A Dictionary of the Yoruba Language

March 28, 2018 | Author: Yusuf El Fisher | Category: Google Books, Computer File, Cultural Heritage, Information Retrieval Organizations, Public Domain



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Digitized by Google Digitized by VjOOQlC INTRODUCTION. The first Dictionary of the Yoruba language was published 1843, compiled by in the year Samuel (afterwards Bishop) Crowther. for a This was greatly altered and considerably enlarged edition in 1852. new For many years this book was the standard work on the Yoruba language. In 1911 an English- Yoruba Dictionary was published under the general editorship of the Kev. E. J. Sowande, but this was only intended older book, is to meet immediate needs, and, like the out of print. is The present Dictionary indebted to the above works contributors very largely, and to a number of who have devoted the much valuable time to the work. In addition to J. names of the late Bishop Crowther and the Kev. E. E. Fry and the "Rev. T. A. J. Sowande, those of Mrs. Ogunbiyi ought to be specially mentioned. The publishers earnestly request that their attention may be called to any errors or omissions noticed by users of the Dictionary. Communications should be addressed to The Manager, C.M.S. Bookshop, Lagos. C.W.W. Lagos, January, 1913. Digitized by Google T Digitized by Google . n. ( in English merely to mark the usually indicates a contraction. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.. = = = = = = =* adjective. nearly equivalent to the English oi in voice. p and gb have sounds which do not exist in the English language. conjunction. of- v.— — NOTES ON SOUNDS OF CERTAIN LETTERS. . aux.g. interjection. USED IN THIS DICTIONARY. oi. adv.p. bait. u.i. boot.g. There are also two modified vowels and three diphthongs a sound which is fairly represented by the short e in such words as let. verb transitive. v.h has always its distinct sound as an aspirate. but the o retains its long sound. n. e. ai.. o.e. English words a. as in jam. bought. ETC. prep. of the rise or fall of the voice. e.. The five vowels. The acute ( ' ) and grave ( * ) accents are simply marks of intonation i. singular. p.. ~ = = = = = = = noun. e. The circumflex — ) cases a long syllable. which is also in all dabobo. preposition. j is always soft. i. past participle. v. for example. pronoun. red. adverb. adj. plural. sing. pron. = noun. conj.pl. as in shop. Among g is the consonants it is only necessary to notice that always hard. water. au. verb intransitive. none are employed as be laid on a particular syllable. represent the sounds as heard in the following in in ea in oa in oo in ai a has the sound of a e i bath. stress to Of the accents. met.t. prefix. s has the sound of sh.e. compare. Digitized by Google . but can only be learnt by the ear. equivalent to the English i in mile. a sound between a and o as heard in taw. 9. which is a contraction of da-abo-bo. boat. as in go. „ „ . and is never mute. nearly equivalent to the English ou in round. interj. pre/. o u „ „ „ „ „ beat. auxiliary verb. Digitized by Google . PART 1. ENGLISH-YORUBA. Digitized by Google . Digitized by Google . Absolution.i. sal9 fun Absence.t.i. n. adj. v. Abandon. Abduct. ENGLISH-YORUBA. agbara. ikekuru. Abstract. Ablution. adj. ran-l9w9. v. n. adj. Abstain. le. ke-kuru. yikakiri. ikun. Abandonment. kik^sil? patapata. prep. igbe-19. idariji.t. Ability. dinku. se-ku. gba-niyanju. fi-sil?. Abolition. sifin.t. fiji. gbe. ile Ql9run. n. ti ikun. Abbreviation. Absolutely. isodofo. v. iseran. Abstinence. Ablaze. inukuro. nitosi. v. Abate. n. VjOOQlC . irira. v. n. damu. jo geregere. r^-sil?. fa-sehin. v.t. n. r9gba-yika. Abhorrence. isodasan. prep. buku. v. n. ke kuru. fa-mu.t.t. v. Abduction. v. Able-bodied. adv. Abbreviate. v. korira. dariji. Abortive.t. dojutl. 89-dofo. alagbara. duro de. p9 si. adj. Aborigines.t. v. Abeyance. ABA Aback. ABS Aboard. igegun. k6si. gbina. Abode. lagbara. Abscess. v. la. Abound. Abide. 9gb$-kan-$gb$. adv. isenu. iy9kuro. tu-sil?. gbe I9. Iaim9t9l9. Abandoned. Able. ik9nkansile. di pip9. n. n. Abjure. Abnormal* adj. fi gegun. it^loriba. Abroad. adj. fa-s?hin.t. Abdominal. v. v. lori. ik9sil9 patapata. ninu 9k{>. sapam9. Abdomen.t.t. fa kuro. Abjuration.i. ikorira. n. n. Abortion. v. ibuku.t. jasi asan. n. v. b9 oye ail?. Abrupt. ibil?. te-logd. lode. Absolve. adj. fifisil?.t. lairot^le. n. Abolish. v. ibujoko. n. loke. Abject. Absent. Abomination. joko. lai-si-nile. Abridge. n. irira. n. Digitized by Abnegation. Abrasion. Abominable. Abrogate. Abscond.t. aijeun. n. mu kuro. S9-dasan. ifiji. ir?sil?. k^-sil^. Abhor. fi sapakan. onile. Abdicate. Abatement. v. mi. v. fa jade.t. n. Above. ohun ajeji. n.t. fi-bu. lojiji. takete. yika. idaduro. Absorb. ibugbe. Abasement. v. adv. patapata. Abbey. egbin. Abash. loke ori. 6si. oye. About. n. ipare Abase. Abreast. aw$.PART I. n. adj. Abet. egbin. adv. iw^m^. adj. ikoJ9P9 9yun. w. pa-r?. n. leti. iwa ibaj?. lojiji. adv. ibura. iya. adv. lw$ wiw$. adj. adv. adv. ifas^hin.t. ainilari. dahun fun. Acquaintance. n. Accommodation. dake. mu-ye.t. 9na're. Adept. aye. agbegbe. ru. ba-kegbe. Accompany. Adhere. iho iyin. n. siaait9.t. n. tinab9. v. n. v. Accuracy. ere. Acceptable. pe sakasaka. se-pari. and 9kan kan. Accomplice. v. v. gba. oniairo. n. mimu. papa.i. n. adv. n. n.t. Accumulate. v. aye. Accumulation.t. tew9gba. so-m9. de ib$. k9we-si. ibanikegbe. elegbe. ibu omi. Abyss.t. Across. Acceptance. ba-s9r9. ebu. mu yara. ikasi. Adjacent. Accountant. or n. Adage. eni egun. n. fi-gegun. ijew9Acquaint. fara-m9. adv. v. aijana. n. n. imuye. 39 daaa. Active. m^lara. Accuse. n. Acquirement. fi-si. Accompaniment. itew9gba. v. Acknowledgment. adv. idalare. v. Accustom. n. Abundance. Accord. Accede. n. 9l9gb9n. to-fun.t. fun. nibiibu. pan^le. ikunl9W9. n. igba. Activity. Acidity. se-tan.t. n. 9m9-ehin. v. Actual. mu bad9gba.t. Adapt. adj.t. prep.t. Abuse. Accelerate. Accuser. iba-S9r9. ainisale. adj. v. ifikun. n. ifarabal?. lati egbe kan de ekeji. ba-re. n. v. i. isepari. ojulum9Acquiesce. ikoJ9P9. v. ikan. Accost. adv.t. adj. ise. v. n. kan. Accurate. il6 ek9 giga. tenum9. fohunsi. fi-kun. v. isedede. n. adj. ami ohun. n. J9W9. v. Acquittal* n. Account. n. isiro.t. Accession. 9gbun n. ohun ini. v. v. Accend. ibare. Addition. sise. Actuate.t. Abundantly. n. v. mu-se.t. da-sile. Acquit. n.OOQIC . n. lairotele. Act.t. or adv.t. odigbose. Acquiescence. jere. 39- gbigba.i. Iro. adj. huwa. v. gigori6ye. Accursed. n. n.t. ba-rin. Adieu. n. bu. adj. ADJ Accusation. 911a. v. v. fi-re. Accordance.t. v. ise. v. Adherent. v. Acknowledge. n. adj. iru. Accept. lo nilokulo. lf<J. itosi. n.ABS Absurd. Access. ko-J9. owe. kikan. mus? kankan. Acquire. J9-I9W9. fun laye. sap9n. rd-p$. Achieve. tete ki. Accomplishment. v. iyara. Accordingly. se-tan. adj. Add. v. se-pari. Acclamation. se. Adder. ere. n. Ache. fi-sun. fi-han. Digitized by Vj. fi-t<J.t.t. Accomplish. n. isegege. ofin. Accident. n. n. gba. esun. Acid. fo§. Address. tite- W9gba. v. irdp$. n. ap9n. n. Accent.i. v. Action. ba-19. isepe. fi-bu. n.t. Accurse. esi. fiarabal$. olufisun. Accidentally. v. dede. Accommodate. asetan. Acute.t. yara.t. I9P9I9P9.t.i. ka-kun. ini. Adaptation. ifihan. elegbe eni ni iwa buburu. adj. kikan. idasile. Acquisition. nitot9. Adequate. Academy. nitorina. idake. pansaga. jina. adj. Affair. igba. Adviser. itysiwaju. oluk9. ninurere. itunse. v. Afar. Affable. k<J. igb9k9le. Adorn. Admit. Affidavit. idi-pjpmiran. v. Admittance. v. y9-l9nu. fi-kun. adj. ijiya. nida\v9le. ere. p9n-loju. Admixture. sisansi. Advise. n.t. n. n. Adversity. olupinfunni. v. gba sile. fun if$. Advantage. Adjustment. daleJ9Adjunct. baj?. di-pjp miran. n. n. olugbidanwo. daw9le. niyin. idaw9le. v. lu. rdhin. ifarawe. oluf^ni. siniye. r$run. Adulteress. gb<Jn. jamba. isil9W9. Advance.t. Ibadana. Affiance. n. ka-kun. Admire. Advertisement. Adulteration. Affliction. igbas9. adj. Affiliate. yln.t. 919^. f9nahan. Affinity. iwuri.t. adv. s9-fun. lodisi. Advertise. n. Adjournment. wahala. n. n. Advent. v. igbawi. ibpla. olut9Ju. tirotiro. oluf9nahan. v. n. Admirer. pdpmpkunrin. or adj.t. Advocacy. laiya. v. n. if^. Adroit. 4 gba. ikilp. adj. Adoration. Admirable. 9pp. n. m9-se. yq ni sise. ip9nju. n. 999. anfani. idalu. is9fun. adj. Adore. isansi. Administration.t. idalu. it9num9. n. kun v. pansaga 9k9nrin. agbere. iypnu. ibawi.t. Advocate. n. Affirmation. se ipinfunni. n. adj. Administrator. ifibura. lati pp^niwa. n.t. Administer. 9kan. Admonition. Adjudge. adv. if9nahan. olori pk^>. n. fun. Adopt. kede. v. v. tenum9 dap9. Affectionate. kan.t. igbasile. adv. Admiral* n. ba S9r9. Adulation. gbidanwo. v. adj. sedaru- Affirm. f$.t. Adult. tun-se. fi-bu. Adoption. ^i-lpwp. Adversary. adj. gba-19. to-l^s^s?. Digitized by Google . run. v. agbalagba. Admix. n. Admission. n. Adventure. n. Adjust. Adultery. Adrift.t. Admonish. v. 9P9.t.t. bu-pla. n. ip9nju. 9ta. Advice. ikede. Adventurer.t. idagbasoke.t. nawo. loju 9run. n.ADJ Adjourn. n. Advisable. if a Affectation. Affluent. n. v. daloro. r9run Affect. ipinfunni. juba. AFF Advantageous. adj. w. Adornment. adj. da-lu. Ado. J9W9. irohin. iwole. n. sop9m9. n. Affection. ayinni. 9m -if 9.t. Adverse. isinje. $ran. fi-m9. pansaga obirin. ise. n. v. Affluence. n. so-m9-l9hin. im9ran. v. so. ijuba. n. n.t. n. aisimi. wiwa. igbeyawo. n. n. n. Afflict. w. Adventurous. jijin. fi-fun. v.t. oludawple. ispdpmp. 391919. lr<J- l<?r$. iyinlogo. v.t. kilp. n.t. n.t. Adulterer. Advisedly. Affix. alagbawi. sodomo. adj.t. Aerial. Afford. n. v. bib$. sinsin. J9-niya. se-l<Js9. jij?wo. and i. Adjure. ip9nni. n. v. dajp-fun. Adolescence. v. and i. ba-wi. Adulterate. v. irora. adj. nla. osan. ikojppp. Aggrieve. irusoke. v. adv. otutu ako iba tulu. Agility. ibon yin. Album. adj. All. n. ose. adj. Aghast.. n. or adv. n. v. Aggression. or pron. ran-lowo. Agitate. iho afefe. Albeit. jerora. adj. re. Alive. Aggregation. ni afefe. ajeji. adv. n.t. $we.t. isora. ifinu Afire. Agreeable. or adv. iroko. mu-fuye.. Ague. n. imura. or adv.t. ibatan nipa Ibi. lekeji. nigbanl. yara. inurirun lehin ibimo (inu agaro). ti afefe. iranlowo. ofinra. fojusi. isehindeni. n. lodisi. After-pains. imura giri.i. yiyara kuro lodo enikan. lehinna. Affright.t. lehin. buburu si. ye. wo-san. v. v. n. Afraid. fo loju sokan. Air. inter. Afloat. ifohunsokan. or prep. sodi Alcohol. saisan. tun. sadehun. Aggressor. Afoot. adj. n. v. dabi. n.AFF Affray. Imi. ariwo. adv. v. atoni. ohun n. n. oruko arinje. diji. n. si.t. adj. n. Alias. Afore. da-idagiri. s$.t. dara. ba-ninuje. n. Agriculture. Alike. wi-t^l§. saju. ailera. da-ni-iji (daniji). onidajo Alert. itilehin. n. v. iwe ifi Aggravate.t. imubinu. kojopo. oju- sanma.t. Aged. adj.t. isojueni. isagb?. Ah. asp. and i. After. Agreement. ru soke. J9. tabi. n. Agree. gbina. yiye. niwaju.t. adv. n. 9J9 ori. v. laititan. a nfi afefe Air-hole. ba. bi-ninu. ALL Agony. luw£. tp. prep. biotile. v. Digitized by VjOOQIC . and i. deruba. asojueni. iteteto. Ail. v. niji. les$. omi. so -kale. Aggravation. Ahead. adj. a. or adv. Aforetime. v. n. prep. fi I9W9 elomiran. adj.t. Age. run. v. alaye. Aforesaid. idaraya. de. Agitation. yara. v. finusokan. n. mura giri. n. bakanna.t. adj. ailafefe. n. agb$. Against. adv. conj. ikojppp. Agency. Agriculturist. ida ni Alas. andi. iyara. Afterwards. n. Ajar. npa ni ninu ilu. Alienate. ija. adv. gbogbo. Afternoon. Alderman. Ailment. Alight. asale. n. n. olukuluku. arugbo. Air-gun. Aggregate. adj. gbe-ga. n. won-wo. inter. da-niji. adj. n. Airless. isi. isafojudisi. nititun. iwaiya ija. Agonize. gbo. v. safo- adehun. or adv. Aggrandizement. igbehin. fe. ti aworan si. foiya. Aid. Afterward. ofurufu. so-disi. Alacrity. Airy. Alien. n. Agile. beru. Aim. Ago. so-di-nla. adj. igba. ti-lehin Aid. adv. n. v. igbega. adj. judisi. ml. n. n. aroko. akokd. Affront. arun. adj. Again. and i.t. sora. n. lotun. Afresh.t. n. n.t. alejo. niwaju. Alarm. daraya. Akin. n. ifinran. v. adv. adj. Agent. koja. ire. fohunsokan. pti. adv. isodinla. Aggrandize. Allay. nigbatijp. adj. aisan. dagba. Alone. ohun ija. Alms. yalenu. v. iwe kika 9J9. n. Amend. siwaju Amiable. bi $r$. tobi. pin fun. y9da. n. patapata. Alloy. nigbagbogbo. id$lara Alley. it9reanu. n. n. n. sisina. Altercation.t. adj.t. Amity. Amputate. n. n. Alternate. Ally. and i. n. if 9 ipa. J9W9. ha-se. Amnesty. ti if^. Alleluia. n. lai. Allow. pepe. and i. adj. Along. tun-se. akoko. se rere. v. ifunnti^bun. je.t. larin. Amateur. jomijoke. Aloft. iyanu. n. adj. aidaju. ipar9. Amazement. adv. ke kuro. Alliance. ^9. Always. p^lu. Ambitious. isandi9Amen.i. pelu-pelu. Allocation. 9m. itunba-f'pba. is$r$. conj. ni iwu. adv.t. adv. Ambassador. iyin Qlprun. n. Aloof. kikan. n. saoki. ik$ 9ba. Amidst. tun-se. Amass. iteriba. adalu. Ambiguous. n. n. t9ka si. fifun. alalia. Amiss. titi Allegory. ibaje> Allude. v. b9ni ki o ri. v. Altogether. n. adj. n. Almanac.t. n. P9. inter. adv. ni. Altar. n. Amongst.t. eniti o k9 ohunkohun. Alleviate. itunse. inu rere. ld^. v. ninu. Ameliorate. Among. and i. ku die. adv. Amalgamation. adv. interj. loke. v. to. prep. Ambition. if 9 agbara. 9tan. t AMP Although. n. lokere.t. adv. tan. wo-san. as$. n. rd. Ammunition. n. Digitized by Google . Almsgiving. par9. inu didun. adj. n. Also.t. v. iye. onitum9meji. All-hail. 9san itunse.t. lori. Allurement. ija. Amount. Allowance. rara. ^num9. it^ka si. Amid. dalu. im^nukan.ALL Allegation. n. aisetara. v. Amelioration. t$le l9k9kan. imusan. ibatan. ait9. ipo. prep. ipin. n. Allegiance. be. adj. v. fa-19.t. idalu. on nikan. Allege. pin. Alleviation. bi o til^j^pe. and i. d$ lara. ninu.t. mu Amalgamate. Alteration. mu san iwe Igba ati akoko. idariji 9l9W9n. n. yi-pada. n. Allure. it^nump. n. adv. ibuba. v. adv. Olodumare. n. v. Allocate. Amorous. adj. Allot.t. agbel9gbomi. 9kanjuwa. J9. v. v. v. ij?w9 owogbigba. v. nisisiyi. ibare. fi-sipo. a 99. biba ni buba. n. Ambush. n. n. awawi. dap9. ons9. isin-^ba. Am. adj. jagun jagun obinrin. da&9. giga. p^lu. Amphibious. Amendment. Almost. n. itunse. ibam9P9. Alligator. n. Ample. idap9. Alter. ibas$r$. Ambuscade. wa.t. adj. 0U9. n. Amazon. Already. sugb9n ti ko fi se ise r^ tara. n. amin. ak9we. Aloud. n. n. nitakete. Altitude. v.t. yiyan. Amanuensis. owe. v.t. n. iqvq. larin. ko J9P9. Amaze. ^r^-anu. Amicable. Almighty. Alternative. Allusion. n. ifpranweran. Amends. ona hiha. ipin. and i. isop$m<J. n. v. I9d9dun. esuro. si. v. ANT Annotate. n. 5nde. n. aini eje to lara. as9ye. sisaju. 9J9 kanri. Analogy. Anthem.t. si ft. adj. Antecedent. ft. Answer. and ara. Anglican. kede. im9li Anniversary. n. ft. S9-itum9. Antedate. ere npa si Annexation. ti Antic. Ancient. omiran. ft. ifiwe. v. adj. apeja. ft. Annotation. saju And. v. ft. Angel. eni ami ororo. Antemeridian. mu-kuro. yard ak9kan.M.t. ni lerin. Anathema. n. ba sire. tira. tisaju. and i. isire. Amuse. saju ibi. iwarudurudu. ispdofo. lodi Kristi. v. ft. Ancestry. o orin iyin. ipin Ancestor. Animosity.AMP Amputation. S9-as9ye. ifil9. ft. igbani. Antimacassar. adj. adv. ft. Angry. gegun fun. awon baba tabi iyanla. v.t. ft. n. ft. t9wo tele. pdun Oluwa Antidote. ibi. n. Another. Annoyance. egun. conj. irora. ft. apiw9. Antenatal. and i. v. eran. onija. y. ikede. igun. agiyan. fi ororo pa.t. adj. ft. Annuity. eda elemi. ft. fi-bu. it9W9tele. pa -re. aporo. n. A. Announcement. Annual. Anno Domini. Antelope. binu.t. kan. n. filo. okiti era. Antenuptial. ft. as9 aga. imuhinwa. v. Ant. ft. adj. v. Animate. fojus9na. Annihilate. titun. n. lojukanna. Announce. Antediluvian. adj. ft. so-di aye. 89 nigbangba. Analysis. ifikun. ibinu. j$ esi. saju igbeyawo. itilende. ifibu. ft. itu si w?we. Annihilation. fi-mp.t. era. Anklet. Anterior. n. mu-binu. y9-lenu. Anticipation. iy9nu. tororosi. adj.. adj. irira. it9. adj. tele. pa-re. omi. tete se. v. Anonymous. tete kaJ9&i. n. itan aiye. Annunciation. ft. adj. aro- dun. t9. ij$. ijpra. Anon. dapp. Animal. ipare. idaraya. lodi si ofin. ail^ba ft. iw$ apeja. Annex. Anathematize. Anecdote. 89-dofo. Anatomy. ailoruk9. ft. ara igbani.t. saju kikun omi. idakoro.t. itan kekere. imularaya. i. Antechamber. 9ta. bi oruka. ituka kekeke.t. Annals. arokan. erun. mim9. Amulet. isodasan. Anguish. adj. gb6. pe. Antichrist. adj.t. n. si idap9m9. itan ilu. ogun. Antagonist. Amusement. ati. itum9.t. angeli. n. Anaemia. v. Anew. Digitized by LjOOQlC . Annoy. n. nisisiyi. ikede. ikekuro. ibinu. ek9 Anticipate. onse Qtyrun. mu laraya. som<J. tiwaju. Anthill. Anchor.t. Anger. Angler. n. ft. ti Oyinbo. Anoint. ft. Ankle. adv. Annul. Animation. kokos?. Angle. ft. ft. idahun. asodi Kristian. n. ohun oso kokos$. ft. orin ft. n. wa. on. aj^dun. Anomaly. An. Anointed. adj. da-lohun. Anarchy. sp-dasan. n. Annular. adj. v. owo od9dun. Antichristian.t. obi. adj. oluta ogun. and i. n. v. n. n. n.t. n. ba-mu. y9- jade. nkan igbani. foiya. Apex. n. ?ajo. lapakan. n. Apparel. n. Appellation. apor6. oruk9. sonso. Apprise. if9kansi. ifik<J. v. gba-mu . Appearance. yin nipa Anyhow. n. v.ANT Antimony. ifisi. ifohunsi. lonakona. farahan. Digitized by VjOOQIC . Anybody. irira. Apple. Anxious. a&9. Appal. Anvil. iJ9W9. v. akiti.t. ek9 lodi APP Apparition. iho. Apostasy. yiye. Antinomian. n. v. Approbation.i. n. 9b9. sip^-fun. Apologue. n. n. Apparent. v. n. pin ni dede. asiri. tiro. adv. Apathy. owe. Approach.t. w. si ofin Qtyrun. eyikeyi.m9ye. and i. Any. warapa. ifil9. ya S9t9. 89-I999. bebe. Applaud. ipinnu. ajd. iJ9W9. Append.t. fi-k$.t. deruba. igba ti ada fun 9niti nk9se. sunm9. eniti o bere.t. Apposite. Apology. n. Apocalypse. ibere. if$ onje. Antique. n.t. Appertain.i. mp eniti iwe mim9 ti a k6 o kp W9n. v. adj. eni-apere. n. n. Aperient. iyipada kuro ninu Apologize. beru. Appropriate. n. v.t. ohun atijv. inudidun si.t. adv. Antipodes. ifikun. Apprenticeship. v. pipa lebi. iy9Jade. Apparatus. 61u alagbede. awawi. Appendage. Apposition. n. ohunkohun. egbogi iyagbe. n. fo-laiya. iran. i. n. n. apostili. n. Apiece. n. Antipathy. and*. n. Antiseptic. n. v. lo fun ara r?. n. ibikibi. Appeal. and i. Anxiety. 89-fun. n. Apportion. ewu. enikeni. 999. yarayara. diyele. ibere fun nkan. Appraise. Appendix.t. v. Apprentice. adv. ifihan. n. isunm9. Apply. Aperture. n. han gbangba. n. ohun elo. v. itan. Appoint. Ape. kiakia. n. Apostle. Apart. 9m9ise eniti n. ojis9 Kristi. se inudidun si. di-mu. v. bere fun. idimu. n. 16. oriki. v. Apace. n.. anije. Appease. nk9se. n. han.t. l9k9kan. adj. n. onisegun. eso kan bi 6ro oyinbo. iyan. iyin. fisi. Antitype. so-m$. Anything. v. isom9. ib9ru . Appointment. saniyan. ifarahan. w. n. je ti. n. Apocrypha. Apothecary. fi adehun de lati k999. aibale aiya. pinnu. iyara. and pipat^w9. awpn ti iha keji aiye ti ese tiwa ati tiwon k9Ju si ara won. n. v. n. m9yi. Anywhere. v. alafo.t. Approval. $be. aibikita. tu-ninu. ad. Appreciate. adv. Apoplexy.i. w9-la&9. Apprehend. fi 9ran I9. s<Jt$.i. ya-S9t9. aniyan. n. Apartment. v. ifarahan. adj. Approve. Apprehension. adv.t. idunm9.t. Antiquity. v. v. egbogi ti k6 je ki nkan dibaje. Appetite. b?be. Applicant. yan. n.t.t. n. Appear. insi l^gbekegbe. Applause. Application. n. Artifice. adj. adj. 9k9 Noa. Arrest. aka. ji loju orun. n. v. n. Aroma. itara. tit<£. im9 9na ise. itara si. saroye. tafatafa. syvy. gbigb9. Arbitration. si. isaroye.i. larekereke. Artery. ^939. Archbishop. ihamora Ascribe. adj. didaJ9fun. Arson. ladi. adj. 9m9-ogun nr9 agba. n. v. Are. n. Arraignment. n. igun oke. 9gb9 9019 ogun. Arise. yika. ibi ere. alailarekereke. n. n. n.i. Aright. Arrange. Archangel. kiri. v. igberaga. n. birikiti. igbona ara. v. n. Aptitude. pe-l9J9. Area. n. v. conj. to leses?. gbajum9 isiro. n.t. bi. ti Arid. gun. n. ara Arabia. ohun elo ogun. isunm9. Around. Ascend. ifi9gb9nse. n.t. <?kq Ark. n. eniti nse aworan. adj. n. apoti kekere. apa. idaw9 ogun duro. agba. v. ilu. Arms. adj. ji loju orun. di-mu. adj. n. imura si. b$. ifisun. tiju. Argue. n. Arouse. yiye. y? fun iroko. Arrant. Apt. fi-fun. tehin. iw9S9. y?. Arithmetic. v. gb^n. Ardour. ibijoko lab 9 iji igi. ito I9S9S9. adj. v. Arose. v. onidajo. Ardent. Artful. mu- sunm9. n. Art. onis^na. n. Arab. n. Ascertain. Archer. olori aw9n bishop. igbakeji bishop. bant?. sunmp Approximation. Arrangement. adj. n. Ascension. apakan ayika. de. onilaja. nkan. Archipelago. n. Digitized by Google . ogboju. Aqueduct. Arrive. Ascetic. iladi. aw9n ti o mura ogun. n. Ashamed. n. dide. ihamora. wa. fi-sun. n. si. i. adj. v. fifi ile jona. ogun. n. jiyan. Arena.t. Article. di Arm. n. prep. Arctic. apoti $ri. Artillery. igoke. isan 9J9.t. Armistice. n. Artificial. Arrear. Architect.t.t. Artless. n. adj. dide. mb9.t. U9 ti a pala n. Array. eni ns? ara ni§e. v. adj. Armour. agbaJ9 erekusu. n. v. n. n. ede Arabia. 9gb9nk9gb9n. hihu ninu omi. n. Apron. yiy<?. Artist. adv. and i. and i. dide. Army. n. Argument. ariwa.t. lahun. m§ daju. Arch. As. n. 9ga Arrow. v. la Armadillo. daduro. ni. n. n. gbigb9. ijiyan. and i. Arraign. nira. v. n. Arabic. igbona 9kan. Arc. osu kerin odun. n.i. Arbour.t. imura. April. ile kikun. olori angeli. Arbiter. n. Arrogance. Archdeacon. v. ibi-giga.i. Armament. Arrival. gege bi.t.APP Approximate. Aquatic. ile kik9. oni^na. Arduous. n. n. n. Artisan. oju-isan ti a fun omi. n. 9gb9n. gdke. adj. 9fa. mura. Articulate. ti olori 901916. alainitiju. ASH and 9(19. 9l9fa. n. irera. n. Saraki. ohun kan. ib9n nla. tabi akika. gbese ti a koi san. Aristocracy. soro. Ascent. n. Artificer. orun didun. Arable. n. n. eru. gba-&9d9. n. puro mp. n.i. idaw9le. ojo ib^r^ &W9. dawdle. Assemblage. ^nikeji ^ni. parcel?. 9k9 iraw9 oju 9run. dara-p9m9. Aspersion. v. Athlete. bere. Assuredly. n. aigba wiwa Qtyrun Atheist. \q\Q. Aspire. Astronomer. adv. Ass. Assistant. t^num9. pe-J9. buru Association. S9-daniloju. didi. n. dide I9. buruju.t. ik9lu. Athwart. Ate. gbigbadnlum9. n. dajudaju. Assertion. ni iyapa. v. n. v. fun. gbadu- lump. Atlas. and i. nibu. idaniloju. Assort. Athirst. Iap9n. Assign. setutu. ibi abd aw9n otosi. fi-lel9W9. Aspiration. i. and i. Atheism. Assault. Athletics. aiye. riru. diyele. prep. v.t. adv. Assent.t. n. prep. ni didakata 939. bi-lere.t. ya S9t9t9. ofurufu o yi Atom. ami akiyesi *.t. Ashore. v.t. nibi. v. in^ga si. apej'9. v. v. gunl?.t. v. n. ruru. itenump.t. adv. Assembly. n. n. daw9le. Astir. Assailant. adv. n. v. Astronomy. 9niti o m9 iraw9. Aside. and Atmosphere. idi 9^. Astern. adv. apeJ9 pipeJ9p9Assemble. Assert. oluranl9W9.t. kuro I9JU 9na.t. Asleep. sisun. Assessment. alak9lu.t. Assure. i. lunipa.ASH Ashes. n. aiye ka. Atone. iyansil?. adv. audi. adj. adehun. Assurance. n. Iwaki. yan-sil?. nil?. laisimi.t. Astray. v. v. v. v. Assistance. Assiduousness. t>9r9. ini. aw9n Associate. adj. Asterisk. and ?gb$. n. iyanu. n. Ask. 9J9 ekini ni Lent. Aspect. n$ga si. Assassinate. Atrocious. p6ngb?. apania. n. n. n. Asperse. Assess. v. At. n. diyele. Astonishment. Assumption. ni. Astound. n. and Atonement. lapakan. n. Iw6. n. n. fe\ J9W9. adj. onijakadi. Astonish. n. ere sisa. ifile- I9W9. sun. Assume. oni- Ash Wednesday. alaigbagb9 pe Ql9run ohun Assiduous. ^niti nsare ije. adv. n. Assail. n. n. Digitized by Google . if$ 9kan. 9J9 and i. isebi. Assignment. v. Asunder. k^tek^te. igb^k^le. etutu. t9num9. 9run kikini. Assassin. idiyele. wi. n. adv. arufin. n.t. n. w. kp-lu. n. iranl9W9. n. ijakadi. iya&9t9t9. Asylum. se-dabi. ti ran-l9W9. aworan H9 n.t. Assist. v. Astringent. tu-ninu. Asp. nitot9. gba. adv. Ipade i. adj. ap9n. yal^nu. n.t. 39. Atrophy. mb9. Asthma. i§e buburu. t^rarr^?. mu-J9ra. v. Astride. Assize. gidigidi. Assimilate.t. ya-l^nu. n. n. Atrocity. isina. n. v. ATR Assortment. n. 9^. j^un. n. aisimi.t. and i.t. n. Assets. ik9 fe. dahun ba-kegb?. Aunt. gbesan. ti Autocrat. fa-mpra. and i. ajpri owo. Attendance. m^>. v. n. ifetisilp. laisun. ohunkohun. adj. n. Awe. v. n. yp. n. adj. v. Avenger. aidunmp. and durode. fi asp fun. ispdipupp. mura silp de. n. itpnump nigbangba. spdi pupp. v. yana silp. n. n. se lpsp. dapping far amp. n. v. duro de. i. eyiti osisp fun rarp. pgbpn. Attenuate. ipo. n. ibpru. wp lasp.t. adj.t. sanfani. Avidity. n. n. Avow. Audible. wulo. Auctioneer. v. ippsi. and i. de. fpwp tp. Attain. adj. onitpju. n. kede nigbangba. Averse. adj. jpri si. and i.t. ifiyesi. tpnump. osu kpjp lpdun. onitpju ohun ini. agbara ofin. Available. jp. onigbanjo.t. Audacious. gba anfani. adj. idurotl. gboju. n. Attest. se ni rere. i. Avoid. Auspice. olugbesan. v. akpwe. tan. pri. v. 10 AWF Auspicious. ru. reti. Avaricious. Audit. and tp. Award. Attitude. Avail. eyiti nfa ni. otitp. ifojuai.t. Authority. n. adj. irira. Aware. n. and i. Authenticate. pna gboro lpnu igbo. v. n. dan wo. n. Attract. Attend. n. dara. Audience.t. adj. Autobiography. Attribute. i. ifara- mp. n. Avouch. Augury. Austere. gbanjo. olupilpsp. ododo. Awake. ka si lprun. n. adj. pmp-pdp. jpwp. asoju pni labp ofin. n. ojukokoro. dojukp.t. so-mp. adj. lafojudi. mu-kuro. Digitized by Google . Authentic. ofa. Attestation. Automatic. v. agbptpni. n. se-idajp.t. ifetisilp. iwarapapa. itan igbe aiye atikarapni kp. Auditor. gbidanwo. ikp orukp pni funra pni. Attention. and i.t. Avenue. Avarice. Augur. n. Avowal. Aversion. v. lasiki. v. Autumn. pniti o fi agbara r^> jpba. Attainment. alafpsp. Audacity.t. Awful. v.t. n. ohun pwp Attempt. n. n. Authorize. v.t. n. loju rere. Attractive. Auxiliary. kuro. Auction. kalp. v. v.t. n. adj.t. y^ kuro. n. itpju. titobi. ji loju orun. Augmentation. n. adv. n. Augment. Aught. lojukokoro. n.t. igboju afojudi. Attendant. nianla. idappmp. ile piyp.t. lerd. oluranlpwp. ab6. v. ti v. fi pri ladi. August. fi fun. Author. asptplp.t. asp. and n. Avenge.t. ijpri iwe isiro owo. v. ror6.t. kolu. yi-pada. Autograph. Attraction. Aviary. Away. Attorney. ini. n. Attachment. pja tita adijera. adj. adj. Attack. durotl. v. n.ATT Attach. nib^ru.t. Avert. August. ^ru. kp-lu. n. aifp. gbigbp gbangba. n. adj. Await. Attire. akoko ikore. ppsi. arabinrin baba tabi iya. n. v.t. iduro. Avocation. aif^. da-duro. fiyesi. ise. omo-owo. n.t. v.t. lehin. n. oruko eranko. asp omrun ganhuni. and i. de. dalamu. Babel. Backslider. ran -jade. ehin. ainirun.t. Bail. n. n. Ball. buburu. n. Bade. Aye. fi-bu. ide. ya kuro lona rere. adv. oje olorun Ballast. so werewere. n. n. pipari. v.AWH Awhile. Backbite. olopa. osi. apa tabi ti Banish. onidajo. v. Baldness. n. n.t. ake. n. B. alakara. iwe isiro apapo owo. Bale. nihoho. ariwo lojiji. Ballad. ilu. Baleful. ikunra. and yan. pada Backward.t. airorun. fi-sapo. lepa. adv. or adv. iyara ijo. Ban. n. Badge. n. adj. ti- kun fun ika. ire ijo. lj$. n. Balance. Balsam. irukerudo. n. pariwo. v. Bang. v.t. Bandyleg. Bamboo. n.*. ogede. n. n. ese wiwo. n. Bacon.t. n. obo nla. ti. fase-fun. n. n. apo. orin aro. n. Awl. odede. Bad. nira. n. alailobirin. iwe iyan-enia. n.t. se. ilekuro nilu. v. n. ami. iku. adv. fas ehin. pako. apari. ikunra. Badly. iponju. iparun. Balcony. aheso. kBag. Bagpipe. lu. adj. g$. Ballot. v.t. ok?. Bandit. Awning.*. so-fun. eru. drun ma Baize. Ballroom. ran-lowo. n. Aye.t. Banana. n. v. imuduro. n. lora. and i. Awkward.t. soro eni lehin. pani. and i. Badger. w. Bake. ogun. Backside. aganni. n. $de. v. Balm. edidi. nigba die. n. ti Bangle. n. gbon omi danu. itanu. beni. iwon. n. n. adj. n. apadasehin. apon. ehin ohunkohun. v. w<J. v. n. edidi. $ru.t. olosa. v. Bald. ijoye. yo-lenu. ganhun. olu. v. Baok.t. w. and i. adv. Baggage. n. gan. Axe. isu. sehin. fere alapo awo. osi. won ogbogba. v. egun ehin. Babe. gbun. Baffle. n. oruka ese. n. alailofin. le-lo. Bandage. oje. adj. ise. gbon omi danu. egbe. Backbone. adj. and i. Baldhead. adj. Balloon. aidara. n. 6 to. n. onigbowo. Babbler. Bane. Bachelor. aso tita ki Bait. Digitized by LjOOQIC . w. ibd. Balance-sheet. ifilo ni gbangba. alase. Baboon. bu. adurofuni. Backbiter. aidara. so-dasan. lailai. tan-j?. Bakery. v. abuni. n. Backslide. n.t. Baby. Babble. v. da-ru. asoro eni lehin. Baker. ohunkohun ti o su . ile ibiti a din nkan. ituni. n. n. 11 BAN Bailiff. didun. padasehin. itemole. logbogba. isiku owo. n. ok$ ofurufu. alaheso. Balmy. n. olorun didun. Band. Bamboozle. Awry. Banishment. tan- v. adj. oja.t. ejo eled? ti a fi iyo si. n. din. na lat^l^s^. loru. n. irisinu omi nipa eyiti a gba enia Bar. n. aimp iwa hu. jagun„ Bargain. v. igi p9l?b9.t. adj. idapara. vX gans9 fi 9ra si ?ran sise. n. ni. nihoho. 939 9ti.t. Bat. iwe ti a fi se pasipar9 owo. n.t.t. n. abo. Banner. Bashful. n. ohun elo lati fi W9n af?f9. n. w$. 9m9- daju. aka. igi afpn. 91219-ale. ki-m9l?. n. idina. tl. Barber. Bareheaded. adan. n. . v. gbo bi aja.i. 919^. Battalion. Barricade. odi. Bark. ami ibi kan. laibo. n. ifi igbeyawo I9. adj. Barge. adj. Battery. awo koto . n. Base. lu- m9l9. n. ohun ija. ajigbese. ija. n. Bankrupt. Bight.t. n. n. sami si li oruko Metalpkan. ase. isal?. n. and i. adj. v. Banter. afarun. Bargeman. 91119 ale. laibori. n. Bastard. Barefaced. adagun omi ~ Basis. agb^n. asia. n. adj. olori ile owo. Bard.t. onidiri. iwakiwa. Battlement. yagan. Beak. v. eniakenia. and i.t. 9k9 kekere. se adehun. Bawl. y9wo 93a. n. n. n. Baton. v. Barbarian. iwukara. Batch. ainitari. ba-ja. v. Basket. ipil^s. akewi. n. . Barren. se pasipar9. Bate. epo igi. ina lori oke fun ikil9 ewu. adj. pk9 kekere. sinu iJ9 Kristi.. n. n. n. baluw9 (ibi-aluw9). n. n. and i. n. eti okun. itansan orun. ami ijewo. Barter. n. afari. n.t.t. n. n. lainibata. Baptism. alaigbede. il?k9. lu. iyagan. moye. ail9la. Barrel. n. and i. BAN Bank. n. Be. Baseborn. Barrack. bebe. ap^r?. v. n. asal$. dena. Barometer. Barn. n. n. Beadle. gbigbo aja ti nd9d?. n. and i.t. n. Barrow. Barrenness. iyaw9 omi okun sinuil?. Basin. v. lainitiju Barefoot. Bay. opagun. n.t. n. v. ibaje 6wd. n. ogun. Beach. luw$. Bay. 9ml ?iy? Beam. and i. Bash. ?gb? aw9n ogun to 500 de 800. idina. adehun. Beacon. Banquet. Bastinado. ile aw9n 9m9-ogun. Barque. kigbe kikan. Bask. v. alai- Barb. Baptise. n. ipinnu. Banns. Barm. 9pa as?. eti 9fa. akprin. agbeJ9ro.i. laileso. si. v. 9pa is?. apap9 nkan. am9na . n. Batten. 91119 agbere. 9b? ib9n. Bayonet. Baobab. n. Barrister. 9k$ igbaja. n. v. sagbaradi. onigbajamp. Bath. n. aba. onse ile 9J9. agba. Banker. 12 BEA Barrier. iti igi imu. adj. k9k9 eru. Bare.. n. Bathe. Barbarism. irin tabi igi gbvrv iyanrin ti ndi enu odo. ya orun. n. adj. v. eti odo. Digitized by VjOOQIC . oye ninu iJ9. wa. nitiju. ile owo. n. Banknote.i. Baste. Battle. v. Batter. ipil?. n. n. n. Bead. aileso. n. fi oruko fun. Beholder. Belittle. lp kuro Begrime.t. orukp esu. bi. opa akete ibusun . lu. purp igbagbp. and i. con. n. gufp. Beat. prep. wo. Beforehand. Bedaub. tp-si. pniti o i. n. Beckon.t. tete. v. tanjp. ibiisun. tp-si. ba-spre. ba ni alabapade. se Become. se-loso. ye- v. irp-gbpku.t. sesi. n. eranko elese merin. v. Beheld. desi. n. Behest. olori esu. ' BEA Bean. Behind. irungbpn. Bechance. Behaviour. yp. Believer. v. siwaju. da eri si. k(J bprp nkan. popondo. Beastly. se-lewa. v.t. v.t. n. v. n. n. pwa. se-lpsp. v. adj. v. f<J . adj. ri. adj. bpbp. pbpnbpn. v.t. Begrudge. alagbe.t. di . Became. n. adv. na. Began. roju.t. seri si. and i. bi eranko. n. v. Belial. v. lphin. . Begot. n. Beg. onigbagbp. v.t. v.. Bean. ibprp nkan. Beleaguer. n. Behold. esinsin Beef. Bedstead. v. iwa-aiye. and i. dara. mudakp. se ilara. kiyesi. Belabour. lu.. prep. Beehive. v. lpra. di . Begun. so .t. Beggar. asp. ile-oyin. Believe.t. n. aworan.i. itilphin. i. ibukun prun. Beck. Behalf. ijuwp si.t. Bedclothes. v. ipilpsp. sagbe. v. irp. Bee. Id. n. Beautiful. tprp. si.t. ilu. Digitized by Google . 13 BEL Beetle. yara Behave.*. ewe. ! Begin.t. n.t. Belief. and i. Bedew. n. adv. Begone. (onirin tabi onigi). and i. sorefun. wp ninu pr^. fire. Beflt. and i. oge. bp-lori. Becalm. v. ye. wa. ba de isale si. ere. oluf p. awpn pmi Belie. Beast. v. iy^wu. n. v. v. $wa. Beating. v. Behead. oyin. n. gan. alaru ojise. Beggarly. n. Because. Bed. n. v.t. Been. Beatitude. os<j.i. n. n. ibusun . ba-rp v.*.t. lewa. huwa.i. bori.£. . tan-jp. n. n. loju. Behove. bi alagbe. n. v. Beauty. Beget. Beard. ti wa. didara.t. and apere. inudidun. bi. niwaju. n. awpn larubawa ti ngbe inu agp.t.t. n. gba-gbp. pti sise v. Bedchamber. gbadulump. Beginning. akete. pda. asp ibusun.t. sp-dibajp. hujade. v. ina. n. iwa . n. ojurere. nitori. v. Beelzebub. ru. n. Befool.t. v. ti nse oyin. kpbprp. pran malu. v. bpresi. iwa. ba. Befall. fi oju tinrin. sp-deri. Bear. n. asp Bedeck. Bedouin. v. gbe jiya. v.t. Beautify. subulu. v. Befriend. bprpsi. Bearer. ile agogo.t. juwo si. Befoul. doti ilu. v. n.t. n. Being. Bedraggle. atetekpse. amptpkun. Behindhand. Before. Belfry. pti agbado tabi pippn. and dide si. fa.t. ba-jp. yp. Beer.t. Belch. Beginner. n. odo Beguile. inter. ju b? I9 l9gb ? . or adv.refl. n. ibi i§^. ye.t. v. ohun le. Belle. ta si lara. Besought. n. v. seun. sadehun Benignity. Bewilder. n. lab?. tii asiri. w<J. adj. 9mo-ehin. v. idana. s(?-tele . v. 9^ ami. lagbedemeji. Benignant. v. bu-w<Jn. Bench. a. Benumb. anfani. Bespeak. Benevolence. gba I9W9 ?ni. Berth. Belong. n. and i. v. n.t. Digitized by VjOOQlC . v. eso. lakoko. adj. Besprinkle. adj. sanju. si-tyna. dakata 9s? i. n. n. Betimes. Besieger. v. Belligerent. 9w$. adj. itunse. inurere. ad/". eniti o gbogun ti ni. v. okunkun ba. n. v. le. S9di alainu?rora. 9f9- n. v. sojurere. Bespatter. n. Bespoke. v. v. v. Bellows. 9^ inurere. prep. fihan t ? l9. igbal9W9 nipa Berry. li kutukutu.t. se ni Benefit. . onibu 9m. n. oluf?. darajul9 dara rek9Ja. ke bi malu. Beware.t. Bellow. lere. nisale. n. lawani. t9r9. Bet. v.t. Betoken. sap9r?. Benevolent. muragiri. adj. fun kakiri.t. v.t. n. ronu. isure. 9J& amure igbanu. kiyesara. Bereave. n. inurere. Betake. inu.t. S9kun. isorefun. isandie. BEL Bell. Beseem. v. Better. Bewilderment. fi ogun sile. n. bi eranko. Benediction. Benefactor. v. iku. ohun ini fun. n. y$le ogun. fi 9W9 mu wa si. si Beneficence. idaru. and i.t. fi-fun.t. ^wiri ti a fi nfena tabi ^fufu. se ohun 9m.t. Benign. n. Bestride. wundia ?l$wa. Best. adv. sonikupani .i. ko eti . de ba. fi-r$. n. n. Better. v.t.t. olore 9^9 anu. Beseech. fi t9si. adv. v. Beneath. ru-soke. Betwixt.t. adj. r9gbaka.t. v. Bestrew. Benefaction. mu tun se. n. n. Betrothal. v. Bend. larin. t§. v. Besom. v. ere. Betook. tan. Between. Betray. v. t^ni. Bestir. idarisi.t. daraju. y?ra. 9r? . Bestow.*. ohun mimu. jija-ogun. n. n. v.refl. lamu.t. anfani. and jiyan. be. v. n. and i. l9d9. Bequeath. Besides. rere. pohunrere 9kun. v. fi-bun. pin san die. dotl. S9kun.*. v. al?. Bewail. ba-t^l?. n.t. sami. yard ninu 9k$. prep. soyigi. ipin ogun fun. Beneficial. S9ra. sofofo. Beverage. igbeyawo. Benight. nisale. agogo. ite. Belt. Bent. v. daw9le. iwa $r? . v. Betide. Below. Beloved. iranti. ibukun. Bethink.refl. Bemoan. rere. da- ebe tq.. adv. ijoko.t.t. v.t. iyan. pelupelu. fi ogun do ti. Belly. Besmear. and i. or BEW adv. nisakani. Besiege. Betroth. Beside. 14 Beset. fihan. ikun.t. Bereavement. Bequest.t. ile su. Bestial.t.t. pohunrere ^kun. and i. lail^gan. v. sure fun. Blare. Blight. adj. fi-han. Blameless. eniti o di isin kan mu laimdye. v. and i. 9J9 Ibi. Ql9run. Bigotry. itara alaimdye. fi owo le. Bishop. Blank. Blacklead.t. Bleak. adj. 15 BLI Bitter. and i. n. Blemish. Birthright. v. ororo edo. Bit. n. Beyond. n.t. and i. eiye. niwaju. n. iwe owo. fi etu r^ danu. v. alabukunfun. Blessed. bukiin. sabukun. n. si Billow. v. Birthplace. Bid. ^>da. v. ibo loju. ba-wi.t. i. ase. 6U9. S9r9 odi ire. Biography. prep. Bleed. oye olori alufa. Biscuit. n. kede fun gbogbo enia. Blameworthy. si v. n. elede meji. n.. alagb^d^. adj. dari. Blazon. Blacksmith. ijanu esin. n. kor6. sofo. Bile.t. v. n. n. Bigamist. Blindfold. su.t. v. ogun ti Ibi. ile roro. fas$fun.t. n. Biennial. Bicentenary. Birth.t. ibiti Bleach. Bisect. Binding. ope. ire. lailese. Bladder. BEW Bewitch. n. pasan. adj.t. owo. n. n. ile sakani olori alufa. adj. n. adj. Bite. aga posi. dap9 m9ra. Birch.t. and i. oju 9be. dudu. k^gan. n. af9Ju. Blacken. adj. abukun. ibi Ibi ^ni a bi enia si. v. y^ fun ibawi.t. n. .t.t. adj. v. n. kigbe kikan. n. v. v. Blain. P9I9.t. n. elese meji. s?je. fihan. Bidding. n. riru omi. Blend. n. n. n. Blasphemy. igbi omi okun. ibi. Birthday. Blame. Bleat. ibbji. nla. niha c^hun. gigan. Blanket. Bishopric. abo and aja. ina. Bitumen. Bind. and alaw^> i. iwe kekere. and i. olodunmeji.t.i. Bin. bu-je. n. Bilingual. buru . n. Bewitchment. n. ip9nni. duro de. Blind. Bewray. n. sajesi. adj. ibukun. idan. n.t. adj. Bitch. Blandishment. ibawi. v. igbe. n. Bird. pr9 odi Blast. n. ibura. Bless. so-po. n.t. fif^ Q^run iro ^fufu. Black. enu sonso . 9gan. ag6go enu eiye. yln. Bled. ke bi agutan. Bidder. S9 di funfun. v. 9gan. n. a§9 ibora. v. Bias. Bill.t. apoti. Billet. Big. 9W9 tan-kale. adj. okele . n. apo-it^). alaya meji. ehu agbado tabi koriko. Blaspheme. tobi. idiloju. Blessedness. adj. n. n. n. Bland. v. n. kiko obinrin meji J9. S9 di funfun. and i. v. jeje. and i. dilu. n. pe . edidi. tutu.t. ir^danu. Bier. n. joko. iboju. n. Blade. 939.. Blest.t. n. dl. ipe. fi-sun. itan igbe enikan. n. te-si. Biped. isaj? si. v. Bigot. v. igba 9dun. se 090 si. aiye kede. sokunkun.t. v. ge-j^. v. dudu . n. Bide. Blanch. 9111 fi owo le oja. Digitized by LjOOQIC . akara a yan di epa. oje dudu. n. la si meji.t. Blessing. S9 di dudu. Bigamy. talugbe. Blaze. if9Ju. se fi abaw9n pa-re. aket^. Bombard. v. Bluff. Blunt. yin ara eni. imado. Bonfire. Bonny. timtim. soju finran. and i.i. Blizzard. idena. adj. reje. agbadu. idapp. Bondage. tot9. adj. Bonaflde. n. v. apako . laiya . fi ngbe tadawa. idina. n. n. n. n. n. Digitized by Google . ib9n nla. i. isan 9J9. iji. and Iti wu. Blood. irudi. Blush. npariwo lile. ?je. atuk$. igi ti a ka owu we. Blossom. 9k9. daradara. n. n. adj. sa-lp. ariwo bi aiqfq. Boarder. igboiya. n. n.t. agba do ti. 919^. v. idotl. owo. S9JU. etan. kiki egungun. ejo nla Boar. ebi ^je. n. . Bloodhound. rudi. n. ak9 ^l^d^ tinu igbo. ara . hale. awp bi oju prun.t. n.t. aja ti n. n.t. adv. Blockade. . 89r9 lojiji laironu. v. Bliss. n. adj. and i. Boatman.i. Bloody.i. f$. Boneless. v. v. Bony.BLI Blindness. iruwe. fun ipe. iwe. n. ewu obirin. Blur. n. 9gb? igbim9 and i.t. fife ta ^je sile. n. Bonnet. lailegungun. se. nlepa orun ^je sile. kiki ^9. Block. afef e Blubber. ilu. v. Blunder. fe bi tanna. Blot. y9 itanna. abawpn. n. nipa ti ara. aimu. Bloat. n. n. mi soke mi sodo. n. idaraya. Body. adj. omugp. Book. Blotting-paper. adj. isina. v.t. kunu. ^rubirin. n. Boat. n. Bolster. n. iwe ti a Bomb. Bloom. n. Boarding-school. Blurt. v. ohun jeje. adj. Blooming.i. Bonus. 16 BOO Board. ina eweko. n. airiran. didan. Bobbin. and i. Boggy. ofo. S9tel9Bodily. Boldly. Bondwoman. adv. Bold. v. adj. ebun. adj. n. lpra. igbaja. n. $s<J. n. Bloodvessel. gba . ere.t. ina nla nita li akoko ariya. Bode. n. v. pr9 Bondman.t. n. n. g$. Bolt. Bodyguard. Blockhead. n. ipania.t.t. Blew. ti Bogus. n. n. 9ruk9nri. Boa. 9gb?.i. adj. ni alafia li 91*1111. ho. eru. abukun. v. Blithe. mi kikan. ile iwe ibiti a mb9 aw9n akek9. afunnu. jamba. v. oko $ru. n. oju pupa nitori itiju. Blink. n. $t§. ira. adj. ^niti o ngba onj?. idabu i^kun. . si . 5wo. adj. n. Boast. n. n. n. Blue. ahal?. or adv. sogo. adj. n. lafojudi. Boil. n. ruwe.t. n. n. Boaster. laironu. n. and t. ifpju. ina Blow. ikoko nla sise omi. abaw9n. Boisterous. igi.t. eleje.t. i. ira. egungun. onje b<J. funnu. n. ina v. Bluster. ir9ri. isubu. Bond. ilerord. Ita Bloodthirsty. v. and Boiler. Blouse. v. Bob. Bloodshed. alafia pipe. pra erinmi. n. n. Bone. Boldness. n. ideri obirin. v. Blister. ilaiya. and i. ide. nigboiya. v. y9 egungun kuro lara. adj. Blissful. Bog. n. ele lori owo . onigb9W9. igi tabi okuta. Bloodguiltiness. sise. Blow. Bondsman. igo. t$. ?ya. n. igboiya. v. si. imp ohun pgbin. v.i. isale. si. Brass. Bootlace. n. igboiya. and i. v. v. mudunmudun . Bottomless.£. ya. kan. laiya. n. v. Brawler. n. iru $ti kan. Bear. pbun. oluta iwe o-nta-iwe. as9 ariwo.i. Brawl. n. Breadth. adj. ikuku. n.i. $r$. ru eru. omi iy9Brag. laini isale. eniti o ya nkan. Bottom.t. Brawn. lu nikuku. n. Boulder. folo'folo agbado Bran. if 01119. alas9. n. n. Bosom. igboju. v. Bookseller. Boycott. da lagara. igbe ketpket?. ihal9. n. alafojudi. 17 BRE Bow.t. n. i9©fefe> ihale. n. v. Brazen. okan aiya.t. adj. v.t. idp. adj. n. Brand. di. and i. aran-bata. ?ran ak9 pipd?. 9Ja. fo. n. ki lps^. n. sami Brandy. iro ibpn.t. Bore. 9p<Jn. okuta nla ribiti. n.t. adj. Brake. sa-ti. n. n. Boon. v. b$r?. . ibiti a nta iwe. Botany. n. Both.£. 9P9l<?- Brainfever. akini lps^. Bowl. ikogun. eniakenia. di Boundary. n. n. adj. ati. Bountiful. Bookcase. jufu. fi sinu igo. v. n. Breach. $gba 9run 9W9. n. adj. n. adj. Booth. conj. Brazen-face. Bounce. ala. lile. Bravado. win.t. n. opin. pmpkonrin. igbati. fi aiya ran.t. n. S9. sanfani. isiro owo sinu iwe. Boyhood. o^(. Igba. alagbede id?. ifun. Branch. Digitized by VjOOQIC . Boom. igi 9l?gun. ohun ti a fi nda keke duro . teriba' fun. Bramble. igi ina. tpr9. v. v. n. Boot. and i. pariwo. eba. iho lilu. and i. n. n. ide. v. v. lil . n. Bounty. ibu. n. gboxu. iwa ewe.t.BOO Bookbinder. n. fo. n. n. n.t. eniti- Bookshop. n. 9 . Bracelet. eka igi . isefefe. amodi ori. idi.t. eti. n. v. Brazier. igb9. . n. Born. ilo-oja iwe. Border. de. Borrower. n. Brave. eri . n. iji igi. Bough. n. n. and Bottle. Box. n. and i. Brackish. v. kawe-kawe eniti iwe kika. v. Bootmaker. Book-marker. gbigboro. Book-keeping. n. Boor. Bray. Bowels. Bow. onis9na-iwe. ipile . omug9. and i. iwun. n. Borrow. okun bata. n. Borne. Booty. n.t. ti id? . koko. funnu.t. v. oninure. apoti . akara. al ail opin. Boundless.'. n. enu. v. aran-iwe. wun Brain. Bother. igba pmode Brace. bata. o f eran n. sunmp. 99$. jere. oju iho. Bought. mejeji. n. apoti iwe. ore. sefefe. ra. hale n. <Jrun.i. buka.t. Bound. i. n. Braid. eka igi. . n. n. Branchless. ago. Bookworm. n. oye. ohun nsami iwe. v. Boxer. da-lu. Bravery. awo koto. ipinle . n. n. Bread. yp-lenu. n. bi gbe ru. pgbpn. onj'9. ti a fi Bower. ya eka. v. alail?ka. ebun iseun. ijanu keke . i?eti. pelu. Boy. Bridesmaid. afefe jeje. and i. da-lu. Brokendown. tan imole. n. n. adj. n. simi. ar*?. and i. Brigadier. alagbata. v. igara.t. Bring. Brink. kukuru. n. Breakfast. elegun. gbe.t. arakpnrin. v. Broadcloth. Bricklayer. gaungaun bi ti Briar. and t. Brokerage. w. od/. pa $yin Brood. Bridechamber. idi. mimi. Breed. Brimful. pna elesin. Brevity. Brick-kiln. Broil. and subu.t. n. n. Brief. ebu alapa. 9m9le.*. loyun. n. n. ohunkohun bebe Breech. Brethren. ole. okun. adj. Brisk. ko ni ijanu. n. . n. Brightness. kun de eti. Breath. am{> sisu ni alapa. didan. odo. . mi. mura- kankan. imi orun.t. ile pti. v. 18 BRO Brigade. abetele. ere ise alagbata. rirun fif$. Digitized by VjOOQlC . ariwo. n. se. ppn pti dimplu. Brig. safara si. onirobinuje pkan. ohun 939 obinrin. n. Brew. n.t. Broadcast. be abeBribe. iha pkp. Brigand. adalu baba ati tanganran. n. sulfuri. Bronze. bi. adj. onj? owurv. li awo aiya. v. n. Bristle. adj. n. isimi. plpti. fa-wa. Broad. J9 onj? Breast. ad/. adj. Brittle. Bridegroom. san. ija. adj. and i. n. n. nibu. dan. and i. n. muwa. pk^> olopo meji. Bridal. Broken. iyewu iyawo.t. kun de oke.J. ti iyawo. n. eti. Brilliant. Bridle. aiya. Brighten. 89. Brier. mu dasasa. . ehin idi ibpn. pkp iyawo. bebe. itansan imple. Bridecake. emi. v. ti a fi ina sun ileru Broach. n. sisp. Bright. Brewer. and i. fun am$. n. n. v. n. Briskly. ogun. Breastplate. u. worn. da dida. Brick. n. asp onirun daradara. fun kakiri. irun Brewery. akoso. n. ara. Broker. f<J. Brim. kiakia. t<J. v. Breathe. saba lori radpbo. lu. Breathing. se akoso. n. n. ijanu. gboro. Breeches. didara. akara iyawo. elede. elesin tabi elese. adj. . n. Igba abetele nitori iwa buburu. igbaiya ogun. egbe olori pmp-ogun egbe omo- n. adj. se itpju. Bride. Brought. titansan. Broadside. adj.t. n. Brooch. Breezy. idibaje. laifa <p*9 gun. emi. m^na.. ikekuro. Brimstone. n. n. tele. n. i. 9m9 eiye.t. didan . iyawo. kun de enu. BRE Break. and i. lafef?. v. egbe iyawo. lailemi. omi iyp. n. v. n. n. fif$. n. ya Bribery. asp. laifa oro gun. adv. adj. appnti. v. adj. Broken-hearted.i. alai- Bridlepath. n. yara.t. yara. n. Bridge. n. llu. ooj. sokoto. n. adv. i Briefly. n. murasi. afara. eti Breathless. v. n. v.t. Brine. r$. Breeze. n. Buoyancy. n. Bullet. tu-jade. igbal^. Buck. n. n. wiwu. n. n. ak9 agb9nrin tabi ewur9. t$. and fi i. bq. Brutal. is9kus9. il6 kik9. eyiti a ti k9. isinku. wd-mple. ile He. adj.t. Bug. nkan 919m . ikuku. ami loju omi lati kilp fun 919^. Brotherhood. v. n. Bungalow. g9. iy9nu. pru.t.t. di leru. n. n. Bulky. v. tobi.t. ?f$n. Burr. and i. Brute. Build. is9f9. fifo loju omi tabi li ofurufu. ninira. Brutality. iwe irohin owo. omug9. Brother. nkan ti ibanil^ru. n. alaroye. n. as9f9. Bungle. Bullock.t. Bur. adj. n ewe jawe je. Bundle. n. v. n. adj. v. k6 ni iye onika. if9le. se v. nkan ti a se laibikita. v. and i. and ki li 939. pa-lara. Burglary. v. run wom- Bugbear. m9 le. fiha. and i. Bulletin. ika. wura iti tabi fadaka ti a k6 da. ipe 9d9. n. Budge. ohun elo ti a n np9n omi. n. omi ^ran bib9. fun fere. apata. Buckler. nika.t. gborin. Buckle. §ru . n. n. n. Buffalo. n. Brother-in-law. n. ifarapa. 9193a. v. ifiha. agbara. emp. Browse. it^r?. Bud. de. y9nil9nu. i. v. Burglar. i. Broom. v.t. n. adj. ho bi omi. and L akoj'9 9ranko. pataki. pw^ §. w. odidi. Building. 9w^> gb$n. n. n. 9gb9r9 ak9 malu. pdmpom. Bruise. isin isinku. idin. wom. odo sisan kekere. v. ikede. n.19. llu. Brusque. n. koriko odo. idapp. bi ara. Burnt. iwaju. see Bring. sun. Burn. n. Burden. and i. 9ranko ninu. s<J. ^gb^ awpn pkpnrin. di 9ru le. and i. n. ipe ologun. v. bi lu. Buffet. ni if<£ iseun. Burdensome. Bubble. Buffoonery. jona. Bulwark. ibi iboji. n. n. walq. n. Bully. and i. lu ni Burial-service.t. ak9 malu.t. n. v. farada. edidi. n. Burst. n. n. Bunch. 9w$. apap9 nkan. Brought. ti n. Bulrush.t. v. &I9. ak9le. adj. ide. ara. and. irudi. n. lu. Digitized by Google . n. n. Bump. b<J.t. v. n. k9. v. odi. 19 BUR Bugle. n. n. and i.t. n. Brow. Brush. and i. Budget. ikole.t. 910910. panilaiya. ibusun ninu 9k $.BRO Brook. 9ta ib9n. Bulk. n. v.L gb^k^le. iw9n. and v. ehu ohun 9gbin. and i. Buoy. mira.t. Brotherly. Broth. Buffoon. v. ay9nil9nu. Bulge. n. asa. Bullion. Bucket.t. Bung. Burial. Bunk. v. n. nkan. ter^. n. wu sode. n. abo. edidi agba. v. Buff. n.t. v. ininilara. siri. Burial-ground.t. abo.t. Browbeat. Burrow. ida . ror6. n. n. Builder. Bull. n. irord.t. iho ehoro tabi ekute.t. arak9nrin. hu. Calibre. Came. Calumniate. fi Cake. 6kun gb$ bi ile agbeb9 ikanju. iwe ikaye igba ati 9J9 ninu 9dun. oni jamba. Business.t. igba. Ikoko nla. yara ninu 9^. Caulk. Cauldron. n. olofofo. Busybody. n. n. n. idake. 3919 eni By. v. bi 9m9 malu. Calk. n. sata. nigba die. Calmly. Buy. v. Calabash. ibakasie. Camp. irpl^. and i. n.t. n. sanwo fun. di jijd nkan. n. n.i. Callow. alaisimi. adj. laitanu. ami lati ta 9fa si. fife Calico. Calling. adj. ibiti a kan Jesu 1119 agbelebu. n. v. ipakupa. nir9le. Bushy. sinku. Calculation. n. pe. n. sise I9W9. n.t. n. Calve. eniti nworan. di. By-and-by. papa nla. pa r9r9. duro er9 irin ti si a fi ns9r9 labe miran. lehin. Cadet. n. Buttonhole. Button. v. bo-mpl?. adj. Digitized by Google . Bushel. n.t. n. Callous. Calamity. Calculate. nipar9r9. n. igbe. ile v. v. ariwo . 9r<J. Buyer. ori kan.t. n. Bustle. Butterfly. Butter. Bush. nigbose. fi ori am9 si. and i. Bygone. onini ewu. p^n. and i. adj.t. Cabbage. Buzz. n. 20 Cable. ikun bi 9b9nb9n tabi oyih. as9 ohun iti. conj.t. ef9 oyinbo. n. v. n. Cabinet. Calumny. wa. ra. didaraya. v. alapata. Call. agba nla. sisata. aburo . 91119-9(19.t. nipa 9W9. kun fun igi. v. Calvary. n. igi i. ogiri. leba. tan. Buttock. jamba. eyiti o k9Ja. ipar9r9. eran. agbpti.t. Calendar. n. dri am9. v. apoti Cambric. Cactus. n. as9 felefele. so. prep. Bystander. Calamitous. labalaba. siro. n. bikdsebe. ogun. Campaign. ise. alaihuye.t.BUR Bury. efun. n. Calf. adv. n. Cadence. n imp 911. igbo. n. ewu. enuib9n. sibe. Butt. fi iwo kan. sibe. 9m9 malu. Caldron. irehun sile. n. v. v. appn. afi. Cage. isiro. ori wara.t. idi. n. adv. Busy.t. Cajole. n. yara kekere . adj. pa . ibi pipa. adj. v. eniti o nk9 ise ni ile ek9 aw9n 9m9-ogun. v. n. n. n. Byword. Calm. iho onini Buttress. dake. n. nipase. ibudo. v. Butcher. owu. Calx. Bought. eletan. 9kan lile. and i. w.i. Come. Butt. and i.t. Cabin. Cajoler. 6suw9n ohun gbigbe. n. and adie. ap^nni. owe. iti Buxom. adj. n. Camel. n. alapata Butler. akara didun. ^ugbpn . CAM okun tabi 9W911 idak$ . ka. n. v. olura. n. n. But. n. Bustler. igba ohun 999. n. n. Butchery. Cackle. n. r9l9. kika. n. C. ipe. ise ti a pe wa si. ile eiye. 6du. n. Canker. Carcass. agba. aye. and i. imuni. v.t. Canter. agbara. lagbara. lais^tan. adj. 9pa fitila. adj. 959 99m. v. Cape. se otit9. $iy<? Capable.i. Canticles. Cap. and i. otit9. n. Capacity. Canvass. Cannot. aniyan. Capitation. Capacious. fun ni agbaia se. ibori igunwa. osun. Career. Canary. Captive.t. kokoro jewe- Capitulation. n. ib$. Capricious. oku enia Canticle. amuni. 9109 -ogun. n. as9 alaikuna igbokun. yiyipada. n. n. 9gak9. Candidate. adj. n. n. lailagbara. tabi 9ran. Cankerworm. n. ri oju rere. nibu. n. saniyan. v. n. n. alakasa. jiJ9 enia. Card. Caparison. Candid. fifi oruk9 aw9n enia mim9 ti o ti ku si iwe iranti. Captious. 9gagun. akiyesi. Digitized by VjOOQlC . v. tobi. v. and i. orin. W9 inu omi Caper. ^niti nf$ 9gb9 tabi is9 kan. v. Cannibal.t. . ikaye oii. Canal. 9pa Candour. v.t. eniti a ya S9t9 fun isin Qtyrun. lagbara. k9k9. n. 21 CAR Capability. igbekun. n. Iwa. n.dojude. Candidly. ibaka. irin. 9r9 agabagebe. ajenia. onde. orin Solomon. gbSrd. k6 le. itanna. na. as9f9Capsize. olori. ideri. iwe P9l9b9Cardinal. n. nigbangba. itanna ti a fi Capital.t. gba-laiya. ofin. n. n. bait?- olowo. Candle. fi agbara rem. Carefully. n. Captivate. letter 9ra se. Carcase. n. Cant. Cannon. n. v. Cane. Caravan./. ipa. n. Candlestick. ihc^n nla. . Capture. Canvas. Can. okuta iyebiye. adv. Canopy. n. 9m isaju. Capacitate. 9gb9 dro. 9k $ wetd. n. w. v. n. kanra. n. le. Captivity. sonso ile ti o y9ri sinu be. as9 . Careful. bibu owo sori olukuluku. ajo. n. v. adebun. adugbo aw 911 ?ajo. n. adv. n. . Iair9. arit9nim9wi. akan. n. tunba p9lu aJ9S9. n.t. agbara. Carbuncle. Cannonade. n. ti aja. n. v. inurere. yi 9r9 pada lainidi. n. n.t. yinb9n nla lu. ilana. n. kun fun aniyan S9ra. n.t. Canoe. se dajudaju. adj. Could. ipinnu.t. adj. Cantankerous. se 9sin I999. fila. oko9ru. n. Canonise.t. Capitalist. v. aye. nu-kuro. Ifo.i. Captor. n. n. v. J9I9W9 im9si . adj. fo. 9WU ejika. is9ra. owo isare apeta. P9I9P9I9. Cantonment. Carefulness. adj. 919- W9n. Canine. olori. v. n. Cannibalism. n. v. n. Cancer. esin. p^lu Capitulate. t6. fa if^.t. n. tanganran. ilu 9ba. le. lotito. bori.t. pa-r$. jo. agabagebe . ab^la.i.CAM Camwood. n.i. t9r9. beb^. Caprice. egbo ibaje. n. n. n. 9parun. nla. Cancel. Captain. adj. Canon. v. v. jewe. Car. bi subu. ise. Care. deri. n. odd lila. v. n. eru. Carrier. isati. onit9Ju owo. Carter. and i. Caught. Cash. tit$ l<?da. isin n. idimu.CAR Careless. fa-mvra. apoti. n. ^wu dudu aw9n i. opin 9ran.t. n. apoti §tu ib9n. v. CED Casual. and i. n. v. Catechism. orin Casualty. Cataract. n. n. se J9. Ceaseless. da-duro. alabapade. kokoro. gb^nagb^na.t. n. n. n. iku loju Cat. aj^ran. te ni 9da. Catechise. n. n. n. ogun 9198m. okuta . n. akiyesi. n. ata pupa. 9J9. n. v. danu. nis9ra. ile i$9.t. 9m Cautious. 9gb9n. Ql9run. onik^kp 9ru. Cayenne. jo. aibikita. Cave. Cassava. alufa. . Cede. Castrate. n. k$. akatampo. gbe. Catholic. siw9. Cartridge. Caution. opepe. Caterpillar. Caterer. Cashew. iwa. Catechumen. fpwppa. n.t. Digitized by Google . and jiinu. okerekere. ati Carry. n. jiyan.t. n. n. lasan. eran psin. Cask. Case. v. Cathedral. ija. idi. fi le I9W9. Carol. Cavalry. adj. agbptara. kil9. Castaway. Carpenter. Catapult. safiyesi. fi mu-se. Carnal.t. itori. Causeless. 22 adj. se Cavil. kaju. na. iw9Junu. n. n. awawi eke. adj. n. n. Cauterize. iwoye.t. fi irin gbibona egbogi jo. Cause. Catalogue. Cedar. v. pese onje. iwe ibere ati idahun. niwoye. Cart. omi sisan. iwe orok9 . n. ti enia gbogbo. awawi eke. atafo Carp. 9ni-ik9sil9. 9W9 irin el^sin. v. ko 19111. iwe ti Carnivorous. n. itanu. Cashier. ih6 ninu apata tabi nil 9. Castigate. a§9 tit^ Carriage. adj.t. Carrion. fi-fun. n.t. Cater. kprin iyin. 9Ja. and i. ailaniyan. adj. ik^sil^. ak9 . mu. ologini. n. k9ni nipa ibere idahun. n. n. Cassock. n. oku pupp. Catch. v. n. ologb6. n. ru. Cavern. fin igba tabi ke $ran. idaduro. adj. n. oju-isan odo oju. v. Caress. alaru. onipese onJ9. ti ara. adj. Cartilage. gb^nagb^na k$k$ Carve. ?e ni Castration. 9m pk^).t.i. aisimi. Casket. ran-mu. aiduro. gtaguda. apoti kekere . n. n. n. lainidi. n.t. ifisapakan. owo. Cast. adj. Catastrophe. v. n.t. Carpet.i. i jamba. n. Catechist. 9ran ti kqkq. ail 9. ile Qtyrun giga. paki. agba. and i. daw9duro. v. Cargo. n. oni- 99na igi. n. Cattle. n. Casava. v. asati. v. Cavalcade. Cascade. ~" npolowo v. n. n. n. v. v. n. n. v. adj. ^niti a nk9 ni Cartwright. Carnage. Cast-off. oluk9ni ni isin Ql9run.t. aironu ifarapa. k^k? 9ru.t. alafara. Castle. ipari ti k6 dara. bafin. iho nisal9 il^. ay 9 tabi iyin. posi.i. da. Cease. Censer. n. and i. CEI Ceiling. agbedemeji. n. idiyele. n. se pasiparp. parada. Change. Certainly. Changeless. Chap. ipenija. ni apcjn. pfun. Character. ntpju y&ra. isin. n. Celibacy. Centipede. kjkaye enia ilu. ise Certain. fisun. k6to egbin. Chairman. n. n.t. n. n. n. pna odo. ibu odo. yara nile pwpn. n. Chambermaid. iyara. nibi onjp alp Oluwa. ka si lprun. and i. iwe pri. pni olokiki. Chain. n. Iparp. ijoye pba pniti ntpju yara. Charity. Chagrin. wiwa alaigbeyawo. Chant. n.t. n. adj. iwa. adj. n.t. juju. inurere. Chargeable. Chalk. ile Qlprun. Centenary. ami ode daju. Chapter. tp. Changeable. oniwasu ni ile Qlprun tabi li pk$.. n. awo turari. Champion. n. iduro. amofin. n. n. n. rohin. v. v. v. n. Chance. pgprun pdun. pgagun. ago waini ti a nlo Celebrate. pgprun. ifijalp. Cell. rudurudu. n. Centre. n. Certify. alabapade. Celerity. n. ibawi. ti ki ipada. n. n. Cessation. v. olori ile-pkp giga. n. Chapel. i. sise apejp tabi Ceremony. se iranti. de li pwpn. arin. imunibinu. laisi Certainty. parp. n.t. aniani.t. kokiki. Ceremonial. Century. idawpduro. n. pmp-pdp ti o yara nisalp n. n. ori iwe. aga. oniwasu lpgbp awpn pmp-ogun. n. adv. yiyipada. iypnu. apa oke ni ile Qlprun ipo awpn Alufa ni Ijp. pwpn. kprin. Celebrity. n. Celebrations. n. epo. ile. Chaplain. n. ifilelpwp. n. kpkp psin. adj. iyangbo pka. w. and binu. i. ti isin. adj. Charger. sp bi o ti ri.t. Cession. diyele. v. v. Chaff. Cesspool. ami.t. n. akpwe nile pjp. fi Chafe. Chancel. n. Cent. iparada. iyara. Censure. Digitized by LjOOQIC . ibi isinku. ogun. n. eri. ewurp igbo. n. pkun. ra .t. Certificate. Cemetery. pmpdekpnrin.t. rppp. laiypsp. w. balogun prun. psin- Chariot. mubinu. v. kpkp. Characterize. pe-nija. onispgun. Challenge. v. ijoko. adj. ba-wi. pdun.t. Chamber. awo ppkp nla . n. v. iyin. Centurion. ise iranti. n. ih6. Celestial. jpri. agpmp. n. Chaos. Chair. daju -daju. Channel. Cement. olori aJ9Chaise. n. 23 CHA Chalice. Chamberlain. Chancellor. iypwu. n. v. n. mu orukp fun. idaniloju. tansankp. seun. and i. adv. ypfun okuta. adj. Chamois. isin. ti 9run. Charcoal. se alabapade. n. ikasilprun. n. Charitable. v. if pni . n. Cellar. Chameleon. pgprun.t. v. and i. n.t. n. edu Charge. n. prp-anu. Census. nitotp. pga. n. and igi. ipin iwe. amp lile.t. aja ile. v. esi. olori apejp. orukp. and i. adj. ge- Chicken. ba-wi. Cherish. n. v. Choice. n. iro aw9n agogo. irin and and i. n. Chivalry. n. n. adj. n. igb9n. ijiya. yiyan. n. Cherub. ?gbe akprin. Chevalier. ylyan . Chieftain. and i. 9W9 olorin. ake. na.t. imuninudun. n. yan sa. n. n. 9J9 ibi Kristi.t. Chorister.t. isin Kristi. adj. ni iwu. Childless. ohunelo ti a fi amp se. lafojudi. Chorus. Quire. n. n. Cheeky. aw9n emi tabi $da 9run. and i. . olori onidaJ9.t. Chimney. Charter. Chimpanzee. n. v. nifaiya. n. n. a n. n. adj. mim9 ara. v. v. tan-j?. ye. Iail9m9. Christianize. 91119 Digitized by Google . Cheerless. v. ke ?iye. adj. gba-niyanju. ih6 efin. olu. m<J. Cheap. ti 9m9-ehin Christianity. v. Kristi. warakasi. n. eso igi kok6 ti n. v. iye ara. Choke. 9m9. n. Chat. Chick. sogun . b£. Choir. v. w<Jp$. olori Charmer. China. Chief Justice. adv.t. Check. n. Christmas. and i.t. CHR Chide. ibim9. pese fun lilo. Christ. IJni itororosi. 89 di v. iwe adehun. n. n. n. Chickenpox. da-duro. Cheque. Christen. ibinu. je-niya. Chasten. n. pari sreke. n. n. Chaste.t. ay9» v. Cheekbone. Choler. sisayan. adj. Chronic. mu inudun. Childish. v. Chest. Chocolate. 39 li oruk9. ak9rin ile Ql9run. adj. igba ewe.. ibawi. oluk^. iho lara ogiri. Child. Chase. v. CHA Charm. n. irunu. Chiefly. Chosen. v. n. Chart. Cheat.t. n. n. Chief. Chasm. n. ina. aw9n Kristi. Chastisement. atuniloju. k$.t.t. and i. Childhood. ki w$. n. re-je. Choose. asayan. 89 Chink. iwa rere. n. Cherisher. Chin. i. 91119 adi?. alainidaraya. ke bi $iye. Chisel. igboiya.t. didaraya. asayan.t. n. v. n. Chirp. Chopper. Chastity. n. d$de. Christendom. aiya. 9fa s9panna. olori. bi ewe. adj. 89 boti b6ti. Childbirth.i. v. Chord. n. Cheese. otutu ti nmu ni gb$n. i. ireye. alaininudidun. adj. n. Cheek. Idaduro. n. lepa. werewere. 99a. akop9 o nsin Kristi. v. n. tv-dagba. ohunelo mimu.t. and i. n. v. ewe. iwe ipasipar9 owo. ereke. Chimes. Cherubim.t. iyege. na. Cheer.t. Chose. olut9. adj. Charming. oloye. pgbun nla. inufunfun. n.t. n. n. v. $da 9run. Chip. pipp titi. Chemise. and . onifaiya. p9. n. Chop. phin Kristi. elesin. ikiw9. Chatter. egbe-orin. mutujuka. onde. n. agb$n. ewu aw9t$le obinrin. fi ehin run. ijoye. iwe aworan apere ile. r$ winiwini. Chill. n. tira sefaiya. Cheerful. ifaiya. Chastise. §ra ohun bi ini. okun duru. n. and i. v. Chattel. and i. ke popdp6. itanJ9. Chew. pataki. fun li 9run.t. ge si W9W9. n. n. n. 24 ogun. Christian.i. 9de. sami fun li oruk9 Kristi. Cleanse. onitpju ile Qlprun. iro atpwp. v. v. didupp lphin ibimp. rprin. pate'wp. v.t. and i.t.*. n.t. taba ti a fi sinu iwe. Alufa. v. Chrysalis. n. adj. Circumspect. ariwo. Claimant. n. iro pwpn. Climax. ad/. ti ko ni $iro. ipin yika. n. n. n. adj. Clang.t. v. gbolohun prp kan. Clamour. pnikeji. n. kp iwe itan.t. aileri. Clatter. v. ohun elo ti an gun wara. n. kp-lpgbpn. ti Alufa. and v. pran. Clerical. mcjju.t. opin. fa-mpra. ile $rp. n. Cleverness. Clank. mp ailabukun. iwe itan. 25 CLI Clammy. Civic. Clarify. Clan. adj. ikpla. Circumspection. Civilize. gun. adj. dapp. Cinder. i. Client. plptp. Civilization. v. amj). pya. and i. Clever. ile odi. ti ilu. ni alabapade. adj. la. n. tabi tpni. Clerk. n. ami. taba ti a lplu. adj. Churn. Circuit. v. nkan i. iwoye. iypnu.t. n. inure. Citadel. n. Climb. kokoro ki i to di labalaba. v.t. ti oji§p Qlprun. Cistern. n. n. n. goke. tan-yika. n. nikpkp. n. $pra. Chum. mimp. kiyesara. kp-nila abe. ilaju. kaye. Clash. awpn oji^p Qlprun. omugp. n. Circumcise. mu-kuro. n. Claim. abpwp alagbawi. Clemency. apoti omi. igbe. n. ilunla. Clause.*. da?a. pniti o pe nkan ni tir$. mu-dan. i$e Climate. n. Clasp. ya li ekanna. n. onilu. imukuro. lari.t. Digitized by LjOOQIC . Civil War. v.CHR Chronicle. Cypher. Class.t. Circumstance.t. ^onrorb . and i. Clay. Citizen. Cigar. afpfp ti ilu. oye. n. foyehan. ayika. n. adj. spdi-mim<J. adj. adj. n. wp- Circulate. n.l. Churlish. t6 lpgbpgbp. and i. ibere v. ija igboro. ere. ipade. Clapper. n. Churl. Cleave. ik<J. wp-mp. yiyp. v. mu n. idile. pgbpn.t. Claw. tutu. gun wara. kp-lura. n. ija-ilu. ariwo nla. n. Chuckle. Cliff.t. v. mu. iti igi. moye. Cigarette. adj. mpyi. oye akpwe. plpjp. n.i. akpwe. fif era. pgbp Clergy. n. Clearance. onror6. Clerkship. td lpsp. Clandestine. n. ekan psp eiye tabi pranko. Clime. v. tpni. Circulation. City. n. n. and .t. moye. n. n.n. n. Church. v. m<J. ohun bere nkan ti i?e ti bebe okuta. ara ilu. n. and i. n. n. J. yi-ka. Cipher. ikplura. and yi ka kiri. oruka. Qlprun. and i. nipamp. ohun Circumstantial. v. and Circle. imp toto. mp. n. idimu. v. v. n. iyika. olu agogo. gbpn.*. i. Clap.t. v. i^pra. Chump.t. Civil. n. n. Churchwarden.Iriju ile Qlprun. Classify. v. n. fere. toto. Clear. n. . Cleanliness. ariwo. n. Clean. pgbp. edu. spdi Clarion. pin lpmp. kp. Clergyman. v. ilp. plptan. Cock-crow. di-loju. k9nk9S9. akoJ9 ofin. ibaadj. a?9 ileke.t. Cognizance. n. dilup9. and i. r9. v. p9n. n. Colander. Coinage.t. Cogitation. yara ikpkp. adj. Coessential. ewuruku. idapp. ^alaigbpn. n. pade.t. asaro. adv. v. . isedede. n. Cluster. batan. Clench. am9na. edu. pgbp. w. n. jum9 gbe p9 bi 9k<J Coagulate.i. Clock. asaro. v. d9gba. n. . adj. Cocoa. Closet. akisa ina. n. n. posi. v. sakis&ki.t. and i. hum9. oni-bata. aw9 sanma. Cloven. ka-okun. ifagbara se. isu. n. Idl. inurirun. Cobbler. Cloud. Coach. idina. n. pin.t. gba-mp. 9gb9gba. Digitized by Google . owo v. n. v. n. a§9 hihun. Coalition. k^. n. Close. okun . n. eniti ngoke Clinch. n. nitori. Coldhearted. n. Clothing. lila. idi erupe ile. Ipm9.t.t. akoso. adj. sinsin. ti agbara. and i. Cockscomb. i. g9. Coincidence. n. . Coat. ir9wo. Cohabit. Coarse.t. adj. ba-mu. n. ilu. Cockatrice. Clout. n. Cobweb. aibikita.t. oniru asp Coffer. i. n. akuk9 ikp-ibpn. Coffin. 9g9 and i. n. faramp. v. ainif $. v. v. pyin ina. n. ori agbado kan. n. n. Coast. v. adj. fa-mp. i. sakoso. Clod. g9. daju. and i. as9 wiwQ. n. Clot. oluranl9w9. Coheir. n. v. wp-la^p. n. ap9nni. as9 ibora. ke. n. Coherence. p9nniP9nni. and Cockroach. and di-mu Cling. Coequal. aya ba 8un. and i. fi-pamp. n. ikuku. re-kuru . n. n. ironu. idap9. Coadjutor. otutu. Clothe.i. Cocoon. n.t. Clothes. Closeness. n. Coaxer. fa-duro. v. aran-bata. v. ki. and ronu. eje didi. Cogent. asp. Clique. n. n. agbada. Coax. Clutch.i. Cloak. agb9n. Cogitate. Cock. k6ko. egbe. n. tutu. sile. 26 COL Cob. adj. ipari. n. v. agogo. Cold. dap?. and i. agbegbe. v. li akuk9. and sokunkun. keke.t. adj. Coddle. n. Cognate. diw9. im9. v. n. Cloth. n. v.t. i. ajum9 se arole p9Cohere.t. Cacao. tan. saikuna. n. ti. rpp^mp. Club. v. itakun. n. ispkan. egbe. Coincide. idap9. n. di. Coition. n. n. ayan. n. Coercion.i. alantakiin. adj. n. Coil. n.i. alabase. n.t. se dede. rpmp. n. somp. dajuse Clue. ati . Coalesce.t. ogbe Clog. Coxcomb. Coalescence. Clumsy. v. ika Coin. ohun and i. Code. a$9 wiwun. r$. v. b$. Coal. ori akukp.CLI Climber.i. Colic. itosi. Cocoanut. kanna. egbe. ohun \viw9. Clew. Coastguard. Clip. se. dimu. sisunmp. 0IUS9 etikun. fagbara se. ejo gunte. 9P9I9P9. apoti owo. okun. n. a§9 ileke. eti okun. Coerce. v. adj. igi nla. Commonly.t. n. gborin. Comely. idetyna. Comb. se iranti. n. v. COL Collapse. dalu. Collateral. a t?do. Collector. . ti gbogbo iraw9 oniru.t. Colony.. n. olukoJ9. n. tum$.t. v.. fun 39. v. saj$ p9. b$r?. ami idaduro {. . 27 COM Comfortless. n. qtq sis9. Comfortable.i. aj9 Come. n. isanu fun. 9ja. ^niti nta iwe agodongbo. v. da-p9. ibi eyin. egb?. and i. Commerce. n. tu-lojuka. ijoye kan. Coming. v. ififunni v. fi le Committee. Comment. wo lule.t. Collect. Colon. Commiseration. ise. aladi. ko ni v. . v. ise iranti. Combustion. n. yin. ba-sep9. adj. adura kuku- and i. Commandment. Commend. v. Comic. dara. Commentary. Digitized by LjOOQ IC ^ . Commiserate.t.i. n. n. v. iladi. ru. Colliery. n. isowo-owo. nigbakugba. n. iwolule. Collection. ik^lura. n. eniti a fun li ase.i. n. Colonel. itum$. alakoso. ya. pas?. dap9. ipilese. n. legbekegbe. wa. atum$. Comeliness.t. Commence. itura. mb^wa. ran.. nigba gbogbo. ogbe akuk9. 9gagun. Combatant. 11$. Commission. ikoJ9p9. Commodore. lewu.t. mb9. ad.t. alabase. Collide. and i. Commemoration. n. r9run. as?. n. Colt. Comet. n. egbe. ijanu. n. adj. eru. ija. v. adj. v. Came. dya v. a-wa-edu. t$ ilu do.t. 9w$n. iwe iladi. n. v. ilu si. v. adj. fi ase fun. ailera. $wu. iraw9 oju 9run Commodity. n. and i. ikoJ9 P9 Combine. se ailera. . College. Colonise. v. iwu. Colloquy. n. W9P9. kakiri. k9lura. Commentator. n. onija. n. n. pil^s?. n. jijo . im9P9. n. n. aye. ja. n. alainitunu. ofin. n. n. ikil9. ijanu. iyin. n. ki fi le I9W9. elegbe. iwe itum9. adj. irora. Commination. Commissary. ibawi.t. tu-ninu r$. od. itunu. Common. igbim9. n. n. n. Colossal.t. Collision. tobi pup9.). Combat. Commingle. pa ni lerin. lewa. enia. ?wa. Commencement. Command. w. n. ase. ifun nla . nir^ra. de. sanu fun. 11a. olori. ko-J9. ladi. Commercial. irukerudo.i. Column. n. oye kan ni ^9. Commissioner. akoJ9p9. sunm9d9. Commemorate. and i.. adj. Commodious. akoso. adv. n. n.i. n.t. . v. de -1911a. se owo. Colleague.t. v. egbe. bakanna. v. n. ti ise ti owo. alainir9ra. n. ba-lop9. . Common Kristi prayer. I9P9I9P9. Commander. n. aw$. nitunu. and i. Combination. ni n. and i. and i. I9W9. Colporteur. a§9 9run. ib?re. and ti i. isin ij9 Iwe adura aJ9gba.t. adj. Collar. Comma. v. akojppp. 91119 esin. idugbolu. r$-p9. Comfort. ti kd soro jo.t. sakoso. eka or&n. Commendation. Collier. Commit. Combustible. koto edu. n. v. ami idaduro (:). ase. fi 9da Colour. ile iwe giga. adj. fi-fun. Compensation. pari. n. n. ifunp9. pe. v. Competence. and i. v. to. 39 -fun. Communion. adj. itetyrun. Compound. kan. Compass. n. n. J9. yi-ka. . v. ijadu. Conceal. itylu. aj9. ije. adj. . ij?w9. Conceive. v. irukerudo. ye. n. v. n. Complicate.t. ayika. n. n. n. fi-we. fun Compression. Conceit. 9m ti nJ9 911J9 al^ Oluwa. n. v. Competition. kansibikan. Compunction. p?lu agbara. n.t. ifiwera.. Compliance. adj. Complacent. ara ilu. diju. Commute. Comrade. idiyele. Iem9ra. Comprise.t. gbigba y fif$. Complexion. nitetyrun. and i.t.i. 9gb^. w.t. Concealment. gba. n. Compassion. se asaro. fi-han. jum9 basep99r9.t. idije. yin. n. n. 9J 9. fi-wera. v. idalu. dap9 m9ra.t. Compeer. Companion.t. ki.t. Compress. v. fi-pam9. ikini ibuyin. Compose. Compulsory. n agbara mu. ipin. ara ilu kanna.t. n. n. v. v. adj. Compare. ka. ironu. adj. Compel. and i. I9U1. i^kan gbigba onje al^ Oluwa. iyal9t9. Comparison. 9gba. imule.t. Comply. Concentration. Compartment. 9gb^. and i. k9 sori. Commune. v. 98U11 . Compliment. Conceivable. se-aroye. ni- pari ija . sanpada. and n.t. ^l^gb^. Complain. Communicate.t. Community. Concave. n. fi-sin. se- Completion. Compromise. igbamu. ilaja. da-lu. du. egbe. isanpada. J9W9. adj. Communication. jadu. v. n. ^kiin. iyanipa. ka-m9. fim9s9~ v. ipinnu. n. diyele. Communicant. . ^san. adehun. tito. san-fun. n. adj. and i. diju. Company.n. ifipam9. 9gb9n. Compatriot. v. n.t. n.i. adj. v. COM Commonsense.i. n. n. n. Competent. f9kanlel9. Comprehension. ifpird. v. Competitor. v. 9gb9.t. Compassionate. ire awpn ara ilu. ka-kun. isebi. huwa. n. anu. Compensate. arojinl?. v. v. n. adj. f<?. jinkoto. n.t. gb9n loju ara r$. mimoye. gbamu. isiro. siro. Comport. Compete. t98i. mu-r9. m9. v. fi-sun. Comprehend. v. tan. CON v. v. n. n. obirikiti. n. Concede.t. ye moye. yiyeni. Digitized by Google . Conception. adj. soro. n.t. adj. Complication. Complainant. 28 Complete. Compute. olufisun. ika. v.t.t. Complaint. Compulsion. se 9gba. saJ9 mu- farabal^.t. v. ikarsu. Compact. alaroye.t. ififun. i. ifagbara se. Compatible. kun. and i. v. ipari. jum9 391*9. par9. Complex. n. Computation. loyun sebi. 9nikeji. r6. Composer. ifisin. olupil9S9 iwe. idiju. fi fun. ik9we. imoye. awj) oju. n. adije. arun. faram^ra. iycjnu. Con. y9nu. n. Comprehensible. ajijadu. n. n. tanu. oye. Commotion. ipe. gba. n. k9-iwe. v. idap9. Complacency.t. toJ9. Compile. . oyun . ^nikeji. Commonwealth.i. Condemnation. iham9. v. ti-m9 Confinement. irep9. rel?. . v.t. Condense. Condition. n. ipari. is9r9. Idim9. se kan. ik9lu. f9nahan. Confess. n. sile. imul?. n. ise. v.i. it9num9^ if 939 mul9.t. Concourse. gbigba.t. Confine. da-ru. i. ba-89r9. n.t. n.t. 9gb?. ibasedede. v. didaju. Confederate. 29 aniyan. pataki. dim9. Confession. and i.t. ko si ani-ani. Conflict.t. imude. Confer. v. Concertina.t. Conclusion. v. J9. . Conclude. olot9. iwa. n. n. nkan ti nmu W9.i. n. n. kd-loju n-sakawe. akoso. n. n. isedede. ise t<£. teriba fun. v. ba-k^dun. v.t. ala. n.t. Confederacy. set an. $okan. Concussion. Concur. n. ij?w9. and fi-fun . gba. r$ ara r§ Condescension. da-ru. mud?. ifiyesi. Confluence. sedaro. ik^lu. fifarawe. kiki. Concrete. am9na. n. 89 di $r£. se dede. Confiscate. da-lebi. Concord. Confound. se akoso. dilu.i. tu-loju. and J9W9. Concoction.t. ir9p9Concordance. ki. v. ija. imul9kanle. n. n. Digitized by Google . v. aj9 iw9J9P9. CON and i. . and i. Condescend. Conformation. ir$arasile. Conductor. Confuse. nipa Concert. rogun. ipo. ire orin. v. ilaiya. i$9kan. itim9le. ise. adj. t9num9 . se dede.- CON Concern. Confiscation. dap9Confraternity. Condole. n. 9r?-iy9r9. n. eni ti a gb^k^le. Conference. ifarawe. Concoct. jij?- Condiment. alakoso. gbekele. Confectioner. n. ituloju. ilu ohun meji p9. n. v.t. ilo. adj. kuru. ififun. Conduce. v. idalebi. Concise. Concession. damu.t. iJ9W9l9W9. v. jum9 se. se. ale.t. Confident. ilaja. ibak$dun. iJ9W9. adidun. igb^k^le.t. akara didun. Concupiscence. i. Concurrence. rirogun. n. adj. apeJ9. Confirm. Condensation. v. Conciliate. n. n. ipade omi odo. n. v. n. Conform. iwe ap$r? ifip6han ni Qr9 Ql9run. Confront. iri. n. niti. prep. and i. bole. n. ipinl?. isetan. n. onje dun. n. v. ba-daro. and se pari. v. fi 9S9 mul^. n. v. Condolence. n. se. jijo ina nla. duru 9I9W9. Conciliation. ibole. ha-m9. Confection. v. mul?. adj. Concerning. iwaya ija. and i. alakara. Concubine. jiJ9. irel^. i pinnu. mu l9kan le. Conflagration.t. n. if^kuf^. la-nija. ifimp^pkan. Condemn. ran-l9W9. n. pinnu. Confide. n. i. Confidant. ^bi. Conformable.t. sin. Conduct. ijum9S9. v. ibafa.i. n. n. didl. Confidence. n. ti. v. gba. iwa. n. odi si. and i. Confirmation. aladidun. J9W9.t. kan. and i. ba-yp yp-fun. ispdilile. Conscientious. and i. v.t. ko-jp. v. Consecutive. Connection. n. n. and i.t. yiypfun. n. alafpsp. Congregation. agbara. adj.t. se. bi adodo. Constrain. Constancy. v. plppa. n. plpgbp. iJ9- Congress. n. n. Construction. irplekun isippfun.t. duro. Constant. aj$. Conjoin. irotple. Congregate. sp di pkan. n. Congenial. and i. yi-po. asp. fi-lelpwp. v. adj. Consideration. 30 ailoju. Connive. pri pkan. n. idapp. jp. Considerate. adj. olutunu. Conical. ni. sise kikan. diju pna.i. Conquest. n.t. didi inu. itiinu. v. Consignment. Consolidate. v. apejp. v. idamu. Constitution. dede. r6. ba-kpgbp. isptple. adj. Congeal. Conglomeration. bibayp. Consecration. n. Constable. oye ajplp. ijasi. iyin. Conspiracy. sopp. Consul. n. Conjugal. Consign.t.i. Conscience.CON Confusion. Congest. nironu. ja-nikoro. farasin. iyasimimp. Conspirator. isptp. ran-si. plptp.t. tump. Conjure. adj. n. Conspicuous. Consulate. ya-simimp. Confute.t. Conscious. Consistent. di. Conqueror. ibatan. and i. hunsi. adj. spgun. Consolation. Construct. ipaiya. fi agbara se. ispr v . Consternation. ikun deti. ipa. adj.t. tu-ninu. Connect. pejppp. ifohunspkan. n. and i. n. pkp tabi aya» v. n. ki.t. iyasptp. ifarakpra. v.t. adj. ba- dapp. v. n. ohun ti a ran spni. idamu. n. fi-bura . n. igba. fov. n. kikp. n. di-ninu. n. and i. n. n. v. n. Consecrate. bi-subu. yasptp. Constipation. n. iyipo. ba-tan.t. idurosinsin. Digitized by Google . v. n.t and i. Congratulation. lpsplpsp. ba-mu. Confutation. ofin. v. rudurudu . ladi. mimp. and i. ikojppp nkan. ifiyesi. spkan. n. Consolidation. Consist. ptp. ti kd yipada„ didurpsinsin. adj. yin. mimp ninu. Console. n. so -pp. Construe. and i.t. ko-pp. kp. v. Constraint.t. arpnilpkun. ibi-subu. iro. idi. ifilelpwp. ti isoyigi. Consolator. adj. asegun. n. ispdpkan. ipejp. se ifaiya. n. gba-niyanju. v. ibapade. n. v. pgbp plppa.t. mojukuro. and i. ti Consort.t. Congestion. ipari.i. bibamu. r$. n. v. igbeyawo. ispgun. wa. ijakoro. ikojppp $jp. Connivance. jpwp gba.t. ijpwp. Conquer. v. Conjurer. CON Consent. Congratulate.t. imojukuro. n.t. n. Constipate. wadi. bori. v. se afpsp. ajplp pba. Constabulary. Conspire. ditp. Conjunction. sptp. n. ipejp. Consequence. dilu. nan gbangba. v. Conjecture. n. iyin. v. Consider. ki. v. isolupp. titp. aspt$. sp di lile. nija. and i. legan. lodl. n. duro titi. Conversation. Contemptible. ija. Convenient. aiduro. Contentious. aroye. pe titi. sedede. Contemn. n. gan. Convention. and kan. n. Convent. as9. asetan. apeJ9Conventional. ijilese. wadi 9r9. ikegan. yan. v.t.t. adj. n. and i. n. lati fara W9n fun isin Qtyrun. dinku. v.t. sis9 9r9. afohun sofo. eyiti o ninu. se pari. Continuation. Consultation. v. imaraduro. v. Contest. adj. ipin ile aiye. Contemporary. ke-kuru. S9r9. iw9n p9» Continence. Digitized by Google . n. il9P9Contraband. idawo. ?gan. bib9l9W9 arun.t. ijiyan. — Comptroller. Contribution. v. and i. ibaje. n. arun ti nran. n. iro- nupiwada. runni- Consummate. r9run. n. ifarakanra. na owo. ifapetiti. ronu.i. Contents. ir9binuje. ipinhun. Contend. ikanu. Contain. v. se pe.t. Contribute.t. n. adj. ba-j$.t. fi-pelu. ik9 fe. v. Contrivance. Contingent. Contagion. fi we ra. akop9. v. lodi si ofin.t. n. adj.t. n. akoso iwa. iro. nkan ti k6 daju. ikanu ese. v. n. ti o je asa. n. se-asaro. v. eniti o se adehun ise alakekuru. ibi ti aw9n enia sa si kuro ninu aiye. hum9Control. adj. n. v. anfani. lai. n. as9. if9ranl9. 1$. Contrariwise. Context. n. alaiji- koso. n. Continent. Contrary. Contradiction. fi 9ran and i.t. n. and i. bere. gba-sinu. Consummation. pe apeJ9Convenience. wo. ajum9S9r9. ipari. itel9run. runni. n. * Contaminate. ja-niyan. Contemplation. adehun. Contract. Contrition. v. ba- Controversy. adj. Contraction. da. ile nla lai&i okun. n. amodi aiya.t. jiyan. n. Convene. n. v. Contractor. i. adv. ir9ra. fi fun . ibe re. I9P9. Contention. adj. 9r9 pataki. Contrive. Contamination. mura si. Convalescence.t.CON Consult. asaro. aj9. v. kegan. rd. is9ki. n. ji-lese. ranl9W9. 39. n. wa ja. ye. n. Contrast. Contact. ipade. n.t. run. Contortion. v. wa nigba elegbe eni. and i. nitetyrun. Consumer. and i. v. jona. n. n.t. n. n.t. dari sis9- si ibi nkan ti a k6 ro tele. ir9run. n. Consume. kanna Contempt. ^ Continual. w. duro pe. Contemplate. Content. agbara iyanu. Contort. and i.t. ite- l9run. wiwo. al9. ba-sor9. akoso. Conundrum. v. and i. n. ni ilodisi. Converge. v. Controller. ja. Consumption. 31 CON Continue. n. adj. ija. Contentment. n. ito. nilari. adj. v. fi sofo . n.t. p?. ikekuru. Contradict. adj. Converse. iwosan. jijadu. and i. ihum9. iranl9W9Contrite. ser9. er9.t. n. edidi igo. n. n. t9. adj. v. and i. k9we si. inu ohunkohun. Cooper. n. Corridor. okun. adv. mu daju. se dede. awo ran. n. ba-wi. and i. Convolution. 32 iyipada. n.CON Conversion. n. v. ka. Cool. n. ik9k$. v. iyun. n. n. ra. se abet?!?. fi owo.t. n. Copulate. Corrugate. da Conviction. is9kan. baba Correspondence. ba-tan. pe. Corpulence. $niti a nyi lpkan pada. Convocation. isanra. Corporal. Convulse. Coppersmith. Correctly. ldap9. idenu. Corrosive. nif9. jum9se. ibora. ifi 9ba joye. n.t. Correlate. adj. n. Convivial. d6gun. n. ?niti a dab^bi tabi a da I9J9. I9J9. alagbed? baba. n. Copulation. ibori. Core. n. v. if?. j?niya.t. n.t. aw9n Convulsion. ti ara. pup9« Copper.t. n. and i. v. Corn. Convince. ba sis? p$. adj.i. v. and ba-du. Cope. mu tutu . n. so-lu. Copious.i. ibaj?. pipe. n.t.t. ti n. Coronation. Corroboration. baba. n. oye ninu ologun. ehoro. adj. Corruption. n. 9ka. ti o dogun. n. rira. rira. n. n. n. giri. mu giri. di igo. siy? ak$. and i. baj?. Cornice. v.t. fi l9kanpada. n. Correspondent.t. adj. igun.t. n. tente ogiri. n. ade kekere ti aw9n 9l9la. p9. n. ba se dede.t. da l?bi. r9. Corkscrew. ise onje. idalej'9. mu-ty.t. and i. ru. giri. Corroborate. onitoju 1911a. ohun elo orin. n. Corporation. n. basep9. igba ade. fi oye ye. f eri.t. Correct. Cordial.t. isigo. n. v. Cornet. Cook. ik9we. v. Cookery. n. tutu . Cork. fi fun. adj. n. v. 9gb9 ologun. yi l9kan pada. akangba. Cony. ikap9. 9bun. Cordiality. isolu. v. alase. Corpse. v.t. iwe kik9. sodi si. 9d?d9. pe. adj. isase. mu gb9nriri. n. se 9hun jij^. Corrupt. mu f eri. oku enia. dahun. n. if9S9mul9. v. ak(?we. ran. ipa. igun ori it?. v. otit9. Coronet.i. ibar?. it<J. Cord. dap9 S9kan. adj. Convert. 89kan. Corps.t. n. idal^bi. i. ap9r9. Corner. paporo. Coney. v. v. Convey. tit9Correction. Convict. n. Copy. aj9 ilu. aj 111x19 j^yo.t. lai- Coop. n. tente 9w$n. yipada. ba-J9. alabasep9.t. Convoy. da ni loju. n. n. v. ipeJ9p$. ibaj?. n. dede. $1*9. nitot9. Co-operate. ibasedede. Cormorant. v. apeJ9. isedede. Corrode. ibawi. and i. n. okun di. se ipa. v. ohun ir^rii. k9 awo-k9» Coral. Correspond. ajuCo-partner. Co-operation. ikoko ti a labukun. a 11x19. n. yi tykan pada. agbado. Conveyance. Digitized by Google . iyi- COR Corban. v. and i. ile adie. Convoke. v. t. and i. n. n. v. pni igberaga. ininurere. Could. v. tabeli n.t. ile pjp. Cot. n. majpmu. onispna. fun-pp. abule. bd. de. Covet. ka. abo.t. Crab. n. pe asp pada. v. n. ni pajapaja. lepa. Councillor. Cost. ila. r<J. ile ti o kere. n. Costive. Cotton. laiya. j^. Cosy. Cram. v.' iwe. ibiiyin fun. ni ilojo. inawo. n. Covetousness. abo malu. n. n. Countersign. 6j6. n. Cowardice. sojo. fara v. asiwere. n. Cowry. and i. n. Counter. n. n.COS Cosmetic. Covering. siro. Countermand. adj. ibusun pmpde. v. pgbpn arekereke. mulp. asiri. n. Couple.t. Cramp. v. lodisi. so ni yigi. Crag.t. adj.i. iwo. si. egun agbari. n. oju. adj. ilpkan.t. ti o nirpra. n. n. Country. ariwo. pajapaja. ir<J>gbpku. tan-jp. sisan. wukp. n. Crack. Costume. Costly. Counsellor. n. ti-lphin. Countryman. dpruba. kl. selara. olugbe aiye. ibora. v. ri. adj. and i. n. Couch. onisowo. meji. n. jp ajpki. lpkanjuwa. Crafty.t. asp $fp. r6. Countess. da majpmu. adj. v. ibusun.t. n. i. ninurere. arekereke isp. n. ilp ibi pni. isunrakl . Covert. ojo. adj. Cottage. itp Counterpane. prp ti nko pru sinu pkp. Covenanter.t. ILbo. s£. Count. n. Covenant. ifunpp. v. san. nitiju. n. se. n. Countenance. n. gba pkanjuwa. n. pmptitun. didi inu. Courageous. se ojukokoro. n. tpna. v. and i. owo pyp. ipa pna. asp fplpfplp. asp ibusun. apa keji iwe owo. Cough.t. se odi Counterfeit. n. Cousin. Course.t. na. Courage. da mpran. n. w.t. Cradle. Court. le. Cranium. n. gba-niyanju. ti o ni owo lori. Coward. v. ha. ara ilu kanna. n. Counterfoil. Counsel.t. Digitized by LjOOQlC . kun rekpja. n. . aigbpnsp. n.t. igboju. ik<J. Countless. 6su ori.i. and pamp. olusp malu.t. Counteract. pniti nsare. oriisp. v. and i. 33 CRA Courteous. Cpy. Coxcomb. v. Cow. oludampran. n. niyin. pni igbimp. famora pp .t. agbari. Cowherd. v. pmp pgbpn tabi aburo baba tabi iya. n. v. n. Council. f<J. ibusun pmpde. igboiya. Craft. n. ay a ijoye. adj. Impran. dabobo. aim. pariwo. ri. Cower. ikunra ti o tun pwa Cosmopolitan. isopp. ile. asp wiwp. n. itanjp. v. akan. and i. Craftsman. nigboiya. v. Craftiness. owu. onimajemu. la. n. niyanju.t. ajp Igbimp. lpgbpn arekereke. asp ibora. ta papa. n. and i. Crape. adv. v. sisp. n. Covetous. n. n. ilaiya. di li awpmeji. lojukokoro. Courier. v. adj. Crash.t. v. n. and i. dubulp.t. ainiye. Cover. ogbe akukp. ifampra. n. Crane. Courtesy. iye. ko orukp sisalp Crackle. ojukokoro. adj. palapala.t. v. v.i. ami ye eri. lowo.i. Crier. ofin. Craze. Creamy. if^ inu.t. n. ikdkd. n. n. n. Critic. Crescent. igbagb9. v. pupp. ohun elo amp. v. 9m. egbe aw9n atuk$. ba lori J9. v. riru Criminate. ikojppp.t. Credit. agbelebu. ke bi Crockery. Crucible. Creation. ti ko iti y9 Crest. v. n. it<J odd. Crease. se ami is9po tabi kika. n. t^riba. Criterion.i. Creed. Cringe. ibaJ9 ori. ni igbagbp. kl. n. Crazy. n. awin. arufin. iya lebu. n. Crossbow. ami o ti a fi nm9 dunmudun. itakun ti nfa sara Croup. n. nika. v. i. n. 9ra wdra. n. v. n. n. apo onj 9 9iy 9. kun fun wara. v. n. Credential. telogo. n. mu jade. n. fila 90a.i. n. n. fif<J. n.t. eso botuj?. ere Crestfallen. akiyesi. akede.i.CRA Crass. laid 9. efh. apoti igi. ise idaJ9. wiwakp kiri loju omi. ji- Crucifixion. it9riba. f^ 9ran Crimson. kan m9 agbelebu. n.t. Crude. n. adj. n.t. Cross. g$. n. n. ka 999 si l9run. iwa rere . kannakanna.t. Ika Crave. iye 9iy9. eso oko . Create. and i. Creator. n. Crown. run were. fajuro. se iwadi. oluwinni. Creek. Crayon. Crock. Cream. edd. n. aisenia. n. Jesu lori agbelebu Crew.'. v. n. wiwadi. laippn. n. ijew9 igbagb9.t. 9niti 9niti v. 999. n. n. v. tit9. ise. isdn. 9P9l<J. igbagb9. Criminal.t. r9 k9k9 fun. adj. Crawl. n. Creak. erun. adj. edd. ojo. ar9. 34 9san CRU Crimination. ?leda. si. osupa tan. w. oloju-dida. and i. Cruise.t. Digitized by Google . Crouch. igb6 9p$l<J. sisun oku. adj. nkan Criticise. v. akatampo. igbekele. lya. f^mu- v. b^r9. v. n. n. 9la. n. di-yele. v. opin. Criticism. sonso. Croton. funp9. n. w<J. rakd. Crevasse. and Croak. kongbari. 9P9 enia. Credible. se. Crop. adj. ikd. Crow.*. Creep. ad/.t. Craving. Crucifix. nkan. Crocodile. Crevice. kp bi akukp. Cruel. Crucify. n. n. prun. gan. and i. n. n. Crib. n. Creditor. siwere. r9 m9l9. iro. ad. ikanm9 agbe- Cricket. n. Crisis. n. ofin. v. v. Creeper. rdkd. Creature. pp. ^fun. adj. ^niti a je Crook. adj. eri. n. aw$ pupa d^d?. 989. igbagbp. Crowd. Crate. 39 di ar9. Crumb.i. nkan. v. se m9. n. Crime. saj^j^. n. Cruelty. n. Credence.i. owo fadaka kan 5'Crown. nwadi nkan. n. n. ade. n. v. antete. fi itara b^b^. Craven. Crisp. w. fa. ke kuru . ir$. Cross-eyed. t^riba fun. 91999.t. Cremation. ibuje eran. dd. ohun eri. 9pa wiw9. de li ade. ild. m9 diyele. Cripple. Cymbal. Curve. as9 tita. iridi ohun iyanu. Currier. ojise Qtyrun. kede. n.i. ohun elo orin. sa.t. ide. v. awotan. 9run 9W9 as9. Culmination. I9W9.t. Cycle. Custody. Current. n.t. n. v. Curse. n. iham9. iwa. it$r£. oni- Crusade. n. and i. and i. tit$. v. n.. Curious. v. adj. n. n. n. n. Cud. timtim. as9 ikele. n. n.t. kigbe. n. 9I9S9. n. lawari . D. Curl. n. ijanu. ida kukuru. Cumbersome. Cutler.t. imunilarada. adj. Cushion. awari. ki. n. 9b 9 olojumeji. warakasi. n. gba idi- Customary. iwosan. alufa. adj. ni 9gb9Cutlass. okuta mim9 gara. n. igbe. owo lila. agb9ti 9ba. ode. ka-ko. asa. y9-lenu. lilu jeje. sawotan. n. v. n. wosan. Culture. Custom-house. n. add.t. Cuff. 9kanjuwa. Cut. $s$ lilu. n. and i. alaw9. ikakd.t. onroro. ohun si. 9W9n. ibiti a le ko Cynic. n. Daily. obirikiti. dan-aw9 nu ti eran abekanna.t. n. ide ogogoro. adv. v. fi-re. ti a ko wo rere. v. Curiosity. and i. n. pepe. lasan. n. Curvature. epa akara. de ogogoro. ro. Digitized by Google . fi omi sire. ayika. ap9J9. n. moye Cunning. v. Dab. Custom. Crust. Crutch. run. eleg?. ago. mularada.t. arekereke. it<J. onibdra. lu l$s$. ke-kuru. Dabble. v. adj. v. 35 DAI Cure. 9pa ti o wuwo. CRU Crumble. fi-bu. a t$. n. adj. Curative. n. Cursory. nibawi. Cry. dinku. n. n. n. gegun. Crusty.t. ke. Curable.t. epa isu. and i. n. Cudgel. Dairy.t. Curate. ise. n. Curb. Dainty. v. titan. n. 91119 ara esin. gba-m9ra. Crush. Cubit. v. H9 ohun ti . lu J9J9. dara.de oke. onikanra. Cuddle. ogun awpn gbagbp ja lati gba ilu mimp W911 I9W9 awpn Imale.t. i$9. n. kolobo. alagb?de 9be.t. n. riroko. Customer. imularada. egun. n. t? k9r9d9. Cumulate. v. ifibu. v.t. . v. Cub.t. didun. a ntankak^. n. adj. Culpable. iyal^nu. Cupbearer. and i. and i. n. Culminate. and i. adj. n. v. §s$. oju Cumber. ile-bode. Curry. n. Cultivate. Cupidity. ge. ir^ri.t. dl. lailoju. irun kikako. adj. t<J. I999. iro. Curd. and i. and i. n. lepa. n. n. apald. aja ainilari. Cup. Dagger. Curdle. ppa ar9v. and i.t. adj. Cucumber. t$ r?. ibi ifunwara. ife ilara.t. gba laye. ogb6. igb9nw9 kan. Culprit. and i. Cupboard. owo nina. wiwotan. S9kun. ?ni ibawi. fq si ti w^w^. gege bi ise. Currency. v. adj. Curtain. ko ni ijanu. v. kepe.t. n. n. niy9nu. fa 9J9 lara. ha. lojojum9. n. ifunpa. Crystal. Curtail. v. Cultivation. Cruse. n. koJ9-p9« gb9n. Cur. wuwo. v. arunw9run-aw9. $kun. DAI Dairy-maid, n. obinrin wara. ti 36 DEB Daughter, n. 9m9birin. Daunt, v.t. fo -laiya, da-lamu. Dauntless, adj. laifoiya, laib^ru. nfun Dale, n. afo, giri oke, afonifoji. Dally, v.t. and i. fi akoko sofo. Dam, n. iya $ran, sise 9na omi, dari omi sisan. Dawn, Damage, n. ofo, v.*. ibaj?, adanu, ifarapa. pa-lara, ba-j$. Damask, n. as9, seda alarabara. Dame, n. iyalode, obinrin. Damn, v.t. and i. fi-gegun, fi-re. Damnation, n. ^bi ainipekun, lya ainipekun l<Jrun apadi. n. af9m9Jum9. v.i. mq\§. Day, n. 9J9. Daybreak, n. afem9jum9. Daylight, n. im9l^ 9san. Daystar, n. iraw9 owur9. Daytime, n. 9san. Daze, v.t. pa niye, dalamu. Dazzle, v.t. dan manran. Deacon, n. oye kan ninu iJ9Deaconess, n. oye obirin ninu iJ9. Damp, otutu, ikuku. mo-tutu, r^-sile. Damsel, n. 9m9binrin, 9modan, wundia. Dance, n. ijo. v.t. jo. Dancer, n. onijo, alajota. Dandle, v.*. gbe 9m9 aire. Dandriff, Dandruff, n. epa ori, n. ririn, i. v.*. and Dead, adj. ku, lail^mi. Deadly, adj. ti nmu Iku bani. Deaf, adj. diti. Deafen, v.t. di leti. Deafness, w. iditi. Deal, v.*. and i. pin fun olukun. pup9, luku, ba-sowo. ipin, igi. eri ori. Dandy, n. oge. Danger, n. ewu. Dangerous, adj. lewu. Dangle, v.t. and i. fl. Dealer, n. onisowo. Dealing, n. ibald, ibasowo. Dean, n. alufa ninu ile Qtyrun Dank, adj. igbo biribiri ti o nmu Dear, adj. ohiiq ; S9W9n, 9W9n. ni lotutu. Dearth, n. 9da, iyan. Dapper, adj. yara, se afinju. Dare, v.*. gb9d9, dasa. Daring, oc?;'. laiya, nigboiya. Dark, ad;, su, sokunkun ; soro m9, aimoye. Darken, v.t. and i. su okunkun, se aimoye. Darkness, n. okunkun, aimoye. Darling, n. oluf£. Darn, v.t. riran a$9, tun ti o faya se. Death, n. iku. Death-bed, n. ibule iku, oju iku. Death-blow, n. lilu ti o le pani. Deathless, adj. aiku, lai. ti kd ku Death-like, adj. bi ti iku. ti Death-rate, n. iye ni ilu kan. aw9n o ku ohun Dart, n. $k$, akasi. v.*. and i. sqlQki}, sure lojiji. Dash, v.t. and i. f9, k9lu. n. if9, ik9lu. Death-throe, n. irora iku. Death-warrant, n. a?9 lati pa 9m ti o j^bi iku. Debar, v.t. da duro, de l9na. Debase, v.t. se aiyederu, sabula. Debasement, aiyederu. n. Isabula, ise Dastard, n. ojo. Date, n. 9J9 ti ohun kan 9J9 si. se. Debate, n. ijiyan, as9- and i. Daub, v.t. and v.t. fi i. Debauch, v.t. ba-J9, fa sinu 939. r$, san. n. ibaJ9. Digitized by Google DEB Debauchery, n. ibaje, imptipara, 37 DEF Declivity* n. gereger?, geregere oke. iwa ifekuke. Debenture, n. iwe igbese. Debilitate, Debility, Decoct, v.t. b$, b$ wpwp, se spdi alailera, din agbara ku. v.t. lagbo. Decoction, n. ib$, ib$w9W9, agbo sise. n. ailera, ainokun. Debit, v.t. kp gbese sinu iwe. Decompose, v.t. and i. baje, Debris, n. panti. Debt, n. gbese. Debtor, n. ajigbese. Decade, n. mewa, pdun mewa. Decalogue, n. ofin mewa. Decamp, v.i. I9 nik9k9, sibudo. pin si W9W9. Decorate, v.t. se I999, w$. Decoration, n. 939, iwe. Decorous, adj. y? niwa. Decoy, v.t. tan, d$. w. etan, id$. Decrease, v.t. and i. dinku, fa-sehin. n. idinku, ifasehin. Decampment, Decapitate, w. isinibudo. be-lori. rira. v.t. v.t. Decree, v.t. pinnu, pase, se ofin. Decay, n. ibaje, ba-je, ra. and i. n. ofin ipinnu. Decease, n. iku. Deceit, n. etan ; ireje. Deceitful, ad;, letan, nireje. Deceive, v.t. and i. tan-je, si gbo tan, nro. Decrepitude, n\ ailera, ogbo. Dedicate, v.t. ya-si, fi-s9t9. Dedication, n. iyasi, ifis9t9. Deduce, Educe, v.t. fa-jade, y9Decrepit, adj. jade. lpna. Deceiver, n. e^tan. December, n. psu kejila pdun. Decency, n. iwa yiye, tit<J. Decent, adj. ye, t<?. Deduction, n. imukurd, iy9kurd. Deed, n. ise, ild. Deem, v.t. rd, ka. jijin, Deep, adj. jinle. Deception, n. etan, eru. Deceptive, adj. leru. Deeply, adv. nijijinle. Deer, n. agb9nrin. Deface, v.t. pa-r$, ba-je. iyatp Decern, v.t. yanju. Decide, v.t. and and i. i. my Defacement, n. ipar?, ibaje. Defalcation, n. jijiwo pam9. pinnu, pari r$, fi igba si. Deciduous, adj. ti nwpwe lpdpdun. Decipher, v.t. lile ka iwe ti kd yanju. iba Defamation, n. dulum$, oruk9 J9, ijerieke. Defame, v.t. ba oruk9 je, gbadulum9, J9ri eke si. Default, n. abukun. Defeat, n. ibisubu, iparun. bi-subu, pa-run. Defect, n. abukun. v.t. Decision, n. ipinnu. Decisive, adj. nipinnu. Deck, v.t. se-lpsp. n. ite-apako Defence, n. abo, asa. Defenceless, adj. alaini abo. Declaration, n. iwi, v.t. and Declare, tenunK?. ibaje. isp, i. iteming. wi, 39, Defend, v.t. and i. dab6b6, se odi fun. Declension, n. ifasehin, irehin, Decline, v.t. and i. ya, t£, k«?. Defendant, n. eniti a pe li 9J9. Defender, n. alabo. Defer, v.t. and i. da-duro, fasehin; fifal$. Digitized by VjOOQlC DEF Deference, n. iyln, ^wp, iforibal^. Defiance, n. ifdl^iy?, ipenija. Deficiency, n. abukun, aipe. Deficient, adj. laipe, labukun. Defile, v.t. and i. ba-j$, S9 di afoni n. 1 9 -logo. aim<J, foji 38 DEN Delinquent, n. 9I999, alabukiin. Delirious, adj. ori bi baj?. Deliver, SU9. Delirium, n. aran, sise Iranian. v.t. gba, J9-I9W9, gba- hiha. Defilement, n. ibaje, is9di eri. Define, v.t. so aspye, tum9. Definite, adj. daju, ti o yanju. Definition, n. itump. Deflect, v.t. and i. yi si apakan. Deliverance, n. igbala, ib9l9w9, iJ9l9W9. Deliverer, n. olugbala. Delivery, n. ib9l9W9, ibim9. Dell, n. afonifoji. Deform, v.t. se labukun. Deformity, n. abukun. Defraud, v.t. r^-j^. Defray, v.t. san gbese, se inawo. Deft, adj. vipgbpn. Defunct, adj. oku. Defy, v.t. fo-l^iy^. Degenerate, v.i. baje, fa-s^hin. Degeneration, n. ibaje, ifas^hin. Degrade, v.t. and i. r 9 -ail 9. Degradation, n. ir^sil^. Degree, n. iw9n, ipo, oye. Deify, v.t. Delude, v.t. tan. Deluge, n. ikunomi. kun. Delusion, n. itanJ9. v.t. n omi Delusive, adj. nitanJ9. Delve, v.t. and i. wa il^. Demagogue, 19ml. n. am9na, fi 9^9 agbara n. Demand, bere. v.t. bere; Demarcation, ala. Demarkation, Deign, v.*. 89 di orisa, 09. r$ sil9. Deity, n. iwa Ql9run. Deject, v.t. ba ninuJ9, ba. Demean, v.t. huwa, 16. Demeanour, n. iwa, il6. Demented, adj. siwere. Demijohn, n. sago. Democracy, n. iJ9ba nibiti agbara mu ir9W9si Dejection, n. ibanuJ9, ir9W9si. Delay, v.t. and i. duro, da-duro. Delectable, adj. daradara, ni ay 9. Delectation, n. inudidun, ay 9. wa I9W9 aw9n enia. Democrat, n. ^niti kd f$ 9ba. Demolish, v.t. run, baJ9, £9. Demolition, n. ibaJ9, rirun, if9. Demon, w. esu, iwin. n. Demoniac, fi-ladi. 919ml esu. v.t. Delegate, n. ik$. Deleterious, adj. li ewu, niparun. and v.t. i. rd, Deliberate, gbim9, se asaro. Deliberation, n. iro, isaro, iwol§. Delicacy, n. adidun, idara, 9l?g$. Delicate, adj. S9l9g$, dara. Delicious, adj. dun. Demonstrate, and i. fi-han, Demonstration, n. ifihan, iladi. Demoralise, v.t. ba iwa J9. Demur, v.i. siye meji, se aniani. Demure, adj. igb&l^, ailap9n. Den, n. iho. ay 9, inudidun. during. Delightful, adj. didun. Delineate, v.t. se aworan. Delinquency, n. abukun ni Delight, n. v.t. and i. Denial, n. sis9, didu, kik9. Denominate, v.t. 59 loruk9, pe. Denomination, n. is9 loruk9, ise, Denotation, n. ikiye si, isami si. Denote, v.*. sami si, t9ka si. 939. Denounce, v.t. kity, j^ri si. Digitized by Google DEN Denouncement, Dense, adj. ki, 39 DES Depth, n. jijin, ijinl?. Deputation, n. ik$, ojis?. Depute, v.t. yan se ik$, n as9 fun. Deputy, n. ijoye 9ba, aseledeni, n. ikMp. nip9n. Density, n. kiki, si^umpra. Dent, n. ihd. v.t. te sinu. Dentist, n. ^niti nwo ehin, asoju9ni. onisegun ehin. Denunciation, n. ikilp nigbangba. Deny, «.£. du, 89, k$ fun. Depart, u.£. and i. I9 kur6, ku. Department, n. apa, is$, sakani. iku. Departure, n. 1I9 kuro Depend, v.i. gb^k^le, gbarale, ; Derange, v.t. se darudap9. Derangement, n. idarudap9. Deride, v.t. fi r^rin, y9 suti si. Derision, n. iy9suti si, ir^rin. Derivation, n. it9S9, ipi^s?. Derive, v.t. and i. tq&q. Derogate, v.i. dinku, sabukun. Derogation, n. idinku, isabukun. Descend, v.t. and i. S9kale. gbiyele. Dependence, kc^le. n. igbarale, igb? Dependent, n. ibatan. Depict, v.t. se apejuwe. Deplete, v.t. dinku. Depletion, n. didinku. didard adj. Deplorable, Descendant, n. 9m9, at^le. Descent, n. gqrqgqrq oke, is9kal? ; ipil? itan. Describe, v.t. fi 9n? sap?^. Description, n. ap9r?, isaper?. 9m, kikanu ^ni. Deplore, v.t. kanu, S9kun, daro. Depopulate, v.t. and i. tuka, 89 di ahoro. Depopulation, n. ituka, is9<liahoro. Deport, v.t. le kuro ni ilu, Descry, v.t. ri lokere. Desecrate, v.t. ba ohun mim<J J9. Desecration, n. ilo ohun mim9 laiy9. Desert, n. i. aginju, asal?. v.t. and k9~sile, fi-sil^. huwa, 16. Deportment, Depose, v.t. n. iwa, ilo si. mu kuro nipo, 09- ldye, roJ9. Desertion, n. ikosil9. Deserve, v.t. and i. y?, t9 si. Deservedly, adv. niyiy?. Design, n. iro, im9, ap^r^. v.t. and i. ro, se ap^r^. Designate, v.t. pe loruk9, sami si. Deposit, v.t. fi-dogo, fi-sura. Deposit, n. ohun idogo. Depot, n. ile isura, ibi ipam9. Deprave, v.t. ba-j?, 39 di buburu. Depravity, n. ibaj?, iwa buburu. Deprecate, v.t. and i. gbadura ki Designation, n. ifihan nipa ami, ipe loruk9. Desirable, adj. y? ni fif?. Desire, n. a b9 I9W9 ibi. Deprecation, n. adura Depreciate, v.t. bu si iwa ibi. owo kun, iwu. v.t. f$, bere. Desist, v.i. siw9, mu 9W9 duro. Desk, n. apoti iwe ibiti a nk9we. Desolate, v.t. 89 di ahoro. Desolation, n. is9dahoro. if$, sabukun. Depredate, v.t. jale, baj?, kol9. Depredation, n. ijale, ibaJ9, ikol9. Depress, v.t. r$-sil?, mu-kanu. Depression, n. ir^sil?, ir^w^si. Deprivation, n. igbakuro, ir9loye. Deprive, v.t. gba-l9W9. Despair, n. ainireti, ailaba. Despatch, Dispatch, v.t. and i. paku. n. ran I9 kiakia ; iyara, iranl9. Desperate, adj. lainireti, laidaba. Desperation, n. ainireti, ainani Digitized by Google DES Despicable, adj. legan, lainilari. Despise, v.t. kegan. n. arankan, aikasi, Despite, ibinu. 40 DIC Devastation, n. dfd, iparun. Develop, v.t. and i. tu-silp, mu Despoil, v.t. ko li eru, ja ireti li ole. Despond, v.t. 89 nu, wa n. idagba, ihu. Deviate, v.i. yana, yapa, slna. Deviation, n. iya kuro lpna, Isina. dagba. Development, lainireti. Despondency, n. iwa ainireti. Despot, n. alagbara, onrord. Despotism, n. iwa agbara, irord. Dessert, n. eso, ajekehin onje. Destination, n. ibi ti a 11I9. Destine, Destiny, v.t. Device, n. im9 ise, prp, 9gb9n. Devil, n. esu. n. pinnu, kadara. opin nkan tabi Devil-worship, n. isin esu. Devise, v.t. sprp, gbim9, hum^>. Devoid, adj. alaini. Devolve, v.t. and i. kan, tori. Devote, v.t. and i. ya-s9t9, ya si enikan. Destitute, adj. laini, kikpsil^. mim9, fi peri. Destitution, n. psi, aini. Destroy, v.t. parun, run. Devotee, n. pniti o ni itara ni isin, olufpkansin. Devotion, n. ifokansin. Destroyer, n. apani, arunni. Destruction, n. iparun. Destructive, adj. ti imu ibajp Devour, v.t. jprun, fi iw9ra Devout, adj. nif9kansin. jp. Dew, n. iri. wa, ti imu iparun wa. Detach, v.t. ya, ya 89 tp. Detachment, n. egbe ayasptp. Detail, n. riro l9k9kan. kinikini. v.t. Dexterity, n. 9gb9n, oye, imp. Dexterous, adj. lpgbpn, yara, yawp. Diabetes, n. atpgbp. Diabolical, adj. ti esu. Diadem, n. ade. rd Detain, v.t. da-duro. Detect, v.t. r£, wa ri. Detection, n. iwa ri, ihu fihan. Diagnosis, n. S1I9, imp aisan. Detective, n. 9l9pa-inu. Detention, n. idani duro. Deter, v.t. daiyafd. Deteriorate, v.t. and mu ki o buru si Deterioration, n. is9 i. i. ba-je, ohun di aworan. Dial, n. ohun elo ti a fi nfi ojiji drun m9 akoko, oju agogo. Dialect, n. ede, orisi iyatp ninu ede kanna. Dialogue, n. prp larin enia meji. Diamond, n. okuta oniyebiye ju. Diaphragm, n. ala ipinya aiya Diagram, n. buburu ju. Determination, n. ipinnu. Determine, v.t. and i. pinnu. Detest, v.t. ati ikun. DiarrhcBa, n. sisunu. Diary, n. iwe ohun ti a se lojo- korira. jum9. Dictate, v.t. Detestation, n. irira. Dethrone, v.t. b9 loye, le kuro nite. and i. 39, pase, pe fun lati k<J. Detract, v.t. and i. dinku. Dictation, n. apekp. Dictator, n. pniti o ni agbara asp. Detriment, n. dfd, ibaje, ipalara. Detrimental, adj. nipalara, ibajp. Devastate, v.t. parun, mu sofo. Diction, n. lilo ede. Dictionary, iwe ti iwe asajp $rp, o S9 itump $rp. n. Digitized by Google DIE Die, v.i. 41 DIS Dimness, n. sisu oju, ise baibai. ku, fi 91m v.t. sil^, se alaisi. si. Diet, n. onJ9. fun lonj?. Differ, v.i. yatp, jiyan Dimple, n. iho ni ereke. Din, n. ariwo nla. Dine, v.t. Difference, n. iyat$, ijiyan. Different, od;. yaty. Difficult, adj. soro, le, nira. and i. jeun. li Dingy, adj. dudu, eri. Difficulty, n. isoro, iyvnu. Dinner, n. onJ9 al^. Diocesan, n. olori aJ9 ni ilu ; Bis9p. Diocese, n. eyiti o wa lab 9 itoju olori aJ9 tabi bisopu. Dip, v.t. and i. fi-b9 fib9mi. n. k9l9b9, arun Diphtheria, gb9fun-gb9fun. Diffidence, n. ib?ru, aigbekele ara r$. Diffuse, v.t. jade. and i. tan kal$, tu itusode, itankale. Dig, v.t. and i. wale. Digest, v.t. and i. nrun onje ninu, da onje ; to lesese. Digestion, n. dida onje ; tito Diffusion, n. Diploma, n. iwe ifihan bi a olori ti se ni idanwo. nkan Digger, Dignify, fun. n. lesese. Diplomacy, n. 9gb9n ilu. pk9, ohun ti a fi Dire, adj. buruju. Direct, v.t. and i. fi 911a han, se ampna, t9kasi. adj. gan, nwale. v.t. bu pla fun, buyin tara. Dignitary, n. oloye, 9191a. Dignity, n. 91a, lyin, ipo 9la. Digress, v.i. ya kuro loju 9na, Direction, n. tit9, 9na, ap9r9Directly, adv. nisisiyi. Director, n. af9nahan. Directory, n. iwe ilana. Dirge, n. orin ard, orin 9^. Dirt, n. eri, 9gbin, 9r$. Dirty, adj. leri, l9gbin, aim9. Disable, v.t. lailagbara. itanj9 kuro. Disabuse, v.t. yapa. Digression, n. iya kuro loju 9na, iyapa. Dike, Dyke, n. ihd, bebe. Dilapidate, v.t. and i. baJ9, S9di I ahoro. Dilapidation, n. iparun, idahoro. Dilate, v.t. and i. wu ; fa 9r9 gun, rdbere. Dilation, n. rirdb^re ifa I9 titi. Dilatory, adj. aibikita, " foni- mu Disadvantage, n. aini anfani. Disaffect, v.t. se-aif$, se ainit9- l9run. Disaffection, n. aini inudidun aini if^. si, doni f9lad9la." Disagree, v.i. se alair^, se aiba- Dilemma, n. isoro ni yiyan. mu, ija. la. ja. Diligence, n. ap9n, aisimi. Diligent, adj. laisimi, ap9n. Dilute, v.t. fi Disagreement, n. iyat9, tyapa* Disallow, v.t. 39, du, k9 fun. Disannul, v.t. 39 di ofo, pa-r?, kuro. omi po, bu omi Dilution, n. ibula, imusan. Dim, adj. suju, se baibai. mu Dimension, n. Diminish, v.t. fa-s^hin. tit obi, ina, ibu. i. and dinku, Disappear, v.i. farasin, kuro loju. Disappearance, n. ifarasin, H9 kuro ofo. loju. v.t. Diminution, n. ifas^hin. Diminutive, adj. kekere. Disappoint, da laia, mu li oju Digitized by VjOOQlC DIS Disappointment, n. imofo, idalara. 42 DIS Disconsolate, ibinuje. adj. saini itunu, Disapprobation, n. ibawi, aigba, aiff Disapprove, v.*. and i. k$, se alaif$, saigba. Disarm, ija. v.t. and v.t. i. gba li ohun Disarrange, ruru. se idarudap9, se Disaster, n. jamba, ijaba. Disastrous, adj. ni jamba. Disavow, v.t. sp, k$. Disband, v.t. Disbelieve, v.t. and i. tuka. and i. saigbagbp. alaigbagbp. i. Disbeliever, n. Disburse, v.t. and nawo. Disbursement, n. inawo. Disc, Disk, n. oju drun. Discard, v.t. and i. mu kuro, yp kuro. v.t and i. w6, se akiyesi. Discernment, n. iwoye, akiyesi. Discharge, v.t. and i. yp kuro Discontent, n. aisi itplprun. Discontinuance, n. idaduro. Discontinue, v.t. fi-silp, da-duro. Discord, n. airepp, ija, asp. Discordant, ad;, ti kd ba ara mu. Discount, n. iyokuro, idin owo ku. Discountenance, v.t. saifojufun. Discourage, v.t. daiyafd, saigbaniyanju. n. idaiyafd, Discouragement, aigbaniyanju. Discourse, n. $rp sisp. Discourteous, adj. laibuyin fun. Discover, v.t. wa ri. Discovery, n. awari. Discredit, v.t. ainigbpkple. Discreet, adj. gbpn, niye, nispra. Discrepancy, n. iyat$. Discern, . ni ise. Disciple, n. pmp-phin. Discretion, n. pgbpn, oye. Discriminate, v.t. and i. sami si, yanju. Discrimination, n. ami $tp, iyanju. Discipline, n. ptp, iko ni ijanu, ilana irin. v.t. t<J, kp, ko ni ijanu. Disclaim, v.t. and saijpwp. . Discuss, v.t. wadi, jiyan. Discussion, n. in $rp we $rp, iwadi. i. ko sil^, Disclose, v.f. n han, n. Disclosure, Discolour, da. v.t. sipaya. isipaya. and i. pa ni aw$ ifihan, Disdain, v.t. gan. n. egan. Disdainful, adj. gigan. Disease, n. arun, okunrun. Disembark, v.*. and i. spkalp inu pkp. Disengage, v.t. bp lpwp isp. Disentangle, oju, tu. v.t. lati Discomfit, v.*. segun. and da ni li i. yan ide, li Discomfiture, n. isegun. Discomfort, n. irora, inira. Disenthral, v.t. yp Discompose, v.*. da-ru, ba ninu loko pru. Disenthrone, v.t. r$ oye. Discomposure, n. idamu. Disconcert, v.t. Disestablish, v.t. yi ni ijoko pada. Disfavour, n. aifp, aisojureresi. da-ru. Disconnect, v.t. yp-kuro, pin niya. Disconnection, n. ipinya, iypkuro. Disfiguration, n. iba lpwa je. Disfigure, v.t. ba lara jp. Disgrace, n. $gan, itiju. v.t. se abukun si. Disgraceful, adj. nitiju. Digitized by VjOOQlC DIS v.t. Disguise, iparada. 43 pa-larada. n. DIS Disparagement, n. egan. Disparity, n. aidogba. Disgust, n. irira. Dish, n. awop9k9. Dish-cloth, n. aso inu awo. Dish-cover, n. omori awo. Dishearten, v.t. ba ninu je, daiyafo. Dispatch, Despatch, v.t. and i. ran lo kiakia paku. n. ; iyara, iranlo. Dispel, Dishonest, adj. laisoto. Dishonesty, n. aisoto. Dishonour, n. abukun, v.t. v.t. tuka, le kuro. Dispensary, n. ile egbogi. Dispensation, n. igba, sa. Dispense, v.t. and i. pin fun. Disperse, v.t. and i. funka, tuka. itiju. Displace, sabukun. Dishonourable, adj. nitiju, labukun. Disinclination, Disinfect, v.t. v.t. yi nipo pada. Displacement, n. iyinipo pada. Display, v.t. fi nan, si-sile. n. ainife. Displease, v.t. ba ninu je. Displeasure, n. ibinu. so di mimo. Disposal, n. ikawo. Disinfectant, n. egbogi iso di- Dispose, v.t. and si. i. fi-fun, ta ; mimo. Disinherit, ini. v.t. yi if? inu gba ni ogun tabi ti Disposition, n. iwa, inu. Dispossess, v.t. Disinterested, adj. laiwa eni. ara Dispute, v.t. and v.t. gba-lowo. i. jiyan si. n. ijiyan. v.t. Disjoin, ya soto. v.$. Disqualify, korira, Dislike, n. irira, aif £. se aif$. Disquiet, v.t. so di alaiye. yo-lenu. n. aifai- Dislocate, «X r<J, y? li li orike. Dislocation, n. iyp orike. yabale. Disregard, v.t. se aikasi, se aiboW9 fun. Disreputable, adj. ainilari, nitiju. Disrepute, n. iwa buburu. Disrespect, n. aibowofun, aibolafun. Dislodge, v.*. Disloyal, adj. oba. yo kuro ni ipo r$. ti kd foribale fun Dismal, adj. sokunkun. Dismay, v.t. daiya fo, da lamu. n. ifoiya, idarau. Disrobe, aito. v.t. and i. bo li asp. Dissatisfaction, Dissatisfy, v.t. n. aitenilorun, Dismiss, v.t. yo-kuro, ran-lo. Dismissal, n. iranlo, iyo kuro nise. saitenilorun. Dismount, esin. v.t. and i. sokale lori Disobedience, n. aigboran. Disobedient, adj. laigboran. Disobey, v.t. and i. se aigboran. Disoblige, v.t. inurere. Dissemble, v.t. and i. se agabagebe. Disseminate, v.t. fonka, tukakiri. Dissension, n. iyapa, aire. Dissent, v.t. yapa, saire. Dissimilar, adj. yato, laijora. Dissimilarity, n. n. kd senia, kd se iyato, aijora. Disorder, n. rudurudu ; a run. Disorganisation, n. rudurudu. Disown, v.t. k$, s<£. Dissimulation, kereke. Dissipate, v.t. itanje, are- and i. fonka. Disparage, v.t. gan. Dissipation, n. ifonka, imuti. Dissociate, v.t. ya soto. Digitized by VjOOQIC DIS Dissolute, adj. nifekuf^, ni iwa- 44 Divination, Divine, adj. Diviner, n. Divinity, n. Division, n. n. DOO afvse, is9t^le. ti kiwa. Dissolution, iku. Dissolve, n. idibaje, iparun, v.t. and i. yo, tuka. Dissuade, v.t. yi lpkan pada. Dissuasion, n. iyitykanpada. 9run. aw omi. iwa 9run. ipin, iya si ipa. Divorce, v.t. ya, k§ sile, kikoara t9k9 taya. alaf9S9, ohun Distaff, n. kek^ owu. jijin. Divorcement, n. ik9sile. Distance, n. jijina. Distant, adj. jina, Distasteful, adj. Distaste, n. irira, aif$. aidun lenu. ; Distemper, w. arun aja ikunle. ohun Divulge, v.t. sipaya, r6 kiri. Dizzy, adj. loyi. Do, Does, Did, Done, v.t. se. Docile, adj. r9run lati k9. Dock, n. ibi ikan 9k9. v.t. and ge kuru. L Distend, v.t. Distil, v.t. and i. 19, na. and i. ro. ; Dockyard, n. agbala 9^0. n. Doctor, oloye. ibiti a nkan olofin,. Distinct, adj. yiyato sapakan. onisegun, Distinction, n. iyato, imp gbasami ngba. Distinguish, si loto, v.t. Doctrine, n. 9k<J, ase, ofin. and i. 1119, se* iyato. Distort, v.t. v.t. lopo. iwe iridi nkan, iwe a^e. Dodge, v.t. se $tan. v.i. yi si Document, n. Distract, pin ni lya, dalamu. v.t. apakan lojiji. Distraction, n. idamu. Distress, n. is^, iponju. mu Doe, n. abo agb9nrin. Doer, n. oluse. Doff, v.t. si, b<J. ip9nju ba, fdro. Distribute, District, n. v.t. pin. Distribution, n. ipin. Dog, n. Dogged, aja. adj. iforiti. agbegbe, sakani. se aigbekele. adj. n. Dogma, n. ^9, im9. ibanuje,. Distrust, v.t. Doleful, adj. kun fun aigbekele. Distrustful, nikanu. laigbekele. Doll, n. 91119-langi. ru soke, t<J, yp-lenu. Disturbance, n. irukerudo, ariwo. Disunite, v.t. and i. pinya. Disturb, v.t. Domain, n. iJ9ba, ile 9191a. Disuse, v.t. or n. ailo. Ditch, n. ihd, yara. Ditto, Do., n. Domestic, adj. ti ile, tituloju. Domesticate, v.t. tu loju, mu ki o m9 ile. Domicile, n. ile, ibugbe. bakanna. Dominate, bori. v.t. and i. se oluwa,. Dive, v.i. mokiin, fo sinu omi. Diver, n. amokun. Diverge, v.t. and i. yapa, tuka. Diverse, adj. yatp, oniruru. Diversion, n. ere, iyisapakan. Diversity, n. lyatp, oniruru. Divest, v.t. bo kurd. Divide, v.t. and i. pin, ya nipa. Dividend, n. ohun pipin. Domineer, sin. v.i. t em9le, fi dnrord Dominion, n. iJ9ba, il$ 9ba. Donation, n. ^bun, pre. Donkey, n. kptpkpt?. Donor, n. olufunni, ptyrp. Doom, n. idaJ9, pbi, iparun. v.t. se idaJ9. Digitized by LjOOQlC g<p$%q*q oke. n. siyemeji. n. ifoiya. idiw9. n.t. adj. n. r9d9d9Drop. aidaju. Doorkeeper. oluran as9 obin- Drift. oluta as9. iyemeji. Dot. fa omi kuro. Dormant. v. Droll. n. Dream. v. n. Drench. I9. laise aniani. Digitized by Google .t. and i. oderekoko. Downcast. W9. n.t. Drawn. kan. v. v. nib9ru. adv. n. n. nifoiya. v. laisiyemeji. ipin ti opo ninu ini 9k 9 T9. and Dreadful. Drone. fa. W9 n. dari. Double-dealing. ifas^hin. $f$. Dreamer. iy^ ful9ful9. adj. se ami si. and i. aidaniloju. Dross. Drapery. pipamp. iw9n ogun. ohun mimu. n. is9po meji. n. agbara ran Driver. ^iy^le. sokoto awot9l9. n. siha isal^. i§ ni af$ju. n. i. as9 \viw9. fun winni- winni. sisehins9hun.i. adj. Drink. v. v. n. ia. nisal^. Drawbridge. n. b9ru.t. n. Drawl. v.*. ihuhu prep. n. aworan. 9J9 idaj9. aw9n nla. aleni 61\i. n. Downright. n. 939. alaran. g9d9g9d9. v. Drizzle. n. ile adaba. w<J. adv. n. i. fi omi rin. il^kun. Downfall.t. yara ibusun eni- Draw. Double. pupp. Doubtful. Drastic. r$ sil9. Dove. v. aran sise. Dredge. i. Dromedary. fa ninu 9^. v. n. ibakasi?. r9 ojo. n.t. v. idar$. 45 DRO Draught.i. fi Downward. alala. Dove-cot. Dose. adaba. 9gb9 ologun kan.i.and ti a din. Dormitory. 9191a. Downhill. foiya. v. Dragoon. Dray. ti a fa. ikoJ9. n. n. Dread. Doubtless. n. Dripping. kan 09. Doze. ami. n. n. oju 911a. sekese. ?ra Drive. mejila.*. sisun. afar a asun 8 in in S9hun. n. n. v. Dower. ak9 oyin . adj. 9ru. fa 919.t. n. and i. Dress. iparun. Drawers. Drain. ak9 P9P9iy9Draper. adv. Drag-net. niyemeji. Dozen. Dotage. Drawback. n. and i. Dressmaker. isubu.t.t. ti r$. Drill. n. af 9f 9.t. Draggle. gb9do. n. n. olus9na. Drag. adj. Dowager. kikuna. . sun 1:91:9. sorik9. sorik9. n. iru apoti kan lara tabili. n. ete. Droop. Double-minded. la ala. and iho omi. bqkq. and rin. adj. ipanil9rin. n. ti o han gbangba. Door. as9. orin iyin Qtyrun. v. se I999. Drip.t. is9kale. asunfeun. v. Drawer. togbe. oniyemeji. Dregs. n. n. opo. Drear. and i. r9wesi. n. olut9Ju 98in. and i. n. n. mimu omi . se gud9. ohun elo lati fi wa okuta. v. n. n.DOO Doomsday. Down. n. as9. riro. ohun ti o nkan. Drawing. mu. Dropsy. n. ero. 9I9. n. o le. le. Dote. adj. ala. ti o lagbara. adj. v. v. Drake. kikan. Doxology.t. Dough. and i.t.t. n. Doubt. iy^fun alaidin. i. n. n. and i. Eagerly. n. kukuru. n. ogun. sepo ni meji. n. Earn. adj. adj. n. igbe. adj. etan. Drumstick. rara. dalamu. isehinsphun. ti o pe. g$. Due. Ear-ring. n. pelu itara. n. v. pepeiye. Dike. m9tipara. n. n. ti nku I9. pda. gbese. lsele. n. and sinu omi. Dudgeon. n. n. joko. wa. dede. pmp-pepeiye. prep. isuwiri. isepo meji. adj. Duly. Digitized by Google . pdpgp. n. v. nitSgbe. $tu alagbara ti a fi nla okuta. Eager. adv. n. adj. Dungeon. n. imi. Dubious. and i. v.t. onilu. n. n. nigba. ekuru. ilu. adj. v. adj. Earache.t. le. and i. adj. n. Dysentery. dngp. Duplication. tubu. adj. ppngbe. Drummer. Dumpish. n. n. ibugbe. se etan. ri owo-bode. oye kan ti o tple 9ba. Ductile. arara. Dual.t. ise isin Dwarf. Dumbfound. n. Dull. adj. Duke. v. adv. ile.i. n. aiye. Drowsy. Dry. adj. nifpkansi. Dying. Dynasty. i. n. Drover. Dutiful. Duster. n. adj. itele. omuti. se su. n. n. nu ekuru kuro. ibere. olukuluku. aro. Duck. aiye. n. v. ti Earthquake. yadi. Dung. se iru meji bakanna. rewesi. asp ninu ekuru. i. n. v. Dynamite. arun apoluku . niyiye. Ear. Duplicity. v. Drunk. ni iteriba. ko ni tete baje. 9W9 eran. erupe. owo akpso. Dunce. Dunghill.t. Early. E. o rprun lati fa.t. pmp idl. Drug. owo ise. n. pelu iwara. iho nisale Eagle. pa owo ni ise tabi Dupe. n. n. Drove. adj. erupe. adj. pja. ni ile. Dusk. Drunkard. ohun elo ti a fi Durance. siri pka. darandaran. 46 EAR Dust. irora eti. ti ile. nigbona. Dwell. bebe. Duel. iyagbe. adj. agbara ipetiti. n. Earl. eti.t. Earthenware. During. nitara. n. fttan. soki. Dyke. Drum. pron. Duplicate. lpra. y 9. erupe. je. Dumpy. egbogi. kunu. adj. Durable. Eaglet. eti.t. tete. n. n. okokan. Earth. re laro. nitara. Dwelling. itimple. wiriwiri ale.t. segboran. gbe. Each. Duckling. gbe. amp se. v. n. n. latigba. Dyspepsia. Earnestly. li v. ih6.i. n. niwara. sisu eje. ni kutukutu. n. n. adj. meji. lu ilu. n. n. pelu itara. n. Dumb. prin. n. idl (eiye). ti Earthly. eniti ko soro tanje. Duty. and somi. n. tedosi. n. Dye. aid a onje ninu apoluku. n. ni aidaju. Earnings. n.DRO Drought. ija larin enia meji. Drown. oruka eti. Dwindle. oye nla kan. arankan. rl sinu omi.t. . and i. Durability. ku fa. 11a pba kan. n. adv. ppa ilu. Earnest. v. j e. adj. 9^9 Effrontery.t. n. mu Easter.t. Edification. wi li Economical. 9J9 ajinde Kristi. sunm9. v. gba I9W9 irora tabi isoro. oju 9b9. ijadel9. Eject. arun aw9 ara.t. eti ohun. ti sode. Eel. oju ohun elo. Edge. n. k<J. eyini. 16. itujade. adj. . v. v. adj. sunna. ?nu ile. and n. Edify. dara pup9. Eat. le jade. n.t. n. n. adj. . asanyika. Easy. and i. itanu. 47 ELE Education. Edition. adj. mu Elders. n. it9 9m9de. tu jade. adj. Effectual. dagbasoke. id?ra. Digitized by GoogLe . ohun ti ise ti Echo. Edict. Ejection. imusokunkun. $da iwe. sa. 9J9. Eccentric. n. tase. igberaga. Eldest. Ebb. alakoso iwe tite. se. East. n. Economy. EataUe.t. nir9ra. 9g9rin. ila orun.t. n. adura kukuru. ko k9le .t. fifa. aworan ?nikan.i. imukuro ibi. Elaborate. EAR Earwig. kokoro kekere. Ease. Eavesdropper. n. n. ir9Ju. sise. sisunty. fun ni alana. 9k<J. Egg. Easel. ad/. 9jeun. Educate. afojudi.i. and i. ere. gbigb?. ye ni jij?. Elect. Effuse. n. ni r9run. adj. adj. idagba 1J9 omi. Eastward. n. n. Edifice. i. yan. iyanju. v. v. Educe. lainira. isunld H9JU owo. $r9 lati inu wa. siha ila drun. eso ise. Eighty. Eclipse. n. n. v. Election. Eczema. l$ba. eyi tabi 9kan ninu mejeji. n. asanpada omi. isofin. adv. adv. v. Edible. Eight. se if^s^mul^. n. n. n. Efficacy. igb9nw9. igi ti a ngbe aworan Easily.t. n. isayan. n. iyanf $. Effort. ikede. idagbasoke. las?. pa oju run.t. ase. Easterly. gbagbar9. Eighteen.t. v. iyan. Egret. ekuru. aJ9. igberaga. Elapse. Eke. v. n. adj. ak$.t. yvjade. n. 9J9. se. fa. 9gb<>n. k9 li ^9. n. adj. n. pron. sa. Egress. isijibo. se. adj. ek9. agbagba. ifi Eater. t9. v. v. Ejaculate. n. 9gb<Jn. n. agba. n. afeti gbegiri. 1116. ay 9 ay9Ju. Ecstacy. n. yat9. ojiji. niha ila orun. v. Deduce. adj. n. sisa. irpra. n. Elate. adj. ainira. leti. 9Ja ejo. agbara lati agbara imu as? wa. Either.t. gb$. Eddy. le.t. igi dudu. k9Ja. v.. Effigy. n. Ecclesiastical. Ebony. n. v. 9yin. n. n. v. agbara Eaves. lagbara. Elder. jije. il6 kik9. Elbow. par?. n. . isunna. asayan. Ecclesiastic. ke soke. n. ta-nu . Ejaculation. gbohungbohun. gabasi. ohun J9. Effusion. n. adj. ak9bi. n. agbara. Effect. ayanf$. sisunna. alufa. ejidilogun. n. Efface.t. laisoro. adj. Editor. Efficiency.t. Elastic. v. bi jade. fa-jade. v. Elocution. gbesoke. Digitized by Google .t. ifagun. n. re ni ila. v. adj. isi Emigration. v. san jade. adj. soke. ipo kiri. ipil<^e. imp isprp Emboss. Embers. Eminence. fi apa gbamora. fi bebe yi i ka. omi. ik9.ELE Elector. Eleventh. n. Eliminate. Emission. Elongate. v. Embryo. n. iyp if$ jade. Emerald. v.t. 48 alasayan. isprp wuru. n. $wa. Embitter.i. Embalm. se li 939. n. and i. li asodun. iladi. iyp kuro loko eru. ru. Embarrassment.t. v. $1$. bibpkp. Emissary. n. v. Elegant. t$ ogufe .t. Element. gbeleke.t. Elevate. Embody. olukp 9^ sisp. isanjade lati inu ibi kan.t. v. gbe ga. ajanaku. Embellish. Embroiderer. Embarrass. n.t. gig9. ami.t. n. n.t. okanla. pr9 siso. wpk^. t? li oda. pron. mu kuro. le jade. n. ohun elo igbe nkan Eleven. n. ye ni yiyan. v. agborin nla. mu koro. n. v. n. igbeleke. Emancipate. Emetic. adj.*. fo. v. ndun v. oyun. Embrocation. n. Elope. v. iru okuta iyebiye kan. oke giga. iw9k$. giga. itujade.t.t. alayanf^. si lati ibi Emaciate. nibomi. Emit. Emigrate. Elevator. v. Elongation. gun ?na. Eminent. n. eti bebe. n. Embroidery. w. ru-jade. ohun 939. v. v. li Elucidate. asohun. Elephantiasis. damu. adv. adj. Emaciation. Embankment. isoro. li Elegance. Elicitation.t. Emergency. omiran. adj. hihan. Emanate. Else. v. fisi. salp nikpkp. idasile. Embrace. Elude. ipilef?e ohun kan.i. Embarkation. fi 999 w? oku. n.t. ib9S9k$.i. arun jakut$. Elsewhere. su. idara. Eloquent. Elephant. joro. oguna susu. n. yo jade.t. onis9na ab9r9. re. v. tu. Elocutionist. is? aber?. ojiji. jale li asiri. ibiti egbogi pipa sis? nigbangba. n. v. Elicit. ib^r^. ni pbun prp sisp. Emblem. n. n. fun. Emmanuel. n.t. v. oruk9 Messiah. v. EMM Emasculate. n. riru soke. itumo. tum$. ti inu nkan jade.*. sisu. apfr?. Embezzlement. Elk. Embellishment. ikokanla. n. Elementary. da kuro loko eru. erin. n. v. fikun. Emancipation.t. §ya m^rin aiye. n. g9. fa-gun.t. ti inu jade. Eloquence. riru. t$ ni bafin.t. ilo ohun ti afi 89m sipa mi. n.t. n. and i. iwu ara. v. n. 9fufu. ogun imunibl. Emanation. Elevation. dim.t. n. Embark. Embroider. Emerge. abpr?. v. giga. n. n. adj. Elucidation. igbam9ra. ni. v. adj. n. n. and i. tu-sile. fi sinu 9^. Embank. Eligible. ina ati omi. dara. ladi. n. fi eru tan sile. v. isoro didun. de ibi. ifunjade. n. Embezzle. t.t. is9domnira. v. lewo si. ja. if9W9 fi si fifun. v. Enfold. r9Ju. v. gbogbo. v. pag9. da li ew9n. Encourage.t. v.t. li Encumbrance. v. 9^9. Emperor.t. n. pa i. n.t. EMM Emmet. ise wu Enjoin. Enact. Enhance. iro inu.t. n. Emptiness. v. imutobi. v. di 9W9.. n. mu-lailagbara. n. ha li aye. finran. laini- p^kun. se. gidi. and n. Endurance. 9ja nla. ibudo. aya 9ba nla. ENL Endorse. se ifaiya fe gidi- Enfranchisement. 19W9. n. n. v.t. Enforce. mu l^kan le. idide 9kan. Employ. ti n.t. ogun. ileri.t.t.t. agbara 9ba. ohun ini. Enfetter. Empoverish. Enlargement. ifani. k9lu. r9-l9W9. imul9kanle. Engulf.t. as9 fun.t. n. fi adun m9. alailagbara. isoso. Enemy. fi-fun. iselarasi. f$. and Endless. \q-mq. ibi 6w6.t. se Encampment. n. n. bi. alainokun. itori fun aya ni isoyigi. and i. Employment. v. li de 9w9n. oso. Enjoy. Empress. Enchain. v. fi agbara se. idi. Enchant. Enlarge. n. ifaiya. 9W9 Endow.t. fi agbara fun. fi-di. and i. v. ofo. n. gba-kad9. lailopin. 9ga. Employer. End. Enervation. J : Empower. n. fin. ija. Enigma. ihalaye. onikupani. v. Encompass. muse. ade- Enchanter.t. iforiti. v. Engross. v. u*9Ju.t. lewu. hu. anfani. al<J. I J Empty. adj. k9 ak9le iwe. ere. v. isofo. v. n. Digitized by Google . v. gba-nise sadehun igbeyawo. i. v. Engraft. ifinran. if 9. yika. n. 9ba nla kan. Endeavour. Engineer. n. mu-tobi.t. Engrave. I Endue.t. n. Enclosure. Ingraft. fi 89 di talaka. J9 aiye. v. Enchantment. n. n. du. Emporium. v. fi a§9 fun. afunninis9se. Encouragement. itenum9. n. adj. is9.t. budo. n. 39 di omnira. tinab$. n. v. idiitori. n. 49 qrun.t. iyanju. fi-lele.t. Endure. r9-lapa. foriti. ohun 9^.t. Engagement. n. ebun a bi ni bi. ofo. v. Endanger. Engage. v. agbara lati sis^. Engirdle. Encounter. 9ta.t. v. Enfranchise. gba niyanju . Encamp.t. adj. n. v. yi-ka. ile pba. v.t. Emphasis. n. iJ9 aiye. Enable.t. v.t. v.t. n. ag9. asan. Endowment. v. v. a sc^gba yika. se lara si. Enfeeble. hun igbayawo Engaging.t. gbiyanju. v. n. Encumber. gba v. Energy. Enjoyment. si. v. li a?9. n. il\>kanran. gbe mi patapata. Encroachment. Empire. fi-w9. 9911a fifin gbf Engraver. v.t. v.t. Enervate. and i. agb9nna. Enkindle. n.t. ibadu. Encroach. fi Emolument. Engender. opin. Engine. n. si. is 9. Emulation. fi-we. iwuni. n.t.t. i\q ti v. iyanju. Endorsement. n. adun. si Emotion. I Emulate.t. n.i. v. si iwe. iwe. fi i^e fun. p9 si. 89. Ifihan. Entitle. nkan buburu. adj. v.t. ifi sinu iwe. Epilepsy. titanka. warapa. bakanna. la-loye. Epoch. n. mu gori it 9. Enviable. t9r9. Enthusiast. ipa. Equalise. Enrich. 39 di 9gb9gba. n. Entirely.i. Equal. Envoy. oju 9na. id9gba.pl.t. nilara. n. n. n.t. Environment.t. Entertainment.t. v. adura. iwe kik9. and i. Enormity. igbona 9kan. adj. v. dekun mu. fi wep9. 9na. sin li 9m. apo iwe. t^le. fun ni im9l9. n. v. n. ifoyehan. adj. 9I9SU1. od. ir&9. ke-kuru. wadi. tan. adj. tq sinu iboji. Enunciation. se-daju. mu-binu. Enslave. kun fun ilara. t. Episode. n.t. ti Equestrian. n. Entrap. itara. fi v. Envy. n. b6. sedede. idan- Epitaph. Ensure. n. fa-kuru. Enticement. Envelop. agbegbe ilu. is9 oye Epileptic. v. ifil9lu. ifiwep9. Epicure. Entertain. v.. n. Enthronement. Entrails. n. yi-ka. patapata. v. n. iw9lu. Enliven. S9 di 919^. n. 999 nla. n. Entangle. od[/. Enter. Equable. v. Epitome. onitara. n. W9le. fi le I9W9.t. ti 9sin. wiwi.t. n.t. Epitomise. dan-wo. Environ. v. Epiphany. . 50 Entreat.ENL Enlighten. iwarapa. asia. adugbo. Enumeration. n. aaj. wi. 9gb^. riranni. Equator. k9 sinu iwe. n. Ensample. ak9le. v. itan. and i. ajadim. igba ib9r9 si ika akoko. Enrolment. adv. v. fi I9I11. 9sin. Ensue. ib6 patapata. ayika 9hin ilu. n. Enunciate. v.t. n. n. 9pagun. n. Envelope. n. inu. n. sis9. ilara.t. Entice. bisopu. mu-laraya. n.t. Enroll.t. n. v. ibal^ 9kan. v. Entry. Enormous. 9gba. Enumerate. Epidemic. Envious. J9ra. se ilara. v. Entomb. n. Episcopacy. Ephod. itunka sasa. bakanna.t. n.t.t. b9.t. pa-m9. Enmity. t-9S9. ba-S9r9. v. ifun. fi sinu iwe.t. W9nu and i. n. v.t. fi se 9m9-ogun. Inquire.t. Entire. Equally. Enthrone. EQU v. Jii.t. Equality. v. b9la fun. ifunni ni im9l9. Enrage.t. wo. v. 9na. v.t. Enthusiasm. gbogbo. S9-daye. da oruk9. n. v. Entrust. fi ay 9 kun. adj. Enquiie. ikekuro. 9 tan. Entrance. n. n. tobiju. Enrapture. buruju. adj. v.t. ase apej9 ibi ere. to. ohun 939 alufa aw9n Environs. ik{>. t$. n. v. se li alejo. Ensign. oruk9 fun. n. imu gori it9. bere. idaw9le ti o li ewu. 9J9didun. v. Entanglement. Equanimity. adj. v. eyiti o yi i ka Enough. r6l9. n. d9. W9.t. Enlightenment. n. onis9 9ba. foye han. Equine. v. n. v. n. ka.pl. ila ayika ti o da aiye si meji l9gb9gba. n. arankan. fi yika. Entreaty. Envelopment. ap^r^. 9ta.t. adv. ibowe.t. Digitized by Google . ni aw9n Enterprise. Ennoble. buyin fun. 9b9. Enlist. lepa. Epistle. olori. yln. adj. afefe. Erase. n. aiyeraiye. v. Enlogy. eso. adv.t. Ethics. adj. Evacuate. buburu is$r9 ibi. esi. Essential. k9le. nigbangba. kun fun Error. 7. iyin. Evangelize. lailai. onit9Ju 1911a. adv. Evangelist. asale.t. op in. n. ipese. v. enu ija omi. ka-si. isotit9. Evacuation. iw9fa. idupe. ilejade. Equipment. fifunni ni iyawo. han. vX pa-r?. n. ft. pa-run. ft. Erroneous. jamba. sise. ini. le se alaini. Evermore. Everywhere. jade kuro. v. isajeji si. d9gba. titi aiye. ft. se I9S9. adj. adj. igbe. itakete si. n. imukuro.t. lojojum9. sajeji si. v. Eviction. akura. bilisi. ti iwa. adv. ri li ft. adj. v. Evident. Even. Evince. ft. asale. Every. adj. ft. ijade kuro. ft. v. Evil-doer. and i.t.t. Evil-speaking. iyin siro. af^. oninu buburu.i. Everlasting. bafin. ft. olukuluku. nibigbogbo. Especial. Esquire. gbe dide. ka iye diyele. isise. ft. danwo. sina. wasu ihin rere fun. Digitized by Google . and i. Everybody. ft. Everything. okere. ikas9 9J9. v. v.t. Event. pron. adj. ft. Evening.t. Evade. is$r9 si. isise.t. Espouse. gbi- yanju. idanwo. iber? si ika 9J9. ib?. Evaporation. awawi. v. fi-kale. ti igbeyawo. adj. Evil-minded. ^61999. Equivalent. ft. pinnu. adj.t. l9na. igbero. Erection. pese. ohun gbogbo. ?ri. ailopin. par$. ft. ifikale. Espy. Estuary. Eradicate. Eucharist. v. is?. ft. di Escape. t-9Ju. is9 di ofo. idiyele. ik9le. Estimation.t. Everyday. nika. v. n. olusebuburu. Escort. and i. Equity. naro. adj. ile. Evidence. buburu. Ennuch. iro. 9r9 agbara. duro gan. iyin.EQU Equip. papa. y9-sile. ye -kuro korira. ft. ft. ladi. ohun Esteem.*. ft. Eschew. ft.t. Estate. ft. adj. isedede. takete si. Err. Erratic. fun. 9I9S9. lai. bu r$. n. Errand. ft. mu kuro.t. Estimate. ft. Estrange. nigbagbogbo. ft.t. ki-to. v.t. Erect. ft. Eternal. S9 di ofo. ft. ft. igbiyanju. n. fatu ni gbongbo. k6 ft. v. ipo. ft. Sakramenti onje al9 Oluwa. onihinrere. Evict.t.t. Ere. ft. gbe. imura. pron. v. pataki. titi lai. Evangel. n. ihin re re. v. y9ra fun. v. y9-kuro. Eruption. ade- hun igbeyawo. Era. ipinnu. itujade. buburu. v. 51 EVI Estrangement. or adj. e. ft. fa. Evil. Establishment. eniti nsin ni Espousal. adj. aiyeraiye. odv. riri. idi Evasion. rederede. v. Ever. le-jade. isal9 kuro ninu ewu. Eternity. olukuluku enia. adv. iri kanna. fi-han. ya. Eve. ft. oye iyin. eda. Evaporate. Establish. b9 I9W9. alunipa. Digitized i by Google . $rp iyanju.t. Exhibit. and i. Exigence. bikosepe. pa-ku. n.t. v. rusoke. v. tu-sile. titayp. v. sode. w£-mp. and i. iyara. Exertion. n. v.t. kigbe soke. n. igbe. v.t. Exact. Excrement. v. ilplpwpgba. Exhaust. alasehinde oku. ibukun Exculpate. ta-yp. fi ibere wadi. v. v. v. awose. Exception. ipaku. ifihan ni gbangba. se idaraya. gbe-leke. v. Excitement.t. Evolve. imukuro. if agbara Exaction. n. fi-bu. Iwa. Execution. igbesoke. v. daraju. Except. itusile. n. n. n.t. fi-gegun. n. tp. se pasiparp. ti- Existence.t. n. mu-daraya. Exhaustion. igbiyanju. iti v. n. isenisi. Executioner. sati. mu-kuro. koto. Excessive. oluwadi. egun. tetu. imi. isedede. isati. adj. ire. imunibinu. gafara. da-si. idasi. Exclaim. and i. 16 -agbara.t. n. Exasperate. iwa ih6. v. irusoke. ladugbo. isati.t. danwo.t. Excellent. v. fi pe jade. n. Exasperation. aseju.i. fi-han. . Excruciating. ifibu. n. saspdun. iwasu.t. n. fi-re. ifire. n. olutpju ohun ini oku. n. n. aini. awawi. n. lore. Excusable. itayp. re-koja. bukun Exaggerate. Execute. ta-yp. adj. prep.t. Exaltation. ijadelp. Exceed.t. adj. 52 EXI Exclusion. Excommunication. se. Excel.fi 11119- Exhortation. n. Excess. n. v.t. bere ibawi. n. muwa si igbangba. dalaga. n. isansa. nijp. da-loro. iwadi nipa ibere. Exercise. pro.t. and i. v. v. le Exclamation. irekpja. n. tu-sile. n.t. se gafara fun. ise. fi-ji.t. Examine. v. v. n. v. appre. idanwo.t. Exhort. Exile. ild agbara. Examiner. Executor. Exempt. isemple. and i. EVO Evoke. Excruciate. n. n. Ewe. ran fun. Exhilarate. afi. dariji. akiyesi. Examination. gan. nijp. n. n. pa. v. v. oludanwo. ru-soke. Exchange. adj. t<J.t. Ewer. yp kuro ba-wi. re-kpja. itobi. prp. v. Exhibition. v. Exclude. appre. n. igbe enia. se-ju. ni iwa. Excavate. Exactness. rp. ilolowogba. Example.. itpni.t. iyp kuro agbara gba. v. Execrate. v. Excellence. Exemption. ijadelp. v. Exalt. wa. n. fi-han. n. Exaggeration. and i. arp. sode. Executrix. Execration. ago nla. gbe-ga. v. Exert. semple. adj. Exist.t. Exit.t. n. Excite. Exemplar.t. ipa. igbega. fun ni inudidun. senisi. iwe.t. igbe. gbaniyanju. sare. v. Excuse. kuro nilu. yln.t. mu-binu. n. nirora.t.t. wa ih6. rekpja ala. v. n. n. gbiyanju. ibi isepasiparp. and i. Excursion. n. ye fun idalare. aworan. Excavation. adj. abo agutan. and i.t. ise Exceedingly. Excommunicate. Exterior. il9nil9W9gba. am9ye.t. and i. : lo titi. v. Expiate. v. n. niyarayara. irin ajo. adj. idanwo. adv. Expert. Extravagance. Expatiate. i. Expectorate. v. Exorbitant. Expand.t. oju Expectation. jiyan.t. ode. iyara. mu Expositor. v. fi agbara gba. Extort. se inawo. ranlo si ile miran fun tita l9ja.t.t. v. iwe keji v. Extinguish. lairo tele I9W9I9W9. Extenuate. ito enu. v. mimi. adj. v. Extortion. fihan ni gbangba. adj. nidanu. na. Expedite. Extinction. Export. itum$. n. reti. Extraordinary. dake.t. san pada. n. v. nawo. LjOOQIC . fatu kuro. yln. Expedition. n. Explore. lehin ode. Exonerate. b$. n. v. itum$. v. v. te.t. Experiment. v. n. ran-lpw?. mu-kuro.t. fun-jade.t. fi Expulsion. itelo. inawo. n. se etutu fun. tenum9. Extermination. aroye. tum$. iyanilenu.t. n. tu-sile. n. ladi so as9ye. External. Expel. Extension. iwo ode. gbangba. rek9ja ala. itanka ilosiwaju. pata. Extol. ifa-jade. Expense. v. ariwo nla. iku. Expedient. Expostulate.t. adj.t. Explode. v. mu kuro lprun.t. lehin ode lode. v. Expire. adj. Exquisite.t. a fa jade. pari.i. le emi buburu jade. opin. Explain. Expanse.t. ni inakuna. Extremity. Extend. adj. n. sonso ori. ireje. ifihan. didara. opinle. Extravagant. Extortioner. orf/.t. Exorcise. fa-kere. Extempore. tan. v. n. ebi kuro. ?t<J. Digitized by Exportation. v. alaisi.t. iran 9ja I9 miran. alas9ye. adj. v. Expensive. pokiki. Expiration. ilejade. 8911a. n. n. Expectoration* n. mu idina kuro. v. duro de.t. 53 EXT Expose. adj. fa. Express. inalp. Expression.t. daju. inakuna. n. wa-kiri. adj. Explosion. tu tp jade. v. n. v. Expunge. imo. v. idasile. v. n. v. pa. and i. iladi. lode. n. fa-gun. fa-gun. v. iyan. adj. Explicit. n. v.EXO Exodus. mu idiw9 kuro. itusile. pa-r$. n. li owo lori.t. Expediency. £ye.t. Extreme. etutu. Extinct. saroye. n.t. ti Mose.t. n. Expeditious. le-jade. and i. Extirpate. n. Expound. n. n. ifisofo. Extrication. aqry. Expansion. yiye tit9. Extricate. Expend. v. ib$. nkan ti Extraction. titeju. run. n. iparun.t. inawo rek9ja. Expect. idanwo. Expiation. da-sile. iparun. bu-kuro. alonilow9gba. n.t. tobi rekpja. wi. Expostulation. pa-run pata- kankan.jade. lof6. ku. opin. Exterminate. de opin. gb9n.t. ireti. mu-yara. rirun. is9r9 . n. and itesiwaju. 9gb9n. ijadelc?. Iwo. Explanation.t. n. Exposition. adj. n. n. si ile kikunni loju. Extract. v.t. n. Experience. adj. im9. Fade. n. v. Faintness.t.t. oloju eni. adj.EXU Exuberate. Famish. r6. n. Fail. itan asan. letan. leru. oju. n. n. n. dara.t. adj. and i. n. faram<J. n. ate. olot9. and i. Feces. Falling-sickness. Fable. isotitQ. Eye-witness. Eyesight. k<J Fabrication. Facility. 9yin ojii. n. r9run. Exult. nirokuro. nkan ti o Falter. ise. iyan. Fantastic. erii igi. F. Fallacious. Fall. iwaju. gari. n. aihan rere. n. Fagot. jaiya. dibaje.t. tite. n. di abukun si. n. Fan. adj.t. n. Familiar. Eyeball. and i. p9lu inu- Famine. sar^. adj. v. ik9le. n. larekereke. n. y$. Fallible. okiki. Face. olododo. Eyelash. Falcon. n. foiya. n. . tase. y9 ay9 nla. n. ipa. n. Faith. Fain. otit9 daju. egb$ aw9n onisowo ile ise. sojo. idile. n. letan. Eye. idi igi.i. sii. n. Fabric. fi ise se. Facilitate. r$. jina. Facile. asise. ndaku. kuna. Factory. etan. ipenpeju. eke. v. mim9. Exude. Fallacy. ogo. abebe. n. n. Fairness. tay9-tay9. lojo. and i.t.i. and i. isotit9. onirokuro. 9Ja. n. i. eleri. seke. ir9run. n. fi ebi paku. FAR Faint-hearted. elub9. Fanatic. egb? iyapa. Faction. adj. 9gb9n ori. ! da-ku. isebi. arun oju.t. n. adv. r9run. igbengbereju. lagun. Far. n. v. n. adj. n. adv. isubu. eru . n. v. irun ipenpeju. Faint. v. ikuna oju. Familiarity. ay9. Famous. ile. warapa. Fainting. Eye-service. 54 adj. Farewell. adv.t. adj.t. v. idaru. v. Faggot. as9. n. al<J. Faithless. Digitized by ! alalia VjOOQIC . n. adj. Falsify. gbere Farina. n. v. dojuk9. iye. owo ise . adj. Fag. n. im$. v. li otito. Faeces. idara . adj. v. Faithfully. k9se. ar9ni. n. Failing. inter. n. da lagara. lokiki.t. Falsely. Faculty. ri. adj. Fallen. be sile. abukun. ba-je. Fairy. Fabricate. adv. jijina. n. sogo. Family. ibaje.i. lewa. n. Fallibility. Exultation.t. Faceache. se iwe eke. ijaiya. Falsehood. v. Fang. Fact. igbe. iriran oju. r^-sile. asojueni. ala isot9. v. n. and i. onje.t. didun. leru. ile ti a kd ro. n. Fair. Iais5t9. Eyelid. n. aiaigbagb9. n. n. fd. sebi. v. and i. ewa . Fame. 9ta. I9P9I9P9. n. v. kololo. adj. letan. Factor. Eyeglass. ekamia. digi iriran ojii. di elese. Faithful.t. and Fallow. alailagbara. n. adj. Faithfulness. igbekele. subu. ehin sisanni. akiinv. igbagb9. Failure. False-hearted. adj. n. ti. mu ise. False. oju. Fare. asa. Fancy. Eyebrow. n. arojuse. adj. gboju si. v.t. adj. iy9 9iy9. Father-land. onibata 9sin. adv. 939. ailagbara. ik9gb9. n. ana. v. n.t. Feet. osu keji li 9dun. il^ and f9W9ba. se afarawe. and i. sun Farthest. iwa ti obinrin. im$. n.t. siwaju. alaini baba. pe. mu -sanra. adj. Feed. Fee. fi 9tan se. Feather. Feign. mu sanra. ira. adj. Fate. da. soro lati wu. itanj9. n. n. v. Feat. bi ti baba. Federation. Farrier. Fell. is9kan. Ib9ru. n. 9san. v. v. f9W9kan. fun li i. $ru. ileri Fealty. kan. adj. v.t. ho. Iwa ti baba. se-bi. Feminine. didun. ora. Fasten. agara. Feel. ailabukun. Felony. Feeble. idarisi . 91-9.t. ni iwu. ida m^rin owo baba Feast. Iwo oju. Fascinate. lailagbara.t. aw^. 9gb^r9 ^ran ab9pa. n.t. inu. ru. se ojurere l9hin. idap9. n. adj. il9ra. 9gb9. ibule. Faulty. and i. ayanfc?. n. Ferocious. Farther. ti 9gb9.t. nib9ru. P9t9p9t9Fence. Fashion. Fast. fanim(. v. yard. Fellowship. Faeces. lainisal^. Feature. ise agbara. sf Fermentation. v. n. Felt. tiku. nifoiya. n. Fearfulness.i. lainib9ru. Fen. m9. se. ke-lul$. b<J. n. ba-J9un J9 onJ9 ase. nirord.t. n. Fatherhood. adj. n. 55 FER Fear. n. ipin. ti abo. se 9gba. ar?. niti- v. Fastidious. n. Fatherless. 939 iku. Google . Father. n.t. wu. baba aya tabi baba oko.t.t. Fearful. ogiri. n. n. 939 nla. loju rere. is$. n. Feasted. baba. wa . siwaju.t. nifanimpra. Fat. adj. iku. siwaju J11I9. v.didun. adj.t. n. igb9. Favourite. tiparun. abukun. adj. gbaw?. fi-pe. idap9. nika. n. v. se ase. dl. I9S9. ifoiya. p<Jn. Fathomless. adj.>ra si. n. Fatness. 9iiikeji. n. adj. n.t. Feignedly. foiya. adj. ailera. Feces. 9gba. Fascinating. 9ni9 agb9nrin. dide. Felicitate. ng-y9. w. Farthing. Father-in-law. v.t. iho. Fatigue. adj. Fawn. Felon. ase. Female. obirin. Favour. v. w9n jinjin. ilu 9m. v. Fearless. n. agb$. Digitized by kan loju. aJ9. Fatten. iwa olot9. adj. Feebleness. and i. and i. isanra. Fault. 9gba. n. &W9. Fatal. adj. adj. Fatling. Fatherly. and i. 9sin.t. n. Fathom. lailera. onisegun Farmer. Favourable. v. and i. v. ise. February. n. sise. n. n. n. y$. n. v. b9 Fatten. and i. aw9n baba Feeling. n. labukun. iseun. n. adj. b9ru. 9ya. ir9ra. ni adehun. n. m$fa. n. p^lu agabagebe. n. n. ay 9. and i. Felicity. 939. Faultless. oloko.t. abo. v. v. Feasible. v. Fellow. if9W9ba. adj. adj. n. ida. adj. n. opin. so. adaran nla. oju-rere. Ferment. onJ9. sanra. Iwon osuwpn 986 Feint.i. si. and i. ba-y$. oko. laifoiya. Federal. wo.FAR Farm. sanra. n. Fiery. gbona. 9bun. aiduro si 9kan. v. saifara-bal?. 9W911. v. tukp. n. amubina. n. n. ifaram9. Figurative. 9^9 awasoda. Finance. File. n. n. n.t. Fireside. Fibre. otutu. Fickle. Fetish. muna. ogun. n.t. asan. niyemeji. aisimi. or Fester. Fetch. aluduru. ad9ta. ofurufu. igbona ara. Firstling. n. n. n. n. di9. se. ti ipari. i Fetters. igi ina. n. wa 9k? spda. pari. ^ba ina. ib9n. Fiend. nipari. 9ha. olot9. Festival. Firm. okun duru. Finish. igba ase. ayun yin. Fierceness. n.t. Few. adj. Fickleness. n. nipinnu. adj. i. Iy9. fila dara. rord.t. duro sinsin. didaradara. egbo Fill. as9. igbona 9kan. v. n.i. v. mu-wa. adv.t. First. 9karun. owo. Firebrand. Fiddler. adj. lopin. n. v. n. n.t.t. and Ferry. iba.t. ija. Fiddle. adj. adj. Fig. Fiction. n. gbe-wa. and i. 56 Fight. n. Figure. gbona. and i. ekini.t. Fifth. ap9r9. Final. ika 9W9. n. le. Fervency. Fire. niba. Fidelity. t^-lprun. ina. v. Fetter. Feud. ni ap9r9.t. Filch. olut9ju owo. Finally. n. Fifty. adj.t. adota. n. ak9so. ikadota. Feverish. Fifteen. nirira. Find. adj. First-fruits. Firmly. ti ayun onipin. Fife. se-tan. buleni. Fez. and i. adv. ro. and i. Festal. ji. kun. 9gbin. m^s^ri. ibinu. ba. Fervour. igi idana edu. v. okun tinrin. n. sekeseke. iroro. lagbara. as$. gbina. n. Finite. Filthy. igi. fere. n. and i. n.FER Ferocity. n. jale. Finger. adj. ik^dogun. n. n. FIR i. l9gbin. Fidget. Filings. ti ay9. ti 91119.t. lakotan. fi ika t<J. n. n. Ija. ri. Fifteenth. Fiftieth. n. Fever. n. n. n. v. adj. Filtrate. tinab9» yinb9n. n. orisha. Digitized by Google . n. Ferry-man. Fetich. n. 9^ Fiddle-string. v. adj. leri. adj. Filament. ninun. 9P9t<J. Film. adj. ika. and i. Filial. okun okun eweko. ti igb9hin. First-born. Fierce. kokoro tanna tanna. n. adv. leso . Firing. adj.t. n. esu. inawo. n. nigbona ara. ni opin. nidurosinsin. igb9. n. Filth. ja. igbona. ikun. v. onija.t. v. n. fi Fervent. duru. Fire-arms. n. Filter. Fighter. itara. iye di9. n. adj. Fertile. Firmament. v. Fin. irorb. eri. egbo rira. Field. imuna. atafo oju. I9b9 9Ja. n. and i kik$. Fine. ak^bi eran. adj. didiin. ibule. saf9W9ra. adj. and ro. n. jagunjagun. aworan. dara. v. adj. Financier. dun. n. ijarc^. run. adj. pkp aspda. v. Fetid. Fewness. fdogun. nisaju. n. adj. ak9bi. adj. jagun. v. Firefly. adj. adj. ase. papa. 9san itanran. 9ta. v. de ni 99k 99^9. onifere.t. l^tu loju. m^dogun. Finely. sa. and i. pwp v.t. sisan.t.t. pja. yara. asp kubusu kikuna. iha. itanna eweko. Fitness. Flight. iy^fun.t. Flash. irun agutan. Flagrant. adj. Fled. Fleet. pran ara. Flicker. n. Flail. Flush. v. and t. Flay. n. v. Flatness. n. Flit. fo.t. Flax. Flog. ina. sepptp. Fisher. Floor. v. Flood. isan. Flux. v. kpsp. aimura giri. n. n.t. ikuku. v. adj. Flour. n. n. ppja. yi ara Flounder. ad. . fere. and v..i. adj. arun. n. v. llugba. Flaw. folp. mimu. isan. Fishmonger. Flank. Fluent. Flint. Fledge. Flexible. n. and i. bo li aw9. and ru. adiin. isan. adj. n. Foal. ilp ile. n. v. kp-san.t. huye. adj. v. platan. and i. mura. v. adv. n. kiki pran. i. pip p. and i. nitotp. Flask. n. n. Ua. ifofo. iru soke ru sodo. n. san. Flown. subu lulp. Flounce. adj.i. igufp.t. Fluidity. adj. igbona. n. isa kuro ninu ewu.i. 57 Flesh.t. tpbprp. ikp-san. tp. gbilp. n. Flower. wa ni ikanju. sisan.t. . appja. n. n. n. v. jo. idawuru. n.t. muduro. Fluctuation. yp. v. jan li $r$. v. ip9nni. and i. titp. n. jo. Flatulence.i. and i.i.t. i. $wp-pkp. v. Flannel. and i. ikun omi. p9n. Flop. v. pmp psin. daraju.t. n. n. Flavour. n. fo nibambalp. Flourish. . Flatterer. v. Flutter. n. n. lugba. tan bi ina. v. Flatten. and i. felefele.i. Flatter. n. Flat. tan. sago kekere. piyp akp. v. Fleece. v. sunki ninu irora. v. 89. ila. lawe. v. Flattery. Flee. Flinch. esinsin. fo loju omi. Fluid. n. Flood-tide. and i. adj. Fit. ba obirin ta. v. n. and i. n. Flock. adj. rpjp. n. imugiri. v. ild. ppagun odo. Fix. nisprp jpjp. itpwo. majala. adj. Fling. n. 2/- owo fadaka kiri. n. v. FOA Fish. orim. and i. Fixed. isepptp. Flow. marun. Flap.£. v. n.t. laironu. Fly. iyin eke. isan omi.i.t. and i. Fleetness. sire if 9 . isan. n. Flippant. n. idun egbpn. 16. okuta ib9n. pi pja. rp.i. and i. n.FIR First-rate. na. n. adj. Flamingo.t. niyiye. fo-lp. psp. Flame. v. ipaka. Float. n.t.i. Five. Flare. iforifo ina. isan omi. n. Fisherman. Digitized by Google . Flabby. v. Fluency. adj. tanna bi eweko. tpju. Fluster. n. n. pgbp-pk$. ti fo lp. ruwe. Fitly. itpju. tp. n. Flake. koriko Flag. Fluctuate. igbona pkan. v. pgb$. n. sa I9. n. Flea. Fist. akunbo omi. Fissure. ad/. Flute. iyara.t.t. n. yi sihin sphun. iyara. Flirt. Florin. Foam. ip9nni. n. Flimsy. asia. Fleshy.t. tpwp. rekpja ala. abukun. gun iyp. jo baibai. v. r9run lati tp. v. 9W9 pran tabi piyp. fa-so. yiyp.i. Flexibility. n. afara kekere. ipa 939. iwaju. n. n. v.t. n. Foot-bridge. adj. ohun jiJ9 ti ^ran. laini 011J9. Forecast. da-l9kun. di. adj. Forcible. Forewarn. adj. n. iransek9nri. omi gbigbona W9. Foresee. Foreigner. Foodless. oge. saju. Digitized by VjOOQlC .FOD Fodder. Feet. Foreknowledge. Forefather. fi-sil9. v. adv. tele. prep. n. Foggy. Forego. adj. v. Forgery. v.t. 9ga. ipam9ra. ak9le eke. it9wo t9l9. Forejudge. Footing. asiwere. gbim9 Folk-lore.t. ti ilu miran. piy9n. Follow. 89. n. Folly. n. n. padanu. Forebode. ipo es$. n. nitori. and i. suru. Foretell. odo af9S9laja.t. n. nik^. ibiti es$ te. lagbara. n. Forbear. p9lu agbara. Foolish. kiki ikuku. adj. gbiro- awpn enia. Forfeit. fun t^l^. bule. n. i I Foretaste. im9t9l9. Foreordain. n. and i. wi t^.t. v.t. t$. fi eke k9we. jale. Fondle. niw9nbi. si Foreknow. Footstep. adj. and r9. n. v. g$. Foe. ipa 911a. n. ipa. Forgot. agbo. Forbidding. adj. n. Foot-hold.t. Fold. Food. and i. n. n. fun. im9t9l9. n. ara ilu mi. igbo.t. ko-9ru.t. n. Fordable. se idaj9 saju. v. is9gun. al9 irintan. Fool. n. ewe. Foreskin. n. n. ri t9l9. m9 t^. and were. pa- m9ra. 58 Force. n. v. n. FOR v. agbo ^ran.i. Forehead. Forbid. fi aimoye. titi lai. sil<? - t9le. lainies^. For. lu. k$. Folio. n. Forgave. apoti itis^. v. n. Font. iwere. iro Fop. Forenoon. ka. v. v. Foliage. daw9 duro . Fog. v. Foment. n. n. Folk. iwaju. Forbearance. v. v. Foresight. igbim9t9l9. and i. Footsore. I . n. lilaja. Forest. ik$. fi agbara se.. v. ad.t. I Forethought. v. n. n. si were. v. ipa se.t. iwere. adj. if$. asaju 9m. iwaju 9k$. Fore. Forefront. n. n. onje. ipiy9 ogun. n. w9do. agb9d9 irin.t. kilp Forasmuch. i\$ iwaju.t. Foremost. n. and i.£. riro 939. i. t9-lehin. conj. ajeji.t. and i. n. v. Footman. v. pinnu t$\$. dida^kun. alejo. fi Forcibly. i. gbagbe. 39 t^l^.t. n. n. isaju. Foreign.t. Fondness. adj. Follower. dariji. baba nla. v. adj. Forestall.' Foot. es$. n. ibule. Forage. v.t. Foil. Ford. v. Foolishness. Forget.t. Foreman. j n. nif$. iwaju patapata. n. v. it^ni. J9-I9W9. n. idaw9duro. Forecastle. 9ta.i. adv. n. Fond. agbara. n. Forge. 1919. at9t9. n. Footless. ikuku. iwe nla. ipese I I Forever.t. t9l9. n. awo omi lati fi baptisi. Forerunner. 91119 -ehin. n. ! j I Footpath. Foreground. igba ikanri 9J9. Footstool. niwaju.t.t. v. Fortify. Forsaken. ekerinla. Forward. Digitized by Google . igba isaju. pansaga. Fortitude. Foundation. se 9391111. Ipin. Foster. adj. ileri. m9rin-m9rin. and i. ipil? ile. Forthwith. Fourteen. adv. v. Fornicator. omnira. v. v. Forsooth. Foster-child. se pansaga. Foul-play. and fifo\ i. aituloju. lailera. tygan. adj. ise. Fragile. n. ^iye. Forgive. Frame* v. adj. adj. Forlorn. alabapade. ogun fi ijoko. n. n. Franchise. v. egbin. ifiji. aworan 1119. ^rin. adj. n. n. 9019 agbab9. yaju. v. Foul-mouthed. nierinla. Fortune-teller. ibi 9ja. 09 sakokd. Foster-mother. . iwe ise idasile. n. bi ise. n. Fortieth. m9disi. adj. k^h^ty. adj. n. Forum. adj. ise otit9 gbangba. Fowl. ^lenu buburu. v. ogoji. jade. n. Foul.t. adj. ra n. merin. ibi. ise agbere. ti ibu ni ara 89 egungun. Fragment. igba 939 meji. iwa 9tan. i jadewa. n. t9. adj. adv. buburu.t. P9iy9-p?iy9. lera. oji. Four. Frailty. orisun.. kikosil?. adj. Fractional. n. Frail. niberu. amuga ijeun. n. se. Fragrant. FOB. Fortification. agunje. n. n. eri. n. is9le. adj.t. loriin didun. aimo. Forgiveness. v. ri sinu omi. n. n. ise. ibu ni ara 9t9t9 .. okuta ipil^. Forth. ise pansaga. nitot9. lailagbara. k9 . turare. ajeku. fun ni iwa.t. b9. ipile lei 9. ailera. . Formidable. l9na kerin. Formulary. tisaju. imu. Fourthly. ohun ini. iyaju. adj. apere Formation. adj. Fourfold. Former. jadewa. adi$. adv. Frankness. Fracture. ran siwaju. Fort. tuw9 ka. Fraction. Fork. Forgetfulness. Fought. se agbere. adj. Forgetful. Found. n. Fortune. sagbakd. lana. n. adj. v. ise. bibaJ9 ori. Fourth. ^k^rin. odi alagbara. ja. odi. adj. Fornicate. ise idasile.t. adj. Ibu.t. Form. n. ni- FRA Forwardness. Formerly. nisisiyi. Forthcoming. ni Frankly.t. n. ri . adj. igbagbe. n. Forswear.t. v. n. n. adv. n. v. mura lati dariji. Iselana. bi iwa. dariji. fi ibura se Foundation-stone. Founder. Fourfooted. ib9kuro I9W9 isin. k$ sil?. adj. Frantic.t. ilaiya. n. adj. Fowler. and i. Ida. isun. adj. Forsake. v. agbere. se it9ju. 9t9t9. n. Forgiving. dabobo. n. and i. Fortnight. v. imura tele gbagbe. ailagbara. n. adj. n. ida. Fourteenth. Formality. adj. n. and i. adv.t. 89 di omnira Frank.i. 59 sigbagbe. and i. Fortunate. Fornication.t. Frankincense. Fountain. Iwo. adv. abo. Fortress. odi. alagbab9. ni tuw9ka finuhan. adj. idariji. n. . Formal. aP<?iy<?Fox. ibi ipeJ9. Forty. kikosile. igboiya. awomi. m9. 9I989 merin.t. n. v. Full. ti Freedman. n. oru. n. igbati asp. Fungus. yan ninu din.t. oye. n. eru. ira. n. n. Fruition. v. eru 9k$. n. Fresh-water. Fry. tutu. n.t. efin. igi eso. efin. Frequency. and i. k9nrin. v. titun. adj. Frolic. adj. igbakugba. n. ninu. m9 Fumigate. Freckle. Frigate. omi-mimu. adj. n. and i. kikini. Fundament. v. n. Fretfulness. Frugal. b$. eso. n. isinku. isire. pk^ ogun. Fund. di. n. n. adj. ti o ti inu Friendless. tunuka si. etan. Function. agbara. Freeborn. ir9ti. n.t. and i. Frontlet. Fray. ami totdto. ainilari. ikanra. itanje. Frequent. n. n. v. v. ifp atinuwa. dojuk9. ija. 9ra. irep9- Fun. mu-sp. 91119 Frontier. adv. isinwin. Fruit-tree. n. prep. ni kikun. n. Frustrate. iwaju. n. pataki. adj. gege bi ara. n. Frighten. n. Fulfil. n. v. Fruitless. Free. fin li Fumigation. n. v. duro nibikan. Fraud. Friction. n.FRA Fraternal. Frivolous. v. n. Fruitful. nikanra. n. Freewill. bojuje Fructify. ti 60 ara. Fringe. omnira. n. ira Frustration. ikoJ9P9 owo. VjOOQlC . ewu ileke. and i. n. adj. ateteba. Friend. n. ire. Frown. tutu. ohun idana. isire. omi ti k6 ni iy9 ninu rp . n. n. eniti o eni. Front. ire. ka. k9Ju si. yi-po. n. nigbakugba. I9W9. ti ipilese. ba-je. tuw9ka. ara- Fraternally. iwaju. adj. if$. Funeral.t. kikun. n. Fratricide. Frenzy. omnira. and i. yagan. and i.t. adj. n. adv. se nkan rudurudu. adj. n. ogun. adj. Fraternity. nit9Ju. ti FUN Frock. binu. v. Fruit.t. omnira. eru. olu. laini 9r<£. pa arakonri From. Frisk. owo ilele. igi. Digitized by igi.t. oru ina jade. Freshen. v. si. eyin. lai- isansa. v. Freedom. Frog. Fresh. ij9 kefa I9S9. pru a fi se 9019. v. n. S9 di tutu. Fretful. nifajuro. Fundamental. adj. n. anfani. $rp.t. 91119. mu so eso. Frill. bo li epo ara . Fume. n. 39 di titun. fajuro kanra.t. Fuel. 9P9I9. Friendship. nigbagbogbo. and i. isire. n. n. ehin. nikanra. adj. Freeze. and i.t. n. ifoiya. ibaje. olu ehu Funnel. ir9mi. Froth. Friday. totdto. deruba. n. enikeji. P9 $kun. Fraudulence. iseru. and i. otutu nini. f6. adj. Freckled. Freight. waja-waja. n. pgbe. bi li omnira. Fumble. ohun meji ra W9n. n. 9^ Froward. IdL. daiya fo. n. pfe. Fully. Frost. Fulfilment. ifofo . v. kuro. pup9.t. n. kun. adj. n. pgbe. n. ere. imuse. n. Fright. Frigid. di omnira. leso. 9ja igba iwaju. asan. Fugitive. laileso. Fulness. isiwere.i.t. Fret. adj.t. v. ela. Gainer. igba ti mbv- G. n. koJ9. Fuse. v. n. and ibikan. siwaju.FUR Fur. n. nigboiya. and i. adj. n. Gasp. n. riwisi. kop9 si bo. n. Gander. rin kiri laisimi.t. n. Game. Garrulous. Gather. igboiya. Furious. ay$. Gallop. n.t. 9WU. Garden. Gay. aba. se ikannu. v. ihanu. lokere. Gall. elere. n. 9nu 9na ode.t. and i. irpk^k^. m9di si. Fuss. v. n. adv. Gain. n. Gaol. ib9W9 irin. n. v. n. n. isire . n. v. v. onitubu. laiwulo. tyla. idi ewe tabi itanna. v. diw^n. Furnace. adj. adj. n. a§9 ibora. 939. oluf^. v. Gaiety. Gambol. n. 9pa idiw9n.t. ta Gambler. yanu afef?. 9ga. 9WU. kun fun ibinu. Gauge. ikiyesi. Gallery. Furtive. 9gbe nla. r£ nkan meji P9- Gaoler. v. f6. Gallon. n. alakoj9. Gallantry. pese fun. Gash. Gang. ri gba. runu. n. v. Gallows. Gala. n. aporo. Fusion. Gangrene. Jailer. Futile. adj. i. and i. olut9Ju enu 9na. n. n. v. ororo. da . if 9.i. lasan.i. Garner. yan. Gatherer. iku ile. v. n. afefe lile ategun.i. ru. tet?. n.t. Gale. ohun Garment. iru osuw9n kan. v. ile ew9n. n. ile. as9. ib^r^ orule Gable. doglri. n. n. n. n. fi ti and i. Gap. anfani. adj. esinsin nla. ileru. n.t.). b<?. Gaunt. adj. idaraya. Furniture. iho. n. ikoJ9p9- 9d9d9 loke. Gargle. Gauze. Furnish. olut^ju ohun 9 d9. sile gba ikun. n. n. v. Furthermore.t. Garrison. inudidun. n. v. ere. n. Gag. n. Gabble. irun mulomul9. daraya. Gathering. ogiri isare eein. Gait. Further. ib9W9 n. Gamekeeper. Gardener. n. and i. Garb. n. Jail. sun siwaju. n.t. and i. adj.t. ira. ara Gate-keeper. ibinu. ile tubu. i^kun. idibaje ni 9ran ara. Fury. yp-w6.t. Gauntlet. w? 9na 9fun. n. iyplu. alanfani. Gallant. idalu. adv. n.t. ha li enu. jere.t. n. n. as9. inudidun. Gaiter. igi isonipa. Gate. Irin. ohun elo ile. Garland. ran-lpwc. v. mariwo. Gainsay. Gad. arun. yanu gboro.t. ti apoluku. ak9 pepeiye odo. isan. n. Gadfly. Garnish. pelu-pelu. &9r9 odi si. n. a§9 iwes?. n. aisimi. a§9 f^l^f^l^. n. egbogi 9fun. okun iso ib9se. 9de eran tabi ?iye. n. ikannu. v. as9gba. aw9n ti o SOW9 p9 lati se nkan. Gape. n. and i. 9gba. ire. Garter. olus9gba. adj. aka.t. n. atatete. egb$ ologun ni ilu olodi. v. se li 939. tfl GAY Gamble. n.t. Furrow. alaroye. n. Digitized by Google . y9. Gastric. Future. onis9 fifi digi ferese. 9m i. n. okun did9. and i. Girder. asan. Generous. se 9leya. and i. n. v. lai^etan. didun. mu mu Genuine. n. y<J P9I9. itansan im9l9. n. and sffp. and i. keferi. laiduro nibikan. Get. iran. nkan Ghastly. Genealogy.i. v. bi. adj. Gin. Gild. iwa pele. inu U9 Glamour. Gentleness. P9I9. n. oloye. adj. itansan. n. n. im9 nkan nisalp.t. Girth. Glimmer. 9bun. hu. a se ni sisu.t. Gladness. atal9. adj.t. Gloat.t. Glean. Genesis. fi-bun. Gibbet. im9 apprp aiye. olu. n.t. Giant. 89 is9kus9. wura tabi fadaka ti Gilt. iwe ekinni ti Mose. adv. n. adj. agunf9n. Gentle. Generosity. n. Glare. ni inu Gladden. n.i. ni iwa P9I9. Glitter.GAZ Gaze. Giraffe. nigbakugba. okuta iyebiye. Genius. iwe irohin ijpba. n. Gewgaw. v. bo ni wura tabi fadaka* Gilding. U119I9 firi. Generally. Gazette. n. v. and i. Glib. ire ^9. tan H119I9. si Gesticulation. Gladly. ohun 939. Glisten. omiran. irin ti a oju igi lu fun iso. Germinate. tobi. finifini. n. iwa J9J9. n. n. pe?9. v. Germ. dun. ilp Glad. iwin. di amure. nda pti. n. jade. digi. General. aw9n ti a bi rere. n. n. Gleam. oloju-saju. n. n. Gentry. v. adj. v.i. eniti a bi rere. inudidun. Ghost.t. Generation. Glaze. Gem. Gleaner. n. n. n. adj. se inudidun. Give. n. sa. ehu. 62 GLO Giddiness. ak9 tabi abo. Genial. Gesticulate. 9g$ . adj. W9P9. n. ti Geology. Gentleman. n. fi fun. n. bi Glide. 111919 baibai. iwo firi. ay9 inudidun. v. n. fi Gimlet. adj. n. iwe 9iy9- aw9n bikini. lotit^. Girl. n. awojiji. n.£. Ginger. ni. Google . v. ni ayaya. v. n. amoye. n. la. san. iwa inu rere. and i. Gist. koko and (^9. and i. n. Gender. les$-l9S9. n. Genteel. n. v. y9. v. rigba. Gift. Gear. ni dyi loju. i. 9r9k9 93a. Gentile. n. i. n. ni inu rere. Giver. 9Ja gari 9sin. adj. n. n. ile. iyi ara. n.i. adv. ti gbogbo enia. Gird. ohun 9m9birin. adj. v. Gazing-stock. t^jumpwo. t9Jum9 wd fun Digitized by ibi.t. dan sansan. iti igi ni itp sisan. apes9Glee. n. adj. isuju. fi digi si. ohun elo.t. v. Generate. Gesture. Gingerly. 6yi oju. Gibe. 9m ifi^^l^ya. Glazier. asigb9nl9. oniwa rere. iwin. igi isonir9. Gigantic. isire. n. Glance. bi oku.t. Itan at^le idile. n. apako amure. Giddy. iwa tutu. n. tay9tay9. y$. Girdle. olori ogun. se jeje. v. n.t. oku. n. v. adj. Geography. n. 39 Glass. ohun l<?ru. ay9.t. Gizzard. n. olufunni. Glimpse. baba nipa ti Qhprun. n. Goal. n. adj. iwara gbemi. adj. Goat. Glorious. Govern. didara. v. n. olutpju awpn ewur<?.t. Goose. n. n. v. §et9Ju. fajuro. Gradation. ojum9 ! Glutton. ohun ini. n. i§okunkun. inter. n. tj Goldsmith. ij9ba. ire. ti. igbona ara. and i. itan igbe aiye Jesu. Going. $akoso. v. yin-logo. n. adj. n. n.t. kantikanti. ajeki. inter. Glut. a§9 iieke gigun. aspye. ifpkansin Qtyrun. ate. n. ti x^ Gonorrhea. kikanu. adj. li i. inter. Oku ar9 " kar9 o " Goodness. laini Qtyrun. n. Gone. pepeiye od6." Good-humour. irin. v. iwe itump prp. idan. n. oluk9ni obirin. Glory.t. igba. iwa rere. ore-9fe. Oku ale " kale o. g?ge. imunmuna. and i. laigba Ql9run gb9. ojeun. Grace.t. ja I9W9. sopaka-gbemi. v. Glow-worm. Government. Good. n. \ Gloomy. lati pd9 Graceful. n. 91119 nipa ti Qtyrun. n. wura/ Golden. Gracious. n. and v. n.t. ohunrere Ql9run. inaki. Gown. Glorify. il9. ^olori. Godfather. ito lesese. GLO Globe. Odi Good-night.t. ore. ppa mimu. Go. arun *». iyin. girin je.i. i§u aperp aiye. n. alanu. Godmother. Glue. Gorilla. n. oju rere. janjan. Gorgeous.i. igbona pkan. fi hihan. Godless. anfani. Gnash. egun. Gossip. ? / #\ ©^ . and i. Gosling. inter. idagiide it^ba ati iwuwo okan. inu ! ! ! ! rere. 9fun. n. v. Goitre. Gorge. Gluttony. v. Goatherd. n. ogo. §okunkun . n. Gloss. ibpwp. v. v. gun 9k9. ite siwaju. n. §ogo. adj. ihin rere. ikini ipinya. Glum. Glossy. pahin keke. rin. eje didi. Gnat. n. in9ki. n^o. n. n. Godlin68S. §e oju ibinu. v.t. n. n. Gore. °dd. lp. Godchild. n. koko igi.. Digitized by Google ^ . and i. mu Godsend. adj. Glove. n. n. niwa-bi-Qtyrun. Glow. opin isure ije. Gnaw. 9la. n. Goad. v. n. Gnarl. 9lore-9fe. adj. Good-bye. v. adj. adj. n. Glossary. didara. n. eru. iya nipa ti Qtyrun. n. n. adj. logo. n. Goddess. itakun. Governor. Gloom. §e I999. ajel?. akoso ilu.t. adj. n. alakoso ilu. lpla. Grab. Goods.t. abo ori^a. v. 63 Gold. §efefe. 9m9 pepeiye j I Gobble. niyin. n. itumo. Odab9 Qna re o Odigbo §e o Good-evening. lewa. Governess. Gourd. didara. adj. Good-will.t. if$ inu rere. Qlprun. alajeki. is9r9 asan. bibi- nuje. n. inu didun. n. | God. Goodly. Odar9 ! ! ! je ajeki. n. gbona. Godlike.i. adj. ewur?. n. rere. n. didan. Good-morning. Gospel. fi iwo kan. agbado. n. idupe. Grinder. irin ikele. ifam9 ara kan Grain. and fi 9W9 gba mu. n. aba- v. and fa m9. n. n. dimu sinsin. Gratis. okuta ak9 dudu. Grin. n. ile ek9 giga. n. n.t. fi 9ra Grand. n. ni ojukokoro. mu ni kedun. and i. tobi. omi eran. si ekeji. ror6. adj. n. Grant. gba.t. i. ni ibanuje nip9nju. Greenhorn. Graze. n. okuta ip9nrin. inurirun Grizzle. v. . daju. lojukokoro. aide. Groin. kerora. Greengrocer. Grass.t. l9kanjuwa. woro irugbin kan. Grieve. ibanuje. w. epo. Grim. Grasshopper. 9911a finfin nronu. Greedy. Grasp. Grave-digger. n. n.t. Grime.t.GAZ/ Made. adv. fi agbara and i. Grandeur. I9 kuna. eso ajar a. juwe finifini. okerekere. v. Grave-clothes. v. Grape. Grip. niw9ra. agbel? oku. Grievance. 9ra.t. n. aip9n. v. ikini. adj. n. as9 oku. adj. Granary. v. 64 Gravel. Grimace. n. n. Granite. adj.t. lesese. ibi giga fun iwdran. ibojuje susu. n. Great. n. oluta ewebe. dudu si. ati Grave. n. GRO wewe i. dupe. ilepo. ebun 9fe. n. n. adj. 9l9ye. yanrin. gba ere li ek9 giga. ikanu. Gravy. tyf?.t. Greed. koriko igbe. nironu. n. n. apoko esin. yp. n. more. n. gb$. n. eniti ko soro tanje. n. Grandchild. ha. adj. dimu. Grandfather. / ile / v. it an. im9 ilo 9r9 daju- Grammar-school. il9ra. v. n. Grapple. v. sinsin.t.t. and i. hewii. adj.t. n. fin. tobi. rerin egan. Grammar. eni 9191a. n. v. Gravity. n. dimu Gripe. ki. n. 191a. Green. iya nla. n. Grief. eka alpnuj si igi keji. baninuje. 9pe. Gratuity. dudu . nla.t. 91119- Gray. vm^loju. rerin ak9. and i. Gratify. n. kord. Grievous. I9. adj. n. Groan. okuta tara. and i.t. Grindstone. itenityrun. adj.t. fi-fun. aw9 ad/. Grease. Gristle.t. ip6. aka. Grandee. Grater. n. n. pa. Grasping. dimu. eri. n. fi bo. Greeting. Graft. Grate. te tyrim. itobi. n. Gratitude. ikerora. 6I9. / Graduate. Greet. je koriko igbe. 39 di eri. Greasy. v. igb9w<J. n. n. Grey.t. p9n. niyin. and i. didara ni iri. ohun ti a fifunni. n. ohun ibanuje. and i. v. and i. n. Graphic.t. Gratification. tutu aliga. Grateful. 9ka. n. edun. Gravitate. Digitized by Google . n. n. adalu aw9 dudu ati funfun. adalu funfun. n. v. Groom. elenga. iw9ra ojukokoro. and i. iwa agba. v. adj. v. Gravitation. baba nla. Grind. 9m9. v. adj. p9Greatness. k$. /Gradual. n. Grandmother. ifil<>. v. isa oku. iwu. Grandstand. sakisaki. adj. inter. oje igi. laij^bi. v. n. Habitant. Gullet. ati wosiwosi. joro. n. H. edqiq ojiji. Grotesque. 1W9S9. n. Groundless. Guide. n. me- ohun m^rinlelpgoje.t. idasa-a&9. akoJ9po. r9J9. idin. Grow. Guinea-pig. Hades. ohun 9na orin olokun tita. il^. v. n. adj.i.t. and i. tu pupu. n.t. Grope. adj.t. Hag. Ground-nut. 9m<J (eku). Grunt. ayinb9n. s<J. and i. y9wo Digitized by Google . Iam9. Iwa. Gunshot. Guardian. ipiles9. ibugbe aw9n oku.t. Gull. v. Habitable. Haberdasher. Gulp. n. il^. n.t. adj. n. n. n. 939. apako loju 9na lati 9na han ero. 9ya omi okun sinu tan. n. Guess. Groundwork. v. Grub. Guinea. adj. n. v. $pa. sile m9kanlelogun. n. Habit. olus9. and i. 9I999. n. n. is9ra. fi Guide-post. Grossness. Grumble. n. laisiarekereke. ija. Gums. sobia. Haft. Gruff. ldip9. kanra. ise. arekereke. itona. and i. lainidi. n. yiyin ib9n. n. Growth. igbo kekere. adj. Gust. v. hu. n. n. iri ode. v. n. idagba. n. gbigbe. n. ifun 9ran. n. saikuna. n.t. ibugb6.t. ru. n.t. Grovel. kun sinu. lais$tan. n. gbogbo. itobi. Ihu. kun bi 9^$. n. adj. ro 39. adj. dabdbo. n. $r9 ikigbe iyanu.GRO Groove. ^niti a nse alejo fun. S9paka-gbemi. d^ruba. lailes9. $na 9fun. n. n. Guise.i. onigb^wv. Gut. n. adj. Group. kun si. Iwa. if9nahan. Guinea-worm.t. Guileless. and i. oju agbara. ke sakasaka. v. n. Gusset. v. abo. Guile. n. n. fi 9na han. n. n.t. Gunpowder. Ground. Guest. Habitation. ib9n. iwa. okunkun. oluta as9. ile\ Habitual. Guitar. v. ti idaraya. akunsinu. ti ijakadi . erlgi. i. v. parakoyi. 9th. Hack. aj9Haggard. Guilty. Gruesome. n. 39. 9tu ib9n. Gunner. Gulf. odi. fun Grumbler. se arankan si. li HAG Guinea-fowl. egbe. kun. to si pna. n. Guard. 9iy9 awo. kokoro. and i. ihd ^909. v. Grudge. isa oku. and ifun. pt9t9 ejila jila. Gutter. tu-jade. Gross. v. 9ka baba. adj. adj. olutoju. is9. Guilt. Guiltless. n. n. adj. n. 9bi 939. n. j^bi. Ha. am9na. and i. v. Gum. n. rako. Haggle. v. Guild. n. r9 ara sil^. itujade. $tan. Gymnastic. alam9. 9ja. fi 9W9 wa pna 65 Guinea-corn. Guarantee. n.i. and i. Gush. eku 9b 9 tabi ida. aikuna. olugbe.t. n. pagun-pagun. Gun. n. Gurgle. n. dagba. Grove. Guidanoe. ale jo. n. fi-k9. adj. eku. adj. ehoro. v. Handicraft. asaju. Harmattan. n. ik9we. n. ya si mim<J. Half-penny. adv. inter. ikunw9. ibaJ9. n. saferi gidigidi. Hardship. pansaga obirin. n. nika. v. onigbaibusun. Harsh. n.t. n. Handle. soro. so-r9. idaji kpb9. Haply. ibar9. n. Ham. esl. and i. nitosi. l^wa. Hard. Harmless. Harbour. <?ran fun Halve. n. adv. adj. dimu. Harass. ipalara. v. Harry. Handsome. adv. v. Hardness. ibu at^l^w9. and i. Hammer. okun 9run fifa. n. pin ni meji. as9 inuju. Hairpin.t. lailewu. duru. Hart. n. n. Halo. Hale. and i. Handbell. Hallucination. agbede meji $na. irun. 9run pa. lu. 9kan. n. ja lole. idameji. gele. adj. ikoti. adj. n. w. ! sunm9 Harden. w$ yinyin. boya. d^s^ duro ti . ibi. dara. v. n. v. n. ak9 agbvnrin. Harbinger. im9l9 Halt. inira.t. di tyna. wahala.t. 99. Hardy. v. abp. abule. Hash. n. Happiness. Haphazard. Digitized by Google . n. fi old. yinyin. ibusun asor$. Hallelujah inter. n. n. 9m9d9 obirin. vx and i. HAS Hand-writing. itanj9. Hairy. fa. onidiri Hangings. n. n. Harmful. gbangan ! idaj<^. ?ru. n. nipalara. Hamper. n. Harvester. nir9ra. Hammock. n. n. Idi esin k^k^. mu-le. v. n. isedede. v.t. n. alafia. isoro. mu- Hallow. hu. n. Hare. Harp. jade. soro. agogo kekere if9W9 Handbreath. s6nu. ni U9W9W9 Hanker. and i. nyi orun ka. v. irord isonu. 9 yin Oluwa and i. mukun. laiya.i. v. ki lokere. lera. Harmonium. Handiwork. Hand. n. ti a n Hardware. tosi. n. lalana. as9 ferese tabi jamp. n. sak9ni. owo baba. adj. n. n. duru. dabobo.HAI Hail. v. naw9 lu. alafia. Half-dozen. Hamlet. v. ohun elo am9. r^run. si.t. n. n. n. onirun. n. m^fa. 9^9 ileto. n. is9 9 w0\ Handkerchief. Halter. n. adj.t. h*9ra. n.t. Hang. Harshness. Half-hearted. n. n. 66 v. yard nla. v. Half-way. pe.t. dida ara. v. v. Harness. ! ! iy9 Harm. Hail-stone. rere. w. ke \v9w9.*. da li agara. olu n. Handy. alailanu. ikore. kan. lainipalara.t. aluduru. adj. le. Handful. Harpoon. y9-l9nu. ko 19m. adj. Harper. fetisil? Hark. gb9 Harlot. and i. Harmony. so adj. olukore. n. Hair. lalabapade. lo. adj. inter. 9W9. ebute 9^.t. ror6.t. n. itan <?ran si. $k9 irin fun pipa erinmi.t. Hairdresser. Harvest. Happy. Hail. okuta yinyin.t. adj. Happen.i. Hand-maid. Hard-hearted. le. n. Halt. <?yq. agb^n nla. li mura. v. Haunt. and i. Haul. Hedge.t. n. adj. ibi giga.t. Haunoh. okuta pataki ti igun ile okuta iboji. adj. adj. adj. mu-lara-da. iro. Head.t. igberaga. w. n. adj. ogedengbe. n. ibinuje. adj. n. para. yara. fi eti gb<J. Headmaster. ibi ab6. iwuwo. v. v. vX v. w. n. Heir. fetisile. Heel. onikiri pja. n. irira. Headlong. n. adv. adj. gbe soke. mu-jina. ibaje. and i. nitoto. irera. Headway. v. Hay. n. ile eko. n. v. gbe-ga. ikiyesi. n. fa. timtim ikunle. ebe. n. v. n. Hawk. Heaviness.i. nisora. w<>. igb<J. idiri ifarun. arole. bum rekoja. n. pron. v. n. Haste. $ya. n. ikuku. olugbtf. 67 HEL Heal. pa eyin. de. ibi idana. and i. and i. Hatred. aborisa. n. adj. nilera. n. oke. i. n. dkiti. Hassock. adj.t. Headache. Helm. adj.t. bi ti orun. n. Hasten. Head-dress. adj. and i. Heart. Have. ilera. n. n. laini-anu. sora. dida ara. Digitized by Google . Heave. itan. n. ikanju. ajogunba. on. iwosan. v. olori. Hearken. wuwo. v. Hearing. gbona. se alakoso. Hazardous. ada. iwa keferi. nilera. polowo pja. mu yara^ Hastily. se olori. isora. orun alafia. gigise. v.t. ibi igunle ok$. v. 91119 ninu Hearer. Healthy. n. and n. itok$. parun. and i. keke oku. igbona. n.t. Heathen. n. 6fo. v. korira.t. Hauteur. di. Height. adj. Heartless. Heiress. egboro abo malu. n. Heed. nipa ofin. Hearse. kiyesi. Heathenism. keferi. oniwosan. aro. Hat. n. ad/.t. n. ewu. nikanju. Headland. Haven. adv. n. irora okan. ori. Heedful.t. okan. aife. Health. Hear. laibikita. ihin.HAS Hasp. n. ajogun Headstone. ifori. ibanuje. ate. Heedless. ikojopo. agi. w. n. ni. Heart-ache. fi wewu. Hateful. n. tetisi. ile olori egbe. irira. rera. Havoc. Hatchet. ogba.t. oke orun. He. ij$ apasa. Hell. Hasty. n. Haze. Heartily. n. Hearty. ibi ara. Hawker.t. wo-san.t. lainani. Had. iyori ile. v. n. oru. Heinous. laigboran. Heat. Hazard. and i. adv. Heighten. gberaga. n. 9gba tutu. and i. n. tokan-tokan. Hearsay. tinutinu. Heirloom. Heavy. Haughty.t. lewu. kun fun irira. n. n. Heavenly. Heap. Heaven. Heifer. n. Healing. kanju.t. n. koriko gbigbe. nitoto. Hate. Hearth. igburo. iyara. and i. orun apadi. onisegun. n. and i. n. ilosiwaju. Healer. nibinu. iha iko. Hedgehog. Haughtiness. n. v. olori Headquarters. ori fifo. Hatch. fi baje. awodi. giga. n. Headstrong. n. aket$. n. v. I9. 9na opopo. al^t? orun. adj. Hesitation. kiki 6ke. 9ga. n. Hew. n. Hippopotamus. Hilly. Hide.t. Hereby. l9hin. Highwayman. ti inu eyi. eku. ese. iduro Helper. n. n. HEL Helmet. n. n. n. Hip. ak9ni.t. Hencoop. Her. n. pron. Herb. ago adi?. n. adj. adj. adj. Him. v. ran -I9W9 . v. pron. Hinge. adv. Heretofore. adahunse. ak9 (?iy9). v. Heroism. Hence. idina. adv. Herring. High water. $W9 ^ran. woye. Iwa akvni. n. Hemisphere. f9nule. on. High. n. v. fi ake ke. loke. iwakun. aladam9. ni b9ru.i. Hemp. v. l^hin eyi. adv. ibi isapam? si. i?9ti v. Heredity. n. Digitized by Google . ariya. alagbara. n. itan. olori ni nkan mim<>. Hindermost. erinmi. idaduro. oke kekere.t. n. adj. oluranl9W9. Highminded. n. igbardko. Hill. Hideous. n. n. nihinyi. H9 giga. n. n. adj. soke. akede. n. Herald. Highland. ga. pam9.t. Hiccough. pron. Helpless. Heritage. Hem. ninu eyi.t. adv. 68 HIS Herself. Hire. siyemeji. n. adv. okun. td li $W9Herdsman. Hernia. n.. n. ijogiin. n. nikanju. Hermit. iyemeji. iham9ra asibori. n. sukesuke. t. n. Hilarious. adv. adam$. nipa eyi. ole. pron. is?. ijogun iwa lati 9w<J obi. n. Helpmeet. akuntan omi. 9hin. adj. ti r§. n. n. Herbalist. Here. Hind. laiya.i. buru. adv. v. n. Hiding-place. and i. n. 6kiti. danadana. Highspirited. Hinderance. Heresy. n. Highpriest. woye. ogun. n. ti r$. n. Hilarity. Heretic. and ti i. n. adv. His. pa-m9. n. Herd. v. Herein. n. ay9. 93a kekere. p^lu eyi. $ya Heron. is?. n. ab9 isu aiye. iranlpw? Help. Helter-skelter. abo adi$. igara. aladagbe. n. $na gbangba. isun 9J9. ibujoko anikangbe. l9hin patapata. ebe. olin^kansin. alagbase. Hierarchy. fi ara adv. Hilt. nidaraya. if9nule. igbati as9. U9 o jina Hermitage. Hinterland. da-duro. Helpmate. Hers. n. lati ihin Henceforth. on. li adj. adj. Hereof. Hierarch. Hero. il^ 6ke. olori alufa. jogiin. at9W9-d9w<J Hereditary. v. abo ti agb9nrin. Hillock. Hiccup. Herewith. eweb9. Hemorrhage. ibadi. gberaga. and i. Hinder. as9. adv. n. n. n. 9J9. igi 9gb^. aw9 9ran. laini iranw<J. Hereafter. Hesitate. n. rudurudu. iyv ifun.t.t. muna. Hen. Hint. oluranI9W9. akoso ninu ohun mim£. n. lati isisiyi I9. agbek9. gba $ya n. n. ontikarar?. pron. Highway. Hireling. n. n. di 9na. das9si v. nigba atij9. seti a§9. adv. darandaran. n. Honeymoon. ti iwe itan. n. Hope. n. 9sin." Historian. 69 HOS Homicide. oluta 9sin. n. ile oyin. Hosanna. ipade ile on 9run. Hole.t.t.t.HIS Hi88 9 v. kojp pamo pamp nikok$. Hopeful. Horseman. sokoto. Hitherto. isedede. Homeless. Honour.t. idimu. Horn. ^wp. n. sofo t^kdtd. banil^ru. koto. i. ib9s£. adj. adj. Holiday. eled^. gba li Hoax. 9hin 9sin. bu pla fun. Hood. adv. and . eyiti a se nil6. n. and i. i. Horseback. Hither. Horsewhip. n. Horizon. nireti. 9I9SU1. t$. 9s 9 fd. VjOOQlC . isin. n. OOUgh. reti. n. Honourable. fi nkan lu. adj. ni g$g9. afara oyin. Hoar.t. Home. i^e ti o wu ni ju.t. arugb6. Digitized by Homeward. n. lewu. akpwe itan ijpba tabi ti enia. iwo. Hoar-frost. and i. ?kan fa si ile. n. n. and roko. mim9. Honeycomb. irun esin. n. adj. inu rere ni sis? alejo. n. n. oniwo. n.t. iwe iyanju fun ijp. Hooked. Hollow. pa dse. idiri. laini aba. v. lainireti. n. se v. Spirit. Historical. n. and i. Hooping-cough. 191a. 91a. Hog. Holiness. n lw$ mu. n. Home-made. n. and i. iwa 9J9 aJ9. ile. v. n. bata 989 psin tabi malu. v. Hospitable. Homesick. n.t. ifa 9kan-si-ile eni. abiwo. ibori. fun bi ewu. b9W9. Whooping. oyin. adj. ik9se. n. and i. ifori- Horror. Ajinde. adj. ok<J iroko. niyin. agb<Jn nla titani. n. it^riba. w<Jse-nle. Horrid. itanje isire. k$. iwe itan. gbe soke. Holy-week. dun bi ej6 " pose. v. v. w. adj. v. n. daba. §t<? iyin Ql9run. 9J9 ere. igbeyawo. duro sinsin.*. Hold. otit9. Iri didi.t. ibugbe. Honey. lw$. Horned.t. adv. n.t. ireti. idaduro. n. Holy. n. Hive. apania. kehun. adj. Hoof. Horsehair. lu. h6. n. v. adj. n. ihd. n. Horse. Hoary.t. adj. v. Holyday. adj. siha il6. History. ik9 fere. adj. vJ. sot?. Hopeless. v. se lakalaka. 9gba 9sin. Homily. Hoop. n. Honesty. dimu. n. Hoist. Hoarse. l^tan. ik9 ipa Hoot. Holy Ghost. rpjp. n. Hornet. bal^. fi Hop. Honorary. i. adj. ib^ru. Hoard. Hobble. de ihin. titi di isisiyi. v. ipaiya. osu kini l9hin Hitch. n. lpfe. adj. adj. Hobby. 959 ti o Homage. and i. Hose. boloju. n. Hoodwink. sainile. 9ja agba. pamo. ?mi saju Horrible. v. n. adj. n. adj. n. Holy Mim9.t. n. Hook. adj. Honest. and *. fa soke. n. v. n. w. isura ti a kojp nikpk^). de ihin latehinwa. role. lailes^. Hoe. Hit. buruju. adj. Horsedealer. mim9. and idaduro. ek9 nipa ara lile. Household. Housebreaker. 9k<J. ke. aya bale. 9de. Hostler. Huge. ft. abuke. kun bi oyin. olosa. agbole. n. House. ft. HysBna. Hunger. ija gbangba. $f e. w. bawo. adj. Hovel.). Hound. Hum. nirele. . n. ft. kolekole. Humbug. egbe oko. Hundred. Husband. tutu. v. Howbeit. How. ebi npa. and i. v.HOS Hospital. adam^di. Hush. n.t. iroko. 9k9lobirin. eru. il6 ile 70 itpju alarun. . ti ebi npa. ft. Hour.t. te. adj. iyale. fi owo gbampra. Humiliation. n. Husk. ire Hug. Hourglass. awpn si adj. rin. Hue. adj. Hunter. §ya. adj. Huddle. itanje. n. re-sile. n. Hulk. alejo. Hotheaded.t. omi. n. n. re- ft. ikanju. ft. aw$. ba. ft. idogo. ft. agara. ft. Housemaid. nika.t. n. Hundredfold. pa-lara. dugbolugi. and i. tit obi. ti sihin ti S9hun. v. v. v. and i. Host. funlu. Hut. inu didun. Hurtful. sibe. Husbandman. v. tirele-tirele. Howl. Hospitality. adj. ft. aja idpde. osonu. v. adv. dake ! panum9 ! ifam9ra. inu ok$ . se it9Ju. ile. irenisile. ile talaka. lya ile ero. However. te l9run. Hourly. alaisan . gbona. n. muna.t. adj. li ona wo. Hostess. and i. pgpgprun. iji file. sodi si. pgprun. ile ero. Husbandry.t. ft. Housewife. n. n.t. egbe ogun. bi o ti wu ki o ri. Digitized by VjOOQlC . Hustle. ft. Hurt. v. adj. idile. panilerin.t.t. Hyena. sugbpn. ile kekere. conj. Hymn. Hostility. olutoju esin. adv. ft. v. adj. se ife 9kan. Humorous. Hydrophobia. ft. ba ja. and i. and i. Hover. ft. ide.t. iransebirin ni ile.' ft. nla. apara. inter. Humanity. Hush-money. ft. Hostel. adj. Hunt. v. and i. adj.i. Hubbub. n. ft. n. ft.t. fi &9kd kikan. Hungry. ipalara. »i. ifunpo wuruwuru. Humdrum. ni inu rere. v. bale ile ero . w. v. te lori- Humidity. p^l^p?Hygiene. Hurry. ft. olutoju ile. Iwa inu rere Humbly. Humpback. v. Hunchback. n. nipalara. ft. bale ile. ft. Human. wu bi aja. ariwo irukerudo. ft. Hybrid. le. digi ti a fi yanrin si fun idiwpn akoko. wakati. ikokd. v. adv. sile. ariwo. adj. Hot. epo ara eso igi. Hump. spde. ft. de. agb^.t.t. itutu orinrin. rababa yi ka nibi kanna. ft. Hostage. House-keeper. olut9Ju oko. Hurricane. owo abetele. Humour. Householder. v. Hotel. Hurl. Humid. Humiliate. ni wakati-wakati. n. ft. yara. ile ero. Hostile. ago. ft. ike. sira. iwa enia inurere. ft. adj.t. kun. ft. ebi. adj. orin mime. Humane. ft. and i. seun. ti enia. HYM Humble. Ill-favoured. Ignominy. isin ere. 9019.t. conj. oye. 9I9. Ignition. Ignore. Idol. and i. buru. ft. se ifarawe. labukun. aifiyesi. didi. laibi ni igbeale. ohun kanna. v. sisity si ilu mi. nisisiyi. aikasi. aworan. ^tan. ft. ilodi si ofin. ilohun 9r9. Imitation. Illicit. v. adj. Immoderate. ft.t. Illuminator. pron. Immigration. ft. Idiom. Ignorant. Ignoble. 6pe enia. ft. isonu. afarawe.t. aim$. adj. HI. Immature. and i. isity si ilu ml. v. iwe orin mimp. v. adj. ainise. jamba. ifihan. ailoye. lojukanna. ni im9l9. adj. ni iwa funfun. Idolatry. ft. 71 IMM Illiterate. ap?re. adj. ib^risa. 16di si ofin. le. 9I9. l9gan.t. yawo Illiberal. ft.ehin. iwa buburu. tan im9le. ft. adj. if $ buburu. Illimitable. itinab9. ng. Imagination. ifuni ni im9le. emi. Ice. o darajul9. iye inu.t. Iainiw9n. lainiala. ere. lainawo. Immaterial. labukun. ro. woye. Iaim9niw9n. kun. v. Illusion. kikun. irira. ait9 si ofin. n. If. adj. Hypocrisy. ft. Hypocrite. Illegible. adj. aspddn. Immodest. iwe. ft. iwa agbere. v. ft. Illness. Ignominious. Immediately. ko aper? ti aworan. lokiki. Illegitimate. legan. Ird. fi se aper?. 9gan. v. lainitiju. ifihan. adj. iro. Illustration. ft. nfun ni I. alaim9 Hyperbole. se aworan. asiwere. se Illumination. ft. n. Ill-will. ft. lailera. ft.t. aisot9. lewu lori. Ill-nature. alafarawe. isp 9r9. adj. v. terl ninu omi. adj. Identical. iladi. k$. Identify. lainilari. lainiw9n. Illustrate. apere. Immerge. n9la. ft. Imagery. ft. ft. 9m9 Immigrate. Idolater. adj. f$ rek9ja. alainise. tele. Imbibe. loruk9. ft. tinab9. Image. asiwere. ft. Iaik9we. lailagbara. Idea. bi. buru. adj. Idiot. ft. ft. Digitized by Google . it9le. iterl ninu omi. mu ft. aisise. adj. Idler. omi ft. lope. lai- Ignorance. sinu. arid i. v. Immoral. Idolize. 911a ait9. aisan. itiju. adj. Illegal. ab$risa. adj.t. v. laid^w9. ft. adj. Immense. Ignite. Immaculate. adj. Immediate. ft. Ignoramus. Immersion. adj. adj. aisan.t. orisa. agabagebe. Idleness. Illustrious. ere. adj. Illuminate.t. isina. Imbecile. ofo. legan. ft. Imitate. Ideal. aip9n. mo. n. ail9la. l9gan.HYM Hymn-book. 9niti ft. adj. v. sunm9 itosi. li arun. adj. ise agabagebe. si iyat9. adj. laim$. . aigbo. niim$ daju. soro lati ka. Imminent. adj. moye.t. lainiwa rere. adv. Idle. lailala. Immeasurable.t. Imitator. adj. ladi. Imagine. tobi pup9. ft. adj. v.t. v.t. adj. lai^gbpn. Impend.t. Import. Implicate. n. Impair. lailojuti. bu-fun. adj. laiku. Impolite. n. v. Improve. Immortality. v. Importance. adj.t.t. adj. ?letan. Imprecation. iwere. Importation. Implacable. aironupiwada. pipase tasetase. Imprint. Impolitic. v.i. v. Impassable. Impulsive. si l9run. n. Impugn. tun-se. n. inidi . Impatient. lafojudi.t. iwa. v. Impress. fi-bu. v. v. adj. laimoye. Impetuosity. Importer. n. Imperative. aladaw9le. Impartial. lesidi. Impart. Impetus. W9 ilu. lainirotel?. adj. nigiri. ailera.t. ir9J9. IMP laimoye laini* aidibaje. itunse. egun. Imperfection. n. iham9 inu Imprisonment. irplu. Imposture. mu-san. ailese. labukun. fasehin. Immovable. adj. adj. laipe. lailekpja. fi si iranti. warere. n. soro. aimusuru. n. Imperishable. laigb9n. ti siwaju. di-l^w^. fi-sun. idaw9le. Imperious. Impertinence. Impediment.t. v. Impeach. Improper.t. anfani. ba-je.t. S9gba yi fi-fun. airi. duro sinsin. lailese. ese. lailelaja. adj. Implication. Impostor. idil^w^. laini oju- imu 9Ja okere lati saju enia. awiyannu. adj. aiku.t. Improbable.t. laila. Imposition. agbara ir9lu. agidi. bebe. mu lati n. Immortalize.£. n.t. v. Impel. n. v. w. v. Impenetrable. Impatience. ikplu. lailerib?. n. t9-m9. sop$. Improvement. iwara. Imperil. Impudence. Digitized by Google .t. Impoverish. adj. gbin sinu. Impregnate. Important.t. ohun nidi. aipe. n. ifibu. so-rp. kilp. lai- Impenitence. lagbara ir9lu. adj. Impede. v. Imperial. ^tan. Imperceptible. Implant. n. n. laidibaj?. iwuwo. fi-gegun. Immutable. lagbara. ailojuti. wuwo. okere W9 ilu. n. Iait9. ha-1119. ko tl. v. lailesinidi. fi-ran. i ka. Improvident. v. Implore.t. iwabuburu. ti 9ba. lati fi sinu ewu.t. laiduro. Imprecate. n. pataki. aibpw9 fun Qlorun. n. v. adj. adj. adj. abukun. Impetuous. H9W9 ninu nkan. imusan. v. 89 di talaka. lailese. ere. Impale. Importunity.t. v. Imprudent.t. Impossible. Impracticable. niwara. isoro. kvlu. lpta. aim9. aikanu Impenitent. Immunity. 9niti o mu 9ja okere W9 ilu.t. da-duro. alafojudi. 72 adj. adj. ti ijpba. n. iyanju ikolu lagbara^ ifunlokun.t. ka le. adj. adj. aisimi. ohun pna. v. Impregnable. n. adj. v. adj. dap$>. Imprison. ailagbara. aidibaje. adj. aironupiwada ese. se-m9 inu tubu. Implement. n. fi ami si. and i. adj. 89 di alaiku. idina. v. W9I9W9. tubu. aiyipada. adj. lotitp. Impulse. Impudent. n. Impose. 9W9 is? lain. Impotence. fi-lolu. adj. adj. n. Impiety. pataki.IMM Immortal. te-m9. laiye. n. v. Imperfect. b$. Impossibility. adj. and ifi i. Inapplicable.. Incompetent. n. alabapade. ti a k6 le tu Inauspicious. mu-binu. n. aipe. im^le. n. ka si. yesi. Inaccurate. ailagbara. lailegba. In. ere. lading. ifa Incline. adj. adj. ise- Incapable. inu tubu. adj. n. faiya. Incommodious. Inaccessible. adj. el 6. tyra.t. adj. adj. adj. laifiyesi. ham9 fifi Incarnate. adj. laiy?. adj. adj.t. k9gb9. adj. esi. adj. idamejila 0SUW911 9S9 kan. Inaugurate. gba li agbara. lai- Inconspicuous. fi-p^lu. v. Incarcerate. Inapproachable. laiduro. Incoherent. Iail9gb9ra. aity- Incontinent. adj. lailorire. ka-kun. Inception. lailejiyan. Inclement. ifi 9ran sun. n. laiwoye. Iaifaram9ra. ke. adj. n. itesi. adj. laifi- laironu. Iair9run. Incident. lailanu. ka si li 9run. laisedede. i. laimaraduro. adv. Incomprehensible. Inapt. Inconceivable. Inborn. ipiles?. Incantation. ainipa.". Incomparable. lailem$. laiy^ni. laiduro. lailedimu. v. Impute. Incendiary. Impure. ti o kere pup9Ju. Incontestable. ?ran ara bd. adj. lati k9 b^r^. Inconvenient. v. lainilari. v. adj. niru 9kan soke. isise. Iais9ra. n. n. leka. isop9. Inconsistent. adj. ru 9kan soke. dap9 &9kan. adj. laipe. laim^. Include. esun. Iair9iun. lofo. lailese. lailesumru?. lailesiro. aijiya. Iailes9r9 dara- dara. v. v. bibinini. v. adj. n. Incense. kunle-kunle. Impurity. niw9nbi. adj. ad. eri. v. adj.lailagbara. Incapacitate. Incautious. n. iwa aimp. ninu. adj. n. owo-9dun. Incise. leri. adj. Incorporeal.t. laipe. 71. Incivility. adj. laifojusi. laiy 9. Inane. nisise. imu ?ran ara W9. atinab9le. Iait9. adj. si. ad. orin af9S9. gbagbe. alaim9yi. lai- Inaudible. Imputation. fiwe. laisimi. adj. tutu. laibamu. v. Inanimate. Iailebaraj9. adj. Inaction. laipe. Inapprehensible. piles?. Inarticulate. prep. fiyesi. v. 9I9. adj. adj. laibamu. laibamu. Inasmuch. ody.t.IMP Impunity. v. Incorrect. Iait9. Incontinenoe. n.t. Incite. gbon. ailagbara. ib9 I9W9 lya jije. gben. Inaccuracy. Inappropriate. Inadvertenoe. adj. Digitized by VjOOQlC . orun turari. ib9r9. lai ton kan. ni. aimaraduro. Inbred.t. laito. Incorporate. nika. adj.t. Incalculable. laile- and adj. Incompatible. ni- Inoh. ni if 9 si. 9kan t^-si. aim<^. laini ara. Inconsolable. adj. n. sa. adj. n. kura.t. n. isedi. Inconstant. n.t. lail^mi. Inconsiderate. Inoentive.t. Inadequate. Inadmissible. Inoessant. Inability. 73 INC Incarnation. ninu. lailegbcj. n. laiy? Income. Incomplete. adj. adj. Inclination.t. Iailesunm9. Incapacity. Inattentive. dide. Induct. ininu.t. Incurable. adj. iyil9kan pada. Indispensable. lainiwa rere. Iaigb9n. lailebori. lait9- Inequality. adj. n. ibaj^. lailepin. jigbese. v. v. Indiscretion.INC rekpja. fi-han. aileda ninu. Inelegance. Indescribable. adj. ap9n. lairiwisi. Indemnity.t. Indeed. ibinu. and i. Industrious. laini as9- fi-sun. and i. Inebriate. fi si oye. ti 119. v. Index. aiy9. ise onisowo. Indulge.t. v. aba. dagba. adj. adj. lailagbara. n. nitot9. ti ko se gbagb9. laiwotan. Ineffectual. laisimi. n. adj. Incumbent. Indecorous. saba Inculcate. laileso.t. laisetara. adj. adj. aigbvn . w^>g9. Ineffective. adj. n. laisusi. nidarudap9. laity&tyni. laihan.t. Indefatigable. Indication. ifihan. laigbarale. n. lailepar^. adj. Indiscriminate. Indictment. <?yin. adj. n. Indecision. Indecent. adj. Incur. k9we. lailap9n. adj. adj. lainani. Indelible. lailare. adj. imele. Inebriation. adj. ti ilu. laini alakoso. 9yin. Inequitable. Incredulous. laisimi. Indiscreet. Indivisible. Increment. v. Indicate. Indirect. n. Indestructible. adj. Digitized by VjOOQlC . talaka. and i. aida onJ9 ni inu. olukuluku. runu. lailesapejuwe. Inestimable. Iap9n. I9I9. nitori Indolence. iyemeji. ifikun owo-is9. adj. Indebted. lailas9.t. soro lati gbagbp. n.t. Indigo. adj. imuti para. adj.t. 91U k9kan. Individual. adj. Induce. ainiye. adj. adj. 9IU. nitot$. adj. ta?ka si. v. laidibaj^. Indignation. lailetu.t. adj. ah*?. abukun. ik9. aimoye. ai-ya-ara. aper?.t. t^nump. v. ni ailera. aisan Incriminate. n. isaba lori v. Incorrupt. kan. n. adj. adj. Increase. n. Inert. 9I9 . t^ sinu w<Jg9lai- iwe isowo. n. adj. Iait9 ni yiyan. n. o ni oye ni ijp. Indignity. fi-sun. adj. n. Indulgence. laile Indistinct. aidara. it^kasi. Indigenous. v. $gan. lailopin. n. adj. Indolent. adj.t. adj. laisot9. adj. n. lori ?yin. Indifferent. adv. hurcu?. n. ad. n. Inexcusable. asunkun. Indignant. laisi aniani. is9k§kan . n. Indomitable.t. Indigestible. pa kekere. n. kd daju. Indoors. Indwell. ^niti laihan. adj. Indict. n. ibisi. v. Inducement. Incubate. ninu ile. laileparun. muti para. Indent. Indigestion. Indisputable. INE bum Indiscernible. wu. Industry. binu. Indoor. aipinnu. Indigent. r$. or adj. laise aini.t. v. gbe inu. J9-nigbese. n. b9l9W9. igb9wp i. ka 939 si tyrun. Ineligible. k9..t. ya kuro. adj. aid9gba. fi-han. Individuality. v. Independent. adj. olu- kuluku. laile aile- Inevitable. n. ifihan. and i. n. Indisposition. and n. adj. iwe esun. v. v. laileyesil9.laiwosan. adj. Indisposed. bal-bal. adj. Incredible. Indefinite. diyele. Incorrigible. Indissoluble. adj. laini. p98i. l9ra. adv. farak9. Indite. yi li 9kan pada. Incubation. adj. n. adj. ki kere ju. ba-j^. Inimitable. Ingratiate.t. ogun. iJ9niya. n. esu. Infusion. f^ la f? ju. adj. n. adj. Inform. ihum$. fi-sun. adj. ra Infatuation. Inimical. fi ijoni. adj. da-sinu. 9S9. Inexpressible. ailefarawe. 39 di iwere. lainawo pup9. ail9P9. isan sinu. n. adj. Digitized by VjOOQIC . n.t. mu-binu.t. pa-lara. ohun inu. Injurious. n. saigb9ran. adj.t. elo. t$ sinu. lailera. v. Infect. laiy^. Infallible. ida omi sori nkan lati fa adun r$ jade. v. Injudicious. n. Inexperience. Infatuate. n. sise. v. Inheritor. Injure. n. mu Inflect. Infinite. r^Yun ju. adj. Initial. Inferiority. n. Iwa buburu. Informant. n. ipil^^. mi sinu. n. as9.t.t. v. Information. laile&ina. iranm9. Influential. igba iwa 9m9de. mu-1119. n. and tinab9. n.t. ile awpn i. Influenza. Infer. ti Infernal. Inject. adj. buru n. ikore oko. adj. lailopin. mi JU1I9. lailesp. lailagbara. Infidel. b^r^. adj. Iail9gb9n.t. lailogo. k^ 1^9. v. 9m9-9hin. ipa lori 91U. lailetump. Infantry. 91119-oguii 9I9S9. ^niti ns9 fun ni. Inflict. Inflexible. Ingenuity. n. ipalara. Infamy. Injury. Ivgb9n.t. ifikun. Inglorious. adj. Infant. n. adj. adj. aimore. Influx. v. n. lewu. bi 9ta. alaigbagb?. dl-sinu. Inextinguishable. lairprun.t. Infliction. Inhabit. v. v. Injunction. Inexplicable. Infamous. ib^r^ oruk9. Iniquity. n. Infanticide. adj. rel? ju. ran 1119.t.t. Infrequent. Inflammation. fif 9 la f 9 ju. v. adj. alaif^ alejd Inhuman. n. ailet^.t. adj. lagbara. aisotita?. gbe mu ero jade. ifisun. 9gb9n. Influence. ti gbona. nika. Infest. ya kuro l^na. Inhospitable. l^ux}. v. n. Infirmary. nika. f$ soke. $gan. se oju rere si. lailelotan. adj. v. ru. n. Inhale. iyanju. ^k9. Injustice. v. niye. Inexpedient. j^-niya. Inherit. Initiate. fi le lara. lailepa. Infuiiate. ailera. v. pipa 91119 9W9. iwifun. Infirm. 75 yi-ka. laigb^b^. olugbe. v. Inhabitable. af$f$ kun. arole.INE Inexhaustible. adj. agbara.t. aiso- Inflame. aisedede. laisot9. ika. Inflate. daju. Ingraft. v. Ingredient. k9 ni ipiles9 gba s$gb9. Iaiw9p9. ti 9run apadi. aigbagb?. v. aimoye. adj. eyiti a le gbe Inferior. v. mu- dodo. Inhabitant. Infuse. Inexpensive. inu. adj.t.t. n. igbina. adj. Ingratitude. n. n.t. lya. adj. Inexorable. y9-l9nu. v. ru ibinu soke. Infirmity. alaisan.t. n. w. Ingathering. adj. arun otutu.t. v. Infanoy. v.t. dajurekpja. n. legan. ibaJ9. adj. n. INJ Infold. n. Infidelity. ini. n. and i. nihum$. n. Infringe. adj. lainip^kun. jogun ini. Inheiitance. aisenia. wi-fun.t. 91119 9W9. v. fi sinu. Ingenious. ajogun. Infection. lainiye. n. y<?- li akoko ti kd Insobriety. akq\Q. adj. n. adasan. laile san gbese. te si.t. jina Inmate. nikura. ilasile. adj. lojukanna. Insensible. de-si. ayida. ofin. lesekanna. v. Institute. n. Inobservant. adv. adv. v. ^bun. ti inu tyhun. n. lewu. In-patient. n. adj.pl. n. apere. n. fi-sinu. JainiW911. adawin. Digitized by Google . Inside.t. kokoro. ailes?. ni iseju kan. laiba ninu je. Insatiable. fi ase fun. mu laraya. Insensibility. Inland. ibojuwo. lail^mi. Instantaneous. $da. n. ibere. finfin. n. Innervate. Insolence. v. n. lailewari. iwa mimp. laifiyesi. fi-kun. aibale 9kan. Innkeeper. Inordinate. Inroad. tadawa. inu. Inspiration. ami oye. aito nkan. Institution. aidaniloju. it9se nipa ilana Inquisitive. adj. Inspector.t. n. n. fi jaguda I9-1119. Instability. bibinibi. Inquest.t. wadi.. Inquisition. wiwadi. n. aimp. fi si ipo oye. n. ninu. adj. n. Insanitary. Instil. n. Inorganic. bdre. v. Inscription. r9-si. Insolvent.t. adj. Instalment. aw9n alaisan. adj.t. laisotp. Innermost. t9S9. aisot*?. k9 sori. n. igbogun si. Inspect. Instal. Insomuch. Inquire. adun. Insolent. Inquiry. lanitetyrun. kan. Insinuate. Insignificant. Insinoere. imisi. Insincerity. Inoculate. it9se. adj. adj. adj.t. adj. v. igbekale. fi oju si. nipo. eniti a gba sinu ile" Inspection.t. adj. Innate. dan. k9 li ek9. Inspire. Insecure. siwere. n. im9 Insect. n. ikura. Instinot. alabojuwo. lainiye. olugbele. adj. Inscrutable. afojudi. adj. w. n. Insidious. im$. fi-lel?. laile sun. letan. v. Innocent. adj. adj. w. idoti. ami. Insignificance. ?tan.t. Instigate. rere. laito fi nkan. si okun.t. Inn. adj.INK Ink. Innooenoe. tenum9. Instant. aim$. n. iwadi iku eni. fin. v. adj. Insight. n. lainipanilara.t. Insomnia. v. igo-tadawa. fi etan wa oju Insipid. Ink-bottle. lafojudi. adj. and i. n.t. nifekufe. adv. adv. adj. adj. Inoffensive. Innumerable. alais$. v. Install. laile Insert. Innovation. imuti para. n. bojuwo. pinnu. ebe. Insignia. laini lari. alabewo. laiduro. sinwin. adj. Instantly. Enquire. Instead. and se. fa-sinu. ibojuwo. mi-sinu. ile ero. Instruct. tob$. n. v. v. i. lojukanna. eri. lojukanna. Inopportune. n. loke ile. v. ro. Inkling. adj. agbara fun. adj. n. laini Insist. n. mu ohun titun wa. Inscribe. INS ya kuro. adj. v. Insane.wo. niwpn bi. aiduro nibikan. gbe-kal?. ftapse. iwadi. olut9Ju ile-ero.t. tit9se. laim$. 76 Inseparable. v. adj. Instance.t. n. Inquietude. n. ifojusi. laifohunsile. di I9W9. Interruption. se gbedegbpy9. n.. lailopin. owo Intimacy. aseleke. v. lailebori. Intoxicate. Digitized by Google .t. laitpriba. pinnu. igba larin akoko ti 9ba kan je v. fi kan. w. ek9. ye wa. onitum^. larin eya enia. n. lailekpja. isp- fun. igbeyawo ninu idile meji.t. Intermarriage.t. Insuperable. Interchange. Intercessor. Intermittent. Interminable. Intersect.t. olukpni. v. ti ibalo larin aw9n orile ede. Interment. Interview. adj.t. ero. iladi. laiyp. bi-lere. idaduro. adj. dappmp. ad/. v. sptp si. v. n. Interpretation. pa li 9ti. af^spna. arin . Intact. irohin. nitori ki. afojudi.t. laito. pkanran. idile kan ni iyawo fun idile keji. n. (H-I9W9. da-duro.t.t. and i. kikankikan. sipp. v. v. laifowokan. n. Interval.i. ilaja. ninu. v. imp. v. pin niya. ojiji. prep. igbe r9Ju. otitp inu. n. ete. v. Intimidate. adj. Interrogation. adj. Integrity. kikan nisi. Insurmountable. ke nibu. n. adj. v. Interest. Instrument. lai- Insult. Intermediate. alagbawi. gbpran. n. Intellect. Intelligence. adj. itum9. v. Intimation. sp-sarin. b9 sarin. 77 igbe eni INT Intermarry. Inter. adj.t. Intervene. asp. ni im$. n. Interjection. Interior. n.t. ifojukoju. Intervention. v. w. ispte lailebori. ibald. bebp. se ilaja. n. Intolerable. ifaram^. Into. gbiro. Intercourse. ojukanra. bp sarin. and i.t. n. n. si.i. Intimate. se peu=iiparo. ele. n. tu kakiri. bere. v. da li ekun. Intend. ifun inu.t. and i. larin. adj. gbedeInterpreter. sinu. ohun elo 9116. Intermission. $bp. se afojudisi. adj. ibarp. eyiti gbey9. Intertwine.i. v. ibilere. ogbify. in pnu le dip. idide si. adj. adj. Interdict.t. n. laise laile ifi v. Internal. isinku. adj. v. ti inu. adj. oye. Intestines.t. Intersperse. da duro. n. idi. n. and i.t. aye Intercede. n. v. adj. nipipe. Intelligent. inahin. loye. Interfere. International. sin.INS Instruction. pnu le 019. lagbe- Insubordinate. v. dpruba. onipp. n. n. and i. jina Interject. n. n. Intense. Intermingle. ibere. n. Intertribal. si eti okun. Intention. v. n. demeji. I9P9. Insurrection. adj. ti inu l^hun. Insufficient. Interpose. adj. J9J9. onilaja. oye r$ si le Intemperance. susi. idaw9 duro. larin. Intent. ib9 sarin. tum9. v.t. daiyafd. n.t. akoko k9ja Intercession. n. adj. Interpret. iwa titp.t. Instructor.t. n-si. wem9. Interregnum. n. a le mp. . v.t. anfani. Intended. oye. Intestate. Insure. Intercept. Interrupt. Intelligible. tple ekeji. idiw9. adj. mu-daju. adj.i. v. igbpda-gbpda. b9 si arin. dide si. idalpkun. n. aseju. v. Insurgent. n. ti Interrogate. loke. ibapade. ifihan. r$. v.. on. adj. tos^. y9- Introduce. ITE Involuntary. lailatunse. Introspect. Invariable. Invincible. mu-binu. adj. v. Invoke. n. v. laini ipinnu. ifiowopam9. Invite. mu-le. adj. li 78 9U. 999. Irreconoilable. b9 g9g9. Irrigate. laifi if9 agidi. i. ibinu.t. Invasion. n. n. fi-han. laile sal9gb9. tan im^le si. Irresolute. n. Irreparable. v. 939. v.t. ifisile a kd Isolate. gbadura si.t. It. Irritate. mo lara. rikisi. Intrinsic. Invisible. y9Ju Irregular. leses?. diduro sinsin. gba pada. Inversion. fi adj. n. eyi ara. v. Irrespective. laisedede. Isthmus. idimim$ fun. adj. i. Invert. iyemeji. alail$w$. v. Invade. pron. 9k9kan. l?nu. Intransitive. wadi. and san jade. Irony. adj. adj. adj. Invocate.t. lailagbara. Introduction. v. pe. Intrepid. Issue. iyebiye.t. Investment. laifoya. lagbara. v. 9run H9. igboiya. ti lailes^. n. Iterate. n.t.t. iwari. Itch. si. v. gbogun si. adj. Ironmonger. n. laib9W9 Irrevocable. adj. wem9.t. jingiri. adj. n. ipa Intractable. olokunrun.t. alailera. Irreverent. Invention. v. Is. laile gba pada. 91x19. igbogun ti. adj. Iail9gan. Isle. 9gbpn titun. adv. Invest. v. ke pe ninu adura. Iron.t. Item. fun.t. adj. v. Irreproachable. n. v. iwa bi Ql9run. Invalid. adj. and i. v. Invocation. adj.t. fun li agbara. adj. Inundate. adj. inu. n.t.t. Involve. Intricate. Invigorate. tun-se. lairi. ihunra. le S9nu nikangbe dado. iranp$ apara. n. Invaluable. n. Ire. iypju Intuition. Irksome.t. yi Intrude. Invent. se li bomi rin. ki o v. omi bo. INT Intoxication. lairekpja. Islander. laile adj. iwe owo <Jja. ojulowo. adj. wa. adj. adj.i. irunu. ni igboiya. dan. n. Introvert. laise akiyesi.t. adj. n. wo si awdsinu. inu se. adj. p?lu .t. laile k9ju ija si. n. lailediyele. yi-pada. ara erekusu. laini lait6 Intrusion. n. ipe. n. v. tun-wi. awpn Imale Inveterate. Inure. hum$.t. iyipada. Jail9S9. onis9 irin. da lagara. Irresistible. Island. laihan. ninu.t. v. adv.t. dorikodo. wp li a^o. laile pe pada. isin Islam. Inward. laile la nija. adj. Invoice. ile toro ti nso U9 meji p9 . Irradiate. adj. fi Investigate. n. ikepe ninu adura. irin. to. and wa laipe. ogbon inu. Intrigue. n. idorikodo. Invitation. Intrepidity. and i. l<Jlu. v. si laipe. Irrecoverable. n.t. adj. lailebaje. v. n. se opin. kawe. eso. erekusu. owo pam9. n. mu-m$. diju. adj. Inviolable. laile tunse. Irretrievable. v. Digitized by Google . le bori. laise tinutinu. v. Irreligious. Invulnerable. ir$. n. n. akoko adpta a nse iranti dapara. and i. omi eso ti a n iyo n. Journey. igi aja. v. Jubilant. ipanil9rin. eso igi ti a ti se. n. n. Journal. v. gb$nagb$na. Jealous. Jolly. Jocose. and i.t. idal^bi. adj. kun fun nk9 ay9. ti ile 9J9. v. y9. ewu. ijo. n. n.t. fun-p$. Jest. v. Jagged. Jabber. and i. Job. tay9-tay9. mani. Judge. se Jew. i. ajum9sep9. ijoko-idaj'9. and i. n. jiga. po88. n. and i. Joint. and i.t. alagbata esin. onidajp. v. n. idajp. Jam. n. on tikalar§. n. Qlprun Olodumare.t. tir$. Joyful. irin lati ilu Its. pariwo. v. n. Jinrikisha. pron. ara alu- Hebrew. apara. n. fi-kun. Judgment-seat. n. ti onidaJ9. orike. Judgment-hail. kiri. Jewry. v. isan.t.. 9k$. kan si Jostle. Jockey. Jolt. Olugbala araiye Jet. n. Jealousy. ay$. Journalist. onis^na igi. and i. n. ni inudidun. Joyfully. and i. Jog. odun. Joke. Jingle. ooy. olutoju ^nu pna. Jailer. i^f?. Jesus. gbangan idajp. nkan Jesu. n. n. n ejika gbun ml. v. ijowu. osu kini 9dun. Jersey. Join. 9019 Israel. Jot. pagunpagun. s<J ni kiakia. Joy. okuta iyebiye. s$. Jewel. odun pataki. Jigger.i. Iay9. fun P9. and i.t. adj. n. v. sisor9 laiyanju. n. Jar. n. okuta iyebiye. v. n. and fi-s<?f<?. n. ak9we irohin. idasil?. adv. oluta Judgment. Jaw. ?niti ngun 9sin sare ije. Judgment-day.t. Jail. ?wu aw9leke. and i. and i. ile tubu. n. Oyinbo Jerk. s^f^. v. ile ewon. n. n. January. n. so-mp. Joist. n. idajp. Jangle. v. 9J9 idajp. n. Jacket. n. Javelin. n. fun ay$. 9r9 9rin. n. ad. ?wu aw9t9l9. Journeyman. igo. egungun pari prpk?. nkan kikini. ba-89. n. inudidun.t. it9>idaJ9. orin ay$. Jointly. n. v. ^f?. efe. se. v. n. ad/. Ivory.i. v. Judicial.ITI Itinerate. Janitor. kikini prp. adj. ni. Digitized by Google . Itself. didun. n. Ivy. n. is? kekere kan.i. Jelly. n. .t. I9 lati ibi ekeji. Joiner. gb9n jigijigl. adv. Jovial. id$. nkan bi saworo. Jubilee.t. Jaundice. n. arun ed9. v. Jeweller. Jeer. ile Judea. iwe irohin. 79 JUD Jig. tl. ehin erin. ti nh6 Jerked-beef. lab 9 ekanna.t. pariwo.t. n. Jaunt. irin ajo. and i. n. olori tubu. n. n. owu. n. n. de ilu. n. Jehovah. n. ijapati. n. itakun eweko. n. adj. fi 9r9 pa l^rin. alagbase. eran jabajaba. se inu Jeopardy. owu. ir6 kokoro ti o nw9 pron. Jocular. fi-sefe.t. k?k? ti enia nfa J. gb^n. adj. esin. olugbe Judea. ohun elo omi. okan rere. Kneading-trough. ara. Justice. toju. n. Knead. Just. ifenukoni. n. v. n. w.t. Kitchen-garden.t. yori sonso. Justification. Jump. Kidney. Knell. i. gege patapata. Jury. onidan. isale ok$. iru. egbe. ororo Kettle. m6ye. omo ewure. v. n. Kiln. ad. n. ru-soke. Kind. ore. July. n. v. n. n.. igbo. Knapsack. Knit. egbe igbimo. tapa. dapo. omo agadagodo. ara. ebu sisun ohun elo am$. v. adj. op<Jn ipo Keg.t.t. inu rere. and i. oba. isolu. ibatan. adj. and wuru. iro agogo. n. Juice. Kitten. n. and i. n. oloye kan. i. oludare. v. k6ro ekuro. eniakenia. v. iwe inu.. n. olufunni. K. ti nse omo-ologini omo- Keeper. omo isika. Kinsman. Knavery. Justify. oje. ila ise. da-duro. dye oba. Keep. igo. Kinswoman.t. Kingdom. omo-odo onje. ibatan obirin. n. obe. n. onitoju. n. Kin. iseun. n. enia mejila ti a yan adj. ara. n. fi owo wun. ibatan. Kerosene. n. adj. Jug. gba li emi.i. idalare. v. n. si ile ejo. Key-hole. n. n. n. Digitized by Google . 0911 kefa odun. pd. sunmomi. gele. Jurisdiction. ji enia gbe. ogba ewebe. Knee. olupamo. n. n. aburo. Knee-cap. n. Kid. Kiss. ile oba. v. ile aja. ti omode. n. 0911 keje odun. egungun ekun. idapo. apo ologun. pa. June. Junior. adj.t. nitara. agba igi. Kingship. inu rere. iyefun. enu kokoro. Keel. n. n. n. n. Knife. and. ewe. Kitchen.i. otito. and i. ibatan okonri. ibi idana. ile isenje . ti enu- Juvenile. 80 KNI n. ogbon. ere. Juggler. ajobi. eletan. n. pa-mo. ad. n. da-lare. diduro sin- sin. Kinsfolk. adv.i. v. w. Kidnap. n. dalu wuru- Kill. gb<>n. and i. Kindle. mu bi obe. n. Just. Keep-sake. n. Kine. ododo onidajo. ago.*.JUD Judicious. $wp. n. Jumble. n. Junction. Kind-hearted. n. n.t. . nitoto. kokoro. Justifler. akoko pataki. adj. omi. inu rere. n. Kerchief. n. Kindness. Jungle. . tina b$. ologbo. Key. n. n. kunle. Kernel. v. n. n. b$. ibatan. olododo. Knave. and i. Kick. kun fun omi. n. Kitchen-maid. . $tan. n. Kept. Juicy. King. v.*. ijoba. f6. abo malu. ekun. Kennel. Keen. n. Kindred.pl. v. nkan ti a fi pamo nitori Knack. omo inu eso. konu. idapo. fi Jut. fitila. kekere. Juncture.t.t. ikoko Knight. sakani ile oye. seun. v. n. v. Kneel. n. n. esp. akasp. ile onisegun. and i. si. iwe ti a nfi sami pru. pna hiha. n. Knock.t. mimo Lancet. Landlord. Lade. n. oke kekere. m§. iyalode. n. v. diju. n. sp amukun. Lagoon. igunlp. n. t*. Laborious. ohunrere-pkun. ti a nlo wun. Large. Language. v. n. Languish. nla. Lark. pra plpdp. onitpju ile-ero. adj. n. onitpju ilp. v. tobi. se Languor. Lance. pgbpn.t. ebute pk$. piyp olorin didun. lppplppp. ru. n. Ladle.t. aini.<• «wd t. n. ala. Lament. de. n. od. •Landlady. di Knot. Landing. orin pfp. iya-afin. bale ile-ero. n. v. Landing-stage. se ilpra. n. pbun . Koran. Knowing. iyarp. n. v. oye iyalode. v. Label. prp. n. n pbp la. fi ahpn la . n. n.t. r$. Lamentation. Kola.KNI Knitting-needle. and i. v. isubu. subu. n. imukun. n. fitila. abprp lati fi 81 LAR Lake. obi. Lane. ede. n. Alkurani. v. pdp-agutan. ifasphin. enia ti a kd iti gba si oye alufa. Lap. ire sise . lu. adj. Laboratory. gbon. adagun.t. n. n.t. pohun-rereLame. Lamb. Know. i.t. adj. implp fitila.t. n. itan. adj. n. n. Lag. n. di. n. apa ilp ti a le oju ri. n. iwe Imale. di pru le. esin. n. n. ibuba pran. adj. n. onilp. Knoll. Lambskin. n. psa. «. Land. agbegbe. pniti nkankun. ku-ku. ni lala. Digitized by Google . 61u. and i. adj. ailera. sise. atupa. ole jija. Jjandward. orike ika. Ladyship. n. se alaini. adagun ibiti omi Lank. oninu rere. Knob.l. Ladylike. amukun. n.i. Lacerate. igbati asp. k6ko. Lameness. abp kekere ti onisegun. ihura. lala. n. and kankun. Ladder. Larder. Lady-day. Lad. Lackey. Landscape. Labour. and i. iranspkpnrin. idiju. aito. n. siha ilp. fa-sphin. oninu rere. v. Labyrinth. Lackadaisical. n.i. orogbo. Laymen. Lantern. pk$. n. Lapse.t. Larceny. Landmark.i. Laity. alagbase. Imp. n. n. pmpkpnrin. Lady. pjp kpdpgbpn osu March.t. v. awpn ijp. koko. Lamplight. n. pniti ntan fitila. Knew. pkun. v. Knuckle. adj. Lard. fa-ya. iruju. v. n. and i. pdpmpkpnri. n. n. n. joro. ilp. sa-lpgbp. kan. moye. n. arp. n. n. Lamplighter. so. ibiti a nfi onjp pamp. Largely. ar$. ladagara.. atpgun. n. n. v.t. asisp. irpbi. n. pip-darun. isp. gunlp. Land-agent. n. and %. gborin. ya. we pp. n. fi Labourer. Lace. se lala rpbi. Knocker. sibi gigun. Laden. v. Lamp. Knowledge. adv. awp pdp-agutan. Large-hearted. n. di. Languid. pna toro . lailokun. igbakp. n. fa-sphin. Largess. fitila. $k$. adv. okun nsan Lair. Lack. 9J9. Laziness. ilana. iwpra. fi-sil?. eniti o ti ku. n. n. n. am^na. 9W9 d9ngb9r9Lay. n. fi sofo. imp. jij6. v. Leavings. yin. Leather. Lathe. and i. Left. Latiine. kereju. adj. lailewe. iwe kekere. n. jafara. adj. farasin. nijelo. adj. Lawful. Leafy. oninakuna. n. n. n. ti a fi nti ilpkun.t. Lassie. and i. r^rin. ailera. n. Leaves. n.t. n. alagbafp. kulo. and i. ar$. onild- Launch. y? fun iyin. v. 9IC9. adj. adj. n. se. Lawyer. ti Last.LAR Larva. 82 LEA Law-breaker. Lax. 9d9m9birin. v. Laundress. Leave. Lawn. ikekere igi tabi irin v. Lead. n. d$ra. iwukara. adj. ti 9gb£. and i. b£. idin. ajpkii. ile igb9ns9. n. amoye. lairi. Lather. and i. jafara. n. panil9rin. aye. olofin. ye. t9-si. Latent. foriti. pdun k^rin-k^rin Laugh. ti>. eni awp eran ti a ti pese fun ilo. t9 si ofin. Layer. kikini. n. Last. p^-jti. ofin. v. yln. pasan na . Leakage. lailofin. W9bia. adj. pasan. n. f9n kakiri. na inakuna. n. Laver. Learn. v. if^kuff Lash. n.t. 9rin. fi-le. k<J 9k9. Laughable. kuro. n. asaju. ti si ibu. adv. v. Lawsuit. oje. ya 9I9. Learned. n. n. v. Leafless. gba im9. Learning. fi ara adj. asofin. t§. ak9k9. Leap-year. 6ye. v. Laud. ar^kuro. n.*. adehun tita ile tabi fifi ile yd ni. adj. Latter. n. adj. adj. Lavish. Leaven. agbada omi. Laxity. Lately. adv. VjOOQlC . n.pl. n. Digitized by Law.i. arufin. Lassitude. Lavatory.t. Laxative. di. 9sun nipa ofin. v. ?niti a r9rin. ru. W9. ^9 oni^na igi. Latitude. Later. n. n. isikun. Led. and i. n.t. n. n. Leap. Leader. f6-soke. n. Larvae. se ampna. Laudable. Lease. wa titi.t. Leave. joro. I9. Lave. iwuwo ara. ikphin. iyin. adj. n. and i. igbphin. n. p9. ni dubul? . 9l9gb9n. egbogi iyagb?. nil9l9yi. Laundry. n. Ibu. akp pdun. nfi Laughter.t. Lass. llagba. 939 pa ara. Law-giver. j6. ti. ik^hin. Latter-rains. ibiti a nfp^p. n. ti si omi. v. Lawless. Latch. League. ikphin. ibi aluw?. ti. n. adj. igb^hin. adj. k9-sil9. ohun 911a aranbata.t. and i. Lastly. ewe. Lava. n. fi v. P9t$l$ ti a nfi koriko bd. Late. gbe-le. Learner. v. dagbere.t. ila. ti ik^hin. v. n. kun fun ew6. sin. adj. v. n. Lateral. kdkdrd. w.t.t. y9. Least. v. Lead. pam<J. Lean. il$. gbega ninu orin. adj. gafara. n. Lasciviousness. okuta onina. Lazy. iho 999. as?. Lavish. Laid. n. tu. Latest.t. ibd. Leak. Last. fi Leaflet.t.t. tyra. Leaf. Laughingstock. maj^nu. and i. adv. v. amofin. ti iha. adj. 9I9. adehun. ewebp. akpwe. da-silp.t. Libertine. n. Ledger. fun ni aye. rp ni inu. idilpna. dpgba. dahun a fi fun. Lecture. itan atpwpdpwp. eke\ Libation. adj. nigigun. n. alaslnru. adanisilp. n. n. conj. tebere. Liberator. tpju. n. idahun fun. se-ofin. esp. Libel.t. Legion. 83 LIB v. n. n. adv. n. Legible. v. busi sehin. n. n. v. adj. n. adj. ti adj. v. tp si ofin. fi Levity. ibplpwp isp. eleke. ohun mimu orombo se. adj.t. ifpkufp. awlnni. Leper. n. n. Leisure. v. jeki. bi ti ofin. Digitized by Google . n. kp li pkp. v.i.t.t. a mase. Let. n. ikojppp iwe.t. ibi ikawe ni 116 Qlprun. ki a ma ba. n. idaduro. n. Legatee. iwe isiro owo. Lent. alaironu. lppplppp. alarm. Library. adv. Legislative. gpgp bi ofin.pl. olutpju akojp iwe. win. pni i. Lemon. n.t. fun. n. idasilp. itogbe. Lengthen. pni nla. Iseraeni. adv. ofin. Level. ara Levi. aye. Liberation. opolopoLegislate. n. n. ya. ologtin. mu-tpju. Liberal. pplu Liberality. adv. n. nan ni kika.LEC Lectern. Legendary. pkp. n. Legacy. adj. n omnira. n. da-duro. and na-lo. yiyp. ofin n. n. pja okun. n.t. adj. ifere. iwe. Liable. n. n. n. akoko awe fun ogoji ojo ni iranti awe ti Kristi. Lecturer. bpwpdilp. Letter. itiju. Lend. ki ori. duro dide. n. Left-handed. asiwa-asibp. ilawp. ifi pti tita wain rubp ohun mimu silp. Lender. Lethargy. iduro fun. orombo. Lexicon. Legislator. n. ti nse ase sa pmp-ogun npa asp. Lemonade. ifuye. and i. n. fisilp. Leprosy. pkun. $k<J. . sun-siwaju. ptp. kereju. alailakoso. Liberally. Less. n. Legend. adj. fa-gun. ilawp. idasilp. n. n. Levite. glgun. mu. ba Lewd. iwe asajp $rp. gpdpged^. adpt§. iwe ti a nko ibawi . l$so. v. osl. adj. alubpsa. Ju. Leviathan. isajp. v. iwe ifisun iba orukp jp. adj. ibawi. alufa ni ijp Lever. n. Liability. Librarian. adj. Length. Legally. oludaide. awpn Levy. v. Lesson. apoti iwe. n. n. n. n. pgbp-ogun. isofin. Leg. ej6 ti nfd. isore. nifpkufp. Left. Letter-box. Legitimate. and i. Liar. ba-wi. Legal. n. gpgp bi ofin. bu isp-iru. Liberty. n. ohun ini. Lest. pa-asp. Lenient. v. Lengthwise. pspnu enia.t. aldsi. aye. mu dpgba. Lees. Iwa yawo. n. n. Legislation. esp. arosp. iwakiwa. sisun. Letter-writer. ogun. adj. Liberate. Leek. tabi owo jp. olofin. din-ku. asofin. Leisurely. plpw$ osl. ti prp ti o ngbe nkan wuwo soke. Leopard. olukpni. n. bibi ni igbe- Lewdness. nlwakiwa. sp di omnira. fi 9da kun. ti v. fa ila t9 . $ya ara. tiwa- Likewise. Lioness. fi and ara i. iranl9W9. ede. Lion. laiwuwo. v. n. lailera. and i. iye. iran. 9 Da » Limp. Line. Liniment. anfani. n. lailopin. iwe ase. eniti o duro dipo elomiran. ni inudidun si. Lip. olori. Liege. mu-fer^. J9. n. orike ew9n. Liner.t. okun ila. ek6.t.. adj. purp. Life-giver. kuwa. pala. opin. n. Life. ni inudidun. Limit. Lintel. and eru. sangbese. adj. v.t. n. didan. fer$. pkp igbala. adj. Lieu. n. a la iron u. aterigba. Lifetime. adj. mp Liquidate. v. Limb. mug$.t. efun Lily. Lid. orukp itanna itanna isumeri. and mu-fuye. n. pelu. igba aiye. amoye adj. so-p9- 9k9 Light-headed. Liken. as9 ^gb?. and okun owu.i. fuye. laiduro sin9m. Liquid. efun kun. Light-minded. itun pran owo se. Linguist. v. Digitized by VjOOQIC . n. tiro. d$ra. gbe-soke. bi omi. n. ideri. ide. i. y<J. n. fukufuku. n. v. n. bfgege. Lie. 9k9 nla. fun ni aye. 1119 gara. fi-w?. v. afarawe. fute. and i. v. Liquidation. idile. 9J9 aiye. a§9 funfun. seke. dubule. v. n. Lighthouse. gbe-ga. as9 9gb? kikuna. n. fi se akawe. dabi. n. ipala. iri. n. n. Lining. dunm9. Ligament. n. JiJ9- 099. Limitation. adj. License. n. ti. n. jeje. n. n. v. ala. and i. kiniun. eka igi. Light. ir<J. n. ide. Ligature. emi.t. la. n. ihamp. adj. lainiye. adele 9ba. adj. Lift. n. v.t.t. Lighten. lailakoso. n. n. itenu as9. si . kiniun. Limitless. fi ahpn la. adj. tinrin. Limekiln. Lightning. n. and i. orombo w$we. adj. Licentious. enu ohun manamana. Like. Liquefy. Lingual. v. Lieutenancy. Lineage. Licence. fute i. n. n. fuii ni ase. Lifeless. n. laiwuwo. 0IU99 onitoju 9ba. se aropin. n. ba. ororo ipara. s9-kale. Lime-juice. ala. life-guard. ipinnu. ete. Limpid. ah9n. Lick. Lion-hearted. adj. eyiti o de orike egungun P9.t. n. Linseed. sisan.t. and i. m9le. aye. ip6. adj. oninu kan.t. Lime. aw6ran. fi Lives. n. iie im^l^ ti o se ikil9 aw9n atuk9« Lightly. Lime-wash. n. Linen. adj. pgagun.t. v. Life-boat. Lighter.t. Limestone. edidi. lailala. im9le. abo -kiniun. omi orombo wewe. iru eso ^)gbo. . Lights. n. v. wiwa laye. mukun. 6ye ogagun. v. Light-hearted.t. n. Link. n. adv. ara oku. n. ina ori tabi ti 84 LIQ Like-minded. Lint. nigboiya bi elo. je-fun. pinnu. tan-im9le. laini aniyan. f£. Likeness. edidi. ebu efun. n. adj. adv. n.pl. n. Lieutenant. olufunni ni iye. kan n. aye. to. im9. n. n. okuta ^fun. LIC Lice. 1.i. n. n. adj. Lithograph. Lobster. Locate. jafa'ra. n. irira. korira. adj. le. Lockjaw. gbe soke. die. gun ju.t. ibuwp. n. adj. n. ohun 939 ti a fi kp 9run. aye. fi ara ti. ibadi. Liturgy. . n. . ag9. kanrinkan-ayaba. i. kere. List. onil9ra. n. n. Long-suffering. and so-p9. ofin. v. akp ide. and eti si. Load. n. n. jinna. igbanraiye. n. lasan.t. v. n. $dp adj. pran irohin ilpsiwaju 9^. lye. and i. nre aro.. Livelihood. Locksmith.t. n. n.t. pmi ifo- Longing. sori okuta. ti pkp. v. adv. n. ibora. Lobe. and di pru Loneliness. n. laitptisilp. v. Locomotive. nikan wa. pafa eran. ini. ! lamurin. ki ib9n. n. alaye. n. Lively. pgbpn gb$ i. wa laye. Logic. nkan mimu. Little.£.t. Lo ! inter. laibikita. sprp bi pmpde. and . . a?p i. Long. ile tubu. fi-sun okiti Lodger. Logwood. fi n.t.t. nipa Litter. rorun lati t$. n. n. gigun. Literary. i. n. alagbpdp kpkprp. ile agbawp. ti Loan. adj. v. n. Litany. gun. Listless. Loofah. Literature. phin pran. W9 si. Lit. Locust. adj. adj. ti ibi kan. Location. igi osun. jp ti ibi kan. Loll. n. idagbe. ologbon ni iwe kika. kekere. ip6. kp oruko si iwe.t. pgbp. fi si ibi kan. ro ejo. adj. Living. Locally. ti. dara ya. n. n.t. Loft. Loaf. adj. v. n. iti igi . Loin-cloth. onipampra. agbegbe. v. ! v.t. i. dubulp 9m9le. adj. adj. igi ti a fi owo Loin. Listener. n. Lofty. ifp gbigbona. ise pkansoso. iyara-6ke ile. and i. gberaga. ilana isin. koriko. pru. ipele. Literal. v. n. omugp. agadagodo i. si. pti. pp. duro-li-9na. Lizard. i.t. and bibi Log. alakasa. Lock-up. aisan ipa. and iwe akojp orukp tp . olugbp.t. Live. asp ini. iJe onispna.t. Loiter. Lodge. adj. pgbin. v. esu. Loathe. to lesesp Listen. juspna. and i. Lodging. 9gb9n ironu. and i. n. ye. LIQ Liquor. n. iwe tuka. n. prp ti nfa kpkp. v. isu akara. kiyesi wo Lonely. Locker. and i. mu-wp. lati fi jeun. n. Digitized by LjOOQIC . n. Lithe. Longer. Litigate. fa -8 phin. v. ki. n. and i. n. didi pnu. v. pp Longevity. ohun iwinni. prp. n. giga. n. eniti o ya ile W9. Loathsome. apoti kekere. v. adj. Lisp. List. Loiterer. 91119 v. isal^-eti. n. v. Locket. n. idiri v. fe. iwe. adj.t. adura pbp. adj. tan ina. Lock.i.t. isp. . pjp pipp. fp tpkantpkan. n. ohun a fi ya ni. ohun Liver. and lpra. gpgp bi $ro. ibi. alamu. Local. 85 LOO Locality. i. v. ti osu. ina ori tabi ti as9. Luck. adj. orin ipas? fun 9m9de. Loser. Lunacy. n. ti Lounge. adj. adj. isu. Lot. adj. n. yi oju si. titu. dan. sona. Lower. ir9l9 9kan. LOSS. and i. Luggage. Luminous. adj. Loud. Lose. dingi. n. r$gb$ku. Love-feast. Lowliness. kan isana. keke. n. fajuro. T9sil9. Lord. itamiK. Loveless. P9IU igboiya. oju. Lunch. olofd. Lover. awojiji. ipin. bade. Louse. agbara lori. oluf$. f£. n. onj? al^ n. ta gb9ngb9n lojiji. n. n. 891111. nu. Lord's Supper. Luscious. n.t. idasile. Loyal. Lost.t. adj. rau di yiy9. adj. iho koroboju. were. k9l9k9l9. n. adj. iir^l?. padanu. Lure. 86 LUS Lowly. ir9sil9. if 9. Lurch. n. n. n. Lord's Day. i. v. n. Lucrative. tu-sil^. adj. malu. v. anfani. fifi ida ti lojiji. binuJ9. adv. Lunar. adanu. kikan. adj. Lubricate. Luckily. Lug. agbakd. r9l9ju. v. Lucid. nkan lasan. 9d9foro.t. Loveliness. Lurid. pna u. v. v. idan. se if9kuf9 Lust. n. 9tan id$. Lucky. adj. n. Lost. n. n. v. esu . lati fi la. adv. sofo. n. lagbako. fi ororo pa. Lovely. adj. v. n. adj. n.t. n. Loop. Lumber. Lunge. *>•*• olot9 si 9ba tabi olori kan. lumcj.t. ir9gb9ku. Loot. Loudly. U ere. w6. adj. iho kekere ni ogiri. n. alas9Ju. v. n. J9J9. n. n. mpl^. Oluwa. 9J9 Oluwa.J. tan-J9.i. Loose. adv. f$ran. nkan k6 nilari. Lurk. Looking-glass. Lullaby. Lowing.t.i. iraw9 impl?. ti a le f^ran.LOO Look. ariwo rara. ni ori rere. daradara. onJ9 9san. and i. adj. and i. fa. Loyalty. Lumbago.)^. n. erfr. da-sile. and i. yan. if9kuf9si. adj. k9k9 9ru. and i. Lovable. Ludicrous. nif$.i. nif^kuf 9. i. n. n. Digitized by Google . n. and lo Lucre. lainif$.t. ere. and i. ase if£. v. ipanil^rin. pokudu. Loving-kindness. and i. Lustre. ti osupa. v. oruk9 iraw9 orirere. Lucifer. Lunatic. Loving. buba. asiwere. ibo. 6fo. adj. v. n. Lump. onir9l9. tywcjwcj. dun. n. . farahan lokere. Lukewarm. Lumination. adj. rau-dak^. n. didan. igbe. oba. baba. v.t. Lull.t. Loquacious. adj. Loophole. dun p9. lakuregbe.t.t. Oluwa. n.i. n. and ikogun. Luggage-van. iseun-iff Low. wunni. Loom. ?ro iwuns9. n. v. Love. Lop. seun. Luminary. nke bi Lustily. 9wa. fukufuku. Lungs. adj. ipo . Low-spirited. n. ady. kikankikan. n. Iw6. n. iwa olot9. oj6bo . 6fi. Look-out. d9. v. v. v. n. 1*9. ko ikogun. alabapade. and i.t. n. n. amodi. Magnitude. Maim. oni Make. Magnate. inu rere. adj. M. Male-Child. Imale nreti. Malady. 9k{>. a fi irin adarp P9l9b9-p9l9b9 se . 9191a. n. 9dun agba . kun fun adun.t. 87 MAL Magnify. Made. Majority. Magnet. ti aisan. v. pni buru. agbado. ak9. olori. n. Maggot. adj. arun. os6. se it9ju.t. Main-stay. Maid. n. Magic. niyin pup$. n. ori. Malevolent. t Magnanimous. n.t. Digitized by igbega. ba li ori Maize. idin. tobi-ju. atupa onidan. pni imutobi.t. n. lagbara. logo ni Iwo. Lying. ni if$ buburu. ti amodi. olori. n. di-mu. igba wundia. olore. n. agba. oluse bu- Male. Magnanimity. n. idagba I9P9I9P9. ijaiye. Mft|ftrift1 adj. ti ak9. didundidun. adj. n. n. gb9nl?. adj. ifibu. Mftin adj. n. yln-logo. eleda. and mubinu. Mahogany. v. iba. Magnificent. si- Lute. n. Magnifier. t9num9. pataki. n. wundia. 91a nla. pa li ara. arufin. n. Mace. apo iwe. P9-ju. n. 9k$ ti nmu iwe kiri. mu-tobi. 9191a. siwere. Magician. Lynch. igi 9ganwo. ni Maidenhood. pataki. n. ohun 9na orin. da. adj. n. n. gbigborin. Mail. ti o ni Majesty. ampna nla ti awpn lokun. n. . se li abukun. Luxuriant. ile awpn asiwere. adj. pwu ti iwe. gbe-ga. v. Mad-house. iseke idubul?. akoko awpn ti op9Ju. ) Machination. it9ju. oruk9 9la fun agba i. pupp. 9m9k9nrin. n. idan. n. Maintenance. v. alalupayida. n. Magazine. Malefactor. n. 9pa oye. Mail-boat. Malice. n. v. adj. Machine-work. titobi. adj. Luxurious. n. Mail-coach. 9m9-od9 obirin. n. dye 9gagun adj. Madden. se. as9 ojo. adv. itilehin. mu-duro. okun. Madam.t. Mainly. j^niya laidal9J9. Main-sail. igi gedu. Majestic. adj. n. n. biba J9 asinwin. and i. is9r9 ibi. Malediction. arekereke. k^ke iwe. n. arankan. l9lanla. Google . olori. n. n. n. n. n. pataki. 9yun a fi nbupa. Machine. iwe. n. Mad. n. n. onj?. v. Luxury. da. ofa. 9ka. n. ij? adun. Malaria. ti Lymph. aisan. ti o ni 9la. n. n. adv. n. J9. nijowu. ise ti a fi 919 se. lie 9tu. se.t. n. m$. Magic-lantern. obirin. 919. Mahdi. n.LUS Lusty. n. alaf9S9- Magistrate. itilphin. ipur9. agbara. Maintain. adj. nurere. onidaJ9. Major. Maker. igbokun pataki ninu Mackintosh. Mane. ni irira. ?r9 ti a fi 11I9 as9Mangier. irugbin ti a fi nse 9ti. Mankind. 9ra egungun. olori. iw9si. xvi. ibuj? 9ran. n.t.t. Mantle. Oluwa wa mb9. fi paw9pe si I9W9. laiya. Marrow. 9ja. se iw9si si. ta 9ja. ?iy? ak9. adj. adj. bebe.t. se Map. n. iwe n. v.t. v. Many. osu ?k?ta 9dun. Manly. n. n. b6. tita. Manageable. adj. Id ni buburu. fi fifi 9W9 sis?. v. ni ika. Maltreatment. and i. se b9 9m9 W9n. n. n. Mark.t. ti okun. Manifesto. Maraud. Manhood. Manfully. p9. Manager. n. si. se it9ju. 9r?. Mammon. 9k9nrin. ekuru ara ^ran. n. as?. n. 9gb9n ilo. Manifold. n. n. n. Malign. v. isipaya. Mar. iwa buburu.t. adj. oruk9 eso kan. Margin. n. n. ibiti a nse ohun tita. v. ko ti a fi 9W9 iwe a fi 9W9 k9. adj. Mania. n. sami kiyesi. apania. abo 9sin. ni iro buburu. March. enia. 39 <?r9 buburu si. Man. and i. fa-ya. Manger. de I9W9. Manse. Many. Mango. v. Mallet. iledu. n. n. 9J9 93a. la abojuto. paw9p9. Maniac. ofin. Market-day.t. iwa 9k9nrin. MftTWft1 t adj. Manslaughter. and i. ise. v. ami. n. ibi 9ja. adj.t. Manoeuvre. Maltreat. si. igi 9gba ninu ira. n. adj. n. v^tuh lati t$. ti a fi 9W9 se. n. adv. n. ibugbe. orisa 9r$. ira. asiwere. 9W9 t<>.t. Stan. Mangle. n. n. Marine. ifihan. 9Ja. iru. v. Maran-atha. v. n. alabojuto. Marble. n.MAL Malicious. wa ikogun Marauder. se ni ibi. Mangrove.t. iwe kekere. adj. adj. isoyigi. 9^. Manacle. Malpractice. v.t. Marshal. 9P9I9P9. Manipulation. to 1 93989. ile nla. v. Market-place. ipania. pa-lara.*. eti. v. v. n. ?wu ileke. n. onJ9 ti Ql9run fi b9 aw9n 91119 Israel li aginju. n. 1 Cor. nkan Manure. iwe 9ran ilu. Manuscript. han. n. se keta. n. aworan il? aiye. ni oro ninu. apa. and i. so ni yigi. iwere. 22. Malignant. t<J. n. pip9. g?. ile alufa. g$g$ esin. i. v. Malt. se akoso. Mange. Manslayer. Mandate. Iwa. Marriage. 6I9. v. se arankan. n. n. Marsh. Market. Mftmmftli^ n 9ran ti nfi 9mu . 88 MAR Manner. asinwin.t. n. araiye. v. n. agbada.t. ilo buburu. n. se bi ok9nrin. Manufactory. kiri. v. n. n. n. fifi 9ns v. n.t. n.t. n. gbe ni iyawo. n. n. ra Manifestation. okuta didan. Manna. Mariner. n. n. nrin 1 9s 9s 9. sipaya. baje. Manage. n. 9W9n 9W9. fi-han. atuk9 okun. igbeyawo. Digitized by VjOOQIC . pup9. apiy? kiri. arankan. and Blare.t. olu igi. Manifest. Mansion. nigboiya. Marabout. n. oniruru Manipulate. n. Manufacture. and i. sil?. abata. iledu k9. pipa iya pni. n. MEA ti Hart. plpgbpn ni i$e. n. olubori i^e. n. Meaning. adv. asp.i. Mastership. iya agba. n. and i.i. timtim nla ti a fi koriko tabi owu kl lati sun *" le. lainilari. ipa ara fun iwosan. run. iruju. n. v. v. n. kiki ira. igbeyawo. iparada. enia lasan. isoyigi. idi. Matron. le. . Masterpiece.t. n. n. Massive. adj. ra n. Masonry. Meaningless. pipa. Martial. v. ppn.t. ile Match-box. run. n. pnu ya ni. n. eyiti o ppju. isegun. n. Marvellous. Maturity. pete. olori ilu. joro. adj. ibori. Matter. . isu. lailori. fi eni bo. laitump. pran. Martyrdom. eni. iyanu. ample okuta. wuwo. Maximum. Matrix. de. n. isoyigi. n. pna ti a gba lati fi se nkan. Mattock. ajpriku. pja. Mean. adj. papa. n. n. ppn. eni. n. Maw. pna kprpkprp ti o soro mp. Mast.t. olori. v. Material. Blartin. emi. and soyigi. dide. adj. se gelede. akp. Master-builder. n. n. ohun elo ti nkan ti ara an se nkan. iboju. Master. n. n. ilana. arin. Me. onjp . nibayi.MAR Marshy. Mastication. n. iwa iya. ti iya. boya. pataki. v. Mat. owe. itump. ti pran tabi ti eiyp. bo-oju. n. inu. ndagba. onitpju il6 pkp. Matting. adj. pippn. Meantime. 89 Matrimonial. lailegbera. . n. adj. May-be. and i. ri.t. Masticate.t.t. Mastery. Maxim. w. idogba isana. isana . n. wiwo. ti Matrimony. adv. n. apo onje n. olugboro. olori omole. adj. enikeji. irun onje li enu. v. 6ye alakoso. egbe- Meadow. pa ni ipakupa. aya olori ilu. n. Mature. ru. ohun iyanu. Meal. n. adj. May-day. pga. n. Matchless. osu karun pdun. adj. adj. lainiyin. adj. n. Marvel. Meagre. akop$. n. iboji ti o dara ni Massacre. se egungun. i. n. pkpnri. n. lakoko na. adj. op6 pk{>. n. n. Mate. onidajp ilu. igbeyawo. pron. igpni. Matricide. isp ample okuta. Maze. Massage. Maul. n. Match. n. gbigbo. pyun egb6. Mason. v. Meanwhile. Mayoress. Masculine. n. ipa ara da.t. lu ni ilukilu. alapandedp. v. Means. lailagbara. n. adj. Martyr. ohunkohun ti an oju si n pwp kan.«.*. May. Mash. v. ipa oju mp. kiwereje.t.t. r6. mura. n. Masterful. Mayor. iypfun. tobi. Mausoleum. Mask. Masquerade. supp. n. iku ajpriku. v. May. n. p61u. adj. v. alakoso. ogun. and i. egbe. je. Maturate. v. Matted. aux. v. n. gbo. nkan ti a . v. agbede meji. Maternal. Mass. Mattress. n. n. mi. imp. <jkp ganmuganmu. n. adj. agb$ okuta. Digitized by Google . Maternity. pjp ekini osu May. n. bara. n. ti egbogi. v. n.pl. arin. iycjwiu. pbp onjp. $rp. Memorandum. alagbe. yp. inu didun. Meek. Message. 90 aaaro. leti. dpruba. Medicine. Melody. Messenger.t. di rirp. and i. Meat-offering. Melt. n. ti oniaowo. oniaowo. adj. n. dp. inu tutu. isp-pru. kokoro Medley. adj.t. iranti. pniti a n ororo yan. Mesh. ti ogun. apejp. n. adj. 9kan tutu. lainilari. pran Memory. v. alatunae. v. adj. ik$. n.MEA Measles. kilp fun. akoJ9pp igbp. Merchant. l9W9si. fadaka. ihin. MET yp ni iranti. v. dasi. v. alagba^e. onilaja. Membership. v. adj. 90 Memorable. Mercer. tun-ae. Meridian. pade. Memorial. and i. Menace. psan gangan. ere. Meliorate. sariya. idarukp. n. o tp be. lainiwpn. Mere.t. gbiro. adj. ohun iranti. etc. kiki. n. egbogi. Merciful. Memoir. Meddler. iranti. Mediator. Mendicant. v.t. Meeting. Mender. v. adj. p<>n. n. n. n. fpnusi. osuwpn. n. n. Meeting-house. rudurudu. Merchandise. v. bp sinu. eso itakun. Member. adj. idarudapp. isp riran. n. adj. ero iJ9 tabi pgbp. ronu. n.t. $e iranti. Medical. n. da orukp. sa. n. and i. orin didun. ae ilaja. oje. onae. wiwpn. anu. n. Meddle. Merriment. tabi arun pyi. oju- Medium. Merge. pade. Kristi. n. ikanu. n. Measurement. Merciless. and i. and i.i. Memento. n. Merit. n. mu-san. ti iye. Men-pleasers. n. kd loju. Meddlesome.t. niyin. v. Measureless. n. aw9 fplpfplp ti o bo eya ara. n. idaraya. n. n. 9l9kan tutu. Messiah. itoye. n. Menagerie. Mercenary. v. IW911. itan igbe aiye eniti o ae alaisi. n. n. n. Mediate. v. Merry. Mention. ikilp. Mediation. Measure. Mental. tutii li pkan.t. Menial. and n. gbeml. Mess. onjp ajpjp. yp lpnu. v. pplp. n.t. iwpn. adj. Mercantile. itpsi. Melon. adj.t.t. ofinran. Merry-making. wpn. Melancholy. n. onjp. Metal. n. yp. orukp ti a fi npe iru nkan bi wura. y9. Meet. nitoye. laini anu. Mercy. n. n. n. i^aro. and i. n. He ipade. i. n. ilaja. lanu. Met. adj. n. alaaewu enia. n. ohun iranti. n. n. ipade. Meditation. sp ti. idp. iranti. ere. pja tita. alafo larin okun aw$n. mu san dip. oluta a^p. di ogb6. iransp. niy9nu. onisp 911a. Melodious. adj. adj. aladasi. pranko Mechanic. Membrane. ti ow6. egusi. aw9n 9k9nrin. Mellow. ogun. Men. adj. eyi. Meditate. ifajuro. alay9jusi. n. ohun elo. adj. iwe iranni iwe iseranti. jijp. n. ayp. pbp iyplpnu. n. Google . lay$. Medal. n. Meritorious. and i. irin. n. ibinuJ9. ohun -ami iyin. Mend.t. Meekness. n. gb6. n. adun li eti. Digitized by $ya ara.t. Meat. Mettle. iri. oye. adj. n. v. n. Might.t. idaji iye. n. nwa \val9 isura il^. Miller. n. Mighty. v.t.i. n. erup9 ile. ad9ta 9k?. Mineral oil. n. n. n. . ororo il9 jade. n. irin oguu i?9ju. Migration. iranse. ifi ohun kan juwe Millennium. Militant. rera. Methinks. n. Midst. n. n. alagbara. Iwo. agbedemeji. Mine. adj. adj. n.t. nfi- Milestone. Digitized by Google . n. ipinnu aJ9. inu. jeje. okuta isami 9na. nja. eran abiyam9. yeg?9run. lail9J9 lori. v. adj. n. agbedemeji 911a. mo sebi. v. yesi aj9. is? olut9Ju ni bibi 91119. n. Midwifery. ito I9S9S9. ile Qtyrun giga. v. Mid. Milch. Mint. si lati ibi kan I9 si ibomiran. kere pup9Ju. eyiti o kere J11I9. n. Middle.MET Metaphor. n. and i. ojise. Mimic. oniwara. Minority. Midday. nyan. oluta wara. 9kun. isip6.t. ke W9W9. Military. ti Mineral. 9ka baba. v. larin. 9ns lati fi se nkan. 91 MIR Mill. ti 9m9-ogun. is9 Migrate. alarobp. alarena. n. oloye ninu 9^. Miniature. ^gb^run 9dun. n. iwa. and i. 9san gangan. n. Millepede.t. nkan o ti wa ninu o nti inu Midway. Blind. ni iw9ntuw9nsi. ogun. Mice. nt9Ju. Method.i. n. ab9 9J9. iwpn. n. osuw9n. olu ilu. n. le. n. n. adj. arin. n. Meter. n. Mien. ^niti Millet. n. Milliner. Minute book. o I9 agbado.t. n. imuw6du. ipa. v. lagbedemeji. n. da owo. n. bibu. mo ro pe. ibiti a nda owo. n.t. Midge. adj. fiyesi. nkan kekere. ise iyanu. Minister. ti Minute. v. Mingle. Mild. aw9n ekute. n. n. 9ganj9. Middling. kantikanti. Minster. Mew. kereju. agbara. asinije. and i.pl. Minded. ekeji. temi. Mile. I9P9I9P9. n. v. v. osuw9n $na. Millstone. alufa. n.t. isin. Minor. fun wara. adv. Midnight. v. adj. dap9. Minute. Middle-man. wa li 9kan. se odi si. afunfere. Mince. n. Middle-aged. fiyesi. n. Mincing. 9I9. Milkman. iseju. efirin v. tuju. s(^t<^ tabi se bi. kereju. adj. njagun. Minimum. adj. akoko ewe. 9J9n. iwe irohin Miracle. n. arin. Ministry. n. oluta akete. Mightily. osuw9n. v.t. n. adj. ak9rin. w$n. nranti. Ministration. adj. 9gbe 9m9-ogun. n.i. k9Jujasi. pele. Milk. igboiya. dalu. wara. n. ilana. Mildew. kike ologbo. olut9Ju aw9n ti nr9bi 9m9. adj. n. Midwife. se iranse. Midshipman. Mindful. iho ti a i. se it9Ju. Mete. pron. n. adj. n. ise irans?. Million. and fun irin. Metre. Metropolis. aworan kekere. Militia. n. r<J. e-ro.t. irohin ipinnu Militate. n. is? irans?. n. Minstrel. n. n. 9I9. gidigidi. Missile. n. Miscalculation. 92 iyanu. afom9. Mirthless. irora ti ara tabi kokoro . is^nu. ro. n. lati se. Mr. esi. Misanthrope. nkan v. ti o ni $re. jamba. mu fuye. il6kulo. v. Mistranslate. ay$. se pm9 Misapply. v. adj. isuju.t. v.t. enia. Miscreant. n. iwe ti a fi ranse. ale. Misconduct. isiro si ti nkan ti a fi ja bi ^9. Misprint. n. v. Misdirect.t. tase. se iyemeji si. ir6-ayo. n. ti ohun kikini owo ide w$we ti k6 ju bi 9gb$n owo ey9 1 Misfit.t. Miser. Misbelief. Blisdemeanour. awojiji. iwa ti k6 tp. Misplace. fi sipo ti k6 t9. n. MIT Mishap. Mischance. siyemeji. kp. n. laini alafia. 91a fun ^91119si. n. nika. is$ riran. lai-ye-ni. ti o kereju 9 kan. ipanilara. iwa ti k6 ye. isp pataki ti a ran ni si.t. n. akd nfunni lati sil6. oniruru. Mistletoe. 16 nilo awun enia.. Misrule. n. si pe oruk9. Missionary. Blisdoubt. laini inudidun.t.t. v. n. v. ni 16 ona ti ko t9. n. adj. Misappropriate. v. n. f? ku. Digitized by Google . n. adj. 16 fp-ku. p^tpp^t^. n. si ju ti agbara enia Mirage. otosi. adj. Misunderstanding. n. Misadvise. huwa ti k6 t9. Mist. Mission. Misbehave. 6f6. n. apem9 91a fun obirin tabi iyawo. Misunderstood. n. ainigbpkple. Mire. k6 tq. Mistrust. apemo- Miscellaneous. birin. Misadventure. iwa buburu. n. n. n. Miscall. Misery. jamba. v. dinkii. si yir^pada. laibamu.t. Mitigate. alaini. fun ohun 16 fun. n. Mrs. isina. onise* iranse. si si 1911a. Mischief.t. gbolohunas9. v. ikuku. Mister. iruju ti o mu ohun kan di meji.t. v. - Misuse. MIR Miraculous. n. tan-je. alaigbagbp. si m$. oluk9ni obirin. v. adj. v. si se. nu. Mirth. v. Misname. ijaba. 9 . n.t.t. Blisdeed. n. v.t. ira. iwa buburu. Miscarriage.t. n. se ainigbpkple.t. v. Mischievous. si f^nahan. osi. Misinform. n. v. mu san.. ibi. Bliss. n. igba ekp odi gbp. er$. li se akoso 9na ti k6 yp. 9ta ib9n tabi okuta. n. n.. eniakenia. iwa buburu. Mispronounce. adj. kulo. Misbehaviour.t. gbanimpran ti ko dara. n. apem9 v. a a iyemeji. Misinstiuct. Mistake. sipe.t. Misspend. ti v. Misinterpret. si si tp. si siro. iya ile. v. n. pe. Mistress. Misfortune.t. n. si wi fun. v. Mite. Miry. eniti o korira Mismanage. 16 sodi.. Mirror. tum9.t. Missing. Missive. 9gb9ni.t. Miserable. n. ika. iwa buburu. inudidun. n. v. jamba.t. na ninakuna. silo. si ye.t. owusuwusu. v. Ql9run. n. adj. nida- rudapp. jamba.t. 9la fun ok9nrin. Misgive. t. adj. pniti o gba Qlprun kansoso gb<J. parp.t. Moral. 93 MOR Monarchy. n.t. v. ikilp. pranko kekere ti nwa iho ni ile. Mohammedan. dida. adalu. pba. Model.t. n. Money. implp osupa. m<j> niwpn. Mixture. aya. adj. iranti.t. ti igba isisiyi. adj. Mitre. spkun. kun. ile. sopp.t. n. ni Moon. and i. v. laini osupa. pri pkan.t. Modern. mu-rp. v. iboji. Moisture. n. n. n. osu. ririn. adj. wa Mob. apprp. n. adj. tutu. Monthly. pjp keji Ipse. Mollify. n. iwa laiye. Momentous. igbe obinrin sesin. asalp . Money-making. fi se plpya. Mohammedanism. adj. Mope. n. yo-lenu. Modification. n. isp rere. and i. tun orin se.t. Google . n. ohun ibanil^ru. Moor. Mobile. n. Molasses. Moat. Monogamy. nseteni nikansoso. iwpntunwpnsin. itunse. Morality.MIT Mitigation. Monster. n. Mix. kerora. n. oyin iyp-oyinbo.t. n. adj. ohun Mood. n. iko pr$ jp. and L tump nipa ti Moralist. and ti i. Morass. Imale. Money-order. n. Monopolist. ilodisi iwa eda. n. olukp. pkp isp Moral law. isin Imale. v. n. Monkey. asa. iwa pplp. Molten. igba Qlorun kansoso gbp. Monopolise. Moment. adj. idap9. kanra. v. dapp. Digitized by iwa rere. n. v. niwamimp. bomi Moonless. ibinu. Mock. eniakenia. yipada. Monstrous. pohunn. n. rprin. and i. n. iwe ifioworansp lati ibikan de ibikeji. Moot. Moralise. fi n. v. n. lainiowo. alagbakadp isowo. n. adj. idinku. n. jiyan. Mittens. p6. isinileti. v. Morbid. Monkey-nut. rp ojo. osu.t. n. y<J. Moderation. Mizzle. kotl. nkan titobiju. sinjp. iyplpnu. iyipada. owo. niwpntunwpnsin. n. n. Monition. ni itiju. lososu. adj. Monotheism. tutu. osupa. rin. ib$w<J. mu-tutu. Moneyless. Moonlight. Monday. awpn larubawa.i. abata. ikerora. Moderate. n. kansoso ni iyawo. n. ni pataki. n. g$. lailera. v. ade awpn olori alufa. Molestation. ti ise. inu. tu-ninu. Modify. v. v. gbakadp. pbp. n. lodisi iwa eda. anikansowo. ira. n. aworan. iwa.t. adj. ise. n. n. yara. Monitor.t. Moist. yiyipopada. Monarch. ofin iwa. v. and fajuro. yi ohun orin pada. Moan. tunse. ti iwa. and i. v. ppa. de ok$ mp i. Monument. Moisten. niwpntunwpnsin.t. n. Modulate. v. olukp nipa iwa. v. Molest.t. n. iwa. n.pl. imusan. v.t. Mockery. v.t. n. Mode. adj. agbajp awpn yara. plpgan. awose. oluranlowo olukp. imufuyp. n. Monotheist. rere. se gege hi apprp. adj. Modest. ispju kan. Month. Moody. n. plpya. adj. ti iwa. and i. akilp funni. awpn enia labe pba kan. omophin Mpmpdu. Mole. n. pipa. eniti ngbe il$ oke. ft. juwosi. Multiply. re. adj. v. okiti. pelu-pelu. Mother. n. adj. Most. v. Mote. er?. emuren. ft. oloko Mow.t. n. iya ok<J> tabi iya aya. 6kele. Muleteer. 9r9 asaro. n. 61a. Mortify. 89 di bisi. okuta ti a fi ntele ile. re-y$. Muck.t. Mountainous. v. oniruru.t. irun ete 6ke Mortuary. ft. Movement. ba-je. Movable. iku. kun fun oke i. Move. agbara isipopada. pkpnrin. fi iya. i. Mouthful.t.t. v. Multiplication. and i se ni il9po 1I9PO.t. and 1. Mouse-trap. inu- Motto. v. dogd.t. ft. Motion. tabi ti Morsel. 9P9I9P9. i.t. di eri. iborun. adv. Mourning. Mortar. <?la. ft. Mount. ana. irin. Moth. ft. MUM Moult. ft.t. n. 9P9 enia. adj. po. rin. ago imumi. ibaje. Morn. ikunnu. and ?$fo. apere. kun sinu. gori esin. Mother-in-law. ft. ohun ti a le gbe kiri. owur$. giga- adj. ekute. ar9. Motive-power. Mound. v. v. 59 si-lo. kiki er?. yanmu-yanmu. rekoja. adj. Mourn. muna. adj. ft. ft. ti Mose . sipopada. tu-y$. pipv. Mortality. ler?.t. idi. adj. and i. Mortgage. iresile. Digitized by Google . n. v. ft. iparun. ara idibaje. Morning. Multifarious. goke. Muffle. ibisi. Mower. ft. adj. Motive. areko. ati 91119 ti enia dudu w. v. olofo. w. n. adj. Mouth. ibaka. ju be 9 . v. ft. petepet?. pupo. ekuru. adj.t. abila totdto. i. Morrow. Mountain. Moreover. Muddle. w. n. Moss. ft. Much.t. agbara oru. v. J11I9. a§9 qiq. Mortal. mu iyipopada wa. Mosque. iwa bi ti . odo. enu. kanu. isipopada. ge. oku. ft. ft. eliri. ft. w. nkan bo. Multitude. doje. Mosaic. ft. iya. k9-omnu. re-sile. n. w. su. ero. Motherly. Mottled. yi sihin yi sphun. Moslem. fi Mortification. binuje. and i. and i. ft. r$. Mosquito. Mulatto. isipopada v. keke ti nrin nipa Mule. se agbatp. Mountaineer. Muffler. 1 94 siwaju. mpsalasi. ft. sonu. ft. er$. Motley.t. Morose. and 6ke. eniti nda ibaka. Imale. and pa-run. funfun J9 bi. adv. ewed6. oniruru. eriin igi. adj. igb9nse. imup9si. adj. Mice. n. oke giga. w. pakute. n. v. w. Mouse. Motor. rudurudu. Mumble. si. abiyamp. and i. Mourner. ft. kokoro as9. ti iku.MOR More. n. epo elewe werewere. iku. n. ft. Mud. fi s<Jfa. 9Ja di. adj. julp. Mould. 9P9I9P9. v. n. erupe ile . ft. Moustache. n. Multitudinous. eri. ibi isinku. and Mug.t. pup?. fi Muddy. ngun ori oke. se okunkun. run lenu. Narrative. Mystify. Namely. nihoho. Nail. i. n. and i. Muscle. v. n. Muster. n. Mute. w. adv. gb9d9 se alaise. ailaw?. Narrowness. n. ti a le yipada. oruk9. n. n. and to. 9sin kekere. od/. n. li aluduru.t. r6. Naked. eweko. v. orun. Narrator. itan. ogbe. Munition. Mythology. Myth. Mutilate. Muslin. adj. oruk9. di li 9nu.t. Egipti oku ti aw9n ara kun I989. v. ijar9. ti o Mystery. ti a se ipasipar9. itan lasan. Musical. aimoye.*. iqrq. n. n. oloruk9 9m. su. Mumps. v. Narcotic. im$ itan lasan ti enia kan. laini oruk9. mu-binu. n. kun (H9 kiun. Mustard. v. odi. a§9 inuw9. Narration. ohun 1J9 ogun. n. n. Name. kun sinu. adv. afunfere. dake. Music. n. n. adj. n. Munificence. ipania. asiri. n. adj. nitori oruk9. n. odi agbara. adj. lum9.t.t. adj. Natal. My. Must. ekanna . adj. yadi. pron. iso. Myself. Nameless. ti ibi. Munificent. Mundane. eyini ni pe. n. n.i. ninu rere. v. leri.t. ihin. ju ini9 ni 9. Musk.t. Musket. adj. Musty. ^9. Nasty.t. lagbara. Namesake. n. arohin. n. didikasi. v. pe-J9. Murder. 9Ja. n. ti orin. W9P9. oril9-ede. al9. Napkin. arwi i. v. adj. ara ilu.t. n. Nasal. n. Municipal. kan ni iso. Mystic. n. Narrow. apania. n. n. ihoho. yql^nu. adj. Nag. ti oril^-ede.t. adj. ha. ogun imu enia sun. $s$ (arun). adj. olu. n. ojia. 9ka 9run. Murmurer. isan. ile akoJ9P9 ohun atata ati ohun lailai. adj. Munch. Nape. isa-^ta. n. Narrowly. ronu. alabapin nipa gbigba ati fifunni. n. Mutter. adj. toro. Narrate. kd Nap. v. v. n. ti imu. l9gbin. hiha. adj. ti aiye. togbe. ainibd. adj. 9ran agutan. irohin. N. law<J.pl. Nationality. Museum. bibaj^. 95 NAT Myrrh. or in. pe n. Mutton. Muscular. ge apakan junu. I ohun ti ijinl9. agbaJ9. ibon. n. ti il?. n. adj. ko-J9. Nation. Musician. n. adj. ajakal^ arun ti ^ran. Murmur. Nakedness. Muiiain. kd le se alaise. v. n. ti ilu. olorin. sokunkun. 39. n. pron. gele. n. Mysterious.a. n. 9P9I9P9. se asaro. aisawun. Mutual. Digitized by Muzzle.MUM Mummy. ohun ijinl?. Mutiny. alakun sinu.t. Mushroom. Google . adj. pania. Murderer. National. Myriad. sun. tikarami. kun. ti o jinl9. Muse.i. temi. Mutable. v. v. ju im9 I9. a§9 f^lef^l^. n. Murky. akoJ9P9. v. buburu. v. n. Iwa aifiyesi. n. n. n. aise <?kan. Needful. Negress. adj. and i. conj. kd gbpd9 se Nestle. iwa. Negotiation. iw<J. talaka. Necessary. $r9 iyan. Navigation. v. gbi- adj. v. arun aw9 ara aw9n. Neighbourhood. adj. Nervousness. Negative. n. laimokun. Nest. Navel. adj^ t* 9k^>. nkan ti a kd le se alaise. Needle-work. Negro. alai. aladugbo. Necessitate. bek9. fifinju. Nearly. alupayida.i. Naughty. Needy. and i. Nausea. Neat. 9019 eiye pa ninu eyin. ti 96 NEU Nefarious. Neighbour. n. n. Nerveless. v. Needle. iha isale. Nettle-rash. n. n. n. and i.t. yiyan. Navy. n. isowo. Navigate. beni kl. 39 ti isowo. n. Nearness. ti Natural. oso. gb9n-rirl. n. adj. ama ko Neck. se igbagb6 se aifiyesi. ise. sunmpra. n. n. Needle-woman. n. aini. bi. bi adugbo. alaini. nigbagbe. ki ise ak9 ki ise abo. n. adj. adj. laile.. ti iwa eda.t. igbagbe. ab^re. n.t. nitosi. ise ab^re. n. Digitized by Google . ibile. atukp. n. n. lai. n. ndao. n. n. ise- Negligent. se aibikita. Needless. n. Naturally. ti ina 9run. aida-ara. ymq arak9nri tabi arabinrin. 096. Navigator. n. ibi arin il6 Qlprun. aladugbo. Nature. Negation. lainilari. Neglect. werepe. Negligence.t. se §r$. adj. NawV. n. n. Nought. Nauseate. alagbase. adj. eda. v. adv. n. Naught. Necktie. Nativity. ileke ikarim. ojuowo. osi. ebl. NAT Native. n. Neatness. Nave. Neighbourly. Iwabuburu. adj. n. eda ohun-kohun. ilu. ke bi eiye r$. ite. n. 9run. n. Nett. Necklace. aw9n. Negotiator. adj. n. Naughtiness. alalupayida. iro oju tabi ori ak9 ninu 9f9ri. n. adj. Near. iyan. Nettle. $r9 sis9. su. agbiro §rq isowo. adj. adj. lainilari. adj. adj. Nay. yan bi esin.t. Neigh. Nephew. ku die. fere. itosi isunm9ra. laila- gbara. laise aini. ibi. se adehun. adanida. n. adehun. le se aisi. burn ju. and i. kolesaini. Neither. Network. aigbpd9 mase. Negotiate. nika. se si aw9n 9m9 ba ninu a sese Necessity. obinrin ti nran§9. isal?. tuk$. adj. n. Nerve. nipa eda. kuse. n. a$9 9riin. Neuter. Naval. Necromancer. laidinti Necromancy.t. ibi. n. itukp loju omi. v. n. enia dudu. Net. adv. n. afinju. isu. aini. v. Nether. n. adv. n. ite eiye. Need. aifiyesi. agbara 9gb9n. asan. tinutinu. ijafara. n. n. agbara im$. Nestling. is? Neuralgia. adj. pwp^kp. tiilu. agbed9. ti Net. ti ki iran ni. bek9 lai. adj. eni 91a. adj. aisinkan. NEU Iwa aise ninu pkan. Notification. n. Nineteen. k6 si ^nikan. n. eniti k6 teriba and i. No. ikil9. 9san-gangan. iha oke. lokiki. adj. lokiki. North. ja. n. and i. n. ik9kan-di-logun. n. kl. se akiyesi. n. Nine. aiwa. tilerib?. Nominee. v. Noble. n. t9. Night-dress. Nonsense. adj. ibi ik9k9. sunm9. lariwo. Nicely. irohin. v. agbara iyanni. Night. tabi Niggard. iwa 91a. iwe kukuru. sami iwe si. 97 Nod. iwe eyin ina. adv. adj. adj. fun liana. adj. 9191a. laisi ariwo. poj6bo. n. Nigh. Newly. adj. daradara. tabi. ifiyesi. sugbon. agbara ipeni. adj. n. d9. w. Nineteenth. iho imu. n. Noted. Notable. niyin. re. Nocturnal.t. Ninth. pron. ti o ni oruk?. dara. 9tun.t. n. n. n. Nicknack. iro. eiye olorin didun.t. Newness. ami. Night-watch. Digitized by VjOOQIC . 9l9t9. is9kus9. n. Noon. Not. dkan-di-logun. aper?. Nostril. lororu. Nobility. Nevertheless. ti itosi. agbedemeji 9J9. oru. nkan $fe. n.t. titun. Nobody. k6 si nkan. is9 oru. ifihan. Nimble. n. adj. 9san-gangan. n. ariwo. agbed9. pe li oruk9. bu-j?. Noisy. Ne'er. n. yara. n. awun enia. Nightingale. si iha ariwa. ad9run.t. Northward. aisi. Nook. n. aw9n. Note. Noiseless. Nosegay. ihanrun. n. adj. dun. adj. Notice. n. Nit. oj6bo. Nightly. Normal. adj. n. n. New-born. $r9 ainim9. ariwa. ikil9. Nonconformist. kd si ^nikan* Nonentity.t. aisi. ?san. fila ti adesan. n. 91119-9W9 titun. ^niti a yan. 9mu . fiyesi. adj. adv. ekeji. n. adj.. Nightmare. oruk9 Niece. Noose. n. None. adv. ewu aw9sun. imu. adj. kd. Newspaper. n. r<?. geg? bi ilana. n. kekere wosiwosi. Nor. Nibble. v. Noonday. adj. Nothing. iranti. Nip. bioNeutrality. ekesan. adv. Nib. v. n. adv. yesi. adj. conj.t. ainiwa. v. Nose. n. n. ti igi apako ikil9. ndao. n. sonso ori pmu. Nominal. n. New. yan. Nice. adj. Nickname. Niceness. n. afi- Notch. Note-book. Never. iwe irohin. oru. kankan. afiyesi. imi ori NOT si. ^niti a pe. enu kalamu. Next. 91x19 aral&piri arabirin eni. v. enia lasan. Noisome. n. niyin. arin 9J9. Night-cap. r$. Idi itana. Nominate. Non-COntagiOUS. Nipple. niro. ainilari. n. ^niti a bi Nobleman. Noontide. adv. adun. b^k9. Notice-board. ni titun. buburu. n. n. Nomination. ala buburu. n. n. n. irohin. Noise. v. adv. Ninety. ihin. adv. News. n. pa-run. v. n. and i. enu. n. n. teriba. ninurere. oluk$. v. laini im$. Oblation. kaye. adj. Nuisance. v.t. Obscure. Objector.t. nihoho. okuta k9onje.t. v.t. epe. koro eso igi.t. adj. Nut. Notorious. titun. buru. Number. ik9. im$. Nude. jebi.i. n. Numberless. 89 di kil9-fun. Notion.t. pegan. n. de. adj. Nuptial. mim9. Obligatory. Numb. oluse odi Objurgation. ti gigun ju idabu 19. 9tun. n. osu k9kanla 9dun. lainipa. Oblong. 9J9 isisiyi. ja-nikoro.pl. Obesity. Obliteration. Nozzle. igbagbe. n. ti jeje. conj. el$tu larin Noun. Obdurate. Nudge. onje fun. gbe ka iwaju. ti enia tabi fi ti b<?. ri. bi o ti Objection. and i. adv. Nutrition. adj. mim$ ni gbangba. ohun ti a Nourishment. Oblique. Nowhere. n. lainitiju. n. pw^n giga ti a fi t>9-dagba. iy9nu. nipara. t<J. n. ti p$. isu. Novice. nirira. bi o tile ri be. n. Nurse.NOT Notify. Observance. Numerable. n. Obligation. ini$ gbangba. n. se ore. ifarasin. adj. v. n. Numerous. Obnoxious. isokukun. lara. adv. onj?. Obliging. n. enia titun. Observe. Oblivion. laisinibikan. alaiya lile. ke. pa-r$. olut<J. ^9. iforibale. n. t9Ju. n. gbolohun 9*9- Nurture. igb9ran. s6di v. Obeisance. se akiyesi. Nutriment. ibu 91a fun. farasin. adj. ore. tf . adj. ile asal?. iro. Novelty. ore. si. and i. lainiye. Oasis.t. 98 OBS 0.t. iw9J9si. ikiyesi. kun fun igbagbe. etutu loju 9kr>. irira. n. k?. si. adj. Oath. Obelisk. n. iye. ikiyesi. ibura. v. ikaye. n. Nugget. fikifiki. aj?. and i.t. Obedient. isanra. adv. n. lailagbara. Oakum. n. adj. adv. adj. igbeyawo. Nowise. ipare. n. Obsequie8. n. iteriba. lainilari. sugb9n. n. n. Novel. Oblivious. ise ilana isinku . Observation. November. Obloquy. ope. v. n. Digitized by Google . S9 di ofo. ikoriJ9si. Obedience. NOW. adj. Oar. n. Numeration. n. adj. nigb9ran. sokunkun.t. adj. ipani- v. isinku yide. wi-fun. n. 919-^9. Nullify. Object. n. ibawi. Nought. iparun. adj. adj. gb9ran. adj. adj. n. Null. adj. Nucleus. igba isisiyi. n. Notwithstanding. ihoho ara. v. igbese ide. Obey. I9P9I9P9. Naught. adj. noro. ni oju rere. bib<J. isodi si. r9. n. Oblige. lewu. n. t? si apakan.t. Nudity. gba-gb9. Obscurity. 89 §TQ. dulum^. v. wii ki o Noxious. Nowadays. ohun ti a ri. n. Notoriety. ti a le ka. igb^ran. adj. n. imu. n. bib9- onje. Obliterate. dide. n. ise titun. 39 dasan. asan. Nourish. Obscene. n. oruk9 ohunkohun. v. n. riri. osu kewa 9dun. kun fun n. iw9-drun. adj. gba. n. Omega. Occupation. dkiki. gba ip6. ?e Offence. v. Obstacle. Occident. fi-sil^. Octagon. Olden. n. idityna. ohun idugbolu. inter.t. 0U199. lailai. nan.*. kuro. adj. n. 99 Of. Octave.i. s$. m9J9. is9. 9P9. n. adv. niti. Oculist. n. idiw9Obtain. adj. n. gbo. OMN Off. Odds. Occupy. olori n. ijoye. Odium. olugbe. olukiyesi. n. hihan gbangba. Omit. Obstinacy. igbeja. Officer. darugbo.t. Offend. ti. n. iha IW9 drun. adj. ehu eweko. lile. agidi. ikos$. orin. 9^9. Offspring. adj. drun. Obstruction. nigba ! pup9. n. se is9 oye. di ti 911a. igba atiJ9. Oft. Obsolete. yq kuro. tftu. n. n. n. 999. aigb9ran. idi. drun. Obviate. ef un pupa rusurusu. n. i^e. mu ibaJ9 wa. ifisil?. adj. Occur. adj. eniti nwo arun oju. okun nla. ara iw9-6run. 909. Offender. v. n. Obstruct. Offer. idiw?. Offensive. sadasi. n. adj. i. Digitized by Google . eniti rub^ nip9. Offal. v. Omnipotence. n. adj. Omission. nigba-kugba. n. $e agidi. v. ti o ni drun.t. Occasionally. Odour. Omen. Obtrude. n. Ocean. Odious. n. ifun ^ran. olori. Ye ! Aa Oil. adj. adj. n. 011S9. gbigba. idawo. 9ra.t. Oftentimes. or adj. ipo is9. epo. n. ini. igb$. v. iran. iw9danii. v. ikeJ9- October. and i. Oh. n.i. ti Occidental. ti oju.pl. ni agbara allopin. ohun ibaninuj'9. n. Old-times. n. Ominous. igi ororo ni il9 aw9n Ju. ti Odd. iwa ti Olodumare. n. aisedede. Obtrusion. aye. Officious. n. adj. adv. ni irira. ija. Oil-palm. gbagbe. laibamu. mu k9S9. igbagbe. n. ti epo. Occasional. ri-gba.OBS Observer. aigbvran. v. opin. nipa agbara oye. ila. ohun ti o s$. 9I999. adv. n. Occurrence. ni . and i. ^6wo. ami ti buburu mb9. Offhand. adj. n. Occupier. n. Offerer. eniti o rub9- Offering. ohun idina. ohun it9r9. ohun ikunra. and i. lakaka W9. lai^oro ri. n. Obstinate. sofofo b9. ami nkan ti mb9.t. prep. Uakaka w$. Offertory. Occasion. ba-ninu-je. Old. Occult. Occupant. irira. agbara allopin. n. lfok9Ja. l^kan. Olodumare. n. ti Olive. anfani. adj. n. Odoriferous. eyiti o farasin. n. Often. v. Ocular. n. iJ9 k9J9. Official. Ochre. fi-19. v. agbami Ointment. adj. Obtainable. 9r9. mu kuro l9na. lf^kan. adv. fo-k9Ja. Obvious. Office. adj.t. adj. ohun alabapade. (>na. oye.t. 89. Oily. Ode. onigun meJ9. labe as9. olugbe. ororo. ti atij9. okun. and ru-9D9 . n. Omnipotent. v. 9019. Officiate. laimuratele. n. ^niti o ni ini. adv. laigun gege. Offshoot. fi-fun. n. Ird. Ordnance. Orchard. n. inira. adj. Opportunity. n. One-sided. aninilara. 939. $na. v. Oppress. Open. n. Onset. n. petepete. pron. n. 9san. se liana. si-sile. and i. Option. as9. Onion. v. Orb. n. tuwpka. fi je Opening. n. n. n.t. lori. k^k^. and i. Onward. Digitized by VjOOQIC . nigba kan. su. jij? ohun gbogbo. n. Oppose. re-je. se. Operator. lm$. Ore. kikojusi. ppnloju. ikoj'9. Orange-blossom. n. Only. tujade. adv. to I9S9S9. sisi . v. adj. ya . inilara. n. adj. if^. se idena. la. ise lara enia. adj. eni. v. nipa ilana. adj.t. Onerous. ibi Opposition. nilara. n. pere. Ito. adv. fi as9 fun. n. Oral.t. Orang-outang. ^re.J. adj. ib^n tabi agba nla. v. n. ki ise pataki. Open-hearted. inira. I9S9S9. isedede. gbogbo ni iwa ni akoko kanna. Opiate. n. alas9dun. okan. Orator. elo. Open-handed. v. k9Jusi..t. isisil$. ikolu . adj. pa-las9. adv. n. law$. Ooze. alagba&9. adj. Operation. Onus. as9. oye. is9tasi. Orally. ayika. Oneness. On. nigbangba. Optic. tabi. Opulence. One. n. laiya. osise. Oneself. Oppressor. inaki. Ordination. I9I&. ik9Jusi. se odi si. adv. akoko ti o w$. prep. adj. Opaque. Oppression. n. on tikarare. fi agbara Ordeal. n. <?r9 lye. td I9S9S9. lailetan. iwe ofin. ik9lu. Omniscient. adj. ito 193939. sun-jade. Oracle. n. n. le ri p^gbpn jul?. Ordinate. asodi. iwu. n. isinu. olum$ ohun gbogbo. Omnivorous. Opulent. itana igi orombo. n. ilana. ebu. tunuka. n. n. Organize. ti k6 m9 gara. 91:9. Operate. v. Opportune. Ordinary.t. igbagD9 pe gbogbo nkan nsise fun rere. oluworan. nigbangba . ijiyan. irin aipo tutu. Ordinance. ti o si ohun gbogbo. Once. ispkan. se. Igba. alubosa. n. v. Ordinal. n. conj. 100 ORG Opposite. yan. Order. Oration. adj. tyr^. wahala. Onslaught. ^>r9 ijinl^. 9gba igi eleso. Onyx. Ordain. adv. ase. adj. ohun ara enia. adj. orombo. Oppressive. n. Orderly. duru. Orange. ipakupa. v. Opine. etd Organization. n.t. adj. sebi. n. Opinion. adj. yiya. n. n. ibi idahun. egan. iyan. ti oju. adj. n.OMN Omnipresent. ni-lara. Opponent. ipari.t.t. ise. and i. n. arun oju. li Optimism. od. li $gb9 kan. tl laiya. n. eru. okansoso. n. Ophthalmia. p<Jn-loju. 91a. l?kan. gbiro. adj. Organ. adv. tum$. n. 9ta. ifimuaje. fifenus9. Openly. idanwo lile. siwaju. okuta oniyebiye kan. aye. oye atini- alufa. nipa 9r9-enu. Onlooker. is9r9 gbangba. lile. tirisi. adj. n. Opprobrium. n. apa kan. ilana in enia J9 ogun imu ni sun. Or. adv. rek9Ja. t9-ba. prep. Overawe.t. pese fun. deru pa. Our. n. ilokulo.t. Outshine. Outwear. v. se Outlay. ti lla-orun.t. li Outrage. laiya. v.t. Ostensible. nigbangba. dagbaju. Digitized by VjOOQlC .t. n. Outward. Other. Orthodox.t. ija. Outcome. bori. i. Overcloud. sode. ika rek9Ja. v. oju isan jade. adv. n. alailobi. adj. v. idl 6kun. ni aniyan Overanxious. sis? Outspread. nihal? Ostler. v. Outdistance. 6gongo (?tye). Outlet. lai- Ostentatious. n. awa tikarawa. Outbreak. v. ode. p$k9. Overcast. ijadelp. piles?. n. ti Ounce. Orphanage. S9r9 b9ru. O'er. adj. Orphan. adv. p9gbun. ifunkale.t. aro. iha ila orun. ohun 939. ode tyhun tyhun. Otherwise.t. n. Outlive. n. iwo iwaju. Ont. n. bi bek9. ib?re. iy9ri si. adj.t. pron. adj.t. Outgoing. adj. bikose bf. Outright. igara. Outwardly. oju. v. iba. s?gun. v. omiran. n. ran-jade. Outermost.t. enu.a. Outlaw. adv. Ostensibly. Outlying. buru rek9ja. Outwork. patapata. yasile pup9. lori. n. ti atetekp^e. Outstretch. su bo. n. ipari si. tan kale. and i. isa nsa. ariwo. v. 16 gb6. adase. ikuku bo. Ornament. pron. n. subu somi lati inu 9k9Overburden. ran- ohan nigba- ngba. rek9Ja. idana. ohunkohun. ise ode. igbe. Outcry.t. ole. adv. n. Outburst. Overcome. adv. tay9Outdoor. n. inawo. ibere.t. Oven. v. adj. v. n. Ours. iha ode. Outgrow. Osprey. iyin. Outsider. Ostentation. bori. isisile. n. deruba. adv. bere. bu owo le ju. Oval. wa laye lehin iku elomiran. 101 OVE v. Outspoken. n. n. Ought.ORI Orient. ila-orun. n. ihan isefefe. na.t.t. nsefefe. se-rek9Ja. lesekanna. ek$.t. n. nigbangba. adj. v. Originally. Originate. n. ijade I9. Ourselves. as9 Ontcast. v. adj. ara ode. n. adj. Over. Oriental. v. v. v. v. n. lode. n. adj. nipiles?. siha ode. Outside. ti Outset. v. tu-jade. Outrageous. v. 19S9.t. Outfit. alailabo ofin. v. na-jade. niwaju. Outdo. s^hin. ara Origin. Ovation. adj. n.t. olut9Ju esin Ostrich. Original. ti wa. n. ipilese. san-jade. adj. adj.t. Outer. rekpja. Outlook.t. bi eyin. adj. da-sile. n. ibiti a se it9Ju aw9n Oscillate. ida mejila iw9n kan. and tl siwa ti Outrun. sare ya kpja. n. Overboard. n. Overcharge. yq s rek9Ja. ye v.t. Overbear. aseseiwa. adj. Outpour. is9na. asatl.t. alailobi. Hostler. Orifice. v. lode. ^dun. eru. fun-pp. v.t.t.t. pase. lap9n. eniti o di eru.£.t. yipada. parpr9. Overrule. v. dkete. Page. kun-p9. Palatial.t. v. Overthrow. n. Package. 9p<j>n. Pain. Packer. Overland. Pair. niseninu. v. lori. v. v. n. n. tanka. ailedun. pele. Pad. adj. Overturn.t. n.t. v. fi agbara Iwa aw9n keferi. adv. Overplus. esl. Painter. v. owiwi. Owe. v. alabojuto. adj. isis$. ibi- Pail. n. olohun. siji bo. ale ana. v.t. olohun. iwuwo ju. subu. Owl. . $da. v. 102 PAL Pacifier. ppju.t. gbo finrin.t. Packing. n. fojufoda. n. Pacific. ise fuwp- fuw9. Overpower.t. teniae.t. Packet. n.t. Paddle. didun ni. Pallet. Pallor. n. Paint. Overshadow. agadagodo. n. adj. Overweight. Oyster. pna ile. v. yori jade. bori.t. n. 16 agbara ju. isire. Painless. bi ti afin. ro. jijoro. as9 ileke igunwa.OVE Overcrowd. Overseer. and i. n. ibusun Palliate. Overdo. Own. Pale. pin ni meji. ba. n. koroba. fi ti a fi koriko tutu. Pall. aje. ladun. Overhear. n. v. Oversleep.t. eru. Overhead. n. rin bibo posi. Painstaking. b6. and i. aj$. Oversight.t. je ni gbese. n. and i. alappn. ohun meji ti o ba ara W9n mu. bd-mple. igi 9gba.t. irora. sire ninu omi. adj. edidi kekere. Palisade. apero. apeJ9. di-eru. ele. Overlook.t. n. din irora ku.t. v. v. Painstaker. n. se aseju. jewp. Overmuch. ilaja. n. Overtake. ifihan. Oversee. asise. fi fi tiro kun. n. im9 it9wo. orin ayp isegun. fuw9fuw9. n. gbere. n. v. asunju. awe meji. n. adj. ile 9ba. Paddock. afin. ese. n.t. Iwale. v. v. adj.t. v. esin. n. n. n. n. n. riro. di eru. Palatable. Pagan. Overwhelm. Ownership. oninkan. Pacification. die. kpja akoko. T9nd9nr9nd9n. sise rek9Ja. v. Owner. isan. t>. adj. y$ rekoja. Ox. wa j^. ibojuto. airo. v. temi. n. Painful. n. Overflow. n. n. and i. Oxen. adj. ewe iwe Pageant. Digitized By awawi mu san VjOOQIC . aworan. v. Paleness. iransek9iiri. irori kekere. and i. Palate. w.t. Palaver. Overjoy. Overspread. v. osuka. Paean. n. and i. ni. edidi. bojuto.t. dun. onilaja. palemp. malu. 9gba awpn Padlock. and i. Overexert. oluwa. Overhang. P9Palace. Overdue. v. Paganism. n. v. n. a 9da tabi ese kun nkan. v. loke. Pace.t. abprisa. le-ba. a«9 se. and i. san jade bo mole.t.t.t. so nkan meji Overwork. v. v. tu. adv. adj.t. rp. adj. kun. bl-subu. fi-bo. keferi. Irln.t. n. tiro. Pack. n. n. Overlay. n. Overnight. Pacify. t$. v. n. v. pasara. ngba. Paraffin-oil. owe. Digitized by LjOOQlC . PAL n. adj. akawe. yan. ainiagbara. n. gari fun 9m. Paraphernalia. aJ9 9ba. Paroxysm. Palmy. Paramour. lainilari. Parched. n. n. 9kanjua. dariji. and i. nipa owe. bayi ( ). ipaiya. Parsimonious. n. igbim9 9ba. Pardonable. ^mu. epo. r^-leti. Parsimony. Pap. giri. Pamphlet. Palm-wine. r^-lori.t. n. n. isedede. adj. n. Par. Palm-oil. 9run rere . rudurudu. nfiji. egba. itum9 9r9. Parole. n.t. leke. and i. iwe.t. n. Paltry. n. am9tekun. Parlour. igbim9 9ba. n. odid9. v. sakani it9Ju alufa kan. nis9gun. n. imih^l^. n. n. n.i. v. and i. n. at?l9W9. Paraphrase. Palpitation. n. n. ihampra ogun ni pipe. epo eso. v. n. Paralysis.t. n. n. n. n.. idariji. n. titay9. Paramount. pin da. 9m si kekere kekere. pipa baba tabi iya Paragon. n. irora. keku. n. adj. n.t. ti Parch. v. ti ilana adj.t. mi hele. daradara ti o ni itura. Parliament. Parchment. onje awx?n 9m9-9W9. mi I19I9. Pang. Parasite. and i. n. Parish. ikoko. akawe. n. Panoply. onirara. pataki. adj. ogun itunilara. 9m'. iyangb9. ifarawe. Panic. n. v. 89-di oku. afom9. igborun. v. Parley. djojo. ni pataki. 9p<? . ^9 9nu. ap9nni. adj. didariji. n. ise- dede. lainiye. Pander. ori Parallel. yi si apakan.t. Pant. n. iJ9ra. j? aj(?kl. Parabolical. n. edidi. Pamper. Parent. n. Parricide. 9gba nla. ifiji. irora obirin nrpbi.t. arun ?gba. " aiyekota?. ororo fitila. Palpitate. Pannier. n. Pantry. gbolohun 9r9. Paper. Parity. iwe kekere alaidilu. v. aw9 ik9we si. y^-kuro. Palpable.t. n. Pardon. n. Papaw. Panther. oluf$. laisoro iri. n. ile awo onje. ^9 91a. Paregoric. Parentage. Parcel. n. inhan. ohun 999. Pandemonium. aw9n Palsy. gb^n kuro. olori.t. odi. n. sigu. ihaw9. baba. Pan. Parade. nigba- n. n. v. adj. Parliamentary. n. Palm. n. I99I9. is9gb9gba. iladi. Paradox. 9^ sis9. 9gba n. n. abo fun ologun. Panegyric. Paragraph. Pare." Parry. n. ba-s9r9. Parapet. v. n. obi. Parrot. n. ranlpwp. gbangan. ibepe. n. id9gba. n. v. Paradise. Papa. Park. egblnrin. ami kan ninu iwe. akata. tykanjua. iyin ^ni logo. isedede. adj. nipa Paring. n. awop^t^. Parenthesis. fi onJ9 didun 09. itoles? 9m9-ogun. adj. ^9 meji ti o se bi^nipe nw9n yat9 si ara W9n. 103 PAR Paralyze. ap^r?.pl. ale. iJ9ra. lojukokoro. Parasol. takada. Parable. n. gb?. n. ba-pin. n. «#. egb9 alufa. n. a&9 itxjsi nikan. laiaise. Pastorate. ile alufa. ti 1S9 alufa. n.. idaraya. 0IUS9. Patron. ya. n. n. Particular. gbigba. runu. v. oju 9na. Patriotism.t. Passover. n. oke meji iwe and i. Pawnbroker. pwpkan. iwe ifunilaye lati koja tabi lati W9I6. fi dogo. Paw. adj. onisuru. n. 9gb$. Passionate. n. Partisan. Paste. nisuru. idak9. v. ibapin. ipa 911a. Pathos. adj. v.t. n. Paternal. aworan. ae. ^niti o daw9p9 bani ae nkan. kiun. ap^r?. v. simi. aparo. san. laini 9na. hale. ni ikanu. ni pataki. 104 PAW n. ipa. ti-l^hin.t. ipam9ra. ol u§9 -agu tan. 89 ibudo. and fi i.i. ni apakan. Patriarch. fi okuta t$. Patent. Pavilion. i. n. if$ inu. ^Mtoral. iy^fun. n. isu. papa. . kere. Participation.t. glngin. Partiality. 9niti o n. n. Particularly. n. n. v. oye w. n. Partnership. n. ikele. Pattern. Particle. afiyesi. adj. aJ9se. ipinya. Patronize. alabapin. a&9 irepe ti a I9 lu. iduro. y^ fun Participate. ti 0I1199 agutan. Partridge. Pathetic. n. t$ pinpin. iaojuaaju. adj. eyiti o k9Ja. Party. n. adv. n.t. jij9 fun.t. Partner. v. Part. n. Path. alabaais9. ti a le kpja. isimi. apakan. Pastime. nk9Ja I9. fi S9fa. Pathway. n. adj. ajo loju omi. apakan. talaka. n. v. Passing. oju rere. irad9 inu. ekanna 9ranko. Parting. ni ibanuj'9. adj.t. baba nla. «#. 9lofa. Pave. ai SU9 nigbangba. Pauper. duro.t. yi n. 911a. n. and i. ^nikeji. laikanju. n. itilehin. ibinu ijiya. v. am2 Patchwork. PAR Parson. ya li ekanna. ogun. ilu v. koriko. Parsonage. n. Pawn. n. idi. fi 9W9 tun lu J9J9. alaf^hinti. inu yiy9. Digitized by Google .t. ero.*. n. aonu. a?9 ojusaju. Passive. Pastry.t. adj. tit$ okuta. and i. v. ti baba. Patrimony. Past. alufa. Partly. ipin. ij$ fun ?ran. awuj?. n. itara. n. adj. adv. koja. Partake. irantyw^. ag9. $e oju rere si. n. Pathless. alabo.t. Patriot. isire. Passion. n. oluf$ U9 r$ nitot9. n. n. ogi. abo. n. adj. akara. Pass. Pastor. alaisan. Partition. 9gb9. Iwa. Partaker. i. p^lup^lu. n. v. if£ ilu 9m. pataki. ba-pln. ti papa oko tutu.t. Passenger. n. alufa. Partial. AJ9 irekpja. n. v. fi ate mu. n. adj. Paucity. Patient. n. n. n. v. n. awose. iw9fa. v. ni Patch. Pavement. Patrol. ajumoaep9. ate. nr9Ju. Passable. Pause. Particularize. 9na larin igba sinu. and pin. alaini. 9I9. and lati i. ipin. alabapin. Passport. 9I9. n. Passage. apakan. Patience. nir^le. pna. ka dabobo. di9 kiun. Patronage. n. adj. Pat. n. Pasture. n. alufa. Pate. suru. Pellucid. v. 9iy9 ofu. adj. adv. fifl-agogo. san owo. aroko. aka- nu 939. rord. adj. Peasant. sonso. b9ya. lu-aluja. Peradventure. kiri ?ja. lalafia. n. $to. adj. etutu. n. se-m<£ . r$. n. n. onilaja. n. okuta and i. adj. n. Pedal. n. Penny. ikiyesi. n. asia t^r^ gigun. Pence. n.t. Penniless. Peer. aw9.t. Penalty. Payable. Pedantry. Pelt. owo baba. oril9 ede. n. n. adj. ijiya. n. Peat.t. Perambulate. Peculiarity. 105 Pen. oye. ilaluja. enia. iy9jusi. i§9. Peal. v. Pendent. olukp. n. Pensive. 9191a. okuta oniyebiye. ti owo. <Jna ik9we. Pearl. and 39 -lu. n. n. Pebble. nirudurudu. ikanu. popondo. Peacemaker. adj.t. J9. Pedigree. adj. Peddle. ijoye. PER v. Peevishness. v. laini owo. adj. sonu. Pension. Penitent. People. sisor$. da-lu. Pennant. Penance. ti 939. 9b9-alafia. Perceive. n. sajapa 9ja. kan li Pepper. Pedant. adj. n. ^iye ologe.t. n.t. aim. alarinkiri 9Ja tita. v. Pencil. asefefe ninu ^kp. n. koriko gbigb? ti a lo lati ti dana. adv. n. Peaceoffering. n. isor$. ibuw9 9iy9w§ bi eiy9Digitized by jv. Penetrate. w. Pedestrian. Pease. n. Pendulum. Pendant. Pecunious. n.fi ag6go mu bi ^tp. talaka. w$w$. Penmanship. ib9wo. iro. owo baba.. alabapade. Peaceable. n. n. and i. Peace. Pensiveness. rin la Perambulation. 9gb9iu Peck. Peevish. v. n. n. m9 i. n. Peculiar. n. adj. n. isefefe ni fifi ^kp han. v. Payment. n. ohun 999. ^iy?. n.t. n. ilo Pedestal. Peppermint. epo. v. n.PAY Pay. n. Peacock. ohun elo ik9we. itan. tedosi. and i. owo Pedlar. iro agogo. n. n. ironu. n. ipil^. and i. Perception. onironupiwada. im$. owo isimi l^nu Pensioner. Pedagogue. ironupiwada. n. n. y$ ni ijeniya. Irin ja. laja. aidaju. gara.t. isonu. ikanu 9S9. adj. ekan. v. Penman.t. Penury. irinkiri li 999. i. 9b9 kekere. n. ^niti o gba isimi. iran. k9we. n. ak9we. Perch. Peninsular. Pelican. Peg. n. iro ara. v. sisan. isanwo. kiyesi. Penetration. ata. ori oke. v. isu kekere. kalamu. 999. Penal. and ekan. n. Peep. b9-wo. Penitence. isenis9.t. alafia. n. dogbo-dogbo. n. Peak. U9 ti omi f 9^ yika. iyemeji. olori. is9 ironupiwada. bo li epo. li 9^. iwa Pecuniary.t. v. n. n. irord. n. Peel. ri. n. agb?. w. Pea. bo li aw9. adj. fi enia si. 9gb9n: Pell-mell. VjOOQIC . agbo eran. n. kalamu. Penknife. efinrin ata. Pellet.i. n.t. n. adj. yi-lokan pada. n. oluwar?. idamu. ti a le yipada. lu-ja. adv. n. niparun. Person. ise. ti enia. n. asepe. oluse. isegbe. n.t. I9. Perhaps. adj. enia nla kan. la jale. v. foriti. sisegbe. nigbagba. v. adj. titi. adj. n. n. Percussion. Perfume. funlaye. nipa agbara. ilagun. afojudi. pipe. sinsin. Perspiration. duro i. Peremptory. li 106 PER Perpendicular. opin.t. v. Pervasion. Permanent. se n. lakoko. v. adj. Pertain. adv. fi orun didun kun. ibura eke.t. adj. se inunibini si. Perusal. bikita. eni kan. Personage. Persistently. iduro lailai.refl. v. mu ati- Perfection. pe titi.t. Perform.t. orun didun. nipa- Pervade.t. n. Permissible. bura eke. Digitized by Google . adj.t. adj. n. lagun. Perjury. duro sisin. Performing. aisoto. dimu idimu sinsin. n. n.t. asise. niduro sansan. nse nkan. v. sagidi. Perilous. idese. pe. Perfidy. Perfunctory. ibunlaye. n. Persecution. laisoto. iyipada 9kan. pelu agbara. ogun. ni teramo. adj. and wo sinsin. iii alabapade. lailai. Persist. titi Perpetually. boya. da lu. n.i. se Perfect. Perpetuity. idimu- Permeate. laiyese. Performance. iforiti.t. v. n. pipe. Perjure. n. adj. Permanence. n. J \ Perpetrate. Perspire. dajudaju. Periodical. ru-soke.i. Personify. se. Performer. n. alamorin. ikawe. enia. adj. iluja.oninunibini. n. Perforation. damu. je. ewu. n. v. fi akiyesi kawe. and i. n.PER Perchance. teramose. Persuasion. v. iparun. Pertenacity. randiran.i. Permission. v. pipe. v. Perforate. Perennial. ilumora. tan. lafojudi.t. n. etan.t. boya. v. lara. v. iforiti. Perpetration. itosi ipin. palerdda. Perishable. n. abura eke. isepe. lai- Persevere. Persuasive. v.t. imuse. gbe. Perfectly. tito. Period. v. ipaiya. laikasi. Peril. se-tan. lewu. Persuade. n. adv. adv. ti. da ?se. Igba . adv. v. and i.t. Perplex. niduro pe titi. mu-pe. akokd. Pertness. Pertinacious. Persistence. se. Perforce. adj. n. Peruse. n. Perplexity. adj.i. n. Perish. ere owo etan. Perpetuate. ipe Pert. n. Persecutor. n. and i. Pernicious. adj. iwe ifayefun. pe lara. Permit. bun laye. iyaju si. titi 1$. n. inunibini.t. v.t. oloja orun didun. v. Persecute. li sasa. titi. lenu ise. and i.t. \ Perpetual. ilakoja. n. Perfumer. foriti. v. . Perdition. n. adj. Perseverance. Perquisite. v. iduro sinsin. segbe. agidi. v. Perfidious. n. Personal. iduro. Perjurer. se rounroun. n. didalu. adj. adv. fi ohun se akawe enia. iterance. ijewo fun. mu-se. adj. Perturb. apere. ft. sa. ir9ri. n. Pygmy.t. Phlegm. Picnic. hihan oju osupa. jedijedi. ole. Pigmy. Pewter. Petticoat. v. b?b?. Piazza. n. ororo ti a fa jade lati inu U9. arun. ir9ri. onisegun. irin ero. n. 107 PIN Physic. W9nu. yiyan. ft. Piece. ba-je. rara. tunse. v. ibere. n. arr^na. ekan. ?niti nt9r9.t.t. v.t. ibe ibi mim9 wo. atipo. okiti. Picked. jale. ft. igbati a<ft>. Pigeon. olum$. ft. iko. olum9ran. igo kekere. v. amdye. eiy^ iru agbe ati aluko. afonahan. adikala. adj. i. Petted. n. ayanf$ . n. dpo. ft. Pilot. adj. w. ko-J9. 89 di okuta. Pet. saJ9. Iaw9 pup9. Piebald. ft. Phial. niluja. Phrase. ^9. n. Pin. irin ajo li aiye. Pilgrim. Petrify. 9b e. enia Petulance. jale. ft. w. ft. omori-odo. v. yi-po. Pierce. duru apata. dara loju Pest. Pier. obirin. adj. af9W9ra. afojudi. ft. Pestle.t. ko ohun Pilfer. im$. tasa. Pestilence. iri. gun. alaf9W9ra. Phantom. n. le v. Digitized by VjOOQlC . ajakale arun.t. lainilari. ^iy^le. Pianoforte. esusu ara. im9 ogun. Petulant. Phthisis. afara ti o y9 sinu omi. ft. isu ogun. 9^9. fun. 9gb9n. $ro ike. oninurere si ibi mimcj wo. iyapa. ak9-igbagb9 sile. se ohun. ft. Pervert. awo oje. Phantasm. ^ew. gbolohun 9r9 kan. v. aworan. lafojudi. if 9 Philanthropy. la-19. Phosphorus. agidi. ikogun. v. ik9 fe. v. iwin. n. olub^ ft. ko. lodi si. Picturesque. Physician. Philosophy. Phenomenon.PER Perverse. and i. ft. Piano. Philanthropist. Perverseness. adura. kukuru Pike. 9la. n. 9la Pig. n. ke. alarinkiri. ewu kere. ft. ibinu. elede. v^gb^n. Phase.t. Philosopher. n. ibu if9kansin. o y^ aworan. n. i. w. iypnu. ebe. y9-jade. Pillow-case. adj. Piety. irepe.t. ft. Pilferer. and i. lafo. ifarahan. Pillow-slip. ft. ft.t.t. v. ft. adj. rere si araiye. saigD9ran. Petition. ibujoko ni ile Ql9run. idasa. enia. ft. atuk$. Pessimist. irin 9gb^ kan lati gba afefe. ft. ifarahan. Pillow. yan. Pervious. 9k9 itule. Petitioner. Piles. Pilgrimage. Pester. n. Pillage. eniti ohun kan kd Pick. iru Ida kan ti o mole ninu okunkun. Pianist. ayidayida.pl. aluduru. adj. ib9W9 fun Qtyrun. ror^. Phylactery. n. n. Petroleum. inu- Pill. 9dede. Petty.t. ji. n. enia. ainisuru. tprp. Pimple. apo v. ebu. ^niti o te duru. n. and ft. ft. n. and Picture. apa. ft. ft. Pickaxe. n. kike. ft. ft. Pheasant. r$.t. n. yi-pada. 93a. v. adj. ft. yo-l<?nu. ft. 9w$n. erd. n. niwara. Pillar. it9 9fun. timtim. Pile. jale. ft. n. adj. n. Pitiful. «#. r£le. agbara. n. Plane. ikoko taba. n. Plea.pl. sipe. n. wu. Plead. Plan. olunsin. apako. n. v. pep?. irugbin eso. mura Playful. Piteous. tente. Plain. v. nifpkansin. sire. Plausible. Plantain.$. teju . v. ikoko ipo- nmi. ide.f. as9 ogun fun egbd. j$. Please. afiyesi ni gbangba. Play. ja-lekanna. adj. n.t. p6. asaju. adj. anu. ohun elewe tutu. Plaudit. Plat. apd . Placard. Pledge. Pious. aroye. owo onje kikini. oju okun. iy<Jnu. alatilehin. Placid. Plasterer. Plank. Pitcher. n. n. iy<Jnu. Pippin. obor<J. ad/. afunfere. $gbin.t. lagbara. kerekere. di li apa. ohun elo la. Placability. 9fa. adj. alana sil?. n. Pitfall. dun. n. ilara. n. Pipe. adj. buyin fun. pele. gbe. $da. n. Platform. n. n. Pleader. iycjnu. n. ladugbo. n. sisu. egb? alabasire. Playtime. adj. v. mu-binu.t. o^uwpn oninu kekere. nitoto. Google . o se bienipe o y9 fun iyin. Platter. Plaintiff. ewuru. iwun. adj. eweko. n. ole Pirate. ibi isire. Pint. Plaint.t. Pip. yp-lenu. ole Pistol. Planet. PIN Pincers. n. ohun $ri. v. inu didun. Plaster. li oju li ode. ^niti nr^le. Piper. Plait. lati se iy<Jnu. iyin. iycjnu. ire sise. Placable. Plenary. Pleasant. adjj lalafia. Pineapple. adj. n. Pit. Pinch. awo Pithy. iwe ipd. erup9 isanle. fa. awo peruse. aye. and i. n. 9pe oyinbo. Pioneer. ifa. Player. tituloju.t. n. do-si. oko kekere. n. awawi. adv. n. adj. dunm9. wu. sanle. sise. n. 108 PLE Plain-speaking. Digitized by Plainly. and i. fi-sile. ni iwu kun fun v. igba isire. n. n. ajakale arun. t<J. if$ ilaja. and i. n. lilanija. ero. 1<J. if ere. Piracy. joro. adj.t. n. n. n. Place. ihd. Pitch. $ro aisi eru. petele. Pinnacle. afunrugbin. n. dariji. ohun pataki ifun 9pa. ilplu. Plant. w. n. se inudidun si. wun. v. Pinion. n. Pleasure. Pique.t. Plantation. li li oju omi okun. nigbangba. te-si. 1I9 biri. n. n. eniti o sire. n. iy$ apa . oye. v. I9-I11. lanu. v. v. Pine. oko gbingbin. 9gede agbagba. $dan gbangba. iw9n n. gbin. v. b^-fun. rii. oruk9 igi kan. iypnu. dgo. kun fun ofin. didun. n.. $be. n. apere. n. ibi. Playfellow. isa oku. n.t. and i.t. alabawi. v. Plate.i. . v. sasa. fi sibi kan . n. Pity. n. ayo. n. n. nla.t. sonso ori. kun . n. n. n. n. v. di. Pleasantness. n. n. adj. n.t. Plastic. se lara si. Pith. v.t. ?fun. kun fun ire Playground. Pittance. mpju. $10 igboiya. tanu. irawp ti nyika drun. n.t. n. se ami. Planter. Plague. elegbe. kun fun v. n. Plaintive. ib(?n ilewp. emu. eweb?. gele inuju.t. mimu. tit?. Plot. or6.t. n. n. p6di est) igi. onirara.t. n. n. n. t9ka si. Policy. ogo. n. Plume. adj. adj. n. and i. moye. Plight. lm9 buburu H9 di rikisi si. Ponderous. nkan. 9pa. niwa rere. and i. n. adv. n. Plug. and i. omi ikudu. Pomegranate. wak$. Pond. t>. W9 si oko enikan lati ji 9ran. idenu. lor6. v. fynahan. v. v. Politeness. n. n.t.. k9 oruk9 si iwe. Plus. onigbira9 Plough.t. Polish. olobirinpup9.t. n. Plucky. 9ra se. n. + se pelu +. PON iwe ^9^9. n-. Pliable. wadi. nigboiya. aw9n 9l9pa. n. v. ile 9J9. and sami. tita. Plod. ori. Pompous. Plotter. n. adj. Pluck. Plumbline. didunni. Plural. n. Pocket handkerchief. biri. nipani. PLE Plenitude. irin 9k9 itul?. n. ikobirinJ9. eri. Point. ami kan bayi and i. Digitized by Google . iy$ 9iy9- Pole. okun-iw^n. v. n. oju. v.pl. aim<J. n. Plunder. t$w$t$w$. fa-tu. n. gbe-b$. rl Plunderer. Poll. 6je Police-court. buburu. Poison. akoso. ogo Pocket money. Poise. n. Plenty. ba-j'9. Politely. Pointer. v. ifikun.t. n. sinu 6ye isise akoso ilu. Polite. v. ko. gb9n. iwe 0I0SUW911. re lori. oye is? it9Ju ilu. ami. v.t. ohun ti nf9nahan. ip6. tul9. liloro. fi sinu apo. 9S<J pip9- I999 pup9 . kekere. gbim9 buburu. emu i. adj. Plumage. ohun ipara a fi Poacher. Pocket. iwa. Poignant. lity. 109 Poet. Ponder. $kun. n. Plenteous. ibaj$. nkan afiyesi. dan. I9. and i. n. iwa rere. v. and i. v.t. n. rin P9I9. Police. adj. rd. Poetry. Polygamy. adj. fi oro pa.t. aisoro t?. n. apo 9WU. j$. ilaiya . iw9. n.£. Plumb. bl. igboiya. ilobirin pup$. ju Pollute. 6je imunaro. Plum. ti ap9n. fa-y9. v. Ply. n. igi Pomp.t.t. eniti o ji eran. edidi. asehan.t. oruk9 eso kan. n. Plump. and i. Pomade. n.t. Poach.t. owo-na. n. igara. wuwo. mimu. adj. Ploughshare. ohun elo and i. adj. tita. Pollution. n. adj. Poisonous. adj. Politic. n. didan. laiya. n. $p9l9p9. and i. Ifatu. n. . eso igi kan. and 9r9. ikogun. p9 pup9Plentiful. adj. se igara. v. and i. ole. jale. v. n. iwe oruk9 aw9n ara ilu. Poke. n. akewi. Poem. 9kan I9. ise dede. ja. 89 di aim<J. sanra. Polygamist. n. iwe akewi orin.t. eniti o ko obirin J9. pup9. v. v. n. idiw^n.t. i. n. n. ba n. itule. tun iy9 se. is9gb9gba. Poignancy. Pliers. sise laisimi. Politics. n. ti. iy9 ?iy9. v. 1UW9. Pod. n. n. Plunge. ft. mb9 t9l9. ft. adj. iye enia ilu kan. Popularity. Postage. bibi l9hin ikii Postman. jogun. 9ml 9na kekere. ot$. yq foti. Posthumous. fa- kekeke li aw9 ara. adj. aye. and i. oju ilagun ara.t. Pool. w. agbara. fi ami S9 nkan ti S9hin. n. okiki ode. n. n. Pop. Populace. iho Postmaster. gun si W9W9. n. ft. iloro. ft. and i. 9tu ib9n. itori. Posture. Porterage. ini. ft. Poultry. Portmanteau. lagbara Practicable. asaro. kun fun iho. . owo alaru. ft.. adj. Potato. aini. Potent. sigb9nl9. n. tu. Position. Porpoise. v. v. osi. ni ni gba. . oluS9na Pottage. Pout. ikudu. ft. Portly. olori ibode iwe. ft. ft. adj. ibi am9koko. oluta adi9. w. ii*9p9 iyara rin. n. . n. ft. ninudidun aw9n enia. adj.t. ti 9hin.t. n. v. adj. n. Popular. Pot. riru. Potsherd. Potash. aworan. ile ifiwe ranse ibode iwe. owo ifiwe rans9- and i. sis9. Powerless. ile and fi Poop. Postmeridian.t. fihan nipa aworan. Pound. v. Pork. 9tu Power. 110 9sin kekere. kun fun enia. adj.M. ft. ft. Portend. v. v. Population. l9hin 9J9 kanri. opoi. Possessor. lokiki. nipa„ lai- Possibility. 9ran ese. ft. and i. Pouch. Portable. ft. ft. ip6. wulo. baba. and i. n. Potential. aladi9. n. nas9Potentate. fo 1119 lojiji. Potter. adj. Portrait. lilese. nipa. apo. and i. Porous. aw9n ara ilu. adj. ft. awo. oju ferese 9^. iru 91119. Poverty. iran at9le 9ni. gbigbe. aw9n adi9 ti a nsin. Positively. y9 suti ete si. da jade. salaiyihun pada. Porter. n. iha idi 9^. v. ipa.t. . apadl. ft. ft. ft. adj. Post-office. ft. . duro-niwaju nkan. kuru. dajudaju. am9k6k6.t. Digitized by Google . agbara. adagun. ft. ft.. Pottery. 9k9 afala. lailagbara. Poor. le. and i. v. ini. Iwa. Porcupine. 9ba. P. ft. 9ran 9^9. ibi igunl9 si. yiy? fun aw9n enia. PRA Post. alaini. 9m ti o o ni lagbara. ft. .t. nas9. if ^ enia.t. alagbara. Possession.t. Populous. Positive. Poulterer. mu *nie 1-9 si i. ebute. v. adj. Populate. owo osuw9n kan agbo 9ran ti o ti wura sako. isunnigiri. ft. Porch. lagbara. Porthole. n. . adj. talaka. Postpone. adj. ipa. n. as9Powerful. Potency. ikok6. ft. n. kukundukti. ini. talaka. Porridge. Possible. ons9 ibode iwe ibi is9. lagbara. y9Postscript. asunw9n. v.t. Powder. n. adj. v. adv. Possess. ft. Portray. da-duro. Portion. ni sise. le se. Pounce. onibode. Portal. Posterior. apakan. apinwe kiri. ft. lile ri b9. Pour. n. PON Pony. nitot9. n. v. Pores. 9r9 ifikun iwe.t. Ip9t9. ipin. ft. oluwa. Posterity.pl. Pose. apo ifi as9 si. Port. adj. ipd.t. alaru. sis9. eru igi sisun. iduro. Prawn. n. ire-sisa. i^e b<=> ri. n. gbim9 Premeditation. ek9. ir6 t9l9. i^aju. fi Precarious. Premises. v. n. v. Prance. Premise. t9num9. Preface. n. 391919. yan. v. kil9 fun t. n.t. v.t. Precede. n. n. Prefect.t. n. yiyan. 9r9 itum9 ifi^aju iwe. n. Prayerless. adj. v. n. i?aju 19. Digitized by LjOOQlC . atete ro t^l^. fo kokata. v. 9r9 Prefer. ojusaju. olu^e. iyin. Pregnancy. iyant9l9. niyelori. Predestinate. Precision. Predicate.t. Premature. dede. ipinl^. b^b^. ilo. ifabam9 $aju. n. ip6 o $oro. iloyun. lo. n. n. Predominate. ede. and n. niyin. ogedengbe. Practise. i$aju.t. i. v. 9niti o $aju 91U ninu oye. wulo. Precipitate. olori ninu iJ9- Preliminary. li bi $ubu Precipitation. i$e. rotele. Prayer. adj.i. olori. t$\$. Precept. olori. igbeleke. Preach. Prattler. J9ba. mura adj. n. alagb9W9le v. pataki. fi-^aju. Precious. ni 9gb9n ju. adj. adura. yan ti t$\$. ^9. n. n.t. ap9r9. ala^9.t. Premeditate. ti Precipitous. Preclude. ni 91m adura. alas9t9l9.t. n. alaka^a.PRA Practical. v. adj. t9r9. Preacher. oke. fifo 99m. adj. oyun. erekere. niyebiye. ileke. S9r9 bokiboki. Preferable.t.t. n. Predispose. wasu. Predict. logedengbe. idaJ9 t9l9. Precinct. and gbadura. a^aju.t. Pray. oye §aju. Practitioner. adj. n. Prancing. Predictor. v. huwa. adj. is9t9l9. n. olori. Precise. iwa. n. y^ lati yin. ipo giga ju. lakoko gan. Prelate. Precursor. Predestination. adj. Praiseworthy. adj. i.t. 9b^. gbadura. n. $aju akoko. i^aro t9l9.t. v. yin. ?e.919. bu iyin fun. v. Premium. n. Precedent. Prattle. di l9na. Prediction. Predecessor. Predicament. adj.t. §e. ilana. n. se 1119 'de. bori. g9g9. Prayerful. adj. n. n. iwe adura. Prayer-book. n. ipilffe. ala^. v. n. igba gan. Premonish. a la. Preamble.t. ifi^aju. ti i?aju. n. n. Pre-eminence. Pregnant. Preceptor. r6 t^l^. loyun ni 9gb9n kun-fun. v. Premier. n. iyaju. Praise. adj. n.t. W9P9. 1919. 111 PRE Precocious. n. ile. ga JUI9. oniwasu. and i. n. . iwara. v. adv. v.t. n. Predominant. dara ju. v. n. ti i$aju. v. n.t. la* Pre-eminent. Practice. and i. as9§aju. Prank. . ifihan iwe. a?aju. n.pl. oluk9. v. Precaution. bebe 9gbun. Precedence. n. Prelude. Prejudice. ere. titay9. bebe tari li ogedengbe. ti Precession. adj. laidaniloju. ikanju. Preconceive. ^niti ns9r9 bokiboki. it9r9. tay9. tay9. adj. Preferment. §aju nipa oye tabi igba. bori. Prefix. adj. Precipice. atetek9 b9r9. adj. 9P9 enia. n. lojukanna. se akoso. Prevarication. n. Primary. k6 ik6gun. U9 9m9 9ba. bibori-tankal?. ipam9. adj. im9t9l9. oris9-alufa. Prepossess. 9m9-9ba. l9wa. n. i. idi nkan ti mbp.i. olori. 9m9-alade.t. idaduro. Pretext. Preservation. ta-tyr?. n. bori. alagba ninu iJ9. su m<j>. Principally. adj. adj. n. se olori. n. iye. n. r9lu.t. ro t9l9. olori.t. Preparatory. Prestige. Preserve. n. Prime. n. Sfgun. imurasil^. pur9. t^l^. Presently. in^tel?. sil?. Prey. Preventive. Prevention. lana. Prescience. ipeseipal^mp. ohun 9d9. pataki . Preserver. and se asehan. Presume. gba ini tq\$. Principal. Priest. ni pataki. v. fi as9 fun. Primal. ifarahan bi otit9. olut9ju. oju 9111.i. Pride. v. Preparation.t. itanJ9. kugbu. nipataki. and i. adv. lojukoju. adj. J9. 9019 birin 9ba. Pretence. alufa. idil9W9. agbara iwa. Prevent. n. adv. e gba se be. and i. v. Digitized by VjOOQlC . atijo. adj. adj. oye- laip9. Prick. adj.t. tit 9. Primer.t. Pressure. 9bun. n. n. ikugbu. laisi Preposterous. li Primeval. Prickly. irera.i. adj.PRE Premonition. t9. asehan. v. igb9k9le nkan aidaniloju. adj. Previous. Pretty. v. i. li olori. audi. adj. dara pup9.t. Princess. se it9Ju. Priesthood. ti igba Prince. alufa. ti Presumption. adv. nsis9 miran I9W9. it9Ju. gbe kal9 niwaju. fi ikugbu se. pa-m9. iwe kika ekini. Pretend. v. laini- Prescription. Prepare. saju. yapa. nfun. ni agbara idaduro. ikity tabi ami 112 PRI Pretension. ohun elo it9we. egun. di-l9W9. n. Iwa nibikan. I9W9I9W9. Presuppose.t. Iait9 . diyele. fun. Priceless. alakoso. adj. n. Prevail. and i. v.i. godogodo.t. n. ha li aye. kina. v. adj. adj. dawdle Prig. alufa. n. n. Prevaricate. adj. n. n. n. tete de b? Preoccupied. ti atetek9se. nipo ekini. aisoto. Presence. n. n. mura Prevalent. Presumptuously. tanJ9. gigun. Primate. v.t. ti saju. v. n. President. adj. olupam9. nisedede. n. ikim9le. iwe ilana. asa enia. 9^. lailediyele. n. ifarahan bi otit9. y9wo. Prescribe. loju 9na. yelori. nisisiyi. Presentiment. v. wa ni ipo olori. owo-9ya. Present. gbagb9 laiwadi. kutukutu. v. Prim. n. pal^m^. Prerogative. ik6gun. Primitive. n. v. 9yaju. v.pl aw9n ijoye. Press. and pese. $r9 iyapa. asehan. se bi 9nipe. n. Presbyter. adj. n. n. and i. n. 91119 -alade-obirin. ole. agbara oba. fi-gun. Principalities.t. n. Ibilu. se g?. pataki. olori ju ni iJ9. v. nisisiyi. Price.t. ti ib9r9. ohun ti ise ti 9111. igberaga. v. n. palem^sil?. fi-fun. n. se pataki. Preside. dara. ibaj9. jinl?. anfani. yiy9. n. n. sflhin. n.pl. Prisoner. Prohibitive. Profession. itysiwaju. Privately.t. gun ? Prodigal. irandiran. olu . Profundity. jinl9 ni im$. and i. Process. itatesiwaju. Prodigious. jijinl^. and i. isaju. bi.t. Probation. Prison. nkan ti nhu jade. n. n. n.PRI Principle. imuwa. Prize. adj. ibisi. Probity. Procrastination. nifen. n. Product. aityw^. Prior. v. n. adj. n. da-duro. ere. onde. oniJ9W9. Profound. is9di aim<J. mu-jade. ninakuna. Procession. \kqkq. oninakuna. Privation. adv. ip9si. n. Profess. irin. Probably. Printer. ifarapam9. n. n. k$-fun. Prohibition. otit9. onif9kuf9. v. Productive. ka si ohun Probable. adj. imupe. 9miyanu. oniwa buburu. v. ti ^nikansoso. da-duro. n. ri-gba. Privilege. Progression. ere. Procrastinate. hu. boya. kik9- Digitized by Google . ipilese ek9. n. boya. v. Private. so. p9 rek9Ja. ipe. 89-di-aim<J. eleso. ^niti a ndanwo. Priority. n. Profanation. ohun Print. sami si. Progenitor. Probe. iwe ohun ti a o se ni ipade. Profile. t$ siwaju. idaduro.t. Progeny. tobi. ijinl9. ibi ipamp. oluk9. t$. n. Proclaim. fasehin. ikoJ9 owo. adj. Profane. Proceed. Profuse. Proclamation.t. Profanity.i.t.t.t. is9Professor. I9 siwaju. a le ridi. olot9. n. Proficient. il9siwaju. tubu. n. Profitable. Progressive. tit$. fi-bun. il9siwaju. irin 9P9 im9 ijinl9. Produce. anfani. diyele. n. iy9risi. n. Printing. v.t.i.t. ami. ilosiwaju. and i. pipe. v. Privacy. ew9n. J9W9. ibaj$. adj. jere. Profligate. ti ik9k9. n. li ere. ohun iyanu. n. mu idina. Privy. baba nla. n. 113 Prodigality. n. adj. aworan ori tabi oju. saju. ^ran ti o soro. n. adj. ifa- imupe. idanwo. v. n. elew9n. Proficiency. v. Prognosis. Profoundness. adj. ti saju.t. Procure. ij?w9. itele. adj. lasan. ba a se imul?. Progress. iwe tit 9. v. v. i&9t9l9. Procedure.t. niwa buburu. ofin. at?we. iwe tite. ohun elo onisegun. v. Proffer.t. iduro. n. n. v. Prod. p$ niyanu. Profit. n. ipil?. s6fo . aini. mu-san. v. adj. n.t. a le danwo. jiJ9 bi enipe. idaduro. n. n. ti iyebiye. v. n. mu-p9. Problem. fi-t9r$. 9m9. 89 fun li nigbangba. Proceeds. nl9 siwaju. PRO ifi n. Prodigy. anfani. ile n. im9tele. 89 nigbangba. adj. ohun ti ori r9 sosoro. ti Probability. adj. n. imusan. n. ikede. n. iwe ifihan dajudaju. ik9fun. kuf9. agbara imuwa. di-l9na. n. n. adv. and i. aim<j>. eso. inakuna. Prohibit. aratubu. Probationer. enia Programme. n. n. adj. v. n. ilaw9. n. nik9k9. ibi Ik9k9. fun. kede. Probate. ba-j$. adj. hihan. and i. n. Promulgate. n. Promotion. bi Prostrate. ogedengbe. adj. Prosecution. n. ohun ini. n.t. adv. sun-siwaju. Pronoun.t. ni-yiy9. Promote. Promptitude. se asiki. ypri jade. Prop. imura. v. Promoter. akede. ni ir$. n. ihan kete- Proper. ifisim. abo.t. v. Prologue.t. Proselyte. wi-kiri. is9t9l9. rin.t. ohun elo pansaga. is^. iy9ri. idabul?. and i. 9gun. §vq ti a lo dipo orukQ nkan. n. ifi oju si 9na. isedede. n. n. lepa. and i. n.t. 9na irin ni gbangba. ipe. siwaju. v. imuwa fun ifiyesi. Promptness. n. n. asiki. v. darudap9. itankal^. n. igbeleke. dabul9 d9bal9. Promulgator. Prostitute. adj.t. Resi mu ^9 iranti. Prose.t.t. fa-si. fi-gun. s9-t9l9. Prostitution. n. ileri. n. Prompter. dap9. ami. olohun. pe. Prosperity. Propensity. woli. adj. Prominence. im9ran. v. Prolong. gblm9. v. alaw9se. n. alas9t9l9. n. n. Prospect. 9r9 isaju. v. itesi. n. la-nija.t. Propose. idagba. alabo. mura. hihu. duro titi. n. dabobo. n. alafia. n. Propound.t.t. muwa fun ifiyesi. ibamu. isun- ara W9n. 9ri. alatankal?. p9 si. Prophetess. Pronounce. Prong. tan-kal?. Prolific. t9-si. iwu. agbere. ip9si.t.t. v. Propeller. oluwa. ni ktybal?. Igbero. pe yio Proportion. woli obirin.kiakia nikankansi. Proposition. gba-af^f^. le siwaju. Prosper. sun-se. osuw9n. lo ni if9kuf9- n. Pronunciation. Propriety. amuga. olufisun. Proof. n.t. igbafef 9.t. n. y9. fa-gun. n. Prophecy. y9ri kete.t. 114 PRO 9na itankal^. Propagation. tail. iwe kik9. iri. etutu. mu-pe. . v. Propitiate. gbe-leke. isagbere. fi-siin. 3^9. n. Protector. Proprietor. Prosecute. Iro. Promenade. iy9ri U9 sinu okun. v. adj. n. obirin. gbiro. se-etutu. n. itil9hin. si-leti. itosi. Prosecutor. ta fun iwa ise buburu. ipo oniruru si nkan Promontory. Prompt. n. ni titaj. ifasi. adj.t.t. v. ireti Promising. n. pansaga v. n. t<J.t. adj. Promise. and i. laini agbara. Prostration. v. ikede. itankal?. Protection. kankan. iwo. Property. v. v. n. aj9-9k9. n. Prominent. ni dara. gbiro. han Promiscuous. n. Properly. n. lokiki. n. da-im9ran. v. gbe-ga. ketekete. adj. Prophesy. n. se rere. n. ifasi. Prone. Propel. Propagate. kede. Propaganda. v. se ileri. n. and i. asinileti. it9si. n. v. v. agbenileke. Promulgation. Protect. ni ibisi. Digitized by Google .PRO Project. Propitiation. n. Prophet. n. adj. v. 8onso-il9. n. mu bi si i. ti siwaju. isetan. and i. Proneness. Publication. ohun 9r9 o gbe ni ipese nkan Pulpit. adj. n. iho kekere. niwoye. Proxy. se li akoko. n. onje. v. Protrude. and i. igberiko.t. Pure. Province.t. elegede.t. iwu. Prove. ti agbegbe ilu. v. ir9po. Punish. t^numcj. ra. rin kiri Punctilious. aga iduro wasu. n. mu-p?. ikil^. f^-soke. Provision. v.t. Publish.t. eti. fa-soke. v. 9l9gb9n. Publisher. n. Provocation. pese-sile. 91*9 v. Protraction. n.t. Prune. Puff. Pulsate. n. adj. Prudent. kede. leti.t. v.t. Pulse. dan-w6. ak^kc. ! Puppy. Psalm. n ami si iwe kika. Proximate. n. n. w<Jn kuro. adj. v. v. ilu kiki Pulverize. nitosi. funfun ni iwa. Proud. n. iru- Pump. v. J9-niya. n. lu. Pugnacity. koto kekere. Puncture. ipese tele. ki-iweje. ilaiya. soke. and i. imupe. sakasaka. w$-m$. Pupil. lya. kih?. kanga. v. Protuberance. 9m9 aja.i. Pugilist. agbowode. Puny. Punishment. n. r$-l9W9. Purge. lo bi owe. wa lab? itpju Protest. w$.t. itosi. mim9. kiyesi Prowess. and lu kiki. Publicly. Digitized by Google . mimp fun gbogbo enia. v. n. koriko gbigb?. n. adj. Punt. fa. 9niti nfi ikuku ja. ohun ti a Pshaw. t<>. ke kuro. v. Provident. fa-gun. lati fi fun aw9n eda R$. n. iwaju 9k$. mu. 91119 ile iwe. tele. sunm?. wadi. adj. adj. 9gb9n. Provoke. owe. ikede. bojuwo. v. and i. Proverbial. it<J. igboiya. Pumpkin. . 39 di mim$. orin Psalmist. n. Punctual. adj. olura.t. lilu iho adj. v. lu iho . n. and ifa okan $wa. 9k$ kekere. amoye. v. and i.t. n. n. wuwo i. ifagun. adj. v. Pulley. m<J.t. n. Provider. v. orai lati inu i. tani.t. nkan wa kinikini. and si. Punctuate. alailera. Purchase. and i. t9 iwe fun tita. Proximity. Public. se g£. n. 9m9 ti adie. n. n. Provender. ak9we orin rnim^. n. soke. n. n. Pullet. v. n. n. gun kunna. gun. ohun ode. fif$. Pungent. Pull. n. ijiya. ti i. and i. mu-binu. ka. ridi. eniti nte iwe tita.t. ni gbangba. Prudence. af?f? kan.t.t. Punch.t. imubinu. di owe. si9 Puberty. Protract. ^niti o ?lomiran. and i. n. adj. na. n. tabi obirin Purchaser. r9W9. adj. Pup. pese. ti siwaju. n. apese. Provincial. n. ru-soke. it?we. v. n. ipese-sjle Qlorun Puddle. adv. v. n. inter. iwa onija. v. adj. kekere. v. n. da saka. and i.t. Prow. Igberaga. 9g9d9 kekere. Pugnacious. ikede. ra. Proverb.t. Pry. Providence. and i. adj. Pucker.PRO Protege. oye. Prowl.). 115 PUR Publican. n. onija. n. Provide. n. akoko ti ti 9k9nrin dagba tan. n. n. ti gbogbo enia. iduro fun.t.t. Quail. olubojuto n. n. ole. rp. Queen. Putty. n. Pursuit. ifuja onisegun ti kd ni im$.t. mu v.$. iwenumcj. bi i lere. Query. Quicklime. n. sokoto durukp. Quarterly. ni ilppo merin. n. idamerin ohunkohun. n. n. i. and i. v. kun bi ologini. ija.- PUR n.t. v. n. mple. n. ra. ere. fi-si. n. ibi igunle si. Quartette. n. S9 di mim<J. eru pa. mi. Quest. ibi isinku awpn Pharoah. iho nibiti a nf<J okuta. n. and i. wakiri. n. merin. Purloiner. Putrefy. imuye. yara. sp-ji. arara. and i. Quaff. Purifier. Purser. aibale eri pkan. Qualification.t. ate. Pygmy.t. Qualm. Quickener. Querulous. isuju. n. Purse. ojola. n. rahun.t. v. oluta ohun jije. n. n. n. mu-ye. n. titobi.t. aluko. Pyre. Quay. Quibble. and i. alaye. pa-re. jale. Python.i. bibaje. adj. ra onje sile. adahunse. eniti o sp di aye. n. yato. Purification. v. Quarantine. Purple. n. adj. pese sile fun. te- Q. PUSS.t. Ibere. merin.t.t. Purr. or adj. n. v. and i. and sojo. segun. ti a kd bu omi Digitized by Google . iwpn. Question. adj. Quart. eni merin. adj. ja lori nkan kekere. Purvey. Pyjamas.t. elese aw9 gb$n. Purify. Quake. Queenly. ajeji. v. Putrid. v. i. Quarrel. ikojo igi lati fi sun oku. ikopp inu eran. Quack-doctor. ibugbe ati onje ti awpn pmp-ogun. t>. v. n. Quarrelsome. ologbd. and i. n. aidaniloju. alawem<J. n. Quartet. n. v. ayaba. pana. n.t. Purtenance.t.pJ. Purity. Quench. dida okp duro nitori I ! aisan. i Quantity. oba obirin. ira. iye. Quick* odj. Quicken. sodi. ete. adj. rira. wp-m<J. n. Purport. ja.t. sp di aye. eranko elese Quadruped. adj. ero.t. and t. Quarter. ke bi pepeiye . Push. bi ayaba. isoro. n. and i. n. hiha sarin meji. itump. onigun mprin. Qnackery. damu. nija. emp. lepa. Pyramid. adj. niruju. v. idamerin ni adj. adj. Queer. ebute. tele. Quadrangle. agbara. v. 116 QUI v. Quaint. ba-je. g<j>. mim<J. v. n. and i.t. n. ibere. Quadruple. parun. Quarter-master. adv. v. s$. n. Quagmire. onit9Ju owo ninu pkp. n. n. Quell. Purloin. pyun. and i. Quash. laye. Qualify. Quarry. ilepa. n. iwa mimp. asp. te-mole. apo owo. n. v. n. n. n. and adahunse. Quaver. n. igbun. v. Pussy. li osu metameta. v. n. itele. segun.t. Quack. beru. n. apar6. iwa. n. ji. mu-dake. Purveyor. aluko. pa-ku. n. nlepa. Pursue.t. Purpose. ohun ti a | Quality. idamerin osuwpn.t. ainitelprun. Quandary. n. wariri. ologini. wahun li orin. Puzzle. Pus. Put. tl bl. v. Questionable. J9. adj. Quietly. v. Rabid. 9P9 enia alainilari aw9n " 9m9 ita. ti ipil?s?. n. n. iy? apa ?iy? ti a lo lati fi maran. v. gbfai.i. idak?. adj. ap6-?fa. Rake. ni idak?j?. nisisiyi. Itann^l?. yarayara. Radiate. ran bi orun. QUI Quickly. n. Quiver. v. par9r9. igboguntl. iran. n. Radical.t. ti ije. iran. iye ti a nta ohunkohun. Quinine. patapata. v. dak?.t. gbe-duro. Quit. idan Quickness. Quill. Raft. n. Quietness. sa ogun J9. ibinu. n. n.t. akisa. Rancid. ti o y9ri jade ojo. adv.t. ije. adj. and i. tegbo-tigaga. Quilt. binu k?we. odi ilu. Quote. gija. v. as9 ibori akete. ariwo. ru. v. Raindoud. iru . r9-j6. kakiri. idak?j?. eso ajara. Race-course. tun $r9 ?lomi wi. 9pa ib9n. and i. and i. n." Rampant. and i. 01uk9ni. iyara. adj. n. mus?ri. Range. agbo. n. n. s?r9 ebu. Quorum. siwere. Quota. Radiant. v. il$. palapala. n. 39 iye Railway.t. Quiescent. adj. Rainy. n. n. alabapade. rin Rack. iti igi ile. 9k? Rag. n. Raid.t. egbogi iba. Raindrops. adv. adv. n. v. Random. 9gba irin tabi lori eyiti ti igi. Rancour. gba titun. n. iye Quoth. r$. Quite. osumare. tita. $r9 agbas9. ko-J9. Rage. ibi isure Racial. irin kakiri. kankan. and i. ti idile. rin kakiri. mu-dak?. Rainbow. Quotient. idak?j?. n. ti gbongbo. gbeleke.t. 6jd. irira. 9^9 nipa ipin. n. r?lu. tan. k$-sil?. n. owo ohun v. n. fufu. gbogun si. titansan. n. keta. 9J9 ojo. 9na 9k$ il?. and i. Raise. n. 117 RAN Racket. n. adv. ehoro onirun. Rabble. Quiescence. Rail. Quire. simi. n. and i. arankan. irunu. dak?. adj. kan. n. S9r9 9gan. fi K. adj. Radically. iwa p?l?. Rabbi. iyanrln did$. Digitized by Google . Quicksand. v. n. n. n. n. ori-ik9. n. adj. alakisa. idile. le. n. Rabbit. 9^ il? nrin. adj. iye ?gb? ti o to lati se ipade. Quotation. gbe-soke. adj. Ragged. Raiment. n. fi-sil?. Raisin. Rally. n. and i. fo soke Rampart. lairot?l?. n. wipe. Radiance. osu aw? aw9n Ju fi pe aw9n ofin. Quicksighted. p?l?.t. ohun elo ti a fi nko nkan v. Rafter. and i. ikuku ojo. n.i. to I9S9S9 . muv. adilu igi ti o fo loju omi. v.t.. Rain. kiakia. n. ewe-iwe m?rin-le-logun. n. n. sirasira. Race. Quiet. v.t. n. Ramrod. ipin. irin v.t. 9ruk9 ti ti o nk9 Ramble. adj. v. adj. as?. Ramadan. agbara I male.t. n.t.t. isimi. agbara Ram. mu-simi. oloju mimu. i. wa kiri. oye. se iw9ra. v. re-lori. n. v. apanij'9. $9t9 ^>l9t^. tun yan l^keji. I9W9I9W9. and i. Ravish. kankan. kuku. da-sil^. olukore. v. ipo. parun. od/. ra-pada. olurapada. ba-se aroye.t. de. and i.t. kigbe. rudurudu. Raze. v. Read.t. adj. Rascal. v. tun to I9S9S9. n. par?. imuse.t. $hin. i. ayun. Ransomer. adv. l9gan. adj. and i. n. Razor. v. §tq t is9t9. kawe. n. li Really. Reading.t. Ransom. mu se otit9. di Reasonable. parun. . wo-pal9. adj. Rapine. Reader. n. Rasp.t. mura. fetisil? pelu ipar9r9. sa. imura tan. n. ole. v. Ravage.t. lododo. enia lasan. Reach. Ration. n. Reap. 9iy9 lwo. piiinu. alaroye. itansan im9l9. Rapt. w. v. Raze.t. n. adv. 39 iye . laiwpp?. 911a. pa-r9. ekute. Readiness. si. Realization. fifi agbara ko I9. nitot9. asagun. Ravel. ja li mu. nkawe. Reattempt. Reaper. Raven. esu. v. dijup9. akawe. Real. il9-9ba. iye. sanju. Readily. v. onJ9. ba-wi.t.t. fi ara han lerin keji.t. otit9.t. Ream. irapada. afonifoji nla. alarinkiri igbo. adv. n. Rap. mu-se. kore. n. adj. fi agbara Rankle. (480 ewe). v. Rashly. adj. n. owo idasil?. ti o t9. yara. n. ka.t. Rather. Rebellion. v. n.t. osuw9n. Rare. n. Ravin. Rearrange. n. ewe takada. adj. v. Realm. imura SH9. ohun 911a kan. nipa. ka. and i. adv.t. Rapid. l^kun. t£ li ogo. n. Rase. Rational. n. Reappear. Rave. it^-ogun. n. v. v. Rear. sure. Digitized by t9mb9- Google . run. v. idi. k9 li ^9. daju. dajudaju. td 93989.i. Rattle. na. t9dagba. agbara dimu. alabojuto ^yannu. v. 1 n. and siro. v. Rate. ni ojukokoro. and i. Rash. ilu. se tan. aise.t.t. itori. n. and i. 6J9 aw9n 9m9-ogun. $gba. mu ki o daniloju." w6-pal9. laifarabal?. n.t. v. lyara. ikugbu. Reality. n. adj.t. laironu.t. tot9. Ransack. v. n. v. and i. Ravine. lu. alp9Rarely. adj. S9w$n. gbinikun. s^r9 laironu bi asiwere. n. Reasoner. tun gbidanwo l9keji. Rapture. 91919. baj£. " 9m9 ita.RAN Ranger. n.t. adv. 93d. adj. tutu. Raw. v.t. n. and i. v. v. fi Rapacious. adj. pariwo. v. mi P9k9P9k9. sun. Reassure. n.i. Rebellious. ^gb?. v. Ravening. Rebel. kankun. Rat. v. ni iye ninu.t. adj.t. and i. ay$ nla. Ready. Rapidity. S9 di ahoro. si were. v. eniakenia. Realize. ododo. oniw9ra Rank. Ray. Reappoint. n. ab9. n. 118 REB Ravenous. Ratify. ododo. adj. and i. Reason. n. 39 as9ye fun. and i. onj*9 fi ohun ti si. Rebuke. Recapitulate. v. v. tun pada s^hin . v. ni 19193d. Digitized by s9ji. v. tun k<J l^keji. tun k9 l9keji. Reclaim. Receptive. Recount. Recurrency.t.t. Recipe. n. iranti. v. n. and i. Recovery. v.t. mu-pada. niyan. n.t. ibi ik9k$. kq sinu iwe iranti. Recently. v. n. fi-le. ka. and i. idaraya. ba-laja. ba-s$.t. v. n. ibugbe alufa. v. v. asala si. kika eyiti a ka iwe ni gbanti k9 sori. Recant. Reception. sir6. Recur. ikaye. Recuperate. itun-mu-b9-sipo. iwe iranti. Recall. fi ara tl. Recapture. tun 89r9 b^r^ iranti.REB Rebound. Recollect.t. n. pada sehin. se pada.t. ere.i. 119 REC n.t. ri-gba. n. and i. asegba. aila- Recreation.i. ranti. se ilaja.t. n. n. tundi. Recline. salu.t. Recover. igba nkan I9W9 9m. Reckon. pasi- Reciprocate. Reckoning. ni titun. J9ri. ak9we iranti. esan iwe ij*9W9 gbigba nkan. adj. alakoso iJ9. 9ni ni rere. n.t. adj. yi iye pada. da-duro. fa-s^hin. Reconstruct. Rectify. is9Ji. tun ilera se. Receive. Recoil. n.t. gba-pada. n. im9. pada-s^hin. Recede. iranti. tunReconsider. iyi {>r9 pada. v. Rectitude. Recapitulation. ilaja. Reckless.t. iJ9W9. laisot9. ipada. mu b9 sipd. ni ilojo. tun-se. Recognize. tun ri gba . and gba. Recollection. and i. fi ara ti. Recent. Record. n. aiwoye. v. Rebuff.t. adv. m9. adj.i. adj. se dida ara kuro ninu arun. itun ^9 89. adj. v. Recumbent. ba-wi. kohun si. ibi igba ohun- Reconcile. ipasipar9.t. mu wa Recommence.t. ire. v. Recluse. and i. nkan I9W9 9m.t. Recommendation. kan ni rere. v. n. tun-sir6. n. esan. isird.t. v. sori. v. ^niti a 86019. si pe-pada .t. yi fyrq pada. v. Recipient. tun 91-9 39. par$. and n. iyin. iwosan ninu arun.i. v. Receipt. i " bunmi mbun se pasi9. l^keji. Reconciliation. Reciprocal. Recommend. tun-ro. n. san-pada.t. ik$. ipada 89hin. v.t. v. laibikita. Reclamation. v. ranti. n. apejuwe. v. san isanpada. Reciprocation. gba-pada. daraya. 9m- Recantation. iwa otit9. pada. ibawi. sanu. tun-S9 l9keji. fa-s^hin. gba. v. olugba. v. n. adj. Recruit. n. tun mu-leru. Rector. ti kika ohun i. Recess." ise Recourse. n.t. Receptacle. n. J9W9. n. r9gb9ku. Google . alufa. v. Rectory. iwa ododo. tu-lara. Recreant. gba 9m9-ogun sinu 9gb9. v. is9r9 Recompense. Rebuild. v. ni 19193a. gbigba-sinu. and i. v. n. imularada. Recitation.t wadi l^keji. 9niti o gba Recorder. isanu. and i. 89-ji. n. a k9 Recite. Recognition. paj*9. n. igba. n.t. Recreate. yin.t. v.t.t. v. igba-pada. n. and i. n. ^niti nda. ti-laiya. v. fi eni rere. gbe-pada. atunbi. Regularity. Refund. pupa. ra-pada. orin.i. iwa mim<J. Regeneration. aifiyesi. Regarding. y<J. J9ba. Redolent. v. se ase fun. dede.t. 89 -ji. v. da. and i. pa li 9nu my.t. Refresh. v. Reduplicate. leses?. ohun egbin. aikasi. fifi 9k{) sure ije. and n. fi-ty. n. v. ibisubu. Registration. ka-we. rere. adj. iranti. n. Reed. tii-lara. kiyesi. and i. sele. eniti a fi <?ran I9.. v. to v. fasehin. pam9ra. n. igi ti a ka owu we. idasil?. jere-pada. v.t. Reduction. Regime. n. Refuse. tun-bi.t. ikiyesi. Rehearse. ronu jinle. Refrain. Redness.t. ri gba pada. n. ran-pada. iranti. n.t. Regulation. aibuyinfun. n. aj^l^. Olurapada. S9di n. n. v. tun ka. Redound. n.t. and ninu. leronu. and i. Reference. n. tan in^l? si agbegbe. okuta nisale okun. atun-pada-se. Idinku. ba ninu Reformation. ka-si. n. adj. Redouble. Rehearsal. i. adj. Re-enter. n. Reflect. ik? oruk? sinu iwe Regret. 11111119. and i. ibuku.t. v. riru ofin. da-ara-duro. tun se. edun. il$wa. as9-oye. n. atunda. n. ibi and Redeem. Reef. Regular. eri. and i. dan-wo.t. Regale. ifefe.t. Redress. sp di pupa. v. n. tunse. 39. v. n. and i. Reform. v. v.t. Refit. n. nironu. itunse. Regal. prep. mu wa sabe ofin. isedede. san-pada. Reel. 9pa-lye. adj. v. n. Redden. v. k$. n. i. Regalia. ik$. Redeemer.t. li eke.t. iwe ilu. 89 di 9tun. bu-ku. iranti p?lu J9. and i. piptfn. iye.t. v. keke owu. 9gb? ogun kan. kun fun drun didun.t.t. miran fun abo. v. and i. onje. and i. Regent. Redemption. adele 9ba. Refutation. tu- Refreshment. inu rere.pl. ilana. Reflection. mu n. du. rdhin. sepo l^keji. adj. n. Regatta. idanrawo sil?. tun-se. v.t. Regulate. ^niti ibi isadi. irapada. isepupa. igba.t. n. ti 9ba. ta gb^ngbejn bi pmuti . n. okun ijanu esin. v. Regenerate. itura . Region. v. n. Reign. Regard. v. Reduce. o sal? si ile n. abo. din-ku. n. da-sil?. ti.t. fun ni inu didun. Refugee. ibinuje.t. s?po l^keji. tun W9I6 lekeji. is9<li edun ranti. fun. n. isasi. adj. ifity. and y9 eri kuro.i. Refine.t. and i. nipa tun fi kun. Refinement. RED Red.t.t. i. iro.t. Refiner. akoko iJ9ba. ofin. v. ^kun Register. agidi. n. and i. n. mu li ara ya. v. v. Refer. n. Digitized by Google . Refill. 120 REI Refuge. itydede. Regardless. Reflective. Refute. Rein. i. iJ9ba. Reformer. isimi. ipal?- Regain. alatunse. v. p<Jn. bu iyin iwo. Refractory. ifiyesi. ibuyinfun. n. bi-subu. Refusal. n.t. v. Regiment. and adv. n. v. n. n. ^niti ny<J.t. n. Referee. Rejoicing. ku. ay$.t. Removal. v. idariji. 391*9 odl es .ji. . wipe. n.. n. iyoku. tun dara P91119. s^hin. Render. adj. Qtyrun. Reinforcement. wi. ran li eti. adj. Renegade. Rely. v. iJ9l9W9. y$. Remove. n. n. san ere is9» Remuneration. Relent. abam9.t. n.pl. Relax. v. v. Reliable.i. yiy? fun igb^k^le. ere is9. isipo-pada. ifas^hin. Relapse. si. ti-l^hin.t. owo ti a ran I9 si di9- Remittent.. isatl. n. ik9sil9. v. itil^hin. Iai-kabam9. adj. REI Reinforce.t. idasile. s$r9. Remake. Religion. n. simi le. Relentless. v. sise isin ni Remunerate. ogun. J9-I9W9 I9. oluf9kansin. adv.t. isiku. imukuro.t. san owo <>ya. adj. v. Remainder. n. Relation. v. owoRemunerative. Relict. isimile. S9hin. Reiterate. n. adj. kanu. l9ra. fan. oku enia.t. Reliance. ibi-abo. ohun iranti . i. is$r9si. p^lu il9ra. okere. Rendezvous. Remind. Reject. v. ohun iran ni leti. and tunse.i. Remedy. dariji. Remarkably. Relieve. and i.i. id?w9. nipa i.t.t. Remittance. Relinquish. n. Rejection. ba-tan. adun. ti ifa- Relate. and mukuro. p9lu iyanu. ^lomiran. tun pada s?hin. se inu Remember. tun wi. v. iranti ohun o ti k9Ja. n. iyanu. v. iranl9W9. n. v. aj<J. eyiti o mu owo wa. iranti. mu fuy? id9ra.t.. Remit. ibi-ipade. iyoku. and i. Remorse. is9Ji.t. sa-tl. si-ipo pada. n. ogun kun ogun. Rend. it9wo didun. Remiss. n. v.. fa. fi si ipo r$ pada.t. Remonstrance. adj. ibatan ti. v. Rejoin. n. alaisot9.t. didun si. fiyesi. 39 . gb9k9le. and n.t. da-sile. iyan. ba-jiyan. n. n. v. adj. n. igb9da-gb9da. ara. igb^k^le. Remnant. n. Remote. segb^k^le. n.i. . Relic. san-pada. ran-l9W9. Remark. n. inu. fi-sil?.t. Remain. v. is9r9 odi v. i. Relish. k9-sile. n.t. n.t. Remonstrate. v. adj. and i. n. Remission. ak9-egb9 r9 sil9- Digitized by Google . v. agbara kun. iwe inu. tu-sil?. Reinstate. and i. 9m ti o ran ni leti. Rejoice. ibatan Relative. Religious. Remarkable.t. and n. fi oku enia. v. Relief. v. jina si.t. k^-sil^. Reliant. Rejoinder. esl. Remembrance. 9dun Remorseless. aiff Reluctant. gbadun. adj. adj. ranti. v. i jafara. i. san-fun 39 -di. irepe as9* Release. isin. lailanu. 6po. and i. adv. n. Relaxation. is^tan. n. v.t. fi adun m$.t. fi-fun. duro. ifiyesi. fi 121 REN Remains. isimi. n. Reminiscence. Reluctantly. lokiki. ifiji . jafara. Reins. n. se aif£.t. si li etL Reminder. v. v. v. adj. atunse. si. n. Reluctance. ipada arun. n. d9W9. . fa-ya. ti fi. iranlvwp. ara.pl. sanu. and i. lokiki. laisaini. sisun. v. dubul? sun.t. v. rlra. n. itunse. ikosil9. v. n. Repair. le pada S9hin. Repentance. Represent. k^-sil?. tun-se. v. n. gbil9- Reprover. ti o l^gan. talaiya. $gan. tu-sil9. Reproachful. aduro nipo 9m. n. n. tun si l§keji.t. Renewal. idahun. kanra. ilu ti k6 nfi 9ba J9. a se oju 9m.t. Reorganize. v. and i. itunse. ihin. adj. Replete. v. I9 si . v. v. Reproof. ififun iparun. tun bi jade. ida^bi. adj. n. SU9. n. Repeatedly. ibawi. Renovation. n. adv. v. ilepada.t. and i. kcp-sil?. Repel. ronupiwada.t. Reptile. and i. ibawi.t. Reprisal. ibi si i. Require.t. Reporter. bere. Reprehend. n. ohun ti nrak6. pe-pada. v. tq. Repay. S9gun. tun-se. ifaya . and i. i. san- pada. Reprehension.t. tun mu wa. 122 REQ Representation. n. irohin. fi-sura. Replant. v. n.t. n. tun t^ iwe tita. Reprobate. v. J9I9W9. kl-w$. bere. adj. and i. v.t. n. Representative. Repudiation. Repression. Replace. fa-ya. duro nipo ^lonii. n. Request. Reprimand. ironupiwada. imusan. Requirement. Reprieve. Reprint. idal^bi. ibawi. Repairer. is9.t. iyin. ilepada. v. Renunciation. tun gbin. and i. isimi. owo-ile. nigbakugba. igbesan. Republic. le pada s^hin. asika. v. olubaniwi. alainilari. v. bawi pup9. tun wi. and i. Reprobation. Reply. v.t. adj. Repulse. v. fi-kun. ba-wi. tun fi si ipo.t. ohun ti af<?. Repent. Repulsion. ba-wi. v. Repress. n.i. Requisition. n. v. Republish. atunwi. iyin.t. fi-han. n. okiki. n. n. kun patapata. 9ni-9bi. ik9sil9. v. Reproduce.t.t. ibere. Renown. san-pada.t. ti a-le bawi. Reputation. 9ni-lsati.t. n. Repulsive.t. kl-m9l9. yq fun ibawi. Reprovable. r6hin. Renowned. adj. Repeat. Rent. mu-pada. aworan. Renounce. n. ka. ba-89. v. Reproach. v.t. n. dipo. adj. kanu nitot9.t. drun. n. v. v. f£. is9di-titun. v. Repudiate. if$. S9 di 9 tun. v. Repetition. v. okiki. iS9gun. Repugnant. Reproduction. tun-S9.t. Replenish. gan. n.t. ibere. n. n. v. v.t. and i. ka-si.t.t. adj. Reprove. and i. ik^sil?. ap^r^. ikimol^. alatunse.t. n. simi v. ikiw?. bani wi. v. and i. Repine. ere. 39 di 9tun.t. r$ si i. n.t.t.t. mu pada sipo. $b$. onj^. pa-r9. n. Digitized by Google . lodl. tun t$ iwe. esi. v. Repose. Renovate. n. n. da- and Reopen. aibarade. b$. itunse. . Report. 39.t. kun. n. onirohin. Repute. Repeal. and i. dalohun. Repast. tun-se. and i.t. Requisite.REN Renew. tun-t6. n. n. v. adj. gba-sile. Resentful. orun. Restrict. n. aworan. v. and i. daduro. fifi isimi fun. ^9. J9. Retention. Resist. ojurere. ke-kuro. pala fun.t. n. n. n.t.t. Response.t. m$. v. $w<J. v. laisun. ibi-gbibe. ku. Rescue. laisisile. tun-mu.t. Residential. n. v. didan. Restfully. san-fun. b$w<J fun. idaniloju. Retake. and kpju ija si. and i. adj. Retaliate. REQ Requital. tapa ta-laiya. Responsible. dak9. n. Resent. Digitized by Google . 9m9-9d9. n. ibinu han gba ibi. adj. da-duro. tun dun n. and i. v. adj. san esan. and n. idaduro. fi-we. Resemble. tun-gba. Resort. adj. mu 89ji.t. irans9. 123 RET Respiration. iyoku.t. Respite. Resplendent.t. Restraint. n.t. aijokoJ9. Resignation. egbe. iyin. CU-I9W9. dabi. v. n. Restriction. adv. kun fun ibinu. n. p9lu isimi. Resolute. se v. fi n. aifarabal9. igbala. imupada. v.t. i. Resource. Residue. ipala. v. Respectable.t. peJ9- Resurrection. fi-panu?. ile. ifipam9. n. and i. ifisile. dara y9 ninu ewu. n. Retaliation. ha-m9. n. Research. v. n. isiku. v. and i. mu b$ sip6. didalohun. n. . fi-sura. ibi ipam? omi tabi nkan miran. si. Resentment.t. yq fun iyin. pada. gbe. Respire. m Resume. n. Rest. v. 9m idahun. isiku. esan. isimi. ik9Jujasi.t. ohun itil^hin. irunu. i. v. Resumption. Retail. pup9. n. U}-lq. adj. ipam9. idil9W9. adj. ibugbe. Restore.t. y9ri si. n. Rest-house. buyin fun. idahun.i. simi.t. Retain. v. igb^k^le. v. da-l^kun. v. ta nkan W9W9. v. le-ta. idak?. Reservoir. Retard. t9W9t9W9. ibinu. mu pada sip6. and i. ipinnu. and i. adj. ipari. Residency. iJ9 I9W9 a. ajinde. n. nini 9ru is9.t.i. and i. Resign. n-sile.. y9 fun Respectful. dahun. v. san esan. Restful. n. da-duro. Respond. Reside. gbe ibi kan. n. di li 9na.t. oje si. tun b§rq. n. laisimi. italaiya. tiju. imupada sipd. Respect. v. Reserve. imisinu misode. n. alasuta. 19-8^9. adj. n. idaduro. Respondent. ipinnu.t. iham9. bu 9I& fun. adj. n. mi. igb^k^le. v. pinnu. n. Retailer. Reservation.t. kun fun 9W9. Restitution. igbasil?. n. aye. v. Result. v. atun b$r9. v. n.t. n. Resound. Resuscitate. par^. Retainer. n. and i. iy9 ninu ewu. Resident. v. 91a. iko ni ijanu. 9na iranl9W9. v. and i. iwadi. iwa li Resemblance.t.t. alaleta. Restoration. Restive.t. v. isimi. afo. ifisura. ile ero. joko. ibugbe ajel^. iJ9ra. su-ta. Reserved.t. lgi. adj. Restrain. igb9san. adj. n. Responsibility. awari. sun. ere. idiw9. Resolution. Rescind. Requite. Resistance. n. Resolve. Restless. Residence. olugbe. n. ib^wo. le- kikoro. ibojuwehin. arin. n. se lakuegbe. isanpada. yi-pada. b9la fun. adj. Revenge. ji-dide. ib^ru. Retiring. Revival. gun esin. v. jina.esan. ere. b$w<J fun. v. v. adj. Riddance. v. ibi ik^kc^. igbesan. 9I&. n. v.t. ipa enu 1119. ikanju. ri ronu n. v. Return. li 91a. Reveise. {>r9 and pada si. Retrospection. Reveal. mu-S9Ji. adj. idanwo. Retrieve. ba (?na kanna pada. itunwo. Revolt. and i. Rider.t. n. n. and i. and i. n.t.t. je niya pada. n. n. Revenger. itunse. n. yi-ka. Revolver. D9-I9W9. fi 9S9 w6. adj. n. kun -fun. Retreat. owo Revere. mu si. n. iyika. n. Retire. Retirement. §t§. v. nl Reverie. and i. fi se ?leya. n. v. Revile. ni itiju. isimi. i$9kan lehin iyanipa. v. <|>r9 Retrace. ariya-alariwo. n. Rheumatism. ifasehin ise odi Retrospect. Retort. w6 fun atunse. I9 simi. yiy^-kuro. Revel. fi fun.t. Revision. itunde. ibi ik9ko. pe-pada. oke ile. li $w$. ti jamba. nka. v. idinku owo. I$p9l9p9. n. par?. v. n. Reunion. ipada. Revengefully.t. Rib. n. n. <j>lqr§.t. ibi isimi. 9ja t?r$. mupada. Rhinoceros.t. igbakuro. adv. Ride. n. esan. i. olugbesan. 91119 -ehin. n. v. Ribbon. Revolve. ow6. 9^. pada. san esan. ifasehin. iyin. adj. Ridge. yi §rq pada. sil^.t. v. n. n. Revengeful. n. v. and s^t?. Retrograde. ipadawehin. Revert. n. v. Revenue. tun so p9 lehin la-ja. tun-wo. idakeje. ti akojopo owo ilu. Retribution.t. Revelry. owe. v.t.t. ebun. pada sipo. and i. pada. 9l9ra.. ib$w9. ifihan. and mu-kuro. Riddle.t. dfo. n. si- sipaya. Revoke.. kegan. isipaya. ri gba. and i. ib9low<?. mu-ye. olusesan. Digitized by Google . ta li 9re. ijidide. and i. ko isin ^ba. n.t. ironu ohun ti o ti k9Ja. ge owo kuro. n. b^wo.t. le yi-po. v. Reverence. 124 RID Reverent.t. Reward. a i. pehinda. pup9Rid. and i. n. le-19. fa-sehin. egungun iha. Rich. n. Reunite. and i.t. Retinue. Retrench.t. Richly. adv. Reticence. and i. aJ9 alariwo. Rice. ti ima gbesan.t. Revolution. pa-19. v. v. fi-han.t. lpar9. n. iyanipa. and i. minu l^kan. ibuyin. v. n. Reversible.t. ni arankan. li 9^. Riches. Review. n. ifasehin. v. ispji. n. esan. Revelation. i.t. Revive. and i. gba-kuro. ti a le fi pam9. gbesan. se ariya. Retract. Revise. al<J. v. ^bun Rewarder.t. ib9n U0W9. adj. RET Retentive. $ranko bi-imado nla agbanrere. li owo lori. v. adj. sinkafa ir^si. n. gba pada. ^niti ngun esin. iyi ara s^tc?.t. a v. and i. adj. 15t9. agbara mu. Roll-call. and ike . lu bi agogo. adv. adj. gbigb^n. ipe aw<?n enia li Rip. Ringworm. Rinse. ye. v. . n. and w$ ona isin bi eiye.t. n. ipilese. osuw9n . n. ibuw9 eiye. and i. abo agburin . Rogation.t. w<Jp$. bu ramuramu. as9 igunwa. lapalapa. la. Roar. n. de. hiho okun. Digitized by Google . nisan. fi omi san. Rose. Ripen. P911. dide. ahuso. ibere. je Rod. ro bi agogo. n. arekereke. adj. Ritual. v. rin kakiri. fi-rerin. n.*. gbongbo. le. odo kekere. n. adj. Right. fa-tu. Romp. la. fi Risk. n. Rigor. v. ewu. n. Roguish.t. dagba tan. n. pipa- River. n. jale. Rigid. ml. Room. . v. adj.*. $gba. enia alarekereke. idije. liana isin. oruk9. n. v. lotit9. ebe. igbe. n. n. irerin. v. Rocksalt. ohun bibu. n. sun. apata. and i. idaw9le. Robe. n. n. Ring. anfani dara. ke. i. i. and i. p$. Rogue.t. n. ile. Rob. adj. isoro. and i. ewu. p9n. n. iru ib9n kan.t. Rigour. Root. Rigidly. 9199a. kerora. n. . ariwo . Roller. Rightful. Roost. Irord. jale. alafarawe. ire ariwo. adj. tl siwa tl sehin. Rocky. odo. Rife. n. n. Ridiculous. and a7id i. Imuna. oruka. kannakanna. Rising. Rite. li agbara. t9-si. Rood. and i. adun Riotous. n. Righteous. v. Rind. iselara si. Rivulet. mu ijar$. nilerin. Road. drule ajinde v. v. Righteousness. ole. mu Romance. ila. n.t.t. n. we'wu. okuta nla. 9pa. ibadu. i. ho. ak9-adie. Robber. ayika. n. lile. odo sisan kekere. kanwun. eniakenia. buburu. Rivalry. fi-sesin. adj. n. Riot. and v. n. goke . iwa aisot9. abanidije. Rook. Rival. eti. itan lasan. 125 ROO n. otit^. n. Rim. iwaododo. pasan. Rifle. duragudu.RID Ridicule. Roguery. adj. Roof.t. olododo. ti Rooster. Roe. n. yan. n. n. ja li ole. v. n. rere. iwariri otutu. 9 tun. t9. iy9Suti fi si. v. Roast. epo. agbada. lododo.t. adj. Rivet. ika-iwe. n. is9te Rise. n. n. Ripe. se orogun. adj. eyin eja. 9na. n. ekan irin. se-welewele. yi. ipo. Roam. lailanu. n. oke-enu. soro lati te. yara. Rock. rirerin.t. i. 6b9. kun fun okuta. v. Ripple. Robbery. n. Romantic. n. aye. ododo. adj. n. n. v. jinde . gb6. kun fun ais5t9> Roll. bebe. pelu isoro. adv.t. o han lode.t. idide. ododo. ole jija. <?leya. ho. n. aiye. Rill. olori egbe. Robust. irukerudo. n. pred. v. Rightly. oniw9bia. n. vX and i. fi and i. d$. ti liana isin. Ringleader. n. n.t. inakuna. ji. jegu- ka. ft. v. lariwo. Sackcloth. adj. ti oba. adj.t. sure siwaju. Rise. Rust. ere-etan. buruju. adj. n. eweko odo. n. ifi-ese-mule. Rough. Rudder. n. Rude. Rout. ohun mimo di ail^wo.t. iwakuwa.t. pa. ft. Rowdy. v. Ruinous. sakisaki. and i. mu-dide. v. Rot. awak$. kidanpapa didogun. lainilari bi ara-oko. Rule. palapala. ija ibi mimo lole. Rub. and i. ft. and i. iro mimi ewe. ft. igbo. ti oko. Rouse. isuju. r<J lu. adj. se akoso . es$. palapala. .t. li Rummage. idaru.t. enia gaungaun. itok$. Rue. Rumble. ami majemu. n. sure. Rump. n. n. iba alafia ti Rural. idipara. tesuba. lailanu. adj. ebo . adj. rira. ojo ekini ose isin ti a Rubbish. v. le ogun. idogun. Rower. koriko odo. Rope. Sack. lfi§. Route. iwa oba. Ruin. and i.t. Royalty. n. n. akoso. n. alarinka kiri.t. oye 9ba. . Rupture. wa. adj. Sacrilege. Rotten. ft. and i. se edun fun. laimoye. kanu fun. wa Rumour. ijoba. alapa. 126 SAC Rugged. Row. ft. ft. adj. Ruler.t. Ila. Rove. n. lebanije. ifisile. Hie. n. Rush. pon.t. ipilese. baje. roboto. idi. afefe ninu koriko. n. Rusty. ft. Ruthless.t. apo nla. agbara se. gbo.t. jale. ibaje. iwolule. ra. adj. laiteju. Sacrifice. ra. ft. ad. atuk$. n. Routine. Rug. n. joba. v. dipara.ROO Rooted. Rose. and isp lilo rubo. Rustle. sebo fi-sile. aimoye. asp v. ft. v. adj. ohun elo ile Qlorun ni ilokulo. ahoro. Royal. v. n. iyapa. la. je- if<J. Digitized by Google . Rover. Sacrament. ft. ise ti ojojumo. v. ft. dogun. adv. ft. sakisaki. fole. yi ka kiri. Ruffian. ft. Rudiment. yika. ya si mim<J fun Qlorun. dpe. ako. ji li oju orun. igara. ohun alainilari Rubric. idibaje. adj. irin. adj. ibadi. Rotation. fi ft. Rottenness. Ruby. imule. Roughly. sare. Rudely. and i. Sacred. $w<J. rin ka kiri. and i. Ruse. i. Rut. v. iro. ariwo. adj.t. pupa. da-ru. adj. dibaje. adj. oro ninu iwe adura ti o fihan bi a o ti se isin si. Rum. n. adv. v. dide. mimo. bi oba. ipa ona ise. iparun. v. yiyasoto. ft. lile ogun. fa ila. and i. n.t. kun. ibura. Sabbath. parun.t.. ara oko. nika. and i. ojo isimi. awasa. iyi bi keke. goke jinde. and i. ft. Round. Roundabout. ihin.t. ft. s. alakoso. ileke adura. imowahu. ft. Rudeness. v. okun. v. iro ft. ipa ona. ipara v. ipo oba. ami keke ninu er$. ala- 'ft. oti ireke. Rustic. Ruddy.t. and i. v. aso ibusun. and i. Rosary. Run. oba. n. adj. n. lalafia. Sanity. J Sane. imu.t. Sanctity. 9kanna. Sarcastic. Sarcasm. I igbokun 9^. ilohunsi. J9. binuje. fun gbe. Safety. 9l9Ja Salient. egan. adj. ogun aran. n. pelu egan. adj. di funfun ru. ki. 9gb<?n. lailewu. it<J enu. ya si apoti ifi owo pamp si. n. apere as9 riran. ady. Ju. is9cUniim9. iy9da. kiki iyanrin. Sample. ita-oja. alasa. Sagacity. da lara. Sadness. v. n. iki. asa. enia Saintline88. Sail. and i. and i. n. iy$. 9l9gb<?n. ti o sese hu. igi oju and n. igbala. Salary. n. adj. ni iy$. n. fajuro. iye ninu korokoro. Sandy.iyaafef? ti Saddler. iwamim9. J9W9. Sanhedrim. inu yiyd. Satanic. Sampler. ijew9si. pipada v. iy$ po. n. aj9 igbira? aw9n Salesman. ibi aiiewu. Sagacious. ailewu. mimu. apejuwe. agbalu. ti ise itvju ilera Saline. salubata. Sanctification. adj. Sap. n. n. ni iyanrin. n. Sanction. ipara. n. Sailor. n. agbalu. okuta oniyebiye. Sameness. adj.t. v. Sapling. ohun ikunra. n. n. kun Sake. sik$. ibiti ibugbe aw9n le Sadden. n. n. v. Sand. Sanitation. tita. SAD Sad. Saltish. ba ninu v. Sandstone. wi. Saintly. nitura. n.t. atuk$. and fun mu. Sag. Sanguine. n. adj. moye. iy$. Said. tagbokun.. v. adv. Sadly. apere. loro . sp di mim?.*. ikini. n. iru kanna titi. a bo. iwa mim$. adj. n. lera. ejo inu i. Safe. awo Santonin. adj. n.t.) fun Ql9run. iyanrin. ti esu. Sapphire. ni ireti. n. v. adj. niy9 ninu. n. adj.t. n. n. n. i.t. oye. Sanctify. la wan i . adj. tita. ifajuro. adj. igi igbala kuro ninu Salvation. simim9. oje Salubrious. g&rl. owo fun ireti. adj. garl. ri. Same. da bi enia mim<J. n. Sanitary. n. ega kekcre. n. yanrin. nilera. itori. Sage. Salt-cellar. Satan. n. Digitized by Google . ibinuje. n. mi 1119. I I Sanctuary. Salve. n. n. Sandbank. amoye. ile ti a ya si mime. 9Ja. v. n.t. adj. Safeguard. yangi. is?. Sale. y? ger?. 89. niy9 di?. n. ferese. alaisan nw9n gba Saddle. esu. Sash. Sardine. 127 SAT Sanatorium. ti o loro . bebe eti odo. v. Sanguinary. n. di ni o dara. oni^na garl. n. adj. n. Salutation. n. n. Saneness. n. Salt. I<?gb9n. ni igbekele. fi im9 it9Ju ilera aw9 oju nitori aisan. Saliva. Salute. Sank. n. lohunsi. and i. abukun. Sandal. pelu ibinuje. egbogi igi. v. n. ye. owo $ya. mim9. Saint. pataki. alabo. n. adj. olori 9run apadi.t.t. Saleable. v. bi esu. ^niti o 39 ni di mini9. Sanctifler. iku ainipekun.t. Sallow. ak9k9. as9 ib9run. n. r9-igi. f^r^. v. bu omi gbigbona jo.t. Save. nit?run. n. and i. aip9. wd. Sauce. n.t. and i.t. Sawyer. Saucy. Satisfactory. Scandal.t t^-lprun. iy^ ir9gi ayun. Saturate.t. agbara kaka. n. ituka. it^l^run. n.pl. apo. P9P9Scald. alaigba otit. Sceptical. rin ka kiri P9I9P9I9. wi. rin. adj. funka. n. adun. tun ilu se. gba-la kuro ninu Scare. niyaju si. t^-tyrun. apa egbo. awo It^l? ago. iJ9 ik^hin 989. ewur? idasil^lp. nika. Scavenge. fani lati k9we l9f9. ero. v. ni ibaJ9. agbari. Scavenger. Scarred.i. adv. gba I9W9 939 . Scentless. eniakenia. Scalp. afi. ile-9k9. iwd. Olugbala araiye. 9pa 9ba. orun. atfgun. Saucer. adj. v. Scandalous. n.t. n. akp ida. Say. goke. n. n. adj. n. wiwi. v. \mq. nikun Scandalize. . iwo H9. alayun igi . n. Scholarship.9 gb9. rord. Schism. ddddo. adj. Scarce. k^gan. bikose. Sceptic. akas9. yun ri. prep. 9gb9n iwe . Scant. adj. adj. Scan. n. v. n. ara oko. n. Scepticism. v. Scales. n. Scaffold. and i. ibi ifiowo pam? si. fifi owo pam9. n.SAT Satchel. Scenery. Digitized by Google . n. n. n. v. ita. n.t. Sawdust. Scarlet. n. v. n. 9pa alade. aw9n igbim9 fun ile-iwe. Isasun. bikosepe . Saving. School-board. laini orun. an- Scale. Saviour. mu-k9s$. t9-wo. ohun id^ruba ?iy9Scarf. ewu. ile yika.t. 39. d^ruba. sisunna. $biti igi alayun. adj. Scarecrow. Sawpit. Saying. Scene. epa. ile-iwe. kun- bukun. ha. v. Saturday. n. ringbindin. t^-l^run. n.t. wadi. adj. se abukun si. tuka. aikun. Saucepan. Sate. enia-kenia. kun. v. Sauciness. and i. and pal 91119 ni ita. abukun. Savour. agbal? gbal?. ip9. n. ikoko. Savage. it9Wo. and n. Said. ifunka. gb«. n. n. n. ni ami egbo. r9gir9gi. n. Scabbard. n. and i. n. Savoury. iyapa. Saunter. Saw. gborim. osuw9n ip$. n.t. v. n. v.i. S9W9n. oniyemeji. sis9. n. fipam9. 9w<Jn. and i. didun. liana. la- Satisfy. Satin. n. v.t. adv. Scholar. v. apa oju. Scanty. w. 9l9gb9n. J9 ajekl. v. aito. legan.t. sure kikan. School. n. tabi otit9 aigba ifihan R9 Scheme. Scarcely. ayasebi. Scamp. i. da-si. iri. imunikQs^. Scar. gbigba-la . 9b?. adj. n. alaigbede. 6riin. $gan. S9da bi baranj?. Scent.t. saip9.t. Scapegoat. n. Ql9run iyemeji. n. Scattering. i. epo. Satiate. Scarcity.t. and i. kun. adj. loju. v. adj. Satisfaction. gbal^- aworan iri ibi kan. w. Savings-bank. onrord. n. adj. ohun ik9&$. 128 SCH Scamper. 9r9 SIS9. lafojudi. ayun. n. . enia lasan. aJ9 ik9we. Sceptre. loju. Scab. Scatter. v. oniyemeji. afojudi. ijadu. n. wa kiri. Scoff. eniakenia. n.t. n. set9se. Scuffle. Qr9 Ql9run. School-master. ke. Seaman.t. n.t. v. Seal. Seamless. osuw9n (20 grains). eba okun.t and i. fi r^rin eleya. ti 9gbon. Scurf.pl awpn elegan. it9se. iwadi. n. elegbe ni ile Scribe. han. adj. n. Schooner. v. ranp9. n. Scrap. n. v. w. ft. fi pasan na. Scrip. ft. Sea.pl. iwe kika. SCOUT. Scruple. okun. n. ha. ft. Score. and i. and awari. ft. iwe. bd. ngbe Sculpture. Scope. alakoso il6 iwe. Seaport. ft. Science. v. ohun ti a W9 jade. ba-wi. Script. niyemeji. Scrutinize. k6. gbo. v. agbegbe okun. dun bi owiwi. Scrutiny. School-mistress. Scramble. n. oluk^ ^k^nrin. v. and i. adj. v. n. Scoundrel. Scripture. ft. Sear. 91119. iwe af9W9k9. djdgan. ogun. and i. fajur01x19. fi-sesin. iye meji . Seacoast. Seashore. n. iboju. alum9gaji.t. fi se eleya. anfani. na ni 9r$.pl. Scriptural.t. n. n. ik9kuk9. fifin. pgbon. edidi iwe. Sculptor. n. saini si. v. gbigb9finnj. ek9 ijinle. iwadi. v. Seamstress. ak9we. adj. 9na Scum. f$. ft.t. ami.t. 9r$.t. apo. Scrupulous. awpn i. a wafin. Scorn. n.t. fi-j6na (drun li a nlo ede yi fun). han goro. n. ete. and elegan. I1119. v. n. Bibeli Mim?.t. ft. v. ba-89. pasan. akerekere. akeke. f$. n. n. and i. if of 6. v. iairo. Seam. <jk§ igbokun. iran as9. ft. adj. kigbe. de. r9ra.t. Scorpion. afina. Scoffers. i. ft. kegan. Scout. ti Bibeli Mim<£.t. pa. and i. ilu ti o wa leti okun. Scion. ojuran. 9k$ okun. Screw. v. epa aw9 ara. n. n. fi-jona. Scrape. Scrawl. W9 jade. $gan. susu oju. Seasick. dftbd- Sealing-wax. ft. Scythe. ni iruya ebi ninu Scrag. Scrub. Scorch. LjOOQlC . n. Scissors. 9w<J-igi. 129 SEA Scribble. wadi. Scoop.t.t. ida ti a fi ndi iwe. ekuru. abd. n. sas$.t. igbese . and i. olurans9ta obirin. ti Iwe Mim<J. Screen. ft. Scream.SCH School-fellow. taboju. ru joro. wafin. laini iran. v. ft. elekuru. fisesin. v. Scurvy. fi ikanju k9we. v. ibi igunle 9k^. ibu kekere. Scourge. Scratch. v. ft. abukun. v. oluko obirin. v. oye. i.t.t. n. and i. adj. ija rudurudu. ti U119. doje. aseru. n. Digitized by v. Ide. Mim<J. ft. Search. aye . atele. eniti o ere okuta. wakiri. birigami.t. wadi. ebute okun. omi-iy$. adj. 911a. n. Scorners. Scroll. ft. Scold.t. kegan. ya lekanna. ile eti okun. ft. Screech. du. ibere. gbo. woye. atuk9 okun. n. and jijadu. Scowl. n. Iwe Scientific. ik6. n. laini ojuran. n. aga.t. tq- ti-lehin. n. iyasapakan Segregate.t.» SEA Season. ile iwe. adj. iyapa. n. Secondhand. ni daindain. riri. n. laifoya. Seminary. n. Senate. Second. n. n. Secretion. iwa 9 tan. dake. Seedling. n. n. ayera kuro ninu 130 SEN Sedition. v. dewd. dabobo fi-pam9. v. Select. isododo Secure. Self-same. eyina. n. Sedate. ehu.t. n. Sediment. Seldom. ye. iJ9ra. yi Ho ohun iko ara eni ni ijanu. v.t. v. imu omi Sect. Seedtime. Selvage. v. di-mu. lojiji. Iap9n. Seemly. pron. lakokd. aj9 igbim9. omo-^hin lehin. tutu. sayan. at9W9 kejiwa. Secularize. See. Seizure. n. v. v. irukerudo. akokd kan li 9<iun. n. ta. ara. ekeji. and i. Secondly. onigb9W9. akawe. Self-righteousness.t. n. ara eni. egbe. and i. fi agbara gba. fi-pamo. ya-spto. nitori. adj. Segment. eti as9. fi-gbowo. keji. ya-nipa. n. n. adj.t. ri. enikeji. and i. Secretly. asayan. Saw. n. ijoko. and i. sakani ile abojuto bi»9pu. n. iyera kuro ninu Seed. Self. adj. adv. ba-je. Seek. nijokoje. n. irepe. se afihan. Seasoning. fa-sehin. iseju. iyaspto. oluta.pl. joko. t9. n. girimakayi. n. dara. adj. ohun nlk9ko. n. woli. ha-mo. n. i. iru-9m9. v. and i.t. agbara mu. adun ti a fi si onje. Seem. ti aiye. n. Section. Seduction.t. n. adj. iyapa. dajudaju. v. v.i. and ifi. Seduce. conj.t. ifipam9. Selfish. adj. nik9k9. Secrete. Digitized by Google . n. oye ak9we. 09. Secretaryship. lailewu. Seasonable. Self-control. ife ara eni. SecedeTSyn. Self-restraint. Secular. w. fife damo.i. Seeing. etan. Self-will. nitorina. pkanna. Sell. ifialasi. Seethe. adj. adj. n. See. v. v. isayan. li ona Secrecy. enitikarare. v. ninu iwe. g?d$g$d$. Sedulous. n. Seller. ara igbimo. iri. ikekuro. se bienipe. ariran. n.t. bibale. eletan. ak9we. irugbin . laiberu. iyi kuro l9na rere. abd. laisimi. n. Sedentary. n. n. adj. Senator. Seclude. mu-pam^. n. ala- Selection. si ibi kan. Igba ifunrungbin.t. iyapa isin. n. Seclusion. yp-kuro. n. apakan Selfishness. gbeSeat. ibi ikoni. adj. Ik^ko. ik9ko. Semblance. adv. ya kuro ninu egbe. Seducer. riran. Secret. ib9l9W9 ewu. adv. wa-kiri. ipin.t. Security. Seer. ti eroi pada si ilokulo. pele. v. bere. Seen. tita lerin keji. n. Sought. adj. adv. tan-je. iyokuro. Seize. v. v. Secession. Secede. n.t. nigba ti o ye. n. dabi. Secretary. n. loju ara eni. Segregation. is9te.t. Securely. abanije. se irans9. and pinnu. pelu ^>W9. ti im^. ya-s9t9. ejo. Sentinel. alabojuto ile Ql9run ati 9gba r$. Shabby. im$. meje. ni ironu. n. id9Ju. n. le. v.t. nso Separate. Series. irord. aw9n onidaJ9. yakuro. adj. im$. and i. n. n. it^le I9S9S9. n. ifi . adj. aga . ojiji. Severe. adj. Senseless. Seventeen. n. Servility. Several. ijoko Set. nisekuse. Seriously. n. and i. at9lera. n. n. ti Settler. isin. gbin. v. 9ya abo ati ak9. Sentimental. ni it9riba. n. ikilp. ki. n. iboji.t. v. p^lu ironu. n. ya-nipa. isin inira.t. adj. asaju. itunse. se is9. n. n. Sensible. nias9 gbigbo. adj. ipinnu. ogbon. n. fi-si. idak9r9r9. Serial. Shackle. ti ifekufe. adj. 3^a-89t9. Sensation. pkan ninu angeli. n. Serene. rord. Serenity. Servile. Sequel. n. iwasu. adj. S9k9S9k9. Seventh. n. Sermon. de ni Serious. n.t. akpbi. n. sijibo. n. metadilogun. n. Seriousness. Sentence. ipari. osu kesan 9dun. oye ninu ogun. Sentiment. ojiji. adj.t. Sepulchre. adj.t. n. irans9. Shadow. muna. n. ti tunse. iwa ifekufe. ni im$. im$. ad9rin. v. n. Sew. idakeje. Seniority. kd. iwa 9m. ird. and i. Separation. n. n. ironu Shady. {>ro idaJ9. loye. isa-oku. adv. ran-l?. Shade. ti ird. idalebi. abo kuro ninu im9l9 orun. sor9 idajo si. isaju. Sentry. 131 SHA n. atipo. Sex. v. adj. Sensitive. eya obirin ati 9k9nrin. adj. ran-nise. Sensuality. Serf. is 9. 39. lainim$. and i. ekeje. Servant. adj. iyasapakan. isanwo ilutitedo. Settle. gbon. Sensual. 9na omi riri ati eri. ti ara. gbekal9 . iyara ni im$. adv. oye ninu aw9n 9l9pa. Seraph. ipo tabi oye Senior. iya*9t9- September. adj. oniruru. Sergeant. Sexton. mu-joko. 9m9r9d9. n. v. v. bi 9ru. Sevenfold. n. ekad9rin. Severely. adj. v. idajo. Service. adj. v. adj. r9l$. imuna. ran. da-lebi. dake r9r9. agb9tara. $r9 9gb$n. adj. n. Sense. Serpent. ti eda. deju.t. san igbese. Session. n. Severity. Seventy.t. patatagbaratagbara. Seraphim. Sewer. aw^n angeli nyi it 9 Ql9run ka. Seventieth. kikankikan . fes9mul9. fi-le. sin. ijoko. ni 9W9. aibale ^kan. n. Digitized by Google . idi kal9. ologun ode. n. v. gbolohun <>r9.t. jinl?. adj.t.- SEN Send. Serve. asinwa-asinb9. Sensualist. iyanju. ^^k^^k^. i. 9pol9P9. idajo. Seven. adj. eru. Sever. adj. isin 9ru. nigba meje. agba. igb^hin. iboji. n. oye. aw 911 9gb9 ti pata o . yiyanipa. niwakiwa. fi Settlement. n. idi kal9. onife- kufe. lainoye. and i. niyemeji. n. per8. war hi. to nkan si a fi si ogiri pepe. Shark. v. Shield. v.t. Shoemaker. v. and i.t. and i. onibata. gb$n.t. Shamefaced. Shepherd. v. f<J. okun bata. fa-irun. if<J tutu. titan. Shot. n. tan. y9-jade Digitized by i. v. ifarawe. v. and hu-jade. and i. and i. Shining.t. abd. and i. adj. adj.t. gboju. Shelf. Sheen. n. and i. Shoeless. p<Jn. apere. 9W9-eja. karawun. n. laini apere.t. Sheepskin. n. dabobo. r$. i . laini bata.pl.t. 89 . 132 SHO Sheet. ag$. n. ni itlju. si mu kuro ni apakan. adj. n. Sheepfold.pl. n. as9 ejika . as9 igbokun. and fi i. mu-k9se. bebe ninu omi. ik9lu. sakisaki. Shatter. n. v. 9k<>. iwa. saijido. r$ kuru. Shirting. igba.t. i. Shipwreck. y^-sile. n. v. ow6 9k9 titu. Shaggy. n. Shed. 0IU89 -agutan. buka. sipo1/- pada. lati yio. n. Shank. Sheer. adj. Sheathe. and i. ak9 ida. on (obirin). fif<J 9^. Shoelace.t. Sham. v. n. v. g9g9wu. kun fun itlju. Sharer. Sharp. doje. n. apakan. $wu aw9tele. 9Ja alapata. egungun ese. v. Shameless! adj. n. aworan. and i. n. v. etan. Shape. Shipping. Ship-master. idugbolu. ipin . Sharpness. ran. bata. y^-kuro. mimu. ijoye ilu. apako ti .t. Shin. v. v. 9k$. Sheath. iyara. Shake. n. legan. epo. kangunkangun. olur^run. Sharply. n. alumpgaji. v. She. ppa. n. ta-sile. n.t. Shell. enu ise. n. ru. im9le. abukun. saijinl?. and i wariri f<J-tutu. p<?n- mu.SHA Shaft.t. Ship. gb9ntiti. n. n. n. m9le. n. Shaky. abd. kan ni Sharpen. w9-9k^. alabapin. n. n. Shoot. Sheep.t.t. kan. bobo. ekura. agbo agutan.t. k9-lu. apata.t. Shine. n. n. agutan. iborun. gangan. m9. imu. n. 1$. tagbaratagbara. si-9k$. as9 £wu. adj.t. rin. Google . riran.pl. n. adj. ailagbara.t. n. v. v. dan. igD9n- and titi. yipada. f<J tutu. as9 akete. Shapeless. ye si Shambles. daShelter. Shirt. rirl Shirk. n. Sheaf. mimi riru. adj. Shawl. didan. n. Shoal. n. and i. tan-ka. n. v. aw9 agutan. adj. fi b9 ak9. lasan . Shavings. yfk . Shiver. adj. efa tinrin. Shearer. n. pron. adanbata. itansan. da-sile. n. iti 9ka. asa. iho jinjin. aranbata. Shame. fi si 9k$. v. Shameful. adj. ta. iw6. n. eniti o dan bata. Shock. adv. itiju. Sheriff. pin. ikannu. n. n. lainitlju. olori 9k6. Shall.t. Shift. b9-bata. Shoe. n. mi. Share. Shear. efaigi. sile owo fadaka kan . n. n. and i. Shelve. as9 ibora. Shave.t. v. egan. b6 li asa. iti 9fa. Shallow. Shoeblack. Shears. did an. Shilling. yara. ewe takada. igun ese. adj. d6tl. Shovel. fpwp-kpwe si. v. isagati. ih6.i. itisiwaju. Shrivel. adj. larekereke. djo. Short-sighted.t. and i.t. se are- kereke. wariri. r$ 9 W9W9. adj. n. Shrimp.*. and i. Shove. Shout. ti o ni ap9r9. iba.t. Sieve. il? ^ba omi. fi-han. Shudder. ispjikasoke. v. il£. adj. Digitized by LjOOQIC . Silk-worm. 9k$ iwuns9. oloye ninu iJ9 . Shutter. eti odo. 9wara-djo. Shrug. tete binu. n. adv. lapakan. laile riran Sidesman. iri-oju. v. n. yadi. iwariri. Shrub. Short-lived. ti-l9hin. ni tiju . mu-saisan. Shot. adj.. n. v. kuro 1911a. kakd. n.t. fun-wara. bl. n. Shower. n. ifiyesi. Shorter. sunkl. Shop. n. v.£. awo:. ad. n. Signature. adj. kasokc.t. Sickness. v. gbpn. lairiran. sp di kukuru.. id6tl. idake rprp.i. p9lu iyanu. ilekun ferese. tita. 133 SIL Shun. n. di. and i. n. ede. Short-tempered. v. fi orukp si. Shut.t. se apere. Signify. ihangoro. Signally. n. v. dap9-m9. ke-kuru. interj. doje. ti-siwaju. adj. n. aipe. Shorten. n. adj. and i. ami 90a. kuru. dak?. v. ap9r9 abami. ap9r9. aw9n tafatafa. v. Silken. Silence. ido. abukun. Sicken. Show. n. iyanu. nlanla. Sign.t. Sick. mukuru. Shrink.SHO Shooters. aworan. Shroud. lejika. Sideways. arun. y^-sil?. Shopping. adv. Should. 0IU&9 9ja oluta.J. adj. igi kekere./. and sera. ejika. kokoro s$da. v. kakd. y9ra. <?gb?. h6 ye. ifihan. and i. lailagbara. v. n. n.*. n. li arun. laisan. n. and *. adv. v. fiShoulder.t. 9k<J. Shuffle. ju. aisan. Shrewd. r9-ojo. nla. lha. ide. asp-isinku. ebute.t. nisisiyi. n. n. y$ wo Sigh. Showy. v. v. Shriek. Silk.t. ad. se. imi-$dun. alaisan. Significant. and i. adj. v. and ?*. Sickle. and i. n.t. n. Sightless. kiweje. ipanuin9. kinikini. ku ni k$nk$s$. and i. n.pl.orisa. Shred. hihan. apejuwe. ami. n. ojub9 orisa. n. Side. lailohun. Shy. asehan. n.t. kukuru. kuru ju. idak?. Sift. fi ami 89.t. n. 1119. rira li ?ja. n. Siege. samisi. and i. ojis9 ij9.*. n. 9nu da. n. fifi seda se. Shore. Short. k$nk$s$. adj. Shrine. and i.. Shuttle. fi 9m i. ami orukp kikp sinu iwe lati fi se 9ri. v. asp-oku. and i. v. lalwa p?. wakl. and i. eti-okun. v. Signet. v. Shopkeeper.t. pa 9 dak 9 ! Silent. alarun. iwo. v. v. Shrill. kedun. se-ap9r9. edidi. v. n. t^-si.£. n. v. pta ibpn. Shortage. hangoro. jina. Shunt. ti. adj. n. ami nkan pataki. n. adj. v. Sight. as9 $eda. n. Shortly. ile-pja. Signal. mu-dak9.t. n. and 1. fi-han. as$. and i. oloku nrun. n. ha-law9. n. laim9kan. and i. n. otito-inu. sotp.t. v. li etan. apere. hiho omi lori in a diedie. oju 9run. n.t. so aworan. adj. hp-lepo. v. Silversmith. v. wp.SIL Silly. adj. osi. and n. 9g9ta. Skein. se apere. Sixty. iwa funfun. Sister. n. Sincere. kpja leba. ikp owu.t. Sit. fd. ipo. n. Skilful. arabirin 9k9 Sisterhood. is9g9ta. afarawe.t. v. Sip. kiki. Sixpence. ap<jn. opin. v. Simmer. kiki ese. merindilogun. Skeleton. siinki. n. Sin-offering. n. erindilogun. arabirin. ile ile. and i. Sinew. and i. SKY v. iwpn. Singer. adj. Skulk. ail eru. etutu. farapamp. v. Simplicity. 9g9ta. adj. ipd. Simply. aju- Sixfold. n. tele. Sinner. Sinister. Sitter. akorin. Sir. t$do. se si ofin Qlprun. baba. isara. n. n. ija fpre. adj.i. Simplify.t.t. iQgbpn. n. and i. adj. Sitting. I9W9 i.t. kuro.t. n. aw9 ara. pataki. adj. Sinless. iru ofin Qlprun. akawe. w$n. Six. iyanu. n. v. fi se eti. egungun ara. Skipper. Site. Situation. sapamo.t. n. i. bo-law'9. v. lailese. adj. and i. pipe Sincerity. n. Simulate. ewu obirin. fadaka. Sixtieth. n. n. adj. ana. elese. oye. dpe. Sinful. n. 134 sope. lati akoko.t. s$. Silver. alagbede fadaka. n. jijc^ra. epo. Singular. • Sire. v. n. Skirmish. aworan. adj. 9run. Simple. sara. nigbangba. Size. ajokd. mpse nigbakanna. w. Skewer. Similar. iJ9ra. v. nigbati. t9wo. kun fun ese. Sin. im$. n. aimokan. Sirname. 9gb9n. lehin. b£. otitp. ara. adj. adj. n. korin. ebp Skull. Jailabula n. nikansoso. Sing. nipo. asiwere. ti okan. ese. ohun Skip. adv. n.t. jona f pr$. apere. and i. Sixteen. fihan gbangba. oruko apele. and i. n. n. isoro se ir9ra. Single. a§9. Skirt. inu kan. fi se apere. ile. Sketch. n. v. n. mu diedie. isenukan. Digitized by Google . penny mefa. Similitude. and i. olorin. lododo. joko. lailarekereke. adj. el>9-ese. §fa. laini era. Sixth. v. ba. Skimp. agbari. iwa arabirin. adv. Skin. egb9n. iribakanna. mu. okan . v. des$.i. buru. ekan igi lati fi so eran. mefa. Singleness. si.t. kale. prep. fi osuw$n aikun okan kan. Sky. n. and i. n. ekefa. isotito. mu Situate. if 6. re ifofo kuro. Simultaneous. aworan. Skim. fi se afarawe. S9I9J9. adj. Since. v. adj. n. egbe awpn obirin.t. lainiabula. ho kinikini. v. and i. owo fadaka. adj. Sister-in-law. aye. aye. tabi aya. adj. inu funfun. irukanna. nim$. isan. n. itobi. rek9Ja.t. sisi. ijokd. Similarity. n. and rl. mefa. simi. tyna. Sink. n. alagba. sisep$. niwa funfun. Singularity. it$do. oloye. olori 9^. Singe. n. adj. Skill. larekereke mSnrin. v. il6 ipa eran. eru. dewo. Sly. am?- m$tan. Slumberer. $b§. Slowly. la tere. and i. adj. Sleep. n. ihd. Slumber. Ipa.t. ojobo. lailapa 9wu. n. v. ta sainani. ft. ?ni pipa. adj. v. simi. t^r?. n. sabukun. ogbon arekereke.t. Smallness. Slanderer. bomi w<Jn era gbigbona. ft. bi eru. adj. eleri obirin. Slipper. Slut. apa ewu. ft. <>da il?. Slightly. ifasehin. yara mu. and i. j afar a. l?gel9g9» aito.i. v. Slate. il9ra. v. Smatter. v. abara. Sluggish. Slaughtex-honse. 9I9. okuta v. v. l(?ra.t. Slide. adj. alaimura giri. fa. ft. Sloppy.t. le. wiwo fun orun.t. ainiyin. ti er? jijin.t. ogbe. pr9- bata ko ni aw9 lehin. i.t. ijafara. i. n. t?r£. adj. ft.t. aikasi. laisun. tinrin. Sluggard. i. v.t. fer$. v. adj. adj. kannakanna. gba li emi. l9ra. okuta p^l^b?. ft. and i.t. Slope. ibaje. fi agbara lu. l?ra. ft. Slight. Slothfulness. and i. y9t$r§. and i. si. id^w^. ibaje. togbe. ke. Slavery.i. ibaje gbadulum$. Slot. n.t. Slash. yiy9Slit.pl. adun. Slime.t. pele-pele. pa. adj. 9I9 enia. die. tutu. togbe. adj. gba labara. tu. n. ti Slake. SMA Sling. iwa eru. lainiyin. y9- Sleepy. onikannakanna. b<J. o D9I9. bi 9san. Slim. Smash. adj. kekere. sisun.t.t. olorun. b^pelebe. and i. J. adj. n. Sluice. Slur. pa ongbe. ohun ik9we. v. Slough. ile-gbona. n. adv. sunrunsunrun. ikere aitobi. Slip. Slanderous. agbadulum^. Slow. n. adj. v. v. Smack. oko ^ru. is9r9 si. jiya. Stingers. af$ .t. Slippery. j$j?. ft. y9. ft. ft. igbagbe. and ghqn kannakanna. Slam. ft. y$g$r$. v. ejo ft. wiwos9 daradara.t. Sloth. 135 oju ferese lori oiule. and Small. v. Slink. v. mu. saikiyesi. sa. ft. ibole. n. iwa Slaughter. Slab. di? die. ft. n. ft. ler$. and i. Slander. Slice. and i. pa. S9panna. v. g9reg?re 6ke. f<J ruru. wala. adj. Sleeper. Sleeveless. gan. fa. p?. aibikita. adv. Slavish. n. adj. san. Smallpox. Slip-knot. ta. yiy$. v. ekp aik9tan. Slay. oju yiya omi. pa-run. n. fi omi san.t.SKY Skylight. yo Slackness. Slave. ipakupa. Slanting. fasehin. n. nil9ra. gb<Jn. ni dulum$. v. ft. and i.t. ft. and i.t. adj. yera kuro. Slew. Slack.t. Smart. and ft. Slender. bi ata. lu. fi agbara ti. Slothful. tinrin. Sleepless. I9I9. imel?. sun. Digitized by Google . Slap. die. fenukonu. tu omi jade si. ifenukonu. and i. ft. ft. adj. S9r9 esan. ft. and i. farapam9. ela. orun. ft. adj. n. lu-pa. abukun. ft. y9. v. lainilari. Sleeve. v. aw9 Sloven. adj. Sleight. olorun. v. tu-kuro. n. Slain. ihin buburu. v. Slain. ira. imele. t. Digitized by VjOOQlC . n. 9gb9. n. eniakenia. adj. adj. enia lasan. fojutinrin. adj.i.i. ikanra.'. iwodu. fun -pa. agb^d^. adj. b9ni. apoti asara. v. n. irl didl. aporin. i.t. Soil. Smother. b$. erup?.i. Smoulder. t$ b9 omi. moja wplu laisan Smudge. v. Smite. Snappisliness. n.i. Smoek. Smiter. Soft-hearted. n. v. 9g^. and i. v. Snob. n. se atipo. ajumose. v. ru efin.t. and i. v. iwa iw9ntunw9nsi. Society. t$. adj. Sofa. fi ikiiku lu. r$.t.t. Sod. v. Smoothness. ole. and i. mu-d?. n. and i. ejo. po-irin. v. v. se ojurere. vJ. repe bi alum9 gaji. se alejd. v. ay9rin. idi erupe. f9n imu. v.t. n. adj. and i.t. ehin tita jade. Soap. Socket. v. Sobriety. ogulutu. nir9ra. p?l$. bayi. igi ti o y9 ninu omi. n. and y9 mlnrin. So. Snag. n. n. Smelter. sisin. and Sojourn. and i. abu- kun. Snuff. asara IU9.*. lwo egan. kik9gb9. fi irau fa. ihanrun. jaj9. jo-s^hin. ifipe-okan. v. v. iteju. rau-rj). Snake. mu koko taba.t. n. v. didap9. Snatch. n. Sniff. and i. orun. fon bi 9sin. am9ja \v9lu laisan owo bode. n.t. Soft. abanik9gb9. w.t.t.t. dalamu. Smoker. Smoke. Snow. v. t^b^r^. k(?lu. and i. adj. Smut. efin. J9J9.i. adj. kun fun efin. 939.t. iwa n. amukoko taba. fi Iwd k$gan. abukun. Snivel. v. Smithery. Smooth. ja-l9w9. Sneak. and i. san. Snuff-box. t^ju. v. lu. ihd. v.t. n.t. Smile. Snare. Smelt. fi eri baJ9. n. ja.t.t. okun did?. n. aluni. n. Sober. n. i. idap9. and i. adv. fin. n. n. as9 ^939. wa ikun di imu. v. d$. and i. Smell. v. alagb^d^. Smoke-dry. el^nu didun. igbin. Social.t. gan. Soar. Smitten. Smithy. Soberness. Snap. iw9ntunW9nsi. abaw9n. Sneeze. n. and i. v. v. Sob. r? fitila .yangbe lefin. da gbanhun.t. ninu Softly. jo die die.t. n. n. owo bode. okoto.yan lori a tan. ad. Sociable. gborun. fi efin pa. r$.t. il6 ar<J. v. ninurere. 1*9 li omi. saikasi. airek9Ja. v. y9-irin. n. Sodden. Soften. Snarl. and i. I Soak. fd fiofio. nitunu. dan. id^kun. ibujoko. &9paka ^kun. ja-pati. Smooth-tongued. v. v. n. v.SME Smear. f6 afdga. and i. d^n. adj. and i. v. hanrun. Smuggle. n. igi-imu eranko. adv. Smith. aga iyara. pa. sin. n. Snort. Snail. egan. aw$t$l$. Sock. v. isonu. didan. fifanim9ra. Snout. ile. nitorina. w. and i.t. Snub. airek9Ja. kun bi aja . Smuggler. Snug. n. P9I6. Smoky.t. ahpn ip<Jnni . n. ihd-lt9b9. apara. teju. n. n. r?rin w$si. sit Imu. tit9. Snore. and i.i. iledu. d9ra. 136 SOJ Sneer. Snip. ?wu efin. aw9nu. t. Digitized by Google . v. nijankawx?. itunu. nikansoso. n. alaf9se. p<Jn. enia kan. ye. binuJ9 Sort. $w$. 9m9-ile. murale. 9k<J 9m9birin 9ni. adj. Son-in-law. kanra.t. Seek. isun. v.. n. Sombre. Sorrow. Sortment. n. ohun kan. n. Some. l?gan. wa-kiri. 9gb?. ilera. loju- kokoro. ana. adj. igba atipo. ohun oke. laiduro. Sorely. alejd. Soundness. ise ir6nu. adv. olorin. Son. Sonnet. I91T19. adj. n. v. Somewhat. Sorrowful. n. n. ibi pataki. isajd. Sonship. Sojourning. lainilari. enikan. nkan. adv. Solicitude. b6kele. 9kan. Sooty. arfy. orin anikank9. n.t. Soup. Sonorous. aip9n. Solder. dudu. amukan. idurosansan. aw9n kan. n. n. Solitude. otit9« ododo. laiya. rord. to lesfs?. ya li Soluble. Sorrel. Sought. ir^ra. e«be. at^l^s^. Solid. n. adj.t. Sordid. diw^n jinjin omi. Solace. kan. v. n. Soot. idagbe anikangbe. orisun. yiya sipa. n. 16pe. Sour. 9m]'. Soldierly. ladi. n. iye. sokunkun. Solar. n. nirdnu. n. Solo. adj. yiye. nigba kan. omi ^ran. nikansoso. n. ajd. Ir6. dun. Solve. laipe. South.t. ipe. n. Sorcery. li 9na kan. n. aa*. n. iwa 9m9. ikanu. isoso. sas^ye. n.i. li eni Solicitor. elebe fun enikeji. ofo. ak9rin. n. Sooth. Sorcerer. Solemn. adj. . n. Solemnization. g$. adv. v. le. pe. n. Sop. Source. v. bi 91110 -ogun. aniyan. iyatyla^. n.t. 9m9k9nrin. kikan. kan.t. adj. Songstress. ohun kan. gusu. ifiyesi. oju egbd. t^r^. Sot.. Sore. n. ba ara eni 39^. nibi kan. iladi. ni hihan goro . aj?. adj. imolii. di$. n. b$. imurale. p^lu edun. n. n. adj. okele 011J9. oso. n. atipo. kiki. v. lagbara. nisisiyi. ibanuj?. Sole. and i. n. adj. Sottish. ajd. n. v. ainiyin. ye. adj. ong9. n. jagunjagun. adj. gboju. Sound. ibara 91U 39. nigbamiran. n. v. n. Solemnity. 9muti. Sorceress. Somewhere. lyaspt^). n. Solely. Soliloquise. irora. n. majala dudu jankawx?. n. Solicit. nikansoso. Soothsayer. Sometimes. adj. im<J. m9lu. yiy9 ninu omi. oju. se ajd. Soothe. riroju. orin kekere. Soliloquy. m<£.t. and ?'. Somehow. adv.t. ak9rin obirin. adv. isaJ9. Solidity. kun fun ibanuje tabi irora. Something. 137 SOU Songster. Solicitation. agbara. and i. fun. orin. adv. eiy^ olorin.SOJ Sojourner. lera. and i. n.. adj. adj. fi ates9 si. alagbawi 9J9 funni ni ile 9J9. n. tu. Solution. $b$. iha isal?. Soon. iru. Soul. Sorry. di$. kikan. n. ise ilana ti o Soldier. tan. Somebody. adv. n. n. ^be. Song. ologun. sot9. l9ra. n. Solitary. v. ti drun. nkankan. lagbara. tum9. bere. ni irdnu. Spire. igba. abo elede.t. n. Spark. adj. fagun. n. da-si. Speaking. n. v. n. iworan.t. n. ba tot6to. Specimen. apere. n. n. Spiritual. ile agogo. fi ikuku lu. Spoke. Speech. n. adj. v. n. n. Spinster. dan. n. Spacious. n. n. owo nla. Spill. pe loruk9 kan. 9in9birin. ka i. sun-Id. Spindle. yiyin. Spew. Specity. oninakuna. okun alantakun. ipa Spirit. n. n. v. 90a. 9kan adj. afunrugbin. amu- Sparkle. adj. v. f9hun. adj. is^.t. v. iji.t. Specific. digi iriran ojvi. dari-ji. and i. Southerly. aye. n. agbara Speckle.t. emi. 89. awo titans&n. Span. fara- han rere. Spare. (20/. Sovereign. n. Spendthrift. ipe agbado. giri. kani. ami. wi. n. firai iwe l9k916 tan. egbe. alanabaje. Sower. wundia. and i. adj. 9kan. Spin. Spirited. turari. n. Spasm. kan. Spue.t. n. ogun. v. itansdn. ?ko ibule. n. n. fi ika wc^n. ^9. n. ni didasi. Special. ibu atelew9.t. ifihan. n. Specie. lgbioi9. v. and i. 9na tite. Spelt. alaye . Spangle. ran wu. fyrq kan mu. kikanrun.pl. v. <Jf$. Specious. kun fun emi. kankan. v. adj. f?ju. $sin. and nawo. n. Spell. yiyara. n. n. wuruwuru. Speaker.t. pataki. n. Speechless. eta v. egungun ehin.t. fun irugbin. nipa ti.shillings). ologose. iwin. v. lailo- hun. Speculate. bl.t. 9^9. wura ijpba. ina. ikanrun. Species.i. n. fun si. n. Spawn. n. n.t.t. v. $w<j>-ina. iyara. Spasmodic. 9ti. Spiral. Spank. hihan. Speculation. adaba. Spell. . Space. Google . Spikenard. iso nla. Sow. tasile. Speedy. oliun iranti. gbiro. v. Spatter. v. adj. sa- Sparrow. Spade. and i. Ipepe ina. n. didan. adj. v. n. iru kan.sou Southward. . n. p9 jade. akanse. ede. Spinner. fun kale. ogun kan ti o ba arun Spider-web. turari tutu. n. Sphere. edl. niyarayara. agbiro. Speculator. n. Spectacles. Digitized by Speck. Spike. lailemi alaidaraya. kura. abaw^n. yara. Spectacle. n. Spine. Speak. Speed. idaba. tan. obirikiti. adj. alantakun. gboro. Sow. ipile iru. ayika. daba. gbini9. Iaif9hun. Spiritless. run. n. aranwu. igiri. tasi. suwa. adj. n. Spectre. ohun. n. 138 SPI Souvenir.t. danu. ti emi. iwin. di glri. adj. igbiro. 89da. v. n. Spear. n. Spectator. ta. Sovereignty. $k$. iran. and i. Spider. Sperm. n. and i. iran. S9r9.t. Spice. eta-ina. akoko. laye. eyin eja. niha gusu. awdran. gbin. and i. keke owu. olowu. iru. and i. Sparing. as9r9. and i.i. adj. owo. ran. Spend. n. lanu hu. n. alagbasp fun ni. rir<j>. and i.t. v. bo- Spirituous. n. 9gan. v. Iair9. fun. ke lojiji. w6.t. igi idiji.t. na. Squadron.t. 9run igi peleb?. Spurn. n. adj. dun. v. adj. . adj. and subu. v. ikogun. ni Spree. hihu. iwa ti 91m. Spouse. arankan nirira. and i. n. didara. Spiteful. 139 SQU Spread. sisun. sabukun si. i. n. se dede. dara. adj.t. 9I9 inu. n.t. v. n. alas9. onigb9W9. ibaj^. han. fo. Sponsor.t. didun. ifarawe. adj. inakuna. dura ni Spray. bu. Spotless. laila- and i. n. ifarar^. v. osi. ke. mu- igun esin. hihan. la. iyawo. Spontaneous. v. abaw9n. n. igbak?. Spring. Spat. m9l9. and i.t.t. v. . adj. v. idara. n. aisot9. n. n. 9019ale. se v. kanrinkan oyinbo. and ba-mu. irin and i. and i. v. laikasi. Wd 9 Spot. n. sire. ami 99. Spur. ifofo omi. n. 9gb9 ologun. n. and i. Squall. v. iyanran. t^-si. Squeal. Spruce. na-baJ9. baj$. ja-lole. Sprout. Spittle.t. ko. igba riru ewe. eka-igi. v. fifinju. n. irira. lailabukun. fi ?r$ yi. ogbifp. baw9n. Splinter. gun 9sin. w<Jn. and i. and i. si i. Spokesman. biv. iji. and i. lahu. n. l9tan. loso satipo. fun ara ^ni ti if 9 ara 9ni. riran. ijalole.i.t.t. ninu.t. na ni leri. alam). Spleen. ire-$ise. n. n. adj. p9leb9 lati fi di egungun ti o f<J. Spoon. n. Spout. abukun.t. Spurious. lo. f^r^kvin sabasaba. pin. itankal9. nididaraya. Splash. adj. baf 9f9Sprig. k^s^ 9sin. n. ifir<£. igun m^rin l9gb9gba. n. arankan. Sponge. Squash. da $s$r9. itp <?nu. sun-jade. ran-okun. n. mu bade. mura.t. gan. v. ngbil9. v. v. Squalid. . Spit. af^scpna.t.t. isubu ojiji. ina. fi-r<J. n. and i. n. Splendid. adj. and i. asamf. ?ka igi. Sprightly. yanju. Sprinkling. elsgbin. ami.SPI Spirituality. 9fufu ojiji.t. 9nu and i. n. Sport. i. n. ru-jade. Splint.t. v. ^ibi. riru. n.t. ti- siwaju. adj. 9d$. adj. fi korira. Squeak. n. and i. Squat. sekan. nina. la W9W9. orisun omi . as$. n. Sprawl. ragiri. Splendour. n. fo-soke sun jade hu jade. ehu titun. Spite. n. Digitized by Google . Sprite. fifo . idanSplice. Spreading. Sprinkle. n. v. bi subu. kike. Squabble. and i. Square. v. Springing. abawpn.t. Squander. iwpsi. Sportsman. n.t. ibuwcjn. ire. Squabbler. Sprain.i. ih6 $s$r$. ti oti. v.t. v. n. tapa si. nwti arankan. tan. ibori. nsun omi. lail9gan. . and i. tutp. Spy. ami. ti 9k9-iyawo. v. v. aikasi. Spoil. Spurt. v.t. Split. Spotted. n. dura. v. n. ni daduro. dide kan. Stalk. abukiin. Stack. Station. and i. p$. ibi idide. v. n. n. ipo. Stamp. 9g9.t.t. gbo. ibi oja. ibi iduro. irans9. adj. la I9S9S9. ip6. im9l9 iraw9- and i. da oju wo. Starve. n. and i. Steadfastly.t. ifiweranse. ina soke enia. ipinnu owo 9Ja. ibuso eran. opo. ibi ti a gbe ti nwo and i.i. n. idurosinsin. ogi gbaguda. Startle. ipalebi. iraw9. v. n.t. n. tygan. Stationary. Squire. n. 9pagun. idagba. aba agbado tabi koriko v. ohun ami i. Stale. ako agb9nrin. pgbeni. akasp. ba-l9ru. lailoju 39. duro nibikan. egan. lail9siwaju. alabojuto n. ibi iduro. n. sil?. tagiri. Star.t. Statute. adj.t. v. n. 9pa. and i. ohun ik9we. durosinsin. n. Stable. v. Staircase. State. iduro J9. abawcjn. ila $r9 ip6. Steadfast. 9pa. naro. igi ehu. n. w6-sun. n. n. Stanch. Stationery. nitara. y<Jde. n. pakaki. Stair. Starvation. ilo. Starlight. Digitized by LjOOQIC . ijiyan.pl. Standpoint. i. ekan. Standard-bearer. Statue. fi ekan tl. n. v. iduro j 9. n. Stammer. igi. v. n. ipinnu tan gangan. ta gbpngbpn. ibusy. Stare. Statement. aba. (dida 9J9 duro). v. nkan. Stability. fifes^-mul^. ami oye. and i. n. ibusp.- SQU Squeeze. ak9 esin t$. diduro nibikan. iduro. iduro. ^9.t. Stalwart.t. Standstill. ategun v. n. v. ifunpp. and i. v.t. Stark. fun p$. n. n. alairu. dide. fiyanu wo. di ikasi. duro. Stationer. and i. Stagnant.t. n. n. iranl9W9. des9 duro. sinsin. 140 STE n. naro. 9ker^. iwa.t. adj. adj. adj. n. 9l9pagun.t. diduro. alagbara. Stead. n. ere.t. fi and sami 939 IUI9. giga.t. Stall. adj. and se abaw<£n si. oloto. Stature. alaisan. patapata. n. Staff. k61616. dide Stage. didurosinsin. n. n. tase irin . t^-m9l9. Squirrel.t. ile esin tabi ti malu a ko . awdran. Staunch. n. v. ibode 9k9-il9. Standard. v. and i. iduro. n. okun. fi ohun mimu gun. Staves. and i. adj. n. idaduro. sakani ilu. diduro j 9. a won alaba?i$epo. v. v. ifojuwo lapakan.t. v. da-duro. Stay. 9san ara. n. ile. Stammerer. n. Stain. adj. alaf9hinti. Stake. n. fi ebi pa. Staple. and i. and i. ko koriko fi se 9sin. poroporo.t. Stallion. Stab. n. osjuw9n idasil9. si. n. Stagnation. adj. Stagger. d^ruba.t. asia. Stand. n. nihoho. atawe. se iyemeji. ak61616. Stamina. isare-girigiri. isan. ofin. Squint. Station-master. Start. oforo. n. Stag. v. Stampede. lotit9. Starting-point. v. v.t. n. aye. ibujoko. n. n. v. oniwe. ppa. nidurosinsin. diduro v. Squirm.. Starch. t9Jum9.t. adv. Standing. fi si ipo. kord.STE Steady. sib9sib9. Stigmatize. Steamboat. Sterling. v.t. ise Stock. id^. apoti ijoko. v. dak 9. okuta. isiro ohun 9Ja. Stoke. pa-l^nu adj. n.pl. klw$. v. and i. dap$.t.t. adj. Stool. i. Stockade. and i. Stick. Steam. v. isura. t9ba. 9^. n. ipa ab$r$. n. v. n. n. ta. dara. v.t. 9pa.t. adehun. . n. 9b9 alata. n. Iwa ikpk?. ise. adj. Stiff. n. n. v. Digitized by Stimulate.t. is?. n. igbaniyanju. n. irln 989 v.J. Stoop. n. Sticky. adj. irusoke. and akas$. duro didak9 abiku ^9. Stony. Stipulate. Stern. n. 9k9 asa lati fi gun i. Steerage. Stoppage.t. Stomach. idak<? r9r9. Store. omi9ran. Sting. 9hin idi 9k$. 141 STO sinsin.t. Stipend. Stopper. ariwo. olut9Ju ile tabi oko. and oke.pl. sop$. mamapilra. $ise. n. iujk§. fi-kun. ko-J9. m<J.t. g$r$g$r$ te by omi. and i. t9riba. n. agere. n.t. n. n. n. adj. adj. se ipinnu. v. v. and i. n. and i. b$r?. ib9&9. and i. adj. m<J. n. iriju.t. Steer. adj. n. 9191*1111 lile.t. Stipulation. fi daduro. ibi okuta. Stilts. haw9. n. duro. Stealth. . fi-pam9. gbaniyanju. rau-pa r9r9. 39 li okuta. ikun. fi ala v. Stock-taking. 9^ elefin. bu-san. v. Stem. itani. lem<£. fim9. v.t. Stitch. Iwa ole. ad/. run. $bi. fa m9tim9ti.t.t. n. Stonework. ainita. bibi oku 9m 9 Stillness. se. n. funki se fin. dru. si. or6. lafojudi. P9I9P9I9. and i. dibaj'9. esin. Stimulation. . and i. idaduro. and n. fi nkan adj. ko-J9. pipinnu. esin. Steeple. idaduro. tu 9k9. Step. dide. v. ailoro. n. ko ina. rord. ami ?gan. isal? n. eyiti a fi pamo. $ka. da -duro. orun buburu. ru. n. Stop. adj.t. Stingy. adj. id9nu. iriju. dake. Stewardship.t. n. ile is9 sonso. n. Stink. diduro. Stifle. kan-m^. Steep. idak^. Stirrup. v. Steal. and i. v. and i. n. n. and i. yan layanse. Stench. v. igi.t. da- i. aba ti a ni m9l9. 9P9I9P9. ^91119. ala. apoti ese. idas^le gari 9sin. Still. n. n. orim buburu. i. iranse. awun enia. Stigma. isis9. and aJ9m9. v. v. Steel. Storehouse. 9gb9r9 ak9 malu. Stiff-necked. and J9. adik$. se adehun. ko. nitot9. v. Steed. n. rin. n. n.t. ile isura. gbe at?gun. is? okuta. le.t. Stint. adv. lile bi okuta. inu. iti. lile. mu ami 9gan si. n. fi-sura. v. irusoke. i. b$ Steward. 901111. ipinnu. Still-born. Stocking. Stocks.t. aba. irin. iqe olut^ju. owo v. v. fi-pamv. Google . dide. ru. n. mu. . ode. . n. jale. Stone. n. isura 9Ja kukute . ran. t9-b9. Stingless. Stir.t. Stew. lilem<£. nkan gun. itan. Stripes. dl. v. $na igboro ilu. lolorun. Strict. okun tinrin. v. STO Storekeeper. lojukanna. Storm. tara. fun li agbara. ik^le. Straight.i. asina. Struggle. san jade. ina. n. Stoutly. ila gbiyanju. ranhun. v. ipa. irohin.t. tan ka kiri. ba-gbiyanju. nip a. ikiyesi. Stow. and i. it^nump. pasan. olutyju ile ipal?mpsi. v.. akekii koriko. Stray. iji. Strangle. n. adv. n. sin. eti-okun. rin. n. Straddle. n. asptan. v. ^insin. Strategy. S01119. Stripling. irinkiri. Ija. v.t. gbara. sile. n. n. Stout. gbi- Stricture. Structure. String. v.t. ko-lu. idi poroporo agbado tabi 9ka asakun li oko. ajeji. ikiplu. Stroll. Straighten. yara. Strife. n.i.i. baIna. rin. Strange. Strain. 911a. adj.t. n. ile ibusun elegbe kan. Strive. 142 STU Strenuous. Story. soro. v. Strong. n. n. fagun. Stringent. fi pdpmpdekpnrin. ipanpa. ajeji. v. 09- i. ifagun. adj. and i. ody. and i. Strangely. k9Ju agbara sis9. adj. and i. Stretch.t. le. ^fufu lile. n. ganran. jagudu. v. Strainer. n. Striker.*. oniruru ila. ise* i. laiwp. n. n. agbana.. Stratagem. as$.i. n.t.t. v. n. ina. n. agbara. v. le. and i. n. iye-meji. ija si. adj. arinranhun- sil9. Strip. adj. l<Jra Stretcher. lagbara. Strait. 9W9 pa J9J9. Strut. ^tan. laiya. 39. yp. yapa.t. ba-ja. adv. tinrin. and i. andi. Strengthen. ohun inara le. i. ibi giga.t. Stroke. gba. so v. le. lagbara. fi ipa fun. hiha. v. etan. &W9 Stream. mura. ra. v.t. n. b9-nihoho . sagidi. n. Strap. igbiyanju. n. sanra. n. and i. and adv. li pna ajeji. t9.t. rin kakiri. yakata 939 naga 989 Strike. n. mu l9kan le. n. n.t. sa- Stubble.t. ikakd. fun -pa. sina kiri. n. rin kakiri. n. v. n. gbolohun as9. n. Straw. Digitized by Google . ffr^. alejo. odo sisan. Street. 39ml. and i. adj. Straightway. Straggle. Stranger. gbona. idi koriko. lakaka.t. tet^t^ oniruru. ser9Ju. n. b9-las9. dgiri. igi agbado tabi baba. aw9 ter^ idem. n. Strand. ik9 Straggler. aluni. Strength. Stress. ohun idana. lagbara. fi ilu. n. mu n. v. mu-tp. v. v. and lu. sara. ihagaga. to I9S9S9. lpgan. Striking. lera. ado. fun 16kun. 9r9 v. adj. ita. fi igberaga rin. ko. arohin.t. Stronghold.i. and nkan toro. n. ifunp9» inaga 939. v. adj. as$. sina. iyanu. Storyteller. n. Stride. arekereke. nitara. 9gb9n 9^. ihin. ha. adj.pl. Stove. Strew..t. v. Stouthearted. Streak. ilu-odL Strongly. Subscribe. iwa. v. fi ori bal^. nisal? okun. rl. enia lab 9 ijpba . Stunt. Subjection. adv. Submarine. k<£. Suave. sea?o.. akololo. dipd. kukute.t. v. ninu *j>t9t9 loriba. Submersion. ibi v. t9 loriba. ni 91a. fi para ya lenu. and n. b? abet9l9. gb9n. Sty.t. y9-kuro ohun. Subscription. owo -ode. teba. Subordination. k9 oruk9 si se 919m. jiJ9. n. nisiseniniha. farabal?. Stupidity. eni. senia. Suborn. Subsidy. and i. Subtract. Stupendous. 143 SUB Sublimely.t. H9n. Substitution. n. Substantial. n. tyr^. v. t9riba. niwa. nironu. gba ni ye. owo dida. n. idugbolu. kololo.t. n. agidi. iranl9W9. adj. n.t. v. eru . Submerse. 9m9-ehin ^niti nsin. i. ^niti o k<J oruki. adj. I9gb9l9. r^l^. adj. Subsequent. ri ninu omi. b?w9 se nkan buburu. ^ni ile iwe. and iwu li i. da owo si. v. giga.) se 9ri.t. Substantiate. fi-kun. n. n. n. wa. Stump. Studious. f anim9ra. prp ti a wi ni. Subtle. larekereke. n.t. ik9we. adj. ii'9sil9.t. n.t. 9niti o dawo si. Iwa 9m9-9hin. Subdue. g$. asa. ti lati payera. Subjugation.t. Stumbling-block. v. Stupid. san bo 1T19I9. n. Submerge. and i. Submission. Subtly. v. v. mu ran lati dagba. adj. lappn iwe. layo. n. Subsistence. ohun ikps^. Student. adj. adj. Study. diduro. ikawe ka. ir9p6. n. Subordinate. v. mu-g$. iwere. v. n. ifiyesi. ohun-elo. Stye. adj.t. iwalab?. ifa. iforibal?. n. wawo. tyra. v. Stutterer. agbip6 9m. lagbara. STU Stubborn. fi sip6 9ni. adj. v. adj.t. and Submit. idi igi akeku. n. nifojusi. Stuff.t. Subtlety. mu-duro. Sublime. arikereke. and adj. iwe. Sturdy. v. ku. s^gun. ar9pd 9ni. 89gun. Subside. adj. ibi i. ti mokun Subterranean. kose. Igba ni iye. v. Stutter. je ajeki. Stud. Substitute. n. arikereke. n. v. Subject. lile. iteriba.t. lile. ohun ini aiye. si were. v. Subtraction.t. is9gun. fiyesi. s£. foribal9. imukuro ninu Digitized by Google . v. n. ijoye li prr^-^hin. Subjugate. iteriba.t. 9^. tittle. Substance. ak<£we. aigbpran. Subscriber. v. n. jara.t. lile. n. 9hin. 89 di ong$.i. mu- 9W9 oju .t.t. Subdivide. adj. da. si gb6ngbo. niyanu. adv. ohun Iwa ilpra. v. igbipo Subterfuge. isal9 U9. ki. t^l^hin. fa. t9-loriba.t. ile elede. Stupefy. v. and i. onini 9WU. Style. mu-kuro. Iraniye. ik9we si isal?. ti-l9hin. tun ipa pin nipa. 9t9t9. n. n. asaro. i. J9. Stupor. lforibal?. le. Stumble. ni igbeleke. bori. pe-loruk9. ig$. nila. k9se P9lu dura. n. ong$. Subsist. Stun. iri ninu omi. ^tan. eda ara. roju. Sufficiency. J9W9 ara fun. w. ibisubu. asiki . n. Such. yiye. ase pe. dara. Suction. binu. imi orun. adj. Suicide. adj. bi-subu. ft. ori 6ke. Sun. n. adj. pas?. si-niye. i. Suffrage. oniruru. ft. Suitable. Summary. mu. and i. ipe I9J9. isiniye. w. adj. n. Sundown. Summit.. jij?w9. ebeba-ilu. adj. Suffocate. didun. Sudden. n. Suggest. fifi orun jo. v. tele. asunni. ft. tit6. Subversion. ba-je. v. v. ila 6run. arf/. and i. Succonrer.t. se pna rere. adj. v. dake. Succeed.t. Sunburnt. fajuro. ft. to. eri-999. v. Sufferance. iJ9W9. bamu. Successor. Suffering. ran-l9W9. nibadede. v. n. Suck. adj. n. fi ero nkan si eni ninu. fi 9mu fun. n. iranlpwp. bibamu. se alafia. w. akop9. 9m u. fi Summon. Sunbeam. Sufficient. Summons. Sue. 9ra. pron. adj. akotan. kun fun oje. ifiin. alafia. im9l9 orun. Suckle. ifamu. yi-po. ft. Subway. siro. l9gan. i. Sufferable. oluranlpwp. 9I9J9 eni. v. gongo 6ke. v. and i. moru. ad.pl. n. 9J9 kini 9S9 ti ise 9J9 isimi.i. iye owo. oftd i. ipe 9IA. ft. serere. riran orun. ?be. ifin. fajuro. pna rere. and jomu. n. v. Sullen. Suckling. Suggestion. je. Sumptuous.*. ifisienininu. Succession. Sugar-cane. eyi nfi. ft. ft. iw9 orun. ojiji Sundry. ilohimsi. Success. ft. Sufferer. Suffocation.t. gbona. 9m9 $nu pmu. akopp. Sunder. Sunlight. fin. n. ft. yi-pada. and i. n. n. iy$ oyinbo. Suit.i. v. and i. and jiya. Sulphur. kukuru. ft. n. iye ohunkohun. iforiti. ireke. aw9n 9m9-9hin. adj. roju. itilehin. lailorun. afeni. didun b$b£. lairotel^ lojiji. v. adj.t.t. orun. Suffuse. agbegbe ?hin ode ilu. iyipo. ad/.t. ft. fi ^nu famu. Suffice. vJ. if£.<. irora. v. 9J9. ropd. igba. Subvert.pl.SUB 144 SUN Sugar. ti-lehin. ft. eniti o pa ara r$. ipanp as9. Succulent. ferosi ninu. ar9pd. pe. w. at^leni. ijiya. v. agbip6 eni. n. fi-sun. wakati nipa hihan orun lara r$. n. lojijl. Sunday. laifagun titi. Summer. fi bo. gbipd. v.t. subu labe.t. 9D9I9D9. da si. Sundial. ifohunsi. a^eypri. gba. Suggestive. niyelori. adj. adv. Suitor. gbigba. Suffer. Suds. ohun 9na ti a fi im9 and i. Sunless. wu. ft. itele lesese. Successful. w. Suite. iy$ ireke.t. ye. kaye. gbe. Suet. eniti o jiya. rop$. w.t. bori. n. ibaje. iyipada. Sunrise. igba $run. ya nipa. Subtirbs. fun. Sultry. v. adj. n. Suddenly. iru. ije. 9na isale ile. n. n. to fun.t. pe I9J9. v. alaisan. Digitized by Google . Sum. Succumb.t. I Sulk. yera. Succour. kutukutu. owur9. Sulky. Surfeit. Support. toro. Superabundant. alakiwp. siseni. pelu. adj. ya-sapakan. adj. fi agbara gba ipo elo- miran.t. Suppression. adv. teram<> isin- Surface. Digitized by VjOOQlC . n. n. loke. lailewu. ran-lpwp. Superscribe. sisan owo nitori is? ti o ti se ri. Surcharge. ileke. n. eleru. ikiwc). n. v. n.^'. Sunshine. S9yun. n. Superiority. Surety. se olori.i. Superstitious.t.t. adj. bojuto. mu kusin. v. n. fifikun. Sunshade. v. n.t. aisoro te. n. n. SUN Sunset. v.t. v. ekun.i. and i. lagbara. Supplanter. isebi. ga ju I9. Superintendence. dera. igbi okun. Superfluity. n. ju ti eda I9. alabojuto. arun ajeki. Supply. Supplication. nigbekele. adj. and i. ekun. n. ^e abojuto. v. Superintend. it?ri. pp rekpja. Superb. Sure. l9la ju I9. Superabundance. fifi- fi-kun. Suppose. gaju. n. ju ti eda lo. ibori gbogbo. pipp rekpja. Supervision. ti-lehin. itele sansan. dara rek9Ja. r6. v. Suppress. Superable. gbe je. r$. and i. Superfine. adj. dara leke. itilehin. bori gbogbo. bojuwo. fi-pelu. Supremacy. Supreme. aseleke. ir6. daju. nidurosinsin. se alakoso. n. Suppurate. adj. Supplement.t. itprp. abeni. ifikun. Iranlpwo. Supplicate. n. ibojuto. yq kuro lenu ise nitori ogbo. oju-ode. jeun. Superlative. n. kpwe leke. n.t. asal$. Superstition. gbim$. owo ti a san bi ere ise. adj. Sup. akple.t. plaju. ohun Superhuman.t. igba ohun asan gb<J. didara leke. Superscription. Suppressor. owo asanle. Suppuration. Superannuation.t. adj. v. Surely. satl. je ajekl. lode. dara rekoja.. n. Superficial. n. Supper. Superior. eletan. fi-pamp. Superintendent. fi-kun. Supernatural. adj.i. idaju. aseju. Supporter. alat?ri.t. Suppliant. oriin. Supposition. mu-kun. kusin. iypkuro lenu is? nipa ogbo. wobia. n. sebi. n. abule. n. iwp SUR Supervene. ise ti o leke. ajiniles?. kpwc 16ke. n. gbemi. 145 asewale. v. ip6 giga julp. daraju. v.i. Supervise. Supersede. gbd. agborun. riran 6 run. n. and i. gigajulp. kiw$. v. oluranlpwp. v. elebe. alatilehin. Surf. is? asele. isln- Surefooted. n. nitotr). ifipam9.t. n. iset9Ju. adj. t?ri. je. v. is9yun. n. fi arekereke setan ji-les$. ise irekpja. is?l$. Supplementary. Supple. adj. igbim$.t. n. laijinle. ifikun. b£. v. Superfluous. adj. v. onje ale. n. n. v. oju oke. adj. Superannuate. Supererogation. n. Supplant. adj. bu owo lelori ju bi otiye. pran is In eke. onigb9W9. v. n. n. ibojuto. wa li $kun s?l? Supervention. ebe. sispgun. n. iyiara kiri. adugbo. and i. and W9. li wiwa laye. dami. isor<j>. idari. n. iteriba. yarayara. Suspect.t. Sweet. orukp Swaddle.*. ile onisegun. n. Iwo. Suspension. ib9ni. adv. ele. Surrender. \viw9n ile. abura. Swell. gun. Swamp. 9w<J. adv.t.t. J9&in. se ifura si. Surveying. v. n. p£. ifura. n. wiwu. Sustenance. Swathe. 146 SWI Sustentation. and i. so.t. orukp apele.t. funnu. Sweetener. v. and 9na. Surveyor. 9na-9fun. Swallow. Surprise. n. iyara.t. gbemi.t. fikp. adj. n. ise akoso. nlu Digitized by Google . n. faiyaran. r6. si Suspend. diwpn. nira. ifura. idawoduro.t. ojiji. oluf9.t. dun. Susceptible. igbalpw9 isubu. ituba. and i. v. Sweeten. Swelter. Surgery. isepe. n.t. n. fi 9ja gba 91119 agbo ninu. v. iwa aisedaju. Iwo kakiri. isiyemeji. n. riru omi okun. Surprising. seniha. and dari t<J. lojiji. i. mu-dun. lagun.t. akoja. gba. i.pl ile gbigba. n. Survive. wiwa laye. 011J9. and i. n. n. adj. n. adj. gba yin.^Z. v. Surpass. fi Swerve. v.t.t. ibura. iJ9sin. segun. and i. b<J. wu. eiy? alapandede. Survey. Surmount. vara. w. p9Ju rek^ja.SUR Surge. v. and i. tete binn. n. ni rirun tabi ni iw6. Suspense. Surplice. re-k^a. Swimmer. ira p$t$p$t£. ya kuro loju iypkuro ninu ise. n. n. isekankan. Swagger. n. n. didun ni it9w6. fo loju omi eniti jijin. asepe. awonl$. n. n. n. oniwpra. v. Swearer. v. alafojuto. n. n. ta-y9. Sustain. y§ kuro nipo. v. adj. onje. Surmise. yi kakiri. and i. iyokun. isu-9P9. Swiftly. v. Sward. v. bojuwd wpn. v. adj. eti. agbegbe. ogun. Swearing.t. n. r6 laini $ri. and i.t. omuw?. Sweep. sepe. it<J. nifura.t. eri il9 ti a gba onje J9. kiakia.t. Sway. Survival. v. v. n. 96 fura. yase kankan. sonS. n. rusurusu. Surroundings. se Surname. didundidun. Sweetly. Swift. and i. plojogigun lori ju enikeji lp. Swear. fi <Jw^> gbal?. se enu. and i. Surround. ohun itilehin. alas9dun. adj. Survivor. gbigba sinu. ewu funfun ti alufa.t. teriba. v. Surly. n. Sweetheart.t. and i. n. ogun bo. fi epe bura. er?. Swim. Suspicion. v t. n. Surpassing. ekun odo. mu-duro. gba li 9Ja.i. adj. onipegun. bura. v. bori. ird. n. Swarm. adj. tuba.t. se -akoso. Sweepings. Swampy. v. ba- Swarthy. Suspicious. Swiftness.t. n. ba lairotele. v. adj. liiw$. kakiri. v. n. v. wiwii ara. idile. Surgeon. v.t. didun. v. jije. iyami. sonu. Sweat. Surplus. v. n. pelu adun. ler$. okotutu. ru. niyanu. i. Sworn. ayanfe. 9P9I9P9. Swelling. n. ag<J.t. n. bamu. v. Tactless. Tabernacle. n. Sworn. v. aid . abaw9n and i. r§ li ofurufu. and i. Taint. n. okun. n.i. 9ra 9ran Tally. iwe ofin aw9n Ju. okun 9^. gbe. Tact. si.i. 9Ja oriida. Sympathize. olofofo. ami arnn. fi se ap^r?. Tale. im$. elo 9^. a§9 it^lori tabili. n. ibiti aw9n Swine. n. Synonymous. n. Taleteller. Tallow. Table. n. n. Digitized by Google . Talmud.t. y9. ba se daro. fun is9- Synopsis. 9m9 Israel gbe npacte sin and i. Table-Cloth. p^lu. Syrup. adj. fi igi f 1. ti ilana. kohun. v. giga. n. iwe ilana ^9. $r9 kan. Symmetry. n. Talented. n. ohun ti a so m<J idi. Qtyrun li aginju. aJ9 Synonym. onis^ma as9 wiw9. and i. abaw9n. 9m9 9P9I9. ologun. se v. Switch. id An. f9J<?- Swindler. Talker. n. adj. v. 9bun Qtyrun.t. v. mu. kun botiboti alaroye. 08^9. Swing. Tablet. n. abanidaro. se rm. n. ti System.SWI Swindle. n. Tag. Swoon. n. ida. Tail. ekan ti nkan nyi lori laif9hun. n. v. n. olut9Ju 9^9. ibasedaro. n. n. Tackle. ap^r^. Tactful. im9.t. wu. $r9 sis9.i. and i. Tacit. n. ilenlegbe. n. gba. Swordfish. oye. n. so-m$. adj. a ti y<J. kekere. adj. aga tabili. v. iso kekere. ir^p9 iro ohun pup 9 Symptom. omi iy9 oyinbo. Synod. adj. apa 9hin ohun- . 147 TAL T. daku. and Talk. 9r9 meji tabi o ni itum9 kanna. n. iba- Take. Talisman. v. adj. adj. gun.t. v. n. Tadpole. Symbolical. Swineherd. and i. im$ ijagun ni U9 tabi tim9tim9. Swoop. ero. 9p9n ik9we nidak9. ti Systematic. l9bun. I9gb9n 9W9. Tailor. S9r9. n. Syllable. lais9 im$ jade. onirans9. n. 39. n. n. r$. ilana. Swivel. ohun isire 9m9de. n. Symbolize. 9gb9n. akori. n. Sympathy. gbolohun 9r9 Syllabus. ba-J9. j? bakanna Talkative. igbim9 is9 Qtyrun. Symphony. iye osuw9n kan. k^dun. adj.t. Tall. n. Swordsman. as9botiboti. wi. 9r9. orf/. Talebearer. n. n. igi lu. sedede. n. di m$. itan. sigbQnl9. Sympathetic. n.t. bibak9dun. n. and i. nkan ti ode r$ t9Ju. g$ge bi 19391989. fi 90 ami. spkal^ le lori. abukun. Took. Tack. n. ar^nij^. ami. Tactics.t. n. adj. Tackling. Swollen. igbiro. Symbol. adj. ipari. 9^9. akop9. ti . ap^r^.t. si. ir^j^. Talent. mii girl. iw9ntun-w9nsin. n. aper9. idaku. Sword. ail9gb9n 9W9. n. ogiin is9ra. oyi. v. n. iye. n. ibaJ9. Taken. adj. m^ta i. v. lori and i. Iru. ile ero. adj. olukoni> oluk9. adj.t. ase- Tantrum. faya. asa . n. Ikoko. si. dalu. pe. if a omi ti inu jade. Tame. dasi.pl. n.t. Taunt. y9-l9nu. ! Taxation. lu han. v. nir9Ju. fa. igunloju. Tardy. Tan. mimu. n. Tank. idiju. Tediousness. sofofo. Tattle. eniti o ti se ileri lati fa sehin kuro ninu 9ti n. n. ifibu. ilu. n. Technical. n. Tamper. ! Tapestry. v. adj. abaw9n. Tease. owo-ode. idamu. ifa-omi. v. P9. gbaguda gbigbe. ile Tanner. and duro-^hin. irunu. and i. oda. adj. 9ja 9ti. and i. v. Tart. koko. ta. n.t. kan. fina. alawp. n. lailadun. igi lile kan. onirii iruke. pinpin. Tangle. n. t9-w6. akqnilekp. Tar. Tarnish.pl. w. kankan. pupa lawp. v. Telegram. ibaj?. ise. ya. k9 li ek9. akisa.t. owo-9Ja rira. run aw$. Tawdry. okun adj. n. v. n. I Tax. v. n. ^n? ^gan. ti. n. moju. Taut.t. Tear. and i. se abawpn Tarpaulin. apata.t. n. danilagara. n. idaru. n. i n. <ftt} lasan.t. onise aw9Tantalize. v. ta. mime? nipa H9wpba. 39 is9ku&9. atukip. Tatter. Tangible. Tariff. ipe si se ami ara. mu. Tautology. kikan. kegan. fi Tavern. gun iguntybe. Tea. v. onis9kus9. Tapioca. Tarry. fi 9da kun. n. 19b©. acfy*. dawo-ilu. n. li Tasteless. Tap. Tawny. Teetotaler. Torn. idanilagara. n. ejo inu. Google . os$-asan. fi 1 Taper. Teat. and i. TAJ. t9.t. tinrin li j ipari. v. n. / r$. n. kun fun omije. n. Teem. n. n. adj. Tape-worm.t. si. ba-je. ibiti a fi odu nla igbomi omi parap si. ibinu lainidi. nkan dani ilu. Digitized by Taste. n. bim9 aw9n ehin. i. Tapping. idawo-ode-le. 9mu. Teak. adj. n. fi 9da san. n. n. n. adj.t.t. adj.t. n. olofofo. J9ra. Tares. fywosi. Task. Target. n. Talons. n. kun fun ekun. ispkusp. Tattler. n. danilara.t. owo-ilu. v. t*?w9b9 laiye. Teeth. v. Team. bulla sara. waja. se afojudi si. p$. adj. n. as9 tit$. adj. bisi. atunwi asan. ifagunl? titi. v. fi gun loju. Tape. ewe olorun didun ti a se nkan miniu. aworan asan. v. v. Teacher. n. ^ran ajuiu9 sise. omije. 148 TEL Tasty. Telegraph.t. a§9 fifaya.t. tuju.t. v. loju. n. ifa. bu. Tassel. i&9 ^>r9 kanna nigbagbogbo. Tedious. 9Jabul9 tinrin. n.. se awp orun jo. tu-loju. n. adj. ti is? 9na. v. fi Tattoo. itanna kekere. dawo-ode. Teach. Tear. durop^. epo buburu. and i. okim 9r9 ijise 6kere. ekanna eiye 9de. ami fun ib9n tita. y9-lenu. ise ti a ran lati okere wa nipa 9r9 irin. Tore. it9w6.i. iso&9. adidiin. as9 ti a fi vda kun. si-niye. Tearful. e-filfulile. iwpn. n. Digitized by VjOOQIC . atanni.t. Terrible. Iwa inu. il$ tabi nkan lab 9 it9Ju 9m. ^k^wa. akoko.t. seun. tan se buburu. olutan. ipinnu. Tempter. oludanwd. nini Temporary. Told. niwpntunTemperate. didimu. jewp si igba Iwa na. n. efufCi Tempestuous. ibinu. v. Term. Tenderly. eko ti Tenon. Temper. n. aimewu. apakan. Ten. 9W9 okun ifaiiK. Tenancy. Telescope. digi ifi 149 TER Tend. adj. Iro. Temple. and i. iwpn otutu tabi oru. n. ohun qrq iaqrq okere. pari. n. l9W9r9W9r9. ayafa ile I9W9 floral. n. aiseju. adj. dari wo ohun i. pinnu. ibi it?ju at9gun. Tenaci0US. n. <<k§. t$ si. etan.t. Tendril. gba. ifale. n. t9ka si. Irtf. nla. wiwu ni. Tentative. Temperature. r$. si v. adj. Tempest. setan. gbiyanju. adj. isan ara. Temptation. pala. it(. n.t. Temperament. wiwa fun igba Temporize. Tender-hearted. v. n. ipa. fifa. n. Tense. n. adj. n. n. idanw6. n. TEL Telephone. wiwa-aye. n. akoko ti a se nkan. te-si. Tepid.t. adj. sonso igi kan afefe aiye. cj>wa. 39 loruk9. 89 -fun. gbigba. v.). n. hn9. H9D9. Temperance. Terminate. adj. adj. lailera. lile lati teba. igbona ara. Terrestrial. lile. naw9 si. adj. v. ibugbe. ofofo. adj. adj. J9J9. adv. n. v.t. idarisi. adj. ik^ra. ilptiti. r9nii. iteniun9. ilaiya. gbigba ile fun akoko kan. alairek^ja. Tenure. leke. 9na. idiyele. jinjin.)ka si. igba isisiyi. a gbagb9 pe otitp ni. v. igba. adj. olofofo enia. ni rir9 inu. ti Terminus. I9W9W9. ag9. ni efufu ni irukerudo. 19m. opin 9na il^. kik?. n. n. pe ni oruk9. n. ipinl^. Tenor. idurosi. Tender. lopin. n. Tenth. niewa. airekpja.i.ala. titan ni. iy^nu. Tenacity. n. v. igba. ni ib9ru. mu-ye. Tenant. ipinnu. iji. Terrific. iwa Tenement.t. wonsin. ip6. fi-fun.i. Terminable. itakun. yco. Tent. titenunip. ikan. opin.. pelepele. ile ti a ko fun isin Qlprun tabi ti orisa apa 9 tun ati osi ni iwaju ori . set9Ju. adj. were. adj. ti o W9 inu ekeji. n. Tell-tale. Tempt. die. Terrace. Termite. adj. lori pari ti ereke. v. aiye yi. n. ifagun. n. ti didanwo. ti il^ aiye. tunu. n. dan-wd. ona Tell. Tension. Termination. eda. Tempting. adj. ifa. Tenderness. li 59. itesi. Tenable. n. n.rir<J. ile. p6. pin. n. n. itele. nina. apakan Tenet. and wi-fun. n. n. iyafa ile. Ipala. imuye. igba and i. ni ala. lile.ac(/ . and i. ti Temporal. Tendon. Tendency. Temerity. ni ib9ru. kewa. woye. n. adj. Thereupon. pron. 9k9ta. ti-1119. Text. Theatre. n. Thankless. $tala. Thirteen. Thickness. rd. adj. n. v. 9ri. Tetanus.t. adj. ?gun. pipadawa Tertian. Thaw. adv. adj. Testimonial. Thirsty. pron. laimore. 9gb$n. and i. Third. Tested. koro 9p9n. ti inu eyina. Thistle. lati ib$ I9. n. iJ9ri. Thank-offering. i. n. Texture. iwe iff Testator. ipaiya. and Thigh.t. eyini. Thenceforward. Theology. n. Territory. nigbana. 9p$n. ij Testify. imppp. l9hun. ti. ji nkan. ki. n.t.t. lati ib? wa. iw9n. ninip9n. nibe na. adj. 9D9-9P9. Thirty. n. gbongbo $r9 sis9. W9n. adj. v. aw9n na. Thereon. ^9 ipil?. ti W9n. n. n. idamoran ohun. aw9n. ronu. n. and i. n. lori eyina. Therefore. Thermometer. conj. eyiti. adj. ibole. mu-ki. n. pron.t. Thanksgiving. adv. nkan. The. dan-wo. There. ilu. Thicken. n. ha-1119. Thing. adv. yiy<£ omi didi. n. ohun. is9p£ ore tabi anu. Thankful. Thence. Terse. pa-laiya. Test. adv. adv. awpn tikalaw9n. pron. Digitized by VjOOQlC . Than. n. ru. v. n. S9p$. osusu. Thieve. itan. adv. Text-book. n. nw9n. lati igba na I9. iwe ^ri. kun fun 9p$. ibi isire. J9ri. nipa eyi na. y<£ bi oini didi. n. ipil^so ^9. v. iw9nyi. lori eyina. Thick.TER Terrify. dilu. Thine. Testimony. daiya f6. se ij^ri. adv. adv. kiki. Thanks. ohun ti.t. ohun 9na idi- W9n oru.t. Thenceforth. adv. n. igb6r6 il^. Thee. adj. n. lailop?. v. and i. pron. Thicket. k9ta. adj. n. igbo. v. im9 Qtyrun. tir9. Thirteenth. Thin. n. eyi. pp$. Them. adv. li akoko na. n. okun tabi 9W911 ifi di 9ran. koriko ibole. Testicle. ole. Tether. idanwo. Thimble. adj. adv. 9b9 idup9. pron. 9l9gb9n ninu kika Qr9 Ql9run. pron. Thirtieth. Thatch. m^tala. Theft. il?. 9. n. na. n. That. $r9 iwe. nip9n. akpwe if£ sile funni 16giin. Theory. n. v. tyna keta. tinrin.t. ongb9. n. These. nitorina. Thereby. oni -ma j 911111. Thank. dup9. ifi 9p$ fun. ninu eyina. kuru. jale. akawe mim9. agbegbe Terror. iw9. §kan. niJ9 k^tak^ta. Then.t. Think. Thief. nitori eyi na. adj. n. p9 li 9 p$. v. n. n. Thirst. ero. adj. arun ipa. didanwo. iwe lilo fun qkq. Testament. pron. ju. Theologian. 150 THI Themselves. and i. ibo ika 9W9. They. Therein. Theme. Their. $ru. 9k9tala. im9 is? enia si Qtyrun. iwe maj^mu. d^ruba. k^b^ku. eyi. idupe. b^r?. pongb9. n. ajinilohun. pron. adj. Thereof. phaha. old. This. n. Thirdly. v. Throughout. fun. giri. Through. gun. v. v. o^y. 9na. koko. 9gun. v. mana. v. prep. digba. jalejale. okun tinrin. n. sib? na. l^m^ta. Digitized by v. lere.THI Thither. m?ta. n. ainironu. gberu. ha-laye. Thorn. iro. ara. prep. 151 TIL Throttle.t. . Thrall. titidi. Thou. Threadbare. 939. Tight. ?ran abekanna kan.t. v.t. Thunderstruck. v. ir9bi. n. Thrift. n. le. it? 9ba. o. Ide.pl. id?ruba.t. n. jal?. aniyan. II9. lile. n. adj. Idi. sakun. isubu and i. Tidy. ariwo nla. Threat. alogbo. patapata. adj. dl. n. n. egb9n. v. and i. nigba meta. n. d^ruba. Tidiness.i.t. Thoughtful. and i. Thud. ikplu. v. Thoughtlessness.t. ?ta. ^gb^gb^run. ady. lati iha kan de ekeji. Thoroughly. opopo. n. iloro ile. n. Thwart. apeJ9. ady. iloro ?nu 9na. lu. Thoroughfare. 9P9 enia. ihln. ni ero. Thoughtless. pron.t. n. Thrive. Thunderbolt. iwa 9ru. lailere. Thousand. iwe ami. mule.t. adj. pron. iw9 tikalar?. Though.t. ni im9toto. iro v. Thursday. n. Tier. v. adv. and i. ere. n. Ifun. Thorough. mi I19I9. co-n/. n. lu. yi ka. n. Tickle. ti 39. gbi. bu li okun b$. rin. Throng.t. so. v. ad. Throne. Three. ti. gbile.t. isebi. Tightness. i. onikq m^ta. toto. n. Tighten. Thyself. n. Tile. ^ru. adj. Thrill. funtyrun. Thriftless. na Thread. se rere. se mura v. rin ni eginrin.i. ti. bi iru eyi. v. adj. patapata. ja. v. Threadworm. Tide.. han si goro. lal- and san ara.t. Thrust. Tidings. Thus. v. 9na 9 fun. Thought. kil9. ju. bi. bl. biotil^j^pe. bi-lu. Throat. iJ9 karun 9S9. n. apoti owo. adj. n. paka. con/. paka. isan okun. adj. itunse. manamana. v. v. n. and i. n. n. Thumb. ni pipepipe. n. irora. 9fun. n. n. Tick. and i. koko. Threaten. n. di. n. n. lainironu lajo. m<J. Thrush. adv. Ikity. and i. Throw. il9po m^ta. aj6. Till. n. Thunder. ti-laiya. Thorny. nipa. ke ni igberi.t. nkan ti o wuwo. 9s4n t?r<?. Thresh. ru. ya-l?nu. n. ijere. itol^s^s?. Thrice. k<? mana- Thousands. n. laniyan. ha. fale. Ilia. ro il?. ibilu enia.t. Thump. igun. jal? ganran. n. adj. and i. isan sil?. arun efu. Tiger. ejo inu. fi owu. kiki 9gun. abiya. iw9J9p9. v. adv. VjOOQlC . im9toto. Threefold. r?. adj.t.t. lu. Thrifty. pron. isegiri. Thong. Throe. Thrash. funl9fun. iwp. ?gb?run.t. Throb. n. Tightly. awuJ9. fi s^ko. Thy. bayi. ?nu ati 9fun. gun. atampako. roko. iwe ijew9. Tie. laj6. ilu wuwo. Ticket. ni lilelile. ody. awo ibole.pl. mu-subu. adv. Threshold. and i. ojo. n. To-day. ppju. Tiptoe. munilar$. li oru yi. aribanijp. han goro. Time-keeper. Toilsome. yi si and i. v. akara ti a yan loju ina. Toe. ahpn. 152 aroko. n. n. ire li Tint. iboji. Time-server. idampwa. odi.t.i. v. ori. re Tincture. Tongue-tied.t.t. v. n. prep. v. Tinder. asa. n. n. ro goro. i. 20 cwt. iyin. ti orukp nikan. farada. akoldlo. adj. tiro. ilu. w$n. TOO isagbp. kere. n. ami. agara. To. arp. Google . Together. awp. Time. n. pmp-esp. Tire. kok6 okun ah<jm. n. adj. n. Tin. iboji. lala. wi. v. rp . elewetaba.i. adj. and i. tun-se. tanganran. fun . n. n. Toad. Toleration. orika psp. kikini. Tiresome. Tonnage. jijp fun. pla. n. Toil. n. n. alatunse ikoko ide. Tinman. sp. Told. n. da akoko. akoko. loni.t. n. didalaga. To-night. gba. Took. v. n. wiwp. v. Digitized by Title. adj. ho. nisp.t. jp fun. iro. agogoro. iwe adehun. awp. nilala. asara. irolp. Title-page. and i. ori oke titayp. Tingle. Ton.t. is$sp. alasara. ibode . adj. igba fun. n. n. Tonic. v. v. n. ibi isinku. oye. ede. ppplp. n. n. rprin jpjp. Tinsel. spdo. Tonsil.t. agogo. n. adj. ogun atun agbara se. onispna tanganran. Ibpru. n. sare. v. okuta ti o sami Tipsy. Tomb. owo pru pk$. n. agogo.pl. Tolerate. gbe. n. Tip. owo ibode . fifarada. adv. pya psp. lu agogo Tiny. n. tojotojo. v. n. adj. ro woro. n. n. Tone. inptiyo. Tongs. lpwu. t prut pru. and i. To-morrow. jump. Timid. Timely. n. Tom-tom. v. igi rirp fun ikple. adun. ohun didan. n. v.t. n. n. asp . lawty.i. da igba. awp. pjp oni. yp lakoko. li n. Titter. ohun. pbun Tombstone. iroko. iro and Tinkle. orukp. daraju. gbigba. onisp. n. n. diwpn. pplu. Titular. alabulp di. da osuwpn pru pk$. n. lakopp. Toast. Too. li akoko wiwp. Toilet. eniti nbojuto akoko awpn onisp.t. Tittle. loru oni. apakan.TIL Tillage. ni ida kpkan. adv. osuwpn. lpla. ijp fun. Timidly. sonso. Tiptop. adv. da fca Tiredness. se Toiler. n. we-ori. n. n. sisp. iweri. Token. ewe kini ninu iwe.t. pmti alagbedp. and i. alaroko. Tongue. ideri. n. sonso. Tithe. Tinker. n.t. alahpn wuwo. laga. r6. adj. v. isp. and i. n. Title-deed. nlbpru. ?gbp. Tiller. orika. lojo. adj. agbp. Tobacco. ewe taba. mu. Timidity. lala. motipara. n. Toll. igba. ohun psp. ti. n. gba. Timber. Tolerable. onispna idp. opin. pri. idampwa. n. si. adj. Tobacconist. taja* raja. 9Ja tita. fow9ba. 9l9Ja. n. Tournament. ba J9W9 ara r$ I9W9 ohun elo lati se nkan. Torrid. bo sagidi. Trace. nkan kekere. dwd. and i. gongo-oke Toothsome. and i. kan. Tract. ti ofin at9w9- d9W9. Tradesman. n. adj. ilu. and i. eja ojiji. ami. erp ib9n nfp 9k$ ninu omi. le. Tough. okun fa 9k$. asaro kukuru. kik^ni. adj. agbegbe. kikoso. n. ero. yiyi isal$ soke.i. and i. eni kekere. kikanra. Toward. ori ^9. n. itan at9W9d9W9. n. ay9- Tornado.t. Toss. ardlu. im9. idaloro. as9 inura. v. akede ilu. n. ami. kanra. ti a le f9W9ba. Touching. sakani. Torture. prep. adj. ohun elo lati fi. Totally. Touchable. ehin. Torpor. n. s6w6. Touch-hole. fifa li 9 kan. n. Topsyturvy. fi niha. Township. da-lor6. v. adaniloro. iy9- foga soke. ti Toy. gbe. n.t. v. n. adj. lati k9« Trade.. loke. Topic. wuwoju Tourist. etii okun 9gb$. kereke. loke. lailehin. ni il9p9. yi. n. ina. keti. awun. bi n. Torpid. nilenu. eniti o ohun 9na. ile es<>. iketi. riro ehin didun ni.t. Toothache. onisdwd. lakotan. n. Tormentor. ipa $na. adj. Totter. ina or6. ikura. ojuku ib9n. adj. t9-lehin. n. t9. pmpde m9le Topheavy. n. Torch. fi-soko. n.i. adj. Torpedo. nipa ti. Topography. n. iji. Torment. iru ere nla kan. bisiwabisehin. \v9ba. da-loro. n. Town-crier. . aw9n ara ilu. lainipa $na.t. Trader. n. ogo Top. gbogbo. v. ti if9W9kan. gbona. Traditional. lepa. v. ap$re. v. ofin at9W9d9W9. n. v. fifikan. idalor6. adv.t. alarinkiri. TOO Tool. n. fidugb$. ladun. ohun elo. Tractable. r9run itaja.t. lare- v. n. isowo. n.t. niti. Digitized by Google . lagbara Touch. isapere apere ilu. adj. #9v.t. n. n. Town. agbara ojo.t. adj. Townsfolk. tagb9ngb9n. si. oke. Tortoise. ilu. aw9n ara ilu. adj. v. kan. fifiba. v. Tradition. fi nsire. n. lenu. n. n. 153 TRA n. adj. irinkiri. Topple. subu lule. ibi Tourniquet. ltytotp. Tower. f9W9kan. ehin. t9se. di isan eje. n. Tortuous. or6. Tooth. ile is$ giga. adj. etufu at^b9po. sami Trackless. l\ Tour. apap9. loke. adj. sakani ile . n. Irin a jo. Towards. kura. y9-lenu. n. Torrent. Touchy. patapata. n. iwe kekere. igi Towel. itahin. Total. n. efufu nla. siha. n.t. Toothpick. n. nitori. lepa. n. ohun isire 9m9de. Toothless. irora. itpse. adj. prep. 89d9. adj. ni rudurudu. v. dun. Track. n. Tow. ijapa. Tot. olofofo. t9. n. si ekeji. I9W9. itayp. ipa- 6wd pja. n. Tranquil.t. isikuro. v. im9gara. ise. ti Transient.t. at9nil9hin. Trait. pa Iwa kan da si Iwa keji.t. alarinkiri. ojuran.t. v. n. ik9ja I9 lati ipo kan v. sonikupani. isinipd pada. parada. and i.t. di- I9. n. ti igba di9. v.t. adj. Transcribe. 9I999. ay9 nla. si nipo pada se gbedegb9y9. Transcend. t9. irekpja si iha nriran. n. ipaw^da. Tranquility. Transfiguration. fi ba i. se ilu ariya. v. Translate. 9k$ U9. Tragedy. v. Train. oluk<j. and i. Trample. lalafia. n. pataki. Transmigrate. fi 939 t? m9l9. n. n. iw9le Transition. Transfix. pa- w$da. ni isiini. re-k9ja. Tragic. Transact. iyipada de ni s^k^s^k^. se. yi prp pada si ode mi. ru-ofin. jamba. adj. Transmigration. se9l. n. n. and i. ilekuro ni ilu . 91. mim9gara. si lati ibi kan ir9ra. fa. 154 TRA v. fi irera t9 m9l9. k9 iwe lati inu 9kan si ekeji. bori. pk^ ikonilp si miran . v. v. n. isikuro nilu.t. onikupani.t. Traitor. n. si nipd kan gbin gba I9W9 9nikan fi le 9nikeji I9W9. tay9. irek9ja. adj. Transcendence. v. n. isipo pada. d9s$. laip9. Transfigure. v. and i. Trainer. Transmute. rirek9Ja. sdwo.t. Transportation. awok9. 9S9 rin. ^l^tan. n. Translation. 999. w<J lp ni ile. Transgress. I9 si ekeji. didak^^. ran lati ibi kan I9 si ekeji. Trance. adj. n. Transgression. Transfer. si l9gbin.*. Transferable. y$ rek9Ja. w. Transformation. Transcription. adj.t. and W9da. gba-dulum^. loruk? J9. n.t. iyir9pada si ede mi.t. ikonilp si 1I9 iniran. olurek9Ja. idak9J9. irufin. didan. ipa re-k9ja. lati ibi kan Transitory. and i. Trammel. Tranship. n. adj. iran. v. Digitized by Google . ipd keji. y9 Transplant. 9k9-il9. loro. fi Tramp. $w$. n. Traffic.t. Transmit. gbe lati ibi si ibi keji. v. . n.t. v. pna 9d^. n. adj. iparada.t. kuku. rire- k 9J a » J1JUI9. Tram. and i. lati fatu si kan I9 I9. v. adj. n. s<?r9 odi si. sikuro ni ilu . olut$. 9gb^ . v. gun lagun ja. v. gbigba I9W9 9ni file ekeji I9W9. I9. and i. Transgressor.t. irin. Transport. igba Transit. arufin. iparada. v. ru ni Transcendent. Transpire. k$. pran ibinuje. n. ijul9. v. si ekeji. gbe kuro ninu 9kp kan fi si ekeji. irek9ja. Transparent. di9. Transparency.t.t. isimi. Trail. 9t9. rirek9ja. Traitorous. Transaction. Transform.t.t.TRA Traduce. v. alafia. n. afinihan. se-ju. titay9. v. laip9.t. v. parada ohun iwa. n. Tread. ohun 999. Trembling. Trespasser. adj. olut9ju owo tabi isura $ni. Tributary.i. ni yanil^nu. Tremor. ihd. pe si apeje . rin irin ajo. t9-ni9le. $dal$. lainilari. Tremendous. Trill. ti arailu kanna. 9tan Trickle. and i. wahala. i. Trappings. gbigb^n. ero. em. v. lainiyin. Tribulation. Trifler. adj. 9t£. 91*$. and si. TRA Transposal. wa. Triangular. n. v. v. onigun m^ta. and i. fuwa Treason. ir9bi 9m9. v. 9t$. Tribunal.t. ti Travesty. si nipd. niwariri. v. n. and i.t. and t^-l^se. ibi idaJ9. Travail.t. n. omi iy9 didun.t. ib^ru.. qtq iwe ak9ye nitori ihin. Treatise. aiyederu. n. Trifling. Treacherous. alarekereke. n. irin ajo. Treaty. n. n. d$. yipada di ohun miran. afohunsire. Treasury. n. re-k9Ja.t.t. des9. iwakiwa. 999 9sin. Tribe. Transubstantiate. tyte. okun did^. ihd. $dal?. Trifle. fi egbogi fun kikini. nib^ru. ohun kan. . iwahun. n. n. i. ilosi. adj. adj. ile tabi ibi apoti isura. n. id^kun.t. S9r9 v. ipel9J9. Treasurer. wa Trend. isin. n.t. isura. n. ohun isire. n.pl. Trickery. n. ilo. ohun-lasan. Triangle. n.t. gb<)n. olurek9Ja. Treasonable. w. n. Tread. Tray. n. Trodden. Digitized by VjOOQIC .t. adj. n. iwa arekereke is$. ise pasipar^ ipd. and i. n. te si. n. 9tan. Treasure.i ml. r9J9. tan. iwariri. Treachery.pl. ohun onigun meta. ate. n. v. 989. jiJ9sln. n. 9I999. n. ikako irun ori. sipax9 ipo. Idale. iwadi.t. Treble. Traverse. Traveller. iwariri ohun. Trap. irek9Ja. and i. san J9J9. adj.t. and i. ohun ti k6 nilari. v. Trick. irora. rin. ni idabu. ipar$. w.t. n. k9ja. il^kun ?biti. Trigger. v. 9ya. n. adj. 9P9n. Trash. Tribal. igi. Trod. wariri. l9na m^ta. iwariri miml. Travel. fi-sire. Tribute.i. idanwo. Trick. n. n. ni foiya. ebi. ireb9n. n. Transpose. Iwa. n. irin ti a ti re b9n. it^bi lala. Tremble. fi- v. Trespass. adj. irin ese. Transverse. la Trepidation. Treacle. v. n. Trapdoor. ba gbird. re k9Ja. v. adehiui. Transposition. laironu. and Tree. Trial. isinip6 pada. Tremulous. and i. adj. iwariri. n. pa nipd da. n. yara. v. sepo ni meta. iru enia. sura. Transubstantiation. apeJ9 ase. rin. owo -ode. v. tobi pup9. sisan owo %. ipinnu. ip9nju. adj. n. Trench. n. v. iyipada di ohun mirain. n. v. dekun. Treat. 155 TBI Treatment. n. alarinkiri. w. n. Tresses. n. and i. igb9k9le. otit9. Trivial. nitot9 > nidaju. 9P911. n. n. lainilari. ohun ainiye. afunfere. adj. is$. /». Trio. Triune. ibeni.t. k9k9 v. v. ifun ^ran. v. oruk9 9Ja kan. n.t.t. i. . ohun elo 9na im9le. Trudge.i. ohun igi igbomi. 9W9-ogun. kanna. n. n. Truant. Trousers. Tropics. ohun iranti is9giin. Trounce. ip9nju. is9gun. y9 ay9 pokiki. sina. M^talpkan. danwd. niy9nu. and i. kik98$. Truthful. adj. Tripe. n. n. se adehun. adj. iho apo. n. . nkan m^ta ib^ta.t. v. gb9k9le. irin ajo ninu nr9. and i. and i.99. jatujatu. isise. and i. v.t. kukuru. n. m^ta ninu ]£ni Qlprun kansoso. ipinnu lati pade.t. awin. P911 loju. True. 156 TUE Trowel. Triple. edidi. Truly. Tuesday. gbe 969 soke. n. Trustee. k?k? 9m. ohun 999. bi wura tabi fadaka. ipe ferev. nis£. n. ifaratl. wahala. iJ9 k9ta 989. ti nigba o J9 iru m$ta. 9m m^ta. nitotp. t9w<J. n. otit9. adj. n. ododo. n. and i. adj. n. n. kun fun otit9. apoti 9W9 Trunk. I9S989. n. faratl. apo inu ^ran. Triumphant. Trouble. n. and n. Tube. ologun 9lesin. Iti igi ija erin. daradara. otito. n. ik6p$. igbagb?. I9. $k$. 16t9. bori. Ipe-ogun. i$9po m^ta. Trumpet. ay9 ibori. Troth. asis9. and i. Troop. ara ohunkohun. igbati as9Trinity. v.t. v. n. adj. ka a. n.t. Trooper. hie. gb^k9le. Tub. igi. Trimming. Truce.TRI Trim. Trumpery. v. n.t. r9. gbidanwd. adj. ipa $na orun. n. k9k^ 9ru. y9 ni igb9k9le.t. adj. n. sim^. n. iho inu. k6de» Triumph. kop$. didap9 n^tatykan. n. iserere. apoti 9193$ ni9ta.t. is9gun. pade. ogun. Trow. 9P9n nla. yiy9-ay9. lainiyin. otit9. adj. Truss. n. ini9l9. k9w<J. n. True-hearted. afunpe. ibi ipade. and i. adj. fi 939 W9I9 Trip. Trout. Trough. Trumpeter. Truth. oninu otit9.t. g6 t<J. n. v. Trying. v. idap9 v. asas^. nip9nju.t. ikogun. n. n.t. 9pa-oye. rin kankan. iy9nu. 9k$ ologun. aitonkan. 9k<J irauini. Digitized by Google . n. nit6t9. v. nidajudajiu kpn?. Tried. ay$ is9gun. adj. Trot. sokoto. v. Truncheon. se danwd. y9-l9nu. Tuck. 99 11189. Tryst. di. Triplet. igb9k9le. igb^kt^le. oniwa funfun. 9iriti o 39 otit9Try. Trophy. idaw9 ija duro fun igba kan. n. ohun Tripod. n. olut9Ju ohun ini 91^ tabi il9Trustfulness. pinnu lati Troublesome. Trustworthy. Trust. gbagb<>. v. n. tunse. Trolley. n. mu iy9nu ba. adv. Trinket. Tripping. so-p$. apagunr$. Truck. iwa Turnpike. n.irusoke. digi ifiraomi and Tussle. laitord. iset9Ju.t. i. v. v. adj. ekejila. koriko tabi . adj. ni rudurudu. Tutor. n. n. n. meji. alagbara. n. oluk9. and i. Tuner. n. adv. se ika ni-lara. ja. se ni lala. n.pl. 03 u ^fin. n. n. Tyrannical. Turn. koko 9l9yun. §da iwe kan. Turbulent. atakiti. Tyranny. v. tan san. v. Turbulence. asp awc^tele. nigba meji. and i. Twirl. iho ti a la jum9. Tunic. ehin erin. iyipada. niriru. n. adj. ni rudurudu. Turret. if a agbara pk$ ^fin. v. it^. Twice. n. onroro. and i. n. adaba kan. Turf. Twin. tun orin. Tyrannize. Twelve. n. oijuwon nla kan. ap?r9.t. iru okun. 9na Tyrant. TurmoU. n. n. ad. Two-edged. okun ityp^. ariwo. yi. duru tabi fere orin. igba iwa lab9 it9Ju. olut9. onik9k9r9 pataki. onis9na igi. i. enia. mejila. Turbid. agba nla. n. ika. Twist.t. n. Turtle. iweri Imale. Twitter. ike bi ?iy9- Two. ibeji. wiriwiri oju. bi-subu. n. Tusk. isedede ohun v. Tumultuous. arun. and yi kankan. Typewriter. Twinkling. n. da-lagara. adj. v. ja-pati. n. ?ise si ohun orin. $mu. Turning-point. yipada. i.t. il9P^>. Twig. ifun. si. iwa ipa. fale si ohun igi. tolotolo. ejila. ejir?.t. v. n. agbara. ija-lile. n. se onroro akoko Turnkey. ogun. oniy9nu. ile is9 kekere. \qk$tq. kun fun ariwo. ise onror6.t. n. Twain. 9W9 k9. oje igi. ikps^. adj.t. iset9Ju. Twelfth. Tumult. subu. n. Twine. n. Tunnel. n. n. Tug. iseri 9na. 9W<J se. ja lekanna. idip9 157 TYR Turpentine. n. ek9Tumble. ibi ti iyipada. Twinkle. Twitch. aworan . Tumbler. oloju meji. n. Tune. nisale ile lati fi se pna fun pk<> lati k9Ja. mu.t. sebu. and i. n. iru- Tutelage. koko u^k^k?. meji. Turning. and i. akoko. ika Digitized by Google . n. okun iwenkan. n./. n.t. iseju. adj. afenM?- Tuneful. v. Turban. ise rudurudu. ero ik9we dipo fifi ^eri-pada. Tweezers. n. agara. ago omi. Tun. l^r^. adj. inira. 9 ka te 1 Twilight. adj. Tuition.ki. lawani. n. atun ohun duru tabi fere se. ariwo. fun.*. n. eji. Type. and si. n. igba. ak9ni ni iwe. i<?-P9» wep<j>. ehin 9gan. n. Twenty. n. orin. Tumour. l9P$.TUF "Tuft. iyi. and i. l^meji. wiriwiri 9J9.t. 9gba idabu igba owo ibode. n. v. adj. n. v. onror6. irun. Turkey. alafale si ohun orin. il? ti o huko. ile ?w9n. n. n. papa oko tutu. adj. Turner. onitubu. isubu. kerudd. Twinge. kd f$. Unalterable. Unaccompanied. ti a kd baptisi r$. laini adalu. Iaim9 lara Unbolt. laiduro. Unanimously. mu-t$. laiy^. se ojiji. adj. si l9kun. Unanimity. Umbrella. oju. laidaniloju. Ulcer. daoyun. degbo. adj. adv. Unbelief. laigbesan. Ultimately. v. n. abukun. laisimi. laini 9m9-9hin. aigbagb9. $89. n. adj. Unbeliever. adj. niya. is9kan. lainiatunse. Unavenged. S9fun. lainipin. lainiyasipa. 9m bal9. 9hin. 9m Unaccomplished. Unaccountable. adj. alaigbagb9. laini eni baty. Ulcerate. lairot9l9. 91ml ^ranko. pmu Ugliness. adj. lphun. n. adj.t. egbo. ojiji igi . Unattended. siji. lailey9kuro. adj. ti a kd le gba tabi ki a farad a. adj. laiJ9W9 lai Unacquainted. laisami fun. Uncertainty. adv. Unbroken. n. n. Digitized by Google . Unburden. niyemeji. lailabula. agboriin. 9m tiju. laifa^hin. Umpire. laim<). tu-sile. oju ti nra. laif<J. nikehin. laisepe. adj. a mn 9ru kuro. laidinku. Unauthorized. Unceasing. sodi alailewn. jina julp. laii^run. n. lesiro. adj. lainibawi. Ulterior. Udder. aniani. Unadulterated. Uncertain. lainitiju. Unacknowledged. malu. adj.t. ligba Ultimate. lainiranl9W9. Ubiquity. ti a kd le jere. laini as9- Ultimatum. onidajp. adj. Unattainable. adj. adj. n.t. Unaccustomed. Unadvisedly. UBI U.t. adj. lairidi. adv. lojiji. lairi sinni. 39 91*11 kal9. legbd. Unbaptised. adj.t. aiyapa. na. v. Unbearable. v. Iaiy9. lais9. ^nik^ta ti a jTan lati pari oran larin Unavoidable. ail^wa. ti a k6 le dalohun. se ti and 9d9. Unblameable. nigb^hin. Unbend. adj. i. adj. b<J ni iham9ra. adj. Unbound. laiyapa. lainirantywo. Unaffected. lailedalohun. adj. laini 91119 Unbecoming. ifura. Unable. Unanswerable. w. laisepari. laifa okan. laiJ9 adj. Umbrage. Unapproachable. adj. ipari ipinnu. lailese. laikan ni. v. Unaided. v. laim$. lailo Unawares. 158 UNC Unalloyed. aidaniloju. n. ni titu. v. Unarm. mbj>..t. n. lai Unbind. Iailesunm9 wiwa nibi gbogbo nigba kanna. Iainlpar9. lailey^sile. ti kd le. Unasked. Unabated. agbdjo. adv. Unassisted. fifohiins9kan P9I11 9kan kan. adj. lailegb9k9le. lail^wa. n. adj. laifihan. lopin. lainipara. lais9 kun. ti laim^nilara. adj. ti 9W9 k6 le t$. Unabashed. tu-sil9. nigb^hin. laisetan. lairi adj. laibere. adj. adj. n. Ugly. lailerigba. Iaisedarudap9. adj. lainil9gan. v. labukun.t. meji. lapa keji. J9-I9W9. adj. adj. adj. laitosi. adj. Underhand. ni arekereke. Uncivil. J v. Undented. Undervalue. laiye si ni. lainipinnu. laisaroye. ti ko Undertaker. Unclean. v. laisan owo to. Undergrowth. Underneath. laisetd. gbi- danwo. adj.t. adj. Understanding. Unclothed. n. patapata. n. ti a k6 ya a k6 le si mimo. and i. lailabawon. Underrate. adj. laimp ninu lailero. ti a kd yi lokan pada. alaikola. laitaj. Underdone. aisusi. pa ti Uncomfortable. ti a kd le segun. adj. igi tpre igbo. Undertaking. oludawole. Undesirable. n. lailese. adj. aim$. laiberu. isale. adj. v. Undermost. ti k6 je ti onigbagbo. adj. adj. lairo. dl nisale. Uncondemned.t. dopole. n. Uncircumcised. lailola. laini ipinnu. akeko ti ko iti gba 6ye ni ile eko giga. Undeserved. niyin. Unconcern. adj. Iwa eri. Uncharitable. Unconsecrated. ehu-abele. leri. Undergo. Digitized by Google . itororosi. ko oruko eni si isale iwe. and i. Unconquerable.t. ope. adj. Unconscious. adj. Uncomely. adj. Undergird. Unconverted. nijanu. yiya soto. ye. adj. adj. adj. Undecided. laibatan. ise kan. laiw{>so. laiwopo. yiya nipa. farada. Unchecked. im$. v. ti a kd le s^. adj. Unchaste. Underpay. adj. lai- Unchristian. Uncivilized. Unction. oye.t. ororo. ni Ihoho. Understand. ti a kd le bori. nisale. adj. labe. adj. Uncommon. laikun sinu. ni Underline. ti k6 se yipada. ti k6 se paro. laini abo. adj. lainif£. alalm^.t.t. Uncultivated. v. Uncle. v. laini idiwo. v. n. n. dawole. Uncleanness. laike. v. laisa. Uncovered. lait$ si ni. nifekufe. Underground. iwa aim$. fa ila si labe. prep. adj. lairorun. aibikita. laimoyo. n. adv. adj. nisale. se onigbowo fun.. Under. n. adj. adj. lairtf nipd. mp. ipara. Undaunted.t. lailabula. v. adj. 6pe. ipile run. ti isale lohun. ainani. n. laisi idina. adj. wa nisale. n. adj. laiye. n. laiko loye. adj. aini enia to lenu Underman. Undiluted. laini bora. adj. en iti o sinku. Undertake. Underwood. Unconnected. adj. Uncontrollable. gbagbo. Undersign. lai- Undignified. adj. adj. v. asp awotele. UNC Unchangeable. adj. adj. alaimokan. arakpnrin baba tabi iya. n. laisopo. onigbowo. laijebi. Undermine. ikoko. ti a k6 f? ni. isale ile. laini ola.t.t. Underclothing. adj. laifoiya.t. Undetermined. laisegbakugba Uncomplaining. adj.t. v. ohun ti a dawole. 159 UND Uncut. lailewa. diyele rel? ju bi o ti ye. lait<J si oni- Undeniable. labe. fokanran. laimcj. Undergraduate. Ungodliness. v. ti a k6 sainani. Unemployed. laiseru. lairusoke. Unfamiliar. Unfeigned. laik9sile. adj. Unfinished. Unfed. adj. Unflinching. Unfaltering. b9-las9. n. adj. Undisturbed. adj. ni laise-iteloriba.t. laise tara. adj. Unguarded. Undissolved. tele. n. n. laimus?. ore 9f9- laitanu. dajudaju. lainise I9W9. Unfold.UND Undisciplined. laim$. lairprim. laise Unfailing. laisiyemeji. adj. adj. alwa-bi-Qtyrun. laisi aniani. adj. laisa. laileri isal9 r$. laifoye han.t. lailopin. laiy? ni Iwa 9019. ijinl? laik<J. laipari. aid9gba. laisi am9na. Unforgiving. Unfetter. laipin. adj. adj. adj. and i. laifoiya. adj. laini im$. Unfriendly. laifasehin. adj. laiyanipa. adj. adj. adj. laifisile. lanu. 89 tun sosin. laisetan. laise-isakoso. v. Uneasy. Ungrudgingly. tii. Unearth. laidpgba. Uneducated. lailes9. si-sil?. laiy?. laifaram<>. adj. Unduly. Ungovernable. lainiku. Iait9. Ungrounded. wa jade. Undulate. adj. Unevenness. Unexplored. adj. Iaigb9ran. adj. adj. adj. laib^ru. ifiji. Unfading. adj. 89 di asan. lailabo. Unfulfilled. adj.t. adj. gbangba. Unfair. duro lai- sinsin. Undying. Iailein9 r$. a kd mu si ab$ iteriba. dodo. laini im9le. laimore. v. aiteju. v. b<? 89. adj. lairi idariji. adj. laiycj. mim9.t. laisise. adj. Unequal. laisoju rere. laif9kan bale. tu li ew9n. lainidi. adj. adj. laiteju. laise oju rere. adj. laiye. laikek<J. Unhallowed. Iwa aisot9. Unguided. J9sin. laiwakiri. nitdt9. laigbagbe. adj. sipaya. laisagbakd. lai- Unforgotten. laini - Unfaithful. lais$r$. Iait9. adj. Unfurnished. laid9gba. Iais9t9l9. adj. si. Undivided. Unexpected. adj. v-t. Iaib9. adj. laise 1989. laifihan Unexposed. lojiji. Unfruitful. Unerring. laisot9. lailorire. adj. Uneven. Unending. adj. laiseun. Ungracious. tu ni Unfllial. jti Unfavourable. laifolya. adj. adj. bi siwa bl sehin. laifun ni onje. adj. adj. lairi oju rere. laib9sirere. v. laiso pile- adj. adj. laitasehim. adj. laisina.t. Unfortunate. lainitetyrun. Ungratifled. Unforgiven. laitaj. Unenlightened. ti laitaj. adj. adj. Undoubtedly. ti a kd sojukokoro. laisotcj. adj. Unforeseen. lairdt?!^. laikunsinu. laileso. laidariji. adj. adj. Undismayed. Undo. adj. lait9na. laituka. laireti. si. adj. 160 UNH Unfathomable. laini lairi Unforetold. lait<>.i. tu-sile. v. laipese. Ungrateful. ni- Undutiful. lair£. adj. lododo. laisetan. Undress. Unfaithfulness. adj. Unenviable. Digitized by Google . lainilara. lai y?se. Unfit. lail9P9. ti a kd ya si Unfasten. adj. laije oye alufa. adj. Uninjured.- UNH Unhappy. adj. lailopin. adj.t. v. ti a k6 S9kun r$. Unintentional. adj. n. adj. Unknown. Unmanageable. Unlucky. University. adj. idpgba. Unique. so-p$. and i. ?nikan. idap9. laise akiyesi. v. Unmerciful. laipe. adj. laidojuja kq. adj. laigb<J. se-^pkan. Unload. Unopposed. laisan. n. 89 di pkan. adj. laileko ni Unmarked. Unhurt. Unharmed. tu-okun. dalare. as9 egb? kan. tu eru. laininfire. Unloosen. ni ika. inudidun. Unless.t. adj. adj. lailorire. Unity. ti ile gbogbo. ti k6 dabi. laisiyemeji. Unloving. Digitized by Google . lailadalu. le adj. adj. Unheeded. adj. adj. lailere. laini -ipalara. laiJ9. adj. laim^mose. ijanu. n. is9kan. lainani. laini adj. adj. adj. irepp. Uniform.t. Unmarried. adj. Unlimited. Unmeaning. adj. a kd le Unkind. 89 eru. lailera. adj. laisojurere. adj. Unorganized. lailanu. ispkan. lainis? I9W9. riri bakanna. adj. iro ti o d9gba. laiyese. Unhook. ti o ba ara won mu. Unlock. adj. adj. ti o W9p$. adj. laini ala. v. Union. a le Unnecessary.t. gbogbo 9da agbaiyo. lailagbara. laifimpse. laito leses?. laini if?. adj. Unjust. lailesi nipd. ayasebi. lait9 si ni. Universal. adj. laini alafia. laiy9lenu. adj. n. adj. adj. Unnatural. Unheard. ti ti a k6 kaye. laini-oluwa. laik<J. ti a k6 kedun. adj. gbo enia. Unordained. adj. laikan. Iais6t9. laini iranti. Iail9k9. Uniformity. bikoj?epe. si iwa eda. I i adj. laiseun. ti a kd se afiyesi. laim$. Iaidap9. Unite. 9kan. afibi. lodi si ofin. Uninteresting. ti gbo Unnoticed. adj. (?rii. idap9-89kan. ki ise pataki. n. v. v. lailegbe. Unholy. lailewu. idap9. Unjustifiable. tu sile. laini ipalara. aiye. Unnumbered. Unlearned. adj. lailekeji.t. v. Uninvited. Unpack. Unobservant. Unhealthy. laiwu. Unoccupied. Iait9. Universe. Unlike.t. laibikita. lailadun. Unify. 6pe. laini itum?. laisi-ityra. adj. laimcj. v. adj. Unimportant. conj. adj. n. adj. adj. ise bakannfi. laiyan si. Unhesitating. adj. n. ti dap9 mu. sokan. laiye. adj. laikun loju.t. Unleavened. laity. Unmerited. laini W9n. adj. adj. laisop9. laini itoyc. ainiye. adj. Unloose. tu Unlace. ile ek9 giga ibiti aw9n akek9 le gba oyo. v. Unmixed. Unlawful. Unmoveable. laiwiwo. Unison.t. Unpaid. 161 UNP Unlamented. tu. laini y9nu. adj. Unmolested. Unowned. Unit. lodi laiba iwa $da se alaini. lailami. fi k9k9r9 si. n. tu. Unmindful. n. laigbo. Unquenchable. Unqualified. laini idariji. lailokiki. Unrewarded. adj. laiko ni ijanu. dariji. laiya si Unprotected. laidaduro. lainibawi. Unreal. adj. adj. laiduro nibi kan. laimura. lailanu. lairi. laise li akoko. Unseasonable. Unselfi8h. ki ise otito. si. laikegbe. laipcjn. laife laigb<J ti laitcj. Unrighteousness. laimuse. lailabukun. fayo kuro ninu ako. adj. adj.UNP Unpalatable. pada. Unsearchable. Unrestrained. lodi si lailoye. adj. laini ipa. lailadun lenu. laini ibaje. ti ti a kd le wada. ni jainba. Unquestionably. k6 to gbekele. v. adj. laidi atunbi. Unpleasant. adj. aso. ko waki. adj. v. ti Unshrinking. le fiji. if$ enia. Unrest. laiml. Unprevailing. lailese awari. Unpunctual. Unroll. laini Qr? imp. laini bata. iwa aisoto. adj. laiso di otun. adj. adj. Unsatisfied. adj. laidawole. adj. lairii. adj. 162 UNS Unrepentant. Unrenewed. adj. laide.t. mim<J. n. sisile. laisododo. adj. adj. and i. adj. laini ironupi* Unpardonable. aile Qlorun. adj. Unripe. Unsavoury. lailo- gb 9Unscriptural. tele. adj. Unreliable. laiye. si Unreasonable. adj. vt. laiwu ni. Unrevenged. laironu laise- Unprepared. aisododo. Unsheath. adv. Unrelenting. laila ni laise ilaja. Unpremeditated. ti a kd ra- Unsettled. ija. lai-danwo. lailere. aisimi. Unrighteous. Unrepealed. adj. ko sile ninu oko. Unredeemed. adj. adj. lailadun. lainim^Unsociable. laiwa li akoko. Unproved. adj. lami ere. adj. Unseemly. adj. laisefuja. adj. Unruly. adj. lairidi. ko wp loju.t.. Unregenerate. Unship. Unresisting. ere fun. adj. ajoku.t. Digitized by LjOOQlC . Unpardoned. Unreprovable. Unshaken. Unseen. Unpretending. laim$. kd sunkl. adj. ika. adj. laifarapa. adj. adj. laifihan. v. adj. a kd adj. laini itelorun. ti Unskilful. iwa buburu. ara eni. adj. dajudaju. Unshod. adj. tu. laifi. Unscathed. laini iteriba. laini ifiji. lodi ironu. laitunbi. laigbesan. lailogbon. alagidi. adj. adj. adj. adj. Unprofitable. adj. lailabo. adj. Unpick. laidoju ija ko. laiba okoko niu. lewu. adj. lailagbara. Unsanctified. laini Unpopular. lailadun lenu. laisiyemeji. laigboran. adj. laisoto. lailegbekele. ti ara eni Unreconciled. ti ti awamaridi. Unsafe. adj. tan. fomi pa. adj. lai- Unpolluted. adj. adj. laitunda. laikowe. ka iboju kuro. lai-dan-wo. adj. Up. Upholder. lais^gun. lai- im9 adj. Unspeakable. v. ti o soro. tii. laibamu. laisar^. laisakoko. Untouched. ilera. adj. lailabawpn. saisan. tu. Untamed. si. adj. gbe-soke. Untie. Unto. Unstable. laiw^. laif9wo ba. b9sakoko. Upbraid. adj. ti-tyhin. laiy?. Until. adj. v. laity Unwell. adj. adj. laiso. adj. Unwarned. Unthankful. alaif9-nkan tara. adj. Unspotted. laibori. riru oke. Iaiy9 Unswept.t. v. dede. lailo. ti a Untoward. laituba. adj. lailabukun. labukun. olu gbesoke. ti a k6 ti 89. lai- Unwritten. I9P9. laikity Unstop. and i. adj. laise ara. adj. prep. laimu-ara duro. Unwise. Unvaccinated. Unsound. prep. laigbale. adj. Unspoken. Iais9. Unwearied. lai- Unsubdued. mu idina kuro. adj. gan. laini olugbe. Iaisabaw9n. and i. t^riba. laiw^n. laim$. Unwind. niriru. alatityhin. ti Unspiritual. Unwelcome. adj. laisot9. digba conj. Unusual.UNS Unsought. Unworldly. adj. laini laini itil^hin. titi Unworthy. prep. 91m. adj. Unwashed. laiwakiri. adj. Unwary. ac#. ti a k6 iti lo. laiyipada si ti o ede mi. adj.t. adj. v. adj. adj. laiy^. Untenanted. laigb<Jn. fun Untainted. adj. Unveil. laiforibal9. Iaip6. Unsupported. . Uphill. titi. adj. laini if$. adj. laito gb9k9le laise gb9kfle. Unsuitable. si 9d9« Untold. Unwieldly. v. adj. lagidi. polem«i>. laileso. laid^ra. adj. irtf. Untrustworthy. wnru-wuru. Unwrap. laimoye. Untimely. ka 939 si tyron. Iair9run. laini fura.t. loke. adj. ba-wi. adj. Unweighed.t. le 163 UPH Untranslated. n. adj. ni abukun. adj. laik$ l^kp.t. adj. adj. adj. kd f9W9 kan. adj. laiduro sinsin. Uphold. si. adj. tu. laifi 939 mul^. Unwittingly. Unwilling. lori. n. laimore. Unsubmissive. niboju. adj. Untried. lai- Unwholesome. Unsteady. iranl9w9. v. adj. laikiyesara. Unyielding. lait^wd. Untrue. pambo. Unsurrendered. bikita. laituloju. laiwi. Untrodden. Untruth. laisot?. fun. laif$. adj. laifi Untaught. soke. adj. Unused. Unsystematic.t. Untasted. Untidy. adj. adj. lain 989 t?. v. laisln. lai- Unwatchful. adj. adj. larekereke. Iaiy9. adj. adj. adj. Digitized by* Google . di-mu. laijpsin. adj. se.t. laigba ikil9. Unsuspicious. ti k6 J9W0 ara r$ I9W9. laibupa. adj. lais9ra. adj. adv. adj. si laise nigbakugba. lail^p. eke. laifi ay9 gba. nipa. son. iye owo. n ipa gba. afonifoji 6ke nla. Upside down. rawu- ohun. mu wuld. adj. adj. Vacillate. v. Utterance. sikiri. eyiti Valuable. Useful. n. Vaccinator. Valiant. Urgent. o Vaccination. gaju I9. 16ke. titi fi di ip9kun. n. adj. Valuation. p^t^si. olododo. adj. Upward. lori. Upkeep. afo.t. Vacate. lere. n. adj. ipari. v. Usual. afonifoji. n. yi-po. adj. oniyelori. oke. n. n. Upon. Value. n. olotp. Uproot. Vacuum. sanfani. Utter. rawu. adj.t. Usury. alafo. Upstairs. 89 di asan. Digitized by aw^ LjOOQIC . nipari. v. ele. ti o do juke? Vague. idagbere. Utterly. tyhuntyhun. Usage. adj. VAL v. n. Vain. gba lait^si. mu-sis9. diyete. prep. riri. n. bupa. Upset. bi-subu. n. par?. inawo. 9da. aye. Valorous. ti nduro ti oluwa Usurp. 19b? 9ml ohun elo.t. n. ifipagba Usurper. v. n. r$. Utilize. ogo-asan. lainiyelori. adj. Us.t. le. Valid. patapata. v. id?w9 is?. alarinkiri. it9Ju. ofurufu gbe-soke. ohun elo.i. leke.t. t9nuni9. asa. se ofo. Useless.UPH Upholstery. adj. daru. ti a fi idi 1*9 kal? ninu otit9 nipa ofin. opin. lait9si. Vacancy. las an. n. fatu lati gbdngbo wa. lofo. nibikan. v. wul6. Vagabond. adv. v. ldke ti Vaccinate. n. Uplift. Valet. mi sihin S9hun. ni ere lori. opin. and i. 164 timtim. Valediction. bi at9hinwa. Ilo. Utensil. Valueless. ni igberaga. adj. irukerudo. pron. ofin. v. Vagrant. lofo. n. abupa. n. n. ibupa. n. n. adj. fi aye sil?. loke. rh*9. Uppermost. agbara Usurpation. and i. Uproar. oniyebiye. 9niti nfi ipa gba ohun laitpsi. lopin. Utility. ipari. n. l'asan. Vainglory.t. kan ninu il^kun kika. lagbara. Urge. irpri. ofo. 89. ire. ilo . Vale. ririnkiri laini ibugbe. isansa. n. wa. n. Uttermost. n. ilo. Use. 9ni9-9d9 r§. and i. se iyemeji. ariwo. v. Upper. lainilari. adj. adj. ifowole. Valve. adj. lainilari. n. . n. adj. 91119 -ita. v. bupabupa. igboiya. agbara. n. laiduro Urchin. ak9ni. il? larin dko meji. Upright. n. nigboiya. ile oke. n. 09. n. gaju ni ipo tabi ni 91a. adj. igbere. Valley. Valour. adv. aye. dorikodo. I9. lainilari.t. Utmost. iye.t. Vacation. v. adj. n. Vacant. wi jade. Validity. Upmost. ipa. laiwuld.t. iwa ak9ni. v. laib^ru. hu-si. ihusi. a 89 jade. alainipd. 9r9-sis9.t. Iwa. adj.t. Upshot. idiyele. Iailes9nil9. alagbara. nigboiya. lainidi. duro sinsin. 939 ode. adj. Venturesome. bo. f$ si . ojiji.t. laiberu. ikele. nila. kede r$ mi gbangba. af ef 9 v. di ofo. ti o gbile. idagba hihu. adj.t. n. n. ^ran 9m9 malu. n.i<?f$. sogo asan. b9la fun. n. da-lasa. h.t. Vend. n. Vein. n. asan. ib9W9 fun. Vengeance. Venom. k^k^ era. n. aire. lati aiye bi 9I9 tabi alaironu. 9na v. n. fi-pam9. Ventriloquist. oniruru iwa. kiri. oluta.i. n. gbdro. aye. air$p$. n. igbona iteming. aileso. adj. Vary. Veneration. af9f 9 rere ifelaf9f9. daw9le. 0UH9. fi eran 8U9 Veracious. n. adj. 39 -jade. f$-l9. igberaga. yi-pada. ?ran ororo dan. and i. Vanity. Vanquish. 9gb9 ti o saju ogun. Venerable. Veal. laiya.i. t<J si Venerate. lagbara. af9f9. Veer. n. v. 9I&. iyin. 9de.t. iboji. igba ni ikede ^9 ab9 il^. iyara Ventilation. v. n. v. ikuku. dagba. n. isan eje.t. iboju. ewu. Vanquisher. iw<J ti ipani. ij^niya. ti o tobi. Vantage. n. n. n. v. adj. Variableness. n. $niti o ti o si je eweb^. daba. n. bori. Ventilate. wa li eweko. ohun 9na iraoye &i$i$. se li oniruru aw9Variety. ir9rnn. Vanish. adj. eweko. n. at^ fi f$ alikama Vane. n. v. w. b9 I9W9. Variance. Vegetable. yipada. fo-19. if$. Venomous. v. 9losanyin. ihd. hal$. ^ru. n. and i. Venture. Vegetarian. v. idasa si and i. n. n. n. igbesan. muyat9. fd. oru. eweb^. oniruru. Vegetation. Variegate. n. b9W9 fun. agb^k^leni. sisp emi nu. Vast. ?ni imusin. as^gun. Vassal. n. hu. gbangba. v. v. 9P9n nla ifi nkan miinu si. Vat. Varnish. P9. ayida. Vehement. adj. ta. laidaju. 9l9Ja. ere. n. fi Venison. 9pagun. 9nu 9na idaw9le. . n. n. ohun ti a fi ndan nkan. n. ro kaisalp. yi 9^ pada. oju 9na afefe. ni iyin. yiyipada. iyipada.t. Velvet.t. Variation. ohun 9gbin. asia. anfani. v. didan nkan.t. 9P9I9P9. iyipada. ohun agbpnrin.VAN Van. y^. fi as9 Veil. and i. n.t. n. ofo. Velocity. je ki SU9 fun idanwo.t. Digitized by Google . yp saty. Vanguard. f^ si Vault. li a. gbigbona Vehicle. ogboju. Vehemence. iyapa. agbara. isa-oku. v. n. iparada. sefefe. fun-nu. Vendor. iwaju ogun. as9 aran. oro. Veneer. adj. iyat9Various. iyara. lati 165 VER Vegetate. k?ke. Vaunt. Vapour. v. ol6ro. Vapid. laini emi. oniruru. 9san. nikiyesi otit9. agbalagba. par9. di asan.t. Vent. v. 91a pelu $ru.t. buyln fun.t. se laipete. Variable. Ventilator. s^gun. adj. Verbatim. ohun elo 9na ti a lo lati fi di nkan mu. Verity. sotun Vicar. ijprisi Verger. yiyope si $na aiye. Vestry. 6ye alufa kan. lotit9. Vermilion. $mu kekere . iy9l9nu. mim$ and i. iyara ile ti Verbal. 166 otit?. as9« Ql9run ibiti a si fi a§9 v. pl9run. sosi. n. fohun adj. n. pup9« Vesper. 9^ a fi 9niti njiya ipalara. tutu. nitoto. Verdigris. igb9n. . n. ba-ninujp. Versed. adj. and gb9n. n. n. v. Veteran. yiy9 lenu. 16t9.al9. as9. adj. Victim. v. iyipada. si. igbakeji ala?9 ile-fkp. Vicissitude. ti ohun 9b9. si yi si 9S9. 9na lati fi k9ja odo tabi afonifoji. n. Vial. papa. Veranda. adj. adj. kdkoro. Vexation. n. idaJ9. adj. Viaduct. pada. iyipada ekeji. olori. ti o sp ti wiwa tabi Vestment. riri. . ami. adv.t. moye. ^rp ti a wi gan. n. olut9Ju otit9. fif^nusp. p$ li ^rp. Versify. Very. n. Viand. lawe . Igo kekere. ayida. w. Verdict. sisipdpada. Verse. 9S9. sonso ori dke. n. v. VIC 9nu 9na ile. ipas$. Vexatious. iw9n ti a pin ori iwe si. Veritable. adj. ohun lododo. niwa alebu. Verily. Vessel. n. ede ilu 91U. Viceroy. irawp al9. n. 999. ibugbe alufa. n. y9-l9nu. Vice. dgbo ni Veterinary. ohun elo . ipinnu aw 911 adaj*9 ni il6-9J9. n. ti kd se ikonijanu. n. iju Vermin. ohun alaye rub9. n. n. n. nisasa prp.*. n. it9. otitp. adj. gbigba iya elomiran si ara 91U. v. adj. adv. n. ju sptun sosi. Version. agbara kik$. Digitized by Google . n. adj. wa- dajudaju. n. Vertex. n. agbegbe ilu. itosi. wiwo arun Veto. adj.VER Veracity. agbada. ile alufa. Vernacular. ibinujp. 9tyr$. ar?pd tabi adele 9ba ti o ni 91a ati agbara 9ba. j^ri si otit9. Vibration. ti prp sisp. 9pa dye. daju. Vernal.t. Vest. n. laiduro-nibikan. n. eri ara id^. bebe. 9WU ileke. n. ifohun Verify. iwariri. Vesture. t<J. Verb. Vicarious. prp sise. ti igba iruwe. adj. si. Verandah. n. adj. oluranl9W9 Vice-principal. n. Vex. n. otitp. Verification. 9ran. ede kan Vicious.t. bib<J sipo elomiran. isinal9. adj. ti igba ewe. n. n. opin ile ?ka imulpmofo. lede 01UI9. Versatile. 9WU penpe. Vibrate. n. nibuburu. ohun irako irira. Verge. n. dgbo is9* ti jagunjagun. §&$&$. eti. Iwa buburu. omi. Vestige. n. n. W9 li as9. Verdant. jij9. a nse ipade alufa pamp. 39 di li 939. n. Verbose. Verdure. 9niti o farapa . &W9 pupa. n. n. ?wu. lede ti a bi eni. i. gbcjn. tutii. iwa alebu. Vicinity. hva akiyesi Vestibule. aw9 tutii. Vicarage. yiyi- 9niti a yan lati se agbipd 9m. irdb^rp. riruwe. gan. 6d5do.t. bibaninuJ9. adj. dabobo.t. iri. adj. iwoye. Virulent. nipalara. n. 091. ni daraya. aisun. n. ib^wo. adj. 939. iye fun. laim$. asale ti o saju 9J9 View. v.VIC Victimize. n. agbara. Viper. W9D. adanilare. abo k$l9k9l9 . n. \v9-m9. 99 Violation. n. ru. idalare. v. 89 di aye. ibori Victorious. ti o J9 ohun alaye. n. ika. n. v. iw6. Vintage. n. v. Vindicate. ba dije. Victory. 9ta kikoro. n. Village. adj. Virgin. Violate. ti o dabi 9nipe o ni Vinegar. ti ero lasan. ipalara. agbara. iyara. n. ab^niwo. is9na. Vigilant. hihan. n. $99. iwe ikoJ9 ^n? ti a to lee 98 9. niwoye. Virginity. 89 di aim$. ti a 89.t. oninu fufu. v. Virtuous. n. n. v. alejo. yiye. n. agbara. Villain. Vixen. buburu. gan. Vine. Violable. adj. da-lare. ohun jije. lagbara. obirin Vivify. lagbara. ajara. n. n. Vitiate. v. iwo-oju. bojuwd. ibori. if9hun. laiduro tykan. akini. Vindictive. adj. adj. Vigorous. igba ikore akeso ajara. lainilari. as9gun. afiyesi.i.t. Vocable. fi ohun Digitized by ^ . lbaJ9. gbigbesan. Vivid. buburu. Violin.t. Virulence. Vindictiveness. adj. Violence. Iwa Vim. arankan. paya. n. irunu. abule. ikini. Vilify. ti o yara. buru. n. pam9l9. m^rin. ile ti a k9 l^hin odi. ba-j?. n. Vitality. aworan. oniwa9run. loro. sisil?. Vindication. iran. idaraya. n. v. nipa. Visage. oro. wundia. alagbara. is9ra. ti 91m. v. nis9gnn. Vigil. iwo. $r9. 39 di aye. n. Visible. n. ib^wo. n. Vineyard. Vivacity. ti iwa laye. iwe gbedegb9y9. n. adj. abo. gba-r6. oniwa-rere.pl. bqVisit. alabo. a le baJ9. ara ileto. Vie. ala. ileto. n. Vied. itakun. adj. fi 167 VOC Violent. oju. awoni. Virtue. tan- Victor. ba-je. is9gun. fun ni lye. Vision. 9gba ajara. oruk9. adj. adj. ija-agbara. iye. iwa esan. n. adj. iwaipa. adv. ti ise ohun daindain. ojuran. Vital. Villainy. n. v. si. Visitor. ohun elo orin olokun se ohun 909. iki. n. Vigour. itil^hin. pa-lara. Vile.t. bori. iwa-agbara. ti 9mi. ba loruk9 je. p^lu is9gun. n. olu^ra. Victuals. iwa wundia. fi agbara iwa laye.t. adj. Vindicator. Vocabulary. v. Victoriously. n. jija lati sijuwd. ti o li ohun. eniakenia t enia Visitation. riri. adj. Villa. Virtual. n. ti o ni a§9 tabi agbara.t. as9. daraya. 9ti kikan. n. n. n.t. n. kun fun ispra. ipa. wo. ti ki ise ododo. ajara.t. n. Villager. isi- Vigilance. lwa-9run. Vituperate. rirunu gbigbona. n. ej6 oloro kan. Visionary.t. n. Victualler. Vitalize. bu. n. Vivacious. apese onj?. ni gigun emi. ba-wi. ti a si 39 itum9 Vocal. adj. ki. 9ta. Voluptuous. iwe 9ri. J9ri si. Vulnerable. and i. ofo. ti. adj. and duro. ijiyan. and i. Waive.t. Wake. Digitized by Google . ibadi . ilohunsi. v.t. se aisun. and i. ti gbogbo enia. v. Vociferous. v. so- w. Vow. iwe. ml &9tun sosi. and i. Vociferation. n. as^ -gburu. Vociferate. gbigbe. Vomit. 6ke onina 9fin. n. ara. apo-iwe. tinutinu. ti Voluble. dgo. and i. s9-di-ofo. idi. Vouch. ibadi. n. tabi si is 9 isin kan. v. Voluntary. 9J^. isansa. Wail.i. Voyage. lohunsi.. atinuwa. ohun. owo is9. . fi ara t9r9 fun is9 isin kan. Vote. 9l9r9 li 9ml. Wag. ero loju omi.t. n. Volcano. 9fa. ti ise enia lasan. v. v. v.t. la omi ja.i. Waft. wi li ohun rara. 168 1 WAK Vulgar. yiyan. alohun si. n. ajoyin ib9n. Voracious. ekun nla. gbogun. niwora. rin irin P9p9iy9» dasan. n. fifun ni. juw9&i. ml. n. v. Vouchsafe. 9Ja ibadi. ni if9kuf9. n. vJ. n. laini ohun. h9b9h9b9- Wade. Wage. ipe. alas$. adj. 39 Waiter. ^l^ri. Voyager. n. n. ti ima ru Volley.pl.t. fi-dogo. akprin. onigbe. n.t. dije. n. reti ba tini. akara f^l^f^l^. duro onJ9. adj. Vogue. Waggle.voc Vocalist. de. and i.t.t. n. idi koriko. loju omi. aduro agbawo 9J$.t. Vocation. adj. Iwa enia lasan. p$-jade. Wagon. n. mi siwa ml s^hin.t. n. ti a le pa lara.t. w. and i. Wages. n. tif$tif$. adj. se ileri if 9. patako isal9 ogiri. ayanni. adj. ayinpp ib9n. n. Wait. v. v. n. n. Void. n. v. pe se 9l9ri. n. n. 9WU kukuru ti o bo i. igbe nJanla. ara 9m si 9gbe inu wa. Voice. v.t. aJ9 ib9n. fifi ologun lati Wafer.t. Vulture. n. Volatile. ileri if£. y^-kuro. asa. n. n. k9-sil9. is9. Vying. ho iho. v. v. Waif.t. n. ti a le l9gb9. v.t. owo $ya. Volume. n. Vulgate. Waistcoat. fifd. 9r9 Ql9run ni ede Latin. Volunteer. Voiceless. kek9 9ru. v. idabu igbaroko. Waddle. bi. irin-ajo isik$. Waistband. Wager. it9 inu ile. gunugu. aiwukara f^l^f^l^. ju sihin sphun. adj. ti a le fi ir9run yi. rin n. pohunrere ^kiin Wainscot. isoro rin. and i. duro de. v. Vulgarity. jiji ise aisun. 9J9U71. S9 gburu. n. nipa 9J^. miri. fiyesini. and i. jiyan. ji. ohun ti a spnu. ebl. asan. n. gbigbadun ara r 9» gbigb9tara. adj. se adehun. 9niti o ya ara r$ S9t9 Waggon. yan. Voter. Wad. n. sisa. ohun. Voucher. sa- v. n.t. adj. gbe id loju omi tabi ninu af 9f9. orin 9niti nt9 duru. Waist. fi ijiyan lel9. Votary. yana. olori ile adj. ipe ogun. ogun. iw9ra. v. ko n. and i. si. nidanu. igbona.t. ogiri. alabo. Ija. if?. ife woye. Wardrobe.t. ile-ek9 giga. and i.t. adj. j?. adj. gbaty obirin. Warlike. -gbona Wan. jagun.t. Warm. n. adj. ti-l?hin. lailakoso. fif^>. f$. ile it'989. ohun tita. \v9nw9n. Warrant. w. ifekufe. paf9 ninu ere. okun iwuns9. Warfare. tita v. nis9ra. 9de. Wallet. v. igana. ibi ipa as9 m9 si . Ija. asina. fi-sofo. ak^rin. lr<Jand i. kuro. 169 WAT ami ina. oninakuna.t. agogo. v. v.t. ile ipale 9Ja mp Ware. n i n. wa. n. rau-gbona. 9l9kan gbigbona. n. jija. Washtub. v. 9S9. ologun. na-danu. iwoye. n. ma Wander. n.t. nis9ra.i. n. Walk. adj. ni iparun. onis^na agogo. Warehouseman. adj. adv. fi Wall.i. Warrior. n. War-cry. Was. Wand. kan.t. n. w. Wasting. Warder. Warden. si. i$9ra. adj. w?. il6 isura. agb9n. inadanu. aito. v. san-danu. asako. olusy. 0I11S9. ni i^ora. fi lehin. Wash. v. „ v. aini. Warn. n. fi gbigbona. alarinkiri. Walking stick. Watchful. asal$. bi ologun. ikilo. Warble. 9pa itele. v. n. af?s9. sokunrun. War. l9na Wallow. t9Ju. isileti. Warehouse. n. riri. n. fi 9Ja pamp. v. abukun. n. n. 59. olut9Ju. na-ni inakuna.i. wiwoye. and i. olorin. Ward. nis9na. n.t. joro. te. itara. sis9. Waste. and i. lofo. as9. adj. Want. ni ifev. Wasteful. nibaje. dinku. isura. Watchman. olut^ju. ni reti. 9Ja. kprin bi eiye. se ifeara. odi. f$. Warp. parun. gbona. irin. rireand L rin. is?. ni inakuna. f^-ku. as? se aini.t. n. ba-ja. si and i. olori n. 6 es? Warily. arinna. ahoro. n. adj. n. e§9. ni. idaniloju. Wart. HI9 w<Jw9. nlo. a$9 \viw9. and u ala- Washerwoman. iparun. v. adj. niwoye. agbara. Wary. dabobo . as? in muni. v. 9gagun. ba-jagun. Wariness. v. kufe.i. n. ppa tin rin ti awpn oso Warm-hearted. Digitized by WGoogle . v. nis9ra. and i. rin kiri.t. se W9ra. n. Wanton. n. ofo. kil9 fun. v. n. ogun alagogo. 39. Watch. adv. si-leti. yi si apaIti- Wane. apo onje. ni- Wantonness. olori tubu. n. 9P9n lf9S9Wasp.WAL Wale. onitara enia. aseju. Walker. se ki o daju. girij?. Waster. Warmth. sina kiri. y$ die die. n. olut9Ju-ile Ql9run. idahoro. w. n. n. n. ni ipese. gba Washhouse. n. Watchmaker.t. \v9r9w9r9. ni wpra. kufe. ni ahoro. ak9 oyin. n. abo. n. olupam9. n. iw?. bujekun. Wanderer. jagun. Warning. eniti o le rin. and i. Warbler. v.t.i. n. . bu omi wcjn. . lar9. n. 8989. ijl ha ile. and i. orisun omi. r$. and i. n. ohun-lja. n. n. wun-okun. ida. niwakuwa. fi ^ka igi ha. 39 di alailagbara. 9J9 lasan.t. Wealth. Weave. eba-pna. we. n. oju 9run.ikoko omi. I di. Wearisome. Weak. idanilaga. adj. v. l§kan . v. ! dindi. adj. ohun-ilo. bilu. 939 kan. 939 ti o I9P9 bi ti P9P9iy9Wed. sis^le. n. owo. jomijoke. iwa enia. n. n. Water-spring. n. 89 kun. agara.t. lailagbara. Wearer. eka igi. ekan. Weather-glass. oju ami ikun omi. sil^. Wattle. v. ailagbara. and i. Wedding-ring. U6-is9. w$. alafia. S0-P9. gbe-niyawo. Weakness.t. lowo. siwa sell in. Weekday. 170 aisun WEE 9dun Watchtower. adj. Wedlock.t. titun. sagidi. Wearable. \ Waverer. J Wayward. lalailera. and i. Weal. ti saiduro ti nibi kan. awuns9. er9 dingi so bi 9J9 ti ri. n. afef?. tu koriko. Weather-beaten. v. Week. mi. Web-footed. ami ina. n. sa. Weep. agba omi. n. adj. wu. Wax. 9J9 k9rin 989. Weary. We. bade. 919^. Wayside. arina Waylay. 0IUW9. n. n. alejo. 9pa ti o I9. Water-barrel.t. n.t. Water-pot. laile. ase igbeyawo.t. adv. k9-sil9. I9- Weekly. farada. ru. fun omi. 9J9 meje. Worn. isoyigi. 91a.. da-lagara. iwa ii^run Wee. se-ar^. Wealthy. $na. n. ppsi.i. ero. saigboran. alaile aiya. baJ9. ailera. v. d$ra. iwuns9. kiri. n.WAT Watchnight. Igbi omi. $r$.ladugbo. ar^. n. n. igbeyawo. Wedding. Wedge. wun. da-lagara. Weaver. oju 9J9. 16gb6. Water. n. v. gbeyawo. n. wpn. v. Weaken. ida oyin. awa. 9?oro ojo. v. pron. ela. n. adj. ^r^ ami. ipanran. Waterfall. Digitized by VjOOQlC . iru omi. and i. tu epo. Weedy. n. Weak-hearted. oruka igbeyawo. adj. n. wepe. adv. Wednesday. lailera.t. ibilu omi. n. v. n.t.t. adv. mu-r9. dagba. Web.t. mu- lar$. Wavy. igbeyawo. kekere. tyrp. Wean. I9S9S9. adj. and i. Weakly. v. Watermark. and i. v. n. oju $na. bu li omi rin. Weed. n. n. igo omi. omi. r$ agbara ) mu-d^ra. nibibile. Weather. asa. f i. epo. o siyemeji. oniyemeji. Wayfarer. ohunogun. n. adj. 89 di ailera. Way. 9J9k 9J9 ti ki i&9 9J9 isimi. fi gbati Wave. n. lo. v. n. Weariness. n. v. and i. n. n. Water-snake.t. wiw$.t. n. v. foriti. Weapon. Wear. de pna de. 9J9 -igbeyawo. ja-l9nu-9inu. kun fun epo. Water-bottle. v. ehu koriko. n. okun alantakun. Wedding-feast. Wedding-day. wuns9. JUW9 si Waver. adj.t. adj. ida eti. and i. a. gba-l9nu-9mu. damije. itakiti omi. Watchword. ayanfe gidigidi. ti a te i. alafia. Whether. iha yanma. nibo. 9in9debirin. Whatsoever. iwa rere. fi alejo. wuwo. eyiti. ni Where. v. n. Whereof. n. rikini.t. Wharf. eran v. Wheresoever. Welter. Welfare. n. n. Well-beloved. n. k9Ja. nigbawo. Which. n. dlw9n. ebute. nitorina ni. omi rirogun inu wara. nibikibi. adv. ni dida ara. seun. n. adv. fi §rq didun tan. ikini. Whelp. Well-bred. orisun omi. eyikeyi.t. nibikibi ti owu ki o se. Weigh. Weld. n. nipa eyiti. and i. n. Welcome. n.WEE 171 WHI What. ibo. adv. itutu. adv. alikania. Well-being. nitorina. Whereupon. iwa ir9run. v. fi o^uwpn wpn. ire. n. Wether. ki. p$n.i. Went. p9n. ewo. Whey. ra pala ninu eje tabi er?.t. gbe-wd. Whetstone. lati ib? wa. sipa ewo. conj. gbere. Wet. ti inu eyiti. n. and i. nigbati. adv. n. Whereabouts. Whence. kanga.t. Weighty. Digitized by LjOOQIC . Whereas. k^k^. 9m9 eran abekanna. ewo ninu mejeji. ohun ti. koko. adv. adv. v. pron. Wheedle. rin. Wheelwright. When. pron. ni kik9 rere. egungun pari 9rek^ erinmi. inter. ilomi. n. West. Wheelbarrow. yi k^k^. sori ewo. adj. ni 6jo. ewo. Wheat. adv. apa ibiti enia wa. n. oku. k?ke ikeru. n. olomije. lu irin 1119 irin. iw9 orun. yi-kiri. daradara. Wench. ohunkohun. adj. Whet. adj. Wend. n. kinla. ire. Whiff. adv.t. okuta ip9nrin. tutu. Westward. Weeper.t. llu. n. fifay9 gba. efin ti a tu jade lojiji. ibo. Wheal. nigba ti o wu ki o se. adv. 9m9 aja. Whereby. I9. lalafia. Ina. agbara lu. Well-done. Whereon. v.t. v. adv. erinmi. Whalebone. Whereat. o Welt.i. Wheeze. oluf? 9W9n. v. n. ni iwa rere. adv. fi l9da. rere. adv. pron. iwu. Wen. 9ka. v. nigbati o J9 pe. Wherewithal. Wherefore. lomi. Wherein. iki ay<> v. S0-P9. adj. gba. Westerly. n. eja nlanla. igbati. adj. and i. ?kun. lati . and Wherever. ^l^kun. n. iwuwo. nipa ewo. adv. Well. nibiti. v. n. v. p9n ida. nigbakugba. n. n. Weight. tobi kini. n. ogufe. Weeping. P9n 9139. maluke. sp-wd. alafia. lori eyiti. Well-behaved. ariy9- fun ay$ adj. aiha iw9 orun. niw9n bi o ti se pe. Whatever. iwu. Whale. Wheel. n. nitog$g?. akank?ke. lagbara. Whack. 6^1 wpn. lurinp$. ti I9. adv. Whenever. Western. Whensoever. ninu eyiti. and i. eti. adj. w$n. Wherennto. mi kakan. pron. adv. eyiti. lilo si daradara.t.t. dara. f$. agidi. okun pagan. n. Wilful. pa lase. v. ni if$ si. t9kan-t9kan. aspsigbo. Whomsoever. pron.*. Wide-awake. adj. igbe ojiji. 9re. Width. Wickedness. patapata. atafo. li Wholehearted. n. Whirl. afef9 Wick. lajusile. sile. Whom. kini idir$. pron. Whoredom. Iwa buburu. if$. nt dida ara. n. «. n. Wide. Whooping-cough. b9 Winding. odidi. eniti. Will. Whistle. White ant. Widespread. n. Whole. ibo. adj. buru. iflyika kankan. enikeni. Whisker. n. Wound. adj. Digitized by VjOOQlC .i. akandun. iroklro. Whitlow. Win. n. n agbara lo. pron. fry jeje. irun ti aya. 9niti obirin r$ ku. Wives.t. Whip. Wicket. Widowhood. kanang6. n. n. Whoever. ii ase lo. 9ti. f$. si Whisky. n. ke. irun ereke. 8$r9 jeje. adv.t. adj. hu. itaja itakisi. etise. adv. Winding-sheet. iwa opo. White. gbogbo. Wield. Whiten. iju. adv. $tan. segun. olofofo.t. n. n. and i. v. v. 59 di funfun. adj. kun. aginju. asetinueni t Who. kilose. v. Won. Wholesome. adv. S9r9 kelekele li eti. n. n. li odidi. ik9. adj. Whisper. Wind. adv. n. and i. pron. owu itanna. irun ete. Whit. v. ami oye onidaJ9. owu fitila. gbdro. Whisperer. mura sile. and *. Wild. itankale. j*9. jina. kawe. n. Wild-animal. ikan. ohun ti afefe fe sile. funfun. li 172 WIX Whosoever. eso igbpnsile. adj. adj. dara ni Willingly. n. buburu. v. iyikakiri. tani. Wind. n. karaba. yika. and i. I9t9t9. Willing. n. ase. isebi. $t9t9. Wholly. ibu. n. a§9 iweku. n. Wilily. n. Widow. f$ nibu. pron. v. nibo. huko loju. Whore. and ka. efufu. iho.kelekele.t. ti tani. lodidi. nib6. adv. iji. na. n. li arekereko. n. si ibo. n. aja. tinu-tinu.t. ehatise. and i. n. Widower. Wiles. Whirlwind. Windfall. as^r? jeje . if$. eniti o wu ki o je. jij?- adj. niw9n bi. enikeni. etiri. obirin. igb$. Whipcord. ni ?tan. Whim. Wholesale. afeyika. Wince. n. eranko igb$. aituloju. ti igb£. tinu. enu 9na kekere. abilek^. opo. nigbati. enikeni. a se fun apari. and i. n. gba. ik9 fe. adj. if$ inu. Wite. arekereke. eniti. n.t. ohun ti o kere JUI9. tinu- Willingness.t. v.i. bori.WHT While. afef?. n. Whine. Widen. Wilderness. Whose. Whoop. ese. adj. isufe. sara igbo. i. n. n. pasan. 6f 6. $r9. Why. and i. v. tif$tif$. Wicked. adj. m9m9se. sufe. Whiz. agbere. v. $gba. pron. iwa agbere. n. Wig. ipoyi kikan.t. v. akoko. nitori kini. n. n. Whither. fif$. v.t. nifaiya. Wingless. ninu. jeri seleri. v. enu ya. fe. Wisp. and i. ifasehin. n. n. obirin. fa-s9hin. v. Wonder. adj. nimim9. Within. gb9n. Windpipe. v. f$. 9de.t Woman. Wit. Wooer. moye. ferese. ikoriko. n. soke. iwa obirin. and i.t. n. Woful. adj.t. abiye. onigi. Without. n. aj$. p9lu 9gb9n. ni tejunou?. Window-blind. alainiye. asegun.t. n.fa-pada. adv. oju af ef e. ana* i. fa-sehin. ogbon. Wont. v. oye.t. apakan ti o yo v.t. qd& obirin. Wittingly. adj. b9 gege. n. v. okun and i. Withstand. sa. ri afefe. n. pelu. Witchcraft. iyakuro. 6fo. Wonderfully. Winnow. lewu. Woo. I9P9 igi. siha afef e. daw9-duro. tiyanutiyanu. Withal. ise-aj£. Winsome. Wistful.*. n. yiye fun obirin. and i. ile onigi. n. ajeni. igi. gbapada. and Womanhood. oso. adj. Witness. ife. kun fun iyanu. pti eso ajara.WIN Windlass. n.t. aj$. 98$. atimase. bi ise eni. owu. prep. ta-gb9ndsi. niyanu. rir?. Windy. Woodcock. igb6. onit9Ju Woodwork. Winner. adv. iyanu. ha se. asp ferese. Wizen. wain. Womb. kiki 6si. igba otutu. v. ikanu egbe. nukuro.t. potutu. Womanly. da-duro. diju Wobble. n. kiki afef?. ya-kuro. n. fun niye. adj. . sode. oniye. Wolf. n. y9-kuro. adj. Wish.i. mcjse. agbe (eiy?). • k9ju ddi si. oye. Windward. v. alaf9S?. adv. asa. irin. n. niha. Woe. fi okun irin di. adj. seju. v. Withdraw. di-lfcia. Wipe. Wire. Wine-press. f$. v. n. nu. nlwu. inu?. n. kun fun ibanuje. baibal. adj. n. didaraya. Wise. ohun 911& ifa 173 eru WOO Withhold. v. ti wuwo Window. Wood. n. ifiinti. ile 9I9. Withdrawal. igbapada. adj. eru igi. r?. gbe. Womankind. and i. durosi. ni igi. ise. Digitized by LjOOQIC . adv. 9ri. igbal?. Window-Shutter. Woeful. is? igi. and i. lamcj- Wizard. n. duroti. n. and i. obirin.t. Wither. igb6. adj. Iwa. n. Wisdom. n. inu. n.!?. n. Woodman. Wisely. iye. Winning. inu. n. v. Winter. Wink. adv. v. se if£. n. adj. Winged. n. $ya pare. n. and i. n. Wing. ita as9Wool. n. prep. $na pfun. ise-iyanu. n.t. k9Jujasi. Wine. Wabble. and i. P9lu eyi ti o ku.t. With. haw9. adj. oluff Woof. m$. n. ru. iye apa. Wooded. fe lyangbo danu. eleri. ilekun ferese. prep.t. gb9n. al$. n. lode. v. Wood-ash. i. n. Witch. ni ifiyesi. n. ibanuje. n. lehinode.t. Woodland. Window-curtain. laisi. ti. 9gb£n. adj. Wonderful. 9W9. irun agutan. v.t. irunu. 99. l9nil9W9gba. ipalara. fi-di. l9W9gba. n. n. mari wo. ri. Wriggle. ^rp. ru*9. fi agbara yi po. Work. pa-run. niyiy9. aiye yi # v. lainilari. n. I9P9. kako m9ra. Workmanship. f?. v. n. n. iwa dsi. i^ina. gb9san. fa.t. onijakadi. ire. Worker. 9gb? alagbase. al9nil9W9gba. jije- Wrench. it. fi agbara gba. yi ara kiri. aroye.t. n. da li aga. afi iruii ti pre?. araiye. Writ. and i. irunu. and i. is^ni. Wretch. Writhe. ibi Digitized by Google . itoye. adj. ikiweje. iyin. n.t. agbaiye. n. n. Worshipper. Wright. v. jagidigbo. iw9. Writing. n. k9we. apo iwe : Wrap. and i. Worth. ile World. Wrest. v. n. atyni- n. Wring. ti a fi di nkan. Wrangle.t. n. ?y?. n. ile Workshop. k6koro. adj. 19911a.t. onis9na. n. isin.t. nif? aiye. tibinutibinu. iwa if9 aiye. adj. buruju. kun fun Work-fellow. as$. and i. aiye. asddi. iye. v. onis?. I9. bo.t. Wreck. as9 ibora. yio. ijiyan.t.t. n. ku siwa kii S9hin. Wreathe. Wrist. kubusu. laiy?. oy6. fi agbara yi.t. v. n. foribal9. Wreath. n. I9. sp n. n. Wreak. Worthiness. fun p$. k9. y?. Worst. v. Word. ifarapa. 9^ . nitoye. andi. sin. nititoye. igi kikor6. dsi eniakenia. ba-J9. ti aiye. t9. itana eweko ti a fi se 989 fun oku. Worthily. ibaJ9 9k$. Wrestle. lainiye lori. Worthless. Writer. bu 9la fun. n. rcj>. and t<J.v. ak9we. ik9we. kdkoro. n. gbogbo aiye. di. adj. adj.t. v.i. isise. and i. fi Wrangler. itoye. burujul9. n. n. f<j>. w.9 si. adj. ikannu. ibinu. Writing-paper. Wound. aniyan. n. Workman. v. adj. v. yi sihin yi jiyan. Worldly.t. aj6. n. Wrong. Wretchedness. iwe kik9. as9 9run 9W9. jijakadi. buru siwaju. and i. Wringer. adj. &9hun.t. enia. n. ohun sis?. Worthy. 9r9 lati fi fun as9» Wrinkle. ipanilara. v. Worse. is9na.t. is?. iwe ofin. n. v. li agutan owu. Wrestler. n. ti Worldliness. se. Would. n. Wrathfully. and i. iwe. ti se. onijiyan. v. adv. v. v.t. 9l9na. 9bi. fi agbara I9 p9. Workshop. n. ro. • Worm-eaten. v. igb9kanle ohun aiye. 9gb9n is?. iyi idiyele. n. Worm. n. if riri 9k9. n. Wrathful. wahala. onis?. if9kansi ohun aiye. ikati iwaju. 174 WHO and i. Write. i. olusin. n. Wrapper. 9I&. iru. abinu. v. abosi. gba. World-wide. n. pa-lara. Wormwood. 9run 9W9. Wristband. sa l9gb9. gbolohun kan. v. alaroye.woo Woollen. adv. fun. olokiki. Worship. is?.t. runlu.t. fi-we. laitoye. Wrath. n. yi i ka. Worry. adj. n. 9gbe. fi ibinu le. n. Yam. lasanlasan. and k9. Your. itan. blbu. adv. ti se. rau-wa. sib9sib9. n.t. Zone. adj. amure. bi o tile ri b<?. agbala. n. . ti o se segesege. Digitized by Google . 6t9. nigbatiJ9. initara. pron. b9ni. Yon.)duii itara. n. gbigbadun. ke han-un-han-un. ke ramuramu. ^dpdun. sonso aw9n ogido. 175 ZON Yoke. n. Yourselves. ikanu. n. yan. Yesterday. nini-tara ninu ohun gbogbo. v. n. kik9.t. fn. i:?u. pkp kekere isaf?. v. Zealous. san. Wrought. S9m9dan. Zinc. n. ere. Z. n. ppa iwpn 9I9S9 m$ta. n. Yes. Yonder. p<?lu itara. b9 Yield. Yea. adv. ti 9d9m9de. aseninibi. tiyin. pron. n. fi ajaga k9run. iy<>nu. adj. karar^. 9nyin. n. Yarn. Zodiac.i. nyin. ti Yam-flour. 9pa idabu itagbokun. adun. adj. Young. n. . Iwa 9d9m9de. pron. and i. 9. iye d^ra. ami 9W9n. sib9. adj. prim. n. Zealousness. Zeal. v. ewe. ti 9d(. 9m9. yiyan. Yore. pred. and i. Yearning. iwukara. lai- ajaga 9run. Zest. n. n. Zigzag. J9W9 I9W9. se lycjnu si. n. Year. Youthfulness. adv. arun ni aw9 ara ogodo. 9d9m9de. if 9 gbigbona. dap9. arid i. v. Yearly. Zenith. pari. laij^bi. 9. osu mejila. Idi. eso ti a so. adv. tukp af$ kiri. gbo bi aja. n.pl. se tan. Zealously. n. 9. iwo. tir9. abukun adun. n. Yolk. Yourself. adj. Yellow. tikaranyin. Yeoman. esan-is9. v. Yet. nbojuto ile isura. kan. S9m9de. $nyin. of6.i. ju n. adj. adj. lana. dip9 lajaga. 89tun. Y. n. loru ana. t9nyin.i. Ye. n. pdun. n. You. n.WRO Wrong-doer. nidi. Yelp. itypp itypo sapakan. n. oru ana. ides^kese. k^tak^ta abila. oluse buburu. agb$. Yelk. Yacht. Youthful. so eran meji P9. b^ni. pupa 9yin. ti o I9 W9r9-W9r9. . n. i. irin bi tanganrin. adv. P9I11-P9IU. ina ara. Yaws. elubcj. ibinu. so. v. Wrongfully. pron. Wry. 9Ja.t. Yachting. n. 91119-ogun ti Zebra. 9nyin tikara-nyin. nibayi. n.t. a jo. ipa kan ninu 911a nla marun ti a pin il^ aiye si. owere. n. bii. tiwp. bi. laisesi. Zealot.t. Yard. Zero. adj. ami isin eru. Yeast. ipa $na drun nipa ap9r9 liana mejila. iyeye. ta. nilailai. and. safa. iwa ninitara. Yesternight. nigbanl. fi-pada. conj. alajd. lokere 9hun. pupa rusurusu. adv. v. onitara. I9. v. owu riran Yawn. n. Yearn. l9hun. Wroth. n. Yell. iw9 tikarar?. n. Youth. Digitized by Google . PART II. Digitized by Google . YORUBA-ENGLISH. * 1^ . a rival . a waylayer." A. contraction of awa nip lola.. n. Adie is Mo draw him or * mi nsaba. a slap with the palm of the hand. " sitting. peja. n. garner." A. " It is my fate. YORUBA-ENGLISH. n. iron). Aba. Aba or Abara. meddling e. pro. the act of eating together . e. frequent occurrences. paper. n. " we... a potter. a prefix. a Yoruba pudding made with rice. n. " An aba mat is not as durable as an 6r6 mat. petitor. e.. are leaving to-morrow. remorse." Aba. in the street to afford shade. proposal. e. Abale. certain facial marks among the Yoruba people. sug- gestion.. Abaje. (Hausa) for ever. n. mortification. painful Eni aba kd t$ bi 6r6. luck. it. n. n. motion. n. one portion of anything which is divided into parts (as cloth. A We Emi ko b? mo lai abada.g.g. reflection. endeavour. n.' Aba. to go. O gba mi li aba. Abafu. 89 fun mi. Abala.. Abam$. to fish.g. clayish. n. Aa ! inter. " I am told " . stocks a kind of banyan tree planted . n. granary.g. fa a. clay. " I shall do so no more for ever. Abaje. incubation.— — —— ' — — PAET II. Abaiyeje ko se fi idi oran han. a fisherman.g. n. a kind of mat. Abafu mi ni." Abadeni. a kind of yam. e." — Aba. pro. him.g." A Abaiy6j$. pro. mess \cf. adv. a person. e. e. e. e. lo. store. word of exclamation. Abanidije. n. Abaja. Aba. " I her. " He slaps me with the palm of his hand. n. n.' they : used in the formation of the Passive Voice. n.. used with a verb to form a noun. apeja.. Emi li a ri. " Secrets should never be told to a busy-body. " I am seen. a going out . alp. fortune. one in — ambush. a com- barn. ABA A." My se fowl her. Digitized by Google . adj. Abandan. e. Abam$. n. a busy-body.g. ajpje).. attempt.g. fate..g. contraction of * awon." A.g. Abada. a staple . . Abata. . A word of abuse for inferiors. tabi). privately is secretly. adj. under . . baggy trousers. a slanderer. n. n. n. Abeiyannu. a spiritualist medium Ab&W$n. razor n.gr. ques- Abekanna. Abapd. Ab^la. Abarapara. lodger. " Winged" " Striped. n. . " You or I.. AbatilQ. a bitter drug used in weaning children. private . Ab$tu. a suborner. n. a title of honour. adv. Ab$b$. a stroke which sunders clean cut with one . a faithful friend. O nse e li ab$l$. n. the sword of state used only by kings of certain tribes. prep.— ABA Ab&nidti. Ab$d6.. Abiyamo. Abanijeun. e. a coming and going. n. a despiser. . abani$i$e. a pin. Abila. Aber$. tioner. last born. Abf. a good-for-nothing person.g. Abero. one having claws. n. insecure holding. n. importunity. beneath. the lower part bottom. Ab$r$. e. a kind of loose. armpit." Ab& n. a messenger. (contraction of Emi abi iwo. a rivulet. Abe?e. anything Abere-alugbe. coadjutor. Abese. blow. " doing it privately. Abere. reprover . n. adj. Abaniku-ore. . one who laughs when others are censured. one who partakes of the same dish. blinds the judge's eyes. pleader. Abapin." Abia. n. n. n. prefix. one who forestalls. a failure in an attempt. a mother with a baby a parent. Abekanna. n. Ab$rin. a trowel (a tool used in plastering). Ab$l$. running water. " A bribe — blemish a taint. Abati. a candle." n. n. e. Ab$w$-bura-eke. Abiamo. n. marsh. admonisher. . n. the act of sharing together. a ridiculer . Abaniwi. one fails to avoid. a strong healthy person. Aba-OWU. a a Ab$. n. fruitful. penknife. w. Abbso.g. n. . adj. n.g. n. Ab$t$l$. Abani$e. n. n. a hammock.Abetele ni ifoju onidajo. n. n. by chance.. n. executioner. a casual occurrence an accidental coming into contact . lancet . a bribe. n. . Abenugbagba. needle. calumniator." Abi. . Abawin-gbimo. ginned cotton. n. n. Abapade. n. or e. n. brook. n. ABI an emulator n. Abiye. one having claws." He Abenilori. Abikehin. diviner.. . conj. a stain a blot a a speck a spot . pool. helper. Digitized by Google . Abasil$. Ab§re. younger. querist. n. . n. n. fruit -bearing. . competitor. e. a Abanij$. n. that which possesses one possessing. " You good-fornothing fellow. one who bespeaks. an enquirer. rebuker . — — — . n. a fan an advocate a Abanigbele. pond. Iwo abese yi. an inmate.g. . co-worker. secret. n. Abpni. Abdgi. ise baba ni igba ojo eni. n. a married Abinilere... n. Abylu. n. having marks. poor . n. Aboya. adj. adj." first claim on Abubutan. the act of feeding together (as cattle). refuge. a pregnant woman. n. work is superintendence. n. done job Abose ki ise ise Sj<J. forgery.g. Abogib9pe. Abo-oka. moiety. Ab$. defence. inter- Abinuku-eni. Ab$9& n w °rk done by a person - after his master's . the master's Abori. e. a descriptive name for whale. a respectful person. anticipation of another's words. winged. abo. n. adj. malicious person. fatted. n. idol priest. AbilekQ. n. or adj. Abola-funni. security. an idolator. a pudding made with ground corn. adj. covert. a Sabbath breaker. supervision. . Abojuto. a sick or infirm person. dishonesty. e. n. n. persecutor. a salutation on one's returning. Digitized by con - LjOOQIC . woman . a mat screen over a canoe for shade. Ako mbi female doe.. a short cut to a place . Aboleta. fraud. n. worshipper. revelation. n. hardware. Ab(J lowo iku. Abiye. Aboriga. children — — — ABt who die in Ab^. a thatcher. ragged ." ? grown-up persons. questioner rogator.protection.. Abosi. AbyinafQ. fed for slaughter. n. shelter. Abinuku-enia. a spiteful man.g. cessation. n. Abiwo. " Job work is not the servant's chief business. a wretched being. n. n.g. e. a chief priest of the grove. n. AbQS$j$. a shark. n. one living with a husband. work has the his time. matter beforehand founds the liar. Abila. " One who is free from death. n. returning." Abirun.8creen. care. sole (fish). a bundle of Guinea- work. e. n. arrival. n. Abodo. safeguard. n. also applied to infants but never to " He who Ab$gun. Abose.— ABI Abiku. n. " Male or " Abppa. deception." Ab$gan.g. n. n. to uncover. e. an idol- IJniti (Jran eni ni ise kd fe abinuku eni. Ab6. adj. able. y one who is free." Abuje. e. n. ^niti o ba mo idi oran tele ni ibu abuja eke. corn. n. . n. Abo -gala. n. a worshipper of the god of iron and war. does not love us is sure to hate us. wood and palm ater. having horns. female of beasts. a mosquito. Ab6. a worshipper of Atx>. venerator. exposition. a kind of fish used in idol worship. n. n. n.g. shield. a coming back. a worshipper of false gods. Abuja. disclosure. an adorer. miserv..g. " He who knows the Aboyun. Abo. calumniator. Oku abo. infancy. checkered. n. half. striped. " A AbyT$. one who enlivens or cheers up another. n.. Abuku^n. Adam$. crown-wearer. the taking of responsibility upon oneself. one who who forbids. a vaccinator. Adanilohun. Adale.g. Ko si adaga lowo r$. reprover. defender. Adami. Abula. Adaba. one who reprimands or chides. n. n. Abuta. lake. Adagun. Adaniniji. — ADA the act of encome. a braggart. a o ri eranko inu re pa.onewho attempts. guardian. n. umpire. Abul$. n. Ab&boboni. adj. an addition to. courer. act of imposing a fine. a remainder. an amalgamation. " A di pupo. a piece sewn on to cover a defect. n. one afflicts. n. Abura. counsellor. n.. Abur6. tending to be. n. n. one who alarms. n. dilution. heresy. pool. or disappoints mortifies. Abnke. Abide. Adaba. a forward person. a lie . rumour. n. an accumulation. slur. Adanilara. n. n. an oath e. a prohibiter. " He has nothing left. a swearer. n. Ada. fragment. a dove. a hunchback. n. n. a in it are easily king. soap. falsehood of one's own invention.g. Adanilekun. one who vexatious one." Adam$ran. n. donor. y Bi a ba bu abuka igbe. n. deformity. n. proposer. the passing. supplement. n. Adanio " Tending to be plentiful. AdaJQ. Adam^-di. a bill-hook with wooden handle mostly used by farmers. a bat. n. Abunni. one unable to perform his boast." Aburan-owu. Adad6. " If a bush is surrounded for hunting. Adade. Abura eke.. arbitrator. Adaniduro. an alloy. frightens or terrifies. a bell founder. adulteration. scolder. protector.g. Abule. n. Abuni. exaggeration. fault. a mistaken view. addition. increment. AbuSQ. Abupa. a hamlet.—— kBt Abuka. taker. nothing. n. n. . pond. n. n. Adalu. n. Adabowo. Adan. a pitiless person . suggester. n. spot. contempt. blemish. a detainer . giver. blessing. Adamale?e. a younger relative cadet. n. Abuw$. Abum$. a patch. benefactor. n. Adakadeke. n. a tormentor. Adade. n. one who answers. a mixture. n. Abakan. n. n. isolation.g. judge." AdagOgO. a species of butterfly. a consequence. n. Adaga. e.—e. cotton carded and prepared for spinning. n. a gasp. a village. mover. disgrace. suggester. result. animerts killed/' Adabonf. discredit. an importunate perjurer. Digitized by VjOOQlC . a cutlass. one who checks or hinders. n. n. Adanilagara. n. n. n. n. adviser. Adaju. deficiency. Adaniloro. suc- Adanilaraya. zest. treachery. person. selfassumption. n. «. after all. Adibo. Adaran-nla. a nickname . a furbisher. Adena. one who remains standing. a listener. n. Adepa o. ft. a Adele-yba. salutation to one going out hunting. impediment. a leper. an old woman. a fish whose eyes are peculiarly and irregularly placed. adj. ft. a married woman . Ad^da. instalment an old debt incurred by some . indiscriminate . adventure. an anarchist. ft. ft. oil made from palm kernels. a sinner. a Adanfi. a gleaning. ft. one who creates Adikala. Adetisile. Adegba. a kind of basket. n. a shrimp catcher. Adarudapo. ft. Adap$. union. Ade. topsy-turvy. n. a fisherman.* Aderasile. n. used for drinking. Adeja. actinggovernor . n. confectionery. prepared parched corn for warriors. one who casts lots. n. Adidun. Adi. Adin. a male lizard. ft. diadem. agreement. printer. Adaran-j6ko. a sentinel. Adifa. Adese. a maker of counterfeit pardoner. Adelebo. unsettled. ft. Ad^mu. n. conj. strife. sweet-meats. a waiter. undertaker . stipulation. n. an alias . hinderer. waylayer. ft. Adanrin. bargain. Adasi. Adaraya. a deputy. n. polisher of metal. Adaweta. AdecLe. one who watches on the road. one ADl who puzzles or confounds. Ademu. ft. ft. starvation . n. n. ft. a yielder. Adigbar6. one who acts for a person. a diving fisherman. n. n. n. Adarijini. n. one who causes discord. Adayanf $. an appropriate relative. Adawin. an idol-worshipper. a mixture . Adaw^le. treaty. transcriber. a consulter of Ifa. Adasan. Adete. ft. a lively person. an alarmist. coins. Digitized by Google . n. n. Ade-oba. an accumulation. Adaripon. Adarudurudusile. n. alliance. regent. loss. criminal. ft. a grazier . ft. n. n. Ad£gun. ft. Adedd. ft. Aderegbe. a thing spared from the rest. notwith- standing. n. a crown. Adidagiri. crown. n. ft. ft. sentry .ADA Adanirft. a contraction. n. adventurer. a fisherman. a fisherman who catches lobsters with dgun. Adele. n. Adebipani. one surrenders. lieutenant. w. n. a shepherd. one who chooses a husband or wife without the parents' consent. one who forgives. a calabash with cover Adape. ft. Adijasil£. a piebald. Adas!. who Adawe. a dealer in leaves used to wrap food in. ft. felon . n. Adehun. a fowl. Adie. a starveling. a Ad£bo. ft. n. an eavesdropper. n. nevertheless. ft. payment by instalments. one who pauses. Adun. one who very black. Adur6 funni. n. not unlikely. n. n. ADl Adik$. Ad6. n. Adura kukuru. adj. Adun. charm. n. Adirita. n. Google . powder stove. n. one who maintains his ground. n. a boat caulker. n. Adura $b$. Adim$. Afagbaramu. Afagi. evensong. n. n. fragrance. Ad6tini. n. one who creates war. Afa. n. adj. flavour. n. a surprise packet. Ad6gunsil$. n. Adotesile. draws or attracts. probable. n. n. n. rogation. a hinderer . and extortioner. n. Ad6je. a hearth. n. closed up. n. one hundred and ten. Aditi. inventor . jet black. Adlmula. a strainer. a carpenter. one who con- Adogan. n. Adinpamo. Adit$. dresser. Adinsin. seventy. n. adj. sonorous. n. wrestler . Adurotini. Adugbolu. n. one who holds fast. n. neighbourhood. who must never be laughed at. supplication. a con. n. a charmer . a name sometimes given to kings. one hundred and seventy. n. petition. surrounding country. n. a hair- Adura al$. Afani.. Adir6. petition. Advrun. wooden culvert. n. an attribute of God . an appraiser. n. n. thank you. a valuer. is Adi. a stumbling block. agitator. one who plaits or braids oran. Afaimp. something preserved. n. an arbitrator. parched ground corn mixed with sugar or oil. author . Adisisile. Adire. n. n. Adptpta. Adupe. one who laps with the tongue. Ad<Jrin. serve. surety. grace. a barricade. adj. one who stands. thirty. Adiyele. a support. shut in. n. a waiter. adj. one hundred and Afagbara^e. an observer. evening prayer. n. Adura OWUrp. beauty. sweetness. n. a vessel with the bottom pierced. adj. fifty. n. plucks. a kind of masquerade the during Lagos in obsequies of a great man the Chief of Adamorisa. Aditu. n. one who compels or forces. Adiro. 6 AFA Ad^san. disturbance or revolution. usurper . a peculiar method of plaiting the hair. adj. human hair . n. by fifties. morning prayer. savoury relish Adubu . ninety. Adtfa. a deaf person. used for straining. a calabash used for preserving medicine. bridge. Afagbaragba. a short prayer. Adimu. originator. n. of n. calico dyed in patterns by West African dyers. Digitized by Ad$fa. Adugbo. n. one who impedes. one who pulls. Afah^nla. Adura. bail. prayer. n. entreaty. Aduro-gber6. matins. Adimu. n. a Yoruba strains or enforces. ugly appearance. Adina. Aiaiya. Adur6. . a besieger. a prop. Afara. Aflbi-san-ore. e. . ing. e. suitor.— AFA Afanwii-irun-tu. n. Afehinti. one . " The king removes the tail (from his mouth). Afes^na. Af$r$. n. Afefe-afeyika. Afin. except. — . n.g. an albino.resemblance. n. sluggishness. who copies or Af^nu. Afeju. the owner of the this is Af^birm. n. n. n. who assigns. Afingba. exposes. a small buoy attached to the middle* of a fishing line . one together. Afaramoni. a breeze. palace. two sticks rubbed Afefe-pele." . a white-bellietl rat. n. AFI blowing Af ef e sanma. whirlwind. Af ^reresfni. Af ef e sanma mimp. one who distorts his face. who absconds Afarasofa. gale . Afefe ojiji. n. a decent. an animal of the rat tribe. wind . n. one who pawns Af ^m<Jjum<J. o pa afeimojo ki o mu u re Qyo. of loving. wooer. Afarasin. the tail of which is used by the King of Yoruba as a sign of royalty he generally holds the tail against his mouth when he walks abroad. suitor. Af ef 6. lover. n. a sudden gust of wind. n. breeze . the act of shewing an exhibition pretext. n. n. a prop. Oba si iruke. an adherent. n. ki yio lo an bi o bukun mi. . especially when work- from which fire is produced by friction. Digitized by VjOOQlC . n. ether.g. atmosphere. similar to cork. Ann. n. n. Afinihan. Aiara oyin. a very light wood. n. n. n. n. n. imi- tation. or hides. a soft wind. From . a calabash carver. the king's palace court. Afara. n. n. n. " Whoever kills afeimdjd must take it to Qyo eda is only due to the people of the province to eat. n. an ungrateful person one who returns a giver. a betrothed person. a support. an eavesdropper. pride ]£niti . Anfunni. chaff. n. twilight morning. a pickpocket. courtier. cleanliness. dawn . evil for good.. climate . Afaraweni. perfect love ity. Aiarawe. eda li ara oko ije. n. n. Afarapamo. one imitates. state Af$. n. fiancee. n. sincer- Af$w$." —Emi . Afeimdjd. Afeni. amj. clean person . a well-wisher. one retreats. n. one who betrays or Afinju. contracted into Alafin." Afetigbegiri. honeycomb. . Afe. unless. who flinches or a charm used by runaways to enable them to Afd. . himself. n. n. Afasehin. n. " I will not go unless he bless me. Afl or Afibi. hi etan. . n. pleasure. Anhan. n. a fishing float. n. slowness. n. one who plucks hair. neatness. derived Alawofin. Some- times used for cleverness. Affri. elude their pursuers. air of the pure upper region. crite. n. Afojupam$. n. obstinacy. n. a suspicious person. guide. n. hypo- Afowowun. n. Afoforo. room. director. petulance. . hand sewn weaving by hand. n. a sofa.. a double-dealer deception. a small stone on which beads are ground rack . valley. suspenders. Afdm$. Aga. n. one who uses the wine press. n. n. Agan. a thick forest. Afpju. a short sword. Aganju. Afunni. Afojudi. n. Aiow<>ta. n. an earnest expectation. the act of talking with the hand to a deaf person. hardihood. aquatic. dissembler. n one who consults another or seeks advice. vale. opportunity. adj. contagious. one who challenges n. n. or adj. Annu-?e-ajere. footstool. n. space. n.. sculptor. n. the cork wood. Digitized by VjOOQIC . n. n. wa8hei*woman. Af$. leader. A clever Afonahan. dale. also called aty. n. donor. attention. n. Agadagodo. annihilation . AGA Ole afinju. saucy. Afp^e. a trumpeter. Afunti. an unfaithful. rogue. n. reluctance. Agandan. n. Aiowope. n. Afonil$iye. Aga-inaraya. a shy act . n. Aiow$k$. purloining. a blind person. Aiowowi. loftiness. Afonifoji. half blind. disobedience. a hovel. Aganju-igb6. n. Afomisebugbe. n. soothsaying. device. a barren woman. Afdta. Afura. effrontery. a careless handling. Aga-iwasu. one who beckons. the baobab tree. n. n. Anyanjuse. a giver. n. forest." engraver. a slater. an employer. n. n. n. n. dale. trick. Aiowobd. Afyn. or denes. n. Afunpe.g. Afpranlo. Afdpina. n. n. vacancy. n. Aga-itise. carver. n. mistletoe. Agada. n. n. the act of stealing cunningly . an act of wantonness or irreverence. " n. Aflrese. Afinna. Agabagebe. conductor. pilot. an overthrow. suspicion. charge . Afokuta-bole. groping. adj. something concealed from the public. n. a brown yam. Af$gbo. a secret. n. a flying insect Agada. valley. n. wilderness. insolence. audacity. a padlock. an inhabitant of the water. one who masks or covers his face. Af$baj$. n. a washerman or Aip$Q. treacherous person. Afunninigc. n. a pulpit. AFI e. n. Agangan. n. a chair. a moth. petulance. Afo. Agalamaga. n. Aioranmoni. observation. AfojU8$na. a blower of smith's bellows. a stool. a parasite . Afiyesi. defective vision. n. mire in which a pig wallows. one who suspects. a thing to be noticed or superintended. utter destruction. n. n. scimitar. despiser. crown of the head. the boa-constrictor. n. Agbani. crowd. Agbagba eiyele. n. n. Agbara. con tern- congregation. boarder. . n. ency. Agbalu. elders. Agbagba. stockade. rejection . Agbarin. a courtyard. n. one who girds himself. not edible. n. n. strength. wooden fortifications. black with a red stripe on the neck . bulwark. used by children playing (as the marble is used). Agbaja. robe. Agafa. vigour . cask. Agba. Agbagba. after-pains. sweeper. n. barricade. violence . 9 backbiter. n. Agbala. or barrel. hard. n. . n. Agbagbd. wooden fence. n. Agbale. AGB Agbajo. n. Agarp. n. Agbala. n. skull. street- corn. . a Agbab$. reverberation. and two white streaks on each side. bulky. n. ascend- assembly of elders. usually of bamboo. n. ancient of days. reliever. n. Agan-nigan. It is called Ege by Digitized by VjOOQlC .pj p. one who incites to war. n. means . Agbalagba. gift essence . huge. Agbada. plantain. assembly. barrel. a snake that springs on its prey . Agbagunjp. deUverer. a smooth. defamer. a hard fruit. n. n. a frame for carrying a load. n. n. boa-constrictor. formerly much used. the whole world. n. uni- Agbade. garment. Agbara. maize. marauder. the rattlosnake . a sweeper. the universe. Agbalaja. n. AGA Aganni. Agbaku. Agbami. n. font. n. n. slanderer. Agbanrere. n. turmoil. ability. fatigue. a kind of fish. a reechoing sound one who repeats a call. prevalence . . n. Agbalu. a walled garden. Agba. Agbarigba. being discarded. ancients Agba. a small shirt. AgbaMffl. n. Agbape. n. a bier. a great gun or cannon . accident . an animal with long horns. power. w. vehemence . a foster child Agba. a species of snake. pressure . weariness. a spotted pigeon. Aga-posi. Agbadulumo. a torrent. n. copious. a warlike person. n. n. fortune. mass. adj. n. adult. Agbada. the midst of the ocean. Agbanla. desertion. a kind of insect . n. u. authority. n. Agbado. manhood. Agbara. Aga$u. scalp. ner. Aganw6. misAgbakd. Agbari. see Agbako. helper. the whole city. gown. Indian corn. Agbafye. a coverless earthenware vessel used for cooking and washing trough . n. an aged person. efficiency. a large cask . mahogany tree. force . plunderer. n. n. rhinoceros n. flat fruit used for medicine. n.. n. Agbadu. Agara. scavenger. Agbawi. an amphibious animal. is " A rock the father of stone. exalter.^-6. Agbes6ke." Agbeb$. a berry. Agbena-igi. and Is$ Lagosians. n. accumulation.. Agbero. sailing with the wind in one's favour. n. n. a cross. Agbe. a short sword. Agbayun. that which is be tried. Agb&ge. a long-necked Agbe-j^lp. Agb$. n. n. Agbasin. Agbere.g. Agbew6. one who fasts.gr. n.— AGB the Egbas. borne. Agb$d$. Agberd. n tne act of adoption. advocacy. . . Agbegbin. female cattle entrusted to the care of one who receives a portion of the offspring as his reward. Agbasi. n a half -educated person . a hat. that which is to be to memory. Agbatan. one who acts regardless of consequences an undaunted person. n.. n. n. Agbede. n. coast. addition.. promoter. n. a solid mass of rook. n. n. a harlot. 10 AGB Agbeji. lifted up. n. n. Agbawo. n. lapse of Agbeso. Agbel$gb6mi. n. middle . n. a wise and clever person. that which is not * straight.g. Agbebon. a torch-bearer. Agb$bi. n. w. too much of a thing . Agbenileke. Iwo nse agbe. Agbeka. never. n. n. — n. Agbe. n. an old hen. . . com- Agbeiebu. carpenter. n. . n. n. by the Agbasa. n. guardianship work of a nurse. prostitute. e. a thinker. adv. n. region. n. n. a smith's workshop smithy. one who bears up. person (as a doctor). Digitized by Google . a pitcher. " You ask alms. ft. Agbata. Agbaw$. yeoman. Agbe. atonement. the work of an agent or of a broker. taken up . Agbero. a sentry. | plete assistance or deliverance. farmer. a wood-carver. Agbedemeji. e. Agb$gi. Agbede. agriculturist. centre. Agbeni.. the work of a labourer. a charm used by a wrestler to keep him in an upright position and to prevent him being thrown. one who helps or advocates. Agbasa baba okuta. ft. Agbekan. ft. no. entire help. the act of passing for another . n. n." Agbat(Jju. Agb$. a suitable word or action." Agb&san. a gourd. ft. attending a sick . neighbourhood. vicinity. Agbegbe. a kind of woodcock alms. Agba^omp. Agb61$gbunda. a dead weight that which is removed with difficulty. n. whore. Agbatan li a " You must help Agbeniga. superabundance. n. ft. forgetfulness. an idle man thoroughly. n. a soldier . n. gba ole. a calabash pierced at the top and used as Agbere. calabash. n. Agbekuta. an accoucheur. Agbej$r6. an early pumpkin. a lazy man a fortune-hunter one who . Agbonbere. Agb6d6." Agege. n. sheaves of corn piled up in a conical shape. negotiator. iwp npe 9 ko dake o ngbo agb9ya. dependent. Agb$san. a cackling hen which does not lay. a stilt-dancer a very . Agb616gun. sculptor. . vassal. n. ara fun osi ta pa. a hand basket. n. stone-cutter Agbowode. a successor. eaten Agbojulogun much before other vegetables are in season when overripe it becomes bitter. speculator . advocate. Agbpnbere pete igara. Agb$n. n. n. gatherer tax Agb^maye. n. e. Digitized by Google . n. a bowl in which Ifa (god of palm nuts) is placed. n. n. n. a Agbiyeleni. e. a selfish person a sensualist. n. fold. hamper. quadrangle. Agb$k$. toms . IJniti li Agbo-agbado. n. n. one who curses. basket. Agbekeleni. sabre. Agbira. n. Agb$k$. Agb^n-nla. a carpenter. on good or bad advice. n. Agb$. given to babies to drink. Agbo-agutan.g. n. " A fortune hunter is risking an impoverished life. n. Agbo. " He is who calling you is importunate. nfi e.. n. with small calabashes played by farmers or villagers. a vegetable decoction also used for washing . Agbo. n. man. Agb$n&» n. n. Agbipo. pretended deafness. an avenger. a broad -bladed waits to step into another's sword. throng. one who hears. Agbojulogun. and you pretend to be deaf. a children's game of snatching eatables from one another. a kind of yam. n. a military man .. a flock. butler. a hamper.g. Agb^kuta. Agb$n. tall Ag$. n. the one of a gang of thieves who is stationed outside the house to watch and to receive the plunder as it is passed out to him by the others. Agtyn. n. an engraver. collector toll of cus. n. — n. n. n. a sheep-fold. n." Agbdkegbodd. w. . — — 11 AGB Agbeje. instructions one who receives one who acts . Agere. the chin. n. Agere. Agb6. shipwright. Agboya. a Yoruba hatchet* Agegun. Agedemgbe. a ring of dancers . n." Agbpnbere is next to stealing. . n. gatherer. a wasp. Agbigbd. courtn. n. a Yoruba drum made yard. a forest bird of the duck tribe. Agb$tarar$. a substitute. n a ram. n.. AG$ fortune. Agtxjti. n. n. Agboile. w. cup-bearer. Agbomigbel$. solicitor. . see Agbekeleni. n. a Agbiro.g. an amphibious animal. an old warrior." Agb^n-kekere. n.. one who goes up and down one who is constantly and actively employed. Agbodegba. canoe builder. Ago. — 12 .g. nib. an animal of the Agiliti. beak of a bird. an ancient velvet a kind of yam. used for pulling a canoe along in a deep creek or one with a soft muddy bottom. Indian corn. ft. mug . where every and adamorisa enters A non -efficient dances. Digitized by Google . first salutation on approaching idol. a simpleton. a young . self-will . n. a silly person ." aso pie.. palace during the adamorisa play in Lagos. (stupid) malaju. a hamper. Agfrfc Agida. . n. clock o'clock. — n. Agoro. also used when riding or driving furiously. a wooden hook attached to the end of a bamboo. n. or adj. AgOgO. the hare. the mat screen generally constructed at a short distance from the n. a staple food. horse as yet unfit for riding. e. remark- igun. . cap . wilderness. . n. n.g. a coop. prepared meal of n. " Canvas is the lazy. AG? Agemo. ft. iguana tribe. while the women kneel with their heads bowed. A watch. n. the chameleon ." Agodo.— -e. name of a tree loftier than the rest . adamorisa dare not enter the Agodo. a ewer. so that they may not be taken by surprise ." Agdrd. ft. a striped for rat. and and the care it takes of its young." Agogo. colt . worshippers are forbidden to use the word tgbin for snail. Agoke. a medicinal . Ag6. the cloth for — Agidi. and will not be restored to him until he has paid certain fines. . ft. Ag6d6ngb6. — Yoruba canvas Agidl 11 cloth. n. n. tallness height. a climber. an during the worship of which the men only are allowed to remain standing. n. desert land . a point pinnacle (also s6ns6 ft.g. how much more the able craftiness Ag6g6 swiftness. ft." Agira. Agd-nla. n. ft. a . see Afiyanjuse. a grade below Asipa. a snail. bell e. perverse- ness Agidi. bell jug watch. obstinacy. can Ag6g6 Ag6g6 eiye.. '* Agogo apo. the ft.. for if he fail to give the password or to answer all the tests his hat Aginipa. shrub. AGO Ag6. " The (clever) ag6 is caught in a trap. a title of honour. so they uso " aginiso. clock ft. ori. Agidi. n. n. n. or in carrying a load needing care in a public street contraction of yago " give space. a house. uninhabited Aginju. The Qsun Agini$0» n. indicating that the inmates should keep themselves tidy. . Agirase. an implacable person . n. hamper . headstrong intractable.. Ag6 ti o gb(Jn sasa ebiti pa a amb^tori malaju. Ago-nla-elenu. and opabata will be seized. ori). cup . n. fire. Ag$ olu eja. Ahoto." Aguna. Ahon. taber- nacle pavilion hovel n. ni.." n. e. n. tailor. a babbler babbling a prater. a miser ." desolation .— — AGO Ag$. n. deserted houses. Agunla." a long -necked. Ahon. Ahon-ina. house plunderer. a boaster. n. a shroud. n. n.. Ahere ni yio kehin. a contemptuous ** do not expression I . a small calabash used for giving children water or pap. . or drawers. is the end of the mouth.g. a full-grown lad. invented story. n. Aguala mba osu rin. — e. a weak disciplinarian. fiction. flame. gun shots. n. n. n. a hairy plant. avaricious. Ahon. " A AheSQ. Digitized by Google ." fire. fable. AhorO. n. n. n. shed . a farmhouse. Agunbanirp. a leopard's plant. ' There is a crested bird. n. full of sap. inter. Ag$. .g. Ah ere. n. adj. Agutan. n. n. n. e. Ahan ekun. e. romance. contriver.g. Ahpnina. and the ridge of the roof completes the building. a booth. n. encampment. nwon sebi aja rp ni ise. a ruffian and obstinate person. of fishes. . one who unroofs a a house . " The tongue always acts insolently. n. Ahusp prp. small tight trousers. n. n. n. a dogstar . stupidity. Ahpn ni ipinle enu. n. n. a flame of Ahum^.g. very a one who climbs a tree. a pounded medicine. foolishness. a braggart. a desolater . framer. enia. Aha. Ahagun. a tortoise . one who uncovers a house. greedy. a running plant. it is supposed to be her dog. Agunmu. Ahal$." Ag<J. a winding sheet . falsehood. — 13 — . Ahusp. superstition that its bones must not and cannot be broken. likeness to Agpni. adj. " Ag$ is the prince confinement . Agutan Aha. n. n. Agunbaniro le fojudi n.. n. a shed. an administrator. Agunm^na.g. one who shares . a fish. Ag$p$. strait difficulty. n. n. . . n. a sheep. avarice. Sirius. bad feeling toward another. a wild Ahanna. see Awun. to AhamyTa.. n. an armed man one who entangles himself in many things. . n. tale. touch which causes severe itching. tongue . — Ahanhan. inventor.. palm hunters much used by when thirsty. oko ata ni yio kehin ile. — full-grown lad care. " A simple person. Aguala. Ahusa. a fruit resembling a walnut. a kind of iguana. one who shares a legacy . a tongue. Aho.. n. a tent . ruins . the planet Venus . n. Ahaya. " Venus travels with the moon. Ahale.g. ' AHU Aham$. so called from its Ag$ buka. e. e. " The farmhouse remains to the last. Agufpn. . unnoticed . " It rains incessantly. Aid$. 14 AID Aidake. untied unfrozen. uncared for. Aibojuwo. not growing slack. non -arrival. adj. unmingled. adj. e. childless. adj. un- stable. adj. n. Aibddi. Aidabp. Aidepo. unsound state of health. spitting. unceasing intermittent. Aidawa. adj. not at employed . dependence. unmade. that which is not done alone. a non -subscriber. dishonoured. Aidewo. Aib6. adj. not slackening the hand . adj. adj. unlike. not touching the place or part. innocency. unnoticed. uneasy. adj. . adj. unbegotten. improper. Aibila fun. adj. fearless. not touching the ground. Aida ojo ni. unbroken. Aibikita. .. adj. adj. adj. Aibora.— AHU Ahutu-iko. good-tempered. . not found (or met) Aibere. Aidibaj$. n. adj. adj. Aib$ru. Aidinu. sinless . Aidele. adj. entire. adj. adj. not negligent." Aida ara. Aidaju. not subduing the not Aidejo. Aidabi. unhallowed. adj. . adj. Aib$w$ fun Qlorun. on arrival. unattempted. Aidegbd. n. sub- expectoration Ai. or adj. unfit. Aidera. adj. Aidapp. adj. not bed unstirred unlea vened. Aibori. adj. unceasing. uncovering the body. not arriving home. innocent. n. illiberality. unceasing. unshackled. Aidi. . becoming a case. adj. adj. also. Aidele. n. unpleasant. uneasiness. adj. adj. Aib^ju. Aidebifun. Aide. Digitized by VjOOQlC . adj. unconcealed. uncreated. not getting sore. unwatched. spiteful . adj. adj. unobstructed unimpeded. or crime. incorruption. unjoined. infirmity. n. Aidehun. unmixed. adj. unhindered. Aideba. uncondemned. Aidide. . n. unwashed. not roasted. leisure. a negative particle used as Che prefix un or in in English. Aibuwd. n. n. n. deformed. n. Aidawo. unsettled. Aidara. Aidebe. unquestioned. Aidin. the act of remaining in a sitting position or in Aidile. adj. n. state of being unsettled. unscreened. adj. crude . adj. indisposition. Aibi. Aide. unavoided. adj. dirty faced. untied. contemptuous. Aidake. adj. unstability. voice. uncorrupt.g. impiety. n. unbound. adj. Aidawoduro. Aibu. ailment. n. hard green . uncovering the head. Aida. adj. unceasing. Aibola. adj. Aidena. Aibimo. not thrown away. Aidaba. Aidalu. Aib$w$ fun. unimpeded. indecency. undaunted. jection. adj. n. naked. Aibale. sickness. adj. adj. Aidilona. adj. adj. adj. Aide?$. adj. adj. uncertain. Aidanu. unripe. n. ill-will. anguish. unraised promoted. inattention. incoherence Aifaramora. Aidpgba. mute silent. humility. w. n. unpardonable. adj. Aif6r6. disunbelief Aigbagby. unable to sipid. Aifaramp. disgust aversion . not rusty. n. seriousness . adj. fickleness. n. Aife. disunity. adj. impartial . AID Aidira. reluctance . unwillingness. not equipped. Aif$. not blind . Aidupe. Aigbawa-Qfyrnn-gbQ. Aifpn. Aifari. Aifeni. not Aigbega. adj. unbroken sound Aiduio. Aidtin inu. n. adj. adj. humiliation n. Aigbawe. just. adj. impor- tance. without making a complaint without accu. seeing. unwashed. ody. n. making light of a thing . Aifiji. Aiferan. adj. sinking. Aidoju. adj. adj. uncharitableness . Aigberaga. n. Aifd. unstable . want of understanding or knowledge of a language. n. fearlessness. n. . Aif6. adj. something not omitted : a sickness too far advanced for treatment fly. thankless. speechless . sullenness. adj. Aigba. boldness . Aifin. Aifiyesi. muteness silence. adj. n. fickle. shyness. Aiditi. not thwarted. adj. Aifi^ere. . inattentive. ticket. n. n. unshaven.unabated . separation. Aififal^. n. fierce. AigbeJQ. dejection of mind. . Alfohun. disjunction. unthankful. adj. noiseless. intolerable. not speaking dumb. adj. bold . n. separation . n. Aidun. n. instability . disapprobation . adj. unopposed. thanklessness . or adj. unmolested. . ungrateful. unforgotten. adj. Aiduro nibikan. Digitized by Google . adj. adj. adj. adj. n. n. unforgetfulness . Aidogun. engraved uncarved uunot speckled. n. n. infidelity. unremitting. . adj. a recluse. Aiflsun. less. restless. Aifetisile. or adj. unsavoury. atheism. adj. unsaved. unlicensed . attentive. inattention. . Aif esi. careless- ness. Aidubu. unarmed . disagreeableness disapprobation . without price. coarseAidun. silent. adj. Aifo. whole. Aidiyele. Aifdya. troublesomo Algbepo. adj. that which is not denied. Aigbede. n. discouragement disapprobation. unquietness. Aifojufun. obedience Aigbala.. uneven sation. zealous Aiflfe^e. adj. Aifigbe. n. . . unconnected. unswept. adj. 15 AIG Aifipe nkan. . n. . wholesome. seamless unimpaired . . Aigba. Aindu. Aifcjju. adj. levity. unowned . in. - . Aigbagbe. unwillingness . inelegance ness. inequality. unreduced. n. adj. n. n. Digitized by VjOOQlC . n. error . coward. slothful. Aij$W$." Aij$. innocent less. Aika. scoured . stupidity. adj. Aigbona aitutu. Aikapa or Aikaw$. uncut. odj' . not Aigbogi. obedience. impunity. steady. n. adj. Aikere. adj. Aihan. ignorance of current Algun. unripe. cheap. uncondemned . un- feelingness. thoughtless. absurdity. Aik$. Aigburo. adj.n. adj. out of fashion.gr. the father Aikasi. or adj. Aigb6nu. or adj. non-confession n. Aikede. Aijinna. " Neither eating nor drinking. n. adj. difference of opinion. adj. Aikeri. not answering effectual. Aije or Aijeun. unAiha. Aijina. unenviable. Aljiyan. adj. underdone . cannot but . neutrality. ignorant. adj. n. pot which is in use. Aigbodo. .. n. n. moist . Aika. e. short. adj. adj. healed. adj. unlearned. adj. Aigboye. trembling firm . n. unannounced. adj. AtK Aljana. without denying narrow. is Aikanu. n. n. — 16 . Aigbege. n.— AlG Algbe. n. Aigbdrd." e. Aigboya.g. n. without bragging. Aigtxjran. Aigbona. n. narrow cious. or adj. unwise . cowardly. taking counsel. n. incapa. unbent not plucked. adj. . unnumbered. . reluctance to yield. not wound foolish . shall. undeniable. cowardice. or adj. .g." events. " A Ikoko a)gb6fo. adj. adj. not anchored. void of heat. adj. blame- in- Aigbd-aiy$. e. unabbreviated. a motionless to unwillingness Aij$bi. must. adj. n. adj. or adj. unordained. adj. not Aijiroro. move. cold. adj. not erased. n. guiltless. . unproolaimed. Aik6. $nu. incapainsult Aigboran baba " Disobedience of insolence. Aika$a. unn. Aigb$n. plenty. without counting . Aigb$n. adj. Algbofo.. Aigbo. . Aihale. Aigbo. adj. adj. n. Aigbese. unheard. despite . n. . inAigun. not worse or spreading fas a sore). not without occupation.. bility. unscratched . fasting. incapacious. state . not far behind Aijinna. n. brevity. adj. Aijiya. cowardice. Aik$. n. unindulged. . contempt. Aikanju.. accuracy . Aije aimu. suffering not punished . not hollow.lukewarmness. disagreement. adj. or adj. invisibility obscurity. not unshaken obstinacy n. faulty . impenitence n. n. afojudi. . humid. Aikd Aihan. Aikekuru. Aigboju. . punishment. shortness. damp . adj. flat . disobedience obduracy. adj. slothfulness. — Aijewo okan. inclemency. guiltiness. Aik$le. grossness . thoughtAllajd. Aileribf. . undeveloped attaining the age of puberty. careless . adj. Aikfa$. . n. see Ailaj6. Aik$mn(i. adj. boundlessness less. adj. insufficiency possibility. not tattooed. Ailediyele. n. secure. feebleness . adj. adj. . infirmity bodily weak- Ailaba. able. ful. unfruitful . adj. . adj. weak. Ailarekereke. not refusing . barren (of trees). adj." Aikun. adj. Ailere. having no relatives. adj. Ailaie. untaught unbuilt. unprofitable. n. Ailewn. incomprehensi. an untrained work- Ailaia. not finished. Ailadun. Ailahun. Ail6. alive for evermore remaining adj. Ailebaj$. tasteless n. Ailewe. adj. not tripping or stumbling . . Ailaya. airless . n. unfruitfulnoss. n. Ailabukun. adj. unlearned . Ailabukun. n. . taught book learning. spot. simplicity . uncircomcised. cowardly . n. lack of . hopeless. soft difficult . or adj. n. adj. adj. ability . or blemish. not hard easy. not counting the cost. Ailara. not building a house. invaluable. . im- inefficacy . . not superfluous . adj. adj. . Aik$. AikQS$. not liable to die eternal. pure clean. without offence. adj. adj. Digitized by Google . n. without grumbling without murmuring. artlessness. roughness . n. Aikuku. un- Ailemo. Aikti. adj. persistence. 17 Ail less . . limit- Alkola. fearful. adj. not able to struggle or combat. Ailaniyan. fear- Ailaya. n. n. Aileru. adj. . adj. Aileja. not perspiring. n. close. n. adj. polish. Ailanu. illiterate . n. artlessness. feebleness . n. n. adj. a prefix signifying " to be without. n. void of anxiety. Aikuna. disobedience. n. outlawry. . bachelor Aile. adj. dumb . slender. . imbecility. wifeless. Ailelara. validity. freedom from filth sanctity. Ailala. n. n. or adj. adj. insipidity. fruitless futile. feeble un- Ailagun. Altera. deaf disobedient. in- Ailegina. adj. insipid. Ailanfani. n. . adj. AlK Aik$. indifference. not excessive. adj. adj. incorruptible. having no danger safe . Aikunna. cowardice ness. frailty. split unadulterated unsaved. undefiled. n. man. . guilty. yielding. adj. coarseness Aila. deafness. n. n. n. mute. bility. ness not Ailabu.. adj. improbaAileri. not Alku. adj. Aileti. leafless. Ail&f $f$. slenderness. infallibility. Ailabo-ofin. adj. imperishable. Aikugbe. having no stain. faultless. . Aileso. despairing. bility. disadvantage. inAilagbara. n. Allege. adj. boundless. . Ailabawpn. . n. adj. adj. inestimable. not Aik$we. adj. unadj. Aina. Aildmi. n. degree. unlettered. helpless. or adj. Aina. dishonoured. adj. or adj. or adj. moderation. Ainani. innocency. n. adj. inability to learn . adj. without a hand unconcerned. cannot disbelieve. n. Emi ko i. retaliation. n. tardy. or adj. Aim$. adj. unpierced. Ail6ruko. uncomeliness. adj.. Aima. n. j ' foolishness." n. n. Almdfin. not pregnant. n. i incontinency adj. — 18 . n. bloodless anaemia. standing. Ail6fln. impudence. Ail^mi. Aimp-meji. ignorance of the law. Digitized by VjOOQlC . witless Aildkun. or adj. or adj. thin. or adj. n. Alfyr^. from sin or crime. freedom from sin. adj. gbagbo. Ailpmp. folly . guiltless. Ail$j$. unwise Alm$. see Ail(Jw(J. Ail$wa. flabby. without underAil6ye. adj. filthy. adj. bluntness dull out name . unknown. or adj. or . Aimpra. anonymous with.. or adj. immodesty. A11$S$. adj. or adj. ugliness. groundless . n. AIL Ailebi. Aildwd. n. or adj. branchless. impure. unhallowed. Ailopin. blameless. n. childless. se aima believe. punished. adj. n. want. Aimerd. All$w$. or adj. le e. Ainibata. futile. poor. Ailfgan. . incomAil$gb$. Aileka. barren. unsuccessful in obtaining situation . adj. imperforated. infinite. Ailu. impotent. AIN Ailpra. Aimu. Aini. endless. ignorance. unrenowned. n. n. innumerable. unground. or adj. dry . stupidity. adj. imintemperance. n. Ailgbun.g. or adj. Ainibern.e. Ailojuti. poverty. n. n. Ailugbe. " I I must Aimaraduro. two negatives making an affirmative. dead. adj. restlessness. n. adj. freedom adj. or adj. . not respectful. not wealthy. confusion i entanglement. adj. barefooted. . n. or adj. Ailokiki. Ail6ju. or unwise Ail6. or adj. or adj. not fat. Ail$w$. n. adj. Altyba. intrepid. not slothful. n. unclean. not cared for. smartness. Aimbaba. Ailori. parable. need. Aim$w6. fatherless. without a witness. adj. ungifted. Aimpniw^n. lack of knowledge. anarchy. Aimpye. Almdye. impudence. n. adj. Aimuragiri. n. inflexible. guiltlessness . a shrub . Aima. lifeless. destitution. n. adj. fearless. disinterestedness. unused or . without title or Ail6yun. Ail$?$. not catching. Ailfra. ignorance imprudent. Alio. eternity. adj. not drinking. n. unspent. Aileri. fameless. immodesty. not watery. lax. dirty. n. n. shamelessness. necessity. silliness.adj. or adj. n. not stretched. n. or adj. bodily weakness. Ail6ye.. adj. adj. lawlessness. Aimura. . unwhipped. adj. Ainiwamimv non-residence want of settled abode. n. impatience . hopeless. credulity. deficiency. improvidence. Ainiyin. Ainiparam$. uselessness. n. failure in cutting . Aipd. n. innocent . AtN Ainibd. immorality. on purpose. fruitlessness. n. consistent conduct. Aiperi. . Ainitura. uneasiness. Ainipara. impassibility. n. Ainira. Ainfya. Ainidlmu. Ainigbona. n. deadness . Google . n. adj. adj. sordid. having no Ainidunran. vanity. adj. or adj. self-control. or adj. Aip$. hastiness. n. Aipinnu. Aipy. slavish. uncompounded. Ainisuru. n. Ainiwarere. Airekpja. unprovided. n.. Aipada. Ainipin. laziness. n. n. concluded. liberty. see AU6kun. uninvited. Ainide. n. Ainirotele. Ainfpe. insanity. n. Ainimi. Aipese. contraction of Alnipekun. desperation. rare. adj. n. or adj. Ainip^kun. un- Ainipa. baldness. Digitized by Ainitunu. Aipeniye. Aipari. n. or adj. not sewn. supplied. disaffection. not long. freedom. also Aipin. adj. n. neutrality . coldAiniyidd. ease. invulnerability. dowerless . uselessness . unsent . n. n. shallowness. . Ainifl. adj. n. modesty. clean. destitute of affection. Ainiye. or adj. n. n. weakness . motherless. n. . Aipiwada. n. free of cost. n. not resplendent . Ainibugbe. n. hold. Ainiyeninu. temperance. Ainirungbyn. myriads. adj. unfinished. n. dishonourable. uncalled. tetanus. pure . crudeness . Aipete. not adj. Ainirun. indecency . incompleteness. Aipe. lack of understanding . indifference. Ainireti. delirium. Ainltiju. Ainfl&ri. adj. adj. adj. adj. diffidence. discountenance. . scarceness. n. adj. adj. Ainigbek^le. rustless . finless. shame- not infectious. adj. or adj. Ainife. beardless. ex- posure. n. indecision unresolved. or adj. disinclination. comfort. n. unripe. Alpon. having no proper head. immodesty. n. not shining. Ainirora. . worthlessness Alniyeldri. distrust . Ainidi. insensibility of feelings. unshared . narrowness incapacity. n. not unintentional. steadiness. inability. n. void of ease. disreputable. n. n. comfortless. idleness. lessness. Aipfebagby. Ainidaju. nonentity. or adj. innumerable. lack of dowry or share. imperfection. Airan. indecency. un- mixed. not returning. Ainife iteriba. n. Airan. dullness of apprehension. Aipe. n. green . countless. soberness. AipyHSOkan. without end everlasting. without fins. n. n. despair. adv. n. 19 AtR Ainfwa. n. Aisf-atil$hin. sickness . not trimming the hair. Aisare. not present . impenitence. helplessness. uneasiness. thoughtlessness. n. Aisfja. n. Aisonu. Airos^. plainness. n. dissension . n. or adj. . motherless. illAisian. n. . speechof peace or comfort. pressure of business . a large door . AirfSQ. not being Aisf. n. adj. indcfatigableness . Air Iran. non-payment of money. Airel$. n. n. Air6ju. or adj. not cutting. n. see Aikanju. n. or adj. negligence uneasiness . without doubt credulity. Aisiya. n. unchallenged. n. adj. Aironupiwada. Aisi-alaf la. absence . adj. thinness. lack of influence or authority. '* The want employment. inexcusable less. unplastered. . idleness. n. illness . Aiseso. Alsanra. or adj. dimness of sight unexperienced . soundless. n. 20 Aisan. not dirty. want of support. Air$. good-tempered. unbaptised Aisiwa. unexpected. adj. • Aise. or adj. n. without consideration thoughtless. n. riches. thoughtlessness. Aisanwo. Aironu.— AlR . without of aid Air$p6. e. lack employment. war . ailment. Aisin. . n. Alsinfkaw$. lack of Ail^rnn. not softened lack of mildness . uncooked. or adj. Als$. raw. not shearing. gate. Alsami. n. Airise. lack of manners. Alreti. not enduring . not dejected. Air6. n. beyond one's Aisiranl$w$. barrenness (of a tree). dissension. adj. n. or adj. n. mute . peace. n. Air$p$» variance. inquietude. disagreeableness. n. nonentity . Airiri. control. blindness. or adj. n. . adj. place is vacant/' Airora. Aisan. independence . misery . carelessness discomfort . Digitized by Google . n. unmarked. . Air$w$sl. unchangeable. Aisf-aniani. n. not shaving. death. Airord. n. n. poverty . marks Aisimi. or adj. n. n. independence subordination. bad . n. variance. nought nothing of importance. conditioned.g. invisibility. n. Air$. too busy. Alr$ju. Aird. restlessness. not lost. nothing . Aisis$. AtS disease . . n. want of payment. n. slenderness. Airel$. diligence perseverance industry . n. Aisola. n. Airori. n. n. adj. n. ndisagreeableness. n. or adj. Aisile. unsettled. n. or adj. .. leanness. . lack of endurance. fruitlessness. without Aisfla. n. lack of peace. lack of humility. Airorun. lack of stripes or Alrdhin. Ibe wa alr<Jp6. . adj. n. n. Airi. Aise. in- Aisinkan. w. lack of Aisola. Air$. a vacant position. homelessness. n. n. stillness. n. n. n.. honesty. Aig&ta. sile li e.. defatigability . injustice . or adj. undeceived. void of calumny. unbroken. or adj. adj. incredulity. Aitan-pta. simplicity. incongruity .. stagnation . Aigefefe. care- inconsideration incautiousness. Aitan. injustice hypocrisy . discontentn. not in a playful manner. n. n. n. illiber- equality. adj. adj. ceaselessness. diligence Ai^enia. Aigdeke. awake. n. or adj. Ai$$tan. Aitako. Aifetara. Aiget&ra. doubtless. n. Aisun. Ai?i?e. or adj. void of material body. offensive . . un weariness . universal . A fi aja na alsan. crookedness. n. n. n. yam Aita. not slackening. mercilessness. Ai$5t<J. not Ai$u.— AtS Aispraki. meanness . Al?$kan. Ai$d. n. Ai$usi. not coming to pass. scattered. n. n. inaction. unperplexed. discord. n. not . Aita. without respect . n. thick . not weary." Ai$anu. n. n. n. Ai?eju. Al$etenil<>run. impropriety . undergrown tubers as or potato. inequality Ai?edeae. without anxiety. idleness. limited to one locality. unshrunk . adj. inAisu. unfulfilled. Aispp$. seriousness. n. bitten . adj. cruelty inhumanity. lack of compassion. Aitanje. n. n. not straightforward. certainty . Ai$i. Ai$pra. unkindness. market not selling. Ai^egbe. implacability. Aitara. . n. mute. n. or adj. AigOgO. Ai$e. Ai$&T$. n. n. or adj. Ai^emele. Ai$e. . untrue. oostiveness constipation. unrighteo usness. indolence. ingratitude. Ai$5re. or adj. odd . n. Ai$ebikan. indifference . n. indiffer- Digitized by Google . adj. . correctness. n. Ai$iyemeji. n. . temperance moderation. impartiality. inactivity . impartiality. having beginning. unpoulticed . Algetara. without boasting. indecision. adj. . ceaselessness. lessness in- no Aisprp. sluggishness . ence. ment. unfeignedly Aigan. not sinning. dullness of . Ai?egbagb<J. adj. n. justice. n. adj. n. void of boasting. indifference disinterestedness. n. or adj. Ai?$f$. sinister. inactivity . uprightness. . " The ceiling (of bamboos) is left without being plastered with mud. Alg&rft. not gloomy. Ai?ubu. adj.g. Aigododo. Aifftja. adj. watchful. AigU. equity. unAigan. n. spirituality . Ai^fmu. Ai?$. not Ai$a. activity. n. ality. without mud. n. n. iniquity. picked up openness sincerity. 21 AIT Ai?$. or adj. n. Aigpkankan. tardiness . not round . n. unopposed. not asleep . Aisojusajti. n. . adj. Aitunu. to be terrified. Alwara. lack of inspection. n. Aiya-pa. n.. who cannot illicit. Aitobi. n. straight-forward- Alwoye. warmth. n. unwashed. n. . see Alsi. Ai-yara. that which is unun- leavened . Ait$. Aiwu. hard-heartedness obduracy.g. courage . illiberality. n. n. without missing the mark . pettiness. n. bosom . n. adj. . not frightened or fainthearted. sadness. incom- petency. adj. adj. Awon esin meji sare li aitara won yo. Aiya-fo. Aiyapa. without pliability. discomfort passionateness. n. unconcern not greedy . insubordination Aiteiiba.t. n. Aituw^ka. unclean. adj. Alwu. v. without investigation. equality equal. Aiwadi. faint-hearted or Aiwukara. absurdity crookedness. n. Aituraka. insufficiency . Aiw$. afraid. not deviating from the right way. carelessness. Alw$. unceasing not stopping not laying life . inactivity. Ait$. not anxious. unpleasantness . n. Aiye. n. uneasy. n. . wrong. adj. earth . wildness. Aiwd. inexplicable. notice. Aiya. . n. or adj. Aiyat^. unbent. v. undivided. i. Aitete. time of generous. Aiwa. . triviality. Digitized by Google . Aituninu. (eggs). or adj. slowness. ungodliness. Aiwa. adj. or adj.t. unanimity . world . or adj. Ait^run. discontent. not digging or pulling canoe.. dismayed. integrity unseparated . lack of humility. soothing. smallncss. to be panic-stricken. n. untamed n. n. influence. littleness. that which is uncomfortable. n. n. Ait$ju.t. not understood unintelligible . not Aituloju. or adj. Ait$s6fin. Aiteturile. Aiya-lile.— AIT . Aitdtun. not crooked. lifeless. of care. . amiss. see Altetyrun. or adj. n. n. adj. n. oneness . Aiye.i. unleavened bread. n. heart chest . condition . n. to fear . n. dissatisfaction Altetyr&n. A it6. AitayQ. Altura. n. globe . n. n. n. Aiw$p$. . Aitarayp. unpraised. breast . scarcity. or adj. neek to neck. n. pass Aiya-ja. to be discouraged . ness . . that which is untwisted. Aiya-la. n. or speculation going beyond. n. not surpassing or an unweaned child. reign. propelling not a time . inattention. " Two horses ran equally. v. 22 AlY Aiwa-bi-Qlorun.e. n. e. desirability. Aitujfi. Aitumo. n. non-observant. state . n. v. Aitonkan. n. to be fearful or illegal. lack of smoothness or levelness. a straight aim. want Aiwol$.oradj. Alt$. one urine. n. or adj. slowness. Altutu. Aiwe. Alto." Aitase. inclemency. Aiye. . n. pirate. n. a jackal. Ajalel6kun. Bi broken off . n. Ajakale. creeping plant. Ajade." whirlwind. n.. n. Aiye-titi-lai. having the bottom Ajambaku. forgery. uppermost floor. n. to give the walls a polish . n. —— 23 Ajadun. Ajaku. impropriety . n. pet dog. adv. see Aigbd-aiy$. elephant. n. spreading wide. Ajagun." Ajaiye. infectious disease. an epicure. wretchedness. for ever . an epidemic. Aiyera. Ajanaku. n. a parrot. n. Ajadi. that which cut and Ajala. attic. voluptuary. voluptuary. world- Ajakale-arun. . also called ljakum{>. Ajaby. Digitized by Google . voluptuary. inconvenience . a narrow escape. Aja. lap dog. Ajai$. Aiy$. . also called Ajara. sea robber. Aiyelujara. struggling Aiyes$. Aiye-jije. dishonesty . adj. sensualist. " Surely them to in magic in and said all kinds of medicines travel he who n. immutability n. sensualist. n. n.g. alapata ba pa eran. sometimes used — in conversation for betrayal. immovable steadfastness. inAiye." in pieces.. insufficiency . resembling the wild vine. igbesire. one who discovers or detects another's cunning. n. nsoro si. n. — . 44 When the butcher kills the animal the retailers cut it Ajadi agb$n li o e. n. escape after much fighting. or adj. a lewd fellow.. a neck-shackle. an amazon enjoyment. a dog. a mishap. kills Ajako will also a suffer for it. Ogbogbo Awun ni bi ajako. deficiency. n. eternally. AIY Aiyederu. persistent strug- Aja-lgbula ni pepeiye fi 44 Persistent nsegun adie. adj. Aja-igbula. yoke. a female Aja soldier. Ajalu. a dead-set. gling. n. "You are betraying yourself. n. e. soldier . stubbornness. n.g. n. warrior. consistency .. n. awon alagbata a bu u li ajan. n. a sistence. Aja. unchangeability. title of honour among the hunters . Ajan. said to carry persons into the wilderness for from three to nine years to instruct Ajako. Ajaje. Ajagajigi. e. n. worldly AJA n. makes the duck conquer the fowl. perforated metal coins. n. adj. n. stability firmness. Ajagbyn.g. n. fraud.g. firm as a rock or tree trunk. a fairy. adulteration. Ajagun-obirin. Aiyipada. meat cut for into small e. world without end . Ajaga. fourth in rank to the Olori-ode (Chief of the hunters). Aiyekdty. It is rubbed on the walls of houses newly plastered with mud. Aja. is per. inexperience decency . n. Aiyeraye. n. spoiled (as string). pieces sale. pleasure ." n. n. Aja. Ajakuby. ceiling. g. or by a fellow-hunter. a sorcerer. ft. ft. Aj$gb&. propeller. is a vegetarian. much name parents or ancestors. e.. disease) from Ajas$. or adj." Frogs are always rude and disorderly. Aje.g. w. the chief of the Oro worshippers. healed). Ajeje. oko IJni ru ajej6 li a gbe imu aso " The ode ko nla. ft. Ajebf. % Aj^gba ni tik$nk$. ft. a witch. difficulty victory after the native . a petty wholesale trade . ft. ft. a stranger. a hound. Aj j. ft." Ajegbe. ft.the rude and disorderly rejoinders of a multitude of people." It is a superstition that if the child of the deceased does not give presents to the mourners and others before carrying the ajej6 he will die in misfortune. This packet. ajao. a hunting dog. paddle. hearsay . Ajao. of cloth. with large wings. ft. ' How could I come to my farm without i3 cloth ? ' there are (i. called Ajej6. What business has the farmer to bring his cloth here ? The farmer says. false report romance.. is • holes like a colander. Ajere. all the deceased's hunting materials are packed up and carried on the head by his child. Ko se eku. used to dry meat in over the fire . one who makes profit > a winner. a pot with many holes in it like a sieve. n. Ajanft. ft. ft. red earth used as paint or pigment for the wall tinder (for loading a gun). a calabash bored with many Aja-ode. Digitized by VjOOQIC . a trial by ordeal. —— 24 . it also edible. AJE deposited in the bush by the road outside the town as the closing ceremony of the funeral. ' ' the ajeje will not prosper. used in washing away the sediment of the locust fruity and egusi seed. " The ajao is bird. in the obsequies of a hunter. n. Ajapa. two sides to a question). ft.ft.g. a nocturnal mammal like the mouse. a garden herb called for its sweetness. ft. when Aj$f$. ajanapa li kili wa li ise oko. w. Ajere. ft. " Whoever * partridge says. Aparo jare o mu 159 Ajare aparo lp. Aj$. ft.e. Ajebd.g. Ajefowo. so* Aj6. the act of eating meal without another's suffering the consequences. money the goddess of money. Ajara. ft. . a carries foreigner. Ajeji. ko se eiye. effacement (as a wound or cut which disappears for Porto-Novo. who parades and dances about.. AjaSQ. a bird-snare made e. oar. e." neither rat nor (Applied to one who is neither friend nor foe). a medicinal plant used for curing sore breasts . ft.. . a nickname given to the tortoise. Aj$. ft. and is used in rubbing houses to give the walls a gloss wild vine. that which is inherited (as manners.—— AJA AjanapA. e. . ." Ajiroro. witness. adj." The vulture consumes the idol's sacrifices placed in the public streets without a com- one who eats the dust pie)." Ajinia. n.. carnivorous animals. the ejection of what has been taken (as poison) an emetic. Ajigba.. heir . ungratefulness. Ajin. e. " Good n.. darkness . food left on the plate midnight. humble suffering. n. tyrant. " God is the source of protection. daily n. theologian. having eaten to the full . Aj£l$. Ajinde. an antidote. n. Ajenia. Ajisa. Ajepo. n. n. Qlprun (as li AjewOTO-gbado. Ajesin. adj. Aj$nil$re. n. consul. Ajinita. one who trusts in Providence. journey . adj.n. morning. solicitude Ajd. n. that Ajewo imp Iwe Mimo. existing. ajiri o. Ajogun. Ajiri. n. Ajeti." Ajekehin. Ajln jin. n. Ajd. robber. act of rising from sleep. Ki Ajepa.. Ajib$t$. granivorous. routine of Ajige. O di " Until the morning " . n. resurrection ." or " It is Ajekun. " There will many be — Ajeran. a which is put on charms) every morning for protection. n. Ajfna. knavery. Ajese. n. n. Ajini lohun. Ajerun. ajinde 91a ki o je. gluttony.g. Li ojo ajinde igi a da. remnants after eating to the full." for the person serving. n. Aji$eroro.g. a confessor. n. depth of night. n. man of Ajewo. business. Ajera. see tjeri. Ajifa. n. e. ——— — — 25 . n." Ajisinsin.. thief. n." A prayer used in bidding good-night. profound silence . n. poisonous prickles. a horse eater. unquenchable. one that eats grain or seed. carefulness . kidnapper. i — e. satisfied. n. ]£ ku ajiri. shopping. the act of squandering. deputy. n. n. one who sits . e. a grass Ajoko. n. foreign land. n. to chew the cud. the act of being employed daily in sweeping. bankrupt. Ajil$. inheritor. the last course of a meal. n. renewed youth. oppressor. n. Aj^ AjO Ajijadu. swindling. a concealed matter concealment. n. n. n.g. v. a kite-like fish with olori ajisa.g. AjibQwaba. eater. n. Ajigbese. testifier. e. Ajidewe. . debtor. the act of spending daily expenditure . Ajeiiiniya. n. a scrambler. morning. anxiety . Ajesf. an evening salutation. " May the rising to-morrow be possible. n.. e. a flesh eater . man-eater. Digitized by LjOOQIC . wonders on the Resurrection Day. " There is profound silence. ingratitude. n. cannibal. a leisure. zeal. petitor. n. Ajdkfi. agent. . n. Aj$kl.g.g. n. marketing. Aj$y6. Ajegb6 ni igun nje 909. n. a mutual combination . operation . corporation . w. co- Ajumose. scaffold. n. not n. meeting. ti. Aj6parun. Akabe asp. a conflagration. drinking together. n. staircase . n. mess Aka. con- be very timid." banquet. stairs . supported by four sticks. ti. Ajulp. see Ajoniparun. Ajppin. assembly . sanguinity. n. festival. correlation . retaliation (in Ajp-aflyesi. joint AJ0$e. Akaba. combination. n. congress . . n. n. conjoint action simultaneous action . act of eating together . senate . Akaka. AJQ-alade-ade. Ajpje. ladder . thrower Ajo egb^. co-heir . 26 AkA n. feast of the passover. n. that which consumes by burning. Ajumpjogun. n. blood-relationship . n. n. kola of superior quality that cannot be peeled while fresh. a mixture (of persons and things).. pocket. said to nership. n. AjpSQ. council committee. n. n. " Houses contiguous do not easily catch fire. the pole is on which while Ajord. akin con- Ajumpsepp. n. n. n. that which is thrown. eternal. Ajdpa. Aj6ran. much musketry. a convention. that which escapes burning remnant left after . bargain . conAjp-ilu. Ajuba. agreement. vocation. n. companionship on a journey. Ajpy$. Ajprin. e. a volley of Aj6ku. e. . squatting. Ajumpdapp. the act of catching fire. Ajojo.. Ajoniparun. Ajonirun. a storehouse built in the shape of a V. Aka. stipulation. used in paying dowries.g. a mutual conversation or consultation. or sitting cross Digitized by Google .— AJO . Ajumpsarole. it will simply couch until it is killed or Ajp-irekpja. labour. a newly-cultivated grass field. n. Ajufu. participation in joy. Bi ile ko ba kan ile ki ij6 ajoran. a garner . Ajphun. n. Ajpm$. company meeting. n. fellow -heir. the name of a tree. ti. partspendthrift . n. that which makes mine better than yours. for if sand or dust is thrown on it. consumer. n." Ajp. — . when it is found in the bush. Ti. n. n. ti. act of dancing together. gress. n. n. Ajump. partnership. the hedgehog . steps . unanimity. co- Ajobi. Ajoyin-ibon. n. cooperation. Ajp-igbimp. Aj$w$-pani. n. containing three or four apartments for stores . fighting). cloth wound weaving. feast . O tiju bi aka. an assembly of princes and delegates diet. AjumolurapQ. n. Ajusf. n. n. AJQ-ipeJQ. picked up. Aka. granary. a hired assassin. Ajpmu. of posture the n.g. n. " He is as shy as a hedgehog. a fletcher. a fancy cake made to imitate a net.g. a hard bean cake used by warriors for pro. —— 27 . hears of waits to (said Whenever he my war he never make at provision. a broken calabash. ful^. him any Ak&gu. see Ajako. adj. n. n. a charm. IjJja akaraku. a wafer. a carnivorous bird vulture." Akata. akasu Digitized by Google . special . n. . n.. Akalambi li a n ipiy$ li ogun. air he Akalambi. a soft cake made white beans and okra. n. Akangba.— AkA -e. addition. to a large loaf . adv." of a busybody who rejoices troubles).g.. a penitent. Ojo li akan lojupup9. Akara aw^n.g. a whitlow. — . AKA Akanu-e$e. a wheelwright. Akankftta.. n. a boxer. — activity " Akandun. longer. Akank$k$." as " fish " is used for " bad. Akapd. n. may be. Ko gbpd9 na mi. Akan. n. e. Akan$$. n. a ki igba ile baba eni lowp 91U. lapata." Akaragba. cake. n. rather than that also only not otherwise written Lakise ( IjJgoa). quicksightedness. *' He dare not flog me. a ladder. or bowl potsherd. the act of encomn. a lump of agidi for family use. " The is the father of all other loaves. n.. Akanti.g.. n. Aka^e. akase ko ni J9 ki nsis9 fun on m9. " You squat like an elder. n. Akasp. a cooper. " A sack is used for booty in war. e. and no one can deprive a man of his father's house. a crab . on war expeditions. n. Akaraba." Akam$. it Akan " It bad or good? " is good " . Ojo is very quicksighted. sack. a word much used in conversation for " good. Akala.—e." Akakun. n.. cake made of mD* maize.g. wood used for rafters." . . " No one can cure a monkey of squatting . Bi on ba gburo ogun mi " ki iduro din passing. Akara. n. e. enclosing or surrounding. Akaraku. an unavoidable or unexpected occurrence. only he will not let me work for . a short garment from the neck to the waist worn either loose or tight. Akara adidun. n.g. also an epaulet. Bi oku ba ku laiye akala a 1x19 li 9run (akala a gbe 9 run 1x19). nimbleness smartness Akaso ewu.g. n. — visions e.. n a harpoon.g. n. n." e. n. . n. Akanse. Akan. n. n. akan ? " Is ni. a round flat fish. Akara. " The vulture smells the carcase however high in the Akaia Akara of felefele. e. also called §}$)§. Akasii baba 9k9. n. n. bread. a treasurer." A ki igba akaka I9W9 akiti. Akanrun. n. . n. a sweet cake. a shipwright. another's Akara Akasi. a bag." order made uncommon. IW9 dakaka y$k$t? bi agbalagba. a maker of bows and arrows. " Ake. one who loses his signification able . n. n.— AKA — — — . an old hoe. Aket$. that which is cut on the ear or edge. also skin. — much indulgence. n. Akatd. see Ake. . n. Qmode nra bi ti akatd ko.g. e. n. a pupil. Akilo. Akayin. Aketi." Akeri. a reader. Ak$. n. a learner. $ ku akesi mi ana. abbreviation. a sofa. hatchet. n. a plant used for washing .g. Akesi. a spiteful man. crier e. a new hoe . a catapult. student. n. e. adze. n.. backsliding a back- — . efuru ipe. n. a bypath..g. Akewi. — 28 — . a reel of cotton or n. n. n. n. Ak$ju ba omo rere je. AkekUTU. Ake itule. Akete. Aketl. n. a carrier ot loads. .. a hater.. the act of calling upon or visiting. a cross street. Ake?e. " However well a child may crawl the akatd it. Akeru. n.. ajara. Akepa. O fun mi li ak^ ewure kan.* Akawe. parting salutation farewell. the act of cutting too short.. n.'' will out-crawl Akawe.. proclaimer Akede ko jiyan gbigbona. n.g. Akerd." Akehinda. slider. Ake-ja-ona. uncut. e. called the scorpion Ojdgan. n. n. n. ' Akata. " A small bed will not hold two persons. bravery . too Ake-kun-oko. a hat. n. " The public crier does not eat warm food " (because of his liabihty to be called away from his food). a sea-gull . . . parmetaphor. Akeke.g. n. n." Akete inarasi. a transporter. a e. " He gave me a large she-goat. bed.g. turning the back back to a falling off . an abbreviator contraction .. Akatampd. n. Digitized by Google . n. or adj.g. e. a bard. also for sauce . a brave person. " Tnank you for calling on me yesterday. . n. n. Aki. Aket« kekere ko gba enia meji. " Too much indulgence spoils a good child. public herald. Aketun. a creeping animal. a kind of raw cotton. a striped frog with smooth Akerekere. e.g. n. n. n. e.. Akerekere ojogan fi idi ja akerekere ko se idi ni Ibd. similitude . comparison of matter or words . . one cannot hide a scorpion in the hand. branch of a tree. n. a broad-brimmed straw hat used as an umbrella in ancient times a commoner might not use it without special permission. the leader of a trading caravan. Akere. axe. vintage. Akede. pickaxe. ' AKf " The scorpion fights with its tail . bough ." Ak$ko. bush rope used for tying rafters together a large she-goat. n. a . Akawe. Akayin ko mo " A toothless pronounce man 4 ' cannot efuru well. a lane. analogy . teeth. n. n. Ak^ju. bedstead. Akeso thread. n. se po. time . summary mass . " Rags disgrace a handsome man. touched with an axe. n. rags. e. n. an inheritor. n. a tree. n. a pedlar. completing . a strumpet. a barren mare. n.— AKl Akify. of seizing with the — 29 — . a creeping plant with a pod like a pea. a woodpecker. taken. season . an observer of the time. Akisa. a star gazer." Akisale. Ak6gun." Ak6k6. Ak6ku. Ak6p$. Akiyesigba. n. n. n. an astronomer. n. gathering . n. tliick mist. Akim$le. a branch of the palm tree. n. n.. n. exact time. Akokd. Akiyesi irawft.— e. Akololo. Ak61e. one threatens. n. AKO Ak6fa. ape. Ak6jpp^. n. collector . A setan g§ ni iwp de. a a authenticity.. a draught . " You came just as I was ready. n. admonishes or warns . a monitor. . n. genuineness. w. rough sew- Ak6ra. Akiri oja. Its leaf is placed on the head of a new king or chief as anointment. Akodi. the act of observation or discernment. Akoba. also called tkodl. Akodilo. menaces. Akirita. Ak61e.gr. the act of pressing down. Akodi." Akoko. e. n. the remnant after a large quantity has been O Ako. generality. Ak6p^. Ak6. ki iti ehin akisale wure. n. n. " One cannot bless the gods without using the word Akisale.g. " Henceforward. n. Akokd ti mo advertiser of goods. collection. mi. n. a wanderer. a man hater. Akisa ba enia rere j£. the flower of which is sucked for the juice. bringing to a point . claws. n. n. rule .g. and tying up ing. n. n. infection. Ako. a transporter. n. stutterer.g." Akiti. restraint . monkey. n. n. one who meets with unexpected fortune. n. or Akiyesf. room . termination. n. Akorira enia. a hawker.. an task-master. n. undeserved punishment. control government . a wholesale purchase. a ki in edun kan igi akoko. a rover. a pedlar. . The tree is so sacred that it is never used for fire. accumulation up. Akdbi. together. a stammerer. n. Akoja. n. that which has been taken over and above surplus. the act of gathering . Digitized by Google . Akify fun who denounces. reality. Akobia. e. continence. n.. an Akini. Ak6jo. a fishing basket used to catch shrimps. Akoi. the akoko tree must never be tried with an axe. Akiri. n. n. Akiri pol6w6. a house robber. AkOSO. Ak6ran. fog . n. n. chamber . n. Akoni$i$e. piling one who salutes or welcomes. overseer. a visitor. " (The strong man often perishes for want of warning. Ak$ra. numerated. the first reaped fruits. completion entire removal. minstrel . amanuensis. n. adj. see Akora. Ak$W&. scabbard. " A boar. first sold. stock. Akftu. n. n.a scribe writer . iwo Akoto. Ak$le. beginning. " A bull." Ak<J. Ak$w6. superscription . n. perfectly built. n. Ak$ ol<J>riin ej6. first cut first mown. without virginity. n.. " ise iku pa You may you dare not speak.g. totality. a brave. Ak(Jka.— AK6 ——— 30 — — — . n. O nsa fun iku. the year.g. Akowaba. which is met Akos^ba odun. Akijka. (See Abo). a teacher. Akoto adie. n. warbler songster. " A sword and hides himself in the scabbard. ni akoni. eyiti by chance. rains. Akorin laini elegbe o dabi eni lu asankan agogo. constructor. first made beginning . n. instructor tutor. a particle denoting Ako Ak9 first. n. e. o bo si ak$ ida. n. Ak^tan." malu. the foremost. commencement n. clusion.g. infants). n. Akogbo. that which is taken first. Ak6tan. n. e. n. male (applied to creatures AkQ QJ$." Akojewosile. n. in con. first possessed. n. bearing. Ak$ni. Akdtini. n. first fruits. Ak(Jkan. " He runs away from the ko gbodo wi. n. n. n. see. an apostate. e. out of ... to . elede. Akole.. a fowl coop. a swan . a sheath. Akoluni. clerk . the first . comer . first instructed. Ak$r$. strong person. n. address on letter. bold. " He who first waits for chance will have to wait for years. a singer . first arrival. secretary . AkQ?e.g. first bought. perfectly Ak$t6n. builder ." AkQ. direction . see Akoba.g. e. the act of imparting too much knowledge. AK() Ak$ni (-lfko).) Akorin. the first counted or Ak$SO. n. first owned. Ak<Jbi ni first Qse Ifa) superstitiously supposed to be a bad day. combatant . n. n. contender." e. . first . Out of the frying pan into the fire. n. ije e. n. a timber tree. n. n. first born is due to the owner." (c/." Akode.) singer without an accompanist is like the tinkling of half a pair of cymbals. n. an assailant. that rain of the of AkQS$b&. commencement.g. n. ti Ak$bi. n. invader . Ak6ti. it is that which is the death of the strong man. . every fifth day (a and e.. Iwo iba. n. n. day previous eleran. " The swan with a snake-like neck. Akoni.g. first fruits. Digitized by VjOOQlC . Akogun.. Ak$. the first-born. n. w. " The Ak$r$. n. sold out first . Akogi Oniti. n. a broken calabash or gourd .. first ripe fruits. Akota. Ak$mu. attacker. Akufi li o nda. fellow-worker . n. Alabala$e. brimful measure). partner in fishing or in killing.. Akunsinu. Alabinuku eni.g. supervisor.) Ala. a journalist. murmuring. a eunuch. enemy . a grumbler. Akunnildrun. Alabagbe. deceiver dissembler. a kind of bead made of n. pur- chaser. dish. n. a partaker . the author or compiler of a dictionary. random. Alabapin. n. n. ." Akufi. Akudin. Alabo. ticipator. . shell. . " The wearer of a white cloth never sits in the oil Ak^we-ihinrere. white cloth. who adds or blesses blessed. stupid person. a garden by the water- side. nothing will come of it.. a sluggish. per- secutor accuser. n. n. Ak$w&-ijar$. flatterer. dream . w. annihilation. Alabagbele. an impotent man. ala ki ilo joko ni Iso epo.gr. narcotic. n. n. leaf of given to the goddess Qbatala. e. Digitized by LjOOQIC . Alas? Ala. n.g. Akur$. occurrence. defender. Akurete. Alabasta. an historian." AlA. land. a prefix equivalent to Oni. a painter. an evangelist. Alabojuwd. 31 alA e. Alabase (-pp). n. a hypocrite . . n." — market. mer . par- room a cell. Akunbo. Al. n. who is believed to foretell events. term line of demark- Alabdsi. suoeourer. confine . a deluge adj. a bard . the young the shea butter tree. n. name AkukQ. (fun). n. n. a fable writer. n. n. Ak^we-irohin. Ak^we-itan. a messmate who partakes of the same . n. Alabexe. n. Ak$we-i?a-ro-jo. n. an inmate. Akunw$sil£. nkan ko ni se. Akun. spector. n. " One who has. n. soporific. Akuntan omi. " The heart of the asapa fears no axe. n. adv. boundary . . n. one who has come to the age of puberty. Akunrun. a fellow-traveller. one . a closed.— akO — . overflowing. . Alabapa. Alabnkun to. Akurun. Akunyungba. protector shielder . (applied to dry n. n. Alabapade. total n. a dealer in needles possessing needlework. Akumalapa. Akura. . n. n. e. private n. Alabo. alabaster. " He is only giving threats. Akunse. destruction . Alabarin. corrector. n an oracle . vision. extinction . You cannot touch pitch without being denied. warder . a cock. n. fortuno casualty. flood. mark ation. drum- partner yoke-fellow . colleague. sleep-causing. in- Alabojut6. threats. precinct limit . w. high water. patron . hit . Akudin asapa ko komnu ake. a customer ." (c/. n. n. n. luck . chance . n. the heart of a tree. muttering . one Alabaje. Alabara. n. . n. brazen-face.. »AlMojut6. recluse. a person of ruler . n. sus- a heretic. an angle. Alaketu. n. n. Title of King viz. one his who speaks on . n. one who prepares maize . per- Ti 6j6 ti §run ile aladi ki ida. n. n. Onikdyi. a Google . A1M$. a neighbour. n. nest on the e. secutor. n. or promises. hence a king. Aladugbo. Alalia is baba father Aladaso.0. Qba Yoruba. n. Alagba.. n. a pilferer . n. n. Alagbabys n. rival. peace . fuller. AlM^hinti. superintendent. a . n. Alad6. e. n." Aladawole. one who owns or bears the sword or scimitar. n. n. n. Yoruba districts. of own n. n. Alalia." Aladimft. Aioranmo. Alake. pretender under- Alafihan. one on whom . an impostor. Alagbamo. accuser. a voluptuary. responsibility. Aladi.01owu. . flavoured. one who owns the palace. AlMo. Agura. king . A sir. Digitized by . stem a AlMos$." or its owner. dyer of fancy cloth. expositor. Al&ga. a despiser . Aresa. Aladehun. taker. overseer. of Qyo. Alabusi. Aladanu. n. w. a washerwoman. crevice. imitator. n. n. the small black ant that builds its AlMojudi. — . a loser. . Aladamo. Aladugbo ki ida ola. formist. Alad i. n. respect or honour . Alade. the chairman. a betrayer . Aladasi.— ALA Alabukun. contraction of Alawofin. one who presses a point unduly. Alagbada. nurse trainer. meddler . patron. n. con- temner. n. w. delicately Alafale. As^hin. prince . revealer : traitor. aromatic. n. one who upholds or of tree. Aladiye. n. n. Alad&TU. commentator. n. poulterer. a a Aladawole-el^tan. supporter . a dependence is placed tainer . weal bliss. con- adherent.g. a diviner . happiness . n. observer. busybody instigator. one who shews . n. the royal family consisting oi several persons who rule over different Al&fin. ravine. n one who bargains Alafiyesi. valley. friendship. — 44 welfare e. Alafarawe. . . one who deals with familiar spirits. Olugbon. the tailor who makes 44 the agbada. AlMowfra. w. " petty thief. n.. AlMo igun. Aladire. Peace the 91^. n. Olu. a confounder.g. filcher sustains. " The aladi's nest will never be void of inhabitants at any time of year.. Awujal§. Aladagbe. groups an open space between a vacant space . an architect mason. one who is lead away with a mistaken idea . 32 ALA Alafaram$.n. neighbour needs not take leave until to -morrow. an elder. Alagada." Aladun. n. or adj. n. hermit. n. Alagbafy. health . one who bestows. not frightened. beads made from God . fearless of God. adj. Alagb&TO. potentate . Alagbere. hireling . Al&iS$.f/. . 33 ALA Alagbede-ide. Alaiberu. visionary. Alagbede-baba. Alagbata. Alagi. one who is unsteady . tale-bearer. a wood-cutter. . Alai. a mighty man ." Aiagbara gbogbo. n. undismayed.Alagbe or that which does not. dullness lack of cheerfulness. n. thrown down unpaid not flashing unbroken. An attribute of minded fellow. e. a brazier. a desolate person. client speaker . n. hus- crates for fowls. maker bellfounder a watchone . Alagb^de-wura. unadj. Qyp. kd ku li . owner of a flock. n. n.. spokesman . one shells. Alagbeda. a brass worker. a goldsmith. a cutler. dauntless. . adj.the neighbourhood a neighbour. n. lacking in stability . orator . . heavy tongued. smith. cheerful. — e. n. " A beggar'jM'never perishes from want in^ Alaiberu Qlorun. unwilling unloving not winnowed. not sorrowful. ploughman. Alagbase. . an immoderate fellow one who does acts unfettered. Alagbede. unsound on credit and eludes his unceasing unreleased not creditor a clever rogue. . Alagbede-fadaka.g. Alaheso. AlagOgO. foster parent instructor. in either gold. . untied. Alagbard. n. un. journeyman. Alabawi. palm nut Alagd. adj.— ALA Alagbamfra. fearless. lead or iron. slothful. Alagbede-abere. adj. adj. bandman." Alaibanuje. who owns or makes n. . loose. one who buys unwell Alaida. a smith who works Alaidi. n. Alah$n wuwo. n. . n. labourer . . adj. Al&gbegbe. n. n. w. . hawker petty trader . mercenary . advocate. living on the Alaida niji. Alagbe. n. n. Al&gfdf okan. n. Alagidigba. " If a powerful man ill treat you smile at him. hero. . a prefix signifying " one Alagbata ftin. Digitized by Google ^ . bound. Alaidur6 Ulokan). an advocate.. a selfish person one who appropriates. Omnipotent. adj. Alagbede-obe. a strong ablebodied person . a horse dealer. . n. n. n. AlagO. . n. . Alahoro. n. n. adj. ungodly. tyrant . adj. Alaide. a a coppersilver- Alaifa. adj. next land or farm. silver. n. Alagbaty. a needle- Alaidorikodd. n. of supererogation. Bi aiagbara je 9 ni iya ki o fi erin si. n. not sluggish . Alagbo. a beggar. . who sells bells. maker. n. smith. adj. Alaidaraya. busybody scandal monger. babbler . n. Alagbara. n. nurse . Alaibeie. Alagbede-oje. vendor. pedlar . a leadsmith. n. a haughty- n. Alagbaso. tongue-tied. not begun. n. Alaigbo. hard-hearted feeling Alaile. Alaifoiya. boundless. Alailabawon. ALA n. n. unlearned Alailadun. one unable to fly. Alaileri. Alaibukun. Alaihuy^. n. Alaijoko. Alaigbagb^. adj. n. Alailomo. adj. adj. a sceptic. adj. spotless . lack of food. adj. compulsion. Alailera. Alail$p$. lack of surplus. fruitless Alailobirin. an or inattentive. a filthy. without contra- obedient unbelieving . impotent an invalid. oc?/. Alailere. Alaim^-Qlorun. devoid un. an un. Alailodi. untattooed Alaimft. blameless. adj. Alaik$. n. unbroken. Alaity. that which is not clean . . est. one who does not understand . carefulness. adj. illiterate. lawless. unmurmuring. adj. n. dateless AlailakOSO. Alailewa. n. endless limit. Alail6pin. unsweetened. inter- Alainyesi. dis- obstinate. neglect in attention. unblest. an infirm. . unquenchable. spotless. n.. one who does not understand another's language a barbarian. unprofitable un Alaigba-iwa-Qlorun gbp. n. n. Digitized by Google . a bachelor. necessity . n. adj. Alaigbodp. an infidel. Alaigbojuiun. Alailodi. AlailQW$. non-observance non. lack of limit or Alai£6. solicitude. n. ignorant person. Alaim^we. adj. heedless. want of or rest- Alail^glxjn. an unwise Alaikiyesi. polluted thing. n. adj. attempt or zeal. . not floating. less. ugliness. spinster. Alaile. . unripe. n. . sinless.immortal . lack of solidity r strength or firmness. un- built house. unbeliever incredulous person. fortless. childless. not expansive fined. a just. adj.observer. an ignorant one. drowning. adj. Alaile^. defence- Alaigboran. adj. fearless . unmarked. . adj. Alaijeun.. profaneness of sanctity. person. ALA Alaif $. an unlearned or uninstructed person . See Aifd. discountenance. Alaikola. worthy. Alaileso. . . n. Alail$ko. n. adj. adj. adj. diction. un- merciless. Alailabukun. n. Alaigbagbo rara. adj. n. n. Alaim$. 34 conAlailajd. n. Alaifiyesiojo. Alaifd. adj. Alailana. end . want of govern- undated. barren. . n. person . . adj. callow unfledged. Alaiku. n. without beauty . n. atheist. n. uncomeliness . adj. without anxiety. n. Alailala. or rightoous person. Alaikun. circumcised . . unthankful grateful. n. n. Alail6fln. daunt- ment. adj. less. sainted . non-residence lessness. an Alaigbede. or adj. Alairoro. want Alaisi. wanderer .the owner of the world. one who ceases to be . or adj. Alakaka wegb^. Alaiw^p^. uncooked . n. " by ordeal. n. adj. n. or Alaimu. an apathetic lack of sympathy. Alaje. Alajemn. an anxious or zealous person. person Alaiiuse. dough. Alaiy6.g. pator. one who would not Alajppln. incivility . n. or adj. an ment Alairiwi. uncaught. or adj. Alaimuragiri. a bold. one who has no power of perception. philan- thropy. monarch. n. unwearied not Alaini roju. an unregenerate person. 35 ALA Alaigododo. a faithless Alainigbagbp. adj. an unrighteous or unjust person. sharer n. n. an orphan . Alaiye. a glutton. Alajapa. Alajeki. n. an ungrateful person. adj. out of a situation. stagnation of motion. a thoughtless. raw. an unthankful person. partici- speak. adj. want of respect. deceased. . or adj.. n. a needy. that which is not found or received. . Alai$dto. n. n. n. Alainiie enia. . Alainir$. cavil . fatherless. Alairi^e. n. n. extraordinarily rarely. Alajd. an absentee Alaiso. Digitized by LjOOQIC . untrue . n. . n. person. Alaje. n. Alainireti. one who performs trial e. Alaittinbi. n. one who eats. n. that which is not baked . n. Alaise. adv. a nickname given to one's self. idler. Alainibaba. Alajey6. one who despairs a hopeless person. Alajppa. Alaiye. a petty trader who generally purchases at one town and sells at another with small profit . n. tiresome. Alaimoye. void of austerity. Alaimore. Alaj$. a slovenly or slothful person. Alairo. a vagabond . a partner. n. n. n. Alainidi. n.. king . n. indigent person. daring. unjust . one who is hungry. n. — aiya. n. Alaiya lile. n. n. a gourmand. an intruder. Alajapa ko li eran li A petty trader has no flesh on her chest (wears herself to a skeleton). n. conformist Alainir^. Alaj 98$. having no end. nondisagreement. one who publicly an inexcusable person. n. n. n. Alaini. one out of employunemployed. dissenter . Alaimu. n. . n. one who eats to the full . Alaiyan. . " - ALA Alaimoyin. an unfit or unworthy person. n. a badger. Alait$l$w$. n. not acting uprightly. or hard-hearted person. a spendthrift. Alainipd. . denies the private kindness of his benefactor . n.n. n. not drinking. dull or sluggish person . a barbarian. ». fellow hunter or fisher. one not valuing kindness. . collector gatherer . " He who has only his eye (brow) for a cross-bow can never kill an animal.g. Alakbre. Alakele. Alamu. a disobedient person. one who shortens . a small bird which lives p$ns$n o ni bp o ju ni lp ise ni. lobster. n. dent . an eft . n. a bride who has lost her virginity. an achiever. ruler. conjecturer. a li lizard. Alakatamp6 oju ko secret observation. Alakprin.g. has just A left here. n. Al&nu. bricks . Alanabaj$. user of sleight-ofhand.g. abbreviator. a spider e. n." Alamgba. a retailer of small articles or fruit. Alakele. Alaleta. a solicitous. Alaket$. Alakpri. n. restrainer. Alakara. Alakesi.. an observer of time. Alakekuru. Alapa. concern secret. " noisy weaver who imitates Alakele. n. also called n. " When the spider intends to attack you. a merciful or gracious person. Alakojopp.g. necromancer magician . baker. . bad dreams. a ragged person. so-and-so. e. Alamprin sese kuro ni yi. the Alamp. n. n. n. a beginner. the king of Ake. n. a kind of lizard. contractor. n. rere. . a tarantula Alaworo sasa. the head weaver. Alakp^e. Alantakun. a dreamer. Alakiyesf igba. a of Qbatala. he whose name is not mentioned but understood . n.. n. n. crawfish. Alakpbere. AlA n. n. e. n. musician. half . n. Papa li asa awunso bi alakele. AlA Alakala. a hatter. n. Alakoto. n. one whose mind is disturbed about the issue of things. n. n. Alamf. n. a kind of small snail. broken pieces of old mud walls . Alam$ owner of the best title clay e. guesser. . Alaniyan. a ta ka p. n. —— . e. n. a visitor. Alakojo. confectioner. n.. Alakun. n. — le e. 36 Alalupayida. n. hence the chief of the ?gba kings. Okd . n. ruins . Digitized by added. reaper. n. an unfortunate person. Alala. ?gba land. pa eran.— . bi yio ba p ja. Alakoso. n. It said." Alantakun nla. Alakatampd. ' So one who is stronger than another is accustomed to " act towards him/ Alamu kekere." Alake. the anxious or prawn. a spendthrift. accumulator. a cross-bow man.. anxious person . .. Alam^rl. Alakoti. Alantakun. Google . master. n. Alakisa.g. n. Alami. n. "A large stone on figs. one having a mark. Alakoja. n. the king of Ketu. ibi " So-and-so n. nla so alamgba eniti Alaketu. part of a thing Alansasa. n. n. singer. rubbish. presi- crushed (being thrown) the lizard. Alakaga. controller. a spy . guide. n. harvester.. he surrounds you with — his web." capital of Alam$ri ni ti ri ? " How *' does that matter stand ? Alamprin. n.g. expositor . Alasodim. that Alaf&yan. Alarekereke. great talker . an agent employed in arranging an engagement to marriage.. containing divers colours . Ala8a. n. a promulgator. n. Alarekpja." Alapeje. Alasotele. n. n.'* Alar&nse. Alap§re. pectively. n. n. Alapandede. . n. Alas^. Alaru. Alapon. n. — 37 — . painter. Alasa.. which has blue. n. n. Alase. n. n. Alarinka. 0tun alasa. one having no farm. e. one who takes pains a careful laborious person.. n. captain of inferior rank in the army. n. commission me. n. n. a talker. a butcher. Alafa. but all of them profess to sell (tobacco as wanderer. agriculturist . e. an exaggerator. Alaraje. n. preacher. a predictor. Alaroka. Alapata. n. Alara omnira. alleger buUy. f Ko snuff or tobacco. n. Digitized by VjOOQIC . adj. multicoloured. . n. n. cook. chief fourth third res- Alarena. a petty trader.— —— AlA . carrier. one who flinches. " The butcher pays no regard to the breed of animals. double Are alasa. Alaf&ra. Osi alasa. peasant.. Ta alapa fun mi. si alasara ti ita igboku gbogbo nwon ni ita oyin. bearer of burdens. n. annotator annotation ." Alafard. Alarabara. n. and (Second. sweet as) honey. the host. who Alarisa. n." Alarinjd. n. fricassee. porter. n.g. thinker contemplates. a timber merchant. Alaso. a purchaser for family use . reasoner . elector solicitor. n. Alapdlo. a transgressor. vagabond. a prophet. e. a brawler. yet the yam he buys must n A always be large. . a helper. one who invites to a feast . the swallow. n. farmer .) Alaf&. Alarun. a saddler. a title . the owner of a shield. a free person. a student. n..g. Alar6. Alarinkiri. Alaseta onje.g. n. e. rover. Alarukiri pja tita. n.g. . a dyer in blue . a dancer. one who cooks and sells food. a pedlar. a quarrelsome person . Al&rl baba asp. Alapata ko mo iru eran. Alar6ye. " Alarl is the prince of decorations. publican. a isu ta bi igi. a dealer in e. " No dealer in snuff likes to confess she sells bad tobacco. a retailer of liquids. Alasuta. n. Alaraje ko mo odun. an apothecary. n. Alapon iwe." Alapakd.g. a dealer in cooked provisions. one . " Prepare a fricassee for a middleman agent. Al&ri. complainant . Al&pa. vagrant. n. a describer. tiller Alaroko. e. a compounder.. " man of the town knows nothing of seasons for planting. ALA Alarob$. n. variegated . a dyed red cotton cloth of African manufacture. n. n. an invalid. n. prevaricator. n. n. Alasoye. a sick person . n.g. rogue dealer . Alaw$ pupo. e. one who buys on credit. n. Death is common to all. n. Alawika. that which divides. n. " deals in china.. ruler. one excess. one Alaw$ who puts a meji. and go away. Esu yio je.. a proselyte. adj. n. Digitized by Google . helper. Alaw$. n. n.. that which breaks. Ala$e. n. n." — 38 Alftwe. that which has form. mediator. Alagika. colours. n. esu yio mu esu yio lo . n. n. ALA mourner. Alawirin.— — ALA Alafgju.. Alaya. Alatf. a borrower. busy- Alageran. preceptor. e. Alatunse. as an agent. a kind of pot . n. a conjurer of spirits. e. Al&w$m$» Alawigbp. the owner or seller of clothes . obstinate person. reformer. one who cannot speak intelligibly. n. officer. how much more will an ordinary * person not be left behind ' (c/. one who imparts. a finisher. umpire. n. Alaw$se. AI&99 ar&nta. witch. n. also called Alawiye. or is divided into halves. colours. shape. n. Alaseju pere ni ite. currier. n. sorcere-.. selfwilled person. Al&takd. drink. into sections (as kola. a kind of grasshopper. who goes to one who purifier. n. Alawpfin. a convert to any religion . see Alawika. n. a weaver. a dealer in leather or hides . n. Alawiye. a finisher. or colour. Alasetan. skinner . commander. alatampoko yio wo ? " The locust will eat. n. oniscgun yio re orun. Alaseleke. one who explains a matter perfectly . Al&sepe. Alawo.g. Alatimpoko. see Alafin. Alawo a ku. n. n. one who speaks Alaso. many Alatunse ile. Alatil^hin. Alate.g. n. an obstinate. n. n. an opponent. the medicine man will leave the world. who .g. one who fasts. or orange). n. having having two matter right. Alawin. n. wizard. a steward. n. Alas$hinde oku. n. Alaya meji. a heathen priest . one who perfects a thing. a hatter. n. n. a faithless or Al&feparf.n. tale-bearer. a salesman. Alawin. an executor. adahunse ko " The ni gbe ilo. nibo li Qlosanyin. Alaw$. tanner . n. n. n. Alawo. one who possesses or Alawd. n. one fellow. Alat$. n. also called Agbada. a man with two wives. but where will the grasshopper conceal itself ? conjurer of spirits will die. " An obstinate man soon falls into disgrace. nomadic Alasiso. influences another for evil a pestilent body. a married man. headman. Alaw$meji. n. or can be broken. upholder. supporter. repairer. n. a kite-like fish whose prickles are very poisonous. goings . ft. being It is Aldya. Alo. onion . a pursuer. Alotunldsi. combustion. one. ft. ft. ft. anyone who steals an enigma . ft. fruitful trees. an inferior person. a miller. Al$. n. ft. a drummer who uses the drum called bata. this. worn thread- Alogbosakun. ft. bare. ft. ft. Al$. a talisman put A16hunsi. a concubine. al$ to. an abscess . . etc. scissors. a furbisher. one who gives chase. Ale. beacon. a baker. ft. ft. ft. a bead -grinder. alive. ft. but obstinacy would not let him hear me. a plant. Alemu. Alore. guest. Alebu. Ale. a prosecutor. the act of chasing and capturing. a beater .. Alikama. one able to use both hands equally well ambidexter. n. this one. Alkalamu. ft. Alnbpsa. Alayan. Ale. a chilblain. na fun u e. see Kalamu. extorter. watch . ft. Mo se Alukama. one who takes pains. Almagaji (or Alu-). a look-out . Al6p£. spire . is them from with. a bead-maker. one who gives chase. ft. ft. pro. Alubara. Digitized by LjOOQlC . ft. nippers. wrestler. is worn out. foreigner. Al-Kurani. that which worn out polisher. a plant. 39 Aldgb6. hard or stiff. ft. Alaye. Alubata. Al6gbe. ft. a corn-grinder. also written sugbon ori kunkun ko je ki o gb9 temi. ft. Al$l$k$. ft. stranger.— ALA Al&yan. or banishes. that which lasts or endures. Alejo. a voter one having a voice in a matter. besom. . to pre- a left-handed person. used. Alepa. an alligator. ft. adj. Alayi. ft. ft. name of fire .. Aldsi. a bat-like cudgel used for beating and smoothing the floor of a Alo. a spirited horse. second-hand . ft. driver . ft. Al$. Al6f$. ft. Aligarima. n. that ALU which n. a persevering or persistent . gibbet spy . Alayanje. Alegujade. an exorcist. . leprosy . living." Afygi. a cheat. a kind of yam called Agandan. alien. " I warned him. ft. ft. tight legged trousers. departure. ft. Afy. n. Al$m$. dem. a district . somersault. grinder. that which is grafted into a tree. ft. wheat . evening. eventide. n. n. The Koran.ft. ft. unjust usage. visitor. Aldku. an extortioner. . broom. n. a goods thus marked. selector. ft. a warning. leek. ft. ft.elector. . house . ft. A16huns$r$. Aleni (-jade). also Alegba. on goods exposed vent for sale.g. a kind of physical exercise . Al$nil$w$gba. evil treatment. not new Alongo. tampered believed that the talisman will cause misfortune to befall wear and tear. scar or blemish. a riddle puzzle. Al$. Alayanf$. Ale. that which makes strong. an oye. Alukembu. a breathing into. n. a beater. used to go. food flour. lyrist. sleight-of-hand. n. face uses the dun. grace. n. n. n. a stigma. assassin. a beater of the calabash drum. Alikama." Aluki. e. n. n. organist. n. discrimination. Aml-$gan. a sigh. n. Digitized by Google . . a brand.g. n. a slender prickly plant. Ami. n. Alupayida. used with verbs. damage. deception. shrewdness. necromancy . agreement. Iwo ama an I9. Ama. n. a dis- stirrup is the father of the saddle. an omen. . n. distress. a beater of the drum dedicated to Qbatala. mole. harpist. Ami-ibi. a spring lock or padlock. Amodi.. . n. Amin. pression .) aluki. " When fire burns the bush it avoids the * (A superstition. slight sickness indisposition. omen token . an executioner. n. note Alukembu baba asa. n. . Alukd. Amipy. Amewa. a plant. an unintercepted blow or knock. n. comma (. Aluwala. Alusin. . n. Alufln. Ambytdri.. n. a lawyer . Aluja. a shaking together. a drummer who drum called dunfiddler. promise. n. imindication badge n. n. adj. a judge of beauty. sceptre .— ALU Aludundun. . part. Ami idnro or isimi. particle denoting habit or custom. Amohnn gbogbo. So be it. 40 AMO of the forearms. n. n. Alukawani. Ami $to. n. crafti- ness.). a jurist. Alugba. Bi ina jo oko a bowo — fun aluki. n. a portent . n. a priest clergyman — ablution. Amofin. n. n. bargain. who crouches dreams. a stirrup. Amape. the frame on which the door closes. made being of yam Alugba.n. a thief in hiding.. Alukoso. Aml-lbere. Alufa. n. the washing knows and law . n. Ami-alore. one who the all- Aluse. Amfkan. n. Alwila. what else. " The Ami-abukun. perforation. semi-colon (. wheat. a brand. e. n. Amala. fever . n.* e. professes n. staff .g. a . a prisoner. sign . spy emissary. cunning. Alunipa. n." Amala. conj. n. " You of presbyter. a note of interrogation (?). Ambosi.g. Amen. Alukama. a spire. Aluni. and mouth of the Mohammedans before prayer Aluduru. called. Alugbin. a beater of the drum called koso. knowing. Alum^kfryyi. n.' " Aluki. colon (:). interpreter AlugQ. . accustomed to be called. n. Ami. a moulvie ecclesiastic . a species of woodcock. feet. misfortune. sign of royalty. Ami Amisi. n. pauses or rests in music. a criminal. . a smiter. n. n.). full stop (. a beacon. . scout visage .) . Amdkun. a diver. Am61e. Am^ran Amuni. an historian. li e. Amunileru. used for healing swellings or tumours. kidnapper raider. Amuj$ wewe. n.n. Am^rawp. magnifier. n. Amdjukurd.— AMO . adj. Am$we. Am$na. n. panther. Hence jama Ije am<J>na). n. guide . drunkenness. Amulumala. Amope. Amp. AmtJ . n. n. one under trial by ordeal.. opportunity brought to Am$. tank . Amulepa. . Amu.n. argil. foreknowledge n. n. pretended knowledge. Amu-onn-?e ijoye. . incurred by the a family or neighbour . fork. . Amupara. con- ductor. Amd. a conjecture. Am$tan. a thief-catcher. Amohuntobi. Am$. mesmerism. next year . although. an assassin. the act of seizing one also n. n. previous cognisance.g. a sheriff* Amupada* n> restoration. n. n. fiery. Digitized by Google . n. means that which one. n. rara. Amu-omi. a return of the season. Am$k6k6." is Amuba.. tidy person. a maker of earthen pots potter. water cooler. an slave astrologer. n. n. n. (See hostage for debt. Am^^ n.g. Am$m$tan. that which is to be overlooked. Amona. ledge. Arnold n. a counsellor." influences another. Am$tan. clay. a hook used by tailors to hold cloth when sewing.. a captor . Am$t$kun. imperfect know- Am$di. n. species of leopard . Amdre. a medicinal plant. a smoker. restitution. " A counsellor who sets matters right.) Amuga. n. n. a cistern. n. drinking to stupefaction.to plunder. Amnnibinu. n. n. vexes or teases. Amuran. n. wilfulness obstinacy. n. leader . n. Am^se. Am$ja. n. one who feels and acknowledges kindness. one who knows the cause of the affair. n. a neat. notwithstanding. . confusion. Am$ran. a guess. da mi put amu . " Mase Never me n. n. . to confusion. n. Am$dun. w. Amuje. n. n. a medicinal plant with very small leaves n. plunder. n. but written ama.one who provokes. a large water pot set in the house to keep water Amura. a builder. a knowing person e. conj. a learned man. or soldiers who plunder. n. the sorrel. n. — 41 cool . booty. though. n. an astronomer. for debt $mu. a student. filter . Am^roro. n. one who mowe ni ilaja oran. conj. Amukoko. a grateful person. intermixture variety. Hausa. then. n. a conspirator. Am$t$l$. Amunimuye. Amukan. Amubina. a scholar . AmujJ. one who prepares for an event or occurrence. n. girdle . interest e. Anfpe. or adv.. Apa odd. fruition profit . . . Ana. n. pity compassion clemency leniency mercy. a dis- full possession. Antete da yanpan yanrin sile.) Ann. a plaything trifling.g. " The antete causes a stir and confusion. n a bird's wing. Apa $iy$. Antete. . wasteful pack rope the string of a drum a roll n. Aniani. . a scar on the face ' in like after a wound. a cricket. tobacco . superfluity . even Apa a§0. . n. . (-ami). . n. a fragment. "Soand-so came here. n. A ri ti eni mp wi a fi apadi bo tire who knows about superabundance. angel. also called " Orikl. — . mole." . or adv. 44 Ko se anfani. n. a sleeve.— Amu Amure. . . Anam$. perfection . . n. a selfish person." wing bough Apa. . a flattering title ." Anijn or Anileke. Amuya. mark scar . Angeli. n.g. infectant. a famous or honourable person. n. Apa Ogun." ease . so-and-so.. . conj. n. being rich in everything. n. a squanissue . Amuwa. n." Apagun. n. doubt . . sweet potato . n. . an estuary. impression trace. e. name. kind of lizard. gain — a prodigal . a potsherd. — 42 . Mase fi oran yi se andpla. e." (Used to avoid mentioning the derer. . n. (-of Aniyln.gr.. n. nook portion aside. small n. person . ultimate product. n. Anfani. Apadi li o to ina ko loju. an even you you (emphatic). Ani. n. Anij$. a recluse a person or beast that avoids others. . Anid6pin. Apadi. benefit . n. n. (uncut). n. Apada^ehin. Apa. n. n. And^la.g. relatives by marriage. n. n. n. Ana." e. uncertainty. Anf-enyin. Anitan. complete possession. n.. but he covers his own with a potsherd. Digitized by Google . APA Anperi. Amanita. . advantage convenience . n. It is not easy. (-baba). load. Aniyan. Apa OJU. sign .. you yourselves. n." . liberty . AnikanjoPvU. . a backslider apostate. . Apa fa)9ara. emolu- ment. an oppressor. yesterday. pro. also side. wing of an army. n. called " 6dunkun.g. n. Apa. n. see Ql<Jk$. see well it . a lavisher. " He another's fault how to talk Aninilara. arm pinion department part . . roll manner. completion . n. a thresher red Guinea corn). parents or relatives of wife or husband. — e. — e. .. carefulness anxiety Apaka care. Apakan. " Do not trifle with this matter. license . n. Amngan.n. anperi na wa. " Nothing but a potsherd can face the fire. n. seizure of goods in lieu of debt.g. . ]£niti zone . Anikanje. an antidote . n. rock. cannibal . jest ." Apalo. a small handbag made of grass used chiefly by women. n. main effort. a meeting. persevering Apa-ohun-mo. keeper . apata ni igba 'ni logun. " With its mouth the partridge proclaims its fatness. it says {i. a side or page of a book. . destroyer . Apata. a riddle maker enigma tist. n. Apara. n. . board . Apak6. a solonm ApeJQ ironu. n. Apam$. Apanilara. the act of Apejeun. lampoon . sign mark direction . hair de- Apalara. ." Aparun. n. obliteration . ** or Apejuwe smith li ona ise. one who excites to laughter. n. Apapandidi. or adj.. a guest eating with one anothor. klkl ora.. a throng." Apele. Apata ri iku kehin si. n. n. sum Apara. banquet. Also called Qpa. n.— — APA Apakan . . n. n. IJnu li apard fi npe ora. marrow cucumber. e. Apani or Apania. n. a bald one. title of one who an assembly. toothache ApeJQ. iro. buckler. Apata. or artisan always follows the pattern. e. the total in reckoning total. . n.. gourd. Digitized by VjOOQIC . . nothing but fat. n. a mischief-maker. n. Apejuwe li alagbede e. n. n. man-eater. Apanilaiya. pattern sample. a massacre. keeping observing . shield .. fly from it. Aparun. . . " He an Apalo pa who makes a e. Apdna. one who frequents. adj. aboli. defacement gation . n. se- Apap$. n. n.g. detriment injury. " When a shield sees death it executioner killer . Apard. n. Apapandodo. stroyer. w. a bully. Apako. the partridge. Apanirun. a settler of matters or disputes a .g. Apejuwe. force . —— 43 APfi Apari or Apari $]$. caricature .g. Apari baldfi oju di abe. a cane . n. Apalo. barrenness. n a destroyer utterly hilates. n. trade of tolling riddles. n. an assembly. hurt . plank floor. ono who or anni- destroys Apata. Apeje ase. Apanije. The tion.e.. decider. n. n. hunter assassin . n. . n. assembly. iwe. n.g. n. one who destroys utterly. Apari. tita. n. a crowd. a ni klkl ora. . homicide. meat offered for sale. abroApar$. Apara. the bamboo. Apanil^rin. e. medicine. that which is added ." surname. A is wound for sale calls . (does but) turns its outside {lit. murderer.b&ck) to meet it a shield is a protection in the front of the battle. n. n. its cry is) nothing but fat. the act of stretching pins on which spun cotton .. Apati." not . mockery. Apeji. raillery . vegetable Apala. a feast . one who does injury. " headed person does not care for a razor. . a clown. that which is thrown away or put aside. n. creter.g. n. a walk between cultivated beds in a farm or garden. n. Apoti. n. a pillow-case. pattern . n. n. Ap6p6. one who pretends to be fast asleep . Apeja. a sack. Apola. one who adver- bag Apoko. apparatus. Apinti. n. a title of honour the 016gbdni. the bladder. a tinder and flint Ape. . . Ap^re. bag . n. n. Apiwp. " By degrees one understands a sign.g. signal. a footstool. n.g. Apoti ifura. Apere agbara. antidote against a poisonous arrow. . Apeiye. n. a plunderer of farms. n." Ap$T$. original . not previously done. Apdti itiSQ. Apoti oniwe. Apd-it$. n. iron. n. a Yoruba pot used as a Ap$. stool box chair chest seat case. relics remains. n. n. e. n. a sign . a separator which divides paths. Apere Apere aiye. a letter bag envelope . a ki iji apiroro. Apor6. Ape>fe." e. " It is easy to wake a sleeper. Ijaje enia ko di Apoti asara. n. treasurer. Digitized by VjOOQIC . cashier . n. Apolowdgun.g... a quiver. . pod. Apilese. Ap6ti iwe. n. Aponla. a snuff box. treasure box." Apiye. Ap6po obi. that Apinya. an assembly. an antidote. a gleaner. n. Ap6. n. influence. n. accuser . . — 44 — . the globe. leather box. letter box or pillar box. the mouth of his complainant. n. n. $niti o sun li a ji. sale. n. a kind of drum. n. n. a piece of wood. direction token . APO closes plaintiff . a clapping of the hands." a . medicines for oja. Apeta. Apile^e. treasury . a smelter of iron. n. saucepan. Aporo.. caterer). n. a basket . a beginner. a fisherman. n. Apolowo for sale a crier of goods an advertiser. ifiyesi. . the chief of the archers. Apokiri. n. . n. n. " A rascal never Apow6m& n. n. Apdfln. Ap6ti $ri. adj.. carbuncle. Apop6 aran. enu apd. isana. n. Ap6ti awQ. a mower. " A pod of kola nut. . n. a cardboard box.g. Apiroro. n. a furrow .. but bench . Apeta. one who provides or supplies i victualler. bag containing fire . the Ark of the Covenant. a log tises sample. one who among Apo Apo secretes. n. . form . sack. Apesi. paper bag. n. Apesi. one who pretends cannot easily be waked. speciDie die li & e. men. n. " A piece of velvet. n. n. first production . also called agb$n. n. e. knapApd. a piece . description. e. n. shape . n. pocket .—— APE ApenileJQ. one who shams. keeper . bag. a fowler. mo ap§re.g. portmanteau . n. Apd iwe. n. an instance Apo-luku. n." Apese (-onjej. Apohunm$. Aporin. n. n. tripe. g. to feel soreness e." Art." Ara thunder. Ara ibikannfi. Ara mi gbekan. an expression used to approbation at express another's disappointment or failure. mother's Arabirin side. pain. n. contraction of rara. —— — — 45 " . side. greater abundance dance." 9. n. am sharpens. e." Arabibu. iyekan. at all .g. " My dear brethren. an aunt on the father's side. fashion . n. n.g. 1<2 mase pa not kill ara. one going before a predecessor. " I Ara have '. the cud. apft?. by fifties. a co -inhabitant. &d<Jt$ta. as Ara da 9. inhabitant . n. diligence . a drawer ot water to sell . e. a female relative sister. very when ground . Je mi nibe ko kere. n. ono who mixes paint. " It serves Art. etc.g. n. Aponmita. e. Ara iwajn. n. n. a body . n. san land. n.g. Aponhn. Artjd. Ara. form . islander. n. the bird called ara. a member . the cud.g.. v. an unmarried person." Ara. n. matter substance . " I do not see my relative.. a cajoler a wheedler a flatterer. mango slimy tree called Cro. restlessness . v. kin . custom eyi ? . e. e. Ap$da. to be clear. or adj. n. n. n. Artd^ta. n.g. n. da.t. recover Ara mi to to be well . Digitized by . a bird." Ap$ju.) Also used to express disappointment. Ap$j$. busy here and there assiduity . n.. ]£nyin ara mi. brethren. relative on the a female mother's Ap$n. an oath.** Arabirin iya. try . Arada. kind . the cotton tree. a water-seller." e. e. Ara r$ ni. or the same kind. mixed with water for " palaver sauce. one who whets or . ' ArA fashion is this ? an idiot. " This is its kind. n. Ara gbekan." — . part superabun- been going there frequently Araba. e.g. Ara da *' You are disappointed. repetition Of journeys. n. same yesterday. n. Ap$n. . or " Your expectation or hope faik.. " It thundered — — you right. ArA. a limb .g. n.t.g. " I am well or I . and used Arabirin baba. hulk..— —— — AP0 Ap$d&. . Araba nla 9019 a gb^ni gb&ke. a bird with a red beak.. a female relative on the father's side. Ap$nni. " e..g. relative . Arabirin pbakan.. trunk . " To chew the . e. adv. or flesh.g. relation . the fruit of the wild axe together." Ara. " I feel sore.. a traveller." Aradado ile. n. n. " Do Ara $ran. 9 Emi ko ri ara mi." or " You an as deserve it. " A large araba receives the handle and the Ap$n. persistence. clear (of blame. adj. Aia erekugu. indus. an aunt on the Apon.." Arada. kindred .. Arabirin. a bachelor . n. eiye ti ije e. n. Ara kili " What Google . n. weatherbeaten. a foreigner. n. Aralumiian. Arara. n. n. same as ara. vagrancy. adv." Aran. palm Arandun. worms in man or beast. Arankan.. n. . tales. n. one belonging to house or family Araletd. . helper . n. Aramadnr6. an inmate..g. n. Aralu. n. e. e. a diminutive person . Aralu mi ni.i. bushman . pron. Ase v. Arara. n. Arale. Ari. Arar$. one who is slow and sure.g.) — — . Aranifu. decay of mental through old age delirium dotage a dotard. exercise of occupation or any kind to afford pleasure or diversion from work. distinct as pran ikoko sebi on li a rnbawi ase buruku o ku ara ifu (or ara nfa eniti o se buburu). " Velvet gives a Ara-oko. wholesale purchase. place or country. bird. a carnivorous Araya. n. Aranmu. e. . my fellow -country man. right in dispute. Aranmu. undone thyself. n. pron. n. a person who does wrong secretly must ever be uneasy. notion . faculties . by fives five in a Baba company. n. finish to dress. a countryman. cf. n. n. Aran ni ipari 939. play . Ar6. Aralukanna. n. Aramim$9$» adj. Aran. an inhabitant a Aranmpju o?u. " It is he who injured himself. dwarf . For other relatives see *' Arabirin.g. n. a kind of close country cap. n. On li o se arar$. n. communication help^ Aran^p. " Ho who has . a townsman. Aranwn.g." . a male relative brother. full moon. a foreigner without Aranbata. a spinner.g. Arawo. e. Tortoise. n. n. Aran$G.. Are. used contemptuously . velvet. to be uneasy under the sense of wrong doing to be suspicious. a lie . — clearly- one who cannoo having a .. — — 46 ARA Arak$nrin. n. speak n. but Are is in conversation though nevor in writing." Arare." Arakpya. (Taken from ^sop's Fable of Hare and n. n.. . ARE secretly committed a crime supposes others are talking of him . country place . diseased nose. liveliness.g. weariness caused by pain or suffering. thyself. malignity . — . Iwo4t Thou hast li o se arare. n. relatives. Arale. nse aran. a tailor.. e. Ararun." Aran. " The father is a dotard. assistant . Properly Ere. a villager. n. n. Arede. e. Aran. n. catching infectious . dates.. Arakpnrin ajpbf. one who lives in a farmer . a kind of fruit from a tree . a shoemaker. much used Digitized by Google . " He is contagious. n. adj. of enmity. contributor. inhabitant of a town or country. pigmy. . a nephew." Aralu. n. himself. clodhopper. malice . n. Arampri." Arannilpwp. n. n. Ari. one who prunes . gladness . n. weariness. n. noise . Alibanije. Arinyika. n. still- Arekunda. n. n. and Ar^regbosun. Digitized by apparition. a is tree. cheater swindler. n. . Ar in j 6. Ariniy^. n. n. as " bi arira. medium mean. — — . . n. one who is fond of fighting. n. n. Arinka. fright . is subtlety. . n." Ard. . terror apparition. a traveller. first in rank. n. off n.. disturbance. roguery fulness . one Arira. wandering about . the commander an army satire ." weakness Ar$. fright . cloth. Aredu. raillery ..g. ranhun. c/. noon -day tide. middle centre Arin. n. the wood of used for planks. a one Ar$nije. Arfya. Ar$. chance Arinnf. flout. n. " I am older than you. adj. n. . Arinna. a general of . Arinkiri. . who sees or finds. perfect silence ness. . a Aridan. n. male or female. Arekenda. yet the inside very hot. . n. . which see. . Arfwa. gibe . n. often used with bi. Google . n. n. a tree whose fruit is much used in medicine for babies. n. Lukutii. a small bird with red feathers . Arijagba. and. joy . the surface. cut who circulates. n. unfairness perversity . terror hue . eldership . roaming. n. contraction of Arekakanfft. in Ijebu. . . noonn. ranhun straggler.. . Ar£nu. a time -server hireling. Arinjd. n. . exact time. n. Ar$ mu mi. n. rheumatism. — 47 n. Mo se are iwo. languor . the state Are. n. one who gives a welcome. double-dealing .g. Arinkiri. n. n. a dance. " I am weary. Aridiji. defrauder is . dishonesty . one roams. n. scofE . that which is seen or viewed for the last time. Arinkd. Ar$mo. a heavy blue -dyed n. art- anything very hot. who Arekakanfo. marshal. Aregilpwp. n." AT ere. . cunningnoss wiliness . n. field gardener. Arin-QJQ. circulation . AriWO. Ar£ Arekereke. also called Itu. e. Arisa. of being older chief . bustle . sarcasm ." Arimp. . one who comforts or consoles. . brawl broil . outbreak clamour tumult riot . a wanderer . trees . ARf Arifi. Areni. " Though the pap is cold on e. faction . all-seeing. a traveller a pilgrim. n. Arihungbogbo. n." meaning" as thunder.g. which principal e. Denge tutu lehin o ngbona ni inu bi arifi. similar to a cakewalk. the eldest child. literally thunder. Arin . n. deceit. anything that rejected. dread . fatigue . north. merriment. Ar ere. uproar .. n. e. a petty tale . ArOfQ.. a market place on the road where travellers halt . a gobetween. Arowa. one having a withered limb . Sooner or later matters will mend. n.. n. n. " You are passing without saluting the smithy. n. n. a wrapper. Arp. n. n. sin arpju ni " Strictness in refusing to give out goods on credit. Digitized by Google . . Aroye-odi. n. . a an invented tale. ArI Ariy$. n. exchange. a title of honour among statesmen. n. n. storynarra- morning. loquaciousness. Ar6. controversy. " The hearth does not always bear its load. n. Ardty. barn . humour n. forget not that your ' ada will one day need sharpening. Aronu-run. n. a small bird with glossy blue feathers . change. is better than strictness in forcing the payment. a cripple. a rumour . a granary built in the shape of an inverted funnel. Ar6. garner . allegation. n. n. n. n. brothers or sisters Ar6 (aba). satire teller tor. one Aropodogiri." (i.g. a fish much used in idol worship. by slavery. Ardka. a kind of calabash used as a quiver by hunters. a farmer one who tills the ground. Arolu. a fire place . n. o ko bere bi oju add re ba ku. n. n. Arb ki ireru ki o ma so. plaint . n. n. comAroye. reflection on painful occurrences. expostula. Ar^ju. excuse . Ar6ta. Ar$.. Ar$. explanation . e.g. Arokan. Ar<Jju du ni li awln 9Ja. . a shrub. the act of working for each other by term. daybreak. strictness. smithory . and together visit one another's farms in turn to do it. a hearth . Ai6j6ku. slaves belonging to the same master . the god of smithery. stern-board. the overseer or head servant of a farm . n. Aroko. Ar6b$. n. san ju lowo I9.) — mud. AropQ." ' Aroje. a funnel. a pillar of stone or brick." far inheritor. Aro. tion . whim . contraction of owur9 wit. debate A custom farmers for prevails among combine that all certain work. advocacy . arithmetic. AR0 who worries himself into sickness. three lumps of clay set to support a vessel over a fire. n. a wrangler. the leaf of which is much used for leprosy. n. . advertiser . gladness. it will put it down. Ard. a canoeman's term.. Ar$. blue dye.g. a station. e. —— 48 . Arfc n. storehouse . Ar$. AroSQ. n. n. a place for refreshment . n. cymbals. smithy. newsmonger . the business of a newsmonger. n. Ardhin. plea . reasoning Aro. whim Ar6.e. n. O nkoja I9 laiki ar<J. Ar^-agb^df.. smithery. Arole. welcome .. heir . one who excites or stirs up. supposed to have only one leg. sufficient e. Arundilogun. mustiness . oju. n. distemper . dis- Asaba. n. See $dogun. n. ti just now. full. a destroyer . Asa. who Aru. Ar$po. a disease of fowls. the officer of the peace. one who succeeds Artyni. adv. Arultt. n. turbed and mixed together. another. a word uttered by Tetu. n. the batten or lay with which to press the warp. foulness .g. n. a disturber of the town. waster. Arugi. . Arunis6ke. Aran propitiatory.. Arun?U. takes over from another or is placed in another's position. pest. Arun-adie. Aroni. n. adj. but very clever in the knowledge of medicine." Arufin. one who urges. adj. n. n. complaint failing . ophthahnia. adj. one are just going. a side saddle. (in sacrifices). n. n. hysteria. stomach ache. tion. a stick is chewed. n. a wood carrier. n." Aruloju. a weaver's instrument. inflamma- Arun igiri obirin. n. n. n. Artmjeran. celebration . a disease of the eyes. the last rains of the season. Arukp. who tells ancient illness . a saddle . n. a prisoner. or adj. Asa. its fruit is not edible. See " Aruda.— . very old. ailment . n. want of clearness . niyi. a profession. perfect. memorial performance . Aruwa. a charm . n. adj. Aruwa a nip " We Arukun. or presses an invitation. a matter that will not bear investigation. a currier. n. n. e. a shield . a Arunni. n. perfect. — 49 . fifteen. Aran odun. five. rising to fullness as water in a well fullness . one stories as AsA malady order . the handle of a hoe. an old person . festivity. full of days . full . the act of placing oneself under another's pro- tection. Aran.g. a shrub used as medicine for the eyes . an elf a fairy . n. n.." Asa. Aruntu. a buckler . after which a curse this is pronounced is believed to be the origin of . " A l£bo arukun aruda. Arunwo. n. AR0 Ar^kin. n. Arulu. Digitized by Google ^ . Arugborugbo. n. failure . disease . n. n. diarrhoda with sacrifice. hysterics. Ar$kurd. a defence . always : preceded accept- by Arukun able. n. Arugbo. Asa. the fifth month of Aruda. . n. insanity. Arun igbinukun. perfect and sufficient the year. a lawbreaker. when he arrests a that which is dis- man for non-payment of the king's tax. the business of a carrier luggage thus carried. aged. sickness Aran. not clear-sighted . n. a grey beard. hour. Asena. one . Asej6. n. a listener. Asala. banner.g. feast. Ase ale. Asanw6. a cook . and serve another. n. a marriage feast. As&si. the act of emptying the soup pot at once. . n. vain . timidity . n. that which is fruitful. n. Ase ijo. supper . Asebu. Asemu. refuge of defence. n. n. one who disappoints.— ASA . a sifter. perfidious. n. Asiki. operator. Digitized by Google . n. entertainment. see Aslse. " the habit He of emptying once. n. Aseje. seo Asedun time. AsanwO oba. an escape . n. one race. a barren who runs a woman (a term of contempt). pottage. who stumbles. Asek6. a feast. or is unreliable . Aseta. a daytime Asar6. void . n. n. dinner. n." Asem$. As^. Asan. one who pays . that which is nearly caught and which escapes with difiiculty. Ase $san. n. Asedun ik$t$. n. n. Asalu. a fruit resembling the walnut. a pay -clerk or a paymaster. n. Aseni. burnt or overdone soup. Asaju. Asalu. n. having recourse to another for protection. n. n. luck. Asanbe. n. n. an unsteady person who forsakes his father to live with. Asehun. n. cooked medicine. n. As$. levity. li lk$t£. one girded with a sword. food cooked for sale . knowledge of another. one who Asia. Ase ik$gb$. n. Aseda. shrinking . the last application of medicine to a disease. n. prosperity. one ensign . n. n. n. Asanda. n. Asepa. pusillanimity. dinner . Asapam$. Asanle. n. place Asasin. Asase. n. disclaims feast. n. Ase.. Ase. a title of honour among the Ogboni people. n. see Astn. talisman . n. n. Aseppn. empty . charmer . n. confinement. colour . . flag . Asekd ewo o wi.g. o nje. a runner also called in road. n. n. Aseki. e. a strainer for fluid . a feast for an assembly." soup pot at . Ase." Asare ije. n. Ase iyawo. " Astire. n. cowardice . " What you time or hour would suggest. n. jelly . solidified soup also called Aseki. one who blocks the Asare. — 50 Ast Aseda obe indulges in his li doctor . n. overpayment. n. As&gun. paint . an animal like the squirrel. a banquet. n. an evening As$n. Asenu. one who is armed with knives. an absconder. also called Ese. one who gives a dinner. good fortune. n. n. n. a purser. Aseti. n. shelter . e. being much better only used comparatively. entrance . Ase. or success . stew . in hiding. Aseso. a large door gate. Asanju.. the keeper of a restaurant. Asinrin. controversy . Asogba. finally . n. n. scolding . n. . n. brawl . presents made to a king's messenger to be carried back to the king . (applied one who causes n. eniti a ba sp ni ise iku pani. n. nomenclator much used in a bad sense for one who gives evil Aspnija. . Asonidaye. . one engaged in making a wooden Asoje. n. n. fable. end Asoda. same as Asolu. that cannot be unloosed. n. quarrelling . ASQPQ. n. Asofeiyeje. musk rat. a prefix signifying one causes. n. a whisper. whom the the tale betrayer. same as Asingba. n. adv. n. in conclusion . a backbiter. adhesion of parte convoy. Asolu. n. a mimic. the bush tells no tales is . Asognnr6. a speaker. Asinnilpna. n. ASO Asop$. Asfrtftit. n. one who causes another to offend against or to break the law. final settlement. exaggera- hyperbole. loquaciousness . the act of overworking a subordinate. bite is said to be Its poisonous Asinrin. same as Ardka. Asodi. n. * a rat with a very offensive odour . n. a binding together . n. Asolu or Asom$. idiot . a talker. see Asin. consequently. Asoni. a kind of banyan tree. after all . n.g. nicknames to others. law-giver. a checker. Asinwa. only to ripening fruits). n. n. discussion deliberation tion. or one who pushes or makes another. . As$r$k$l$ bojuwo igb$. As$r$. n. river. n. the fruit of which is . see Aslnb$. thread or cord. Asfnidaran. Asingba. one who or that which quickens or makes who Asinwin. the other side of the Asodun. adv. eaten- by birds. fence. in hunting. he. " A whisperer looks at the bush. a pawn . in Aspb6tibdti. custom of passing on presents from town to town. n. fool . a knot of rope. ASf Asin. e. a wrangler. alive. generally preceded affray . n. n. Aspleke. madman maniac. Asogip$. squabble . tale . hyphen (-). an insolvent debtor who becomes the property of his creditor also called Iwofa. by Aslnwa the . wrangling . Asor$. n. lie . Asoka. n." is Digitized by Google ^ . Asingba. a whisperer. another to fight. also As$n or Asinb$. As^r^k^.igbe ki iro . safe conduct . Aspki. Aspnilorukp. Asinnije. Asinpa. agglutination. that which is hanged. n. Asdfin. As$r$-pni-l$hin. n. Asdna. tion . Asogbo. n. communica- Asfm^ra. a joiner. a prater. n. As$. to told. Asopa. one who keeps on the trail of the beast and thus hinders its escape.. n. n.. n. — 51 . Asinru. altercation a talker. one who keeps the enemy at bay. n. g. n. a miscellany salutation to asleep. n. evenlailai. n. evening . vortex. the gilding or silverplating with which another metal is covered. a rebel. used as a purse . " May you one wake. n. promises. gloss. a plain vegetable diet.. " The hawk having caught my chicken will not stay because it a public speaker. an eddy. a bargainer one . Asota.. whirlpool. n.. desert. a whistler. a revolter. mean villain. Asaju igbim$. man Asunwa. n. Asunwpra. annotation . a scout. unfinished speech. a babbler. Asowerewere. leaf or roll tobacco. a heavy spear or javelin used for killing elephants. Af&pa. Asagbe. AfaJQ oniruru. w. n. AsaJQ. Asaju pna. n. *' an old fashion. n. Asa indefatigable person. imperious riousness. an orator . n. Asa. a salutation to a sleeping baby. n. Asa gbe mi li adie VjOOQIC . n. e. n. who Asafojudi. a spokesman. overcareful person. sound sleep. n. n. a foreman. person . n.g. n. n. fashion custom vogue. nearness . an increase. n. n. prosecutor. A tide tion. slaughter. Asotan. a beggar. Asan ni mo je sun lana." e." Asunkl. Affinm$. Asun. . Asan. a forerunner. a pouch . . chief n. " I ate only plain vegetables last night. Digitized by hawk the swiftest bird (Tapa or Nupe people are is — noted for their swiftness). n. . n. it has done wrong. without sauce or meat. . an impertinent. proximity. Asonni. a clearer of the path a pioneer.. n. Asoti. Astibd. Asunji. n. n. n. a miscellaneous collec- comes to disgrace (or need). Asunw^n. a reasoning explanation . n. nitori ti o mo ohun ti on se. bargain. n. a spy . divination . e. plaintiff. a hard-working council. n. AsotfinSQ. hard-working man seldom Asalu. Aaalapa. dropsy . that which is collected. a harbinger. vagabond fellow . n. Asa ni Tapa eiye. Asanyika. Afurefunni. n. a small hawk . dusk . prophecy. n. n. Asaju. lawyer. a brickmaker. Afadehun. a falcon.g.g. the repetition of words. n. n. Aaagun. a runner or racer. agreement . n. A§A ko duro. e." Aaanpada omi. a small bag closed with string. perfect speech. — 52 . the business of a professional speaker. Asoye. n. a in called Apamo. twilight. n. flinching. " The . n. impe- Agufe. n. n. n. contraction of Asara. an anxious. Afa. barren and worn out land . Afa. Asuramu kd t$ b$r$. AsA. a shrub . AsQt$l$. one who blesses. Asami.—— ASO As$r$nigbangba." Asure. knows . A&al$. Asajd. n. a sleeper. " May you grow quickly and be fat. Asal$." Astiramu. also Asmikun." Afa (enia). a collection of things. n. massacre . a selection of words. Afara My. Afepe. Afeju. a persecutor.g. A§E n. also 01ob6. A$ePv» n. n. away Afawf. Asenunibinu. excess . any unprofitable work.—— . n. n. Afere. that which is done Asebi. same as A$eju. n.. Asehan. n." Afayan. n. that which is saved or reserved for future use. e. n. elect . an envious person. a statesman. a final action or engage- Afati agbado. wheelwright. A$ef ef e. a juggler. e. cogitation . . Asek^t^. one who envies . n. chosen . n. "One's enemy is in the back yard. — 53 .. one-sided statement of the case always appears right. a cast- supererogation redundancy. agent. ile li aseni ngbe. A$ar6. A ment. meditation contem- plation . Afoni. (A man's foes are they of " his own household. A^atan. n. n. a prefix signifying " one or that which acts. n. that selected. see Asepd. an undoer. n. an extravagant action intemperance . clear . A^enu. Aseleke. n. a A^ekun. pretext. n. a jest a joke. n. a Aseninibi. n. double dealer.g. Aseledeni. Afebipba. n. excess. n. picked out. Asegagd. A^elara. a braggart a boaster. . Aselu. inclination. Asawi ejo enikan se are. one who acts for another. A?ar6. .g. a disgrace. a shifty person . n. Af&tl. an addition . makes sport for others. a scoundrel . Aseke." . Aferu. " Playing with the young hedgehog throws it off its guard. n. perfection. that which is put aside or set at nought . n. a choice one . a cook. n. see Asaro. Aseohunjije. n. riddance. one who acts as a father . n. A?A a hard wood tree. supplement. n. n. but his destroyer lives in the house. a shock of corn. Asara. a stumbler. n. one for the last time. A$epe. Aseld. Ag&ya. Age pamv. unfinished business that which remains to be done. . together . l^hinkunle select one. ambidexter a Afemeji. n. Aselp. Affcpa. n. " . the leaves of which are used in curing smallpox .) wrong-doer. Afepd. Digitized by Google . a thing done for shew . pretence . . a final action winding up." Asebibaba. n. one who takes an oath. Agekun. . Ajefa. see Asa. n. n. deputy . a canopy over a rich man's corpse. n. rejection. that made for personal use. n. a Agekan. n. Afek$k$.. n. A968&. one who . li ota wa. a liar Afekehin. one who ruins another Aseltl. n. a swearer . superfluity . one who acts as a king a regent. . a guardian. e. n. that which is done partnership. n. n. A saya ki ije ki omo $ya ki o gbon. n. n. a buffoon. who falsifies. snufE. Asilp. n. Amen. enj oin . one plans. . perfection.. spokesman. cation. A$$gan. van- quisher. manslaughter. impreMuch used in the construction of other words. advocate. . act . who contrives or Asetpju esin. slaughter . horse- man. victor. monitor prompter. Digitized by LjOOQlC . n. As^kungbese. n. power .n. completion. . A$$. n. Asigbd. sneerer . n. one society. Asil£. Asigbpnl^." Asebaba. woodcutter. n. Asebo. n.ft. manmur- A$$gUD. beginning commencement. n. a person of great stature . dftn. accidental killing. n * mocker. disgraceful or unsuccessful action. a hypocrite. n. prefix signifying " one who offends or sins against. . one who removes to another place (as a hunter. wicked person . Afegi. Asewe. Asipa. conqueror . a lame person with a broken leg. A$6tan. Afeg&jfi. As^gita. Asika. a double-dealer. act of of removing to beating or another place. Aseteni. virtue hand. one As$sek$se. striking by mistake. conqueror . mischief-maker Asika. . n. n. As$rp. n. n. an author (of books). one who offends a father. consequence . . n. Aserp. who . accidental der. n. . . cannom . n. a dissembler. n. thus A$et£. an unwilling action accidentally done. Aseleta. A§E n. n. one who prevails against his enemy. Aseiyesate. precept . As$f $. an adherent. fisher. a thatoher. a coming to pass law . n. Asilti. n. n. A$$. funeral. discipline in- struction ding . n. showing sympathy with the bereaved. woodseller . a straggler. effect . n. n. a propitiator. act of transplanting. buffoon droll. n. a self-willed or obstinate person. n. Ase-egbe. As$S$. n. n. see Ad^bo. one with a broken commandment ment imposition . to administer the estate of a deceased person. Asina. A$esipania. manslayor . jester . biddocument . As$9$se. . a thing not completed.. joker jeerer n. Asetpju aiye. a small calabash set aside to receive the remaining palm wine after the large measure is full. a wanderer. authority . As$t$. n. arrears of debt. act of roaming about. Ase. A$etinueni. n. action. a failure. v. a giant. tyrant. n. scorner. offends n. menses. Asetutu. n. Agetl. or flock of birds). As$W<J. worldling. Asinilupa. groom. not brought to perfection Asenu Age eni. n. A$e. mandate doctrine. . n. command . Asinileti. n. Asikiri. n. or to take a share in the . . 54 prelude prior A?t Asehinde. n. n. giber . n. Afisori.'' As6r6. Afiso. n. mistake. Asp-iboju. a pointed knife. private matter. tormentor . one who acts violently upon provocation. n. n. . " Words bi o are utter. A$odi si Kristi. ignoramus brained. see Osu. a headstrong. blusterer. AsdgO. a morose. n. see Abosi. Asp ejika. dtosl k6 lowo bi 919^. a cloth worn by men over the shoulder. n. trade.g. a busybody. n. Afdrin. A§Q among eni. A$ipe. n. n. '* A pistol has not a bore like a cannon. n. if they fall to the ground they are broken (cannot be picked up). a spoilt child. spoken words A$iS€. Asp. Asis$. a changing of place. trader. a cloth worn by women over the shoulders. n. peevish person .g. n. n. man n. As. swaggerer. boaster." n. beggar one in trouble or adverse circumstances. A$or6. n. n. agent deputy. n. n.— A!?I . wilful. Asosin. n a left-handed person. a labourer performer. legislator. Asdwd. painstaker Afi$$. cloth. Asosi. a secret. spy. Afip$. sackcloth. n. a poor Asiwere.. see Aslso. Asoga. money . goods Digitized by Google . Aso n. n. petitioner . idiot crack- Asp adire. Asoju Asipada. a braggart. anti-Christ. n. n. is hard or As6ro is$ bi orp. n. emissary. 91*9 bale di eyin. are like eggs. a benefactor. n. n. obstinate person. n. Asdgtin. coiner. muslin any thin . see talking. n. madman . . rough. n. As<Jhun. Affrd. Asipa. Asojo. w. A$p ibora. black or blue cloth. Aflwf. n. as a rich. Ago dudu. merchant. Aspgbin. AJdf6*6. supplicant. — . n: cloth used to wrap in. Asdre. that which difficult. n. caviller. Asipe . Asp aikunna. . n. n. wrong ba bale a hard to f9. check cloth. n a pistol. AfO enia. n. a factor . a scarf. a veil. a loser. bad action . . Asdro. Asp etu. n. slip of the tongue. representative. ideru. a poor man. a title of honour the Ogboni people. Asdfin. wrong reckoning. Asiyen. n. n. beseecher. an elephant feeding alone. Asdfd. cloth clothes covering . so called from its resemblance to a Guinea fowl's feathers. A96. a worshipper of the god of iron (dgun) . n. troubler . pleader . raiment garment apparel. a planter. n. see Adire. Asisori ko ni ikun bi agba. n. a sour look. Asp Asp a sleeping cloth . n. law -giver . accountant. A$p f 41$f $1$. iborun. e. iff. a wizard. money Asow6. n. n. Asp apd.. has not fool . coarse cloth. Aglrd. n. n. one left in charge of another's affairs in his absence . Aso erin.. a coward. e. n. Ataty. sentry. the business of public prosecutor . Atafo. Agylu. the ridge at the top of . magistrate of the town. lutionist. e. forward. Qda. cloths or clothes in common use. . Aw irun. a dunghill. ft. ft. w. . manure. an enemy. ft.g. flannel . idiku. A§<? ATA Aw Aw idi-akete. woodseller. . A^pikubusu. baby woman's back. robe. Agbasi mu atan gele. ft. cloth with which a is fastened on a dressing-cloth. tita. Ataja. thumb or great Atampakd ko so ijuwe $kankan. n. white Aw Aw cloth. rain-cloak. one who entangles himself with many things a fully armed man. emissary. tamo . Aw Ata. vest. adv. women arms. Aw W» on n - A$0?9» w. — — 56 — . tarred A$0 $$. Af$16. ft. lint. somersaults. cattle every kind. ft. . ft. n. watchman. ft. contraction of Akitan. ft. e. w. ft. tarpauline. $gb$. Aw Aw Aw Aw Aw A$0 djd. ft. oja. n. tali. Aw iteledi. beasts of Atfna. " All his words are meaningless." " Continual sweepings make a dust heap. Onila. ft. everlasting. manager sentinel. n. hanging curtain . the act of passing anything round. ft. isinku. ft. A$9 ileke. curtain. . n. gaoler. a shroud. A$$ta. cloth worn by fastened below the that which goes from hand to hand . Gbogbo oro r^ je atam<> tamo. web. ft. anything pungent.) Atam$. winding . .. calico. one who turns watchman. seller of goods. pepper. ft.. Atakd. Ata. Atan. Ataiyeraye. ft. a revoa mutineer. tabu. hair cloth. stripe cloth with corded dimity. n. mantle. patchwork quilt. toe. Many a mickle makes a muckle. upper garment cloak. a small bird that feeds figs. Aw ilekeposi. ft. Atafa. w. ft. w. . ft. muslin. Atafo OJU. ft. spy.g. n. n. Atampakd. Atagba. ft. see Aw iw$l$. ft. A$0 inuw$.. pall. mourning-cloth. sail canvas. Atagi. ft. " The thumb cannot point straight e. Ata ijobi. ginger. ft." Atam^ra. Af$t$. w. sheet sheet Aw igunwa. ft.. n. cloth. A?Q igbokun. Atokanwa. commonly split and used for torches." ogbo kfkuna. coat.g. w. robe. ft. an archer. Ata. Digitized by VjOOQlC . linen." (cf. ft. . see Atare. always followed by jargon. ft. Aw ikele. confused talk. A$onibawijo. jailor . ft. Aw irepe. a resinous tree. Ataiyawa. a revolter. film cataract. cross examination. . blanket. Atakiti. house a palm oil drum. ft. towel. a tumour on the finger nail a whitlow. Atajateran. ft. ft. damask. Ateteda. that which created. . at$ lu mi. first fruits. a disease in fowls Atetek^wi. e. see Akobi. n. swells their back Atetem^.g. n. from yesterday until now. Ateteta. first n. a prefix denoting that which is first or prior. Atanamana. tempter . beginning Atanlegbelegbe. n. a close Atandi. My of At£ soup is herbs a seller herbalist. following after.g. a dealer in hides or leather." Atari. Atyhinwa. commencement rudiment . e. Atetera. conj. Atanka. first known.g. n. They disgrace me. n. a kindler of fire. see Akasp . n. n. possessed. Atetek^SO. Digitized by Google . Atanrdkd. Atanpa.g. a small wooden frame on which dried. n. Ate. n. n. or adj. breeze pleasure Ate. outer-court. At$gun. n. n. a fatal kick or sting. being shot through. Atanni. . . " Your words are weighty. early rising. At$. important weighty good. Atanna.g. n. first kneaded. n.g. Atanje. Atare or Atarere. Atare ewp obe. Atetekpse. and Ate. n. n. n. Atanu. Enia Atata ni iwo nse. the crown of the head. Atata. AT$ is first Atan. pressure. n. " Birdthe death of a bird. Atetela. — — 57 Ateteba. n. Ateteni. Atetebi.— — — atA . n. . n. opening remarks. trip . insipidity e. . fan . torchlight. early arrival return. seducer deceiver. " You are a good man. At^gun. adj. n. that which .tray... since. e. n. genteel. early searcher. n. " Guinea pepper is never used in sauce. Ate mu lime is enjoyment by reclining on a chair for breeze or amusement. Atapdyp. n. birdlimo . n. a cloth seller . origin. Ateteji. Guinea or Maleguetta pepper . . a deceiver." a Atawe. Atetese. n. a beaver or black hat any broad brimmed hat. Akaba. adv. is spread Atetegbin. adj. exposure of goods for sale. n.. n. n. n. first sown. n. is first Atetede." reproach." pbe ni mo se. Ata ijobi. glue. a bookseller . n. Qrp atata li iwo 89. first found. frontier . Atetewi. n. Atetekftfu. forethought. useless. and silk goods. n. first killed.. money. n. eiye ku. flatness . that which or propagated. n. also called owned. stationer. first said . n. disgrace Nwon bu tasteless. n. Atawp. which part. or Atapa. forementioned. first saved. At^. Atasp. " At$f$. a bursting by heavy n. an enquirer . Ateterf. first bought. fish or meat is met . dealer in cotton Ateterdt£l$. a tadpole. " e. n.. n. n.." e. Atetepa." Atete. first sold. cast off. n. " The sole of the foot is exposed to the filth of the over the fire. refusal . nom-de-plume. Atijd. n.) Atibabadebaba. purpose conj. Atij . the act of Atila. n. threshold . about leaking . At$runm$l$. At$p$9$» usually called Sobia. n.g^ Atelew<J ki itan ni je. departure . nickname . n. act of dying . . Ati. Aterigba. on which and meat are dried on a follower. Atilp.e. one or that which is propitiatory. n. or prep. lintel.gr. suffering. an immoral woman. a listener. n. Atik$. act of n. etymology. Atij6. n. Atinab$. returning. At^tilele. " Five days ago. . n. one who alleges or Ateniba. who causes depression oppressor .g. At$w$gt>&. n. Ati. AteleWy. At^pe. long At$pa. . e. . At#isil$. Atenump. n. adv.. one Atpnim$l$. birth . from the commencement. n. Ateles^ ni ije egbin $na. next in order. . from . the process of teaching. Digitized by ception. Atiku. state of being crushed down. coming .Atijarunwa. sustenance. long{i. n. n. building or constructing. medicine which renders a poison wliich has been trodden on ineffective. intention con- very thin. At$ral6g0. engagement in hand never — wa.— AT? — . . going.. salvation being saved or getting rich. n. . Atilehin. n. support . Atij$. . n. .*' Fourteen days ago. follows At^leni.. Atigba. n. Atijerinlawa. on. n. blue dyo usually called Ar6. the palm of the hand. n.n. origin . incendiary." e. dancing. n. n. Attn.. imposition. assumed name . n. e. n. from father to Atiba. " Four days ago. Atija. and Atiala. root ancestor. adj. n. reception. n." Atide. or adj. Atil^nde. Atik$. Atin.g. a chiefly to those descendent subsequent. both likewise . — 58 Atibaba. help n. acceptable . generation of fathers father. Ateles$. adv. act of forsaking. . death. a successor . that which is crushed to death . Atinabple. n. . Atimp." — fighting. an arrival." e. n.g. n.. Atelebpsi. " The palm of the deceives one one's own diligence is his true helper). Atijerinwa. . a soft mat which can be folded (Ijesa). a bird with a long beak. - n Guinea-worm. one who is guilty of arson . n. n. ATI booth : Atele. one who sets on fire. - ago. days ago. lean. n." Atemora. of old time burning. rejection . Atil^wa. or lank. patience. Atib$. that which awning (Applied scaffold fish shelf. rank or birth . affirms. outer court. n. VjOOQlC . road. n. the sole of the foot. at the onset. . At$ram$9$t n a hard-worker. n. tyrant. e. od)' Atilende prp.. n. At$. n. n. e. e. one who is fit years ago. Atora. adv. Atoku ma ku. n. n. straight . sufficient or fit . opponent opposer a boxer. I am not to be joined with others.g. forcible ejection. Atopa l$t$ li emi nko nse pamp^lu. a nurse. n. proceeding from heart . a medicinal shrub. n. See tsan. choice . n. inter. At6kepe. n. lives. ostler.. one worthy of honour. At^ju e^in. n. is said of a antagonist. fit for war. one who defies or champion. Digitized by VjOOQIC . act of coming. n. " An old story cannot be compared with a new. Atd. will. Atpdunmpdun. adv. Atpju 0W0f n.. semen. n. At6ja. . bonesetter. one expected to die. n. At<)ju pna.g. Atiwp drun. etc. Atipile?e. Ati^e. who will help in time of need. noise. its elasticity. act of barring or bolting a door. that which makes Atp. n. n. — 59 —— . . prefix. attainment Atinilaiya. Atiwa. resident Atifrisiyilp. n. n. n. all day long Atioro. fr. n. silence by public crier to enforce silence before a proclamation is read. word used At6t6. one capable of lighting . one who is capable of. adv. lean cattle. Atiwa pjp. questioned. a caretaker. person die. 0rp atpjcjmpjcj ko le At6ha. ATQ Atoku. . who is expected to Atinuwa. a long time ago. At6pa Atipa. one who anoints. n. Atori. At^ka. n. Atipa. n. securing with lock and key. the west. to be Atpj<Jmpj<J. n. sunrising . beginning. that which is sufficient to be distributed. Atpkanwa.. one who is strong enough or valiant enough to be confronted. challenges . " 1 am a champion. tassel name a bird since morning. At6kdl6jft. henceforth. a frame used for carrying corpses . a treasurer. a long necked lasting in old calabash . possession. litter." Ato^umogU. ATI Atinf. Atyju oldkunrun. n. Atipala. n. n. Atip6. voluntary. used only as a At6t6. Atitan. Atisun.g. n. sojourner. n. and plant. At6je. n. a tree remarkable for used for bows. n. freewill . adv. horseman. At6. e. — e. n. n. Atororosini. n. n. the east. months ago. n. used for dislocated joints.." At^ju. fatigue physical or weariness.g. that which is ripe enough for food. adv. able to be. . but will not. n. sleeping. Atose ika se suru. dabi prp titun. At6bilere. capable. groom. overseer of roads. the the lapwing. thin person . action. ** He is able to be cruel. derangement or nervous debility. Atinilege. n. Attye. ! age. n.. one or that which is competent." 1^. of but yet Atdnimdni. 60 AWA Atulu. tial . ft. ing ft. w. see Atora. n. searcher. wringing wet thing. . n. Atpmodomo. n. n. n. pro. we of our own selves. Atu. from generation to generation). Awa. n. n. page. expositor. repetition of words. n. a beggar. act of making Atunda iwe. . consoles or tames Atfiba. Atyrunwa iwa. n. . tiller of the ground. search man. examiner . Atora. or or paddles a canoe. Atprp. Atunbi. Atul$.. n. Atprunwa. n. who spreads. one divulges. n. n. Atub$ ?e. a lard or grease seller. n. helmsman. lamp lantern. one who rows a boat Atukakiri. AwakQ. n. n. one who follows the line or mark. act of travelling arriving safely. esty. e. that which brings . incomprehensibility. Atyra. one who surrenders. recreation . Atyra. one who walks about the road . we. soap seller. n. n. of life. of be- Atppa. Atunda. and n. n. pro. n. n. original . unsearchableness . n. " May God grant us a happy end. attach- ment. n. enquirer . Atykun. tetanus . refresher. ft. Atunwa. n. a digger of the ground. amendment. Ato?e. leader guide . Atunsp. Awari. n. Atuni. ferry. n. Awada. n. one who disturbs or upsets a town. Awanu. idle talk. again. repetition . restoration . Awaro. Atuta. tonic. provoker . Awalu ehin. anything to completion. ft. beggar . jest joke. boatman Atuk$. n. termination. adherence . n. guide. Awatikarawa. inates n. from children's children (i. curiosity. one who soothes. n. that wliich orig- from oneself. Awamaridi. fellow . Awafin.. aggressor . haviour a fresh shooting n. Atum$. mariner navigator . lockjaw. running disease in women. Ki Qlorun ki o fun ni li attib^tan rere. Atyni. n. AtuSQ. a returning. out. n. n. ft. Atunhurere iwa. republication. n. w. . n. one who makes an exposure . ft. one who sells cheaply. amendment Atunra?e. Awadi. a revealer of secrets. AtQto. a rower. Atunku. . virtue . a second-hand article. commentator . mod- gonorrhea. heavenly . scrutiniz- Awagon. Atow<Jwa. Digitized by Google . Atunse. celesuntainted. Awamn. Atfysi. . an impoverished Atul$je. n. . n. Awada. n. Atupa. scrutiny search. borrower. soother . pilot. Atub^tan. repairs . n. waster . a spy. At$p$. At$na.e. instructor . n. regeneration. the uncircumoised foreskin. adj. Awal$.g. effective waste." Atudi im$. adv. sailor . pro- ceeding from above .— ATQ Atpko. n. Awinsi. pewter plate. n. Awe. Awitunwi. ironu. lender. Onibaba ni itoju orombo. a fixed look .g. and for cleaning brass. the Aw6. n. salt cellar.. . n. Aw6. off meji. iperan. solemn fast. n. looking-glass. disobedient . a fish resembling a mackerel. a kind of Guinea fowl. ! " Excuse me. n. the awede. n.g. ! friend sir . — 61 . obstinate. . n. section in fruit or nut width or breadth of cloth. at which times the relatives do not wash their clothes. n. Awodi. soap. promulgation . apology. that which is washed Awdgbe. exAwiye. credit. sion. food mourning for the dead. . initiation . n. glass ." Aw$fin. n. n. . n. Awoje. he who has brass. secret bargain . " . obedience.. Awikiri. religious Awiye ni gbangban U oro e. a superstitious ments looks after the limes. 4t e. collier. He who has copper orna- superstitious mystery. that which is uttered audibly . talker. n. Awimayi ohun. Awidak$. device . circumlocution roundabout. person of light n. Awayin. publi- pretence palliation ver- cation. a fishing net. — Awe 6 I wo gba credited mi awin. Awaya. clean washing. man. a term used in address Awawi Awfle." e. n. n. cuirass. Awede. onide ni una toju awede. n. plexion. n." Awiyannu.— AwA Awawf. Awfgb$. soap. n. a gaze . pair.g. iyp. . n. Awdfin. com- breast-plate . couple . addition . n. Awi. see Amure. utterer . plain speech . n.g. madam. Aw6. cavil. excuse. a hawk. n. Awehin ro. " Is this the one who " enquires for you ? were. Awe A Awinnilohun.g. stare. n. fasting . — Awin. Awe. — . a roofing tile. Aw$m$. that which is looked a teleinto or through . . n. a man of trust. see Ahaya. borrowing. Digitized by Google . Awdka.. e. crockeryware. promulgator lisher. n. " (As) the Ife people speak without disguise (so) Aw$. n. pub- eke. n. AwO Awika. n. . Aw jnu. adj. w. You me. Awo Awo ibole. scope . Awe Aw$ Aweja. n. n. Awigb$. reiteration . inspection. n. glass tion. importunity. n. n. Awojinjin. imitation. mg an unknown person . interpretation planation If$ if9. repetition. n. coal digger . sir yi li o mbere re. n. n. . perpetual talking. n. Awo. n. mirror lookingspecula- Awdjp. n. n. trust . a herb much used in the consecration of idols abstinence from a poisonous arrow kills an animal in the sight of all. ' . Awo aiya (or igbaiya). li e. reflection retro- spection. plate Awo. n. crumbs. idol-priest. ft. eran. . blue fan-tail. Ann. like.. Awpgbpn. . Aworan. dancing from place to place. w. eft . ft. spectacles. Aworosasa. with others. Awdkdtd. by water. image . assuagement . ft. . appearance ness . skin Awo. Awpm$. a hopeless look. Awokp. ft. li ekun nwo eiye. ku aw$ki.g. . leopard gazes at the bird (because it is beyond his reach). called ft. flesh coloured. ft. ft. w. gathering picture statue . ft. n. stander. parchment. Awpje. Awonu Awpfin. accumulation packing together. w. a fishing net. w. trans- undressed hide. . cription. Awo turari. Aw$ki.g. one who combines Aw$n. misty colour. Aw$l$. also together {e. ft. spectator . to one thus visited. ft. Aw^n-eja. " With a hopeless look the Awo Awo ejo. See Awp plpye. w. 62 AWQ Awv . they. dish platter. ft. beholder . ft. spy. mocking bird thrush. an epithet for the god of the river. a bird about the size of a kingfisher. ft. ft. n. outward colour fashion . a copybook hue tincture. Aw$ Awp a looker out. Aw6y6. to show sympathy in bereavement). Awpmi. ft. perambulation . resemblance Awp Aw$ka. Awplp. . Awdko. Atoto. Aw6w6. is the salutation Awdrdjobi. a divor. image likeness . basin with cover. . sky colour. ft. a basin. hide . Awotan. w. Awpn. n. Awo alukd. appearing about middle of November. standing. oil snake skin. spleen. usually connected with idleness and loitering when on duty. ft. ft.. Awonf. light under wings golden upper. Awdko. grey. green colour. sharp beak insect catcher . ft. Awcjjp. a cast see ft. byon -looker . one who conjures spirits ft. group . abate- ment mitigation. colic . Aworoko. one who looks up. n. visiting several ft. similitude . entire pro. 1$ Layombere. . coalitionist. a pattern. misunderquarrel . Awp pbedo. ft. see Iwole. . Awpjppp. a fatal look . Awomi. Awopa. apparently migatory. form ft. Awdtan. ft. Aw$. leather . walking round. lk$W6Si. . a visitor. gazer . ft. Awo plpmpri. Awo pkp. . perfect cure healing. act of visiting from house to house for food (as an uninvited guest). net drag." Awo-oju. a chief lizard . an act ft. or treatment causing death. ft. purple. oko. ft. ft. platter. ft. ft. ft.— AWO Awdke. Awoppk$. oju prun. dish . censer. ft. . foreskin. Aw$jd. ft. Awoye. . Yemaja. Digitized by VjOOQlC . Awdse. assemblage. . Awonu. Aworiwo. exemplar. e. starer gazer. worked Awusa. may be of great Ayanm$. fresh. . n. Awun. . Ayanga. n. Ayaba. conj. yellow colour. n. n. n. Awure. meeting Awflju. — . Aya b$ sile o be sile. Ayan. n. select. n. rudely. wife. n. a casual event . sea turtle. senseless able. charm for luck. n. crimson. shower . see Ahusa. — 63 . drizzling rain." Proverb used to inculcate the danger of leaving one's proper station. imposition. n. ver- Awunso. n. strap. that which remains of a rent or torn piece. unwrought Aw$ pupa. cheat . lodgings. Aw^se. " The blood of Awun (the is anthropomorphous tortoise) not a handful. queen . luckiness . group Awujo. n. n. . adv. congregation . well leather. i. n. . from which §ango made. proselytism. n. assembly convocation company synod congress council . anything non-essential . clubs are sistence. in Ambi n. . .. n. Ayam$. n. confusedly . one who crouches. . stingi- niggardliness. AyanilSkan. See importance. n. tree in conversation. Digitized by Google . . Ayan.. Ayanje. n. Awum$. friend one ally ness . Ayaku. perseverance . . that which is well parched or roasted. Awottltu. JjJje awun kd kun ni U owo. beloved . AwQWO-OJO. stench unreasonoffensive smell. n. Awp rirun. adj. Ayanf $. n.. cockroach. Ayanbo. n. Awuj$. n. "When Aya jumps down from the tree. . freshness . Ayan. Aw$tutu. a word of rebuke or threatening to an inferior. species of monkey. vigour. Aya. Awowillki. scarlet.e. raw hide. Aw$ pupayd. See Magba. AwQt§r$. Ayampbi is contracted . e. n. n. spangle. . generally followed by bi or pe otherwise unless. n. the clouds. Awp Awotele. n. Awugbo. milion. n. . soft. illibern. tortoise greediness . n. or adj. king's wife." Abafu. Awfysun. very coarse or leather. or adj. . n. leather worn about the waist. he jumps into the house (and is caught). inquisitiveness . n. n.g. one who scratches selected from apparently insignificant things with claws. n. n. n. n. n. speckled colour. piece-work. Awotitansan. good fortune .g. kind of edible bean. the rest chosen . collection. Awpsanma. parsimony avidity . Aya. a weaver. soft part of the skull. AyA Awun okun. tetete oniruru. good luck . destiny fate. Awuluwala. Ayaba. on which $ango is said to have hanged himself. Ayangbe. n. Awuje.— AWQ Awp pala. any undergarment. incident . a self-willed person. perAyan. miser . n. niggard e. next season or year. Ayaro. is smart. .. hangman n. Aye. valued. Ay^si. change . . light blue colour. a change. quick alive. Ayfeun. a small hole in a wooden vessel. ." Aya$ebi. n. mockery. also called Warry. wheel. conj. posture dis. a boaster. Ayftu. standing .. circle . Ayeh&n. Ayidayida. n. e. made from bame. changeableness forwardness. Ayinrin. freedom hension. Ayinpv ibon. prefix. underAyetan." turns Ayi. Ayika. Aye. Ayo. chattering . a thing made to order. e. n. that which is befitting. living . n. n.g. space . n. or reproachful fellow. situation . jest .. puted. n. Ayipada. adv. n. stalk. one who separates himself. it cannot be dis» display. plentitude (also used after eating). n. Ayin. n. n. ostentation . Ayinni. Ay$kun. n. Ayaw<J. a game. a night salutation used by Lagos fishermen. an abashed. Aye ikfrusi or Itosi. that which or rolls. a volley. room . leave . Ayange. Ayjyi. (or Ayika). Ayarun. n. AYO Ayibo. compass . n. n. n. a road cleaner. a choice person most beloved or or Ayd. Ayapa. n. n. Ayd ki ije ki a ve e " When the game is won. Ayeye. cycle . breadth of cloth. tree with position . Ayeni. n. lieu stead . glorious. sphere . a cheater. Ayib$." praiseworthy Bamboo adj. Ayannije. swift or active. period . n. . unless except otherwise saving. n. position .g. n.— AYA . . contemptible. n. Ayinnitan. a small animal like the fox which catches fowls. a turning . Ayinrar^. fails one who disappoints to keep a promise. Ay 6. vanquished after many struggles. n. who is one who perverse. table talk trifle . thing . too much exaltation. Ayinrin. n. Ayida. Ayika eyinju. halo . Ay$na. n. Mase fi mi se ayarun. one with a maimed foot. suite. Ayegi. n. n. round or cycle of years. fulness . n. n. —— 64 . pomp . n. sheriff. or n. the iris. one quick handed or nimble fingered.g. flatterer. n. one who compliments. n. retrogression. n. n. n. one who commends. Digitized by VjOOQlC . access liberty . much talk . a cripple. hoop. a deceitful person. Ayin. vacancy . " Please don't make fun of me. perfect n. . n. Ayida odon Ayika k$k$. full conception. house. mats appre- boo " Ayinlog6. n. used in conversation only . a very hard oily sap. . Ayo. n. round of time . Ayida. store. one given to selfpraise and self -admiration . n. He ayin. admires or praises. Aye. Ayara. g.. at all. for or Ay<j$e. Baba. Baba. Aypta. merriment . daughterwife of a prince.. " A great matter puts a small matter out of sight. to hit the mark . one who causes trouble or distress. e. words used in the following proverb Baba bo baba mplp. ba mi Ipna. Nwpn yio ba mi nibe. Emi kd sp bp bd.. . % Emi ni Ay$rin." e. copper . e.. spy . 3?iye meji ba ori igi. longing. pleasure." ' Baba.g. " The stick is bent Ba. BAB On with. Ay'pmp." le e. "I ought to have gone. " He will e. Iwp bamilipna. Baba. joy . Adie " The hen broods over her young. a groat thing ." e. Ayun. plait coarsely . glee . Ole ba ninu igb^. n. Baba. $hin r^ ba. n. exhilarator. Ayun-ab^. go with you. enAy$ra» n. Iya " My mother B." for e. might . adv. sacrifice. re-animation . n. a sly. against them. would. livener . v. bespeak . awpn pmp r$. mark esii exactly.g. Guinea corn. doing by stealth." Ba. " I never said so. scout. in-law ba Ba. yio ba p lp. selling small in quantities . Ay$ta. lurk . walking Aypsan. Baba. " v. contemptible Ay$luwo.." never . —— — — — — — — 65 Ba.g. n. ' . sit . Aypnilenu." e. Aypsiwaju. " It hits the hints. n.' to be bent. " Two birds perch Ay<Jwf. stealthy sluggishness. n. hide . ought. Igi na ba die. straining potash..g. son's ." You overtook 4 me on the road.g. n." to lie in ambush . strain e. saw . n. the bush. me. grass is mi mba Ba.. against.g. O ba a patapata.g. " You will never go at all. to meet . a little. They will find me there. a thing privately done or said. fun mi. eaves-dropper. ja. e. slow money paid or in private.. roost . ecstasy.—— — AY0 Ay& . person. Nwpn They meet me on the way. ."— e. prep. n. n.g.g." overtake e. n.g. " His back is bent. mirth . n. goings departure.. n." e. n. spy . master. v. Ayun. couch. going and coming." Emi mba wpn Ba. n. n a private detective . v. Aypmirin. Iwp k6 jp lp ba.g.. . delight exultation . joyfulness . Ba Ayun. Ba. n.t. a smelter.. father .g.g. find at a place. a small thing .." should . through a li sieve. n. " The thief hides in wife . fit to be exact . " Plait some esu aro.." — Digitized by LjOOQIC . " I am fighting Ay$ ayftu.. Ay$niwd. retailing.g. aux." e. v. gladness . n. iba lp. n. e.. to come to the point . private sale or auction. sayings private : remarks on the tree. Aycjta. file rasp. n. e.g. welcome . to bring into contact with perch . advancer. n. n. Ay<Jrin. .g. a tree. e. the leaf of which used as a wrapper for with Ba-j$.g. householder . grandfather. to. another. a title of honour among the Ogboni people. know . e. " The is thereabouts. —— . to make a marriage Bada maj emu. v. to lurk for .— bAb Baba. is n. Ba-ja. v.g. Ba-dapo. n. v. v. be hostile to . to wake with. v. master of a house. Baka. to dance with. . similar. Ba-dana. Bala. adv. is n. to sympathise with. Ba-gbird. Bann. . e. v. v. governor ." Ba-fohun. to fight with . n. Ba-law^j^. Ba-ku. lie in ambush.g. to rest on. Awodi nrababa. to arrive or return with. a priest of nibi bai. v. to vie with. very. to to betroth.g. commerce cohabit. n. suitable . agidi and kola-nuts. n. v. v. v." e. a kind of trousers. v. to argue with. — —— 66 — . Digitized by Google . to ravish. so . thus . v. Baba nla. same . Ba-gbe. v. Bale-erd. Bade. to know . Bakana. " His house somewhere about here.. Emi ni iwo se bai si ? " Do you act thus to me ? " Bale-erd li o mu mi w$. v. Ba-du. Bai. Ba-jf. to light upon .g. v. a kind of leek. rival or compete with. to stay or abido with. no more . . . corrupt . colour.. n. v. deform . to disfigure . to hover like a bird. " The host lodged me. Bala." Ba-je. eunuchs of whom six were put in the palace of the Alafin they are called . adj." Bal$. pay a dowry . Bade. Ba-fa. destroy . to frustrate the influence of charms. adv. v.g. to cross v. child. to thwart. v. to emulate. v. v. contend Babo. only . host e. dis- " tw?fa. e.. president . " He spoils my defile . contract . to die with. . " You do not know my grandfather. Iwo kd m{> baba nla mi. . to contend with . . n. Bai-bai. He r? hawk Babalawo. undertaker. waylay ." mb^ Ifa. O ba omo mi j£. v. n. to associate with . to consult with. keep company. associate to hold intercourse. to be exact Ba-jo. " Orun The sun shines dimly. n.. or adj. adv. executor .. to talk with. . v. Bale. yonder . hovering. one who comes to the age of puberty. landlord. chief of a town or village. agreeable pertinent. v. nran bal-bal.. contaminate. v. Ba-jo. to hunt or fish with Bade." Baba nsinku. v. to eat with . to cope with . Ba-dije. Balaga. BAL Bai. Babuja. the seed of which is used as a medicine for gonorrhea. n. spoil . to enter into covenant with. somewhere e. to connect with mingle . identical equal Ba-k$gb$." Ba-i£aiyaj$. Ba-daro. n. dimly. Ba-le. Banle. a plant. chief hunter. e. v. e. oju ami. strike v. Bal$de. to associate with hold fellowship with. n. n. consider or give counsel. " Do not accompany me. Ba-lQ. v. v. n. another name for . e.*' O mi bambam. n. altogether. v. Ba-S$. n. Balubalu. a ninuje. a war chief . a grieve. Ba sigun. — — —— — 67 . v. adv. to defame.. Band. to the contrary contradictory another. e. a patriarch. to rebuke. n. Ba-loniko je.g. Tani o ba iwo r6 iru oran b? ? " Who advised you in such " a matter ? . Qran na ba " The matter — o drum used by §ango and Egungun worshippers. befriend . v. to spend together. captain.. to Baluw$. Baba 39.g. to advise. Ma ba mi 39 mo. Balogun. Ba Ba with awe dishearten discomfort . to travel with. v. Basura." Balo. " There is very little soup left in officer. to partake." e. sile " He " disappeared e. Emi o ba oruk9 re je. n. to slander . n. the Bara.." e. Bata. v. used for beating mud floors." to Bar$.g.g. to touch the ground.g. " Ho said very little about the matter. oju je. to desecrate. . Barebare. '* Do not quarrel with altogether. adv. to walk with . to suit to drink with.." Banlu. to hold conversation . idiotically. Ba-leru. Basa. Ba-16rij$. QP9I9P9 alubatd li J9 grieved him. very little . . a piece of wood flattened on one side. to distort the face . to displease .. to ally. to Ba-mu. chief doctor. a creeper wliich bears the egusi oil seed.. adv. to fear. e. bath-room. . to distract make mad." Ba-SQro. the remainder. to concur with to agree. n. Ifa. god of mischief devil . v. Ba-rd.. . n. " A wood many beggars. v. to agree with . v. adj. to quarrel with . a flat piece of asagbeje. wholly entirely . n. e. Baninuj$.. to disfigure the countenance Ba-pin. e. Ba-rin. Bara.—— —— — BAL Bal$. v. Qbe na ku barebare ninu isasun. O soro Balogun $run. " I will slander you.g. accompany . a title of honour amongst the Ogbonis. O lo bamfi bam. to confer with. v. Ma se ba mi lo. . Digitized by Google . e. the pot. stupidly . more.. n. Ba-sun. to hit the mark. v. n. na bdrebare. to go with. to startle . share or participate. to befit .g. an abscess. v." drummers great are used to beat floors . a centurion. n. to to v. " Father will rebuke you. head of a house or family . to sleep with .. parlour. bAt Ba-ohunmimoje.g." to Ba-16. yio me any ba 9 Ba-m$pQ. He left me entirely.g. Bambam. or latrine. v." Bamiran.g. . v. to accompany. Bale-idile.. to lie with.g. Bambam. v. ." Ba-wijo." e. shoal . n. to disgrace . to judge.. " Do not punish your so severely. Bebe yara. to congratulate. " With shoes one can get on in the midst of thorns. e.. " How li is it ? "-^-e.g.. such as." n. e. edge .g. Emi so. to leap from place to place.. li . a small covered can or tin vessel. escape.. Batdpo. " scarce. pit See Bai.g.. — chide. "My father rebukes child B$. dexterously . adv.. " The stone eiye na I threw Bebe-oju. Bawo. speckled. thus li . to rebuke. " God shall judge the whole world.g. like these. mound inquire require ." e..g. " He inquired after me. shoe e.. saddle-cloth* Baba ba mi wi. by a v. astutely ." e. near shave • ." Enia baw9nni Such people are Baw^nyi.." e. imperfectly in line with.. e. a . Bebe. it Berebere. v.. v. e.g.g. rump. correct.g. bank mound." Digitized by Google . fortification.g. such. sandal li . adv. o se e baun.. brink of a precipice or verge .." Batl. diplomatically. pro. e. " How do you wish it done ? " Bawonni. litter carnivorous to (applied animals and to pigeons) . " The bank bar has given way. Ilu na b$.g. Bayi. v. Mase ba omo re wi to b§." e. B$ ri ? Bata." o ti f$ e. Ba-tan. narrow Batelu. question indistinctly. to rejoice with . bring forth young . Bata an ise agbara arin egun." Bebe-idi. to miss one's aim. to burst. pro. . eyebrow. Aja mi b<£ meta. blame. to leap from a height . to put v.. —— — 68 —— — . to be related to." querist. to fail e. Bao. v. a ti. n. punish. . v. Bese. to Bati. to fall bere consult . " All mankind are related to one another. Iru enia bawpnni li a " Such persons we nf^. adv. adv. Berebere. n. against n. O mi." " The drum burst. Baun. n. hoof. e. to disqualify. to cut in two at a stroke .. . demand. Mo b$ igi n& meji.g.g.g. to crouch one. in two. or tree to tree . n. Bata. shame . me. to lurk .' Batan. Ba-tototo. Gbogbo araiye li o ba ara won tan.. " Do not stand on tho brink. " I cut the stick e. Qlorun yio ba gbogbo aiye wijo. " I did v. chasten or excommunicate. thus. to dispute. sharply keenly Ba-wi. " My dog way ? e. . . e.g.g. adj. Bawo like. B§r6 9 Bebi. Okuta ti mo so si ba a ti. so. at the bird missed it. adv." Ba-y$.—— bAt ' — —— . e. how ? in what to skip . he shot missed Qfa ti o ta ba " The arrow which it. earthen to ask .g. Bawo li a ti has three pups. after . Bebe ya. S9w<fn. a. n. n. an enquirer. Bat6bato. Mase duro leti bebe.g. — v.g. v." e. impudent or forward. adj. viz. n." to peel . B§r§ grass . " Fear B$ru no man. to be . modest to startle. adv. beri r$ li oju opopo. B$T$.. Ina pupa b$lej6. Aso aran yi be. level. to behead. " He will cuff you. v. to bribe . to beg assistance from a club or a person for work. gentle slope . e. adv. B$h$k$. B$r§ Beko. — — . the first-born daughter. e. flat . B$. " Let us beseech God. . adj. Nw9n wo bfr$. to be arrogant." B$IU. conj... Iwo B^-lori. adv. v. b^ni kl ise iw9. to beg with importunity.. to apologise.. slight- and so." B$r$. v. reverence. B$nd$. e. coarse plaited grass.g." B§b$. Be. e. B$l$j$.. e.. Mbe. n. in rows. commence . to be daunted . thus . sagbe ki awun. the rain clouds are intensely black. B$W n. to LjOOQIC . v. live. " He begged me. e. yellow mene.g. v. see B9. or mutual help. b$ ewure n& lori. v." Bfli." to B$ru Qla. to fear to be afraid of . gratuitous Digitized by Be. B§g$g$. . to exist .g. so .g. ojo dudu b^lpjp." Bere. yes.g. e. to beg assistance to suborn . v. O b$ mi. v. see Beko.. beseech.g.' such . not so. emi.. thin. Bebe. " It is neither this or that. to behead.g.g. B$." v. b^nd$." e.. like B$r$. to slice off. n. B$h$. cassava cake. to use influence against. to begin . low . adj. Qba The — king beheaded him on the highway. elastic B$l$b$l$." e. B$mb$. is* " This roof flat. to act without permission . no . v. pray. n. neither nor. thus and thus . — — — 69 —— — — . a blow with the fist Yio ki 9 ni cuff. so likewise. " You beheaded the goat. " The velvet is a brilliant red. to display a brilliant red colour . Beju.. adv. kinds. " It is neither I nor you.g. ask you will meet misers. " B$-laiyanu. . " Fear God. fearful. B$ruk$ru.. " The fire is a beautiful yellow. B^ni kl ise eyi tabi eyini. beautifully yellow. Beii. to be officious.g. flat . pliant . to beg. ado. grass used for thatching. usually (contraction of B$h$).. e." e. adv. " Beg and you ri ki o Bfni ki." e.g. adv. B$r$. to be timid or B$w$. ile gbogbo pale levelled " They the whole house to the ground. . Qtyrun. supplicate or entreat . Bfrf pasi.g. of which there are various . fine alolo." B$-l$w$. to be . will alms and meet with refusal. to presume . Mase b$ru enikan. so it is . adv. Je ki a b$ Qlprun. for remuneration. Beni. Orule yi bfr$.— B$ B$. adj. to awe . Ki ise stoop. elevation . a Hausa drum. even e. Bebe o ri okose. v. so B$ f v.g. v.g.. so it is.. for other cause. adj. Bibinigbeyaw6. ask. yesterday. calm. i." e. n. adj. BitxJ.— —— —— — B$W B$wd. adv. conj. adj. leaping Bib$. adv. adored. bounding. Bi baba ti wi li awa o se. adj. adj. . Digitized by Google . that which is to be fed . Bibimplaye. to be Bibaja. adv. consolate. e. e. if . perishable . fed . Bi-alagbe. Bib$. to multiply . BtB Bibaj$. Biadodo. adv. bi — . grass coming..g. born in wedlock . adv. " Boiled meat. replenish . increase. adj." Bibp. Bibal$. Bi-aladugbo.g. according .. supported . v. . contestable fought for to be contended Bi-a-ti. spue willing. legitimate . whether just. . neighbourly. Awon Bi. Bibi-omnira. n. that which is to to visit ."—e." e. Jesus. — . Bib^> ab^rp. followed by Si . Bi kd tile f$. Bibawi. Bib6. awa a se. be blamed . " He has just come.g. freeborn. a meeting is to be met. Qla r§ mbi si v. crippled. . Bibd.. as a strong man . how in what way. Bi. " As father has said. spoiled . vexation . vexatious. yet to . ^ran bibp.. a.g." that which Biba. adj.g. n. that which worth Bi.. adj. cow calved v.. Kp mi a ti ise. wild. a. or adv. adv. to bear. adv. v. e. sedate . fatherly. " If it be so. peeled ." Bi-a-ti-nwi. asking for." e." e. beggarly. Bibaninuje. breed mammalian (applied to animals). discomfort . importunity.. how. Bib^ " The coming of Jesu.g. " Your friends come to visit you. Bi-alagbara. blameworthy Bi bp ba ni. whereby is . implanted by nature. melancholy . Malu mi bi " lana. " His riches increase." Though he is not Bibere. Bib$-aiyannu.. $r$ nyin wa be nyin wo. that which is to be worshipped . Bi-abiyamp.g.g. settled ..." Bi. that which is to be . covert. vomit shove jostle. adj. — o although e. we will do it." push violently . for. " Threading a needle. " He came just as we were talking. Bi-bpkp. concealable . Bi-ara. roof . that which is to be participated in . v.. Bi a ti nwi bp li ode. salient . producing young alive. n. participation. deterioration." e. pared. motherly. freeborn. "Teach me how to do it. My . to peep at. Bi Bi-bawo. that which is born begotten. Bibapin.g. reprovable. n. boiled : patching a threading . Bibinuj$. beget." Bi. dreamy . if otherwise . Bi-ampkun. corruptible . immediately instantly {lit. adj. adj. maintained . conical. . adv. ti de ni yi.g. .g. inborn innate . we will do. as a dream. Bi-ala. as we were speaking). adj. adj. — — 70 . adj. v. adv. Bibi. e. disBibinibf. Bi-baba. adj.g. brotherly. adj. e. as . n. Bibul$. beaten. adj. Bi-eilipe. like a rainbow archlike. death-like . the act of worshipping idols. Bi-eru. adj. satanic . n. to make way (lit. Bi-iku. adj. — evil one. regard Emi k6 e. as if like a womanlike. Bi-pl^run. — 71 — . child. adj. v. Binuj$. Bib^ri^a. reducible. " Give place to me. kingly. n. unless . Bikogebi. he will not give it to you. deathly. n. " Unless I go. bitten . Obinu is which "He me. churlish . womanly Bf-egU. . Bi-dsumare. adj. adj.g. . ." e. is finable. but . v. v. question. abusive language. Bibylpwp-arun. saintly. Bi-dnrord. Bil&. v. v. n. yio fi i accursed.g. adj. allowable permissible. tyrannical . evil Bibu. Bi-Owe. in a semi-circle Bi-O-tile. Bi-lohfrn. Bi-lu. ringlike. sorry or displeased. . that which is to be a shaken by the hand shaking of the hand. . . Bi-Ogun. Bibug&n. if it should be . " Baked yams.g. god-like Digitized by godly. adj. convalescent. Bibu. as a proverb . n." Bilala. . . thorny. to notice . ask . adj. adv. Isu bibu. which is to be patched. as a Bi-ewe. given . Bi ba. v. adj. that ingratitude. " 1 don't care. to push heavily against another. v. adj. hoggish swine.—to push an opening) e. . v. a whip made of hide with two or three thongs. adj. care. warlike. that which is taken out of a collective mass . to be grieved. instantaneously at once . Bi-lejp." one on a charge brought against him.g. as a thorn . Bibum$. Bi-oruka.. adj." si mi pupp. though it should even if it should. adj. n. as a mud floor that which drops or falls. baked by heating under hot ashes or embers.g. BinabinA. child. to give birth to a that patched . adj.— BtB . conj. Bi-lSre. Bi-eled$. cruel in a cruel manner. that which is to be . Bibun. . royally Bi-pjp-isimi. slavish. adj. that is to be bitten. Bi-egun. e. to bikita. adj. very angry with Bidanga. . Bi-pmp. martial Bi-eni iwa mimp. adj." Bi-pba. Bi-ika. proverbially.. to vex . sabbatical. in case he should (generally followed by je pe or se pe). servile . to reproach one for Bibuleni. Bi-Obinrin. Binu. adj. devilish. Bibu. except . conj. v. Bila fun mi. — Bikosepe mo lp. n.. without delay. ki fun 9. to anger. if. Bib^lpwp. n. adv. brutish .. to give place to .. exaggerated adj. which to be fined. VjOOQlC . to question Bilisi. like a beast. Bikogepe. e. childlike . Bt-Q Biko?e. fierce. adj. circular . falsely accused. Bi-eranko. adj. adj. Bikita. as if to say. conj. adj. . Aba ode by iju. saintly. defeat . adv.. adv. —— —— — — — ' b6k adj. manner. adj. " Please Birik5t6.g. v. tree in leaves. person. in this Birueyi. manner. adj. girlish. very (usually followed to be dark). oversight of . occupying an extensive e.g. ' to shelter from disgrace. n. e." — Qko na dojude e. adj.." e. " The banyan my street is full of su biribiri. Bdbo. Bddi. B6kanise sile. to tumble . Igb6 biribiri. Bitorun. from disgrace. like a wry face . completely. like a feather.. refute. Jpwp bddi mi. to push headlong overthrow . " The sized.g. n." e. . thus . adj. of .g.." Boju. adj.. Biwa. to hide . . deprive of covering or bark . okunkun ni biribiri. heavenlike. B6. look sad. Biusun. v... Bojuto.. to be full of leaves in foliage. " A small piece of land. to make a noise like a he-goat." e. motherly. shield me . according to fashion. wallet used by travellers.g. v. adv.g. Mo ra circular space. v." Biri. n.g. Bd. n. adj." conj B6kanran. ng o Digitized by Google . Biwexe. " He a small a small — Bd. ran ki nip. fi r mad rather than. n. Bojuto ile fun mi.. to conceal one's error . " Take care of the house . v. Biw6. adv.. a square bag or forest wild acacia or locust the fruit of which is used as a cure for whitlow. .—— — — Bt-Q Bi-pmpde. to take like manner. boat entirely cap- overwhelm. e. Bise. Epo igi na bo. peels. e. Biwamimp. foolishly. ni boji. Bdjiji. like in form. Biya. adv. ile biri. to Bojuwo. ghostly a for me.g. adj." Birig&mi. v. lie mi bd dudu. entirely . Bigubu. — turned completely back. e. occupying within space compass. grave ment. v. to take the to take care notice of. v. drowsily. to veil or cover the face." Biribiri.. otherwise e. to rich biri. a. v.g. Bi-pmpdebirin. Biwin. shade." place of inter- Boji.g.. Joko Bdji. He biri. " Sit in the shade. Bi-$r$. yio is sete okunkun igb6. e. " I bought a large piece of ground.g. adj." e. or adv. heavenly.. Biye. " It is quite dark. to push down." to cover . the night is very dark." Biri. according to custom. " The bark of the tree peels. . to peel. e. n. " Joseph stripped his father's house. to make to writhe . Bdde. like. friendly friend- Biw6. Oyipada biri.g.g.g. a small narrow place. ghastly. " My body Biri. babyish. Ara mi b6.. childish. or fashion.. Qba ni igba owo b6de r r * The king receives custom. Joseph b6 il6 baba r$. tree. adv.g. adj. e. " The very dark. e. the darkness of night is deeper than the darkness of the forest. to break down . custom-house. Bojuje. adv. perchance. " adj. adv. except." vessel. to " Rather than go. Qta enia ni iba orukp r^ je. e. v. v. to thatch to be superior . Borukp je. v." e.. private. " Perhaps I may get it. Bori. babble . a tree. e. Boye li o gbo temi. " This child prates very much.g. over all. B6l0 bdro. " If he can will it possibly go be possible. if it had been.g. to be hazy or foggy. Bomij6.g. " The king confiscates the offender's house." Bd-mple." Bolobolo. . iba buruju. overflow or overspread. resign right or title. B6ya. kun bol$. Bokuku. e.g. B^ya... n. Botuje. " Darkness covers had the earth.g. nay or peel. fiori-gbogbo.. better... Bole. above all. a small fly which sucks perspiration from the talkatively Qmp yi nsp b6tiboti. perhaps. e. to shield . v." B$. v. robber . to cover to the ground .g. to cover the head . " It were worse if it been. to rob . white-grained Guineacorn.— —— — bOk — . " The whito-grained Guinea-corn is conspicuous among the ordinary red grains. v. Bora. to moisten. " It is cloudy. the croton bush.. to tear partly open. Bomubomu." B6ti. " One day's rain will make up for many day's drought ." to Boyesile. to cover the body. to abdicate .g.g. —— 73 leaf — . e. Bolawp. y Qro botiboti kd ye fun adv. Bolesebi..g. y. thatcher . to slander. nonsense . B6r6. valid. v. Ijo kan to surpass. Okunto cloud over. n.g. e.. n. con. of which is pounded and of used to curdle milk. Boye. " Unless — you hear me. to water . Botilesepe. as a leaf or fruit a tree . v. v. Qba bole eniti o se." Bo^epe. e. r Bosepe be li o ri. water. Digitized by Google . e. to take a morsel ' to sop. — adv." e. BO of the " pre " is to ferment akara cakes. adj. to sprinkle with v. v. pratingly. likely. n. a marrow. djo o bori oda. peradventure. overcome a house . body Bomi. n.g. e. n. B6yd mo le ri i gba. adv. Bom$. confiscator. conj." v. Bori ohun gbogbo. . Ojd boi$.. Botile j e. Bdkele. secret. I will resign the work. v. " Prating is unbecoming in an elder. though alnevertheless . Bomirin. "It is an enemy who slanders one's name. the leaf though. v. to fall from a slip . Bdkele. adv. take water in a agbalagba. to confiscate. a vegetable resembling Bole-bole. to skin. to overwhelm. it also to makes honey. if Bolesepe yio lo. v. as the to drop. nonsensically. Bomiwon. Botiboti. Ole boleterm of bole ejikan a reproach applied to robbers. Bdlasa. unless.. v.g. to fail in loft . n. albeit .. e.i. prep. BomcJ yo larin baba.g. e. to scald." Bol$.. to defend. Bolesepe. iba dara ju. g. hand. seethe.) have you washed your face this morning ? " BQkini. v. * B$ abere yi It is very slippery.g. . nourish. false deities . sile lori — bpl9W9 enia buburu. igi. e.. v. a species of acacia used in tanning. a neat and tidy bayi Child. adv. unornamented.g. to Google . to feed.g. to strip naked. v. very. B$. they are to beat the mud floor of a house . " I left him there after ny<J indulging him.— — — — —— — BO e. adj. n. The plate slipped from my e. Mo e. carrying out one's point.. to indulge e. timely. b^rcj re meat. v. e. sibe." " A tree.. to be handy. 44 Respect elders . to worship . B^r^ b^r^. B$ sokoto re. to unloose off. soon — . or parboil to sodden .g. " The heathen worship wood and igi Bpra. a gentleman. 44 He took off my clothes. fortunate 44 The travellers returned B<J sanra." Thread my needle. B<J aso 44 igangan. b$r<£.. <4 O hands. B$ gbogbo eran na. e. Bopelepele." B$l$. 44 He did not come immediately.g.g. to return . to thread. stupid. Take the clothes from the peg.. v.g." B$. Bplafun agba. cherish.g.." Ewe bo lori B$-loye. awon ni baba wa.g. Bo-bata. floors. profligate — B$ wasteful ^akoko. adj. —— — — — 74 . to travel towards .g.. B$r$. e..g. e. honour or regard. O b<J aso lara mi. v. v. deify. Awon ero b$ lana." (The word is not used for the dropping of liquid. or foster person .. boil. support.. B0-S B$-»lQWQ... " A child fell into the well. . v. n. to arrive . to escape.g. 44 Boil all the 44 immediately.. to deprive of title ." Bor$. de b$r$. adj." B$nni. e. to worship the god of stone. drops from the Qmode yi yi.g.g. yesterday. our fathers. to spoil by petting. v." B$.g. v. Bplafun. to wash slightly. the head. to depose . v.. to fatten. v. Awon to sacrifice . adj. Bori. to interpose intervene. to respect. 44 Shake B$r$." fun mi. e." e. 44 — — . ? o 44 ti boju l'oro Qmo bo si kanga." B$. v... adv. . to insert.. 44 You escaped from the hands of the wicked. to shake hands. slippery. B6-S$S$. B$-sarin. v. Digitized by . Put on your trousers. to undress.t. Boju. to shake hands . to put on trousers . maintain. Qran na bo I9W9 mi. to dethrone. to adore to take Bplowp. to come. v." B$ mi 4 lowo. to remove . keferi ama bo bo okuta.. B$r$ kdnu. e. K6 B^r^." e." e." e. Bo-la^9. v. to plaster or beat v. plain . v. loaf e.g. coddle. Awo b<J lowo mi. v.g. pierce. to stew. e. mud Iwo B$. to wash the face. to put on shoes.. v. 44 I failed in the matter. g. Bu agbado fun esin. — — " e. conj. even be so." came to e. v. to dilute . . On bu mi je. ambuscade . to decay to soso ni bujoko agba. " Give me water to drink. to despise . dwelling . " All the townfolk e. o b$w$ fun wa. to come ." . Gbogbo ilu li respect us. to put upon . Qbe na bu mi lpwp. to break bread . v. to reduce. Bpti. Budo." e. censure ." tan. of rice or water) . adj.. Bu. to lacerate. domestic Bukata. v. wicked . my Mo bu de ibe caught him easily. to take out a portion (e. to be deficient . camp. Bu. n.. to diminish.g. ." Bujekun. nearly. to abuse . " I — to enter. n. — Bpsil$." Buba.. to honour.g. Obp si mi lowo b<Js$. Mo nu u 098$. e.. to dive .. gradually. v. to drop ." v. to break into a loud cry to yell . " A We ri won ni towards. v. a manger . knife cut The my hand. evil vile . Bu omi fun mi.g. n. abode e. ashes. prep. to pay respect to .. to shake hands. to return from abroad to enter the house.g. . to scorn . hiding v." Buba. Bujoko. " Cut a a stall Buka.g.g. to bite. secretly . v. .g. v.g. Buje.. responsibilities. come short of . " I nearly reached there. adv. Bpwale. Qmode ki iwo yams under hot Bu. a plant bearing a round fruit. Buje..g. . a stable a restaurant.. v. n. Bu. a short loose garment terminating at the waist. e. v. Botilesepe. e." upon . nip or gnaw. malt of Guinea. v. to depreciate . Bukpja. n. to send out an unpleasant savour. to lessen . " I adv. " It hand quiotly." BubUTU.corn. to wane . Mo bu isu die ninu eru gbigbona. " I baked a few me." e.g. Mo bu se tan. e..— —— — ." moulder. to take from . easily . v.. quietly . Bpya. see B6ya. to broil . Buje. B$W&. have nearly done. " Enter the house. seat. to tweak . to bake under ashes . Bu. to v. e. Bule. to regard . to impose a fine. — — 75 — BtL B0S B$S$.Bii isu die fun omo yi. liabilities . almost gone.g. n. almost . to explode ." e. to add to to increase. Bula. e. Bukun. to abate . ill. though if it . " Bring corn for the horse. n. to adulterate. Bukurd.g." Bpsi Bpsi. to rupture . v. n. to fail.g. place. to charge some yam for this child. B$W$. " He bit . a hovel market shed. Bqw$. the juice of which is used in tattooing. v. to move discovered them in their hiding place.. buba. e.. to hide in the sand as a crab. v. infamous .. n.g. Bukun. il6. to mildew . " The younger should not intrude into the seat of the elder. to diminish.. adv. Digitized by Google .. naughty bad . O da mi with da owo. one of the gods supposed to accompany smallpox. Okun na That cord . " Honour the King. to estimate. a place for refreshment . a sleeping place . Busugba. Buruku. "He strikes conduct. a vaccinator. lu mi. e. humbly closely (used with " sap amy. adj. v.— BtTL Bol$. v. outrageous very bad .. venerate or revere. to give . a stick. sand . Bon Bun 16yd. bad . n. to vaccinate .. to supplylargely . to be almost finished. n. D. adv. cious.. to give water to. to blow upon . . Bora. to add to . the primary idea of this verbis" to make or create. to impose hide). to honour me . hideous . to besprinkle. v." e. and to kill persons so afflicted by twisting their necks. v. a resting place for travellers . " to . Burujulo. Digitized by Google . Busp. . y Bow6kon. to bless. " easily Buruburu. n.g. v. to respect. v. Busfi. e.g. Bupa. v. Bon lomi. adj. the soft pulp of the . to pour upon . to press upon (as oppressive v. v. to take an to Bora-eke. v. a market stall. Bose. adv. to put to . locust fruit. Busa. to respect. O ni igi. v. Bupa-bupa. worst as can be wickedly atro. v. n. to swear oath. an inn . v. a bed a nest. n. swear falsely .g.g. to bite. e. v. n. a stall in which cattle are tied at night-time." horribly erroneous. — — 76 — — DA to patch . l$bon. e. Buyin. to give place . regard. n. Buruwa. Boro-gidigidi. to forswear. " The Oru buover- " God will bless you " ! heat powers me. to wax worse and worse.. noxious. " May God bless you " ! atmosphere). Bow$n. v.. — e.g. Bote. to prize . Boson. Buyin fun Qba. v. " They hide very closely.. to depreciate. to value .g. Buso. v. Nwon sapamo buruburu. to bestow upon . to lessen the price or value . broken. to fine a tax. Busi. nja bute is bute. to be vaccinated. to permit. loose v. wicked . Da. adj. e. . adj. hopelessly Born siwaju. Bote bote. adj. wicked. loose soil. Buwole. v. to give a present to. Qlorun yio busi i fun o. to piece. to perjure . Bosan. to grasp with the teeth ." Bu-wSde. adj. — . Buru-rekoja." but its signification is modified by the noun with which it is used in combination. Bora. ill infamous .g." Bun. to present. easily (applied to a string or cord). Bolo." as bad Bnmdopin. adj. throw you down . a particle with jecture. cross." Daidagiri. da. become of Dagba.g. .g. to be acceptable as a sacrifice (because the blood of the sacrifice is poured on the ground) ." It is also imagine think . down — throw Mo da to e. answer fun. to cast . to be like seem. v. to become fully developed (used of persons only) . partake leave of. He is e. . speak.g. " He acquits me. Da bul$. Digitized by . Ko dabo always immediately after iyp mi lenu. v. . . . e. Dagbalagba. — Dadi. Dab$.g. Dagbagba erin. " He causes me to have the right. Qre mi da mi. harbour. (da. e." The object of the verb thus formed is Dabl. 44 Kokoro grub di labalaba." or lit. . hinder is Dad6. bid farewell. to dwell alone isolated . fuse . make . O da mi lare.. reply . to become .g. dada. v. in wrestling. " The stick breaks " (an expression equivalent the to le " the cause of the quarrel ? to be v. . v. He da " The house is quiet. Ara mi " to be well. . detain Daduro. hope .g. and when used with other words has the meaning of " to cause to have. . The becomes a butterfly.g.. v. to be full grown. " to be intelligent.—— — DA " —— " . to laugh . defend Dabdbo. to be the back. v.. Oju r$ da. answer v. a causative force.g.. to be responsible represent . by-and-by a term used in bidding goodbye to the dead. Da.g. e. when used in this sense it is changed into Di for the sake of euphony before e.g. . lie across . . " . . Qda da. down . . " I am well . resemble . e. Dahun for . . DAI Daba (da-aba). the particle Da.. gbere. good . i.. speculate conv.. to dwell apart. pours me out) . " to break. Kini dadi ija ? " What intelligent e.. " There is famine . to cause to lie to confine to bed.. to cause . Daradara. v. v. Dagbe. bring about. isolated. well. v. . pour . create alarm a panic.. O di gbere o. v. " bid by-and-by ") goodbye. v. to live alone v. e. v. " My friend betrays me " (Ut. raise Google . . e. to be scarce or rare. . .g.g. e. . protect shield shelter cover screen ." e. " He does not cease troubling me. — — 77 — . to slip a child under the arm from v. . arrest interinterrupt . — Dagbere. o and all consonants. or to be a time of dearth. Da. Till Dahun. v. adv. to stop prevent stay . cease. betray a trust . " to cease (of rain) to be still or quiet. cept. He contributes (creates) money. loudly.. v. e." Dabu. English " Alas ! "). Igi da. " I can 9.. for. to grow age to be old. Dajudaju. kuro. Dakele. Kini eran na ti dakelekele yi ? " What causes the meat to be in such tiny bits ? justify. by folding it into The Qyo Church con- Da . pour out out .g. to prepare spun cotton I for sale skeins. .... to . . v. . v. dismay. con- demn. acquit . lekun . " He with . of. . to make farm. v. forbid " He v. plain . pass over .—— ' — — . * * a quarrel ask your pardon. . me hot scious. Da . Da Da Da Da . Daj$. answer . e. to cut into bits. v. Dajp (da pjp). (da-ni-agara). to be perfectly- Daja (da-ija). . be . lejp. is scalding water. to create. v. fix a definite time. to be uncon- Dakp to scald. e. Da Da Da Da . . v. a time Dako. . to appoint a day . v. " Please pardon me. or fight. . exhaust the patience evi. v. jp. v. Da . . .g. e. certainly dently . . discourage dishearten. v. lagara to weary .. to sit crosslegged legs. . v. v. Daji. v. — 78 DAI Daiyafd. to be circumcised. v. restrain. lare (da-ni-are). to Dake. Daiyaja. judge. .' y (Always used in the Imperative mood. . " The water is ' quite calm. . (da-ni-ekun). assuredly. v. . to be . to contribute. to buy agidi (corn starch.g. to be . feed alone . *' v. Dajp (da ejp). pour hot liquid on appoint a day. Dale. quiet. v. . frighten . jade. release . to . to specify wake up suddenly Da rise very early in the morning. adv. alarm. lohun reply to. . intimidate. . judge settle Dakun. v.) Dakun. . v. Da . . adj. v. to get a concubine* Dal$ (da-il$). step across . stand with open . Dakpj a. j6. to . break oath. redeem ." Dakeje. . v. to serve one disappoint. still . . v. (Da-ekp). • turn or still. shameless ." Daju (da Oju).g. company. v. is dead. or to circumcise. (Dak6 is to be avoided in translations and kpla to be used calm shun . Dak6. Ijo Qyo da ogoji poundi jo. cooked). instead). v. be perfectly still (da-ni-ohun). v. . or provoke a quarrel . Kpla. let go. certain certain.. cause. v. to prove faithtoless to an agreement . v. gbigbona jo mi O da omi lara.g. to be in small bits .y adjudicate. O ti dake. to enliven. laraya. v.' e. . v. lara. . . v. DA Dakerprp. . lpbi (da-ni-ebi). venture. Dakaka. v. Digitized by Google . . neglect. v. attempt. v. v. to gamble with food (an Ekiti custom). right . to or quiet. collect together. tributed £40. Dakokd (Da-ak6k6). Omi dakeroro. " to be silent to be dead e. . Daku. v. Dakelekele. faint . drive out. la$a. . ." Dalu.. " What caused the quarrel among meji." frightened me adj. . Daniniyemeji. doubt. . adj. make bright .g. " to Qmo yi e. ransom . certainly . .. e. .. . . v. loju. to be confused. at all costs . v. lojude. overset. v. nija (da-ni-ija). Dalu. . hole at all costs. Danadana. bright v. a fish resembling substance scales found with. longing for the Yoruba Country. . " The news upset me. capv.g. n." with. doubtful create head with a Damu. niji . Da • • . O v. . alarm terrify e." yam give you ? " (da-ni-iji). v. . Da . to make fire.g. Thus commingle happened . . nigi (da-ni-igi). Ng o lp at all risk. " This child disappoints me (by its early death).. loro (da-ni-oro). . lubricate.g. v. to mingle mix. da mi lokun dwo. e. . — — . adv. v. .. . meji divide bisect.g." Da Da ." polished Dan. to give advance capital to . e.. a quarrel or fight. niyemeji. ' loro. a highwayman pirate . by all means . size . lokun dwo. . Dandan. shine. Da . . da enikeni one. v.) . to strike or hit hit da mi niji. sa ri it be dandanyidan. . . wine.g. . doubt in the mind.g.. capital. v.— — —— DA Da .g.— l£mu nda mi lprun. through. bring confusion Ohun na dami " I am Da Da Da sure of the matter . to burn with fire. v. to be certain. e.g. . frighten greatly. . He O da igi mp mi me on the stick. emancipate a slave. e. v. (da-meji). to covenant make a covenant. with a . *' means make a . halve O da isu na si cause .. such as He Ife. v. *' I will go at all costs. " I feel a longing for palm- lprun. . mp. " He divided the into two parts. after all .. lamu. by all e. . to have a to long far. disappoint. ." Dandanyidan. to e. torment. surely .. to . to v. to cause to Digitized by Google . "Please advance me some money to trade e. v. and in trans. v.g. Dana (da-ina).g. into two . a v. dandan. found . . . . . stick. to v. da mi loju. DA Da . uncertain. to be e. e. v. Kini da yin nija. glitter smooth to be smooth . . Dana. n. v. . . Dandan. after all." in the soil of some parts of Da . polish . lori. adv. Da .g. — — — — — 79 . advice propose. commit robbery on the highway. IJranko na " The beast greatly. . v. upset . ' upon to upset. loko $ru. (trans. confuse perplex con- Da . sure loju (da-ni-oju).. Ihin na da mi lamu. torture. ** Mase Torment no . " v. Dandanndan. beat Damajemu. robber. Dampran (da-imp-pran). . to bore . j Jp Danasun. dainty. Dappgpkan. to be upset.. eko (food) " throw out throw away. joke. . v. Darudap$. Darikp. cause to turn over. glossy. adv. promiscuously . one exempt meddle in intrude into. turn . . v. entirely adv.. in con. Dap$. DA Darandaran. . freckled. — to speak fluently. course of. Da . combine with join. towards to. . . conjoin incorporate. handsome . to decide in favour of . . . splendid . v. wail . mix . make a pocket. to be gay. follow fashion. no. adv. v." Daradara. adj. go towards. . Daro. better . release . v. fluent. make oneself scarce. Da who re- . Darappmp. . together. commingle . v. elegant . kp. to keep one waiting a long time delay. acquit Digitized by Google . mix mingle join. adj. to be a dyer of ard (a blue dye). Si. completely good . | indkcriminately fusion. . adj. e. crooked . . to be lively . n.. e. a criminal. . Dappmp. turn . fair . " The Dari Da overturned. Dana. Dapata (da-apata). v. adj. never . . grievous sin get into a scrape . Dapd (da-apo). v. confound confuse. sil$ . clumsy. si. v. Dasan (di-asan).. v. tempt . superior.g. nice. (applied to verbs of concealing). v. v. . v. fine . ti o dara . v. . coalesce . drover. Darisi. v. nu. Danu. Dapadapa. play . v. . to amuse oneself . DAN Danmanran. e. Omi na is danu.' . heavy penalty Das$ (da-ese). v. to lament . r6. adj. v.g. bol$ darudaru. to cease from going to a place : to refrain from visiting a place . to come to nought become useless . to be cheerful . smooth Dan . good . cut capers display feats of skill . v. Dapara. to be able Dare. to be callous. spare .g. to be hard . Dapomora. incur a connnit sacrilege. make a show . reserve . acquit. offend. his . name mention by name. . Dari. . . . to dye . Dara (da-ara). to jest. Qmode na da eko re nu. . Dari .. connnit a trespass . wd. — 80 . (da-si-il$) let go. . Darukp (da-orukp). . think longingly of another. clean . . Dard.' • . Danmanranmanran.. smooth neat . . v. Daraya. " The fog covers the town completely. direct the prove. . Ikuku beautiful . v. adj. Da . a regular evil-doer . Daraju. tend to prone to pucker. . adj. peatedly commits offences . vanish out of sight. steer . v. Daran (da-pran). herds- adj. to be spilt . man very try . unite Darudaru. v. Dara. v. n. very neat.. ru. shepherd. Darandaran. neat nice . Da . " The child throws away water — to turn the direction of . v. v. Diyele (da-iye-le). v. v. wash Da used in such a alone. .g. . pay taxes . . accurate. Debipa (da-ebi-pa) Febipa. im- pede stop the progress of. " He came I at the exact moment e. v. v. v. . sil$ (da-si-ile).g. cease. — v. . reach the place. D6. to pay customs pay duty. (lit. the price of . screw together . estimate. Dawo-ilu. v. fashion thoughtlessly clean . sense self. adj. . to hold the hand . Dasasa. pour spill. to fix Dede. . . contribute . ." e." e.. e. was rates." bind . to refuse to be appeased when angry. v. O da oro na 89. OJ9 de. money subscribe money put money together. lie in ambush wait for waylay.g. Dawoduro (da-owo-duro). suitable . appraise . adj. lewon. rate . cover. l^dawobd ise na. reach . stop. Ise is Dawobd (da-owo-bo). Duro de mi. v. v. means by one- Dawo Dawo (da-owo). fix a price upon . to go on all fours) be ruined. the work in v. lapa. expert oju re. . venture upon . clean to . esu. stay. exact .. v.. " Let your hands be fully occupied in doing the work e. . ." stop. to adopt a style . e. . Dawo.. handcuff. " Wait for me. prep. v. to forbear. " The matter has reached a crisis.. e. put in shackles . v. alone. needed him.g. e. ." Ko dede ti nwpn fe ri 9. " He alluded to the matter. Dawole (da-owo-le). join hands. . pay Da-esu. " Rain is coming. lade. . new Dasaka.—— DA Da . ." Dawodel$ (da-owo-de-ile). Diyele. in the absence of . de mi mple.g. to be sulky . Digitized by Google . (This is done by the buyer and not by the seller. Dawo-bode. Dasakaga. adv.g. adj. follow fashion. fettered. estimate the price of. . is " It no wonder they wish work. well . Dasa (da-asa).. to pinion. exactly. nip dede. v. fetter . v. Qran na de recklessly. to crown. O wa ni dede akoko ti mo fe e." . . agreeable .. . . bathe alone.g.) arrive . on the ground shed .. for. v. obstruct . " The going on well. Dawu (da OWU). " Continue clever. expert clever. 4 * —Nwpn . lona. —— 81 —— — DEN . SO. to De De De De to see you. adopt a new or Dayele. to chain v. I v. v. v. v. to cover with hands. my absence. to save one's money by joining a kind of club called £su. e.. Dawole (da-owo-le). stay. v. put in fetters. . Da . starve. Debe (de-ibe).g." speak yarn for sale by folding it into skeins. lay Dena. cease. rivet tie . ." De. v.g. come . Dawo. prepare cotton DawopJ about. v. allude mention (da-owo-po). undertake. v. Da w$. to Dawo-ode. . to arrive there ." v. Ma se ise na de mi. De. . v. . " much complicated.. — — . v. Df . . condemn. " The way is overgrown. befall Demu happen DSfU. closed di. Degun (di-egun). adj. to . prep. — Dede. " Who condemns. morrow." si adj. close. v. " Till toe. bait . cease . transgress . Desedoro. angle. De . slacken — . ' Dehin — (di-$hin). " some distant date {lit.—— DE-S De-n." e. Tesedoro. Dehon. .. it the is Dew$ Degbo. to make a rough seat on a tree on which to lay wait for animals at night. relax one's hold. v. to sin . deep. very soft. complicated. di pla. O — Till Till Di. " Is at .g. hole. " The day of the Lord is at hand. near raise alarm.. dehin ola. Det$ (da-ete). to ease . v. Dewu (da ewa)." v. listen . v. hunt bush). v. e. to cause to feel the weight of." (da-era-pa).. fish. frighten to load . scare. (in the ear. to incite against. . to cause fear to v. " The fruit is of a deep red colour. to sink the voice. — 82 —— . adj. see Dawo esu. Dera (de ara). impossible. e. v.. go back. disobey a law. after to-morrow). as applied to colours. entangled to D$ . e. soft Dekun Dekun. Deti (de-eti). to be lax .. v.g. v. " I closed up the Qna na snare. . v. Deti. Ku si d$d$. v. Eso na pon dede. QJ9 Oluwa ku d?d$. conj. J£J9 — . a. impersonal. decoy Dera (di-eru). Degbe (de igbe). .g. to set a trap ." Di. to pack. to fish with a hook . v. v. D$hin. loose . * Dew$ (de iw$). soothe comlara. " The matter becomes very e. hand. adj. found with the till or until. adj. Derate (di-era-le). ensnare allure ." Di. e.. lade. Deru (da-era). Je ki ndewp fun 9.. Debi (da-ebi). condemn. placid." e. adj. . v. v. ba. to flag come to. thick. (de it fails .g. v. Df (da-ema). (de-okun). to extract the sap of the palm-tree. to fish. affright . v.. to be mild lenient .. ridiculous. ripe . Dera . v. . D$. to be leprous. to halt wait . slack soft. lara.g. till after. . adv. a load. O d? mi na di patapata. sew a garment. tie v. (de-eja). to make or 0W0). . incline Derupa Dedo (df odd). .. adv. stop. galled. D$d$. Des$ (da-es$). tempt . shut up . set a trap . v. (always particle O) . hunt. fort. " Let me give you a chance. v. Mo di iho na. Tani ndebi. .g. at hand (used exclusively in the phrase). Deja Deju. v.g. v.g. " It soothes me. stay. v. shut . . . e. e. v. v." Debifun.g. v.g.g. e. Derinpa. yielding. v.. v. v." Digitized by LjOOQlC . making antics capering. few . adv. stir . v. ferment. Dide. the act of imagining . Dif e. Dija (da-ija). v. . conjecturing or speculating." Digitized by VjOOQIC . (used in Digba Di . —— — 83 . to arrange a race. v. become. Diedie. v. knotted. adj. to wear a piece of cloth around the waist as above. . Qran yi diju. e. adj. Digba (di-igba). to cast lots. Dijamora (di-oja-mora). Didi. n. to be disengaged to be O digba o. v. to perish. v. bye* and -bye . O digbose. little by little . cause . freeze . a. to become putrid corrupt . Dil$.. flower.g. v. stand up . Dig6. musty. beautiful nice. n. soundness of body . n. to to close a passage.g. Did$. arrival. e. adv. health. Di. looking-glass . . shining .g. soft . unemployed. to be harnessed . the fall time when. v. v. the ri effect to of diji Qmode na Dide. n. v.g. congeal . . some . v. adv. v. DIL Digbati (di-igbati). unite . Dida. to consult the god Ifa by means of its symbols (di-oju). v.. Dihamora. Didara. parting). the condition of being good. consisting of a piece of cloth tied round the waist. till bind . little . v. a little at a time. adv. an article of dress. bright glossy . Diji. to take fright . Didan. fix a time. v. " I am become great.. less e. nigbati o child " The fright when Egungun " (a Diju Die. tie — . arise ." (di-igbana). molten to . Dida-ara. e. . to prevent from hearing deafen . good . glass mirror. " Good- — bye. the act of giving effect any action. to arm oneself . v. n. to appoint a certain time .." Digi. coagulate. congealed frozen .. to be entangled egungun. Mo di eni nla.g. adv. the condition of being bound or chained." Dide. " I Qwo mi am now pressed with work. adv. v. . . adj. shut the eyes to be . adj. . rotten . to be to blossom (da-igba). awhile. Dija. e. " Good-bye. to tie a cloth round the body. to palm-nuts. Dije (da-ije). dense. dil$ die wayi.—— Dt Di. Dida-aia. varnished. Dida. " Stand upright. " This matter is hard to unravel. Digbese. ripe. to be the cause of a quarrel. poured out. to be clad in armour. adj. the condition of being tied.. to be frightened out of breath faint fright. e. leti. n.g. become mouldy . v. n. bye-and-bye. till to be deaf. to incur debt into debt. from e. Digbana then. become . n. fainted with he saw the masquerader). Dibd..g. v. Digboge (di-igbati-o-^e). . till another time. stale ." Dibaje. . Dide naro. n." Dikasi. Didaba. v. Difa (da-ifa). v. v.." Do?{>. struggle. gauge. to arm harness . cling to Dim$lu. nihamora. lona. to free . lenu. to barricade . . to face . lokete. to engage one's time.." — v. v. . till now. toast. tie together . nice . the same level. Diti (di-eti). prep. v. to become watery . bind together. Dode. v. to hold . v. v. Dilu. to lie flat on the stomach (a form of salutation). v. Dinu. Dobale. to make ashamed. Dopin (de-opin). to be a substitute. v. v.. — v. Donko. Dojnkodo (da-oju-ko-od6). e. Da oju ikoko na de ile. v. v. sickle . v. Di . — . Dowodele (da-owo-de-ile). Dip$.. Dojuti. take counsel . . O dopo le aso ti mo nta. condense Dim$. grasp. Doti. incline one's steps. coagulated. beleaguer. . . " He offers a low price for the cloth I have for sale. v. Diw$n. cantankerous. . congeal . Digitized by VjOOQIC . v. e. to prostrate with the face on the ground. v. v. v. to prostrate on the ground . to hang down the head. to be equal to be on . to turn towards . " Hold sinsin. to invert. adj. to rust . to take one's whole attention . muzzle of. n. Dip6." Din. Dogd. to obstruct interprevent . . Dojubole (da-oju-bo-ile). instead of in the place of. grip e. cohabit. to to subdue.g. v.g. Dogon. adv.g. . mu. to offer low price for goods.— DI Di • . clothe in armour. to come to an end . v. Dipara. grasp wrestle . succeed . deaf. . . beset . congealed .g. corrode. fast. . (lit. revengeful . Diw$ (dt-OWQ). v. v. to become person. v. Di . Dopo. v. Disisiyi. Dogiri (da-ogiri).. grand . encamp . v. Diri. v. v. giri. bind. a. to rust . v. Doriko. . bake . bar. cause to fail . " To prostrate oneself and keep the elbows close to the body (in the supplication) attitude of v. to encamp against .g. to fry . v. to chase Dpgba. v. to . has its advantage. empty. Dorikodo (da-orin-ko-odd). together. the mouth Di Di . to shut scythe. to make into a bale. v. Dojude (da-oju-de)." Dimu " Grip tightly. deaf. " Invert the pot. . v. Dobale ki a pa igbonwo mora ni ohun ti ise fun ni. morose . v. a. an idiot . v. to measure . to dun for debt. Domi (da-omi). to become liquid. confront. Dina. . Dojuko. to end. to be Diwo (df-owo). a stupid Diyele. . to to clasp hands bend the fingers into the palm of the hand. to emancipate. hinder cept. fine. see Dayele. Dofo (di-ofo). to gallop. to adhere ." hunt. . v. to turn the face downward. corrode. Dimu e. v. . n. — — 84 DQW Doje. adj. Domnira (da-omnira). to plait the hair. v. D6. to go on all fours). e. v. . to be painful . harp. vomit . black Dura (du-ara). to grieve ." Dubul$. Ebf. lo. n. Ebe. E. to make an effort to keep oneself from falling.g. agreeable. v. bribe. . Durode mi. to deny a request . Ebi-npa. give Du. to stumble upon . fiBtr Dow$nle (da-ow$n-le). n. n." v. a kind of drum. Du. " Do not stagger against me. Duru. decapitate. "Wait Dnrope. rival. n. bad names fibu. form a pronoun. bed . v. n. fiba.g. attributing defect to any .* Digitized by VjOOQlC . Dun. Kolu. Dulum$." Dugbolu. Dudu. ftdi.. —hunger is ftbO. to lie . calumny slander e. n. Duroti. halt e. fried n. a utensil." Mase dugbolu mi. to halt suddenly. e. pleasing . n. E. Ojo su dudu. abuse . very much. adj. sable . to wait for.. e. v. a prefix. to give thanks e. pupo. dudu. Abo. dulump enikan.g. ti Ohun dunm9 mi Dundu nwon se hungry killing). slipped. v.— DQW ) — — . v. " The rainclouds gather quickly. to rate at a high price . Dii. Mase gba . v. harmonium. compete with adj. Mo dura nigbati ile y9 mi. appraise highly. " I tried to keep on my legs when I Dnro. to use . " That which they did pleased me J9J9. v. emu- Dupe — (da-ope).g. to cause regret. sound. sweet holding grease* or ointment. organ. me Dim.g. v. journey . matter thrown up from the stomach. Dubu. a heap of earth made for planting . adj.g. yam. v. Dudu. v. a long journey. to linger . (a phrase) to be Dun. please to be pleasant .. to lie across or athwart. to pain . stagger against knock against an object. to kill by cutting the throat . . the thing used. palatable . to scramble for . jar for oil fibi.. stay long. v. v. the act of binding or tying. v.g. to to be agreeable." (du-ndu). n. . v. refuse disallow. important. — e. n.. . (lit. . darkcoloured. travel . n. Dundun. black . down. v. adv. e. v. a ba se e ni ibi ko u. for me. (Used to express any agreeable sensation. thickly. hunger.g. dark- coloured. used with a verb to Dumbu. — —— 85 . Dunmo.. Dfiru. thanks for kindness would not feel injury done to him. e. " Do not slander anyone. delicious pleasant . late . IJniti a se lore ti ko dun dupe.. Ebi. Dnrode. adj.. wait .g." e. hillock. " He who does not received." v. Qran na dun mi The matter grieves* much. to stand by or against. Durogi. . to stand tarry." '* elo. n. skeleton. . Eflnrin-ata. water mint. n." figede. n. ulcer . mystery. fifQ. a piece of anything about the size of a man's fist intended for planting ." film. medicinal properties. n. back -bone . Eginni. medicine a tree). . It said to wander abroad at language . EGU support chorus. adv. a seal fidu. Ebutti. chaff . a tickling. prawn. IW9 nrin mi li eginni.. a coated tongue caused by a disordered stomach. figungun. . n. Qlori nla. n.400). . n. an aromatic shrub Eflnrin. Egbogi (lit. a kind of wild goat. wharf . imprecation . cast off snake skin. lobster night and to frequent the woods. perdition eternal punishment. . fif f. fif$. dust . tick. n. fif6. a. the ridge only remains to be done. curse . fididi. e.g. fide. bone . corn chaff used fif 6. a masquerader who is supposed to be a dead person returned to earth the worship of the spirits of the dead.. n. of n. froth. n. only . Egun. n. — 86 figbe. anathema. . " My sur- peeling off. dirge . figb6. one thousand four hundred (1. figun. n. of the body. w. n. . anthem . black. piece. new yam. Egbin. harbour. n. yam seed. resembling mint. a kind of deer. Egbd. n. e. lampfidu. n.g. n. n. n. . n. n. n. a mysterious saying. figb§. n. smoke. is of very small stature. Egbere.. broken pieces fragments of earthenware. n. . part aid A response framework roof. a cane used in the of a thatched Ebute. response. a sore tree.— —— fiBU . spinal column. ^root of . another species of Efinrin. a stamp. n. landing place ." figbe. . having n. n. buffalo. for feeding cattle. figake. n. . Ennrin-wewe. . Ofp. refuse . e. fif in. breastbone the Ara mi npa face skin is efo. root a spell a charm an enchantment. shrimp fidl. an evil spirit supposed to be Egbeje. Egun-ehin. " big-headed fellow. outer skin . dialect tongue. a heap of fine dust. cinders . cuticle . Egnnrin. fige. e. n. . flea fige. Egun-aiya. figun. fide. Digitized by VjOOQlC . Egungun. woe . ribs. having smaller leaves. crawfish fide. Eflnrin-odd. n. n. n. — n. n. n. a small animal . figbon. simply. dust. (egbo-igi).g. Mo bo ile tan egede^ ki nye e ni o ku. " I have thatched the house. mint. soft figbodd. . n. bubbles . " You tickle me. damnation loss . Egede.. coal .g. dry corn cooked very corn pudding." Efu. w. a . mange . twelve. " He makes an effort fiku.n. n. fikanna. rabbit. n. a. fikan. peg. mound of earth the name given district hillock . Pipe ni yio pe eke kd ra. to the of a. Ekuro. Ejie. fijd. ivory tusk. a snare for fish. stem or roots of Ellin. wherefore how . become pair. n. bud . elephant's fikan. fijila. to raise himself a little. dust . n. birds like palm-birds generally found in flocks . Ibeji. seven . post to which to tether animals . the second month n- Yoruba Country. giving birth to two at one time. fiji. fikura. seventh. Ekinni. Eku. bacon. liar. a. eft. called kuduru. Eje. passion passionate feeling. eczema. O se eku dide die. thought to enhance beauty. n. n. EHA Ehase (eyi-ha-se). EKU fikan. sprout. ^lion's paws). n. rat . rain. somersault . the seventh in the year July. mouse. a prickly plant. paw. . fikulu. twins . seventh. Ekukaka. hare Ek6. n. n. adv.g. n. n. Ekute. lie falsehood .. wooden mu fiha. n. any foam. fiji. second . n. Ehoro. Eku.a. claw) a prickly shrub used as medicine for destroying tape -worms. sheer force effort. itch scabies . Ekelenje. Ej6. plug or wedge. n. a.. pounded a. fikora. a creeping plant. Ekd. fifo-ejo. — fikan.. sword or cutlass. Iyan-ikasi. upright posts used in weaving . —— 87 . offset . Eyin. talon . . snake. — month 6kiti. Digitized by VjO ogle . Ekulu. n. n. n. a kind of wild goat. £k6rdgbe. eighteen. seedling . n. a. fikan. tooth tusk. n. " Though it n. Ejanu. chief. . n. n.n. Eje-pdun. — Ek616. the second of a yam which stale. Ejidflogun (fiji-din-ni-ogtin). n. the kernel of a palmnut. e. fiji-Qdun. Ejinrin. . (lit. n. n. joint. the cast off skin of a snake. n. n. Ehin-erin. so. fiho-ejo. next the other . fine dust. . finger-nail claw . n. why new shoots from the trees. weed . e. fihti-iyan.g. goat. has . so called from its prickles resembling lion's paws. two. n. . may will be a long time a be detected at last. a long worm generally found by the side of water. Ewure. first. north-east the a wedge-shaped cut in the upper frontal teeth. n. sometimes . in the year February. fiknru. n. n. fikiti. a kind of deer." lie Ekeje (§kan-eje). a small lizard. offshoot . handle of a knife. Ekeji ($kan-eji). a Ejf. shoulder. n." serpent . ftkiri. falsity. meal made of ground white beans or corn (when made of corn it is called — ekuru agbado) . n. n. . knee. fijik&. n. 15kan-ekun. froth . Ejire. eagle's (lit ISkan-awodi. fried pork. fih6. one Ele?u. n. refl. seconder . a course of mud in building mud walls. n. adv. instruments made of iron . makes Eleri. Digitized by over- Google . n. Eledemeji. yam-flour .. dried yam. n. pro. Fmifnnrftmi . file. E16s6. Eleti-aja. adj. Elese-aluko. I. dirty filthy. fina. the seeds of a wild shrub which adhere Emi-na. overweight n. traitor. n. supporter . ri. Ekutele (ekute-ile). sur. Em^Tlfl. myself. wedge. r$ ri. Ng. Mo. (so) the slave was once a child in his father's house. n. pro. ENt fify. earthy . Elere. double-dealer. grazing.. EmitJkalami. I myself . Qka. ftlg. grinder organs.g. calls ftl6. n. adj. to clothes. n. n. purple. n. a liar . adj. interest usury pressure. Elegede. n. ingredients used in cooking. possessed with a devil. measure. EUeru. violence . that which has flaps. n. n. a shrub whose seeds stick to the skin of cattle (agbd. n. £m$ de. Elegede. means " One who . The cry of " £le " denotes " All to arms. pro. used only in the following proverb Bi iwo ko ni owo o kd ni ena." £m$ or fimim^. made of dust. anything adhesive. Emurin. a cheat . house-rat. refl. one with sores on his era se " (As) dried yam was once fresh and soft. seeds of a plant . n. n. force . n. and if you cannot pay visits can you not send some kind messages ? " Hence the title " Apena. " A Elere. .g. Ele?u. a Elemini. pumpkin. unit. Eletutu. devilish. sword. wonder . propitiator. (to give a person in distress) can you not pay visits. Elub9 seegbodo omo ni ile baba fimi. a mystic. e. palm-oil seller. Ele. n. mosquito. n. adj. EUegbe." equivocator n. fim$-agb6. . I myself. n. Emitikarami. breath. Eleyi. Elerupe. n. one . Eleke. pro. a shuffler. fila. e. weapons . £m$. n. an unclean person . E16-ob$. n. a demoniac . chorister . " If you have no money — one . Emim<J. Emuren. a dirty or filthy person. such as salt and pepper. one who gains or profit. iron . a slanderer . Ekus$. one who makes responses. strange occur- rence. wicked ." Emi.. this ftld. How much ? together. n." ftni. EKt Ekusa. n. digestive Elubo. ram) when adj. fil6. this. a trailing plant bearing fruit on a stalk. a talebearer. n. I also . myself." which use. see Abiku. bi o kd ni ena o k6 ni ohun rere lenu. plus . pro. ringworm on the head. refl. I body. n. £m$. n. n. strange thing happens. — — 88 0l$. n. Eni. : Elepo. n. . fruit-bearing. Elegbd. adj. grass used as food for horses and cattle in general the leaves of a plant used firan. w. wayfarer passenger . dependency the surrounding districts of a fipa. pro. Erup$. Epo-$w$r$. pounded an ex. islet. to-day. — . n. lit. ft. molar tooth. ft. peel . generally in the dry season (Dec. Erin. (a phrase. ft. . image it. so can the ant. . wild grass. . fellow. fip$. Erinmi. trader . whale. to Feb. image of any kind.. . hippopotamus. somebody man (in person the general sense). n. 89 £ntr inu mbi ajanaku a bi era. ft. is firti. skin . the market is full. chaff sifted out of ground clamation of fear or terror. double-dealing deception . indecent frivolity. thought . firin-igbado. nits . n. ejitere ni oja ifi ikun. as thatch. idol statue. ft.g. European. . fir 6. firf. ft. gradually. dirt foulness. intention. ft. . . ft. small black ants with poisonous stings. ft.. ft." firfc. Erd. the bark of a tree which contains much acid . ft. mud . bark fipo. premium. finf. elephant. . chaff . rascal Eniakenia. ft." firan. maize or Indian corn.g. — . black man negro coloured man. infection e. Enia-dudu. rind fipora. island filth isle . Erigi. ft. used as food for cattle. the fipe. without character common .) fira. fipd. sport. the eggs of lice. . Spa ! fiparipa ! inter. ashes . palm-oil . ft. Mase ko eran ran mi r " Do not infect me. play . con. fird-ina. ft. shell. Erekusu. adulteration. game . white man . . . fird. Enia. caravan . husk . the dust which . a . n. one after — spot on Eredi. . traveller . ft. adv. ft. craft . Enia-funfun.. adv. . n. grease. outcast . maize in cob. . ft. earth. firn. fini. . crust . Bi juice . Erek6. profit . oil . benefit . ft. Digitized by Google . that one . plan remains after a body burnt cinders. one Enialasan. dew. ft. Er6. ft. a human being . e. . game firekere. two there. . a greenish substance which covers the surface of the lagoon. ft. . Eniteree. pod . ft. by degrees . project . ft. town firf. Epo. fraud . idea . one by one . ft. one here. Why ? What is the another . ft. a white bean with a black Emtere-ejitere. deceit . swearing invoking of evil on another. n. fini. pestilence. that that yonder. Eyini.— fcNi 6nf. ft. interest on money income advantage . weed . gain . curse . ft. villain blackguard. Er§. scab over a sore yam baked. n. ft. village. " One here.g. . pilgrim. " If the elephant can be angry. ." reason of ? Erekere. incrustation . sideration pondering medicinal bark. two there) . n. n. pigeon a wild high grass not unlike the sugar-cane. Eso. n. n. ado. a piece of fisa. scope . Also called tru." firun. the past year . a flying ant which appears after rain and soon drops its wings. . said in praise of a king in whose prosperous reign forest countries are converted into plains. the river horse or hippo- fisi. coloured liquid used by tanners.. Erukuku. a bitter taste. fisin or Eslnsin. n. answer . n. purpose . but all other ants move in irregular ni a wild high grass resembling the sugar-cane. Akandu. mistake . fisu. potamus. purple colour or dye. a year ago. firun-dudu. n. paint . lip. tenor. habitation . Erfifu. the black ant (which always moves in fife double file). n. consideration . the n. shea-nut. a running n. n. ESUO. reply . n. n. fi^in. Wherefore accident ? . n. n. oversight. Ese..— ERtr land cleared Erufu. . Esura. &T& fiau. prickly plant. fise-aluko. n. hornet. fif UfU. response (The same as Idahun). Esue. fisun. coarse flour n. n. &a. n. skin EstlSu. n. n. fly. meadow. intention . n. fise. ti. It is a favourite food. Efinfin-ef^n. Esin. n. n. . n. n. dust dirt. n. figUSU. Eta. Why ? . crumbs. n. yellow colour or dye. Ita. drift aim fite. (eyi ti ?e). leech. n. dirt. a creeper whose seed is covered with scales which are poisonous and cause violent itching. fise. provision . n. Egugu. Eruifu. n. Ese. separated by sifting . fisu. n. soil fife ftsi. " The large black ants march in a regular order. n. n.g. brier . fite. . demon . yam. n. antelope. 90 for e. last year .g. fita. Erup$. a kind of tree. fre- quently called firun. dye . food prepared for use in the course of a journey. eruption. earth . devil . n. disordered stomach nausea. colouring matter which comes from a dyed cloth when washed E$hi$in. fruit. inhabited by the increasing population. soreness in the gums. (more eiyele). Digitized by Google . fise-iyeye. Eginfin-Qde. ftsusu. generic ant tribe . the red ant. a kind of potato or tuber of yellow colour with emmet. Satan . pimple . . fif U.. chiefly used by the Egbas. n. error ftsi. the locust. n. <|)w<Jl<Jw9 name for the e. fiend. cat. fise. gadfly. n. ika (akandu) $P9l9P9 ni erun. n.. Esusu. fisi. Qba 999 $gan di erufu. What is the matter ? Why ? What is the reason ? adv. a kind of club or savings bank. fisu. swarms. . -pro. a water-plant. mixed with nut oil. ?nyin. Ewusa. It is one of the ingredients used for poisoning arrows. Ewu. is a Eyi. . water yam . Whether. brim brink border Ewu. Eyini. pro. . an old farm nearly- insecurity . abscess. pacification light. ft. n. mon Eweko." Ewekewe. n. £w6. vegetable. $ba-Okun.— ETl Etf. e. . her . leaf of Ewe-ina. . e. Ewure. if produces painful blisters on the skin. herb Ewedo (ewe-odo). . Etidd. which. moss the . kd nri ewu losan." . -pro. plants in general Ewere. adj. a shrub with a hairy Eyina. " The rodent ewu is never seen in day- A exhausted. e. edge skirt . n. Eyiti-a-nwi-yi pe ju o ti I9. E.g. fireside. ft. ft. barb of an arrow. . leaf . leaf a goat.. from nice appearance. The root is also used as a chewing-stick. just now . ft. ft. white locks. phrase . adj. boil. .g. Eyfn. remedy for earache. foliage. that . jeopardy. touched. the father of monkeys. £w$.. " Faster than I speak he was gone. ment . inter. expiration ance .. Eyiti o ri ni ki o mu. convolvulus. what. Eyini-nipe. any leaf . fitu.g. pro. coast." ft. an adv. Etile. leaf. a com- Eyiti-a-nwi-yi. -pro. ft. namely . that is. ye. . herb. ft. outskirts of a town Eti-ofa. neighbourhood. fiyi. Etutu. . border . ?ba. e. brink ." Eyitowukose. Ewere baba obo. ft. edge . pro. Ewuro. a tree with a bitter a bitter herb used for food. Ewebe. which . leaf. propitiation . the father of monkeys. Etutu-okun. " Ew6-eti. Eyiti. . ft. Which ? 5. called. whatsoever whichever. . a kind of soft ft. Digitized by Google . pro. ft. Eyitowukoje. . — — 91 — £BA ear . which gives Etutu. ft. that yonder. ft. you . ft. and in the preparation of poisons. a large rodent which goes about only in the night. grey hair . see Ehin. e. adv. that one . danger peril risk narrow escape hazard . Ewu. ft. side. immediately. satisfaction. ft. adj. a species of monkey with whiskers. seaside. tow. ." its £w0. this. ft. water -side . this same .g. it. *' Take that which you find. w. atonepenthat Ewura.g.. that which .. Eyiyi. " Ewere. Ewe. the same . self -same. pro. . yam. obj. measles. n. white ants. case . oakum . ft. strand wharf. him . the small species of ft. ft. that which is forbidden a forbidden act. so called because its sap. ft. ft. Qba-ina. ; ; £BA Qbado, n. riverside. ?b$» n entreaty ; supplication - 92 $F<> Edan, n. Ogboni staff. ; ; Ede, n. ripe fruit. petition ; intercession ILiLfa a, prefix. used prayer ; request. $b$, n. a slice ; a shaving IJbi, n. ; stew. ; wrong ; ; condemnation doom IJbiti, n. in numeration. used for numbers between 400 and 4,000 it means minus 100, but above When guilt. 4,000 e.g., it means minus is a stone or mud snare ; a trap an insecure building ; 1,000. or cliff. ?biti alayun, Qbiti pit. §d$gbeta ; i.e., 600 minus 100; 6,000 is §d$gbata, i.e., 6,000 minus 1,000. 600 ilagi, n. saw- J?bo, n. sacrifice fruits. ; offering. first- £d$gbeje, adj. one seven hundred. thousand ?bp-ak0S0, n. offering of ]£d$gbeJQ, adj. one thousand five hundred. ]<2degberin, adj. Ebo-alafia, n. peace offering. ]Jbo-e?e, n. sin offering ; tres- seven hundred. pass offering. n. ?bo-etutu-ese, JJbo-etutu, propitiatory sacrifice; atone- ]Jdegb$run, adj. nine hundred. ment. l^bo-fin, n. wave-offering. Edegbesan, adj. one thousand seven hundred. Edogun, adj. fifteen. a feeling of Edyy n. liver ; ijbp-idamewa, n. offering of the tenth part. Ijlbo-igbeSQ, n. ]jbQ-itasile, affection. $d$ fdfd, adj. irascible ; easily heave offering. w, n. libation. JJbv-ore, JJbo-ore-atinuwa, freewill offering. provoked. $dun, n. twins ; a name sometimes given to one or both of twins ape fourfingered ; ; ?bp sisun, l?bo Qre sunn, n. burnt offering. fbp-eru, lime kiln. buru, Qna ebnrn, n. short cut monkey. Qdnn-dndn, IJdun Oriokun, n. a and very black agile monkey, generally found backpath n. $bun, donation prize ; ; gift ; backdoor. present ; by the seaside, or among endowment boon. $da, n. natural propensities nature ; inclination. IJcla, n. a rat remarkable for fast breeding. mangroves. hatchet. $dun, n. axe $dun, n. grief ; distress of mind ; ; mortification. Edun-ardkan, Edun-ikehin, n. mortification. remorse ; ]Jfa, adj. six. ; $da, 7i. nature ; creature act of creating. the Efa-igi, n. a shaving ; ; a chip. $f$, n. jest joke ; mockery ; ; $da-el$mi, n. animal kingdom. $da-eweko, n. vegetable king- game ; drollery. dom. $da-iwe, n. edition (of a book). $da-$r$, n. a pun upon a word. $f$, n. fault-finding ness ; humour. fifln, Efl, n. captious - smoke ; fume. jf$, n. a herb used as food. Digitized by Google ; ; . ?FQ $fo-ikoko, ft. potsherd. $f$k$, ft. a wreck. $f$n, ft- arrow. ijfon-iha, ft. 93 $gb$ra, ?IY ft. match; equal; equiv- alent. rib. $f$n, Jjlfufu, ft. ft. buffalo. ; breeze climate. gale ; tempest ft. ; $fufu-OJiji, ftftfu-nla, tornado squall. JJfun, IjJga, ft. ; tempest ; storm wind ; ; chalk whiting. ft. palm ft. bird. $ga-apa?d, bird. a species of palm ft. $£&, ^l^nga, hopper. Jj&a-ori^a, ft. common grass- $gberin, adj. eight hundred. ft. name of a tree ; heatrash ; the mark of a whip. $gb$, ft. the side, from the armloins ; pit to the waist place ; adv. alongside. $gb$d$gb$n, adj. five thousand. IJgberi, n. one uninitiated into the secrets of the gods one ignorant concerning a matter. Egberun, adj. one thousand. 5gbegb$run, adv. by thousands. foulness. $gbin, ft. filth ; dirt ljgb$si, ; ; a species of palm bird which has white spots on its feathers. $gan, ft. a dense primitive forest, never cultivated. Egan-ogUQU, ft. prickly forest. con$gan, ft. back-biting ; tempt libel ; censure blame disgrace reproach ; ; ; l^gbon, adj. elder; eldest; senior, ft. an older relative. ft. carded cotton cotton prepared for spinning. $gboro, n. the young of animals. Egboro-abopa, n. falling. $gbon own, ; ; scandal ; reflection. $gba, ]j&b&, l?gba, two thousand. the palsy ; a disease which withers the limbs. adj. ft. EgbQro-abomalu, n. heifer. Egbyro-akomalu, n. bullock. a gin a trap ?g^, ft. a snare of pointed iron suspended on a tree and set by a : ; string. $g$, ft. ft. bracelet. Ijjgusi, ft. fgba marun, adj. 10,000. IjJgba medpgbpn Qk$, one million. ]£gbara, ft. a rat remarkable for swiftness. $gun, brambles ?ha, ft. coat coat. IJha, ft. stupidity. the seeds of the melon prickles ; ft. thorns ; ; ; goad. jacket ; ; waist- ?8b$, ft. company ; ; companion rade. equal rank party; com; scrapings filings. ; $h$n, 5hin, interj. ft. aha the back ! ; backside. last ; $gbe, $gb$, ft. prepared beans. adj. hindermost ; rear. fraternity guild ; estate ; class ; club ; society ; association ; category. ft. ; mate ?gbe-iyawo, Jfeb$-9gba, ft. ft. bridesmaid. coeval ; of the gin-pde,o(f;. exterior; external. p, ft. the burnt portion of boiled food which adheres to the cooking pot. JJhuru, n. a large bird of the goose tribe. same age. pye, ft. bird. ft. ?£bejO, adj. one thousand six hundred. IJiyeko, pyele, ft. a wild bird. a domestic pigeon. Digitized by VjOOQIC ;; ?IY IJiye-ode, n. a bird of prey. pye-olorin, n. singing bird songster. ]Jja, n. fish. 94 $L£ $kunle, n. back yard. weeping. ; Ptun, n. leopard ; region ; neigh]jkun, n. cry ?ja-ejo, n. eel. 5J9, n. blood. 5JO, n. matter ; dispute ; harm ; bourhood ; waste. ]Jkun-Oke, n. highlands ; high parts of a country. ^la, n. a small piece severed from a larger a splinter. n. a patch. P$b$, n. advocate intercessor ; ; complaint. ?W, adj. eight. JjJl$, ]Jka, w. branch of a tree. ; l^ka-orun, n. neck. the nape of the ; pleader ; petitioner. of Pebu, scion. n. owner a kiln. ; Eka-alomo, n. graft ?leda, n. n. Creator the Supreme pig ; ?ka-dQta, adj. fiftieth. Ek&dorfn, adj. seventieth. P$d$, domestic Ekadorun, adj. ninetieth. Ekan, adv. once. fikan, n. the name of a grass used for thatching. swine. 5k$, $k$, jk$, n. rafter. P$fi, n. chimney ; steamship. P$fo, n one who deals in edible herbs. Pegan, n. despiser ; slanderer. - Eke-aja, n. beam ; ; joist. P$gba, n. trust confidence. n. cheek ; jaw. n. a paralytic (lit. one whose limbs have beer* — seized). IJkedogun, adj. fifteenth. IJkefa, adj. sixth. ?keJQ, adj. eighth. P$gbara, Satan. n. god of mischief ; Pegbe, rade Jjflege, n. ; companion fellow. ; com- ijkerin, adj. fourth. jjkerinla, adj. fourteenth. adj. delicate ; ; ijkesan, adj. ninth. ijketa, adj. third. brittle, n. delicacy tender ; tender- ness ; brittleness. ijketala, adj. thirteenth. Peja, n. fishmonger. Ekewa, ijketadilogun, adj. seventeenth. adj. tenth. n. Pekanna, adj. disagreeable. ; Eko, Agidi, tion ; Indian corn meal. ^Jlekerede, adj. infirm delicate. weak ; $k<J, n. teaching; lesson; instruc- education ; doctrine. JJko-aikotan, n. a smattering of knowledge. JJkokandi-logun, adj. nineteenth. ijkokanla, adj. eleventh. Qknn, ?ku, IJku, n. n. fill ; supplement mourner weeper. a living person. P$mu, n. seller of palm wine. JjHemoflO, n. one who has good taste for neatness a good judge of dress and decora- Pekun, n. ; Iglemi, n. ; fulness completion. ; a snare made of bush tion. Penga, rope. Penu n. grasshopper. buburu, n. foul-mouthed n. n a running plant resembling Ajara. l^kuku, n. a viscous vegetable. . person. Pepe, Pepere, a kind of soft Indian corn. Digitized by Google ; ; ?up IjHeran, n. 95 butcher cattle- $NI $mQ-ile> n. guinea-pig. Emu, n. palm wine. Emu, n. tongs ; pincers ; capture ; seizure. ]Jn, adv. yes ; so. ?na, n. an inversion of the order of letters, syllables, ; dealer ; having flesh. eye witness. 1^1 eii, n. witness ; n. engineer ; engine Elero, maker. 51eru, n. one having fear. $les$, n. footman ; foot soldier. ]jles$ words merin, adj. four-footed. n. quadruped. ^lese-nile, n. one having a firm footing ; a powerful person. or sentences under which the sense is concealed or changed. 5ni, n. mat. Qni, Qniti, pro. one ; he who ; a person ; the person which. IJni ipe, offender ; sinner ; n. Ele?e, culprit ; transevildoer ; gressor ; trespasser. $le?in, n. rider ; horseman. $l$tan, n. deceiver ; dissembler ; seducer. $l$t$, n. leper. $l$t$, n. a noxious snail without shell, found in green n. a person called or or invited. ; summoned IJni abd, n. IJni ailofin, n. warder overseer. ; bandit outlaw ; outcast. IJni A?ati, n. one put aside. pastures, said to be poisonous to animals if eaten. contempt. IJleyinju, n. a person having one with large eyeballs ; 1^1 $y a, n. ridicule ; Eni apere, n. antitype. Qnibawi, n. culprit delinquent. proQnidanwo, Qnititun, n ; bationer. IJni-egbe, n. IJni reprobate. prominent eyes. handsome person one who sells a preparation of Indian corn called $wa. l^lewon, n. one who wears a chain a prisoner a jailor. $l$Wu, n. one who has a desire or a wish. IJliri, n. a mouse. ijlomiran, Elomi, pro. another. l^lewa, n. a ; ; eleya, n. a gazing stock one to be mocked or ridi- culed. ; one beloved a lover. n. a boarder. anyone ; $nikan, pro. one a certain person. ^niflf e, n. ; $nigbab$, ; $nikeji, n. ion ; partner ; companneighbour ; assistant IJnitowu, ; JjJlu, n. indigo ; mixture. friend. $lulu, IJmeji, n. a brown -feathered JJnikeni, pro. ; bird. soever twice. either. whoever whoany ; adv. ^Imewa, adv. ten times. $m$wa, n. prime minister {lit. he who knows the mind). spirit breath IJmi, n. life ; ; — ; QnikQkaiij adv. individually. IJnikQSile, n. profligate ; aban- doned character. IJniku, n. a mortal creature. ; influence. IJmi, n. n. shea- butter tree and ]Jni-OWO, n. a venerable person a revered person. ^nirere, n. a good person worthy person. Digitized by ; fruit. a $m$, a brown rat. Google ;;; ; ?NI IJniti, 96 ?RU 5re, n. 5ri, n. who who ; the the one that ; one which. pro. he ; ; one the mud ; marsh ; bog ; fen. testimony witness ; earnest ; evidence. ]j2nitikalare, pro. self oneself. $niy&WO, $nu, n. n. bride's mat. opening mouth ; ; IJri eke, n. false witness. $rin, adv. (used only in " times." sition), compo- — e.g., orifice. ^rinmeji, contracted to $nu $nu $nu eiye, w. bill beak. n. l^meji, twice. ; i ilekun nla, large gate. gateway Erin meta, fimeta, three times. $rin merin, fimerin, adv. four times. $rin, n. laughter. {Srin egan, n. grin laugh. ona, n. gate ; doorway. IJnu $9$r$, w. the eaves of a house. $nu ?pro, w. a long beak. $nyin, e, pro. you ; ye. ^nyintikalayin, refl. pro. you yourselves. ?pa» w. ground-nut. IJpa roro, n. the red ground-nut. ; a scornful ^rindilognn, od;. sixteen. $ri-okan, n. conscience. jrp, n. skill ; art ; contrivance ; machinery. Erg, IJro $p$n, $tan, n. testicle. softness w. gentleness. ; easiness ]J2pon, n. ripeness ; flattery. (of n. the temples the ogun, ?rp ijagun, w. tactics of war. ; head). 5*ru, w. fear ; dread. $ran, n. meat ; flesh ; beasts animal. Ijfran agutan, n. mutton. pru ola, n. reverence. $ran IJran eled$, n. pork. gala, ?ran agbprin, venison. n. jru, n. the handle of an axe or hoe. burden ; cargo 5rfc, n* load luggage. ; ; JJrn, n. slave ; captive. $ran mala, n. beef. $ran abekanna, w. carnivorous animal with claws. ]£ran ebp, n. victim for sacrifice. $ran jije, w. meat for food IJrubirin, n. a female slave. animal food. ^rankeran, n. beasts in general fSrukpniin, n. male slave. 5ru-igi, n. a bundle of wood ; faggot. ^Sril Qja, n. package of trade goods ; a bale of goods. IJru pkp, n. ship's load ; cargo. any ^ranko, beast. n. wild beasts ; 5ru, carrion. »*. 5rn ibile, n. a kind of spice. a slave born in the $ranko alaiyase, n. an animal whose foot is not cloven. IJranko elesemerin, ruped. JJran nla, malu, n. n. master's house. quad; ox bull cow. $ranle, n. a domestic animal. 5ran omi, ekura, n. shark. $r&n, n. the dry season. Qrun, n. chip ; broken pieces crumbs. $run, n. the name of a tree much used in making charcoal, and also as a medicine both internally and exter; ?ran pipa, n. cattle, fatling. nally. Digitized by Google ;; ; ; ; 97 ?YI gp, n. the right thing. un, n. branch ; bough ; $san, ft. payment ; vengeance ; revenge retaliation ; com; ; spray. pensation. fiSan, <]dj. ft. IJtu, n. nine. n. slit ; ; crack. $sun, accusation ; law -suit ; impeachment $8$, n. foot track. ; ftu, tu, ; Guinea fowl black and white cloth. ft. a kind of deer, ; ; offence. leg ; gait path gunpowder ft. medicinal powder that which relieves pain. adj. ten. ft. $selasan, adj. barefoot. 5se ?se, wiwo, crooked ft. adj. leg. ; bandy leg ?wa, ?wa, beauty ; comeliness. row order. ; p, adv. orderly n. regularly ; in rows. Igsi, shame ; reproach ; ; meje, adj. seventy. ?we, ft. a sort of bean. Qw$, Lekeji, adv. again ; the second time. n. the blacksmith's l?wiri, bellows. Ewa ridicule. $8$, n. carefulness gentle- ness ; leisure. ?SO> n. glue joint ; link ; shoot. $SOkolo, n. worm -casts of the Ewo, ft. sneers. $W$n, ft. chain prickly bush. ; a n. running cable; Ewon ldak$dur6, worm $?$, ft. ekdl6. ; chain. cuff a a blow with the fist a broken part of ; $WQn, w. detachments. l?won pw$, ft. manacles cuffs. ; handvest anything. $9$, ft. sin ; crime ; offence ; $Wu, ft. clothes ; shirt ; iniquity. 9$ ilu, ft. felony. 9$ nla, ft. capital offence. $sin, ft. spear ; lance ; javelin. E$in, n. horse. $s$, ft. guard ; sentinel ; watch ; garment. l?wu, n. amiableness delight ; ; pleasure ; taste. watchman. IjJta, adj. three, n. bulb or tuber. Qtala, ad;', thirteen. $t&, ft. a kind of leopard. jjta ina, n. a spark. $tadiladorin, adj. sixty -seven. ft. pitfall ; a pit lightly covered with earth. mem5yi, n. family ; gender ber ; tribe division distinct part of a people or thing'; seed ; offspring. $y&, ft. a small leopard. 5y v» n fitness ; worthiness ; ; ; - Qwuru, $tan, ft. enticement ; decoy ; ; deceit ; fraud. $t$, ft. disgrace ; proach. $t$, ft. leprosy. $ti, ft. shame re- suitableness ; right. Eyin, w. egg. $yin, n. the ripe palm nut, from which the yellow palm oil is made. the IJyinju, n. the eyeball. n. Qyinkolo, Qrinkolo, evacuations of the ; failure in one's wishes a miscarriage ; a standing still ; that which impedes the flow of water. difficulty performing worm ekdlo. $yin ogi, ft. starch of Indian corn. Digitized by Google ; — FAR Fajade, v. to extract. Faj6, v. to burn. FajUTO, v. to look sad ; be displeased ; sulky. Fajuro-mo, v. to scowl. extenuate, v. to Fa-kere, diminish. Fa-kiln, v. to prolong a matter ; stir SYQ Jpyp, 98 n. cowries. n. disease $y&n, Kaynn, under produced bythe toes, walking barefoot on wet ground. F. to wipe ; shave ; scrape. Pi, v.8. to draw ; lead up strife v. ; make matters P4, t>. clean pull ; worse. Fakurd, ; ; ; ; to take a thing out of the tract. way ; abridge ; de- crawl ; abate drag ; drain ; attract. ; diminish lag ; lure Fakuru, F&4, v. v. to shorten ; abridge. e.g., to lick up ; lap. FA, adj. to be remiss ; drowsy ; stupid ; slothful ; slow ; tardy ; tedious ; tenacious meagre, adv. to be behind- Im6gunju<J li a fi ifa obe la, " With the forefinger one licks up palaver sauce." to enchant ; ; Falaiya, v. allure ; hand. Fa-a?oya, v. to tear a garment. Fada, n. a public play or show ; exhibition ; bewitch. Fale, v. to draw tight strong. to make to display. Fadaka, n. silver. Fa-emi, v. to inspire, inhale. Fafa, n. a kind of mat ; a coarse mat. F&ftafe, v. to foretell, divine. Falel6ri, v. to lap over; made responsible. be F&f$99 ?e, v. to perform by magic. Fafon, v. to absorb. with Faga, adv. cautiously ; soft steps. e.0.,Onyan faga, " He steps cautiously." — inactive ; v. to be slow ; prolonged ; to drag. e.g., Mase fi oran yi fal$, " Donot let this matter be prolonged." pant ; Fal^kan, v. to affect long for. climb Famo, v. to cling to upon. Fal$, ; ; Fam^ra, v. to attract ; ; caress ; ; Fagbara$e, v. to use main force to act reluctantly. Fagi, v. to plane wood. Fagun, n. to spin out ; lengthen stretch. ; adhere embrace hug. Famu, ; Fanim^ra, ing. to absorb. v. to be sociable ; inviting ; enticing ; allurv. v. to rally an army. Fahun prp, v. to drawl. FA ile, v. to gather earth in small heaps for the purpose of cultivation. Faiya, v. to enchant, allure. Faja, v. to break a thing into two pieces by a violent pull. Fagunr6, v. to tug ; crawl alohg. to withdraw. Fara, v. to be about to do ; to be nearer. e.^.,Onfara ile, Fa-n$6, Fapada, v. — nears home." Farabal^, v. to be sober siderate. " He ; con- Faralun, adj. indulged. Digitized by LjOOQlC —— FAR — ; — 99 ; ; ; F?J Ferese, Ferese, n. hole for ventilation ; window. Fesi, v. to answer ; reply ; give response to. Fete, adj. insufficient ; Farah&n, v. to shew oneself ; to appear. Faram$, v. to adhere ; coalesce. Farar$, Farati, v. to lean; recline. deficient listen Farasin, v. to hide adj. oneself defective. Fetisi, abscond. hidden. obscure ; Fetisile, v. to like ; listen attentively. ; ; Farawe, pete v. to resemble comwith ; F$, v. to be willing ; love ; ; with ; cope consent F$, desire v. to ; copy ; imitate. Fari, v. to shave the head. Fari, n. display, parade, boast, bravado. Farft, wish want woo approve. ; blow ; (as wind) ; ; to winnow the F$, v. fire. to fan to blow to revive an ancient quarrel or dispute ; to be v. provoked, enraged, angered, irritated. e.g., I nu mi irri- face distort the to while working ; to breathe heavily ; to widen ; distend ; enlarge, adj. wide ; faru, " I am greatly broad Fe, adv. ; tated." Fase, v. to close ; shut. Fas^hin, v. to withdraw ; draw abstain or keep back ; or astonishment. e.g., Mo wo fe, " I was taken with surprise " (I was taken aback). v. with extensive. surprise from ; be slow ; ; ; retreat retire withhold diminish ; ; Fe-al$rekoja, Feju, to blow vehemently intensity ; excessively. slacken ; reduce. ; to fix ; tie up. Fa-s6ke, v. to hoist ; lift up ; decrease v. with great to dote ; to love ; Fa-SO, shrink Fa-ta, Fati, Fati, v. v. . Fe-buburu-si, v. to wish evil to. F^ff, adv. nearly ; nearer (used of time). F$fe, v. to seek occasion for to be cenfaultfinding ; sorious. see Fale. to draw aside freely ; ; ; keep aside. adv. without restraint leisurely. Fa-yp, v. to draw out ; abstract. F6, adv. for ever ; for a long F$g$f$g$, adv. broad ; large ; wide ; comprehensive. F$hlnti, v. to recline ; lean the Kanrin-kanrin very long time." Febipa, Febipaku, v. to famish ; time. e.g., f6, " A blacken ; with soot. Fefe, n. boasting ; bravado. Fere, F§, n. asthma. Fere, v. to sip. Fere, n. a wind instrument. e.g., flute, starve to death. Feauyi, v. to besmut back on. Fehun, v. to raise the voice speak out. F$ idi, v. to investigate a secret matter. F$je, v. to seek for something to eat ; take meals. F$jef$je, n. food ; provision ; trumpet. sustenance. Feju, v. to look sternly tort the face. Digitized by ; to dis- Google — F$J F$ju, v. — ——— FI-A ; 100 see Fe-af$rekoja. v. Fes$mul$, lish. v. to confirm ; estab- F$kun, — to miss or lose a thing. e.g., Mo f$ ewur$ mi kun ni ijeta, " I lost my goat Fes$tele, v. to follow in the to footsteps of another ; Fela, three days ago." v. to act honourably. copy another's method. of way or F$ laf$f$, v. to ventilate. F$l$, Bele, adj. thin ; soft ; fine or delicate texture. Fel$, FeWQ, F$Syiia, v. to betroth. v. to pilfer ; filch Fi, v. to ; steal. v. to be unemployed; to unused. be vacant ; Felefele, flat ; Belebele, elastic. adj. thin swing ; wave to and fro ; be unsteady ; incline toss. e.g., Igi to one side ti mo ru fi siwaju sun u ; ; F$n$n$, adv. leisurely cautiously. F$ni, v. to love ; ; gingerly; sehin die, " The wood I am carrying is too far forward, push Fi, prep, Fi, it back a ; little." cherish. by to ; with. F$-nibu, v. to widen. F£-niyaw6, v. to betroth. Fenukonu, v. to kiss ; agree. a particle much used in always composition it follows certain words or ; Fenusi, v. to answer ; voice in the matter ; have a meddle fise ti, kini se ti, phrases, titi, tob§, idi r$. e.g., Ese ti with o ? fi lo, " ; interfere. Why F$ra, v. to fan oneself. Feran, v. to love ; prefer : like ; be pleased with. Ferekoja, v. see Fe-af^rekoja. Fer$, adj. go " e.g., light ; ; not heavy. nearly Ff, nar; rowly. Ffre, n. early in the morning. adj. broad ; wide ; extensive. adv. almost titi iwo o fi remain until you return." e.g., O korira r$ tob§ ti o fi pa a, " He hated him so, that he killed him." It has no English equivalent. v. to dry a thing by exposing did you o duro pada, " I will Emi it directly to the heat, as on a spit or in an oven. e.g., F$r$, adv. delightfully ; cheerfully ; merrily ; joyously. F$ri, v. to be less hot ; to cool a little ; to be almost finished. Mo fe fi eja yi ma ba baje, " nitori ki o I want to dry the fish so that it will not putrefy." to Fi-adunm$, v. to enjoy ; Ferose, v. to act with cunning ; act slyly. Fes Jdur6, v. to stand on the legs. Fes^le, Fes^tele, v. to start on a journey or any undertaking. Fes$le $n&, v. to discipline ; train. Fes$lul$, v. or perceive by taste. Fi-agbara-bSre, v. to exact know demand ; enforce. Fi-agbara-fa, v. to haul. Fi-agbara-gba, v. to wrench enforce. seize ; exhort ; Fi-agbara-gbesan, v. to wreak vengeance on ; avenge. to stamp on the foot. ground with the Fi-agbara-kile, Fi-agbara-mule, v. to press ; ram. Digitized by Google Fibak$. v. Fibura. . v. to summon. depute . perFifarahan. make . v. to cross lay across. to be ominous. v. to or Fidibale. enter v. to form new flesh . to gall. or adj. to to use use sweet words flowery language. compulsory into. v. to Fidabu. shelter . to dip into water. to v. v. bestow . tongue. upon. . Fibpmi. sluggish . which is to be dragged along. adj. . to soak steep . v. Fi-ahon-la. v. secrete . to suck . v. . v. v. to sign or representation. v. dip Fifagbara$e. . . imaginable by Fifalo. to include. shield. Fidu. to do away with . adj. incarnate . Fibal$. to found or rest Fi-ara-b6. stumbling. that give . v. adj. to connect . Fidugbe. Fi-ami-han. to lick with the to persevere in. Fifal^. forcible. to sit settle . v. Fi-ami-si. retaliate. v. Fifarabd. v. v. capable of being stretched. v. Fidan. v. entreat urge. serenely tranquilly . down Fi-apa-gbamo. v. to bar stop the road. to act with skill or ingenuity. to bind with. Fidikale. to embrace. on a girdle encompass. bar adjure. that which may be healed. v. ceptible. v. adj. bid . . v. to Fibun. . Fi-dapara. Fi-aia-k^ra. Fi-enu-fa (mu). to sacrifice a beast. v. calmly . exempt swear by . put . v. v. adj. on Fidi. Fifapfrem^. Fid&p$m$. Fldfmul$. to put . . Fffi. command . v. Digitized by Google . 101 FlF v. n. to enjoin . to heal. FI-A Fi-agbara-lop$. to be wounded by Fib$lu. Fidi. v. v. execrate. to shield protect. Fi-a$e-lel$. to . relate to. v. to apologize. to curse . Fifagun. Fidiyika. imprecate . to sheath. establish. clothe . v. v. v.. Fibd. v. to put forth or to make cheaper. slow. Fibarale. Fi-iiyi-r&n. to mortgage. suckle. Fibu. to beseech . v. Fi-a$e-fun. v. to vacate. Fi-enule. surround Fid6g6. to rock . patiently. enact a law. Fidena. to entangle. Fi-ara-b6. Fi-agbara-pe. Fi-4yd-sfl$. to sidle . wrap . sideways. Fi-^rp^e. Fi-enu-dun. Fi-apata-bo. to be indicted charged with crime. . to conceal . Fid$p$. grant offer. to put a mark to brand. wrap shut . . totter. hide . that which may be drawn out. adj. v. to allude to. v. Fi-$b$-r$. visible . over- spread Fib$. adj. to varnish . jest of. to give precedence to . v. viscous . adv. order. Fibd. v. Fi-egb$-w$. v. to deprive of . v. Fi-eran-rubp. veil from view . n. empower . deny. v. away. Fi-aie-fun. to twist. v. conferred . exchange . an engagement a thing which gives pleasure. or adj. to give to . precate Figunl$. adj. a spoken Fif enuSQ. forked stick . drawn that which may be out or deduced from. n. Fiha. Fihan. hidden . self-love . that which may be abandoned. that which can be waved. adv. to order . whiteness . adj. Fifibu. adj. . welcome. Fifi or Fi. adj. Fifuni. Fif&ta. n. pronunciation. mode of speaking utterance . sad. v. or adj. thing. taken Fif 0. torn. accursed. that which be subtracted from. hidden. accursed. . to give a command. drizzly. reveal . . n. adj. to hand. Fif $rarfc selfishness. Fifikan. that which is to be sown or scattered . white. Fiflsil$. Fiflle. Figb6na. . made. adj. adj. Fif $ra. flying ing. invisible. give . present . Fifarasin. impart. . render . FlF adj. Finfin. buoyant . adj. to taunt. that which be washed. Ffnrinfinrin. . blind broken. Fif$S$n&. Fifiagbara$e. Fiftinka. may washable . adj: manual . Fifay$gba. Fifipam$. to ground. v. to offer .. off. conceal able . to land Figunl6ju. v. verbal Fifetisi. . Fif 6. in pieces . n. that which is done. adj. Fif igegun. adj. n. adj. im- v. to buckle. n. is that which v. imaginable. discover direct . FIH . . to hook on pin or . Figb&kurd. (a to execrate to curse. adj. Fifarapam$. bethrothed. adj. n. devout ness . may or speaking. FifayokUTO. Figegun. a particle used as a prefix. the tender FifunlagQ. n. v. tightly drawn. Funfun. hand. to sell . Digitized by Google . comparable. Fifiba. to ward off with. . adj. n. Fifun. Fifaro. Fifpwp^e. n. Fifokansin. adj. Fiflisinu. graven money. dimly . Fifun. Figunluja. n. devout pious piety. Fif$. by force. worth listening to. it usually conveys the idea of making or compelling. Fifun. represent . Fifa$efun. twilight. giving a verbal force to the word to which it is prefixed . leap- Fif6yem$. . to on a between hang a Fifil61$W$. adj. darkly. transferable. Fifun. betray. Fififun. attribute . taxable. FifayQ. Fif6s6ke. Fifarawe. assignable. adj. or adj. exhibit . . to show . or capable of being done. n. Firifiri. 102 Fif6. easily torn or rent Fif$. bidder. mode of . carved. disclose display indicate illuminate . v. Fin. dawn . to grant vouchsafe . v. disposable. ascribe . v. adj. contributable . v. Fifunni. Fif&ya. floating. touchable. bestow . adj. expose . canoe or boat). to warm at the fire. Figbow6. Fifun. n. Fifohun. adj. adj. for v. to transfix. scorched Fila ade. v. affix. supplement. Fi-imufa. allure. burn with fire. v. to eat . v. two to v. —— 103 . be open. Filh. train. v. . to sniff. to insist . a cap.. settle. " The man suspects mo of that matter. e. a fez. burn . v. Fim$. Fi-inaran. hand. deliver cede. to suspect. mandise. to lay down a law Fil61$. tiara. Fij6. v. Fijagudase. to ask advice. lay down . to . up. burnt up browned. annex. Fi-iruta. to scorch. v. to foreshow. to wager. fire. recite. promulgate. Fikannakanna. to put . Fi-iyepe. . scorch. Fil61$w$. Pity. Fila-dara. Filelelase. v. n. to sting. enact legislate. attach. n. to Fi-iyesile. . adj. Fi ijalo." to institute . unbosom to be frank oneself . v. to devour . to to set on adj. to place one thing upon another. v.. e. v. to burn . to strike with. v. to append. Fi-ipase. to love. Fihanfun. v. v. nestle. Fika. Fi-imo^okan. to sit down . . Fi-iyanl61$. v. Fi nkan na le mi I9W9. FIH v. to agree . to • condemn of life. Fi lfarabam$. to love. to sling a Fij6na. v. to bait. . v. found enact. . to challenge. v. Fi-irad$f$. v. refer. v. announce. deliver up . to make a king. authority to place in post of reign . v. Fili. to hang up . Fila-abeti-aja. to be attentive . n. persist. Fil6ke. impute. trophied bedecked with things captured in war. subjoin . fasten upon. Fi-ilara$e. Fikun. v.. to domineer." Fim$. concur.. v. v. to be topheavy. to warm. Fi-ik6n$$. Digitized by Google . consign. set on. Fi-irorosin. govern . to kindle.. sear. to add to . FIM outlaw to of . v. death deprive the to privileges . to sprain the thigh or hip. v. hook on . v. consume sling. a cap with flaps for the ears. v. Fi-iwpraje. attach to. settle establish . v. to communicate designate. to force. . Fi ijfcde. devour . lay upon Fil6. Fi-imuso. Fi-ikogun-^e-lfao. v. v. Fi-iyeka. to rehearse.g. to cauterize. Okonrin na fi $ran na mindful. gor- . Fi-inaj6. to finger. to assign. Fi idikal$. Pij6. v. Fi-inuhan. to speak through the nose. Fi-iydsi. v. v. Fikal$. v. v. v. v. n. v. v. v. to covet. " Place that thing in my Pi-intif $. Fi ikat$. to admire.g. Fi-inayan. Fi-iyanu yin. teach . Fi-irinj6. Fityna. attend to mind. Fik$. augment append . v. v. Pij$. v. to feel (by touch). headman or m<J mi. scorch to ashes . commit to. Fih&n t$l$. v. to establish . up. to besmear greatly . v. Fipa. the tiniest bit.g. v. to describe v. to engrave. v. v. bedaub. v. to name . cautiously. etc. Fi-or6r6yasotp. deposit. Fi-okunfa. is " This house much higher older. v. v. body. to seize . respect . v." My Fipamo.g. to summon.g.. tidy . v.. Fi-okunb^. calabashes or bowls) . purposes or objects . swindle. Fi dfinji. much . to entitle . v. n. v." Fipata. far Fi-dr6r6yan." Firi. He accompanied by an army. Fi-pranm$. v. escort. e. to appeal." exceedingly. v. add Fira. adv. give an example. seek occasion for dispute. seek for advice or instruction. stronger greatest. Mo fi owo pa. to thread. v. e. praises..g. to curse . Fioflo. Fi-OWQta. v. to prop one's Fir6. carve (e.— FIM Fimo. to sing FIri. Fi-pw$hal$. . to fill a hole with smoke smother . to scribble. 104 FlR Fi-frrfaaptre. to smother. Fi-drunj6. Fi-orukofun. v. to tan. Fipara. adv. to hug tassels.. to guide . sugbon Adekunle firi gbogbo won. Fi-olape. Ffnrinffnrin. lead direct . v. qualifies a verbal adj.g. ** An exceedingly high house. to be wounded or bruised. Fi-OW^WUn. Finuf $d$. to make into soup . embrace. to sew by hand. execrate. . to abrogate a law to rescind. . v. " Aina is stronger than Ladipp but Adekunle is the strongest. v. leisurely . becoming in speech. . adv. . . He yi ga ju tiwa lo firi. Fi-QW^ran. adj. Finpa. oldest. Finrin. ——— — . with freewill willingly. to be to regard . a thin piece of leather leathern cut lengthwise . for special giga fiofio. Fip^lu.. Fina. greater. v. " hand is wounded. e. than ours. v. intrude . adv. stay thus far. secrete conceal hide cloke . annex . Fir$. to keep . Agbara Fi-ona$e. Fipe. to anoint.g. v. to adjoin . v. to touch carelessly .. to stake v. to rub your body with the ointment. v. v. behaviour. Finju. e. Finna. high . forget lati fi 6ri to smear the Mase gbagbe na para. to rub e. v. to tax. " Do not . to stop. Fi-ow^gbam^ra. elucidate. v. to cook with other in- used in conjunction with the adjective *' Ga.. Fi-ormyin. . see Finfin. Fi-dp6ti. gredients. slightly ." Digitized by Google . to tow. to feel (for anything). Fi-$nahan." Fi-ogunsin. devoted to esteem. v. to knit. v. to make by machinery. search out. Fin. . v. adv. v. name. Fi-$ranl$.. Aina firi ti Ladipo. strongest. v. Fiperi.. . include. . v. Finran. to . to impute. to guide. neat to be decent . dress. to aggress . to throw. adv. in mind. Fiw^n. toss. desert forsake . oftener. v. Fi$awdran.. to warn with. slight. attempts. v. . to put in the middle. v. (lit. Fiflil^. sting. Fir$. to sprain. to bag. . Fisdfo. v. Fiyesi. v. unceasingly. v. to offer in sacrifice. v. endeavour Fiti. q\iickly. to put . v. v. v. Fisin. at 105 a glance . to imprecate. v. to be patient under vexations or grievances. Fi$apejuwe. quickly . adv. illustrate compare resemble wrap up. to v. talk. . . release . much constitute to curse v. n.g. v. Fisi. Fi$ire. . to sprinkle. Fiyesi ohun ti o nse. indict v. supply. v. to sing out . v. . . to put into . lay the foundation of a house. Fiwera. Fisofa. chew. to take as a witness. v. a matter of public to put down . repeatedly. to Fi$$dun. energy. liver. to contemn . Fi^QrQSQ. to make anything." with contemptuous silence esteem at a cowry). Fisole. to wreathe to expose Fiwewu. v. v. Firun. " Bear Fiflinuile-ide. . Fisan-5kan. doing. to present give or give or make a deliver imprison. v. n. into public disgrace. inform against . Firubo. easily. to ridicule . Firun. establish. v. efforts.g. as with a garment). compare. to. to accuse of . . to hide so as not to to conceal. v." confine Fitore. v. — Fisapd." Digitized by Google . be I Fitafita. invest. deride. to despise . to "Be careful what you are compare liken. . to . v. add to . bear in mind. v. to store. to robe (lit — to strike down . value. v. . v. mock . treasure up. v. to endue . to hurl down . adv. Fi-sdfin. destroy. to estimate . to place in charge of. to devour . Fitila. v. take as to imitate. to leave open. play with. to disregard . v. to encase. masticate . treat Fi$el$ya. . to trifle . — — FIY FlR Firi. Fiyedenu. to pawn. v. point at. Fiwemo. sue . Fi$eleri. to waste. to treat seriously. v. v. resign . e. expose up Fiw£. to loan against . Fis^kd. hurl. v. Fir$. traced . mortgage. suspend finally. cry out . . to put on board a jeopardise. v. de- lay by. Mase e. hang . Fisdfd. v. example. Fi$e. discontinue .. Fi$epe. Figtira. see Finfin. v. set Fi§Y » v. keep in insert . Fi$akawe. v. Fisinu.. . sel^ya. Fita. Fiw$. fix a matter a lamp. . appoint . leave . to attend to . notice. Firifiri. v. v. consume^ Fisarin. v. mi fi Do not mock me. e. Fis$k$. this v. to dip into sauce. suspend.gr. v. complain Fisun.. mind — . Fi eyi sinu re. Fi$ap?re. Fisan. Firifiri. hazard . " bring Fi$$sin. Fi^aw^se. make abortive. Fojut6. to surrender. v. fos6ke. neglect . to endure . v." to feel emptiness or lonee. F6judi. F61Q. Igi to float. v. apprehend . Ojo na fd. as a cork drawn out of a bottle. decency . to defy . n. demolish . challenge.—— — — FIY . Fojiit$b$. adj. v. pass over or break (as clouds) pass by . " It escaped my memory. F61of61o v. to escape one's memory. to flit . Fojupe. annoy. dazzling. adv. Fofd fd li oju omi. fo mi.g. to rush at one (as a hen with chickens). in. n. rain is Fo-af6balfc Fd-afdgba. submit . v. Fdgas6ke. Fori. see F6tL F6rof6ro. Pupa Fiyesini. n. "Deep red. . foam. glittering . to skip over. v. v." F6s6ke. to be face to face confront. neatness. unex- pectedly . — — — 106 F0 Fdl^iye. trouble. bow tho head. bran. na. adv. Fdfd inu. to tower . account of my absence " to be . v. to soar. Forifun.. Fdm^. afloat. brick-kiln. e. talkativeness. blind soro .. " The to worship . violate. v. v. Forisi. molest. v. Fdiya.g. to ratify . qualifying the act of popping out. to environ. v. talk. fly. v. to blast . adv. to wink with the eye . F6li. to fly . F$.. speak . e. — Also called ilfo. v. frighten fusion . v. adv. . v. v.. v. consent. v." red. .. to vex . O fd mi ru. to omit. Foda. to squint. v. n. e. v. Folaiya. v. passing over. v. insolent. Fojukanwd. Foru. beckon. to break a vessel . to squint. be daunt. throb . v. F6. soar on high. F6. e. F6nif6ni. '* Foam floats on the surface of the water. or the rush of a hunted creature from a concealed place. n. to superintend. forcibly . v. to pay attention to. dread. F6s6ke. Fd. I feel Ofo omo mi lonely on child's afloat. v. v. Fohunsi. Fojuwdlapakan. Fojusi. destroy by war reduce to a state of con. Fiyika kan." to flutter. Fokun^e. garrulity.g. to be saucy . to fear . ForiSO. Fiyika.. v. adore . Fdyehan. v. dash ori . Fdkoja. F6r6. " The log is v. v. to attend to. same as " Finna. to appal . Fojule. v. e. agbado lilp." F6f6. v. to direct the course . v. to vouchsafe." F6ti. v. F6r6..g. to whirl. beat .g. to accuse Fojisun. point to. persevere Foribale.g. skip leap . skip. scour . . Fojukoju. Foriti. wreck .g. v. jump . to jump . evaporate. F$. Digitized by Google . to snub. deep used only with " pupa. to browbeat. v." Fofd. to shew appearance or sign. to sue of adultery. v. n. rapacious appetite. ache e. see Fagbarase. fo. Mo " I titi nfo mi. scrub . '* liness. to wash clothes . " Alaba has been trying to cheat nie. ." Foworanu. to be meagre . v. to use too much grease. Fi ija fun Qlorun ju Leave the fow<Jle-eran. Fon. F$bol$. Digitized by Google .. to besot . to ravage. v. to guide . mix together. the sound of the wind or breeze. . hand-writing. v.. v. pitapat (used with verb " njo. talk. soundly (qualifies ** Sun.— F0B — . to — — FtK until my head talked ached.hush patience battle to ! ! see Fow<Jk$wesi. make into pulp. subscribe to by rob Folefole. v. adv. to try to gain advantage by deceit. Mo sim fonfon." n. . to take fire from the hearth. Fow$le-eran. heart is palpitating. v. place the burglar a housebreaker busybody.g. God. Fow$kan. v. irritation . Fuk$.. exasperation . a narrow whito cloth. v. to threaten with mo. v. sack. v. Ffi. v. hook Fpw$k$. v. . Fura. Fow$k$wesi. Folafun. adv. ** I slept soundly. and rest your head upon your hand. to touch . F^ranweran. to destroy.. hand against the temple while the elbow rests on the thigh or on the table. Ffl. n. Fflutfi. empower. v." F$b&j$.g. n. v. to accuse . to speak." Fpnna. to embrace go hand in hand. v. of bread. F$lu. to shatter . v. e. v. . undertake. Fow$le. v. v. take to v. . v. fuj4 impeach.. to destroy utterly. to destroy entiroly. meal prepared from grated cassava. F$rif$ri. pieces. e. F(Jraurau. provocation. n. soft adj. F$p$tepete. to be suspicious. to allegorize." Fuju. brag proud boasting. Fflfflu. F^nahan. clothes. empty Mase . to brain . to in hand. e. to oil or grease. to authorize . n. feel with the hand. e. . " Do not boast any more. Fufu. v.g. F^yanyan. Aiya mi njo fukefuke.g. white. to be in the dark . v. v. See F<J- Fuk$. Ftiji. raurau. v. to break Fow<jsi. F$ranm$. conduct . v. to kill by a severe blow on the head. — m Gbogbo adj. ikdkd ile nwon li a f<Jyanyan. inter. to be ignorant. to break a house open . F$mudunmudiin. F016. Fukeiuke. Fonfon. v." a crumb empty Ffrurfi. F^r^bawi. " My n.. shew the way . slack . * F$16ripa. to craze to break a bone and so reveal the marrow.g. F^rayi. to mash . wash Fotfbaj$.. censure . v. Alaba tyboty mi. v. Fow$ba. to make drunken. v." to sleep). — 107 Fq$Q. very wet and bloated miry. v. to be blind . less. to make drunk. F$ju. adv. v. F$r&b&j$.g. F^tuka." Fohun. " All the pots in their house were broken to pieces. to sign. e. lead. shiver. n. e. Fotipa." to palpitate). v. v. e. provide Funtyrun. bind . to discharge mucous. Fun. adj. Fura. v. " Ho a tete is as suspicious as (herb) seller. . Funki. Digitized by VjOOQlC . FonnimQl^. e. v. Funmu. v. to . to bestow . to stifle. to feed . Fura. Funpe. feverish indisposed. . to strangle to death. o funnu nkan. to form. see Funlap^re. v. Ful$ful& adv. v. (Sometimes used for P9 ko le se . to choke. v. n. Funfun-eyin. hoary. or Aso. diffuse volley . to invigorate strengthen. to milk. scatter Funsi. Funlapfre. v. to blow blank Funfun. to blow a trumpet . seed. to milk v. clothes) . a cool beverage made from Indian corn or rice mixed with honey. Funka. v. emsupply with work. Ful£. luciferous light -giving. Funpa. spontaneous itself. sprinkle. Funkal$. *' I did it of my own accord. " Do this for .E. . Funwara. suck up. the white of an Fun-ifim. slightly FfU$. to crowd . disperse . Funlatelese. to wind cord . Funwara. . the leaves which enclose a head of Indian corn (sometimes called Epo. Funlagbara. v. v. me. soft . to sow or . . . to sole.— FtK . twitch . for . e. to absorb adj. sweeten. e. Funniy^. v. Fulufulu. v. O nfura bi elefo tete. bark . scatter. quickly. to strew about or around. to give relish to ..g. Fun-pe." Funldkun..g. FtTR Fukuftiku. of Fnnrar^. v. silently . to give grant cate . to engage . on behalf of. IJniti strangle. Funniniwa. Funm^ra. squeeze tightly . adv. to shower (as rain). brag flourish. adj. Fun-ipe. v. to Funlawdran. v. n. to drizzle.g." form to. Fun. v. Mo se e funlef9l9run. Furn. . v. a race of people from the N. §e kini yi fun mi. to sow. v. v.. . to shape . adj. Funlefolorun. v.) Fnnrugbin. lights. dry. n. to scatter v. to Funjade. to wing .. Fun. ploy .. give Funladun. v. to tweak . v. to boast . v. suffo- wring Funnu. lungs. v. to scatter . (as of clock). Fulani. — 108 —— . to cleanse and prepare entrails for food. of one's own accord or choice. or heavily. pull. sound an alarm." . ©gg- n. to blow out. to drizzle fast Funkun. see Fun-ipe. Funwutuwutu. Funnini$9. scatter sew give . " He who boasts much can do little. softly. : compress exhaust . white . Tikarar$. v. v." Funpmn. to strew . wind Funl6nje. ad. Funpp. Funwiniwini. a term usually applied to it when ripe or dry. for.g. to express . squeeze. . feather (to an arrow). v. Funkakiri. choke crush . prep. snort. v. v. adv. to be suspicious. v. g. adj. n. adj. .. adv. " The gangan (drum) is destitute of ornaments. Gangan ko ni saworo. straightly G. Gaun-gaun." Wa •Ga.g.g. east (Hausa)." closely . beware . excellent. v.. Gaga. despiser direct. " We little e. n. ** Give me a little more soup. a kind of axe with long pointed shafts — ... excuse plea . . to fell the trees in a forest . -Gafara. bristly. mi fuy$. adj. very large bulky and high.g. adj. Butebute. exactly. to wliip. drum . Ganmu-gamnu." very e. apol. to bo high rising much above the ground lofty . e. Fuyi. Gara. backbite. v. e. torn). ogy. Gagat6.g.. be careful avoid. shaggy Gaju. l£niti a ko fe li a igan. "Come to me straight. easily.g. —— 109 thing. " We despise him whom we uprightly . " A very large cock. -Gadamu. etc. e. rough loftier . Gangan." Gan. " He is quite — alone in the wood.g. . -Gabasi. above ordinary height. sodo mi gan. Ptty$. easily (used with the verb Ja. e. tied.g.. pleasing.. " The . " Stitch cloth for me. Gajulp. tightly . Ganniganni. deer. . 44 Veiy clear water. n.. tall ." Ganipo. reproach . or adj.g. n.i. straight higher . " The woman is comely. war drum. Akiik9 ganganrangan. a — take Gan aso yi fun mi. criticise .g. Put$fut$.) . " My censure burden light." — Awa ngan igbo.. Aso nja are cutting despise .. to press).. GAR at a time.g. v. adv. e. •Ga. Go straight on. adv. scorner. do not love." Ganso. " Have me excused. Aye ha gaga. e. {Jo mi. to strike with the point of a gani'an. n. disdain . very (mod. (Used a place where cows are . v. highest . . to describe the ease with which fragile texture is this e. adv.. n. stilts. adj. with much pressure (modifying the verb Ha. Gan. adv. Omi mimp gara. light IJlru is not heavy. or adj. stag." disparage scorn . Qbirin na tuyl.. Ma ** lo li ^kankan superior to.g. solitarily. e. to break. to sew coarsely . a . vilify . of high rank. with *' osan " to denote noon). trees in a fut$fut$. baste or tack cloth. rnimo m9). cloth tears forest." -Gafara. adv." Gangan.g. . Ganran. e. n. gafara fun e. comely." — e.— — FtT — . Gan. .. — .. for digging." e. alone . adj." Digitized by LjOOQlC . mock . Gala. exalted . small portion (applied to soup. v.g. Bu omitoro gangan si i fun mi. e. " The room is quite full.g." Ganganrangan. n.i. n. v. loftiest. to be subJime. elevated . Gangan. O wa nikan gadamu ninu igbo. v. length . adj. n. untidily . clear. Gigun. casting of lots by Gege. n. sluggishly. ascend. . Giga. adj. sediment G$. adj. J9J9.. n. Koko ofun. exactly . v. n. to abjure . Giri. to feel heavy. n. dull. GAR Gari. n. very . at once suddenly. Giri. to cut with a sharp instrument. n. adv. n. " Clouds prevent the sun from shining. n. Adam's eminence. n. very much. G$deged$. fits . adv. K6. . chief. casting of lots (a children's game . — no Girin. v. cloudiness. the of which one is bent one who draws the bent one is called guilty) . equal. Gudegude. by bits. . the heel. G6ng0-il$." Digitized by Google . saddle. tall lofty. to . damp atmosphere. Gigise. the peak of a hill the summit. adj. adv. Gudee. lot small pieces of grass or stick each representing . n. adj. beaten . high Gigan. long . the point . force. . Gaskia (Hausa). altitude a desperate warrior. tightly n. n.. n. a protuberance an GdngO. Gegun. Gidigidi. v. a sheet for covering. n. v. adj. Gigun. truth. a large country cloth . stupid. straightway. height. foolish. g<J mi me " That matter puzzles very much. ." n. a hooked stick used for plucking fruit.gr. GtD gnaw . Gingin. G^gebi.g. horse's mane . cape . G^mby.g.. to puzzle . . blame . n. n. n. Gud$. Ger$gere-dke. a handkerchief tie. a small particle tiniest bit. G6ng0. tall. lees . G$. height eminence . . to declare by a solemn oath not to do ima thing . G$gQ. according to . Gfrimakayi. person. . contempt. pocket-handker- Gere. wine-glass.'' Gudngudu. Girigiri. Gasi. to scale . to curse .Gudugudu " kanrinkanrin the of li the The gudugudu is very acid. precate. convulsion . e. troth G6. spasm fright. a slope of a hill descent gradual G$ge. tip . n. pounded. v. Qran na Gfee. Giri. adv. point of land promontory . n. perplex : be- wilder. top . gude ko je ki orun ki o ran. transparent . to sit on a tree as a bird. G$. . loftiness. n. . prep. apple. GogQWU. n. summit. . Goigoi. climb .. Gende. n. played with pieces of grass. egbo root kan —e. apex. Girinje. closely comstead- pactly fastly. goitre a protuberance on the neck. Gele. dregs. a head Goke. G$r$. . . slope. a poisonous wild — yam. blameworthy dis. Gele-inuju. Gegele. accordingly. n. dainful contemptible. to eat . v. . G6ngo-dke. facial tribal marks. perfectly. n. adv. straightforward. v." Gba-omi. v. e. v. ride . strike with a stick or somedrift.g. take a reckoning. Guie. Digitized by LjOOQIC . iku. Gbadura. . 44 All the young birds are fledged." ply . Gba-kiri.g. . ." to tall. Gunl$. concede . . Gba-oya-i$e. — v. 44 Gunte. Nigbati mo b$ sinu omi.. to be driven or tossed about. long . e. Gba-iye.g. to embrace. anchor land." Gba-l<Jwo. to take . Gba-l<JwQ. ti 44 mount . . Gun. adv. to slander accuse falsely . decalumniate . conform receive . to bleed . the box into the which I held saved me. com- Awon to be fledged. but they cannot fly yet. apoti Gba-i$iro. rescue Gb&la. the v. . adder . . to shake hands. seize. asp. adj. hold .44 Take your money back. e. omo eiye ko to i£6. to harbour e.g. Gba-mpra. . to take blood from by opening a vein. allow sent . deliver obtain . v. rescue. to recline on a cushion. word formed Gba. . Qko men gun loni. v. Gb&. v." cleanse . pound . traduce. v.. stimulate . v. to hire oneself fame . adv. to take number . to belch. a very poisonous small snake . admit . v. slap . save . accept conacquiesce . . to beat . Gba. hurriedly a scrambling way. stimulate. sugbon gbogbo won guny^. . climb. (Hausa). Gba-loya. 111 in Gbagbo. v. v. take to account . cheer . v. to believe v." Gba-ej$. ascend .— — GtD Gudugudu.g. e. to spur . entirely . suffer . adv. console. " Two vessels have arrived to-day. to take on hire. obey. belie . south. to save . . v. Gba. stir up Gunnik^se. v.. . deliver . v. v. out to any employment. v. loudly (describing the sound produced by slamming a door). thing .. asperse . — — — GBA . % hold of a man who has drawn a to sweep flat . altogether. thrust thrill pierce . . to dabble in water. v.. n. knife. . to encourage exhort inspirit embolden . water. On ti gba wa l<£wo He has rescued us v. 44 Do not lay e. Gba owo re pada. to receive back. w. contain to temper grasp Gusu. preserve. vulture. Gba-onigbpwp. n. Guny$. to gore with the horn. to pierce Guniwo. fell run ashore run aground. v. Gun. v. Gunugun.. from death. Gbapada. Gbaniyanju. . Gunlobe. . Gunnin. v. (a from the sound). to land mo dimu When I li o gba mi la. v.g. to deliver . v. Gba-dulumo. to bail. Gba-mu. Mase gba eniti oyo obe mu. to receive bail. mud. to stab with a knife. to offer prayer. Gb. v. evident Gbangba-ode." to crash to Gbakp. take confess blood. sweep aside in a heap. Gbalo. v. an open place . release . Gbagbogbo. n. to bleed. v. to subdue . wide open. to take work on hire for wages. to influence.. seize v. adv. Gbalabara. invalidate . Gbakuro. Gbasinu. Gba^etun. v. open place demonstration. to council or meeting. together tightly. subdue drift. " I remained there exactly one year. v. a dry uncut calabash. to possess receive a possession. admit consent. v. v. to boil slightly parboil. Gbagb&ge. GbalQru. clean. to receive ad vantage to avail oneself. to Gbati. precisely. plain audible.g. to overspread . to procure employGbasim$. v. v. to employ . to take in hand . neglect omit. Gbalaiya. Gbajumo. to crowd after . v. increase . recover . extend.. Gbile. v.. to forget . Gbai. to mourn for the dead to fast. v. v. Gbale. Gb^je. v. — 112 . . adv. comDi okete re gbamgbam. . to atone. Gbalaitpsi. Gbangan. Gbaflfun. engage. to slap with the . . Gbara. hold v. on behalf of. v. Gbamo. v. Gbaiagada. to consider. adv. to admit tacitly. v. Gbatele. Gbaw$. to cleave to . in- capacitate. v. Gbaja. neat *' decent Gbani. to e. t\ Gbalagbara. v. v. exactly . " Tie your load adv. n. Gbasil$.— gbA Gb&rd. Gbajewo. ransom. v. Digitized by Google . to preoccupy. to procure for . . . Gbamp. v. Gbasan. a. v. to occupy a place or part. to waft . airy room . a spacious. to jar be inharmonious. to receive bribe. grant . paotly. to speak. Gbangba. sons only). v. palm of the hand. v. v. . for. . to ward off. a hall.g. give. obey. Gbamgbam. adj. to brace . Gbagbandidi. v. to monopolise Gbamo. — . to adopt a child. to cite. trade of a barber. Gbapo. n. plunder. Gbaso. v. tightly e. engirdle ." Gbako. to deliver . v. . to rescue . Gbalaye. very much. n. Gbanfani.g. GBA Gba-loja. a plain. Gbasi$e. v. Gbajam$. publicity. to v. Gba-ini. fitly e. to occupy one's room or place. On je gbajumo He is a tidy person. v. to learn receive knowledge. the whole. to Gbage. (applicable to per. ment GbafQmp. v. open . n. v. Mo gbe ibe li odun kan gbako. Gbasipo. apprehend. Gblmp. to hoop. grasp clip. suitably. to desj)oil . to usurp. to bind oneself with a girdle. to grasp . v. Gbagbe. enia. admit into v. to remain stationary . Gbe naro. ground with violence. to set Adie gbe owokan. ." Gbemi. vindicate respond to . dash to the . Gbero. Gbemi. v. v. v. prefer. to be contiguous tageous helpful to . to make sit . e. j : Obega. stir v.. e. to raise . advanv. v." e. Gbe-niyawo.. up to . athwart.g. GBE Gbe-duro. Mase dawole ohun ti o kd le gbe. . of the past tense to the verb which it precedes). serve . . . raise bear make legs. we want. countenance . Gbe-r6. . be nimble Gbe-fanle. Emi ko . excite . v. v. reside in a place. e. Gbegbe. Gbe okuta kuro loju ona.— — — — — GBti 0b6. debt . — 113 . n.g. wed to to set upright. justify ." v. be lost doomed.. to erect . farewell . exalt . to swallow . unmeaning adj. Gberakan. Gbe-ka. salutation. to inhabit. to be lost perish. v. due. Gbe-ha. absorb. raise from a lying posture. Igbo li eranko igbeV* Beasts inhabit the forest. n. make much of . " It was there that to Gbede. v. v. to (primary idea. language . leave taking . Gbe-joko. to take from remove. v. exalt to magnify stir be v. Gbe apoti ka ara won." Gbe-kal$. up . "Remove the stone out of the way. Gbe (this particle gives the force " I do not wish to put down my basket. score . . erect. Gbere. magnify . place Gbe-lebu... v. to put upon one tiling upon another.g.. vain. sagacious. to . to perish . Gbeyawo. Gbe-inu. bring carry . reckon. be partial to. . Nibe li awa gb6 lo. v. v. promote . . v. . Gbese.g. Gbero. Gbe-ibikan. v. gbe. v. to raise . to set Gbe-le." Gbe-soke. lift oneself to . v. support. v. . agile active. fe igbe agbon mi kal$. Qmo mi abide dwell ' Gbe-id. v. to marry a Digitized by LjOOQIC . Gbe-hin. lift). advance in rank uphold. be . v. succour . intend . ."The swallowed a lift Gbedegbeyo. Gberegbere. to .' e." understand a know . an interpreter. . v. to erect. Gbe. . e. to exalt . to consider purpose ." Never attempt what you cannot accomplish.g. to raise to a sitting position. to hang or place between. v. v. Gbera. " My child is lost. e." Gbe-kuro.. " Place the boxes one upon another. v. v. calculate .g. to raise or lift . Gbe-dide. . alive. — . to set v. waft. to to stand upon the move accomplish . wife.. to put down to set on the ground. hoist . to be has fowl cowry. be partial to plead for.g. Gbe-leke. to move up . n. to cross .g. make fly . e. marry. to set or place upon. v. to swallow. graven. Gbigbesoke. Gbinnikun. point. Gbimpran. adj. Gbeja. v. late. . hot large (applied to fowls or other birds). adj. Gbigba. crooked . adv. to sharpen to a Gbimp. n. depend confide in. hewn . v. to diffi- culty . adj. adj. v. tutelary. Gbohln. to fester . Gbipo. that which is to be swept. Gbenagbena. n. clever Gbigbon. v. Gbigbun. to listen to an entreaty . v. calculate . premeditate plan beforehand.g. adj. Gbigbato. v. stipulate . adj. Gbe^e. Gbidanwo. kindle. supply tho place of another. drawlingly. void of moisture. to plant . taken. dwelling (house). . stout bulky . 114 that which be carried. Gbingbinllri. Gbin. rescue . adj. Gbipe. n. rankle. receive comfort. admitted. Gbigbe. n. Gbengbe. GberO. adj. fervent adj. Gbimo-buburu. revenge retaliate avenge. Gbekele. consider. to make a noise or cackle like a hen engrave .— GB? . to sin. a carpenter. to groan. to dry . . " The running brook is Gbigbe. trustworthy. cut . wise prudent. . . n. men. Gb$. Gbigb$. accredited adj. upon to trust . adj. v. to . v. to catch fire . sup- becoming dry. v. tolerable. to counsel think . v. very Gb$ngbe-gbengbe. warm zealous. Gblgbona. to hear news. Gb$re-gb$re. a drum beaten in honour of the King or great Gb$. pining . v. dry. that which is to be received. adv. . adj. Gbfgbo. that which may be heard. take one's . Gbesan. to take vengeance . allowable. adj. to make a trial.." v. huge. v. adv. propose devise. Gbin. v. Gbigba. n. excavate. burned . big. Gbimptele. a hearing. that which is to be tried or weighed. Omi sisan na gbe. n. on fire. languishing. until brittle. . deliberate . Gb$-ni$6n$o. to sharpen . tutelar . offer Gb^re. Gbigbasile. in slow paces. v. sow. sear . to reckon intend . . to defend . to breathe with . v. v. adj. adj. dry . a small cut made into the skin with a lancet a bleeding cut or incision into which the native doctors insert medicine to circulate with the blood. adj. exal table. slowly. deliverance. large. bulk. to incur guilt . GBfc is Gb$. n. part. specu. preferable Gbigbeleke. Gbina. . Gbigbe. to dry up. Gbedu. burnt . twisted. adj. sawyer a worker in wood. adj. v. v. accepted. Gbigbewd. . to plot. . scorched . Gb^re. . lifted or carried. adj. adj. that which is to be borne. warrantable portable. Gbigbe. Gbigbekele. . v. to succeed . to try. e. burnt Gbe-jona. Digitized by Google . . e. violently Gbojusi.g. often used with ko. GbyQ* v. Gberoypjade. to devise a plan. childhood). Gb6. Gb6jule.. to put confidence or trust in. aged . Iwo ko gbod{> Gbodogi. maturity. the yaws. to scrub v. . Gbiwon. v. greater than I. . v. " thi3. vere. worn out . Gbddogi. an echo. v. Gb6. stale. discreet . broad Gbdro. Gbonu. to bale out Gbohun. bottom of a matter . v. n. You must not do Gbogun. crafty . root of a matter. luxuriantly. v. Gbawpn. n. take persecourage. Gbonmi. v. rely on. brow -beat. to bay . GbohuUgbohuH. Gbdngbo. Gbdrun. adj. root . listen . to hear hoarken . ?kun gb^n mi. exert oneself. v. to be impudent daring . measurement to take weigh. v. rub. Gbogbo. exceed. to start warfare. . . to be wise .— GBE Gberotele. to depend upon. theme. Gb^n-lp. n. n. impertinent . v. bark at. all . . v. dare . — — . . Gbogunti.. grow to flourish . e. . august . shall must . GbojUWO. the . expansive. v. to be warm . v. v. Gbiyanju. every . ardent . to face . squabble Gb6-mp. . v. to receive a wound. to endeavour." se eyi. a snare for beasts. aux. n. principle. inheritance " Depend not on an (by bequest) what one gains (by in- dustry) is sufficient/' come to v. subtle . when to arrive at an age the memory begins to develop itself (a term marking a particular period of Gb$n. v. water. to hear a voice. hot aglow . " I was moved to tears. to move to tears. . v. decrepit. fervigorous . to ripen . to bark (used of a dog). v. to fix the eye upon . 115 to v. shrewd . to insist on in opposition to advice. . vent . . adj. wide . Gboro. Gb$. . v. n. I9. fierce. Gbdngbo-$ro. n. v." Gb^n-riri. bold-faced .. Gbon. entire. Gbfrn-kannakanna. attend v. . to invade. v..g.g. endure. " not. adj. to shake to tremble. Gbo-l^nu. n. GbyH. . v. old . cunning . v. general total judicious. observe. clever sensible ." is Digitized by LjOOQIC . . v. v. Ma gbiyele ogun. expert . to deny . Gb$. to contradict. a word tence. ancient . Gbo. to quake with cold.. fervid . whole . to scent. a. Gbyd^. quarrel. torrid . On gb$n mi " He a sen- Gbolohun-as^. Gbekele. v. . Gbyilju. . v. v. fierce . . to smell old Gbotan. Gbpgbf. audacious. Gbiyaje. sultry . e. surpass to sling. GBO Gbona. be aged . ti 9W9 eni ni ito ni.g. to suffer passively. Gboju. the name of a leaf for thatching. v. e. premeditate forecast. Gbiyele. to look. to behold Gbolohun. Ha-m(. " by the people." Ha-laye. sprouts of the Awon enia ha mi laye. adv. Ha-motubu. Hi.g. Han-gbangba. adv. Han-ket^kete. enclose. to equip for war Ha-nu. then (used emphatically in interrogative sentence). " A long slender stick .g. Nkan wonyi ha ri bp bi ? " Are " these things indeed so ? Ha. I$i.. prise or wonder. " I wondered at the matter. to scrapo gently or slightly. to confine . to lock . Ha-mpra ogon. to spicuous . Han-goro.g." be strait Ha. to put on armour to be encumbered. to wattle a house. (always followed by Bi). off. without cessation. Ha-mp. keep in . Igi gboro. v." block up v. no indeed. rain pours in torrents.g.. to be conostensible . twist . Emi ha nibij "Not I. astonish- ment. Ojo nr$ gburu. v. v. Digitized by Google . Han-lode. to bully to threaten. pumpkin. Aye ha fun mi gaga. v. n. Hal^.g." Gbpngan-gbpngan.. afar Han-lemo (U-emp). n. e. yi han goro. v. Ha-l$si. crash . Han. deep. " prostrate . tinkle. v. HAN Gbpngbpn. Gbor6. sandy . to scream . be apparent.. . Ha-l$mp. v. v. scrape . screech . . restrict. v. — 116 — . adj. e. ! irUerj. to bend . We Ha-le. (emphatic) . Gb$rQ. to lock . adj. . arm for the battle. v. expression of surget entangled be visible . v. to be crowded or straitened. v. Qmode between woods. ." v. to be prominent . adv. " I am much straitened. worn out . I am pressed I cannot go into the house. shriek . to hear of. amazement ' .. Ha. adj. grato. to cumber . to boast . scream.— — GBQ — — — . squeeze Ha. stretched at full length. v. Gboro. v. to throng . press for e.g.g. clumsy in arrangement. to scream. v. e. v. " The imprison. Gboro. to appear . Han-lpkankan. no indeed .g. e. v. be out of shape. fist . ." Gbun-l^e. Han. to pare scrape brag. H. to expectorate.. adj. — lently e. to smite with the box. scratch v.. want of room. vio- nkd le w$ ile. indeed . Ha-k$lebe. be in sight Hamora. evident conspicuous. in torrents . e." seen v.. " This child shrill gave a off. to be unfruitful . Awa heard gbur6 won lana.. long and slender. adv. " of them yesterday. to be conspicuous. e. be manifest e.g. or in a narrow passage . v. Ha Ha. to treat to look. exposed. . e. one badly.g. to incarcerate v. very (applied to Koto na jin gbongbpn. Han. to bruise . Ha se mi si oran na. Gbun.. " The pit is very depth)." v. to be dig disinter . Ho-ye. . v. v. shoot. Hp. too narrow read- to admit two to scratch . Sir . Hukasi. v. turn tail H<J. Hu-y$. adj. to reap . Madam or yes. We farm. is . aye Hiha. foam . v. after v. eject . to spring forth beget . was buried Hukp. splendid au- Hihe. to be rude. run . e. Hum$. that which is to be picked up. to fledge. gorgeous gust. coarse Hanyin-hanyin. Huwa-ara-oko. (respectful answer made by elders su- females periors). v. adj. Hen. v.. to pick up one by one . behaviour. Hillft". Qna h<£. v.g. . Hihu. give plan vise . things which are scattered . Awa nhe ere li oko. " are gathering beans in the temptuous a conexclamation . Hawp. narrow. Hanturu. that ground which . rough . legible able. adj. . to weave cloth. (Hausa) to write. H6. miserly. Htt. v. adj. a bird similar to the crow with white streaks on the head. invent . . v. roar . Hpwu interj. v. to think . not (used often instead of k<J)." adj. v. conduct oneself. uneven. to be wild look wild . to Huko-loju. Madam . adj. mouldy. adj. to become mouldy (as to clothes) ." Ho-kinikini. Digitized by Google . peel off the bark flay. to come to notice. vegetate . to gather fruit.—— . n.. to be languid root Huspnu. adj. . to shout. counsel. v. . strait. a tight hand . germinate spring . . v. meditate deoriginate a thought . v. a word expressing ! surprise. that which is to be stripped off or peeled. raw. greedy.g. He ! ? ! inter}. bud Sir . Hiha. feet (to walk side side). Hpnrun. to peel off (the rind of yams or fruits). produce weeds. Hun$p. if ! interj. H6. detect. to . Hn-jade. to gather together He. to flag. ** show one . 117 to HU-Y e. mean . the other. H<J . H&n-nikika. scraped . . v. wickedness. narrow . Hihp. Hllko. ferment . bubble . to simmer. as the bark of trees. adv. yea ." Heyp. to grow grass . adj. pracHuwa-ika. inter. that which adv. shout. v. shoot . a respectful answer made by males to elders or superiors. to root out away. Hura. " The soap lathers well. Hp . froth . e. adj. to cough. ostensible .g. tise H$. v. v. The path by . strait. v. to pull out of the . conduct. visible . Htt. pugh! Hphp.. to behave . Hu-wa. n. v. Qse nh6 putu. savage . to boil . brutalize . v. Heyi. to snore. niggardly. v. scraped. HAN Han-lpkpkan. Ha. hoot make a noise . $se is kd gba eji. — — —— —— . emulation. Ibaiyeje (ba-aiye-je). ought On iba de. hip joint of the thigh ambush Ibaninuje. " Had he come. intercourse. Ibajf. n. Ibagbe. . Ba. . n. a lucky chance. Mo fi igi ti i. n. a dwelling together. n. Ibante Etiaja. quietude. cohabitation.. . with a stick.. the act of abiding together .g. the act of spoiling or corrupting . Ibale. the act of hiding. n. . the act of hiding . Ibajepe o arakonrin mi ki ba ti ku. n. pron. n. Iba. virginity. Digitized by VjOOQIC . e. giving to the verb to which it is prefixed the signification of an action e. apron down wa niliin.g. Ibale-okan. a hit . " If you had been here my brother would not have if. prefix. odo. Ibald. depreciating . fellowship . abode .g.. sorrow. the act of dealing with . ambuscade . accordance hit. n. but (yet) it is (as wet as) a garden by the waterside. the act of meeting a coming in contact with . baluwe. offence . Ibadapo. the act of lying in . n. e. a kind of narrow apron. n. " The corruption of the soul is worse than that of the body. Ki i mole. Ibade. Ibanapfc Ibasowopfc. to hide. Ibanije (ba-enia-je). . n. would e.g. e. decay fanation." worn by males. n." e. Ibaluwe.g. a washhouse." Ibant$.. . n. the act of weaving . I would have gone." Iba.. Ibanuje. . n. n.. ambushment. n. n. an apron made in imitation of a dog's ear.. Ibal$. or plaiting coarse grass into a mat. dejection . *' Press it down. . Ibajepe. n. Iba." Ibaka. Igbona-ara fever. e. the act of destroying. (gbo-ina). bul$ lati prostrated Iba li o da mi ana wa. Ibaj$ okan buru ju ti ara I9. (used after a verb ending a Ibaj$. canary.g. camel. suit- trader. mule. — —— 118 — . I.. n. still in progress. n. evil with i). had to. defective v. " A wash-house is a part of the house. stubborn as a mule. *' Sorrow bends an old man's head. e. O ni ika ninu bi ibaka. have .g. equanimity of mind . emi alp. " I pushed it degeneration . IBA eating." Iba.. it. Ibant^ Alayekan. Ibadu. n.. n. Ibanibuba* n. e." Iba. belittling. partnerfellow fellowship ship . spoiling or corrupting . him . Ibakasie. the act of associating or dealing with. Ibale-aiya. n. conj.g." me since yester- day. the act of spoiling the world . v. her . Ibadi. n. n. a turning the world upside aggrievance vexation." Fever has accompaniment. Rakunmi (Hausa). died.g.g. the act of going with . " He is as . Ibaluwe gbe ile se bi akuro." Ibaka. ability loin. I. n. n. Ibanuje da ori agba ka down. proe. " Ibasedede. baba the chief (lit. place. e. ft. impers. Ibante Salala. perjury. adv. relation. ft. Ibere (bi-ere). Ib$. a bi eru a bi omo. behaviour . Ibante Gambari. Iba$e. some place. father) of all aprons. the act of calling to judgment judgment . .g. it been. ti su u. co-operation. afterise ni ni equality. haven . " Gather all together whether good or bad. ft. solicitation prayer Ibepe. Jbarale." visit Ibewo. ft. Eniaki ibi Ibagepe.. " Inquiry saves a man from mistakes he who makes no inquiry gets himself ward. eb$. of apron. ft. rejoicing with . supplication.. alliance ally." Ibi. beginning commencement . fear . child-bearing Ibf. ft. Ibeji (bi-eji). rere. — asylum. product. anywhere where. evil .g. . a superior kind Salala is — ft. visitation a peeping at insight. congratulation. n. Ibere ki ije e. '* With fear and trombling. w. ft. ft. n.— IBA — ." adv. apprehension. n. . . Ibay$. bi e. Ibawijo (wi-ejo). ft. generation ." Iba-Ohun mimo je. petition . stooping." Ibi-ab6. manners. ' corroboration v. Iberubojo ni mo fi pe e. profanation . question . ever. pawpaw and fruit. n. kinsfolk. oathbreaking . . Ibaspre. the state of being friendly with friendship agreement.g. sacrilege. a relative belonging to the line of a family. twins. . whether. gbogbo won jo. ft. a standing place : stage. ft.g. 6 hamora bi ibepe. ! Ibi. ill-use . Ibere (be-$re). " Birth is not different from birth . n. e.. Iberubojo (ba-eru-ba-ojo). Ko j He encumbers himself like the pawpaw tree " (when laden with fruit). censure . Ibi-asala. birth. trapping Ibi-ara. Ibewosi. e. as the freeman was born so was the slave. Ibi li ki iju ibi.g. ft. decoy . n. ft. genesis . ki a fi Ibagepo. ft. : place of judgment. ibase rere tabi buburu. refuge Ibi-idaJQ. e. ft.. . trembling. there.g. Jbare (ba-r$). a kind of apron introduced from the Ibeb$. Ibepeje (ba-epe-j^).. an- chorage Ibi-idUTO. place. Digitized by Google . ibante. . ashes of burnt grass. tree Hausa country. — — 119 — IBI .. Jbani. carefulness. asylum Ibi-ade. ness should used. port. a place of refuge n. fearfulness . requisition . Ibikan. " Salala — ft. " He kindnever bo ill- Ibawi. n. who has done you a n - Ibatan (-tan). ft. ft. Ibi-idakO-duro. e. dread . Ib^ru (ba-^ru). question. reproof . Ibilribi. n. fear . haunt. " I called him. n. ki enia ki 6 sina eniti ko le bere li o npon ara re loju. ft. punishment. . inquiry . a place into trouble. inquiry . had . .. .g. birth . n. conj. dis- mediation. ft. Ibiw6. Ibimo. Ibimbi. Ibd. anguish. ft. cap . v. sion Ib6. Iborisa. decoction. pistol. worship idolatry. gun. the name of a trailing plant . " Anger does — wrath e. ? Ibopo. Ibomirin. Ibole. idol. roofing . fire-arms. Iboka-abere. width . support . socks. . Ib$. . the act of questioning interrogation. the act of overthrowing. . shadowy shade. ft. {lit. Iboni. ings. Ibowo-abere. musket. Ibilu. tree. w. n.g. adj. visit visitation superintendence insight. breadth . increase . Ibisubu. IbQS$ (bo 686). ft. veil . Ibosarin. escape from seizure ." arrows Ibinuj 9. Ibirogboku. Iboju (bo-oju). ft. the act of coming no one good the best dispositions. victory . ft. Ibinu ko so likan fun ni .. ft. addition. sadness . ordnance . 120 IBQ Ibojuwd (be-oju-wd). ft. n. Ibon-nla. n. ft. Ibdri (bo-ori). passion. IbogibQpe. irrigation. dimena kind of banyan . . ft. ft. Ibopa. Ibon-alafefe. Ibinu. Ibile (bi-ile). hood. another Ibilu-omi. . and its fruits. ft. close inspection. to travail. scourge . stock- simulation hangings. cloak . a casting of lots or dice used by the priests in consulting the gods. ft.. native. the act of paying respect . blanket Ibora-Kubusu. naked. blindfold hose. ft. ft. overthrow .. ft. n. ft. concealment . . the hoof of an animal. Digitized by VjOOQIC . suru taba iwa. —father) patience is of Anger draws from the quiver good words draw kola nuts from the bag. ft. couch Ibisi. ft. Ibora. ft. Ibo. child-bearing . that which is to be concealed. n. leisure. hammock. of idols Iboji. . ft. . thimble. sub- Obite. Ibola. Ibilfc (bi-ile). cannon. aborigines surf.. . wave . thong. Ibojuwofin. Iwok$. Ibomol$ (bo-mo-ile). ft. sorrow . Abo. child- birth. ft. ft. adv. IBI Ibilere. Ibol$WQ. sustentation. confiscation. . Ibomiran. . ft. ibinu ni iyo ofa li ap6. Ibpn. covering for the body. Where . ft. . . ft. ft. covering for the head . ft. . version Ibitfc. Ibos$. ft. urbanity. triumph. ft. freedom . ft. ft. IbQBOk$. one home-born ft. the act of shaking the hands. the act of serving an sofa. conquest Ibori. Ibomi. air-gun. bracelet. sepulchre Iboji. ohim rere ni iyo obi ni ap6. ft. embarkation. Boji (Ibi-Oji). Ike. ft. cover . place. woollen covering. anger . ft. ft. deliverance from . Ib$lQWQ. confutation. . a domestic. covering for the face . grave cemetery. Ib6. a coming between ft. n. w. width. hand -breadth span. camp Ida. n. ft. wax of the ear. isolation. Ibudo-ogun. ft. Jdagbale. tdagbe. sealing-wax. payment of taxes . ft. encampment. the act of swearing . . Ibul$. hold. isolation . ft. ft. . ft. breadth . ft. ft. a resting-place on a journey. the art of fusing fusion. ft. ft. ft. Ida. ft. habi- Ida. tbura. n. Ibururekoja. perpetration. . Idaba. Ibule-iku. fbudo. Ibuw$. a blessing . manger. ft. Iburu. Ibuwon (bu-won). adding to . of Ibuke. ft. being stopped idaduro. a coming . w. home Ibugbe. sickness. Idagbere. benediction . abstraction of a part fragment. curse. prostration of the body from sickness or weakness. channel abyss. abode tation. Ibu-omi. Ibus$. ft. Ibujoko (Ibi-ijoko). Ibukun. . ft. aspersion . tbula. ft. exaggeration. solitude . Idad6. ft. motion. ft. Ibfi. adding to dilution tdaba. proposal . a place of feeding . loom cloth to patch with. pigsty. crookedly. an ft. the act of lying down. Ibukun (bu-kun). a lodge . ft. . Iburu-dopin. cessation . division . Ida-idiwe. Ida-onibd. beeswax sword. a lodging -place . tar. Ibusun-oku. breadth . Ida-asa. detention hindrance . . n. deficiency abatement reducement. growth . Abula. creation . Ibusun. . island. side approach. ft. ft. pelvis. . adulteration. Ida. good health. formation . Ibugbe-elede. . IBQ Ibowa. Ibusi. increase . Ibuyin. Idabu-$kun. Idabul$.. n. latitude that which is placed athwart. churchyard. ft. a dwelling abode . ft. n. crib . incorrigibleness. ft. honour Ibu-atelewp. the state of being alone . Idagiri. Ide^e. eda. lbu. a sleeping -place bed . adv. n. ft. maturity. place seat. refuge . Ibukon (bu-kun). ft. death-bed. ft. n. . decision . Ibuje. ft. Ibuje-eran. n. broad sword. . compliment respect. Ibu. a bidding farewell valediction. tdagba. eter . . settlement Ida-e?e. abuse a bleating sudden cry. Idabu-igbaroko. Ida-eti. ft. or hindered . increase. ft. Adado. ft. oath. Ibubu. Idabd. the act of pre- suming. remnant from the piece of Ibu. the act sinning . carvor of posts and doors. a loud . . . roosting-place. fall . Ibule-arun. 121 IDA ft. n. w. bedstead. Ibu-Odd. sprinkling. ft. ft. diam. . . graveyard an alarm. IdabobO. . Digitized by Google . cross-bar of a door or gate. ft. protection. . . a third part. answer . tdameta. Idahun-adatan. . infatuation. ft. attempt . tdaran (da-^ran). exertion test . partial judgment. bation . Idajo (da-jp). Ida . Idaji. perplexity . n. a (da-mp-ran). Idande (da-ni-ide). n. n. Idalare. prohibition . quietness . . distraction . torment oppression. the act of detaining. sleight trick. ft. ft. hard-heartedness. Idampran the tenth Idaji. ultimatum. a fifth part. parts severally. Idamerin. rest . faithlessness . Idampwamewa. faint. Ida-npapa. Idaj$ (de-ejp). Idahun. intimidation . convincement feelings. w. ft. . a tenth part. theory. disappointment. Idanrawo. w. swoon v. ft. ft. Idalebi. Holy Com- Idapp9pkan. annoying. the act of perplexing . Idanilara (da-enia-li-ara). Idalti. Idikasi. ft. Idaniduro. tdamesan. ft. justification. an artful staleness idan. the act of boring. a collection. Idaiyafo. Idana. attachment. condemnation. the act of ft. Idalara. Idale. ft. Idan. redemp- the state of being redeemed from bondage. device . tdana. reply. ft. sentence pronounced. gloom . tion detention. discouragement. ft. Idaku. offence . ft. w. closeness annexation . repro- temptation. Idamu. n. Idapp. dismay .. a fourth part. n. ft. ft. n. Idakpduro. assurance. ft. ft. Idapp-Mimp. ft. treason. munion. anchor. damp weather. ft. ft. the act of mixing together. ft. n. serenity . w. 122 Idaloro. a putting together. to hurt one's to mortify . a plan . an early rising. Idaju. dowry. ft. Idakoja (da-kpja). n. Idajp-egbe. n. half tdamewa. ft. the bottom of native trousers. Digitized by VjOOQIC . Idakasi. mustiness. n. conviction . Idahl. certainty. Idaker<Jrp. moiety. ft. the act of passing over a thing by lifting the foot over it (as over a tree lying across the road). breach of confidence . interdiction. torture . a calm. Idameji (da-meji). ft. confusion . Idaloju. cold . n. trial . from home. a Idaje. Idal$. Idake. gression . the act of forbidding . judgment. a twelfth part. w. the act of being certainty . Idakeje. a feast cooking. ft. . affusion . . award. away proof. ft. union. n. ft. the disappointing act of mortifying Idaniloju. a ninth part. . n. a mingling . silence . Idanwd. the act of stopping the ship . exercise . cheat. desolation. Idamarun. n. ft. final reply . transtrespass. Idalekun. ft. n. doom. of hand . IDA Idagude. . Idakfro. rust. ft. double dealing . Idamejila. Idahoro. Ada?e. Idasil$. inclination listening ina- hearkening. ld$. 123 treason IDI He. Ideju. n.. sition.g. Qmpri (d6-ori). n. Idayi. of the ear . Id&sa. venture risk. n. . discourage- Idawo. mingling in a confused the face bone near the ear . n. Idawo. sod. that disease. n. handcuffs : manacles. the act of refraining from speech. If JlSilelQ. remission . act of . n. drum of the ear. easy-going. n. n. fdi. n. contribution. screw binding buckle . the act of setting a snare . n. exciting to laughter. cover lid. Idawy-duro. n. . interval . arrival. outResistance cessation . breech of a gun. ment . . Idegbf exemption . absodispo- bond . n. a speaking to oneself . the act of hindering tde-ajaga. n. venture . n. Idi. . time season a given space . Idewp. ease . mitigation . n. n. n. n. piece of cloth to patch with. n. let. Id6ri. anxious . n. the . Ideti (d$-eti). n.— IDA Idaran-oba. n. ld$. brass.. fishing Digitized by Google . taxation. n. n. intermission. failure . refutal . . offence against the king). idi-irun. Idehun. Idesi. idi-Oknn. trial . n. — . bility to accomplish. concern . ** About this time yester. . n. a joining of hands together . confusedness. hindrance obstacle. n. tendency . bud reason . n. medley . Ida^a. confusion. consultation of the gods or oracles. loosening tdeti. bondage brace. softening . n. n. relaxation. n. Idar$. Idariji (da-ori-ji). waist . instigation. soliloquy. n. assumption Idekun. n. osprey . . snare . day he had arrived/' )d&. Idard (-aid). Idawo-ode. tympanum . IdawQPQ. Idarisi. Ideti (di-$ti). chase. Idi. ensnaring. n. free . alarm . e. seducement. Iderin. forgiveness pardon lution. {lit. Ide-lpna. Ide-QWQ. Idaru. . called by sailors a demijohn. n. mass . n. sake. remnant from the loom. n. idarunsile. yoke. undertaking enterprise. IdaroSQ. idi-erup$. beginning invention. n. n. groin . liberation. blossom. n. Ideruba. opposition . (de-igb^). Idera. acquittal . . n. fluency . Idaworo. n. tdl. laxation. . . n. n. hunting. Idasi. n. the act of idaru-dap$. n. a glass bottle holding about five gallons. which causes maturity . union. Ni idayi ana o ti de. opposition. interruption . n. bundle. anxiety. dross. . terror. remnants offioiousness. Idaw$. n. eagle. n. n. . Idena. idawuru. eagle. n. temptation . idi-ibon. n. lock of hair. fermentation. Idaje. . Idewo (d$-WO). Idaw$le. ment. n. obstacle . n. n. rotten- obstruction . . gain advan. grub weevil. . n. sticks. a denial or refusal of a request or petition. w. Idiwundia. e. apprehension. stanchness . Idite. Idirun. Ido. n. a kind of plum tree. thanks . n. Idod§. measurement. Ifa nla ni iya oluwa re ni apd. hindrance barricade. blocking the road. Idipara. shock. a mark of respect to a superior by the IdilQWQ. Idipara. . obstacle. blockade . clan. n. coloni- alarm. n. headdress act of plaiting the . Idiyele. . continual standing . entanglement conknot . cessation IdUTO. n. n. zation. the seeds of the canna plant. Idide. a standing fast. blindfold. IdogO. n. union . Idiloju. valuation. navel. n. Idin. If a. the act of making an effort density . Idije. n. compact. i. n. fusion eye. Idigi. hunt . n. corruption . n. n. . invasion . Idiji (da-iji). Idobale. — 124 . wood. n. the act of tying or binding the hair . integrity . Idimu. fright. n. Idofun. name of a is tree. intrigue. n.g. ence Idiri. n. n. encampment siege . grasp . Iduro-^iil^in. Idiwon. Idunmo. Idoro. interruption ." Hag. a stale state . Digitized by VjOOQIC . bundle of fdigbaro (da-igba-r6). mustiIdile. sweetness . maggot Idina. Idupe. the act of shutting the Idiju-ona. n. thanksgiving . n. fdogba. bug . flea. n. hair. n. pause . the act of congealing. n. the act of placing a man in a debtor's house so as to make him pay the money at once . Idimpra.. race. n. coher- from falling down. n. . male. rustiness. the act of estimating . pleasure .. Idun. Iditi. stay. Ide. n. Idun. n. competition n. the root of which used as . ldil(Jna. deafness. rust. n. tdilu. n. Idinu. Idinu. n. stumbling-block . tdipo. Idun. cry as of a bird. n. encumbrance. regularity . Eucharist. onset . the act of winding things around the body. the state of a girl reaching puberty. n. prostration . the act of plaiting the hair. n. n. n. tage. w. n. confederation league . Idi.. (L good luck . Idiju. n. " Inordinate gain makes a hole in the pocket. the act of rising. chase. w. Idugbolu. impedi- ment. n. an erect position. evenness equality. n. Idura. passion anger. n. a sound . n. falling on the face . household . Idikasi. enjoy- chewing Idin. IJni-igi. surety. IDI Idibaj$. n. IFA tdiwo. Idiju. n. intricacy. Idodo. tdu. . Idogun. . fear. ness. the act of shutting the mouth. n. Idimo. family . Idoti. flavour. sham. . fiani (efa-oni). leaning on . annexation . n. used to assist in drawing the bow with full force. . n. love will . . n. Ifihan. a two handles (used Ife. n. tflkale. . cation dislocation . patronage . Harahan (n-ara-han). Ifaya. extirpation. fieseji. Ifefe. ordina- Inkun. a small-sized bird. delivering to. tion . resting Iflbu. n. the act of giving or tfifale. n. the act of plucking up Ifijona. n. H$ni (fe-enia). . . Ifarapa. n. attention. Ifarati. Ifire. a kind of hollow reed. liarapamo. Ifera-^ni. Ifinran. philanthropy. by the root . the 125 iFI belch distortion. n. fiarabale. n. n. Iftfun. estabconfirmation. abatement fiarun n. (fa-orun). lfarar(. selfish Ifaramoni. forgiveness of sins. Ifilele. lust . encroachment cordiality. charity . Innra. desire Ife. . . edification . coolness . the act of publishing . n. Ifatu. Digitized by Google . attachment to . hurt injury. n. n. concupiscence. . ance . agreement kiss. . n. n. to scoop out the pulp of green calabashes). the act of forgiving Iflji. lfll$. impreexecration. the act of establishing a settlement. sprain of joints. refuge. n. n. to . sadness . obedience . want of diligence negligence. tool with god of palm nuts . n. . ifarakpra. n. n. malevolence. consultation. brotherly love. (fi-enu-ko-enu). n. . imitation stay trust. appearprox- {lit —the mouths . n. If ehinti. fiajuTO. revelation. n. diminution. n. gift present exemption. lie. fumigation. absolution. n. fienukonu n. fie-enia. an iron guard for the fingers. . n. adhering to. n. fiarar$. Ifetud. . fiesemule. exhibition a show parade index specimen . self-love fieri. n. reducIfasehin. . emulation. tion. a tumbler shaped gourd. n. n. . n. n. a curse . Tutu. lishment . fie-afeju. a vision. six days. establishment . friendliness. .. sorrow. n. love. n. forgiveness . modera- tion of heat. fi$. appendix. whistling. n. w. n. . Ife-buburu. intimacy. n. atten- fiekufe. . carefulness tion. the act of hurting or bruising the body . liking willingness. n. act of putting together) mutual . fiarampra. connexion imity. tfamora. burnt. - IfA fia. fie-mo-ni-keji (fe-omo-eniakeji). Ifibun. fie. n. . n. the act of tearing laceration. support If arawe. tattooing . n. aggression. upon. . n. hiding. . n. n. n. cup . idolise. n. Ife. fitfun. n. n. sociableness Ifanimpra. support . the act of adding addition . Ifojukoju. Ifowoba. Digitized by VjOOQlC . Ifpranmo.) e. mutual agreement. Ifple (fo-ile). boast. a byword . fish-pot. attention . tree . tfowosowo. wine -press. Ifisile-ide. the act of speaking reply . tfoiya. n. n. tforanlp. confidence . winking. head-ache. . Iflsi. hand. ruffian . n. Iflyesi. " An Ifa-priest telling a mystery. to of Iflsiro. n. IfiSnn. Ifowororiku.g. observaassent tion. charms. thief . tfowotp. the act of sowing seed . tfQkanian. imprison. consultation. the act of suspending on IGI Ifpkan-SQ. n. Ifpwpta. Ifunrugbin. caress . n. . highway robber . brag . a putting upon. . n. n. tfohnn-si. Ifohunwehun. act of IfpWQpalori. tFI n. blindness. a waste . reliance. n. a jump Iganna. preservation a stand gift. tfo-SOki. attention. n. IfisprQSQ. n. Igere. walk arm in arm. IfQJU (fo-oju). n. Ifojupe. n. n. Ifisitabu. piece. . chest.n. n. a touch the act of touching. bowels . dismay . dread. the act of abjuring abjuration.. — 126 ' . unjust accusation. n. n. lfir$. n.. Iforiti. fear . . . h. n. ment bondage. n. Iftinti. simile itude. n. n. . is Igede. Ifunnu. n.' Igegun. n. Ifori. n. n. common talk. doubt. a being face to face. multiplication. the act of watching. Iflyesi. Ifowpko. n. guiding with the present . n. tfi^ura. brigand. the act of showing the way. resigna- tion. robber . suit at law . n. Igan. n. leap. n. natural death . tfipamp. concealment. a hiding Ifisin. ifohbale. Kowokan. n. entrails . . n. peaceful death (opposite of violent death). attenfroth simil- tines. n. careless search. Ifojosi. w. house-breaking. a blowing of a scum. n. tion lfof6 t float remark. approval. n. altitude . perseverance. IfifOfo. n. verification . sowing. n. Babalawo nfp etc. lfisil$. . endurance ship . . Ifojusi. n. sanction Ifura. n. n. intes- consideration . height. obedience Iforifo. tgara. hard- wood n. by. comparison. walls around premises. tflwe. ifohun. Ifun. n. n. Igi-ajagbon. flake. . an object n. Ifpnahan. offertory. homage. laying the hand On the head. accusation . spoiler . n. extravagance. Ifojusile. Ige. . Iga. n. abandonment . Igi. trumpet. foam Ifnnpe. tamarind tree. fuel. n. breast . mystery (applied only to superstitions. a hook or pin. the act of comparing one thing with another . suspicion . Igede. Ifitpre (fi-ta-Qr$). sanction. reliance. to link arms . n. Ko. n. n. n. the act of aiming at. n. n. faith obedience. n. forgetnegUgence. adv. palm. n. salvation. adv. tgba-irugbin. n. n. often . narrow slip of cloth tied round the loins. n. . a little time. n. fgbadulum$. Igba-ikehin. a thimble. plant. . Igi-ibQn. fgi-itanna. n. a large times wooden spoon. n. Igun. Igibpn. Igi-imu. time of one watch. breast. the corner of a house. n. winter. girdle . tgbaiya. Igba-QgOrun. Igi-SUSU. Igba-aiya. tgbakuTO. fruit-bearing tree. n. space . a dry season. akoko. fgongO. from beans. tgba-frun. Igba-eso. Ojugun. n. fgbakugba. n. the acacia or locust tree and fruit . a sitting in state. fgi-agbara. fgi-itpkp. . angle. a boat. calabash cut into halves. Igbale. seed time. at that time. Igufe. n. n. n. Igi-ppe. n. 127 iGB tgba-iftinrugbin. n. nozzle . buttresses of tree. triple. tgba j a. tiller (of torch. fgi-idana. w. tgba. the act of landing. adj. Igba-aje. Igba. time of a wink moment of of the eye . many fgunwa. the shin Igbaja. adj. sowing time . the breastbone. n. tgba-merinmerin. firewood. young Igi-dudu. n. cold Igba-otutu. . a kind of food made Igba-ase. n. credit a guard for the the nook . time past . tgba-ifunti. n. fourfold. fence. antiquity. mane. grove. season n. n. fasting time . banana tree. tgbal$. snout. the act of climbing up ascension. n. n. time. Lent. n. tide . a boat). tgba. tgbana. fgtmbere. vulture. interval . n. used as food. belching. n. worm found which is in dung. hills. tgbak$. fgi-osun. match . IGI fgi-alore. n. gun-stock. n. wards. . IgQ. perplexity puzzle fgbagbe. n. then tgbani. calumniation slander. n. fgi-atuty. . fgun-ile. tgo. Igimu. n. n. sapling seedling . n. a grove. broom. Igba-i^ejukan. n. adv. Igba-die. n. a definite period . fgoke. n. bottle. after time . n. belief . of old . . festival. hemp . fgp-igi. tgbalp. n. embrace. fgbagbera. n.. a vintage. Igbamora. fgi-ogba. a cluster of trees . n. fgbajg. a large Igbagby* n. a large calabash. calumny n. n. deliverance. n. frequently. fgunle. fgi-ina. fgi-eleso. duration. awhile. n. n. the time . corner Igun. cam-wood. the ebony tree. a spoon . Igbameta. fgba-ori. hundredfold. Digitized by Google . n. flax. . n. igba-i$Qkan. n. n. n. harvest time. firewood. after- a high tree used as a watch-tower or lookout. skull. n. f ulness . . n. n. n. embarrassment. fei-pgbp. current. fgi-Ogede. tgba. IgQgQ. Igba-awe. tgbala. fixed time time. n. n. n. time. Igbeleke. n. n. fervency of Igbord. n. field . n. n. reviving . bush . boldness. fervour . Igberi (gbe-ori). encouraging. n. heat of the body fever. promotion . the act of retaliating. waves . forest land. n. Igbati. name of a bird which feeds on the eggs of other birds. . cry . understanding. tgbesin. adviser committee . n. n. a reckoning . n. marriage Igbe. Igbati-asQ. neighbourhood coast. sultation. trust confidence . n. haughtiness . Igbega. Igbe-ode. reliance . n. n. boldness audacity. Igbona-ara. n. Igbesoke. encouragement . the act of hearing the Igbd. structure. snail. repairing. Igbirotele. inflammation. hunting. Igboiya (gbo-iya). . insolence . adv. Igbona n. fire. olden time. spirit. calculation . 128 the act of tGB n. Igbonse. de- . Igbe. street. shout. surf establishment billows. courage. fore- Igbin. n. Igberiko. Igbokun (gba-okun). iGB Igbaniyanju. n. name of a bird. . Igbimp. Igberaga. afterwards. a lift . n. n. n. Igbeyawo. the up . Igbina. n. n. n. a grove dedicated to the gods Odu and Ifa. n. n. shrub . : n. when. cast. n. n. Igbero. n. n. . institution. sowing planting. fgbogian. Igbiyanju. an old overgrown See Igbekun. recompensing. council. farewell . n. province Igbero. the act of lifting up. tgbimotele. . n. faeces offal dung. sail canvas. edge border a slap with the palm of hand. nearness Igbiyele (gbe-iye-le). n. grass field. a trial. n. . Igbekal$. n. arrogance . n. n. pride. Igbaniniyanju (gbaiyan-oju).. n. a large edible . adv. Digitized by Google . a male captive. pye igbd. n. Igbi-omi. the act of lifting fgbodu. exhortation. warmth . n. counsellor an . intre pidity. perseverance . Igbekun. tgbesin. Igbona-okan. vehe mence. fortitude. wood . trimming hem. n. wedding. . heat (gbo-ina). Igbeso. fgbo. n. wood- project consul- tation. Igboro. Igbesan. n. reliance trust. n. .. elevation. Igbatijo. tgbinikun. n. Igboju (gbo-oju). the act of taking Igbede. . See tgbiro (gba-iro). fgbere. n. n. proximity. confidence pendence. Igbidanwo. farm. Igbekele (gbe-eke-le). a heaving. a female captive. valediction. news. affiance. Igbati. Igbero. Igbin. a . . council con. n. . Igbe. Igbehin (gbe-ehin). prospect. skirmish. a Ijakadi. necessity. Ijaiye. lhan gbangba. n. w. conspicuous appearance. umbrella. Ijadu. stinginess . dust). the black ant. armour armoury war equipment mail. lhanu. n. . n. Ijafara (ja-i£a-ara). n. rumour. n. Igbonwu.n. dell . prominent. sluggishness. strife . war . n. n. Ijadan. ft. purpose of carding cotton. nakedness nudity. till by-and-by . n. . boiling. n. exodus poverty destroys tation. n. trouble. . region. ihakun. Agborun. Ihalaye. n. loin. ft. adv. ft. n. shriek . intelligence.. encumbrance. n. show view . . lha. con- thin okere. . Ihunra. see Igbe. . shut up. Ija-die. contradiction. ft. IgbQWQ. restriction Ihamp. witness .Ihuhu. n. pit . struggling. good news gospel. (gbo-iro). Igbornn. . Igbonse. the itch. tidings . noise . strait. civil war. tidings . news. a n. n. ft. n. the bar to fasten the door. w. ogun. here. n. pledge . n. je." . ditch. . news Ihin-rere. meat. n. Ihump. ft. Ijagboro. n. token. conduct . parsi- mony. Iho-abiya. " Poverty repu- man's lhale (ha-ile). Ijanu. . the nostrils. the outside of the palm nut. Ijanja. Ijadun. hooting Ihdho. n. the arm -pits Iho-imu. adv. appearance than. news tion. eager contest for a competition. Ija. lhale (ha-ile). . another season. rascal . behaviour. remnants of fruits which have been eaten by bats. ft. lhale . small bits of shrill. n. Iho. Pero. hither . Ihuwa (hu-iwa).negUgence. Ijanja-eran. Igbokanle (gbe-okan-le). suet. n. Igbonra (gbon-ara). n. affiance. narra- sunshade Igbose. Ihawp. Ija-igboro. Ijaniyan. irritation of the body . need. n. ft. hole . Ijaje. enjoyment of luxury scoundrel. n. fgboro. exit a going out. n. lhaho. n. . invention. e. Ijadelp. Digitized by Google . a . meditation .g. Igburo ft. empty boast . wrestling . Ihoriho. from IgbonwQ. or pleasure. ba oso enia a ft. gag. Jhb. n. lhan-goro. Ihamora. n. elbow cubit. n. bit . luxurious living. Ihampra . trust . Ijalp. ft. n. the burnt part of food which adheres to the pot or Ija. bridle. fight quarrel. shaking of the body (to free Ihinyi. a bow used for the . a being n. Ijaba (ja-ba). saucepan. n. a grove dedicated to the idols.— IGB . Ihuwasi. n. parasol. 129 tjA n. Ijade. fha. brag. thing . n. glad fidence . Dlin. down (of a bird). side. broken into pieces. tornado. w. day . Ija Ijara. likeness. Ijq. ft. Ika-owu. Ijere. Iji. semblance . depth. excellence. ijomiran another day .kan . Ije-apasa. lka-ese toe. congregation council. Ijoni. twist . a beck. ft. Ijoko. shade. Ijinlese. future time. a beckoning . (je-iya). (Ijp . shadow fear . Ikawu. settlement .ni QgbQn). ft. Ijoye (je-oye). days ago . ft. dance. the twelfth day. . ft. n. . n. —when the shadow ft. desert. gain . ft. the flower of Indian the act of being entitled to a position of rank. Ijejila. ft. Ijuwosi. Ij$re. storm. n. now and then (lit. n. ft. . n. encompassed. covers the ground). testimony Ijerinla attestation. ft.le . to Ika-igba. competition. . tjeni. ft. Ijinla. release . Ijeri. Ika ow? . tjQ-agba. . ft. n. ft. Iji$epale (iji-ge-pa-ile). ft. tripping at the heel contradiction. wickedness . n. of a trailing Ijarp. hay. Ijeniniya. ft. corn. IjumQge. . ft. ft. creed. dread . firmer. wilderness . Ika. fodder. 130 rope. leanness. soundness. IjewQ-igbagbo. ft. ft. argument debate . inflammation. confession profession. burning to nothing. ft. finger. passion penalty . Ije. Ijoninin. reckoning computation calculation. meeting . a small monkey. ft. n. ft. n. ft. Iju. fourteen night. profoundity n. Ijowu (je-owu). mischief . jealousy. guilty. toe. Ijo. n. Ijf&in. tjoro.adv. . surprise. n. n. detection of falsehood. computation of time calendar. n. Ije. ft. the space or interval of thirty -one days). Ikako. profit. deliverance. tjulo. punish- ment. kingdom. eight days hence. a single day. a burning race .. Ije. wound cotton. punish- ment. co-operation. a dropping or dripping like water. coil of rope. # Iji. Ijeniya. Ik&we. bet . Ijila. name scald . inhumanity. sitting. addition. Ikakun. . Ijebi. Ije-asagbe. ft.Ika-okun. Digitized by Google . tKA Ijokun. Ijerisi. seven days hence. Ijika. Ijoni. Ije. ft. ft. ajp. Ika. ft. Ika. plant. n. — IjewQ. suffering. . n. Ijiyan. after- noon Ijiya {lit. . bait. meeting or assembly of the elders. ft. fjinle. w. Ijpba. witnessing n. . coiling. ft. n. n. Ijolowo. anything startling Iji. Ijq. ball or reel of thread. Ikakun. Ikan. n. seldom. seventh day. controversy. cruelty . assembly . succession an inheritance ft. a famous or notorious person (used in both good and bad sense). Ikamo. the state of being Ijogun (je-ogun). tjpra. ft. n. Ika-iwe. roll or book. fort- fjokanlogbon (Ijo-erin le-ewa). ft. heritage. n. Ijimere. ft. (ijo-omiran). ft. ft. prayer (lit. . warning. n. Ikele (ke-ile). 131 iKO Ikegbe. n. the red tail of the parrot a rap on the head with the knuckles. delicateness . Ikigbe (ke-igbe). Ikara. Ikekuro. . grief folding. tkandn. fretfulness . which lives on the kola nut. amputation . Ikanilara. n. n. eagerness . Iki. n. a loud cry. heed. tKA fkan. ft. pressure. n. aftermost. together . trol . the lees of palm oil — . roving about wan- ' announcement. favourite food. battle indulgence. n. curtains used as a partition. Iko. n. adv. indulgence. . booty. n. tkaye. n. severity fury irritabil- wrath. n. fid. suppression. hastiness. ment tkiri. fellow- Ikangun. Ika. Ikirun (ki-orun). the egg plant. reckoning. tkegan. tkojp. n. n. n. n. proclamation. association ship. regard . the act of feeling with. n. white ant. n. Iko. tion. adj. Ikehin (ko-ehin). haste Ikanntl. grufmess. n. hunch-back. tki. one short in stature. llQ (ki-ilo). exhortation. veil. power congovernance dominan. n. cry. invo- Ikogun (iko-ognn). n. w. reading. w. firiyesi. ft. Digitized by VjOOQIC . a kind of nicely woven Ikanju (kan-oju). Ikepe. edict. Ike-kikan. . n. bone . howling. salutation . ft. w. . an imitation of ivory. n. issue. greeting. spoils anything taken in trophy . . Iketa. peevishness ity . tkiwo. chargeableness accusation. bustle. fkete. recital of Ikilp. learning. ikerora. sorrow melancholy. fondness . n. . n. Ikehinkehin. epitome. a . women into cloth. ram. tkini. native cloth. tkimole (ki-mo-ile). end . exclamation. n. n. a folding together Ikanu (ko-anu). wad . n. n. . an animal with large eyes and small erect ears. Ikanra. denunciation. Ikeku. tkawo (ka-OWO). Ikekun. proclamation of prohibition. the large black ant. . observation . Ike. Ikibpn. compli. n. fke.s. Ikekuru. n. utmost extremity corner. ft. fkan. n. ivory . pressing tightly down . n. snare. tkasilQrun. n. . Ikasi. saluting heaven). threat. n.n. backyard. n. Ikawe (ka-iwe). compression laudatory a family lineage. Ikete. Ike. stale . groan. compression. sour. w. check . Ikede (ke-ode). . abstraction. Ikede-Onn. abstract. Ikera. n. a calling cation. posthurry . . dering. upon . salutation . n. tkapo. Ikekp. n. bamboo-fibres woven by — partition n. n.. plunder the act of gathering accumulation. visitation. n. numeration. contempt. rising addition. tkpni. dulness . bitterfkoso. secrecy. ft. thigh . balm. fkolp. fkun-omi. n. weakness of body insendebility . ft. tkfidu. gable -end. tattoo . cough. ft. ft. Ikoriko. ft. chance. fkonijanu. w. Ikpkakp. tkore. n. assault . fog . ft. delegate . ft. n. mut- tkuna. fkd-fe. ft. n. fkura. whip-lash. n. fist . martyrdom. tkugbu. that which may cause death . tkojutri. fkoJQPQ. tkple. n. divorce separation crowd . belly stomach abdomen. n. overflow. tkorira. iLA v. n.. destruction. ft. flash . . fineness smoothness cock-crowing. Digitized by VjOOQlC . ft. ft. and .t. . death. ft. trough . hook . tkplekp. attack. a worm which eats the kola nut . fkun. . fkun. wolf. rat trap (baited with corn or yam). n. Iku. a carrying away. . pot. sibility. a Ikti. IkunwQkan. ft. attention. fkunsinu. nucleus. hyena. collision. stumbling block tkpse. IKO IkoJQ-okO. fkoko-iga. n. stripes. tkpla. handful. fkun. the act of tattooing. a kind of squirrel noted for its deafness. tribal mark circumcision . ft. swelling fullness fkQ. fkuku. a pit . harvest . ft. tkplura. fkunw<?sile (kun-wp-si-ile). bone. ft. renouncement. soup pot. (used in describing fine flour or nap of cloth). ft. a ft. fkun. fkunloju. ambassador . n. fkoro. Ikunsinu. ft. ft. bad teaching. group gathering. deputation. restraint. ft. fkoti. IkunwQ. the act of crying aloud . presumption. whooping cough. Ikori pagan. privacy . n. tkplu (ko-ilu). n. Ikpkp. fkun. flood inundation. ft. ^ hip. sifting. failure. the act of building a house . natural face. erection. fkoko-obe. a meeting face to Iku-afowororiku. n. n. contradiction . tkunra. n. . ft. torpor . hatred . ingathering of farm produce. hanging. see Ikun. ft. tko. restraint. fkorijosi. . fkun. . fkoloju. tkQ. . Iku fun Iku-ile. mist . n. death. housebreaking. fkonkoso. a quick blaze. instructing. tkunu. n. Iko. ft. ft. opposition. cloud. Ik^kokp. bad writing. n. ointment to rub the body with . clenched hand. pin of iron. tering. or wood used by women for combing and adjusting the hair. harvest. n. 132 Ikpse-ba. fkdko. slowness of speech. i. satisfaction. grumbling. mucus. n. . ft. ft. Ipara. instructing. ft. n. ft. ft. . n. fla. ft. ft. a pond . abhorrence. n. hindrance. tkosan. a large pot. circumcision . messenger . small pot. n. mortal- fkoko. fkunna. fkole. tkuku. otito. murmur grumbling. ity . ft. fk$. n. n.» tkosile. ft. bride-chamber. n. aso abode lie. furnace. thatched house. n. king's fle-Magalasi. growth. pig-sty. n. pursuit. watch-house . school -house. law . n. . Ilaja (la-ija). fle-ori$a. n. n. n. n. being uppermost lleke coat. w. He-olodi. laundry. nest. court-room. n. fle-aro. fle-iyawo. n. fla. — . having strength cook-house. liana ofln. n. llaja. fie-abere. n. blister. expulsion. smithy. spontaneous zine safe. that which grows of its own accord. n. lleroro. fle-ejo. tlana-isinku. . the name of a plant used for sauce. bird's nest. fle-igona. n. n. tlanija. store-house . spire . fle-ifogQ. fie-eiyele. Ilagbara. n. fieru. a box of matches. n. the act of driving out. n. n. jail. fie. land . slaughter house. fie-iwe. flasagun. Qkro). tiara. ilasile. tlanu. tlepada. Digitized by Google . village. inn. lle-jade. flewe. n. n. name a vegetable (also called tla-i$e. citadel. health. w. n. n. fle-elede. workshop. meditation. habitation. custody. n. peace-making . kitchen fle-ide. the tla leaf. n. cage. an opening. n. ordinance . conciliation. mansion . w. n. n. n. ordination order obsequies n. line. tleri. fie-adie. ftadtin. reconciliation . n. n. fie-oja. fie-i^ura. first fruits eaten. jurisdiction Iladi. home lleke. fie-ikewn. n. n. $ fle-koriko. mosque. messenger. n. n. comment. Ilera. fle-ejo. tlepa. . 133 IL$ fie-ase. . n. stinginess. n. fle-i?Q. give medicine supposed to boldness courage . ilam$ran. of Ile-idana. treasury. castle. belfry. n. . flekewu. fle-Qlorun. world. fle-iw$. n. llari. bird's nest. n. church house. dwelling. llaiya. room lie. w. a bringing of one's own view. n.. explanation . canon. n. driving backward. stable. llekuro. n. tlawun. lle-eiye. He-aiye. Ile-agOgO. He-tubu. valour. instruction. clock tower . court . hall. n. n. n. . ground . pigeon-cot. maga- tlakoja. n. penetration. llalehu. . tlasado. . envy. . n. n. n. a proposing . herald. De-ide. earth . prison. fowl-house. n. n . fie-alapata. burial service. beehive. promise. Ile-onje. house . n. . fle-ero. fortitude.sho Pfle-oyin. needle-case. tower tower. fle-ina. fle-ewon. depository. n. n. province. n. w. a wild plant of the tlasa tribe. n. fie-odi. n. an idol house. soil. tLA lla. watch. prison . n. fie-e?in. tleto. n. judgment court . proof . lie-tabu. n. lle-eiye. jail . tlasa. mark. prison. . court. base. coldness. Alp. dim light. appointment. a public inquiry. departure . sloth tardiness neatness . Imdru. n. behaviour . fie-biri. n. dis- Horikikun. a nod . soft tree. Imotutu. Imado. Ilpkan. sulphur. pregnancy. use- inspiration. palpitation. the act of using . deed. excrement. fle-Oku. town . groan. incarnation. Imale. tlepa. n. n. n. inheritance . n.. n. clay soil. extortion. v. conspiracy. n. n. n. n. n. iMQ drum. n. Itele. ftukdje. fle-ini. n. the act smitten down. fmatiko. n. n. n. the head. " It is dark. an instrument to assist in drawing a with greater force. sigh. n.n. heat. Moslem. dung . n. piece of land tledn.i. n. red earth. practice . idol. fie-?U. moonlight. n. Ileke. the act of diving . n. footing . a beck with . cleanliness. burial ground. sageness notion Imp. Imihele. act . n. territory dominion . tmiriqi. stubborn. Mohammedan. tip. breathing. . usage. continence. . lli. n. Ilplu. ful. n. n. n. . llo. n. courage ." tmi f n. ILe-nini. Imple baibai. away. n. a small perforation. light . n. n. n. adj. a dive a plunge. porch. . n. n. of twisting plait. public knowledge. boldness. kingdom . foresight. Imp gbangba. flekun. fmi-orun. Iloyun. n. 134 llu. llo^O (I090). Ilo-agbara. IL? He-amp. emptiness n. Iloro. usage . precept . n. n. warning . Imisi. of lie. n. . beaten . fie-ipaka. . n. the together . . n. brightness Imple. clearness cleanliness . encouragement. Impkanle. Imawp. plot. knowledge wisdom. n. n. tlpra. being fle-fairikiti. tmi f n. n. sensation . a going. wealth. Imdkun. Imojukuro. n. n. Imoye. Imele. De-Qba. Ileke iyun. plot. squatting. a peculiar sitting posture . departure . n. beads. IlpW^Wp. . llprp. n. adj. floor. n. 11q. n. a hamlet. Ilosi. brimstone . . going tlpkUTO. . country town . lukewarmness. n. truant Ileke-ppplp. respiration. tlubole. purity. n. Digitized by VjOOQlC . n. n. building a house. door. Imofo. n. wild boar. Imp gara. coral beads. Imple. possession. n. Imi-ednn. Imijade. Imp buburu. fle-bib$. exertion. n. n. realm. corn-flour place where corn is the win- nowed. n. down on a palm used as fire-lighters. flewu. expiration. connivance. glow. transparency. llonilowQgba. Imale. n. . nation assembly of the chiefs of a . tlnja. fmaraduro (imu-ara-duro). Imp. manure black earth. bow . n. idleness indolence. frogs' spawn. Imptoto. n. n. road. imura. of the Ina-ori. fnurun. Imuragiri. Ininilara. Inaro. the . Imupada. pain in the stomach . n. Iniran. Inurirun. ImpwpduTO. n. bad heart. oppression trouble. n. flogging . Inaki. track tendency. . n. trader Impnkangbogbo. n. Imulemofo. n. Imurasile. n. agility tightness. . Initara. n. Inn didun. n. n. treaty. n. n. fire. n. Imugiri. Ipa-abere (lit. imukuro. Ini. fly . Ina. n. stitch. 135 tPA Inakuna. fire- adj. n. a making to stand. Inabi. Inu^iso. holding . healing. refraining from. n. kick. remembrance cence. knowledge . lm<Jmp§e. persecution. —the track . bad or quick temper. preparedness. n. having tan. adj. n. restoration . Inarun. book-learning. n. a making cheerful. stomach inside womb . adj. . Inadanu. n. n. a stay . n. Ina. n. n. covenant . irascible. a taking away. Inawp. feel compassionate . Imularada. Imulagbara. seizure a taking hold . a pure heart. track . merchant. Ipa-ona. n. Ipa. Digitized by Google . epilepsy violence. Imujade. Inn fonfun. foreknowledge sight. of. Imuhinwa. reminis- .. benevolence. Inn buburu. the nose nostrils. burden. Inu rere. iMQ Imple 0?upa. n. n. wicked heart. n. cross Imnnmnna. mind thought. n. yearn. n. n. punishment dimension . n. (called also Warapa). n. Imu. n. exasperation. burden . delivery out of custody. n. . way . deduction. n. restitu- compassion. fore- Imptele. n. Impwe. action. possessions . n. Imuninudun. n. Imunibinu. n. the baboon. v. n. readiness. adj. Imoran. n. wastefulness. goods. louse. blisters. the act of stretching out the hand. n. tidiness. Inutite. Inira. Imubinu. expenditure of money. course . n. n. n. Ina. Inilara. tender-hearted. daylight. gladness. trade . tion. Ipa. Inu yo. glow-worm. belly . taking by force. by whipping stretch. Imple drun. n. an out show Innbibi. Inn fufu. Imubisi. Imu. n. colic. provocation. nettle-rash. n. n. a kind of plant which Impmpda. fro. n. Imule. zealousness zeal. ImudurO. wilful produces Inaja. emptiness. omniscience. n. opinion. standing posture. n. strength . expense. Inn dudu. n. bringing news. Inawo. tempered. n. n. disposition . sunlight. Imphungbogbo. moonlight. . fnunibini. n. path Ipa. Imumuna. . n. propagating. Imp. profligacy. passion. .- matrix . that which makes one angry . Ipa. needle). . tpele. n. . a change of the great fear . n. n. aloes tpese. the is n. arrangement by which price of any all article tperegnn. the smaller. Ipaku. barter. tpanumo. a killing . tparubo. bruise . n. which are generally exposed near the gate of a town. eyelid. n. tpeJQ. n. call . consternation. comfort. tpanu. fixed by traders mutual agreement. panic . n. tpeji. in weaving. spike or ear of e. annihilation . the garments and other clothes left by a hunter after his death. exchange. right number. tpesesile. n. n. n.. Ipalenumo. hushing up. n. tpari. baldness. tpeJQPQ.g. IpagQ. w. n. defacement. n. IPA Ipada. hurt . n. tp&ra." Digitized by VjOOQlC . Ipala. .. a fish . hardship. the act of setting a boundary or limitation. tpara. the tpenpeju. doom . tpele. voice. a shutting up of the mouth hush money bribe. tparun. n. n. n. n. n. produced by dropping the thread in . Ipalara. f orebearance Ipampra. act of calling. n. the act of making a tent or booth. n. tpe. n. meeting. tpe. an ear of maize scale. n. n. end . eyelash . n. a gnashing of the teeth. convocation. return. Ipania. con elusion. adj. track footpath . provision. man- cheeks to distinguish one tribe from another. tpare» n. short worn by a woman. relapse. lP$ tpara. preservation keeping. corn-floor threshing. n. . preparation. marks made on . . downfall. n. n. Ipaiya. a moth. n. tparada. completion . tpeje. n. anything used for anointing the body. Ipe-agbado. the hollow between the back of the head and the neck. an opening between the Ipakp. tp§?e. n. n. " I comfort him. going and coming. n. a flaw upper front teeth a cloth. n. small snails. destruction . tpe. alteration. n. w. change. Ipanpa. . Apejo. immolation. Ipadasehin. tpari. a rubbing oneself with ointment. Ipahunda. fpase. lign-aloes. Mo sipetpe. Ipahin keke. patience. soundness. fun. fpa?iparQ. n. occiput . rust. provision from fore- thought. time of Ipe ganym. n. tpade. Iparoro. Ipakupa. Ipalemp. n. meeting. n. Ipara. a calm. outer cloth Ipele. tpade. Ipaka. gleaning. murder . n. lunch. butchery . a killing for sacrifice . vestige. tpamQ. congregation assembly . a refutal n. n. disguise . . concourse. n. n. slaughter. n. n. that which is put on the top of other things. n. invitation to a feast. w. — 136 . slaughter. n. . corn. tpere. n. putting to death. assist- spirits . lran$e. n. n. . act of Ipinle. shipped by the Yorubas) ancestors. hades . purpose.g. small sea shell. . whet . n. n. n.. tho territory . seam. especially such as are un- married. bargain. n. IJsin mi nyira (yi-ira) ninu yanrin. place of honour. . aftergeneration. branching out. matter oozing from the decay. slough n. aid . complaint. IranlQWQ. exhibition . dismissal. n. end . tpitan. " My horse rolled on the . n. the act of sending away . name of a tree. n. n. generation . provisions situation. n. Irange-kpnrin. place . Irale. . Iran$e-birin. irony." Irahun. . n. w. contempt . n. Ipori. Iponju (p$n-oju). race . n. n. n. n. Iponri. agreement. — . female-servant. Ipo Ola. base foundation root beginning . Ipilese. n. sight n. tpeka. sending. n. Iranlo. portion. . mission. Iran-atele. Ipere. infection . sending to . n. . oral tradition. n. needlework. Iposi.. Iran. Iran. Iran $hin. male-servant. Iransi. origin. the name of a species of shaving the head horse rolling on the ground like a horse. . limit. n. tagion. . servant sity. affliction . a mark. . . lying . tpinnu. Ipepekun. utmost . mination Ipiye. the laths . . apparition . help . buying bog marsh morass quagmire. n. the name of a tree Ira. n. . lot. condeter- agreement . : . a scraping together small things. increase. fpin. Iranlokuro. n. sand. adverdistress . trans- Ipon. n. Iran a?0. pillage. n. n. Ipo. oil 9.. difficulty. n. n. tpekun. wooden spoon. . the big toe (wor- tpepere. porridge. clusion boundary a land . n. share. n - ft8*1 scale J scab. n.. IranpQ. n. the root of which is used for washing and bleaching cloth. tp? Ip$P$» 137 IRA Iponni iyin-etan. sewing Iran. of resolution . Ipohun-rere-ekun. Ipin. tract. offspring. tpeta. booty. n. ladle. n. flattery. Ipinfimni. . Iposi. n. n. delirium. eyes. . hell. . young members of a community young people. n. scorn worthlessness meanness. Digitized by VjOOQlC . Ipon nla. sharpening iron. n. e. of plunder forage. conIpin. adulation. termination Ippnrin. n. yam cooked with palm Ira. Ipo-Oku. auxiliary. division. the act of dividing. trance . n. falsehood. n. place of departed Iranran. room . IpUTQ. lamentation. relief . Ira. messenger officer. n. n. Ipete. lathing. ance conIranmQ. n. Ipinhun. deception extortion . Irepe. n. Iranwu. discovery. blindman's buff. Iridi. n. . iron . opinion. sport . Ire. amusement the act of running. aching . shower. w. pain . concord friendship. hatred odium Iriri.. sight . n. Irasile. n. walk step life con. n. n. . pride . play . dislike . cheat . four days hence. Iro. Iri OWUTQ. frinwo. n. . execration metal. razor. journey. Iri. Ire-ako. n. memo- n. sugar-cane. damp. Iro. Ir§bon. Sirins. night dew . . n. rial .. Irawo oniru. arrogance Ireti. n. n. four hundred. Iranti. Venus. n. a ransom from slavery. frepa. sound noise made by a . n. n. n. w. Ireju-wara. a tickling of the liver). revelling. . Iri oru. ailment. n. n. passover . Irinle. agreement . IrindQ. n. Ire. hope a Irobinuje. . plants used Irm-ajo. . remorse anguish cleansing of the ear. aversion. tion Iro. n. rubber tree. n. knowledge . n. . Irin kiri. expectation . . Irin pele. God. Irawo in titan. n. n. steward. n. grief. n. Irede-oru. . Irawp Agnala. sickness {lit. haughtiness . minister . mist. dejection of spirit. . nausea . n. joke. Iro-agOgO. trigger . . Digitized by Google . Ira Irange-Qlorun. Irora. n. spinner. Irewesi. Irera. curse . a tour. morning dew. God's messenger . collision news report. n. bin. n. iron nail a soaking Irin. n. rough play. Irin sriwaju. n. transgression. Irin. n. rebuying back demption. favour . ness. n. n. n.. n. Irawo abiru^pro. n. moisture. n. n. deceit. making medicine for infants. shaving the head Irapada. the state of being low humility. Ire dijudiju. Iri. Irira. n. thought deliberanotion . n. Iro a kind of cricket which burrows underground. dew . n. sewing tailor. n. the morning star. remembrance retention. Ireni. passing over . Ore. Iran. moisture . comet. n. gentle walk. proof . . Iranwo-ile. fre. . servant of 138 Ire. w. cream. . pain . pomp. . . n. n. Ireje. — Ire-efe. dition. star. n. trele. knell. imprecation. wishing. conn. one who sews . Iwaje. . peal. release Irawo. Irikuri. Iriju. wellbenefit . versation. depression n. bright star. n. lran$0. dampness . a small piece of cloth. Ironn. Ako iri. firelock. Irepo. n. an offensive thing. appearance . n. progress. Ire-kpja. previous experience. n. Ire. IrawQ-ale. a blessing . n. the evening star. meek- goodness . n. Ireke. IRU a calm . n. the act of being Iron §k$. used in filling liquor vessels. the hair of the arm-pit. falsehood . n. untruth . fcu. the seeds of the locust fruit which are used as a seasoning. seed . convenience . 139 Irple. reclining on a couch repose. Irona. Irona. instillation. n. tranquility . Iroko. . ease . Iroka. sacrifice. as IrokUTO. n. publi- Iroko. sorrow . abstinence from food . bud. n. whiskers. species gender . (rp-0]U). beard. fore-thought . puzzle. n. blossom . caution. w. . seed (to sow or plant). Irukere. w. . Ir$. despotism. irregular thought. n. IrOgboku. solace .n. n. Irun ipenpeju. n. n. brutality . . the eyelash. Irakerudo (ra-oke-ru-odo). w. frun. promulgation cation. Irolu. repentance. motion . n. news . hair. tRO lrogun. uproar . Irppo. advantage. n. n. Irorun. . a species of the Qkro. comtumult uproar . n. evil desire . concupiscence . consideration . Imbo. the cow-tail carried about by the Ifa priests. body) (of n. Digitized by VjOOQIC . sorrow torment. Irohin. irole. n. thought. n. gadfly. tassel on the ear of Indian corn . the state of being encompassed. preIrotele. n. Irudi. facility . funnel. Irokd. n. melancholy indecision . n. n. Ironu. an Irungbon. puzzling . n. the act of inheriting a possession or house succession by inheritance. Isujn.. n. austerity . quietness. a support for the head pillow . trugbin. Ironupiwada. the act of stirring the town into an uproar. Irpra. funnel. . the act of succeeding . n. Irowo. n. power of long abstinence from food. harshness . n. throe travail . comfort . making tumultuous . Irun abiya. timber. n. Iran-ete. Irole. moustache. intelligence story telling . insurrection . sacrificing . n. n. . leisure. the name of a tree which gives very good . n. bolster. . n. disturbance. Irulu. cogitation . equal . patience n. . Iroro. race . clan . report. Irukf. n. n. IrQ. Iron. sideway. . pain Irora. n. n. act indiscreet act . n. IrOJU perseverance. a n. n. w. insurrection. rash inconsiderateness. n. . Iruju. laziness. Irpgbaka. vexation Iroju. anguish . kind . a lie (not as strong an expression as Eke). felicity . companion fellow. n. collection by dropping. suffering . Iroti. n. Irobi. farm labour husbandry tillage. pang. n. substitution. Iru. exchanging monej'. Irpkeke. Itq. Iru. tail. n. stream . crying. v. sepul- idle tsokuSQ. tspdahoro. 1§E being nothing. below. Isi. n. hanging. palm wine which has been kept for some time. Isadi. n. action . nine days hence* wellIsanra. set Ispka. assertion late. Qjpurimi. being Isodi made free. fugitive . n. a pitcher for conveying water. stale. wrath . shrink. Isun. . truya (ra-aiya). tsoji. 140 Isodasan. matrimony. n. the act of drawing near. tide. ISO asodun. tyati. self-abnegation. Iaan-omi. adj. n. fore- telling. refuge. n. n. service . n. VjOOQlC . tomb. n. Isptele. base. tsaba. {lit. tganni n. to — Isodomo tion. deed. bondage . Ise. Isinje. evil words . emotion . mockery. Oru. new.. cast aside . n. rejection. anger Irunu. revival awakening. n. tsape (aa-pe). n. prophecy . mimp. n. chre. a binding together. . partaking of the first fruits of the year. n. Ispkale. n. undermining the Irunle. Digitized by partment . n. Isunraki.t. oyster. a j looking Isansa. a soup -pot. Isele. Isure. nonsense. worship. bird-snare with Guinea corn. nine days' space. sinews. n. n. n. n. Isoye. bonny. being made desoIsq. deserter . tsana. Sunday. denial . . (sQ-di-omo). . Isasun. quarter . tsan. current. the aot of n. former. an explanation. n. Isolu. talk . n. l&H. rest pause cessation . memory . fsa-oku. indignation . Isisiyi. . n. n. Ige. ground in order to rob. conversation. matches. > l&a. runagate. n. emetic. ebb adj. Isoro. n. fsa. Iga. Iso. n. serving another . . sanctified. fashion . brought n. n. a new thing invented or created a memorable time. being . the current of a river . n. Isa-emu. clapping hands. n. source. stirring of the mind) . rat's hole . n. Isimi. a medicine used for strengthening the Isera-eni. character . blessing . detsp. adv. Asoye. the state of being . tsokun. tsale. n. . saying. Isorp. tsoko. tying . n. mode dealing . . spring . n. incubation. w. Isinwin. n. iRU Irun. exaggeration. tide. suspension of a thing adv. adop- Isodomnira. n. lately Isoyigi. n. hole . the muscles Igan. grave. n. the act of throwing stone. earthquake. n. talk . Isandnn. n. mad. n. being fat . n. n. n. religion . burrow. abnegation. from work sabbath. Isun. madness. descent . fountain . tsaju. tsan. running. Isodofo. a going down. marriage . rage. n. Mohammedan prayer. Isin. custom . annihilation. down Isan. n. bound. n. stall. station . n. . n. n. n. l$e-oro. n. . If pnu. kindness fcjfe. small fishes. finishing pletion. boasting. perdition . victory . illu- l$eun. who fcjfe-ilu. n. IfOduri. n. . the Igp-ipa.. . l?efe. hem. . . Igelu. n. glorying in . If ppolohun. n. generous action. abortion . the act of opening into view. . n. . l$e-iyanu. Ifigun. l$e. n. God's work. tfppo. twinkling of an eye . adulter . torment. foppishness. n. tyranny. profession office. n. revelation . miscarriage. fornication . . Ifigun. n. t§E l?egbe. toil. Igenunibini. If ppo meta. threefold. mis -deed offence. occu- Ifipaya. Ifinu. craft. needlework. account . waging war. conquest . exaggeration. IfOgO. I$e-ona. error sion. n. the act of ill-treating. making a vain show . IfOge. n. n. acting I^e-iyagba. tribulation. sign. n.. wicked IfpnifP. n. n. Digitized by Google . act of speaking amiss either from ignorance or anger or passion. pace. n. trading moment. jesting buffoonery. n. l?e-keke. art. Iffap. footstep duty assigned to one serves. barter. n. n. any untoward conduct deed. n. double. duty . Ifin. public work. Ifiyemeji. refreshment after fasting. distress n. n. n. calculation. Ifina. business pation . twigs or dressed. wicked work kind of work. adverse. merchant. overthrow. . fcjfe-buburn. difficulty . . nail. n. taking reckoning n. wrong action . benevolent. . Ifife. l^enurere. Ifep&pparQ. n. com- Ifikp. Igepe. Igp-ami. t$e Qlprun. n. n. . If pti. misover- unexpected work. aromatic root trailing forests. midwifery. . trader. tgepari. prostitution. n. casting of lots. 1?6JU. n. miracle. tgekuge. emptiness unoccupied. persecuting. Ifpgun. government. I^e-aigbiyele. . watch . being decked out withered n. n. n. tfppp. n. setting sail. exchange . evil deed. distress . . miracle. work . n. n. Ifp. Ifin. . the state of being lost. . Ifdre» adj. n. fcjfe-abere. miracle l$e-a?e. n. what one hyperbole has bought . contrary to . joke . guard. branches. mistake . gaiety . Ifelpfp. labour . favour. of a in plant found ijepangaga. doubt. . irregular action 141 )$(> If pkif p. Igp-ifrin. If0W0. doing sight Ifisp. kindness . n. IfO. Ifofo. the fruit of a tree. Ifppomeji. severity Iforo. name of a tree a kind of grass. handicraft. giving or adding to Igenisi. border . IflTO. Itanna-eweko. n. . sedition . the act of casting away a casting oft. pad saddle . n. bloodshed. f$U. Isona. n. rebellion. treading. being beforehand. n. n. deceit. n. n. doing any mechanical 142 Itan. n. a successor series . follows. an overItakiti. Iteju. guile. n. n. . Itan. . l?pte. Itanka. Ita. union. IfUbu. satisfaction . Itakete. . tanner. n. a kind of yellow ant. adj. It$le. thigh a n. Iteloriba. flower. l^Qpe. . n. n. round . content- ment . zeal. pressing down. startling . Itankale. spreading. Ita. Itemple. n. work. unctionIta-pja. Ita-giri. warmth Itara. Ita. Atele. a formidable foe to the white ants. n. wild yam eaten by hunters. n. n. Itelese. Itanu. and attacks anyone undercloth. n. . a loaf. anointing. Ita-ororo. flowers (socalled from their brilliancy). attack Italaiya. sign . rebuff n. circulation . n. treasure . n. fulness heed. n. downfall. evenness of surface smoothness. keeping at a distance a keeping aloof. selling . encampment. tT£ . l$Qna-awQ. grati- who lies there. subjugation. n. n. I?U-p?e. the leg (of an animal)Iteledi. n. or tread on the foot) . yam . watchfulness . called also Ita. . for anxiety fervour . I$u-akara. ball or cake of soap. a being one. following in course of order. n. for firewood. Itayp. a space of seventeen days. n. narration lap. Itenilprun. . ardency . adj. a kind of worm or grub which breeds on a mud floor. Itanna. Itehin. anything Igura. n. n. Itele. . n. token ^ beckoning. n. tflU. sunbeams. Itel$. a street name of open air. n. . n. ltaj$. . nest. fall of a heavy thing . fication. Itedo. Ite-oba. Ita-dognn (eta-di-ognn). n. n. ball . moonbeams. valuable which is put into safe keoping. carefypra. n. It$. king's throne. cloth for common use . Digitized by VjOCKHC . Itankale. a tree much used . a running Itakun. thanksgiving. wink. Itale. another's safety . . private intimation (as a nod. sale. lapse . concord. fall . throne . Ite-eiye. Itaj$sil$. Igpkan. a climber plant a creeper. tale- being related. diarrhoea. n. n. glittering light. tailor. Isona-a$o» n. story ftan. I$U-ode. n. extension . n. n. n. cloth. Isunu. n. soft part of fruit pulp. lt$. bird's nest. n. somersault turning leap. n. lamp . opposition. Itan^an (Mjupa.. state of surpassing excellence. n. Itelprun. n. n. n. promulgation. Itanje. n. cheats fraudulence. a lump of anything loaf. gratitude. watchful. nervousness. Itan^an. n. Itansan drnn. n. ox tension. 199 Isona. that which n. n. index . care. spitting. n. alteration. loosening (as a knot tied). massiveness Itule. comfort . shame . n. . Itudi. ItpSQ. n. Itpsi. n. . emission . n. Itobi. supplication. n. scru- tion. eruption (on the rest body) . Itese. oloseness . following in a train . support. urine. Ito. . n. ItewQgba. n. superintendence . Itujade. bending of the head . it. spittle . the act of supporting or propping. n. alacrity. a going in a way or path. . n. n. with — ftp. n. bundle of grass . ItenumQ. Itunse. charge . sequence . adj. disgrace Itenu. the Itura. n. n. Itinabp. n. ment. the act of placing in a . n. explanation. a running plant like the egusi. ease . Ituloju. on account oil . n. prayer Itprp. present. n. n. It$. n. helm steer- tion of Itere. n. ITU list . bigness size. a crush. . of. comfort . It? a failure. meekness. . ttukp. n. navigating. assembly. | improvement Itu. nearness . Itori. dispersion divorce- row. n. of things. Itpna. It j. n. Itikun. . Ituufe. n. Itu. account. arrangement . Iterun. gift. n. Ituraka. n. merit worth. contented. due . . guiding. upon Iteriba. tenance. n. n. . cheerfulness. n. Itoripe. improvements. eduover- oil. n. order. necessary. breeding rearing . submission. n. fulness i comfort. Itolesese. any large piece | Itpwo. Itpju. adjournment of an for the foot. . n mildness of counItuju. n. elucidation . ltd. n. reason. ease in the mind). Digitized by Google . budding or bursting of a flower . n. taste. 143 Itpka. the treadle of a loom. n. . rudder age.. n. ftoye. n. Itutp. comment. n. footstool . n. Ituju. . n. of contents. ease . refreshment of a cool breeze Itororosi. Item. n. n. a bar. n. petition . recep. value . cating. n. inquiry . a stick to fasten a door ! Itunriran. Itiju (ti-oju). n. of wood . small creek. n. exposure. | . n. breaking up the ground. Itise (te-ese). n. search tiny. Itunu. bashj shyness. Itpni. Iti. looking . n. educating Itore. tameness conciliation. cause. bow . interpretation . a sheaf. discharge a pouring out. series . the act of anointing anointment. Ituka. Iti. Itilehin. order smashed by trampling . a treadle . Itplehin. . Itpkp. Itump. adjacent vicinity. reparation . meaning. sake. urging the same subject by constant repeti. recovery of sight. acceptance . timber . illustration . ftosi. -consolation the act of making {lit. setting fire to. Atun?e. n. brow Iwakiwa. book . rashness . temperate. one who digs. Iwo-oju. . fording a river entrance to a river. . n. barbarism. n. n. fwp. trees greenness. investigation . madness. dampness . n. twp. hastiness . prostitution. struggle . lesson. n. n. a state of uncleanness. twasu. pron. twoye. or adj. thou . twayaija. n. publishing. n. . n. n. ravening. n. the sap of which produces blisters. Iwin buburu. who insolvent debtor becomes for a time the property of his master. moral . twp?p. two. n. hinge. an twpfa. the act of felling or destroying a h ouse. 144 twu n. presence. gold. evil. contempt . . eunuch. n. twu. Iwikiri. twpjp. twplu. medium n. adj. two. reflex. Iwolule. paper. . virtue. agbere. w. Itutu nini. twu. thou thyself. n. act of woaving. adj. Iwpjppp. the present time or season. n. gateway. poison which may be administered in food . n. weaving. Iw^. n. pron. conduct . Iwptikalare. navel. death-struggle. Iwa-prun. importance. act of swelling. tdodo. Iwadi (wa-idi). n wearing of apparel « making public. n. you. contemptuous look. twpuwpu. sight-seeing. n. . broom- Iweri. . nature. Digitized by VjOOQIC . frigidness. Iwefa. inquiry. Iwariri. sensuality. . fall. look. a speoies of frog. Iwe. Iwa-eda. greediness . twun. behaviour character habit . twpu. insult. . n. n. face fwaju. disposition custom manner a state of being in existence. examination . . n. preaching. twpsi. n. countenance. n. pleasure. affection Iwusi.. n. tremor trepidation. n. Iwa-ptp. appearance . fwere. twp. n. n. forethought. impatience. increase. sympathy^ twuri. Iwukara. a tree. n. godliness. Iwa Iwa-ika. one in pawn . n. Iwatitp. n. Iwa-agba. measure . dry twig branch of a tree stick. twp. n. a small agony . Iwa buburu. a digger . measurement . thou. assemblage . ghost. goblin. the twlUlfp. the twpdo. tworo. injury . twpntuwpnsi. n. twuwo. wrong Iwenump. fore -head . n. n. n. dress. so many. tTU ttutu. . n. Iwo egan. Iwa. n. head tie. leaven. twoyi. n. n. a look-out. foolishness. n. n. elf . n. twin. n. n. . n. n. love . desire . n. Iwptikarare. . n. twale. w. a certain quantity. heaviness. moderation . n. a carnivorous bird raven. Iworan. Iwakun. n. twin. gathering. n. hook. eldership. fish-hook. peculiarity. n. barbarous conduct barbarity . n. Iwa-aimp. twpra. two. entrance into a town . . Iwara. moisture . spirit.n. purification. fyan. value. lyasapakan. lyan. n. w. lye kdro. dame . w. variance . . Ma se Iyen. n. of the same mother. e. division . lyanrindide. lyanju. n. flattery. exhortation. eagerness to satisfy appetite. heresy. lyera. woman. n. n. famine love . ft. dust of worm-eaten trees ft. lyalenu. n. uncertainty . lyara. n. tress. lyisp. translation. n. lyeye. n. flour prepared from fyan hanhan. perversion. like a horse. pounded yams. lyadi. Igunu. n. dearth . Digitized by LjOOQlC . n. n. Ippnni. election choice. debate . amazement. lyaju. reed on which cotton . quickness . perfection. ly&le. lya. lyipo. n. lYI lyan mimp. ft. fyan. n. forwardness . . lye. lyan. wonder.g. lyapa. . plumage. lyipada. respect esteem . lyewn. investigation. elderly lye. oppression. n. lye. Iyin-etan. lyanu. lyatp. ." v. difference . Iyawo. w. scar- city of food. life the art of living. ft.. n. w. Iyapa. n. the pin inserted through in the weaver's beam in order that he may turn ft. Iye-ainipekun. lyagotp. Iyangbe. place. flour in general. lye. n. a newly-married . dexterity. a cheat. mother . ft. n. affliction suffering ft. matron . n. room . ft. lye. feathers . valuable . life. . everlasting lye.. schism. diarrhoea . ft. n. mistress . avoided. n. woman spouse. celerity. w. ft. lyagan. separation. mis- n. bowels. lyebiye. The wives are called other Iye-ara. dumbness w. of the dust. consecration. . soundness. " Do not fear anything. lyanla. bodroom . chaff . n. lyara. booty. dry. a hole it round with ease. ft. idea lyere. n. ft. n. beru iyen. n. a kind of spice. barrenness lyagba. title . n. looseness of the dung. precious. IyA lya. is wound reed. controversy. — 145 . hesitation. a kind of sour plum. . lyagbe. lyemeji. lyenu. of lyan j 9. distinction. lyin. n. conversion. neighing. honour . void moisture. w. women rank. sterility. speechless. lyalode. lyefun. w. wife . . lyala. memory. n. husk. n. n. grandmother. madam . lyangbo. sand. the very dust. turning. . ft. w. sawdust. lyewo. soundness of body. anything. bride lyawp. lyekuru (eyi-ekuru). sanctification. fyin-eke. officiousness. quicksand. ft. lyanrin. inner chamber . Iyawo. applause. n. . doubt . w. n. adj. adulation. praise . adj. number . the dark part of a room. adj. wonder. yams . secession. the first or elder wife. worth . lyanf e. astonishment given to wise a lady of high lyekan. lye. n. to break (as a rope) cut pluck . to contradict . v. v. to eat the sweet . v. rob plunder . molestation . Oja mi lekanna. v. thoroughly. lypnu. Jale-enia. v. to come out . to purloin to forward . to fear dread. strive . . soldier. derision rheumatism. to Jade-kuro. argue with. n. Ja. sugar {lit. adv. Jagba. compassion . v. . vexatiously. to kidnap.. . n.. n. Jale-girije. . account v. to fight . in great conconfusedly. Ja-koro. v. to struggle. Ja. n. . prep. Jadesehin-odi. harshly. Jade. Jale. . quarrel dispute . title of a warrior. n. Jaiya. v. on anyhow . jerked beef. to evacuate . ilu na ja. Jagba-jagba. " He Jale-jal$> adv. adv. to be bottomto plunder. n. go out go forth . v. Jaiye. n. encounter . Jadegun. a bitter orange. e. i.g. Jagun. controvert. subtraction. nearly. de. Ja. Jabu. to enjoy . n. v. fusion . combat contest . lyun." Jaleke. . Bi o ja ki o tan. n. through. lyp. to fight . an epicurean . yearning ridicule. Jala. v. n. Mo la Ja. . n. v. splash. —white to detect . important . v.. omiran yio warrior. come Jale-a^iri. to strike the road . annoyance. the town. n.g. adj. fighter . v. to pick. — . the rest fyp-oyinbo. Jagudi. issue. to war. Jale. a n. snatch. war . n. adv. lypgntisi. Jagudu. v. n. . Digitized by LjOOQlC . ri. . gallon. used as a medicine for man's salt). Iypkuro. " I passed through apprehend . Jaganyi. sack rifle. almost done a fresh supply will it is " When arrive.g. Jagidijagan. Jagun. persistently. of the bowels. throughout from one point to another. adv. coral. weighty. taking away from. Jagun-jagun. to go out of the town. embezzle. less on sweetness. v. to pinch with the desert. Iyoku. pinched me. roughly. to snatch. JAL v. a . any j. walk . Jaguda-pali. to go abroad. . Jahin-jahin. to go through. Jadun. nip. to be in luxury. throughout.. an evil doer. trouble . Jadun-jadun. fyp. to recover oneself. remainder. — 146 . to detect a liar. to steal pillage . salt. adv. lypnu. e. Jal^-ganran. n. Jagan. Jaga. lyplenu. uneasiness. v. to come forth issue from. Jal§kanna. a luxurious person. cuttingly. . to take pleasure . to set out for battle.— YO Iyoknn." Jabajaba. almost ." e. v. Jadewa. Jadesehin-ekun. separate violently to drop . nails. feed Jadi. n. brightly. Jare. drop into . to plunder ransack .g. hard . cram intensely hot. " They are good boys. n. to lead to adj. lie.. v. e. e. Jediedie. v. childishly Jegunm^yan. v.. as cattle. v. adj. a. to swindle . e. to misappropriate others goods. " He was Je-alade. n.g. " It is worthless. Jankaw$. for sale.— jAl Jalenu. to consent tolerate. Jasi. factor. to let. J$bi. to boast . a spendthrift a good for nothing person. Jayejaye. to to comply . e. to eat deserve . J$. e. Jegun.. J?-I sparklingly. child.—e. to eat fodder. contra- Jangb6ro.g. spoil. v.. Orun mu janjan. J$ ki nl9. the crown of royalty. " Let me go. v. n. Janjan. stout. its cry. guilty in the matter. damage . v. Nwon j$ pm9 rere. n. be just . must. Jalumi. v. v.." a little bird. adv.. " I am tired of eating sweet things. dazzlingly. to dispute. n." J$. to be guilty. Em*i k6 j^ ma se ise na. stuff. v. to plunge into water. adv. to be in the right . Jannijani. Janiyan." J$ ma. Japati." v. to come upon suddenly. n. Je-appje. to be . Jal61e. earn . . . Je-isin. v." v. to answer . v. to strike the road . v. Jaoke. from J$-fnn. v. . to contradict.g. bear with with . adj. Jegbejegbe. . v. value. to reign . bloated. to gain Google . to discover a . v.g. dict . Janikoro. —— 147 — . win. Ide n& ndan " The brass shines J&ma." J$. v. to attack unawares . Jam$. please. to permit. Jan. v. to come to a point. O jebi pran na. Je-bal^.g. soldiers marauders. Ati ma je adun su mi. to wean a rob . v. to feast. gain . to kidnap a fellowdeserve. v. n. v. intensely (applied to the heat of the sun). piles. v. happen to correspond accordingly. . Jana. in of. " I ought not to refuse to do the work. misfortune. . to deny confute.gr. abusing a bene- unmeaningly topsy-turvy. man Jere. Ko value jam$ nka- nkan. to sate .g. knee-cap. Digitized by Jeniata. equal worth. e. . n. to brag. Je-ajeki." Je-ajedfrfun. Jandukti. Jedijedi. a sensualist. to take v. dutiful. v. sturdy . Jeguduragudu. jere-jere. brightly. soot. Jere-jere. ill . to receive the title of governor. comply with . to gorge." n. v. brilliant. the name of a shrub. v. v. v. J6si-g$g$. . to strike with a twig or whip. so called Jasi. Jalu. to snatch. . v. adj. . Jara. ought. consist Jewe. whitlow.. J$ ase. worth. Jar(. — . a wicked person. n. Janu. e. n. be willing . to chew the cud ruminate. mischief Jamba. due . Jegede.. " The sun is owe dine . v. disaster adj. to take an unfair share." if. v. disputable. jij Jeun. Mo fi timidity fright . Jeki. chastise .g. " Let to witness n. Jesf. Jeki o Je-leri. The king gave a present yesterday. . Jerui.. v. had) . v. e.g." Iba je pe o I9. him go. permit.. fought . v. n. enliven. . Jeriti.. me let lo. adj. Igi yi so eso Je-pa. to confess . shall punish you. speechless .g.. emi o je 9 niya. concede . appertaining to . " If you do so I Jiga. v. Bi iwo ba se b§.g. to take easily. to eat too much. e. to suffer from flogging. cannibal . v. to witness . oppress. of. . v. mony J$rigb&. is . n. fight Jija. owe a debt. Jihin. " Jf. to give account Jija. " I forgive .g. to 9. depressed on the surface. Digitized by Google . us go.. to deliver been I. jl e. Jigbe. that. .e. militant . let v. to Ji. v. to make a promise. to owe a debt to. afflict avenge . forgive. to Jlgblni. adv. confuted. v to vow . broken. Jenia-jenia. §e food. rouse . Je-nigbese. " Deal gently. jigger. e. against. JewQ. a kind of cloth. that to bo contended. Qba jl mi Ji. belonging to. v. to steal to pilfer pick ." to fruit). assent . abundantly (applied e. n. J$ pe.. gentlefolk. acknowledge . . the act of detecting. struggle v. . shock. v. to eat human flesh. jigblnl. v. Jigbese. fear pran na you.." awake . a message of. to give to. to regret . gently . mirror. v. to gain. that which may be Jijfc. maneater . . wake up to raise up. n. scramble . the act of breaking." Jeju. that which to be fought. n." Jewe. rifle. Jija. v. Jijadu. n. Jeka. apologize. Jerun. mute. — —— 148 to eat — . Jl fa. O jewe. v. to punish . to come to a sad end. certify. v. to bite the finger . softly e. . to take by stealth. been." J$p$. destroy. for. v. v. Iwo yio jeka r$.g. .g. feed . — Jigbe. Iba je pe emi ni. Je-niya. to waste squander . to be hollow.. J$n$j$n$. to cheat . to rouse. J$nla. dumb adj. J$j$j$» «&>• very gently. v. to bear witness to spend . n. v. " You will regret it. lana." to testify . confirm .g. adj. very J$J9» - v. . looking glass . " He was speech- softly. . . J$kalp. less. " Had it " This tree bears fruit abundantly. (preceded by " Iba.g. to be dumbfounded . —— . v. v. a slanderer. e. to witness in favour v. v. Ji. Jigiri. J$nju." Jigi. v. v. v. trembling . v. v. verify." v." Ji-dide. bear testiJ$ri.— J?J a&o* J?j?f quietly jeje. " If he had gone. v. n. J^ti. attest . e. to be ungrateful. Jija-Ogun. to deny . depth. remote. blaze . Jij6. Jogbojatp. adj. J6gan. Jiju. depression . ? distant. Jijina. answerable. a hole or pit.. similarity. that which is stolen the act of waking. Jijd. v. expostulate . distant . contradict . Qna is far na jin. v. . grass. to burn . v. sunburnt. adj. n. Jikoto. adj. ilu JiD. J6.g. rouse . delivered your message yesterday. awake out of sleep. adj. adj.g. habitual. flame. resemblance conformation . stratagem belligerent. far adj. JO-K Jin. v. adj. nitori mi. Jijpra. n. Jimijimi. J6-f $r$.. to wrestle adj. adj. " He suffered in my stead. that which Jiyanjiyan. JI-I9SQ. Jija-niyan. sufferable. v. adj. to rise . to wake early. J6-baibai. war tactics Jina. to rise from the dead. n. Ji-kutukutu." e. well e. child. O jiya Jiya. adv. to lay wager . adv. burn . v.— JtJ Jijakadi. to inherit the property of deceased . on another's to sap . v. bet . discuss. J6.. v. mouldy. v. v. v. deep . cloth so named for its brilliancy. drop from an opening or crack. slightly . palpitate. deep. n. Jingiri. profound mysterious important. a hollow .g. dancing. Jo-k$l$. " The town away. deep . — 149 —— . v. wealthily. Ji?$. con- Jina.. a Jdjd. adv. Ji-lOJU-Orun. a burnt article. VjOOQIC . testable. tolerable. is n. Mo jis$ re lana. leakage. v. Jijey6. slightly. conJiJQWQ. suppressed cut down kept down. an abettor . n. rere. cooked or roasted. v. v. v. . that which Jina from here to Ibadan . eating a sufficiency. as mown Jiju. eatable. to per- (followed by lese) to form gymnastics. Jijin. brilliantly. e. deniable. gorgeously. to dance . " to be eaten. at a great allowable. burning. new-born to throb Digitized by . v. v. likeness . far. taking an ample supply. wide. adj. . whirl . n. . splendidly. to deliver a message. contradict. adj. is thrown. to take possession of. n. Jijfein. Jijona. to heal up. Jiji. Jogun. n. v. v. richly. to singe . tributary. v. Jij6-5run. Jinde. far off distance. " How far distant Jije. to leak . to tread heels . little not much. n." Jiyan. Jiju. formable. v. Bi to it ibi yi ti jina si Ibadan is ? Jij$. fretting. leaky. small . distant. to burn dimly fickle. adv. n.g." Jojolo. argue . JiJQ. v. " I adj. e. dispute . wishing one a long life and good old age. concavity. to fall into far. JinlQ. Jij$ni. . to suffer. one who lays a wager. adj. strike with the fist. debate . Joko. more. v. metal (worn . J6were. dwell . to seem so. to suck (as an egg).g. v. resemble to look like be similar to Ju. Julp. te duru fun mi. n. to loose . to Jona. " You are taller than I. by . Jorijori. to ait . let . v. . to be equal. JTjM to acquit . struggle. Jp. consume by submit J$W$. n. very much . J$b$j$b$. agreeable. . Jum$. to resemble . adj.. v. v. together with. v. Jola. .— JOK . to govern.. masai Jor6. to. Jumbu. v. to try hard our . Jo-mo. numerous (used after a verb of multitude)." to. " Let excuse e. likely. crown . J$w$. to take a seat. n.g.. . Jopo. Jo. " The '$]$> to regard think well of. Ju. . v. together. v. to be similar." Ju. fowls). of . to be alike . Juba. a. white Jflju. to J$w<J go. please forgive. e. v. Jfcbpgba. J6ku-j6ku. stay . me . e. v. . abide . v. release. to be alike . together. itself. to burn . v. chaotic people are very numerous. Jufu. royalty). permit. v. look like. one who eats that deliver up go . languid endeavto envy. Job?. mi lowo. Jomu. —— 150 Jo-lpwp.. in company. yield . Jpju. to be worm-eaten. Iwp ju mi I9. adj. adj. v. v. e. . let . sign of superlative most. . to ordain. Jpjp. to resemble one. a parasite or worm which is supposed to eat the brain. v. v. adv. to put on the same footing. Enia po jojo. J$w$. J$f in. the flesh hanging from the throats of cows dewlap. a. n. conform Jpba. confusod." to be jealous to . v. fair. reside . to graze (as cattle). adj. n. outstrip to reign. meagre be lean emaciate. to enjoy honour. to surpass ." n a comb or orest (as of - outstrip transcend. — . v. to come into a great fortune. v. excuse please . to throw . adv. Joye. J6-l<Jw<J. lose flesh adj. v. " Please play the organ for me. mouldy. v. away pine . J6k6. The superlative is formed by the addition of " L9 "—-Julo. cast . J(. to serve under . v. to be king over. . too (sign of tho comparative). haggard. most. armlet . adv. fling. Jomijomi. . Digitized by Google . to have a grateful remembrance respect Judi-judi. Julp. pleasant. adj. Jora. forgive.g. wait for . to be superior to. v. to burn the hand to prove a failure. which dies of 7616. . fire. to waste . confused without form. to suck out. Jowti.g. exceedingly . me . v. brick. v. bracelet not of having a clear brain. to beat . peevish n. Kalo (ki-a-ma-lp). Kadim. v. a certain one . violent. wreathe. . to reckon with number with. a kind of tight trousers with long legs. to number with. Ka-iyin. v." ache. pen. quill . v. roll . to break. Kakun. Kalamu. Kabakaba. Kajo. Kak6. Iwo kaka I9 spdp agba ? Did you push presumptuously into the rank of qualifying la * to reap . v. Kal6. living at the same time. adv. Juwo. v. war captain. charge v. aroimd abroad . reckon Kakd-mora. J&mfae. to accuse . great all Let us be personage).. . to respect . . circle. act in conjunction with. enumerate v. . Ka-m$. violent wind up . to esteem . v. v. writing . spreading abroad notoriously . — 151 . unyielding a stubborn. Kal$ (ka-ile). pluck fruit from the tree . . v. e. irregularly roughly . sour . surround. one . n. Digitized by Google . reckon sit upon c . tartly. direct KAN v. .forwardly . to celebrate to sing or speak the praise of. sore . Ka-si. adv. n. • number Ka. upon. Kal$. forcible . v. n. coil in elders ? " Kaka. read . officiously. defect. Kal^-gbogbo. adv. v. adu. Kasilorun. regard . to charge with indict . . Kabiyesi.. Kainkain-oka. enumerate. to sit down sit on the ground . universally. JtM to v. reed. . May we go ? Kan. Jumo-wa. v. n. v. to encompass to Kakanfd. the name of a shrub. (the greeting used on the approach of a king or other 44 rough . Kan. upon accuse hold lay upon . v. austere painful. a piece of shell. v. yanyanka. Ka-po m$. Ka-oransi. to accuse. adj. Knkfttfmlft. to . v. waddle. la). wave the hand to. Juwe. of show. TTftlniTi i v. along. Ka-$ran si. to beckon with the hand . v. adv. unevenly . fold . Come Kayin. n. to roll up with. Kahoro. n. Kakara. one out of many. to curl twist shrivel . strong stiff . set upon. deposit. husk of the Guinea corn. presumptuously (generally Ka. adv. (contraction of $kan). to be about the space a year. Kaka. to co-operate . fail. Alkalamu. blame. yanyan-oka.g. to drop (as a liquid). to esteem. responsible. Ka-$ran m<J. v. to blame. count . v. round . around Ka. . to fold together. general. attention. to point out . . a creeping plant. co-exist . adv. acid morose . shrug. . . v. shell. add to . cross. to coil. Ka-m$. n. Kan. v. title of a war chief. . Let us go . Kanjujaiye (kanju-je-aiye). flies it sour). n. Kangun (kan-ogun). adj. . Kanle. . n.g. rapidly. adj. KAR adj. Kanra. midge? which swarm about liquor (supposed to n. aground . "It is very hard. to Kan. hurry. . Kankp. to box. to concern . KangOgO. hastily quickly . v. adv. the same. Kankan. butt (as a beast). TfAnlri a kind of tight n. Kanna. to bend (as a bow). fretful . to be at an end. pensive . Kanri. clean gone.. to come to a hard point . v. Kanrnnkanntn. rock salt borax. e. severe . upon an army expected place in an un- nail or to come the skull to a tree. last ultimate (applied to words of action).. ." Kanrun (kan-prun). Kanga jljin. to curve. v. v. touching the ground or bottom. deplore fast . v. warp. be last. kanrinkanrin. to crucify to nail to a cross. v. to poison. Kanga. peevish. or in a Kannakanna. mourn.. e. Kanmukanmu. TT^nh nn^ Kanun. fibres used as a sponge. Kan. O upon trouble. a sling. . to butt (as two animals. sharp . cross. Kanm^-agbelebu. to Kangbo. Kankun. TTftninlraiiiTi. Kanju. v. make Kanu." Kanrinkanrin. small sour the temper. . very (applied lo to hardness). to board up. well. adv. adv. adj. v. very far off. Kannakanna. to be sorry feel grief for wrong done .g. TTftnlrftn^ n. touchy . with a draw well. a. Kan-loro. waspish. Ase kan re li eyi. n. v. v. Digitized by Google . to interest . to knock at the door. n. to be difficult.) Kangi. to adj. v. to strike or touch the head with the victim to be offered for sacrifice . to devolve upon . Kara. morose | . to be hasty. ferocious. to come peevish .. adj. v. v. v. sour . alone only Kanniwa (kan-ni-iwa). n. a crow with a white streak on the neck a crow.— KAN . singly. a n. adj. Kangara. to construct a wooden vessel or canoe. n. voluptuous.. v. Kanna (pkan-na). a thorny plant of the relent . the fist. Kanle^e (kan-li $?$). Kftnrin t yfttirin1r&nrin 3 adv. to reach . sour . K4n-nkan. v." Kan. sweetly with a sweet flavour. n. speedily . apace . Kantikanti. n. acacia tribe gland. — — 152 . a bow maker. v. ill-tempered . froward . to touch at to nail (with a hammer) to knock (at the door). " He is gone quite out of sight. O le kanrinkanrin. " This is your last action. Kangun.g. gnat. a kind of billhook perforated iron a handle. Kanlanako. adv. Kan-loju. used by those trousers working on farms. . . hasty or eager to enjoy life. e. . beyond the reach of sight . Kawe (ka-iwe). v. Kede. v. e. . very clearly . to walk up defect. ganti.g. Kard. v. competent restrain . (so a bird named from Kawun. v. at all ever (used chiefly after " kd . Kede. whatever there. Kaw$ to abstain loudly qualifies la. ko-asa.— kAr . . second. (usually split. Kejird (ki-eji-r$). to abbreviate epitomize mutishorten . Ekeji. n. adv. Kedere. adj. con- Kaga. See v. KaWQ. reckon . Karon. v. a water-bird noted for swimming. chop . a snail shell. a running plant. cut into irregular shapes. n. K6. precipitately. to to be control govern. n. Earo. may we and down in the piazza lag walk slowly and leisurely measure by pacing. Ke. the fibre of which is used to n. to wrap round reel . Karawun. to make a public number Kas$. " There nothing . n. bleat. Kasinkan. lessen ."). adv. on a sudden. v. si "). Keji. whatKati. Kas$ (ka-es^). adv. to cut short . late . to fold up shrug. small pieces of grass on which carded or prepared cotton is suspended preparatory to spinning. Ke-kikun. adv. adv. aloud. Ka?a. Ko is si ganti pagan. squeak . Digitized by nib$. the seventh. " to n. to come proclamation to trumpet r announce. its cry). . intercept to Ke-nigberi. Keje. wind read . speak ? n. v." Kawe. to Kawekawe. v. to . Ke-lul$. implicate. hew. (ka-si-nkan). cypher. adv. v. an unbeliever . ding-dong). here and there . to cut . from eating or doing certain things prohibited on account of illness or religion. thwart. contract. Kaye. Katakata. to terminate . to cut right through. v. Keku. spicuously. names of the gods. n. Ke-knrn. to exclaim. v. a reader. cry out . (ka-origa) v. proudly. Keferi. to roar . Yan. Kasoke. v. to intersect. n. VjOOQlC . v. Keke. snail shell. 153 KEK (ka-ewQ). peruse. v. involve . ejaculate. curtail crop . Kaga. to felL . Ke-kunkun. . representing the sound of a bell or other hard substances struck together Eng. . v. howl . Is there anything the " I hope there matter ? is nothing the matter " (a question always put when something is suspected). Kejip. adopt a new Ke-^aka^aka. to recite the . Karawun. adv. Ke-knro.. . to cut down abridge. to lose a tooth. to Ke-nibu. . {cf. so called from its cry. to master .. heathen low type of people enemy. Kara. mend calabashes. . Ka^an. fashion. v. . v. v. to hack. a bird. v. v. . v. gentile . to an end. aloud cry to Ke-SOke. v. Keke. to cry - . Kayin. v. Kar6. v. to be the fifth. adj. interrog. count . widely dispersed scattered about. gently. v. to be small. adv.g. (ke-irora). Kereju. a kind of black squirrel which preys upon birds . hoarse. carrvehicle instrument used in iage spinning. (kere-owu). Adilu. to invoke loudly upon . . tyekea small or young . K$ke. hen"). Keke. Kerora Kesi. K$gan. Gege. to be quiet still . moan. small pieces of . Agbeb$ ngb$ k$k$. fool by K$re. a wheeled wheel a bicycle . v.. rumour. (k$-$k$). . Kereke. the throat is hoarse. to hate KSri. Kelekele. (term used by the medans). . n. extend to . — grow worse (as a sore) glow be hoarse. Egbd k$. Keta. . hindmost Okelenje. maleanimosity . sore is is glow- vanguard K$l$k$l$. less. Kehun. k$. n. v. Kerekere. . carefully. . void of sensation. cry aloud to. Digitized by Google . . to be little . name of an esculent plant. adv. . K$. (ko-etiri). profound silence. Kere. e. companies. K$d6gun. call on. by friends walk as keep company. bit bit . K6wu (ke-ewu). . ono easily enticed or deceived. ** ohun enia The spreading. adj. cleanly. Keti Ketiri. n.'' K$mbeku. adv. to read thread is wound . lenje. Kekere. privily as the movement of a spy. a grub which makes K$k$. n. n. K$. an army. associate .. revile attaint. benumbed. v. — 154 . the cry of the hen . petty . a species of small foxes which live in (qualiadv. n. the fire ing . adj. (ko-egbe). adv. small little adj. incorporate . fying Gb$. finally. fifteenth. gradually. " to cackle as a holes n.g. ina k$. n. K$hln. little (ones). . clearly Kekelenje. . n. volence . n. gratify : Moham- Keke-pa. cotton . final Kehinkehin. Kerekere. K$hln. phlegm. to feel mortified Kekeke. small . . softly. w. (ko-$gan). adv. adv. Keke. v. to cry out in pain. K$. K$R Eedun. to v. v. v. to last. K^ke. v. cock a gun. Kfclebe. v. adj. n. v. Kek? . abhor to groan. . v. spindle. be in bits. . adj. v. abominate. junior. Kerewu seed. to live luxuriously. " The hen cackles. v. idolize . to indulge . made of a small pointed stick on which the n. a lot. in calabashes. v. to be learned profound in knowledge. hatred. frivolous call Kepe. thimble. . mode of casting lots (a child's game). dumb.. to despise to contemn. to set a trap . k£k Keke-idi. sticks used in casting lots Kegbe blemish. fondle cherish . K$k$. to visit . scout. v. traitor or of e. adj. n. to turn the back." K$ke. Kelekele. lizard. in order that lest. e. Kidanpapa. rolled. eagerness.g. Ki a wa ki o ma lo ? " May we go ? " (Ut. melancholy . to salute. Kinire. whatsoever. See K6. before a certain time .g. small and small and round. sour . donkey. KlK or flask in which to keep gun- powder. eager. circular large . Kika. " Tell strenuously earnestly . painful Kikan. v. be going). lest Ketekete. gross . to box. " 1 bawl.g. Kini. spur . " May I e. to cuff. recite one's praises Kijikiji. adj. that. . Kigbe (ke-igbe). numbering. adj. <j)k an?°s° ajanaku e." e. v. 155 (k$re-k$re-$tu). a coarse country cloth le e. reading. conj. " is it ? What pron. " In order that woven by women. Qti kikan. Ki nlo ? go ? " " Shall I go ? "—e. tremulously (qualifying a loud blast. Ki. mi igbo kijikiji (lit. adj. Kikanra. . aloud . " A single elephant shakes the One forest tremulously). Ki-le$$ (ki-li-ege). ." Ki. goad. tliick .g. adj. tenth. . Kike. Kikan. adv.. wax consistent. adv. hastiness . Kibiti. that which may bo pitied or deplored . Ki." Kf. Kiribiti. n. adj. — . ass . n. . Kikaye. adj. eircular adj." Kijipa. n. large and and round. forest. that which dropped. Kiakia. visit. — —— . Kibiti. n. sourness . Kiamaba. exceedingly . n. pron.g. v. that which is to be cut off. Kf. Kewa. calabash. Ki. give me " frequently Ki awa o le ilo.gr. n.. omitted). Kika. " That we may be able to go. is to be adv. n. Kiribiti. Kese. thirteenth. that which is hasty. that which is touchy peevishness .g. conj. horn. greet. adj. dense . adv. adj. Digitized by VjOOQIC .. not... Kinla " What ? " ! inter. Wi fun u ki o se e. intensely . vinegar. my father may (The latter ki is Kikan. cram. adj. — — three days.. to press tight . inter. quickly. to stuff. adv. . Kiamase. On ti se e ki emi ki o to *' lo.ki." e. Mo klta.g. Kikankikan.. . deplorableness. v. loudly vigorously. or sound). v. adj. fulfil a term. adj." Ki. elephant can shake the voice . counting. — Ki. pron. press. Ki nto lo. He did it before I went. moroseness. tart. load . Kikanju.g. Kilowukose. Ketala.. Ki. aux. shall should may. acid . to load as a gun or tobacco pipe.—— K$K KJk^-$tu a . . that . " Before I go. . Ki baba ki o fun mi. what. to howl cry out call with a loud . v. pron. previously. whatever... rusty.—e. third. adj. to. him that he may do it. counting." In interrogative sentences it often takes the sense of " may. Keta. fulfilled e. n. " Kini nla. Kikanu. Klni. Kikojpp$. least Kimple . (ki-prun). to press . anything dead. assailable. ignitable KiVnnkikim. loudly. ceivable. loud. v. writing (book). Kikiyesi. assailable . adj. adj. Kiki.g. trifling frivolous. What is it ? Not at all I Kinijeb?. bitter. cautious. . merely . —to salute the v. adj. e. to fulfil nine days. refusal. £kinni. heap of n. (emphatic). worthy Kikunu. fine. . adv. n. to Kikpjusi. restlessness of mind. v. Kiku. .g. observable. down (ki-m$-ile). Kinrin mi lehin. Kikorira. adv. minute. pressed or condensed. regularly . Nay By no means In no wise ! (lit. Kikini. adj. collective. written . teach- ing . adj. adj. pro. of being saluted. teaching. Kikun. inter. curl shrivel. Kose. tripping stumbling. beginning. inter. anxiety. v. n. to fulfil three days. Kirikiri. Kinla. adj. first . bluntncss. opposition . Kikps$. Kikop$. corpse . . adj. n. fulness. Kikun. Digitized by Google . adj. salutation. adv.. adv. v. thick. hardly. assaultable. n. built. pron. to press repress. entangle . punch. Kikun. v. importunate. adj. adj. Kikoti. Kiniu. very little . n. added. loathsome. name Kinikini. alone . accurately. tractable . particle morsel. Kikord. neatly. attackable. see Kibiti. hated. Kunkun. Kinkin. adj. Kiribiti.. insist . rove about at large. Kik$. Kilakilo. adv. forsaken . " Rub my back. KiM. n. smallest . forlorn . adv. n. adj. Kita (ki-ita). Kini. Kinrin. a Mohammedan expression). Kik$. Kilahilo. adj. little . Gingin. something put ready for removal. — what ?) ! ! has such a tough. to pray heaven . adj. adj. be Kikpsile. disallowable. v. n.— KIK Kik$. dead. very . Kisan (ki-isan). trollable. before. replenishable. adj. Kiweje (ko-iweje). adj. lion. Kikun. adj." Kioto. a very small portion. What ? plotting against. adj. mortal. to pucker. adj. be urgent v. burnt. Kiki. barely." Kioribf. conKikoso. adj. Kiles£ (ki-li-^S^). hard. Kikolu. "n. Kiri. adj. v. n. Kiyesara. full. Kirimp. destitute. n. e. to box . v. Kiun. something facing one. orderly . to twist . to Kiki. °dj' indulged. Kik$. " May it be so. to wander . stringy from over -ripeness (as a bean). solely . only . adj. per- Kiko. KIU smooth . to rub slightly as with a sponge. accumulated. upon Kirun (lit. Kireje. sweepings. Kikojp. adj. least. n. Kiniun. KikQ. — 156 TTilrnnnn (kun-ina). . minute . festering. hatred . adj. Koto. abandoned . n. . ere . v.. n. e.g. gather amass . — 157 .. knot on a tree . v. Emi k<J. Mo dide kiyan. confront Kd. " All the world over do they by euphonic attraction. not yet. K6. v. . adv.g. Kddede. v.g. " The v. was somebody Ki. H$. to (ko-iledu-si). " I am not such as you took me to be. straw . Ki. shallow. gdgongo. ila at the farm has grown hard. denies a state or action attributed to one by another. forage. " I saw you out. to spy . to meet oppose . e. snub. I wo ni mo ri lode. v. Emi ki ije bi o ti pe mi. n. Kiyan.g. before a word beginning with I.. K6ko-$fan.g. Kdjin. draw v. (expressing the Klwp. v. repress . a n. darn.g. to observe time.— KIW Kiweje." e. to forage ! . . K£ru.. e. baste . rob Kiyesi. mark. v. v. to notice . grass. Kdfiri. Gbogbo aiye k6kiki re yika. adv. v. " I started at once. e.. speak "Not me. v." behold v. Ua ko li oko." Kdko." K<J. adv. Kojp. K6dapo-juju (ko-dapo-juju). . Ki is commonly used instead in of interrogative K<J. to collect gather . n. e. rekindle a tire by scraping together halfburnt wood. adv. to put together . elorairan ni. e. steal K6. tack . to darn. —— — . Digitized by LjOOQlC . K6ko. Koriko. " (My) father does not come. to hold together . anyhow. to check . K61$du8i — Baba k6 negative. K6JQP$. —e.. Kobikobi. K6. else. to take a large quantity to plunder . not far . . — excrescence apple. n. seam . of a sound hard hollow substance). n. n. stitch. (expressive of the mode of the eruption of pimples or boils). to gather. an edible root. v. v. to toughen or become stringy from over -ripeness. v. v. adv. . but used general- the fame of. Kiyesigba. dry K6kd." Ed. adv. : together. a rider's shoes or boots on which spurs are fixed. to see at a glance . . Kokiki. see Kireje.. not enough.gr. K6. to jumble. not. wen broad . No wonder K6-eru. together . K<J. not deep . KOK Ko. K6ko-gbigbe. de. Ko-nimaikia (ko-ni-makia). v." Ho. . aggregate accumulate.g. stifle. Kdito (ko-ti-to). grass.. same signification it manure. Kdbita. at once. adj. same signification as Ki. to magnify . sentences. embroider. .Iwo ki mo ri lode ? " Was it not you I " speak your praises. Adam's saw out ? Koko-pWQ. observe . to oneself take care of beware be circumspect. perceive Kiyesara (ko-iye-si-ara)." ly* as the last. to sew . Kd is the simple form of the plunder. the knucklas. tie knob . catch sight of. Ki. v. K6mpra (k6-m$-ara). Kolera (kd-le-ara). to steal from a to house dwelling {lit. tacked. smelting pot. revolt.. n. Kdkoro. K6to. Kdye. improper . n. to confront . uninmisapprehended . (ko-se-oro). jale. not enough. bitter . adj. Kokos$." Korop$n. moth . Konamp. adv. Kosegbagbp. adj. — 158 . v. adv. a kind of drum.. adj. Akpsp. lay waste. to go caterpillar . n. " The rock split to the very bottom. n. to spoil . a deep calabash. to encounter. n. telligible. Okuta na jale koro. the hollow between the breastbone and the stomach. H$. KOK Koko-es$. plunder . (ko-si-nkan). adv. hole . n. (lit. e. hollow. weevil . restrain . adj. . Konijanu (ko-ni-ijanu). Kori. Kosinkan There Ls nothing. ditch curb.g. pit . K$. Kp?e. . v. crucible. coerce. adv. Kdto-jingbun. hate . n. Koriko. Koribf . n. assault . brass bells put on horse's neck. absent. incredible. loathe. . bat flittermouse. K6so. It is empty. KO K6ro. Kosnwa. infirm. through). n. an unthankful person. v. ceedingly. to collect against assail attack . cavity. to harvest. Kdsi. la K61eru (ko-li-eru). Asa. ankle. Amen. Kotito. very much . to refuse . n. K6ro. adv. n. Kdnilekolpna. crisis Kongbari. Kolojn. be it so . see Kdito. to embrace . Google . be unwilling rebel . (qualifying v. to bridle . indecent . hold together. vermin. fatherless. Kdt6. grass Korira. . . adj. feeble insect — weak . not. adv. Kolekole. n. n. K$. very adv. v. be astringent. See Ki. n. adj. n. (ko-ile) v. Digitized by . thoroughly. Kosian. soundly. n. not understood). Kowe. adj. a house-breaker. n. govern . the name of a plant anythe name of a bird thing used by children at the play represent to worship of idols. v. adv. adv. a bird so called from its cry. — herb. to meet face to face . Kord. to confront . Koto. Konkoto. carry away a house). n. to Kdloju. to rob of to despoil. K6s6. Kdlofin. vagabond. Kosekuko?eiye adan. v. to meet face to face. K6lQ. K61e. to abhor abominate . v. worm grub . v. the testicle. Korokoro. stint . v. to restrain to govern . adj. v. deep valley ravine. Edto. easy possible. stern severe. . Kdsoro KomSrekomSra (ko-mp-ore-komp-dra). Kosuan. Kdto-aiya. . Korokoro. point . a lawless person. away . K6ti. n. n. Kdnibaba. pucker. exKoko. bad. basted . head. goods . to pass by . K$gan-k$bere. . pay attention to face. K$de fear. adj. v. annoy. erect a buildv. storm . Kdmeru (ko-mp-$ru). adv. a fruit Kp-manamana. K$lpk$lp.— K0 — . 159 Kpjusi. K$f $. It bitter kola. not to show. K$bi. adj. green colour. v. * Kpkara. adv. Kpla (kp-ila)." thread tattoo . Kpkpsp. to call to one at a K$. v. cate . — It lightens. corner.. dash upon . K<Jku. children's . become lively. attend to . to attack with impetuosity ." omit Kpja. .. enlighten. teach . v. make e. v. not to appear . Kp. . adj. to dislike refuse. v. advise . . structor. K6-pfp strength).g. yell crow . circumcise. Kftpkp (k<Hi-$k$). Kpja. v. . Mo 9 re. write ' . revolt . neglect. to build a house . . n. instruct. dethrone. n.—gather improve in K$15ro. KQN v. a key. projections. but did not hear your called Kpkprpgun. e. Kfaana (kd-ja-$na). (ko-han). adv. a teacher . Kplpgbpn. v.. K$ni. prep. K^meru. to tako a quantity out of a soft mass. a straw Digitized by Google .g. split). K$bi-k$bi. oppose . educate . buildings in the king's palace a gable end projecting from the side of the main building of the palace. to turn the face to . an iron wire or of is wood on which wound. instruct. v. play. —having bitter no n. li " I tkpkara. v. beyond. to (&*. out of the way) absurd not right. to enrage. one at a time. construct . v. ago . to tattoo. Kpnkpsp. lightens. v. v. {Ut. to teach wisdom. n. or secret place . . v. circumcise. clasp . v. Kpjujasi. Agala mean low . v. fox. gone by. K$16ye (k$-li-oyfc). (kd-d$). K$l& (k^lawe. distance . n. mind. voice. to resist withstand . piece n. K$han K$lpfin. n. be vivid . v. " A rogue walks suspiciously. n. superstruct ing. $kpkan. KtytycW. howling a out to you in the farm. Qbedd. to rebel against K#p. to K$. ' marks upon. fabriinstruct . as with a ladle or shovel. to teach . K$kan. . in. ko si oko nko gbo ohun e. n. Kp nila. phrase. Kpkprp. unripe. having no adj. fearless . <"&• °* a moderate height or slope. to learn . to teach Kpnikpni. loud cry. tattoo. masa nrin k$ik$i. acquire . Kplu. health. with many adv. . Kpjuijasi. K6-fe. civilize. indirectly K$i-k$i. to emit flashes of light (as lightning) . suspiciously. face . hook. childish. build. Kplura. Manamana kp. lit.g. adj. above . n. — . rally. Kp. K<Jle (kp-ile). a confined. to tease. encounter. to howl aloud. ' . adj. clash . sieve. bent be to disagree . to cut an animal La. e. life . reject. Kukunduku. Kun. to Kuro. adj. v. . Kuku. KOkfi (kumkuni). short not long Tikp. be helpful. Ku. bay . La-bata-es$.. completed. full. miss. to replenish. Kusa. cudgel. elves. adj. KQR Kprin. fail . v. away . gratify . n. pressing. n. suddenly. v. to blunt reticent . adj. n. escape . to die . v. to v. wade . Kuru. v. Kunloju. Kurekure. Kdn. to divide the v. v. to lull to sleep. to remain . Kun-ldrun. silent. a curve or sweep . v. to turn the head towards). to dream a dream. — Kunkun. v. assist . plenary. coarse native cloth . adj. jumper. to lick with tho tongue . warble. v.. fill . Kunu (ku-pnu). n. Kan. "I escaped la. v." into parts after flaying. blunt. . heavily . Kfcin-pba revolt. v. . adv. to set on fire. La-kpja. please . come short . cleave crack . adj. . v. early . Kun-lpwp. Kun-riri. Kps$ba. to sing. . to make giddy. lap . to pass through. complete. . v. Kuna. expire. . . Iwp "You are rich. hoof. trip . woven by women. to separate by a sieve.. it. 160 to sing . to move towards {lit. n. to refuse. brief. Kprisi (kp-ori-si). corner . to threaten Kutupu. . boom. opulent. plump. Kunna. . K$ti. K$r$. sweet potato. rumble. v. to sing. crooked. forsake quit forgotten. from. v. see Xorib?. Kfcrilfc meet by chance come upon accidentally. adv. v. Komp. with Kflyi (k$-dyi). v. . Kun-hihi. the beginning of the day. Kuju (ku-oju). Kutukutu. hooked. to help. finely ground (as flour). rather. finished . to strike the foot . n. split . . v. pass Digitized by Google . v. . La. dull Kukump. be rich la a. Kun Kp. v. v. to La-lp. dead. adv. Kun. unexpectedly. save adj. gloomily reluctance sullenly . to sound (as low distant thunder). Kusa. v. adj. n. through . menace. v. unfriendly. adj. absent Kpse. value." e. v. Kuku. n. K$rp. elf Koregbekuregbe. Kprpdp. Ku. dawn adj. Kps$ (kp-ese). v. stumble. lose adj. prep. of to appear (as the rising the sun or moon in . left . (k^-si-ile). to satisfy . Ku. hum. adv. cornstick. to grumble murmur : Mo . —— LA-K Kuku. recess. adv. Kprin. .g. rather. be full the East) . dream. a nook . La-ja. v. to be accessory. La-ala.g. (kp-isin-pba). traverse. fog. dull edge . v. urgent. kp. to pounce upon (as a bird upon its prey) descend with full force. or Kprin. Lagbegbe. adj. adv. rude saucy . ungenerous moan. adj. n. soft . uncivil respectful . adj. Lagbakd. Labale. or leisure. Laidanlioju. crude . chance. fearless. adj. ugly. uncorrupted dofiled . to explain . . to give speech to . v. . prove Ladi. in the midst. unaccompanied. . . Lafojudi. not unripe unslackened. unLaibos'akakd. Ladiro. forcible . negative particle . adj. want never. unpleasant . tainted stained . Laidura. doubtuncertain . prep. adj. dalous Labe. uncovered . capable valiant. Ladun. Laidewp. undaunted Laibi. Laidasi. pertinacious. under . want of self-denial. Lagbara. adj. unbegotten. adj. leather scrip in which provisions are knapsack. adj. adv. wholly. Laibalp. open . . Lagabagebe. unsparing . impertinent . no no Laibaleru. frontier. penetrable. dubious. . adj. adj. n. a pitcher. palatable . Lai. very . adj. indeed . adj. adj. n. Lagbedemeji. Digitized by Google . 161 LAI Lai. imtimely . between . able . Lafo. dis- discourteous. to perspire Laidun. having adj. v. without addition. un- Labalaba. . without omission universally . Laibu. Lagbadugbu. Laidunm$. repeatedly. Laibaje. seasonable. . Laidaju. Laibikita. not in hiding. Laibo. with other words. Labaku. adj. prep. n. . bourhood. time. n. evince . elegant. no room. adv. hypocritically. adj. without fear. fearless. . adj. adj. spacious . neighbour- raw . dofective . defective. Laibale-aye. carried . adj. coming one after another . . accidentally . sweet . powerful . desperate . presumptuous . Laba. Laidibaje. vicinity . Laibuku. adv. Laidakansi. not often used in composition La-lohun. . badly. tasteless. adj. Lagam$. to voice. . adj. n. incorruptible. crosswise. adv. L&gun (la-dgun). sound whole. polluted . palatable melodious . inelegant. argue. unexpected thoughtlessly. impetuous . a sieve. Lagba. regardless . unconcerned.. for ever eternal . Ladugbo. adj. to ring a bell. undaunted unawed Laib$ru. not pleasing of effort unacceptable. solve . a water-pot . naked. unbroken . lA-l v. adj. elucidate . Laibuyinfun. ful . neigh- Laidaba. beneath. n. bare . LagOgO. . Lailai. Laibukun. bag. imperfect scandishonourable. un- sweat. undiminished adj. v. to bo insolont . the part of the bridle which crosses the forehead. horsewhip. ever . Laid$. Aladiro. expound . v. uncut entire. Laidara. v. . butterfly. adj. adj. inviolate . Labaw^n. ing . Laiba. adj. by to be strong firm . adv. Laigbeb^. incorruptible. adv. Digitized by Google . sleeve- boldly . Laika. unLaififal$. correctly Lailabuku. remittingly. adj. lentless creet. . imperforable. Lailagbara. adj. adj. continual. wayward. distrustful Laigbek^le. unsteady . . Lailelakoja. . adj. adj. adj. ignorant. armless . without hurry counted . . imbecile . Laila. Laigungege. inscrutable . Laifarabal^. disobedient Laigboran. inattentive. innumerable. without force or compulsion . Laileluja. unjustifiable . obstinate. silly . Laik^we. Laik<Jloye. unsophisticated. adj. Lailarekereke. adj. Lailekiyesi. through . inadj. listless . ton. . adv. unsearchable. circumcised unmarked. Laifagbarase. imprudent . im- uneducated. adj. unnoticeable. adv.. . stable . . Laikanju. Lailegbe. adj. Laikpla. Laigba. adv. Lailapa. adj. adj. without fear Laifdya. wan. adj. inefficacious . unable to give law or command. of old . adv. unsupportable. powerless . adv. Lailekpja. naturally. illiterate. for ever. . adj. Laigb^n. inexorable. unwillingly Laifif $se. indiscriminate. patiently. adj. not to be pacified. immortal . without authority . uneven . adv. adj. adj. adj. careLftifojusi. fluctuating . adj. adv. unskilful . fickle changeable . Laiku. entirely . adj. uncivilised unobservable adj. odd. Lailala (lai-ni-ala). reluctant intolerable . time past . simple adj. summarily rash . incoherent . ceaseless . Lailediyele. adj. . adj. adj. adj. adv. irreconciliable. boneless. Lailai. briefly. distinct . untrustworthy. adj. Laifarampra. less. loathsome disagreeable. faint . wholly . without blemish. without a remainder. Laileyin. Lailedibaj$. . Lailegungun. im- potent Lailakoso. less . invalid. Laifaglintiti. vague . incon- adv. Lailedalohun. disunited. Lailawari. not to be parted not to be separated or gone unLaiduro. Lailase. Lailai-atijp. unreliable . un- Lailekaye. adj. unwise . passable Lailelanija. LAI 162 LAI Laiku. unawed . . adj. infinite limitless. unacceptable. adj. adj. reinclement. adj. remiss . indis- unmerciful . impervious. Tiftilftfli. unnumbered. Lailanu. Laif $. diligently . unwilling . headstrong . not to be entreated . powerless ^unable . able conclusive. invaluable beyond estimation. toothless. disabled . without reckoning uncounted. feeble . un tattooed . unexplained . intrepid. unaccepted . adv. ungovernable licentious. adj. adj. deathless. age . siderate. un- unansweradj. reluctantly. . listless . without defilement pure. inconceivable conceptible. Lailpmp. . Laimnyekan. . adj. unalterable. ungrateful thankful. undecided. infallible. some Lailojuti. adj. unused. invulnerable. adv. Lailemi. adj. . of later date . . . adj. imper Laileya. unblameable. Lailera. destitute gent . adj. impalpable. adj. adj. LAI Lailem$. indelible. irrevokable. inglorious dis- weak . . invincible. shirtless coat- Laimuratele. . impossible incapable adj. im- Lailppe. Laileh. Lailoruko. ignorant . adj. movable. adj. Laileyipada. sapless . adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. nameless . adj. unprepared unawares. faithless . adj. thankless adj. Lailomi. .. graceful. matchless. Lailpjplori. Lailoju. adj. ignorantly . un . adj. disobedient. adj. LAI * : Lailohun. Lailepare. endless infinite. Lailetan. undefinable. grateful. knotty difficult. dateless. minor in years. Laile^inidi. blameloss . . being Laini. in- mous. Laimore. . Lailere. having no equal . adj. Lailes£. inaccessible unapproachable. immoderate beyond measure. incontinent . not having indiwithout . dull . Lailere. foeble . coptibly Lailewu. Laimu. adj. . safe. innocent. juicel ess . adj. adj. adj. havo no voice in a matter unrecallable. Laileribf. adj. impure. speechless to . unaware . inseparable. Lailoye. adj. tent . Laimpwpduro. adv. . sinless . improbable. adj. insufficient. Laimpniw$n. imbecile . fruitless . Lailpjp. careless Laileti. titleless . Laileslna. unchangeable . adj. deceitful. anony- Lailerd. impracticable . adj. impofrail. ineffectual . untitled. adj. incompetent Laigidi. unprofitable less. incessant without ceasing. Lailesunmp. adj. childless. un. Laim$. cannot be blotted out. infirm. incomprehensible. spotless . Lailegb^ra. unabashed thrift- shameless impudent. . adj. powerless in LailOgO. adj. adj. adj. profitable. guile. without Lailewu. less. . 163 Laild. unholy Laimoye. immovable. illimitable. adj. : . adj. cumber. Lail5t$. adj. . Laileso. adj. adj. guiltless . moist ureless . . . un indis unwise imprudent uncivil unclean Laim<J. Lailepepada. experienced. open-hearted. inanimate . earless . openly. adj. blunt less. breathless dead. recent . adj. unable . Lailep&la. . command. dry. adj. unwit tingly . adj. poor. adj. Lailofin. Digitized by Google . adv. adj. adj. Laile-^alogbe. un Laim^ri. adj. Lailegan. creet . Lailopin. spirit Lailere. lawless. harmless Laileyi. Lainireti. adj. Lainikfikfi. Laip^s'okan. Laipe. adj. raw crude . having no abode unsettled . adj. houseless. adj. immeasurable. . powerless without author- bottomless . . founded effectual . adj.. adj. Laipe. . unpraiseworthy . unhappy. blank. less. Lainiwukara. Lainipa. without foundation . adj. hairless Lainisale. unLaipa. adj. . unseen . . Lainibugbe. Lainigbekele. unemployed. adj. looked Lair$. adj. endless limited . : unnamed . Lainiaba. adj. house- Laipe. homeless . adj. groundless . adj. less. adj. Lainiyeninu. having width. . useless. easy. adj. having plan or definite idea. countless . adj. adj. adj. not killed . harmless. sightless dark . insecure. adj. soon long. . Lainieru. adv. . fathomless.. homeless Laidaju. unequivocal. incompetent. unclouded. Lailerd. unabolished . Lainiberu. Laireti. ungrounded. Lainiw$n. just. earlier . easily. adj. unsound . before strengthless Lainipalara. discontented dissatisfied. deficient . adv. Laini-arotele. hopeguile trilling . vainly. adj. Lainibinu. Lainipekun. . adj. unblameable Lainile. innumerable adj. dimlv. . not abashed. Lairi. Laini-bata. unexpected disagreeable un- Lainipile. powerless. adj. adj. fatherless. adj. Lainiye. adj. adj. Lainipd. Digitized by LjOOQlC . in- . undecided . Lairina. simple . hopeless. shoeless . uncalled uninvitod. adj. improvident. adj. less. adj. unLainidi. Lainisi. adj. undaubed. Laini-apere. adj. without straight-forward. adj. . adj. adj. invisible. causeless . . adj. Lainiyln. Lainiy$nu. Lainira. LAI devoid of peace. adj. fearless. imun- narrow adj. without anger peaceable. dim. trackless adj. ity. adj. bruised . adj. Lainibaba. want . adj. modest shameless obscene . adj. Lainibd. Lainibawi. useless . Laipare. Lainile. bald. unripe premature. barefooted. vagrant. un- friendly. . 164 LAI no Lainird. of fore- thought adj. . . shapeLaini-alafia. uncertain. vain . unleavened. Lainitiju. disrespectful. miserable . indifferent. simple foolish haughty. Laip$n. signless . . Laimomeji. immoral. un- infinite. Laini-a?e. ineffective Lainirun. adj. having no importance . Lainitelorun. adj. adj. adj. unmerciful. numberless. Lainireti. adj. in an imperfect state . . not erased. adj. Lainipa. Lainiwarere. for. faithless. adj. Lainilari. adj. unconcerned in- different. adj. untruthful without Lai$e-aniani. Laitelprun. in- adj. adj. Lai$$tan. unwatchful . adj. . Laird. unfinished. dull. inconvenient. out guile. loyal. certain. thoughtless Lai$egbe. unbearable inhabitable. sistent. unfair . . not existing. adj. Laitonkan. assiduous . Laigododo. indirect. adj. restless . adj. feigned . adv. without doubt. adj. Lai?oro. not open . hesi- tation. industrious . Lai?5tQ. Lai$$. unrighteous. . adj. Lais$tun.. Lain. adv. in- Laisegbakfigba. Tiaiganiani. . clusive. LAI Lairiwisi. neutral. the way unaccompanied on free from servi. unfavourable. Digitized by Google . . no origin . adj. . . stale. . inelegant. Lai$OJurere. adv. without sin or adj. Lai$e-aisan. Laige. unkind . flighty. domur or in adj. wakeful . Laigebikan. adj. adj. nowhere place. sleepless restless. no Lafyede. Lafy&yetan. not openly secretly . uncomfortable inexpedient . adj. . . adj. good . adj. old . adj. . adj. Lftfyflm. Lai?$kan. irLafyedede. adj. body busy . unequal . inaccessible.' adv. adj. incautious. . guilt. adj. silent. Laisiwa^da (laisi-iwa-eda). Lai$iyemeji. Lairprun. Lait6. regular . without unobligwith<- spontaneous. tacit. 165 con- LAI Lai?egbangba. Lai^apere. Laisian. not belonging doubtless 1 spiritual Lai$i$ile. un- tude. adj. Laironu. without doing actively. adj. significant. inconunjust . Laisplpr$. false fcignedly unfair . Laisi-aniani. . indefatigable. not expressed in words . Lai?Qra. . untimely maturely. untrue unjust . indifferent . infrequent adj. not decided . just. adj. Lai^ariya. unsatiable. adj. adj. Laigeun. adj. ugly . Lairot&l?. not lively . inexcusable . adj. adv. unexposed . adv. diligent . preposterous. without difficulty easily. badly. . Lai?etara. careless . Lai$pte. fraud. . Lai?etara (lai?e-ti-ara). indescribable. not rebellious .. impartial . . . doubtless preLai§akoko. adj. adj. adv. adv. Lai$lnm$. out of the way . adj. uncleansed rinsed. un- unpremeditated pore . reservod. unfeigned . . adj. Laisun. adj. unnatural . perfidious. Lai?eru. ing. . clandestinely. negligent . Laisimi. unusual sufficient unequal in uncommon. to the ghostly. extem- frank . degenerate. adj. Laisin. well health. adj. adj. adj. unawares Lai?egb6. adj. having no beginning . Lauti-loju$na. labour. Laiwdtan. . to reconcile to settle knowingly. Lana. v. mouth. Lamom^e. presume . n. to go through . to make a road or path propose suggest ordain frame. v. La'la (la-ala). totally . unspilled. adj. wittingly . Laitasile. LAI Laitd. verse .or adj. adv. daring. . Lait$. LalS. to have pity passion or commiseration. shortlived. unarranged irregular. v. by the side of the hand of. adv. Laitpju. Lakalaka (laka-nlaka). Digitized by . yesterday. rheuma- adj. careful Laniyan. Lakari. tra- Laiya. indistinct . v. unfit improper for Lakuegbe. . altogether. n. Lapa. exactly punctually without shedding. adventurous. patience. unsought for interested not coming . Laiwap$. adj. undivided. neglected. dis- orderly Laitdro. unanimous. —to slow . spacious. ungodly wicked. Lakanlaka tombd. Lalabapade. solicitude . make peace. Lakise. dis- Lakokd. adj. sluggish . win a race. time and precisely (as to place) . adj. agitation . v. adj. . betimes . in- discriminate. compassionate . Laiyara. dull Lami a . to have mark or sign. v. finally .. adj. . past healing. adj. fully . unworthy Lam$ (ni-am$). spiritless. as they hop along. "Lakanlaka tomb6. brave. to gain a prize . v. Laiye. (la-ejp). v. adj. adj. tism. Lale Lal$ (ni-al$). adj. (lit. unjust. clayey. . . . Lana (li-ana). anxious . . adj. order Lampran. . Laiyanjn. v.. Lakai. adj. adv. Lali. adv. Lamp. struggle . absent. v. . 166 LAP Lakp (ni-akp) gbeje (gbe-ije). by Google . . pleurisy. v. merciful pitiful . v. Lakaka. eydwukoge. adj. adv. between. united. periodically seasonably. v. n. uncared . Lalafr) (ni-alafo). to dream. in the (la-il$). adv. casual. bold . . evening. Laiyapa. wrestle ." v. adj. Lakotan Laiwa-bi-Qlorun. unsuitable. Lanu (la-enu). comLailU. to strive with all to press . advise . t Lalaja. care . adv. n. adj. adv. in the world. incurable . adj. disLaiwa. . kind. to propose plan guess. v. adj. adv. the leaves of which is used in colouring the nails red. beginning . to open the . unsettled . . . . how- thoughtful. (ni-ak6-tan). uncomely Laja Laj(J (la-ija). courageous . burst open the ground) . n. a dispute. adj. prep. adj. without division. incipient. intrude. trouble . turbed. Laiye. Laiya. adj. one's might . wil- unfit . a game in which children sing. hop on one leg. to have anxiety. (ni-ami). a plant. split through. . at the first coming. for. adv. the body Lara." Digitized by oko. Masa. LatisisiyilQ. . unprepared . . privately. adj. hence Latisi. adj. 167 L& Latetek$wa. assiduous . turban. aside obliquely partly. optional .g. indefatigable. n. capacious powerful able adj. diseased. from forth. . . e. adj. Larun. v. . . from (a place or to . whence. Lasan. Lawani. noisy. v. prep. adv. v. Larin. volun- industrious . lwo le " might. . vain . since. adv. among .. Lapata. to have right . to split thinly . Lati." e. Lasiki. Lapakan. vainly . in the begin- hunt. — — — — .. . answer to the salutation. . wearisome fatiguing. Lara. gratuitous . adj. lAp Lpmpw$. Later£ (ni-ater^). all is well (an Lawu. during Latihinlp. . v. in order that. . roomy. adj. some Latori. Le.g. . adv. Lare (ni-are). tire- Lar$. Latere (la-t^re).. Lapon (ni-appn). henceforth have justice. . can may lo. unready. adj. v. for vain . e. artful subtle . boughs in abounding branching. cormaterial. adv. trating clearly. sickly . able to go. amidst . between. Rawani. from hence- from. henceforward. this place . lucky. Qmode *' le li The boy drove the from the farm. " The e. On le good apada. famous fortunate . adj. girdle . aux. . sideways laterally apart. new moon appears " . by .g. Latlgbanalp. Lariwo." Laspye. time) Latibowa. conj. Lase. voluntarily. adj. prep. Alalia ko ? " Are you well V or Is it peace ? ") Lay fe. . n. L$ka. He may return. having authority. the castor-oil plant. Lapalapa. crafty . n. have luck. Latlgba. blister to drive . Latif^wa. to no purpose . adj. Siyilp.ft» a wanderer. . Laye. on account of . path. adj. adj. sash . on Latihinyilp. . adv. efficacious . illus- to appear (as a new moon) appear on the surface pursue . adj. adv. Lara. possible . Lapa. capable. adv. poreal corbulky Lara. Le.. adj. to make a . thenceforth thenceforward. adv. having a body . lively quick active. You are to be fortunate . nothing . Ati. only. . . a nickname for a rover the rat. birds off Google . Alarinka. amid prep. niton. Lau. " L6. Osu eiye le. adv. . . ringworm a plant. to crack slightly. stout pulent fat. voluntary. in adv. v. n. willingly tarily. adv. Latinu-ife. in . a kind of cake made of maize. .g. prep. upon . . . secretly . LatetekQge. . intelligibly .. belt . . shrewd . effectual . Larekereke. cunning. adj. Lapa (la-ipa). adj. tlirough on . because . . Lasiri. Larinka. ; ; ; ; ; ; l£ Le, acte. to be more than the number specified, v. exceed. ; 168 strong, adj. L$K hale ; ; sane strong. sound Lere, Leri, adj. v. ; healthy strong ; valiant valorous ; bony ; firm solid ; vigorous ; difficult, Lede-eni, Lede-onil$, adj. ver nacular ; natural tongue the language of the country Le-gba, adj. capable of contain ing ; containable ; capa cious. Le, adj. hard profitable ; thrifty. to promise ; boast brag. Leri, Lori, adv. above, on the top. Legunoko, n. name of a tree, is the leaf of which for food. used Legun, v. to conquer ; rout vanquish. be Leke, v. to be above ; prominent ; to bo uppermost ; paramount buoy; as Lerugba, adj. over 200 ; ^wa-lerugba, ten over 200, or 210. Lesu, adj. to have or bo possessed with a devil. Lett, prep, near by ; closo to ; on the border of ; by. Lewu, adj. dangerous ; perilous. L$, v. to replenish ; patch piece, adj. elastic ; ; pliable. Le, v. to be lazy adj. idle. indolent or lazy ; idle ant. Lekeleke, adv. uppermost most. Lekeleke, n. a crane. ; top- Lekeniye (leke-ni-iye), v. to be above the value or amount Lekuro, estimated. v. to expel ; dispel. indolent. L$, L$, v. to transplant ; ingraft. Leba, adv. aside ; oblique ; by the side ; near to. Lebe, n. the fin of a fish ; any flat thing used as a pendant. L^bulebu, n. very fine dust. Ledun, adv. sorely ; painfully. L?fin, adj. Le-lagbara, adj. strong ; ablebodied. Lel$, adv. down ; on the ground. smoky. adj. LeMfu-lile, tempestuous ; ; drive away pursue chase away ; rid of. Lenire, v. to hasten ; to drive or urge forward to accelLelo, v. ; ; erate. Lepa, v. to pursue track ; course ; prosecute. ; trace stormy. igLegan, adj. contemptible noble; ignominious; shameful scandalous sordid. Legba, adj. paralytic. on the side of. L$gb$, adv. by adj. filthy ; dirty Legbin, ; ; ; chase nasty. ; L5pa, adj. crusty ; scabby. Lepalepa, n. pursuer. Lepe, adj. having oath ; partaking of the nature of oath ; sacrament. Lepolepo, n. name of a plant bearing a yellow flower. Lera, v. to be healthy; be Lehin, prep, after ; behind ; on the back. adv. Lehinlehin, backward further back hindermost ; ; aft. Lehinoyi, adj. hereafter. Lehln-ode, adj. without ward ; behind, n. ground. Leka, adj. branching. Digitized by ; out- back- Google ; ; ; — 169 ; ; ; L$K at once Lfkan, adv. once still. onco more the fifth Lfkarun, adv. fifthly ; ; ; LOJ words beginning with e, o, 9, u. e.g., a, e, Mo li time. Lfkeji, adv. the second time secondly. L§kerin, adv. fourthly. Lfketa, adv. thirdly ; the third time. instead " I have aso, for Li, of Mo money." On ni aso, prep.) —" ni owo, owo, li e.gr.,On He has clothes." L', prep, (euphonic change from in. ni, from ; ; at Lekete, adj. turbid thick. ; modorately in the first Idle, adj. solid stiff, ; hard n. hardness ; strong ; durto be is L$kini, adv. first place. ; ability. Idle, ; adj. that which is Lek$, adj. instructed studied ; driven. Lil$, Lil$, adj. that civil. gate. L$kun, Il^kun, n. door pliant Lele, adv. bending ; ; which be transplanted. increased ; ; to Idl$, adj. elastic. yielding (applied generally to the wind). Lild, adj. useful Lilp, tip, n. adj. for use. ; a going ; departure. Lfmeji, adj. twice. Lil$, adj. twisted. L§marun, adj. five times. Lfmerin, adj. four times. Lfmeta, adj. three times ; thrice. effectLemi, adj. influential ; ual ; efficacious ; capaadlriere ground pulverised. an animal of the porcupine tribe which lodges under rocks cony. Lilu, adj. that which is to be Idl$, Lfli, n. ; bility. beaten with a ; hammer or L$m$, to v. ; to cleave to stick to. adj. mallet. Lo, v. v. to use ; to ; make use of. fig- L$m$ra, compact, to adj. elastic pliable. adhere together. Lenu, adv. at the mouth Lobdtuj$, 01ob6tuj$, n. tho or nut tree. opening. Ler$, adj. miry ; muddy ; dirty; turbid ; sloppy. in rows. Leselese, adv. orderly Les$les$, adv. diligently ; carefully ; gently ; attentively. deceitLetan, adv. falsely ; ; Lode, adv. outside ; without. contrary. prep, adj. Lodi, against ; on the contrary. Lodiko-di, adj. contrary ; upside down Lojiji, ; inside out. fully Letil, ; fallible. adv. suddenly casually. abruptly Lojojump, adv. day by day ni-ojiji, ; Letuloju, n. fertile (as soil) Lewu, down rich or productive. of the palm tree, adj. ; daily. tinder, when for striking a light with flint used Loju, prep. (lit. in the eye of), in the face of before ; in in the presence of ; front, adv. upon the surface. — and Li, L', a. steel. euphonic form of the verb Ni, " to have," before Lojukanna, adv. straightway. immediately Digitized by Google ; ;; ;;; ; LOJ adv. Lojurere, graciously. Loke, prep, upon 170 favourably LUK I41a (ni-pla), v. to be honoured be in authority, adj. hon; on the top ; ; above. Lokere, adv. afar off. Lokiki, adj. famous ; notorious. Lokiti, Olokiti, n. a strainer. Loni, adv. to day. ourable. Lpla L^lp (ni-$la), adv. to-morrow. adv. lately (lpwplpwp), recently. v. to entangle. Lpp$, twist together be Ldrl, v. to wliirl round ; giddy, adj. whirl; giddy. Lori, Leri, prep, above ; on the top upon. adv. L6rdgangan, ; ; Lpp$, Lppplppp,arfi'. abundantly; plentifully Lpra Lori, (l$-ara), ; linger v. cheaply. to be slow delay. ; v. upright Lorn, adv. by night during the night ; in the night. Lorukp, prep, by name. adj. ; straight there and then. to turn v. ; to make rich. round. Lpr$ (ni-pr$), to adv. be adj. rich. Lpsan (ni-$san), by day; having a name. Logo, v. to sit like a dog, to squat. L5tp, adv. surely justly. ; truly ; verily ; LOWO, v. ; possess money ; to be during the day. (ni-$s$-$s$), Lpsfclpsfc Losose adv. weekly. Lo?0?u adv. (IU-09U-09U), monthly. wealthy. adj. rich ; wealthy. Loyun (ni-oyun), v. to be pregrich be Lpwp, prep, from ; in under the influence ; at of adj. at hand. nant ; conceive. adj. Lpwpw$ (l$-wprp-wprp), ; pregnant. Lp, v. to go ; depart ; leave. Lp, adv. more than ; most. L$, L$, v. to transplant ; engraft turn ; twist ; per; lukewarm. Lpwplpwp, adv. lately recently shortly. ; vert. L$, adj. contrary ; deviating twisted ; indirect ; to be moderately warm ; luke- ; to bore perforate to be perforated ; bo discovered to come to notice knock. hti, v. to beat ; strike put several L6, v. to mingle Lu, v. ; ; ; ; ; warm. institute an v. to grind ; cry out for lost inquiry ; goods. Lpd$, prep, at ; from ; with ; by ; at ; by the side of near (applied to persons). Lpdpdun (ni-pdun-pdun), adv. year by year. yearly L$, things together ; adulterate ; dilute ; mix. Ludoru, v. to play the fiddle by beating the string with a stick ; to play the violin or harp. Lnha, adj. not easily solved difficult ; knotty ; tangled. to beat Lurekpja, v. excessively or severely. Lukoro, Lukuju, v. to hint or speak evil against another in order to provoke him. Luju, ; Lphunyi, adv. yonder ; there. ; Lok$ (ni-pk$), adv. on board aboard. Digitized by VjOOQlC — — LUL Lul$ Lfilfi, — —— 171 to strike to the (qualifying e.g., — — MAL (lu-il$), v. Ma, ground. adv. — " adv. indeed e.g., ; truly ; very. I wo ma entirely You are seuu J9J9> very kind in- sun," to burn ") sun igi na lulu, " the Awa We burnt to ashes/' Lum$, v. to hide oneself ; hide ; lurk ; be hidden ; be concealed. Lunipa, v. to commit murder. v. to assassinate. wood deed." e.g., Ma ma se yaju si mi, " Indeed you must not be insolent to me." Ma, contraction of Emi a ** or Emi e.g.; yio, I will, I shall. Ma I9 lpla, I am to- going, or will go, to kill by a blow ; to smite to death. Lftru, n. the dried and pulverised leaves of the trees Okitipo, Lupa, v. morrow." Mad$, see Mase. Madimildrun, n. a dropsical person (so called from his desire to enjoy the heat of the sun). See Asunkun. first-born. Magaji, n. heir Magba, n. a §ango priest. See ; $gungun and Ose, for sauce. used Luw$, v. to swim. M. M, sign of the continuous tense, formed by the verb " to be." e.g., Mo mb9wa, " I Mpgba. Magun, n. a poison used special purpose. for .a Mahurumahuru, n. cry of a beast of prey. Majala, n. soot ; burnt grass smuts. e.g., Bi ina ba jo ; am M, coming." pro. contraction of " Emi," I ; used as a prefix. e.g., Mba ma pupo, " lo sibe iba bum If I had not been there it would have been worse." M&, v. aux. indicating customary " action (sometimes " ama oko majala a fo wa ile, When fire burns in the fields, the smuts fly to the town." Maje?i, n. a child, infant or young person one weak in knowledge or experience " ; or " ima ") or continuity. e.g., of the world. Ma fojusi ise re, Ma j emu, n. covenant ; agree- " (Continue to) Be very attentive to your work." e.g., B9 ni ima se lojojumo, " So he does daily." a negative Ma, adv. not ; particle used only the imperative mood, frequently in connection with §e, to ment. Makaruru, of n. integrity ; perfidy actions. dishonesty want deception ; unfair words or ; ; m do. e.g., Mase break rufin mp, law " Do not the Makp, adj. convalescent hale sound strong. adj. striped a Malamala, medley of colours. Malaju, n. a water rat remark; ; ; ; again." able for stupidity. Digitized by See Ag6. VjOOQlC — MAL Male, n. idols — — ; — 172 — ; M$D to overstep to be prolific. MafO, adv. only ; even ; singly. Matamata, adj. spotted. Mat$, n. a snare for birds and beasts. Matp, adj. not to be touched ; respected ; sacred. common name ; for all MasemQniWyii, the v. a dreadful person. Malfi, n. ox ; bull ; cow. Mala, n. a talisman against being beaten by anyone. Maluke, n. a protuberance on the body ; a hard swelling wen. do Mftn^ft, adv. not indeed not ; indeed do not. ; ; mark ; e.g., '* Mama ma you 39 isokuso, must not continue to talk nonsense." Mam$ja, v. to guess ; conjecture. Mamu, n. moustache. Indeed belt. See Mayan, n. sash Lawani. Mayami, n. a small bag used by hunters for ammunition. Mbe, v. to be ; exist ; live ; . adj. extant. Mbe nibigbogbo, n. omnipresence. v. to be about to start, begin, or commence. Mbp, v. to come ; come after. Mamufpn, v. to press squeeze. Mana, adv. dazzlingly flashily ; ; Mbere, as lightning. Manamana, n. lightning. Manamana, n. a species of snake. Manamana, n. see Werewe>e. Maradurd, endure contain to be steady. ; Maranmaran, adv. dazzlingly glitteringly ; brilliantly. n. Mbi, v. to vomit ; eject. Mef6, v. to guess ; surmise suspect. Meje, adj. seven seven. ; ; consisting of e.g., Awojiji ndan maranmaran, " The glass shines brilliantly. ,, Marartin, adj. all five ; the whole of the five. MarimaJt, n. one who makes no choice of food. Mariwd, n. slips of palm leaves ; M6jeje, adj. the whole of the seven ; the seven. MejSjlla, adj. the whole of the twelve ; the twelve. couple ; twain. Meji, adj. two n. equivocation ; double. Mejila, adj. twelve. Meji-meji, adj. two and two ; couple ; pair. Melo, adv. how many ? ; garland. Martin, adj. five. Marundil$g$rin, adj. seventy live {lit. four score minus - — five). Masa, n. a kind of pancake. Masai, adv. a double negative which is equivalent to an emphatic affirmative. e.g., Masai wa, " You must certainly come." Mage, adv. do not. e.g., Mase so fun u, " Do not tell him." Masegbin, n. a species of deer. Melokan, adj. a few. e.g., IJ9 melokan, " A few days." Merd, adj. circumspect; cautious; discreet ; prudent ; sagacious ; always preceded by " Mete." e.g., Idowu je eniti o mete merd, " Idowu is a prudent person." Mewe, n. leaves without their stalks. M$b$m$y$, diplomatic adj. ; cunning ; wily artful. Mfd6gun, adj. fifteen. Mfd^gb^n, adj. twenty-five. Digitized by LjOOQlC — M]jF M$fa, adj. six. — ; ; ; — 173 ; ; MlM Mi, contraction of Miran. M$fam$fa, sixes. ac#. six apiece ; by Mi ami dak& Mi ami pin, v. M^fun, Bf $gbe, ac#. having ; success successful. adj. mealy void of moisture ; well seasoned. e.g., Isu m^gbe furu, " The yam is very mealy." M$ja, adj. quick -sighted ; clear to take the last gasping breath ; to die ; expire. MffftkfMkfc v. to throb; palpitate. breathe Mikanl£, v. to sigh mournfully heavily or breathe freely ; take a full ; minded. Mejanm$jan, adv. expresses the idea of elasticity. breath. v. to shake the ground (as by earthquake). Mimi, n. appalling news ; shock ; Mil$, agitation. Mejp, adj. eight. M£s$dur6, v. to stand firm ; to be brave. M$S$, adj. polite ; courteous ; courtly. Mimdkun, n. the act of diving. Mimdye, n. adj. comprehension comprehensible. Mim$, adj. holy ; clear clean sainted pure sacred ; ; ; ; ; M$r?rin, adj. the four togother. ; M$rin, adj. four. M$rlndil6gun, adj. sixteen. M$rinla, adj. fourteen. shining. Mim$, n. that which is imaginable. known Mimp, n. that which is ; to be to be Merinmerin, M£?$ri, adj. fourfold. built. v. to deteriorate taste ; rancid Mim$ gara, adj. transparent fetid. clear. M$ta, adj. three. Mim^-kun, lame. n. adj. lameness lightsome M$tala, adj. thirteen. M^tafykan, adj. three in one Trinity. Mim$l$, ; n. adj. cheerful. Mftamfta, adj. three at a time by threes. Mim$sinu, n. silent assurance coninward knowledge ; M$t$ta, adj. all three. M$wa, adj. ten a decade. M^wamfwa, adj. in groups of tens ; by tens. M$w$wa, adj. the whole ten. ; scientiousness. Mimu, Mimu, adj. acute ; sharp is ; tenable. n. that which caught or taken ness keenness ; ; to be sharp- Mi, pron. (contraction of Emi) I or me. e.g., Mi o le lo (i.e., Emi ko le io), " I can- burning heat. e.g., Mimu orun ko not go." e.g., Fifun mi, " Give me." shake Mi, v. to swallow ; jolt ; jog ; agitate rock ; ; tremble. Mi, v. to breatohe respire. ; take breath ; mimu abe, " The burning heat of the sun is not like the keenness of a razor." Mimu, n. that which is to be drunk, adj. drinking. Mimuuibi, adj. emetic. jo Mimunisanra, adj. nutritious. Digitized by Google — MtM — ; ; ; — — 174 ; M0M M$, v. Mimfinistkn, Mimunitdgbe, adj. lethargic ; drowsy ; slumberous. Mip$, v. to mix together ; shake (as a bottle of medicine). to know ; ; perceive ; recognize sensible. M<J, understand be something Miran, adj. another else. (Contraction of Omi; ran). Miri, v. v. v. Miru, Misi, the head the tail. to breathe into. to to wag wag ; nod. Mititi, v. to shake with a heavy e.g., tremor. Mo, pron. I. Mo ti 39, " I have said." M6fln, v. to understand the law. Moju, v. to \ye tame. M6ko, v. to come to pass overpower. e.g., prevail ; Qro woli Mikaiah moko, 44 adv. again, any more (frequently preceded by Ma or Mase). e.g., Mase 44 Do not go again." lo m<j>, e.g., OkonM<J, prep, against. rin na se ilekun m<J mi. 44 The man shut the door against me." Mp am$ja, v. to conjecture. M$di, v. to know the origin ; tobe conversant with. Modi, v. to fortify with walls. Mogara, v. adj. to be trans- parently clear. Mpgba, M^giri, n. see v. Magba. adj. to build walls. Mphungbogbo, things ; knowing all The word of the prophet Micaiah prevailed."' Mojukurd, v. to take off one's attention ; omniscient. M^iniyi, n. a kind of cake. M<>ju, See to connive at. Mdkun, v. to dive into. convalesce v. to M6kun, become strong. MSkunlojiji, v. to plunge and dive. v. to dawn ; toto be until daylight ; to survive the night. Mpkanla, adj. eleven. M$k6k6, v. to make pots ; to M$j6m$, ; be light smoke a Mpkpkanla, eleven. ; pipe. Mdlo, More, a Hausa guitar. to to be grateful v. know and acknowledge n. adj. the whole of the ;. kindness received. ; Mdru, adj. sultry v. close ; warm. methinks ; I suppose. Moye, v. to have power of be pruperception to sagacious dent discreet Mogebi, ; ; v. to halt ; walk lame to be crippled. Mylara, v. to be accustomed to. Mpl6, v. to build a house. Mpl6mpl6, n. an architect. M$l$, v. to shine ; give light. M$kun, ; ; judicious ; skilled. M$, adj. clean ; clear ; light as day ; shining ; innocent. adhere to stick on ; v. cleave to ; paste to ; add ; M$l£, adv. close, or adhering tothe ground. M^lu, v. to paste, cement or glue. MQm$, adv. ; conscientiously ? wrap up. Mo, v. wilfully. knowingly M$m$, adv. used with jeun, to to build ; to stop ; stay ; halt ; generally followed by 44 Fi." — is eat ; greedily ; voraciously- e.g., O njeun m^,"He Google eating greedily." Digitized by ; ; ; ; ; M0M MQmfcfe, adv. intentionally done. yes M$na, adv. even so ; 175 MtT v. Mu-dak$, to still ; make so it is. Mpniwdn, v. middling ; to be moderate few. ; quiet ; pacify. Mu-danil6ju, v. to ascertain make sure ; prove ; convince. Mvnumv , adj. confidential. Mu-dara, Mu-das$, v. M$ra, adv. closely ; near to. be conM$r&n, v. to know ; ornament v. to beautify ; deck decorate. ; to cause to cease ; ; versant with. Mproro, adj. clean to stop progress. ; decent. ; Mude, Mude, v. to Mp$e, v. to be a ready doer be adroit. M$t$l$, v. to know beforehand foreknow. YtimYti, adv. closely ; hard by near to. v w$, v. to be able to swim. ; point v. to bring near or to a ; to produce. to put in fetters ; to soften ripen ; ameliorate. ; bind. M M Mttd$, v. to mitigate ; Mudera, v. to ; MpWpdUTO, M stop ; v. to cease ; stay the hand. v Wv vrun, adj. with hands tied to the neck. Moye, v. to know the value or weaken soften. MudeWQ, v. to slacken. Mudunmudun, opolo, n. brains. Mudiyiye, v. to quicken; enliven ; animate. Mudiyiy Y, v. to lubricate make ; m slippery. number Mpyin, Mil, v. v. of. Mudun, appreciate ; v. to gladden ; enliven. ; to be ; polite to. to take ; bring ; fetch ; seize ; ; arrest ; twinge, inplicate. suck. Mil, v. to drink ; imbibe ; hold catch Mudunmudun, n. brain marrow. baba e.g., Mudunmudun eje, " Marrow is the father — of blood.' , Mu, adj. sharp ; acute ; keen ; sagacious ; animated tart pungent. be Mil, v. to sink ; disappear immersed in water ; dive ; to be lost in a crowd. ; ; to make to stand fix ; substantiate. M6farabal$, v. to compose ease ; pacify. Mu-f ^ri, v. to cause to diminish Mudur6, v. ; ; cool. v. to drain ; dry up. Mugiri, v. to make tidy ; compact ; make within a small Mugbe, Mu, n. rice. Mil ara hu v. or ku, to v. to weaken ; space. ; debilitate. Mu Ma g6rite, v. v. to enthrone. Mu-bade, Mu-baj$, make equal ; fit Mil g^, Mil hu, ; to stupefy. v. square. v. han, v. to shew ; introduce. ; to spoil debase. ; Mu-binu, Mu-bisi, v. to provoke anger exasperate ; enrage. v. to propagate, multiply, increase. v. Mu to cause to germinate create ; originate. ihinwa, v. to bring tidings ; Mu announce. inu dun, v. to gladden Mu-bosipd, to rectify; remedy. rejoice the heart. Digitized by Google ; — ; ; ; Mtrj Muj&de, Muje, v. v. 176 to MtTR Mti l$nu, v. bring forth ; see v. Munu. to conspire for produce. to undergo the ordeal by water. Muje, v. to devour ; eclipse Mul$ ?e ibi, evil purposes. Mti l$wa, v. v. to beautify. to disappoint. vanquish overpower crush ; outwit suppress ; subdue. e.g., O mu oran ; Mti 16fo, Mti 16rfya, v. to enliven ; amuse. ; na (by je, " He won the case outwitting his oppo; Mti hjkanle, v. to embolden encourage. Mu m$, v. to introduce ; usher inure. ; nents)." Mujina, v. to heal a sore to to Muna, adj. ; sharp Mu cook kanu, v. well. v. rigid severe ; rigorous ; ; hot highpity, adj. to make sorry spirited. ; depress. Mumil^kan, Muki, to thicken. Mu kord, v. to embitter ; evict. Mukun, v. to make full ; complete. sorrow, to awaken grief. or touching ; pathetic. v. Munisanra, adj. corpulenco ; conducive tending to to Mukun, Muktird, v. to v. ; make to to grumble make fat. dissatisfy. remove ; away deduct take ; subtract Munfyln, v. to adorn, grace, favour or dignify. Munu, v. to be sharp ; talkative avert except. abstract ; annul ; ; Mupada, to shorten v. Ma-kuru, tract. v. con- loquacious. back to bring v. return ; reclaim ; restore. Mupam$, v. to secrete ; hide ; Mti lagbara, enable. to strengthen keep. Mupari, Mupe, v. ; to terminate ; ; Mularada, Mularale, v. to heal cure of sickness or defect end ; finish consummate ; make well. v. complete. Mup$, v. to prolong protract Mul&raya, animate ; enliven. Mti larun, v. to infect to ; amuse inspirit procrastinate. Mup$, v. to drink together. ; make MuPytt, v. to onripen. to sick. Mora, to stiffen ; v. make ready ; pre- Mti le, v. harden ; enable ; invigorate. Mti leke, v. to belie prove false ; refute ; accuse with pare ; be active ; be alive. Muragiri, v. adj. to be on the alert alert. ; be tidy ; agile ; a Mti Mti lie. lera, v. to strengthen; on the ground. Mul$, v. to covenant bargain ; make agreement. 1$, v. ; support. to strike firmly to Morale, v. to compact ; strengthen oneself. Murasfl^, Murat$l$, v. adj. to provide ; be ready before- hand. Mur$, v. to compromise to agree. Digitized by ; cause Google g. to fructify . . v. in the first place . v. to make equal. Mu-wa. calm. initiate into . fulfil effect pass . v. make to differ make Mtyfan. v. v. to hold Mu yara. . v. moderate v.. Mu-?$kan. to make one unite . Mu-wat$. to simplify . to gladden . v. y$. to fetch . v. to hasten pass bring to to . Mus&SO. v. v. v. Mutipara. to cause to exist. make fit . e. make effectual per- form execute. Mu tdbi. magnify . rejoice . so soon . to drink any intoxicating liquor. to Mu-tuju. Mur^si. to temper prepare . — 177 . Hurrah of triumph or applause. to enlarge . ! a shout MtlSO. e. to be drunken. to vivify quicken. as MtyfOro. .. better. withliold. drunkard. reform ate . v. to make sick sicken. v. . to harbour in the mind MuSO. sign of present part. to confirm . cheerfully Mus$. unlike. inter. v. (Used only after R^rin. . Mu-tp. . Murp. Mfi Wple. v. (Hausa) to alleviate . already . Iwp ti de na ? " Are Digitized by Mugekankan. Mu yp. Musfnu. increase late. make a Mu yat$. disappear .g. adapt. amplify. Mutfy6. v. mis- direct misuse Mur6. make and aggrandize . expedite. accelerate. — Mu$e. tame . v. magnify. to soften. to make the mouth water to salivate. v. adv. v. v. to increase . v. v. Mu-wa. " I am going. v. adv. Mu-$otito. MUR Mur$. to be soft and sticky to be closed . first. agreement). Musin. v. . Mu yanju. make equal. Mu qualify . . alleviate. see Mudfiro. . to colour fade. multiply. Musandie. v. . determined or settled (as a matter or paste decided . v. to tie down (as cattle). perform. v. Mur$. v. nA Mu$i$e. produce afford. v. v. take to. v. Mu^edeae. v. v. 0muti. Mu wusi. . N. diluto . affirm. to make do . to come . to improve mitigate . amelior- Musaoki. v. . make MuS$W$. house M(l-W$. mak e clear or plain. n. to straighten. to hasten accelerate. . to make thin by dilution . modify .. infold. to cause to work for nothing. to mislead . Na. to laugh). Mu$a. Murprun. v. bring quietly. . expedite . productive. to v. popu. . to bring in. Mo " nip. to lodge . . Musan. Mtyals&n. v. to make difficult. congratulate. Muti. Mu$e. . to propagate produce . Google . v. N. Mu y6. v. to cause to wither . make to flow easily. facilitate See Mutimuti. to inebriate. Kini Ni. this Na. as spreading mat on the ground. v.." Ni. cost . v. to do business nl. v." e. interrogation (used at the end of a question to give it empha- to . yet I know all you did. adv. " not. adv. contracted form of IJni. to trade. Na-tantan. show . n. Naw<J iwe na si mi.. to say." Digitized by Google . see Na. e. v.g.g. " It is Nawo (na-ow6). to erect Na-sa. Mo ni fila meji daradara." to spend . to spread. ** Though I could not go. ." hand hand Na.g. v. . to another. " He told us that he would go. frequently used instead of Emi and Mo." occupy obtain . distend. sis). to flog . NI " e. v. v. expatiate. " Hand (or pass) me the book. Na-danu. ?mi ni. " the This (na-yWp). — e. no. be about make much of be anxious about.g. NawY Do . Emi k<J. . ni is spirit convulsed . it is . pron. Ng. Naja (na-oja). definitely). to stretch the pass from one's .g. Nagudu. Na-t$. pron. very full trousers (na-iga). nl nk<$ ? " Where is that thing of Bi. Nandi. waste. Na-lo. chasten Na. pron. a profligate spendthrift. Na-nipasan. Ni. to spread to dry. . to flog with a whip. v.—e. Awa nik$. to Na-ninaknna. to spread . " first. dunce . v."—a. Ni." e. . it " Compounded with assumes the sense " though.. Nawo-nawo.. or air . n. " It is not I." ? . that. one someone (used inti le I9 emi ko mo mp . lash. to spread flat or level. " I shaU go. . e. to be .g. . na. v. v. squander. to spend money disburse expend. v.. throw into convulsion or spasm.. to waste. Ng o lo.Iwo le se iru ohun extend expand bf ndan able to (or na) amplify . .g. to have put in get possess ni p& . pron. pers.g. is . . to care concerned . v. stand erect. spread . IJmi na na a tan tan. a blockhead ass. Bi Y Na-ga to stretch oneself so as to reach or see an object. n. the same man. e. " The N&ni. I. . — — — — 178 . to point the finger at ." Nf."— e. for . the same that — is e. whip . possession . Qkonrin na ni.gr.g. stretch dilate . squander. v.g. him. on yio I9. chastise v. sugbon ohun gbogbo ti e se. . indicate. do " Are you such things ? then ? " Ndao. v. waste trade with.. " We have loaded the canoe.g. dem.— — NA you come already Tete ^e eyi na. Na-ro. never. Ndan. . v.. I.. " I have two good caps.. v. to stretch with violence . e. confined round the foot."—e. v." used in opposition to kv . v.. O wi fun Nakasi (na-ika-si). Na.g... load (as a ship or canoe). extend lengthen . . (Ni is changed." to remind . violablo locality. at on . there .$r.g. viola- cloth from his hand. Baba na mbe li oko. prep.g. . . adj. " instead of "ni oko. in this place. hurtful wrongful. just now. coppery pertaining percoppery . into Li or L* . Nibadebade. v. adv. injurious . adv. Digitized by Google . Nibaba. well-born . Nibibaje. not easy for me.—— — — NIL Ni-lara. Laba. adj. angrily. adj. accidentally. adv." Nisale (ni isale). cir- Mo ni o niran oro ijo ni. wrathfully adv. timor- awful adv. to have doubt uncertain . in one place or tion. e. v. savoury pleasing. is Nibi. Nib$. pable. Ni-alabapade. 179 to . . having dire : fear " " above. taining to copper. . adj. adj. Nibibiti. somewhere . adj. . adj. are very much used in composition the word to which it is joined modifies or determines the : — all vowels except i). following one upon another. suitably adv. waving in succession . Ni-adun. doubtful uncertain. Ni-bawi. e. for euphony. some place ." e. Nibi-gbogbo. adv. . at this very place . " at the bottom. . this very spot. . Ni-awd ayika." e.. sweet Ni-agbara. formidable . having twins. Ni-beji.g. remind you of that dav's word. adj. cul. at that Nibena..g. to. Nibibayi. carnal. Nf-ara. to be dubious. place. horrible terrible. adv. blameable . v. Ni-Sla. . signification. timid . feverish. "The by Lalabapade. unhealthy sickly. to be v. Nibirere. noble birth or connexion. before e. . chance . Nibaj$. prep. of adj. to put e. in remembrance. Lala. to have hope bo hopeful. everywhere.g. limitable. adj. there . to Ni-ailera. work is Ni-niran.. Nibikan. Lailera. Nibaba. not Ni-aidaju. wavy . NIB weakly. to have fever. now . in or at a place. opportunely. ." in from by Ni. " on top dread ous . adv. corporeal Ni-aba.. thence. adj. tribunal. cular. robust strong. . n. Loke (li Nib$ru. clear . at the place of judgment . infirm . Lagbara. expressing a condition or state.. " It ." Ni. Li. corrupt. by here . " (My) father is in the farm . dubious . and more commonly L'. adj. adv. adj. " I Ni-ba. . Nibibinu. adj.Ise na ni mi lara. Ni iba. adj. Lara. Nibayi. unexpectedly . adj. t?. O mbe him. . " Fetch oke). corruption . Ni-ani-ani. or horrid .. adv. uneasy — fortable be hard upon be uncombe inconvenient." lodo r$. adj. Gba aso wa lowo (li owo) r£. terminable . round . Nibidajp. Laidajn. certain . wistful. wise. sideathwart. adv. Nibomiran. standing posture. perpenadv. Nigbameje. negligent. certainly . Nigbakanri. . Nibu. fully. openly Niflyesi. at this hour. anywhere whither- Nibi-nitan. . . adv. adv. Nifajuro. adv. adv. elsein another place. where. adj. adj. at now . always. adj. adj. firmly. adv. in a Nidurd. trustfully Nidajudaju. adv. adj. Nigbameta. adv. . Nigba. long ago. vivacious lively. able . having hope ful. tacit . griev- slanderous adj. whore- soever soever. dependable. adv. times . Nigbagbe. Nisisiyi. ample . adj. Nifpgbpn$e. Nibinu. prep. adj. lying in wait for. adj. adv. silent quiet. adv. adv. . to be broad. adv. adv. Nibuba. heavy. brotherly willing . Nigba-atijp. adv. Nididara. adv. Niduro-$an?an. adv. Niflf e. Ni-abiya. adv. while . most. hope- crosswise . Nidai. adj. a Nifoiya. . Nidake. bragging . Nibiti. NIB Nibikibi. aft . seven times. Nigbagbogbo. thwartingly . uppermost top- Nifaiya. Nibd (ni-ibo). three . Niburubu.. Nifpwpspwp. 180 NIG Nidimu^in^in. having blessed. clasped hands . upright . . . adj. noticefearful. Nigba-isisiyi. Nidabu. the place which ? . trusty . defamatory. Nifefe. for- Nidaju. Nti ekufe. sorrowful . wide broad having margin. adv. Ntf $. v. well-born . lovely loving will . Nigbameji. Nidaraya. wherever . adj. about. candidly. adj. Nibo. where Nifasehin. having a Nibomi. sparing. at other times . adj. where . once indistinct . v. . Nibukunfun. Nidaba. at witching. adj. now . adj. dicularly. rightly . adj. adv. ever . in a state of anger or hostility . Nibi-oke. once upon a time. Nidulump. Nigbami. adv. at a particular time. . this present time. of noble birth. across. adv. all times . . sometimes . when . adventurous. adv. upbefret- ous . threefold. adv. backwardly. observable . getful. Nidawple. adv. charming crossly . Nigbatijp. . adv. Nibinuj$. lewd. . wholesome. aye. thrice Nidasi. . . steadfastly. inter. adj. lustful amicable. abaft . adj. boisterously. . olden time . ways unitedly. Nidi. adj. across athwart. broad- ostentatious. concerning . Digitized by Google . adj. salutary . at times. boastful . craftily. frankly. Nigbamiran. dreadful blessing for adv. adj. adj. confusedly NidarudapQ. formerly . Nifinuhan. miscellaneous. NidurCHpnfiii. . . astern. . well connected . justly. twice. adv. on the third day. vicious naughty . . disastrously calamitous . Nigbawo ? adv. greedy . Nigberaga. tarily. romantic . inventful. . Nigbekele. adj. angular. adj. publicly. Niha-ariwa. oft . outermost. trusty . over yonder . Nihinyi-bayi. adj. adj. Nigbangba. Nijindpgba. heavily. adj. staunch. wicked brutal . adv. northward adj. hence . many a time. . adj. Nihinyi. miserly. Nihal$. before yesterday. adv. . adj. adv. adv. sagacious . at the time. disastrous. Niha. Nijpgbogbo. adv. oft . atten- Nijokoje. inhuman sanguinary. bold. then. often . Nigbesan. gerating. osten- tatious. adj. adv. severe . the day . ultimately . equidistant. quietly seden- NigpgQ. Niha-iha. beyond . while .. Nijere. Nijinle. Nigbpran. wise . . . oftentimes . on this side of. Nihangdro. here in this place. westward westerly. adv. adv. shady. . having a mane. adv. adv. . contentious . adv. mischievous . bare. distant . when ? at what time ? Nigbayi. candidly. here . adv. deeply . adj. intrepid . Nigun. times . prep. Nika. adj. western Niha-Ode. seasonable Nigbayiye. obedient tive. astraddle on the back. worthily . in this place. at this time. opportune. Nijamba. afterwards . adv. hereafter. mischievously. Nigbewd. bald . adv. cruel . commonly fre- boastful . afield. rigid . plainly . quarrel- NlQUm$. adj. the other day. 181 NIK Niha-ohun. Niha-ihin. Nigbe. outward . adv. Nigbapupp. worthy . towards lateral. every far. prep. eastward profoundly. vehement . praise- Nijelo. adj. stingy . exagNijar$. Niha-iwp-drun. inter. adj. deservedly . now . adj. openl^. when . suddenly . quently. Nihdho. adj. lying Nikaka. Nigbana. Niha-ila-5run. Nijijina. hot feverish. adj. Nigbona. arrogant proud. adj. Niji. in a state of nudity . Digitized by Google . adv. Nijpkanlogbpn. . adj. . sideways. adv. a grating sound shrilling screaming. adv. seldom. adv. adv. adv. NihawQ. easterly. Nijeta. Nija. about a place .. . on that side of. naked . adv. NIG Nigbakugba. . prep. along . adj. hereafter. adj. Nigbati. adj. adj. Nihin. gainful. unpreparedly . Nijpketa. vindictive. inclement . . often sometimes always often. Nigbatimby. northerly. southerly Niha-gusun. Nijijinle. daily day. ingenious some . adj. weightily . southward. adv. . Nigbehin. adj. Nigboiya. on the side of . Nilodisi. the ground. peacemaker. adv. apart . finally. sore . adv.g. contrariwise. 182 NtM Niku. recently Nilu-oke." well past Nikpja-rere. satisfactorily. slowly . helter. toilsome. sincere. fatal . adj. " He came . Nikankangi. of old . sooty. hard-hearted . adv. adv. . lit. conobservable. froNikanra. amicable . Nikutukutu. fretful . adv. adj. adv. . adj. adv. indulgent. dawn . lya then " How is your re nk<J ? mother (then) ? " e. sourly. alone . adv. tightly strongly. Nikiki-orukp. adv. Nfmim$. two by two. clandes- ingly. . Nikannu. Nikikan. afterwards. adj. (used at the end of How a question) Then How is. annoy . spent. siderable .g. lastly. adv. inactive. Digitized by VjOOQIC . untoward. adv. adj. Nky. Nilpwplpwp. Nilorere. hearty . country interior full up country ha nk<J ? ? How is this hinterland. skelter. — soot. adj. adv. striped." Ni-lara. adv. adv. lately . well- Nikikun. Ni-lailai. wardly . Nkpja. able . Nila. considerate .g. overburden alone. barbarous Nikaninu. adv. vividly . Nikawp. heartily adj. hastily .. deadly. full. well spent. Ni-lara.. hastily. . indolent . Nikiyesi. wil- fully intelligently knowpurely. Nikiku. .. adj. On nikan lo wa. adj. down . manageready to hand. Nik$kp. envious. merciful doleful thoughtful. singly. tinely. " I e. adj. of yore. single. lazy . adj. e. Nike. Nilile-aiya.. savage vicious . to distress . Nikanu. Nikanju. past Nile. inland . adj. adv. . adj. adv. adj. hardly . adj. Nilvl$. Eyi . on . . . Nikikprere. adv. peacehence O -nilaja. adv. holy . well-used . verbally.g. . willingly . adv. Nikehin. then " Nimajala. brutal. adv. solely. Mo ri 9 nikpja. . drowsily. early . Nikan. overpower vex . adj. well-bred. . penitent . in secret . . make over- uneasy charge. Nimele. adj. presently. secretly Nimeji. impertinent. . adj. in times Nikansoso. Nikankan. healthy hale.. smarting. . v. wrathfully aggravatingly. — " Niloknlo. wieldy . twofold . tardily Nilpra. in dying . betimes. holily . n.— — —— NIK . . adv. Nimim$. Nilera. clean pure . Nimejimeji. laborious . . NilileUle. well. Nilaja. Nikiki-prp. saw you when you were passing. in passing. adv. adv. fully. adj. . adj. dying. extravagantly wastefully. of Nikpja. adj. aside . Nikunloju. e. only. able Nil&la. on shore . adv. adj. adv. nominally. elastic. therein. Nina. Ninu. herein. adj. Ninikawp. rugged . very cold. Nisinn. as. Ninf. waste- three divisions . . noxious. . " that is. of one mind. adj. . valiant able . in ending.. adj. lousy fiery. finite . clanadv. . secondly. Nipeknn. long out. two divisions. pre- prejudiced against. Nipinnu. adj. secretly. stretched to Nipa-oke. adv. knowing all things. Nininu. in . adj. adj. bound to secrecy initiated. .g. naturally. adj. hereat . equiNimpmeji. in . Nipa. capacious. . adj. two -fold . whipped or flogged Nina. Nipataki.. goodnatured. wise skilful having intelligent knowledge . dubious. whereat. final . among from within . inasmuch Nipati. Nimp-ohungbogbo. adj. adj. harmful . immovable firm . Tutu. destructive . prep. Nipipe. adv. adj. Nimul$. attainable. adj. Ninu-ninu. Ninira. . by this very. adj. doubtful . adv. Nipa-keta. e. destinely. prep. Nipa-eyina. prep. Nipetiti. adv. . incommodious. Ninu-rere. stedfast. Nininn. upwards. adv. Nimokan. 183 NIP Ninu-eyina. . adj. prep. adj. adj. control over have be master of. adj. with. to possess . adv. adj. adj. adj. end . principally adv. where- by. deserving . thirdly. v. very . final where- unto. in conNipari. n. . determinable. hurtful . whereby.. adj. wherein . craggy. secretly . masterly. adv. conclusion adj. humane .") nini. adv. exceedingly Nini. adj. malignant malevolent . Nipara. Ni-pe-bi. freehearted . Ninu-buburu. continuous. inside . adv. adv. clusion . adj. whereas. by the tendon of the heel. Nipa-keji. Nipa-meji. adj. Ninu-eyi. inmost. . termination. through according to . harboured Nipa-ti. utmost. omniscient ." Ninanina. fully. parspecially . hardy. adj. three-fold adj. concerning . Nipamp. generous . adv. unequivocal . Nini. Ninu-eyiti. " to be Nipalapala. . phrase. thoroughly. ruinous. Nipa-eda. mind possessed in . to be fire . the abbreviation " namely . viz. Nipe. significant . that as . by this. Omi yi is tutu " This water . expert . learned. . well-grounded . by . possessing . Nipa. treble. (qualifying v. Nipa-eyi. Nimnle^in^in. thereby. mischievous. Nipase. powerful . adv. Nipa-meta. Nim$. prodigal Ninaknna. adj.— NIM Nimphun-gbogbo. decisive Digitized by VjOOQIC . cold. potent. ful. vocal . Nipa-eyiti. . ticularly. chiefly . Niparun. inward. spiteful . adv. in in having . adj. adv. to be yielding. " I have no care about . Nirilju. comfortably . instead . reminded versation. Nigan. muscular sinewy. Nirira. . Ni-ippnju. Nisfiru. immediately. " He of the con- to remind. mournful. Niponju. adj. be NiranlQWQ.— NIP . humbly. flowing . utterable . conmuch . lightly. adv. low. adj. of some importance . uneasy v. Nisisiyi. before . see Nir6. . shortly anon speak . ni-okere-rere. now . siderable. adv. Nirudurudu. imaginable . Nirord. Niponju. comparative degree. Ni-iwa-rere. . . . . Nird. forthwith Also already. uphill . ludi- Nireje. O ni na. adj. prep. adv. adj. adj. now. thoughtful serious . to be soft . to care hopeful .. adj. adv. Mirorun. . fluid . Nisifloye. NI§ Niroju. difficult. virtuous. rueful ." lowly . adv. Ni-rere. doubtful. " You to worry oneself. — 184 . with facility easily . about a . grievous . Nisi. Nirora. be concerned take Emi kd interest in.- prior. Nisaju. hourly. tidal . prep. just Nirerin. laughable . untowardly fro- wardly. considerate. thicker than. formerly first . barely. n. it. Nirora. mi niran advantageously. adv. e. to . solemn . easily . loftily. have a recollection oro e. . adj. hateful . v. conducive. . Nira. adj. deceitful. beNisale. . adj. to be thick at the edge (as a plank) . adj. every time Nisan. in the room situation . at all times .g. adj." Ni-ra. called olo. equi- difficult uncomfort- vocally. neath Nisa-gbogbo. adj. declarable . adv. Nl^an. thick. . far off . helpful . Ni-ara. humble . confusedly tumultuously.. adj. possessing patience worth consideration patient . soon . loathsome able. me . adj. painful . remember call to mind . nisi. Nireti. Nirir$. expectant. adv. trouble- wearisome. happily . fantastical irregular. awkward. Nironu. nervous .. Nipo. Nipon. Nirird. tender-hearted . adj. . adj. Nirin. convalescent. Nironu. . far away. underneath below down. slow tedious . adj. — e. of v. painful baleful . directly. adv. Digitized by Google . proudly . able . adv. adj. Nisisan. filthy abomin- strable. ." Nira. adj. Nir^le. adv. adj. pleasant. crous. some Niran.g. adj. . liquid. demon. to be free one's own master. thing . O nni ara re lara sa.g. odious . adv. . adj. Nipipa. . easy . adj. confusedly adj. Ni-lara. dubious able . are simply troubling yourself. eliri. long-suffering. of . place. . v. baldly . Nirora. Nirokuro. or thought. plentiful . a kind of rat. " — Nitorina mo be 9 e. in prep. falsely deceit- toilsome .g. newly . Nitenump. Nitpwd. oozing out. Nituwpka. Ni$ijibo. Ni?pna. illusive. a place or person) Digitized by . adj. Nigpkan. busily he knows how to do the work . recently toilsome. Nitalaka. wistfully steadfastly (looking towards) . prep. poor . adj. Nititoye. — Nitori mi o wa. explanatory trative. Nfyodisi. laborious difficult. word . concerning. adj. he is working. . adj. Nitipile^e. prep. NI§ Nif&^a-prp. disgracedishonourable .g. " He came on my account.. . against. . beforehand . Nigekuge. ti. lovingly . therefore . Nitiju. merito. adv. adv. (used before Niwa. Nitori. warm . conquering superior. . Niwajti. NigtpupQ. " Therefore I beg you. Ni$i$e-ofln. to have a good disposition . Nitump. instant .. adj. breezy . salubrious. sincertainly . Nitele. . shame. adj. legislative. adv. Nititan. Nititun. adj. in truth . in inside. prep. Nitinu. cordially. Nitejump. adj. in a state of poverty. being. frank. on account . early. adv. in that. near hard adjacent about. shady. within . adv. quality. comfortable. . conj. coming to an end . lewdly. indigent . adj.. of Niti. adv. verily. afresh. bulkily. erratic . affirmwill- adv. Nitif etif e. fitly cerely . . refreshing. sanguine . adv. zealous . indeed. worthily riously. adj. for word . conj. for- Google . verbatim. tasty. vigilant wary . counter . to exist . Ni$e. adv. free-handed Niwa. largely . cooling . Nitara. NIW former . Nitorina. «#• very laborious . why? wherefore ? e. opposition to . bashful . adv. NigelQWQ. veritably . fully. meditative thoughtful. finishing Nititobi. erroneous Nijdfaro. liberal. unfeignedly ." Nitori-kiniP adv. adj. adj. shabbily . adj. acting in uniformity. adj. Nispra. victorious . adj. faced. .. Nitisaju.g. open-handed. united . li wherefore for the sake of. heartily . Nititan. ? Nitosi. se e. . f. illus- Nitura. adv. . to have a good . exhaustingly in concluding. . . close by Nit5t<J. full of activity. knowingly. because . justly. foremost. ful adj. discreet watchful. Nititujade. able. heedful . ing. of Nigina. original deriv- to have a v. Niwa. badly . prep. adj. be affable be kind . truly adv. Ninu. adj. . . ingly. really . umbrageous. Nitori-kini o se wa ? " Wherefore are you " come . adj. — 185 . Nigegun. . concurrent . inasmuch as able. . Niwarapa. astride. adv. limit- Nkan (contracted from Ohun about the number or measure of. Niye. adv. various. part. very great. Niw$n. n. tyrannous. hastily ditiously. merciful Niypnu. adv. modest . adj. adv. having feathers. discreet. adj. middling. demoniacal . adv. Niwpntun-wpasin. Nje. fitly . troublesome adj. . v.g. Niwara. Niye. . these. worthily. measurable . great . charming. . Niyat$. impatient. gently . costly. about Qkan). quickly speedily expe. . adj.. grand . adv. Niwiwi emi o wi. holy. anything whatsoever . to remember . dying. heavily . Niyebiye. wonderful . epileptic. pres. valuable . eager . Niwpnyi. Niwapa. Niwpra. immaculate. pleasing . beyond. Niwa-agbara. greedy. Nk$ (on-kp). anxious .. cruel. Niwa-buburu. declarable. hondignified . NLA adv. valuable . duly . Niyelori. adv. adv. ourable . Ni-iye. having Niwara. of untold value. valuable . Mo nkulp. mendatory . cautiously . cumspectly Niwoyi. ghostly. anxiously. adj. Niwpnbi. Niwobia. adj. adj. I will in declaring. . adj. . milky . adj. adv. adj. adj. v. feathery. adj. " I am dying. adj. Nfwo. Niyiye. to have thought. cumbersome. Nkulp. adv. Niwuwo. if so . . desirous . deservedly . pron. there- lascivious . very Digitized by Google . illus- trious capital huge . famous Niyin. voracious. precious . talk. wonderful . adj. burdensome . adj. temperately . therefore. milch. warily. righteous. whatever. about this . Niwa-funfun. Niyeninu. if time. pron. largely large. adj.— NIW ward . glorious . . . large . Niwa-orun. a thing . Niwiwi. before violent . marvellous. it is not that). adj. Niwu. e. . marvellous. since. Nla. Niwakiwa. different . not {lit." cirNiwoye. a certain thing . prep. adj. poisonous . Niwa-ika. to memory have a good have under- standing. . bar- barous . adj. august. — 186 . milk . adj. Niyiya-enu. . and now fore. tender-hearted compassionate. talkable. adj. " Talking. adj. Niwin. weightily. innocent . Niyiyanu. Nkan-ki-nkan. Nje-nkp. adj. adj. Niye. virtuous adj. Niyanu. adj. now . worthy. Niwiwu. . adj. e. malicious. adv. goods. wayward . wicked Niyakata. adv. moderately . wise . Nje-bi. laudable . comnotable. then .. ahead adj." — amicable. Nla-nla. Niyarayara.g. stupendous . Niwamimp. pure clean . Niyanu. Niwa-tutu. meekly. baneful. something (used indefinitely) . then . to praise. a small one will do instead " (i. astray . IjJnyin). may (when e. Obi. e. proceed ." Nyin. shall. will. On. her .. " Gather monkey kola Obf. n. Digitized by Google .. adv. Obu ko to be kind of saltish rock.Mofee. *' to stay. 01obotuj$ (bo-tu-je). pron. aux. street outline. it. v. birth. Nsokalp. n. an abbrov. to travail in child- 6bd. croton. thou. pron.g. Nyi. the kola nut. a kind of drum. the e ju nu. 6b6. Obirikiti. (imp.g. parent. an instrument used for separating cotton from the seed. n. v. by lo. (" Abe " should always be used in translation. 9. she . v. 0d$. .g. pron. Nso. Ode. a fi dd$ sebp. mood) . u. to wipe off ." Nu-kuro. . Odide. wipe lost . erase. n. Nu (sp-nu). ki). e.") 0. "The earth is revolving . them cancel woman n. a . " If you cannot obtain a large bat for sacrifice.g. n. it.— — — NN Nn — . you. " I see Mo e.) — 6b6. him . go on. " Tell him that he may stay. omit." e. In the objective case it may be Q. adv. " Cast it away.." e.. the sake of euphony 6 may having no principle of unsavoury . " That I may be Ofe. insipid n. vagina. he-goat.g. e.c/. adj. Obl-Qdun. n. off expunge. a.. n. Aiye nyi. Nsokalp.g. v. verb denoting the future. n." (un-un). a stale egg . dust v. clean off shine. to be go Obi.g. amazon. " Obu n. Ki emi preceded ki o le able to a kind of small bat.g. v." out-of-doors . compass . not (frequently used in exclamations) ! No Nil. pron. 0b5.g.. one must take the will for the deed). you . n. Obirin. .. e. n. i. and throw . n.. the female of cattle. sphere. of ye. Nso. the parrot. a hint . 0. female. ." or simply. Obukp." Nwpn. Nu. to iy$. " " The times are changing. them away. Nu-nu. (For 0. adv. n. " I want — —e. yes to . cyole Obi-t$. turning round.. n. fig -nut plant . " Let us go. Nu. I hear . e. wife . aux. (of assent).private information. it.g.. pron. n. the Obu." i. " Go on.e. he . Gbe Obl-Aya. it. nut. life flat. Bi a ko ri adan. . Nyin. See e." e. very well. 0. Wi fun u ki o le duro. yio. v. — 187 —— . circlo . . 0D$ go. is not compared to real salt. e. Obirin-oldgun. 0.. 0. v.. rotating . ! no to brighten v. be changed to ri dd$. off away. (contr. of Iwp. 0.. Ko o da nu. they. Odudua. long standing. fact . devas . companion of Ifa. sharp teeth. n. the comb of feathered " One cannot . an interpreter. a small animal of the cat tribe remarkable for its . ma gbe oruko. n. Ogbd. n. misfortune. discipline . n. n. n. n. not adj. club Ogboju. n. volume of a book. n. Odu is not unknown to a f armor. the mind) is not malicious. never in the least. equality . n. n. Ofd. (Gbo-oju. Odidi.— ODl Odi. prohibition . name of a tree. e. citadel ward . 188 implaoablcncss OGB Ofere. light blue colour. very old. inu ko l'odi. Olugbongbo. Odidi-iwe. a loom.g. n. pig. n. n. privation . Heaven and earth are Odudua. n. n. Gbonmallet. 0d6. old age with two edges. also called mighty man. n. justice . Ododo. Of 6. lump. adj. " The stream may up. — — . assaulter one who seeks a quarrel.g. of palm '* e. law . Off. n. — ti. right . contrariness . obstinacy. .. Ofurufu ko se ifehin Odddd. air . Ofinran. a passionate person.. streamlet. Ogbe. n. n. See $l$d$.'stubbornness. — Ofin. Ofln-AdasQ. squirrel. Odinu. Odd gbe. . vanity. odi a ni inu. adj. Ofurufu. but the watercourse retains its name. Ogbd. Google . one who forgives.. Ofdfd. Of§f§. dawn. a mortar." a short sleep. Odorodi.g. parrot . bearer. shallow brook or river. Ogbigbi. . ness. Odd. Odd. n. truth . n. ford . n. bylaw. a nap Ogbe. old face). scarlet. a goddess from Ife. the calamity woe damage. n. Odu. Ogb$. twilight . n. perversity. cauldron. adj. . thirst. busy-body. " If a man {lit. whole of anything . Ofln-mewa." nuts. Olugbondoro. decalogue. n. cluster . .. malice . n. brook . the god Odu. aggressor . n. n. emptiness wastefulness. n. loss tat ion ments Odi. e. Ofln-Ayaba. adv. Ogbil$. Ofiji. the firmament ." 0d6. commandment statute." Odd Aieselaja. OfS. n. n. . n. n. Ongbe. very big. a a bold or daring person . n. n. Odddi. Ogbologbo. the ten . lean upon emptiness. strong Odi. a species of owl. Odua. of an herb. Odd. cock's comb. name Odu ki ise aim$ oloko. command fort round the town rampart fastness . said to be the supreme goddess. a sword Ogbd. a dumb person. ill-will. river . some one will be malicious against him. righteous- fowls. n. n.g. n. a walled fortification . n. Ofo. . bunch . Bi spite. tale dry Ofdrd. grudgo . e. gbo. boiler . Ogbe-Akukp. a wooden club. emptiness vacancy void . Ogbdgbd. n. Digitized by of clever person. n. Ogbugbu. threescore. charm. that worker an old experienced a veteran. dgdngd. Ogun. war . poison spell . n. the god of iron and the god of war. n. Qgbeni. " The horse galloped. adj. . adj. Ohun-ebo. n. yaws. strange thing circumstanoe. n. n. n. an old person in distressed circumstances. n. n. Ogldi. vote. a wether. wine made from the sap of the bamboo. household furniture . fop. sweetmeats confectionery. n. Ogungun. n. pledge. n. . utensils. simultaneous dogiri. thing. n. Oho-6. heritage . vessels . n. Ohun-erf. which is obtained Ogboni. medicine . the name of a bird. n. note tone . calf colt . transplanted plants. adj. Ogddd. Ogunna. a large animal. praise applause. . necessaries . Ohun-ara. apparatus . master." Ogiri. one having yaws. machine . Ohun-atulp. sound . army . battle . e. the young of beasts in general. rush. n. debtor's house to compel payment of a debt bailiff . n. live coals. a kind of drum. feW. Ohun-aim$. brave. a n. vainglory. a gewgaw. long . an edible herb. n. made from . headprecipitately. Ogun. . 6gun. n. perspiration. . Ogiri. starch of Indian corn. inheritance . Ogldd. (see Asunkun). n. carved work . Ogldigbo. bequest. Ogadugb^ dropsy. an unclean thing. Ogede. n. Ogus$. a wall. . Ogoji (Ogun-eji). Ogedegbe. cavalry. adv. OgO. Ogunmeta. Ohun-aim^. forty. n. a newly invented unknown . n. . n.. n. one placed at the Ogd. live embers. n. dgunm^. . ostrich. Ogunmeje. Ogiri. n. Ogi. machinery n. twenty. n. OgO-asan. OgOTOdd. . adv. Ohun-elo. n. a flavouring melon seeds. n. an engraving. a long tobacco pipe. dyed coxcomb . n. sir . Ologodd. n. cry language n. name of a disease . Ogbonise. OgUT$. n. cotton. old man . n. adj.g. n. a word of exclamation. strong undiluted palm wine. kind of n. suspended. Ohun-asan. Ogboiya. Ogun-ljHegin. Ogun. Ohun-adidun. inter. voice . adj. by Ogboya. adj. . Digitized by Google . a beast about the size of a cat. n. Ohun-erp. a new fashioned article . a standing posture. OgOdo. n. Ogodogba. Esin Ohdn. Ogurodo. n. grass Oge. sacrifice victim. 189 OHU n. Oguna. wild duck . glory . gallop . n. n. engine. a vain thing. Oguf e. Ogedemgbe. name of a tree. Ogun. credential. sevenscore. only. sweat . Ohun-fifin. n. bauble Ohun-atu-gbin. n. .— OGB Ogbonise. fight fray. perpendicular . n. n. n. corner of a house gable. Ohun-prun. previous notice. 6jigbon. daily every day. n. armour djo-winniwinni. Ohun-ompbirin. one who cheats at play . rain. ague fever. . shadow . n. cattle. n. . peculiar article a thing set apart. . ». n. Ojijan (ja-iyan). rain. the menses. 6jia. from house to house. OHU Ohun-ild. suddenly .. n. eatables . . sore . daily lasting for fine guilt of adultery. appearance face . n. fit. Ohun-ogun (also Nkan-ogun. Oju-tffin. adv. the chimney. n. . from the leading road palace. . n. charity. Ihampra-Ogon). Ohun-QSln. adv. domestic creature herd . . Oji. casn. sufferer an person. slip-knot . face of the earth Ojubo. shade fish mortice. a reasoner . coward. of title. Ohun-kikini. Ajigbese (je-gbese). n. messenger n. Oju-ferese. adv. ftjdwu (je-dwu). adv. Oyinbo. n. a thing . electric eel. properly called Ojo. Ojdgan. Ojdjule (oju-oju-ile). a white man. cowardice . man imposed for the of trees. alms . . semen. n. electric the ground. decoration. Ojojo-gbigbona. lead. . Ohun-kan. Ohun-omQ-kpnrin. 6jd. (-oyfc) n. noose. servant. Ohun-$t$. n. a jealous porson. 6j6j6. cheating at games. one who contradicts or denies. n. n. n. n. scar Ojuju. working implements). Ohun-jije. a nickname for the scorpion. loophole . one who comes from the country beyond the seas . Ojii. 190 articles OJU Oji$e. utensils for use. aperture . 6j6r6. . 6jijf. n. the seed of copulation . n. Oj6b6. n. n. wide Oju-agbara. adj. Oyibo. offertory . n. sap of trees . OjQ. a small thing. an innocent oppressed Ohun-iranti. gum Ojigbese. Digitized by Google . front . gum. Ajdgun . n. trumpery . Akeke from of its tail. memorial. n. respected thing. n. . n. food. — a fear . a debtor. Ohun-jatajatn. without djljl. an n. eye . Oje. n. 0hun-$9$. dji. n. drizzling weapon of war. n. edge of a knife or sword. w. trifling. ualty. anything. n. Ojdjomp (-mQ). a burning Oibo. a window. Oju. Ojiya (j$-iya). Ohun-pre. heavenly thing heir. ephemeral. n. gutter. Ojdye. ruler . forty. tools (lit. Oju-aiye. n. umbrage. dress . Ohun-jatijati. Oji. look . n. a 6j6. n. n. pipe. n. Ojdgun. djlji. . n. w. Ijdye. Ohun-pna. the day ulcer. n. the smart sting (je-ogun). spiritual or divine thing. n. n. instantly . face to face. the seam of clothes. an eyo which — — kind of lizard. Okiki. high tableland. father of Okan. time- Ojule. a kind of large rat. e. principal interest is paid. a counter . to get fresh air. mediately. . the very face . when every man takes up his wallet. also called I£r$k£. . n. aperture from which water springs .g. n. e. panion. n. Oka. n.Lojukanna (oju-pkanimadv. — — . adj. Ojukoju. the 0juy6ju." Okele. OJU an equal n. n. Oju-sun. sop. accountant. honour . n. a distance. Okele gbdngbd f? om<. Ojum$. com- Ojusaju (oju-isa-oju). face Oka-eti. . com- plimentary Okf. (-fe-eni). worldliness . Oju-wa (-iwa). ableness." Ojuku. n. Oju-ko-bire (-ba-ire). 0kalfaj5. itself. n. . Ojuran (-iran). acquaintn. mountain. the air. n. Oju-sanma. baba ogun.g. w. dawn . sad countenance. . n. a room a house a dwelling place. Oju-OWO. . w. n. chest . . unsatisfied desire. Ojokanra. Ojukdkdrd. e. lojukoju. Kekelenje. shin. ftkele. (-ni-im$). favour .g. dream . n.—— .g.. gristle. " A store of food is the best equipment for war war is proclaimed . Ojum<J ni<J. where the king sits . n.. n. . . morsel . n. n. spring fountain. w. sky heaven. grave. n. n. n. invulnor- trance. a small Oju-nla. n. wallet ri.. v. n. adv. daylight. Ojulnm$ ance. i. respect forepart Ojugun (oju-igun). Ojukdkdrd." salt . . Digitized by Google . covetousness n. n. Oke-gb$rQ. part of a loom cartilage £)kete. flattery . a place in the palace. one who shares or divides. earring. regard. Ojukanna. " Covetousness. Oju-drl. up-hill." 6kete. n. .. " A large morsel (is sure to) choke a child. Okere. Oju-gba. the touch -hole of a gun. on which Oju-pjp. Owo-kan. one cowry one piece of money. v. Okan-aiya. n. avarice. Orisun (-isun). Ojurere. n. big-eye. weather firmament Oju-^run. Oruka. ring. baba $kanjua. an interview . mount hill . a small package of 6k e. breast. vision (as the act of missing fire a gun). to suffer trouble to get into difficulties. n. bale of goods baggage. bi a si ogun olukuluku ni idl dkete I9W9.> li oju. n. Oju-gika. 191 OKf Ojuran. n. Ojulafeni server. a bird called the cricket catcher.. o ny$. . na). Oju-pon.e. n. top . Ojupo (-ipo). Okete. " When the day dawns you rojoice. is never satisfied). keyhole. Oki. a compound . e. Oka. covetousness (lit. n. of the leg. £)kerekere. n. grace. title. Oju-ftfaro. " Okipa-Aja. a stone used to throw or cast . slavery . insipid . disprovince towns.. Okun-erewe. n. a heap* of potash Okun-duiu. Okun-kubusu. (-ija-enu). Ok&n-tinrin. Okun. . . someisault . Oku-drun. Okundun. less. Okiki kan ka gbogbo The fame of Oyinbo Okdto-okun. savouruseless . an n. n. n. n. . the bridle-string the bridle. snail shell. n. n. an animal under rocks. exercise kun. string. throughout the spreads world. the refuse from dye. which Okun-ijanu.g. Oko-eru. the penis the foreskin. Okun-Apa. corpse . Owu-Alanta. dependent . flax . lock of a gun. e. n. 6kitl-$gan. name of a running . heap . ashes. hill . falsehood OkQ. lie . n. n. hardness . Okun-^rv . musket. a Okudun. running plant whose fibres are used for Oko-riro. n. . . . giving birth to three young ones at a time. an ant hiJl.. n. which that attraction . 0k6-ibon. . Okunkun. dkfina (oku-ona). " report. n. Okiribiti. sea shell. thread. dklti-ar6. hemp Okun-pgbp. n. old path forsaken road. Okiti. worsted. . or OkuH-$r$. Okiyan. tillage plantation Oko. " It comes to the knot (or . . . n. . n. n. . n. n. strength power stamina. fiddlestring. the love of sweet things. tricts 0k6. the name of a tree. n. n. n. n. deadly savour troublesome fellow. — . n. n. twenty cowries. Okllka. darkness salt water. Okun. O kan okikiri. an old encom- n. n. making cord. bondage captivity. Okun-janu reins. dog. n. plant. headlong fall. n. appetite . Orukp. afternoon's work. lives n. ability Okun. n. .g. yam or corn beds . circle . n. name of a disease . celebrity e. mound . n. encourages. agriculture . the cobweb of fibre spider's web. . n. 192 OKU 0kdt6. mastiff." Okikiri. n. . Okun-ole. adj. cord Gkun-Alantakun. n. cord. £)kiti-Ebe. n. Okiti-firu. carcase . difficulty knot. liar. hillock. n. 6k6b6. Oko-Al$. Okunfa dko-bo. farm . a kind of gymnastic . C)ku. rope hillock for plantation. fame . n. dkltipd. tho drift of words tenor. n. Okuku. n. n. (okun-ifa). a small land rumour Oyinbo aiye. the woof. twine. the Digitized by Google . n. 0kdw6. sea . n. lock of a gun. Okd. name. passed space. the name of a tree healing valuable with properties. n. difficult point). 0k5. n. horror. eunuch. rope Okun.— OKI dkikf. . a mouse. person of eats one had in honour. forty cowries' worth. disease. Olobl. ile). . A$ale (okusale. memory dunce. n. a true. n. the owner of a parrot. quartz granite . Okuta-w^re. n. Okutft-akQ. Lagbaja n. — " e. a title of one of the Okuta-Eleru. n. traitor. ku-sa n. 016f6. salvation. liquor n. n. Okuta-imabese. 0kuta-51$wuiu. n. sufferer of losses n. Ola. kola nut seller. 6l6b6 (eni-obo). ill-tempered person. Oloriogun. influence.g. Oku-l$. OloguTU. Ologunsese. dun . limestone. n. 018-AfQWQra. a man of Digitized by Google . Gk)d. 016gur$. Oktl-rdrd. Olododo. Olobo so mi. n. grindstone slab flat or narrator ancient traditions. stone." (lit. stone). a bigamist. n. a loser. doctor . an austere. n. n. anytliing — rotten . n. bird (called the 'Ehu). Qlife$r$ (ni-ogur$). oldgbe. n. Okuta. brewed from Guinea corn. n. a warchief. refuse from dyeing vats . n. king's private councillors. an honourable man . 015de. 016gb6. whetstone. 016gd (eni-Og6). chronicler Ologirf. a kind of small bird generally found in flocks. pilfer. or righteous person. Olobirin. a married person. —gun. stone (in general). n. that n. n. n. Old. the moth which which the cloth. Okuta-pelebe.. Oldgun. Okuta-ibon. 6ku-ye dull (ku-iye). n. . n. busy-body Ologbd. . OlogO. OKtr Okunrun. n.g. — 193 . loose stones. Okuta-wewe. name of an animal. flint {lit. (-6!6f6). person . Olofere. . one who cautions another . Onisegon (ni-dgun). Ola. adj. Olobirin-meji. roof of a house. an in- The late so-and-so. n. a walled town. late (of a dead man). just. n. Ologinni. n. sparrow. n. Ole. tale-bearer. a cat. illness ol6 formant. any hard stone. Olbg6}l 9 adj. booby a duU a dunce. thief . e. n. n. n. hard. n. exhausted and unproductive land. . bailiff. n. who also acts the part of Okuta-iponrin. physician. n. a fortified place . Qknnrun. £)rule. . 016fdf6 . name a of a bird. n. salvation . Okustl." 016hun (-ohun). gravel . of a species of palm n. n. Oldgbe. Okuta-Abere. n. petty theft. name of a tree dedicated to the god of hunting. n. loadstone. Olodumaro.Olodi. . robbery . n. a man owning brooks oi water. the Almighty the self -existent Being Okura (oku-ira). n. Olo.. dealer in bamboo wine. n. " A hint has been given thrown) to me. n. Oldgun. Olodo-Omi. robber theft. saves cause of spoiler 01ogOS$. Oku$a (Qti-oka). name given to gin. gimlet . ft. 016ye (eni-oye). one who makes tattooing his trade. ft. idolater. comb maker n. w. 016klti-aro. a one suffering from Oldtp (ni-otitp). a miser. 016piri. musician. . Olori-ogun. a moth . n. Awere.n. one having rope. Olorin. a public counsellor. Gb£g9 and Alegba). n. 016ri ($ni-ori). 016roro. n. a famous person (lit. . the owner of a thing. Oply$. a guard. n. . ft. doaler in combs. title. ft. n. ft. 0L6 016hun. that on which principal. powder . Olonje. . ft. . (ni-ori?a). war-officer. see Okltl-aro. chief . . one who sheds tears honour or . rope-maker. measurement weight. oneself . Amoye (mp-oye). Olorikp. Olojusaju.g. that which has water . a person of n. >t. a famous one worshipper of idols. man cook. . ft. a person of respect Oldkiki. n. Olo^unw^n. ft. (-okunrun). a men-pleasor. ft. 016ngbQ-$j$. stomach. Olori-lile. Olorisun 016ri$a (ni-orisun). the owner of the fami a farmer. stranger. ropy. a dealer in oil. ft. blood-thirsty person. minstrel warbler . that which has — Olokun (ni-okun). Oldjukan (ni-oju-kan). n. Igbim^-ilu. Oldre. wife of a great person. watery. 016wu. dill. captain of Olori-ile-iwe. al§j6 Olojd. n. 016ko. ft. ground digestive organs. w. ft. ft. n. 01or6 (-0r6). singer . . Olomi. anything is pounded or one who grinds . prudent person of forethought. ft. ft. Olori-okp. a a wise. just Olola (-ila). n. benefactor. a notable person. 194 6l£t ft. Olori. 016kunrun I>atient illness. a borer . ft. . 016ko*$9in. Olori-ile-kewu. senator. 016wo (ni-owo). Oloju-kdkdrd. one who weeps. a small bird. a sleeper. head of a company. OlongO. n. Oldnin. ft. ft. 0l& ft. captain of a ship. a venomous animal. schoolmaster. a spinner of cotton . the person a strong-headed a blockhead. ^he who has name). master. that which produces oil . Oloye. 016 6 (eni-oju). ft. name of a bird. ft. w. covetous person.j . owner : possessor . officer head- man . a carpenter's or smith's Digitized by Google . . (eni-ajo). n. 016ri-69Q. the man who cuts grass for horses . ft.. adj. ft. having . . foreman Oloye. Olori-egbe. a dealer in cotton. Olokun. fibrous . . the groom. n. Oloyo. n. the yellow monkey (also called Tolo. awl. owner of a fountain or spring. Olomije. Olonikp (-onikp). ft. e. 016je. oneeyed person. true faithful person. a rich person. — Olu. Oldya. n. author . a Christian. an inhabitant. Olubusi. see . Alunipa. a tempter. 01upil$?$. Olupin. n. one Olum^ran. n. 6lugb6nd6r6. an instructor . Olugbala (eni-ti-o-gba-la). Olupamp (-pa-mp). Olufakuru. one beloved . clapper of a bell. Olutump. n. hammer dehverer. one who abbreviates. n. Oltotfttl. Olukekuru. a translator. . he who delivers . a divider. n. a hearer a listener a believer. Olupe. Olunsin. abridges or contracts. Adena. n.. one shares with another receiver. n. n. seducer. Oluk^ni (eni-kp-eni). plaintiff. standing . mallet . liberator. heathen. n. . 01ub$. 195 OLti n. one who accumu- n. mallet. the chief of anything the queen of the white ants Olugbagb^. redeemer one who ran. a believer . Oluka. murderer commits manslaughter. Olusun (-fl-sun). a maul . n. n. Onka. a n. 6lu-ag0g0. 6lu. gatekeeper. accuser . one who dwells or abides . a man of under- who loves lover. individually. n. . Gb6ngb6. preserver. adv. n. a large wooden block. . a man of good counsel. every . w. 01uf$. a teacher . n. an allurer. Oluparun. Abpri?a. each. a receiver . n. Oludanwd. 01uk6. giver bestower . tempter. n. 01ubpri?a. Oludande (eni-ida-ni-ide). one who believes . Olugbani. n. n. one who maintains. Olukaye. recipient. a Olugbe. one who saves . beating them with it upon an idolater. benefactor. Olubukun. Ampna. Olufasehin. 01uk61p. Olufunni (-hin-eni). beginner . one who reckons or numbers. 01uk$. n. Ojuwa (ipin-iwa). n. n. a destroyer. 01llf$ (-if$). . soms. n. a devout worshipper . one who blesses one blessed. . a sharer . Olufokansin. n. Olugba. Alabojuto. n. n. one who raises a complaint . Panipani (ipaone who $ni). . superintendent. Olukuluku. Alabapin. a trainer. n. one who lags behind or tarries. n. Olu-igi. inspector . n. a hermit. who . Olu-baj^. a prudent man . . Digitized by n. one who destroys or breaks up. a round piece of wood used to smooth clothes after washing. anything used for hammering. n. a Oludena. . Olugbongbo. adj. 016. Olupani. spoiler corrupter. mushroom. by Olubojuto. a porter . employed to beat a mud floor solid. Olufpnahan. a guide . originator. one engaged a conin carrying away ductor of a party. Olubapin. n. conductor. Olude. Google . defacer . n. n. 0Hlk6pfc Olufakuru. n. 01uk6jppp. OLtr . collector lates. Saviour . n. one supports or feeds . 01ugb$ (eni-igb<». Apelehin. Also Bolebole. n. a seller of fried body . 01uwa-r$. a watchman . . Olutan. a person very stout and tall. n. . water. moisture of the tress . Olutpju. foul water. pron. nut. Oluwo. Omioju. n. Olusln. she. it. Imumu. with ease. votary one who a master. n. Olusin-pba. instructor. another other . n. the act of swallowing actor Olnse (eni-i$e). one or decides. a dealer in malt . a giant . being known in Africa. royalist. a young fowl. ice assistant. n. liquid. n. man bondage chise. n. Onidundo. husband. Digitized by Google . one who has the charge or care of things.—congealocl water). n. trespasser . Omi-eran. else. agitator. broth soup . n. n. " Com petition and reward induce a child to work. serum. On. one who eases . lord . Omije. dirty water. e. n. mis- On. Oluranlpwp. . flatterer . Oiutunu (-tu-inu). n. a guardian . Omi. one in bond. Omi-toro. . humour . a barber.. one who gives bodily comfort. Omi-ikudu. n. a young woman . worshipper . n. gressor. n. tje on ore ni imu omo ise ise. a comforter. who appoints n. master. a {lit. relative. snow . n. one who adopts. trans. Omi-kikan. an . charm sewn in leather and worn about the person amulet.g. See O. shepherd. n. — . a free. redeemer who ransoms." Onibaje. Omi-ara. prisoner . n. Oluspdpmp. Omiran. Omidan. 01ur$run (-re-irun). governor. n. 196 ONI Omi-buburu. n. master . kinsman neighbour . he who calms the mind . n. n. mistress. . pacifier. Omore. . a title of one of the rulers in the country. a Onib^ti. 01u$4. pron. n. n. n. n. OlurekQJa. Oluppnju (eni-ippn-oju). the man. Oluwa. a helper . Onde. n. n. hoar frost . dmirfn. P$nnip$nni. Olutp. and. stagnant water tho water in a pond. salt water . IJletan. omi. . Omi-wara. a deceiver a tempter. n. n. pauper. perspiration. poor person . Omlran. Olurpra (-rp-ara). 01up$nni. is called yinyin. one who pays compliments. n. a kind of sweet . one Olurapada. he. . Omikan. Olatuju. n. yam. sea Omi-iy$. a shearer. adj. headman maltster. servant is served . n. Omi-eje. n. Omnira (oni-ni-ara). an observer . n. n. dmu. . juice sap . n. Olusp-agutan. water . Onde (eni-ide). gravy. whey. one delivered from a citizen fran. he . OLU Olupinnu. n. tear. n. n. conj. a spoilt child. Omi-didi. .. n. Atoniloju. doer accomplisher . n. hailstone. an adversary. a rover Onikiri. n. Onikaun. . n. a dealer in potash. Onibata-lese. n. Onijo. a dealer in brass . one who justifies. collector of customs a porter . OnigbanSQ. Onidampran. wiseacre. Onidodo. w. calabashes. Onikdkd. n. a a forgetful of Christian. a debtor. guarantee. . Onigi. n. a person of an envious person .. a person having a large navel. Alafarawe. Onlaja. 197 ONI bad memory person. surety bail . pacifier . a dealer in firewood. n. Arinjo. Onifarawe. Onifa. n. dancer. Alarinjo. sponsor . a believer . . Onibata. tompter. peacemaker . drought. Ong$. a creditor . two hundred cowries' worth. n. . a peevish person one who is fretful. stupid person . mediator . one who wears . conn. Onibu-ore. a fighter . gymnast. a wanderer a hawker. one on whom another leans or depends. Giver of all Divine liberality. terrible from goitre a wen. w. Am^kdkd. a person suffering . emulator. Onidanwo. n. adv. n. n. shoemaker. one afflicted with scurvy. n. slanderer . . ONI Onigbagb$. n. Onila. bloodthirsty. n. a barber. n. Onigbio (oni-igba-owo). settles disputes . n. one having Onibode. Onidande. redeemer deliverer from bondage. or dread. arbiter. n. adj. n. make? pots Onikun-nla. a worshipper of Ifa. Onidi-kan. Onijakadi. n. n. Oni-ha-gba. . Onilara. Onigboya. judgo . n. Onikupani. n. Onijewp. Onigbagbe. supporter . fearful. Onigbese. Onidalare (-ni-are). a wrestler . a traitor . a vaunter. Oludande (-ni . . n. a circumcised person. v. intercessor. n. n. terror. combatant a antagonist . Onidulum$. a courageous man. fear. one who a potter. Onigbajam$. n. Ongbe-$j$. one tattooed . adviser. 6ni. n. n. Onigb$W<). which ha3 Onigbddogi. a repairer broken calabashes. Onikanra. adj. one who Onidajo. n. Onilera (-le-ara). n. dunce blockhead . brazier. n. that . one who carves Onihale. n. . counsellor ide). n. traducer a n. Onija. Hal^hal^. Onig$g$. toll -gatherer. . n. the child of one free and one enslaved parent. n." n. an adversary. striped. 6ngbe. opponent. Digitized by Google . n. a stout person. caluminator. one another who imitates emulator. n. n. Onib^ru. professor fessor . a strong healthy person. conformist. n. thirst . shoes. to-day. Onilaja. a V>oastful person . a betrayer . a . Onifarar$. a Onide. . Ogboya. .. n. person. physician. n. Owdran. n. kinds. the owner of the land . a goodnatured man. who does fancy Oninububuru. n. n. showy person. sluggish Onilu. n. Oniletubu. Oniran. Onim$-meji. person of amiable disposition . See Ar^nije. Afpnrugbin. Onisiti. a patient one . n. yam. Oninu-didun. Onipamora. n. Onitiju. . Onirugbin. n. persons in various circumstances. ambassador forerunner. n. n. a person . faint-hearted one one panic stricken. doctor. a slow. adv. n. an evil thinker. one having a share in anything. one who makes a covenant. n. Oniso. Oni$£.. trader. Oniriu. n. jailer. n. godly in distressed circmnstances. one work. Onilu. Oninu. of various Onilu-Ori-Oke. manufacturer of beer from Indian corn. one who exchanges or barters. . Onse. Onimajemu. . Onirun. one who deals in living creatures. dealer. a covetous man. ONI Onile. a kind. n. n. person. n. humble Oniyan. gracious person. sons of the soil. a double-dealer. all the day . of one accord. n. Oninunibini. n. person. having capacity. n. Oni$egun. Digitized by VjOOQlC . Onipasiparo. Oni$$k$t$. n. n. n. n. 198 ONI Onireje. n. n. adj. herald . a Onil$. n. benevolent. a modest. the whole of the day. an on -looker. persecutor. n. chief governor or inhabitant of a country. n. Onilpra. Onilu. impudent person. Onirara. n. n. dnimoni. a tanner. . a greedy person . a farrier. Onisaju. adv. n. n. n. n. Oniw$ra. adj. iromnonger. owner of a house. Oniyan. Oni-oloni. n. poet. a highlander. who forbears. bashful person. Onirera (-re-ara). a hairy person. a cheater . jailer. the Supreme Being a sharer a partaker. n. messenger . dealer in locust beans. person. powerful speaker an eloquent person. a patient man a humble person. Onfp vnju. Oninn-kan. Oni$egnn-e9in. Oniwa-bi-Qlprun. Olupyiiju. bashful person one who regards or pays respect. n. adv. Oniru. Oniroru. . n. n. bard . n. n. adv. a dealer in iron . postman . an evil-minded OnigQna-awQ. one who sells pounded Oniwa-iwa. a sower. one who disputes or contradicts. Onirele (r$-il$). not alike . Onirokurd. of one mind . one . Onipa. Onisuru. various . Oni$$na. Oni?owo (-§e-ow6). Onipin. hairy. Onipaiya. n. n. deceiver . n. this very day. denier . n. n. Onitubu. Onitubu. a proud. Oninorere. aborigines . a drummer. several . Orl-eya. Ori-ika. pillar . Oniye. Orf-§kun. Ori.g. 6p6p6. Oyl nko mi giddy filled (lit. n. luck . purchaser. Ori. grace. n. Ore-pfe. Onroro. n. Ori-rere. people of a different friendship for sleeping on. chewing stick. n. a dealer in salt. n. n. followed by wu. division . Orile-ede. a churl. Ori. undertaking . v. n. the cedar tree. n. n. n.. family name.. meat. 6re-?ise. Ori. Onnu. butter-milk. termination of a matter. e. Digitized by Google . issue. beneficence . n." . catastrophe. Opitan. n. singing . psalm . Onka. Onje-ale. — 199 . Onje-owurp.— ONI Oniyanje. food . tribe. Orin. earth. largo hedgehog. 6p6. a cluster . Opere. n. one who counts . highest point of anything termination . n. n. Ori. end boundary . n. v. holy song. favour Ore. Orf. 6yi. the place where the king his . Ori-pya. undeserved gift . Ori-prp. makes appearance in the palace bank of earth such as one observes others to bo enjoying. wide road leading immediately into a town. v. hymn. loju. n. n. Ori. nation. Oniy$. n. . chief meal of the day. song . dpdrd. provision meal . sepulchre. n. n. acme fate. kindness . story- teller. n. Ori. n. " I am afraid. kind of banyan.. n. the tip of the finger. a bunch. porcupine. 0r$. . post . n. followed by si. n. '* I am are eyes . land. Orori. bird noted for sleepiness. language ." with giddiness). historian . unmerited kindness. Op6p6. n. Oniy^nu. n. free favour . tremity. hard. n. mi. termination of the or territory boundary . adj. benevolence. e. n. victuals . kind of black plum. Oril$. Orin.. n. head. to feel a desire for fellowship and Opin. topic . dinner . Orike. border . n. to be pleased. n. Ori. ORI who cheats. ignorant person. head faculty talent . . . Opo. n. Onje (ohun-jije). n. puzzle a simple Ope. one . hymn. drere. troublesome person. psalm n. n. n. n. Onnu nko —my . point issue . n. n. n. wild pigeon. dpo-pkp. breakfast. n. Orin-mimp. mast of a ship. Onje-QSan. common. n. . n. an accountant. termination . morose person . Opinle. knuckle. shea butter. n. Opin-oran. widow. buyer . Ql$. fearful expectation fear as regards the result of a thing. exn. n. Op6. supper. good luck. giddiness. compassionate man. person of good memory. Oniypnu. n.g. butter. the joint. Opepe. the cap of the knee. stake. 0r6. dri-Am$. to feel lively . yd. u. Orika. act of watching from a tower or loft. an austere. knee. n. orange. sorcerer 0s6. . 6rule. spleen. n. 6wor$. 0r$. mug. n. Oro. Oruko-Apele. Oror$. " The sun rises. e. adj. club of god of thunder. n. the bitter kola nut. essence . 6*6." Orun. 6si." Oron-ijika. Orun e. " I am drowsy. virulence. n. n. n. night . the left. torment. Ose. wretchedness woe. hissing a soimd made smacking the lips. n. midnight.g. sleep rest. n.. venom . fashion. Oro. Oru-ana. 6si. dm. . sun is hot. fumes. " The sun sets. Orim w$. Oru. n. n.g. tree. n. n. sun. n. oppression . darkness. day-star. poison . lime fruit . a poor. of worship Orisfila. 0si8$. miserable person. n. yesternight .. Oruka-eti. n. priesthood. n. wrap Oruko. kind of wild pigeon.. Or6gb6." Orim mii. surname. honey. Oruka. by 0s§86. meat quality. Osfc. morning . steam . Orombo. Ori§e*Alufa. nickname. OruwQ. snuff in. earring. . . Orunkun. n. n. n. used for stirring beer . n. forenoon. sweet smell sweet scent . . n. n. ORI Oriso. la. the roof of a house. scent . Osipi. n. up Oruko-Ala j£. fountain object .. a eunuch. proper (not surname). overnight. brimstone n. Digitized by VjOOQIC . bitterness . misery . n. torture. See . smell . 6se. n. n. bile. Orupa. Ord. Or6r6. n. n. sound sleep. heat . n. n. 0r6rd. 0s6. Orun. name of a tree healing proper- need poverty . n. a post of honour. source Orisa. n. paint. habit. Oron-didun. . name . are tied stable . Osi-iw$f&. name deity. name of a tree. — 200 — — . appellation discrimination character. fermentation. enchanter . shines. Onin. origin." e. . oil . Oruganj$. n. w. expressive of grief." Orun ran. n. name of a tree. n.g. a tree. e. 0r6£6. Abam$. w. . ?iewnwu.. pimples on the face. " The sun e. custom. w. a needy one . vapour . odour. n. place 0§6 where creatures for the night . . substance . name of a tree. n.. perfume fragrance. of the best Oru. Or6. self -styled name. a large striped lizard. Otdsi (s$-is$). an erect position rectitude. Oruko-$f$. pitcher. n. the goddess Qbatala. n. gall . unction. spring . Ordnto. n. n. wizard necromancer. Oro. Orun. n. work of a priest. ring.. n.g. the leaf of is which frequently used to . Orison. n. a small bird . chafe. possessing ties. lemon . stalk of Guinea corn. Oruko-IyorukQ. n. n. curse. gods idols. stall. " The Orun nkun mi.g. n. current money . the summit . miserable Oto$i. salary. Owo-idasile. e. Owo-ifura. 0$u. n. disease. 0t6. a poor. n. a prickly bush. 0?umare. wages. a sour. monthly month by month. capacity. rod. a quietly running brook Otito. . riches. Owiwi. n. Owe-ahnn. money duty . n. toll. screech owl. n. the ridge of a house. n. Owo. a true deed . n. usury. Owere. mu. faithfulness . n. Owo-ipile. n. subsidy. — 201 . spectator. n. n. n. Otudim$. impost. tufts of hair left otherwise shaven head. the breast just.g. Owo-nla. n. n. n. money . money subscribed iage O^unw^n-plppa. house rent. a Owo-odnn. n. Owere-njeje. . n. n.. n. finance . stock. weight recover oneself. n. effor* and morose man a churl an ill-natured person. Otutu Owo-lowo. O9&9U.— 0§6 6$6nu. n. Owo-ode. carr- O^unw^n-oninu. O^unw^n-iwuwo. metre rate. n. rent wagos . passionate. n. . money hard . . covenant breaker. Owo-iranlpwp. hush-money . n. adj. trade com0w6. truth . measure . . Owo-dida. 0w6ran. Owe.el e. adv. real on -looker . n. hire . n. n. Owoy6wo. bleak Otutu. 0?unw$n. n. owl . cash. n. Owo-ina. Owo sp mi„ " I am attacked by boils. e. n. wealth . n. Osd§u. truth . true . n. Atudim$ (tu-im$). a kind of running trefoil. n. parable proverb. struggle ." Owo. Owo-aru. n. or tape. n.g. . Owo-&b$t$l$. illness . weight. yearly payment annual income. n. of bribe. principal assurance. the berries of which are red and black. Owo. n. See Asdrln. Oteretere. Owdde. n. Owo-Qy&. n. n. cold . 0?unw$n-onina. tax . n. month. n. paid at the customs . measure of money porterage. iris. n. a measure of length rule. ransom. It is cold. n. Owo-bode. name of a trailing shrub. Owo-ile-le. heart. interest on principal Ota. . . Digitized by LjOOQIC . traffic merce calling vocation. fund capital . " Owe. grove. Otito. cluster . . present month on an £)§u. reserved fund stock. seller. the rainbow . young leaf of the plant Owdge. Otp. money for work Erewe. Owdle." . cash . Owo-ilu.. or contributed. n. Ogn-yi. n. boil. measure . instant. 0?u$U. public money . cowry . . riddle . Owo-Alaiu. cash in hand cash down. Owo-ile. Owokan-aiya. money to be expended. person. n. Otu. reaUty faithful fact. a rill. . large piece of money. n. she . the first cousin on the father's side. dwti-dgodo. e. lamp (used instead of the vowels e. . when tired or gloominesB. " A white man " 6ylb6-dudu. cotton bearing small pods. fog sovereign. n. Qb$. that which divides or separates . They are thus distinguished 6ylb6 funfun. .. a busybody . species of small owl. dwti-ab&ran. cloud . treacle. Awtir$. tatler. n. pron. a cotton bearing large 0." dwu-ake^e. a dagger with two edges. n. . bee .. Qbaiy6j$. 6wu. n. See Kutukutu. the great Yoruba goddess. . £>wu-fitila. Qb$ Oyi. potentate . . thread. lorun.. soup. people beyond the waters. 0b$t$." Oyfc. he Q. honey . monarch liege . See Aba- iyejf Qbakan. n. and small dwtir$. contemner. it . owu Own. 90. e. n. — —— . 6wuSuWUSU. sovereign. contraction of " Iwo. contracted to 6lb6. Owusuwusu mu oju orun baje." <5ya. wick. Qbatala. giddiness. monarch QbaogO. before shall must. n. n. jealousy. <Jya-e$in. lord . n. .. curry-comb. i. n. talebearer . Qbakdso. relative on the father's side. n. providence. despiser scorner . the owner of the heaven. Oyun. lookout . God. £)bag$. n. . n. a very white cotton used chiefly by the Fulahs. n. Oye ko ye mi. e. n. n. . King of Glory God. mist . wick. a prefix signifying owner of. 6yinb6. " The fog spoils the face of the sky. n. . n. dwu-itanna. lightning. thread . penknife. Qbedd. Qbanla. Qbanije. 6yib6. n. a comb. combed cotton . wool. wisdom . : Qbara. n. comprehension apprehension inspection . . n.. Ar$. king prince n. agboyi. n. applied mostly to white man. dagger. thee. sauce penknife . emperor . orun." 6y6. with red flowers Q. Digitized by Google . 202 0B1? cotton . . . 6r$. adj. Qbakanbikeji. dwti-riran. master morning. Oyo. " I did not understand. knife. Qlorun. title of honour.g. Oyin. pregnancy. o) will . n. seeds. n. a walk fatigued. n. pods. n. him . v. O . pron.g. understanding . n. n. span cotton dwti-yanwure. n. heavon . knife . clasp Qbfl. to own the heaven . god of thunder and . Qb$ 0l6jumeji. n. supposed to be the framer of the human body in the womb. n. n. n.g. Qba. but also to natives who have adopted European customs. " A black man. a very fine white thou her. cord or rope.e. green. yearly annual. 0daj(l. commonly planted 0fa. plain without mark or engraving. n. n. arrow . rapaciousness . paint .— <>BQ <)bp. n. offender . a stupid person. . a disgraceful. game . contraction of 0dunrun. n. $d&. n. adj. old necessity . a perfidious person Qdun. a wasp. shaft . n. n. n. piazza . n. Qfa. n. n. about . a lad youth boy young man.& shameless person. See Ndao. hunter . 0d$. humming insect . beetle . grass field. 0f$. . 203 QF? woodman . chase . Qdaraya. (with prep. adv. dearth wax. lamb.g. enabling them to Digitized by fly. remnant cloth in the sley or batten. to 0d$» n young of animals or . adj. QbQgil&WQ. 0d$. n. . stupid person. li IJni obp nya asp. si. festival occurs. 0d$mpde. bluntness . Qdi apasa. 0da. ape. dulness. " The monkey is sure to tear the cloth of one who resembles himself. Qdan. n. criminal payment itous . wine strongly fermented. a Uvely person. ." n. Qdogp. Qd$kp. . bamboo Qdun. unadorned $b$r$. n. Qdasa. adj. drought . 0d$-agdtan. one hundred . n. . $b$kfi. Qdpmp(de)birin. now called Agborun or Igborun. adv. favour grace. want. tar n. Qbolp. n. Qd&n. girl. fibres. youth. n. Qdpdun. n. See Awun. - monkey obp li . gelding . pawn . covenant breaker. adj. n. ^)daran. time which round of annual 0dak$da. act of lifting up lightly. . year in age . stupefaction . base fellow. n. proposer . young woman . n. n. a certain medicinal $dal$. empty word story. n. and twenty. inconsistent Qdfinrun. a rude term for a prostitute . species of river fish . adj. . n. n. a lewd woman. ravin . . Qd&n. one who attempts mover. nay wise. a dunce . 0d$-malu. with. fashioner. in no never 0dari. Qdelesinrin. need . gratis without . bi . rapine . $dagba. . formerly used for umbrella or parasol. gratuity . as a paper by the wind. Qf$. n. Odundun. near . . adj. vain. n. n. LjOOQlC . plain Qdan. shameless. a lass maid . n. . adj. . n. Qd$d$. . n. see (Jdiin ? con " traction of Qrundinirin. pledge. kind of banyan in the street to afford shade. . n. empty talker . n . See Adaraya. e. a calf. one who attempts $d&ba. ni or li). herb. <)b$nbon. . verandah. persons. barbel. kind of charm said to be possessed by burglars. Qdanko. freely gratufree malefactor culprit. grass cloth made from impossibilities. three hundred .. lack . A Qde. Qdpmp(de)kpnrin. See Aba. . A ?dan. — a in boastful e.—— — QFI Qfln. speech ." 0f$. immediately at once simul.g. n.. 6gb?l$. e. n. 0fun. Qgba. sir . wild boar is not easy to Qgbp. gorge ." n.). adv. because the mourning clothes are unwashed until the time of mourning is Qganran. of herb. mister (Mr. " Qgb&gba. n. n. Qgb^-inu. 0ganm$» n. bi V " Are V we companions " n. middle or depth of night. n. drought. nse egbe tabi pgba $. wood planer car- chief. n. Qgan. ?gberi. wrapper. 0gafa. Digitized by Google . n. Qga. n. planter plant . adv. linen. penter.g. n. shipwright builder. Qgby * n a trailing plant whose fibres are used for making 1 ' cord. n. — 204 ." prepared to entrap beast or thief . chameleon. Qgb$k$. Qgb$. Qgbfni. wound . n. Qgb$g$. mouse. n. hurt. n. See Agb$. Ajin sinu ofin ki itara oju ilc. gbin. power of utterance . n. e. Qgb$dan. brave person .. se $fun bi alakara. n. 0gan. darkness . over). pin driven into the ground with a hammer or mallet. persuasion. n.. dryness . ko se 0?& n hnado k6 16 ju.g. e. superior officer master . QGB encounter. A ko or equals gbodo se orisa loju $fpn bi o ba di ale a ma tu pepe. throat . .g. . mourning for the dead funeral . bearer of the staff Qgba tutu. for would be sure to infest the altar in night. as Qgbfgi. fence . a large . —un- . See a mouse. n. drought. pit — . farmer. " man Applied to contempt person. an ignorant person. Qgba. n. pitfall. gbara. burial (lit. n. Qganj$ meje. n. Awa ha incantations. straightforward . a large white-ant hill a running prickly plant. in a right line. 0ga. headman . teacher. . dysentery." the Said of a rogue or busybody. n. ." who has fallen into a pit need not be in a hurry to get home. equal one of the same rank equality . ?gba idabu pna. 0ganj$. state of being cool and green.g. n. One sacrifice in dare not offer a the presence of it Qgbagbigbin. " The great e.. See Ogboni.. 0ga. n.. washed. ship- taneously . . Qgbele. the largest species of wild boar tusk . cut . tooth. tinguished performer n. e. die. " He is as persuasive as a seller of cakes. Qgb?. garden . hedge. 9P9I9 jin pfin ma kanju ati jade. companion . midnight. n. n. . young palm leaves. n. dis. a frog which has fallen into a pit need not be in a hurry to get out. turnpike.<jr. spells Lpn. rain flood. instantly. thick darkness . 0gan.0gan nse nkan " The great one is A trying to shew off a little. balance. adj. n. . cunning . n. " salt. n. n. 0g$d£-agbagba. fillet. a century. 0g$. soft. 0jan. Qgpjp. n. tape . e. — . a package of n - P^ Ml °f water pond. forehead band frontlet. QgQr$. Qg$fa. . skilfulness. any tender leaf. in mind 0j$l$. centenary. . . n. one hundred . banana. craftiness Qg$ta. adj. n.g. dull. diplomacy. artifice. . damp Qjfr alapata. . band . n. phylactery. hoop. sense . n. n. <?g$rin. who is Ak$nk$ li therefore pgp. . modity. a braggart . sash ." Qja &?et&. n. adv. Qgbpn arekereke. settlement n place Qj$» lodging accommodation. n. n. Qg^run pdun. n. 0hal$. . 0gbun. 0g$r$. *' Mother earth is shaved with the plough. ingenuity . n. work. 0j?» QJ0U11. 0g$n$t$. n. wit . . <?GB QgbQgba. See 0run. fair trade Qja. n. a kind of running root. eater . Qgeyi. The man 0g$dy'» of the knotted club. work made for sale . one hundred and twenty. adj. 0han. Qgb$nk$gb$n. n. . wile. n yes 0h$. market goods merchandise com* - . shambles. adj. easy . n. acknowledges or makes a vow. . . overgrown (of young people). n. n. QJ0 Qg$run. Qj$W$. eighty. sixty." Digitized by i. 0hen. thirty cowries. gentle . n. . Qgb$n-6. n. a complimentary term for the earth. ditch extreme end . yonder beyond.g. one hundred and sixty. }ja igbawajn. Qg$san. steep valley. wisdom Qgbon. young in age but fully developed. belt tie. n.e. 0j$g$» - . much used as medicine at the time of child-birth. ribbon . a kind of fish. 0ja. stupid. n. mother earth. adj.. subtilty double-dealing . species of pineapple used for healing sores. plant whose leaf is used in preparing a beverage for children. w. 0gb$l$. adj. zone brace . art . " He Qjere. adj. 0gb$gl>Y» n. girdle . innumerably . Qhaha. one who confesses. n. craft . O sp mi li pj$. adj. n. girth.. adv.. He $g$r$ a fi pkp ye ori. — gloomy weather. ja igbati asp. . one hundred and eighty. 0hun. n. Qg$r$. adj. n. n. . glutton. jabule. multitudinously. 0gQ. Google . ignorant person dunce dupe. . ja gftri. n. called 0ja ikdk6. boastful person. Qgb$n. a short knotty stick or club used for self defence. lodged me. thirty. e." n concurrence agreeing toleration. appointed me a place. 0ja agba. head- 0g$d$. 205 balance equality. plantain. believed to be used by the Devil. or inter. cold .. - . excessive thirst experienced in travelling. - festival day. — . adv. Guinea corn.. n. QJ9 isimi. old time. n. Qka. undivided .. name Oka. oppothe Okanla. e. n. Qjp jakuta. date weather. n. a species of boa constrictor. Indian corn r maize. Qkandilogun should be used for nineteen. meal. See ljUebu. n. avarice . ti se.g. c/. prep. insatiable - . day on which any great event took place notable or red letter day... = . openly . soul . or adv. straight. n. Qkan ifa. towards Qka. — 206 — qkA sun . n. " New Qj<J Year's ikehin Eve. the last day. Qkan tutu. state of being old in age and strength (human). - Qka baba. QkanfOgO. Qk&n. Li oj<j> Qkandilogun. Qjp ajinde (or agbende). every fifth day. " From owner appeared in the the day that the world it. corn food made from prepared yam flour. Sun- day. Qj$ iwa. adj. Qj$ lailai. eleven . Digitized by Google . the same. ancient time .g.e. w. . " He is struggling between life and death. Qjp *JP (0' . . a child's disease . . . last struggle betweon life and death. Qj$ ikehin. forwardly site . 0j$kutptp. against in front. n. a long period.. n. heart.g. also called " Saturday . Qkan. adj. creation. Qka agbado. state of being clastic or flexible. two hundred and one. iJo)» assembly day of memorable or n. adj. the day or beginning e. n. n. of ti n. 0kanla. Qj$r$. Qj$ ibi. frankly. n. . n. . day . n. n. Qkanna. O npe $ka iku. four hundred and one." the Qkankan (ganran)." 0j$gb$. of plant used to cure thesame.— 9J0 Qj$. n. 0kanlenirinw6. n. Qj<j> ikehin odiin. n. " Covetousness father of disease.. cassava or other flour . judgment day. Qj$ al$. adj. thirty -eight thousand (i. Qjp kanri.. Qkanjua baba is arun. began. Qkanlenfgba.. adj. n. eventide. spirit . . ancient time . OJi idajp. afternoon sunset. eleventh twenty-two thousand. ness. 1 head 2.g. $s$. equal. name of a running plant used medicinally. the world Qkanjoa.g. n.. midday. n. w. singly. Qj$jpjp. calm soul meek. day of rest . the resurrection day . pron. n." unit r single Qkan. adj. Easter Day. 19 heads of cowries . many days . . alone Qj$ isi. e. Qkankan. affection longing . alaiye ti de aiye ni iwa of for. 0k& iku."—e. which is set apart for the worship of ^ango. conscience . an avaricious person .. single alone . n. n. one - . e. birthday. " Qjp ipalpmp. nineteen the nineteenth .000). ambition covetousness . Oii PJ$» n court-day. u. n. of one year old. a mourner. harpoon elefin. adj. laziness . n. honour dignity. ' Qkp kiku " The husband's death is the widow's anguish. n. Qkplobirin. n. indolence. or tiling ." Qkinrin. slack . biennial two years' standing. e. n. " When Qkinrin plpla. . drone. tish. Qlpbp. Qk$. kind of n. li mp obirin. gru or pelebe. n. large nether millstone millstono . goods train .g. respect dignity . See Qk$ Qkp ejika.. osi Onilaja. n. grandee nobleman. . husband. n. n.— —— OK? 0k$. n. n. n. embryo. . irokd oju da the squirrel gets to the top of an iroko tree there is an end (of the chase). n. squirrel. 0kun. each . adj." . one who refuses to go on an errand or to work.. train. shuttle The centipede must have known its way before it was blind. . lackadasical. authority. riches. a bird. 9km is elewa ala. owner of the beautiful white feathers. Ql$. —sword 01e. 01$. one owning a monkey. idleness . defamer . shoulder-blade. w.. — 207 . Qkpla. a yearling. e. n. (^k^rp restless character. Qlanla. Qkplaya. n. . plough Qla. n. a burden e. n. the. n. regard for person Qkp steamship. one by one alternately. n. Qtyty. Qlp. Qlpdi. n. shovel. 0kun mp pna tplp ki oju r$ ki o to fp. 0kin baba ori igi gun sasa. n. calumniator.. bearer). soup -like. Ql^dun m$ta. large bag. 01$1$. n. 0k$r$. M$im$i. " May eiye.g. centipede millipede . great 0k$da. . stirrup. idler. dart . n. majesty n. . triennial. adv. n. okin the king of birds.g. archer bow and arrows. wealth . cargo steamer. n. Ql$b$. n. QL<> Qkinrin alaisimi. (asa). 0kfyjf$. e. n." Qla. a cook. one having soup . n. supposed to be blind. Qk$ Qkp Qk$ Qk$ eru. adj. peacemaker. . page (lit. a bird that lives on crickets. plough. Qku. Qkinrin. male. n. spear . itiil$. javelin . n. . Ql^dun kan. 0kple. Digitized by Google . n. an inferior kind of soap which does not lather. 0k$t$. man . passenger train or steamer. honour .g. hoe . a kind of cake. " The you live for ever. n. Igbaja. house-builder. n. adj. Qk$ aipda or atuda. a canoe boat ship. . n. ferry boat. a tattooed person. to-morrow the morrow. one possessing Qlpfa. Qk$kan. backbiter . 01aja. of Ql^dun meji. " Qk$." 0kin. 01e-darun. husband. n. sake . n. a married man . Qla. il$. ' . n. Qk$ Qkp. loiterer. adj. a complimentary salutation to an inferior. erd. n. the white feathers of which are much valued. grindstone. constable. kidney. — by robbery. a venerable personage one commanding respect. . revolutionist . god of the lagoon. a seditious Qlyt$. Qlpra. a human being a a soap . n. n.e. a foster child . Qlpypmb$r$. n. rich man. fawn. rebel. mason. n. nobleman . n. n. Qmp agutan. n. artisan adj. a robber serves his chief Qlfap. n. child . QlyPa. the QlyPa. . striped col- oured. God {lit. n. person nobleman citizen. n. a bearer of the staff of royalty. <?L<? 208 n. adj. . progeny kernel. QlyTun lfle. prince crown child. spear- manly n. Qly?a. Qlpmp. architect . Qlyla. drunken. n. power the See — 0fun. Qlyfv» n possessing treasure ' concubine's illegitimate child. a speaker . n. possessor or master of time. Qmp alade. person. n. n. n. standard bearer. n. Qmp agb^nrfn. adj. owner or master of a ship . soapy. n. man canoeman. n. donor. Qlypagun. puppy. a ferry. palmy. Qlyfun. a respectable . n. dealer in a tributary people. agbere (or tard . n. n. adj. Digitized by . the crew of a boat. adj. n. boarder. trees. possessor of palm Q1$P9» n - n. one of who has utterance. . n. aid). bamboo. soul n. padlock key. God. infant babe. n. Ql$6$. n. . VjOOQlC . lamb. one possessing . a baschild . a stiff-necked one. Qlpwa-pkp. having a staff or stick. a possessor of or dealer in bamboo . mechanic . or owner of Qlykan. i. QlyP$t n. n. n. n. servant . spleen Qlyja. agbo or pwp. person in authority nobility. a builder of walls Qmp. n. . a person of rank . Qlpjp. n. chicken. gardener owner of a garden. drunkard. agadagodo. . title of chief supervisor of markets. adj. Qlpkp aspda or atuda. a thanksgiver. the owner the of the heavens) Supreme Being the Deity. n. man maker or seller of beer or any liquor . QlpWp dsin. boatman . Ql$k$. Qtypagun-Qba. trader . giver .. tree with broad leaves of the banyan family. agbabp. of a parent. Qlv>ti. n. a bearer of king's staff .. QMQ QlyTUn. n. n. issue. . n. n. adj. Sabbatical. princess . Qm$. adj. offspring . . n. QlyUa. a small streaked See Aworiwo. Qlogba. . adj. owner or possessor child . issue . merchant Sabbatarian. thankful. . n. a committee. Qmp. life or day. having artist. n. Qlp inn. and . one who . Ql$w$. Ql$t$. ruler . a left-handed person. luxuriant. a wealthy the man of . one who is concerned in a matter . fruit Qmp Qmp Qmp Qmp Qmp adip. QlySa. lizard. QlyT&n. Qmp aja. QlyTp. QlySin. name a plant. n. highway. n. . w. servant. the pupil of the eye. Qmp 036. horseroad. . Qna rere. grandchild. damsel. young woman . scholar learner. handmaid spinster. . calf. n. n. n. 0mvw$. Qna. Qmpse. orphan. a kid. millstone. n. staff . n. the windpipe throat. n. n. Qmpdan. Ti ompri ti iye. toper . n. n. wide n. the chief eunuch. wide road . n. mason . road channel path access . n. Qna Qna ^v^v* n spout. ' QMp Qmp alaildbi. Qmpkmiun. n. n. whelp. . instrument used in weaving to divide n.. salamander. n. n. . n. Qmpbibi. Qmp enia. farewell Qna rere. child of a female slave taken as wife. girl . n. teat. breast . soldier warrior. n. Qmpd$. pestle. Qmp Qmp Qmp eiye. n. great grandchild. Qm$16. idi. . n. clue. gb6r6. n. . . the young the woof. architect house-builder . e. plaything. Qmpl6. a bedstead. n. drunkard . state of child. Qm$w6. Qna iw$f&. eaglet. n. open road . Qna $fun. eranko. lion's . . alligator. n. Qmp Qna tprf or tdr6. . pap udder milk . a wide road leading to the gate of a town. Qni. Qna. n. inferior . Qmp ol6gbo (ologini). Qmpbirin. n. grandchild. Qmp 6ku. duckling. . ilewe or kewu. son boy youth young man. n. adieu. Qpa akete. Qmprlka. narrow street or lane. n. prince . n. n. blacksmith's hammer. disciple. Qna Qmplala. sot. of birds. daughter OpA complete vessel. Digitized by VjOOQIC . w. Ideri. bricklayer. Qmpri pip. Qmp wahari. hood child . n. n. colt . smaller or toe.. lane. crocodile . . e$in. Qmp 16jfi. O^a n. gate leading immediately to the street. " A vessel with . Qmp-pmp. narrow road path . n. n. ode. . Qmp $hin. Qmp Qmp Qmp ideri. Qna 6p6p6. pole. upper Qmpde. the young of wild beasts. n. street Qmp langi. distant - . n. street gbdrd. pba. . workmanship. road distance. . . Qmp OWU. a begotten child. a learned man scholar. n. its cover. gentleman Son of Man good person. lid any small part needed to Qpa. n. stick . art street way . top or tip of finger. n. little finger or toe. Qmpri odd. Qna gbangba. Qmutfyd. orphan. Qmp ewur£. see Qmpri. Qmp pepeiye. n. Qmn. n. lad . Qmpdinrin. n. younger follower . cover . n. n. bamboo pole. Qmpri. . n. foal. — 209 . kitten. Qmn. Qmutf. See Majesi. Qmpgun. Qmp main. n a doll . Qpa. . n.g. n. Qmpkpnrin. brood . princess child of king." n. n. swimmer. n. youth puerileness. walking travelling stick. n. flock. feet. messenger of Ifa. dant . gift . n. pineapple. n. - hush money. adj. iron rod. matter . bar. dispute denial. Qra-elelo. n. a measure of yardstick. Qran-ese-nla. 0r$. abunlard . youth . " Thanks n. OpW Ora. Qp^lenge. . n. alms . pepper-bird. Opa Qpa irin. Opfre. walking flail. affair . n. Qre ibere afoge. n. n. n. 0p$» n. banner. 0p5*$» n young child . pointed stick . n. n. itana. n. small whip . imnrin or irin. n. idabu. candlestick. Qre inn rere. . n. sceptre. present oblation. Op$da. n. adj. . commonly . Or$run. n. shaver shearer . a very small straw bag in which cowries are kept. 0p& Qpa fat . Opa ognwon. n. See Apard. ipd. a$Q» w. n. n. the bark of which when are due to the shoulders wliich keep the shirt from slipping off. n. Oran. lad . . swarm tallow . Qr$. length . square bottle with - - narrow bottom. case circumstance. Digitized by Google . n. thanks. felony. n. Qr$r$. e. n. Qpe li op$ ejlka ti ko je ki $wu ki o b<J. quarrel . friend. stick. n. worth. a stupid person. the name of a tree. cream. n. plentiful . Qp$. plenty . brain. flagstaff . Orin. . . dance. n. ipaka. 0pW> n * » importance . Opa it^bO* n a rod Qpalaba. controversy. whip scourge. Qre atinuwa. Qp$n. . eighty. a slender person one tall but not stout.g. Qredan. . n. plentifully . n. charitable gift. n. n. a wooden rod. slight fits. a flagstaff. pail. copious. Qp$l$. n. n. Qr$. n. rod . small boat or canoe. Qp$n-nla. kneading trough. n. n. cross-stick pa ide. n. Opa mimu or 961196. Qpolomo. reward n °ribe ' 0p$» n pahn tree. fitila. . - Orf k$?$. grease lard . . candlestick lamp- stand. in 0*9 $b$» gift : used as leaven. tub . n. gratitude. goad. Oran iyan. matter of controversy . bowl ensign . . Opa Opa UPa VPa Opa alade. reward of divination." — . Qre anil. n. lass . abundantly. Qpalai. three common trough . barber. dysentery fr°g toad. Qpon-ikowesi. staff . 210 QRI Op^lQP^t adv. yard measure . fig tree. gratuity boon . (kiti) 9 n. .. Qra-wara. a tablet. pounded water is and washed . n. Qpagun. heaviness . . igi. Pagan. — . aaia> n. dispute reasoning . Qp$n akara. a brass rod. Qrin. Op$-W$m&. n. Qpolo. benefaction. abun. suet. cheapness abundance multitude . Qpe-oyinbo. . " 0san. n. bow. " The king has spent his time well. dried or preserved. 0T$ 0r$ eru. ness. Qrunla. Qr$. exaggeration . n. n. nonsense . Qr<J enu kd piye. Qsan. Qrun. is which 0r$run. - 0Rl 0rlndinirinw6. n. Qr<J onigun meta. a complimentary heaven title of Ifa (Ut. period intervening from one holy day to another . . Qrinrin. the god of physic medicine. interval . place of punish. dampness moisture . three hundred and twenty. Qsa. 0TQ ainfmv . n. Qsa. Qsytta. n.. tune Qr<J.. reared. private conversation . dutifulness. domestic animals. mammon. adj. wealth . firmament hell (lit. n. . useless 0T$ n. Qrun. a water-bird. n. n. <*&j. Qse. adv. Qr<J ad$t$. Qsa nja loni. talk **. servitude. . fairy. Qsanyin. . adj. Qrun rere. QrQ k$l$ or j$j$. riches . n. a whisper. n. . space of time . a thrower of missiles. " Because the waterbird knows how to swim. discomforture. rough to-day. Digitized by Google ^ .. — word . n." Qsin mo w$ fr$ jija> Qro kan. n. Qrunmila. garrulity . two hundred and eighty. e. kind of code word. n. sign . n. Qrun. n. theme . n. 0T$. tale-telling. the — invisible world of goodness). " The lagoon species cactus. 0rinlel$gb$ta. ible Qrun ment regions above. Qr$ asan. n. e. QgQ. talkativeness . season . 0r$ ami. n. the lagoon. are Qr<J whose various named Qr<J — is very e-g. word. Qsan dyibO. orange. n. neck. daradara. sug- gestion. bondage as Qr$k$Fv» n . by the hundred a hundredfold. inu mbi eiye oko. a week. n. expression . profound speech mystery. secret . sapo or satipo. n. - — 211 ." Qba na se $sa tir$ agogo. fiction. heaven (lit. . n. fallacy . oloud . n. n. fortreasure . — Qrinlugba. evil spirit ghost . 0S<> Qrun. n. flight . daytime. conversation . a certain vegetable. watchword .g.g. opulence . n. hearted person. . generous one hundred. foolish babble . six hundred and eighty. sky . world of potsherds). the invis. humidity. sign asfri. the other birds are envious. futility . of a tree and its word lime tree and fruit fish. Qrinl6nirinw6. liberal . muoh speaking . four hundred and eighty. n. QSQge. elay knows who shall be saved). cloth of great width. n. jargon. confused expression equivocation. ijinle. apadi. fruit name . Qrun $wu. for building . a meaningless nonsense. dependence that . adj. heaven . profundity . n. - sentence . shirt collar. Qsin. Qr$ ir$. n. holy day . morsel n. 0$un. fresh . Qti &buro. sour liquor Qti kikan. . . n. See Okele. n. alone 0t$. a marksman . a small pitcher or mug. n. n. barm. n. branch east wind. 0tes$. n. osan. Qsa.. trembling. Q^ingin. rat trap . injury. n. club or company sum- moned . newness . 0?$» Q?$ Qti. 0wa. n.— QSQ Q8Q8Q. Qti npa. sop. revolution 0t$. cataract droppings from the eaves. slender . yeast . crane. Qwa. beasts or . separate. 0tnn. jewels. 212 0W0 worm found rivers. furniture . recent. entireness. Qfa. rebellion. of palm tree . 0tun. 09Q. 0t$t$. n. the act of robbing Qt$. 09$]?$ adie. new . soap. . n. Qsan. a river goddess. thorns used in pitfalls . Qti oloje or jlni. revolt . adj. rum from a demijohn. . ma jinna. n. a hard wood often used for staffs. . n. n. cattle multitude of ." Also a fishing line. bullet . fish resembling antagonist adversary. any intoxicating liquor. i>. n. the whole of anything . n. A cutting string as tough as a bowa cutting word Qti $da. n. n. 0ta. decorations . old fermented liquor. thin. a kind of snake which bites quickly and is poisonous. n. n. and Qgun. neatness . n. n. a kind of cattle sickness. n. bowstring thong. n. n. Qta. n. robbery. vinegar. n. Qti djd or titan. season. n. Qs$. Qsan enia. n. the day after to- freshly morrow. 09$. mackerel. a kind of herb (edible). to be intoxicated. n. a kind of in brooks . Qf&n. anyQw&ra.g. n. dexter. different . a beast resembling a dog.. n. finery . much plucked used ears for of used for keeping holy water at a heathen shrine. flock of birds. e." Qse. shower of rain thing thrown or scattered. that which is quite fresh corn. 09unsftn. Qs$. gunshot cartridge. 0ta. ball 0W$. adj. n. to assist in labour. Qsorp. or adj. interval . 0wawa. See Sa. one who digs. or adj. elegance .g. — " made of raw koko ohun word bi is . hurt . " A slender person. cannot be healed though a wound may. habit of dress . n. Qtf. trade gin. twine or cord. pickaxe. n. freshness . n. company travellers Digitized by Google . right hand . chicken. shooter. 0W$. 0wa. class . unfermented liquor. Ale ogbe jinna e. novdty . 0tunla. n. n. enemy . . n. hide. 0tun. cascade . opponent 0W$r$. which climbs a tree with its face downwards and its hind legs topmost. time . n. 0W$. Owariri. private informer. n. 0?un. n. n. . gba ti i. O gbe o pa. . n.. fleet collection of ft. ft. Qw$n.g. flame of fire blaze. Paba. v. Pa af $fe. ft. cloud. ft. adv. to be barren . adv. Pa. in holes. a adj. e.. cut (yam seed or calabashes into halves) break any hard nut . spray. to sit on eggs Digitized by . a kind of spits at opponents. ft. wages . pillar of wall. to enjoy the breeze. Qw$n Qw$n QWyU ile. put out of existence . QwQWQ. . Qytin. to whom the river Niger is dedicated. Qyinyin. pus. Qya. a bird." e. bruise rub. a title of respect conferred elders of on the leading <)y<J. n. in on instant. blame . ft. to kill . Qwun. Qwun. Qw$TQ. to bo bald . a bird which lodges vengeance . Pa. to avoid giving an occasion for strife or quarrel. ft. a bird. . " Qwy*. so called from its cry. twilight . scrub . " Givo .. " He took it up at once. ft. . LjOOQIC . dgiri. v. pillar. ft. ft. ft. w. Qwodpwp." inter. betray . 0w<J ©ni* A multitude of people followed him. hire . ft. me 0W$n. to be hairless . the harmattan wind. pAb Qya.g. . . ft. navy. dearth . to exercise in the air. Qya. v. Qw<m awosanma. n. . Qkfo ships $tun. house ft. at once. stipend . n. Qy$.g. QyQ-sW*. Qwpl$. from hand to hand. to erect a tent ation weaver. be drunkon. ft. Qwodindin. Qy$. to be weak handed. . mud left . which is therefore called Odd Qya. Qypgphpgphp. herd . v. . extensively used in composition) . Qw$. or . Pagy*. beginning of dawn." opportunity. ft. v. string or cord grass. quench ment. another name for ()rau. n. win a game . Qwq eran. ft. series . ruin . so called from its motion. 0w$ Qw$ Qw$ dsin. made of assortment. brick (primary idea " to make to feel " or suffer . Qy^jnlsi. honour respect. Qwp ina. ft. retalirecompense . ft. a pillar. extinguish . incubate. pillar of Pa. e. wife of $ango. a black snake which salary . cultivate a new tell fables grass field . hand branch broom besom. Qw$. a spoilt child. ft. peel the bark of a tree . ft. . — 213 — . one spoiled by indulgence . matter from inflam mation or boils . scarcity wicked person. pillar of a house the monu- stay fire. hatch . Bun mi time.— QW0 caravan . pay animal which is also called Ewuju. ft. expressing disgust. ft. Qyan. . scarce. hand. herd of cattle. murder . li owol$. the right hand. v. Pa ag$. 6p6. encamp. dear . time . v. to thresh corn. Oju. n. to alter or disguise the voice. come . relapse. restrict. v. alter . a mouse or rat trap. v. also called Orin. bind. re d6." Pakapaka\ n. P&gbf.. Oju r$ pakannakanna. e. back to against. Pajapaja. in battle (lit to encounter. n. a kind of dove also called Orofo. cramp. Padi. to sharpen the teeth.g. Pafe. to turn . Pahfn. turn upon v. v. Pak(Jl vkvlv . v." v. a Pagp. to wallow in the mire. meet v. to repay v. inter. to reform one's Paba. v. (followed by be to the eye). " Close . bottom. to resort to . Pade. Pfila. Pa etf pfa. Pako.. to be very silent . make or form a Pak^. v. see Pa ag<J. a board. reflect . a coarse mat. act Pada tunwd. torpidity . retaliate refund. to eclipse. Pa iwo to shut. new grass Pakp. Pa keTce\ v. —meet mo at the elbow) a too liquid. cassava . Paka. — 214 — . dazzled by lightning . n. to sneak. to be angry. . called also mi loju. n. to cheat .g. bamboo. e.— pAb . v. Paknte. Padasfhin. to v. Google . Pakota. change return . to bo quiet. Pagbo. a word of reproach to the cook. to peel off the bark lop off all the branches of Pakunrete. Pahonda. n. Pade. to be busy here and there . to mark the boundary of land or territory . Pagi. n. board . skulk. Paki. Digitized by Pagunpagun. a long table. reconsider. Pakaja. numbncas . to meet with together." e. to be appeased. your book. a corn thresher. Pa bnburu da. to gnash the teeth. Padi. v. to look back. v. " The lightning dazzles me. n. n. back. lace of conduct. Pademinigbonwo. Pa k$k$. that which numbs . to be rushing about. v. n. v. v. to convert . Pagidari. v. " He is angry. Pako. v. v. an exclamation clumsy. adj. v. Padasi. to cultivate a new forest. Pakannakanna. to cultivate a field. Paf$. a chewing stick . back Padasan. Pakd. of surprise. v. came . n. Pahinkeke. v to be cracked at the . to pass a country cloth from under the arm to tho shoulder. relapse. Pafa. sauce . v.. Pakiti. defraud swindle. to barb an arrow. PAL edge or trimming a cloth. a small stewpan. torpor .g. tree. adv. bewildered. . to chatter with the teeth involuntarily. Paje. plank. circle. Pako. . same as Patapata. to Manamana come si pakannakanna Padegun. v. to slay for food. v. close up. Pade. v. n. butcher's table . v. v. Gbaguda. ; ; ; ; ; pAl P&la, 215 PAP change the mind ; prevail upon. Pank$r$, n. the willow. mutual Panpa, ft. bargain ; agreement between traders arrangement by which the price of adv. with much effort with difficulty ; busily. Pa laiya, v. to appal ; strike with terror. P&laka, n. the division of the fingers or groin tree. ; bough of an article is fixed rough, rugged ft. Palapala, crevices of rocks, crags. Palapala, ft. nonsense ; absurdness ; irrationality. bruise Palara, v. to hurt ; by all traders. ft. PanpewQ, handcuffs. Pansa, ft. dry calabash uncut, with the seeds in it. Pans&ga, ft. adultery, fornication ; damage. Palarada, v. to disguiso, change, or alter the form. Palace, v. to give a command ; harlot, prostitute. Pansuku, large calabash or basket with cover (used for carrying food, wearing ft. make a law mand. Pale, Pal$, v. ; will ; com- apparel, elling). etc., when trav- to scrub or rub a floor. Bal$, adv. down to the ; ground Palgrin, v. on a level. to excite to laughter. adv. in a Pali, ft. cardboard, shrivelled manner. Pal$, v. to puzzle with enigmas or riddles. Pal$l$, v. to cease burning in a flame ; smoulder ; to be quiet, still or motionless to be subdued, overawed. Pa fytf, v. to intoxicate. Pam$, v- to hide, be out of sight ; concealed ; be latent ; keep ; roserve ; preserve. Pam$l$, ft. viper, adder. Pam^ra, v. to bear patiently refrain ; forbear. quaint, adj. odd, Pandan, Panti, Pantiri, n. a trailing plant, grove of trailing plants heaps of rubbish. Papa, ft. grass field ; newlyburnt pasture land. especially ; adv. parPapft, ticularly ; principally. Papat adv. violently (qualifying Wa, to tremble). Papa, ft. difficulty ; trouble ; plague ; pestilence ; uneasiness ; pest. Papagdri, w. a small bird, superstitiously regarded by the worshippers of §ango, who pretend to understand uneven, awkward, uncouth, queer. Panhun, adv. at once, in a stroke. Pani, v. to kill ; murder. Pania, v. to commit murder. Panipani, ft. a murderer. Paniye, v. to conf uso v. to Panfyeda, ; confound. persuade the meaning of its cry. Papala, adv. flatly ; drily (qualifying Gbe, to parch). Papasan, n. a herb much used in abscess or cases of whitlow. Papejp, v. to call a meeting or assembly. Pap$, v. to clap hands. Papasan, ft. same as Pasan. Pap6, v. to collapse. Paporo, v. to corrugate ; make a furrow. ' Digitized by Google — ; ; PAP mingle v. to join ; Pap$, together ; unite. Para, adv. with a sudden noise. Para, n. the upper part of the plate which rests on the posts supporting a piazza. Para, v. to rub the body with ointment. Para, v. to frequent or haunt a place. 216 p£ Pas $, v. to issue a prohibitive law ; command proclaim ; issue a proclamation. Pa?ipar$, v. exchange ; barter. Paf u, v. to carefully avoid strife. Pata, n. small working trousers. ; Pataki, adj. ; head chief ; principal bulk. adv. specially ; chiefly. Patak6, n. wooden shoe to disguise ; ; clog ; Parada, v. ; change ; hoof. alter figure ; Param$, v. transform ; transturn oneself. to keep oneself close ; Patak6, n. plank ; board. Patapata, adv. on the whole totally ; abaltogether ; solutely. take heed. Par$, v. to erase ; blot, confuse ; cancel ; minate. rub out extirpate exter; expunge Patapata, adj. speckled ; spotted. adv. with specks or spots. Pate, v. to spread or expose (as Pare Pari, lulu, v. v. to entirely efface. goods for sale). Pat$w$, v. to clap hands. Pati, adj. adv. forcible, violent. with force or Patipati, adv. to ; come ; to an end ; finish superior be over be done for be ; to conclude Pari, v. to be bald. Pari ereke, n. jawbone. Pariwo, v. to make a nois 3 prattle brawl. ; violence; forcibly; violently. Patiye, n. whip ; switch. Pato, adv. exactly ; really, adj. definite. v. to make a noise. See Pariwo. Paw^da, v. to change the hand a term used by canoemen, meaning that the steerer must immediately change his position for the opposite Pat6, Pat6t6, ; roar ; jangle Par6, n. native leather necklace. P&T$, v. to exchange ; barter. e.g., Awa " fi ohun par<j> ohun, We exchange words." Par$r$, v. to be very calm. Parity, v. to immolate ; burn. Parun, v. to destroy ; annihilate ; erase ; efface ; obliterate ; repeal ; extirpate. Pasan, n. oyster shells ; also side. PaWyP$, n trap; handcuff. Payeda, Piyeda, v. to change Pe, feathers, moult. correct (as adj. rogards clear, number) ; perfect. Pe, v. to be full, complete, Papasan. Pa8$, v. to rock a child (on the back) to sleep. Pasi, n. a kind of coarse grass called for pure, holy ; to expire, as a term or day fixed upon to meet, assemble. Pi, v. to call, invite, cry out, thatching. n. Pafan, Patiye, scourge. whip, rod, pronounce. P6, conj. that ; in order that to ; saying that. Digitized by Google ; ; ; ; PE v. to call a public meeting. Pe aje pada, v. to countermand or revoke an order. P6b6,acfo. thoroughly and briefly. 217 Pesan, v. P$K palm to crack the shell of nut. Fe ap&JQ, a prepare, to make Pese, v. provision for, equip, cater for. PSfo, v. to cast off or change v. skin. Pih&n, to change feathers, moult. Pejo, v. to meet, assemble. to convoke an v. P6jop$, assembly. PeSO, v. to bear fruit. Peg6ki, v. to pronounce ; call aloud. Pe$$, v. to glean a reaped plantation. P6$i, v. to hurt, accidentally. kill, or wound be increased, abound. add or put on a Pile, second cloth over the first native cloth. This is done by married women only a young or unmarried woman never wears two. Pele jo, v. to call to judgment, Pele, v. to v. to Petan, v. to be perfect ; correct accomplished ; fulfilled. Pete, v. to intend ; be about to do ; mean, purpose. Petele, v. to call beforehand ; forenamed. Pewe, arraign, summons. a feast, v. to pass the country cloth round the waist and leave the upper part of the Pi Pi Pi 16nje, v. to invite to entertain. 16ruko, style. v. to call by name, 1q, v. call v. away. call PSna, to an assembly assemble and naked. done as a mark of respect on entering the house of a great man, or a heathen shrine. P$, v. to be long ; to stay, bare, body This is or congregation, tarry, endure, last ; wisely Pi together. nfja, v. to fight. v. avoid, late. adj. tardy, tedious, challenge to a P$gan, v. ; Pi pada, for to recall. niate to despise slander ; (full) ; calum- defame slight. Pepele, n. of bank of earth raised ; a sleeping place earth or matter ; Peg(J, adv. to the brim abundantly. Peiyepeiye, n. fowler. Peja, v. to fish. Pejapeja, n. fisherman. stone also Ogorupd. Peri, ado. only. Peregun, Pdrdgun, n. a kind of cotton tree used as the emblem of a goddess of water. Perepere, rectly. P$J$D$3$t °^w. softly, nicely. v. to shoot out branches to be divided into branches. P$k$l$p$, inter, expression of P$ka, adv. perfectly, cor- surprise. Pekepeke, Peri, v. to mean, allude to, say. ; Pero, v. to counsel together take counsel against. to adj. the sound of tapping. Pekorp, v. to act slyly, artfully, or with cunning. Digitized by Google — P$K P$kun, P$la, v. v. — ; 218 to come to to eat the P$T wood or bamboo form ; an end. ; plat- new yam shelf on which yam* goose. (this is done with great ceremony). P$l$, a word used to imply sympathy for one just hurt or in pain, signifying " I are stored. Pepeiye, n. duok; Pepekun, P$rf, n. sea shell. sorry " ; also much used as a first salutation by the Awori and Lagos people. P$l& Pelepele, adv. easily; softly ; quietly ; soberly ; am adv. to part asunder suddenly (as split wood) all at once. without P$r4, °dv' quietly; bustle ; suddenly ; also n. a particular kind of nose band put upon an unruly horse to assist in breaking in ; a small earthen jar used for measuring palm containing about li oil, it meekly Pelebe, pill, ; adj. sedately. thin, flat, (as and n. rounded pebbles), tabloid. P#$ P$l$hin, adv. behindhand. niwa, adj. affable, gentle quarts. P$l$p$, hyena, superstitiously supposed to have once been a human or being. deportment. wolf n. P$l$tu, adv. amicably ; peaceably. Pfli, adj. shrivelled ; flat ; dry. P$lti, adv. along ; together with ; also ; with. Pfclft agbara, adv. justily, forcibly. (qualifying Ya, to tear), into pieces, bits, or rags. e.g., O faaso ya p$rep$re, " He tears the cloth into rags." Perepere, adv. (qualifying Du, e.g., to bo black), very. Aso yi du perepere, " This cloth is very black." P$r$p$r$, adv. (qualifying S$, to niter), rapidly. P$s$, adv. gently, easily. P£rep$re, adv. P^lti eyi, adv. herewith. P$lfi eyiti, adv. withal. Pfclfi P$se, same as P$l$. Used only by Ijebu, Awori, and Lagos people ; adv. irdnu, thoughtfully. yet. gravely; ; P$lfi kini, adv. wherewith conj. generally as salucontracted into $ si o or ? s'5. P$t$, adj. flat ; shallow ; even. tation ?$t$l$, n. level P$lup$lu, besides ; adv. also moreover; ; ground; plain. further- more. Petele, n. sympathetic swelling on the groin. Pemo, v. to unite with a superior in order to gain a successful end ; to adhere to (as a tick to an animal). Petep^re, adv. comfortably. ; ; P$t$p{t4, n. mud mire ooze. —e.g., PWpftf Ijesa ta si If the mud ni lara ma si, (( P$p$, — n. birdsnare. e.g., adv. gently. O lu mi p$p$, " He in the Ijesa country adheres to one it will not (easily) stroked me gently." Pepe, n. altar ; shelf ; slip of be washed off." Proverbi- ally used of tattooing. Digitized by Google — P?T Peteri, adj. remarkable able. Pettt, v. to console ; ; ; ; 219 notice- PtP adj. ; Pipamv, secret ; latent refresh. Petupetu, n. fowler, Guinea fowl catcher. Pi, adv. entirely, dormant. Pipani, adj. deadly ; hurtful. Pipani lerin, adj. exciting to laughter. Qti, n. intoxication. Pipari, n. resolution ; conclu- wholly ; without Pipa exception. Pidan, v. to perform sleight of sion ; completeness, adj. hand. Pijfc, v. resolute. to Pile, to cut grass for horses supply provisions for to commonce originate (used of v. Piparun, n. that which may be destroyed or erased, adj. destructive. Pipe, adj. perfect ; horses. Pil09$, ; complete ; begin mechanical work). Pim$, v. to take counsel together suggest ; hint. divide to share ; v. Pin, ; distribute; allot. v. to end ; terminate ; Pin fnnni, v. to divide ; distribute ; dispense. Pin nidindi, Pin nidodo, v. to apportion ; to parcel out. Pin ni meji, v. to pair ; to halve. Pin nfnu, v. to participate, or Pin, Pinl$, sound. Pipe, n. that which is to bo called or bidden. perfectly, Pipeperepere, adv. completely. Pip$, adj. long ; tedious ; old ; ancient ; durable, n. the act of being late or long in coming. Pip$ titi, adv. long duration. adj. perpotual. Pipin, n. a division. Pipinnu, n. adj. resolve, deter- partake of. Pin niya, v. to part asunder part company ; distract. Pinna, v. to end ; terminate conclude agree ; bind ; determine ; resolve. ; minable, resoluteness, resolution, determination. Pipipoda, n. that which may place ; changing change place ; locomotive. Pipdda, v. to remove ; change locality. Pinpin, adv. fast ; tight. Pinpin, n. the secret or hidden part of a matter. e.g.. Ma se wahala lati to pinpin Pip$, adj. same as Pup<J>. Pip$, Pip$jade, n. that which may be vomited or ejected oran na m9, " Do not trouble to find out the real cause of the matter." Pfnya es$, v. to cleave the hoof into clefts. Pipa, adj. slain ; killed ; cut halves ; bruised into peeled. Pipa, adj. bald vomit, ejection. Pipyn, n. ripeness ; adj. ripe, maturity. mature. Pipynju, adj. afflicted, troubled. harassment n. Pip$nloju, mortification ; trouble ; bare. ; vexation. Pipinnu, n. adulation, flattery. adj. adulatory, flattering. Pipada, adj. mutable change. alternate ; Pip vpip$, PupyPuPv, adv. abundantly. Digitized by much ; Google — PtR Piri, — ; ; ; ; ; 220 adv. P0J Pon?e, Pon^fere, n. the name of a treo, the shell of whose fruit is used for making snuff boxes. with strength and open smartness. Piri, adv. (qualifying §i, to or remove a lid or cover) at, once. e.g., O si piri, " It opened at once or easily." Pitan, v. to argue or dispute about one's age by adducing old facts ; to relate ancient matters. Pitipiti, adv. same as Pup$pup$. (qualifying Ja, Pitipiti, adv. struggle), vigorously, to strenuously. e.g., O nja P6p6, n. bamboo sticks or club. Pdpola, n. the name of a tree bearing rich scarlet flowers, the fruit of which is edible. n. a kind of bean ; a climbing plant. Pdporo, n. stem of Indian or P6pdnd6, Guinea corn. " He pitipiti, struggles strenuously." Pitu, v. to perforin great things ; to be conspicuous in a play. Plwada, v. to change one's behaviour and conduct ; to repent. Porogun, n. same as Peregun* P6ropdro, adv. talkativoly. Pdrdpdrd, adv. same as P?r$p$r$. P096, v. to make a noise with the fear. mouth expressive of P6si, n. cotiin. PofUJe, v. to miss the month. PofU$U, v. to stand in a grove ; Piyeda, Piyfc v ' v. to change the mind. ; form a grove. Potopoto, adv. same as P^p^r^ Potata, v. to winter ; endure cold ; to be sick ; ill. Pdwe, v. to tell proverbs. Pow6, v. to earn money by sale or work. Pdyi, v. to turn round ; wliirl. Pq, «. to be plentiful ; many ; cheap ; common ; great to plunder forage. to knead ; mix ; temper clay ; tan leather. Po, adv. altogether ; ontirely. P6, v. adj. short ; insufficient inadequate. P6flnr$, v. to rescind the law ; to repeal or abrogate the Po, law. to fail in endeavour. to cry aloud v. bewail. ; Poj6b6, v. to make a slip-knot or noose. P6kiki, v. to extol ; publish ; Pdfo, v. Pohunrtoe, lament trumpet. ?ola, n. report of Pol$, v. a gun. wealthy mighty. adj. able ; powerful ; increasing. P$, v. to emit ; throw out vomit. P$, n. the sound of leather or any hido when beaten ; unmusical sound. Pyda, v. to be insane ; to be delirious. to be used indecently. P61o, n. a place of ordeal. Polowo, Polowo oja, out goods ; to v. to cry advertise Pof$, v. to pronounce spells or incantations. P$gbo, v. to collapse ; become oval. one's goods. Polo, v. to smash, mingle. PongbQ, v. to quench the thirst. *° walk falteringly to walk as a feeble person. Pftade, v. to disgorge. P$g$£& v - Digitized by Google — ppj Poj<Jje, v. to ; ; ; 221 RAD )f Poju, adv. more more miss a day or days. too much ; ; than. vast adj. v. to ripen to (as Indian much corn). Ponti, v. make Indian ; august. (from or brew beer or Guinea ; P^julo, adv. most v. ; P$ka, Pokara, heavily to above all. bo breathing corn). P^rere, P<Jr<J, death See P$ky-, n. ; at to between point of be struggling life and death. of calabash used the v. to delicately ; indulge to live idolize. $ka iku. adv. easily ; quietly (as the dropping of a leaf). P$si i, v. to increase ; rise higher, a kind as a ladle. P$kun, v. to abound, increase. P$sfl6 P$s6de, adj. busy in out. and ; P$t$p$t$, n. mud fen ; ; bog ; mire Pylapdw6, adj. voluminous. P$16w6, v. to abound in money, be wealthy, adj. moneyed. PWpl, v. to be grateful, adj. grateful. Ptyn, v. to sharpen iron ; whet flatter ; make much of ooze Pfi, adv. ; also P$t$p$t$. precipitately; headlong; without due thought. Pfi, adv. the sound of a gun. red, scarlet, Pupa, ; or adj. yellow. n. coax ; ripen, become yellow, be rod ; mature. e.g., P<Jn Pupa Pup$, $yin, n. yolk of adj. an egg. ; many ; much ; ap$n de, " Ripe to numerous Pup^pup^, manifold. softness. adv. ; abundantly ; to carry on the back (as a baby). Ponga, n. pieces of stick placed crosswise over the body in a grave to prevent the earth P$n, numerously much. Pur<J, v. to tell Pfit$, manifold v. ; a lie. Put$put$, J a, e.g., adv. touching it. clean. Ponga, adv. entirely wonderful adj. P^-niyanu, magnificent marvellous. Py niyin, adj. worshipful full ; ; 1 — Putu, (qualifies to easily break). Okun na " The *put$, nja put$rope breaks adv. easily." Putuputa, e.g., well : of praise. — (qualifies Ho, to lather). Qse na nho putu, Pon-loju, v. to trouble torment. ; afflict " The soap lathers well." Ponmi, pon-omi, v. to water with a large draw vessel. E. Ra, v. P$nm$, Ponmo, adv. severely. v. to put a child on the to ; buy ; purchase ; ; ranfur- back. som ; redeem tie ; P$nma, v. to sharpen actuate. P$n rin, v. to whet or give edge to tool or iron instruments. P(Jn rusurusn, brownish. adj. brown nish with laths. Rababa, v. to fly or nutter about to hover. Radi, v. to repay ; recompense retaliate. ; Digitized by Google — rAp Rap&da, v. to purchase back redeem ; ransom. Rapala, Rasfl$, v. : ; ; — — 222 ; ; ; R6 Ran, v. to communicate (as fire) be infectious (as disease) cut or wound (as an strument) ; help ; aid business. e.g., to struggle ; welter. in- v. to set at liberty by in ransom. Qre mi ran friend helps Ra, v. to perish ; be lost ; go to nothing ; to rub against another. mi Ranm$, to lowo, " v. My me." to catch at ; stick attach ; to hold fast. Ranpada, v. to send back rebound. Ransi, v. to send to. Rail, v. to spin ; twist cord or ; in memory), v. to make forgetful ; stupefy ; infatuate. Ra, v. to rot ; putrefy ; hover as a bird. Ra, v. to struggle ; creep ; crawl Raniye (ni-iye, line. rub upon. Radtfri (ra-$dfr-bd), v. to shelter ; defend ; gather as a hen does her brood. Ran-ip$, v. Ranju Ran?$ (ran-ojn), to speak ironically. to look v. sternly or fiercely. (ran-ise), v. to send v. a ; Rahun (ra-ohnn), v. mur complain. ; to mur- message. Ranti (ran-eti), call to to ; remember recollect. Rijd (re-ajo), ; journey go on a to be absent from v. to mind Ranworanwn, n. home on Rak6, v. business. ; Rara, adv. loudly to creep crawl. n. spinner. vociferously (qualifying v. Ke, to cry out). e.g., Nigbati mo soro ; Raknnmi, Ibakasie, camel. Ramuramu, adv. very verbs, roar). like e.g., (qualifying Ke, to cry, Kiniun ko rainram, " The lion roars very despatch ; to charge ; issue ; to sew cloth, v. to be slow in growing ; to be hidebound. Ranjade, v. to send out ; order out ; banish. Ranleti, v. to remind ; to cause to recollect ; put in mind. Ran, loudly." v. to send ; ; command u, o ke rarfi, " When told him the word, he cried out." Rara, adv. at all. Rar8, v. to linger ; suffer a long and tedious sickness without care and attention struggle between life and death. Rarf, Fari, v. to shave the head. Ranran, adv. entirely ; totally ; altogether. Re, v. to change feathers as birds ; moult ; fall oft" as n& fun I Ran lo, v. to despatch ; send out ; on a message. Ranloknro, v. to discard miss. dis- hair or leaves. depart ; (same v. to go ; signification as Lo). Re, v. to go off ; spring as a trap or snare ; to skin ; agitate ; Re, Ranlowo, v. reheve ; to help ; ; ; aid assist conduce succour. Re, v. to ; contribute to omboss. to imprecate evil ; to call or wish vengeance upon. Digitized by Google — r6l — ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 223 RlB R$, v. Relo, t?. to ontico ; to elope. Rebi, v. to go on a journey to travel abroad. RederedS, adv. foolishly. Redi, v. to move the tail upward, as a bird when it sits upon the tree ; wag the tail. e.g., ?iye ba o redi, " The bird sits (upon the tree) and to feel fatigued ; be tired ; faint ; cast leaves ; or unripe fruits ; to hush ; tinge ; comfort ; fade ; weary wither ; increase ; multiply ; to be deeply red to steep. &?£? (r$-ege), v. to set a snare for ; watch for ; find fault. ; moves its tail upwards." Runn, v. to break or transgress the law. Rekoja, adv. beyond measure pass exceedingly, v. to over ; omit. Rekoja ala, adv. beyond bounds. Rera, v. to be proud. Rere, adv. at a great distance. Rere, adv. well. adj. good devout, n. good, welfare. Reri, adj. to be past harvest time. after (e.g., R$gir$gi, adv. evenly equally. R$le, R$l$, v. to plaster a house. v. to go down ; to humble oneself ; make oneself low ; lower ; decondescend ; ; subside. v. to cleave to combine with. (qualifying R$r§, adv. very press R$p$, Repomo, a fruit tree the fruit has been gathered.) Reti, v. to hope ; expect ; wait for ; clean the ear with an oar -pick. verbs of pursuing or motion towards). R$rin (rin-erin), v. to laugh. R^rin-esin, v. to scoff ; deride ; ridicule. R^rin-wesi, twitter. v. to smile ; titter ; Rey$, v. to moult ; mew. R$, v. to shear cut short cut nip smear notch ; daub ; ; ; ; ; rub. R$, R^danu, blast. v. to cast fruits ; R$rin-ak$, v. to grin. R$W$si, v. to be cast down be disheartened. R$yin (re-oyin), v. to take honey from a hive. Ri, v. to sink ; drown ; imprepare merse ; deluge ; R$je, Rglori, v. ; to (lit. gull — ; cheat ; deceive to cut and eat). ; ; the woof for the loom by insertion in the sley ; subside. v. to poll the branches to prune off to top. R$1qwq, R$wq, v. to out off branches prune. R$m$l$, v. to cut level with the ground ; to crop. R$, v. to agree ; be friendly stick to ; ; detect. thine. ; Re, pron. thy to dye ; stoop in water tinge ; soak. R$, pron. his ; her ; its. Rf , v. discover ; ; behold, v. to be ; seem ; appear. to to decry; Ri-lokere, v. censure. Risa, v. to shun ; avoid ; run from. Rf 9 adv. never ; at no time formerly ; aforetime. Ribakanna, adj. similar; uniform. Ri, v. to see ; perceive ; find Digitized by Google adj. Rir$8ll$. submissive humble. thoughtful. to walk slowly. discoverable. Rin. Ririnl$rin. adj. obtain. that which communicates or infects. Rin-ni-eginsin. en- Rire. v. to ex- Ririnklri. Rirp Itq. n. manner of mu omode " The walking. adj. circular. adj. the act of seeing. Rigba. . sad ." Rira. tire- conspiracy . to laugh. damp : moist . much important consequence .g. Rirede. — 224 — . n. move pro- e. prove find out the secret . Rin. to walk over . range roam. to prove . Ringbere." adv. progress . to soak . adj. drench Rfr^rin. Rlnw6. Ridi. Riridi. Rinp$l$. imbued. a going . on- ward move. Riran. v. Ridi (ri-idi). to amble. melancholy.g. Ribiribi. to see. e. ramble about . adv. v. Riri. amusing adj. e. . adj. disvisible . I trembled greatly. roving. some . irksome . Rird. ludicrous . to walk round Rinrfn. to waddle. adj. see the end or finish. Rirln-yiia. . assistant . walk . Rikfsi. v. adj. Rinj$j$. to tickle travel . mock. . adj.— RlB Ribiti. Nigbati mo " gbo oro gress. stroll. to n. Ririn. about wander. heavy). v. n. concordant . Rira. subsidiary . n. sail . purchased. see a wonderful sight. to ascertain see the reason . laughable. Rinkiri. to tickle. wayfaring . v. wearisome. . Rubutu. n. humid wet. being subject to nausea. to shake). . n. spy round v. stupor. exceedingly (qualifying go . Wa. coverable. round. to oxplore. the manufacture of iron. Rin-irin p$p$y$. na. Rin-leginrin. observant. . to receive .. helper. united. Ringbindin. adj. tremble). Riran mti. Rire. to riri. n. to be sure of. " The stone is very heavy. lously (qualifying verb. very (qualifies Wuwo. Riranl$W$. putrid . discernible . demic. Rinkakiri. v. o nwa rirl. adj. Rinyikakiri. epidemic . . v. Digitized by Google . that which is to be Rfrimriwaju.. Otutu na. a state of heard the word. RIR Riran a (ri-iran). n. v. Riroju. inspect plore. Rir$p$. child is cold. . v. v. rotten. of sight. to circuit. Riri. . Rin. to rove v. adj. adj. and shivers. wan- Rinyfka. Rinlo. somewhat tremuRiri. itinerant dering . travelling.g. v. Rinw6. adj. adv." adj. Wa. plot. adj. adj. v. Okutu na WUW9 rinrin. Ridaju. mo wa When I Rind$ (rin-edo). n. relatable . . Riraniye. verb . v. Rinka. derisive ... to ascertain . consolatory. to divulge . . n. v. adj. sulky . Rirun. ache hurt. Rij&njiyan. think think deeply . Ro. Riwisi. to inherit a headship . (ro oju). to instigate . v. . collect a confused mass of things . . Rogdro. that which is to be oxtirpated. baneful . filter. adj. etc. controvertible. v. explain. Rirubp. v. Pon. MR Rir$p6. turn aside . Rirunwom. adj. imagine . report advertise. a gushing out stirring up. Ror$. fragile. stir up plague . ir6. . relate . consumable . Rol$. . gainRisfl$. brilliantly (qualifying verbal adj. v. e. puzzling. block up the way. red). v. v. — 225 . red).) Riru. be sorry Ronuronu. to tingle. v. to foresee. to . Rohin Roju (ro-ihin). austere . . to gush . R$. to say against .g. . beautifully (qualifying verbal adj. give way . to sound . to drain into a pond or pit . Rol6ju. to pain severely . adj. fierce . push ." R616 (ro-ile). (appearing on the face). to change one's conduct. as sediments of liquid . adv. v. meditate to Ronu.. . v. portable. Pon. to look . spread abroad bad news of a person. — Asp " The na cloth pon is rokiroki. Riteleri. n. transgressing (as displeased solate. pendulous. Ritele. ascent of a hill. R6n& (ro-ona). think to be pensive. Roloju. destructive. Rfrun.. to bary beautifully red. pimple n. drop Ro. v. n.. v. adj. to think beforehand premeditate. v. n. to till the ground cultivate. v. to stop or ground . R6. " Tho waves are rising very high. trouble. adj. sad or discon- law. v. red). collect by distillation. adj. push forcibly . Rlrfi. v. opinion or behaviour after consideration. Riru-omi. meditate . . R6r6. sprout of a vegetable . to appear tedious. . crash . n. adj. severe Rord. to Rdkakiri. . . placo in an harsh rigid . v. swell of the waves. to inherit property (especially houses) to erect the roof of a house." R6ki-r6ki. Riru oke.g. translate . root deep. oppressing . break R6si. R6t$l$. to give a sharp shrill sound . . issue of smoke from the fire kindled . R0 the issuing forth (from a dry sjjring) . fragible. occupying another's place. Rdgun. to tell . erect position excite. to tell . very beautifully adv. rigorous. Riru-omi ndide fukefuke. v. sacrificial. v. puzzling. adj. v. (qualifying Pon. . R6. v. n. Digitized by VjOOQIC . till distil Roro. adv. a thinker. say. pustule . hide in tho . Riruju. to incite. news . or bend at the edge to pervert . e. to repent Ronupiwida. conceive . drain cultivate to drip . to manufacture instruments of iron (as the blacksmith). be patient. v. wither (as a hand or limb) . confusion. v. cease tranquil . 226 to rustle. Run. disturb . n. v. ram's mane. meagre grow lean Rodede. to spring (as a fountain) . convenient. . Rolu. to rain . v. v. be soft . to surenround encompass . be be . v. to to upon to mob. chaotic. v. to take care of . to bear . Rogbayika. droop . Ru soke. mild cheap (as an article for sale). circle. Rugudu. Randanrandan. Digitized by Google . . v. . stir up excite . sustain . R$sfl$. . Rq eg$. . to urge . carry . disordered . R0G Rygiriri. Run. Runn (ru ofin). set Rpgun. be moved with . facile easy docile advantageous. tumult . Rolowo. pale. v. adj. break the law. Rorun. . to dip the sop in sauce touch. v. R$lapa. v. . humble R$. RtfK Rnnhin. v. v. languish. . swell . cool the ardour . press give sus- hang upon feel R$r$. adj. comfortable. Rora. v. upon time calm. to cause to shoot up . over break out . in great confusion . propitious. R$sfl$. to rain. v. Rojo. to transgress adj. v. . to set a snare. hang or lean upon. . Rugudu. tenacious . to lay wait for a watch for produce seed . be comRu. weaken . . tender . v. grief. Rfingb^n* n beard - quarrel. v. to rise . to rush R$m$. v. bo scorched or blighted (as green leaves) weaken slacken . v. pend . Rudurudfi. to grind the teeth . to spring up (as grass) to rise (as smoke). to bud . Roju. to be quiet still . support lose be poor . deal gently .. R$gbaka. v. tender . small. . suspend. soft-hearted . uproar . Rnnln. . v. v. . adj. . endeavour placid. adj. . R$bi (ro-ibi). constrain to ease . Rukerudd. . to make Role. bo scrupulous. pacify. blossom. v. to persevoro . chill v. calm. spring sacri- shoot up Rubo (ru ebp). to . whiskers. chew. fice. tame . v. crushed . gravitate . R$pd (ro-ipo). unhealthy. v. v. to succeed. discourage. to travail . R$nfi. to be abstemious. trouble . . n. wrinkled. Rubutu (Hausa). to bring low . v. fortable . (as yams). endure . be ill to bo sick. sallow . to masticate . chaos. fighting . emerge out. . be exposed .. to enfeeble Rp. flesh . soft Roju. sprout (as a vegetable) flourish . Roloju. n. n. . to take the place of another . n. stir up . v. Rudi. easy . . v. mingle. to be in pains of childbirth. writing. to act for an absent person . Run. Ru. to bite the teeth together. to tame . R$nu. . adj. boil emaciate Ru. . adj. Ru jade. to . to drop. " Now hear what I say. to chew a stick . n. Sala. red ." jurisdiction . longtailed bird. . v. Rulurulu. v. v. Digitized by VjOOQIC . to make a mark or Sal6. to relish. Saba. to escape flight. the ground. run . stockade. (as a brittle article). qualifying Pon. for. to compete in running a race. v. make a bridge. v. Sagb$. v. interval. Saji. v. ground nut provender. chips . awhile . dope. to emit a scent or stink. to cringe crouch. to be straight or direct. Sa asala. evaporate. v. v. to consume . to fade . flee . one who disturbs the town. destroyer. a particle prefixed to verbs to call immediate attention. Runu. to house v. Sajenejene. somewhat.. hay. to put a mark up . v. arranged . to escape . haul in (a line). a black. n.g. Run. Runl$ a (run-ile). Sagun. Yio sa se. n. adv. time . destroy ." to stir up tho town to raise a tumult . season . to run away . to make charms. v. v. Sa. to indignant Sagbaradi. Sagati. . n. n. to flee. Runni-runni. v. annihilate . a to encamp against. Safara. Sa. adv. v. to flee eschew. n. by break into undermining or Sagbara.g. Sala. to take refuge under the protection of another. Sadn. from . extirpate . baptize. flee Salo. Aso pipon rusurusu. wood . pale . to crumble dis- to pieces. v. adv. v. Run-wuru-wuru. to curry or prepare leather for use. Run.. Salubata. v. Run. as. a waster . district. Sakasaka. Sakani. to break in pieces or masticate. for a time. s. Sa. — 227 . v. to incubate sit (on terminate . Sagbaraka. Sa-lami. to chew to . Rfiru. v. to wake from sleep suddenly. RtTL Rttlu. hide away.. break v. conj. adj. v. neighbourhood . make insurrection. to be disgusted. . e. " A reddish cloth. v. n. danger by . extinct. ex- Sa. blank. Saj$j$. v. " For it shall come to pass. to aim at . run or come to air . sandals. to dry by exposure to the sun. Run. Now. apply medicine . to Sa fun. to beg help of another. Sa. masticato . Sami. Sa. RnnawQ. to come. distinguish . a seditious person . to fortify with a wooden fence . v. v. v. Sa gbo bi mo ti wi. see now. Runwom. leaves dried . to barricade with stockade. Sala. to expose in the sun to sign upon. eggs) . fetid. v. Sainisi. avoid . SAM e. Sakusa. v. . — — suddenly upon." dry shy . v. RosuruSU. v. Saba. confusedly adv. v. Sadi. San asanle. quite different to the past. better health. benefit . inter. v. raw silk . San ara. to be callous . heavens aerial regions. healthy well looking to be in good buildings under a headman. Sawo-O. Sar6. has therefore . fredirectly . adj. to pay a debt. alms . aside . upon . v. . Sur6.g." San nda. bind . . San. Sasodun. split crack . a little is the father of sacrifice. San die. n. to pay . Sapadi. interpret. flftfuqMi^ in small slips adv. v. v. woven Sapam$. gallop. victuals leather. " It lightens vividly. to cook . cigar . . improved in . skulk. Sebu. n. tie round . e. come stout and strong. v. to hide . : Manamana ko san. . to overpay. one's aim. n. retaliate. abscond v.— — SAN San. behold be shut barren . the messenger of a better. or Si. Sarepegbe. Sara. s£g Sapara. Sanra. adv. on. San." v. Qreanu. Sardtu. prep. Segedehun. to exaggerate in statement. adj. age. Sanfun. Sas^. v. silk . mark . S&nyan. condition fffoiff&n. Sanju. Sansftn. sepulchre. v. to be armed with knives. Mohammedans. amidst . San gbese. cigarette.g. San-^san. to requite v. dress to . to thunder loudly or in claps. (qualifying Be. company. to affect a fine pronunciation of words.. Sanmani. Sara. Sap&kan. n. reward . cloth. to make a feast. silk to cook soup. charitable gift (as used by the Mohammedan. n. . v. e. directly vividly. between .. . to split). . . escape to. ." Sara Sanda. miss a to lo. the sky . to stumble. group of Sat$. alms. straightfor. . Sare. v. aloud . v. quently. Sanmani yi yato si ti lai" The present age is n. defray. better. Sari. v. S6b$. to be armed with a sword. concoct and prepare dye cloth or Seb$. Sara babaebo. discharge money due. during their fast. n. apart. lai. — been employed in sacrifice). odouriferously fragrantly. Sase. Digitized by Google . adv. v. Sata. ward e. household . v. dispute violently. to run. reward . n. v. v. Sanma. strongly . these gifts are very much akin to sacrifice. Sasoye. 228 to gird . coarse. to be barren (applied only to land). straightforwardly vividly . San. Sari. n. stick.g. v. to flee to . n. v. respected members of a club or association. thunder. plump. v. adj. Se. n. a kind of walking fat ." Saraki. adv. era . Sarin. in centre. to bev. n. adv. square enclosed by buildings. to quarrel with . Sanbe. closed . a particular period of time . v.. to solve .. Saraha. the early meal of the beforo daybreak. prep. v. Ses$. heavily last night. v. e. O ndun sfnsfn. Sele. adv. hence Epo oil." query S$." to fall (as dew).g. v. to be attentive to a distant noise . to keep steady . S$gi. v." (denoting emphasis). backward. refined Se Se lese. ." S$gi. adv. Sfcri. Segbe. to bar or block the road. to cover a drum with vellum or parchment . Seso. Digitized by Google . Seti. to prepare v. v. to refine . Ses§.. Sehin. v. v. natural manner. sloth " The man died. Si. . v. v. shut in. to speak in an un- v. sluggishly fully. (qualifying a group of elders). forwardness. prep. to close fast or tightly. into (always used with a verb of motion towards). see S$r$. v. Gbogbo wonjoko s$g$s$g$. S$r$. to shut out preclude. palm oil. to shut in . fail . Mo wo nigbana. so as to separate Sena. to v. v.. truly. e. S$gi. to si be exist. n. " I s$ e challenged him at the time . Sena. S$. palm palm oil by Seged$. v. to miss one's aim. be motionless . Seta.*n. v.g. against . v. v. filter . . S$g$d$-gb$n-un. adv. to drop dew. to speak so that only those in the secret understand the true meaning of what is said. to 111. I ri s$ pup9 li 6ru ana. bo pregnant. Sepa. v. v.g. positively . Si. n. v. to bear fruit. S6in0de. to sip. sediment dregs. exclude . Semo. dye in colour." . v. . dew S£. Iya ko mo. in make a drum. e." — (Sile.g. surely . Sepo.g. to form a sediment. gun to speak like an Egun. .. S^gun. - St rate to disappoint . adv. v. " I am going to our house. Senile. v. in promise.. the chaff from it. " It is slightly sweet. v. v. sweet). v. now . a kind of bean. slightly (qualifying Dun. at any fell at to . e. eavesdrop. to strain Indian corn starch." Sera eni. a kind of bead (very valuable). S§. respectably . . to strain . . Sese. Seinu. S§. v. n. S$g$S$£& adv.— — — s6h Sehun. to store up for future use.. Emi nlo sile wa. v.g. v. order regularly. forwardly. to nearly capture. . Sfnsfn.. " All were sitting in order. adv. challenge . to practise selfdenial. to cease coming. methodically . to tempt or allure with the eye. negative. to question . si ile). Qkonrin Se. Serar6. to confine Seinu. e. " The na se. e. to be barren or unfruitful. implements together to make a sound. v.g. to be dead. " Mother is dead. extra boiling isele. deny disown disallow renounce . e. to strike two iron Sepon.. indeed . Seju. quake . adv. bind in. — —— 229 . n. Sin ekur<J. . down to the ground . side of. still yet. lord over . v. place . Sir$. to impale string on sticks. Sibi. demand debt .e. to make an incision with a lancet. to inter.g.g. to take thought . into . among. what place adv. for some time. . adv. cracked . adore cease . Sibikan. n. Sinde. Sinn. drag).. bury . ! Sisan. v. also . adv. modern form. Sfpa. Sin. v. a group. . — — . adv. prep. elsewhere. Sllrifri1ri | Sinp$n. Si i. Si. Sinika.. adv. better burning lever). to sneeze. e. Si. to force green fruit ripen by oxclusion of be cooler . crazy. to overthrow Sibfc Sib$sib$. So fun u pe ki o sim$d$. Sin.g. before lead on Si. imitate . deranged insane . due . " Tell him not to be rash. to to tyrant . whither. pleasant Sibata. insanely . civil . raise cattle. be concealed prep. Sin. cracked fissure. concerning. towards. Sinje..—— SI Si.. force green fruit to ripen. . to one place together . to rest . His body is cooler).g. to the place . v. adv. to crush . . e. 230 sis sin mi. bury the dead . n. e. Sile. convalescent better. n. conj. to the former place or condition. . prep. to which part Sinra. e. " He is better " (i. adv. adv. adj. Sim$d$. v. Sinwin. . Digitized by Google . to crack a palm nut. convalescence . hush to string (as beads or inter. likewise. . adj. with frenzy slothfully. Sfl$. v. domineer to serve a superior . to be silly . Sawon. Sintypa. towards . mock on the Siha. do air. owing which is to be . slowly (qualifying Wo. Sig$. pause . to treasure. liquid at the bottom . Sisan. to another Sibomiran. O pe si. v. aground. to form v. lord. v. . before . well. v. adv. fair. whereunto. to be considerate Sipo. Sinku. v. . O tdte de Sisan. prep. to accompany the way . to a certain place. n. adj. in the track of towards . v.. to settle of a v. to crawl. to play the game called Ide. Sigasiga. me. still . destroy . good. . that payable. adj. Sin gb$r$." v. . first in point of time. adv. (same as Si i). split cowries) . v. v. Sian. grounds. . awhile . Ara ro sil6. " He stopped awhile. . hiccough. be con- sider. v. quiet. prevent from doing keep Sin. n." Simi. coast. io (after Sil$. to Sibo. discreet." Si is the mimic. adv. a white metal sold on the Sinisini. " and . Sipa 6wo. put an end to. adv. yet domestic animals . v. He came . adv. pendulous. plain . n. Sisun. cookery. n. v. roasting . missed is that which . speakable ing. to tie. is . v. So. v. So asoye. be thrown or cast away. to worshipped. or adv. drainable . . v. to tie together bind in one . suspend bear fruit . n. excellent . v. adj. bocome So dahoro. Sori. v. Soko. yield . into. Sisun. . adj. to put S$. to prate . filtered. utterable. talk nonsense. more. forward. Sor$. adj. $is$r$. pleasing. Digitized by Google . to be shut or closed. . patch. Sdna. . Sorik$. comput to descend . pronounce . on top high. adj. . make . S6ke. babble . Sopanpa.— sis Sfsan ara. . n. . . v. to heave . knot. adj. to quarrel . SQ to prohibit . slung. adj. v. w. suspend to . to immortalize. on cooked . to define make prove. chat. . Som$. to v. Siwaju sehin. to drop the head aside . v. adj. produce. same as Sisare. hang. So dabi. thunder claps. n. Guinea worm. adj. Sopo. to v. . talk . join . utterance. nauseous. v. to speak . Sobla. Sobotibdti. v. certain. unite.g. revival awaken- SisokuSO. 231 Sdfin. unite in . Sp dalaiku. n. the act of sowing (seeds). adj. unite with v. turn . evasive evasible. S$. v. suspend. adj. n. wearisomeness . . to agree mutually in valuing goods for market. v. n. to prattle . above. Sisu. to ruin. Sfe6. to tie together . n. Sisara. on the top . down. to belch . S6. running. to rally an army. splendid v. prep. e. Sogunr6. throw . Sisase. fasten upon. droop. that which cooked. sleep. join . to marry. Sisoji. to hang so as to swing . n. Sisare. Sisfc. Sod$. . annex. flowing oozing. . on top of . n.. Sisure. v. v. scold . mode of problessing a nouncing blessed. adj. assert shoot out mend join of stem . n. link . So awiye. sifted. n. to tie . adj. Sisoro. onward. adv. . pass or enact a law. adv. SiSQ. Sis$. to destroy. suspended hung up . that which is to wedlock. So asodun. produce. v. Solu. deniable. cast So. Sisin. n. asleep sleeping . turn. n. to push v. Sisure. . SfwajU. adj. adj. at . adj. served. "Forwards and backwards. plating or gilding." So. v. v.. eject wind. . v. Solup$. tell de- nounce . Soyigi. to hold at bay. the act of speaking speech . evasion . wearisome . v. . explain. adj. marry . that which is to unite . a load off the head . to exaggerate. utter . Soniyigi. be taken care of. adj. . Sp di plex. to lodge . ranhunranhun. v. to unite in one. v. . cleanse sanctify. bo foul. di nla. to make alive vivify . to fasten together . to revive. make 232 SQ fa. volley . bewail lament. Digitized by Google . annul. to make a wooden fence . to . disembark. Sp $sfn. Spji. 89 dara. Sokesoke. v. throw a lance Sp nigbangba. ship. v. . to annihilate. to corrupt . S$kd. impale. v. Spkiri. Sp-logun. Sogba. a to place . Spjade. to purify . to deify to make a thing an object of wor. . v. cold. to collect . v. to cry . 8$ 89 di. to publish . shoot out. . make empty evacuate . to shrink. pawn . pledge. to declare or cause to be known. . v. to descend . to adopt a child. to throw a stone. aggranincrease Sp di pup Y . to perv. v. to make unclean pollute . con- Sp dpmp. v. . bell out . to nominate. Sodi tutu. Sp meji. v. to equivocate . prove declare. to bo together . . S$kal$. to poison. Sodi aimp. to break into. Spkun. to become to convort to. intimacy . quicken. assign to a place . v. familiload down from . n. v. Sp lase. to patch. weep . dismount arity. multiply . to mim$. Spki. command Sp ddfo. v. the head . foundation or house. . towards Spd$kan. to enlarge make great dize. . to make v. Sp deri. law v. v. v. to be double tongued. enliven . to thrust. SQ v. v. Sp ddng$. (a law). v. help to lower a Sp Spgp. Sp daye. to give an order . to speak out . debase. v. v. augment. . beside. to or spear. divulge. v. to free . to renew. v. di. So di baje. n. Spdp. locate. to make as one. v. v. to charge . v. freshen. encounter. v. di mim See Sunki. stitute. 89 dasan. to stupefy. together. aggravate . near to . S^m^ra. v. . Sp Sp Sp di v » v. to command Spl$. gather Spjp. Spdi titan. nullify . to v. v. to lay the . to embody . . unclean . to enunciate quite clear. prep. a yellow monkey also called Oloyo. to defile . near . v. .. v. v. v. Spmp. defile. v. to renew . convert into flesh. Solura. Sp dyfan. burglariously enter. to make . Sp di buburu. Sp dol6kunrun. promulgate . to oxplain . solidate . Sp 16rukp. v. Sp ddrisa. como down . to collide . v. v. v. a peculiar style of hair plaiting. v. release affranchise. bind by prohibit. SpmidQl$t$. to make fresh or to Sp 16fln. Sp 1$$. v. masnify v. to conSonidi. v. n. to invalid. Sp domnira. " I am tired of it. gether . oil. pidity . adv. protest. v. adv. to falter. thoughtfully . talk . to weigh by balancing . tract shrivel shun " It is gilded. v. strangely . weary loathe . v. embarrass . Subd. apart . summons . . seate • . dwindle. Sunle. Sonu. close to . Sufe. adv. v. dullness . tiro . to chatter talk without meaning babble. to sob.g. e. v. 89 tele. slug • SyT^lu. . v. v. keep nigh to approach . Sun. adj. Sp SOkuSO. 233 to SUN Su. to tell beforehand proforeshow . liquor . 89 tinu eni. to converse together . insane. v. v. with sur. v.. to hand. gishly . extensively . throw away. overlay with a thin coat. v. altoSua. wean a to child. v. ately . v.g. deliberSfl. to shove . lose . Spp&ka ekiln. v. adv. odlsi. to backbite. v. to gild . v. plain of . S$t$. to . sue . Sunderu. . n. v. draw near. S$r$ iM* v." Su$SU$. slothf ully . adv. to speak ." 86. Qla su mi bo. articulate. phesy . to speak frankly . con- Nwon fi omi wura su u. - calcine. Sun. contradict. to v. Sug$. to accuse . spring . a very wide range . Sunmp. talk nonsense.. v. Sug^stlg^. S$W$. commune. v. aside . separately. Son. on tho hand. verse . Sunmp Digitized by LjOOQIC . Sul$. to roast. pain in foot Sunki. to ooze . v. stupidly. prep. 89 to speak against.) Sun.g. to break forth . S$r$ werewere. to whisper softly. blaspheme. v. Sunjade. stand or handle . v. walk . drowsily. v. S(Jki. move. to whistle. SpiQ. — — " . adv...g. " The deaf look with surprise at the mouth (of the speaker). O su mi. to take the evening meal (Mohammedan during their fast). con. go astray . stun. water. nau or snuff Wo. to burn to ashes — prise (qualifies e. to sleep congeal (as oil. . stupid . Subp.g. S$r$p$. spare. lame gild. S^raki. entirely. considerately. in hand rotail Su. dull . forth. same as Sunk). to speak very S$r$ lehin. toast or grill to ooze or spring out as Sun. to sow . S$nU. v. . from e. to tattle prattle . " I am rich in honour.. comv. prognosticate. . foretell . v. shrink . the common Hausa salutation." e. v. e. move . v. Aditi wo ni li enu sun. to fail in making impression from the use of a blunt edge of the instrument . aim at. SOWO.— — SQN S91IU. to look). 89 segesege. to take a thing out of a socket. to fail in cutting or wounding. to have enough and to be lost . insanity. erupt appear in numbers on the surface. universally . Sunnasi. draw Sunm$mi. v. to move stealthily in search of a thing or with intent to pilfer. v. $abetele. Sur6. $agbara. to meet unexpectedly. v. v. Sabawpn. to take care of . v. to be a mouthpiece. StfN Qlorun. a demijohn." laundress. v. v. life. v. to steal . raid. Safe. irritation . to endeavour . . to observe to . disgrace . v. strange. Digitized by Google . gafojudi. . to to disrespect. to bargain . exceptional adj. the hypocrite. nice. $agalamasa. to make an agreeto ment . e. to be sterile. $abukusi. §afenusi. to send clothes to to be a laundry . adj. to adj. have a voice in to vote. to retail liquid or snuff. to to be impudent. . n. to beg from door to door . Juti. to approach near to. Suresaju. . n. once. v. Sunye. to bribe. v. Sunm^di. to be neighbours. §agO. v. . practise v. §agbakd. . to chance . foray . kind . n. n. v. Sunnnjtdsi. variety. $abula. Suta. to pick to choose. good. v.— . wound Sagbawi. to to struggle. to be insolent . Safiyesi. excite- ment. v. Dide " Rise at $agbaf$. v. be v." Sunm$d$. to imitate. Sagbaso. to bless . Suru. at once. to cut with a knife. v. $a. v. to struggle for be cheeky $afowora. $abuku. pouting of the lips Suw$n. Sunsiwaju. Surefun. hasten to be rash. $afarawe. disgraceful. Sure. the v. to doze . n. to work as a fetish priest. v. to draw near to be in the neighbourhood to be adjacent. v. Suti. hand tricks. to play under- a contemptuous a hiss. n. v. promote a thing. . Sura. to play a matter Jagabagobe. sort . n. to pilfer. §agbe. take a short nap. to disparage . v. to be foppish. to borrow. §adehun. to approach . . v. $abore. $adalu. make a covenant.g. to run . to stain. §a. to . v. 234 " §AG 5aba. to despise . pronounce or desire a blessing upon. v. v. v. to push forward . Susfisfi. sa. to debase. v. to God. v. $adugbo. v. $a. perseverance under vexation. gakiyesi. Sare. a chain bracelet. cautious. Draw near . to fade stale. to $adahunse. draw near to (applied only to places or things). to be neighbour. well. $agbegbe. to be an advocate . to forerun. $alpgbe.. to adulterate . patience . Sure mboja. v. v. v. try . adj. quackery. up one by one adv. dishonourable . $&gbak$. v. $ailola. unclean. v. $aip$. hole. $aimu. to buy a secondhand thing. $air$. §AG §AI ! $agbagun. v. adj. .. v. $agbar6. to Saibolafun. to build walls. v. adj. v. an expression . v. v. ugly . coarse . v. unfruitful . gailera. v. Ma sailo (lit. §agbara. v. to be without help . mill v. do not go. adj. $ai. to employ a builder $agbam$. 9&ilt?b9. to take a sick person to a doctor. v. to employ labourers to work a farm. ?. unequal. §agbaw6. to be destitute. to let a farm for hoeing . to decline . to send grain to the to be a miller. to be unsupported. of defiance. v. to secure the aid of a helper to get out a thing fagbawun.. to weave. adj. to untie - $agba$$» v. §aifa. $agbatp. to be obstinate . to disapprove. v. to be indifferent to contemn. things. adj. v. v. to undo. v. $aidi. to be $ailewa. JJaibpwofun. $aikiyesi. . v. unhesitating. few. $agbat&. or you must go). $&gbak&. to call someone on behalf of another. rough. to send grain to be pounded. smart to order a cloth or basket to be woven . to make a responsible for watchman valuable Saidpgba. v. §agbawo. . to disbelieve to discredit. to be unobservant. a prostitute. to be selfwilled. gaigbagbo. Digitized by v. Jaigbekele. mostly used with ma . v. to be ignorant. §agbayo. v. §agbal$. or inn to lodge in a house to let a house. to disbelieve. leave unmixed. adj. v. $aigboran. or not. v. to give a child to the care of a nurse. barren.g. to give a load to a carrier. $agidi. $aikunna. . $aim$. v. to hate to be unwilling to dislike. §aijewo. to deny . adj. v. to give goods to auctioneers or commission agents. v. to distrust. v. sick . — 235 $ai interj. not to take. v. $aipo. adj. v. to be a blacksmith. v. to commit adultery . $aipe. uncouth. unwearied. v. v. §agunla. adj. precedes sai the two negatives make a strong affirmative. v. JJagbaru. adj. from a $agbere. When ma — $&gbalu. §agbape. quick . to be quick. adv. $ainigbagbp. v to dishonour. to give cloth clothes to be beaten. . 9aileS0. $aigba. v. to Google . $aigbehin. $aif e. $ailpra. weak. dis- reputable. v. singular. disrespect . $agbede. to make a contract for house building. adj. to refuse . ill . 9aim$. . unmingled. to be disobedient. not having the same force as the English prefix on . to refuse to admit a fault. $aini. to give to a helper to count. not to draw or pull. " Ho does not does not put his house straight. to flow into . adv. to keep awake . ?aje. to overflow. be crooked. saitun ile re se. to spy . v. v. to mock . to be advantageous to be profitable. new. v. to insist. v. $aisan. adj. adj. to be §ais5to. roughly . to cut down bush or forest. v.. Sana. messy. insufficient. v. adj. $aiw$. com. to be sick. Digitized by VjOOQIC . v. v. §alaiyihun. to take $aiye. to make a mud ceiling. v. v. to enter. adj. v.. to eat agidi without soup . v.. v. solicitous. §AN $air$. to happen opportune. v. to scout. O not to put right. v. $angbo. v. to be solicitous. ill . adv. to doubt . to take care of one . . adj. v. v. to pay respect to any momber of the family of one's wife. v. galailomo. §alaiyin. to be anxious . adj. v. $alailokan. §an. unclean. $akokd. weak. together. to have a mutual to agree understanding . . be ?aj<J. absurd. abortive. timid. or bush . $angO. adj. §anbd. some. adj. unequal. $aiwe. for v. adj. adj. e. mand. $ana. to §ai?edede. — . to cut to pieces for the purpose of eating. adj. JJaitase. v. v. $aiwi. v. v. not satisfactory. $ami. officious meddle- $ait$run. $akawe. not $aladasi. to strike a match. to collect. illness. ruggedly. adj. merciless. to plaster . v. v. gakala. adj. merely. adv. fjanfani. 5ata. ?aj^. $ajomo. " He e. . to leave weak through unwashed. v. . adj. §aito. adj. jaiwd. $aniani. unsaleable. ?aiwa. adj. $an. $ajeji. to give dowry . adj. $aita. to be watery to be too thin. v. Salailagbara. v. $anja. §alaim<^ adj. §ansan. ignorant. not to speak. pleasure. v. ?ajd. to pass a sleepless night. JJaitunse. to be to to control v. untruthful. v. §akasaka. to be positive $aity. to die prematurely. v. to be ill . salaiyin i. to hawk goods sale. $aka$aka. plainly. not to look. childless. untrue. to compare. v. v. to be new. adj." praise him.g. to disparage.g. straight. before. ganku. poor. dirty. strange .— SAI 236 $aki. to be unfriendly. adj. to chance . to care for . unworthy. to cut down a forest. to be strange . the god of thunder. gakigaki. to meet unawares. to sell. $aniyan. adj. adj. adv. . §alailanu. $aju. clearly . to $alailowo. $ajapa. not $aiye. to demur. $alaim$. absent. to enjoy . v. to bewitch. to make a clearing. upright. disagreeable. §alabapade. v. . prep. adj. jaisun. fearful $alailera. §akOSO. not to praise. v. to describe. make . $&$&. to be stingy. to make a sign. to devise means for another's destruction. to dangle the foot. to select. . v. to act . n. v. v.. to to illustrate . to take exercise to amuse . sorry. $ans$. v. to despise . $atun$e. to be proud to lightly esteem another. $anpa. — 237 . to sort money. v. to be diUgent . §awawi. $a$e$a. to choose . to be initiated into a to pick secret. to be empty handed cavil. to $efcbe. adv. to go to extremes. do . v. to encircle. to plaster a house. v. to cast aside. §ahun. Digitized by Google . $anle. adv. $awo. to reject v. §apejuwe. to be double in one's dealing . v. filthily. $e-ibinuje. to mix. v. as a prefix is often consee. to reproach. v. to meditate. gagaro. v. to confuse. niggardly . to boast Sefari. to take recre- ation. . amend. se-ailora to se-asaro sailera. v. §awun. v. very few. to clap hands . to §anWQ. v. to bo. to swing the arm. to dash against a $a$egba. here and there Uttle . $edarudapo. §AN gankuta. to be diligent. je. few. to $apaku. to think. $awada. nectedly (through old age). to wash the feet. the tip of a broom. v. older than. v. $apon. to be tired. to tracted s. $ans$. to find fault . to do a portion of a thing. §apa§apa. to judge. $ayika. v. §aroye. speak unconto garan. to sasaro. ground. §edaraya. adv. to be talkative . v. small brass bells jinglo. to sojourn. to hack to death with a knife or cutlass. v. $ata. v. v. v. v. be to v. to cut overgrown grass. gasa. . §EF v. to pick . stone. $anle. $6. Qanurd. v. to quarrel. $aw6tan. v. §ape» v. v. §apere. $e-gbe. to heal entirely to effect a complete cure. to shuffle. to regret to be $edaJQ. §atipo. v. v. smallpox marks. up entirely. v. v. to $asara-$W$. fjayan. $&r$. $aworo. $anl$» v. $arekerek6. v. to be $ayan. afiyesi to safiyesi. v. to be singular . worn out broom . §&ra. to do in turn. to mediate . to to cause . v.. blend . §apa. §anu. v. roughly . to v. to swing the hand. v. $a?asa. dashed on the adj. up money . §a?a.g. adj. adv. to decide a case . Rele. to $edanwo. v. to deliberate. . to v. to think . to be merciful. to examine put to a test. Satan. n. $ar$. $a$eleke. to pass sentence . v. n. to be superfluous to overdo a thing. . v. applaud. v. ?ati. $aro. strange. v. v. signify . 5aw6. §apakan. v. bo partial. to be industrious. to perish. to jest. quickly. to be delicate. v. to surmise make . v. to be afraid . v. v. v. v. $ewara. to be afflicted . . v. to be severe. to be surety . a boundary. courage self. 9etQS6. v. to elate oneself. adorn . to be responsible. v. §onigbpwo. adj. JJinipo. to preach. v. to be envious . to neglect. adj. v. $eranti. v. panic -stricken. $etpju. v. $egb$w$. shift. $eranse. . Segbagbe. to be brave . to be glad. to change the place of a thing. . v. $igun. . v. ugly. turvy. §epinhun. ?ereti. $eppnju. §enia. to direct. courage. bo lazy. proud . v. to remove . to exaggerate . to hope . v. to make a contract or agreement.. to remind. $eleri. . v. to ordain. to cheat $6rora. to give a conjecture . to be Seypri. to be pleased . v. to make an error in speech. v. to ease . to be $Otlale. §egun. dull. to take care of . to take 238 to . to determine . to serve . v. $ihun. to equal Segiri. to be quick. v. ?egberaga. to be passionate to fret . $inidi. gelakalaka. $ewasu. v. $fna. v. v. §emele. to $enudidun. v. $ekore. Digitized by Googk . to lead an army to battle. to be obedient. v. amiable. $ekannu. to be hospitable. $elana. v. v. v. $egara. $ifisi. gtisr be exact . to force one away. to misplace. $elQSQ. v. SEC $eg$.f to entertain strangers. . v. v. v. to rob v. 5elewa. to achieve . v. to renew . v. w. . to aggravate matters . topsy* Sagayan. $epinnu. to furnish. to to be forget. to open. work hard. v. $egboran. to be a messenger. v. $$lege. v. to relieve. to choose to a selection. to be kind to be . v. to determine to disv. v. §epinle. to conquer. to reopen a road. to promise hurt . to . to be merciful. v. v. . to toil. to provoke. to adorn to to beautify. Sesegesege. v. $f. be perfidious to be treacherous. spoon. to expect. ?elalejO. $iniye. v. to mediate. v. ^esunasi. to reap. to persecute harass. ?ibi. v. to $ilaiya. $6WQra. $ereje. v. fjeyori. v. $ilese. to examine . $elala. $etanmp. to alienate . pledge. $epaiya. to be successful. to to injure. to tally resolve. to . to remember to commemorate. $enunibini. to hop. $ekanu. §elotun. v. to harvest . to remove . to v. to trace. to defraud. to §elaja. . fade $i. $ele§e. v. to be to match. to §elara. to strengthen oneto plunder. to guard. v. to think. to miss . $ikurO. to worry. to repair. . to be greedy. v. envy. v. successful. v. be daring §ipa. to open a door or gate. a part of a whole $ileti. to migrate play to sport. firmly. $ise. to worry. Duro $insin. JJip.. to protect. v. deeply. or attack when propitiated. to exhort. adj. to beg . an . v. to kill any creature by open the eye. adj. $iju. §ikun. . away. an image made of which it is believed mud will §inm<J. assiduity. interj. to v. to do mischief . $ilekun. to speak wrongly . $ipopada. $i?e. v. hissing. n. v. pitiable. Jinipa. to make a mistake in writing.g. move . nectedly through old age. Digitized by VjOOQlC . $ilo. v. to . the thrush. " It pierces foot deeply.— §tN $ina. to shadow. v. avenge. to calculate. $i?e. v. mistaken. to expose. adj. to cleanse. commit man- ?lso. . v. to caution . adj. ?ika. jird. Jiri. . to counsel. adj. e. v. §isan. ?ilo. to miscall or call by mistake. v. to view. $ipaya. n. to apologise. . to set sail . lese sin. adj. v. §ise. v. v. to reckon . $ijib6. antecedent. . adj. v. §isird. e. to leave the mooring. $i$6r0. to be idle to be $i?& to work. jir6. v. make a slip of to the tongue. jipfc. to to over- carelessly. n. a stock of corn. running . $ilQWQ. v. to beg. . Jin. $igb$. calculated reckoned. to transplant. to make a mistake. action. adjl chosen . to remove . adv. to wash . coarse rough. §ipare. to misto misuse . v. adv. v. v. t<5 behold . ?ipe. missed open." v. manifest. slaughter. flowing . place $ik$. Ogun mi §ipefun. JJisayan. $imele. to v. v. possible. open . allegory. — 239 §ts to miss one's way.. to bo vagrant. §iko. hard. select. to nurse. v. talking $i$aroye. to work hurriedly or one's ! make shade . §ise. v. watery. left . v. $isaikunna. to fail to recognise. n. $i$i. v. §inupayafun. to look upon . v. to mind known. §isaju. adj. to change to another place. to take care of $ikiri. v. adj. v. §i?akawe. n. to rinse. v. adj. $ijuwd. to be frank . §ipada. v. . sinsin." $lgidi. speaking uncon§i?aran. to havo no abiding §isile. to act wickedly. difficult . $il<J. adj. to walk fast. my $i?iro.g. v. pshaw ?ipa. v. $ilona. prating . v. v. §i$anufun. v. n. v. to rub off by mistake. to reveal . to remain . . to mislead. to misunderstand. to labour $i?l. v. mistake. to misbehave. " Stand firmly. jirp. n. to prevent §isayan. $im$. miscalculated. v. to cherish . appropriate. §in. $ik$. to drive beyond limit. v. lazy. $imoran. to warn behind. adj. difficult . to lose. adj. adv. $otito 9 v. adj. . v. to wink. §ple. v. to exalt. $6di. v. to $ogo. to of. v. to dupe . adj. adv. v. ignorant. . v. slack. v. $69696. trousers. be prejudiced in favour $ojusu. $i9pra. n. adv. to cheat. $9na. $6r6. is full to over- to be treacherous traitor. slackened . exact. to look defiant. $4. e. $6. $onroro. $9m9ta. only. adj. unity. $6f6. to watch. to be crazy. to look stern . v. to be thankful. to take undue advantage of one's birth. to be cruel . v. to watch a town. adj. $9P6. $0]Oro. v. v. jojurore. $iwaju. studded. adj. n. a thing. to be doubtful. J691. ady. to be partial . watch a house. Joki^dki. to be rude. $or6. $090. adj. v.g. to be foppish. v. Siwere. to be 240 $i99. v. to be lazy. n. $ofo. v. v. a prom- black . to bo empty. v. little. $9mode. dark. to rest temporarily from work . v. $0jusaju. v. to protect. $aju. pointed. §0kan?0§0. young. Spin. fierce. v. $of of 0. $i?9kan. $6gunsi. to unite.. . n. to trade. overcast §on?oile. loose. adj. v. spherical . $0w6. to be a servant.. to presume on of one's position. account $ojukokoro. to hunt. to stop doing ontory. n. adj. watched. $5re. to be above others to rule .** is slack " yi 99. $$. to §9?9. $i?u. to waste . equal. Sple. to be against. to be kind. $6koto. <*<#. $6gun. v. $odl. adj. to be puzzled. to be stubborn. Sojuja. to bo a traitor or betrayer. to v. v. v. Apo . v. v. a cape . $6kot6. v. to be a " This hole $$dale. . to observe the festival of a god. v. v. $9la. common Digitized by .. to be wretched. roughly unevenly. $0ki. $iw9. —— §<?P gonikupani* v. to watch. $okunkun. be a Sode. $6p&. dark dull. rounded circular. ?i$u.g. to be a bulwark . $0x196. to preside. to borrow money. to watch. little. §okan. . to oppose . many. adj. to glory. $91119. SQgbogba. v. flowing. watchfulness. pinnacle. before. v. to bo true. to use foul means against anyone. Google . adj. n. to covet. hard. v. $5ro. $9mod9. very $6ki$6ki. adv. to be favourable. watch a garden. overs$. $iyemeji. to make medicine. $olori. an oppressor. very small. $0. v. v. v. " This bag flowing. • e. mourn. $0ge. to $9gba. $4. v. together. v. v. adj. v. v. v. n. $9P9. . $iwo. §0juflrin. Odu yi to tell a lie tale-bearer. to fall upon." e. $una?i. $pw6. " That man has a very healthy healthy appearance. tobacco. " You or I. to . 9$WQll. to be doubledealing. — TAG 241 to . §u. to be dark. — e. v. $&po.—e. Tadi. v. scarce. v. adv. bow- by $unna. Ta atare atayo. e. v. adj. neither . hale. §ubu." Digitized by Google . e.. Jfln. to be honest." $090.. " 9^tun-90Si. to throng. v. conj. y. to sell .g. r. Taflri. small gftru. . adj. to be an enemy. doubt about it. to overshadow . adv.. n. dear . basket.— —— — 9QR $ora. uncertainty. v. v. a creeper. v. od. §ulohun. $$re." Tabu. at quietly. to be stirred. watchful spect. v. Tafa. v. shine Ta ni nse doing so. v. to bedeck oneself with * Who kick Ta.g. to interfere. to be hazy. ?un. * sting . the fruit of which is used in tanning hides. to marry a widow." Taba.g. ?$?$» aav $ota. open a Ta. . shed . jewels.. to produce . . to be insolent. v. adv. intently v. ad. Iwo tabi emi. to shoot arrows. a splash. 3^9$* v. $ubo. adj. $ttnu. v." e. T&gUH. . calmly.. . to be beware to be circum. Tagetage. §ote. gubulu. n. either . v.. . Tabi iwo k6 gbo. to empty the bowels. Igbe ta. v. to be impudent more Tabi-tabi. pron. $uttl. n. Tabi-tabi kd " There is no si nib$. to bo at variance with. ?ujp. . to peep. Tagiri. §U.gr. $Ugbon. $<j>to. stagger- diarrhoea. Qkonrinna tagun pupo. n." burn . kindhearted. v. " He roves hero and there. violently. " A cry was raised. to sound aloud (as a cry) to wander from one place to .g. T. to rebel. v. v. Ta. to be new. circle. to pinch . Tabi.. $ubaibai. round §uku. . to startle. to exaggerate. ?usi. v. n. man. v. another." v.g. to $OSQnu. round. ? what indeed else ! ? what mob." to Tabi ! inter.. vigorous .. $Qtun. e. Tafa-tala. "Or do you not hear. assembled. $umQ. v. to be faithful . but. boil. nor . ?OWQ. arf/. bf " . strong . adj. v. ad. whether. conj. expose for sale impose a fine. feebly ingly. Mo bu 8uru. v. plenty. who ? — is . an archer . sound e. v. " I take plenty of it. to take little little.g. or . to fall. aromatic. doubt .. shoot tap spill . Ta.. to be friendly. Tadi. $U. v.g. upon . to forward a thing or person. to send off . v. to be thrifty. to be attacked with Tagiri. greatly . v. scatter. n. v. whom. Tahun. to sell goods or Tal6. v. Tan to " Light the Ta kankan. " That yam is very productive. a splash. Afefe ta " The wind is contrary to the ship. v." Tak6.. to look sternly at. v. Tagbo kun. — 242 —— TAN .g. deceive v. Tanma. to wake suddenly . to tell out one's grief. see Tai. faint or intoxicated. Tala. spread fitila. or acquainted with you. v.g. Tanipa. entice seduce . v. to knot. . fertile. adv. Tani* pro. . v. e. Tankale. .. ." Tan. Ta-l(Jre. Takada.. . muslin. immediately instantly . v. to spread about to white communicate. unripe fruit Taj& Taj^-Sile. v. to light a lamp or torch to shine . v. v. Ta-ire. Tak6tt. Ta-lugbe. is the person Tali oluwar^ " " Who Taiye. contradict. e. a poor person. to extinct annihilate . Digitized by VjOOQlC . indifferently ." Tan. . . to give a present to reward.g. v. v. beguile. v. pro. adj. cure. Tallin.g. to spread or make a sail. Isu to. to be giddy. v. to screen. to bo smart to move with activity nimble. Tajtl. 9 tan. . tin . Takun. v. emi kd si "I am neither Takinikinf-ojn. to kick at another. . v. Talu. v. dauntless. radiate . who ? whom ? ? to veil . n. adj. . to Tanma. . to heal . Tanju. to rouse. lure . Tangala. n. merchandise. lamp. see Ta kankan. . to gainsay . . to stand aloof from to shun. to resist . ? lently. a bird. to. Ta-ibdju. oppose who . Tanigankp. n. contrary to. Tale. cheat Tako tabo. Taketake. : to to think . Tai. be at an end . takitaki.— TAG . to compote with rival. Tak6k6. Tan. n. paper. n. blight. Ta-laiya. decoy e. v. finish . belonging Taja. zinc na ri galvanized iron. entice . to fall upon. to totter. Tai-tai. adv. v. v. Taku. v. to suppose conjecture. T&ka. adv. temporal to the world. male and female. v. Tan. v. Tali. TagbQUgb$n. to be in haste to be anxious. to publish. v. to be e. Emi kd ba ba 9 related re.. insov. Tonje.g. n. to smite the breast to oppose . Taji. at once. n. n. to imprecate. to hang a string or rope. to be related to. v. adj. Takfk?. the centipede. to shed blood. pro- Tanganran.. Takitaki. v. see Tanma. . v. ok$ laiya. to pick the teeth. to stagger. to become infected. ductive. Tani. cease . v. bleached calico . to deceive . to run aground. e." Talaka. medicinal. . sharp. to roam. v. v. have the oversight . spill upon of. to shed. .. on the very top (qualifying verbs signifying to put. Tasai. to act suitably .g. Teju. adorn respect e. Tape. Tapa. n. orisa ti a te ti k6 gbp te. " The bird roosts on the top of the — Te. adj.g. e. to shoot at to anoint. oja popo ni " The deity would not be pleased who when they tried to please it. v. ti ko igbe gbite. v." n. to kick. v. Tpju. . to lift a heavy load on the head for oneself. n. regard. T8de. 243 to TtJ Tasflara. gbehin.— TAN Tanm$l$. v.. v. to appear (as an oar of corn). acid Tase. " I stretched my legs out to the full extent. a small centipede. to be hasty . a. Mo f$ ki o soro tara. e. Tase. to kick. cup pungent . adv. Tanu. Tansan." Tayo-tayo. altogether. entirely . Tawd.g." straightforward. " This woman excels them all. Tara. . mi v. to light the lamp . Digitized by Google . Tard» v.g. v. to take care of watch . to kick against . outdo. Tantan. . to twinkle . Ta-yp.g. water for me. to stagger. wholly .. " I wish you to speak in a straightforward manner. e." Tantasi. Tasehun. gether. Tara gbe omi lo fun mi." le ori igi te.. to worship propitiate . ti . surpass . v. Tasil$. concerned . to cast out . v. v. adv. to shoot in front of one. joyfully. Tage. v.. to imprecate evil upon . Tef e-tefe. Taserin. v. v. Tasiwaju. pan adj.g. Tanna-tanna. to go beyond . Emi na ese tantan. to spurn. to push violently or headlong. e. to flower . Tapasi. Tann&." Tan. quick. to equivocate prevaricate. Tan. Orisa ik(J indulge. or rest upon). v. yams left in the ground to shoot out. . roar . to fail .. v. v. emit light. to bud . e. v. zealous . Taru. Obinrin yi ta gbogbo wpn yo. excel . Ta-$fisu. miss the mark to miss another. blossom. illuminate. Tayo. — — — — . to e. v. to spill on the ground . v. adj. eject. to notice. gladly . emit light to sprinkle the body. to play the game called warry. violently (a qualification of the verb Na.. to curse. T6. " Be quick and take stretch). — . v. O lo tefeescaped altotefe. to estimate. adj. $iye ba tree. adv. a k$ k^.g. " He T&sa. fondle. to rove . plate. and who would not be propitiated when they tried to propitiate it. earnest . to ramble . Tara. v." Tegbdgi. n. countenance . must finally take up his abode in the highway. a parrot very destructive to Indian corn. Tere. to regard earnestly . pro. previously Mase to provoke. filthily . to set the battle in to lay wait." to Temi. early first . unnatural . T$do. Tete. T$. " You trod on my sore foot which pains me." Tete-kajo. mi ni tete. to make level . v. the last . work leg . Temi." Tel^9 v. make Te-b^» v. He regarded me scornadj. v. to gaze animal. filthily final. beforehand.g. Te-mo. v. T$-b$rin. a point . O t$ mi li oju ese ti ndun mi. v. to Digitized by Google . to encamp . won. to dip. beforehand . adv. Te. T$gun. human . v. array . to lay . Teriteri. apex Tepa. to .g. outdo . to humble disgrace bring low or cast down. in the Tetet(J. sugbpn tele saju." T$-lese. adv. to subdue or be curved crooked. to bend . place. to e. T$. unclean. v. child- Tewe. v.. adj. to tread on the ground. anticipate. fully. adj. . to be wrinkled shrivelled. unclean. to omasculate an animal Te-lorun. Ise se. to taste beforehand. . . to. Tek^-tele. tel$ e. t». v. quickly on the highway.. . Ewure yan " The goat e. T?-M Te-bomi. . spiritual. to T$ba. T^m^. hood .. v. to fasten the eye upon . v. Tejum^wd. spire. tread down T^-loriba. v. or insipid . to tread on the foot forewarned. spread. Te-logO. O wo mi t$m$. . to satisfy. to disgrace . Tebere. to pursue.g. adv. bloated. v. to antedate. v. quickly. — — 244 — . . to place. e. mine. to gather chips.. e. build a new town.g.. n. bend to trample . scornfully. low. to soak Tenia. Tele. worldly. t>.— — TEL —— . to press imprint. fast attend loju Qmode runs opopo. adj. " Do not go before but follow them. at to . . n. to be flat or level . " adv. belonging to juvenile. in a small quantity. v. adv. . kicked me. T$gbin-t$gbin. adv. Awa ti mo ri. to slight. . routine. form an establishment . Tetetowd. upon . " We it . make stoop . Tebo-tebo.. v. to come pe bfni yio knew beforehand would be so.g." kick from an Tejumo. to beat . adv.g.g. adv. T$b&l$. T^-lpda. n. v. v. . T$hln. nsure tete " The child . castrate. v. Tente. soon quickly e. e. first Tetekp. to bond down. is the first to Tehin-bprun. to follow after imitate .. of a be done. My n. to be to tasteless. Tele\ v. the tree. temi ni ki a tete ko " Tete. subject." conquer. name v. pinnacle unhealthy adj. in water." Tete. that v. . to bend down.. Tl T$ti8il$. T$r$.g.g. " My father Tesuba. to affirm . with a hard to fade. Tetere. porize . substance Tf. not. yours. v. adv. slim . T£ni. v. adj. to stoop.g.g. " We have gone. a species of cane Tesil$. to bias. v. belonging to..g. overwhelm ineer.. T$run. to thrust . .g. adv." against . .. from. contentedly enough." that which Tf. Tenumo. vehemently . the Ti. e. to suppress . to be weighty . e. adv. to print. T$nil$run. to incline towards. to e.. . one's own. T$r$. Tenu. Ti tani isc. " It is by near. Ti ilekun ki o to jade. T$rut$ru. at . Baba ko .g. e. Mase ti pmp subu. carelessly." adv. " Do not push — push e. — . from th% mouth. put ." e. rosary. Emi .g. Ti. v. Iwe ti emi ko> * ' to Ti. to appease. ——— — — — — . — Tenump-lem<Jlem<J. prep. Teriba." e. n. v. " Do not stand by me. ** To whom does it belong " (also a sign of the possessive ." bi lu mi ti.g. e.g. T^WiJgba. Mase duro ti mi. * * v. prep. fearfully . Teni. prep. 245 v. Tfcri.— T£-M Te-mole. adj. to accept . Ti. A ki imu ibon tetere. yet. heavy. satisfactorily . urge assert . v.g. Teramo. pro. a herb. propitiate. Ma dommi te Don't Tftu. to strike . down trample . whom . Tenininu. prayer beads T$si. shut.. ile ti..g. could not finish his house. secrete fasten . with . under hide immerse.g. with heavily .—e. adv. gentle . who . groat not to be handled care- Orun na lessly. pro. mild. Qkonrin ti mo wi ti pada de. On ti de. force. e. T$t$-$g6n. ti Bi iwp ti used for cough mixture. T$W$n. T$t$. " The smell overpowers me. ki iti I9. to incline to. pro. meek. inability). v. n. support . bow cringe." e.. dreadfully. n. mole li atelese re. " The man whom I mentioned has returned. niyi. v. adv. Ti. v. e. pacify. v. to persevere persist. . v." have.. Tenyin.. foot . of . adj.. not failure so " or (also denoting e. " Lock the door before you go out. v. This is not my book. see T$-loda.. " Have you just come from that place. the one which. n. trample under . n. to assure. v. to balance. slender. " He has come. . case). approve .g.. good-tempered. " I have not gone yet. Ti." Digitized by LjOOQIC . to tem- v. a carnivorous bird.g. " trample mo under foot. lock . conj. the child over." Ti. head submit Terfsi. .. e. to be satisfied with. Awa ti lo. v. e." Tenibafin. n. O ti. take in hand. upon. " A gun is ibe na de ni. executioner. T^w6. . receive . abundantly . v. v. to incline the ear." Ti. v. Tenu. one who disgraces another. . Tentere. to tread tall . to con- stantly affirm. v. reluctantly. charm. adv." Tian-tian. with . yours. — e.g. Tljatija. copiously. in multi- me contemptuously. to thrust out.. to reserve. defend Ti iln. adv. from the beginning. n. pro. adv. Tirekpja. adj. e. adv. hers . Tlkar&mi. adv. its. one yonder. closely Ti-baba. tur- bulontly. Tire li awa. Tlkarar^. to stand at bay. fatherly. trane. . long. Ti-kurd. against . violently. . adv. Digitized by Google . fretfully. Tia. v. adv. " It is I myself. a Mohammedan passing . sitory. cruelly cally. .g. opposite pledge one's word. with effort. v. fretfully." Tiri. Tiju.. Tinaran. tudes. bolster. to look down- toil- Tirlnniyl^. v. Tinrin/ adj. to go backwards. abundantly fusely . with force Tlkanra-tlkanra. v.g. cushion . to stoop wards. " The people flock to him in multitudes. Tirisi.—-e. tyrani- adv." heavily. n.. Tin. thine . adj. Tigbadi& Tigbakikpja. stren- uously . n. e.— TIA — . shy . l?iye fo tian-tian. v. deadly . some.. to blush to be ashamed . yourself. dancing step. plentifully.. e. Tinaby. kini yio se ? if we should not go what would happen ? " conj. Tikfc Tik$-tik$. adv. " We thine. support " The bird flew to a great height. . Tipadanyin. from its cry. . Ti-lehin. Tij6tij6. .g. set v. —— . voluntarily . pompously pipe. Tire. for a little time . adj. " He looks pro. O wo tlka-t$gbin.g. Timp-timp. Tlka-tika. pro. relieve. laborious ." Tir$. tlkarami ni. distant . enia w$ lodp r$. Timp. Tfra. a bird called thus drum and adhesively. Tire. adv. herself. unwillingly . within . TIR though Bi awa kd " Even til$ I9. slender. Tipil$?$» adv. willingly. Tile.g. pro. —— 246 Til^. Tian. to stand firm. high. tirp are abundantly e. adv. . . people or nation. transient passing. adv. Tlkehin. thyself ." even although. to . Timtlm. myself. among. Tiri. to prep. Tilatila." Tlkarare. lastly. adv. Tipa-tipa. adv. 14 I will do it heartily. himself Tika-t$gbin. v. adj." Tipa. to. to kindle on fire. Tilutlfpn. " A man of good memory can recall past days long ago.. Emi o fi tinu-tinu se e. insultingly mi at contemptuously. pro. to thrust away.g. pro- public . Emi adj. . Tian-tian. e. . heartily Tinu-tinu. Oniye ni iranti ojo tian-tian..g. belonging to the town. pillow . Tibayi. Tijade. . fatal. Tibo. pro. prancingly with . thin . v. v. adv.. Tian-tian. to succour . Tinti. Awpn Tiku. adv. his . adhesively Tldi. adv. prep. n.g. Ti-sdra. foremost . that which may bo fondled or worshipped. Emi o fi egbogi tita standing on the public road. adj. even surface. pro. — tremulously . napping. an Ti isal$. earnestly . petually. pangs of childbirth. may be done earth quakod violently. violent . Titobi. Titan. see Titan. n. e. Tite-obi. n. Titara. Tisi. Titi. continually . cedent . Titnn. Titi. preliminary. Titukp. to thrust againRt. Titani. Titnl$. advisedly. adj. adv. ever. Tita. Tit$. adj. acceptable. that n. straight direct. n. burning. Ti-iiwaju. Titani. Tita. adj. Titani cheerful. see Titu. Tlro-tird. curable . that which is to be ploughed. until. violently. fresh . . attirmable Titenump. Titewpgba. mighty. " 1 Ti-gubu. for ever . to push into v. Ti$i$e. bright light. that which practically. n. Titan. n.. scissors. Tird.g. Titan. new recent. v. rays of light. labouriously. bent. n. adj. Titard. that Whose is book ? " burning . Oju titi ni mo duro si. the state of being deceit. that which is trampled upon. very earnestly. adj. ni iwe yi ? " this spreading. navigable. Tittle. Tis$-tis£. adj. "I will burning medicine on your foot. adj. thoughtfully. . tamable. public road. perTiti-lai." greatness. adv. TIT surpassingly Tiro. excellent. to be Titu. penuriously. n. Titi lp. to stretch oneself to reach something.odt. n. Titanje. e. adv. n.g. continually. Titu. "The adv. Tittika. deception Titan. dozing . Tituloju. adj. impol. He mi tttl. n. n. to put forward. to push down . Digitized by Google . adj. twinkling. adj. adv. Titagbara.. v. zealously. adj. am — si put ese re. v. n. Titpwo. v. to cause to fall. adj. Tit$ba. which is scattered or separated. that which is to be sold. n. street. Titfc. n. adv. — . n. stinging . that which can be tamed. terminable . shining . Titayp. . Titnjuka. Tity. v. w. n. adj. preTi-$ajU. n. Titara-titara. for the sake of. adv. Tftangan. n. to push forward . which is to is be straightened. sparkling . sufficiency. that which tasted. . v.— TIR 247 adj. trailing . Ti$e-tise. stinging. a fraud. antimony . belonging to the lower parts. Tit6..g.." ado. Titogbe. e. n. that which is followed. n. young . or foremost. to stand on tip -toe .. Titanka. n. ." e. Titi. cxtinguishablc. that which spreads . Tit$. conj. whose. that which is to bo shot at. blacklead ore. declarative. a deceit. adj. supreme. to such a degree such wise . T6-l^sese. " Never will 1 do it again. swiftly . to arrange in orderly rows. (qualifying Fp. Gbogbo wpn f§ oju e. a bird. suffer poverty. biggest Tiwa. Tdrf. Togbo. " It e. adj. v. Tobi. Toto. foremost. Digitized by Google .g. big . able." T6. TOT phun lp. adj. Ilu tord. v. Asp na to fun sokoto. e. adj. adv. drop. easily. briskly Tiyfc. n. never. . enough. speedily.. to stand in a line . Tojub^. n. Ojo nrp to t6 to. pertaining to Tiyen. amend- " This . e. Tdgbera. Tiyara-tiyara. hastily . pro." To. adv. pertaining life. adv. maternal . pertaining to things above.g. adv. adv. Tole. T61u. to pack together. adj. Place them orderly in rows. adj. inter. Tobun. larger. to be wretched . to place in rows. open . T5gb6. accumulate. belonging to the mother. adj. to the Tiyfc. theirs. tobi. to be equal to . very." an expression of satisfaction. v... —— . adj. v.g. horribly . bigger e. " Pour a very little water into the soup. Bu omi tontoro si pb$. nearness. in great .g. place in rows . e. reparable able.g. e. the sound of dropping. adj. . to look into . adj. T6ke. proximity.. adv.g." napkin Tdbi. T6to hfln. than that. Tiwpra-tiwpra. to view. v. Tiwpn. adj. Mo kigbe to. T6. memory. e. v. e. Tiya. n. mental . n. be at rest . pro. decently. T6-l^se. e. so much. Tode." Tdro. Tiwoye. T616t616. T6. together ... e. . T6nit6ni. be still .. prior. v. adj. cleanly .g. . v. is bigger largest.. rain falls drop. adv.. Tiwpnwpn.." Tdrd. large . v.g. greedily. to anoint with on. n. . of a bird. adj. T6t6. an apron wrapper. a country T6bp. to open wide the eyes). greater . adj. considerately. To to hun emi k6 se be mp. a fat rat coat. " The town is at rest. Tdsi. " I cried aloud. to settle ." To. tranquil. to Tdgf. ** The cloth is sufficient for sokoto. a wart the name . frightfully. adv. —— 248 — — . to stored. drop. until to-day. " The T6. slumber doze. a great matter. nboju is tori. belonging to the public. a turkey. v. adv. adv. muster be re- . adv. T6ki. n. Tontoro. muster . to sleep . ferociously . to fall to one's share. pertaining to the voice. v. n." Tobijulp. aloud. to touch the ground. sufficient . .g.— —— TIT Titunge. to T6jp. ours. heap v. adj. Qran na T6biju. very little (used of liquids). conj." Tori.g. Eyi tobiju ti T6r6. Tiwajn. " That Qbp na monkey grim- making frightful *' T6 wpn lesese. is . T6r6r6si. T6nit6ni. in small quantities. adj. heavenly . afar.g. apply to . Tprun. T<5. adv.g. adv. investigate. to make a mark or stroke. adj. . v.. Toye. v. O Tp seun tp. whole . to pry. Tow6-tow6. to taste. to follow after. T6y6-tdy6. to settle or trace a . adv. Tppase. T6ye^ n. an insect used n. yearly matter. nasty . right true . an expression of praise used to a younger. masculine." to v. v. T$. to stagger. " The narrow way. to trim." . Tpja. adj. bring up direct . to take care of . T$f $-t$f i 9 freely. inter. vex . steer. Tphan. Tppa. Tow6. heartily . v. T$n&. v. Tpla." Tpdun. an expression of humiliation before the gods or superiors. to trace throughout. " Well . adj. adj. e. T$wd. respectfully. correct do so. to guide a ship .g. tease touch . Emi li o t$ o dagba. done unclean . Tpla-tpla. Tprp. Tpmpde. trouble. with observaT$. to urinate. watch. annoy .. and repentance. with the soul. Tpkantokan. T$wp. regarding trade mercantile. belonging to a Tple-tple. refer to. Totohfin. to assign as a perquisite. pluck up Digitized by . a threepenny piece. complete. respectfully reverently. " It was 1 . to follow . to split into slips . denoting submission. beg to borrow . TU v. man . T$-l$hin. They all open their eyes very wide. who brought her up. adj. v. v. narrow. rightful. v. v. v. adv. adj. . to be long . is O lati se bf " It . of a truth. Tpka. v. Tdtp. adj. v. adv. look . belonging to adj. v. pertaining to honour. n. " . celestial. adj. to go in a band. belonging to a bag. adv. belonging by right. . adj. Tfci. to follow trace the path.g. straighten . to be inquisitive . honourably. T$ju. the road the lead follow guide. pj$. Tu. seek to. v. Tpkunrin. to take T$n&. v. adv. T6w6. Qna tpr<J. e. T$r$.g." Tdtd. adv. tion . fail. after T$kun. to trace a track or footstep. value." correct t<J . concerning money. T$w$-t$w$. heavenly Tps$. Tprp. adj. e. Google . T$k$. resort T$. with money. adv. provoke . adv. bag and baggage. . to expectorate . e. or company. to point at . worthy. adj. gratuitously T$g$g$. v. annually. petition . to lead. discreetly. to correct . n. v.. v. T$-pinpin. T6t$. . troop. child. T0. to be straight . child. — 249 . adv.—— — tOt toto. medicinally. T$t$. durable . v. and a promise not to repeat the offence. to trace . go to to . throw out . should. v. Tfaittai. belonging to a title. T$k$. ask a loan. truly . adj. Tpsi. ought. T$k$t$kp. v. v. proper. that yonder.. merits. v. again . Tutp. reconcile . . or pouring Turari. explain . Tule. to reveal a secret disclose a plot. e.. Tun-mura.g. v.g. to shoot forth afresh. to disclose a secret bargain. to break up a country or town. Tuju. frankincense untie . v.g. Tub$ se die si i. Tump. Tun-ka. to grow . Tun-se. to search again. a wild hog. " Try again and do a little more. to in meek. rectify or reform. v. Ttin-r$. to plough. v. to expectorate . Tu. v. Tu-sile. " Say it again that I may hear. to break up the ground . tic. to turn over again. v. to loosen . v. Tuta. collect . v. v. Tujade. Tu-pupu.— t(j Tu. TUT Tun. Tunba. v. Tun-sp. n. v. enliven. cease from giving to make easy . by oil sacrificing. v. v. Tol$. Tun-wi. make another attempt. propitiate . adv. mild harmless. Tu-nihoho. to refresh . e. to bubble out . to . to pour out. unbend . Tun-yd. v. Tun wi ki ng gbo. scatter . . divest of Tun-ka. to reappear." Tul&sin. to search the house. prison . n. dig up. sweet scent. v. . to navigate a vessel. "The child grew. to Digitized by Google . Tupu. v. v. to repeat. to be tame . wind surrender. . unbind Tu-s6de. to recall. untie . v. Tun-yi. — again.. v. to let loose. refold v. n. to Tukp. Tun-wo. neuralgia . Tuka. again . v. to take again v. evil. Tun-yp. Tfilu. to sell oddments. v. to issue from . v. to repair . to baffle. . solve. disunite. v. covering. 250 v. v. to reconsider reflect. to take again resume. Tunuka. any on it. . v. Turuku. to repent. unfold . v. to continue in a state oi* existence. v. break . interpret . to strip . n. to be comforted or consoled. v. — . v. v. navisoothe . v. to gush out. disperse . Tuku. Tun-ri. to be cheerful. n. T6di. to propitiate the ground gargle.. to pluck again. Tu-a^iri. v. scatter . v. to recut. Tun-wa. v. Tol$. different scatter directions. to revive . to review. Tuna. to repeat recount. Qmo na tula. v. Tun-pe. gather together. Tuba. Tula. v. to renew effort. to repeat. Tfin-rd. . v. to pour out . Tun-w6. to separate . v. v. Tun-ge. to be tender-hearted or Tuk&kiri. custody. v. e. v. to live again. Tuil-mu. see Tu-asiri. to recoil. hold Tub$. spit." Tubu. once more. to cook again. . Tu-lara. Tujuka. v. misfortune . jail ." Tangbe. to tiy again . to run precipitately. to see again. . Tulu. v. pain gate rehearse . him. " He strikes Walaipe. to pull a canoe to the shore . liberal. v. search . adv. Tu-yp. share. affliction . . hurriedly adv. verdant . to be in want suffer need. e. search out the cause . adj.. sadly. now . Walairige. e. to come . . sedate . to be in utter hopelessdespair . v. e. Walaye. 3rd pers. " This wood is very light. Wand Tutu. Wakiri. v. Wa-awari. to be imperfect. O lu u. Wai. Waki. to be hopeless ." e. quiet fresh. make excuse . to expel . Ogun " War entirely f<J won tutu.. yi f$re tutu. maimed.— — — TUT — . to dig a hole or pit ." w. her. case. Tu-Wpka. v. search quaver. hug to the embrace. v. Wagon. trouble . n. dwell dig . shake tremble. pull a boat. look here. e. inter. to search . to arrive at a conclusion. v. to borrow. to be . ransack. Waduwadu. v. raw . gloomily. Wa.g.. v. v. exist us. abide . v. obj. serve. v. very light . him." freehanded. to — divide. it (used euphonically after verbs containing the vowel u).g. u. Wa. v. v. to be a eunuch. to live but to be imperfect. Wa ! Wana come now. bo in idleness . to v. damp . to shrink . Wawin (wa-awin). v. U. v. . adv. Walainiaba.. calm . v. to land . Wa. Mo fi fun u. to breast . to seek for firewood.. ! . " Serve the food. taking no time. v. n. Wa. to be alive. adv. v. Digitized by Google . Walaipe. cold . find an excuse. meek ." Wawin. Waharl. Walatiri. . v. Wa onje na. Wadi (wa-idi). wet . or I give it her. v. at this time.. Wfi. v. (contraction of Awa). to paddle. to be unemployed ." Tutu. Walainireti. move towards . v. Wa-aje. to become rigid. . v. examine . sing. to come uninvited. to lounge. dispense with . seek attentively.g. dispersed them. See O. to live . " I give it him. Waiyi. Wagi. to seek about for . seek for Wamaiya. Tutu. seek to say . rummage Wa. adj. Igi (wa iho). Walaini. to seek with a desire to find . Wawi or Wa-awawi. personal pro. to make a diligent to seek and find. pron. to take soaked corn out of water.. green . 251 investigate WAl . a female slave taken for a wife.g. Wagi. Wahala. to force out. to burrow excavate. . entirely. credit. Ha.g. to make close examination. tribulation. v. seek for . cool . be in a hurry sour milk . v. v. to lave swim . to scrutinize Wawofln. better. adv." Also used in a case of recovery from sickness. " You are sober now. struggle. . He Wato. to collect together. v. Awelewa. . Wakati. ra.. W$L tremble greatly. epilepsy. W& adj. to cease cease . " Wajawaja. king or a worship. with a quick lively . . now at this . decorate . Warunki. n. quickly .g. to . fine. blue stain Wayaija." Wariwarun. to do homage superior . to twist or curl round. W&re. recover oneself (as from drunkenness). Wajp. W& W£. fringe adj. a rough state . . to emit saliva.. a name given to the goddess of smallpox. vibrate. irregularly. blink. foolishly. or mastication) . n. n." bitterly. repeatedly Welewele. v. wash the body . blue ^ . Waju. front forehead. purge. Wa-orun-ki.g. to stiffen the neck. v. v. O sunkun waiwai. in . adv. abate. cried Wawp tassels. to wrap in cloth of time. time hour . Wanranwanran. v. Wara. cleanse person. investigate. v. Wajp. masticate. Wara. to be sober. adj.g. Waiwai. " He adv. adv. a board used for writing on by Mohammedans. Iwaju. v. Wai. o w$. Wariri. v. slate. running plant like a bean bearing a hairy pod which stings the hand when touched . cream choese. raining roughly . to grind. n. Wo-apakan. or when danger ! inter. Wayi. v. n. e. quickly. mills Wara-ojo. Werewere. nettle. v. (wa-pwp). n. W6. Digitized by Google . adorn . little a Wale. to come to a close contest time. v. e.— — — WAl . . to caress or fondle. v.. e. Wale — is (wa-ile). dyo . Wai expression of wonderment at the approach of danger. applied to slender persons. adv. invest. Hah. bind round child. Waji. enwrap wean a Wep$. Werepe. milk. Wapakan. " The to which I bought also cotton fine " . n. e. v. Warapa. . n. bitterly. . n. Wapa. foolish.g. from dyed cloth. smash. confusedly. Wepe. W$. e. is best. to a to Warapa. shower. W$l$wa.g. adv. n. . twist .. . period Welasp. n. Wala. a slonder . a. Ojo na da w&i. to n. Oju r$ wale dip. quick motions of a child's feet when running. at once. curl . motion. dress . nimbly . " The rain stops at once. adv. v. Oju re wale wayi. . — 252 v. look sidelong. precipitate. see Wari. to settle a matter. n. silly Were.. Owu is ti mo Wapa." to dig the ground. face . W&i. v. to crush grain (either by Warakasi. Wajawaja. v. v. structure down Wiwa. v. Wi. v. adj. a adj. utterable speakable. v. See W$. adj. n. . Wiyp. Win. to fall down dead (as a big animal). washed . small dwarf diminutive W$S$. exonerate .. cheering. W$wq. Wiwo-okere. . n. Wiw$n. Hihfm. R$ winiwini. any upright fall Wirlwiri. observation. W$rew£re. affecting . W$wp. Esin baba wo " My father's horse fell " (is dead). Wiw$. e. n. to purify cleanse . to look back reflect. n. v. Wo-lule. n." Wikiri. that which which has being being. Wiw$. to publish abroad promulgate." Wiwu. that having a tree) . hand. n. . foresay. Wiwoye. adj. v. to em- balm the dead. Wiwu. . Winrin. adv. a scene an appearance. relate express* pieces. to wash off . crooked. that which scrutiny . We-pfun. v. thoroughly sanctify. hairy . a sight . cleanse. slightly . to gargle the throat. dusk. W$hin. of pathetic. §e e wirlwiri. dearness . to purify . n. adj. v. n. swelling singe. the manner weaving. Wiwun. scarcity .. Wiwara. what Wiw$n. break Winwin. W$lpse. to repeat . the act of coming. v. hastily. not near. e. absolve. to be Wiw$. to be drawn or dragged. tion.— W?M Wemp. down (as walls. adj." Wiriwiriale. is . to borrow. . to lend .g. to . into Winiwini.. lent borrowed. washed. approximate. cleanse. 253 WO-B Wiwa. n. e. See Wp. line or rule. abscess fermenting. v. to rub in. purify . finely . woven. Wiliki. adj. e. v.g. W6. Wiwnsoke. examina- Weokulpse. W^funwefun. speak . adj. . W$nump. v. robust. near — . He wa ko is . adj.. v. tell watchful. to break down the to ground. make clean v. or . winrin. W$nu. . to tell to. to be weaned. adj. n. is to be dug. adv. Digitized by Google . to fell a tree to . n. to wash the foot. — . Wiwa. has been heard iterate. say v. Wo-bale. n. v. '* Our house adj. " Do it quickly. adj.. twilight. v. delight. Tindicate . v. . to . Wo-pale. enlarged distended. summarily. hasty Wiwi. Wenu. Wiwara. v. . . Wi awigba. chalk digger. to wash the . greedy. to v. Wiwadi. adj. See twa. v. swelling. to foretell Wi. Wiwunilori. hurriedly. adj. Wiwo. burn the hair to complain. distant view perspective. Wi fun. to v. pleasure. v. v. Wi tpl$. swollen . measured to be weighed measure by . Wijp. small. . . n. pleasing.g. that wluch may be taken to fulness. adj. .g. " To chop into bits. affecting Wiwulori. wash . watch- W$r$. small bits. WQR W$. mildly e. hollow . adj. Wo-kakiri. Woro. pron. to embark . Last night I neither slept nor dozed. adv. . to see sight view. dem. to measure Wpnni. v.g. . v.g. W$n. put on clothes general together. . lo behold W6. n. (Hausa) a prophet. these. dem. . Wpjp. to view around. . W$-Spsi. attend a sick person. to appear absent Wdjina. v. to enter in . to balance. v. . scarce dear. Wohin. v. Wohun(==wo-ihin. v. Li oru ana W$k$. to put on clothes . It is e. Wogi. to look strangely to look agape. Woye. W$n. worship. Wpwp. Woran. ness prodigality. adv. to press down (as a heavy burden).—— wo Wo. to hail. pull along W<5. v. e. . they). v. Wpl$. .wo ohun). . . . Wynlogbogba. W9. n. by together clouds). of them (a contraction Awon. go in v. greediness . look take care of . enter into ship. pierce. O w<J yinyin. Wpbia. W6gaungaun. to fall with the face to the ground (through fear or reverence) . e. v. common .. Wd-$un. . Wo-su. W^-kaldri. hailing. W$. .. Wple. to fell treos. *' to enter a house. to assume a dark appearance. rife adj. v. a grain or seed. v. e. aim at. to collect (as ascertain v. v. wound or to look afar. to heal a sore. v. to look confusedly . W$n. n. to drizzle ." Wpjanu. to look wild.. to drag away cast away. perceive things. (qualifying collecting Wprpwprp. pron. a Wple." Wd-flri. v. v. to enter . be scarce . to glance. measure lop off v. v. . v to behold visit ! — " . to be dear . Wpn. v. Horo. to drag crawl . v. W$ asp. Wd-jina. v. suitable.g. W61$.. . to doze. pron. v. drag to dress . W6. n. Wdnpari. . lo). wild . Wpnwo. to go into the ground (like a peg) .g.. see . . a rough man fellow (strong man). . v. to be crooked or bent. to gather Wppp. v. v. — — 254 ." Wodu. v. v. . to separate. ! to put on. cheap . to . W$. inter. Omi Digitized by VjOOQIC . . to drag about perambulate. Wonyi. . v. to equip. . v. " Wp-jp. " Put on clothes.g. to grow dark . equally. to rub (as in applying ointment on the body). weigh pick off . to take to pieces v. gad W^-lafp. emi ko sun emi ko w6. W^-lprnn. v. lascivious- in thought. Wpnu. penetrate. to try measuring. prune take notice. " Look here. into. Wosun. Woli. v. to cast away . v. to catch a thing thrown weaned from a distance from the breast sprinkle. to drive or make to enter into another's substance as a nail into wood. haul. to look out observe . to set (as the sun) . W$. look there. v. those. Wuld. Ya-ptp. . Y$bu. short. to differ to be Y. pleasure . is Digitized by Google . implore adv." to Ya-lptp. tear with claws. adjust . to please Wu. gold. to scratch .g. .. v. to endanger v. Wp?p. separate Ya-nipa. n. v. asunder astride. different. Wure. v. Qnayi ya. forks or shoots . to become wild and obstinate. lacerate rend . delight. v. put on clothes dress. to tear . to put aside . Wu rpndanrpdan. Ya. to make branches. dull heavy . Wfiwfl. borrow ." e. higgledy-piggledy ." W$si. v.g." " This road ya mi. soon e. Ya-palaka. Ya-kata. a bird. v. short . to lend . fork. ready . Won. Yadi. part. Ya-odi. early am ready. v. to weave . O ya mi lenu.g. v. Ya-kurd. turbid. v. " Your conduct pleases me. to divide or part the hoof. to blister.g. dirty or untidy. Ya. adj. . to be old enough to enter service. e. not . open. be sullen. give v. " I e. v. to carve an image. separate. copious. — 255 — . mute. distant quick. to wish a blessing upon one from the gods .g. Ya. v. to separate from flame retaliate. Ya-ahana. maid.— — wOs I9 is — — . Ya-fcre. separate . useful. " The water O ya only lukewarm. w9r9W9r9.. Yahana. Wundia Qmpdan. adj. secede. to make a long. or in the rays of the sun). stir increase . separate . . surprise. disunite turn in a contrary diroction dissent . a topsy- Wuwo. v." Wu. to comb divorce . to enter service under a master .. e. Wuni. v. Wundia. v. . Wtyrin. to . to become habitually filthy. to part company . v. Ya-lenU. v. to be dumb . turvy. . adj. to endanger. to deviate . Qm9kunrin yi nyahana si i lojojum9 ni. look gloomy . to give way . v. " It astonishes me. v. divide . break off secede. virgin . . to purchase to warm oneself (at the fire. multiply . Ya-lekanna. to part ." Ya-bata-ese. to make a v. . to v. *' You are so soon in coming. jeopardize. ." v. part adv. way Wuruwuru. Wu. confused mass . Ya-pa..g. weighty . Wp?pwp$p. give i». v.. . Y$bun. knit n. . up the sediment . " This boy is daily growing wild.. . v. n. to swell . to lodge at^j lodge in. to n. to draw sot by. . v. Wpti. Yat$. Wura. Iwa r9 wu mi. lead astray. to bestride . in to another . YAP 9 de pup9. divide . to astonish . pluck . W$Wp. e. name aside of . continued cry as a dog . Wulewu. v. to warm oneself at the fire. entirely . to take Yagd. Yankd. v. mew. . to give an auspicious sign said of a piece of kola nut when broken and cast on the prefer. . Yarayara. to give a good omen . Yodi. Yana. v. Yanyan. to to bo restless have carnal secrate. lame. another's Yajti. to gape. Yara. . sandfly. or adj. Ya ina. v. to be childless Yanjo. Yan-nip^si. make haste . . or v. see Yan. n. n. to boast . Yan. v. . or adj. to cheat of . Yano. Indian corn maize. Yandi. vaunt.. Yangan. adj. to be stout. Yanwe. v. v. Yan-nu. Yanran. Yiyinrin. to pick and choose without restraint. to give place. officious forward. v. to contemn . v. com- Yan. nimble. n. apart . lewd. to talk rapidly to talk recklessly or inopportunely a tattler. to err v. roughly unevenly. n. sand Yangi. approve. oneself of great importance. trench behind a fortification. 256 v. quicksand. Yano. to be quick. Yarp. v. kick. to choose. Yala. whether. bite like a snake. expeditiously hastily. — pletely. Yan. name of a plant similar to cabbage. Yanranyanra. a disease in fowls affecting the mouth. . n. to have a good appetite .. v. n. Yapa. fair . n. Yanrin. . . red soft stone stone iron stone or laterite. way . sand. neigh. to be v. to be tenacious . lustful desire. conj. " The sun shines brilliantly. to set apart as sanctify . n. oil obtained from palm nuts nut oil. select . ground or before an idol. Yanje. adv. Yanrin. Yamyam. adj. adv. Yan-owe. adj. adv. v. or v. hasten. to gape at. the light part of a room . brilliantly. sensual . mosquito. not amenable to correction or advice. . to wonder. . e. Yanrin-did^. Yara. to walk proudly to make walk leisurely . to choose a favourite.. Ya-S$t$. brag Yangan. v. to evacuate. pick. Yan-layo. greedy. Yanrin. hall . . adj. YAN Yanhanhan. . Oriin boju yan. as a spoilt child does. astonished. v. to Yanhun. Yanbo. Ya-enu. adv.v. v. Yagbe. to separate." Yan. v. splendid case).g. to give advantage weakness. adj. . Yanrln. yawn. adv. Yanmu-yanmu. to be wasteful prodigal. . active . . sacred . Digitized by Google . Ya-Odi. n. v.— YA-S Ya-simimp. v. n. . to indulge in sensuality. conset v. to be different to turn to another path . v. to v. Yanyan. beautiful (as settled a barren. to stray. to Yara. Yagan. parlour. Y$na. to comY6. . v.. n. blossom. 257 YlN Y$mu. $a?a. Ya-ese. the act of showing respect. Yimiyimi. Yekan. adj. Y6. v. 9 to be dull or slow in hoaring or believing . heavy Yihunpada. v. interj. fit. to photograph. decline escape. adv. v. flower . favour. or sympathy. ad/. person to ruin. shun . Yikakiri. to understand prehend. to kill. surall sides . flaws. Yigi. v. v. v. lively . . . Y$-kuro. Y$. move Yd. avoid. Ya SUI1. v. Yara. Yaya. . v. v. to extinguish a fire . to rest for the night. postpone procrastinate. . Yin. vigorous active . Yi. to recall one's word. surround encircle. Ye. Y$-S$hin. to escape scathless. suitable. v. the dark part of a room or chamber. . Iyigi (Hausa). by a female. Yika. to clean a road. . v. obstinate. or adj. clever dexterous. give way . Yika. proper. see Iyekan. or v. proper to available. quick of hand . eschew . to obviate remove . to shoot out branches. Yaw$» ad/. Ye-ni. Yeye. lawful. v. to withdraw . revolve . to put . t*. Yeju. surprise. . cease . revolve. Yeje. to change place miss the mark put oft' postpone evade go aside. marriage. . to frustrate a plan. stop. . interj. adj. v. Yika-yika. (always used with Y£. v. hairy Y$wd. slightly. round : . lightexpeditious. clearly roll. . YQ-Ay$. n. adv. Yera. to pass safely through trial : by ordeal. sprightly. n. a necklace of beads. adj. downy. v. a beetle which removes dung by rolling it. mother. to be intoxicated with palm wine to rave. to rejoice. . Yiye. . . to hang a YegimQl$s$. YAS Yase. off . encompass. indulge make much of humour . Ye. v. . the goddess of brooks. Yay$. n. Yidanu. . n. adj.. Yigbi. quick. to overturn. Ye-b$. v. or v. to be alive having no to be sound . to obtain a likeness . Y$pa. n. Yikakiri. n. v. Yeri. Y$-sile. to change the *>• voice . v. to avoid being entangled in evil to avoid incurring . to understand). or adj. Yetuyetll. Eyi. back delay . . . Yekeyeke. . v. round on about. out v. to be tough. lay eggs. or boughs. move out of Y$. to stand the test . denoting ploasure. meet Y$. to right. footed . to slip evade . fibrous or tenacious. to move shake slightly . avoid. to turn . thoroughly adv. v. . v. an exclamation of pain. responsibility. be tit. Yetun. or v. becoming decent worthy suitable . this. v. v. Yi. . Yemaja. Y6. to start aside . Iya. to lay eggs . praise . Yaworan. Digitized by Google . to pour the by overturning vessel. adj. Yi. pron. fed. adj. en- Yiyika. Yiyasoty. merry . to rejoice . Yinlogo. adj. Yiyat$. mind. v. to deliver from danger . Yp. Y4y0. set apart or devoted to any particular use. hindrance a failure point of time). Y6. to be pleased with a to regard person or thing with pleasure or favour to have compassion toward a person shown by forgive. . adj. walk gently go by stealth. attracts my to . ness after an offence. adv. or n. honourable. to turn . to free.. Digitized by Google . to fire at to shoot with a gun. adj. slippery . to be full . . v. v. ." Yiyan. n. n. " This is a short road. that which is chosen . to be satisfied with food or riches. quick always used with Inu. hailstone. be set aside. tenacious. v. Yinfln. to pull.g. to turn upside down . e. will . adj. v. to transgress. 258 to attract attention . n. to melt . n. v. Yiyfc. person . or n. thought. of. adv. worthy. avoidable. to dissociate . Y6ba. adj. fire a gun.— — YlN Yin. different . . v. Yipo. to appear (as the new moon or the sun at dawn). stout. oft' dissolve strain . to rejoice at another's triumph misfortune . Yiya. adj. be glad slide . that which causes a Yp. untruth .g. very good. disposition. . worth . or n. or n. yiya le eyi. an a hypocrisy . be v. extricate . to resign fellowship. slip . falsehood . Ydyd. a lie . v. the act of shooting out the lips in derision. to Yipada. to be delivered . well . Yinbon. to save . to capsize . being active proud Yiyara. v. pre. (in Y$. v. slimy. see Yd. that which may Yp. Y$. adj. Yy» v. to praise glorify." admire praise . Qna short. to escape . or adj. to pervert to turn to the opposite.. adj. adj. . Yfy$. See Fa-yo. to excommunicate . picked out . surrounding compassing. hypocrite : a liar . to suspend . adj. . adj. Yd. . praise- make na Yin. Yiyi. v. v. to slip . Yd (Hausa). over an enemy. adj. " The cloth Y<> Yiyin. esteem Yinby. fuse . to be slippery. tough . Yio. distinct separate. must. glide . Yinyin. Y$. deeply. e. attention. Yin-nibon. Yiy$sfl$. to be converted . v. to envious. Yiyosuti. well fat. See tyonu. melted . a heathen an heathenism. or n. dissolved . shall . Aso yin mi loju. . to to freed or be to draw out . Yiyangan. see Ye. to incline towards. adv. idolater . to turn over turn round . short. See Ayinlog6. . v. . is It ferable. a polite politeness . to break the law . Porin. v. The male kind of it Akp -yunyun is an — agreeable food for guinea pigs (flmp-ile). . v. to slowly cut through. n. by shooting out the to deride. to finish . v. Ypju. v. v. v. or n. yO-f Y$-ftm. to wear —said of a white metal become yellow with that becomes like brass with wear. the of a bird with dark YtfN to v. shelve. bottle. to inflict Ypr6. Yp-6w6. punishment or vengeance in return for an injury or offence . or Pdtl. excommunicate . v. to be successful . deliverance from danger. v. Y$riy$ri. to bring out. to be pregnant . v. Yo-16hun. Y$rin. to answer one's superior import inently Yo-jade. to be prominent . v. Yun. n. to saw right off . to sneak . v. to rise higher . to to cause be troublesome . Hun. . ingly . Yunyun. to show the face to be prominent or distinguished . to be officious to be meddlesome. n. to come out to take out of . Yp ara. Y$-PW» v. to become manners said of to be enormous in — plague . v. to itch . Yp-oro. to slip quickly. to cut . on the ear of Indian corn. Ypw6. deduct repudiate . to smelt iron. to tease . . spoilt in vex . to be forward . to provoke. Ypnu. creep slyly. to wash the mouth. as name blue plumage. Yp-f6tf. torment . v. Yo-l^nu. lice found in fowls. Yp-?uti. to make a feast to celebrate Ypwn. to be nearly cut Yun. Yun-ri-yun. v. Y$wi. Akeri. through. irritable v. plant used for washing horses. to rejoice with . v. a cork out of a Yode. Yp-rekpja. tease. or great in age. . to seek to ensnare in conversation . Ypr$. to rejoice exceedto be transported with joy . v. v. v. or adj. to be to scratch the Yp-g$r£. itching part with nails. to exclude . to complete . Y$-t$r$. to pop out. congratulate. ragged . to interrupt by word . annoy . to beat down the price asked for by the salesman. v. v. Yun-ja. to move gently. to express contempt lips .. Y$r$. anxiety. 259 Y$ri. Yp-pr$. Yp-kuro. Ypra. slope . v. to be difficult . n. v. to harass . Yprl. See Loyun. excommunicate. v. to show the hoad. v. to Y$-mlnrfn. Yun. . to conceive. to cause to serve in return for a privilege enjoyed. Ypnu. Y$nm$ti. to overjoy. to spread out the tassel. Iy$r$. Yphun. molest a child size. an oily plant. v. v. to become to be in tatters. article Yprp. Ya-prp. v. Yp-owo. Digitized by Google . to whisper. YiyU Digitized by Google . Yiy* Yiy* Yiyi. Yipa Yipo Yiy* YiyA Yiya Yiya Yiy* Yiyi Yiy*. Yint Yinl« YinYinfl Yinj Yio.YtN Yin/ Yin. . 1 Cartoons 3 C..IWE LI EDE YORUBA ONIWE Church Missionary Society Bookshop....M. (Larubawa Itump Ijinle Irapada Iwp L'o M9 Fatiha ati Namasi ! - Muhammadu Jesu Kristi Parakliti --.. - . Katekismu Ti Watti Katekismu Ti Watti Katekismu Ti Ijp Enia Qlprun - - 10 10 1 1 1 Apa Ikini Apa Ekeji Apa Ikini ati Ekeji 2 1 Katekismu l£k$ Ihin-rere Adura fun Ile-^lkp Qjp-Isimi Iwe Adura Iwe Orin Iwe Ifa Kutukutu Owurp Qjp liana I£ko Bibeli 3 1 10 10 10 Awpn Qrp Qlprun. Bookshops— AB^OKUTA. . ... Digitized by \ 2 . OSHOGBO. . . ODE. IBADAN.S LAGOS... EBUTE M^TA.-... Iwe Kika Ikini Iwe Kika Ekeji Iwe Kika Eketa Iwe Kika Ekerin 2 - 4 10 16 A - Iwe Kika Ekarun Ilo-siwaju use e lo\Vo Ilp-siwaju Ero-Mimp 6ro-Mim$ - - - - Apa Apa Ikini 1 Ekeji 1 1 Ilp-siwaju Ero-Mim<J - Apa Ikini ati Ekeji 9 (i Okan Enia - Isise si Otito Iwe Itan Bibeli Asaro Kukuru fun Awpn Imale Katekismu Ti Watti.. LAGOS..... ------. Confirmation Cards . *.. ati 10 3 2 2 1 1 Yoruba) - - - 4 ^ \ Iku ati Ajinde Jesu Kristi Yoruba Beading Sheets Cards ..------.... IJ$BU ATI LjOOQlC .-.. a. IJ^BU ODE ATI OSHOGBO. LAGOS. 6 Gansallo) 9 9 6 " (Rev..IWE LI EDE YORUBA LB RI I IBITI A RA Church Missionary Society Bookshop. Gfsl Grammar Amona Grammar Primer G$si Qde's - G§sl - - 16 13 16 10 - 9 Poems - 9 9 - Orin §6b$.M. Ekini Orin Aribiloso Awon Orin Mimo Ak6jo ?k? (Rev. Bibeli Mini9 - . A. S. Bookshops— AB^OKUTA. J.. Gansallo) Isin Orisa (Bishop Johnson) Ijo " Akanse Iwasu Nipa Ti Canticles Li Goombay Ede Yoruba Osdsu . W. Ekeji Orin $6b$. A-R6-Bi-Odu (1910) 9 6 g Orin $6b$. ?k9 Ati Asaro (Rev.. s. LAGOS. IBADAN... S... J.. Digitized by VjOOQIC . Al-Kurani 2 Bibeli 6 Awpn Enia Qrunmla! .S. d. EBUTE M?TA. Howells) S 2 1 Akanse Isln C...... Digitized by Google . Digitized by Google . XX 001 013 111 Date Due \-l~<K BRODART. INC C*t ^<© \ ' Digitized by VjOOfflC . 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