A350 ATA 42

May 27, 2018 | Author: Bongyoun Lee | Category: Network Switch, Computer Network, Ethernet, Manufactured Goods, Digital Technology



Integrated Modular Avionics/AFDXNetwork CH 42 STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon completion, the student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of this section by receiving a 80% or higher score on a comprehensive examination, meeting ATA Specification 104 Level III criteria. The student will:  Describe normal and abnormal operation of the Integrated Modular Avionics system  Describe normal and abnormal operation of the AFDX system  Identify the major components of the CPIOM system  Identify the major components of the CRDC system A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE - 1 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE - 2 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY TABLE OF CONTENTS: AVIONICS COMPUTER GENERATIONS 1 TO 3.................................... 4 INTEGRATED MODULAR AVIONICS ..................................................... 6 CORE PROCESSING INPUT / OUTPUT MODULE ................................ 8 CPIOM INTERNAL ARCHITECTURE .................................................... 10 COMMON REMOTE DATA CONCENTRATOR .................................... 12 CRDC INTERNAL ARCHITECTURE ..................................................... 14 CRDC NORMAL OPERATION ............................................................... 16 IMA ALARM MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES ........................................... 18 AVIONICS FULL DUPLEX SWITCHED ETHERNET NETWORK ........ 20 AFDX ARCHITECTURE ......................................................................... 22 AFDX HARNESS/QUAD CABLE CONSTRUCTION ............................. 24 AFDX SWITCHES .................................................................................. 26 AFDX NETWORK MAINTENANCE........................................................ 28 AFDX NETWORK COMPONENT FAILURE .......................................... 30 STUDENT NOTES: A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE - 3 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY most of the A/C systems functions that were done by conventional LRUs are now done by avionics applications. analog or discrete means.A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . Core Processing Input/Output Module (CPIOM) With the new (Fourth Generation) avionics concept. Each CPIOM integrates new hardware and software technologies.4 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY AVIONICS COMPUTER GENERATIONS 1 TO 3 Airbus Computer Evolution Each CPIOM is a Line Replaceable Module (LRM) and communicates through the avionics network. This technology is called Avionics Full DupleX switched First Generation Ethernet (AFDX). conversion and exchanges of data between the AFDX network elements (A/C system application) that were hosted in On-Board and the equipment without AFDX capability such as sensors. The A350 FMC is a third generation type computer. and communicating through ARINC. redundancy and reliability). It also supplies an input/output interface to some of the conventional avionics. cockpit panels.(e. Processing and storage resources that use electronic logic cards. Traditionally the function of a Data Concentrator was to convert analog or Second Generation discrete input data into a digital ARINC 429 protocol such as the SDACS do on the A330.g. They use a protocol equivalent to Ethernet communication technology. MARKER Common Remote Data Concentrators (CRDCs) BEACON receiver). etc. a smaller number of computers is necessary for the A/C systems. The CRDCs fulfill this traditional role in addition to This generation of computers used electronic logic cards hosting software collecting. Computers only used electronic logic cards. parts contained resident software that could only be replaced in the shop. No software. hosts these independent applications and gives them the same computing and memory resources. With the IMA concept. which is Third Generation adapted to the aviation constraints (integrity of data. The A330 FMGEC is a good example of this type of computer. The system functions are carried out from the OBRM. The CRDCs host no avionics application. They use a communication technology There are different generations of computers for aircraft systems. switches. The maintenance costs are lower as a result. Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA). CAN. . The CPIOMs and the CRDCs dialog through the AFDX network. This application does an A/C function and can be uploaded into the computer on the flight line. developed from a non-aeronautical standard adapted to aviation requirements. resident software and A/C system application. Some other potentiometers. Replaceable Modules (OBRMs) that were line replaceable. These independent applications are hosted in shared IMA modules called Core Processing Input/Output Modules (CPIOMs). AVIONICS COMPUTER GENERATIONS 1 TO 3 A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE .5 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . The CRDCs host no avionics application. The CRDCs fulfill this traditional role in addition to collecting. This technology is called Avionics Full DupleX switched Ethernet (AFDX). switches. They use a protocol equivalent to Ethernet communication technology. Integrated Modular This technology is called Avionics Full DupleX switched ethernet Avionics (IMA). .6 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY INTEGRATED MODULAR AVIONICS Core Processing Input/Output Module (CPIOM) AFDX Network With the new (Fourth Generation) avionics concept. It also supplies an input/output interface to some of the conventional avionics. potentiometers. hosts these independent applications and gives them the same computing and memory resources. They use a communication technology developed from a non-aeronautical standard adapted to aviation requirements. analog or discrete means. cockpit panels. The AFDX conventional LRUs are now done by avionics applications. conversion and exchanges of data between the AFDX network and the equipment without AFDX capability such as sensors. and communicating through ARINC. redundancy and reliability). The maintenance costs are lower as a result. With the IMA concept. Common Remote Data Concentrators (CRDCs) Traditionally the function of a Data Concentrator was to convert analog or discrete input data into a digital ARINC 429 protocol such as the SDACS do on the A330. a smaller number of computers is necessary for the A/C systems. independent applications are hosted in shared IMA modules called Core Processing Input/Output Modules (CPIOMs). Each CPIOM integrates new hardware and software technologies. Each CPIOM is a Line Replaceable Module (LRM) and communicates through the avionics network. etc. most of the A/C systems functions that were done by (AFDX) and is the component that links the IMA together. which is adapted to the aviation constraints (integrity of data.A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . The CPIOMs and the CRDCs dialog through the AFDX network. These harnesses will be discussed in more detail later in this chapter. CAN. INTEGRATED MODULAR AVIONICS A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE .7 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . All CPIOMs are installed in the main avionics compartment. CPIOMs J1 host the applications of the Flight Warning System (FWS) The CPIOM-H and CPIOM-J are not interchangeable because they do not have the same hardware.  Nacelle Anti-Icing (NAI) Functional Description One CPIOM J5 hosts the applications of the systems that follow: CPIOMs H3 host the applications of the systems that follow:  Air Traffic Control (ATC)  Avionics Communication Router (ACR)  Hydraulic Monitoring and Control (HMC)  Inert Gas Generation System (IGGS) CPIOMs J7 host the applications of the systems that follow:  Door and Slide Control System (DSCS)  Fuel Quantity and Management System (FQMS)  Flight Control Unit Back-Up (FCU Backup)  Crew and Cabin Oxygen  Flight Control Data Concentrator (FCDC)  Electrical Load Management (ELM)  Exterior Light Controller (ELCO)  Electrical System BITE (ESB) . H31). FWS  Engine Bleed Air System (EBAS) application function). but CPIOMs H can supply a wider variety of signals. J2. J2. H4  Brake Control System (BCS) and H6) and four groups of CPIOMs type J (J1. The CPIOMs of the same type but of different  Fire Protection System (FPS) group can be swapped if their core software is uploaded and if the A/C  Engine Interface Function (EIF) system applications are uploaded. CPIOM J can generate audio signals (e. The first digit gives the CPIOM group to which it belongs from 1 to 7.g. this group from 1 to 4. The second digit gives the CPIOM number in There are four clusters of CPIOMs J (J1.8 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY CORE PROCESSING INPUT/OUTPUT MODULE General CPIOMs H4 host the applications of the systems that follow: There are seven clusters of CPIOMs divided into two types:  Air Conditioning System (ACS)  Cabin Pressure Control System (CPCS)  Type H (12 units)  Wing Ice Protection System (WIPS)  Type J (9 units + 1 optional)  Supplemental Cooling System (SCS)  Ventilation Control System (VCS) The CPIOM’s are different in the definition of their physical interfaces  Overheat Detection System (OHDS) (I/Os). For example.  Landing Gear Management System (LGMS)  Landing Gear Extension and Retraction System (LGERS) Each CPIOM is identified by one letter and two digits (e.A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . CPIOMs H6 host the applications of the systems that follow: There are three groups (also named clusters) of CPIOMs type H (H3. The CPIOMs of the same type and of the same CPIOMs J2 host the applications of the systems that follow: group can be swapped with no other requirement than A/C systems applications uploading. J5 and J7). J5 and J7). The letter  Wheel Steering Control System (WSCS) gives the CPIOM type H or J.g. 9 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . CORE PROCESSING INPUT/OUTPUT MODULE A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . An application is software which does a specific avionics function or a part of an avionics function For the CRDC test. Each CPIOM has a set of field loadable software that includes  Shell C is for the signals that follow: AFDX inputs/outputs. This board hosts a power supply board. Component Description The operator can do this test to confirm external faults detected during flight. which generates the voltages for the module from the 28VDC supply The CPIOMs are supplied with 28VDC through electro-mechanical circuit breakers or Solid-State Power Controllers (SSPCs).  An interboard for the internal communication between the core-processor unit board and the inputs/outputs board CPIOM-H34 is supplied through an external relay to have two power supplies . With safety tests. This test is completed in less than 30 seconds. The downloaded data is stored in the CMS and inputs/outputs. B and C): The CPIOMs give memory and computation resources to hosted avionics  Shells A and B are for non-AFDX signals applications.10 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY CPIOM INTERNAL ARCHITECTURE General Description The rear of the CPIOM has three shells (A. processes and manages the Power Supply inputs/outputs. input/output allocations)  Resource BITE memory download  Resource BITE (RB) configuration-table software. which includes a processor.A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . I/O) and gives an interface between these resources and the hosted systems  CRDC test  Configuration table software which supplies configuration data  CRDC interface test (memory. Safety tests are also automatic during The system software includes: CRDC power-up. ground and pin programming The module software contains: The interactive mode gives a set of interactive functions for aircraft maintenance and troubleshooting:  Core software that manages CPIOM resources (memory. all interfaces of the tested CRDC are set to the default  One or more database(s) if applicable configuration. 28VDC. which receives. The CPIOM has the electronic components that follow: The Resource BITE memory download function is used to download the  A core-processor unit board. which is connected to the RB The maintenance operator can do a CRDC power-on safety-test to confirm internal faults detected during flight. a module software and a system software. This board hosts an Avionics Full Duplex Switched memory and can subsequently be downloaded to a media. Central Processing Unit (CPU) time. memories content of the CRDC RB NVM. Ethernet (AFDX) end-system board for AFDX communication  An input/output board.  One or more avionics application(s). the operator can make sure that there is no fault in the CRDC before it starts to operate. 11 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . CPIOM INTERNAL ARCHITECTURE A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE .12 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY COMMON REMOTE DATA CONCENTRATOR General Description The CRDCs are installed in pressurized areas (lower deck) of:  The nose landing-gear bay  The avionics compartment  The forward fuselage  The center fuselage (forward of the wing center box and aft of the main landing-gear bay)  The lower deck bulk-cargo compartment and aft cabin underfloor compartment CRDC Types There are 29 CRDC units divided into two types: CRDC-A (15 units) CRDC-B (14 units) The CRDCs are fully interchangeable without a software upload if they belong to the same type. . CRDC-A and CRDC-B units have different physical interfaces but share interfaces for AFDX network communication to process the input/output data from/to the LRUs who do not have the capability to communicate on the AFDX network. 13 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . COMMON REMOTE DATA CONCENTRATOR A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . 5A. Software is uploaded in this sequence:  Step 1 loads the Core software  Step 2 loads the Configuration table software and RB configuration-table software. maintenance messages and related effects. . the CRDC inhibits the DSO-group power supply. The remote data loading is possible through the Controller Area Network A CRDC has hardware and software: (CAN) for LRUs. in charge of CRDC BITE data acquisition.14 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY CRDC INTERNAL ARCHITECHTURE General Description A CRDC Maintenance System Load (MSL) file software (one for each CRDC). concentration and transfer  A computation part that includes the boolean logic and a gateway to the The BITE function of the CRDC: AFDX network (AFDX end system)  Makes an analysis of the monitoring and test results of the CRDC Data Load  Generates the related fault messages  Sends these fault messages to the CMS and memorizes them Each CRDC has three field loadable software units:  Dialogs with the CMS to start interactive tests  A core software. hosted in the CMS. which gives a standard and common environment CRDC Power Supply  A configuration table software. which supplies configuration data (input/ output connection and routing.  A CRDC replacement. If there is a fault of  A software update one DSO signal. which contains the breakers or Solid State Power Controllers (SSPC). combinatorial logic) CRDCs are supplied with 28VDC through electro-mechanical circuit  A Resource BITE (RB) configuration table software. architecture.  Hardware for data conversion and I/O processing block. It is a part of the IMA interactive mode).A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . list of maintenance messages related to the CRDC Discrete Output (DSO) Power Supply It is necessary to upload software to the CRDCs through the Data Loading and Configuration System (DLCS) after: Some components are electrically supplied by DSO signals from the CRDC through specific electro mechanical breakers or SSPCs up to 1. All the software to be loaded comes from the repository. if there is no software pre-loaded or if the software configuration is incorrect Each C/B or SSPC supplies a group of DSO signals. contains the CRDC XML file (for the The CRDC is a standardized modular avionics unit. 15 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . CRDC INTERNAL ARCHITECTURE A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . most of these signals are processed in parallel by two different CRDCs. For redundancy purpose. The combinations of CRDCs change from one user to the other. the two types of CRDCs collect. Some less critical signals are processed by one CRDC only (no redundancy).16 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY CRDC NORMAL OPERATION General Description In normal operation. . The equipment is connected to a pre-defined set of CRDCs.A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . There is no fixed pair of CRDCs and there is no CRDC related to a specific back-up CRDC. convert and exchange the A/C system data between the AFDX network and the ATA XX equipment that do not have the AFDX capability. 17 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . CRDC NORMAL OPERATION A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . 18 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY IMA ALARM MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES General Description Several avionics applications are hosted in the same IMA component. For this reason. the triggering of multiple ECAM messages can occur. an IMA component failure can be a common cause for several system failures. For example. the dual total loss of the CPIOMs H31 and H32 that host the FQMS applications causes the triggering of this message.A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . A second line in the ECAM message indicates that the root cause is an IMA common resource failure. IMA module that causes only one ECAM message The amber message “DUE TO IMA MODULE FAULT” is added to the ECAM message when there is a primary failure because of an IMA component. Should this occur. There is no ECAM message dedicated to each IMA component failure. . IAM ALARM MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE .19 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . Dispatch Principles If there is a component failure (CPIOM. Different dispatch messages can come into view in dependent on the parameters that follow:  Single or multiple IMA module failures (when one or some modules are impacted)  ATA XX alarms. when necessary. triggered or not by IMA module failures. CRDC).A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . VENT and CAB PRESS systems). the FWS generates a dispatch message in the dispatch function (upper center Display Unit (DU)).20 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY IMA ALARM MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES (CONT) IMA Module That Causes Several ECAM Messages To consolidate the indication about the root cause. If there is more than one fault because of the IMA component failures (for example ENGINE #1. an IMA amber alarm “IMA MODULE FAULT” is shown on top of the ECAM messages. . the FWS will trigger a generic IMA message on top of the ECAM message list. IMA ALARM MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES (CONT) A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE .21 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . including one optional  55 Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) with AFDX interface  29 Common Remote Data Concentrator (CRDC) Note that there are two types of CPIOMs:  CPIOM H (12)  CPIOM J (10).22 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY AVIONICS FULL DUPLEX SWITCHED ETHERNET NETWORK (AFDX) The Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet (AFDX) network contains 14 switches divided into two identical networks each with 7 switches and related AFDX cables.A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . These switches interconnect the A/C system components that follow:  22 Core Processing Input/Output Modules (CPIOMs). . including one optional (CPIOM J52 (ACR2) Pairs of superposed switches show the full network redundancy. AVIONICS FULL DUPLEX SWITCHED ETHERNET NETWORK (AFDX) A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE .23 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . The AFDX network exchanges operational. Users are physically interconnected through these switches. called switches.A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . The AFDX network includes network nodes. maintenance and loading data A VL is shown as a one-way “pipe” in the network. An AFDX frame includes:  Network information data. The AFDX network uses the redundancy principle meaning it has two networks. data is sent in frames. It is used for data exchange between computers. network A and network B. between the aircraft computers that have an AFDX interface. used to send the AFDX package to the correct address  Data transmitted in the AFDX frame payload (with optional application– level integrity checking)  A Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for high integrity . Switched Ethernet Full Duplex Technology On the AFDX network.24 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY AFDX ARCHITECTURE General Description Virtual Link (VL) The Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet (AFDX) network uses a The AFDX network can manage the data traffic through the VL concept. A VL has: The AFDX network users are organized in interconnected functional areas:  Mono-directional transfer  One transmitter only  Cockpit Avionics  One or more users in receive mode  Flight Controls and Auto Flight  A fixed maximum bandwidth  Engine Control  A maximum guaranteed transfer time of the network for transmission  Fuel  A specific path over the network  Energy  One specific identifier  Pneumatic and Cabin  Landing Gear The AFDX network is also used for communication between the aircraft systems and the Onboard Information System (OIS) through a Secure Communication Interface (SCI). (segregated channels within the network). technology based on the Ethernet protocol adapted to aeronautical A VL isolates the data transfers between a transmitter and receivers constraints. 25 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . AFDX ARCHITECTURE NETWORK A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE .  AFDX switch connector to the FWS for the healthy discrete (transmitter only). one for reception) for one full duplex AFDX connection. KD24 will be used more often than KB24 (independently of the application and location). but the isolation material of KL24 is thinner than the isolation of KD24.A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . KL24 is composed of 2 wire pairs (one for transmission.  Type KB The contact is Quadrax to make 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet signal compatible  Type KD with the connectors used on AIRBUS aircraft: ARINC 600. This last one is lighter and is used where the EMIs are high. shielded and jacketed. that have pins or sockets.  AFDX switch connector to PCS and to LGERS for the ground condition elaboration (receiver only).Electrical. It is the whole wiring that physically links:  AFDX End System connector to AFDX switch connector (transmitter and receiver). ESPM is a Business category and no more a manual. and the quad cable. These two quad cables have an outer diameter of approximately 5 mm and their internal construction is as follows:  Four single stranded wires are equally twisted around a center filler  The individual wires are of AWG 24 and have a silver plated copper core  Type KL: KL24 cables have the same wire properties as KD24 wires.  AFDX switch connector to the connector of another AFDX switch (transmitter and receiver).26 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY AFDX HARNESS/QUAD CABLE CONSTRUCTION A quadrax harness for the ethernet data transmission includes 2 contacts The cable used for AFDX is the lightened Starquad cable (KL24). The 4 wires are uniformly twisted The quad cable is specified in the ESPM as: around a center line. named STD Practices . Note: On A350.  There is a protection tape around all four wires  The shield is made of silver plated copper and the cable is fully insulated by a light blue sheath on which UV Laser marking can be used.  AFDX switch connector to GROUND for pin programming . The light blue color makes an easy identification in the aircraft. AFDX HARNESS/QUAD CABLE CONSTRUCTION A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE .27 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . SEC. It does a check of this All the users are connected to the two networks (A and B) through two data and uses a configuration table to route them to the outputs. except the links connected to the EECs. point with cables  Route data transmitted by the users to the recipient(s) The AFDX network is also organized into SIDE1 and SIDE2 (e. ADIRS and FMS) use the  Do a check of the data rate (each link has a specific maximum "Triplex" architecture (three AFDX switch pairs and triple user). The switch receives the AFDX data on its inputs.  AFDX switches  An AFDX harness Network Bite Function (NBF)  A Network BITE Function (NBF) The NBF is hosted in the Avionics Server Function Cabinet (ASFC) of the The AFDX network includes 14 switches (7 switches on each network). bandwidth)  Give protection against physical or environmental damage from lightning. An AFDX switch has these functions: There are two exceptions.g. The AFDX network interconnects the users that have an AFDX interface.A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . the Engine Monitoring Unit (EMU) and the Centralized Data Acquisition Unit (CDAU) (except the Digital Flight Data  Connect the users (AFDX end systems) to the network from point to Recorder part). unwanted current. transmission at the same time).  An AFDX switch has two software components:  AFDX SW operational program software  AFDX SW configuration table software. It detects and isolates faults on the A switch has twenty-four identical full duplex ports (reception and AFDX network.28 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY AFDX SWITCHES The AFDX network includes: All the links operate at a speed of 100 Mbits/s. which operate at a speed of 10 Mbits/s. the EMUs and the ETRACs. which are connected to network B only. but some systems (PRIM. AESU1  Do checks of the incoming data flows for integrity and correct format and AESU2). . redundant switches. Onboard Information System (OIS). etc.  (2) AFDX Harness The AFDX harness interconnects:  The users (AFDX end systems) and the AFDX switches  The AFDX switches between them An AFDX link uses a Star Quad cable with two pairs of wires (one pair for transmission and one for reception). short-circuits.  The AFDX switches are all interchangeable. 29 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . AFDX SWITCHES A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . Operational Program software the AFDX network. The Network BITE Function (NBF) has the capability to verify that all the switches have the same software P/N. 13 and 14 from SCI to the AFDX switches). each AFDX switch makes sure that there is compatibility between the loaded operational software P/N and its hardware P/N at power up. in the sequence that follows: network itself. 12. 1. a special software uploading sequence. The only required action applicable to the AFDX 2. 3. Also.30 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY AFDX NETWORK MAINTENANCE Overview Switch software must always be uploaded in this sequence: There is no scheduled maintenance and no inspection task necessary on 1. 04. AFDX switches 05. 03. the AFDX switches are interchangeable (same hardware and software P/N). if the operational software is not uploaded or if the software configuration is incorrect  A software update. . you must do the table). A software reconfiguration may be necessary for a new switch installation (software not installed. 06. On a given A/C. incorrect software installed or configuration table update). Number (P/N) for the operational software and configuration table. 11. must be followed to make sure that the network is connected during the uploading operation. Configuration Table software network that is necessary is the upload of the field loadable software after a removal/installation task (operational software and/or configuration If you upload the software to all the AFDX switches. AFDX Network Data Loading It is necessary to upload software to the AFDX switches through the Data Loading and Configuration System (DLCS) after:  An AFDX switch replacement. AFDX switches 01. The switch upload is done through the DLCS and uses the AFDX upload in three steps. 02. AFDX switches 09 and 19 Considering the AFDX network architecture and configuration (VL paths 2. The NBF software must be uploaded in the ASFC and an AFDX network Maintenance All the AFDX switches must be uploaded with the same software Part System Load (MSL) file software must be uploaded in the CMS.A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . 15 and 16 given in the maintenance documentation. All the software must be uploaded from the repository. 31 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . AFDX NETWORK MAINTENANCE A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . If there is a NO GO situation because of the AFDX cable damage. a test of data transmission quality must be done with standard test equipment. cables). a dispatch of the A/C can still be possible with a swap to agree one of the GO situation. A configuration check and a possible uploading of the switch software are necessary for an AFDX switch removal/installation procedure. If there is a component failure (AFDX switch. the FWS triggers:  A Dispatch Message (DM) on the dispatch page  An ECAM Caution/Warning dedicated to the impacted ATA XX system.32 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY AFDX NETWORK COMPONENT FAILURE Overview The AFDX network failures have no effects on the IMA components internal behavior. After a switch replacement.A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE . This test must be followed by a connection test (NBF interactive mode). a cable repair can be possible (refer to electrical standard practices in the AMM). if applicable  A network related warning if the two AFDX networks (A and B) are affected If there is a NO GO situation because of AFDX switches failures. After an AFDX cable repair or after a new AFDX cable installation. a network connection test must be done (through the NBF) to ensure network integrity. . 33 1 Sep 2016 EFF– ALL FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY . AFDX NETWORK COMPONENT FAILURE A350-900 ATA 42 TRAINING MANUAL PAGE .
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