A-z Navle Study Guide

March 23, 2018 | Author: Samuel Lam | Category: Adrenal Gland, Acetylcholine, Autonomic Nervous System, Drugs, Medical Specialties



A-Z NAVLE Study Guide - 1Abomasal disorders • LDA and RDA – Most common in dairy cattle within one month of parturition or prepartum. Due to hypocalcemia resulting in abomosal atony. Leads to metabolic alkalosis, hypochloremia, hypokalemia due to sequestration of acid, chlorine and potassium in abomasum. Left 5-10x more common than right. Left-sided ping between ribs 9-13. Normal TPR. Anorexia, decreased production, ketosis. Diarrhea is poor px sign. Treatment - roll cow, but recurrence likely. Surgical correction with omentopexy or abomasopexy. RDA can become AV. • Abomasal volvulus – Dairy cows near parturition w/ sudden drop in milk production. Usually counterclockwise from rear. Very sick, clinical signs more severe dt vascular compromise. Right sided ping, palpable. Treatment is surgery. Poor prognosis. • Abomasal ulcers - Most common in high-producing dairy cows in first 6 weeks of production. Stress decreases protective prostaglandins. Ulceration at the ventral portion of the fundic region of the greater curvature. See melena, anorexia, occult blood, abdominal pain. LSA is significant cause of bleeding ulcers in older cattle. Bleeding ulcers don’t perforate and perforating ulcers (seen in calves) don’t bleed. • Abomasal impaction - Pregnant beef cattle in winter with poor quality feed. • Left Ping = LDA, pneumoperitoneum, atonic rumen. • Right Ping = Spiral colon, rectum/colon, RDA, RAV (palpable). Abortion • Cattle - Herd problem: IBR, BVD, brucellosis, leptospirosis, campylobacteriosis, trichomoniasis, anaplasmosis, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas. Sporadic: Mycotic (Aspergillus, Mucor spp). Reach uterus hematogenously, cause late term abortion. Fetus not affected or may have ringworm lesions; placenta severely affected with necrosis of cotyledons. Dx via culture of fetal tissue. Also Listeria, Haemophilus, Corynebacterium pyogenes, Staphylococcus, bluetonque. Nitrates, lupine, locoweed, mycotoxins. • Mares - Most common infectious cause of abortion in horses is Equine Herpes 1, last trimester. Equine viral arteritis less frequent. Vax available for both diseases. Sporadic abortion from Streptococcus zooepidemicus, Escherichic coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Rhodococcus equi, Actinobacillus equuli. These infections occur through ascending infection via the cervix. Twin pregnancies often result in abortion. Crush the smallest embryo at day 22-25 after confirmation of pregnancy. • Sheep - Most common cause of abortion is campylobacteriosis. Campylobacteriosis - Infection via ingestion of organisms. Late-term abortion of edematous fetus; liver with gray necrotic foci. Carrier sheep shed organisms in feces, uterine discharges, aborted fetuses. Culture and ID organism in fetal abomasal fluid and liver. Vaccinate ewes at breeding; booster at second month gestation. Toxoplasma gondii – protozoan; life cycle is completed in the cat. Abortion and still births in sheep, pigs, and goats. White foci in cotyledons, leukoencephalomalacia. Chlamydia psittaci – late-term abortion. Exposure via ingestion, inhalation or venereal. Fetus well-preserved or mummified. Placentitis most consistent finding. Leptospirosis - late-term abortions. Listeriosis - late-term abortion, birth of weak lambs. Slight to marked autolysis of fetus, fluid in serous cavities, necrotic foci in liver, lung and spleen. Erosions in abomasal mucosa. CNS deficits. Man can be affected. Akabane virus disease – arthrogryposis, hydrancephaly. • Pigs – Vaccinations: parvovirus, pseudorabies, enterovirus, brucellosis, leptospirosis can affect reproductive performance. Vaccinate sows and gilts against leptospirosis, parvovirus and erysipelas. Also permit >21 day exposure to herd before breeding to allow natural exposure to endemic herd pathogens including parvovirus and enteroviruses that can cause reproductive failure. Parvovirus - Early fetal resorption, reduced litter size, mummies. Due to persistence of maternal immunity in gilts until sexual maturity, exposure at breeding time. Pseudorabies Abortion, stillbirths, mummies, weak pigs. Also fever, respiratory signs, nervous signs. Brucellosis - Venereal. Leptospirosis – L. interrogans one of most common causes of reproductive failure. L. pomona is late term abortion. L. Bratislava commonly id in serologic surveys in midwest US but NOT affected w/ abortion or repro problems. Abortion/Parturition, Induced • Cow – PGF2α up to 4th month. Months 5-8 PGF2α & Dexamethasone combination. 75% have retained placentas. 0-14 days pre-term, calves born with normal viability and normal blood IgG. • Mare - PG for abortion only. May need double dose or repeated treatment at 48 hour intervals after 4th month. Douching of uterus also works at any stage of pregnancy. Oxytocin for live foal only after cervix has begun to relax www.gumshoevet.net A-Z NAVLE Study Guide - 2 and colostrum is in udder. • Small animal - Not safe. PGF2α can be used after day 40. Dexamethasone 10 days produces fetal death and resorption. Acepromazine - Phenothiazine tranquilizer. Block release and uptake of dopamine in the CNS. Also has anticholinergic, antihistaminic, antispasmodic and alpha-adrenergic blocking effects. Depresses RAS. Administer atropine to counteract bradycardic effects. • Adverse effects - Precipitates seizures. ↓ RR, ↓ arterial BP, ↑ CVP, bradycardia, sinoatrial arrest. Bradycardia negated by physiological response to decreased BP. Causes extrusion of penis in male large animals. No analgesic effects. • Positive effects - Antidysrhythmic effects. Inhibit arrhythmias induced by ultra-short barbiturates, halothane, epinephrine. Reduces halothane-induced malignant hyperthermia in pigs. • Contraindications - Decrease dose in animals with hepatic dysfunction, cardiac disease. Contraindicated in patients with hypovolemia, shock, tetanus, strychnine. Acetabular fractures – If there is no displacement, fractures treated conservatively with Ehmer sling and restricted activity. Bone plates and screws used for internal fixation. Acetaminophen poisoning - Tylenol. • Clinical signs - Hemolytic anemia, methemoglobinemia. Dark-colored urine. Icterus, facial edema, lethargy. The liver is the primary site of toxicity. • Clin path - Heinz body anemia, hemolysis, hemoglobinuria. • Therapy - N-acetylcysteine (Mucomist). Acrodermatitis – Lethal familial zinc deficiency in white bull terriers. Retarded growth, progressive, acral, hyperkeratotic dermatitis, pustular dermatits at mucocutaneous jxns. Death by 2 yrs of age. Acute Abdomen – Syndrome. Acute presentation, showing systemic signs, abdomen painful, distended, V/D, weakness. Major categories are bacterial sepsis, obstruction/perforation, ischemia/thrombosis. Fundamental question is surgical or medical tx reqd. W/ septic peritonitis, the solution to polution is dilution – exploratory and lavage. See GDV and pancreatitis for others. Addison's Disease – Hypoadrenocorticism. Immune-mediated or iatrogenic adrenocortical insufficiency leads to deficiency of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. Seen in young to middle-aged dogs, occasionally horses. Familial in standard poodles (?). Lack of aldosterone secretion results in impaired ability to conserve Na+ and excrete K+. Leads to hyponatremia and hyperkalemia (Na:K < 25:1). • Clinical signs - Hyponatremia leads to hypotension, ↓ CO, hypovolemia. Results in prerenal azotemia. Lack of cortisol secretion can lead to GI signs, lethargy, and impaired stress response. Normocytic, normochromic anemia. Absolute eosinophilia. Hypoglycemia due to ↓ glucose production (glucocorticoid deficiency). Occasional hypercalcemia. • Ddx – Whipworm infection, renal failure, acute pancreatitis, toxin. • Diagnosis - ACTH stimulation test. • Treatment – Fluid replacement, electrolyte assessment. Florinef (Fludrocortisone acetate) or DOCP (Desoxycorticosterone pivalate). Prednisone if necessary. ADH – Antidiuretic Hormone. Suppresses excretion of urine. Has specific effect on the epithelial cells of the renal tubules. Stimulates the resorption of water, resulting in concentration of urine. Adrenal Glands – Endocrine gland. Adrenal cortex - Three zones. Zona glomerulosa (outer) secretes mineralocorticoids. Zona fasciculata (middle) layer secretes glucocorticoids. Zona reticularis (inner) secretes sex steroids. Accessory cortical tissue seen as small nodules in aged dogs is common and nonfunctional. Adrenal Medulla – Modified sympathetic nervous system ganglion. Secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine. Important role in response to stress or hypoglycemia. Tumor of adrenal medulla is pheochromocytoma, which may secrete either hormone. www.gumshoevet.net A-Z NAVLE Study Guide - 3 • Mineralocorticoids - Aldosterone regulates ion transport of epithelial cells, resulting in excretion of K+ and conservation of Na+. • Glucocorticoids - Regulate carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism resulting in sparing of glucose and lipolysis. Glucocorticoids suppress inflammatory and immunologic responses. Can have negative effect on wound healing due to inhibition of fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis. • Sex hormones - Progesterone, estrogens, and androgens. Aelurostrongylus abstrusus - Cat lungworm. Life cycle includes snail first host; frog, lizard, bird or rodent vector encysted larvae. Cat eats transport host, larvae migrate from stomach to lungs and embed in lung tissues. Eggs form nodules in alveolar ducts, larvae hatch, coughed up, swallowed and passed in feces. Larvae in feces have dorsally spined tails. Causes coughing, dyspnea. Treatment is levamisole. African Swine Fever – Iridovirus. Highly contagious viral disease that resembles hog cholera and is therefore REPORTABLE. Eradicated from western hemisphere. Replicates in RE cells, found in all fluids and tissues. No vaccine. Ornithodoros ticks are vectors. Oronasal exposure. Survivors carriers for life. Clinical signs include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, eye discharge, abortion, death. Hemorrhage of lymph nodes, renal cortex, splenomegaly (bigger than in hog cholera). Excessive pleural, pericardial and peritoneal f luids. Air Sacculitis – Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Causes respiratory tract infection in chickens. High rate of carcass condemnation. Caseous exudate. Aldosterone - The main mineralocorticoid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex. Regulates electrolyte and water balance by promoting retention of Na+ and the excretion of K+. Retention of water induces an increase in plasma volume and an increase in blood pressure. Secretion of aldosterone is stimulated by angiotensin II. Aleutian Disease - Parvoviral infection of mink resulting in immune complex formation and deposition. No vaccine. Alimentary Lymphosarcoma – Most have normal or ↓ peripheral lymphocytes. “Nonresponsive IBD”. Can be diffuse or multinodular. Dx w/ full thickness biopsy. Very difficult to treat. Alkalosis - ↑HCO3, ↑TCO2, hyperventilation causes alkalosis. Cow saliva rich in HCO3 (horse saliva rich in Cl-). Amyloidosis - Consists of β pleated sheets of amino acids, refractory to enzymatic breakdown. Two major amyloid proteins. AA released from hepatocytes due to chronic infection. AL composed of partially degraded immunoglobulin light chains produced by malignant plasma cells. Disease caused by displacement of normal cells with amyloid deposits, mainly liver, spleen, brain and kidneys. Anal Sac Disease – Hematochezia. Chronic bright red blood w/ normal stools. Anaplasmosis – Anaplasma marginale. Rickettsia located in the stroma of RBC. Disease of ruminants. Transmission through contamination with infected blood via ticks (Boophilus, Dermacentor), horse flies, stable flies, mechanical transfer of blood (vax, dehorn, etc). Fomites. Carriers maintain disease in a herd. More severe in adult cattle; lifelong resistance if exposed young. • Clinical signs - Depression, inappetence, fever, decreased production, marked icterus. Anemia leading to hypoxemia. No hemoglobinuria. • Diagnosis - Suspect in mature cattle showing anemia without hemoglobinuria. Blood smear, see anisocytosis, presence of agent. Serology. • Treatment – Tetracycline. LA200. Do not stress patients, may die. Insect control. • Vax – May cause neonatal isoerythrolysis. Ancylostoma caninum – Canine hookworm. See hookworms. www.gumshoevet.net 2) 2° failure of erythropoeisis – ACD. mjydriatic. Lepto. splenic dysfunction. antiemetic. Do not work in rabbits and goats as they have atropinase (why they can eat nightshade). Butorphanol – kappa agonist. Patients ± ill and may only have signs related to anemia. • Regenerative Anemia – Macrocytic. not as much sedation or dysphoria. Hbguria. nasal epistaxis. GI ulceration. antiemetic. worse px. dry as a bone. nRBCs. normal platelets and WBCs. analgesic. decrease threshold for arrythmias. Tx w/ immunosuppressives. Flumazenil is reversal agent. . behaves like kappa agonist. phenylbutazone. atropine – Atropine for emergency. extramedullary hematopoiesis. ↓ amount of other induction drugs necessary. Can ↓ effects of morphine. duration of action 4X longer (4-6 hours). tylenol in cats). facilitate handling for induction. . heatstroke/vasculitis.Phenothiazine tranquilizers (Acepromazine) .Glycopyrrolate vs. • Blood loss – Acute blood loss see severe signs bc no time to compensate.α antagonist. In healthy cat as premed. . estrogen. euphoria. organophosphate tox tx.Atropine – Muscarinic antagonist.Calm the animal. decrease secretions. Often severly ill w/ weakness. BM dysfunction. mu antagonist. mad as a wet hen. Don’t use in really young. antiarrhythmic. Ehrlichia. Toxins such as anticonvulsants. carrier is propylene glycol. normochromic. Moderate dose dilates and inhibits accommodation of the pupil. Tachycardia. works quicker (but doesn’t last as long only 2-3 hrs). respiratory depression. Can give midozolam IM (H2O carrier). Babesia. ruptured hemangiosarcoma. copper tox. anti-diarrheal. Horses have no peripherally circulating reticulocytes. neoplasia. Do not use in shocky animals. Regenerative if > than 1% in dog or 0.α2 agonists . give preservative free morphine (normal carrier is formaldehyde). may cause excitement or aggression dt suppression of learned behavior. ↑ EP. Chronic external blood loss via skin. Glyco is 2-4x more potent than atropine. • Hemolysis – Intravascular = RBC destruction w/in blood vessels and loss of Hgb from cells. ↑HR. FeLV. or sick. ↑ serum Fe. 4) 1°failure of erythropoeisis. No analgesia. icterus. Naloxone does not reverse resp depression of buprenorphine. SLE. endotoxemia. Buprenorphine – partial mu agonist. Morphine – pure mu agonist. lasts 6-8 hrs. Regenerative response take 2-5 days. • Tranquilizers . Centrally acting muscle relaxant (as is Guaifenesin). Heinz body anemia (onions. good for mild to mod pain. ↓ amount of induction drugs. Appetite stimulant in cats. Naloxone is antagonist. Chronic internal blood loss will have no Fe deficiency. Vasodilation. lowers seizure threshold. Low dose inhibits salivation. Extravascular = RBCs lysed following phagocytosis w/in RE system. ± icterus. hypochromic. See severe anemia. good for mod to severe visceral pain. Zn tox (pennies<1982). • Nonregenerative Anemia – Microcytic. More aggressive therapy. Crosses BBB. High dose ↓ GI and urinary tract motility.5% in cat. atropine does. antitussive. ceiling effect on ventilatory depression. Hgbemia. bradycardia. fentanyl (b/c mu antag). cheap. Hemobartonella. trauma. Also. Vagally mediated bradyarrythmias (tx w/ atropine). ↑ heart rate. oral form avail. Red as a beet.Sedative. penile paralysis in stallions. really old. epidural gives LT analgesia (up to 24 hrs). sweating. Do not give IM. May cause ileus in horses. Avoid in DP dogs. anticonvulsant.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . make vomit. Innovar-Vet = Fentanyl + Droperidol. Pure red cell aplasia. • Circulating nRBCs – Metarubricytes. estrogen therapy (often given for urinary incontinence).Diazepam – Benzodiazepine sedative. Analgesia. Protect HRs. hypotension. lead toxicity. chloramphenicol. muscle relaxant. Ddx: coagulopathy. Anxiolytic. Ddx: regenerative response (only if orderly). 1) BM aplastic diseases such as myelofibrosis.4 Anemia – CRC = % reticulocytes X patient PCV/normal PCV (45 in dog. Hypotension. Does not work as tranquilizer when used alone. very safe. www. Sedative. 2-4 hrs duration. ceiling effect on ventilatory depression. . Potency of morphine < oxy (10x) < fentanyl (100x). Vagally mediated bradycardia. spleno/hepatomegaly. GIT will have Fe deficiency. . hemangiosarcoma. Anesthesia Premedications • Anticholinergics – Parasympatholytics. . Ddx: IMHA. immune mediated disease. Very high dose inhibits gastric secretions. Mild to mod anemia. systemic hypertension. chemo. inhibits platelet aggregation. UT. prevents bradycardia without causing tachycardia.net . No reversal. fever. bronchial secretions.gumshoevet. Glyco does not penetrate BBB (poor lipid solubility). 37 in cat).Opiods – Controlled substances. Neuroleptic. 3) Hemoglobin synthesis defects such as Fe deficiency. dilated pupils. TMPS. Partial agonist means lots of affinity for receptor but not very active once there. Competitively inhibits acetycholine at postganglionic parasympathetic sites. Wide therapeutic index.3. vomiting in dogs. Very little CV effects and respiratory depression. The greater the blood solubility coefficient. Proparacaine (ophthal).Better analgesic than halothane but more respiration depression seen in dogs. Xylazine . 25% metabolized. slower onset). Nonscheduled. can look like megaesophagus on rads. poor visceral analgesia.8. then meth. have to metabolize).Most arrhythmogenic. Associated with postop liver dysfunction. Depresses corticothalamic system. cardiostimulatory – not good if in heart failure. Do not use in horses. can see heinz body anemia. CV and respiratory depression. wake up too fast. Good for c-sxns and outpatient sx. ↑HR (baroreceptor mediated). ↑ICP. Give drug slowly to prevent apnea.gumshoevet. short duration of action. Local Anesthetics – Prevent cell membrane permeability to Na+. ↑CBF. Bupivacaine (thor sx. MAC ~ 1. Cheapest. ↑ B/G = ↑ solubility = slow induction. Procaine (safe. causes lethargy and ataxia. GABA agonist.5 respiratory depression. Bad for cat spays. ↓CBF = ↓ICP. • Isoflurane . • Nitrous Oxide – Largest MAC value. Medetomidine – reverse w/ atepamazole. Redistributes to fat which affects how wake up (once full. Add valium w/ cats. renal in cats. Does not potentiate seizures. methohexital (shortest. If given daily in cats. Poor analgesia. best to use in greyhounds). Do not mask induce brachycephalic. Morphine epidural can last up to 24 hrs. may need to give a steroid. Dead space is where 2 way flow – Y piece in circle system. #1 metabolite is bromine. Noncumulative. good for skin grafts. non-irritating. Causes hemolysis of cells in cats. Environmental contamination high when mask induce. care w/ prep and storage). thiamylal. but impair perfusion to affected tissue (may slow healing). • Ketamine – Dissociatives are controlled substances. ↑ sensitivity of laryngeal and bronchial reflexes to ectopic stimulation (laryngeal spasm). Can still get kicked/bitten. open eyelids. arrhythmogenic (1° and 2° heart block). fluids.23. glutamate receptor antagonist.cattle extremely sensitive (1/10th dose). ↓BP. ↑ urine production. Supports CV system by increasing CO. potent pain. ↓CBF = ↓ICP without effecting O2 delivery to brain. ↑rates in bain to remove CO2. Antiarrhythmic. Avoid in sighthounds. Soybean/egg lecithin based (bacterial medium. Little or no hepatic metabolism. Rapid. scheduled. rapid recovery. apneic effects (give slowly). Suppresses adrenals and ↓ cortisol. excitatory.3. • Methoxyflurane . Detomidine – reverse w/ telazolin. brisk palpebral reflex. Good for debilitated patients. MAC ~ 2. • Sevoflurane – Interacts w/ soda lime to form nephrotoxic compound A. Do not give alone to horses. not so good for heart (arrhthmias. Rapid smooth induction. Sensitizes heart to epi induces arrythmias. • Etomidate . vomiting patients. Ca++ ↓. good for brain patients. nn blocks). Nephrotoxic. cats. Paralyzes esophageal musculature allowing it to fill w/ air. Brachial plexus block www. Causes skin sloughing if outside vein (tx w/ lidocaine. Inhalation agents – Potent CV and respiratory depressants. burn patients. Short acting – Pentobarbital. reverse w/ yohimbine. prayers). MAC ~ 0.net . Good somatic analgesia. • Propofol – Rapid onset. Semiclosed O2 flow rate = 15 ml/lb/min. Produces unconsciousness but retain high muscle tone and may move spontaneously. Lowers threshold to catecholamine-induced arrhythmias. Phencycladine derivative. Causes a dose-dependent ↓ in arterial blood pressure. ↑IOP.sensitizes CV to epi induced arrythmias. bigeminy). then iso and sevo. response to CO2 depressed. Seizurogenic. Can potentiate arrhythmias. Has greatest hypotensive effect. Induction agents • Barbiturates – CNS depression by inhibiting synaptic transmission and diminishing neuronal excitation in the cerebral cortex and RAS. most potent. ↓CBF = ↓ cerebral O2 demand = ↓ ICP. 1° side effect in cats is vomiting or retching. epidural). • Desflurane – Combines w/ Barlyme to form carbon monoxide.. Telazol is similar. longer duration. Bain O2 flow = 300 ml/lb/min. ↑ O2 consumption. the longer it takes for anesthesia to occur. MAC ~ 0.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . stimulates limbic system. longer sleep time.Greatest degree of metabolism (50%). Splenic vasodilation. also sheep and goats. Ultra-short acting thiopental. smooth induction. SC never sees the noxius stimuli to begin with. Lidocaine (IV antiarrhyth. Pentothal – gold standard. Can mix with epinephrine to ↑ duration of effects. arrhythmogenic . CV depression. local anesth. animals can override. Minimally metabolized. Hepatic metabolism in most spp. • Halothane . Expensive.Noncumulative. UMN bladder.Systolic below 80 and mean below 60 are worry numbers when anesthetized. ∴not arrythmogenic. used for bradyarrythmias. PaCO2 > 60 = severe respiratory acidosis. Tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222) – Only anesthetic agent approved by FDA for fish. PaO2 < 60mmHg = hypoxemia. Chronotropy – iso>dopa>dobuta. CO = HR x SV. Use only if post arrest to b ring peripheral pooling back to central compartment. % saturation of Hgb. see α affects – vasoconstriction. • Atracurium – Nondepolarizing. 0. PaO2 = 5x what breathing. • Dantrolene – Peripherally acting sk mm relaxant. Patients on 100% O2 have PaO2 400-500. and malignant hyperthermia tx. bind to Ach receptors and elicit effects causing prolonged contraction. competitive antagonist. • PaCO2 . interferes w/ release of Ca++ from sarcoplasmic reticulum. • Isoproterenol . • Dobutamine .β1. splash for ear ablation. ↑ urinary output. Edrophonium antagonizes (also dx myesthenia gravis). Used in horses. prevents Ach from binding. exotics restraint. pacemakers and horses that are very fit. At high dose (20μg/kg). body won’t overcompensate. • SpO2 – predictor of O2 saturation (PaO2). Mean 80-120. Measure w/ pulse oximeter. intercostal and interpleural blocks. At low dose (2μg/kg). Temperature – Can spontaneously fibrillate if < 92° F. Emergency hypotensive treatment post-resusc. Primary derangement is always in direction of pH. Vasodilation. ↑HR. pleural filling disorders.net . β1 inotrope. Renal fxn ↓ after general anest and sx in normal. Hypotension is mean BP<60 for >20min. At medium dose (5μg/kg). not broken down by Achesterase. ↑ ventilation. Blood pressure . Normal 35 – 45 mmHg. Inotropes/Chronotropes – Need blood volume and Ca++ for these to work. pulmonary parenchymal disease. Depth of anesthesia • Stage I: All levels of consciousness when patient responsive.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Not in birds. vasodilation of renal afferent tubules. healthy animal for 24-48 hrs. Blood gasses – Hypoventilation kills slowly. • Arterial Pressures = CO x Peripheral resistance.Indirect measure of major visceral organ perfusion. ↑CO. PaCO2 > 45 = hypoventilation. Assist by ↓ anesthetic %. want >90%.6 for amputation. long effects. www. fundoscopy in birds/reptiles. abdominal or thoracic restrictive disorders.gumshoevet. Inotropic. • Stage II: Loss of consciousness. improves cardiac output.β1 adrenergic agonist. hypoxemia kills quickly.Measures oxygenating efficiency of the lungs. Poor chronotrope. • Systolic 100-160. Kidney cannot autoregulate when BP<60mmHg. β2 adrenergic agonist. Diastolic 60-100. 0. • PaO2 . including sleep. PaCO2 < 35 = hyperventilation. ring blocks for declaws.3 x bas deficity x wt(kg) = HCO3 mEq (give ½ and reasses). Normal 90 -100. injected mucous membranes. Neuromuscular Blockers – For ophthalmic sx. pH – Acid base status. α1.5mg/kg/hr in horse. • Dopamine . Youngsters depend on rate for CO not inotropy. Uncontrolled spontaneous reflex activity. • Stage III: Cessation of spontaneous motor activity. • Succinylcholine – Depolarizing. Extremely chronotropic and ∴ arrythmogenic. ↑ fluid rate. Can use for intraop bradycardia.Measures ventilatory status of the patient.4. Urine output . CVP 0-10. if hypotensive and oliguric. upper or lower airway obstruction. Intraoperative urine output should be 1-2 ml/kg/hr.β1. α2 adrenergic agonist. Used for exertional myopathy. ↑BP. line block for c-sxn. Stage of surgical anesthesia. Normal – 7. Hypercapnia may be caused by hypoventilation. Impairs function of sucker. corticosteroids if no ulcer. D. Anterior Uveitis . Ranitidine – 5-12x more potent. Used for roundworms and hookworms in dogs and cats. kittens. • AlOH – Cations bind bile acid.gumshoevet. Used in tapeworm (cestode) infections. Heartworm prophylaxis. Hypopyon . (Many equine parasites have developed resistance to their drugs). • Omeprazole .net . Tx tapes in cat.Proton pump inhibitors. lungworms (cats) and Giardia. competitive blockade. conjunctivitis. Young >6 wks old. Taenia. Glaucoma. cataract and corneal opacification may be complication.fibrous deposits on the posterior surface of the cornea. Antacids and Antisecretory Agents – Gastric ulceration. Febantel is prodrug metabolized to fenbendazole in dogs. safe. less bioavail. V. • Epsiprantel – Cestex.7 E cylinder of O2 – Contains 700L @ 2200 psi H cylinder of O2 – Contains 7. tearing.Trauma. EPI. • Ivermectin – Macrolide. physiologic bandaid. microfilaricidal. Recurrent uveitis immune-mediated. NOT effective against D. Kellicotti. thereby decreasing fluid loss. May see anorexia. >7 wks of age. constricted pupil.spasm of the orbicular muscle of the eyelid. prostaglandin inhibitors. Cimetidine – TID. Albendazole is hepatoxic to SA. aqueous flare. Enhances the release of GABA. • Cause .Inflammation of the anterior uveal tract (iris. Not absorbed. ascarids in horses. keratic precipitates. • Sucralfate – Cytoprotective.channel permeability. Protects and promotes healing. Least hepatotoxic benzimidozole. Angiotensin I is activated in the lung to become angiotensin II (by ACE). kittens >6 wks. antibiotics. paralyzes. • Treatment . least potent. 3 doses over 3 days. NSAID tox. Aqueous flare . Benzimidozoles interfere w/ parasite metabolism via inhibition of glucose transport = starvation. Avoid injectable Droncit – burns. effective against hooks. • Signs . Angiotensin II stimulates aldosterone secretion and raises blood pressure. Oxibendazole and Thiabendozole are indicated for removal of equine parasites in addition to use in other animals. at high doses. • Fenbendazole – Panacure. • H2 antagonists – Antisecretory. needs acidic environment to work. • Praziquantel – Droncit.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . hooks. miosis. Strongyles. ciliary body. Rapid. most bioavailable. blepharospasm. Isoquinolone derivative. intraocular helminths. antisecretory. Does not cross the blood brain barrier. safe in pregnant/lactating. Most effective antisecretory. Membrane destabilization causing disruption in worm’s integument. HPS reactions to dying parasites esp. Ivermectin is ineffective against flukes and tapeworms because they do not use GABA as a peripheral nerve transmitter.turbidity of the aqueous humor caused by increased protein levels. • Definitions . Anthelmintics • Pyrantel pamoate. pregnant and lactating animals. Mammals do not use GABA as a peripheral nerve transmitter. Dipylidium. hypersecretory diz. Lower bioavailability in cats. P. • Misosprostol – Synthetic prostaglandin.pus in the anterior chamber of the eye. don’t use in cats. Echinococcus granulosis. Nemex. NSAID prophy. Puppies >4 wks. Treats rounds.000L @ 2200 psi Angiotensin – Vasoconstrictive principle formed in the blood when renin is released from the juxtaglomerular apparatus in the kidney. Drontal Plus (combo w/ pyrantel and febantel). All are hepatically metabolized. Neuromuscular blocker. also Physaloptera. minimal drug interactions. stimulate prostaglandin sythesis. GABA acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in nematodes and arthropods. used in LA.Pain. cytoprotective. BID. dog. safe for puppies. infectious systemic disease. whips and rounds at higher dose. Strongid-T. The enzymatic action of renin cleaves angiotensinogen to angiotensin I. ataxia. Ivermectin causes paralysis and eventual death of the parasite via increase in Cl.Blepharospasm . whips. Single dose adequate. Widely distributed to tissues after oral admin. Not systemically absorbed. Isoquinolone derivative. intraocular neoplasm. Local effects. Taenia. caninum tapes. choroid). usually associated with uveitis. Also binds P in renal disease. reduced IOP. immune-mediated disease. host immune system destroys. stimulates motility. Keratic precipitates . Contraindications: do not use dose higher www.Topical atropine. hypopyon. Pamoate salt limits absorption – just passes through. cefadroxil. poor G. Interceptor. Immiticide. ok in collies. staggering. allowing it to be passed out with the feces. 8th cranial nerve toxicity. DNA gyrase inhibitor. Antibiotics • Penicillins – β-Lactams. amoxicillin. kill adult heartworms. nonmotile. RMSF. Caparsolate can cause significant hepatic and renal damage. can cause anaphylaxis. • Aminoglycosides – 1° G. Promotes unchecked excitatory neurotransmitter activity = paralysis. fleas. Caparsolate. Ototoxic. Includes amikacin (SID. Melarsomine. heartworm prophy. control scavengers. Don’t use penicillins in rodents and lagomorphs. Only effective against ascarids (roundworms). death. After death. • Arsenicals – Interfere w/ parasite metabolism (inhibit glycolysis). Elimination via glomerular filtration. sarcoptes. Imidothiazole.Developed to inactivate βlactamases. acquire from consumption of contaminated meat. less hepatotoxicity than Thiacetarsemide sodium. • Other Macrolides – Moxidectin. cephapirin. rapid decomposition. atypical mycobacterium. HW prophy. australian shepherds. same G+ activity.activity. • Piperazine . Nephrotoxicity reversible when drug discontinued. Sentinel (w/luferenon).gumshoevet. hooks. expanded G-. atypical mycobacterium (nocardia/actinomyces). rounds. More effective against actively growing bacteria. neomycin. piperacillin. Auditory and vestibular symptoms may be irreversible.8 than prophy dose in collie breeds (does cross BBB). HW infection in dogs. Revolution.aerobes. Elimated via kidney. Also contraindicated in shelties.net . culture. >3 wks of age. ZOONOTIC. Clavomox. Variable activity against Streptococci – not recommended. rigor mortis usually incomplete or absent. stupor. cefotaxime. Paralyzes the worm. much expanded G. collapse. Apparent filaricidal activity via paralysis. timentin. prompt disposal of dead. dyspnea. poor G-. Accumulate in inner ear and kidneys. grazing contaminated soil. insect repellants. isolate sick. Effective against rounds at higher doses. • Cephalosporins – β-Lactams. G+. staphylococcus. Pseudomonas. 2nd generation cepholosporins . Penicillinase-resistant penicillins – Penicillinase producing G+ cocci. Injection site reactions common. More effective and less irritating. dark blood from orifices. easy G-. puppies >8 wks. • Diagnosis. ticarcillin. also hooks. otodectes. Proheart. Acute. and spectinomycin. spirochetes. bedding by cremation or deep burial. manure. Do not give if MF+. Bactericidal. increased BUN and Cr. facultative anaerobes. Found in soil. deethylated to cipro). Potentiated penicillins .activity. elimination of G+ gut flora can lead to fatal colibacillosis. Classifications – 1st generation cepholosporins include cephalothin. • Treatment and Control – Penicillin. gentamicin. Contraindicated in young animals due to cartilage defects. or open skin wound. β-lactam antibiotics. HW prophy – make sure HW(-) 1st. Ddx – other causes of sudden death. Extended spectrum penicillins – addl Gactivity. no withdrawal time). good for UTIs. • Fluoroquinolones – Good G. Bloody discharges from natural body openings. HW prevention with daily oral dosing. 3rd generation cepholosporins – same G+ activity. REPORTABLE. Abrupt rise in temp. destroyed by penicillinase. Bactericidal. Adverse Effects – Nephrotoxic. Anthrax – Bacillus anthracis. viruses and most anaerobic bacteria. Gram+. chlamydia. • If suspect – Inform regulatory agency. SQ. Not used much anymore. Carbenicillin.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Inhibit cell wall synthesis. Irreversibly bind to 30S ribosomal unit and inhibits protein synthesis. rigid quarantine. febrile disease of all warmblooded animals. cefazolin. More effective against adult worms than larval forms. Bactericidal. else shock like syndrome. cephadine. anaerobes. bloat. prevent DNA synthesis. Enrofloxacin (SID. Control w/ live vaccine. disinfection. ↑ G.activity. cefoperazone. sanitary procedures. trembling. OTC products. edematous swellings usually in ventral neck. www. ceftiofur (BRD. Casts in urine. GI stasis. dicloxacillin. microfilaricidal. spore forming bacterium. Baytril associated with blindness in cats. moxolactom. prostate. Aminopenicillins – Broad spectrum. whips. Bactericidal.(more with each generation). G+. PenG and PenV. shoulders.aerobes. cephalexin. hematuria. Staphylococcus. can’t skip a dose. Safe. old english sheepdogs. Not effective against horse parasites. parvo pups). Indicated for treatment of many nematodes usually with LA. Blocks acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. PCR. mycoplasma. • Levamisole. Pseudomonas. spore inhalation. Natural penicillins – G+.ELISA. some G. • Clinical findings – Septicemia w/ rapidly fatal course. rounds. thorax. Anorexia. oxytetracycline.not very popular. sudden death. Inhibit cell wall synthesis. Some G+. IFA. • Diethylcarbamazine – Filaribits. give IM only. Inactive against fungi. Activity against most G+. anaerobes. BRD. Not communicable between animals. western blot. Selamectin. Milbemycin oxime. ehrilichia. colic. Ampicillin. low therapeutic index and low margin of safety in both. Chronic infections characterized by local. Cloxacillin. esp. ciprofloxacin.Pipa tabs. Chloramphenicol – G+. so sometimes used in hyperadrenocorticism and prostate diz. yeast. easy G-. Inhibit folic acid pathway (PABA/pteridine not converted to DHFA). May cause esophagitis. Antiemetic Agents • Apomorphine – Most consistently effective antiemetic in dogs. Immunolmodulator in IBD. coccidio). Distribute well. inhibits bacterial thymidine synthesis in folic acid pathway. Brucellosis. thrombocytopenia hypoprothrombinemia). bone marrow dyscrasias. G-. blasto. Lincomycin. Hemobartonella. competes with uracil. ↑ cell membrane permeability. Central. • Lincosomides – G+ aerobes. swine. • Atropine – Anticholinergic. thyrotoxic. Give w/ fatty food to ↑ absorption. Not got w/ dimorphic fungi. Antifungal Agents • Amphotericin B – Polyene macrolide. Bind to the 50S ribosomal subunit. dimorphic fungi. • Tetracyclines . Bacteriostatic. Peripheral and central. or epilepsy. Bacteriostatic or bactericidal. Rickettsia. Care in cats. rashes. Antidiarrheal. Limited spectrum .G+. Fungistatic. esp. • Griseofulvin – Inhibits fungal mitosis by disrupting mitotic spindle. Binds to the 50S ribosomal subunit preventing protein synthesis. Synergistic effect with amphotericin B. excellent distribution. Used for treatment of Rhodococcus equi in combo w/ erythromycin. CV toxicity in primates. • Bismuth Subsalicylate – Antiprostaglandin. progressive. Dimorphic fungi (histo. Inhibits DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. clindamycin. perforation. crystalluria. BM toxicity (aplastic anemia. No G-. nocardia and actinomyces. • Diphenhydramine – Antihistaminergic. Erythromycin is used in the treatment of Rhodococcus equi in combo w/ rifampin. Penetrates everything. oxytetracycline. allergic reactions. Often combo w/ aminoglycosides. tetracycline. hepatotoxic.G+. Impairs steroid sythesis. crypto. Itraconazole – more effective spectrum. anaerobes. Limited to dermatophytes only. oral ulceration. Tilmicosin – used in BRD. Ketaconazole – Fairly safe (hepatotoxicity). [ ] in alveolar macrophages. Bind 50S ribosomal subunit. antibacterial. anaphylactoid. Binds to fungal sterols.Cryptococcus. Too many side effects for antiemetic use. • Metronidazole . Includes doxycycline (biliary excretion). • Chlorpromazine – Phenothiazine.9 • Sulfonamides . don’t give w/ obstruction. Antiseptic Agents – Agents applied to the body vs.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Safe. Bactericidal. great for pulmonary infections. easy G-. give w/ food. interfering with pyrimidine metabolism and protein synthesis). GI disturbances. • Rifampin . horses. horses. Short t½. Contraindicated in rabbits. 1st drug of choice. Side effects include GI. Very effective centrally acting antiemetic. Inhibit ergosterol/steroid synthesis (blocks cytochrome p450). anaerobes. blasto. Fluconazole – Crosses BBB. [ ] in keratin.Bactericidal or bacteriostatic. 2nd drug of choice. hypothroidism. Nephrotoxic. Can cause increase in GI motility. Disrupts DNA and nucleic acid synthesis. Candida. Resistance ↑. altering permeability of membrane. • Imidazoles – Fungistatic. Central. Potentiated sulfonamides – TMPS. Do not give to pregnant animals. Peripheral. Most drug side effects of all Abs. Prostate. ruminants due to serious GI effects. antidopaminergic. Rapid absorption. • Macrolides – G+. KCS.net . Adverse effects include BM depression (pancytopenia). Can cause aplastic anemia in humans. Also prokinetic from esophageal sphincter to upper duodenum. Physiologically antagonizes vomiting reflex. Good for motion sickness. anemia. Bacteriostatic. Many bacteria have developed resistance. rodents. disinfectants which are used on inanimate objects. ↓ cell membrane fluidity. Central. Bacteriostatic. Inhibits DNA synthesis (antimetabolite. inhibit nucleic acid and fungal wall sythesis. increased liver enzymes. Because of the risk of severe toxicity reserved for disseminated. potentially fatal fungal infections. • 5-Flucytosine – Ancoban. Inhibits protein synthesis by binding to the 30S ribosomal unit. otitis media/interna • Metaclopramide – Antidopaminergic. www. Obligate anaerobes. tylosin. Mycoplasma.Bactericidal and antiprotozoal. Excellent tissue distribution. biliary elimination. Broad spectrum. spirochetes. esp for blood born stimuli. selected G-. teratogenic and carcinogenic at ↑ doses. Erythromycin. Bacteriostatic. Use for dermatophytes. chlamydia. tilmicosin.gumshoevet. 2° complication in many diseases. Gram-. www. blindness. Iodine tincture USP (I in alcohol) is even more effective. Urinary aspergillosis in GSD. white muscle disease.Toxocara canis. Flush nasal cavity w/ chlortrimazole. Use PI in 0. 2 min for max effect. may be blood tinged. Aqueous complex of iodine. See matts of hyphae. Can be fatal. Contact time 10 min for max effect. • Clinical signs . Arytenoid Chondropathy or Chondritis – Horse. Treat aggressively with antibiotics. Povidone iodine often used in conjunction w/ alcohol. Rare HPS rxns. dermatophilosis. syndrome similar to that caused by recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis. Most rapid acting but least residual action.. G+. bluetonque. potent bactericidal activity.1 to 1% [ ]. fungicidal. dehydration. Dilute stock solution 1:100 or 1:10. • Hydrogen peroxide – Poor antiseptic. Neurotoxic effects reversible once feed removed. gutteral pouch mycosis in horses. Iodine Soln USP has little to no stinging on broken skin. • Hexachlorophene – Gram+ bacteria. Less irritating. esp in young. Paralysis and blindness irreversible. enzootic ataxia (copper deficiency). Roundworms found in the SI of dogs and cats. fungicidal. Arthridites in Lambs . Fast kill. but stings and irritates skin. Tx w/ itraconazole and others. Causes pulmonary infections in birds and death in penguins. Needed to “drive” the urea cylce b/c it transforms ammonia into urea. Bilateral inflammation of the arytenoid cartilage causing exercise intolerance. coughing. Don’t use I scrub on open wounds –damage tissue and ↑ infection. infections of the nasal and paranasal tissues of dogs. poisonous plant intoxication (sneezeweed). Effective sporicide. insecticides. Do not require repeated application for optimal antimicrobial effect. Arginine – Essential amino acid for cats. less bactericidal but also less irritating. etc. Arginine deficiency may potentiate hepatic encephalopathy. weak pulse.Thioctic acid. CNS toxin if absorbed. noise. polyarthritis (chlamydial).Changes in cell membrane permeability.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . May be drying or irritating. Inactivated by organic debris and soaps. Persists on skin to give cumulative antibacterial effect.arsenical additives to swine and poultry diets to improve production. 0. Not recommended. 70% is effective against G+ and G. Not inactivated by organic matter.net . esp dolichocephalics. mycotic abortion in cattle. 1° a respiratory disease. more dilure solns have ↑ free I and faster. • Chlorhexidine – Cytoplasmic membrane disruption. Only effective after days of use once film deposition on skin. defatting agent. long contact time. Effervescent action mechanically removes pus and bacteria. Clinical signs and lesions in birds include yellow nodules in respiratory passages. Often used in combo w/ povidone iodine. Most common nasal fungal infection in dogs (A. Signs in pigs include reduction in weight gain. rickets. 0. systemic. irreversibly alters proteins. Severe colic. depression.gumshoevet. Takes 15 min for sporicidal action. Tx – partial/total arytenoidectomy (leave muscular process). wood preservatives. Toxicosis results from excess supplementation. tetanus. Short-acting germicidal effect through release of nascent O2. laminitis.05% is 1:40 dilution. May cause cytotoxicity. virucidal. Aspiration pneumonia – Right middle lung lobe most commonly affected (1st major bronchus).bacteria. Dimercaprol (BAL). Evaporates quickly. treat dysentery. and contagious ecthyma (orf). Phenylarsonic toxicosis . Bactericidal. weed killers.Determination of arsenic levels in tissue and ingesta. • Diagnosis . See Roundworms. Bilateral – temporary and permanent tracheotomy. gram+. incoordination. Ascariasis . also erysipelas (important). • Treatment . posterior paralysis. Arsenic Poisoning .Causes of lameness in lambs include joint-ill. In any age.10 • Alcohol – Protein denaturation. Eats away at turbinates. Not used much anymore.05% soln effective against Gram+ and Gram-.Sources include rodenticides. Aspergillosis – Inhaled fungus. ulcerative dermatosis. • Iodophors – Betadine. Profuse watery diarrhea. • Iodine – One of most potent antiseptics. dyspnea. most bactericidal and least toxic to tissues.. virucidal. foot-and-mouth disease. baits. weakness. Good bactericidal.Acute effects on GIT and CV system. Dx via endoscopy. • Quaternary ammonium compounds . Organic matter inactivates free I in PI. fumigatus). felis. Atropine – Anticholinergic. Also an antidote for cholinergic overdose (physostigmine) and organophosphate toxicity. sulf.net . Pasteurella multocida. • Diagnosis . Cats are deficient in this enzyme. Respond to Ach released from both sympathetic and parasypathetic preganglionic fibers.Analgesia. inhibition of platelet aggregation. cardiac mm and glands.Sneezing. histamine mediated release from mast cells. Bind w/ Ach from parasympathetic postganglionic fibers. Neurotransmitters are acetylcholine and norepinephrine. armpits. Antiinflammatory by local actions. Autonomic Nervous System – Involuntary branch of peripheral efferent nervous system. Also on motor end plates of skeletal mm.Cholinergic receptors: • Nicotinic – Found on postganglionic cell bodies in all autonomic ganglia. Hives. ears. • Parasympathetic NS – General housekeeping (SLUDDE). parasympathetic postganglionic neurotransmitter. Don’t use in patients with glaucoma. • Clinical signs . Platelets cannot synthesize new cyclooxygenase causing an irreversible effect reduction of platelet aggregation.Phenylbutazone more effective peripherally (antiinflammatory) than centrally (antipyretic). Called cholinergic fibers. Pigs. works in conjunction w/ somatic NS which is voluntary branch of efferent division.Includes acute bovine pulmonary emphysema and edema (ABPEE). some endocrine glands. tyl) administration to prefarrowing sows. weaners.Difficult to keep herds free of diz. smooth mm. Long preganglionic. Long postganglionic fibers to effector organs.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . bovine atypical interstitial pneumonia. See Anesthesia section. esp adult beef cattle. www. though it acts centrally as an analgesic. • Comparison of NSAIDs . antipyretic and analgesic by effects on CNS. urticaria distributed to face. fog fever. short postganglionic. Atypical pneumonia . newborn piglets. culture • Control . Toxicity in cats. nor does it have siqnificant antiinflammatory activity. . Typically occurs in autumn. feet. wheals. Atopy . antimuscarinic. Most visceral organs dually innervated by SNS and PNS • Sympathetic NS – Fight or flight. Miliary dermatitis in cats. antiinflammatory.GI ulcers. • Acetylcholine – Neurotransmitter for both sympathetic and parasympathetic preganglionic fibers. Acetaminophen has weak peripheral actions and does not produce significant GI irritation. • Adverse eff ects .Type I HPS. • Pharmacokinetics .Metabolized in the liver by conjugation with glycine and glucuronic acid via glucuronyl transferase.gumshoevet. 5-10 days after change to a lush pasture. ANS subdivides into sympathetic and parasympathetic NS. synapse w/ ganglia in sympathetic trunk. Intradermal skin testing and ELISA testing (controversial)). Atrophic rhinitis . Excreted by kidneys.Bordetella bronchiseptica. • Use . Signs begin in pigs 3-8 wks. prevent sinus bradycardia and AV block. most exocrine glands. followed by atrophy of turbinate bones. 3-MI is absorbed into the bloodstream and is the source of pneumotoxicity after it is activated by pulmonary macrophages. lesions. so aspirin has a prolonged half life in cats and may accumulate. Irreversibly inhibits cyclooxygenase (prostaglandin synthetase) thereby ↓ synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxanes. Originate in craniosacral SC. Atropine blocks muscarinic receptors. tm. Short preganglionic fibers. Also. Innervates cardiac mm. Includes food allergies and atopic dermatitis dt inhaled allergens. Ach also acts at sympathetic postganglionic fibers of sweat glands and efferent skeletal muscle terminals.11 Aspirin – NSAID. Remove offending allergen. Control measures taken when reach unacceptable levels. Cell body of 1st neuron in CNS – preganglionic fiber – cell body of 2nd neuron in ganglion outside CNS – postganglionic fiber – effector organ. Originate in thoracolumbar SC. IgG mediated. which is degraded in the rumen to indoleacetic acid. Lush pasture high in L-tryptophan. glucocorticoids. antipyretic. which is converted by rumenal microorganisms to 3methylindole. Used as preanesthetic to ↓ respiratory secretions. but usually low level.Signs. legs in dogs. One of the more common causes of acute respiratory distress in cattle. Antibiotic (tet. Bacterin admin to sows (4 and 2 wks prefarrowing) and piglets (1 and 4 wks). • Muscarinic – Found on effector cell membranes of smooth mm. hyposensitization. • Eyes have skeletal muscles in the iris.12 • Norepinephrine – Released by sympathetic postganglionic fibers. Sx. α1 – Postsynaptic. collapse of femoral head. molt once a year (some spp twice). • Urophygial gland at dorsal base of tail for preening. • β . atipamezole. • Proximal axial skeletal system is pneumatized. Also acts at adrenal medulla. Inhibitory to smooth mm. Optic chiasm 100%. Agonist: iso > epi = norepi Antagonist: propanolol • Positive inotrope and chronotrope • ↑ AV nodal conduction velocity • Inhibits motility and tone of SI • ↑ blood pressure via ↑ in renin secretion from juxtoglomerular cells. detomidine Antagonist: yohimbine. Warn O that may occur in other side later. osteoarthrosis. require FHO. Effects young toy and small breed dogs. Excitatory response in effector organ. cannot dilate pupil w/ atropine (use NM blocker). Usually unilateral lameness. Agonist: iso > epi >> norepi Antagonist: propanolol • Bronchodilation • Relaxation of smooth mm • Vasodilation to abd viscera.net .Epi. . no www. smooth mm and glands Agonist: epi ≥ norepi >> iso Antagonist: prazosin • ↑ constriction and excretion • Vasoconstriction • Contract radial mm of iris – mydriasis • Contraction of 3rd eyelid • Contraction of splenic capsule • Hyperpolarization and relaxation of intestinal smooth mm β1 – Heart. relaxation of smooth mm causing bronchodilation and vasodilation. lungs. conserve Na+ and H2O α2 – Presynaptic. pathologic fracures can occur. tolazoline • Inhibits gut Ach (↓ motility) • Postjunctional α2 acts like α1 to contract smooth mm • ↓ insulin secretion from pancreatic islet cells β2 – Bronchioles. femoral head collapses. 1° in heart. On rads. kidneys. Cardiostimulant. β2. Do not attempt to get BM or put catheters in femur or humerus. • ↑ secretions • Glycogenolysis and uptake of K+ in sk mm • Gluconeogenesis in liver Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head – “Leg Perthy’s Disease” in humans. feedback inhibitor Agonist: xylazine. generally inhibitory. see ↓ opacity of femoral head and neck. new feathers have blood supply.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . joint laxity.gumshoevet. Can be traumatic or spontaneous. smooth mm constiction. β1.Adrenergic receptors: • α – Norepi. Decreased blood supply to femoral head and neck. Called adrenergic fibers (adrenaline). In general. and skeletal mm. excitatory response. Avian Anatomy and Diagnostics – • Feathers don’t grow continuously. Feline may be nonresponsive. gibsoni in dogs. • Respiratory system requires filling of air sacs with 1st breath. • Diagnosis – Hx of tick infestations. Diminazene aceturate (Berenil). why don’t give injections in hindlimbs (filtered prior to systemic circulation). nRBCs. diethylstilbestrol. • Clinical findings . both of which shrink up w/ sexual maturity. Barium Series – Should move out of stomach into duodenum by 30 min.Acute hemolytic anemia. jaundice. • Diagnosis . anemia. testosterone. estrogen. Used to ↑detrusor muscle tone and stimulate bladder contractions in small animals. • Lobulated kidneys are dorsal in synsacral fossa. hemorrhage in shafts. lungs. hemolyticum bacterin in endemic areas. B. • Female has 1 ovary on left. felis in cats. R aortic arch. Repair with a pin or screw. icterus. where they germinate. bovis in cows. goes to caudal air sac. see Hgburia. primaquine phosphate reported to be effective. Sudden onset of severe depression. Avocado – Pulmonary edema and death in birds. Babesiosis – Babesia canis. severe renal failure leads to gout. Other drugs include dantrolene. dyspnea. Dogs and cats – Rhipicephalus. Liver infarct. Assess renal fxn w/ uric acid. effects primarily muscarinic. some have phallus. is detached as a result of a forcef ul pull. Destroys RBCs intravascularly during escape from cells. IFA. cranial air sac and back out. Birds can decrease GFR b/c uric acid is secreted not filtered. "Red water disease. Soil borne organism found naturally in alimentary tract of cattle. not L. Also an esophageal or GI stimulant. • Liver measured by AST and bile acids (not SAP. dysentery. Bence-Jones Proteins – In urine. • Heterophils instead of neuts w/ rod shaped granules. Often Coombs +. which is the site of insertion of a muscle. dystrophic feathers.” Acute. • Treament – Imidocarb dipropionate (Imizol). Feather disease w/ damaged follicles. diazepam. Giemsa-stained capillary blood or organ smears. hemoglobinuria. tendon or ligament. Boophilus tick spp in cattle. Death. abdominal pain. No human health risk. IFA of liver. B. eval CPK concurrently. infectious.Port-wine colored urine.13 concentual PLR. Icterus is rare.A fragment of bone.Early treatment with penicillin – C. Intraerythrocytic protozoan parasite transmitted by ticks. see bright green urates when urates should be white. • Clinical signs – Can look just like IMHA. hgbemia. Renal portal system in addition to hepatic portal system. polyclonal gammopathy. often die of 2° causes. but metoclopramide and neostigmine are better. ALT). Latent spores become lodged in the liver. regenerative anemia. comprised of immunoglobulin light chains. If immunocompromised or splenectomized (parasitized cells removed by spleen). right AV valve is muscular not tendinous. Necrotic beaks. • Digestive system is beak-tongue-cervical esophagus-crop-thoracic esophagus-proventriculus (glandular stomach)ventriculus (grinding)-intestines-cloaca. poultry have right remnant (often cystic). the brown dog tick and some Dermacentor. • Do not have lymph nodes but lymphoid tissue – if spleen enlgd. anemia. nucleated thrombocytes instead of platelets. serious systemic disease.Clostridium hemolyticum. negligible nicotinic activity. B. Has ↑ duration of action compared to acetylcholine. which causes acute hemolytic anemia. Beak and Feather Virus – Immunosuppressive disease. Old world birds at risk PCR of blood sample to dx. Most subclinical. Bacillary hemoglobinuria .gumshoevet. bigemina. • Heart has 4 chambers. toxemic disease primarily of cattle. Cholinergic. fever. Avulsion fracture . propantheline. Bethanocol – Parasympathomimetic used for treating disorders of micturition when no obstruction present.net .A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Lymphoid tissue includes thymus and bursa of fabrecious (outpouching of cloaca). Normal size and consistency of spleen. hemolysis. • Control . ELISA. The resulting vegetative cells produce phospholipase C. Males have 2 testes. Reach ileocolic valve w/in 2 hrs. B. www. Donors should be non Aa or Qa. Natural antibodies anti-A. Blister Beetle – Cantharidin toxicity. Tx w/ amphotericin B (nephrotoxic). Hgb becomes saturated with O2. Neonatal isoerythrolysis assoc w/ anti-DEA1.Q. respiratory disease. Beetles contain cantharidin. AB is very rare.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . then hyperbilirubinuria. Blood . Treat with supportive care. some of the O2 dissociates from the Hgb. B system most complex w/ >1000 alleles.S. Each heme group contains an iron atom with which a molecule may associate and dissociate. Horses can die within 48 hours.U. Each erythrocyte contains 200-300 million molecules of hemoglobin. When blood passes through the lungs.Vaccination Blastomycosis .3 x kg = mEq bicarbonate • Normals: base deficit 0 ± 4 mEq/L bicarbonate 24 ± 4mEq/L CO2 25 ± 4mEq/L • Base deficit values below -10 and bicarbonate values below 14 warrant therapy.net . An acute febrile disease of cattle and sheep characterized by myonecrosis and emphysematous swelling.-C.Blastomyces dermatitidis. Fungal disease of the midwest. not mets. Biopsy in pancreatitis in cats (uncommon). choke. if incompatible. Infection causes primary granulomatous or pyogranulomatous lesions in the lungs. • Diagnosis . • Clinical findings .2 and DEA7 negative. cannot tranfuse for any reason. salivation. Risk for severe rxn on 1st transfusion. J.Hemoglobin formation consists of a globin molecule and four heme groups. Severe transfusion rxns in type B cats receiving type A blood. F.T. AGID test.N. as in complete obstruction. Blood Types – • Cat – A. usually in the heavy muscles. Blood Transfusion – wt (lbs) x 40(dog) or 30 (cat) x desired PCV – patient PCV/PCV of donor.Z.gumshoevet. Blackleg . Minor: 2 drops recipient RBC www. If no bilirubin. esophageal and GI mucosa. B. recipient serum contains Abs to donor RBCs. 1st change is ↑ SAP. • Dog – A (DEA1. NI assoc w/ Aa or Qa. Acute lameness. eyes. a potent irritant and vesicant that causes GI and renal signs as well as hyperemia and ulceration of the oral.Base deficit x 0. #1 cause of BTO is pancreatitis.T.C.2).1. if incompatible. Blister beetles swarm in alfalfa hay during harvesting. if see little white dots.L.-D.P. rice will also do this). Draining cutaneous tracts.History. Caused by ingestion of spores and deposition into mm.B. Type Bs carry alloantibodies to type A. hematuria. Biliary Tract Obstruction – Bilirubin causes normal colored feces.R. Good for acute diarrhea. Normal blood contains 15 grams Hgb per decaliter.C. When this blood passes through body tissues. In surgery. • Control . hypomagnesemia. Most common in summer and fall. Each Hbg molecule can transport a max of four molecules of O2. Acute death in healthy young beef cattle.C. Donors should be DEA1. Usually trauma induced in sheep. Clinical signs include colic. bone and elsewhere. slowly at first to check for adverse rxns.F. Hunting dogs.J. Also C.M. Usually in young adult beef cattle w/ no hx of trauma. Natural antibodies are anti-B.Clostridium chaovoei. N∅s infiltrate. Purebreds are more commonly type B.M.1 or DEA1. septicum and sordelli. Natural antibodies anti-J. and AB. clinical findings. IFA. hypocalcemia. B.1.Major: 2 drops donor RBC in 2 drops recipient serum. DEA1. serology.L. • Cow – A.D.Crepitant swellings of the heavy muscles. • Blood Donor – Ideally same blood type or at least w/out reactive antigens • Cross Match . patient will vomit. Most often in horses. Bismuth Subsalicylate – Effective antisecretory dt salicylate. Bone diz looks like tumor (ddx coccidio). Rate approx 10ml/kg/hr. get pale white feces (i/d. Large (8-20μm) broad based budding yeast w/ refractive cell wall. pollakiuria. Most important.D.-Tr. May occur in the skin.K. forming oxyhemoglobin. If giving to fast. suponified fat. then hyperbilirubinemia. • Horse – A. Tr (DEA7). Poor px if disseminated.14 Bicarbonate Deficit Replacement . 98% of that is saturated with oxygen. Cattle are the reservoir. lips. generalized progressive weakness. Blood volume can be approximated as 10% body weight. may abort or give birth to abnormal calves.Orbivirus carried by Culicoides. Blood flows centrifugally through cortex to exit via periosteal venules.15 in 2 drops donor serum. seen in young adults. ICF = 50% of TBW. congenital defects. cyanotic tongue. difficulty chewing and swallowing. Mannheimia (pasteurella) haemolytica is smoking gun. Test for BLV and cull positive animals or segregate all BLV reactors from nonreactors. Blue Tongue Virus . Serologic test for BLV (adult form only). donor serum contains Ab to recipient RBCs. Thymic form – 6-8 mo old calves. nd Bovine Respiratory Disease – BRD. others www. Botulism . Clot organization. Calf form .usually asymptomatic. • Clinical signs . If develop clinical signs. Shaker foals. Inappetance in cattle and goats. Disease of sheep. Bone Blood Supply . 50mls/kg in cat. Fibrous callus appears 4-5 days after fracture. Can cause diarrhea in HUMANS. and wild ruminants. flaccid paralysis w/ intact pain perception.Ingestion of Clostridium botulinum toxin or via wound. Prevents synthesis of acetylcholine at motor end plates.4 syndromes.Sequence of events: trauma .adults 4 -8 yrs old. Cattle . need histologic dx. ears. Active hyperemia to help with fracture healing. Insect control Bog Spavin . local necrosis of bone and soft tissue back to sites of intact vascular perfusion. • Diagnosis . IF (37%TBW). If infected during gestation. Adult form . Progressive. Disturbed vision. Cannot transfuse plasma. In areas of the cortex with heavy fascial attachment. Trauma and surgery most common mechanisms of transmission. Remodeling of callus. and TF (5%TBW). Normal blood volume is 90mls/kg in dog. Once bound to nerves.Sheep. goats.net .Diaphyseal nutrient artery enters and passes through cortex to medullary cavity w/out supplying collaterals to the cortex.000) is not enough to dx LSA. Blood Volume . Trabecular bone converted into compact bone between ends of bone fragments. Bone Spavin – DJD of hock joint terminating in the formation of exostoses and ankylosis of the joint. 75mls/kg in horse.local blood vessel damage. skin and adult forms. malignant lymphoma. if incompatible. the outer 1/3 of the cortex is supplied by periosteal arteries. muscle necrosis. See Lyme Disease. leukemia. widespread tumor metastasis. if washed and major cross match compatible. Vaccinate sheep. Severe lymphocytosis (>30. • Control . Bovine Leukosis Virus – Retrovirus. severe disease in sheep and deer. same as sheep. but can RBCs. antitoxin will no affect. the adult form is from BLV. also insect vectors. 2 most common bovine neoplasia after SCC. thymic. Winter dysentery. Abortions. Death is due to respiratory or cardiac paralysis. ECF divided into plasma volume (8% TBW). superficial cutaneous tumors regress after a few weeks. Divides into ascending and descending branches which anastomose with the epiphyseometaphyseal vessels to supply the BM and compact and cancellous bone.calf. Removal of necrotic tissue and bone.Chronic synovitis in tibiotarsal (hock) joint causing obvious distension of joint capsule. Bony callus visible radiographically 11. Only 3-5% of those infected get LSA. Difficult to isolate organism.Total body water = 60% of body weight. AKA lymphosarcoma. dyspnea.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Formation of callus.only nonfatal form. Bovine Corona Virus – Neonatal Calf Diarrhea. Bone Repair . Shipping Fever. Borreliosis – Tick-born bacterial disease of domestic animals and man. ECF = 50% of TBW. Clinical signs are weakness. • Diagnosis and Prevention – IFA. Neurotoxin. Mortality 0-30%. Skin leukosis . • Clinical findings . Endemic in USA.calves < 6 mo old. Fecal-oral w/ possible respiratory transmission. plasma volume as ½ blood volume.No treatment.38 days after fracture. erosion/ulceration of oral mucosa. Transmitted by transfer of blood b/w animals. Blood loss exceeding 20-25% blood volume can lead to shock. cattle.hyperemia of muzzle. Common cattle disease.Clinical signs.gumshoevet. The first 3 are not contagious. wide distribution of metastasis. • Clinical signs – Subtle initially. incoordination.serum testing of cattle sent to slaughter. venereal infections. membranes.gumshoevet. . 28d w/d in beef). paired serum samples. AKA Contagious abortion.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . ZOONOTIC. trigeminal nn signs (licking. Infection of fetuses w/ noncytopathic strains results in persistent infection and immunotolerance. salivating. depression. Endemic. • Mucosal Disease – Acute. Organism present in aborted fetuses. reduced milk yield. Terminal state usu w/in 3 mos w/ general hypokinesis. Virus isolation • Control and prevent – Test and eliminate. Whole blood transfusion. Progressive. peracute. • Diagnosis .150 days gestation results in congenital defects such as cerebellar hypoplasia. . tremendous amounts of variants. Market cattle testing . • Diagnosis . dogs. repro dz in pregnant cows. PI calve only created in utero. tooth grinding). Ruminant derived proteins are prohibited in ruminant rations in Britain. Best recovered from stomach/lungs of aborted fetus. Tx w/ Ceftiofur (no w/d time). tilmicosin (not in dairy cattle. Exaggerated responses. Infections during pregnancy results in abortion. • Brucellosis in cattle . Bovine Viral Diarrhea – Flaviviridae. dehydration. IFA. 85-90% of cattle seropositive. retained placenta. Pestivirus. Polioencephalomalacia in sheep dt impaired thiamine metabolism. hemorrhagic syndrome.Screening test procedures . Also other farm and wildlife spp. Can also enter body through mucous membranes. clots in urine. diz w/ recovery. hematuria. • Treatment . Cytopathic or noncytopathic. Huge economic impact to beef cow industry. falling. Intense pruritus of trunk seen in sheep Scrapie does not occur. neurologic diz of adult domestic cattle. venereal. Bang’s disease.Via ingestion of organism. PI. conjunctiva. mechanical transmission. although no evidence that diz acquired from animals. congenital defect. 1st dx in Britain in 1986. or calves with congenital infections. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy – Mad Cow Disease. gait ataxia. anorexia. head rubbing. behavioral. wounds. Biosecurity. stillborn. horses. Occurs when naïve cattle are exposed to PI cattle. Infection 120 . repiratory diz. hydrocephalus. delaye onset. Resembles Scrapie in sheep. crouching stance. Brucellosis – Bacterial infection of cattle. Progress over weeks to mos. Brackenfern . • Acute Infection – subclinical. B. .Blood thiamine levels. pigs.net .Infection usually subclinical. goats. Prion agents cause Creutzfeldt-Jakob diz of man. Good nutrition. Most common in calves 8-24 months old when maternal antibodies have declined. Characterized by abortion. ELISA to detect antibodies in milk and serum. • Clinical findings . Also retained placentas.Contains thiaminase. agents and environment all affect. fatal. host.Hx. Serum agglutination is standard test. and orchitis. • Treatment and control – No effective tx. RNA virus. chronic. Result of chronic or PI of noncytopathic BVDV w/ “super infection” by cytopathically related type. • Diagnosis – Definitive dx requires histologic exam of hindbrain.Diagnosis . paresis. frenzy.Thiamine supplementation. Common disease of stocker and feedlot calves. suis. • Fetal Infection – Abortion. . as they are seronegative (don’t have Ab response)and shed lots of virus. Stress. pink milk.Brucella abortus is #1. clin signs. Respiratory diz in feeder animals. Chronic enzootic hematuria. These calves important in perpetuation of disease. normal calf born seropositive.Clinical findings – ABORTION. Harbored in WBCs.Thiamine deficiency in horses . also B. melitensis. Caused by prions. tight curly coats. mutates frequently. respiratory signs. sheep.anorexia. Transmitted by food-borne exposure to agent via contaminated meat and bone meal. people. kicking. Vaccine. Oral lesions common. Causes thiamine deficiency in nonruminants. Do not run pregnant sheep with cows since BVD may result in Border Disease. Cattle . intact skin. diarrhea. Fever. PCR ear punch test.Brucella milk ring test. www.acute hemorrhagic syndrome. esp horses. weak calves. FPT. Aplastic anemia in cattle. eye problems. enrofloxacin. orchitis. Preconditioning to minimize.Bacteriology or serology. • Clinical findings . erosions and hemorrhages of the GIT.16 involved. startle response. sneezing.Transmission . pooled milk samples tested. uterine discharges. N-betyl alcohol. Usually self limiting. Bucked shins – Front limb lameness in 2-3 yr old Thoroughbred or racing QH. sloughing diz. Benign variant of pemphigus vulgaris. ovis. • Pemphigus vegetans – Rare. Lesions widespread. LT px poor. 3rd trimester abortion – orchitis. Tx nonirreversable damage w/ dietary correction. Below basement membrane (no acantholysis). fuzzy white layer on crop/GIT. • Pemphigus erythematosus – Affects face and ears. Difficult to get into remission. Immunoglobulins and/or complement are deposited at the basement membrane in the skin. Autoimmune skin disease of dogs characterized by depigmentation. • Pemphigus vulgaris – Less common than PF. Prevalence highest in feral pigs. www. vesicles. • Discoid Lupus Erythematosus – Dermal SLE. • Bullous pemphigoid . abortus. Remission frequent w/ LT drug tx. hemolytic anemia and skin disease are most common. B. Rickets in young or osteoporosis in adults. erosions and ulcerations. • Brucellosis in pigs – B. erosions in mouth. Bullous diseases – Autoimmune diseases of skin and mucous membranes characterized by pustules. Camplobacter – Acute enteritis in dogs. DPs. C. bulges. Bloody diarrhea. No vax. “fistulous withers” or “poll evil”. • Pemphigus foliaceus – Young to middle aged dogs uncommonly. Tx w/ tetracycline/niainamide promising. Vesicular disease affecting mucous membranes. • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus – Controversial.Test and eliminate reactors. Usu mild. Not well defined. erythema. erosions. but immune-mediated polyarthritis. Occur in dogs. Bullae replaced by verrucoid hypertrophic vegetative masses.Control . Candida – Fungal disease. Hand fed baby birds and iguanas.17 . Pred + Azathioprine. Metacarpal periostitis. • Brucellosis in dogs . Do not vaccinate any animal over the max age. “Sour crop”. Blisters. suis. Pustular crusting disease sparing mucous membranes (no lesions in mouth). Scaling lesions. particularly on and spreading up the bridge of the nose. even less so in cats and horses. Poor px. has features of DLE. rectum. Usually vax heifers only. Transmissible to people. Metacarpal bone painful on manual compression. Place tattoo and official orange eartag in R ear. Brucellosis card test. Lameness likely dt microfractures in bone as result of compression during exercise at high speed. ZOONOTIC. Man working in pack houses at risk. can remain in herd for yrs. cats and horses. B. ulcerations and crusting. also excessive Ca:PO4 ratios. spinal cord compression.Brucella melitensis. melitensis associated with infected domestic livestock. Calcium Deficiency – Nutritional 2° hyperparathyroidism. Occasionally abortion. Folding fractures in bones. animals or man. suis. suis. Yeast infection of GIT in birds. and involvement of nailbeds that may lead to loss of the nails. Rare. Tx with high doses of immunosuppressive drugs. scaling. • Brucellosis in sheep . ID vax calves by tattoo and eartag. produces disease unique to sheep. Vax of beef heifers is optional at 4 .A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . D). B. Resembles severe scald. abortus. hypopigmentation of the planum nasale. Extremely wide variety of clinical signs may occur. Suppurative bursitis. indoor pigs on processed feed.gumshoevet. Also B. • Brucellosis in horses – B. The shield should be followed by the number corresponding to the last number of the year. big cats fed only meat. abortion. Vax w/ Strain 19 or RB51. More commonly dt PO4 or vita D deficiencies. tend to concentrate in groin. All dairy animals must be vaccinated at 4-8 mos of age. Epididymitis and orchitis impair fertility.Collies. Multisystemic autoimmune disease of dogs and cats. marked hyperkeratosis of footpads. vesicles (rupture quickly). B.net . and sometimes the face and lips. seizures. • Brucellosis in people – Undulent Fever.Brucella canis. Suprabasilar acantholysis. Tx with high doses of immunosuppressive drugs. May form widespread heavy crusts. Precede shield with letter corresponding to quarter of the year (A. melitensis. Tx w/ nystatin orally. can be serious public health problem esp when B. Unlikely source for disease to other horses.12 mos of age. or B. A-Z NAVLE Study Guide - 18 Capillaria aerophila - Respiratory parasite of carnivores. Ingestion of larvated eggs. Eggs hatch in intestine, larvae reach lungs via circulatory system. Eggs layed in lungs, coughed up and swallowed. Clinical signs include coughing, sneezing, and nasal discharge. Diagnose w/ fecal float, see eggs with bipolar plugs. Treat with levamisole, fenbendozole. Capillaria plica - Bladder worm. Found in kidney, ureter, bladder of dogs, cats. No clinical signs. Earthworm host. Eggs passed in urine. Treat with fenbendozole, ivermectin, levamisole. Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis (CAE) – Lentivirus (non-oncogenic retrovirus) of goats. Arthritis in older goats, neurologic diz in goats < 1y.o. Adult dairy goats get chronic arthritis and mastitis. Young get leukoencephalomyelitis, ascending paralysis. Transmitted through milk and colostrum. Most goats are infected young, carry virus and develop years later. Dx by serology, AGID or ELISA. Prevention - feed baby goats pasteurized milk. Test and cull. Calcitriol – Synthesized in kidney. Acts on intestine and kidneys to maintain normal calcium levels. Carbohydrate Engorgement - ↑ fermentable feedstuff, new ↑ carbo diet (pasture). Rumenal organisms proliferate and cause ceased motility. Bloat, splashy rumen. Fluid shifts into rumen = dehydration. Rumen ph < 5.5, sour. Tx w/ oral antacids/carmilax. Remove grain. Cardiac Arrhythmias • Sinus arrhythmia - Normal in dogs, uncommon in cats. • Sinus bradycardia - Caused by increased vagal tone. Treat with atropine, glycopyrrolate, isoproterenol, artificial pacemaker. • Sinus tachycardia - Caused by atrial enlargement, stress response. Treat underlying cause. Placing pressure on eyeballs will induce vagal response, slow heart rate. • Heartbeat : - S1 = Signals closure of AV valves and start of systole - S2 = Signals closure of semilunar valves and end of sytole - S3 = Heard if ↑ venous return; pregnancy - S4 = Assoc w/ atrial contraction. Immediately precedes S1. Can be heard in horses. Cardiac Disease • Heart Block – Middle aged, older dogs. ↑ vagal tone dt drugs, endocarditis, DCM, HCM, hyperkalemia. If high grade, may see syncope, exer intol, weakness. On ECG, ↓ HR, P w/ no QRS, large T. 1st, 2nd or 3rd (complete) degree. Long term mgmt in pacemaker. Do not give antiarrythmic drugs, may suppress escape rhythm. • Sick Sinus Syndrome – Female mini schnauz, dachs, cocers, pugs. May see w/ supraventricular tachyarrythmias. Episodic weakness, syncope. ECG, sinus bradycardia, sinus arrest, SA block. HR goes from 220 to 0 and back to 220. Permanent pacemaker reqd for LT tx. Asymptomatic dogs w/ abnormal ECG do not require tx. • Supraventricular Tachycardia - Atrial premature contractions, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation. Dt atrial diz, enlgd atria (MR, DCM), CHF, digitalis toxicity. HR>180. May or may not be hemodynamically significant. “Regularly irregular.” ECG, normal, narrow QRS. Tx w/ vagal maneuver to restore sinus rhythm. Also, β blocker, Ca++ channel blocker. Digoxin for chronic, LT tx. • Atrial Fibrillation – Dogs>cats. Assoc w/ MR, DCM, GDV, anesth, heatstroke, trauma. Rapid, irregular pulse w/ chaotic rhythm. “Irregularly irregular.” ECG, chaotic pattern w/ no demonstrable P waves on any lead. Can’t cure. Slow ventricular response rate so heart can fill better. β blocker, Ca++ channel blocker. Digoxin for chronic, LT tx. • VPC – Dt myocarditis, DCM, lyte disorders, trauma. Rarely hemodynamic signif unless frequent, then see hypotension, acid/base disturbance. ECG, bizarre QRS > 3 consecutive beats not preceded by normal P wave. HR > 160-180. Eliminate clinical signs and prevent sudden death. IV lidocaine or procainamide and O2 admin. • Valvular Heart Disease – Geriatric, small breed dogs w/ murmur. Ddx trach collapse, COPD, bronchial diz, endocardiosis, heartworms, neoplasia. Nonprod, honking cough, thin, weak, rapid pulse, tachyarrhythmia. Dx w/ thor rads. LA, LV enlgmt (VHS>10.5). Echo, see thickened, nodular valve. Tx depends on severity. ACE inhibitors, Na+ restricted diet. Add diruetics if edema. ± digitalis, cough suppressants, bronchodilators. www.gumshoevet.net A-Z NAVLE Study Guide - 19 • Pericardial Disease – Congenital, infectious, idiopathic, neoplasia (GSD, GR, Box, Bull). Diastolic heart dysfxn. R CHF, abdominal distention, jug venous disten, pleural effusion. NO murmur, gallop or arrhythmia. Muffled heart sounds. Rads, see huge, globoid heart. Echo, see echo free space b/w myocardium and pericardium. ECG, may see electrical alternans. Pericardiocentesis. Avoid diuretic and vasodilators. • HCM – Cats, middle aged males. Diastolic heart dysfxn. Pale mm, jug venous dist, lack of femoral pulse, murmur, gallop. Rear limb paralysis, pain. Usu no arrhythmia. Echo is definitive, enlgd heart at expense of lumen. Relax and slow heart w/ β blocker (atenolol), Ca++ channel blocker (diltiazem). Oxygen. ± aspirin, furosemide. No digitalis, pump is OK. • DCM – Large breed dogs, male>female, 2-5 y.o. DP, GSD, St.B, Irish wolf. Cockers also. Rare in cats unless taurine deficiency. Systolic dysfxn. Coughing, wt loss, weakness, ascites, syncope, ADR. Weak femoral pulses, arrhythmias (atrial fib and Vtach), gallops, jug venous dist. Rads, pulm vv and caudal vena cava enlgd, pulmonary edema. Echo, dilation of atria and ventricles. ↓ afterload and augment contractility. ACE inhibitor (enalapril). Digoxin, β blocker. Diuretic if congested, procainamide if vtach. Cardiac Drugs Vasodilators: • ACE Inhibitors – Inhibit angiotensin I → angiotensin II and ∴production of aldosterone. ↓ peripheral vasoconstriction and Na+ and H2O retention. Afterload and preload reducers. Vasodilation and reverse remodeling. The “–pril: drugs - Enalapril (Enocard), used for DCM, prodrug activated in liver, renal clearance. Benazapril same by hepatic clearance and SID. Side effects include renal failure (↓ GFR), hypotension. Do not use in conjunction w/ NSAIDs (like Rimadyl). • Hydralazine – Pure arteriolar vasodilator. Potent afterload reducer, ↓ BP. Indicated for chronic valve diz and DCM. Must titrate dose. Side effects include hypotension and ↑ HR. • Amlodipine – Ca++ channel blocker. Arteriolar vasodilator. Treat hypertension in cats (w/out heart diz) and in conjunction w/ ACE inhibitor in dog for more ↓ afterload. • Nitroglycerin – Preload reducer, venous capacitance. Emergency use for CHF, blood in shunted to capacitance vv. Antiarrhythmics: • Procainamide – Membrane stabilizer. Slowed conduction, less automaticity. IV emergency tx of ventricular arrythmias. • Lidocaine – Membrane stabilizer. Emergency tx for ventricular arrythmias. IV, short t½, so slow IV drip. • Propanolol – Class II β blocker. Negative chronotrope and inotrope. For atrial tachycardia and HCM to ↓ heart and ↑ filling time. Side effects include bronchoconstriction, bradyarrythmias, hypotension, heart failure, hypoglycemia. • Atenolol – Class II β blocker, specific to β1. Don’t see bronchiolar effects. • Diltiazem - Ca++ channel blocker. Negative chronotrope and inotrope, ↓ conduction. Atrial tachycardia and HCM. • Digoxin – Cardiac glycoside. Positive inotrope, negative chronotrope. Supraventricular tachycardias, CHF, DHF. Side effect is arrhythmogenicity, N, V, D via stimulation of CRTZ. Dose on lean body weight. Positive Inotropes: • Dobutamine – Direct β1 stimulation. Positive inotrope and chronotrope. Emergency CHF. CRI. Arrythmogenic. • Epinephrine - α1, α2, β1, β2 stimulation. Potent vasopressor dt positive inotrope and chronotrope. Emergency tx of cardiac standstill. Very arrythmogenic. Diuretics: • Furosemide – K+ wasting diuretic, use when congestive diz. See Diuretics. • Spironolactone – Antialdosterone diuretic; blocks effects at distal tubules, spares K+, eliminates Na+ and Cl-. Not www.gumshoevet.net A-Z NAVLE Study Guide - 20 potent by itself, use in combo w/ other diuretics. Good for ascites. Careful in combo w/ ACE inhibitor. Also has reverse remodeling effects on the heart, antifibrotic. Cardiovascular Disease in Equine – Most common congenital defect is VSD. Loud R systolic murmur. PDA continuous murmur normal for 1st week of horse’s life. Acquired valvular disease dt rupture tendinae, hypertension, endocarditis. 1 most common is aorta, then mitral, then tricuspid (cows get it at tricuspid valve). Can often hear physiologic flow murmurs, II/VI is normal esp in athletic horse. Most common arrhythmia in horses is atrial fibrillation, irregularly irregular beat, tx w/ quinidine. 2° AV Block fairly common finding, can hear extra heart sound. Increase heart rate (exercise) and should go away. Heart failure – lasix and digoxin. st Carpus Valgus – In foals usually in conjunction with fetlock varus. Tx w/ periosteal stripping (on side want to grow faster), growth plate reduction, physeal intervention. Caseous Lymphadenitis - Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Caseous abscessation of lymph nodes and internal organs in sheep and goats. Also in equine and bovine. Infection via contamination of open skin wounds. Diagnosis via abscess aspirate or serology (Synergistic Hemolysin Inhibition Test). Infected for life. Herd strategy is to cull then leave pasture empty for 6 mos. Can lance and flush abscesses - frequent recurrence. Can treat with NaI and penicillin to keep from getting worse (not to cure). ZOONOTIC, wool workers get from shearing nicks. Castor Beans - Extremely toxic, contain Ricinus communis (ricin). Violent purgation, straining w/ bloody diarrhea, weakness, salivation, trembling, incoordination. All spp effected, cultivated in south. Potential bioterrorism weapon. Cat Scratch Fever - Benign lymphadenitis of HUMANS believed to be caused by infectious agent, Bartonella henselae, B. quintana. Usu assoc w/ scratch or bite from cat. Cataracts – Opacity to the lens of the eye or its capsule. Surgical removal of lens. Dogs more commonly than other species. Cats and horses, most cataracts 2° to inflammation. Congenital and acquired, juvenile onset, adult onset. Cauda Equina Syndrome – Group of signs w/ several etiologies. U/F incontinence, posterior ataxia, hypo/anesthesia of tail and perineum, penile paralysis. Progressive. Dt EHV1, strep ag, EPM. Euthanize, do not get better. Ddx is fractured sacrum. Cephalosporins – G+, some G-, anaerobes. Bactericidal. Beta-lactam antibiotics. Inhibit cell wall synthesis. More effective against actively growing bacteria. See Antiobiotics section. Chediak-Higashi Syndrome – Blue smoke persians. Oculocutaneous albinism. Bleeding disorders. Cheyletiella - "Walking dandruff.” Occurs in dogs, cats, rabbits. ZOONOTIC. Likes high altitudes (CO). Highly contagious scaling on dorsal trunk. Moderate to intense pruritus. Alopecia and inflammatory changes 2° to scratching. Treat environment, ivermectin, sulfur shampoo. Chinchillas – Require regular dust baths to maintain healthy coat and skin. Pans should be provided in cages. Grab by tail. Chlamydia psittaci – Psittacosis. Common infectious disease of birds. ZOONOTIC. Gives people URT infection, flulike signs. Signs vary w/ avian spp from subclinical to systemic disease involving respiratory tract and liver, see yellow urates. Very high WBC in birds (ddx Mycobacterium (avian TB), Aspergillosis). Dx via serology (EBA test) or PCR of oral/cloacal swabs. Tx w/ doxycycline. Choke - Obstruction of esophagus by food masses or FB. Horses choke on greedily eaten dry grains. Localized esophageal dilation, hemorrhage necrosis. Exhibit anxiety, arched neck, retching, salivation. Food, froth through nose. May get aspiration pneumonia. Pull food, provide water, painkillers, sedatives. May pass stomach tube. Cholangitis/Cholangiohepatitis – Common hepatic diz of cats, dogs get also. ↑ ALT, ↑ SAP, ↑ bilirubin. Bx to dx, culture and cytology of bile. Suppurative form dt ascending infection. Has ↑ neutrophils; tx w/ antibiotic www.gumshoevet.net Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – COPD. progressive. • Extrinsic pathway – Starts w/ tissue injury. cats. Results in flexion of the distal interphalangeal joint. X-linked. • Tetanus . Sudden death. Pastern area most common . If nonresponsive. Allergic rxn thought to initiate. septicum usually. coagulation factors (DIC. Stiffness.C. • Bacillary Hemoglobinuria – C. NSAIDs). Conservative tx is sporadic thoracocentesis. cough. perfringens. Dogs > cats. congenital. IX. High triglyceride [ ] w/ low cholesterol. Tx with environmental changes. Farm animals.gumshoevet. hyposensitization to inhaled allergens. most common inherited bleeding deficiency in dogs and cats. exercise intolerance. need bx to confirm. Dt malignancy.Group of diseases that tend to progress to cirrhosis. pericardectomy). Neurotoxin in necrotic tissue. spasms. Most frequently recognized in the horse. novyi + liver flukes. Coagulation – Goal to form a localizeed fibrin meshwork. Chronic Active Hepatitis . exo.e. birds seem resistant). Factor IX deficiency is hemophilia B. Factor VII. chronic bronchoconstriction. • Blackleg – C."leg mange". Most common mange in cattle. All mammals (dogs. See microhepatica on rads. Immunization. TB asp. resulting in a raised heel (club foot). • Malignant Edema – C. tx w/ prednisolone. pleurodesis (variable outcome). Glucocorticoids indicated in moderate to severe symptomatic autoimmune chronic active hepatitis. Rapidly fatal motor paralysis by ingestion of carrion and subsequent neuro-intoxication (not infection). deep digital flexor tendonotomy may be required for salvage. www. ↑expiratory effort. • Botulism – C. antiinflammatories. novyi. south. Usually in sudden death in sheep. Nonsuppurative form has lymphs and plasma cells. parasitic. Usu in north when kept indoors. slow progression. idiopathic. • Intrinsic pathway – Starts w/ exposure to abnormal surface. Cobblestone liver. and emphysema in heavy muscles. and platelets (aspirin. Prevalence ↑ w/ age. thor auscultation of expiratory wheezes. Drugs and ingestants are most frequent causes. females are asymptomatic carriers. Inflammation. Treat with a distal check desmotomy. avoidance of the allergens. If fails. Chronic Urticaria . Chylothorax – Accumulation of chylous fluid in the pleural space. males are affected. Imm mediated diz. or viral-induced disease. Neuromuscular weakness progessing to paralysis. tetani. Supportive tx. vasculitis). Summer Pasture Associated OPD – same but summer. sordelli. pancreatic.Characterized by transient wheals in the skin or mucous membranes. botulinum. lymphangiectasis. thickened bronchi. Treat cause (i. Factor VIII deficiency is hemophilia A. • Hemorrhagic Enteritis and Enterotoxemia . Factors XII. rodenticide. C.net . Cockers ↑ risk. Treat with corticosteroids. also chauvoei. chauvoei (also septicum. Non-zoonotic but REPORTABLE. Cattle. More prevalent in winter. In cats.21 such as amoxicillin and/or enrofloxacin. Hgburia. liver failure. red water disease. hemorrhage. Dx w/ endoscopy.C. spore-forming. chest tube placement. Swelling. They are not indicated in asymptomatic cases. Factor XII deficiency commonly recognized but rarely causes clinical bleeding. Afebrile.or enterotoxin forming. Most common bleeding problems are dt thrombocytopenia and coag factor deficiency. heaves. 3 components necessary for normal coagulation are intact vasculature (trauma. Cirrhosis – End stage liver diz from any cause. infectious. in pasture. steroids. VIII. factor III (Thromboplastin) released. trauma.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . congenital). sordelli). asthma. Cattle. haemolyticum. XI. Clostridial Diseases – Anaerobic. mild cases. Chorioptic Mange – Chorioptes bovis. Rancid butter odor. sheep. Club foot – Caused by deep digital flexor contracture. High proportion of cattle may be infested without exhibiting signs. bronchodilators. since r/o sarcoptic mange which is zoonotic. novyi. corrective shoeing. perfringens • Infectious Necrotic Hepatitis – Black disease. blood smear. • Vitamin K dependent factors .Chronic cough. Coccidiosis . • Poultry . Pulmonary nodules and enlgd hilar ln found on thor rads. Clean environment daily. • Treatment: Amphotericin B is drug of choice.gumshoevet. bleeding time test.22 • Common pathway – Factor V. • ATIII – Thrombin antagonist. • Diagnosis . so not always possible to dx coccidiosis via fecal exam. Osseus involvement has poor LT px. X. Bone lesion of baboons. Expect prolonged clotting times (PT. intermittent diarrhea.Causes acute invasion and destruction of intestinal mucosa. Treat w/ sulfadimethoxine. Dimorphic soil pathogen. Vascular or platelet abnormalities Coagulation Factor Abnormalities • petechiation • hematomas rare • multiple sites common • mucosal bleeding common • hemarthrosis rare • prolonged bleeding from cuts • purpura and ecchymoses common • body cavity hemorrhage rare • petechiation rare • hematomas common • frequently localized • mucosal bleeding can occur • hemarthrosis common. • Clinical signs . tx w/ vita K and watch for improved clotting times w/in 24-48 hrs. Serology helpful. Acute infections are respiratory in nature and usu self-limiting. II or I). Vita K antagonism or deficiency assoc w/ rodenticide tox (warfarin. • Inhibitors of coagulation – ATIII. V. Finding oocysts in feces does not indicate coccidiosis infection unless clinical signs are present. I). Most common in dogs. fibrinogen to fibrin. VIII. then profuse rebleeding • purpura and ecchymoses rare • big body cavity hemorrhage common • Test of vasculature – Bleeding time test.clean stick. do not culture. IX. X. X.Dog w/ chronic bronchopulmonary diz in endemic area. BTO. XI. rodenticide). coumarin). resembles osteosarcoma. cachexia. Cryptosporidia • Small animals .A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . X. Acts on II.Eimeria. heriditary (devon rex cats). • Fibrinogen and FDP assay for DIC. Infection via inhalation of fungal spores. develop immunity as adults. • Test of coag factors – Intrinsic system w/ ACT. then PTT). Chronic respiratory disease affecting lungs. XII. IX. PIVKA. dicoumarol (vita K antagonist. malabsorption. Problem in young animals. Large (50+μm) round organism w/ thick basophilic walls and small internal structures.Isospora.Coccidioides immitis. VII. • Test of platelets – Need good.II. If suspicious. X. PIVKA (glorified PT. vWD assay in certain breeds (DPs). delayed onset of bleeding. Oocysts sporulate in environment w/in several days. aspirin. Infection via ingestion of sporulated oocysts. heparing (activates ATIII). fever. Positive coccidiodin test indicates exposure. Host-specific. EDTA (binds divaalent Ca ions). Extrinsic system w/ PT (VII. lameness. biopsy. platelet aggregation. Cryptosporidia www. big joints. also good test for vita K antagonism since factor VII has shortest t½ of vita K dependent factors. a folate antagonist and coccidiostat and good sanitation. rodenticide testing). prothrombin to thrombin. Diarrhea may precede output of oocysts. can disseminate to eye and bone. Fungus found in arid regions of SW USA. anorexic. XI. San Joaquin Valley Fever. IX. PTT (XII. Platelet count.net . Impression smear of intestine more diagnostic. II. Coccidiomycosis . and hemorrhagic porcine stress syndrome. S→Mo. Never use Acepromazine in shocky horse. Anterior enteritis DPJ – stinky. walk. Congenital Hyperlipidemia . SI volvulus. Hemagglutinating antibody. As maternal antibodies decline.net . Infectious dermatitis of sheep and goats transmitted by direct contact. diet Cu [ ]. 1º dt decreased Cu in soil and forage.Inherited disease of miniature schnauzers.Eimeria. ileocecal valve). • Clinical signs – None in males. LVC have 4 bands. feels better when removed. Copper sulfate in feed. proximal enteritis). Collie Eye Anomaly . microphthalmia. Organism is highly resistant to dessication. falling disease. Clumped melanosomes in hairs. Colic – SI of equine approx 80 feet. Self-limiting. • Clinical signs . LDC and pelvic flexure have 1 band. Color Dilute Alopecia – Congenital defect in blue dobies.Common in Texas in young pastured ruminants. Transmitted during coitus. rectal exam. thymic hypoplasia. • Diagnosis . Copper oxide needle bolus. cerulopasmin in serum. absence of cell-mediated immunity. ZOONOTIC. Lack of immunoglobulin synthesis. mineral oil if not refluxing. • Large colon is either colon torsion (nephrosplenic ligament = L dorsal displacement.Foal normal at birth dt maternal antibodies. Contagious Ecthyma . demyelinization. • Treatment – Copper gylcinate injection every 6 mos SQ. Lesions on skin of lips with extension into oral mucosa. Contagious Equine Metritis . Bands on colon: cecum. 2º dt interdependent . Abortion uncommon. Vaccination. • Small intestine is either strangulating (SI torsion.23 • Large animals . related to pseudocowpox and bovine papular stomatitis. Orf.Precolostral serum samples have no detectable IgM antibody and lymphocyte count < 1000 cells/ml in peripheral blood. gut sounds. RDC has 3 bands. vets and sheep handlers lesions on hands. • Prevent – Salt/trace mineral mixes with Cu. interdigital regions. RVC. Low conception rate. • Enteroliths – Arabians. absorbed in SI and excreted in bile.cows/sheep/goats/pigs . NSAIDs.Inherited defect of immunity in Arab foals.15 days old. distressing. CuSO4 fertilizer. Constipation – 1) Protatomegaly in dogs. fertility is regained. resides in smegma of stallion prepuce. foal succumbs to succession of respiratory infections. Dx/Tx – HR/Resp. Cryptosporidia. lameness.Recessive inherited choroidal hypoplasia. pass tube. serum Cu [ ].aka Contagious Pustular Dermatitis. 3) hypothroidism in dogs. chows.gumshoevet. Copper Deficiency . Highly contagious venereal disease of horses.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . pelvic flexure. • Clinical signs – Unthiftiness. retinal folds and detachment. Goats > sheep.Recovery of organism.Taylorella equigenitalis. Associated defects include scleral ectasia. Swayback in lambs. decrease risk of 2° bacterial infections. Seen almost exclusively in collies and shetland sheepdogs. chihuahuas.↑Mo ↓Cu. strangulating lipoma) or nonstrangulating (ileal impaction. Once recovered usu highly resistant. CA. • Diagnosis – Liver Cu [ ]. reflux. No cure. Gas/spasmodic colic or impaction colic. Diz of pigs 5 . Autosomal recessive. will collapse. • Diagnosis . coloboma of the optic disc. copius reflux. www. Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome . or tangled w/ cecum = R) or impaction (transverse colon. usually in young. Cu stored in liver. Sore Mouth. REPORTABLE. achromotrichia. alfalfa hay. 2) pelvic fractures in cats (real concer if cat preg). Mare develop endometritis w/ vulvar discharge 2-6 days after service. belly tap. Poxvirus. face usu more proliferative. also on feet. Once infection subsides. marked reduction of lymphocytes. diarrhea. anemia. ↑Fe ↓Cu. Refer if nonresponsive pain. see Caseous Lymphadenitis in sheep and goats. Transmitted by fomites. late summer and fall. Motor to lateral rectus and retractor bulbi. coughing. skin wound. • Clinical findings . Sense of smell.Olfactory nerve. • CN VI .24 Copper Poisoning – Sheep. Trientine. anorexia.(motor to mastication mm. rare to have neuro disorder. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis • Horse – Causes pectoral abscesses. but antibiotic therapy may delay abscess maturation. • CN VIII . IX. weakness. Maxillary n. Causes serious 2° lameness.Vestibulocochlear nerve. Infection via inhalation of spores . In bulls. • CN IX . Cryptococcosis – Cryptococcus neoformans. thorax. and sensory to lower jaw). Salvage. See signs of liver disease. • CN X . Cannot diagnose from dorsal aspect. hemoglobinuria. Gag reflex. but mild. Motor to muscles of eye.Restrict copper intake.cats > dogs. Cruciate Ligament . Coronavirus – Milder than parvo but cannot distinguish by clinical signs. supplement with molybdenum. www.o.gumshoevet. VII. Motor to muscles of mastication and sensory to head. SSMMBMBSBBMM. nasal mucosa). • CN XII . • Control . Copper Storage Hepatopathy of Bedlington Terriers . capsular thickening in chronic cases. XI. constriction of pupil. px excellent with treatment. Conservative therapy works in small animals. Motor to dorsal oblique muscle of the eye. < 2 y. • CN IV . involuntary phase of swallowing. joint mice. Incurable. accommodation. arthropods. Rad signs include loss of infrapatellar fat pad. usu by 3 yrs old. Encapsulated fungal organism found in soil. Penicillin or TMS may be used. In dairy.Glossopharyngeal nerve. Dx via cranial drawer motion in acute cases. Motor to skeletal mm of neck and trapezius. • OOOTTAFVGVAH. Diarrhea. Parasympathetic to viscera of neck. • CN II . Prechiasmal vs postchiasmal (PLR intact. X. Motor to skeletal mm of pharynx. • Sheep/Goats . Multiple techniques to repair. Severe disease. Yeast w/ narrow based budding and thick. Abduction of eyeball. cervical pain.Optic nerve. A stressor induces sudden release of copper from the liver.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Corticosteroid Responsive Meningitis . depression. clear mucin capsule. • CN V . laryns esophagus and sensory to mucosa. Crotalaria . Sense of hearing and proprioception.net . usu dt trauma. flush with iodine. reactive new bone at tendon insertions (caudal femur. • CN VII . Surgical repair necessary in larger animals (>15kg). See similar diz in Westies.Facial nerve.Oculomotor nerve. Motor to muscles of facial expression and sensory to rostral tongue/taste. • CN III . cranial tibial plateau). Chronic ingestion of excess amount of Cu leads to sequestration in liver. Seasonal.Large breed. (sensory to dorsal/rostral head).Cranial cruciate ligament rupture most common. vomiting. medial canthus. dt conformation.Hypoglossal nerve. swallowing. Liver damage in horses. (sensory to eyeball. jaundice. taste on caudal 1/3 of tongue. • Remember CN w/ parasympathetic functions: CN III. pigeon droppings. Gag reflex.Trigeminal nerve. Corkscrew Claw . slowly progressive hepatopathy. medial meniscal tear accompanies w/ clicking noise. • CN XI .Trochlear nerve. Vision. Cranial Nerves • CN I . Motor to intrinsic and extrinsic mm of tongue. Manage with penicillamine.Accessory nerve. CCLR in bovine. Divide into 3 major branches: Ophthalmic n.. Cull. abdomen.Recessive inherited copper storage disease in which Bedlington terriers accumulate copper in liver. resulting in severe intravascular hemolysis.Vagus nerve.Group of plants that contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Motor and sensory to pharynx and caudal tongue. no menace). Must trim continually. Lance abscesses.. Mandibular n. cannot kick.Heritable defect of the lateral claw of cattle.Abducens nerve.Acute hemolytic crisis. stretchy. • Diagnosis . impaired wound healing. Produces epiphora and 2° conjunctivitis refractory to treatment. • Clinical signs – Onset ~10d. Low-dose dex suppression test.50-75 mL/kg/day. PP. Cytologic dx relatively easy as can ID capsule. • Diagnosis . salivation. causes acute and usu fatal diz. ketoconazole. Dogs: CNS signs. Icteric and anemic. High-dose dex suppression test.25 • Clinical features – Nose and brain. dehydrated. Transmitted by Dermacentor variabilis tick. Dehorn Goats . Inherited defects in collagen production. neutrophilia. Multiply in macrophages (unlike Theileria which multiply in lymphocytes). deprenyl. Surgical removal of the third phalanges and claws. if ↑ may have it. Treat w/ sodium nitrate. • Treatment . used in organ transplant recipients. congestion. Disrupts nucleic acid fxn. with severe signs w/in the next week. • Treatment . normochromic anemia w/ leukopenia and pronounced lymphopenia. CSF fluid.Inhibits cytochrome oxidase and causes death from anoxia.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . India ink – clear vacuoles. or excess exogenous cortisol. Dermatosparaxis = torn skin. spleno/hepatomegaly. panting. Cherry red blood. fluconazole if in CNS. At necropsy. dyspneic. Amphotericin B. Dx w/ HDD. and petechia of lungs. • Treatment – Little success. Cyanide Poisoning . Tick avoidance. kills immunosuppressed (AIDS). edematous kidneys. tachycardia. hepatomegaly. Use restraint box and nerve block or general anesthesia. Cushings – Hyperadrenocorticism. Need to remove entire ungual crest or claw will grow back. ZOONOTIC. Dyspnea. bilaterally symmetrical alopecia.Should be done day 1-2. ddx acquired skin fragility and hyperadrenocorticism. www. Abdominal ultrasound to visualize adrenal tumors. Bitter almond odor. • Clinical findings – PU/PD.Inflammation of lacrimal sac. Swelling or draining fistula over facial bone. Elevated cortisol 2° to excessive pituitary excretion of ACTH.gumshoevet. Daily Water Requirements . Difficult to dx. specific serologic tests for fungal infection. Cryptosporidium – Flat calf syndrome. weakness. Edema.Several protocols. see macrophages w/ schizonts in cytoplasm. excess cortisol production by the adrenal gland. chronic nasal discharge. Cats: Roman nose. asphyxial convulsions. Removal of adrenal tumor. Hot iron debudding method of choice (careful not to burn brain). Hemorrhagic cystitis rare in cats. vomiting. • Feline Cushings – Diabetes and thin skin. muscle wasting. In cats. Dacryocystitis . Sorghums. • Diagnosis – Normocytic. Transmission via blood infection usual variable and often not fatal. granulomatous chorioretinitis. Adverse effects include myelosuppression. Most common in dogs is pituitary tumor. further testing reqd. gastroenterocolitis. Ketaconazole (impairs steroid synthesis). ↑ SAP. sodium thiosulfate. Often unsuitable as pets. enlgd ln. pendulous abdomen. Eosinopenia. Febrile.net . RNA transcription and replication. One of few sensitive. fragile skin. Suppresses T lymphocytes. Interferes w/ DNA replication. 1/3 of dogs receiving > 2 mos develop hemorrhagic cystitis.opDDD (Mitotane). Alkylating agent. Cytauxzoon felis – Natural parasites of wild felids. Cutaneous Asthenia – Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. When transmitted via tick to domestic cats. loose. no good tx. Urine cortisol:urine creatinine test. Occasionally can dx via blood smear. Will not depress adrenal tumors. FBs or masses. calcinosis cutis. Curb – Spraining and thickening of the plantar tarsal ligament. Declaw – Onychectomy. Cyclophosphamide – Antineoplastic.ACTH stimulation test (can determine if iatrogenic). Cyclosporine – Immunosuppressive. Obstuction of proximal nasolacrimal duct by inflammatory debris. immunosuppressive.Latex agglutination test detects circulating antigen. feet. focal alopecia. Also ivermectin. look for source. severe inflammation of oral cavity. povidone iodine shampoo. Folliculitis w/ alopecia. • Cat – Stumpy demodex. scaling. • Neck Lesions – In cats. Cats harbor M. Do NOT use Mitoban. gypsum lives in soil. add fat for absorption. legs. idiosyncratic BM aplasia in cats) and lime sulfur. Rads to see if treatable. alveolar bone and root cementum. Tx w/ Amitraz (Mitoban . Canis. muzzle. crusty lesions which pull off to reveal moist. • Large animal – Horse most commonly. To tx. milbemycin given daily.alopecic scaly patches with broken hairs. Infect only growing hairs. crusting around ears. Tx w/ aggressive dental or may require full mouth extractions. Nonpruritic. Broad superficial scraping as lives in surface. likely autosomal dominant. Pruritic. contagious. • Feline Stomatitis Complex – Intense reaction to diz. Raised tufts of hair. Transmits RMSF. Dx via cytology. • Small animal – Periodontal disease is bacterial infection of tissue surrounding the teeth. but ZOONOTIC. pustule formation. scale. face. Scale below gum line q/ currette (subgingival). gingivectomy. Dermatophytosis – Ringworm. Can dx via toothbrush technique. shelties. tularemia. will kill cats. Transmission via contact with infected individuals. Most susceptible are young. Steroids contraindicated. Usu asymptomatic. lips. . Lyme sulfur dips once a week for 6 weeks (do not allow licking of wet dip). yohimbine will reverse) once a week until two (-) skin scrapings.Microsporum nanum. feet. maybe 3 wks. ZOONOTIC. KOH staining for direct identification. • Treatment – Usually self-limiting. hard to grow). More common in winter with stabled animals. Trichophyton mentagrophytes is harbored in rodents. In aging animal see narrow pulp cavity. Griseofulvin (teratogenic. slow eating. .Trichophyton verrucosum. M.Cat . Gingivitis is inflammation of marginal gingival tissues induced by bacterial plaque (peridontal ligament or alveolar bone not affected). anaplasmosis (mice). inflammatory disease seen in immunosuppressed. extremities. Dermatophilosis . Dentistry – See dental formulas in Merck.Cattle/sheep/goats . lingual lowers). Epidermal collarettes. admin only if > 12 wks. sharp points develop (buccal uppers. if problematic.Inherited diz of collies. Tx w/ cleaning below and above gum line. canis. wave mouth. gram stain. Tx controversial. destructive diz of tooth crown and roots. Skin lesions and rare myositis.26 Demodectic Mange – • Dog – Face. . do NOT used in FIV+ cats. DTM – growth apparent 3-7 days. .Pig . Removal of deciduous canine teeth in piglets.Dermatophilus congolensis. need to look at DTM cultures daily). but may progress to periodontitis. corgi. tusk amputation in boars. Equine. Saddle. Dermatomyositis . Dorsum. Oral lufenuron www. Grows under wet conditions. Submit fungal culture to lab (B complex. Dx by biopsy and clinical sx. Scale above gum line w/ scaler (supragingival). step mouth. wear gloves. . Dermatophytes produce color change to red when colony 1st visible (saprophytes will eventually cause color change. • Gingival Hyperplasia – Benign overgrowth of gums. alopecia.Dog . periodontal ligament. Dermacentor variabilus – American dog tick. Reversible w/ teeth cleaning below gingival margin. place onto auger for fungal growth. Periodontitis is destructive inflammatory process driven by plaque that destroys gingiva. Etiology unknown.MAO inhibitor. nasty. eyes. Cats are often a reservoir.gumshoevet. tack. thick dentin. see quidding. debilitated or immunocompromised. predisposition in brachycephalic breeds (familial gingival hypertrophy). reluctance to drink cold water. • Diagnosis -Wood's lamp will fluoresce with M.net . red lesion underneath.> 70% caused by Microsporum canis . 131-132. remove and destroy crusts. fomites. and loss of definition of lamina dura.> 98% caused by M. and distal limbs. Amitraz is only licensed drug for tx. canis 50% of the time. Dx by deep skin scraping. Demodex gatoi. Normal flora of dogs passed from bitch to pups w/in 1st few days. G+ bacterial infection of the epidermis. Face.Trichophyton equinum.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide .Horse . or anywhere. pastern. p. Generalized demodecosis indicates immunosuppression. "Thumps". Race horse that quits running suddenly. intact. Anaerobic spirochete (Treponema). photophobia. Arrythmias commonly associated with DCM include atrial fibrillation and VPCs. Demonstration of virus-specific IgM. Moderate potency. Tx cephalosporin (Β-lactamase resistant Ab). buffy coat. Lime sulfur. Can consider topicals – miconazole. often used in edema mgmt. Dictyocaulus arnfieldi – Equine lungworms. ↓ICP (contraindicated w/ intracranial hemorrhage). 90-95% in rear. Hematogenous or directly via grass awn (CA).27 (Program). noise. middle aged dogs. “swallows tongue”. Dx via rads. Febrile catarrhal illness with neurologic sequelae justifies dx of distemper. • Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor – Proximal tubules. Steroids contraindicated. Cleared by kidneys. TTA. Surgical correction. and electrolyte imbalance. hx. Moderate potency. Dx via rads. clotrimazole. Horse. weight loss. mules and asses are inapparent carriers. unilateral hiccoughs occur w/ each heartbeat dt stimulation of the phrenic nerve by cardiac electrical discharge. ↓IOP. Abdominal viscera contained w/in thorax. and glucagon. Often related to athletic stress resulting in metabolic alkalosis. Potent. Treat with calcium. In feline. Treat herd with topical oxytetracycline long term. Also dt Brucella canis (always check for). hypocalcemia. Staphylococcus intermedius/aureus. insulin dependent. GI and CNS (chewing gum fits) signs may follow. Triamterene. minocycline. high protein diet. Treatment one of more of the following: 1) Sternothyrohyoid myectomy = strap mm. IFA of epithelium. Caudal cervical. #1 foot disease of dairy cattle. Diuretics • Aldosterone antagonists – Late distal tubules. Initial respiratory signs. Tx w/ Praziquantel (Droncit) or Fenbendazole (Panacur). • *High ceiling diuretics – Ascending loop of henle. Large breed. Most common in large breed dogs. Gurgling. Suspect in any febrile condition in puppies. used more often to ↓IOP as tx in glaucoma. 2) www. Donkey. Diabetes Mellitus – Dog. Cat. midthoracic. Usu present for exercise intolerance and cough. rads. Most painful foot lesion seen. resection. Treat diabetic ketoacidosis with regular insulin. Insulin antagonists include cortisol. see lysis of end plates. Spironolactone (also K+ sparing).Congenital or acquired (blunt trauma to abdomen and caudal chest). blood. Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate – In equine. therefore renal disease also increases toxicity.net . crackles/wheezes. • Osmotics – Proximal tubules. brucella titer. Tx w/ ivermectin. L7-S1. aspergillosus. Weak. Violent. Highly contagious. anorexia. Furosemide (K+ wasting). nystatin. necropsy. Diaphragmatic Hernia . Dilated Cardiomyopathy – DCM. male. Hyperkeratosis of the footpads and nasal planum. exercise intolerance dt compromised airway. Diaphragmatic Flutter – aka Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter. Digoxin and vasodilators also. difficult to eradicate. insulin dependent or non-insulin dependent (achieve remission with high fiber. Mainstays of tx are diuretics (if congested) and ACE inhibitors. Benzathiazide (K+ wasting). culture of urine. • Simple – Ethyl alcohol. Digoxin – Toxicity is common. Digital Dermatidis – Hairy Heel Warts. Pain is diagnostic. Treat with taurine supplementation and resolves. Distemper – Paramyxovirus. ↑ expiratory effort. See tapeworms. • K+ sparing – Weak.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Chronic cough. epinephrine. Weak. Hypokalemia increases toxicity dt ↑ binding of digoxin to myocytes. contrast rads or U/S. Discospondylitis – Infectious diz of nervous/ms systems. or oral hypoglycemics).gumshoevet. growth hormone. Dx w/ Baermann float. Acetazolamide. usu dt taurine deficiency (rare). Mannitol. Ferrets can contract diz. dyspnea. If Brucella. mobilization of cellular edema. treat with tetracycline. • Thiazides – Distal tubules. cats acquire from fleas. show rash on chin and inguinal area. Diplidium caninum – Dogs. cough. Do not graze horses w/ donkeys. Dx via endoscopy (treadmill). esp DPs. thiabendazole. often used for renal failure prophy. Most common. platys often concurrent infection. Monocytes affected most frequently.g. DNA-dependent RNA synthesis and protein synthesis. • Chylous effusion – Milky white/pink opaque.5.000). 3) support (steroids. 4) Lou Ellen’s tendenectomy.gumshoevet. • P wave – Atrial depolarization (firing of SA node) • QRS complex – Ventricular depolarization (AV node .Histopathic examination of autonomic ganglia • Treatment . Cumulative toxicity assoc w/ diffuse cardiomyopathy. Poorly cellular (<1000 cells). 3) Lymphatic blockage (ventral edema). FIP. s.5. s. abdominal neoplasia.g.017. GIT. Uroabdomen. brown dog tick. PLE. soft bedding. Tx is supportive care. but can’t rise. High TP > 3. E. turn. www. High triglycerides (fluid>sera by 2-3:1). edema. usu asymptomatic is alone. Seen as coccoid bodies in the cytoplasm of WBCs. Tx w/ following: 1) warmth. Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) – Antineoplastic agent. 3) Epiglottic augmentation w/ teflon. atonic bladder. PLN. 4) Ca++ injection. Higher TP >=2. pregnant in winter. • QT interval – Total time of ventricular electrical activity. 2) humidity. starvation.018. ↑CK in short term. accumulation of feces in rectum. Cycle of ischemia. right heart failure. cholesterol less then in serum. relative voltage. • Nonseptic exudate – Inflammation. pancreatitis. not prognostic.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Acute toxicity assoc w/ cardiac arrhythmias and mast cell degranulation (independent of IgE).0. TP > 2. Effusions • Pure transudate – ↓ oncotic pressure.017. Cannot see outline of epiglottis w/ DDSP. Ventricles relaxed and filling.10. Sum of electrical activity. Dysfunction of autonomic nervous system. > 1. Palpable eggs or visualized on rads. metoclopramide). Resp. and s. Ehrlichia canis – Vector is Rhipicephalus sanguineus. biliary tract rupture.5. Eggs passed in feces are ingested by herbivores. usu Milk Fever. Hepatic disease . Nondegenerate neutrophils. ventricles contracted and empty • TP interval – Repolarized. malnutrition. Ddx from entrapped epiglottis.28 Staphylectomy = trim caudal edge of soft palate. Echinococcus granulosus – Adult stage resides in intestine of wild or domestic canids. neoplasia.↑ hydrostatic pressure. • Diagnosis . variable cellularity (lymphs/neuts). waiting for next P. Beef.net . ECG – Recording of electrical activity of heart that reaches the body surface. • Modified transudate . Causes space occupying mass problems w/ MS. Hypoalbuminemia dt hepatic insufficiency. Dairy. increased cellularity w/ neutrophils and macrophages (>5000 cells). ↑AST long term. 10) surgery if large bird. flotation. Portal hypertension. hypoxemia. Downer Cow – 2° to inciting cause. Egg Binding – In birds that are laying a lot or in older birds that have never layed before.< 1. • Septic exudate – Septic inflammation. Megaesophagus. 4) Vasculites (leakage). Degenerate neutrophils and bacteria.g. Edema – 1) Low oncotic pressure (low protein). dry mucous membranes. 7) repeat oxytocin injection. BAR. drink and eat. < 1.Symptomatic (bethenecol. Dourine . TP < 2. 6) repeat Ca++ injection.025. s. 2) High hydrostatic pressure. Dysautonomia – Cats.g. 9) 12 cc syringe and needle to suck out egg contents. membrane potential restored) • PR segment – AV nodal delay (conduction time through atria) • ST segment – Refractory period. • Bilious effusion – Brown/green exudate. 5) oxytocin injection. Poor prognosis. moderate cellularity (500 . 8) express egg in small bird. >1.African venereal disease of horses caused by Trypanosoma equiperdum. Causes inhibition of DNA synthesis.bundle of His – purkinje fibers) • T wave – Ventricular repolarization (diastole. fluids). hx.Most common on mitral and aortic valves of dogs and cats. VEE – MLV. and hypernatremia. ataxic. Respiratory disease only. splenomegaly.IFA. eosinophilic linear granuloma on mouth or legs. Use repellents. VEE can go from horse to horse via respiratory droplets. Found in neutrophils. Epizootic Bovine Abortion . Nevada. • Treatment . Causes CNS dysfunction. season. Enema – Phosphate enemas should not be used in cats as can precipitate potentially fatal hyperphosphatemia. clinical signs. www. Transmitted by mosquito-vertebrate (bird)-mosquito cycle in late summer and fall. CNS. Endemic in foothills of California. Associated w/ benign lymphocytosis and monoclonal/polyclonal gammopathy. VEE. fibrin formation and cast formation.net . EEE and WEE killed w/ sht term immunity. signs of systemic embolization. EEE – most potent. Serology. Virus travels via lymphatics and replicates in M∅ and neuts. Dx via endoscopy. Tx by splitting ariepiglottic fold.Demonstration of lesions on heart valve – echocardiogram. Vax not protective for this form. paired sera. back>front. bleeding tendencies. petechiation. Short term (4-5 mos) vax avail. In cats. edema. • Clinical signs . circling. EEE.Supportive care. shape of epiglottis still visualized (unlike DDSP). depression. Occurs in dense populations of horses. EHV2 – Herpesvirus 2. EHV3 – Herpesvirus 3. icterus. Treat with corticosteroids. or oral w/ hook or laser. • Diagnosis . Tx w/ oxytetracycline. Virus isolation. Causes red nodules on genital mucosa. Vax valuable horses in mosquito area 2x/yr. impaired vision. • Clinical signs – Fever. Benign veneral disease of horses. EHV1 – Herpesvirus 1. leukopenia. inspiratory and expiratory noise. Ehrlichia equi – Vector unknown. Slight exercise intolerance. fever. Sleeping Sickness. • Diagnosis – Clin sx. nonpruritic eosinophilic ulcer found on upper lip. Late term abortion of fresh fetuses causing necrosis of bronchial epithelium. Aborted fetuses have enlarged and nodular liver. Togavirus. paralysis. encephalomyelitis. Thrombocytopenia.High dose broad spectrum antibiotics. generalized lymphadenopothy. reluctance to move. Ornithodoros coriaceus. heart murmur. Tx is supportive. Chloramphenicol is acceptable tx as well. abortion. Agent unknown. WEE. rd Equine Encephalomyelitis – Arbo virus. Streptococcus most common. demonstration of organisms in WBCS. ↑ sensitivity. Equine coital exanthema. VEE from horse ↔ man. erythema. Acute respiratory disease. aimless. If remain standing. Surgical excision via laryngotomy. petechial hemorrhages. flaccid tail. Motor irritation. altered mentation. Dx by 4 fold increase in titer. Neurologic disease (immune mediated vasculites) from mild incoordination to severe posterior paralysis.gumshoevet. Lymphopenia. and southern Oregon. Tetracycline. shifting leg lameness.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . • Diagnosis . stiffness. Eosinophilic Granuloma – Hypersensitivity reaction found in cats.Signs arise from involvement of lymphoreticular and blood system. Epiglottic Entrapment – Equine. mortality. Supportive care. Positive blood/joint culture with demonstration of heart involvement.Foothill abortion. ZOONOTIC – all 3 can cause mild flu-like symptoms to death. Dx by cytoplasmic inclusion bodies.29 • Clinical findings . anorexia. dogs and horses. • Treatment – Doxycycline. px pretty good. limb edema.Recurrent fever. paresis. Infectious disease of cattle manifested by abortion (3 trimester) or weak calves. usu follow equine infection ~ 2 wks. incontinence. Vector is Pajaroello tick. hypocalcemia. respiratory. long term immunity. can’t swallow. head pressing. Fever. Endocarditis . pruritic eosinophilic plaque found on medial thigh. • Treament and Control . sloughing mucosa. transendoscopic laser axia division. Characterized by erythematous papules on the skin of the abdomen that expand peripherally leading to the development of annular lesions with normal centers. good sanitation. Estrogen Therapy – For mismating in canines. Transmitted via respiratory and venereal routes. Worry about 2° infection and time away from training. Debilitation w/ good appetite. Chemosis. Treatable. explosive dry cough. Equine Influenza Virus – 1-2 yr old horses. No treatment. do not cut. Toxic Epidermal Necrosis is severe whole body EM. Focal area of mm atrophy. uncommon. See bone marrow toxicity (aplastic anemia). progressive spinal cord disease. Necropsy.gumshoevet. Esophagitis – Occus post anesthesia dt gastroesphogeal reflux. profuse discharge. Equine Protozoal Myelitis – Sarcocystis neurona. longer heat. skin (subacute) form. dead end host = horses. Calves – enterotoxigenic colibacillosis in 4-7 day old.~Lou Gerhrig’s Disease (ALS). asting. Guarded px. Esophageal Stricture – Balloon. Occurs in pigs and other species. Death. Vasculitis. slime on fish. www. younger (<4 yrs) are more tolerant. slow onset. cat lay on disinfectant than like clean. esp in beagles. usu localized termed erysipeloid (not same as strep infection erysipelas in man). Transmitted by transfer of blood from an infected horse via bloodsucking flies. contaminated needles. New drug is toltrauril. dysentery in young cattle. raised tailhead. Erysipelas – Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae bacteria found in water. In man. Causes swine erysipelas. • Clinical findings . Success rate directly related to time b/w mating and onset of tx. etc. blepharosposm. High fever.Togavirus. Subtle. Antiserum. tx w/ rest and supporting care. ducks. regular vax. chronic arthritis and joint effusion. May stabilize but do not recover. • Diagnosis .net . Vaccinate cow w/ K99 antigen vax. vegetative endocarditis. Dx by mm biopsy of tail. likely immune complex.Coggins test. walk on toes. Penicillin. CSF. decaying matter. diamond-shaped skin lesions sloughing earstips and tails. Vasculitis causing limb and ventral edema. acute septicemia in turkeys. nonsuppurative arthritis in lambs. DNA. #1 neuro disease of equine. anemia.Unknown cause. Diamond shaped lesions are diagnostic. Escheria coli – Diarrhea.30 Equine Infectious Anemia – EIA. Erythema Multiforme . mastitis in older. GREAT MIMICKER. • Diagnosis – Dx w/ tx of penicillin – response seen w/in 24 hrs. 1) Fibrosacrcoma = Spirocerca lupi. edematous and congested lungs. 30% ↑ chance of uterine infection. aberrant host = birds. Tx w/ folic acid antagonists – TMS plus pyrimethamine. Acute septicemia. Enlarged ln and spleen. Abortion of partially autolyzed fetuses. asymmetrical. Esophageal Tumors – Rads w/ mass in chest at proper region could be in esophagus. Follow oral meds w/ water/food. squeal. Slowly progressive disease w/ muscle fasciculation. depression. Toxins can cause also. 3) Carcinoma. Horses eat opossum feces or contaminated feed/water. • Prevention and treatment – Immunization.Intermittent fever. DH = opossums. lays down. Many side effects. • Clinical signs – Growing pigs. etc. Excessive sweating. serous nasal dischg. Usally self-limiting. postdipping lameness in sheep. Eliminate carriers. accessory nn biopsy.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Skin discoloration w/ erythema. Multifocal. 2) Leiomyoma usu at lower esoph sphincter. • Clinical findings . Dx via serology (just show exposure). Reaction pattern of drug eruption.Acute severe infection of the upper respiratory tract. Can get a false positive if foal's dam was infected. Equine Viral Arteritis . Many different strains. sporozoan parasite. Treat with prednisone. Sudden onset of fever. soil. Tetracyclines can cause (esp Doxy). Sarcocystis invade CNS. Equine LMN Disease . firm mm groups. anorexia. Phenytoin in chronic myopathy. Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage – Blood from lungs (caudodorsal lung field) as consequence of exercise. Must be w/in 8 hrs of ingestion. myoglobinuria. acidosis. gurgling. exercise intolerance. ↓Ca++. vomiting.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . May see slate gray feces. ravenous appetite. Ddx – gutteral pouch mycosis.IV ethanol or 4-methylpyrazole to inhibit ethylene glycol metabolism. AST. TBAsp will see hemosiderin-laden macrophages. ↑CPK. not exercise induced. Up to 50% are FeLV+. Sex hormone deficiency suspected. perineum of male neutered cats. Common in GSD and collies.Antifreeze is most common source in dog and cats. • Clinical signs – 1st stage see CNS signs. Exertional Rhabdomyoloysis Syndrome – Monday morning disease. wt loss. profuse sweating. Feline Enteric Coronavirus usu causes mild. Transmission through cat bite wounds. serum hyperosmolality. Also see serious ocular changes and CNS changes. Risk factors included popu density. Excess carbs in diet implicated. Dantrolene sodium best as preventative. No treatment. False Hellibore – Veratum californicum. Noneffusive FIP – same. Fasciola hepatica . Supportive.net . breed (persians. FeLV. self-ltg diarrhea in young cats. Ethylene Glycol Toxicity . ddx EIPH or FB.Metabolic acidosis. Causes lifelong infection. Feline Acne . ataxia. pericardial and scrotal fluid accumulation rarely. Remains infectious in environment up to 6 wks but easily killed by disinfectants. Feline Infectious Peritonitis – Coronavirus. Flukes create tissue damage in liver and bile ducts. drunk. Chronic SI diarrhea. inner thighs. Endoscopy for def dx. In house kit. myoglobinuria if severe. Test w/ TLI. Polysaccharide storage disease is a subset. seizures. • Clinical Signs – Effusive FIP – fluctuating. Feline Endocrine Alopecia . usually > 2 yrs. amt of shedding. Muscle biopsy dx some subsets. Repair with sinus flap. increased anion gap. Appear to feel better than 2nd stage of cardiopulmonary signs (mild or absent). ascites. 3rd stage is acute renal failure. • Treatment – REST. See epistaxis.31 Ethmoid Hematoma – Unilateral epistaxis dt ethmoid turbinate mass. More contemporary tx is inject w/ 10% formalin or ND:YAG laser to burn off. ↓ Cl-. Most common muscle disorder in horses affecting all breeds. crowding. blackheads. • Diagnosis . isosthenuria. Spread in secretions and excretions.Bilateral symmetrical hair loss on the posterior abdomen. Often have concurrent bacterial overgrowth. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency – Maldigestive syndrome usu dt pancreatic atrophy. Nausea. Diagnose via FIV ELISA. lethargy. Ddx iliac thrombosis. birmans predisposed). • Diagnosis – Clin signs. Many FIV cats are asymptomatic and many do not die of FIV-related causes. stress. Biphasic . If bilateral epistaxis. pleural fluid. but instead of fluid accumulation. see ↑ renal cortical echogenicity. Virus is not highly contagious and will not disseminate through a household if cats do not fight. IH = snail.Involves skin on point of chin and lips. Bloody procedure. Some FECV mutate to FIP. Usu in middle aged horses. Dx w/ endoscopy. • Clinical signs . concurrent diz ↑risk (steroids affect humoral immunity and do NOT ↑ risk). have pyogranulomatous reaction causing local tissue necrosis and decreased organ function. www. On U/S. Check TLI on any dog w/ non PLE SI diarrhea. More common in females. wt loss. little to relieve current signs. Tying up.gumshoevet.Liver fluke. ↓ fractional excretion of K+. unless progresses to furunculosis. Never eliminate EPI based upon failure to respond to replacement enzyme therapy. calcium oxalate crystalluria. No treatment usually reqd.<6-12 wks old or >13 yrs old. swallowing.Stiffness and gait alterations to severe mm cramping and immobility. • Treatment . Ab responsive fever. Alkaloid causing cyclops in cattle. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus – Lentivirus. Results in calcium oxalate crystal formation and acute tubular necrosis resulting in pale kidneys w/ swollen cortices on necropsy. Mild metabolic alkalosis (NOT lactic acidosis). See Dentistry section. • Prevention – Environmental control. 1/3 of transiently viremic cats become latently infected. Serous rhinitis. Need constant supervision as get into everything. Do not do FIP Serology. Affects conjunctiva and nasal passages. FeLV virus composed of variety of proteins which have different biologic functions. salivation. sprits). food allergy. conjunctivitis.Contact w/ body fluids is most common way. kidney/liver abn. Venipuncture easy when anesth. Extracellular coccoid bodies on conjunctival epithelial cells. FELV is very labile and is destroyed in the environment within minutes. Ascites fluid is thick. crusting skin disease located predominantly on the back with varying degrees of pruritus. lower respiratory tract. On smears. Bite wounds. 2/3 of cats resist development of persistent viremia. Oral mucosa. Need to immunize for canine distemper (premed w/ benadryl to prevent anaphylaxis) and rabies. Also jugular and cephalic vv. DO NOT use vax – sensitizes cat to infection. ulcerative keratitis. Feline Respiratory Disease Complex . FeLV – Retrovirus. Hobs are males. 4 basic syndromes are urinary obstruction. rhinitis. Cerebellar hypoplasia. Jills are females. Feline flea allergy. Feline pneumonitis (chlamydia) and mycoplasma are less important. Tx corneal ulcers w/ topical acyclovir. Spay (prevent estrogen tox) and castrate. calculus. • Anatomy – Similar to cat. Feline Stomatitis . Can palpate everything. Antibody tests crossreact with enteric coronavirus antibodies. transmammary. Feline Miliary Dermatitis . tattoo on R pinna. • Transmission . • Feline Calicivirus . • Feline Pneumonitis – Chlamydia. lacrimation. FELV. Most in US from Marshall Farms. Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies. and FIV. • Diagnosis . cyclophosphamide. • Mycoplasma – Conjunctivitis. Feline Panleukopenia – Parvovirus. straw colored. Hyperglobulinemia and thrombocytopenia. Feline Leprosy – Mycobacterium lepraemurium. blood transfusion. • Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis – Herpesvirus. sneezing. fungal or bacterial infection. Fever. UTI and abnormal micturition.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Chronic.gumshoevet. Multiple diz w/ multiple causes. www. Cats w/ positive ELISA should be retested 6 weeks later for seroconversion. • Treatment – None. Keratitic ppts in eyes. virus hides in body and can be reexpressed later in life.Use antibodies against p27. 25% fat in diet.32 • Diagnosis – Hyperproteinemia. rhinitis. Life span approx 4 yrs dt common diz. pyogranulomatous nonseptic exudate w/ moderate cellularity and high protein levels. Ferrets – Mustelidae. Stinky if not neutered. calici. Don’t test for heartworms but put on preventative. background has characteristic eosinophilic stippled appearance. often feed cat food. p27 is the core protein detected by IFA and ELISA.A papular. Similar to canine parvo. Vax.Causes include feline herpes. have kits (gibs. Palliative aimed at suppressing immune complex components (pred. salivation. cranial vena cava. urolitiasis. Ferrets have big spleens dt extramedullary hematopoiesis.Illness typified by rhinitis. oral ulcerations 40-45% are feline viral rhinotracheitis (herpes) and 40-45% are feline calicivirus. • Clin Path – Creatinine does not ↑ w/ renal failure. low grade conjunctivitis.Ulceration of oral mucosa. esp if sick. aka Distemper. 25% protein. Ectoparasites. Conjunctivitis. Intranuclear inclusion body. conjunctivitis. ELISA is more sensitive and detects infection earlier. Need to do dentals. IFA detects cell-associated viremia. • Prev Med – Carnivores. FUS – Feline Urologic Sydrome. FECV serology not helpful. conjunctivitis. 1/3 of cats exposed become persistently viremic and develop FeLV-related disorders. Ulcerative stomatitis. drug allergy. Tx w/ tetracycline. Change coat and body wt w/ season (lose 20% in summer).net . There are envelope proteins and core proteins. ELISA detects serum-associated viremia. broad spec Abs). Adrenal disorders include hyperplasia. seasonal polyestrus. unable to urinate. melena.Insulinoma – Tumor of pancreatic islet cells. Eggs will not hatch. Juvenile onset in < 1yr (very aggressive) or adult onset > 2yrs. hydrate than sx. Can bleed to death from severe thombocytopenia. . Ddx from ovarian remnant by response to hCG (will respond). Vax to prevent but use benadryl 1st to prevent anaphylaxis. Kills adults. • Permethrins – Synthetic pyrethrins. 2° bact infection. . Hx of collapse. R adrenal is on caudal vc. vincristine. No ACTH stim. Tx w/ pepto bismol. adenoma. panctopenia). obstructed urethra or enlgd prostate. inward during inspiration. Bilat symmetrical truncal alopecia. Tx w/ pred. • Pyrethrins – Quick kill. • Fipronil – Frontline. Tx w/ prednisolone. Can sx remove but recur. Fescue – Summer Fescue Toxicosis. Most common cause of seizures in ferrets. . ↓ milk production. Male. cranial mediastinal mass w/ effusion. weakness. Endocrine panel and U/S. Lawsonia intracellularis can cause infl of ileum/cecum. Long tubular stx on palp. Dx w/ rads. Excoriation and erosion on dorsal cervical skin. Fetal Membranes . If remain in heat will die from estrogen toxicity (BM suppression. and agalactia in cattle.33 • GI Diz – If < 2yrs. hairball.Embryonic membranes of the dog include the chorion. lethargy. amoxicillin. pendulous abdomen. metronidazole. New ferret in house. redist of fat. ½ chew tablet. fenoxycarb. FB. pneumonia. . Jan. think skin. multi-organ involvement.flux.Loss of stabitily of chest wall due to multiple rib fractures. Tx w/ chloramphenicol. • Chitin Inhibitors – Lufenuron (Program). see above. Don’t have blood types. allantois. Feb.net . usu popliteals. pleural effusion. wasting. Lameness w/ cold feet and pasterns. Toxin present in tall fescue forage or seed contaminated w/ endophytic fungus. Px is poor. Inhibits GABA mediated Cl. pred. Cut out to tx. Tx includes cyclophosphamide. Clin signs for female. mucus. hypoglycemia. Thick tissue band that needs to be transected. • Infectious Diz – Green slime diz. cannot move into next life cycle. Coronavirus enteritis is green slime disease. Also gets dermatophytes. Usu self ltg.gumshoevet. px grave. exposure to human infection. green diarrhea. Fibrotic Myopathy – Equine. Do see Heartworm Diz – Heart failure. Thin. Proliferative Bowel Diz. Loose chest segment moves in a direction which is reverse of normal. • Imidacloprid – Advantage. ln enlgmnt. Flatulence – Bacterial metabolism of malabsorbed carbohydrates reaching colon. Prevents post synaptic binding of Ach. vulvar swelling. about 2 yrs old. Kills fleas quickly for short period of time. amnion. causes upper GI vomiting. Tx w/ ivermectin. Will die. UV stable but slower kill. Produces ↓ weight gain.Influenza – Dec. yolk sac. Dx when see eggs on skin scrape. sheep and horses. • Endocrine Diz – Induced ovulators. www. Fleas and Flea Control • IGR – Pyriproxyfen.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . methoprene. • Anatrichostoma – Cutaneous nematode worm. Trauma to semimembranosus or semitendinosus muscles. URD. • Nitenpyram – Capstar. Broken down by UV light. Kills adults and ticks. parakeratosis on nose. prolonged estrus. • Lymphoma – Like cat. Posterior paraparesis. hydrate and sx. outward during expiration (paradoxical respiration). murmur. Acremonium coenophialum. Dx w/ ln biopsy. Lysodren is ACTH agonist that stops secretion from pituitary. • Mast Cell Tumor – Males around prepuce. Flea has to take blood meal then lays defective eggs that won’t hatch. Never mets. Epizootic Catarrhal Enteritis.Aleutian Mink Diz – Parvo virus. tx w/ broad spectrum antibiotic. Cat heartguard. Also get HCM rarely. Respiratory diz.Canine Distemper – Extremely susceptible. Can dx w/ palpation. ALT>700. Try to avoid fat as ferrets pack fat around ln. Gastroenteritis often dt Helicobacter musteli. necrotic ears and tails. Flail Chest . Multicentric. feet – hard pad diz. Fever. . diazoxide. • Cardiac Diz – DCM is #1. Non fatal. Larva unable to move into cocoon stage. If >2yrs. crusty rash on chin. Vasculitis. Histoplasma capsulatum. Extremely contagious disease of cloven-hooved animals. Dogs see neurologic signs.See Epizootic Bovine Abortion. respiratory disease. Dichelobacter melaninogenicus. intermittent diarrhea. Most common in dogs. • Histoplasmosis . Usu unilateral. • Test and slaughter . and coccidioidomycosis.No wound. • Clinical signs . or may spread systemically. Midwest. budding yeast w/ capsule wall.net . pigeon droppings. Dogs with coccidiomycosis often present with skeletal signs. • Diagnosis . Frothy Bloat – Legumes. Rumenal tympany. Grade III is a wound from the outside with extensive skin. Dog w/ chronic bronchopulmonary diz in endemic area.Fluid sample from blister. • Coccidiomycosis . Infection may be successfully eliminated w/out clinical signs. Arid regions of SW USA. Vax – killed. Chronic respiratory disease. Found in soil.Salter I breaks off entire physis. Swollen. painful. Camels resistant to natural infection. Amphotericin B. can spread through wind easily. anorexic. ELISA. left paralumbar fossa. Positive coccidiodin test indicates exposure. low mortality.34 Foot and Mouth Disease – Vesicular disease. Response to Abs is fast. Foothill Abortion . up through epiphysis into joint. Left paralumbar fossa.Lameness. bone and elsewhere. Tx w/ Amphotericin B or ketoconazole. no metaphyseal or epiphyseal involvement. clean foot. teat and udder. Salter III breaks off part of physis. Bacteriodes nodosus. Cryptococcus can also have pulmonary involvement. cachexia. • Physeal fractures . • Open fracture . Salter II breaks off entire physis. Long convalescent period. many strains. can be extracellular. organisms in soil readily infect wound. Footrot – Fusobacterium necrophorum. may progress to respiratory disease. lameness.gumshoevet. Chronic cough. short duration at best. granulomatous chorioretinitis. if no or little response probably not Footrot. Large. Salter V is a crushing injury which results in premature closure of the growth plate. Cats > dogs. Poor px if disseminated. coronary band. Cardiac muscle necrosis. Enter respiratory tract via inhalation of fungal spores.Coccidioides immitis.Grade I has bone fragments penetrating skin from inside to outside. interdigital space. acid soil near water. • Cryptococcosis – Cryptococcus neoformans. Fracture Classification . Dimorphic soil (alkaline) pathogen. Do NOT culture. REPORTABLE. Dogs with histo often present with GI signs. Pulmonary nodules and enlgd hilar ln found on thor rads. histoplasmosis. Cryptococcal capsular antigen test. broad-based. stinks. • Blastomycosis . • Transmission . Disease most prevalent during wet or very dry weather. • Closed f racture . Large. present in all secretions/excretions. Often after pneumonia dt vagal effect. Antisurfactant. Chest rads in dogs. Cat w/ nasal discharge. Narrow-based budding yeast w/ thick. enlgd joints. Free Gas Bloat – Motility disorder. remove necrotic mass. Small intracellular yeast. Fungal Diseases . fever. Grade II has soft tissue wound inflicted from the outside. through the physis and through the epiphysis. dt ulceration of oral cavity. Canada and Mexico are free. fecal contaminants.obligate anaerobes. round w/ thick basophilic wall. clear mucin capsule. Relieve easily w/ stomach tube. Salter IV is a longitudinal break through part of metaphysis. 1° causes granulomatous or pyogranulomatous lesions in the lungs. muscle and bone damage. Midwest.Contact. Gram. aerosolized virus. • Clinical findings .Classification by presence of a communicating wound. Tx w/ Amphothericin B.Blastomyces dermatitidis. Draining cutaneous tracts. • Treatment . chronic nasal discharge.Edema and erythema of interdigital region w/ no evidence of foreign body. Lesions may occur in skin. excessive salivation. High morbidity. Severe lameness. eyes. contaminated feed (offal). Dx by ID of fungal organism. Aphthovirus of picornavirus family.Systemic and local antibiotics. The major cause of lameness in beef and dairy cattle. Clinical features in cats include swelling or draining fistula over facial bone. Seven serotypes. but the presenting signs reflect nasal infection. Last case in US in 1929. swine. Swine are accelerators of the disease.Common mycotic diseases that involve the lungs are blastomycosis. Once skin broken. accumulation of gas in rumen. nitrogen rich www. Career or dietary change to prevent.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Can disseminate to eye and bone.Huge economic impact. Can live in pharynx for up to 2 years. Ranch contaminated for 1 month. Rare in cats. Ruminant. Mutate frequently. plus takes a piece of the metaphysis. Resistance and reinfection easy. fenbendazole. Deflate stomach. supravtach) can occur. Caused by stress.gumshoevet. Directly effects electrolyte transport in proximal tubule. High risk is stall w/ high carbo diet. hypoalbuminemia. Passing a stomach tube is not a way of def dx. Sucralfate for prophylaxis. • Glomerulonephritis . Dx w/ barium.Neuroleptanalgesics and narcotic agents are suitable for both preop sedation and anesthetic induction. Progressive chronic diz w/ no cure. Fecal-oral transmission. Cysts very resistant in environment. R lateral abdominal rads. anasarca and emaciation. Dual cephalic catheters w/ shock fluids. Dx/ trichrome stain or minimum of three ZnSO4 floats. May have lens displacement and rupture of Descemet's membrane. 4) Pyloric stenosis (young. 2) Mucosal hypertrophy. will ↓ dissolution. toward ventral midline. arrhythmogenic and respiratory depressant effects. • Anesthesia . Supplement K+ if needed for cardiac abnormalities. No bacterial cause. 3) FB. GIT tumor. Glaucoma . pilocarpine or timolol. Often subclinical or colic or poor performance. Tx w/ metronidozole. no blood or mucous). If barium in stomach >15 min in cat or >45 min in dog. will damage cyst. hypercholesterolemia. Furosemide – Lasix®. Do not use sugar/salt floats. lymphadenopathy. does not antagonize aldosterone. arched back.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Endotoxemia dt ↓ hepatic perfusion. • Diagnosis – Large breed. Displacement of pylorus occurs from R abdominal wall. Ingest cysts from contaminated water. No tx 100% effective. renal and posterior muscular capillary beds. abnormal. tympanic. Tx w/ ketaconazole. carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. ↑ IOP can permanently damage eye w/in few days. Hypotension. Tx w/ proton pump blocker (omeprazole) or H2 blockers (ranitidine). NSAIDs. Glomerular Disease – Proteinuria w/ inactive urine sediment.net . Most human infections waterborne. Isoflurane has less CV depression than halo. Most common rotation is clockwise (as viewed w/ dog in dorsal recumbency). ascites. ↓ reabsorption of sodium and chloride. Surgery to derotate and gastropexy. do not use tagamet. enflurane or thiobarbiturates. Tx acute glaucoma as an emergency. Aerophagia is most likely source. Clinical findings may be inapparent or produce chronic diarrhea (cow patty. nephrotic syndrome proteinuria. abdominal pain. also in GIT. brachycephalic pup). Pathophysiologic effects include compression of posterior vena cava and portal vein. Prepatent period 5-14 days. Clinical signs include dilated.35 organic material (bat poop). Can see melena w/ major blood loss. steroids (dex. Focal myocardial ischemia and hypoxia. ELISA. Use immunosuppressive therapy. Tx by correcting underlying disease process if present. firm globe. vtach. ↑ excretion of potassium in distal renal tubule. Gastric Dilatation Volvulus . deep chested dog. U/S. steaming poop). poor px. Reduces absorption of electrolytes in ascending loop of Henle. Genetic predisposition for epilepsy.EMERGENCY. May see in eye and bone. Loop diuretic. Signs of glomerular disease. mast cell tumor. Syndrome includes hepatomegaly. Gastric Ulceration/Erosion – Unknown etiology.Deposition of immune complexes in the glomerular capillary wall. Glaucoma is classified as 1° or 2°. Initiated by accumulation of gas. Antibiotics. Dilatation precedes volvulus. open angle or closed angle. See in non-glandular or squamous portion of margo plicatus in adults and glandular portion in foals. Giardia – Protozoa. not pred). Treat w/ mannitol. fixed or sluggish pupil. No effect of carbonic anhydrase. Gerbils – Do not grab by tail. No part of giardia life cycle takes place in LI. Stain distinctly w/ congo red stain. 1° infection in lungs. • Amyloidosis – Extracellular deposit of glycoproteins. Can see motile trophozoites in fresh feces wet mount (hot. If FB such as bones. Organ hypoxia. ZOONOSIS. Gastric Outflow Obstruction – 1) Tumor. potassium wasting. • Treatment – Shock tx. passing over gastric fundus and body to L abdominal wall. Cardiac arrythmias (VPCs. Familial in bernese mountain dog and soft coated wheaten terriers. Inhabit mucosal surfaces of small intestine. dry heaving. Amount of blood loss not indicative of size. Amyloid is deposited in www. endoscopy. conjunctival injection.Increased intraocular pressure damages the retina and optic nerve. The diuretic effect takes place within 5 minutes of IV dosing. Anterior abdominal distention. resulting in 2° sequestration of blood in splanchnic. Acepromazine and short-acting barbiturates are contraindicated because of hypotensive. corneal edema. May produce excessive amounts of estrogen. in medullary portion so CRF w/ no proteinuria. and Draschia megastroma. aspiration. Gutteral Pouch Tympany .Follicular cell tumor. flush. excise medial lamina of eustachian tube. Clinical findings include acute convulsive episodes.Pus in the guttural pouch. If not bred by 8 mos. Usually culture S. Pigs are most sensitive. Most common in adult cows and ewes in heavy lactation on lush grass pasture. Prevent by supplementing magnesium during danger periods. • Repro – Gestation 68d. See Antifungal section. Guinea Pigs – • Nutrition – Water. is life threatening. Endoscopy. eyes open). Dx via rectal exam. can also develop 2° to congenital tympany. resp diz w/ hx of contact w/ rabbit. Bordetella bronchiseptica.Centrally-acting muscle relaxant. inducing endometrial hyperplasia and signs of hyperestrogenism. hyovertebrotomy. Unilateral epistaxis due to fungal erosion of the internal or external carotid.Deposition of uric acid crystals in and around joints (articular gout .gumshoevet. usually Aspergillus.Toxic component of cottonseed meal. vocalization). dorsal displacement of the soft palate. Good px if no aspiration. must provide in diet. 2-4 avg. precocious young (fully haired. arrests metaphase.36 renal medulla of cats and glomeruli in dogs. Staph abscess under jaw. muscae. Ddx – ethmoid hematoma. Causes catarrhal gastritis. laryngeal hemiplegia. Dysphagia. get scurvy.A metabolic disturbance characterized by hypomagnesemia. Gout . Treatment is surgical. Habronema . Cabbage. Gutteral Pouch Empyema . Endoscopy. Horner's syndrome. Hemorrhage may be fatal. disruption of pregnancy. Treat with IV calcium and magnesium. leave drainage. In cats. Treat as an emergency. PU (120ml/kg). Granulosa Thecal Cell Tumors . hypocalcemia. Surg via viborg’s triangle. H. Nonpainful swelling. Surgical excision. Gutteral Pouch Mycosis . Hepatotoxicity. stops additional lesions. deposit in glomerulus leads to proteinuria.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Mare shows masculine behavior (mounting. green peppers. Hypomagnesemia. Guaifensin . Disrupts mitotic spindle. check both pouches.crippling) and on visceral surfaces (visceral gout – birds?). In less severe cases. Develops 2° to upper respiratory infection in horses. Litters 1-13. Clinical signs 2° to damage to cranial nerves and arteries within gutteral pouch mucosa.Caused by a fungal infection of the gutteral pouch. ill at ease. Most common in mare and cow. stiff. Can dx via fluid analysis. Inspisated pus = chondroids. fenestrate median septum between pouches.net . hemorrhage into joints. Induces muscle relaxation and restraint as an adjunct to anesthesia for short procedures. dysphagia. Ovarian cysts common. get chondroids out. www. • Infectious Diz – Strangles. Rads or needle decompression to dx. check testosterone level in blood.Distention of the guttural pouch with air in young horses (days to 1 y. reflux food in spout. etc. OHE.Stomach worm of horses. pelvic symphisis fuses resulting in dystocia. Occlude blood blow on both sides of lesion so no retrograde flow using balloon-tipped catheter. In dogs. irregular cycling. Causes severe myocardial necrosis and lung damage. lavage. Affects horses of any age. Sx – viborg’s triangle. Grass Tetany . Griseofulvin – Fungistatic. H. Gossypol . If not. Have absolute requirement for vita C. Nonsx if no chondroids. See chondroids on rads. Only works on dermatophytes (ringworm). hypersensitive.o). Familial in abyssinian cats and shar pei dogs. zooepidemicus. Allopurinal is the traditional treatment. aggressiveness. may cause dyspnea. Colchicine/probenecid may reverse lesions. microstoma. End result of renal failure. place indwelling cath. see monosodium urate crystals which are needle shaped and birefringent under polarized light. Also reproductive effects including ↓ spermatogenesis. Haemophilus somnus – Thomboembolic encephalomyelitis. esp GSD. • Clinical signs – Fever. ± Blood transfusion. 30d apart. sometimes fatal polyserositis. isolation and ID of organism. Change RBC shape. fibrinous pleurisy. Infectious polyarthritis. Invade skin and irritate tissue. Hemoproteus – Blood parasite of wild birds. more severe infections. Hemangiosarcoma of R ventricle is common cause of pericardial effusion in GSD. • Treatment – Thiacetarsamide adulticide. golden retriever. • Clinical signs . Tx w/ penicillin. or 2 days apart.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Clinical findings include sudden onset respiratory distress. Tx is suppotive care. Coombs + for 2 wks after 1st appearance of parasite. Surgical removal of excessive granulation tissue. Hemangiosarcoma – Most aggressive soft tissue tumors. www. inside RBC. wt loss. migrate through bite wound into SQ tissues. • Treatment – Doxycycline. pericarditis. male cats (concurrent FeLV/FIV) and splenectomized dogs.37 Cutaneous Habronemiasis – summer sores in horses.net . “Sleepers. icterus. splenomegaly. transfusions. anorexia. Infectious anemia. Aerosol transmission. high #’s of hz bodies on blood smear. topical organophosphates (to kill larvae). Worms impede blood flow and cause endarteritis. Turbid joint fluid. Severe and contagious respiratory diz of young pigs. Many carrier pigs. Acetylcystein (Mucomyst) effective if used early. Begin 2-4 mos migration into right ventricle. acetominophen. which causes a chronic granulomatous reaction. doxorubicin. Aged dogs. endothelial proliferation. Haemophilus parasuis . Dt onion toxicosis (onion powder in baby food). Larvae deposited on skin. tetracycline. eye or wound. The stomach worm larvae emerge from flies feeding on genitalia. polyarthritis and meningitis of pigs. Results in extravascular hemolysis w/ most cells removed by spleen. Classic lesion is serofibrinous pleurisy. make more rigid leading to EV and IV hemolysis. Transmitted by ticks. peritonitis. cyclophosphamide Hemobartonellosis – H. immiticide injections – 2. Various antibiotics may be used. methylene blue. canis. ± Corticosteroids. facial edema (tylenol). depression. exercise intolerance. cyclic parasitemia. Cats are aberrant host. Dx by culture. • Diagnose – Rads. Dx by hx and clinical sx.Glässer's disease. right ventricle. gives you edema and the bottle jaw term. Common. Surgical removal of worms an option in some. Causes severe anemia and generalized edema. Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis – Hallmark is marked hemoconcentration (PCV>70%). non pathogenic. Treat longterm with Heartgard (slow kill in sick patients). weight loss. brown blood. Treat with insect repellents. Heinz Body Anemia – Clumps of denatured hemoglobin dt oxidative injuries. Haemonchus contortus – Ruminants. H. vizsla. anorexia. Mild oxidants create methemoglobinemia. Felines prone. phenothiazine toxicity in horses. Appear in peripheral circulation 6 mos after infection.Porcine pleuropneumonia. Circulating microfilariae can form immune complexes in the kidneys. lameness. felis. oxygen. Red nodules.Present for coughing. regenerative anemia. Porcine polyserositis. from queen.4 mo) include high fever. • Diagnosis – ID organism on blood smear (refractile). Clinical findings in young pigs (wean . Wide excision and adjuvant chemotherapy (vincristine.” Heartworms . See anemia. Blood-sucking abomasal worm.gumshoevet. Canine treatment will kill cats (can offer heartguard for rest of life). zinc tox. Metastasis is common. Adult worms found w/in pulmonary arteries. thrombosis. develop for 2 months. then ivermectin microfilaricidal within 3-6 weeks. strong oxidants induce Hz body. and pericarditis. irish wolfhounds. Antibody test available as well. reverse D appearance dt enlgd R heart. Cats usually present w/ vomiting. “Haemonchus contortus the barber-pole worm. Small round dots in chains on top of RBC. cyanosis. transfusion. bruises.” Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae . Tx difficult because of acute onset. esp in young. dyspnea. remove stressors. don’t treat.Dirofilaria immitis. fleas. ELISA test for adult antigens (female worm repro tract). hemoabdomen. A fibrinous. Transmitted by mosquitoes. propofol daily in cats. A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . • Diagnosis – Thick shelled.History. swallowed and mature in small intestine. 12-15mm long worms. Biopsy to be sure. Pigs die 5-7 days w/ characteristic petechiation under kidney capsule (turkey egg kidney). activated during pregnancy. Not a parasite. usu w/in macrophages. severe pain. lymph nodes. Dx via rads. Cause of gastroesophageal reflux. usu sx correction required. can be extracellular. Ingestion is the most common route of entry. Most common in Midwest. then disseminate. Small cluster of grapes inside M∅. Histiocytoma – Histiocyte is tissue macrophage. In older dogs. GIT see LI diarrhea. • Treatment . normochromic anemia. No protein available to form lipoproteins which liver needs to get fat out. Common antigens with BVD. IV ½ saline w/ K+ and dextrose. See depression. usu involves lungs. Associated w/ variety of diz. ulcerated. Obese cat that stops eating for any reason. Hyperbilirubinemia. conjunctivitis. L3 larvae penetrate skin. • Clinical signs . • Diagnosis . diarrhea Dermatitis dt larval invasion of skin (U.ZOONOTIC. circling. Typically occurs in dogs < 3 y. Hog Cholera – Pestivirus. Larvae migrate through blood to lungs. incoordination. coughed up. Ill. anorectic. Histiocytic Ulcerative Colitis – “Boxer Colitis”. aimless wandering. salivation. Death in young pups. Muscle. Starvation leads to mobilization of fat stores.Histoplasma capsulatum. most resolve in 2-3 mos w/out tx. skin penetration.High fever. warm water enemas. stenocephala common in interdigital spaces). Greatest risk to people who go barefooted. bony proliferation on ventral surface of ileum and spinal column. ↑ SAP w/ normal ALT. still have to biopsy colonic mucosa and submit for histopath. Supply calories and protein. Hepatomegaly. • Treatment and Control – Pyrantel pomoate (Strongid) w/ ivermectin. Milbemycin. Histoplasmosis . tubaeforme in cats. Normocytic. Bone marrow depression. • Transmission . A. Canada. Can spreads to eye and bone. endoscopy. Hookworms – Ancylostoma caninum in dogs. familial disorders of unknown etiology. Young to middle aged boxers. Itraconazole. transmammary. Diethylcarbamazine w/ www. Eradicated from US.1° lung infection.000). purple discoloration of abdominal skin. Benign. raised. Uncinaria stenocephala in northern US. May see seizures late in diz (not common). systemic histiocytosis which is generally cutaneous and malignant histiocytosis which occurs in males. clinical signs. Hiatal Hernia – Abdominal esophagus. accumulate in mammary glands. coma. A. extreme leukocytosis (>100.net . • Treatment – Cull. 2 forms.o. Highly contagious viral disease of pigs. Sudden onset. braziliense in cats major source of eggs in US and Caribbean. then Fe deficiency anemia. Hepatozoonosis – Hepatozoon canis. Amphotericin B. Transmission via ingestion. and emaciation. May be “sliding”. Solitary. leukopenia. Histiocytoses of Bernese Mountain Dogs are systemic. Tx is NPO. If negative. icteric. • Clinical signs – Asymptomatic. Inhalation of spores. arrest in somatic tissue. head pressing.Ketaconazole. freely movable cutaneous mass.gumshoevet. then disseminate. braziliense in both. vomition.Direct contact. the malignant form is more aggressive. Infected pigs shed virus in all body secretions. Sharpeis are prone. overwhelms hepatocytes. liver. Hepatic Lipidosis . Both are fatal. ln. gastroesophageal junction and or portion of stomach protrude through esophageal hiatus of diaphragm into thoracic cavity.38 Hepatic Encephalopathy – Acute or severe. high morbidity and mortality. Dogs – gut. anasarca. people working in dirt. A. Ill thrift. Lesions result from viral damage to blood vessel endothelium. Medical therapy may control mild signs. Small intracellular yeast. • Cutaneous larvae migrans . IFA of tonsils. Nervous signs include circling. • Diagnosis – Rectal scraping and cytologic eval of mucosa.Cats. LI diarrhea. children playing/eating dirt. • Clinical findings . Cutaneous histiocytosis occurs in Sharpeis and GSD. intermittent anorexia. thrombocytopenia. oval eggs seen on fecal flotation. Tonsil is primary site of replication. Do not admin LRS as ↑ pH will exacerbate. Dimorphic fungus found in nitrogen rich organic material (bat poop). Cats – lungs. lymphadenopathy. lassitude. tremors and convulsions. severe. Px is good if severe renal dysfxn has not occurred by the time dx. SAP may be ↑. Tx w/ dextrose. See mm fasciculation. Most common cause in small animals is Hypercalcemia of Malignancy. BUN. Dx w/ ACTH stim and sex hormone panel. www. Excess production of PTH by functional ademona in parathyroid gland despite ↑ levels of blood Ca++. hypervitaminosis D. ↑ PO4 dt ↓ GFR. ↓ or normal PO4. Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis – HYPP. 1° hyperparathyroidism. tall tented T waves. Most are heterozygotes. Hyperphosphatemia leads to lower serum [ ] of ionized Ca++. Used as an afterload reducer for treatment of CHF. Hydronephrosis – Dilated pelvis. Arterioles > veins. Hyperestrogenism – Only pruritic endocrine disorder.ECG changes include bradycardia. occurs frequently in dogs. .Lameness. homozygotes also affected (may be more severely). immature mammae and genitalia. Usu older dog. . Fenbendazole (Panacure) in divided doses. usu dt lymphoma or apocrine gland adenocarcinomas of the anal sac. and w/ ↓ ionized Ca++ causes an ↑ PTH.39 oxibendazole.gumshoevet.Diagnosis . frx in long bones. always take nearby ln as well (to r/o lsa). weakness.Treament .Dietary modification. Renal synthesis of calcitriol ↓. bicarbonate to reduce the ionized fraction of serum Ca++. Moth eaten rad appearance to bone. and lab error. . Rubber jaw syndrome. Horner's syndrome – Failure of sympathetic innervation. Excess PTH dt primary disorder of parathyroid gland or secondary to renal disease. wide QRS complexes. ptosis (droopy lid). Hyperparathyroidism – PTH acts on renal tubules to promote excretion of PO4and retention of Ca++. See signs above. Descendants of American Quarter Horse sire “Impressive”. Excess potassium.sodium bicarbonate to send K+ into cell and regular insulin/glucose. Mitosis. phosphate binders and tx of underlying renal diz. Autoimmune disease. granulomatous diz. Drug reaction.Diagnosis . Anaphylaxis. . nutritional 2° hyperparathyroidism. prolapsed nictitans. esp in cancellous bone. renal tubular resorption of PO4 is inhibited. GSH. PTH assays ↑.net . Also. Other r/o are renal 2° hyperparathyroidism which is most common cause in horse. loop diuretics (max Na+ excretion and thus Ca++ excretion). Then post op tx of hypocalcemia w/ vita D and calcium.Alters calcium metabolism in smooth muscle.Treatment .Excision of abnormal parathyroid tissue. Volume expansion. Addison’s diz (late in diz). Actives complement cascade. occasionally in cats. loss of P waves. Bone marrow suppression. Hypercalcemia – Always correct for albumin. • Type II – Antibody-mediated cytotoxicity. biopsy. and systemic hypertension. • Type I – Immediate. calcitriol suppl. mineral is removed and replaced w/ fibrous CT. arctic breed may have ↑ incidence. allergic reactions. Genetic DNA test. female dogs. saline diuresis. Evident in seconds to minutes. Prolonged ↑ of PTH results in accelerated osteocytic and osteoclastic bone resorption. Long term w/ K+ wasting diuretic (acetazolamide). Tx w/ low dosages of lysodren. . alopecia. Withdraw supplementation after PTH and parathyroid resume normal activity. bicarb (to lower K+). • Renal 2° Hyperparathyroidism – More common than 1° PT. especially mitral insufficiency. • 1° Hyperparathyroidism – Fibrous osteodystrophy. Hydralazine . paints). Autosomal dominant heriditary condition of QH (also appaloosas. Quintox intoxication. tooth loss/loosening. Excretion of both in urine is often ↑. Hypersensitivity – Immune-mediated injury.5 – Albumin. obliteration of nasal cavity. Complication of CRF.↑ Ca++ (correct for albumin). Acute. Tx fluid therapy.Clinical signs .A-Z NAVLE Study Guide .Signs of renal insufficiency + ↑ PTH assays. loss of medulla. Corrected Ca++ = Msrd Ca++ + 3. Cr may be ↑. spasm. enophthalmos (sunken eye). preventing initiation and maintenance of the contractile state. Treatment . difficulty breathing. compression frxs. Mutation in skeletal muscle Na+ channel gene. Ddx other hypercalcemia causes. Intense pruritis in young. Hyperkalemia . Worm bitches before breeding. collapse. often neoplasia. PTH levels low. Ox warbles. Megaesophagus. Bilateral asymmetric thyroid hyperplasia most common. Not hot to touch. Correct the diet. • Clinical signs . Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy –Young (2-7mos) large and giant breed dogs. Extraperiosteal cuffing along metaphysis. [vitaA]. see thin radiolucent line in metaphysic parallel to epiphyseal plate (extra physeal lines). ulna. Extensive ankylosing reactive tissue especially in lower cervical vertebrae. [beta carotene]. Hypoparathyroidism – PTH deficiency. Hypothyroidism – Usu 1° and dt idiopathic thyroid gland atrophy.Surgical thyroidectomy. exercise intolerance. lethargy. Larvae migrate to arrive in subdermal tissue of back. H. 2° hypothyroidism will have ↓ TSH and ↓ T4. ill thrift.gumshoevet. + TB skin test. scaly skin. poor O compliance. see irregular surfaced periosteal new bone down entire length of long bones. Treat by removal of the thoracic mass. Blindness. • Diagnosis .40 • Type III – Antigen+Antibody complexes. Colustrum is calf source. Uncommon. Dx by history. Hypovitaminosis A – Lack of green feed. systolic murmur.Lifelong. and tibia. weakness. PU. mm fasciculations. Hypertropic Osteopathy – Related to increased blood flow to extemities. Diz of cats. nervousness. Hyperthyroidism .net . obesity. very lame. palisade-like. Tissue graft rejections. Often see hypercholesterolemia. TSH will be ↑ in 1° hypothyroidism. dry hair coat. palpable thyroid mass. Dry.Basal total T4 levels. which may be affected by concurrent diz (Euthyroid Sick Syndrome). Cell mediated cytotoxicity. Lameness. See NM weakness and muscular pain (ventroflexion of neck). Ca+ channel blockers. Treat with analgesia. Acute onset of CNS signs. all 4 legs usu effected. Hyperphosphatemia. Hypokalemic Polymyopathy – Neuromuscular diz of cats related to ↓ intake and ↑ renal wasting of K+. Maintenance w/ vita D (Rocaltrol) and calcium. Severe hypocalcemia (remember to correct). Serum Sickness in equine dt IV tetanus toxoid. Want to slow heart and allow it to fill. begin and reassess T3 and T4 at 4 and 12 weeks. • Diagnosis . “tetanic” activity. Cause warbles under skin and ruin hide w/ puncture wounds (breathing holes). Hypoderma – H. Heart murmur. LV enlgmnt pulmonary venous congestion. Positive thyroid scan. beta blockers. Liver is storage organ. Digoxin is contraindicated b/c positive inotrope. Poor response to tx is dt improper dose. On rads. Deposited in tissues. Tx w/ vita A injection or oral prep. Sodium levothyroxine (T4). perform free T4 along w/ TSH msmt. Tx w/ diuretics if congested. or incorrect dx. posterior paralysis and death dt thromboembolism. total T4 will be ↓ while free T4 and TSH will be normal. Emergency tx involves calcium gluconate 10% IV slowly while monitoring heart. Hypocalcemia prolongs potential of myocardial cells (prolonged ST and QT). will subside. reluctance to move. If ETSS.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . CPK elevated as a result of leakage from damaged mm. Methimazole. Cattle grubs. Middle-aged dogs . Tx w/ insecticides. Weight loss despite polyphagia. Secrete excess thyroxin and triiodothyronine. Assoc w/ thoracic mass. radioactive iodine. clin signs. poor absorption. rat tail. Heel flies which parasitize cattle and (rarely) horses. PD. selflimiting. leads to inflammation and necrosis.↑ metabolic rate. If concurrent signs of illness. Heart enlarges at expense of lumen. www. Extensive soft tissue swelling of distal metaphyses of radius.Most common endocrine disorder of cats.Mental dullness. Limbs are 3-4x normal size. necropsy. ↓ metabolic rate. cramping. heat seeking. tachycardia. Hypervitaminosis A – Most commonly in cats. • Clinical signs . eye problems.Elevated T4. pyoderma. Massive limb swelling (firm) in all 4 limbs w/ sudden demarcation proximally. On rads. Thyroid follicular cell adenoma or multinodular hyperplasia. Acute dyspnea. Arthus reaction. • Treatment . Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy – HCM. may also affect long bones. Should be normal at 12 wks. • Type IV – Delayed HPS. Lymphocyte and macrophage mediated. poor hair coat. bovis (spinal cord). repro probs. lineatum (esophagus). reversible left ventricular hypertrophy. nervousness. etc. • Treatment . hair falls out. • Humoral immune response – Mediated by antibodies formed by B-lymphocytes.Clinical signs and IFA. Respiratory. Bovine Herpesvirus I (BHV-1). spherocytes. Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis – Pinkeye. Immunosuppressives such as Azathioprine (Imuran). Abortions late term. Cryptocaryon irritans is the Ich of marine water fish. Stimulate release of histamine to mediate allergic responses. ocular discharge becomes purulent. Secrete lymphokines that regulate T and B lymphocyte function. excessive lacrimation.net .A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . icterus. neutrophilia.Immunization. poodles predisposed. formalin.Development of plasma cells and memory cells from Blymphocytes. • Complications . Coombs test if haven’t already seen autoagglutination. labored respirations. Cyclosporin (Neoral). Genital infections. Very low distribution. 1st immunoglobulin to appear. concurrent IMT (Evan’s Syndrome). autoagglutination. DIC. abdominal skin of puppies. Moraxella bovis most common cause. conjunctivitis. IgM . • Clinical signs . respiratory signs such as mucopurulent nasal dischg. • Clinical findings . Ich . Leukocytosis. urogenital and GIT involvement.splenectomy not indicated. • Diagnosis – Clinical signs. often 2° to drugs. sudden death if gills involved. fungi. activate complement.In blood and work in bacterial defense. Cockers.Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Conjunctivitis ± keratitis. • Treatment and control .Initial signs photophobia. ± Heparin. Transfusions (temp relief). proteinuria. Supplement vita A. then cornea becomes opaque. little middle aged female dogs. are ingested or inhaled. Occurs as superficial infection of face of newborn piglets. IV IMHA . Dry. Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan). Later. attract macrophages. Lesions in upper respiratory tract and trachea. Infectious Bronchitis – Coronavirus.Nasal discharge. Seen in cattle of all ages in crowded situations. irritants predispose. organomegaly. Blood vessels invade from limbus toward ulcer. • Treatment and control – Immunization. Distributed evenly between blood and extravascular fluids. Lesions begin in center of cornea. help host defense. infectious diz. Protozoan which causes fatal infection of skin and gills in freshwater fish. Control by vax. www.Major immunoglobulin (70%). more aggressive tx reqd. viruses. Mod to severe regenerative anemia. hgburia. Chickens.Macrophages and T-lymphocytes. • Diagnosis . Hypovitaminosis D – Osteomalacia in reptiles. red nose. vax. also IBR and mycoplasma. IgA . Impetigo – Staph skin infection marked by vesicles or bullae that become pustular. rupture and form yellow crusts. dyspnea. IgE . bilirubinemia. Provide defense against pathogens that contact the body surface. Corticosteroids (pred). Tx by raising water temp to 86ºF which makes more susceptible to chloramine and quinine. Varying degress of signs based on degree of anemia. • Clinical signs . Immune Response • Cell-mediated immune response . • Diagnose . diarrhea. Due to all seed diet. Serofibrinous exudate. Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis – IBR. dusty environment.Renal failure dt poor perfusion. decreased lay.gumshoevet.41 In Avian – Deficiency turns mucous membranes into skin. URT infections and late term abortions. multiple “abscess looking” lesions in oral cavity. neoplasia.Found on surface of basophils and most cells. IgD . Note: Rouleaux disperses w/ saline. • Treatment – Tx underlying condition if can ID. Danozol. toxins. hemagglutination does not. ulcers of nasal mucosa. • Immunoglobulins – IgG .↓ PCV. blepharospasm. Osmotic fragility. Recheck PCVs Q8-12 hrs. pulmonary thromboembolism. exopthalmia. EV IMHA (see spherocytes) – splenectomy if anemia nonresp to immunosuppressives. Immunity against bacteria. misshapen eggs.Vomiting. Hypo or normocalcemic. thrombocytopenia.Principal antibodies found in secretions. MHA – Autoantibodies against RBCs. White spots on surfaces of fish. Iodine Deficiency – Goiter. diarrhea. temperament changes. Iodine Toxicity . feces. infectious diz of dogs. hepatic failure. Unlikely in dog colon. Broad spectrum antibiotic. • Regular – Immediate onset. ddx hyperthyroidism. • PZI – 1-4 hours onset. antiinflammatory (pred.Viral disease of chickens. Insulin – Note: glucocorticoids antagonize insulin. Causes immunosuppression. Can manage w/ multiple feedings/day and glucocorticoid admin. Intranuclear inclusion bodies in liver are characteristic. Atropine if corneal opacity. and bears. Ddx distemper.gumshoevet.Complete excision of tumor will buy approx 1 year. Chronic see diarrhea. azulfidine). Usu carcinoma derived from insulin secreting β-cells resulting in hypoglycemia. IBD. Deep pain perception is important prognosticator. Must eliminate all other causes. Supplement I and will get better. Dx w/ rads. #1 cause is lympoplasmacytic enteritis. Ddx is rectal prolapse. as do growth hormones. cage rest. Midwest millet is I poor. Virus isolation. Biopsy req’d to dx. ataxia. and alimentary LSA. Prostration. • Diagnosis – Abrupt onset and bleeding suggest. Does not infect racoons. coyotes. collapse. Dogs 5-12 yrs old. • Diagnosis . seizures. Immune complex reactions after recovery lead to chronic kidney lesion and corneal clouding known as “Blue Eye”. Parvo is a major cause of intussusception. Type II is fibroid degeneration and annular protrusion which is slowly progressive and usu seen in lg breed dogs > 5yo. long hair. Insulinoma – Functional islet cell tumor of pancreas. Shed virus in urine for ≥ 6 mos. w/ thoracic diz see gait deficits. then prolapse. • Clinical signs . vomiting. Tx w/ elimination or high fiber diet. do not handle (will kill!). 24 hour duration of effect. If budgie is squeaking or clicking. Intussusception – Acute see painful abdomen. surgery w/in 24 hrs. More common in cats.Vary from sl fever and congestion of mm to severe depression. saliva of infected dogs. mm twitching. Also occurs in foxes. • Treatment – Blood transfusion.Posterior weakness. Intervertebral Disc Disease –Degeneration and protrusion of IVD resulting in compression on spinal cord or spinal nerves. Attenuated CAV1 vax also assoc w/ blue eye and shed virus in urine. severe clin signs. Often palpable. Tx less severe cases w/ pred. ferrets. scant bloody feces.42 Infectious Bursal Disease . If severe. confusion. methylpred w/in 8 hrs. 2-4 hour duration of effect. Weight loss in older cats. Common in chrondrodystrophoid breeds (dachsund). Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Idiopathic inflammation. Malignancy potential is high. anal/antiinfl. wolves. and prolonged bleeding time. Budgies w/ big thyroids. Can perform enema contrast (not oral). Puppies > 9-12 wks.Foals of dams fed excess iodine may develop extreme thyroid enlargement (goiter) and may die before birth or shortly thereafter. imuran. Depopulate. • Prevention – MLV vax. see pain. If fornix is present on rectal palpation. U/S is best way to dx. so maternal Abs don’t interfere. myelogram. as young as 1-2 yo. www. extrusion of calcified nucleus pulposus. Via ingestion of urine.Blood glucose (≤ 60 mg/dL). as well as degree of neuro signs. spleen and lungs. Vaccinate. • NPH – Immediate or 3 hr onset. not palpable b/c in thoracic cavity. Ddx include hypoadrenocorticism. Clinical signs are generalized weakness. show acute. Infectious Canine Hepatitis – Canine adenovirus 1 (CAV1). 5-20 hour duration of effect. • Treatment . Use in emergency. kidneys. Main targets are liver. diarrhea. marked limb abnormalities. Contagious. marked leukopenia.net . Usu ileocolic. use CAV2 vax instead as cross protection w/out those effects. • Clinical signs . serum insulin [ ] will be normal to ↑. IV isotonic saline + dextrose. W/ cervical diz. fatigue after exercise. Type I is chondroid degeneration.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . diarrhea. muscle wasting. www. hypochromic anemia. Brahmans tend to be older when show clinical signs. lhasa apso. • Cyanide poisoning if damaged. ↑ cellular membrane permeability and blocks P-450s. milk. ileum. Cow to calf after birth most commonly. don’t pool. Ingestion of contaminated feed and water. feed negative cow colustrum. See fever. contagious. Diffuse hypertrophy of lower jejunum. cherry red blood. serologic tests (less than ideal). ileocecal valve. submandibular lymphadenopathy. Small ruminants usually do not have diarrhea. Joint Fluid Analysis . 3wks to 4 mos. Contraindications: do not use in collie breeds. Respiratory distress. • Diagnosis and Control . Ineffective against flukes and tapeworms because do not use GABA as peripheral nerve transmitter. May not see pustules if already eroded. Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca – KCS. different culture. Terminates in emaciation and death. Will only works if some tearing function remains. hypokalemia. <10% PMNs. Always check for ulcers. In utero and transmammary infection. <5mm/min is diagnostic. granulomatous enteritis of ruminants. Can be 2° to sulfa drugs and Canine Distemper. Acute cases – ulceration. WHWT. Internal blood loss reuses iron. Immune-mediated destruction of lacrimal glands. Bulldogs. Sudan. Positive test is meaningful. prussic acid. Pustules and lymphadenopathy (huge ln) on face and head. Organism very resistant. Cow to cow in confinement situations. Pustular skin diz on face and head of puppies at weaning age. anorexia.Puppy strangles. Give 100cc sodium thionitrosol gets up and walks away. Bladder thickens. Appetite stays good. HR. Epileptogenic. Causes paralysis and eventual death of parasite. negative test is not.43 Iron Deficiency – Microcytic. cockers are prone. see long term environmental contamination. Activity against most pathogenic fungi.net . Emergency. • Public Health . • Clinical findings: Weight loss. See Antifungals. Get ↑ CO.Normal 1-3 cells per HPF. Methylene blue tx.Crohne’s disease? Organism not killed in pasteurization process. Dt chronic external blood loss. lose mare. Rapid-acting general anesthetic. Johne's disease – Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. Tx w/ steriods. Mammals also do not use GABA as peripheral nerve transmitter. Causes 3 problems. hypoproteinemia. Ketamine – See Anesthesia. Chronic. Significant somatic analgesia. Goats have same strain. Chronic cases – conjunctivitis. Bacteria localize in lower small intestine and associated lymph nodes. Dx w/ Schirmer tear test <10mm/min is suspicious. glaucoma dt ↑ CSF. • Prevention – Remove calf immediately after birth. No sure way to prove a living cow is free of infection. Non-regenerative anemia. Don't use w/ trauma.Granulomatous response characterized by progressive accumulation of epithelioid cells in mucosa and submucosa of lower small intestine. in utero. Does not cross BBB. do not use w/ myelography or seizure disorders. cecum.Enhances release of GABA which acts as inhibitory neurotransmitter in nematodes and arthropods. colostrum. dribble urine. If severe. uncomfortable.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . poor visceral analgesia. One of rare times ever put young animals on steroids. • Lesion . Sheep have different strain.gumshoevet. does not eliminate. see fast response. inhibiting steroid synthesis. • Nitrate toxicity if fertilized johnson grass. Johnson Grass – Sorghum. • Cystitis – Horses. • Transmission: Fecal-oral. Lack of cardiopulmonary depressant effects. Acid fast rod. Vaccination reduces disease incidence. Long term incubation – cases show up 3-5 years later. BP. parotid duct transposition. dehabilitation. Tx / cyclosporine (Optimmune) eyedrops. Red top. • Treatment – None! Cull. Ivermectin . Ketoconazole – Fungistatic. Infiltrative intestinal diz. Juvenile Pyoderma . • Lab findings – Anemia. chronic diarrhea. Chocolate brown blood. Med tx for hyperadrenocorticism.Fecal culture (very difficult). Theory of humans infected via milk. Restrict water intake. Tx with laryngeoplasty or “tie back” with incision ventral to linguofacial vein.Grain overload. and L. dehydration.ZOONOTIC.44 Knemidokoptes Mites – “Scaley leg and face mites” of budgerigars. anemia. renal failure. aimless walking. hx. Hemolysis. • Control – Rapid treatment. rumen stasis. Legumes . amyloidosis. (Barley/grain . Abortion may follow 2 wks later. control insect vectors. collapse and frequently death. lameness. diarrhea. May be asymptomatic or cause fever. incoordination. Contains toxic alkaloids causing respiratory and cardiac failure. hematuria and CNS diz. supportive care. Protozoal disease transmitted by sand flies mainly infecting man (ZOONOTIC). liver failure. Uneasiness. straddled posture. • Treatment – Pentavalent antimonial compounds (not approved in dogs) and allopurinol. G2 = asynchronous movement but can maintain full abduction. resulting in hemoconcentration. Often waterborne. Lead Toxicity – GI and neuro signs. thiamine. control strays. Dogs.low calcium. acidosis. Acute disease of ruminants. Exaggerated response to mild anemia. dogs (reservoir). Leishmania – Western hemisphere. Benign hyperpigmented macules. slaughter if overload serious. Lactic Acidosis . see lots of mites. Lentigo Simplex – Orange cats.000 ivermec orally and repeat in 2 weeks.High in calcium. Laminitis in Cows . onychogryposis. • Treatment . Ohio. ELISA. ponds. Treatment is Calcium EDTA.severe depression. Absorption of the rumen lactic acid causes lactic acidosis. • Diagnosis – See parasite in bone marrow or lymph node smears. nervous system. CV collapse. Ingestion of excessive amounts of grain results in change of microbial population in rumen. destroys rumen microbes and impairs rumen motility. wet weather. hepato/splenomegaly. cachexia. braziliensis. which produce lactic acid. Presence of lactic acid in rumen increases osmotic pressure. Leptospires can localize in kidneys and reproductive organs and shed in urine. fluid drawn in causing dehydration. usu young. Megaesophagus. vomiting. shock. • Clinical signs – Incubation period from 3mos to several yrs. Also alopecia. Larkspur – Delphinine. anuria. diarrhea. walking on knees. Contagious disease of animals and man. Severe crusting/exfoliating dermatitis. abortion and death.net . D-penicillamine. L. wt loss. G4 = paralysis. subnormal temp. but small foci of infection in Oklahoma. Cats . hemoglobinuria. Effects brain.gumshoevet. G3 = asynchronous but unable to maintain full abduction. Rumen pH falls to <5. lymphopenia. roaring. If downer. interstitial pneumonia. etc. Leptospirosis . IFA. ↑ gram+ bacteria. Mostly outside US. blood and digestive system. Leishmania chagias. www. Relapses common. Contact w/ infected urine. Skin scrape in mineral oil. basophilic stippling of RBCs. rumen pH. indigestion. Lactic acidosis causes vasoactive endotoxins to be released which cause pathologic changes in microcirculation of corium. stiff gait. Downer cow. Animals die from respiratory paralysis or inhalation of regurgitated rumenal contents. Avian – extremely common. support and shift weight. renal failure. death. cricoarytenoideus dorsalis muscle. nucleated RBCs. low in phosphorus.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide .abdominal pain.History. Texas. laminitis. Grade 1 = normal. Tx w/ 1/10. infertility. diarrhea. complete rumenal stasis. toxemia. fatal disease. blindness. Intermittent fever. Horses – may cause laryngeal hemiplegia.Usually dt grain overload. clinical signs. can dx w/ UV light. Dx via treadmill endoscopy.Abdominal pain. • Diagnosis . and occasionally epistaxis or ocular lesions. Cutaneous or mucocutaneous lesions. Dairy cows show signs of laminitis immediately after calving. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve affected. see polychromasia. Rads show heavy metal in ventriculus (Zn tox gives similar findings). renal failure. sudden collapse. icterus. Laryngeal Hemiplegia and Paralysis – Equine. mexicana. lympadenopathy. Chronic. Amastigotes in macrophages (oval basophilic bodies). muscle weakness. Waterfowl – porphyrin metabolism is blocked. Cattle . high phosphorus). hypergammaglobulinemia. seizures. gram stain of rumen fluid. and rodents. Exercise intolerance. Clinical signs include lameness. Ventriculocordectomy and vocal folds via laryngotomy (through cricothyroid ligament). • Clinical findings . Empty rumen. Lime Sulfur – Safe dip for many derm diz. biopsy. • Horses – L. Thiabendazole not effective. non pathogenic. Control via tick avoidance/treatment (permethrin. STH. and placenta. Don’t let cats lick when wet.45 • Cattle . exudates smears. Linear Foreign Bodies – Under the tongue in cats and in pylorus of dogs and cats. Tx w/ levamisole. septicemia. pomona. Cows and wallabees.Redwater disease of calves. Liver in Large Animals – Biliary – GGT.Listeria monocytogenes. late abortion. respiratory distress. Difficult to culture. Salvage less valuable. and renal abnormalities (no thrombocytopenia!). pomona and L. amitraz. D. Abortion. icterohaemorrhagiae. tetracycline (careful if azotemic). cut gall bladder out. Titers can be ↑ w/ no diz. Western blot. ↑ risk for pancreatitis. hard nonmoveable swelling. Function test – bile acids. inside RBC. don’t use. Painless rarefying osteomyelitis of mandible/maxilla. Contrast rads w/ iodine (not barium).net . Pigs. and autolyzed fetuses. likely eating. Tx w/ doxycycline. Sheep similar. don’t treat. skin lesions in people. most reactive vax. pomona (3rd trimester). Dx via palpation and rads (tear drop bubbles. Hepatocellular – AST (no ALT). Listeria . though less prevalent. Some vax. Then cardiopulmonary depression.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Often see complications in eye. Vax Q6 mos. Aggressive antibiotic tx . mammalian GI tracts. Metastrongylus apri. Cat Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Capillaria aerophila. Recurrent uveitis or abortions. sx.Penicillin. Cattle natural hosts for L. Dx w/ paired serum samples (or titer>100 suspicious). • Pigs – L. • Treatment . Mullerius capillaris. medulla oblongata. Common. Signs as above w/ vasculitis. hypothyroidism. dermatophytosis. fenbendazole. Acute hemolytic syndrome is seen with L. grippotyphosa most commonly (used to be canicola and icterohaemorrhagiae – have vax for. seizures. Albumin has long t1/2 in horses. thrombocytopenia. No gallbladder in horses. Joint contracture. Sheep/goat. fipronil).Ingestion of lupine plants between days 40-70 of gestation causes crooked calf disease. Dictyocaulus arnfeldi. Damage to mucosa 1st. Tx w/ chlortetracycline. Leukocytozoon . scoliosis. Notoedres. Dx with clin signs. Incidence ↑ in spring and fall. torticollis. pomona and L. scabies. Bacterial disease transmitted by Ixodes ticks. Lower respiratory tract infection. Bilirubin. Dx by serologic tests . Lungworms – Cow and deer. plication). Lyme Disease – Borrelia burgdorferi. do not have to fast. Dog – Filaroides osleri. • Clinical signs . Localized in intestinal wall. pomona before).IFA. If not better. Tx renal and liver failure supportively. Dx via leptospires in urine and serology. kyphosis. Horse/donkey. placentitis. See lameness. oxytetracycline. ZOONOTIC. If not better in 18-24 hours. Tick must be on animal for > 12 hrs. ivermectin.gumshoevet. Neurological.Causes encephalitis or meningoencepholitis in adult ruminants. lymphadenopathy. fever. Oxytet. penicillin parenterally. doxycycline long term. Can also do cytology of bile aspirate. • Dogs – L. IFA. Submit brain stem.Isolation and identification. cardiac. Protostrongulus rufescens. Tx by releasing attachment. bratislava more widespread (L. Abortions 2-4 wks before term. ELISA. Vax is short term. Lidocaine Toxicity – 1st see CNS signs such as tremors. Dictyocaulus viviparus. filaria. NaI for 3 separate treatments. hardjo (4 mos-term) and L. Lipemia – Fast 12-18 hours. cleft palate. culture. but no cross-immunity).Blood parasite of wild birds. not dilatation. coagulopathy. Ammonia. intermittent and nonerosive arthritis. Found in soil. • Diagnosis . rads. If present after fast. coughing. Dx larvae in fecal.Penicillin. Lupine Toxicity . Lumpy Jaw – Actinomyces bovis. should be no lipemia. www. Gram+ filamentous anaerobe. or idiopathic hyperlipidemia of schnauzers. surface cooling. Low morbidity. Landrace. Blackleg/Malignant Edema vax. Keratoconjuctivitis. Neurotropic disease. Also interstitial infiltration of organs by lymphocytes. Also see in farmed deer. Macaw Wasting Disease – Psittacine Proventricular Dilatation Syndrome (PPD). Malasezzia . control acidosis. blindness. Dilation of proventriculus and ventriculus ceases digestion. Malignant Catarrhal Fever – Gammaherpes virus. Dogs . Ubiquitous and highly contagious. Dx via ear smear. Enlarged nerves dt lymphoid proliferation in peripheral nerves and CNS inflammation causing ataxia and transient paralysis. (Also C. Fluid tx. see whole seeds in droppings.46 Lymphoid Leukosis – Retrovirus of chickens. see thickened sciatic nerves and tumor in the eyes. ELISA. DNA test. Genetically transmitted myopathy most prevalent in lean. then blanching and cyanosis. • Treatment and control – Survival rare. Diffuse nodular lymphoid tumors in various organs. Muscle in area dark brown to black. Tachycardia. • Diagnosis . ↓ barium passage). C. infectious and highly fatal diz of cattle near lambing sheep. IFA. Cross reacts with other herpesviruses. Difficult to ddx from Marek’s Disease. cutaneous mast cell tumors more aggressive in dogs. virus likely. Neoplasms. carriers. www. Acute. Death. dysrhythmias. sordelli. pigs caused by contamination of wounds. sheep. Transmitted via aerosol if stable in environment. Unknown etiology. Hypermetabolic syndrome involving skeletal muscle. • Diagnosis . latent infection (carrier state). encephalitis.gumshoevet. intoxication. methoxyflurane) stimulates sustained release of Ca++ resulting in ↑ glycogenolysis and heat production. Affected muscles pale and wet in animals that die. • Diagnosis – Virus isolation. neoplastic transformation (lymphoid neoplasms). Look for tumor in bursa = pathognomonic. corneal opacity. Metastasis occurs most frequently in mesenteric lymph nodes. Malignant Hyperthermia – Porcine Stress Syndrome.Extensive erosion and edema of GIT and URT. Release of histamine or other vasoactive substances may be associated with GI ulceration. Mast Cell Tumor – Most frequently recognized malignant neoplasms of dogs and cats (cutaneous. and spleen. heavily muscled meat pigs . Poland China.Herpesvirus of chickens. horses. Hyperthermia + acidosis + ATP depletion = rhabdomyolysis. • Clinical findings – Depression than death. exposure to stressor drugs. dyspnea. Moist.History of stress. sporadic. • Clinical findings – Fine muscle tremors in sk mm progress to muscle rigor. goats. Dantrolene (muscle relaxant) given early before blood flow is reduced inhibits and controls episodes.local aggregation of mast cells in skin of dogs. conofite topical lotion. greasy. • Control – Vaccinate chicks at hatching. Extreme fever (113ºF). high mortality (lethal). C. and C.Yeast involved in otitis externa.Clostridium septicum. Abnormality in skeletal mm Ca++ kinetics. Tx w/ miconazole. ketaconazole. Duroc. Enlarged feather follicles (skin leukosis). • Clinical signs . Wounds edematous. rare in cats. Cats . Acute fatal toxemia of cattle. Rapid rigor mortis. Wasting disease of macaws. ↑ K+ causes cardiac dysrhythmia and arrest. Clinical findings include anorexia. Kidney . Malignant Edema . liver. perfringen.Based on enlarged. Ddx from lymphoid leukosis. May become malignant. raised foci under capsule.evident as white. Separate from source. Stressor or drug (inhalation anesthestics like halothane. Lactic acid production leads to acidosis. malodorous and highly pruritic. Bacterins for immunization. Tx w/ penicillin or broadspectrum antibiotics early in diz. Breed resistance. novyi). Strict sanitation. Marek's disease . Little to no cow to cow transmission.Pietrain. thickened nerves and lymphoid tumors upon necropsy. if so.net . • Treatment – Genetics.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . leukemic and visceral forms). 1º or 2º bacterial infection common. wildebeests. Normal flora in ↓ #’s in dogs. high fever. Dx via clin signs and rads (dilation. chauvoei. and lymphadenopathy. Three forms: productive infection (virion formation in feather follicles). pytalism. Also occurs in the wallaby.visceral mast cell tumors much more common (ddx for splenomegaly). Dx by IFA. photophobia. test and cull. Hypocalcemia. Metaclopramide – Central and peripheral antiemetic and prokinetic from esophagus to duodenum. stop until rates return to normal. Want Cu:Mo ratio of 6:1.47 Mastitis – In cows. intermandibular swelling. Metaldehyde – Mulluscicide. • Acquired – Myesthenia gravis.2:1 (significantly diff than carnivore diet). ratio 40-50 rest:50-60 vacuum. Similar in other species. estrogenism. Milk Fever – Parturient paresis in cows. Get CHO overload. Equine leukoencephalomalacia see apathy. and promotes Cu excretion. hypoadrenocorticism. Drool. tonic convulsions. Assoc w/ aflatoxicosis. Resembles strychnine poisoning. colonectomy (takes weeks before start solidifying feces). trichothecene toxicosis. In cat. fluoroscopy to dx. staggering. Control and eradication. esophagitis. drowsiness. Body has stored and expects more. wt loss. Segregate and treat based on C&S.gumshoevet.Poultry coccidiostat. depigmentation. inhibits Cu enzymes. Analgesia. DON’T cut out colon. salivation. force of gastric contractions (moves the right direction). • Clinical signs – Afebrile. fluids w/ bicarb. antitussive. ochratoxicosis. Also used in ruminants feed as a growth promotant. physical www. More common in mature cattle at or soon after parturition. pseudomonas. Ca:P ratio should be 1. dyspnea. Pressures above or below associated with mastitis. Lesion is liquefactive necrosis of the white matter of the cerebrum. "Shake and Bake. Clinical signs include scours. Pressure should be 13 inches Hg. lead toxicity. ↑ lower esophageal sphincter tone. Administer slowly w/ cardiac ausculation dt cardiotoxicity of calcium. Toxicity requires a large dose in cattle. ↓ muscle tone. Tx convulsions w/ diazepam. pharyngeal paralysis. actinomyces). Megaesophagus . Patient that deteriorates very fast likely has gastroesophageal intussusception. impedes metabolism of tissue Cu. death dt respiratory failure. dt stricture or tumor. Must eat large amounts. Vita D and UV light. unconsciousness. pulsation rate 40-60/min. Mu-agonist opiate. If nothing else works. Get them to start eating something else (even if have to tube). Monensin poisoning . Mycotoxin. • Congenital – Schnauzer. Gut loaded insects.2º aspiration pneumonia can kill. Moldy Corn Poisoning . can’t free in time of need. recumbency. sternal w/ head turned against back.net . Not used in horses dt toxicity. Difficult to treat. staggering. a normal dose in horses.Folic acid antagonist used as an antineoplastic. circling. Then see recumbent. idiopathic. acidosis. unthriftiness. sedation. Abnormalities reflect nutritional 2° hyperparathyroidism. strep.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . dysautonomia in cats. B vitamins. Meningioma – Most common primary brain tumor in cats. Metabolic Bone Disease – Reptiles. Tx hyperthermia. Tx w/ copper sulfate supplementation. tongue protrusion. blindness. If dysrhythmias heard.” Nervous signs include tremor. • Treatment – IV calcium gluconate. get addicted if no other food source. Resp depression. flaccid paralysis. rumenotomy. Molybdiosis – ↑ molybdenum ↓ availability of dietary copper. Due to excess Ca++ fed during dry period (like alfalfa). Prodromal see restlessness. dysphagia. Megacolon – In dog. dull eyes. Methotrexate .Fusarium multiforme fungus. coliform. Mesquite Bean Toxicity – Prosopis spp. Dairy > beef. and causes death due to heart failure. tremor. multiple bacterial etiologies (staph. Final stage is comatose. dry muzzle. Barium series. and equine leukoencephalomalacia. Morphine – See Anesthesia. incoordination. emesis. Milking Machine – Regular vacuum fluctuation. Sanitation. GSD. Feed from elevated platform. poor coats. Tensilon test . neuromuscular junction and the myofibrils innervated by neuron. conformational.Malignant neoplasm of plasma cells. SC compression. Causes anemia. Dirty environments or feedlots. Dx w/ acid-fast stain of organisms from feces. megaesophagus. Neonatal Isoerythrolysis – Maternal antibodies produced against RBC antigens of newborn or fetus. Diz of young cattle w/ fever. Horses. Dx using palmar digital nerve block (eliminates lameness). Feedlot cattle get respiratory disease. Dx by measuring serum anti-ACHR antibodies. Cats are usu infected w/ M. neural cells. Dx via clin signs. NSAIDs. Clinical signs include extreme generalized muscle weakness accentuated by mild exercise.gumshoevet. Mycetoma – Mold pathogens that cause grains. Mycobacterium avium – Avian TB. actinobacillosis. rads. F. Insidious onset. Can be acute. Navicular Disease . ischemic. Unknown etiology. Found in myocytes. dogs also contract repiratory form and should be euthanized dt HUMAN health risk. endoscopy. Mimics curare. hepatitis. maternal abs from as result of exposure to fetal RBCs in previous pregnancy (or blood tranfusion). Rapid spread via nasal and vaginal discharge. neonate born healthy but show signs of hemolytic anemia w/in hrs. See polyradiculoneuromyositis. stertorous breathing. encephalitis. 2° effects include euphoria. severe inspiratory dyspnea. resistant to antibiotics. slowly progessive wasting disease in birds (not respiratory). Mycoplasma . fulminant repisodic. Newborn inherits antigen from sire that is not present on dam’s RBC. Tx unknown. Pseudomycetoma is chronic granuloma usu dt staph. Most common in horse and human. necrophorum and H. days of birth after ingestion of colostrum. Surface protein of bacteria can change.Chronic degenerative condition of navicular bone and navicular bursa. Inflammation of laryngeal mucosa and cartilage. Mycoplasma bovis (50%) and others causes nonresponsive clinical mastitis in dairy cows. laryngoscopy. Tx by ↓ serum viscosity. Motor Unit . ± tracheostomy. macrophages. serum hyperviscosity. ↓ production.Obligate intracellular parasite of dogs. Myasthenia Gravis .net . Ddx trauma. LT immunosuppressive therapy. Neospora caninum . Multiple Myeloma . hyperglobulinemia. Causes vasoconstriction in dogs. pneumonia. Asyptomatic carrier animals. Myelophthisic Disease – Physical replacement of bone marrow by abnormal proliferation of cells (fibrous. ↑ bladder sphincter tone. Necrotic Laryngitis – Calf Diptheria. Dogs. On rads see degenerative bony changes. 1st pregnancy ok. mycoides causes lameness in goats. peripheral vasodilation. bradycardia dt central vagal stimulation. PD neurectomy (severe complications possible). tumefaction.Heavy area of research. chronic cases require sx (60% success).Includes motor neuron. Lameness and arthritis in bulls off feed testing. Tx w/ sulfonamides or PPG. tuberculosis in humans is respiratory. Hx of intermittent lameness and pointing of affected foot. ulcerative dermatitis. confusion.Autoantibodies to acetylcholine receptors which bind to the receptor and ↓ Ach. blood. hindlimb paralysis w/ rigid contracture of muscles. constipation. etc. hypercalcemia. allows host immune system resistance and resistance to abs. Results in bone pain and pathologic frxs. Px good for early cases treated aggressively. neoplastic).48 dependence. Dx w/ IFA. synovial invaginations w/ stalks or on abaxial sides of navicular bone. Flexion test exacerbates lameness. pyrexia. Tx is Pyridostigmine (mestinon) which inhibits acetylcholinesterase. draining tracts. M. biopsy. bovis and show GI signs. Clinical signs include bone pain. Multiple hot swollen joints. Proliferate and invade BM causing destruction of bone. www.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . cysts. produces Bence-Jones protein. Melpholan is the antineoplastic of choice. somnus invade laryngeal ulcers or openings. IBR. M. weight loss. dermal cells.short acting anticholinesterase (Edrophonium Cl) see dramatic ↑ in strength. Chronic. Tx w/ NSAIDs. UMN front. Cryptosporidia. Cauda equina . Hyperreflexia. . . normal to mild ataxic gait . sensory disturbance.Hindbrain – ipsilateral deficits w/ circling. Major cause of calf loss. Small to medium cells. moderate to severe paresis seen in gait. . Neurotoxin inhibits release of Ach from NMJ resulting in acute ascending flaccid tetraparesis w/ intact sensation. monomorphic cells that are pleomorphic. hyporeflexia. enterotoxic E. Neuroleptanalgesia – Profound sedation and analgesia. round to polygonal. Non febrile. denervation atrophy.LMN front. disuse atrophy. histiocytoma.Acute. normal back . no clustering. plasma cell tumor. flag-shaped cells. Cl-C5. Order of fiber loss vs fxn (PMS-D) = Proprioception > Motor > Superficial pain/Bladder fxn > Deep pain. purple granules w/ mast cell tumor. Sacral (S1-S3). variation in nucleoli. macrokaryosis. • Mesenchymal – Benign or sarcoma. carcinoma. . abnormal vacuolization.Brain/Cl-C5 and L4-S2. tend to be individualized. Appearance of abnormal reflexes (crossed extensor reflex).2 lesions . Nephrotoxicities – Amikacin. others. • Intracranial – Mental status abnormal w/ parenchymal disease.Tetraparesis – C1-C5 or C6-T2 . multinucleation. Achieved w/ combo of tranquilizer like acepromazine and opiod analgesic like fentanyl.Forebrain – contralateral deficits w/ circling. stellate. hypertonia. like menace).anus.C6-T2 and L4-S2.Tetraparesis and UMN back – C6-T2 . or adenocarcinoma.Normal front limbs.Brain. good w/ scrapings. Dysmetria. do not cluster. . +/. round. brachial plexus. . . • Round Cell – LSA. nerve. . Peripheral (strength in post rxn defs. coli. brachial plexus. Low cellularity on aspirates and impression smears. Spindle.Polyradiculoneuritis – Coonhound Paralysis. Ataxia. NMJ. Large cells. • Upper Moton Neuron signs – Brain and SC. Thoracolumbar (T3-L3). amphotericin B. Acute flaccid tetraparesis dt inflammation of ventral nerve roots. UMN back .UMN front. Coccygeal. . .Vestibular – Central (postural reaction deficits. highly cellular. anisokaryosis. Caudal lumbar (L4-S2).no lesion. Spasticity (PADS). Paresis/paralysis. Neurology Notes: • Lower Motor Neuron signs – Motor neuron. normal back . ↑ N:C ratio w/ LSA.49 Neonatal Calf Diarrhea Syndrome – Viruses. Prognosis = deep pain. ↑ basophilia. Resolves in days to weeks. bladder. .gumshoevet.T2-L3.2 lesions . . ethylene glycol.C5-Tl. clumsy) • Acute Progressive LMN disorders: .LMN front. normal back limbs . Paresis. Neoplasia – Malignancy criteria include cells in abnormal locations. fulminant. . • Noninfectious Inflammatory CNS Disease: www.Brain. America. Cl-C5. melanoma.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide .net . Cervicothoracic (C6-T2). muscle. cis-platinum. Inhibits release of Ach from NMJ resulting in flaccid tetraparesis and CN signs (lack of jaw tone. Require bigger lesion in forebrain than hindbrain to see signs. Fecal-oral. LMN back .LMN front. Resolves after tick removal. Autoantibodies to Ach receptors. ↑ mitotic figures.L4-S2.Botulism – Clostridium botulinum type C. . no swallowing).Normal front. UMN back . hypotonia.Tick Paralysis – Dermacentor in N. peripherally located vacuolization w/ TVT. TVT.UMN front.C5-Tl. Small to medium. • Localizing Lesions – Only reflexes localize (reactions go to brain cortex. UMN back . Circle to side of lesions.Myasthenia gravis . Cervical (Cl-C5). abnormal mitotic figures. ↑ N:C ratio. LMN back .CN defs.Normal front. mast cell tumor. macrocytosis. frequent clustering. UMN back . Salmonella. highly cellular. Extreme muscle weakness. Carrion exposure. • Epithelial – Benign. CN deficits in addition to VII and VIII) vs. pulmonary granulomas. . Highly transmissible via aerosol. urethra and storage vs. circling. Detrusor. ethylen glycol (ataxia. emptying. Rumenal flora reduces nitrate to ammonia and nitrite (10X more toxic). seizures. peracute form. strychnine (extensor rigidity. coughing. Nigrapalladia Encephalomalacia – Yellow Star Thistle (CA) and Russian Knapweek (TX). metaldehyde (seizures). tx toxicity w/ NaCl) for refractory cases. >5yrs – neoplasia. Gasping.net . • Treatment – Methylene blue. paralysis. extrapyramidal area of brain. inflammatory. clinical signs. Any age. ± pentobarbital.Pudendal n. carbamates (mm fasc). bromethalin.Canine idiopathic vestibular syndrome. noncontagious diz caused by gram+. external urethral sphincter. LMN bladder is dribbline urine. • Clinical findings . seizures • Steroid Responsive Meningoencephalomyelitis – Stilted gait.gumshoevet. bladder wall (storage) and proximal urethra .bethanechol (parasympathomimetic). acid-fast rods found in soil. marijuana. UMN bladder is very tight. Signs usu regress w/in few days. rumen stasis. • Seizure Disorders – Generalized motor (tonic-clonic) more common than partial motor. congenital or inflammatory. urea (mammals) or uric acid (birds and reptiles). REPORTABLE.Pelvic n. – parasympathetic. Sudden death. People can carry in conjuctiva and mm for 48 hours. Virulent strain in chickens. Causes softening of nigra pallidus. water. serous nasal discharge. emaciation. Consumption of large quantities of young oak leaves or green acorns causes GI and renal dysfunction. perirenal edema. metronidazole (central vestibular disease in high doses). nystagmus. Not currently in US. amphetamines.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide .Sphincter dyssynergia usually indicates SC diz. falling. feed. rolling. Brown blood. anorexia. – sympathetic. Granulomatous abscesses on extremities. contaminated instruments.CNS & Respiratory. Transmitted via inhalation. Nitrogenous Waste Products – Excreted as ammonia (fish).Live virus vaccine. from binding to receptor). watery diarrhea. branching. Nitrate/Nitrite Toxicity – Cattle affected most frequently. depression. Young hunting dogs. Chocolate-brown blood. . ANTU. • Treatment . β in outside bladder wall. Sympathetic: α in trigone. grey matter). Geriatric vestibular syndrome. Use potassium bromide (longer t½ . wild and caged birds. Avian Pneumoencephalitis. low (lentogenic).Quercus poisoning. Cause unknown. Aka Exotic Newcastle Disease. hexachlorphene. ↓Alb. . torticollis. multifocal.Status Epilepsy – treat w/ diaepam first. Maintain with phenobarbital.History. inhibits inhibitory neurotransmitter – glycine. painful. Viscerotropic. S1-3. Nocardiosis – Nocardia spp. diarrhea. also effects turkeys. contracts detrusor muscle. • Bladder Function Disorders – Bladder vs. ↑bile acids). Varies in pathogenicity: high (velogenic). Young more susceptible than older birds. – somatic. young • Breed Specific Meningitis – Pug. then for bladder emptying . metabolic (Hepatic Encephalopathy w/ ↓BUN. Can’t eat. "Stroke" seen in aged dogs. Causes pale swollen kidneys. 1 to 3-5 yrs – idiopathic. ivermectin. Assess tx according to blood levels and seizure control. Sudden onset of head tilt. then phenobarbital. www. peripheral vestibular lesions suspected. warfarin. • Diagnosis . Abdominal pain. paired serum samples. drooping wings. Chronic. Old Dog Vestibular Disease . S1-3. • Diagnosis – Plasma nitrate/nitrite concentrations. but why 30day quarantine in USDA facility reqd for imported birds. Oak Bud Toxicity . Tx w/ sx debridement and TMPS. moderate (mesogenic). suppurative pyothorax.Hypogastric n. wound contamination. Treatments: to decrease urethral tone – phenoxybenzamine (sympatholytic). Newcastle disease – Paramyxovirus (PMV-1). • Clinical signs – Form methemoglobin w/ resulting anoxia.50 • Granulomatous Meningoencephalomyelitis – Brain signs. fomites. Yorkie • Toxicities affecting NS – organophosphates (mm fasciculations). assess tail and anal tone as well. circling. narcotics. pyrethrins (Na+ channels). <1yr. virus isolation. coma). or toxic. lead (poliomalacia. Why vets can’t go into quarantine stations. • Ankyloblepharon – Congenital. cathartic. Avoid or use low dose. including K+ supplementation. Tx w/ atropine for bradycardia. greyhounds.gumshoevet. Starts in temporal quadrant of cornea. edema. Don’t stand near smoke if burning. Fusion of upper and lower eyelids. Only tx is sx removal. FIP. Microfilariae [ ] in skin of ventral midline. Do STT every time to r/o KCS.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . neosporin in SA. Onchocerca cervicalis . Ophthalmology – 70% of tear production occurs in lacrimal gland. anesthetics). • Prolapsed nictitans gland – Cherry eye. pyrethrin sprays. correct lid deviation. Culicoides is vector. FeLV. Causes vomiting in cats. 1° cause is uveitis. • Cataracts – Opacity in the lens. • CSK – Chronic superficial keratoconjunctivitis. St. Repair w/ pedical flap. Later melanocytes. ulceration. Supportive for GI upset. Tx underlying cause. surgical coring. Should heal quickly (3-5 days) else re-evaluate. Immune mediated disease of GSD. Medical tx w/ cyclosporine (optimmune) as long as still have some normal fxning gland tissue. Small nematode. propranolol) for ventricular fibrillation. GSD. Pannus. topical broad spectrum abs q4-6hrs. red eye. • Ectopic cilia – Cilia from meibomian glands directed straight at cornea.Fistulous withers. Drug related (atropine. Death dt ventricular fibrillation. cockers esp. miosis.51 Oleander – Digitoxin glycoside. young dogs. Can easily result in perforation. corneoscleral transposition. gentamicin in horses. dry eye. Debride and tx. phenytoin. 30% in nictitating membrane. physiological until 10-14 days. fluorescein stain (not solution). Persians. Schirmer Tear Test to measure (10-25 mm/min normal).. autoimmune diz. pruritus. • Dendritic ulcer – Pathognomonic for feline herpes keratitis. and choroid. Bradycardia. fine hairs not a problem. Mineralized nodules. CNVII trauma. lhasa). Sx excision. Pain. 1 leaf will kill 200lb calf. edges of stroma will take it up. Topical atropine as needed for 2° anterior uveitis. 1° cause in dogs is autosomal recessive inheritance. temporal upper lid. parotid duct transposition (salive imperfect substitute). Genetic predispositions (cocker. • Treatment – vermectin against microfilaria. topical and systemic corticosteroids.. Very vascular. Pain. conjunctivitis. infection (ehrilichia in dogs). Cause scales. Popular ornamental. • Refractory ulcer – Stain under necrotic epithelium. Ddx from nuclear sclerosis which is a normal aging change w/ no effect on vision. bull dog. Descemet’s membrane does not stain w/ fluorescein. cause pathology. • Coloboma – Congenital eyelid agenesis. alopecia. ulcers. • Trichiasis – Normal cilia misdirected to cornea. Corneal epithelial cells proliferate and plasma cells infiltrate superficial stroma. 2nd most common cause is diabetes mellitus. depigmentation. Dx via STT < 5 mm/min.  www. • Corneal ulcer – Usually trauma. Stable at dusk and dawn. nictitans. Guarded px. activated charcoal.Full thickness skin biopsy. Prostaglandins involved to considerable extent. Dt neoplasia. refer. dermatitis in horses. Aqueous layer deficiency of precorneal tear film. emergency. • Diagnose . Excretion via nasolacrimal puncta and nasolacrimal duct. No cure. In cats and horse. topical NSAIDs. Corticosteroids contraindicated. BLP. Can’t see retina through a cataract. non healing. iatrogenic. Mucopurulent dischg. Intradermal skin testing for culicoides HPS. Ollulanus tricuspis – Stomach worm. Baby food may have amounts. spasm of ciliary mm). replace (not remove!) gland. • Descemetocele – Deep ulcer w/ only descemet’s membrane (and endothelium) remain. red eye.Adults reside in nuchael ligament and induce inflammatory rxns.Heinz body anemia. • Baytril – Assoc w/ idiosyncratic blindness in cats. No cure. Tx w/ mydriatic (stropine).B. • Distichiasis – Addl cilia from Meibomian glands (grey line). normal tissue in abn location. assoc w/ ophthalmia neonatorum cats w/ neonatal herpes infection. Tx w/ topical corticosteroids. • KCS – Immune mediated disease of dogs. Onion Toxicity . 2° anterior uveitis (neural reflex arc w/ CNV. Fly avoidance and fly control.net . FIV. • Uveitis – Uvea includes iris. Dachs. GI upset. horse moon blindness = equine recurrent uveitis. antiarrhythmics (lidocaine. Acute or chronic. butterfly around optic n. bristle-like hairs (pekingese) require electrolysis or cryosurgery. No tx effective against adults. May have clear bulge. older goldens and cockers. Aqueous secreted by ciliary body and exits via iridocorneal angle and uveoscleral outflow. hisitiocytes and fibroblasts enter cornea. also canine distemper. Very toxic. • Dermoid – Congenital. crusts. ciliary body. sulfas. • Clinical signs . Sx tx w/ conjunctival flap. Cats. Large #’s of adult worms in abomasum. diarrhea. Usu bilat and in horses < 1 y. normal is 15-28 mmHg. Anterior or posterior. profuse watery diarrhea.Caudal humeral head. Primary glaucoma is hereditary.Disturbance in endochondral ossification. high death rate. Breed predispositions. lacrimation. Large #’s of dormant larvae erupt from abomasal mucosa. retinal detachment and microphthalmia. and adrenergic antagonists.Old horse. Distal intermediate ridge of the tibia (DIRT) and lateral trochlear ridge. bilaterally symmetric lesions (tapetal hyperreflectivity. uveitis.net .muscle fasciculations. dyspnea. coloboma of the optic nerve. Ostertagia ostertagi – Medium or brown stomach worm. vomiting.Cholinesterase activity in blood and brain. Seen almost exclusively in collies and shetland sheepdogs. Otobius megnini – Spinous ear tick of large animals. Does not work in carbamate poisoning. Location of lesions: • Horse – . blood genetic test. convulsions. Insecticides include chlordane. Effusion in weanlings. fastest growing. GI parasite of ruminants. • Dog . Can result in flap of immature cartilage breaking away from underlying epiphyseal bone. slow PLR. Arthroscopic sx. Lame. Seizures. • Collie Eye Anomaly – Congenital. make lame w/ stifle or hock flexion. increased joint fluid in the tarsocrural joint. Secondary glaucoma dt other eye conditions such as lens luxation. Causes persistent. death. weakness. proximal and distal femur. Acute or chronic. Clinical findings include lameness and 2° DJD. No treatment. • Clinical findings . medial humeral condyle. Response to anthelmintics is good. Maze test. Removes and binds offending phosphoryl group attached to enzyme and is then excreted. autosomal recessive. biggest. Muscarinic signs . open angle in beagles and narrow angle (physical obstruction) in cockers. emaciation. Also lateral and medial femoral condyles. neoplasia.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . . See Bog Spavin. parasympathomimetics (pilocarpine). Abomasal invaders. DDT. Parasympatholytics are contraindicated (atropine reduces outflow). Night blindness progressing to total blindness. Tx w/ hyperosmotics (20% mannitol). Dx w/ tonometer.Adult cattle.Salivation. not lame. Too much Ach. Choroidal hypoplasia.Atropine. Organochlorine . ataxia. will go blind. Toxicity manifested by nervous excitement. then medial trochlear ridge of femur. Lambs.hypersalivation. CNS stimulants. and rarely distal patella. Early or late onset. defecation (SLUD). optic nerve atrophy. bunny hop gait. MOA of 2-PAM: reactivates cholinesterase that has been inactivated by phosphorylation 2° to organophosphates. cataracts). seizure (uncommon). Tx is arthroscopic sx – have to remove the piece. inherited simple autosomal recessive.Chlorinated hydrocarbon. Not lame because not weight bearing structure. Organophosphates – Antiacetylcholinesterase resulting in cholinergic over stimulation of parasympathetic nervous system. • Diagnosis . CNS signs nervousness. not septic. Osteochondrosis Dessicans (OCD) .Top 2 jts of tarsus. urination. • Glaucoma – Incrase in IOP. Sx tx available but suboptimal – do not stick needles in the eye! Enucleation. then medial trochlear ridge of tarsus. Exposure of subchondral bone to joint fluid is painful and causes lameness. • Pig .o. heptachlor. not D. Dx w/ rads. Chronic diarrhea.gumshoevet. moroccon leather abomasum. • Type II ostertagiases . resulting in buphthalmos. problem w/ zonular fibres. apprehension. calves. tremor. Nicotinic signs . nonprogressive. ERG. Can cause glaucoma or be 2° to glaucoma. 2-PAM. • Type I ostertagiases – Recent infection. . • Progressive retinal atrophy . colic. lindane. subchondral bone cyst of medial femoral condyle. miosis.OCD of stifle usu lateral trochlear ridge of the femur (LATR).1° affecting photoreceptors. Needle stick is contraindicated.52 • Lens luxation – Heriditary in terrier breeds. Emergency referral. urination.Distal ulna. OC. www. bilateral asymmetry. • Treatment . wasting of retina. iris bombé. carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide). Spread by direct contact. Papillomatosis – Common in birds. cats from many causes. paralysis and ileus of intestines.Viral gastroenteritis. irritation. acyclovir.Causes reproductive failure. Gravid females lay eggs in perineum around anus which are irritating. Paragonimus kellicotti – Lung fluke. ergot parasite. excitement. Scotch tape. 1° in cattle. See rubbin of tail and anal regions. excoriations. cortical thickening. Lysergic acid. diarrhea later. Ears. Shifting leg lameness. Paspallum Staggers – Dallis grass toxicity. Sexual dimorphism as adults. broken tail hairs. antibiotics. don’t use in < 6 wks). Thick. • Diagnosis . ↑ prevalence in US. Causes cerebellar diz (symmetrical ataxia. brownish-red crusts in ear canal. tail and dew claws slough. Vomiting seen 1st. Parvovirus in Canines . Claviceps paspali. abortion. exaggerated mvmt. • Treatment – IV fluids. Panosteitis – Young. • DiffDx . Mow seeds down. Dx by microscopic (10x) exam of ear exudate. Fatal. No treatment. Ova have characteristic flattened operculum at one end.Weakness.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Pinworm in horses. On rads. Survives in environment for years. Tx w/ selemectin (ok in all breeds. Dripping blood in cage. Salmonella mimics. aerosol. spleen. • Treatment . Wipes out intestinal crypts causing villous atrophy secondarily.if early in infection). beligerant. Early fetal resorption. see ↑ intramedullary opacities often near nutrient foramina. Bleach is only effective disinfectant. head tremor. fecaloral. Stress response.#1 cause of biliary tract obstruction in dogs. Avoid sx if possible. can appear as obstruction w/ dilated intestines. Usu < 18mos old. rads (if duodenum pushed craniolaterally. Major cause of intussusception in dogs. ↑ in hot. bare patches on buttocks. Pancreatitis . bone changes resolve with time. Dogs from fat. pancreatic mass). mummies. Ingestion of Pasteurella from GIT builds up in water while roosting. Tx and cull. PCR. Tx w/ clavamox. Schnauzers predisposed dt hyperlipidemia. Also killed from Pasteurella acquired from cat bites dt septicemia. “Raspberry” out of butt. Transmission is fecal-oral. • Treatment – If caught early. Tx entire aviary. Pasteurellosis – Fowl cholera. transient periosteal new bone formation. Large #’s of water fowl die of systemic diz. Mucosal warts of oral cavity and vent. antiemetics. irregular return to estrus. sudden death in high #s. focal necrosis of liver. Conures are asymptomatic carriers. amylase/lipase.net . diarrhea. see signet ring lesions. firm palpation. Contact w/ fluids. Reduced litter size. Ovine Progressive Pneumonia – Retrovirus. • Prevention – Vaccine. • Clinical signs . hypermetria). Signs of otitis externa.53 Otodectes cyonotis . large breed dogs. humid weather.Ear mite of dogs and cats. Parvovirus in Pigs . Ddx w/ culicoides hypersensitivity. Rads. may have pruritic dermatitis. pain on deep. focal peritonitis. remove from source. • Diagnosis – Parvo Site test (can be false. Leukopenia can be seen. Rads. • Clinical Signs – Most infections clinically inapparent.U/S. • Diagnosis . Tx w/ supportive care.Intranuclear inclusion bodies in hepatocytes and spleen. Highly contagious acute diz of parrots. Chronic pneumonia and mastitis.gumshoevet. Pacheco’s Disease – Herpesvirus.Fluids and NPO. Oxyuriasis – Oxyuris equi. www. found 1° in terminal end of LI.Tumor. look under microscope. waxes and wanes (likely herpesvirus). cystic endometrial hyperplasia. Patient keeps vomiting until worm is removed with endoscope. C – Hemorrhagic enteritis in suckling pigs.Protrusion of hernial sac laterally b/w levator ani and either external anal sphincter or coccygeus muscles. Heinz bodies in RBCs. Asymptomatic or left side heart failure signs (cough. skin lesions in exposed areas. Physaloptera – Esophageal worm. normal front). No continuous murmur. pyometra. ophthalmic to ↓ posterior synechia formation. See hypertension. Treats hypertension. some G-. www. corticosteroids. gingiva. Control polycythemia.Alpha-adrenergic blocker.Lightly pigmented skin hypersensitive to sunlight dt photodynamic agent in skin. pyometra. ↓ internal urethral sphincter tone. loudest at aortic valve. hyperglycemia. In swine to induce parturition. See photophobia. commonly used anthelmintic. In dogs. Seen in intact male dogs. Phenothiazine Toxicity – Horses.net . Most common cause is hepatogenous photosensitivity. • Priapism – Persistent erection. Horse for luteolysis and estrus induction. Pig Diarrhea • Clostridium perfringens. Tx is sx correction w/ concurrent castration. G+. PGF2α . tachypnea. collapse. Risk for encarcerated bladder (emergency – postrenal azotemia. relieve pain associated w/ uveitis. IH = grasshopper.Alpha-adrenergic sympathomimetic. Penicillin – Bactericidal. • Phymosis – Inability to extend penis. Perineal Hernia . constricts. relaxation of cervix. inhibition of steroidogenesis by corpora lutea.Lutalyse. To treat. Phenylephrine . Long term px is poor. keep inside. Small animal as an abortifacient. Penis – Definitions: • Paraphymosis – Inability to retract penis.Periodontal ligament. Tx w/ antibiotics (metronidazole and baytril) and immunosuppresives (cyclosporine). most common in dog. accumulation of phylloerythrin in plasma dt impaired hepatobiliary excretion. not sx. Labs. pressure changes. via competitive inhibition of norepinephrine. In past. See Antibiotics. Used in cattle as luteolytic agent for estrous synchronization. drain out) or intestine. Stimulates myometrial activity. often w/ precordial thrill. Ductus arteriosis in fetal circulation bypasses pulmonary circulation. Disrupts cell wall synthesis. Bounding femoral pulses. Pheochromocytoma – Tumor of adrenal medulla. • Right to left – lethargy. Contraindicated w/ CHF. blue butt syndrome (hind cyanosis. alveolar bone. SI. Phenoxybenzamine . Ligate duct or coils inserted through femoral arterial catheter (less invasive). Secrete excess norepinephrine and epinephrine. At birth. abortifacient. exer intol. Patent Ductus Arteriosus – Congenital heart defect. t1/2 is minutes. closes becoming ligamentum arteriosum.54 Pasteurization – Vat milk (farm milk fed) is considered safely pasteurized if heated to 145°F for 30 minutes. Perianal Fistula – Down sloping of tailhead.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Used to tx hypotension. Phenylpropanolamine . Medical diz. lyse corpora lutea. Ligation is contraindicated. 1° causes vomiting. Peridontium . Usually left to right. α1 and α2. cementum. GSD. Ace and other phenothiazines can cause in stallions. Photosensitivity .Sympathomimetic. Used for tx of urethral sphincter hypotonus and resulting incontinence in dogs and cats. exer intol. Continuous washing machine murmur. wt loss). connects between pulmonary artery and aorta.gumshoevet. then succumb to septicemia. Safety pin appearance.000. epistaxis. In pigs. Villous atrophy in middle third of intestine. 1 week piglets. W/ 1st two. lymphadenitis. In endemic areas. Pilocarpine – Parasympathomimetic.net . Jumps between spp easily. IFA. Pine Shavings – Aromatic amins from pine and other soft bedding can induce hepatic microsomal enzyme systems.Profuse watery diarrhea dt enterotoxin production in nursing and weaners. Blocks acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. lung and spleen. Involuntary aspiration of air into vagina.Causes respiratory signs in mice and rats. • TGE – Coronavirus. pneumonia. Coombs. peritonitis.gumshoevet. Gram. ↑ drainage angle. platelet count. Thrombocytopenia from ↓ production (BM problem).55 • Coccidiosis . Plasmodium – Blood parasite of canaries and penguins. Assoc w/ infertility. Repair w/ Caslick procedure.000.Necrosis and villous atrophy of lower SI. Platelets – Important role in 1° hemostasis and formation of hemostatic plug.Treponema hypdysenteriae. • Rotavirus . If eaten in large quantities. • Cryptosporidium . Dx w/ blood culture. Plaque . suspect cats w/ fever. spleno/hepatomegaly). allow to be passed out w/ feces. Fetal membrane slip can be palpated starting at 30 days. Mares and sows = diffuse placenta Dogs and cats = zonary placenta Primates and rodents = discoidal placentas. ecchymosis. Careful venipuncture. infectious). blood smear. Polioencephalomalacia – Dt thiamine deficiency in ruminants.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . • Salmonellosis . causes nephrosis and fatal uremia in cattle and pigs. ↑ destruction (IMT. Cholinergic alkaloid. 1) Perforation. vasculitis. vWD). PTT. • Enteric colibacillosis . Destroys villous epithelial cells in jejunum and ileum. Can alternate w/ mydriatic to break iris-lens adhesion.Nursing. drug induced. Stimulates smooth mm and glands at postganglionic. Placenta Bovine = cotyledonary placenta. Principally used to treat glaucoma.000-500. Pneumocystitis . hematuria. Lifespan 7-10 days w/ 30% of pool transiently sequestered in spleen. organomegaly. mucosal bleeding. Also has high oxalate content and may cause hypocalcemia. chronic distention. ln aspirate. Noninfectious neuro diz caused by www. see gas on either side of diaphragm. sequestration (milder. Lincomysin. Indoor or fine screen enclosures. Normally 200. Mucoid diarrhea w/ flecks of blood.Anthelmintic used against ascarids. 2) bacteria producing gas. Nursing pigs may get diarrhea. weaners most common.Inflammation and necrosis of SI and LI. ACT. Usu < 2 y. Used as an ophthalmic miotic. Pigweed Poisoning – Amaranthus reflexus. BM exam. Piperazine . Pneumovagina – Equine pneumovagina. 1° muscarinic. lasts hours to days. Not advised for rodents. septicemia). ANA. Produced by fragmentation of megakaryocytes in BM. Pneumoperitoneum – On rads. 3) laparotomy/scopy.bipolar coccobacillus.o. spontaneous hemorrhage when < 30. Tx is combo of streptomycin and tetracycline. cholinergic nerves. Profuse watery diarrhea.Causes villous atrophy in lower SI resulting in malabsorptive diarrhea. ↑ utilization (DIC. Platelet disorders see petechia. Wind Sucker. • Swine dysentery . Paralyzes worm. platelet fxn tests (platelet aggregation. ATIII to r/o DIC). more a septicemic diz. pale mm. Flea vector = bubonic plaque. coag factor tests (PT.Yersinia pestis. vomiting. LI. bleeding time. Also.5 mEq/kg/hr or see cardiotoxicity (↑K+ will slow/stop heart). Star gazing. cortical blindness. Familial basis suspected.Brewer’s Yeast. Results in ↓ energy in brain. Canaries. Slow to wake up from anesthesia. mm fasciculations. At necropsy. Potassium – Maximum rate is 0. Uric acid calculus in non-dalmation suggestive of liver shunt. ketonuria.Diz of preparturient ewes www. ↑ % roughage in diet. moldy feed. isolation of organism. • Prevent – Slow mgmt changes. mucous membrane injection. Healthy.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . equi in neutrophils.Surgical correction. roughage. if survive abnormal flight feathers (French molt). Tx w/ glucocorticoids. min grain. death. Screen in outdoor enclosures. Drontal. Poxvirus – DNA virus of birds. E. Draft horses show gait problems. depressed milk production. Most common shunts are single intrahepatic (large breed) or extrahepatic shunts (small breed). wild birds. dextrose.Depression. laminitis. nutrition. astrocyte swelling. Dead birds in nest box.↑ bile acids (do pre and post). • Diagnosis . See Anthelmintics.56 thiaminase (vita B1). • Treatment .Sudden onset.Hepatic encephalopathy. neuronal necrosis. salivation. • Clinical signs . Cranial mesenteric arteriography or splenoportography. Abrupt mgmt changes such as movement from poor to lush pastures. grain. black light. lethargy or excitability. Equine ehrlichial colitis. Ultrasound. ↑ uric acid. and 10-20% glucose IV. enteric antibiotics (to prevent colonic ammonium production and systemic absorption) such as oral neomycine. • Clinical Signs . ketonemia. K+ shifts intracellularly with increases in insulin. Worse just after meal. high fat diet. BUN/Crea ↑. can’t fly (ddx B&F diz). Yorkies predisposed. bracken fern. different clin signs. lactulose. muscle atrophy. Polyomavirus – Budgerigar Fledgling Disease Virus. Anthelmintic for tapeworm (cestode) infections. Brain signs in small ruminants.net . Inadequate dietary energy intake during increased requirements of late gestation.Ehrlichia risticii. recumbency. dimpling. incoordination. Pregnancy Ketosis – Cow – Thin or obese lactating dairy cattle w/in days to weeks after calving. • Diagnosis . parrots. anorexia. opisthotonos. antibiotic changes. Hypoglycemia. Transient leukopenia. Dx based on muscle biopsy.gumshoevet.oral diz w/ ulcers in oral cavity. Female > Male. worse in cortex. Blood from intestinal tract diverted around hepatic parenchyma and enters systemic circulation via azygos or caudal vena cava w/out undergoing hepatic metabolism. unless acquired (then compensating for failed liver – fixing would cause deterioration). In parrots. thrombocytopenia. • Treatment – Thiamine (vitamin B1) supplementation in repeated doses. shivering. fluid therapy. fever. Wet form . wt loss. CNS. ileus. Host specific. disturbed gait (ataxia).IFA. feed thiamine HCl . Prevent w/ consistent exercise. or HCO3. well grown. No treatment. Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy – QH and drafts. ELISA. sudden death w/ hemorrhage all over. propylene glycol. Dry form – cutaneous diz w/ tumor-like proliferative lesions on face and head. • Diagnosis . • Treatment . inappetence. Diarrhea. Transmitted via mosquitoes or fomite in wound. lesions will go away. Impaired liver function. low Co in diet. monocytic fever. Praziquantel – Droncit. Portosystemic Shunt . Sheep . • Clinical signs .Tetracycline. Potomac Horse Fever . coma. tremors. should see dramatic results within 24-48 hrs. convulsion. accumulation of glycogen and abnormal [ ] of polysaccharides. Mild mannered horses w/ hx of exer intol and rhabdomyolysis. Medical mgmt of hepatic encephalopathy includes low-protein diet (to lower protein levels and subsequent metabolic ammonium load). Thiaminase can be produced by gram+ overgrowth in rumen. colic. antinflammatories.Congenital or acquired.Blood thiamine levels. nursing care. Highly fatal. If ↓ Alf. Miniature Poodles. ↑ chol = PLN. Collies. inappetant. urge incontinence. chronic intussusception. Bilateral symmetrical ↑ tapetal reflectivity. dehydrated. spleen. achlorphyllic algae. see CNS signs. VI from tonsil. pustules. lymphoma. mucosal damage that ↑ permeability (IBD.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . βlactams and aminoglycosides are poor to prostate). Virus travels to brain and respiratory system. Small. also Brucella canis. ↓ chol = liver. acidosis. raised lesions. Pregnancy Toxemia – Common in obese guinea pigs in last few weeks of gestation. “Shaker pigs”. blood-prostatic barrier not intact. • PLE in adult dog – IBD. Can be insidious in pigs and go undetected.Group of degenerative retinopathies. Affects all farm animals except horse. Pruritus causing severe self-mutilation. Little disturbance and disappear after few weeks. lymphangectasia. Pseudorabies – Herpesvirus. • Diagnosis – Clinical signs in intact male. Convulsions. can use any sensitive antibiotic. May also be hematogenous. Panhypoproteinemia = gut. depression. hooks). www. neurological. rumbent. Prostatitis – E. Progressive Retinal Degeneration . With chronic prostatitis. Prevent w/ grain in last 6 wks of gestation and exercise. Prevent w/ good hygienic measures such as teat dipping. Night blindness early. usu recover and are carriers. Rads. Inappetance. tx w/ ultra low fat diet to prevent dilatiation and rupture of lacteals. ZOONOTIC. Hypoglycemic encephalopothy. LSA). painless. • Treatment – Test and remove. • Diagnosis . Immunoproliferative enteropathy is common cause of PLE in basenjis. Prevalence = Incidence x Duration.Vaccination. Bacteruria. hyperreflexic detrusor. Secrete virus in saliva and nasal secretions. PLE – Chronic small bowel diarrhea w/ ↓ Alb. Prototheca – Saprophytic. Occurs in Irish Setters. Over time. Pseudocowpox – Milker’s nodes. brain. . red papules on teats and udders of cows. Digital rectal exam. coma. bradycardia. • Treatment – Antibiotics. total blindness later.57 characterized by impaired nervous function.gumshoevet. itchy. purplish-red nodules on fingers and hands. Monoclonal antibody for swine.History and clinical signs. dyspnea. ketosis. Have ↑ serum globulin despite intestinal protein loss. enrofloxacin.Cows: Undergo excitement phase. • Clinical findings – . blood loss (GUE. If ↓ Alb. laterally recumbent. PLE d/t lymphangectasia. Serology. enlarged prostate. In acute infection. need long-term therapy with a drug that will cross blood-prostate barrier (doxycycline. Dx by ketonuria and fatty liver. Infection via urethral ascent of bacteria. aggressiveness. death.. • PLE in cat – Uncommon. incident cases become prevelance cases. Primidone – Hepatotoxic. attenuation of retinal vessels. Propantheline – Parasympatholytic. chloramphenicol. ↓ pigmentation of nontapetal fundus. neoplasia. Young pigs. IBD. If lymphangectasia. affects spp differently. Parapoxvirus. Pigs are 1° host and only reservoir. Female collies may be predisposed. • PLE in juvenile dog – parasites. Infection spreads slowly through herds. coli is most common cause. Px is guarded. • Clinical signs – Systemic illness. caudal abdominal pain. Ewe leaves flock. lung.net . Scabs. • Control . atrophy of optic papilla. lymphoma. liver. etc. URD and repro failure. Tx of diarrhea. No tx for ruminants. antimuscarinic. Histopath – intranuclear inclusion bodies. related to orf and bovine papular stomatitis.Pigs: In older pigs. blind. edematous swellings around head. Tx w/ complete sx excision. under skin and through mucous membranes.Ovariohysterectomy. Pullorum Disease – Salmonella pallorum.Coxiella burnetti. constipation. Can cause abortion in sheep. Dx via feather follicle biopsy showing intracytoplasmic inclusions. endocrine imbalances. Produces ecchymoses and petechia on skin. dragging feet. diarrhea.diestral bitch). Motile zoospores infect damaged tissue. spleen. Metabolic disorders. Pylorus. horse. Exogenous estrogen (mismate shots during diestrus) ↑ effects of progesterone and thereby ↑ chance of developing pyometra. endocarditis. vomiting. tenesmus.net . Q-Fever . Immune mediated hemorrhagic disease characterized by extravasation of blood into tissues. boston terrier at ↑ risk. U/S. commonly dt Staphylococcus intermedius. • Clinical signs – Systemic illness. Progressive and usu fatal. SQ. Tx w/ antibiotics such as clavamox. E coli is most common cause of pyometra. Purpura Hemorrhagica – Vasculitis.History (ill. anus. Chronic poisoning from small yellow flowers results in hepatic failure in cattle. Usually affects young. diarrhea. local antibiotics. anorexia. See loss of condition. Dx via hx. Young dogs of brachycephalic breeds. tumors. Pyometra in Large Animals – Cow: Metritis (inflammation of muscular and endometrial layers of uterus) via contamination of uterus during parturition. Infection in birds. immunosuppression. splenomegaly. Animals showing signs rarely recover. relaxation of the cervix and expulsion of the uterine exudate. air sac changes. circling. pericardium. diarrhea. photosensitization. • Treatment – Doxycycline. www. Hepatomegaly. Affected horses die w/in few days. Abnormal feathers. clin signs.Diestral disorder characterized by abnormal uterine endometrium w/ 2° bacterial infection.Wt loss. Mediated by immune complexes of IgA and streptococcal M antigen in vascular basement membranes. Pyloric Stenosis – Benign. Jaundice. Gulf coast. necropsy. staggering gait. allergies predispose. Causes gastric outlet obstruction axxoc w/ hypertrophy of circular muscle fibers of pylorus. • Treatment . • Clinical findings . Pyoderma . Broad-spectrum antibiotics. Causes lameness. Quittor . and farmed deer. Diz of birds. mucosal petechiation and high heart rate. Aerosol transmission. large breeds. Causes influenza-like diz in man. but eat in drought conditions or when in hay. pigs. Usu inapparent. respiratory signs. Pythiosis/Phycomycosis – Aquatic mold/fungi of GIT and skin. Progesterone secretion following ovulation promotes endometrial growth. Nonthrombocytopenic diz of horses assoc w/ previous S. purulent vaginal discharge (if cervix open). hepatic encephalopathy w/ excitability. Ddx = perineal hernias. which causes contraction of the myometrium. Reportable. Dx via rads. Mare: Uterine lavage. See vomiting. root of mesentery. cattle. inhibits WBC response to bacterial infection.58 Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease . PU. lime-green urates. Rads – see stucture between rectum and bladder. goats. Tx w/ local and systemic antibiotics. beak abnormalities. dullness. PD.Debilitating disease of psittacines.gumshoevet. ↓ myometrial activity.Pyogenic infection of skin. ZOONOTIC. Sheep and goats more resistant (req 20x more). Psittacosis – Chlamydia psittaci. equi respiratory infection. Pyometra in Small Animals . Psoroptes cuniculi – Mite causing otitis externa in rabbits. Medical management is possible with PGF2α.Chronic suppurative inflammation of lateral cartilage of the third phalanx of the horse. remove plant material. Heliotropium. • Diagnosis – ELISA. immune deficiencies. Clinical signs include cold. rickettsial infection. intracellular elementary bodies on impression smears of air sac. • Diagnosis . Crotalaria (rattleweed). Animals usually avoid. titers. biopsy. liver. histopath. depression. Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid Toxicity – Senecio (ragwort).A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Most cases dt immune-mediated rxns in uveal tract. Usually iatrogenic during rectal palpation. In right rear limb as close to stifle as possible. MAJOR ZOONOTIC POTENTIAL. Recurrent Uveitis . B vitamins. Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Leptospirosis. raccoon. Rabbits feed young SID. Ca oxalate crytstalluria if on pelleted diet. Heavy metal tox. Autopsy. Wait until central incisors are present in kitten/puppy strays (know at least 12 wks). must have board to rest on or will get sore/injured hocks. Cecal pellets. jugular. Bucks and does. Venipuncture in marginal ear vein. uncommon • Grade III: mucosa. Rabies vaccine alopecia seen in poodles and poodle-like breeds (common. • Treatment – Immediate confirmation via sedation and bare handed palpation. IV fluids. Rabbits – Always support back legs when carry or will kick out and can break back. lat saphenous. Higher grades require immediate sx correction.Periodic Ophthalmia. Must force feed. bullet shaped virus. Diz at birth. 2 pairs of incisors. barbering (Psoroptes cuniculi. onchocerca microfilaria.Trichobezoars – Hair balls. • Transmission . If detect tear. Horse. cephalic. brucella. circling. bellows. poop in belly. Tx w/ corticosteroids. Grave prognosis. tylosin. • Repro – Double cervix. Go off feed. “Snuffles”. Treat Grade I tears with broad spectrum antibiotics. paralysis. prone to hairballs there.gumshoevet. Paralysis of muscles of deglutition results in drooling and inability to swallow. mineral oil. cotton pack cranial to tear. aggressiveness. Classified according to tissue layers penetrated. Must act fast to reduce risk of peritonitis and death. see negri inclusion bodies in neuron cell bodies. Husbandry – Small wire cage. Gestation is 30-33 days. Mastitis dt Staph or E. Reach sex maturity at 4-5 mos. colonize cervix. Pasteurellosis can cause brain abscess. mania/dummy. Surgery to remove diseased tissue and cartilage. Incubates for wks to mos. Abscesses usu Pastuerella. stupor. Uterine cancer common. www. Can not vomit. ringworm (Trichophyton). yawning. SQ. bat and fox are important sources of infection. not while watching. among others. rapidly progressive. • Anatomy – Teeth continually grow. still vax).Fatty liver – When off feed.59 discharging sinus at coronet. Large cecum. banamine. Ascending ataxia of back legs. Clostridial overgrowth can kill. Cuterebra in outdoor rabbits on face. Tx w/ Baytril. iridocycloplegic. • Skin Diz – Mites. broad spectrum Abs. Eat grass hay. • Clinical signs .Once present. Highly fatal viral infection of nervous system which affects all warmblooded animal spp. ¼ to ½ cup pellets and ¼ to ½ cup vegetables. Cheyletiella parsiovarax). • Grade I: submucosa or mucosa • Grade II: rupture of muscular layers only. Require dentistry. . Major cause of abscessation. . Once present. In USA skunk. abnormal sexual activity.Via saliva. Neuter females to prevent litters and uterine adenocarcinoma. lincosin. usu bite wound. Small pylorus. Pasteurellosis. debride. coli. NSAIDS. TMPS. Pyometra dt Pasteurella. tremors. • Urinary – Urolithiasis. Females have double cervix. Infected for life. Copraphagic. submucosa and muscular layers • Grade IV: perforate rectum into peritoneal cavity. ascending paralysis. • CNS – Torticollis from otitis media.Mucoid enteropathy – Antibiotics. Treponema is rabbit syphilis. • Control – Vax under direct vet supervision. get fatty liver. • Excitative or Furious stage characterized by hyperasthesia. called “Slobbers”. Hypersalivate causing moist dermatitis. rapidly progressive causing motor irritation. . rabbits kindle (not whelp) from 4-12 kits. Animal must be > 12 wks but < 16 wks old. Rectal Tears – Mare. blood on sleeve.Teeth – Front and back. tenesmus. penicillin. If in pain and don’t eat.net . • Respiratory – In grown teeth. • Digestive Diz – . erythromicin. Not enough fiber such as feeding exclusively pellets. • Prodromal stage characterized by change in behavior and highly variable clinical signs. Death dt respiratory arrest. • Diagnosis – IFA staining of brain tissue. Rabies – Rhabdovirus. pack and ship. • Paralytic or Dumb Stage – Depression. Leptospirosis. Weakness. . Red Maple Leaf Toxicity – Acer rubrum. ± synovial distention in multiple joints w/ no lameness. vestibular dysfunction. No tx. tremors. pyelonephritis. Vector is Dermacentor ticks. anaplasmosis. Rhodococcus equi – Gram+ coccobacillus. do not always have diarrhea. West coast (D.000). focal retinal hemorrhage. andersoni). terminal www. Normal to ↑ K+. With glomerular diz. Stress of URT problem. petechiation. Midwest. pine and cedar shaving (aromatic oils). mice get malignant mammary adenocarcinoma. nuchal rigidity. • Porphyrins – In tears. Causes diarrhea in piglets. Rotenone – Insecticide and ascaricide. SLE • Glomerular vs tubular diz . ehrlichia. cough. Methylene blue does not work. glucosuria in absence of hyperglycemia plus active urine sediment (abnormal prox tubule fxn). depression. Protein losing. TTW. Chinese letters when stain. Heavy doses cause incoordination in pigs. even up and around shoulders. tachycardia.60 Red Clover – Ingestion of parasitized red clover pasture or hay results in excessive salivation. Aggressive mouse barbers. dirty cage pneumonia. defecation. • Treatment . Mild to mod metabolic acidosis.Glucosuria in absence of hyperglycemia plus active urine sediment = Abnormal proximal tubule function. Many do not have circulating antibodies when signs are 1st seen.Methemoglobinemia. mycoplasma. Pyogranulomatous pneumonia and lung abscessation in 1 . BAL. then lose [ ] ability as tubules affected. • Bacillus piliformes – Wet tail. recumbency.Combination of erythromycin and rifampin.Tetracycline. GI disorders. • Treatment . Ingestion of wilted leaves. • Mammary tumors – Rats get benign mammary fibroadenoma.gumshoevet. ringworm. East coast (D. good body condition. Monitor TP when on long term phenylbutazone. Viral. Right Dorsal Colitis – Horses dt NSAIDs (Bute).net . Ddx from S. Rhizoctonia legumincola – Fungus found on clover. anorexia. Large kidneys . ↑↑ WBC (25. Normal to ↓ K+. Culture. Rhipicephalus sanguineous – Brown dog tick. Produces alkaloid slaframine (slobber factor). CNS vasculitis. fever. lymphadenopathy.Ticks. • Treatment – No treatment. mediastinal lymphadenopathy.Proteinuria w/ inactive urine sediment is hallmark for glomerulonephropathy.6 mo old foals. icterus. aminoglycosides • CRF – Non regenerative anemia dt ↓ epo. ↑↑ fibrinogen (900).A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . such as after a storm. Mammary glands are very large. thrombocytopenia. heinz body anemia. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever . Horses. polypnea. Kidney problems. Neurological manifestations are common. Signs resolve once infected forage is removed. neoplasia.Rickettsia rickettsii. A r/o diagnosis. 1st lose protein. Altered mental state. zooepidemicus pneumonia which usu in mos old foals w/ mild ↑ in WBC (14. Transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of contaminated dust. pyelonephritis. respiratory signs.Glomerulonephropathy. polyarthritis. • Clinical findings . causes IMHA. May see only profuse salivation or may include increased lacrimation. looks like blood. severe metabolic acidosis. All exposed. then azotemic. failure to gain.IFA. urination. abdominal pain. mits. Rodents – Mice and Rats • Skin Diz – Lice. see easter basket abscesses in lungs. edema. variabilis). Also see in hamsters.000) and mild ↑ in fibrinogen (500). Rotavirus – Destroys villous enterocytes of small intestine. • Clinical signs . ethylene glycol intox. Glomerular diz . • Clinical signs – Fever. brownish discoloration of blood and urine. Large kidneys. • Diagnosis . Renal Failure • ARF – Acute. cyanosis. • Diagnosis – Rads. Transmits babesia. will barber others. NSAIDs. intravascular hemolysis. coughing. No vax. and Central Plains. 2) lymphoma. anorexia. weight loss.Dogs become infected by eating raw or improperly prepared trout. Notoedres cati in cats. Light brown eggs. ZOONOSIS.o. Organic matter. #1 neuro diz of equine. Salmonellosis typhimurium is serious pathogen w/ no effective immunization. Usu found in large quantities. Most asymptomatic. catheterize. Usu in children < 4yrs w/ pica. CO2). Can occur anywhere on body. weakness. Oxytrema silicula is snail intermediate host. lymphadenopathy. 4) plasma cell.). Neurologic signs. • Diagnosis – Fecal flotation. Vomiting. Toxacara canis (puppies). gulf coast. Transplacentally acquired T. Cytology is nondiagnostic. Praziquantel. Sarcoids . ↑K+. Tx w/ small amounts of water at frequent intervals. • Clinical signs – Pot belly. Salmon Poisoning . • Transmission . ↓Cl-. In rodents. 3) mast cell tumor. Ruptured Bladder – In foals. pyrantel pamoate (strongid).Excessive quantities of salt ingested w/ concomitant water deprivation.net . hocks. Baylisascaris. Used against ear mites and demodectic mange. Ears. Hairless fibroid tumors that frequently ulcerate. lack of growth. indistinctly operculated w/ a small knob at one pole. milbemycine.Most common tumor of horses.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide .gumshoevet. Vax in cattle. Get stable 1st. ivermectin. foul smelling. Birds ingest spores and die of fulminant pulmonary edema. recur after excision. Protracted shedding w/out appropriate tx. immunotherapy w/ cisplatinum or BCG (bacille billié de Calmette-Guérin). occur most commonly on lower legs. superficial skin scraping. shed in feces. Scabies – Sarcoptes scabiei in dogs. Transmitted by Nanophyetus salmincola trematode. T. T.ID fluke ova on fecal exam. Depression. • Treatment – Supportive. hypothermia. radiation. lung. chlortetracycline. To tx. look like large warts. feed and fomites. Demonstration of intracellular rickettsia on lymph node aspiration. Produces fibrin production and necrosis of colonic mucosa. Differentiate spherical. Roundworms – Ascariasis. newborn straining to urinate. Tx w/ antibiotics (ceftiofur) and NSAIDs. Baylisascaris causes neuro signs in people. Salt Poisoning . elbows. distended abdomen. chloramphenicol. Salmonellosis –ZOONOTIC. In small animals. bloody feces. DH = opossums. Turtles are a major source of infection instituting federal regulations banning interstate shipment of baby turtles. Tx w/ selemectin. L2 migrate to liver. etc. poor condition of young. Blood work shows metabolic acidosis. canis larvae can be pathogenic in utero or after paturition. ZOONOTIC. Visceral larvae migrans – prolonged internal migration of larval parasite in abnormal host dt ingestion of infective L2 eggs. Tx w/ cryosurgery (liquid NO2. Est. leonina (adult c/d). Fever. 750 children lose vision each year in USA dt OLM. Dairy > beef cattle. Eliminate colony and obtain replacements from noninfected source. ↓Na+. Contrast medium. etc. same. intestinal fluke. neurona. cati (kittens). Sulfonamides. salmon that contains encysted flukes. smooth T. • Treatment – fenbendazole (panacure). Ocular larvae migrans – granulomatous retinitis resembling retinoblastoma tumor in posterior chamber of eye. do not rush to sx.Neorickettsia helminthoeca. Causes eosinophilic meningoencephalitis in pigs. pitted Toxocara spp from oval.Sudden onset of high fever. • Diagnosis .61 respiratory paralysis. success rates can reach 100%. In pigs. Ascaris suum in pigs. drain abdomen w/ concurrent IV fluids. Insect fomites move into avian food. leonina because former has public health significance. Low mortality. bloody diarrhea. Periocular sarcoids are best treated w/ multiple injections of BCG. • Clinical findings . lime sulfur dips. Sarcocystis – TX. Round Cell Tumors – 1) TVT. Abdominal tap creatinine 2x greater in abdomen than in serum. CNS. 5) histiocytoma (<5 y. small amounts. migration of roundworms causes “milk spots” on liver. EPM w/ S. www. Do not own raccoons or handle raccoon feces. Dx via plasma and CSF sodium concentration. oxytetracycline. 4th PM. Gram+ in adults. Fluid-filled.Congenital. Aggressive debridement.gumshoevet.in foals. skin. No cure. Scrapie – Prion. May collect in sublingual tissues on floor of mouth (ranula). young horse. Gram. hemorrage. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans? Sebaceous Adenitis • Standard poodles . 1° bacterial sinusitis – unilat nasal dischg. www. severe. communication? C&S. lavage. Prolonged incubation. Barbituates.infections most common. arthritis. rads show fluid lines in sinuses. Sesamoid Bones of the Stifle – Patella . Tx w/ Dormamectin. • Akitas – Highly inflammatory. 1st and 2nd molar. Staph. malignant histiocytosis. IH = dung beetle via chicken entrails.net . necroses.Accumulation of mucoid saliva in tissue after salivary gland or duct has been damaged. Sialocele .Systemic reaction that occurs in response to certain drugs. Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Sole Ulcer – Progression is trauma.Actinobacillus equuli. Sinusitis – In equine. tooth repulsion. heritable. nephritis. dt sx. vasculitis. The third is intercalated in tendon of popliteus muscle. Serum Sickness . 2° sinusitis usu dt dental disorders. arthyrogryposis in fetus. penile paralysis. trim claws.Two located in heads of gastrocnemius on medial and lateral condyles. No tx. emaciation. Spleen Enlargement – Acute and chronic leukemia. Bad hair coat. Staphylococcus aureus. Shoe Boil . Saliva usually collects at intermandibular or cranial cervical area (cervical mucocele). E. Surgical removal of mandibular-sublingual gland complex. do not breed. See lymphadenopothy. Attacks sebaceous glands. Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus. Lesions confined to haired skin. Mad Cow Disease). Interference of pathways from inhibitory neurons in cranial lumbar region to provide inhibition to thoracic limb extensor muscles. cytology. heritable. lavage and drain. Combo of posterior ataxia and cystitis. Fabella . death. laminitis. Spirocerca lupi – Spondylosis and mass in thorax/esophagus. malignant lymphoma. Can improve some w/ topical tx. etc. Wet environment. SQ swelling over point of elbow involving formation of false bursa. hematogenous spread via umbilicus. compressive thoracolumbar disease. Protects the tendon.Ossification in tendon of insertion of the quadriceps femoris. Severe pruritus. Hyperextension of thoracic limbs w/ paralyzed pelvic limbs.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Low grade prussic acid toxicity (jake leg wood alcohol in people). Septic Arthritis – Gram. Hind lateral claw. See feminization of the male. Klebsiella pneumoniae.62 Schiff-Scherrington Syndrome – Acute. Urine scald. May respond to synthetic retinoids. systemic mastocytosis. urticaria. trephine. Sheep (Goat = Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis. Reportable. Most common in dog. do not recover. coli. sys Abs based on C&S. Tap joint. CNS. Usu dt trauma or herniated IVD. neuropathy. Sorghum Cystitis – Toxic degneration of SC dt ingestion of green fresh sudan X sorghum or johnson grass.Elbow hygroma. Septicemia in Foal . fever. scaling disorder. Inside-out phenomenon. painless. Sublingual gland most commonly involved. Excess estrogens secreted. No treatment. multiple myeloma. Sertoli Cell Tumor – Testicular tumor. flap sinusotomy. www. Immune mediated reactions can occur such as purpura hemorrhagica. IM or IN. lots of organism. Not used dt chromosomal defects and skin irritation in humans. Tx is complete rest or exostectomy/ostectomy. Larvae migrate via cranial mesenteric artery.gumshoevet. ± moderate monocytosis (dog). Suture Types • Absorbable – Lose tensile strength w/in 60 days after implantation. an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Often 2° invader. major public health risk. also renal impairments (dt decreased blood flow through prostaglandin pathway). esp in pectoral region. See severe tetanic seizures.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Sporotrichosis . Sterilization – Thermal = 121°C for 15min at 15psi. Sulfas may cause KCS. Inhibits glycine. Inactivates protein. Steatitis – In reptiles. Lose strength more rapidly than disappear from tissue. Highly ZOONOTIC. draining lesion. then enhance maturation and drainage. Most drug side effects of all Abs. Staphylococcosis – Food born enterotoxin.net . Ddx from Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis which causes ln abscessation.121°C (250°F) for 15 minutes. Gastric ulcers in equine very common.Inflammation of interosseous ligament b/w small and large metacarpal bone of horses. myositis. Infection by day l0. Isolate organism for definitive dx. Stringhalt – Unknown etiology. Sulfonamides – G+. Strychnine – Rodenticide. lethargy. mucopurulent nasal discharge. Tx w/ ivermectin. culture from abscess/ln. Streptococcus equi equi . mature neutrophilia. Tx w/ SSKI (super-saturate potassium iodide) or itraconazole. 2-4μm. Bastard strangles is same diz elsewhere. • Control – Vaccine. lymphopenia. Streptococcus zooepidemicus . cigar or football shaped organisms. Contagious URT disease usu in weanlings and yearlings transmitted by fomites and contact. Treatment – PPG unless ln abscess. ethylene oxide. Strongyloides westeri – Larvae passed in milk to foals.63 Splints . Abscessation of submandibular and retropharyngeal ln and gutteral pouches (chondroids). In cats. Difficult to find organisms in dogs/horses. Ulcers/erosion – amount of blood does not correlate to size. Involuntary repetitive exaggerated flexion of hock. Accompanying periostitis and exostosis production on metacarpal bone. Broad spectrum. • Diagnosis – Hx. clin signs. • Clinical signs – Fever. Stomach Tumors – Most are bad. Prepatent period 6-11 mos. caused by too much fat and too little vitamin E and selenium in the diet. leads to colic.Sporothrix schenckii. Slamming foot down on ground. Bacteriostatic. Surgical Pack . CNS stimulant. Strongyloides vulgaris – Large strongyles.Causes upper respiratory tract infections in horses. Competitively inhibit folic acid synthesis.Strangles in horses. Stress Leukogram – Mild. eosinopenia. Tx w/ tenectomy of lateral digital extensor. Dx via eggs in feces. Chemical = gas. May develop thromboembolism. G-. Many bacteria have developed resistance. intracytoplasmic basophilic w/ clear thick halo. Chronic granulomatous cutaneous nodules. muscle wasting. Lameness during development of splints after animal is worked. Pleomorphic. NSAIDs can cause gastric ulcers and right dorsal colitis. Leiomyosarcomas are treatable. biopsy to be sure. Infection via ingestion of infective larvae. Bit slippery to handle. Absolute knot security. GIT. Use only on skin surface. Fair to poor handling. Uterus. 26% loss by 14d. Nidus for calculi in lumens/bladders. Multi. 80% loss by 21 d. Skin wounds heals slowly (not quite as slow as body wall). Far-far-near-near. but whole line can loosen. Ideal handling. .Connell – Inverting. • Cruciate – Appositional. menadione). synthetic. .gumshoevet. 1 to 2 for linea alba in LA. Sweet Clover – Melilotus alba. Do not use as tension (local ischemia). often used in CV sx. . fatal anemia. Surgilon is multi. good knot security. 8 pts.Continuous Lock – Everting. Mono. Min tissue rxn. Non-lumen penetrating. Size of suture material – smallest is 100 down to 0 then upto 6 is largest. • Selection of suture materials – Wounds do not gain strength until 4-6d postop. www. • Silk – Multi. but full thickness into lumen. More predictable tensile strength. 0 to 3-0 in LA. After 2 wks. 2x as fast as simple interrupted. to close the stomach. Like Cushing. Up to 6 mos for complete absorbtion. synthetic. . synthetic. natural. accelerated in urine. • Polydioxanone – PDS. coated. Do not use multifilament. Fascial wounds heal very slowly.Horizontal mattress – Everting. . synthetic.net . don’t use to close bladder. Tension relieving suture. not in skin. but nonabsorable may be more appropriate. • Horizontal mattress – Everting. 2nd closure layer of visceral wounds. Dexon. Highest tensile strength of all suture mtrls. Results in prolonged clotting time. No loss. but loses quickly. Visceral wounds heal rapidly (max strength 14-21d) so absorbable usu. Intense infl rxn. excellent knot security (locking action). far-near-near-far-over-far-near-near-far. Non-lumen penetrating. Possesses memory. but don’t use in joints b/c stiff. 0 to 3-0 in LA • Fascia and muscle – 0 to 3-0 in SA. Far-near-near-far. can use absorbable like PDS.Cushing – Inverting. Do not use to close body walls (heals slower than other tissues). Mono. Tx w/ vitamin K (Kl.Lembert mattress – Inverting. • Nonabsorbable – Maintain tensile strength for longer than 60d after implantation. Inside loops. • Polyglycolic acid – PGA. friable tissues. • Polypropylene – Prolene. Use viscerally. Good for SQ.Purse String – Inverting. synthetic. Hemorrhagic diz from consumption of toxic quantities of spoiled sweet clover. • Polyglactin 910 – Vicryl. Often used for SQ. stomach. Fair knot security. nonabsorbable in contaminated wound. • Stainless Steel – Metallic. • Continuous – Only 1st and last stitches are tied. Least reactive except for irritation from inflexible ends. • Poliglecaprone 25 – Monocryl. 1st layer of clsure of visceral wounds.Simple Interrupted – Appositional. • Ligation of small vessels – 3-0 to 4-0 in SA. Poor knot security (min 5 throws).64 • Catgut – Multi. “Whip stitch”. Don’t use in infected wound. Temp or perm clusre of lumina. Causes coumarol poisoning. phytonadione is more effective than K3. Poor knot security. natural. • Vertical mattress – Appositional. min tissue rxn. • Lembert – Inverting. . Multi. bladders. Secure. . Synthetic. • Nylon – Ethilon is mono. Strongest tensile strength originally. • Skin and SQ – 3-0 to 4-0 in SA. Mono. Surgilene. Blanket stitch.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Least reactive and least thrombogenic. or in vascular areas. Closure of visceral wounds. 60% loss by 28d. Most reactive of all suture mtrls. Min tissue rxn. No tensile strength loss. spontaneous hemorrhage. Nonabsorbable sutures indicated. More stable in tissues. Essentially 100% loss by 21 d. synthetic. Longer tensile strength than other absorbables. 80% loss by 60d. bladder. esp in cats. Good cosmesis. Do not use in contaminated wound. Lose efficiency. Less time. Most reactive of all nonabsorb. Multi. . • Polymerized Caprolactam – Supramid. 2-0 to 1 in muscle fascia. Forms an X when tied. only 25% strength maintained. 2 tissue penetration points. can use in bladder. Square.Simple Continuous – Everting. Suture Patterns – • Interrupted – Every suture has a knot assoc w/ it. 42% by 28d. 50% loss by 14d. No tensile strength loss. gain accuracy .Mattress – At least 4 tissue penetration points. mono or multi. less apposition. • Halstead – Inverting. do not implant. Vetafil. 86% by 56d. Dogs relatively resistant. • Treatment – Praziquantel (Droncit). thrombosis. • Clinical signs – Fever followed by CNS signs. Enterovirus of picornavirus family.Generalized retinal degeneration and dilated cardiomyopathy in cats. better the prognosis. deeper drop in fetlock w/ toe elevated. sawhorse stance. Transmission is aerosol and briefly in urine. Next inward is deep digital flexor tendon. NSAIDs. Important b/c must differentiate from FMD.gumshoevet. breed. Do not support bandage.Found in soil and intestinal tracts. Slower the onset of clinical signs. infarction. • Treatment . Then interosseous ligament. • Clinical signs . etc. ataxia. Occurs in cattle. Mucoid diarrhea w/ flecks of blood. bacterin. pleurisy. Sytemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) – Diagnose LE cells in synovial fluid. Toxin absorbed by motor nerves in area and pass up nerve tract to SC. • Diagnosis . Symblepharon . cats least sensitive mammal. Fenbendazole (Panacure) only effective against Taenia spp. from near sheep. Tetanus – Clostridium tetani.Adhesion of eyelid to eyeball. wild ungulates. • Pathogenesis . Blindness.net . 3rd eyelid prolapsed. TEME . ice/heat. Tendons – Equine. Acute septicemic diz of CNS and eye. Hemophilus somnus.65 Swine Dysentery . malaise. characteristic lesions in LI. Retinal hemorrhage. caninum. REPORTABLE. double pored dog tapeworm from fleas. isolation of organism. • Lax tendons – Foal w/ ankle on ground. Taenia taeniaeformis from cats w/ access to infected mice/rats.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Rarely cause serious disease. drop in fetlock w/ toe on ground. • Diagnosis – Proglottids in feces and bedding. • Clinical signs . condition. rest. sardonic grin. Unthriftiness. makes weaker. diarrhea. Eggs on fecal floatation. • Control – Flea control for D. if cut all three. hyperesthesia. adult tapeworm may develop in SI. Incubation is 14 days. Superficial digital flexor tendon on outside.Tonic spasms. Intro to tissue via deep puncture wounds. deep digital flexor tendon (attaches to P3). Causes DIC. • Pathogenesis . saginata) and pork (T. TLC. Dx based on clin signs. big appetite. pericarditis. Toxin interferes w/ release of neurotransmitters causing spasmodic. Transient disease of pigs. shaggy coat. Tapeworms – Cestodes. time. tail stiff and extended. solium) well. if cut. Lockjaw. synovitis. Transmitted via direct contact or feeding of infected pork. rest. Epsiprantel (Cestex). www. Long recovery.Serpulina hypdysenteriae. hemorrhage. If knuckle over. degree of infection. castration. the hydatid tape. Erect ears. causing ascending tetanus.Depend on age. Cook beef (T. severe vasculitis. racehorses. Hemorrhagic infarcts on brain. Taurine Deficiency . streptomycin. Heel extensions. fetlock on the ground completely. • Contracted tendons – Ballerina tiptoes. weakness. Dx ELISA. caninum from humans ingesting Ctenocephalides felis flea. Horses most sensitive. then see clin signs. Diplidium caninum.Thromboembolic meningoencephalitis. D. birds and pigs resistant. Tx w/ antibacterials such as Lincomycin. Mucohemorrhagic LI diarrhea of pigs. Produces neurotoxin in necrotic tissue. Confine. Spores only grow in necrotic tissue. oxytetracycline. tonic contractions of voluntary muscles. Ears pulled back and bulgy eyes. Pig does not lose condition and lesions heal rapidly. superficial digital flexor tendon (attaches to top of P2). if cut in addition. pneumonia. Blocks release of GABA/glycine from inhibitory interneurons. • Treatment – Penicillin.Clinical signs and necropsy. ZOONOSIS.Organism circulates in bloodstream. Tx by cutting distal inferior check ligament. SwineVesicular Disease – Vesicular disease. • Bowed tendon – Superficial digital flexor tendon inflammation and swelling. recumbency. Echinoccus granulosus. docking. wild canids.Penicillin. absence of femoral arterial pulses. Thoracic Duct . Tx w/ supportive therapy and tx of encephalopathy – often successful. Serum Hepatitis.Previously unexposed pregnant animals can develop parasitemia w/ spread of infection to fetus. ZOONOTIC. No lameness. or unpasteurized goat milk. Pregant human – miscarriage. Theiler’s Disease – Idiopathic Acute Hepatic Disease. Antitoxin is not effective once toxin has bound to nerves. • Treatment . Phenobarbital and acepromazine are sometimes helpful in mgmt of those cases. High risk humans are pregnant (between month 2-6) or immunosuppressed. Most toxoplasma infections acquired after birth dt ingestion of undercooked meat. pain. Many humans have antibodies (2550%). [Bilateral symmetric tonsillar enlargement caused by lymphosarcoma]. Unilateral. photosensitivity. nonpainful swelling above point of hock and on medial and lateral aspects of hock. control polycythemia. Oocysts sporulate in 2-4 days and become infective. exer intol.net . firm ulcerated mass. • Diagnosis – Serology. 4 fold ↑ in IgG over 4 wks or single IgM increase. pallor of affected paws. contaminated wound. and keratitis. Important cause of abortion in sheep and humans. Remove parasites with forceps. Latent toxoplasmosis may become active following immunosuppression. supraventricular arrhythmics. Toxocariasis – See Roundworms. paresthesia. Poor px dt metastasis to retropharyngeal or mandibular lymph nodes.} Tissue biopsy w/ active organism = definitive dx.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . 3) right ventricular hypertrophy. congestive heart failure.Squamous cell carcinoma in dogs and cats.Manage heart failure. cyanosis. Px guarded.Tetanus toxoid as preventative or on fresh wound. • Clinical signs – Usually asymptomatic in cats. cold extremities. Soft. may see fever. ocular levamasole solution. Thoroughpin . most common in broodmares 1-3 mos post foaling. including rodent. lacrimation. Definitive host = cat. Parasites of conjunctival sac. fetal leukoencephalomalacia.Duct beginning in cisterna chyli and emptying into venous system at junction of left subclavian and left internal jugular veins. left atrial and ventricular enlargement. Embolus occurs most frequently at distal aortic trifurcation. Anterior tibial and gastrocnemius mm become hard due to ischemic myopathy. Toxoplasmosis – Toxoplasma gondii. Clinical signs include hepatic insufficiency. Deposited by Musca flies feeding on ocular secretions. Fecal float (rarely dx). Heparin to prevent further thrombosis. and man. seizures.heart murmur. • Transmission . β blockers. birth defects.gumshoevet. Transmission via oocysts passed in feces of susceptible cats for 3-21 days following infection. 2) high ventricular septal defect. Acts as a channel for collection of lymph from portions of the body caudal to diaphragm and from left side of body in front of diaphragm. Tetrology of Fallot – Most common defect that produces cyanosis. Antitoxin if unknown vax history or old. Usu in adults.Occurs in cats associated w/ cardiomyopothy. Usually w/ murmur (dt pulmonic stenosis). irregular. blepharospasm. {4 fold ↑ in IgM titers in cats indicate active infection and potential public health risk. Causes conjunctivitis. Thromboembolic disease . Aspirin. Associated w/ tetanus antitoxin (or contact w/ horse that recently received TAT) and admin of equine immune serum. domestic farm animals.Tenosynovitis of the deep flexor tendon of hindleg. and 4) overriding aorta. dark urine. cyanotic nail beds. Intermediate host = many vertebrates. Thelazia – Eyeworm. icterus. Tonsillar Tumor . Stunted growth. Most common cause of acute hepatitis in horse. oocyst contaminated soil (gardening). Ocular problems.66 • Control . High IgG levels indicate past infection in cats and immunity. Cardiac abnormalities . Pentology of Fallot would add atrial septal defect. Oocysts very resistant and survive in environment for years. Rising IgG titers indicate active infection. coccidian protozoan. collapse. • Clinical findings – Paralysis. Sx correction rarely performed. Prevent by careful admin of TAT – only when needed for prophy or if tetanus toxid immunization absent or unknown. www. malaise. hepatic encephalopathy (yawning). Includes 1) pulmonic stenosis. stillbirth. Cauliflower-like tumor located on exterior genitalia. Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis . infertility. Venereal disease of cattle characterized by early fetal death (repeat breeding and prolonged calving interval). Upward Fixation of the Patella – Equine. Urinary Tract Obstruction – Blocked tomcat. filamentous. Often undiagnosed in domestic and wild animals. • Diagnosis . paintbrush hemorrhage. [ ] of TLI in serum reflects releases of trypsinogen from pancreatic acinar cells. Brahmen are predisposed. then are free of infection. Viral disease of small intestine in pigs of all ages.net . then suddenly pops. Dx based on clinical signs and TFA of SI. and postcoital pyometra. now suggest rest and exercise to strengthen surrounding muscles. On necropsy see focal areas of necrosis seen in liver.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . hepatomegaly. Severe dehydration. gram-. Vincristine. contact or contaminated feces results in acute focal bacterial hepatitis seen in many animals. Spontaneous regression. Found in genital tract of cow and bull. Dairy > Beef (dt diet and environment). • Treatment – Medical. pericarditis. • Prophylaxis . Cook pork to >137°F. www.67 • Treatment . Metastasis uncommon (5%). Can be found in oral/nasal cavity as well. obligate. Dispose of litter daily. drop in milk production. Find organism in placental fluid. Oral exposure to spores. usu. Tx is supportive. esp in young foals. Bulls remain permanently infected unless treated. liver or splenic abscess. prepuce. Subnormal values indicate inadequate pancreatic exocrine secretion. Drag toe. Postrenal azotemia. pericardectomy (5th rib resection). see 3 phases – intestinal. Surgical. Cover children’s sandboxes. If pregnant. Cows remain infected throughout pregnancy and 3 mos following pregnancy. Can have signs of pericardial effusion and congestive heart failure (brisket edema. ZOONOTIC. Pleuritis. In pigeons and birds of prey causes caseous lesions in oral cavity.Based on history and clinical findings. Transmission is aerosol. Tx w/ fluid therapy and unblock. Trichinosis – Trichinella spiralis. Trichomoniasis . Chemotherapy tx of choice. Transmissible Gastroenteritis – Coronavirus. In man. intracellular bacterium. sudden onset rumenal atony. avoid contact w/ cat litter. Dx w/ In pouch test from bull prepuce. Human infection via ingestion of encysted larvae in insufficiently cooked pork.Do not feed cats raw meat. Tx by culling bulls and resting heifers 3 mos. Classic signs disappear after few days and harder to dx. Hyperkalemic myocardiotaoxicity and metabolic acidosis. nematode. Motile. Desmotomy of medial patellar ligament ± transection of vastis medialis mm. rarely done. contaminated vegetables. Profuse watery diarrhea. Death is rapid.Tritrichomonas feotus. Cook garbage fed to pigs. Acute local peritonitis. Meat inspection. Clean litter box daily and wash hands after cleaning. Vomiting initial sign. Low glucose. ELISA to detect anti-Trichinella antibodies. sporeforming. • Clinical findings – Acute drop in milk production and rumen stasis. rumenotomy. stomach of aborted fetus. Clindamycin.Seldom warranted.Hardware disease. muscle invasion. feed sow TGE-infected intestine 24 weeks before farrowing. For oocyst shedding by cats. myocardium and intestines. Results from perforation of reticulum by swallowed metallic objects. Trypsinlike Immunoreactivity – Best test for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (maldigestion) in dogs. Systemic infection in dogs and cats. elevated liver enzymes. foetus. May grunt on pressure of xiphoid. Rodent and carcus control. In cattle. distended jugular veins). Parasitic diz of public health importance. Transmission by AI can occur. Hyperfibrinogenemia and hyperglobulinemia (if chronic). Transmissible Venereal Tumor . AI w/ semen free of T. Can also freeze or heat to kill trichinae before market. goats milk. gardening. Px for remission good. Tyzzer’s Disease – Clostridium piliforme (used to be Bacillus piliformis). use Clindamycin. undercooked meat. rumen magnet (recommended in all dairy cattle). can’t flex. Used to cut medial patellar ligament to repair.gumshoevet. convalescent and occasionally death. Monensin. approved parenteral antibiotics. TGE results in severe villous atrophy of jejunum and ileum. Infectious disease of horses. Urethral calculi – usu male w/ obstruction. Swine only.7 yrs old. Serious diz because looks like others. echo. Dx w/ rads. Traumatic reticuloperitonitis is most common cause. called Eisenmenger’s Complex (see cyanosis. • Struvite . acidifying cystiuria. lithotripsy (uncommon in vet med). Ruminant. Dx w/ rads. Usu small breed dogs and dalmations. tongue. limit Ca+ intake (u/d. • Vesicular Stomatitis – Rhabdovirus. indistinguishable virus found in San Miguel sea lions.net . Infection should be assessed. Regurgitation of solid food. may be absent if very large defect. 1 uterine horn. Forms in acidic urine. Dissolution . hypercalciuria. excessive salivation. anorexia. REPORTABLE . Transient diz of pigs. Dissolve or sx removal. English Bulldogs. Tx w/ ampicillin (acidifying). buspirone. usu in females. if renal leak. thiazide diuretics. Allopurinol to ↓ hepatic conversionof xanthine to uric acid. Most radiodense. Urocystoliths – usu female. Moderately radiodense. If resistance ↑ and blood starts shunting R to L. REPORTABLE. megaesophagus (careful). Urolithiasis – Can be composed of single crystalloid.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . • Foot and Mouth disease – Aphthovirus in picornavirus family. Most 3. Heritable in miniature swine. can perform sx extraction. see dilated esophagus cranial to heart. Feed from elevated platform. Esophagus entrapped extraluminally. Vesicular Exanthema – Vesicular Disease. Usually male. Sx. Swine only. Transmitted by mosquitoes and biting flies and via movement of animals. Results in delayed passage of ingesta. Garbage and fish should be cooked before being fed to pigs. Ventricular Septal Defect – Relatively common in cats. Dx ELISA. low protein diet (u/d). radiodense. Vesicular Stomatitis – Vesicular Disease. Fever. phosphate and magnesium intake. struvite w/ UTI. CL lasts dt lack of luteolytic signal from adjacent uterine horn. Blue Tongue. cattle. Promote diuresis. exer intol). hypercalcemic disorder. soles. NJ and Indiana subtypes. Results in acid-base and electrolyte imbalances. Test and slaughter. highly infectious. • Cystine – Defective reabsoption of amino acids by renal tubules results in insoluble.can increase solubility of crystalloid by modifying pH. US declared VES free in 1959. Rumenotomy for temp relief. Metabolic problems lead to excess crystalloid in urine. palpable cystitis. oral mucosa. Uterus Unicornis – Long periods of anestrus in cow. megestrol acetate. may see significant circulatory derangements and acute L sided congestive heart failure. Most common congenital cardiac anomaly in horses. Vesicular Diseases – Clinical signs indistinguishable b/w diseases. Surgical extraction required. but not as contagious as FMD. N-2-mercaptopropionyl). To prevent: If absorptive problem. voiding urohydropropulsion (if small enough to pass thru urethra). pasty feces. Form urocystoliths. Rhabdovirus. thiol drugs to increase cystine solubility (D-penicillamine.Lesions that involve vagus nerve of forestomach and abomasum cause varying degrees of paralysis. and pigs. coronary band and b/w toes. passage of small amounts of soft. Vascular Ring Anomaly – Persistent Right Aortic Arch. Systolic murmur in R 4th ICS usu w/ thrill. • Urate – Dalmation. swine. restrict protein. Renderpest. cattle. No specific treatment. Vagal Indigestion . ↑ urate excretion.gumshoevet. DDXs: MCF. BVDV. 2 ovaries. REPORTABLE. • Oxalate – Calcium Oxalate. mixed or compound. Ddx – stricture. will not dissolve. promote diuresis. Dog and cat. • Vesicular Exanthema – Calicivirus. diverticulum. Promote diuresis. Calicivirus. Horses. aspiration pneumonia. calculolytic diet (s/d). UTI (urease producing bacteria) leads to alkaline urine. w/d). • SwineVesicular Disease – Enterovirus of picornavirus family. acidifying. dissolution. Poor response to tx. Shunting of blood from L to R dt ↑ left sided pressures.Magnesium ammonium phosphate. Acute. FB. Do not breed.68 Urine Spraying in Cats – Often behavioral. Renal leak. May add bicarb to diet. Alkalinize urine w/ potassium citrate. To remove. lameness seen dt vesicular lesions of mouth. nonacidifying diet (u/d) to ↓ urate output. Also amitryptyline (causes dry mouth and urinary retention). febrile disease. Tx w/ diazepam. Depending on size of defect. Potassium citrate to maintain pH. 1972. Pulmonary aa and vv enlarged. fatigue. distention of abdomen. www. Feed purine restricted diet. Spreads rapidly. portocaval shunt dogs. 1° hyperparathyroidism. and pigs. small. (Sea lions). Radiodense. Arthropod vectors. Trichuris vulpis. Liver is storage organ. infection. N∅ and monocytes. soft tissue lesion in pharyngeal area. repro probs. which is ~ 6 hrs after wound (up to 12 hrs). Fresh blood in feces.aerobic coccobacillus. Milbemycin (Interceptor. Wound Healing – 4 stages that overlap. • Third Intention . Close when ready w/ primary closure. clean. too frequent of bandage changes. Blindness. but platelet # and fxn are normal. G. Whipworms – Trichuriasis. necrotic tissue. Close apposition of skin edges. ↑AST. myoglobinuria. Water Consumption – Normal water consumption is 20-40 mls/pound/day. 3) Repair phase. Dx by history. casting). Wooden Tongue – Actinobacillus lignieresii. multiple “abscess looking” lesions in oral cavity. 2) Debridement phase. vWF circulates w/ factor VIII. hepatosis dietetica (mulberry diz). necropsy. clean areas. irrigate. Common in DPs. ill thrift. Vitamin E/Selenium deficiency. checks an balances. proud flesh.gumshoevet. periodic shedders. Deficiency of vWF causes ↓ platelet binding to vessels. which are important antioxidants. White Muscle Disease – Nutritional Myodystrophy (NMD). moisture. Granulomatous. Begins 15 d after wound and continues for 6-12 mos or longer. [Se]. Healing is rapid. Often excise and debride until primary closure can be performed.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . Provide salt/trace mineral mixes. Contraction and epithelialization have occurred to some degree. proud flesh. adults mature in cecum in approx 3 mos. Blue eyed albino assoc w/ deafness. Tx w/ NaI (one time) and antibiotics. Cont’d tensile strength. Skin heals by contraction and/or epithelialization. ↓ by infection. Swelling of tongue. Epithelialization involves sliding of epithelial cells across wound surface. respiratory signs. May be assoc w/ hypothyroidism. contaminated wounds. necropsy. [vitaE]. Appears clinically as platelet defect. • Diagnosis – Direct fecal and floatation. clin signs. “Proud flesh” when in excess. 1st 2-3 days usu. repro probs. mass in buccal or cervical area seperately moveable from bone. see thick shelled eggs w/ bipolar plugs. Sentinel). Apposition of wound after golden period but before appearance of granulation tissue. clin signs. www. • Delayed Secondary Closure – After gran bed. • Treatment – Fenbendazole (Panacure). insulin. Tx w/ vitaE and Se injections. Healing will not proceed until necrotic tissue is removed. 40-70mm long w/ slender anterior and thick posterior. Fresh. Inhabit cecum. Tx w/ vita A injection or oral prep. Eggs susceptible to dessication. 4-5 days after injury. anemia. Epithelialization is ↑ by heat (bandaging). Perform during the “Golden Period”. Results in scar which is never as strong as tissue it replaced (15-20% weaker). larvae develop in jejunal wall. Can see ↓ Na+. capillary infiltration. collagen = granulation tissue. which appears 3-6 d after injury. Waardenburg-Klien Syndrome – Cats. This phase ↑ tensile strength. Dt melanoblast migration.Asymptomatic to wt loss and diarrhea. • In Avian – Deficiency turns mucous membranes into skin. Generalized muscle weakness or stiffness (ddx tetanus). Chronic. after 4-5 days. • Clinical signs . • Second Intention – Nature’s method.Delayed Primary Closure. silver sulfadiazine. w/ adeq vascularization. von Willebrand’s Disease – Most common inherited bleeding disorder in dogs. Colustrum is calf source. ↑CK. Fibroblasts. Due to all seed diet. 1) Inflammatory phase. Easy to culture. ↑ K+ which mimics addison’s. Regression of caps and fibroblast. it does not regenerate. • Also a vitamin A responsive primary seborrhea.69 Vitamin A Deficiency – Lack of green feed. N∅ are 1° cells. pack and dress. • First Intention – Primary closure. Remodeling. 4) Maturation phase. [vitaA]. NSAIDs (in high doses). Heavy ova. Direct life cycle w/ ingestion of infective eggs. begins w/in 1st 12 hrs. can take wks to mos. Vitamin C – Guinea pigs require dietary vitamin C. scarring minimal. Dx by history. [beta carotene].net . ill thrift. Many factors inhibit contraction including steroids. w/in 6-12 hrs and lasts 12hrs to 5 days dependent on amt of debris to clean up. oxygenation (bandaging. shape. Debride. anorexia. Zinc Deficiency . stiff joints. poor production.A-Z NAVLE Study Guide . poor wound healing.gumshoevet. Found in moldy corn. dermatitis. Crusted food pad lesions in dogs.70 Xanthomatosis – Abnormal lipid metabolism. Zn methionine well absorbed w/ few side effects. www. listlessness. Zinc Responsive Dermatosis – Heriditary in arctic breeds (SH. Zn sulfate is cheap but poor bioactivity and GI upset limits usage. Broad effects include slipping of wool.net . Requires lifelong therapy. parokeratosis.Estrogenic substance produced by Fusarium graminearum. unthriftiness. but improves. alopecia. AM). Causes signs of hyperestrogenism (such as bone marrow suppression). Not Zn deficient. Zearalenone .Involved in process of cell division. 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