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March 17, 2018 | Author: Krishna Prasad | Category: Corrosion, Welding, Eigenvalues And Eigenvectors, Fourier Series, Matrix (Mathematics)



JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD B.TECH.AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING I YEAR COURSE STRUCTURE CODE SUBJECT T P/D C English 2+1 * 0 4 Mathematics-I 3 +1* 0 6 Mathematical Methods 3 +1* 0 6 Engineering Physics 2 +1* 0 4 Engineering Chemistry 2 0 4 Classical Mechanics 2+1 * 0 4 Computer Programming 2+1 * 0 4 Engineering Graphics 0 6 8 Engineering Physics and Fuels and Lubricants Lab 0 3 4 English Language Communication Skills Lab 0 3 4 Computer Programming Lab 0 3 4 Engineering Work Shop Practice 0 3 4 Total 22 18 56 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD B.Tech. AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING II Year COURSE STRUCTURE CODE SUBJECT Production Technology Mechanics of Solids Object Oriented Programming Thermodynamics Metallurgy and Material Science Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab Object Oriented Programming Lab Total T 4+1* 4+1 * 4+1* 4+1 * 4+1* 4+1* 0 0 30 P/D 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 C 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28 I Semester II Year COURSE STRUCTURE CODE SUBJECT Probability and Statistics Automotive Engines Machine Drawing Kinematics of Machinery Environmental Studies Thermal Engineering-I Metallurgy and Mechanics of Solids Lab Thermal Engineering Lab Total T 4+1* 4+1* 0 4+1* 4+1* 4+1* 0 0 25 Semester II P/D 0 0 6 0 0 0 3 3 12 C 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28 2 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD B.Tech. AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING III Year COURSE STRUCTURE CODE SUBJECT Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery Heat Transfer Dynamics of Machinery Design of Machine Elements Thermal Engineering-II Automobile Engineering Lab-I Advanced English Communication Skills Lab Total T 4+1* 4+1* 4+1* 4+1* 4+1* 4+1* 0 0 30 P/D 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 C 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28 I Semester JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD B.TECH. AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING III Year COURSE STRUCTURE CODE SUBJECT Industrial Management Machine Tools and Metrology Vehicle Dynamics CAD/CAM Robotics Automotive Electrical and Autotronics Metrology and Machine Tools Lab Automobile Engineering Lab-II and CAD/CAM Lab Total T 4+1* 4+1* 4+1* 4+1* 4+1* 4+1* 0 0 30 P/D 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 C 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28 Semester II 3 AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING IV Year II Semester CODE COURSE STRUCTURE SUBJECT Vehicle Transport Management Elective-III Tribology Product Design and Assembly Automation Automation in Manufacturing Computer Organization and Architecture Elective-IV Principles of Entrepreneurship Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Systems Interactive Computer Graphics Operating System Concepts Heat Transfer and Instrumentation Lab Industry Oriented mini project Seminar Project Work Comprehensive Viva Total T 4+1* 3+1* P/D 0 0 C 4 3 3+1* 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 13 3 0 0 0 0 3 2 2 2 10 2 28 Note : All End Examinations (Theory and Practical) are of three hours duration.Theory P – Practical/Drawing C – Credits 4 . T . AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING I Semester COURSE STRUCTURE SUBJECT T P/D Operations Research 4+1* 0 Alternative Energy sources for Automobiles 4+1* 0 Automotive Chassis and Suspension 4+1* 0 Instrumentation and Control Systems 4+1* 0 Elective-I 4+1* 0 Automotive Pollution and Control Vehicle Body Engineering and Safety Auto Air Conditioning Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms Elective-II 4+1* 0 Micro Processors and Micro Controllers Computational Fluid Dynamics Finite Element Methods Unix and Shell programming Hydraulic Machines Lab and Production Technology Lab 0 3 Auto Scanning and Vehicle Testing Lab 0 3 Total 30 6 C 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD B.IV Year CODE JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD B.Tech.Tech. the students should be encouraged to read the texts/selected paragraphs silently. the focus should be on the skills of reading. Hence. c.. 3. advertisements. To enable students to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts. The prescribed books and the exercises are meant to serve broadly as students’ handbooks. 5 . • Oral practice • Describing objects/situations/people • Role play – Individual/Group activities (Using exercises from all the nine units of the prescribed text: Learning English : A Communicative Approach. To develop the study skills and communication skills in formal and informal situations. For example. promotional material etc. SYLLABUS : Listening Skills: Objectives 1. To equip students with necessary training in listening so that can comprehend the speech of people of different backgrounds and regions Students should be given practice in listening to the sounds of the language to be able to recognise them. In the English classes. However. b. 2. it is suggested that they read it on their own with topics selected for discussion in the class. • Listening for general content • Listening to fill up information • Intensive listening • Listening for specific information Speaking Skills : Objectives 1. INTRODUCTION : In view of the growing importance of English as a tool for global communication and the consequent emphasis on training students to acquire communicative competence. The teachers can ask comprehension questions to stimulate discussion and based on the discussions students can be made to write short paragraphs/essays etc.2007-08 I Year B. The text for non-detailed study is for extensive reading/reading for pleasure by the students. the stress in this syllabus is on skill development and practice of language skills.) • Just A Minute(JAM) Sessions.Tech AME JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD T 2+1* P 0 C 4 ENGLISH 1. To enable students to develop their listening skill so that they may appreciate its role in the LSRW skills approach to language and improve their pronunciation 2. writing. To equip the students to study academic subjects with greater facility through the theoretical and practical components of the English syllabus. The time should be utilized for working out the exercises given after each section . To make students aware of the role of speaking in English and its contribution to their success. listening and speaking and for this the teachers should use the text prescribed for detailed study. To improve the language proficiency of the students in English with emphasis on LSRW skills. as also for supplementing the exercises with authentic materials of a similar kind for example. from newspaper articles. to distinguish between them to mark stress and recognise and use the right intonation in sentences. the syllabus has been designed to develop linguistic and communicative competence of Engineering students. OBJECTIVES: a. 2. They will be examined in reading and answering questions using ‘unseen’ passages which may be taken from the non-detailed text or other authentic texts. 6 . Abridged version with Exercises.2004 Unit –II 3. (Six Selected Lessons) For Non-detailed study 2. Universities Press (India) Pvt. STUDY MATERIAL: Unit –I 1. 2. Hyderabad: Orient Longman. Universities Press (India) Pvt. To equip them with the components of different forms of writing. Orient Longman. are prescribed: For Detailed study 1. Orient Longman. beginning with the lower order ones. 2006. 2005. divided into Eight Units. the following texts and course content. 2005. draw inferences etc. such as magazines/newspaper articles. Chapters 1-4 from Wings of Fire: An Autobiography – APJ Abdul Kalam. A.. 2. 2004. TEXTBOOKS PRESCRIBED: In order to improve the proficiency of the student in the acquisition of the four skills mentioned above.Reading Skills: Objectives 1. • • • • • • Skimming the text Understanding the gist of an argument Identifying the topic sentence Inferring lexical and contextual meaning Understanding discourse features Recognizing coherence/sequencing of sentences NOTE : The students will be trained in reading skills using the prescribed text for detailed study. an abridged version with Exercises. • • • • • • • • Writing sentences Use of appropriate vocabulary Paragraph writing Coherence and cohesiveness Narration / description Note Making Formal and informal letter writing Editing a passage 4. LEARNING ENGLISH: A Communicative Approach. To develop an awareness in the students about writing as an exact and formal skill 2. To develop the ability of students to guess the meanings of words from context and grasp the overall message of the text. Ltd. Writing Skills : Objectives 1. Ltd. To develop an awareness in the students about the significance of silent reading and comprehension. Information Technology from LEARNING ENGLISH: A Communicative Approach. WINGS OF FIRE: An Autobiography – APJ Abdul Kalam.. Astronomy from LEARNING ENGLISH: A Communicative Approach. Universities Press (India) Pvt. Subject-Verb agreement. Chapters 13-16 from Wings of Fire: An Autobiography – APJ Abdul Kalam. Developing Communication Skills by Krishna Mohan & Meera Benerji (Macmillan) 7 . Dixson. Publications. an abridged version with Exercises. 2005. B. Ltd. Orient Longman. 6.2004 Humour from LEARNING ENGLISH: A Communicative Approach. Universities Press (India) Pvt. 10. an abridged version with Exercises. Chapters 9-12 from Wings of Fire: An Autobiography – APJ Abdul Kalam.. Universities Press (India) Pvt. Unit – VII Exercises on Reading and Writing Skills Reading Comprehension Situational dialogues Letter writing Essay writing 9. Universities Press (India) Pvt. Tense and aspect Vocabulary development covering Synonyms & Antonyms. Ltd. Unit –V Inspiration from LEARNING ENGLISH: A Communicative Approach. Idioms & phrases. 2005. Unit –III Chapters 5-8 from Wings of Fire: An Autobiography – APJ Abdul Kalam. REFERENCES : 1. 8. Unit – VIII Practice Exercises on Remedial Grammar covering Common errors in English. Ltd.4. Strengthen Your English. S. Eliah. Human Interest from LEARNING ENGLISH: A Communicative Approach. Lakshmi Narayanan. Bhaskaran & Horsburgh. * Exercises from the lessons not prescribed shall also be used for classroom tasks. Sci tech. Orient Longman. Use of Articles and Prepositions. Andrea J Rutherfoord. Ltd. 2005. 5. Oxford University Press 2... an abridged version with Exercises.. 6. 7. Murphy. by K. Orient Longman. Vol. R. English For Technical Communication. 12. Cambridge University Press English Skills for Technical Students by Orient Longman Everyday Dialogues in English by Robert J. Orient Longman. Basic Communication Skills for Technology. Prentice-Hall of India Ltd. 2005. one-word substitutes. 8.2004. Universities Press (India) Pvt. 3. Unit – VI 11.2004 5. an abridged version with Exercises. Pearson Education Asia.. prefixes & suffixes. 2006. 2004. Chapters 21-24 from Wings of Fire: An Autobiography – APJ Abdul Kalam. an abridged version with Exercises.2004 Environment from LEARNING ENGLISH: A Communicative Approach.. Unit –IV 7.. Publications. Ltd. 1 & 2. 4. Murphy’s English Grammar with CD. words often confused. A Hand book of English for Engineers & Technologists by Dr. Chapters 17-20 from Wings of Fire: An Autobiography – APJ Abdul Kalam. P. Francis Soundararaj. Oxford 8 .. John Seely. Speaking and Writing for Effective Business Communication.9. MacMillan India Ltd. 10. The Oxford Guide to Writing and Speaking. 2007. Book Links.2007-08 I Year B. UNIT – VI Sequences – series – Convergences and divergence – Ratio test – Comparison test – Integral test – Cauchy’s root test – Raabe’s test – Absolute and conditional convergence UNIT – VII Vector Calculus: Gradient. B. V. volumes and surface areas in Cartesian and polar coordinates multiple integrals double and triple integrals – change of variables – change of order of integration.Jacobian. A text Book of Engineering Mathematics. Vol-1 T.Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables with constraints and without constraints UNIT – IV Radius.Laplacian and second order operators. Ltd. Verification of Green’s . UNIT – III Rolle’s Theorem – Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem – Cauchy’s mean value Theorem – Generalized Mean Value theorem (all theorems without proof) Functions of several variables – Functional dependence. 2. orthogonal trajectories. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Raman. 4. Irvin Kreyszig. A text Book of Engineering Mathematics. B. Vector Integration . Prabhakar Rao. Sankaraiah. xV(x). Right Publishers.Curl and their related properties of sums. polynomials in x. Chand & Company. Tata Mc Graw Hill. Shahnaz Bathul. V. S. REFERENCES: 1. Narasimhulu & N. Sin ax. 3. Iyengar. P. cos ax.Stoke’s and Gauss’s Theorems. linear and Bernoulli. Transforms of derivatives and integrals – Unit step function – second shifting theorem – Dirac’s delta function – Convolution theorem – Periodic function . Law of natural growth and decay.products.Line integral – work done – Potential function – area. S. 9 . 3. V.Differentiation and integration of transforms-Application of Laplace transforms to ordinary differential equations Partial fractions-Heaviside’s Partial fraction expansion theorem. UNIT – VIII Laplace transform of standard functions – Inverse transform – first shifting Theorem. UNIT – V Applications of integration to lengths. K. C. method of variation of parameters. Y. Wiley India Pvt. polar and Parametric curves.Divergence. G. A text Book of Engineering Mathematics. Nageshwara Rao. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Krishna Gandhi and Others.Tech AME JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD T 3+1* MATHEMATICS – I P 0 C 6 UNIT – I Differential equations of first order and first degree – exact.surface and volume integrals Vector integral theorems: Green’s theorem-Stoke’s and Gauss’s Divergence Theorem (With out proof). A text Book of Engineering Mathematics. A text Book of Engineering Mathematics. e ax V(x). Centre and Circle of Curvature – Evolutes and Envelopes Curve tracing – Cartesian . Applications to Newton’s Law of cooling. Deepthi Publications. UNIT – II Non-homogeneous linear differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients with RHS term of the type e ax . 2. Thamson Book Collection. A text Book of Engineering Mathematics. Convolution theorem – Solution of difference equation by z-transforms.AdamsMoulton Method –Milne’s Method.2007-08 I Year B. Fourier transform – Fourier sine and cosine transforms – properties – inverse transforms – Finite Fourier transforms. Shahnaz Bathul. skew .Sylvester law. 4. A. UNIT – III Real matrices – Symmetric. Mathematical Methods. A text book of Mathematical Methods. eigen vectors – properties – Cayley-Hamilton Theorem . G. Interpolation: Introduction. Normal form – Solution of Linear Systems – Direct Methods.LU Decomposition from Gauss Elimination –Solution of Tridiagonal Systems-Solution of Linear Systems UNIT – II Eigen values. UNIT – IV Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: Introduction – The Bisection Method – The Method of False Position – The Iteration Method – Newton-Raphson Method. Vijayalaxmi.properties – Damping rule – Shifting rule – Initial and final value theorems.semi definite . UNIT – V Curve fitting: Fitting a straight line –Second degree curve-exponentional curve-power curve by method of least squares. 2. A text book of Mathematical Methods. B.symmetric.Forward DifferencesBackward differences –Central differences – Symbolic relations and separation of symbols-Differences of a polynomial-Newton’s formulae for interpolation – Central difference interpolation Formulae – Gauss Central Difference Formulae –Interpolation with unevenly spaced points-Lagrange’s Interpolation formula. C. V. Quadratic forms.Errors in Polynomial Interpolation – Finite differences. Mathematical Methods. S. Skew-Hermitian and Unitary – Eigen values and eigen vectors of complex matrices and their properties. K. Complex matrices: Hermitian.Positive. Himalaya Publishers. Numerical Differentiation and Integration– Trapezoidal rule – Simpson’s 1/3 Rule –Simpson’s 3/8 Rule. orthogonal. TEXT BOOKS: 1. UNIT – VI Numerical solution of Ordinary Differential equations: Solution by Taylor’s series-Picard’s Method of successive Approximations-Euler’s Method-Runge-Kutta Methods –Predictor-Corrector Methods. negative definite . Calculation of powers of matrix – Modal and spectral matrices. S. Sankaraiah.signature . Right Publisshers.LU Decomposition. V. UNIT – VII Fourier Series: Determination of Fourier coefficients – Fourier series – even and odd functions – Fourier series in an arbitrary interval – even and odd periodic continuation – Half-range Fourier sine and cosine expansions.Inverse and powers of a matrix by Cayley-Hamilton theorem – Diagonolization of matrix. Ravindranath. Method of separation of variables.index . UNIT – VIII Formation of partial differential equations by elimination of arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions – solutions of first order linear (Lagrange) equation and nonlinear (standard type) equations. Fourier integral theorem (only statement)– Fourier sine and cosine integrals. V. Book Links. 3. Linear Transformation – Orthogonal Transformation. Chand & Company. 10 .Reduction of quadratic form to canonical form – Rank . z-transform – inverse z-transform . T. Krishna Gandhi and Others. Iyengar.Tech AME JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY T 3+1* MATHEMATICAL METHODS P 0 C 6 UNIT – I Matrices and Linear systems of equations: Elementary row transformations-Rank-Echelon form. B. Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation. Elementary Numerical Analysis. 3. R. 2006 11 . S. New Age International Publishers. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Iyengar & R. Raman. V. Wiely India. M. K. Irvin Kreyszig.REFERENCES: 1. Ltd. 4. 3rd Edition. 2. K. Wiley India Pvt. Jain. Tata Mc Graw Hill. A text Book of Engineering Mathematics. Jain. K. Aitkinson & Han. THERMAL PROPORTIES : Introduction .Types of Polarization – Double refraction – Nicol prism.Resolving power of a grating .Mossotti equation – Dielectrics in alternating fields – Frequency dependence of the polarizability .Basic principles of Nanoscience & Technology – Fabrication of nano materials – Physical & chemical properties of nanomaterials – Carbon nanotubes – Applications of nanotechnology.Unit cell Lattice parameter .Applications of superconductors.Dielectric constant . UNIT VIII SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY OF NANOMATERIALS: Introduction to Nano materials .Powder method.Type I and Type II superconductors .Origin of magnetic moment – Classification of magnetic materials .Bragg’s law . UNIT IV CRYSTAL STRUCTURES AND X-RAY DIFFRACTION: Introduction -Space lattice .Electronic. UNIT III MAGNETIC PROPERTIES: Permeability .Fressnel and Fraunhofer diffractions .Factors affecting the architectural acoustics and their remedy. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY: General properties .Soft and hard magnetic materials. scientific and medical fields.Ruby laser .Penetration depth .Meissner effect .Laue method .Young’s double slit experiment – Coherence .Helium-Neon laser – CO2 laser .2007-08 I Year B.Spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation Einstein’s coefficients . ionic and orientational polarizations .Applications of lasers in industry.Numerical aperture – Types of optical fibers and refractive index profiles – Attenuation in optical fibers .Flux quantization – DC and AC Josephson effect –BCS Theory .Population inversion .Basis .Tech AME JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD T 2+1* ENGINEERING PHYSICS P 0 C 4 UNIT I OPTICS : Interference .Principle of optical fiber .Reverberation and time of reverberation – Sabine’s formula for reverberation time .Diffraction of X-rays by crystal planes .Diffraction .Application of optical fibers – Basic principles of holography – Construction and reconstruction of image on hologram – Applications of holography.Detection of ultrasonic waves .Measurement of absorption coefficient of a material .Grating spectrum .Acceptance angle and acceptance cone . UNIT II ULTRASONICS : Introduction .Diffraction grating .Dia.Production of ultrasonic waves .Applications of ultrasonics. UNIT VI FIBER OPTICS AND HOLOGRAPHY: Introduction .Semiconductor laser .Magnetostriction method – Piezo electric method .Magnetization .Hysteresis curve .Directions and planes in crystals – Miller indices Separation between successive [h k l] planes .Internal fields in solids – Clausius . para and ferro magnetism .Interference in thin films by reflection .Rayleigh’s criterion for resolving power – Polarization . UNIT V LASERS : Introduction .Bravais lattices – Crystal systems .Structure and packing fractions of Simple cubic Body centered cubic – Face centered cubic crystals . 12 . ACOUSTICS OF BUILDINGS: Basic requirement of acoustically good hall .Use of ultrasonics for nondestructive testing .Specific Heat of Solids – Einstein Model – Debye Model – Lattice Vibrations – Phonons – Thermal Conductivity.Newton’s rings .Ferro and Piezo electricity.Superposition of waves .Fraunhofer diffraction at a Single slit – Double slit .Properties of ultrasonic waves . UNIT VII DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES: Introduction .Characteristics of lasers . Chand & Company Ltd.G. 3. Kittel. Arumugam. Engineering Physics by M.TEXT BOOKS : 1.L.K.S. Materials Science and Engineering by V.G. V. Appala Naidu & Dr. 4. 6. Resnick and Krane. M. Nanomaterials by A. 3. New Age International Publishers.Gaur & S. Engineering Physics by R. Physics Volume 2 by Halliday. Book links. 13 . 2. Engineering Physics by Dr. M. 5. Introduction to solid state physics by C. S. Kshirasagar. Bandyopadhyay. 2. Prentice-Hall India. Nanotechnology by Mark Ratner and Daniel Ratner. Avadhanulu & P.N. Anuradha Agencies. John Wiley & Son. Gupta. P. Dhanpat Rai and Sons. REFERENCES: 1. Chandra Shekar. Raghavan. Wiley Eastern Ltd.K. Applied Physics 2nd Edition by Dr. Pearson Education. Examples .Water for Steam Making .08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD T 2 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY UNIT I Water Technology-I : Introduction. Bakelite. Polyurethanes and Silicone Resins.Boiler Troubles – Carry Over . Break – point Chlorination. Water Treatment: . Boiler Corrosion. Chromizing. Thiokol. . Metal Cladding. and Extrusion moulding methods. Methods of Treatment of Water for Domestic Purposes-Sedimentation. Effect of Water on Rocks and Minerals. Compounding and Moulding of Plastics – Compression. Vulcanization and Compounding. Elastomers – Buna S. Units and Inter conversions of Units. Injection. Sodium aluminate Conditioning of Water. External Treatment .Preparation.Internal Treatment – Colloidal. Ion-Exchange Process. Criteria of a Good Refractory Material. Concentration Cell Corrosion. Caustic Embrittlement. Passivity. Chlorides and Dissolved Oxygen. Filtration. Cathodic Protection – Sacrificial anode and Impressed Current. Control of Corrosion – Proper Design. Coagulation. Properties and Engineering Uses of the Following: Polyethylene. Types Of Protective Coatings: Metallic Coatings – Anodic Coatings. use of Inhibitors.Rubber – Processing of Natural Rubber. Phosphate. Hardness of Water – Temporary and Permanent hardness.Lime-Soda Process. Mechanism of Wet Corrosion – Hydrogen evolution type. Wet Corrosion. Galvanic Corrosion. Thermal Insulators. Plastics –Thermosetting and Thermoplastics – Differences. Galvanization. Colourizing. Oxygen absorption type. Causes for the failure of a Refractory Material.Sterilization. (Direct Chemical attack). Galvanic Series. Scales and Sludges. Zeolite Process. Buna N. Types of impurities in Water. UNIT VI Refractories and Insulators : Refractories – Definition. Transfer. Electrical Insulators – Their Characteristics and Engineering Applications. Disinfection . Factors Influencing Corrosion. UNIT IV Protective Coatings and their applications : Surface Preparation: (1) Solvent Cleaning (2) Alkali Cleaning (3) Pickling and Etching (4) Sand Blasting (5) Mechanical Cleaning. Cementation–Sheradizing. I Year B. Carbonate. Insulators – Definition and Classification with Examples. Analysis of Water Alkalinity. Cathodic Coatings – Tinning. Chlorination. Teflon. Modifying the Environment. Electroplating Ex: Chromium Plating.2007 . Organic Coatings: Paints – Constituents and their functions UNIT V Polymer Science and Technology : Polymerization Reactions – Basic concepts.Priming and Foaming.Types of Corrosion: Theories of Corrosion and Mechanism – Dry Corrosion. UNIT II Water Technology-II : Water for Industrial purposes . UNIT III Science of Corrosion : Definition. Metal Spraying. PVC. Nylon. Disadvantages of Hard Water. Calgon. Characteristics of Insulating Materials. Chemical Conversion Coatings: (1) Phosphate (2) Chromate (3) Anodized Coatings. Use of pure metal and metal alloys. Estimation of hardness by EDTA Methods.Tech AME P 0 C 4 14 . Polyester. Classification With Examples. (Electro Chemical Theory) Principles of Corrosion. Ozonization.Numerical Problems. Problems on Temporary and Permanent hardnesses. Types of Polymerization – Addition and Condensation Polymerizations. New Delhi (2004). Engineering Chemistry by R. New Delhi (2004). D. Agarwal.Nagarajan. Tyanand Shortly IK. Industrial Chemistry by O. S. Solid Fuels – Coal – Proximate and Ultimate Analysis of Coal and Significance of the Constituents – Metallurgical Coke – Characteristics & Manufacture. aniline point. Vikas Publishing House. 7.Veeramani and A.K. New Delhi (2004). A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry by S. and Andra Naidu & B. UNIT VIII Fuels and Combustion : Definition and Classification.S. Galgotia Publications. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry by Shashi Chawla.Types of Lubrication and Mechanism – Thick Film or Hydrodynamic Lubrication.V. Dara.S. Engineering Chemistry by R. Rajaram. Text Book of Engineering Chemistry by Jain & Jain. flash and fire points. Engineering Chemistry by J C Kuriacose and J. 15 .V. International Publishing house Pvt. Galgotia Publications. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry by Balaram Pani. 4. Ltd.P. Problems. New Delhi (2002). Murthy.Narula. Coal gas – Calorific Value of Fuels – Bomb Calorimeter – Junker’s Gas Calorimeter. TEXT BOOKS : 1. 5. Gaseous Fuels Natural gas. New Delhi (2004) 3. Advanced Engineering Chemistry by Senapati and Mohanty. Liquid Fuels – Petroleum – Refining – Knocking – Octane and Cetane Numbers – Synthetic Petrol Cracking– Bergius Process. Hyd (2005). 2.Chand & Co. Extreme Pressure Lubrication.P. REFERENCES : 1. 6. 8. C. Fischer.Tropsch Process. Classification and properties of lubricants – Viscosity. Gadag A. New Delhi (2004). Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company.N. Neutralisation Number and Mechanical Strength. New Delhi (2006) ( 15th Edition). Text Book of Engineering Chemistry by C. 2. 4. 1. 3. 2. Laxmi Publications. New Delhi (2004). Venkappaya and S. New Delhi.Combustion – Analysis of Flue Gas by Orsat’s Apparatus . Gopalan. Thin Film or Boundary Lubrication. Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company. cloud and pour points. Publications. Tata McGraw-Hill Co.UNIT VII LUBRICANTS :Principles and function of lubricants . 6. UNIT – IV Area moments of Inertia : Definition – Polar Moment of Inertia. UNIT – VI Kinematics : Rectilinear and Curvelinear motions – Velocity and Acceleration – Motion of Rigid Body – Types and their Analysis in Planar Motion. Engg. Moments of Inertia of Composite Figures. 16 . Transfer Formula for Mass Moments of Inertia. Concepts – Simple Harmonic Motion – Free vibrations. Mechanics – Basic Concepts. 2. Work-Energy Applications to Particle Motion. Engg. L.D. Converse of the law of Triangle of forces. 2. Method of joints. Singer / Harper – Collins. Spatial Systems for concurrent forces. Mechanics Umesh Regl / Tayal. UNIT – VIII Mechanical Vibrations : Definitions. Mechanics / Irving.V. Mechanics / KL Kumar / Tata McGraw Hill. centre of gravity of composite bodies. Transfer Theorem. Engineering Mechanics / Fedinand . Impulse momentum method.G. Equations of Equilibrium of Coplanar Systems. Mechanics/Khurmi/S.Chand. H. 4. Rajasekharappa REFERENCES : 1. Engg. Mechanics / Timoshenko & Yound. converse of the law of polygon of forces condition of equilibrium. UNIT – V Analysis of perfect frames ( Analytical Method) – Types of Frames – Assumptions for forces in members of a perfect frame. Connected System-Fixed Axis Rotation and Plane Motion. simple and Compound Pendulums and its Applications – TEXT BOOKS : 1. Mechanics / R. Askhevkar 5. mass moment of inertia of composite bodies. Method of sections. Mechanics / S. Shames Prentice – Hall. Engg. Kinetics : Analysis as a Particle and Analysis as a Rigid Body in Translation – Central Force Motion – Equations of Plane Motion – Fixed Axis Rotation – Rolling Bodies. Engg. UNIT – III Centroid : Centroids of simple figures (from basic principles ) – Centroids of Composite Figures Centre of Gravity : Centre of gravity of simple body (from basis principles). Structures with one end hinged and the other freely supported on rollers carrying horizontal or inclined loads. Engg. UNIT – II Equilibrium of Systems of Forces : Free Body Diagrams. Graphical method for the equilibrium of coplanar forces. Cantilever Trusses. Bharikati & J.2007-08 I Year B. Kulkarni & R. UNIT – VII Work – Energy Method : Equations for Translation. Transfer Formula for Product of Inertia. 3. Lamis Theorm. Engg. Mass Moment of Inertia : Moment of Inertia of Masses.S. Systems of Forces : Coplanar Concurrent Forces – Components in Space – Resultant – Moment of Force and its Application – Couples and Resultant of Force Systems. Force table. Products of Inertia.Tech AME JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD T 2+1* CLASSICAL MECHANICS P 0 C 4 UNIT – I Introduction to Engg. pappus theorem. streams. auto. arrays of structures. 2. Formatted I/o. UNIT – IV Arrays.while. Tondo. pointers and function arguments. structure of C program. pointers to structures. A structured programming approach using C. C. loops. block structure. header files.W. The C Programming Language. storage classes.S. declaration. text files and binary files. terminology. Forouzan and R. variables. goto and labels. B. C& Data structures – P. Shashi M. Character pointers and functions. break. Data Structures and Program Design in C. merge sort. Second Edition. identifiers. increment and decrement operators. Kernighan.Binary trees. DataStructures Using C – A. Constants. statements and blocks. expressions. standard I/o. HYDERABAD T 2+1* COMPUTER PROGRAMMING P 0 C 4 UNIT . standard library functions.Tech AME JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY.F.2007-08 I Year B. BP Leung. UNIT – V Derived types. TEXT BOOKS : 1.concepts. UNIT – II Input-output statements. arrays and functions. initialization of pointer variables. UNIT . static. arithmetic.concepts. pointers and multidimensional arrays. relational and logical operators. C program examples.Tanenbaum. example c programs. accessing elements. precedence and order of evaluation. Third edition. programming examples. continue. Gilberg. assignment operators. Kochan. nested structures. Langsam. B. definition and initialization of structures. bitfields. PHI/Pearson Education 3. accessing structures. parameter passing. III Edition. register. UNIT – VI Input and output – concept of a file. flowchart. Padmanabham. Dennis M. 5. conditional expressions. PHI/Pearson education. unions. UNIT – III Designing structured programs. traversals (Recursive) implemented in C. program development steps.Ritchie. R. Implementation of Searching and sorting in C– Linear and binary search methods. representing stacks and queues in C using arrays and linked lists.J. dreamtech Press 4. Y. recursive functions. if and switch statements. twodimensional and multi-dimensional arrays. J. graphsrepresentation and basic operations on graphs. Functions. Thomson. Jones & K. typedef.VIII Trees. user defined functions. A Simple C program. Pearson Eductaion. pointers to pointers. type conversions. 2. structures and functions. Publications. Harrow. Pearson Education. address arithmetic. C program examples. UNIT – VII Introduction to data structures-Stacks and Queues. C Programming with problem solving.S.extern. Augenstein. c program examples. storing elements. REFERENCES : 1.A.structures. B. and M. do-while and for statements.I Algorithm / pseudo code. dynamic memory managements functions. Programming in C – Stephen G.A. 17 .Kruse. file I/o operations. pointers. Computer science. scope rules. definition. C preprocessor.L. conditional operator. error handling. representation. bit-wise operators.declaration. Quick Sort. self referential structures. sorting – Bubble sort. applications of arrays. basics. basic data types and sizes. command line arguments. Tech AME JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD T 0 P 6 C 8 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS UNIT – I INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING DRAWING : Principles of Engineering Graphics and their Significance – Drawing Instruments and their Use – Conventions in Drawing – Lettering – BIS Conventions.D. Choudary/Anuradha Publishes 3. Engineering Drawing and Graphics. UNIT – VII PERSPECTIVE PROJECTIONS : Perspective View : Points. Cylinder Vs Prism. Curves used in Engineering Practice & their Constructions : a) Conic Sections including the Rectangular Hyperbola – General method only.R. d) Helices UNIT – II DRAWING OF PROJECTIONS OR VIEWS ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION IN FIRST ANGLE PROJECTION ONLY : Principles of Orthographic Projections – Conventions – First and Third Angle Projections Projections of Points and Lines inclined to both planes.isometric lines. Pyramid Cone and their parts. UNIT – III PROJECTIONS OF PLANES & SOLIDS : Projections of regular Planes. Vanishing Point Methods(General Method only). True lengths.Johle/Tata Macgraw Hill. 2. dimensioning. Epicycloid and Hypocycloid c) Involute. UNIT – V ISOMETRIC PORJECTIONS : Principles of Isometric Projection – Isometric Scale – Isometric Views – Conventions – Isometric Views of Lines. Pyramid. Narayana and Kannaiah / Scietech publishers.2007-08 I Year B. Cylinder Vs Cone. Plane Figures. curves. Venugopal / New age. UNIT –VI TRANSFORMATION OF PROJECTIONS : Conversion of Isometric Views to Orthographic Views – Conventions. simple solids. Isometric Projection of Spherical Parts. UNIT – IV DEVELOPMENT AND INTERPENETRATION OF SOLIDS: Development of Surfaces of Right Regular Solids – Prisms. Sections and Sectional views of Right Regular Solids – Prism. Cylinder. Bhat / Charotar 2. Projections of Regular Solids inclined to both planes – Auxiliary Views. Plane Figures and Simple Solids. UNIT – VIII Introduction to Computer aided Drafting: Generation of points. Simple and Compound Solids – Isometric Projection of objects having non. Cone – Auxiliary views. lines. auxiliary planes and Auxiliary projection inclined to both planes. Interpenetration of Right Regular Solids – Intersection of Cylinder Vs Cylinder. Engineering Drawing. TEXT BOOK : 1. N. Cylinder. Lines. Engineering Drawing. 18 . polygons. traces. Engineering graphics with Auto CAD. REFERENCES : 1. b) Cycloid.B. Engineering Drawing. Verification of laws of stretched string . Sl. 4. 5.Torsional pendulum 7.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD I Year B.Transverse and Longitudinal modes. (B) FUELS AND LUBRICANTS LAB : 1. Magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying coil . 5. Carbon Residue Test : Solid/ Liquid Fuels 3. Engler Viscometer. 6. Determination of Flash and Fire points of Liquid Fuels / Lubricants: Abels apparatus . Time constant of R-C Circuit. Determination of Rigidity modulus of a material in the form of a wire .Stewart and Gee’s method. 12. Determination of Calorific Value: Solid/Liquid/Gaseous Fuels : Bomb Calorimeter. 8.C. 10. Redwood Viscometer. Determination of thickness of a thin object using parallel fringes. 9. Calculation of Frequency of A. Name of the Experiment 1. 11.No. mains . 3. Pensky martens apparatus 2. Determination of Refractive Index of the material of a Prism -Spectrometer.Sonometer. L-C-R Circuit.Sonometer. Dispersive power of the material of a Prism . Determination of Viscosity : Liquid Lubricants & Fuels : Saybolts viscometer. Melde’s Experiment .Diffraction Grating. Grease Penetration Test. 19 . 2. 4.Spectrometer. : Junker Calorimeter. Newton’s Rings Radius of Curvature of plano_convex lens. Determination of wavelength of a source .Tech AME T 0 ENGINEERING PHYSICS AND FUELS AND LUBRICATION LAB P 3 C 4 (A) ENGINEERING PHYSICS LAB: Any Ten of the following experiments are to be performed during the Academic year. Oral Presentations.Vowels. System Requirement ( Hardware component): Computer network with Lan with minimum 60 multimedia systems with the following specifications: i) P – IV Processor a) Speed – 2. a digital stereo –audio & video system and camcorder etc.8 GHZ b) RAM – 512 MB Minimum c) Hard Disk – 80 GB ii) Headphones of High quality iii) Internet connectivity Suggested Software: • Cambridge Advanced Learners’ English Dictionary with CD. 10. 4. a T.Prepared and Extempore. Introduction to the Sounds of English. Situational Dialogues / Role Play. • Learning to Speak English . Information Transfer 8. Composition etc. 2. Foundation Books Pvt Ltd with CD. ii) The Communication Skills Lab with movable chairs and audio-visual aids with a P. 6.A System. • To enable them to speak English correctly with focus on stress and intonation.Tech AME JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD T 0 ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMMUNICATION SKILLS LAB P 3 C 4 The Language Lab focuses on the production and practice of sounds of language and familiarizes the students with the use of English in everyday situations and contexts. SYLLABUS : The following course content is prescribed for the English Language Laboratory sessions: 1. V. Debate 9. Introduction to Stress and Intonation.4 CDs • Microsoft Encarta with CD • Murphy’s English Grammar. Cambridge with CD Books to be procured for English Language Lab Library (to be located within the lab in addition to the CDs of the text book which are loaded on the systems): 20 .consciousness while speaking in English and to build their confidence. 3. Spellings. • The Rosetta Stone English Library • Clarity Pronunciation Power • Mastering English in Vocabulary. ‘Just A Minute’ Sessions (JAM).2007-08 I Year B. Objectives: • To make students recognise the sounds of English through Audio-Visual aids and Computer Software. Describing Objects / Situations / People. • To help them overcome their inhibitions and self.study by learners. Giving Directions. 5. The focus shall be on fluency rather than accuracy. Diphthongs & Consonants. Punctuation. one master console. Composition • Dorling Kindersley series of Grammar.. LAN facility and English language software for self. Telephoning Skills. 7. • Language in Use. Grammar. Minimum Requirement: The English Language Lab shall have two parts: i) The Computer aided Language Lab for 60 students with 60 systems. Spoken English. OL DISTRIBUTION AND WEIGHTAGE OF MARKS English Language Laboratory Practical Paper: 1. Ltd. 2. New Delhi. OUP. Harrison. there shall be a continuous evaluation during the year for 25 sessional marks and 50 year-end Examination marks. (with two Audio cassettes) by J. B. Kamlesh Sadanand & D. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Of the 25 marks.Balasubramanian (Macmillan) English Skills for Technical Students. For the Language lab sessions. 21 . 2. A Practical course in English Pronunciation.R. The practical examinations for the English Language Laboratory shall be conducted as per the University norms prescribed for the core engineering practical sessions. 5. 4. Jindal. 15 marks shall be awarded for day-to-day work and 10 marks to be awarded by conducting Internal Lab Test(s). Orient Longman 2006 Edn..end Examination shall be conducted by the teacher concerned with the help of another member of the staff of the same department of the same institution. 6. Sethi. The year. A text book of English Phonetics for Indian Students by T. WBSCTE with British Council.1. English Pronouncing Dictionary Daniel Jones Current Edition with CD. Bansal and J.V. K. 3. Spoken English (CIEFL) in 3 volumes with 6 cassettes. b)Write a C program to determine if the given string is a palindrome or not UNIT. iii)To solve Towers of Hanoi problem. where n is a value supplied by the user. queues. 22 .VIl: a) Write a C program that displays the position or index in the string S where the string T begins. ii)To find the GCD (greatest common divisor)of two given integers. (Consider the operators +. UNIT.-./. performs the operation and then prints the result. The program should provide the flexibility to the user to select his own time intervals and repeat the calculations for different values of ‘u’ and ‘a’.lV: a)The total distance travelled by vehicle in ‘t’ seconds is given by distance = ut+1/2at2 where ‘u’ and ‘a’ are the initial velocity (m/sec.2007-08 I Year B. UNIT. or – 1 if S doesn’t contain T.l: a)Write a C program to find the sum of individual digits of a positive integer. b) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following: i)Addition of Two Matrices ii)Multiplication of Two Matrices UNIT. Write C program to find the distance travelled at regular intervals of time given the values of ‘u’ and ‘a’. stacks. Subsequent terms are found by adding the preceding two terms in the sequence. b)A Fibonacci Sequence is defined as follows: the first and second terms in the sequence are 0 and 1.lII: a)Write C programs that use both recursive and non-recursive functions i)To find the factorial of a given integer. which takes two integer operands and one operator form the user. words and characters in a given text. trees and graphs. • To teach the student to write programs in C solve the problems • To Introduce the student to simple linear and non linear data structures such as lists. ii)To delete n Characters from a given position in a given string.II: a)Write a C program to calculate the following Sum: Sum=1-x2/2! +x4/4!-x6/6!+x8/8!-x10/10! b)Write a C program toe find the roots of a quadratic equation. Write a C program to generate the first n terms of the sequence. Recommended Systems/Software Requirements: • • Intel based desktop PC ANSI C Compiler with Supporting Editors UNIT.V: a) Write a C program to find both the larges and smallest number in a list of integers. c)Write a C program to generate all the prime numbers between 1 and n. b)Write a C program.Vl: a)Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations: i)To insert a sub-string in to given main string from a given position.) and acceleration (m/sec2).*.% and use Switch Statement) UNIT. UNIT.Tech AME JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD T 0 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LAB P 3 C 4 Objectives: • To make the student learn a programming language. b) Write a C program to count the lines. XVl: Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on doubly linked list. inorder and postorder. UNIT. then go back and read in the next pair of numbers of without computing the sum.XVII: Write a C program that uses Stack operations to perform the following: i)Converting infix expression into postfix expression ii)Evaluating the postfix expression UNIT. Have your program print an error message if n<0. x and n. Thus 2’s complement of 11100 is 00100. b) Write a C program to reverse the first n characters in a file. Are any values of x also illegal ?. the formula does not make sense for negative exponents – if n is less than 0. 23 . b) Write a C program to convert a Roman numeral to its decimal equivalent. Write a C program to find the 2’s complement of a binary number. b) Write a C program to construct a pyramid of numbers.n.: i)Creation ii)Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traversal UNIT. test for them too.IX: Write a C program to read in two numbers.XVIII: Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following: i)Creating a Binary Tree of integers ii)Traversing the above binary tree in preorder.: i)Creation ii)Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traversal in both ways UNIT. (Note : The file name and n are specified on the command line.XV: Write C programs that implement stack (its operations) using i)Arrays ii)Pointers UNIT.Xl: Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations: i)Reading a complex number ii)Writing a complex number iii)Addition of two complex numbers iv)Multiplication of two complex numbers (Note: represent complex number using a structure.XIIl: Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on singly linked list.VIIl: a) Write a C program to generate Pascal’s triangle. the sum Perform error checking.) UNIT. and then compute the sum of this geometric progression: 1+x+x2+x3+………….XIl: a) Write a C program which copies one file to another. UNIT.X: a) 2’s complement of a number is obtained by scanning it from right to left and complementing all the bits after the first appearance of a 1.+xn For example: if n is 3 and x is 5. For example.) UNIT. Print x. then the program computes 1+5+25+125.UNIT. If so.XVl: Write C programs that implement Queue (its operations) using i)Arrays ii)Pointers UNIT. UNIT. E Balaguruswamy. Gilberg and B.XX: Write C programs that implement the following sorting methods to sort a given list of integers in ascending order: i)Bubble sort ii) Quick sort UNIT.XXI: Write C programs that implement the following sorting methods to sort a given list of integers in ascending order: i)Insertion sort ii)Merge sort UNIT. P. Oxford Univ.Dey & M. Padmanabham. Data Structures: A pseudo code approach with C. 24 . Text Books 1.C programming and Data Structures. UNIT.XXIV: Write C programs to implement Trapezoidal and Simpson methods.Programming in C. 4. Ghosh. Forouzan 3.Gregory forward interpolation. BS Publications 2. Third Edition. second edition R. P.UNIT.F.XXIII: Write C programs to implement the linear regression and polynomial regression algorithms.C and Data Structures.A.XXII: Write C programs to implement the Lagrange interpolation and Newton.XIX: Write C programs that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform the following searching operations for a Key value in a given list of integers : i)Linear search ii) Binary search UNIT. UNIT.Press. TMH publications. Metal Cutting (Water Plasma) TEXT BOOK: 1. Black Smithy 5. TRADES FOR EXERCISES : At least two exercises from each trade: 1. Tin-Smithy and Development of jobs carried out and soldering. Carpentry 2.L. 2. wood working.Narayana/ Scitech Publishers. simple diagnostic exercises. Assembly of computer to working condition. Power tools in constriction. IT workshop-II : Installation of Operating system windows and Linux . Simple diagnostic exercises. 25 . Machine Shop 3.Kannaiah/ K. Plumbing 2. Disassembly. 9. House-wiring 6. 4. 8. electrical engineering and mechanical engg. Work shop Manual / P. TRADES FOR DEMONSTRATION & EXPOSURE: 1. identification of parts .Tech AME JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD T 0 ENGINEERING WORKSHOP PRACTICE P 3 C 4 1. Welding 10.2007-08 I Year B. Foundry 7. Fitting 3. IT Workshop-I : Computer hard ware . cold working. Gas welding. Forge welding. Laser welding.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B. Friction welding. 26 . special.VII EXTRUSION OF METALS : Basic extrusion process and its characteristics. 2. AME I Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY UNIT – I CASTING : Steps involved in making a casting – Advantage of casting and its applications. 4. welding defects – causes and remedies – destructive nondestructive testing of welds. steel making processes. special casting processes 1) Centrifugal 2)Die. Forging processes: Principles of forging – Tools and dies – Types Forging – Smith forging. Comparison of properties of Cold and Hot worked parts. resistance welding. TIG & MIG. ARC welding. Properties. pattern allowances and their construction. forming and other cold working processes : Blanking and piercing – Bending and forming – Drawing and its types – wire drawing and Tube drawing – coining – Hot and cold spinning – Types of presses and press tools.K. Hot extrusion and cold extrusion . recovery. – Patterns and Pattern making – Types of patterns – Materials used for patterns. Ltd. Soldering & Brazing. UNIT .Forward extrusion and backward extrusion – Impact extrusion Hydrostatic extrusion. Welding Process / Paramar / 5.N.VI Stamping. Gating ratio and design of Gating systems UNIT – II Solidification of casting – Concept – Solidification of pure metal and alloys. types of Rolling mills and products. Thermit welding and Plasma (Air and water ) welding. UNIT . UNIT – IV Inert Gas welding. function and design. UNIT – V Hot working. Production Engineering – Suresh Dalela & Ravi Shankar / Galgotia Publications Pvt. welding. UNIT.VIII Processing of Plastics: Types of Plastics. Principles of Metal Castings / Roenthal. short & long freezing range alloys. Drop Forging – Roll forging – Forging hammers : Rotary forging – forging defects. applications and their Processing methods & Equipment (blow &injection modeling) TEXT BOOKS : 1. Cutting of ferrous. Forces in rolling and power requirements. Forces and power requirement in the above operations. design of welded joints. recrystallisation and grain growth. Rolling fundamentals – theory of rolling. Methods of Melting : Crucible melting and cupola operation. strain hardening. Induction welding. Manufacturing Technology / P. Production Technology / R. Risers – Types. non-ferrous metals. water plasma. Heat affected zones in welding. 3) Investment. B) Cutting of Metals: Oxy – Acetylene Gas cutting. Production Technology /Sarma P C / 6.Tech. Jain 2. Rao/TMH REFERENCES : 1. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology/Kalpakjin S/ Pearson Edu. Explosive welding. casting design considerations. Principles of Gating. Process and materials of manufacturing –Lindberg/PE 3. UNIT – III A) Welding : Classification of welding process types of welds and welded joints and their characteristics. by S. longitudinal and Volumetric strains – changes in dia. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Strength of Materials -By Jindal.Angle and Channel sections – Design of simple beam sections. UNIT – III FLEXURAL STRESSES : Theory of simple bending – Assumptions – Derivation of bending equation: M/ I = f/y = E/R Neutral axis – Determination bending stresses – section modulus of rectangular and circular sections (Solid and Hollow). 4. . impact and shock loadings. Mohr’s theorems – Moment area method – application to simple cases including overhanging beams. 2007-08 27 .M diagrams for cantilever. Strength of Materials by Andrew Pytel and Ferdinond L. simply supported and overhanging beams subjected to point loads. pinjointed. I..l. UNIT – IV SHEAR STRESSES : Derivation of formula – Shear stress distribution across various beams sections like rectangular. Solid Mechanics. Analysis of various types of cantilever& simply–supported trusses-by method of joints. perfect trusses by (i) method of joints and (ii) method of sections. by Popov REFERENCES : 1. and volume of thin cylinders – Riveted boiler shells – Thin spherical shells. UNIT – VIII Thick cylinders–lame’s equation – cylinders subjected to inside & out side pressures – compound cylinders.d. Poisson’s ratio & volumetric strain – Elastic moduli & the relationship between them – Bars of varying section – composite bars – Temperature stresses. B. sudden.F.M and rate of loading at a section of a beam. UNIT – II SHEAR FORCE AND BENDING MOMENT : Definition of beam – Types of beams – Concept of shear force and bending moment – S. Strength of Materials by S. Umesh Publications.method of sections & tension coefficient methods.Tech.U. Analysis of structures by Vazirani and Ratwani. Lakshmi publications. UNIT – VI DEFLECTION OF BEAMS : Bending into a circular arc – slope. deflection and radius of curvature – Differential equation for the elastic line of a beam – Double integration and Macaulay’s methods – Determination of slope and deflection for cantilever and simply supported beams subjected to point loads. Singer Longman. AME I Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 MECHANICS OF SOLIDS UNIT – I SIMPLE STRESSES & STRAINS : Elasticity and plasticity – Types of stresses & strains–Hooke’s law – stress – strain diagram for mild steel – Working stress – Factor of safety – Lateral strain.B. UNIT – V ANALYSIS OF PIN-JOINTED PLANE FRAMES : Determination of Forces in members of plane.Strain energy – Resilience – Gradual. triangular.Junnarkar. 2.Timshenko 5. 3. u. uniformly varying loads and combination of these loads – Point of contra flexure – Relation between S. 2. Strength of materials by Bhavikatti.T. T angle sections.D.F and B. I.L uniformly varying load. circular. UNIT – VII THIN CYLINDERS : Thin seamless cylindrical shells – Derivation of formula for longitudinal and circumferential stresses – hoop.. Mechanics of Structures Vol-III.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B. UNIT-VIII:Networking – Basics of network programming. using final with inheritance.net package Packages – java. lists panels – scrollpane. Termination or resumptive models. Swing – Introduction. simple java program. datatypes. Java buzzwords. usage of try. ports. A way of viewing world – Agents. expressions. substitutability. multiple clients. graphics. daemon threads. scope and life time of variables. grid. check box. overriding and exceptions.Need for oop paradigm. exception hierarchy. this keyword. super uses. thread life cycle. methods. button. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Budd. abstraction mechanisms. Delegation event model. throws and finally. extension. creating own exception sub classes. dialogs. creating threads. exploring swingJApplet. check box groups. benefits of exception handling. layout manager – layout manager types – boarder. Java. Event classes. TMH. responsibility. UNIT-IV:Packages and Interfaces : Defining. 2. pearson eduction. MVC architecture. specification. flow. control statements. coping with complexity. UNIT-II:Java Basics History of Java. variables. forms of inheritance. methods. The AWT class hierarchy. UNIT-VI:Event Handling : Events. Scroll Panes. text components. containers. Combo boxes. Creating and Accessing a Package. Differences between multi threading and multitasking. Trees. choices. Member access rules. operators. buttons – The JButton class. 7th editon. Exploring packages – Java. defining an interface. combination. throw. objects. built in exceptions.labels. Understanding OOP with Java.io.method overriding. subtype. Java . access control. constructors.util. UNIT-V:Exception handling and multithreading . thread groups.Concepts of exception handling. addresses. limitations of AWT. canvas. UNIT-VII:Applets – Concepts of Applets. Herbert schildt. Icons and Labels. recursion.life cycle of an applet. applying interfaces. Event sources. differences between classes and interfaces. arrays. passing parameters to applets. messages. method binding. types of applets. menubar. text fields.util. java.specialization. updated edition. the complete reference. classes and instances. differences between applets and applications. type conversion and costing. Event Listeners.JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B. 28 . sockets. string handling. card and grib bag. Understanding CLASSPATH. user interface components. polymorphism. handling mouse and keyboard events. catch. garbage collection. JFrame and JComponent. subclass. variables in interface and extending interfaces.Tech. inner classes. benefits of inheritance. UNIT-III:Inheritance – Hierarchical abstractions. Base class object. construction. importing packages. synchronizing threads. creating applets. Radio buttons. overloading methods and constructors. Adapter classes. implementing interface. scrollbars. AME I Semester OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING T 4+1* P 0 C 4 UNIT-I Object oriented thinking :. T. abstract classes. components. summary of oop concepts. Tabbed Panes. limitation. and Tables. parameter passing. simple client server program. class hierarchies ( Inheritance). costs of inheritance. Check boxes. classes and objects – concepts of classes. Pearson Education. pearson education. Cay.Horstmann and Gary Cornell.A. second edition. J.S. 2. John wiley & sons. 29 .Nino and F.Horstmann and Gary Cornell. Vol 2. 5. 4. JohnsonThomson. Daniel Liang. An Introduction to OOP. Vol 1. An introduction to Java programming and object oriented application development. Core Java 2. 6. Cay.S. pearson education. Fundamentals. Hosch.REFERENCES : An Introduction to programming and OO design using Java. T. R. 3. Core Java 2. Advanced Features. Introduction to Java programming 6th edition. Budd. seventh Edition.A. Pearson Education 1. Seventh Edition. Y. Causes of Irreversibility – Energy in State and in Transition. And Molecular Internal Energy. Specific Humidity. end states. Heat pump. Thermodynamic Wet Bulb Temperature. Carnot cycle and its specialties. Atmospheric air . UNIT IV Pure Substances. Ideal Gas Scale – PMM I . UNIT – VI Mixtures of perfect Gases – Mole Fraction. UNIT . Atkinson Cycle. Maxwell Relations – Elementary Treatment of the Third Law of Thermodynamics. Diesel. PMM of Second kind. Clausius Inequality. 30 . Degree of saturation – Adiabatic Saturation . Heat and Work Transfer. Availability and Irreversibility – Thermodynamic Potentials. Thermal Efficiency. Mollier Charts. Wet Bulb Temperature. Vapour compression cycle-performance Evaluation. Entropy. Types of Systems. Property. Heats and Entropy of Mixture of perfect Gases and Vapour. Point and Path function. Types. sp. Parameters of performance. Volume fraction and partial pressure. Heat Engine. Universe. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics – Sonntag.VII Power Cycles : Otto. Mean Effective Pressures on Air standard basis – comparison of Cycles.Tech. Relative Humidity. Carnot’s principle. UNIT – III Limitations of the First Law – Thermal Reservoir. Work and Heat. Macroscopic and Microscopic viewpoints. Principle of Entropy Increase – Energy Equation. Engineering Thermodynamics / PK Nag /TMH. Second Law of Thermodynamics. UNIT VIII Refrigeration Cycles : Brayton and Rankine cycles – Performance Evaluation – combined cycles. p-V-T. Enthalpy. Concept of Continuum.V Perfect Gas Laws – Equation of State. Boundaries. UNIT II Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics – Concept of quality of Temperature – Principles of Thermometry – Reference Points – Const. Mass friction Gravimetric and volumetric Analysis – Dalton’s Law of partial pressure. Phase Transformations – Triple point at critical state properties during change of phase. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Equivalent Gas const. Ericcson Cycle. III Edition 2. Vapour pressure. changes in Internal Energy – Throttling and Free Expansion Processes – Flow processes – Deviations from perfect Gas Model – Vander Waals Equation of State – Compressibility charts – variable specific Heats – Gas Tables. Cycle – Reversibility – Quasi – static Process. Irreversible Process. Volume gas Thermometer – Scales of Temperature. Borgnakke and van wylen / John Wiley & sons (ASIA) Pte Ltd. Sterling Cycle.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B. Thermodynamic scale of Temperature. Carrier’s Equation – Psychrometric chart. specific and Universal Gas constants – various Non-flow processes. State. Mollier charts – Various Thermodynamic processes and energy Transfer – Steam Calorimetry. Dual Combustion cycles.surfaces. BellColeman cycle. saturated Air. Dryness Fraction – Clausius – Clapeyron Equation Property tables. Process. properties. Avogadro’s Laws of additive volumes – Mole fraction . AME I Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 THERMODYNAMICS UNIT – I Introduction: Basic Concepts : System.Psychrometric Properties – Dry bulb Temperature. Thermodynamic Equilibrium. UNIT . T-S and h-s diagrams. Lenoir Cycle – Description and representation on P–V and T-S diagram. Kelvin-Planck and Clausius Statements and their Equivalence / Corollaries. Surrounding. Dew point Temperature. Control Volume.Joule’s Experiments – First law of Thermodynamics – Corollaries – First law applied to a Process – applied to a flow system – Steady Flow Energy Equation. Gibbs and Helmholtz Functions. Ramakrishna / Anuradha Publishers. Engineering Thermodynamics – Jones & Dugan 2. Thermodynamics – An Engineering Approach – Yunus Cengel & Boles /TMH 3. An introduction to Thermodynamics / YVC Rao / New Age 5. Thermodynamics – J.P.Holman / McGrawHill 4.REFERENCES : 1. 31 . Engineering Thermodynamics – K. Transformations in the solid state – allotropy. TTT diagrams. UNIT . structure and properties of plain carbon steels.crystallization of metals. Material science & material / C. and electron compounds. Cus-Sn and Fe-Fe3C. Essential of Materials science and engineering/ Donald R. 2. Aluminium and its alloys. congruent melting intermediate phases. normalizing. Hardenability. Malleable Cast iron.vinas & HL Mancini 6. UNIT -IV Cast Irons and Steels : Structure and properties of White Cast iron. Hume Rotherys rules.2007-08 JAWARHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B.Tech. phase rule. Engineering materials and metallurgy/R. Lever rule. AME I Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 METALLURGY AND MATERIAL SCIENCE UNIT – I Structure of Metals : Bonds in Solids – Metallic bond . Alloy cast irons. properties and applications of the above. REFERENCES : 1. UNIT . tempering . Low alloy steels. Engineering Materials and Their Applications – R. Study of important binary phase diagrams of Cu-Ni-.Yesudian & harris Samuel 7. 8. Materials Science and engineering / William and collister. Bi-Cd.Rajput/ S. 2. Rahghavan 5. 4. relationship between equilibrium diagrams and properties of alloys. Science of Engineering Materials / Agarwal 3. Cryogenic treatment of alloys.Askeland/Thomson. metal – matrix composites and C – C composites. Cu-An. UNIT -III Equilibrium of Diagrams : Experimental methods of construction of equilibrium diagrams. Classification of steels. effect of grain boundaries on the properties of metal / alloys – determination of grain size. glasses. equilibrium cooling and heating of alloys. Age hardening treatment. Al-Cu.hardening methods. fiber reinforced materials. nanomaterials – definition. A Flinn and P K Trojan / Jaico Books. peritectoid reactions.VIII Composite materials : Classification of composites. peritectic reaction.D. Introduction to Physical Metallurgy / Sidney H. Spheriodal graphite cast iron. UNIT . 32 .Chand. An introduction to materialscience / W. grey cast iron. Avener. types of solid solutions. surface . metal ceramic mixtures. Material Science and Metallurgy/kodgire. Hardening. Hadfield manganese steels. UNIT – VII Ceramic materials : Crystalline ceramics. eutectic systems.g. various methods of component manufacture of composites. coring miscibility gaps.VI Non-ferrous Metals and Alloys : Structure and properties of copper and its alloys. intermediate alloy phases. TEXT BOOKS : 1. particle – reinforced materials. cermaets. UNIT – V Heat treatment of Alloys : Effect of alloying elements on Fe-Fe3C system.II Constitution of Alloys : Necessity of alloying. tool and die steels.K. eutectoid. Annealing. Titanium and its alloys. grain and grain boundaries. elements of Material science / V. Isomorphous alloy systems. abrasive materials. Kerns.Voltage. Current and frequency measurements.S Naidu and S. Sensitivity.III TRANSFORMERS : Principle of operation of single phase transformers – emf equation – losses – efficiency and regulation UNIT .I ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS: Basic definitions.types – DC motor types – torque equation – applications – three point starter. S. Deflection.Chand & Co. Types of elements.K.) II Year B. TMH Publications. SCR characteristics and applications UNIT .VIII CATHODE RAY OSCILLOSCOPE : Principles of CRT (Cathode Ray Tube).VII TRANSISTORS : PNP and NPN Junction transistor.Mehta. 2. REFERENCES: 1.II DC MACHINES : Principle of operation of DC Generator – emf equation .2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD (A. Series. Inductive networks. David Irwin/Pearson. Transistor as an amplifier. symbol. Ohm’s Law. UNIT . JR. UNIT . J.P. Kamakshaiah. Basic Electrical Engineering by Kothari and Nagarath. Applications of CRO . Parallel circuits and Star-delta and delta-star transformations.VI DIODE AND IT’S CHARACTERISTICS : P-n junction diode. Diode Applications. capacitive networks. Introduction to Electrical Engineering – M. V-I Chacracteristics.IV AC MACHINES : Principle of operation of alternators – regulation by synchronous impedance method – Principle of operation of induction motor – slip – torque characteristics – applications. 2. AME I Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT .Tech. TMH Publ. Resistive networks. Rectifiers – Half wave. UNIT . UNIT . Kirchhoff’s Laws. 33 . Principles of Electrical and Electronics Engineering by V.V INSTRUMENTS : Basic Principle of indicating instruments – permanent magnet moving coil and moving iron instruments. Essentials of Electrical and Computer Engineering by David V. 2nd Edition. Electrostatic and Magnetic deflection. Full wave and Bridge rectifiers (simple Problems) UNIT . TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD (A. Full wave Rectifier with and without filters. any one of the experiments from the following list is required to be conducted : 5. 4. CE Amplifiers.Tech.C. Brake test on 3-phase Induction motor (Determination of performance characteristics) 4. Swinburne’s test on D. Shunt motor by a) Armature Voltage control b) Field flux control method 6. Micro Processor 34 . RC Phase Shift Oscillator 5. In addition to the above four experiments. Class A Power Amplifier 6. (Predetermination of efficiency of a given D. OC and SC tests on single phase transformer (Predetermination of efficiecy and regulation at given power factors) 3. Speed control of D. Shunt machine working as motor and generator). Transistor CE Characteristics (Input and Output) 2. Regulation of alternator by Synchronous impedance method. AME I Semester T 0 P 3 C 2 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING LAB Section A: Electrical Engineering: The following experiments are required to be conducted as compulsory experiments : 1. Shunt machine.) II Year B.C Shunt Motor Section B: Electronics Engineering : 1. 3.P. 2.C.C. Brake test on D. • To teach the student to write programs in Java to solve the problems Recommended Systems/Software Requirements: • • Intel based desktop PC with minimum of 166 MHZ or faster processor with atleast 64 MB RAM and 100 MB free disk space JDK Kit. Add a text field to display the result. and the sum of all the integers (Use StringTokenizer class of java. and then displays each integer. b)Write a Java program that reads a file and displays the file on the screen. Week 7 a)Write a Java program that works as a simple calculator. Recommended T 0 P 3 C 2 Week1 a) Write a Java program that prints all real solutions to the quadratic equation ax2 + bx +c = 0. then displays information about whether the file exists. the second thread displays “Hello” every two seconds and the third thread displays “Welcome” every three seconds. b)Write a Java program that correctly implements producer consumer problem using the concept of inter thread communication. Week 8 a)Write a Java program for handling mouse events. b)Write a Java program to multiply two given matrices. with a line number before each line. b)Write a Java program for sorting a given list of names in ascending order. b)The Fibonacci sequence is defined by the following rule: The fist two values in the sequence are 1 and 1.util) Week 3 a)Write a Java program that checks whether a given string is a palindrome or not. % operations.*. ii) Converts infix expression into Postfix form iii) Evaluates the postfix expression Week 6 a)Develop an applet that displays a simple message. Week 2 a)Write a Java program that prompts the user for an integer and then prints out all prime numbers up to that. integer. If the discriminant b2 -4ac is negative. Ex: MADAM is a palindrome. Every subsequent value is the sum of the two values preceding it. 35 . Week 4 a)Write a Java program that reads a file name from the user. whether the file is writable. AME I Semester OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LAB Objectives: • To make the student learn a object oriented way of solving problems. -. and computes its factorial value and returns it in another text field. when the button named “Compute” is clicked. c)Write a Java Program that reads a line of integers. Read in a. whether the file is readable. Use a grid layout to arrange buttons for the digits and for the +. b)Develop an applet that receives an integer in one text field. c) Write a Java program that displays the number of characters. c and use the quadratic formula. Week 5 a)Write a Java program that: i) Implements stack ADT. c)Write a Java program to make frequency count of words in a given text. the type of file and the length of the file in bytes. display a message stating that there are no real solutions. lines and words in a text file. First thread displays “Good Morning” every one second.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B. b.Tech. Write a Java program that uses both recursive and non recursive functions to print the nth value in the Fibonacci sequence. Week 9 a)Write a Java program that creates three threads. Wiley Student Edition. and then sends the result back to the client. The server receives the data.J. uses it to produce a result. or green. yellow. 36 . rectangles and ovals. The client displays the result on the console. the program would throw an ArithmeticException Display the exception in a message dialog box. Num1 and Num2. Pearson Education/PHI 2. Sixth Edition. b) Suppose that a table named Table. Sixth edition. Introduction to Java programming. When a radio button is selected.Provide three classes named Trapezoid. The program lets the user select one of three lights : red. If Num1 or Num2 were not an integer. The division of Num1 and Num2 is displayed in the Result field when the Divide button is clicked.Week 10 a)Write a program that creates a user interface to perform integer divisions. (Use java. and the result produced by the server is the area of the circle. The elements are seperated by commas.Dietel. Triangle and Hexagon such that each one of the classes extends the class Shape. Each one of the classes contains only the method numberOfSides ( ) that shows the number of sides in the given geometrical figures. Java How to Program.Daniel Liang. Write a java program to display the table using JTable component. TEXT BOOKS : 1. b)Write a Java program that allows the user to draw lines. and the remaining lines correspond to rows in the table. If Num2 were Zero. Big Java.txt is stored in a text file.Dietel and P. Pearson Education 3. For ex: The data sent from the client is the radius of a circle. Y. Cay Horstmann. the program would throw a NumberFormatException. The client sends data to a server.net) Week 12 a)Write a java program that simulates a traffic light. The first line in the file is the header. The user enters two numbers in the textfields. Week 13 a)Write a java program to create an abstract class named Shape that contains an empty method named numberOfSides ( ). H. Wiley India Private Limited. 2nd edition.M. and only one light can be on at a time No light is on when the program starts. Week 11 a)Write a Java program that implements a simple client/server application. the light is turned on. χ2 test. UNIT-II Random variables – Discrete and continuous – Distribution – Distribution function. V. UNIT-VI Test of Hypothesis – Means– Hypothesis concerning one and two means– Type I and Type II errors. One tail. 2. F-test. Krishna Gandhi and Others. Iyengar. G. UNIT-IV Sampling distribution: Populations and samples . Prentice Hall of India.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B. Academic Press. 2. Text Books: 1. Guru Swamy. S. Book Links. T 4+1* P 0 C 4 37 . Anuradha Publishers. References: 1. Estimation of proportions. K. two-tail tests. Probability & Statistics. Probability & Statistics for Engineers. T. V. Mendan Hall. sums and differences. Probability & Statistics. UNIT-VII Tests of significance – Student’s t-test. Murugeson & P. Miller and John E. S. Distribution UNIT-III Binomial and poison distributions Normal distribution – related properties. D. UNIT-V Estimation: Point estimation – interval estimation . 4.Tech. K. Beaver Thomson Publishers. 3.Sampling distributions of mean (known and unknown) proportions. UNIT-VIII Queuing Theory: Pure Birth and Death Process M/M/1 Model and Simple Problems. Freund.Bayesian estimation. Arnold O. Probability & Statistics. AME II Semester PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS UNIT-I Probability: Sample space and events – Probability – The axioms of probability – Some Elementary theorems . A text book of Probability & Statistics.Conditional probability – Baye’s theorem. Probability & Statistics. Shahnaz Bathul. Chand & Company. B. Allen. Fuel feed pumps. Unit VI Fuel injection in CI Engines: Fuel filters. zenith carburetor etc. MacMillan UK 38 . Air and water cooling systems. connecting rod. cylinder port and manifold injection systems. valve mechanisms.P. Gasoline direct injection. Gudgeon pin. classification of lubricating oils. scavenging efficiency. cylinder liner. lubricating systems -wet sump lubrication . S. crankcase. Means of compensation during starting. Unit-V Advantages of petrol injection. Obert I C Engines & Air Pollution – Harper & Row Publications 5.Dhanpat Rai 3. Unit-II Two stroke and four stroke engines: different types of scavenging systems for 2stroke engines. field and lab tests. Text Books: 1. oil additives. their functions. Wankle rotary. SAE Publications 2. B. Unit-III Automobile Engine Components: Classification. References Books: 1. SAE Publications 6. Unit – VII Governors: Maximum and minimum speed governors. Function. variable compression ratio engines and Variable valve timing engines. Internal Combustion Engines. oil sump and crank case. AME II Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 Automotive Engines Unit-I Introduction: Historical development of Automobiles. piston. Heinz Heistler.dry sump lubrication. ML Mathur & RPSharma -A course in Internal combustion Engines . rotary distributor pumps. supercharging and turbo charging. Petrol Injection: Disadvantages of carburetion. Valve & Valve gear. Inlet and Exhaust manifolds.C engines like Sterling. Constructional details and Manufacturing process of engine components. crankshaft. Fuel spray characteristics: Types of injection nozzles and their characteristics. flywheel. Relative merits and demerits in comparison to four stroke engines. pressure waves in fuel lines. timed and continuous injection systems. K Newton and Steeds -The Motor Vehicle. need to have a close control over air fuel ratio in SI Engines for emission reduction. simple. transfer pumps. cylinder block. Carburetor adjustments. Bosch Diesel Engine management – Bosch Publication 3. Types of carburetors. Bearings. Unit – VIII Lubrication Systems: Functions of the lubrication system. I. methods of mixture correction. Richard Stone. thermo syphon and forced water cooling systems. calculation of throat and jet sizes of a carburetor. oil pumps. Diesel fuel pumps: principle Delivery characteristics of fuel pumps.Tech. principles of I. Mechanical and pneumatic governors. injection pumps. V Ganesan . carburetor. special types of I. Cylinder head. characteristic injection lag effect of injection.U. multipoint fuel injection systems.C Engines. Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines. idling and acceleration. Different Types of Automotive Power plants.C engine operation and classification of engines. Bosch Gasoline Engines management – Bosch Publications 2. piston ring. pintle and Pintaux nozzles. camshaft. Materials. Unit-IV Carburetion: Mixture requirements in SI Engines. fundamental of carburetion flow characteristics of carburetion.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B. Valve and Port timing diagrams. crankcase ventilation. Injection nozzles. Multihole. oil filters. Unit injectors. b) Types of sections – selection of section planes and drawing of sections and auxiliary sectional views. b) Other machine parts . spigot and socket pipe joint. Assembly Drawings: Drawings of assembled views for the part drawings of the following using conventions and easy drawing proportions. nuts. Venkata Reddy / New Age/ Publishers REFERENCES : 1. gears. AME II Semester T 0 P 6 C 4 MACHINE DRAWING Machine Drawing Conventions : Need for drawing conventions – introduction to ISI conventions a) Conventional representation of materials.Narayana. c) Valves : Steam stop valve. cottered joints and knuckle joint. S.Screws jacks.Kannaiah & K.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B. II. e) Journal. bolts. Eccentrics. nuts. centers.L. webs. curved and tapered features. piston assembly. Machine Drawing – P. ribs. stud bolts.S. common machine elements and parts such as screws. general rules for sizes and placement of dimensions for holes. location and details . Drawing of Machine Elements and simple parts Selection of Views. Machine Drawing –K. Petrol Engine connecting rod.common abbreviations & their liberal usage e) Types of Drawings – working drawings for machine parts. c) Rivetted joints for plates d) Shaft coupling. b) Keys. TEXT BOOKS : 1. bolts. Machine Drawing – Dhawan. a) Engine parts – stuffing boxes.Rajput 39 . Machine Drawing – Luzzader 3. Machine Vices Plummer block. spring loaded safety valve. 2. feed check valve and air cock. Tailstock. additional views for the following machine elements and parts with every drawing proportions.Gill. The student should be able to provide working drawings of actual parts. their size. Parts not usually sectioned. tap bolts. c) Methods of dimensioning. NOTE : First angle projection to be adopted. set screws. P.Chand Publications 2. d) Title boxes. I. keys. pivot and collar and foot step bearings. a) Popular forms of Screw threads. Machine Drawing . cross heads.Tech. angular speed ratio. turning. materials used for belt and rope drives. UNIT . partially or successfully constrained and incompletely constrained . slip of belt. velocity ratio of belt drives. UNIT – VIII GEAR TRAINS: Introduction – Train value – Types – Simple and reverted wheel train – Epicyclic gear Train. selection of belt drive.Tech. HYDERABAD II Year B. Bevel and worm gearing. Plane motion of body : Instantaneous center of rotation. Belt and rope drives. concave and convex flanks. MACHINES : Mechanism and machines – classification of machines – kinematic chain – inversion of mechanism – inversion of mechanism – inversions of quadric cycle. tensions for flat belt drive. condition for constant velocity ratio for transmission of motion. classification of chains. Hart and Scott Russul – Grasshopper – Watt T. determination of Coriolis component of acceleration. diagrams for simple mechanisms and determination of angular velocity of points and links. Methods of finding train value or velocity ratio – Epicyclic gear trains. maximum tension of belt.II STRAIGHT LINE MOTION MECHANISMS : Exact and approximate copiers and generated types – Peaucellier. velocity and acceleration of slider – Acceleration diagram for a given mechanism. Condition for minimum number of teeth to avoid interference.length. Coriolis acceleration.types of belt drives. Analysis of motion of followers : Roller follower – circular cam with straight. UNIT – V CAMS : Definitions of cam and followers – their uses – Types of followers and cams – Terminology – Types of follower motion .Uniform velocity – Simple harmonic motion and uniform acceleration.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY. centroids and axodes – relative motion between two bodies – Three centres in line theorem – Graphical determination of instantaneous centre. AME II Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 KINEMATICS OF MACHINERY UNIT – I MECHANISMS : Elements or Links – Classification – Rigid Link. rolling. Ackermans steering gear – velocity ratio. creep of belt. UNIT – IV STEERING Mechanisms : Conditions for correct steering – Davis Steering gear. Chains. screw and spherical pairs – lower and higher pairs – closed and open pairs – constrained motion – completely. 40 . HOOKE’S JOINT : Single and double Hooke’s joint – Universial coupling – application – problems. UNIT – VI Higher pairs. Analysis of Mechanisms : Analysis of slider crank chain for displacement . Pantograph. Maximum velocity and maximum acceleration during outward and return strokes in the above 3 cases. Chebicheff and Robert Mechanisms and straight line motion. centrifugal tension. Kleins construction. angle of contact. UNIT – III KINEMATICS : Velocity and acceleration – Motion of link in machine – Determination of Velocity and acceleration diagrams – Graphical method – Application of relative velocity method four bar chain. UNIT – VII Belt Rope and Chain Drives : Introduction. Velocity of sliding – phenomena of interferences – Methods of interference. expressions for arc of contact and path of contact – Introduction to Helical. flexible and fluid link – Types of kinematic pairs – sliding. Selection of gear box-Differential gear for an automobile. Form of teeth: cycloidal and involute profiles. friction wheels and toothed gears – types – law of gearing. chain – single and double slider crank chains.V-belts. K Bansal 3.TEXT BOOKS : 1. Tata McGraw Hill Publishers 2. The theory of Machines /Shiegley/ Oxford.Rattan.S. 6. Theory of Machines R. 41 . Theory of Machines Sadhu Singh Pearsons Edn 4. Mechanism and Machine Theory / JS Rao and RV Dukkipati / New Age 5.K Gupta REFERENCES : 1.S Khurmi & J. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms-S. Theory of Machines by Thomas Bevan/ CBS 2. Theory of machines – PL. Theory of Machines / R. Balaney/khanna publishers. Case studies. Scope and Importance – Need for Public Awareness. Marine pollution e. poaching of wildlife.Food chains.II Natural Resources : Renewable and non-renewable resources – Natural resources and associated problems – Forest resources – Use and over – exploitation. .Tech.Producers. . lakes. -Environment Protection Act.Hot-sports of biodiversity .V Environmental Pollution : Definition. -Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. India as a megadiversity nation .IV Biodiversity and its conservation : Introduction .I Multidisciplinary nature of Environmental Studies: Definition. . manwildlife conflicts. UNIT . . . characteristic features.Food resources: World food problems. Nuclear hazards Solid waste Management : Causes. conflicts over water..Energy resources: Growing energy needs. global warming. Cause. social. streams. . drought. Biodiversity at global.Introduction. AME II Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES UNIT . . -Climate change. man induced landslides. Case Studies.Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. food webs and ecological pyramids. consumers and decomposers. case studies. dams and other effects on forest and tribal people – Water resources – Use and over utilization of surface and ground water – Floods. case studies – Timber extraction – Mining.VI Social Issues and the Environment : From Unsustainable to Sustainable development -Urban problems related to energy -Water conservation. salinity. rivers. UNIT . renewable and non-renewable energy sources use of alternate energy sources. species and ecosystem diversity. . Noise pollution f. types. . structure and function of the following ecosystem: a. National and local levels. . ozone layer depletion.Structure and function of an ecosystem. Aquatic ecosystems (ponds. .Value of biodiversity: consumptive use. Desert ecosystem d. watershed management -Resettlement and rehabilitation of people. Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles. .Bio-geographical classification of India . land degradation. -Wasteland reclamation.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B. Land resources: Land as a resource. soil erosion and desertification. Air pollution b. Case Studies -Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions. dams – benefits and problems Mineral resources: Use and exploitation. rain water harvesting.Energy flow in the ecosystem . fertilizer-pesticide problems. UNIT . earthquake.Disaster management: floods. Soil pollution d.Definition: genetic. cyclone and landslides. effects of modern agriculture.. acid rain. oceans. UNIT . Water pollution c. Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources. Forest ecosystem b.Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss. Thermal pollution g. effects and control measures of : a.III Ecosystems : Concept of an ecosystem.Endangered and endemic species of India . aesthetic and option values . its problems and concerns. environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources. nuclear accidents and holocaust.Ecological succession. Grassland ecosystem c. ethical. -Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) 42 . changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing. deforestation. estuaries) UNIT .Pollution case studies.Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Exsitu conservation of biodiversity. -Consumerism and waste products. water logging. case studies. effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes. productive use. . Anji Reddy. -Value Education. -Environment and human health.VII Human Population and the Environment : Population growth. BS Publication. -Women and Child Welfare. -Public awareness. 2 Environmental Studies by R. Study of simple ecosystems-pond. -Case Studies. variation among nations. etc. insects. birds. Population explosion .Family Welfare Programme. Oxford University Press. UNIT . -Human Rights. -Role of information Technology in Environment and human health. UNIT . -HIV/AIDS. REFERENCE: 1 Textbook of Environmental Sciences and Technology by M. Rajagopalan. hill slopes. TEXT BOOK: 1 Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses by Erach Bharucha for University Grants Commission.Act -Wildlife Protection Act -Forest Conservation Act -Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation. 43 . river.VIII Field work : Visit to a local area to document environmental assets River /forest grassland/hill/mountain -Visit to a local polluted site-Urban/Rural/industrial/ Agricultural Study of common plants. UNIT – VI COMPRESSORS – Classification –positive displacement and roto dynamic machinery – Power producing and power absorbing machines. Heat Loss Factor.isentropic efficiency. Cooling and Lubrication. UNIT-VIII Axial Flow Compressors : Mechanical details and principle of operation – velocity triangles and energy transfer per stage degree of reaction. UNIT VII Rotary (Positive displacement type) : Roots Blower. undercooling. stage compression. Volumetric Efficiency. Brake power – Determination of frictional losses and indicated power – Performance test – Heat balance sheet and chart. pre-ignition and knocking (explanation of ) – Fuel requirements and fuel rating.K. I. Air – Standard..C. Ignition. Isothermal efficiency volumetric efficiency and effect of clearance.C. Engines / V. fuel consumption. blower and compressor – positive displacement and dynamic types – reciprocating and rotary types. exhaust gas composition. I. Thermal Engineering / Rajput / Lakshmi Publications. Thermal Engineering / Rudramoorthy . Yadav/ Central Book Depot.I.Working principles. Loss due to Rubbing Friction. UNIT-II I. work done factor . REFERENCES: 1. UNIT – III Combustion in S.I.TMH 4. air-fuel and actual cycles . work required. Reciprocating : Principle of operation.pressure rise calculations – Polytropic efficiency. slip factor. Thermodynamics & Heat Engines / B.I UNIT – I Actual Cycles and their Analysis: Introduction. vane sealed compressor. Thermal Engineering – R. Comparison of Air Standard and Actual Cycles.C. Engines : Normal Combustion and abnormal combustion – Importance of flame speed and effect of engine variables – Type of Abnormal combustion. 6. TEXT BOOKS: 1. anti knock additives – combustion chamber – requirements.TMH 2.Engine systems – Fuel. power input factor.Chand 7. suction.S.Gupta – S. minimum work condition for stage compression. fan. Allahabad 5.measurement of cylinder pressure. pressure coefficient and adiabatic coefficient – velocity diagrams – power. 2. Time Loss Factor.Tech. Exhaust Blowdown-Loss due to Gas exchange process. Dynamic Compressors : Centrifugal compressors: Mechanical details and principle of operation – velocity and pressure variation. AME II Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 THERMAL ENGINEERING . IC Engines/ Ramalingam/ Scietech publishers 44 . Actual and Fuel-Air Cycles Of CI Engines. Engines / Heywood /McGrawHIll. types.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B. UNIT IV Combustion in C. Energy transfer-impeller blade shape-losses. IC Engines – Mathur & Sharma – Dhanpath Rai & Sons. Khurmi & J. compression and combustion induced turbulence – open and divided combustion chambers and nozzles used – fuel requirements and fuel rating. UNIT – V Testing and Performance : Parameters of performance . Carburetor. air intake. Valve and Port Timing Diagrams. Lysholm compressor – mechanical details and principle of working – efficiency considerations. saving of work. Engines : Four stages of combustion – Delay period and its importance – Effect of engine variables – Diesel Knock– Need for air movement. Fuel Injection System. ENGINES : Classification . GANESAN. Engineering fundamentals of IC Engines – Pulkrabek / Pearson /PHI 3. Punch shear test T 0 P 3 2 C 45 . 3. Test on springs 6. AME II Semester METALLURGY AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS LAB (A) METALLURGY LAB : 1. Torsion test 4. 7. To find out the hardness of various treated and untreated steels. 5. 2. (B) MECHNICS OF SOLIDS LAB : 1. Direct tension test 2.Tech. Study of the Micro Structures of Cast Irons. high – C steels. Hardness test a) Brinells hardness test b) Rockwell hardness test 5. Preparation and study of the Microstructure of Mild steels. low carbon steels. Hardeneability of steels by Jominy End Quench Test.2007-2008 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B. 6. Study of the Micro Structures of Non-Ferrous alloys. 4. Preparation and study of the Micro Structure of pure metals like Iron. Bending test on a) Simple supported b) Cantilever beam 3. Impact test 8. Cu and Al. Study of the Micro structures of Heat treated steels. Compression test on cube 7. Tech. AME II Semester THERMAL ENGINEERING LAB 1.C. Engines Heat Balance.C. Engines Valve / Port Timing Diagrams I. 8. T 0 P 3 C 2 46 .C. 6. Engines Performance Test( 4 -Stroke Diesel Engines ) I. Engines Performance Test on 2-Stroke Petrol Evaluation of Engine friction by conducting Morse test on 4-Stroke Multi cylinder Petrol Engine and retardation and motoring test on 4. 5. 10.C. 9.Engines Air/Fuel Ratio and Volumetric Efficiency Performance Test on Variable Compression Ratio Engines.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II Year B. 7. 4. economical speed test.C. 3. 2. Performance Test on Reciprocating Air – Compressor Unit Study of Boilers Dis-assembly / Assembly of Engines. I. I.stroke diesel engine I. Law of Demand and its exceptions. Features of Perfect competition. Internal and External Economies of Scale.Final Accounts (Trading Account. Out of pocket costs vs. Sultan Chand. Changing Business Environment in Post-liberalization scenario. Market Skimming Pricing. Penetration Pricing. methods of demand forecasting (survey methods. Estimation of Fixed and Working capital requirements. Fixed vs. test marketing. Block Pricing. Price-Output Determination in case of Perfect Competition and Monopoly. and Profitability ratios (Gross Profit Ratio. features of capital budgeting proposals. 2005. Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) and Net Present Value Method (simple problems) Unit VII Introduction to Financial Accounting: Double-Entry Book Keeping. Variable costs. TMH. Break-even Analysis (BEA)-Determination of Break-Even Point (simple problems). Joint Stock Company. Implicit costs. Measurement and Significance of Elasticity of Demand. Ledger. Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet with simple adjustments). AME I Semester MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Unit I Introduction to Managerial Economics: Definition. judgmental approach to demand forecasting) Unit III Theory of Production and Cost Analysis: Production Function – Isoquants and Isocosts. Methods and sources of raising finance. Operating Ratio. Sealed Bid Pricing. Net Profit ratio. Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition. Cost Analysis: Cost concepts. Activity Ratios (Inventory turnover ratio and Debtor Turnover ratio). P/E Ratio and EPS). statistical methods. MRTS. Unit II Elasticity of Demand: Definition. Public Enterprises and their types. Going Rate Pricing. Unit VIII Financial Analysis through ratios: Computation. Bundling Pricing. Opportunity cost. Cross Subsidization. Interest Coverage ratio). Limit Pricing. Partnership. Objectives and Policies of Pricing. 2. Trial Balance. Types of Capital. Unit V Business & New Economic Environment: Characteristic features of Business. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics–Demand Analysis: Demand Determinants. Journal. Analysis and Interpretation of Liquidity Ratios (Current Ratio and quick ratio). Two-Part Pricing. Imputed costs. Factors governing demand forecasting. Features and evaluation of Sole Proprietorship. Types. Peak Load Pricing. 2/e. Demand Forecasting. T 4+1* P 0 C 4 47 . Cobb-Douglas Production function. controlled experiments. Aryasri: Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis. Least Cost Combination of Inputs.Tech. Unit VI Capital and Capital Budgeting: Capital and its significance.Managerial Significance and limitations of BEA.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B.Equity ratio. Varshney & Maheswari: Managerial Economics.Methods of Pricing: Cost Plus Pricing. Explicit costs Vs. expert opinion method. Methods of Capital Budgeting: Payback Method. Nature and scope of capital budgeting. Marginal Cost Pricing. Unit IV Introduction to Markets & Pricing Policies: Market structures: Types of competition. 2003. Laws of Returns. Capital structure Ratios (Debt. . 4th Ed. Lipsey & Chrystel. Truet and Truet: Managerial Economics:Analysis. Oxford University Press. Siddiqui. 10.Maheswari & S. 6. Pearson Education. Craig Peterson & W. PHI.K. New Delhi. Vikas. Raghunatha Reddy & Narasimhachary: Managerial Economics& Financial Analysis. 48 . Problems and Cases. Scitech. 4. Vikas. S. 3.REFERENCES: 1. Dwivedi:Managerial Economics. 2. 11. Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis.N. Managerial Economics. Financial Accounting. 5. New age International Space Publications. 7. Economics. S. A. 9. Maheswari. Narayanaswamy: Financial Accounting—A Managerial Perspective. 8. Wiley. Financial Accounting for Management. Oxford University Press. Cris Lewis. H. Domnick Salvatore: Managerial Economics In a Global Economy. Suma Damodaran. 6th Ed. Thomson. S. Ambrish Gupta. Managerial Economics. 4th Edition. PHI. Siddiqui & A. UNIT VII Performance of hydraulic turbines : Geometric similarity. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by Rajput. slip. UNIT III Closed conduit flow: Reynold’s experiment. path line and streak lines and stream tube. REFERENCES : 1. heads and efficiencies.vapor pressure and their influence on fluid motion. U-tube and differential manometers. 2.atmospheric gauge and vacuum pressure – measurement of pressure. inclined. momentum equation and its application on force on pipe bend. Riley . Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering by D. UNIT VI Hydraulic Turbines : Classification of turbines. hydraulic design –draft tubetheoryfunctions and efficiency.total energy line-hydraulic gradient line.Tech.S.4) UNIT IV Basics of turbo machinery : Hydrodynamic force of jets on stationary and moving flat. Kotaria & Sons.Darcy Weisbach equation.pipes in series and pipes in parallel. Turbine flow meter (Ref. Fluid dynamics : Surface and body forces –Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equations for flow along a stream line. fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machinery MODI and SETH. Pelton wheel. Hydraulics. laminar. velocity diagrams. indicator diagrams. 49 .losses and efficienciesspecific speed. Flow nozzle. Dally. 2. mass curve (explanation only) estimation of power developed from a given catchment area. and curved vanes. AME I Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 FLUID MECHANICS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINERY UNIT I Fluid statics : Dimensions and units: physical properties of fluids. 2004 (Chapter 12 – Fluid Flow Measurements).specific gravity. Measurement of flow: pilot tube. NPSH. efficiencies . Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine-working proportions. New Age International.Minor losses in pipes. uniform. and irrotational flows-equation of continuity for one dimensional flow. work done. impulse and reaction turbines. viscosity surface tension. cavitation. characteristic curves.John Wiley & Sons Inc. rotational. classification of flows-steady & unsteady. Kumar. non uniform. governing of turbines. Hydraulic Machines by Banga & Sharma. venturimeter. 3. UNIT VIII Centrifugal pumps : Classification. work don and efficiency. UNIT V Hydroelectric power stations : Elements of hydro electric power station-types-concept of pumped storage plants-storage requirements. surge tank. Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements by James W. Unit and specific quantities. selection of type of turbine. UNIT II Fluid kinematics : Stream line.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B. flow over radial vanes. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery by D. William E. 4.pumps in series and parallel-performance characteristic curves. jet striking centrally and at tip. working. turbulent. Discharge. water hammer. and orifice meter. Reciprocating pumps : Working. work done – manomertic head. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Khanna Publishers.Piezometer. Rama Durgaiah. unsteady and periodic heat transfer – Initial and boundary conditions.Film condensation on vertical and horizontal cylinders using empirical correlations. hollow cylinders and spheres – overall heat transfer coefficient – electrical analogy – Critical radius of insulation One Dimensional Steady State Conduction Heat Transfer : Variable Thermal conductivity – systems with heat sources or Heat generation. UNIT III One Dimensional Transient Conduction Heat Transfer : Systems with negligible internal resistance – Significance of Biot and Fourier Numbers . UNIT VIII Radiation Heat Transfer : Emission characteristics and laws of black-body radiation – Irradiation – total and monochromatic quantities – laws of Planck.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B. Heat Transfer / HOLMAN/TMH 2. Stefan and Boltzmann– heat exchange between two black bodies – concepts of shape factor – Emissivity – heat exchange between grey bodies – radiation shields – electrical analogy for radiation networks. UNIT – V Free Convection : Development of Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer along a vertical plate . Critical Heat flux and Film boiling. Condensation: Film wise and drop wise condensation –Nusselt’s Theory of Condensation on a vertical plate . Heat Transfer – P. Extended surface (fins) Heat Transfer – Long Fin. UNIT – II Simplification and forms of the field equation – steady. condition of flow. AME I Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 HEAT TRANSFER UNIT – I Introduction : Modes and mechanisms of heat transfer – Basic laws of heat transfer –General discussion about applications of heat transfer. Application to error measurement of Temperature. Fin with insulated tip and Short Fin. Cylindrical and Spherical coordinates. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Conduction Heat Transfer : Fourier rate equation – General heat conduction equation in Cartesian.Chart solutions of transient conduction systems.Nag/ TMH 50 .K. Internal Flows : Concepts about Hydrodynamic and Thermal Entry Lengths – Division of internal flow based on this –Use of empirical relations for Horizontal Pipe Flow and annulus flow.Use of empirical relations for Vertical plates and pipes. Momentum and Energy Equations. UNIT VI Heat Transfer with Phase Change: Boiling: – Pool boiling – Regimes Calculations on Nucleate boiling. Wien. configuration of flow and medium of flow – Dimensional analysis as a tool for experimental investigation – Buckingham Pi Theorem and method.dimensional correlation for convection heat transfer – Significance of non-dimensional numbers – Concepts of Continuity.Tech. application for developing semi – empirical non. One Dimensional Steady State Conduction Heat Transfer : Homogeneous slabs. UNIT VII Heat Exchangers: Classification of heat exchangers – overall heat transfer Coefficient and fouling factor – Concepts of LMTD and NTU methods .Problems using LMTD and NTU methods. Kirchoff.Concept of Functional Body UNIT – IV Convective Heat Transfer : Classification of systems based on causation of flow. Lambert. Forced convection: External Flows : Concepts about hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer and use of empirical correlations for convective heat transfer -Flat plates and Cylinders. Dunkerly’s methods. uniform pressure. UNIT-V GOVERNERS : Watt. torsional vibrations. UNIT –VII Balancing of Reciprocating Masses: Primary. motor cycle. AME I Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 DYNAMICS OF MACHINERY UNIT – I PRECESSION : Gyroscopes. Unbalanced forces and couples – examination of “V” multi cylinder in line and radial engines for primary and secondary balancing. General description and methods of operations. Transverse loads. friction circle and friction axis : lubricated surfaces. internal expanding brake.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B.Single Disc or plate clutch. Analytical and graphical methods. Theory of Machines / S. Sensitiveness. UNIT – VIII VIBRATION : Free Vibration of mass attached to vertical spring – oscillation of pendulums. and higher balancing of reciprocating masses. friction of screw and nuts. film lubrication. critical speeds. vibrations of beams with concentrated and distributed loads. Theory of Machines / Shiegly / MGH 3. 51 . crank effort and torque diagrams – Fluctuation of energy – Fly wheels and their design. boundary friction. band brake of vehicle. Multiple Disc Clutch. Theory of Machines / Jagadish Lal & J. UNIT – IV TURNING MOMENT DIAGRAM AND FLY WHEELS : Turning moment – Inertia Torque connecting rod angular velocity and acceleration. locomotive balancing – Hammer blow. two and three rotor systems. effect of precession motion on the stability of moving vehicles such as motor car. pivot and collar. Cone Clutch. isochronism and hunting.Tech. Mechanism and Machine Theory / JS Rao and RV Dukkipati / New Age 2. Graw Hill Publ.Shah / Metropolitan. BRAKES AND DYNAMOMETERS : Simple block brakes. Simple problems on forced damped vibration Vibration Isolation & Transmissibility TEXT BOOKS : 1. UNIT – II FRICTION : Inclined plane. aero planes and ships. centers of oscillation and suspension. UNIT –III Clutches: Friction clutches.M. Whirling of shafts. Dynamometers – absorption and transmission types. uniform wear. Static and dynamic force analysis of planar mechanisms.Chand. Porter and Proell governors. Secondary. Swaying couple. UNIT – VI BALANCING : Balancing of rotating masses Single and multiple – single and different planes.S Ratan/ Mc. Theory of machines / Khurmi/S. variation of tractive efforts. Theory of Machines / Thomas Bevan / CBS Publishers 4. 2. Raleigh’s method. Spring loaded governors – Hartnell and hartung with auxiliary springs. Centrifugal Clutch. REFERENCES : 1. Machine Design / V. Kannaiah Scitech Publishers 2. Bearing life. Bhandari 52 . torsion and combined situations – Static strength design based on fracture toughness. STRESSES IN MACHINE MEMBERS : Simple stresses – Combined stresses – Torsional and bending stresses – impact stresses – stress strain relation – Various theories of failure – factors of safety – Design for strength and rigidity – preferred numbers. Machine design – Pandya & shah. bending. strength and proportions of over hung and center cranks – Crank pins. 3. UNIT – VII ENGINE PARTS : Connecting Rod : Thrust in connecting rod – stress due to whipping action on connecting rod ends – Cranks and Crank shafts. AME I Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 Design of Machine Elements UNIT – I INTRODUCTION : General considerations in the design of Engineering Materials and their properties – selection –Manufacturing consideration in design. UNIT – V Mechanical Springs: Stresses and deflections of helical springs – Extension and DMM – I compression springs – Springs for fatigue loading – natural frequency of helical springs – Energy storage capacity – helical torsion springs – Co-axial springs. Design / JE Shigley 4. UNIT – II STRENGTH OF MACHINE ELEMENTS : Stress concentration – Theoretical stress Concentration factor – Fatigue stress concentration factor notch sensitivity – Design for fluctuating stresses – Endurance limit – Estimation of Endurance strength – Goodman’s line – Soderberg’s line – Modified goodman’s line. Design of Keys-stresses in keys-cottered joints-spigot and socket.Tech. Machine Design / Soundararaja Murthy and shanmugam 3. Crank shafts. UNIT – III Rivited and welded joints – Design of joints with initial stresses Bolted joints – Design of bolts with pre-stresses – both of uniform strength. Mech. Dr P. TEXT BOOKS : 1. bearing materials – journal bearing design – Ball and roller bearings – Static loading of ball & roller bearings. Forces acting on piston – Construction Design and proportions of piston. Design of Machine Elements / V.M. UNIT – VI BEARINGS : Types of Journal bearings – Lubrication – Bearing Modulus – Full and partial bearings – Clearance ratio – Heat dissipation of bearings. UNIT –VIII Pistons. Machine Design / Sarma and Agarwal 5.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B. UNIT – IV SHAFTS. Engg. KEYS AND COTTERS: SHAFTS : Design of solid and hollow shafts for strength and rigidity – Design of shafts for combines bending and axial loads – Shaft sizes – BIS code. REFERENCE BOOKS : 1. sleeve and cotter. The concept of stiffness in tension. Machine design / Schaum Series.. Cylinder timers.V. Faires 2. Tolerances and fits –BIS codes of steels. leaf springs. 53 . The design must not only satisfy strength criteria but also rigidity criteria.Pre-requisite: Strength of materials. KOM Objective: to provide design procedures of some basic mechanical elementals only Not permitted Codes / Tables: Question Paper Pattern: NOTE : Design Data books are not permitted in the Examinations. Gas Turbines and Propulsive Systems – P.II UNIT – I Basic Concepts : Rankine cycle . Concept of Mean Temp0erature of Heat addition. Thermodynamics and Heat Engines / R.L. degree of super saturation and degree of under cooling . Flow through nozzles. Propulsive Efficiency – Specific Impulse – Solid and Liquid propellant Rocket Engines. thermodynamic analysis – assumptions -velocity of nozzle at exit-Ideal and actual expansion in nozzle.Bellaney/ khanna publishers. blade or diagram efficiency – condition for maximum efficiency. Gas Turbines – V. flue gas analysis UNIT II Boilers : Classification – Working principles – with sketches including H. criteria to decide nozzle shape: Super saturated flow. its effects.P.types. Gas Turbines / Cohen./Dhanpatrai 3. velocity coefficient.Chand. De-Laval Turbine . axial thrust. Thermodynamic Cycle. Boiler horse power. Thermal Engineering / R. Brief concepts about compressors.cooling water requirement. adiabatic flame temperature. classification – Height of chimney for given draught and discharge.Wilson line. stoichiometry.S Khurmi/JS Gupta/S.P. UNIT V Reaction Turbine : Mechanical details – principle of operation. degree of reaction –velocity diagram – Parson’s reaction turbine – condition for maximum efficiency. Rockets : Application – Working Principle – Classification – Propellant Type – Thrust.Schematic layout.Tech. UNIT – III Steam Nozzles : Function of nozzle – applications . sources and its affects.Marthur & Mehta/Jain bros. Thrust Power and Propulsion Efficiency – Turbo jet engines – Needs and Demands met by Turbo jet – Schematic Diagram. 5.Dubey . efficiency of chimney – artificial draught.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B. UNIT – VIII Jet Propulsion : Principle of Operation –Classification of jet propulsive engines – Working Principles with schematic diagrams and representation on T-S diagram . Mechanical details – Velocity diagram – effect of friction – power developed. 54 . efficiency and heat balance – Draught. critical pressure ratio. concepts of heat of reaction. condition for maximum discharge. 6. AME I Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 THERMAL ENGINEERING . Thermal Engineering-M.Ganesan /TMH REFERENCES : 1. Thermal Engineering-P. Rajput / Lakshmi Publications 2. thermodynamic analysis of a stage. essential components – parameters of performance – actual cycle – regeneration. Yadav / Central Book Depot 2. Thermal Engineering-R. air pump. UNIT – VII Gas Turbines : Simple gas turbine plant – Ideal cycle. induced and forced.Thrust. UNIT VI Steam Condensers : Requirements of steam condensing plant – Classification of condensers – working principle of different types – vacuum efficiency and condenser efficiency – air leakage. equivalent evaporation. Methods to reduce rotor speed-Velocity compounding and pressure compounding. Thermodynamic Analysis. Combustion: fuels and combustion. inter cooling and reheating –Closed and Semi-closed cycles – merits and demerits.K. UNIT – IV Steam Turbines : Classification – Impulse turbine. Performance Evaluation Thrust Augmentation – Methods. condition for maximum discharge.Boilers – Mountings and Accessories – Working principles.L. Velocity and Pressure variation along the flow – combined velocity diagram for a velocity compounded impulse turbine.its features. Rogers and Saravana Muttoo / Addison Wesley – Longman 4. Methods to improve cycle performance – Regeneration & reheating. TEXT BOOKS : 1.Khajuria & S. combustion chambers and turbines of Gas Turbine Plant. material breakdown of different engines components. necessary adjustments of the engine components. Mech.Testing of I. morse test. crack. indicated thermal efficiency. Drawing head balance sheet for petrol and diesel engines. SI and CI engines using the concepts of torque and assembly diagrams. Test on multi cylinder engines. 2. Determination of lHP. 6. piston ring testing procedure for dismantling and assembling. Valve spring testing. connecting rod alignment.Writing technical specifications and descriptions of all types of automobile engines (petrol and diesel) -materials. Inspection for wear and tear. AME I Semester AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING LABORATORY –I PART-A 1. ii) Measurement of dimensions of different components of the above engines and compare the same with standard specifications. Servicing of engines by paraffin and degruasing methods.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B. Inspection and Assembly of different parts of two wheelers. 3 i) Dismantling.Study of Hand power and measuring tools -sketching. measurement of BHP using different types of dynamometers.C. Assembling the engines with using special tools. 3 wheelers & 4 wheelers. 7. air 'consumption. materials used and their uses. Dismantling. T 0 P 3 C 2 55 .Engines-Basic measurements -speed. Valve and port timing diagrams-determination of compression ratio. fuel. etc. their working principles. Tests on Fuel and Lubricants. volumetric efficiency SFC. PART-B 4. flow. 5.Tech. BHP. efficiency. break thermal efficiency. Tractor & Heavy duty engines covering 2-stroke and 4 stroke. functions with sketches. decarborising procedure. prefixes and suffixes. read. The proposed course should be an integrated theory and lab course to enable students to use ‘good’ English and perform the following: • Gather ideas and information. • Make oral presentations. 2. inferring meaning. Syllabus: The following course content is prescribed for the Advanced Communication Skills Lab: Functional English . • Face interviews. • Write project/research reports/technical reports.  Group Discussion – dynamics of group discussion . answering strategies. planning. through a well-developed vocabulary and enable them to listen to English spoken at normal conversational speed by educated English speakers and respond appropriately in different socio-cultural and professional contexts. • To take part in social and professional communication. a digital stereo –audio & video system and camcorder etc. projecting ones strengths and skill-sets. fluency and coherence.A System.study by learners. V. modulation of voice. a T. relevance. pre-interview planning. data-collection. letter-writing.  Vocabulary building – synonyms and antonyms. planning. skimming. critical reading.  Technical Report writing – Types of formats and styles. coherence and style. LAN facility and English language software for self. Objectives: This Lab focuses on using computer-aided multimedia instruction for language development to meet the following targets: • To improve the students’ fluency in English. scanning. Introduction The introduction of the English Language Lab is considered essential at 3rd year level. Minimum Requirement: The English Language Lab shall have two parts: i) The Computer aided Language Lab for 60 students with 60 systems. AME I Semester ADVANCED ENGLISH COMMUNICATION SKILLS LAB 1.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B. summarizing. • Write formal letters. 4.  Resume’ writing – structure and presentation. clarity. defining the career objective. opening strategies. • Transfer information from non-verbal to verbal texts and vice versa. body language.  Interview Skills – concept and process. analogy.  Reading comprehension – reading for facts. System Requirement ( Hardware component): Computer network with Lan with minimum 60 multimedia systems with the following specifications: ii) P – IV Processor a) Speed – 2.Tech.starting a conversation – responding appropriately and relevantly – using the right body language – role play in different situations. they would be required to communicate their ideas relevantly and coherently in writing. speak and write in English both for their professional and interpersonal communication in the globalised context. interview through tele and video-conferencing. to organise ideas relevantly and coherently. word roots. analysis. study of word origin. • Engage in debates. At this stage the students need to prepare themselves for their careers which may require them to listen to. intervention. ii) The Communication Skills Lab with movable chairs and audio-visual aids with a P. one master console. idioms and phrases. 3. tools..8 GHZ b) RAM – 512 MB Minimum c) Hard Disk – 80 GB  T 0 P 3 C 2 56 . summary. one-word substitutes. subject matter – organization. formats and styles. • Participate in group discussions. • Further. guessing meanings from context. 2005. The End Examination shall be conducted by the teacher concerned with the help of another member of the staff of the same department of the same institution. Suggested Software: • • • Clarity Pronunciation Power – part II Oxford Advanced Learner’s Compass. 7th Edition DELTA’s key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test: Advanced Skill Practice. English Language Communication : A Reader cum Lab Manual Dr A Ramakrishna Rao. Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test by Jolene Gear & Robert Gear. Communication Skills for Engineers by Sunita Mishra & C. Pearson Education. Publishers. 2nd Edition. 15 marks shall be awarded for day-to-day work and 10 marks to be awarded by conducting Internal Lab Test(s). 57 . by Dreamtech TOEFL & GRE( KAPLAN. Tata Mc. Effective Technical Communication. Ashraf Rizvi. 2. Oxford University Press. The practical examinations for the English Language Laboratory practice shall be conducted as per the University norms prescribed for the core engineering practical sessions.Your Success Mantra by Dr. For the English Language lab sessions. S.  Telephone Skills. 2007. Biztantra Publishers. Pearson Education. Rutherford. Academic Writing. 2nd edition. Prentice-Hall of India. 11. 2004. 7. USA. New Age International (P) Ltd. DISTRIBUTION AND WEIGHTAGE OF MARKS: Advanced Communication Skills Lab Practicals: 1. Books Recommended: 1.. Books on TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/CAT by Barron’s/cup 8. 2007. Pauley. Muralikrishna. Basic 12. Chand. Chennai Body Language.  Positive Thinking. Communication Skills by Leena Sen. Cambridge 6.  Decision making • • • • English in Mind. Objective English by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe.iii) Headphones of High quality 5. Suggested Software: The software consisting of the prescribed topics elaborated above should be procured and used. DELTA’s key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test: Advanced Skill Practice. Of the 25 marks. 14. IELTS series with CDs by Cambridge University Press. 4. Prentice-Hall of India.A Practical guide for students by Stephen Bailey. A Course in English communication by Madhavi Apte. Technical Communication by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma. 13. 15. there shall be a continuous evaluation during the year for 25 sessional marks and 50 End Examination marks.  Time Management  Team Building. Riordan & Steven E. 2006. 6. Communication Skills for Technology by Andra J. Anuradha Publications. 2007. 4th Edition. 9. Herbert Puchta and Jeff Stranks with Meredith Levy. Lingua TOEFL CBT Insider. M. Graw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi. Cracking GRE by CLIFFS) The following software from ‘train2success.  Interviewing Skills.com’  Preparing for being Interviewed. 3. Pearson Education. 10. 2. Rontledge Falmer. 5. 2005. 2007. AARCO & BARRONS. Shalini Verma. Technical Report Writing Today by Daniel G. London & New York. Dr G Natanam & Prof SA Sankaranarayanan. UNIT II Designing Organisational Structures : Basic concepts related to Organisation . standard time calculations. inventory classification techniques-ABC and VED analysis. steps involved. UNIT III Plant location. UNIT VIII Introduction to Human Resource Management. steps involved. functional organization. Committee organization. UNIT IV Work study .Tech. duties of purchase of manager. team structure. Marketing.. Inventory Control Systems-Continuous review system-periodical review system. matrix organization. ISO 9000 series procedures. Work measurement. p charts and c charts. Virtual Organisation. lean and flat organization structure) and their merits. and R charts. Types of mechanistic and organic structures of organisation (Line organization.definition. network modeling-probabilistic model. different methods of performance rating. demerits and suitability. types of inspections . attributes control charts. Introduction to TQM-Quality Circles. associated forms. Stores Management and Stores Records.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY. Merit Rating. factors affecting the plant location. Purchase management.allowances. UNIT VI Introduction to PERT / CPM : Project management. UNIT V Materials Management-Objectives. differences with time study.Matrix approach. comparison of rural and urban sites-methods for selection of plant. Cellular Organisation. AME II Semester INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT I Concepts of Management and Organisation – Functions of Management – Evolution of Management Thought : Taylor’s Scientific Management. Douglas Mc-Gregor’s Theory X and Theory Y. different types of evaluation methods. Job Evaluation. types of plant layout – various data analyzing forms-travel chart. T 4+1* P 0 C 4 58 .various types of associated charts-difference between micromotion and memomotion studies.Definition. objectives. marketing mix. wage incentives. Inventory – functions. Acceptance sampling plan.Departmentation and Decentralisation. Work Sampling – definition. critical path method (CPM)-critical path calculation-crashing of simple of networks. marketing vs selling. Fayol’s Principles of Management. Plant Layout – definition. method study . different methods of merit ratings. Mayo’s Hawthorne Experiments.Statistical Quality Control-techniques-variables and attributes-assignable and non assignable causes. objectives.variable control charts. associated costs.single sampling and double sampling plans-OC curves. deterministic model. inverted pyramid structure. Functions of HRM. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs – Systems Approach to Management. definition. boundaryless organization. Job description. objectives. types.definition. UNIT VII Inspection and quality control. steps involved-equipment. standard time calculation. various types of activity times estimation-programme evaluation review techniques.Critical Path-probability of completing the project. Line and staff organization. Hertzberg’s Two Factor Theory of Motivation. different types of wage incentive schemes. time study. product life cycle. HYDERABAD III Year B. types of production.difference with job evaluation. C. 3. 2004. Stoner.Srinath. PERT / CPM. 6th Ed. Ralph M Barnes. L. New Delhi. Human Resource Management. K.Aryasri. Aquilano. Gary Dessler. Vijaya Kumar Reddy. John Wiley and Sons.S. 4. Pearson. Production and Operations Management. REFERENCES : 1. 2004. affiliate East-West Press. 2002. Nadha Muni Reddy and Dr.R. 2002. Amrine. 2003. 2000. Galgotia Publications. 59 . 2005.Tech). Khanna Dhanpat Rai. 7. Management. Operations Management. 2.. Panner Selvam. Pearson Education Asia. 8. A. 9. Manufacturing Organization and Management. Gilbert. 2. Phillip Kotler. 5. Freeman.P. 2nd Edition. 2004. TMH 10th Edition. Tata McGraw-Hill. Chase. Dr. Limited. PHI. Management Science for JNTU (B. 2004. Reliability Engineering & Quality Engineering. 6. Pearson Education. Jacobs. Pvt.TEXT BOOKS: 1. Marketing Management. New Delhi. Motion and Time Studies. Pearson. Industrial Engineering and Management O. angle slip gauges -spirit levels -sine bar -Sif1e plate. Deep hole drilling machine. operations performed. International Standard system for plain ad screwed work. operations performed -tool holding devices ~ twist drill. MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES AND TAPERS: Different methods -Bevel protractor. 60 .Tech. Unit-III Shaping slotting and planing machines -Principles of working -Principal parts -specification classification. fits and their types -unilateral and bilateral tolerance system.Boring machines -Fine boring machines -Jig Boring machine. deviations. Lapping.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B. depth of cut.work holders tool holders -Box tools. Application of suitable limits and tolerances -for correct functioning and economic manufacture and control of size during manufacturing and inspection. hole and shaft basis systems -interchange ability and selective assembly. UNIT-II Turret and capstan lathes -collet chucks -other work holders -tool holding devices -box and tool layout. snap. Principal features of automatic lathes -classification -Single spindle and multi-spindle automatic lathes . feed. machinability -Tool materials. AME II Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 MACHINE TOOLS AND METROLOGY Unit-I Elementary treatment of metal cutting theory -Element of cutting process -cutting speeds. plug ring. specifications. specification of lathe -types of lathe . tool life. Engine lathe -Principle of working. normal size. gap. thread turning -for Lathes and attachments. LIMIT GAUGES: Taylors principle -Design of go and No go gauges. UNIT-IV Grinding machine -Fundamentals -Theory of grinding -classification of grinding machine -cylindrical and surface grinding machine -Tool and cutter grinding machine -special types of grinding machines -Different types of abrassives -bonds specification of a grinding wheel and selection of a grinding wheel. Indian standard Institution system -British standard system. UNIT-V Systems of limits and fits: Introduction. Drilling and Boring Machines -Principles of working. honing and broaching machines -comparison to grinding. UNIT-VI LINEAR MEASUREMENT: Length standard. coolants. Taper turning. vertical and universal milling machines -machining operations. taper. allowance. rollers and spheres used to determine the tapers. micrometers. slip gauges -calibration of the slip gauges. Kinematic schemes of machine tools -Constructional features of speed gear box and feed gear box. profile and position gauges. tolerance limits. types. Milling machine -Principles of working -specifications -classifications of milling machines -Principal features of horizontal. line and end standard. Dial indicator. Gupta. Production Technology by R.M. 3. R10 value.M. R. angle of thread and thread pitch. Vijayan / Anuradha Agencies Publishers.V III MEASUREMENT THROUGH COMPARATORS: Comparators . BIS standards on Limits & Fits. Production Technology by H. Surface Finish. SURFACE ROUGHNESS MEASUREMENT: Differences between surface roughness and surface waviness -Numerical assessment of surface finish -CLA. 2.K. Methods of measurement of surface finish -profilograph.T. Engineering Metrology / R.Unit-VII OPTICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS: Tool maker's microscope and its uses -collimators. auto collimator. UNIT. Machine Tools – C. Jain and S.K. pneumatic comparators and their uses in mass production. Precision Engineering in Manufacturing / RL Ml:rthy / New Age . 2. Manufacturing engineering and Technology / Kalpakjian / A8eis19n Wesley. 5. Talysurf. interferometer. REFERENCEBOOKS: 1.Mechanical. (Hindustan Machine Tools). SCREWTHREAD MEASUREMENT: Element of measurement -errors in screw threads -measurement of effective diameter. 181 symbols for indication of surface finish. Machine Tool Alignment Tests: Brief Treatment of the subject TEXT BOOKS 1. profile thread gauges. 4. Jain / Khanna Publishers 61 . optical projector -optical flats and their uses.C. Electrical and Electronic Comparators. R. FLAT SURFACE MEASUREMENT: Measurement of flat surfaces instruments used -straight edges -surface plates -optical flat. Machine Tool Alignment etc.8 Values -Rz values.Elanchezhian and M. orthogonality principle. energy dissipated by damping equivalent. different types of damping. sharpness or resonance.K.K. undamped free vibration -Natural frequency' of free vibration. McGrawHil1 (schaum's outline series) 4. tyre forces and moments. Unit-VIII Numerical methods for multi degree of freedom systems: Introduction. Mechanical Vibration -By G. Mechanics of Pneumatic Tyre -By S. semi-definite systems. Kinematics of Machinery Objectives: To import knowledge of vibrations due to different aspects like road construction and vibration measuring techniques to the students Tables/Code: Nil Question Paper Pattern: 5 Questions to be answered out of 8 Questions each questions should not have more than 3 bits 62 . 5. concept of response. SAE recommended terminologies of tyre road interaction. tyre traction on dry and wet surface.K. Seto. free vibration. base excitation. steady state solution with viscous damping due to harmonic force solution by complex algebra. concept of critical damping and its importance. forced vibration. TEXTBOOKS: 1. Vibration Theory & Applications -By William I Thomson. response study of viscous damped systems for cases of under damping and over damping. harmonic excitation. Dunkerley's equation.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B. physics of tyre traction on dry and wet surface. viscous damping. fixed free and fixed ends.problems. forced oscillations.method of determination of all the natural frequencies using sweeping matrix and orthogonality principle. stiffness of spring elements. Structural damping. Unit-II Damped free vibration: Single degree of freedom systems. Newton's method and D' Alembert's principle. compensated suspension systems forced vibration. Prentice Hall 6. AME II Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 VEHICLE DYNAMICS Unit-I Undamped free vibration: Single degree of freedom Systems.Giri. reciprocating and rotating unbalance. Mechanical Vibration Analysis -By PSrinivasan. Nernchand & Brothers 2. Khanna Pub. whirling of shafts with and without air damping. Unit-IV Vibration measuring instruments -Accelerometers and vibrometers. Lagranges equation. Maxwell's reciprocal theorem. vibration due to road roughness. vibration due to road roughness. logarithmic decrement. effects of spring mass. Unit-VI Vehicle vibrations: Vehicle vibration with single degree of freedom free vibration. principle modes and normal modes" co-ordinate coupling. Unit-III Forced vibration: Single degree of freedom systems. TMH 7. Wife) international Prerequisites: Engineering mechanics. Rayleigh's method. Prentice Hall 3.Grovcr. vibration due to engine unbalance. Unit-V Systems with two degree of freedom : Introduction. Problems in Automobile Mechanics-By N. influence coefficients. free vibrations in terms of natural conditions. Mechanical Vibration -By Church. Theory & Problems of Mechanical Vibration -By William W. generalised and principle co-ordinate.Cfark. introduction. method of matrix iteration. Unit-VII Different types of tyres – Materials used: Tyre construction. Mechanics of Solids. vibration isolation Transmissibility ratio. Holzer's method for systems with free. discussion of speeds above and below critical speeds. Energy method. transmissibility of engine mounting vibration with two degree of freedom.Tech. 2007-08 JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B.Tech. AME II Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 CAD / CAM UNIT – I Computers in Industrial Manufacturing, Product cycle, CAD / CAM Hardware, Basic structure, CPU, Memory types, input devices, display devices, hard copy devices, storage devices. UNIT – II Computer Graphics : Raster scan graphics coordinate system, database structure for graphics modeling, transformation of geometry, 3D transformations, mathematics of projections, clipping, hidden surface removal. UNIT – III Geometric modeling : Requirements, geometric models, geometric construction models, curve representation methods, surface representation methods, modeling facilities desired. UNIT – IV Drafting and Modeling systems : Basic geometric commands, layers, display control commands, editing, dimensioning, solid modeling. UNIT – V Numerical control : NC, NC modes, NC elements, NC machine tools, structure of CNC machine tools, features of Machining center, turning center, CNC Part Programming : fundamentals, manual part programming methods, Computer Aided Part Programming. UNIT – VI Group Tech : Part family, coding and classification, production flow analysis, advantages and limitations, Computer Aided Processes Planning, Retrieval type and Generative type. UNIT – VII Computer aided Quality Control: Terminology in quality control, the computer in QC, contact inspection methods, noncontact inspection methods-optical, noncontact inspection methods-nonoptical, computer aided testing, integration of CAQC with CAD/CAM. UNIT – VIII Computer integrated manufacturing systems: Types of Manufacturing systems, Machine tools and related equipment, material handling systems, computer control systems, human labor in the manufacturing systems, CIMS benefits. TEXT BOOKS : 1. CAD / CAM A Zimmers & P.Groover/PE/PHI 2. CAD / CAM Theory and Practice / Ibrahim Zeid / TMH REFERENCES : 1. Automation , Production systems & Computer integrated Manufacturing/ Groover/P.E 2. CAD / CAM / CIM / Radhakrishnan and Subramanian / New Age 3. Principles of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing / Farid Amirouche / Pearson 4. CAD/CAM: Concepts and Applications/Alavala/ PHI 5. Computer Numerical Control Concepts and programming / Warren S Seames / Thomson. 63 2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B.Tech. AME II Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 ROBOTICS UNIT – I Introduction: Automation and Robotics, CAD/CAM and Robotics – An over view of Robotics – present and future applications – classification by coordinate system and control system. UNIT – II Components of the Industrial Robotics: Function line diagram representation of robot arms, common types of arms. Components, Architecture, number of degrees of freedom – Requirements and challenges of end effectors, determination of the end effectors, comparison of Electric, Hydraulic and Pneumatic types of locomotion devices. UNIT – III Motion Analysis: Homogeneous transformations as applicable to rotation and translation – problems. UNIT – IV Manipulator Kinematics: Specifications of matrices, D-H notation joint coordinates and world coordinates Forward and inverse kinematics – problems. UNIT – V Differential transformation and manipulators, Jacobians – problems.Dynamics: Lagrange – Euler and Newton – Euler formations – Problems. UNIT VI Trajectory planning and avoidance of obstacles, path planning, Skew motion, joint integrated motion – straight line motion – Robot programming, languages and software packages. UNIT VII Robot actuators and Feed back components: Actuators: Pneumatic, Hydraulic actuators, electric & stepper motors. Feedback components: position sensors – potentiometers, resolvers, encoders – Velocity sensors. UNIT VIII Robot Application in Manufacturing: Material Transfer - Material handling, loading and unloadingProcessing - spot and continuous arc welding & spray painting - Assembly and Inspection. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Industrial Robotics / Groover M P /Pearson Edu. 2. Robotics and Control / Mittal R K & Nagrath I J / TMH. REFERENCES : 1. Robotics / Fu K S/ McGraw Hill. 2. An Introduction to Robot Technology, / P. Coiffet and M. Chaironze / Kogam Page Ltd. 1983 London. 3. Robotic Engineering / Richard D. Klafter, Prentice Hall 4. Robot Analysis and Intelligence / Asada and Slow time / Wiley Inter-Science. 5. Introduction to Robotics / John J Craig / Pearson Edu. 6. Robot Dynamics & Control – Mark W. Spong and M. Vidyasagar / John Wiley & Sons (ASIA) Pte Ltd. 64 2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B.Tech. AME II Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL AND AUTORONICS Unit-I Storage Battery: Principles of lead acid cells and their characteristics. construction and working of lead acid battery. types of batteries, testing of batteries, effect of temperature on capacity and voltage, battery capacity, voltage, efficiency, charging of batteries, sulphation and desulphation, maintenance and servicing. Fault diagnosis. New developments in electrical storage. Unit-II Ignition System: Conventional ignition system and study of its components. Types of ignition systems, spark advance and retarding mechanisms. Types of spark plugs, ignition timing, maintenance, servicing and fault diagnosis. Electronic ignition systems, programmed ignition, distributorless ignition. Unit-III a) Starter motor: Construction and working of series and shunt automotive starter motor, types of device arrangement, solenoid switches, starter motor troubles and repairs. b) Electronic controls of carburetion, component of fuel injection systems, multipoint injection. Bosch Lvariation electronic control diesel fuel injection. Unit - IV Charging system: Principle of generation of direct current. Principle, construction and working of alternator generating systems. Maintenance, servicing and trouble shooting. Bosch com- pact alternator. Unit-V Wiring for auto electrical Systems: Earth return and insulated return systems, six volt and twelve volt systems, fusing of circuits, low and high voltage automotive cables, wiring diagram for typical automotive wiring systems, maintenance and servicing. Unit-VI Dash board units and electrical accessories: Principle of automobile illumination, head lamp construction and wiring, horn, wind screen wiper signalling devices, fog lamps, auxiliary lighting , temperature gauge, oil pressure gauge, fuel gauge, speedometer, odometer. Unit – VII Number system codes and data representation: Binary numbers, number base conversion, decimal, octal and hexa-decimal numbers, BCD codes, memory representation of positive and negative integers, conversion real numbers. floating point notations and representations of floating point numbers, binary arithmetics, addition and subtraction of binary numbers, ones and two’s complement method. Unit - VIII Logic gates, arithmetic circuits and introduction to microprocessors: Study of basic and universal logic gates, study of X-OR and X-NOR gates. flip flop, S-R, S-J flip flop and counters and shift resistance, half adders and subtractors. TEXTBOOKS: 1. Automotive Electrical auxiliary systems -By N. R. Khatawale 2. Digital Logic and Computer Design by Mano, Prentice hall of India REFERENCES:1. Automotive Electrical systems -By Young and Griffith, Butterworth 2. Basic automotive electrical systems -By C.P.Nakra, Dhanpat Rai. 3. Automotive mechanics -By William H. Grouse, TMH 5. Modem Electrical Equipments -By A. W. Judge, 4. Automotive Electrical Equipment -By P.l. Kohli, TMH 65 2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B. 9. Sine bars. Machine tool “alignment of test on the lathe. Milling machine. 2. 2. etc. Cylindrical Surface Grinding 9. Shaper. 4. 5. Machine tool alignment test on milling machine. Milling 8. Surface roughness measurement by Taly Surf. Use of gear teeth. Measurement of bores by internal micrometers and dial bore indicators. Thread cutting and knurling on -lathe machine. heights. 66 . Thread measurement by Two wire/ Three wire method or Tool makers microscope. Planing machine. Cylindrical Grinder. 3. Section B : 1. diameters by vernier calipers micrometers etc. vernier calipers and checking the chordal addendum and chordal height of spur gear. slotting machine. surface grinder and tool and cutter grinder. 4. Introduction of general purpose machines -Lathe. Use of spirit level in finding the flatness of surface plate. Drilling machine. Tool makers microscope and its application 7.Tech. AME II Semester T 0 P 3 2 C METROLOGY AND MACHINE TOOLS LAB Section A : 1. 11. 8. Measurement of lengths. Grinding of Tool angles. Step turning and taper turning on lathe machine 3. Angle and taper measurements by Bevel protractor. Slotting 7. Shaping and Planing 6. Surface Wear Resistances Test using Electro Spark Coating Device. Drilling and Tapping 5. 6. 10. Representation of Dimensioning and tolerances scanning and plotting. CAD/CAM Lab: 1. Determination deflections component and principal and Von-mises stresses in plane stresses in plane stress. alternator and starter motor with dismantling. I-DEAS. e) Machining of simple components on NC lathe and Mill by transferring NC Code / from a CAM package. measurement of screw threads using screw thread micrometer. taper gauge 9. Packages : Use of Auto CAD. Creation of various features. Dismantling and assembly of door frames. Micro Station. Study state heat transfer Analysis of plane and Axisymmetric components. Note: Driving practice of a geared two wheeler and anyone LMV for a minimum of 10 hours during 5th &6th semester be provided . c. CATIA.Use of slip gauges. Servicing and maintenance of selected components. Through RS 232. Design simple components. Dismantling and assembly of LMV components as following : a) Gear box b) clutch assembly c) Propeller shaft d) differential gear box e) rear axle t) suspension system g) steering mechanism. T 0 P 3 2 C Objective: To impart practical knowledge on automobile working. measurement of plain ring gauge. testing.Tech. Study of various standard Translators.Drafting : Development of part drawings for various components in the form of orthographic and isometric. Determination of stresses in 3D and shell structures (at least one example in each case) d. ANSYS. 2. door locks and window locks 3. Feature based and Boolean based modeling surface and Assembly Modeling. 6. a. 4. shell sweep. Study of script. measurement of plain plug. revolve. Determination of deflection and stresses in 2D and 3D trusses and beams. Measurement of base circle diameter and tooth thickness of spur and helical gears 11. Study of parent child relation. e. use of comparators. inspection and assembly. Pro-E.Measurement of taper using sine bar and other instruments. d) Development of NC code for free from and sculptured surfaces using CAM packages. experiments involving profile projectors. CAEFEM. servicing and charging of batteries 5. Study of driver's seat layout in anyone LMV and anyone HMV. plane strain and Axisymmeric components. Servicing of generator. b) Development of manufacturing defects and tool management systems. 2. Calibration of micrometer. b. Estimation of natural frequencies and mode shapes.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD III Year B. 4. Harmonic response of 2D beam.Servicing of ignition systems 7. Part Modeling : Generation of various 3D Models through Protrusion. DXE AND IGES FILES. f) Quality Control and inspection. AME II Semester AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING LAB-II AND CAD/CAM LAB AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING LAB II: 1. Master CAM etc. 10. a) Development of process sheets for various components based on tooling Machines. Testing. Gibbs CAM. Pre Requisite: Automobile Engines. c) Study of various post processors used in NC Machines. 3.Drawing of general electrical wiring diagrams of various vehicles { two and four wheelers ) 8. NISA. 67 . PHI Publications. UNIT – IV THEORY OF GAMES : Introduction – Minimax (maximin) – Criterion and optimal strategy – Solution of games with saddle points – Rectangular games without saddle points – 2 X 2 games – dominance principle – m X 2 & 2 X n games -graphical method.D. 5. UNIT – III REPLACEMENT : Introduction – Replacement of items that deteriorate with time – when money value is not counted and counted – Replacement of items that fail completely.Sharma-Kedarnath 2.K. Introduction to O. Big-M method – Duality Principle.P. 4. Operations Research / R. 2. Operations Research: Methods & Problems / Maurice Saseini.R/Hiller & Libermann (TMH). Operations Research / S. Instantaneous demand and continuous demand and no set up cost. ALLOCATION : Linear Programming Problem Formulation – Graphical solution – Simplex method – Artificial variables techniques -Two–phase method.Balasubramani. 6. group replacement. Operations Research /A.Variants of Assignment ProblemTraveling Salesman problem.Natarajan.Sharma/MacMilan. Tamilarasi/Pearson Education. SEQUENCING – Introduction – Flow –Shop sequencing – n jobs through two machines – n jobs through three machines – Job shop sequencing – two jobs through ‘m’ machines. Operations Research / Wagner/ PHI Publications.Winston/Thomson Brooks/cole 7. O. UNIT – VIII SIMULATION : Definition – Types of simulation models – phases of simulation– applications of simulation – Inventory and Queuing problems – Advantages and Disadvantages – Simulation Languages.R /Taha/PHI 68 . TEXT BOOK : 1.R/Wayne L. UNIT – V WAITING LINES : Introduction – Single Channel – Poisson arrivals – exponential service times – with infinite population and finite population models– Multichannel – Poisson arrivals – exponential service times with infinite population single channel Poisson arrivals. UNIT – VII DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING : Introduction – Bellman’s Principle of optimality – Applications of dynamic programming.capital budgeting problem – shortest path problem – linear programming problem.Pannerselvam. UNIT – II TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM – Formulation – Optimal solution. unbalanced transportation problem – Degeneracy. Assignment problem – Formulation – Optimal solution . UNIT – VI INVENTORY : Introduction – Single item – Deterministic models – Purchase inventory models with one price break and multiple price breaks – shortages are not allowed – Stochastic models – demand may be discrete variable or continuous variable – Instantaneous production. Arhur Yaspan & Lawrence Friedman 3. Operation Research /J. Introduction to O. REFERENCES : 1.A.2007-08 JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B.Tech.M. AME I Semester T P 4+1* 0 C 4 OPERATIONS RESEARCH UNIT – I Development – Definition– Characteristics and Phases – Types of models – operation Research models – applications. UNIT -II Solar photo-voltaic conversion. 4. impact on price. capacities. Bio gas production from organic waste. 7. J. Applications to engines modifications necessary. Unit-VIII Use of gas turbines in cars. limitations. Driving requirements. comparative use of fuel and energy. types . energy plantation. Unit-III Energy from Bio mass: Photosynthesis. Applications to automobiles. T. future possibilities .P. Krieder' Principles of Solar Engineering' McGraw Hill.impact on urban air quality. precautions and safety measures . Hence search for alternate fuels is a continuous phenomenon. flat plate collectors. Alternative energy sources. principles and working of photo-voltaic Conversion.merits. Rao & B. Unit-IV Hydrogen Energy: Properties of Hydrogen. S. G.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. Unit-VI Electric Automobiles: Design considerations. Biological solar energy conversion. Sukhatme 'Solar Energy’. This phenomenon imposes high demand on conventional Fossil fuels. impacts on use of fuel and energy . Khamma Lab 3. Larulekar 'Energy Technology'.Performance characteristics in Engine and their comparison.A. photo-voltaic. Veziroglu. Electrical . cost of' electric car. problems. Biochemical production. Opportunities for improvement Batteries. Hydrogen. concentrating type collectors. Application of Bio gas in engines as a single fuel and dual fuel modification Merits and demerits performance characteristics and their comparison. 'Solar Hydrogeff Energy-Systems' 6. William Hamilton 'Electric Automobiles'. PHI Reference Books : 1. Mitsui E. Thermodynamics of water splitting Production of Hydrogen.VII Applicability of electric cars.D. Tata McGraw Hill .N. 2. material requirement. collection devices. Objective: Ever increasing quality of life. sources of Hydrogen. description of Bio gas plant. problems involved in production and transportation. arrangement. Storage and Transportation methods. Beckman ‘Solar Energy -thermal Process' McGrawHil1 5.B. Electrolysis of water. Thermo-chemical production. AME I Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES FOR AUTOMOBILES Unit-I Introduction: Need for non-conventional energy sources. their usefulness on the performance. The student is given an overview of various alternate fuels along with their merits and limits. Design of turbochargers for automobiles.A. Rai 'Non-conventional sources of energy Khamma Lab. Unit – V Hydrogen fuel. Unit . material requirement Traction motors and types. Thermal decomposition of water. types of Bio gas plants. 2. Duffie&W. Stal. Bio mass.their merits and demerits. D . photosynthetic oxygen production. Energy alternative : solar. control merits and de. Collection and storage of solar energy. Frank Kreith & Jan F.Tech.Totta. 69 . Text Books : 1. S. Availability of energy for recharging. demands decent transport facility. E. Automotive chassis and body -P. hydraulic. types.Giri. linkages etc. determination of braking torque. materials. constructional details of telescopic shock absorbers.R. wheel balancing. UNIT-VI Front Wheel Mounting.M. construction details. equipment for lab and road tests. front axle. suspension systems and shock absorbers. structure and function of tyres. Heldt. Chilton & Co. Automobile Engineering -T. brake clearance. hydraulic suspension. lining. TMH REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Carburetion system and operation. suspension. power steering. Khanna pub. UNIT-IV Brakes: Necessity of brake. Various types of springs used in suspension system. weight transfer. Wheels and tyres: Types of wheels. materials. steerability. Requirements and various types. Introduction to automobile engineering -N. types of master cylinders. loading points.K. centre point steering. Affiliated East West Press 3. steering geometry. power required for propulsion.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. leaf springs. details of hydraulic system. Material. role axis of spring suspension. preparation of test reports. Automotive mechanics -Joseph I heintner. L. independent suspension. parking and emergency brakes. torsion bar. under steer and over steer. testing of frames. different arrangement of cylinders. Khatawate. various resistances to motion of the automobile. 2. disc. Automotive Chassis -P. brake efficiency. vibrations and riding comfort. Engine mounting. types of tests and chassis components. Problems in Automobile Engineering -N. UNIT-VII Testing : Testing procedures. AME I Semester AUTOMOTIVE CHASSIS AND SUSPENSION UNIT-I Introduction to Chassis System: Introduction: Requirements of an automobile with types of automobiles. UNTI-II Frames: Types of frames. Banga & Nathu Singh. constructional details. construction details of frames and forks.Tech. UNTI-III Steering systems: types of steering gears. mechanical system and components. Khanna Pub 4. layout of an automobile with reference to power plant. Kohli. UNIT-VIII Two and three wheelers : Classification of two and three wheelers.R. Khanna T P 4+1* 0 C 4 70 . brake shoe theory. air bellows or pneumatic. UNIT-V Suspension: Types of suspension. factors influencing operation of brakes such as operating temperature. TEXTBOOK: 1. pedal pressure. stopping distance and time. calculation of stresses on sections. 5. construction. braking systems -mechanical. wheel alignment. servo and electrical brakes. static and function of tyres. Rear Wheel Mounting. UNIT – VIII ELEMENTS OF CONTROL SYSTEMS : Introduction. magnetic.Bhaskar/ Anuradha Agencies 2. Dynamometers. Tayal . Pre-Requisite: Objective: This subject provide in site into the different mechanical measurement systems and working and testing procedures TEXT BOOKS : 1.C. magnetic. Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA) . Low pressure measurement – Thermal conductivity gauges – ionization pressure gauges. Dew point meter MEASUREMENT OF FORCE. cryogenic fuel level indicators – Bubler level indicators.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. Bourdon pressure gauges. Jain/ Khanna Publishers. UNIT – II Measurement of Displacement: Theory and construction of various transducers to measure displacement – Piezo electric. ionization and Photo electric transducers. capacitance.Nakra & K. Instrumentation. MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE : Classification – Ranges – Various Principles of measurement – Expansion.K.Choudhary. Strain gauge Rosettes. Instrumentation and Control systems/ S. Mcleod pressure gauge. Measurement Systems: Applications &design by D. Classification and elimination of error. UNIT – IV MEASUREMENT OF LEVEL : Direct method – Indirect methods – capacitative. Measurements by A.K. UNIT – VII MEASUREMENT OF HUMIDITY – Moisture content of gases. Calibration procedures. Experimental Methods for Engineers / Holman 3. AME I Semester INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS UNIT – I Definition – Basic principles of measurement – Measurement systems. 2. resistance. Importance – Classification – Open and closed systems Servomechanisms – Examples with block diagrams – Temperature. Electrical Resistance – Thermistor – Thermocouple – Pyrometers – Temperature Indicators. UNIT – VI STRESS STRAIN MEASUREMENTS : Various types of stress and strain measurements – electrical strain gauge – gauge factor – method of usage of resistance strain gauge for bending compressive and tensile strains – usage for measuring torque. Instrumentation &mech.K. sling psychrometer. Absorption psychrometer. Manometers. UNIT – V MEASUREMENT OF SPEED : Mechanical Tachometers – Electrical tachometers – Stroboscope.Tech. 4. Dynamic performance characteristics – sources of error.Elastic force meters. Mechanical and Industrial Measurements / R. Inductive. ultrasonic. TMH REFERENCE BOOKS : 1. T P 4+1* 0 C 4 71 . generalized configuration and functional descriptions of measuring instruments – examples. UNIT – III MEASUREMENT OF PRESSURE : Units – classification – different principles used. Mechanical Measurements / Sirohi and Radhakrishna / New Age 5. Noncontact type of tachometer Measurement of Acceleration and Vibration : Different simple instruments – Principles of Seismic instruments – Vibrometer and accelerometer using this principle. measurement & analysis by B. Bellows – Diaphragm gauges. load cells.Galgotia Publications. Torsion meters.TORQUE AND POWER. FLOW MEASUREMENT : Rotameter.. Hot – wire anemometer. speed and position control systems. Turbine flow meter. Piston.S Kumar. Ultrasonic. Ammonia and Amines. Automobiles and Pollution -PauIDegobert(SAE) . Obert. Exhaust gas recirculation. UNIT . installation of catalysts in exhaust lines. cost of periodic inspection of pollution control systems and evaporative control systems. cost of injection systems. catalytic converters. gas chromatograph. particulate pollutants. AME I Semester AUTOMOTIVE POLLUTION AND CONTROL (ELECTIVE – I) UNIT . Common rail fuel injection in diesel engines.L Maleev.II Pollutants from SI engines. UNIT . their production.III Pollution for CI engines. Heins Aeisth – Internal Combustion Engines – SAE Publications.I Laws and Regulation : Historical background.V. 2. thermal conductivity and flame ionization detectors. Mechanism & formation of HE.VII Instrumentation for pollution measurements: NDIR -analysers. Orsat apparatus. particulate trap regeneration. NOx treatment in diesel engines. Bosch – Diesel fuel injection – Bosch Publications REFERENCES: 1. TEXT BOOKS : 1. European statutory values. cost of improvement in Diesel engines.Tech. Alternative fuel like Hydrogen. Knock rating of SI and CI Engine fuels. Engines -E.V Post combustion treatments: Introduction. regulatory test procedures (European cycles). economic consequences of introducing the catalyst. UNIT . Hartridge.spot sampling and continuous indication types like Bosch. evaporative losses. Harper& Row 4. Engine emission -Springer and Patterson. exhaust gas pollutants(European rail road limits).IV Lean burn & stratified charge engines. and root in CI engines. UNIT . Knock in SI and CI engines. T 4+1* P 0 C 4 72 . CO. additional costs incurred by diesel traps.VIII SI and CI engine fuel requirements. Engine and operating variables affecting pollutants in SI engines. properties. Mechanism of fermation of He. exhaust gas composition before treatment. Natural gas. I.F. NOx. and NOx in SI engines. UNIT . Dilution tunnels – full flow and partial flow. UNIT . Plenum Press 5. Hydrocarbons. UNIT . volatile compounds. CO.C. CBS Pub 3. Bosch – Gawline fuel injection – Bosch Publications 2. LPG. Diesel engine operation manual.VI Economic challenges: Introduction.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. Vegetable oil and biodiesel. inspection of vehicles in circulation (influence of actual traffic conditions and influence of vehicle maintenance) Analysis of pollutants : Carbon and Nitrogen Compounds -(CO. cost of improvement to SI engines. storage and performance as engine fuels. analysers for Nox. Multipoint fuel injection and Gasoline direct injection methods.CO2 Nox). Factor affecting emissions in CI engines. analysis of particulates. oxidition and three way types thermal reactors. smoke meters. Particulate measuring systems. particulate traps for diesel engines. local air flows.static. constructional details: weights and dimensions. UNIT-VI Noise. aerodynamics drag lift. Handbook on vehicle body design . TEXT BOOKS: 1. other interior mechanisms. driver’s visibility’ and tests for.SAE Publications. designing against fatigue. stress analysis of structure. requirements and methods or improving space in cars. semirigid PUR foams and sandwich panel construction UNIT-II Shaping and packaging : Product design and concepts. mass distribution and engine location on stability. bluff body aerodynamics. trucks and buses : Types of mini coach with trailers. vertical loads. Passive restraint systems.Tech. extrusion and casting.P. open. asymmetric. sandwich panels. automatic enclosures. Heldt. window winding mechanism. Vibration. mechanical package layout. pitching. networking or body systems controls. REFERENCES : 1. flat types. T 4+1* P 0 C 4 73 . CV-cab ergonomics. AME I Semester VEHICLE BODY ENGINEERING AND SAFETY (ELECTIVE –I) UNIT-I Structural materials : Aluminium alloy sheet. Thermo plastics. occupant and cargo restraints.M. surface development. goods to be transported and distance to be Covered. design criteria based on passenger capacity. Aesthetics and industrial design. UNIT-VIII Vehicle stability : Steering geometry vehicle and a curvilinear path. structure dynamics applied. visibility. aerofoils. surety under impact: Impact protection basics. single and double deckers. and lateral stability. computer aided drafting. Structural timbers properties designing in GRP and high strength composites different manufacturing techniques of composites. Body Engineering -Sydney F Page 2. bumper system. chilton & Co 2. etfects of tyre factors. Calculation of loading cases. conventional and integral type. advanced body electronics. alloy steels. interior ergonomics. advances in electronic display. yawing and rolling moments. Door lock mechanism. formal aesthetics and shape.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. minimum space. UNIT-III Aerodynamics : Basics. body structural vibrations. Unit-VII Vans. Harshriess : Noise and vibration basics. Unit-IV Load Distribution : Types of load carrying structures -closed. laws of mechanisms applied to safety. energy absorbant foams. CV body mountings. body shell analysis. slide impact analysis. dash. Vehicle body engineering -Gilcs J Pawlowski. ABS and styrenes. determination of aerodynamic coefficients (wind tunnel testing). Load distribution. Unit-V Body Fitting and I Controls : Driver’s seat. Load bearing plastics.board instruments. electric wiring and electronic control systems. Automotive chassis . ergonomics system design. FRP & metal Matrix Composites. integral. Different types of composites. design for crash worthiness. rubber as an isolator. racing car aerodynamics. chasis bearing vibration.Austenitic and Ferritic stainless steels. CV legal dimension. Automotive Air-conditioning.Grouse & Donald L. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning by Manohar Prasad 4. Registers and Grills. Ducts.By William H .Gomgs.By Boyce H. Causes of air conditioner Failure. Heaters-Vehicle ventilation-combination heater and air conditioner-manually controlled air conditioner and heater system.shaft seal leakage compressor.Dwiggins. characterization and SHF load for ventilation and filtration. UNIT .automatically controlled air conditioner and heater systems. concepts of human comfort and effective temperature. Reston Pub. refrigerants used in Automobiles – properties. Seal removal checking oil level-oil addition. repairs on compressors..working principle. Automotive Air-conditioning. Discharging the system. blowers. cycle COP refrigeration cycle in T-s and P-h coordinates. sensible and latent heat loads. McGrawHil1 2. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning by CP Arora T 4+1* P 0 C 4 74 .VIII Servicing of Air Conditioners.V Operation of an Air-conditioning System: Type of Air conditioners. UNIT . UNIT .III Components of Air conditioners: Air-conditioning Components: Compressor-Evaporator-CondenserExpansion valve-Receiver Drier. Compressor trouble shooting and service. Effect of sub cooling & super heating and cycle analysis and problems using P-h charts.VI Air Heating equipment. MH REFERENCES : 1.IV Vehicle cooling.Angtin.Tech. concepts of RSHF& SHF ESHF and ADP.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B.II Introduction to Air Conditioning – Psychrometric properties and processes.By Lesile F.Evacuating the system-charging the System-trouble shooting air conditioner heater Systems. capacity requirements of Air Conditioning System. Automotive Air-conditioning.VII Trouble Shooting and Services: Servicing of heating Systems. load estimation. 3. vapour compressors refrigeration . UNIT . AME I Semester AUTO AIR CONDITIONING (ELECTIVE – I) UNIT .I Fundamentals of Refrigeration.Filters-Mufflers -special features-compressor protection Anti freezing relay. UNIT . UNIT .Heating Systems: Air conditioner maintenance and service. TEXT BOOK : 1. leak testing guide. clutch service. filters UNIT . Orient Longman pvt. 2nd edition. rehashing. Minimum cost spanning trees. Job sequencing with deadlines.Sahni.O-notation. Langsam. Operator Overloading. this pointer. Thomson 3. External Sorting. Augenstein and Tanenbaum. Pearson Education. Unit II:Function Overloading. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++.General method. Data structures and Algorithms in C++. Unit III:Algorithms.Class Definition. parameter passing methods. open addressing-linear probing. deletion and searching. Unit VI:Search trees (part I) : Binary search trees. R. linear list representation. Inheritance basics.Function and class templates. 0/1 knapsack problem. ADT. Data structures.University press (India) pvt ltd.Goodrich. 4th Edition. insertion. definition. Inline functions. comparison of hashing and skip lists. Omega notation and Theta notation. T P C 4+1* 0 4 75 . static class members. sparse matrix representation. PHI/Pearson Education. The OOP. Ordering Matrix Multiplications TEXT BOOKS : 1. dynamic memory allocation and deallocation (new and delete). height of a B-Tree. implementation using template classes in C++. representation. Optimal binary search trees. operations-insertion.Mount. abstract classes. Balanced search trees. Access Control. 4. The Complete Reference. streams I/O. Unit VIII:Greedy method and Dynamic programming : General method (Greedy). base and derived classes. C++. Constructors and destructors. Unit V:Priority Queues – Definition. Search trees (part II) : Introduction to Red –Black trees and Splay Trees. Application-Heap Sort. Strassen’s matrix multiplication Efficient non recursive tree traversal algorithms. double hashing. AME I Semester ADVANCED DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS (ELECTIVE – I) Unit I:C++ Class Overview. Polyphase merge.Model for external sorting. insertion and deletion. collision resolution-separate chaining. Biconnected components. union and find algorithms. Fourth edition. operations. queue ADT. Definition. Class Members. runtime polymorphism using virtual functions. 2. insertion. second edition. ADT. hash table representation. Multiway merge.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B.Savitch.Tech. Third Edition. exception handling. Mark Allen Weiss.ltd. Pearson education. skip list representation. Michael T. base class access control.S. 5. height of an AVL tree. Seventh Edition Wiley student edition. TMH.insertion. W. Unit VII:Divide and Conquer. Adam Drozdek. Objects. Realizing a Priority Queue using Heaps. General method (Dynamic Programming).the list ADT. performance analysis-time complexity and space complexity. implementation. Disjoint set operations. B-Trees-B-Tree of order m. deletion and searching. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++. Herbert Schildt. merge sort. friend functions.AVL trees. stack ADT. Problem solving with C++. quadratic probing.Tamassia and D. deletion and searching. Comparison of Search Trees. hash functions. Algorithms and Applications in C++. applications – Binary search. 2. John Wiley and Sons. Class Scope. Unit IV:Dictionaries. operations-searching. Deletion. Data structures using C and C++. Generic Programming. quick sort. inheritance types. Review of basic data structures . REFERENCE : 1.extendible hashing. definition. Stepper Motor Interfacing. REFERENCES : 1. Programming and Applications”. Prototyping and Trouble shooting. “ The 8086 Micro Processors Architecture. Procedures. UNIT. Memory Interface using RAMS. Tata McGraw-Hill. 2. Interfacing Seven Segment Display. Relay’s and Latch Connections. IEEE-488. USART Interfacing RS-232. Programmed I/O. “Microcontrollers – theory applications”. “ Advanced Micro Processors”. 2005. Macro’s. 8255 PPI. Tata McGraw-Hill Companies – 2005. Timing Diagrams. UNIT-IV INTERFACING WITH ADVANCED DEVICES : 8086 System bus structure. A/D. Simple Programs using Assembler. UNIT-III I/O INTERFACE : Parallel data transfer scream.Tech. Addressing modes. Interrupt Driven I/O.Hall. 20mA Current Loop. Programming the serial communication interrupts. Ajay V. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Interfacing through various IC Peripheral Chips. Kenneth J Ayala. Various modes of operations and interface of I/O devices to 8086. Programming External H/W interrupts. UNIT-VII 8051 INTERRUPTS COMMUNICATION : Interrupts. Tata McGraw-Hill. I/O ports and Memory Organization. UNIT-VI INTRODUCTION TO MICRO CONTROLLERS : Overview of 8051 Micro Controller. 2nd Edition. Keyboard Interfacing. Memory and I/O Interfacing with 8086. 8259 (Interrupt Priority Control). Interrupt Priority in the 8051. Kenneth J Ayala. Interfacing 8051 to LED’s. Programming and Applications”. Instructions. D/A Converter Interfacing. Simple Programs using Stack Pointer. String Manipulation. T P C 4+1* 0 4 76 . REPEAT and IF-THEN-ELSE Features.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. Deshmukh. Counters and Programming. “ The 8051 Micro Controller Architecture. ADC and DAC Interfacing. Addressing modes and Instruction set of 8051. Minimum and Maximum mode operations of 8086. Assembly language programming. MDS. “Micro Processor and Interfacing “. UNIT-V COMMUNICATION INTERFACE : Serial Communication Standards.VIII INTERFACING AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS : Applications of Micro Controllers. Timer/Counter and Serial Communication. Architecture. 8086 Control signal interfacing.V. Register Organization. Thomson Publishers. AME I Semester MICROPROCESSORS AND MICRO CONTROLLERS (ELECTIVE – II) UNIT-I 8086 ARCHITECTURE : Functional Diagram. D. Thomson Publishers. 2. EPROMS and EEPROMS. Ray and BulChandi. 8257 (DMA Controller). Implementation of FOR Loop. 3. Programming Timer Interrupts. Software Debugging tolls. WHILE. Functional schematic. Push button. UNIT-II ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMMING OF 8086 : Assembly Directives. Programming 8051 Timers. UNIT . transient heat conduction.V Introduction to first order wave equation. Pearson Publications 2. Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow / Suhas V. elementary finite difference quotients. implementation aspects of finite-difference equations.Butter-worth Publishers 2. UNIT . closure. steady heat conduction in a rectangular geometry. UNIT -VIII Finite Volume Method: Approximation of surface integrals. Representation of integers. expanded forms of Navier-stokes equations. TEXT BOOK : 1. REFERENCES : 1.Basics with applications . Stokes equation.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. dimensionless form of Momentum and Energy equations. Floating point Arithmetic. fundamentals of fluid flow modeling. conservation of energy principle. condition and instability. loss of significance and error propagation. stream function . Anderson / Mc Graw Hill. AME I Semester COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (ELECTIVE – II) UNIT-I Elementary details in numerical Techniques: Number system and errors. finite difference application in convective heat transfer. Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics – Tapan K.VI Review of Equations Governing Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer: Introduction. explicit and implicit methods. UNIT .Vorticity formulation. conservation of mass. UNIT . Computational fluid dynamics . consistency. Patankar. T P C 4+1* 0 4 77 . Fractions.Tech.VII Steady flow.John. Convergence of Sequences. interpolation and differentiation practices. stability. the upwind scheme. conservative property. consistency. and Fundamentals of fluid flow modeling: Introduction. UNIT . volume integrals. conservative body force fields. iterative schemes of Matrix Inversion. discretization. computational methods for error estimation. UNIT – II Applied Numerical Methods: Solution of a system of simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations.III Finite Difference Applications in Heat conduction and Convention – Heat conduction. Direct Methods for Matrix inversion. stability of hyperbolic and elliptic equations.IV Finite Differences. Newton’s second law of motion. special forms of the Navier-stokes equations. Sengupta / Universities Press. Upwind interpolation. D. Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer/ Niyogi. Linear interpolation and Quadratic interpolation. Direct Methods for banded matrices. Smith and Ted G. UNIT-VIII Dynamic Analysis : Formulation of finite element model. 3. UNIT – VII Steady state heat transfer analysis : one dimensional analysis of a fin and two dimensional analysis of thin plate. two degrees of freedom per node beam element. Douglas E.S. UNIT-VI Two dimensional four noded isoparametric elements and numerical integration. UNIT – II One Dimensional problems : Finite element modeling coordinates and shape functions. Quadratic shape functions.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. Stress and Equilibrium. Analysis of a uniform shaft subjected to torsion. UNIT – IV Finite element modelling of two dimensional stress analysis with constant strain triangles and treatment of boundary conditions. Potential Energy approach : Assembly of Global stiffness matrix and load vector. Strain – Displacement relations. UNIT – V Finite element modelling of Axisymmetric solids subjected to Axisymmetric loading with triangular elements. Stress – strain relations. TEXT BOOK : 1. evaluation of Eigen values and Eigen vectors for a stepped bar and a beam. Finite Element Analysis/ C. AME I Semester FINITE ELEMENT METHOD (ELECTIVE – II) UNIT – I Introduction to Finite Element Method for solving field problems. 2. 2. The Finite Element Methods in Engineering / SS Rao / Pergamon. Byrom / John Wiley & sons (ASIA) Pte Ltd. Donald L.Tech. UNIT – III Analysis of Beams : Element stiffness matrix for two node. 4. Dewhirst. An introduction to Finite Element Method / JN Reddy / Me Graw Hill Finite Element Methods/ Alavala/TMH The Finite Element Method for Engineers – Kenneth H.Krishna Murthy T P C 4+1* 0 4 78 . Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering / Chandraputla. Treatment of boundary conditions. REFERENCES : 1. Huebner. element matrices. Finite element equations. Ashok and Belegundu / Prentice – Hall. Features of Unix . Unit V : awk: Execution. Output. Words or Lines. od. changing Positional Parameters. vi editor. unlink. chown. special Parameters and Variables. diff. uniq. Korn Shell Programming : Basic Script concepts. symlink. tar. Input. AME I Semester UNIX AND SHELL PROGRAMMING (ELECTIVE – II) Unit I: Introduction to Unix:. stat. Command Execution. disk utilities.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. Script Examples. awk. Two Special Files. Decisions: Making Selections. sort. eval Command. comm. Count characters. Redirection. Startup Scripts. Output. Environmental Variables. Actions. stty. Applications. gzip. eval Command. passwd. Files with Duplicate Lines. grep. Command Execution Process. Script Examples. arp. Startup and Shutdown Scripts. Job Control. Scripts. C Shell Programming : Basic Script concepts. Expressions. rmdir. chmod. rmdir. String Functions. String Functions. networking commands. detailed commands to be covered are tail. Argument Validation. awk and grep. Input. Environmental Variables. T 4+1* P 0 C 4 79 . Unit VII : Interactive C Shell : C shell features. umount. Mathematical Functions. changing Positional Parameters. open. Sorting. Addresses. Using System commands in awk. Pipes. unmask. Variables. man. Variables. Options. paste. readdir. Expressions. Variables. ulimit. sed and awk. Sed : Scripts. Operations. Options. tee. mkdir. Tee Command. finger. cmp. cpio Unit III : Introduction to Shells : Unix Session. Operation. pg. head . lp. uname. Unit II : Unix Utilities:. Applications. rlogin. Standard Streams.Introduction to unix file system. w. lseek. umask. Command Substitution. df. Patterns. who. find. Fields and Records. closedir. grep and sed. Command Execution Scripts. tr. echo. Comparing Files. Argument Validation. Concatenating files. process utilities. Directory API – opendir. ftp. Unit IV : Grep : Operation. du. rm. read.Tech. Unit VI : Interactive Korn Shell : Korn Shell Features. cut. System Calls for File Management – create. On-Off Variables. special Parameters and Variables. nl. Command-Line Editing. Display Beginning and End of files. pwd. cd. ps. Unit VIII : File Management : File Structures. Exit Status of a Command. Debugging Scripts. Decisions: Making Selections. printf. mv. date. script. write. Translating Characters. lstat. Associative Arrays.Architecture of Unix. commands. Cut and Paste. Unix Commands – PATH. close. more. User – Defined Functions. link. Aliases. grep Family. Debugging Scripts. ls. Repetition. file handling utilities. mkdir.Text processing utilities and backup utilities . fstat. telnet. Searching for File Content. unlink. cp. cat. mount. Shell/Environment Customization. Command History. egrep. Exit Status of a Command. Repetition. wc. fgrep. join. Filters : Filters and Pipes. security by file permissions. Quotes. Two Special Files. Command History. Predefined Variables. Host. Unix and shell Programming Behrouz A.TEXT BOOKS : 1. TMH. Kernighan and Pike. Rosen. Farber. Pearson Education. Your Unix the ultimate guide.Thomson 2. 80 . 3rd edition. King Ables. Unix for programmers and users. Richard F. TMH. Second Edition. Klee. Unix programming environment. Forouzan. 2. Rosinski. REFERENCES : 1. 2nd Edition. Sumitabha Das. PHI. The Complete Reference Unix. Gilberg. / Pearson Education 3. Graham Glass. Suitability test on centrifugal pump 9.for one casting drawing.1 Exercise 3. 1.Tech. – for strengths. Any five of the above experiments are to be covered. TIG Welding . Moulding Melting and Casting . Impact of jet on vanes 2.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. Plasma welding and Brazing .2 Exercises 2. Performance and specific speed test on Francis Turbine 6. Performance and Specific speed test on Pelton wheel (or Turbo Wheel) 5. Performance test on reciprocating pump 4. Performance and specific speed test on Kaplan Turbine 7. Performance test on single stage centrifugal pump 3.1 Exercise II WELDING LAB 1. ARC Welding Lap & Butt Joint . Spot Welding . (B) PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY LAB I. Performance test on multi stage pump 8. METAL CASTING LAB 1.2 Exercises (Water Plasma Device) 81 . AME I Semester T 0 P 3 C 2 HYDRAULIC MACHINES LAB AND PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY LAB (A) HYDRAULIC MACHINERY LAB. Sand properties testing. Pattern Design and making . Drag and Lift Coefficients of an Aerofoil model.1 Exercise 4. and permeability – 1 Exercise 3. 2. 11. AME I Semester AUTO SCANNING AND VEHICLE TESTING LAB 1. 9. Visibility test . Computerised engine analyzer study and practice.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. 2. 8. Drawings of automobile bodies -light and heavy vehicles for different seating capacities . 10. Braking distance test . Road worthiness test a) Acceleration b) Gradability c) Maximum speed d) Constant speed fuel consumption (High way drive ) e) city drive fuel consumption tests. 7. Head light focussing test. Study of wind tunnel -determining of coeff of drag for a given aerofoil . Two wheeler chassis dynamometer study and practice 6. 12. Computerised wheel balancing machine study and practice. 3. Dimensional drawings of bus depots and service station workshop layouts.Tech. 4. Computerised wheel alignment machine study and practice. T 0 P 3 C 2 82 . Exhaust emission test of petrol and diesel engine 5. State. shelters. UNIT . private car’s subsidies. UNIT . turning points. staff administration: industrial relation. pedestrians. Frequency direction of traffic flow estimated traffic possibility single verses double deck.M and straight /M/C/S.Approach Road. statuary procedure taxes and hire cars.l. Bus-stops.II Organisation and Management : Forms of ownership. layout. scheduled route hazards records elimination of accident prone devices. checking efficiency of crew.handling complaints.Tech AME II Semester T 4+1* P 0 C 4 VEHICLE TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT UNIT – I Historical Back ground : Introduction. UNIT . specialized publicity. recruitment and training. facilities for passengers. stopping places. The Infrastructure : Road. trams. committees. use of machinery. margins. UNIT . FAUtKS. breakdown. traffic condition. duty arrangements. welfare. average seating capacity vehicles size and spread overs. bus services. UNIT – VI Fare collections systems : Principles of collection the way bill. TEXT BOOKS : 1. decentralised condition ( Engineering.III Public relations divisions : Dissemination of information. District. signs.local contractors co-operation with the press news and articles. relief of congestion. minor.KITCHEN. BUS OPERATION -L. notice and directions general appearance of premises. average speed running costs supplementary costs depreciation obsolescence. equipment. administration. principle of transport.VII The fare structure : Basis of fares historical background effects of competition and control calculating average zone system straight and tapered scale elastic and inelastic demand coordination of fares concessions fares changes for workman. bell punch system reduced ticket stocks wilk brew system T. centralised condition. Route planning : Source of traffic.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B.IV Prevention of accidents : Emphasis of safe driving-annual awards bonus encouragement vehicle design platform. UNIT . health and safety. life of vehicles sinking fund factor affecting post per vehicles mile incidence of wages and overheads 100 seats miles basis. types of vehicle economic considerations authorization of trolley.forms of publicity importance of quality -inter departmental liaison advertisements. lLIFFE & Sons 2.facilities for visitors. town planning. maintaining goodwill. traffic advisory. location of steps.D. zebra lines. management -internal organisation. the growth of a network. bus working and schedules : Time table layout uses of flat graph method of presentation preparation of vehicle and crew schedule preparation of the duty roster. BUS & COACH OPERATION -REX W. Maintenance -preventive. Bus stations. trolley buses. conveyance of staff.V Timing. Buttcrworth Version of 1987 83 . shelters survey of route preliminary schedule test runs elimination of hazards factors affecting. UNIT -VIII Operating cost and types of vehicles: Classification costs. Garages layout of premises. . overhauling -major. Highways National. box system personal and common stock flat fare platform control. Anomalies double booking inter availability through booking and summation private hire charges. The verometer lenson parason coach tickets exchanges. shopping centres. co-operation with employers use of the vehicle running numbering determination of vehicle efficiency. traffic and administration ). M. Road Transport Law – L.D.PUNE 2. GOODS VEHICLE OPERATION -By C. PUB Central Law Agency. Allahabad.REFERENCES : 1.V.PUNE(Report 7. KITCHEN 5.Kitchen 6. ALLAHBAD 3.D. DUBBAR 5. ACT 1988 CENTRAL LAW AGENCY. COMPENDIUM OF TRANSPORT TERMS CIRT.S.J.ACT 1988.V.L. THE ELEMENTS OF TRANSPORTATION -R. M. EATON 4. COMPENDIUM OF TRANSPORT TERMS CIRT. ROAD TRANSPORT LAW. 84 . UNIT .VII Types of bearing oil pads: Hydrostatic bearing wick oiled bearings. temperature variation.Tech AME II Semester TRIBOLOGY (ELECTIVE –III) UNIT . S. minimum oil film thickness. UNIT – IV Friction and power losses in journal bearings :Calibration of friction loss friction in concentric bearings. application to pivoted pad thrust bearing and other applications. Chand &Co. different viscometers used. petroffs equation.V Air lubricated bearing: Advantages and disadvantages application to Hydrodynamic journal bearings. oil rings. UNIT .VIII Bearing materials : General requirements of bearing materials. hydro dynamic theory applied to journal bearing. Sommerfield number. Friction in sliding bearing. UNIT . Reynold’s equation in two dimensions -Effects of side leakage . hydrostatic lifts. viscosity and its variation -absolute and kinematic viscosity. types of bearing materials.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. Hydrostatic bearing Analysis including compressibility effect. Fundamentals of Tribology. UNIT . pressure feed bearing. flow of fluids. UNIT . hydrodynamic thrust bearings. TEXT BOOKS : 1. bearing moduIus. SenGupta and Ahuja/PHI 2. heat balance. REFERENCE : 1. partial bearings -externally pressurized bearings.VI Study of current concepts of boundary friction and dry friction.C. practical consideration of journal bearing design considerations. viscosity index determination of viscosity.III Hydrodynamic theory of lubrication: Various theories of lubrication. Hydrostatic thrust bearings. Majumdar T 3+1* P 0 C 3 85 .I Study of various parameters: Viscosity. UNIT – II Hydrostatic lubrication: Hydrostatic step bearing. oil whip and whirl anti -friction bearing. Tribology in Industry : Sushil Kumar Srivatsava. Basu. hydrostatic squeeze films and its application to journal bearing.Reynolds equation in three dimensions. Tribology – B. 2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B.Tech AME II Semester PRODUCT DESIGN AND ASSEMBLY AUTOMATION (ELECTIVE – III) UNIT – I AUTOMATIC FEEDING AND ORIENTING DEVICES : Vibrator feeders : Mechanics of vibratory conveying, estimating the mean conveying velocity, load sensitivity, solutions to load sensitivity, spiral elevators, balanced feeders. UNIT - II Orientation of typical oriental system, effect of active orienting devices on feed rate, analysis of orienting systems, performance of an orienting device, natural resting aspects, of parts for automatic handing, analysis of a typical orienting system, out-of-bowl tooling. Mechanical feeders. Reciprocating -tube hopper feeder; magazines: UNIT - III Assembly Automation : Development of the assembly process, choice of assembly method, automation advantages, social effects of automation. UNIT-IV AUTOMATIC ASSEMBLY TRANSFER SYSTEMS : Continuous transfer, intermittent transfer, indexing mechanisms, and operator - paced free – transfer machine. UNIT-V PRODUCT DESIGN FOR HIGHSPEED AUTOMATIC ASSEMBLY AND ROBOT ASSEMBLY : Introduction, design of parts for: high speed, feeding and orienting, example, additional feeding difficulties, high speed automatic insertion, example, analysis of an assembly, general rules for product design for automation, design of parts for feeding and orienting, summary of design rules for high speed automatic assembly, product for robot assembly. UNIT-VI DESIGN OF MANUAL ASSEMBLY : Design for assembly fits in the design process, general design guidelines for manual assembly, development of the systematic DFA methodology, assembly efficiency, classification system for manual handling, classification system for manual insertion and fastening, effect of part symmetry on handling time, effect of part thickness and size on handling time, effect of weight on handling time, parts requiring two hands for manipulation, effects of combinations of factors, effect of symmetry effect of chamfer design on insertion operations, estimation of insertion time. UNIT-VII Avoiding jams during assembly, reducing risk assembly problems, effects of holding down, manual assembly data base and design data sheets, application of the DFA methodology and general design guidelines. UNIT-VIII PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMICS OF ASSEMBLY SYSTEMS : Indexing machines, free transfer machines, basis for economic comparisons of automation equipment, comparison of indexing and free transfer machines’ economics of robot assembly. FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR ASSEMBLY AUTOMATION : Machine design factors to reduce machine downtime due to defective parts. Feasibility study. TEXT BOOK : 1. Geoffrey Boothroyd, “Assembly Automation and Product Design”, Marcel Dekker Inc., NY, 1992. REFERENCES : 1. Geoffrey Boothroyd, “Hand Book of Product Design” Marcel and Dekken, N.Y. 1990. 2. A Delbainbre “Computer Aided Assembly London, 1992. T 3+1* P 0 C 3 86 2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B.Tech AME II Semester AUTOMATION IN MANUFACTURING (ELECTIVE – III) UNIT – I Introduction Types and strategies of automation, pneumatic and hydraulic components circuits, Automation in machine tools. Mechanical feeding and too changing and machine tool control transfer the automaton. UNIT – II Automated flow lines : Methods or work part transport transfer Mechanical buffer storage control function, design and fabrication consideration. UNIT – III Analysis of Automated flow lines: General terminology and analysis of transfer lines without and with buffer storage, partial automation, implementation of automated flow lines. UNIT – IV Assembly system and line balancing : Assembly process and systems assembly line, line balancing methods, ways of improving line balance, flexible assembly lines. UNIT – V Automated material handling : Types of equipment, functions, analysis and design of material handling systems conveyor systems, automated guided vehicle systems. UNIT -VI Automated storage systems, Automated storage and retrieval systems; work in process storage, interfacing handling and storage with manufacturing. UNIT – VII Adaptive control systems : Introduction, adaptive control with optimization, Adaptive control with constraints, Application of A.C. in Machining operations. Use of various parameters such as cutting force, Temperatures, vibration and acoustic emission. UNIT – VIII Business process Re-engineering: Introduction to BPE logistics, ERP, Software configuration of BPE, concurrent Engineering, Techniques of Rapid Proto typing. TEXT BOOK : 1. Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing : M.P. Groover./Pearson Edu. REFERENCES : 1. Computer control of Manufacturing Systems by Yoram Coreom. 2. CAD / CAM/ CIM by Radhakrishnan. 3. Automation by W. Buekinsham. T 3+1* P 0 C 3 87 2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B.Tech AME II Semester COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE (ELECTIVE – III) UNIT-I BASIC STRUCTURE OF COMPUTERS : Computer Types, Functional unit, Basic Operational concepts, Bus structures, Software, Performance, multiprocessors and multi computers. Data Representation. Fixed Point Representation. Floating – Point Representation. Error Detection codes. Addition, subtractions and multiplications and algorithms. UNIT-II REGISTER TRANSFER LANGUAGE AND MICROOPERATIONS : Register Transfer language. Register Transfer Bus and memory transfers, Arithmetic Mircrooperatiaons, logic micro operations, shift micro operations, Arithmetic logic shift unit. Instruction codes. Computer Registers Computer instructions – Instruction cycle. UNIT-III Memory – Reference Instructions. Input – Output and Interrupt. STACK organization. Instruction formats. Addressing modes. DATA Transfer and manipulation. Program control. Reduced Instruction set computer. UNIT-IV MICRO PROGRAMMED CONTROL : Control memory, Address sequencing, microprogram example, design of control unit Hard wired control. Microprogrammed control UNIT-V THE MEMORY SYSTEM : Basic concepts semiconductor RAM memories. Read-only memories Cache memories performance considerations, Virtual memories secondary storage. Introduction to RAID. UNIT-VI INPUT-OUTPUT ORGANIZATION : Peripheral Devices, Input-Output Interface, Asynchronous data transfer Modes of Transfer, Priority Interrupt Direct memory Access, Input –Output Processor (IOP) Serial communication; Introduction to peripheral component, Interconnect (PCI) bus. Introduction to standard serial communication protocols like RS232, USB, IEEE1394. UNIT-VII PIPELINE AND VECTOR PROCESSING : Parallel Processing, Pipelining, Arithmetic Pipeline, Instruction Pipeline, RISC Pipeline Vector Processing, Array Processors. UNIT-VIII MULTI PROCESSORS : Characteristics or Multiprocessors, Interconnection Structures, Interprocessor Arbitration. InterProcessor Communication and Synchronization Cache Coherance. Shared Memory Multiprocessors. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Computer Organization – Carl Hamacher, Zvonks Vranesic, SafeaZaky, Vth Edition, McGraw Hill. 2. Computer Systems Architecture – M.Moris Mano, IIIrd Edition, Pearson/PHI REFERENCES : 1. Computer Organization and Architecture – William Stallings Sixth Edition, Pearson/PHI 2. Structured Computer Organization – Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 4th Edition PHI/Pearson 3. Fundamentals or Computer Organization and Design, - Sivaraama Dandamudi Springer Int. Edition. 4. Computer Organization, Anjaneyulu, Himalaya Pub house. T 3+1* P 0 C 3 88 recruitment. 2001. plant utilization and maintenance. Record keeping. merges. Using and implementing business plans. 2. Robert J. Entrepreneur vs. Technique. Dollinger: Entrepreneurship. Unit V : New venture Expansion Strategies and Issues Features and evaluation of joint ventures.Calvin: Entrepreneurial Management. Wishwa Prakashan 2005. Himalaya Publishing House. Launching formalities. Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. Marketing and sales controls. Unit VI : Institutional support to Entrepreneurship Role of Directorate of Industries. market research and channels of distribution. The Entrepreneurial decision process. 2004. HBR Paper Back. Entrepreneurial Traits. creating problem solving. bonus issues and stock splits. Temperament. & Michael Peters: Entrepreneurship. Technical consultancy Organisation (TCO). Industrial Development Corporation (IDC). Unit IV : Financing and Managing the new venture Sources of capital. franchising. Robert Hisrich. 2004. financial controls . Unit III : The Business Plan Nature and scope of Business plan . 4. Writing Business Plan. rights issues. Khadi and village Industries Commission (KVIC). Entrepreneur vs Intrapreneur.Talent. Marketing functions. Butterworth Heinemann. 89 . Bolton & Thompson : Entrepeneurs. Unit II : Creating and Starting the Venture Sources of new Ideas. 3. Agarwal :Indian Economy . TMH. Pearson. Small Industries Development Bank of India(SIDBI) Unit VII :Production and Marketing Management Thrust of production management. Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in India and abroad. Small Scale Industries Development Corporations (SSIDCs). 2004. Evaluating Business plans. Sales promotion and product pricing. Methods of generating ideas. Employees State Insurance Act. Gurmeet Naroola: The Entrepreneurial Connection.4/e. Internet advertising. District Industries. acquisitions. E-commerce and Entrepreneurship. TMH.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. market segmentation. financial plan and the organizational plan. product planning and development process. Manager. motivating and leading teams. Inventory control. This course replaces the course offered in earlier years as ‘Entrepreneurship& Management’ Text Books: 1. Unit VIII Labour legislation. 1999. Marketing plan. Woman as Entrepreneur. 5. Selection of production Techniques. 6. Centres (DICs).Tech AME II Semester T 3+1* P 0 C 3 PRINCIPLES OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP (Elective-IV) Unit1 :Introduction to Entrepreneurship Definition of Entrepreneur. National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC). Ethics and Social responsibility of Entrepreneurs. 5th Edition. 2001. Workmen’s Compensation Act and payment of Bonus Act. Harvard Business Review on Entrepreneurship. State Financial corporation (SFCs). Industrial Disputes Act. Public issues. Vasant Desal: Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and management. Small Industries Service Institute (SISI). 2. Designing the work place. material handling and quality control. TMH. REFERENCES: 1. Salient Provision under Indian Factories Act. Kaplan: Patterns of Entrepreneurship. 9. Willey. Vikas publishing house. S. Dutt & Sundaram : Indian Economy. 2005. 10. Mary Coulter: Entrepreneurship in Action. 2005. Aruna Kaulgud: Entrepreneurship Management by. 2005. 2005. Scarborough: Essential of Entrepreneurship and small business management. 13. 2/e. 90 . 4/e. 2005. PHI. Thomas W. Zimmerer & Norman M. 12. 2003. Sultan Chand & Sons. Vikas. 2005. Chand.7. ND Kapoor: Industrial Law. Srivastava: Industrial Relations & Labour Laws. PHI. 8. 11. Unit. McGraw-Hill Inc. 1997 91 . ANN Architectures. Membership. Defuzzification methods. membership functions. Continuous and Multi-Category. Vijayalakshmi pai. Training Algorithms: Discrete and Continuous Perceptron Networks. Genetic algorithms: synthesis and applications”. Neural Networks Pearson Education. development of rule base and decision making system. fuzzy relations. 3.N. Perceptron Models: Discrete. Control and Information”. Operations. 4. Historical Developments. Unit V: Associative Memories Paradigms of Associative Memory. properties. This subject is very important and useful for doing Project Work. Rajasekharan and G. 2. Biological and Artificial Neuron Models. 2002. Biological Neuron. control. Derivation of Backpropagation (BP) Training. cardinalities. BAM Energy Function. Summary of Backpropagation Algorithm. Potential Applications of ANN. Fuzzy sets. Uncertainty. Operations of Artificial Neuron. Stability Analysis. S. Limitations of the Perceptron Model.Tech AME II Semester T P 3+1* 0 C 3 NEURAL NETWORKS AND FUZZY LOGIC SYSTEMS Objective : This course introduces the basics of Neural Networks and essentials of Artificial Neural Networks with Single Layer and Multilayer Feed Forward Networks. BAM Training Algorithms: Storage and Recall Algorithm. Defuzzification to crisp sets. 2004. Types of Neuron Activation Function. Learning Strategy (Supervised.Sumathi. James A Freeman and Davis Skapura. PHI Publication. “ Fuzzy Logic With Engineering Applications”. Membership value assignment. Also deals with Associate Memories and introduces Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Logic system components. Unit–III: Single Layer Feed Forward Neural Networks Introduction. 2006. Timothy J. 2001. Storage and Recall Algorithm. Generalized Delta Rule. A. “Neural Networks. Architecture of Hopfield Network: Discrete and Continuous versions.IV: Multilayer Feed forward Neural Networks Credit Assignment Problem.0”. McCulloch-Pitts Model. “Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence. UNIT VIII: Applications Neural network applications: Process identification. Organization of the Brain.A comprehensive foundation”. UNIT VII: Fuzzy Logic System Components Fuzzification. Deepa “Introduction to Neural Networks using MATLAB 6.Sivanandam. Simon Haykin. Characteristics of ANN. The Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic application to Systems Engineering is also presented. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Learning Difficulties and Improvements. John Yen and Reza Langan. Fuzzy logic. Pearson Education.2007-2008 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. Fuzzy logic applications: Fuzzy logic control and Fuzzy classification. TMH. Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) Architecture. Unit. Humans and Computers. Operations and relations. Unsupervised. Kolmogorov Theorem. “Neural Networks.properties.II: Essentials of Artificial Neural Networks Artificial Neuron Model.S. Pearson Education. Learning Rules. Pattern Mathematics. Ross. Unit – I: Introduction to Neural Networks Introduction. General Concepts of Associative Memory. S. Classification Taxonomy of ANN – Connectivity. fault diagnosis. 2. Reinforcement). TEXT BOOKS: 1. Unit – VI: Classical & Fuzzy Sets Introduction to classical sets . N. Hebbian Learning. S. 2004. overview of graphic system. Tata McGraw hill edition. reflection and shear transformation matrix representations and homogeneous co-ordinates. Pearson/PHI 2. scaling. TMH. Bezier and B-spline surfaces. “ Computer Graphics C version” Donald Hearn and M. video-display devices. rotation. Filled area primitives: scan-line polygon fill algorithm. depth-buffer. back-face detection. raster-scan systems. 2nd edition. 2. viewing coordinat4 reference frame. general computer animation functions. random scan systems. quadric surfaces. 3. Basic illumination models.Tech AME II Semester INTERACTIVE COMPUTER GRAPHICS (ELECTIVE . line drawing algorithms. scan-line. “Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics”. Tata Mc Graw hill. Springer. Pearson Education REFERENCES : 1. 4. VanDam. scaling. SutherlandHodgeman polygon clipping algorithm Unit -V 3-D object representation: Polygon surfaces. 5. Bezier curve and B-spline curve. depth sorting Unit-VIII Computer animation: Design of animation sequence. spline representation. Roy Plastock. Feiner and Hughes. “Computer Graphics Principles & practice”. composite transformations.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. Pauline Baker. mid-point circle algorithm. Procedural elements for Computer Graphics. TMH 92 . Shalini Govil. rotation. Neuman and Sproul. boundary-fill and flood-fill algorithm Unit-III 2-D geometrical transformations: Translation. raster animation. graphics monitors and work stations and input devices Unit-II Output primitives: Points and lines. computer animation language. “Computer Graphics Second edition”. Foley.IV) Unit-1 Introduction. window to view-port co-ordinate transformations. Cohen-Sutherland and Cyrus-beck line clipping algorithms. reflection and shear transformation and composite transformations Unit -VII Visible surface detection methods: Classification. Computer Graphics. Zhigand xiang. motion specification T 3+1* P 0 C 3 TEXT BOOKS: 1. key frame system. Hermite curve. transformations between coordinates Unit -IV 2-D viewing : The viewing pipe-line. shading algorithms Unit -VI 3-D geometric transformations: Translation. second edition in C. 2005. Principles of Computer Graphics. Steven Harrington. Schaum’s outlines. David F Rogers. Application area of Computer graphics. viewing function. Pai. Case study of .Tech AME II Semester OPERATING SYSTEM CONCEPTS (ELECTIVE – IV) UNIT I : Computer System and Operating System Overview: Overview of computer operating systems operating systems functions protection and security distributed systems special purpose systems operating systems structures and systems calls operating systems generation UNIT II : Process Management – Process concepts threads. Galvin. disk attachment disk scheduling. Operating Systems’ – Internal and Design Principles Stallings. system and network threats cryptography as a security tool. stable-storage implementation. Thread scheduling. kernel I/O subsystem.the concept of a file. file system implementation. scheduling-criteria algorithms. Peterson’s Solution.Dhamdhere. T 3+1* P 0 C 3 93 . TMH REFERENCES : 1. contiguous memory allocation. case study of Windows UNIT III : Concurrency : Process synchronization. monitors. classic problems of synchronization. Operating System Concepts. TEXT BOOKS : 1. demand paging. atomic transactions. the critical. efficiency and performance. directory implementation. recovery form deadlock. File system mounting. 3. program threats. Access control The Security problem. TMH. Goals of Protection. I/O systems. Transforming I/O requests Hardware operation. paging. Principles of Protection.File system structure. Disk structure. semaphores. Pearson education/PHI 2. structure of the page table . file sharing. UNIT VIII : Protection and Security: Protection. Directory structure. RAID structure. performance.Abraham Silberchatz. Peter B.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. Fifth Edition–2005.M. Operating systems.A Concept based Approach-D. 2. deadlock characterization. STREAMS. Windows UNIT IV : Memory Management : Swapping. Modern Operating Systems. segmentation. their evaluation. Hardware. virtual memory. Operating System A Design Approach-Crowley. Synchronization examples. Access Methods. 2nd Edition. UNIT VI : File system Interface. Tertiary storage structure. algorithms. case study of Windows UNIT VII : Mass-storage structure overview of Mass-storage structure. directory implementation. John Wiley.section problem. free-space management. File System implementation. application interface. protection. page-Replacement. synchronization Hardware. Greg Gagne 7th Edition. detection and avoidance. allocation methods. case study of Windows UNIT V : Principles of deadlock – system model. deadlock prevention. Andrew S Tanenbaum 2nd edition Pearson/PHI. swap-space management. 10. Heat transfer in forced convection apparatus. 3. on the heat transfer rates by different modes. 8. Calibration of Strain gauge for temperature measurement. 7. Calibration of thermocouple for temperature measurement.. B) INSTUMENTATION LAB 1. T 0 P 3 2 C REFERENCE BOOK : Metallography Laboratory Practice / George / KEHL 94 . Study and calibration of photo and magnetic speed pickups for the measurement of speed. Heat transfer in pin-fin 6. Stefan Boltzman Apparatus. 5. Kothandaraman. Study and calibration of LVDT transducer for displacement measurement. 9. 6. 2. 5. mass flow rate. Pre-Requisite: Heat Transfer Objective: To understand physically different aspects of modes of heat transfer and the effect of different parameters like geometry.P. 4. Calibration of capacitive transducer for angular displacement. Heat transfer in natural convection 8. Tables/Codes: Heat and Mass Transfer data book/ C. Composite Slab Apparatus – Overall heat transfer co-efficient. Calibration of Pressure Gauges Calibration of Transducer for temperature measurement.Tech AME II Semester HEAT TRANSFER AND INSTRUMENTATION LAB (A) HEAT TRANSFER LAB : 1. 3. Heat Transfer through a Concentric Sphere 4. 7. Calibration of resistance temperature detector for temperature measurement. Thermal Conductivity of given metal rod. Subramanian/ New Age Pub. 2.2007-08 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV Year B. Heat transfer through lagged pipe. Parallel and counter flow heat exchanger. Emissivity apparatus. heat flux & wall temperatures etc.
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