9619 Philips 32PFL3605 42PFL3605 Chassis RAM1.0A-LA Televisor LCD Manual de Servicio
Colour TelevisionChassis RAM1.0A LA 18930_000_100308.eps 100308 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Page Revision List 2 Technical Specifications, Connections 2 Precautions, Notes, and Abbreviation List 5 Mechanical Instructions 9 Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding 16 Alignments 29 Circuit Descriptions 31 IC Data Sheets 35 Block Diagrams Wiring Diagram (32") 41 Wiring Diagram (42") 42 Block Diagram 43 10. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Drawing Power Supply Unit 32" (A01) 44 Power Supply Unit 42" (A01) 47 SSB: Power (B01) 50 SSB: AV Input (B02) 51 SSB: VGA Input (B03) 52 SSB: HDMI Input (B04) 53 SSB: RF Tuner (B05) 54 SSB: Keyboard/LED/IR Interface (B06) 55 SSB: MT8222 (B07) 56 SSB: DDR2 DRAM (B08) 57 SSB: LVDS Output (B09) 58 SSB: Audio Amplifier (B10) 59 SSB: TCON (B11) 60 SSB: TCON Power (B12) 61 IR/LED Board (J) 64 11. Styling Sheets Styling Sheet 32" - 42" 66 PWB 45-46 48-49 62-63 62-63 62-63 62-63 62-63 62-63 62-63 62-63 62-63 62-63 62-63 62-63 65 © Copyright 2010 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of Philips. Published by ER/MB/CH/WSK 1063 BU TV Consumer Care, the Netherlands Subject to modification EN 3122 785 18930 2010-Mar-12 EN 2 1. RAM1.0A LA Revision List 1. Revision List Manual xxxx xxx xxxx.0 • First release. 2. Technical Specifications, Connections Index of this chapter: 2.1 Technical Specifications 2.2 Directions for Use 2.3 Connections Notes: • Figures can deviate due to the different set executions. • Specifications are indicative (subject to change). 2.2 Directions for Use Directions for use can be downloaded from the following websites: http://www.philips.com/support http://www.p4c.philips.com 2.1 Technical Specifications For on-line product support please use the links in Table 2-1. Here is product information available, as well as getting started, user manuals, frequently asked questions and software & drivers. Table 2-1 Described Model Numbers: Model Number 32PFL3605/67 32PFL3605/93 32PFL3605/98 42PFL3605/67 42PFL3605/93 42PFL3605/98 Styling Dali Dali Dali Dali Dali Dali Published in 3122 785 18930 3122 785 18930 3122 785 18930 3122 785 18930 3122 785 18930 3122 785 18930 2010-Mar-12 Technical Specifications, Connections 2.3 Connections RAM1.0A LA 2. EN 3 5 6 1 2 3 4 10 9 8 7 18930_001_100309.eps 100312 Figure 2-1 Connection overview Note: The following connector colour abbreviations are used (acc. to DIN/IEC 757): Bk= Black, Bu= Blue, Gn= Green, Gy= Grey, Rd= Red, Wh= White, Ye= Yellow. 2.3.1 Side Connections 1, 2 - Cinch: Video CVBS - In, Audio - In Ye - Video CVBS 1 VPP / 75 ohm Wh - Audio L 0.5 VRMS / 10 kohm Rd - Audio R 0.5 VRMS / 10 kohm 3 - S-Video (Hosiden): Video Y/C - In 1 - Ground Y Gnd 2 - Ground C Gnd 3 - Video Y 1 VPP / 75 ohm 4 - Video C 0.3 VPP / 75 ohm 4 - USB2.0 1 2 3 4 10000_022_090121.eps 090121 Figure 2-2 USB (type A) jq jq jq 1 2 3 4 - +5V - Data (-) - Data (+) - Ground k jk jk H Gnd H H j j 2010-Mar-12 R 0.5 VRMS / 10 kohm j j j H H H H j H j j j j jo jo 10 .DDC_SCL 0.Video Red ..D0+ .Out Rd .Audio .EN 4 2.7 VPP / 75 ohm Rd .H-sync .Audio .Ground Sync .Video Blue .In 1 6 11 5 10 15 kq kq Figure 2-4 HDMI (type A) connector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .In Gn .Cinch: Video YPbPr .DDC_SDA .D2+ .Ground Red .5 VRMS / 10 kohm 0.7 VPP / 75 ohm 0.Ground Blue . .c.+5VDC .CLK.Service Connector (UART) 1 .c.DDC_SDA .R 0.eps 090127 Figure 2-3 VGA Connector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 .5 VRMS / 10 kohm Wh .7 VPP / 75 ohm Rd .Easylink/CEC .HDMI 1.In .5 VRMS / 10 kohm 7 .V-sync .In. .Ground .L 0.UART_TX Transmit 3 .Video Green .Shield .UART_RX Receive H k j Wh .Audio L Rd .Ground Green .IEC-type (EU) Coax.eps 090428 6 .Shield .c.Video Pr 0.Shield . RAM1.n.2 2.5 VRMS / 10 kohm Wh . Mini Jack: Audio .HPD .3.5 VRMS / 10 kohm 8 .Ground Gnd 2 .Audio R 2010-Mar-12 .In. .In 19 18 1 2 Rear Connections 5 . Audio . Connections 9 .Audio .+5V .D0.VGA: Video RGB .DDC_SCL . 2: Digital Video.D1. 75 ohm D 10000_017_090121.Audio .Ground .0A LA Technical Specifications.Shield . Digital Audio .n.Ground Data channel Gnd Data channel Data channel Gnd Data channel Data channel Gnd Data channel Data channel Gnd Data channel Control channel DDC clock DDC data Gnd Hot Plug Detect Gnd j H j j H j j H j j H j jk j jk H j j H jq jq jq jq jq 10000_002_090121.D2.Video Y 1 VPP / 75 ohm Bu .CLK+ .7 VPP / 75 ohm Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd +5 V Gnd DDC data 0-5V 0-5V DDC clock 0.n.7 VPP / 75 ohm 0.Cinch: Audio .Aerial .D1+ .L 0.Video Pb 0. 3. and Abbreviation List RAM1. this profile is added to the IC Data Sheet information section in this manual.4 BGA (Ball Grid Array) ICs Introduction For more information on how to handle BGA devices. you must use the correct temperature-profile. The voltages and waveforms shown in the diagrams are indicative. When you align the set.380°C is reached and stabilized at the solder joint. Heating time of the solder-joint should not exceed ~ 4 sec. Here you will find Information on how to deal with BGA-ICs.3. In general.3 Spare Parts For the latest spare part overview. To avoid wear-out of tips. Notes. Any other component substitution (other than original type) may increase risk of fire or electrical shock hazard. 4.atyourservice-magazine. and Abbreviation List Index of this chapter: 3.g. Be careful during measurements in the high voltage section. Select “Magazine”. Capacitor values may also use the value multiplier as the decimal point indication (e. 3. • • • • • 3. you are connected with the same potential as the mass of the set by a wristband with resistance. Measure the voltages in the power supply section both in normal operation (G) and in stand-by (F). consult your Philips Spare Part web portal. BGA Temperature Profiles For BGA-ICs. Make sure that.com. • Adjust your solder tool so that a temperature of around 360°C . Keep components and tools also at this same potential. nano-farads (n = × 10-9). • Mix of lead-free soldering tin/parts with leaded soldering tin/parts is possible but PHILIPS recommends strongly to avoid mixed regimes. and the value multiplier is often used to indicate the decimal point location (e. only by components identical to the original ones. Precautions. R: 1 kHz unless stated otherwise) and 2010-Mar-12 . Of de set ontploft! Safety regulations require that after a repair. • Check the strain relief of the Mains/AC Power cord for proper function.3 Notes 3. use plastic rather than metal tools.3.2 Schematic Notes • All resistor values are in ohms.3. switch “off” unused equipment or reduce heat. – To exchange solder-tips for different applications.4 Abbreviation List • picture carrier at 475.g. or pico-farads (p = × 10-12). Measure them in the Service Default Mode with a colour bar signal and stereo sound (L: 3 kHz.3.3. depending on the tested area of circuitry.0A LA 3. use of solder paste within workshops should be avoided because paste is not easy to store and to handle. Refer to the diversity tables for the correct values.3 3. or hot ground (I). If this cannot be avoided. Resistor values with no multiplier may be indicated with either an “E” or an “R” (e. Where applicable and available.2 Warnings • All ICs and many other semiconductors are susceptible to electrostatic discharges (ESD w). or 61. • Check the cabinet for defects. visit this URL: http://www. during repair. • Check the insulation of the Mains/AC Power lead for external damage. otherwise wear-out of tips will increase drastically and flux-fluid will be destroyed. These values are indicated by means of the appropriate symbols. measure the waveforms and voltages with (D) and without (E) aerial signal.g. Switch “off” the set. EN 5 3.2 Warnings 3. 3. carefully clear the solder-joint from old tin and re-solder with new tin. 3.1 Safety Instructions 3. 2. Never replace modules or other components while the unit is switched “on”. Avoid temperatures above 400°C. 2p2 indicates 2. • • • 3. 3. This will prevent any short circuits and the danger of a circuit becoming unstable. All capacitor values are given in micro-farads (μ = × 10-6). Set the Mains/AC Power switch to the “on” position (keep the Mains/AC Power cord unplugged!). Pay in particular attention to the following points: • Route the wire trees correctly and fix them with the mounted cable clamps. Measure the resistance value between the pins of the Mains/AC Power plug and the metal shielding of the tuner or the aerial connection on the set. to prevent touching of any inner parts by the customer. indicated by the symbol h. The solder tool must be able: – To reach a solder-tip temperature of at least 400°C. • Replace safety components. The correct component values are listed on the Philips Spare Parts Web Portal.2 pF).Precautions.5 Lead-free Soldering Due to lead-free technology some rules have to be respected by the workshop during a repair: • Use only lead-free soldering tin. Notes. The reading should be between 4. 2K2 indicates 2.2 kΩ).1 Safety Instructions Safety regulations require the following during a repair: • Connect the set to the Mains/AC Power via an isolation transformer (> 800 VA). Careless handling during repair can reduce life drastically.5 MΩ and 12 MΩ. – To stabilize the adjusted temperature at the solder-tip. • Use only adequate solder tools applicable for lead-free soldering tin. If lead-free solder paste is required. the set must be returned in its original condition. • Check the electrical DC resistance between the Mains/AC Power plug and the secondary side (only for sets that have a Mains/AC Power isolated power supply): 1. An “asterisk” (*) indicates component usage varies. Where necessary. Unplug the Mains/AC Power cord and connect a wire between the two pins of the Mains/AC Power plug. and remove the wire between the two pins of the Mains/AC Power plug. 3.25 MHz for NTSC (channel 3). please contact the manufacturer of your soldering equipment. 220E or 220R indicates 220 Ω).25 MHz for PAL.1 Notes General • Measure the voltages and waveforms with regard to the chassis (= tuner) ground (H). then go to “Repair downloads”. is used for the TV set he is working with.M. consult your repair procedure to decide if the board has to be exchanged or if it should be repaired on component level.EN 6 3. keeps the original aspect ratio Automatic Channel Installation: algorithm that installs TV channels directly from a cable network by means of a predefined TXT page Analogue to Digital Converter Automatic Frequency Control: control signal used to tune to the correct frequency Automatic Gain Control: algorithm that controls the video input of the feature box Amplitude Modulation Asia Pacific Aspect Ratio: 4 by 3 or 16 by 9 Auto Screen Fit: algorithm that adapts aspect ratio to remove horizontal black bars without discarding video information Advanced Television Systems Committee.7 Board Level Repair (BLR) or Component Level Repair (CLR) If a board is defective. 6 = play 16 : 9 format. number 1. digit 4 refers to the Service version change code. supplier for back charging! 3.3.. “Alternative BOM” is referred to as “Design variant”.. and digits 7 and 8 refer to production week (in example below it is 2006 week 17). Multiplex FM stereo sound system. 28PW9515/12) but which have a different B. and adapts image parameters in a dynamic way External Audio Video Audio Video Controller Audio Video Input Processor Monochrome TV system.4 Abbreviation List 0/6/12 SCART switch control signal on A/V board.NO: AG 1A0617 000001 S BJ3. then the TV set has been manufactured according to B. Notes.8 Practical Service Precautions • It makes sense to avoid exposure to electrical shock. it is best to test the high voltage insulation. coming from two different suppliers. originating from the USA and used e. While some sources are expected to have a possible dangerous impact. In general. While some may not be dangerous in themselves. It is easy to do.0E LA AV AVC AVIP B/G BDS BLR BTSC 10000_024_090121. Sound carrier distance is 6.g.g. no. do not solder on the defective board. in LATAM and AP-NTSC countries Blue TeleteXT Centre channel (audio) Consumer Electronics Control bus: remote control bus on HDMI connections Constant Level: audio output to connect with an external amplifier Component Level Repair Computer aided rePair Connected Planet / Copy Protection Customer Service Mode Color Transient Improvement: manipulates steepness of chroma transients Composite Video Blanking and Synchronization Digital to Analogue Converter Dynamic Bass Enhancement: extra low frequency amplification Data Communication Module.O.M. This will then result in sets which have the same CTN (Commercial Type Number. two different types of displays. so in total: 9 plus 26= 35 different B.5 MHz Dynamic Frame Insertion Alternative BOM identification It should be noted that on the European Service website. AG is Bruges). If your repair procedure says the board should be exchanged completely.M. Identification: The bottom line of a type plate gives a 14-digit serial number. the digital TV standard in the USA See Auto TV A hardware and software control system that measures picture content. 2. Also referred to as System Card or Smartcard (for iTV). the numbers 1.9 and the characters A.6 3. 12 = play 4 : 3 format Automatic Aspect Ratio Adaptation: algorithm that adapts aspect ratio to remove horizontal black bars. it cannot be returned to the O..O. The 6 last digits contain the serial number.O. See “E-DDC” Monochrome TV system. Otherwise. Digits 1 and 2 refer to the production centre (e. 0 = loop through (AUX to TV). If the third digit is a “2” (example: AG2B0335000001).M. others of quite high potential are of limited current and are sometimes held in less regard. one can identify which B. and Abbreviation List 3. (Bill Of Materials) that has been used for producing the specific TV set. By looking at the third digit of the serial number.eps 100105 Figure 3-1 Serial number (example) 3.3.3. This is important for ordering the correct spare parts! For the third digit. MODEL : 32PF9968/10 MADE IN BELGIUM 220-240V ~ 50/60Hz 128W VHF+S+H+UHF AARA ACI ADC AFC AGC AM AP AR ASF ATSC ATV Auto TV PROD.s can be indicated by the third digit of the serial number.0A LA Precautions. it is possible that the same TV model on the market is produced with e. and is a good service precaution.M.O. digit 3 refers to the B. The third digit in the serial number (example: AG2B0335000001) indicates the number of the alternative B. e. Always respect voltages. code.O.M.O. number..O.E. digits 5 and 6 refer to the production year. they can cause unexpected reactions that are best avoided. B-TXT C CEC CL CLR ComPair CP CSM CTI • CVBS DAC DBE DCM DDC D/K DFI 2010-Mar-12 . Sound carrier distance is 5.Z can be used.g.M.g. Before reaching into a powered TV set.5 MHz Business Display Solutions (iTV) Board-Level Repair Broadcast Television Standard Committee. If the third digit of the serial number contains the number “1” (example: AG1B033500001). then the set has been produced according to B. RAM1.M. Terrestrial Digital Versatile Disc Digital Visual Interface (d= digital only) Enhanced Display Data Channel (VESA standard for communication channel and display). is a digitized video format used for broadcast grade video. EN 7 ITV LS DTCP DVB-C DVB-T DVD DVI(-d) E-DDC LATAM LCD LED L/L' EDID EEPROM EMI EPG EPLD EU EXT FDS FDW FLASH FM FPGA FTV Gb/s G-TXT H HD HDD HDCP LPL LS LVDS Mbps M/N MHEG MIPS MOP MOSFET MPEG MPIF MUTE MTV NC NICAM NTC NTSC NVM O/C OSD OAD HDMI HP I I2 C I2 D I2 S IF IR IRQ ITU-656 OTC P50 PAL SDI). it is not transmitted off-air) Non-Volatile Memory: IC containing TV related data such as alignments Open Circuit On Screen Display Over the Air Download. Last Status. Sound carrier distance is 6. Method of software upgrade via RF transmission. NTSC 4. mainly used in Europe.0A LA 3. L is all bands except for Band I LG. Color system mainly used in North America and Japan.0 MHz Inter IC bus Inter IC Data bus Inter IC Sound bus Intermediate Frequency Infra Red Interrupt Request The ITU Radio communication Sector (ITU-R) is a standards body subcommittee of the International Telecommunication Union relating to radio communication. Notes. L' is Band I. If a source is HDCP coded and connected via HDMI/DVI without the proper HDCP decoding. Uncompressed digital component or digital composite signals can be used. non-linear resistor National Television Standard Committee.Precautions. Institutional TeleVision. A protocol for protecting digital audio/video content that is traversing a high speed serial bus. Sound carrier distance is 6. standardised by the Multimedia and Hypermedia Experts Group.433619 MHz) and South America (color carrier PAL M= 2010-Mar-12 . The settings last chosen by the customer and read and stored in RAM or in the NVM. It is commonly used as a language to describe interactive television services Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline-Stages. with a minimum bandwidth of 135 MHz. entering the set by SCART or by cinches (jacks) Full Dual Screen (same as FDW) Full Dual Window (same as FDS) FLASH memory Field Memory or Frequency Modulation Field-Programmable Gate Array Flat TeleVision Giga bits per second Green TeleteXT H_sync to the module High Definition Hard Disk Drive High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection: A “key” encoded into the HDMI/DVI signal that prevents video data piracy. TV sets for hotels.Philips LCD (supplier) Loudspeaker Low Voltage Differential Signalling Mega bits per second Monochrome TV system.5 MHz. such as IEEE-1394 Digital Video Broadcast . Color carrier NTSC M/N= 3. The SDI signal is self-synchronizing. the picture is put into a “snow vision” mode or changed to a low resolution. This is a digital sound system. Upgrade software is broadcasted in TS with TV channels. For normal content distribution the source and the display device must be enabled for HDCP “software key” decoding. and has a maximum data rate of 270 Mbit/s.579545 MHz. the video source can read the EDID information form the display. Using E-DDC. switching device Motion Pictures Experts Group Multi Platform InterFace MUTE Line Mainstream TV: TV-mode with Consumer TV features enabled (iTV) Not Connected Near Instantaneous Compounded Audio Multiplexing.a. and Abbreviation List DFU DMR DMSD DNM DNR DRAM DRM DSP DST Directions For Use: owner's manual Digital Media Reader: card reader Digital Multi Standard Decoding Digital Natural Motion Digital Noise Reduction: noise reduction feature of the set Dynamic RAM Digital Rights Management Digital Signal Processing Dealer Service Tool: special remote control designed for service technicians Digital Transmission Content Protection.5 MHz Part of a set of international standards related to the presentation of multimedia information. High Definition Multimedia Interface HeadPhone Monochrome TV system. uses 8 bit or 10 bit data words.43= 4. RAM1. hospitals etc. ITU-656 (a.Cable Digital Video Broadcast . A RISC-based microprocessor Matrix Output Processor Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistor. They are called at start-up of the set to configure it according to the customer's preferences Latin America Liquid Crystal Display Light Emitting Diode Monochrome TV system. On screen display Teletext and Control.433619 MHz (this is a VCR norm. also called Artistic (SAA5800) Project 50: communication protocol between TV and peripherals Phase Alternating Line. Sound carrier distance is 4. Negative Temperature Coefficient. Color system mainly used in West Europe (color carrier= 4. Extended Display Identification Data (VESA standard) Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory Electro Magnetic Interference Electronic Program Guide Erasable Programmable Logic Device Europe EXTernal (source).k. and Abbreviation List SVHS SW SWAN SXGA TFT THD TMDS TS TXT TXT-DW UI uP UXGA V VESA VGA VL VSB WYSIWYR Super Video Home System Software Spatial temporal Weighted Averaging Noise reduction 1280 × 1024 Thin Film Transistor Total Harmonic Distortion Transmission Minimized Differential Signalling Transport Stream TeleteXT Dual Window with TeleteXT User Interface Microprocessor 1600 × 1200 (4:3) V-sync to the module Video Electronics Standards Association 640 × 480 (4:3) Variable Level out: processed audio output toward external amplifier Vestigial Side Band. implementing the CA system for a host (e. non-linear resistor Printed Wiring Board (same as “PCB”) Pulse Width Modulation Quasi Resonant Converter Quality Temporal Noise Reduction Quality Video Composition Processor Random Access Memory Red.575612 MHz and PAL N= 3. RAM1. Notes. Green. see “ITU-656” Synchronous DRAM SEequence Couleur Avec Mémoire. Color carriers= 4. G. modulation method What You See Is What You Record: record selection that follows main picture and sound 1280 × 768 (15:9) Quartz crystal 1024 × 768 (4:3) Luminance signal Luminance (Y) and Chrominance (C) signal Component video.g.g. Used for e. By mixing levels of R. FST tuning systems. Luminance and scaled color difference signals (B-Y and R-Y) Component video PCB PCM PDP PFC PIP PLL POD POR PSDL PSL PSLS PTC PWB PWM QRC QTNR QVCP RAM RGB RC RC5 / RC6 RESET ROM RSDS R-TXT SAM S/C SCART SCL SCL-F SD SDA SDA-F SDI SDRAM SECAM SIF SMPS SoC SOG SOPS SPI S/PDIF SRAM SRP SSB SSC STB STBY SVGA 2010-Mar-12 3.250000 MHz Sound Intermediate Frequency Switched Mode Power Supply System on Chip Sync On Green Self Oscillating Power Supply Serial Peripheral Interface bus.EN 8 3.406250 MHz and 4. all colors (Y/C) are reproduced. The customer can give directly the desired frequency Point Of Deployment: a removable CAM module. The primary color signals for TV. used to reduce the effects of EMI Set Top Box STand-BY 800 × 600 (4:3) WXGA XTAL XGA Y Y/C YPbPr YUV . and Blue. Remote Control Signal protocol from the remote control receiver RESET signal Read Only Memory Reduced Swing Differential Signalling data interface Red TeleteXT Service Alignment Mode Short Circuit Syndicat des Constructeurs d'Appareils Radiorécepteurs et Téléviseurs Serial Clock I2C CLock Signal on Fast I2C bus Standard Definition Serial Data I2C DAta Signal on Fast I2C bus Serial Digital Interface.0A LA Precautions. a TV-set) Power On Reset. signal to reset the uP Power Supply for Direct view LED backlight with 2D-dimming Power Supply with integrated LED drivers Power Supply with integrated LED drivers with added Scanning functionality Positive Temperature Coefficient. a 4wire synchronous serial data link standard Sony Philips Digital InterFace Static RAM Service Reference Protocol Small Signal Board Spread Spectrum Clocking. Color system mainly used in France and East Europe.582056 MHz) Printed Circuit Board (same as “PWB”) Pulse Code Modulation Plasma Display Panel Power Factor Corrector (or Preconditioner) Picture In Picture Phase Locked Loop. and B. 1 Cable Dressing 18930_101_100303. Notes: • Figures below can deviate slightly from the actual situation.2 Service Positions 4. 4.4 Set Re-assembly.3 Assembly/Panel Removal 4. Mechanical Instructions Index of this chapter: 4.Mechanical Instructions RAM1.1 Cable Dressing 4. EN 9 4.eps 100303 Figure 4-1 Cable dressing (32") 2010-Mar-12 . due to the different set executions.0A LA 4. foam buffers or other specific workshop tools. 2010-Mar-12 . the set should be put face down on a soft flat surface. RAM1. Ensure that a stable situation is created to perform measurements and alignments. Caution: Failure to follow these guidelines can seriously damage the display! Ensure that ESD safe measures are taken.eps 100303 Figure 4-2 Cable dressing (42") 4.EN 10 4. When using foam bars take care that these always support the cabinet and never only the display.0A LA Mechanical Instructions 18930_120_100303.2 Service Positions For easy servicing of a TV set. EN 11 Assembly/Panel Removal Rear Cover 3 3 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 18930_100_100302.Mechanical Instructions 4.3 4.0A LA 4.eps 100303 Figure 4-4 Rear cover removal (42") 2010-Mar-12 .3.1 RAM1.eps 100305 Figure 4-3 Rear cover removal (32") 1 2 4 4 4 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 18930_121_100303. eps 100305 Figure 4-6 Speakers. 4.2 Speakers 3 4 4 8 5 6 8 8 8 6 7 1 8 4 4 8 8 2 2 2 2 18930_106_100305. Lift the rear cover from the TV. 1. See Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-4.eps 100305 Figure 4-5 Speakers. PSU & SSB removal (32") 3 5 4 4 8 6 8 7 6 8 8 1 4 4 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 18930_122_100304.3.0A LA Mechanical Instructions Warning: Disconnect the mains power cord before removing the rear cover. Remove the 3 different kind of fixation screws that secure the rear cover. RAM1. Make sure that wires and flat foils are not damaged while lifting the rear cover from the set.EN 12 4. 2. PSU & SSB removal (42") 2010-Mar-12 . See Figure 4-5 and Figure 4-6. EN 13 1 2 1 1 Caution: it is mandatory to remount all different screws at their original position during re-assembly. 1. 2. Remove the PSU as described earlier.Mechanical Instructions See Figure 4-5 and Figure 4-6. 4. 1. Caution: be careful not to damage the bottom shielding between the SSB and the plastic stand-off. as these are very fragile connectors! Take the flat foils out of their connectors. Remove the SSB as described earlier. 1. Remove shielding fixation screws [1]. Remove all fixation screws [4] from the PSU. When defective. Unplug all other connectors [1] and [6]. 3. Caution: be careful.4 Small Signal Board (SSB) 2 Caution: it is mandatory to remount all different screws at their original position during re-assembly.3. Remove the fixation screws from the speakers [2]. replace the whole unit. 5. Lift up the support plate together with the stand. 4. See Figure 4-7 4. 2 1 1 1 2 2 18930_105_100304. Release the clips from both the LVDS Flat Foil connectors [5].5 Stand support plate 2 18930_124_100305.3. Remove grounding screws [7] from the stand support. replace the whole unit. Remove stand support plate fixation screws [2]. Failure to do so may result in damaging the PSU. 3. See Figure 4-5 and Figure 4-6. 3.3. 4. The SSB can now be lifted upwards away from the bottom shield cover.3 Power Supply Unit (PSU) RAM1. 3.0A LA 4. 2. Unplug the speaker connector [1] from the SSB and remove the wire wrap from this cable. Unplug all connectors [3] from the PSU. 1. 2. The PSU can now be taken out of the set. Failure to do so may result in damaging the SSB. 5.eps 100305 Figure 4-8 Stand support plate (42") See Figure 4-7 and Figure 4-8.eps 100304 Figure 4-7 Stand support plate (32") 2010-Mar-12 . Take the speakers out. 4. Remove all other fixation screws [8] from the SSB. When defective. 2. Remove the speakers as described earlier. 1. 4. 3. 2010-Mar-12 .EN 14 4. Remove the panel holders [3] (42" version only).6 4. Remove the other fixation screws [1] and [2].0A LA Mechanical Instructions Bezel removal 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 18930_102_100303. RAM1.eps 100305 Figure 4-9 Bezel removal (32") 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 1 18930_123_100305.3. 2. Lift up the LCD panel.eps 100305 Figure 4-10 Bezel removal (42") See Figure 4-9 and Figure 4-10. 8 Keyboard Control Board 1. Remove the bezel as described earlier. Notes: • While re-assembling. 4.0A LA 4. EN 15 18930_103_100304. execute all processes in reverse order. When defective. 1. 2010-Mar-12 . 4. 3. 5.3. make sure that all cables are placed and connected in their original position. Ensure that EMC foams are mounted correctly. 3. 2. see Figure 4-11. Release the clips that hold the board and take it from the bezel. replace the whole unit. Unplug the connector from the Keyboard Control Board. See Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2. Note it has been secured with Loctite 2440. Remove the bezel as described earlier. 6. 4. wrench. Remove the PSU as described earlier. 18930_107_100315.4 Set Re-assembly To re-assemble the whole set. Remove the fixation screws from the Keyboard Control Board and take unit out. 2. 2. When defective. • Pay special attention not to damage the EMC foams on the SSB shields.9 LCD removal RAM1.m.eps 100304 Figure 4-11 IR/LED Board 1.3. Lift the LCD Panel from the bezel. 3. Unplug the connectors from the IR/LED board.3. replace the whole unit.7 IR/LED Board 4. Remove the bezel as described earlier. Remove the Vesa spacer as shown in Figure 4-12 by using a 10 m.eps 100315 Figure 4-12 Vesa spacer Remove the SSB as described earlier.Mechanical Instructions 4. Remove the stand support plate as described earlier. It offers the abilities of structured troubleshooting. to get the same measurement results as given in this manual • To start the blinking LED procedure where only Layer 2 errors are displayed (see also Table 5-1). How to Activate CSM Key in the code “123654” via the standard RC transmitter. Service Modes. Error Codes.2 Service Tools 5.This helps the call centre to diagnose problems and failures in the TV set before making a service call.2 Customer Service Mode (CSM) Purpose The Customer Service Mode shows error codes and information on the TV's operation settings. and Fault Finding 5. CSM1 • Set Type Philips Model type number (16 characters maximum) • Production code Displays the production serial number of the TV.1 Service Default Mode (SDM) Purpose • To create a pre-defined setting. The CSM is a read-only mode. The Standard Default Mode (SDM) creates a predefined setting.1. this production code has to be re-written to NVM.3 Software Upgrading 5.4 Error Codes 5. RAM1.EN 16 5. How to Exit Switch the set to STANDBY. and software version read-out for all chassis. -2 and -3 can be done by means of the “CURSOR-DOWN/UP” knob.1. error code reading. This chassis also offers the option of using ComPair. ComPair will foresee a in possibility to do this. and Fault Finding Index of this chapter: 5. Note: Activation of the CSM is only possible if there is no (user) menu on the screen! Figure 5-2 CSM Menu [2/3] 18930_202_100309.1 Service Modes 5. 2010-Mar-12 . therefore.eps 100309 Figure 5-3 CSM Menu [3/3] How to Navigate Toggling between menus CSM1. a hardware interface between a computer and the TV chassis.0A LA Service Modes. Error Codes. while the Service Alignment Mode (SAM) offers several features for the service technician. 18930_201_100309.The call centre can instruct the customer (by telephone) to enter CSM in order to identify the status of the set.5 Fault Finding and Repair Tips 5. How to Activate Use the standard RC transmitter and key in the code “062596”. modifications are not possible in this mode. 18930_200_100309.1 Service Modes The Customer Service Mode (CSM) is used for communication between the call centre and the customer.eps 100309 5.eps 100309 Figure 5-1 CSM Menu [1/3] 5. Note that if an NVM is replaced or is initialized after corruption. directly followed by the “MENU” button. 1080p50Hz. 720p50Hz. Display Displays the 12NC of the display (LCD Panel). 2010-Mar-12 .g. • ComPair UART interface cable for RAM1.2 5.1x xx. ICs will be damaged! How to Order ComPair II order codes: • ComPair II interface: 3122 785 91020. because ComPair takes care of this. If one connects the TV directly to the PC (via UART). ComPair helps to quickly get an understanding on how to repair the chassis in a short and effective way. How to Exit Go up in the menu to the root and switch the set to STANDBY. How to go one level up in the menu Press the MENU button. 3. The ComPair II interface box is connected to the PC via an USB cable. TO TV TO UART SERVICE CONNECTOR TO I2C SERVICE CONNECTOR TO UART SERVICE CONNECTOR CSM2 • Current Main SW Main software version. The ComPair fault finding program is able to determine the problem of the defective television.1 Service Tools ComPair Introduction ComPair (Computer Aided Repair) is a Service tool for Philips Consumer Electronics products. while with the Left/Right cursor the values can be changed. 1080i50Hz. • Programming software can be downloaded from the Philips Service portal. DTS-HD Master Audio. • NVM-version NVM version. Error Codes. How to Exit CSM Press “MENU” on the RC-transmitter. Option code Displays the option code. SSB Displays the 12NC of the SSB (Small Signal Board). as the ComPair interface acts as a level shifter. and offers the following: 1. • SW version of other uP Other uP software version if applicable.g. ComPair speeds up the repair time since it can automatically communicate with the chassis (when the uP is working) and all repair information is directly available.Service Modes. ComPair II RC in RC out Multi function Optional Power Link/ Mode Switch Activity I2C RS232 /UART PC ComPair II Developed by Philips Brugge Optional power 5V DC HDMI I2C only 18930_203_100310. 576i50Hz. • HDMI audio format input stream Indication of HDMI audio input stream format e. For the TV chassis. by a combination of automatic diagnostics and an interactive question/answer procedure. 5. and press the “OK” button. • Standby SW Standby software version. Refer to 5-1 Error codes. use the following method: • Press the following key sequence on the remote control transmitter: “062596” directly followed by the “INFO” button. contact the local support desk. the following screen is visible (refer to Figure 5-4).2. ComPair allows very detailed diagnostics and is therefore capable of accurately indicating problem areas. EN 17 5. No knowledge on I2C or UART commands is necessary. 3138 188 75051. PSU Displays the 12NC of PSU (Power Supply Unit). CSM3 • Signal Quality/Present Digital percentage and analog Yes/No. Caution: It is compulsory to connect the TV to the PC as shown in the picture above (with the ComPair interface in between).eps 100310 10000_036_090121. • HDCP keys Detect and display HDCP keys: Valid/Nonvalid. MPCM.1. the ComPair interface box and the TV communicate via a bi-directional cable via the service connector(s).0A LA 5. 576p50Hz. RAM1. 2. 4.3 Service Alignment Mode (SAM) How to enter To enter the factory mode. ComPair features TV software upgrade possibilities. After entering the service alignment mode. Codes Displays the latest 5 error codes status.eps 091118 Figure 5-5 ComPair II interface connection Figure 5-4 Example of SAM How to Navigate The up/down cursor keys can be used to navigate through the menu. and Fault Finding • • • • • • Installation date Installation date. Specifications ComPair consists of a Windows based fault finding program and an interface box between PC and the (defective) product. • Child lock Child lock active/non-active. How to Store Choose “DO”. Note: While having problems. Dolby TrueHD. • HDMI video format input stream Indication of HDMI video input stream format e. How to Connect This is described in the chassis fault finding database in ComPair. 4 Update the TV software 1. Press the “Menu” button on your remote control. When the TV software is updated. select [Cancel] or [OK] and press OK.2 Check the current TV software version Before starting the software upgrade procedure. the TV automatically restarts and the TV starts up with the new software. See Figure 5-10. Power off your TV and disconnect all memory devices. An archive utility that supports the ZIP-format (e. When prompted. 18930_204_100310. See Figure 5-9. Select the latest software update file and download it to your PC.eps 100310 Figure 5-6 Update the TV software 1 5.com/support Preparing a portable memory for software upgrade You require the following: 1. Select “Setup” and press “OK”.0A LA Service Modes. See Figure 5-6. To proceed. 4. then select [Software update] > [Current software]. Note: 1. Software update files can be obtained from your dealer or can be downloaded from the following website: http://www. 5. 3. and TV will display the Main Menu upon detection of USB portable.upg” to the root directory of the USB flash drive. and Fault Finding Software Upgrading Introduction Philips continuously tries to improve its products. Upgrading will now begins and the status of the updating progress will be displayed.eps 100209 Figure 5-9 Update the TV software 4 2010-Mar-12 . Find information and software related to your TV. Figure 5-7 Update the TV software 2 5.1 5.3. it is advised to check the current TV software version: 1. Insert the USB flash drive that contains the software update file. Only FAT/DOS-formatted flash drives are supported. Select [Setup] and press OK. Error Codes. See Figure 5-7 and Figure 5-8. 8. 3.EN 18 5.3.eps 100310 Figure 5-8 Update the TV software 3 18870_206_100209.g. Insert a USB flash drive into one of the USB ports of your PC.eps 100310 5. A USB flash drive (preferably empty). 2. Switch on your TV. 4. 6. Note: If the USB flash drive is not detected after power up.3 Download the latest software 1. disconnect it and re-insert it. 5. 2. 3. In next menu select [Start] and press OK to start software updates. RAM1. 18930_206_100310. 18930_205_100310.3 5. 9. 2. See Figure 5-11.philips.3. Point your web browser to the Philips Service Portal. If the current software version of your TV is the same as the latest update file found on the Philips Service Portal. 7. and we recommend that you update the TV software when updates are available. 2. it is not necessary to update the TV software. Decompress the downloaded ZIP file and copy the “autorun. Select [Software update] > [Local updates] and press OK. “WinZip” for Windows or “Stufflt” for Mac OS). Only use software update files that can be found on the Philips Service Portal. 2. A personal computer connected to the Internet.3. The buffer is written from left to right. The TV will continue the software update as soon as power comes back.Service Modes. layer 2 in CSM n. When an error occurs that is not yet in the error code buffer. 5.0A LA 5.eps 100209 Figure 5-11 Update the TV software 6 Table 5-1 Error codes Error Code x yy1 0 00 2 13 3 16 4 18 2 27 2 34 Error blinking in SDM n.eps 100209 Error Codes The error code buffer contains all errors detected since the last time the buffer was erased. 2010-Mar-12 . • Once the upgrade is finished. layer 1 layer 1 layer 1 layer 1 spontaneous n.2 Tuner Attention: In case the tuner is replaced.a.1 Fault Finding and Repair Tips Speakers Make sure that the volume is set to minimum during disconnecting the speakers in the ON-state of the TV. Error Codes.4 18870_207_100209.a. • If a power failure occurs during the update. • If an error occurs during the update retry the procedure or contact your dealer.5 5. it is displayed at the left side and all other errors shift one position to the right. • We do not recommend downgrading to an older version.a. SSB platform supply display supply/inverter SSB SSB false POK-line display layer 2 or inverter multi-standard demodulator (IF) tuner layer 2 layer 2 Notes: 1.5. EN 19 Note: • Do not remove the USB flash drive during the software update. x = layer 1 error indication. layer 1 layer 1 layer 1 - Event no error I2C bus error 12V sensing of platform supply Defective board n. and Fault Finding RAM1.a. use your PC to remove the TV software from your USB portable memory.5. Figure 5-10 Update the TV software 5 18870_208_100209. do not remove the USB flash drive from the TV. 5. The audio amplifier can be damaged by disconnecting the speakers during ON-state of the set! 5. always check the tuner options. yy = layer 2 error indication. 5.8 V 3.3 V 1.5 V 16.3 V 1.1 V 5V 4.3 V 3.) FB1 R29 FB18 C6 Q28 pin 7.2 V 3.5 V after powerdown (standby) 5V 5V 3.8 V 3. RAM1.3 V 1.1 V 0V 4.3 5.EN 20 5. and Fault Finding Power failure For trouble shooting.3 V 3. following reference voltages are given: • After power-up • After power-down (switched to standby). 6 U3 pin 3 FB8 FB15 U1 pin 4 FB20 FB2 R34 U9 pin 3 C454 U39 pin 3 C363 C419 R587 C392 C359 Voltage (± 5%) after powerup 5V 5V 3.3 V 1.0A LA Service Modes. Table 5-2 Reference voltages Location (testpoint.3 V 12 V 12 V 5V 12 V 5V 8V 3. Error Codes.3 V 0V 1.3 V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V Signal name 5VIN 5VSB 3V3SB 1V0SB 5VSW VGA_5V REG3V3 3V3SW 1V2SB VDD33 3V3DRV 1V8SW B3V3SW 12VIN 12VSW PANEL_VDD TUNER_VCC 12VAMP REG5V H_VDD 3V3TC VGL VGH 16VTC Q22 pin 5 to 8 12 V 2010-Mar-12 . item + pin no.8 U6 pin 8 U38 pin 4 Q28 pin 5.8 V 3.3 V -5 V 28.2 V 3. 5~3. 4. Is Connection of J10 and J11 FFC cable OK? END 18930_214_100310.5V available? Is SSB J3-Pin 4 . 2. Is P2 video input signal normal? Check whether U36 input/output of video signal is normal.5~3. Is SSB J1 PIN 9.eps 100310 Figure 5-12 Trouble shooting diagram .0~0.0A LA 5.5~3. D-sub cable is OK? Check whether J2 -Pin 6 PWM is normal.2.set is in PC mode.5. EN 21 Start No LED is lighted 1.4 Trouble shooting diagrams Set is in PC mode.8V (Low level) available? Is SSB J2-Pin9 .3V(Hi Level) is available? Yes No Is Display Normal? 1. J2-Pin1. 2. 4.8V (Low level) available? Yes No 1. 5. 3.2. 2. Is SSB J3 Pin 4 .2. 6.0~0.J11 video signal is normal. 8 . Error Codes. 2 Voltage 12V available? Check if J1 Pin 2 . and Fault Finding 5.3V(Hi Level) is available? Check if J2 Pin 5 . Is Power Core available? Is SSB J1-Pin 6.Service Modes. 3.3V (Hi level) available? LED ON to OFF Yes No Is backlight on? 1. no image RAM1. Check whether J10. 3. 7. no image 2010-Mar-12 . Is SSB J1-PIN9. 3.3V(Hi Level) is available.3V(Hi Level) is available. Check whether J10. Is T1/P3 video input signal normal? Check whether U36 input/output of video signal is normal.8V (Low level) available? Yes No 1.5V available? Is SSB J3-Pin 4-0~0. 2 Voltage 12V available? Check if J1-Pin 2-2. 6.0A LA Service Modes. no image Start LED is lighted No 1. 3. 2.3V (Hi level) available? LED ON to OFF Yes No Is backlight on? 1. RAM1. 4. 2. 7. 8.8V (Low level) available? Is SSB J2-Pin9-0~0. no image 2010-Mar-12 . J2-Pin1.5~3. 4.eps 100310 Figure 5-13 Trouble shooting diagram .set is in TV/Composite video mode. 3. 2. Is Power Core available? Is SSB J1-Pin 6. and Fault Finding Set is in TV/Composite video mode. 5.5~3. Pin 5-2.J11 video signal is normal Is Connection of J10 and J11 FFC Cable OK? END 18930_215_100310.5~3.EN 22 5. Axial RF/AV Composite /S-Video cable are OK? Check whether J2 -Pin 6 PWM is normal. Error Codes. Yes Is Display Normal? No 1. Is SSB J3 Pin 4-2. Check if J2. Is Power Core available? Is SSB J1-Pin 6.0~0. EN 23 Start LED is lighted No 1. Error Codes.8V (Low level) available? Is SSB J2-Pin 9 . 3.3V(Hi Level) is available Yes Is Display Normal? No 1.8V (Low level) available? Yes No 1.0~0. 7. 3. 2. Is P1/P2 video input signal normal? Check whether U36 input/output of video signal is normal.5~3. 2. and Fault Finding Set is in Component video mode.eps 100310 Figure 5-14 Trouble shooting diagram . Check whether J10. 5. 2. Component Cable is OK? Check whether J2 -Pin 6 PWM is normal. Is SSB J3 Pin 4 . 4.set is in Component video mode.5~3. Pin 5-2.0A LA 5. 8.Service Modes.J11 video signal is normal Is Connection of J10 and J11 FFC Cable OK? END 18930_216_100310. J2-Pin1. no image RAM1.5~3. 2 Voltage 12V available? Check if J1-Pin 2-2.2. 6. no image 2010-Mar-12 . 3.3V (Hi level) available? LED ON to OFF Yes Is backlight on? No 1. Is SSB J1-PIN9.3V(Hi Level) is available Check if J2. 4.5V available? Is SSB J3-Pin 4 . EN 24 5. RAM1.0A LA Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding Set is in HDMI mode, no image Start LED is lighted No 1. 2. 3. 4. Is Power Core available? Is SSB J1 - Pin 6, 7, 8- 5V available? Is SSB J3 - Pin 4-0~0.8V (Low level) available? Is SSB J2 - Pin 9-0~0.8V (Low level) available? Yes LED ON to OFF No 1. Is SSB J3 Pin 4-2.5~3.3V (Hi level) available? Yes Is backlight on? No 1. 2. 3. Is SSB J1-PIN9, J2-Pin1, 2 Voltage 12V available? Check if J1-Pin 2-2.5~3.3V(Hi Level) is available. Check if J2, Pin 5-2.5~3.3V(Hi Level) is available. Yes Is Display Normal? No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. HDMI Cable is OK? Check whether J2 -Pin 6 PWM is normal. Is P8/P9 video input signal normal? Check whether U36 input/output of video signal is normal. Check whether J10,J11 video signal is normal Is Connection of J10 and J11 FFC Cable OK? Yes END 18930_217_100310.eps 100310 Figure 5-15 Set is in HDMI mode, no image 2010-Mar-12 Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding DC/DC converter RAM1.0A LA 5. EN 25 Start No J1 PIN6, 7, 8 The voltage is about +5V 1. Check power board 2. Check power cable connection J1 Yes No J1 PIN 9, J2 PIN 1/2 The voltage is about +12V while power switch on 1. J1/J2 connection good 2. Check power board Yes No Q28 PIN 7, 8 The voltage is about +5V while power switch on 1. Check Q27-Gate B Yes No U4 PIN 5, 6 The voltage is about +3.3V 1. Check U4 PIN2 EN Yes No U2 PIN 5, 6 The voltage is about +1.0V Yes No U1 PIN2,4 The voltage is about +1.8V Yes No U3 PIN 3 The voltage is about +1.2V Yes No U38 PIN 2, 4 The voltage is about +3.3V Yes No U9, U39 PIN 3 The voltage is about +5V Yes No T CON-U32 PIN2 The voltage is about +12V Yes No T CON-U35 PIN 3 The voltage is about +3.3V 18930_218_100310.eps Figure 5-16 DC/DC converter [1/2] 2010-Mar-12 EN 26 5. RAM1.0A LA Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding Yes No T CON-U35 PIN 2,4 The voltage is about +1.8V Yes No T CON-D24 PIN 3 The voltage is about +16V Yes No T CON-R556 The voltage is about +27.1V Yes No T CON-R587 The voltage is about -5V Yes No T CON-L8 The voltage is about +8V Yes END 18930_219_100310.eps 100310 Figure 5-17 DC/DC converter [2/2] 2010-Mar-12 Check U6. 6) 3. 6) 3. EN 27 Start Yes No Analog DDC OK? Support DDC1/2B 1. Is input signal compliant to protocol? Yes END 18930_220_100310. Check signal (U16 to Pin5.eps 100310 Figure 5-18 DDC reading 2010-Mar-12 . 6) 4. HDMI cable ok? 2.Service Modes. VGA cable ok? 2. and Fault Finding DDC reading RAM1. Check signal (U6 to PIN5.PIN8 5 V 4. Check signal (U15 to Pin5. Error Codes.0A LA 5. Is input signal compliant to protocol? Yes No HDMI DDC OK? Support DDC1/2B 1. Check Speaker Audio Output of J6 Audio Signal Yes No Check signal correct? 1. Check U23 Audio Signal In/OUT Yes END 18930_221_100310. and Fault Finding No audio Start No Input signal good? 1. Check Audio source 2. 2.EN 28 5. Error Codes. RAM1.0A LA Service Modes. U37 AUDIO In/Out Yes No Check amplifier OK? 1. Check MT8222 Audio In/Out 2.eps 100310 Figure 5-19 No audio 2010-Mar-12 . Check the player of source Yes No Output Source OK? 1. Select “RGB Align” and go to one of the sub menus. then press STORE (in the SAM root menu) to store the aligned values to the NVM. Caution: It is not allowed to use heatsinks as ground. y coordinates (while holding one of the White point registers R. The alignments are explained below. “TV Settings” and then “Picture” and set “Smart Picture” to “Vivid” mode. In case you have a colour analyser: • Measure with a calibrated contactless (max. Service Modes. • When finished press “OK” on the RC and then press STORE (in the SAM root menu) to store the aligned values to the NVM.230 VAC. Consequently. Menu navigation is done with the CURSOR UP. select “Store” again and press OK on the RC • Switch the stand to standby.25 MHz If you do not have a colour analyser. To store the data: • Press OK on the RC before the cursor is moved to the left. Warm the set up for >15 minutes. • Press “OK” on the remote control before the cursor is moved to the left • In submenu “Option numbers” select “Store” and press OK on the RC. Ci < 20 pF.25 MHz (channel 3).4 Display Option Settings 6. • Repeat this step for the other colour temperatures that need to be aligned. The following item can be aligned: • White point. This is the next best solution. Service Modes.video: 0B 06 PID . 50 ± 10 Hz. White point alignment LCD screens: • Use a 100% white screen as input signal and set the following values: – “Colour temperature”: “Normal”. Tolerance: dx: ± 0. LATAM models: an NTSC M TV-signal with a signal strength of at least 1 mV and a frequency of 61.g. • Select a “COLOUR TEMPERATURE” (e. The default values are average values coming from production. • Press MENU on the RC to switch back to the main menu.004.3. For the next alignments.296 Warm (6500K) 0.3 Software Alignments Put the set in SAM mode (see chapter 5. “GREEN” and “BLUE” default values according to the values in Table 6-2. Error Codes. 2010-Mar-12 . – “Red BL offset” value to “240” for HDMI source. 6.1 Alignment Sequence Set the correct options: • In SAM.276 0. – “Green BL offset” value to “240” for HDMI source.PCR: 0B 06 PID . – “Red BL offset” value to “0” for VGA source. DVB-T models: a DVB-T signal with the following specifications: . measure audio signals in relation to AUDIO_GND). Error Codes.00 PID . select “Options” and then “Option numbers” • Fill in the option numbers for “Group 1” and “Group 2” according to the set sticker (see also section 6. you can use the default values. “COOL”. The SAM menu will now appear on the screen.g. • Set the White point “RED”.2 Hardware Alignments Not applicable. – “Green BL offset” value “0” for VGA source.313 0. • When finished press OK on the RC. – All “White point” values to: “127”.282 Normal (9000K) 0.Alignments RAM1. • Switch the set to stand-by mode. Table 6-1 White D alignment values Value x y Cool (11000K) 0. LEFT or RIGHT keys of the remote control transmitter.004. • Measure voltages and waveforms in relation to correct ground (e.Audio: 0B 07. 6.4 Display Option Settings). the measurement needs to be done in a dark environment. or “WARM”). • Adjust the correct x. • Test probe: Ri > 10 MΩ.287 0. or • In main menu.1 White Point • Choose “TV menu”. 25 mm) colour analyser in the centre of the screen. • US/AP-NTSC models: an NTSC M/N TV-signal with a signal strength of at least 1 mV and a frequency of 61. and Fault Finding. • Restore the initial picture settings after the alignments. • In main menu select “Store” and press OK on the RC.frequency: 546.329 6.3 Software Alignments 6. • Restore the initial picture settings after the alignments. “NORMAL”. EN 29 6. • Allow the set to warm up for approximately 15 minutes. y coordinates (see Table 6-1).1.0A LA 6.25 MHz (channel 3). • Connect the set to the mains via an isolation transformer with low internal resistance. • Use an isolated trimmer/screwdriver to perform alignments. dy: ± 0.1 General Alignment Conditions Perform all electrical adjustments under the following conditions: • Power supply voltage: 120 . and Fault Finding). DOWN. G or B on 127) by means of decreasing the value of one or two other white points to the correct x.5 Reset of Repaired SSB Note: The Service Alignment Mode (SAM) are described in chapter 5. 6. Alignments Index of this chapter: 6.1 General Alignment Conditions 6. • • 6. supply the following test signals via a video generator to the RF input: • EU/AP-PAL models: a PAL B/G TV-signal with a signal strength of at least 1 mV and a frequency of 475.2 Hardware Alignments 6. b.b. R t.b. you can use the ComPair tool.b. Colour Temp R 6.b.b.d. 2010-Mar-12 .EN 30 6.d.b.b. G t.d.d.4 Display Option Settings Table 6-3 Display code overview CTN_ALT BOM# 32PFL3605/67 32PFL3605/93 32PFL3605/98 42PFL3605/67 42PFL3605/93 42PFL3605/98 Panel Type LGD LC320WUY-SCA1-8R1 LGD LC320WUY-SCA1-8R1 LGD LC320WUY-SCA1-8R1 LGD LC420WUY-SCA1-7R1 LGD LC420WUY-SCA1-7R1 LGD LC420WUY-SCA1-7R1 Display code in SAM 009 004 001 010 005 002 6. To set all this.d. t. t.b. t. RAM1. B t.b. 42" R t.d.b.b.b. t. t. t.d.b.b. t.d. t.d.d. t. t.b. t. B t.b.d.b.5 Reset of Repaired SSB A very important issue towards a repaired SSB from a service repair shop implies the reset of the NVM on the SSB.d. t. t. White Tone Normal Cool Warm 32" G t.d. t.b.b.d.d.b.d.d.d.b.d.d.d.d. t.d. t.b. Also the virgin bit is to be set. A repaired SSB in service should get the service Set type “00PF0000000000” and Production code “00000000000000”. t.0A LA Alignments Table 6-2 White tone default settings 32" & 42" Dali sets (3xxx series) Black level offset G t.d.b. due to different set executions.S U B A u dio in C o m p onent A u d io in C o m p o s ite S-Vid eo C o m p o s ite S-Vid eo A u d io in D-S U B X2 18930_210_100310. EN 31 7. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts.2 Power Architecture 7.1. • Figures can deviate slightly from the actual situation. KEY PAD I. you will find a separate drawing for clarification.3 MT8222 Video/Audio processor Notes: • Only new circuits (circuits that are not published recently) are described.0A LA chassis is using the MT8222 video and audio processor.0A LA 7. • For a good understanding of the following circuit descriptions. Where necessary.1 Introduction The RAM1.1.0A LA architecture can be found in Figure 7-1.eps 100310 2010-Mar-12 . Block Diagrams) and circuit diagrams (see chapter 10. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts).R.0A LA Architecture Overview • For details about the chassis diagrams refer to chapter 10. Circuit Descriptions Index of this chapter: 7. 7. An overview of the RAM1. 7. please use the wiring.1 Introduction 7.0A LA H D M2 I D.1 Implementation Key components of this chassis are: • MT8222 scaler • HFT-8/125H (China/AP)/HFT-8-13F2 (Argentina) tuner • K3953M/K9362M (China/AP)/ M3953M/M9370M (Argentina) saw filter • TDA9885TS IF demultiplexer • TPA3101D2 audio amplifier • TL2428MC T-CON IC 7. block (see chapter 9.2 RAM1.Circuit Descriptions RAM1. RE C E IV E R L R LC D PA N E L (1 9 2 0 × 1 0 8 0 ) C VB S A u d io o u t H /P o u t (O p tion a l) M a in b o a rd B /L IN V E R TE R M ini-LVDS 5 VDC 12 V D C M AIN POWER S UP P L Y BL O C K 5V 3V3 D C/DC conversion 1V 8 1V 2 5V 0 TCO N TL2428MC EEPR O M 24C 04 A u dio A m p C l ass-D (T P A 3 101D 2) C VB S IF Deco d er TD A 9 88 5 S IF VIF BL on/off PWM POK BL boost S PI F L A S H (4M B ) M X25L 3 205D M D D R 2 256M b × 2 NT5TU32M 16 CG-25C S c a le r c h ip MTK MT8222AMMU for FHD R /L S IF SAW F ilter SAW F ilter IF P /I b o a rd Power Video & control signal Analogue Audio EEPR O M EDID EDID EDID 24C 3 2 Audio s w itch HEF4052 An a lo g T u n er X1 X1 US B H D M1 I C o m p onent Figure 7-1 Architecture of RAM1. RAM1.3 7.1.0A LA Circuit Descriptions SSB Cell Layout TCON DC .DC CONVERSION TUNER DDR2 Scaler Audio Amplifier INPUT/OUTPUT CONNECTORS Service Connector 18930_211_100310.EN 32 7.eps 100310 Figure 7-2 SSB layout cells (top view) 2010-Mar-12 . eps 100315 Figure 7-3 Power Architecture RAM1.3 Power failure. EN 33 AP1534SG 5VSB + CE4 220uf/25V U2 1V0SB + CE3 220uf/25V DVDD10 RESET_MAX809STRG U21 Power Board IR/LED BD AP1534SG TJ3965D U4 + CE8 220uf/25V 3V3SB + CE7 220uf/25V U3 R224 R225 1V2SB + CE26 220uf/25V R228 R229 AVDD33_SIF AVDD33_DIG R230 R231 R234 AVDD33_HDMI R235 AVDD12_PLL AVDD12_LVDS AVDD12_USB AVDD12_VPLL AVDD12_HDMI AVDD33_CVBS AVDD33_XTAL AVDD33_ADAC AVDD33_USB AVDD33_AADC AVDD33_LVDS F1 I ≈ 725 mA 5VIN 125V/3A 5VSB R226 R227 R232 R233 R236 R237 FB18 AVDD12_DIG_RGB AVDD12_MEMPLL AVDD12_RGB AVDD33_REFP_AADC AVDD33_VGA MOS_SSG4953 AP1084KL DDR_NT5TU32M16CG 1V8SW + CE6 220uf/25V Q28_1 GPIO25 3V3SW + CE7 220uf/25V U1 U22 R266 DRV602PWR FB18 C87 10uf/10V RVREF0 VCC2IO_1 VCC2IO_2 VCC2IO_3 U26 AT24C32CN FB16 MOS_SSG4953 USB_TPS2041BDR Q28_2 5VSW + CE27 100uf/25V U8 U20 BAT54C AT24C02BN D5 VGA_5V U6 PI5C3257QE U7 C87 10uf/10V F2 125V/3A 12VIN I ≈ 2.2 Power Architecture Refer to figure Figure 7-3 for the power architecture of this platform. RAM1.Circuit Descriptions 7.5.0A LA 7.0A LA platform 2010-Mar-12 . For trouble shooting. refer to section 5.16 A 12 VSW Audio_SW_CD 4052BNSR R266 U5 AZ7805T FB5 HFT-8B/125 T1 TUNER_VCC_5V + CE17 100uf/25V U9 + CE16 100uf/25V FB16 TDA9885TS U10 AUDIO_AMP_TPA3101D2PHPR AP1117EL TL2428_V18 U23 3V3TC U35 1V8TC TL2428_V18 Gamma_MAX9668 F3 I ≈ 843 mA 63V/2A GPIO5 MOS_RSS075P03 MAX17113ETL 16VTC VGL VGH Q22 PANEL_VDD + CE7 220uf/25V U30 U34 RT8250GSP U32 H_VDD 18930_212_100310. 2010-Mar-12 The video signal is further processed by the MT8222 which generates an LVDS signal to the TL2428 on-chip TCON which drives the LCD display. One part drives the Stereo Line Driver “AUDIO OUT” chain. The MT8222 generates an LVDS signal to the TL2428 on-chip TCON which drives the LCD display.eps 100310 Figure 7-4 MT8222 Video/Audio system application 7. The signal is then split into an video and an audio part. the other part drives the CS4344 and the audio amplifier.SH-T U29 Y6 C STCE10M0G55 10MHz VGA Audio Input o o o o VGA L/R IN AV1 IN SY 1 IN SC1 IN AV1 L/R IN DDR NT5TU32M16CG-25C U22 AV1 Input Y 1 IN PB1 IN Y PBPR1 L/R IN ADIN 0 LED 2 Y 2 IN PB2 IN IR BD ADIN 0 CVI-2 Input PR2 IN Y PBPR2 L/R IN Line OUT LINE OUT R/L DRV602PWR U26 AL2 & AR2 OUT Y2 27MHz DAC R IS 2 Tuner SCL/ SDA AGC Tuner TCVBS-N&P TDA9885TSV5 U10 REF SIF Y1 4 MHz Amp R+ Tuner IF Tuner VIF(K3953M30) SAW1 SIF(K9650M30) SAW2 VIF I2S DAC C S4344 Audio Amp TPA3101D2PHPR Amp R- U37 DAC L U23 Amp L+ Amp L- 18930_213_100310. HDMI HDMI signals are further processed digitally by the MT8222. Component Input Component signals are processed by the MT8222. KEY BD CVI-1 Input PR1 IN IR_ . Audio is separately processed by the MT8222 and further processed by the CS4344 and then the audio amplifier. RAM1.3. The MT8222 generates an LVDS signal to the TL2428 on-chip TCON which drives the LCD display.1 Signal paths RGB Analogue RGB signals are transferred by the MT8222 to a digital signal by the internal A/D converter.0A LA Circuit Descriptions MT8222 Video/Audio processor Refer to figure Figure 7-4 for the power architecture of this platform. Debug PORT U SB HDMI1 TX RX U SB DM U SB DP PRST# D at a Bus 1 HDMI DDC I2C OPWR0 5V H1 EEPROM AT24C02 U15 Reset Circuit Flash DATA D at a Bus 2 MX25L3205DM2I-12G U19 HDMI2 HDMI DDC I2C OPWR0 5V H2 EEPROM AT24C02 U16 LVDS RGB & H/V SY NC TCON TL2428MC U36 T-CON I 2C T CON SIGNAL LCD PANEL VGA Input VGA I 2C Channel 3 VGA I 2C EEPROM U6 Sc aler UART VGA EDID Channel Switch 74HC4052PW Channel 2 U7 Channel 1 T-CON I 2C MT8222 U17 DATA EEPROM AT24C32CN. The MT8222 generates an LVDS signal to the TL2428 on-chip TCON which drives the LCD display. The audio signal is further processed by the MT8222 and split into two parts.EN 34 7.3 7. RF Input RF input signals are demodulated by the TDA9885 IF demodulator and further processed by the MT8222. 5 MHz 17 CVBS video output: 2 V (p-p) [1.1 V (p-p) without trap] TDA9885 8 SIF2 SIF1 24 23 SINGLE REFERENCE QSS MIXER INTERCARRIER MIXER AND AM DEMODULATOR MAD AUDIO PROCESSING AND SWITCHES AUD audio output 5 DEEM de-emphasis network 6 AFD SUPPLY SIF AGC CAGC OUTPUT PORTS I 2C-BUS TRANSCEIVER NARROW-BAND FM-PLL DEMODULATOR CAF 20 VP 18 AGND 13 n.c. 3 OP1 22 OP2 11 SCL 10 SDA 7 DGND 12 SIOMAD 4 FMPLL FM-PLL filter sound intercarrier output and MAD select Pinning information n.c. IC Data Sheets This section shows the internal block diagrams and pin configurations of ICs that are drawn as “black boxes” in the electrical diagrams (with the exception of “memory” and “logic” ICs).eps 100308 Figure 8-1 Internal block diagram and pin configuration 2010-Mar-12 . EN 35 8.IC Data Sheets RAM1.5 to 6. 8.0A LA 8.c. 2 1 VIF-PLL SOUND TRAPS 4.1 Diagram B05. 18930_300_100308. 1 VIF2 2 OP1 3 FMPLL 4 DEEM 5 AFD 6 DGND 7 AUD 8 TOP 9 SDA 10 SCL 11 SIOMAD 12 24 SIF2 23 SIF1 22 OP2 21 AFC 20 VP TDA9885T 19 VPLL 18 AGND 17 CVBS 16 VAGC 15 REF 14 TAGC 13 n.c. TDA9885 (IC U10) Block diagram CVAGC(pos) VAGC (1) 16 CBL RC VCO DIGITAL VCO CONTROL AFC DETECTOR VIF-PLL filter VPLL 19 external reference signal or 4 MHz crystal TOP 9 TAGC 14 CAGC(neg) TUNER AGC VIF-AGC REF 15 AFC 21 VIF2 n. RAM1.EN 36 8. MT8222TMMU/A (IC U17) Block diagram Analog Front End CVBS / SV (8 ×) (Customer) External Switches YPbPr ADC ADC 3D TVD HDTVD 8032 Main Path (2 ×) VGA HDMIx3 MDDi DS PIP Path MUX ADC ADC VGAD DRAM MDDi DS Digital Path OSD Merge Color Color Control Signal (GPIO.2 8..eps 100305 LVDS LVDS Tx Gamma Dithering Figure 8-2 Internal block diagram 2010-Mar-12 .) US US DSP 18870_300_100211..0A LA IC Data Sheets Diagram B07.. 0A LA 8.eps 100305 Figure 8-3 Pin configuration 2010-Mar-12 .IC Data Sheets RAM1. EN 37 Pinning information 18870_301_100211. EN 38 8. RAM1.0A LA IC Data Sheets Diagram B10. TPA3101D (IC U23) Block diagram PVCCR PVCCR PVCCR VBYP VCLAMPR BSRN VBYP AVCC AVCC Gain Gate Drive ROUTN RINN RINP VBYP Gain Control PWM Logic VClamp Gen PVCCR BSRP GAIN0 GAIN1 Gain Control 8 T Adj.eps 100309 Figure 8-4 Internal block diagram and pin configuration 2010-Mar-12 . Gain Gate Drive ROUTP FAULT VBYP AVCC Startup Protection Logic SC Detect Thermal VREG Ramp Generator Biases and References VREGok AVCC VCCok PVCCL PGNDR ROSC SYNC MSTR/SLV VREG PVCCL VCLAMPL BSLN VREG PVCCL SHUTDOWN TLL Input Buffer MUTE TLL Input Buffer Gain Gate Drive LOUTN VBYP VClamp Gen Gain Control PWM Logic PVCCL LINN LINP BSLP Gate Drive LOUTP Gain PGNDL AGND 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 AVCC NC FA ULT MUTE SHUTDOWN B SRP ROUTP ROUTP ROUTN ROUTN B SRN NC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 36 35 34 33 Pinning information NC RINN RINP AGND LINP LINN NC GAIN0 GAIN1 MSTR/SLV SYNC NC Exposed 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 NC PVCCR PVCCR PGNDR PGNDR VCLAMPR VCLAMPL PGNDL PGNDL PVCCL PVCCL NC NC ROSC VREG VB YP A GND B SL P L OUTP L OUTP L OUTN L OUTN B SL N NC 18930_301_100309.3 8. … . … .POL LVDS Input 1RxA~E 2RxA~E 1RxCLK 2RxCLK S ource Driver 1 Internal SSIC S ource Driver 2 S ource Driver 5 Source Driver 8 OPC + ODC TCON mini-LVDS Fr ame Memory SDRAM (16Mbit) VST G ate Driver 1 G ate in panel 1 CLK1(FLK).0A LA 8.4 Diagram B11. GCLK3(GSC). TL2428MC (IC U36) RAM1.IC Data Sheets 8. EN 39 Block diagram LLV0~6P/M 14 2 14 RLV0~6P/M SOE.eps 100223 Figure 8-5 Internal block diagram and pin configuration 2010-Mar-12 . GCLK6 G ate Driver 2 G ate in panel 2 TFT LCD ARRAY S CL EEPROM (LUT) 16K bit or 32Kbit SDA G ate Driver n G ate in panel n Pinning information 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 XIN XOUT EOVDD EOVSS OPT_N H_CONV EOVDD EOVSS POL SOE CVDD CGND EOVDD EOVSS CVDD CGND EIVSS EIVDD I2C_EN NC WP EOVSS EOVDD OVDD OGND CVDD CGND WPWM REFMODE LEDON EOVDD EOVSS REVERSE CVDD CGND OVDD OGND EOVSS EOVDD SDA SCL DISM OVDD OGND 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 OGND OVDD RBF FSEL BIT_SEL CVDD CGND R2EP R2EM R2DP R2DM LGND R2CLKP R2CLKM R2CP R2CM LVDD R2BP R2BM R2AP R2AM R1EP R1EM R1DP R1DM LGND R1CLKP R1CLKM R1CP R1CM LVDD R1BP R1BM R1AP R1AM LVDD LGND CGND CVDD OPC_EN PWM_TOUT PWM_TIN OVDD OGND 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 TESTB TESTA CGND CVDD EEP_SIZE NC GCLK6 GCLK5 NC NC OGND OVDD GCLK4(OPT_P) GCLK 3 GCLK2 GCLK1(GSP_R) CGND CVDD VDD_EVEN(GOE) VDD_ODD(GSC) VST(GSP) EIVSS EIVDD FLK1 DPM CGND CVDD EIVSS EIVDD RESET EIVSS EIVSS VCORES TEST D TEST C OGND OVDD CGND CVDD EIVDD EIVSS ODC_BYPASS MODE[ 1] MODE[ 0] GIP_EN MPVSS MPVDD RLV0+ RLV0MLVDD RLV1+ RLV1MLVSS RLV2+ RLV2RLV3+ RLV3MLVDD RLV4+ RLV4RLV5+ RLV5MLVSS RLV6+ RLV6MLVDD LLV0+ LLV0MLVSS LLV1+ LLV1LLV2+ LLV2MLVDD LLV3+ LLV3LLV4+ LLV4MLVSS LLV5+ LLV5LLV6+ LLV6MLVDD MLVSS RMLVDS MPVSS MPVDD 18850_305_100107. RAM1.eps 090121 2010-Mar-12 .0A LA IC Data Sheets Personal Notes: 10000_012_090121.EN 40 8. GND 5. 5VIN 8. GND1 4. 16VTC 42.C. N. N. N. 2. GND 4. CN5 (B03C) 1. 11. J6 (B10) 1. J1 (B01) 1. 6. DIM 7. 11. 12. 3. Block Diagrams Wiring Diagram (32") WIRING DIAGRAM 32" DALI Board Level Repair Component Level Repair Only For Authorized Workshop CN4 1.eps 100310 2010-Mar-12 . GND 6. 7.C. 2.C. BL_ON 6. 8561 8560 1316 1P3 8P12 CN5 J10 J11 60P J2 8P12 J1 9P11 8Z02 9P11 CN4 8Z01 60P HIGH VOLTAGE MAIN POWER SUPPLY IPB PLHF-A961A (1005) B SSB (1150) 1319 1P3 KEYBOARD CONTROL (1114) SHIELDING 6P8 J3 TUNER TO BACKLIGHT TO BACKLIGHT HDMI 3P J1 MAINS CORD 8191 8M20 LOUDSPEAKER RIGHT (5213) J2 3P J1 6P8 CN2 LCD DISPLAY (1004) CN1 LOUDSPEAKER RIGHT (5213) IR / LED BOARD (1112) HDMI VGA CN1 4P J6 USB SVHS 18930_400_100310. L+ LRR+ J3 (B06) 1. +5V 8. 12. 12VIN 10.C.C. GND 6. GND 4. 12VIN 2. 4. +5V 9. GND | 19.C. BL ON OFF 6. POK 10. 16VTC 20. GND 24. GND 11. GND J2 (B01) 1. 3V3TC 37. 9.C. N. 3. 3V3TC 38. H_VDD 41. GND 39. 9. POK 10. +5V 7. GND 11. N. 5VIN 7. H_VDD 23. 12VIN 3. 8. Boost 8. GND 5. 16VTC 21. 9. 4. 3V3TC | 60.C. N.Block Diagrams RAM1. GND1 5. N.0A LA 9. BL_DIM 7. H_VDD 22. +12V 2. BL_BOOST 8. N. GND | 36.C.C. N. GND 5.C. +12V 10. 3V3TC 25. PS ON/OFF 3. 2. 12VIN 3. N. EN 41 9. 2. ADIN3 GND IR LED2 5VSB LED1 ADIN0 5VSW J10 (B11) 1.C. 5. 16VTC | 60. H_VDD 40. N. 5VIN. GND 4. +12V 3. GND J11 (B11) 1. N. H_VDD 22. GND 39.eps 100310 2010-Mar-12 . BL_DIM 7. GND 6. 12VIN 2. N. GND 11. +12V 10.C. 4. J1 (B01) 1. +12V 3. 3V3TC 37. 5. 11. N. GND 11. GND 4. 2. GND 5. 2. H_VDD 23. 2. H_VDD 41. GND 4. Boost 8. J6 (B10) 1. 5VIN. GND | 19. PS ON/OFF 3. +5V 9. POK 10. 9. L+ LRR+ J3 (B06) 1. 16VTC 21. 12.C. 16VTC | 60. GND 5. N. 4. GND 4. GND 5.C. 5VIN 8. 12VIN 3. 16VTC 42. +5V 7. 9. 5VIN 7. H_VDD 40. CN5 (B03C) 1.C. 3V3TC 38.C. 8561 8560 CN3 1P3 8P12 CN5 9P11 J10 CN4 J11 60P J2 8P12 J1 9P11 8Z02 8Z01 HIGH VOLTAGE 60P MAIN POWER SUPPLY IPB PLHF-A962A (1005) CN2 1P3 B SSB (1150) TUNER KEYBOARD CONTROL (1114) 8P 8126 CN1 J3 SHIELDING HDMI TO BACKLIGHT MAINS CORD 8126 TO BACKLIGHT 4P J1 LOUDSPEAKER RIGHT (5213) J2 4P J1 8P 8191 CN2 CN1 LCD DISPLAY (1004) LOUDSPEAKER RIGHT (5213) IR / LED BOARD (1112) HDMI VGA USB 4P J6 SVHS 18930_401_100310.C.C. N. 3V3TC 25. GND J2 (B01) 1. +12V 2. 12.C.C. 3. BL_BOOST 8.0A LA 9. 16VTC 20. 3V3TC | 60. GND1 4. ADIN3 GND IR LED2 5VSB LED1 ADIN0 5VSW J10 (B11) 1. 6. 11. 2.C. GND 24. N. N. N. N. N. GND1 5. EN 42 Wiring Diagram (42") WIRING DIAGRAM 42" DALI Board Level Repair Component Level Repair Only For Authorized Workshop CN4 1. 12VIN 3. N. DIM 7. POK 10.Block Diagrams RAM1. +5V 8. 7.C. 9. GND | 36. 8. 12VIN 10.C. N. BL ON OFF 6. N. GND J11 (B11) 1. GND 6. 3. BL_ON 6. eps 100311 2010-Mar-12 .S U B A u dio in H D M2 I C o m p onent A u d io in C o m p o s ite S-Vid eo C o m p o s ite S-Vid eo A u d io in D-S U B X2 18930_402_100311. EN 43 Block Diagram KEY PAD I. RE C E IV E R L R LC D PA N E L (1 9 2 0 × 1 0 8 0 ) C VB S A u d io o u t H /P o u t (O p tion a l) M a in b o a rd B /L IN V E R TE R M ini-LVDS 5 VDC 12 V D C M A IN POWER S UP P LY BLO CK 5V 3V3 D C/DC conversion 1V 8 1V 2 5V 0 TCO N TL2428MC EEPR O M 24C 04 A u dio A m p C l ass-D (T P A 3 101D 2) C VB S IF D eco d er TD A 9 88 5 S IF VIF BL on/off PWM POK BL boost S PI F L A S H (4M B ) M X25L 3 205D M D D R 2 256M b × 2 NT5TU32M 16 CG-25C S c a le r c h ip MTK MT8222AMMU for FHD R /L S IF SAW F ilter SAW F ilter IF P /I b o a rd Power Video & control signal Analogue Audio EEPR O M EDID EDID EDID 24C 3 2 Audio s w itch HEF4052 A n a lo g T u n er X1 X1 USB H D M1 I C o m p onent D.Block Diagrams RAM1.0A LA 9.R. 47UF/500V D602 SUR460 C102 R101A 100K/1W 2.2uF G R494 1K D430 1N4148W IM ! VREF +12V VREF 2N7002A S A K Q402 R409 220K D R496 0R0 D ENA G D491 IM C490 102 R491 G Q410 KST2222A S R435 180R/2012 STATUS T703 C431 105/25V/2012 1 R424 15K HDR2 R425 4.1K/2012 470uF/25V/MK D103 1N4148W 105/2012 D102 ZD104 C107 ! LF103 SQE2020 3 1 R605 33K VCC 18V Q602 TK5P50D C610 470pF/1KV R609 100/2012 D R615 2M/2012 R107 12K 2 UF4007 10-1/2W fusibleCY202 FB201 220pF/250VBFD3565R R105 D203 SB3200 C202 C203 1000uF/25V/WB 15V D222 R219 R224 180R 1N4148W 150K C108 56pF C105 47uF/50V/MK R226 1.7K LTST-C930TBKT-LG D431 D G C435 225/2012 Q402A 2N7002A S D413 1N4148W IS 1N4148W 9.C R414 120K 4 UVLS LDR2 17 R415 470K R408B 180K R408D 9.6K 27K C418A 223 C415 475/2012 C421 181/COG C421A 221/COG C421B 271/COG R418D 300 R418F 820R C467 225/2012 L G2 D757 1N4148W D755 1N4148W L G1 BAV99 C AC A T702 C430 105/25V/2012 1 R762 680 R711 68 Q709 R759 680 HS1 8 R453 HDR1 47R 2012 R456 47R 2012 R438 47R 2012 R418 820R Q467 R467C 0R0 2N7002A C419 102 R704 68 Q707 TK5P50D D404 HG1 7 R454 47R 2012 4 R457 47R 2012 R439 47R 2012 R418G 300R R467B 1M D467 1N4148W 12V R499A 0R0 UVLS 6 TK5P50D ZD704 R726 10K 24V ZD702 R713 10K 24V LDR1 LG1 5 R455 47R 2012 R458 47R 2012 R440 47R 2012 Current F/B UU1116 DIS-ARC R409B 4.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.2K D220 US1J R221 C220 10uF/50V/WL 100K R222 20K TSA601MA1 s SA101 R610 10K ! Q130 CY203 220pF/250V C608 5pF SCY99102 U202 R233 KIA431BM U601 ! CY103 ! CY104 8 7 6 5 D603 1N4148W R608 10/2012 VCC DRV GND ZCD R617 2M/2012 104 CN4(1M95) ST3V3 1 R131 KST2222A KST2907A +5V C104 ZD130 24V 22uF/50V/WL 91K C206 C206A 225/2012 25V 225/2012 25V 3V3 stdby Standby GND GND GND 5V 5V 5V 12V GND NC R227 2.9K TK5P50D ZD703 R723 10K 24V ZD701 R710 10K HS2 CT R408S 24V UU2758 R441 47R 2012 9 CT VSEN 12 CT PROT C407 104 473 R444 47R 2012 R447 47R 2012 UVLS R420A 200K 10 RT1 PROT 11 ZD707 24V ZD705 24V R442 47R 2012 HS1 R445 47R 2012 R448 47R 2012 R418C R417 68K IM R418E NC VREF R467A 10K C420A 103 R443 47R 2012 ! R446 47R 2012 R449 47R 2012 R417C NC I_Down 0R0 104/50V C413 R429 3.0A LA 10.2K STATUS SSTCMP SSTCMP 20K R420 R427 10K 10K R421A 8 GNDA ISEN 13 1N4148W ISEN ISEN C418 3.22uF/275V 1 D503 NC ZD102 16V R216 220K C212 104 R217 DIM ADIM 6 4. EN 44 10.4K C R230 100K B C223 104 11 4 2 FB101 FB102 AC_DET HOT_GND R214 100R Q220 KST2222A E STANDBY C222 R229 220K 104 GND_PFC CY101 100pF FB104 CY102 100pF BFS3550A BFS3550A 12V D501 UF4007 240K/2012 VCC Q101 R110 KST2222A PC102 R109 2.7K 7 8 R504 STATUS 9 ! LF101 CV335022SS 4 R509 Q502 2N7002A G D 100K G D R510 Q503 2N7002A 4.2uF DIS-ARC KST2907A C E 2.2nF/630V C208 2200uF/10V/WL 2200uF/10V/WL C209 C210 470uF/10V/MK C607 C611 C607A 10nF/1kV 4 2 7 AC1 2 47uF/450V/WL 47uF/450V/WL ! 5 4 3 2 1 C103 100pF/1kV U101 FSQ0465R D101 UF4007 4 5 6 DRAIN 1 24/1W 470pF/1KV R201 C201 L1 C101 10nF/1kV 6 VSTR L601 EE2020 8 Q201 D201 FQPF13N06 0.6K/2012 CY201 ! 680pF/250V DRIVE C221 R238 R220 33/3216 104 100K/2012 G 4 2 S R616 2M/2012 ZD103 7.15AH 250V ! CN1(1308) AC-inlet Live 3 FB606 BFS3550R FB607 BFD3565R 2010-02-10 2 1 Neutral 32" PSU PLHC-A961A 18930_560_100315.2K C131 104 5 PC101 EL817MCDT 4 1 2 R208 R209 51 560 R212 2.1K R490A 330 L490 R490 HS2 HOT_GND : HOT_GND 8 R432 180R/2012 Q432 2N7002A S D492 1N4148W 100uH/2012 30K C491 102 HG2 7 D426 G D 6 4 R423 Q431 S C423 104 D434 1N4148W R434 2.7K 0R0 I_Up DIM1 R467 6.6K 10 2 R505 56K ! EL817MCDT 1 2 4 3 11 R241 1K 12 R102 ! R507 C503 101 S 750K/1W ZD501 NC C504 105/2012 C505 105/2012 S 82K C501 1uF/50V/WL R506 10K Q504 2N7002A D G C502 NC D G ! R506A VA101 TVR14621KSY 1 10K S Q501 2N7002A S ! CY105 100pF/250V FH101 FB58 FUSE HOLDER ! F101 T3. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Power Supply Unit 32" A01 PFC-OUTPUT 32" Power Supply Unit PROT A01 INV_ON/OFF 12V R431 2K 1 VCC 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 BFS3550A FB608 R408 ! R410 120K C703 C707 CN2 1 C406 54pF/6.7K C408 D R499 47K B C492 473 Q411 ZD708 24V ZD706 24V C408A 2.7K PC103 R111 5.3KV R411 0R0 R413 120K B03B PASK 1 C410 103 D401 BAV99 C AC A E 2 ENA HDR1 19 VREF R431A 20K C431A 103 VREF C411 105/2012 3 VREF HDR2 18 Freq Up R408A 0R0 R408C 0R0 NC Up C701 C705 C402 ! C403 N.eps 100315 2010-Mar-12 .36/2W R619 8 102 102 R108 36K 3 C211 R210 104 9 100K U201 KIA431A KST2222A E Q221 10 R213 2.7K/2012 R101 120/1W 2 3 1 4 Q131 330pF/250V 330pF/250V CTRL CS FB CT COLD ! CX102 0.3K R618 2M/2012 0R0 R132 0R0 5VS R211 240R STANDBY 2 3 DRIVE 4 R133 2.3KV 0R0 D405 1N4148W VREF SSTCMP R401 1M R402 1M R412 R405 C404 103 BFS3550A FB605 B03B PASK 1 ! C405 N.7K 6 680K/2012 R228 100K C B R231 0R0 5V 7 R604 104/2012 10K C604 473 C605 56K/2012 C609 102 R620 C606 C603 ! LF102 SQE2020 3 1 R613 0.1K R408F 82K D753 1N4148W HG2 D751 1N4148W HG1 T701 4 103 5 PWM GNDP 16 R756 R707 68 680 R752 680 DIM R480 100K 6 NC TIMER 15 R421 14 Q708 R701 68 Q706 C700 TK5P50D 1 5 7 C704 6 10 7 IS D403 BAV99 C AC A D406 R417A R417B 2.5V C109 474 MULTI_400 C130 R130 2.2K 4 3 1 2 R232 OVP R215 470 10k CN5(1M99) 1 +12V 2 +12V 3 ! FB103 BFD3565R GND1 GND1 BL_ON_OFF DIM Boost NC POK NC NC NC R501 ! D104 270K/2012 BFD3565R D502 1N4148W NC 10K 4 R502 EL817MCDT Q203 KST2222A INV_ON/OFF STANDBY 5 270K/2012 R503 R508 560K 270K/2012 COLD 3 ! CX101 0.68uF/275V C602 104 R603 3.2M R207 24/1W LDR2 1N4148W R426 3K COLD_GND LG2 : COLD_GND 5 UU1116 COLD D601 1N5397 R426A 1M C426 225 2N7002A 30K LED Block R436 R437 180R/2012 180R/2012 C207 470pF/1KV BD601 RS205M ! AC2 3 HOT 1 5VS T201 L201 0.6UH +5V 10 9 PFC-OUTPUT FB601 BFS3550A R103 R104 1 ! R104A 47K/3W EE2821 47K/3W 47K/3W D202 MBR20100CT TH101 3ohm 15D ! C601 0.C 120K C409 103 D402 BAV99 C AC A R406 1M B U401 OZ9977B_1 LDR1 20 2R2/2012 C C702 C706 Q418 KST2222A CN3 1 LDR1 HDR1 HDR2 LDR2 C412A 105/2012 C412 105/2012 VREF R408E Freq C401 54pF/6.6UH 5 SYNC 3 C110 100pF/1KV VCC GND R106 1K/2012 ! 4 GND_BD601 10 6 7 8 9 VFB SB3200 ZD220 1000uF/25V/WB D221 1N4148W +12V C205 R225 9. EN 45 Layout Power Supply Unit 32" (Top Side) 0 2010-02-17 Power Supply Unit 32" Top PLHC-A961A 18930_561_100312.eps 100312 2010-Mar-12 .Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.0A LA 10. 0A LA 10.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1. EN 46 Layout Power Supply Unit 32" (Bottom Side) 0 2010-02-17 Power Supply Unit 32" Bottom PLHC-A961A 2010-Mar-12 . 6K/2012 2M/2012 C610 470pF/1KV R617 2M/2012 R618 2M/2012 CY201 680pF/250V ZD103 7.6K 24K C418A 223 C415 225/2012 C421 181/COG C421A 221/COG C421B 271/COG I_Down BAV99 C AC A R443 T702 C430 105/25V/2012 1 R418D 750R R418R 820R R467C 0R0 Q467 L G2 D757 1N4148W D755 1N4148W L G1 HS1 HG1 8 HDR1 R418 1.2K ISEN C418 CT R408S CT 9 CT VSEN 12 10 RT1 PROT 11 ZD703 R723 10K NC UU2758 BAV99 C AC A ISEN R420A ZD701 R710 10K HS2 UVLS 200K PROT C407 104/2012 473 NC R441 R442 HS1 ! 22R/2012 22R/2012 22R/2012 R444 R445 R446 R417 47K R417A NC 22R/2012 22R/2012 22R/2012 ZD707 NC ZD705 NC R447 R448 R449 22R/2012 22R/2012 22R/2012 IS R418C 0R0 I_Up R418E NC C467 C420A 103 R467A 15K 225/2012 104/50V C413 R429 3.7K HOT_GND R133 3.15AH 250V 3 1 ZD501 NC C501 1uF/50V/WL R506 11K Q504 2N7002A D G C502 NC D G R506A 12K S Q501 2N7002A S CY105 100pF/250V FB606 BFS3550R FB607 BFD3565R ! ! CN1(1308) AC-SOCKET Live 2 1 4 2010-02-25 Neutral 42" PSU PLHF-A962A 18930_550_100312.4K C R230 100K B C223 104 CN5(1M99) 1 +12V 2 +12V 3 4 2 R214 ! Q220 KST2222A E GND1 GND1 BL_ON_OFF DIM Boost NC POK NC NC NC C222 ! CX101 0.2uF DIS-ARC ENA Q411 KST2907A C 2.0A LA 10.3K C131 104 240R PC101 EL817MCDT 4 3 ! 1 2 R208 R209 51 560 R212 2.2M R207 24/1W IS R490A 330 R490 100uH/2012 30K 9.7K C408 D R499 47K B C492 222 C408A 2.7k 5.eps 100315 2010-Mar-12 .8K C604 R604 ! CX102 0.2K PC102 4 3 1 2 OVP R215 470 R229 220K 104 COLD AC_DET 100R 4 VCC R110 D104 D502 1N4148W 5 KST2222A INV_ON/OFF 6 ! 4 2 LF101 CV335022SS ! R101 FB102 R501 270K/2012 10K DIM ADIM NC 7 R502 270K/2012 EL817MCDT Q203 KST2222A 8 R503 240K/2012 R508 560K D503 NC ZD102 16V R216 220K C212 104 R256 9 0R0 STATUS 10 FB101 BFS3550A 750K/1W CY102 100pF CY101 100pF R504 BFS3550A 11 270K/2012 12 R509 Q502 2N7002A G D ! ! BFD3565R 100K G D PC103 Q503 2N7002A R505 56K BFD3565R FB104 R510 4.47uF/500V C620 10nF/1K Ceramic cap U101 D101 UF4007 DRAIN 1 24/1W C201 471/1KV 4 7 L601 EE2520 10 9 8 7 6 BYV25X-600 6 FSQ0465R Q201 QPF13N06 L202 0.1K L490 C491 102 1N4148W C207 471/1KV LG2 COLD_GND COLD_GND 5 2N7002A LED Block UU1116 R436 180R/2012 R437 180R/2012 STATUS Block 5VS HOT BD601 TS4B05G 4 COLD BFS3550A L201 1.6K R111 EL817MCDT 1 2 4 3 R241 1K FB103 C503 101 S R507 82K C504 105/2012 C505 105/2012 S ! VA101 TVR14621KSY ! FH101 FB58 FUSE HOLDER F101 T3.6UH PFC-OUTPUT FB603 MULTI_400 EE2821 +5V 10 T201 1 ! AC2 3 D202 MBRF20U65CT C208 2200UF/10V/WL C209 2200UF/10V/WL F201 JUMP C210 470uF/10V/MK FB605 FB604 1 D601 S3V60 D602 3 1 2 4 5 BFD3565R R101A C607A 100pF/1kV C102 2.5K 2N7002A C419 102 7 R762 680 R711 68 Q709 R759 680 R453 4 22R/2012 22R/2012 22R/2012 R456 R457 R458 22R/2012 22R/2012 22R/2012 R438 R439 R440 22R/2012 22R/2012 22R/2012 D404 6 R704 68 Q707 LG1 2SK3868 5 LDR1 R454 R455 Current F/B R418G 240R R467B 1M D467 1N4148W 12V R499A 0R0 UVLS DIS-ARC 2SK3868 ZD704 R726 10K NC ZD702 R713 10K NC E UU1116 R409B 4.7K 9 R228 100K 2012 R231 0R0 C B R250 STANDBY 10 221 C603 ! LF102 SQE2424 3 1 R613 0.6UH C101 10nF/1kV 5 4 VSTR SYNC 5 6 C103 VCC GND 2 3 R106 330/2012 ! +12V D221 ZD220 C205 1N4148W 470uF/25V/MK 100pF/1KV D201 SB3200 VFB R615 2M/2012 D103 1N4148W D102 UF4007 R105 10/1W Fusible Res D203 CY202 SB3200 1000uF/25V/WB 1000uF/25V/WB C202 C203 15V ZD104 FB201 R219 DRIVE 150K ! LF103 SQE2424 3 1 18V R605 AC_DET VCC 39K G R609 200/2012 Q602 TK8A50 C107 220pF/250V BFD3565R D222 R224 180R 1N4148W R225 9.68uF/275V C602 104 104 C605 C609 102 R603 1K R619 47K R620 4. EN 47 Power Supply Unit 42" 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 105/50V/3216 A01 42" Power Supply Unit C703 C707 ! C406A 39pF/6.2uF G ZD708 NC ZD706 NC D430 1N4148W IM ! VREF +12V VRE 2N7002A S A K Q402 R494 1K R409 220K D R496 0R0 D R435 180R/2012 STATUS D491 D413 1N4148W IM T703 C431 105/25V/2012 1 R424 15K LTST-C930TBKT-LG D431 D G C435 225/2012 C490 102 R491 G Q410 KST2222A S Q402A 2N7002A S G 1N4148W HS2 HG2 HOT_GND HOT_GND 8 HDR2 R425 6.22uF/275V 3 1 Q101 D501 UF4007 R109 2.5V C109 474 4 2 S MULTI_400 C130 104 D220 US1J R220 33/3216 R221 R222 C220 10uF/50V/WL 100K 20K C221 104 R238 100K/2012 CN4(1M95) 1 R610 10K R130 3.2nF/630V R103A 33K/3W R103 33K/3W R104 33K/3W 2 9 ! AC1 2 BFS3550A C607 C611 68uF/450V/WL 68uF/450V/WL 100K/1W 3 8 R201 3ohm 15D TH101 s R102 SA101 120/1W TSA601MA1 C601 0.8K R432 180R/2012 Q432 2N7002A S 7 D426 G D 6 4 LDR2 R426 30K 1N4148W R426A 1M Q431 C426 225 S R423 30K C423 104 D434 1N4148W D492 R434 2.1K/2012 R616 D R107 15K C108 56pF C105 47uF/50V/MK 105/2012 R226 1.3K 3V3 stdby PS_ON/OFF GND GND GND 5V 5V 5V 12V GND NC CY103 CY104 330pF/250V 330pF/250V C608 5pF SCY99102 VCC DRV GND ZCD D603 1N4148W R608 10/2012 Q130 R131 0R0 KST2222A KST2907A CY203 220pF/250V U202 R233 KIA431BM STANDBY 2 3 8 7 6 5 +5V ZD130 C104 22uF/50V/WL 24V 62K COLD 2 3 CTRL U601 C206A 5VS R211 DRIVE 225/2012/25V C206 225/2012/25V R227 2.7K/2012 4 Q131 FB CT CS ! ! 1 4 R132 0R0 5 6 7 +5V 8 105/2012 6.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.2K DIM1 STATUS SSTCMP 14 R420 R427 10K 10K SSTCMP 8 GNDA ISEN 13 R421A 3K C700 68 C704 R707 R701 68 Q706 2SK3868 D403 IM 2.3KV/J PROT R408 CN2 1 R410 0R0 C406 100pF/6KV/J 100K D405 1N4148W VREF SSTCMP R401 3K INV_ON/OFF 12V R431 Q418 KST2222A E 2 ENA HDR1 19 A01 U401 OZ9977B_1 1 VCC LDR1 20 R405 C404 51K 103/UJ B03B PASK 1 ! C401A 39pF/6KV/J C405 103/UJ C409 10nF D402 BAV99 C AC A R406 1M B 2R2/2012 R412 C 2K CN3 1 LDR1 HDR1 HDR2 LDR2 C412A 105/2012 C412 105/2012 VREF Freq Down R408A 0R0 C702 C706 C401 100pF/6KV/J R411 100K R413 0R0 B03B PASK 1 C410 10nF D401 BAV99 C AC A VREF R408C 0R0 R408E Freq NC R431A 20K C431A 103 VRE C411 105/2012 Up 3 VREF HDR2 18 C402 ! C403 103/UJ R414 51K 4 UVLS LDR2 17 R415 1M PFC-OUTPUT C701 C705 T701 4 103/UJ R408B 82K R408D 12K R408F 68K 5 PWM GNDP 16 D753 1N4148W HG2 D751 R756 Q708 680 2SK3868 1N4148W HG1 DIM R480 100K 6 NC TIMER 15 R421 20K 1 5 R752 680 R417B 6 10 7 R417C 0R0 VREF 7 D406 1N4148W R467 6.22/2W C606 102 R108 36K C215 NC C211 R210 224 1K KST2222A E +12V 11 100K Q221 U201 KIA431A R213 2. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.eps 100312 2010-Mar-12 .0A LA 10. EN 48 Layout Power Supply Unit 42" (Top Side) 4 2010-02-25 Power Supply Unit 42" Top PLHF-A962A 18930_551_100312. EN 49 Layout Power Supply Unit 42" (Bottom Side) 4 2010-02-25 Power Supply Unit 42" Bottom PLHF-A962A 18930_552_100312.eps 100312 2010-Mar-12 .Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.0A LA 10. 1uF/16V 0402C 5VSW C456 0.1uF/25V TP10 F1 125V/3A 5VSB TP9 12VIN FB2 80 ohm/4A F2 125V/5A TP24 12VSW 3V3SW 3V3SW D1 NC_RED KPH-1608EC TP31 3 U1 AP1084KL-13 ADJ IN OUT FB1 80 ohm/4A 4 2 R6 2K7_F TP57 FB21 1V8SW 80 ohm/4A TO263 ADJ 8 R28 NC_1K 1206R R29 NC_1K 1206R + C2 0.7A 1 2 C13 NC_0.1uF/25V 0603C 1 2 3 FB EN OCSET VCC R5 3K92_F Vss Vss Output Output 8 7 6 5 CE3 470uF_25V ECD10 D2 B340A-13-F C6 0.1uF/25V S B01 TP29 R2 5VSB TP30 U2 AP1534SG R8 UP34 8 C5 R9 100K NC_0.1uF/16V 5K6 4 C463 0.1uF/25V 0603C TP5 R4 TP11 1K 0402R R1 4K7 0402R R304 0 0402R 2 R7 NC_4K7 TP12 TP13 + C7 0.1uF/16V + C16 0.1uF/16V CE26 470uF_25V ECD10 TP19 C11 R20 0.0A LA 10.eps 100301 2010-Mar-12 .1uF/16V TP51 3V3SB TP40 R14 4K7 0402R R18 8 UP35 4K7 2 1 R12 1K 0402R BL_ON 3 R15 100 C9 0.1uF/16V J2 2R00-LOCK-12M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 W200_12 TP4 12VIN TP1 TP2 TP3 TP8 5VIN BL_ON BL_DIM BL_BOOST R32 100 POK C20 0.7A 1 2 5VSB C1 NC_0.022uF/16V TP474 R25 NC_4K7 TP20 R24 1K R26 5VSW C455 0.1uF/16V CE8 220uF/25V TP27 C17 1uF/25V TP34 L1 22 uH/1.1uF/16V CE6 220uF/25V R10 1K2_F 1 R33 1K R34 1K R11 NC_1K CE2 470uF_25V ECD10 TP56 C3 0.1uF/16V TP28 L2 22 uH/1.1uF/16V 0402C 8 PWM1 R30 1K R31 1K BL_BOOST + C19 1uF/25V CE12 NC_100uF/25V C18 330pF/50V TP370 TP22 TP21 S2 NC_SCREW-HOLE_8 S3 NC_SCREW-HOLE_8 S4 NC_SCREW-HOLE_8 S5 NC_SCREW-HOLE_8 R590 PWM_TIN 0 BL_DIM TP424 S1 NC_SCREW-HOLE_8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3V3SB S6 NC_SCREW-HOLE_8 S7 NC_SCREW-HOLE_8 R245 NC_1K S8 S9 S10 R357 1 2 1 2 1 2 12 PWM_TOUT NC_100 BL_DIM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SCREW-H2 SCREW-H2 SCREW-H2 TP475 C258 330pF/50V 2 2010-01-05 Power 0171 2271 3203 18930_500_100301. EN 50 SSB: Power B01 Power 3V3SB TP6 TP7 J1 2R00-LOCK-11M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 C462 W200_11 0.1uF/16V 3V3SB FB18 80 ohm/4A 3V3SB 3V3SW TP37 R294 4K7 R290 100 PWM_TIN R27 8 PWM0 4K7 2 1 3 Q3 MMBT3904LT1G 12 R289 10K 0402R C256 10uF/10V 0805C 1 8 GPIO25 4K7 2 TP42 TP41 3 Q27 MMBT3904LT1G 3V3SW TP38 R286 10K R288 470K D23 1N4148WS-7-F EGA1-0603-V05-B Q2 MMBT3904LT1G FB16 80 ohm/4A 5VSB RV38 2 3 4 C257 0.1uF/16V TP26 R16 3V3SB 4K7_F 0603R 5VIN 12VIN C4 0.1uF/16V R22 C14 R23 100K NC_0.1uF/16V 5K6 4 1 2 3 U4 AP1534SG FB EN OCSET VCC 1K5_F FB22 1V0SB 80 ohm/4A TP33 TP25 R19 1K47_F Vss Vss Output Output 8 7 6 5 CE7 470uF_25V ECD10 D3 B340A-13-F C15 0.1uF/16V Q1 NC_MMBT3904LT1G 1 3 CE4 220uF/25V TP32 C8 0.1uF/16V 15K_F 0603R R21 TP471 NC_4K7 TP472 C12 NC_0.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.1uF/16V TP39 Q28 SSG4953 1 8 S 5VSW 3V3SB TP36 3V3SW R13 4K7 0603R 1K5_F 1V2SB TP473 U3 TJ3965D-ADJ 1 2 3 4 EN GND VIN GND VOUT BP ADJ GND 8 7 6 5 TP18 7 6 5 R292 1K R291 1K R298 1K PMOS R17 R297 1K C10 0.1uF/16V 0402C 5VSW C457 0. 047uF/25V CVBS3P R45 RV3 75_F EGA1-0603-V05-B C28 47pF/50V TP211 TP342 TP260 R48 0 R49 100_F C31 0. EN 51 SSB: AV Input B02 AV Input TP205 C21 4700pF/50V SOY0 TP250 R39 80 ohm/0.4A R37 68R1_F TP206 C23 0.01uF/25V COM0 TP208 C32 0.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.4A R40 68R1_F TP201 C24 0.1uF/25V D33 MMSZ5234B-7-F U5 CD4052BNSR TP341 TP339 C63 10uF/10V R88 8 P4 W-R TP270 R79 100 LINEOUTL AR2 R405 TP279 R407 R406 0603R 68K_F R408 R410 68K_F 0603R 0603R 20K_F AL2 C67 10uF/10V 8 4 COMP0_R COMP1_R AV0_R VGA_R COMP0_L COMP1_L AV0_L 12 14 15 11 1 5 2 4 MUX_CTLA MUX_CTLB R97 NC_47K R98 NC_47K R99 NC_47K R100 NC_47K R101 NC_47K R102 NC_47K R103 NC_47K R104 NC_47K 12VSW D38 1N4148W S-7-F C65 0.4A R53 68R1_F 1 TP202 C30 0.01uF/25V Y1P R44 RV2 75_F EGA1-0603-V05-B C27 15pF/50V R47 TP231 R52 80 ohm/0.1uF/25V 1 2 3 4 3V3DRV 2 4 5 C62 1000pF/50V RV16 EGA1-0603-V05-B +INR -INR OUTR SGND EN VDD CN +INL -INL OUTL NC PGND PVDD CP 14 13 12 11 10 R401 1K R399 56K C285 15pF/50V LINEOUTL TP278 R398 1K6 X0 X1 X2 X3 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 A B EN VEE VDD X Y 13 3 C64 10uF/10V R91 AIN_R 8 20K_F 0402R AIN_L 8 TP277 3V3DRV 4 VGA_L 3 1 10 9 6 7 16 5 6 D21 1N4148W S-7-F R403 100 C275 1uF/25V TP395 TP393 TP394 9 8 C276 1uF/25V TP280 C277 10uF/10V IR_OUT R107 TP271 100 LINEOUTR 7 TP289 TP290 TP283 7 C66 10uF/25V 1206C C279 1uF/25V Q31 MMBT 3904LT1G TP284 C278 10uF/10V REG3V3 3V3DRV TP282 TP281 FB15 0805L 120 ohm/0.01uF/25V PR0P R64 75_F C41 15pF/50V TP245 TP244 R67 1K COMP0_L C45 10uF/10V R70 47K TP242 TP241 R73 1K COMP0_R C53 10uF/10V R76 47K C54 10uF/10V R77 47K R74 1K COMP1_R C55 1000pF/50V RV13 EGA1-0603-V05-B C52 10uF/10V R75 47K TP238 C46 10uF/10V R71 47K TP237 R72 1K AV0_R R68 1K COMP1_L C44 1000pF/50V RV10 EGA1-0603-V05-B C43 10uF/10V R69 47K TP267 TP268 TP235 8 R65 75_F C42 15pF/50V TP234 R66 1K AV0_L 8 PWM3 TP227 R61 80 ohm/0.01uF/25V PB1P R56 RV6 75_F EGA1-0603-V05-B C36 15pF/50V TP204 C39 0.047uF/25V CVBS2P R54 75_F C34 47pF/50V TP348 TP212 TP262 R58 100_F C37 0.047uF/25V CVBS1P 8 R90 10K MUX_CTLB TP344 8 8 INT0_ R94 10K 8 R89 10K MUX_CTLA P1 G-B-R-W-R 11 10 12 TP243 TP240 G2 G1 2 4 6 5 3 1 9 8 7 10 11 12 13 R41 0 12VSW 8 9 6 7 4 5 2 1 3 8 9 6 7 4 5 2 1 3 3 2 1 Q4 MMBT 3904LT1G 12VSW RV4 EGA1-0603-V05-B RCA(YWR)+S RV8 EGA1-0603-V05-B RV9 EGA1-0603-V05-B 3 2 1 Q5 MMBT 3904LT1G TP340 20K_F 0402R C48 1000pF/50V RV11 EGA1-0603-V05-B C50 1000pF/50V RV12 EGA1-0603-V05-B TP349 TP345 C57 1000pF/50V RV14 EGA1-0603-V05-B C59 1000pF/50V RV15 EGA1-0603-V05-B D39 1N4148W S-7-F TP272 3V3SB 3V3SB R106 TP273 4K7 1 R92 4K7 R627 4K7 Q6 MMBT 3906LT1G R96 4K7 IR_ 7.1uF/25V 0603C P1 1 2 3 4 5 P2 8 GND R78 NC_100 R400 4K7 2 2010-01-05 AV Input 0171 2271 3203 18930_501_100301.8 2 3 TP606 R105 NC_100 R93 4K7 2 1 3 Q38 MMBT 3904LT1G 12VSW R593 1K TP607 TP397 TP351 TP288 C61 10uF/10V TP287 C280 150pF/50V 0603R 20K_F R409 68K_F 0603R TP286 0603R 68K_F C284 15pF/50V LINEOUTR C281 15pF/50V TP285 U26 DRV602PWR C282 15pF/50V TP276 C283 150pF/50V TP275 TP274 TP350 R80 47K R81 47K R82 47K R83 47K R84 47K TP346 R85 47K R86 47K R87 47K C72 0.4A TP247 R60 68R1_F C38 0.01uF/25V PB0P R55 75_F RV5 EGA1-0603-V05-B C35 15pF/50V TP209 R59 80 ohm/0.01uF/25V Y0P R43 RV1 75_F EGA1-0603-V05-B C26 15pF/50V R46 TP248 R50 80 ohm/0.4A R51 68R1_F 1 TP207 C29 0.5A LINEOUTL LINEOUTR 12VSW C458 1000pF/50V 0402C C459 1000pF/50V 0402C C460 0.0A LA 10.01uF/25V PR1P 8 RV7 EGA1-0603-V05-B R63 75_F C40 47pF/50V TP264 TP343 TP265 R95 10K TP222 R57 0 8 TP221 8 TP220 8 C Y G G B02 TP218 TP263 TP246 TP249 TP251 TP239 TP236 TP232 TP230 TP229 TP269 TP266 TP261 8 P3 TP219 TP259 R35 1 R36 1 TP258 R42 100_F TP210 C25 0.01uF/25V COM1 TP203 C33 0.eps 100301 2010-Mar-12 .4A TP233 R62 68R1_F 8 TP226 8 TP225 8 TP224 P2 G-B-R-W-R 11 10 12 8 TP223 TP200 C22 4700pF/50V SOY1 TP228 R38 80 ohm/0.5A C68 1000pF/50V RV17 EGA1-0603-V05-B 11 LINE_MUTE 2 R404 4K7 R457 4K7 1 3 J8 NC_1R25_5M W125s_5A 3V3SW FB19 0805L NC_120 ohm/0. 0A LA 10.1uF/16V 0402C 100_F TP199 COM TP217 C85 0.4A R124 100_F R621 4K7 R622 100 TP597 12 7 12 7 VGA_SDA_TCON TXD0R VGA_SDA_EDID VGA_SCL_TCON RXD0R VGA_SCL_EDID 10 9 3 Q36 MMBT3904LT1G C452 0.1uF/16V R625 1K TP196 C81 4700pF/50V SOG 8 TP215 TP214 TP600 8 TP596 D37 MMSZ5237B-7-F TP598 TP599 R623 1K R624 4K7 2 1 80 ohm/0.1uF/16V TP254 TP255 TP252 GPIO9 R136 100 TP253 8 C90 0.4A R116 100_F TP161 P1 TP185 TP186 R123 VGA_PIN4 RV24 EGA1-0603-V05-B RV25 EGA1-0603-V05-B R125 75_F C259 5pF/50V R126 TP188 TP198 C84 0.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.1uF/16V R134 1K TP171 R135 8 GPIO10 100 TP256 R140 4K7 5 6 7 8 U8 TPS2041BDR OC OUT OUT OUT EN IN IN GND 5VSW R141 4 3 2 1 4K7 P5 WTJ-035-28ZSA0 PH_2SJ1535 R 1 3 5 4 2 TP389 TP390 TP396 TP391 C69 10uF/10V VGA_R VGA_L 3 3 TP257 P1 VCC DATADATA+ GND P2 SMDECF CE27 100uF_25V 8 5 1 2 3 4 6 FB3 80 ohm/4A R108 R109 1K C70 10uF/10V 1K R142 R143 8 0 0 USB_DM0 8 USB_DP0 8 L P7 USB-A CE15 100uF_25V SMDECF C92 0.01uF/25V RP R130 75_F C86 5pF/50V 8 VGA_5V VGA_PIN11 8 TP169 D6 MMSZ5237B-7-F TP172 TP191 TP173 R131 1K R133 4K7 2 R129 4K7 R132 100 TP164 TP162 TP187 R127 80 ohm/0. EN 52 SSB: VGA Input B03 VGA Input TP157 TP167 5VSW 5VSB suggest by MTK to connect to 5VSB R603 0 TP194 D4 BAT54C RV21 EGA1-0603-V05-B 1 3 2 R144 VSYNC_IN RV22 EGA1-0603-V05-B 3 1 P6 ZDAFA1-C5L0-4F DSUB_15V VGA_SCL_IN 15 VSYNC_IN HSYNC_IN 14 13 P2 D5 BAV99 2 C75 0.01uF/25V GP 8 C453 0.4A R128 100_F RV26 EGA1-0603-V05-B /EN L L L L H B L L H H X A L H L H X Channel 0 1 2 3 none Function N/A T-CON I2C Scaler UART VGA EDID 3 Q8 MMBT3904LT1G 1 C89 0.01uF/25V TP213 VGA_SDA_IN VGA_SCL_IN R115 80 ohm/0.1uF/16V R146 2K2 510 R145 22 VSYNC C93 5pF/50V TP602 TP603 TP190 TP163 8 C78 0.1uF/16V RV27 RV28 C71 1000pF/50V RV19 R110 47K C73 1000pF/50V RV20 R111 47K TP392 8 2 2010-01-05 VGA Input 0171-2271-3203 18930_502_100301.1uF/16V VGA_5V C87 10uF/10V 0805C 6 7 16 12 14 15 11 1 5 2 4 X0 X1 X2 X3 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 A B EN VEE VDD GND X Y 13 3 TP174 VGA_SDA_IN 12 VGA_PIN11 11 5 10 4 9 3 8 2 7 1 6 TP170 TP184 TP195 C76 0.1uF/16V C79 22pF/50V C80 22pF/50V TP159 TP160 TP192 VGA_5V TP168 TP182 VGA_5V 12 R137 HSYNC_IN R139 2K2 510 R138 22 HSYNC C91 5pF/50V 8 1 2 3 4 U6 AT24C02BN-SH-T A0 VCC 8 WP 7 A1 A2 SCL 6 GND SDA 5 R112 47K R113 47K R114 10K TP112 WP2TC TP158 WP2TC VGA_WP 1 3 2 3V3SW Q7 MMBT3904LT1G 2 1 R121 TP156 1 2 2_54 2R54-1x2M R356 4K7 TP189 4K7 R117 NC_4K7 GPIO24 8 HDMI_WP_EN 5 D19 BAT54C B03 VGA_SCL VGA_SDA R119 R120 100 100 VGA_SCL_EDID VGA_SDA_EDID VGA_SCL VGA_SDA 8 8 JP1 TP166 TP165 TP183 3 RV18 EGA1-0603-V05-B R602 NC_0 TP193 U7 74HC4052PW VGA_5V VGA_PIN4 BP R118 RV23 75_F EGA1-0603-V05-B C77 5pF/50V R122 1 TP197 C82 0.eps 100301 2010-Mar-12 .01uF/25V TP216 TP601 C88 TSSOP16 0. eps 100302 2010-Mar-12 .Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.1uF/16V C129 22pF/50V R199 R200 C130 22pF/50V 100 100 D16 BAT54C HDMI2_WP HDMI2_SCL HDMI2_SDA 1 3 TP155 2 for layout HDMI_WP_EN 4 R604 NC_0 MTK suggestion 2 2010-01-05 HDMI Input 0171-2271-3203 18930_503_100302.1uF/16V PWR5V_1 2 D14 BAV99 2 C123 0.1uF/16V 5VSW D12 BAT54C HDMI2_5V 2 TP146 PWR5V_2 HDMI 1 TP145 P2 P1 P8 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P3 RV29 EGA1-0603-V05-B HDMI 2 P2 P1 Q14 MMBT3904LT1G R187 1K 2 3 TP151 UP33 TP178 8 P9 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P3 RV30 EGA1-0603-V05-B Q15 MMBT3904LT1G R188 1K 2 3 RV31 EGA1-0603-V05-B 1 RV33 EGA1-0603-V05-B HDMI1_SDA HDMI1_SCL CEC_IN R185 TP144 TP142 U11 1 2 3 4 5 L1 NC1 Vcc L3 NC2 NC4 L2 GND NC3 L4 10 9 8 7 6 TP177 NC_4K7 RV32 EGA1-0603-V05-B 1 RV34 EGA1-0603-V05-B HDMI2_SDA HDMI2_SCL CEC_IN 1 2 3 4 5 TP180 R186 TP150 U12 L1 NC1 Vcc L3 NC2 NC4 L2 GND NC3 L4 10 9 8 7 6 NC_4K7 UP30 TP179 8 RX2_CB RX2_C RX2_0B RX2_0 8 8 8 8 RX1_CB RX1_C RX1_0B RX1_0 8 8 2 8 8 3V3SB 1 D15 BAT54C 3 R193 27K R195 CEC_IN RClamp0524P ESD_SLP2510P8 U13 1 2 3 4 5 L1 NC1 Vcc L3 NC2 NC4 L2 GND NC3 L4 10 9 8 7 6 RX2_1B RX2_1 RX2_2B RX2_2 8 8 8 8 RClamp0524P ESD_SLP2510P8 U14 1 2 3 4 5 L1 NC1 Vcc L3 NC2 NC4 L2 GND NC3 L4 10 9 8 7 6 RX1_1B RX1_1 RX1_2B RX1_2 8 8 8 8 100 HDMI_CEC 8 R300 4K7 R301 4K7 RClamp0524P ESD_SLP2510P8 HDMI1_5V HDMI2_5V RClamp0524P ESD_SLP2510P8 RV35 EGA1-0603-V05-B C127 47pF/50V R189 47K 8 8 HDMI_SCL2 HDMI_SDA2 U15 AT24C02BN-SH-T VCC 8 A0 A1 WP 7 SCL 6 A2 GND SDA 5 R190 47K TP141 TP140 R191 10K 8 8 HDMI_SCL1 HDMI_SDA1 U16 AT24C02BN-SH-T A0 VCC 8 A1 WP 7 A2 SCL 6 GND SDA 5 R196 47K R197 47K TP148 TP149 R198 10K R605 TP154 NC_0 1 2 3 4 TP143 HDMI_SCL2 HDMI_SDA2 C124 0. EN 53 SSB: HDMI Input B04 8 HDMI Input B04 5VSW 1 3 D11 BAT54C TP152 HDMI1_5V 1 3 8 D13 BAV99 2 3 1 R181 1K R183 100K TP153 R182 1K R184 100K TP181 3 1 C122 0.0A LA 10.1uF/16V C125 22pF/50V R192 R194 C126 22pF/50V 100 100 HDMI1_WP HDMI1_SCL HDMI1_SDA 1 2 3 4 TP147 HDMI_SCL1 HDMI_SDA1 C128 0. 5A C108 47pF/50V C110 47pF/50V C111 R168 C112 0.47uF/16V TP296 C102 0.1uF/16V TP310 R161 C105 0.01uF/25V TP316 TUNER_VCC TP338 12VSW R458 R459 R460 R461 33 33 33 33 R464 R465 R462 R463 33 33 33 33 + TP337 U9 KIA7805AF FIX R283 NC_10K TUNER_VCC Q29 NC_MMBT 3904LT1G TP318 R284 NC_6K8 TP319 D20 NC_1SS356 R151 NC_10K TP315 R149 NC_6K8 TP321 D7 NC_1SS356 Q10 NC_MMBT 3904LT1G D8 NC_1SS356 R606 0 R152 NC_22K R150 NC_6K8 C96 NC_0.7pF_50V 0402C TP302 TP301 AGC_TUNER R175 100 TP309 R170 NC_220 R171 NC_33K TP326 R176 NC_75_F R177 100_F C115 47pF/50V SCL_TUNER R174 33 C118 0.5A 3V3SW B3V3SW TUNER_VCC B3V3SW TUNER_VCC C446 0.0A LA 10.1uF/16V 2 TP317 2 R280 NC_680K SAW1 VIF(K3953-M100) R156 NC_680K 1 CE17 100uF/25V 2 1 2 1 R281 NC_220K R155 NC_220K R607 0 0402R SAW2 SIF(K9362-M100) D9 NC_1SS356 3 U10 TDA9885T SV5 3 TP336 TP335 T1 HFT-8B R158 47K AGC_TUNER 6.1uF/16V C269 R601 NC_12K TP322 1000pF/50V TP293 1K R162 5K6 C104 0.5A AS SCL 4 R160 33 SCL_TUNER R163 33 SDA_TUNER TP334 TUNER_VCC FB5 120 ohm/0. EN 54 SSB: RF Tuner B05 RF Tuner B05 IF_TUNER TP328 IF_TUNER L3 NC_10 uH/140mA 1 2 TUNER_VCC C95 0.3 4 5 1 24 TP304 4 5 D10 1N4148W S-7-F TUNER_VCC R157 24K TP297 TP295 TP298 TP300 TP299 TP294 VIF1 SIF2 TP311 2 VIF2 SIF1 23 TP305 AGC 9 CE18 47uF_25V SMDECD R159 100K I2C ADDRESS: READ is 0XC1 WRITE is 0XC0 TP332 TP333 3 C99 NC_0.1uF/16V 1 IN OUT 3 + 3 TO252 C97 0.01uF/25V FB20 0805L 120 ohm/0.22uF/25V 330 CE19 100uF_25V SMDECF 8 4 FMPLL AFC 21 TP306 TP312 FB4 TUNER_VCC 120 ohm/0.01uF/25V C109 0.1uF/25V CE16 100uF/25V GND 3 R598 0 2 1 C98 0.01uF/25V TP320 TP331 TUNER_VCC R285 NC_10 R303 NC_10K C94 0.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.01uF/25V C116 22pF/50V C117 8 22pF/50V MPX2_P TP379 TP401 11 SCL TAGC 14 R179 1 TCVBS_N 8 R178 NC_75_F XUGUAUNG suggest NC 12 SIOMAD NC 13 C119 0.1uF/16V 7 DGND AGND 18 TP303 3 +5V NC NC NC NC NC IF 7 3 8 10 11 12 2 IF_TUNER 8 R164 470_F XUGUAUNG suggest 22pF ---> 47pF CE20 100uF_25V SMDECF 8 AUO CVBS 17 TP308 2 1 Q12 MMBT 3904LT1G R166 NC_75_F + TP327 R165 NC_4K7 R167 NC_10 3 NC_1000pF/50V 9 TOP VAGC 16 C113 0.1uF/16V OP1 OP2 22 C100 NC_1000pF/50V C101 NC_0.47uF/16V Y1 4MHz TP313 CE21 NC_100uF/25V smdecd TP314 2 1 Q13 NC_MMBT 3904LT1G R172 100_F TP325 R173 100_F TCVBS_P 8 SDA_TUNER R169 33 TP323 TP292 10 SDA REF 15 C114 4.01uF/25V C260 NC_10uF/10V TP324 C120 0.01uF/25V R180 NC_75_F Tuner China HFT-8-125H 098001041220 HFT-8-125H 098001041220 HFT-8-13F2 098001041230 SAW Filter Video IF Sound IF Video IF Sound IF Video IF Sound IF K3953-M100 K9362-M100 K3953-M100 K9362-M100 M3953-M100 M9370-M100 I2C ADDRESS: READ is 0X87 WRITE is 0X86 8 MPX2_N TP380 C121 0.eps 100302 2010-Mar-12 .1uF/16V 0402C HW_SCL R618 100 0402R R153 NC_4K7 2 2 R154 4K7 R147 NC_4K7 R148 4K7 Argentina 8 1 Q11 2N7002 S 3 SCL_TUNER 8 1 Q9 2N7002 S 3 SDA_TUNER TP330 TP347 TP329 2 2010-01-05 RF Tuner 0171-2271-3203 18930_504_100302.01uF/25V C103 390pF/50V 5 DEEM VP 20 6 5 HFT-8B 6 TH1 TH2 TH3 TH4 AFD VPLL 19 TP307 C106 1500pF/50V TH1 TH2 TH3 TH4 SDA C107 0.1uF/16V 0402C HW_SDA R617 100 0402R B3V3SW 8 MPX1 TP382 AP C447 0. 0A LA 10.5A TP61 TP63 TP62 TP60 TP59 TP58 TP65 TP67 5VSB TP68 1 R205 R206 R209 R210 R212 R214 100 100 100 100 100 681_F ADIN3 LED2 LED1 ADIN0 REG3V3 8 TP66 R202 4K7 TP605 TP70 TP71 TP69 8 R201 4K7 R207 4K7 2 3 R626 4K7 Q16 MMBT3906LT1G R203 4K7 2 3V3SB 3V3SB R204 0 IR_ IR_OUT 3 Q37 MMBT3904LT1G TP604 8 TP356 GPIO20 1 R448 NC_10K 2 3.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.1uF/16V TP354 R452 NC_10K LED2 TP14 3 2 1 Q17 MMBT3904LT1G D18 NC_MMSZ5226B TP415 TP416 2 1 Q18 MMBT3904LT1G 3V3SB R216 1K C138 0. EN 55 SSB: Keyboard/LED/IR Interface B06 Keyboard/LED/IR Interface B06 5VSW 5VSB FB6 120 ohm/0.eps 100302 2010-Mar-12 .1uF/16V 2 2010-01-05 Keyboard/LED/IR Interface 0171-2271-3203 18930_505_100302.5A TP64 FB7 120 ohm/0.8 3 TP291 3V3SB J3 2R00-LOCK-8M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 W200_8 C131 1uF/25V C132 C133 1uF/25V 1000pF/50V C134 1000pF/50V C135 1000pF/50V C136 1000pF/50V R443 NC_10K TP353 3 R441 NC_10K LED1 3V3SB TP17 3V3SB 12VIN 3V3SB R454 NC_10K P10 WTJ-035-28ZSA PH_2SJ1535 R L R217 4K7 0402R 1 3 5 4 2 R220 R222 100 0603R 100 0603R R218 4K7 0402R RXD0 TXD0 8 8 R215 1K TP23 D17 MMSZ5237B-7-F TP16 R213 15K 0402R TP15 3 R208 15K 0402R R211 TP423 TP355 100 PWR_DOWN 8 8 GPIO23 R456 10K 2 1 3 Q35 MMBT3904LT1G C299 NC_0.22uF/25V R612 4K7 0402R TP175 TP176 RV36 EGA1-0603-V05-B 0603VAR R614 R615 NC_100 0603R NC_100 0603R R613 4K7 0402R TP425 RXD1 TXD1 8 8 J4 2R00_1X4M 1 2 3 4 3V3SB R221 R223 22 22 RV37 EGA1-0603-V05-B 0603VAR TXD0 RXD0 TXD0R RXD0R 8 8 4 4 TP420 TP421 TP426 1 C137 1000pF/50V Q33 NC_MMBT3904LT1G C296 NC_0. 1uF/16V C155 0.0A LA 10.1uF/16V ADIN0 AVDD33_DIG MPX1 MPX2_N MPX2_P AVDD33_SIF AVDD33_CVBS C192 C193 7 6 6 6 TP50 C190 0.1uF/16V C162 0.7uF/10V C159 0.1uF/16V C145 0.7uF/10V C203 0.1uF/16V TP406 AVDD12_HDMI 1V2SB R235 C179 0.1uF/16V C176 0.1uF/16V C177 0.5A + CE24 100uF/25V C160 0.047uF/25V 1uF/25V R248 R249 R250 0 68 0 TP53 TCVBS_P TCVBS_N CVBS1P CVBS2P CVBS3P 6 6 3 3 3 3V3SB FB8 120 ohm/0.1uF/16V PWM2 R251 10K TP363 R252 10K TP359 R253 10K TP358 TP357 3V3SB R237 0 AVDD33_VGA TP405 R259 10K TP365 1V0SB AVDD33_ADAC R262 1K C197 4.1uF/16V C141 0.1uF/16V AVDD12_RGB 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3V3SW TP411 R256 5K11_F VDD33 U20 AT24C32CN-SH-T 8 A0 VCC 7 A1 WP A2 SCL 6 5 GND SDA C194 0.1uF/16V C170 0.1uF/16V C154 0.1uF/16V 3 1V0SB O0N O0P O1N O1P O2N O2P AVDD33_LVDS OCKN OCKP O3N O3P O4N O4P AVDD12_LVDS E0N E0P E1N E1P E2N E2P AVDD33_LVDS ECKN ECKP E3N E3P E4N E4P IN 2 3 GPIO10 GPIO9 POK SOT223 SPI_SCK SPI_SI SPI_SO SPI_CS0 PRST# UP30 TXD0 RXD0 IR_ INT0_ PWM3 CE35 100uF/25V ADJ GPIO6 GPIO4 GPIO0 VDD33 GPIO2 1 AVDD33_CVBS TP402 C163 0.1uF/16V C199 0.1uF/16V C147 0.7uF/10V VMID TP373 AVICM TP371 I2S_AOSDATA0 TP367 R263 0 TP366 R261 R260 47K NC_0 TP362 U21 NC_MAX809STRG VDD33 1 PRST# 2 GND VCC nRESET 1 2 3 4 R254 R255 C195 22pF/50V C196 22pF/50V 100 100 HW_SCL HW_SDA C187 0.1uF/16V AVDD12_HDMI VSYNC HSYNC BP SOG GP COM RP AVDD33_VGA 3 SOY1 3 Y1P 3 COM1 3 PB1P 3 PR1P 3 SOY0 3 Y0P 3 COM0 3 PB0P 3 PR0P AVDD12_DIG_RGB AVDD12_RGB 1V0SB HDMI_CEC PWR5V_2 HDMI_SDA2 HDMI_SCL2 RX2_CB RX2_C RX2_0B RX2_0 RX2_1B RX2_1 RX2_2B RX2_2 PWR5V_1 HDMI_SDA1 HDMI_SCL1 AVDD33_HDMI RX1_CB RX1_C RX1_0B RX1_0 RX1_1B RX1_1 RX1_2B RX1_2 USB_DM0 USB_DP0 AVDD33_USB AVDD12_USB SPI_WP SPI_SI SPI_SCK SPI_WP SPI_SCK R240 R246 R247 R278 C191 10K NC_10K NC_10K NC_10K NC_22pF/50V AVDD12_VPLL TP413 C178 0.1uF/16V C146 0.1uF/16V 3V3SB U19 MX25L3205DM2I-12G CS_ VCC 8 SO HOLD_ 7 W_ SCK 6 GND SI 5 3V3SB TP427 R227 0 AVDD33_USB 1V2SB R228 TP410 0 AVDD12_PLL TP407 C168 4.1uF/16V 3 Q20 2N7002 2 3 3 S C198 10uF/10V TP360 R257 10K TP361 1 2 1 Q21 MMBT 3904LT1G 3 2 Q19 MMBT 3904LT1G C200 10uF/10V C201 0.7uF/10V C183 0.1uF/16V C202 4.1uF/16V C153 0.1uF/16V AVDD33_LVDS 1 2 3 Shield Shield Shield Shield Shield Shield Shield 7 6 5 4 AVDD33_DIG REG3V3 R236 0 C175 0.1uF/16V C157 0.1uF/16V C161 0.1uF/16V AVDD12_MEMPLL TP381 TP388 0.01uF/25V RVREF0 SPI_CS0R SPI_SIR SPI_WP 1 2 3 4 SPI_SCKR SPI_SOR C167 4.1uF/16V TP428 TP398 TP409 AVDD33_HDMI 1V2SB R234 0 TP412 C182 4. EN 56 SSB: MT8222 B07 MT8222 TP419 TP417 BL ON R239 NC_100 TP418 TP414 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 7 7 3.1uF/16V C151 0.1uF/16V C144 0.1uF/16V R264 1K R265 9K1_F R258 NC_10K 2 2010-01-05 1 MT8222 0171-2271-3203 18930_506_100302.1uF/16V C172 4.1uF/16V 0 TP408 C184 0.7 3 AVDD12_VPLL 1V0SB VDD33 UP35 2 UP34 2 UP33 5 4 4 2 C255 0.eps 100302 2010-Mar-12 .7uF/10V 0 C173 4.1uF/16V C156 0.1uF/16V C150 0.1uF/16V C181 0.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.1uF/16V U17 MT 8222AMMU/A 257 EPAD_GND GPIO11 GPIO10 GPIO9 GPIO8 GPIO7 GPIO6 GPIO5 GPIO4 GPIO3 GPIO2 GPIO1 GPIO0 VDD33_2 DVDD10_3 DVDD10_3 O0N O0P O1N O1P O2N O2P AVDD33_LVDSA OCKN OCKP O3N O3P O4N O4P AVDD12_LVDS E0N E0P E1N E1P E2N E2P AVDD33_LVDSB ECKN ECKP E3N E3P E4N E4P TP AVDD12_VPLL DVDD10_4 VDD33_1 UP35 UP34 UP33 UP31 UP30 TXD0 RXD0 IR_ INT0_ SPI_CS1 SPI_SCK SPI_SI SPI_SO SPI_CS0 PRST# ICE PWM3 PWM2 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 1V0SB RDQ0 RDQ1 RDQ2 RDQ3 RDQ4 RDQ5 RDQ6 RDQ7 RDQS0 RDQM0 RDQM1 RDQS1 RDQ8 RDQ9 RDQ10 RDQ11 RDQ12 RDQ13 RDQ14 RDQ15 1V8SW 1V8SW 1V8SW 1V8SW 1V0SB 1V8SW 1V8SW 1V8SW 1V8SW AVDD12_MEMPLL 1V8SW RCLK0# RCLK0 RCKE RA12 RA11 RA9 RA8 RA7 RA6 RA5 RA4 RWE# RCAS# RRAS# RCS# RBA0 RBA1 RA10 RA0 RA1 RA2 RA3 1V8SW 1V8SW 1V0SB 1V8SW RVREF0 1V0SB VDD33 USB_DM0 USB_DP0 AVDD33_USB USB_VRT AVDD12_USB USB_DM1 USB_DP1 DVDD10 HDMI_CEC PWR5V_2 HDMI_SDA2 HDMI_SCL2 RX2_CB RX2_C RX2_0B RX2_0 RX2_1B RX2_1 RX2_2B RX2_2 PWR5V_1 HDMI_SDA1 HDMI_SCL1 AVDD33_HDMI RX1_CB RX1_C RX1_0B RX1_0 RX1_1B RX1_1 RX1_2B RX1_2 PWR5V_0 HDMI_SDA0 HDMI_SCL0 RX0_CB RX0_C RX0_0B RX0_0 RX0_1B RX0_1 RX0_2B RX0_2 AVDD12_HDMI_3 VSYNC HSYNC BP SOG GP COM RP AVDD33_VGA SOY1 Y1P COM1 PB1P PR1P SOY0 Y0P COM0 PB0P PR0P AVDD12_DIG_RGB AVDD12_RGB 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 R620 NC_100 0402R DVDD10_2 DVDD10_2 RDQ0 RDQ1 VCC2IO_2 RDQ2 RDQ3 RDQ4 VCC2IO_2 RDQ5 RDQ6 RDQ7 VCC2IO_3 RDQS0 VCC2IO_2 RDQM0 DVDD10_2 RDQM1 VCC2IO_2 RDQS1 VCC2IO_2 RDQ8 RDQ9 VCC2IO_2 RDQ10 RDQ11 RDQ12 VCC2IO_2 RDQ13 RDQ14 RDQ15 AVDD12_MEMPLL_1 VCC2IO_1 RCLK0# RCLK0 VCC2IO_2 RCKE RA12 RA11 VCC2IO_2 RA9 RA8 RA7 RA6 RA5 RA4 RWE# RCAS# RRAS# RCS# RBA0 RBA1 RA10 RA0 RA1 DVDD10 RA2 RA3 VCC2IO_1 RVREF0 DVDD10_2 VDD33_2 VGA_SDA VGA_SCL PWM1 PWM0 SPDIF_OUT TXD1 RXD1 HW_SCL HW_SDA GPIO25 GPIO24 GPIO23 GPIO22 GPIO21 GPIO20 I2S_ADIN I2S_AOSDATA0 I2S_AOBCLK I2S_AOLRCK I2S_AOMCLK VDD33_1 DVDD10_3 AR1 AL1 AVICM2 AR2 AL2 AR3 AL3 AVDD33_ADAC AVDD33_REFP_AADC AIN_R AIN_L VMID AVDD33_AADC AVDD12_APLL AVDD12_SYSPLL AVDD12_ADCPLL AVDD12_PSPLL AVDD12_DMPLL XTALI XTALO AVDD33_XTAL ADIN5 ADIN4 ADIN3 ADIN2 ADIN1 ADIN0 AVDD33_DIG MPX1 MPX2_N MPX2_P AVDD33_SIF AVDD33_CVBS CVBS_BYPASS1 CVBS_BYPASS0 CVBS0N CVBS0P CVBS1P CVBS2P CVBS3P CVBS_SY0 CVBS_SC0 CVBS_SY1 CVBS_SC1 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PWM1 PWM0 TXD1 RXD1 HW_SCL HW_SDA GPIO25 GPIO24 GPIO23 PWR_DOWN GPIO21 GPIO20 I2S_AOSDATA0 I2S_AOBCLK I2S_AOLRCK I2S_AOMCLK VDD33 1V0SB AR1 AL1 AVICM AR2 AL2 2 2 7 7 6 6 2 4 7 7 11 7 11 11 11 11 11 11 3 3 33V / BOOST DIMMING DTV NVRAM / TUNER EDID WP AMP MUTE U17H2 NC_SMALL SHIELDING AVDD33_SIF REG3V3 R232 0 AVDD33_AADC TP374 3V3SB R233 0 TP55 C180 0.1uF/16V C158 0.1uF/16V C152 0.1uF/16V C143 0.1uF/16V XTALI Y2 27MHZ 1 2 1V8SW XTALO AVDD33_ADAC AVDD33_REFP_AADC AIN_R 3 AIN_L 3 VMID AVDD33_AADC TP429 AVDD12_PLL XTALI XTALO AVDD33_XTAL ADIN3 7 C188 15pF_50V 0603C C189 12pF_50V 0603C C148 10uF/10V C149 0.1uF/16V C186 0.1uF/16V AVDD33_REFP_AADC TP372 TP376 R238 820K TP377 C185 0.01uF/25V 5VSB + PWM2 1V0SB U38 AP1117EL-13 ADJ B07 TP378 4 OUT C139 10uF/10V REG3V3 R609 110_F 0603R TP352 R610 180_F 0603R + CE36 100uF/25V 3V3SB R224 0 C140 0.7uF/10V C174 0.1uF/16V C142 0.1uF/16V VDD33 TP54 TP386 TP387 TP383 TP384 TP385 TP400 GPIO6 TP369 SPI_CS0 SPI_SO SPI_SI SPI_SCK R279 R241 R242 R243 R244 TP399 100 100 100 100 100 GPIO6R SPI_CS0R SPI_SOR SPI_SIR SPI_SCKR 3V3SB 11 TP368 RDQ[0:15] RA[0:12] RDQS[0:1] RDQM[0:1] RBA[0:1] RCLK0# RCLK0 RCKE RWE# RCAS# RRAS# RCS# 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 R619 NC_100 0402R VGA_SDA VGA_SCL 1V2SB R229 0 AVDD12_LVDS 1V2SB R230 0 AVDD12_USB 1V2SB R231 AVDD12_DIG_RGB TP404 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 C171 0.7uF/10V C169 0.1uF/16V TP403 C164 0.1uF/16V 3V3SB R225 0 AVDD33_XTAL REG3V3 R226 0 AVDD33_ADAC TP375 C165 10uF/10V C166 0. 0A LA 10.eps 100302 2010-Mar-12 .1uF/16V C221 3300pF/50V R268 NC_1K BA0R BA1R CLK0R CLK0#R CS#R CAS#R RODT RAS#R WE#R NT5TU32M16CG-25C RN4 RA10 RBA1 RBA0 RCS# 22 A10R BA1R BA0R CS#R RDQ[0:15] RA[0:12] RDQS[0:1] RDQM[0:1] RBA[0:1] RCLK0# RCLK0 RCKE RWE# RCAS# RRAS# RCS# 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 2010-01-05 RN5 RRAS# RCAS# RWE# 22 RAS#R CAS#R WE#R DDR2 DRAM 0171-2271-3203 18930_507_100302.1uF/16V C211 0. EN 57 SSB: DDR2 DRAM B08 DDR2 DRAM 1V8SW B08 C205 0.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.1uF/16V C212 3300pF/50V C213 3300pF/50V C214 3300pF/50V C215 3300pF/50V C216 3300pF/50V C217 3300pF/50V C218 3300pF/50V C204 10uF/10V U22 1V8SW 1V8SW RDQ6 RDQ2 RDQ4 RDQ0 RDQ1 RDQ7 RDQ3 RDQ5 RDQ13 RDQ10 RDQ15 RDQ8 RDQ9 RDQ14 RDQ11 RDQ12 RDQS1 RDQS0 R270 RN1 RA3 RA2 RA1 RA0 22 A3R A2R A1R A0R R271 RCLK0 RN2 RA4 RA5 RA6 RA7 22 A4R A5R A6R A7R R273 RCLK0# RN3 RA8 RA9 RA11 RA12 22 A8R A9R A11R A12R 22 CLK0#R R272 100_F 22 CLK0R RCKE 22 CKER RDQM1 RDQM0 RVREF0 CKER 1V8SW G8 G2 H7 H3 H1 H9 F1 F9 C8 C2 D7 D3 D1 D9 B1 B9 A2 E2 B7 A8 F7 E8 B3 F3 J2 K2 A1 A9 C1 C3 C7 C9 E1 E9 G1 G3 G7 G9 J1 J9 M9 R1 DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 DQ8 DQ9 DQ10 DQ11 DQ12 DQ13 DQ14 DQ15 NC NC UDQS UDQS LDQS LDQS UDM LDM VREF CKE VDD VDDQ VDDQ VDDQ VDDQ VDDQ VDD VDDQ VDDQ VDDQ VDDQ VDDQ VDDL VDD VDD VDD A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10/AP A11 A12 NC/A13 NC/A14 NC/N15 BA0 BA1 NC/BA2 CK CK CS CAS ODT RAS WE VSS VSSQ VSSQ VSSQ VSSQ VSSQ VSS VSSQ VSSQ VSSQ VSSQ VSSQ VSS VSSDL VSS VSS M8 M3 M7 N2 N8 N3 N7 P2 P8 P3 M2 P7 R2 R8 R3 R7 L2 L3 L1 J8 K8 L8 L7 K9 K7 K3 A3 A7 B2 B8 D2 D8 E3 E7 F2 F8 H2 H8 J3 J7 N1 P9 A0R A1R A2R A3R A4R A5R A6R A7R A8R A9R A10R A11R A12R R266 1K_F R269 1K RVREF0 RODT R267 1K_F C219 10uF/10V C220 0.1uF/16V C210 0.1uF/16V C208 0.1uF/16V C209 0.1uF/16V C207 0.1uF/16V C206 0. 1uF/25V CE29 NC_220uF/25V PANEL_VDD 12 E2NTC E2PTC 13 11 9 RN9 E0NTC E0PTC E1NTC E1PTC 12 12 12 12 E3NTC E3PTC PANEL_VDD 7 5 3 P1 RN10 8 8 8 8 E2N E2P ECKN ECKP E2N E2P ECKN ECKP 0 TP449 TP450 E2NTC E2PTC ECKNTC ECKPTC 12 12 12 12 PANEL_H PANEL_H PANEL_H PANEL_H TP470 TP469 RN11 R308 NC_4K7 LVDS19 LVDS17 R315 NC_4K7 LVDS15 R309 NC_4K7 LVDS13 R316 NC_4K7 8 8 8 8 E3N E3P E4N E4P E3N E3P E4N E4P 0 E3NTC E3PTC E4NTC E4PTC 12 12 12 12 R311 NC_0 R317 NC_0 R312 NC_0 R318 NC_0 TP447 TP448 2 2010-01-05 LVDS Output 0171-2271-3203 18930_508_100302.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.0A LA 10.1uF/16V C224 0.eps 100302 2010-Mar-12 .1uF/25V CE28 NC_100uF/25V TP43 4K7 2 1 3 R277 470K D22 1N4148WS-7-F RN8 O3NTC O3PTC O4NTC O4PTC 12 12 12 12 TP44 12 Q23 MMBT3904LT1G 12 12 12 O3NTC O3PTC E0NTC E0PTC 23 21 19 17 15 12 12 PANEL_VDD 12 R310 NC_1K PANEL_H R313 NC_0 TP445 + R314 NC_1K C225 NC_0. EN 58 SSB: LVDS Output B09 LVDS Output TP459 TP460 B09 RN6 8 8 8 8 O0N O0P O1N O1P O0N O0P O1N O1P 0 O0NTC O0PTC O1NTC O1PTC 12 12 12 12 12VIN FB9 80 ohm/4A TP422 TP46 TP47 Q22 RSS075P03 8 7 6 5 S D J5 1R25_2x20M TP441 TP442 PANEL_VDD TP446 LVDS19 LVDS15 R276 1K TP45 R274 1K 12 12 O0NTC O0PTC 39 37 35 33 31 12 12 O2NTC O2PTC 29 27 25 P2 TP443 TP444 TP48 TP457 TP458 TP461 TP462 5VIN F3 2A_63V FB10 NC_80 ohm/4A 1206F R275 10K C222 1uF/25V 0805C 1 2 3 4 RN7 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 PANEL_VDD 1 2 E4NTC E4PTC 12 12 TP451 TP452 TP467 TP468 ECKNTC ECKPTC 12 12 8 8 8 8 E0N E0P E1N E1P E0N E0P E1N E1P 0 O4NTC O4PTC E1NTC E1PTC 12 12 12 12 TP453 TP454 TP465 TP466 OCKNTC OCKPTC 12 12 8 8 8 8 O3N O3P O4N O4P O3N O3P O4N O4P 0 LVDS17 LVDS13 O1NTC O1PTC 12 12 TP455 TP456 TP463 TP464 R296 22 GPIO0 8 8 8 8 8 O2N O2P OCKN OCKP O2N O2P OCKN OCKP 0 O2NTC O2PTC OCKNTC OCKPTC 12 12 12 12 G 3V3SW TP35 R295 NC_4K7 R282 8 GPIO4 + TP52 R287 10K C223 0. 1uF/16V C268 10uF/10V 0805C C267 1uF/25V C266 0.7pF_50V 0402C 1 2 3 4 5 R608 4K7 0402R GPIO6R 1 C448 1000pF/50V CE33 0402C 100uF/25V TP113 3V3SB D35 BAT54C 3 2 TP115 TP137 TP136 LINE_MUTE 3 C440 4.5A 1 2 TP78 FB14 80 ohm/4A L+ C252 1uF/25V R338 TP80 NC_20 TP84 C253 1000pF/50V 1uF/25V L6 22 uH/2.5A 1 2 TP98 FB12 80 ohm/4A RC238 1uF/25V TP86 C239 1000pF/50V L4 22 uH/2.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.5A 1 2 FB13 80 ohm/4A LC246 1uF/25V TP85 C247 1000pF/50V L5 22 uH/2.5A 1 2 TP99 FB11 80 ohm/4A R+ C231 1uF/25V TP87 C232 1000pF/50V B10 + C227 TP105 1uF/25V CE30 220uF/25V FAULT SHUTDOWN# ROUTN_39 ROUTN_40 ROUTP_42 ROUTP_41 AVCC_47 AVCC_48 BSRN TP118 TP117 DAC_AR 8 AR1 R323 0402R R324 R326 DAC_AL R325 0402R TP121 TP119 C241 2700pF_50V 0402C R321 47K_F 0402R 0402R 0 0 0402R C236 R327 47K_F 0402R TP102 PAD_37 MUTE BSRP C233 2700pF_50V 0402C PAD_36 36 35 34 33 32 PVCCR_35 PVCCR_34 PGNDR_33 PGNDR_32 VCLAMPR VCLAMPL PGNDL_29 PGNDL_28 PVCCL_27 PVCCL_26 PAD_24 PAD NC_2K21_F NC_2K21_F 8 AL1 TP107 TP122 2. EN 59 SSB: Audio Amplifier B10 Audio Amplifier 12VAMP R319 NC_10K TP95 R320 100K MUTE_AMP ROUTP 0.2uF/16V TP104 8 9 10 PAD_1 RINN RINP AGND_4 LINP LINN GAIN0_7 GAIN0_8 GAIN1 MSTR/SLV# SYNC LOUTN_21 LOUTN_22 LOUTP_19 LOUTP_20 PAD_13 PAD_12 U23 TPA3101D2PHPR Thermal TP90 12VAMP ROUTP C230 NC_470pF/50V R322 TP97 NC_20 C450 0.7pF_50V 0402C TP131 C443 4.2uF/16V RINN RINP 2 3 4 LINP LINN 5 6 7 C243 2.33uF_50V 0805C TP82 L7 22 uH/2.1uF/16V R359 10K R360 10K 12VSW C454 0.1uF/25V 0603C 2 Audio Amplifier 0171-2271-3203 18930_509_100302.1uF/25V C235 ROUTN C237 NC_470pF/50V R328 1uF/25V TP96 NC_20 + CE31 220uF/25V TP89 C240 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 C244 0.1uF/25V C242 TP88 220uF/25V CE32 + LOUTN C245 NC_470pF/50V R335 TP79 NC_20 C451 0.1uF/25V 0603C 12VAMP CE39 470uF_25V ECD10 2 3 TP111 1 IN OUT 3 C444 0.33uF_50V 0805C TP91 0.2uF/16V J6 2R00-LOCK-4M W200_4 1 2 3 4 L+ LRR+ TP81 TP72 TP101 TP103 TP123 R341 R342 R343 R344 R345 R347 0 0 0 0 0 0 TP100 11 12 R333 100K R334 NC_0 ROSC AGND VREG VBYP R329 NC_0 R330 0 GND R331 0 R332 NC_0 BSLN BSLP TP83 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 LOUTP VREG R336 100K TP73 TP74 TP76 TP77 C254 1uF/25V TP75 C250 0.eps 100302 2010-Mar-12 .22uF/25V C248 1uF/25V C249 0.7pF_50V 0402C C442 4.2uF/16V TP106 1 C234 2.1uF/16V R631 1206R 1206R + 200 R632 200 CE37 100uF/25V ECD6 MUTE_AMP TP109 D34 BAT54C 12VAMP R629 R630 200 1206R 200 1206R U39 KIA7805AF FIX C251 NC_470pF/50V REG5V TP126 TP127 TP128 FB17 120 ohm/0.22uF/25V LOUTP LOUTN TP132 TP133 TP134 TP135 U37 CS4344 3V3SB TP116 12VSW R346 10K 8 + R348 4K7 1 R628 47K 0402R Q26 MMBT3906LT1G TP110 TP108 R355 10K 0402R R349 4K7 0402R 1 3 R611 10K 0402R 8 GPIO21 C449 1000pF/50V 0402C R616 2 0402R 1K R339 100K TP364 C298 0.22uF/25V C226 ROUTN TP92 C228 0.22uF/25V TP94 TP93 45 40 42 41 39 48 49 47 46 44 43 38 37 C229 2.0A LA 10.5A 10 9 8 7 6 C264 TP130 C265 10uF/10V R600 10uF/10V R599 470_F 0402R 470_F 0402R DAC_AR DAC_AL TP138 TP139 TP129 TP124 TP125 8 8 8 8 I2S_AOSDATA0 I2S_AOBCLK I2S_AOLRCK I2S_AOMCLK R350 R351 R352 R353 33 33 33 33 C441 4.7pF_50V 0402C SDIN AOUTR DEM/SCLK VA LRCK GND MCLK AOUTL VQ FILT+ C263 10uF/10V C261 10uF/10V C262 0.1uF/16V 0402C REG5V + CE38 100uF/25V ECD6 2 2010-01-05 TO252 GND C461 0. 1uF/16V C433 0.1uF/16V C302 0.1uF/16V C439 0.1uF/16V C432 0.1uF/16V C324 0.C AVDD EP I2C_EN SOE_A POL_A J10 196269-60041 P1 1 3V3TC P1 2 3 4 A0 DVDD AGND_AMP VCOM_FB VCOM GAMA5 14 13 12 11 GMA12 GMA7 GMA6 GMA4 TP585 TP589 TP581 TP591 Z_OUT R468 1M 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 CLK1TC CLK2TC CLK3TC CLK4TC CLK5TC CLK6TC VGI_NTC VGI_PTC VDD_ODDTC VDD_EVENTC VGL_ITC VSTTC VCOMLFB VCOML H_VDD GIP_EN RNLV5N RNLV5P RNLV4N RNLV4P RNLV3N RNLV3P RNCLKN RNCLKP RNLV2N RNLV2P RNLV1N RNLV1P RNLV0N RNLV0P LNLV5N LNLV5P LNLV4N LNLV4P LNLV3N LNLV3P LNCLKN LNCLKP LNLV2N LNLV2P LNLV1N LNLV1P LNLV0N LNLV0P TP587 GMA18 GMA16 GMA15 GMA13 GMA12 TP582 GMA10 GMA9 GMA7 GMA6 GMA4 TP583 GMA3 GMA1 3V3TC 1V8TC MAX9668 AVDD_AMP GMA4 GMA3 GMA2 C343 0.1uF/25V C331 0.1uF/16V C434 0.1uF/16V C335 0.1uF/16V C319 0.1uF/16V C325 0.1uF/16V C321 0.1uF/16V C430 0.0A LA 10.1uF/16V 5 R515 VCOM_PG TP540 VCOM_FB TP541 R521 0 TP547 C344 0.1uF/16V C312 0.eps 100302 2010-Mar-12 P2 P2 100_F R481 100_F R482 100_F R483 100_F R484 100_F R485 C10S8 FSEL RBF 100_F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 GND_1 VCC_2 PWM_TIN PWM_TOUT OPC_EN V18_6 GND_7 GND_8 V18_9 R1AM R1AP R1BM R1BP V18_14 R1CM R1CP R1CLKM R1CLKP GND_19 R1DM R1DP R1EM R1EP R2AM R2AP R2BM R2BP V18_28 R2CM R2CP R2CLKM R2CLKP GND_33 R2DM R2DP R2EM R2EP GND_38 V18_39 C10S8 FSEL RBF VCC_43 GND_44 TLI TL2428 MC GIP_EN GND_131 V18_130 RNL_V5N RNL_V5P V18_127 RNC_V4N RNC_V4P GND_124 RNC_V3N RNC_V3P RNCLKN RNCLKP V18_119 RNL_V2N RNL_V2P RNL_V1N RNL_V1P GND_114 RNL_V0N RNL_V0P V18_111 LNL_V5N LNL_V5P GND_108 LNL_V4N LNL_V4P LNL_V3N LNL_V3P V18_103 LNCLKN LNCLKP LNL_V2N LNL_V2P GND_98 LNL_V1N LNL_V1P LNL_V0N LNL_V0P V18_93 GND_92 GND_91 V18_90 R_MLVDS 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 C337 LNLV5N LNLV5P LNLV4N LNLV4P LNLV3N LNLV3P LNCLKN LNCLKP LNLV2N LNLV2P LNLV1N LNLV1P LNLV0N LNLV0P TP594 SOE POL 10uF/25V 13 VST_IN H_CONV_IN OPT_N GND Z_OUT CLK1 CLK2 CLK3 CLK4 CLK5 CLK6 VGI_N VGI_P VGH_ODD VGH_EVEN VSS VST GND VCOM_FB VCOM_IN GND VDD VDD Half_VDD Half_VDD GND VCC VCC GND LLV5LLV5+ LLV4LLV4+ LLV3LLV3+ LCLKLCLK+ LLV2LLV2+ LLV1LLV1+ LLV0LLV0+ GND SOE POL VST_IN H_CONV OPT_N GND GMA18 GMA16 GMA15 GMA13 GMA12 GMA10 GMA9 GMA7 GMA6 GMA4 GMA3 GMA1 GND 10 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 6 7 8 9 GMA1 GMA3 GMA4 GMA6 GMA7 TP592 GMA9 GMA10 GMA12 GMA13 GMA15 GMA16 GMA18 OPT_N H_CONV_IN 13 POL SOE RNLV5N RNLV5P RNLV4N RNLV4P RNLV3N RNLV3P RNCLKN RNCLKP RNLV2N RNLV2P RNLV1N RNLV1P RNLV0N RNLV0P VST_IN H_VDD C338 10uF/25V VCOMR VCOMRFB 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 VSTTC VGL_ITC VDD_EVENTC VDD_ODDTC VGI_PTC VGI_NTC CLK6TC CLK5TC CLK4TC CLK3TC CLK2TC CLK1TC Z_OUT GND GMA1 GMA3 GMA4 GMA6 GMA7 GMA9 GMA10 GMA12 GMA13 GMA15 GMA16 GMA18 GND OPT_N H_CONV VST_IN POL SOE GND RLV5RLV5+ RLV4RLV4+ RLV3RLV3+ RCLKRCLK+ RLV2RLV2+ RLV1RLV1+ RLV0RLV0+ GND VCC VCC GND Half_VDD Half_VDD VDD VDD GND VCOM_IN VCOM_FB GND VST VSS VGH_EVEN VGH_ODD VGI_P VGI_N CLK6 CLK5 CLK4 CLK3 CLK2 CLK1 Z_OUT GND GMA1 AVDD N.1uF/16V C318 0.1uF/16V C316 0.1uF/16V C315 0.1uF/16V C322 0.7pF_50V 0402C 5K6 22 22 WP2 SCLTC SDATC WP2TC H_CONV 0 H_CONV_IN TP536 1 2 3 4 WP2TC 4 TP492 ODC_BYPASS R497 POL_A 10 POL VCORES 13 13 GCLK1TC GCLK2TC GCLK3TC 13 GCLK4TC 13 13 GVSTTC GVDD_ODDTC GVDD_EVENTC 13 GCLK5TC 13 GCLK6TC 13 EEP_SIZE 13 C333 0.1uF/16V R473 NC_18K C336 22pF/50V C334 22pF/50V 13 RESETTC DPMTC FLKTC 13 13 C340 15pF/50V R505 TP491 SOE_A 0 SOE TP499 J7 NC_2R00S_1X4ML 1 TC_WP2 2 TC_SDA 3 TC_SCL 4 P2 P1 C341 NC_15pF/50V R516 TP578 VCOMRFB R490 R519 NC_0 TP522 TP593 VCOMLFB R522 R508 NC_0 R509 OPC_EN R592 R520 NC_0 0402R C347 NC_0.1uF/16V C431 0.1uF/16V 1K C421 0.C P1 SDA GAMA6 15 GMA13 WP2 TP588 Y6 CSTCE10M0G55 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P1 .Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.1uF/16V C436 0.1uF/16V C317 0.1uF/16V C306 0.1uF/16V C332 0.1uF/16V 3V3TC C329 10uF/25V C330 0.1uF/16V C437 0.1uF/16V C303 0.1uF/16V C427 0.1uF/16V C311 0.1uF/16V C429 0.01uF/25V 19 18 17 21 REVERSE U30 20 16 R595 18 DISM SCLTC SDATC H_CONV OPT_N SCL GAMA7 GAMA8 N.1uF/25V C328 0.1uF/16V C310 0.1uF/16V C308 0.1uF/16V C438 0. EN 60 SSB: TCON B11 TCON 3V3TC 3V3TC 3V3TC R503 10K R491 4 VGA_SCL_TCON 4 VGA_SDA_TCON R506 100 100 R492 R507 100 100 GMA16 GMA15 C342 22pF/50V C339 22pF/50V TP586 TP584 16VTC R594 18 TP501 TP496 TP497 J11 196269-60041 C313 10uF/10V C314 0.1uF/16V C304 0.1uF/16V C323 0.1uF/25V C346 10uF/25V TP580 EP GND_176 VCC_175 DISM SCL SDA VCC_171 GND_170 GND_169 VCC_168 GND_167 V18_166 REVERSE GND_164 VCC_163 LED_ON REF_MODE WPWM GND_159 V18_158 GND_157 VCC_156 VCC_155 GND_154 WP2 NC_152 I2C_EN VCC_150 GND_149 GND_148 V18_147 GND_146 VCC_145 GND_144 V18_143 SOE_A POL_A GND_140 VCC_139 H_CONV OPT_N GND_136 VCC_135 XOUT XIN TP539 U36 VST GMA3 0 2 2 PWM_TIN PWM_TOUT OPC_EN R474 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 O0NTC O0PTC O1NTC O1PTC O2NTC O2PTC OCKNTC OCKPTC O3NTC O3PTC O4NTC O4PTC E0NTC E0PTC E1NTC E1PTC E2NTC E2PTC ECKNTC ECKPTC E3NTC E3PTC E4NTC E4PTC R480 100_F R475 100_F R476 100_F R477 100_F R478 100_F R479 100_F P2 P2 TP595 TP523 VCC_45 VCC_46 ODC_BYPASS GND_48 VCC_49 V18_50 GND_51 VCC_52 GND_53 NC_54 NC_55 VCORES GND_57 GND_58 RESET VCC_60 GND_61 V18_62 GND_63 DPM FLK VCC_66 GND_67 GVST GVDD_ODD GVDD_EVEN V18_71 GND_72 GCLK1 GCLK2 GCLK3 GCLK4 VCC_77 GND_78 NC_79 NC_80 GCLK5 GCLK6 NC_83 EEP_SIZE V18_85 GND_86 NC_87 NC_88 LEFT ITEM R486 32" 22K 42" 24K 47" 24K RIGHT 3V3TC R469 47K TP476 R466 10K TP478 R467 10K TP477 R486 24K TP114 TP494 TP479 TP480 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 TP481 U29 AT24C32CN-SH-T A0 VCC 8 A1 WP 7 A2 SCL 6 GND SDA 5 R488 TP490 R470 R471 R472 C445 4.1uF/16V SCLTC SDATC 1V8TC 16VTC 3V3TC 16VTC TP511 TP548 R487 10K B11 C300 10uF/10V C301 0.1uF/16V C320 0.1uF/16V C305 0.1uF/16V C428 0.01uF/25V C326 10uF/25V C327 0.1uF/25V C345 0.1uF/16V VCOM_PG R511 0 R512 0 VCOML TP509 R500 R501 TP510 0 NC_0 C10S8 FSEL TP502 TP503 2 2010-01-05 NC_0 3V3TC NC_1K RBF TP504 TP506 TP498 R510 NC_1K TP542 VCOM_OP 1V8TC PANEL_VDD R514 NC_1K VCORES 3V3TC R493 R494 VCOM_FB R495 NC_0 R496 0 VCOMR TP524 R498 R499 NC_1K ODC_BYPASS NC_1K NC_1K 1K 1K NC_1K EEP_SIZE GIP_EN I2C_EN REVERSE DISM R517 NC_430 VCOM_FB VCOM_PG R518 NC_0 TP544 U31 NC_MAX9650ATA+ R513 NC_0 R591 NC_4K7 EP 1 2 3 4 NC INAINA+ GND NC2 VDD OUT NC1 8 7 6 5 TP545 VCOM_OP TP505 8 GPIO2 TP543 VCOM_OP TP495 C348 NC_1uF/25V 9 TP49 TCON 0171-2271-3203 18930_510_100302.1uF/16V C307 0.1uF/16V C435 0.1uF/16V C309 0. 1uF/16V ITEM R530 32" 43K 42" 39K 47" 39K R529 4K7 8.7uF_50V 1206C C390 1uF_50V 1206C C393 1uF_50V 1206C TP553 R560 68K_F 0402R R561 NC_68K_F 0402R 16VTC R570 R571 150K_F 0402R R573 0 D30 BAV99 0 R562 0 C394 NC_1uF/25V 0603C C391 NC_1uF/25V 0603C R566 0 R567 NC_0 2 3 1 C398 1uF/25V 0603C TP567 C399 NC_150pF/50V 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CTL DRVN AGND FBN REF DEL1 FB2 BST LX2 LX2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EP AGND CRST PGOOD COMP FB1 SWO SWI LX1 LX1 PGND R556 0 D27 NC_BAV99 2 O 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 TP565 TP561 TP562 U34 MAX17113ETL+ C389 0.0V Output (32") TP521 H_VDD TP507 NC_0 FLKTC 12 9 EP 1 2 3 4 BOOT VIN SW GND SS EN COMP FB 8 7 6 5 1uF/25V C376 0.1uF/25V C377 0.22uF/25V 5V Output (32") R586 32" 143K 42" 150K 47" 143K PANEL_VDD TP538 R536 12 DPMTC 0 EN2 R554 360 VGL EN1 R577 0 TP527 VGL R578 0 TP530 TP525 VGL R579 NC_0 R581 R540 1K R558 NC_360 DISCHG NC_0 VGL_ITC 12 VGH R582 NC_0 VGI_PTC 12 VGH R583 0 VGI_NTC 12 2 2010-01-05 TCON Power 0171-2271-3203 18930_511_100302.1uF/25V C378 1uF/25V C379 1uF/25V C380 10uF/25V R537 3K C371 NC_0.eps 100302 2010-Mar-12 .01uF/25V L8 22 uH/1.1uF/25V 1K R575 R574 10K_F TP570 0402R TP554 C410 1uF/25V TP563 TP557 D31 BAV99 3V3TC U35 AP1117EL ADJ 10 D29 R564 NC_MMSZ5237B-7-F 10 0603R 10 0603R D28 R559 R563 TP549 C395 1uF_50V 1206C TP550 C396 1uF/25V R565 C397 1uF_50V 1206C NC_MMSZ5237B-7-F 10 0603R 10 0603R NC_10 0603R TP535 VGH 3 27.1uF/16V TP519 R533 TP571 C369 C362 NC_1500pF/50V C366 4700pF/50V C368 0.1uF/25V L10 22 uH/1.7A 1 2 3V3TC 3 C412 0.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.1uF/16V R530 39K_F 0402R R531 18K_F 0402R C370 0. EN 61 SSB: TCON Power B12 TCON Power 3V3TC B12 16VTC TP520 16VTC D24 BAV99 R523 100 3V3TC PANEL_VDD 2 3 1 + TP484 C360 0.7A 2 1 TP574 TP573 C383 1uF/25V 12 VST_IN R544 R545 R546 R547 R548 R549 R550 R551 R552 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 GVDD_ODDTC 12 GVDD_EVENTC 12 GVSTTC 12 GCLK1TC 12 GCLK2TC 12 GCLK3TC PANEL_VDD 12 GCLK4TC 12 GCLK5TC 12 GCLK6TC + C386 10uF/25V CE10 220uF/25V TP517 TP516 TP515 TP514 EP VSENSE FLK1 FLK2 FLK3 RE GND Discharge R539 10K 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 C372 1500pF/50V C373 1uF/25V C374 10uF/25V C375 10uF/25V U33 MAX17119ETI+ R543 10K C381 1500pF/50V TP546 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IN9 IN8 IN7 IN6 IN5 IN4 IN3 Y9 Y8 Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 12 RESETTC TP564 C388 1000pF/50V 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IN2 IN1 VGH1 VGL VGH2 Y1 Y2 VDD_ODDTC VDD_EVENTC VSTTC CLK1TC CLK2TC CLK3TC CLK4TC CLK5TC CLK6TC 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 D26 BAV99 EN2 C382 1uF/25V C387 150pF/50V R553 2R2 1 3 2 ITEM R560 R571 32" 33K 174K 42" 68K 150K 47" 68K 150K TP590 TP533 16VTC TP556 TP566 VGL R555 16VTC TP576 EN2 EN1 PANEL_VDD R569 10 TP577 C400 R572 0.1uF/25V 2 1V8TC R580 0 1 3V3TC 4 OUT D32 B340A-13-F C413 C414 C415 C419 150pF/50V NC_1uF/25VNC_1uF/25V10uF/25V + CE13 220uF/25V R576 5K1 3 + IN 2 TP493 TP558 R584 NC_0 C420 1uF/25V SOT223 CE11 100uF/25V GND 1 R358 1K_F C422 10uF/10V C423 10uF/10V TP552 TP555 R587 R585 27K_F 0402R R586 150K_F 0402R C425 10uF/25V R588 3K6 0 VGL TP482 R373 470_F TP579 C424 0.1uF/25V THR DRVP GND2 SRC GON DRN MODE DLP FBP CPGND PGND EN2 VL DEL2 EN1 FSEL VIN IN2 IN2 OUT 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 TP568 TP575 VGH R568 VGH + C401 C409 1uF/25V 10uF/25V CE5 220uF/25V NC_1K TP551 TP560 TP559 C411 0.1V Output (32") 1 R557 9K1 1206R C392 4.0A LA 10.7A 1 2 TP483 C363 1uF/25V C364 10uF/25V C365 10uF/25V R534 220K_F 0402R R535 150K_F 0402R U32 RT 8250GSP TP488 TP485 TP486 R524 47K C351 NC_1500pF/50V R525 150K_F 0402R R526 NC_18K_F 0402R C352 C353 NC_1uF/25V NC_1uF/25V C359 10uF/25V CE9 220uF/25V R527 9K1_F 0402R EN2 C349 10uF/25V C350 10uF/25V TP518 TP534 R528 3K3 C361 NC_0.1uF/25V TP512 TP500 TP513 TP508 DISCHG TP528 TP531 TP532 TP526 TP529 TP489 R532 15K 0402R R541 33K_F 0402R R542 18K_F 0402R R538 15K TP487 C367 NC_4700pF/50V 3V3TC TP569 TP572 C464 NC_1000pF/50V 0402C D25 B340A-13-F R633 NC_2R2 0402R L9 22 uH/1. 0A LA 10.eps 100311 2010-Mar-12 . EN 62 Layout Small Signal Board (Overview Top Side) 3 2009-12-18 SSB top 0171 2271 3203 18930_520_100311.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1. 0A LA 10. EN 63 Layout Small Signal Board (Overview Bottom Side) 3 2009-12-18 SSB bottom 0171 2271 3203 18930_521_100311.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1.eps 100311 2010-Mar-12 . 0A LA 10.eps 100311 2010-Mar-12 .1uF/16V 1 DI2 KPH-1608EC JI1 1R25S_1X8M 3 W DI1 NC_KPTB-1612SURKQWDF R 2 TP1 P2 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TP4 IR_OUT LED2 5VSB LED1 ADIN0 5VSW TP5 TP6 RI1 47 TP7 UI1 3 TP8 RI2 TP9 47 VOUT GND 2 STM 4 VCC GND 1 IR-FM6038 P1 TP10 JI2 1R25S_1X3M RVI1 EGA1-0603-V05-B CI1 10uF/10V CI2 0. EN 64 IR/LED Board J LED/IR Board J RI3 910 TP2 RI4 510 TP3 RI6 0 CI6 0.1uF/16V P2 1 2 3 CI5 0.1uF/16V P1 2 2009-10-09 IR/LED 0171 1671 0722 18930_530_100311.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1. eps 100311 Layout IR/LED Board (Top Side) 18930_531_100311.eps 090121 2010-Mar-12 . EN 65 Layout IR/LED Board (Bottom Side) Personal Notes: 18930_532_100311.0A LA 10.eps 100311 10000_012_090121.Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts RAM1. 42" DALI 32". Styling Sheets Styling Sheet 32" . 0004 0010 0169 0170 0260 1085 Description FRONT BEZEL(PC+ABS) REAR COVER (PC+ABS )ASSY SSB SIDE COVER SSB GROUND BRACKET STAND ASSY REMOTE CONTROL Remarks NOT DISPLAYED 0004 FOR ELECTRICAL PARTS/ASSEMBLIES SEE WIRING DIAGRAM CHAPTER 9 18930_800_100310.eps 100310 2010-Mar-12 .42" 0169 0170 0010 0260 Pos No.0A LA 11. EN 66 11.Styling Sheets RAM1.
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