A Simple Inverter for Arc-welding Machines With Current Double Rectifier

March 23, 2018 | Author: Ian McNair | Category: Power Inverter, Rectifier, Power Electronics, Power Supply, Electrical Components



5278IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 58, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2011 Letters A Simple Inverter for Arc-Welding Machines With Current Doubler Rectifier Jian-Min Wang, Member, IEEE, Sen-Tung Wu, Shang-Chin Yen, and Huang-Jen Chiu, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—This letter proposes a novel inverter scheme for arc-welding machines. The output rectifier replaced by a current double rectifier can reduce output ripple current effectively. Therefore, the lower inductance of the inductors can be used to prevent larger voltage spikes that occur during commutation. In comparison with that in the conventional scheme, each inductor’s current in the proposed scheme is half of the output current. Hence, the proposed scheme has lower conduction losses. The turn number of the transformer winding in the proposed scheme is also lower than that in the conventional one. Finally, the 100-A ac arc-welding machine is implemented using the proposed method. Index Terms—Current doubler rectifier, current-source inverter, voltage spike. I. I NTRODUCTION In the earlier times, arc-welding machines were used to deliver energy through linear transformers. They had the disadvantages of low efficiency and large volume. However, in recent years, switching power supplies have been developed successfully, improving the volume and efficiency of switching power supplies [1]–[8]. As arcwelding machines need to supply high output power, full-bridge (FB) push–pull converters are commonly used for high power rating. Fig. 1(a) shows a conventional inverter scheme formed with a high-frequency FB dc/ac inverter and a low-frequency half-bridge inverter. In general, the output current of arc-welding machines can reach several hundred amperes [7]–[9]. Depending on the current and voltage ratings of the inverter, insulated gate bipolar transistors are commonly used in this application. The prestage is a high-frequency voltage-source FB inverter operated in bipolar pulsewidth modulation. io increases in a positive or negative switching period if these switches (Q1 /Q4 or Q2 /Q3 ) are turned on diagonally. In dead-time duration, all four switches are turned off at the same time; therefore, io drops to zero. Moreover, the amplitude of io can be adjusted by controlling the duty cycle of the FB inverter. The polarity of io is determined by the low-frequency half-bridge inverter. Hence, a positive current is generated if Q5 is turned on, whereas a negative current is generated if Q6 is turned on. Based on the preceding explanations, full-wave rectifiers are suitable for the output part of arc-welding machines. Full-wave rectifiers can also help generate a steady output current [9]. Even though they are suitable for the output part of arc-welding machines, full-wave rectifiers are unsuitable for applications in arcManuscript received October 1, 2010; revised January 4, 2011; accepted February 23, 2011. Date of publication March 10, 2011; date of current version September 7, 2011. This work was supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan under Grant 99-2628-E-150-047. J.-M. Wang is with the Department of Vehicle Engineering, National Formosa University, Huwei 63208, Taiwan (e-mail: [email protected]). S.-T. Wu and H.-J. Chiu are with the Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 10607, Taiwan (e-mail: [email protected]). S.-C. Yen is with the LTBU, Delta Electronic, Inc., Taoyuan 32063, Taiwan (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2011.2126538 Fig. 1. (a) Conventional ac arc-welding driver inverter. (b) Proposed topology. welding machines, because these machines usually output higher current and lower voltage. Hence, a higher output current increases conduction losses. A current doubler rectifier is an appropriate solution for this situation. Current doubler rectifiers have the following advantages: low current rating, low output current ripple at the output load, and low filter inductors at the output [10]–[13]. The current doubler scheme is used to share the load current in the proposed paper, as shown in Fig. 1(b). It helps lower conduction losses from the inductors and the main transformer and to increase the efficiency of the inverter [13]. There is no need to have a center-tapped winding in the main transformer. Moreover, the current direction of iL1 and iL2 is interleaved, contributing to the elimination of the output ripple current. In comparison with the conventional scheme of arc-welding machines, the proposed one can use smaller inductor inductances that prevent higher voltage spikes during the commutation period. In the next section, the explanation and experimental results of the proposed inverter for 100 A are presented. II. O PERATIONS OF THE P ROPOSED I NVERTER Fig. 2 shows the key waveform of the proposed scheme. Fig. 2(a) simulates the controlling signal and output current waveforms in the proposed paper. The signals for driving Q1 −Q4 are generated by push–pull mode, and they can help to control the FB converter. The signals for driving Q5 −Q6 are generated by the microprocessor. Evidently, when Q5 is turned on, the output current becomes positive. On the opposite side, when Q6 is turned on, the output current becomes negative. In tc , Q5 , and Q6 should be turned on to make 0278-0046/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE 2. When Q5 is turned off. At the same time. Q1 −Q4 of the FB inverter are all turned off. the output current release the stored energy during commutation. 2(c). the ripple current of iO is canceled. 2. Q1 −Q4 should be turned off to avoid the short-circuit phenomenon of the input voltage. and L2 discharges. Fig.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. and Q5 are turned on. the input energy cannot be delivered to the load. NOVEMBER 2011 5279 Fig. and Q5 are turned on. At this moment. (e) State 5. L1 begins to be discharged with a negative voltage. the output current drops to zero until Q5 is turned off. State 2 (t1 −t2 ): Input dead-time state I (Positive output current). Q3 . The conclusion could be made by the aforementioned description. Q2 . the output current is operated repeatedly in State 1–State 4. a half-bridge converter on the secondary side helps to generate an adjustable positive and negative current with . the output current reaches the stable current of −IO . The Q1 −Q4 are all turned off. the output current changes from a positive current to a negative one. Finally. After Δt. State 1 (t0 −t1 ): In the steady-state region. L1 and L2 discharge to the load with the stored energy from L1 and L2 . The path with the arrow is shown in Fig. the input voltage delivers energy through the main transformer to the load. As the output current source should not be opened. Vi stops transferring energy to RO through the main transformer. but Q5 is still turned on. At this moment. However. At the same time. Q1 . (c) State 2 and State 4. (e) State 5. Consequently. (Continued. but Q5 is turned on. The voltage across the primary side of transformer is Vi . (b) State 1. State 5 (t5 −t6 ): This is the output current commutation state. Q4 . 2(b). State 4 (t3 −t4 ): In this state. 2(e). (a) Presented HB inverters and operation modes of the proposed ac arc-welding inverter in a positive half-cycle. energy is transferred through Q1 and Q4 to the secondary side of the main transformer. because iL1 and iL2 help eliminate the ripple current. NO. Q1 −Q4 are all turned off. (d) State 3. 11. 58. Hence. to deliver energy to the secondary side through the main transformer. L1 starts to be charged. Afterward. Q5 and Q6 must be turned on to release the stored energy from L1 and L2 . At the same time. VOL. L2 begins to be charged with a positive voltage to increase iL2 . and iL1 decreases. At this moment. Moreover. The path with the arrow is shown in Fig. which can generate the required ac voltage. The path with an arrow is shown in Fig. 2(d). The operation principle will be discussed further later. L1 and L2 supply the energy to load at the same time. An FB converter is used for the primary side of the main transformer.) (d) State 3. State 3 (t2 −t3 ): As shown in Fig. In sum. 4. Prototypes of the proposed current-regulated HB inverters are built to demonstrate the feasibility of the presented scheme. (Ch1_iL1 : 50 A/div. Ch2_vL1 : 20 V/div. Time: 4 ms/div). A. Electron. According to the aforementioned results and compared to the conventional HB inverter. Aug. Ch3_io : 100 A/div. C ONCLUSION This paper has proposed that the output rectifier can be replaced by the current doubler. Welding Handbook. L1 = L2 = 36 μH. Therefore. The output current is a square wave with a frequency of 100 Hz. (c) Waveforms of iL1 . 11. A. The reduction of conduction losses contributes to the increased efficiency of arc-welding machines. Ch3_io : 100 A/div. Fig. iL2 . FL: AWS. the conversion efficiency is higher when the output current increases. Ferreira and J. “A series resonant converter for arc-striking applications. under the same specific conditions of transient response and the output current requirement. Miami. 58. although the inductance is lower in the proposed scheme. Ch2_iL2 : 50 A/div. Ch1_io is the output current of the proposed scheme. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS The experiments are performed with the following parameters: Ro = 0. [2] J. 3. Np : Ns = 10 : 1. the output ripple current can be canceled as a result of io = iL1 + iL2 . pp. Ch1_io /Ch2_io : 100 A/div.06. and Vin = 155 V. Ch4_vL : 500 V/div..5280 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. arc-welding machines have higher output currents.” IEEE Trans. the interleaved operation of iL1 and iL2 can still help reach a high current similar to a conventional inverter. L = 72 μH (L is the inductance of the conventional scheme.). (b) Resulted voltage spikes for the conventional and proposed inverters (Ch1_io : 100 A/div. Time: 4 ms/div). Due to the lower output ripple current and the lower conduction losses from the current doubler scheme. L. 3(a) depicts the output current waveforms for the conventional and proposed HB inverters. Ind. VOL. . the lower inductance of the inductor can help prevent voltage spikes during the commutation period. 8th ed. 45. R EFERENCES [1] R. no. 585–592. IV. Experimental results of the prototype system have shown good confirmation with theoretical analysis. NOVEMBER 2011 TABLE I M EASURED C ONVERSION E FFICIENCIES OF THE C ONVENTIONAL AND P ROPOSED I NVERTERS the energy from the main transformer. a duty cycle of 50%. O’Brien. Time: 4 ms/div). 3(b) shows the commutation periods. and iO for the proposed inverters in the vicinity of the current commutation. the proposed ac arc-welding inverter is particularly suitable for high-output-current ac arc-welding applications. The commutation time tc is 4 μs. 1998. In addition. Fig. the main transformer used in this paper generates 40 V for the voltage spike. NO. Ch2_io is the output current of the conventional scheme. Ch5_Q5 : 20 V/div. 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