A Project Report by Alka Pareek

April 2, 2018 | Author: Gunjan Pareek | Category: Packaging And Labeling, Brand, Product (Business), Sales, Promotion (Marketing)



A PROJECT REPORT ON “A STUDY ON PRODUCT MIX STRATEGIES OF JK TYRES”Under kind Supervision of Dr. Nandini Sharma By Alka Pareek _______________________________________ Biyani Group of Colleges R-4, Sector No 3, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur -302023, Rajasthan, INDIA A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelors in Business Administration (BBS) 1 Student declaration I hereby declare that the project report entitled “A STUDY ON PRODUCT MIX STRATEGIES OF JK TYRES” Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Business of Business Administration To Biyani Group of Colleges, India, is my original work and not submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship, or any other similar title or prizes Guidance By: Dr. Nandini Sharma Submitted By: Alka Pareek Place: Jaipur Date: May 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT As a partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of BBA under Biyani Group of Colleges, a project was to be carried out by all the students during their 3 rd semester. On the course of report preparation, we had to select a particular business organization. This project, as a part of my training, was a good experience providing me great insight into the market dynamics of tyre industry, buyer behavior and the sales & marketing of JK Tyre. This work has helped me in understanding some of the intricacies and complexities involved in the tyre industry in particular. I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to complete this project report. I want to thank Biyani Group of Colleges for providing me the opportunity to conduct this small scale study as a partial fulfillment of the Bachelor degree in business administration. I have furthermore to thank Dr. Nandini Sharma for her guidance, valuable suggestion, encouragement, support, co-operation and supervision throughout my studies. I am thankful as well for the continual support of my family and friends, who have provided me with important feedback on this thesis and with the encouragement that I have needed to complete my work. To my parents and brother —thank you for your positivity and for helping me to bring stress back into perspective. Regards, Alka Pareek 3 PREFACE It is a great opportunity for me to have the BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINITRATION (BBA) in BIYANI GROUP OF COLLEGES, JAIPUR. In the accomplishment of this degree I am submitting a project report on ““A STUDY ON PRODUCT MIX STRATEGIES OF JK TYRES”. Subject to the limitation of time efforts and resources every possible attempt has been made to study the problem deeply. The whole project is measured through the questionnaire, the data further analyzed and interpreted and the result was obtained. The whole project has been divided into 7 chapters.  Introduction  Research Design  Company profile  Theoretical background of the study  Analysis of JK Tyres Product Mix  Analysis & Interpretation of Data  Summary of Findings, Suggestion & Conclusion 4 since goods and services were in short supply and the sellers use to call the shots. The customer‘s importance has assumed imponderable proportions in today‘s world. all the companies worldwide are tuning their focuses on the customer.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction In today‘s world of intense competition and rapid dynamism. Today. there has been total transformation in the way the customers being perceived. ―customer is the god‖ has become so true and relevant today. In such scenario. that the once famous maxim. retention of the existing customers assumes diabolical proportion. A customers can ―make or break‖ a company. because of the inherent value that the customers command. Earlier there was a seller‘s market. service and marketing. so much so. Suddenly. There has been a ―paradigm shift‖ in the thinking of these companies and none other than the customer has brought this about. for one single dissatisfied customer will tell at least nine others about the dissatisfaction and will spark off a chain reaction and spell doom for that company. It is the responsibility of every company to see that all its customers are equally satisfied with them. But. marketers are directing their efforts in retaining the customers and customers‘ base. the customer had succeeded in capturing all the attention of the companies towards him. Their focus has shifted towards integrating the three elements people. Research has thrown light on some important aspects of customers‘ retention it has been proved empirically that 5 . ever since the advent of the era of globalization. namely the ―service factor‖. In the past.acquiring new customers can cost five times more than the cost involved in satisfying and retaining current customers. not much importance was attached to product safety. the market scenario has changed today. Availability of trainee service personal and quality genuine spare parts posed serious problems. In the past. and it is no more considered as a cost center. However. the customers was taken for a ride. the powerful hands of the organization. etc. there could not be much product differentiation. The maxim.‖ caveat – emptor‖ has been replaced by ―caveat venditor‖. Since. customers‘ courts. Most of the industries today use of information technology to best services to their customers. but considered as a profit center. Today after sales service is an important aspect of every company. Companies were lethargic in attending to customers complaints. there could not be much differential a tangible assets. after sales service was consider as a cost center. as price and quality were comparable and latest technology was to each and every company in the field. with the rising competition. the companies concentrated on the ―intangible assets‖. the customer has a host of defense mechanism like the customers protection laws. globalization and privatization (LPG). Thanks to the government policies on liberalization. then to retain an existing customers. switching to substitute or competitors that offer at competitive prices. as there were not many players in the fields. which served as a major differentiator. Today. The attitude of the manufacture was that of ―caveat – emptor‖. regulation of the government. Every organization strives hard to retain its existing customers at any cost since it is five times costly to get a new customers. quality. service and product appeal. 6 . styrene butadiene rubber and poly butadiene rubber. In the previous financial year. Any change in the prices of raw materials affects the profitability of tyre companies. The most important raw material is rubber-natural and synthetic.88 lakh metric tons. carbon black. 30. The Indian tyre industry has been reporting good growth figures. MRF followed suit in 1946. 7 . ultra modern production facilities and availability of raw materials. The raw materials used in the manufacture of tyres are rubber and petroleum derivatives like nylon tyre cord. Since then.About Tyre industries in India Background The origin of the Indian Tyre Industry dates back to 1926 when Dunlop Rubber Limited set up the first tyre company in West Bengal. the Indian tyre industry witnessed a turnover of Rs.000 crores.92 crores tyres. over the past few years. 3600 crores. producing 11. the unorganized sector is predominant with respect to bicycle tyres. Currently India has 40 listed tyre manufacturing companies. out of which the top 10 account for over 96 percent of the country‘s total tyre production. a total tonnage of 14. the sector is poised to grow further. the tyre industry is highly raw material intensive. The Indian tyre industry has emerged as one of the most competitive markets in the world and with the emergence of new technology. While the tyre industry is largely dominated by the organized sector. Increase/Decrease in raw material costs Apart from being capital intensive. spurred on by the rise in the automobile industry led by passenger vehicles and two-wheelers. The tyre export market in India is valued at Rs. the Indian tyre industry has grown rapidly. A recent study states that the Indian tyre production is expected to reach almost 20 crores units by 2016-17. " Valy said. tyre makers are signing new import deals as buying locally is still expensive after farmers held back supplies hoping prices would rise in the future. "Tyre makers were actively signing import deals in September. 8 . Prices have fallen below Rs 160 this month and moving in the narrow range of Rs 156-157 per kg. industry officials said."Farmers think speculators in futures market are depressing prices. Import of tyres Daily rubber supplies to key spot markets are lower than normal as farmers are holding back produce. They think in coming months prices will recover above 200 rupees (per kg). Natural rubber prices have crashed by almost 20% from October last year. despite importing 23. First.Rubber prices have softened in the last four months but tyre makers are not considering a cut in tyre prices because they are yet to recover from a surge in prices of raw materials last year. The plunge in prices benefitted tyre manufacturers the most with major tyre companies reporting good results for the quarter ending December 2012. president of the Indian Rubber Dealers' Federation. But they are not ready to pass it on to customers basically for two reasons. Then the difference between local and overseas prices widened to over 45 rupees per kg." said George Valy. Second. The last time prices dropped below Rs 160 was in May 2010. This could perhaps be the worst crash in the recent times.5 percent more rubber in the first half. they are still to recover the rise in input costs early last year. This year. demand for tyres continues to be subdued forcing companies to cut production. The hike in tyre prices was not sufficient enough to neutralise the effects of the rising costs. Even with faltering growth.500 per annum. the tyre industry is expected to pick up momentum in the future. There was a 40% increase in the prices of synthetic rubber. JK and Ceat. the Indian tyre industry saw a growth of 5. As per reports. keeping pace with the economic growth India has seen in the last five years.000 tonnes in 2012/13. According to rating agency ICRA. But since June the price difference between local and overseas prices has widened.240/ kg which came to Rs. The industry turnover is about Rs. Export of Tyres Five percent of the nearly $100 billion global tyre industry is accounted for by India.2 percent on the year.000 tonnes in 2012/13 on the back of a rise in local output and lower incentives to import rubber.The country's total imports could rise to over 225. At the beginning of 2011. The revenue growth was definitely aided by the depreciating rupee and stable rubber prices by the end of the financial year. The Indian tyre industry exports to around 65 countries.13. In June 2012. chairman of the state-run Rubber Board. The 9 . the rubber prices were about Rs. Despite the economic slow down and high input costs last year. the compound annual growth (CAGR) of the tyre Industry has been about 8%. the truck and bus tyres account for more than 60% of the turnover. industry growth was in terms of volumes. up 5.185-200/ kg by the year end. Apollo. The top four companies include MRF. Sheela Thomas. peaking in September 2012. The trend has been upward with regard to the cost of crude derivatives. Valy said.3% (volumes) in 2011-2012. said India's imports were likely to drop by 27 percent to 150. In terms of value and tonnage. moneyworks4me. Review of the Indian Tyre Industry Source: http://stockshastra. in the passenger car segment. As per reports. and hike of over 20% in realizations. About 65% of the total Indian tyre industry is constituted by the replacement segment. "We expect the demand for tyres from the OEM segment to be relatively muted at 8-9% during 2012-13. the domestic market is set to grow at a CAGR of 11-12%. despite anticipated revival in 10 . Replacement demand is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12%. ICRA said. replacement demand and exports based on industry. US dollar. Radialization has grown due to its distinct advantages.tyres are predominantly cross ply and bias in India. According to the ICRA.com/indian-tyre-industry-analysisand-review/ The tyre industry segments are divided into personal and commercial usage based on vehicle category and into OEMs (original equipment manufacturers). and OEM demand to grow at a CAGR of 10-11%. exports rose by 46% and the revenues saw a 28% growth because of the strong depreciation in the Indian rupee vs. 11 . however we expect replacement demand and exports to support industry volumes.replacement volume. going by the current trends. particularly truck and bus tyres. Group Vice President & Head-Corporate Sector Ratings. with operating margins set to expand during H1. Subrata Ray.‖ Historical and Projected Growth Rate Source:http://www. driven by vehicles. 2012-13. sold post the recessionary dip of 2009. the Indian tyre industry is poised for good growth in the coming years.com/docs/16139151/tyre-industry-in-India So far. Mr. Sr. says. Revenue growth for tyre companies is also expected to be supported by price revisions of around 5-8% and continued export thrust to SE Asian countries".docstoc. The softer input costs would however pay dividends during the current year. we expect OEM tyre demand to be muted. ―In line with the sombre outlook for the automotive industry. ICRA. 3 WHAT IS JK TYRES? 3.INTRODUCTION 2.1 VISION OF JK TYRES 3.2 MISSION OF JK TYRES 3.4 PRODUCT MIX OF JK TYRES 28-34 28 28 31 32 24-27 24 24 24 25 26 26 15 23 15-23 CHAPTER IV THEORITICAL BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 4.LIST OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAPTER II RESEARCH DESIGN 2.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 2.5 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY 2.1 MARKET 12 35-49 35 .6 CHAPTER SCHEME CHAPTER III COMPANY PROFILE 3.4 METHOD ADOPTED 2.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY 2.TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 TITLE OF THE PROJECT 2. 1 MODELS OF TYRES 5.4 ANALYSIS OF PREFERENCE OF CUSTOMERS TOWARDS THIS PRODUCT 6.5 ANALYSIS OF BASIS ON WHICH THEY PURCHASE 6.7 CHANCES OF SHIFTING IF THEY ARE 13 65 66 62 63 64 60-78 60 .6 ANALYSIS OF SATISFACTION OF THE RESPONDENTS 6.5 BRANDING 4.5 PRODUCT WARRANTY 50-59 50 52 53 54 56 CHAPTER VI ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION OF DATA 6.2 DIVERSIFICATION POLICY OF JK TYRES 5.6 PACKAGING AND LABELLING 4.2 MARKETING 4.4.4 PRODUCT MIX 4.4 BRANDING IN JK TYRES 5.2 ANALYSIS OF FROM HOW MANY YEARS THEY KNOW ABOUT THIS BRAND 6.3 MARKETING MIX OR 4P’S OF MARKETING 4.3 USAGE OF THIS BRAND IN YEARS 6.7 PRODUCT WARRANTY 36 36 39 40 44 47 CHAPTER V ANALYSIS OF JK TYRES PRODUCT MIX 5.1 SOURCES THROUGH WHICH RESPONDENTS BECOME AWARE 6.3 FACTORS INFLUENCING PRODUCT MIX POLICY OF THE COMPANY 5. 14 ANALYSIS OF THE OUTLOOK AND STYLE OF THIS BRAND 6.NOT SATISFIED WITH THIS BRAND 6.2 SUGGESTION 7.16 ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP THEY HAVE WITH THIS BRAND 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 CHAPTER VII SUMMARY OF FINDINGS.15 OTHER SERVICES PREFERRED FROM THIS BRAND 6.12 ANALYSIS OF MAJOR ADVANTAGES IN THIS PRODUCT 6.9 ANALYSIS OF PRICE 6.8 ANALYSIS OF SWITCHING TO THIS BRAND 6.13 ANALYSIS OF SATISFACTION OF DESIGN OF THIS PRODUCT 6.3 CONCLUSION 79-83 79 81 82 14 . SUGGESTIONS AND CONCLUSION 7.1 FINDINGS 7.10 ANALYSIS OF FACTORS THEY CONSIDER WHILE PURCHASING THE TYRES 6.11 ANALYSIS OF AVERAGE PERIOD OF PURCHASING THE TYRES 6. It has developed into a multi product. --Philip Kotler 15 . Market is a group of buyers and sellers interested in negotiating the terms of purchase/ sale of goods or services. --Philip Kotler Marketing is the set of human activities directed at facilitating and consummating exchange. A part of JK organization which ranks among the top private groups in India. the company has expanded and diversified its business portfolio. multi location corporate entity comprising of following business division. Over the years. Introduction: J K Industries is a mega corporate entity that is emblematic of excellence. diversification and pioneering new technologies.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. JK industries is committed to self reliance and follows an ethic that views customer satisfaction as an index of achievement. The essence of marketing is exchange of products and the transactions is to satisfy human needs & wants. All business activities facilitating the exchange are included in marketing. design or combination of them which is intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. symbol. Packing may be defined as the general group of activities in the planning of a product. Product mix of a company has three main characteristics: - 1) Width 2) Depth 3) Consistency Width: . marketing affinity or research affinity. Product mix is the entire range of products of a company for sale product mix need not consists of related products.Depth depends upon the number of product items within each product line.Width of a product mix depends upon the number of product groups of product line found within the company. Brand is a name. These activities concentrate on formulating a design of a package and producing an appropriate and attractive container or wrapper for a product. Consistency: . ranging from economic utilities to satisfaction of a social psychological nature. Depth: . term.The product is a bundle of all kinds of satisfaction of both a material and nonmaterial kinds.Consistency of the product mix refers to the question whether or not the products have production affinity. The 16 . 1949 First in India to manufacture Engineering files. 1940 First in India to manufacture steel Bailing Hoops for jute and cotton and to make the country self sufficient by meeting the entire demand-J. i. 1960 First to manufacture a Hydraulically Operated Cane Crushing Mill for Khandsari Sugar Plant and completed 100 ton plant-J. All manufactures and dealers and appliances must offer a very efficient after sales services. spare parts and maintenance. Iron & Steel Co. Bombay. 1944 First in India to produce Aluminium virgin Metal from Indian BauxiteAluminium Corporation of India Ltd..K.Juggilal Kamlapat Cotton Spinning and Weaving Mills Co. Warranty is an obligation of the producer and seller to stand behind the product and assure the buyer that he will derive certain services and satisfactions from the product. free services during the guarantee period and thereafter at low charges. Ltd. Ltd. It covers repairs. Engineers ‗Files.K.. Kanpur.container itself act as a forceful though silent and colorful salesman at the point of purchase. 1933 First in India to manufacture Calico Prints..K.. 1959 First in India to set up a continuous process Rayon Plant. Iron & Steel 17 . Jaykaynagar.e.J. Kanpur. 1980 First in world to make Steel Belted Radial Tyres for three wheelersJ.K. Gotan. Chemicals Ltd. Tyre Plant. 1969 First to manufacture Acrylic Fibres.K. Chemicals Ltd. White cement.. First to manufacture Metallic Cops for Synthetic Filament yarn industries in India.J.J.J. 1984 First in India to produce white cement through dry process.J..K. Bombay. 1965 First to produce Sodium Sulphoxylate Formaldehyde (Rangolite C of Formosul) in India . Kota First to develop differentially Dyeable Nylon.K. Kanpur. Dadri. Kanpur. Bombay 1968 First to manufacture TV Sets in India. Ltd. Synthetics Ltd. 18 . Tyre Plant. Kankroli.J..J. trucks and buses.K. Kota 1973 First in India to license Synthetic Fibre Technology to third party as well as the first to manufacture Synthetic Fibre Machinery Fibretech Engineers & Manufacturers. 1976 First in India to produce steel belted Radial Tyres for passenger cars. Electronics.J.. Kankroli. Synthetics Ltd. Kanpur. 1961 First in world to set up a plant for production of Hydrosulphite of soda by Sodium Amalgam Process.K.K.K.Co.Syntex tube works. 1995 Mercedes Benz Launched on JK steel radials First tyre manufacturer in the world to get ISO 9001 1996 India's first dual contact high traction steel radial. Kota.. 1992 R & D center set-up at HASTERI. Awarded CAPEXIL's highest export award for 1997-98.a.K.7 lacs tyres p. Introduced steel wheels. India's first H rated tyre launched. Only Tyre manufacturer to get 'E' Mark certification.J. 1998 First tyre manufacturer in the world to get QS 9000. 1991 Banmore Tyre Plant (BTP) set-up with a capacity of 5. Vikrant Tyres (VTL) acquired.aquasonic launched.. 1989 First in India to produce magnetic tapes with cobalt technology J. 1994 India's first T-Rated tyre launched Banmore Tyre Plant (BTP) crossed 100 TPD. magnetics. Surajpur. 1997 Awarded the National Export Award for 96-97. Synthetics Ltd. 19 .K.1985 First in India to produce Cathonic Dyeable Polyester Fibre. Kota. Synthetics Ltd. First in India to produce Nylon Tyre Cord based on Spin Draw Technology.K.J. HASETRI became the first research institute in Asia to get ISO 9002. K. He was also Director on board and operational head of Kinetic's direct selling arm . JK Tyres ranked 16th largest Tyre Company in the world.Industries delists from Jaipur Stock Exchange -divested its wholly-owned subsidiay called J.J. ISA . Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd to TEVA Pharmaceuticals of Israel. into separate companies namely JK Sugar Ltd and JK Agri-Genetics Ltd. JKI also completes the merger of Vikrant Tyres Ltd with itself -J. 20 .Industries Ltd has informed BSE that CRISIL has assigned a P1+ rating to the Commercial Paper programme of the company. J. Commendation Certificate of CII Exim. Industries Ltd (JKI) has a new Marketing Director in Mr Ajay Kapila. marketing and production flexibility.14000 accredition for environment & safety. Completion of state of the art modernisation of truck radials. 2001 Recieved CAPEXIL award. Sugar and Agri Seeds. Along with the de-merger of its non-tyre business.Kinetic Marketing Services Ltd. 2003 . 2002 J.K.K.K. Mr Kapila was Senior Vice-President (Sales and Marketing) at Kinetic Engineering Ltd. Industries recieved FOCUS LAC export award for the year 19992000.K. 2000 JK introduced National Go-Karting Championships. IInd National Go-Karting Championships held.1999 Synergy with VTL in procurement. Before joining JKI. -Completes its comprehensive restructuring exercise of businesses that leads to its emergence as a pure automotive tyre company. e.f. 2009.Jsl Limited has informed that consequent upon vacancy caused by the sad demise of Sh.5 MT by March 2014. 2009. Mr. .Company name has been changed from JK Industries Ltd to JK Tyre & Industries Ltd.JSL Ltd announced huge expansion plans under which it would set up 1.JK Industries Ltd has informed that the name of the Company has been changed from "J K Industries Ltd" to "JK Tyre & Industries Ltd" w. 2007 .K.f.2004 -JK Industries Ltd has informed that its securities are delisted from Delhi Stock Exchange Association Ltd (DSE) w. . January 29.e. 2008 -The company has issued rights in the ratio of 1:3 at a premium of Rs. A. 2007.f.6 MT greenfield plant in Orissa due to which its stainless steel manufacturing capacity will rise to about 2. Sunil Yadav has also been designated as Compliance Officer of the company in pursuance of clause 47(a) of the listing agreement. Mr. Jain. Sunil Yadav has been appointed as Company Secretary of the company w. April 02.JSL Ltd has informed BSE that the name of the Company have been changed from "JSL Limited" to "JSL Stainless Limited". Company Secretary of the company on January 1.75 Per Share. 2004. The Registrar 21 . 2010 . 2009 . thus making it the largest producer in India.e. January 13. The plant will be setup with a total investment of Rs 7. .JSL Stainless Ltd has informed BSE that the name of the Company have been changed from "JSL Stainless Limited" to "Jindal Stainless Limited" with effect from December 07. 2010 by passing the resolution through circulation. The Registrar of Companies. Board of Directors of JK Industries: Name Raghupati Singhania Vikrampati Singhania Designation Vice Chairman & Mng. 2012 . 2011.972 equity shares of Rs. .JSL Stainless signs power purchase agreement with GRIDCO. .375 crore.JSL Limited led by Ratan Jindal is going to setup a 1320 Mw power project in the state of Orissa. 2011 .64. 2010 consequent upon change of name. 2011. NCT of Delhi & Haryana has issued the fresh certificate of incorporation dated August 06. NCT of Delhi & Haryana has granted its approval on December 07. 2.f. James Alistair Kirkland Cochrane as Additional Directors w. Jurgen Hermann Fechter and Mr. The company signed a MoU with the Orissa government for setting up a super critical thermal power plan in the state on Thursday. March 09. 2/.e.Director Deputy Managing Director 22 .of Companies.The Company has allotted 3.JSL Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company has appointed Mr.each to "The Royal Bank of Scotland NV London Branch". Arun K Bajoria Kalpataru Tripathy Om Prakash Khaitan Wolfgang Holzbach President & Director Director Director Additional Director Name Bharat Hari Singhania Swaroop Chand Sethi Arvind Singh Mewar Bakul Jain Vimal Bhandari Designation Managing Director Whole Time Director Director Director Director 23 . Introduction: Research methods are all those methods/techniques that are used for conducting to the researcher‘s use in performing research. To study and understand the profile of JK TYRES and various activities in the company 2. the following main objectives have been drawn out.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: - Considering the importance of the study. 2.CHAPTER-II RESEARCH DESIGN 2. 2. Here more emphasis is made on collection of the data directly through the customers with directly interacting with them. 1. The study made with special reference to PRODUCT MIX 3.1 TITLE OF THE PROJECT STUDY Title of the Project Study is ―A STUDY ON PRODUCT MIX STRATEGIES OF J K TYRES‖. To offer suggestions for major findings 24 . To know the reaction of the consumers towards the Brand 4. advertising and company good will. how the product is perceived as compared to its competitor‘s performance with respect to quality. Under this sampling design every item of the universe has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample. SAMPLING: Random sampling: . PRIMARY DATA: Primary data was collected through structured questionnaires.2. Perform various marketing activities. which were given to variety of respondents and personal discussion. It provides known zero change for selection of each population element.4 METHODOLOGY ADOPTED: - The chief criteria for the validity of any research study lies in the methodology an esquire would prove a failure if it were not done along certain methodical lines. of J K TYRES.It is based on theory of probability. study materials and survey reports. 2. It is so to say a 25 .3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY: Scope of the study extends to discover dealer‘s reaction to the product‘s performance and physical characteristics. SECONDARY DATA: Secondary data was collected through company manuals. Sample Unit: In this study the respondents are from Jaipur City. It is restricted to certain area and to limited time. The study is made in one place at one dealer‘s show room 3. it was not possible to go in detail to the study of ―PRODUCT MIX STRATAGIES OF J K TYRES‖. 2.5 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: - Any study of this kind will have its own limitations 1. 2. 2. Due to the information and time constraint. Sample Size: Sample size has taken 50 respondents.lottery method in which individual units are picked up from the whole group.6 CHAPTER SCHEME: - Chapter-I INTRODUCTION Chapter-II RESEARCH DESIGN Chapter-III COMPANY PROFILE 26 . not deliberately but by some mechanical process. SUGGESTIONS& CONCLUSION 27 .Chapter-IV THEORITICAL BACKGROUND Chapter-V ANALYSIS OF JK TYRES PRODUCT MIX Chapter-VI ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION OF DATA Chapter –VII SUMMARY OF FINDINGS. Continue to be a significant player in the world in truck & bias market.CHAPTER-III COMPANY PROFILE 3.  To be the largest indian tyre exporter.2 MISSION OF JK TYRES  To be the largest & most profitable tyre company in India.  To retain No. We will continuously anticipate and understand our customer‘s requirements.1 VISION OF JK TYRES ―To be amongst the most admired companies in India committed to excellence. We the people of J K TYRES will have an organisation committed to quality in everything we do.  To be a customer obsessed company. convert these into performance standards for our products and services and meet 28 .  To enhance value to shareholders & service to all stakeholder.‖ 3. 1 position in truck & bus segment & to be amongst top two in all other 4-wheller tyre  To make truck/bus radial operations profitable & retain leadership in the passenger radial market. The V T L plant at Mysore to contributes to J K Tyres total production capacity at its plants.both internal and externalis our motto. computer controlled processing and tyre testing machines to ensure a high quality of products. J K Tyres focus on R & D the plants ensures not just the incorporation of the latest technology in products but also helps in the development of new types and sizes of tyres. 29 . a state of the art tyre plant in 1991. As J K Tyre grew from strength to strength. Madya pradesh. The plant was producing nearly 14 lakhs tyres per annum. The plant with an installed capacity of 5 lakh tyres per annum was established in technical collaboration with General Tire International co. at Banmore near Gwalior. U S A. which amounts to 40 lakhs tyres per annum. Rajasthan in 1977. the plant at Rajasthan was expanded and by 1990. Full-customer satisfaction.these standards every time. The plant deploys the most sophisticated techniques such as a Betaray scanner.13 lakhs tyres per annum. Both the plants have set standards of efficiency and productivity in the tyre industry and have consistency operated at high capacity utilisation with a total capacity of 28. Xray. With the strategic acquisitions of a controlling interest in Vikrant Tyre Limited.. demand for tyres increased proportionally to meet this growing demand. J K industries set up its first tyre plant at Jajkajgram near Udaypur. J K Tyre then went on to establish what is rated as the most modern plant in India. units. To ensure the same. J K Industries is committed to self-reliance and follows an ethic that views customer satisfaction as an index of achievement.We believe that people are the biggest asset that a firm can possess. J K Tyre has developed for its employees an infrastructure consisting of: 1) Regular upgradation of skill and practices 2) Management development programs 3) National and international globally growing training if you dream of working for a Corporation that encourages excellence rewards merit and initiative. J K Tyre offers unlimited opportunity for committed motivated individuals at all levels and across a wide range of areas. Vast in its operations and massive in its seal of activities JK Industries is a mega corporate entity that is emblematic excellence diversification and pioneering new technologies. A part of J K Organisation that ranks among the top private groups in India. JK Agrigenetics – The Company that is revolutionizing Indian agriculture through its research and production of pest-resistant and high yield hybrid seeds and crops. the flagship brand of the corporation. J K Industries includes: JK Sugar – The manufacturer of the best quality sugar in the country. Aside from J K Tyre. 30 . Fiat UNO. 3.3 WHAT IS J K TYRE: 1) It is the leading manufacturer of Radial tyres for both truck and car 2) It is the only supplier of the tyre for Mercedizs Benz 3) First to get the ISO 9001 certificate in the entire world for the entire operation 4) 2nd largest manufacturer for 4 wheelers in India 5) 16th largest tyre manufacturer in the world 6) First Indian company to export for radials to Europe 7) First Indian company to export over 45 countries across Six Continents 8) First and only Indian company to get the ‗E‘ mark Certificate 9) J K Tyre has 25-customer centers around the country.A diversified trading house that exports a range of products including textiles and leather goods. Mahindra classic. 10} J K Tyre the only Indian Company producing radials for the entire ranges i. Cielo GL. Maruthi Gypsy.. Netherlands and to countries in the middle east. Mercedise Benz. Opel astra. Maruthi Zen. tea. Canada. Mahindra commander. 31 . pharmaceuticals. Armada. LCV‘s and Cars.e. Contessa. Maruthi Esteem.J K International: . Maruthi 800. Cielo GLE. to developed countries like USA. Maruthi Omni. spices. Germany. Hyundai santro. buses. coffee. Ford Escort. J K Tyre supplies tyres to different cars they are as follows: - Ambassador. processed food and de-oiled cakes. UK. Trucks. west Asia. Peugot GI and GLD.4 PRODUCT MIX OF JK TYRES: BIAS—TRUCK:  JET-TRAK  JET-TRAK 39  HIGRIP  SAND CUM HIGHWAY BIAS—TRUCK / BUS:  JETKING  JETRIB  NULIFE HIGH WAY KING RADIAL TRUCK:  JET STEEL—NS  STELL KING—NS RADIAL.CAR:  RALLY  TORNADO  AQUASONIC  ULTIMA 32 . 3. TATA sumo. Honda City. Premier 118NE. TATA Sierra. TATA Estate. TATA Mobile. Mitsubishi lancer. Premier padmni.  ULTIMA—XS  BRUTE JK TYRE launched the radial tyres because of the following advantages it gave to its customer some of the advantages are as follows: - 1) J K Steel belted radials help in fuel saving 2) Retreated radials give better mileage than retreated ordinary bias tyres. J K Tyre has the country‘s most successful rally team. Our involvement extends to all levels from the grass roots to the professional and encompasses rallying. Q C 9000 Standard 33 . 3) Radials enhance the comfort level while driving 4) Tyre can wear and tear the effect even if there is under –inflation pressure. racing. pioneer in developing motor car rally talent in the nation. ABOUT THE RALLY: J K Tyre has been largely responsible for promoting motor sports in India and bringing it to the forefront of national consciousness a role the company continues to play. Go-karting. Family navigational rallies and vintage car rallies. THE DIFFERENT STANDARDS HELD BY THE J K TYRES: 1. I S O 9001 Standard 2. for its entire operations. and CII-EXIM award by 2000 THE DIFFERENT AWARDS HELD BY THE J K TYRE AND J K INDUSTRIES ARE:  National Export award  Brand Equity award  Capexil award (top export award) 34 . manufacturing. in the year 1998. Total Quality Management. J K Tyre has become the only tyre manufacturer in India and the first tyre manufacturer in the world to achieve the Q C 9000 for multi location operations. including marketing. sales and services of conventional (bias) and radial tyres. design..e. distribution. stocking. development. J K Tyre is attaining another milestone in its plan of achieving TQM. tubes and flaps.J K Tyre is the Ist tyre manufacturer in the world to get the ISO 9001 certificate in 1994 itself. testing. i. 4.1 MARKET The American Marketing Association defines a ―Market as the aggregate demand of the potential buyers for a product‖. --Philip kotler TYPES OF MARKETING 1 ON THE BASIS OF SELLING AREA 2 ON THE BASIS OF ARTICLE OF TRADE 3 ON THE BASIS OF NATURE OF EXCHANGE DEALINGS 4 ON THE BASIS OF NATURE OF GOODS SOLD 5 ON THE BASIS OF PERIOD KINDS OF GOODS: - 35 . ―An area for potential exchange thus a market is a group of buyers and sellers interested in negotiating the terms of purchase of goods or services.CHAPTER-IV THEORITICAL BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Before knowing in deep about product and product mix it is important to know the market and marketing. --Philip kotler 4. The essence of Marketing is exchange of products and the transaction is to satisfy human needs and wants.3 MARKETING MIX OR 4 P’s OF MARKETING: Marketing mix is the set of controllable variable that a firm can use to influence the buyer‘s response within a given marketing environment.2 MARKETING: The American Marketing Association defines ― Marketing as the performance of business activities that directs the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user‖. 1 PRODUCT 2 PRICE 3 PROMOTION 4 PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION 36 . CONVENIENCE GOODS  SHOPPING GOODS  SPECIALITY GOODS 4. All business activities facilitating the exchange are included in marketing. It has four elements of 4 P‘s. The set of human activities directed at facilitating and consummating exchange. PRODUCT: A product is an idea, service or tangible good that a customer can acquire through a monetary transaction or an exchange. Not only tangible goods are considered as products; intangible like services and ideas are also included. A Product then is the potential satisfied of a consumer‘s want or need. But a product is not just the essential item; it is made up of a number of components that contribute to its ability to satisfy needs and wants. Components that are included in a product are its package or the availability of maintenance service. The total product is the sum of all physical and psychological features that aid in satisfying a customer‘s needs and wants. The success of a product is judged by how well it satisfies those needs and how well it sells. PRICE: The price is the amount that is paid to purchase a product. It is also the means through which the company recovers its costs and makes a profit. Pricing is the marketing variable that offers the most flexibility. Price dictates what the company selling the product will receive in return for its efforts. Price defines the value of product or service to the customer. How much the customer is willing to give in order to have a particular product indicates how much the item is worth to the customer. The price is where the value of a product to the customer and the company‘s compensation for producing the product intersect. Marketers should establish prices that will expand the sales of highly profitable item and contract sales of relatively unprofitable products within the same time. 37 PROMOTION: Promotion is the sharing of information, concepts and meanings by the source and it receives about product and services and the organisation that sells them. There are 4 basic forms of marketing communication: 1. ADVERTISING 2. SALES PROMOTION 3. PUBLICITY 4. PERSONAL SELLING PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION: Place or physical distribution is another element in the marketing mix, which is considered with getting the product physically from the manufacturer to the place where consumer can buy it. The members of the distribution channel are the people and business involving the product from the point of production to the point of consumption. These members of the distribution channel are sometimes referred as ―Marketing Intermediaries‖. Physical distribution is concerned with the movement and storage activities required for making the firm‘s product available to customer. The physical distribution manager‘s goal is to provide at the lowest possible cost, the rights, the product to the right customer at the right time in the right quality at the right location in the right condition. Business logistics is the flow of materials from procurement of raw materials to manufacturing to the consumers. 38 WHAT IS A PRODUCT? The product is a bundle of all kinds of satisfaction of both a material and nonmaterial kinds, ranging from economic utilities to satisfaction of a social psychological nature. A product supplies two kinds of utility: 1. Economic utility 2. Supplementary utility The product may be a good, a service, a good plus service, or just an idea. A product is all things offered to a market. Those things include physical object, design, package, label, price, services, supportive literature, amenities and satisfaction not only from physical product and services offered but also from ideas, personalities and organizations. In short, a product is the sum of physical, economic, social and psychological benefits. Marketers must define their market in terms of product functions what the customer expects from the product. 4.4 PRODUCT MIX: It is the entire range of products of a company for sale. Product mix need not consists of related products. For example the product mix of J K TYRE includes a diverse range of products such as TYRES, TUBES, FLAPS. The product mix of a company has three main characteristics: 1. WIDTH 2. DEPTH 39 3. COSISTENCY WIDTH of a product mix depends upon the number of product groups of product lines found within the company. DEPTH depends upon the number of product items within each product line. CONSISTENCY of the product mix refers to the question whether or not the products have production affinity, marketing affinity or research affinity. 4.5 BRANDING: - WHAT IS BRANDING? American Marketing Association defines as - The word BRAND is a comprehensive term. A brand is a name, term, symbol or design, or a combination of them, which is intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. A brand identifies the product for a buyer and gives seller a chance to earn goodwill and repeated patronage. IMORTANCE OF BRANDING: 1. The marketer can build up a bridge of his organization around the brand. 2. Branding enables the firm assured control over the market. 3. Branding by differentiating a product from the rival‘s enables the brand owner to establish his own price which cannot be easily compared with the price for competing goods. 40 Need for Advertising and Publicity. 3.  It should have a stable life and be unaffected by time. Importance of packaging as a distinct marketing function. purpose. its uses. 4. It should be easy to advertise. Development of consumer brand. It should not depend upon fashions and styles as they have a short life. 41 .  The name should be short.RESONS FOR BRANDING: 1. simple. product nature. attractive and distinctive.  It should be capable of being registered and protected legally under the legislation.  It should not be used as a general or common name for all products  It should be unique. ESSENTIALS OF GOOD BRAND:  A Brand should suggest something about product benefits.  It should create pleasant associations. Ever-increasing competition. easy to pronounce to spell and remember. quality. 2. easy to identify and explain. performance or action. . textiles. the manufacturer has to promote each individual brand in the market separately. All products such as soaps.e. Family Brand Name: Family name is limited to one line of a product. etc. Surf. manufactured by the Tata concerns will have the TATA‘s as one umbrella brand. FAMILY BRAND NAME 3. UMBRELLA BRAND 4.. Brand name can help combined advertising and sales promotion.. COMBINATION DEVICE 5. Otherwise it is the best marketing strategy. family. This creates a practical difficulty in promotion. Umbrella Brand Name: We may have for all products the name of the company or the manufacturer. i. products that complete the sales cycles. J K Internationals. J K TYRES for tyres. Amul for milk products. Combination Device: 42 . such a device will also obtain low promotion cost and minimize marketing efforts.TYPES OF BRANDS: 1.g. J K sugar. etc. such as J K Tyre. chemicals. Ponds for cosmetics.. e.. engineering goods etc. PRIVATE OR MIDDLEMAN‘S BRAND Individual Brand Name: Each product has a special and unique brand name. INDIVIDUAL BRAND NAME 2. consumers in India may have the following benefits of branding: - 1. Many companies use this device profitably. 3. There is considerable saving in time in the selection of goods and also in the making up of orders. Tata‘s Taj. 43 . Right kind of brand advertising and personal selling provide ample information to the consumer about the branded products. large retailers. we have the image of the organisation also.TATA house is using a combination device. Under this method. hosiery. Rapid sales turnover assures fresher products due to frequent replacement of stock with the retailer. This practice is popular in the woolen. 4. can do branding. and such other industries. ports goods. e. Big manufacturers also use it. each product has an individual name but it also has the umbrella brand to indicate the business house producing the product. side by side with the product image. Private Middleman’s Brand: Manufacturers or distributors such as wholesalers. 2. Benefits of Branding: As long as branding is considered desirable and as long as we do not have overflow of branded goods.g. Branded goods have uniform and standardized quality and holder of the registered brand is personally responsible to maintain the quality.. Carry information about the product and satisfy legal requirements. Identify the product throughout the distribution channel. Cost 5. Function 4. Protection 3.6 PACKAGING AND LABELING: Packing may be defined as the general group of activity in the planning of a product. 2. Packaging criteria: The entities that influence package development are broadly classified into the following criteria groups. Almost every article has to be packaged to make a trip to the ultimate consumer. Disposability Appearance: The appearance of a package is very important from many angles. Many a time. With the growing super-bazaars and cash transactions in marketing activities. The container itself can act as a forceful though silent and colorful salesman at the point of purchase or an effective medium of advertisement encouraging impulse buying. 3. But packing is merely a physical action and provides a handling convenience. appearance is gaining momentum appearance helps to: 1. package design itself can act as a registered brand. These activities concentrate on formulating a design of the package and producing an appropriate and attractive container or wrapper for a product. Carry instructions for use and disposal. 44 . 1. Appearance 2.4. Name of the product. Functions of Packaging: Protection Dependability Storage cost of filled packages Distribution and insurance cost Cost due to package/ spoilage/product lose Effect of the package on sales. 3. Act as an important sales aid.4. Package system. Protection is normally required from environment and physical hazards. Exhibit brand name producer‘s name. 4. Distribution system adopted for the product. The disposal of packaging materials after use 45 . Protection: Protection to the product is very important and the type of protection required depends upon the following factors: 1. Disposability: In developing countries the packaging industry has been fully criticized on the grounds of environmental pollution. The unit package should provide protection from physio-chemical and biological hazards. The bulk package is expected to protect the contents against rough handling. 5. The total time required to protect. 2. storage and transportation. of usage) 4. at home) 3. Using it as non-package appliance. 46 . Total elimination. of performance. Functional (in transit. It gives verbal information about the product and the seller. Recycling. Communicative (of brand. The package design itself can act as a brand. Attractive (in color. A label is also a part of a package or it may be attached directly to the product. Package design: A well-designed and attractive package is an ever-present shelf sales man for the retailer. like the purpose of branding is to give the customer information about the product he is buying and what it will and will not do from him. A good package is: 1. in graphic impact) At present packaging must also solve the problem of pollution by reducing waste and by conserving scare resources. LABELLING: Label is a part of a product. in store. The purpose of labeling. This was considered to be a very minor problem. The disposability of the package material after use had different forms. of products. in design. totally eliminating the material or converting at the end of its useful life as a package. However three methods are followed to dispose the package material after use. to store) 2. Economical (to manufacturer. There is a very close relationship between labeling and packaging as well as labeling and branding or grading.assumes a greater importance. if necessary recipes of food products.e. an average consumer is incompetent to known the IN‘s and out‘s of such sophisticated products. Grade label identifies the quality by a letter.. Warranties are also considered as promotional devices. Date of packing and date of Expiry. etc. weight measure count. Television. and unit price for comparison. the victimized party. special care of the product. directions for the proper use of the product. It has become an important selling point and a mean of product differentiation in a competitive market. A warranty is an obligation of the producer and seller to stand behind the product and assure the buyer that he will derive certain services and satisfaction from the product. i. such as radio. they give helpful information on the following: Brand name.Brand label mentions the brand name of mark. electrical appliances. motor car.7 PRODUCT WARRANTY: In modern life we have numerous products with complicated. where possible. intricate and elaborate mechanism. He will be at a loss if he is compelled to take his own care while buying such products. cautionary measures concerning the product and its use. name and address of producer. Warranty is a stipulation collateral to the main purpose of the contract. Ingredients by percentages. 47 . Retail price. the buyer can claim for damages but has no right to reject the contract. Descriptive and informative labels are similar. Full disclosure of warranty information will ensure the consumers right to know. If it is broken.. nutritional guidelines. 4. The product warranty must be clear unambiguous and meaningful. number or word. frustration. Benefits of after sales service 1. and free services during the guarantee period and thereafter at low charges. for the smooth maintenance and rapiers and low charges as well as quick access to spare parts and accessories at responsible prices...e. It can build up and maintain sellers goodwill 2. After sales services: After sales service is an important aspect of a marketing transaction. All manufacturers and dealers costly mechanical and electrical machines and appliances must offer a very efficient after sales services. service and maintenance in the case of consumer durable.Warranty as seller aid: A warranty is an assurance of the quality. After sales service is an important selling point helping the customer to take a quick decision to purchase durable and costly goods. After sales service covers repairs. i. Every increase in the use of machinery. service and performance. The producer should use the word warranty instead of the word guarantee. i. appliances and equipment in all branches of out economy has created a continuous demand for after sales service.e. It is a written guarantee of the intrinsic value of a product. Such facilities prevent dissatisfaction. and ill will among customers. Mass distribution of costly consumers durable is possible only through after sales service and consumer credit 3. It points out the responsibility of the maker for repair. Complaints and grievances regarding servicing and maintenance will be promptly and efficiently dealt with by the seller 48 . spare parts and maintenance. 4. 49 . Free service during the guarantee period is the best selling point in the sales of machinery and appliances. Sales campaign will achieve remarkable success if after sales service is included in sales promotion 5. 50 . . 5. for jeep. no additional cost on any of the other ingredients of the marketing mix will improve the product performance in the market place. passenger car. nothing to promote. J K Tyres offers following types of product for sale: a) Tyres b) Tubes c) Flaps It is manufacturing different lines of products like Truck tyres.CHAPTER-V ANALYSIS OF JK TYRES PRODUCTS MIX The product is the most tangible and important single component of the marketing program. BIAS-TRUCK:  JET-TRAK  JET-TRAK 39  HIGHRIP  SAND CUM HIGHWAY 51 . nothing to price. Without a product there is nothing to distribute. The product policy and strategy is the cornerstone of a marketing mix. If the product fails to satisfy consumer demand.1 Models of tyres According to the needs and requirements of the consumers company is releasing to the market: Black color tyres and the following models of tyres. Light Commercial Vehicle tyres (LCV). tractors etc. b) Demand for the product in the market 52 .BIAS-TRUCK/BUS:  JETKING  JET RIB  NULLIFY HI-WAY KIND RADIAL-TRUCK:  JET STEEL-NS  STEELKING-NS RADIAL-CAR:  RALLY  TORNADO  AQUASONIC  ULTIMA  ULTIMA XS Because of some marketing problems and competition in the market the company follows the policy of product consistency. So all the products or all the products offered by the company is related to each other but not unrelated. While introducing the new product to the market the company will take into consideration the following factors: a) Cost involved in the introduction of a new product to the market. it is difficult for the company to explain the customers about the suitability of its application. e) Further company also feels that through diversification it can go for better market reach. it can create demand for new product on the reputation of existing products. and can get huge popularity and customer belief for the products.2 DIVERSIFICATION POLICY OF J K TYRES Company is concentrating its attention on product diversification rather than simplification. f) It feels that it can acquire more market share through diversification g) Company also feels that if it goes for product diversification. Farmers (tractor owners) 53 . man power and financial resources. However. Company‘s product is meant for following types of customers: Heavy Truck: .Light goods operators.Commercial goods operators Light Truck: .c) Competitive situation in the market for the product.Passenger operators. The main reasons for diversification of product lines are as follows: a) Technology developments have contributed to the diversification of product lines b) Company is interested in widening its product line because it feels that it could avoid the risks involved in a narrow product line c) Company also prefers diversification of products to minimize the risks arising out of changes in consumer‘s tastes d) It is also concentrating on diversification of products with the intention of utilizing ideal plant capacity fully. passenger bus operators Light Commercial Vehicles: . passenger car owners. 5. company‘s profitability has increased because of product and product line expansion. Even the government policies do not affect the product mix policy mix policy of the organization.5. PROFITABILITY OF THE ORGANIZATION BY PRODUCT MIX: No doubt. how much profit has increased depends upon the capacity of the product. it is difficult to attract the existing and prospective customers. But it is possible for the company to add new product to its existing line of product. it modifies the model of tyres and other related products as and when it is required and felt by the customers while conducting consumer survey and by observing the behavior of the customers towards the product. 54 . However. Company is getting major share of its profit by offering for sale Jet Rib and Jet Track. However. PRODUCT MODIFICATION IN J K TYRES Company believes that if it is offering same type of product to the market continuously without any modification. Therefore. company is not able to reduce the advertising and distribution cost by adopting product mix.3 FACTORS INFLUENCING PRODUCT MIX POLICY OF THE COMPANY a) Application of its product for its suitability b) Economy in introducing various types of products c) Cost factor involved By product mix company is able to utilize the available marketing capacity fully. 5. The company‘s Brand is helpful not only for creating demand for existing product but also for new products for getting good reputation in the market.4 BRANDING IN J K TYRES Company is having its own Brand name J K INDUSTRIES. simple and easy to pronounce d) It is capable of being registered and protect legally under the legislation e) It is having stability and unaffected by time f) It is not depending upon fashions and styles as they have short life 55 . Branding strategy of the company indicates how the firm chooses to use branding as an integral part of its overall marketing strategy. It will not allow the continuation of production of the product until it reaches elimination or deletion stage. has control over the market.It should be noted that company is not incurring loss from any of its product or product line. Because of Branding. Further. it is quite possible for the company to avoid product substitution. So branding is simple another dimension of marketing strategy. It is because company is having its own QS standards. Company’s brand has the following characteristics: a) It is familiar to the customers b) It is suggesting about the product c) Its name is short. which is registered under the Trade Name and Trade Marks Act. company is able to build up a bright image of the organization. so that the price of the final product will not get increased to an enormous extent. So it need not spend huge amount of money on packaging.Company is adopting Family Brand names. It is fulfilling utility function of protection. Consumer. So company’s package acts as a multi -purpose arrangement. identification and convenience. It helps the company to have combined advertising and sales promotion. Packaging system is able to protect the contents from all types of breakage. 56 . spoilage and pilferage. Company will pack its products for the purpose of protections from various types of damages but not for the purpose of promotion. b) Rapid sales turnover assures fresher product c) There is considerable saving in time in the selection of the product. it need not be that much attractive. therefore are not facing any major problems with regard to packaging system of the organization. Advantages of branding to the customers of j k tyres: a) Branded products of the company have uniform and standardized quality. Company is able to expand the product mix with less risk by branding. The more effectively a product is packaged the more effective is its identity individuality. PACKAGING OF THE COMPANY PRODUCTS Company is packing its products while distributing it to the market. Packaging alone makes possible branding and advertising of products. As company’s intention in its packaging is for the purpose of giving protection to its products. In addition to providing qualitative products.LABELING Company‘s Labeling provides verbal information about the product. repair facilities and over all maintenance.3 Years Though it is providing After-Sales-Service. warranty etc. It contains name. as sales turn over will increase in the same proportion. The intention of labeling is to give information to the consumers about the product he is buying and what it will and will not do for him. load carriable etc. Company will provide After-Sale-Service for the following terms: a) Trucks:. price of the product wills not increase. company is also providing After-Sale-Service to the distributors and in turn to the ultimate consumers like customers‘ education for application.. 5. inflation pressure. size of application.18 Months b) Light Commercial Vehicle:. Because of warranty given by the manufacturers both the distributors and the consumers have been satisfied. The warranty provided by the company meets the obligation of manufacturing defects. to the customers can get better knowledge of the product and thereby can avoid losses.5 PRODUCT WARRANTY Company is giving warranty for its products. If there is any damage in the tyres distributed by the manufacturer. By providing after sales service. it can be replaced by the distributor within the warranted period. 57 . Ceat. Bridgestone. And the goods move from the dealers towards the hands of the ultimate customers. Modi continental. and from there towards the dealers. and from there the goods are moved towards the clearing and forwarding department. CHANNELS OF DISTRIBUTION IN J K TYRES In the field of marketing. FACTORY AREA OFFICE-DEALER-CUSTOMER CLEARING & FORWARDING DEALERS CUSTOMERS The product manufactured by the J K TYRES follow the channels of distribution in a very simple way. The other channels of distribution adopted by the J K TYRES are the movement of goods from the factory point to the area office. Dunloop. J K TYRES follows the following distribution channel while distributing its products to the market. Apollo.Competitors of J K TYRES like MRF. The goods manufactured in the factory the ultimate customer from there in. Good Year are also providing same type of after sales service as providing by this company. channel of distribution indicates route or pathways through which goods and services flow or move from producers to consumers. The company will take into consideration the following factors while selecting a particular channel for the distribution of tyres: --- 58 . In addition to this facility company gives cash discount if immediate cash is paid.a) The situation in the factory b) The operational cost involved c) Product availability to the customers d) Financial position of the dealers e) Financial position of the company It covers the geographical area like: a) Well maintained high ways b) Crucial road in rural and sub-urban places c) Farms d) Mines The company is providing 2% to 4% commission to its agents depending on the volume of sales affected and as per the rules and regulation of the company. The company has to go through certain formalities while distributing its products to the maker. The company provides 15 days of credit facility to its agents. Company is able to supply the goods in time. they are liable to pay penalty as imposed by the company. If the agent/distributors failed to make payment within 15 days. And turnover discount is provided on the basis of sales affected. a) The products have to pass through commercial tax check post b) All the invoices and documents for the sale should satisfy the conditions of sale of goods act. COMPANY EXPECTS THE FOLLOWING FROM THE DISTRIBUTORS: 59 . It provides Credit facilities. Through a particular channel is followed by the company. after sales services. gifts etc. guarantee.1) Quick payment 2) Better understanding 3) Having good knowledge about the product In addition to selling tyres through distributors to the market company is also selling products to the consumers if they buy in huge quantities provided if they are a bus or truck operators. Company has undertaken so many promotional activities like giving advertisements in T.V‘s and magazines. It is not fixed. 60 . according to the change in circumstances it can also change the channel. warrantee.. price concessions. The analysis is explained as follows: - 6.1 SI. The primary data collected from 50 respondents through random sampling. of Respondents 17 18 % 34 36 3 4 Total Friends Others 8 7 50 Source: primary data 16 14 100 61 . histogram.1 Sources through which respondents became aware Table No. Percentages. pie charts etc. NO: 1 2 Options TV News paper/magazines No.CHAPTER-VI ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA The data collected through the questionnaires is called as the primary data.. are used for analysis of data. bar diagrams.6. of respondents TV News papers.Interpretation: It can be observed from the above table that 34% of the respondents are become aware of the J K TYRE product through T V.Magazines Friends Others Fig. 6. 62 . and 8% and 7 % have aware through Friends and others. 18 % from News paper and magazines. Sources through which they became aware 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 17 18 8 7 1 No.1 showing sources through which they became aware. 2 SI.-6. 6. NO: OPTIONS No of respondents 1 Less than 2 years 2 3 2 to 5 years More than 5 years Total Source: primary data 50 100 14 27 28 54 9 18 % From how many years using this product 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Lessthan 2 Years 2 to 5 Years Morethan 5 Years 14 9 27 Series1 Fig.2 showing in years known about this product. Table No. 63 .6.2 Analysis of from how many years they know about this brand. of respondents 1 Less than 3 years 2 3 3 to 5 years More than 5 years TOTAL 50 Source: primary data 100 18 21 36 44 11 22 % 64 . 6. NO OPTIONS No.3 Usage of this brand in years. Table No.6.Interpretation: From the above table it is clear that 54% of the customers have known about the J K Tyres Brand from more than 5 years. 25% of the customers have known from 2 to 5 years and remaining are known from less than 2 years.3 SI. 22% of the customers are using from less than 3 years.3 showing usage of this brand in years. Interpretation: From the above table it is known that more than 44% of the customers have been using this brand from more than 5 years and 36 %. 6.4 Analysis of preference of customers towards this product. Table No.4 SI. NO: No of respondents 1 2 3 TOTAL Quality Price Durability 32 8 10 50 64 16 20 100 % Source: primary data 65 .6.6.USAGE IN YEARS 21 11 18 Lessthan 3 Years 3 to 5 years 5 & above Fig. 5 SI NO: 1 2 3 TOTAL Cash Credit Half cash & Credit No.4. 20% 16% Preference of the customer Quality 64% Fig.5.Interpretation: From the above diagram it is clear that more than (64%) the respondents prefer this brand because of quality. Aalysis of basis on which they purchase. of respondents 34 5 11 50 % 68 10 22 100 66 . Table-6. 6. Showing the preference of customer towards JK tyres 6. 16 % only because of price and remaining 20% of the respondents prefer because of durability. Table No. Respondents 1 2 Yes No 38 12 76 24 % 67 . 10% on credit basis and 22% half cash and credit basis.6 SI NO: No. 6. 6. Interpretation: From the above table it is clear that more than 68% of the customers purchase on cash basis.6 Analysis of satisfaction of the respondents.Source: primary data Basis of Purchase 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Cash Credit Half Cash & Credit 11 5 34 Fig.5 showing basis on which they purchase.6. 6 showing % of respondents satisfied Interpretation: From the above table it is observed that 76% of the respondents satisfied with this brand the 24 % of the respondents are not completely satisfied with this brand.7 SI NO: No of respondents 1 2 3 MRF Ceat Good year 26 5 2 52 10 4 % 68 .6. 6.TOTAL 50 Source: primary data Satisfaction 100 No Yes Yes No Fig.7 Chances of shifting if they are not satisfied with this brand. 6. Table No. 6. 16% shift to the Apollo. Interpretation: From the above table 52 % of the respondents will shift to the MRF tyres. 20% of the respondents shift to the TVS and Ceat products and remaining 12 % (8+4) will shift to Good year and Modi products.6. Analysis of switching to this brand.7 showing the chances of shifting to other brand.8. Table No.6.4 5 6 TOTAL Modi TVS Apollo 4 5 8 50 8 10 16 100 Source: primary data Brand they Prefer 30 25 20 15 26 10 5 5 0 MRF Ceat 2 Good Year 4 Modi 5 TVS Apollo 8 Fig.8 SI NO: No of % 69 . 70 .6. Interpretation: From the above table 40 % of the respondents like the brand for re-trading and 24 % of the respondents for performance and 20 % for after sales services and 16% for the initial mileage.respondents 1 2 3 Initial mileage Re.treading After sales service 20% 40% Performance Fig.8 showing the why they prefer this brand.treading After sales service 4 TOTAL Performance 12 50 Source: primary data 24 100 8 20 10 16 40 20 switch to this brand 24% 16% Initial Milage Re. 71 .6. Interpretation: From the above table it is known that 84 % of the respondents are happy with the price of this brand and remaining 16 % of the responders are unhappy with this brand.9 Analysis of price.6.9 SI NO: 1 2 TOTAL Yes No No of respondents 42 8 50 Source: primary data % 84 16 100 Price Satisfaction 0 8 0 42 Fig. Table No .9 showing the price satisfaction.6. 6.6.10 showing the factor considered while purchasing the tyres. 72 .10 Analysis of factors they consider while purchasing the tyres.10 SI NO: No of respondents 1 2 3 TOTAL Quality Durability Price 21 18 11 50 42 36 22 100 % Source: primary data Factors they Consider Price Durability Quality 0 11 18 21 5 10 15 20 25 Fig.6. Table No. 36% of the respondents consider the durability and 22 % of them consider the price of the product.11 Analysis of average period of purchasing the tyres. Table No-6. 6.Interpretation: From the above table it is clear that while purchasing the tyres most of the (42%) respondents consider the quality.11 SI NO: No of respondents 1 2 3 4 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 1 year & above TOTAL 50 Source: primary data 100 3 6 16 25 6 12 32 50 % Average period of Purchase 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 25 16 3 3 Months 6 6 Months 9 Months 1 Year & more 73 . Showing the average period of purchase.Fig. From the above table we came to know that 50 % of the respondents purchase tyres once in a year.12 Analysis of major advantages in this product. Interpretation: It is difficult to tell that average period of purchasing it depends on how use their vehicle and the weight they carry. And less than 32 % purchase within 9 months.12 SI NO: No of respondents 1 2 3 4 TOTAL Everything Nothing Initial mileage Smoothness 29 -17 4 50 Source: primary data 34 8 100 58 % 74 . 6. 6.11. Table No-6. 6. Table No-6. 6.Major advantages 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 4 17 29 Fig. Interpretation: From the above table58% of the respondents accepted that the product of the JK Tyres for everything and 34% find major advantage of initial mileage and 8% for smoothness of the product.13 SI NO: No of respondents 1 2 TOTAL Yes No 32 18 50 Source: primary data 75 % 64 36 100 .12 showing the major advantages they find in this product.13 Analysis of satisfaction of design of this product. and remaining are not satisfied.13 showing the satisfaction of design of the product. Table No-6. Analysis of the outlook and style of this brand. 6.Satisfaction of Design 36% Yes No 64% Fig. 6. Interpretation: From the above table and graph it is observed that more than 64% of the respondents are satisfied with the design of the JK Tyres.14 SI NO: No of respondents 1 2 TOTAL Yes No 38 12 50 Sources primary data 76 24 100 % 76 .14. 6. Other services preferred from this brand.15.Out look & Style 24% 76% Yes No Fig.6. Table No.15 SI NO: No of respondents 1 2 3 TOTAL Source: primary data 77 % Product knowledge Door delivery Monthly camp 13 15 22 50 26 30 44 100 . 6.14 showing the outlook and style of the product respondents Interpretation: From the above table and diagram it is observed that more than 76 % of the respondents are satisfied with the style and design of this brand and remaining are not satisfied. 6. Services Prefered 25 20 15 10 5 0 Product Knowledge Mnthly Camp 22 13 Door 15 delivery Interpretation: From the above table it is clear that (44%) most of the respondents are prefer monthly camp.16 Analysis of the relationship they have with this brand.15 showing the services they prefer.Fig. 30% prefer door delivery of the product and 26% prefer like product knowledge. Table No-. 6. 6.16 SI NO: No of respondents 1 2 3 Regular Occasional Special 35 7 5 70 14 10 % 78 . 79 . and 14% of the respondents are occasional relation and 10 % have Special relationship.6.4 TOTAL Rare 3 50 6 100 Sources primary data Relationship 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Regular Special 7 5 3 35 Fig. Interpretation: From the above table it can be observed that 70% have the regular relationship.16 showing the relationship they have with this brand. 1 FINDINGS:  It is found in survey that 24 % of the respondents are not satisfied with the product quality.  It is found in the survey that most of the respondents are getting information about the JK Tyres products through the Television (34 %) and Newspaper (36%). SUGGESTIONS& CONCLUSION In this chapter. The findings are recorded in tables and graphs. Modi (8%).  It is observed that only 18 % of the respondents are dissatisfied for the after sales service. 7. TVS (10%).  24% and 76% of the respondents are dissatisfied with the re-treading and mileage performance of J K TYRES. from the study the following findings were made. Ceat (10%). 80 . I would like to bring out my survey findings & suggestions are explained with reference to survey data.  It is observed from the survey that many of your consumers want to shift over to MRF (52%).CHAPTER-VII SUMMARY OF FINDINGS. and 4% to Good year. and 76% of the respondents satisfied with the outlook and style of the tyres.  More than 44 % of the respondents preferred service of the monthly camp for quick knowledge. it is clear that the JK tyres company has been taking steps to give information about its products. more than 50% of the respondents purchase once in a year.  Purchasing of tyres frequently is depends upon the how they use vehicles and the weight they carry. 81 .  It is found in the survey that 40 % of the respondents switching to this brand because of re-treading and 24% are because of performance.  While purchasing tyres 42% of the respondents consider quality.  Company is not encouraging credit basis of selling the products. In the survey it came to know that most of the respondents have come to know about the JK Tyres from more than 5 years.  It is observed in the survey that more than 64% of the respondents satisfied with the design. 36% of the respondents consider durability of course price is also major important they don‘t worry about this much more. and 64 % of the respondents are quality conscious they prefer only because of quality and durability.  It is observed through the survey that only 16 % of the respondents are cost conscious. Even if a small percentage is dissatisfied. Regarding pricing when compared with the other competitors pride of this product.2 SUGGESTIONS: From the above findings the following suggestions were made. In this respect it is suggested that maintaining 82 . 7. these steps will encourage the consumers to explain their own feelings and opinion.  More than 58 % of the respondents have accepted this brand only because they are getting major advantages form this brand. Satisfaction of old customer and searching for new customer is the main policy of all the business. respondents are happy with the price of the JK tyres because quality and price are equal. The quality should be accepted by all respondents. 1. many precautionary steps should be taken in all the levels of the activities. 2. sale after service etc. In every business customer care is very important in post and pre sale. tubes and other items to win the consumers hearts to obtain the market share. they always reject and opinion always will negative. 3. In this context it is suggested that the company should improve the quality of tyres. Quality is a main tool to get a good market of the product. It is suggested that company should introduce programs like consumer council. 4. JK Tyre has made never-ending efforts to make all its products of world-class quality.3 CONCLUSIONS: Success and failure of any business enterprise depend upon the quality products and services that company provides.good quality. It is suggested that the dissatisfaction of the customer will loose the reputation and switching over to competitors product. economy in price. In this aspect it is suggested that improvement and standardization of the product quality will bring down the problems while marketing the product. like because they are getting information about the product quality and about the company‘s marketing strength. But now it is not like that they purchase which ever they. In order to demonstrate its commitments towards quality. 83 . In the present scenario customers are more attracted towards the quality. This system will help to keep many more customers as well as getting new customer. 7. 5. promotional policy and appointing effective dealers will help to attract the new customers. In olden days customers preferred the products that were suggested by the friends and neighbors. Credit system introduction is necessary in mobilizing of sale. Even though competitions at international market. 84 . JK Tyre keep its name and fame in the international market by consciously following a policy of continuously modernizing and expanding its tyre manufacturing facilities to retain its edge in the market. KOTHARI www.R.BIBLIOGRAPHY MARKETING MANAGEMENT-SHERLEKAR MARKETING MANAGEMENT-- PHILIP KOTLER PRODUCT MANAGEMENT-- GANDHI MARKETING MANAGEMENT-- W.jktyre.J. STANTON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY -- O.google. KRISHNA SWAMI RESEARCH METHODOLOGY -WEB SITE-- C.com www.askgeeves.com 85 .com www.R.
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