a320 Sil 28 Centralized Fault Display System (Cfds) Anomalies

March 26, 2018 | Author: tangosierra2010 | Category: Aircraft, Aerospace, Aeronautics, Aerospace Engineering, Electronics



CUSTOMER SERVICES DIRECTORATE1 ROND POINT MAURICE BELLONTE 31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE TELEPHONE + 33 (0)5 61 93 33 33 TELEX AIRBU 530526F AIRBUS SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER SUBJECT: Centralized Fault Display System (CFDS) Anomalies ATA CHAPTER: 00 AIRCRAFT TYPE: A318, A319, A320, A321 APPLICABILITY: All Aircraft 0 REASON FOR REVISION: Update of data. 1 PURPOSE The present SIL identifies all the known CFDS anomalies/BITE deviations. It is intended to be used by maintenance engineering as a synthetic document, providing a short description of each deviation, as well as the affected part and the corrective action, with a cross-reference to the relevant TFU/TSM procedure. The fault messages/warnings or behaviours which should be known by line maintenance teams, are covered by the Trouble Shooting Manual. More precisely, the messages/behaviours described in this SIL are those for which the conditions of occurrence are precise/known and reproducible. In addition are mentioned messages/behaviours for which a statistical survey revealed a too high number of occurrences (more than 1 every 5 flights per aircraft without any logbook complaint). The last part of this SIL gives the filter content. Each operator is responsible for uploading and updating the filter database, according to the part numbers of equipment fitted on their aircraft. SIL NUMBER: PAGE: CREATION DATE: REVISION: REVISION: DATE: 00-028 1 of 9 + Appendix Nov 30/1989 31 06-JUL-07 CUSTOMER SERVICES DIRECTORATE 1 ROND POINT MAURICE BELLONTE 31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE TELEPHONE + 33 (0)5 61 93 33 33 TELEX AIRBU 530526F AIRBUS SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER 2 RECOMMENDATIONS The appendix is divided into five parts, which are: A. The list of PFR failure messages (internal and external) which request specific maintenance action. B. The list of ECAM WARNINGS and MAINTENANCE STATUS shown on the PFR, which request specific maintenance action. C. The list of CLASS 3 failure messages which request specific maintenance action. D. The anomalies related to the general use of the CFDS. E. The list of messages/warnings which AIRBUS recommend to filter. Nota 1: The classification criteria of data recorded in A, B, C, D, E of this document is the ATA chapter associated to the message/anomaly. Each page of parts A, B, C, D indicates: 1. The ATA chapter of the message or anomaly. 2. The description of the message which is considered as non justified under some conditions. 3. Specific maintenance action to be performed or some remarks about the anomaly. 4. The computer affected by the anomaly. 5. The Part Number (P/N) of the affected computer. 6. The corrective P/N. 7. The reference of the TFU/TSM to obtain more details about the anomaly. 8. The indication whether AIRBUS recommended (Y) or not (N) to filter a message/warning. Nota 2: New/revised items are highlighted by a vertical adjacent “NEW” in the margin. Nota 3: Lower-case letters such as “i” or ”j” represent a variable integer (usually 1, 2, or 1 to 3). “i” and “j” are used in the messages. “X” represents any alphanumeric character in the part numbers Nota 4: For each item, carefully check that the part number fitted on your aircraft corresponds to the affected P/N mentioned in the SIL. Otherwise, the remark is not applicable to your A/C. SIL NUMBER: PAGE: CREATION DATE: REVISION: REVISION: DATE: 00-028 2 of 9 + Appendix Nov 30/1989 31 06-JUL-07 CUSTOMER SERVICES DIRECTORATE 1 ROND POINT MAURICE BELLONTE 31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE TELEPHONE + 33 (0)5 61 93 33 33 TELEX AIRBU 530526F AIRBUS SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER Each page of part E indicates: 1. The ATA chapter of the message or warning to be filtered if applicable. 2. The first line of the message or warning to be filtered if applicable. 3. The second line of the message or warning to be filtered if applicable. 4. The Flight phase criteria if applicable. 5. The source criteria if applicable. 6. The P/N which is concerned by the anomaly. 7. The name of the part which is concerned by the anomaly. Nota 5: A character “_” means that a space has to be entered by the operator when creating a filter item manually through MFT. Nota 6: CFDIU specificity: To prevent duplication of messages in the filter content, a character “$” is used instead of the position number where the computer is installed i.e. VHF $ instead of VHF 1, VHF 2, VHF 3. Nota 7: Anytime the P/N of a computer is changed on the A/C, it is recommended to update the filter content, using information which are in Part E of this SIL. 2.1 CFDIU limitation The filtering function embedded in the CFDIU allows to prevent spurious items of the Post Flight Report (PFR), Real Time Warning (RTW) and Real Time Failure (RTF), i.e. fault messages, ECAM warnings and Maintenance Status to be transmitted by ACARS or printed on the on-board printer. A limitation affecting the filtering function of ECAM warnings items in the real time warning reports (RTW) has been identified for all CFDIU standards in service. This limitation has an impact on the erroneous transmission in RTW messages of ECAM warnings or Maintenance Status items that should be filtered but also the possible non transmission in RTW messages of ECAM warnings / Maintenance Status that are not part of the filter. This limitation has been registered and will be corrected in next CFDIU standard STD10, planned to be certified mid 2008. SIL NUMBER: PAGE: CREATION DATE: REVISION: REVISION: DATE: 00-028 3 of 9 + Appendix Nov 30/1989 31 06-JUL-07 CUSTOMER SERVICES DIRECTORATE 1 ROND POINT MAURICE BELLONTE 31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE TELEPHONE + 33 (0)5 61 93 33 33 TELEX AIRBU 530526F AIRBUS SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER For short term, Airbus recommend all operators, having activated both the filtering function and the real time warning transmission, to remove the ECAM warnings from the filter list (only the warning, not the BITE message faults). Consequence: All spurious warnings will be received at each flight but none will be missing. Maintenance should refer to the appendix part E of the present SIL to isolate the spurious warning via the Airbus SIL/Airline comments if it is a known spurious. Maintenance should use the filtering function of ground software tools. 3. MATERIAL INFORMATION Part E of this SIL - Filter Content - is available on floppy disk - called “Filenv31.320” (31: Revision number). For customization, refer to Maintenance Filter Tool (MFT) - SIL 00-088. 4. PROCUREMENT INFORMATION Not Applicable 5. PROCEDURE TO DOWNLOAD FILES ATTACHED TO SIL ON AOLS 1/ Procedure to download SIL .pdf files: - under Technical Publication select Engineering Technical Documentation, - select Document Type and SIL Number then click on the SEARCH button, - once selected SIL is opened, it is possible either to print or to save on disk. 2/ Procedure to download attached files to SIL 00-028 REV 31: Following files can be downloaded through the Airbus OnLine Services (AOLS) FTP: - AIRBUS Filter Envelop (FILENV31.320), - AIRBUS FILTER DATABASE label to be stuck onto the floppy. Procedure to download: - select FTP Site under General Services menu, - click on ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS for SIL under the main ROOT, SIL NUMBER: PAGE: CREATION DATE: REVISION: REVISION: DATE: 00-028 4 of 9 + Appendix Nov 30/1989 31 06-JUL-07 Please refer to SIL 00-088 which explains how to install MFT.select the SIL 00-028 folder to access the package content. Note that Filter Envelop used for A320.CUSTOMER SERVICES DIRECTORATE 1 ROND POINT MAURICE BELLONTE 31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE TELEPHONE + 33 (0)5 61 93 33 33 TELEX AIRBU 530526F AIRBUS SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER . SIL NUMBER: PAGE: CREATION DATE: REVISION: REVISION: DATE: 00-028 5 of 9 + Appendix Nov 30/1989 31 06-JUL-07 . A330 and A340 require the Maintenance Filter Tool (MFT). CUSTOMER SERVICES DIRECTORATE 1 ROND POINT MAURICE BELLONTE 31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE TELEPHONE + 33 (0)5 61 93 33 33 TELEX AIRBU 530526F AIRBUS SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER LIST OF ABREVIATIONS SIGLUM ACARS ACSC ACP ADIRU ADF ADR AEVC AFS AIDS AMM AMU AOA APU ASSY ATA ATC A/P A/THR ATIMS BCL BITE BMC BSCU CAM CFDIU CFDS CHC CIDS CPC CVC C/B DC DFDR DLRB DLS DMC DME DMCU DMU DU ECAM ECB TITLE Aircraft Communication Addressing & Reporting System Air Conditionning System Controler Audio Control Panel Air Data Inertial Reference Unit Automatic Direction Finder Air Data Reference Avionic Equipment Ventilation Controller Auto Flight System Aircraft Integrated Data System Aircraft Maintenance Manual Audio Management Unit Angle-Of-Attack Auxiliary Power Unit Assembly Air Transport Association Air Traffic Control Autopilot Auto Thrust Air Traffic and Information Management System Battery Charge Limiter Built-in Test Equipment Bleed Monitoring Computer Braking & Steering Control Unit Cabin Assignment Module Centralized Fault Detection Interface Unit Centralized Fault Display System Cargo Heat Controller Cabin Intercommunication Data System Cabin Pressure Controller Cargo Ventilation Controller Circuit Breaker Direct Current Digital Flight Data Recorder Data Loader Routing Box Data Loader Selector Display management Computer Distance Measuring Equipment Drain Mast Central Unit Data Management Unit Display Unit Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor Electronic Control Box SIL NUMBER: PAGE: CREATION DATE: REVISION: REVISION: DATE: 00-028 6 of 9 + Appendix Nov 30/1989 31 06-JUL-07 . CUSTOMER SERVICES DIRECTORATE 1 ROND POINT MAURICE BELLONTE 31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE TELEPHONE + 33 (0)5 61 93 33 33 TELEX AIRBU 530526F AIRBUS SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER SIGLUM ECS ECU EFDU EIU ELAC EVMU FADEC FAC FCD FCDC FCOM FCU FCV FDIMU FDIU FG FIN FL FM FMGC FMGS FMS FQI CH FQIC FT FWC FWD F/CTL F/D GCU GPWC GPCU GW HF HP HPV HUD HUDC ILS ISIS LGCIU LOP LRU L/G M MCDU TITLE Environmental Control System Engine Control Unit Engine Fire Detection Unit Engine Interface Unit Elevator Aileron Computer Engine Vibration Monitoring Unit Full Authority Digital Engine Control Flight Augmentation Computer Flight Control Display Flight Control Data Concentrator Fuel Control and Management Computer Flight Control Unit Flow control Valve Flight Data Interface Management Unit Flight Data Interface Unit Flight Guidance Functional Item Number Flight Level Flight Management Flight Management & Guidance Computer Flight Management & Guidance System Flight Management System Fuel Quantity Indicator Channel Fuel Quantity Indication Computer Feet Flight Warning Computer Forward Flight Control Flight Director Ground Control Unit Ground Proximity Warning Computer Ground Power Control Unit Gross Weight High Frequency High Pressure High Pressure Valve Head Up Display Head Up display Computer Instrument Landing System Integrated Standby Instrument System Landing Gear control & Interface Unit Low Oil Pressure Line Replacement Unit Line Replacement Unit Landing Gear Mach Number Multi-purpose Control and Display Unit SIL NUMBER: PAGE: CREATION DATE: REVISION: REVISION: DATE: 00-028 7 of 9 + Appendix Nov 30/1989 31 06-JUL-07 . CUSTOMER SERVICES DIRECTORATE 1 ROND POINT MAURICE BELLONTE 31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE TELEPHONE + 33 (0)5 61 93 33 33 TELEX AIRBU 530526F AIRBUS SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER SIGLUM MEL MFT MLG MM MMEL MPD MRB MSN MTBF MTBR MTBUR MU ND NLG NM OBRM OVHT PA PC PCU PDU PES PFD PFR PHC PRAM PRV PTT PTU P/N QAR RA RFI RFR RMP SB SDAC SDCU SDI SEC SFCC SFCS SFE SIL SRM TAT TITLE Master Equipment List Maintenance Filter Tool Main Landing Gear Maintenance Manual Master Minimum Equipment List Maintenance Planning Document Maintenance Review Board Manufacturer Serial Number Mean Time Between Failures Mean Time Between Removal Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removal Management Unit Navigation Display Nose Landing Gear Nautic Miles On Board Replaceable Module Overheat Public Address Pack Controller Power control Unit Power Distribution Unit Passenger Entertainment System Primary Flight Display Post Flight Report Probe Heat Computer Pre-Recorded Announcement and Music Pressure Regulator Valve Push-To-Talk Power Transfer Unit Part Number Quick Access Recorder Radio Altimeter Request For Information Request For Revision Radio Management Panel Service Bulletin System Data Acquisition Concentrator Smoke Detection Control Unit Spares Data Improvement Spoiler Elevator Computer Slat/Flap Control Computer Slat/Flap Control System Supplier Furnished Equipment Service Information Letter Structural Repair Manual Turn Around Time SIL NUMBER: PAGE: CREATION DATE: REVISION: REVISION: DATE: 00-028 8 of 9 + Appendix Nov 30/1989 31 06-JUL-07 . CUSTOMER SERVICES DIRECTORATE 1 ROND POINT MAURICE BELLONTE 31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE TELEPHONE + 33 (0)5 61 93 33 33 TELEX AIRBU 530526F AIRBUS SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER SIGLUM TBD TEM TFU THS TLT TPIU TRU TSM ULD UPPR CRG DET VHF VOR WAI WAIV WDB WHC WRX ZC TITLE To Be Defined Tool and Equipment Manual Technical Follow-Up Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer Temperature Limitation Thermostat Tyre Pressure Indicating Computer Transformer Rectifier Unit Trouble Shooting Manual Unit Load Device Upper Cargo Smoke Detector Very High Frequency VHF Omnidirectional Range Wing Anti-Ice Wing Anti-ice Valve Wall Disconnect Box Window Heat Computer Weather Radar Transceiver Zone Controller SIL NUMBER: PAGE: CREATION DATE: REVISION: REVISION: DATE: 00-028 9 of 9 + Appendix Nov 30/1989 31 06-JUL-07 . SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA ------ Failure Messages -- Remark Recording in the PFR of "empty" DMU messages in flight phase 2 or 5.messages in phase 8/9 GR-OU-ND or GN-D ... Ref TFU 313600063 Doc X Ref TFU 313600063 Filtered No Part DMU Affected P/N 795040-31-002 Corrective P/N TBD ------ GR-OU-ND or GN-D .messages in phase 8/9 Disregard Yes Part CFDIU CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0506 B401ACM0507 Corrective P/N C12860AA02 ------ -- Recording in the PFR of "empty" DMU messages in flight phase 2 or 5.. No Maintenance Action required. Ref TFU 313600063 TFU 313600063 No Part DMU Affected P/N 795040-31-002 Corrective P/N TBD ------ GR-OU-ND or GN-D . ACTION No Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0505 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 Revision 31 PART A : Page 1 .. No Maintenance Action required.messages in phase 8/9 GR-OU-ND or GN-D .messages in phase 8/9 Disregard Yes Part CFDIU CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0506 B401ACM0507 Corrective P/N C12860AA02 000000 NO DATA NO MAINT. (Minimum value : 110 V) Doc X Ref TFU 212854002 Filtered No Part CARGO VENT CTLR CARGO VENT CTLR Affected P/N 600615-00-502 600615-01-500 Corrective P/N 600615-00-503 600615-01-502 212854 AFT CARGO FANS OR SPLY null NO MAINT. ACTION.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 212853 Failure Messages FWD CARGO FAN OR SPLY (6HN) Remark NO MAINT. TFU 216334051 No Part ZONE CONTROLLER CFDIU Affected P/N 775A0000-06 B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 Revision 31 PART A : Page 2 . (Minimum value : 110 V) TFU 212854002 No Part CARGO VENT CTLR CARGO VENT CTLR Affected P/N 600615-01-500 600615-00-502 Corrective P/N 600615-01-502 600615-00-503 215151 Pi FLOW CONT VALVE (i= 1 or 2) Associated to Maintenance Status PACK 1(2) NO MAINT. 115 V 3 phases. NO MAINT. ACTION if power supply between FAN and CVC is OK. ACTION if Bite test OK TFU 215151004 No Part FLOW CTL VALVE Affected P/N 751A0000-06 Corrective P/N 751A0000-07 216334 EIUi : NO ZONE CONT j DATA (i=1 or 2) (j=P or S) Associated with ECAM warning : ENG1(2) BLEED STATUS FAULT. Could be intermittent (INTM). 115 V 3 phases. ACTION if power supply between FAN and CVC is OK. ACTION on A/C equipped with CFM engines TFU 732900029 TFU 216334051 No Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-06 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 216334 NO ZONE CTL DATA NO MAINT. NO MAINT.EIS 1 Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 9615325050 228112 FCU (2CA) BUS CP-L/ WXR1 (1SQ1) If no logbook associated logbook complaint. No Part RADAR Affected P/N 066-50008-301 Corrective P/N 066-50008-405 Revision 31 PART A : Page 3 . ACTION on A/C equipped with CFM engines TFU 732900029 TFU 216334051 No Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-06 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 216334 EIUi NO ZONE CONT j DATA (i=1 or 2) (j=P or S) NO MAINT. No maintenance action is required. ACTION if occurs in phase 6 Doc X Ref TFU 216334051 Filtered No Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-06 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 216334 EIUi : NO ZONE CONT j DATA (i=1 or 2) (j=P or S) Associated with ECAM warning : ENG1(2) BLEED STATUS FAULT.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 216334 Failure Messages SDACi: NO DATA FROM ECS j (I=1 or 2) (J=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. ACTION If not associated to Maintenance Status : ENG1(2)EIU TFU 732534005 TFU 732534042 No Part EIU EIU EIU EIU Affected P/N 3957900610 3957905003 3957900609 3957900611 Corrective P/N 3957900612 3957905004 3957900612 3957900612 226634 DMCi: NO FACj DATA (i=1 or 2 or 3) (j=1 or 2) No Maintenance action Yes Part DMC . SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 228112 Failure Messages FCU(2CA)CP-L BUS/ WXRi(1SQi) (i = 1 or 2) Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. Doc X Ref Filtered No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 228112 FCU(2CA)CP-R BUS/ WXRi(1SQi) (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 228112 FCU(3CA)CP-L BUS/ WXRi 1SQi (I=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION if recorded during Engine Start (flight phase 02) or during switching from WXR1 to WXR2 and no associated cockpit effect. No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 228112 FCU(3CA)CP-R BUS/ WXRi 1SQi (I=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION if recorded during Engine Start (flight phase 02) or during switching from WXR1 to WXR2 and no associated cockpit effect. No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 228112 RADARi:NO DATA FROM EFIS j PANEL (i=1 or 2) (j =1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION if no log book complaint No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-120 622-5132-020 Corrective P/N VSB WRT-701X_34-77 VSB WRT-701X_34-68 Revision 31 PART A : Page 4 SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 228212 Failure Messages AFS:MCDUi (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. ACTION if no log book complaint Doc X Ref TFU 229100011 Filtered Yes Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 228212 MCDU3(3CA3)/ATSU1(1TX1) No maintenance action if MCDU 3 not installed. Can be filtered if MCDU 3 not installed TFU 460000002 Yes Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 228334 AFS:FMGCi (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION IF MESSAGE NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY ECAM WARNING AND COCKPIT EFFECT TFU 229100055 Yes Part FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC Affected P/N B398AAM0410 B546CCM0101 B398BAM0207 B546CAM0101 B546BAM0203 Corrective P/N B546BCM0205 B546CAM0102 C13042AA01 B546CCM0104 B546BAM0206 228334 AFS:FMGCi (FMi) (i= 1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION if no log book complaint TFU 229100010 Yes Part FMGC FMGC FMGC Affected P/N B398BAM0205 B398BCM0104 B398AAM0408 Corrective P/N B398BAM0206 B398BCM0106 B398AAM0409 228334 FMGCi(1CAi)/ RMPi(1RGi)/ILSi(1RTi) (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action if no FM auto reset reported in the logbook. Airbus_SIL 22-038 Airbus_SIL 22-037 No Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N NONE Revision 31 PART A : Page 5 SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 228334 Failure Messages FMGCi(1CAi) BUS MMR/ MMRi (40RTi) Remark Reset FMGC1 when i equal 1. Reset FMGC2 when i equal 2. If in the MMR1 (2) Ground Scanning , fault message "FMGC BUS ILS/MMR" or in the TSD "PORT B RX FAIL" are recorded, carry out associated TSM task. Doc X Ref TSM_Task 343600810870 TSM_Task 343600810871 Filtered No Part MMR Affected P/N 822-1152-121 Corrective P/N VSB COLLINS GLU_920-34-19 228334 AFS: FMGCi (i= 1 or 2) Message triggered following reset of FMGC1 (or 2) following voluntary disconnection of one FD during Taxi or Roll-out No Maint. Action. No Part FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC Affected P/N C13042BA02 C13043AA03 C13042BA03 C13043BA02 C13043BA04 C13043BA03 C13042AA03 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 228334 AFS:FMGCi(DO NOT REMOVE) (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION Yes Part FMGC FMGC FAC Affected P/N C13042AA01 C13043AA01 PRE_STD_B397BAM0617 Corrective P/N B397BAM0617 228334 AFS:FMGCi/ATHR ENGD FDBK NO MAINT. ACTION if not associated with ECAM WARNING : AUTO FLT A/THR OFF. Yes Part FMGC FMGC FMGC Affected P/N B398AAM0XXX B398BAM0XXX B398BCM0XXX Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD Revision 31 PART A : Page 6 SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 228334 Failure Messages FMGCi (1CAi)/ RMPi(1RGi)/ILSi(2RTi) (i=1 or 2) Remark No maintenance action if not logbook complaint Doc X Ref Filtered No Part RECEIVER ILS RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 066-50006-X202 622-9738-041 Corrective P/N TBD 822-0298-020 228334 FMGECi(1CAi)/ RMPi(1RGi)/ILSi(1RTi) No maintenance action if no logbook entry No Part RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 622-9738-041 Corrective P/N N/A 228334 AFS:FMGCi (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION IF MESSAGE NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY ECAM WARNING AND COCKPIT EFFECT TFU 229100055 Yes Part FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC Affected P/N B398AAM0410 B546CCM0101 B398BAM0207 B546CAM0101 B546BAM0203 Corrective P/N B546BCM0205 B546CAM0102 C13042AA01 B546CCM0104 B546BAM0206 228334 AFS:FMGCi (FMi) (i= 1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION if no log book complaint TFU 229100010 Yes Part FMGC FMGC FMGC Affected P/N B398BAM0205 B398BCM0104 B398AAM0408 Corrective P/N B398BAM0206 B398BCM0106 B398AAM0409 Revision 31 PART A : Page 7 If in the MMR1 (2) Ground Scanning . carry out associated TSM task. No Part FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC Affected P/N C13042BA02 C13043AA03 C13042BA03 C13043BA02 C13043BA04 C13043BA03 C13042AA03 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 228334 AFS:FMGCi(DO NOT REMOVE) (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. fault message "FMGC BUS ILS/MMR" or in the TSD "PORT B RX FAIL" are recorded. ACTION Yes Part FMGC FMGC FAC Affected P/N C13042AA01 C13043AA01 PRE_STD_B397BAM0617 Corrective P/N B397BAM0617 Revision 31 PART A : Page 8 . Action. Reset FMGC2 when i equal 2. Doc X Ref Airbus_SIL 22-038 Airbus_SIL 22-037 Filtered No Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N NONE 228334 FMGCi(1CAi) BUS MMR/ MMRi (40RTi) Reset FMGC1 when i equal 1.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 228334 Failure Messages FMGCi(1CAi)/ RMPi(1RGi)/ILSi(1RTi) (i = 1 or 2) Remark No maintenance action if no FM auto reset reported in the logbook. TSM_Task 343600810870 TSM_Task 343600810871 No Part MMR Affected P/N 822-1152-121 Corrective P/N VSB COLLINS GLU_920-34-19 228334 AFS: FMGCi (i= 1 or 2) Message triggered following reset of FMGC1 (or 2) following voluntary disconnection of one FD during Taxi or Roll-out No Maint. This message is associated with CLASS3 Fault message "462134 ATSU(1TX1)/ HFi(3Ri)" NO MAINT. Yes Part HFDR Affected P/N 822-0990-003 Corrective P/N TBD 231111 CHECK HFi ANTENNA CIRCUIT (i=1 or 2 or 3) NO MAINT ACTION if no log book entry TFU 231100002 No Part TRANSCEIVER-HF Affected P/N 622-5272-020 Corrective P/N VSB HFS-700-36 Revision 31 PART A : Page 9 .SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 228334 Failure Messages AFS:FMGCi/ATHR ENGD FDBK Remark NO MAINT. 2) This message is triggered if Datalink not activated (MOD 31286)and CFDIU Label 157 not received within 30s after HFDR power-up. ACTION. 1. Doc X Ref Filtered Yes Part FMGC FMGC FMGC Affected P/N B398AAM0XXX B398BAM0XXX B398BCM0XXX Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 228334 FMGCi (1CAi)/ RMPi(1RGi)/ILSi(2RTi) (i=1 or 2) No maintenance action if not logbook complaint No Part RECEIVER ILS RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 066-50006-X202 622-9738-041 Corrective P/N TBD 822-0298-020 228334 FMGECi(1CAi)/ RMPi(1RGi)/ILSi(1RTi) No maintenance action if no logbook entry No Part RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 622-9738-041 Corrective P/N N/A 231100 ICAO ADDRESS/HFi(3REi) (i=0. ACTION if not associated with ECAM WARNING : AUTO FLT A/THR OFF. Action if triggered in phase 02. ACTION TFU 460000002 Yes Part CFDIU CFDIU CFDIU CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0505 B401ACM0506 B401ACM0507 B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N C12860AA02 C12860AA02 C12860AA02 C12860AA02 Revision 31 PART A : Page 10 .SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 231133 Failure Messages HFDRi(3REi)/ATSU1(1TX1) (i=1 or 2) Remark spurious message if HFDR not activated and CFDIU PRE STD 9B (Source name "ACARS MU" in the PFR) NO MAINT. COUPLER(4RE1)/FEEDER(6RE1)/ANTENNA(5RE) No Part COUPLER HF ANT Affected P/N 792-6140-001 Corrective P/N 231133 NO HF1 DATA No Maint. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 460000002 Filtered Yes Part CFDIU CFDIU CFDIU CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0505 B401ACM0506 B401ACM0507 B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N C12860AA02 C12860AA02 C12860AA02 C12860AA02 231133 HF1 No maintenance action if no logbook compaint. Yes Part TRANSCEIVER-HF TRANSCEIVER-HF Affected P/N 964-0452-012 964-0452-001 Corrective P/N TBD TBD 231133 HFDRi(3REi)/ATSU1(1TX1) (i=1 or 2) spurious message if HFDR not activated and CFDIU PRE STD 9B (Source name "ACARS MU" in the PFR) NO MAINT. TFU 231200011 No Part TRANSCEIVER-VHF TRANSCEIVER-VHF Affected P/N 622-5219-020 622-5219-020 Corrective P/N VSB VHF-700-23-36 VSB VHF-700-23-30 231233 VHF3 TRANCEIVER NO MAINT. ACTION if no log book complaint No Part TRANSCEIVER-VHF Affected P/N 622-5219-020 Corrective P/N VSB VHF-700-23-38 231233 VHF0(1RC0) NO MAINT. COUPLER(4RE1)/FEEDER(6RE1)/ANTENNA(5RE) Part COUPLER HF ANT Affected P/N 792-6140-001 Corrective P/N 231133 NO HF1 DATA No Maint. Yes Part TRANSCEIVER-HF TRANSCEIVER-HF Affected P/N 964-0452-012 964-0452-001 Corrective P/N TBD TBD 231211 CHECK VHF-1 ANTENNA CIRCUIT NO MAINT. ACTION if occurs in phase 02 Yes Part TRANSCEIVER-VHF TRANSCEIVER-VHF Affected P/N 822-1047-030 822-1047-020 Corrective P/N N/A N/A Revision 31 PART A : Page 11 . ACTION if VSB mentioned in Corrective P/N not incorporated. Action if triggered in phase 02.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 231133 Failure Messages Remark Doc X Ref Filtered No HF1 No maintenance action if no logbook compaint. Doc X Ref Filtered Yes Part CFDIU Affected P/N C12860AA02 Corrective P/N CFDIU_STD10 231233 VHF3 TRANCEIVER NO MAINT. 2 or 3] NO MAINT. ACTION when VHF3 not installed Message to be filtered on A/C not equipped with VHF3. Yes Part CFDIU Affected P/N C12860AA02 Corrective P/N CFDIU_STD10 231313 RMPi(1RGi)/RMPj(1RGj) [i=1. ACTION required Yes Part RMP RMP Affected P/N C12848AA01 C12848CA01 Corrective P/N TBD TBD Revision 31 PART A : Page 12 . ACTION if occurs in phase 02 Yes Part TRANSCEIVER-VHF TRANSCEIVER-VHF Affected P/N 822-1047-030 822-1047-020 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 231233 NO VHF3 DATA NO MAINT. ACTION when VHF3 not installed Message to be filtered on A/C not equipped with VHF3. 2 or 3 . ACTION if no log book complaint No Part TRANSCEIVER-VHF Affected P/N 622-5219-020 Corrective P/N VSB VHF-700-23-38 231233 VHF0(1RC0) NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 231233 Failure Messages NO VHF3 DATA Remark NO MAINT.j=1. Disregard when SATCOM not installed. please select the FAP status page. Should any anomaly be visible on subject page.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 232834 Failure Messages SDU1(5RV1)/ATSU1(1TX1) Remark Generated by ATSU when SATCOM not installed. A CIDS interface and power-up test must be performed to confirm validity of the failure and to clear the failure message from the ground report. Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000031B Z064H000031A Z064H000031D Z064H000031C Corrective P/N Z064H000032A Z064H000032A Z064H000032A Z064H000032A 237300 DIR1 (101RH)/ OBRM Spurious message due to software anomaly. System Test and Ground scanning. A CIDS interface and power-up test must be performed to confirm validity of the failure and to clear the failure message from the ground report. Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000031B Z064H000031C Z064H000031D Z064H000031A Corrective P/N Z064H000032A Z064H000032A Z064H000032A Z064H000032A Z064H000032A Revision 31 PART A : Page 13 . please refer to the corresponding trouble shooting task. This message may be displayed on PFR. Check the validity of the FAP failure message. Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000031B Z064H000031C Z064H000031D Z064H000031A Corrective P/N Z064H000032A Z064H000032A Z064H000032A Z064H000032A Z064H000032A 237300 FAP 1(120RH)/ DIRi/CAM (i= 1 or 2) Spurious fault message due to power transfer. Doc X Ref TFU 460000002 Filtered Yes Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 237300 DIR1 (101RH)/ OBRM Spurious message due to software anomaly. perform a visual check of the AAP¨operation to determine the validity of the fault message. Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000030F Corrective P/N Z064H000031B Z064H000031A 237313 AAP(126RH)ATT 4L Software anomaly. perform a visual check of the AAP¨operation to determine the validity of the fault message. Maintenance advice: If an AAP failure message is recorded into the PFR. Maintenance advice: If an AAP failure message is recorded into the PFR. Doc X Ref Airbus_SIL 23-039 Filtered No Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000031B Z064H000031A Z064H000031D Z064H000031C Corrective P/N Z064H000032A Z064H000032A Z064H000032A Z064H000032A 237313 AAP(126RH)ATT 4L/ DEU B (300RH7) Software anomaly. please select the FAP status page. Maintenance advice: If an AAP failure message is recorded into the PFR. Check the validity of the FAP failure message. Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000030F Corrective P/N Z064H000031B Z064H000031A 237313 AAP(126RH)ATT 4L/ DEU B (300RH7) Software anomaly. please refer to the corresponding trouble shooting task.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 237300 Failure Messages FAP 1(120RH)/ DIRi/CAM (i= 1 or 2) Remark Spurious fault message due to power transfer. Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000030F Corrective P/N Z064H000031B Z064H000031A Revision 31 PART A : Page 14 . Should any anomaly be visible on subject page. perform a visual check of the AAP¨operation to determine the validity of the fault message. subject class III fault may be triggered onto the PFR. Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Corrective P/N Z064H000031A 237322 AIP(320RH1)ATT 1L Due to a Software anomaly. Maintenance advice: A CIDS interface and power-up test should be performed to confirm validity of the failure message. subject class III fault may be triggered onto the PFR. Maintenance advice: If an AAP failure message is recorded into the PFR. The associated time may be completely erroneous. The associated time may be completely erroneous. Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Corrective P/N Z064H000031A Revision 31 PART A : Page 15 . Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Corrective P/N Z064H000031A 237322 AIP(320RH9)ATT 4L Due to a Software anomaly. Doc X Ref Airbus_SIL 23-039 Filtered No Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000030F Corrective P/N Z064H000031B Z064H000031A 237322 AIP(320RH1)ATT 1L Due to a Software anomaly. The associated time may be completely erroneous. Maintenance advice: A CIDS interface and power-up test should be performed to confirm validity of the failure message. Maintenance advice: A CIDS interface and power-up test should be performed to confirm validity of the failure message. Maintenance advice: A CIDS interface and power-up test should be performed to confirm validity of the failure message. subject class III fault may be triggered onto the PFR.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 237313 Failure Messages AAP(126RH)ATT 4L Remark Software anomaly. subject class III fault may be triggered onto the PFR. perform a visual check of the AAP¨operation to determine the validity of the fault message. The associated time may be completely erroneous. Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Corrective P/N Z064H000031A 237322 AIP(320RH9)ATT 4L Due to a Software anomaly. ACTION Airbus_SIL 23-039 Yes Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000131A Z014H000231B Z014H000031A Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 240000 POWER SUPPLY INTERRUPT No Maintenance action if occurs during PWR transfer: Phase 01 and 02 (Engine start-up). Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT3FE2SA0410 SXT3CE2SA0420 Corrective P/N SXT4EE2SA050A SXT4EE2SA050A 240000 POWER SUPPLY INTERRUPT NO MAINTENANCE ACTION No Part RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 066-50008-0301 Corrective P/N 066-50008-0405 240000 POWER SUPPLY INTERRUPT NO MAINT. Doc X Ref Airbus_SIL 23-039 Filtered No Part ACSC Affected P/N 1803A0000-03 Corrective P/N 1803A0000-04 240000 POWER SUPPLY INTERRUPT NO MAINT. Phase 09 and 10 (Engine Shut Down). ACTION Airbus_SIL 23-039 Yes Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000131A Z014H000231B Z014H000031A Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD Revision 31 PART A : Page 16 .SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 237334 Failure Messages CIDS2(102RH) Remark Problem of a discrete label status computed by the CIDS2 and used by ACSC 1 and 2. ACTION is required. If Associated with MAINT STATUS TEMP CTL 1 and TEMP CTL 2 then NO MAINT. the GCU should be removed and sent to vendor Hamilton Sundstrand for repair. When message is triggered.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 240000 Failure Messages POWER SUPPLY INTERRUPT Remark No Maintenance action if occurs during PWR transfer: Phase 01 and 02 (Engine start-up). Doc X Ref Filtered Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT3FE2SA0410 SXT3CE2SA0420 Corrective P/N SXT4EE2SA050A SXT4EE2SA050A 240000 POWER SUPPLY INTERRUPT NO MAINTENANCE ACTION No Part RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 066-50008-0301 Corrective P/N 066-50008-0405 242151 IDGI DISCONNECTED (i=1 or 2) null Check Class 3 Fault messages Airbus_SB 24-1077 TFU 244100002 No Part GPCU Affected P/N 740121A Corrective P/N 740121B 242151 IDGi(Ei-4000XU)OIL LEVEL SENSOR/GCUi(1XUi) (i=1 or 2) Quality issue affecting component inside the GCU. Phase 09 and 10 (Engine Shut Down). TFU 242100039 No Part GCU Affected P/N 767584J Corrective P/N 242151 IDGI DISCONNECTED (i=1 or 2) null Check Class 3 Fault messages Airbus_SB 24-1077 TFU 244100002 No Part GPCU Affected P/N 740121A Corrective P/N 740121B Revision 31 PART A : Page 17 . Ony GCUs manufactured before Nov 2002 are affected. Phase 09 and 10 (Engine Shut Down) Yes Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 242300 CHECK GCU APU PIN C1.C5 GEN APU PIN A9. ACTION TFU 315500003 Yes Part SDAC SDAC Affected P/N 350E5161122 350E5151022 Corrective P/N 350E5151331 350E5151331 Revision 31 PART A : Page 18 . NO MAINT. When message is triggered. ACTION if occurs during PWR transfer: Phase 02 (Engine start-up). 2.A10 null 1.If APU GEN FAULT immediately after APU start.reset APU GEN P/B SW.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 242151 Failure Messages IDGi(Ei-4000XU)OIL LEVEL SENSOR/GCUi(1XUi) (i=1 or 2) Remark Quality issue affecting component inside the GCU. Airbus_SB 24-1074 TFU 244100008 No Part GCU GCU Affected P/N 740120B 740120A Corrective P/N 740120C 740120C 243251 SDACi:NO TR1 CURRENT 1PU1 (i=1 or 2) At APU start NO MAINT. Ony GCUs manufactured before Nov 2002 are affected. otherwise. on OVHD panel.If associated with a generator trip : remove the APU generator.ACTION. Doc X Ref TFU 242100039 Filtered No Part GCU Affected P/N 767584J Corrective P/N 242151 IDGI DISCONNECTED (i=1 or 2) null Check Class 3 Fault messages Airbus_SB 24-1077 TFU 244100002 No Part GPCU Affected P/N 740121A Corrective P/N 740121B 242255 AFS:28V PWR 11XU1 No MAINT. the GCU should be removed and sent to vendor Hamilton Sundstrand for repair. Software anomaly. ACTION if APU FDU test does not confirm the fault message TFU 261300001 No Part FDU Affected P/N 3720-00-00 Corrective P/N TBD Revision 31 PART A : Page 19 . ACTION if fault message displayed after a reset of CIDS or CIDS-SDF Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030E Z064H000030F Z064H000030D Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 261200 CHECK FDU ENGi SUPPLY (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. 3 or 4 and Y=R or L and Z=1. 6 or 8.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 243834 Failure Messages SDACi:NO DATA FROM BCLj (i=1 or 2. Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000030F Corrective P/N Z064H000031B Z064H000031A 261000 WRG: CAN BUS A (or B) NO MAINT. Fault validity must be checked on the FAP door page. Doc X Ref Filtered Yes Part SDAC SDAC Affected P/N 350E5161122 350E5151022 Corrective P/N 350E5151331 350E5151331 256200 SLIDE BTL XY/ DEU B (300RHZ) with X=1. ACTION if no log book complaint TFU 261234020 No Part FDU Affected P/N 7304-00-01 Corrective P/N 7304-01-02 261300 CHECK FDU APU LOOP A (or B) WARN CKT No MAINT. j=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. ACTION if no Log Book complaint. Perform a CIDS reset to recover lavatory smoke detection function as described in SIL 23-039 Rev6 Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000131A Z014H000131A Z014H000031A Z014H000031A Corrective P/N Z014H000231B Z014H000131A_AMDT_B Z014H000231B Z014H000031A_AMDT_B 261715 SMK DET LAV X CONTAMINATION Associated to PFR ECAM WARNING "260000 SMOKE LAV DET FAULT". Perform a CIDS reset to recover lavatory smoke detection function as described in SIL 23-039 Rev6 Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000131A Z014H000031A Z014H000031A Z014H000131A Corrective P/N Z014H000131A_AMDT_B Z014H000031A_AMDT_B Z014H000231B Z014H000231B 261715 SMK DET LAV X Associated to PFR ECAM WARNING "260000 SMOKE LAV DET FAULT".SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 261715 Failure Messages SMK DET LAV X Remark Associated to PFR ECAM WARNING "260000 SMOKE LAV DET FAULT". Perform a CIDS reset to recover lavatory smoke detection function as described in SIL 23-039 Rev6 Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000131A Z014H000031A Z014H000031A Z014H000131A Corrective P/N Z014H000131A_AMDT_B Z014H000031A_AMDT_B Z014H000231B Z014H000231B Revision 31 PART A : Page 20 . Perform a CIDS reset to recover lavatory smoke detection function as described in SIL 23-039 Rev6 Doc X Ref Airbus_SIL 23-039 Filtered No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000131A Z014H000131A Z014H000031A Z014H000031A Corrective P/N Z014H000231B Z014H000131A_AMDT_B Z014H000231B Z014H000031A_AMDT_B 261715 SMK DET LAV X CONTAMINATION Associated to PFR ECAM WARNING "260000 SMOKE LAV DET FAULT". [SN 5813 --> SN 5956] No Part SFCC Affected P/N 49-170-11 Corrective P/N 275100 SFCCi OR FLP PPU POWER (I=1 or 2) If recorded in PFR without associated warning. If Warning refer to TFU 27 51 00 004 TFU 275100004 No Part SFCC Affected P/N 49-170-11 Corrective P/N 49-170-11 AMDT_A 275100 SFCCi OR FLP PPU POWER (i=1 or 2) If associated with failure message FLP1(2) PCU VALVEBLOCK 23(24) CV. NO MAINTENANCE ACTION required. If recorded in the PFR with the associated Ecam Warning: "F/CTL FLAP SYSi FAULT" or "F/CTL FLAP LOCKED" perform a manual reset of the SFCC through the SFCC MCDU BITE menu: SFCC/WTB RESET. Only a batch of SFCC is affected: SFCC PN 49-170-10 .0047/05 Only a batch of SFCC is affected: SFCC PN 49-170-11 . [SN 1732 --> SN 1934] SFCC PN 49-170-07 . NO MAINTENANCE ACTION required. [SN 1732 --> SN 1934] SFCC PN 49-170-07 . Corrective action: replace SFCC at the origin of the fault. [SN 1743 --> SN 1904] TFU 275134025 No Part SFCC SFCC Affected P/N 49-117-10 49-170-07 Corrective P/N 49-170-11 49-170-11 Revision 31 PART A : Page 21 . [SN 1743 --> SN 1904] TFU 275134025 No Part SFCC SFCC Affected P/N 49-117-10 49-170-07 Corrective P/N 49-170-11 49-170-11 275100 SLT/FLT CSU 51CV OR WIRING TO SLT1(2)/FLP1(2) If recorded in PFR without warning No MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 261734 Failure Messages SDCU CHANNEL 2(10WQ) Remark NO MAINT. ACTION required. Please also refer to OIT 999. If recorded in the PFR with the associated Ecam Warning: "F/CTL FLAP SYSi FAULT" or "F/CTL FLAP LOCKED" perform a manual reset of the SFCC through the SFCC MCDU BITE menu: SFCC/WTB RESET. ACTION if reset of the SDCU clears the message Doc X Ref TFU 261734012 Airbus_SB 92-1021 Filtered No Part SDCU Affected P/N RAI2800M0706 Corrective P/N POST SB 92_1021 275100 SFCCi OR FLP PPU POWER (I=1 or 2) If recorded in PFR without associated warning. Only a batch of SFCC is affected: SFCC PN 49-170-10 . [SN 5813 --> SN 5956] No Part SFCC Affected P/N 49-170-11 Corrective P/N 278100 SFCCi OR SLT PPU POWER (i=1 or 2) If recorded in PFR without warning: NO MAINTENANCE ACTION required. TFU 275134025 No Part SFCC SFCC Affected P/N 49-170-07 49-117-10 Corrective P/N 49-170-11 49-170-11 Revision 31 PART A : Page 22 . Only a batch of SFCC is affected: SFCC PN 49-170-11 . ACTION required. [SN 5813 --> SN 5956] No Part SFCC Affected P/N 49-170-11 Corrective P/N 275134 SDACi:NO DATA FROM SFCCj (i=1 or 2. Please also refer to OIT 999. If associated with Ecam Warning: "F/CTL SLAT SYSi FAULT" or "F/CTL SLAT LOCKED" performed a SFCC/WTB reset through the MCDU. Corrective action: replace SFCC at the origin of the fault. If Warning refer to TFU 27 51 00 004 Doc X Ref TFU 275100004 Filtered No Part SFCC Affected P/N 49-170-11 Corrective P/N 49-170-11 AMDT_A 275100 SFCCi OR FLP PPU POWER (i=1 or 2) If associated with failure message FLP1(2) PCU VALVEBLOCK 23(24) CV. Corrective action: replace SFCC at the origin of the fault.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 275100 Failure Messages SLT/FLT CSU 51CV OR WIRING TO SLT1(2)/FLP1(2) Remark If recorded in PFR without warning No MAINT. j=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION if no log book complaint Yes Part SDAC SDAC Affected P/N 350E5161122 350E5151022 Corrective P/N 350E5151331 350E5151331 275453 FLP1(2) PCU VALVEBLOCK 23(24) CV If associated with failure message SFCC1(2) or FLP PPU POWER.0047/05 Only a batch of SFCC is affected: SFCC PN 49-170-11 . SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 281500 Failure Messages FUEL INTERCELL TRANSFERXFR VALVE29QM/72QM/10QP Remark If this ECAM message is reported. No further action is required if both test of the FLSS status and FLSS BITE show NO FAULT. Associated with ECAM warning : 28-00 FQI CH1(2) FAULT TFU 284234030 No Part COMPUTER-FQI COMPUTER-FQI Affected P/N SIC5059XXXX05 SIC5059XXXX06 Corrective P/N SIC5059XXXX07 SIC5059XXXX07 284248 FUEL QUANTITY R ULTRACOMP 52QT On A321 a/c only. This is due to Ultracomp 52QT measurement being out of range. ACTION if triggered in flight phase 02 No Part COMPUTER-FQI Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 284634 FUEL LEVEL SENSING FLSCU1(2) 7QJ (9QJ) If this fault is reported in the PFR. Doc X Ref AMM_Task 281500740002 AMM_Task 284600740001 TFU 281500009 Filtered No Part COMPUTER-FQI Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 284234 FUEL QUANTITY FQIC 3QT NO MAINT. the failure message FUEL QUANTITY R ULTRACOMP 52QT is spurious if triggered during flight phase 6. If the test shows NO FAULT then no further action is required.FLSS Status (AMM 28-15-00-740-002) and a functional BITE test of the low-level sensors FLSS BITE (AMM 28-46-00-740-001). No maintenance actions. No Part LEVEL SENSING Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART A : Page 23 . perform functional BITE test of the ICTVs . There are no associated flightdeck effects. perform the FLSCU BITE test (AMM 28-46-00-740-001). TFU 284200038 Yes Part COMPUTER-FQI COMPUTER-FQI COMPUTER-FQI Affected P/N SIC5059XXXX05 SIC5059XXXX07 SIC5059XXXX06 Corrective P/N FQIC STAGE 8 FQIC STAGE 8 FQIC STAGE 8 284634 FUEL LEVEL SENSING L (or R) UNFULL SENSOR 25QJ1 (or 25QJ2 or 26QJ1 or 26QJ2) NO MAINT. ACTION if FQIC grades remains at 1 after FQIC test through CFDS. Message can be filtered from the PFR. TSM_Task ATA30 TFU 301100014 Yes Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-07 Corrective P/N 775A0000-08 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER AFT (FWD) NO MAINT. NO MAINT. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 TFU 307100002 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H800-00 4-60000H840-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 4-60000H882-00 Revision 31 PART A : Page 24 . perform the FLSCU BITE test (AMM 28-46-00-740-001). 21598 embodied and DRAIN MAST ASSY PN DRAIN MAST ASSY 4-60000H800-00 or DRAIN MAST ASSY 4-60000H840-00 is installed. ACTION if not associated with ECAM warning. ACTION if triggered in flight phase 02 Doc X Ref Filtered No Part COMPUTER-FQI Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 284634 FUEL LEVEL SENSING FLSCU1(2) 7QJ (9QJ) If this fault is reported in the PFR. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100002 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H840-00 4-60000H800-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 4-60000H882-00 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER MID Valid only if Mod.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 284634 Failure Messages FUEL LEVEL SENSING L (or R) UNFULL SENSOR 25QJ1 (or 25QJ2 or 26QJ1 or 26QJ2) Remark NO MAINT. If the test shows NO FAULT then no further action is required. No Part LEVEL SENSING Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 301151 R(L) WAI FILTER OR VALVE 10DL (9DL) NO MAINT. ACTION if no blockage or system malfunction reported. ACTION if no blockage or system malfunction reported. SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 307151 Failure Messages DRAINMAST HEATER AFT (FWD) Remark Replace the drainmast even if the fault is not confirmed on ground. ACTION if no blockage or system malfunction reported. ACTION if no blockage or system malfunction reported. Doc X Ref Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 Filtered No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H880-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER MID Valid only if Mod. NO MAINT. 21598 embodied and DRAIN MAST ASSY PN DRAIN MAST ASSY 4-60000H800-00 or DRAIN MAST ASSY 4-60000H840-00 is installed. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H880-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER AFT (FWD) NO MAINT. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100002 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H840-00 4-60000H800-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 4-60000H882-00 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER AFT (FWD) Replace the drainmast even if the fault is not confirmed on ground. Replace the drainmast even if the fault is not confirmed on ground. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 TFU 307100002 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H800-00 4-60000H840-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 4-60000H882-00 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER MID Valid only if Mod 21598 embodied. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H880-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 Revision 31 PART A : Page 25 . 21598 embodied and DRAIN MAST ASSY PN DRAIN MAST ASSY 4-60000H800-00 or DRAIN MAST ASSY 4-60000H840-00 is installed. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H880-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER AFT (FWD) NO MAINT. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H880-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 Revision 31 PART A : Page 26 . 21598 embodied and DRAIN MAST ASSY PN DRAIN MAST ASSY 4-60000H800-00 or DRAIN MAST ASSY 4-60000H840-00 is installed. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 TFU 307100002 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H800-00 4-60000H840-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 4-60000H882-00 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER AFT (FWD) Replace the drainmast even if the fault is not confirmed on ground. NO MAINT. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100002 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H840-00 4-60000H800-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 4-60000H882-00 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER MID Valid only if Mod.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 307151 Failure Messages DRAINMAST HEATER MID Remark Valid only if Mod. Doc X Ref Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 TFU 307100002 Filtered No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H800-00 4-60000H840-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 4-60000H882-00 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER MID Valid only if Mod 21598 embodied. ACTION if no blockage or system malfunction reported. NO MAINT. ACTION if no blockage or system malfunction reported. Replace the drainmast even if the fault is not confirmed on ground. ACTION if no blockage or system malfunction reported. 21598 embodied and DRAIN MAST ASSY PN DRAIN MAST ASSY 4-60000H800-00 or DRAIN MAST ASSY 4-60000H840-00 is installed. ACTION if no blockage or system malfunction reported. Doc X Ref Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 TFU 307100002 Filtered No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H800-00 4-60000H840-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 4-60000H882-00 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER MID Valid only if Mod 21598 embodied. Replace the drainmast even if the fault is not confirmed on ground. NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 307151 Failure Messages DRAINMAST HEATER MID Remark Valid only if Mod. 21598 embodied and DRAIN MAST ASSY PN DRAIN MAST ASSY 4-60000H800-00 or DRAIN MAST ASSY 4-60000H840-00 is installed. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H880-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER MID Valid only if Mod. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 TFU 307100002 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H800-00 4-60000H840-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 4-60000H882-00 Revision 31 PART A : Page 27 . NO MAINT. ACTION if no blockage or system malfunction reported. ACTION if no blockage or system malfunction reported. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100002 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H840-00 4-60000H800-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 4-60000H882-00 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER AFT (FWD) Replace the drainmast even if the fault is not confirmed on ground. Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H880-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 307151 DRAINMAST HEATER AFT (FWD) NO MAINT. Should be 313434 instead. Replace the drainmast even if the fault is not confirmed on ground. No Part TRANSCEIVER-HF Affected P/N 964-0452-001 Corrective P/N TBD Revision 31 PART A : Page 28 . NO MAINTENANCE ACTION TFU 323134043 No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4A Corrective P/N 664700500A4B 313234 CFDIU(1TM1)/HFi(1REi) (i=0. No Part SFCC SFCC SFCC Affected P/N 49-170-11 49-117-09 49-117-10 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 313234 RADARi: NO DATA FROM CFDIU (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 307151 Failure Messages DRAINMAST HEATER MID Remark Valid only if Mod 21598 embodied.1 or 2) No maintenance action if no logbook complaint. ACTION TFU 344100010 Yes Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0421 204-1217-0418 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-173 VSB RTA-4A-34-173 313234 LGCIU i:NO DATA FROM CFDS (i=1 or 2) Appears after a CFDIU power down. Doc X Ref Airbus_SB 30-1030 TFU 307100003 Filtered No Part DRAIN MAST ASSY Affected P/N 4-60000H880-00 Corrective P/N 4-60000H882-00 311234 FLPi NO CFDIU DATA (i=1 or 2) Wrong ATA chapter. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 344100010 Filtered Yes Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0421 204-1217-0418 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-173 VSB RTA-4A-34-173 313234 LGCIU i:NO DATA FROM CFDS (i=1 or 2) Appears after a CFDIU power down. NO MAINTENANCE ACTION TFU 323134043 No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4A Corrective P/N 664700500A4B 313234 CFDIU(1TM1)/HFi(1REi) (i=0. Apply TSM procedure. TSM_Task 313300810805 MPD_Task 313000-04-1 No Part FDIU FDIU Affected P/N ED43A1D2 ED43A1D3 Corrective P/N ED43A1D5 ED43A1D5 313355 DFDR PLAYBACK NO MAINTENANCE ACTION.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 313234 Failure Messages RADARi: NO DATA FROM CFDIU (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. EMBODY VSB SFIM FDIU/360-31-090 No Part FDIU Affected P/N ED43A1D3 Corrective P/N ED43A1D4 Revision 31 PART A : Page 29 .1 or 2) No maintenance action if no logbook complaint. No Part TRANSCEIVER-HF Affected P/N 964-0452-001 Corrective P/N TBD 313316 ACCELEROMETER ACCELEROMETER Class II fault message with Maint STS. May also be triggered in flight in case of PRINTER door opening. No Maint. Doc X Ref Filtered Yes Part PRINTER Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 313634 NO DMU DATA (INTM) No Maintenance Action required No Part DMU Affected P/N 795040-30-001 Corrective P/N 313652 DAR No Maintenance Action required No Part DMU Affected P/N 795040-30-001 Corrective P/N 795040-31-002 313652 DAR TAPE LOW No Maintenance Action required No Part DMU Affected P/N 795040-30-001 Corrective P/N 795040-31-002 313652 DAR No Maintenance Action required No Part DMU Affected P/N 795040-30-001 Corrective P/N 795040-31-002 Revision 31 PART A : Page 30 . Operator may decide to filter this message if flight crew confirmed that they open the printer door. Action if no logbook entry regarding AFS report printing failure.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 313522 Failure Messages AFS:PRINTER Remark Printer failure seen by the AFS. TFU 316100008 Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT4EE2SA050A SXT3CE2SA0420 Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3DE2SA0700 316322 DU ND CAPT(3WT1)/ND CAPT POT(8WT1) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. TFU 316100008 Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT4EE2SA050A SXT3CE2SA0420 Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3DE2SA0700 316322 DU ND FO(3WT2)/ND FO POT(8WT2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 313652 Failure Messages DAR TAPE LOW Remark No Maintenance Action required Doc X Ref Filtered No Part DMU Affected P/N 795040-30-001 Corrective P/N 795040-31-002 316322 DU EWD(4WT1)/ECP(6WT) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. TFU 316100008 Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3DE2SA0700 316322 DU PFD CAPT(2WT1)/PFD CAPT POT(7WT1) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. TFU 316100008 Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT4EE2SA050A SXT3CE2SA0420 Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3DE2SA0700 Revision 31 PART A : Page 31 . SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 316322 Failure Messages DU PFD FO(2WT2)/PFD FO POT(7WT2) Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. TFU 316100008 Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT4EE2SA050A SXT3CE2SA0420 Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3DE2SA0700 316322 DU ND FO(3WT2)/ND FO POT(8WT2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. TFU 316100008 Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3DE2SA0700 316322 DU EWD(4WT1)/ECP(6WT) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. TFU 316100008 Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT4EE2SA050A SXT3CE2SA0420 Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3DE2SA0700 316322 DU ND CAPT(3WT1)/ND CAPT POT(8WT1) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. TFU 316100008 Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3DE2SA0700 Revision 31 PART A : Page 32 . Doc X Ref TFU 316100008 Filtered Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3DE2SA0700 316322 DU SD(4WT2)/ECP(6WT) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. ACTION required if no log book complaint No Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N TBD Revision 31 PART A : Page 33 . Doc X Ref TFU 316100008 Filtered Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT4EE2SA050A SXT3CE2SA0420 Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3DE2SA0700 316322 DU PFD FO(2WT2)/PFD FO POT(7WT2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 316322 Failure Messages DU PFD CAPT(2WT1)/PFD CAPT POT(7WT1) Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. TFU 316100008 Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3DE2SA0700 316322 DU SD(4WT2)/ECP(6WT) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. TFU 316100008 Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3DE2SA0700 316334 HUDC: NO DMC 1 DATA NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 343500003 No Part HUDC Affected P/N 9615433401 Corrective P/N 9615433402 316334 AFS:CHK DMCi-FMGCj CKT (i=1 or 2) (j=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION if triggered in FWC flight phase 06 or 07 and if not associated with fault message "L/G EXT PROX SNSR 24GA(25GA) TGT POS" No Part BSCU BSCU Affected P/N E21327001 E21327003 Corrective P/N TBD TBD Revision 31 PART A : Page 34 . ACTION TFU 323134043 No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4A Corrective P/N 664700500A4B 323171 CHECK LGCIU-PHC3 INTERFACE NO MAINT. ACTION required if no log book complaint No Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N TBD 323171 LGCIU i 05GAi (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 343500003 No Part HUDC Affected P/N 9615433401 Corrective P/N 9615433402 316334 AFS:CHK DMCi-FMGCj CKT (i=1 or 2) (j=1 or 2) NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 316334 Failure Messages HUDC : NO DMC1 DATA Remark NO MAINT. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 343500003 Filtered No Part HUDC Affected P/N 9615433401 Corrective P/N 961543342 316334 HUDC: NO DMC 1 DATA NO MAINT. All FWC in BASIC configuration (Pre Mod 24159) are affected (E2. All FWC in BASIC configuration (Pre Mod 24159) are affected (E2. F2). ACTION if triggered in FWC flight phase 06 or 07 and if not associated with fault message "L/G EXT PROX SNSR 24GA(25GA) TGT POS" No Part BSCU BSCU Affected P/N E21327001 E21327003 Corrective P/N TBD TBD 324224 SDACi:NO DATA FROM BSCU1+2 (i=1 or 2) Wrong ATA REF. Should be 324234 instead.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 323171 Failure Messages LGCIU i 05GAi (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. E3. E4. F2) No Part FWC FWC FWC FWC FWC FWC Affected P/N 350E053020404 350E053020303 350E053020606 350E018312020 350E018301919 350E017271616 Corrective P/N 350E053020707 350E053020707 350E053020707 350E053020606 350E053020707 350E053020707 Revision 31 PART A : Page 35 . Should be 324234 instead. E3. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 323134043 Filtered No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4A Corrective P/N 664700500A4B 323171 CHECK LGCIU-PHC3 INTERFACE NO MAINT. No Part FWC FWC FWC FWC FWC FWC Affected P/N 350E017271616 350E018312020 350E053020303 350E053020606 350E018301919 350E053020404 Corrective P/N 350E053020707 350E053020707 350E053020707 350E053020707 350E053020707 350E053020707 324224 SDACi:NO DATA FROM BSCU1 (i=1 or 2) Wrong ATA REF. E4. All FWC in BASIC configuration (Pre Mod 24159) are affected (E2. E4. No Part FWC FWC FWC FWC FWC FWC Affected P/N 350E017271616 350E018312020 350E053020303 350E053020606 350E018301919 350E053020404 Corrective P/N 350E053020707 350E053020707 350E053020707 350E053020707 350E053020707 350E053020707 324224 SDACi:NO DATA FROM BSCU1 (i=1 or 2) Wrong ATA REF. E3. Should be 324234 instead. F2) No Part FWC FWC FWC FWC FWC FWC Affected P/N 350E053020404 350E053020303 350E053020606 350E018312020 350E018301919 350E017271616 Corrective P/N 350E053020707 350E053020707 350E053020707 350E053020606 350E053020707 350E053020707 324224 SDACI:NO DATA FROM BSCU1 (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. All FWC in BASIC configuration (Pre Mod 24159) are affected (E2. E4. E3. F2). ACTION if no Log Book complaint No Part SDAC SDAC Affected P/N 350E5161122 350E5151022 Corrective P/N 350E5151331 350E5151331 Revision 31 PART A : Page 36 . ACTION if no Log Book complaint Doc X Ref Filtered No Part SDAC SDAC Affected P/N 350E5161122 350E5151022 Corrective P/N 350E5151331 350E5151331 324224 SDACi:NO DATA FROM BSCU1+2 (i=1 or 2) Wrong ATA REF.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 324224 Failure Messages SDACI:NO DATA FROM BSCU1 (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. Should be 324234 instead. 42. No Part BSCU Affected P/N E21327003 Corrective P/N E21327004 324234 NO BSCU i DATA (i= 1 or 2) Replace the BSCU as per ISB A320-32-13-18. ACTION if no Log Book complaint Doc X Ref Filtered No Part SDAC SDAC Affected P/N 350E5161122 350E5151022 Corrective P/N 350E5151331 350E5151331 324234 NO BSCU i DATA (i= 1 or 2) Replace the BSCU as per ISB A320-32-13-18. No Part BSCU Affected P/N E21327003 Corrective P/N E21327004 Revision 31 PART A : Page 37 .049 TFU 324234049 Airbus_SB 32-1318 No Part BSCU BSCU BSCU Affected P/N E21327003 E21327004 E21327001 Corrective P/N E21327005 E21327005 E21327005 324234 BSCU (10GG) NO MAINT. Braking and sterring functions are not affected by the anomaly described in TFU 32.049 TFU 324234049 Airbus_SB 32-1318 No Part BSCU BSCU BSCU Affected P/N E21327003 E21327004 E21327001 Corrective P/N E21327005 E21327005 E21327005 324234 BSCU (10GG) NO MAINT. Braking and sterring functions are not affected by the anomaly described in TFU 32.34. ACTION if the associated TSD shows fault code 530 AND if triggered on ground during Engine start or Engine shut-down AND A/C equipped with BSCS EMM (mod 26925).34. ACTION if the associated TSD shows fault code 530 AND if triggered on ground during Engine start or Engine shut-down AND A/C equipped with BSCS EMM (mod 26925).SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 324234 Failure Messages SDACi:NO DATA FROM BSCU2 (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT.42. Should be 40GG instead. Should be 40GG instead. TSM_Task 324300810802 TSM_Task 324300810803 No Part BSCU Affected P/N E213270B1 Corrective P/N TBD 324327 BRK ALTN SERVOVLV (43GG) Wrong servo valve FIN number. Should be 43GG instead. Doc X Ref TSM_Task 324300810802 TSM_Task 324300810803 Filtered No Part BSCU Affected P/N E213270B1 Corrective P/N TBD 324327 BRK ALTN SERVOVLV (43GG) Wrong servo valve FIN number. TSM_Task 324300810802 TSM_Task 324300810803 No Part BSCU Affected P/N E213270B1 Corrective P/N TBD Revision 31 PART A : Page 38 . Should be 43GG instead. TSM_Task 324300810802 TSM_Task 324300810803 No Part BSCU Affected P/N E213270B1 Corrective P/N TBD 324327 BRK ALTN SERVOVLV (40GG) Wrong servo valve FIN number. Should be 43GG instead. TSM_Task 324300810802 TSM_Task 324300810803 No Part BSCU Affected P/N E213270B1 Corrective P/N TBD 324327 BRK ALTN SERVOVLV (40GG) Wrong servo valve FIN number.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 324327 Failure Messages BRK ALTN SERVOVLV (40GG) Remark Wrong servo valve FIN number. (i=1 OR A) NO MAINT ACTION if not associated with fault message "BRK ALTN PRESS 2) TRANSDUCER 100GG" Source BSCU. Should be 40GG instead. B) Wrong FIN number coded in FWC BITE message.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 324327 Failure Messages BRK ALTN SERVOVLV (43GG) Remark Wrong servo valve FIN number. Should be 43GG instead. Should be 40GG instead. Message to be filtered if BSCU POST MOD 26925 and FWC PN 350E053020606 are embodied. ACTION if triggered in flight phase 01 or 02 on A/C equipped with BSCS EMM (mod 26925) No Part BSCU Affected P/N E21327003 Corrective P/N E21327004 324418 SDACi: LH Y BRK PRESS XDCR 63GG. Yes Part FWC Affected P/N 350E053020606 Corrective P/N 350E053020707 324418 SDACi: RH Y BRK PRESS XDCR 62GG. Should be 101GG instead. Doc X Ref TSM_Task 324300810802 TSM_Task 324300810803 Filtered No Part BSCU Affected P/N E213270B1 Corrective P/N TBD 324327 BRK ALTN SERVOVLV (40GG) Wrong servo valve FIN number. Should be 100GG instead. (i=1 OR 2) A)NO MAINT ACTION if not associated with the fault message "BRK ALTN PRESS TRANSDUCER 101GG" Source BSCU. Message to be filtered if BSCU POST MOD 26925 and FWC PN 350E053020606 Yes Revision 31 PART A : Page 39 . B)Wrong FIN number coded in FWC BITE message. TSM_Task 324300810802 TSM_Task 324300810803 No Part BSCU Affected P/N E213270B1 Corrective P/N TBD 324334 ABCU(95GG)/ BRK SELECTOR VALVE(23GG) NO MAINT. TSM_Task 324300810802 TSM_Task 324300810803 No Part BSCU Affected P/N E213270B1 Corrective P/N TBD 324327 BRK ALTN SERVOVLV (43GG) Wrong servo valve FIN number. Message to be filtered if BSCU POST MOD 26925 and FWC PN 350E053020606 are embodied. Yes Part BSCU BSCU BSCU Affected P/N E21327003 E21327001 E21327004 Corrective P/N E21327005 E21327005 E21327005 324934 SDACi:NO DATA FROM TPIU (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. Should be 101GG instead. Yes Part FWC Affected P/N 350E053020606 Corrective P/N 350E053020707 324553 PARK BRAKE SELECTOR VALVE(102GG)/BSCU(10GG) This message may be triggered when the park brake is applied with the park accumulator depressurized. Message to be filtered if BSCU POST MOD 26925 and FWC PN 350E053020606 are embodied. Doc X Ref Filtered Part FWC Affected P/N 350E053020606 Corrective P/N 350E053020707 324418 SDACi: LH Y BRK PRESS XDCR 63GG.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA Failure Messages Remark are embodied. No Maint. Action if triggered in phase 02. B)Wrong FIN number coded in FWC BITE message. (i=1 OR 2) A)NO MAINT ACTION if not associated with the fault message "BRK ALTN PRESS TRANSDUCER 101GG" Source BSCU. B) Wrong FIN number coded in FWC BITE message. (i=1 OR A) NO MAINT ACTION if not associated with fault message "BRK ALTN PRESS 2) TRANSDUCER 100GG" Source BSCU. ACTION if no Log Book complaint No Part SDAC SDAC Affected P/N 350E5151022 350E5161122 Corrective P/N 350E5151331 350E5151331 Revision 31 PART A : Page 40 . Yes Part FWC Affected P/N 350E053020606 Corrective P/N 350E053020707 324418 SDACi: RH Y BRK PRESS XDCR 62GG. Should be 100GG instead. TFU 303100016 Other TSM-ATA30 TFU 303134006 No Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 Revision 31 PART A : Page 41 . ACTION if fault message triggered after Landing Gear free fall extension and code 58 (code 6A on A320 with BOGIE) has been recorded in BSCU BITE. ACTION if fault message triggered after Landing Gear free fall extension and code 654 has been recorded in BSCU BITE. No Part BSCU BSCU BSCU Affected P/N C202163 SERIES PRE MOD 26925 C202452 SERIES Corrective P/N N/A N/A 325151 STEERING ELECTRO-HYD MODULE(6GC) No MAINT. 2 or 3) Associated with the ECAM warning ANTI ICE CAPT (F/O. ACTION if fault message triggered after Landing Gear free fall extension and code 654 has been recorded in BSCU BITE. No Part BSCU BSCU Affected P/N E21327 SERIES PRE MOD 26925 Corrective P/N N/A 325151 STEERING ELECTRO HYDRAULIC MODULE 6GC No MAINT. Doc X Ref Filtered No Part BSCU BSCU BSCU Affected P/N C202163 SERIES PRE MOD 26925 C202452 SERIES Corrective P/N N/A N/A 325151 STEERING ELECTRO-HYD MODULE(6GC) No MAINT. No Part BSCU BSCU Affected P/N E21327 SERIES PRE MOD 26925 Corrective P/N N/A 341119 AOA SENSOR 3FPi (i=1 . ACTION if fault message triggered after Landing Gear free fall extension and code 58 (code 6A on A320 with BOGIE) has been recorded in BSCU BITE.STBY) AOA.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 325151 Failure Messages STEERING ELECTRO HYDRAULIC MODULE 6GC Remark No MAINT. ACTION if not associated to any message in the ADIRU Bite TFU 229100009 Yes Part FAC FAC FAC FAC Affected P/N B397CAM0101 B397BAM0407 B397BAM0406 B397CAM0102 Corrective P/N B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 Revision 31 PART A : Page 42 . Doc X Ref TFU 341000017 Filtered No Part ADIRU Affected P/N 465020-0303-0308 Corrective P/N 465020-0303-0309 341119 AOA SENSOR 3FPi (i=1 . 2 or 3) Associated with the ECAM warning ANTI ICE CAPT (F/O. TFU 303100016 Other TSM-ATA30 TFU 303134006 No Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 341234 AFS:ADIRU1/2/3 DISAGREE NO MAINT. TFU 341000017 No Part ADIRU Affected P/N 465020-0303-0308 Corrective P/N 465020-0303-0309 341119 AOA SENSOR 3FPi (i=1 .STBY) AOA. 2 or 3) Remark NO MAINTENANCE ACTION if appears after an AOA test.STBY) AOA. TFU 303100016 Other TSM-ATA30 TFU 303134006 No Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 341119 AOA SNSRi (3FPi)/ ADIRUi(1FPi) (i=1.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 341119 Failure Messages AOA SNSRi (3FPi)/ ADIRUi(1FPi) (i=1. 2 or 3) Associated with the ECAM warning ANTI ICE CAPT (F/O. 2 or 3) NO MAINTENANCE ACTION if appears after an AOA test. ACTION if not associated to any message in the ADIRU Bite Doc X Ref TFU 229100009 Filtered Yes Part FAC FAC FAC FAC Affected P/N B397AAM0508 B397AAM0507 B397AAM0509 B397AAM0510 Corrective P/N B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 341234 AFS:ADIRU1/2/3 DISAGREE NO MAINT. TFU 275144003 No Part SFCC Affected P/N 49-117-06 Corrective P/N 49-117-07 341234 AFS:ADIRU1/2/3 DISAGREE No maintenance action if no logbook complaint TFU 220000012 Yes Part FAC FAC FAC FAC Affected P/N B397AAM0507 B397AAM0508 B397BAM0406 B397BAM0407 Corrective P/N B397BAM0513 B397BAM0513 B397BAM0513 B397BAM0513 Revision 31 PART A : Page 43 .SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 341234 Failure Messages AFS:ADIRU1/2/3 DISAGREE Remark NO MAINT. 21(22)CV ignore this second message. ACTION if not associated to any message in the ADIRU Bite TFU 229100009 Yes Part FAC FAC FAC FAC Affected P/N B397CAM0101 B397BAM0407 B397BAM0406 B397CAM0102 Corrective P/N B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 341234 NO ADIRUi DATA CHECK WIRING TO SLT(FLP)i (i=1 or 2) When this message is followed by 27-51-34 SFCC1(2). If result OK no further MAINT ACTION required.ACTION IF NO LOGBOOK COMPLAINT. No Part RADAR RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 066-50008-407 066-50008-405 066-50008-409 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 341234 ADIRUi+3(1FPi+3) ADRBUS /WXRi(1SQi) (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. do not remove the RTA-4B from the aircraft. Power cycling the RTA-4B or executing the Radar Test on the MCDU will clear the nuisance fault if it continues to be displayed in Ground Scanning. Yes Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-202 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-203 822-1710-203 341234 AFS:ADIRU1/2/3 DISAGREE NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 341234 Failure Messages RADARi: NO DATA FROM ADIRU (i=1 or 2) Remark The fault appears during ground test. Repeat test. Corrected by SB 34-1122 that cover pitot re-location No Part PROBE-PITOT Affected P/N PRE SB 34-1122 Corrective P/N POST SB 34-1122 341234 QUALIFIER D1/2/ WXR1(1SQ1) No maintenance action if no logbook compaint. No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 Revision 31 PART A : Page 44 . Doc X Ref Vendor_SIL 95-29Rev1 Filtered No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0418 204-1217-0421 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-173 VSB RTA-4A-34-173 341234 ADIRU2+3(1FP2+3)BUS IR/ WXR2(1SQ2) May be triggered if PWS function is set to auto when ADIRU alignement is not completed or during an engine start. If no logbook complaint. If no logbook complaint. Power cycling the Transceiver or executing the Radar Test on the MCDU will clear the nuisance fault if it continues to be displayed in Ground Scanning. ACTION if not associated to any message in the ADIRU Bite TFU 229100009 Yes Part FAC FAC FAC FAC Affected P/N B397AAM0508 B397AAM0507 B397AAM0509 B397AAM0510 Corrective P/N B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 341234 NO ADIRUi DATA CHECK WIRING TO SLT(FLP)i (i=1 or 2) When this message is followed by 27-51-34 SFCC1(2). 21(22)CV ignore this second message. TFU 275144003 No Part SFCC Affected P/N 49-117-06 Corrective P/N 49-117-07 Revision 31 PART A : Page 45 . do not remove the Transceiver from the aircraft. No Part RADAR RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 066-50008-409 066-50008-407 066-50008-405 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 341234 AFS:ADIRU1/2/3 DISAGREE NO MAINT. ACTION if no log book complaint Doc X Ref Filtered No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-020 622-5132-120 Corrective P/N VSB WRT-701X_34-68 VSB WRT-701X_34-77 341234 ADIRU1+3(1FP1+3)BUS IR/ WXR1(1SQ1) May be triggered by the Honeywell RTA-4B family Transceiver if PWS function is set to auto when ADIRU alignement is not completed or during an engine start.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 341234 Failure Messages RADARi: NO DATA FROM ADIRU (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 341234 Failure Messages AFS:ADIRU1/2/3 DISAGREE Remark No maintenance action if no logbook complaint Doc X Ref TFU 220000012 Filtered Yes Part FAC FAC FAC FAC Affected P/N B397AAM0507 B397AAM0508 B397BAM0406 B397BAM0407 Corrective P/N B397BAM0513 B397BAM0513 B397BAM0513 B397BAM0513 341234 RADARi: NO DATA FROM ADIRU (i=1 or 2) The fault appears during ground test. Repeat test. Vendor_SIL 95-29Rev1 No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0418 204-1217-0421 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-173 VSB RTA-4A-34-173 341234 ADIRU2+3(1FP2+3)BUS IR/ WXR2(1SQ2) May be triggered if PWS function is set to auto when ADIRU alignement is not completed or during an engine start. No Part RADAR RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 066-50008-407 066-50008-405 066-50008-409 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 341234 ADIRUi+3(1FPi+3) ADRBUS /WXRi(1SQi) (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. If result OK no further MAINT ACTION required. If no logbook complaint. do not remove the RTA-4B from the aircraft. Power cycling the RTA-4B or executing the Radar Test on the MCDU will clear the nuisance fault if it continues to be displayed in Ground Scanning. Yes Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-202 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-203 822-1710-203 Revision 31 PART A : Page 46 . No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 341234 RADARi: NO DATA FROM ADIRU (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION if no log book complaint No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-020 622-5132-120 Corrective P/N VSB WRT-701X_34-68 VSB WRT-701X_34-77 341234 ADIRU1+3(1FP1+3)BUS IR/ WXR1(1SQ1) May be triggered by the Honeywell RTA-4B family Transceiver if PWS function is set to auto when ADIRU alignement is not completed or during an engine start.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 341234 Failure Messages AFS:ADIRU1/2/3 DISAGREE Remark NO MAINT. If no logbook complaint. do not remove the Transceiver from the aircraft. No Part RADAR RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 066-50008-409 066-50008-407 066-50008-405 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 343234 ILSi BAD DATA FROM CFDIU (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION No Part RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 622-9738-020 Corrective P/N 622-9738-041 Revision 31 PART A : Page 47 . Power cycling the Transceiver or executing the Radar Test on the MCDU will clear the nuisance fault if it continues to be displayed in Ground Scanning.ACTION IF NO LOGBOOK COMPLAINT. Corrected by SB 34-1122 that cover pitot re-location Doc X Ref Filtered No Part PROBE-PITOT Affected P/N PRE SB 34-1122 Corrective P/N POST SB 34-1122 341234 QUALIFIER D1/2/ WXR1(1SQ1) No maintenance action if no logbook compaint. Doc X Ref TFU 343500003 Filtered Yes Part HUDC HUDC Affected P/N 9615433402 9615433401 Corrective P/N V65 SOFTWARE V65 SOFTWARE 343631 ILSi RECEIVER (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT.OHU Remark NO MAINT. ACTION if occurs at the end of the flight Yes Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N TBD 343631 FWCi :NO DATA FROM ILSj (i=1 or 2)(j=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION if occurs in flight phases 02 and 07. ACTION required if no logbook complaint. Yes Part RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 622-9738-020 Corrective P/N 622-9738-041 343631 ILSi(2RTi) (i=1 or 2) This message is triggered when receiver not tuned to any station and a self test is performed. ACTION if no log book complaint. No Part RECEIVER ILS RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 622-9738-041 622-9738-020 Corrective P/N VSB COLLINS ILS-720-34-11 VSB COLLINS ILS-720-34-6 Revision 31 PART A : Page 48 . ACTION if no Log book complaint TFU 343600004 Yes Part RECEIVER ILS RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 204-1230-3518 204-1230-3518 Corrective P/N 204-1230-3521 204-1230-3532 343631 AFS:ILSi (i= 1 or 2) NO MAINT. NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 343522 Failure Messages HUD . ACTION if no Log book complaint TFU 343600004 Yes Part RECEIVER ILS RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 204-1230-3518 204-1230-3518 Corrective P/N 204-1230-3521 204-1230-3532 343631 AFS:ILSi (i= 1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION if occurs at the end of the flight Yes Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N TBD 343631 FWCi :NO DATA FROM ILSj (i=1 or 2)(j=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION if occurs in flight phases 02 and 07.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 343631 Failure Messages MMR1 (40RT1)/GPWC (1WZ) Remark NO MAINT. ACTION required Doc X Ref Filtered Yes Part GPWC Affected P/N 9650976003102 Corrective P/N 9650976003206 343631 NO MLSi DATA (i=1 or 2) No maintenance action if no logbook complaint Yes Part AMU AMU AMU AMU Affected P/N AMU3514ES01 AMU3514CS01 AMU3514DS01 AMU3514BS01 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD TBD 343631 ILSi RECEIVER (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. Yes Part RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 622-9738-020 Corrective P/N 622-9738-041 Revision 31 PART A : Page 49 . Doc X Ref Filtered No Part RECEIVER ILS RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 622-9738-041 622-9738-020 Corrective P/N VSB COLLINS ILS-720-34-11 VSB COLLINS ILS-720-34-6 343631 MMR1 (40RT1)/GPWC (1WZ) NO MAINT. ACTION required if no logbook complaint. ACTION required Yes Part GPWC Affected P/N 9650976003102 Corrective P/N 9650976003206 343631 NO MLSi DATA (i=1 or 2) No maintenance action if no logbook complaint Yes Part AMU AMU AMU AMU Affected P/N AMU3514ES01 AMU3514CS01 AMU3514DS01 AMU3514BS01 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD TBD 343676 ILSi(2RTi) BITE FAULT (i=1 or 2) Ref TSM task 34 36 00 810 801 associated to ILS fault "34 36 31 ILSi RECEIVER" No Part RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 622-9738-020 Corrective P/N 622-9738-041 344111 RADAR i ANTENNA (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION if nologbook complaint TFU 344100007 No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0421 204-1217-0418 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-160 VSB RTA-4A-34-160 Revision 31 PART A : Page 50 . NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 343631 Failure Messages ILSi(2RTi) (i=1 or 2) Remark This message is triggered when receiver not tuned to any station and a self test is performed. ACTION if no log book complaint No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-020 622-5132-120 Corrective P/N VSB WRT-701X_34-68 VSB WRT-701X_34-77 Revision 31 PART A : Page 51 .SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344111 Failure Messages RADAR1 ANTENNA Remark NO MAINT. ACTION if no log book complaint Doc X Ref Filtered No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-020 622-5132-120 Corrective P/N VSB WRT-701X_34-68 VSB WRT-701X_34-77 344111 RADAR i ANTENNA (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION if message recorded immediately after engine start (this item concerns only 2 airlines) No Part RADAR Affected P/N MI585306402 Corrective P/N TBD 344111 WXR ANTENNA (11SQ) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-202 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-203 822-1710-203 344111 RADAR i ANTENNA (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION if nologbook complaint TFU 344100007 No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0421 204-1217-0418 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-160 VSB RTA-4A-34-160 344111 RADAR1 ANTENNA NO MAINT. No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-202 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-203 822-1710-203 344112 RADAR1 CONTROL UNIT NO MAINT. ACTION if no log book complaint No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-120 622-5132-020 Corrective P/N VSB WRT-701X_34-77 VSB WRT-701X_34-68 344112 WXR CTL PNL(3SQ)/ WXRi(1SQi) (i = 1 or 2) NO MAINT. No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 344112 RADAR1 CONTROL UNIT NO MAINT. ACTION if recorded during Engine Start (flight phase 02) or during switching from WXR1 to WXR2 and no associated cockpit effect. ACTION if no log book complaint No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-120 622-5132-020 Corrective P/N VSB WRT-701X_34-77 VSB WRT-701X_34-68 Revision 31 PART A : Page 52 .SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344111 Failure Messages RADAR i ANTENNA (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT ACTION if message recorded immediately after engine start (this item concerns only 2 airlines) Doc X Ref Filtered No Part RADAR Affected P/N MI585306402 Corrective P/N TBD 344111 WXR ANTENNA (11SQ) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. Doc X Ref Filtered No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 344133 RADARi TRANSCEIVER (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. j=1 or 2) Associated to ECAM warning "NAV PRED W/S DET FAULT". If the test fails. ACTION if no log book complaint TFU 344100007 No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0418 204-1217-0421 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-160 VSB RTA-4A-34-160 344133 DMCi: NO WXRj CHj DATA (i=1. Perform AMM Task 31-60-00-740-002 "EIS Input TEST". 2 or 3.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344112 Failure Messages WXR CTL PNL(3SQ)/ WXRi(1SQi) (i = 1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. the WXR/DMC interface works properly and the WXR transceiver units should not be removed. Yes Part RADAR Affected P/N MI585306402 Corrective P/N TBD Revision 31 PART A : Page 53 . If test ok. ACTION if no log book complaint No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-120 622-5132-020 Corrective P/N VSB WRT-701X_34-68 VSB WRT-701X_34-77 344133 RADARi TRANSCEIVER (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION if message recorded immediately after engine start (this item concerns only 2 airlines). No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-622 622-5132-623 Corrective P/N TBD TBD 344133 RADAR1 TRANSCEIVER NO MAINT. ACTION if recorded during Engine Start (flight phase 02) or during switching from WXR1 to WXR2 and no associated cockpit effect. apply corresponding TSM 34-41-00-810-8x "Loss of Weather Radar Channel j bus identified by the EIS i". ACTION if no log book complaint No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-120 622-5132-020 Corrective P/N VSB WRT-701X_34-68 VSB WRT-701X_34-77 Revision 31 PART A : Page 54 . If the test fails.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344133 Failure Messages WXRi(1SQi) (i=1 or 2) Remark This fault msg may be triggered if radar selected OFF and Pred Windshear scanning automatically activated during take-off or approach. Doc X Ref Filtered No Part RADAR RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 066-50008-409 066-50008-405 066-50008-407 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 344133 WXRi(1SQi) (i= 1 or 2) No maintenance action if no logbook complaint. Perform AMM Task 31-60-00-740-002 "EIS Input TEST". j=1 or 2) Associated to ECAM warning "NAV PRED W/S DET FAULT". apply corresponding TSM 34-41-00-810-8x "Loss of Weather Radar Channel j bus identified by the EIS i". If test ok. ACTION if no log book complaint TFU 344100007 No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0418 204-1217-0421 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-160 VSB RTA-4A-34-160 344133 DMCi: NO WXRj CHj DATA (i=1. No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 344133 RADARi TRANSCEIVER (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. the WXR/DMC interface works properly and the WXR transceiver units should not be removed. Action if fault msg recorded in the PFR without cockpit effect and is associated with specific TSD (final 4 digits "0000"). 2 or 3. No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-622 622-5132-623 Corrective P/N TBD TBD 344133 RADAR1 TRANSCEIVER NO MAINT. No Maint. No Part RADAR RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 066-50008-407 066-50008-409 066-50008-405 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD Revision 31 PART A : Page 55 . No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 344233 RA1 (2SA1)+RA2 (2SA2)/ WXR1 (1SQ1) If no logbook complaint. No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 344137 WXR MOUNTING TRAY(5SQ)/ WXRi(1SQi) (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. Doc X Ref Filtered Yes Part RADAR Affected P/N MI585306402 Corrective P/N TBD 344133 WXRi(1SQi) (i=1 or 2) This fault msg may be triggered if radar selected OFF and Pred Windshear scanning automatically activated during take-off or approach. Power cycling the RTA-4B or executing the Radar Test on the MCDU will clear the nuisance fault if it continues to be displayed in Ground Scanning. Action if fault msg recorded in the PFR without cockpit effect and is associated with specific TSD (final 4 digits "0000"). do not remove the radar RTA-4B from the aircraft. No Part RADAR RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 066-50008-409 066-50008-405 066-50008-407 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 344133 WXRi(1SQi) (i= 1 or 2) No maintenance action if no logbook complaint.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344133 Failure Messages RADARi TRANSCEIVER (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT ACTION if message recorded immediately after engine start (this item concerns only 2 airlines). No Maint. No Part RADAR RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 066-50008-407 066-50008-409 066-50008-405 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 344233 RA1 (2SA1)+RA2 (2SA2)/ WXR2 (1SQ2) If no logbook complaint. do not remove the radar RTA-4B from the aircraft. Power cycling the RTA-4B or executing the Radar Test on the MCDU will clear the nuisance fault if it continues to be displayed in Ground Scanning.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344233 Failure Messages RA1 (2SA1)+RA2 (2SA2)/ WXR2 (1SQ2) Remark If no logbook complaint. No Part RADAR RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 066-50008-409 066-50008-405 066-50008-407 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 344233 RA1(2SA1)+RA2((2SA2)/ WXRi (1SQi) (I=1 or 2) NO MAINT. No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 344233 RA1 (2SA1)+RA2 (2SA2)/ WXR1 (1SQ1) If no logbook complaint. No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 Revision 31 PART A : Page 56 . do not remove the radar RTA-4B from the aircraft. Power cycling the RTA-4B or executing the Radar Test on the MCDU will clear the nuisance fault if it continues to be displayed in Ground Scanning. ACTION if recorded during Engine Start (flight phase 02) or during switching from WXR1 to WXR2 and no associated cockpit effect. do not remove the radar RTA-4B from the aircraft. ACTION if recorded during Engine Start (flight phase 02) or during switching from WXR1 to WXR2 and no associated cockpit effect. Power cycling the RTA-4B or executing the Radar Test on the MCDU will clear the nuisance fault if it continues to be displayed in Ground Scanning. Doc X Ref Filtered No Part RADAR RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 066-50008-409 066-50008-405 066-50008-407 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 344233 RA1(2SA1)+RA2((2SA2)/ WXRi (1SQi) (I=1 or 2) NO MAINT. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 7517900-10002 822-1293-322 7517900-10003 622-8971-320 622-8971-322 Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART A : Page 57 .SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344300 Failure Messages DMC(i): NO TCAS DATA (i = 1 or 2 or 3) Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-905 4066010-904 066-50000-2X20 066-50000-1X08 4066010-903 940-300-001 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 344300 DMC(i): NO TCAS DATA (i = 1 or 2 or 3) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. Doc X Ref TFU 344300011 Filtered No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 7517900-10002 822-1293-322 7517900-10003 622-8971-320 622-8971-322 Corrective P/N 344300 DMC(i): NO TCAS DATA (i = 1 or 2 or 3) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 7517900-10002 7517900-10003 Corrective P/N N/A N/A Revision 31 PART A : Page 58 .SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344300 Failure Messages DMC(i): NO TCAS DATA (i = 1 or 2 or 3) Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 622-8971-320 622-8971-322 822-1293-322 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A 344333 FWC i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 066-50000-1X08 940-300-001 4066010-903 066-50000-2X20 4066010-904 4066010-905 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 344333 NO TCAS DATA No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. Doc X Ref TFU 344300011 Filtered No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-905 4066010-904 066-50000-2X20 066-50000-1X08 4066010-903 940-300-001 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 344333 FWC i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 7517900-10002 7517900-10003 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 344333 FWC i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 622-8971-320 622-8971-322 822-1293-322 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A Revision 31 PART A : Page 59 .SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344333 Failure Messages NO TCAS DATA Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. Doc X Ref TFU 344300011 Filtered No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 066-50000-1X08 066-50000-2X20 4066010-905 940-300-001 4066010-904 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 344333 NO TCAS DATA No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 822-1293-322 622-8971-320 622-8971-322 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A 344333 FWC i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. Doc X Ref TFU 344300011 Filtered No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 066-50000-1X08 940-300-001 4066010-903 066-50000-2X20 4066010-904 4066010-905 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 344333 NO TCAS DATA No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 066-50000-1X08 066-50000-2X20 4066010-905 940-300-001 4066010-904 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 344333 NO TCAS DATA No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 822-1293-322 622-8971-320 622-8971-322 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A Revision 31 PART A : Page 60 .SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344333 Failure Messages FWC i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 7517900-10002 7517900-10003 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 344333 NO TCAS DATA No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344333 Failure Messages FWC i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. Doc X Ref TFU 344300011 Filtered No Part TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 7517900-10002 7517900-10003 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 344334 TCAS ARINC 429 No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK TFU 344300006 No Part TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-903 Corrective P/N 4066010-905 344334 TCAS UNTRACEABLE No maintenance action required if no logbook TCAS complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300004 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 066-50000-0208 066-50000-0108 066-50000-0102 066-50000-0203 Corrective P/N TPA-81A-34-75REV1 TPA-81A-34-61REV2 N/A TPA-81A-34-72REV1 Revision 31 PART A : Page 61 . TFU 344300006 No Part TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-903 Corrective P/N 4066010-905 344334 TCAS (1SG) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) Remark No maintenance action required if associated to the TCAS fault message "344334 TCAS (1SG)" and if TCAS BITE is OK. Doc X Ref TFU 344300004 Filtered No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 066-50000-0102 066-50000-0208 066-50000-0108 066-50000-0203 Corrective P/N TPA-81A-34-75REV1 TPA-81A-34-61REV2 TPA-81A-34-72REV1 344334 TCAS (1SG) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344334 Failure Messages ATC. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-904 940-300-001 4066010-905 066-50000-2X20 066-50000-1X08 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Revision 31 PART A : Page 62 .i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK.i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action requires if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 822-1293-322 622-8971-322 622-8971-320 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A 344334 ATC. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 7517900-10003 7517900-10002 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 344334 ATC. Doc X Ref TFU 344300011 Filtered No Part TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 7517900-10003 7517900-10002 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 344334 TCAS (1SG) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK.i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-904 940-300-001 4066010-905 066-50000-1X08 066-50000-2X20 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 344334 TCAS ARINC 429 No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK TFU 344300006 No Part TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-903 Corrective P/N 4066010-905 Revision 31 PART A : Page 63 .SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344334 Failure Messages ATC. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 622-8971-322 622-8971-320 822-1293-322 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A 344334 TCAS (1SG) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. Doc X Ref TFU 344300006 Filtered No Part TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-903 Corrective P/N 4066010-905 344334 TCAS (1SG) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK.i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if associated to the TCAS fault message "344334 TCAS (1SG)" and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300004 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 066-50000-0208 066-50000-0108 066-50000-0102 066-50000-0203 Corrective P/N TPA-81A-34-75REV1 TPA-81A-34-61REV2 N/A TPA-81A-34-72REV1 344334 ATC.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344334 Failure Messages TCAS UNTRACEABLE Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook TCAS complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 7517900-10003 7517900-10002 Corrective P/N N/A N/A Revision 31 PART A : Page 64 . TFU 344300004 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 066-50000-0102 066-50000-0208 066-50000-0108 066-50000-0203 Corrective P/N TPA-81A-34-75REV1 TPA-81A-34-61REV2 TPA-81A-34-72REV1 344334 TCAS (1SG) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. Doc X Ref TFU 344300011 Filtered No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 822-1293-322 622-8971-322 622-8971-320 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A 344334 ATC.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344334 Failure Messages ATC.i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 7517900-10003 7517900-10002 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 344334 TCAS (1SG) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-904 940-300-001 4066010-905 066-50000-2X20 066-50000-1X08 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 344334 ATC.i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 622-8971-322 622-8971-320 822-1293-322 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A Revision 31 PART A : Page 65 .i :NO DATA FROM TCAS (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action requires if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. Message to be filtered on A/C equipped with FMGC LEGACY and INTERROGATOR DME P/N 622-4540-023 TFU 345100008 Yes Part DME DME Affected P/N 622-4540-023 622-4540-023 Corrective P/N VSB DME-700-34-33 VSB DME-700-34-27 Revision 31 PART A : Page 66 . TFU 344300006 No Part TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-903 Corrective P/N 4066010-905 345133 DME-i TRANSCEIVER (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 344334 Failure Messages TCAS (1SG) Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. ACTION if no log book complaints TFU 345100008 No Part DME DME DME DME Affected P/N 622-4540-022 622-4540-023 622-4540-021 622-4540-020 Corrective P/N VSB DME-700-34-27 VSB DME-700-34-27 VSB DME-700-34-27 VSB DME-700-34-27 345133 AFS:DMEi (i=1 or 2) Due to A/C out of emitter range. Doc X Ref TFU 344300011 Filtered No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-904 940-300-001 4066010-905 066-50000-1X08 066-50000-2X20 Corrective P/N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 345000 MODE S i (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint and if TCAS BITE is OK. Action if no Log Book complaint. No Maint. No Part TRANSPONDER-ATC Affected P/N 7517800-10005 Corrective P/N TBD Revision 31 PART A : Page 67 . Action if no Log Book complaint. No Maint. Correct one is (3SH) for SA. No maintenance action required. ACTION if no log book complaints TFU 345100008 No Part DME DME DME DME Affected P/N 622-4540-022 622-4540-023 622-4540-021 622-4540-020 Corrective P/N VSB DME-700-34-27 VSB DME-700-34-27 VSB DME-700-34-27 VSB DME-700-34-27 345133 AFS:DMEi (i=1 or 2) Due to A/C out of emitter range. Message to be filtered on A/C equipped with FMGC LEGACY and INTERROGATOR DME P/N 622-4540-023 TFU 345100008 Yes Part DME DME Affected P/N 622-4540-023 622-4540-023 Corrective P/N VSB DME-700-34-33 VSB DME-700-34-27 345133 AFS:DMEi (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION if no log book complaint Yes Part FMGC Affected P/N C13043AA01 Corrective P/N TBD 345212 ATC CTL PNL (2SH) / ATCi (1SHi) (i = 1 or 2) Wrong FIN number (2SH).SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 345133 Failure Messages AFS:DMEi (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT ACTION if no log book complaint Doc X Ref Filtered Yes Part FMGC Affected P/N C13043AA01 Corrective P/N TBD 345133 DME-i TRANSCEIVER (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. No Part TRANSPONDER-ATC TRANSPONDER-ATC Affected P/N 7517800-10002 7517800-10005 Corrective P/N TBD TBD 345233 QUALIFIER Ci/WXRj (1SQj) (i = 1 or 2 and j = 1 or 2) No maintenance action if no logbook complaint. CLASS 1 fault message when ATC transponder is the active one. CLASS 3 fault message if the ATC transponder is in standby (See PART C). No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 345233 ATCi (1SHi)/TCAS (1SG) (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if not associated to ECAM WARNING "NAV TCAS FAULT". No Part T2CAS Affected P/N 9000000-10110 Corrective P/N TBD 345233 NO ATCi DATA (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required is required if no logbook complaint and if ATC BITE is OK. CLASS 1 fault message when ATC transponder is the active one. CLASS 3 fault message if the ATC transponder is in standby (See PART C). Doc X Ref TFU 344300011 Filtered No Part TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 7517900-10002 7517900-10003 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 345233 ATCi(1SHi)/TCAS(100SG) (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if not associated to ECAM WARNING "NAV TCAS FAULT".SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 345233 Failure Messages ATCi (1SHi)/TCAS (1SG) (i = 1 or 2) Remark No maintenance action required if not associated to ECAM WARNING "NAV TCAS FAULT". TFU 344300011 No Part TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 7517900-10002 7517900-10003 Corrective P/N N/A N/A Revision 31 PART A : Page 68 . CLASS 3 fault message if the ATC transponder is in standby (See PART C). CLASS 1 fault message when ATC transponder is the active one. 2 or 3) Wrong FIN number. CLASS 3 fault message if the ATC transponder is in standby (See PART C). A/C. Should be 2RP1 for ADF1 and 2RP2 for ADF2. No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 345331 ADFi(1RPI) (i=1.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 345233 Failure Messages ATCi(1SHi)/TCAS(100SG) (i = 1 or 2) Remark No maintenance action required if not associated to ECAM WARNING "NAV TCAS FAULT". No Part TRANSPONDER-ATC TRANSPONDER-ATC Affected P/N 7517800-10002 7517800-10005 Corrective P/N TBD TBD 345233 QUALIFIER Ci/WXRj (1SQj) (i = 1 or 2 and j = 1 or 2) No maintenance action if no logbook complaint. CLASS 1 fault message when ATC transponder is the active one. Doc X Ref Filtered No Part T2CAS Affected P/N 9000000-10110 Corrective P/N TBD 345233 NO ATCi DATA (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required is required if no logbook complaint and if ATC BITE is OK. Update ADF receiver with VSB COLLINS SB 2 No Part RECEIVER ADF Affected P/N 822-0299-020 Corrective P/N POST_VSB_COLLINS_SB2 345331 NO ADF(i) DATA (i=1 or 2) No maintenance action when ADF 1 or/and 2 not installed on the aircraft. Issue due to wrong FIN number coded by ADF BITE when installed on A320 fam. Yes Part CFDIU Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART A : Page 69 . A/C. Yes Part CFDIU Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 345332 ADF-i RECEIVER (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. Update ADF receiver with VSB COLLINS SB 2 Doc X Ref Filtered No Part RECEIVER ADF Affected P/N 822-0299-020 Corrective P/N POST_VSB_COLLINS_SB2 345331 NO ADF(i) DATA (i=1 or 2) No maintenance action when ADF 1 or/and 2 not installed on the aircraft.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 345331 Failure Messages ADFi(1RPI) (i=1. No Part RECEIVER ADF RECEIVER ADF RECEIVER ADF Affected P/N 622-5222-020 622-5222-020 622-5222-020 Corrective P/N VSB ADF-700-43-27 VSB ADF-700-34-20 VSB ADF-700-34-21 345531 VOR i : VOR RECEIVER (=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION if no logbook complaint TFU 345500013 TFU 345500009 No Part RECEIVER-VOR RECEIVER-VOR Affected P/N 622-5220-020 622-5220-020 Corrective P/N VSB_700-34-19 VSB_700-34-10_REV1 345531 AFS : VOR i (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION if no log book complaint. 2 or 3) Remark Wrong FIN number. Issue due to wrong FIN number coded by ADF BITE when installed on A320 fam. ACTION if no logbook complaint Yes Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N TBD Revision 31 PART A : Page 70 . Should be 2RP1 for ADF1 and 2RP2 for ADF2. ACTION if no logbook complaint Yes Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N TBD 345572 VORi: VOR RECEIVER (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION if no log book complaint. ACTION if no logbook complaint No Part SDAC SDAC Affected P/N 350E5161122 350E5151022 Corrective P/N 350E5151331 350E5151331 383100 LIQD LVL XMTR (40MG) AND LIQD LVL SNSR (41MG) Software anomaly The system operation can be checked on ground by using the MCDU toilet ground report or by selecting the FAP Water/Waste page.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 345531 Failure Messages VOR i : VOR RECEIVER (=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT ACTION if no logbook complaint Doc X Ref TFU 345500013 TFU 345500009 Filtered No Part RECEIVER-VOR RECEIVER-VOR Affected P/N 622-5220-020 622-5220-020 Corrective P/N VSB_700-34-19 VSB_700-34-10_REV1 345531 AFS : VOR i (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. Airbus_SIL 23-039 TFU 383100026 Yes Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000030D Z064H000030E Corrective P/N Z064H000031A Z064H000031A Z064H000031B Revision 31 PART A : Page 71 . TFU 345500010 No Part RECEIVER-VOR Affected P/N 2041231-3610 Corrective P/N VSB_RVA-36A-34-54 361134 SDACi:NO DATA FROM BMCj (i=1 or 2) (j=1 or 2) NO MAINT. SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 383134 Failure Messages VSC Remark NO MAINT. Airbus_SIL 23-039 TFU 383100026 Yes Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030D Z064H000030E Z064H000030F Corrective P/N Z064H000031A Z064H000031B Z064H000031A 383168 DIFF PRESS XDCR NO MAINT. Airbus_SB 38-1027 TFU 383100003 TSM_Task ATA38 No Part VSC Affected P/N 14404-001-1 Corrective P/N 14404-011A Revision 31 PART A : Page 72 . or F) Software anomaly The system operation can be checked on ground by using the MCDU toilet ground report or by selecting the FAP Water/Waste page. ACTION Doc X Ref Airbus_SB 38-1044 Vendor_SB 4440403802 TFU 383100022 Filtered Yes Part VSC Affected P/N 14404-011A Corrective P/N 14404-011B 383141 TOILET ASSY LAV i (with i = A. E. Airbus_SIL 23-039 TFU 383100026 Yes Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030D Z064H000030D Z064H000030E Corrective P/N Z064H000031A Z064H000030F Z064H000031B 383163 LIQD LVL XMTR (40MG) Software anomaly The system operation can be checked on ground by using the MCDU toilet ground report or by referring the FAP Water/Waste page. D. ACTION if 42MG XDCR has been disconnected. ACTION Doc X Ref Airbus_SB 49-1061 Filtered Yes Part ECB ECB ECB ECB APU Affected P/N 4500001B 4500001A 4500003G 4500001 APU APS3200 Corrective P/N 4500003H 4500003H 4500003H 4500003H 493211 FUEL CTL UNIT P19 NO MAINT. ACTION if no Log Book complaint (GTCP36.300) No Part SDAC SDAC Affected P/N 350E5151022 350E5161122 Corrective P/N 350E5151331 350E5151331 499414 OIL PRESS SW P14 NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 492316 Failure Messages LCDT SENSOR P29 Remark No MAINT. ACTION if no logbook complaint No Part ECB Affected P/N 304817-1 Corrective P/N 304817-2 Revision 31 PART A : Page 73 . ACTION if no logbook complaint Airbus_SB 49-1053 No Part ECB Affected P/N 304817-1 Corrective P/N 304817-2 496134 SDACi:NO DATA FROM ECB (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. Message to be filtered on CFM eng A/C Yes Part DMC .J7(J8).DE not fitted on A/C. 3 or 4 ) (Y=R or L )(Z=1. 6 or 8) No maintenance action required.ECU NO MAINTENANCE ACTION if triggered during FADEC motoring test and if ECU 5. ACTION required on A/C post SB 49-1026 and APU 36-300 pre Honeywell VSB 49-6702 and ECB P/N 3888394-230300 or ECB P/N 304817-1 or ECB P/N 304817-2 Doc X Ref Filtered No Part APU APU APU Affected P/N 3800278-2 3800278-4 3800278-3 Corrective P/N 520000 DOOR BTL XY/ DEU B (300RHZ) (X=1. No Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000030F Corrective P/N Z064H000031A Z064H000031B 731150 FRV(CLOSED).EIS 1 Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART A : Page 74 .BE or 5. TFU 732900033 No Part ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1820M89P02 1820M88P02 1820M36P02 1820M87P02 Corrective P/N SB_73-1034 SB_73-1037 732160 DMCi:NO ECUi A(B) DATA No Maint. Action if it occurs in phase 01 or 02 at the end of an engine run (80KTS not reached) or after any FADEC reset.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 499651 Failure Messages APU OIL HEATER (8093KM) Remark NO MAINT. EIS 1 Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 732160 ECU(Ei-4000KS) (i=1 or 2) No Maint. Message to be filtered on CFM eng A/C and equipped with EIS II STANDARD Doc X Ref Filtered Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT3FE2SA0410 SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A Corrective P/N 732160 DMCi:NO ECUi A(B) DATA No Maint.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 732160 Failure Messages ECU(Ei-4000KS) (i=1 or 2) Remark No Maint. Message to be filtered on CFM eng A/C and equipped with EIS II STANDARD Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT3FE2SA0410 SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A Corrective P/N 732234 DMCi: NO EECi A(B) DATA No Maint. Action if it occurs in phase 01 or 02 at the end of an engine run (80KTS not reached) or after any FADEC reset. Message to be filtered on IAE eng A/C and EIS 2 SOFT P/N SXT3CE2SA0420 Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT3CE2SA0420 Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 Revision 31 PART A : Page 75 . Action if it occurs in phase 01 or 02 at the end of an engine run (80KTS not reached) or after any FADEC reset.EIS 1 Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 732234 EEC (Ei-4000KS) (i=1 or 2) No Maint. Message to be filtered on CFM eng A/C Yes Part DMC . Message to be filtered on IAE eng A/C Yes Part DMC . Action if it occurs in phase 01 or 02 at the end of an engine run (80KTS not reached) or after any FADEC reset. Action if it occurs in phase 01 or 02 at the end of an engine run (80KTS not reached) or after any FADEC reset. Action if it occurs in phase 01 or 02 at the end of an engine run (80KTS not reached) or after any FADEC reset. Message to be filtered on IAE eng A/C and EIS 2 SOFT P/N SXT3CE2SA0420 Yes Part EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT3CE2SA0420 Corrective P/N SXT3DE2SA0700 752210 LPTC VLV. Message to be filtered on IAE eng A/C Doc X Ref Filtered Yes Part DMC .J7(8). No Maint.BE or 5. 2A or 2B) No maintenance action if triggered during FADEC motoring test and ECU 5. Action if recorded during phase 07 or 08 and if there is no crew report. Action if it occurs in phase 01 or 02 at the end of an engine run (80KTS not reached) or after any FADEC reset. Status Eng i FADEC. Action if it occurs in phase 01 or 02 at the end of an engine run (80KTS not reached) or after any FADEC reset.DE not fitted on A/C. ECU Must be disregarded if CFMI S/B 72-436 AIRBUS S/B 71-1014 embodied on the aircraft. HMU ENG1A (1B. TFU 732900033 No Part ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1820M89P02 1820M88P02 1820M36P02 1820M87P02 Corrective P/N SB_73-1034 SB_73-1037 752420 ECU AIR.EIS 1 Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 732234 EEC (Ei-4000KS) (i=1 or 2) No Maint.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 732234 Failure Messages DMCi: NO EECi A(B) DATA Remark No Maint. TFU 783100080 No Part EEC Affected P/N SCN12C Corrective P/N SCN12D Revision 31 PART A : Page 76 . Airbus_SB 71-1014 Vendor_SB 72-436 No Part ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P03 1519M83P02 1459M55P16 1459M55P15 Corrective P/N 1459M55P17 1820M27P01 1519M83P04 783142 HC/PROX SW/T/R UP ACT1 Associated with Maint. E4. No Part FWC Affected P/N PRE_STD_H2F3 Corrective P/N POST_STD_H2F3 793316 CHECK N4 BRG SCAV PRESS XMTRi CIRCUIT 4005EN (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. Doc X Ref Filtered No Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 793315 SDACi:ENG2 OIL PRESS XMTR 4004EN (i=1 or 2) Wrong FIN number. F2).SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA 793311 Failure Messages QUALIFIER Bi/WXRj (1SQj) (i=1 or 2 and j= 1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. ACTION if EIU Ground Scanning result is RTOK TFU 793316001 No Part EIU EIU Affected P/N ALL_P/N ALL_P/N Corrective P/N 3957905005 3957905004 793415 CHECK OIL PRESS SWITCH 3EN(i) (i=1 or 2) No maintenance action is required if no logbook complaint when the message is recorded in the PFR in flight phase 2 or phase 9. Yes Part TPIS Affected P/N 1058-34 Corrective P/N XXXXXX ADF-i:NO DATA FROM CONTROL SOURCE (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION TFU 345300007 Yes Part RECEIVER ADF Affected P/N 204-1168-7513 Corrective P/N VSB DFA-75A-34-49 Revision 31 PART A : Page 77 . All FWC in BASIC configuration (Pre Mod 24159) are affected (E2. ACTION if recorded during Engine Start (flight phase 02) or during switching from WXR1 to WXR2 and no associated cockpit effect. E3. Should be 4003EN instead. ACTION TFU 345300006 Yes Part RECEIVER ADF RECEIVER ADF Affected P/N 622-5222-020 622-5222-020 Corrective P/N VSB ADF-700-34-21 VSB ADF-700-43-27 XXXXXX VOR i : NO DATA FROM CONTROL SOURCE (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 231200007 No Part TRANSCEIVER-VHF Affected P/N 622-5219-020 Corrective P/N VSB VHF-700-23-30 XXXXXX ILS i : NO DATA FROM CONTROL SOURCE (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION (mainly due to FMS resets). ACTION.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA XXXXXX Failure Messages Remark Doc X Ref TFU 345500008 Filtered Yes VORi NO DATA FROM CONTROL SOURCE (i=1 NO MAINT. 2 or 3) NO MAINT. Message triggered mainly following FMS resets or2) Part RECEIVER-VOR Affected P/N 2041231-3610 Corrective P/N VSB_RVA-36A-34-54 XXXXXX VHFi:NO DATA FROM CONTROL SOURCE (i=1 . TFU 345500005 Yes Part RECEIVER-VOR Affected P/N 622-5220-020 Corrective P/N VSB_700-34-10 Revision 31 PART A : Page 78 . ACTION TFU 343600004 No Part RECEIVER ILS CFDIU Affected P/N 204-1230-3518 B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N VSB RIA-35A-34-41 XXXXXX ADF-i : NO DATA FROM CONTROL SOURCE (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 345300006 Yes Part RECEIVER ADF RECEIVER ADF Affected P/N 622-5222-020 622-5222-020 Corrective P/N VSB ADF-700-34-21 VSB ADF-700-43-27 XXXXXX VOR i : NO DATA FROM CONTROL SOURCE (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA XXXXXX Failure Messages DME i: NO DATA FROM CONTROL SOURCE (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 231200007 No Part TRANSCEIVER-VHF Affected P/N 622-5219-020 Corrective P/N VSB VHF-700-23-30 XXXXXX ILS i : NO DATA FROM CONTROL SOURCE (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. 2 or 3) NO MAINT. ACTION Doc X Ref Filtered Yes Part DME Affected P/N 9599-614-03105 Corrective P/N VSB TDM-709-34-012 XXXXXX VHFi:NO DATA FROM CONTROL SOURCE (i=1 . TFU 345500005 Yes Part RECEIVER-VOR Affected P/N 622-5220-020 Corrective P/N VSB_700-34-10 Revision 31 PART A : Page 79 . ACTION TFU 343600004 No Part RECEIVER ILS CFDIU Affected P/N 204-1230-3518 B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N VSB RIA-35A-34-41 XXXXXX ADF-i : NO DATA FROM CONTROL SOURCE (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION (mainly due to FMS resets). ACTION Doc X Ref Filtered Yes Part DME Affected P/N 9599-614-03105 Corrective P/N VSB TDM-709-34-012 Revision 31 PART A : Page 80 .SIL 00-028 PART A : PFR Faults ATA XXXXXX Failure Messages DME i: NO DATA FROM CONTROL SOURCE (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. Select ADIRS "ON". Select ADIRS "ON". ACTION if it occurs after a rapid flight profile change Doc X Ref TFU 213100005 Filtered Yes Part CPC CPC Affected P/N 902215702-8 902215702-7 Corrective P/N 902215702-10 2131 CAB PR SYS i FAULT (i=1 or 2) If this warning occurs on ground with ADIRS "OFF".SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2131 Cockpit Effect CAB PR LO DIFF PR Remark NO MAINT. If the warning still present. ref TSM TFU 213134005 No Part CPC Affected P/N 902215702-7 Corrective P/N 902215702-8 2131 CAB PR LO DIFF PR NO MAINT. ACTION if Bite test OK TFU 215151004 No Part FLOW CTL VALVE Affected P/N 751A0000-06 Corrective P/N 751A0000-07 Revision 31 PART B : Page 1 . ACTION if it occurs after a rapid flight profile change TFU 213100005 Yes Part CPC CPC Affected P/N 902215702-8 902215702-7 Corrective P/N 902215702-10 2131 CAB PR SYS i FAULT (i=1 or 2) If this warning occurs on ground with ADIRS "OFF". ref TSM TFU 213134005 No Part CPC Affected P/N 902215702-7 Corrective P/N 902215702-8 2161 PACK i (i=1 or 2) (MAINT STS= Associated to P1(2) FLOW CTL VALVE NO MAINT. If the warning still present. Yes Part ACSC PACK TEMP CTLR Affected P/N ALL P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 2161 PACK i (i=1 or 2) (MAINT STS= Associated to P1(2) FLOW CTL VALVE NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2161 Cockpit Effect AIR:PACK i REGUL FAULT (i=1 or 2) Remark When not associated with any maintenance message. Doc X Ref Airbus_SIL 21-049 TFU 216134003 Filtered No Part PACK TEMP CTLR Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 2161 TEMP CTL 1 (or 2) (MAINT STS) NO MAINT. Airbus_SB 21-1149 Vendor_SB 1803A-21-02 No Part ACSC Affected P/N 1803A000003 Corrective P/N 1803B000001 2161 AIR PACK 1+2 FAULT NO MAINT ACTION if it occurs at the flight beginning (PHASE 03 or 04). check all sensors peripheral to the pack controler. Airbus_SIL 21-049 TFU 216134003 No Part PACK TEMP CTLR Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART B : Page 2 . ACTION if Bite test OK TFU 215151004 No Part FLOW CTL VALVE Affected P/N 751A0000-06 Corrective P/N 751A0000-07 2161 AIR:PACK i REGUL FAULT (i=1 or 2) When not associated with any maintenance message. ACTION if associated with fault message "237334 CIDS2(102RH) Source TEMP CTL". Status problem of a discrete label computed by the CIDS2 and used by ACSC 1 and 2. check all sensors peripheral to the pack controler. Yes Part ACSC PACK TEMP CTLR Affected P/N ALL P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 2163 COND AFT (FWD) CAB DUCT OVHT Check Temp. sensor output resistance Airbus_SIL 21-049 TFU 216318001 No Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A Revision 31 PART B : Page 3 . Doc X Ref Airbus_SB 21-1149 Vendor_SB 1803A-21-02 Filtered No Part ACSC Affected P/N 1803A000003 Corrective P/N 1803B000001 2161 AIR PACK 1+2 FAULT NO MAINT ACTION if it occurs at the flight beginning (PHASE 03 or 04). sensor output resistance Airbus_SIL 21-049 TFU 216318001 No Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 2163 COND AFT (FWD) CAB DUCT OVHT Check Temp. sensor output resistance Airbus_SIL 21-049 TFU 216318001 No Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 2163 COND CKPT DUCT OVHT Check Temp.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2161 Cockpit Effect TEMP CTL 1 (or 2) (MAINT STS) Remark NO MAINT. ACTION if associated with fault message "237334 CIDS2(102RH) Source TEMP CTL". Status problem of a discrete label computed by the CIDS2 and used by ACSC 1 and 2. sensor output resistance Airbus_SIL 21-049 TFU 216318001 No Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 2163 COND AFT (FWD) CAB DUCT OVHT Check Temp. sensor output resistance Airbus_SIL 21-049 TFU 216318001 No Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 2163 COND CKPT DUCT OVHT Check Temp.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2163 Cockpit Effect COND CKPT DUCT OVHT Remark Check Temp. sensor output resistance Airbus_SIL 21-049 TFU 216318001 No Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A Revision 31 PART B : Page 4 . sensor output resistance Airbus_SIL 21-049 TFU 216318001 No Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 2163 COND CKPT DUCT OVHT Check Temp. sensor output resistance Doc X Ref Airbus_SIL 21-049 TFU 216318001 Filtered No Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 2163 COND AFT (FWD) CAB DUCT OVHT Check Temp. SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2200 Cockpit Effect AUTO FLT YAW DAMPER SYS Remark NO MAINT. Pull the FAC C/B during the ADR test to avoid the message TFU 226600004 AMM_Task 341300pb501 No Part FAC FAC FAC FAC Affected P/N B397BAM0406 B397BAM0407 B397AAM0508 B397AAM0507 Corrective P/N B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 2200 AUTO FLT AP OFF Configuration Warning Yes Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N NONE 2200 AUTO FLT A/THR OFF Configuration Warning Yes Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N NONE Revision 31 PART B : Page 5 . Recentering the Yaw damper before Engine start with Electric Pump will avoid the message. Doc X Ref TFU 226300005 Filtered No Part FAC FAC FAC FAC FAC FAC FAC FAC FAC FAC Affected P/N B397BAM0406 B397AAM0509 B397BAM0407 B397BAM0508 B397BAM0509 B397CAM0102 B397AAM0507 B397CAM0101 B397AAM0510 B397AAM0508 Corrective P/N B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 2200 WINDSHEAR DET FAULT Appears at Slat extension if an ADR test has been performed on ground. ACTION if occurs at Engine start during strong wind conditions. Doc X Ref TFU 226300005 Filtered No Part FAC FAC FAC FAC FAC FAC FAC FAC FAC FAC Affected P/N B397BAM0406 B397AAM0509 B397BAM0407 B397BAM0508 B397BAM0509 B397CAM0102 B397AAM0507 B397CAM0101 B397AAM0510 B397AAM0508 Corrective P/N B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 B397BAM0510 2200 WINDSHEAR DET FAULT Appears at Slat extension if an ADR test has been performed on ground. Recentering the Yaw damper before Engine start with Electric Pump will avoid the message. Pull the FAC C/B during the ADR test to avoid the message TFU 226600004 AMM_Task 341300pb501 No Part FAC FAC FAC FAC Affected P/N B397BAM0406 B397BAM0407 B397AAM0508 B397AAM0507 Corrective P/N B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 B397BAM0509 2200 AUTO FLT AP OFF Configuration Warning Yes Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N NONE 2200 AUTO FLT A/THR OFF Configuration Warning Yes Part FMGC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N NONE Revision 31 PART B : Page 6 .SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2200 Cockpit Effect AUTO FLT YAW DAMPER SYS Remark NO MAINT. ACTION if occurs at Engine start during strong wind conditions. This spurious MAINT STS may be triggered due to short power interrupts. then FWC1 & FWC2 should be reset in order to clear the latch condition of the warning. Maint. ACTION if no failure message in the PFR.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2300 Cockpit Effect CIDS1 (or 2) (MAINT STS) Remark No Maint Action if no fault message triggered following a CIDS interface & power-up test. associated with amber memo LAND ASAP no evidence of smoke. and BCL test thru MCDU is OK. TFU 261515001 No Part SMOKE DET AVNCS Affected P/N CG7GO Corrective P/N CGDU2000-00 Revision 31 PART B : Page 7 . This allows to prevent spurious LAND ASAP memo to be triggered at take-off. ref the maintenance advice field of the TFU 261715003 TFU 261715003 No Part SMOKE DET LAV SMOKE DET LAV Affected P/N GAI2800-02 PAI2830-00 Corrective P/N TBD TBD 2600 AVIONICS SMOKE If triggered on ground. TFU 243800009 TFU 243800022 TFU 243800007 Airbus_SB 24-1075 No Part BCL BCL Affected P/N 35-0L5-1004-07 35-0L5-1003-06 Corrective P/N PN BCL TEST 2600 SMOKE LAVATORY DET SMOKE If associated with the SDCU fault message "SMOKE DET LAV x" (x is the lavatory affected). Doc X Ref Filtered No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000131A Z014H000031A Corrective P/N TBD TBD 2328 COM SATCOM FAULT No. Action if ECAM WARNING triggered when ADIRU 1+2+3 OFF No Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected P/N SXT3FE2SA0410 SXT3CE2SA0420 Corrective P/N SXT4EE2SA050A SXT4EE2SA050A 2400 ELEC BCL i FAULT (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ref the maintenance advice field of the TFU 261715003 TFU 261715003 No Part SMOKE DET LAV SMOKE DET LAV Affected P/N GAI2800-02 PAI2830-00 Corrective P/N TBD TBD Revision 31 PART B : Page 8 .SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2600 Cockpit Effect SMOKE LAVATORY DET FAULT Remark Associated to PFR fault messages "261715 SMK DET LAV" and/or "261715 SMK DET LAV X CONTAMINATION". No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000030C Z014H000030C Corrective P/N Z014H000131A Z014H000031A 2600 SMOKE AFT CRG BTL2 FAULT (if installed) Maintenance advise: Make sure that when AMM Task 26-16-00-710-001 "Operational test of the cargo-compartment Smoke-detection system by PTT" is performed. No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000030C Z014H000030C Corrective P/N Z014H000031A Z014H000131A 2600 SMOKE FWD CRG BTL2 FAULT (if installed) Maintenance advise: Make sure that when AMM Task 26-16-00-710-001 "Operational test of the cargo-compartment Smoke-detection system by PTT" is performed. the PTT button is hold 20 seconds as recommended and activated only one time. No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000030C Z014H000030C Corrective P/N Z014H000031A Z014H000131A 2600 SMOKE LAVATORY DET SMOKE If associated with the SDCU fault message "SMOKE DET LAV x" (x is the lavatory affected). the PTT button is hold 20 seconds as recommended and activated only one time. the PTT button is hold 20 seconds as recommended and activated only one time. Perform a CIDS reset to recover lavatory smoke detection function as described in SIL 23-039 Rev6 Doc X Ref Airbus_SIL 23-039 Filtered No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000031A Z014H000131A Corrective P/N Z014H000231B 2600 SMOKE AFT CRG BTL1 FAULT Maintenance advise: Make sure that when AMM Task 26-16-00-710-001 "Operational test of the cargo-compartment Smoke-detection system by PTT" is performed. No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000030C Z014H000030C Corrective P/N Z014H000031A Z014H000131A Revision 31 PART B : Page 9 . No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000030C Z014H000030C Corrective P/N Z014H000031A Z014H000131A 2600 SMOKE FWD CRG BTL2 FAULT (if installed) Maintenance advise: Make sure that when AMM Task 26-16-00-710-001 "Operational test of the cargo-compartment Smoke-detection system by PTT" is performed. Doc X Ref TFU 261515001 Filtered No Part SMOKE DET AVNCS Affected P/N CG7GO Corrective P/N CGDU2000-00 2600 SMOKE LAVATORY DET FAULT Associated to PFR fault messages "261715 SMK DET LAV" and/or "261715 SMK DET LAV X CONTAMINATION". Perform a CIDS reset to recover lavatory smoke detection function as described in SIL 23-039 Rev6 Airbus_SIL 23-039 No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000031A Z014H000131A Corrective P/N Z014H000231B 2600 SMOKE AFT CRG BTL1 FAULT Maintenance advise: Make sure that when AMM Task 26-16-00-710-001 "Operational test of the cargo-compartment Smoke-detection system by PTT" is performed. This allows to prevent spurious LAND ASAP memo to be triggered at take-off. the PTT button is hold 20 seconds as recommended and activated only one time.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2600 Cockpit Effect AVIONICS SMOKE Remark If triggered on ground. the PTT button is hold 20 seconds as recommended and activated only one time. then FWC1 & FWC2 should be reset in order to clear the latch condition of the warning. associated with amber memo LAND ASAP no evidence of smoke. the PTT button is hold 20 seconds as recommended and activated only one time. No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000030C Z014H000030C Corrective P/N Z014H000131A Z014H000031A 2600 SMOKE AFT CRG BTL2 FAULT (if installed) Maintenance advise: Make sure that when AMM Task 26-16-00-710-001 "Operational test of the cargo-compartment Smoke-detection system by PTT" is performed. failure of opposite ELAC may be suspected.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2616 Cockpit Effect SMOKE FWD CRG BTL1 FAULT Remark Maintenance advise: Make sure that when AMM Task 26-16-00-710-001 "Operational test of the cargo-compartment Smoke-detection system by PTT" is performed. Apply TSM procedure.27 TFU 279300040 No Part ELAC Affected P/N 3945122502 Corrective P/N 3945122505 2700 F/CTL FLAPS LOCKED If experienced at first A/C power-up when electrical power is powered from batteries ref TFU 275134026 MAINTENANCE ADVICE field. TFU 275134026 No Part SFCC SFCC SFCC Affected P/N 49-170-07 ALL P/N 49-117-10 Corrective P/N 49-170-07 AMDT_A 49-170-11 49-117-10 AMDT_A Revision 31 PART B : Page 10 . Other FCOM_3. the PTT button is hold 20 seconds as recommended and activated only one time. Doc X Ref Filtered No Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000030C Z014H000030C Corrective P/N Z014H000131A Z014H000031A 2700 F/CTL ELAC 1 (2) PITCH FAULT IF NO MAINTENANCE MESSAGE associated : CHECK the PITCH CHANGE OVER DISCRETES LANE. TFU 279300028 No Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-1016 115370-0106 2700 F/CTL ELAC1(2) FAULT Even if associated with "ELAC1(2)" maintenance message.02.PERFORM ELACs RESET WITH ALL HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS DEPRESSURIZED. TFU 279500039 No Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-1016 115370-0105 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 2700 F/CTL ALTN LAW IF OCCURS AT ENGINE START. reset the SFCC. when electrical power is supplied from batteries ref TFU 27134026 MAINTENANCE ADVICE field Doc X Ref TFU 275134026 Filtered No Part SFCC SFCC SFCC Affected P/N 49-170-07 49-117-10 ALL P/N Corrective P/N 49-170-07 AMDT_A 49-117-10 AMDT_A 49-170-11 2700 F/CTL ELAC 2 PITCH FAULT At engine start. Other FCOM_3.02. NO MAINTENANCE ACTION required if warning "F/CTL ELAC 2 PITCH FAULT" can be cleared through ELAC 2 push button reset.PERFORM ELACs RESET WITH ALL HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS DEPRESSURIZED. TFU 279000028 No Part THSA MODULE ELAC ELAC Affected P/N 9231-4-600 3945122504 3945122502 Corrective P/N 9231-5-600 3945122505 3945122505 2700 F/CTL (MAINT. if associated with "THS ACTR SERVO MOT 1 9CE" maintenance message refer to TFU 27 90 00 028. TFU 275134027 No Part SFCC SFCC Affected P/N 49-170-07 49-170-07 Corrective P/N 49-170-11 49-170-07 AMDT_C 2700 F/CTL ALTN LAW IF OCCURS AT ENGINE START. STS) If associated with the PFR message "SFCC1(2) FLAP(SLAT)".27 TFU 279300040 No Part ELAC Affected P/N 3945122502 Corrective P/N 3945122505 2700 F/CTL SPD BRK DISAGREE Configuration warning Yes Part FCDC Affected P/N ALL_P/N Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART B : Page 11 .SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2700 Cockpit Effect F/CTL SLATS LOCKED Remark If experienced at first A/C power-up. TFU 279500039 No Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-1016 115370-0105 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 2700 F/CTL ALTN LAW IF OCCURS AT ENGINE START. failure of opposite ELAC may be suspected. TFU 275134026 No Part SFCC SFCC SFCC Affected P/N 49-170-07 ALL P/N 49-117-10 Corrective P/N 49-170-07 AMDT_A 49-170-11 49-117-10 AMDT_A 2700 F/CTL SLATS LOCKED If experienced at first A/C power-up.27 TFU 279300040 No Part ELAC Affected P/N 3945122502 Corrective P/N 3945122505 2700 F/CTL FLAPS LOCKED If experienced at first A/C power-up when electrical power is powered from batteries ref TFU 275134026 MAINTENANCE ADVICE field.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2700 Cockpit Effect F/CTL ELAC 1 (2) PITCH FAULT Remark IF NO MAINTENANCE MESSAGE associated : CHECK the PITCH CHANGE OVER DISCRETES LANE.PERFORM ELACs RESET WITH ALL HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS DEPRESSURIZED. when electrical power is supplied from batteries ref TFU 27134026 MAINTENANCE ADVICE field TFU 275134026 No Part SFCC SFCC SFCC Affected P/N 49-170-07 49-117-10 ALL P/N Corrective P/N 49-170-07 AMDT_A 49-117-10 AMDT_A 49-170-11 Revision 31 PART B : Page 12 . Apply TSM procedure. Doc X Ref TFU 279300028 Filtered No Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-1016 115370-0106 2700 F/CTL ELAC1(2) FAULT Even if associated with "ELAC1(2)" maintenance message.02. Other FCOM_3. Doc X Ref TFU 279000028 Filtered No Part THSA MODULE ELAC ELAC Affected P/N 9231-4-600 3945122504 3945122502 Corrective P/N 9231-5-600 3945122505 3945122505 2700 F/CTL (MAINT. if associated with "THS ACTR SERVO MOT 1 9CE" maintenance message refer to TFU 27 90 00 028.PERFORM ELACs RESET WITH ALL HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS DEPRESSURIZED. NO MAINTENANCE ACTION required if warning "F/CTL ELAC 2 PITCH FAULT" can be cleared through ELAC 2 push button reset.27 TFU 279300040 No Part ELAC Affected P/N 3945122502 Corrective P/N 3945122505 2700 F/CTL SPD BRK DISAGREE Configuration warning Yes Part FCDC Affected P/N ALL_P/N Corrective P/N 2800 FUEL L (R) WING TK LO LVL NO MAINT. reset the SFCC. TFU 284615003 No Part LEVEL SENSING Affected P/N N/A Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART B : Page 13 . STS) If associated with the PFR message "SFCC1(2) FLAP(SLAT)".02.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2700 Cockpit Effect F/CTL ELAC 2 PITCH FAULT Remark At engine start. ACTION if occurs at beginning of descent. TFU 275134027 No Part SFCC SFCC Affected P/N 49-170-07 49-170-07 Corrective P/N 49-170-11 49-170-07 AMDT_C 2700 F/CTL ALTN LAW IF OCCURS AT ENGINE START. Other FCOM_3. ACTION if occurs on ground during wet / snowy / icy weather. if both test of the FLSS status and FLSS BITE show NO FAULT.FLSS Status (AMM 28-15-00-740-002) and a functional BITE test of the low-level sensors FLSS BITE (AMM 28-46-00-740-001). Doc X Ref TFU 281500003 Filtered No Part COMPUTER-FQI Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 2800 FUEL L (R) WING TK LO LVL NO MAINT. No further action is required. No further action is required. TFU 281500003 No Part COMPUTER-FQI Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 3031 ANTI ICE CAPT (F/O) TAT NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 2800 Cockpit Effect FUEL L(R) XFR VALVE OPEN Remark If this ECAM message is reported. perform functional BITE test of the ICTVs . or after de-icing/high-press cleaning TFU 326100003 TFU 303100017 TFU 344200003 No Part TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER PHC Affected P/N 9599-607-14932 9599-607-12333 1663214200 Corrective P/N 9599-607-14942 9599-607-12352 3031 ANTI ICE CAPT (F/O) PITOT DISREGARD the message if occurs after gear non-retraction. TFU 284615003 No Part LEVEL SENSING Affected P/N N/A Corrective P/N 2800 FUEL L(R) XFR VALVE OPEN If this ECAM message is reported.FLSS Status (AMM 28-15-00-740-002) and a functional BITE test of the low-level sensors FLSS BITE (AMM 28-46-00-740-001). This deviation has been identified and will be cured at the next opportunaty of a new PHC std. ACTION if occurs at beginning of descent. perform functional BITE test of the ICTVs . if both test of the FLSS status and FLSS BITE show NO FAULT. TFU 323173001 TFU 323171043 No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4B Corrective P/N 664700500A4D Revision 31 PART B : Page 14 . ACTION if occurs on ground during wet / snowy / icy weather. TFU 323173001 TFU 323171043 No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4B Corrective P/N 664700500A4D 3044 ANTI ICE L (R) WINDOW Occurs when windows Windshield are exposed to the sun in hot and dry atmosphere for more than one hour TFU 304200004 No Part WHC WHC WHC WHC Affected P/N 66642024 6664287-0 66642022 6664202-3 Corrective P/N 41600318001 41600318003 3100 CFDIU (MAINT STS) NO MAINT. ACTION if CFDIU power up test result is : CFDIU BITE MEMORY TSM_Task ATA31 TFU 313234031 No Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N CFDIU WITH AMDT A Revision 31 PART B : Page 15 .SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 3031 Cockpit Effect ANTI ICE CAPT (F/O) TAT Remark NO MAINT. This deviation has been identified and will be cured at the next opportunaty of a new PHC std. or after de-icing/high-press cleaning Doc X Ref TFU 326100003 TFU 303100017 TFU 344200003 Filtered No Part TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER PHC Affected P/N 9599-607-14932 9599-607-12333 1663214200 Corrective P/N 9599-607-14942 9599-607-12352 3031 ANTI ICE CAPT (F/O) PITOT DISREGARD the message if occurs after gear non-retraction. TSM_Task TSM_ATA31 TFU 313600013 No Part DMU DMU DMU DMU Affected P/N 903116243B0B0G1 903116243B0B0G0 903116243B0D0J0 903116243B0D0J1 Corrective P/N 903116243B3D2J3 903116243B3B3G4 903116243B3B2G3 AND SUBSEQUENT STD 3200 L/G LGCIU 1 (2) FAULT NO MAINT. ACTION if CFDIU power up test result is : CFDIU BITE MEMORY TSM_Task ATA31 TFU 313234031 No Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N CFDIU WITH AMDT A 3100 DMU (MAINT STS) Associated with the message : CAGA MEMORY FAIL. Doc X Ref TSM_Task TSM_ATA31 TFU 313600013 Filtered No Part DMU DMU DMU DMU Affected P/N 903116243B0B0G1 903116243B0B0G0 903116243B0D0J0 903116243B0D0J1 Corrective P/N 903116243B3D2J3 903116243B3B3G4 903116243B3B2G3 AND SUBSEQUENT STD 3100 CFDIU (MAINT STS) NO MAINT. ACTION if BITE test OK TFU 323134043 No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4A Corrective P/N 664700500A4B Revision 31 PART B : Page 16 .SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 3100 Cockpit Effect DMU (MAINT STS) Remark Associated with the message : CAGA MEMORY FAIL. ACTION if BITE test OK TFU 323134043 No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4A Corrective P/N 664700500A4B Revision 31 PART B : Page 17 .SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 3200 Cockpit Effect L/G SHOCK ABSORBER FAULT Remark NO MAINT.04.04. Yes Part BSCU Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 3200 L/G LGCIU 1 (2) FAULT If not LGCIU faut message available in the PFR.32 TFU 324234041 No Part BSCU Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 3200 BRAKES HOT This is a configuration warning that does not reflect a malfunction of the system. ACTION if occurs on ground during wet / snowy / icy weather. reset the BSCU (FCOM 3. Instead. refer to the Last Leg Report of the LGCIU No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4C Corrective P/N 664700500A4D 3200 L/G LGCIU 1 (2) FAULT NO MAINT. or after de-icing/high-press cleaning Doc X Ref TFU 344200005 TFU 326100003 TFU 344200003 Filtered Yes Part TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER Affected P/N 9599-607-14932 9599-607-12333 Corrective P/N 9599-607-14942 9599-607-12352 3200 BRAKES BSCU CH1 (2) FAULT If occurs at engine shutdown.32) Other FCOM_3. it is triggered to remind the flight crew that take-off is not permitted with brakes hot. 04. Instead. ACTION if occurs on ground during wet / snowy / icy weather.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 3200 Cockpit Effect L/G SHOCK ABSORBER FAULT Remark NO MAINT.32) Other FCOM_3. refer to the Last Leg Report of the LGCIU No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4C Corrective P/N 664700500A4D 3400 NAV GPWS FAULT No maintenance action is required if occurs on ground during Taxiing or Lining-up. reset the BSCU (FCOM 3.32 TFU 324234041 No Part BSCU Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 3200 BRAKES HOT This is a configuration warning that does not reflect a malfunction of the system. or after de-icing/high-press cleaning Doc X Ref TFU 344200005 TFU 326100003 TFU 344200003 Filtered Yes Part TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER Affected P/N 9599-607-14932 9599-607-12333 Corrective P/N 9599-607-14942 9599-607-12352 3200 BRAKES BSCU CH1 (2) FAULT If occurs at engine shutdown.04. Yes Part BSCU Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 3200 L/G LGCIU 1 (2) FAULT If not LGCIU faut message available in the PFR. TFU 344800002 Yes Part RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 204-1230-3518 Corrective P/N 204-1230-3521 Revision 31 PART B : Page 18 . it is triggered to remind the flight crew that take-off is not permitted with brakes hot. If not OK ref to TSM. If not OK ref to TSM. Airbus_SB 34-1084 TFU 341000012 No Part ADIRU Affected P/N HG1150AC05 Corrective P/N HG1150AC06 Revision 31 PART B : Page 19 . Doc X Ref TFU 344300006 Filtered No Part TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-903 Corrective P/N 4066010-905 3400 NAV TCAS FAULT No maintenance action is required if TCAS BITE test is OK. TFU 344200007 No Part TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER Affected P/N 9599-607-14942 9599-607-14942 Corrective P/N VSB ERT-530-34-35 VSB ERT-530-34-34 3400 NAV RAi FAULT (i=1 or 2) Apply Maintenance action described in TFU 344200008 if correlated with both PFR fault messages "LRAi TRANSCEIVER" and "LRAi ANTENNA" Issue corrected with ANTENNA S/N > 2014 Vendor_SB 95-01 Other AOT_34-03 TFU 344200008 No Part RA ANTENNA Affected P/N 622-8701-002 Corrective P/N 3400 NAV ADRi FAULT (i=1. 2 or 3) If no associated maintenance message source ADR. follow advice given in TFU 341000012. TFU 344300004 TFU 344300007 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 066-50000-0108 066-50000-0102 066-50000-0208 066-50000-0203 Corrective P/N TPA-81A-34-75REV1 TPA-81A-34-61REV2 TPA-81A-34-72REV1 N/A 3400 NAV RAi FAULT (=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION if event happens at high altitude (above 8192 ft).SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 3400 Cockpit Effect NAV TCAS FAULT Remark No maintenance action is required if TCAS BITE test is OK. NO MAINTENANCE ACTION if AIR DATA parameters are valid on ground TFU 341000016 No Part ADIRU Affected P/N HG1150AC05 Corrective P/N POST MOD 25882 3400 NAV ADR 1 (2)(3) FAULT If associated to ADM fault message "34 11 17 ADIRUx : NO DATA FROM ADM 19FPx" ref MAINTENANCE ADVICE field of the TFU 341000021 TFU 341000021 No Part ADM Affected P/N PG1152AC03 Corrective P/N PG1152AC05 3400 NAV ADRi FAULT (i=1. follow advice given in TFU 341000012.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 3400 Cockpit Effect ADR 1 (2)(3) (MAINT STS) Remark The MAINTENANCE STATUS may appear after performing the AOA SENSOR test. 2 or 3) Associated to ADM fault messages. See maintenance advice given in TFU 34 10 00 017 Doc X Ref TFU 341000017 Filtered No Part ADIRU Affected P/N 465020-0303-0308 Corrective P/N 465020-0303-0309 3400 NAV ADRi FAULT (i=1. Airbus_SB 34-1084 TFU 341000012 No Part ADIRU Affected P/N HG1150AC05 Corrective P/N HG1150AC06 3400 NAV RAi FAULT (i=1 or 2) Apply Maintenance action described in TFU 344200008 if correlated with both PFR fault messages "LRAi TRANSCEIVER" and "LRAi ANTENNA" Issue corrected with ANTENNA S/N > 2014 Vendor_SB 95-01 Other AOT_34-03 TFU 344200008 No Part RA ANTENNA Affected P/N 622-8701-002 Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART B : Page 20 . 2 or 3) If no associated maintenance message source ADR. SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 3400 Cockpit Effect NAV GPWS FAULT Remark No maintenance action is required if occurs on ground during Taxiing or Lining-up. If not OK ref to TSM. TFU 344300004 TFU 344300007 No Part TCAS TCAS TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 066-50000-0108 066-50000-0102 066-50000-0208 066-50000-0203 Corrective P/N TPA-81A-34-75REV1 TPA-81A-34-61REV2 TPA-81A-34-72REV1 N/A 3400 NAV RAi FAULT (=1 or 2) NO MAINT ACTION if event happens at high altitude (above 8192 ft). TFU 344200007 No Part TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER Affected P/N 9599-607-14942 9599-607-14942 Corrective P/N VSB ERT-530-34-35 VSB ERT-530-34-34 3400 NAV RAi FAULT (i=1 or 2) Apply Maintenance action described in TFU 344200008 if correlated with both PFR fault messages "LRAi TRANSCEIVER" and "LRAi ANTENNA" Issue corrected with ANTENNA S/N > 2014 Vendor_SB 95-01 Other AOT_34-03 TFU 344200008 No Part RA ANTENNA Affected P/N 622-8701-002 Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART B : Page 21 . If not OK ref to TSM. TFU 344300006 No Part TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-903 Corrective P/N 4066010-905 3400 NAV TCAS FAULT No maintenance action is required if TCAS BITE test is OK. Doc X Ref TFU 344800002 Filtered Yes Part RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 204-1230-3518 Corrective P/N 204-1230-3521 3400 NAV TCAS FAULT No maintenance action is required if TCAS BITE test is OK. See maintenance advice given in TFU 34 10 00 017 TFU 341000017 No Part ADIRU Affected P/N 465020-0303-0308 Corrective P/N 465020-0303-0309 3400 NAV ADRi FAULT (i=1. Doc X Ref Airbus_SB 34-1084 TFU 341000012 Filtered No Part ADIRU Affected P/N HG1150AC05 Corrective P/N HG1150AC06 3400 ADR 1 (2)(3) (MAINT STS) The MAINTENANCE STATUS may appear after performing the AOA SENSOR test. follow advice given in TFU 341000012.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 3400 Cockpit Effect NAV ADRi FAULT (i=1. 2 or 3) Associated to ADM fault messages. 2 or 3) Remark If no associated maintenance message source ADR. NO MAINTENANCE ACTION if AIR DATA parameters are valid on ground TFU 341000016 No Part ADIRU Affected P/N HG1150AC05 Corrective P/N POST MOD 25882 3400 NAV ADR 1 (2)(3) FAULT If associated to ADM fault message "34 11 17 ADIRUx : NO DATA FROM ADM 19FPx" ref MAINTENANCE ADVICE field of the TFU 341000021 TFU 341000021 No Part ADM Affected P/N PG1152AC03 Corrective P/N PG1152AC05 3400 NAV ADRi FAULT (i=1. Airbus_SB 34-1084 TFU 341000012 No Part ADIRU Affected P/N HG1150AC05 Corrective P/N HG1150AC06 Revision 31 PART B : Page 22 . 2 or 3) If no associated maintenance message source ADR. follow advice given in TFU 341000012. If the test fails. apply corresponding TSM procedure. j=1 or 2). perform SYSTEM TEST of both WXR units. Action if WXR RADAR works correctly after power on. j=1 or 2). do not remove the WXR transceiver units. If the test fails.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 3400 Cockpit Effect NAV RAi FAULT (i=1 or 2) Remark Apply Maintenance action described in TFU 344200008 if correlated with both PFR fault messages "LRAi TRANSCEIVER" and "LRAi ANTENNA" Issue corrected with ANTENNA S/N > 2014 Doc X Ref Vendor_SB 95-01 Other AOT_34-03 TFU 344200008 Filtered No Part RA ANTENNA Affected P/N 622-8701-002 Corrective P/N 3441 RED WXR FLAG ON PFD DURING ON/OFF SEQUENCE NO Maint. No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-623 622-5132-622 Corrective P/N TBD TBD 3441 RED WXR FLAG ON PFD DURING ON/OFF SEQUENCE NO Maint. Action if WXR RADAR works correctly after power on. 2 or 3 . 2 or 3 . do not remove the WXR transceiver units. perform SYSTEM TEST of both WXR units. TFU 344100014 No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0418 204-1218-0421 Corrective P/N 3441 NAV PRED W/S DET FAULT If associated with fault message "DMCi: NO WXRj Chy DATA" (i=1. TFU 344100014 No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0418 204-1218-0421 Corrective P/N 3441 NAV PRED W/S DET FAULT If associated with fault message "DMCi: NO WXRj Chy DATA" (i=1. apply corresponding TSM procedure. No Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-623 622-5132-622 Corrective P/N TBD TBD Revision 31 PART B : Page 23 . If test ok. If test ok. SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 3600 Cockpit Effect AIR BLEED (Maintenance Status) Remark NO MAINT. ACTION if the AIR BLEED MAINTENANCE STATUS is recorded in the PFR in phase 2, without any associated Fault Message. Doc X Ref Filtered No Part BMC BMC Affected P/N 785-002-7 785-002-61 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 7700 ENG DUAL FAILURE NO MAINT. ACTION if occurs on ground during wet / snowy / icy weather, or after de-icing/high press. cleaning. TFU TFU TFU TFU 344200005 326100003 344200013 344200003 Yes Part TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER Affected P/N 9599-607-14942 9599-607-12333 9599-607-14932 9599-607-12552 Corrective P/N 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 7700 ENG i EIU (Maintenance Status) DISREGARD THE MESSAGE if occurs after gear non retraction. TFU 323471043 TFU 323173001 No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4B Corrective P/N 664700500A4C Revision 31 PART B : Page 24 SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 7700 Cockpit Effect ENG DUAL FAILURE Remark NO MAINT. ACTION if occurs on ground during wet / snowy / icy weather, or after de-icing/high press. cleaning. Doc X Ref TFU TFU TFU TFU 344200005 326100003 344200013 344200003 Filtered Yes Part TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER Affected P/N 9599-607-14942 9599-607-12333 9599-607-14932 9599-607-12552 Corrective P/N 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 7700 ENG i EIU (Maintenance Status) DISREGARD THE MESSAGE if occurs after gear non retraction. TFU 323471043 TFU 323173001 No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4B Corrective P/N 664700500A4C 7700 ENGi FADEC HI TEMP NO MAINT. ACTION if displayed before Engine start when ING/START selected. Disappear after a FADEC reset (>30 sec.) TFU 752400002 Other FCOM_3.02.18 No Part ECU ECU Affected P/N 1459M55P15 1519M83P02 Corrective P/N 1459M55P17 1519M83P04 Revision 31 PART B : Page 25 SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 7700 Cockpit Effect ENG DUAL FAILURE Remark NO MAINT. ACTION if occurs on ground during wet / snowy / icy weather, or after de-icing/high press. cleaning. Doc X Ref TFU TFU TFU TFU 344200005 326100003 344200013 344200003 Filtered Yes Part TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER Affected P/N 9599-607-14942 9599-607-12333 9599-607-14932 9599-607-12552 Corrective P/N 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 7700 ENG i FADEC A(B) FAULT Without associated fault message FADEC. Cleared in some cases by the DMU and/or SDCU replacement. TFU 315300048 TFU 313600041 No Part SDCU DMU Affected P/N ALL P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N VSB RAI 2800-26-005 VSB 795020-31-019 7700 ENG OVSPD PROT FAULT Ref to FCOM 3.02.70. Other FCOM_3.02.70 TFU 732000004 No Part EEC EEC Affected P/N ALL P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N SCN10A SCN12C Revision 31 PART B : Page 26 SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 7700 Cockpit Effect ENGi OVSPD PROT FAULT Remark Refer to FCOM 3.02.70 if it occurs at Engine start-up. Doc X Ref Other FCOM_3.02.70 TFU 732110004 Filtered No Part ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P04 1820M27P01 1519M83P03 1459M55P16 1519M83P02 1459M55P17 1459M55P15 Corrective P/N 1519M83P06 1820M27P03 1519M83P06 1459M55P19 1519M83P06 1459M55P19 1459M55P19 7700 ENG i IGN A+B FAULT If appears when selecting Master Lever for Engine start, cycle EIU C/B and attempt a new Engine start. TFU 743000082 TFU 743000083 No Part EIU EIU EIU Affected P/N 3957905003 3957900612 3957900611 Corrective P/N POST AMDT C POST AMDT C POST AMDT C 7700 ENG X RESERVER FAULT if associated to the following fault message "HCU (TRDV), J5 (J6), ECU" at engine start, refer to FCOM TR 477-3 and AMM 71-00-00 page block 500 for alternate start procedure. TFU 783100085 No Part ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1820M36P06 1820M87P07 1820M89P06 1820M88P07 Corrective P/N 1820M87P09 1820M88P09 7700 ENG i REVERSER FAULT No maintenance action is required when occurs during engine shut off phase (Engine master switch off) Other 999.0111-99 TFU 783100098 No Part ECU ECU Affected P/N 1820M89P07 1820M36P07 Corrective P/N N/A N/A Revision 31 PART B : Page 27 Doc X Ref TFU 783100078 TFU 783100100 Filtered No Part ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83PXX 1459M55PXX 1820M89P06 1820M27PXX 1820M36P06 Corrective P/N 1820M88P09 1820M87P09 1820M89P07 1820M36P07 7700 ENG OVSPD PROT FAULT Ref to FCOM 3.02.18 No Part ECU ECU Affected P/N 1459M55P15 1519M83P02 Corrective P/N 1459M55P17 1519M83P04 Revision 31 PART B : Page 28 .70.02. Other FCOM_3.02. Disappear after a FADEC reset (>30 sec.) TFU 752400002 Other FCOM_3.70 if it occurs at Engine start-up.02.02. Other FCOM_3.70 TFU 732110004 No Part ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P04 1820M27P01 1519M83P03 1459M55P16 1519M83P02 1459M55P17 1459M55P15 Corrective P/N 1519M83P06 1820M27P03 1519M83P06 1459M55P19 1519M83P06 1459M55P19 1459M55P19 7700 ENGi FADEC HI TEMP NO MAINT. ACTION if displayed before Engine start when ING/START selected.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 7700 Cockpit Effect ENG1 REVERSER FAULT Remark If this warning occurs during the thrust reverser test (through the ECU menu mode) and if associated to failure messages "HCU (TRPU).70 TFU 732000004 No Part EEC EEC Affected P/N ALL P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N SCN10A SCN12C 7700 ENGi OVSPD PROT FAULT Refer to FCOM 3.HYD" do an operational test of the thrust reverser with engine running or using an hydraulic ground card to confirm the fault. HYD" or "HCU(TRSOU). P03) 1459M55P15(P16. No Part ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N ECU STD 5 AI ECU STD 5 AH+ ECUSTD5AI ECU STD 5 AI+ ECUSTD5AH ECU STD 5 AH Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART B : Page 29 . This is a FADEC discrepency that occurs on V2500 A5 Engines only No Part EEC EEC Affected P/N SCN 15 SCN 16 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 7700 ENGi FUEL FILTER CLOG (i=1 or 2) No Maint.P18. No Part FWC Affected P/N 350E053020606 Corrective P/N 350E053020707 7700 ENG TYPE DISAGREE No Maint.P05.P19) Corrective P/N 1519M83P08 1820M27P05 1459M55P21 7700 ENG 2 FADEC FAULT No Maint action if no associated EEC fault message recorded in the PFR. Action if warning triggered at engine start for less than 5 seconds.P04.P06) 1820M27P01 (P02.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 7700 Cockpit Effect ENG i BLEED STATUS FAULT (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINTENANCE ACTION if occurs at ECU power up Doc X Ref Filtered No Part ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P02 (P03. Action if A/C is in ECU intermix configuration.P17. ACTION if occurs on ground during wet / snowy / icy weather. cleaning. TFU 323471043 TFU 323173001 No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4B Corrective P/N 664700500A4C Revision 31 PART B : Page 30 . TFU TFU TFU TFU 344200005 326100003 344200013 344200003 Yes Part TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER Affected P/N 9599-607-14942 9599-607-12333 9599-607-14932 9599-607-12552 Corrective P/N 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 7700 ENG i EIU (Maintenance Status) DISREGARD THE MESSAGE if occurs after gear non retraction. or after de-icing/high press. ACTION if occurs on ground during wet / snowy / icy weather. cleaning. TFU 323471043 TFU 323173001 No Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4B Corrective P/N 664700500A4C 7700 ENG DUAL FAILURE NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 7700 Cockpit Effect ENG DUAL FAILURE Remark NO MAINT. Doc X Ref TFU TFU TFU TFU 344200005 326100003 344200013 344200003 Filtered Yes Part TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER Affected P/N 9599-607-14942 9599-607-12333 9599-607-14932 9599-607-12552 Corrective P/N 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 7700 ENG i EIU (Maintenance Status) DISREGARD THE MESSAGE if occurs after gear non retraction. or after de-icing/high press. 70 TFU 732000004 No Part EEC EEC Affected P/N ALL P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N SCN10A SCN12C Revision 31 PART B : Page 31 . ACTION if displayed before Engine start when ING/START selected. ACTION if occurs on ground during wet / snowy / icy weather.70. TFU 315300048 TFU 313600041 No Part SDCU DMU Affected P/N ALL P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N VSB RAI 2800-26-005 VSB 795020-31-019 7700 ENG OVSPD PROT FAULT Ref to FCOM 3. or after de-icing/high press.18 Filtered No Part ECU ECU Affected P/N 1459M55P15 1519M83P02 Corrective P/N 1459M55P17 1519M83P04 7700 ENG DUAL FAILURE NO MAINT. Disappear after a FADEC reset (>30 sec.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 7700 Cockpit Effect ENGi FADEC HI TEMP Remark NO MAINT. cleaning.02.) Doc X Ref TFU 752400002 Other FCOM_3. Other FCOM_3. TFU TFU TFU TFU 344200005 326100003 344200013 344200003 Yes Part TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER Affected P/N 9599-607-14942 9599-607-12333 9599-607-14932 9599-607-12552 Corrective P/N 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 9599-607-12352 7700 ENG i FADEC A(B) FAULT Without associated fault message FADEC. Cleared in some cases by the DMU and/or SDCU replacement.02.02. J5 (J6).02.0111-99 TFU 783100098 No Part ECU ECU Affected P/N 1820M89P07 1820M36P07 Corrective P/N N/A N/A Revision 31 PART B : Page 32 . Doc X Ref Other FCOM_3.02. TFU 783100085 No Part ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1820M36P06 1820M87P07 1820M89P06 1820M88P07 Corrective P/N 1820M87P09 1820M88P09 7700 ENG i REVERSER FAULT No maintenance action is required when occurs during engine shut off phase (Engine master switch off) Other 999.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 7700 Cockpit Effect ENGi OVSPD PROT FAULT Remark Refer to FCOM 3. cycle EIU C/B and attempt a new Engine start. TFU 743000082 TFU 743000083 No Part EIU EIU EIU Affected P/N 3957905003 3957900612 3957900611 Corrective P/N POST AMDT C POST AMDT C POST AMDT C 7700 ENG X RESERVER FAULT if associated to the following fault message "HCU (TRDV). ECU" at engine start.70 TFU 732110004 Filtered No Part ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P04 1820M27P01 1519M83P03 1459M55P16 1519M83P02 1459M55P17 1459M55P15 Corrective P/N 1519M83P06 1820M27P03 1519M83P06 1459M55P19 1519M83P06 1459M55P19 1459M55P19 7700 ENG i IGN A+B FAULT If appears when selecting Master Lever for Engine start.70 if it occurs at Engine start-up. refer to FCOM TR 477-3 and AMM 71-00-00 page block 500 for alternate start procedure. 02.70 TFU 732110004 No Part ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P04 1820M27P01 1519M83P03 1459M55P16 1519M83P02 1459M55P17 1459M55P15 Corrective P/N 1519M83P06 1820M27P03 1519M83P06 1459M55P19 1519M83P06 1459M55P19 1459M55P19 7700 ENGi FADEC HI TEMP NO MAINT.18 No Part ECU ECU Affected P/N 1459M55P15 1519M83P02 Corrective P/N 1459M55P17 1519M83P04 Revision 31 PART B : Page 33 .HYD" do an operational test of the thrust reverser with engine running or using an hydraulic ground card to confirm the fault.02. Disappear after a FADEC reset (>30 sec.02. Other FCOM_3.02.70 if it occurs at Engine start-up. ACTION if displayed before Engine start when ING/START selected.70. HYD" or "HCU(TRSOU).70 TFU 732000004 No Part EEC EEC Affected P/N ALL P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N SCN10A SCN12C 7700 ENGi OVSPD PROT FAULT Refer to FCOM 3.02. Other FCOM_3. Doc X Ref TFU 783100078 TFU 783100100 Filtered No Part ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83PXX 1459M55PXX 1820M89P06 1820M27PXX 1820M36P06 Corrective P/N 1820M88P09 1820M87P09 1820M89P07 1820M36P07 7700 ENG OVSPD PROT FAULT Ref to FCOM 3.) TFU 752400002 Other FCOM_3.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 7700 Cockpit Effect ENG1 REVERSER FAULT Remark If this warning occurs during the thrust reverser test (through the ECU menu mode) and if associated to failure messages "HCU (TRPU). No Part FWC Affected P/N 350E053020606 Corrective P/N 350E053020707 7700 ENG TYPE DISAGREE No Maint.P06) 1820M27P01 (P02.P19) Corrective P/N 1519M83P08 1820M27P05 1459M55P21 7700 ENG 2 FADEC FAULT No Maint action if no associated EEC fault message recorded in the PFR. Action if warning triggered at engine start for less than 5 seconds. This is a FADEC discrepency that occurs on V2500 A5 Engines only No Part EEC EEC Affected P/N SCN 15 SCN 16 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 7700 ENGi FUEL FILTER CLOG (i=1 or 2) No Maint.P18.SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 7700 Cockpit Effect ENG i BLEED STATUS FAULT (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINTENANCE ACTION if occurs at ECU power up Doc X Ref Filtered No Part ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P02 (P03.P05. No Part ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N ECU STD 5 AI ECU STD 5 AH+ ECUSTD5AI ECU STD 5 AI+ ECUSTD5AH ECU STD 5 AH Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART B : Page 34 . Action if A/C is in ECU intermix configuration.P04. P03) 1459M55P15(P16.P17. This is a FADEC discrepency that occurs on V2500 A5 Engines only Doc X Ref Filtered No Part EEC EEC Affected P/N SCN 16 SCN 15 Corrective P/N N/A N/A Revision 31 PART B : Page 35 .SIL 00-028 PART B : PFR Cockpit Effects ATA 7711 Cockpit Effect ENG 1 FADEC FAULT Remark No Maint action if no associated EEC fault message recorded in the PFR. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 215100 FLOW SEL NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 212151 Class 3 message RECIRC FAN i OR SPLY (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. ACTION Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 215152 MIXER FLAP DRIVE OR SPLY NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 Revision 31 PART C : Page 1 . ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216112 Pi COMP OVHT SENSOR (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216000003 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216111 Pi COMP TEMP SENSOR (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216134 PACKi CONT NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216134001 TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216151 Pi RAM AIR IN ACTUATOR (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216117 Pi BLEED TEMP SENSOR (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-07 775A0000-05 775A0000-06 Corrective P/N 775A0000-08 775A0000-08 775A0000-08 Revision 31 PART C : Page 2 . ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216152 Pi RAM AIR OUT ACTUATOR (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 216115 Class 3 message Pi OUTLET TEMP SENSOR (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 Revision 31 PART C : Page 3 . ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216315 TEMP SENSOR CKPT DUCT NO MAINT. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216315 TEMP SENSOR CKPT DUCT NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216315 TEMP SENSOR FWD CAB DUCT NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 216153 Class 3 message TURBINE BYPASS VALVE Remark NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216315 TEMP SENSOR FWD CAB DUCT NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 Revision 31 PART C : Page 4 . ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216317 TEMP SENSOR CKPT NO MAINT. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216317 TEMP SENSOR AFT (FWD) CAB NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216317 TEMP SENSOR AFT (FWD) CAB NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216317 TEMP SENSOR CKPT NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 216316 Class 3 message TEMP SENSOR L/H AND R/H MIXER Remark NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 Revision 31 PART C : Page 5 . ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216318 AFT (FWD) CAB DUCT OVHT SENSOR NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216318 CKPT DUCT OVHT SENSOR NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216334 ZONE CONT NO MAINT. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216318 AFT (FWD) CAB DUCT OVHT SENSOR NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 216318 Class 3 message CKPT DUCT OVHT SENSOR Remark NO MAINT. -5 fitted on A/C Doc X Ref Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216334 ZONE CONT NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216334044 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216334 NO PACK DATA FROM ECS NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216000004 Part ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-07 775A0000-05 775A0000-06 Corrective P/N 775A0000-08 775A0000-08 775A0000-08 216351 TRIM VALVE AFT (FWD) CAB NO MAINT. ACTION if zone cont. -5 fitted on A/C Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 216351 TRIM AIR VALVE CKPT (11HK) NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 216334 Class 3 message NO PACK DATA FROM ECS Remark NO MAINT. ACTION if zone cont. ACTION TFU 216000004 Part ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-07 775A0000-05 775A0000-06 Corrective P/N 775A0000-08 775A0000-08 775A0000-08 Revision 31 PART C : Page 6 . ACTION TFU 216000003 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 228334 FMGCi(1CAi) BUS FM ACARS /ATSU1(1TX1) (i=1 or 2) ATSU/ FMGCx protocol deviation when ATSU does receive answer from FMGCx (when in slave condition). ACTION TFU 216000004 Part ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-07 775A0000-05 775A0000-06 Corrective P/N 775A0000-08 775A0000-08 775A0000-08 216352 TRIM AIR PRESS VALVE NO MAINT. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 216000004 Part ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-07 775A0000-05 775A0000-06 Corrective P/N 775A0000-08 775A0000-08 775A0000-08 216351 TRIM VALVE AFT (FWD) CAB NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 216351 Class 3 message TRIM AIR VALVE CKPT (11HK) Remark NO MAINT. TFU 460000002 Part ATSU PLAT SW ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 LA2T0J13000C0F1 Revision 31 PART C : Page 7 . No maintenance action required. ACTION if ATSU PN LA2T0J13000C0F1 and either one of the listed VDR PN are installed. ACTION TFU 233300009 Part PES-MULTIPLEXER Affected P/N 1142300-131-XX Corrective P/N VSB AVI-9332 233346 SEB 41LFT. 41RGT REF SIL HUGHES 1142000-130-03 NO MAINT. 41RGT REF SIL HUGHES 1142000-130-03 NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 231233 Class 3 message VDR3(1RC3)/ATSU1(1TX1) Remark Interface issue between ATSU and VDR if VDR is mode 2 capable and ATSU not Mode 2 capable NO MAINT. ACTION if no cabin crew complaint. This spurious PES Bite message is recorded when PES Bite is disabled in the CAM Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z010H000520A Z010H0005119 Corrective P/N Z010H000521A Z010H000521A 233346 SEB 41LFT. 42RGT REF SIL HUGHES 1142000-130-03 NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 233300009 Part PES-MULTIPLEXER Affected P/N 1142300-131-XX Corrective P/N VSB AVI-9332 Revision 31 PART C : Page 8 . ACTION TFU 233300009 Part PES-MULTIPLEXER Affected P/N 1142300-131-XX Corrective P/N VSB AVI-9332 233346 SEB 42LFT. Doc X Ref TFU 460000002 Part TRANSCEIVER-VHF ATSU PLAT SW ATSU PLAT SW TRANSCEIVER-VHF TRANSCEIVER-VHF Affected P/N 822-1250-020 LA2T0J13002C0F1 LA2T0J13000C0F1 064-50000-2051 EVR750-04-0100A Corrective P/N N/A LA2T0J1303A00F1 LA2T0J1303A00F1 N/A N/A 233334 NO PESMUX DATA No MAINT. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 233300009 Part PES-MULTIPLEXER Affected P/N 1142300-131-XX Corrective P/N VSB AVI-9332 233600 NO SCU DATA No maintenance action if no cabin crew complaint.A9B IDG i PIN B7. 610860-xxxx.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 233346 Class 3 message SEB 42LFT. 743-03xx-xxx. TFU 233300009 Part DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z010H0005119 Corrective P/N Z010H000520A 242100 CHECK GCUi PIN A8A. RD-AV3001-33.B8 WIRING (i=1 or 2) No Maint Action TFU 244100002 Part GPCU Affected P/N 740121A Corrective P/N 740121B 242200 CHECK FIRE HANDLE i RESET GENi (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION if Fire handle switches actuation not mentionned in the Log Book. Otherwise. This message is recorded when the SCU pin prog is activated with the SCU not installed. TFU 244100004 Part GPCU Affected P/N 740121A Corrective P/N 740121B 242218 TDC AC SENSOR 50XUi (i=1 or 2) After a GPCU test. Generator 1& 2 P/B switches in the cockpit must be reset. this message will appear after the 2nd GPCU test TFU 244100003 Part GPCU GPCU Affected P/N 740121B 740121A Corrective P/N VENDOR SIL 229 VENDOR SIL 229 Revision 31 PART C : Page 9 . 42RGT Remark REF SIL HUGHES 1142000-130-03 NO MAINT. and with the following SCU P/N: 743-0215-030. ACTION TFU 284234029 Part CADENSICON Affected P/N 796-809-5 Corrective P/N 796-809-6 284216 L(R) CADENSICON 19QTi NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 284234029 TFU 284234016 Part CADENSICON Affected P/N 796-809-5 Corrective P/N 796-809-6 284216 C CADENSICON 20QT NO MAINT. ACTION Doc X Ref Part GPCU Affected P/N 740121A Corrective P/N 740121B 284216 L(R) CADENSICON 19QTi NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 284234029 TFU 284234016 Part CADENSICON Affected P/N 796-809-5 Corrective P/N 796-809-6 284216 C CADENSICON 20QT NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 284234029 Part CADENSICON Affected P/N 796-809-5 Corrective P/N 796-809-6 Revision 31 PART C : Page 10 .SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 244134 Class 3 message GPCU Remark NO MAINT. 3) NO MAINT. Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 Revision 31 PART C : Page 11 . ACTION.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 284216 Class 3 message L(R) CADENSICON 19QTi Remark NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 216000003 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 303134 PHC 6 DA 1(2. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 284234029 TFU 284234016 Part CADENSICON Affected P/N 796-809-5 Corrective P/N 796-809-6 301151 WAI FILTER OR VALVE 9DL (10DL) NO MAINT. Other TSM-ATA30 TFU 303134006 Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 313234 CFDIU(1TW)/ATSU1(1TX1) Protocol problem between ATSU and CFDIU No maintenace action required TFU 460000002 Part ATSU PLAT SW ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 LA2T0J13000C0F1 313234 CFDIU (1TW)/WXRi (1SQi) (i=1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 315534 SDACi (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION if associated with codes 2000 to 2005 TFU 315500002 Part SDAC SDAC Affected P/N 350E5151022 350E5161122 Corrective P/N 350E5151331 350E5151331 Revision 31 PART C : Page 12 .SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 313234 Class 3 message CFDIU(1TW)/ATSU1(1TX1) Remark Protocol problem between ATSU and CFDIU No maintenace action required Doc X Ref TFU 460000002 Part ATSU PLAT SW ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 LA2T0J13000C0F1 313234 CFDIU (1TW)/WXRi (1SQi) (i=1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. ACTION if associated with codes 2000 to 2005 TFU 315500002 Part SDAC SDAC Affected P/N 350E5151022 350E5161122 Corrective P/N 350E5151331 350E5151331 315534 SDACi(1WVi)/ATSU1(1TX1) (i=1 or 2) null No maintenance action required TFU 460000002 Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 315534 SDACi (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. 2 or 3) (j=1. ACTION TFU 303100013 Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 Revision 31 PART C : Page 13 . 2 or 3) (j=1. 2 or 3) NO MAINT. 2 or 3) NO MAINT. 2 or 3) NO MAINTENANCE ACTION if triggered during take-off and landing phases TFU 231300023 Part RMP Affected P/N C12848AA01 Corrective P/N C12848CA01 341200 CHECK ADIRUi R STATIC PHCj INTERFACE (i=1.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 315534 Class 3 message SDACi(1WVi)/ATSU1(1TX1) (i=1 or 2) Remark null No maintenance action required Doc X Ref TFU 460000002 Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 316334 DMC(1WTi/3)/ATSU(1TX1) (i=1 or 2) Label 316 (wind direction) not properly received by the ATSU No maintenance action required TFU 460000002 Part ATSU PLAT SW ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 LA2T0J13000C0F1 323171 LGCIUi(5GAi)/RMPj(1RGj) (i=1 or 2)(j=1. ACTION TFU 303100013 Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 341200 CHECK ADIRUi L STATIC PHCj INTERFACE (i=1. SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 341200 Class 3 message No access to ZONT PHC1(2,3) INTERFACE Remark NO MAINT. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 303100013 Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 341200 CHECK ADIRUi AOA PHCj INTERFACE (i=1, 2 or 3) (j=1, 2 or 3) NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 303100013 Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 341200 CHECK ADIRUi PITOT PHCj INTERFACE (i=1, 2 or 3) (j=1, 2 or 3) NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 303100013 Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 341200 CHECK ADIRUi R STATIC PHCj INTERFACE (i=1, 2 or 3) (j=1, 2 or 3) NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 303100013 Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 341200 CHECK ADIRUi L STATIC PHCj INTERFACE (i=1, 2 or 3) (j=1, 2 or 3) NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 303100013 Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 Revision 31 PART C : Page 14 SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 341200 Class 3 message No access to ZONT PHC1(2,3) INTERFACE Remark NO MAINT. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 303100013 Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 341200 CHECK ADIRUi AOA PHCj INTERFACE (i=1, 2 or 3) (j=1, 2 or 3) NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 303100013 Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 341200 CHECK ADIRUi PITOT PHCj INTERFACE (i=1, 2 or 3) (j=1, 2 or 3) NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 303100013 Part PHC Affected P/N 1663214200 Corrective P/N 1663214301 341234 NO DATA FROM ADIRS NO MAINT. ACTION if appears in Phase 1,2 or 10 . Other TSM-ATA21 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 341234 ADIRU3(1FP3) ADR BUS/ WXRi(1SQi) (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 822-1710-202 Corrective P/N 822-1710-203 822-1710-203 Revision 31 PART C : Page 15 SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 341234 Class 3 message ADIRU3(1FP3) ADR BUS/ WXRi(1SQi) (i = 1 or 2) Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. Doc X Ref Part RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-623 Corrective P/N TBD 341234 ADIRUi(1FPi) IR BUS/ WXRj(1SQj) (i = 1, 2 or 3 and j = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-202 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-203 822-1710-203 341234 NO DATA FROM ADIRS NO MAINT. ACTION if appears in Phase 1,2 or 10 . Other TSM-ATA21 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 341234 ADIRU3(1FP3) ADR BUS/ WXRi(1SQi) (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 822-1710-202 Corrective P/N 822-1710-203 822-1710-203 341234 ADIRU3(1FP3) ADR BUS/ WXRi(1SQi) (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. Part RADAR Affected P/N 622-5132-623 Corrective P/N TBD Revision 31 PART C : Page 16 SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 341234 Class 3 message ADIRUi(1FPi) IR BUS/ WXRj(1SQj) (i = 1, 2 or 3 and j = 1 or 2) Remark No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. Doc X Ref Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-202 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-203 822-1710-203 344233 RAi (2SAi)/WXRj (1SQj) (i=1 or 2) (j=1 or 2) No maintenance action required if no logbook complaint. Part RADAR Affected P/N 822-1710-201 Corrective P/N 822-1710-202 345233 ATCi (1SHi)/TCAS (1SG) (i = 1 or 2) No maintenance action required. CLASS 3 fault message is triggered if ATC transponder in standby. Part TCAS TCAS Affected P/N 7517900-10003 7517900-10002 Corrective P/N AS PER DESIGN AS PER DESIGN 462134 ATSU1(1TX1) null No maintenance action required. TFU 460000002 Part ATSU PLAT SW ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S162C0C0F1 LA2T0S111C1B0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 LA2T0J13000C0F1 462134 ATSU (1TX1)/HFi (3REi) (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION. This message is triggered if there is no ATSU link with HFDR, i.e. (MOD 30625/30331 not installed). Part HFDR HFDR Affected P/N VSB COLLINS HFS-900D 822-0990-003 Corrective P/N TBD Revision 31 PART C : Page 17 ACTION if no log book entry concerning Engin vibrations. TFU 773234005 Part EVMU Affected P/N 241-211-000-021 Corrective P/N 241-211-000-031 Revision 31 PART C : Page 18 . i.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 462134 Class 3 message ATSU1(1TX1) Remark null No maintenance action required. ACTION if no log book entry concerning Engin vibrations. TFU 773234005 Part EVMU Affected P/N 241-211-000-021 Corrective P/N 241-211-000-031 710000 CHECK ENGi (N2 NB VIB) (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. Part HFDR HFDR Affected P/N VSB COLLINS HFS-900D 822-0990-003 Corrective P/N TBD 710000 BALANCE ENGi (N1 NB VIB) (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT.e. This message is triggered if there is no ATSU link with HFDR. (MOD 30625/30331 not installed). Doc X Ref TFU 460000002 Part ATSU PLAT SW ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S162C0C0F1 LA2T0S111C1B0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 LA2T0J13000C0F1 462134 ATSU (1TX1)/HFi (3REi) (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. ACTION. ACTION if no log book entry concerning Engin vibrations. TFU 773234005 Part EVMU Affected P/N 241-211-000-021 Corrective P/N 241-211-000-031 710000 BALANCE ENGi (N1 NB VIB) (i=1 or 2) NO MAINT. SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 710000 Class 3 message CHECK ENGi (N2 NB VIB) (i=1 or 2) Remark NO MAINT. Doc X Ref TFU 773234005 Part EVMU Affected P/N 241-211-000-021 Corrective P/N 241-211-000-031 715100 J4. ADC2 (*) ENG1A (1B(2A)(2B) NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 732900012 Part ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P02 1459M55P16 1459M55P15 1519M83P03 Corrective P/N 1519M83P04 1459M55P17 1459M55P17 1820M27P01 715100 J3. ACTION TFU 732900012 Part ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P02 1459M55P16 1459M55P15 1519M83P03 Corrective P/N 1519M83P04 1459M55P17 1459M55P17 1820M27P01 Revision 31 PART C : Page 19 . ACTION TFU 732900012 Part ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1459M55P15 1519M83P03 1519M83P02 1459M55P16 Corrective P/N 1459M55P17 1820M27P01 1519M83P04 1459M55P17 715100 J4. ACTION if no log book entry concerning Engin vibrations. ADC2 (*) ENG1A (1B(2A)(2B) NO MAINT. ADC1 (*) ENG1A (1B)(2A)(2B) NO MAINT. ACTION IF SB 72-1005 NOT EMBODIED ON THE A/C TFU 732900025 Part ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1820M27P01 1459M55P17 1519M83P04 Corrective P/N SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 753180 CWB3.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 715100 Class 3 message J3. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 732900012 Part ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1459M55P15 1519M83P03 1519M83P02 1459M55P16 Corrective P/N 1459M55P17 1820M27P01 1519M83P04 1459M55P17 732500 CHECK EIU-WHCi INTERFACE (i=1 or 2) Check/Confirm that EIU/WHC interface is defective TFU 304034002 Part WHC Affected P/N 6664202-3 Corrective P/N 6664287-0 753180 BLD SNSR. ACTION if SB 72-1005 not embodied on the A/C TFU 732900025 Part ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P03 1519M83P02 1459M55P15 1459M55P16 Corrective P/N SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 Revision 31 PART C : Page 20 . ECU (*) ENG1A (1B)(2A)(2B) NO MAINT. J15. WB3 SENS. ADC1 (*) ENG1A (1B)(2A)(2B) Remark NO MAINT. J15 ENG1A (1B)(2A)(2B) NO MAINT. ACTION if SB 72-1005 not embodied on the A/C TFU 732900025 Part ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P03 1519M83P02 1459M55P15 1459M55P16 Corrective P/N SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 753180 VTURI. ACTION IF SB 72-1005 NOT EMBODIED ON THE A/C. ECU (*) ENG1A (1B)(2A)(2B) NO MAINT. ECU* ENG1A (1B)(2A)(2B) NO MAINT. ECU* ENG1A (1B)(2A)(2B) Remark NO MAINT. ACTION IF SB 72-1005 NOT EMBODIED ON THE A/C.ACTION IF SB 72-1005 NOT EMBODIED ON THE A/C TFU 732900025 Part ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1820M27P01 1459M55P17 1519M83P04 Corrective P/N SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 753180 CWB3. BLD SNSR. BLD SNSR. WB3 SENS. TFU 722900025 Part ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1820M27P01 1519M83P04 1459M55P17 Corrective P/N SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 Revision 31 PART C : Page 21 . J15. J15 ENG1A (1B)(2A)(2B) NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART C : Class 3 Fault messages ATA 753180 Class 3 message VTURI. Doc X Ref TFU 722900025 Part ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1820M27P01 1519M83P04 1459M55P17 Corrective P/N SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 SB_72-1005 753180 BLD SNSR. TFU 213134006 Other TSM-ATA21 Part CPC Affected P/N 902215702-7 Corrective P/N 902215702-8 2163 THE CAB TEMP SYSTEM INITIATED TEST RESULTS. Doc X Ref TFU 212600010 Part AEVC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N NONE 2131 Spurious message OUTFLOW VALVE ELEK i (04) may be triggered during system calibration test in MAN MODE. Repeat test in AUTO MODE.WHEN FAILED.Spurious message recorded in the LAST LEG REPORT: "NO ACCEPTABLE FAILURE IN 26" Spurious message recorded in the PREVIOUS LEG REPORT: "NO ACCEPTABLE FAILURE ON 212". TFU 216334047 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 2163 THE CAB TEMP SYSTEM INITIATED TEST RESULTS.ARE IN CODED FORM THE CAB TEMP SYSTEM INITIATED TEST RESULTS.WHEN FAILED. Spurious message OUTFLOW VALVE ELEK i (04) may be triggered during system calibration test in MAN MODE. ACTION if no log book complaint. Remark VENT AVNCS SYS FAULT during Ditching test procedure.ARE IN CODED FORM TFU 216134002 TFU 216334004 Other TSM-ATA21 Part ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-06 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 775A0000-07 2163 Spurious message recorded in the PREVIOUS LEG REPORT: "NO ACCEPTABLE FAILURE ON 212".WHEN FAILED.ARE IN CODED FORM THE CAB TEMP SYSTEM INITIATED TEST RESULTS.ARE IN CODED FORM TFU 216134002 TFU 216334004 Other TSM-ATA21 Part ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-06 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 775A0000-07 Revision 31 PART D : Page 1 .WHEN FAILED.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 2126 CFDS anomalies VENT AVNCS SYS FAULT during Ditching test procedure. Spurious message recorded in the LAST LEG REPORT: "NO ACCEPTABLE FAILURE IN 26" NO MAINT. Reset AEVC C/B at the end of the Ditching test procedure. Doc X Ref Part ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 775A0000-06 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 775A0000-07 2163 No software number in P/N of Zone Cont. Remark GND failures report in last leg report. Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 2163 No access to ZONE CONT menu when PACK C/B is pulled. No software number in P/N of Zone Cont. Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 2163 No A/C ident in the previous leg report No A/C ident in the previous leg report NO MAINT. No access to ZONE CONT menu when PACK C/B is pulled. ACTION Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 2163 Leg counting deviation at leg 99 Leg counting deviation at leg 99 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 Revision 31 PART D : Page 2 .SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 2163 CFDS anomalies GND failures report in last leg report. GND failures report in last leg report.ARE IN CODED FORM Remark THE CAB TEMP SYSTEM INITIATED TEST RESULTS. Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 Revision 31 PART D : Page 3 .WHEN FAILED.WHEN FAILED. Part ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 775A0000-06 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 775A0000-07 2163 No software number in P/N of Zone Cont.ARE IN CODED FORM TFU 216134002 TFU 216334004 Other TSM-ATA21 Part ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-06 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 775A0000-07 2163 GND failures report in last leg report. No software number in P/N of Zone Cont.ARE IN CODED FORM THE CAB TEMP SYSTEM INITIATED TEST RESULTS. ACTION if no log book complaint. TFU 216334047 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 2163 THE CAB TEMP SYSTEM INITIATED TEST RESULTS.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 2163 CFDS anomalies THE CAB TEMP SYSTEM INITIATED TEST RESULTS. Spurious message recorded in the LAST LEG REPORT: "NO ACCEPTABLE FAILURE IN 26" NO MAINT.WHEN FAILED.WHEN FAILED.Spurious message recorded in the LAST LEG REPORT: "NO ACCEPTABLE FAILURE IN 26" Spurious message recorded in the PREVIOUS LEG REPORT: "NO ACCEPTABLE FAILURE ON 212".ARE IN CODED FORM Doc X Ref TFU 216134002 TFU 216334004 Other TSM-ATA21 Part ZONE CONTROLLER ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-06 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 775A0000-07 2163 Spurious message recorded in the PREVIOUS LEG REPORT: "NO ACCEPTABLE FAILURE ON 212". Remark No access to ZONE CONT menu when PACK C/B is pulled. inserting/Modifying via init A page in pre-flight or via secondary flight plan will avoid this anomaly. TFU 227000014 Part FMGC FMGC FMGC Affected P/N B398AAM0408 B398BCM0104 B398BAM0205 Corrective P/N B398AAM0409 B398BCM0106 B398BAM0206 2200 The message THR LK no more displayed on the PFD at the step 7 of the land test. TFU 229700004 Part FAC FAC DMC . Wrong (Alternate) City Pair on the PFR.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 2163 CFDS anomalies No access to ZONE CONT menu when PACK C/B is pulled. If DMC Mark II is installed. and answer YES even if nothing is displayed on the PFD. Ignore the land test step7 question. Doc X Ref Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-06 2163 No A/C ident in the previous leg report No A/C ident in the previous leg report NO MAINT. If Lateral revision at destination is used for inserting/changing Altn destination. The message THR LK no more displayed on the PFD at the step 7 of the land test. ACTION Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 2163 Leg counting deviation at leg 99 Leg counting deviation at leg 99 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 2200 Wrong (Alternate) City Pair on the PFR.EIS 1 Affected P/N ALL P/N ALL P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N B397AAM0509 B397AAM0508 Revision 31 PART D : Page 4 . The message THR LK no more displayed on the PFD at the step 7 of the land test. If DMC Mark II is installed. TFU 227000014 Part FMGC FMGC FMGC Affected P/N B398AAM0408 B398BCM0104 B398BAM0205 Corrective P/N B398AAM0409 B398BCM0106 B398BAM0206 2200 The message THR LK no more displayed on the PFD at the step 7 of the land test. Ignore the land test step7 question. TFU 229700004 Part FAC FAC DMC .EIS 1 Affected P/N ALL P/N ALL P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N B397AAM0509 B397AAM0508 2200 ELAC 1 & ELAC 2 messages displayed in the ground scan if no hydraulic pressure ELAC 1 & ELAC 2 messages displayed in the ground scan if no hydraulic pressure Other TSM-ATA22 Part FAC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A Revision 31 PART D : Page 5 . If Lateral revision at destination is used for inserting/changing Altn destination. inserting/Modifying via init A page in pre-flight or via secondary flight plan will avoid this anomaly. Wrong (Alternate) City Pair on the PFR.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 2200 CFDS anomalies ELAC 1 & ELAC 2 messages displayed in the ground scan if no hydraulic pressure Remark ELAC 1 & ELAC 2 messages displayed in the ground scan if no hydraulic pressure Doc X Ref Other TSM-ATA22 Part FAC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 2200 Disregard the indication RTOK in the AFS Bite report Disregard the indication RTOK in the AFS Bite report Part FAC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 2200 Wrong (Alternate) City Pair on the PFR. and answer YES even if nothing is displayed on the PFD. SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 2200 CFDS anomalies Disregard the indication RTOK in the AFS Bite report Remark Disregard the indication RTOK in the AFS Bite report Doc X Ref Part FAC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 228334 FMGCi FMGCi Class 2 Fault message without associated Maintenance status. Apply TSM procedure MPD_Task 279000-07-1 Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-0106 115370-1016 228334 RMP1(2,3) : NO DATA FROM FMGCi Wrong classification for fault message RMP1(2,3) : NO DATA FROM FMGCi Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message. Part RMP RMP RMP Affected P/N 899-0850-003 899-0850-002 899-0850-004 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 228334 FMGCi FMGCi Class 2 Fault message without associated Maintenance status. Apply TSM procedure MPD_Task 279000-07-1 Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-0106 115370-1016 228334 RMP1(2,3) : NO DATA FROM FMGCi Wrong classification for fault message RMP1(2,3) : NO DATA FROM FMGCi Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message. Part RMP RMP RMP Affected P/N 899-0850-003 899-0850-002 899-0850-004 Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD Revision 31 PART D : Page 6 SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 230000 CFDS anomalies Remark To determine the status of the PES video system, it is recommended to check, after aircraft is energized, the ground report of CIDS1/CIDS2 menu through the MCDU Doc X Ref Airbus_SB 23-1278 Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000030F Corrective P/N Z064H000031A Z064H000031B 230000 No date indication in the ground report of the CIDS or toilet system further to software loading. No date indication in the ground report of the CIDS or toilet system further to software loading. It may happen that further to a software loading a failure message is displayed without any date indication in the ground report of the CIDS1 or CIDS2 or the CIDS1 or 2 Toilet system. Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000031A Z064H000031B Corrective P/N Z064H000031C Z064H000031D 230000 No date indication in the Last Leg Report of the CIDS Toilet system. No date indication in the Last Leg Report of the CIDS Toilet system. It may happen that a failure message is displayed without any date indication in the Last Leg Report of the CIDS1 or 2 Toilet system. Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000031A Z064H000031B Corrective P/N Z064H000031C Z064H000031D 230000 Video BITE Test The test of the Video System through MCDU provides unreliable result. Only simultaneous CIDS and PES power-up initiate the PES BITE to be correctly reported (normal mode) To determine the status of the PES video system, it is recommended to check, after aircraft is energized, the ground report of CIDS1/CIDS2 menu through the MCDU Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000031B Z064H000031A Corrective P/N Z064H000031D Z064H000031C Revision 31 PART D : Page 7 SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 230000 CFDS anomalies Remark The Lavatory Smoke detection test can not be performed if the CIDS is in a "cross-configuration" (AMM Task 26-17-00-710-001) Maintenance advise: Perform a CIDS reset as described in Appendix 1 to recover the usual CIDS configuration (CIDS part and CIDS-SDF part from the same unit active at the same time). Doc X Ref Part OBRM CIDS DIR DIRECTOR-CIDS OBRM CIDS DIR DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z014H000030C Z064H000030F Z014H000030C Corrective P/N Z064H000031A Z014H000131A Z064H000031B Z014H000031A 230000 To determine the status of the PES video system, it is recommended to check, after aircraft is energized, the ground report of CIDS1/CIDS2 menu through the MCDU Airbus_SB 23-1278 Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000030F Corrective P/N Z064H000031A Z064H000031B 230000 No date indication in the ground report of the CIDS or toilet system further to software loading. No date indication in the ground report of the CIDS or toilet system further to software loading. It may happen that further to a software loading a failure message is displayed without any date indication in the ground report of the CIDS1 or CIDS2 or the CIDS1 or 2 Toilet system. Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000031A Z064H000031B Corrective P/N Z064H000031C Z064H000031D 230000 No date indication in the Last Leg Report of the CIDS Toilet system. No date indication in the Last Leg Report of the CIDS Toilet system. It may happen that a failure message is displayed without any date indication in the Last Leg Report of the CIDS1 or 2 Toilet system. Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000031A Z064H000031B Corrective P/N Z064H000031C Z064H000031D Revision 31 PART D : Page 8 SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 230000 CFDS anomalies Remark Video BITE Test The test of the Video System through MCDU provides unreliable result. Only simultaneous CIDS and PES power-up initiate the PES BITE to be correctly reported (normal mode) To determine the status of the PES video system, it is recommended to check, after aircraft is energized, the ground report of CIDS1/CIDS2 menu through the MCDU Doc X Ref Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000031B Z064H000031A Corrective P/N Z064H000031D Z064H000031C 230000 The Lavatory Smoke detection test can not be performed if the CIDS is in a "cross-configuration" (AMM Task 26-17-00-710-001) Maintenance advise: Perform a CIDS reset as described in Appendix 1 to recover the usual CIDS configuration (CIDS part and CIDS-SDF part from the same unit active at the same time). Part OBRM CIDS DIR DIRECTOR-CIDS OBRM CIDS DIR DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z014H000030C Z064H000030F Z014H000030C Corrective P/N Z064H000031A Z014H000131A Z064H000031B Z014H000031A 2351 Faults missing in Audio Previous and last leg reports Faults missing in Audio Previous and last leg reports Refer to messages in the PFR. TFU 235100013 TFU 235100009 Part AMU AMU AMU AMU AMU Affected P/N AMU2790DA03 AMU2790CA03 PRE VSB 2790-23-007 AMU2790EA03 PRE VSB 2790-23-006 Corrective P/N AMU2790DB06 AMU2790CB06 VSB 2790-23-007 AMU2790EB06 VSB 2790-23-006 2351 Wrong P/N of AMU and ACP in the audio LRU identification Wrong P/N of AMU and ACP in the audio LRU identification NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 235100013 TFU 235100009 Part AMU AMU AMU AMU AMU Affected P/N PRE VSB 2790-23-007 PRE VSB 2790-23-006 AMU2790EA03 AMU2790DA03 AMU2790CA03 Corrective P/N VSB 2790-23-007 VSB 2790-23-006 AMU2790EB06 AMU2790DB06 AMU2790CB06 Revision 31 PART D : Page 9 TFU 235100013 TFU 235100009 Part AMU AMU AMU AMU AMU Affected P/N AMU2790DA03 AMU2790CA03 PRE VSB 2790-23-007 AMU2790EA03 PRE VSB 2790-23-006 Corrective P/N AMU2790DB06 AMU2790CB06 VSB 2790-23-007 AMU2790EB06 VSB 2790-23-006 Revision 31 PART D : Page 10 .SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 2351 CFDS anomalies Faults missing in Audio Previous and last leg reports Remark Faults missing in Audio Previous and last leg reports Refer to messages in the PFR. Doc X Ref TFU 235100013 TFU 235100009 Part AMU AMU AMU AMU AMU Affected P/N AMU2790DA03 AMU2790CA03 PRE VSB 2790-23-007 AMU2790EA03 PRE VSB 2790-23-006 Corrective P/N AMU2790DB06 AMU2790CB06 VSB 2790-23-007 AMU2790EB06 VSB 2790-23-006 2351 Wrong P/N of AMU and ACP in the audio LRU identification Wrong P/N of AMU and ACP in the audio LRU identification NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 235100013 TFU 235100009 Part AMU AMU AMU AMU AMU Affected P/N PRE VSB 2790-23-007 PRE VSB 2790-23-006 AMU2790EA03 AMU2790DA03 AMU2790CA03 Corrective P/N VSB 2790-23-007 VSB 2790-23-006 AMU2790EB06 AMU2790DB06 AMU2790CB06 2351 Faults missing in Audio Previous and last leg reports Faults missing in Audio Previous and last leg reports Refer to messages in the PFR. TFU 235100013 TFU 235100009 Part AMU AMU AMU AMU AMU Affected P/N AMU2790DA03 AMU2790CA03 PRE VSB 2790-23-007 AMU2790EA03 PRE VSB 2790-23-006 Corrective P/N AMU2790DB06 AMU2790CB06 VSB 2790-23-007 AMU2790EB06 VSB 2790-23-006 2351 Wrong P/N of AMU and ACP in the audio LRU identification Wrong P/N of AMU and ACP in the audio LRU identification NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 235100013 TFU 235100009 Part AMU AMU AMU AMU AMU Affected P/N PRE VSB 2790-23-007 PRE VSB 2790-23-006 AMU2790EA03 AMU2790DA03 AMU2790CA03 Corrective P/N VSB 2790-23-007 VSB 2790-23-006 AMU2790EB06 AMU2790DB06 AMU2790CB06 Revision 31 PART D : Page 11 . ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 235100013 TFU 235100009 Part AMU AMU AMU AMU AMU Affected P/N PRE VSB 2790-23-007 PRE VSB 2790-23-006 AMU2790EA03 AMU2790DA03 AMU2790CA03 Corrective P/N VSB 2790-23-007 VSB 2790-23-006 AMU2790EB06 AMU2790DB06 AMU2790CB06 2351 Faults missing in Audio Previous and last leg reports Faults missing in Audio Previous and last leg reports Refer to messages in the PFR.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 2351 CFDS anomalies Wrong P/N of AMU and ACP in the audio LRU identification Remark Wrong P/N of AMU and ACP in the audio LRU identification NO MAINT. Additionally. Additionally.237334 AIR1(101RH)-SDF Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000031B Z064H000031A Corrective P/N Z064H000031C Z064H000031D 2373 Incorrect CFDS1(1TM)/ CIDS(10yRH)-SDFy (with Incorrect message CFDS1(1TM)/ CIDS(10yRH)-SDFy (with (y=1 or 2) (y=1 or 2) The correct FIN of the CFDIU is 1TW instead of 1TM.237322 AIP(320RH9) ATT 4L . Erroneous faults in CIDS or CIDS-SDF groud report during software loading. Time indication for these fault messages may be erroneous as well. Time indication for these fault messages may be erroneous as well.237322 AIP(320RH1) ATT 1L . Carry out a CIDS interface and power-up test to confirm validity of the following fault msg: 237334 DIR1(101RH)BUS/DIR2(102RH) . the ATA chapter and wording shall be 313234 CFDIU(1TW)/CIDS(10yRH)-SDFy (with y=1 or 2) instead of 451334 CFDS1(1TM)/CIDS(10yRH)-SDFy.237300 FAP1(120RH)/DIR2/CAM .237300 FAP1(120RH)/DIR2/CAM . Remark Erroneous faults in CIDS or CIDS-SDF groud report during software loading.237322 AIP(320RH1) ATT 1L .237334 AIR1(101RH)-SDF Doc X Ref Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000031B Z064H000031A Corrective P/N Z064H000031C Z064H000031D 2373 Incorrect CFDS1(1TM)/ CIDS(10yRH)-SDFy (with Incorrect message CFDS1(1TM)/ CIDS(10yRH)-SDFy (with (y=1 or 2) (y=1 or 2) The correct FIN of the CFDIU is 1TW instead of 1TM.237322 AIP(320RH9) ATT 4L . Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000030C Z014H000030C Corrective P/N Z014H000131A Z014H000031A Revision 31 PART D : Page 12 . Time indication for these fault messages may be erroneous as well. the ATA chapter and wording shall be 313234 CFDIU(1TW)/CIDS(10yRH)-SDFy (with y=1 or 2) instead of 451334 CFDS1(1TM)/CIDS(10yRH)-SDFy. Time indication for these fault messages may be erroneous as well.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 2373 CFDS anomalies Erroneous faults in CIDS or CIDS-SDF groud report during software loading. Carry out a CIDS interface and power-up test to confirm validity of the following fault msg: 237334 DIR1(101RH)BUS/DIR2(102RH) . Part DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z014H000030C Z014H000030C Corrective P/N Z014H000131A Z014H000031A 2373 Erroneous faults in CIDS or CIDS-SDF groud report during software loading. (Bite memory erased after a reset) Perform the Maint. without anything in the BCL Bite. Reinitialize GPCU test TFU 244100006 Part GPCU GPCU Affected P/N 740121A 740121B Corrective P/N VSB 740121-24-7 VENDOR SIL 229 2400 Spurious fault message GCUi TEST NOT DONE or IDGi RUNNING Spurious fault message GCUi TEST NOT DONE or IDGi RUNNING NO MAINT. without anything in the BCL Bite. ACTION if appears after a GPCU test. Therefore. Reinitialize the GPCU test.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 237334 CFDS anomalies Remark Message "DIR2 (102RH) -SDF" is spuriously triggered during a system test of the smoke system through the MCDU with the following configuration: both CIDS directors are powered (DIR1 active) and CIDS-SDF2 board is active (CIDS-SDF1 not energized). (Bite memory erased after a reset) BCL messages in the PFR. (Bite memory erased after a reset) Perform the Maint. without anything in the BCL Bite. Doc X Ref Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000030F Z014H000030C Z014H000030C Corrective P/N Z064H000031B Z064H000031A Z014H000131A Z014H000031A 2400 BCL messages in the PFR. actions corresponding to the PFR messages TFU 243800009 TFU 243800007 Part BCL Affected P/N 35-0L5-1005-08 Corrective P/N 2400 After a GPCU test. Subject configuration may be reproduced for trouble shooting purpose. actions corresponding to the PFR messages TFU 243800009 TFU 243800007 Part BCL Affected P/N 35-0L5-1005-08 Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART D : Page 13 . After a GPCU test. (Bite memory erased after a reset) BCL messages in the PFR. without anything in the BCL Bite. NO RESPONSE. TFU 244100005 Part GPCU GPCU Affected P/N 740121B 740121A Corrective P/N VENDOR SIL 229 2400 BCL messages in the PFR. NO RESPONSE. the validity of the failure message must be checked through a CIDS-SDF ground scanning. NO RESPONSE. Reinitialize GPCU test Doc X Ref TFU 244100006 Part GPCU GPCU Affected P/N 740121A 740121B Corrective P/N VSB 740121-24-7 VENDOR SIL 229 2400 Spurious fault message GCUi TEST NOT DONE or IDGi RUNNING Spurious fault message GCUi TEST NOT DONE or IDGi RUNNING NO MAINT. Remark After a GPCU test. Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030F Z064H000030E Z064H000030D Corrective P/N TBD TBD TBD 2700 Interruption of SFCC. Could be corrected in a next CFDIU std TFU 313234035 Part GCU Affected P/N 520915 AMDT 4 Corrective P/N TBD 261700 Operational check of the Lavatory Smoke detection function as per AMM task 26-17-00-710-001 not possible in case DIR1 and DIR-SDF2 or DIR2 and DIR-SDF1 are active simultaneously (CIDS cross configuration). TFU 244100005 Part GPCU GPCU Affected P/N 740121B 740121A Corrective P/N VENDOR SIL 229 242334 SPurious fault GCU EMERG IN AVIONIC STATUS SPurious fault GCU EMERG IN AVIONIC STATUS If test result is OK. no maintenance action. NO RESPONSE.CFDS communication when selecting the print option Interruption of SFCC. ACTION if appears after a GPCU test.CFDS communication when selecting the print option Re-enter the SFCC MENU (MCDU MENU key / CFDS prompt / SYSTEM REPORT/TEST / SFCC) TFU 275151047 Part SFCC SFCC Affected P/N 49-117-06 49-117-07 Corrective P/N N/A N/A Revision 31 PART D : Page 14 . Reinitialize the GPCU test. Operational check of the Lavatory Smoke detection function as per AMM task 26-17-00-710-001 not possible in case DIR1 and DIR-SDF2 or DIR2 and DIR-SDF1 are active simultaneously (CIDS cross configuration).SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 2400 CFDS anomalies After a GPCU test. TFU 279500033 Part FCDC FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0106 115370-1016 Corrective P/N 115370-1118 115370-1118 115370-1118 2700 Interruption of SFCC.CFDS communication when selecting the print option Interruption of SFCC. TSM procedure should be followed using the ECAM WARNING as entry point.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 2700 CFDS anomalies Remark During Ground Scanning. TSM procedure should be followed using the ECAM WARNING as entry point. Doc X Ref TFU 279500033 Part FCDC FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0106 115370-1016 Corrective P/N 115370-1118 115370-1118 115370-1118 2700 During a Ground Scanning. MAINT STATUS F/CTL may be triggered without associated fault message if the failure affects the servovalve or the POS XDCR or the SOLENOID valve signal. ECAM WARNING F/CTL AILERON SERVO FAULT may be triggered without associated fault message if the failure affects the servovalve or the POS XDCR or the SOLENOID valve signal. TSM procedure should be followed using the MAINT STATUS as entry point.CFDS communication when selecting the print option Re-enter the SFCC MENU (MCDU MENU key / CFDS prompt / SYSTEM REPORT/TEST / SFCC) TFU 275151047 Part SFCC SFCC Affected P/N 49-117-06 49-117-07 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 2700 During Ground Scanning. TFU 279500033 Part FCDC FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0106 115370-1016 Corrective P/N 115370-1118 115370-1118 115370-1118 Revision 31 PART D : Page 15 . MAINT STATUS F/CTL may be triggered without associated fault message if the failure affects the servovalve or the POS XDCR or the SOLENOID valve signal. ECAM WARNING F/CTL AILERON SERVO FAULT may be triggered without associated fault message if the failure affects the servovalve or the POS XDCR or the SOLENOID valve signal. During a Ground Scanning. MAINT STATUS F/CTL may be triggered without associated fault message if the failure affects the servovalve or the POS XDCR or the SOLENOID valve signal. Part FAC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A Revision 31 PART D : Page 16 . ACTION if associated to B SYS LO PRESS (respectively Y SYS LO PRESS). Remark During a Ground Scanning. Doc X Ref TFU 279500033 Part FCDC FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0106 115370-1016 Corrective P/N 115370-1118 115370-1118 115370-1118 279300 Ultimely flash of AIL SERVO FAULT in case of ELAC 1 (or 2) fault during GROUND SCANNING Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-1016 115370-0106 279334 ELACi COM (MON) OR BUS FROM FMGCi Class 2 fault message ELACi COM (MON) OR BUS FROM FMGCi without associated Maintenance status. TSM procedure should be followed using the MAINT STATUS as entry point. Apply TSM procedure MPD_Task 279000-07-1 Part FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-1016 279334 SEC3 OR BUS2 FROM ADR2 (ADR3 / IR2 / IR3) Class 2 fault message SEC3 OR BUS2 FROM ADR2 (ADR3 / IR2 / IR3) without associated Maintenance status.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 2700 CFDS anomalies During a Ground Scanning. Apply TSM procedure MPD_Task 279000-07-1 Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-1016 115370-0106 279334 AFS:ELACi AFS:ELACi NO MAINT. MAINT STATUS F/CTL may be triggered without associated fault message if the failure affects the servovalve or the POS XDCR or the SOLENOID valve signal. Apply TSM procedure MPD_Task 279000-07-1 Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-0106 115370-1016 Revision 31 PART D : Page 17 .SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 279334 CFDS anomalies ELACi COM (MON) OR BUS FROM FMGCi Remark Class 2 fault message ELACi COM (MON) OR BUS FROM FMGCi without associated Maintenance status. Apply TSM procedure MPD_Task 279000-07-1 Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-1016 115370-0106 279434 SEC3 OR WIRING FROM SFCC i Class 2 Fault message SEC3 OR WIRING FROM SFCC i without associated Maintenance status. Part FAC Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N N/A 279434 SEC2 OR INPUT OF L(R) THROTTLE CTL UNIT 8KSi Class 2 Fault message SEC2 OR INPUT OF L(R) THROTTLE CTL UNIT 8KSi without associated Maintenance status. Apply TSM procedure Doc X Ref MPD_Task 279000-07-1 Part FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-1016 279334 SEC3 OR BUS2 FROM ADR2 (ADR3 / IR2 / IR3) Class 2 fault message SEC3 OR BUS2 FROM ADR2 (ADR3 / IR2 / IR3) without associated Maintenance status. ACTION if associated to B SYS LO PRESS (respectively Y SYS LO PRESS). Apply TSM procedure MPD_Task 279000-07-1 Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-1016 115370-0106 279334 AFS:ELACi AFS:ELACi NO MAINT. Untimely print out of real time failure (RTF) and warning (RTW) In flight pull. TFU 313234026 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N CFDIU WITH AMDT A Revision 31 PART D : Page 18 .00 WING ANTI ICE SYS FAULT. Apply TSM procedure Doc X Ref MPD_Task 279000-07-1 Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-1016 115370-0106 279434 SEC3 OR WIRING FROM SFCC i Class 2 Fault message SEC3 OR WIRING FROM SFCC i without associated Maintenance status.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 279434 CFDS anomalies SEC2 OR INPUT OF L(R) THROTTLE CTL UNIT 8KSi Remark Class 2 Fault message SEC2 OR INPUT OF L(R) THROTTLE CTL UNIT 8KSi without associated Maintenance status. Apply TSM procedure MPD_Task 279000-07-1 Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-0106 115370-1016 279534 OP FCDC FAIL DISCR Class 2 Fault message "OP FCDC FAIL DISCR" without associated Maintenance status. Apply TSM procedure MPD_Task 279000-07-1 Part FCDC FCDC Affected P/N 115370-0105 115370-0105 Corrective P/N 115370-0106 115370-1016 301151 L(R) WAI FILTER OR VALVE9(10) Associated with E/Ws 30. TFU 216334046 Other TSM-ATA30 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N 775A0000-05 Corrective P/N 775A0000-07 3132 Untimely print out of real time failure and warning. PRINTER C/B.00 WING ANTI ICE SYS FAULT In case of message "L(R) WAI FILTER OR VALVE9(10)" associated with ECAM Warning 30. use CLASS 3 REPORT. TFU 313234029 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 Revision 31 PART D : Page 19 . Incoherent PFR Fault messages sent by the EIU. TFU 313234029 Part EIU Affected P/N 3957900611 Corrective P/N 3957900612 3132 Incoherent PFR recording time in the PFR header. Duplication of Fault message in PFR. ACTION. NO FWC DATA recorded in CFDIU last leg report. Incoherent PFR recording time in the PFR header due to Flight phases transitions anomalies. NO MAINT. Doc X Ref TFU 313234030 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 3132 NO FWC DATA recorded in CFDIU last leg report.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3132 CFDS anomalies NO DMC1 DATA recorded in CFDIU ground scanning Remark NO DMC1 DATA recorded in CFDIU ground scanning NO MAINT. TFU 313234029 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0606 3132 Incoherent PFR Fault messages sent by the EIU. TFU 313234030 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 3132 Duplication of Fault message in PFR. ACTION if no log book complaint. TFU 313234029 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 3132 DO NOT CHOOSE ECAM1/2. System source without Fault message. ACTION.SFCC1 WHEN DOING STEP 6 OF AMM TASK 31 32 00 710 002 TFU 313234035 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0506 Corrective P/N TBD Revision 31 PART D : Page 20 . NO MAINT ACTION TFU 313234029 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 3132 PFR with NO FAULT / NO WARNING.FDIU. Remark Incomplete PFR Fault messages due to power supply transients. NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3132 CFDS anomalies Incomplete PFR Fault messages. TFU 313234029 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 3132 System source without Fault message.FDIU. PFR with NO FAULT / NO WARNING due to Flight phases transitions anomalies.SFCC1 WHEN DOING STEP 6 OF AMM TASK 31 32 00 710 002 DO NOT CHOOSE ECAM1/2. Doc X Ref TFU 313234029 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 3132 Mixed GMT in PFR Mixed GMT in PFR due to power transients. ACTION. This message is generated by the CFDIU (Source : CFDS). Untimely print out of real time failure (RTF) and warning (RTW) In flight pull. Doc X Ref TFU 313234038 Part CFDIU CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0505 B401ACM0506 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 3132 NO "SYST" DATA (INTM) NO "SYST" DATA (INTM) Source CFDS If no logbook complaint. TFU 313234026 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N CFDIU WITH AMDT A 3132 NO DMC1 DATA recorded in CFDIU ground scanning NO DMC1 DATA recorded in CFDIU ground scanning NO MAINT. To recover proper ILS messages recording. Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0506 Corrective P/N TBD 3132 All ILS failures are coded as MMR failures in the following case: All ILS failures are coded as MMR failures in the following case: When the CFDIU is swapped from an aircraft fitted with the MMR to an aircraft fitted with an ILS. a CFDIU Return To Service test must be carried out. PRINTER C/B. TFU 313234030 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 Revision 31 PART D : Page 21 . Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0507 Corrective P/N C12860AA02 3132 Untimely print out of real time failure and warning.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3132 CFDS anomalies DIFFICULTIES FOR FILTER LOADING Remark SOME DIFFICULTIES MAY BE ENCOUNTERED WHEN USING ANY OF THE PDL IN SERVICE BUT THE SFIM. NO MAINT ACTION. NO MAINT. Incoherent PFR recording time in the PFR header due to Flight phases transitions anomalies. ACTION if no log book complaint. Remark NO FWC DATA recorded in CFDIU last leg report. TFU 313234029 Part EIU Affected P/N 3957900611 Corrective P/N 3957900612 3132 Incoherent PFR recording time in the PFR header. Incomplete PFR Fault messages due to power supply transients. TFU 313234029 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0606 3132 Incoherent PFR Fault messages sent by the EIU. Doc X Ref TFU 313234030 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 3132 Duplication of Fault message in PFR.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3132 CFDS anomalies NO FWC DATA recorded in CFDIU last leg report. TFU 313234029 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 Revision 31 PART D : Page 22 . Duplication of Fault message in PFR. TFU 313234029 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 3132 Incomplete PFR Fault messages. Incoherent PFR Fault messages sent by the EIU. System source without Fault message.SFCC1 WHEN DOING STEP 6 OF AMM TASK 31 32 00 710 002 DO NOT CHOOSE ECAM1/2. Doc X Ref TFU 313234029 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 3132 System source without Fault message. NO MAINT. TFU 313234038 Part CFDIU CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0505 B401ACM0506 Corrective P/N N/A N/A Revision 31 PART D : Page 23 . ACTION.FDIU.SFCC1 WHEN DOING STEP 6 OF AMM TASK 31 32 00 710 002 TFU 313234035 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0506 Corrective P/N TBD 3132 DIFFICULTIES FOR FILTER LOADING SOME DIFFICULTIES MAY BE ENCOUNTERED WHEN USING ANY OF THE PDL IN SERVICE BUT THE SFIM. NO MAINT ACTION TFU 313234029 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 3132 PFR with NO FAULT / NO WARNING. PFR with NO FAULT / NO WARNING due to Flight phases transitions anomalies. TFU 313234029 Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0404 Corrective P/N B401ACM0506 3132 DO NOT CHOOSE ECAM1/2.FDIU.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3132 CFDS anomalies Mixed GMT in PFR Remark Mixed GMT in PFR due to power transients. Part AMU Affected P/N AMU2790CA03 Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART D : Page 24 . This message is generated by the CFDIU (Source : CFDS). NO MAINT ACTION.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3132 CFDS anomalies NO "SYST" DATA (INTM) Remark NO "SYST" DATA (INTM) Source CFDS If no logbook complaint. Part RECEIVER ADF RECEIVER ADF Affected P/N 204-1168-7513 622-5222-020 Corrective P/N 313234 AUDIO NO DATA FROM CFDIU Fault message "AUDIO NO DATA FROM CFDIU" source AMU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message. Doc X Ref Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0506 Corrective P/N TBD 3132 All ILS failures are coded as MMR failures in the following case: All ILS failures are coded as MMR failures in the following case: When the CFDIU is swapped from an aircraft fitted with the MMR to an aircraft fitted with an ILS. a CFDIU Return To Service test must be carried out. CFDS prompt not available on MCDU at CFDIU power up. To recover proper ILS messages recording. Part CFDIU Affected P/N B401ACM0507 Corrective P/N C12860AA02 313234 CFDS prompt not available on MCDU at CFDIU power up. Part CFDIU CFDIU Affected P/N C12860AA02 B401ACM0507 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 313234 ADFi : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Fault message ADFi : NO DATA FROM CFDIU souce ADF Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message. Wait 1 minute after CFDIU power up to get the CFDS prompt on the MCDU. 3) : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message. Doc X Ref Part DME DME Affected P/N 9599-614-03105 622-4540-023 Corrective P/N 313234 HFi : NO DATA FROM CFDIU HFi : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message.3) : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Fault message VHF1(2. Part RMP RMP RMP Affected P/N 899-0850-003 899-0850-004 899-0850-002 Corrective P/N 313234 VHF1(2. Part TRANSCEIVER-VHF Affected P/N 204-1237-4417 Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART D : Page 25 .3) : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Fault message RMP1(2. Part RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 204-1230-3518 Corrective P/N 204-1230-3521 313234 RMP1(2.3) : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message.3) : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message.3) : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Remark Fault message DME1(2.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 313234 CFDS anomalies DME1(2. Part TRANSCEIVER-HF Affected P/N 622-5272-020 Corrective P/N 313234 Fault message "NO DATA FROM CFDIU" Fault message "NO DATA FROM CFDIU" Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message. Part RECEIVER ADF RECEIVER ADF Affected P/N 204-1168-7513 622-5222-020 Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART D : Page 26 . CFDS prompt not available on MCDU at CFDIU power up.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 313234 CFDS anomalies VOR 1(2. Wait 1 minute after CFDIU power up to get the CFDS prompt on the MCDU.3) :NO DATA FROM CFDIU Remark Fault message VOR 1(2. Part CFDIU CFDIU Affected P/N C12860AA02 B401ACM0507 Corrective P/N N/A N/A 313234 ADFi : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Fault message ADFi : NO DATA FROM CFDIU souce ADF Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message.3) :NO DATA FROM CFDIU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message. Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0418 204-1217-0421 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-173 VSB RTA-4A-34-173 313234 CFDS prompt not available on MCDU at CFDIU power up. Doc X Ref Part RECEIVER-VOR RECEIVER-VOR RECEIVER-VOR RECEIVER-VOR RECEIVER-VOR Affected P/N 622-5220-020 2041231-3610 2041231-3622 2041231-3613 2041231-3623 Corrective P/N 313234 WRX i : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Fault message WRX i : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message. Doc X Ref Part AMU Affected P/N AMU2790CA03 Corrective P/N 313234 DME1(2.3) : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 313234 CFDS anomalies AUDIO NO DATA FROM CFDIU Remark Fault message "AUDIO NO DATA FROM CFDIU" source AMU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message.3) : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message.3) : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Fault message RMP1(2. Part DME DME Affected P/N 9599-614-03105 622-4540-023 Corrective P/N 313234 HFi : NO DATA FROM CFDIU HFi : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message.3) : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Fault message DME1(2. Part RECEIVER ILS Affected P/N 204-1230-3518 Corrective P/N 204-1230-3521 313234 RMP1(2. Part RMP RMP RMP Affected P/N 899-0850-003 899-0850-004 899-0850-002 Corrective P/N Revision 31 PART D : Page 27 . Part TRANSCEIVER-HF Affected P/N 622-5272-020 Corrective P/N 313234 Fault message "NO DATA FROM CFDIU" Fault message "NO DATA FROM CFDIU" Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message. when the aircraft is configured in 128 wd/s recording speed.3) : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message.LRU IDENT page Wrong part number "F320-001-8801" is displayed in page LRU IDENT. incorrect reading of PN in LRU IDENT page should be disregarded on A/C in conf 128W/S to close the SB. Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0418 204-1217-0421 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-173 VSB RTA-4A-34-173 3133 ACMS .3) : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Remark Fault message VHF1(2. Doc X Ref Part TRANSCEIVER-VHF Affected P/N 204-1237-4417 Corrective P/N 313234 VOR 1(2. REF OIT 999. Part SOFTWARE-FDIMU Affected P/N F320-001-8802 Corrective P/N 3135 Bad PRINT OUT FORMAT. instead of PN "F320-001-8802".3) :NO DATA FROM CFDIU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message. PN is correctly displayed when MOD 32339 for 256 wd/s configuration is embodied (POST SB 31-1212). Following embodiement of SB 31-1255. Bad PRINT OUT FORMAT.3) :NO DATA FROM CFDIU Fault message VOR 1(2.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 313234 CFDS anomalies VHF1(2.0033/07. NO MAINT ACTION TFU 313522001 Part PRINTER Affected P/N 8055154501 Corrective P/N POST VSB M3367 Revision 31 PART D : Page 28 . Part RECEIVER-VOR RECEIVER-VOR RECEIVER-VOR RECEIVER-VOR RECEIVER-VOR Affected P/N 622-5220-020 2041231-3610 2041231-3622 2041231-3613 2041231-3623 Corrective P/N 313234 WRX i : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Fault message WRX i : NO DATA FROM CFDIU Class 2 Fault message to be considered as a Class 3 message. Temporary correction available through referenced VSBs. Disregard TEST NOT OK result if no crew complaint.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3136 CFDS anomalies Bad counting of the flight legs in the Class 3 Fault memory. Detection threshold used for brightness test is too restrictive and leads to test fail.34. Doc X Ref TFU 313600017 Part DMU DMU DMU DMU Affected P/N 903116243B0D0J1 903116243B0D0J0 903116243B0B0G0 903116243B0B0G1 Corrective P/N AND SUBSEQUENT STD 903116243B3B2G3 903116243B3B3G4 903116243B3D2J3 3160 Message NO RESPONSE. reenter DMC menu and access the "Test Result" item Part DMC . Remark Bad counting of the flight legs in the Class 3 Fault memory. PRESS RETURN after the start of DMC test.049 TFU 324234049 Airbus_SB 32-1318 Part BSCU BSCU BSCU Affected P/N E21327004 E21327001 E21327003 Corrective P/N E21327005 E21327005 E21327005 Revision 31 PART D : Page 29 .42. Message NO RESPONSE.EIS 1 Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 3162 Detection threshold used for brightness test are too restritive and lead to test fail. Vendor_SB MPD_Task AMM_Task Vendor_SB C19298A31018 315000-03-0 316000740010 C19366A31018 Part DU-DISPLAY UNIT DU-DISPLAY UNIT Affected P/N C19366AF05 C19298AF05 Corrective P/N 3242 No access to BSCU BITE from CFDS No access to BSCU BITE from CFDS Replace the BSCU as per ISB A320-32-1318. Braking and Steering functions are not affected by the anomaly described in TFU 32. PRESS RETURN after the start of DMC test. To get the results. TIME and FLIGHT PHASE due to lack of communciation with CFDIU at the time fault msg is recorded.049 TFU 324234049 Airbus_SB 32-1318 Part BSCU BSCU BSCU Affected P/N E21327004 E21327001 E21327003 Corrective P/N E21327005 E21327005 E21327005 3242 Wrong DATE. TIME and DATE displayed correspond to TIME and DATE at time of consultation and not time / date of event.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3242 CFDS anomalies Wrong DATE. Braking and Steering functions are not affected by the anomaly described in TFU 32. TIME and FLIGHT PHASE due to lack of communciation with CFDIU at the time fault msg is recorded. TIME and FLIGHT PHASE due to lack of communciation with CFDIU at the time fault msg is recorded.34. TIME and FLIGHT PHASE due to lack of communciation with CFDIU at the time fault msg is recorded. Remark Wrong DATE. Wrong DATE. TIME and DATE displayed correspond to TIME and DATE at time of consultation and not time / date of event.42. CLASS 3 fault msg "CFDIU(1TW)/BSCU(10GG)" should be memorized in BSCU CLASS 3 REPORT when this anomaly occurs Doc X Ref Part BSCU BSCU Affected P/N E21327003 E21327001 Corrective P/N E21327004 E21327004 3242 No access to BSCU BITE from CFDS No access to BSCU BITE from CFDS Replace the BSCU as per ISB A320-32-1318. CLASS 3 fault msg "CFDIU(1TW)/BSCU(10GG)" should be memorized in BSCU CLASS 3 REPORT when this anomaly occurs Part BSCU BSCU Affected P/N E21327003 E21327001 Corrective P/N E21327004 E21327004 3249 During TPIU Bite test "NO RESPONSE" message may appears on the MCDU During TPIU Bite test "NO RESPONSE" message may appears on the MCDU Restart the TPIU Bite test Part TPIS Affected P/N 1058-34 Corrective P/N TBD 3269 L/G Menu Mode access possible during flight Menu Mode access possible during flight TFU 323134043 Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4A Corrective P/N 664700500A4B Revision 31 PART D : Page 30 . valve and LGCIU faults are covered by the fault message: "LGCIU i 05GAi".SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3269 CFDS anomalies Nothing in the LGCIU Last Leg report instead of "NO FAILURE" Remark Nothing in the LGCIU Last Leg report instead of "NO FAILURE" Doc X Ref TFU 323134043 Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4A Corrective P/N 664700500A4B 3269 Spurious NO DATA FROM CFDS in the LGCIU Ground scanning.With the LGCIU std 4D. the following message "LGCIU i 05GAi / L/G SEL VALVE 40G0A" will be triggered in case of valve or LGCIU failure. No LGCIU fault message in the PFR. Faults on the LGCIU ARINC OUTPUT BUS are reported "LGCIU i 05GAi". With the LGCIU std 4D. the following messagewill be triggered: " LGCIU/WRG: BUS i FEEDBACK". Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4C Corrective P/N 664700500A4D 3269 Faults on the LGCIU ARINC OUTPUT BUS are reported "LGCIU i 05GAi". valve and LGCIU faults are covered by the fault message: "LGCIU i 05GAi". The first failure logged in an empty LGCIU memory is not transmitted to the CFDIU for PFR recording. with date ???31 NO MAINT. with date ???31 Spurious NO DATA FROM CFDS in the LGCIU Ground scanning. the following message will be triggered: " LGCIU/WRG: BUS i FEEDBACK". With the LGCIU std 4D. Sel. Part LGCIU LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4C 664700500A4B Corrective P/N 664700500A4D Revision 31 PART D : Page 31 . ACTION TFU 323134041 Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4A Corrective P/N 664700500A4B 3269 No LGCIU fault message in the PFR. the following message "LGCIU i 05GAi / L/G SEL VALVE 40G0A" will be triggered in case of valve or LGCIU failure. Part LGCIU LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4C 664700500A4B Corrective P/N 664700500A4D 3269 Sel. With the LGCIU std 4D. with date ???31 NO MAINT. with date ???31 Spurious NO DATA FROM CFDS in the LGCIU Ground scanning. ACTION TFU 323134041 Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4A Corrective P/N 664700500A4B Revision 31 PART D : Page 32 . Remark If a power interrupt of 10 ms or greater occurs after the transition from flight phase 1 to 2 with shock absorbers compressed any subsequent faults detected by the LGCIU will be logged in ground memory and not flight memory. For all fault messages " PROX SNSR xxGA TGT POS" related to the nose L/G doors sensor (mechanical failure) the "S" of POS is missing. Doc X Ref Part LGCIU LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4B 664700500A4C Corrective P/N 664700500A4D 664700500A4D 3269 For all fault messages " PROX SNSR xxGA TGT POS" related to the nose L/G doors sensor (mechanical failure) the "S"of POS is missing. Part LGCIU LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4C 664700500A4B Corrective P/N 664700500A4D 664700500A4D 3269 L/G Menu Mode access possible during flight Menu Mode access possible during flight TFU 323134043 Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4A Corrective P/N 664700500A4B 3269 Nothing in the LGCIU Last Leg report instead of "NO FAILURE" Nothing in the LGCIU Last Leg report instead of "NO FAILURE" TFU 323134043 Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4A Corrective P/N 664700500A4B 3269 Spurious NO DATA FROM CFDS in the LGCIU Ground scanning.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3269 CFDS anomalies If a power interrupt of 10 ms or greater occurs after the transition from flight phase 1 to 2 with shock absorbers compressed any subsequent faults detected by the LGCIU will be logged in ground memory and not flight memory. For all fault messages " PROX SNSR xxGA TGT POS" related to the nose L/G doors sensor (mechanical failure) the "S" of POS is missing. The first failure logged in an empty LGCIU memory is not transmitted to the CFDIU for PFR recording.With the LGCIU std 4D. Part LGCIU LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4C 664700500A4B Corrective P/N 664700500A4D 3269 If a power interrupt of 10 ms or greater occurs after the transition from flight phase 1 to 2 with shock absorbers compressed any subsequent faults detected by the LGCIU will be logged in ground memory and not flight memory. If a power interrupt of 10 ms or greater occurs after the transition from flight phase 1 to 2 with shock absorbers compressed any subsequent faults detected by the LGCIU will be logged in ground memory and not flight memory. the following message "LGCIU i 05GAi / L/G SEL VALVE 40G0A" will be triggered in case of valve or LGCIU failure. With the LGCIU std 4D. the following message will be triggered: " LGCIU/WRG: BUS i FEEDBACK". Remark No LGCIU fault message in the PFR.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3269 CFDS anomalies No LGCIU fault message in the PFR. With the LGCIU std 4D. Faults on the LGCIU ARINC OUTPUT BUS are reported "LGCIU i 05GAi". valve and LGCIU faults are covered by the fault message: "LGCIU i 05GAi". valve and LGCIU faults are covered by the fault message: "LGCIU i 05GAi". Part LGCIU LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4C 664700500A4B Corrective P/N 664700500A4D 664700500A4D Revision 31 PART D : Page 33 . Sel. Part LGCIU LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4C 664700500A4B Corrective P/N 664700500A4D 3269 Sel. Part LGCIU LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4B 664700500A4C Corrective P/N 664700500A4D 664700500A4D 3269 For all fault messages " PROX SNSR xxGA TGT POS" related to the nose L/G doors sensor (mechanical failure) the "S"of POS is missing. Doc X Ref Part LGCIU Affected P/N 664700500A4C Corrective P/N 664700500A4D 3269 Faults on the LGCIU ARINC OUTPUT BUS are reported "LGCIU i 05GAi". the following messagewill be triggered: " LGCIU/WRG: BUS i FEEDBACK". the following message "LGCIU i 05GAi / L/G SEL VALVE 40G0A" will be triggered in case of valve or LGCIU failure. With the LGCIU std 4D. ACTION. Blank pages or erratic Data in Previous Leg Report. TFU 344800003 Part GPWC Affected P/N 9650676020 Corrective P/N SOFTWARE MOD 1 Revision 31 PART D : Page 34 . ACTION. Bad LRU identification. Spurious fault message FMGC(1CA1)/GPWC(1WZ) and FMGC1 MAG TRK following a Ground Scanning or BITE test of the GPWC. Part HUDC Affected P/N 9615433401 Corrective P/N 9615433402 3441 Bad LRU identification. NO MAINT. NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 335100 CFDS anomalies Remark Doc X Ref EPSUs Battery Capacity test not possible through EPSUs Battery Capacity test not possible through the MCDU the MCDU Pending availability of the MCDU test. NO MAINT. the alternate AMM Task 33-51-00-710-011-01 "Remove Batteries for capacity check" should be applied. ACTION TFU 344100007 Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0421 204-1217-0418 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-161 VSB RTA-4A-34-161 3441 Spurious fault message FMGC(1CA1)/GPWC(1WZ) and FMGC1 MAG TRK following a Ground Scanning or BITE testof the GPWC. ACTION TFU 344100007 Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0418 204-1217-0421 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-161 VSB RTA-4A-34-161 3441 Blank pages or erratic Data in Previous Leg Report. Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected P/N Z064H000030D Z064H000030F Z064H000030E Corrective P/N Z064H000031A Z064H000031B 3435 No transmission of external failure at detection but after power cut No transmission of external failure at detection but after power cut NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 344100007 Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0421 204-1217-0418 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-161 VSB RTA-4A-34-161 3441 Spurious fault message FMGC(1CA1)/GPWC(1WZ) and FMGC1 MAG TRK following a Ground Scanning or BITE testof the GPWC. Remark Bad LRU identification. ACTION if appears after a GPWC test via the CFDS TFU 344800003 Part GPWC GPWC Affected P/N 9650676020 9650676020 Corrective P/N SWMOD1 SOFTWARE MOD 1 Revision 31 PART D : Page 35 .SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3441 CFDS anomalies Bad LRU identification. ACTION. TFU 344800003 Part GPWC Affected P/N 9650676020 Corrective P/N SOFTWARE MOD 1 3443 Wrong ATA for fault message CFDIU BUS CFDIU BUS message with ATA 45 instead of 313234 Part TCAS Affected P/N 4066010-904 Corrective P/N TBD 3448 Spurious message 228334 FMGC(1CA1)/GPWC (1WZ) may be triggered Spurious message 228334 FMGC(1CA1)/GPWC (1WZ) may be triggered NO MAINT. Blank pages or erratic Data in Previous Leg Report. NO MAINT. NO MAINT. Spurious fault message FMGC(1CA1)/GPWC(1WZ) and FMGC1 MAG TRK following a Ground Scanning or BITE test of the GPWC. NO MAINT. ACTION Doc X Ref TFU 344100007 Part RADAR RADAR Affected P/N 204-1217-0418 204-1217-0421 Corrective P/N VSB RTA-4A-34-161 VSB RTA-4A-34-161 3441 Blank pages or erratic Data in Previous Leg Report. TFU 344800004 Part GPWC Affected P/N 9650676020 Corrective P/N SOFTWARE MOD 1 3448 Loss of fault messages in the GPWC Previous Leg Reports. Doc X Ref TFU 344800003 Part GPWC Affected P/N 9650676020 Corrective P/N SOFTWARE MOD 1 3448 Bad leg incrementation of GPWS Previous Leg Reports. ACTION TFU 344800004 Part GPWC Affected P/N 9650676020 Corrective P/N SOFTWARE MOD 1 3448 Same message with same date and GMT but different leg numbers in the Previous Leg Reports. ACTION. ACTION. via the CFDS Remark FMGC MAG TRK on MCDU may be displayed after a GPWC ground scan. NO MAINT. NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 344800004 Part GPWC Affected P/N 9650676020 Corrective P/N SOFTWARE MOD 1 3448 Spurious message 228334 FMGC(1CA1)/GPWC (1WZ) may be triggered Spurious message 228334 FMGC(1CA1)/GPWC (1WZ) may be triggered NO MAINT. Bad leg incrementation of GPWS Previous Leg Reports. NO MAINT.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3448 CFDS anomalies FMGC MAG TRK on MCDU may be displayed after a GPWC ground scan. ACTION if appears after a GPWC test via the CFDS TFU 344800003 Part GPWC GPWC Affected P/N 9650676020 9650676020 Corrective P/N SWMOD1 SOFTWARE MOD 1 Revision 31 PART D : Page 36 . via the CFDS NO MAINT. Loss of fault messages in the GPWC Previous Leg Reports. TFU 344800004 Part GPWC Affected P/N 9650676020 Corrective P/N SOFTWARE MOD 1 3448 Loss of fault messages in the GPWC Previous Leg Reports. NO MAINT. ACTION TFU 344800004 Part GPWC Affected P/N 9650676020 Corrective P/N SOFTWARE MOD 1 3448 Same message with same date and GMT but different leg numbers in the Previous Leg Reports. ACTION.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3448 CFDS anomalies FMGC MAG TRK on MCDU may be displayed after a GPWC ground scan. Doc X Ref TFU 344800003 Part GPWC Affected P/N 9650676020 Corrective P/N SOFTWARE MOD 1 3448 Bad leg incrementation of GPWS Previous Leg Reports. ACTION TFU 344800004 Part GPWC Affected P/N 9650676020 Corrective P/N SOFTWARE MOD 1 3451 Wrong identification of DME : Message : DME-0 TRANSCEIVER Wrong identification of DME : Message : DME-0 TRANSCEIVER TFU 345100009 Part DME Affected P/N 622-4540-022 Corrective P/N 622-4540-023 Revision 31 PART D : Page 37 . ACTION. Bad leg incrementation of GPWS Previous Leg Reports. via the CFDS Remark FMGC MAG TRK on MCDU may be displayed after a GPWC ground scan. NO MAINT. Loss of fault messages in the GPWC Previous Leg Reports. NO MAINT. via the CFDS NO MAINT. NO MAINT. TSM_Task 345800810805 Part ADIRU Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 361100 In case of message "WAI NO BLEED AIR ENG i" associated with ECAM Warning 30. No access to the VOR Last Leg Report after 64 legs flown without fault recorded in BITE. ACTION Doc X Ref Part RECEIVER ADF Affected P/N 622-5222-020 Corrective P/N VSB ADF-700-34-27 3455 No access to the VOR Last Leg Report after 64 legs flown without fault recorded in BITE.00 WING ANTI ICE L(R) VALVE OPEN. Part RECEIVER-VOR Affected P/N 622-5220-020 Corrective P/N VSB_700-34-21 3458 "GPSSU(1SNi) When MMR installed on the A/C.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 3453 CFDS anomalies Remark NO access to the ADF Last Leg Report after 64 legs flown without fault recorded in BITE NO MAINT. TFU 301100014 Part ZONE CONTROLLER Affected P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 775A0000-08 4621 A/C interface P/N displayed on LRU ident page is software P/N (LA2T0S162C0C000 or LA2T0S111C1B0000) and not disk P/N (LA2T0S162C0C0F1 or LA2T0S111C1B0F1) A/C interface P/N displayed on LRU ident page is software P/N (LA2T0S162C0C000 or LA2T0S111C1B0000) and not disk P/N (LA2T0S162C0C0F1 or LA2T0S111C1B0F1) The correct P/N for A/C interface S/W ends with F1 TFU 460000002 AMM_Task 462100610100 AMM_Task 462100610200 Part ATSU PLAT SW ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 LA2T0J13000C0F1 Revision 31 PART D : Page 38 . use CLASS 3 REPORT. ACTION. GPSSU messages (ex: 345831 "GPSSU(1SNi)) mean GPS part of the MMR. For Honeywell AOC. The operator must wait the end of the system test (around 3minutes) AMM_Task 462100740100 Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 4621 ATSU failures may be missing in ground scanning report. When the ATSU system test function is activated. For Honeywell AOC.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 4621 CFDS anomalies LRU identification AOC database not displayed on LRU ident MCDU page. all P/N are displayed on AOC SYSTEM CONFIG page (ATSU>AOC>MISC MENU>SYSTEM CONFIG) Doc X Ref AMM_Task 462100610300 TFU 460000002 AMM_Task 462100610320 Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 4621 A/C interface P/N displayed on LRU ident page is software P/N (LA2T0S162C0C000 or LA2T0S111C1B0000) and not disk P/N (LA2T0S162C0C0F1 or LA2T0S111C1B0F1) A/C interface P/N displayed on LRU ident page is software P/N (LA2T0S162C0C000 or LA2T0S111C1B0000) and not disk P/N (LA2T0S162C0C0F1 or LA2T0S111C1B0F1) The correct P/N for A/C interface S/W ends with F1 TFU 460000002 AMM_Task 462100610100 AMM_Task 462100610200 Part ATSU PLAT SW ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 LA2T0J13000C0F1 4621 LRU identification AOC database not displayed on LRU ident MCDU page. Remark LRU identification AOC database not displayed on LRU ident MCDU page. LRU identification AOC database not displayed on LRU ident MCDU page. Always reset ATSU before performing the ground scanning function Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 Revision 31 PART D : Page 39 . the prompt "<" associated to the "RETURN" key. all P/N are displayed on AOC CONFIGURATION page (ATSU>AOC>MISC>PART NUMBERS CONFIGURATION) For Rockwell-Collins AOC. all P/N are displayed on AOC SYSTEM CONFIG page (ATSU>AOC>MISC MENU>SYSTEM CONFIG) AMM_Task 462100610300 TFU 460000002 AMM_Task 462100610320 Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 4621 When the ATSU system test function is activated. all P/N are displayed on AOC CONFIGURATION page (ATSU>AOC>MISC>PART NUMBERS CONFIGURATION) For Rockwell-Collins AOC. and the remaining time of the test are not always displayed. and the remaining time of the test are not always displayed. the prompt "<" associated to the "RETURN" key. ATSU failures may be missing in ground scanning report. The "*" indicating the possibility to print is not always displayed. all P/N are displayed on AOC SYSTEM CONFIG page (ATSU>AOC>MISC MENU>SYSTEM CONFIG) AMM_Task 462100610300 TFU 460000002 AMM_Task 462100610320 Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 4621 A/C interface P/N displayed on LRU ident page is software P/N (LA2T0S162C0C000 or LA2T0S111C1B0000) and not disk P/N (LA2T0S162C0C0F1 or LA2T0S111C1B0F1) A/C interface P/N displayed on LRU ident page is software P/N (LA2T0S162C0C000 or LA2T0S111C1B0000) and not disk P/N (LA2T0S162C0C0F1 or LA2T0S111C1B0F1) The correct P/N for A/C interface S/W ends with F1 TFU 460000002 AMM_Task 462100610100 AMM_Task 462100610200 Part ATSU PLAT SW ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 LA2T0J13000C0F1 Revision 31 PART D : Page 40 . LRU identification AOC database not displayed on LRU ident MCDU page. even if the print is successful. all P/N are displayed on AOC CONFIGURATION page (ATSU>AOC>MISC>PART NUMBERS CONFIGURATION) For Rockwell-Collins AOC. The "*" is systematicaly displayed after activatingthe PRINT function. Use the print function even if the "*" is not displayed. The "*" is systematicaly displayed after activating the PRINT function. Remark After the DUMP TSD prompt 2 consecutives messages are displayed : "Waiting for response" & "No response" even if the function is properly performed.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 4621 CFDS anomalies After the DUMP TSD prompt 2 consecutives messages are displayed : "Waiting for response" & "No response" even if the function is properly performed. For Honeywell AOC. Disregard a "PRINT FAILED" message. Disregard fault messages Doc X Ref Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 4621 The "*" indicating the possibility to print is not always displayed. even if the print is successful. Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 4621 A/C interface P/N displayed on LRU ident page is software P/N (LA2T0S162C0C000 or LA2T0S111C1B0000) and not disk P/N (LA2T0S162C0C0F1 or LA2T0S111C1B0F1) A/C interface P/N displayed on LRU ident page is software P/N (LA2T0S162C0C000 or LA2T0S111C1B0000) and not disk P/N (LA2T0S162C0C0F1 or LA2T0S111C1B0F1) The correct P/N for A/C interface S/W ends with F1 TFU 460000002 AMM_Task 462100610100 AMM_Task 462100610200 Part ATSU PLAT SW ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 LA2T0J13000C0F1 4621 LRU identification AOC database not displayed on LRU ident MCDU page. A "PRINT FAILED" message can be displayed on MCDU.A "PRINT FAILED" message can be displayed on MCDU. even if the print is successful. The operator must wait the end of the system test (around 3minutes) AMM_Task 462100740100 Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 4621 ATSU failures may be missing in ground scanning report.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 4621 CFDS anomalies LRU identification AOC database not displayed on LRU ident MCDU page. Disregard a "PRINT FAILED" message. After the DUMP TSD prompt 2 consecutives messages are displayed : "Waiting for response" & "No response" even if the function is properly performed. even if the print is successful. Always reset ATSU before performing the ground scanning function Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 4621 After the DUMP TSD prompt 2 consecutives messages are displayed : "Waiting for response" & "No response" even if the function is properly performed. When the ATSU system test function is activated. and the remaining time of the test are not always displayed.A "PRINT FAILED" message can be displayed on MCDU. Remark LRU identification AOC database not displayed on LRU ident MCDU page. all P/N are displayed on AOC CONFIGURATION page (ATSU>AOC>MISC>PART NUMBERS CONFIGURATION) For Rockwell-Collins AOC. Disregard fault messages Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0J13000C0F1 4621 The "*" indicating the possibility to print is not always displayed. Use the print function even if the "*" is not displayed. the prompt "<" associated to the "RETURN" key. The "*" indicating the possibility to print is not always displayed. The "*" is systematicaly displayed after activating the PRINT function. all P/N are displayed on AOC SYSTEM CONFIG page (ATSU>AOC>MISC MENU>SYSTEM CONFIG) Doc X Ref AMM_Task 462100610300 TFU 460000002 AMM_Task 462100610320 Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 4621 When the ATSU system test function is activated. ATSU failures may be missing in ground scanning report. Part ATSU PLAT SW Affected P/N LA2T0S162C0C0F1 Corrective P/N LA2T0S111C1B0F1 Revision 31 PART D : Page 41 . the prompt "<" associated to the "RETURN" key. A "PRINT FAILED" message can be displayed on MCDU. and the remaining time of the test are not always displayed. The "*" is systematicaly displayed after activatingthe PRINT function. For Honeywell AOC. " Part EEC EEC Affected P/N 808050-4-056 824972-2-010 Corrective P/N SCN18 SCN18 Revision 31 PART D : Page 42 . There is a specific sequence of events when running FADEC GROUND SCANNING which can lead to timeout in the software loop. causing "spurious" Watchdog Timer faults (WDTPOR). Part ECB Affected P/N 304817-1 Corrective P/N 304817-2 7322 FADEC Ground Scanning There is a specific sequence of events when running FADEC GROUND SCANNING which can lead to timeout in the software loop. Part ECB Affected P/N 304817-1 Corrective P/N 304817-2 4961 Some messages are sent with more than 48 characters Some messages are sent with more than 48 characters Part ECB Affected P/N 304640-3 Corrective P/N 304817-1 4961 Messages may be duplicated in the PFR. Messages may be duplicated in the PFR. To check if WDTPOR fault is spurious or not: Completely exit Menu Mode and run the EEC self-test and then exit Menu Mode without selecting Ground Scanning.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 4961 CFDS anomalies Some messages are sent with more than 48 characters Remark Some messages are sent with more than 48 characters Doc X Ref Part ECB Affected P/N 304640-3 Corrective P/N 304817-1 4961 Messages may be duplicated in the PFR. Messages may be duplicated in the PFR. causing "spurious" Watchdog Timer faults (WDTPOR). TFU 732500008 TFU 732500007 Part EIU EIU EIU Affected P/N 3957900612 3957905004 3957900613 Corrective P/N 3957905014 3957905005 7325 When RTOK recorded in the GND SCAN results. GARBLED FADEC fault messages in the PFR. Remark Fault message "OIL TEMP SENSOR 4004 EN RT OK" in EIU ground scanning. action ref. Part EIU EIU Affected P/N ALL_P/N ALL_P/N Corrective P/N 3957900613 3957905004 Revision 31 PART D : Page 43 . to the FADEC LAST LEG REPORT. For maint. Disregard. ACTION when RT OK (Result Test OK) is mentioned. ACTION when RT OK (Result Test OK) is mentioned. Doc X Ref TFU 732534005 Part EIU EIU EIU EIU Affected P/N 3957900609 3957900612 3957900611 3957900610 Corrective P/N 3957900613 3957900613 3957900612 3957900613 7325 Fault message CHECK 16(17) HB RELAY CIRCUIT OR EIUi RT OK in EIU ground scanning.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 7325 CFDS anomalies OIL TEMP SENSOR 4004 EN RT OK in EIU ground scanning. NO MAINT. TFU 732534005 Part EIU EIU EIU EIU Affected P/N 3957900611 3957900612 3957900610 3957900609 Corrective P/N 3957900613 3957900613 3957900613 3957900613 7325 GARBLED FADEC fault messages in the PFR. Fault message CHECK 16(17) HB RELAY CIRCUIT OR EIUi RT OK in EIU ground scanning. When RTOK recorded in the GND SCAN results. NO MAINT. ref AMM EIU GND SCAN procedure. ref AMM EIU GND SCAN procedure. Disregard. ACTION when RT OK (Result Test OK) is mentioned.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 7325 CFDS anomalies OIL TEMP SENSOR 4004 EN RT OK in EIU ground scanning. NO MAINT. Fault message CHECK 16(17) HB RELAY CIRCUIT OR EIUi RT OK in EIU ground scanning. to the FADEC LAST LEG REPORT. ACTION when RT OK (Result Test OK) is mentioned. GARBLED FADEC fault messages in the PFR. Remark Fault message "OIL TEMP SENSOR 4004 EN RT OK" in EIU ground scanning. NO MAINT. action ref. Part EIU EIU Affected P/N ALL_P/N ALL_P/N Corrective P/N 3957900613 3957905004 Revision 31 PART D : Page 44 . For maint. Doc X Ref TFU 732534005 Part EIU EIU EIU EIU Affected P/N 3957900609 3957900612 3957900611 3957900610 Corrective P/N 3957900613 3957900613 3957900612 3957900613 7325 Fault message CHECK 16(17) HB RELAY CIRCUIT OR EIUi RT OK in EIU ground scanning. TFU 732534005 Part EIU EIU EIU EIU Affected P/N 3957900611 3957900612 3957900610 3957900609 Corrective P/N 3957900613 3957900613 3957900613 3957900613 7325 GARBLED FADEC fault messages in the PFR. When RTOK recorded in the GND SCAN results. TFU 732500008 TFU 732500007 Part EIU EIU EIU Affected P/N 3957900612 3957905004 3957900613 Corrective P/N 3957905014 3957905005 7325 When RTOK recorded in the GND SCAN results. TFU 732900025 Part ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P02 1459M55P16 1459M55P15 1519M83P03 Corrective P/N 1519M83P04 1820M27P01 1459M55P17 7329 NVM FAULT DATA NOT RETRIEVABLE NVM FAULT DATA NOT RETRIEVABLE TFU 732900031 Part ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P02 1519M83P03 1459M55P16 Corrective P/N 1519M83P04 1820M27P01 Revision 31 PART D : Page 45 .ECU during FADEC ground test. TFU 732900025 Part ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P03 1459M55P16 1519M83P02 Corrective P/N 1820M27P01 1519M83P04 7329 ENG i FADEC A(B) FAULT during FADEC GND TEST ECAM warning ENG i FADEC A(B) FAULT NO MAINT. If not confirmed.J15. ACTION. ACTION if associated with WB3 SENS. J7 during FADEC ground test ENG OVSPD PROT FAULT associated with HMU.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 7329 CFDS anomalies NVM FAULT DATA NOT RETRIEVABLE Remark NVM FAULT DATA NOT RETRIEVABLE Doc X Ref TFU 732900031 Part ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P02 1519M83P03 1459M55P16 Corrective P/N 1519M83P04 1820M27P01 7329 ENG OVSPD PROT FAULT associated with HMU. NO MAINT. J7 during FADEC ground test To be confirmed by a new test. J7 during FADEC ground test Remark ENG OVSPD PROT FAULT associated with HMU. TFU 732900025 Part ECU ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P02 1459M55P16 1459M55P15 1519M83P03 Corrective P/N 1519M83P04 1820M27P01 1459M55P17 7732 Wrong date in the EVMU Last Leg Report Wrong date in the EVMU Last Leg Report TFU 773234020 Part EVMU Affected P/N 241-211-000-021 Corrective P/N 241-211-000-031 7831 Throttle lever still active during 60 seconds if thrust reverser test interrupted with MCDU Menu key. NO MAINT.ECU during FADEC ground test. TFU 783100014 Part ECU ECU Affected P/N ALL P/N ALL P/N Corrective P/N 1459M55P17 1519M83P04 Revision 31 PART D : Page 46 . If not confirmed.SIL 00-028 PART D : CFDS anomalies ATA 7329 CFDS anomalies ENG OVSPD PROT FAULT associated with HMU. The operator must leave the Test function with the RETURN key instead of the MCDU Menu key. J7 during FADEC ground test To be confirmed by a new test. ACTION. Doc X Ref TFU 732900025 Part ECU ECU ECU Affected P/N 1519M83P03 1459M55P16 1519M83P02 Corrective P/N 1820M27P01 1519M83P04 7329 ENG i FADEC A(B) FAULT during FADEC GND TEST ECAM warning ENG i FADEC A(B) FAULT NO MAINT. ACTION if associated with WB3 SENS. Throttle lever still active during 60 seconds if thrust reverser test interrupted with MCDU Menu key.J15. EIS 1 ALL P/N Revision 31 PART E : Page 1 .SIL 00-028 PART E : Filter Content (faults) ATA XXXXXX Failure Messages GR-OU-ND Phases 08 09 Source Part CFDIU CFDIU Affected PN B401ACM0506 B401ACM0507 XXXXXX GN-D 08 09 CFDIU CFDIU B401ACM0506 B401ACM0507 2131 CAB_PR_LO_DIFF_PR 06 07 CPC CPC 902215702-8 902215702-7 2161 AIR_PACK_1$2_FAULT 03 04 ACSC PACK TEMP CTLR ALL P/N ALL P/N 2200 AUTO_FLT_AP_OFF 02 03 04 08 09 FMGC ALL P/N 2200 AUTO_FLT_A/THR_OFF 08 09 FMGC ALL P/N 226634 DMC$:_NO__FAC$__DATA DMC . SIL 00-028 PART E : Filter Content (faults) ATA 228212 Failure Messages AFS:_MCDU Phases Source AFS Part FMGC Affected PN ALL P/N 228212 MCDU3(3CA3)/ATSU1(1TX1) ATSU ATSU PLAT SW LA2T0S111C1B0F1 228334 AFS:FMGC$_(FM$) AFS FMGC FMGC FMGC B398BAM0205 B398BCM0104 B398AAM0408 228334 AFS:FMGC$/ATHR_ENGD_FDBK 08 09 AFS FMGC FMGC FMGC B398AAM0XXX B398BAM0XXX B398BCM0XXX 228334 AFS:FMGC$(DO_NOT_REMOVE) AFS FMGC FMGC FAC C13042AA01 C13043AA01 PRE_STD_B397BAM0617 228334 AFS:FMGC AFS FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC FMGC HFDR B398AAM0410 B546CCM0101 B398BAM0207 B546CAM0101 B546BAM0203 822-0990-003 231100 ICAO_ADDRESS/HF$(3RE$) Revision 31 PART E : Page 2 . SIL 00-028 PART E : Filter Content (faults) ATA 231133 Failure Messages HFDR$(3RE$)/ATSU1(1TX1) Phases Source Part CFDIU CFDIU CFDIU CFDIU Affected PN B401ACM0505 B401ACM0506 B401ACM0507 B401ACM0404 231133 NO_HF1_DATA 02 CFDS TRANSCEIVER-HF TRANSCEIVER-HF 964-0452-012 964-0452-001 231233 NO_ VHF3_ DATA CFDS CFDIU C12860AA02 231233 VHF0(1RC0) 02 TRANSCEIVER-VHF TRANSCEIVER-VHF 822-1047-030 822-1047-020 231313 RMP$(1RG$)/RMP$(1RG$) 02 RMP RMP C12848AA01 C12848CA01 232834 SDU1(5RV1)/ATSU1(1TX1) ATSU PLAT SW LA2T0S162C0C0F1 240000 POWER_SUPPLY_INTERRUPT 01 02 09 10 EIS 3 EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE SXT3FE2SA0410 SXT3CE2SA0420 Revision 31 PART E : Page 3 . SIL 00-028 PART E : Filter Content (faults) ATA 240000 Failure Messages POWER_SUPPLY_INTERRUPT Phases 01 02 09 10 Source EIS 1 Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected PN SXT3FE2SA0410 SXT3CE2SA0420 240000 POWER_SUPPLY_INTERRUPT 01 02 09 10 EIS 2 EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE SXT3FE2SA0410 SXT3CE2SA0420 240000 POWER_SUPPLY_INTERRUPT CIDS 1 DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Z014H000131A Z014H000231B Z014H000031A 240000 POWER_SUPPLY_INTERRUPT CIDS 2 DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS DIRECTOR-CIDS Z014H000131A Z014H000231B Z014H000031A 242255 AFS:28V_PWR_11XU1 02 09 10 AFS FMGC ALL P/N 243251 SDAC$:NO_TR1_CURRENT ______1PU1 SDAC SDAC 350E5161122 350E5151022 243834 SDAC$:NO_DATA_FROM BCL SDAC SDAC 350E5161122 350E5151022 Revision 31 PART E : Page 4 . SIL 00-028 PART E : Filter Content (faults) ATA 2700 Failure Messages F/CTL_SPD_BRK_DISAGREE Phases Source Part FCDC Affected PN ALL_P/N 275134 SDAC$:NO_DATA_FROM SFCC SDAC SDAC 350E5161122 350E5151022 284248 FUEL_QUANTITY___________ R_ULTRACOMP_52QT 06 FUEL COMPUTER-FQI COMPUTER-FQI COMPUTER-FQI SIC5059XXXX05 SIC5059XXXX07 SIC5059XXXX06 301151 $$$WAI_FILTER_OR_VALVE ZONE CONTROLLER 775A0000-07 301151 $$WAI_FILTER_OR_VALVE ZONE CONTROLLER 775A0000-07 313234 _RADAR$___NO DATA FROM_CFDIU RADAR RADAR 204-1217-0421 204-1217-0418 313522 AFS:PRINTER AFS PRINTER ALL P/N Revision 31 PART E : Page 5 . SIL 00-028 PART E : Filter Content (faults) ATA 316322 Failure Messages DU_PFD_FO(2WT2)/________ PFD_FO_POT(7WT2) Phases Source Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected PN SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A 316322 DU_ND_FO(3WT2)/_________ ND_FO_POT(8WT2) EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A 316322 DU_PFD_CAPT(2WT1)/______ PFD_CAPT_POT(7WT1) EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE SXT4EE2SA050A SXT3CE2SA0420 316322 DU_ND_CAPT(3WT1)/_______ ND_CAPT_POT(8WT1) EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE SXT4EE2SA050A SXT3CE2SA0420 316322 DU_SD(4WT2)/____________ ECP(6WT) EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A 316322 DU_EWD(4WT1)/___________ ECP(6WT) EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE SXT4EE2SA050A SXT3CE2SA0420 3200 L/G_SHOCK_ABSORBER_FAULT 08 09 TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER 9599-607-14932 9599-607-12333 Revision 31 PART E : Page 6 . SIL 00-028 PART E : Filter Content (faults) ATA 3200 Failure Messages BRAKES_HOT Phases Source Part BSCU Affected PN ALL P/N 324418 SDAC$:LH_Y_BRK_PRESS XDCR_63GG FWC 350E053020606 324418 SDAC$:RH_Y_BRK_PRESS XDCR_62GG FWC 350E053020606 324553 PARK_BRAKE_SELECTOR_____ VALVE(102GG)/BSCU(10GG) 01 02 BSCU 1 BSCU BSCU BSCU E21327003 E21327001 E21327004 324553 PARK_BRAKE_SELECTOR_____ VALVE(102GG)/BSCU(10GG) 01 02 BSCU 2 BSCU BSCU BSCU E21327003 E21327001 E21327004 340000 NAV GPWS FAULT 02 03 04 08 09 RECEIVER ILS 204-1230-3518 341234 AFS:ADIRU1/2/3_DISAGREE FAC FAC FAC FAC B397AAM0508 B397AAM0507 B397AAM0509 B397AAM0510 Revision 31 PART E : Page 7 . SIL 00-028 PART E : Filter Content (faults) ATA 341234 Failure Messages ADIRU$$$($FP$$$)_ADRBUS/ WXR$($SQ$) Phases 02 Source Part RADAR RADAR Affected PN 822-1710-202 822-1710-201 341234 AFS:ADIRU1/2/3_DISAGREE FAC FAC FAC FAC B397CAM0101 B397BAM0407 B397BAM0406 B397CAM0102 341234 AFS:ADIRU1/2/3_DISAGREE FAC FAC FAC FAC B397AAM0507 B397AAM0508 B397BAM0406 B397BAM0407 343522 HUD_OHU HUDC HUDC 9615433402 9615433401 343631 MMR1(40RT1)/GPWC(1WZ) GPWC 9650976003102 343631 ILS$_RECEIVER RECEIVER ILS RECEIVER ILS 204-1230-3518 204-1230-3518 343631 AFS:ILS AFS FMGC ALL P/N Revision 31 PART E : Page 8 . SIL 00-028 PART E : Filter Content (faults) ATA 343631 Failure Messages FWC$_:NO_DATA_FROM ILS Phases 02 07 Source Part RECEIVER ILS Affected PN 622-9738-020 343631 NO_MLS_$_DATA CFDS AMU AMU AMU AMU AMU3514ES01 AMU3514CS01 AMU3514DS01 AMU3514BS01 344133 RADAR1_TRANSCEIVER RADAR MI585306402 345133 AFS:DME AFS DME DME 622-4540-023 622-4540-023 345133 AFS:DME AFS FMGC C13043AA01 345331 NO_ADF_$_DATA CFDS CFDIU ALL P/N 345531 AFS:VOR AFS FMGC ALL P/N Revision 31 PART E : Page 9 . EIS 1 4500001B 4500001A 4500003G 4500001 APU APS3200 ALL P/N 732160 DMC$:NO_ECU$$_DATA 01 02 09 732160 ECU(E$-4000KS) 01 02 09 EIS 2 EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE SXT3FE2SA0410 SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A Revision 31 PART E : Page 10 .SIL 00-028 PART E : Filter Content (faults) ATA 383100 Failure Messages LIQD_LVL_XMTR_(40MG)_ AND_LIQD_LVL_SNSR(41MG)_ Phases Source TOILET Part OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Affected PN Z064H000030F Z064H000030D Z064H000030E 383134 VSC VSC VSC 14404-011A 383141 TOILET_ASSY_LAV_$_ TOILET OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Z064H000030D Z064H000030D Z064H000030E 383163 LIQD_LVL_XMTR_(40MG)_ TOILET OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR OBRM CIDS DIR Z064H000030D Z064H000030E Z064H000030F 492316 LCDT_SENSOR_P29 APU ECB ECB ECB ECB APU DMC . EIS 1 ALL P/N 732234 EEC(E$-4000KS) 01 02 09 EIS 3 EIS II SOFTWARE SXT3CE2SA0420 732234 EEC(E$-4000KS) 01 02 09 EIS 1 EIS II SOFTWARE SXT3CE2SA0420 732234 EEC(E$-4000KS) 01 02 09 EIS 2 EIS II SOFTWARE SXT3CE2SA0420 7700 DUAL_ENGINE_FAILURE 02 03 04 08 09 TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER TRANSCEIVER-RADIO ALTIMETER 9599-607-14942 9599-607-12333 9599-607-14932 9599-607-12552 Revision 31 PART E : Page 11 .SIL 00-028 PART E : Filter Content (faults) ATA 732160 Failure Messages ECU(E$-4000KS) Phases 01 02 09 Source EIS 1 Part EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE Affected PN SXT3FE2SA0410 SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A 732160 ECU(E$-4000KS) 01 02 09 EIS 3 EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE EIS II SOFTWARE SXT3FE2SA0410 SXT3DE2SA0700 SXT3CE2SA0420 SXT4EE2SA050A 732234 DMC$:NO_EEC$$_DATA 01 02 09 DMC . SIL 00-028 PART E : Filter Content (faults) ATA 793415 Failure Messages CHECK_OIL_PRESS_SWITCH 3EN Phases 02 09 Source TPIS Part TPIS Affected PN 1058-34 XXXXXX ADF-$:NO_DATA_FROM ______CONTROL_SOURCE RECEIVER ADF RECEIVER ADF 622-5222-020 622-5222-020 XXXXXX ADF-$:NO_DATA_FROM CONTROL_SOURCE RECEIVER ADF 204-1168-7513 XXXXXX VOR-$:NO_DATA_FROM ______CONTROL_SOURCE RECEIVER-VOR 622-5220-020 XXXXXX VOR-$:NO_DATA_FROM CONTROL_SOURCE RECEIVER-VOR 2041231-3610 XXXXXX DME-$:NO_DATA_FROM ________CONTROL_SOURCE DME 9599-614-03105 Revision 31 PART E : Page 12 .
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