A Prophet's Interpretation of a Series of Prophetic Dreams about Heaven and Endtimes.

March 29, 2018 | Author: Angela Falconbridge | Category: Religion And Belief, Bible, Science, Philosophical Science



Prophetic dreams interpreted by a Prophet.This is a report on a series of dreams that a person called Erin, aka SparrowCloud9 received from Jesus, October 2012 to now (as of April 2013). The website is; http://www.rapturecode.com/newforumlinks.htm The dream series is here; http://www.rapturecode.com/sparrowcloud9thepath.htm To understand the report you may need to read the dream series first. It is possible to read this report as a stand alone, if you don’t want to read the dreams. Researched by Angela Falconbridge. I have gone through all Erin’s dreams (twice) which took two weeks and I have spent the last two weeks on them. At first I thought there isn’t much I can comment on but Jesus was telling me stop worrying about what others think and get on with it. I have commented on all that I can; subjects that Jesus has been intensely teaching me for the last 4 years. I have been asking Jesus questions since I was 8yrs and I have been into endtime research for about 15yrs. I may have things wrong (I’m only human) but I have tried to supply sources where I got the info from. On other comments it maybe a dream that Jesus has sent me, that I will use. Hope it all helps. The Path Dream II ―- A large Unfaceted Beryl Stone about 12" long and 6" in diameter. He picked it up and He held it and within a blink of an eye He faceted the stone into a perfect Emerald. He said "this is what I have completed in your life and your quest for me!" I wept and thanked Him!‖ IF the Beryl stone is an oblong, then 12x6=72 which is a sacred number. There are 72 names of God in the bible. It’s called the Shemhamphorasch. http://www.hebrew4christians.com/Names_of_G-d/Esoteric/esoteric.html ―The seventy-two-lettered name is derived from three verses in Exodus (14:19–21) beginning with "Vayyissa", "Vayyabo" and "Vayyet" respectively. Each of the verses contains 72 letters, and when combined they form 72 names, known collectively as the Shemhamphorasch.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_God_in_Judaism ‘Beryl is the stone of youth in the Bible. It is an Emerald stone. Emerald gives prosperity in nearly every area of human existence.’ (Page 233 The Prophets Handbook.) Many Christians don’t understand what a gift God has given us in crystals (on this phy sical earth) and say anything to do with them is New age rubbish. But I must point out that the Priest’s breastplate was made of 12 crystals! God must have had a reason for using crystals. Did you know that two crystals placed either side of a vacuum jar will become in synch with each other and will vibrate on the same frequency. It has been found that DNA is a crystalline structure. This backs up where it says anger is contagious. And choose who you socialise with, as you will start to get in synch with them, literally vibrate the same. So saying that (and I hope that you believe that God is a God of science-ie He created Science and the crystals too and that this isn’t banned without at least a discussion. I am not into New Age rubbish.) crystals are not evil. (I’d like to say more but I think I have gone too far already.) Dream III I have read all Erin's dreams and I have found many confirmations in my notes of endtime studies, in my opinion I think that what she has envisioned, is in fact true. I think that Erin may know already many of these research notes, on her dream/visits but I thought I would put them in, for others to learn from. “The wheat was cut and in rows, the stalks were gone and there was dirt everywhere. I saw workers loading the rolls of wheat onto trucks. I heard one say, "When does the burning begin?" the other said, "As soon as we get word and the wind dies down". The wind is mentioned in Revelation 6 and this is a hidden project that I am working on with Jesus. That does sound presumptuous but I am just following Him. Lol. When I worked out how to present this information I will post it. Aiyah The name Erin calls Jesus is valid; I researched Ehyeh or Hayah as it might be said by an English speaking toddler (in this dream) saying the word; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_that_I_Am I Am that I Am ‫היֶה‬ ְ ֶ‫היֶה אֲ שֶ ר א‬ ְ ֶ‫א‬, ʾehyeh The NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 1961 Hayah (01933)]Transliterated Word Hayah Phonetic Spelling=haw-yaw (Sounds a lot like Aiyah!!!) Verb Definition; to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out 1a to happen, fall out, occur, take place, come about, come to pass 1a to come about, come to pass to come into being, become 1a to arise, appear, come 1a to become 1a to become 1a to become like 1a to be instituted, be established to be 1a to exist, be in existence 1a to abide, remain, continue (with word of place or time) 1a to stand, lie, be in, be at, be situated (with word of locality) 1a to accompany, be with (Niphal) to occur, come to pass, be done, be brought about to be done, be finished, be gone. http://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/hebrew/nas/hayah.html Aiyah is also an English girl’s name meaning ‘Silk cloth’. Dream V ―It is time for the storehouses of snow to be opened and the time of mourning to begin! My wish and my prayer and hope are that you find joy!‖ Job 38:22 New Revised Standard "Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail?‖ (This is a mystery of God that God asks Job about.) Personally I have been searching for joy. I don’t think I have ever found this. I even dream about the fact I have no joy. Our family’s joy has been taken by the enemy. He smiles and laughs, "Oh, I am coming! We are coming to the Valley of Decision! The Valleys of Achor, Bacca and Beracah and the Mountains will be laid Low!" (I was led to the bible verse about the Valley of Decision at the start of 2013. Good to know I’m being told the same as other prophets, even though I was late. Lol) King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision,.... The same with the valley of Jehoshaphat before mentioned; which shows that not any valley of that name is intended, but a certain place so called from the judgments of God in it; and here named "the valley of decision", because here their judgment will be determined, as Kimchi and Jarchi; and at this time the controversy between God, and his people's enemies, will be decided, and at an end: or "the valley of concision", as the Vulgate Latin version; because in this place, and at this time, the nations gathered together in it will be cut to pieces: or, as others, "the valley of threshing" (p); because, as, in Jehoshaphat's time, the Moabites and Ammonites were threshed by the Jews in the valley of Berachah, to which the allusion is; so at this time the antichristian kings and their armies will be threshed and beaten, and destroyed by the men of Judah, God's professing people; see Micah 4:13; these seem to be the words of the prophet, breaking out into this pathetic exclamation, upon a sight of the vast multitudes gathered together in this valley, and slain in it; and the doubling of the word serves to express the prodigious number of them: and this shows that this prophecy refers either to the vast army of the Turks, under the name of Gog, and the great slaughter that will be made of them; and that this valley may be the same with the valley of Hamongog, that is, the valley of the multitude of Gog, where their multitude of slain shall be buried, Ezekiel 39:11; or to that vast carnage of the antichristian kings and their armies at Armageddon, Revelation 16:14; the Targum is, "armies, armies, in the valley of the division of judgment:'' for the day of the Lord is near in the Valley of decision; that is, the great and terrible day of the Lord, to take vengeance on all the anti-christian powers, both eastern and western, is nigh at hand, which will be done in this valley. http://bible.cc/joel/3-14.htm ―The Valleys of Achor, Bacca and Beracah and the Mountains will be laid Low!‖ In this link, the valley of Achor is studied. One disobedient Israelite brings defeat on the whole Israelite army. http://www.wheres-the-church.com/achor.html Mountains are where the gods and fallen angels were worshipped in the Old Testament. Also mountains in prophetic language means; Governments or ‘summits’. (The Prophets Dictionary.) Mountains can also be seen as high places, such as the One World Trade Centre. Dream VI "The Lord is on the Bema seat today"! This is about one of the few concepts I had to look up, as I didn’t know anything about it. I am an odd Christian, who reads the Old Testament and Revelation more than the others. The Meaning of the Judgment (Bema) Seat Both Romans 14:10 and 2 Corinthians 5:9 speak of the ―judgment seat.‖ This is a translation of one Greek word, the word bema. While bema is used in the gospels and Acts of the raised platform where a Roman magistrate or ruler sat to make decisions and pass sentence (Matt. 27:19; John 19:13), its use in the epistles by Paul, because of his many allusions to the Greek athletic contests, is more in keeping with its original use among the Greeks. This word was taken from Isthmian games where the contestants would compete for the prize under the careful scrutiny of judges who would make sure that every rule of the contest was obeyed (cf. 2 Tim. 2:5). The victor of a given event who participated according to the rules was led by the judge to the platform called the Bema. There the laurel wreath was placed on his head as a symbol of victory (cf. 1 Cor. 9:24-25). In all of these passages, ―Paul was picturing the believer as a competitor in a spiritual contest. As the victorious Grecian athlete appeared before the Bema to receive his perishable award, so the Christian will appear before Christ’s Bema to receive his imperishable award. The judge at the Bema bestowed rewards to the victors. He did not whip the losers.‖2 We might add, neither did he sentence them to hard labor. In other words, it is a reward seat and portrays a time of rewards or loss of rewards following examination, but it is not a time of punishment where believers are judged for their sins. Such would be inconsistent with the finished work of Christ on the Cross because He totally paid the penalty for our sins. Chafer and Walvoord have an excellent word on this view: With reference to sin, Scripture teaches that the child of God under grace shall not come into judgment (John 3:18; 5:24; 6:37; Rom. 5:1; 8:1; 1 Cor. 11:32); in his standing before God, and on the ground that the penalty for all sin—past, present, and future (Col. 2:13)—has been borne by Christ as the perfect Substitute, the believer is not only placed beyond condemnation, but being in Christ is accepted in the perfection of Christ (1 Cor. 1:30; Eph. 1:6; Col. 2:10; Heb. 10:14) and loved of God as Christ is loved (John 17:23).3 Again, Chafer writes concerning the Bema, ―It cannot be too strongly emphasized that the judgment is unrelated to the problem of sin, that it is more for the bestowing of rewards than the rejection of failure.‖4 The Time of the Bema This event will occur immediately following the rapture or resurrection of the church after it is caught up to be with the Lord in the air as described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Arguments in support of this view: (1) In Luke 14:12-14, reward is associated with the resurrection and the rapture is when the church is resurrected. (2) In Revelation 19:8, when the Lord returns with His bride at the end of the tribulation, she is seen already rewarded. Her reward is described as fine linen, the righteous acts of the saints—undoubtedly the result of rewards. (3) In 2 Timothy 4:8 and 1 Corinthians 4:5, rewards are associated with ―that day‖ and with the Lord’s coming. Again, for the church this means the event of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. So the order of events will be (a) the rapture which includes our glorification or resurrection bodies, (b) exaltation into the heavens with the Lord, (c) examination before the Bema, and (d) compensation or rewards. The Place of the Bema It will occur somewhere in the heavenlies in the presence of the Lord. This is evident from 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and Revelation 4:2 and 19:8. The Participants at the Bema (1) All the passages dealing with the Bema or rewards are addressed to believers or pertain to believers of the church (Rom. 14:10-12; 1 Cor. 3:12f; 2 Cor. 5:9f; 1 John 2:28; 1 Thess. 2:1920; 1 Tim. 6:18-19; Tit. 2:12-14 [note the emphasis on good works]). The resurrection program and the thus the reward of Old Testament saints occurs after the tribulation, after church age saints are already seen in heaven and rewarded and returning with the Lord to judge the earth (cf. Rev. 19:8 with Dan. 12:1-2; Matt. 24). (2) All believers, regardless of their spiritual state, will be raptured and will stand before the Bema to give an account of their lives and will either receive rewards or lose rewards. Some believe in a partial rapture theory which says that only those in fellowship with the Lord will be raptured as a form of punishment for their sin. As mentioned above, this is not only contrary to the finished work of Christ who once and for all paid the penalty for our sins, but it is contrary to the teaching of 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11. 9 For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us, that whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him. The context suggests that Paul has in mind the return of Christ for the church—the rapture (1 Thess. 4:13-18). The rapture is the means of our deliverance from the wrath he discusses in chapter 5:1-3. Further, the words ―awake or asleep‖ of verse 10 refer to a spiritual or moral condition, not whether one is alive or dead when Christ returns as in 4:13-14. This is clear from both the context of 5:4-8 and by the fact he changed the words he used for sleep. He used the Greek katheudo in 5:10 rather than koimao, the word he used metaphorically in 4:13-14 of physical death. Though katheudo was used of physical sleep and even death, it was also commonly used of spiritual apathy or carnal indifference to spiritual matters, and this is clearly the context of chapter 5. The point, then, is this: Because of the perfect and finished nature of Christ’s death (note the words ―who died for us‖ of verse 10), whether we are spiritually alert or not, we will live together with Him through the rapture to face the examination of the Bema. Dream VII HIM: "I prepared you!" "Did I not equip you?" "Did I not send Angels to help you?" In this moment, I realized that the angels He sent were serving a different purpose than I thought....No necessarily to pour out gifts but instead, to protect! I thought I would add a personal story here. Just to prove I don’t just do research only. On 25th August 2012 I heard (not a dream or vision, actually heard) that a fourth angel had arrived to protect me. He was (in my mind’s eye) a tall huge muscled angel, ready for fighting. Up for it!! But I could hear him complaining to the others’ “What am I here for if she fights them herself?” My No2 angel laughed and agreed but he said’ “We are needed for the times her life has been in danger from ‘accidents’. He then recounted the story of when I was heavily pregnant with my first child, in the one bedroom flat. I was coming down the hallway with an orange in one hand and a glass of milk in the other. Suddenly my little Shih Tzu dog; Leo, got under my feet. And then he said that’s when he had to rip the coat hook off the wall, with its 16 coats on, so I had a soft landing. Even Leo wasn’t harmed. (I remember sitting there, just giggling. I hadn’t even dropped the orange nor spilt the milk!!) (If this angel hadn’t done this, I would have ended up hitting my head and who knows what would have happened?) He continued. “It seems a Curse of Death had been put on her at her Christening party and it raises its ugly head every now and again.” “She does get us to chase the demons though, which is fun.” I sensed he then smiled, broadly. (He always knows when I am listening.) "Is not this written in the Book of Jasher?"--Joshua, x. 13. "Behold it is written in the Book of Jasher."--II. Samuel, i. 18 Dream VIII Erin mentions Jesus having wings, which I didn’t realise. When I saw Him I didn’t see any but it does make sense for Him to have wings. Psalm 17:8 Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings, Psalm 36:7 How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings. Psalm 57:1 [ Prayer for Safety from Enemies ] [ To the Chief Musician. Set to “Do Not Destroy.” A Michtam of David when he fled from Saul into the cave. ] Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, Until these calamities have passed by. Psalm 91:4 He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. There is a Missionary in 1930s that visited Heaven and he also noticed that Jesus had wings. It’s on Youtube; I’ll try to find it. Yeah I found it; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZZkb-YKhe4 There is a German saying that prophets get wings; spiritually. Literally ‘I am getting my wings’. “I saw a red dragon and a black dragon.” NO I am not lost here, as my youngest had a dream over 4 years ago about a black dragon and a red dragon with other colours too. I haven’t posted it as I haven’t been led to, till recently, as I and my eldest have been having dragons in our dreams too. I may make a thread about it in the dreams section, if Jesus wants me too. The black dragon is worshipped by the Nazi Illuminati and their DNA has a serpent wrapped round the DNA strand. This looks like a third strand of the helix. And the Red dragon is worshipped by the followers of the red dragon of Welsh folklore, and are the Zionist Illuminati. One of the bloodlines are supposed to come from the Odin bloodline, who was an actual ruler in Scandinavia and a descendant of King Asa; a descendant of King David. Although if you dig deeper, they are all of the same rebellious bloodlines. I have heard that they are trying to join the two bloodlines, to try to get the offspring to be superhuman. (James Casbolt aka Michael Prince is the source on Youtube.) “So these really are weapons; (referring to prayers and the Word)?” Also singing praises and your testimony; about what Jesus has done for you. These are weapons too. Also the Blood of Jesus; I have personally seen it burn a demon. Dream X I too have been having dreams of wolves. If I’m allowed I will post them on the dreams forum. Dream XI “Two Angels immediately came over and took my tears off of my cheeks and placed them in a type of flask! The other angels labelled the beautiful bottle with a type of seal - like a record there was a beautiful initial on a type of silver plate on the flask!” Psalm 56:8 New Living Translation You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. Dream XVI “My son said something one time about a soldier who had gone a-wall - he called it.” It is called AWOL= Absent With Out Leave. Not criticising here, just correcting. ;-) “The angels seemed to be celebrating a victory and cheering. I knew it wasn't for me coming up but a victory coming from somewhere else.” I am really interested in the date of this visit, as I might have the fight details (using the 3 day rule.) There were many physical fights on Earth in 2012 and 2013, some I know of. “The angel at the portal said, "Genesis has a nugget, the fountains and waters are in the Psalms. "87" flashed before my eyes and I knew this was important. I also saw Genesis 1:6 and a dome!” This is actually true. There are literally rivers of water, above us in the sky. There are the Jetstream. Below us are literally the fountains of the deep. These are miles down under the crust. It is under tremendous pressure and is superheated. When this burst forth in Noah’s Flood, it basically cooked the animals before they were covered by the tsunamis and then fossilised. This is evident in the fishes and the positions they are found in-bent and curved, some eating other fish and one animal in the middle of giving birth. That’s how sudden it was. Dream XVIII “I heard voices in the smoke calling me by name. Somewhat familiar! I began to focus on the voices. Breakthrough quickly turned and put his hands over my ears sheltering me from the sounds.” Helmet of Salvation comes to mind here. In the next battle, mind control via sounds or beeps over the phone, are being theorised as triggers to activate super soldier humans who are actually demonised. So covering your ears means you and the bride will be protected from this weapon. HDTV, Gwen towers and mobile phones are being used even now to condition victims’ brains. If this is too unreal then I suggest you listen to Russ Dizdar being interviewed by Jeff Rense on Youtube; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPclxcH8xds The Black Awakening by Russ Dizdar. I want to read this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwFqUFReVOY “HE pulled out a pretty rectangular clothe. It was fine linen and white. He gently put this on the top of my head. I looked confused. He smiled and chuckled and He said, "It's going to rain!" Song of Solomon Chapter 2 The Shulamite. 10 My beloved spoke, and said to me: “Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away. 11 For lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. 12 The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come, And the voice of the turtledove Is heard in our land. Dream XIX “Jesus then reached over and took something from the angel it was a blue sapphire knob and it was heavy like a weight --like lead.” Sapphire in the Prophet’s Dictionary represents fidelity. The colour blue means spiritual dominance and heaven bestowed rulership. I suspect that this represents Israel and the heaviness means it has clout. “Jesus took out the weights and placed them on the scales. There were 10 weights. An angel arranged them to form a pyramid so that they would not tip over. The weights were green, red, yellow, white and blue. The paint on the weights was chipped pealing and cracking to expose black, cheap metal. When He placed the weights on the scales, the scales tipped.” Black means this is to do with occult hidden schemes; evil, sin and darkness. Also Saturn worship of the New World Order. Green=mortal, flesh or carnal. Red=anger, hatred, lust, sin. Yellow=deceitful gift, fear, cowardly. White=Pure; as in pure evil. Blue=Spiritual, divine revelation. (Evil can be devine.) (Source= Understanding the dreams that you dream, by Ira Milligan.) “He reached up and grabbed a beautiful large red rose.” Red rose means Passion, love and courtship. Isaiah 54 v11 ―O you afflicted one, Tossed with tempest, and not comforted, Behold, I will lay your stones with colourful gems, And lay your foundations with sapphires. 12 I will make your pinnacles of rubies, Your gates of crystal, And all your walls of precious stones. 13 All your children shall be taught by the LORD, And great shall be the peace of your children. 14 In righteousness you shall be established; You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; And from terror, for it shall not come near you. 15 Indeed they shall surely assemble, but not because of Me. Whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake. 16 ―Behold, I have created the blacksmith Who blows the coals in the fire, Who brings forth an instrument for his work; And I have created the spoiler to destroy. 17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,‖ Says the LORD. Dream XXIV November 27th, 2012 “I saw a street of gold running next to the Nile. The street was made of large golden pavers.” When I went to Heaven in 1996 I stood on the New Jerusalem pyramid/ mountain. Although my physical body wore sandals, my sprit body could feel the gold, beneath my bare feet, was actually warm. My reaction to this made Jesus laugh, as if He knew how I would react and it made Him glad. I deduced from the warm gold paving slabs, that the City was a living entity. ―HIM: “If you want answers, it helps to go to the roots or the beginnings to find out future strategies.” He pointed again at the stars. I watched HIM with His hand, move stars according to the events. Me: ―Why do stars matter?‖ HIM: ―There is nothing new under the sun. Before written maps, there were stars.‖ There is a book called the Witness of the Stars by E.W. Bullinger. http://www.levendwater.org/books/witness/the_witness_of_the_stars_bullinger.pdf This is a link for a free pdf of his book. This book is based on the Mazzaroth which was given to Abraham via Noah and Shem, in the underground home while the nations above fought in a World war. The Jewish Mazzaroth is like the Zodiac but it was a star map of Hi story and Jesus’ coming and it is even prophesying our current times now. And it showed the ‘time of the ages’. I have even found a Star code map in Revelation that showed the exact period the first 5 seals were opened. Warning-traditional Christians are going to be offended and that is not my intention but I have been given information that this may well be the cause of some Christians to be left behind and that this is the next movement of the Holy Spirit. For example; I went to a church at 8yrs old, where 50% did not believe in the Holy Spirit and that church split when the HS came. Nowadays many Christians believe in the HS so that seems silly. I believe that Jesus is calling us not to go into the new age movement but to see what gifts and weapons He has left to us on Earth in our fight with the principalities etc. The Sun has been photographed with magnetic cables that are attached to each planet. When the Earth cuts across these cables, it can affect the Earth in adverse ways. I have done much research about the Zodiac and I have come to the conclusion that the Babylonian Zodiac is evil BUT sidereal zodiac Natal birthcharts fulfils the amplified sentence of Proverbs 22 v6; 6‘ Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it.’ Also it is known that you need to do this training before the age of 7yrs. Even the MKUltra people know this and much of their mind control based trauma is conducted before the age of 7yrs. There is a way to find out what a child is to do and how you are to treat that child, and that is find out what the stars say about the exact moment of his/her birth. Just as Abraham was born a comet appeared in the sky. Nimrod was told that if any boy was born at that exact moment would fulfil a prophecy of egg on Nimrod’s head (bring shame.). Terah was told that Abram must die. Instead a servant’s new child was given. (Book of Jasher.) I know many Christians have been told the Zodiac is evil but the enemy has hidden vital knowledge from us. Jesus was asked in the Bible that was found in the last century; did He know His 8ths and quarters? This is only to do with stars and astrology. Prophets in the Old Testament were taught how to be one. Dream symbols and times of the stars were taught and it was usually kept in the bloodlines. This is why Amos was so despised, as he was not of the prophetic bloodlines. (Erin was told that Amos has a Key.) In the Essene copy of the Bible it goes further and states that gemstones are reservoirs of powers, basically they are vibrating crystals. Colours that your eyes perceive, are basically vibrations on the electromagnetic scale, and actually so are crystals and minerals. We are all vibrating but not all are vibrating at the exact same vibrations. If you like, you could call it a Song of your DNA. We are all singing, some in harmony and others not. Well if you have read this far, well done and try to not get angry, do the research and you may come to same conclusion. Just don’t say ‘my pastor told me…’ as that is not thinking for yourself. I thought like this too but Jesus nudged me, to look deeper into it as a scientist. I found that vibrating crystals opposite each other with a vacuum between them will start to vibrate on the same frequency. All the planets have a crystal in them, including the Earth, and so do we in our Pineal gland. You will need to know this, as the next major assault from the enemy is; on the Earth and her occupants and how our bodies and minds vibrate, and our personal frequencies. They are already under attack via our TVs, computers, Gwen towers and WIFI. The chemtrails are positively charged acting like a huge sedative and amplifying the earthquakes, volcanoes and adverse weather. We are in a war on our minds and on our bodies. Last December (2012) there was an Operation Sickle, that was an attack on the DNA of Indigoes and the enemy was trying to kill them. Masses of people would have been dropping like flies, with no explanation. “I looked over the edge and I saw an ancient sundial. The sundial was moving in reverse -- counter clockwise. Israel was at the center of the dial.” There is a book that is called Temple At The Center Of Time: Newton's Bible Codex Finally Deciphered and the Year 2012. http://www.amazon.com/Temple-At-Center-Time-Deciphered/dp/0981495745 It states that Israel is at the centre (as in Erin’s view of the sundial) and if you measure in Nautical miles, from the Mount to a city that has an event, you come up with proof that pivotal events in history are unquestionably connected in time and space to Jerusalem. As the number of Nautical miles equals the number of the year. For example; 1947 is the crash at Roswell happens to be 1947 Nautical miles from the Mount. Erin mentions the pyramids in this dream. I have done a lot of research on this subject. I have come to the conclusion it could only been designed by God. It has not only pointed to the exact place of Jesus birth but it has a time map inside, of future events only God could have known about. It also helps keep the Earth energies from being too negative. It is also part of an ancient defence weapon. I believe part of it was built before the Flood and the design was given to Shem to finish. It also marks the exact middle of the landmasses of Earth. “HIM: “Yes and the same pattern exist today! The enemy is trying to change history! He cannot! He is trying!‖ I knew this to be true as I have a testimony of a massive assault of the enemy on the Earth that God literally had to reverse time. (Valley of the dry bones.) It’s happened before; it’s written about in the book Cosmic Wars by JP Farrell. In Nimrod’s time. Dream XXV Dig Deeper! November 28th, 2012 I did not know what the people were doing to you. If I had, I would have spoken out against them and stood up for you. I would have put all my research on that forum but to be truthful if it is the one I am thinking of, you have to realise that Satan’s envoys are everywhere now. But God will deal with them. You see, I have been there on several occasions (I wouldn’t be surprised if it also happens on this forum too.) At 11 yrs although I knew I was hearing God (I had travelled in my sleep many times to Heaven before I was 13yrs and had attended church since 5yrs, so I knew His voice) the second prophecy I gave my parents, was not received very well, as it told my parents their bloodline had been tainted with witchcraft and linking. I was called demon processed. I withdrew, as my self-esteem was already under attack and I tried to commit suicide by anorexia. I got really thin at 12yrs. After that I said to God I didn’t ever want to prophecy again. That wasn’t the last time I was called demon processed but the next pastor to do so was in fact a Satanist infiltrator, I could see the real ‘him’. I had to battle on that occasion to keep my sanity and not get the demons he was trying to put in me. I was born with Generational evil spirits, as my bloodline is Romany gypsy, an old bloodline of Jews. Satan had to keep an eye on us, as this bloodline had many gifts, which the New World Order military has found out. (And I have found out too.) At 25yrs I asked God Himself to kick the 3 demons, that I had been born with, out. He did and I heard silence in my mind for the first time. They had spent 25yrs accusing me 24 hours a day (my books must be huge) and now heard silence in my mind, if I wanted to. “Pay attention to the 10!! This might be a clue that goes way back. Has Israel always had 10 opponents. When Hitler was in power, were there 10 allies with Him?” I have been given information via a dream on this. It goes back to the Atlanteans (just the name we have been given) their empire was pre-Noah’s Flood and was divided into 10; 5 lots of twins. My dream had an angel saying the Andeans are coming (back) and a star chart with one constellation moving up. (This has been an exciting puzzle for me and Erin’s dreams have helped me in this.) “How many leaders in history have called for genocide against the Jews, or tried to tamper with blood lines?” How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go???? My latest research is into the super soldiers now coming to light. I have a personal interest in this. The Black Awakening: Rise of Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos Russ Dizdar (Author) http://www.amazon.com/The-Black-Awake... These bloodlines were originally brought into being by Jesus. The bloodline of Benjamin, like Noah, had his DNA changed and it is one of the bloodlines that the NWO is using. There is another bloodline called Odin’s bloodline; it is said they are the only ones who can weld the Spear of Destiny (the one that pierced the side of Christ). They actually come from Odin, a descendant of King Asa, a descendant of King David (the one in the Bible!!) These bloodlines have access to what they call metagenes, once activated they can lift tonnes, fly and transport themselves across the globe and many other metaphysical skills. Now remember none of this is evil, it is what you do with the DNA gifts!!! Personally I have lifted tonnes of a fully loaded Land Rover, to stop the horrific death of my hubby and my two girls, in the Italian Alps in 2006. I have the metagenes and I am doing my damndest to use them only for God. “What is the significance of silence for 3 minutes?” I’m not completely sure but I remember hearing a conversation between a man and Jesus. This man was terrified and he called on Jesus. Jesus reminded him of the Comforter He had left on Earth and that the man should call on the Holy Spirit to cast out the fear. It took 3 minutes for the fear to be totally gone. Apart from that, I don’t really know why 3 mins. The plumb line is a symbol and actual manifestation of perfect alignment with the Word of God and that means the current word and the Bible. Also Solomon’s Temple was built with a plumb line, if it hadn’t, then the Shekinah glory of God would not have been able to come into the Temple. (Harmonious frequencies…) Did you know the shofar horn blasts actually have meaning to them? http://www.mazornet.com/holidays/RoshHashanah/shofar.htm Tekiah ( ) - A long single blast (the sound of the King's coronation) Shevarim ( ) - Three short wail-like blasts (signifying repentance and brokenness) http://www.hebrew4christians.com/Holidays/Fall_Holidays/Elul/Shofar/shofar.html Did you know we are in the Ten days of Awe at the moment? The days are actually ten years, 20092019. These are for people to repent and accept the gift from Jesus. On Rosh Hashanah Jesus asked me to blow the Shofar horn on Glastonbury Tor on 1 Tishrei 2009. It was to be three Shevarim =broken notes. I did it even though I was really embarrassed and I was very ill that year. It was to act as a spiritual call to repentance for the whole of England. The Path Dream XXVI “I am your Helmet!!” The Helmet of Salvation. In the Old Testament Jesus name means Salvation, so you are literally putting on Jesus. Much of the enemy’s latest tactics are to do with mind control of the subtle type. DREAM XXVII – Feet December 3rd and 4th 2012 “Others that have been given encounters from me are also in fear of being discredited.” I don’t mind being discredited but some people have literally said what I had from God was actually from Satan. Because of events that happened to me as a small child, I have a fragile inner child that Jesus knows about but I have been unable to develop a thick enough skin to protect. So I haven’t told all that I know. I don’t really know what to do about it either. I have been to Heaven many times while being awake, seen angels in real life and demons too. So Jesus is truthful here too, in his conversation with Erin. This is for Erin. What Jesus has shown you in these dreams, I have had to find out over the last 3-4 years. I know it has been intense for you but when you discover that comets have been moved so Earth didn’t get hit, you start to realise that Jesus really loves us-the collective us. So you are blessed Erin. I always assume (now) that if Satan is attacking me I must be annoying him. DREAM XXVII Dec 7th 2012 “Lining the banks were small bassinet's of gold as far as my eyes could see. These contained babies. Millions! I could see their hands in the air worshiping the King. I knew they were being taken care of and were not without love!” I have lost many babies due to miscarriages. One time I knew I was expecting, as I had a positive pregnancy test. I lost it and I was sure it was to be a girl. I felt like I was made of grief. My sister was on a missionary mission in Abu Dhabi and on a certain day they prayed for their families back home in UK. As they were doing this, I was waking up and I was attacked by two demons. I cried out to Jesus and a huge angel picked my spirit up in his powerful arms and carried me to Heaven’s gate. There on a stone parapet at the right angle of a massive wall, I met my baby and saw all my other babies, now children. As soon as I held my baby, my heart melted and I become flesh again. There were angels looking after each child there. I could hear each of their thoughts, at the same time. So this is true too. “The angels were lighting menorahs on the large table one angel was going ahead of them and was pouring oil in them. I didnʼt understand this. Why not candles?” Because the oil will never run out. Like the Hannukah miracle. “HIM: He smiled, “It is a marker, it says 'A great miracle has happened here', this is what this represents." ‘Each side of the dreidel bears a letter of the Hebrew alphabet: (Nun), (Gimel), (Hei), (Shin), which together form the acronym for "‫( "םש יהה דולג סנ‬Nes Gadol Hayah Sham – "a great miracle happened there"). These letters also form a mnemonic for the rules of a gambling game played with a dreidel: Nun stands for the Yiddish word nisht ("nothing"), Hei stands for halb ("half"), Gimel for gants ("all"), and Shin for shtel ayn ("put in"). In Israel, the fourth side of most dreidels is inscribed with the letter (Pei), rendering the acronym, ‫הפ יהה דולג סנ‬, Nes Gadol Hayah Poh—"A great miracle happened here" referring to the miracle occurring in the land of Israel. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreidel’ What I find interesting is that Jesus said ‘here’ as in Israel not the ‘there’ as in outside of Israel. ‫נ‬ ‫ג‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ש‬ ‫פ‬ He was smiling I knew they marked a season not a day nor hour but a range. One star seemed brighter than all of the rest but I didnʼt understand. HIM: “The markers are from this vantage point.” I saw the plumb line near the Nile or Egypt. Woke-up 4:17 am.........barking dog. The dog barking is a clue! The brightest star in the heaven is Sirius. It is the DOG star of the constellation Canis major. (I noticed the dog kept barking at nothing-he was just doing what he had been told to do. Warn against the ‘Sirian dogs’ coming.) ‘Sirius is also known colloquially as the "Dog Star", reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (Greater Dog).[12] The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt and the "dog days" of summer for the ancient Greeks, while to the Polynesians it marked winter and was an important star for navigation around the Pacific Ocean.’ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirius There is knowledge that the reason why the Gregorian calendar is set up the way it is, is because every 13 years the Sirius star aligns with the earth, on the stroke of midnight on the 1st of the 1st which is New Year’s Eve. It aligned again on the New Year’s Eve of 2012. This is extremely important, as there is also knowledge that there is an actual stargate in the Northeast of the dog star Sirius. It is actually been seen by a telescope. (I have a photo of a screenshot of it.) It is the blue Kachina mentioned in the Hopi Indian (Manasseh tribe) prophecies. It looks like a millstone. Jesus talks about a millstone being thrown into the Sea. The Sirians are coming to Earth to overcome her occupants. But Jesus is going to win. Dream XXIX Part 2 continued. “Please continue to pray that she (Israel) be blessed!”“She is in the middle of a Hate Zone, a zone so evil that no one chooses to see truth and recognize the evil!” This is so true in an actual physical way. There has been found an electromagnetic wave that emanates from an underwater anomaly in the gulf of Arden that pulses a certain wave of ‘hate’ every single day, since before the Flood. It covers the area of the Middle East. Explains a lot doesn’t it? “The concept of His Sceptre needs further study. This is a brand new element to me. I could use your help.” Again, how far down the rabbit hoe do you want to go? I was 21 when I saw my first UFO. I was coming out of college at night and I looked up. I saw a huge UFO in cross shape with each of the four arms having a sphere on the end. I then saw the same UFO shape in the Battle of Nuremburg in the 1500s. I also have the newspaper cutting of my UFO as someone took a photo of it. I have seen silver orbs dance around a rainbow in joy and awe-definitely on Jesus’ side. (Turns out rainbows are present in all dimensions.) So saying that, I believe the other side have UFOs too and the Greys, I have seen one of those too. Now it says Jesus has a Sceptre of Iron-I asked myself why Iron? Why not Gold or a crystal, like Sapphire? I then read a book by Jacques Vallee where he describes abductions (not all abductions are by demonic forces, many are now MILABS (Military abductions)). In some of these abduction events a paralysing ray is used on the victims, in one of them a man got free by holding an old iron key and using his anger, via adrenaline. I used to read folktales in my youth, as much as I could get my hands on. In many of them it would be something of iron, like a horseshoe, that would keep demons at bay. Old wives tales sometimes have truth hidden in them. I believe it fortifies our blood and our electromagnetic field, as blood has Haem in it, in haemoglobin. This is where most of iron in the body is kept, and is used for oxygen transport. Iron pyrites has similar properties. Jesus sceptre is made of Iron. And so will the ones we have. The Unveiling - Dream I - Christmas Eve 2012 “I saw something so frightening; humans that were like the dead, void of feelings, void of love and compassion. The irises of their eyes were black and cold. They had super human strength and no moral filter. They were not children of God!‖ We live next door to a drug pusher and a witch. We had 6 rabbits and I didn’t think I needed to put a padlock on the bolt on the hutch in our own backyard. Well one morning we got up to one of their dogs in the hutch and 5 had been shaken to death. I forgave the next door neighbour but basically the rabbits were murdered. What I noticed about the teenage boy that LET the dog in (because the only way the dog got in, is by human hands) is that the boy had black eyes-pure smirking evil. But I really confused the demon by hugging the next door neighbour, even though my heart was broken, as I had to cope with my girls’ hearts being broken. It has been 2 years and we cannot go out into the garden without the memory of the horror returning. There is no justice in this world either, as the police were told and RSPCA-nothing was done. But like Job, God has doubled the amount of rabbits we have now. Then I saw a type of humanoid or super human. ME: “Lord, are these demi-gods?” HIM: “Of sorts, These have been here on earth for many years. The lie, many of them are being told is ‘you are of a special bloodline’ and if we give you implants we will activate superhuman abilities in you. Therefore the handlers can switch them off when they don’t want them anymore. Is this not slavery? Except these people are this way because God has allowed it and the special abilities are actually in their DNA. If you hear about babies and toddlers being taken away from their mothers, it may well be because all babies’ DNA is now tested for these special bloodlines, and they will be brought up as mind controlled super soldiers. I will not share how the mind controlling was done, if you have the stomach to go down that rabbit hole read The Black Awakening. If you don’t believe me, watch the videos of Michael Prince aka James Casbolt. The English Royalty are involved in this person’s destiny now. This person was taken away from his parents with 41 other children in Project Ibis by the Nazi element of the Illuminati, then the Zionist Illuminati ‘rescued’ these children (from the frying pan into the fire) and now they are trained assassins, psychic telepaths, and can be used to find out demon possessed people-although they call them aliens and telekinesis are just some of the things they are reported to do. I was told about this when I was 12yrs from God it is called linking of the bloodlines. It is actually in the Bible, as in John the Baptist’s parents. No one I know has been told of this, no books. My family has been heavily linked, going back generations. I don’t know why, I can only guess. Remember none of this evil, it is what you use it for or who you use it for. I have lifted a fully loaded Land Rover and I have done telekinesis. I have blocked 4 military men beaming into my bedroom at 3.15am who had come to murder/suicide us four, by using the Name of Yehovah. Jesus walked on water, is this not against the laws of Physics. Turned water into wine. Walked through crowds who wanted to kill him-how did He do that by the way? God has kept me hidden because many churches have been infiltrated by Satanists, I met one of them and he was the Head Pastor. But now is the time to start walking in the Path Jesus gave us at our birth and use what abilities He has given us. But like all the Angels who fight under Jesus, we must lay all our abilities at His feet and be subject to Him. I only recently asked Jesus why had I amassed all this knowledge for-my mind is creaking under the sheer weight of it. Guess I got the answer. Again, do not accuse my modern day prophets that said, “Woe to 2012’ for they were correct!” “Bad foundations were laid in the rebellious year. Woe to 2012. This is the time when My Father decided to lift His hand of Favor and protection, Woe to 2012! Israel still is under the dome of Protection this is written! Remember, again, I do not know the day nor the hour of my return but have I not shown you that Heaven is prepared to receive the multitudes and there will be a celebration like none before? I have seen, and I have had dreams about, certain days in 2012 that the prophets raised a watchman’s warning about and they seemingly came and went without a murmur. I knew however that a battle in the spiritual and then the physical had been waged on these days. The problem is just like Israel in her expectation of her Messiah, missed the signs. Many Christians do not believe in UFOs, yet if it wasn’t for one of these, half of America would have gone up in smoke by one of the Earthly NWO UFOs. That disaster is now being left for a judgement later-those who destroy the Earth will be destroyed. Many Christians don’t believe that leylines and sacred stone circles are from God. They are part of an ancient defence system laid down by many generations. Jeremiah knew all about them-the straight ways. Yet they have stopped the sky falling. In fact telling you this, feels like I am letting out secrets that I have had to keep to myself for years. It is so obvious that the dark ones on Earth already have this information, so I should share it fully for the next warriors before the rapture. Each disaster that the dark spiritual and physical forces tried to make happen, were also allowed to happen, so the Man child could use the power of God and they did. If they hadn’t we would have been raptured/rescued. That’s how I saw it and still do. It is actually a compliment to be down here this long and I suspect this is what is going to make Satan angry in Revelation 12. Have not the scrolls been unsealed? How many? The signs are in Heaven in the night sky. There are markers. Indeed this is true! I have wondered if I was to supposed to talk about what Jesus has shown me, about the actual dates or season the seals were opened, physically being written in the night sky. I will make a separate post on this as I need to get this out (now He has called me out on it.) It’s amazing you were told about this. “Look again at Isaiah the early chapters do not forget, go to the valley of dry bones” This is another ‘rabbit hole’ I have tried to get out there but no one believes me. It is to do with God changing timelines and reversing time. Ezekiel 37. The Unveiling Dream II - Jesus as a Child! HIM: “So, you thought I was serious and boring?” HE was laughing. I thought so too until I went to Heaven and stood in the New City mountain and my bare feet felt the warm gold paving. When I realised they were warm He saw my reaction and laughed, as if He knew how I would react. I realised then Jesus had humour! There was a silence in Heaven and on Earth for 3 minutes. Do you think this could be related to the 3 minutes of silence after the Tekiah (long one at the end) shofar horn blast? It means a coronation of a king. He did then, he does now and he still believes in the future that he can?" (defeat Jesus.) I only learnt this yesterday 6 April 13. The dark forces on Earth still even now think they can defeat Jesus. The Unveiling - Dream III 12/29/2012 ME: “I’m confused by this in verse 29. It says immediately after the tribulation of those days, and then in verse 30, we see You appear. Most Christians have been taught Pre-Tribulation rapture but that would not have given the Bride time to get ready for Her Bridegroom. In Esther it took a future Queen, 6 months of Oil of Myrrh a perfume of grieving-ie this is to die to yourself. The next 6 months was perfumes and this was to get the Holy Spirit’s anointing. 2 Thessalonians 1 New King James Version (NKJV) Greeting 1 Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s Final Judgment and Glory 3 We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other, 4 so that we ourselves boast of you among the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure, 5 which is manifest evidence of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you also suffer; 6 since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you, 7 and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, 8 in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, 10 when He comes, in that Day, to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who believe,[a] because our testimony among you was believed. 11 Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power, 12 that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. The above highlighted sections add them together and you will realise why pre-tribulation was never going to be a valid option. It would have taken away the chance for many to become worthy of the Kingdom of God. Tribulation started when Jesus was crucified. This is why Jesus told His disciples to buy swords. I am still amazed that are still many who cling to pre-trib, even the night sky knows where we are, maybe they mean pre-Wrath of God? Because this I truly believe in as this is in the Scriptures. Also the Great trib is conditional on it being on a Sabbath or in the winter. This will depend on the Bride being able to restrain the enemy. I saw inside the thoughts of a 15 year old boy. He was asking to himself, “Why didn’t I listen? My parents told me? Why did I go the other direction? Now, I don’t know what to do!” I was in tears over this; he was my eldest son’s age! I then saw the parents in Heaven now on their knees begging, begging in the courts for their son! It was overwhelming! I have never shared this with anyone, only my immediate family. I had a vision that I never understood; I was taking children, teenagers and even some adults to a hide-out in a run down area (that currently is NOT run down). I met my old Pastor doing the same thing. We were taking them to a safe area, in the Countryside. While we were hiding and eating rations, a man with a gun-not Police but an enforcer, came in and I had to despatch him. This has never made any sense until last January, and a dream I had three years ago that ties it all together. I truly believe Jesus is getting together a task force that will be doing rescue missions. Only this year have I been seeing other Christians getting the same information. In my current medical condition this is not possible so I will need a miracle. Can’t wait. Signs of demonic attack coming; “Clogged toilets or backed-up plumbing of any kind (things from below the surface creeping up)” I have my girls as witness to this. We haven’t had a backed up sewer in many years and then we got a two blockages in less than a month this year. The second time was not as easy as the first time. The drain guys tried everything to unblock it, nothing was working. I felt led to pray out loud and command Satan to leave my drain alone and to become unblocked. It took three prayers. Then I got really assertive and just as I said In Jesus name for the third time, the jet wash suddenly unblocked it. The girls witnessed this, as my hubby was helping the drain guys. So this is true too. Infestations of any kind –flies, ants, worms, mice, hornets, or mold where it shouldn’t be. We have black mould growing on our bedroom ceilings. We have lived here for 19 years and we have never had mould there before. I have something else to share-anoint your property with oil, that you have prayed over for anointing of the Holy Spirit. Around the fences put one drop every foot. This has helped in one case of demonic activity online. The Unveiling - Dream VII January 11, 2013 “Me: “I heard from fellow Christians that if these dreams were from You, then I should have encampments of angels everywhere and that I should not be enduring these struggles. I should be free to dream and it should be clear.” Who are these Christians? I have been to Heaven and I have had so many struggles in my life. They obviously haven’t read the Bible. I think it is like a football team, the strikers are attacked the most and the ones at the back are usually left alone. The more you pose a threat, the more the enemy attacks. My dreams are mostly like movies but the content is usually like a puzzle. If I was to regularly share mine people would despair, I have to search and wait on The Lord to reveal them, sometimes years later. These dreams are very clear. “Remember to also do something symbolic, yet very important – Mark your threshold with oil; this way your property will be visible to the darkness.” In February 2013 I was led to do this as demons were getting through. We could literally smell themthey smell like dung. Also our dreams were being psy-oped. This is where trained psychics go into your dream and put you in a situation that makes you feel fear. I can usually fight back but my girls were being deceived, the dreams looked too real. My girls have been taught to carry a sword and use Jesus’ name as a weapon in their dreams but they were still getting attacked. So that’s when I got prompted to anoint the doorjambs and lintels with oil. The Glory - Dream I January 15th, 2013 “Me: “Lord, please forgive me, do not be disappointed with me.” I have prayed this so much this year but more so when I found out that I have Porphyria. I was born with it and my Mum died from it. It explains my maternal line’s ills going back many generations. How I found out about it must have been the Lord’s doing. My hubby went to a job interview as he has been made redundant. It was just up the road from Avebury, so he went there after the interview. He bought a magazine there called Nexus, which I read. In there was an article that had all the unexplained symptoms I have had all my life; Acute Intermittent Porphyria. I feel as if I have been playing golf and no one told me I have had a 100 point handicap. No matter how hard I try to get a clear round, it feels to me that I have failed and I cannot finish the race and Jesus will be disappointed in me. I didn’t overcome because I didn’t know about it, till now. I have been in tears since as I my doctors have been used to attack us by Satan. They are not nice people. In the same week a massive geomagnetic storm hit the earth in February and my 2nd oldest rabbit died unexpectedly. He came after the others had been murdered and was the father to two litters. Since then I have felt a failure, as I have also prayed a nearly dead, baby bunny back to life a few years ago. But Ruxley died just as the huge geomagnetic storm hit the earth, he had been poorly for a while and his heart gave up due to the extra stress. I reckon my faith must not been enough, as I had felt the night before he was very unwell and I did pray for him. Jesus did try to hug me and comfort me but I refused His hug then, as I couldn’t face Him, I had failed. And I felt guilty and worthless. I don’t see a way out- no solution for porphyria. I always see a solution, even when it’s life and death situations. I have been warned 2 days before we got home invaded by 4 black men, by a dream. And I knew we would safe. My 11yr dog got wounded. But I had no warning about this illness. No doctor has ever suggested to me it could be that. I have been hospitalised twice due to tachycardia and jaundice twice. Abdominal pain worse than labour, many times since I was young. I feel as if I haven’t overcome. I feel like Brewster’s Millions and you‘ve just been told you didn’t quite spend the 3 million so you don’t get the 300 million. “At each city, an offering of goodwill was given in exchange for a drop of blood on a stick. Each stick was run through a machine and the exact location and exact history was recorded.” I have, online, already put forward a theory that people would be required to give a drop of blood and from this they will know everything about you. The life is in the blood. The bloodlines have already been worked out by the Mormons and their online ancestral history sites. But if a portal to your body was opened by you signing or worshipping something, the person who has control over the drop of blood will have control over your body and therefore your mind. (Scientific experiments have proven this is possible.) Many are looking for a chip as the Mark but I believe that all a chip can do is relay your position and medical status. Many people now have implants-they don’t have the Mark. One day last year I awoke and found in my left ear canal; two implants. One was broken in two and the other looked very old. I have not taken the Mark of the beast however. I have been under surveillance since I was, as a toddler, stationed with my family in Germany. My dad was in the British Army stationed over there. The Glory Dream III - In the Presence of Glory Roots of the Fallen Dreams January 28th thru February 3rd, 2013 All I have to write about this dream, is that I know virtually all that you have written about the Nephilim. If you have any questions I would be glad to answer. I can’t add anything else. Ephesian 6v12 Some websites use the word Archon which isn’t used in the Bible but in New Testament, it mentions ‘the prince of devils’ or ‘of this world’ or ‘of the power of the air’. The Greek word for principalities is ‘Arche’ means the ‘first place, principality, rule, magistracy’. In Levi 20v5 it translates as Molech. (I have fought one of these in a dream.) Book of Enoch names 20 Archons of the 200 watcher angels, who sinned with the daughters of men. The Glory Dream IV - In The Presence of His Glory The Seven Fold Spirits of Heaven February 4th – February 9th “Hunter in the sky”. I take it you know what this is? If you don’t, it is what the constellation of Orion is called. It was very important last year and was used as clues to a man-made disaster being propagated and was being put into several TV programmes; Haven and ER. I was also told about this, by some itchy pin pricks on my body, on my right thigh and I have photos of them. If it wasn’t for this I would not have known what to look for. The Orinid meteor shower was from 16-26 October last year. The ‘Orion’ on my thigh was changed; the shield was down and the club was missing, as was the star called Saiph which in Arabic means ‘Sword of the giant’. I took it to me an the hunter (dark forces) would not be allowed to strike and his protection was gone. This was a Directed Energy weapon attack on The Louisiana sinkhole complex to ignite the chemicals, in order to rip open the New Madrid fault. They have been planning that disaster for years, as there are many volatile chemicals in close proximity to each other in the other salt domes. People now remember that day as the Minden bunker explosion on 16 October 2012. Obama and others were winking like mad before October and talking about the October surprise. There was also a report that military were being evacuated from the coast of the East of USA in September. USA dodged a bullet that day, as God and His army came to our rescue. It has been calculated it will be a global disaster affecting the whole globe, when the sinkhole explodes. Do not be a Perizzite!” I didn’t understand… yet, I didn’t ask. I found this a couple of days ago by turning to it in the Bible. That is one way God talks to me. I also found this website and being a Perrizite is about having a limited vision and low selfesteem. http://shamah-elim.info/perizite.htm I recognised as this is also me but I am getting over it. Jesus made me unique for a job, I just haven’t found out what it is yet. God doesn’t make mistakes though. Then Enoch brought the cloak or shawl that Elijah had placed over my shoulders and put it over my head to cover me. The Mantle was a covering that represented a calling to service, protection, sanctification and covenant relationship with God. The word "Mantle" translates to mean "Glorious", "Powerful", "Noble" and "Worthy". Wow Erin! http://www.voe.org/ministries-events/elijah-s-mantle Erin writes; “The First: Hittites – Label: “Sons of terror” Assignment destination: Church of Smyrna. Responsible for torment, terror, deception, and depression of all of God’s Marked The Second: Gergashites – Label: “Clay Dwellers” Assignment Destination: Church of Sardis Responsible for unbelief, what cannot be seen, analytical, earthliness, science, scholarship workaholic, and greed –cold and aloof; unfeeling. The Third: Amorites – Label: “Mt. People or People of Renown” Assignment destination: Church of Pergamos. Responsible for obsession with earthly fame and glory; domineering and loves edifying themselves at the expense of others and vain ambitions. The Fourth: Canaanites – Label: “Lowland People” Assignment destination: Church of Thyatira. Responsible for addictions, perversions, exaggerations, sexual lust, pleasing others, allure of all of God’s Marked. I also saw a Bull and women dancing around it to seduce it. The Fifth: Perizzites – Label: “Belonging to a Village” Assignment destination: Church of Philadelphia. Responsible for limited vision, laziness, low self-esteem, weakness, sickness and a dependency on Man, Oppressed, spirit of slavery of all of God’s Marked. The Sixth: Hivites – Label: “Villagers” Assignment destination: Church of Laodicea. Responsible for Hedonism, self-centeredness, Earthly inheritances, belief in the wide-gate concept, ‘all can enter’ - of God’s Marked. The Seventh: Jebusites – Label: “Threshers” Assignment destination: Church of Ephesus. Responsible for suppression of spiritual gifts, authority over believers, stopping and crushing fruits, threshing the bodies of all of God’s Marked.” http://shamah-elim.info/girgash.htm#The_7_types_of_evil_spirits Spirit name Hittites Girgashites Amorites Canaanites Perizzites Hivites Jebusites Meaning of name Sons of terror Clay dwellers Mountain people; renowned Lowlands people Belonging to a village Villagers Threshers Abbreviated explanation of effects Subliminal torments, phobias, terror, depression, deceit Focus on earthliness, unbelief in what cannot be seen Obsession with earthly fame and glory, domineering Addictions, perversions, exaggerated people-pleasing Limited vision, laziness, low self-esteem Vision limited to enjoying an earthly inheritance, hedonism Suppression of spiritual authority in fellow believers, legalism Virtually word for word of this website. Amazing. January 30th; Continuation of Dream III “One that I hadn’t noticed, he requested first that he be entitled to ½ of the fallen to assist him in carrying out his plan on earth. God was not pleased with his request but realizing that he had planned on refining mankind, He granted satan 10% of the fallen to carry out his deeds.” In the book of Jubilees Chapter 10v7-12 ―7,8 And the Lord our God bade us to bind all. And the chief of the spirits, Mastema, came and said: 'Lord, Creator, let some of them remain before me, and let them harken to my voice, and do all that I shall say unto them; for if some of them are not left to me, I shall not be able to execute the power of my will on the sons of men; for these are for corruption and leading astray before my judgment, for great is the wickedness of the sons of men. 9 And He said: Let the tenth part of them remain before him, and let nine parts descend into the 10 place of condemnation.' And one of us He commanded that we should teach Noah all their medicines; 11 for He knew that they would not walk in uprightness, nor strive in righteousness. And we did according to all His words: all the malignant evil ones we bound in the place of condemnation 12 and a tenth part of them we left that they might be subject before Satan on the earth.‖ And we explained to Noah all the medicines of their diseases, together with their seductions, how he 13 might heal them with herbs of the earth. And Noah wrote down all things in a book as we instructed him concerning every kind of medicine. Thus the evil spirits were precluded from 14 (hurting) the sons of Noah. This is true. One tenth is the same as 10%. Revelation mentions 200 million for a reason. This is how many fallen will be entering people’s bodies and taking them over. 10% of this number is 20 million and this is how many fallen were left after the Flood. According to Enoch 200 Angelic leaders, with tens of thousands under them, left heaven to come to earth to procreate with human women. And Satan used their lust to try and completely corrupt and destroy all of mankind's seed so that there would be no pure seed left for the incarnate Son of God to be born through. He almost succeeded, in fact he was only 8 men away from succeeding but through Noah and the line of Seth a pure seedline remained and continued after the flood. In Enoch Chapter 6:1 it says.. 1 And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. 2 And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men 3 and beget us children.' And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: Enoch then continues to discuss a deal he makes with fellow Watchers to all commit the same sin. In verse 7, it says that there were 200 chiefs on the summit of Mount Hermon, which is located on the border of Lebanon and Syria and stands over 9,000 feet high. They agreed to come to earth and cohabitate with women. These 200 chiefs were each in charge of tens of thousands of other Watchers. So how many fell with them. We do not know, maybe they all did. That would put the number into the hundreds of thousands that fell from heaven and came to earth. http://www.sherryshriner.com/sherry/who-is-what.htm “During this time the stars in Heaven marked an event; the birth of Abram. I mentioned before about how there was a comet at Abraham’s birth. A comet means ‘this one will reign instead of the present king.’ That’s why all kings worry about comets in their reign. This happened at Moses birth too, according to another Jewish book. (I forget which.) “Because of the departure of his earthly father from the presence of the Lord, Abram learned about carved idols and images. He learned from his father how to worship them also. Abram became weary when he realized they were worthless and were not made in the image of the Creator of Heaven and Earth and they lacked power. He destroyed the images.” This is what I found about Abraham and I think it is hilarious; where he blames the biggest idol of chopping the other idols up. Book of Jasher. CHAPTER 11--Nimrod's Wicked Reign. The Idolatry of Terah, Abram's Father. When Fifty Years old, Abram returns to his Father's House and Discovers his Idols. Makes a pretext to destroy them. After making Savory Meat for the gods, Abram takes a Hatchet and destroys them, leaving the Hatchet in the hands of the larger one, where it is discovered by his Father, who is told by Abram that the Great God had risen up in anger and Destroyed his Fellows. Terah in his wrath betrays Abram to the King, who brings him up before the Throne for Judgment. Abram Warns his Father and the King, before all the Princes, of the Evils of Idolatry. http://www.ccel.org/a/anonymous/jasher/home.html “Nimrod ordered Abram to be burned in the furnace along with other men of wisdom.”  And they brought them both, Abram and Haran his brother, to cast them into the fire; and all the inhabitants of the land and the king's servants and princes and all the women and little ones were there, standing that day over them.  And the king's servants took Abram and his brother, and they stripped them of all their clothes excepting their lower garments which were upon them.  And they bound their hands and feet with linen cords, and the servants of the king lifted them up and cast them both into the furnace.  And the Lord loved Abram and he had compassion over him, and the Lord came down and delivered Abram from the fire and he was not burned.  But all the cords with which they bound him were burned, while Abram remained and walked about in the fire.  And Haran died when they had cast him into the fire, and he was burned to ashes, for his heart was not perfect with the Lord; and those men who cast him into the fire, the flame of the fire spread over them, and they were burned, and twelve men of them died.  And Abram walked in the midst of the fire three days and three nights, and all the servants of the king saw him walking in the fire, and they came and told the king, saying, Behold we have seen Abram walking about in the midst of the fire, and even the lower garments which are upon him are not burned, but the cord with which he was bound is burned. http://www.ccel.org/a/anonymous/jasher/12.htm “These had intermixed with the Jewish Population I saw the words but, I don’t know them; erev rav (these were souls not Jewish but born of Jews) these that were born were not marked by God!” ‘The Erev Rav will be in control and rule over the Jewish people in the final exile. (Zohar 1:25)’ http://moriyasplace.blogspot.co.uk/2011/02/erev-rav-among-us.html So this is true too. Glory V Dream - February 13th - February 18th... The Olive “Their children could only have blood drawn as the children’s bodies were pushing the tracker back through the skin within 3 hours average, of being placed under the skin.” Personally, after an encounter with the Lord, I woke up with the implants in my ear sitting in my outer ear. I wear earplugs as my husband snores and they were behind the earplug. So I can believe this too. The Patterns - Dream I - Manna February 23rd - February 26th I did as the sign said. I grabbed the handle, turned it upwards and heard an odd sound like a small horn or bell. This is the Yoebel, I believe this could be the sound made at the start of a Jubilee year. Why you heard a bell, maybe this is a clue to the word in Hebrew=yoeBEL? Or it could be this meaning; ―The very important 35th verse of Exodus 28 is rendered more literally in the YLT. `And it hath been on Aaron to minister in, and its sound hath been heard in his coming in unto the sanctuary before Jehovah, and in his going out, and he doth not die.’ Again, "its sound hath been heard in his coming in unto the sanctuary before Jehovah, and in his going out, and he doth not die." WOW! The sound Aaron made with the bell and pomegranate fringe is connected with entering into and leaving the Lord's presence in the Most Holy Place - and not dying. This is no small matter! These bells are functioning to facilitate passage between the natural and supernatural realms, even being involved in accessing the presence of the Most High God. The High Priest was the only person permitted to enter the most holy place, and then only once a year on Yom Kippur. He had to be ritually clean and prepared in every way, which included wearing the bells on the hem of his robe. He was ritually "holy to the Lord" and enabled to minister in that place, in His presence. Appearing in any other condition, at any other time, or attempted access by any other person in any condition at any time would assure death in that place. There was more required beyond just the sound made by the bell/pomegranate fringe for the High Priest to remain alive and not die, like his having washed in the bronze laver (Exodus 30:17-21), but the sound of the fringe was among the required elements that made him "Holy to the LORD." His flesh was thus protected from, immune to, or, perhaps most correctly, untouched by the "consuming fire" of the presence of the Holy God. The sound made by the bells is somewhat related to the sound of the shofar that also marks Yom Kippur. In popular Judaism there's a special focus during Yom Kippur on the gates of heaven, which swing closed at the end of the day.‖ http://www.theopenscroll.com/bells.htm Personally I have physically heard bells upon waking. I have heard from someone that it means you have reached another level. But I prefer that it means ‘Holy unto the lord’. The Patterns - Dream III - Keys - Posted 3/17/2013 ―I had no idea what they meant. I saw the numbers on the Bulletin Board; all that was left was #23, #16, #27 & #2. The missing number was 7.‖ #2 Two (beth) Division, Double Witness Beth is a house or household in Hebrew. God established the household with Adam and Eve, two people in a marriage. This provided direction, a double witness in the family to know the will of God. It takes two points to make a line and establish direction. The number two signifies either division or a double witness. God established two covenants in the Bible, first as a double witness of truth, but also to establish direction. Going from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant shows a progression of revelation from the lesser to the greater. #16 Sixteen (yod-vav) Love To write sixteen in Hebrew, they wrote two Hebrew letters: yod-vav. These signify the hand (outworking) of the nail, which joins the hearts of two people as one. Sixteen is the number of love. It was because of the love of God that Jesus was nailed to the cross for the sin of the world. The cross manifested the love of God for all mankind. John 3:16 says, 16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. In the great ―Love Chapter‖ of 1 Cor. 13:4-8, Paul lists sixteen characteristics of love. 4 Love is patient (1), love is kind (2), and is not jealous (3); love does not brag (4) and is not arrogant (5), 5does not act unbecomingly (6); it does not seek its own (7), is not provoked (8), does not take into account a wrong suffered (9), 6does not rejoice in unrighteousness (10), but rejoices with the truth (11); 7bears all things, (12) believes all things (13), hopes all things (14), endures all things (15). 8 Love never fails (16) #23 Twenty-Three (kaph-gimel) Death and Resurrection Life To write twenty-three in Hebrew, they wrote two Hebrew letters: kaph-gimel. These signify the open palm in the act of lifting up—in this case, lifting up from death. Twenty-three is the number of death and resurrection-life. In Rom. 1:28-32 there are 23 things listed that are ―worthy of death‖: 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29being filled with all unrighteousness(1), wickedness (2), greed (3), evil (4), full of envy (5), murder (6), strife (7), deceit (8), malice (9), they are gossips (10), 30slanderers (11), haters of God (12), insolent (13), arrogant (14), boastful (15), inventors of evil (16), disobedient to parents (17), 31without understanding (18), untrustworthy (19), unloving (20), unmerciful (21), 32and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same (22), but also give hearty approval to those who practice them (23). #27 Twenty-Seven (kaph-zayin) Ministry of Salvation ―To write twenty-seven in Hebrew, they wrote two Hebrew letters: kaph-zayin. These signify the open palm in the ministry of spiritual warfare. Twenty-seven is the number of the Ministry of Salvation and naturally follows 26, which is the Power of Salvation. We must first receive the Power of Salvation in order to do the work of the Ministry of Salvation. Thus, 27 pictures the weapons of our warfare, which are given to us to accomplish the Ministry of Salvation. 2 Cor. 10:3, 4 says, 3For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. Twenty-seven is 17 plus 10. The number 17 is Victory, and 10 is the law. In 1 Tim. 3:1-7 Paul gives 17 qualifications for ministering the word in victory. If we add 10 to this number (the law), we see that 27 indicates the Ministry of Salvation, not without law, but including the revelation of the law as part of God’s word. Our ministry is to present the gospel of Jesus Christ. The numeric value of ―the gospel is the power of God‖ (Rom. 1:16) is 27 x 100. The essence of the gospel is about believing that Jesus is the Son of God. So in 1 John 4:15, ―Jesus is the Son of God‖ has a numeric value of 27 x 111. Likewise, in Mark 3:11, ―Thou art the Son of God‖ has a numeric value of 27 x 111. In Matt. 1:23, we read, ―Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son,‖ which carries a numeric value of 27 x 111. During the Pentecostal Age, the gospel has been preached by those who yet see through the glass dimly (1 Cor. 13:12), and thus, they know in part and prophesy in part (1 Cor. 13:9). Such words depict Jacob’s condition after his first trip to Bethel. But in his second trip to Bethel, we see the type of the feast of Tabernacles. By this time he has seen God ―face to face‖ (Gen. 32:30) through the angel Peniel. Likewise, the disciples were fishing on the left (judgment) side of the boat all night without catching anything. This signifies their attempt to be ―fishers of men‖ with an imperfect gospel message. Then Jesus came and said in John 21:6, ―Cast the net on the right [mercy] side of the ship and ye shall find. ‖ That statement carries a numeric value of 27 x 153. The 27 indicates the Ministry of Salvation; the 153 is the number of fish that they caught (John 21:11), representing the Sons of God. Joshua is Yeshua and is a type of Christ. The 27thtime that Joshua’s name appears in Scripture is in Joshua 1:1, where God told him that now that Moses was dead, it was time to cross the Jordan into Canaan. Under the Old Covenant, of course, the conquest of Canaan was done by the physical sword; but under the New Covenant, the disciples were told to go into the world and preach the Gospel to all creation, baptizing them. Thus, the New Covenant ―kills‖ the flesh by the Sword of the Spirit, leading to their Salvation. This death of the flesh and resurrection as a new creation is symbolized by baptism. The Ministry of Salvation, as preached by the overcomers under the anointing of the feast of tabernacles, is a pure word. The Hebrew word for pure is zak, which has a numeric value of 27. ― This is the link for the numbers info; http://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.org/PDF%20Books/Meaning%20of%20Numbers.pdf Enoch: ―Erin, look when this will happen. I saw the angel reveal to me from Daniel 10:4 - The 24th day of the first month!‖ Me: ―Oh will we see Jesus then here too?‖ Elijah: ―Erin, look at patterns. If patterns align, then look up YOUR Kinsman Redeemer comes for YOU, if these do not align, then He will come at the appointed time.‖ Me: ―Forgive me, both of you.‖ I could tell I was exhausting them. Enoch: ―Erin, look at what Gabriel says to Daniel in 10:13-14.‖ I then see Gabriel explaining the delay of 21 days. He explains what will happen in a time to come. The 24th day of the first Hebrew month is 24th of Nisan. In our calendar it is the 4th of April plus the delayed 21 days, adds up to 25th April 13. This is an interesting day but I am not saying that this IS the day of Rapture just that this day has been flagged by Jesus as a possible day of rescue due to the enemy’s actions. This is the way it has been since last year-Jesus warns the modern prophets, we pray and restrain the enemy and then we don’t go. And sometimes nothing actually happens in the physical BUT a battle has been fought on every single day of warning. I have NO IDEA when the appointed time is but I reckon it would be in either spring or autumn because if you add 3yrs and 6mth, it will not end up in winter. If the halfway point does end up in winter, there will be Great tribulation for the ones running away from Jerusalem at the Abomination of Desolation. I don’t think God would want that if He can help it. But He has to take our freewill into account. Interesting things I found out about 25th April 13; 1)It is the Pink Full moon or Full fish moon. http://raptureintheairnow.com/rita-main-discussion-forum/pink-full-moon-april-25thsecond-passover-rapture-link This interests me as I have had two dreams relating to this. I was throwing pink Smarties into a plastic pot as part of a game. I was also chasing a woman dressed in a pink dress. In another dream I saw an Angel raising up a constellation that looks like a 5 side of a dice. After much research I found out that it was Cygnus=Swan. There were parts of 3 other constellations; the head of Cepheus, the hooves of Pegasus and Lacerta. When I was drawing the stars the angel was holding up, I discovered a hidden symbol-the ICTHUS symbol=the FISH. 2)Also I was reading a set of Christian fish books to my youngest a few days ago and there was one where Jesus was on the beach of Sea of Galilee after His resurrection, cooking fish for breakfast. The disciples had caught 153 fish after a night of nothing. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+21&version=NKJV My question is where did Jesus get His fish that He was cooking? Also I thought we would be vegetarian after we are raptured? 3)In March and April 2013 Comet PANSTARRS has been a sign that is telling us ‘He is coming!’ just as the comet went through the Pisces band. Pisces is made of two fish. This is passing through the constellation of Cassiopeia on 25th April. 4)It is the 112nd day and there seems to be a Watchman’s warning about this day. Hillary Clinton was given an American football shirt with the number 112 on the back. http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2013/01/07/hillary_clinton_back_at_work_receive s_helmet_football_jersey.html This number was also seen on a Chinese advert for euro football cup in 2012. This tells us there is something planned on this day by the enemy. 5)Lyrid Meteor shower peaks on 21-22 April, can appear 16-25 April. Their source is Comet Thatcher 18611. 6)April 25th is the second Passover/Pesach. 7)On 25th April is a Partial eclipse of Moon. I’m not saying this is the rapture BUT it could be if the enemy gets his evil way, only because the Body of Christ isn’t doing her jobs. Other prophets seem to think this could be the month we go home too. Me: ―So this all occurs after we are gone, this is when the 3rd temple has been rebuilt.‖ (Enoch and Elijah looked at each other and chuckled at my comment.) I believe they chuckled (I could be wrong here) because there are more prophecies showing that certain people will be coming back during the 7 years to rescue God’s chosen ones that missed the first rescue. Also there is a theory that the start of the 7 years has already started on 2 August 2012 when Obama signed the beam on top of the One World Trade Centre . It’s all to do with altars on mountain tops. Also 22 March 2013 is noted as a day of interest due to the banner that was commissioned-Unbreakable alliance. http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?56835-Obama-s-Trip-To-Israel-ETAMarch-20th-2013 "Obama’s trip to Israel will be run like a military operation in most every way. It even has a code name: Unbreakable Alliance in English, and Brit Amim ( o enant of eoples) in Hebrew," http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/n...-official-logo Vision from the Lord - Sparrowcloud9 - 3/20/2013 March 20, 2013 – 4:00 AM In this vision when the stone was skipped fully 3 times, it spells out 777. This is the gematria of the word Revelation. I thought that was interesting. Also I got the feeling that Jesus was saying if it was up to Him we would be home already. But there are 4 players: Israel= the river and God’s land. This includes us, as are also God’s land/temples/chosen. The stones=the enemy. The thrower=God allowing the enemy’s actions. To build up faith and to judge. The tree=The Chosen ones, His people. All these 4 are leading a kind of dance that only God can know ahead of time what is going to happen. This is why we need to be close to God hearing all the time what is coming up and how to pray. (I try to but I don’t always. LOL) I am no prophet, or self-proclaimed prophet. I am a seer and a scribe; a reporter. Actually a Seer is a type of prophet-they see visions and pictures and dream-visualises. I am Seer too. A prophet is someone who mainly hears words-auditory. But the Old Testament didn’t differentiate between the two. Both are called prophets so therefore you are a prophet. Prophets don’t just show the future, they provide keys to people so they can open God’s door in their life. The Patterns IV - The Invitation - posted 3/29/2013 March 23rd, 2013 There was a fishing lure hanging there. A big one, about 5‖ long. Not just any lure, this was handmade and intricate. It was made up of sterling silver or platinum sections and each scale on the fish was very detailed and engraved. There were jewels set into it. I saw 12 jewels set in a grid pattern, representative of the 12 foundation stones of the Tribes of Israel; the same as the Ephod priests wore. There were 3 large hooks made of Bronze, they were Polished and very sharp. Each hook was set with a beautiful cut diamond - I recognized the cut shape as the Trinity Cut. The very top of the lure, mimicking the fish’s head, a gold coin was set into the mouth. There was something like woven gold, emerald and ruby twine that created small brushes where the fish line would go. The body of the lure was in sections so the lure was flexible just like a real fish. 5 inches=5 is the number of grace manifested and is operated as the God in a life and ministry. Silver= symbol of wisdom and represents the soul. 12=number of God’s covenanted ones in power and authority. Bronze=ancient power symbol. Displacement of gold and silver with bronze was considered the consequence of sin. I Kings 14v25-27. Hooks=Exodus 36:37-38 (NKJV) ―37 He also made a screen for the tabernacle door, of blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine woven linen, made by a weaver, 38 and its five pillars with their hooks. And he overlaid their capitals and their rings with gold, but their five sockets were bronze.‖ 3=number of the Godhead and invincibility. Diamond=Eternal, Gift of the Spirit, something valuable and precious. The gold coin in the mouth I think is symbolising tax. This was found in the first fish to come to the hook! US! “Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free. 27 Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money;[a] take that and give it to them for Me and you.” Matthew 17:27 Greek stater, the exact amount to pay the temple tax (didrachma) for two.” Gold=Refinement of the sprit; royalty and transcendence. Wealth and spiritual power. Emerald=Symbolises Christian and the Godhead. Also divine revelation. Ruby=? A Precious jewel. http://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=rubies&qs_version=NKJV (Main source is The Prophet’s Dictionary.) There was a sign on the Board: ―We have had 153 RSVPʼs for the dinner. I have read the book The Gospel of the Stars by Peter Lemesurier. “With the appearance of the Messiah at the end of the Piscean age the long night is over. The great net of the end of the age is let down into the sea. Thereupon the water of mortality yield up the harvest of a lifetime. And the great catch, the harvest of the spirit, is duly hauled towards the immortal shore, the threshold of the new age. Page 46. Mankind has arrived. There are one hundred and fifty-three fishes. And the number 153 in the New Testament world no less than in the Pyramid, is a firm cipher for the enlightened.” Page 47. Seventeen (yod-zayin) Victory To write seventeen in Hebrew, they wrote two Hebrew letters: yod-zayin. It signifies the hand (outworking) of spiritual weaponry, which gives us the victory. Seventeen is the number of victory. It follows number sixteen, because ―love never fails‖ (1 Cor. 13:8). In fact, let it be emphasized that there is no ultimate victory without love. Adding all the numbers from one to seventeen gives us 153, which is the number of fish that the disciples caught in John 21:11. Because 153 is the numeric value of beni h’elohim,―sons of God,‖ we can see that there is a strong connection between the final victory and the manifestation of the sons of God. http://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.org/PDF%20Books/Meaning%20of%20Numbers.pdf The three hooks= Three (gimel) Divine Fullness, Perfection Gimel is a camel in Hebrew. It signifies to be lifted up. (Rapture??) Pride is its negative side; being glorified or elevated to a position of authority is its positive side. The number three is the number of divine fullness, completeness, or perfection. Whereas it takes two lines to fix a position by an x-y axis, it takes three to give shape and to enclose a geometric area—in this case, a triangle. Because the law establishes truth on the basis of two or three witnesses (Deut. 19:15), the number three may be considered to be a complete witness. Two witnesses are enough to establish truth, but three brings completeness, clarity, and shape to it. For this reason, there are three primary feast days in Israel: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. It takes all three feasts to perfect a man with the fullness of the Spirit. Each feast is an aspect of salvation for man’s three-fold nature: spirit, soul, and body (1 Thess. 5:23). In Luke 13:32 Jesus said, ― Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.‖ Jesus was the Good Shepherd in death, for John 10:14, 15 says, ―I am the good Shepherd ... and I lay down My life for the sheep.‖ Jesus was the Great Shepherd in resurrection, for we read in Heb. 13:20, 20Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the Great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord. Finally, Jesus is the Chief Shepherd in glory, for 1 Peter 5:4 says, 4And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. So we see that three is the number indicating completeness and perfection. http://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.org/PDF%20Books/Meaning%20of%20Numbers.pdf The Mustard Seed & The Grape Vine Vision and Word from Jesus - April 3rd, 2013 Jesus: ―This one, (pointing to the mustard bush) must be removed so that the grape will bear good fruit. Do you understand?‖ The Bride and Man-child are the Mustard seeds and they have to be removed because they are working in the Holy Spirit and they are the Restrainer, restraining the evil works of the enemy. The ones who are sealed with the Mark of God (the 5 Virgins who have been left behind) will need to go and buy more oil to fill up their lamps with oil (Holy Spirit) and take up the baton, to continue fighting the enemy. I think these grapes are chosen ones who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus..YET. Jesus: He smiled, ―This one will produce 40 clusters. There will be several bottles of wine from one vine.‖ Forty (mem) Trial, Probation The number forty in Hebrew was written with the letter mem (water, flowing or coming from). Forty is the number of trial or probation. When viewed as a time cycle, we find that Israel spent 40 years being tested and tried in the wilderness. Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness being tested of the devil. The number 40 can be viewed negatively in terms of the full 40 days/years of trial, but it can also be viewed positively in that it is the END of the time of trial or testing. In the positive sense, then, forty (i.e., mem) speaks of Israel crossing the Jordan River (water) after 40 years in the wilderness. In that sense also, Israel came from the wilderness and flowed into the Promised Land. Forty is the product of eight and five. Eight is the number of New Beginnings, while five is grace. Thus, forty can be seen as entering grace after a period of trial, as well as the beginning of something new. Obviously, these are both factors in the cases of Israel and Jesus. http://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.org/PDF%20Books/Meaning%20of%20Numbers.pdf Forty days in the Wilderness. The grapes (left behind chosen ones) will be learning; this is the meaning of into the Wilderness. ―Jesus: The mustard is planted and harvested in April to help the grape. In May comes the rains, then the mustard is removed and the vine grows. It will endure the latter rains.‖ Interesting this, that Jesus mentions April, as there are a lot of signs pointing to April 2013. Also I may have seen a sign for the latter rains on the Sun, on 22 March 2013. (Via a video on Youtube.) There was a filament on the Sun that literally rained PLASMA RAIN. Amazing. ―I walk with Him to the large Mustard tree, there I see fruit. I thought this is going to taste horrible. I assumed that the fruit is what produced mustard. He pulls one of the fruits down. The fruit is pink and purple.‖ Pink means love, chaste and moral. Feminine. Purple means Royal, majestic and noble. In the Bible rulers who were arrayed in this colour meant they were also priests. Then He pulls from inside the leaves, a type of cone. Jesus: ―Not everyone knows about the power and value of the mustard plant.‖ When you add these two sentences, in my mind it adds up to a subject many Christians have rejected. That we have power within us. The cone is the shape of the pineal gland. It is on top of the Pope’s staff as if to say he is the only one who can have the knowledge of the Pineal gland and wield its power. The Pineal gland is so important that a person would die within 3 days of it being damaged. All hormones are regulated by this gland. Also the pine cone and green fir represents Jesus as the Evergreen tree. Me: So if I have faith like that mustard seed and I know all of my capabilities in advance and that I reside HERE like that giant mustard tree, then I can have faith to do anything when I ask in YOUR name?‖ Totally agree here. In Jesus name I have turned Hurricanes around. Maybe this is why the enemy had Fluoride put in many people’s tap water, it calcifies the Pineal gland. Even if you don’t believe in Chemtrails, the chemicals in them are basically calcifying the Pineal gland. ―When I turned to start to unlatch the gate, I noticed a National Parks Drop Box; like a day fee box. There on the green steel box was a deep engraving with the words TEVAH. It had a slot in it, and above the slot it said, ―Deposit Only‖ This was hilarious to me. How could you make a withdrawl out of this?‖ Though commonly referred to as "tee-vah," the word teva is correctly pronounced "tev-ah." Its beautiful sound and meaning have often made the word a title for various commercial companies. http://www.ehow.com/facts_5969311_definition-teva.html It depends on how you spell it. teva (‫ )טבע‬means "nature". teva (‫ )תבה‬means "box" or "ark". http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_does_teva_mean_in_Hebrew ―I look at what else I can find in the box and there was a small vial of oil. I unscrewed the lid to smell it. It was fragrant like Jasmine and olive together. When I went to screw the lid back on, some of the oil got on my skin. My skin became like my Heavenly transformed body where the oil had landed.‖ And the maiden pleased him, and she obtained kindness of him; and he speedily gave her her things for purification, with such things as belonged to her, and seven maidens, which were meet to be given her, out of the king's house: and he preferred her and her maids unto the best place of the house of the women. (Esther 2:9) This is a twofold process, using things from God and what is in inside us. The preparation of the Bride of Messiah is a co-operation between the Holy Spirit, and the Bride. Now when every maid's turn was come to go in to king Ahasuerus, after that she had been twelve months, according to the manner of the women, (for so were the days of their purifications accomplished, to wit, six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with sweet odours, and with other things for the purifying of the women;) Then thus came every maiden unto the king... (Esther 2:12b-13a) Notice also that Esther's preparation was over a twelve-month period of time, which was six months of one preparation, and six months of another. And it was all to be done before going into the presence of the King. (In Book of Esther the maidens needed a year to get ready to be seen by the King. The first 6 months they were anointed with Oil of Myrrh (funeral scent means to be dead to bad works) and the next 6 months they were anointed with perfumes, the Holy Spirit; (means to become a pleasing aroma to God by putting on the Holy Spirit and good works.) 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. (Matthew 25:1-13) These Ten Virgins were divided into two groups, based on "Being Ready." The Wise Virgins were "Ready" before anyone went in with the Bridegroom to the marriage. We are led also to conclude that the "Foolish" Virgins were NOT YET READY when the Bridegroom came. We may now conclude that the preparation of the Bride is NOT done in heaven, but only on earth, before going in with the Bridegroom. http://www.thewayprepared.com/studies/bride-made-ready.html Smell of jasmine 'as calming as valium' The name Jasmine is derived from the Persian yasmin which means "a gift from God" so named because of the intense fragrance of the blooms. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/7881819/Smell-of-jasmine-as-calming-as-valium.html So now I conclude my report on Erin’s drams and I think you can see that there is nothing that isn’t true. Therefore I hope that the Christians will be able to receive the message in them now. If however you still do not believe, then God gave me a message for you, 19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not despise prophecies. 21 Test all things; hold fast what is good. 1 Thessalonians 5 (New King James Version)
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