A Generative Move for Cities: Growing Deliberately Developmental Individuals in Deliberately Developmental Organisations (DDIs in DDOs) in An Everyone Culture

June 10, 2018 | Author: Gerard Bruitzman | Category: Documents



A Generative Move for Cities: Growing Deliberately Developmental Individuals in Deliberately Developmental Organisations (DDIs in DDOs) in An Everyone Culture.

© Gerard Bruitzman, Jan. 18, 2018 https://independent.academia.edu/GerardBruitzman

Three Useful Principles in Integral Thinking Principle 1: Nonexclusion — “Everyone is right” Nonexclusion means that we can accept the valid truth claims (i.e., the truth claims that pass the validity tests for their own paradigms in their own fields, whether in hermeneutics, spirituality, science, etc.) insofar as they make statements about the existence of their own enacted and disclosed phenomena, but not when they make statements about the existence of phenomena enacted by other paradigms. That is, one paradigm can competently pass judgments within its own worldspace, but not on those spaces enacted (and only seen) by other paradigms.

Principle 2: Enfoldment — “Some are more right than others” Everybody can be right because some views are more right than others. None are wrong; some are simply more inclusive, more encompassing, more holistic, more integrative, more depthed, more transcending-and-including—endlessly. But the fact that molecules are more inclusive than atoms does not mean that we can get rid of atoms, or that atoms can be jettisoned, or that atoms have no real truths to offer just as they are. To be a partial truth is still to be a truth. The nonexclusion principle goes a long way in helping us to integrate a plurality or multiplicity of paradigms (and thus develop a metatheory that is true to the phenomena enacted by the social practices of an integral methodological pluralism). But even within nonexclusion, numerous conflicts arise, and how to integrate those becomes a pressing issue. This is where the second integrative principle, that of unfoldment, can be of help. Principle 3: Enactment — “If you want to know this, do that” Most “paradigm clashes” are usually deemed “incommensurable”—meaning there is no way for the two paradigms to fit together—but this is so only because people focus on the phenomena, not the practices. But if we realize that phenomena are enacted, brought forth, and disclosed by practices, then we realize that what appeared to be “conflicting phenomena” or experiences are simply different (and fully compatible) experiences brought forth by different practices. Adopt the different practices, and you will see the same phenomena that the adherents of the supposedly “incommensurable” paradigm are seeing. Hence, the “incommensurability” is not insurmountable, or even a significant barrier, to any sort of integral embrace. Source: Ken Wilber: The Many Ways We Touch: Three Principles Helpful for Any Integrative Approach.

Source: Paul van Schaik Integral Mentors / Integral Without Borders

Integral Methodological Pluralism Integral Theory is genuinely post-postmodern or trans-modern, vastly inclusive yet disciplined, combining richness with rigour, breadth with depth, and giving equal value to the subjective and objective while also grounded in empirical evidence. It guides studies in various fields, providing a conceptual framework that stimulates new insights by highlighting neglected areas of investigation and unexplored relationships. Integral Theory provides a framework for understanding the evolving complexification of values, worldviews, behaviour, culture and systems, i.e., subjective and objective worlds, as well as intersubjective and interobjective worlds. Simplistically put: Consciousness and Cultures of interior subjective worlds and Capacities and Creations of exterior objective worlds. All based on ‘scientific’ studies appropriate to each domain. Source: Paul van Schaik Integral Mentors / Integral Without Borders

Source: Paul van Schaik, Integral Mentors / Integral Without Borders

Integral Theory in Practice: ThriveAble Cities: Paul van Schaik’s Urban Hub 1-8

Integral City Inquiry and Action How do you inquire about, act in and impact the city as citizen, civic manager, or placemaker? Learn through a series of process, project, and program designs that integrate the consciousness and culture of Placecaring, with the actions and systems of Placemaking. Explore Integral City’s design cycles using: The Knowing Field, the Master Code, 12 City Intelligences, City Values & Vital Signs Monitors, 4 Voices, Prototyping Rapid Innovation, Meshworking People, Place and Planet, and Evaluating Outcomes. You may discover a linear or a non-linear path to optimize impact or chart a grand tour. In any case, you will find an inquiry-action-impact system that is replicable, frequently iterative and provides a framework for enacting deep change in the human hive, http://integralcity.com/2018/01/06/integral-city-meta-blog2017/ .

What NOW? Integral Cities

Integral Theory in Practice: ThriveAble Cities: Marilyn Hamilton’s Integral Cities

Burning Questions?

Stages of Growing Up in Key Lines of Development Leadership, Organizational, and Scientific Developmental Action-logics as Mapped by Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry (CDAI)

(Categories described in Torbert, 2004 & 2013)

Adapted from: Bill Torbert, The Pragmatic Impact on Leaders & Organizations of Interventions Based in the Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry Approach, Integral Leadership Review, Aug-Nov. 2017 https://www.gla.global/

Friendship After #MeToo With Hilary Bradbury & Bill Torbert, The Amiel Show, Episode 72, http://amielhandelsman.com/.

Become a Deliberately Developmental Individual (DDI) in a Deliberately Developmental Organization (DDO) in “An Everyone Culture.” Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey, http://www.waytogrowinc.com/.

A Brief Outline of Eight Models of Human Growth Skill Levels (Kurt Fischer)

GSSS (Michael Commons)

SISS (Lawrence Kohlberg)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

2 1 0

principled systems principled mappings single principles abstract systems abstract mappings single abstractions representational systems representational mappings single representations sensorimotor systems sensorimotor mappings single sensorimotor actions reflexive systems reflexive mappings single reflexes

Action Logics (Torbert)

LMF (CookGreuter)



constructaware selfactualising selfquestioning selfdetermining

Orders of Consciousness (Kegan)

Spiral Dynamics (Beck)

turquoise holistic yellow integrative green relativist


expert/ technician




5th order selftransforming mind/interindividual 4th order selfauthoring mind/ institutional 3rd order socialised mind/ interpersonal



2nd order instrumental/ imperial




stage 6

alchemist/ magician


stage 5



stage 4



stage 3


abstract stage 2 concrete primary preoperational sentential

stage 1

1st order impulsive


orange achiever self blue absolutist red power gods purple magical animistic

sensory-motor circular sensory & motor sensory & motor calculatory

Stage correspondences are more or less approximate, not fully accurate

beige survival

STAGES (Terri O’Fallon) 6.5 + pps 6.0 person perspective 5.5 person perspective 5.0 person perspective 4.5 person perspective 4.0 person perspective 3.5 person perspective 3.0 person perspective 2.5 person perspective 2.0 person perspective 1.5 person perspective 1.0 person perspective

Four Models of Human Growth: Bill Torbert, et al’s Action Logics;

Susanne CookGreuter’s Leadership Maturity Framework; Terri O’Fallon’s


and Lectica’s Developmental Spiral. Source: Terri O’Fallon’s STAGES International

Source: Lectica, www.theodawson.net

W H A T N O W ?

Burning Questions? • For an overview of research on adult development in the Loevinger/Cook-Greuter/O’Fallon lineage, see Tom Murray’s ‘Sentence Completion Assessments for Ego Development, Meaning-Making, and Wisdom Maturity, Including STAGES,’ Integral Leadership Review, Aug-Nov. 2017. • For an overview of the current state of research on meditation, see Daniel Goleman & Richard J. Davidson, 2017, The Science of Meditation: How to Change Your Brain, Mind and Body, Penguin Life, UK. In USA, the title is Altered Traits: Science Reveals

How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body.

• For an introductory primer to landscape and urban planning as well as integral theory, see Theodore S. Eisenman & Tom Murray, 2017, An Integral Lens on Patrick Geddes, Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, 166, 43-54. • For enlightening ways of working with polarities, see Bert Parlee’s Polarity Partnerships, www.polaritypartnerships.com or John Kesler’s Integral Polarity Practice Institute, https://theippinstitute.com/. • For an integral application in corporate sustainability, see Bill Baue & Ralph Thurm’s ‘Reporting 3.0: Global Common Good R&D Market-Maker for a Regenerative, Distributive Economy,’ July-Sept., 2017, www.sustainablebrands.com. • For an overview of the futures of knowledge and consciousness, see Jennifer Gidley’s ‘Futures of Education for Rapid GlobalSocietal Change’. In There’s a Future: Visions for a Better World, 2012, Ed., Francisco Gonzalez, Publisher: BBVA. • For integral voices in Christianity, see Return to the Heart of Christ Consciousness, www.returntotheheartevent.com, and for integral voices in Buddhism, see The Fourth Turning of Buddhism, www.integrallife.com/fourth-turning-buddhism.

From psychotherapy in fragments to Integral / Unified Psychotherapists, who no longer flog different horses but learn to live with the whole elephant!

From psychotherapy (or any discipline) in parts to psychotherapy (or any discipline or group of disciplines) unifying / integrating

Some Bad News: Our Current Global Situation

Source: Al Gore, 2017, Truth in 10, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power

A Dark Side of Modernity: Perverse “Progress”

300 ppm threshold crossed in about 1937

~ 315

Our Global Community Responds With Lots of Pledges

Source: Al Gore, 2017, Truth in 10, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power

But These Responses are Not Good Enough !!! Here are some Global Warming Projections. Much more needs to be done to restore a safe climate !!! For integrative views on climate change see Karen O’Brien’s www.cchange.no Graeme Taylor’s A Realistic (Holistic) Approach to Climate Mitigation, World Future Review, 2016, Vol. 8(3).

Source: David Spratt, Climate Reality Check, www.breakthroughonline.org.au.

Common sense is not that common. Common sense is derived from an understanding of common reality. At this time, there is not much agreement on what common reality for all of humanity actually is except for the objective reality of the physical universe and its laws. This is one important reason why everyone should study the current facts about the universe and its laws as a whole and integrated system. Once we share a common reality about reality, we will then act in more common sense ways concerning the challenges of our individual and shared futures. — Lawrence Wollersheim

Job One for Humanity, http://www.joboneforhumanity.org/

So… Must We


(to see more of what’s happening) and GROW UP (to learn to live in more integral/integrative ways) ?

YES !!!

Robb Smith, Never Been Better, Never Felt Worse: Inside The Rise of an Integral Global Operating System for the 21st Century, https://integrallife.com/never-better-never-felt-worse-inside-rise-integral-global-operating-system-21st-century/

What NOW? Integral Conferences

Never Been Better, Never Felt Worse: Inside The Rise of an Integral Global Operating System for the 21st Century, https://integrallife.com/never-better-never-felt-worseinside-rise-integral-global-operating-system-21st-century/, What NOW? Conference, December 29, 2017. In this keynote address, Integral Life CEO Robb Smith puts the tumult of 2017 into a historical perspective and looks ahead at the “momentous leap into the transformation age” that he believes is underway right now. Taking a long view of history, evolutionary dynamics, culture, and economics, Robb argues that we’re at the peak of a Green, pluralistic global operating system, with Orange modernism slipping into our rear view mirror, and Teal integralism just beginning to emerge, holding all the promise of overcoming the evolutionary contradictions that gave rise to populism and leaders like Donald Trump.

From Unilateral Power Relations -- only “I” or “We” [our group] are right; thus any others must be wrong, so they deserve to be punished or abused -- to Mutuality in Relations -everyone has innate dignity with more or less partial, but unique views that must be seen, appreciated, and included.

What NOW? Integral Parenting Parenting as a Spiritual Practice Experience the full potential of parenthood: a transformative vessel for evolving yourself, your child, and the future.

A community learning experience facilitated by Miriam Mason Martineau, www.integralparenting.com & www.miriammartineau.com

Parenting can be a most powerful vehicle for spiritual growth, compassion-in-action, and evolutionary activism. Yet … people on a personal development path often feel their practice must be put on hold when they take on the full-time job of parenting. How can changing diapers become your new meditation, or playing with legos your most advanced yoga? And … many parents are awestruck by the responsibility of raising a child. They are overwhelmed by vastly different schools of parenting wisdom, struggling to forge a path that honours themselves and nurtures their children. How can we hold the truths of such varied perspectives to raise our children with the most consciousness, love, and creativity we can muster? How can we raise the bar for ourselves as parents while forgiving our very human limitations? Miriam Mason Martineau has spent 20 years asking such questions: as a researcher, integral practitioner, and mother. She has found the practice of parenting undergoes a radical shift when placed in a new context: an integral, evolutionary perspective. Parent, child, and the relationship between them are all invited to stretch the limits of their human potential — all while honouring the ever-present, already-whole perfection of the spiritual realm.

What NOW? From Extractive forms to Generative forms of economic activity. From financial profit only for an exclusive elite to various forms of MultiCapital that work to generate & integrate economic, ecological, and human flourishing.

Sense and Respond to Reality Impact Investing

Source: John Montgomery, Corporations: Villains or Hope for the Future? What NOW Conference, Dec 2017-Jan 2018.

W H A T N O W ?

From Extractive forms to Generative forms of economic activity. For 21st century progress, pick your paradigm. Here are two options. Neither is easy, nor proven. Other options are available. See slides below.

Kate Raworth’s Seven Economic Themes: 1) Change the Goal; 2) See the Big Picture; 3) Nurture Human Nature; 4) Get Savvy with Systems; 5) Design to Distribute; 6) Create to Regenerate; 7) Be Agnostic About Growth, see https://www.kateraworth.com/animations/

From financial profit only for an exclusive elite to various forms of MultiCapital that work to generate & integrate economic, ecological, and human flourishing.

Re-imagining Capital Over the last decade there has been an increasing awareness from many sectors of society that we need to re-imagine the notion of capital. It isn’t enough anymore to just measure impact or even have more impact. Rather you want to make sure you are having more of the right kinds of impact. The MetaImpact Framework enables you to understand impact in an expanded way that explores how to measure impact using metrics associated with up to ten types of capital and how those capitals contribute to multiple bottom lines. Thus, this Framework supports you to create thriving organizations, communities, and societies by expanding the notion of impact, capital, and bottom lines and identifying the important ways these aspects are related to each other. Understanding these relationships enables you to design Wisdom Economies that cultivate and track multiple forms of value in a way that preserves the wholeness of people and systems. See: Transforming Rural Health: Equipping Managers to Be the Change They Want to See, Tanya Lehmann, Country Health South Australia Local Health Network, 14th National Rural Health Conference, Cairns, QLD, Australia, 26 – 29 April 2017. The MetaImpact Framework measures 4 Types of Impact with 10 Types of Capital which produce 4 Bottom Lines. Source: Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, http://www.metacapital.net/ & www.metaintegral.com & www.integralmetadynamics.com & http://www.matrixnetworks.net.au/work/

Reporting 3.0/Project Synergise!/ThriveAbility

… as the basic structure for the 2017 Reporting 3.0 conference

What NOW? Cities Our Generative Move for Cities addresses, interconnects, and serves the well-being of all forms of life. We affirm all stages of child and adult growth in all living human and non-human becomings/beings. We learn to love any individual with their unique set of interiors and exteriors as they learn to wake up and grow up during their lives in their various organisations in their local, regional, national, and global communities. Building on Paul van Schaik’s Urban Hub series and Marilyn Hamilton’s Integral City series, our Generative Move for Cities offers a life-affirming vision of deliberately developmental growth in individuals and in their organisations into integral wholeness or Kosmic Integrity. Alternatively, we can continue to operate with our familiar limited views or preferred partial perspectives. Then we will continue to perish in our battles over our myopic differences. What NOW?

Burning Questions? A vision to address our environment, economy, politics, culture, and to catalyze the radical whole-system change we need now. Recasting current problems as emergent opportunities, Terry Patten offers creative responses, practices, and conscious conversations for tackling the profound inner and outer work we must do to build an integral future. In practical and personal terms, he discusses how we can all become active agents of a transformation of human civilization and why that is necessary to our continued survival. Patten's narrative focuses on two aspects of existence--our dynamic but fractured and threatened world, and our underlying wholeness and unity. Only by honouring both of these realities simultaneously can we make sustainable changes in ourselves, our communities, our body politic, and our planetary life-support system. A New Republic of the Heart provides a comprehensive understanding and inspiring vision for "being the change" in a way that can address the most intractable problems of our time. Patten shows how we can come together in our communities for conversations that matter and describes new communities, enterprises, and forms of dialogue that integrate both inner personal growth work with outer awareness, activism, and service.

Our Integrative Mantra: Some Things are Getting Worse ! Some Things are Getting Better ! All Things are Always Already Spirit ! Contact: gjbruitzman at hotmail.com

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