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CHAPTER FOUR: NEEDS ANALYSISMULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. A triggering event A) Is a comparison of a reactive and proactive TNA. B) Occurs when actual organizational performance is greater than expected organizational performance. C) Occurs when actual organizational performance is less than expected organizational performance. D) Usually means some employees require training. Answer: C Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 108 2. When a TNA is conducted, it A) Guarantees that the time and money spent on training is spent wisely. B) Determines the benchmark for evaluation of training. C) Provides essential information in the implementation of the strategic plan. D) Both B & C. Answer: D Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 108-109 3. A training needs analysis is conducted when a A) Setback event occurs. B) Triggering event occurs. C) Decision to provide sexual harassment training is made. D) Deficiency is determined to be a motivational deficiency. Answer: B Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 110 4. Which of the following focuses on an anticipated performance problem in the future? A) The PAQ B) A reactive TNA C) A proactive TNA D) Work sampling Answer: C Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 110 5. Which of the following focuses on a current performance problem? 31 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education To deal with a KSA deficiency. _____ involves looking at all the influences that could affect employee performance in the organization and determining their fit within organizational goals and objectives. Looking at the internal environment of an organization and determining its fit with organizational goals and objectives is associated with which TNA component? A) Operational Analysis B) Performance Discrepancy C) Organizational Analysis D) Person Analysis E) Organizational Laddering Answer: C Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 114 9. D) Both A & B. p. 32 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education . Answer: D Difficulty: Challenging Page Ref: Figure 4-1. B) You still might want to determine if there are any barriers to performance. 111 7. C) Providing proper feedback. When a performance gap is identified and there is shown to be a lack of KSAs A) There is no need to determine if there are motivational issues present. an appropriate remedy suggested in the text is A) Training.A) The PAQ B) A reactive TNA C) A proactive TNA D) Work sampling Answer: B Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 110 6. p. E) All of the above. Answer: B Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: Figure 4-1. B) Changing the job. C) Training is the only option for dealing with the lack of KSAs. D) A & C. 111 8. Organizational analysis should focus on A) Mission and capital resources. the training resulted in a _____ percent increase in services sold to customers. goals Answer: A Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 115 11. 33 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education . mission B) Operational. A) Organizational. When a(n) _____ analysis is conducted for strategic planning. C) Human resources and organizational environment. E) All of the above. As discussed in the text. Answer: D Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 115 12.A) Performance analysis B) Operational analysis C) Goals analysis D) Organizational analysis E) Personnel analysis Answer: D Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 114 10. it is a major undertaking. D) Both A & C. about what percentage of training requests did Nancy Gordon of Ameritech say turn out to be solvable without training? A) 10 percent B) 25 percent C) 85 percent D) 99 percent Answer: C Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 115 13. organizational C) Performance. B) Job analysis. The _____ and relevant strategies that have been identified in the strategic plan are an indication of where the firm wishes to be. person analysis D) Operational. In the example provided in the text where the bank manager sent his tellers to training on the products and services the bank provided. An outline of a typical job’s duties and responsibilities is a A) Job description. p. who do you ask about job design issues? A) Top management B) Relevant supervisors C) Incumbents D) Both B & C E) All of the above Answer: D Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: Table 4-2. D) A job analyst. The selection process of incumbents in operational analysis should be performed by A) A supervisor.A) 0 B) 25 C) 50 D) 80 Answer: Difficulty: Page Ref: A Moderate Training in Action 4-1. In an organizational analysis. C) Performance standard. a(n) _____________ should be conducted in conjunction with an organizational analysis in order to fully understand the nature of the gap. Answer: A Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: Table 4-3. B) Job specification. When an OPG is identified. C) A head hunter. p. Answer: D 34 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education . 115 14. B) The manager of the organization. A) System analysis B) Operational analysis C) Performance evaluation D) Goal analysis Answer: B Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 118 15. E) None of the above. D) Task outline. 118 16. 119 17. p. Answer: A Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 122 21. D) Both A & B. Which of the following statements regarding job analysis is true? A) In the task-oriented approach. then determines the tasks so it is more effective. C) Obtained blueprints for the new equipment. In the example provided in the text of analyzing a job when there are no incumbents. B) Interviewed engineers responsible for designing the new equipment. Fields A) Asked the manufacturer of the new equipment to learn if there was similar equipment in operation elsewhere so he could interview those incumbents. E) Competency modeling is a more scientific approach and job analysis is not as relevant anymore. The _____ approach to job analysis immediately identifies the KSAs required for the job. 35 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education . C) The worker-oriented approach goes directly to determining the KSAs. A) Task-oriented B) Worker-oriented C) Operational analysis D) Job-duty-task Answer: B Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 120 19. Dr. The _____ approach identifies the various work activities required to successfully perform a job. E) All of the above.Difficulty: Page Ref: Easy 120 18. you first identify the tasks before determining the KSAs required. A) PAQ B) task-oriented C) worker-oriented D) Both A & C Answer: B Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 120 20. B) KSAs are made up of multiple competencies. D) The PAQ is more effective than the task-oriented approach. 125 22. and attitudes that differentiate high performers from average performers. C) Evaluation of the training indicated an improvement in employees’ communication skills. Recall the example in the text where Ford Motor Company was building a new engine plant in Windsor that was to focus on the “team approach” to building the engines. B) Worker-oriented approach.” A) North America B) United Kingdom C) Australia D) Both A & B E) All of the above Answer: A Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 126 25. p. Which of the following statements is true regarding that example? A) The majority of those hired were university educated and had experience in the team approach. D) The promise of training related to self-fulfillment never materialized.Answer: Difficulty: Page Ref: E Moderate Table 4-6. p. skills.” A) North America B) United Kingdom 36 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education . D) Competency modeling. In ________ competencies are defined as “what someone needs to be doing to be competent in their job. Answer: D Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 126 24. C) Task-oriented approach. 126 23. The approach to operational analysis which identifies key competencies of the job is known as A) Job analysis. Answer: B Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: Training in Action 4-2. B) One of the goals of the training was to improve attitudes toward the team approach. In ________ competencies are defined as “a cluster of related knowledge. E) None of the above is true. D) Focusing only on skills and knowledge. E) Both C & D. D) They are only good for the short term. Answer: C Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 127 27. C) Include knowledge. Which of the following statements is true regarding competencies? A) They are much more specific and therefore more useful at targeting a job. D) Motivational characteristics. competencies A) Are more specific in nature. B) They include only skills and attitudes. A competency-based approach focuses on A) Knowledge and skills. B) Have a shorter term fit. When comparing competencies to KSAs. Answer: E Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 127 29. B) Being too specific.C) Australia D) Both B & C E) All of the above Answer: D Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 126 26. Answer: C Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 127 28. B) Attitudes and personality. One of the more common mistakes in developing competency modeling is A) Not making the model tie in to the strategic goals. Answer: C Difficulty: Challenging Page Ref: 128-129 37 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education . C) All characteristics that underlie successful performance. C) Simply making a list of positive attributes. C) They tie to corporate goals. D) Are tied to corporate goals. skills. and attitudes. D) None of the above is correct. which will give you the length of time in minutes. C) Supervisors.75. Performance appraisals are almost always completed by A) Peers and self. Answer: D Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 129 31. D) Are not generally part of a 360-degree performance review. C) Can be an effective part of the person analysis in a TNA.30. 38 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education . B) 360-degree feedback. E) None of the above. Which of the following statements about multiple choice tests is NOT true? A) You can give it to a large number of individuals at once. B) Training that individuals have received. C) Calculated for multiple-choice tests by multiplying the number of questions by . D) All of the above. Self ratings A) Tend to be too biased to be used effectively in a person analysis. Answer: C Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 130 32. For testing of knowledge. D) Work planning and review. B) Have very high measurement error when compared to supervisor ratings. A good HRIS should provide information on A) Previous positions individuals have held. Answer: C Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 132 33. C) Performance levels. B) Never of any value. the use of speed tests is A) Critical to effective testing. B) It is easily scored. Answer: D Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 133 34. According to the text. When there is a performance gap but no KSA deficiency. Using paired comparison method is one way to assess_________ knowledge. D) All of the above are true. C) Skills. Answer: A Difficulty: Challenging Page Ref: 134 37. A method to assess learning of strategic knowledge is termed A) Probed Protocol Analysis. C) Declarative Analysis.C) It is easy to develop a reliable and valid test of this type. B) Level 3 Analysis. E) None of the above. A) Compilation B) Aggressiveness C) Automaticity D) Knowledge Answer: C Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 138 39. D) Learning capability. behavioral tests measure A) Situational reaction. A) Procedural B) Cognitive C) Declarative D) Strategic Answer: A Difficulty: Challenging Page Ref: 134 36. B) Development. D) Paired Comparison. Answer: C Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 136 38. Answer: C Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 134 35. A speed test can appropriately be used to measure the _____ of a skill. what is the possible cause? 39 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education . Answer: B Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 142 43. as that is what a performance gap is defined as. When a KSA deficiency is determined. C) Hiring. B) Succession planning. depending on the circumstances Answer: D Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 140 41.” This means A) There are too many obstacles in the system the way the job is currently set up.A) B) C) D) Motivation Barriers to performance Both A & B It must be a KSA deficiency. D) Funneling. B) Feedback is not occurring in the present setup. Answer: C Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 140 40. In response to a TNA. C) There is a KSA deficiency but training is not the most effective solution. D) Rewards are not tied to high performance. the decision is to “change the job. what is the appropriate response? A) Training B) Job aid C) Practice D) Any of the above. which approach to TNA is better? A) Reactive assessment B) Proactive assessment C) The authors don’t say D) A combination of proactive and reactive strategies 40 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education . The identification and development of employees who are perceived to be of high potential is called A) Promotion. Answer: C Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 141 42. E) Pet picking. According to the text’s authors. C) Reliability. A) Ultimate criterion. which is often measured using a correlation coefficient. __________ is the portion of the actual criterion that overlaps with the __________.Answer: Difficulty: Page Ref: 44. ultimate criterion C) Consistency. D Moderate 147 Which of the following statements regarding small business and TNA is true? A) The proactive approach will be harder to implement in small businesses. ultimate criterion Answer: B Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: Fig. p. B) Small business owners have no access to resources to aid them in training their employees. criterion deficiency E) Criterion deficiency. reliability D) Ultimate criterion. D) Both B & C. Answer: C Difficulty: Challenging Page Ref: 148-149 APPENDIX QUESTIONS 45. Answer: C Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 158 46. is called A) X. B) Validity. A measure of the consistency of an outcome. 4-6. 159 47. criterion relevance B) Criterion relevance. C) The main problem with the resources to aid small business in training is that businesses do not take advantage of them. What is it called when individuals have some advantage that provides them with a higher level of performance. irrespective of their own skill level? A) Opportunity bias B) Criterion deficiency 41 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education . D) Small business cannot afford to do a comprehensive TNA. A criterion measure to assess declarative knowledge would A) Be very easy to develop. 111) 53. ____If you determine there is a KSA deficiency. Sources of criterion contamination are A) Error and opportunity bias. A) Valid. p. Answer: B Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 161 TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 51. ____The worker-oriented approach to job analysis identifies the KSAs without having to assess the tasks that are done. B) Group characteristic bias and knowledge of predictor bias. C) Be behaviorally based. p. Answer: D Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 159-160 49. C) Declarative knowledge bias. valid C) Reliable. (F. p. 109) 52. 120) 42 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education . relevant B) Relevant. D) Both A & B. reliable E) Relevant.C) Halo affect D) Knowledge predictor bias Answer: A Difficulty: Easy Page Ref: 159-160 48. ____A TNA is always required when employees in an organization need to be trained in a specific area such as sexual harassment. E) All of the above. B) Be a multiple-choice test. valid D) Valid. You cannot have a _______ measure unless the measure is _______. (F. (T. then the response is training. D) Focus on attitudinal relationships. reliable Answer: D Difficulty: Moderate Page Ref: 161 50. (F. 132) 57. ____ Bias is caused by random variation. There are two ways of planning for this: Preparing employees for promotion/transfers to different jobs. p. p. 67. 141) 60. (F. ____ It is not possible to have a reliable test that is not also valid (F. 66. 147) APPENDIX QUESTIONS 62. p. Discuss the proactive approach and the reactive approach to TNA. p. Compare reliability and validity. (T. ____In smaller organizations it would be easier to integrate a proactive approach to TNA than in larger organizations. and validity is the degree to which you are measuring what you want to measure. Once a discrepancy is identified. 161) SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS 65. The proactive approach focuses on future resource requirements. 140) 59. _____Self-ratings are useful tools in determining the needs of an employee. ____The proactive approach to TNA focuses on a specific problem. ____The only output from a TNA is training needs. (F. it must be determined if it is worth fixing. (T. Students may use Figure 4. The reactive approach begins with an existing discrepancy in job performance. 127) 56. p. 142) 61. (F. (T. Define criterion deficiency and criterion contamination. (F. (T. 43 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education .54. ____The job-duty-task method of job analysis is a worker-oriented approach. Preparing employees for changes in their current jobs. ____Supervisory ratings are the most effective method to use in a person analysis. ____A job aid is one approach to dealing with a KSA deficiency. 132) 58. 159) 63. p. ____Some advantages of using competencies are that they are more general and tend to be tied to corporate goals. 159) 64.6 in the text to explain this relationship. p. 122) 55. p. Reliability is the consistency of a measure. (F. p. p. ____ The ultimate criterion is the measure you use in assessing training effectiveness. p. Table 4. List five sources of data for person analysis and their training need implications. ESSAY QUESTION 68. this is the part of the actual criterion that does not overlap with the ultimate criterion. Criterion contamination is measured aspects not related to the true measure of success.7 in the text provides a list of 15 sources of data for person analysis and the training need implications of each source. 44 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education . or the degree to which we are not measuring important aspects of performance.Criterion deficiency is the part of the ultimate criterion that we miss when we use the actual criterion.
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