March 23, 2018 | Author: DittyAneesh | Category: C (Programming Language), Sql, Databases, Subroutine, Software Engineering



1.Identify the key word that determines if a CMOD function exit has been provided: a. a) CALL PROGRAM-EXIT b. b) CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION c. c) CALL CUSTOMER-SUBSCREEN d. d) CALL USER-EXIT 2. Menu bar will have the following menus by default when created a. a) File, help b. b) Edit, Help c. c) Window, System d. d) None of the above 3. Which keyword adds rows to an internal table while accumulating numeric values? a. a) INSERT b. b) COLLECT c. c) APPEND d. d) GROUP 4. The default length of CHAR is: a. a) 11 b. b) 4 c. c) 2 d. d) 1 5. Transaction for creating domains is: a. a) SE31 b. b) SE11 c. c) SM51 d. d) None of the above 6. What requirement exists if a field is defined in the dictionary of type CURR? a. a) Decimals must be defined in the domain b. b) The field must be numeric c. c) No other requirement exists d. d) The field must be linked to another field of type CUKY 7. In an ABAP program, we can specify a variable to be of HEXADECIMAL type. a. a) TRUE b. b) False 8. What is the system field for the current date? a. a) SY-DATUM b. b) SY-DATE c. c) SY-DATID d. d) SY-SDATE 9. How would you set breakpoints in your program for debugging? a. a) In the program editor, set breakpoint b. b) In Development workbench, set breakpoint c. c) Start program in background mode d. d) Not possible 10. Which of the following types of enhancements do not need to be assigned to an enhancement project? a. a) Screen b. b) Menu Exit c. c) Field Exit d. d) Program Exit 11. Name the transaction used for Function builder a. a) SM13 b. b) SE12 c. c) SM37 d. d) SE37 12. Dialog programs have which naming convention? a. a) ZDIAxxx b. b) ZPAIxxx c. c) SAPMZxxx d. d) Zxxx 13. When does the ABAP runtime system send a selection screen to the presentation server a. a) At the beginning of program processing b. b) When the user presses the exit key c. c) At the End-of-Selection event d. d) When the processing block has ended 14. What is the default length for Integer Data Types? a. a) 4 b. b) 2 c. c) 1 d. d) Size must be specified 15. What type of SQL is most commonly used in ABAP Language a. a) ANSI SQL b. b) ISO 900 SQL c. c) Open SQL d. d) Native SQL 16. Which dictionary structure contains system fields a. a) SYTAB b. b) SYS c. c) SY d. d) SYST 17. RETURN statement immediately ends the current processing block a. a) TRUE b. b) False 18. How would you determine the program name currently being executed? a. a) F4 b. b) F9 c. c) Use menu option System>Status d. d) Look in the dictionary 19. ABAP is generation programming language a. a) First b. b) Second c. c) Third d. d) Fourth 20. SQL Trace can be found using transaction a. a) SE32 b. b) ST05 c. c) SM01 d. d) SM59 21. Regarding the structure of LSMW file, the following statements are true a. a) Structure of the file should be the same as definedin the LSMW b. b) Structure can be different if the headings are maintained as per LSMW program c. c) Structure can be different under any circumstances 22. Titlebar is set using the sytax a. a) SET TITLEBAR <title>. b. b) SET BAR <title>. c. c) SET TITLE<title> d. d) None of the above. 23. When a secondary list is being processed, the data of the basic list is available by default. a. a) TRUE b. b) False 24. Mark the SQL statement that does not bypass R/3 table buffers a. a) SELECT with INNER JOIN b. b) SELECT with GROUP BY c. c) Select. Up to 1 Rows d. d) SELECT DISTINCT 25. EXIT statement inside a loop terminates the current loop a. a) TRUE b. b) False 26. Processing of internal table can be restricted a. a) TRUE b. b) False 27. Page Protection can extend to 1) a paragraph 2) a text node 3) all outputs within a folder 4) a line type in table node a. a) 1 and 2 b. b) 1, 2 and 4 c. c) 1,2,3 and 4 d. d) 1,2 and 3 28. Which of the following are good candidates for R/3 table buffering a. a) Transactional tables like VBAK b. b) Change Document tables CDHDR and CDPOS c. c) Configuration tables like T001 d. d) Master tables like MARA 29. In one of the method for passing parameter, formal parameters are not allocated a separate storage location a. a) Pass by Reference b. b) Pass by Value c. c) Pass by Value and Result d. d) None of the above 30. If a data type D is converted into N, then a. a) The characters of the source field are transferred left-aligned into the target field b. b) Trailing blanks from the source field are copied c. c) If the target field is longer than the source field, the field is filled from the right with "0" characters d. d) All of the above 31. How many At Exit-Command Modules are allowed in the PBO? a. a) 1 b. b) 0 c. c) Unlimited d. d) 2 32. While defining a simple Table type in Smartform, which of the option given below is mandatory: a. a) Number of Rows b. b) Number of Columns c. c) Line Type d. d) All of the above 33. Which system field contains the contents of a selected line a. a) SY-CUCOL b. b) SY-LILLI c. c) SY-CUROW d. d) SY-LISEL b) To use COLLECT. the work item has to be escalated to his /her manager for approval. c) check table . a) COLLECT can only be used with STANDARD TABLE. b) Multiple entries with field values c. a) READ itab with additional BINARY SEARCH clause b. c) System 42. a) Communication b. d) None of the above 36. b) READ itab by index c. b) Modeled Deadline c. b. c) Issue a COMMIT Work every time you perform a BDC_OPEN_GROUP d. b) False c. a) True b. a) Simple deadline b. If it does not find an entry. 37. a) Database b. a) Issue a COMMIT Work after 100 executions of BDC_INSERT b. A chained statement has just keyword before separator a. b) Issue a Rollback Work c. a) SQL cache b. If it does not find an entry. what programming technique is recommended? a. In order to restrict the rollback segment growth to intervals of 100. d. d) If the system finds a numeric component. c) If the system finds a numeric component. control passes on to the next record in the internal table. b) False 41.34. c) Data buffer d. the numeric fields that are not part of the table key (see ABAP number types) are added to the sum total of the existing entries. a) Single record entries with field values b. the internal table should be derived from a database table with an explicit key. d) None of the above 43. The shared memory of a database consist of a. d) None of the above 38. User WF-BATCH used by Workflow system is of type a. a) TRUE b. This can be achieved by using a. c) Both of above d. In a scenario. Rollback segments are continually filled for each call of BDC_INSERT. which is the most efficient READ operation a. the system creates a new entry instead. the numeric fields that are not part of the table key (see ABAP number types) are added to the sum total of the existing entries. c) Read a hashed table by table key d. d) Mandatory 40. Which of the following are true? a. c. that is not part of the key. that is not part of the key. Attribute of business Object needs to be implemented explicitly a. b) Log buffer c. c) Instance d. Standard task can have triggering event a. d) Create a Batch input session for each transaction 39. For large internal tables that are accessed by random key. if agent does not act on the work item for 2 days. The partial table buffer stores a. d) All the above 35. b) Virtual c. c) Single entry wihtout field value d. b) Service c. a) TRUE b. Workflow should be started using function module: a. d) sap_wapi _create_event 1. Reading an Extract requires a Work Area a. d) The interface is instantiated 49. d) only B 45. d) Entity view 50. b) Projection view c.d. b) swe_event_create c. d) Type 44. a) Database view b. c) sap_wapi_start_workflow d. Where does information come from when you press F1 on a screen field a. what are the exceptions that may occur? A. c) Help view d. a) sww_wi_start b. B. a) NO RFC is possible between the host & the target b. a) B and C only b. c) Asynchronous d. a) True b. The ____ type of ABAP Dictionary view consists of one or more transparent tables and may be accessed by an ABAP program using Open SQL a. a) Local b. ABAP Syntax check is possible in SAP Smartforms a. A dialog Screen needs update a database table & trigger an output list dependent on update. A text cannot be converted from the source code page to the target code page because the corresponding character in the target code page is not available. c) Both A and B d. b) A and D only c. b) False 47. D. a. The following are true about SAPscript control commands A. If a control command is unknown or it contains syntax errors. a. If a RFC is made from Unicode host to a non-unicode target. A maximum of one control command may appear in each line. b) Error Exception is raised because Static Method are not allowed with a BADI c. Execution of get_instance factory method causes what to happen. If a control command is unknown or it contains syntax errors. the line containing it will be printed out as it is. d) All of the above 48. a) The reference variable is instantiated b. b) only A c. The field in the target system is shorter than the field in the source system. b) Synchronous c. a. C. A maximum of six control commands may appear in each line. B. c) The object reference methods can now be called d. b) False 2. c) A B and D only d. the line containing it will be treated as a comment line.What kind of update should be used? a. d) None of the above 46. a) Domain Help values . c. How would you set breakpoints in your program for debugging? a. d) Not possible 12. b) FIND c. Following is the modularization technique in ABAP a. a) FORM b. d.b. d) All the above 4. a) TRUE b. a) Include b. Type = 1 represents a.etc a. set breakpoint c. MOVE can be used to copy: a. a) Presentation b. d) None of the above 13. What program type can be executed directly? a. d) All of the above 10. b) False 6. What are the main events an interactive report have? a. b) Domain short text c. b) In Development workbench. d) All the above 8. set breakpoint b. d) All of the Above 11. b) One structures contents to another compatible structure c. b) METHOD c. b) FOR c. c) Replace d. Variables in an ABAP code can be defined as being similar to data-dictionary elements. b) At line-selection. a) Function key settings b. d) All of the above 5. c) FUNCTION d. Name the layers of R/3 Architecture. c) At user-command. a) INCLUDE program b. a) In the program editor. d) All of the above 9. a) Top-of-page during line selection b. a) One fields contents to another field b. c) Executable d. using: a. a) Insert b. VB. c) Start program in background mode d. BAPI can be called from ABAP. c) Data element documentation d. c) Executable Program d. d) Search help 3. b) Module pool c. b) Database c. Which of this is a editor command a. b) Function Group c. c) TYPE d. d) Subroutine pool 7. a) LIKE b. JAVA. c) One tables contents to another compatible table d. Within the ABAP program attributes. Identify the element that is not part of the user interface a. b) LDB . c) Application d. a. c) Foreign Key d. c) Maintenance view d. a) Projection view b.c. Which of the statements below is false about Macro a. d) Validation field 16. a) Scenodary Index b. b) Users can't see as well as change the program c. Use of editor locks a. 17. The Customer number field is known as a ____. d) You cannot EXPORT an internal table with a header line. c) Title bar d. a) 1 and 2 b. c) USER_SETTINGS d. The statement IF NUM IS BETWEEN 3 AND 7. d) All the above 23. Given the two ABAP Dictioary tables below. a) Macros can only be used in the program .2 and 3 18. a) True b. a) Others can see as well as change the program b. d) All of the above 22. the Customer number field in table one must contain a value from table two. d) Application toolbar 14. Outer join is implemented in which of the following a. b) Only the contents of the internal table is stored c. b) 1. When you EXPORT an internal table that has a header line to ABAP/4 memory. b) Leave screen <dynnr> c.2. Which of the definitions best describes a BAPI? a. b) Primary Key c. a) Only the header line is stored b. a. b) BAPI is a programming interface that provide external access to R/3 Data c. c) BAPI provides internal representation of SAP Data d. d) 1. Page Protection can extend to 1) a paragraph 2) a text node 3) all outputs within a folder 4) a line type in table node a. d) Users can see but cannot make changes in the program 21. 2 and 4 c. c) Leave to screen d. a) BAPI is a programming language that external parties use to update R/3 Data b. b) Database view c. Is a valid syntax? a. b) FALSE 15. a) Leave to screen <dynnr> b. To specify the next screen and to leave the current screen in a single step the statement used is a. b) OUTPUT_OPTIONS c.3 and 4 d. c) Others can see but cannot make changes in the program d. c) 1. Printing parameters of Smartform layout can defined using a. what is the result a. c) The header line and contents of the internal table are stored d. d) Leave screen 19. a) CONTROL_PARAMETERS b. d) None of the above 20. use: a. a) APPEND b. b) INSERT c. a) OPEN LINE. 26. d. for certain fatal error condition. b) Synchronous c. Consecutive statements that have the same initial part cannot be combined in one chained statement a. a) Local b. b) SET CURSOR FIELD. c) MODIFY d. d) concatenate text1. You cannot assign a local data object defined in a subroutine or function module to a field group. b. To allow the user to enter values on the screen for a list field. c) concatenate text1. c) It copies all the text/s in the form d. c) Process Control d. and their attributes and positions on page c. d) None of the above 24. a) TRUE b. a) SELECT with INNER JOIN b. a) True b. c) Asynchronous . b. c) Macros cannot be nested d. A dialog Screen needs update a database table & trigger an output list dependent on update. b) SELECT with GROUP BY c. b) Fork c. c) Select.What kind of update should be used? a. b) False 34. Which keyword adds a line anywhere within an internal table? a. the system executes the following steps: a. d) ADD 30. a) concatenate text1 text2 into text3. a. windows. d) FORMAT INPUT ON. 27. a) User Decision b. Activating a Smartform generates a Function Module that can be edited or modified a. b) Macros are expanded at compilation c. b) False 32. While designing the workflow. Up to 1 Rows d. b. b) False 25. a) True b. d) All of the above 31. text2 into text3.b. When converting SAPscript into Smartform. text2 to text3. b) It migrates layout information including the pages. Mark the SQL statement that does not bypass R/3 table buffers a. a) It copies the language attributes and the output options. c. d. c. When migrating a SAPscript form into a Smart Form. You will use following step type to achieve this in your design: a. b) concatenate text1 text2 to text3. c) WRITE fld AS INPUT FIELD. you need to terminate the workflow. To concatenate 2 strings into 3rd one correct syntax is a. a) TRUE b. d) Multiple Condition 33. b) FALSE 29. the Paragraph and Character formats gets automatically converted a. d) SELECT DISTINCT 28. b) 4. SAPScripts can be converted into Smartforms a. b) False 39. b) System Id c. a) 4. b) Using IMPORT-EXPORT from memory c. c) User Password d. Customizing is for. c) 2 d.. c) Use the application hierarchy and search for BADI d. a) 4 b.7 c.g. a) Client No b. d) All of the above 45. a) SE12 b. Which of these is not entered in the SAP logon screen a. c) Generate a program d. a) TRUE b. d) Language Key 42. b) Tuning the Performance of a system (e. a) Search for key word BADI in the IMG b. c) ERP 2004 43. a) Adjusting the company-neutral delivered functions to your company's business requirements (e. d) Search for CL_EXITHANDLER in the SAP program 41. a) All details of scope and work contents . c) Program error d. b) CMOD c. b) ABAP Dump c. (Fill in the blanks) a. Statement of work indicates a.g. When SAP system terminates a process due to internal error it is referred as a. b) Do a where used on the BADI Adapter class properties c. c) All of the above. b) 3 c.. d) 5 38. 37. There are _____ types of Windows that can be defined in Smartforms. b) Generate a File c. a) ABAP Termination b. setting of Parameters for defining the size of memory areas on a server or for optimizing database access) c. Select the technique which is not used to search for BADI existence in a business transaction a. a) Generate Batch Input Session b. d) SE30 36. c) Personalizing the End user's access to the system (e. defining sales organizations and distribution channels for adapting to the organizational structure of a company) b. What is not possible with a recorded session in the Batch Input recorder? a. a) Pass it thro TABLES parameters while calling the Smartform function module b. SAP R/3 Enterprise version is a.d. What transaction should be used to change keywords and short texts for SAP data elements? a.6c b. How to pass an internal table from driver program to Smartform without creating custom (Z) structure in the Data dictionary for reference? a.g. setting font size and user specific parameters to fill frequently used input fields with default values) d. d) Generate a Batch Job 40. d) None of the above 35. c) SMOD d. a. d) For initiating backgroung processing 44. d) ABAP table 47. a) the user logged on must only be able to access SAP transactions and cannot access database or operating system services b. but seldom changed b. d) All of the above 2. c) In Screens only d. Where do the fixed values of a domain get checked a. a) SE10 b. a) Top-of-page during line selection b. a) All Repository objects b. c) Statement sent with outline agreements d. Transaction code for maintaining table structure is a. b) SE11 c. d) When a SQL Insert is performed 3. The following data is client specific: a. c. d) SAP Supplier Relationship Management 50. To ensure that the system is secure a. d) None of the above 49. b) All Database Tables c. d) None of the above 1. This provides online interfaces that allow you to place orders. Data in an R/3 system can be either client specific (meaning that it is usually different in different clients) or client independent (meaning that it is the same data for all client sin a system). b) SAP Customer Relationship Management c. b) All details of bill of materials c. c) SAP Business Intelligence d. d) Annexure with a RFQ 46. b) At line-selection. c) SE12 d. a) Often read. c) Enhanced SOA d. a) SAP Master Data Management b. b) the user should be able to only access database c. eSOA as defined by SAP is a. d) SE16 48. usually > 100MB c. What are the main events an interactive report have? a. b) When user presses F1 . and then receive advance notices of when the orders will ship. a) Enterprise SOA b. b) Extended SOA c. d.b. c) All Master Data d.Technical info c. c) Temporary data inconsistencies not acceptable . a) When a SQL Update is performed b. c) the user should be only allowed to access the authorization profiles d. b) Big. a. c) At user-command. Which of the following are good technical criteria for buffering? a. Placing your own code in the include of a supplied function module b. c) Enable others to Access all the tables. c) Sy-lsind d. . d) END-OF-SELECTION. What system field indicates the list you are on a. a) Sy-pfkey b. B-2. Defining your own text for the supplied function codes c. a) AT PFn b.d. d) Search help 5. d) All the above 9. a. c) Extracts data from Data dictionary d. c) Data element documentation d. B-3. d. c) After user enters some value d. Group 1 a. Where does information come from when you press F1 on a screen field a. Function Exit a. What is the purpose of a Lock Object a. Match the definition in group 1 with the exit type in group 2. c) AT SELECTION-SCREEN d. 11. a) Extracts data from layout set b. d) All of the above 6. what event is processed when the button is clicked? a. a) Field b. C-3. Creating subscreens for the subscreen areas d. b) AT USER-COMMAND c. b. b) Lock Data dictionary domains c. b) Modifies layout set data c. c. a) True. C-2. d) Before screen is displayed 12. b) After user has pressed a function code. Adding function modules for the data elements Group 2: 1. d) None of the above 7. A-4. D-4 b. a) To stop others from using Tables which is to be altered b. C-1. d) Sy-linsz 8. b) Internal Tables c. Assuming a pushbutton with function code 'FUNC' is available in the toolbar of a list report. The statement Describe field f gives the properties of a. b) Sy-linct c. c) B-1. Menu Exit 4. When PBO gets executed? a. b) False. c) List d. The Output program associated with the layout set a. b) A-4. D-2 10. a) After screen is displayed b. Communication IDOC is stored in memory and Master IDOC are stored in database. a) Domain Help values b. Field Exit 2. Screen Exit 3. D-1 c. d) Access rarely from Key fields 4. a) A-3. b) Domain short text c. 13. b) The above mentioned process is complete. a) The above mentioned process is incomplete. b) CMOD c. c) Txn Code d. Notifications of work items to external mail address can be sent using a. In workflow development . c) Z or Y d. b) _WF_SELF_OBJECT c. d) import parameter flt_val 21. There are _____ types of Windows that can be defined in Smartforms. 3) In the partner profile for inbound message. d) ZZ_ or YY_ 24. d) All of the above. What makes up an ABAP Transaction. c) Any of the above d. a. d) None of the above 16. a) Performing settings in SCOT b. For setting up an inbound process via workflow following are the steps: 1) Develop custom workflow that needs to be started. b) OUTPUT_OPTIONS c. Printing parameters of Smartform layout can defined using: a. 2) Use WE42 to create and point a new process code to the new workflow. container element --. a) 4 18. a) SE80 b. For creating enhancement project you will use transaction a. d) All of the above 23. c) Using Extended Notifications d. b) SE19 . make sure that the inbound message uses the process code. b) False 19. ABAP Syntax check is possible in SAP Smartforms. 20. a) SMOD b. c) USER_SETTINGS d. a) CONTROL_PARAMETERS b.is represents actually a self reference a. b. d) All the above 14. 15. What is the customer name range for fields in an append structure? a. (Fill in the blanks) a. Main Window can be easily changed to Secondary window and vice-a-versa a. a. b) GUI and User Dialogs c. a) Z_ or Y_ b. b) interface parameter flt_parm c. c) _WI_OBJECT_ID d. a) _WI_SELF_OBJECT b. b) Using Enhanced Notifications c. Name the transaction Code for Creating a BADI implementation a. b) ZZ or YY c. a. Name the parameter that is required with a filter dependent Business Add-In a. a) ABAP Program b. a) TRUE b. a) service class parameter cl_flt_val b. a) True b. c) export parameter ex_val d. b) False 17. d) _WF_OBJECT_ID 22. c) Supplier review and management d. A database administrator is responsible for a. a) the user logged on must only be able to access SAP transactions and cannot access data base or operating system services b. d) none of the above 35. a) Enterprise Architecture b. b) the user should be able to only access database c. b) WAS c. d) None of these 29. a) Sending mails b. c) XI d. b) sending attachments c. To ensure that the system is secure a. c) the user should be only allowed to access the authorization profiles d. d) C++ 27. b) Computer Aided Testing Tool c. a) EP b. a) Supplier relationship management b. b) 45 days c. It is not possible to have a watermark (for example. d) set up GUI 33. d) SE24 25. d) MI 28. a. c) JAVA d. c) Defined by System administrator d.c. role descriptions. SAP SRM stands for a. b) change the password c. accelerators. a) Computer Aided Training Tool b. b) ABAP c. What is the mandatory frequency for changing SAP User Password ? a. b) False 34. the project team will benefit from a set deliverables. a company logo as watermark) on the Smartform output a. Base component of SAP NetWeaver a. During the first logon system expects you to a. and additional guides that are provided according to the structure of the entire project life cycle. Using ASAP Implementation Roadmaps. a) no specific expectation b. b) False 26. d) User defined in user profile settings 32. c) SE18 d. d) none of the above 31. a) true b. c) Both of these d. a) True b. ESOA is associated with a. d) Only a and b 30. CATT stands for a. a) 60 days b. c) set up menu d. b) Supplier revenue management c. The Standard set up of SAP Office provides you an opportunity of a. c) sending mails to non SAP user d. a) Backup . a) Workbench Request b.b. a) Only production b. b) Production & Development c. a) All User master data b. a) True b. b) excutables c. c) Local Request d. b) Local Request c. b) SU53 c. b) Customizing request c. a) System will prompt you to input the new password b. Project Preparation means Define project and system landscape a. Before you log on the first time a. b) All Transactional Data c. d) performance tunning 41. b) False 38. Which of the following is not a category of SAP notes in service market place a. c) RZ20 d. a. c) Source Cost Management d. c) Production. a) Consulting b. The standard practice followed in system landscape for SAP projects has __________ clients a. a) SM01 b. Quality and Development . Data in an R/3 system can be either client specific (meaning that it is usually different in different clients) or client independent (meaning that it is the same data for all client sin a system). d) Customer 39. Modification to standard SAP objects are stored in a. c) Configuration d. Configuration data is stored in a. b) Recovery c. a) Supply Chain Management b. b) False 43. c) Monitoring d. c) third party tools d. The following data is client specific: a. a) perodic task b. In SAP context SCM Stands for a. What is background processing used for a. d) None of these 42. d) SM50 37. b) Supplier Cost Management c. a) Workbench Request b. d) all of the above 36. c) Customizing request d. c) both of the above 40. Missing authorization\'s can be checked by transaction a. b) Correction c. d) All of the above 46. c) All Master Data d. a) True b. d) Standard request 45. Customizing is the setting of system parameters via SAPs own interface. b) system administrator will have to give you an initial password c. d) Repair request 44. update database. function WRITE_FORM is used to a.can be /is a. a) Stocks are loaded in the beginning b. d) None of above 50. c) Client Data d. a) Delete Duplicates b. c) Open the form if not opened and then write the form d. c) not allowed d. Development and Sandbox 47. d) None of the above 7. Customizing data and Repository objects in Training client . the options are identified by a. Static data records that have long life are considered to be: a.6c b. b) Module pool c. SAP R/3 Enterprise version is a. d) none of the above 49. c) Both of above d. b) Transactional Data c. d) Insert 5. a) Changed b. a) lock data. b) Stocks are loaded in the end c. d) Deleted 48. Which statement prevents duplicate internal table entries a. d) Production. d) None of the above 2. Dialog Programming is of type: a. when you can select more than one. b) read data. b) STMS c. a) Master Data b.lock data. update database 4. a) 4. a) Executable b. release locks. a) Open the form b. While selecting from multiple options. c) ERP 2004 1. c) Stocks can be loaded anytime 6.7 c. In case of SAP scripts. In the sequence of data migration a. c) Append d. c) lock data. d) Subroutine pool 3. Size of table can be changed dynamically .d. release locks c. b) Created c. c) INCLUDE program d. a) ATMS b. read data. a) Check boxes b. b) Collect c. b) Write the form c. update database. b) 4. release locks b. What order is recommended when setting and releasing locks in your program a. read data. b) Radio buttons c. Transcation code to Transport management system in SAP is a. c) CTMS d. b) concatenate text1 text2 to text3. which include program should contain the data declaration for the field? a. b) False 17. d) None of the above 16. text2 to text3. a) TRUE b. What is output by the following code? DATA: BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0. d) ADRR 11. c) The address of the actual parameter is passed to the formal parameter d. The address data is stored in SAP table a. a) PBO module include program b. Business Add-Ins allows SAP. b. What is true of passing by value and result in the following code? Perform calculate_sales using amount. b) List title c. letter type c. In one of the method for passing parameter. partners. a) Pass by Reference b. Customer exits/user exits can be development by SAP or customer where as. a) Formal Parameter f_amount is allocated its own memory space b. a. a) Presentation server b. itab-letter = 'A'. a) Date and Time b. c) It consists of a screen layout with its screen elements.a. To concatenate 2 strings into 3rd one correct syntax is a. c) Pass by Value and Result d. b) BSEG c. To include a field on your screen that is not in the ABAP Dictionary. b) FALSE 8. a) A screen is an object of the repository b. Which of the following is TRUE: a. c) concatenate text1. d. d) Subroutine include program 15. END OF itab. b) TOP include program c. a) True b. text2 into text3. and the flow logic. FORM calculate_sales changing value(f_amount) a. d. b) always exists as a component of an ABAP program c. c) PAI module include program d. and customers to the development. d) concatenate text1. d) None of the above 9. . c) SDRC d. a) concatenate text1 text2 into text3. Function module GUI-UPLOAD is used for uploading data from a. 10. b) Formal parameter is not copied to memory space of actual parameter c. c. d) Underline 12. Which of the following is NOT a component of the default standard ABAP report header? a. d) All of the above 14. formal parameters are not allocated a separate storage location a. a) ADRC b. c) Page number d. c) None of the above 13. b) Pass by Value c. b) Application server c. WRITE itab-letter.dns d. ENDLOOP. d) Holiday 25. The statement is: a. a) TRUE b.APPEND itab. d) ping -v 26. d) Only a and b 24. APPEND itab. a. Consecutive statements that have the same initial part cannot be combined in one chained statement a. d) B C D 18. SY-TABIX = 2. The Change and Transport System (CTS) in SAP is a tool that helps you to organize a. a) TRUE b. b) A B C D c. b) Factory calendar c. c) sending mails to non SAP user d. a) Calendar b. c) Using SAP NetWeaver Mobile d. b) transport the changes between the SAP Systems in your system landscape c. c) ping . a) A b. b) False 19. Selection screens are special screens that can be defined in executable programs. How to check SAP realase a. APPEND itab. b) False 21. a. b) Menu-System-status c. Various ways to access data in SAP systems a. c) B d. The Standard set up of SAP Office provides you an opportunity of a. Working day for a organisation in SAP is controlled using a. c) both of the above 23. itab-letter = 'D'. d) All of the above 22. b) False 27. The presentation server is actually the program named SAPGUI. a) development projects in the ABAP Workbench and in Customizing b. SAP is a software based solutions company . Is it possible to call a subroutine of one program from another program? a. itab-letter = 'C'. EXIT. a) TRUE b. b) Using SAP GUI c. a) True b. b) FALSE 20. a) Sending mails b. c) Holiday calendar d. itab-letter = 'B'. a) SAP GUI b. APPEND itab. LOOP AT itab. b) sending attachments c. a) Using SAP NetWeaver Portal b. a. b) False 28. a) Electronic report preparation b. d) none of the above 34. c) Advanced Business Applications Program d. The chronological and logical sequence of the steps. b) SAP Exchange Infrastructure c. the following parameters can be set. a) Advances in Business Applications Programming b. What is ERP? a. Changes in SAP system are transfred by using a. The transaction code to configure number ranges in SAP is a. a) SPRO b. a. c) Because only update work processes can change database entries d. a) batch job b. c) both of the above d. d) None of the above 31. Scheduling a periodic background job. linked to the evaluation of conditions that can be controlled flexibly with event-related response mechanisms is called. d) Electronic resource planning 35. b) reports c. a) Only asynchronous updates can access the SAP system buffers b. b) SNRO c. b) Because this allows the user to proceed with his next task before the update on the database has finished c. b) Applications in Business and Advanced Program c. The menu is organized according to __________ in the SAP System a. b) MANDT . c) Business Process d. c) SAP Business Intelligence d. a) Date/Time b. d) All of the above 37. a) TMDT b. Here you can also specify that your job should be restarted periodically. d) none of the above 33. c) After event d. Schedule to have your job start at the date and time that you specify. ABAP stands for: a. d) based on usage 29. a) alphabetically b. d) Advanced Business for Advanced Program 36. d) diglog sessions 30. b) Enterprise resource process c. a. What is the application that deals with process integration in the Netweaver stack a. a) SAP Enterprise Portal b. c) by transaction codes d. a) Procedure b. a) true b. c) transports d. Field which distinguishes client dependant data in a table is a. Why are asynchronous updates used for dialog transactions? a. b) group of tasks c. c) Enterprise resource planning d. b) Workflow c. d) all of the above 32. b) After job c. d) Opens new transaction 44. c) Unitifed business processes d. If suppose the condition fails then a. d. a) Client. What are the major activities done during GO-LIVE PREPARATION phase of the project? a. choose Favorites -> Insert Transaction 41. c) TMNDT d. b) False 43. b) Data. d) all of the above 42. You cannot proceed to the next screen a. Database.X records at a time. d) MANTD 38. a) if you not filled in all the fields b. b) SELECTPACKAGE SIZE X c. a) true b. d) This facility is not available in ABAP 47. a) Ends current transaction b. Application help. c) User. c) SELECTUPTO X RECORDS. Customer and Application b. User and Application c. choose Extras -> Settings -> Display Technical name d. choose Extras -> set start transaction c. How to display the Technical name of any transaction codes in SAP Easy menu? a. Entering /nex in command field a. a) SELECTPACKET SIZE X. a) Transport configuration b. b) DO loop will be executed once as well as WHILE loop will be executed zero times c. b) Application integration c. a) TRUE b. report printed by SAP system can be reprinted without generating it again a. a) true b. R/3 Application and Database 39. a) In SAP Easy Access screen. c) Opens new session d. is context-sensitive. The Three tiers in R/3 system is represented by: a. If we need to fetch all database entries corresponding to a given key. d) None of the above . the syntax to be used is: a. a) Open integration application platform b.c. d) In SAP Easy Access screen. b) False 48. a. Variable offset and length can be set using ASSIGN statement a. c) In SAP Easy Access screen. b) False 45. c) Handle open documents d. c) both of the above 46. This means that it will link you directly to the help for whatever application area of the system in which you are currently working. which is available through the Help menu. b) Handle master data required c. b. Netweaver technology provides for a. d) Presentation Client. choose Extras -> Display Technical name b. d) All of the above 40. Programs d. a) DO loop will be executed once as well as WHILE loop is executed once b. b) Ends the current login c. b) if you have not filled in the mandatory fields c. c) DO as well as WHILE will be executed zero time d. b) In SAP Easy Access screen. c) SE36 d. Help c. b) Edit. a. c) Tool Bar and Checkboxes d. b) SM12 c. c) decimal d. c) Hashed d. In debugging if you want to test a transaction you enter in command field. b) The database tables being addressed must be defined in the ABAP/4 dictionary. a) Yes b. d) None of the above 2. b) False 5. SORT statement can sort a. d) All of the above 3. What is the transaction code for the ABAP Editor? a. d) None 1. a) /a b. and Checkboxes c. d) Menu Bar. c) SM37 d. Transaction for creating message class a. b) Menu Bar. b. the structure of the corresponding extract record in the extract dataset is fixed Is the statement true? a. b) /h c. c) Window. Tool Bar. a) TRUE b. help b. As soon as the system has processed the first EXTRACT statement for a field group <fg>. While debugging you can assign a new value to a variable. b) alphanumeric c.49. c) Both a and b d. a) The database system being addressed must be supported by SAP. When using Open SQL statements in an ABAP/4 program. d) varchar . c. Menu bar will have the following menus by default when created a. a) Menu Bar and Checkboxes b. c) only internal table 7. Following data types are present in ABAP 4. a) char b. a) SE11 b. you must ensure the following. a. a. b) Sorted c. c) /d d. and Title 4. System d. a. b) only database table c. a) external as well as internal table b. b) No 50. a) File. b) SE38 c. d) /tr 8. a) Standard b. a) SE93 b. A GUI status is composed of which of the following? a. d) SE14 9. d) SE91 6. Internal table can be of type: a. Tool Bar. c) When a table is read frequently and the data seldom changes d. a) When a table is read infrequently b. d) One for every explicit database commit 15. a) Synchronous b. b) False 14. a) The Call Subscreen statement is not required b. Which is not a type of RFC Call a. Buffering can be good for which type of table? a. What addition to the read table statement must be used when reading a hashed or sorted internal table to ensure that a binary search will be used? a.10. b) Built-in type c. c) same data element is required for check field and referenced field d. a. b) Transactional c. c) Call Subscreen in the PAI and PBO d. c) At PAI execution d. Ranges are same as number ranges a. d) None of the above 17. a) Scroll bar b. A Tabstrip control consists of the following elements except a. b) When a table is read frequently and the data is always changing c. b) Tab title c. b) WITH TABLE KEY c. How many dialog steps in an SAP Transaction. a) TRUE b. b) same domain is required for check field and referenced field c. c) One for every transaction in the SAP LUW d. d) None of the above . d) Call Subscreen in the PAI only 19. b) FALSE 13. What is proper coding practice in the flow logic of a Dynpro when a subscreen is defined on the screen? a. When does it get re-initialized? a. d) Check table 11. Process code refers to an workflow or a function module which helps in reading or writing data from/to Idoc. a) Table type b. d) At PBO execution 12. d) all key fields MUST have domain equality between check table and foreign key table 18. b) At the end of the transaction c. a) same data type only is required for check field and referenced field b. a) WITH KEY b. c) WHERE d. b) Call Subscreen in the PBO only c. c) Subscreen d. d) When a table is linked to check tables 20. b) Only One c. c) Table field d. The statement is: a. What is needed to ensure a check field is verified against the referenced key field of the check table a. c) Asynchronous d. a) At least One b. a) True b. d) All the above 16. A screen field has been dynamically changed in a dialog program. What can be assigned directly to a data element? a. a) Only when the program encounters more code to modify the field attributes b. Any changes that your development teams make to Customizing or Repository objects in the development system are automatically transported to the target systems (such as the quality assurance and production systems) when they are released a. the append structure must be manually re-applied b. c) Rolebar d. b) Project Preparation c. You have added an append structure to a standard SAP table. d) Acceptance testing 28. Which of the following provides general information on the SAP system and transaction or task on which you are working? a. Where is the current active tab stored for a tabstrip? a. b) ii and iii. 24. b) False 30.21. a) The standard table is returned to standard. A new append structuremust be created and then appended to the standard table 22. b. It is possible to protect a variant from changes by other users a. d) None of the above 27. Identify the key word that determines if a CMOD function exit has been provided: a. Therefore. c. b) Tab strip c. d) All append structures are deleted. b) The activities of these users . c) CALL CUSTOMER-SUBSCREEN d. a) The number of users active in the system? b. a) ACTIVETAB b. a) Realization b. d. a) True b. d) CALL USER-EXIT 26. b) False 29. d) OK_Code 25. d) None of the above 23. b) The internal table need not be sorted c. b) When the standard tables are activated. c) i and ii. a) i and iv. a) Status bar b. the append structure is automatically appended to the standard table c. d) iii and iv. The system performance is affected by the following a. b) Menupath c. Which of the following is correct in the case of READ with BINARY SEARCH on a standard internal table a. c) Blueprint d. SET A-ABAP Level 2 a. c) Function Code d. What happens to the standard table when a new version of the table is imported during an upgrade? a. a) The internal table needs to be sorted using the key fields b. Which of the project phase is most important from process design and definition perspective a. a) CALL PROGRAM-EXIT b. c) The internal table needs to be sorted using the fields in sequence as used in BINARY SEARCH d. b) CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION c. c) The append fields are automatically appended to the table upon activation but you must still convert the table d. a) True b. c) Output request d. Master data. b) Program c. b) Spool request c. Which of the following is not a category of SAP notes in service market place a. Transaction data) usually stored in an R/3 system? a. Transaction code for accesssing SAP mailbox is . d) Business Engineer 40. c) Approach d. SAP for Utilities is a a. d) Industry Solution 34. b) Data Elements c. d) None of the above 36. b) The Implementation Assistant c. b) Graphical User Interface c. c) how much data is being addressed d. c) End the session you are in d. Customizing setting. c) Domains d. d) None of the above 35. d) ABAP Objects 32. a) SAP transaction for screen enhancement b. c) Favorites 38. a) The Implementation Guide b. d) EP 37. You can use the F1 help to a. b) BW c. a) XI b. a) Display an explanation of a field\'s uses b. Which is the standard SAP component for intergration of different third party systems a. If a list is not to be printed that gets generated during background job. d) Change the logon language 33. c) Configuration d. a) Print request b. Where is the Permanent data (e. d) all of the above 31. If you want to display technical names for the respective tasks you can do this using the following tab in the menu bar. Where can you see the Tcode for the screen in the SAP window a. b) In the status field of the status bar c. 41. d) All of the above. a) Module b. b) Correction c. a) Database tables b. c) Business Navigator d. c) Generic Utility Interface d.c. d) Customer 39. The configuration of the R/3 is done through: a. a. c) SM d. What is the SAP GUI ? a. a) Consulting b. It will not have a. a) System b.g. b) Display a list of possible input values c. c) Using system -> status menu d. b) Extras c. a) In the menu bar b. b) Language selected during login c. b) SPHA c. c) Personalizing the End user\'s access to the system (e. a) SAP XI b. Background jobs can not be scheduled periodically a. d) None of the above 49. Which of these is not entered in the SAP logon screen a.a. a) Defining database objects. d) Maintaining help files 44. b) Based on status of another job c.g. a) NE b. a) true b. a) True b.. What is the ABAP Dictionary being used for? a.g. a) Using a given frequency b. a) Setting in user master b. defining sales organizations and distribution channels for adapting to the organizational structure of a company) b. This SAP product is the foundation for SOA in an enterprise a. the maximum number of sessions that could be open is: a. SAP Best Practices are the sound foundation for pre-packaged ready-to-use business solutions a. a) SBWP b. d) SWUI 42. a) 4 b. b) SAP BI c.g. For an inequality check between two variables. b) 6 c. d) Language Key 47. d) 9 45. c) Based on a event d. Customizing is for. a. e. c) Selection in the transaction d. c) SAP Netweaver d. a) Cleint No b. b) Tuning the Performance of a system (e. a) Adjusting the company-neutral delivered functions to your company\'s business requirements (e. Language for SAP menu in the transaction depends on a. b) False 48. b) False 1. Tables and Views on the Database b. b) <> . c) Maintaining Documentation d.. For a user in SAP R/3 client. c) 8 d. b) Maintaining ABAP programs c.g. the symbol used is: a. c) SSC1 d. setting of Parameters for defining the size of memory areas on a server or for optimizing database access) c. c) User Password d. d) none of the above 46. report printed by SAP system can be reprinted without generating it again a. b) System Id c. setting font size and user specific parameters to fill frequently used input fields with default values) d. d) all of the above 43. d) For initiating backgroung processing 50. c) SM51 d. Given the two ABAP Dictioary tables below. a) TRUE b. Which statement prevents duplicate internal table entries a. a. d) Validation field 10. b) Primary Key c. what option of the SELECT statement is required? a. c) >< d. a) Domains b. What determines if a table is Client Specific versus client independent. d) All of the above 2. b) Delete Duplicates c. Which dictionary structure contains system fields. Transaction for creating domains is: a. d) Collect 7. d) The first field is mandt with a external data type CLNT and specified as a key field 4. What requirement exists if a field is defined in the dictionary of type CURR? a. a) FOR ALL ENTRIES b. b) False 9. The number of iterations in a 'LOOP' construct can be controlled using sy-index/sy-tabix field. b) WHERE c. d) MOVE-CORRESPONDING 12. a. In regard to field selection. a) SYTAB b. b) FALSE . b) The option 'Client Specified' is added to the Select statement c. a) Scenodary Index b. c) INTO d. a) The first field is mandt with a domain CLNT but not specified as a key field b. Following is the modularization technique in ABAP a. a) Insert b. b) SYS c. c) Append d. a) SE31 b. d) All the above 11. a) FORM b.c. a. Character data types allows character ( A to Z. a to z) . c) FUNCTION d. c) Depends how Basis has configured the client d. b) Documentation c. * a. c) No other requirement exists d. d) The field must be linked to another field of type CUKY 8. The Customer number field is known as a ____. a) Decimals must be defined in the domain b. d) None of the above 3. a) True b. c) Data Models d. d) Dynpro 5. c) SY d. the Customer number field in table one must contain a value from table two. b) SE11 c. b) METHOD c. d) SYST 6. What is the basic object of data Dictionary a. c) Foreign Key d. b) The field must be numeric c. a. d) All of the above 15. PERFORM ROUTINE1 USING val1. To read a single line of an internal table. The Ok_code serves what purpose a. c) Start program in background mode d. d) CLEAR ITAB 16. a) PAI b. use the following: a. d) Subscreen 14. a) Determines successful user action b. When creating a transparent table in the ABAP Dictionary. a) SQL cache b. b) FREE ITAB. c) Menu d. b) FALSE 17. c) REFRESH ITAB. Tabstrips must contain which one of the following? a. FORM ROUTINE1 USING temp1. a) In the program editor. a) Call transaction b. c) Central d. set breakpoint c. c) Saving the table d. Which is not a valid R3 configuration a. a) LOOP AT itab. b) Checking the table syntax c. b) PBO c. CLEAR statement clears the field memory a. d) READ TABLE itab 21. d) Single Database 23. a) Three Tier b. c) Contains screen field values d. b) Call function c. set breakpoint b. How would you set breakpoints in your program for debugging? a. Is the value of val1 changed? a. _ ENDLOOP b. b. b) Contains function codes c. b) In Development workbench. b) NO 18. b) : SELECT SINGLE * FROM itab c. d) Activating the table 20. c. a) Adding technical settings to the table b. ENDFORM.13. d. The shared memory of a database consist of a. a) YES b. d) None of the above 22. What is the alternative to batch input session ? a. a) True b. The following statements will clear the header-line of an internal table: a. b) Log buffer . Temp1 = 10. c) READ itab d. d) Not possible 19. a) DELETE ITAB. which step automatically creates the table in the underlying database a. b) Two tier client server c. c) Call method d. a) Connecting b. a. c) 12 d. While modifying in ternal table it is always better to use field symbols than using work area. You call the initial screen of the Transport Organizer with Transaction a. d) All the above 26. a) Combo box b. d) All the above 24. c) ALE d. What are IDocs? a. d) 18 30. For a user with two user ids to the same SAP R/3 client. What does SAP stand for a. c) Systems Application and Products in data processing . b) extended SOA c. d) none of the above 29. a) True b. c) Data buffer d. a) SE09 b. d) none of the above 34. a) 6 b. c) Documents used for data-transport between two different SAP systems d. c) I/O field d.c. a) Systems Application and Products b. Which of the following is not a output format supported by SAP a. b) Systems Application and Processes c. b) Exchanging data c. A screen output element that is not available in ABAP a. b) False 25. eSOA as defined by SAP is a. b) SE10 c. d) Both b & c 28. c) both of the above 32. b) Status icon c. b) Legacy System Migration Workbench c. c. a) Documentation of executable programs b. LSMW stands for a. ALE is a technology for ____________ between logical systems a. c) Remote logging d. the maximum number of sessions that could be open a. Any changes that your development teams make to Customizing or Repository objects in the development system are automatically transported to the target systems (such as the quality assurance and production systems) when they are released a. b) 9 c. b) Fax c. a) Printout b. a) TRUE b. d) none of the above 31. d) None of these 33. b) False 27. c) enhanced SOA d. a) Legacy Systems Mitigation workbench b. b) Documents used for data-transport between SAP and non-SAP s/w. c) Local system migration work d. a) enterprise SOA b. b) Transport management c. c) Exchange infrastructure d. . b) Maintain test case notes and status. The system displays the following messages a. a) F1 is for possible values and F4 is for application help b. a) Defaulting set of selection criteria for the report b. d) all of the above 45. a) Test according to the test case description. b) Solution Manager c. d) all of the above 40. d) Standard request 43. c) Can be setup for client relevance d. b) These are client dependent c. The Basis system administrator\'s tasks are a. c) Local Request d. c) quality d. b) Definition of a spool server landscape for continuous. The function of a tester are a. a) These are client independent b. b. d) Portal 39. c) F1 is for Field Help and F4 is for possible entries. d) All of the above 38. customization changes are ideally done in system a. Process intergration in SAP Netwevear is accomplished by a. c) both of the above 36. a) sand box b. a) Administration of output devices b. b) PI c. d) SCM 44. b) Customizing request c. c) BW d.d. a) EP b. a) ECC b. Report variant are used for a. a) User administration b. d) Systems Application and Product in data application 35. a) You are about to log off b. reliable operation c. b) Group together a set of selection criteria to be used for transaction c. a) Workbench Request b. Many SAP system in SAP landscape can be monitored using a. d) None of the above 41. The spool administrator is responsible for a. d) development 42. d. Configuration data is stored in a. b) Save data before quitting c. You have muliple sessions open and you are ending the last session. b) F1 is for Application Help and F4 is for Technical Help c. a. c) Set up the system so that the selection criteria can not be changed d. c) Database administration d. b) production c. c) Monitoring to ensure output is correct d. d) None of the above 37. Which of the following is true for configuration settings a. What is the difference between F1 Help & F4 help. c) SM37 d. b) Language selected during login c. c) Analyze automatic test case logs d. b) Extended Warehouse Management c. b) False 49. tables and other repository objects. a) true b. a.c. SAP EWM stands for a. d) None of the above 1. b) False 50. a) Completely true b. d) all of the above 46. c) Expanded Warehouse Management d. d) SM38 3. Language for SAP menu in the transaction depends on a. a) SM35 b. d) all of the above 4.. In a SAP R/3 environment there exist separate name spaces for programs. b) SM36 c. a) Enhanced Warehouse Management b. b) connection c. c) created d. b. c) Selection in the transaction d. You use the Customizing Distribution to transfer customizing changes made in one SAP R/3 development system into other development systems in your system landscape. a. c) Partially False 47. a) The Name of executable customer programs usually starts with Y or Z or with a reserved Name space /. Transcation code to view batch jobs in SAP is a. d) none of the above 48. Which of the following statements are correct? a. a) Setting in user master b. d) in process .. b) The name of all SAP programs begins with SAP c./. a) waiting b. The Project Preparation phase is the first of five phases of the standard ASAP implementation methodology. b) ready c. b) Completely False c. a task still uncompleted will be of status a. Middle ware system is primarily used for _________ between the source and destination system a. c) conversion of data formats d. d) all of the above 2. In SAP office. c) customer programs should start with SAP d. During realisation you can display and edit the project documentation from the Business Blueprint phase a. a) communicating b. a) True b. Q. b) controls c.F.N.P.X d.F.F.T.H.N.D.P.T c.5. A field declared as type D has the following internal representation: a) YYYYMMDD b) DDMMYYYY .F. What is the other method for Direct Input Method a. e) C.D.I. c) A.D.N.N.I. a) call transaction b.T e.T. What does a LDB(Logical Database) provide? a) Consistent and flexible user interface b) Central performance improvements for update accesses c) A method to access the data in a random manner d) Centrally defined authorization checks 7. sum1(5) type P stores number of digits as a) 5 b) 10 c) 20 d) 15 10.T b. IS INITIAL of a field returns a) zero b) blank d) specified by data type of the field 9.D. Which of the following are elementary types in ABAP a. Which is valid write statement a) write text4(5) b write text4+5 c) write text+4(5) 11. Which of the following does not physically exist in the underlying database? a) Internal table b) Transparent Table c) Database table 6.P.P.N.F.I.D.X 5. c) batch input 4. b) C.P. d) A.H. When is it better to buffer the table? a) When a table is read infrequently b) When a table is read frequently and the data seldom changes c) When a table is read frequently and the data is always changing d) When a table is linked to check tables 8.I. a) C. They are called a) b) c) d) Formal Parameters Actual parameters Static parameters Value 17. c) Before outputting the first line on a new page 18. B and D A & C Only A. Which of the following is NOT a component of the default standard ABAP report header? a) b) c) d) Date and Time List title Page number Underline 13. C & D 14. When is Top-of-page event executed a) Triggered by a New-page statement b) When the First Write Statement of the program is encountered. SORT can be written as a) b) c) d) SORT itab using key1 key2 SORT itab by key1 key2 SORT itab with key1 key2 ***** 15. A subroutine has some parameters assigned to it. The function module used to load file from the presentation server is A) upload B) ws_upload C) data_upload D) file_upload a) b) c) d) A and B Only A. Highest element of all organizational units in SAP R/3 system a) Client b) Plant c) Controlling Area .c) MMDDYYYY d) YYYYMMDD 12. Is it possible to call a subroutine of one program from another program a) True b) False 16.
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