A MaxDNA Distributed Control System

April 3, 2018 | Author: E.C.MADHUDUDHANA REDDY | Category: Input/Output, Windows Registry, Signal (Electrical Engineering), Domain Name, Computer Network



A maxDNA distributed control system. • Remote Processing Units (RPU) consisting of Distributed Processing Units (DPUs) and I/O Modules, which provide control and data acquisition capabilities. • maxSTATIONs providing the human interface with the system • maxNET, a redundant Ethernet network, which interconnects maxSTATIONs and DPUs A maxSTATION may be set up as an: • Operator‟s Workstation • Engineer‟s Workstation • Dedicated Function The Operator‟s Workstation uses maxVUE graphical interface software to provide a graphical view of the process. The software uses both standard and custom displays The Engineer‟s Workstation is used for creating and maintaining configurations and process control documentation using the maxDPUTools configuration management software. It is also used to create and maintain custom graphic displays using the maxVUE graphics editor software. maxSTATIONs may be dedicated to a primary application or function. For instance, maxSTATIONs may be set up to collect and manage process and system alarms, process and event history, archive history, or log history reports, using various maxDNA applications. In network domains, maxSTATIONs may also be configured as proxy servers. To better manage maxSTATION processing loads and to reduce network traffic, Individual maxSTATIONs could be configured for the following specific functions: The SBP software suite includes the following core applications: . such as maxVUE and maxDPUTools. are clients accessing providers for data. historical. The collected data is comprised of alarm. applications. DPU4F) is a primary data provider for system clients. however. collects information.          Alarms Event collection Event logging History reports History collection (maxSTORIAN) Communications (maxLINKS) Proxy server OPC server Quick Log server Remote SBP maxDNA uses a client/server architecture Providers supply data to clients using the Software Backplane distributed communications infrastructure software The maxDPU (DPU4E. trend. event. and ultimately transfers the information to the appropriate maxSTATION clients. The maxDPU. The maxSTORIAN package gathers historic trend data and provides it to clients such as maxVUE and the History Reports utility. could play the role of provider as well as client. stores it. such as maxSTORIAN. acting as a server. and general point information maxDNA applications. maxDNA Software . which provides maxSTATION housekeeping functions. Clients „read‟. and more.Registration and Routing (RRS). maxLSS . Providers „register‟ information on the software backplane. The RTG provides immediate data. required with systems using DPU Bus Modules. „write‟ and „subscribe‟ to that information through the software backplane. Real Time Gateway (RTG). maxSTATIONs and maxDPU communicate with one another via maxNET. trend data.Local Status Server (LSS). The maxNET Network is a fully redundant 10/100 Mb per second Ethernet network using industry standard TCP/IP protocol for communications between Workstation clients and servers. the last display and selected point for maxVUE) and a set of simulation functions. provides an interface between the DBM and the software backplane.maxRRS . alarm data. which connects clients with providers of information. such as storage for other processes (for example. Other maxDNA applications are optional depending on requirements. making it possible to customize the application to meet your specific requirements To prepare software. Software Backplane Suite maxRRS Registration and Routing (RRS) maxLSS Local Status Server (LSS Real Time Gateway (RTG) provides interface between the DBM and software backplane. DBM-based systems only maxTRANSPORT inter-station communications maxINIT Make a repeatable series of software backplane operations Configuration maxDpuTools Configuration tools for maxDPU Graphical Configurator Document and print graphical representations of point database .( ref..). maxSTATION Auxiliary Functions.maxDNA applications feature associated initialization files and registry entries. you may need to perform any or all of the following: • Run the Startup Configuration tool to add (or remove) applications to the maxSTATION startup program to start the software automatically when a maxSTATION is booted. • Set up associated ini (initialization) files • Configure associated registry entries maxDNA software. such as the Software Backplane suite. must be installed on all maxSTATIONs. a User’s Guide. and log alarms and events I/O Configuration and Test Test hardware using simulated point database MAXDDE Exchange live data between applications Registry Editor Edit maxDNA software registry settings Point Picker Select and write point and HID text to any text box QuickLogs Basic report generation package Stable Time Permits a maxSTATION outfitted with stable time card to assume time mastership of a maxDNA system TestSBP Debugger and diagnostic tool Transfer Points Tool create a database of points to be shared among DPUs connected to different DPU buses or maxNET networks Utilities for maxDPU systems only Point Browser view and edit a DPU point database online HealthLog monitor health of DPUs in your system Bad Point Reference flag bad references in point database Download FreezeCheck unfreeze outputs after a download MaxMergeDpuAlm.exe produce a merged alarm list derived from multiple DPUs maxPROXY.exe runs when a workstation is configured as a proxy server TimeSync use to set up system time masters per domain .exe Produce a merged alarm list derived from multiple sources Events utility Collect.General Utilities Alarm annunciation Add audible signals to maxSTATION to indicate alarms MaxMergeAlm. store. Security MCS Security Edit set up password security MCSSecurity Schemes Editor create a security scheme database Domain Configuration Domain Configurator create domains Screen Design maxVUE Editor graphical user interface software which includes the following:  maxVUE Runtime  Screen Programming (Hidden Logic)  maxSCRIPT. simple language to customize maxVUE displays  History Collection maxSTORIAN Historian and reporting package History Reports Reports Package Create and generate history reports Miscellaneous maxLINKS Package containing a set of interfaces to other systems OPC server Provides a standard way to supply data from a maxDNA data source to any client application Remote SBP Provides the ability to monitor a maxDNA system from a remote location by connecting into a selected workstation via a modem or LAN connection maxCALCS Package to build calculations maxAPPS Application development tool kit . only software located in the MCS folders is affected.maxSTATION Software Infrastructure The maxSTATION file organization is divided into two separate directory trees called MCS and Custom. one is for MCS use and the other for end user use. (many located in Custom\SBP) • Database files generated by various applications (located in Custom\Database) • maxDPUTools point configuration databases (located in Custom\Configs) • maxVUE Custom displays (located in Custom\Displays) • maxVUE OCX controls (located in Custom\Controls) .ini) files associated with applications with your own custom settings. Consider the Custom directory to be a safe place to store and preserve custom settings. custom displays. the folders organized under Custom to store maxDNA applications containing custom settings and files. folders under Custom typically contain: • Initialization (. point configurations. Any work stored in Custom is preserved In addition to programs. When Metso Automation releases new software and upgrades. and databases. Settings in the user setting part of the registry database are organized by software application: • maxVUE • maxDPUTools • Software backplane. Specifying Registry Settings The Metso Automation MCS Registry is a database containing the default settings for maxDNA operating system and application-related software. you may customize the settings contained in these two areas The machine settings area of the Registry contains default settings for several maxDNA applications. Changes made in machine settings for software installed on a specific maxSTATION remain in place and are applied globally regardless of user and associated user logon name. user settings and machine settings. Using the MCS Registry Editor tool. .• Utility programs and associated initialization files (located in Custom\SBP) • History Reports (located in Custom\History) Registry and Initialization (ini) Settings Configuring Initialization Files Initialization files are typically text files containing settable options to change the way a software program behaves or to activate optional features. Changes made in the user settings area are associated with a specific user and user logon name. a subset of the Windows registry. The Registry. Such files are read by the maxSTATION startup program when it is first initialized. is divided into two sections. • DPUList. Point Browser Uses it to create the tree selection of the listed DPUs. MaxPROXY Uses it to determine if a data request is directly from a DPU and allows an extra proxy hop. DPU Atom List (diagnostic utility) List of DPUs available from which you can get a summary of atoms by time class. MaxDPUTools Uses it to look up the IP address for a given DPU name and determine if the name references a stand-alone or backup pair of DPUs. This file is referenced by a number of maxDNA applications that need to identify available DPUs in a system. I/O Inventory List of DPUs available to check list and current state of their I/O. Also used to determine which DPUs get the security database download if all is selected.ini File DPUList.ini file should be created for each domain in your system. DPUEvents Uses it to get events from the listed DPUs. .ini to add a new DPU if user requests it.System Resources Two initialization files. TimeSync Uses it to determine which DPUs to check time error and allow time set/sync. Writes to DPUList. DPUAlarms Uses it to get alarms from the listed DPUs. stored in C:\Custom\Database.ini is a text file containing the names and IP addresses of all the DPUs available in your system including virtual DPUs. (normally a proxy will not forward a request for data to another proxy) . A DPUList. have special systemwide importance: the following files are used to identify DPU and workstation resources to other applications or to the network. Healthlog Uses it to provide status of the listed DPUs.ini DPUList. Database Summaries The scope of DPUs from which to get the summaries Download Freeze Check The list of DPUs available to unfreeze Find Bad Reference The list of DPUs for checking bad references MaxTRANSPORT Pre-registers the IP address of the available DPUs.ini • wks.(at this point it does not pre-register the DPU name). configuring process security. Windows recognizes different user account classes. they are assigned to one or more groups. including user administration. and click the Logon button. Turn on the computer and monitor. When the computer finishes its start up procedures. These profiles contain information about what icons should appear on the desktop and what programs should be accessible from the Start menu. if they are not already turned on. An identical copy of this file should be distributed to each workstation in your system. Guest account is a general-purpose account that allows persons who do not have an account on the machine to use it with limited privileges To log on as an Administrator: 1. Guests. you must be recognized by the system as a user with administrative privileges. such as creating passwords. Two default accounts are always available in Windows: “administrator” and “guest. Only one file is used for an entire system. Each of the classes has different privileges. the Windows Auto Logon Dialog appears. 2. These classes include Administrators. in addition to other information. setting up domains. As an Administrator To perform many basic maxSTATION setup functions. Click the administrator icon. as well as operators. Each account has a profile that maintains information about the desktop for that account. Each account has a password that allows access to the computer functions under the Windows operating system. and Users. which control the privileges of that account. hardware and software administration. When new user accounts are created. enter the administrator password. When you turn the computer on. 3. . Press the <Ctrl + Alt + Delete> keys to open the Logon Dialog.” The administrator account is used for administration purposes.wks. and diagnostic testing.ini is a text file listing domain names and workstation names and IP addresses and the domains these stations may access. selecting which applications run automatically and so forth.ini File wks. it goes through its normal boot up routines. maxSTATION assignments may be distributed by domain. To further balance processing loads. such as alarm and event monitoring. each domain may have alarm masters. For instance. event stations. many of the overhead functions would normally be performed within the domain. and so forth. time synchronization. etc. Assignments are normally set up on maxSTATIONs configured as Operator Stations. Up to 31 independent domains may be configured. event collection and logging. For critical control room applications. A domain typically contains a group of DPUs and workstations that are engineered. alarm management. For example. database configuration. and operated independently from equipment in other domains While items such as live data and historical trends can be retrieved from other domains. event collectors. such as alarm masters. it is recommended that you select specific maxSTATIONs for various control room assignments.Setting up maxSTATIONs with Individual Assignments To balance processing loads. maxSTORIAN stations. and so forth. maintained. not across domains. select two stations for each application in the event one or the other station should fail. Domains 1 to 15 are . event loggers. and diagnostic maintenance are functions that are typically restricted to a domain Accurate Sequence of Events (SOE) time synchronization only operates within a domain. Setting up Domains Use domains in a maxDNA system to functionally divide a system into operational units. alarm annunciation. the utility. A Workstation may be assigned to any domain from 1 to 31 and can belong to more than one domain. . While logged in as administrator. Reboot each maxSTATION. but may not contain a DPU. for instance. observe the following steps to set up domain addressing: 1.a. In a power generating station.160. automatically defines domain addresses and creates a text file. A DPU is assigned to one and only one domain by the first address switch on the DPU4E chassis and by the second value from the right in the IP address of a DPU4F. in the background. 2. To complete the domain configuration process: 1. Assign all workstations a unique number (the last octet of the IP address) 1 to 254. The maxTRANSPORT program will automatically update the IP addresses for the A and B networks to support the specified domains Designing a Domain Topology Use domains to segment your system in a way that makes best use of your resources. Check by looking in your existing DPUlist.primary domains. The maxTRANSPORT program will detect the changes when starting up and modify the IP addresses of the workstation to include the domains you have defined.ini file. Workstations that provide other workstations with maxDPU or DBM point access are called proxy servers. listing domain names and workstation addresses and the domains these addresses may access.D. A maxDPU may be assigned to any primary domain from 1 to 15 (actually set as hexadecimal 0-9. 3. 4.c. wks. After updating the IP addresses. a system may be segmented by physical plant units. using the network applet of the Windows Control Panel. Copy wks. In a large process control environment.ini. Workstations assigned to domains with no DPU can be configured to communicate with workstations in other domains that have direct access to a DPU.e. In summary. a DPU uses the following address scheme: 172. As you define domains and make domain assignments. where D is the domain number. maxTRANSPORT will cause the workstation to reboot again. 2. Domains 16 through 31 may contain workstations.xx (their unique number).d. located in c:\custom\database. To define domains and assign workstations to specific domains.16. configure workstations to 172. Establish a domain number.16. Reboot the workstation. For Network A.ini file from the maxSTATION with the master file to each of your maxSTATIONs. a domain may represent a single unit.f).xx. while domains 16 through 31 are auxiliary domains. The file is stored in C:\Custom\Database\Wks. you will use a utility called Domain Configurator. Run the Domain Configurator to define the domains and the workstations assigned to the domains.ini file.b. executes the configuration you create to carry out automation functions. you create one configuration database file for each DPU. Use maxDPUTools to assign I/O modules to the Distributed Processing Units (DPUs). performing conversions and logic. All plant data signals and control signals pass through these units. providing control and data acquisition functions. and associated signals. Hardware resources consist of Distributed Processing Unit.ini. . along with control and data acquisition processing A configuration database is composed of function blocks. Distributed Processing Unit The maxDPU. The DPU IP address of the secondary station is one number greater than the address of the primary station. The DPU may be configured as a standalone module or as part of a backup pair. Use maxDPUTools to: Create one or more configurations. These modules provide the physical connection point for the input/output wiring of signals to and from a process. the process controller. When you create a configuration. Click the Enable/Disable Backup button on the configuration download dialog to enable and disable DPU backup Defining I/O Modules The DPU processes analog and digital input/output signals via the family of parallel input/output modules. The backup serial link cable (Part number 081387) carries data signals between the primary and secondary DPUs. Blocks have inputs and outputs which can be softwired together via references to provide a flow of sequential processing from reading input hardware.maxDPUTools Using maxDPUTools. two DPUs are connected to form a backup pair. and define function blocks within the configuration representing an individual DPU’s associated I/O hardware. Blocks can be grouped into larger objects to encapsulate increased functionality into an organizational hierarchy. Install the configuration(s) and load them into their respective DPUs. I/O Modules. Buffers are used to define the I/O inventory and specify signal conditioning and linearizations. Backing Up the DPU In a redundant configuration. If one end of this cable is removed from either DPU. that unit is rendered inactive. A specialized subset of function blocks exists to interface with the I/O and these are known as buffers. a DPU is automatically defined at the root of a configuration hierarchy. Hardware Resources define hardware resources using buffer functions. One DPU is designated as the primary unit and the other DPU the secondary unit. (DPU). DPU IP addresses are listed in a text file called DPUlist. and outputting the results to hardware. as well as a status signal which determines which DPU is active. limit. The I/O Bus Configuration Tool. may then output processed data from other function blocks to an output module connected to a field device I/O Addressing Up to 255 I/O addresses may be assigned to each DPU. the mix of analog versus digital I/O. Other function blocks may then be configured to point to analog and digital input buffers to obtain conditioned signals as input data. These limitations include the number of hardware modules that can be connected to one DPU. requirements of other features within the DPU. I/O Module Types and Associated Signals Function block Categories Table 1-1. I/O addresses are used to access I/O modules or channels of I/O modules.exe. I/O modules provide varying levels of signal conditioning. Function blocks Table . depending on the type and mix of I/O. Use digital and analog buffers to configure digital and high level analog signals coming from I/O modules.I/O modules plug into a Remote Processing Unit (RPU) cabinet card rack along with DPUs and other equipment. Use maxDPUTools to define the desired input or output modules using buffers. Output buffers. in turn. Use thermocouple and RTD buffers to specify linearizations. each corresponding to a signal. the mix of inputs versus outputs. Each digital I/O module supports 16 bits with one address. I/O Analog and Digital Modules and associated signals are defined and configured as buffers and become part of a DPU I/O inventory list. I/O modules communicate with DPUs via an I/O bus. IOBusConfig. the number of I/O addresses available for transfer of I/O values. and alarming (with validity. is used to determine the allowed mix of I/O modules on a DPU‟s I/O bus. Use Atag and Dtag function blocks to assign tagnames to each signal. and the update rate of the I/O. Refer to the next section for information about the I/O Inventory I/O Configuration Rules The amount of I/O that can be connected to a DPU can be limited by a number of different factors. Older legacy modules and analog output modules use one address per channel. data conversion. Each module has from 1 to 16 channels. and error checking) before passing information onto the high-speed parallel I/O bus for further processing by a DPU. Analog input modules generally use two addresses per module. Analog Math Functions (AnlFunc) ABS ADD MUL DIV MOD EXP POW SQRT Subcategory Special functions TOTL CALC SIGSEL LEADLAG Buffers (Bufs) AIB AOB DIB DOB PB PLSIO (Counter/Timer) QPAT RTD TC Modulating Control Logic (ModLog) Subcategory: Basic AUTOMAN LIMITER PID FEEDFWD Subcategory Participation PARTMEM PARTMSTR CTLCOMB Subcategory PATOUT PATOUT Forceback Subcategory Special: CTLSEL CTLADD CTLMUL CTLDIV1 CTLDIV2 FUNCGEN Subcategory Test CMPT QUALFRCE Group ALMRPTR GRP USROBJ Device Logic (DevLog) DEVLOG SEQMSTR SEQSTEP FSTOUT Steam STMPROP FLOWCOMP LVLCOMP Discrete Logic (DesLog) Subcategory Basic Gates NOT AND OR XOR Subcategory Comparisons GT LT EQ NE Subcategory Flip Flops RESETDOM SETDOM NODOM Subcategory Timers TON TOFF TPULSE Subcategory Triggers EDGEANY EDGEFALL EDGERISE Subcategory Pack/unpack Bitpack Bit/unpack AlarmTag related ATAG DTAG .
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