A. Jain. “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier

June 10, 2018 | Author: Pisut Oncharoen | Category: Gasification, Chemical Reactor, Gases, Chemistry, Nature



1Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier Reactor Anil Kr Jain School of Energy Studies for Agriculture, PAU. Ludhiana, 141 004 (INDIA). [email protected] ABSTRACT Five open core throatless batch fed rice husk gasifier reactors having internal diameters of 15.2, 20.3, 24.4, 30.3 & 34.3 cm were designed and fabricated. On each reactor 8-10 trial runs were conducted varying the air flow rate or specific gasification rate. Gas quality, gas production rate, gasification efficiency specific gasification rate, and equivalence ratio were determined for every run on each of the five reactors. It was found that for each reactor the gasifier performance was the best at a specific gasification rate of around 200 kg/hr-m2. Under the best operating conditions, the equivalence ratio was 0.40 and the gasification efficiency was around 65%. These parameters may be used for designing rice husk operated throatless gasifiers in the capacity range of 3 to 30 kW. Keywords: Throatless gasifier, rice husk, design parameters. 1. INTRODUCTION Rice is the staple food crop and its annual production in India and the world is about 90 and 400 MT respectively. For every to of paddy processed about 0.25 ton of paddy husk is generated as a by-product in milling operation (Baruah & Jain, 1998). Its heating value is about 15 MJ/kg which supports its application as an energy source. Thus paddy husk is an important agricultural crop residue having potential as renewable energy source. It can be used via combustion route, alternatively be used via gasification where it can be used to run engines and connecting equipment. Use of paddy husk via gasification will provide efficient and environment friendly use of husk as fuel. Some references on design of large as well as small capacity rice husk gasifiers are documented in the literature (Jain & Bhatnagar, 1990). However, little attention is paid towards the development of systematic reactor scaling factors or design parameters for a small (3 to 30 kW) as well as large capacity rice husk gasifier systems. The performance data for these gasifiers is also not properly reported. Down draft gasifiers with throat (Imbert type) is known to generate best quality producer gas for engines having minimum tar. An extensive literature review conducted by Kaupp and Goss (1984) failed to find any reference on rice husk gasification in a down draft gasifier with throat. Jain & Bhatnagar 1990 and Pathak & Jain, 1985 also reported that rice husk can not be used as a feed stock in Imbert type gas producers due to material flow problems. It is. Therefore, necessary that a suitable gasifier for rice husk gasification is developed which is capable of producing clean gas for running IC engines. The design parameters for such gasifier ______________________________________________________________ A. Jain. “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal, Manuscript EE 05 012. Vol VIII. May, 2006. 35.. Use of kinetic model is one approach (Jain et al. Gasifier consists of an inner reactor and a concentric containment tube. 20. The gasifier operated trouble free for more than 300 hours. On all the five reactors a series of experiments were conducted keeping air flow rate as a variable parameter. The top end of the reactor remained opened during the operation. Internal diameter of the containment tube for the five reactors were 18. The air flow rate range was selected in such a way so that the variation in SGR was from 100 to 270 kg h-1m-2.5. Reactor diameter is the most critical parameter for a throatless gasifier.. .3 cm were used. ______________________________________________________________ A. Jain. With a view to enhance this technology it was planned to develop the up scaling factors for the gas producer so that higher capacity systems could be designed and developed for other applications. 24. Five gasifier reactor having internal diameters of 15. 1986). A brief description of different units follows: 2.6 m/s in each case.4.3 and 34.3. These were made from 3 mm thick mild steel sheet. 2. The gas was used as fuel in a 3 kW single cylinder spark ignition engine. USA (Kaupp. a small portion of the gas was taken through two ice-cooled condensers connected in series for analysis. 1999 & 2002). Cool gas was piped through flexible PVC hose from the water scrubber to the dry filter packed with rice husk residue of the gasifier.1 Gasifier Reactor Each reactor was a batch fed down draft throatless gasifier having constant diameter.3 cm. May. “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier”. temperature and pressure at various points in the test set up and gasification rate were monitored. 30.3.3 and 34. 20. A small open core throatless rice husk gasifier (15 cm diameter) was designed and developed at University of California Davis.2 cm respectively.2 Gas Cleaning Unit The gas cleaning unit consisted of a flooded sieve plate water scrubber and a dry packed bed filter.. The data was analyzed for the determination of specific gasification rate. Manuscript EE 05 012.8 and 41. 2006. The gasifier coupled to engine could be used for farm irrigation water lifting and for electricity generation in developing countries. Cremer et al.3. The other approach is the use of specific gasifiecation rate (SGR). The experimental setup for the gasifier unit is shown in Figure 1. 1984. 24. gas quality. GASIFIER SYSTEM Gasifier system comprised of a gasifier reactor and gas cleaning unit consisting of a water scrubber and a dry filter.2. equivalence ratio and cold gas efficiency. specific gas production rate. An orifice meter was connected in the main line to measure the gas flow rate.2. air fuel ratio. Vol VIII. 1986 & Tiangoo et al. After the dry filter. The internal diameters of the five reactors were 15.2 are properly developed. For each run. 30. The bottom of the containment tube was water sealed. 2. Two different approaches are in use for estimation of the reactor diameter.4. 29. gas production rate. 25. The second approach is investigated in the present study. The diameter of the containment tube was selected in such a way that the producer gas velocity in the space between the reactor and the containment tube was around 0. Gas was flared on a L P gas burner through suction blower.3. The containment tube and the reactor were flanged together at the top. where as length of containment tube was 20 cm more than the reactor in each case. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. dry filter and at orifice meter. 3. Glass U tube manometer and inclined tube manometer were also used to measure pressure drop across the reactor and the orifice meter respectively. In each run gas flow rate.3 2.1 Temperature Measurement The system was fitted with Chromel/Alumel (K type) thermocouple to measure temperature of gas at the gas outlet of gasifier. 3. May. Cool and dry gas was analysed using Beckman online gas analyzers. ethane and ethylene compositions. gasification efficiency. 3. The gas in the glass bottles was latter used for analysis on Nucon 5700 Gas Chromatograph for carbon monoxide. 3. The analysis was done using thermal conductivity detector and Argon was used as carrier. Vol VIII. The data was used to compute the air flow rate. When the fire spread over rice husk in the reactor. 2006. amount of husk consumed. ______________________________________________________________ A. acetylene. hydrogen.3 Start up of the Gasifier Small amount of char (rice husk residue from previous run) was placed over the grate followed by fresh rice husk.4 Gas Flow Rate A calibrated orifice meter was connected in the gas line between the dry filter and suction blower. “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier”. operating period. Jain. Each pressure tap was connected to the pressure transducer and to HP data acquisition system. Methods for various determinations are outlined below. The suction blower connected in the down stream section of gasifier (after the dry filter) was turned on and some burning pieces of paper were dropped in the reactor. to remove the tars and condensate. oxygen. The temperature values were recorded continuously on HP data acquisition system.3 Gas Analysis A small portion of the gas was taken out of the main gas line. MATERIAL AND METHODS Eight runs on 15. Pressure drop was measured using an inclined manometer. gas inlet and outlet temperature of water scrubber.2 cm diameter reactor and ten runs each on the remaining four reactors were conducted at different specific gasification rate. The producer gas was passed through an assembly of two ice cooled condensers and a suction blower. Cool and dry gas during each run was also filled in air tight glass sampling bottles after every 15 minutes. gas heating value. methane. nitrogen. carbon dioxide. . the reactor was considered to be ready for experiment. specific gasification rate. Manuscript EE 05 012. 3. water scrubber and dry filter. temperature and pressure at various points and gas composition were monitored. The purpose of adding char over the grate was to protect the grate from high temperature. air fuel ratio and equivalence ratio. between the air flow meter (orifice meter) and the dry filter. Standard curve between the pressure drop and flow rate was referred to get gas flow rate.2 Pressure Drop Pressure taps were provided to measure the pressure drop across the reactor. CVG = ∑X H i i XI = volume fraction of producer gas constituent Hi = lower heating value of the gas constituent 3. The time was taken as the starting time for the run. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. When fire reached the top layer of the husk in the reactor. May. the run was concluded. ER = (Amount of air used in a run)/(Amount of stoichiometric air in the run) 38 Specific Gasification Rate Specific gasification rate (SGR) was calculated using the weight of dry rice husk gasified for a run. Hydrogen – 9. 1984). Vol VIII.6 Weight of Material and Operating Time After firing.3468 m3 kg-1of dry rice husk (Jain.32.36 MJ m-3 (Perry. Jain. 2002) was used for calculating the lower heating value of producer gas. small quantity of rice husk (about one kg) was added to the reactor. “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier”. 3. ⎡ Weight of dry husk used ( kgh −1 ) ⎤ SGR = ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎣ Cros sec tional area of the reactor ( m ) ⎦ 3.57. Manuscript EE 05 012.79.5 Heating Value of Producer Gas Gas analysis data obtained on gas chromatograph for each run was used to compute the lower heating value of producer gas. The difference was recorded as net operating time. the weighed amount of rice husk for the run was added. net operating period and the cross sectional area of the reactor using the following relation. ______________________________________________________________ A. 2006.7 Equivalence Ratio Equivalence ratio is defined as the ratio of actual air used in a run to stoichiometric air requirement for the run. the stoichiometric air requirement was estimated as 3.09 and Ethane – 59.88. 1996). Methane – 32. Lower heating value of different constituents of producer gas at STP (20 oC & ! atm) used in the calculation is: Carbon monoxide – 11. Knowing the elemental composition of rice husk. Ethylene – 54. Towards the end of the run when the fire again reached the top layer of husk.4 3. Acetyline – 51.9 Specific Gas Production Rate Specific gas production rate is the rate of producer gas generation at STP per unit cross-sectional area of the gasifier. . The following expression (Jain et al. air fuel ratio. The following expression was used to compute the gasification efficiency. equivalence ratio and specific gasification rate increased linearly in all the five reactors. “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier”. Therefore.1 Performance of the Reactors With the increasing gas flow rate in a single reactor. Since the formation of carbon monoxide. May. 20. 24. An average value of SGPR as 420 m3 hr-1m-2 may be used for design of throatless rice husk gasifiers.e. Jain.3 cm diameter reactors are given in tables 1. air fuel ratio. between 185 to 215 kg h-1m-2. and 5 respectively. equivalence ratio. the maximum gasification efficiency falls in a narrow range of specific gasification rate i. 4. 2006. 2. In a gasifier reactor the producer gas temperature depends upon gas flow rate. Specific gas production rate (SGPR) increased linearly with increasing SGR. The trend lines for the data depicted in the figure indicates very clearly that for all the five reactors.3 cm. Lower heating value of husk was 14.2 cm. The gas temperature leaving the reactor was found to vary from 200 to 350 °C. an average value of optimum specific gasification rate as 200 kg hr-1m-2 may be considered as a design parameter for throatless rice husk gasifier. ⎡ Amount of gas produced x LCV of gas ⎤ ⎥ x 100 ⎣ Quantity of Husk used x LCV of husk ⎦ 4. falls in a narrow range from 410 to 429 m3h-1m2. lower heating value of producer gas and gasification efficiency for each run on 15. An average equivalence ratio of 0. specific gas production rate. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. the optimum value of SGPR that corresponds to maximum gasification efficiency.41 respectively for the five reactors. specific gasification rate.40. 30. 0. The data in Tables 1-5 indicate that.40.. the lower temperature in the smaller diameter reactors resulted lower carbon ______________________________________________________________ A. Like SGR. The variation of specific gasification rate vs gasification efficiency for each run on all the five reactors is depicted in Figure 2.40 may be selected for making material and energy balance calculations over the gasifier engine systems and their design work. the maximum gasification efficiency corresponds to equivalence ratio of 0. η =⎢ .39. Vol VIII. Higher gas flow rate accounted for higher producer gas temperature. Manuscript EE 05 012. 0. In smaller diameter reactors the hot gas temperature was generally low. 0.41 and 0.3 cm and 34.11 Gasification Efficiency 5 Gasification efficiency is the percentage energy of rice husk converted in to cold producer gas (free from tar).⎡ Rate of gas production ( m3 / h ) ⎤ SGPR = ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ Cros sec tional area of the gasifier ⎦ 3. hydrogen and methane is a function of reactor temperature. Gasification efficiency increased with increasing specific gasification rate and started decreasing after passing through a maxima for each reactor.4 cm. 4. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Gas flow rate. 1997).35 MJ kg-1 (Jain et al. The temperature of the producer gas entering the water scrubber varied from 80 °C to over 150 °C. These are not based on a scientific and systematic study. Jain. 2006. the maximum gasification efficiency comes to around 65% for rice husk gasification in open core down draft throatless gasifier. If this is taken into account. It is further reported by in the same reference that the maximum specific heat rate can climb to 23. lowers heating value of producer gas. In the system gas sample was continuously taken for analysis before the gas measurement. The gasifier system is an open core throatless type gasifier reactor having a capacity to gasify 100 kg/h rice husk. For determining the reactor diameter for a downdraft stratified gasifier . However more systematic study on this aspect should be carried. operating in dual fuel mode.3 Design Parameter for Large Capacity Gasifiers A rice husk gasifier system manufactured by a commercial gasifier manufacturer . Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. ______________________________________________________________ A. The gasifier about 4 m high has a cross-sectional area of 1x 0. Thus the value reported by Reed et al.6 monoxide and hydrogen. Using the data in the present study. and therefore. the specific gasification rate comes out to be 200 kg m-2-h-1 which matches to the optimum value of SGR determined in the present study.4 cm diameter reactor the energy output is 158. For 34.i. It is determined as product of gas flow rate and gas LCV. 1987 do not match with the findings of the present study. 4. The temperature of the gas leaving the water scrubber was fairly constant at 40 to 50 °C. For each reactor the energy output for the run when the gasification efficiency is maximum is shown in Table 6. Vol VIII. During each trial run as the fire zone moved up.9 MJ/h which corresponds to the energy requirement of a 15 kW diesel engine. M/s Associated Engineering Works. operating in dual fuel mode. the corresponding specific heat rate comes out to be 2. The gasifier system is installed in the Laboratory of the School of Energy Studies. . 1987 has indicated an optimum value of specific heat rate as 11. The sampling gas was estimated in a separate measurement to be about 10% of the total gas production.for 15. That explains the lower gasification efficiency in smaller diameter reactors. “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier”.3 GJ m-2-h-1 with gasifier having mechanical ash removal unit. The performance evaluation studies on the system are yet to be carried.5 MJ/h which corresponds to the energy requirement of a 3 kW diesel engine. the heat transferred from hot producer gas to fuel bed in the containment tube reduced and caused higher gas inlet temperature to water scrubbers. Generally higher producer gas temperature accounted for higher gas temperature at gas inlet to scrubber.2 Energy Output The energy output for a gasifier is the chemical energy in producer gas when we want to use the producer gas for engine applications.6 GJ m-2-h-1 for 8 to 75 cm diameter reactors. The optimum value of gasification efficiency is about 60% as given in the tables. May. Reed et al.7 GJ m-2-h-1.5 m2.2 cm diameter reactor the energy output is 29. Based on the size of the gasifier and the husk gasification capacity. However it is reported that these figures are derived from experiment with the particular gasifier type and mode of operation. This clearly indicate that the SGR approach for designing the rice husk gasifier in the capacity range under study is valid even for large capacity systems up to 100 kg-h-1 capacity. Manuscript EE 05 012. Andhra Pradesh. 4.e. INDIA was investigated by the Author. CA. vol 44. D. Availability and characteristics of paddy husk as a renewable energy source. 1-22.5 MJ Nm-3. A. & Goss J. 2002. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. and Joss.K.. Braunschweig. 2000. New Delhi. Gasifier research at punjab agricultural university.K. Kaupp. K. Jain. of Solar Energy. D. Jr. S. Jr. “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier”. D. 2002.K. 5. Sharma. S. ______________________________________________________________ A. 1997. Section A. J. Small scale rice hull gas producer-gasoline engine performance. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal.R. International Symposium on Application and Management of Energy in Agriculture-the Role of Biomass Fuels. A. Friedr. Engineering. Jain. Section A. 1999. . No. A. June 29-July 2.C.. S. A. Manuscript EE 05 012. 25-32. 4. & Jain.. Jain.K. Development of a kinetic model for designing throatless gasifier. 6.P. D. February. Journal of Agricultural Engineering 34 (1): 10-14. and Singh.7 5.2 Optimum value of equivalence ratio is 0. 5. Sharma.. Determination of reactor scaling factors for throatlessrice husk gasifier. 1990. S. Sharma. A. J. Vol VIII. Sharma. 4.3 The lower heating value of producer gas under the optimum operating conditions is about 4. Jenkins. A. and Singh. 2006. REFERENCES Baruah. A.S. Small scale gasifier engine systems. 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Energy Management. and Chancellor. Vol VIII. Golden. Colorado. 1984. 245. Vol 3. 1986.. Design and development of a continuous small scale rice hull gas producer.S. B and Graboski. USA. June 29 . . Jain. May. A. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. US category.July 2.B. ______________________________________________________________ A. M.M. McGraw Hill Publication. at San Luis Obispo. development and scaleup of airoxygen stratified down draft gasifier. Chemical engineers' handbook.M. V. 1987. 1985. 2006. ASAE Summer meeting. T. Jenkins. Tiangoo. NPC. sixth edition. 86-3070. USA. W. “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier”.J. and Jain. Manuscript EE 05 012. Paper No. Reed.K. Levie. Fundamentals.S.8 Pathak B... SERI/PR-234-2571. R. USA. B. May.00 195. Run No.58 57. of P. “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier”. Jain.89 249.53 SGR (kg h-1m-2) SGPR (m3 h-1m-2) L.87 6.25 716.54 323.08 2.68 11.36 370.18 4.32 4.06 58.13 ______________________________________________________________ A.80 175.40 0.31 0.00 ER (ϕ) 0.9 Table 1 Performance characteristics of 15. Vol VIII.44 0.00 233.2 cm diameter gas producer.00 264. (MJ m-3) 4.80 184.35 0. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal.10 182. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gas flow rate (m3 hr-1) 3.68 η (%) 43.55 9.89 53.18 415.90 147.33 0.53 5.41 50. Manuscript EE 05 012.91 533.91 3. 2006.55 13.G.07 3.24 636. .38 0.02 4.46 47.50 0.25 54.V.H.72 7.59 3.07 4.11 57.64 117.00 251. 1 426.8 510.82 45.3 153.8 246.5 162.43 0.07 51.37 0.02 3.05 4.34 0.2 185.40 0.4 Table 3 Performance characteristics of 24.87 25.8 189.5 198. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gas flow rate (m3 hr-1) 6.4 266.05 4.15 4.85 3.27 11.3 411.38 0.39 0.7 410.22 4.7 264.90 23.5 247. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal.78 57.36 14.2 358. Run No. (MJ m-3) 4. May. Jain.7 537.H.20 8.15 4.94 53.7 446.2 478.20 4.60 54.27 0.79 45.41 0.7 181.21 4.77 48.3 170.62 9.3 110.34 19.0 159.2 306.75 105.38 η (%) 39.7 141.5 174.40 ER (ϕ) 0.G.36 0.65 3.39 0.5 317.27 0.44 0.H.5 229.62 53.10 Table 2 Performance characteristics of 20.G.V.00 3.8 222.10 4. 2006. of P.8 142.15 4.44 SGR (kg h-1m-2) SGPR (m3 h-1m-2) L.V.05 4.30 0.26 20. Vol VIII.25 53.05 4.63 10.07 4. (MJ m-3) 4.43 SGR (kg h m ) -1 -2 SGPR (m h m ) 3 -1 -2 L.23 ER (ϕ) 0.62 7.3 539.85 3.9 200.68 50.3 cm diameter gas producer. .14 128.35 57.4 cm diameter gas producer.80 15. Run No.60 12.50 17.0 151.80 57.44 59.35 16.0 230.31 0.10 13.28 13. “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier”.66 7.3 373.5 169.01 58.20 η (%) 39.8 349.9 196.0 195. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gas flow rate (m3 hr-1) 5.41 55.39 0.20 12.72 60.38 0.49 3.19 49. Manuscript EE 05 012.29 0.1 126.4 ______________________________________________________________ A.34 0. of P.52 42. 4 54.50 η (%) 50. “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier”.75 43.31 215.48 249.37 25.98 3. of P.2 ______________________________________________________________ A.02 3.00 55.0 235.86 3.5 451.35 4.85 15.17 49.6 429.35 4.38 188.25 4. May. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gas flow rate 3 (m hr-1) 13.90 392.68 36.V. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gas flow rate (m3 hr-1) 13.7 465.6 59.40 4.55 η (%) 41.33 0.37 0.0 54.80 3.49 34.11 Table 4 Performance characteristics of 30.9 378.39 0.25 4. of P.37 0. (MJ m-3) 4.35 26.6 57.08 342. Jain. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal.68 275.0 116.90 18.95 Table 5 Performance characteristics of 34.00 29.H.3 111.39 0.H.04 430.3 315.34 4.30 4.74 22.34 0.44 SGR (kg h m ) -1 -2 SGPR (m h m ) 3 -1 -2 L.42 0.21 4.7 210.25 18.V. (MJ m-3) 4.0 146.3 cm diameter gas producer Run No.31 22.03 58. . Vol VIII.00 39.11 4.81 47.8 202.01 144.8 141.99 204.85 48.00 ER (ϕ) 0.7 241.31 0. Manuscript EE 05 012.35 0.41 0.8 281.66 155.3 cm diameter gas producer Run No.G.66 31.5 189.93 61.G.7 58.27 4.96 124.55 ER (ϕ) 0.25 20.28 4.33 0.7 61.41 SGR (kg h-1m-2) SGPR (m3 h-1m-2) L.99 53.36 0.6 61.20 35. 2006.79 474.28 4.37 499.9 152.35 306.53 168.07 28.68 136.7 63.0 180.49 57.43 0.41 0.0 193.52 217.97 105.39 0.2 128.30 0.20 3.28 0.50 16.48 44.70 41.00 4.38 0.14 224.0 175.0 160.1 52. 2006.12 Figure 1 Experimental setup of the gasifier unit ______________________________________________________________ A. May. Jain. Vol VIII. . Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. Manuscript EE 05 012. “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. . “Design Parameters for a Rice Husk Throatless Gasifier”. Vol VIII. ( EFF3) 125 150 175 SGR 200 225 250 275 EFF 50 45 40 35 100 Specific gasification rate (kg h-1m-2) Figure 2 Gasification efficiency Vs SGR for the five reactors ______________________________________________________________ A. May. ( EFF4) Poly. 2006.13 65 60 55 EFF1 EFF2 EFF3 EFF4 EFF5 Poly. Manuscript EE 05 012. Jain. ( EFF1) Poly. ( EFF5) Poly. ( EFF2) Poly.
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