Ab Rsm Annual Review 08

March 20, 2018 | Author: kamkh1212 | Category: Pop Culture, Test (Assessment), Performing Arts, Leisure, Entertainment (General)



Annual Review2008-2009 Contents About ABRSM n 3 Who’s Who n 3 Chairman’s Statement n 4 Chief Executive’s Review n 5 Exams and Assessments n 8 Online Resources n 12 Publications n 14 Professional Development n 17 Giving n 19 Financial Summary n 20 New Diploma Holders n 21 Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards n 25 New CT ABRSM Holders n 26 Prize Winners n 26 Examiners n 30 CT ABRSM Course Leaders and Mentors n 32 Representatives n 32 The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Annual Review for the year ended 31 January 2009 2 n • ABRSM AnnualReview08-09.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 2 About ABRSM Who’s Who Music is at the heart of our work. We are here to support and encourage music learning throughout the world so everyone can share in its power. Patron Her Majesty The Queen We motivate musical achievement through our authoritative assessment of students, the professional development of their teachers and a wide range of published resources. We also actively support music education through funding and advocacy. ABRSM is the leading authority on musical assessment. By setting and delivering our exams rigorously and consistently we set the worldwide gold standard, with over 600,000 people, in over 90 countries, choosing to take them every year. As part of our commitment to excellence in music education, we provide a rich resource of materials, from albums of repertoire for the earliest stages of learning to scholarly editions of the great composers. Our online presence includes SoundJunction, our award-winning site for young people. We know that good teachers endeavour to enhance their professional skills. We support their continuing professional development through our innovative courses and online learning. To build on 120 years of inspiring generations of musicians, we provide charitable donations, scholarships and sponsorship, as well as acting as an advocate for music education. We do all we can to give music a voice in public life because we believe it has the power to change people’s lives. President His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales Governing Body Lord Sutherland of Houndwood KT, Chairman Professor Jonathan Freeman-Attwood, Principal of RAM Professor Colin Lawson, Director of RCM Philip Ramsbottom Alan Smith Professor Jonty Stockdale, Principal of RNCM Tony Travis Professor John Wallace OBE, Principal of RSAMD Nicholas Ward Richard Morris, Chief Executive Timothy Leates, Secretary Executive Directorate Richard Morris, Chief Executive Leslie East, Executive Director: Syllabus & Publishing Timothy Leates, Executive Director: Finance & Administration Tim Arnold, International Operations Director Richard Crozier, Professional Development Director Penny Milsom, UK Operations Director Eugene O’Donnell, IT Director Nigel Scaife, Syllabus Director Ben Selby, Marketing Director Clara Taylor, Chief Examiner n 3 and the values on which they are based can never be taken for granted. It is never wise to be complacent. and sadly how small the margin is between success and failure. The point here is that the excellences within the organisation. These values start with a commitment to the importance of music in our culture.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. and I admire the (often hidden) efforts which colleagues make to ensure that we continue in this vein. Other sectors involved in public examining have shown how delicate is the balance in maintaining consistency of standards against volume of activity. I have spent part of the year reviewing the difficulties experienced by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in delivering national SATS results to schools. It has brought home to me very forcibly how easy it is to lose control of a process which involves assessment of large numbers of pupils to a common high standard. Stewart Sutherland Chairman 4 n . That leads inevitably to giving high priority to excellence in music performance. The values represented by dedication to music and especially to musical performance must therefore be complemented by those which underwrite an organisation which depends upon the shared vision and professionalism of a very wide range of colleagues – both in ‘head office’. It is very difficult to identify any other institution which is quite like it. and in the core business of examining and teaching. Those who examine and those who administer the process are to be warmly congratulated. Happily. I believe it appropriate and realistic in the light of performance. for ABRSM to continue to aspire to set international gold standards in its core activities. That this is realistic is to be seen in the current success of its overseas as well as its UK-based examining portfolio. and thorough professionalism. The primary responsibility of ABRSM is in evaluating or examining the level of performance. but I reflect with admiration on the continuing success of ABRSM to maintain standards and consistency in examining on a world-wide basis. The whole organisation and those who work in it declare a set of values which inform and structure all that happens within it. Vision must always be allied to attention to detail. but as a thoughtful organisation. in publishing. this has been the continuing experience to date.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 3 Chairman’s Statement ABRSM is distinctive and indeed unique. skill and professionalism! To go further. in local representative capacities. I think that I am justified in claiming that there is here a unique blend of value. innovations such as SoundJunction and various forms of training packages. we also provide support to teachers and pupils through our immensely successful publications. Entries for our Singing exams have grown consistently over 20 years and we anticipate that the superb new series of ABRSM Songbooks will give yet further impetus to this excellent trend. new syllabuses and publications were issued for both Guitar and Singing.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. both in the UK and overseas. while laying firm foundations for the future. The launch of these syllabuses was supported during 2008 by a full set of seminars and professional development programmes. which included a broader approach to repertoire and substantial revisions to supporting tests. In addition. This new syllabus was complemented by an extensive range of new publications. The central feature was the issue of a new Piano syllabus. which generated exceptionally high sales volumes. designed to introduce teachers to the changes and to the new materials.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 4 Photograph courtesy of the Royal College of Music Chief Executive’s Review Performance over the past year The past year was one in which we focussed strongly on our core examination activities. n 5 . There have also been significant improvements to communications through an upgraded telephone system and the online display of candidate appointments for applicants in Malaysia and the UK.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. ABRSM websites now provide a wealth of resources for our online audiences around the world. The research results demonstrated that our stakeholders want ABRSM 6 n to be a ‘one-stop shop’ for their music education needs. It was also pleasing that the level of appeals against examiners’ decisions was at a record low. During 2008 we provided many professional development opportunities for teachers. we have now established a single Marketing Department to manage our relations with all those who use our diverse services and products. we have taken action to achieve the maximum integration of our operations. while laying firm foundations for the future. which will be taken forward in 2009.” This strategy was also reflected in infrastructure developments in 2008. and we are planning to offer exams in Shanghai in the current year. in place of the multiple names by which we have been known in different parts of our operations and in different parts of the world. which has created a blueprint for ABRSM strategy over coming years. We will maintain our policy of offering to conduct exams anywhere in the world where there is viable demand. As a direct response. we conducted a successful pilot for the online marking of theory papers. through both formal courses and presentations by examiners and mentors. . during 2008. Attention was also given to Theory exams with the launch of revised and re-presented versions of Music Theory in Practice for Grades 1 to 5. Building for the future Over the past year we concluded our lengthy market research and brand review. ABRSM examiners maintained our reputation for the highest levels of professionalism and consistency throughout the year. the albums of pieces for violin. in 2008 we entered the world of podcasts creating programmes to support the new 2009 syllabuses. published in the previous year. Over 50% of our income is now derived from overseas activities. 2008 also saw the launch of our renowned Certificate of Teaching course in Indonesia. which provided new professional development opportunities for examiners. We are planning in the current year to further extend our professional development work in the UK and overseas via new interactive online courses for teachers. At a more technical level.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 5 It was especially gratifying that. I was delighted to attend celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of ABRSM exams in Jamaica. Furthermore. which symbolises both our musical mission and royal connections. including marking exercises and a series of presentations on specific instruments. In 2008 exams were held for the first time in Vietnam. Following on from the earlier co-ordination of syllabus and publishing planning.abrsm. including specialist areas within www. flute and clarinet. This is encapsulated in our new logo. In contrast. continued to sell extremely well.org for individual countries in which we operate. We are communicating this new approach by adopting the single name ABRSM. “The past year was one in which we focussed strongly on our core examination activities. This was enhanced by online developments. Although there is no room for complacency. Our own Music Medals. Nonetheless. Furthermore the Richard Morris Chief Executive n 7 .” The bigger picture During 2008 there were a number of UK governmentbacked initiatives. The Wider Opportunities programme opened up instrumental learning to whole classes of children at Key Stage 2. It is a gratifying and uplifting fact that parents seem to make all sorts of economies before deciding to cut back on their children’s musical education. progressive music education for those young people who demonstrate the wish or talent to continue with their music making beyond these initial experiences. I pay the greatest tribute to all these people. We can therefore look forward to the future with reasonable confidence. All of this is. whether staff at Portland Place. however. will produce net benefits from our extensive international operations. whose work seems even more important at times like these. continue to make an important contribution. primarily through our ongoing scholarships and support for four Royal Schools of Music. Sponsorship continued for both Music for Youth and the Federation of Music Services. which were extended in 2008 to include keyboards. During 2008 we maintained our position as the UK’s largest private benefactor of music education. representatives dispersed across the UK and the world or the examiners and mentors who travel endlessly and untiringly in delivering ABRSM services.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. a recent report from Ofsted on music in schools is extremely timely in emphasizing the extent of this challenge. In the latter instance. we will also be providing consultancy services in the field of professional development. a competition for young composers and four international conferences. We maintained our dialogue with the government and many music organisations both to offer support and to encourage provision of sustained. which successfully introduced very many young people to music. when the material world is undergoing so much stress and readjustment. both in the classroom and outside.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 6 “During 2008 we maintained our position as the UK’s largest private benefactor of music education. 2009 marks the 120th anniversary of the founding of ABRSM and we will be celebrating this in numerous ways including a gala concert. ABRSM is well placed to thrive even in the exceptionally adverse economic conditions permeating the outside world. dependent on the remarkable level of commitment to our work shown by the entire ABRSM team. after so many years of slow growth. while Sing Up! worked towards its objective of making every primary school into a ‘singing school’. extraordinary collapse in the value of sterling. Piano. studies. Trumpet. We selected the tunes from the repertoire of popular music and the pilot pack contained band recordings as well as a set of minus-one backing tracks. and in the case of Guitar and Piano we revised both the scales and sight-reading. Trombone and Bass Trombone. Singing and Harpsichord. including Cello. We started work on the preparation of syllabuses for publication in 2009.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 7 Exams and Assessments Syllabus Review New for 2008 We issued new syllabuses in 2008 for Guitar. considering all issues of parity and progression between the instruments to ensure a consistent and coherent approach. in the light of feedback from teachers and examiners. with the assessment process focusing on four areas: tunes. In the Piano syllabus we took a fresh look at repertoire selection. We established new parameters for sightreading and commissioned a set of tests for a pilot project that was sent to a cross-section of teachers in December 2008. To support the new repertoire lists we published a wide range of material. For each subject the repertoire was completely refreshed. For the first time we included arrangements and we also extended the possibilities at Grade 8 with the inclusion of classical movements in forms other than sonata form in List B. guide charts and aural tests. the next Piano syllabus (2011-12) and a review of the Organ syllabus. The panel also looked at scales.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. Throughout the research phase the emphasis was on the development of real world performance skills. . We also established a new approach to sight-singing. Double Bass. 8 n Strings review An expert panel reviewed all aspects of our Bowed Strings syllabuses. Flugelhorn. Cornet. Drum Kit pilot In November we began a pilot for a Drum Kit syllabus. We hope that Drum Kit exams will form part of a Popular Music syllabus in due course. homes and teaching studios. good practice and openness the guiding principles in all activities. role to play in organising High Scorers’ Concerts. the HLR and staff at ABRSM. together with the personal touch given by HLRs. The year’s most significant development was to put in place the facility to view appointments online. using three-way collaboration between the examiner. such as reducing waiting times for network of Honorary Local Representatives. Supporting examiners On the day of the exam our priority is to give every candidate a positive experience. with Grades 1 to 5 being the most popular. Collaborating with volunteers Most candidates took their exam at one of our 300 plus Customer research and consultation helped us to identify ABRSM Centres. making each applicant’s online account a hub of essential and practical information throughout the exam process.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 8 Spotlight on the UK and Ireland Customer service A total of 333. “It makes a huge difference having friendly. In 2008 more than 600 examiners visited the many different places where candidates took exams. “Offering good customer service is immensely satisfying. not just ABRSM centres but schools. and contribute to future plans. Staff aimed to make teamwork. proved to be one of our great strengths. n 9 . collaboration. HLRs also have a vital improved the service we were able to offer to callers. Life on the road can be arduous for our examiners and the care and sensitivity shown to each candidate is just one part of their demanding role. the final stepping-stone in the five-stage sequence that provides online support from start to finish: • Pre-entry information and guidance • Entry • Appointment and venue details • Confirmation of results • Results archive This local element.” Member of ABRSM staff The online experience We introduced new features to our online services. so we make every effort to provide them with the support they need. Most candidates. however. ranging from absolute beginners who gained a Music Medal to more advanced students who sat a Diploma. helpful and flexible people on the other end of the line” Our aspiration during the year was to support candidates by UK applicant offering first class customer service and operating to high professional standards in all areas.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. In 2008 we held 18 of these very special events which celebrate the achievements of candidates in graded exams. These centres are overseen by our areas for development. share expertise and ideas. around the UK and Ireland. volunteers exam results and improving telephone contact. Our 2008 regional HLR seminars gave these volunteers a chance to gather in small groups to update each other. Subsequent who live locally and give their time and commitment to investment in a new telephone system significantly supporting musicians in their area.657 candidates took an exam in the UK and Ireland. took graded exams. We were also busy 10 n . plus the now regular bi-annual conferences for Honorary Local Representatives in New Zealand. To administer these exams. Italy. Portugal. Jamaica. New centres For the first time we held exams in Vietnam. We held two highly successful conferences for Representatives in Australia and India. we developed a new suite of presentations. and in December the Shanghai Provincial Government gave permission for a trial period of exams in the Oriental International Cultural Service Centre of Shanghai Waigoaqiap Trade Zone.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 9 The International Picture Andorra Belgium Czech Republic Gibraltar Anguilla Belize Denmark Greece Antigua Bermuda Dominica Grenada Australia British Virgin Islands Egypt Guyana Austria Brunei Darussalam Falkland Islands Hong Kong The Bahamas Bulgaria Faroe Islands Hungary Bahrain Canada France Iceland Bangladesh China Germany India Barbados Cyprus Ghana Indonesia In 2008 we conducted more than 289. for use by examiners in teacher workshops.000 exams outside the UK and Ireland representing almost 8% growth over the last five years. Spain. Bermuda. Secondly. Representative news During 2008 new Representatives were appointed in Andorra. South Africa. This exam session is open to non-Chinese passport holders. the United Arab Emirates and the USA. First. 232 examiners undertook a total of 395 examining tours. Singapore and South Korea. we conducted a year-long review of our worldwide representation which has resulted in an exciting new set of support systems and materials for use by our Representatives. India. Macau. Turkey. Working practice During the year we reviewed two key areas of our international operations. Australia. There was significant growth in Dubai. Chinese passport holders living outside China and Chinese passport holders planning to study overseas and represents a highly significant development for the region. France. incorporating filmed and live sample exam performances. and candidate numbers continued to hold steady in Hong Kong and Malaysia.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. Gibraltar. Switzerland. including a High Scorers’ Concert attended by our Chief Executive. New Zealand. India. Malaysia. Jamaica. ABRSM staff travelled extensively during the year meeting members of our worldwide community. Staying in touch To ensure that we provide the best support for teachers. Macau. Indonesia. Taiwan. Hong Kong. Through the excellent support of Marie Clarke (successor to Maurice Gordon. n 11 . who died tragically in August 2007) as Representative. Representatives and examiners. We held celebratory Diploma Award Ceremonies in Indonesia and Hong Kong for successful candidates in the relevant regions. an impressive series of events were staged. and candidates at all levels gathered to share their musical talents at 20 High Scorers’ Concerts around the world. Spain. Thailand. which will provide opportunities for International Representatives to meet many members of staff and to celebrate our 120th anniversary.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 10 Italy Malta Qatar Switzerland Jamaica Mauritius Saudi Arabia Taiwan Japan Mexico Serbia Tanzania Jordan Myanmar Seychelles Thailand Kenya Namibia Sierra Leone Tonga Korea (South) The Netherlands Singapore Trinidad & Tobago Kuwait New Zealand South Africa Turkey Libya Nigeria Spain Uganda Luxembourg Norway St Kitts & Nevis United Arab Emirates Macau Oman Sri Lanka United States of America Madagascar The Philippines St Lucia Vietnam Malawi Poland St Vincent Zambia Malaysia Portugal Sweden Zimbabwe preparing for four conferences taking place in 2009. Richard Morris. Visits were made to Cyprus. students. Singapore. Sri Lanka. Something to celebrate 2008 was significant for the 100th anniversary of exams in Jamaica. Germany. Poland. Turkey and Vietnam.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. Italy. We were also delighted and proud that the Jamaica Post Office minted a special centenary stamp. syllabus downloads. . We continued to develop our online presence and strategies in response to new technologies and 12 n innovations and are extremely enthusiastic about harnessing their potential for the benefit of our users. an online publications shop and forums.112 visits from over 590. pianist and composer Sarah Walker. lent her considerable expertise as presenter.abrsm.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 11 Online Resources The ABRSM websites provide a suite of popular and convenient resources for our online audience throughout the world. In 2008 www. BBC Radio 3’s Classical Collection host. Some of the many features include interactive music learning tools.362.org alone enjoyed 1. online entry facilities. one of Britain’s leading radio and audio production companies. Podcasts In June and July of 2008 we recorded and released a successful first series of podcasts in liaison with Classic Arts.000 visitors.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. achieved a second consecutive nomination for a Webby Award in the Education category. we commissioned and recorded a further three programmes for release in February 2009. French. BETT. Spanish and Turkish. SoundJunction continued to extend technological boundaries through its unique and immersive composition. fully translated information to visitors throughout the world. German. where possible. Italian. Portuguese. Over 8.abrsm. The latest nomination follows prestigious BIMA. and syllabus seminar presenters Anthony Williams. We now offer key website content in Chinese. Nigel Scaife. New Media Age and E-Learning accolades in recent years. concerts. a piano sightreading test featuring Sarah Walker herself and a sightsinging assessment undertaken by brave ABRSM Sales & Marketing Assistant Rylan Holey helped bring the new requirements to life. These interactive mini-sites will help on both fronts. which can now be downloaded in its entirety from www. our interactive and groundbreaking online music learning resource. local news features and details of forthcoming courses. Teachers and students will be able to access practical and detailed information. SoundJunction In 2008 SoundJunction. relevant to their country.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 12 “We are constantly striving to improve customer service and communications. n 13 . localised and. our suite of Diplomas and the process involved in creating a syllabus. International Operations Director The three programmes explored our new syllabuses for 2009 – Piano. Richard Storry and Eileen Field. remixing and sound exploring tools and myriad of accompanying resources and videos. The new mini-sites give teachers and candidates access to downloadable resources. The aim here was to provide easily accessible." Tim Arnold. Guitar and Singing – and featured engaging interviews with our Syllabus Director.org. Music Industry Association. Sarah Walker returned to present and Chief Examiner Clara Taylor and Syllabus Manager Robert Sargant made their podcasting debuts in this series. New international pages In September and October we released revamped minisites for all countries in which we operate. Accompanying performances by Anthony and Richard. These focussed on the range of qualities required to become an ABRSM examiner. Serbian. Building on this success. which achieved a fourth place ranking in the education category of the iTunes Store and was featured in the attached ‘New and Notable’ listings for three weeks. 24 hours a day.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09.000 listeners enjoyed the initial podcast series. and events in each region. For the first time we Guitar. with the CD packaged inside the book. not downloads. Guitar A new and improved Guitar syllabus led to a whole Piano tranche of publications that were greeted with Selected Piano Exam Pieces 2009-2010. Interestingly.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 13 Publications 2008 was dominated by the publication of the vast range of new materials supporting our 2009-2010 Piano syllabus. containing many of the pieces listed in the made the Piano syllabus recordings available as syllabus and. as before. And to make it even Specimen Sight-Reading Tests. to reflect technical changes easier to take a guitar exam there were new Time Pieces for within the syllabus. and published the ever-popular Guitar and albums of Scarlatti for Guitar and Weiss for Teaching Notes on Piano Exam Pieces.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. this exciting development did otherwise easily accessible for purchase. On top of that we Scales and Arpeggios again reflected carefully considered launched new Piano Scales and Arpeggios and new Piano changes to technical parameters. not affect the sales of CDs – quite the opposite – but the 14 n . Yet the piano was not allowed to overshadow our first publications for guitar and some very distinctive anthologies to support the revised Singing syllabus. Recordings of the published in July and for the first time they were available complete repertoire lists were released for the first time. facility to download just the tracks of the pieces that candidates might choose for an exam was welcomed by our customers. Grades 1-8 were enthusiasm by teachers and students. in the case of Scarlatti and Weiss. The book and CD while new Guitar Specimen Sight-Reading Tests and Guitar were also available separately. These collections of songs from the revised syllabus offer teachers and students an unrivalled choice of repertoire up to Grade 5. Board The Associated A Boar d of Royal the Ro oyal Schools of Music Compiled b Campb bell. Robert Rober t Forbes and Lilija Lilija Zobens byy Ross Campbell. from medieval music to modern musicals. each book contains 12 unaccompanied traditional songs. In addition. in a variety of different languages. narrated by native speakers.  15 . and CDs featuring piano accompaniments to all the art songs and the text to every song.qxp:Layout 1 23/4/09 17:05 Page 14 GRADE 7 Guitar Weiss forfor Guitar Scarlatti Guitar exam pieces complete syllabus from 2009 grade 7 Scarlatti for Guitar Ten arrangements by 3HWHU %DWFKHODU 5LFKDUG :ULJKW grade 5 selected Piano exam pieces 2009–2010 Book 4 W ITH WITH C D CD The ABR RSM ABRSM SO ONGBOO B OK SONGBOOK Selected p ieces and traditional traditionnal songs in fiv o olumes pieces fivee vvolumes Singing Changes to the Singing syllabus required new Specimen Sight-Singing Tests but the really exciting additions to our catalogue were The ABRSM Songbooks.Ann Rev pp14-16. Grades 1–5 Guitar exams Guitar Exam Pieces on CD. Grades 1–8 Singing repertoire The ABRSM Songbook.VTJD . Grades 1–8 Guitar Specimen Sight-Reading Tests. Grades 1–8 Piano Specimen Sight-Reading Tests. Grade 1–8 Teaching Notes on Piano Exam Pieces 2009–2010 Piano Scales & Arpeggios. Grades 1–5 (revised edition) Theory of Music Papers 2008. Grades 1–8 Keyboard repertoire Keyboards Together. Guitar repertoire Time Pieces for Guitar. amusing cartoons and stimulating quotations.FEBMT 4JMWFS &OTFNCMF 1JFDFT Name Exam support 2008 also saw the release for the first time of CDs of Viola Exam Pieces. Filled with useful hints and advice on practising. Flute and Clarinet.FZCPBSET 5PHFUIFS  The ABRSM Practice Notebook . with specially-commissioned pieces by Alun Hoddinott.Ann Rev pp14-16. New titles published in 2008 Piano exams Selected Piano Exam Pieces 2009–2010. David Gorton and Graham Fitkin which were launched at the Wigmore Hall in London. last but not least. flying off the shelves in large quantities. introducing this popular instrument to the Music Medals programme whilst also providing some fun pieces for class use. Grades 1–8 Piano Exam Pieces as MP3s. 2009–2010. Grades 1–8 Selected Piano Exam Pieces 2009–2010 with CD. Books 1–5 Viola exams Viola Exam Pieces on CD. Grades 1–8 Piano Exam Pieces on CD 2009–2010. Grades 1–8 Guitar Scales & Arpeggios. Grades 1–8 Theory of Music Music Theory in Practice. Grades 1–8 Ensemble repertoire Spectrum for String Quartet Books for teachers and students The ABRSM Practice Notebook 16  . And. and revised editions of Music Theory in Practice. Volumes 1 & 2 Scarlatti for Guitar Weiss for Guitar Singing exams Specimen Sight-Singing Tests. of new Prep Tests for Cello. Grades 1–8 Theory of Music Model Answers 2008. Volumes 1–5 Further innovations March saw the publication of Spectrum for String Quartet. The ABRSM Practice Notebook was born. Our first publications for electronic keyboard emerged in September with the five Keyboards Together books. this handy little book has proved to be one of the great successes of 2008.qxp:Layout 1 23/4/09 16:51 Page 15 . great fun and inspiring!” From 2008. These one-day events are always popular and this year they were attended by over 1. We held six Introduction to Instrumental and Vocal Teaching days in the UK and Indonesia.500 teachers. For those interested in teaching jazz we ran four courses n 17 . Our Certificate of Teaching (CT ABRSM) course remains popular with UK and Hong Kong teachers. whilst teachers in the UK benefited from our three-month Teaching Music Effectively course that combines study days with a distance learning module. teachers on the CT ABRSM and Teaching Music Effectively courses have had access to a range of online resources and materials via a virtual learning environment. Course Leaders and mentors to contribute to intra-group discussion through dedicated discussion forums. Guitar and Singing. “The jazz course was very informative. with two additional seminars arranged to cope with the high demand. This has also allowed teachers. and in 2008 we launched the course in Indonesia with a small and very enthusiastic group of teachers. and is paving the way for the introduction of our new online courses in 2009.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 16 Professional Development Core courses Demand for professional development has continued to grow. Supporting the syllabuses Our annual autumn seminars in the UK explored the new syllabuses for Piano.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. We also continued to provide a range of additional professional development opportunities for teachers at various stages in their careers. every aspect was useful. these unique courses gave more than 160 teachers the opportunity to take and pass their first jazz exam.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 17 “Teaching Music Effectively was an extremely informative and enjoyable course . Macau and Taiwan. 18 n . more than 2. We also spent time in 2008 providing continuing professional development for members of our professional development and presenter panels.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. and Director of Professional Development. Meanwhile. Malaysia and Singapore. in Hong Kong. Clara Taylor.” Photograph courtesy of the Royal College of Music in the UK. workshops and courses can do so with complete confidence. and a series of seminars on the new Piano syllabus in Indonesia. Led by a team of experienced jazz musicians and educators. During 2008 this featured seminars and masterclasses presented by our Chief Examiner. with over 70% of participants gaining a distinction. ensuring that all those involved in delivering our wide range of seminars.000 teachers took part in our Professional Development Programme. three at an introductory level and one further intermediate course. Around the world Our Centenary Travel Grant fund supported seminars for teachers in both Spain and Turkey and we put in place plans for similar events in India and the West Indies during 2009. Richard Crozier. South Korea. percussion. piano. resources and publications. Sponsorship We continued to sponsor a number of music education organisations in the UK. These scholarships Finally. music-making opportunities. vocal and classroom teachers. regardless of ability or Belarus.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 18 Giving "We want to speak to young people about the benefits of not only music making but progression . performance standard. Both provide support and networking opportunities for instrumental. postgraduate studies. saxophone. flute. and professional development is a fourth equally important area of our work through which we aim to support the wider music education community. violin. Music for Youth Photographs Chris Christodolou Sitting alongside our activities in the provision of assessments. trombone. including the National n 19 . ABRSM bursaries also helped four postgraduate students to fund further studies or launch professional careers whilst at the other end of the spectrum. Scholarships and prizes We also set up an arrangement to provide the FMS with a In 2008 we awarded ABRSM scholarships to 20 talented consultancy on professional development within music young musicians beginning their studies at four of the services. Chief Executive.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. our long-standing and ongoing support for Music reflected the international for Youth’s Regional Festival Series ensured that more and diverse nature of our than 40. viola.and hence our collaboration with ABRSM. The youngest of these quality of teaching. We’re absolutely delighted with ABRSM’s ongoing support. our sponsorship of the Federation of Music Services funded eleven regional conferences for music service teachers. learning and musical leadership is musicians were attending the junior departments of these supported at all levels and it will be complementary to conservatoires whilst others were beginning their the self evaluation and peer moderation programme undergraduate or which is currently being rolled out by the FMS. double bass. Association of Music Educators and the Scottish Association for Music Education." Lincoln Abbotts. China. oboe. With the focus still on teachers. with students take part in this unique event which gives access to live coming from Australia.000 children in England and Wales were able to activities. the UK and the USA to study a wide range of subjects: cello. Brazil. 493 prizes were awarded to candidates who had excelled in their graded music exams – both Practical and Theory. This will help music services to ensure that the Royal Schools of Music in the UK. voice and composition. South Africa. 8m Expenditure 2008 – 2009: £34. 20 n . independently examined or subject to a reporting accountant’s report. The most recent full annual accounts. These graphs indicate the approximate proportions of ABRSM’s income and expenditure arising from and applied to its different activities.9m UK and Ireland exams (34%) Exams (45%) International exams (45%) Scholarships and donations (16%) Publishing (19%) Staff (19%) Professional development and other (2%) Administration and development (12%) Publishing (8%) This financial summary applies to the financial year ended 31 January 2009.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 19 Financial Summary Professional development & other Publishing Administration & development Publishing UK & Ireland exams Exams Staff International exams Scholarships & donations Income 2008 – 2009: £35. trustees’ report and external auditor’s report are available from both the Companies House and Charity Commission websites.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. They have not been taken from the full annual accounts and have not been audited. 36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 20 New Diploma Holders ABRSM’s Diplomas are recognized and respected around the world. Teaching and Direction. Assessments are available at three levels. LRSM and FRSM. Performance.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. DipABRSM. Diploma of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (DipABRSM) Australia Dafydd Camp Chng Ying Zhao Elizabeth Cumming Kim Wen Fang Carmen Gawthorpe Edward Giffney Hong Pik Kei Jeong Seul Lee Li Yiu Chuen Wai Chun Liu Karen Louey Kai Chun Mak Hayley McDonald-Burns Yollanda Ng Abel Alexander Ong Armandine Stephanie Marie Bianca Hilda Wong Canada Gregory Jen Eric Tak Yan Lam Jennifer Kim Hung Lo Roydon Hoi Chak Tse Yu Fan (Fiona) Wu China Merrin H Bydder Chen Elaine Yanying Chen Ying Chen Laura Du Hsieh Angela Shing Ling Liang Jing Ling Hongyi Luo Yingfeng Wei Ni Pak Ho Pang Rui Sheng Ling Suganuma Nobuo Cheyenne Wu Jia Ying Wu Antonia Yue Cyprus Maria Panayidou Sylvia Toumaian Christodoulides France Anita Biltoo Justine Yu-Shi Bui Lucinda Isabel Lucena Piquero Lucie Roulet Germany Lise Cribbin Ghana Oguchi Egbunine Ibiyefiebo Harry Oluwaseun Daniel Oluwabusuyi Greece Antonio Pantelias Hong Kong Wing Man Au Aaron Cheuk Long Chan Aiden Chan Chan Diana Hin Tung Chan Ho Ying Tristi Chan Ka Yan Chan Chan Lok Chun Rod Chan Pak Hang Tsz Shing Chan Chan Wing Heen Chan Yan Lok Chan Yuen Ling Tai Yin Chan Chang Choi Lam Chau Wai Yi Joey Xilin Chen Cha Wen Cheng Gareth Chun Heng Cheng Hoi Tung Cheng Martin Yo Yo Cheng Siu Ling Cheng Yan Ho Cheng Yuen Ying Cheng Cheung Joyce Pui Chih Cheung Ka Man Bella Cheung Ka Yeung Cheung Kwun Leuk Cheung Lam Cheung Lik On Leona Cheung Ping Cheung Hay Wan Helen Cheung Lai Fan Estelle Yuet Kiu Cheung Cheung Chin Wai Wilson Ka Wai Chi Ka Wai Ching Chiu Ho Yi Sze Ting Chiu Choi Man Kuen Chok Yan Ho Priscilla Cook Hung Kin Ching Yi Fan Hei Man Fok Fok Wing Ying Caroline Ka Kit Fong Man Ching Michael Fong Ying Ying Fong Kwan Ling Kelshjade Fung On Tung Fung Fung Yuk Kiu Chloe Ho Ho Man Ho Sze Man Shoki Hoshino Hsu Yin Man Margaret Ma Huang Eric Irons Jor Tsing Yee Keung Yuen Yuk Kong Sin Ki Koo Ka Man Carmen Kung Man Wai Nicola Seen Yee Kung Kwan Ming Kwok Pak Chi Frederick Kwok Shing Fung Kwok Wai Ho Him Kwong Lam Sze Man Tsz Yan Lam Lam Wing Shan Lam Yuen Ki Lam Mei Shuen Lau Ka Yau Kit Sum Lau Sze Tai Law Law Yat Ling Winnie Lee Cho Yiu Hui Ning Lee Lee Jing Lee Sze Wing Christie Tsz Wan Erica Lee Wai Yin Vivien Lee Lee Wing Him Lee Pui Kwan Chun Ho Leung Leung Chun Kwong Eugene Leung Hok Kiu Johnson Leung Leung King Fung Peter Leung Lok Yiu Pui Ka Leung Leung Siu Hey Michael Leung Tin Wai Tsz Sum Leung Leung Wing Hing Randel Leung Ying Chi On Ki Leung Leung Wing Yin Mondi Li Chiu Lok Chun Ping Li Li Lok To Alice Li Man Ting Li Oi Kiu Kun Hee Lim Wai Yin Milk Liu Wing Shan Liu Lok Man Lo Lum Yuen Kei Pui Man Twinne Lung Ma King Hong Renee Siu Yu Ma Ma Ka Yi Ma Wei Kei May Wah Mak Mak Yik Fung Mok King Fung Matthew Chi Chung Ng Ng Wing Lun Yuk Ying Ng Ka Sin Jamie Or Pang Kit Yung Si Wing Poon Pui Sum Ho Siu Man Pun Pun Yau Shing Shek Yuen Ming Shen Wenjuan Shuen Ting Ting Shum Pok Man Wai Sze Shum Fai Kwok Siu Kam Ping Siu Siu Oi Chi Vincent Hin Wai Siu So Tsz On So Tsz Yu Sun Hsin Hou Sung Man Ni Chin Hung Sze Tang Suet Ling To Kit Yan To Ming Yi Tong Mei Lin Mung Ni Tong Pui Ying Tsang Tsang Wing Sze Eugene Tse Sui Sum Sammie Tse Tso Yee Ki Tsui Mei Ling Meilina Kwan Ki Rachael Tsui John Kye Shuen Voon Wan Christopher Kai Hin Wan Yat Long Wong Cheuk Tik Wong Hei Man Him Wong Hiu Fai Christina Wong Wong Hok Yan Wong Kan Kan Wong Kit Ying Wong Lok Sang Wong Mei Ki Maggie Ming Fung Wong Wong Ngai Man On Yi Wong Patricia Wong Wong Sin Yip Siu Kan Wong Wong Tsz Ting Tsz Yeung Timothy Wong Wai On Wong Wan Shan Wong Wong Wing Ho Wong Wing Hong Wing Yu Esther Wong Wong Yat Sze Yin Yee Michelle Wong Wong Yu Ngai Alister Wong Yuen Han Wai Tak Wong Wu Hoi Yuen Yuen Ching Wu Ngar Sze Cici Yau Wing Yin Yau Yeung Hoi Ling Yeung Yan Ling Jacquelene Yeung Suk Chun Yim Sze Hang Yip Chiu Wah Regina Yu Joy Sze Yu Pui Sze Yu Siu Man Yung Yi Tak Iceland Linda Maria Nielsen Hreidar Ingi Thorsteinsson Linda Maria Nielsen India Marianne Generosa Aiman dCruz Priya Ann Fernandes Yunja Jung Indonesia Rina Carina Johan Djayanto n 21 . and in three subjects. Congratulations to the following musicians who gained their diplomas during 2009. Marc Yeo Hui Min Michelle Yeo Kai Yun Yeo Kim Soo Nurliyana Binte Zainal Zhang Jingyi South Africa Emily Alexander Gillian Margaret Anderson Lynton André Boshoff Emil Bruwer Maximillian Finbow Catherine Friggens Madeline Groenewald Lyudmyla Heath Andrea Elizabeth Hobson Morné Frank Kahts Emma Karnezos Selene Le Roux Tiisetso Mashishi Jaco Meyer Kabelo Monnathebe Katrin Mary Geneve Smith Heloïse Matilda Thorburn Joe Tse Simon Obakeng Tshoeu Caroline Van Renen Justine Wessels Angel Iek Hou Zhang Spain Angel Luis Carrillo Gimeno Sophie Dicks Héctor Diez Mardomingo Marta Herrera Herraíz Javier Montañana Sri Lanka Amila Marie Abeysekera Dominic Michael Johnpillai Prasadhini Perera Sweden Simon Petrén Switzerland Hazel Marian Lapres Taiwan Chang Shen-Yi Chen Hao Chen Yin-Shi Pei-Hsin Cheng Chou Li-Hsien Hsu Pei-Chen Lin Tzu-Yi Thailand Watcharaporn Jantakan Lullalit Supatravanij Trinidad and Tobago Jerome Dinchong Turkey Batu Sener Ahmet Soylu Ismail Tepe United Arab Emirates Jingwen Dai Ghadeer Obaido Hyun-Wook Shin Xu Xing Hua United Kingdom Katherine Adams Elspeth Addicott Molly Alexander Melek Firat Altay Darren Anderson Luke Anthony Sebastian Armstrong Michael Arthur Sarah Ash Michael Ian Atkins Benjamin Atkinson Kin Nam Au . Cassandra Loh Shao Wei Loo Ming Jie Lum Jian Yang Mog Jing Xiang Neo Tian Cheng Ng Peiyi Nyan You Zhi Jesper Ong Shi Ching Melissa Chloe Ong Shu Hui Phua Qi Qi Phua Shyan-Hwei Seah Chen Yi Jarrel See Ning Hui Shi Fangying Ryan Sim Guan Jie Song Chunzi Felicia Sukijung Syn Pei Jin Celeste Yoko Takahashi Tan Li Hsing Tan Pin Sing Sheldon Kieren Tan Tan Yi Ling Tan Li Lin Gillian Tan Mei Yang Tan Yu Jia Jessica Sarah Tan Hui Ying Tang Chin Yi Merilyn Tang Selina Kam Yin Tay Wei Ling Tay Yun Song Teng Tsui Zhen Angela Teo Shin Pei Gayl Teo Jin-Li Lanabel Theng Wai Khean Truong Shuming Violette Tseng Xin Ying Wan Hui Wei Wang Chenwei Wang Naijing Wong Loo Yee Yeo Chin Chen.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 21 G Vf Grasiavita T Hilda Wiwin Koswara Liviana Victor Nathanael Antonius Dody Soetanto Lucia Irma Yuliani Mauritius Clifford Richard Cousnapa Christel Elodie Darion Alexandre Nicolas Duval Latreille Martine Julie M-Agnes C Veronique Preaudet Ireland Ailbhe Doherty Stephanie Foley George Jackson Kieran McDonnell Saerlaith Murphy Owen Ronayne Amy Ryan Keith N Scully Namibia Christiana-Ndeshimona Simeon Japan Miho Kamemoto Kayano Nagai Karin Tanikoshi Jordan Rasha Abu-Ajwah Maria Al-Momani Majd Khnouf Tania Twal Kenya Jihee Hyung Christopher Walters Korea Ye Lang Choi Olive Jiheon Jung Sung Mi Kim Hye Rie Yang Macau Chan Chi Man Chan Ieng Chan Pui Pui I Lap Cheok Chong Weng Hong Julio Miguel Dos Anjos Ka Hou Fan Fong Ho I Ko Pui Kwan Kuong Weng Kei Lo Cheok In Ngan Sheung Kwan Sin Weng Lam Siu Long Hin Tong Ho Kei Ho Lun Yeung Malaysia Bethanie Aik Chai Niing Chaing Yi Ling Chang Chow Sien Chen Jing Dao Wong Mu Tze Clara Thien Kang Nie Connie Goh Lai Wan Kester Hong Ching Kim Jit Ch’ng Lim Khai Xin Lim Mei Yeow James Ng Wen Liang Phuah Xin Li Tan Jia Ping Tan Teik Guan Tan We Ee Bernard Tan Yong Boon Wong Ching Soon Malta Yanika Borg Laura Cioffi Joanna Fenech Michela Galea Connie Frances Zerafa 22 n New Zealand Zoe Butters Timothy Carpenter Ryan Yoonseung Cha Zenith Chae Moyi Chi James Daniell Victoria Ferguson Grace Elizabeth Francis Olivia Rose Francis Adam Frederick Fuhr Jennifer Hui-Han Gao Lucy Maria Gijsbers Andrew Hedges Andy Chia-Wei Hu Alisa Huang Hsuan-Wen Huang Jane Jarrett Yao (Nancy) Ji Angela Kong Raymond Chun Man Lee Sherry Lee Joo Young Lim Alexander Morton Marilyn Frances Murray Lam Chun Roentgen Ng Kate Oswin Sebastien Philip Paul Recordon Janet Roderick Aroonprapai Rojanachotikul Finn Alexander Schofield Arna Alayne Shaw Amie Sweetapple Sze-Man Clara Tang Hannah-Elizabeth Teoh Tao-Ping Tsao Tania Anne Verdonk Jing Jing (Alice) Wang Elisha Anne Margaret Watson William Thomas Williams Jimmy Liren Yang Grace Qing Zhang Norway Stamen Stantchev Oman Nader Bin Mubarak Al Baluchi Yahya Abdullah Wahab Al Dhanki Khalid Bin Khalfan Al Jabri Nasser Salim Rashid Al Kindi Nagla Bint Nasser Al Rahbi The Philippines Alejandro Consolacion Ii Qatar Carole Kay Singapore Ang Xin Chun Neville Alison Armstrong Arif Yohannes Atmadja Muhammad Nuzli Hakiim Bin Md Nor Chan Xian Wen Zara Mark Cheng Wei Chin Yingtse Chen-Ouw Cheong Wen Qin Doreen Cheow Ying Evan Chia En Yao Chin Jincheng Chin Zhi Hui Chionh Kai Wen Keven Chong Kar Ann Chong Shi Hui Pauline Chu Ben Wee Chu Lee Voon Chu Soh Ling Chua Huixi Germaine Er Wan Lin Joan Fun Rui Shan Goh Bin Goh Yu Xiang Wilford Gui Lee Lian Ho Ngon Lung Ho Chin Yee Hong Jing Han Elaine Khong Meng Chee Priscillia Koe Jie Xin Koh Jin Jun Koh Si Zheng Belinda Koong Pei Yi Lai Sheng Lin Lee Sy Huey Lee Yun Hong Jennifer Lee Ching Man Joshua Evan Lee Derong Benjamin Lee Wei Leow Hwee Pin Michelle Liew Ee Lin Lim Jia Le Lim Ruo Lin Lim Xuan Han Lim Yee Ting Lim Ying Hong Lim Boon Ngan David Serene Lim Hui Lian Lim Min Sandra Lim Zhi Yan Marie Lin Fang Yi Lo Jia Hui. • ABRSM AnnualReview08-09.36PP David Austin Penelope Ayliffe Simon Badge Richard Bailey Frances Baines Harriet Baker Ian Baker Alasdair Ball Frankie Esther Snowdrop Ball William Ball Lucy Ballard Kylie Barnes James Barnett Colin Barrett Dominik Basista Stephanie Batchelor Kathleen Batchelor Simon Bate Hanna Lena Bates-Martens Stuart Beattie Emma Begbie Christopher James Bennett Eoghan Bennett Sarah Jane Bennett Christopher Berrow Peter John Berry Tom Berry Elaine Binney Katherine Birtles James Ian Black Matthew Blunt Beatrice Blythe Frances Blythe Jane E Bovell Rosie Breckon Timian Brierley Leah Broad Tamar Broadbent Anousheh Bromfield Judy Brookfield Kirsty Brown Samuel Brown Lindsay Bryden Helen Burford Nathan Burton Thomas Gordon Butcher Charlotte Byrne Anna Campbell Kathryn Card Sally Carpender Tom Cartmell Benjamin Carvell Alix Cashmore Rebecca Isabella Chalmers Nicola Chang Zhe Xiong Chang Samuel Chapple Nicholas Chave Rachael Chesney Nicole Michelle Chin Ruth Clark Heidi Clark Martin Vaughan Clarke Catherine Coates Lisa Coates R Tanya Cobb Georgina Colebrook Jessica Coleman Joanne Coles Rhian Collings Anita Collins Rachel Coombes Elizabeth Corbett John Robert Corrigan Carolyn Cossins Jonathon Andrew Courtaux Catherine Cowie William Cowley Margaret A Cox Robert Cox Paul Crosby Antony Cross Stephen Cullen John Cummins 22/4/09 14:23 Page 22 Jacqueline Anne Cunningham Katharine Curlett Stephanie Curran Lucinda Curzon Sheila Dale Jessica Margaret Dandy Charlotte Daniel Poppea Daniel Julian Darwell-Stone Darryl Davies Jemma Davies Mary Geralyn Davies Murray Davis Rowan De Souza Lyn Degnan Georgina Diamond Yemeng Ding Charlotte Elizabeth Dowding Victoria Downey Sarah Doyle Esther Drabkin-Reiter Gregory J W Drott Rosie Duckworth Jonathan Dumbrill Pamela Giordano Dunsmuir Charlotte Louise Durow Sarah Dyble-Kitchin Philippa Dyson Hannah Ely Mared Emlyn Michael Etherington Cerys Rowena Evans Claire Evans Huw Llyr Evans Stephen John Evans Alexandra Evans Catriona Fagan Peter Farrar Lucy Rosanna Fawcett Jacob Ferguson-Lobo Claire Fitton Judith France Nicky Fraser Mark Peter Frederick Helena Joy Frost Ching Yuen Cosmos Fung Scott Galbraith Claire Game Stephanie Garner Sarah Geering Ben Gershinson Mark Gibbs Barnabas Gilbert Richard Louis Gillies Josephine Frances Goddard Sara Gourlay Holly Grant Rebecca Grant-Jones Annika Gray Naomi Grayburn Amy Green Michael Greenhalgh Matthew Grimsey Susan Hadow Marie-Anne Hall Stephen Hall Natalie Halliday Jonathan David Halton Rachael Marie Hand Levent Edward Harris Alison Hart Rebecca Hastie Christopher Hatton Alice Hawkes Toby Hawks Elizabeth Hayward Sarah L Heard Yasmin Hemmings Zarah Hible Sophie Hickman Mathew James Hill Rachel Hill Bernardette Hill Rosemary Hirst Naomi Anne Hitchings Jacqueline Ho Jennifer Ho May Kay Ho Joanna Hodgson Victoria Holden Susan Honeywill Michelle Hornby Mary Houlton Peter Howard Catherine Howe Owen Hubbard Laura Ann Hudson David William Hughes Daniel Humphries Ellen Hunter Chloe Abigail Hurling Benedict Hutchings Amie Hutchinson Jung-Won (Julia) Hwang Sze Man Ip Michael Jackson Catherine Johnson Laura Jolly Eleanor Jones Martin Jones Nia Mair Llewelyn Jones Rhonwen Jones Hannah Hansol Joo Sophie Juge Mark Kahn Robert Kaner Olga Kasyanova Francesca Kehoe Bridget Kelly Lewis Kelly Elanor Kent Louise Anne Kerr Angelika Ketzer Matthew Kibble Alison Kidd Louise King Helen Kingstone Janet Kippax Xenia Kodji Gilbert Lam Jimmy Lam Edward Lambourn Katie Lander Isabel Felicity Lane Tanya Lawrence Charis Lawry-White Linda Lawson Edward Leach Andrew Leadbetter Alex S J Leadill Emily Pui-Yan Lee Sam Kyung Min Lee Sharon Hiu Yan Lee Andrew Leonard Zahava Michal Lever Mark Levy Alice Lucy Lewin Smith Isabel Rose Lewin Smith Hannah Lewis Sophie Lewisohn Xinru Li Eleanor Lighton Amanda Lim Simon Lindley Francesca Jennifer Littmann Kim Chang Liu Anthony Robert Lloyd Michael Robert Lomas Robert Looman Peter Lovatt Kirsty Lovie Barnaby Thomas Lowe Helen Luck Michael Luck Christopher Maurice Lynch Chris Ma Richard Mackenzie Stephanie Main Alexander Patrick Main-Ian Jenny Makaruk I Tatiana Makoni Benjamin Malitskie Patricia Ann Mansergh Andrew Manton Charity Eleanor Mapletoft Charlotte Marino Isabella Marshall Mary Martin Elizabeth Susan Martland Melanie Marubbi Luke Marzec-Smith Leila Isabella Nadezhda Mather Anita Mawhinney Jennifer Mayo James McCabe Kerry Louise McEwan Ruth McGibben Sarah McLellan Victoria McMunn Jonathan McNaught David McWilliam Peter Mercer Karen J Millar Tristan Mitchard Nicholas Mogg Matthew Monaghan Fleur Moore-Bridger Jacques Moran Endaf Owain Morgan Melody Morris Francesca Mosely James Mott Dominic Mountain Patrick Mulholland Tamsin Murphy Calypso Nash Frances Ng Cherry Nolan Gemma Norford Katherine Oakley Catherine O'Connor David Olbrich Lucy Olver Rohani Omar Michelle O'Rourke Elizabeth Jane Ost Marney O'sullivan Rosalind Oswald John Oxlade Daniel Page Luisa Page Niranjala S Paramothayan Alex Parker Daniel Parkinson Jeremy Parr Elin Sian Griffiths Parry Frances Patel Abigail R Paton H Lesley Pearce Michael Pearce Nicola Pearson James Pedrick Katherine Peel James Pelham Sarah Penington Charlie Penn Katherine Rachel Penn Rosemary Pentreath Anna Perry Emily Pettet Timothy Phillips Laurie Phippard Bethan Mair Pickard Phillip Picton William Llewelyn Pitt Helen Clare Plank Roger Plymen Nicola Pomeroy Laura M Potter Joshua Powell Louise Privett Pasqualino Procacci n 23 . 36PP 22/4/09 Helen Pugh Freyja Purchase Victoria Leanne Puttock Kirrili Rahim Angus Charles Alexander Ramsay Caroline Rawson Jonathan Raynor Sophie Reeve Lauren Reeve-Rawlings Deborah Regular Wendy Reindorp Kate Laura Reynolds Kevin Richardson Laura Rickard Mair Roberts Elspeth Robertson Marian Robertson William A N Robinson Sarah Kathryn Rogers Hannah Roper Nicola Rose Hannah Ross Hermione Ruck Keene Roseanne Rumsey Tim Rushworth Charles Keith Rutt Aya Saiki Graham D Sale Emilio Salice Davina Samaroo Ram Rajkumar Sarujan Andrew Savill Laura Schwelm Madeleine Seale Ryan Sees Samuel Sereda Thomas Sharp Jonathan Shaw Nina Shea Anthony Shelton Alexis Sheppard Sean Shibe Bram Simmonds Clare Simmonds Charlotte Smith Natalie Smith Philip Smith Sara-Mair Smithies Jacqueline Tze Ling So Lap Yin So Ashley Helen Spencer Xenia Spencer-Milnes Rachel Stacy Katherine Steele Nathan Steele Shirley Stollery Joanne Sullivan David Swallow Gillian Sweet Gillian Elizabeth Sweet Jonathon Swinard Eigo Takeda Trudi Taling Vivien Tang Thomas Tate James Taylor Miriam Kate Taylor Rebecca Kathleen Teager Abigail Teague Nicola Teh Gabrielle Teychenne Arun Thillaisundaram Paul Michael Jordan Thomason Elizabeth Thompson Tamsin Thorn Helen Thorpe Eleanor Tinlin Rachel May Tocknell Jonathan Michael Richard Trevor Jacqueline Tsakok Richard Tuckwell Wing Nin Tung Andrew Turnbull Emmanuel Vass 24 n 14:23 Page 23 Catherine Richeldis Vincent Mea Wade Rebecca Wagstaff Myles Wakelin-Harkett Mark Walkem Julie Emma Walker Pamela Wallhead Dominic Waltz Catherine Watkins Suzannah Watson Benjamin Watte Lesley Watts Sarah Waycott Robert Peter Webb Clare Webster Rui Wei Karen Wells Gilbert Wheeler Victoria Whelan Hannah Wheway Tyrone James Richard Whiting Isobel Audrey Wick Hannah Wight Emma Wilkinson Seann Wilkinson David Williams Esther Williams Jane Williams Matthew James Williams Virginia Williamson Fiona Willsher Andrew Thomas Hugh Wilshere Elaine Ann Wilson Charlotte Wimshurst Daniel Chuen Yoon Wong Melanie Wong Sally Woodcock Kristina Wooddin Sophia Woodward Mary Ann Sheila Wootton Laura Wright Mary Wright Jason Richard Wrobel Gary Wyatt Simon J Wyatt Kylie Yang Kenneth Neil Yarham Yvonne Yeung Mark Zarb-Adami Kent Zhang Tong Zhao Christine Du Zhou United States of America Mayilan Balachandran Caresse Boyers Michael Deng Rebecca Friedel Grace Hsieh Constance Lin Kaita Audrey Lau Anchin Liaw Eddy Yu Liu Herbert Malamut Julie Mueller Linda Pan Amy Jeanne Shafer Makoto Tanigawa Melissa Tow Allison Tsai Gennifer Tsoi Esther Wu Jennifer Yu Kevin Yu Wesley Yu Andrew Yuen Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music (LRSM) Australia Jun Yang Gao Leung Hoi Kei Jacqueline Rod Mounjed Peter Wilson Chi Zhang Victor Evelyn Pavel Rafailov Zlatarov Ilia Zdravkov Mihaylov Canada Kirsten Lee Ng Yee Lam Candice Tam China Qilin Zhang Denmark Otniel Nygaard Egypt Mohamed Ahmed Harb Germany Hans Brandner Greece Ellas Chalkia Pavlos Michaelides Hong Kong Au-Yeung Ka Lam Chang Wai Ming Andrew On Tao Cheng Lai Ping Hung Koon Fuk Yin Kwok Hin Ning Lam Ka Catherine Chui Kim Kam Chiu Lo Lau Lau Ming Law Kam Sheung Lui Yat Ling Elaine Mak Yik Fung Olivia Dawn Mok Ng Siu Wai Grace Ng Yu Ching Shelley Matthew Ho Poon Oi Yan Poon Sham Ching Toa Aristo Sun Victor Dik Yi Tong Man Hei Wong Ming Chun Yik Man Yan Yeung Mei Han Yeung Shuk Mei Ching Hang Yip Iceland Áslaug Helga Hálfdánardóttir Unnur Sigmarsdóttir Japan Reiko Okabe Malaysia Khoo Shuek Ni Nasha Lee Chia Hwee Lo Fui Na Malta Michael-Alfred Saliba Christine Zerafa Mexico Jose Martin Dominguez Garcia Estigia G Oceguera Figueroa New Zealand Minhee Kang Norway Bernard Glicksman Oman Johyda Bint Abdullah Al Jahadhamy Yousuf Bin Salim Bin Said Albaluchi Hibatalla Mohammed Madi Singapore Celine Chia Jing Chuan Chow Jie Ming Benjamin Goh Yu Xiang Wilford Heng Fern Ni Lam Mong Kwan Lee Zixuan Lew Yin Hui Stephanie Lim Lay Kuan Rachel Rachel Low Yi Hun Ng Goon Mei Ng Sheh Feng Ong Jun Lin Mifiona Quah Sim Boon Hui Soh Ser Yee Song Lie Meng Tay Su Hui Wee Pei Yu Willette Emma Yann Zhang South Africa Justin Munro Carter Nicola Du Toit Julia Jin-He Hong Maxine Jessica Matthews Tzu-Fan Tang Yu-Chi Wei Han Yu Spain Francisco Carrascosa Miguel Rafael Doménech Pérez Beatriz Fernández Aucejo Cristina Garcia De La Torre German Huertas Del Castillo Julian Lozano Pareja Victor Manuel Morales Lozano Luis Miguel Santos Clemente Sri Lanka Zahara Vilcassim Taiwan Annie Yi-Jung Lin Turkey Harun Bugra Yuksel United Kingdom Rachel Ann Attwell Hannah Balcombe Michaela Betts Luci Briginshaw Elinor Claire Buglass Alastair Burrows Thomas Carlisle Mark Cartwright Emile Chabal Bryan Ming Ho Chu Emma Jane Crossley Patrick Jonathan Curlett Christopher Davies Peter Davies Rachel Davis Dominic de Cogan Sarah Denbee Anna Douglass James Drinkwater Emma Dyer Rhiain Isabella Elliott Peter Farrar Alison Galbraith .• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. bassoon Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama Junior Jin Zhi Heng (UK). piano Postgraduate Philip Hague (UK). The following students were awarded scholarships for courses of study beginning in 2008. Grade 8 Singing Annalisa Flood. voice Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama Ian Watson (South Africa). Grade 8 Cello Lydia Dobson. violin Gold and Silver Awards We make these awards to candidates in the UK and Ireland who gain exceptional results in a practical exam at Grade 6. Grade 6 Treble Recorder Claire Austen. Grade 8 Piano Felix Lashmar. Grade 8 Flute Xinxuan Li. viola James Thomas (UK). Grade 6 Singing Verity Lloyd. violin Royal Northern College of Music Junior Harry Castle (UK). violin Anne Kim (South Korea). double bass Undergraduate Philip Dewhurst (UK). Royal Academy of Music Grace Lee (Singapore). Grade 6 Violin Nick Walker. Grade 6 Violin Martin Neill. undergraduate and postgraduate students at four of the Royal Schools of Music. violin Pearl-Lynne Chen (United States of America). Grade 8 Organ Abiola Ogunbiyi. cello Undergraduate Alexandra Wynn (UK). Grade 8 Viola Alexander Ying. Gold Awards Isobel Howard-Cordone.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. piano Undergraduate Eva-Csengele Demeter (UK). percussion Michel Souza (Brazil). violin Undergraduate Agata Darashkaite (UK). Grade 8 Viola David Daws. Grade 8 Singing Catriona Hewitson. flute Royal College of Music Junior Alexander Meikle-Briggs (UK).36PP 22/4/09 Robert Mitchell Gardiner Ka Ming Hui Karen Humphrey Ross Hunt Richard Duncan James Andrew John Keegan Chad Kelly Yusuke Kinoshita Edward Leech Robert John Legg Joy Sarah Lisney Mairi Macleod Ian Mansfield Rhys Hay Matthews Anna Louise McKenzie Paul McKenzie Katrina McWilliams Refiye Mehmet Lan Mi Naomi Miller Heider Nasralla Clare Newitt Imogene Newland Christopher Pearson Kathryn Elizabeth Pope Amy Catherine Preece Lisa Alexandra Quiller Jonathan Radford 14:23 Page 24 Grant Russell Bethan Mair Semmens Charlotte Louise Smith Lorna Mary Stevens Sian Elizabeth Stowell Adam Summers Hideki Tanimura Janet Trim Heather Uren Sarah Jane Watkins Lydia Katharina Whittingham Joanne Williams Kathryn Williams Paul Wingfield Hannah Yip Fellowship of the Royal Schools of Music (FRSM) United States of America Jeffrey Lyle Sprung Kwok-Wai Yu Thórunn Elfa Stefánsdóttir United Kingdom Kathryn Mary Gunn Brenda Lucas Ogdon Christine Luo Rachel Perry Fraser Wood Victoria Wood Australia John Au Hong Kong Chan Wan Ting Alyson Leung Tsz Yan Vivien Mauritius Sophie Marie Michele Nemorin United Arab Emirates Irina Zaid Kaylani United States of America John Ward Scholarships. Postgraduate Paul McEachran (UK). percussion Royal Northern College of Music Kathryn Rudge (UK). Grade 8 Singing Naoko Sakagami. saxophone Aliaksandr Muzykantau (Belarus). Grade 8 Singing Jacob Collier Moriarty. Grade 8 Cello James Padmore. Grade 8 Cello Silver Awards Joanna Twaddle. Grade 8 Piano Luke O’Toole. piano Sarah Ouakrat (UK). oboe/composition Postgraduate Jayson Gilham (Australia). Grade 6 Cornet Jennifer Smith. piano Royal Academy of Music Junior Lydia Dobson (UK). voice Meng Jiao Zhang China). Grade 8 Cello Christine Anderson. Grade 6 Organ n 25 . Grade 8 Cello Eleonore Marmeuse. Grade 8 Singing Michael Papadopoulos. Grade 8 Piano Alexander McBride. violin/piano Postgraduate Kate Moore (South Africa). trombone Daniel McCallum (Australia). Bursaries and Awards Scholarships Each year we award scholarships to junior. Grade 8 Cornet Henrietta Eleanor Hill. voice Macklin Bursaries The following outstanding ABRSM scholars were awarded bursaries to assist with further studies or the launch of their professional careers. 7 or 8. Grade 8 Singing Jenny Surridge. violin Royal College of Music Joel Farland (Australia). Congratulations to the following teachers who successfully completed the CT ABRSM course in 2008. Hong Kong Chan Cheuk Chi Chan Chun Hing Chan Wing Sze Cheng Hoi Yan Cheung Po Yee Chow Tak Cheun Goh Seng Pin Ho Man Wai Kan Oui Yee Kwan Ton Young Kwok Hiu Yan Law Ho Ming Lee Kim Geok Lee Tung Yan Poon Tsz Yan Sin Chi Man Tam Yee Man Ting Pei Pei Tse Siu Yung Wong Man Yan Wong Wai Tak Yeung Chi Yan Yeung Wing Yan Ying Chu Chu United Kingdom London Thanyaporn Balfour Fiona Bennett Kristine Chadwick Stephanie Christie Laura Corbin Jane Dengate Sally Goodfellow Bridget Goodwin Jane Hann Christine Hardy Louise Hingston Jelena Jarosa Joanna Jones Peter Jones Lay Peng Lim Claudia Martindale Sally Nicholson Clare Payne Joanne Phillips Sarah Potter Nerissa Rogers Joanne Sherriff Rachel Taite Akiko Takahashi Rhea Wetzler Nicole Yu-Chieh Chang Manchester Samantha Ball Pauline Briscoe Jan Clark Lucy Fisher Ajay Gilbert Linda Groom Vanessa Humphryes Miranda Janie David Marriott Mei Huan Liu Antony Rabot Suzanne Ross Helen Smith Nicola Snell Ruth Wright Bristol Blain Austin Erica Bond Nicola Bond Jackie Bradshaw Sarah Chapman Qyita Colston Linda Hitchcox Susan Honeywill Bridget Mallabone Dorcas Money Helen Stanley Fiona Tompkins Fast-Track Course. The following candidates were awarded prizes for exams taken in 2008. The course takes place either over one year or. 7 or 8. to those in the USA who achieve full marks (100) at Grades 1 to 5. six months.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 25 New CT ABRSM Holders The Certificate of Teaching course gives participants an opportunity to spend an extended period of time developing knowledge and skills. and additionally.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. Bulgaria Grade 8 Maria Tzarevska Cyprus Grade 6 Louiza Christou Grade 7 Louiza Christou Hong Kong Grade 6 Ching Mui Chan Chung Yee Kung Ingrid Hau Yan Lee 26 n Man Ting Li Sze Nga Crystal Wong Hiu Nam Peggy Wu Grade 8 Marcella Yuwono Halim Rosalin So Grade 8 Ho Yuen Chan Lok Yan Chan Yan Ho Cheng Wing Sze Cheng Matthew Richard Entwistle Po Man Hayden Fok Kwan Chester Long Hin Sandy Shan-Mei Tang Wai Man Tao Kit Yan Christina Yeung Wing Yin Yip Japan Grade 7 Fumiko Iwasaka India Grade 7 Tanmoy Masroor Rahman Malaysia Grade 6 Adeline Chai Chen Chen Amy Lo Lai Voon Angel Lee Chai Mei Shan Chan Pui Sheon Chen Jia Huei Cheong Yew Hong Cheryl Chia Hau Yee Chin Ying Ling Indonesia Grade 6 Budianda Tioanda Edward Cahyadi Grace Pohan Tien Mulyadi Subekti Jordan Grade 7 Rani Kaylani Macau Grade 6 Chan Ka Yin Leong Weng Sam Chong Cai Wen Chong Yin Yee Chong Pek Kuan Ivan Chong Shyue-Juin Chook Wai Khan Chua Yung Ju Chuah Su Mei Eiap Sue Xian Austin Foo Shyue Yu Gan Shiau Shuang Hazel Wee Ling Hee Suyin Jasreel Lim You Jin Jeynn Chong Jie Ern Johnathan Mei Wei En Josephine Stefani Chan Carolina Keong May Lee Khor Ye Huan Kok Lin Sim Kon Jin Voon Kui Li Ern Kwong Sze Hui Lee Pui Yee Lee Yie Wen Lee Zcho Yinn Lew Ken Jean Liew Ee-Shuen Liew Mei Sing . for the fast-track course. Kenilworth Cecilia Allaker Julie Buckley Lucy Butler Christina Cartwright Amy Chidley Nikki Cole Joanne Doherty Michael Duffield Trevor Horne Jacqueline Igoe Ben Janiec Christian Keenan Helen Knight Caroline Laver Annette McCutcheon Margaret Mehta Zoe Ratford Emma Rees-Jones Cathryn Robson Darren Smith Rachel Taite Natasha Tindall Richard Wallace Prize Winners Hedy King Robinson Prizes These prizes reward high standards in Theory of Music exams. and refreshing their personal approach to teaching. Prizes are awarded to candidates worldwide who achieve 90 marks or above at Grade 6. Amanda Ong Hui Ching Suen Si Min Tan Liat Hang Leonard Tang May Shuen Tay Yee Shin Bryan Tay Qin Han Toh Yun Hui Ashley Tong Pei Yeng Wan Sue-Lynn Cassandra Wang Peishan Rachel Baby Yue Grade 7 Keoy Hui Ting Grace Lee Kiong Wee Kenneth Low Xin Hong Ong Jun Shu Colin Wilson Ong Chong Ren Charmaine Seow Shi Minn Dorothy Sim Shin Hui Valerie Soh Ywee Huei Erin Tan Hie Ruthanne Toh Yun Xuan Wong Wen Man David Wong Ying Yin Grade 8 Bian Yue Chua Bi Ze Chung Qi-Yan Eugene Gan Ming Jin Ho Sze-Hwei Grace Kan Yan Ting Jamie Serene Khong Gek Ping Patrick Koh Kok Tong Wendelin Kwek Lai Yi Wye Lee Yun Hong Lee Yien Xian Charisse Abigail Lee Ern Jie Michelle Leow Hwee Pin Li Enlin Lim Wenyun Renee Quek Hao Yong Gabriel Pauline Soemarli Tang Wei Ting Christine Tjandra Amelia Yeo Jing Ling Lynette Yeo Yan Teng South Africa Grade 6 Emil Bruwer Johannes Theodorus Ferreira Jana Margaretha Kruger Catriona Agnes Reader Spain Grade 6 Núria Comas López Grade 7 Fernando Pedros Tomas Sri Lanka Grade 6 April Yasara Heenatigalle Shamindi Pathirana Ronali Perera M M Roshanie Perera Thosanga Chatura Samarawickrama Rupasinghe Thailand Grade 6 Rachaya Chiewvanichakorn United Kingdom Grade 6 David Austin Michael Bascom Angela Mary Benson Alex Butters Nicola Cartwright Colette Cooper Michael Cooper Angela Elizabeth Costello Gordon Deans Susan Dyson Clare Diana Greasley Asuka Kumon Tim Lai Felicity Ann Latham Richard Martin Yahel Paleiov Emma Parker Toby Scadding Freya Startup Megan Stockbridge Irina Szafran Rhona Louise Stewart Christine Williams Grade 7 Evelyn Alexander Geraldine Buchanan Theodore Hill Harriet Hougham-Slade Katie Leaver Tom Lee Andrew Liddell Aaron Parker Jonathon Swinard Mary Ann Wootton Hong Pui Pearl Yim Douglas Knight Reiko Lawrence Katie Leaver Roses Leech-Wilkinson Michael Mansbridge Douglas Richards Keir Robinson Johns Stephen Joanna Treasure United States of America Grade 1 Edna Chen Doris Chen Richard Fu Skylar Gunty Joshua Simon Ho Michael Lam Helen Liu Sandra Mcharg Avalon McRae Divya Mohanraj Nina Onuoha Demetria Elizabeth Ratchford Nisha Sanghani Alessandro Scazzero Vishal Tummalapalli Vivian Wilhelms Grade 2 Bonnie Chen Irene Chu Darrell Engle Elisa Gozzini Nora Kelsall Kristie Lam Ian Lam Avalon McRae Caroline Meisel Fran Pan Christie Paul Natalya Ponomarev Amanda Ricasa Hayley Rodgers Catalina Santos Xaviera Steele Suneeta Varkey Lawrence Wong Sharon Zou Grade 3 Michael Duan Sarah Elizabeth Thomas Grade 4 Christina Germak Audrey Nguyen Grade 5 Jeb Bearer Wenhan Cui Christina Curlette Angela Ow Vincent Yee Grade 6 Justin Cha Grade 8 Amy Shafer Grade 8 Duncan Anderson Philip William Ascott James Ash Hugh Bennett Anne Burling Gideon Cook Rachel Coombes Matthew Fenech Michael Foyle Nicolas Haigh Alexander Hird Tom Jesty n 27 .36PP Liew Kah Min Lim Pei Ying Lim Chu Mei Lim Yuen Xin Lim Li Fan Link Xin Yee Loh Jia Ling Lok Jin Tian Looi Qi Wei Low Sok Zin Nai An Ni Neo Xue Lin Ng Au Drey Nicholas Tan Whey Kheng Nicole Cheng Wei Yee Ong Hui Yang Ooi Yun Zheng Siah Jia Ee Soon Vern Ching Sumiko Osada Tan We Lia Tan Ying Han Grace Tan Shu Ting Joyce Tan Shu Yuan Tay Sze Peng Teo Shi Min Teo Ee Nin Tong Kin Seng Wong Li Chin Wong Ling Ying Yap Jane Yee Yiauw Diing Shenq Yim Kah Yian Yong Keng Seng Yong Wen Mei Yow Chor Huey Grade 7 Choi Xin Ling Daniel Wong Sing Dong Ee Chin Fang Esther Yong Sheau Shan Gan Chin Chin Lim Shin Yiing Nicole Tan Xian Ling Ooi Yit Tyse Soh Huei May Amanda Tey Lih Bing Tiffany Foo Sze Yee Wang Yi Lyne Dorcas Yap Mei-Tsin Yap Huan Sheng Grade 8 Bryan Lee Kit Meng Chai Yi Ying Cheah Sern Cheat Dahlia Sari Joel Ow Yang Clara Ong Ka Hui Ruth Teh Bang Yee Soo Jin Yun Soon Khai Wen Tan Boon Sin Tan Zeng Ye Tay Shao An Isaac Wong Ting Hie Malta Grade 6 Mary Anne Bugeja Reuben Vella Baldacchino Grade 7 Lucianne Calleja Giulana Torpiano Mexico Grade 6 Pablo Mata Villafuerte New Zealand Grade 6 Kelly Chen 22/4/09 14:23 Page 26 Lisa Marie Hall Chao (Mason) Ji Susan Tong Jasmine Flo Vickery Lucy (Junjue) Zeng Grade 7 Gordon Lu Jennifer Marie Newth Holly Wang Grade 8 Jenny Zhang Singapore Grade 6 Anjana Aravind Chan Su Hui Eunice Cheong Jing Yi Eleanor Nicholas Chiam Chia Kiat Chow Hui Xuan Han Shin Yi Ho Jia Jia Xaviera Khor Ting Yan Khor Huifen Joy Koh Xue Qi Lam Zhuodan Yun Xi Lau Lee Ruo Ning Lee Mian Jun Li Yiyang Iris Lim Natalie Loh Wei Ning Loke Sau Mui Nikki Low Shan Min Saurabh Malani Ng Yan Lin Jean Ng Mei En Ong Hui Min.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. • ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. These prizes are made possible by donations from a range of organisations and individuals. 14:23 Page 27 Bristol Sylvia J Frost Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Jo Eun Shim Glasgow Lindsay Lamb Memorial Bursary Grade 8 Piano Lesley Ure Blackwood Leeds Lloyd Hartley Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Desmond Lau Grade 7 Piano David Bossanyi Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize Grade 8 Clarinet Joe Norris Grade 7 Piano Chen-Wei Ng Cambridge Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize Grade 7 Cello Jasmin Yue-Yue Yang-Spooner Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Lee Mackie Liverpool May Frizzel Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Youngky Panjaitan Vivienne Scott Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Richard Fellows Nivena MacDuff Prize Grade 2 Piano Laura F M Vardy Miss Margaret Wethered Prize Grade 4 Jazz Alto Saxophone Matthew Lochhead Gloucester Iris Dyer Prize Grade 8 Piano Wesley Duggan Joanne Barnard Elin White Grade 6 Flute Sarah Mackay Bangor Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Gessica Howarth Cardiff Dorothy Grace Atkinson Prize Grade 6 Piano Manon Rebeca Browning Geraint Owen Alice Howell Bangor (County Down) Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize Grade 8 Singing Philip Kennedy Grade 7 Piano Holly Ahearne Benjamin J Creighton Griffiths Joseph Meilak Harrogate Audrey Pass Memorial Prize Grade 5 Piano Sam Gillespie Birmingham Beryl Chempin Prize Grade 7 Piano Protik Moulik Grade 8 Piano Alexander Kirk Gary J Mullins Olivia Spence Grade 5 Singing Rhian Jones Grade 8 Piano Samuel Lewis Henry. Edith & Constance Haddon Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Benjamin J Creighton Griffiths United Kingdom Aberdeen Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize Grade 6 Cello Iain Hall Gina Dallas Harper Award Grade 8 Piano Jessica Coleman David Riley Memorial Prize Grade 3 Guitar Arpan Sharma Lloyd Hartley Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Alexander Wright Grade 7 Piano Peter Hateley ISM South Wales Centre Prize Grade 8 Violin Charlie Lovell-Jones Grade 8 Piano Yau Wing Lam Josephine Elizabeth Ormesher Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize Grade 7 Clarinet Dominic Lawson Crewe William Henry Wilcox Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Abigail Kate Mackenzie Huddersfield Bessie Brearley Prize Grade 8 Piano Timothy Wilkes Blackburn Frances E Walker Memorial Prize Grade 7 Singing Michael Walsh Dereham Evelyn Rose Phillips Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano Lisa Britcher David Cawthra Memorial Prize Grade 4 Piano Lydia Frances Wyatt Grade 8 Guitar Mark Willetts Marie Earle Prize Grade 6 Piano Paul Butterfield Bournemouth The Edie Marr Prize Grade 6 Flute Hannah Scott Bradford The Irene Martin Prize Grade 8 Piano Cheng Un Chan Molly Dickinson Brentwood/Billericay Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Tristan Lee Brighton Mimi Scharrer Memorial Prize Grade 8 Singing Talitha Mcintyre-Burnie Amina Lucchesi Memorial Prize Grade 8 Violin Poppea Daniel 28 n Dover Edith Oulton De Pauley Prize Grade 7 Singing Simon Ferrar Dundee Nora C Leggatt Prize Grade 6 Piano Beth Henry Grade 7 Piano Laura Lee Durham Margaret Harle Memorial Prize Grade 8 Flute Natalie Carroll Edinburgh Elizabeth J Ehrlich Prize Grade 6 Singing Jessica Conway Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Christine Smith Grade 7 Piano Seung-Ju Lee London: Blackheath Philippa Nankivell-Aylett Memorial Prize Grade 4 Piano Donovan Gervais London: Camberwell Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Daniel Garland London: Central Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano Naoko Sakagami London: Croydon Marjorie Baldwin Bequest Grade 5 Piano Tristan Carman Grade 6 Piano Edward Howell Grade 7 Piano Daniil Zemtsov Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Edward Howell Elsie Roberts Prize Grade 7 Piano Elaine Denise Johnston London: Finchley Dorothy Fryer Memorial Prize Grade 5 Piano Jenny Lee Clarke Grade 8 Piano Timothy Wilkes Grade 7 Piano Matei Morariu Ipswich Ann Barbanell Prize Grade 8 Piano Hannah Jacobs Grade 8 Piano Michael Papadopoulos Claire Wu Deborah Marx Kendal William Simpson Rickaby Memorial Prize Grade 8 Cello Daniel Crompton Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano Michael Papadopoulos Peter & Elizabeth McEwan Memorial Prize Grade 3 Piano Ursula Helen McArthur Lancaster Lloyd Hartley Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano Stephanie Jones Vinnie Willis Memorial Prize Grade 5 Violin Laura Howorth London: Muswell Hill Dorothy Fryer Memorial Prize Grade 5 Piano Jonathan Edwards Rosie Valerie McGarrity London: Sutton Carshalton Music Prize Grade 6 Singing Abiola Ogunbiyi Manchester Besso Memorial Prize Grade 5 Piano James David Boddington Jordon .36PP 22/4/09 UK and Ireland prizes The following candidates received prizes in recognition of their achievement in a Practical or Theory exam. 36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 28 Laura Marco Prize Grade 8 Flute Luke O’Toole Horatio Waywell Memorial Prize Grade 8 Bassoon Sophie Jane Robertshaw Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano Xinxuan Li Reading Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Edward Reeve Middlesbrough Derek Henderson Memorial Prize Grade 6 Flute Eleanor Downs Monmouth Gwent Foundation Award Grade 7 Piano Edmund Evans Grade 8 Cello Matthew Brown Newcastle upon Tyne Sir William Bigge Memorial Prize Grade 7 Cello Lucy Hoile Newport (Gwent) Mr Jeffreys & Mrs Christina Jeffreys Memorial Prize Grade 8 Piano James Taylor Norwich Evelyn Rose Phillips Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Brian Walker Saxton Noble Memorial Prize Grade 6 Organ David Lane Grade 6 Violin Harriet Ekbery Grade 7 Alto Saxophone Charlotte Pincher Grade 7 Bassoon Georgina Pickworth Frances M L Willden & Margaret D Willden Prize Grade 8 Violin Hannah Birt Nottingham Nellie Greenhill Memorial Prize Grade 5 Piano Sheku Kanneh-Mason Grade 6 Piano Sara Watanabe Grade 7 Piano Henry Mark Burnett Grade 8 Piano Isata Kanneh-Mason Peterborough Maxima Mercer Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Serena Shah Plymouth Mrs Hamilton Akaster Prize Grade 5 Violin Rahul Raman Preston Florence Purdy Memorial Prize Grade 8 Violin Duncan John Cameron St Andrews Alice Calder Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano Ruairidh Tarvet Grade 7 Piano Alice Tavakoli Grade 8 Piano Lavinia Younger Sevenoaks Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize Grade 4 Cello Matilda Lloyd Grade 8 Cello Alexander McBride Sheffield Winifred Liversidge Prize Grade 8 Piano Jemima Stephenson Isabel Rughani Stockton-on-Tees Frank Tiesing Memorial Prize Grade 5 Violin Rebecca Rouse Grade 8 Piano Stephanie Cheung Thanet Leslie Wheeler Prize Grade 6 Violin Rory Parker Thanet Prize Grade 7 Piano Benjamin van Leeuwen Tunbridge Wells Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Matilda Lloyd Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize Grade 6 Cello Henry Thompson Wakefield Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Jonathan Woolgar Wells Vicars Close Prize Grade 8 Piano Susanna MacRae Wolverhampton Ralph Bassett Prize Grade 5 Violin Ella Harold Jordan Dennis Grade 5 Double Bass Sarah Tulley Stourbridge Sheila C Freeman Prize Grade 8 Cello Frances Bridgewater Fred Southall Prize Grade 5 Piano Thomas Pearson Sunderland Arthur Dickeson Memorial Prize Grade 5 Guitar David Clappison Yeovil Vicars Close Prize Grade 6 Piano Peter Byfield Amy Mills Robertson Prize Grade 6 Piano Jonathon Graham Winter Grade 7 Piano Peter Byfield Sutton Coldfield Ivan Cousins Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano James Allen Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize Grade 6 Piano James Allen Swansea Don Preece Memorial Prize Grade 8 Violin Robert N J Colwell Grade 8 Piano Emily Davies Dublin Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize Grade 7 Violin Cathy O’Neill Mr Jeffreys & Mrs Christina Jeffreys Memorial Prize Grade 7 Piano Christopher James Lewis Taunton Vicars Close Prize Grade 6 Piano Lulu Shooter Grade 6 Violin Tabitha Peeler Grade 7 Piano Tom Harris Christopher Hedges n 29 .• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. e Juliet Allen Bryan Anderson e Elizabeth Angel Mark Armstrong e Paul Arnell Helen Arnold Timothy Arnold Philip Aslangul Janice Assersohn Lynton Atkinson Joy Austen Marjorie Ayling e Michael Bailey Robert Bailey Dan Baker Michael Baker Michael Ball Patricia Ball Graham Barber e Penny Barclay Bernard Barker Andrew Barlow e Charles Barnes Vincent Barr Timothy Barratt e Neil Barry Ken Bartels Kerry Beaumont e Alison Beeson Colin Beeson Sally Bell Gaynor Bennion-Pedley Quintus Benziger Marion Best Michael Beynon Martin Biggs Robin Bigwood e Heather Birks e Virginia Black Douglas Blew Timothy Blinko Nicholas Blunn Anne Boardman e Andrew Bolton Teresa Bond Olivier Bonnici Jane Booth Joanna Borrett e Elisabeth Boulton Alan Bourne Mark Bousie Michael Bowden Timothy Bowers e Simon Bowler Kevin Bowyer e Eric Boyd e Sarah Boyer Rory Boyle e Chris Brannick Christopher Brayne e Elizabeth Brazier e Charles Brereton e David Brindle e Deborah Brittain Peter Broadbent Rosemary Broadbent Gerard Brooks Roger Brooks e Christopher Brown 30 n e Helena Brown Lesley-Ann Brown e Susan Brown e Stephen Browne William Bruce David Bruce-Payne Andrew Bryden Alan Bullard e Patrick Burnham Nicholas Burt Russell Burton John Byrne e Anthony-Benedict Cain Susan Calvert e Robert Carey e Stephen Carleston e Samantha Carrasco Jeremy Carter Neil Carter Nicholas Carter e Mark Cartwright e Helen Cawthorne Myra Chahin Dale Chambers Sally Chappell e Pearl Chatfield Walija Chew e Alan Childs John Chillingworth Pamela Chilvers Fiona Chryssides e Judith Clare e Barry Clark e Susan Clark Andrew Clarke e Ian Clarke Simon A Clarkson Peter Clements Caroline Clemmow Lynda Cochrane e Stephen Collisson e Margaret W Cooke Iain Cooper e Jean Cooper-Smith e Julie Costley-White e Martin Cotton Mervyn Cousins e Margaret Cowling Rowan Cozens Ian Crabbe e Guy Cremnitz Roger Crocker e Anthony Crossland Jane Crouch Annette Cull Penny Cullington Gillian Cummins Ian Curror Alex Curtis e Peter Dains Muriel Daniels e Glyn Davenport e John Davenport Harvey Davies e Hugh Davies e Adrian Davis e Dorothy Davis Elizabeth Davis e Michael Davis Rodney Dawkins e Helen Deakin Andrew Dean Ian Denley Valerie Denny e Andrew Dibb Richard Dickins Dorothy Dickinson e Kathleen Dickson e Caroline Diffley e Joan Dixon e Stephen Doughty Gretel Dowdeswell e Peter J Downey Elizabeth Drew Tessa Drummond e Helen Duffy e Kevin Duggan David Dunnett e Lesley Dunstan e Richard Dunster-Sigtermans Michael Dussek Mark Duthie e Brenda Dykes Andrew Goodwin Peter Gould Rosemary Gould Sharon Gould e Timothy Goulter e Geoffrey Govier Christopher Gower Robert Gower Jean Graham-Jones e Christopher Grant e Ian Gray Gareth Green e John Green e Christopher Green-Armytage e Howard Gregory Jonathan Gregory Jane Gregson Stephen Gregson e Keith Griffiths e Graham Griggs e Christopher Gumbley Kathryn Gunn e e e e Frances Eagar Alison Eales e Harold East Graham Eccles David Eccott e Margaret Ede e Michael Edwards Joanne Edworthy e Paul Ellis e Richard Ellis e Stephen Ellis e Donald Ellman Jonathan Enright Peter J Esswood e Euros Rhys Evans Howard Evans Robert Evans e Rosslyn Farren-Price Robert Ferguson Gordon Fergus-Thompson e Christopher Field e Eileen Field Judith Fleet e Antony Le Fleming Peter Flinn Malcolm Floyd Sebastian Forbes Theresa Ford e Christopher Foster e Joan Foster e John Foster David Francis David Frankel e Kaye Fraser e Anthony Froggatt e Anthea Fry e Benjamin Gant Michael Garbutt David Garforth Franklyn Gellnick Michael George e Ruth Gerald Angus Gibbon Fiona Gillett e Jonathan Gleeson Malcolm Goldring Lauren Goldthorpe Carol Goodall e Irene Hall Richard Hall Robert Hall Keith Hamilton e Michael Hancock Christine Hankin e Andrew Hansford Malcolm Harding e Ian Hare Glenville Hargreaves Geoffrey Harniess Catherine Harper Norman Harper Clive Harries Kathryn Harries Michael Harris Paul Harris Derek Harrison Simon Harvey Richard Haslam Emma Hattersley Patrick Hawes e Elizabeth Hayes Elizabeth Hayley Michael Haynes Deirdre Hayward Moira Hayward Julian Hellaby e Tony Henwood Corinne Hepburn Russell Hepplewhite e Ita Herbert John Heritage e Douglas Hewitt Peter Hewitt Timothy Hewitt-Jones Richard Hickman Malcolm Hicks Charlotte Hill e Lyndon Hilling Claire Hobbs Andy Hodge e Eleanor Hodgkinson e Rosalind Hoffler e Celia Holland Sandy Holland e Leslie Hollingworth e John Holmes Alec Hone Ian Hooker .• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. 615 examiners undertook work on behalf of ABRSM.36PP 22/4/09 14:23 Page 29 Examiners During 2008. with 232 of those examiners travelling internationally to conduct exams. e Examiners who conducted exams in our international centres. 36PP e Manya Horn Colin Howard Ailsa Howarth George Howarth Gareth Hudson Graeme Humphrey John Humphreys e Karen Humphreys Nigel Hutchinson Marcus Huxley Leslie Inness Peter Inness e John Iveson e Julian Jacobson Heather James Richard James e Paul Janes Rachel Jeffers e Michael Johnson Nicholas Johnson David Jones e David Leiher Jones e Graheme R Jones Ian Jones Ieuan Jones Ilid Jones Robert Jones e Skaila Kanga Naomi Kayayan e Nicola-Jane Kemp e John Stewart Kempster Christopher Kent e Jeremy Kimber e Bernard King James Kirby Brigid Kirkland-Wilson Helen Knight Richard Knight e Elena Konstantinou e e Vivien Laird Richard Lakin John Lambert Deborah Lammin Barry Lancaster e Robert Langston Louise Lansdown e Julian Larkin e Vanessa Latarche Dorina Latawska Peter Lawson Peter Lea-Cox Paul Leddington-Wright Dennis Lee David Leeke Alexander L’Estrange e Kelvin Leslie Michael Lewin e Richard Lewis e Christopher Liddle Felicity Lipman e Nancy Litten Ian Little Josephine Lively Angela Livingstone Richard Lloyd Marion Long e Ian Lowes James Lowry Adrian Lucas Peter Lynch Christopher Mabley Alexandra Mackenzie Patricia Macmahon e Peter Madan John Madden e Margaret Madeley e Harry Malpass Neil Mantle Richard Markham e 22/4/09 14:23 Page 30 Corinne Marsh Anne Marshall e Mark Marshall e Jonathan Marten Catherine Martin Philip Martin e Ann Martin-Davis e Catherine Marwood Hilary Mason Louise Matthew Gary Matthewman Phyllida M Maude-Roxby Neil McFarlane Colin McGuire e John McLeod e Margaret Murray McLeod Julian McNamara Anthony McNaught e Russell Medley e Delia Meehan e Simon Mercer Rachel Meredith e Mary Methuen Morag Michael Beverly Miller e Sarah Miller Andrew Millington Alison Moncrieff-Kelly Jane Money e Moyra Montagu e Mark Monument e Christopher Moore J Stephen Moore Andrew Morris Alan Morrison e Kathryn Mosley Daniel Moult Philip Mundey Hilary W Murphy Roger Muttitt e Robert Neden Robin Nelson David Nettle e Bernard Newman Janet Newman e James Nicolson Peter Noke Joseph Nolan Andrew Norburn e Antonietta Notariello e e Carole Oakes Rosemary O’Connell e Peter O’Hagan e Dianne O’Hara Jessica O’Leary David Oliver Nicholas Oliver Michael Omer Bernard O’Neill e Stephen Ostler William O’Sullivan e Anthony Ovenell Jean Owen Jeannette Owens Andrew Padmore Neil Page Robin Page Rosalind Page e Christine Palmer Simon Parkin Christopher Pascoe Denise Patton Alison Pearce Heidi Pegler e Robert Pell Mary Pells Nigel Penfold e Valerie Perrett e Muriel Phillips e Alan Pickard Stephen Pinnock e e Joseph Polglase David Ponsford e Mary Porter e Geoffrey Pratley e David Price Gareth Price Sarah Price Scott Price Malcolm Pritchard e Robin Proctor Rebecca Prosser Linda Pyatt e Elizabeth Randell Peter Read Jonathan Rennert e John Reynolds e Martin Richards Sharon Richards Tim Richards e Michael Ridley Max Ritchie Emyr Wyn Roberts Stephen Robertson Philip Robinson e Roy Robinson Robert Rogers e Brenda Ross Pete Rosser e Neil Roxburgh Keith Rusling e Graham Salvage Martin Sanders-Hewett Victor Sangiorgio Robert Saudek e Ingrid Sawers Philip Sawyers Roger Sayer Nigel Scaife Vanessa Scott e Christopher Seed e Margaret Semple Howard Seymour Polly Sharpe Luan Shaw Robert Shaw Anthea Shepherdson e Susan Sheppard e Aaron Shorr Lesley Shrigley Jones e Clive Simmonds William Sivier Philip Skelton John York Skinner Ruth Slater Rodney Slatford e Iain Sloan Jonathan Small Catherine Smart Michael Smedley e Eleanor Smith Mark Smith Sarah Smith e Susan Smith Vanessa Smith e Brian Snary e John Snook Ashley Solomon Christopher Sparkhall e Nigel Speak Alan Spedding e David Spencer Grant Spencer e Nigel Spooner e Peter Stearn Ralph Stenner Christine Stevenson Murray Stewart John Stilwell Frederick Stocken e Richard Storry Kevin Street e Karis Stretton Lynette Stulting Jennifer Sturgeon e Paul Sturman Hilary Sturt Philip Sunderland e Adrian Sutcliffe Christopher Swann e e Mark Tanner Stephen Tanner Carol E Taylor e Clara Taylor Jonathan Taylor Karen Taylor Matthew Taylor e Philip Taylor e Andrew Teague e Raphael Terroni Gillian Thoday e Christina Thomas Meurig Thomas e William Thomson Christina Thomson e Jasper Thorogood Helen Tierney e Christopher Tilbury e Colin Tipple John Farquhar Todd Barbara Tomlinson e Philippa Topham John Treherne Paul Trepte Graham Trew e Margaret Turner e e Alison J Uren Matthew Vine Clement Virgo Rebecca Wade Christopher Walker Colin Walker Geoffrey Walker e Martin Walker Nicholas Walker Ian Wallace Alison Waller Ann Ward David Ward Jane Ward e John Wardle e John Ware e Edward Warren David Warwick e Ian Warwick Shuna Watkinson Jane Watts Janet Way Malcolm Weale e Geoffrey Weaver Daniel Webb Hilary Webster e John Wells e Robin Wells e Timothy Wells e Martin White Philip White John Scott Whiteley e Anthony Whittaker Frank Wibaut Joanne Wicks e Mark Wildman Steven Wilkie Nigel Wilkinson Jonathan Willcocks Anthony Williams David Williams e Gillian Williams e Martyn Williams Andrew Wilson Ross Winters Christopher Wood Cynthia Wood e e n 31 .• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. Our International Representatives and Contacts. in the latter part of his examining career. He maintained links with Portland Place despite moving to Hong Kong and continued to be involved in the work of ABRSM until his death in the summer of 2008. also became increasingly involved with theory examining. maintained both her cheerfulness and her work for ABRSM until her death in December of 2008.36PP e Joyce Woodhead John Worthington e Steven Wray e Ian Wright John Wright Simon Wyatt e Julia Wynn e Stephen Yeo Michael Young Robin Zebaida Theory of Music only Eve Barsham Derry Bertenshaw Hugh Bowman Jean Burrow Brian Bussell Alan Cuckston Amy Dann James Eastham Sheila Filmer Terence Greaves Graeme Hall Philip Hamond Moore Graham Ireland Michael Jacques Debra Jones John Jordan Nicholas King Rayford Kitchen Richard Lyne John Morehen Angela Mundey Gordon Munro Michael B Nicholas David Patrick David Pettit David Pritchard Stuart Rees David Robinson Michael Smith Derek Stevens Alan Tait Alan Taylor Alexandra Teal Teo Li-Lin Malcolm Watts Meurig Watts 22/4/09 14:23 Page 31 Percy Welton William Whittle Wallace Woodley Elizabeth Worthington Thank you The following examiners retired or resigned from the examiner panel in 2008. despite problems with her health in recent times. over 500 representatives were involved with the work of ABRSM around the world. pupils and parents. Representatives During 2008. The following members of our professional development panel acted as Course Leaders and mentors on the 2007-08 one-year courses and the 2008 Fast-Track course. Valerie was a member of the graded examining panel for 12 years and.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. CT ABSRM Course Leaders and Mentors The Certificate of Teaching course lies at the heart of ABRSM’s professional development activities. and organising a range of activities including High Scorers’ Concerts and seminars. e Course Leaders Hong Kong e Penny Stirling Peter Noke Emyr Roberts United Kingdom London e David Banard Joy Austen Tina Hathaway Fiona Lau Mary Pells John Shayler Bristol e Brian Ley Carole Jenner-Timms Susan Olden Marie Roberts Fast-Track Course. liaising with teachers. and Honorary Local Representatives (in the UK and Ireland) have an immensely important role to play: assisting with the local administration of exams. Contacts and Honorary Local Representatives Anguilla Joycelynne Ashby Antigua Jean Esther Michael Aruba Sydney Jacob (Contact) Australia Anastasia Chan Ian Coss Joan Earle Carol Michel Gregory Smith 32 n Jessica Stewart Judy Thönell Austria Joanne Klein The Bahamas Elizabeth Thornton Bahrain Capt Rod Taylor Bangladesh Shantha P Gunasekeran (Contact) Barbados Milton Inniss Belgium Vera Bishop Belize Alice R Williams Bermuda Antoinette Davis Andrea Hodson Brunei Darussalam Binti Psi Pg Hj Ismail Dk Hajah Mastoli Hj Muhd Masa Masdi Muhd Sa’idun Bulgaria Steve Todorov Canada Brent Campbell Patricia Rolston Cayman Islands Lillian C Archer (Contact) China Guandong Zinghai Concert Hall (Lin Pai Shi) Cyprus British Council (Emilia Fiakkou Hadjicharou) Czech Republic David Talacko Denmark Kaj Nyvang (Contact) Dominica Catherine Daniel . International Representatives. Roger Bigley Kathleen Dickson Sheila Filmer Sebastian Forbes John McLeod Peter Shave John Stilwell Rebecca Wade David Ward Obituaries David Cooper David had a long association with Blackburn Cathedral and worked as an examiner for some 28 years. Kenilworth e Nigel Mainard Ruth Harte Julian Hellaby Luise Horrocks Rosalind Page Tim Rogers Manchester e Walter Blair Peter Argondizza Lauren Goldthorpe Tim Rogers Tony Shorrocks Valerie Denny Valerie devoted much of her musical life to the Norfolk area and had long associations with both Norwich High School for Girls and the University of East Anglia. He was a member of the Moderators' panel for much of this time and. Ballymena & Ballymoney Eric Boyd Ashburton Sheila Harman Ashford Prue Forbes Ayr Isabel Anderson Banbury June Headland Bangor Geraint & Meinir Lloyd Jones Bangor (Co Down) Sharon Forte Barnsley Rita Currie Barnstaple Rowland Chapman Bath Pauline Sparrow Beaconsfield Michael & Sheila Newland Bedford Rupert & Jenny Brown Belfast Carmel Gibson Berwick-upon-Tweed Denise Wilman Beverley Geoffrey & June Stephenson Birmingham Linda Martin Bishop Auckland Joan Johnson Blackburn Paul Greenhalgh Blackpool Marilyn Stewart Blaenau Ffestiniog Eirwen Langdown Blandford Forum Brian Levy Bognor Regis Helen Phllips Bolton Chris White Boston Owen Moorin Bournemouth Janet Allen Bradford Malcolm Dyson Brecon Hazel Gedge Brentwood/Billericay Jean Bader Bridgend Susan Mascall Bridgwater Kate Hewson Brighton Vivienne Bott Valerie Robinson n 33 . Takuya Shigeishi) Jordan National Music Conservatory (Kifah Fakhouri) Kenya Kenya National Exams Council Kenya Conservatoire of Music (Atigala Luvai) Korea (South) Shin Han Art Hall (Seungsil Chang) 14:23 Page 32 Kuwait British Council (Kashif Chauhan. Contact) Malta Maria Conrad Mauritius Mauritius Examinations Syndicate (Lucien Finette) Namibia Dina M Potgieter The Netherlands Karin Hollreiser Nevis Maureen Adams New Zealand Heather Gummer HLRs Gladys Armstrong Judy Barrett Wendy Bloomfield Marjorie Booth Rachel Brownrigg Vin Carey Lois Dalton Dianne Dellow Joan Gaines Helen Govan Erin Hall Karen Hall Evelyn Hatfield Judy Knox Jenny McDonald Janice McIntyre Marilyn Murray Jan-Maree Parker Beverley Peach Gail Riddle Laurie Rogers Marios Sophocleous Julie Sperring Olga Stancliff Joan Stichbury Bev Underwood Jenny Woodrow Isabel Worboys Nigeria Muson Centre (Marion Akpata) Norway Lirica Yamase Oman Phillip Stallwood The Philippines British Council (Aileen Ruzano) Portugal Prof Fatima Vieira Qatar Margaret MacKenzie St Helena Derek Henry (Contact) St Kitts Dr Louisa Lawrence St Lucia John Paul Bailey St Vincent Festus A Toney Serbia Dr Dorian Leljak The Seychelles Bennett Accouche Sierra Leone Dr Kitty C S Fadlu-Deen (Contact) Singapore Singapore Symphonia Company (Su-San Hay) South Africa Jill Eichler Ayleen Radley Meg Twyford Ilse van der Walt HLRs M D Conradie Mariela Engelbrecht Leon Fouche Louise Malherbe Elmien Mare Rina Mare Lisa Markovic Patricia Metcalfe Beverley Moll George Norman Bernice Oberholzer Pauline Roberts Moira Schäfer Spain Alison Jackson Maria J Martinez Ismael Perera Teresa Pont Kevin Robb Juan Vázquez Sri Lanka Mano Chanmugam Sweden Vivianne Vikersjö Switzerland David Smith Taiwan Shao I Shih Tanzania National Examinations Council of Tanzania Aloys Ng’asi (Special Scheme Co-ordinator) Keiron White (Contact) Thailand Chorlada Bunnag Trinidad & Tobago Jessel Murray Turkey Maria Rita Epik Uganda Simon Yiga United Arab Emirates Ju Hua Zhu Li Capt Richard Higgins Gabriele Malzahn Rhona Morris Suzanne M McKay United States of America C F Peters Corporation (International Administrative Agents) Sally & Jeff Chen Paula Collins Rose Marie Dunsford Winnie S C Ip Gelene Johnson Margaret E Knight Dora Lee Lin Chiu-Ling Margaret Liu Nancy MacLachlan Susan Alexandra Mattson Stephen Ng Wesley Knox Ramsay III & Carol McClure Helga Swatzak Dr Benita Tse Sue Terry (Jazz Co-ordinator) Belinda Wee Vietnam Emma Morris Virgin Islands (British) Dr Charles H Wheatley OBE Zambia Moses Gift Kalomo Zimbabwe Zimbabwe School Exams Council (Mr Murira) UK HLRs Aberdeen Judith Baker Alnwick Jennifer Young Andover Roslyn Penny Antrim.36PP 22/4/09 Egypt Dr Mohamed El Tobgy Karim Frege (Contact) Faroe Islands Martin Mouritsen (Contact) France Steven Calvert Dr Atarah Ben Tovim MBE Anne Trezise Joanne Walker Germany Musikverlag C F Peters (Annette Jungjohann) Katherine Beatty Ghana West African Examinations Council (E N K Adenku. Contact) Luxembourg Jacqueline Fleming Macau Dr Chu Ching Hong Macau Youth Symphony Orchestra Malawi British Council (Doreen Kanjuchi) Malaysia Abdul Jalil Bin Abdul Hamid Abdul Salim Bin Abdul Karim Abu Latifei Bin Mohd Thani Alias Bin Mohamad Bong Johnny Chen Lan En Daud Bin Kassim Ismayuddin Bin Jaafar Juharani Bin Dollah Mohd Sabri Bin Salleh Nawal Binti Salleh Sabudin Bin Mustafa Sanapi Bin Mat Aris Sukhaimibin Basar Yahya Bin Talib Zaiton Bin Mohd Sari The Maldives Department of Public Exams (Abdul Hannah Waheed.• ABRSM AnnualReview08-09. Theory only) E B Takyi-Micah (Practical only) Gibraltar Aurelio Gonzalez Greece Eftichia Adilini Bobis Inga Forward Pediaditi (Contact) Grenada Jerome McBarnette MBE Guyana Daphne Rogers (Contact) Hong Kong Hong Kong Examinations & Assessment Authority (George Pang) David & Shirley Gwilt (Consultants) Petina Law (Administrative Associate) Dorcas Wong (Administrative Associate) Hungary Eszter Nemeth-Peterson (Contact) Iceland Gardar E Cortes (Contact) India Regional Co-ordinators: Anthony Braganza Gita Chacko Sebastian Stephen D’Cruz Homai Desai Carlos Álvares Ferreira Christine Marques HLRs Ravi Arthur Darryl Atkinson António Peregrino Da Costa Philomena D’Cruz Dr Aswan Thomas Elias Benita Fernandes B Marthand Sudhin Prabhakar Er A Ram Sentic K Sam Umarani Sankaranarayanan Lisa Stewart Indonesia Denis Umar Italy Calogero Amodio Maria Dolores Amodio Martin Biggs Michele Massaro Danilo Manto (Development Co-ordinator) Jamaica Marie Clarke Japan Roland Foundation (Umano Hiro. • ABRSM AnnualReview08-09.36PP 22/4/09 Bristol Rodney Drew Nigel Guzek Bromsgrove Meryl Davies Burnley Brian Olver Burton-upon-Trent Angela Moffat Bury Elizabeth Pass Bury St Edmunds Angela Dyball Buxton Gillian Morton Caithness Ann Warner Calne Mary Pilcher-Clayton Cambridge Christine Jones Jennifer Thornton Cannock Andrew & Judith Bywater Canterbury Mary Organ Cardiff Yvonne Laurent Cardigan Miriel Griffiths Sarah-Jane Jones Carlisle Elizabeth Reed Carmarthen Gilmour & Elaine Davies Carrickfergus Brian Lynas Chandler’s Ford & Winchester Marion Silvester Chard Shirley Long Chelmsford Debra Cox Cheltenham David Webber Chepstow/Forest Of Dean Rosemary Griffiths Chester Colette Sarson Chesterfield Christine Bishop Chichester Margaret Lloyd Chippenham Sylvia Stables Clacton-on-Sea Brenda Ellis Clevedon Robin Matthews Clitheroe Catherine Carr Cockermouth Richard Bennett Colwyn Bay Dafydd Lloyd & Catherine Jones Congleton Roy & Patricia Page Coventry Paul & Sheila Leddington Wright Craigavon Elaine Mills Crewe Gwen Manley Darlington Mavis Robson Denbigh Morwen Murray Derby Margaret Clarke Karen Eley Dingwall & Inverness Christina Cameron 34 n 14:23 Page 33 Doncaster Jean Stewart Dorchester Heather Reed Dover Elizabeth Weaver Dumfries Fiona Watson Dundee Avril Ogilvie Durham Marilyn Richardson East Grinstead Pauline Maynard Simon Morris Eastbourne Sally Munns Edinburgh Valerie Akhtar Sheila Boyes Elgin Pamela Gillan Epsom Sheila Colchester Exeter Pamela West Falkirk Alexander Christie Finstock Celia Garrick Folkestone Christopher McNeilly Frimley David & Margaret Sandfield Glasgow Jonathan Buchan Gloucester Janet Baldwin Gosport & Portsmouth Neil & Karen Bennett Grantham Carolyn Midgley Gravesend Geoffrey & Valerie Dyke Great Yarmouth Margaret King Greenock Amy McMillan Grimsby Anne Holmes Guernsey Jane Langlois Guildford Margaret Hennessey-Brown Halifax David & Margaret Whiteley Harlow Jane Steer Harpenden Caroline Marriott Harrogate Christine Brown Hartlepool Stephen Sild Hastings Mark Napier Haverfordwest Emma Halls Haverhill Allan Charlwood Haywards Heath Gwyneth Paine Helensburgh Anne Binnie Hemel Hempstead Elizabeth Holliday Hereford Rhian Morris Hertford Richard & Kathleen Lord Hexham Mary Finlinson Hitchin Lisa Railton Horsham Geoffrey Lunn Hull Rosemary Stones Huntingdon Elaine Williamson Ipswich Sue Lambert Alan Munson Isle of Man Alan & Avril Pickard Isle of Wight Peter Marchant Jersey Malcolm Whittell Kendal Mary Powney Keswick Elaine Moor Kidderminster Jane Johns William Wear King’s Lynn Sarah Felmingham Kirkcaldy Julie Paisley Roger Weatherhogg Lancaster Dorothy Dickinson Leamington Spa David & Adrienne Lloyd Leatherhead Clare Harris Leeds Nicola Bagnall Leicester & Loughborough Burne Huttchins Leighton Buzzard Barbara Springthorpe Lichfield Karen Caddy Lincoln Sybil Greed Liskeard & Plymouth Victoria van der Vliet Liverpool Rosalind Werner Llanelli Hugh & Eirlys Roberts London: Barnet Myrna Edwards London: Blackheath Mary Moore London: Croydon Freda Lodge London: Ealing Shirley Phimister London: Enfield Gordon Giles London: Finchley & Palmers Green Janice Twiselton London: Hampstead Maureen Keetch London: Harrow Hilary Holloway London: Romford Jane Harder London: Sidcup Janet D’Cruz London: Streatham Audrey Jones London: Surbiton David & Pamela Speed-Andrews London: Sutton Geoffrey Barham Marjorie Utting London: Wimbledon Ann Durrant Londonderry Heather Buick Louth Tony & Barbara Peebles Lowestoft Marilyn Zipfel Luton Maureen Toyer Maidstone Karen Martin Malvern Eileen Wilson Manchester John Reade Matlock Peter Vale Melton Mowbray Elizabeth Sampson Merthyr Tydfil Maureen Prothero Middlesbrough Barbara White Jean White Milton Keynes Mike James Joy Shirley Minehead Vivien Irwin Monmouth Hilary Petrie Morpeth Liane Todd Newark Diana Robertson Newcastle upon Tyne Margaret Huntington New Milton Margaret Jarvis Newport (Gwent) Carol Rees Newport (Salop) Penny Westgate Newry Nuala Curran Newton Stewart William Lindsay Northampton Peter Dunkley Northwich June Wright Norwich Carmela Furniss Anthony Joule Nottingham Sheila Middleton Nuneaton Jacqueline Stretton Oldham Brenda Gillespie Orkney Gemma McGregor Oxford Ruth Holleley Paignton Jo Dolman Paisley Douglas McBay Penzance Gillian Poznansky Perth Sarah Safian Peterborough Jacqueline Over Peterhead Alistair MacDonald Poole Judith Dutch Porthcawl Liz Dewhurst Preston Glen Clayton Susan Phillips Pwllheli Griffith Wynn Williams . South Africa Maureen Adams. Richard died in June 2008. Ireland HLR’s Cork Fedelmia O’Herlihy Dublin Miriam Halpin Galway Joanne Cater Limerick John Davis Waterford Julie Quinlan n 35 . Nevis Margaret Knight. Italy Ayleen Radley. Wigan Lyn Davies. Sleaford Enid Walker. South Africa Rhona Morris. Exeter Obituaries Kathleen Moore Kathleen was HLR for Maidstone from February 1999 until her death in December 2007.uk Sutton Coldfield Barbara Howell Swansea Helen Hopkins & Alex Lewis Swindon Dawn Ball Tain Christopher Williams Taunton Elizabeth Bell Tenby Janis Hartzell Thanet Stuart Horsburgh Torquay Keith Thompson Tredegar Stella Martin Truro Michael Sadka Tunbridge Wells Verna Keary Wakefield Molly Austin Warrington Catherine Poole Watford Sally Nicols Richard Norwood Welwyn Garden City Daphne Barker Weston-super-Mare Philip & Margaret Hopes Weymouth Marilyn Mackenzie Whitby Barbara Anderson Wigan Graham Hart Windermere Janet McCallum Wisbech Dorothy Morris Woking Sheila Mansfield Wolverhampton Richard Anderson Worcester Josephine Hunt Worksop Richard Leach Wrexham Joan Williams Yeovil Janice Sugg York Maurice Ridge Thank you The following representatives stepped down during 2008. We thank them for all of their work on behalf of ABRSM. Bromsgrove Dorothy Drinkwater. He was an extremely dedicated supporter of ABRSM and its activities. and is remembered for his conscientiousness and professionalism. Waterford (Ireland) Kathryn Thorne. Kuwait Darryl Atkinson. Fishguard Michael Bryant. Hexham Ann Woodworth.Reading Monica Roberts Redhill Pamella Semm-Skrzypecka Richmond (N Yorks) Tim Jackson Ringwood Pauline Boyer Ripon Jean Willimott Rochdale Michael Lucas Rochester Norman Blow Rotherham Joy Crick Rugby Judy Price Salisbury Helena Wright Scarborough Maureen Calvert Scunthorpe Jeffrey Blewett Selly Oak Marjorie Palmer Sevenoaks Helen Isom Sheffield Edward Woodhead Sheringham & Cromer Norman Moor Shetland Anne Halcrow Shrewsbury Grace Harvey Sidmouth Pamela Dunkley Sittingbourne Cynthia Swade Skegness Cherrie Dutton Skipton Ann Ware Christopher & Irene Truman Solihull Anthony Veal Southampton Fiona Willsher Southend-on-Sea Douglas Powell Southport Susan Sale Spalding Colin Faulkner St Albans Vera Tufnell St Andrews Helen Russell St Austell Ann Fleet Stafford Kevin Bennett Stockport Christopher Ellis Stockton-on-Tees Janet Gray Stoke-on-Trent Geoffrey & Brenda Rainbow Stourbridge Gerald Johnson Stranraer Charlotte Smith Stratford-upon-Avon Laurence & Rosemary Robson Stroud Suzanne Barnes Sunbury-on-Thames Moira Edwards Sunderland Anne Ward Design n www. Torquay Gary Davies.co. Richard Wright HLR for Kettering for a remarkable 24 years. Tunbridge Wells Barbara Bennett. Stockport Cynthia Thompson. Clitheroe Donald & Irene Hay. Huddersfield Ann Edmonds. International Representatives Teresa Pont. and was well known by staff and examiners alike for her kindness and good humour. Wells Elizabeth Grinnell. Cheltenham Richard Goodall. India Sentic Sam. Bermuda Runa Edeling. India UK & Ireland HLRs Veronica Austin.9thplanetdesign. USA Andrea Hodson. India Minette Duncan-Marbaniang. Wife of examiner Philip Moore. Kathleen always gave great care and attention to arranging exams for local candidates. United Arab Emirates Kashif Chauhan. Halifax Anne Wallace. Stirling Gerry Rea. Cardiff Trevlyn Thomas. Spain/Andorra Rob Hix. ABRSM 24 Portland Place London W1B 1LU United Kingdom T +44 (0)20 7636 5400 F +44 (0)20 7637 0234 www.abrsm.org .
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