

A SUMMER TRAINING REPORTON A STUDY ON ORANIZATIONAL CULTURE IN AXIOM INDYA PRIVATE LIMITED, BHILAI Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree Master of Business Administration Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai Submitted by, AMARNATH DHAMGAYA MBA – III Semester (Session -2010-2011) Approved By, SUMEET GUPTA Head of the Department of Management Guided By, SUMEET GUPTA HOD MBA, SSITM Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Technology and Management 2 Junwani, Bhilai (C.G.) - 490020 3 DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE I the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the summer training work entitled A study on organizational culture in Axiom Indya Pvt. Ltd., Bhilai is based on my own work carried out during the course of my study under the supervision of Mr. Amarnath Dhamgaya at Axiom Indya Pvt. Ltd., Bhilai I assert that the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of my research work. I further declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the report does not contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of MBA degree or any other degree/diploma/certificate in this University or any other University of India or abroad. (Signature of the Candidate) AMARNATH DHAMGAYA Enrollment No: AA2212 4 CERTIFICATE FROM THE COMPANY 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT At this juncture of submission of final report, I feel greatly honoured to be associated with “Axiom Indya Private Limited” Bhilai C.G .It was great seasoning for me to gain knowledge of Organizational Culture in Axiom Indya. I am extremely grateful to Mr. Amarnath Dhamgaya (Sr. Manager HR, CEO) Axiom Indya for their guidance and keen interest in the project expectations. I would thanks Dr. Sumeet Gupta Head Of Department MBA, SSITM for giving me time and support needed for preparing this project. They have constantly guided me through the entire project. I would also thanks employees of Axiom Indya for their constant willingness and help provided to me during my project tenure. Amarnath Dhamgaya MBA –Semester III 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration by the Student - 2 Certificate from the Supervisor - 3 Acknowledgments - 4 Chapter 1. Introduction to the study - 6 a. Research Background b. Contributions Chapter 2. Company Profile - 8 a. About the Company Chapter 3. Literature Review - 11 Chapter 4. Research Methodology - 15 a. Objectives b. Research Plan c. Sampling Plan d. Data Collection e. Descriptive Statistics Chapter 5. Data Tabulation, Analysis and Results - 16 a. Type of Analysis used b. Results of the Analysis Chapter 6. Findings - 23 Chapter 7. Recommendations - 24 Chapter 8. Conclusions - 25 References - 26 Appendices a. Questionnaire used - 27 7 INTRODUCTION Culture plays an important role in the growth, expansion, productivity and success of any organization. When the culture changes, it brings along a change in the form of new values, working styles, structure, beliefs and mission and vision of the company. For understanding the same, I have targeted employees of Solwins Technology, Bhilai. A questionnaire was designed to analyze the understanding and interpretation of the organizational values, beliefs and traditions of both the companies by the employees. The experience of interviewing them was amazing as some of the employees spoke their heart out and a few of them expressed their desire to go back to the old culture and style of working. I have made my best effort in presenting the views and opinions of all the employees regarding the transition from old culture to the new culture. Culture plays a significant role in the life of its organizational members. It has an impact on the attitudes and behaviours of employees. Just as society has a social culture; the place where people work has an organization culture. It is defined as a pattern of basic assumptions – invented, discovered or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaption and internal integration – that has worked well enough to be considered valuable and, therefore, to be taught to new members as a correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems. Organizational culture starts up with a common lifestyle adopted by its members in the form of shared learning, behaviours, values & interests and provides the employees with a clear understanding of the way things are done around them in their organization. Culture is considered to be a common perception held by their employees regarding their organization. Organizations too, like individuals, have personalities. Organizations can be viewed as rigid or flexible, unfriendly or supportive, innovative or conservative. Culture in an organization plays at different levels, dominant culture which is shared and accepted by the majority of the organization members, the next level to come are the sub cultures that exist at the micro level reflecting the common problems and situations faced by every member in the company within his group or department. 8 A healthy organization culture rest on eight strong pillars of “OCTAPACE” referring to openness, confrontation, trust, authenticity, proactive, autonomy, collaboration and explicitness. Organization cultures can be categorized into strong and week cultures. A strong culture is generally developed by a strong leader. Besides the leadership factor, there are two other significant factors that reflect on the strength of the organization culture. These two factors are sharedness and intensity. Sharedness is the degree to which organizational members possess the same core values. Intensity refers to the degree of commitment to such core values by organization members. Generally an organization’s founders are the ultimate source of its culture. Employees learn culture from different sources, namely, stories, rituals, material symbols and language. Culture performs a number of functions in an organization. Firstly it plays a boundary defining role. Secondly it builds a sense of identity for its members. Thirdly culture generates and increases the level of commitment more than the self interest of an individual. Fourthly culture increases the stability of a social system. Lastly culture is a control mechanism that directs and shapes the attitude and behaviour of employees. Sometimes an organization fells the need to change its culture. This may be due to drastic changes in the external environment, for which it needs to adapt in order to survive. However it is not east to change cultures and sometimes it cannot be done successfully. Some of the hindrances include entrenched skills, staffs, relationships, roles and structures that work together to reinforce traditional cultural patterns. Moreover, power stakeholders like union, management or even customers may lend support to the existing culture. In spite of these prominent barriers and resistance to change, cultures could be managed and changed over a period of time to match the competitive global requirements. 9 COMPANY PROFILE AXIOM INDYA PVT. LTD.: Axiom Indya Pvt. Ltd. is an innovative and productive team that provides design and service solution in web, software, industrial automation (Engineering). They offer a full package convenience to the clients as they meet the demands and objectives in their respective industries. It is always there to provide fresh and appealing blueprint for web, design, software and industrial automation service at competitive rates that assure value for money. They focus exclusively on maximizing client returns from providing best solutions and services that concentrate on quality software development laying the emphasis on meeting unique business needs of their customers. They create efficient solutions, maintaining high quality software development and constantly. They have great experience in managing large web applications in real time. Their practice in the business process outsourcing arena fully compliments and strengthens the broad range of their service offerings. Their solutions aim to provide high value by optimizing the cost of ownership for their customers. Axiom Indya Pvt. Ltd. is a software development company in central India. They provide custom software development, web development, and industrial automation. They concentrate on quality software development laying the emphasis on meeting unique business needs of their customers. They create efficient solutions, maintaining high quality software development and constantly. VISION: AXIOM INDYA PVT. LTD. is the most trusted and by far the largest source for information processing, Training and certification in India. 10 It also develops, maintains and makes available at no cost, the largest collection of research documents about various aspects of information processing and it operates in form of software applications. CORE VALUES: AXIOM INDYA is run by a team dedicated professionals. When you contact them you will be in touch or dealt directly and promptly by the people who run the service. They provide their clients with a friendly service that is thorough and professional on one to one basis which is also comprehensive, efficient and affordable. Their goal is to assist you in the way to achieve your goal. AXIOM INDYA is a fusion of values and abilities. Diversity is their cornerstone and their employees reflect their commitment to work across cultures. Mission Statement: To provide expert and honest solutions to people who wish to have an association with them. STRENGTH: National Presence 100% Placement Assistance Well Certified Training Manuals Team Dynamism Highly Qualified and Experienced professionals Personalized Action Plan for Self Improvement 11 THERE CLIENTS: Websites: NIBM, Bhilai. Shiva Public School, Bhilai MCIT College Rajnandgaon Madhurisha Height, Bhilai Indiana Ganga, Rajnandgaon Landmark Developers, Bhilai Blossommeltech, Bhilai Software: APGF Networking Software Mangal bhavan smriti nagar (account) Manish titles Bhilai (inventory control management) 12 LITERATURE REVIEW ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE: A single definition of organizational culture has proven to be very elusive. No one definition of organizational culture has emerged in the literature (Scholl, 2003). There is considerable agreement on the general definition of organizational culture and most questionnaires define culture as: “a set of cognitions shared by members of a social unit” (Reilly, Chatman, and Caldwell (1991)), or more fully: “a system of shared values and beliefs that produces norms of behavior and establishes an organizational way of life” (Koberg & Chusmir, 1987). The latter definition is important because it pinpoints the fact that the culture construct can be unequivocally understood to deal with “major beliefs and values”, or alternatively as “norms and patterns of behavior and norms” (Gundry & Rousseau, 1994; Delobbe, Haccoun & Vandenberghe, 2002). The cultural aspects of businesses are very complicated, but their importance cannot be overstated. Organizational culture is the personality of the organization. Trade experts at Moran, Stahl and Boyer International, an international consulting firm, said that culture has two components: surface culture (fads, styles, food and holidays) and deep culture (norms, attitudes, values and beliefs). According to the tip-of-the iceberg concept, many important cultural aspects are not easily seen. According to Berg and Harral (1998) certain resources, especially personnel, generally are not as available in smaller organizations. Also, overlapping responsibilities or assignments are uncommon because each person has defined activity areas or turf. Smaller firms maintain a more limited scope in terms of products or services, processes, customer base, geographic market and technology. Exceptions to this tendency include large scope/small organizations such as trading companies, independent manufacturers' representatives, internet sales firms and consortiums, or the opposite extreme of narrow scope/large organizations such as airlines and governmental agencies. Adding or letting go of a single person in a small company may create major change and chaos until everyone determines his or her new responsibilities. Small firm culture is more informal, although not necessarily more relaxed. This translates into fewer written directions and records. People unfamiliar with small company culture often mistake informality for indifference. Nothing could be more erroneous. A small company owner casually requesting a subordinate to perform an activity may convey unmentioned dire consequences for nonperformance exceeding those of a registered letter of demand. A primary difference between large and small companies is the management's role and involvement. Typically, the top management of a small firm has greater 13 interest and control of the firm through ownership. They are more involved with daily operations in all areas. They know all employees and their strengths and weaknesses. They understand, and can often perform, all activities or processes. They know the customer's representatives and understand customer needs and quirks. They are knowledgeable about the relative strengths and weaknesses of the firm's products/services as well as its competitors. Above all, top management is reflected as the firm's alter ego (Berg & Harral, 1998). Cameron and Quinn (1999) have defined four types of culture, which are identifiable among small as well as large firms. These four classes include clan, adhocracy, market-driven culture and hierarchy. Organizational performance and routines, and their responsiveness to change are believed to depend on the type of culture (Deshpande, Parley & Webster, 1993). Although there are valuable contributions, there exists a lack of significant study of organizational culture in SMEs in Pakistan. This paper is an attempt to address this important issue of defining and identifying the particular components of organizational culture exhibited by SMEs. Organizational culture is postulated to be one of the most important theoretical levers required for understanding organizations. Verifying and using those theories minimally requires comparisons between the cultures of different firms, which in turn implies the identification of common dimensions for assessing organizational culture (Delobbe, Haccoun & Vandenberghe, 2002). Koley, Bernice, and Meredith (1997) addressed the importance of managerial values. They identified four clusters of firms that vary in terms of personal values (entrepreneurs-conservatives), strategies (proactive-reactive), and performance (above average-below average). Pederson and Sorensen (1989) studied high technology small firms for the specific identification of shared values. Some shared values among the firms studied were: treat people with consideration, high education-high spirit, proper consultancy, do not brag, and get things done-the results count, were found to be some shared values among these firms. The findings, therefore, contributed to a relatively unexplored area of small business culture. Jung (1923) developed a cultural paradigm and described several archetypes of culture, which were further developed by Quinn and McGrath (1985) and Deshpande, Parley, and Webster (1993). Two key dimensions were used to classify organizational culture: the continuum from organic to mechanistic processes and the relative emphasis on internal maintenance versus external. 14 Cameron and Quinn (1999) have developed an organizational culture framework built on a theoretical model called the “Competing Values Framework”. This framework refers to whether an organization has a predominant internal or external focus and whether it strives for flexibility and individuality or stability and control. OCTAPACE CULTURE: Octapace is the first letter indicating eight values. Apart from an acronym for these values, OCTAPACE is a term indicating the eight (OCTA) steps (PACE) needed to create a functional ethos (Pareek, 2000). The eight important values relevant to any organisation are: (1) Openness, (2) Confrontation, (3) Trust, (4) Authenticity, (5) Proactivity, (6) Autonomy, (7) Collaboration, and (8) Experimentation. The above eight important values are discussed below briefly. 1. Openness Openness can be defined as a spontaneous expression of feelings and thoughts and the sharing of these without defensiveness. It applies both receiving and giving directions without any resistance/ hesitation. Individual should be open to criticism, aim being to correct oneself. Recent trend in organisations of sharing meals, accommodation in the offices irrespective of the rank and status is an example of openness. 2. Confrontation Confrontation can be defined as facing rather than shying away from problems. It also implies a deeper analysis of interpersonal problems. It involves taking challenge to do the work. The outcome of the confrontation can be better role clarity, improved problem solving and willingness to work under adverse conditions. 3. Trust Trust in the organisation is referred to maintaining confidentiality and mutual understanding. It is also reflected in a sense of assurance and that others will help when the need arises. Trust is accepting what other person is saying at the face value and not searching for the ulterior motives. The outcome of the trust is high empathy, support and simplification of office procedure. Trust is required for smooth functioning of the organization with reduced stress and negligible conflict environment. 4. Authenticity Authenticity is the congruence between what one feels, says and does. It is reflected in owning up to one’s mistakes and sharing of feelings without any reservations. It reduces dissonance between members of the orgnization. 15 5. Proactivity Proactivity means taking initiative, preplanning, taking preventive actions and calculating payoffs of an alternative course of action. Proactivity gives a person initiative to start a new process or a set of modified behaviour. A person showing proactivity functions at the following three levels: • Feeling: The person transcends logic and reasoning and reaches to the feeling of other person. In the process he crosses role boundary and ensure things happen leading to empathy. • Thinking: A person may transcend his immediate feelings, emotions and reasoning. He may think of future plans and visualize the things to happen, he may even give suitable directions and evolve his own concepts/theory. • Action: Looking at the problem, searching various alternatives and initiating a new process are the gist of action part of proactivity. Proactive individual does not fall in the trap but makes a move of his own in critical situation and puts opponent in the defensive situation. He shows a high level of maturity and displays adult-adult transactions. 6. Autonomy Autonomy relates to wider degree of delegation. It refers to releasing power that the employees already possess. Individual enjoys freedom of action in his own area of responsibility. He sets for himself the way a particular works to be undertaken and lays down priority. Autonomy promotes initiative, greater degree of acceptance of responsibility and derives greater level of job satisfaction. 7. Collaboration Collaboration refers to working together for mutual benefits. It develops team spirit. Collaboration promotes mutual trust, timely help in terms of sharing resources, experiences, leading to higher productivity and better interpersonal/group communication and behaviour in the organizations/groups. 8. Experimentation Experimentation refers promoting creativity and innovation in the organizations. It uses feedback and reports to initiate corrective actions. It is a way of doing things differently away from the routine processes that springs added energy among the workers. In experimentation, the leader should promote mistakes of employees and should not snub them. He should initiate rewards liberally. 16 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The methodology section will consist of three sections. Section A. Objectives:  To evaluate existing organization culture in Axiom Indya Pvt. Ltd.  To evaluate the effectiveness of organization culture in Axiom Indya Pvt. Ltd.  To measure the influence of organization culture on employee satisfaction. Section B. Research Plan and Sampling Plan: RESEARCH PLAN Research Design: Descriptive Research Method Used Survey Research Technique Used Questionnaire Data Collection (location) From Bhilai Sampling Plan Simple Random Sample Size 25 Section C. Demographic characteristics of the respondents. Measure Item Number of Respondents Age 0-20 0 20-30 19 30-50 6 Income < 1 Lakh 0 1-3 Lakhs 21 3-5 Lakhs 4 Total 25 HYPOTHESIS: H0: The organization culture does not have any influence on employee satisfaction H1: The organization culture has positive influence on employee satisfaction. 17 DATA TABULATION, ANALYSIS AND RESULTS Data Tabulation: 18 Analysis for Values: Initial Cluster Centers Cluster 1 2 1_1 3 5 1_2 5 2 1_3 3 4 1_4 1 4 1_5 1 5 1_6 2 4 1_7 3 4 1_8 2 5 1_9 2 5 1_10 3 5 1_11 3 3 1_12 2 5 Iteration History a Iteration Change in Cluster Centers 1 2 dimension0 1 3.202 3.132 2 .000 .000 a. Convergence achieved due to no or small change in cluster centers. The maximum absolute coordinate change for any center is .000. The current iteration is 2. The minimum distance between initial centers is 8.660. 19 Final Cluster Centers Cluster 1 2 1_1 3 4 1_2 4 3 1_3 3 4 1_4 3 3 1_5 2 4 1_6 3 4 1_7 3 3 1_8 3 4 1_9 3 4 1_10 3 4 1_11 3 3 1_12 3 4 Distances between Final Cluster Centers Cluster 1 2 dimension0 1 3.317 2 3.317 ANOVA Cluster Error F Sig. Mean Square Df Mean Square Df 1_1 7.066 1 .736 23 9.597 .005 1_2 1.525 1 .967 23 1.577 .222 1_3 5.601 1 .546 23 10.258 .004 1_4 3.367 1 .782 23 4.304 .049 1_5 11.414 1 .711 23 16.061 .001 1_6 6.795 1 .598 23 11.355 .003 1_7 2.825 1 .423 23 6.673 .017 1_8 5.360 1 .897 23 5.973 .023 1_9 4.971 1 .740 23 6.713 .016 1_10 5.440 1 .609 23 8.937 .007 1_11 .199 1 .889 23 .224 .641 1_12 5.281 1 .633 23 8.343 .008 20 ANOVA Cluster Error F Sig. Mean Square Df Mean Square Df 1_1 7.066 1 .736 23 9.597 .005 1_2 1.525 1 .967 23 1.577 .222 1_3 5.601 1 .546 23 10.258 .004 1_4 3.367 1 .782 23 4.304 .049 1_5 11.414 1 .711 23 16.061 .001 1_6 6.795 1 .598 23 11.355 .003 1_7 2.825 1 .423 23 6.673 .017 1_8 5.360 1 .897 23 5.973 .023 1_9 4.971 1 .740 23 6.713 .016 1_10 5.440 1 .609 23 8.937 .007 1_11 .199 1 .889 23 .224 .641 1_12 5.281 1 .633 23 8.343 .008 The F tests should be used only for descriptive purposes because the clusters have been chosen to maximize the differences among cases in different clusters. The observed significance levels are not corrected for this and thus cannot be interpreted as tests of the hypothesis that the cluster means are equal. Number of Cases in each Cluster Cluster 1 8.000 2 17.000 Valid 25.000 Missing .000 Interpretation: By the interpretation of the ANOVA table 1_2 and 1_11 factor is insignificant and rests of the factors are significant 21 Analysis for Belief: Initial Cluster Centers Cluster 1 2 2_1 2 3 2_2 2 5 2_3 3 3 2_4 2 5 2_5 2 4 2_6 1 4 2_7 2 3 2_8 2 5 2_9 3 3 2_10 3 4 2_11 2 4 2_12 2 4 Iteration History a Iteration Change in Cluster Centers 1 2 dimension0 1 2.506 2.470 2 .000 .000 a. Convergence achieved due to no or small change in cluster centers. The maximum absolute coordinate change for any center is .000. The current iteration is 2. The minimum distance between initial centers is 7.141. 22 Final Cluster Centers Cluster 1 2 2_1 3 4 2_2 3 4 2_3 3 3 2_4 3 4 2_5 3 4 2_6 3 4 2_7 3 3 2_8 2 4 2_9 3 4 2_10 3 4 2_11 3 3 2_12 3 4 Distances between Final Cluster Centers Cluster 1 2 dimension0 1 3.691 2 3.691 ANOVA Cluster Error F Sig. Mean Square Df Mean Square Df 2_1 4.640 1 .581 23 7.989 .010 2_2 5.571 1 .860 23 6.474 .018 2_3 .507 1 .493 23 1.028 .321 2_4 5.839 1 .605 23 9.647 .005 2_5 4.803 1 .358 23 13.412 .001 2_6 4.246 1 .946 23 4.489 .045 2_7 2.595 1 .433 23 5.990 .022 2_8 18.080 1 .581 23 31.127 .000 2_9 4.169 1 .347 23 11.998 .002 2_10 1.263 1 .293 23 4.312 .049 2_11 2.302 1 .724 23 3.179 .088 2_12 8.107 1 .667 23 12.160 .002 The F tests should be used only for descriptive purposes because the clusters have been chosen to maximize the differences among cases in different clusters. The observed significance levels are not corrected for this and thus cannot be interpreted as tests of the hypothesis that the cluster means are equal. 23 Number of Cases in each Cluster Cluster 1 6.000 2 19.000 Valid 25.000 Missing .000 Interpretation: By the interpretation of the ANOVA table 2_3 and 2_11 factor is insignificant and rest of the factors are significant 24 FINDING By the finding of this study following factors are come significant:  Employees are taking independent action related to their jobs.  Employees are facing the problem and not shying away from it.  There are team work and team spirit in their organization.  Employees have freedom to try out innovative ways to solve problems.  Employees use to share genuine information, feelings and thoughts in meetings.  Employees have interpersonal contact and support among other employees.  Employees accept and appreciate help offered by other.  Senior’s encouraging their subordinates to think about their development and take action in that direction in their organization.  Employees obey and check with seniors rather than acting on their own.  Trust begets trust.  Prevention is better than cure.  Usually, emphasis on team work dilutes individual accountability.  Free and frank communication between various levels helps in solving problems.  Thinking out and doing new things tones up the organization vitality.  A good way to motivate employees is to give them autonomy to plan their work..  Employee’s involvement in developing an organization’s mission and goals contributes to productivity.  In today’s competitive situations, consolidation and stability are more important than experimentation.  People generally are what they appear to be.  Telling a polite lie is preferable to telling the unpleasant truth. Because of this factors comes significant employees are satisfied with these factors and organization culture. By the finding of this study following factors are comes insignificant:  Employees are taking preventive action on most matters.  Employees consider both positive and negative aspects before taking action.  Freedom to employees breeds indiscipline.  Employees cannot rely on others in time of crisis. Because of this factors comes insignificant employees are dissatisfied with these factors. 25 RECOMMENDATIONS From this study following recommendations are suggested:  Some employees are dissatisfied because their organization does not provide facilities to take preventive action on most matters so that organization should focus on this factor.  Some employees are dissatisfied because organization does not provide facilities to consider both positive and negative aspects before taking action so organization should facilitates this factor. Axiom Indya should provide such culture which helps the employees to take individual decisions that come on an innovative actions. Axiom Indya should impart such culture which leads the employees to work in a team spirits and also superior support their sub-ordinates. 26 CONCLUSION Coming to the end of this report, I wish to mention that my summer training at Axiom Indya Pvt. Ltd. has given me a lot of insight on the emotions, experiences, changes and adjustments that organizations and its employees have to go through when their culture changes to keep up with the current trends. Here, it was important to bring in a new culture and ownership change because Axiom Indya has the bandwidth, excellence, resources, experience and capability to grow and excel in the Software industry. Since the takeover the number of projects and employees at software has increased to five times the initial size only in 3 years time. It has been able to attract big companies that now together form one-third of its revenues. Others have accepted and moved on enjoying the challenges and opportunities that have come along with the culture change. 27 REFERENCES BOOKS: HRD INSTRUMENT-UDAY PAREKH RESEARCH METHODOLOGY-C.R.KOTHARI WEBSITE: http://www.axiomindya.co.cc http://www.wikipedia.com/OCTAPACE%+12%cult.htm 28 APPENDICES Questionnaire I am a student of MBA 4th Semester from SSIMT, Bhilai. As a part of my course curriculum I am conducting “A Study on the Organization Culture in Selected Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, in Durg & Bhilai”. I would be grateful to you for providing your genuine responses. Q1. How much this item is value in your organization? Rate your satisfaction level. 1 – Highly Dissatisfied, 2 - Dissatisfied, 3 – Neutral, 4 – Satisfied and 5 - Highly Satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 1.1 I am taking independent action related to my jobs. 1.2 I am taking preventive action on most matters. 1.3 I am facing the problem and not shying away from it. 1.4 There is team work and team sprite in my organization. 1.5 I have freedom to try out innovative ways to solve problems. 1.6 I use to share genuine information, feelings and thoughts in meetings. 1.7 I have interpersonal contact and support among other employees. 1.8 I accept and appreciate help offered by other. 1.9 Seniors encouraging their subordinates to think about their development and take action in that direction in my organization. 1.10 We have free discussion and communication between senior and subordinates. 1.11 I consider both positive and negative aspects before taking action. 1.12 I obey and check with seniors rather than acting on my own. Q2. How widely each of the following belief, is shared in the organization? Rate your satisfaction level. 1 – Highly Dissatisfied, 2 - Dissatisfied, 3 – Neutral, 4 – Satisfied and 5 - Highly Satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 2.1 Trust begets trust. 2.2 Prevention is better than cure. 2.3 Freedom to employees breeds indiscipline. 2.4 Usually, emphasis on team work dilutes individual accountability. 2.5 Free and frank communication between various levels helps in solving problems. 2.6 Thinking out and doing new things tones up the organization’s vitality. 2.7 A good way to motivate employees is to give them autonomy to plan their work. 2.8 Employees involvement in developing an organization’s mission and goals contributes to productivity. 2.9 In today’s competitive situations, consolidation and stability are more important than experimentation. 2.10 People generally are what they appear to be. 2.11 I cannot rely on others in time of crisis. 2.12 Telling a polite lie is preferable to telling the unpleasant truth. 29 Please provide the following information which would help us in supporting our research. This information would be kept confidential and this is for the purpose of analysis only: 3.1 Experience < 5  5 – 10  11 – 20  21 – 30  > 30  3.2 Age <20  20 – 30  31 – 40  41 – 50  >50  3.3 Gender Female  Male  3.4 Marital Status Married  Unmarried  3.5 Designation 3.6 Annual Income <2 Lakhs  2-3.99 Lakhs 4-5.99 Lakhs 6-7.99 Lakhs ≥8 Lakhs
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