
March 29, 2018 | Author: Kata Naresh Babu | Category: Subroutine, Database Index, Parameter (Computer Programming), Sql, Control Flow



CORE ABAPVINAYAKA SAP: - (System Applications and Products in data Processing). ABAP: - (Advance Business Application Programming) Programming Languages: - C, C++, Java, .Net…………. Packages: - Word, Excel, Tally, Focus, Wings…………… Operating System: - Dos, Windows, Unix, Linux……….. Database: - Oracle, Sql Server, Mysql……………………. ERP Products: - SAP, Oracle Application‟s, Siebel, CRM……….. Package: - Package is a set of rebuild instructions. Readymade built in functions. Database: - Database is stored the data permanently. Enterprise: - Organization or Company. Resource: - Money Man power Material Machinery Marketing  Finance,  HR, Material Management, Production, Sales. Planning: - How to utilizing the resources in a efficient way. To integrate the department Every Company to prepare the department SS 1) Front end department 2) Back end department 1) Front end department: - Market, Sales……. Customer directly interacting. 2) Back end department: - Hr, Finance, Production, Purchase, Inventory. 1|Page Santosh P CUSTOMER ENQUIRER MARKETING QUOTATION PLACE ORDER METERIAL SALES PURCHASE ORDER SALES ORDER WAREHOUSE DEPARTMENT YES BLILLING NO PRODUCTION DELIVERY ROW MATERIAL MANAGEMENT RAW MATERIAL NOT AVLIABLE PURCHASE FUNDS FINANCE FRONT END DEPARTMENT VENDOR 1 CHECK FOR STOCK VENDOR 2 VENDOR 3 BACK END DEPARTMENT Types of consultant in sap project: 1) 2) 3) 4) Function consultant Technical consultant Techno functional consultant Basis consultant FUNCTION TECHNICAL 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) SAP FICO SAP HR SAP MM SAP SD SAP CRM SAP PM ....N : : : Modules 1) ABAP 2) HR ABAP 3) WEB DYNPRO 4) CRM TECHNICAL 5) WORK FLOW 6) BI/BW 7) TF 8) EP (Enterprise portal) 2|Page Santosh P WRITE: .Constants is a keyword used for declaring constant variables.Write statement is a keyword used for display the Output „LPS‟ (List Processing Screen) .Value is a keyword used as part of data statement to initialize the variables. Preparing UTP (Unit Test Plan). Code review. Syntax: .data [:] <variable> <type/like> <data type> [value <initial value>].parameters <checkbox name> as checkbox [default „X‟]. „X‟  Selected. Transport management. 3|Page Santosh P . Preparing technical specs.parameters [:] <variable> <type/like> <data type> [default <default value>] [Lower case] [Obligatory] . Syntax: .  The value for constant variable it‟s fixed throughout the program.Data is a keyword used for declaring a variable in an ABAP.parameter is a keyword it generates a selection screen for reading the user input.Radio buttons is keyword. Syntax: . Supporting production issue. RADIO BUTTONS: .  Constant variable must be initializing at the time of declaration. CONSTANTS: . and integration testing.Checkbox is a keyword to select the checkbox‟s.parameters <radio button name> radio button group <group name> [default „X‟]. VALUE: . CHECKBOX: .  By default the parameter variables are displayed as labels on selection screen  To provide Meaningful description we need to generate text element. Build (Development). OBLIGATORY: . „ „  Not Selected. DATA: .Role of ABAP Consultant in SAP Project. unit testing. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Analysis understanding of functional specs.Obligatory is the keyword used as part of parameters statement to make a selection screen field as mandatory.  A group of radio buttons only one radio button can be selected. PARAMETERS: . Syntax: .  Radio button can have either of the following values. DEFAULT: . remaining statements of the program will be executed.  If it is executed outside the loop the control comes out of the program.  Field-symbols will act‟s like a pointer i.  Import statement is used for importing a variable value from ABAP memory which is stored in a memory id.It is keyword used for assigning a value to the field symbols.  The variables stored in the field-symbols is called referenced variable. CHECK STATEMENT: . NOTE: . Otherwise the program will be execute indefinite. EDITMASK: .A field-symbol is a data structure which can store any kind of data type.  Field-symbols are declared by using the keyword field-symbols. EXIT: . FIELD-SYMBOLS: .Whenever exit statement will executed inside a loop. EXPORT & IMPORT:  Export statement is used for exporting a variable value to the ABAP memory with in a memory id.  Field-symbols variable is always enclosed in angular brackets.By default whenever a program is called using submit keyword the control jump to called program and control will not returned to calling program. CONTINUE: .Edit mask is used as part of write statement to convert the data and time format to the user defined format. ASSIGN: . Syntax: .Whenever a continue statement is executed inside a loop. 4|Page Santosh P . Load the program not found. the changes made to the field-symbols will automatically reflect the reference variable and vice versa.Default is a keyword to provide the default values. The if statement condition is failed only the if block is ignored i.Submit keyword is used for calling a report from another report.Check is similar to IF.e.e.field-symbols <variable>. When the check statement condition is failed the remaining statements of the program will not be executed where as incase of IF statement.  Before execute the continue statement we need to increment or decrement the iteration variable accordingly.  If a non existing program is called by using submit keyword its result is runtime error. It skips the remaining statements of the loop and the control jumps to iteration. SUBMIT: . The control comes out of the looping statement. 4) TRANSLATE: . parameters statement is Field 4.Existing structure can be a local structure or it can be a dictionary structure created in the database.Clear is used for clearing the contents of a variable. MOVE: .It fills the blank spaces of a given string with the appropriate positioned character of the source string.It returns the length of the string.  Structure is used for storing record kind of information. It does not check for no of fields and field‟s name.It combines multiple strings into single string based on a d-limiter/separator. not allowed inside statement.It is used for extracting a position of a string. By default replace function is case sensitive.It splits a given string into a multiple substrings based on a d-limiter. 5|Page Santosh P . 6) OVERLAY: .It is a user defined data type which is a collection of different types of fields.Condense statement suppress the blank space in a given string. Field 3.By default replace function replaces first occurrence of a pattern with the target pattern. 5) CLEAR: . Syntax1: Data: begin of <Structure name>.STRING FUNCTIONS: 1) STRLEN: . 10) OFFSET LOGIC: . Syntax2: Data: <Structure> like <existing structure>.It converts a given string into a lower case or upper case translate string to lower case. Field 1. At any point of time the structure can store only single record. End of <Structure name>. 7) REPLACE: . 2) CONCATENATE: . STRUCTURES: . 3) SPLIT: .It is used for writing the content of the variable to the application server path. Only checks for the corresponding fields for data types between two structures. The above syntax only copies the fields from one structure to another structure. 9) CONDENSE: . Field 2. 8) TRANSFER: . ……… Field n. NOTE: .Statement is used for copying the data between two similar structures. end of <structure 2>.Move-corresponding is used between two dissimilar structures to copy the values from one structure to another structure.Declaring a structure inside another structure.It is the process of comparing two versions in the same system are across a system and identifying the differences and retrieving the appropriate version. INCLUDING STRUCTURE: Including all the fields of an existing structure into another structure by using include keyword.  The included structure can be local or dictionary structure. Syntax: . VERSION MANAGEMENT: . NESTED STRUCTURE: . field 2. end of <structure 1>. field 1. TRANSPORT ORGANIZER: .include structure <structure name>.. field 2. When the data type mismatches it leads to runtime error. It is recommended not to use corresponding because of the following reasons. field 1..  It may lead to runtime error because while copying it only checks for fields name but not for data type. ……….begin of <structure 1>. Syntax: .MOVE-CORRESPONDING: .  It decreases the performance of the application. Because each field of the source structure is compared with all the fields of the target structure which is a time consuming process. ……. ……… begin of <structure 2>. 6|Page Santosh P .Transport organizer is a tool used for managing the transports in the development environment. such as documentation.DICTIONARY OBJECTS: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Database Tables Views Data Type Type Group Domain Search Help Lock Object 1) Database Tables: . iii. ii. Cluster:  Cluster tables are logical tables that must be assigned to a table cluster when they are defined. We always create transparent table only. Transparent Pooled Cluster Transparent:  It is used to store application data such as master data transactional data.  This is many-to-one relationship. ii. i. i.Database tables are three types. for the table DDIC another table with the same structure and the same name and the same fields will be created in the original data base.  Cluster tables can be used to store control data.  There is one-to-one relationship i. Database View Projection View Maintenance View Help View 7|Page Santosh P . 2) Views: It is a data dictionary object. iv.e.  The data from several different pooled tables can be stored together in a table pool. They can also be used to store temporary data or texts. Pooled:  It is used for exclusively for storing internal control information. iii. It is considered as a pseudo table. A view never occupy any physical space in the database server. Help View:  Help views can be used as selection method in search helps.  Structure is used for storing record kind of information. This can minimize interface. Internal tables can be divided into three types.It is a user defined data type which is a collection of different types of fields.  A data element created at once can be used across many places.Database View:  Database views are implemented with an equivalent view on the database.  Database views are defined in the ABAP dictionary. You cannot define selection conditions for projection views.  A projection view contains exactly one table. A database view is automatically created in the underlying database when it is activated. Maintenance View:  Permit you to maintain the data distributed on several tables for one application object at one time. Standard Table ii. Sorted Table iii. Table Type:  Table type is an internal table create at a data base level it can be associated with a line type. iii. Structure: .  A table type is a global internal existing at the database level. Projection View:  Projection views are used to hide fields of a table. Hashed Table 8|Page Santosh P . Data Element Structure Table Type Data Element:  A data element is a reusable dictionary object. A line type can be a data element or a structure. At any point of time the structure can store only single record.  The table type determines how ABAP will access individual table entries. ii. i. 3) Data Type: i.  Data element can be created either by referring a direct data type or by referring to a domain. Which provides the short description for the field? This description appears automatically on the transaction. You cannot specify a unique key. The technical properties include data type. You can only access a hashed table using its key. The response time for key access is logarithmically proportional to the number of table entries. 5) Domain:  A domain is a reusable dictionary object which stores technical properties of the field.Search help are two Types.types-pools <type poolname>/<type groupname>. value range. The system can access records either by using the table index or the key. 4) Type Group: -They define data types in a type group in the ABAP/4 Dictionary instead of defining them within an ABAP/4 program.Standard Table: . The key of a hashed table must be unique. Hashed Table: .  The types in a type group must be declared in ABAP/4 programs with the TYPEPOOLS command. Type names within type group <typepool> must begin with <typepool> followed by an underscore. i. They also have an internal index. you must specify whether the key is to be unique or not. Sorted Table: . The key of a sorted table can be either unique or nonunique. The elementary search help must define where the data of the hit list should be read from (selection method). In this case. From a particular size upwards. you must specify the key as UNIQUE. Elementary Search Help ii. the index administration overhead increases in logarithmic and not linear relation to the number of lines. and is constant. since the system accesses the table entries using a hash algorithm. 9|Page Santosh P . Collective Search Help Elementary Search Help: . The key of a standard table is always non-unique. The response time for key access is proportional to the number of entries in the table.Standard tables have an internal linear index.Sorted tables are always saved sorted by the key.Hashed tables have no linear index. The response time is independent of the number of table entries. The system can access records either by using the table index or the key.  The type group name in the ABAP/4 Dictionary has a maximum of 5 characters. value table. how the exchange of values between the screen template and selection method is implemented (interface of the search help) and how the online input help should be defined (online behavior of the search help). When you define the table. the indexes of internal tables are administered as trees. When you define the table. since the system does not have to check whether there are already existing entries. 6) Search Help: . This means that standard tables can always be filled very quickly.describe a search path. Standard tables and sorted tables are known generically as index tables. size. since the system uses a binary search. Syntax: . HIGH: . These function modules are automatically generated from the definition of lock object in the ABAP dictionary.Collective Search Help: .Describe table statement counts the no of records in the internal table and stores the count value in the system field „SY-TFILL‟. Select-Options: . >. >=.It is the event triggered by sap before displaying the selection screen.Include: . default) SIGN: . Describe: .combine several elementary search helps.It is the internal table provided by sap which is associated with 4 fiedls. <=. Corresponding Fields: As part of select query when the no of fields or sequence of fields retrieved from database table is not matching with the target internal table or structure then we need to use corresponding field‟s statements in the select query. OPTION: .Include is a keyword used at the field level to include a dictionary structure in another dictionary structure. 1) LOW 2) HIGH 3) OPTION 4) SIGN LOW: .  Selection-options are used for reading the range of values. . INITIALIZATION: . When interactive transaction is programmed. It is triggered only once in the life time of a selection screen. It is used for initializing the selection screen fields. default) or E (exclusive). A collective search help thus can offer several alternative search paths. 10 | P a g e Santosh P . 7) Lock Object:  The R/3 system synchronizes access of several users to the same data records with a lock mechanism.It stores upper limit.It will stores lower limit.Possible values are <.I (inclusive. bt (between. locks are set and released by calling modules. It clears the local structure clearing from work area.  It there are more no of select queries it increases the network traffic there by decreases the performance.  It is always recommended to use the read statement to sort the internal table before using binary search.  Read statement can be used either based on an index or based on a condition. Read always reads the single record even if there are multiple records satisfying the conditions.Select end select is considered as database loop and it retrieves single record per request. But this is not recommended.  To transport only specific fields use transporting keyword as part of read statement. It only checks for primary key field values.Each & every time we will write clear statement.Insert: . 11 | P a g e Santosh P .  While inserting the data into database table from an internal table it is always recommended to use modify statement instead of insert statement. This is the reason it is recommended not to use select endselect.  The index of the internal table starts form 1. Because incase of insert if the duplicate record is found it results in runtime error. Syntax for inserting data into database table from an internal table: Inset/modify <dbtable> from table <internal dbtable> Read Statement: .It is used for reading a specific record from the internal table.  By default read follows linear search first to last.  The no of select queries depends upon the no of records satisfying the criteria.  To avoid the runtime errors use accepting duplicate keys. This improves the performance.By default read statement transports all the fields between body to work area.  Select-endselect it always retrieves single record per request. Clear: . Without accepting duplicate key we have a runtime error. Modify: . SELECT ENDSELECT: . Syntax for inserting data into database table from an structure: Insert/modify <dbtable> from table <workarea>.modify statement it insets a new record or update the existing records.Insert statement always inserts a new record and ignores records if it already exists. Transporting: . A cursor is a special data structure it can be use for storing multiple records by using cursors we can avoid the usage of internal tables.net etc…. Syntax: . Syntax: .Open the cursor. . Step1: . Native SQL Open SQL: Native SQL: . Cursors in open SQL: .It is a set of SQL statement to interact with database systems from the front end applications like Java. This statements are specific to database. Syntax: . Syntax: .Declare the cursor. Step3: .Open the cursor.Close cursor <cursor name>.Standard SQL: . Cursors in native SQL: Step1: . Step4: . Note:  Native SQL statements always embedded between execute SQL and end execute.  It should not end the statement with (.) period & separate the variable by comma (. Syntax: .Fetch next cursor <cursor name> into <target variable>.Every database vendor provides a set of SQL statements to interact with their own database systems. 1.  From ABAP we can use two type of SQL statement.Open <cursor name> for <select query>.Read the cursor contents. Step2: . Note:  Only select statement can be associated with cursors. Note:  For native SQL the variables are preferred (:) bind variables.data : <cursor name> type cursor. 12 | P a g e Santosh P .Read the cursor contents. Step2: .Fetch next <cursor name> into <target bind variables>.) to select query.Open cursor <cursor name> for <select query>.. Open SQL 2.  Whenever a cursor is opened a select statement associated with the cursor will be processed and the output of the select query is called as active set. Close the cursor.close <cursor name>. 13 | P a g e Santosh P . In a single message class we can store up to 1000 messages. Note: .A message class is a collection of messages. Syntax: .This type of join will retrieve the data from multiple tables if the data is found commonly in all the tables. only transparent tables can be used within the joins.Join‟s is used to extract the data from several tables by joining them together with s a common field. Syntax: . Types of message: I (information) W (warning) S (status) E (error) A (abort)  Once we create message class we will use it anywhere of those classes. If the field is replaced in several tables we need to identify that field along with table name. Message classes: . The message internal value ranges from 000 to 999.message <message type> <message id> <<message class>>.  Se91 is a T-CODE used for creating and managing message classes. 1) Inner join 2) Outer join 1) Inner join: . MESSAGE 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 MESSAGE SHORT TEXT RECORD INSERTED RECORD NOT INSERTED RECORD MODIFIED RECORD NOT MODIFIED RECORD DELETED RECORD NOT DELETED RECORD FOUND RECORD NOT FOUND Join ‟ .Depending upon the sicbret of the message we can use the appropriate message type. Joins are two types. hence „~‟ (tilt symbol) is used along with the table „allies‟ name in order to uniquely identify a field from specified table.Step3: . if any one of the table doesn‟t contain for the given condition no data is extracted from any of a table. if the common record found in both table then the system will extract the data from both tables.Whenever you used the right side table record with left side table. the record does not exist in right side table.TABLE A TABLE B A a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 B b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 C c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 D d1 d2 d1 d4 d5 D d1 d2 d3 d2 d5 E e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 F f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 G g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 H h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 Table A Inner join Table B A a1 a2 a2 a3 a5 B b1 b2 b2 b3 b5 C c1 c2 c2 c3 c5 D d1 d2 d2 d1 d5 D d1 d2 d2 d1 d5 E e1 e2 e4 e1 e5 F f1 f2 f4 f1 f5 G g1 g2 g4 g1 g5 H h1 h2 h4 h1 h5 2) Outer join: . It for the specified field. TABLE A TABLE B A a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 B b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 C c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 D d1 d2 d1 d4 d5 D d1 d2 d3 d2 d5 E e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 F f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 G g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 H h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 14 | P a g e Santosh P . then system will extract left side record into consideration. It is similar to F5 but when F6 is pressed at the time of calling a block. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Increases reusability Better maintenance Performance improvement Readability Controlling the flow of the program Internal Subroutines: Syntax: . Pass by reference: .Modularization is a process of breaking the program into individual modules.It executes single step at a time.When F7 is pressed inside a block the entire remaining statements of the block will be executed as a single step and the control comes out of the block and cursor is placed in the next statement after the block called. 2) F6 (EXECUTE): .In pass by reference the address of actual parameters are passed as parameters to formal parameters. The time of calling the entire statements of the block will be executed as a single step. so any changes made to formal parameters will automatically reflect the actual parameters. Syntax: . <subroutine> [parameter list]. 15 | P a g e Santosh P .Syntax for calling internal subroutine performs. (Subroutine. method. 4) F8 (RUN): .Syntax for defining internal subroutine form.When F8 is pressed the control jumps to next available break point if not available the entire program will be executed as a single step. function module). By modularizing the following are the advantages.Table A Left Outer Join Table B A a1 a2 a2 a3 a4 a5 B b1 b2 b2 b3 b4 b5 C c1 c2 c2 c3 c4 c5 D d1 d2 d2 d1 d4 d5 D d1 d2 d2 d1 0 d5 E e1 e2 e4 e1 0 e5 F f1 f2 f4 f1 null f5 G g1 g2 g4 g1 0 g5 H h1 h2 h4 h1 null h5 Modularization Techniques: . Navigations in break points: 1) F5 (SINGLE STEP): . 3) F7 (RETURN): . <subroutine> [parameter list].  Each sub include is reference to a function. Note: .This will act as both importing & exporting. Function module is stored inside function group.In this the function module is implemented. Whenever a function group is created two include programs will be created. Changing: .Function module is a set of statements it is defined only once and it can be called any no of times. subroutine definitions and module definitions. 1) In clu d e en d in g wit h „ TOP‟ : .these are the parameters received by function module. subroutines.  In this sub include will be generated.  Function group can be created by using SE80/SE37.It is include generated for sap purpose. 6) Source code: . Tables: . Syntax for defining normal function: Function < function name > . Classes. Function Module: .these are the parameters returned by function modules. etc…. Function group: .In pass by value the values of actual parameters are copied to formal parameters.It is called as top include file and it can contain global declarations.These are used for interaction with user defined exceptions.By default the function module type is normal & it is client independent object i. Statements. This can be use both as import & export. End function. 2) In clu d e en d in g wit h „ UXX‟ : . 16 | P a g e Santosh P .e.A function group is a repository object with can contain different type of repository object like function modules. Any changes made to formal parameters will not reflect actual parameters value is a keyword used to pass the parameters by value. Syntax for calling normal function: Call function <function name> [parameter list] . It is developed by using function builder tool. a function module created at one type can be accessed from other client for the same server. Sections in function builder tool: 1) 2) 3) 4) Importing: . Exporting: .These are used for interacting with internal table as parameters.Pass by value: . 5) Exception: . Whenever a new function module is created.  Exception handling is a process of handling the runtime errors and continues the program execution without termination. User defined exception in function modules:  In case of system defied exceptions the standard exception is declared & raised by Sap itself & it is handled by the developer.  We can handle the standard exceptions by using try & catch blocks. The catch block is placed immediately after the try block.Handle the exception I the calling program by checking the SY-SUBRC status. Macro: . Note: . It is used in HR-ABAP Macro is a „predefined constant‟ which can hold 9 different placeholders.  In function modules we can handle the standard exception by using “try & catch”. Example: .66/0  It is runtime error  exception occurs. 17 | P a g e Santosh P .Declare the user defined exceptions in the exception tab of the function module. End-of-definition.  In case of user defined exceptions it is declared raised and handled by the developers.Raise the exception in the source code at the appropriate place by using raise statement.  Catch CX_ROOT is parent class of catch we can‟t sure able to the choose class we can use CX_ROOT. Step2: . Step 1: .O/P: . you can include them in a macro. Step3: . (parameters). Syntax for defining macro: Define <macro name>.If no exception is raised SY_SUBRC set to “ZERO”. Statements with place holders.If you want to reuse the same set of statements more than once in a program.  Whenever an exception is raised in the try block SAP creates the appropriate exception class objects and the control is transferred to catch block.  Inside the catch block we need to handle the exception.Exceptions in function modules:  An exception is a runtime error which is raised during the execution of a program.  Inside the try block we need to keep these statements where the possible error might occur. Event handling:  Events only write at the last. 3) RADIO BUTTONS.This event is triggered before displaying the selection-screen. Syntax for designing blocks: Selection-screen begin of block <block name> with frame [title <title variable>]. 1) Initialization: .e. 8) LABELS. 2) CHECK BOXES.  This event is triggered after initialization event as well as after at selection screen event. Note: . 7) TAB BUTTONS. A selection screen can contain following component. 2) At selection-screen output: . As part of ABAP they are many events provided by SAP. 6) TABBED BLOCKS. 1) I/O FIELDS. Selection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title pqr. 4) PUSH BUTTONS.All the standard macros which are part of HR functional modules It‟s stored in the table “TRMAC”. 5) BLOCKS. i.Syntax for calling macro: <macro name> value1 value2………………value9. Syntax for designing labels: Selection-screen comment <position> (<width>) <label variable>. 18 | P a g e Santosh P . I.e.It is used for generating a selection screen which can contain different types of component. It is triggered only one time of life time in the selection screen. Selection screen programming: . It is used for initializing the selection screen. it is used for refreshing the elements of the screen in the runtime.  As part of selection-screen they are different events triggered. which are triggered at different places.This event is used for controlling the screen display in ht runtime. Syntax for designing push buttons: Selection-screen push button <position> (<width>) <button name> user-command <function code>. it is triggered at least once before displaying the selection screen. If the tabbed block does not have any tab buttons then it results to runtime error. For a selection screen field or a dialogue screen field.If a data element is associated with a search help then by default f4 help available provided for the field whenever it is used on selection screen or dialogue screen. Selection-screen end of line.  When the user presses “enter” key in the I/O field.M:. F. Note: .This event is triggered in the following cases.blockname> for <n> lines. Syntax: slection-screen begin of tabbed block <tab. Selection-screen tabbed blocks:  A tabbed block is a collection of tabbed button. Declaration of tab buttons. Whenever k4 key is pressed on a field. Syntax for declaring tab buttons: Selection-screen tab (<width>) <name> user-command <function code>. Selection-screen begin of lines. 3) At selection-screen: .  When the user clicks on selection-screen push buttons. 19 | P a g e Santosh P . This structure holds the information of the screen-elements. Note: .  In this case the function code of the push button is captured in the system field “  SY-UCOMM”.Screen is a structure provided by SAP this structure will act as internal table in the run time. 4) At selection-screen on value-request: This event is triggered when the user presses f4 key on a selection-screen I/O field.blockname>.  It the search help is not attached with the data element level then manually we need to attach f4 help.„F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST‟ Is a function module used for displaying the internal table contents as a list of values. Selection-screen end of block <tab.  Each tab button is associated with a sub screen a sub screen is a part of a screen.Note: . Dynpro does not exist. Selection-screen begin of screen 100 as subscreen. Syntax for sub screens: Selection-screen begin of screen <screen no> as subscreen. Set pf-status „<GUI STATUS>‟. Dialog programming (module pool programming): It is used for developing user defined transaction.2. Menu painter (se41): It is used for defining the custom GUI status for a dialogue screen (Or) for a LPS (list processing screen) as part of this new GUI status we can add additional menus.5….The GUI status must always be in upper case. Properties of tabbed block: 1) Active tab: . Then both the buttons as well as the functionality will be enabled.  We can enable the menu painter by using the statement set pf-status „<GUI STATUS>‟ Syntax: . Adding push buttons on selection-screen application toolbar: Syntax: Selection-screen function key <n>.It holds the sub screen no.It holds the name of the program where the sub screen is existing. 2) Program: . which needs to be associated with the active tab. 1) PBO (process before output) 2) PAI (process after input) 3) POV (process on value-request) 4) POH (process on help-request) 20 | P a g e Santosh P . A transaction cannot executed of its own. It we associate the user defined function codes then only then buttons are enabled without the functionality in this case we need to enable the functionality. Where <n> can be 1. When for the custom GUI status SAP loses the standard GUI status. As part of this they are 4 events associate. Enable or disable the standard tool bar push buttons and we can add 35 push buttons o n the LPS application tool bar. Then standard function code for the standard tool bar buttons.. By handling the event at user command. As part of the custom GUI status on LPS if we associate the standard function code for the standard tool bar buttons.It holds the function code of the tab button which needs to be activated. 3) Dynnr: . It must be associated with a T-code.4.3. It must be placed on top of screen areas. Tab strip control: . Syntax for calling subscreens: Call sub screen <sub screen area> including <program name> <sub screen no>.This event is similar to at selection-screen event. It is triggered when the user presses „f4‟ key in the I/O field. These variables can be used across the screens in the module pool programs.PBO: .  A tab button is associated with a sub screen. POV: .It is similar to at-selection-screen output event.  When the user selects or deselects a check box or a radio button.It is a component in module pool which is a collection of tab buttons. It is executed before the transactions are displayed as well as after PAI event.  A single sub screen area can be associated. It is triggered when the user presses „f1‟ key on a transaction field. It is used for associating custom f1 help for a transaction field. POH: . Sections in screen painter tool: 21 | P a g e Santosh P .  A sub screen cannot sit directly on normal screen.  When the user selects a value from the dropdown list box. Syntax for calling normal screen: Call screen <screen no>. With any no of sunscreens If a screen contains tab strip control it must be declared explicitly.  Sub screen area is a container of sub screens. PAI: . It is triggered in the following cases.  When the user presses enter key in the I/O field.It is similar to at selection-screen on help request.As part of module pool program a top include file can be created which can be used for declaring “global variables”. Syntax for declaring tab strip control Controls <tab strip name> type tab strip.This event is similar to at selection-screen on value request.  When the user clicks a push button. By using the keyword controls. Note: . It is used for associating custom f4 help for a transaction I/O field. 3) Module pool validations.It contains the information of the elements along wit h the coordinates based on the screen. 22 | P a g e Santosh P .Create a module pool program in SE80 (with/without top include file).In this we design the screen.The events are implemented in the form of module definitions.In this its specifies the type of screens. design the screen (Layout) and the corresponding events (Flow Logic) for the corresponding module pool program. 4) Flow Logic: . normal screens. Procedure2: Step1: .Activate all the related objects.Declare and implement the events and the corresponding modules (Flow Logic). Note: . Step3: . Procedure for creating module pool programs: Procedure1: Step1: . Step2: In screen painter tool (SE51). Step2: .Associate the T-code with the starting screen.Associate the T-code (Se93) with the starting screen. Step4: .Create an empty program of type „module pool‟ (se38).In this we declare & implement the events along with the corresponding modules. 2) Element list: . 1) Automatic field validations.1) Attributes: . Step3: . Step5: .Design the screen (Layout). model dialog box. The error messages are provide by SAP itself. sub screen. Field validation in module pool transaction: We can validate a module pool transaction by using 3 different types of validataion. 3) Layout: . 2) Flow logic validations.  As part of this validations. 1) Automatic field validations:  These validations are triggered by SAP itself based on the properties maintained for the field at the dictionary level or at the screen-level. I. The error messages are provide by SAP. Whenever a functions contains table control component it must be declared explicitly by using controls keyword.Note: .Whenever the validations are failed on a transaction.In automatic field validation and flow logic validation. This can be avoided by using chain end chain. File handling on application server: Opening the file: Syntax: Open dataset <path> for <file opening mode> in <text mode/binary mode> [encoding default] [message <string>]. Whenever a field fails a validation. So in these cases explicitly we need to create a button which acts as a cancel button. But if the transaction fails at least one validation. (in the form of rows & columns). it does not support vertical scrolling. This can be achieved to the cancel button. The user cannot exit the button. SAP doesn‟t allow performing any action by default.e. Appending  for appending contents to end of file.  As part of this implementation the developer can provide the user defined the message. Table control: .  As part of module pool validations we need to declare the module in flow logic and implement in the module pool program. 3) Module pool validations: . File opening mode: .These validations are designed by developer in the flow logic.  Vertical scrolling properties should be enabling explicitly by using settings „lines‟ properties of the table control.  By default table control supports only horizontal scrolling properties.input  for reading. 2) Flow logic validations: . Syntax for declaring table control: Controls <table control name> type table view using screen <screen no>. In most of the times the user wants to exit the screen without submitting the field‟s values of the transaction. Output for writing. Update  for reading/ writing. Perform the operation [Read/Write]. 23 | P a g e Santosh P .Table control is a component in module pool transaction used for representing a data in table or format. On a transaction if any field is failing the flow logic or module pool validation the other fields on the transaction are disabled not allowing the user to input the values.  Chain-endchain is used for grouping the logically related fields. SAP opens the file. 2) Call transaction. Note:  It a non existing file is open in output mode. Data migration using call transaction method: Data Transaction: - Legacy System Internal Table BDC data Transaction Internal Table (Screen) Call Transaction Method R/3 24 | P a g e Santosh P . 3) Session. deletes the existing contents and places the file pointer at the beginning of the file for writing new contents.transfer <variable> to <path> 3) Close the file: Syntax: . 2) For writing: Syntax: . BDC (Batch Data Communication): .Whenever a file is opened in text mode read data-set statement reads the content from the file line by line in case of binary mode it reads byte by byre.Close dataset <path>. Note: . SAP creates the file and the file pointer will be at the beginning of the file for writing the new contents. Call transaction & session methods are called as Batch Input Methods.BDC techniques are used for transferring the data from legacy system to sap.1) For Reading: Read dataset <path> into <target variable>. BDC Techniques: 1) Direct input method. If the read is successful sy-subrc is set to „0‟ otherwise „4‟.  Whenever an existing file is opened in output mode. The legacy system can be any text file or excel sheet. Data migration using session methods: Legacy system internal table BDC session transaction R/3. [<messages into <bdc message call internal table>].It holds the name of the module pool program. Legacy System Internal Table 25 | P a g e BDC data Internal Table Session Object Transaction (Screen) R/3 Santosh P . whether the file is available on presentation server or application server. PROGRAM: . Syntax for call transaction: Call transaction <tcode> [using <bdc data internal table>].As part of call transaction and session method we need to map the legacy system data on to a transaction for this we need to use the structure BDC data provided by SAP. Existence of the file i. For data migration using BDC migration using BDC techniques the ABAP consultants needs to understand the format of the legacy system. FVAL: . DYNBEGIN: . DYNPRO: .It holds the module pool screen no. The sequence and data type of fields.It holds the module pool screen field name.TXT file or excel sheet) The type of data is stored in the file The corresponding tables & fields in SAP. This includes the information like. It contains following fields.It is a flag indicator for the occurrence of a new record. [mode <processing mode>].e. FNAM: . 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Type of file (. [update <update mode>].It holds the field value retrieve name from the legacy system and which needs to mapped to the transaction fields. Step3: .In call transaction the errors needs to be handler explicitly in case of session the log is generated automatically by SAP itself which can be analyzed at data later point of time.It is an indicator to keep the session output even data processing the session object.e.It holds the client no in which the session object has to be created.It holds the data in which the session object is blocked. It contains following parameters. call transaction is immediate processing. e) User: .It holds the user name where is authorized to process the session object. I. a) Client: .Close the session object by calling the function module „BDC_CLOSE_GROUP‟. Session technique is offline processing.It holds the BDC data internal table.It holds the session object name. Session object is client dependent. c) Hold date: . Note: . Whenever the network traffic to the application server is lss. Note: .Call transaction Technique is online. b) DYNPRO TAB: . In general the session object is processing during non business hours.SM35 Is the T-code used for processing the session object. 26 | P a g e Santosh P .Create the session object by using the function module BDC_OPEN_GROUP. It contains following parameters. I. d) Keep: . I.e.Map the internal table (type BDC data) data to the session object by calling the function module “BDC_INSERT”. b) Group: . once the BDC data internal table is mapped to the session object the session object can be processed at later point of time. Note: .e. Step2: . a) T-code: .It holds the T-code of the transaction to which the session object data is mapped.SM35 Is T-code used for processing the session object. Procedure to interact with session object: Step1: . when enter the call transaction is executed the records are processed one after the other. 2) „A‟ (Asynchronous): In this no status is returned after processing the record. if does not required any user interaction).Recording Method:  In recording technique we need to record a transaction with same input values.Z147/SHDB is the T-code for Recording. 3) „L‟ (Local Update): It uses the memory of the local system to process the record. 2) „E‟ (Error): Display error screens in this mode the error record is validated as an when it is encountered (as soon as it is displayed on the transaction) ( i. Transaction: .  This source code needs to be edited manual to map it to the legacy system for data migration. Direct input method: - Legacy System Internal Table R/3 Database 27 | P a g e Santosh P .  Based upon this recording SAP itself generates a source code.BDCMSGCOLL is a structure used for collections the messages which are captured during data migration using call transaction. Types of update modes: 1) „S‟ (Default) (Synchronous): In this for every record sy-subrc status is returned. 3) „N‟ (No display): It indicates background processing. Error Handling in call transaction: Note: .e. only after receiving the sy-subrc status the next record is processed. Syntax: Call transaction <tcode> using <bdcdata> Mode <processing mode> Update<update mode> Message into <bdcmsgcoll> Types of processing mode: 1) „A‟ (Default): It displays all screen one after the other in this mode the error records is validate. 2) Create a drier program to execute the form. SAP Scripts: . Used for designing the business documents such as quotation document enquiry document. 1) Open _Form. 3) Close_Form.  A driver program is an executable program as part of the driver program which is also called as a print program/executable program.  A driver program is an executable program as part of the driver program.  Every form should contain minimum one window. Procedure for designing sap script form: 1) Design the form using form painter tool (SE71). 2) Write_Form.  SAP script templates are designed by use form-painter tool (SE71)  A script cannot be executed directly.Limitations of direct input method: No error log is generated so we can‟t understand how many records and which records are processed or not processed. And window is used for displaying the data. sales order document invoice etc. SAP has provided by SAP are available in the table „TNAPR‟.  As part of ABAP. With appropriate windows. we use the following function modules.It is the word processing tool.  A main window can fit to single page it can extend to multiple pages depending on the data. mail server etc. This window is called as main window. 1) 28 | P a g e Santosh P . Purchase order document.  Once these documents are designed they can send to a printer. 2) There is a possibility of migrating the during migration the records are not passed to a transaction so no validations are performed on the migrated data. It requires a driver program which is also called as a print program.  Sap script form is a collection of windows. 2) Standard Symbols: . These symbols are declared in form level and the values are supplied from driver program.These symbols and their values are provided by SAP and the exists as the part of the „TABLE-TTXSY‟. 4) Text Symbols: .The data in the window can contain different paragraph format. Once the text is read we can modifying the text accordingly and update the changes to standard text by using the function module SAVE_TEXT.For modifying the standard text dynamically based on a condition we need to read the existing standard text by using the function module READ_TEXT.Whenever a form is displayed by using START_FORM we must end the form by using END_FORM before opening the next form otherwise it results is ABORT ERROR. 1) 2) 3) 4) System symbols Standard symbols Program symbols Text symbols 1) System Symbols: .These symbols are exists in the form of control commands. SAP script form is client dependent and language dependent.By default standard text does not generate any change request. Transporting standard text: . Each paragraph format is associated with different form and style settings.It is an object which holds the common information which needs to be appearing in all the business documents standard text is created on using the T-code (SO10). Standard Texts: . Modifying Standard text dynamically: Note: . And there are stored in the „TABLE-TTDTG‟.These symbols and their values are provided by developer. Note: . Types of symbols in SAP scripts: . It needs o be attached to a change request manually by executing the program „RSTXTRAN‟.  Standard text does not generate any change request it needs to be assign to a request manually.Symbols are used for representing a value in sap scripts there are 4 types of symbols.These symbols and their values are provided by SAP. 29 | P a g e Santosh P . 3) Program Symbols: .  We can include the standard text in any no of forms by using the control command includes.Note: . Pass data to smart forms: . But this procedure is not recommended. And when activated it generates a new function module when naming conventions specific to the production client. „TFDIR‟ is a table which stores the smart forms. Smart Styles: . A smart form does not require any driver programs it can be executed directly.Smart forms: .  The reasons for this are when the smart form is transported to production client. 30 | P a g e Santosh P .  As part of the driver program we need to call the smart form related function module.A smart form is also a word processing tool where the development & maintenance cost is minimum smart form is „client-independent‟ because smart form is a function module generated dynamically whenever a smart form is activated. Text Modules: . As part of the driver program call the function module „SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME‟ Function modules take the smart forms name is input and returns the associated function module name which is received in a appropriate variable type.Text module is a set of statements which is defined once and which can be included in any no of smart forms.It is used for designing user defined style format which can be included in any no of smart forms.  Even though a smart form can be executed directly we need to create a driver program for calling the smart form function module because in the production system the across to smart form T-code may be decide.To pass the data to smart forms from a driver program we need to use the parameter sections of the smart form function module.  So to avoid this we need to follow the below procedure. Syntax: AT LAST. 4) AT LAST: . 1) 2) 3) 4) AT FIRST AT NEW AT END OF AT LAST 1) AT FIRST: . this event is triggered only once.This event is triggered at end of the last row the internal table.Control Break Events in Smart forms: . for database tables from which you mainly read. 2) AT NEW: . Secondary indexes should contain columns that you use frequently in a selection. ENDAT. Secondary Index: You should only create secondary indexes. and that are as highly selective as possible to improve performance. 3) AT END OF: . STATEMENTS. Syntax: AT NEW <FIELD NAME> STATEMENTS. Syntax: AT END OF <FIELD NAME> STATEMENTS.These events must be used only between loop and endloop. since indexes have to be updated each time the database table is changed. ENDAT.This event is triggered at end of the last row for specified last field. ENDAT.At new event is triggered whenever a new value is encountered the specified field. STATEMENTS. Syntax: AT FIRST. ENDAT.This event is trigger whenever the first record of the internal table is read. 31 | P a g e Santosh P . they contain sections of code or algorithms that are used frequently locally. Subroutines cannot return the values. They can be remote enabled.Subroutine: Subroutines are procedures that you can define in any ABAP program and also call from any program. They can handled exceptions. The table specified as part of select option must be declared explicitly by using table keyword. They cannot. Subroutines are normally called internally. In case of ranges no need of explicit declarations. 32 | P a g e Santosh P . Only a few can handle. use a function module. that is. Difference between select option and ranges: - SELECT-OPTIONS Select-options generate the selection screen. Subroutines are not executable programs They cannot be independently tested. They cannot. for option and sign fields. By default it contains default values for option Ranges explicitly we need to assign the values and sign. They have to be maintained in a function It is not necessary. group. RANGES Ranges do not generate the selection screen. Function modules can return the value. If you want a function to be reusable throughout the system. Difference between subroutine and function module: - FUNCTION MODULE SUBROUTINES They can be tested itself. Function module are executable programs The can be independently tested. It is client Independent. only works with printers New barcode technology: SAP converts that are able to generate barcodes by barcode data into an image. Calling should be the first and definition should be the next. Subroutines are used in ABAP (conversion programs). We can place any executable statements after the definition of the macro. no borders. Definition should be the first and calling should be the next. It is possible to create smart forms without a main window.endif. It can accept up to 9 place holders (Inputs). with borders. useful for printing several identical labels per page. Main window can have several ones.. Difference between SAP Scripts and Smart Forms: - SAP SCRIPTS Simulated by the use of tabulations.Difference between macro‟ s and subroutines : - MACRO The definition of the macro as well as calling of the macro in the same program. We cannot place any executable statement after the definition of the subroutine. so it works for all themselves (natively or addition of SIMM). Conditions like if. SUBROUTINE The definition of the subroutine as well as the calling of the subroutine may or may not in the same program. case.. SMART FORMS True tables. There is no XML & HTML Pages format are only once. so they can't contain dynamic long texts. It is client dependent. Main window can have only once. Macros are used in HR-ABAP.endcase inside a Exists as conditions on windows window Printer-dependent. Several page formats are possible. It can accept any no of place holders. device types which are able to print graphics few printers supported by SAP 33 | P a g e Santosh P . Smart forms generate XML output which can be viewed through the web. ground. We can manually handle the errors in the call The session method generates an error log that transaction. Call transaction is the immediate database After processing the session by using session updating. will handle the errors. We can place the same main window up to 99 times per page. Data is displayed continuously. Top Endtop Bottom Endbottom works with in the main window only. Without a main window we cannot design SAP-SCRIPT. Call transaction is faster than session method. method the data will be up to in the database. Difference between call transaction and session method: - CALL TRANSCATION We can process only one transaction at a time. (00 to 99 times) In the main window text element is compulsory. We can‟t schedule the call transaction in back We can schedule the session method in back ground. Session method is little bit slower than call transaction. These commands are not work in variable window. 34 | P a g e Santosh P . SESSION METHOD We can process „N‟ no of transactions at a time. Call transaction is suitable for less amount of Session method is suitable for large amount of data in the flat file. It never returns sy-subrc. We can place the variable window only once in a page. data in the flat file. It returns sy-subrc. Based on the window size data is printed. Without a variable window we can design SAP-SCRIPT. In the variable window text element is optional.Difference between main window and variable window in sap-script: - MAIN WINDOW We can split the main window into smaller windows. VARIABLE WINDOW We cannot split the variable window. It does not support OOPS ALV. Logo is not possible in list display. Differences between grid display & list display: - List display It displays the output in a list format. But in call by reference method. It does not support blocked & hierarchical ALV‟s. In call by value method. Changes made to the variable are not affected outside the subroutine. but actually it works on the original copy and thus changes will be reflected back. displayed. Whereas if they are called by reference both will be created at the same location.Difference between call by value and call by reference: - Call By Value Call By Reference It creates a new memory location for use within the subroutine. Write statement is enough to display the header and footer information. a compiler get a copy of the variable and thus changes made in the value in function will not reflected back to the called function. both the actual and formal parameters Will be created in different memory locations. It is slower than list display. In call by value. Santosh P Whenever we are working with row color then it displays the color for non-key fields. Changes made to the variable within the subroutine affects the variable outside The subroutine. We must use „REUES_ALV_COMMENTRY_WRITE‟ function module to display the header and footer information. „EDIT‟ option is not possible „EDIT‟ option is possible. It is faster than grid display. Passes a pointer to the memory location. Grid display It displays the output in a grid format. Logo is possible in grid display. It supports blocked ALV‟S and hierarchical ALV. 35 | P a g e . Whenever we are working with row color then it displays the color for all fields. In the output „I‟ icon indicates no of records are In the output „I‟ icon indicates f1 help. It supports OOPS ALV. The memory is freed once it leaves the subroutine. the compiler didn't get any copy . In the BDC mapping is done by ABAPER.DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BAPI AND BDC: - BAPI It is directly updating data to the database. In the LSMW. LSMW offers 4 methods 1) Direct method 2) Batch input recording 3) BAPI 4) IDOC We can develop the LSMW only for the stand and transaction codes. It performs its own authorization checks. The flat file data is varying. BDC It is updating the data to the database is always through screens.e. BAPI is faster than BDC BAPI never cause to terminate the program. BDC is slower than BAPI Some times BDC cause to terminate the program i. Whenever the version is changed we no need to change the existing code of the BAPI that is taking care of BOR. The flat file is constant. mapping is done by SAP. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LSMW AND BDC: - LSMW It is purely designed for functional people who do not do much coding.xls.txt or . BDC BDC is designed for technical people who know much coding. We implement the authorization object in the BDC program. 36 | P a g e Santosh P . Whenever the version is changed sometimes we need to change the BDC code. BDC_GROUP BDC_INSERT BDC_CLOSE_GROUP function modules fails. BDC offers 2 techniques 1) Call transaction 2) Session method We can develop the BDC program for any transaction code. whenever an error occurred it simply return that error through return parameter. The input for the BDC is any file . The input for the LSMW is always text file. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ENHANCEMENT AND BADI:ENHANCEMENT We can implement enhancement only once. It is the procedural approach. That means it needs Some extra time to implement the logic. BADI is OOABAP (approach) so it is easy implement the logic. Customer Exits Are Available For MM. Access Key Santosh P . Enhancement is always implemented through project (CMOD T-code). BADI We can implement the BADI in any no of times. Parameters Customer Exits Are More Restrictive But You Are Sure Any Change You Can Make To Any Parameters Will Never Lead To Inconsistency User Exits Are More Flexible Because You Have More Information To Use In Your Code But On The Other Hand .HR. Menu Exit. Screen Exit. Basically Designed For All Modules Whereas in Customer-Exit No Access Key Is Needed Needed 37 | P a g e User Exits Are Basically Designed For SD Module While Changing Is Required User-Exit. It Is Very Easy To Manipulate Erroneously Global Data And Lead The Standard Program To A Dump Or Even To Make Database Inconsistent User-Exit Doesn‟t Have Any Classification Customer-Exit W e H a v e Function-Module Exit.SD.FI. BADI is always implemented through BADI implementation (SE19 T-code). DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CUSTOMER-EXIT AND USER-EXIT:CUSTOMER-EXIT Customer Exits Are Functions So They Are Called Using Call Function (Or More Exactly Call Customer Function) USER-EXIT User Exits Are Forms And Are Called By Sap Standard Programs Using Perform Inside The Form (User Exit) You Can Read And Inside A Function (Customer Exit) You Can Only Access Your Import/Export/Changing/Tables Change Almost Any G l o b a l Data From Host Program. and customer solutions.level infrastructure (SAP and customer solutions) Badi‟s allow for a multi-level system landscape (SAP. partner. which is much better for software deployment as several developers can implement the same BADI independently. Customer-exit implemented in one project cannot be implemented in other.DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BAPI AND RFC:- BAPI RFC BAPI can't handle exceptions . CUSTOMER EXITS (enhancements) are FUNCTIONS so they are called using CALL FUNCTION (or more exactly CALL CUSTOMER FUNCTION Customer exits assumes a two. and the like). 38 | P a g e Santosh P . as well as country versions. Business Add-Ins can be created at each level Some BADI can have multiple independent implementations. the calling program has to handle it RFC function module can handle it BAPI is registered in the BOR(Business Object Repository) RFC is not registered in the BOR(Business Object Repository) every BAPI is a RFC BAPI are for non sap systems like I want to access data via java or vb every RFC is not a BAPI RFC enabled are basically for sap systems DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BADI AND CUSTOMER-EXIT:BADI CUSTOMER-EXIT Business Add-Ins are a new SAP enhancement technique based on ABAP Objects. industry solutions. OOABAP . Access Specifies (Visibility Section): Types Of Class: 1) Local Class  Local class to program (SE38-ABAP Editor). 1|Pa g e Santosh P .  Whenever we instance a class memory will be allocated.  A class only provides a template it‟s doesn‟t allocate a memory.A class is a user defined data type which is the collection of different type of components. 2) Global Class  Class Builder Tool (SE24). 2) Implementation of class  Implementation of method. Object: .VINAYAKA Features Of OOPS: 1) Encapsulation 2) Data Abstraction 3) Inheritance 4) Polymorphism Application Of OOPS: 1) BAPI‟S 2) BADI‟S 3) Enhancement Frame Work 4) Webdynpro 5) HR-ABAP 6) CRM-Technical 7) SRM 8) EP 9) BSP…………… Class: .An instance of a class is called as an object. Syntax for creating local classes: 1) Definition of class  Declaration of components. Whenever an Object is created memory will be allocated for the attributes of the class and attribute gets initialized to default values. Implementation of methods.name> type ref to <class name> Note: . Endclass. Implementation class Class <class name> implementation. Object Creation: 1) Create reference for the class Syntax: Data <ref. Endclass.Definition of class Class <class name> definition. Access specifiers in ABAP: 1) Public Section 2) Protected Section 3) Private Section Components of ABAP classes: Attributes Methods Events Interface aliases Types Constants Data Special Instance Constructor Normal Instance Instance Static Instance Static Static Constructor Static 2|Pa g e Santosh P . Declaration of components. Only public component can be accessed outside of the class. Syntax: Method <method name>. Endmethod. 3|Pa g e Santosh P . 2) Implement the method in the class implementation. Statements. Method with parameters: Methods: m1 importing X type i. Y(20) type c. Interacting with methods in local classes: 1) Declare the method prototype in the class definition. 2) Access the components of the global class in the repository objects (Executable Programs. Note: . and Subroutine Pool).1) OOPS Concepts 2) ALV Reporting Using Class 3) ALV Reporting Using Function Modules Procedure for creating global classes: 1) Define and implement the class in class builder tool (SE24). Include Program. Syntax: Method/Class-Method <method name> [parameters]. Syntax: Call method <method name> [parameters] Instance method  methods Static method  class-methods It is recommend to use in the SAP attributes/data members/Instance variables  protected/private.Whenever a report program contains class implementation and explicitly we need handle the event start-of-selection to indicate the starting point of program. At any point of time they object store one set of values. By instantiating the class. Note: . Method‟s/member function  public. 3) Call the method.  It the exception is raised in try blocked SAP creates the appropriate exception class object and the control is transfer to catch block.  Returning parameter is always passed by value..  Inside try block we need to declare this statement where the possible exception occurs.‟ Note: .  If the method contains returning parameters it cannot contains exporting (or) changing parameters.Methods returning values: Returning Keyword:  In case of other object oriented language a method can return exactly one value which done by using return keyword..  The exceptions are provided by SAP as part of standard exceptions class these exceptions are triggered by SAP itself as a developer we need to handle these exceptions by using try and catch block.  Exception handling is process of handling in runtime error and containing program execution.  To receive the method and return exactly one value we use returning parameters...  A method can contains only one returning parameter.. Exception handling in methods:  An exception is runtime error which is raised during the program execution if the exception is not handling the program will be terminated...As part of catch block declaration we need to specify the exception class which is reasonable for rising exception if the developer is not sure of the exception class we can use the exception class „CX_ROOT‟.  In case of ABAP a method can return any number of values by declaring those many numbers of exporting (or) importing (or) changing parameters..  All the exception classes provided by SAP start with the naming standard „CX_SY_..  CX_ROOT is a super class for all the exception classes and it can handle any kind of exception.  Inside the catch block we need to handle the exception by writing the appropriate exception handling statements.. 4|Pa g e Santosh P .  For each instance attribute separate memory will be allocated they can be an accessed only by using the object of the class.  They can be accessed either by using the object are by using the class name. Syntax: Exception <exception name> 2) Raise the exception at appropriate place in the method implementation Raise <exception name> 3) Handle the exception while calling the method by checking sy-subrc status. User defines exception: These exceptions are declaring and handle are raised developers itself. Instance attribute:  These attribute are specific to an object and they are declared by using the keyword „DATA‟ in local classes. They can access only static attributes.Capturing system defined exception message: Procedure for handling standing exception: These exception are declared and raised SAP as a developer we need to handle try and catch. They can access both instance and static attributes. Instance methods: In local classes they are declared by using the keyword METHODS they can be accessed only by using the object.  For the static attribute memory will be allocated only when the first object is created the remaining objects points to be the same memory location they are also called as class variables. Static methods: In local class they are declaring the keyword „CLASS-METHODS‟ and they can be accessed either by using object are by using class name. 5|Pa g e Santosh P . Procedure for handling user-define exception in local classes: 1) Declare the user define exception as part of method declaration. Static attribute:  They are not specific to any object and they are declared by using the keyword „CLASS-DATA‟ in local classes. Constructors: A constructor is a special method used for initialized for attributes of class it special because it cannot be called explicitly it will be called implicitly. Methods can return values. It called implicitly. 1st the static constructor is executed and next instance constructor for rest of the objects only instance constructor get executed.  It never returns any values.  It is always declare in public section. It cannot return values. 3) It is not specific to any object it cannot contains any parameters and exception.  Static constructor is executed only once in a life time of class. Instance constructor can have importing parameters and static constructor cannot have any parameters. It can be called any know of times in the Instance constructor will be called only once lifetime of an object. 6|Pa g e Santosh P . SPECIAL METHOD CONSTRUCTOR Only in public section. 1) Instance 2) Static Instance Constructors: .If a class contains both instance and static constructor and when we create the first object. It is specific to object. Note: . 1) When we accesses the static components of the class using the class name before creating any objects.It is declared by using the keyword „CLASS_CONSTRUCTORS‟ it is executed automatically whenever a class is loaded a class will be loaded in cases. Static Constructors: . It has to be called explicitly. in the lifetime of every object where as static constructor will be called only once in the lifetime of class.  It can contain only importing parameters and exceptions. A method can have any types of parameters.It is declared by using keyword „CONSTRUCTORS‟ it is executed automatically whenever we create new instance of a class. NORMAL METHOD It can be declared in any of the sections. 2) When we create the first object of the class. Note:  Instance constructor is executed only once in the life time of object.  By using friend classes to enable the object to access any components of the class directly irresponsibility of the visibility for this consider the following session.If a method is a capable of raising the exception that enable to handle the exception then we need to use the keyword „RAISING‟ as part of method declaration in this case the caller of the method as to take the responsibility of handling the exception. Friend classes: .  Consider two independent classes A and B. 7|Pa g e Santosh P .User defined exception: Rising: .  If class A considers class B as friend by inside class B methods we can instantiate class A and use the instance we can access all the component of class A directly irrespective of the visibility.By default outside the class of an object can access only public components of the class directly.  In the above case the class B should be forward declared by using the keyword „DEFERRED‟.  Deferred keyword indicates to SAP that the class definition has been delayed and it has been declared same where else in the program. CLASS A CLASS A CLASS A CLASS B CLASS B CLASS B CLASS C CLASS C Single inheritance Multilevel inheritance Multiple inheritance 8|Pa g e Santosh P . 2) Multiple inheritance: A class derived from more than one super class.  Only public and protected components can be inherited. Note: .In ABAP we cannot implement multiple inheritances directly we can implement indirectly through the concept of INTERFACE. and the base class which takes the properties is called as subclass (or) derived class. They are three types of inheritance.  In local classes we need to use the keyword „INHERITING FROM‟ for achieving inheritance. 1) Single inheritance: A class derived from single super class. The advantage of inheritance is reusability. 1) Single 2) Multiple 3) Multilevel  The class which gives the properties is called as super class. 3) Multilevel inheritance: A class derived from another derived class.Inheritance: It is the process of acquiring the properties of other entity (class). Polymorphism: Poly  Many Morph  Forms Ism  behavior Examples: .  Whenever a subclass overrides the super class method it is always recommended to call the super class method version in the subclass by using keyword.  To redefine a global method put cursor on the method click on redefine. 1) Class level 2) Method level  The class created as final cannot be inherited. 9|Pa g e Santosh P . Method overriding: If a sub class overwrites a super class method is called as method overriding.  ABAP doesn‟t support method overloading.  A method created as final can be inherited but cannot redefine.  Whenever a sub class wants to override the super class method a sub class wants to declare the super class method in the subclass by using REDEFINITION keyword.  Super keyword is used for referring to super class components from the sub class. Hierarchy of constructor execution: When a super class contains static and instance constructor and if sub class contains only the static constructor in this case if we instantiate the sub class then the static constructor are executed from super class to sub class and then the instantiate constructor of the super class will be executed.  While redefined the methods we cannot change the visibility of the method. Final keyword: Final keyword can be used at two levels.Method overloading Method overriding Method overloading: If a class contains two methods with the same name but different signature it is called as method overloading. „SUPER‟. The default visibility of a class is public.Note: . 10 | P a g e Santosh P .  Public classes can be inherited.Protected classes can be inherited but cannot be instantiated outside the class but it can be instantiated within the sub class method. This is the only place where the constructor can be are must be called explicitly.  The sub classes inherited the public class is also created as public by default. Private classes can be inherited. Note: . This sub class cannot be created as explicitly public class this can be mode possible if the super class considers the subclass as friend. The sub class inherited the private class is also created as private class by default. Private classes:     Private classes cannot be instantiated.If the super class and sub class contains respective static and instance constructor and if instantiate the sub class first the static constructor are executed to super class to subclass and when the instantiate constructor will executed subclass to super class.Me keyword refer to current object execution it is used to differentiate both attribute and method parameters whenever attribute and parameter names are same. Me keyword: .  The sub class inheriting the protected class is also created as protected by default to create the sub class as explicit public class we need to use extension create public as part of sub class definition. Protected classes: .  Public classes can be instantiated.If the super class and sub class contains respective instance constructor it must for subclass instance constructor to call the super class instance constructor this is done by using „SUPER‟ keyword. Visibility of component level: 1) Public section 2) Protected section 3) Private section Visibility of class level: 1) 2) 3) 4) Public Protected Private Abstract Public: .  Interface is always implemented in public section. Interfaces: . Declaration of components End interface.e.e.  By default the visibility of the interface components are public.  Interface methods contain only declaration but not implementation the implementation must be provided in the corresponding class.  We declared method as abstract when we are not sure about the implementation but we are sure that the other classes as to use the same methods. By using interfaces we can implement multiple inheritances.It is pure abstract class i.aliases are the alternative names provided to the interface components i. by default all methods of interface are abstract.  We cannot instantiate the abstract classes because they are not fully implemented. By using aliases we can also change the visibility of the interface components. The class whichever implements the interface is called as implementation class and this class should implement all the methods of the interface otherwise this class should be declaration as abstract.interface <interface name>. 11 | P a g e Santosh P . Syntax for local interfaces: Interface <interface name>.  If a class contains at least one abstract method then the entity class should be declared as abstract.  Abstract methods are always declared in public (or) protected section.  Abstract methods are also called as non-concerted methods. A class can implement any number of interfaces which is nothing but multiple inheritances whenever the interface component is referred the outside of the interface they must be prefixed with the name of the interface.  A local class whichever wants to implement the interface must declared the interface in the class definition by using interface keyword.Abstract class:  It is a class which contains at least one abstract method. whenever the interface components is referred outside the interface declaration it must be prefixed with the name of interface we can avoid the lengthy naming standard by declaring the aliases by the interface components these aliases must be declared in the definition of a class whichever the implementing the interface.  We cannot the instantiate the interfaces because it is not implemented.  The class which ever inheritance the abstract class can implement the abstract method of the abstract class otherwise the subclass will declared as abstract. Syntax: . Aliases: . Abstract method is a method which is just declared but not implemented in local class they are declared by using the keyword abstract. net.  Once the persistence class is created it needs to mapped with the corresponding database table. A class can implement any know of interfaces. name of the interface. This service is implemented in two ways. This service is implemented by using persistence classes.  By default the lifetime of the scope of an object is within the program where it is created. Explicitly we need to use abstract keyword. Persistence class using business key identity:  In this we consider the primary key fields of the database table as business key identity which is used for identity the object uniquely.  Persistence class is always global and the naming standard is „ZCL_ (or) YCL‟.  Persistence class is always created as protected class. Persistence service: . methods. 1) By using business key identity. 1) Base agent class naming standard is „ZCB_ (or) YCB_‟.  Actor class is always created as private class and it is a sub class of base agent class. 2) By using GUID (global unique identifier)  Storing the state of object permanently in the database is called as persistence.  In this case when the persistence class is mapped with the database tables SAP adds the fields of the database as the attributes of the persistence class.  Base agent class is always created as abstract the class and it is the friend of persistence class.  Whenever a persistence class is created SAP automatically create to class. A class can inherit only one abstract class. By default all methods are abstract. Abstract class components are directly referred Interface components must be prefixed with the in subclass. 2) Agent class or actor class „ZCA_ (or) YCA_‟.It is used for storing the state of an object formality it is similarly to serialization java and .ABSTRACT CLASSES INTERFACES Can contain both abstract and non-abstract Can contain only abstract methods. public. Abstract methods can be declared in public or All components of interface by default are protected section. 12 | P a g e Santosh P .  Also it creates the following methods as part of the base agent class.  We use the following mechanize to access these methods.  We need to access this public static attribute agent using the actor class name.  A part from this SAP also generates getter and setter methods as part of persistence class. 3) Get_persistence.  Actor class is created as singleton class.1) Create_persistence. But the base agent class is always created as abstract class and therefore cannot be instated. This object is return back using which we access the above three methods. The data type of this field raw data type. 2) Delete_persistence. We need to use the above methods to interact with the persistence service. Singleton class: Creating a class in such way so that we can create exactly one object is called as singleton. Note: . Transact 13 | P a g e Santosh P . But actor class is created as private class and therefore cannot be instated.  This field is used for unique identification of the object. Persistence service using GUID: .  Since the above three method are inherited to actor class we need to instantiate the actor class and access these methods.  As part of the actor class SAP as provided a public static attribute agent.  To access the above three methods we require the object of base agent class.  The value for this field is generated dynamically by SAP. When accessed internal it execute the static constructor of actor class it is reasonable for creating the object.  Getter method is generated for all the fields of the database and setter methods are generated for non-primary key fields of the table.In this we need to consider database table which contains GUID as the first field.when a persistence class is mapped with the database table containing GUID also the field expects the GUID are added as attribute of class and also getter and setter method are generated for the entire field except GUID. The data element of this field can be GUID/OS-GUID.  The above three method are public instance methods which gets inherited to actor class. ion service: . 1) Wide casting 2) Narrow casting Wide casting: .It is a process of converting an object from a more details view to be less detailed view. Since transaction service is implemented in global classes we need to attach a T-code for a transaction class method so that everything will be executed as single process. If we access the transaction class method form local program it executed the different process which are assuming as two different translations.It is the process of converting a variable from one data type to another data types they are two types. Narrow casting: . The interface IF_OS_TRANSACTION which cannot be done directly. 14 | P a g e Santosh P . 1) CL_OS_SYSTEM  CLASS 2) IF_OS_TRANSCATION_MANGAER  INTERFACE 3) IT_OS_TRANSACTION  INTERFACE Procedure for interacting with transaction service: 1) Start the object oriented transaction by calling the start method of the interface. Casting: . 2) Perform the required operation:  End the transaction by calling the end method of the interface IF_OS_TRASACTION. To get these object of transaction manger interface.It is use for managing the object oriented transaction involving database operations. IT_OS_TRANSACTION Start method is an instance method of interface IT_OS_TRANSACTION so we need to instantiate.  When the transaction is successfully completed SAP issues commit work statement internally for saving the transaction permanently. To get this object we need to access the static method GET_TRANSCATION_MANAGER of the class CL_OS_SYSTEM. So we need to access the instance method Create_Transaction of the interface IF_OS_TRANSACTION_MANAGER to access this method we required the object of transaction manger interface.  If the transaction fails SAP raise the exception as part of this exception handling we need to cancel the transaction by calling the undo method of the interface IF_OS_TRANSCATION. Implementing persistence service using transaction service: Note: Transaction service is always implemented globally.It is the process of converting an object from a less detailed view to more detailed view. As part of this we need to use the following class and interfaces.  These event handler methods are executed automatically whenever the event is raised are triggered. Instance event is specific to an object. Implemented the event handler method in the class implementation. Declare the event handler method in the definition of the class. Static events are declared by using keyword „class-events‟.As part of ABAP objects SAP as provided many events as part of standard classes. Step1 Syntax: Events/class-events <event name> [exporting parameters list]. As part of custom classes we can declare user defined events.‟ Event handling in object oriented: . Register the handlers. They are two types of events 1) Instant 2) Static      Instance events are declared by using keyword „events‟. For every event there can be one are more event handler methods within the class are across the classes. If the persistent object is available it returns the object of object class which needs to be type casted to the corresponding persistent class object. Raise the event in one of method implementation. Pass the persistent class object as an input to the method. These events are used in ALV reporting work flow customization CRM technical DSP and webdynpro programming. Step2 Syntax: Methods/class-methods <method name> for event <event name> of <class name> [importing parameter list].Procedure for deleting the persistent object using GUID: Check the existent persistent object using the method gets persistent OID. These events are declared are raised and handle by the developer itself. Step4 Syntax: Set handler <handler> [for <instances>]. Santosh P 15 | P a g e . „DELETE_PERSISTENT. They are static event is not specific to an object. Step3 Syntax: Raise event <event name> [exporting parameter list]. Procedure for interactive with user defined events in local class:      Declare the event in the definition of the class. One after the other.if the handler is not register events can be triggered but no actions can be performed because the event handler methods will not be executed. For all instance: .  As part of handler such that the event handler method will executed irrespective of object used for raising the event. Note: . The parameter name in the event as well as in event handler method must be same. for keyword is not allowed for the static event part of set handler this similarly for all instances in case of instance event. By using this register handlers SAP will execute all the event handler methods.While registering the handlers for static even we should not specify the object which is reasonable raising the static event. Static event handler method:  Instance event can be raised only in instance methods. This is reasonable for raising the event. Static event: .while register the handler for register events as part of set handler statement we need to specify the object name after for keyword.  Events can contains only exporting parameters which are imported by event handler method these parameters are always passed by values. This as to be done for every object separately which is raising the event instead of this we can use „FOR ALL INSTANCE‟ keyword.  Static event can be raised either in instance are static method.e. Accordingly to sequence of register. Because static event is not specific to on object i. 16 | P a g e Santosh P . For executing the event handler methods we need to register the handlers. OOALV . VINAYAKA ALV (Advanced List Viewer / ABAP List Viewer): 1) Using classes 2) Using function module ALV Reporting using classes: ALV reports are used for displaying data in the form of the table as part of the we use the following classes. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) CL_GUI_ALV_GRID CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER CL_GUI_CONTAINER CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE CL_GUI_PICTURE CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER CL_DD_DOCUMENT CL_GUI_SPLITTER_CONTAINER As part of the ALV reporting we need to develop the ALV grid which is display on top of a custom control. A custom control is a physical control which is available as part of dialog screen. ALV grid cannot recognize custom control on its own it required an interface. These interfaces are provided in the form of a standard class. This class can be either. 1) CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER 2) CL_GUI_CONTAINER CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER / CL_GUI_CONTAINER ALV GRID CUSTOM CONTROL MODULE POOL SCREEN 1|Pa g e Santosh P CUSTOM CONTROL CONTAINER ALV GRID PHYSICAL CONTAL CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER / CL_GUI_CONTAINER CL_GUI_CONTAINER Example1: Sale Document Header Data VBELN ERDAT 4970 4971 4972 ERZET ERNAM Sale Document Item Data VBELN POSNR 4972 4972 4972 10 20 30 MATNR M1 M2 M3 NETWR Material Data MATNR MTART MATKL MM02 Transaction(Change Material) Material Number M2 To display an internal table data in the grid we need to use the instance method 'SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY‟ of the class „CL_GUI_ALV_GRID‟. This method contains only one mandatory parameter „IT_OUTTAB‟ which expects internal table of output. 2|Pa g e Santosh P While displaying the internal table data in the ALV grid we need to generate the field catalog for the field, if the field catalog is not specified if result in ABORT error field catalog is not found. A field catalog can generate in two waves by using. 1) Function modules 2) Manually Field catalog is an object which stores the information of the fields like field name, field position, field label, etc. once the field catalog is generated we need to pass the field catalog object as on input to the parameter IT_FIELDCATALOG of the method „SET_TABLE_FOR_TABLE_DISPLAY„. LVC_T_FCAT is a table type used for generating the field catalog this table type is associated with the structure LVC_S_FCAT. Note: - To display an ALV column and hotspot we need to set the field hotspot as part of field catalog generation. HOTSPOT_CLICK: It is the event of the class „CL_GUI_ALV_GRID‟ which triggered by SAP, whenever a hotspot column is clicked. REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY: Is an instance method of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID used for refresh the ALV grid with the latest internal table data. DOUDLE_CLICK: It is the instance event of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID which is triggered whenever an ALV column cell value is double click. CL_GUI_SPLITTER_CONTAINER: CUSTOM CONTAINER SPLITTER CONTAINE CONTAINER1 CONTAINER2 CONTAINER3 PHYSICAL CONTROL CL_GUI_CUSTOM_ CONTAINER CL_GUI_SPLITTER_ CONTAINER CONTAINER4 CL_GUI_CONTAINER CUSTOM CONTROL 3|Pa g e Santosh P To display an ALV column as a button we need to set the field STYLE as part of field catalog generation. BUTTON_CLICK: BUTTON_CLICK is the instance of event of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID which is triggered whenever the user click on the ALV cell value display on top of a button. By using the method GET_METHOD of the class CL_GUI_SPLITTER_CONTAINER this method takes the row and column as input and return the container object of type CL_GUI_CONTAINER.Example 2: TOP OF PAGE HEADING VBELN 4970 4971 4972 VBELN 4972 4972 POSNR 10 20 MATNR M1 M2 ERDAT ERZET ERNAM NETWR After splitting the container into different of panes each pane should be assigned with height and column width for setting the row height we need to use the instance method SET_ROW_HEIGHT and column width SET_COLUMN_WIDTH of the class CL_GUI_SPLITTER_CONTAINER after this we need to associated each pane of a container with container object. The value of these type fields are represented by the constant attribute of class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID these constant attribute can we access by using the class name and the starts with the naming conversion MC_STYLE. TOP-OF-PAGE: TOP-OF-PAGE is the instance of event of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID which is triggered whenever an ALV grid is displayed. This event can be used for generating the heading for an ALV GRID. TOP-OF-PAGE event is not triggered by default it must be register explicitly by calling the instance method LIST_PROCESSING_EVENT. 4|Pa g e Santosh P . This function module take object ID and return URL of the picture this URL is of type CNDP_URL which is type declaration declared in the type group CNDP. PROCEDURE FOR DESIGNING TREE STRUCTURE: 1) To add the nodes to a tree structure it use the instance method ADD_NODES of the class CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE this method takes the following parameters. 5|Pa g e Santosh P . PROCEDURE FOR DISPLAYING IMAGES IN DIALOG SCREENS: 1) Call the function module „DP_PUBLISH_WWW_URL‟.  CNTL is a type group it is provided by SAP itself.  Icon is a type group it is provided by sap itself. TABLE_STRUCTURE_NAME 1) It holds the structure name representing the node structure of a simple tree this structure is ABDEMONODE.TREE AND PICTURE CONTROLS:  Transaction  Sales Order o Create Sales Order o Change Sales Order COMPANY LOGO  Purchase Order o Create Purchase Order o Change Purchase Order ALV GRID (FIELD CATALOG WITH FUNCTION MODULE) UPLOADING PICTURE TO DISPLAY IN DIALOG SCREENS: SMWO is the T-code for uploading the pictures.  Every node in a tree is associated with a node key it used for indentifying the node which selected on a tree. 2) NODE_TABLE it holds the internal table representing the ABDEMONODESTRUCTURE. 2) Call the instance method LOAD_PICTURE for URL of the class CL_GUI_PICTURE of this method takes the URL as input and displays the picture in the container. EXCLUDING ALV TOOLBAR BUTTONS: To exclude the standard ALV toolbar buttons we need set the parameter IT_TOOLBAR_EXCLUDING as part of method call SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY this parameter of an internal table of type UI_FUNCTION this internal will hold the function code of the puss button that needs to be excluded. MODIFYING ALV CELL VALUES IN RUN-TIME: To make the ALV column as editable in runtime we need to set the field EDIT as part of field catalog generation.  As part of event DATA_CHANGED we need to import the parameters ER_DATA_CHANGED it is a parameter which is the object of the class CL_GUI_CHANGE_DATA_PROTOCOL.  These attributes contains a information related to be modified cell the information include row id. field name. It is table type associated with the structure LVC_S_MODI. 6|Pa g e Santosh P .  As part of the above class we need to use instance attribute MT_MOD_CELLS (OR) MT_GOODS_CELLS which are of type LVC_T_MODI. 1) EVENT_ID AND 2) APPL_EVENT LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE is a function module it generate the field catalog on the structure as input generates the field catalog this function module take the dictionary structure fields and return the field catalog which the type LVC_T_FCAT.  The event NODE_DOUBLE_CLICK is not triggered by default if must be registered explicitly by using the method SET_REGISTERED_EVENT.  By default DATA_CHANGED is not triggered it must be registered explicitly by calling the method REGISTER_EDIT_EVENT of a class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID.  This method contains of parameter event of type CNTL_SIMPLE_EVENT it is an internal declared in the type group CNTL this internal table contains two fields. and value.  Whenever the user modifies ALV cell values in runtime and to reflect to change in data base table we need to handle the event HANDLE_DATA_CHANGED of the class CL_GUI_ALU_GRID this event is triggered enter key in the modified cell. NODE_DOUBLE_CLICK is the instance event of a class CL_GUI_SIMPLE_TREE it is triggered whenever a node item is double click.  We need to loop this internal table to enabled are disabled buttons. this method return the indexes of the selected rows on the grid.Whenever we click on menu items of menu button normal push buttons (or) ALV toolbar SAP triggers the following event one after the other.  As part of the event toolbar we need to import the parameter E_OBJECT. Note: .ENABLING / DISABLING STANDARD ALV TOOLBAR B UTTONS:  For this we need to HANDLE_TOOLBAR event of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID this event is triggered whenever an ALV GRID is displayed. variant name) Define start condition (immediate specific period) Save the job (release the job) Check the job overview (SM37) 7|Pa g e Santosh P . ADDING CUSTOM PUSH BUTTONS ON ALV TOOLBAR: MENU_BUTTON: MENU_BUTTON is the instance events of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID which is triggered whenever a menu button in the ALV toolbar is clicked we can handle the event is associates with the list of menu items of the menu buttons. BEFORE_USER_COMMAND USER_COMMAND AFTER_USER_COMMAND IDENTIFYING SELECTED ROWS: To identifying the selected rows in the ALV grid we need to use the instance method GET_SELECTED_ROWS of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. Which is the object of a class CL_GUI_EVENT_TOOLBAR_SET this class contains an instance attribute MT_TOOLBAR these attribute of an internal table of type TTB_BUTTON it is associated with the structure STB_BUTTON this attribute internal table holds the information of the ALV toolbar buttons. BACKGROUND SCHEDULING OF ALV GRID: Steps 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Define background job (SM36) Define step (program name. so if the custom control is not used we cannot use custom container in this case we need to use docking container.  Before displaying the ALV grid loop final internal table and the value of traffic light column based on a condition. 8|Pa g e Santosh P . To recognize whether the ALV report is in background error in foreground executed we need to use the static method offline of the CL_GUI_ALV_GRID.  Declare an additional column of type character in the finial internal table. Docking container cannot recognize custom control docking container is represented by the class CL_GUI_CONTAINER.  We need not explicitly generate the field catalog for the traffic light column. this method returns ZERO if it is foreground execution otherwise NON-ZERO value if it background execution. DIPLAYING TRAFFIC LIGHTS IN ALV GRID:  Traffic light in the ALV grid represents the significant of the row this column is always assed in first column in ALV grid.SM36-> JOBNAME (ANY NAME) JOBCLASS A | CLICK ON STEP (F6) | Z915AM_ALV4 | VAR1 | SAVE | BACK | START CONDITON | IMMEDIATE | SAVE | BACK-> SAVE SM37-> Z915AM_ALV4 | EXECUTE Whenever an ALV reports uses custom control in the screen the reports cannot scheduled in the background process because the background processor cannot recognized custom control.  As part of layout generation we need to the field EXCP_FNAME.  By handling on „F1‟ event of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID.  To attach standard „F1‟ help for an ALV column we need to set the fields „REF_TABLE‟ „REF_FIELD‟ as part of field catalog generation. 9|Pa g e Santosh P . ONF4 EVENT: We can associate the standard „F4‟ help for an ALV column for setting the fields „REF_FIELD‟ „REF_TABLE‟ as part of field catalog generation. By default „ONF4‟ event is not triggered it must be register explicitly by calling the instance method „REGISTER_F4_FOR_FIELDS‟ of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. DISPLAYING ALV CELLS AS DROP DOWN:  Taken an additional column which is supposed to display as dropdown.  To prepare and associate the list of value to the drop down column calls the instance method SET_DROP_DOWN_TABLE of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. the value of this field should be the name of the additional column. F1 HELP:  To provide custom „F1‟ help for an ALV column we can specify into two waves.  By attaching the custom help to the field at the data element level. to associate the custom „F4‟ help we need to handle the event „ONF4‟ of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID.  As part of layout generation the set the field INFO_FNAME the value of this field should be the name of the additional column. COLORING ALV ROWS: PROCEDURE:  Taken additional column in the final internal table it should be a char size „4‟.  Generate the field catalog for the additional column ad part of field catalog generation assign a numeric value to the field DRDN_HNDL.  Before displaying the ALV grid to the final internal table and the appropriate column coding form the additional column. iii. 1) Name 2) Form Name will hold the name of event and form will hold the subroutines. In ALV using function module we can generate the field catalog in two waves. SIMPLE ALV INTERACTIVE ALV BLOCKED ALV HIERARCHICAL ALV While calling the function module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY we need to call field catalog otherwise it need to abort error. 1) By using the function module REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE this function module takes dictionary structure as input and return the field catalog of type SLIS_I_FIELDCAT_ALV. PROCEDURE FOR DISPLAYING IMAGES IN ALV GRID DEVELOPED USING F M‟ S:1) Upload the picture using „OAER‟ with object id. 1) REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY 2) REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY i. ii. iv. As part of ALV using function module to handle the events we need to use the parameter IT_EVENTS as part of the function call REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY this parameter is a internal table of type SLIS_T_EVENT this event is of SLIS_ALV_EVENTS and this type contains two fields. 2) Pass the object ID in the function module call REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE 10 | P a g e Santosh P . To display the information and picture in the TOP-OF-PAGE event we need to use the function module REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE.ALV USING FUNCTION MOUDLES: As part of this we use the following function module to display the ALV grid. 2) Manually by using the internal table SLIS_T_FIELDCAT_ALV. Instead of passing the field catalog we can pass the dictionary structure as input if the format of dictionary structure does not match with format of internal table it need to runtime error. INTERACTIVE ALV: USER COMMAND: . Repeat the second step to each internal table. 3) Display the function module using function module RESUE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_DISPLAY. HIERARCHICAL ALV: It is used for displaying the data in the form of parent and child nodes as part of this we use the following module REUSE_ALV_HIERSEQ_LIST_DISPLAY.Is user triggered whenever the user double click on ALV cell value developed using function module. 1) REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_INIT 2) REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_APPEND 3) REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_DISPALY 1) Initialize the ALV block by using the function module REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_INTI 2) Append the internal table data to the ALV block using the function module REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_APPEND.OAER | NAME-> PICTURES TYPE-> OT KEY-> Z915FMALV (ANY NAME) | EXCUTE | EXPAND THE STANDARD DOCUMENT | DOUBLE CLICK ON SCREEN | GET PATH AND CONTINUE ALV BLOCKED LIST: It is used for display the data in the form of blocks as part of this we use the following function module. 11 | P a g e Santosh P . SALES DOCUMENT FLOW (SD): - ORDER ENQUIRY QUOTATION SALES ORDER PROCESSING DELIVERY BILLING T-CODE VA11 VA21 VA01 VL01 VF01 TABLES VBAK. RSEG SAP R/3 ARCHITECTURE: 1) Presentation Layer 2) Application Layer 3) Database Layer SAP LANDSCOPE: 1) Development 2) Quality 3) Production 12 | P a g e Santosh P . MKPF RBKP. VBRP MATERIAL MANAGEMENT FLOW (MM): - ORDER PURCHASE REQUISITION REQUEST FOR QUOTATION QUOTATION FROM DIFFERENT VENDORS PRICE COMPARISON GOODS RECEIPTS INVOICE VERIFICATION ASAP METHODOLOGY: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Project Preparation Business Blueprint Realization Final Preparation Go-Live and support T-CODE ME51 ME41 ME47 TABLES EBAN. EKPO ME49 MIGO MIRO MSEG. LIPS VBRK. VBAP VBAK. EBKN EKKO. MKPF MSEG. VBAP VBAK. VBAP LIKP.
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