecting current Step 1: Put the DIP switch to TEST POSITION Step 2: Put the LONG or SHORT switch to ON position.6 Setting of Over Load Current (LTD) LED Indication L T D S e t t i n g s : a) Minimum setting is 1 times I n S e t t i n g R a n g e : 1 to 1.1.25) b) Time = 50msec. to 420msec. value abcd .LED : This will indicate normal operation of unit.5 b = 5 c = 10 d = 15 t = X+(a+b+d) 25 Sec = 2. X = 2.5+5+15) 3.1.min. „ All the other three LEDs will glow on their respective faults.7 Setting of Short Circuit (STD) S T D S e t t i n g s : a ) Current = 2 to 5.settings .3 In (in steps of 0.Multi-Function Protection Devices Characteristic Curves μIT-G (For Generator Applications) 3. μIT will give trip command depending upon the time set on respective LTD or STD time delay DIP switches.05+0.75In (in steps of 0. „ Reset switch is given to reset the LEDs.05 I = X+(a+c+d) O b = 0.10 d = 0.1.5+(2.05 1.25 = 1. CAUTION : In normal running condition all the Test Mode DIP switches should be in OFF position (Normal position) 14 a = 0.0 LTD Time = 25 Sec. 3.1+0.5 a = 2.) Setting Example DIP Switch Position OFF ON LTD Current IO =1.) ON .1) c = 0.25*In X = 1. settings 15 sec (in steps of 5 sec. specify the base current (I n) that is higher than and closest to the rated load current passing through the Air Circuit Breaker.Multi-Function Protection Devices 3. CT actuated thermal O/L Relay used along with Shunt Trip or Undervoltage Trip Device for O/L protection Trip testing at CT secondary current levels. Base Current (I n ) [A] 3.2. When ordering.1 ‰ Base Current (In) (for Microprocessor & Thermal Magnetic Types) ‰ Microprocessor T ype and Thermal Ty Magnetic T ype both have a single base Type current that corresponds to one of the rated currents available. ‰ Type of ACB Microprocessor Type Thermal Magnetic Type Type of ACB Base Current (I n ) [A] Microprocessor Type Thermal Magnetic Type AH-6D AH-8D AH-10D AH-12D AH-16D 250/400/600 600/800 400/600/ 800/1000 1250 400/600/800 1000/1600 250/400/600 600/800 400/600/ 800/1000 1250 400/600/800 1000/1600 AH-20D AH-25D AH-30D AH-40D AH-50C AH-60C 800/1000 1600/2000 2500 2000/2500 3200 4000 5000 6300 800/1000 1600/2000 2500 2000/2500 3200 4000 5000 6300 Tripping Characteristics of Thermal Magnetic Trip Device (kA) AH-8D 3 : 3 : Default setting for 16D 15 .2 ‰ Economical Thermal Magnetic type A direct acting electromagnetic instantaneous trip device with fixed current setting for short circuit protection. 3 Making Current Release (MCR) A short time delay tripping ACB fitted with MCR can thus utilise its full particular time capacity by forming a selective tripping system with the other Breaker and can rapidly clear the faulty circuit without any time delay when the Operator attempts to close it. if the making current exceeds a predetermined value and which is rendered inoperative when the Circuit Breaker is in closed condition. How MCR Operates MCR MCR Inoperative Operative MCR Inoperative Short-circuit current may flow Closing Process Closed Condition Contacts Start to move Arcing Contacts Close Main Contacts Close Latched in Closing Stroke 16 .2 Current Setting of the nonadjustable magnetic instantaneous trip and MCR (kA) AH-6D AH-8D AH-10D AH-12D AH-16D 5 o 7.5 p 10 15 20 25 7. MCR becomes inoperative affecting normal coordinated system protection.5 10 15 20 25 10 15 20 25 30 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 Note : n : Applicable where the rated current of overcurrent trip devices is not less than 250A. thus most suitable for incomer Breaker.5 n 10 n 15 n 20 n 5 o 7.5 10 15 20 30 7.5 10 15 20 30 40 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 * Select and specify one of the pick-up currents from the table * Tolerance is + 20% 3 5 n 7.5 p 10 15 20 25 AH-20D AH25D AH-30D AH-40D AH-50C AH-60C Applicable Breaker NI Instantaneous Trip Device ELECTROMAGNETIC * Select and specify one of the pick-up currents from the table * Tolerance is + 20% MCR Making Current Release 3 5 n 7.Multi-Function Protection Devices 3. When the Breaker is closed on to a normal circuit condition.5 10 15 20 25 n 10 n 15 n 20 n 7. p Default Setting for 16D o : Applicable to AH-10D and AH-12D. Default Setting 3. MCR instantaneously trips the Breaker without any intentional time delay during closing operation. 3. z Number of Circuitry Rated current (A) AC DC z “Lamp” is a resistive load of positive temperature coefficient with inrush in excess of 10 times the normal current.1 Accessories for Overcurrent Trip Devices OCR Alarm Switch Ratings contacts 480V 250V 125V 250V 125V 30V 1a Resistive L a m p Inductive 3 0. is mounted outside on the neutral bus bar.Multi-Function Protection Devices 3. INST or earth-fault trip causes operation of this OCR alarm switch. Instantenous & Ground Fault ii) Function Check by 24V DC. 17 .05 0. the neutral CT is rigidly mounted on the neutral terminal of the Breaker.3. ON for about 30 ms during ACB contact separation.6 7 4 6 Motor 0.3 2 5 2 5 5 3 5 0. Its operation is as follows : normally OFF. Use a suitable self-hold circuit for continuous OCR trip alarm indication.3 0. 3. class 5P10 precision CTs are rigidly mounted on the lower terminals of the Breaker. However. 3.1 4 This switch operates when the Air Circuit Breaker is tripped by the overcurrent device.4 or more (AC) or time constant is 7 ms or less (DC) z “Motor” assumes starting current of 6 times the specified value.3. then OFF again.3 3.1 0. iii)Closing Opening time of ACB Dimensions : 545W x 420D x 345H Weight : 28 kg Dimension Drawing of 24V DC Power Supply Unit 3. Any of LTD.2 Power : 500VA. z “Inductive” is a load whose power factor is 0.2 2 4 V DC Power Supply (T o be fitted in the P anel) (To Panel) ‰ Supplies 24V DC power to the microprocessor over-current trip device for : device function check purposes and for lighting the OCR trip indicators (LEDs). The CT used for detecting a neutral line current in a 3 pole Breaker of a 3 phase four wire system. 5VA. This CT is necessary when over current trip device is having a ground fault protection element.6 0. 50/60Hz 240V Consumption Test : i) Calibration of current Functions & time settings of LTD. STD.3 OCR checker (outside) Type : RCU . The CTs thus provide most reliable and accurate current signals to the protection devices even in adverse environmental conditions. in a 4 pole Breaker.3 0.05 0.4 3 4 0. STD.4 Phase & Neutral CTs OCR Checker Polyester resin cast 5A secondary.3. 7(200V) 2.0(220V) 4.0(220V) 0.8(100V) 4.0(110V) 1.2 Charging of Springs by Motor The closing Springs are charged by an Electric Motor.0(100V) 2. 4. the closing springs would have to be charged manually before doing a remote close operation. AH-10D.0(100V) 1. Motor Charging type 4. 18 . Operating Voltage Inrush current (A) (peak value) Steady-state current (AC:RMS value) Charging time (S) Closing Command current (A) Max.0(220V) 6. AH-12D. Manual charging is also possible in Motor charging The closing springs are manually charged by pumping the charging handle.0(110V) 4.5(100V) 3.6(200V) 0. AH-16D 200~230 100~115 170~255 85~130 150~250 75~125 9. AH-8D.6(200V) 8. When PUSH TO CLOSE button is pressed.7(200V) 0.1 Spring Charging Operations Charging of Springs Manually With the Breaker closed. AH-30D.0(100V) 2. AH-60C 200~230 100~115 170~255 85~125 150~250 75~125 21(220V) 8. quickly closing the Breaker. A closing coil (Latch Release Coil-LRC) can be provided for remote closing operations. the charge of the closing springs is released.5(220V) 5. AH-50C.3 Rating of Motor charging -Spring release type Min.0 4.8(200V) 3. the Motor automatically starts to charge the spring again for the next closing operation.0(200V) 6.0(110V) 2.7(220V) 4. AH25D.8(110V) 0. A closing command from an external “Push Button” energises the LRC (Latch Release Coil) which releases the charge of the closing spring to quickly close the Breaker.7(200V) 2. And Max.6(220V) 4. AH-40D.5(110V) 9.0(200V) 6. type.2(100V) 1. Rated voltage (V) 50/60 Hz „ Applicable Breakers : AH-6D.7(220V) 4.7(100V) AC D C 200~220 100~110 „ Applicable Breakers : AH-20D.Spring Charging Operations 4. however.7(100V) AC D C 200~220 100~110 Note Š : The charging motor is of short-time rating and the number of repeated open close cycles must be limited to 15 cycles followed by a cooling period of at least 20 minutes for further operations.8(110V) 0.7(110V) 2.0(220V) 0. 4. the "spring charged ON switch" in series with the LRC is closed. so that they can be individually energised. the “spring charged OFF” switch in series with the motor. ‰ ‰ With the release of Closing Spring charge.) (ms) 40 DC 19 .4 (220V) 2. the “Spring Charged On Sw” opens and the supply to the LRC is cut OFF through the Aux. The HC/2 contact opens. ‰ The circuit may be separated into a closing control and a motor circuit on request. ‰ When ACB is fitted with under voltage trip UVT and tripped by it (voltage below opening value).7 (220V) 4. Control voltage is applied to terminals 1 and 2 and the motor starts to charge the springs.4. the “spring charged OFF” switch in series with the motor opens and cuts the supply to the motor. ACB can not reclose without opening the PB (Close).4.4 4. ‰ Closing Operation Circuit M LRC HC B1 PB Charging motor Closing Latch Release Anti Pump Relay of ACB Aux. Technical specification for operation of closing coil device Closing Coil Rated Voltage (V) Type 50/60 (Hz) Min Max AC AVH-C 420 380 180 100 150 90 40 20 480 420 250 150 230 120 52 26 Min & Max. If a closed signal is continuously applied across the terminals 2 and 3.Spring Charging Operations 4. The latch release coil (LRC) is energised and the closing springs are ‰ Once the closing spring have been released the “ACB Reset OFF” switch is closed.B1 Contact which opens when the ACB gets closed. Switch of ACB Control Switch Isolation Contact The diagram shows the condition when closing springs are uncharged and ACB is tripped (not reset yet). is closed.9 (380V) 2. Operating (Excitation) Voltages (V) 357-528 323-462 153-275 85-165 128-290 77-150 34-60 17-30 Excitation Current Peak (A) (at Voltage) 1.3 ‰ Anti-Pumping Function 4.7 (110V) 5.Sw.2 ‰ Closing the ACB When the springs are charged. cutting the supply to the LRC.0 (48V) 8. Apply voltages across terminals 3 and 4 through PB (close). ACB will not reset until voltage above resettable value is supplied to UVT. When the closing springs are fully charged.0 (110V) 2. 4. the holding relay (HC) is energised and self holds when the HC/1 contact closes. ‰ When the closing springs are "DISCHARGED".1 (24V) Closing Time(Max.5 (415V) 1.1 ‰ Motor Charging And Closing Operation Circuit Charging of Closing Springs released to close the ACB. our special Step Down Transformer or a 350VA Transformer with 220V secondary should be used for electrical charging operation. which is closed when the closing springs are fully charged.9 (380V) 2. Note that the shunt trip “a”-contact of the auxiliary switch.5A. 125V DC . The undervoltage trip consists of an undervoltage trip device built-in the ACB and UVT Control Device installed external to the ACB. and allows for closing of the Air Circuit Breaker. When the control supply voltage is higher than 230V AC.1 (24V) Opening Time(Max.7 (220V) 4.0.1 (200V) 0.1 Accessories For Closing Operation 5.1 (110V) 0. The tripping commands to the shunt trip include those from an overcurrent relay.1 (220V) Tripping 4.1 Electrical Tripping Shunt Trip Undervoltage Trip The shunt trip device is used to electrically open or trip the Air Circuit Breaker from a remote place.2 Spring Charged Switch Provides a NO (1a) contact signal.) (ms) 30 DC Technical specification for operation of UVT device Under Vo l t a g e Ty p e Rated Voltage (V) 50/60 (Hz) AC AUH DC 415-440 220-240 100-120 200 100 30 Excitation (PickUp) Voltages (V) ≥353 ≥187 ≥85 ≥170 ≥85 ≥25.0 (110V) 2. 250V DC . Used for indication at a remote place.1 (100V) 0.1 (415V) 0.5 Opening [DropOff] Vo l t a g e s ( V ) 154-308 84-168 42-84 70-140 35-70 10. 4. uses one Shunt Trip Technical specification for operation of shunt trip device Shunt trip Type Rated Voltage (V) 50/60 (Hz) Min Max AC AVH-S 420 380 180 100 150 90 40 20 480 420 250 150 230 120 52 26 Min & Max.4 (220V) 2. from where closing is made.5 4. Ratings 250V AC .5 (415V) 1.5A 5.5-11 Excitation Current Peak (A) 0. and similar protective relays.25A 480V AC . reverse power relay.2 Undervoltage Trip Power Transformer Outside The undervoltage trip automatically opens the Air Circuit Breaker when the voltage supplied to it drops below the opening voltage. It resets automatically on recovery of the supply voltage above the resettable value.7 (110V) 5.0 (48V) 8.1 (30V) 20 .0 5. Operating (Excitation) Voltages (V) 294 -528 266-462 126-275 70-165 105-290 63-150 28-60 14-30 Excitation Current Peak (A) (at Voltage) 1.0. when in operation with supply voltage below resettable value.Electrical Tripping 5. It effectively prevents the overiding of the short time delay over current trip function caused by short circuit fault & simultaneous voltage drop.rated Undervoltage Trip Control Circuit DC .1 UVT Control Devices Three Types of Control Devices are available ‰ Type AUH-V is without time-delay. The undervoltage trip. It trips the ACB immediately on dropping of the supply voltage below the opening value. ‰ ‰ AUH-V-T is also for AC supply but with a timedelay of 500 ms.rated Undervoltage Trip Control Circuit 21 . keeps the closing control circuit open and locks out the PUSH TO TRIP button. and is used for AC supply. AC . ‰ Type AUH-1SC is without time delay and is suitable for DC supply only.2. 250V DC .5A. 22 .Type of Mounting 6.3 Draw out type This consists of a Circuit Breaker and a draw-out Both main and control circuits are isolated.15A.4 Accessories (Optional) for Draw-out Breaker 6. The Circuit Breaker body is kept connected to earth through earthing shoes to the draw out frame in "CONNECT". 6. The switchboard panel door can be shut. Ratings 250V AC . This can be used as a single pole mounted ACB or can be readily constructed in a load centre by simply placing them one upon another in a tier arrangement. respectively.0. This position permits operation tests with the switchboard panel shut. Labels.2 Position Switch The following types of accessories are available for draw-out type Air Circuit Breaker. the b-contact circuit with this short-circuiting contact remains closed even when the Breaker is closed at the test position. "TEST".4. Test Position The main circuit is Isolated and the control circuits are connected.3 Short-Circuiting Contacts ‰ ‰ The short-circuiting contact shorts out the associated auxiliary switch b-contact when the Breaker is in the test position or further out position. The Circuit Breaker can be withdrawn to any of the four draw out positions i. it protects contact with the concealing the frame side with When the Breaker is drawn the operator from accidental live parts by automatically main circuit on the draw-out insulating barrier. "CONNECTED". 125V DC . 6.4. 6. 6.5A ‰ The shutter has a tamper proof lock mechanism. and they are to be affixed by the user. "BUSBAR" and "CIRCUIT". 4. Earth circuit still connected. There is 1NO contact to indicate the "TEST" position and 1NC contact to indicate the "CONNECTED" position. it unlocks automatically to free the shutter and the shutter opens. Therefore.e.25A 480V AC .0.0 6. The Panel door can be kept closed in "CONNECTED". As the Breaker is inserted into the draw-out frame. are supplied to indicate the line-side and load-side main circuit terminals. Remove Position The ACB is completely removed from the cradle. "DISCONNECTED" & "REMOVED". "TEST" or in between to provide total safety to the Operator. cradle. The shutter can be padlocked in the shut position. 3.2 Metal Clad Type The metal clad type consists of a fixed or draw out Circuit Breaker housed in a steel enclosure.1 ‰ Safety Shutter out. "TEST" & "DISCONNECTED" position. Both main and control circuits are connected for normal service 2. Connected Position This consists only of the Circuit Breaker fitted with brackets to enable it to be permanently mounted inside the Panel and the bus bars are directly connected to its terminals.4. Isolated Position 6.1 Types Of Mounting Fixed Type 1. 4. 6. Safety Shutter 6. The padlocking arrangement has also been provided in drawout Breakers in all the 3 positions i. The short-circuiting contact is open when the Breaker is in the connected position.4. Padlock Facility Lifter 23 .4.4 Test Jumper The test jumper allows checking of all functions on the removed Breaker on a Test Bench and can be supplied on request.5 Mal-Insertion Prevention Device A good interchangeability exists in the C&S -Air Circuit Breakers and because of this feature. B4 and B5. B2. "TEST" & "DISCONNECT" positions.4.e. B3.6 Lifter A Sleek Lifter with variable size loader to suite all sizes of ACB or with a platform for safely handling the Breaker in plant or for mounting or removing them from the panel are available. This not only provides additional safety to the Operator but also prevents the Breaker dislocation due to vibration and shocks. 6.Type of Mounting This contact is useful when forming an interlock circuit with another Breaker or Breakers or when preventing the test operation at the test position from causing any unwanted operation in the associated circuit. "CONNECT". and it can be fitted in parallel with any of the auxiliary switch circuits.7 Padlocking for user safety Circuit Breakers are provided with Padlocking facility on push to Trip & Push to Close button to avoid accidental operation of breaking by unauthorised persons. This is effectively prevented by the use of the Malinsertion Prevention Device. there is a possibility for a Breaker of a different rating being placed into the cradle of other rating. 6. 8 Door Interlock The door interlock prevents the switchboard door from being opened when the Breaker is CLOSED. Sw Contacts can be provided in following combinations and out of which some contacts are utilised for various accessories fitted in Breaker as shown in the table. shunt trip. 2b) (2a. undervoltage trip or manual operation of PUSH TO TRIP buttons. It is also fitted with a lock release. Rated current Auxiliary Accessory Charging Motor Contacts Fixed 1b 1a 1a - Used Draw-out 1b 1a 1a 1a.Other Accessories 6.4. Sw i t c h C on t ac t s AXH-1 Ty p e Numbers of contacts (A) AC 450V AC 220V AC 110V DC 250V DC 125V 5a 7 7 7 2. Use a suitable self hold circuit as necessary for continuous trip alarm indication. Turn OFF on recovery of Undervoltage voltage above resettable below opening value and on completion of value spring charging Turn OFF on completion of spring charging after release of button PUSH TO TRIP button pressed *Rating of TIS are same as of OCR Alarm SW 24 . 5b) (3a. 3b) Over Current Trip Device Metal Clad Cause of Operation Overcurrent trip-shunt trip Remote opening Undervoltage trip Resetting Condition Turn OFF on completion of spring charging 7.2 Aux Sw 14 way 10 way 5 way Combination of Aux. Installation of the door interlock requires a simple drilling of the Switchboard Panel door. 1b 7.0 7. 7b) (5a. The door is operational only when the Breaker is OPEN.5 4 5b The auxiliary switch is an assembly of auxiliary contacts mechanically operated by the Air Circuit Breaker to electrically indicate whether the Breaker is closed or open.3 Trip Indication Switch This switch closes (ON) when the Air Circuit Breaker is tripped by overcurrent trip.1 Other Accessories Auxiliary Switch z R at i ng s : Aux. Every Air Circuit Breaker is fitted with an auxiliary switch. The table shown summarizes when the trip indication switch operates (ON) and when it is reset (OFF). SW Contacts Shunt Trip / UVT 7-a-contact and 7-b-contacts 5-a-contact and 5-b-contact 3-a-contacts and 2-b-contacts or 2-a-contacts and 3-b-contact (7a. 7. The Aux. Castle Lock ‰ A device that is ready for use. In this case. is also available. Key Lock ‰ LOCK-IN-OPEN TYPE Locks the Breaker in open position. ‰ Application Example Incoming power Breakers 1 and 2 feed two bus sections. Breaker 1 cannot be closed 25 . A key lock device that is ready for use when a Castle key lock (to be provided by the user) is fitted. and a key is necessary to unlock so that only the authorised operator can operate the Breaker and prevent it from being operated by unauthorised persons.5 Key Interlock System A system of key locks used to interlock a number of Breakers. parallel feeding with both Breaker 1 and 2 closed should not be possible. (Specify either type when ordering).6 Operation Counter A four digit mechanical counter can be fitted with display window on the front panel to show the number of operations and to facilitate routine maintenance after specified number of operations. the same-numbered locks are fitted in all the 3 Circuit Breakers and only two keys are used. Breaker 3 cannot be closed Breaker 2 cannot be closed 7. so that the bus-tie Breaker can be closed only when either the Breaker 1 or 2 is locked in the open position and that the Breakers 1 and 2 can be closed only when the bus-tie Breaker is locked open. ‰ LOCK-IN-CLOSED TYPE Locks the Breaker in CLOSED position. when a Castle key lock is fitted is also available (specify type of Castle lock when ordering). When the bus-tie Breaker is closed.4 Key Lock & Castle Lock It locks the Breaker in CLOSED or OPEN position.Other Accessories 7. The key is removable only when the Circuit Breaker is locked open. Key Lock Castle Lock 7. which are connected by a bus-tie-Breaker-3. in a vertical or horizontal arrangement between any frame size in fixed or drawout version. ropes etc. 7.8 Lifting Plate For use with hooks. 7.7 Mechanical Interlock Two Breakers can be mechanically interlocked.Other Accessories 7.e. IP Cover 26 . Horizontal Type Vertical Type 7. 7. when lifting the Breaker.10 Door Flange Provided with D-Series ACB‘s to cover the panel cutout of the board. The Mechanical Interlock is available to any combination i.11 IP Cover Carrying Handle Mounted on the Switchboard Panel door to provide IP55 degree of protection as defined in IEC529.9 Carrying Handle For the purpose of lifting by hand. 4 235.0 288.0 350.2 28.2 Power consumption (W) (Max) 17.0 169.e. Ambient temperature 60 oC or less & relative humidity 95% or less provided no condensation. This treatment is provided when the Breaker is to be used in very cold areas i. 8. If the Breakers are to be used under abnormal environmental conditions.04 3.32 2.3 Cold Climate Treatment This treatment is recommended for Breakers which are to be used in areas where both temperature & humidity are higher i.1 Special Environment Specs.1.4 72.28 0.4 104.0 2.0 90 150 134.08 1.1. (per pole) Model No. specify the applicable treatment given below : 8.2 30.4 4.0 AH-6D AH-8D AH-10D AH-12D AH-16D AH-20D AH-25D AH-30D AH-40D AH-50C AH-60C } } fixed type draw-out type fixed type draw-out type fixed type draw-out type fixed type draw-out type fixed type draw-out type fixed type draw-out type fixed type draw-out type draw-out type draw-out type 8. power consumption. Storage .44 2.40 1.6 1.0 60.0 1.e. & Type Multivolt drop per phase (mv) (Max) 4. Use -25 oC Provided no condensation or freezing.96 1.40 oC.8 3.0 430.Power Consumption 8.8 1. 27 .0 5.0 61.0 120.8 8.1.2 Anti-Corrosion Treatment This treatment is recommended when Breakers are to be used in highly saline atmosphere or in chemical plants.0 Multivolt drop.1 Moisture Treatment 8. If an arc barrier is provided within the recommended maintenance space. provide a sufficient maintenance space around the beaker. For fixed type air circuit Breakers. It is therefore necessary to keep the area above these arc chutes clear of any metallic objects. also.Clearance 9. 12345678901 12345678901 12345678901 Metallic Structure / Electric Devices Heat/Flame Resistant Insulating Plate 28 . make the Breaker removable. If the provision of such distance is impracticable. at least by the distance from the Breaker bottom level.0 Clearance Above Arc Chute. maintenance space Arc gases expel out from the arc chutes when the Breaker interrupt a short circuit fault current. Maintenance Space shown below in reference to the Breaker bottom level. then provide a barrier of heat and flame resistant insulating material and of sufficient size to cover all arc chutes at the position indicated also as minimum Clearance above Arc chute. including electric devices and earthed structures. 10.Busbar No. of Bus-bars (Al) 2 2 2 2 4 3 4 4 ~ ~ ~ Al Conductor size (mm) 40*8 / 40*10 50*8 / 50*10 50*10 63*12 50*8 100*10 100*10 150*10 ~ ~ ~ 29 .0 Recommended sizes of Cu / Al Busbar as per IS13947-2 & IEC60947-2 Copper -Busbar Current Rating(A) 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000 6300 No of Bus-bars (Cu) 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 3 4 Copper Conductor Size (mm) 40*5 50*5 60*5 80*5 100*5 100*5 100*5 100*10 200*8 200*8 200*8 Aluminium. Outline Dimensions 11.1 Outline Dimensions and Panel Mounting Details (in mm) For AH-6D to AH-16D Front View Note: N is neutral pole of 4-pole breaker Note: N is neutral pole of 4-pole breaker 30 . Outline Dimensions Side View Rear View d 31 . Outline Dimensions 11.2 Outline Dimensions and Panel Mounting Details (in mm) For AH-20D TO AH-25D Front View Note: N is neutral pole of 4-pole breaker 32 . Outline Dimensions Side View Rear View 33 . Outline Dimensions 11.3 Outline Dimensions and Panel Mounting Details (in mm) For AH-30D Front View 34 . Outline Dimensions Side View Rear View 35 . Outline Dimensions 11.4 Outline Dimensions and Panel Mounting Details (in mm) For AH-40D Front View 36 . Outline Dimensions Side View Rear View 37 . 5 Outline Dimensions and Panel Mounting Details (in mm) For AH-50C / AH-60C Front View Rear View 38 .Outline Dimensions 11. Outline Dimensions Side View 77 0 800 10 00 39 . 8 11.USED INTERNALLY FOR ACB WITH UVT RELEASE Draw Out Type Fixed Type B3 Accessories 40 .12 13.2 7.14 17.Electrical Connection Diagram 12.USED INTERNALLY FOR ACB WITH MICROPROCESSOR Table of Terminal Numbers of Accessories Terminal Numbers 1.USED INTERNALLY FOR ELECTRICAL ACBs A3 .24 31~52 3 /4 Motor charging Shunt trip Under voltage trip Trip indicating switch OCR Alarm Switch DC 24V source Auxiliary Switch Closing Coil 4 A1 .0 Connecting Diagram ‰ with motor stored energy operation Auxiliary Switch Circuit 5 NO + 5 NC Thermal Magnatic Trip Circuit Microprocessor Trip Circuit Auxiliary Switch Circuit 7 NO + 7 NC B1 .18 23.USED INTERNALLY FOR ACB WITH SHUNT TRIP A2 . trip device Making Current Release Source device for OCR Magnetic Hold Trigger 41 . 61-63 OFF Connected Position : 71-72 ON. connect terminals (37)and (38) directly to the auxiliary switch A2) NI MCR ARO-1B MHT Electromagnetic inst.. 71-73 OFF LRC P..Electrical Connection Diagram Motor Charging Circuit Closing Circuit Shunt Trip Circuit Under Voltage Trip Circuit Trip Indication Switch Position Switch (Draw-Out) Test Position : 61-62 ON. X2 CLOSING COIL PUSH BUTTON ANTI PUMPING RELAY CHARGING MOTOR CT FOR OCR SHUNT TRIP COIL UNDER VOLTAGE TRIP COIL AUXILIARY RELAYS .- User wiring CSC wiring main and control isolating Contact Connecting terminal (When breaker is fixed type.C. M CT SH UV X1. H.B. 13.0 Dimensional Details for Vertical Adapter (AH 6D ~ 25D) AH 6~12 D AH 16 D AH 20~25 D REAR VIEW AH 6~25 D 42 . G Releases. 3 NO + 2 NC TRIP IND. 220V AC IS SUPPLIED ) AUX. & DATE DELIVERY DATE END USER / PANEL BUILDER NAME & PHONE NO. SW. THERMAL MAGNETIC SHUNT TRIP ______ V AC/ ______ V DC (220V AC SHUNT TRIP IS PROVIDED AS STANDARD) REQUIRED MAIN CT RATING _________ A SETTING OF NON-ADJ. (2) Neutral CT is required alongwith Microprocessor Release having Ground -Fault Protection. NOT REQD. for further details of μIT . 7 NO + 7 NC SPRING CHARGE IND. Committed to Excellence in Quality 43 . SHORT CIRCUIT _________ A. MAG. (NOS. SWITCH KEY LOCK UVT-AUH. NEUTRAL CT RATING _________ A. DC AC DELAY NO DELAY 2 ACBs 3 ACBs CLOSE-OPEN CYCLE COUNTER MECHANICAL INTERLOCK HOR. SWITCH SHUNT TRIP ______ VOLTS AC DC ( IF NOT SPECIFIED.100 / μIT . ________ A. ________ V. FIXED DRAWOUT POSITION INDICATION SWITCH SHORT CIRCUIT CONTACTS ______ NOS / ACB CLOSING COIL ______ V AC / ______ V DC OPERATION SHUNT TRIP COIL ______ V AC / ______ V DC MANUAL ELECTRICAL MOTOR 240V AC 110V AC 220V DC 110V DC WITHOUT RELEASES ALL SETTINGS OF RELEASES WOULD UNLESS & OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. ISOLATING CONTACT ASSLY. MICROPROCESSOR RELEASE RELEASES MAIN CT RATING BE SET AT MINIMUM VALUES. SWITCH ACCESSORIES POSITION IND.0 ACB Order Form Please fill seperate sheet for each type of ACB.ACB Order Form 14. CUSTOMER NAME ORDER NO. SW. INST. DOOR INTERLOCK SPECIAL REQUIREMENT/ ACCESSORIES (IF ANY) Notes : (1) Please refer catalogue / Price-List. RATING OF ACB REQUIRED NO. VER. This has to be mounted on Earth / Neutral Busbar of Panel. TRIP _________ KA AUX. 5 NO + 5 NC OCR ALARM SWITCH CASTLE KEYLOCK KEY INTERLOCK AUX. SW.) 50 0C 12/24/36 WAY AUX. 2500 A 3200 A 4000 A 5000 A 40 0C 6300 A QTY. Tick 5 the box in front of each appropriate item and fill in the blanks. SETTINGS : OVERLOAD μIT-100 μIT-G GROUND FAULT _______ A EARTHFAULT REQD. _____________ A. OF POLES MOUNTING 630 A 800 A 3 POLE 1000 A 1250 A 4 POLE 1600 A 2000 A AMBIENT TEMP.
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