A 59 (2Aa)6 Neanderthal Man

March 24, 2018 | Author: Richard David Dellerman | Category: Neanderthal, Biosynthesis, Rna, Dna, Gene



In The Beginning(2,A,a)6. *Neanderthal man James Shreeve wrote in ‘The Neanderthal Peace,’ which was published in the September 1995 issue of Discover. He said, -Neanderthal- “Appearing first in Europe about 150,000 years ago and had spread throughout Europe and western Asia. As for Neanderthal appearance, the stereotype of a muscled giant is not completely off the mark. Thick-boned, barrel chested, a healthy *Neanderthal male could lift a Cro-Magnon man and throw him through the air. Despite the Neanderthal’s supposedly cave *man mentality, there is nothing that clearly distinguishes its brain from that of a modem human except that, on the average, the Neanderthal’s brain was slightly larger. [Did the American Indians, Europeans, and Asians including the Bible, call these brutes Giants and Red Heads?] This dolichocephalism scull shows a flat face and a narrow long-gated scull. 59 In The Beginning Sci/Tech Tuesday, October 26, 1999 Published at 10:22 GMT 11:22 UK *Neanderthals survived longer than thought A Neanderthal jaw from the Croatian site: Neanderthals, once portrayed as grunting, primitive cavemen, lived as recently as 28,000 years ago, according to research on bones found in a cave in Croatia. They probably also interbred with modern humans, the scientists said. Previous evidence suggested that Neanderthals genetics disappeared some 34,000 years ago. However, in the 1970s, the international team did more tests on the Neanderthal bones and found they were much younger than 34,000 years. "The new radiocarbon dates suggest *Neanderthals would have coexisted with early modern humans [Atlantiques?] in central Europe for several millennia," said Fred Smith of the anthropology department at Northern Illinois University, US. No immediate wipe out! Professor Smith and his colleagues argue that their findings contradict the idea that modern[?] humans were so superior to Neanderthals that on arrival they immediately wiped them out. "I think what is most likely is that ‘early modern humans’ dispersed into Europe, in some places competed with and replaced *Neanderthals, in other places assimilated them," said Erik Trinkaus, an anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis, who led the study. Being that the Neanderthal was much stronger with a larger 60 In The Beginning brain, must have replaced the ‘modern humans’[?] ! "The differences between the two groups in basic behavior and abilities must have been small and rather subtle," he said. Professors Trinkaus and Smith have put forward the controversial idea that Neanderthals and early [Black Africans and/or Cro-Magnon?] modern humans did interbreed. Mixed message Earlier this year Trinkaus reported finding the 24,500-yearold bones of a child in Portugal that he said showed characteristics of Neanderthals and of modern humans. Professor Smith said he also thought the Croatian bones had some modern characteristics: “For example, they tend to show features that are more like modern humans than other Neanderthals show.” Most early modern Europeans exhibit some features that are hard to explain if Neanderthals are totally excluded from their ancestry." Professor Smith added. Professor Trinkaus* said the new evidence shows the two populations would have had plenty of time to mix in the thousands of years they lived alongside one another. The research is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 61 In The Beginning Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon lived and buried together? Most anthropologists recognize burial as very human, and a very religious act. However, the strongest evidence that *Neanderthals were fully human and of our species is that at four sites Neanderthals and modern humans were buried together. In all of life, few desires are stronger than the desire to be buried with one’s own people. Jacob lived in Egypt, but wanted to be buried in the family cemetery in the cave of Machpelah. Joseph achieved fame in Egypt, but wanted his bones to be taken back to Israel (Genesis 50:25, Exodus 13:19, Joshua 24:32). Until recently, it was the custom to have a cemetery next to the church so that the church family could be buried together. For centuries, many cities had separate cemeteries for Protestants, Roman Catholics, and Jews so that people could be buried with their own kind. Skull Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel, is considered a burial site of anatomically modern *Homo sapien individuals. Yet, Skhul IV and Skhul IX fossil skulls are closer to the Neanderthal configuration than they are to modern humans.10 Jebel-Qafzeh, Galilee, Israel, is also considered an anatomically modern burial site. However, Qafzeh skull 6 is clearly Neanderthal in its morphology*.11 Tabun Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel, is one of the classic Neanderthal burial sites. However, the Tabun C2 mandible is more closely aligned with modern mandibles found elsewhere.12 The Krapina Rock Shelter, Croatia, is one of the most studied Neanderthal burial sites. At least 75 individuals were 62 In The Beginning buried there. However, the remains are fragmentary making diagnosis difficult. The addition of several newly identified fragments to the Krapina ‘A’ skull (also known as Krapina 1) reveals it considerably more modern than was previously thought, indicating that it is closer in shape to modern humans than it is to the Neanderthals. At four sites, Neanderthals and modern humans were buried together. The false distinction made by many evolutionists today calls the Neanderthals ‘Cave Men’. This is to give a false picture of who they were and why caves were significant in their lives. There is a set of physical characteristics that are used in referencing classic *Neandertal morphology: - The skull is lower, broader, and elongated in contrast to the higher doming of a modern skull [Cro-Magnon man]. - The average brain size (cranial capacity) is larger than the average modern human is [Homo sapiens] by almost 200 cubic centimetres. - The forehead is low, with heavy brow ridges curving over each eye. - There is a slight projection at the rear of the skull (occipital bun). - The cranial wall is thick compared to modern humans. - The facial architecture is heavy with the mid-face and 63 In The Beginning the upper jaw projecting forward (called prognathism). - The nose is prominent and broad. The frontal sinuses are expanded. - The lower jaw is large and lacks a definite chin. - The body bones are heavy, thick, and the long bones somewhat curved. Any one of these characteristics or even perhaps all of them is found in some humans living today. There is nothing profoundly distinct about them. In fact, when the first Neanderthal was discovered in 1856, even ‘Darwin’s bulldog’, Thomas Huxley, recognized that the Neandertal was fully human and not an evolutionary ancestor. Completing that continuum or gradation from ancient Neanderthals to modern humans are at least 107 individuals from five sites who are usually grouped with fossils of 64 In The Beginning anatomically modern humans. However, since they are close to the line which divides them from the Neanderthals, they are often described as ‘archaic moderns’ or stated to have ‘Neanderthal affinities’ or ‘Neanderthal features’ It is known that *mtDNA mutates at a very slow rate, such as 1 mutation in every 10,000 years. [Or is this from interbreeding of a different race/species?] Flaws in the Neandertal mtDNA Interpretation The Problem of Statistical ‘Averages’ The Cell article points out that the sequence differences in modern human mtDNA range from one to 24 substitutions, with the average being eight substitutions. The mtDNA sequence differences between modern humans and the Neanderthal fossil range from 22 to 36 substitutions, with the average being 27. Thus, the few modern humans who have the largest number of substitutions (24) have two more substitutions in their mtDNA than the smallest number (22) between modern humans and the Neanderthal individual. In other words, there is a slight overlap. However, by comparing the modern human ‘average’ of eight substitutions and the 65 In The Beginning Neandertal ‘average’ of 27 substitutions, the false impression is given that the *Neandertal mtDNA variation is three times (more) as great as that among modern humans. Using averages allows Kahn and Gibbons to write in Science: Statistics has been used to cloud a relationship between Neanderthals and modern humans. It is improper to use statistical ‘averages’ in a situation where many entities are being compared with only one (Neanderthal) entity. In this case, 994 sequences from 1669 modern humans are compared with one sequence from one Neandertal. Thus, there cannot be a Neanderthal ‘average’, and the comparison is not valid. Although it may not be the intention, the result of such a comparison could not help but be deceptive. The biochemistry in the experiment is brilliant but the mathematics leaves much to be desired. Australian biochemist John P. Marcus makes a significant observation about a graph in the Cell article. He writes: This graph might lead one to think that *Neanderthal sequences are somewhere between modern human and chimp sequences. This could then give the impression that Neanderthal is a link between chimps and humans. On closer examination, however, this is not the case. As labeled, the graph shows the number of differences between human-human, human-Neanderthal, and human-chimp pairs. Significantly, the authors do not show the distribution of Neandertal-chimp differences. The reason they do not show this last of four possible comparisons between the populations is not clear to me. What is clear, however, from 66 In The Beginning the DNA distance comparisons that I performed, is that the Neanderthal sequence is actually further away from either of the two chimpanzee sequences than the modern human sequences are. My calculations show that every one of the human isolates that I used was “closer” to chimp than was the Neanderthal. The fact that Neanderthal and modern human sequences are approximately equidistant from the chimpanzee out-group seems to be a good indication that Neanderthal and modern humans comprise one species. Clearly, the Neanderthal is no more related to chimps than any humans are. If anything, Neanderthal is less related to chimps. Neanderthal mothers did not contribute their mtDNA to the modern gene pool. The Neanderthal fathers may have contributed their nuclear genes to the modern gene pool. Throughout history, warfare conducted by men has been characterized by the victimizing of conquered women. Hence, Neanderthal men may have made ‘unsolicited contributions’ to the modern [Cro-Magnon] human gene pool. Further, most migrations in history have initially involved men. Geneticist Simon Easteal (Australian National University) noting that chimpanzees, gorillas, and other primates have much more within-species mtDNA diversity than modern humans do; he states: “The amount of diversity between Neanderthals and living humans is not exceptional”. Primates have much more within-species 67 In The Beginning 68 In The Beginning The material from Kebara Cave, Israel, was discovered in several phases of excavations. The first hominid found was the fragmentary remains of an infant Kebara 1, and in 1983, the better-known Kebara 2 specimen was recovered. This material has been dated by both thermoluminescence and ESR dating to approximately 60 kyr [60,000 yrs]. The Kebara 2 specimen consists of the upper part of a male postcranial skeleton, as well as a mandible, a hyoid, and a single M3. The Kebara 2 specimen is one of the few complete pelvises known between the australopithecines and modern humans; however, as with just about every complete fossil pelvis that is currently known, it is from a male individual. The Kebara 2 individual is estimated to have stood about 173 cm tall (69 in), and to have weight approximately 76 kg (167 lbs), significantly smaller than estimates for European Neanderthal specimens of similar height, such as La Ferrassie. The recovery of the hyoid bone was a very important find, as it disproved earlier theories that Neanderthals and other pre-sapiens hominids were incapable of speech due to the lack of a hyoid. Neanderthals did possess a hyoid, and this scenario of speechlessness based on this bone was discredited. 69 In The Beginning How genes function in chromosomes The following text will identify a species natural selection for their environmental needs. The amount and type of genes is in relationship to the *harmonic sequencing and the amount of chromosomes in which determines the species, formatted by Richard D. Dellerman, June 2003©. (A) Discovering *DNA, copyright 1983, by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. Meditations on Genetics and a History of the Science. Pg X(a) The Helical structure of a healthy DNA molecule is non-polar. The nature of its alignment between the strands of this DNA defines the ‘nature of life’ for an organism. A polarization or distortion of these strands becomes analogous to stresses in the relationship of two poles. Analogous: (1) A measurement in which a continuously varying value, as sound, temperature, etc, corresponds proportionally to another value. As cohesive music corresponds to an out of tuned note of a musical instruments that is being played in this music. Alternatively, as sound is to a scratched groove in a phonograph record. (2) Biology equivalent but appearing independent: used to describe body parts and organs that have equivalent functions but that appear to be independent. Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 70 In The Beginning Pg 101(a) This distortion would change the harmonized* polarities of the DNA base pairs of purines and pyramidines. Pg 104(a) The nature of these alignments of *harmonized polarities are: Two hydrogen bonds attach adenine to thymine. Three hydrogen bonds attach quinine to cytosine will not harmonized and will -not arrange protein properly- mutate or terminate the gene. It also can change the gene in an ‘unnatural way’. (B) Microbiology, second edition, copyright 1986: used in colleges as: An Introduction for students in the biology sciences. (Benjamin /Cummings series in the life sciences) Pg 212(b) The physical and chemical arrangements of a protein wrap the DNA. (See Pg Xa) The following statements are a manifestation of how genes are turned on and off to produce needed proteins for its protein synthesis. When the two strands of double-helical DNA are complementary, one strand acts as a template for the production of the other strand. Once aligned (See Xa & 104a), nucleotides are joined by enzymes called DNA polymerases. Where these ‘parent strands’ separate is the point at which new strands will be synthesized. (This point is called the replication fork). 71 In The Beginning Pg 218(b) The messenger RNA has used the DNA as a template. A new strand is synthesized when the genetic information is transferred to the RNA. It places the protein for the building of a new cell. Pg 222(b) The genetic* code refers to the relationship between the nitrogenous base sequence of the DNA, the corresponding codons of the RNA, and amino acids attachments. Pg 212(b) In humans there are 23 pairs of chromosomes having DNA in each pair. This one long double helix associated with various proteins regulates genetic activity. Pg 210(b) Chromosomes are the cellular structures made up of genes that physically carry heredity information. What determines particular characteristics of an organism is: 1. How they carry information. 2. How they are replicated and passed to further generation of a cell. 3. How they are passed between organisms. 4. How the expression of their information within an organism determines the particular characteristics of that 72 In The Beginning organism. It is synthesized when the genetic information is transferred to the RNA. It places the protein for the building of a new cell. “- - biologically equivalent but appearing independent.” This chromosomal matching of similar human* chromosomes with that of a chimpanzee have identified resemblances of human chromosomes but humans have more chromosomes and genes and are stacked differently than the chimpanzee. When the 23 human chromosomes replicate, they replicate 23 pair and not 20 or 25 pair! If our species adds on an extra chromosome or an induced foreign gene, the species become a weaker species that produce a shorter life span. The next book is Human Genetics; A Selection of Incites will be discussed below. (C) Human Genetics by William J. Schull and Ranajit Chakraborty - University of Texas, copyright 1979 by Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc. distributed by Academic Press: The Interaction of Nature and Nurture Pg 199(c) The resulting studies of domestic animals, plants, and people have been selected -for this study- for variable responses to an environment. This study demonstrated that a human race (types) only excel in their natural environment and with less negative effects. That is, the interaction of each *genotype does best in an environment of their natural 73 In The Beginning habitat. Therefore, a race of people, cattle, and grain/seed is neither superior nor inferior in their natural environment! Pg(c) A breed of cattle may be (hybrid) ‘graded up’ to give a higher milk production under optimal conditions. These hybrid cattle actually give a lower milk production under poorer environmental conditions. Pg 204(c) A hybrid -a new foreign gene induced into a chromosomepermits a summer seed to be planted in the winter. This hybrid seed is now called Autumn Wheat that now can grow in cold weather. This genetically altered wheat, now called Autumn Wheat, give the best results not when it is sown in the cold autumn weather but in a warmer autumn weather! Pg 117(a) Hybrid/foreign gene are not always favored in the chromosome. Natural Genes may relate -viewed- to the Hybrid gene as being temporary or being a recessive gene. It also can mutate at a molecular level. Summery How Genes Function 1. When a gene is complementary to a particular area of the chromosome and align in *harmony with the related chromosomes, the genetic information can be transferred successfully. (See Pg 210b). 74 In The Beginning 2. Then a race of people, cattle, and grain/seed excels in their own ‘natural’ habitat. (Pg 199c) (Pg 203c) 3. Each species has their specific inactivated genes that can activate to its changed but similar environment. Each species has a limit on what type of change they can encounter. (Pg 210b) 4. There is some matching genes between the human and chimp but there are also similarities between humans and many other animals, even with the fish in the sea. The genes are in relationship to the way our chromosomes are stacked together. (See Pg Xa) A specie’s Chromosomes directly control their genetic code of the gene replicated. (See Pg 210a) When there is a genetically mutated gene (mutated cells), the species becomes weaker and dies out by natural selection. (See Pg 104a) (117a) (199c) Webster’s Dictionary: Natural selection, the process by which those individuals (of a species) with characters that help them to become adapted to their specific environment tend to leave more progeny and transmit their characteristics, while those less able to become adapted tend to leave fewer progeny or die out. *****[Later in the text you will see that the mutation that occurred is a genetic mutated species that have trouble producing healthy or living children.]***** (2,A,a)7. Llano Man and Kennewick Man Discovered in Texas, E. H. Sellards have given him the 75 In The Beginning name Llano complex. Sellards was a specialist in hunting an extinct species of elephant on the Staked Plains (Llano Estacado) of Texas and New Mexico. The sites so far investigated seem to be near what were once water holes; probably spots where game was surprised, killed, and butchered[eaten]. Several kinds of tools of stone and bone have been found at these places, but the characteristic implement is a flint spear or dart point known as the “Clovis Fluted point.” (W.W. Newcomb, Jr., The Indians of Texas.) Another curious aspect of *Liano Man was the shape of the skull being dolichocephalic, or long-headed. Briefly, what this means is that, when viewed from above, the skull was markedly oval, greater in length from front to back than from side to side. [This describes the Neanderthal and Norsemen (norths-men giants) skull also.] This scull type does not occur in America until approximately 10,000 years ago. [Could this be the Neanderthal man?] This *Llano Man has now been shown as the North America *Kennewick Man’s description that was shown on the TV Science channel, 6 PM, 7/2/04. The Keniwick Man was Carbon dated to 7,200 BC! [Therefore, the Kennewick being the Neanderthal body type, was present in the 7,200 BC period! This body type and skull shape describes the Norse Men of northern Europe including the first people termed Irish and Dutch-German!] The ice bridge, commonly known as the Bering Straight, was exposed again approximately 12,000-14,000 years ago. The conventional 12,000 year-old time line for early Chinese body type and Norths-men’s entry into America is 76 In The Beginning ‘presumably’ based on the availability of a land bridge across the northern hemisphere /Alaska region. NOTE: (There is a Nordic Tale of Giants living in the land of NeflHeim/Nephilim. It is located where darkness prevails in the most northern region of Euro-Asia. NiflHeim {Gen.6:4}was known as also Orion/Arion/Arian giant star constellations. Osirus{of Isis and Horus}star, located left bottom of Orion, was affiliated with Orion’s Belt in which gave Nimrod the power -mid section- to free the subjugated Adamics from the Sumerians {serpent people Gen.3-4}. Historically, it was the Aryans/Hellens that swept down around 2500 BP from the Ararat mountains and took control of the Chaldees Sumerian /Samara, Susa, etc.) See Cronos World War with Uranus! Aurora lights from the North Pole The people that traveled across the Bering Straights are the ones that used the Clovis type spear points. The presence of *Clovis type spear points also were found by 77 In The Beginning archaeological amateurs in 1932 in Clovis, New Mexico, near the Texas border. The spear points were located in association with the bones of extinct horses, camels and at least four mammoths. [Just maybe the Neanderthal man and these animals were here in the Americas before the last Ice Age!] These mammoths were an ancient elephant approximately twelve feet to the shoulder with massive tenfoot long curving tusks and tall enough to stare eyeball to eyeball with someone looking out of a second story window. Clovis points have been located all over North America, and fluted obsidian points very similar to Clovis have been uncovered at the Fell’s Cave site on the southern tip of South America. [Are these the Neanderthal giants of Indian lore? May be that the Liano*/ Keniwick /Neanderthal migrated northward as the Ice Glazers were melting and receding upward from the central North American continent?] On July 28, 1996, spectators of a hydroplane race found bones along the Columbia River in Kennewick, Washington on land owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The bones were deemed very old and were turned over to an anthropologist by the county coroner. One month later, anthropologist Jim Chatters held a sensational press conference. The bones were among the oldest ever found in North America and appeared to have Caucasian features. The long narrow face, prominent chin, and tall stature of Kennewick* man differed from Paleo-Indian remains. A 78 In The Beginning now famous facial reconstruction done by James Chatters and Central Washington University's Tom McClelland shows a caucasian man resembling the actor Patrick Stewart. Key facial measurements of Kennewick Man show a similarity to Eastern Russians and the Ainu of Japan. The Ainu are a caucasian minority who once possessed the whole of the Japanese Islands. A people closely related to the Ainu also once lived in Polynesia and many light-skinned Polynesians (typically from the ruling class) have facial features similar to Kennewick Man. Ainu, a world wide peoples http://www.japanfocus.org/products/details/2589 http://www.faculty.ucr.edu/~legneref/bronze/ainu.htm http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/hokkaido/ainu.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=endv3PVpXFg 79 Pic Ainu of Japan 4 In 1940, archaeologists discovered a well-preserved naturally mummified corpse in Spirit Cave in Nevada. The remains were stored in a sealed box at the Nevada State 79 In The Beginning Museum until 1994, when radiocarbon dating placed the remains at the same period as Kennewick Man. The Spirit Cave mummy looks like Kennewick Man and has all of the same caucasian features. Lovelock cave is eighty miles from Reno and the sites were in 1911 guano miners found numerous sets of remains naturally mummified under four feet of animal droppings. While advance testing was not available, the remains were carefully documented. The most striking trait to that discovery was the red hair found on some of the remains. The remains are also taller than Amer-indians, and photographs of the skulls show a close resemblance to *Kennewick man. Several modern Indian tribes have legends of pale skinned and/or red-haired peoples. In fact, the Paiutes, a tribe native to Nevada, have a legend about exterminating an enemy tribe of red-haired peoples. See Pgs 104 The “red heads” were also found in prehistoric times in the British islands and the Nordic regions. So “red heads” were to be found to have lived in the American continent, Britain, Europe, northeast and far western Asia, island north of Japan, and all were found to be of the ‘o’ blood types. Africa also has the ‘o’ blood type. The most primitive Black African is of the “L” DNA haplogroup. 80 Pic Caledonian Picts 2 These seem to correlate with the 1Ra DNA but some have developed into the 1Rb black haired race/species{“J” DNA}. The 1Rb was found to come from the -o at the time 80 In The Beginning span it became the +o and 1Rb. This time span also correlates with the mixing species with the 1Ra Caucasian light skinned Adamic species. The word ‘ADaM’ in English is “man”, “blood” and “red”. PALEOLITHIC Man (2)B The late PALEOLITHIC, 45,000-10,000 BC. It was said, “Homo Neanderthalensis, or *Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis has genetic evidence suggested he was a separate species that faded from detection but he did leave behind evidence of his Spiritual understandings. “This is most clearly seen in *Neanderthal Burials at SHANIDAR in northern IRAQ, excavated by Richard Solecki, and in (the former) Russian Turkestan. The Shanidar grave contained the body of a forty-two year old man that had been sprinkled with flowers. The Turkistan grave contained a four-year-old boy-child buried with beads and Grave Goods, the property of a warrior of the valley of Shanidar 12,000 BC. Turkistan 81 In The Beginning However, in the case of the boy from Turkistan, one must ask why a boy, who could not have been a warrior, was buried with such equipment unless there was an expectation that he might have needed it! This is the best indication of a belief in an afterlife 45,000 years ago.” [The Turkistan body type is similar to the Neanderthal in some ways such 82 In The Beginning as having a long and narrow scull and is much taller than the Cro-Magnon Mediterranean and Arab body type.] (2)C Distribution of Blood Types Human populations share the same blood systems Blood provides an ideal opportunity for the study of human variation without cultural prejudice. It can be easily classified for many different genetically inherited blood typing systems. Also significant is the fact that we rarely consider blood types in selecting mates. In addition, few people know their own type today and no one did a century ago. As a result, differences in blood type frequencies around the world are most likely due to other factors than social discrimination. Contemporary Japan is somewhat of an exception since there are popular Japanese stereotypes about people with different blood types. All human populations share the same blood systems, although they differ in the frequencies of specific types. Blood types When we donate blood or have surgery, a small sample is usually taken in advance for at least ABO and Rh systems typing. If you are O+, the O is your ABO type and the + is your Rh type. It is possible to be A, B, AB, or O as well as Rh+ or Rh-. You inherited your blood types from your parents and the environment in which you live cannot change them. We have learned a good deal, about how common each of the ABO and RH blood types is around the world. Both clinal and discontinuous distributions exist, 83 In The Beginning suggesting a complicated evolutionary history for humanity. This can be seen with the global frequency patterns of the type B blood allele (shown in the map below). Note that it is highest in central Asia and lowest in the Americas and Australia. However, there are relatively high frequency pockets in Africa as well. Overall, in the world, B is the rarest ABO blood allele. Distribution of the B type blood allele in native populations At 10-35% frequency in most populations of the world, the A blood allele is more common than the B allele. The highest frequencies of A are found in small, unrelated populations, especially the Blackfoot Indians of Montana (30-35%), the Australian Aborigines (many groups are 4053%), and the Lapps, or Saami people, of Northern Scandinavia (50-90%). The A allele apparently was absent among Central and South American Indians. 84 In The Beginning Distribution of the A type blood allele in native populations The O blood type (usually resulting from the absence of both A and B alleles) is very common around the world. It is particularly high in frequency among the indigenous populations of Central and South America, where it approaches 100%. It also is relatively high among Australian Aborigines and in Western Europe (especially in populations with Celtic ancestors). The lowest frequency of O is found in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, where B is common. Distribution of the O type blood allele in native populations 85 In The Beginning The distribution patterns for the Diego blood system are even more striking. Evidently, all Africans, Europeans, East Indians, Australian Aborigines, and Polynesians are Diego negative. The only populations with Diego positive people may be Native Americans (2-46%) and East Asians (3-12%). This nonrandom distribution pattern fits well with the hypothesis of an East Asian origin for Native Americans. These patterns of ABO and Diego blood type distributions are not similar to those for skin color or other so-called "racial" traits. The implication is that the specific causes responsible for the distribution of human blood types have been different from those for other traits that have been commonly employed to categorize people into "races." Since it would be possible to divide humanity into radically 86 In The Beginning different groupings, using blood typing instead of other genetically inherited traits such as skin color. We have more conclusive evidence that the commonly used typological model for understanding human variation is scientifically unsound. Yet, this hard-earned scientific knowledge is generally ignored in most countries because of more demanding social and political concerns. As a result, discrimination based on presumed "racial" groups continues. Address for correspondence and reprints: Dr. Ripan S. Malhi, Department of Human Genetics, 3726 Medical Science II, 1301 E. Catherine Street, University of Michigan, and Ann [email protected] Arbor, MI 48109-0618. E-mail: Studies of mtDNA diversity among Native Americans have been used to hypothesize several different scenarios for the initial peopling of the Americas (Torroni et al. 1992, 1993; Horai et al. 1993; Merriwether et al. 1995). These studies have focused on identifying the source population(s), the number of waves of migration, and the time of entry of Native Americans into the New World and have revealed that nearly all Native Americans belong to one of five mtDNA haplogroups: A, B, C, D, or X (Schurr et al. 1990; Forster et al. 1996). A linguistically and geographically diverse set of Native American populations contains all five of these haplogroups. This pattern of 87 In The Beginning haplogroup distribution for A, B, C, and D was demonstrated by Merriwether et al. (1995) and Lorenz and Smith (1996), and for haplogroup X it was demonstrated by Smith et al. (1999). All of these haplogroups were shown to exhibit similar amounts of genetic diversity (Bonatto and Salzano 1997a; Lorenz and Smith 1997) and have been identified in prehistoric Native North American samples (Parr et al. 1996; Stone and Stoneking 1998; Carlyle et al. 2000; O'Rourke et al. 2000; Kaestle and Smith 2001; Malhi 2001). Bonatto and Salzano (1997b) demonstrated that Greenberg's (1986) proposed Eskimo-Aleut, Na-Dene, and Amerindian linguistic groups (once considered to represent three different waves of migrants from Asia to the Americas) all contain haplogroup A individuals who display the nucleotide position (np) 16111 C→T transition that is not found in Asia (the exception being the Chukchi, who gained it probably as a result of back migration; see Forster et al. 1996 and Starikovskaya et al. 1998), suggesting a single New World (Beringian) origin for this mutation. These lines of evidence suggest that North America was peopled by a single wave of Asian migrants. [ NO! (The majority of haplography A individuals are predominant in America and not in Asia! It also is the oldest haplogroup of the American Indian that date far beyond 13,000 BP. Then the Polynesian C dates before 13,000 BP. Asian haplography B came to America around 11,000 BP!) (The ancient Aleut haplography D had been previously 88 In The Beginning disperse all over the Earth.)] Summery 89 In The Beginning The FORCE cycles in our Galaxy pulls inward to its center all its creation to be fashioned again. All things take the boat down the River of the {Galaxy} Serpent’s Stellar Nursery for rebirth. The FORCE (God) creates polarized LIGHT that forms all things as the stars, planets and living things! The Universe’s equalibrium continues to be maintained! Gen.1 Moving South All the planets found today in our Solar System are either a fiery hell or unpleasantly frozen. God had set up a paradise for humankind. The planet Mother Earth provides food and shelter as long as mankind does not mutate her. They lived with Mother Nature’s seasons as the time to prepare for winter, the time to hunt, the time to pick berries, and the time to relocate to another pasture. The taller white people live in the northern hemisphere and the shorter brown people lived a little south of them. The black people lived in the southern hemisphere. The white polar bears lived in the northern hemisphere and the brown bears lived a little south of them. The black bears lived farther south of the brown Bear. Each species of *man, bear, bird and insect had their own natural habitat on Earth. As a mini *Ice Age brought Ice Glaciers southward, the white man migrated southward. They migrated into Africa, Arabia, India, etc. The light skinned Neanderthal continued to migrate down into South Africa, Indonesia and New Guinea -Chinese also migrated southward- and some island hopped 90 In The Beginning across to and from America. As the Neanderthal settled into their new lands, some procreated with the Black African and Asian people. [See African and giants in APPENDIX] Homo-Erectus of 3,000,000 years ago have been found today as being similar to the Homo-Floresienses, nicknamed ‘Hobbits’ (short people under 4 foot tall) found in China, Ireland, America and around the Indonesia Islands. This similar body type has been found to even exist into present times. Genetics show a gene pool mixture of *Hominids(man) that had existed for millions of years. Found under a volcano 33,000,000 yrs old The migration continued into Indonesia and across the string of islands to Central and South America. These peoples may have traveled to the Americas during the (150,000, 50,000, and the 20,000 BP) 3,000,000 year time 91 In The Beginning span of the many intermediary Ice Ages. There has been, many times, the Neanderthal migrating to the warmer southern regions of Earth. During these *Ice Ages, the Oceans were much lower; from 25 to 200 and some say even 300 feet or lower, exposing more islands that string across from Indonesia to South America. In the last *Ice Age, the Ocean was hundreds of feet lower than the Ocean depths are today. It is believed that some of the Polynesians and the Indonesians racial features resembled the Neanderthal because of these migrations. Island Hopping A mixed racial procreation probably occurred as they moved southward and Island hopping across to South America and Asia. 92 In The Beginning The Australian aborigine may have also migrated to South American as the South American Mongo Man. A living species of the Mongo man body type was found to be alive in South America today. Some of their burial sites date back to the 11,000 BP era of the last *Ice Age. They have found skeletons of these people in Australia that date back to 40,000 years. The geneticists had established that the Mongo Man has different genes than the Black African people! As the ice receded back upwards towards the north, all the original northern species of nature also moved upward. This white Neanderthal migration brought a mixed gene pool from the Black Africa and Asian into the northern hemisphere of the Scandinavian lands of the Nordic regions and up to Mongolia, Siberia and into the Artic regions. The Ice Glaciers melted, the ocean rose up *flooding much of the string of Islands that was the pathway to the Americas. The only pathway from South America after the *Great Flood of 8200 BP, was to travel northwards on this American continent. There is some evidence of this northern migration. The caucasian Neanderthal/ Kennewick* man 93 In The Beginning had been found in Texas, USA area that dates to 7,200 BP the ending of the Ice Age flooding rain episode. This time element was after the Great Flood* of 8200 BP. Therefore, the Neanderthal migrated to the North American continent as the Ice Glaciers receded back northward again. For this reason, the Neanderthal man migrated from the South American continent back to the North American continent bringing with him a genetic mixture pool of the Chinese, Black African, and Neanderthal genetics. Most of the predominant brown skinned people stayed south in their natural habitat and the Neanderthal caucasian type people moved back northward. Most all these races of peoples still reside in their natural habitats to this day! The Adamic people stretch from above Saudi Arabia and Turkey across to the Hindu-Cush mountains and into India and some has scattered up to Ireland and the Nordic hemisphere. After 35,000 years ago, as the Neanderthal traveled across the earth, the Cro-Magnon body type man also can be found to have existed in these many parts of the world! A very similar race was to have existed sometime in the fifth millennium BP as the Sumerians of the Samara culture. Evidence has suggested that their culture was similar to the Atlantics of 12,000 BP. Evidence shows the Atilan culture/Azlan people, the International shippers of trade and merchandise, spread their civilization to all points of the Earth far before 5,000 BP. The people of the 5th Millennium in “Eden, Garden of the gods” is known as the Sumerian/Samara`tan. These 94 In The Beginning Cimmerian, Cimbri/Welsh, Celts had their Celtic Druids and Bards/Birds to keep history by writing it down on rock, wood, and clay tablets. It appears, by Archaeology findings, that they (also at some periods are identified as the Phoenicians) were in the Americas around the 3rd millennium BP; their megaliths show this. The Cro-Magnon (gray skinned) and Neanderthal (light skinned) can be seen as the Phoenic’ians. They are seen in the 10,000- 8000 BP cities of Jericho and in Bablos. {Neanderthal and CroMagnon/Burgher} The *Neandertal genomic DNA has not been compared to the [so-called] modern man. Only genomic DNA can help scientists understand the functional differences between extinct and living species. Because unbroken strands of ancient DNA are so hard to come by, in previous ancientDNA studies, they have used a biochemical amplification method to create a string of DNA. In effect, they take an unbroken fragment of DNA and copy it repeatedly to create a complete strand. However, this only works for mitochondrial DNA, not {their genetics profile>genes} genomic DNA. Neanderthals, they say, lived in Europe and some parts of Asia from about 200,000 years ago. The last of them [their body type] mysteriously disappeared. They were last seen in present-day Spain and Portugal (28,000-20,000?) years ago. Modern humans, many scientists believe, arose in Africa less than 150,000 years ago and appeared in great numbers in Spain and Portugal starting about 40,000 years 95 In The Beginning ago. [meaning of Modern body type: 120,000 yr Black African and 35,000 yr Cro-Magnon. Educational system says: 35,000 years ago some say: 50,000 years ago] The relationship between Neanderthals and the early modern humans, commonly known as Cro-Magnons, is debatable among some. The two groups overlapped in Europe for 10,000 years. Archaeologists have found both species had lived together and was buried together! Later studies showed that much of the *morphology, or form and structure, of the Neanderthals were similar to that of modern humans [Black African or Cro-Magnon?], said Washington University at St. Louis. However, older Neanderthal type bones have been found to be far over six feet tall. Hundreds of grave fields have displayed thousands of graves with giants over 10 feet tall and many other sites show corps under 4 feet tall including under 24 inches short. [The Cro-Magnon was found to be a different body structure than the Black African and the Neanderthal. The Black African was here over 150,000 years ago as was the Neanderthal but the Cro-Magnon appeared about 35,000 years ago!] Neandertal specimens 96 In The Beginning Color-coded words are used to distinguish a (race)species with ethnic similarities throughout this book Elah’im One. (Individuals that, based on shared features, form a subdivision of one type of genus.) In the 3rd millennium BP, Akkadian’s ancient manuscripts described their captured Sumerians as being finely and concisely structured, of medium height [around 5’ to 5’-6”? For Cro-Magnon type; see Page 40], black hair, light ash 97 In The Beginning gray skinned, an arched nose, eyes are close together and were referred to as the (Burger people) Burgers. The Akkadians of the third millennium BP called the Sumerians “the Burgers”! Because of their non-warrior type construct and being knowledgeable to read and write, the Akkadian soldiers used them as scribes. They enlisted these “burgers” into their Akkadian Army as their “office soldiers” [Officers?]. Very few Akkadians could read and write and were not educated as the intellectual and educated Sumerian. The name “Burgers” were said to have a specific body type as was stated by Historians of the Roman Empire period. The “burgers” were mentioned again to be the same body type stated by another Historian of the 15th century. Many Burghers carry the name “Van” throughout history. The Egyptian word for ‘hill’ was pronounced “djew”. This word refers to “mountain” as where the shepherds of Able, Abraham, Ish’mael and Isaac, Esau and Jacob seem to have always lived. Nevertheless, the jew people had also been referred to as the people that lived in the Judean mountains! In 1200 BP, some of Jacob’s descendants lived in the mountain regions of Israel and some still had lived in the mountain areas of Judea in 600 BP. Today, the Samarians can be found to live in Palestine’s Samara Mountain Range. These body type and ethnical people have been discovered as Ireland’s and Briton’s Picts. They said to have originally came from Chaldees of Samara! This is also where Lake Van is located. 98 In The Beginning Are the mountain Shepherds today the Jews and Cain’s (?) Mercantile Bankers of Industry not considered Jews? What do you think? [See Introduction to ‘Giants’, Volume 2 of Elah’im One.] From the Akkadian writings: The brown-skinned (Known today as a Semite and Muslim) people are shorter than the Samarians. Their height today was said to be about 5' 3", more robust and huskier body structure and shorter than the Sumerian. They were used as warriors in the Akkadian Army! (Declared from the Akkadian writings.) I acted on the color-coded genealogy with the presumption that their identifications were genuinely authentic. The assumed IDENTIFICATIONS of people - The families from the Neanderthal giant’s ancient body type seem to be over 6 to 7 foot tall. Nevertheless, a different body type giant has also been recently discovered. He had a much denser body type than the Neanderthal (found to be 6 foot 6 inches tall or taller), but they lived and only could survive in the Nordic cold regions of the earth. They were scientifically named “Goliath”. [See APPENDIX] - The Neanderthal male-giants (Nephilim) and the Adam’s daughters married and had sons and daughters. (Male genes are from the Giants and the female genes are from the daughters of Man/Adam.) Probably their height averaged around 6 foot tall. - JHVH {Ea/Jah} ElaH’im had made an “inheritor” of the Earth in the likeness and image of themselves. They called them Adam/Man. Some of Adam’s descendants, in the beginning, did 99 In The Beginning not mix their race! They will be referred to as the Adamics. [See Adam in INDEX and APPENDIX] - Repha’im: Sons of Anu’naki. The Neanderthal “Chai Yah” intermarried with (Genesis 1:24) “Living creatures/beings” and begot the shorter giants called the Repha`im. Other Biblical names for these shorter “sons of the taller Anu’naki Giants” are the Em’im, and Zuz’im. Anak in Bible}is also is a people mentioned in the Nordic epics of the Giants in Volume 2. of Elah‘im One. - Arians (Gen. 6:4) The descendants of the *god An. The enemies of the grays or Burghers (Serpent people). The Arians, (H’urrians) (including Japheth of the gentiles(goyim)(Gen.10:3-5) liberated the sons of Ham from the people of Samara that ruled Mesopotamia. The Aryans left it later to the Hamites. A Mix of all three children of Noah became known as the Akkadians. Abraham’s families(Shemites) are referenced from the Bible to have left the city of Ur (around the 20th centuryBP) from the country of Sumer/Samara of the Chaldees (Astronomers-Maji). Abraham’s families were presumably the unmixed descendants of Shem. They were also known as the Shepard of Shinar that migrated northeast and northwest. Scythia was located north of the Black Sea. The Scythians (Gen. 9:27) of Japheth may be Scythia. It was the Aryans and Scythians that chased the Cimmerians (Sumerians) out of Mesopotamia. Shem’s Eber and Ham’s Hittites of Iberia (Caucus Mountains) later migrated to Iberia/Spain then to Ireland and may have founded Tarah and the Kings Hall megalithic site. Ireland’s history of Tara, the daughter of a Pharaoh, really may have changed the previous name of the Kings Hall of the Stone Age period. 100 In The Beginning Shem’s descendants were Tarah, father of Abraham to DeDan. A descendant from Ham was named DoDan. Was it the Dedanaans of Ireland? Also Japheth’s descendants was DoDan’im/DeDonns of Chittim of the Ionian Islands. {Genesis 10:4 and :7, Eze.27:15} The Thracians, located north and west of the Black Sea, are comparable in many ways to the Scythian culture. This was the tall caucasian people of fair skinned, brawny and ruggedly built. Many written stories -usually a Sumerian story because they were the only ones that usually could write to describe the Scythians. The barbarian gentile -the Biblical Hebrew-Chaldean word “goy” was used by the Sumerians to describe them! The area of the Black Sea is where the famous (giant) Amazon warrior women were to be found. The Greek historians and the Nordic epics tell that they were located a little north of the Black Sea and some say around the Caucasus Mountain Range. Also referred to as the lion faced Ariel where the fierce warriors had lived. Nephilim, “fallen ones” (?) (Kronos’ Titans?) , the male giants of Genesis 6:1-4, took the daughters of Adam/Man and begot children - - great and renowned - - . The racial mixture of the Sons of the Nephilim could also be the “sons of the Rapha’im Giants” 2nd Samuel 21:16 - 22, 1 Chap. 20:4 - 8, Deut. 2:11 2:20 - 3:13. These giants and the sons of giants will be in ‘The Extermination of Anak’ and his family of Giants of the Bible in chapter 3, Volume 2, of Elah‘im One. The Bible’s war story of Deborah and her ‘sons of gods’ came over from ‘Akkadia and Sumer’ to destroy the giants in Canaan. However, who are the “sons of gods” that protected these smaller peasants from the 101 In The Beginning giant god Kings in Canaan (-includes Ireland and Briton)? In addition, who are these shorter common folk, the farmers(?) and laborers, or the mortals of Gen. 1:24, that ask the gods (sons of the living gods) for protection from the Giant god Kings? This will bring us to the next adventure about the Giant gods and the Gods or Gods- in Ireland and Briton seen in the next episodes in Volume 2, chapter 3 of Elah‘im One! (It includes the story of David and Goliath ) color coded will be as: JotunHeim and NiflHeim as: Giant gods-star constellations Sumerians/ Chaldeans/ Fomors = serpent Gods and planet Gods=Ananaki/ Rephaim, the son’s of gods. Mortals/chay of Midgard as: mortals The “living beings” of Genesis 1:24 and Adam/Man both are defined as “mortals”. Both were used as laborers for the gods {see labor guilds of Masons and symbol of the Bees} to build civilizations [now in Volume 5]. 14 Pic Star gods 26 102 Pic Geneses Family Tree 2 APPENDIX Additional information accompanying main text: a collection of separate material at the end of a book or document. (Page 15) Angels Pg 117 BIBLE: “(Nephilim/Nifl’hiem) that are greater in power and might, - -(Peter 2:11- 12), natural brute *beasts that speak evil while they speak with 102 In The Beginning you.” (2:19), “- - they promise you liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption. In Jude 1:6, “Angels which kept not there first estate but left their own habitation.” In (1:11, 12, 13), “ - - ran greedily after the error of Balaam, - these (Bel*, Baal) are the spots in your feasts of charity. (Pgs 22) Chaldean-Hebrew Words used with cha, chay and chey: Strong’s Concordance of Bible chey va: beast* is the wrong English word used in the English Bible. However, the word ‘beast’ also is not chay; the Bible word used for a beast is chey. However, the Bible’s word (in the Chaldean language) as > (#2423) chey va means ‘living animal’’ and not Chay: life, living beings. The word is referenced to living people in: Gen. 1:24; 2:19; 3:1; 45:3; Ex. 21:35; Nu. 14:21. to be alive, presently living (#2416) Includes (#2419) Chiy’el: (#2419) chiy: living and el: most powerful one used also as “living God” in the English language. Chavah: Gen. 3:20; Eve as cha vah meaning ‘human life giver’. (#2332) cha: human life-alive. Yah God-life giver, Living (as in Chayah): god (#3068) as also in the word “YaH o’vah”. YeHuw’dah. Judah and jew may be an ethnic name for Judea. Also JHVH as IH>Ea>Io> pronounced Yah. ChaYah Genesis1:25 (#2423); (#2416, 2421, 3050, offspring> descendants, living people. Yah: god) living gods; life givers; Elah`im, Angels: Pg 1300 Recaps from page 22 (#2416, English word “beast” in this sentence is used wrongly. Strong’s Concordance is Chay: life, living 103 In The Beginning humans. The word is referenced to humans in: Gen. 1:24; 2:19; 3:1; 45:3; Ex. 21:35; Nu. 14:21. To be alive, presently living (#2416) Includes (#2419) Yah (as in Cha yah): as in the word “YaH VaH”; (JHVH #3068) used as a deity. It is not the English word beast*=behemah: large four legged animal as worded in the new King James Bible.) (Gen I:24) God said let the earth bring forth (chay) living people. The Bible’s word Chey is only referred to animals but in Gen. 1:24 in Strong’s Concordance of the Bible is: #2416 Chay and is referred to people only! Therefore, the word “chay creatures” are living beings but not Man/Adam nor animals/beasts! us: More than one. Gods/ELaH’im; “im” is plural, properly spelled as Ela Heim, “Heim” as: home , abode, province, town of the Ela: most powerful. Same as Bible’s/Torah’s spell Nephil`im as: Nifl Heim, Jotun Heim, etc. in Nordic sagas. Man (Pgs 22, 26, 29, 31, 93) (#377) To be manly ‘ish’ in Hebrew> used as an adjunct to a more defined term as, to be a man, i.e., to act in a manly way. [man`ish] Used as (#378) “man of shame” and as (#379) “man of renown”. Men (#582) ‘enowsh’ means: “a mortal” in Job 4:17. Son (Pg 22) (#1254 English:“create”> Hebrew: bara: a ‘selected’ creation ) analogous to (only similar to): #1249, bar: beloved; #1248, bar: heir; #1247, bar: a son; #1250, bar, from #1305; to purge or winnowing a seed of grain, {This includes sperm as a seed but “bar“ is not used in text, bara is!} Adam: (Pg 22) In English is ‘man’in Chaldean-Hebrew is ‘Adam’ . (#120) In Strong’s Concordance to the Bible: Adam; 104 In The Beginning turn ruddy, as to blush, or skin turns red from the sun. Therefore, ‘Adam’ connotes having fair skin prone to a sunburn. They called Esau’s dominion “Edom”. *Edom is the word also meaning “red” in the Chaldean-Hebrew language. Esau was Jacob’s twin brother through the lineage of Adam’s genealogy of Seth. Hebrew and Chaldean letters without having vowels as ‘a’e’i’o’u’ in the word ‘EDoM’ and ‘ADaM’ can be distinguished by the sentence it is used in. The word ‘DaM’ is the Hebrew word “Blood” -red blood. Also see the word: aDaMa (#128: reddish soil; as a husbandman-man of the soil) used in Genesis 9:5: Exodus. 23:29; Lev. 26:6; Duet. 7:22; Job 5:23; Psalms. 104:11; Isa. 43:20; Jer. 12:9; 27:6; Eze. 31:6,13 and 32:4, 33:27, 34:5, 25:28, 38:20; this being another Chaldean-Hebrew word that denotes the husbandman/farmer of the “ruddy color” ground. Adam/ Man in the Hebrew word was made as the inheritor -see Concordance word “son“- but not a literal son. In Gen. 1, all living things came from Earth! In Gen. 2, is in the same likeness of the Sumerian Epic where the Elah’im (gods) made a laborer and ‘tiller of the field’ for themselves from the red clay [minerals] of the ground. 104 Pic 30,000 yrs of race mixing 2 Ice Age During the present Ice Age (started 3,000,000 years ago), glaciers have advanced and retreated over 20 times, often blanketing north Europe, Asia and America with ice. Our climate today is actually a warm interval between these many periods of glaciations. The most recent period of glaciations, which many people think of as the "Ice Age", was at its height approximately 20,000 until 12,000 years ago. 105 In The Beginning Between 52 and 57 million years ago, the Earth was relatively warm. Tropical conditions actually extended all the way into the mid-latitudes (around northern Spain or the central United States for example), Polar Regions experienced temperate climates. The difference in temperature between the equator and pole was much smaller than it is today. Indeed, it was so warm that trees grew in both the Arctic and Antarctic, and alligators lived in Ellesmere Island at 78 degrees north. Alligators, camels and horses were also found to be in North America at this period. 105 Pic ice bergs 4 (Page 17) Giants (Neanderthal) Giant Human Remains In his book, The Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee, author John Haywood describes "very large" bones in stone graves found in Williamson County, Tennessee, in 1821. In White County, Tennessee, an 106 In The Beginning "ancient fortification" contained skeletons of gigantic stature averaging at least 7 feet in length. Giant skeletons were found in the mid-1800s near Rutland and Rodman, New York. J.N. DeHart, M.D. found vertebrae "larger than those of the present type" in Wisconsin mounds in 1876. W.H.R. Lykins uncovered skull bones "of great size and thickness" in mounds of Kansas City area in 1877. George W. Hill, M.D., dug out a skeleton "of unusual size" in a mound of Ashland County, Ohio. In 1879, a nine-foot, eight-inch skeleton was excavated from a mound near Brewersville, Indiana (Indianapolis News, Nov 10, 1975). A six foot, six inch skeleton was found in a Utah mound. This was at least a foot taller than the average Indian height in the area, and these natives -what few there were of themwere not mound builders. During mound explorations by a Dr Everhart near Zanesville, Ohio, "A skeleton which is reported to have been of enormous dimensions" was found in a clay coffin, with a sandstone slab containing hieroglyphics. (See American Antiquarian, v3, 1880, pg61). Ten skeletons "of both sexes and of gigantic size" were taken from a mound at Warren, Minnesota, 1883. (St. Paul Pioneer Press, May 23, 1883) A skeleton 7 feet 6 inches long was found in a massive stone structure that was likened to a temple chamber within a mound in Kanawha County, West Virginia, in 1884. (See American Antiquarian, v6, 1884 133f. And Cyrus Thomas, Report on Mound Explorations of the Bureau of Ethnology, 12th Annual 107 In The Beginning Report, Smithsonian Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-91). A large mound near Gasterville, Pennsylvania, contained a vault in which was found a [man’s] skeleton measuring 7 feet 2 inches. Inscriptions were carved on the vault. (American Antiquarian, v7, 1885, 52f). In 1885, miners discovered the mummified remains of woman measuring 6 feet 8 inches tall holding an infant. The mummies were found in a cave behind a wall of rock in the Yosemite Valley. In Minnesota, 1888, were discovered remains of seven skeletons 7 to 8 feet tall. (St. Paul Pioneer Press, June 29, 1888). A mound near Toledo, Ohio, held 20 skeletons, seated and facing east with jaws and teeth "twice as large as those of present day people," and besides each was a large bowl with "curiously wrought hieroglyphic figures." (Chicago Record, Oct. 24, 1895; cited by Ron G. Dobbins, NEARA Journal, v13, fall 1978). The skeleton of a huge man was uncovered at the Beckley farm, Lake Koronis, Minnesota; while at Moose Island and Pine City, bones of other giants became known. (St. Paul Globe, Aug. 12, 1896). In 1911, several red-haired mummies ranging from 6 and a half feet to 8 feet tall were discovered in a cave in Lovelock, Nevada. In February and June of 1931, large skeletons were found in the Humboldt lakebed near Lovelock, Nevada. The first of these two skeletons found measured 8 1/2 feet tall and appeared to have been wrapped in a gum-covered fabric 108 In The Beginning similar to the Egyptian manner. The second skeleton was almost 10 feet long. (Review - Miner, June 19, 1931). A 7 foot 7 inch skeleton was reported to have been found on the Friedman ranch, near Lovelock, Nevada, in 1939.(Review - Miner, Sept. 29, 1939) In 1965, a skeleton measuring 8 feet 9 inches was found buried under a rock ledge along the Holly Creek in east-central Kentucky. AUSTRALIAN GIANTS: There was a race or group of people found in Australia called "meganthropus" by anthropologists. These people were of very large size--estimated between 7 to 12 feet tall, depending on what source you read. These people were found with mega tool artifacts, so their humanness is difficult to question. Four jaw fragments and thousands of teeth have been found in China of "gigantopithecus blacki"-named after the discover. Based on the size of the teeth and deep jaws, its size has been estimated at around 10 feet and as tall as 12 feet, 1200 pounds. PROOF OF AUSTRALIAN GIANTS: In old river gravels near Bathurst, NSW, huge stone artifacts -- clubs, food-pounders, adzes, chisels, knives and hand axes -- all of tremendous weight, lie scattered over a wide area. These weigh anything from 8, 10, 15, to 21 and 25 pounds, implements that only men of tremendous proportions could possibly have made and used. Estimates for the actual size of these men range from 10 to 12 feet tall and over, weighing from 500 to 600 lbs. A fossil-searcher searching the Winburndale River north of Bathurst 109 In The Beginning discovered a large quartzite’s fossil human molar tooth, far too big for any normal modern man. A similar find was made near Dubbo, N.S.W. Prospectors working in the Bathurst district in the 1930's frequently reported coming across numerous large human footprints fossilized in shoals of red jasper. Even more impressive were fossil deposits found by naturalist Rex Gilroy around Bathurst. He excavated from a depth of 6 feet (2 m) below the surface a fossil lower back molar tooth measuring 67 mm. in length by 50mm. x 42 mm. across the crown. If his measurements were correct, the owner would have been at least 25 ft. tall and weighing well over 1,000 lbs! At Gympie, Queensland, a farmer, Keith Walker, was cultivating his field when he turned up the large fragment of the back portion of a jaw, which still possessed the hollow for a missing lower back molar tooth. This is now in Rex GiIroy's possession. The owner of the tooth would have stood at 10 feet tall. In the Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains NSW, a Mr P. Holman found in ironstone protruding from a creek bank the deeply impressed print of a large human-like foot. The print was that of the instep, with all five toes clearly shown. This footprint measures 7 inches across the toes. Had the footprint been complete it would have been at least 2 feet (60 cm in length, appropriate to a 12 foot human. However, the largest footprint found on the Blue Mountains must have belonged to a man 20 feet tall! A set of three huge footprints was discovered near Mulgoa, 110 In The Beginning south of Penrith, N.S.W. These prints, each measuring 2 ft long and 7 inches across the toes, are 6 ft. apart, indicating the stride of the 12 ft. giant who left them. These prints were preserved by volcanic lava and ash flows that "occurred millions of years" before man is supposed to have appeared on the Australian continent (if one is to believe the evolutionary theory): Noel Reeves found monstrous footprints near Kempsey, N.S.W. in sandstone beds on the Upper Macleay River. One print shows toe 4 inches (10cm) long and the total toe-span is 10 inches (25cm) - suggesting that the owner of the print may have been 17 feet tall. It is certain the Aborigines were not the first to reach Australia. Anthropologists maintain mainland Aborigines are in fact quite recent arrivals that ate their processors who were akin to the New Guinea natives. Aborigine themselves admit in their ancient folklore that this land was inhabited by several groups of men, as well as giants, before they settled here. MORE GIANT RECORDS: In an old book entitled "History and Antiquities of Allerdale," there is an account of a giant found in Cumberland, England, at an unknown date in the middle ages. Called "A True Report of Hugh Hodson, of Thorneway," it states, “The said giant was buried four yards deep in the ground, which is now a corn field. He was four yards and a half long, and was in complete armour; his sword and battle-axe lying by him....his teeth were six inches long, and two inches broad...." A group of soldiers at 111 In The Beginning Lompock Rancho, California dug up the bones of a twelvefoot tall man in 1833. Giant [man’s] weapons surrounded the skeleton, and the skull featured a double row of teeth. Yet another giant was unearthed in 1891, when workers in Crittenden, Arizona excavated a huge stone coffin that had evidently once held the body of a man 12 feet tall. A carving on the granite case indicated that he had six toes. A living giant was sighted in the little village of Buffalo Mills, Pennsylvania, on August 19, 1973. A man at least nine feet tall strode down the main street of the village, dressed in strange clothing, which appeared to be made of some sort of shimmering material. He gazed at the startled townspeople in a dark, penetrating way and then loped off casually into oblivion. OTHER GIANT EVIDENCES: In July 1877, four prospectors were looking for gold and silver outcroppings in a desolate, hilly area near the head of Spring Valley, not far from Eureka, Nevada. Scanning the rocks, one of the men spotted something peculiar projecting from a high ledge. Climbing up to get a better look, the prospector was surprised to find a human leg bone and kneecap sticking out of solid rock. He called to his companions, and together they dislodged the oddity with picks. Realizing they had a most unusual find, the men brought it into Eureka, where it was placed on display. The stone in which the bones were embedded was a hard, dark red quartzite, and the bones themselves were almost black with carbonization - indicative of great age. When the surrounding stone was carefully chipped away, the specimen 112 In The Beginning was found to be composed of a leg bone broken off four inches above the knee, the kneecap and joint, the lower leg bones, and the complete bones of the foot. Several medical doctors examined the remains. They were convinced that anatomically they had indeed once belonged to a human being, and a very modern-looking one at that! However, an intriguing aspect of the bones was their size: from knee to heel measured 39 inches. Their owner in life had thus stood over 12 feet tall. Compounding the mystery further was the fact that the rock in which the bones were found was dated geologically to the era of the dinosaurs, the Jurassic - over 185 million years old. The local papers ran several stories on the marvelous find, and two museums sent investigators to see if any more of the skeleton could be located. Unfortunately, nothing else but the leg and foot existed in the rock." Strange Relics from the Depths of the Earth--Jochmans http://www.ior.com/~kjc/pages/strange.htm EVEN MORE RECORDS OF GIANTS: In 1936 Larson Kohl, the German paleontologist and anthropologist, found the bones of gigantic men on the shore of Lake Elyasi in Central Africa. Other giant skeletons were later found in Hava, the Transvaal and China. The evidence for the existence of giants is incontrovertible. "A scientifically assured fact," says Dr. Louis Burkhalter. Large bones in stone graves discovered in the early 1800s, in Williamson County and White County, Tennessee, Their average stature of these giants was 7 feet tall. 113 In The Beginning Giant skeletons found in the mid-1800s in New York State near Rutland and Rodman. In 1833, soldiers digging at Lompock Rancho, California, discovered a male skeleton 12 feet tall. Caved shells, stone axes, and other artifacts surrounded the skeleton. The skeleton had double rows of upper and lower teeth. Unfortunately, this body was secretly buried because the local Indians became upset about the remains. A giant skull and vertebrae found in Wisconsin and Kansas City. A giant found off the California Coast on Santa Rosa Island in the 1800s. It was distinguished by its double rows of teeth. A 9-foot, 8-inch skeleton was excavated from a mount near Brewersville, Indiana, in 1879. Skeletons of "enormous dimensions" were found in mounds near Zanesville, Ohio, and Warren, Minnesota, in the 1880s. In Clearwater Minnesota, the skeletons of seven giants were found in mounds. These had receding foreheads and complete double dentition. At Le Crescent, Wisconsin, mounds were found to contain giant bones. Five miles north near Dresbach, the bones of people over eight feet tall were found. In 1888, seven skeletons ranging from seven to 8 feet tall were discovered. Near Toledo, Ohio, 20 skeletons were discovered with jaws and teeth "twice as large as those of present 114 In The Beginning day people." The account also noted that odd hieroglyphics were found with the bodies. Miners in Lovelock Cave, California, discovered a very tall, red-haired mummy in 1911. This mummy eventually went to a fraternal lodge where it was used for "initiation purposes." In 1931, skeletons from 8 ½ to 10 feet long were found in the Humbolt lakebed in California. In 1932, Ellis Wright found human tracks in the gypsum rock at White Sands, New Mexico. His discovery was later backed up by Fred Arthur, Supervisor of the Lincoln National Park and others who reported that each footprint was 22 inches long and from 8 to 10 inches wide. They were certain the prints were human in origin due to the outline of the perfect prints coupled with a readily apparent instep. During World War II, author Ivan T. Sanderson tells of how his crew was bulldozing through sedimentary rock when it stumbled upon what appeared to be a graveyard. In it were crania that measured from 22 to 24 inches from base to crown nearly three times as large as an adult human skull. Had the creatures to which these skulls belonged been properly proportioned, they undoubtedly would have been at least 12 feet tall or taller. In 1947, a local newspaper reported the discovery of nine-foot-tall skeletons by amateur archeologists working in Death Valley. The archeologists involved also claimed to have found 115 In The Beginning what appeared to be the bones of tigers and dinosaurs with the human remains. The Catalina Islands, off California, are the home of dwarf mammoth bones that were once roasted in ancient fire pits. These were roasted and eaten by human-like creatures who were giants with double rows of teeth. GIANT SKULLS FOUND: Ivan T. Sanderson, a well-known zoologist and frequent guest on Johnny Carson's TONIGHT SHOW in the 1960s (usually with an exotic animal with a pangolin or a lemur), once related a curious story about a letter he received regarding an engineer who was stationed on the Aleutian island of Shemya during World War II. While building an airstrip, his crew bulldozed a group of hills and discovered under several sedimentary layers what appeared to be human remains. The Alaskan mound was in fact a graveyard of gigantic human remains, consisting of crania and long leg bones. The crania measured from 22 to 24 inches from base to crown. Since an adult skull normally measures about eight inches from back to front, such a large crania would imply an immense size for a normally proportioned human. Furthermore, every skull was said to have been neatly trepanned (a process of cutting a hole in the upper portion of the skull). In fact, the habit of flattening the skull of an infant and forcing it to grow in an elongated shape was a practice used by ancient Peruvians, the Mayas, and the Flathead Indians of Montana. Sanderson tried to gather 116 In The Beginning further proof, eventually receiving a letter from another member of the unit who confirmed the report. The letters both indicated that the Smithsonian Institution had collected the remains, yet nothing else was heard. Sanderson seemed convinced that the Smithsonian Institution had received the bizarre relics, but wondered why they would not release the data. He asks, "...is it that these people cannot face rewriting all the textbooks?" GIANT FOOTPRINTS: In South Africa, a giant footprint of a woman measuring over four feet long has been carbon dated at approximately 9 million years old. Pointing to the probability of this being a female human-like species' foot, proportionally the twolegged being would need to be some 30 feet tall! The local African people commonly refer to this as a highly revered and sacred site. Giants, twice the size of gorillas, were found in Java. The petrified remains of a giant were found in South Africa. A well-known anthropologist declared that these remains showed that these must have been giants. GIANT DEVILS: Within an ancient burial mound near the town of Sayre in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, skeletons measuring approximately 7 feet in length were discovered in the 1800s. However, the most remarkable feature of these tall skeletons was not their height, but the strange horn-like protrusions above the brow region on their skulls. It was estimated that they were buried around 1200 AD. According to some sources, the skeletons were sent to the "American Investigating Museum" in Philadelphia, and 117 In The Beginning vanished. REVISED ARTICLES: In Lampec-Rancho California, in 1833, soldiers discovered a skeleton 11' 9" long, which was covered with boulders with an unidentified writing. A similar writing was unearthed on the isle of Santa Maria off the cost of Los Angeles. In July of 1887 in Eureka Nevada, a human leg was found measuring 38.9 inches form the knee to the heel. The man was over 11 foot tall. In Crittenton Arizona in 1891, a sarcophagus was uncovered containing a human three meters high and had 12 toes. More recently, skeletons ranging from 2.8 meters to 3.12 meters were found by soviets in the Caucasus Mountains. In China, skeletons 10 feet tall have been found. In the Philippines, a giant human skeleton was found at Gargation, measuring 17 feet long. In the Eagle three Cole mine at Bear Creek Montana in 1920, two human molars were found three times larger than normal. In Braton Tennessee, human footprints were found in solid rock 33 inches log and one foot wide. These also have six toes each. Tools found in Morocco are so large their users must have been at least 12 foot tall. Other Giants found around the world are the Java giant, the south China giant, and the South Africa giant. (See The Timeless Earth p. 26) In 1833,soldiers digging a pit for a powder magazine at Lompock Rancho, California, hacked their way through a layer of cemented gravel and came up with the skeleton of a giant man about twelve feet tall. The skeleton was 118 In The Beginning surrounded by carved shells, huge stone axes, and blocks of porphyry covered with unintelligible symbols. The giant was also noteworthy in still another respect: He had a double row of teeth, both upper and lower. When the natives began to attach some religious significance to the find, authorities ordered the skeleton and all the artifacts secretly reburied and, of course, lost to the scientific study they deserved. This particular giant, incidentally, bore marked similarity to another, that of a giant man with double rows of teeth whose skeletal remains were dug up on Santa Rosa Island, off the California coast. Subsequent research has shown that he, or his descendants, feasted on the small elephants which once lived on that island and which have vanished like the giants who ate them, countless ages ago. Near Crittenden, Arizona, in 1891, workers excavating for a commercial building came upon a huge stone sarcophagus eight feet below the surface. The contractor called in expert help, and the sarcophagus was opened to reveal a granite mummy case that had once held the body of a human being more than twelve feet tall -a human with six toes, according to the carving of the case. However, the body had been buried so many thousands of years that it had long since turned to dust. Just another silent witness to the truth of Genesis, which tells us that there were giants in the earth in those days, the excavation of over a dozen skeletons 8 to 12 feet tall, around the world, shocked archeologists. These skeletons were positively human. Some of these skeletal remains are on Maui in lava caves near Ulupalakua and Olowalu. An example of this is the "mysterious" 119 In The Beginning disappearance of more than 50 perfectly kept gigantic antediluvian skeletons (between 10-14 feet tall) found in a cave in Arizona. Earth Giants: Over the years, a number of gigantic human skeletons have been unearthed. The most distinctive of these were the remains of some American giants found in the 1880s at Tioga Point, near Sayre in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, as recounted by Robert Lyman in Forbidden Land. Some other examples include the following: A decayed human skeleton claimed by eyewitnesses to measure around 3.28 metres (10 feet 9 inches tall), was unearthed by laborers while cultivating a vineyard in November 1856 in East Wheeling, now in West Virginia. A human skeleton measuring 3.6 metres (12 foot) tall was unearthed at Lompock Rancho, California, in 1833 by soldiers digging in a pit for a powder magazine. The specimen had a double row of teeth. Numerous stone axes, carved shells and porphyry blocks surrounded it with abstruse symbols associated with it. Several mummified remains of red haired humans ranging from 2-2.5 metres (6.5 feet to over 8 feet) tall were dug up at Lovelock Cave, (70 miles) north-east of Reno, Nevada, by a guano mining operation. These bones substantiated legends by the local Piute Indians regarding giants that they called Si-Te-Cahs. For some reason scientists did not seem to want to investigate these finds further, so many of the bones were lost. Fortunately, one of the giant Lovelock skulls is still preserved today. It measures almost 30cm (1 120 In The Beginning foot) tall and resides along with other various Lovelock artifacts in the Humboldt Museum in Winnemucca, Nevada. Some of these artifacts can also be found in the Nevada State Historical Society's museum at Reno. THE HUBBARD DISCOVERY: In this magazine for September 1923, we mentioned a reported discovery by Mr. Samuel Hubbard, of remains of giants in the Grand Canyon of Arizona. We have now obtained more knowledge on the subject. There remains no doubt that Mr. Hubbard has actually made a discovery composed of the following parts: Petrified bodies of two human beings about 18 and 15 feet in height respectively. One of these is buried under a recent rock fall that would require several days' work to remove; the other, of which Mr. Hubbard took photographs, is in a crevice of difficult accessibility. The bodies are formed of a petrified limestone embedded in sandstone. An ancient beach, now sandstone, containing a great number of footprints of a giant race, men, women and children; the prints of adults about 17 to 20 inches in length, and corresponding in size and shape to the Carson City and Blue Ridge prints. EVEN MORE GIANT RECORDS: According to a press clipping, dated Nayarit, Mexico, May 14, 1926, Capts. D. W. Page and F. W. Devalda discovered the bones of a race of giants who averaged over ten feet in 121 In The Beginning height. Local legends state that they came from Ecuador. Nothing more has been heard of this, but that is not surprising; the word "giant" will flutter the feathers of any scientist into rapid flight, metaphorically speaking, in the opposite direction; also as with the report from the Washington Post, June 22, 1925, and the New York Herald-Tribune, June 21, 1925. A mining party, it is reported, found skeletons measuring 10 to 12 feet, with feet 18 to 20 inches long, near Sisoguiche, Mexico. The Los Angeles Times, October 2, 1927, says that explorers in Mexico located large human bones near Tapextla, indicating a race of "gigantic size." All this, if unfounded, would be straining coincidence or imagination pretty far. Press accounts say that the skeleton of a gigantic man, with head missing, has been unearthed at El Boquin, on the Mico River, in the Chontales district. The ribs are a yard long and four inches wide and the shinbone is too heavy for one man to carry. "Chontales" is an Indian word, meaning "wild men." In the late 1950's during road construction in Homs southeast Turkey, many tombs of Giants were indeed unearthed. These tombs were 4 meters long. When entered in two cases, the human thighbones were measured to be 47.24 inches in length. They calculated that the person who owned this Femur probably stood at fourteen to sixteen feet tall. A cast of this bone is seen at the Creationist museum in Texas. 122 In The Beginning Flavius Josephus, the noted Jewish historian of the first century A.D., described the giants as having "bodies so large and countenances so entirely different from other men that they were surprising to the sight and terrible to the hearing." In addition, he adds that in his day, the bones of the giants were still on display! A Pertinent Note: It would seem that earth’s gravitation was not as strong before the 4th millennium BP. The earth was spinning faster -moon was closer- thereby lessening the weight of things. This enabled larger animals and humans to move about but would collapse to the ground if alive today. This also would show people living 900 sun years old but really could have been a 100 years old in today’s sun years of earth’s spin. One could ask if gigantic animals as Dinosaurs and giant people really existed? Evidence shows that they did! Pygmies from Ancient Man: A Handbook of Puzzling Artifacts, William R Corliss, Sourcebook Project, 1978. 123 In The Beginning A short distance from Cochocton, Ohio, U.S., a singular ancient burying-ground has lately been discovered. "It is situated," says a writer in Silliman's Journal, "on one of those elevated, gravelly alluviums, so common on the rivers of the West. From some remains of wood, still apparent in the earth around the bones, the bodies seem all to have been deposited in coffins; and what is still more curious, is the fact that the bodies buried here were generally not more than from three to four and a half feet in length. See Nigrito They are very numerous, and must have been tenants of a considerably large town, if not, their numbers could not have been so great. A large number of graves have been opened that displayed a pygmy race. No metallic articles or utensils have yet been found to throw light on the period or the nation to which they belonged." Could there have been a race of pygmies at one time living in North America? To many researchers and Native American tribes, their answer is yes! Some say that there still is a smaller race living in the present, hidden from society. In 1837, near Coshocton, OH, several human skeletons measuring from 3 to 4 1/2 feet tall were found buried in tiny wooden coffins. In 1876, Coffee County, TN, a vast grave site was uncovered containing human skeletons about 3 feet tall. In the 1920s, it is reported that a mummy with red hair measuring 3 feet tall was found on a ledge in Mammoth 124 In The Beginning Cave, KY. In October of 1932, gold miners uncovered a mummy measuring 14 inches tall, near Casper, WY. From Ancient Man: A Handbook of Puzzling Artifacts, William R Corliss, Sourcebook Project, 1978. Anthropological Institute, Journal, 6:100, 1876. An ancient graveyard of vast proportions has been found in Coffee county. It is similar to those found in White county and other places in middle Tennessee, but is vastly more extensive, and shows that the race of pygmies who once inhabited this country were very numerous. The same peculiarities of position Observed in the White county graves are found in these. The writer of the letter says: "Some considerable excitement and curiosity took place a few days since, near Hillsboro, Coffee county, on James Brown's farm. A man was cultivating in a field and ploughed up a man's skull and other bones. After making further examination they found that there were about six acres of graveyard. They were buried in a sitting or standing position. The bones show that they were a dwarf tribe of people, about three feet high. It is estimated that there were about 75,000 to 100,000 buried there. This shows that this country was inhabited hundreds of years ago." Pedro the Mountain Mummy From the Mysteries of the Unexplained, Reader’s Digest Association, 1982. 125 In The Beginning He was found sitting cross-legged on a ledge in a small cave in a granite mountain. His hands were folded in his lap, in the timeless attitude of a Buddha. He appeared to be middle-aged. His skin was brown and wrinkled, his nose flat, the forehead low, the mouth broad and thin-lipped. And he was 14 inches tall. The mummy was discovered in 1932 by gold prospectors blasting the walls of a gulch in the Pedro Mountains, 60 miles southwest of Casper, Wyoming. The Shoshone and Crow Indians of Wyoming has legends of a miniature people, only inches tall. After studying it, puzzled scientists ventured the theory that it was a mummified pygmy and possibly the progenitor of the American Indian. When it died, it was given a ceremonial burial. Displayed in sideshows for several years, the Pedro Mountain Mummy was eventually purchased by Ivan T. Goodman, a Casper businessman, and taken to New York City to be X-rayed by Dr. Harry Shapiro of the American Museum of Natural History. It was certified as genuine by the Anthropology Department of Harvard University. [“afflicted with anencephaly” is an unfounded and unscientific ‘guess’ of a medical diagnoses:] Following Goodman's death in 1950, the mummy passed into the hands of Leonard Waller and then disappeared, but interest in it continued nationwide. In 1979 pictures of Shapiro's X-rays were given to Dr. George Gill, professor of anthropology at the University of Wyoming. The withered little body, he concluded, was that of an infant or a fetus, possibly of an unknown tribe of prehistoric Indians. 126 In The Beginning He believed that the infant had been afflicted with anencephaly, a congenital abnormality that would account for the adult proportions of its skeleton. Discoveries of mummified remains are not uncommon in Wyoming, which has an arid climate. As Dr. Gill pointed out, the Indians may have found other mummies of similarly diseased infants and quite naturally assumed that they were the remains of small adults. This in turn would tend to support the legend of a "little people." He and other anthropologists still hope to locate the missing mummy for further examination. (The Casper StarTribune, July 22 and July 24, 1979; The Casper Tribune Herald, October 22, 1932; C.J. Cazeau and Stuart D. Scott, Exploring the Unknown, p. 222) 127 Pic Little People 2 Pedro Mummy 127 In The Beginning 128 In The Beginning (The 9000 years old Chilian civilization of the Chincoras were found to have mummified their unborn children. Their baby mummies did not look like the Pedro mummy!) NOTE: [The idea of having many different races/hominids in the world throughout time seem to negate the idea that mankind’s genealogy came through the Ape family and/or the Black African. To consider the “Out of Africa” idea may not be true is when one realizes the existence of the white race including the Ainu, Polynesian, Hobbit, Mongo-Man, and Mongoloid/ Chinese race. There are Living Beings that have been here for over 20,000 yrs and most of them over 90,000 yrs. that are still found to be under 2 foot tall to over 7 foot tall. The myth is not the mythology sagas from the ancients, it is what today’s (government’s Burgher System) Educational System teach!] African, Black (excerpted from African Origin of Olmec Skeletons: Good Scholarship, by Clyde A. Winters.) Evidence of African skeletons found at many Olmec sites By Dr. Andrze Wiercinski Wiercinski found African skeletons at the Olmec sites of Monte Alban and Tlatilco. Morley, Brainerd and Sharer (1989) said that Monte Alban was a colonial Olmec center (p.12). Diehl and Coe (1996) admitted that the inspiration of Olmec Horizon A, common to San Lorenzo's initial phase has been found at Tlatilco. Moreover, the pottery from this 129 In The Beginning site is engraved with Olmec signs. Rossum has criticized the work of Wiercinski because he found that not only blacks, but whites were also present in ancient America. To support this view he (1) claims that Wiercinski was wrong because he found that Negro/Black people lived in Shang China, and 2) that he compared ancient skeletons to modern Old World people. First, it was not surprising that Wiercinski found affinities between African/Negro and ancient Chinese populations, because everyone knows that many Negro/African/Oceanic skeletons have been found in ancient China see: Kwang-chih Chang, (1976,1977, p.76,1987, pp.64,68) The Archaeology of ancient China. These Blacks were spread throughout Kwangsi, Kwantung, Szechwan, Yunnan and Pearl River delta. Moreover skeletons from Liu-Chiang and Dawenkou were also Black African. Moreover, the Dawenkou skeletons show skull deformation and extraction of teeth customs, analogous to customs among Blacks in Polynesia and Africa. [The remote “C” Polynesians are not “L” Black African DNA!] [See Summery on page 90 about ancient migrations.] 130 In The Beginning INDEX Includes Bibliography and Notes a list with page numbers, books, and articles written by a particular author or a subject issued by a particular publisher. Adam man (Page 14, 17, 22, 27, 31, 104, 134 and APPENDIX) Strong‘s Concordance of Bible(#120: man; #582: men, mortals) is the word in Hebrew. Gen. 1:26, “Man” is the same word in English as “Adam” in Hebrew. JaHVaH (Java) ELaHim created ADaM in their image. (Pg102, 104) Adam begot children = Mankind (Pg 108) Adam in Gen. 2, is in the same likeness of the Sumerian Epic where the Elah’im (gods) that made a laborer for themselves from the red clay of the ground. Accuser (Pg 9) Satan, the accuser and adversary restrains the minds of people by their subversive power to entice, accuse, convict, and penalize. Angels (Pg 13, 16, 102) God’s messengers, i.e., Elahim; Andonai, Yah/YaHVaH/Java, Bel/Baal, Michael, Lucifer/Venus, Meloch, Anzu, Anubis, Enki. Wings=flying to the heavens. Beast (Pg 22) (Gen I:24) God said let the earth bring forth 131 In The Beginning *living (chay). #2416 Chay is referred to people and not beast! (Pg 104,106) Recaps of beast, animal, and creatures. Berber (Pg 38) Mustapha Ouachi, historian. Blood Types (Pg 88) Address for correspondence and reprints: Dr. Ripan S. Malhi, Department of Human Genetics, 3726 Medical Science II, 1301 E. Catherine Street, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0618. E-mail: [email protected] Calendar (Pg 37) of the heavens to distinguish the difference between days, seasons, and years. Lunar Calendar that he dated at 9000 BC. Celt (See Druids*) and "Celtic" (Pg 2) -Cro-Magnon- in a racial sense concerns the British Isles. They restricted these “terms to the round-headed Celts (of the Gaels), according to the designation of these people in the classics. Nevertheless, the short, round-headed Cro-Magnon body type had been found to exist there! See Elah’im One, Volume 2. Cro-Magnon (Pg 36) Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon lived and buried together. ‘Out of Black Africa’ genes found in Greece occurred 100,000 years ago. [Whom would they have mixed with at 100,000 years ago? Not the Cro-Magnon! This happened before the Cro132 In The Beginning Magnon appeared. Was this mixture with the Black African?] (Pg 40-41) Cro-Magnon gene pool did not start until around 30,000 or 40,000 years ago, and the Black African dates before 144,000 years ago. The body type of the CroMagnon was short and slender bone structure, square chin, high forehead, equal distance from the sides and the length of the scull - round headed. (Pg 40) Kenneth F. Weaver, “Arriving around 40,000 years ago, the Cro-Magnon populated the earth. They could express themselves through a symbolically inscribed language over thirty thousand years ago, while *CroMagnon man was carving sculptures in Europe, Llano Man was shaping the stone heads of Malakov right here in Texas.” (Pg 40-41) In 1868, near the Hotel *Cro-Magnon in Les Eyzies, France. The railway workers uncovered the remains of the first Cro-Magnon that was anatomically structured like the modern human. James Shreeve, *Neanderthal male could lift a Cro-Magnon man and throw him through the air. Cro-Magnon were structured with a well-defined chin, a vertical forehead, lacking pronounced brow ridges, a domed brain case, and a slender, lightly built frame. (Pg 84) The Turkistan body type is similar to the Neanderthal in some ways such as having a long and narrow scull and is much taller than the Cro-Magnon Mediterranean and Arabic body type. Diverse Druids (Pg 2) author, Robert Baird. 133 In The Beginning Evolution (Pg 16) such as, Mankind evolved? Chapter #2 will discus this issue. This idea of “evolving” has reached the religious organizations as well. (Pg 29, 65) Darwin’s contemporary Evolutionists agreed with Darwin that we did come from what they called the “Neandertal Man” (Pg 30) From the Cover of Evolution Neandertals and early Cro-Magnon were regional populations of the same evolving species connected by gene flow. (Pg 48) Katerina Semendeferi of the University of California-San Diego described it as a "cutting edge study." The Hobbit brain does not fit neatly into an evolutionary pattern! Edom (Pg 104) Strong‘s Concordance of Bible. Esau’s dominion Edom is the word “red” in the Hebrew language. The DaM is the word for “blood”. Flood, Great (Pg 16, 37, 39, 90, 93, see Pg 105 Ice Age in APPENDIX.) Of 8200 until 7200 BP. During these Ice Ages, the Oceans were much lower exposing more islands that string across from Indonesia to South America. The Neanderthal migrated to the North American continent as the Ice Glaciers receded back northward again. Genetics (Pg 1, 25-26, 30-35, 40, 60, 70, 73, 87, 90) African Eve theory, Dr. Douglas C. Wallace and his colleagues, at the Emory University School of Medicine in 134 In The Beginning Atlanta, constructed a world female genetic tree based on mitochondrial DNA [mtDNA]. Dr. Luca Cavalli-Sforza, University of Padua, Italy, published December issue of the journal Nature Genetics. In the study, the mtDNA in the blood of people from India and east Africa was analyzed. The brown-skinned [?] Mungo male skeleton was 40,000 years old. The Mungo DNA did not match that of the Out of Africa (Black Skinned) genetics. Genetics The Interaction of Nature and Nurture. They only excel in their natural environment. Genus (Pg 28, 31, 33) for example, the species “monkey” is included in the genus of the “Ape”. Farther down in the text will give details about the genetics of many types of species called Hominids. Giants (Page 15, 59, 77-79, 98-101, 116, 118, 122) God/gods (Pg 13-17, 22, 28, 94, 99-105, 129) Strong‘s Concordance of Bible. Genesis 1:25, living gods after his kind. (#2419) Yah (as in Cha yah): god (#3068) and (#2419) Chiy’el: chiy, living and el, most powerful one, the word used as “god”. god: Chay Yah (#2423); (#2416, 2421, 3050, Living Yah; Yah: god) (#2416) (Gen I:25) - - living gods after his kind. (Gen I:26) Gods (Elah’im) said, let us - -” - - gods for protection from the Giant gods? This will bring 135 In The Beginning us to the next adventure about the Giants and the Gods in Ireland and Briton. Volume 2 and 3. Ground (Pg 21) Strong’s Concordance of Bible. #776; “erets“, firm ground of earth. NOT> (Pg 108) (Gen. 9:5) adama, #128: husbandman of the reddish soil, (of the ground)> “farmer” used in Exodus. 23:29; Lev. 26:6; Duet. 7:22; Job 5:23; Psalms. 104:11; Isa. 43:20; Jer. 12:9; 27:6; Eze. 31:6,13 and 32:4, 33:27, 34:5, 25:28, 38:20.) harmonized (Pg 71, 76) This distortion would change the harmonized polarities of the DNA base pairs. Hamlet’s Mill (Pg 2) von Dechend’s Giorgo de Santillana and Hertha Hobbit (Pg 45) Homo-Floresienses in a 30-year-old women discovered to be 3 feet 3 inches tall found in Indonesia. They existed from 95,000, Hillaary Mayell for National Geographic News reported October 27, 2004. By JOSEPH B. VERRENGIA: Yet the Hobbit's brain shared wrinkled surface features with the much larger brains of both modern humans and Homo-Erectus. (Pgs 45, 90, 127, 132, 135, 137) (Pg 46) Florida State University anthropologist Dean Falk from Washington University in St. Louis. These findings are consistent with the kinds of sophisticated behaviors that are hypothesized" for the Hobbit. (Pg 47) --emerged in Africa some 4 million years ago - - . 136 In The Beginning ”It’s [Hobbit] a really strange combination of traits," said Michael J. Morwood of the University of New England in Australia. (Pg 48) Homo-Floresiensis* Katerina Semendeferi of the University of California-San Diego described it as a "cutting edge study." While the Hobbit brain does not fit neatly into an evolutionary pattern - -. (Pg 50) Hobbits referred to themselves as the Dropas. This was found in Chinese newspapers over a decade ago. (Pg 51) Flores (Hobbit) Man, Richard G. Roberts, an expert in radiocarbon dating for the University of Wollongong in Australia. (Pg 53) *Homo-Floresiensis skull, © Peter Brown, University of New England. New archaeological discoveries by Australian and Indonesian scientists on the Indonesian island of Flores are revealing that until at least 13,000 to 12,000 years ago. They were a three-foot tall, intelligent dwarf hominid with physical features usually seen as dating from 1.5 to 4 million years ago. (Pg 55) "We now have to entertain the possibility that somewhere within the islands of Southeast Asia, early types of human being--long thought to have been extinct--may indeed still survive," says Robert Kruszynski, a leading anthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London. Hominids (Pgs 17, 28, 90, 133, 136) Many prehistoric species survived to the present time as the Octopus, Crocodile, the Shark, the Turtle, the Horseshoe Crab, the 137 In The Beginning Bat, many types of bugs, and the Hominids! (Pg 33) For example, the species “monkey” is included in the genus “Ape” family. Farther down in the text will give details about the genetics of many types of species of a genus called Hominids. See below. (Pg 52) The Hominid species Homo floresiensis are all more reminiscent of Homo-Erectus, which flourished between 1.8 million and possibly 300,000 years ago. [27,000 yrs ago] The newly discovered Flores skeletal material, published this week in the scientific journal Nature, may be from a species which either broke away from our distant ancestor Australopithecus some 3 million years ago or more likely a species derived from a very early form of a later ancestor of ours, Homo-Erectus. Their diminutive stature, small brain size (380 cc), receding chin, the shape of their first mandibular premolar tooth and the skull base design in the ear region are all reminiscent of early Australopithecus, a type of hominid which was thought to have existed only in Africa prior to 3 million years ago. On the other hand, the thickened cranial vault, the relatively flat face, and the smaller molar teeth of what are being called *Homo-Floresiensis are all more reminiscent of Homo-Erectus. (Pg 45-47, 54) Homo-Erectus (Hobbit?) However, the earliest of the tools from this site date from 90,000 years ago and Homo-Sapiens is not currently thought to have arrived in Southeast Asia until 50,000 to 60,000 years ago. In 1997, dates on fossils from Ngandong, Indonesia, suggested Homo-Erectus survived as late as 53,000 to 138 In The Beginning 27,000 years ago. (pgs 28, 54, 90, 142) Humans (Pg 29-30,36) From the Cover - EVOLUTION* “Genetic forms expanding from Africa may have mixed, even extensively, with the Neandertals in Europe.” pgs 19, 22 (Pg 31) Out of Africa humans (Pg 36) Dr Trinkaus says the Portuguese skeleton provides powerful evidence for the humans interbreeding theory. (Pg 41) Fossil evidence shows that there were modern humans in Africa by 130,000 years ago. Around 50,000 years ago, humans [Black Africans] began to migrate out of Africa. (Pg 44-45) Hobbit's brain shared wrinkled surface features with the much larger brains of both modern humans and Homo-Erectus. National Geographic (news - web sites) Society, Falk and researchers from Washington University in St. Louis Scientists say its brain shape is most closely associated with that of Homo-Erectus. However, it also reflects some features of modern humans, including:--. (Pg 51) Flores Man “Hobbit”, Richard G. Roberts of the University of Wollongong in Australia. Researchers from Australia and Indonesia found the 18,000-year-old partial skeleton. Older stone tools and other artifacts previously found on the island suggest that Flores Man is part of a substantial archaic human lineage. (Pg 52) Peter Brown, University of New England, physical anthropologist from the University of New England, “possibly into the nineteenth century, modern 139 In The Beginning humans -our species called Homo sapiens- shared this planet with a totally different species of human being. They were a three-foot tall, intelligent dwarf hominid. Fred Smith of the (Pg 60) News from Sci/Tech, anthropology department at Northern Illinois University, US. Neanderthals would have coexisted with early modern humans, (Pg 60-62) Professors Erik Trinkaus, anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis and Fred Smith, anthropology department at Northern Illinois University, US. put forward the controversial idea that Neanderthals and early modern humans did interbreed. The research is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “- - at four sites Neanderthals and modern humans were buried together.” (Pg 64) - - when the first Neanderthal was discovered in 1856, even ‘Darwin’s bulldog’, Thomas Huxley, recognized that the Neandertal was fully human and not an evolutionary ancestor. Completing that continuum or gradation from ancient Neanderthals to modern humans are at least 107 individuals from five sites who are usually grouped with fossils of anatomically modern humans. (Pg 67) Australian biochemist John P. Marcus, The fact that Neandertal and modern human sequences are approximately equidistant from the chimpanzee out-group seems to be a good indication that Neandertal and modern humans comprise one species. One of the few complete pelvises known between the australopithecines and modern humans stood 69 inches and 167 pounds. 140 In The Beginning (Pg 68) Geneticist Simon Easteal, Australian National University, noting that chimpanzee, gorillas, and other primates has much more within-species mtDNA diversity than modern humans do; he states: (Pg 69) The recovery of the Neanderthal hyoid bone was a very important find, as it disproved earlier theories that Neanderthals and other pre-sapiens hominids were incapable of speech due to the lack of a hyoid. Neanderthals did possess a hyoid, and this scenario of speechlessness based on this bone was discredited. (Pg 72) How Genes Function, by Richard David Dellerman. In Microbiology, second edition’s Pg 212(b) In humans there are 23 pairs of chromosomes having DNA in each pair. This one long double helix associated with various proteins regulates genetic activity. (Pg 73) Human Genetics by William J. Schull and Ranajit Chakraborty - University of Texas, Pg 117(a) Hybrid/foreign gene are not always favored in the chromosome. Natural Genes may relate -view- the Hybrid gene as being temporary or being a recessive gene that eventually mutates at a molecular level. (Pg 22, 104-107) Chay: life, living. Therefore, the word is referenced to humans in: Gen.1:24; 2:19; 3:1; 45:3; Ex. 21:35; Nu. 14:21. to be alive, presently living (#2416) (#2419) Ice Age (Pg 16, 28, 34, 41, 44, 78, 90-93, 105) See Index flood. see APPENDIX, Pg 105, Ice Age. Interbreeding (Pg 36, 65, 138) Dr Trinkaus, Washington 141 In The Beginning University, says the Portuguese skeleton provides powerful evidence for the interbreeding theory. The scientists believe that [this] raises the possibility that people alive today could have some genes inherited from Neandertal ancestors. (pgs 65, 138) Kennewick and Llano (Pgs 76-78-80, 93, 131) In July 28, 1996, spectators of a hydroplane race found bones along the Columbia River in Kennewick, Washington. Shown on the Science TV channel, 6 PM, 7/2/04: *Kennewick Man’s description was of the Neanderthal body type tall with red hair. He was Carbon dated to 7,200 BP! A now famous facial reconstruction done by James Chatters and Central Washington University's Tom McClelland shows a caucasian man. (Pg 120) Llano was discovered in Texas, E. H. Sellards have given him the name Llano complex. A long-headed when viewed from above, the skull was markedly oval, greater in length from front to back than from side to side. [This describes the Neanderthal and Norsemen (northsmen) skull also.] This scull type does not occur in America until approximately 10,000 years ago [“8th millennia BP”]. Clovis points have been found at both sites. Clovis points have been located all over North America, and fluted obsidian points very similar to Clovis have been uncovered at the Fell’s Cave site on the southern tip of South America. Law (Pg 3, 4, 7-8) The aristocrats control the law and some become ‘beyond the law’. The law is to control the 142 In The Beginning working class in a civilization. Their “Law” also controls people’s judgments and moral standards. Light (Pgs 20-23-24, 26) Light is the Formation of All Things, by Richard David Dellerman, Elah’im One, dtd Apr 2005. Living gods (Pg 22) Gods (Elah’im) said, let us - -. (Gen I:26) Strong’s Concordance of Bible (Pg 28) The creation of the Universe to the first people on Earth is the living: Chay > living beings and the cha’yah “living gods”. (Pg 102) Man (Pgs 5, 11, 22, 29-31, 37-39, 41, 52, 76, 90-94, 102104, 107, 111-112, 122) The Hebrew word is “Adam”. (#120) Used as (#378) “man of shame” and as (#379) “man of renown”. (#377) To be manly. Strong’s Concordance of Bible Men Hebrew word ‘enowsh’: “a mortal” in (#582) (Job 4:17). Strong’s Concordance of Bible (Pg 22, 28, 90, 144) There have been many species of the Homo-Sapient. The Homo-Erectus is just one among many that dates back hundreds of thousands of years ago Mungo Man (Pg 41 to 43) Pictures Australian National University researchers, around 50,000 years ago, humans [?] began to migrate out of Africa. The Mungo male skeleton was 40,000 years old. The DNA did 143 In The Beginning not match that of the Out of Africa genetics. Neanderthals (Pg 39) “Mystery surrounds the Neanderthals”, Kenneth F. Weaver wrote in his November 1985 National Geographic article. James Shreeve wrote in ‘The Neanderthal Peace,’ which was published in the September 1995 issue of Discover. He said the Neanderthal’s brain was slightly larger. (Pg 60) Sci/Tech Tuesday, October 26, 1999 Published at 10:22 GMT 11:22 UK. *Neanderthals would have coexisted with early modern humans in central Europe for several millennia," said Fred Smith of the anthropology department at Northern Illinois University, US. (Pg 61) "I think what is most likely is that ‘early modern humans’ dispersed into Europe, in some places competed with and replaced *Neanderthals, in other places assimilated them," said Erik Trinkaus, an anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis, who led the study. Being that the Neanderthal was much stronger with a larger brain, must have replaced the ‘modern humans’! The research, Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon lived and buried together, is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (Pg 63) *Neandertal morphology (Pg 66) This migration brought a mixed gene pool of white Neandertal with brown genes from Black Africa and the Middle East up into Europe and into the Nordic regions. Australian biochemist John P. Marcus observation about a graph in the Cell article. He writes about the Neandertal and modern humans comprise one species. 144 In The Beginning Geneticist Simon Easteal (Australian National University) noting that chimpanzees, gorillas, and other primates have much more within-species mtDNA diversity than modern humans does. (Pg 81) *Neanderthal Burials at SHANIDAR in northern IRAQ, excavated by Richard Solecki, and in [the former] Russian Turkestan. Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis has genetic evidence suggested he was a separate species that left behind evidence of his Spiritual understandings. “ In addition, the Turkistan grave contained a four-year-old boy-child buried with beads and Grave Goods, the property of a warrior of the valley of Shanidar 12,000 BP. (Pg 92) In Euro-Asia, the Neandertal man moved down into the southern hemisphere with the coming of the Ice Age. Ochre, red (Pg 44) Mungo Man's body had been covered with red ochre prior to burial. Anthropologists consider burying the dead an indicator of a spiritual belief system and a feature that only relate to modern[?] humans. Rainbow See Flood Mythology (Promise to Noah that the ‘waters’ will not destroy humanity again.) Mankind’s life will not be cut off from (the gods) Elah’im again. The Rainbow Bridge was the stairway to heaven, the god’s Paradise. It is the place for Mortal man to become immortal. See Volume2 called Giants and Volume3 called Gods. Statistics (Pg 66) Kahn and Gibbons to write in Science: 145 In The Beginning - - has been used to cloud a relationship between Neandertals and modern humans. It is improper to use statistical ‘averages’ in a situation where many entities are being compared with only one sample of Homo Neandertal. (Pg 67) Geneticist Simon Easteal, Australian National University, noting that chimpanzee, gorillas, and other primates has much more within-species mtDNA diversity than modern humans do. He states, “The amount of diversity between Neanderthals and living humans is not exceptional”. UNDP (Pg 13) United Nations Developmental Programs To understand ancient history of civilizations is to understand who dominates the world’s merchandising and banking loan industries today. (60 Pictures+2 additional(40 Pics within)=62+145= 207) 146
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