AmerTex® R-SerieSynthetic and natural filter media ● Exclusive bonding technology provides cleaner air ● Low resistance to airflow ● High dust holding capacity ● Available in synthetic and natural executions ● Washable R-series air filter media is made of synthetic fibres, except type R20 Natural, which is made of natural fibres. An exclusive bonding technology ensures a high number of fibres per square metre for a given weight. E T Natural filter media Synthetic filter media. The R20 Natural media, consisting of latex coated natural fibres structured into a porous and dense media, is recommended for use in severe operating conditions. The R15 Economy and R17 Durable media are recommended for use in low pressure forced air convectors, window ventilation units, fan coils and as prefilter in paintspray cabins. All AmerTex R series media is white coloured. No colour pigments are needed to create a distinction between the various media. The name of each product together with its classification according to EN779 is printed at regular intervals on the air leaving side of each media roll, permitting easy product identification. R-Series media is characterized by a relatively low resistance to airflow and a high dust holding capacity. B Applications Cleaning Types R15 and R29 are washable to a limited extent. Types R17, R50 and R20 are fully washable. The R-series media can be cleaned: ● in warm water (30 - 40°C) with addition of a household detergent, if necessary. Drying should be done on a flat surface. Do not rub or wring. ● by blowing with compressed air in opposite direction of filter airflow. The R29 Standard media is for use in room air conditioning units, hot air generators, air conditioning installations, home kitchen hoods and as prefilter in paint spray cabins. The R50 Super media is suitable for use in air conditioning installations in the food industry, kitchen hoods, industrial ventilation systems and as prefilter in paintspray cabins. T E R A I R I S O U R B U S I N E S S ® AmerTex® R-Serie Technical Data Type R15 Economy R17 Durable R29 Standard R50 Super R20* (30 mm) 1.5 5400 17 130 75 - 80 G2 2 x 20 1 x 20 1.5 5400 17 130 75 - 80 G2 2 x 20 1 x 20 1.5 5400 42 200 87 - 92 G4 2 x 20 1 x 20 2.0 7200 80 250 80 G3 Pads only white F1 100 limited white F1 100 good 1.5 5400 26 200 80 - 85 G3 2 x 20 1 x 20 polyethylene bags white F1 100 limited white F1 100 good brown 65 good Recommended face velocity (m/s) Rated capacity (m3/h/m2) Rated initial resistance (Pa) Recommended final resistance (Pa) Average arrestance (%) EN 779 classification Roll size (m) Packing Media colour Flame retardancy according to DIN 53438 Max. operating temperature (˚C) Washability * R20 media is also available in 20, 40 and 50 mm thicknesses Initial Resistance (Pa) Airflow Resistance R 20 80 R 50 R 29 70 60 R 17, R 15 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Face Velocity (m/s) AAF-International B.V. P.O. Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel.: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 International AAF Offices: Vienna (A), Montreal (CDN), Dortmund (D), Vitoria (E), Paris (F), Cramlington (GB), Athens (GR), Milan (I), Riyadh (KSA), Mexico (Mex), Amsterdam (NL), Singapore, Istanbul (TR), Louisville, Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK), Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N), Lisbon (P), Johannesburg (RSA), Dalsjöfors (S), Malmö (S), Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. RA-2-504-IN-4-0198 © 1998 AAF International AmWash Pleated Washable Filter Washable High dust holding capacity and long service life Reduce the risk of fire Low initial resistance Choice of media in the classification range G3 to F5 (EN779) Lightweight and easy to install AmWash is specially designed for application in industrial and commercial heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. For example like: 1) Offices, convention centers, meeting rooms, hospitals, shopping malls, sport centers, airports and other buildings with HVAC systems. 2) Normal industrial area with central air ventilation system. 3) Prefilter for central ventilation system for CleanRoom. Easy to install Advantages Cleanable AmWash is a lightweight panel filter with several special features like reusable aluminum steel frame, made of synthetic fiber and characterized by a relatively low resistance to airflow, reduce risk of fire, washable and easy to install. Filter media with the thickness of 10mm and 20mm ensure high dust holding capacity. AmWash can be blow cleaned with compressed air, but only once or twice during its natural lifetime. AmWash can also be cleaned with a solution of water and detergent on a limited basis. AmWash has a sturdy, long lasting galvanized steel frame which offers great resistance in harsh operating conditions. Due to its light weight and compact size (only 46mm depth), it is relatively inexpensive to ship and easy to handle and install. If required, AmWash can be supplied with a stainless steel or aluminum frame and can be manufactured to any size. Aluminum frame Choice of Media AmWash is available with 3 classifications: G3, F4 and F5 in accordance with EN779. Filter media Supporting grid High dust holding capacity Owing to the excellent dust holding capacity, AmWash can be used as prefilter to higher efficiency filters or as main filters. As prefilter, AmWash protect more expensive main filters from premature replacement while as main filter it improves the quality of indoor air. AmWash Technical Specification Maximum Operating Temperature Media Support grid Frame Corner bracket : : : : : 93°C (200°F) Synthetic fiber Wire grid Aluminum Frame Rigid steel bracket Product Information Class Nominal Size WxHxD (mm) Actual Size WxHxD (mm) Rated Airflow Capacity (m3/h) G3 610 x 610 x 51 595 x 595 x 46 3400 35 65 90 G3 305 x 610 x 51 290 x 595 x 46 1700 35 65 90 G3 610 x 610 x 102 595 x 595 x 96 3400 30 55 75 G3 305 x 610 x 102 290 x 595 x 96 1700 30 55 75 G4 610 x 610 x 51 595 x 595 x 46 3400 50 85 110 G4 305 x 610 x 51 290 x 595 x 46 1700 50 85 110 G4 610 x 610 x 102 595 x 595 x 96 3400 45 80 105 G4 305 x 610 x 102 290 x 595 x 96 1700 45 80 105 Initial Resistance (Pa)via Rated Airflow 70% 100% 120% Airflow Resistance Initial Resistance vs Face Velocity Initial Resistance (Pa) 200 170 150 120 100 75 50 25 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Face Velocity, (m/s) No. 9 (Lot 136), Jalan Juru Ukur U1/19, Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Park, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel: 03-5569 2633 / Fax: 03-5569 3633 ISO-9001 Certified Firm AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. ©2006 AAF Malaysia AMWASH-01-MAL/OCT ‘06 AmAir 100 and 300 are ideal for protecting more expensive secondary air filters from premature dust loading and replacement. To ensure the media pack does not rack or deteriorate under difficult operating conditions. U R B U S I N E S S® .AmAir® 300 High Quality Prefilters ● Excellent media performance in high humidity conditions ● High tensile strength media ● Environment-friendly materials ● Sturdy. friendly: it does not contain any harsh resins or artificial colouring. reducing the chance of damage during handling and operation. ensuring that dust is collected evenly over the entire surface of the media. reliable construction The pleated media pack of both range of filters is housed within a sturdy double walled. When the media becomes wet. These filters feature a new 100% synthetic media pack which provides excellent performance in conditions of high relative humidity and moisture. Media usage is maximized resulting in a more gradual rise in resistance. High performance. As primary filters. beverage board frame. it is bonded to the inside of its frame at all points of contact and retained in position by retainers at the air leaving and air entering sides. The media is environment and user B E T between pleats. they will also help reduce HVAC maintenance costs by preventing unnecessary dust build-up on coils. die cut box. environment friendly media Sturdy. On the air leaving side of the media pack a wiremesh pleat support grid maintains equidistant spacing T E R A I R I S O Applications Classified G4 in accordance with EN 779. It can therefore be readily disposed of by landfill or incineration. resistance may rise temporarily only to subside when the media starts to dry. The synthetic media displays great tensile strength. reliable construction With the new AmAir 100 and 300 series of prefilters AAF has risen to the challenge of designing an environment-friendly product with the necessary performance characteristics built-in. which in turn has a positive effect on energy consumption and service life. fans and duct work. Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel.100 250 90 48 1.O. AmAir 300 (48 mm).5 3.3) 1.5 .3) (mm) WxH Airflow at 2. 2) Recommended final resistance not to be exceeded. Cramlington (GB). Filters may be installed with the pleats in the vertical or horizontal position.2” 300 .2 90 . AAF-International B. 2) Other sizes and air filters in 21 mm (1 inch nominal) depth are available upon request. AmAir 300 (95 mm) 160 140 120 1.5 2.85 250 90 95 1.95 G4 31 . Paris (F).4” 300 . Dalsjöfors (S).5 90 .5 . Riyadh (KSA). Singapore. Fire Classification: a) Both filters are Class 2 approved and listed according to UL Standard 900. Final Resistance2) (Pa) Temperature Limits (°C) (continuous operation) 48 1. Dortmund (D).2. 2. Milan (I). Athens (GR).5 m/s (m3/h) 290 x 595 392 x 494 392 x 621 494 x 494 494 x 621 595 x 445 595 x 494 595 x 595 355 x 665 1700 1870 2380 2380 2975 2550 2850 3400 2260 Initial Resistance (Pa) Nominal Size (inches) WxH 1. Lisbon (P). Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N).AmAir® 300 Technical Data Type 100 .2” 100 . Standard Dimensions 12 x 24 16 x 20 16 x 25 20 x 20 20 x 25 24 x 18 24 x 20 24 x 24 141/ 2 x 26 3/ 4 Airflow Resistance Actual Size2.4” Actual Depth (mm) Rated Face Velocity (m/s) Average Arrestance1) (%) Efficiency1) (%) EN779 Classification Rated Initial Resistance1) (Pa) Recomm.V.95 G4 33 .2 Rated Velocity (m/s) Notes: 1) Width and height dimensions are interchangeable.5 90 .0 2.2.5 .0 1.95 G4 45 . 100 2.76 250 90 95 1. 3) See Technical Data Table for filter depths. Montreal (CDN).91 250 90 1) All data based on EN779. 80 60 40 20 0 0 1. Vitoria (E). P.3.2 90 .3.5 . Amsterdam (NL). Istanbul (TR). 504 and 505. Johannesburg (RSA). b) PET media is classified M2 according to NF P92-503. Malmö (S).: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 International AAF Offices: Vienna (A). Louisville. Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK). Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice RA-2-509-IN-1-0798 © 1998 AAF International . The pleats are always parallel to the longest cell side unless explicity specified otherwise.95 G4 40 . Mexico (Mex).0 3. food processing and automotive industries.85% 60 . each efficiency has its own colour coded media scheme: Microfine Synthetic Fibres Provide Cleaner Air DriPak 2000 pocket media comprises a unique matrix of primary and secondary B Final Resistance DriPak 2000 filters are tested in accordance with EN779.F8 for applications requiring cleaner air ● Mechanically strong with a high abrasional resistance ● Operational reliability in high airflow and high dust loading conditions ● Excellent performance in high moisture conditions synthetic fibres with a thin layer of high strength spunbond scrim on the air leaving side to increase filter stability and prevent particle migration. They are renowned for their high performance characteristics in applications requiring a high dust holding capacity and higher air cleaning capacity. Since their introduction they have proven a resounding success with the pharmaceutical. T Efficiency EN 779 Media Colour 90 .65% F8 F7 F6 Yellow Red Green E R A I R I S O U R B U S I N E S S® .DriPak® 2000 Superfine Synthetic Fibres Provide Cleaner Air ● Filter classes F5 . Mechanically Strong and Robust DriPak 2000 pocket filters are made of high quality synthetic media. The filters should not be stored or transported in conditions where temperatures exceed 60ºC.95% 80 . For easy identification. The recommended final resistance is 450 Pa. E T Temperature limits DriPak 2000 synthetic filters are designed for a continuous operating temperature up to 70ºC. a high dust holding capacity and a long filter service life. robust materials they display excellent abrasional resistance and perform well in 100% relative humidity and in high airflow and heavy dust loading conditions. Efficiency Ranges DriPak 2000 is available in four efficiencies. This dual media design ensures a low initial pressure drop. Built from strong. Vitoria (E). Athens (GR).2 6.O.3 5.1 2.F 7 8.5 90 60 30 0 0 0.0 3.0 3.5 1.6 6.5 1.5 3.F 8 125 50 Initial Resistance (Pa) Gross Media Area (m2) Actual Size4/5) (wxhxd) (mm) 2.1-1992 test method). Istanbul (TR).0 Face Velocity (m/s) AAF-International B. Malmö (S).4 4250 2125 3550 3400 1700 2850 1700 850 1400 160 160 160 135 135 135 90 90 90 9 4 7 8 4 6 6 3 5 8.4 2. International AAF Offices: Vienna (A).25 592x592x700 287x592x700 490x592x700 592x592x635 287x592x635 490x592x635 592x592x508 287x592x508 490x592x508 60-65% Average Efficiency2) . Dortmund (D).0 1. 5) Filters are also available in other sizes and with 25 and 20 mm headers. Milan (I).V.2 6. Louisville.0 4.2 2.7 3. Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK). Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N).25 3 287x592x508 5 490x592x508 80-85% Average Efficiency2) .3 5.5 4.5 3.0 2.5 3.1 2. Riyadh (KSA).F 6 120 3.DriPak® 2000 Initial Resistance (Pa) Resistance Curves and Selection Chart Data Rated Face Velocity1) (m/s) DriPak 2000 90% 225 200 175 150 Rated Airflow Capacity (m3/h) Rated Initial2/3) Resistance (Pa) 9 592x592x700 4 287x592x700 7 490x592x700 8 592x592x635 2. Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. 3) The recommended final resistance is 450 Pa.0 3400 1700 2850 3400 1700 2850 3400 1700 2850 55 55 55 60 60 60 65 65 65 100 3.4 4250 2125 3550 3400 1700 2850 1700 850 1400 105 105 105 80 80 80 60 60 60 9 4 7 8 4 6 8.3 5.5 2.2 6.0 1.5 DriPak 2000 50% 120 2.0 3.0 4. 4) The DriPak 2000 filter sizes fit into frame sizes 610 x 610.7 3. Paris (F). Dalsjöfors (S).5 3.5 4 287x592x635 6 490x592x635 6 592x592x508 1.5 60 30 592x592x700 287x592x700 490x592x700 592x592x635 287x592x635 490x592x635 50-55% Average Efficiency2) .3 4.F 5 0 0 0. Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel.5 2.5 2. Montreal (CDN).2 125 100 75 2.0 2. 2) All performance data based on EN779 1993 standard (ASHRAE 52. Singapore. Lisbon (P).0 4250 2125 3550 3400 1700 2850 75 75 75 65 65 65 6 3 5 6 3 5 6 3 5 5.6 6.1 2.2 90 2.0 1.0 Initial Resistance (Pa) Face Velocity (m/s) DriPak 2000 60% 1. RA-2-542-IN-2-0999 © 1999 AAF International .0 1.5 1.6 6.0 2. Cramlington (GB). Amsterdam (NL).0 3.2 75 25 0 0 0. P.5 2.0 3.5 1.7 3.0 3.0 2. Johannesburg (RSA).5 50 25 0 0 0.5 2. 305 x 610 and 508 x 610 mm.5 1.0 2.: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 592x592x635 287x592x635 490x592x635 592x592x508 287x592x508 490x592x508 592x592x305 287x592x305 490x592x305 Notes: 1) Filters can be operated at 67% to 133% of rated face velocity.0 Face Velocity (m/s) DriPak 2000 80% 225 200 175 150 3.0 Face Velocity (m/s) Initial Resistance (Pa) Number of Pockets 90-95% Average Efficiency2) . Mexico (Mex). VariCel® High and Medium Efficiency Extended Surface Supported Pleat Air Filters VariCel® with Intersept® IAQ Engineered Media Treated with Intersept® Antimicrobial . Intersept® is EPA registered and environmentally safe. Engineered For A Variety Of Applications Type SH Single Header VariCel filters are designed for systems originally supplied by AAF International. including incineration and compaction disposal systems. Type DH Double Header VariCel filters are designed to upgrade air cleaning performance and reliability. 60-65% (MERV 11) ■ Available with Intersept® in 90-95% & 60-65% efficiency ■ U. The presence of Intersept® antimicobial preservative in the filter media is intended to preserve the integrity of the media throughout the useful life of the filter. Constructed of aluminized steel.L. 3⁄4" thick. The filters are constructed without headers and cell sides are flush with front face dimensions. See page 4 for models and temperature limits. single header (XL-S) and double header (XL-D). High Temp Series VariCel filters are designed for systems operating from 350˚-900˚F. heavy wall particle board. High Temperature VariCel filters offer rated efficiency with proven reliability over the life of the filter. Air filters are designed to trap and concentrate particulate air contaminants including viable fungal and bacterial spores. contain up to 67% more media and offer more than twice the service life of standard single and double header models. nor to kill microorganisms "on the fly" as they pass through a filter. Manufactured of fireretardant. Antimicrobial preservatives are not meant to increase the efficiency of the filter. Class 1 ■ Ideal For Difficult Operating Conditions - Variable air volume Turbulent airflow Repeated fan shutdown High temperature operation High humidity Intermittent exposure to water such as seacoast installations Designed To Improve Indoor Air Quality VariCel filters with Intersept® antimicrobial are designed specifically to improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). .VariCel® and VariCel® with Intersept® Extended Surface Supported Pleat Filters ■ Available In Three Efficiencies 90-95% (MERV 14). Type NH VariCel filters (U. Class 1) are operable at temperatures up to 200˚F. Two 13 ⁄16" thick flanged headers make the filters compatible with the holding frames and latching devices of various manufacturers. 80-85% (MERV 13).L. XL Series VariCel filters. including rear access systems. A unique 13⁄16" flanged header on the air entering side allows the filter to be easily inserted and latched into front and side access systems. Type NH Series VariCel filters are designed for special sizes and applications. VariCel's rigid construction with supported pleat media pack maintains a compact. and prevent bypass leakage. The media sealant prevents bypass leakage and damage to the media and separators during shipping and handling. preventing media damage during shipping and personal injury during installation.BUILT RUGGED FOR DEPENDABLE PERFORMANCE Crimped Rear Flanges (SH) are rolled over and riveted to add strength. Burst strength is increased to prevent the filter from blowing out under variable air volume conditions or unusually high resistance. Corrugated Aluminum Separators with Rolled Edges maintain uniform pleat spacing for optimum airflow. along the entire length of each side. The separators are rolled to eliminate sharp edges.) Easy Installation Cell Side Potential Leak Path Media Pack Sealant — A layer of high efficiency media seals the media pack into the cell sides. This solidifies the media pack to minimize movement and prevent media damage. Rigid construction and minimum depth make VariCel filters easy to install in all types of systems. DUAL DENSITY MEDIA REDUCES OPERATING COSTS VariCel media is manufactured with two layers of glass fibers: coarser fibers on the air entering side and finer fibers on the air leaving side. Galvanized steel headers and cell sides resist damage during shipping and handling. Media Pack Restraint Steel brace on air leaving side adds support to the media pack. unitized structure even under tough operating conditions. Unitized Construction Interlocked header and cell sides. Header VariCel Construction Cell Side Header Typical Competitive Construction Pleats and Separators Bonded For Strength During the pleating process. the cushioning sealant helps prevent tears and punctures to the media. eliminate sharp edges. minimizing operating costs. (HT VariCel filters are constructed of aluminized steel. Competitive filters are designed with loose fitting headers which allow greater potential for bypass leakage. Variable air velocity and repeated fan shutdown do not compromise performance. AIRFLOW COARSE FIBERS Air entering side Our dual density design allows FINER FIBERS dirt particles to be collected Air leaving side throughout the entire depth of the filter utilizing the full cleaning potential of the media. Maximum dust holding capacity extends the life of the filter. . and prevent corrosion over long service life. provide maximum sealing. The water resistant media can withstand intermittent exposure to water. By allowing slight movement of the media pack when the filter is jarred. spots of glue are applied to bond each separator to the adjacent pleat. making VariCel filters ideal for installations in humid areas or where the filters are exposed to moisture. 2003 ©2003 AAF INTERNATIONAL . Standard 900 and CAN 4-S111.2 . OPTIONS Efficiency by Particle Size* 100 90-95% (MERV 14) 90 ■ VariCel filters can be ordered with faceguards made of flattened.AAF. DH. Filter Face Velocity 12" Deep Filters 6" Deep Filters 90-95% INITIAL RESISTANCE (IN.6 .aafintl. XL 350˚F 177˚C Type HT-500 500˚F 260˚C Type HT-725 750˚F 385˚C Type HT-900 900˚F 482˚C Type NH 200˚F 93˚C Underwriters Laboratories AFP-1-158P DEC '03 MP 10M For Additional Information On AAF Products. ■ 11⁄8" Single Header VariCels. 6" deep filters are rated at 250 FPM filter face velocity.2-1999 ® 10300 ORMSBY PARK PL STE 600 LOUISVILLE KY 40223-6169 P O BOX 35690 LOUISVILLE KY 40232-5690 www. such as AAF's PerfectPleat® pleated filters or “5700” panel filters.4 .L.2" wg. FILTER FACE VELOCITY (FPM) 12" deep filters are rated at 500 FPM filter face velocity. 60-65% XL PREFILTERS CAN DOUBLE VARICEL LIFE 60-65% Using prefilters. Testing was performed according to U.8 1 2 4 6 8 10 PARTICLE SIZE (MICRONS) * Tested in accordance with ASHRAE standards 52. 80 EFFICIENCY (%) 70 60 50 80-85% (MERV 13) 40 30 60-65% (MERV 11) 20 10 0 . ■ Vinyl Coated Separators are available for corrosive conditions.1 . Classification: All VariCels are Class1.VARICEL®/VARICEL® with Intersept® OPERATING DATA Operating Temperature Limits Initial Resistance vs. designed for other manufacturers' equipment. Call Customer Service 888. aluminized steel on one or both sides of the filter. expanded. are also available. Recommended final resistance for all VariCel filters is 1. WG) 90-95% XL/80-85% VariCel Model 90-95% 60-65% 80-85% Temperature Limit Types SH. will greatly extend the life of VariCel filters. ■ Factory installed gaskets are available on the front or back of the header. 0 2. It can resist intermittent exposure to water and provides excellent performance in conditions of high relative humidity.VariCel® II Low Depth Compact Filter For Commercial and Industrial HVAC Systems ● Low depth saves space ● Classification ranges F6 and F8 ● Lightweight and easy-to-install ● Economic to transport ● High dust holding capacity Initial Resistance vs Face Velocity Initial Resistance (Pa) When installation space is limited and high quality air filtration is required. 225 90 % 200 175 150 125 60 % 100 75 VariCel II is suitable for use in front. It displays low media resistance which means low energy consumption. This low depth. bulkier types of filter.0 2. rear and side access HVAC installations.0 Face Velocity (m/s) T E R A I R I S O U R B U S I N E S S® . Due to its lightweight and low depth it is economic to ship compared to other heavier.5 4. VariCel II is the solution. B E T 50 25 0 0 1. VariCel II has a high dust holding capacity and long service life.0 3. lightweight filter is available in EN779 classification ranges F6 and F8. The filter is also suitable for use in variable air volume systems and can withstand repeated fan shut down and turbulent airflow. Vitoria (E). Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel. VariCel II filters can be installed horizontally or vertically.708 0. Athens (GR). Standard 900. Dalsjöfors (S).O.18 6.85 2.L.18 8. Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK).780 0. Singapore. Istanbul (TR).1992.236 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 11.31 9. Paris (F).661 0.: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 International AAF Offices: Vienna (A). Malmö (S).VariCel® II Specification Maximum operating temperature Media Filter frame Disposal : 65 ˚C : Dual density glass fibre : Natural kraft pine and hardwood fibre : Municipal incinerator Technical Data Nominal Size1) (wxhxd) (inches) Actual Size1) (wxhxd) (mm) Rated Air Flow Capacity2) (m3/h) (m3/s) Rated Initial2) Resistance (Pa) Gross Media Area (m2) 90% Average Efficiency .519 0.85 8.944 0. Riyadh (KSA). Listing VariCel II filters are Class 2 approved according to U. VariCel II filters should always be operated with a prefilter.780 0. Montreal (CDN). Milan (I).826 0. Louisville. Underwriters’ Laboratories Inc.50 5. AAF-International B.18 8. Lisbon (P). Mexico (Mex). Classification in accordance with EN779.661 0.944 0. 3) Available for side access installations designed with a 18 mm or 22 mm or customized wide stationary track. For maximum service life.50 5. Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N).97 60% Average Efficiency .97 3400 2975 2805 2380 2550 2380 1870 1700 850 0.661 0.85 2. 2) All performance data based on ASHRAE 52: 1.472 0.83 8. Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice RA-2-599-IN-1-0198 © 1998 AAF International .F 6 24x24x43) 20x25x4 20x24x43) 20x20x4 18x24x4 16x25x4 16x20x4 12x24x43) 12x12x4 594x594x97 492x619x97 492x594x97 492x492x97 441x594x97 391x619x97 391x492x97 289x594x97 289x289x97 1) Width and height dimensions are interchangeable.661 0. Amsterdam (NL).18 6. P. Cramlington (GB).80 10.826 0.83 8.708 0.519 0.236 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 11.85 8.V. Dortmund (D).472 0. Johannesburg (RSA).F 8 24x24x43) 20x25x4 20x24x43) 20x20x4 18x24x4 16x25x4 16x20x4 12x24x43) 12x12x4 594x594x97 492x619x97 492x594x97 492x492x97 441x594x97 391x619x97 391x492x97 289x594x97 289x289x97 3400 2975 2805 2380 2550 2380 1870 1700 850 0.31 9.80 10. VariPak is a multi-purpose air filter.2 0.6 1.0 m/s 3: 48 mm 1.5 m/s 250 3 80 1 30 2 3 200 4 5 1 150 100 50 20 10 0 0 0 0. F7 and F8 in accordance with EN779. VariPak 60% The Filter 4 5 1 150 S O 1: 25 mm 1. Face Velocity m/sec.5 0 2. VariPak can be supplied in a wide variety of mini-pleat media pack depths and cell side configurations. F7 and F8 classified according to EN779 ● Various media pack depths and cell side combinations available ● Low resistance = long service life ● Maximum operating temperature 70°C thermoplastic separators which maintain uniform spacing between pleats and ensure low media resistance: low media resistance translates into low energy consumption and long service life.5 m/s.4 1.0 1.6 Initial Resistance Pa 90 E T 1.5 m/s U R B U S I 5: 96 mm 1. 1: 25 mm 1.0 m/s 4: 72 mm 1.8 VariPak 90% 2 70 60 50 40 2.0 1. The ultra fine glass fibre media pack features 1.5 m/s 5 100 0.5 m/s N E S S® .5 m/s B 1.0 0.3 m/s 2: 35 mm 1.0 m/s 3: 48 mm 1. extruded aluminium and aluminized U-profile.0 1. It can be used as a prefilter to a HEPA filter operating at low face velocity or as a fine filter in commercial HVAC systems at a recommended face velocity of 1.0 1: 25 mm 1.3 m/s 2: 35 mm 1.5 1.VariPak® Multi-Purpose High Efficiency Compact Filter ● For use as prefilter or fine filter ● F6. The filter is available in the classification ranges F6. VariPak 80% 250 Initial Resistance Pa Applications 2 3 200 100 50 0 0 0.8 Face Velocity m/sec.2 4 Initial Resistance Pa Depending on the application.0 m/s 4: 72 mm 1.3 m/s 2: 35 mm 1.5 T E R A I R 5: 96 mm 1.0 5: 96 mm 1. including non-shedding MDF.0 Face Velocity m/sec.5 m/s I 1.4 0. The filter can be supplied with or without a one-piece gasket and in certain configurations with a faceguard.0 m/s 3: 48 mm 1.0 m/s 4: 72 mm 1.5 2. die-cut. Item A B C Component Code Definition Filter Type Efficiency VP = VariPak 6 = 60 .55 2000 2000 0. Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice RA-2-509-IN-1-0699 © 1999 AAF International . 11 = Aluminium extrusion 72 = MDF 89 = Aluminized steel 99 = Aluminium extrusion 90 = Aluminium extrusion with 20 mm flange for 3” media P = 25 mm R = 35 mm K = 48 mm M = 96 mm L = 72 mm 9 = Polyurethane 2 = polyurethane flame retandant 0 = none on filters with die-cut cell sides S = foamed polyurethane P = No gasket T = neoprene 6 mm A = special 0 = none 2 = air leaving side 1 = air entering side 3 = both sides P = none A = Aluminium E = epoxy coated steel U = Aluminized expanded metal Z = special 0 = none 1 = Air leaving side 2 = Air entry side 3 = Both sides Cell sides D Pack Depth E Bond F Standard Sizes and Ratings Component Gasket type G Gasket location H Faceguard I Faceguard location Size in mm without gasket H x W x D Nominal airflow m3/h m3/s 2000 2000 0.37 0. Item Component Definition AAF-International B. Mexico (Mex). Athens (GR).37 0. Montreal (CDN). Malmö (S).cut. Riyadh (KSA). Louisville. Singapore.55 0.55 0.37 1340 1340 0.O. Johannesburg (RSA). P.85% 10 = 90 -95% 10 = die . Istanbul (TR). Amsterdam (NL). Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel. Milan (I).55 1740 1740 0.48 1340 1340 0.48 0. Dalsjöfors (S).37 96 mm pack 610 x 610 x 292 610 x 610 x 149 72 mm pack 610 x 610 x 292 610 x 610 x 149 48 mm pack 610 x 610 x 78 610 x 610 x 149 35 mm pack 610 x 610 x 78 610 x 610 x 56 25 mm pack 610 x 610 x 78 610 x 610 x 56 How to Order Below a typical example of the Style Code for a standard VariPak filter using the Component Definition Code System. Paris (F). The recommended final resistance is 450 Pa. Vitoria (E). Dortmund (D).V. Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N). MDF and die-cut versions can be disposed of by incineration. Lisbon (P). Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK).: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 A B C D E F G H I VP 6 72 K 9 S 2 P 0 International AAF Offices: Vienna (A). Products with metal parts can be landfilled.VariPak® Operating Temperature Disposal Recommended Final Resistance VariPak air filters have a maximum operating temperature of 70°C.65% 9 = 80 . Cramlington (GB). VariCel V offer many cost saving benefits. VariCel V display low media resistance and have a high dust holding capacity and long service life.0 Face Velocity (m/s) S I N E S S® . S 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 95% 90% 80% 60% 0 O 1.VariCel V Lightweight Compact Filters For Commercial and Industrial HVAC Systems ● Lightweight and easy to install ● Classification ranges F6. Fewer filters mean less installation space for the filtration system. F8 and F9 ● Excellent performance in difficult operating conditions ● High air volume capacity: upto 5000 m3/h ● High dust holding capacity Airflow Resistance VV6-series Due to their 5000m3/h capacity.0 U R 2.0 4. Available in the EN779 classification range F6 . F7. In new installations fewer filters are needed to handle the same volume of air compared to filters of the same size with a lower capacity.0 B U 3. their rigid design and pleated media pack with thermoplastic separators ensure they deliver the desired air quality when used in variable air volume systems and subjected to repeated fan shutdown. B E T T E R A I R I Initial Resistance (Pa) VariCel V are lightweight compact filters designed for use in industrial and commercial HVAC installations. They can also be used in existing systems to increase the air capacity. high relative humidity and intermittent exposure to water.F9. Singapore.24-12 VV6.98 0. Amsterdam (NL).: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 International AAF Offices: Vienna (A).9-24.15 0. AAF-International B. Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N).24-12 1) 2) 3) 4) Size1) (mm) HxWxD 592 x 592 x 292 490 x 592 x 292 287 x 592 x 292 592 x 592 x 292 490 x 592 x 292 287 x 592 x 292 592 x 592 x 292 490 x 592 x 292 287 x 592 x 292 592 x 592 x 292 490 x 592 x 292 287 x 592 x 292 Maximum Nominal m3/h m3/s m3/h m3/s 5000 4165 2500 5000 4165 2500 5000 4165 2500 5000 4165 2500 1.24-124) VV6.15 0.24-124) VV6.69 4250 3540 2125 4250 3540 2125 4250 3540 2125 4250 3540 2125 1.O. Mexico (Mex).59 1.24-124) VV6. Recommended maximum value.24-12 VV6-11-12. Johannesburg (RSA). RA-2-08-IN-4-0198 © 1999 AAF International . Dalsjöfors (S).69 1. Malmö (S).24-12 VV6-10-12.15 0. Filters can be operated to a lower final resistance without materially effecting filter efficiency. Louisville.98 0.24-12 VV6.6-24.59 1.24-12 VV6-11-24. Paris (F).39 1.69 1. Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel. Milan (I).39 1.39 1.9-12.69 1.Varicel V Specifications Maximum operating temperature Media Separators Cell Sides : : : : 70 ˚C Ultra fine glass fibres woven into mat Thermoplastic Recycled polystyrene Technical Data Average Efficiency2) % EN 779 Class2 Initial Resistance at Nominal Airflow (Pa) Final Resistance3) 60-65 60-65 60-65 80-85 80-85 80-85 90-95 90-95 90-95 > 95 > 95 > 95 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 110 110 110 125 125 125 145 145 145 180 180 180 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Airflow Type VV6. Athens (GR).18 0.59 1. Istanbul (TR).18 0.98 0. Suffix "C" denotes cellulose media option.24-12 VV6-10-24.15 0. Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK). Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.18 0. Montreal (CDN).24-12 VV6-10-20. P. Cramlington (GB).39 1.9-20.6-12.6-20.18 0.V.59 (Pa) Width and height are interchangeable. Dortmund (D).98 0. pleats can be either vertical or horizontal without affecting performance. Riyadh (KSA). Lisbon (P). All performance data based on EN779.24-12 VV6-11-20. Vitoria (E). The filter is designed for use in clean areas in the pharmaceutical.2000 m3/h ● Classified H11 in accordance with EN1822 ● Benefits in existing and new installations ● Lower energy costs As a H11 EN1822 classified filter. semi-conductor and healthcare industries in which high efficiency air filtration on fine particulates is required.13 1.BioCel® I High Quality HEPA Filter For Use In Clean Zones ● Airflow range: 500 . microelectronic.5 1. Temperature limit: 90˚C.2000 m3/h.75 1. Initial Resistance (Pa) Resistance vs Face Velocity BioCel I displays low media resistance which results in lower energy costs and longer service life.37 0.25 Face Velocity (m/s) B E T T E R A I R I S O U R B U S I N E S S® . 149 mm 250 292 mm 200 150 100 50 0 0 0. BioCel I is ideally suited for variable air volume and turbulent air flow systems. With an airflow range of 500 .87 2. BioCel I is the ideal choice for customers wishing to upgrade a non-HEPA installation to a HEPA installation. Mexico (Mex).6 6. Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N). Dortmund (D). Istanbul (TR). RA-2-527-IN-1-0897 © 1997 AAF International .BioCel® I Technical Data Size (mm) Classification Low Airflow Initial High Airflow Initial Efficiency* EN1822 m3/h Resistance (Pa) m3/h Resistance (Pa) % @ 0. Johannesburg (RSA). Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. Riyadh (KSA). Amsterdam (NL). Malmö (S). Cramlington (GB). Montreal (CDN). Louisville. Milan (I).8 * Efficiency % @ MPPS > 95% Technical Data Standard Execution Dimensions Media Cell sides Separators Bond Gasket Disposal Temperature limit Style code : : : : : : : : : 610 x 610 x 292 mm.V.3 µm 610 x 610 x 292 610 x 610 x 149 H11 H11 2000 1000 165 165 3000 1500 250 250 98 98 Media Area m2 14. Lisbon (P). 610 x 610 x 149 mm Submicron glass fibres formed into high density paper MDF Corrugated aluminium Cold cured resin One piece gasket Landfill 90 ˚C D72J9S2F Note: Non-standard sizes and executions available upon request AAF-International B. Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel. Vitoria (E).O. Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK). Paris (F). Singapore. P. Athens (GR).: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 International AAF Offices: Vienna (A). Dalsjöfors (S). The filter can be installed with the pleats in the vertical or horizontal position. B E T 0 0 0.30 0. A one-piece gasket around the perimeter of the filter ensures leaktight installation.45 0. They are the ideal solution for upgrading an existing non-HEPA HVAC installation into a HEPA installation.75 0.90 1.BioPak® High Quality HEPA Filters ● H11 classified in accordance with EN1822 ● Recessed pack ensures easy handling ● Non-shedding MDF cell sides ● Low resistance ensures low energy consumption ● One-piece gasket provides leaktight seal BioPak filters are classified H11 in accordance with EN1822.37 1. Their recessed minipleat media pack make BioPak filters easy to handle and install while high quality MDF cell sides ensure a smooth nonshedding construction.05 1.60 0.50 Face Velocity (m/s) T E R A I R I S O U R B U S I N E S S® .20 1. Initial Resistance (Pa) Resistance vs Face Velocity 250 292 mm 200 150 149 mm 100 50 BioPak filters offer low media resistance which results in low energy consumption and long service life. Temperature limit: 70˚C. The filters are made of fully incinerable materials. Mexico (Mex). P. 610 x 610 x 78 mm : High density paper made from ultra-fine glass fibres : MDF : Thermoplastic ribbon : Cold cured resin : One piece gasket : Incineration or landfill : 70 ˚C : D72M9S2F for 292 mm depth D72K9S2F for 149 and 78 mm depth* * Specify depths acquired Note: Non-standard sizes and executions available upon request AAF-International B.V. RA-2-539-IN-1-0897 © 1997 AAF International . Dortmund (D). Istanbul (TR).: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 International AAF Offices: Vienna (A). Amsterdam (NL). Paris (F). Malmö (S). Louisville. Dalsjöfors (S). Vitoria (E). Singapore. Johannesburg (RSA). Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel. Riyadh (KSA). Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK). Milan (I).3 µm 610 x 610 x 78 610 x 610 x 149 610 x 610 x 292 H11 H11 H11 600 1000 1000 90 120 90 1000 1500 2000 120 180 250 98 98 98 Media Area m2 8.8 17. Lisbon (P).8 8. 610 x 610 x 149 mm. Montreal (CDN). Cramlington (GB).O.BioPak® Technical Data Size (mm) Classification Low Airflow Initial High Airflow Initial Efficiency* EN1822 m3/h Resistance (Pa) m3/h Resistance (Pa) % @ 0. Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N). Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.5 * Efficiency % @ MPPS > 95% Technical Data Standard Execution Dimensions Media Cell sides Separators Bond Gasket Disposal Temperature limit Style code : 610 x 610 x 292 mm. Athens (GR). 5 1. BioCel V is ideal for upgrading an existing non-HEPA HVAC installation to a HEPA installation. The filter’s mini-pleat media provides high quality filtration on fine particulate matter removing tiny dust particles from the airstream efficiently. BioCel V is easy to handle and install.BioCel® V High Quality Compact HEPA Filter for HVAC Systems ● H10 classification in accordance with EN1882 ● High air capacity: 3000 m3/h ● Reduced energy costs and long service life ● Lightweight and easy to install BioCel V is designed for industrial HVAC installations in which HEPA quality air filtration is required. 3 B E T 40 20 0 0 0.75 1.37 0. Temperature limit: 70˚C. BioCel V is an ideal choice in new installations as fewer filters are needed to handle the same volume of air compared to HEPA filters of the same size with a lower capacity.87 2. Lightweight.25 Face Velocity (m/s) T E R A I R I S O U R B U S I N E S S® . Initial Resistance (Pa) Resistance vs Face Velocity 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 Because of its 3000 m /h air capacity. The filter displays low media resistance which results in low energy costs and long service life. Fewer filters means less installation space.13 1. As a H10 EN1882 classified air filter. 3 µm 200 250 95 95 Media Area m2 20. Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel. Dalsjöfors (S). Paris (F). Ultra-fine glass fibres formed into a high density paper Polystyrene Thermoplastic ribbon Landfill or incineration 70 ˚C BV6-2424-12 resp. 292 x 610 x 292 mm.: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 International AAF Offices: Vienna (A). Mexico (Mex). Amsterdam (NL).4 9. BV6-1224-12 Note: Non-standard sizes and executions available upon request AAF-International B. Louisville. Vitoria (E). Montreal (CDN). Singapore. Dortmund (D). Riyadh (KSA). Milan (I). Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N). Lisbon (P). P. Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. Cramlington (GB).O.V. RA-2-541-IN-2-0899 © 1999 AAF International .0 * Efficiency % @ MPPS > 85% Technical Data Standard Execution Dimensions Media Cell sides Separators Disposal Temperature limit Style code : : : : : : : 610 x 610 x 292 mm. Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK). Johannesburg (RSA). Istanbul (TR). Athens (GR).BioCel® V Technical Data Size (mm) Classification EN1822 592 x 592 x 292 287 x 592 x 292 H10 H10 Low Airflow Initial High Airflow m3/h Resistance (Pa) m3/h 2000 1000 120 120 3000 1500 Initial Efficiency* Resistance (Pa) % @ 0. Malmö (S). AstroCel® I High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter (HEPA) ● Filter class H13 and H14 according to EN1822 ● Non-shedding construction ● Improves quality of manufacturing processes and products Resistance vs Face Velocity B E T Initial Resistance (Pa) AstroCel I filters owe their excellent air cleaning efficiency to their advanced design. H14 O U R B U S I N E S S ® . 292 mm. 292 mm.0 2. non-shedding construction. 149 mm. High quality MDF cell sides ensure a smooth.5 1.75 2. H13 2. Additional benefits include: ● Factory tested to meet the most stringent legal and industry requirements. Galvanized steel and stainless steel cell sides are also available. H13 4.25 0.0 1. while a rigid pleated media pack with aluminium separators provides high efficiency air filtration on fine particulates at the lowest possible resistance. ● Easy to install.75 1. AstroCel I filters are classified H13 and H14 in accordance with EN1822. 400 3 4 350 2 1 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0. 149 mm.25 1.50 0. H14 T E R A I R I S 3.25 Face Velocity (m/s) 1. Notes: .35 0. Dalsjöfors (S).V. Louisville. Athens (GR). . Montreal (CDN). to EN1822 H14 99. to EN1822 * Bold typeface: standard execution How to Order Below a typical example of how to order a standard AstroCel I filter using the Component Code Definition System.95% H14 99. RA-4-701-IN-3-1299 © 1999 AAF International . Singapore. Mexico (Mex). Vitoria (E).28 0.95% @ MPPS. Malmö (S). Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N). flat profile 6. Ky (USA) Nominal airflow H W D m3/h m3/s 610 610 610 610 610 610 305 610 762 305 610 762 149 149 149 292 292 292 500 1000 1250 1000 2000 2500 0. P. (200˚C for A 24 J 5 Y 2 R. Cramlington (GB).Initial resistance at nominal airflow is: 250 Pa for H13 filters 320 Pa for H14 filters.AstroCel®I An AstroCel I can be ordered using the following Component Code Definition System.: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 International AAF Offices: Vienna (A).995% @ MPPS. . one piece foamed 6 mm.5 mm. silicone rubber No gasket One face Both faces H13 99. AstroCel I filters should always be installed with the separators in the vertical position. Use the table to specify a product suitable to your application requirements.69 1) The ‘H’ (Height) dimension also indicates the vertical position of the separators. Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel.O.Recommended final resistance is 750 Pa. Istanbul (TR). Milan (I).28 0.) Efficiency Efficiency @ 0.995% AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK).999% Efficiency EN1822 @ MPPS H13 99.997% 99.14 0. Item A B C D E F G Component Definition A 72 J 9 S 2 H AAF-International B. Paris (F). Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. half round profile. 260˚C for A 26 J 5 Y 2 R. Amsterdam (NL).56 0. Dortmund (D).Temperature limit: 90˚C. Riyadh (KSA).3 µm 99. 2) Other sizes available on request. Johannesburg (RSA). acc. Standard Sizes and Ratings Selection Table Item Component Component Code Definition* A Media B Cell Sides C D Separators Bond E Gasket F Gasket Location G Acceptance Level A E 24 26 72 J 5 9 P S T Y 0 2 3 H R = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Size in mm without gasket1) Waterproof glass fibre Waterproof glass fibre Galvanized steel Stainless steel MDF Aluminium Silicone Cold cured resin No gasket 7 mm. Lisbon (P). acc. 25 1. ● In existing installations. 292 mm. H14 T E R A I R I S O 2.25 Face Velocity (m/s) U R B U S I N E S S ® . ● Standard individually tested.0 1.75 1. Because of their high capacity.75 1. B E T Initial Resistance (Pa) Resistance vs Face Velocity 400 2 350 1 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.AstroCel® I HC High Quality HEPA Filter ● High air volume filter: 3000 m3/h ● Classified H12. H13 and H14 according to EN1822 ● Space saving design ● Saves energy in existing installations AstroCel I High Capacity are classified H12.50 0. low pressure drop means lower energy costs and longer service life.5 1.0 2. H12 / H13 2. H13 and H14 in accordance with EN1822 and are designed for applications in which a high volume of air has to be throughput. fewer filters mean less costly installation space is necessary. The benefits to the customer are numerous: ● In new installations.25 0. 292 mm. fewer filters are needed to handle the same volume of air compared to other HEPA filters of the same size. AstroCel I HC filters owe their high capacity to a unique separator design which allows denser packing of the filter media. Notes: . Mexico (Mex). to EN1822 H14 99. Dalsjöfors (S).Temperature limit: 90˚C. half round profile. Efficiency Efficiency @ 0.Recommended final resistance 750 Pa.: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 International AAF Offices: Vienna (A).95% H14 99.3 µm 99.42 0.995% AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK).5% @ MPPS acc. (260˚C for A 26 H 5 Y 2 G). AstroCel I HC filters should always be installed with the separators in the vertical position. Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. Standard Sizes and Ratings Selection Table Item Component Component Code Definition* A Media B Cell Sides C D E Separators Bond Gasket F Gasket Location A = E = 24 = 26 = 72 = H = 9 = P = S = T = 0 = 2 = 3 = G = H = R = G Acceptance Level Size in mm without gasket Waterproof glass fibre Waterproof glass fibre Galvanized steel Stainless steel MDF Aluminium (HC pleat) Cold cured resin No gasket 7 mm. Paris (F). Istanbul (TR). Malmö (S). Johannesburg (RSA). Athens (GR). one piece foamed 6 mm. Dortmund (D). Vitoria (E).95% @ MPPS acc. (200˚C for A 24 H 5 Y 2 G).5% H13 99. Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N). RA-4-721-IN-3-1299 © 1999 AAF International .O. Lisbon (P).997% 99.995% @ MPPS acc. Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel.V. Use the table to specify a product suitable to your application requirements.AstroCel® I HC An AstroCel I HC can be ordered using the following Component Code Definition System. Amsterdam (NL). to EN1822 * Bold typeface: standard execution ** Non leaktested filter How to Order Below a typical example of how to order a standard AstroCel I HC filter using the Component Code Definition System. . Milan (I). to EN1822** H13 99.Initial resistance at nominal airflow is: 300 Pa for H12 / H13 filters 350 Pa for H14 filters.99% 99.83 1. Ky (USA) Nominal airflow H W D m3/h m3/s 610 610 610 305 610 762 292 292 292 1500 3000 3750 0. Louisville. flat profile No gasket One face Both faces H12 99. .999% Efficiency EN1822 @ MPPS H12 99. Cramlington (GB). Singapore.04 1) The ‘H’ (Height) dimension also indicates the vertical position of the separators. P. Item A B C D E F G Component Definition A 72 H 9 S 2 H AAF-International B. Riyadh (KSA). Montreal (CDN). 25 0. H13 2.50 0.AstroPak® High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter ● Non-shedding construction ● Leakfree construction ● Filter class H13 and H14 according to EN1822 AstroPak filters owe their excellent air cleaning efficiency to their advanced design. 292 mm.5 1. ● Installation with pleats in vertical or horizontal position. AstroPak filters are classified H13 and H14 in accordance with EN1822.75 Face Velocity (m/s) R B U S I N E S S® . B E T Initial Resistance (Pa) Resistance vs Face Velocity 400 2 350 1 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.0 1. ● Recessed pack ensures easy handling.25 1. non-shedding construction.75 1. Additional benefits include: ● Fully incinerable. 78 and 149 mm. ● Also available with metal cell sides. H13 T E R A I R I S O U 1. High quality MDF cell sides ensure a smooth. while a rigid mini-pleat media pack with thermoplastic separators provides high efficiency particulate air filtration at the lowest possible resistance. Riyadh (KSA).63 0.18 0.06 1.03 0. 2) Always minimal 20 mm difference between packdepth and filterdepth.997% 99. acc. Milan (I). Malmö (S). 99.88 1.14 0. acc.07 0. Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel. Mexico (Mex).56 0.16 0.995% E S F 2 G H Nominal airflow Pack Depth H W D m3/h m3/s mm 240 610 490 610 305 457 305 610 203 305 610 457 610 610 610 610 610 610 762 762 762 762 762 915 915 915 915 305 610 610 610 240 305 490 610 305 457 610 610 203 305 305 457 610 762 915 1220 1524 1830 762 915 1220 1524 1830 915 1220 1524 1830 305 305 610 762 56 56 56 56 78 78 78 78 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 292 292 292 292 155 500 650 1000 250 570 500 1000 110 250 500 570 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3000 1600 1900 2500 3150 3800 2250 3000 3800 4550 500 1000 2000 2500 0.AstroPak® An AstroPak can be ordered using the following Component Code Definition System.26 0.O.07 0. Notes: . Singapore.28 0.44 0. Cramlington (GB). one piece foamed 6 mm.42 0.750 Pa International AAF Offices: Vienna (A).69 0.995% @ MPPS. Athens (GR).14 0. Montreal (CDN).14 0.69 0. Istanbul (TR).Final resistance 500 . Dalsjöfors (S).56 0. Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.83 1. RA-3-535-IN-3-1299 © 1999 AAF International . Johannesburg (RSA).95% H14 99.3 µm 99.53 0.96 mm Cold cured resin No gasket 7 mm. Paris (F).35 0. 4” deep . Dortmund (D). Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N).Initial resistance at nominal airflow is: 250 Pa for H13 320 Pa for H14 . half round profile. Lisbon (P).16 0.Temperature limit: 70˚C . flat profile No gasket One face Both faces H13 Min.999% AAF-International B. to EN1822 * Bold typeface: standard execution ** Cell sides with code number 24 is only available in a limited size range How to Order Below a typical example of how to order a standard AstroPak filter using the Component Code Definition System.28 0.14 0.48 mm. Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK).04 0. to EN1822 H14 Min. 99.06 0. P. Item Component Definition A A B 72 C K D 9 Efficiency Efficiency @ 0. Amsterdam (NL).95% @ MPPS.28 0.83 0.: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 Efficiency EN1822 @ MPPS H13 99. Vitoria (E). Louisville.69 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 1) AstroPak filters can be installed with the separators in either the horizontal or vertical position.28 0. Standard Sizes and Ratings Selection Table Item Component Component Code Definition* A Media B Cell Sides C Media pack D E Bond Gasket F Gasket Location G Acceptance Level A E 24 72 K M 9 P S T 0 2 3 H R = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Size in mm without gasket1) Waterproof glass fibre Waterproof glass fibre Galvanized steel** MDF 2” deep . Use the table to specify a product suitable to your application requirements.V. The filter displays excellent efficiency on fine particulate matter and is designed for use in high air volume applications upto 3400 m3/h.50 2.50 1.00 1.00 2. Other benefits include: ● high quality MDF cell sides ensure a smooth.50 3. fewer filters are required to handle the same volume of air compared to HEPA filters of the same size with a lower capacity. As a result. Due to its high capacity the filter has several benefits: in new installations. non-shedding construction ● easy installation 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.AstroCel® III 3400 MDF High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters ● H12 and H13 in accordance with EN1822 ● 3400 m3/h air volume saves space ● Low energy consumption ● Non-shedding construction Resistance vs Face Velocity B E T Initial Resistance (Pa) AstroCel III is classified H12 or H13 in accordance with EN1822. less installation space is required and installation time is significantly reduced. In existing installations. the filter's high media area ensures a low pressure drop which reduces energy costs.00 Face Velocity (m/s) T E R A I R I S O U R B U S I N E S S ® . : + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 A B C D E F G H I K A39 A 72 C 9 S 2 G 0 - International AAF Offices: Vienna (A). Vitoria (E). Efficiency Efficiency @ 0.V. Cramlington (GB). Dalsjöfors (S). one piece 0 = No gasket 2 = One face G = H12 Min. How to Order Below a typical example of how to order a standard AstroCel III 3400 filter using the Component Code Definition System. to EN1822 0 = No faceguard Consult local sales office Nominal airflow H W D m3/h 610 610 305 610 292 292 1500 3400 Notes: .Temperature limit 70°C.5% H13 99.Recommended final resistance 750 Pa.5% @ MPPS acc. . Istanbul (TR).AstroCel®III 3400 MDF An AstroCel III 3400 can be ordered using the following Component Code Definition System. Louisville. Riyadh (KSA). Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel. Lisbon (P). Standard Sizes and Ratings Selection Table Item Component Component Code Definition* Size in mm without gasket A B C D E F Type of Filter Media Cell Sides** Separators Bond Gasket G Gasket Location H Acceptance Level I K Faceguard Location Options A39 = AstroCel III A = Waterproof glass fibre 72 = MDF C = Thermoplastic 9 = Polyurethane cold cured resin P = No gasket S = Polyurethane foam. to EN1822 ** H = H13 Min.5% @ MPPS acc. Athens (GR). P. Amsterdam (NL). Use the table to specify a product suitable to your application requirements. RA-4-139-IN-3-1299 © 1999 AAF International . 99. half round profile. Mexico (Mex).99% Efficiency EN1822 @ MPPS H12 99.97% 99. Malmö (S). Johannesburg (RSA). Dortmund (D).O. Item Component Definition AAF-International B. Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK). Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N).Initial resistance at nominal airflow: 250 Pa. Milan (I). . 99.95% * Bold typeface: standard execution ** Non leaktested filter For 4000 and NG execution consult specification sheets RA-3-129 en RA-3-124. Paris (F). Montreal (CDN). Singapore.3 µm 99. The principle of this technique is based on allowing air to flow along irregular. air with dust laden air in the room and thereby diluting the contamination level in the cleanroom and lowering the number of particles per m3. the number of air changes in a room can vary between 10 and 50. In general. to use its official name. On an hourly The success of this technique hinges on optimizing the mixing of clean incoming B E T T E R A I R I S O basis. in many applications a non-laminar flow room can be a cost effective solution. random paths in a turbulent way. The supply of clean air is therefore the factor which determines the success of this technique.Non-Laminar Flow Cleanrooms Basic Design and Operating Considerations In a non-laminar cleanroom or. air enters the room via filters in the ceiling. especially when local laminar flow work stations are operational in the room. U R B U S I N E S S® . depending on the type of work and the achievable Class of the room. Although more unpredictable than laminar airflow cleanrooms. non-unidirectional airflow cleanroom. the greater the frequency with which the air is renewed the lower the contamination build-up in the room and the greater the rate with which impurities are diluted. and is exhausted via grilles in the wall close to the floor. Istanbul (TR). P.Non-Laminar Flow Cleanrooms Basic design and operating considerations Achievable Class* 1. F7 Semi-annual 80% arrestance G4 80-90% dust spot eff.000 (M6. Louisville. 3 20 Minimum 300 3:1 min.000 (M4.5-1 10-20 Ceiling 0.75 10 30% Floor 500 2:1 min 2.V.3 µm H13 min. Oslo (N).Second Stage** Prefilter maintenance and inspection Avoid Large square room Street clothes Floor Ceiling Single Doors open No schedule * Class according to US Federal Standard 209E (between brackets in SI) ** G and F classification in accordance with EN779.: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 International AAF Offices: Vienna (A).3 µm H10 Routine particle count interval Monthly Monthly Quarterly Max. Milan (I).15-0.000 (M5. AAF-International B. Vitoria (E). F7 Annual Final Filters** min.99. 2. F5 90% dust spot eff. F8 Quarterly 90% arrestance G4 80-90% dust spot eff. Cramlington (GB).5) 10.999% @ 0.First Stage** .45 Low level or floor Continuous on all 4 walls 3 0. Johannesburg (RSA). Dortmund (D). Singapore.45 Low sidewall Intermittent on long walls 6 1-2. Malmö (S). Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. H classification in accordance with draft EN1822.15-0.5 50% dust spot eff.25 5 50% Floor Occupant activity Traffic in/out per hour Occupants properly attired Particle generation in room Thermal updrafts Housekeeping Sedentary 1-2 Full gowns Miniature None Meticulous Occasional movement 2-6 Smocks Slight Slight Good Constant activity More than 6 Smocks Considerable Considerable Mediocre Frivolous activities Room Pressure (Pa) Air changes per hour Airlock 10-15 40-120 Adequate 10-15 20-40 Small 5-10 10-20 None None Clean air inlets as % of ceiling area Clean air inlet locations Terminal velocity at clean air inlet (m/s) Return locations Wall return spacing 20-50 Ceiling 0.15-0. Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK).45 Sidewall Non-uniform 9 2.5) 100.O. Montreal (CDN). Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel.5) Room size (m2) Room aspect ratio Room height (m) Area per occupant (m2) Equipment in room 100 Narrow min. 95% @ 0. Riyadh (KSA).5 5-10 Ceiling or high sidewall 0.99% @ 0. Dalsjöfors (S). horizontal distance to return (m) Return face velocity (m/s) Prefilters . Lisbon (P).3 µm H14 min. Amsterdam (NL). Paris (F). CR-2-741-IN-0896 © 1996 AAF International . 99. Athens (GR). Vertical Downflow In a vertical downflow cleanroom. the particle contamination generated at one work station can be transported to work stations further downstream of the filters. The air velocity in this type of cleanroom is usually 0. The principle is based on expelling any dust in the airflow by the shortest route. particularly in cleanrooms which have to be built in existing spaces with limited ceiling height. to counter the effects of upward thermal movement of particles. Since the flow of particles in this type of cleanroom is in the horizontal direction. Air enters the room via filters in one wall and is exhausted and/or recirculated via a bank of filters and perforated panels in the opposite wall. Class 100 or better is possible.3 to 0. This.3 to 0. thus preventing a build-up of contaminated particles.45 m/s. The air velocity has to be established at a sufficiently high level. Particles generated at one work station are therefore removed before they have the chance to migrate. floor.45 m/s. is dependent on the type of work or the process(es) being carried out in the cleanroom. there are two types of laminar airflow cleanroom: a) Vertical downflow b) Horizontal crossflow Horizontal Crossflow In a horizontal crossflow cleanroom. This downward aiflow flushes contaminated air particles out of the room via the floor.Laminar Flow Cleanrooms Basic Design and Operating Considerations The principle of laminar airflow or. air enters the room via filters in the ceiling surface and is exhausted via a perforated B E T T E R A I R I S O usually 0. the direction of airflow is from left to right or right to left across the room. unidirectional airflow cleanrooms is based on air moving along parallel streamlines at a uniform velocity of 0. In work stations close to the high efficiency filter wall. Horizontal crossflow is nevertheless a very practical and cost effective system. however.45 m/s with as little turbulence as possible between the place where the air enters and exits the room. U R B U S I N E S S ® . Basically. to be more precise. Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N). H and U classification in accordance with draft EN1822.5) Area per occupant Occupants properly attired Occupant activity Equipment in room Housekeeping 40 m2 Full gowns Minimum Minimum Meticulous 30 m2 Full gowns Minimum Minimum Meticulous Room pressurized Air changes per hour Air lock 15 Pa 500-600 Yes 15 Pa 500 Yes Clean air inlets as % of ceiling area Clean air inlet locations Terminal velocity at clean air inlet Return air location 90-100% Ceiling 0. Milan (I).45 m/s Perforated floor 90% Ceiling (wall) 0.Laminar Flow Cleanrooms Basic design and operating considerations Achievable Class* 1 and 10 (M1. Paris (F). Dortmund (D). Johannesburg (RSA). Montreal (CDN).0. Cramlington (GB).12 µm (for Class 1) U16 50% dust spot efficiency F5 90% dust spot efficiency F9 Monthly Min. Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.99995% on 0. Lisbon (P). Athens (GR).5 and M2. 99. 99.0.3 . Dalsjöfors (S). Mexico (Mex). AAF-International B.5) 100 (M3. CR-2-740-IN-0896 © 1996 AAF International .3 um H14 Daily Weekly Prefilters: .3 .O.45 m/s) 30% dust spot efficiency F5 95% @ 0.999% @ 0. 0. Vitoria (E).3 µm H10 Monthly Min.V. Riyadh (KSA).9995% on 0. Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel. Amsterdam (NL).: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 International AAF Offices: Vienna (A). P.First stage** . Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK). Louisville.12 µm (for Class 10) U15 Min. Istanbul (TR). 99. Malmö (S).Second stage** Prefilter maintenance and inspection Final filters** Routine particle count interval * Class according to US Federal Standard 209E (between brackets in SI) ** G and F classification in accordance with EN779.45 m/s Low level or floor (opposite wall. Singapore. Work Group 1 (CEN/TC195-WG1) established a new standard for general ventilation filters. BS EN 779 in the U.EN779 New European Standard for Coarse and Fine Filters Arrestance Filters (Coarse Filters) in the range G1 . Technical Committee 195. AAF-International B. For example. P. With the introduction of this standard under document name EN 779.. Filters with an initial dust spot efficiency below 20% are classified as m Note: For your information. the CEN/TC 195 Work Group 1 will continue to upgrade its standardization for general ventilation filters. Box 7928. To this end. Filters with an initial dust spot efficiency above 20% are classified as Efficiency Filters (Fine Filters) in the range F5 . member countries of the European Union are obliged to issue their own national version of this standard within the existing framework of their own national standards organizations. and DIN EN 779 in Germany.K. the European Committee for Standardization.: + 31 20 549 44 11. Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 B E T T E R A I R I S O U R B U S I N E S S® CR-3-1167-IN-0896 .1:1992. EUROVENT has produced a particle count method under document name EUROVENT 4/9 which will form the basis for a future new standard. but is in fact more stringent than either of these standards.V.F9. 1008 AC Amsterdam. EN 779 is based on existing documents such as EUROVENT 4/5. Filter Classification Average Arrestance A (%) Average Efficiency Em (%) G1 G2 G3 G4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 Am < 65 65 ≤ Am < 80 80 ≤ Am < 90 90 ≤ Am - 40 ≤ Em < 60 60 ≤ Em < 80 80 ≤ Em < 90 90 ≤ Em < 95 95 ≤ Em Initial Dust Spot Efficiency Eo Eo < 20% Eo ≥ 20% The table summarizes the classification of the EN 779 for general ventilation filters. In 1993. and ASHRAE 52.O. Final pressure drop for certification is specified at 250 Pa maximum. The final pressure drop for certification is set at 450 Pa maximum. WG 1 has also expressed its intention to work in closer liaison with ASHRAE on this subject. The standard incorporates a new system of classification for Coarse and Fine filters based on an average dust spot efficiency at a specified final pressure drop.G4. The Netherlands Tel. H14 for HEPA.134 µm) Procedure ● The filter is assembled with the specified media grade and amount of media to comply with the defined media velocity.65 mm) (MPPS = 0. Particle Size (microns) Filter Classification H 10 H 11 H 12 H 13 H 14 U 15 U 16 U 17 Penetration (%) at the MPPS Overall Penetration Local Penetration 15 5 0.50 cm/s (Resistance = 26.70 mm) (MPPS = 0.75 mm) (MPPS = 0.9975 99. Face Velocity 0.212 µm) ● The filter is classified according to the test results in the range H10 .: + 31 20 549 44 11. Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 B E T T E CR-2-489-IN-1-0398 R A I R I S O U R B U S I N E S S® © 1998 AAF International .95 99.O.25 0.9995 = > 99. • Filters in the classification H13 and H14 may. H11 and H12 do not require verification of local penetration.0005 0.U17 for ULPA. In this case local penetration may not exceed 20 x the overall penetration value.146 µm) Penetration (%) ● On a flat sheet of media. • U17 is an exception to the rule. U15 .189 µm) ● Leaks are specified as maximum allowable local penetration at the MPPS and must not exceed 5 x the overall penetration. The Netherlands Tel. P.005 0.9999 0.995 99.0001 Notes: • Filters in the class H10.00025 0.05 0.36 mm) (MPPS = 0.50 cm/s (Resistance = 18.99975 99.184). Face Velocity 3.5 = > 99.90 cm/s (Resistance = 6. be verified with the visual oil-smoke test (previously known as DIN 24. Face Velocity 2. 1008 AC Amsterdam.172 µm) Face Velocity 1. ● The filter is challenged with an aerosol and at the MPPS both the local and overall efficiency is determined with either a CNC or laser spectrometer.70 cm/s (Resistance = 9.V. This can be done with a laser spectrometer or a combination of electrostatic classifier and CNC (Condensed Nucleus Counter). Box 7928. which is accepted as equal or more searching than the specified local penetration.5 0.99995 = > 99.00005 0. the MPPS is determined for the given media velocity.975 = > 99.159 µm) Face Velocity 1.999995 99. AAF-International B. as an alternative.EN1822 New European Standard for HEPA & ULPA Filters Penetration vs Particle Size Minimum Efficiency Face Velocity 5.65 mm) (MPPS = 0.05 mm) (MPPS = 0.025 Efficiency (%) at the MPPS Overall Value Local Value = > 85 = > 95 = > 99.30 cm/s (Resistance = 9.00 cm/s (Resistance = 36.75 = > 99.0025 0.000005 0.. AstroFan FFU Self-contained Filter Fan Unit ● Low energy consumption ● Low operating cost ● High total static pressure at full air flow ● Easy installation into cleanroom grids Application Construction Noise level The AAF AstroFan FFU is a selfcontained ceiling filter fan unit for use in turbulent mixing and laminar air flow cleanroom areas. The AstroFan unit comprises a mild galvanized steel housing with a high performance. The unit is designed for use with the AAF 50 and 55 mm T-Bar ceiling grid. Options include an epoxy coated white RAL 9010 housing. B E T T E R A I R I S O U R B U S I N E S S® . encapsulated. When executed with a knife edge. direct driven backward curved fan/motor combination and a replaceable HEPA or ULPA AstroCel II filter. the unit can also be utilized in the AstroGel ND liquid seal ceiling grid. The unit. Large units and EC units are made from aluminium. which because it can be decontaminated with disinfectant. is suitable for sterile applications. The unit is light weight and easy to install. the AstroDry HD ceiling grid and compatible grids. with a clean filter at full rated air flow has a single unit SPL of 52-56 dB(a) at 1m. 44 2120 / 0.O.0. operating with single phase or 3 phase motors. Louisville.AstroFan FFU Motors and controls The unit is available with traditional high efficient AC motors.61 kW . Montreal (CDN).0. P. Ky (USA) AAF Agents: Copenhagen (DK). Utilizing EC system (electrical commutated) external rotor motors greatly reduces the power consumption of the unit.88 A 0. Istanbul (TR).6 Actual Dimensions L x W x H* (mm) 570 x 570 x 290 570 x 1170 x 290 870 x 1170 x 350 1170 x 1170 x 350 0. standard single unit control.5 A 0. because of reduced losses. Consequently the cooling requirement is also reduced.3 A 0. Vitoria (E). Lisbon (P). This execution provides a simple and reliable economical solution for many applications.0.1. All filters are factory scanned to the European Standard to ensure • • • • Room Side Change (RSC) Cooling coil Individual ceiling frames 60 Hz operation Performance Data Size 66 612 912 1212 Airflow (m3/h / m3/s? 520 / 0. This results in extended filter life or it can be utilized for external use on prefilters or cooling coils.75 A 0. Johannesburg (RSA).3. Dortmund (D).V. Bangalore (IND) Oslo (N).26 kW . Selected low pressure drop of the AstroCel II provides. a free static pressure of 70-100 Pa at full rated airflow.2 A 0.2.43 kW . AstroCel II HEPA and ULPA filters Options The unit is equipped with HEPA filters in Class H14 to EN 1822 or ULPA filters Class U15. Dalsjöfors (S). Malmö (S). Mexico (Mex).98 A 0. Mains supply is single phase 230-270V 50/60Hz. Paris (F).2 A 0. Singapore. Helsinki (SF) AAF has a policy of continuous product research and improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice CR-3-1168-IN-3-0101 © 2001 AAF International .14 1060 / 0. leakfree operation.18 A 0. AAF-International B. Two wire twisted cable installation to the bus makes installation easy.29 kW .22 kW . Milan (I).68 kW . Amsterdam (NL).52 kW . steel 32 aluminium 25 Other sizes upon request. Riyadh (KSA). in combination with the high total static pressure of the fan.0.: + 31 20 549 44 11 Fax: + 31 20 644 43 98 International AAF Offices: Vienna (A). Cramlington (GB). * Excluding filter.0.21 kW . Athens (GR).0 A 0.1.5 A 0.5 A 45 35 65 72 Nominal Motor Data 230/1/50 400/3/50 EC 230/1/50/60 Approx. weight (kg) Galv.34 kW .1.1. Controls include the electronic commutation unit.3 1590 / 0.17 kW .55 A 0. Box 7928 1008 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel.1. U16 or U17.23 kW . Controls can be either with 5 step speed controller or stepless controller.34 kW . standard RFI supression and PFC (power factor controller ) and LON® bus interface.
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